#so lo and behold. i was inspired in turn
distant-velleity · 9 months
Summary: Floyd gives Yu a gift. It does not go unnoticed. Word Count: 3.2k Warnings: none! :) A/N: Merry early Christmas, everyone... I present to you the longest fic I've written in the past few months and it's self-shipping nonsense. And it doesn't even take place around Christmas...💀💀 Welp. No beta, we die like men. Enjoy!
Like all things do, it starts with Floyd approaching Yu right before class.
—It’s a relatively quiet, warm morning that day as Yu heads to the alchemy lab, his freshly-washed lab coat folded and draped over one arm. He’s yet to run into any brawling students or scratched egos, or any disruptiveness in general. It’s a wonderful balm on his drained mind, and there have been no interruptions to this lovely morning yet.
Keyword: yet.
Yu is just thinking, Wow, this is really nice, when an all-too familiar voice sings out to him:
“Li’l Kooooiii~”
He looks back over his shoulder to see none other than Floyd approaching. The merman has forgone wearing his blazer entirely (both since it’s warm and because, right, doesn’t his class have Alchemy first today?) and is down to just his vest and shirt. For some reason, his arms are folded behind his back. 
Yu squints at him suspiciously. “…Good morning, Floyd.”
“Mornin’,” Floyd replies happily, shoulders wiggling a little as his hands fidget behind him. “It’s nice and warm out today~ must be nice for all the little fishies.”
“Uh-huh. What do you have behind your back?” 
Floyd blinks, as if he wasn’t actually expecting Yu to cut straight to the chase. “Eh? Well… Nothing… What’s up with you?” He shifts his weight from one leg to another.
“That’s… not what I…” Yu trails off. Something feels really off. “…okay, then.”
He wonders what it could be. Is it Floyd’s outfit? No, that sort of unorthodox fashion is pretty much par for the course. His posture and body language? Well, he does seem a little more nervous… but that’s probably not it. Is it?
“…Hey, Li’l Koi,” says Floyd all of a sudden, shifting his weight again. It looks a little like he’s chewing the inside of his cheek.
Yu tilts his head. “Yeah?”
“Close your eyes for a sec.”
“Uh…” There’s about two seconds in which he internally debates with himself before replying with an “okay” and closing his eyes.
With the world absent for a moment and his other senses heightened, Yu hears Floyd approach and his clothes rustle as he moves his arms. There’s a faint jingle—jewelry?—and then a little pinch through the neglected pierced hole in his ear. An… an earring, maybe?
“Done?” Yu asks when he feels like enough time has passed.
Floyd hums his affirmation with no small amount of satisfaction, so Yu takes that as a good sign and opens his eyes. The eel mer is beaming down at him, reaching out to hold Yu’s hair where he put on the presumed earring. 
“Cool. Now, let’s get to class; I can’t be late as the TA, you know…” Yu frowns half-heartedly. “And there’s no need to play with my hair.”
It’s tempting to pout and complain more about it, since he was going to feel for himself what the thing was, but he supposes it’s not that big of a deal. It’s probably hidden by his hair, so no one will question it, hopefully. And then he can go back to his dorm later and check for himself in the mirror.
“Okay~” Floyd cheerfully replies, sounding even more bubbly and ecstatic than usual. He then proceeds to mess with Yu’s hair all the way to the lab, much to the TA’s exasperation. 
People do, in fact, end up noticing.
1-B is the class that follows 2-D that day. 
During a pause when the students have to wait for their potions to settle in the vials, Yu stands by Jack and Epel’s station. Between the two of them, their potion-making seems to be going along well and their sample is starting to resemble the textbook example, so he sees no harm in idly chatting with them.
That is, until—
“By the way…” Jack looks down at Yu. “Where’d that earring come from?”
“What earring?” It takes Yu an embarrassingly long few seconds to remember, and he reaches up to feel it. “Oh. Oh! Well—Floyd gave it to me this morning. I’d honestly forgotten I was wearing it, it feels so normal…”
Epel squints to notice it. “Wow, Jack, you noticed that? I can barely see it past his hair—...wait a minute.”
Jack seems to share the same sentiment as Epel, whatever it is, because his ears twitch straight upwards and he holds up a hand. “Back up for a second. Floyd gave it to you?”
“The temperamental, violent Floyd?” Epel adds.
Yu frowns a little. “Uhh… I don’t know any other guys named Floyd. And he was being super nice today, if a bit nervous. Is there something wrong with that?”
“Everything,” the two reply in unison without missing a beat.
“Aren’t you two prejudiced? It’s just an earring,” Yu says, crossing his arms. “I still don’t know why he just gave it to me all of a sudden, but I don’t think he’s the type to scheme for the long run, so it’s probably not anything meant to kill me or something.”
Epel furrows his brows. “Well—yeah…”
“Still, that’s kind of unexpected,” Jack remarks, ears relaxing somewhat. “Keep your guard up, okay? Since you don’t know what he intended with it.” When the other two give him a look, he huffs. “I’m just saying that so you don’t end up roped into a deal of some kind! It’s not like I’m that worried about you.”
Yu smirks, knowing better, but Crewel stands up and calls out instructions for the class to continue before he can respond properly.
“Thank you for letting me borrow the lab,” Chrysos says politely to Crewel as he walks in, shrugging on his lab coat. 
Crewel huffs in approval, looking pleased at the freshman’s punctuality and neatness. “Good, hardworking boys should be rewarded for their performance in class. Just make sure to start cleaning up ten minutes before your free period ends. Now, I have business to attend to—I’ll leave you in here with Yu, he’ll lock up when you’re done.” With a billowing flourish of his coat, he steps out.
Yu finally looks over from the ingredient shelves then, spotting Chrysos and waving to him. “Yo. What are you making?”
“Nothing much.” Chrysos makes a beeline for the higher-level ingredients, only sparing Yu a passing glance on his way by. “Azul gave me a recipe I wanted… to try…” He trails off all of a sudden and whips his head back around to look at Yu.
“Is something wrong?” Yu asks, because he doesn’t think he’s committed any serious offenses against Octavinelle recently. He’s pretty sure, at least.
Chrysos doesn’t say anything, just steps closer to the TA and narrows his eyes. He then moves to get a look at him from the side, which is when his expression morphs into one vaguely resembling horror. “Wait. Don’t tell me…”
“What is it?”
But he goes ignored. 
“No wonder his earring was missing a scale,” Chrysos mumbles to himself, almost completely inaudible. His usually flat tone is full of disbelief. “I didn’t think he’d ever settle down like that, but—or he could just be playing around—”
Yu waves a hand in his face. “Uh, Twisted Wonderland to Chrysos?”
“Ah—” Chrysos blinks, caught off-guard for once with his eyes wide, but quickly schools his expression back to its normal stoicness. “Forgive me. It’s just… that earring is new, isn’t it?”
“Oh, this?” Yu asks, reaching up to feel the dangling earring in question. “Yeah. Floyd gave it to me this morning.”
That must have been the wrong thing to say, because somehow Chrysos goes even paler than he already is. “I… see.” He steps back and returns to looking for ingredients, although there is an unmistakably conflicted aura about him.
Chrysos pointedly avoids making eye contact with Yu for the rest of the period.
After grabbing his lunch, Yu finds his usual table and sits down, ready to just eat up and not think for a while. The cafeteria is loud, as per usual, so he almost doesn’t notice his friends until they place down their trays and slide ungracefully into the seats across from him.
Deuce nods to him. “Hey.”
“What’s up, Yu?” Ace asks with his usual grin. 
Yu daps him up from across the table out of habit. “Not much,” he replies, opting to not talk about the sore subject for Ace that is Chrysos. “How did your classes go today, you two? No fights?”
“No fights,” Deuce confirms proudly. “It’s been a good day so far.”
Ace raises an eyebrow at him. “For you? Yeah, right. Anyway—” Before an argument can start, he narrows his eyes at Yu to change the subject. “I saw it on the way here, but is that an earring you’re wearing? The locket is one thing, y’know, but I didn’t take you as a jewelry kind of person.”
“You’d be surprised,” says Yu dryly. “And you’re the third person to ask me about this today, excluding Crewel giving me the bombastic side-eye. Seriously—” 
He’s cut off by Deuce leaning diagonally over the table to get a look. The card soldier purses his lips. “Hey, doesn’t that look kind of familiar to you? The design, I mean.”
“Yeah… Yeah, you’re right,” Ace realizes, “Where’ve I seen that before…?”
The two squint and observe Yu for a few moments, creating a very awkward bubble of silence. Yu is tempted to reach over and clap in their faces. Instead, he just tries to say, “Guys—”
“It’s part of Floyd’s earring, isn’t it?” There’s a pause as Ace brings a hand to his chin. “Or Jade’s…”
“Stop fucking interrupting me,” Yu demands, reaching over and flicking Ace on the forehead. It elicits a disproportionately loud yelp. “Yeah, Floyd gave it to me. Now that I think about it, it does feel like a scale… Anyway, as I’ve said, you’re the third person to ask me about it today, and more than the third person I’ve had to explain it to, so calm down. Please.”
“He actually gave you something?” Deuce asks like he didn’t hear that last part to calm down, eyes wide. “Do you know why? Or if it’s, uh, cursed or anything?”
“He could also be trying to take advantage of you by making you owe him,” is Ace’s contribution. “If I were you, I wouldn’t wear it.”
Yu rolls his eyes. “You guys are just repeating what Jack and Epel said. I’m sure it’s fine, he was kind of nervous when he gave it to me, so I’m gonna assume it’s nothing actually harmful. If that makes sense. And, nothing has happened so far, so I’m gonna keep wearing it.”
“Yu…” Deuce looks at him with obvious concern in his eyes. “Are you really, actually sure? If you get into any trouble, you know you can call on us, right?”
“Yeah, what he said. Unless we have to actually fight Floyd…”
“Guys, seriously, it’s fine.” Seeing their faces, though, Yu hesitates. “...Fine, I’ll keep it in mind. But I’m still not taking this earring off just because you think it’s cursed or something.”
Ace snorts and starts digging into his food. “Worth a shot. I’m gonna get to say the most satisfying ‘I told you so’ of my life soon.”
Yu flicks him again. “In your dreams.”
The subtropical zone of the botanical garden is always unpleasantly humid. Yu rolls up his sleeves as he walks, looking around for the plants Crewel told him to collect for the next day’s classes. 
It’s through pure luck alone that he manages to stop himself right before stepping on an unmistakable tail, spotting it stretched out onto the pathway from the grass. He stares down at it for a moment, two moments, and then looks over to where a nearby tree covers the grass in comfortable shade. And, of course, a certain someone is lounging in that very shade.
“Leona,” he mutters under his breath, carefully stepping over the lion’s tail. “Aren’t you supposed to be in class right now?”
The grass rustles beneath Leona as he sits up, grumbling to himself. “How’s that any of your business?”
“Because you’re here instead, leaving your tail on the path. Again.”
“You didn’t step on it, right?” Leona yawns, not even bothering to cover it with his hand. “I don’t see the problem then.”
Yu raises an eyebrow at him, before deciding that this is hardly worth his time. He turns away, about to go back to the task he came here to finish—
“Hold it. One of the eels gave you that earring, didn’t they?”
For fuck’s sake.
“No, I beat them up and took it by force,” is Yu’s sarcastic response. At Leona’s unimpressed look, he rolls his eyes. “Of course Floyd gave it to me.”
“And you’re not making a big deal of it?” Leona asks, something akin to amusement starting to seep into his voice.
Yu shakes his head. “Everyone else is. Am I supposed to?” 
There’s a long pause in which Leona stares at him, grass-green eyes and slit feline pupils observing him from the shade. If looks could kill… Well, Yu wouldn’t be dead yet, but he doesn’t quite like the pressure that comes with being watched by this guy.
“You really don’t know, huh,” Leona comments finally, lips curling up into a smug smirk. 
“No…?” Yu narrows his eyes at him. “Whatever happened to ‘minding one’s own business’?”
“Guess I won’t tell ya what it means, then. I’ll let that moody eel do it himself.”
Leona lies back down, rolls over onto his side so his back is to Yu, and falls right back asleep. As if out of spite, he snores exceptionally loudly, like an unspoken middle finger. 
After school, Yu is working on his homework in a corner of the lab—Crewel always insists that even someone in his position, a non-student at a secondary school, shouldn’t forget to study too—when the door opens. Azul and Jade peek in.
“Professor Crewel?” Azul calls out.
“Oh—” Yu sets down his pencil and stands up. “He’s not here right now, he’s getting something. Do you need something? Though, I thought neither of you have him until tomorrow…”
The two Octavinelle students turn to look at him. 
As per usual, Yu and Azul lock eyes—however, rather than glance away as he normally does, Azul stares at the TA oddly for a few moments. Jade is equally silent, a hand brought up to his chin.
Yu tilts his head a bit. “Uh, guys…?”
Jade is the first to shake out of his stupor, mouth curling in a smile. “My apologies. It’s just, your earring…” He chuckles into his gloved hand, not mocking or pitying but a secret third thing.
Oh, right. Yu had almost forgotten about it once classes were dismissed and people stopped bothering him about it. Only for it to be noticed yet again, he thinks with no small amount of irritation and embarrassment. And by the two closest to Floyd, at that.
“It’s about time you two got on my case about it. So many people have asked me about it today,” Yu grumbles, sitting back down and self-consciously rubbing the singular scale attachment between his thumb and index finger. “Floyd gave it to me and didn’t elaborate.”
Azul, finally tethered to reality again, coughs into a fist. “Yes, well—that… was to be expected, he probably doesn’t feel like explaining himself yet. Though he meant no harm with that gift, I assure you.”
“Yes. Absolutely none at all,” Jade echoes, his smirk somehow growing. A little part of Yu dies inside when he notices the eel is totally getting a kick out of this situation. “In fact, I would argue it’s the complete opposite. You see, under the sea, we often give gifts to those whom we like—”
“That’s enough from you.” One of Azul’s hands not-so-subtly reaches up for Jade’s shoulder to steer him away while the other rubs at his temple. “Seriously, you and Floyd are both far too giddy about this… Anyway, thank you for your time, Yu,” he says, so politely it seems a little awkward. “If the professor isn’t here, I may as well ask him our question tomorrow. See you later.”
The two leave as abruptly as they popped in, Jade still chuckling when he walks out the door.
Just leaving me alone to process that? is all Yu can think, still reeling. Rude.
If any Octavinelle students have questions or concerns about the way that Yu storms into the Mostro Lounge, they know better than to voice them. Instead, they simply clear a path for him and go about their evening, quietly turning a blind eye to the way he marches right up to Floyd.
It’s answers he wants, and answers he intends to get. 
“About those earrings,” Yu begins, “what did you—”
“Li’l Koi, you’re wearing your dorm uniform again!” Floyd cheers, shoving his serving trays onto some poor fool and lifting Yu up into the air by the waist. The TA, in a panic, has to grab onto Floyd’s shoulders to stabilize himself. “It looks really good with the gift I gave you, doesn’t it~?” 
“Y—” There’s a moment where Yu almost tips over and he tenses up in a panic, noticing how far away he is from the ground, but he relaxes with the feeble hope that he won’t be suddenly dropped. “Yeah, I guess… The sturgeon scale does pair nicely with the patterns on my clothes… Ah, but that’s not the point.”
Floyd beams. “Uh-huh? Should I fight another merman and get you some different scales, then? Oh, but teeth would be way cooler…!”
“Uhh, not right now,” Yu answers, trying and failing to ignore the way Floyd lights up even more at not being straight-up rejected. “I, um, wanted to ask you about why you gave me the earring. It was a part of yours, right? One of the scales from when you got into that fight.”
“Yeah.” Tellingly, Floyd averts his gaze for just a moment too long. “It was ‘cause I wanted to. I just wanted to give something to ya.” The way he lamely finishes it suggests it’s definitely not the whole reason, and Floyd himself knows it.
“Yeah, but…” 
Yu’s mouth feels dry; he knows what he wants to ask, sort of, but can’t bring himself to say it. Even though it’s just them around. Something he heard a while back pops into his mind—eels are cowards—and it sure shows with the way Floyd decided to go about this. If he even meant it like that. 
It somehow feels like he’s the bigger coward, though—
Floyd gives Yu’s sides a gentle squeeze. “Stop thinking about it so hard,” he complains lightheartedly. “I’m gonna shower you with gifts, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.”
“Huh?” Heat floods Yu’s cheeks. “Wait, that won’t be necessary!”
“Too late! I’ve already made up my mind,” declares Floyd. “I wanna see you make more interesting faces like that, so be ready to accept a tooooon of gifts, ‘kay?”
“Oh—oh, okay,” Yu says quickly, as if speed will hide how flustered he is (it, in fact, does the exact opposite). Besides, receiving a lot of silly yet thoughtful gifts doesn’t exactly sound like a bad thing—
“Cool.” There’s an almost giddy energy to the way Floyd sets him down and then immediately takes his hand. Yu can actually feel him trembling a little from excitement. “I’ve got some stuff in my room I was saving up to give you, so let’s go.”
Yu blinks, and suddenly he’s being tugged along down the hall while trying to keep up with the pace of Floyd’s long legs. “Now? Wait, Floyd…!”
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roses-r-rosie3 · 4 months
Cool With You
Tim Drake x Parent!M!Reader
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Warnings: angst subject, fluff, suggestive bi!reader, struggling!parent!reader, kinda long fic,
Summary: While on patrol, Tim comes across the reader who is being harassed by loan sharks in an alleyway. When Tim saves the reader, he notices a baby is in the reader’s arms and before he can ask any questions the reader walks off. Tim decides to track the reader down and talks to him at the park.
A/n 1: This post is inspired by @strangeshoepatrolbandit
A/n 2: this was originally supposed to be one long story but I decided to split this into separate parts so that you guys had something 😭
Quote: “So… uhh… rough day huh?”
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It was a dark and stormy night in Gotham and Tim was out on patrol as usual. There was surprisingly nothing really happening that night so Tim decided to call Alfred and just have a chat.
In the middle of their conversation, Tim heard some noises in an alleyway, so he decided to check it out. It could’ve been some rats digging the garbage can for some food, but something in Tim’s gut was telling him that it wasn’t. Lo and behold there were some guys in the alleyway surrounding someone and harassing them.
“Hey fellas, what are you up to?” Tim asked.
One of them immediately turned around and tried to attack Tim. The guy tried punching Tim, but quickly got knocked out. As soon as the first guy went down, the rest of them immediately went after him. One by one, Tim knocked all of them to the ground until it was only him and the person they were surrounding.
“T-thank you so much sir!” The guy said.
Tim took a moment to look at the guy’s face. He looked so handsome, so innocent. Were those people trying to mug the poor guy or something? But that’s when Tim noticed that the guy had a baby in his arms. Who’s baby was that? It couldn’t possibly be the guys, he looked far too young to even be a father.
“Is that a bab-”
“Sorry I have to go” the guy said quickly before walking off quickly.
Tim didn’t even have time to process what you said before you zoomed away. When Tim finally came to his senses, he tried to see if you were nearby, but you disappeared. That was really weird.
After that night, Tim couldn’t stop thinking about that guy. He was stuck in Tim’s head, so much so that Tim decided to do some research and try to crack who that guy was. After weeks and weeks of investigating, Tim finally found out who the guy was.
A guy named y/n l/n. A former college student who dropped out due to unknown reasons. You used to be the top of your class, you would’ve even been valedictorian. But one day you just dropped out without an explanation.
Tim found out that you worked several part-time jobs to pay rent for your crappy apartment. He felt bad for you, from what he’s seen, you came from a wealthy background, you had good looks, good grades, good friends, and a good social status. But what happened? Why was that baby in your arms? What did those guys want from you?
Those are the questions that Tim wanted to find an answer to. He decided that he was going to follow you for a whole week, just to get an idea of your schedule so that he could “accidentally” bump into you.
He found out that you just worked the whole day, but the only time you weren’t working was to go home, and to go to the park to relax during your break. Bingo, he knew exactly what he was going to do. For the first time in a while, Tim actually made sure to get a good nights sleep beforehand. What were you doing to him?
It was the day that Tim was planning to “accidentally” bump into you. Tim was feeling really happy and giddy, was it because he finally got a good night’s rest or was it because he was excited to see you?
You usually walked into the park around 3:30pm so Tim just had to wait for you to sit on the bench where you usually sat. When you finally arrived you immediately sat down at your designated bench.
Tim felt a bit nervous at first, was he being too creepy? Should he have just let you be? But regardless, Tim took a deep breath before walking up to you.
“Hey can I sit here?” Tim asked.
“Yeah, of course” you smiled.
Tim sat down awkwardly and you both sat there in silence for a good five minutes before Tim spoke up.
“So… uhh… rough day huh?” Tim said.
“Don’t even get me started” you chuckled.
“Work problems?” Tim “guessed”.
“Yeah, I work all day. I barely have time to spend with my kid, he spends more time with my neighbors than he does with me” you joked.
“You have a kid?” Tim said.
“Yeah, I accidentally got a girl pregnant when I was at a party. We decided to keep it but she didn’t want to be a mom so she gave up her parental rights. I don’t blame her but it’s kinda hard you know?” You confessed.
Tim started putting the pieces together in his head slowly but surely. The reason why you dropped out was to take care of the baby.
“I-I’m sorry if I overshared” you apologized.
“No, no, you’re fine, how’s life like with the baby? Tim asked.
“It’s pretty hard, but I’ll always be grateful that I have him, I honestly don’t know what I would do” you chuckled.
“What’s his name?” Tim asked.
“Theo” you smiled, thinking about the image of your child.
“That’s a wonderful name” Tim complimented.
“Thanks” you said.
It went silent again and for some reason, Tim just felt attached to you. He wanted to get to know more about you, but not in a “I need more information about him” kind of way, more like a, “I want get to know more about him” kind of way.
“Hey uh, I can watch him for you if you want to” Tim suggested.
“It’s fine I don’t want to trouble you, and I’m pretty low on money right now, so I wouldn’t really have anything to pay you with” you replied.
“I can do it for free” Tim said.
“Really? Thank you so much, you have no idea how much that means” you exclaimed.
I know what you’re thinking, ‘why would you just trust some random stranger that you just met with your baby?’. Something in your gut was telling you to let him.
“My name is Tim by the way” Tim smiled.
“Y/n” you smiled back.
You pulled out your phone to check the time, and your break was almost over already!
“Shit, sorry but my break is almost over” you said.
“Can I get your phone number before you go?” Tim asked.
“Oh, yeah sorry about that” you said before typing in your number on Tim’s phone.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then” you smiled before waving bye to Tim.
Tim looked on as you slowly walked away. When you were finally out of his eyesight he started looking back on the conversations until he realized something….
HE OFFERED TO BABYSIT! Tim couldn’t even take care of himself properly! Let alone a baby! WHY?! WHY WOULD HE DO THIS TO HIMSELF!
Tim took some deep breaths before slowly calming down. Who knows maybe babysitting won’t be that hard. He spent the whole night looking up videos of how to change diapers and take care of a baby. All he could do now is pray that all we go well….
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lottins-only · 13 days
I bet we’d have really good bed chem | aurélien tchouaméni
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A/N: i wrote this on a whim lmao but lmk what yall think. inspired by the sabrina carpenter song obvi.
warning: nsfw ig. not full on smut but suggestive stuff
you see him before he does. he’s hard to miss, moving around the party surrounded by a herd of people, as if to not interact with the normies. it makes you roll your eyes. why do famous people have to make such a fuss everywhere they go?
it’s a packed house party that night in Madrid, hosted by some influencer who hangs around the rich and famous. no wonder a couple real madrid players are here. they roll red carpets for them wherever they go in these parts. you, on the other hand, have no business being at the party, but you’d slipped in as a plus one of a plus one. 
now, you’re indulging in all the free drinks, moving your body to whatever beat is playing. you and your friend are dancing together, moving among the mass of hot sweaty bodies. you’re having a time. 
that is, until some asshole steps on your foot, crushing your toes through your open toe heels. 
“Ow!” you yelp, hands flying to your feet. “What the fuck?”
“Oh mon dieu, I’m  sorry” a deep, accented voice says while a firm hand on your arm steadies you. you look up to find its owner, and lo and behold it’s mr. aurelien tchouameni himself, madrid’s resident pretty boy.
he has the audacity to smirk at you while you’re still wincing in pain, dragging his eyes up your sheer black dress languidly. eyes pause at your cleavage before moving up to your face again. you yourself take stock of what’s in front of you; it’s not everyday you see someone so famous, and you gotta admit, so handsome up close. he’s dressed in a white bomber jacket and a pair of dark skinny jeans. that second part alone should’ve given you the ick but his beautiful face makes up for his disastrous fashion sense:  plump, full lips. high cheekbones. jawline that could cut glass. deep brown eyes. he smiles a knowing smile, licking his lips. he knows you think he’s hot, of course he does. 
“what’s your name?” he asks, hand still on your arm.
“I’m aurelien”
no shit, you think.
you shake hands, eyes locked. 
“pretty name” you say
“pretty face” He says without skipping a beat. you smile involuntarily.
someone shoves past you in that moment, pushing you forward. you try to steady yourself, one hand instinctively landing on his chest. you almost gasp; he might as well have been made with stone the way his muscled chest is hard. you fight every desire you have to move your hand around the ridges of his abs, feel him up a bit.
he smirks again, leaning down close to your ear.
“need a hand or do you just like what you see?” His breath is hot against your neck, making you shiver.
you quickly snatch your hand away, flushing hotly. he caught you red handed, like he read your mind.  when he leans back up his eyes are twinkling with mischief. bitch, you think.
“y/n, do you want to –”
he’s interrupted by one of his people whispering in his ear. He turns to you, apologetic again. 
“give me your phone” He says. when you just give him a confused look, he takes the device out of your hand and deftly puts in his contact details, sliding the phone back into your palm in seconds. your breath hitches at the feeling of your fingers touching. 
“i have to go” he says, then looks down at your feet. “sorry again”
he winks, flashing you a smile. then he’s gone. you shift to the side as his entourage moves, trying to avoid getting trampled on again. 
you stay up a little later that night, staring at his contact on your phone, wishing you’d been the one to give him your number so he could reach out first. no one left you tongue tied like that, but the thing is, he’s so hot. So, here you are.  
a couple days go by and your friend lets you know that the person who invited her to party reached out asking for your instagram. apparently, a friend of that person's friend met you at the party and wanted to connect. your friend asks if its ok to pass along your handle, and you hesitantly say yes, hoping, wishing, it's him and not some rando you don't remember meeting.
you get the notification on instagram that night: aurelientchm has requested to follow you!
you wait an hour to accept his request, and his message is instant: what does a guy have to do to get a text from you?
you type back: not step on my feet for starters 
touché, he responds within seconds.  you keep texting, flirting. you find you have a lot of the same tastes in music, movies, and also the same humor, so it’s pretty easy to make conversation. another week goes by and you start texting daily and even sending each other voice notes . you try to meet up, but it never works out: you’re either swamped with work, or he’s busy with training or off at an away match. 
not in your timezone, but I wish I was :(  he texted once when you proposed meeting but he was abroad for a champions league game.
the trouble starts when you open his instagram live one night. there he is in his home gym, your breath hitching at the sight of him. shirtless and glistening with sweat, he moves along to the beat of the music, mouthing the words to the french rap playing. his chest is sculpted and chiseled, pecs and abs defined. his shoulders, broad and powerful, lead down to a narrow waist. you watch as he goes through his routine, mouth slightly agape and heart racing  as your eyes track his every movement, his every flex of muscle. then it’s over. the notification saying the live ended interrupts your almost drooling. 
you toss and turn in your sleep during the night. the way he moved, his beautiful body, it was all stuck in your head. you can’t help it, you think about him touching you. those deep brown eyes giving you bedroom eyes.  how he’d pick you up, pull down your panties, flip you around. You can hear his deep accented voice murmuring sweet nothings while his head is buried in between your legs. you imagine how he’d look hovering above you, that damn silver chain dangling down between you two. would he have the same concentrated look he had at the gym when he’s inside you? eyebrows furrowed, biting his lip, forehead glistening with sweat? you’d move together in a steady rhythm, your hands clinging to his back. he’d maintain eye contact throughout. and then, after basking in each other’s pleasure, you’d both arrive at the same time. you can see it all in your head.
needless to say, you go to sleep that night with an unsatisfied ache between your legs.
the instagram live is just the beginning though. aurelien starts sending you gym videos that leave you hot and bothered pretty regularly, and now it’s pretty clear to you that he’s thirst trapping you. slow zoom-ins of his chest interspersed with some cute content of his dog fill your screen whenever you open his snaps; the man is truly a menace. the worst part is that it works: you spend an alarming amount of time thinking about him, or thinking about you and him together, doing nasty things. if his end goal is leaving you in a perpetual state of horniness, then he’s achieved it. it’s unfair really. 
are you free next week?
when you receive his text in the middle of work, you don’t hesitate for a second before replying with an enthusiastic yes. you quickly arrange to meet him at your place after his afternoon match. he even sends you tickets for you and a friend to attend the game, which you both enjoy. but as much as you try to focus on the game, your thoughts are already preoccupied. you make a joke with your friend about manifesting that he's oversized. because that’s all you can think about during those 90 minutes. you have high expectations, but you bet it’s better than in your head.
before you know it, you’re back in your apartment, waiting for him to pull up. you jump when you hear a knock, and you quickly open the door. he’s standing there looking handsome and freshly showered in his real madrid tracksuit and smiling that pretty smile at you. you lock eyes, and they say things you don’t verbalize. 
“hi” he says.
“hi” you say back, flushing.
he drops his bag to the floor, and he quickly sweeps you off the ground,  his lips crashing onto yours.
it is indeed better than in your head, you later find out. 
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lunareel · 1 year
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The shirt reads “I prevented the chaos heart and all I got for it was this lousy t shirt”
This was a super rough comic I did when I was initially thinking of this idea and I never got around to posting it. For when I was watching the movie I kept thinking to myself if Peach said yes would the chaos heart appear? Which was one of the main sources of inspiration for this au setup.
I was hoping to finally post the power-up designs/outfits I’ve been working on for this au, but it turns out my lasso tool decided it would be cool to grab other layers without my knowledge. So lo and behold I go to check some of the finished pieces and oops all screwed up! Totally not bitter about that at all : )
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muiitoloko · 5 months
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Summary: You are there to meet all of his needs.
Pairing: Karl Hoffmeister × Fem! Reader
Warnings: Smut.
Author's Notes: Well, folks, brace yourselves for another rollercoaster ride of a story! I gotta admit, this one had me wrestling with writer's block like nobody's business. Every word felt like it was mocking me from the page! But then, lo and behold, I stumbled upon some Karl gifs on Tumblr and bam! Inspiration struck like lightning! 🌩️ Had to spill some ink on Karl, no question about it. Here's hoping I did justice to the enigma that is Karl in this one-shot! Oh, and can we talk about Charlotte? Let's just say, I'm not exactly her biggest fan... Am I alone in this? 🤔
Also read on Ao3
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As Karl stood by the window, his gaze fixed on you, the maid, playing with Otto in the garden, a myriad of conflicting emotions swirled within him. It had been two weeks since Charlotte had left with Friedrich, leaving Karl and Otto behind. Two weeks since Karl had managed to recover from his illness, but the ache of missing his wife lingered like a ghost haunting the halls of his home.
As he watched you, a simple maid with a beauty that had gone unnoticed until now, Karl couldn't help but feel a pang of longing deep within his chest. He missed the warmth of a woman, especially when he lay alone in his bed at night, the cold sheets a constant reminder of his loneliness.
Over time, Karl began to notice things about you that he hadn't paid attention to before. He saw your beauty, simple yet captivating, like someone from his own class. He observed the dedication with which you carried out your duties, the tender care you showed towards Otto, his beloved son.
And then, as if by some cruel twist of fate, Karl's gaze fell upon the neckline of your dress, the delicate curve of your breasts teasingly visible beneath the fabric. His breath caught in his throat at the sight, his pulse quickening with desire as he imagined what it would be like to hold them, to suckle at them with a hunger that bordered on desperation.
Karl closed his eyes, cursing himself as he leaned his forehead against the cool glass of the window. He missed the warmth of a woman, the softness of her skin against his, and there you were, a woman so close and yet so far away.
He wondered if you were still a virgin, if you had ever felt the heat of a man's touch. But it didn't matter, did it? Because Karl would be better than any man you had ever known, much better. He would treat you with the respect and adoration you deserved, fulfilling every desire and whim with a passion that knew no bounds.
But then, with a shake of his head, Karl opened his eyes, the realization of what he was thinking hitting him like a ton of bricks. What the hell was he doing? He was a married man, a father, and you were just a maid, beneath him in every sense of the word.
With a sense of self-disgust, Karl moved away from the window and strode purposefully towards the door, determined to put an end to these foolish thoughts once and for all. He swung the door open, interrupting your play with Otto as he ushered you both inside.
"Enough playing for now, Otto," Karl said, his voice firm as he directed his son towards the bathroom. "It's time to wash up and get ready for dinner."
Otto visibly wilted at the dismissal, his shoulders slumping as he reluctantly obeyed his father's command. You, on the other hand, bowed respectfully, apologizing for the interruption and offering to help with dinner preparations.
But Karl ignored your offer, his gaze distant as he instructed Otto to hurry along. "We will have dinner promptly at seven," he said, his tone clipped. "Make sure everything is ready by then."
You nodded obediently, bowing once again before turning to leave the room. As you passed Karl, he couldn't help but notice the way your dress clung to your curves, the sway of your hips as you walked away sending a shiver of desire down his spine.
But Karl quickly pushed aside his wayward thoughts, his sense of propriety kicking in as he returned to his office at home. Taking a tissue from his pocket, he pressed it against his mouth while coughing, the sound muffled against the fabric as he tried to quell the persistent ache in his chest.
"Damn foolish thoughts," Karl muttered to himself, his voice tinged with self-loathing as he leaned back in his chair, his mind racing with thoughts of you. "I must focus on my work, on providing for my family. That is all that matters."
But even as he tried to push you out of his mind, Karl couldn't shake the feeling of longing that lingered like a shadow in the depths of his soul. And as he sat there, alone in his office, the sound of your laughter echoing in his ears, he couldn't help but wonder what might have been if things had been different.
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As Karl sank into the warm water of the bathtub, he closed his eyes, trying to push aside the intrusive thoughts that plagued his mind. The sound of the water lapping gently against the sides of the tub provided a soothing backdrop, but even the comforting embrace of the warm water couldn't chase away the persistent ache of longing that gnawed at his chest.
You, the maid, moved quietly around the bathroom, preparing to assist Karl with his bath as you had done countless times before. But today was different. Today, Karl couldn't help but notice the way your gentle hands moved with practiced ease, the way your touch sent shivers of desire coursing through his veins.
As you approached the tub, Karl tried to suppress the rising tide of arousal that threatened to consume him. He had never given your presence a second thought before, but now, he couldn't even relax in your presence without feeling the stirrings of desire.
Desperate for some relief from his torment, Karl toyed with the idea of visiting some prostitutes, hoping that the physical release would help to banish the thoughts of you from his mind. But even as the thought crossed his mind, he couldn't bring himself to act on it, the image of your face haunting him like a specter in the darkness.
You began to wash Karl's back, your touch gentle and soothing against his skin. But as your hands moved lower, tracing the curve of his spine with feather-light touches, Karl couldn't help but tense up, the warmth of your touch sending shockwaves of desire coursing through his veins.
He tried to ignore the sensation, to focus on anything other than the way your touch made him feel. But when you passed into his arms, your body pressed tantalizingly close to his, Karl couldn't help but look at you, his gaze lingering on your face for a moment too long before he quickly averted his eyes, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
You noticed his gaze and gave him a small smile, your eyes filled with warmth and understanding. "Are you feeling better, Herr Hoffmeister?" you asked respectfully, your voice soft and gentle as you continued to bathe him.
Karl nodded, his voice hoarse with emotion as he admitted, "Yes, I am feeling much better, thank you. Still coughing a lot, but not as bad as before."
You smiled again, genuine happiness shining in your eyes as you said, "I'm glad to hear that, Herr Hoffmeister. You had us all worried there for a while."
The two of you fell silent once again, the only sound in the room the gentle splashing of water as you continued to bathe Karl. And as he lay there, enveloped in the warmth of the water and the comfort of your presence, Karl couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to reach out and take you in his arms, to hold you close and never let go. But he quickly pushed aside those thoughts, burying them deep within his heart as he focused on the task at hand, determined to put an end to these foolish fantasies once and for all.
As the silence stretched between you and Karl, he finally broke it with a question, his voice cutting through the quietude of the bathroom. "How long have you been serving me, uh... what was your name again?" he asked, his tone slightly hesitant as he tried to recall your name.
You smiled softly, accustomed to his occasional forgetfulness. "It's [Your Name], Herr Hoffmeister," you replied respectfully, your voice gentle as you continued to bathe him. "And I've been serving you for ten years now, since I was eighteen."
Karl's eyebrows shot up in surprise at your response. "Ten years?" he repeated, genuine curiosity shining in his gray eyes. "That's quite a long time. I must admit, I hadn't realized it had been so long."
You nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of your lips as you continued to wash his back. "Yes, time flies, doesn't it?" you remarked, your voice tinged with a hint of wistfulness. "It feels like just yesterday that I first started working here."
Karl fell silent for a moment, lost in thought as he processed your words. Then, with a curious glint in his eyes, he asked, "Do you have a husband? Or perhaps a fiancé? Children, maybe?"
You shook your head, a faint blush coloring your cheeks at the mention of marriage and children. "No, Herr Hoffmeister," you replied quietly, your voice barely above a whisper. "I've never had many expectations about marriage or children. My life has always been here, serving you and taking care of Otto."
Karl's curiosity seemed to be piqued by your response, his gaze lingering on your face as he asked, "Do you have any family, then? Siblings, perhaps? Do your parents live nearby?"
You smiled, though there was a hint of sadness in your eyes as you spoke. "I don't know, Herr Hoffmeister," you admitted, your voice tinged with regret. "I was orphaned at a young age, raised by the nuns at the orphanage."
Karl's eyes widened in surprise at your revelation, his expression one of genuine sympathy as he processed the information. "You're an orphan?" he asked softly, his voice filled with compassion. "Do you... do you know who your parents are?"
You nod solemnly in response to Karl's question, the memories of your past flooding back with painful clarity. "Yes, Herr Hoffmeister," you reply quietly, your voice tinged with sadness. "My mother was a prostitute, and my father... well, from what the nuns told me, he was a judge from England named Turpin."
Karl's eyebrows shoot up in surprise at your revelation, his expression one of genuine curiosity as he processes the information. "Turpin?" he repeats, his voice tinged with disbelief. "The judge from England? How did...?"
You nod, cutting him off before he can finish his question. "Yes, Herr Hoffmeister," you confirm, your voice barely above a whisper. "He was traveling through Germany and ended up getting my mother pregnant. But he made it clear to her that he didn't want me, and he returned to England, leaving my mother alone to raise me."
A pang of sadness comes over you as you imagine the struggles your mother faced, the possible loneliness and hardships she must have endured. Only she could not escape the cruel hand that fate imposed on her and ended up dying in childbirth, leaving you alone and an orphan.
Karl's expression softens with sympathy as he listens to your story, his gray eyes filled with compassion. "I'm so sorry, [Your Name]," he murmurs, his voice gentle but filled with genuine regret. "That must have been incredibly difficult for you."
You offer him a small smile, though there is a hint of sadness in your eyes as you continue to speak. "It was," you admit quietly. "But I was fortunate enough to be taken in by the nuns at the orphanage, where I was raised until I turned eighteen."
His curiosity got the best of him, and he asked, "Have you ever tried to contact your father?"
You nodded quietly, a hint of sadness flickering across your features as you recalled the memories of your youth. "Yes, Herr Hoffmeister," you replied softly. "When I was young, I sent a letter to him, hoping to establish some connection. But I heard nothing back. Later, I learned that he had married a peasant girl and started a family of his own."
Karl's expression darkened at the mention of your father's lack of response, a flicker of anger flashing in his gray eyes. "I'm sorry to hear that," he said quietly, his voice tinged with regret. "It must have been difficult for you, reaching out only to be met with silence."
You nodded, a wistful smile playing at the corners of your lips. "It was, Herr Hoffmeister," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "But I let it go. I lived in the orphanage until I turned eighteen, and then I came here, looking for a job. The old butler spoke to you on my behalf, and you graciously allowed me to become one of the housemaids."
Karl listened intently to your words, his gaze drifting away for a moment as he processed the information. But when he turned back to you, there was a hint of uncertainty in his eyes as he asked, "And you've been serving me ever since?"
You nodded, a sense of pride evident in your voice as you replied, "Yes, Herr Hoffmeister. It has been an honor to serve you and to take care of all your needs."
Karl looked away, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions as he questioned whether your loyalty was truly genuine. "But would you be willing to take care of me, of all my needs?" he asked hesitantly, his baritone voice betraying a hint of vulnerability.
You frowned slightly at his question, unsure of what he was getting at. "Yes, of course, Herr Hoffmeister," you replied earnestly, your voice filled with determination. "I am here to serve you in any way that I can."
Karl's gaze softened at your response, and he reached out to take your hand in his, pressing it gently against his chest as he searched your eyes for reassurance. "All my needs?" he pressed, his voice barely above a whisper.
You blushed at the implication of his words, understanding what he was asking. Unable to meet his gaze, you looked away briefly before meeting his eyes once again, your cheeks tinged with a faint blush. "Yes, all your needs," you affirmed, your voice steady despite the embarrassment that coursed through your veins.
Karl's expression softens further, his gray eyes filled with a mixture of longing and vulnerability as he pulls you closer by the wrist he's holding. His touch is surprisingly gentle as he brings his other hand to cup your face, his thumb brushing lightly against your cheek.
His voice falls into a low, husky cadence as he asks you to answer to his need now. "Do you mean that, [Your Name]?" Karl's voice is barely above a whisper, filled with a desperate hopefulness.
You meet his gaze, your heart racing with a mixture of fear and excitement. His vulnerability surprises you, but there's something in his eyes that draws you closer, despite the implications of his request. "Yes, Herr Hoffmeister," you reply softly, your voice trembling slightly. "I am here to serve you."
Karl's grip tightens slightly on your chin, his gaze intense as he leans closer, his lips hovering just inches from yours. "Then kiss me," he murmurs, his voice a mere whisper against your lips.
You hesitate for a moment, your heart pounding in your chest as you meet his gaze. But then, with a newfound resolve, you lean forward, closing the distance between you as you press your lips against his.
At first, the kiss is tentative, hesitant, as if both of you are unsure of what to expect. But then, as the seconds pass, the kiss deepens, becoming more urgent, more passionate. Karl's hand moves from your chin to the back of your neck, pulling you closer as he deepens the kiss even further.
The warmth of his lips against yours sends a shiver of desire coursing through your veins, igniting a fire deep within your soul. You respond eagerly, your hands moving to tangle in his gray hair as you lose yourself in the intensity of the moment.
For a brief, fleeting moment, nothing else exists except the two of you, lost in each other's embrace. And as you pull away, breathless and flushed with desire, you realize that nothing will ever be the same again.
Karl's gray eyes are dark with longing as he admits in a husky voice, "I want to take you to my bed today, [Your Name]."
Your heart races at his words, your cheeks flushing with excitement as you nod eagerly, your desire mirroring his own. Karl's touch is surprisingly gentle as he caresses your face, his thumb brushing lightly against your cheek as he studies your expression.
In a moment of vulnerability, Karl's gaze drifts to your lips before he gathers his courage to ask, "Are you... a virgin, [Your Name]?" His voice is soft, tinged with a hint of uncertainty as he waits for your response.
You blush at the question, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and excitement as you shake your head. "No, Herr Hoffmeister," you admit quietly, your voice barely above a whisper. "I... I'm sorry."
But Karl's response surprises you. Instead of expressing disappointment or disapproval, he simply smiles and says, "It's alright, [Your Name]. I don't mind." His words are filled with understanding and acceptance, easing the tension that had been building inside you.
Then, with a note of anticipation in his voice, Karl questions, "Do you... want this? Want to go to bed with me, [Your Name]?" His eyes search yours, longing to hear your answer, to know that you desire him as much as he desires you.
You meet his gaze with unwavering determination, the fire of desire burning brightly in your eyes as you confess, "Yes, Herr Hoffmeister. For a long time, I've thought about it, imagined what it would be like to be taken care of by you, just as you took care of Mrs. Hoffmeister."
Karl's heart swells with a mixture of desire and affection at your words, his hands trembling slightly as he lets go of your face and rises from the bathtub. Moving away from you, he looks momentarily irritated as he says, "Don't mention her, Fräulein. I don't want to think about the fact that she left me for another man."
You nod apologetically, understanding the pain that Karl must be feeling at the mention of his estranged wife. As Karl dries himself off with a towel, he orders you to follow him, and you do so obediently as he leaves the bathroom and heads towards the bedroom.
The anticipation hangs thick in the air as you enter the bedroom together, the tension between you palpable as you both prepare to take the next step in your relationship. His gaze lingers on your simple maid's dress, the fabric clinging to your curves in all the right places, accentuating your beauty in a way that sends a shiver of desire down his spine. He can feel his pulse quicken with each passing moment, his arousal evident as he takes in the sight of you standing before him.
With a husky voice, Karl murmurs, "Fräulein, come closer." His words are a command, filled with a raw intensity that leaves no room for hesitation. You obey without question, stepping closer to him until you're standing just inches apart, the heat of his body radiating against your skin.
Karl's hands move to your waist, pulling you flush against him as he leans down to capture your lips in a searing kiss. His lips are demanding, hungry, as he claims you with a passion that leaves you breathless and wanting more.
And as Karl's lips claim yours in a passionate kiss, you feel the unmistakable prickle of his mustache against your skin, sending a thrill of excitement coursing through your veins. You relish the sensation, savoring the feeling of his rough facial hair against your soft lips, a tantalizing reminder of his masculinity.
But as the kiss deepens, you break away, holding his shoulders firmly as you gaze into his gray eyes with unwavering determination. His naked form stands before you, still slightly damp from the bath you had given him earlier, his baritone voice filled with desire as he watches you intently.
With deliberate movements, you caress his shoulders, feeling the tension melt away beneath your touch. Your hands glide down to his chest, tracing the contours of his muscular frame before slowly falling to your knees in front of him, maintaining eye contact as you do so.
Karl's breath catches in his throat as he watches you, anticipation evident in his gaze as he waits for you to take the next step. His half-hard cock twitches with desire, but you deliberately ignore it for now, focusing instead on pleasing him in other ways.
As you settle at his feet, your hands trail up his thighs, the fabric of your simple maid's dress brushing against his skin. You can feel the heat radiating from his body, his arousal evident as you continue to tease him with your touch.
With a coy smile, you look up at him, your eyes shining with mischief as you ask in a husky voice, "Herr Hoffmeister, may I take care of your needs?" Your words are filled with promise, a hint of anticipation laced with desire as you await his response.
Karl's breath hitches at your question, his gray eyes dark with desire as he nods eagerly, his voice thick with arousal. "Yes, Fräulein," he murmurs, his voice husky with need. "Please, take care of me."
With a wicked grin, you lean forward, your lips brushing against the sensitive skin of his inner thigh as you trail kisses along his flesh. You can feel his pulse quicken beneath your touch, his breath coming in shallow gasps as you tease him mercilessly.
But you're not done yet. With a slow, deliberate motion, you run your hands up his thighs, bypassing his aching cock as you reach for his hips. Karl's groan of frustration only spurs you on, your lips curling into a wicked smile as you revel in the power you hold over him.
With practiced ease, you massage his hips, your fingers digging into his flesh as you work to relieve the tension that has built up within him. Karl's grip tightens on your shoulders, his baritone voice filled with desperation as he pleads with you to give him what he craves.
The hunger in Karl's gray eyes grows more intense, his baritone voice thick with desire as he watches you with unabashed longing. The sight of you, dressed in your simple maid's attire, on your knees before him ignites a fire within him, driving him to the brink of madness with need.
But even in this vulnerable position, it's clear to karl that you hold all the power. Your wicked grin, your teasing touch, they all serve to remind him that it's you who dictates the pace, you who decides how far this will go.
And yet, Karl can't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of surrendering control to you. With a low growl of desire, he reaches down to grasp your chin, his thumb brushing lightly against your lips as he murmurs in a husky voice, "You have me completely at your mercy, Fräulein. But I warn you, I'm not easily tamed."
Your eyes sparkle with mischief as you meet his gaze, your lips curling into a wicked smile as you reply, "Oh, I'm well aware of that, Herr Hoffmeister. But don't worry, I like a challenge."
With that, you lean forward, your lips trailing a path of fire along his inner thigh as you inch closer and closer to your ultimate goal. Karl's pulse quickens with each teasing touch, his heart racing with anticipation as he feels your lips inch closer to his aching cock.
And then, finally, your lips closed around him, your mouth hot and wet as you took him deep within your throat. Karl's head fell back in ecstasy, his gray eyes fluttering shut as he surrendered himself to the pleasure of your touch.
With each expert flick of your tongue, each gentle suckle of your lips, Karl felt himself spiraling further and further into a blissful haze of desire. Your mouth was pure heaven, a sinful delight that threatened to consume him whole as you worked your magic on him.
But Karl wasn't content to simply be a passive participant in this dance of pleasure. With a low growl of desire, he reached down to grasp your hair, guiding you with gentle but firm pressure as he set the rhythm of your movements.
The feeling of your lips wrapped around him, your tongue swirling and dancing with wicked intent, was enough to drive Karl to the edge of sanity. His breath came in ragged gasps, his chest heaving with the effort to contain the overwhelming tide of pleasure that threatened to consume him.
As he felt himself nearing the brink of ecstasy, he abruptly pulled away, leaving you gasping for more as he instructed you to disrobe and recline upon the bed. Eager to feel him within you, you wasted no time in complying with his command, swiftly removing your garments and lying back upon the bed, your body pulsating with anticipation.
Karl watched intently as you shed each piece of clothing, his gray eyes dark with desire as he took in the sight of your naked form. He admired the way your curves beckoned to him, the softness of your skin inviting him to explore every inch of your body.
Once you were fully undressed and lying on the bed, Karl moved closer, his hands trembling with need as he reached down to caress his own throbbing cock. His baritone voice was thick with desire as he spoke, his words sending a shiver of excitement down your spine.
"Now, meine liebe, I want to feel you around me," Karl murmured, his voice husky with lust as he positioned himself between your legs. "But first, I need to prepare you for me."
With a wicked grin, Karl leaned down to press a gentle kiss to your lips before trailing kisses down your neck and chest, his lips leaving a trail of fire in their wake. As he reached your breasts, he took each nipple into his mouth in turn, sucking and nibbling on them with fervent desire.
Your breath hitched at the sensation, your fingers tangling in his gray hair as you arched your back in pleasure. Karl's mustache tickled your skin, adding to the intensity of the sensation as he lavished attention on your sensitive peaks.
But Karl wasn't content to stop there. With a devilish gleam in his eyes, he continued his journey southward, trailing kisses along your stomach and thighs until he reached the apex of your desire. His tongue flicked out to taste your wetness, and you moaned in ecstasy as he teased you with his expert ministrations.
"Oh, Herr Hoffmeister," you gasped, your voice thick with desire as he worshipped you with his mouth. "Please, I need you inside me."
Karl removes his mouth from your pussy, and a soft whimper escapes your lips, craving more of his touch. He doesn't disappoint, his thick fingers soon replacing his tongue as he stretches you open, preparing you for what's to come. With practiced ease, he slides two fingers inside you, his touch sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through your body.
"Karl," you moan softly, obeying his command to call him by his first name. The sound of his name on your lips is like music to his ears, fueling his desire even further. But he reminds you to keep your voice down, not wanting to wake his son with your passionate cries.
You nod eagerly, squirming on the bed as Karl's fingers explore every inch of you, driving you wild with need. His baritone voice washes over you like a wave of heat as he murmurs, "That's it, meine liebe. Moan my name for me, but remember, quietly."
With each thrust of his fingers, you can't help but moan, the pleasure building to an unbearable intensity. "Karl," you whimper, your voice barely above a whisper as you ride his fingers, craving more of him with each passing moment.
Karl's gray hair brushes against your skin as he leans down to capture your lips in a searing kiss, his mustache tickling your skin as his tongue dances with yours. The sensation sends a jolt of desire straight to your core, driving you closer to the edge of ecstasy with each passing second.
As the heat between you reaches its peak, Karl finally withdraws his fingers, his gaze filled with hunger as he positions himself between your legs. With a wicked grin, he whispers, "Are you ready for me, meine liebe? Ready to take all of me?"
You nod eagerly, your body trembling with anticipation as Karl enters you with a single, powerful thrust. The feeling of him filling you completely is overwhelming, sending waves of pleasure crashing over you in a dizzying whirlwind.
"Karl," you cry out, unable to contain your passion as he moves inside you, each thrust driving you closer and closer to the brink of ecstasy. But you remember his warning and keep your voice low, your moans muffled against his shoulder as you surrender yourself to the pleasure of his touch.
With each thrust, Karl's baritone voice fills the room, urging you on with whispered words of encouragement. "That's it, meine liebe," he murmurs, his voice thick with desire. "Take all of me. Feel me deep inside you."
You cling to him desperately, your nails digging into his back as you ride the wave of pleasure together. And as you reach the pinnacle of ecstasy, you cry out his name one last time, your voice filled with pure bliss as you finally succumb to the overwhelming pleasure that consumes you both.
As Karl continues thrusting, chasing his own climax, you writhe beneath him, your body aching with pleasure as you cling to him desperately. His baritone voice fills the room with a chorus of moans and groans, the sound of his pleasure mingling with your own as you reach the pinnacle of ecstasy together.
With a hoarse moan, Karl finally pulls out, his seed spilling onto your belly in a hot, sticky mess. For a moment, he stays on top of you, his body trapping you against the mattress as he revels in the aftermath of your passionate encounter. Then, with a contented sigh, he rolls off of you and lies next to you with a satisfied smile on his lips.
You lie side by side, panting and spent, your bodies still thrumming with the aftershocks of pleasure. But despite the exhaustion that threatens to consume you, you can't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over you as you bask in the warmth of Karl's embrace.
Feeling a surge of affection, you crawl towards him, pressing your naked body against his as you lay your head on his chest. Karl's arms wrap around you instinctively, pulling you close as he presses a tender kiss to your head.
With a contented sigh, you ask in a soft voice, "Did I manage to meet your needs, Karl?"
Karl's gray eyes sparkle with affection as he gazes down at you, a fond smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Yes, meine liebe," he murmurs, his voice filled with warmth. "You exceeded my every expectation."
Feeling emboldened by his words, you trail a hand down his chest, teasing him with feather-light touches as you whisper in his ear, "Is there anything else you desire, Karl? Anything at all?"
Karl's breath hitches at your touch, his pulse quickening with desire as he meets your gaze with unwavering intensity. "Oh, Fräulein," he murmurs, his voice thick with longing. "I desire nothing more than to lose myself in you, body and soul."
With that, he captures your lips in a searing kiss, his hunger evident as he claims you with a passion that leaves you breathless and wanting more. And as you surrender yourself to the pleasure of his touch once again, you realize that this is only the beginning of your journey together.
"meine liebe" - my love
"Herr Hoffmeister" - Mr. Hoffmeister
"Fräulein" - Miss (or young woman, typically used to address an unmarried woman)
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torchflies · 3 months
Hi TG Fandom! 
Lol, I’m trying to get a lab up and running with nothing but elbow grease and grit — but I was inspired to ramble a little after I saw one of my TAs watching Brightburn on their phone (terrible movie but great concept). This is really silly BUT —
I love the idea of an Icemav kid, who doesn't love the idea of an Icemav kid? Bradley is definitely Icemav’s kid, but he’ll always be Carole and Goose’s too. 
I imagine that Mav starts test piloting when Bradley gets into his preteen/early teen years, while Ice is rising in the ranks. One night they decide to sleep over in the hangar in China Lake. There was supposed to be a meteor shower or something and Mav was desperate to get his kid excited and engaged in something after Carole’s passing. So the two of them are using the telescope into the wee hours of the night to see it and the light-pollution-free constellations. Finally, they go to bed. 
But Bradley frantically wakes Mav up two hours later to say: Mav, I think a meteor just landed outside. 
Mav, of course, doesn't believe him because what? 
But they eventually go out there and “just behind the hangar” turns into a three-mile jog. Still, it’s been a while since Bradley has been invested in anything like this, so they go, and lo’ and behold — there’s a crater and in the crater… is a toddler, chewing on a piece of compromised metal. The whole crater is covered in chunks of compromised metal, like something exploded. But the tiny boy is unharmed, just happily gnawing away on his piece of paneling. 
Mav is at a loss, and when Bradley gives him the can we keep it? lips and eyes, Mav says absolutely not. 
The next morning, Ice rushes over after Mav’s frantic SOS call and says absolutely not. 
But when there's no record of the boy anywhere and his only option is a foster placement… 
Well, there's plenty of room for another kid in this family, after all. 
And okay, sure the kid floats and periodically sets things on fire with his eyes 🤷 but no one is perfect. 
Move over Ma and Pa Kent, they've got nothing on Ice and Mav raising a preteen and an alien baby. 🤣
Look, I'm overcaffinated and sleep-deprived, let me have this.
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it-happened-one-fic · 9 months
His Fake Date - Ruggie
Author Notes: I honestly hold the idea of Ruggie tricking himself into feelings via the whole fake dating scenario dear to me. It's probably why the only two fics I've written for Ruggie (this one and the Strictly NRC Dancing one) make use of this trope. And, now that I'm thinking about it, I should write more for Ruggie. With that said, this fic doesn't have a song inspiration and, as per usual, reader is gender-neutral. I hope you enjoy!
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ fluff/ romantic/ slight pining
Word count: 1080
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Ruggie had an understanding with you. You and him were the two poorest students at NRC and that was why the two of you had formed a sort of odd duo.
And it had all started with a simplistic bargain that Ruggie himself had come up with. 
Every time Sam’s offered a couple’s deal, the two of you would go and hit up his store as a fake couple.
True, it was a lie, but that hardly bothered Ruggie. After all, if Sam was going to have that sort of unfair sale at school filled to the brim with terminal bachelors and minimal couples, then Ruggie didn’t see how a little deceit could truly be viewed as wrong.
And then, lo and behold, Azul got the same sales idea. A couple deal. So Ruggie could see only one reasonable course of action. Collect his fake significant other and have a nice meal for their fake date. 
After all, it was your five-month anniversary.
The trickiest part of this whole scheme was actually selling the couple's gimmick. Your first run-through had been a disaster from start to finish, and you’d barely made it out of Sam’s with the goods. 
So your scheme has grown. Convince everyone, yes, everyone, that the two of you were a real couple. 
 Which was why Ruggie had started swinging by your class bearing random homemade gifts. Then he started studying with you. And then the two of you started having lunch together. And now, at long last, he’d spent almost all of the free time in his day just lounging around Ramshackle dorm, doing nothing more than chatting with you.
The two of you had gone from unlikely partners to fast friends. Now it wasn’t odd for you two to share a single lunch or a book, should you be studying. 
You’d come over to Savannaclaw simply to help him out, and he’d sometimes help you out with your dorm’s upkeep.
By now, there was only one person who knew the two of you weren’t the real deal. Leona. 
Ruggie didn’t know how he knew, but the eternally smug and sleepy lion beastman had figured out your gig in record time. And yes, he’d mocked it.
He even followed the two of you to Sam’s store when a sale would crop up to watch the two of you try once more to fool the shopkeeper. And though Sam didn’t believe the relationship was genuine, no matter how many sappy nicknames Ruggie sprinkled in, he also couldn’t refute it. 
Ruggie assumed that was why Leona followed along. Simply to watch in amusement as Ruggie steamrolled his way into a pretty hefty sale before sauntering out of the store with you on his arm.
But Leona was also the reason Ruggie knew things were getting out of hand.
It had been a seemingly normal day, with you chipping in and helping out with the laundry. You’d both been laughing and folding Leona’s clothes before you had bid both the housewarden and your fake boyfriend a warm farewell.
Ruggie had waved you out with a smile, unaware of any risk, until he turned and spotted Leona grinning all too smugly at him. That was how he knew something was amiss.
And Leona hadn’t made him wait for it. Instead, the smug lion simply reclined back on his bed. Presumably getting ready to take yet another nap, but managing to squeeze in one final amused comment, “You know, if I didn’t know better, I might actually buy you and the herbivore were the real deal now.”
Those words had given Ruggie pause. 
No, they’d given him more than a pause. They’d given him a full-on stop that had him having to seek the refuge of his room to think this all out.
You and him…. The real deal?
The young man couldn’t deny that it was a rather nice thought that definitely gave him the warm fuzzies.
But when had it reached this point? When had he gone from totally faking the relationship to possibly having an inkling of a feeling for you? Ruggie could feel the frown decorating his face as he called himself out on his own crap while simultaneously walking back to his room.
Inkling of a feeling? More like an all-out crush on his fake date.
He’d gone from scamming the businessmen around NRC to quite literally scamming himself into feelings. And now he was in deep.
And what was worse was that it had taken Leona pointing it out for him to notice! How long had he been flirting around with you and actually meaning it?
The very thought of calling you ‘Pumpkin’ now was all but mortifying.
A soft knock on his door had him perking up, his ears lifting slightly as he called out, “Yeah?”
His door opened, revealing you standing there with a slightly sheepish smile, “Hey, sorry about this. I totally forgot I was wearing your bandana thingie.”
You held out the yellow fabric with an embarrassed smile that had him grinning slightly because he recalled exactly what had happened. He’d looped it around you while laughing about how he couldn’t let his ‘Pumpkin’ catch cold from the chilly breeze that had been coming in through Leona’s massive window.
A cheesy moment that Ruggie now regretted every second of. And even so, he found himself taking your hands and curling your fingers back over his bandana as you looked up at him wide-eyed. 
“Keep it. You’ll get cold on the way home if you don’t, and I’ve got more,” He managed a bright grin despite how horribly mushy he felt as you blinked up at him in silent surprise.
“Are you sure?” A tiny part of him died at your question. 
Yes, he was sure. Please don’t question why he was letting you take something of his, which he would normally never do, and please don’t read into it.
But despite panicking internally, Ruggie managed to play it cool. He was a first-rate scammer after all, and that took acting talent.
“Yeah, I’ll just filch another one from Leona’s closet. And what kind of boyfriend would I be if I let my love get chilled,” He let out a snicker and you smiled. Relaxing immediately as you bought his excuse.
After just another brief moment, you left once more with his scarf in tow, and he let out a sigh.
Falling for his fake date….. Well, it could certainly be worse.
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luvscnarios · 1 month
Gray Hound ✮⋆˙
Pairing :: Gallagher x gn!reader
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──★ Synopsis :: 1k words about a peaceful evening with Gallagher and the discovery of a telltale sign of aging
Notes :: crazy how I was inspired because someone on tiktok said that gray hairs were a turn-off (rancid take tbh/hj) also! ignore the fact that it cant rain in dreamscape, imma a rainy day glazer until my final breath so IT WILL RAIN in dreamscape today in this fic :3 and creds to this artist for the pic used :D
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It was actually raining for once. The supposed “perfect” Dreamscape was actually experiencing rain for once. You weren’t sure what brought on the phenomenon but you loved it, convincing Gallagher with ease to take the day off. Rainy days were lazy days, after all, everyone knew that. 
While you chose to stay in your nightgown for the day, Gallagher decided that the most comfortable and conventional indoor outfit was a wife beater and some baggy sweats. It was like he was purposefully tempting you to pounce on him, but you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. At least not until later in the day. For now, as the rain pattered against the pavement in the afternoon to create a soothing melody, it was just him and you on the couch together.
You absentmindedly scrolled through your phone, trying to scout a new five-hour-long video essay to watch. Meanwhile, Gallagher laid down next to you, his head nestled in your lap as he read some new novel from Penacony. It was heartwarming to watch him read out of the corner of your eye, finding it cute how he’d every-so-quietly mutter out whatever he was reading. A habit he never seemed to kick, faint remains of a once-young boy. 
Without any particular reason, you set your phone down and twirled his rich brown hair around your fingers. Within a few moments, you could already hear that familiar rumble of satisfaction in his chest and knew he was enjoying this just as much as you did. But as you threaded your fingers into his hair, you noticed something unusual. Upon leaning down to get a better look, you couldn’t help but giggle at the sight before. Buried under his janky side-bangs, you saw a strand of silver hair. 
And from the way Gallagher jokingly scoffed and rolled his eyes at your sudden discovery, it seemed he already knew about the gray hairs growing on his head. “The cat’s out of the bag now, hun. This hound isn’t quite as young as before,” he pointed out with an amused smirk. His eyes were still glued to his book but he pushed his head into your hands as if to encourage you to keep looking.
You couldn’t hold back your giggles for the life of you, humming under your breath as you kept searching. “I know, I know. I got all the proof of that in my hands.” Growing ever more curious, you kept running your fingers through his hair to see if you could spot more gray hairs. And lo and behold, you found more silver strands hidden under the layers of his coarse brown hair. They weren’t chunky streaks that were easily noticed, but thin wisps that one could only see upon closer look. As nonsensical as it sounded, you definitely adored Gallagher’s silver hairs. It was a sight only you could see, serving as a deeper testimony to the love only the two of you shared. 
“Look, you got some more gray hairs hiding under here! Don’t worry, I think they make you look real nice.” You let the implication of your words hang in the air, a coy grin making its way onto your lips. And clearly, he was enjoying the attention you were showering him with, setting his book down to look up at you. And once he shot you that lazy grin coupled with those heart eyes (as you like to call them), you knew he was about to get needy for affection. 
Your cheeky words and the implication that came with it made Gallagher chuckle, reveling in the attention. He snorted as you continued to card through his hair and scope out any more gray hairs. “Oh. Oh. I see how it is, dolly,” He cooed, lifting his head off your lap to shoot you another playful smirk. “You think so, huh?” He closed his eyes and tilted his head
back down into your hands for more of your touch. “Never expected you to be into silver foxes that badly, huh? A bit shameless, don’t you think?” 
Now it was your turn to scoff and roll your eyes at his teasing remark, feeling your face warmed by the minute. “Only when it comes to you. I thought this was a well-known fact.” You snickered as he closed his eyes, combing through his hair with your fingers and giving it playful tugs. Gallagher was aging faster than you, but that didn’t faze you. It simply made your appetite for him more voracious, determined to savor every second with him.
Not to mention, the fact that only you could see his graying hair made you feel all giddy and even a bit possessive if you squinted. No one else could see this side of him, it was exclusive to your eyes only. 
“You make gray hairs hot. So either I’m crazy or you’re just that good-looking.”
Gallagher likes the sound of that. A lot more than normal, if he was being frank. He knew that he was a decent-looking guy, it wasn’t like he doubted his looks. But hearing you praise him for something typically viewed as undesirable seemed to spark a flame in him he never knew could be set ablaze. A shiver was sent down Gallagher's spine as you toyed with his hair, and he loved every second of it, letting himself be pampered and played by you as he leaned against your lap. He looked up at you, his eyes half-lidded as he smirked. "And here I thought I was already hot, but here you are calling me even hotter. Thanks, dolly.”
For a second, your hands stilled and you just stared at him. Those half-lidded eyes and laidback grin, his body lazily draped across the couch with his head snuggled in your lap. An old hound, Gallagher would call himself, but he loved like an eager puppy. You squished his cheeks in your hand, leaning down to lay a chaste and fleeting on his lips—a simple yet effective preview of what you had offered him for the rest of the evening. 
“Bed?” It was a question you probably have asked him a hundred times throughout your relationship. Whether it was to sleep, cuddle, be intimate, or just causally bond with each other. Wherever one of you wanted the other’s company, you’d always go to your shared bed. A bed in which you’d get to share as you grew old together. 
“Bed? You don’t even have to ask me anymore, hun. Just take me there already.” 
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lampiridaes · 8 months
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# dj childhood best friend
★ — chars ; akito
★ — notes ; hellohello!! i wasn't sure if u wanted it to be like. platonic. or friends to lovers. but my blog is mostly romantic relationships so i wrote it like that ... feel free to send me another req if u want a platonic ver tho !! i will try my best (^_^)7
★ — notes (2) ; written as reader's childhood dream was to be a dj , akito and reader drifted for a few years and met again in hs , friends to lovers (implied at the end) , gn reader , a LOT longer than i expected sorry
★ — requested by ; @azerethical
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★ shinonome akito :
to say akito was surprised when he saw you again was an understatement. the both of you were always together back when you were kids, then stopped talking during middle school.
naturally, after class, the both of you started catching up. about what happened these past few years... which made you reveal that you actually became a dj! have been for a while, too.
first off, he was actually impressed that you fulfilled your goal. not to mention supportive! he's still working on his, so seeing you achieve yours was pretty inspiring.
"huh, really? i still remember back when you'd always show me videos and kept talking about them. over, and over, and ove-"
that last part was to tease and make fun of how you acted as a kid, but it quickly backfired as you silenced him with a nudge on the shoulder.
akito even came to a venue that you'd be playing at, and lo and behold, you were absolutely astonishing at it. it wasn't surprising to him—you'd always mess around and cut papers into circles, pretending they were discs, so you had practice since childhood.
you looked so skilled and focus, it's like a completely different side to you that he found admirable. anyone could tell that this was your passion, but only akito knew how long you've wanted this.
of course he started talking about you to his unitmates! they've gotta know how cool his childhood friend is, right?
everyone was really impressed and found you cool, an especially! it's not a surprise that she keeps begging and begging and begging akito to let her meet you!
"please, please, please, let me meet them! c'mon, you can't just talk about [name] and not expect me to get excited!"
he tends to take videos of you while you're playing, showing it to the rest of his friends whenever they meet up or have practice.
eventually, when both of your schedules are free, he does introduce you guys to one another. of course, vbs welcomed you in open arms, wanting to hear you and akito's childhood.
"did you know he used to pee the bed until he turned-"
an was more than charmed, trying to get even more information about younger akito out of you. however, akito's glare was the main reason why you kept your mouth shut.
with how much time had passed since you last saw each other, you and akito decided to make up for the lost times and hang out frequently once more.
and more... and more... it was more than a common occurrence. maybe even every day...
at some point, it wasn't a surprise in your household to hear your mother ask if you were going to hang out with him, like back in the day.
not like akito was any different—he'd always invite you to watch his practices when you were free, just to ask for your opinion and possible criticism about his singing abilities. which you'd happily give, if any.
the rest of vbs caught on to his feelings after a few weeks. akito always seemed... so much brighter and more passionate when you were there, watching and cheering him on.
he did the same for you, obviously. after meeting, you and an exchanged numbers, and you invited her to watch you play as well.
and... the way akito looked as he was watching you perform was just...
"oho, don't you look lovestruck?"
"i am not, shut up."
to nobody's surprise, this led to an teasing and making fun of akito for the rest of your performance. not that you noticed.
now, akito was conflicted. yes, the both of you seemed a lot more free with each other, but what if you don't feel the same? it's not like you've recently become friends, you've been friends since you could walk. he doesn't want to ruin that. his head was literally spinning because of all of this.
... however, a little letter in his locker might change his mind. especially since a certain someone's initial at the bottom, letting him know exactly who put said letter there.
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seangelfish · 1 year
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A/N: This is a reupload from my old blog, but I have rewritten some things here and there so the story will flow better. Added more fluff into it too, hehe~ I love Jun sooo much. He's a sweetheart. A perfect lover if I say so myself. I hope to write more fics around him, it's what he deserves.
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"Alright, I'll just pay for the bill."
Jun Sazanami x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1,385
Plot/summary: Inspired by one of Jun’s idol stories! After a long day at work, you decide to grab a bite from the cafeteria. However, you didn't have money on you, but lo and behold, here comes your saviour...
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“Thank you for your work today, (Y/N)!” exclaimed Hinata, jumping into your arms.
“Yes, thank you!” Yuta followed suit. “Have a good rest of your day!”
The twins had you in their grasp, jumping up and down.
“You two do know that you shouldn’t show affection like this to your producer, right?” you scolded, but at the same time, you just couldn’t help but hug them back.
“Hehe, sorry producer!” said Yuta.
“We will do it again!” cheered Hinata.
“You mean you won’t do it again,” you said with a sigh.
The twins bid you their farewells as they exited your office. Packing up your belongings, you were just glad that the day was coming to an end. You were dreaming of heading home and going to sleep, but before you did that, you decided to grab something to eat in the cafeteria. Your stomach had been grumbling for a while now.
You scanned the menu, wondering which meal you should order. Perhaps you should try something new or maybe it’s best to just go for the usual…
“Time for food!" Jun muttered to himself excitedly. "It's the only thing I expect during all these harsh trainings~ What should I have? ...Huh?"
Jun caught sight of you deep in thought, your thumb underneath your chin as you debated on whether to get a sandwich or a salad.
He began to approach you from behind, chuckling to himself.
Maybe I should get the salad… you thought. Should I get dessert too or—
Suddenly, you felt a pair of hands clasp your shoulders and a voice that whispered, “Nice to see you here too.”
“AHH!” you screamed as you whipped around to face the prankster. “J-Jun?!”
“What are you getting?" he asked, laughing at your reaction. "Let's eat together."
Whilst the cashier took Jun's order, you rummaged in your bag, trying to find your wallet.
"Yeah, I'll just get it with a meal," said Jun. "Thanks."
However, it became increasingly clear that you didn't have your wallet with you. You turned to Jun who picked up his receipt. He didn't notice the sullen expression on your face until you tugged on his sleeve.
"Hmm? What is it?" he asked.
You didn't want to answer him with your words as you were ashamed of asking him directly to cover your costs. You thought of just going home to eat instead.
"Did you forget your wallet?"
Eyes locked with his, you slowly nodded your head.
He smirked. "Well... that's indeed a problem. I'm sorry to hear that..."
You looked away, lips pursed.
"It's okay," you said quietly. "I'll just go home—"
"You wanted a salad, right?" He turned to the cashier once again. "Hi, I'd like to order the salad too, please. Yeah, the one that comes with the meal. Oh, and..."
You watched him in astonishment and gratefulness. Due to the fact you were so embarrassed for even thinking of getting Jun to pay for your meal, some of the words he was uttering became muffled.
"Yes, thank you," he said, taking another receipt from the cashier. He stuffed it into his pocket. "So... alright, I'll just pay for the bill. You can pay me back later, okay?"
You looked at him with glassy eyes.
"H-Hey!" he exclaimed. "I was joking, alright? I won't just abandon you here...!"
You nodded.
Jun sighed, but he gave you a reassuring smile.
"It's fine. I'm only doing this for Cos Pro's beloved idol and producer," he said. "Come on, let's find a seat, okay?"
The two of you sat across from each other on one of the empty tables by the windows.
You stared at your food blankly. You felt so ashamed that you didn't have it in you to even take a small bite. Your eyes darted away from your food to Jun. He was looking outside at the amber sunset as he ate. Feeling your gaze on him, his eyes fell on you, resulting in you looking away.
“You don’t need to feel guilty about it, you know?” he said, pointing at your food. “Just eat.”
You hesitated for a moment. You slowly picked up your fork and began to eat. Jun noticed how quiet you were being and it concerned him.
"(Y/N), it's okay," he said softly. "You don't need to be embarrassed. You can pay me back whenever. And as I said before, I was only teasing. I wouldn't just leave you without food especially since you've been busy all day."
"I..." you began. "...Thank you, Jun. I really appreciate it."
He smiled with his cheek resting on his palm.
"Of course."
You looked a bit happier now. You were eating normally too. He was relieved, he liked it better when you were smiling. He really hoped you smiled like that often.
When you worked as a producer, you kept it professional. However, when you worked as an idol, the real you came out. You were so bubbly, jumpy too. Unfortunately, this personality of yours would seep through your producer activities sometimes, and you would end up annoying Eden for help on work. Jun, however, never minded that you would confide him on such matters. He would help you no matter what.
And today wasn't any different.
You looked up at him and he smiled wider. "How's work for you nowadays?" he questioned. "I hope Ibara isn't bothering you with too much work."
"He isn't, thankfully," you chuckled. "He's been trying to reduce my workload as a producer. He still wonders why I decided to become both an idol and producer, but... well... it's just something that I wanted to do."
You smiled at him.
"Plus... I get to be with Eden more~!"
He laughed at this, his hand automatically covering his mouth. For some reason, that sentence made him incredibly bashful.
"Well, that's good. We don't want you to be overworking yourself," he replied. Now noticing that you've finished your meal, he continued, "Anyway, how was the food?"
“It was good, thank you!” you exclaimed. “I promise to pay—"
But before you could finish your sentence, the cashier approached your table and placed down a plate of cake.
"Enjoy," they said, making their leave.
You looked at Jun in confusion, but he was just smiling at you.
"You wanted dessert, didn't you?"
You couldn't believe it. Jun had paid for your meal AND ordered you dessert? So, that's what he was asking the cashier for...
"I noticed how much you like your desserts here," he added. "So, I thought to buy you one. Don't worry, I won't charge extra."
"Jun, you're so nice!" you cried, already digging in. "Thank you so much! I promise to pay you back immediately!"
As you scooped up a piece of cake, Jun grabbed your hand and moved the spoon into his mouth.
"What? I paid for it," he teased.
Smiling, you scooped up another spoonful and tried feeding it to him in retaliation.
"What?" you teased back. "You paid for it."
But as you watched him shyly back away, his cheeks hinting a light shade of pink, you started blushing too.
"J-Just eat your cake, (Y/N)..."
Once you were finished, you helped Jun clean the table.
"You know what?" he said, pushing his chair back to its place. "I change my mind. It's my treat. Don't worry about paying me back."
He walked over to you. With a napkin, he wiped off the frosting on your lips. You blushed at this action, but you didn't stop him from doing so. It felt nice being cared for like this.
"Buuut," he began. "You could pay me back another way... Hmm... let's hang out tomorrow... at the arcade. I'm free after five."
You grinned and nodded.
“Yes, let’s hang out!” you chirped.
He walked you to the bus stop. When your bus pulled up, you tiptoed to his height and kissed his cheek.
"Thanks for today," you said, beaming. "I enjoyed being with you."
You skipped into the bus and seated yourself down. You waved at him from the window, and he returned the wave with ease.
You were looking forward to seeing him again tomorrow, but it seemed like he was more excited. He couldn't stop himself from smiling, thinking of you and the little kiss you gave him.
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Intro page | Ensemble Stars masterlist | Rules
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broken-slime-boi · 7 months
Crimson’s hand tapped against his thigh rhythmically as he took a deep breath. He wouldn’t say that he was unhappy being here, watching this competition, but it was even harder than it usually was for him to forget his situation.
There were so many versions of himself and his family here, exact versions. Don- Cerulean said they were from “bifurcated time branches”. Whatever that meant. Most were younger, but some were closer to the family he knew. The one he left behind.
His head shot up, eyes landing directly on a smiling Cerulean. He looked to where he was smacked at the top of his plastron and found a sticker that said ‘VOTE FOR GHOST’. He heaved another sigh. Well, the relative peace was nice while it lasted, he supposed.
“What is this?” He pointed to the sticker.
“That, my dear brother, is a sticker promoting one of the competitors. Turns out that ‘Ghost’ is a temporal variant of our young Donatello. As such, Mike and I entered us into the cul-… I mean.. club dedicated to this turtle and his kids.”
Crimson gave him the ‘Big Brother Look’, “Donnie… It’s not really a club, is it?”
Donnie made that guilty face that he always did when he was caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to. To his credit, though, he didn’t start sweating this time. Donnie opened his beak to defend himself, but was cut short by the newly-familiar voice of Don.
“Hey guys!”
The younger turtle was walking towards them, flanked by his brothers and wearing a cloak. He noticed Mike had a mischievous smile on his face. Oh boy. Were they sure he wasn't secretly a Leo?
When Don reached them, he flipped the hood up and flared the cloak. He was grinning almost ear to ear. “Guess who I am?”
Now that Crimson thought about it, he looked almost exactly like the turtle from all the posters. He chuckled and rubbed Don’s head affectionately.
“Hmm. Are you… that Emperor Palpatine guy?”
Mike and Raphie laughed while Lee tried to hide a giggle behind his hand. Don scowled and crossed his arms, but there was very little weight behind it. “Ha ha. Hilarious.”
Crimson gave him a pat on the shell, “You know I’m just messin’ with you, big guy. That is a pretty cool Ghost cosplay.”
“Also, those shorts are a nice touch, I must say. The foam must be very comfortable.” Cerulean added from beside him, sporting a slight smirk.
“Yeah. They are comfortable, act-… Foam?”
Don turned to the side and looked down, moving the cloak out of the way. Lo and behold, he was wearing a pair of purple shorts that had a foam butt. The words ‘GHOST CULT’ were printed on the backside.
Don stared flabbergasted for a moment before turning to Mike.
“When the shell did you give me ass shorts?!”
Mike bursted out cackling. Raphie gave Don an awkward and confused look.
“Donny. Bro. Did you seriously not notice?”
Mike tried to shuffle away, but Don caught him by the shell and started dragging him away. “You’re not getting away that easy, Mikey. Let’s see what kind of ridiculous clothes we can put you into.”
“Nooo… Don! It was a joke, come on!”
Since this au (Brains & Brawn 2^) was inspired by @amevello-blue’s Ghost in the Shell, I figured it’d make sense to make the boys part of the Ghost Cult.
The main gist of Brains & Brawn 2^ is that instead of dying in the apocalypse, Rise future Raph (Crimson) and future Donnie (Cerulean) got sent to the 03 dimension instead. Over time they become the big bros/uncles to their younger counterparts.
Anyways vote for Ghost in the Shell in the @tmntaucompetition!
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dizzyjelly · 1 year
We Can Be Scared Together(18+)
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Word Count: 7.2k
Summary: enemies to lovers, you and Ellie are high-school classmates who despise each other but then one Friday night you go to a party and play an interesting game of spin the bottle. There's quite a bit of angst, but a happy ending bc I'm a sucker for love :D
Cw: fighting, use of slur (dyke), homophobia, readers parents kinda suck(mostly dad), disappointed father, parents fight briefly, caring/worried mom, underage drinking, brief mention of eating disorder, brief mention of weed, heavy make out session, smut!, boob stuff, oral, Ellie is a munch ig?
A/n: it took me so long to write this oml 😭 also this is my first time writing smut so sorry if it isn't great but I think I did a pretty good job on it. Anyways enemies to lovers is my favorite trope so I absolutely loved writing this, hope you enjoy!
You sat in class, bored out of your mind as you stared at the wall in front of you. There was some dumbass inspirational poster taped to it, something about 'what's popular is not always right what's right is not always popular blah blah blah.'
Everything was going as it usually did, but then the teacher called out your name. She had some question written out on the board, and apparently you were going to be the one to answer.
"Y/n, what would our answer be here?" She asked, crossing her arms as she stared you down.
You tried to peek at the boys paper beside you, knowing he was smart. But of course, he covered it with his arm, asshole.
"Um, I- I don't know." You finally admitted, tired of all the eyes on you.
You could hear someone laughing in the back of the classroom, you turned your head to see who. And lo and behold, it was Ellie Fucking Williams. God, you hated that girl. You squinted your eyes at her with hatred.
"Bitch." You muttered under your breath, somehow she'd heard you because her laughter stopped and her brows furrowed.
"What'd you say?" She asked, now standing from her seat and walking over to you.
You looked up at her for a minute before standing yourself, you had a few inches on her so now you were the one in control. Carefully, you took a step closer, your chests brushed against one another as you did so.
She looked up at you, clenching her jaw as she held tight fists at her side. Your jaw was relaxed, but you also had your hands in fists.
"Ladies." Your teacher warned, but neither of you were listening.
Before you knew it, you'd punched her square in the nose and she got you right back. Not in the nose though, she went for your mouth. Fortunately, none of your teeth broke, but you did bite down on your tongue hard enough that it was gushing blood. And your lip was also split.
Ellie has two thick red lines of blood trickling out of her nose, running down her chin and staining her white tank. You laughed at the sight, bringing your hand to rub at your jaw as it ached. The smile on your face was bittersweet.
"You stupid bitch!" You shouted, and then about three seconds later and she was on the floor helpess as you were on top of her.
You were practically straddling her, and to make things even better you'd held both her arms down above her head, a rather intimate position. You wouldn't notice though, because you were too focused on beating the girl that was beneath you.
After a good slap to her face, you got distracted by some idiot guy in your class.
"Yeah! Take your top off!" He'd shouted, sounding all giddy. [Kind of a mean girls reference lol]
God he was probably so bricked up right now. You scoffed, climbing off the poor girl and standing on your own two feet. She practically jumped up, and the look on her face just said pissed.
She quickly expressed that physically, by shoving you harshly into the wall with her hands on either of your shoulders. You groaned as your head pounded against the brick wall, damn you couldn't get another concussion. Now she was the one smiling.
Before she could get any kind of hit in, you were pulled apart by the school security guard. You were breathing heavily as a hand came to the back of your head, which was throbbing in pain.
After a while, the two of you were now seated in the office. You were particularly shocked that they let the two of you sit beside each other. Your arms were crossed, and you were silent. Ellie sat relaxed, her arms resting on her chair as she manspreaded with zero shame.
It wasn't until about ten minutes later that the vice principal came from his office to call one of you back to speak to your parent on the phone you assumed. Thankfully, he'd called Ellie’s name first, you were not at all ready for what your mom would have to say about this.
She came out after about fifteen minutes or so, a sour look present on her face as her arms were crossed. This time when she sat her legs crossed tightly. Damn, her dad must've been really upset. You looked over to her, the to the vice principal as he called for you. Your eyes widened with fear and you made your way into his office, taking a seat.
"So," he cleared his throat, "we have a zero tolerance policy with violence here, as you know I'm sure. I will now inform you of your punishment and the we will call your mother. You will face lunch detention for one month, minimum, that's if you can behave. You will report here after school to do community service for two weeks. And you and Ms. Williams will meet with the school counselor once a week, together." He read it all off some yellow sheet, then picked up the phone to dial your mom.
You groaned in agony, community service wouldn't be horrible but weekly meetings with the counselor? God, just kill me now, you thought. Then you panicked as the phone rang all but once before your mother picked up. You began chewing at your nails as he explained what happened then handed you the phone.
"Mom?" Your voice was quiet and shaky, you were terrified.
"Y/n Y/l/n, I cannot believe this. What happened?" She scolded, clearly upset.
"I- I don't know." It was the best answer you could give, and mostly true.
"I mean I don't get it, you've always been my good little girl." She sounded... sad?
"Yeah, well maybe I'm tired of being good!" You shouted, frustrated.
It was difficult, being held to such high expectations. You were far from perfect, but that's all she wanted you to be. Her and your father both, but you just weren't.
"Y/n... that's not true" She sighed, "your father is going to be furious, even more than I am."
"How do you know its not true, huh? All you and dad want me to be is this perfect girl with amazing grades and cool friends. Well I'm not. I'm tired of all the pressure you guys put on me, I can't take it anymore!" You shouted once again before shoving the phone back into the vice principals hand then storming out of his office.
Tears welled in your eyes, and you'd be damned if you let Ellie Williams see you cry, so you bolted for the schools back doors and ran to your car. Once you were there, you drove as you blasted music to drown out your thoughts. You weren't going home, no, but where? Eventually you decided to head to your favorite park, you'd always go there to get high.
Why not continue the tradition? You figured there was no point in staying sober, besides a joint would definitely help with the lecture you'd be receiving from your parents tonight. Mostly your father, but still.
You brought your hands to your face, wiping your tears away. Then you grabbed a joint from your empty glasses case in the pouch on the back of your seat. Afterwards, you made your way to the swings and lit it up.
An hour or so passed and your phone started ringing, you picked it up and of course it was your mother yelling frantically about how worried she was. Rolling your eyes, you hung up without a word and drove home, high as a kite. You pulled into the driveway and every bone in your body told you not to go inside, but you had to, so you did.
You were met with your parents asking you to come sit in the living room, as they stood across from the couch. Your leg bounced anxiously as your father started to speak.
"To say we're worried about you would be an understatement y/n, we are beyond worried. I don't know what has driven you to this new wave of violence, but we won't have it. You're grounded for at least one month, and you can only have your phone during school in case you need to contact one of us. I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. Truly, I do not know who you are anymore. I do know one thing though, you're sure as hell not the my sweet little girl anymore. Now, give me your phone and go to your room." His speech was finally done, and there had been a tear or two that made its way down your face.
Your eyes rolled as you gave him your phone, then ran upstairs to your room. Not even bothering to get any schoolwork done, you changed into some comfy clothes then got into bed. You kept your lights off as you got warm underneath your covers in the dark. You let out a heavy sigh as tears started to wet the bedsheet beneath you, but you couldn't bring yourself to care.
When you woke up the next morning, you had no motivation to even get up. But you did, knowing you were already on thin ice so there's no way you'd get to stay home. You were silent at the dining table during breakfast, only muttering a thank you to your mother when she handed you your phone as you were walking out the door. You drove to school in silence.
The day went by surprisingly well, and thankfully the meetings with your shit counselor didn't begin until next week. Everything was going smoothly until gym class, you were in the girls locket room changing into your gym clothes. The teacher decided on basketball today, which you quite enjoyed.
You went about your business as usual, not even looking in Ellie's direction. You figured it was better to just leave things alone. Everything was going fine until some popular bitches had to start talking.
"Oh my God, Stacy, she's totally looking at us." The blonde one didn't even try to whisper, giggling.
"Ew, I know. She's so gay. Like im totally uncomfortable right now." Stacy replied, also laughing.
"Seriously, she should just use the boys locker room." The blonde one spoke again and the pair laughed even harder.
You rolled your eyes, knowing they were talking about Ellie. Not that you cared, but today it was getting on your nerves. You'd had enough.
"Can't you guys just shut the fuck up?" You asked, your voice slightly raised.
Ellies brows furrowed at your response, definitely unexpected.
"And who are you, the dyke defender?" The blonde one asked, her sass more present than anything.
"No. But I know you guys are making a big deal out of nothing." You spoke at a normal tone now, taking a step closer to her.
"It's weird!" Stacy shouted from beside her.
"Oh my God, no it's not!" You shouted back, "besides, Stacy, you're one to talk. I find it weird how the two of you are always running to the bathroom together after lunch. Probably throwing up your salads, bulimic bitches." You insulted the two girls, and they were left speechless.
The two of them just gasped and rolled there eyes at you before exiting to the gym. You let a small smile creep onto your face as you turned around, facing Ellie. She smiled at you but you just stared at her blankly, then made your way to the gym without a word to her.
You were out on the basketball court now, the game was going rather well. Your team was winning by three points, and you had scored once or twice. Then, your gym teacher blew her whistle for a break. You started to lightly jog towards your water when somebody shoulder-checked you harshly enough to knock you to the ground.
And of course it was Stacy. Bitch.
"Whoops, sorryyy!" She shouted sarcastically.
You sighed, propping your elbows up on the floor behind you. Before you knew it, there was a hand holding yours and helping you up. Much to your surprise, it was none other than your arch nemesis Ellie.
"Thanks." You meant to sound genuine, but failed miserably.
"Yeah, no problem. Hey, can I waterfall your water? Forgot mine today." She brought a hand to the back of her neck, which was dripping in sweat.
You took a nice, long sip of your ice cold water. Then you shrugged, handing it to her.
"Sure, why not?" Your tone had slowly become kinder and less passive aggressive.
You watched as she tilted her head back, then let the waterfall past her lips. A single drop spilling down her chin. You might have hated her, but damn. There was something about the way she looked with her hair pulled back, all sweaty and hot. It was like, sexy? No, no. You hated this girl. She wasn't sexy, she was just a bitch.
Once the school day was done with, you headed home and the whole drive there all you could think about was Ellie. Ellie fucking Williams, and how you'd thought she was hot and sexy. It made absolutely no sense. You'd spent years upon years hating this girl, and now you were attracted to her. No, there's no way.
You were beyond thankful to come home to an empty house, both your parents still at work. They couldn't take your phone if they weren't home. But, it didn't matter because they'd set s screen time on it so you couldn't use it anyways. You let out a groan of frustration and annoyance. Then, you decided to actually do something responsible. You got all your homework done while watching TV in the living room.
Quickly, you collected your things and ran to your room when you heard your parents pull up in the driveway. You hadn't wanted to see them, not unless you had to. As they walked in the door, they seemed to be arguing about something.
"Honey, you're overreacting." Your mom spoke softly.
"No, I'm not. She's an embarrassment to this family! She is my greatest disappointmen! And I dont want to hear about it from my own father." Your father argued, his voice rough.
"She's your daughter, how can you say that?" Your mother replied, taking offense.
You only realized now that he was talking about you, that definitely hurt.
"I don't care, you know sometimes I wish she wasn't!" Your father shouted, and your mother gasped.
You ran from where you were listening at the stairs and slammed your door shut, immediately climbing into bed to cry. You could hear your mother start to yell at your father, but you didn't bother to try and make out what she was saying. You stayed in your room for the rest of the night, going to bed without dinner.
You woke up to the sound of your alarm, the loud beeping bringing you agony as always. You slam the button down so hard your tiny digital clock falls to the ground, groaning you sit up. After rubbing the tiredness from your eyes, you get out of bed. As much as you were dreading school, at least it was Friday. Your parents would be going out of town for a family event, which you were not invited to.
This was the result of their argument last night, your father winning and now you were staying home while they met with your grandparents. You knew you hadnt been the best kid lately, but it never occurred to you that you were now your fathers greatest disappointment. Not until last night at least.
Doing your best to push those thoughts to the back of your mind, you left for school early that morning. You didn't do much with your spare time, just sitting in the parking lot with your car still on.
The school day was mildly boring, nothing interesting happening. That was until you overheard a conversation between some guys in your fourth hour.
"You going to Josh's party tonight?" The first guy asked.
"Mm, depends. Josh D or Josh P?" The second guy answered, with a question as well.
"Ugh, Josh P obviously." The first guy replied.
"Alright. Then yeah, what time?" Guy number two asked his friend.
"Like eleven I think." His friend responded.
"Alright, cool." The other guy answered.
You felt excitement bubbling, a party would be fun. And another chance to disappoint your father. That wasn't your goal though, mainly you just wanted to get shit faced and forget your sorry ass life for a night. You weren't really close with Josh P, but you knew where he lived. You'd definitely be going to that party at eleven.
[Fast forward to later tonight, you're getting ready for the party]
The outfit you'd chosen for school definitely wasn't going to cut it. You opened up your closet, skimming through your clothes. Eventually you settled on a navy blue dress, it was just short enough to get you checked out. It also had a flattering crewneck and a tanktop build at the top.
You smiled at yourself in the mirror, it hugged your curves exceptionally well. Then you took a seat at your vanity as you did your makeup. Nothing too outrageous, just the basics. Eyeliner, mascara, blush, highlighter, and lip gloss.
Once you were done you slipped into your favorite pair of shoes, specifically for parties. They had light stains, due to that fact, they were your go-tos in case anyone threw up on your shoes or anything like that.
You drove over to the party, it wasn't too far so you didn't leave until eleven. Plus, you didn't wanna be that weirdo who showed up early. Thankfully when you got there, there had already been a decent amount of kids your age inside. As you walked in, you were immediately hit with the stench of booze and the sound of loud music blasting in your ears.
It was slightly euphoric, but maybe that was just you. You'd always felt that way, taking your first steps into a party, like you were on top of the world. Everything was going decently well, and you were down two drinks when you had gotten into a game of beer pong. This knocked you down a couple more drinks, and you were ready for another round when a certain someone caught your eye from across the table.
Ellie. Ellie was here, your breath caught in your throat as you swallowed hard at the sight of her. She wore a black lacey crop top, that was basically a bralette. And she wore loose-fitted jeans that dipped below her stomach, the lining of her matching black underwear creeping out the sides. You bit down at your bottom lip, darting away to the bathroom.
If the thought that she was hot came to your mind sober, lord only knows what's to come when you've been drinking. You sighed as you shut and locked the door behind you, squeezing your eyes shut as you slid down the door and sat on the cold tiles, bringing your head to your hands.
You let out a defeated sigh, you couldn't hide out in here forever. But it wouldn't hurt to stay for a while. After finally getting your shit together, you stood to wash your hands under cold water, giving you a slight sense of adrenaline. You exited and left the door open as you walked back out to the living room. Beer pong was done with, and a circle was being formed for spin the bottle.
I mean, come on, you had to play. And you saw Ellie take a seat, which, for some odd reason, just made the game more intriguing. Besides, who were you to pass up a drunk kissing game at a high school party? It'd be lame if you had.
Smiling, you sat crisscross applesauce between two guys, one sat comfortably and calm, the other seemed terrified. Dudes probably a virgin or something, the way he was practically shaking at the thought of having to just kiss someone. You shook your head lightly, chuckling at him a bit.
"Alright, who's up first?" Josh, the host, asked as he took a seat and set an empty bottle in the middle of everyone.
Nobody was eager to volunteer, and you were about to lean forward to take a spin, but somebody else cut you off.
"Guess I'll go." Ellie spoke so nonchalantly, it drove you insane.
You could feel your heart pick up as she leaned forward to spin the green bottle, giving you a perfect view of her boobs. You swore you could've been drooling at the sight. Your eyes locked in on the bottle as it spun rapidly, shaking a bit, and as it slowly came to a stop, you were silently hoping it'd land on you. And no. fucking. way. It did.
Her eyes met yours, a playful smirk finding its way onto her face. You smiled sheepishly, turning your head slightly as your cheeks flushed red and you licked your lips. Taking a deep breath, you got on your hands and knees to get face to face with her, she did the same.
Just before she brought her lips to yours, she leaned to the side to whisper in your ear. The way her hot breath felt against your neck drove you crazy.
"Let's give em' a real show, huh?" Her voice was low and husky, sending a shockwave to your core.
Finally, she brought her lips to yours. Almost immediately, her hands found their place on the back of your neck as she pulled you in deeper. You took your hands to her bare waist, letting out a small moan as she slipped her tongue into your mouth.
She tasted faintly of strawberry, mostly of alcohol and a little bit of weed. It was so addicting, the way her tongue ran against every corner, every crevice of your mouth. Then, you just couldn't help yourself as she bit down on your bottom lip just enough to make it sting. Pushing her back, you crawled forwards and straddled her.
Somehow you were still breathing, even after not having pulled away for one second from what might've been the most magical, intense kiss of your life. Ellies hands moved down your body, now cupping your ass. She gave it a small squeeze and a smile formed on your lips, she chuckled against your lips as she felt it.
A string of both your mixed salivas formed as you pulled back just slightly, but it didn't last long as Ellie brought her lips back to yours in an instant. Everyone else had been cheering and clapping, going insane over how hot and heavy you guys got. Finally, you climbed off of her and took your place back in your seat.
Flustered, you brought a hand up to lightly stroke your hair. Ellies cheeks flushed red as she wiped at the corners of her mouth, which were all wet from your hot, sloppy kiss. You shot her a smile, and she returned the favor. You felt butterflies in your stomach, swirling around at an incredibly fast pace.
"Well, that's gonna be hard to beat." Josh said with strong laughter.
Somebody else would spin the bottle and the game continued for a good while. Josh was right though, nothing came close to what you and Ellie had. Eventually, the game ended when vrigin boy next to you chickened out and wouldn't kiss the rather cute brunette he'd spun on. Everyone booed and called him lame. You didn't care all that much, seeing as you were satisfied with the results of the game. Everyone dispersed and went on to doing other party activities.
Since you were already decently drunk, you skipped out on any kind of drinking games. Instead, you found yourself sat on the red couch in the living room, some couple of the other side of it were making out and borderline dry humping. Uncomfortable, you pulled out your phone just so you could have something to stare at. Then, after a minute or so, you felt somebody plop down next to you, their body leaning into yours without hesitation.
And what do you know, it's Ellie because of fucking course it's Ellie. She tried to say something to you, but you couldn't hear her due to the insanely loud music playing. You just looked st her confused, then your face heated up and she leaned into you even more, bringing her head to the side of yours and her hand to the other side of your neck as she talked into your ear, sending chills down your spine.
"So, how about that kiss huh? Pretty hot." You could just hear the smugness in her voice, and you were sure she had a stupid smirk plastered across her face right now.
"Sure was. Too bad we're not playing spin the bottle anymore." You joked, hoping she'd catch on. And she did, because she's not an idiot.
"So?" She said at first, leaning back and just giving you a sweet peck on the cheek, "if you wanted to kiss me again, I'd let you."
You let out a small sigh, God Damn she was so hot.
"Oh yeah? Well we better be careful, because the way you were grabbing my ass earlier gave me the impression you wanted a little something more." You were a bit shocked at your own words, they were the result of all your drinks, you knew you'd never say any of this sober.
Ellie laughed, it sounded so sweet from the proximity of her mouth to your ear.
"Well, I'm not gonna tell you you're wrong. Maybe we don't have to be so careful, if that's what you want, of course." She was bold, confident, sexy. The whole damn package.
You didn't give her another word, just backing up so you could pull her into a kiss. Your previous position returned, but now she straddled you. It was absolutely hot the way she didn't hold back, and you swore you heard her moan at the way you whimpered as she gripped your hair, tugging at it slightly.
Slowly, you were becoming strikingly similar to the couple that had made you so uncomfortable a few minutes ago. You couldn't give a single fuck about that though, because the way Ellie kissed you was downright addictive. You wanted more, no you needed more. After a minute or so, you pulled away then leaned over to whisper in her ear.
"I don't want to be careful. I need you Ellie, so bad." Your words were breathy, and you meant every single one.
Ellie let out a small groan at how forward you'd been.
"Ok princess, let's go to my car. I've got tinted windows, can't promise nobody will hear us though. Can you keep quiet?" She whispered back.
You bit your lip,
"I'll try my best for you." You smiled as she stood and took you out to her car, having you climb into the backseat before she got in with you.
Immediately she locked the doors before climbing on top of you to resume your heavy make out session from inside. You loved the way she moved her hands up and down your sides, gripping at your hips as she rubbed her hands over them. You felt hot all over, and the wet spot forming in your panties was becoming more and more evident.
She broke your kiss and started peppering kisses across your jaw before she sucked at your neck hungrily, it didn't take long for her to find your pulse point that made you let out a loud moan. Quickly, you bit down on your bottom lip to quiet yourself, along with bringing a hand to your mouth as the other one held you up. Ellie slowly made her way down to your collarbones, then she brought her hands up from your hips to your dress.
"Can I pull this off baby?" She looked up at you with lust filled eyes as she spoke so softly, so sensual.
You nodded eagerly in response, the way she was treating you, you'd let her do whatever she wanted. She let out a low chuckle, pressing a kiss to either of your shoulders.
"Use your words, pretty girl." She encouraged, still gripping at your dress.
"Yes, please." You whined out, and she pulled your dress down, along with your bra in one fell swoop.
She immediately latched onto one of your tits, taking the other in her hand as she toyed with your nipple, they peaked hard and you let out a breathy moan as she flicked her tongue over the one. The other was kneaded between her fingers like dough, and God it felt amazing. After a minute she switched so her mouth was on the other, giving it one small suck before she kissed further down your chest to your stomach, now pulling your dress all the way down to your ankles.
You flushed red, feeling a little embarrassed at how exposed you were. Instinctively, you pushed your legs together. Ellie shot you a smirk, taking your knees in her hands to spread you apart.
"Come on baby girl, no need to hide, you're so pretty." She complimented you as she brought her head down to place light kisses on your inner thigh.
Then she sucked a few harsh kisses into them, gripping at your ass as she did so. You let out another moan as she worked your thighs with her mouth, the fact she was so close to where you'd needed her so badly was driving you insane. After a minute you couldn't take it anymore, reaching down to pull off your underwear yourself before grabbing her by the back of her head and guiding her towards your dripping core.
She let out a small moan at your sudden impatience, and she let you have your way. When her tongue finally met your clit, you couldn't help the pornagraphic moan that escaped your lips. You brought a hand to your mouth, biting down on your pointer finger to silence yourself as she lapped her tongue.
She took it slow at first, but after you'd given her hair a light tug she started eating you out like there was no tomorrow. She absolutely devoured you, like you were her last meal, and she savored every drop. It didn't take long for you to get that familiar feeling in your stomach, knowing you were close.
"El-ellie, mmnph- fuck I'm gonna-" You sucked a breath through your teeth as she went even faster, "ah fuckkk.." You moaned out.
She broke away for just a second, causing you to let out a rather pathetic whimper.
"Cum for me baby, come on. I got you. That's my girl" she was back on you in seconds, and you came in no time after those words of praise.
You were a moaning mess as you reached your release, bringing your other hand down to grip onto her hair as she didn't stop. Not even forming coherent sentences at this point, you couldn't even tell her to stop because you were starting to feel overstimulated. Instead you just pulled her back from you, she stared up at you with a smile. Your chest rose and fell quickly as you panted.
She climbed forwards, her hands coming down at either side of your head as she went to kiss you. You let out a small moan as you tasted yourself on her tongue. She brought a hand to caress your cheek softly.
"You did so good baby, so proud of you." You giggled at her words.
"Thank you," you blushed, "do you want me to... do anything for you?" You asked shyly, she'd just given you an earth shattering orgasm so the least you could do was return the favor.
But, she shook her head.
"Nah, I'll be fine." She smiled down at you, placing a kiss to your cheek then the conrer of your mouth.
"You sure?" You asked with furrowed brows, not wanting to leave her high and dry.
"Next time, pretty girl." You flashed her a smile, the thought of there being a next time had you excited.
"Mkay." You brought a hand to the back of her neck to pull her in for another kiss.
Once the two of you broke apart, she helped you pull your panties back up from your ankles as well as your dress. You smiled at her sweetly, she sat back comfortably, patting her leg for you to come sit. You sat between her spread legs, smiling as you rested your head on her shoulder and her arms wrapped around you, rubbing soft circles into your tummy.
The two of you sat like that for a few minutes, merely enjoying each other's presence. You let out a small sigh of frustration when her phone started going off and she removed one hand from you to check it.
"Ah, shit. I've gotta get home. Did you need a ride or anything?" She asked, as she pushed you off her and was ready to get into the driver's seat.
"Um, I'm pretty shit faced so yeah that'd be great." You sat in the backseat as she got into the driver's then took you home.
She said goodbye with just a small wave. You did the same, just trying to match her energy. You couldn't help the dumbstruck smile on your face as you walked into your house and upstairs to your room. You squealed into your pillow after jumping onto your bed. You were in shock, it was hard to believe that really just happened, but it did. Tonight was one of the best of your life.
As tired as you were, you still managed to remove your makeup and get changed into some comfy clothes for bed. You shut off your lights and got comfy under your covers, giddily replying the events of tonight as you closed your eyes to fall asleep. It didn't take long for you to basically passed out, mostly because of how many drinks you'd has. Before you knew it you were out like a light.
Throughout the weekend you were on a high, still thinking back to everything that went down on Friday. Monday morning came along, and you were actually excited to go to school for once. You didn't see Ellie until science class, but you could wait. Even if it felt like you couldn't. Once you got there, she was definitely acting weird.
You smiled at her, even waved a little, but she didn't so much as glance in your direction. You were confused to say the east, but you just figured maybe she had a bad morning or something. It's not like you guys were that close so you didn't really know. You tried your best not to let it cloud your mind, and if didn't. At least not until your teacher told you to pick partners and you walked over to Ellie.
"Hey, Ellie, do you wann-"
"No. Um I'm gonna find someone else, thanks though." She was so quick to answer, and with a no?
Ok, what the hell happened over the weekend. Surely there must've been something. Maybe she had a boyfriend you didn't know about? Or a girlfriend. Either way, whether she was or wasn't in a relationship, she could've at least disclosed that to you. You ended up stuck partnering with Stacy because her blonde friend wasn't there that day. It was seriously hell on earth, and this was a week-long project.
Once class ended, you tried to talk to Ellie, but she seemed to get away from you as fast as she could so you didn't get the chance. You let out a small sigh of defeat, maybe you could try again in gym class. The time rolled around and you were back in the locker room, Stacy learned to keep her mouth shut thankfully.
You got changed quickly, then walked over to Ellie. Leaning against the locker beside her, you tried to read her gaze. What was her deal?
"Can I help you." She spoke after a moment, her tone was anything but welcoming or kind.
"Um, yeah. I just wondered what's up I guess, you're just being kinda weird." You answered timidly, shocked by her hostile state.
"Look, we're not friends so I don't know why you're acting like it. Just drop it ok?" She answered, somehow her voice had gotten even colder.
Your teacher called for everyone to come out to the gym, you stopped Ellie though so now it was just the two of you.
"Ellie, come on. What are you saying, what are we?" You asked, genuinely wondering.
"Nothing. We aren't anything." She answered with a shake of her head as if it was obvious.
You scoffed harshly,
"Oh, ok nothing, really? I don't know about you, but the other night sure as hell didn't feel like nothing to me!" Your voice raised slightly as you were growing angry.
She sighed, bringing a hand to pinch the bridge of her nose out of frustration.
"Look, y/n. The other night was a mistake, and we were both drunk. If there hadn't been drinks involved, nothing would've happened." She spoke so clearly, as if it really meant nothing to her.
Tears grew in your eyes, but you did your best to shive them down, that all too familiar lump forming in your throat.
"Bullshit" you spat out, "bullshit because I'm stone cold sober right now and I can't stop thinking about kissing you again." You argued.
"Well, sorry but that's just you" She looked down, avoiding your strong gaze, "I don't have feeling for you."
You couldn't stop the tears that fell from your eyes at that statement.
"Ok, then look me in my eyes and tell me. Tell me you feel absolutely nothing for me." You demanded, crossing your arms.
"Y/n, please don't do this." She pleaded, as if she couldn't do what you were asking.
"No, look at me and tell me. Then I'll believe you." You stated, the anger blooming in your chest as more tears fell.
Her eyes met yours and she almost looked sorry for making you cry, but clearly not sorry enough.
"I dont-" She stopped for a moment, tears no welled in her eyes, "I don't have feelings for you." She spoke clearly and coldly, meeting your gaze so directly.
"Ok, then I guess we're done" You sniffled, wiping at your tears that just continued to flow, "see you around, Williams." You sighed, getting your things together as you headed for the back doors.
You left school early, skipping out on the rest of your classes. When you got home in the middle of the day, you were surprised to find your mother home.
"Y/n, what are you doing here? Why aren't you in class?" Shit.
"I got a fever." You lied through your teeth, but she just let you because she could tell you'd been crying.
"Ok, you want me to make you some soup?" She asked, her motherly nature kicking in.
"No, I'm good. Thanks mom." You shook your head, then ran upstairs to your room.
You were silent for the rest of the evening, only going downstairs for dinner before you went back up to your room and cried yourself to sleep. Fucking deja vu.
The next morning your alarm went off, and you just felt empty. There was no way in hell you'd go to school, so you had another fever today. Your mom called you in sick, coming to say goodbye to you before she left for work. You lied in bee, facing the wall as you recalled the hesrt wrenching conversation with Ellie from yesterday.
"Hey sweetie, just came to say bye" Your mother announced as she came and sat on your bed, "I know you don't have a fever, wanna tell me what's really going on?" She asked, bringing a hand to rub your arm soothingly.
You sighed, maybe it'd help to talk about it.
"There's this girl. I thought she liked me, but-" Your breath hitched, "I was wrong." You sniffled as your tears began to wet the bedsheets beneath you.
"Aw, honey, that girl just doesn't know a keeper when she sees it then" she leaned down and planted a sweet kiss to your forehead, "there's no medicine for a broken heart, but I promise it'll get better in time. I'm sorry sweetie." She stood and left, you were happy to be alone but hated it at the same time.
You spent practically the entire day thinking about Ellie, wondering why she'd gotten so cold. Just racking your brain for something, anything you might've done wrong. It was no use, nothing came to light. You were stuck in the dark.
You'd only gotten out of bed to use the bathroom and get a little something to eat, you stood leaning against the kitchen counter in just an oversized t-shirt and underpants as you microwaved some noodles.
Then, there was a knock at the door. Your brows furrowed, probably a package for one of your parents you left it alone as you waited on your food, but then they knocked again, you sighed and walked over to the door. As you swung it open, you felt like you might crumble and fall to the floor. It was Ellie. Ellie with a bouquet of flowers in her hand... what the fuck.
"Hi. Look, I don't wanna take up a ton of your time because I was a dick to you but I'm sorry. It wasn't fair for me to treat you that way and I'm just really fucking sorry" She extended her hand out, handing you the flowers, she brought her hands to her pockets as she stood awkwardly.
"Ok, well an explanation might be nice..." You spoke quietly, holding the rather beautiful flowers in one hand as the other rested on the door handle.
Ellie sighed.
"Looks, y/n, I really like you. I don't understand how I went from hating you for years, to being in love with you and- shit. I probably shouldn't have said that. Uh- anyways, I really really like you and I guess I'm just scared because I don't really know how to be in a relationship, and I dont want to mess this up. Because I really like you. Like, a lot." Her confession was heartfelt and genuine, it was real.
You smiled.
"Well, for starters, I suppose I can forgive you. Secondly, I don't wanna mess this up either, and I understand that you're scared. I'm scared too. But, maybe we could be scared together. As long as you won't shut me out or get all cold again." You gave her a stern look at the end of your own confession.
"I promise. Also I hope you like the flowers, I wasn't really sure what to get. I'm not used to apologizing." She chuckled awkwardly.
"I love them, now come here you idiot." You set the flowers down and brought your arms around her, bringing her in for a kiss.
The two of you shared a warm embrace afterwards, your head finding comfort in the crook of Ellie’s neck.
"Oh, and by the way" you whispered into her hair, "I'm in love with you too."
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yaz-the-spaz · 7 months
For those of you who may be wondering why I've been so MIA here lately, one of the biggest things that kept me active was a fandom friend I made. She was the main one inspiring me to keep up with fandom and with this blog over these last few years and throughout that time we became very close friends. It's honestly kind of a crazy fluke that we even got as close as we did looking back because she wasn't even really very active on here but we got to messaging each other fairly frequently and somehow that turned into texting nearly every day for around 5 years. Whenever my activity in fandom waned we'd get to talking about some new theory or realization one of us had or some weird thing that had happened and I'd feel compelled to come back here to share or to see what other people were thinking/saying and be right back to being active and excited about fandom again.
However as you may have noticed I've been a lot less active over the last couple of years and partly that's because of some major life changes and job changes, but it was also partly because my friend had been dealing with a lot over the last year or so which meant we talked less and less, which meant me being less active on here too because I just wasn't as inspired to stay as involved. Last year (not long after my last post about Zayn) I received the news that she had passed away and for a while it just felt too difficult to even think about coming back here because it just made me sad and thinking about how much I missed her. It's taken me a while but recently I finally started to make my peace with her passing and I now consider myself as having a heavenly guardian angel looking out for me. It's only as I processed that over the last month or so that I've started to feel my inspiration and excitement for fandom (and writing fic) slowly returning somewhat. Then, just as I was starting to feel up to maybe coming back here again the 25 thing happened and lo and behold here I am! ✌🏽
I don't know how active I'll be moving forward, but you'll probably/hopefully see me on here at least more than once every 6 months lol
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vacantgodling · 7 months
i've been behind on some tag games cuz of Life Shit, so let's play catch up :3
thankies astro (@jezifster) & mj (@mjjune) for tagging me! i'm gonna do both in one post and unfortunately i'm gonna be doing it for cage (read my fanfic boy) cuz i'm just so excited about how much i have written lol.
i'll also tag -> @galactic-mystics-writes @sarahlizziewrites @ink-flavored @magic-is-something-we-create & @isherwoodj + an open tag if you want to play! your words are RED, ROAR, ROTATE, RICOCHET, and RUGGED
CHILL (chapter 10 - relief)
Cassidy explained who Baptiste was, and divulged the state of Hanzo’s injuries—and if their faces growing pale wasn’t enough, the whole room itself seemed to shudder from the chill. 
LIFT (chapter 5 - unraveling)
The ORCA was as silent as a grave. It felt too awkward to try and make light of anything, not that Cassidy was trying to; no, he took Angela’s advice and shut his damn mouth. Lena seemed the most distressed by this dour turn in mood, but she couldn’t seem to find the words to inspire in any of them to some semblance of cheer. She resigned herself to the cockpit and the doors to the pilot’s chamber slid shut with a kind of somber finality that only bittersweet cowboy songs could bring. It only took a minute or two, then they were lifting off.
WRECK (chapter 14 - forgiveness)
Fareeha sat dejectedly at the kitchen table. Her eyes stared forward, not really focusing on anything, and her usually trim bob was a wreck as though she’d raked her hand through it several times already.
FINAL (chapter 4 - snakes and barbs)
“Ya think we should be worried about that?” Cassidy quipped, feigning nonchalance, and he walked past Reinhardt to pick up the final sentry and place it near the throne itself. Reinhardt glanced upward at the ceiling, then shook his head. “It is a conversation not meant for our ears, so I will hope that they work it out.” Cassidy snorted. Work it out? Them? He was sure Reinhardt knew the situation and was trying to be optimistic. The reality as far as he was aware was: if Hanzo got too bold he’d take him out— Genji’s opinion he damned.
PITCH (chapter 5 - unraveling)
The pitch darkness that swallowed the hallowed halls of the Watchpoint weren’t doing anything for his eyes and he wasn’t keen on using Deadeye just to walk around at night.
GAME (chapter 16 - clarity)
And so what if he had a slight infatuation. The man was a wet dream on legs, if you could overlook his personality (not that Cassidy truly was these days but that was a different conversation he wasn’t quite ready to have with himself yet, not so early in the game, and never mind what he said to Genji which was barely anything at all, only the passing insinuation that Genji could interpret however he liked—)
CHAIR (chapter 19 - hanzo's ladder)
Unable to help it, Cassidy whipped his head to the side of him, the speed washing a wave of nausea over his body like a thunderclap. Lo and behold, Hanzo fucking Shimada was tied up to a sad little plastic chair, just as he was. It seemed he either hadn’t crawled out of the tides of the drug like Cassidy had yet—or like Cassidy, he was keeping to himself and assessing their situation. At least Cassidy hoped.
BENEATH (chapter 7 - spirit)
“It’s nice to meet you!” She said brightly. She held out her hand to him and Hanzo looked at it as though it were a bug, or something wholly beneath him, something that might kill him if he interacted with it. He didn’t take her hand, just nodded at it curtly.
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The time Boom Tails “accidentally” kitnapped a tinier brown version of himself (AoSTH Tails!)
Ever since the Mangey Incident, Tails’ brain cells have been vibrating furiously. There’s more of him out there! Maybe they’re interested in forming a squad? Anyway, Tails has spent the better part of his week writing and designing blueprints and schematics for a way to contact other universes safely. He hasn’t been this determined since Sonic challenged him to capture him. His friends are getting worried with the lack of Tails sightings recently. Sonic has been checking in on him frequently, making sure he’s taking care of himself, and lo and behold, the kids fine. Just very focused.
Then, on a bright and sunny morning, it is complete. Tails now has access to the multiverse. Is this a terrible idea? Maybe. Curiosity may one day kill the fox, but it seems to be one of Tails’ lesser worries for some reason.
He slams his info on the database and pulls the lever. There’s a bright flash and when the light fades, there’s a little two tailed brown fox standing on the platform, looking mighty shocked, scared, and confused. Tails cheers “YES IT WORKED!!!” His loud volume startles the little kit. The little is now nervously chewing on one of his tails. Tails realizes his mistake and holds his hands up to calm the lil dude down “I’m sorry for shouting.. I-I’m just so excited my machine worked!” he says softly. The little looks up at him with big ol eyes “who are you? Where am I?” He notices Tails’ namesakes and gasps “you’re like me!” He points at Tails’ Tails. Tails swishes his tails “I am you! But I’m from a different universe, which is where you are now!”
The little fox looks around “where’s Sonic?” Those two words make Tails’ blood run a little cold as he notices how small this kid is. “wait.. how old are you?” Tails asks. The little says “I’m 4 and a half!”
Oh god.
Tails just stole a little kid from his emotional support hedgehog.
Tails inhales, putting his fist to his mouth. He is internally swearing at himself. His expression is worrying the little dude. Tails finally speaks “ok! So uh! Your Sonic is still in your universe-“
“Oh man, Sonics gonna be reeeal mad.. at you!”
“Tell him to get in line. I’m mad at myself already. I’m so sorry.. once this cooldown wares off, I’ll send you home!”
Tails taps his foot on the wooden floor “so.. what do they call you over there?”
“I’m Tails! Sonic named me!” The little fox seems happy talking about his big brother.
Tails hums “well, we got that in common! But see, that may be an issue. We share the same name, so we could get mixed up!”
The little hops off the platform “let’s go ask your Sonic!”
Tails taps his communicator “Sonic, can you-“
Tails scoffs “what took you so long? We need help.”
Sonic blinks “we?” Then he notices the little fox who’s staring up at him with stars in his eyes. “Oh. What’s up lil guy?”
“I like this kid.” Sonic points a thumb at the kit with a smile. Then, a double take, this kid also has two tails. He narrows his eyes and slowly turns to face his Tails “Tails… what did you do?”
Tails smiles nervously and scratches behind his head “so, I may or may not have been inspired by Mangey’s visit to contact other versions of me, and by doing so I might have accidentally kidnapped a 4 year old..”
The look on Sonics face is one to behold. He’s not sure what to feel. “Well, you’re gonna send him back right?”
“Of course! Just..” Tails is being hit with guilt “..the cooldown.”
Sonic takes some deep breaths. He doesn’t want to scold Tails too much, as much as he deserves it, mostly because of the little one.
“Other Sonic? Big me says that because we both’re named Tails it’s gonna be a mega issue!” Little guy speaks up. Tails snaps his fingers “right, that’s what I needed help with! We need to give him a nickname for his nickname!”
Sonic thinks for a moment. Then: lightbulb! “How about..Nugget?”
The idea makes Tails make a weird face. It’s so odd. But the little fox seems to like it “haha! Nugget! I like nuggets they’re delicious!” Nugget is now Nugget approved.
The two take Nugget out to explore the beach to calm his nerves. Nugget runs to the waves to play. Tails and Sonic are keeping a close eye on him to make sure he isn’t swept away into the sea, or a gust of wind takes him away, because he’s just THAT small. Tails notices Amy approaching from afar “Sonic, what do we tell Amy about Nugget?”
“Maybe leave out the kidnapping part?” Sonic says with a small laugh. The situation is getting increasingly amusing to him. Nugget spots her and runs to the two “who’s that?” He asks. “That’s Amy!” Sonic answers, and waves Amy over. Nugget makes a small face of disgust “is she your girlfriend? Eeeww.” He sticks his tongue out. Tails laughs, and Sonic sighs “no. She is not my girlfriend.” Nugget stops looking disgusted “oh ok! My bad!”
Amy waves “what are you two-“ she spots Nugget “…three? Oh my gosh HES SO CUTE!” Amy coos, her heart immediately skipping a beat seeing such an adorable lil man.
“Amy, this is me from another universe, like Mangey. But we’ve decided on renaming this guy Nugget so our names aren’t confused!” Tails explains, a little nervous, hoping the whole kidnapping thing doesn’t slip out.
“Nugget. You named him Nugget.” Amy says.
Sonic gives a thumbs up “yes I did! Ain’t that right, Nugs?”
Nugget giggles “you gave me a nickname for my nickname for my nickname! Groovy! Hi, Lady!”
His little giggles make Amy die of cuteness all over again.
Nugget hops up and down on his toes “I like making new friends!! Sonic is my best friend though! He’s also my mom, my dad, my picket fence, AND my brother!!” Nugget beams happily.
The others certainly weren’t expecting Sonic to be referred to mom or picket fence, so they’re very amused.
Tails adds on “Sonic is my best friend too! He’s also my brother. Knuckles is kinda like my brother too, and Amy and Sticks are like sisters!”
Nugget has stars in his eyes “biiig family! With weird names!”
Knuckles soon pops out from the ground “hey guys!”
Nugget has a wide stance. It’s what he does when he’s shocked. This man just came from the ground!! “A mole!”
“A FOX!!” Knuckles responds in shock.
“An Echidna!” Amy says to Nugget.
“AN ECHIDNA!” Nugget repeats, “what’s an echidna!”
“Me!” Knuckles points his thumb to myself “My name is Knuckles! I am an echidna! Who are you?”
Nugget introduces himself as Nugget.
“Ok Nuggie! Got it!” Knuckles winks at Nugget who is now laughing, “it never ends! I have a nickname for my nickname for my nickname for my nickname for my nickname FOR MY NICKNAME!!”
Knuckles climbs out of the hole and coos “you’re so cute n tiny! Please don’t blow up in my face!
Nugget tilts his head in utter confusion “whyyy would I blow up in your face, mister?”
“Cute things have it out for me sometimes.”
Nugget catches someone out the corner of his eye. He has spotted Sticks. Sticks starts running away screaming “NOT ANOTHER TAILS I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE”
Nugget starts flying after her. Sticks starts sprinting “GO AWAY”
“That’s mean!” Nugget says with a frown as he chases her through the air.
“N O-“
Nugget starts blasting tears from his eyes in huge sobs. The tears puddle at Sticks’ feet causing her to slip and collide with a bush upside down.
“That was some hard crying.” Sticks says as she gets back on her feet “the names Sticks. If the government asks, I didn’t say nothin.” She extends her hand for Nugget to shake, which he happily takes. Nugget lands back on his feet “I’m Tails! But the other guys have been calling me Nugget!”
Sticks snickers “Lemme guess, Sonic gave you that nickname?”
The two return to the others. Nugget has tamed the wild Sticks! In fact, he’s holding her hand. She likes this kid. He’s got spunk.
Nugget, in true little kid fashion, has almost forgotten what he was so worried about in the beginning.
Now, there’s a new worry! That worry happens to be the sound of screaming coming from the village. The team sprints over and Eggman is laughing as he unleashes a mechanical mob of bots. The bots are chasing the villagers and tearing apart the ice cream stand and storing the free ice cream for later. Menaces!
Sonic, Amy, Knuckles, and Sticks immediately start fighting back. Tails pulls Nugget somewhere safe.
“Listen, Nugs, I’m not sure how much fighting experience you have, or if you have a Dr. Eggman, but what I do know is that it’s best if you stay here where it’s safe.” Tails flys off wielding a wrench ready to smash a bots head in.
Nugget huffs and crosses his arms, “buzzkill..”
Nugget is a good listener, and listens to Sonic most of the time when he tells him to stay put. Most of the time. Right now, it isn’t Sonic telling him to stay, it’s himself, who is older and wiser than him.
Maybe Nugget should listen..
Wouldn’t be an adventure if he stayed put!
Nugget stays out of sight from Team Sonic, but stays within the perimeter of the village setting up traps out of things he finds laying around, and things he summons from thin air. He whistles to attract a bot. When the bot goes for him, it hits a trip wire and a large hammer swings out and sends it flying and crashing into another bot. Some other bots are falling into other traps, like a large rock falling from the sky.
Eggman grips the edge of his Eggmobile “what the heck?? Did you guys make a security system and NOT TELL ME???” he roars. Team Sonic exchange confused glances with each other and the villagers that are hiding in sight.
Nugget reveals himself after the final robot is flung to the heavens. Eggman stutters out a bunch of angry sounds “WHAT IS THIS?? WHY IS THERE AN INFANT ON THE BATTLE FIELD??!!”
Nugget appears to take huge offence to that comment. He’s not a baby! He’s a big boy! He points at Eggman with all the rage his little body holds “EAT. MY. SHORTS.”
“You vile little creature- you’re not even wearing any shorts!”
“You’re ugly!” Nugget yells.
The entire village gasps.
Nugget continues “just leave!! It’d be better if you dipped now and spared yourself the embarrassment!”
Eggman doesn’t know what to say.
Nugget crosses his arms and taps his foot impatiently “iiiimm waaaiitiiiinnng…”
Eggman unhappily takes the cowards route and leaves, not willing to take any more abuse from this 4 year old.
The village and Team Sonic cheer and praise the little Nugget! He gets a free chili dog!
Unfortunately, it’s time for Nugget to go home. He’s had a fun time!
Team Sonic gather around him to say goodbye.
“See ya, Nugs! Tell other me I said hi!” Sonic says.
“You’re a good kid! I’ll miss ya!” Sticks says.
“Stay safe!” Amy says.
“Get out there and kick more robot butt!” Knuckles pumps a fist in the air.
Tails gives Nugget a fist bump and winks at him “til we meet again, little me!”
Nugget waves goodbye and goes home.
. . .
Sonic is frantically running around mobius asking if anyone has seen Tails. Robotnik didn’t have him, which only freaks him out more. What if he got taken by aliens? On his 32nd lap, Sonic spots a bright light, and Tails appearing, waving to the light.
“TAILS!!” Sonic calls out. Tails looks in his direction and the two run towards each other and embrace each other in a tight hug.
Sonic nuzzles his head to the little fox “where were ya, lil bro? You had me scared!”
“I’m sorry, Sonic! But you wouldn’t believe the adventure I had! Oh- by the way! Big Sonic says hi!”
Sonic pulls away from the hug to give his little brother a questioning look “ok, you’ll need to explain that one.”
Tails tells the tale of Sonic Boom.
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katerinaaqu · 23 days
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Lo and behold another piece of old art of mine done for Valentine's Day last year
So I decided to post this little sketch of mine, of yet another OC for the stories with Arts-Of-Metamoor (@artsofmetamoor) for our projects! In fact it was a random character we created in the fit of a moment for an Alternate Universe of our story but he became so beloved as an idea that we even consider making him canon anyways even if his story would have a completely different ending for the original story rather than the AUs!
So, ladies and gentlemen, lo and behold Viriato!
Appearance: Viriato is a Shifter, belonging to one of the very few teams and clans that exist nowadays sprawled all over the kingdoms. He belongs to some of the Desert clans originally. His people excaped Phobos's regime and lived the best way possible in the deserts away from both worlds, Naga and Meridian ones.
Viriato is a tall, well-bult man, with very long (like all Shifters) brown hair and rare eyes in two colors, one eye being honey-brown and the other green. He is usually seen wearing simple yet colorful clothing (focusing still more on practicality than elegance) and he usually keeps his hair loose with some braids in it, decorated with simple beads. He also completes his appearance with simple ear cuffs and often some bracelets. Like almost all Shifters he has tattoos.
Personality: You can get Caleb's hot-headed attitude, his interesting sense of humor and his cheesiness along with righteous attitude but also add some flirtuous behavior with a small dosage of sweetness and you probably get an idea of what Viriato's personality looks like! Viriato is open in his mannerisms, a joker to everyone and to himself, has a strong sense of justice and a playful attitude and a wisdom hidden under the layers of his apparent immature attitude. He can also be very sweet and caring to the people he knows.
He can be stubborn at times and worst thing of all he can be very jealous. He is capable of having the greatest attitude in the world and show the greatest deal of self-confidence but when it comes to love, he is capable of becoming really insecure and jealous especially if there is a person he really cares about
Skills and Abilities: Viriato like all Shifters can change his form and suck upon vital energy. He is also an expert to the tecniques of his people. His prefered method of battle is hand-to-hand combat and close range weapons (although he has practiced them all). He is also a very gifted singer and a very good actor for theater.
Viriato has some special detail about him that doesn't make him very popular around his people; he is homosexual. Homosexuality although not completely hated among Shifters, it is still a bit frowned upon. Viriato has though come to understand that the people of his village often are more awkward with him than anything else. In fact he has the humor to contrast and even have fun with the situation. He has shown how to turn an awkward opinion to a fun story.
In the AU story, Diego survives the war and when he discovers the return of Phobos to the castle, he decides to leave the capital and manages to reconnect to his roots and find some Shifters. There, he meets Viriato, and eventually falls in love with him, in which he finally discovers the way to "get over" his obsession with Caleb and move on from his unrecruited love and learns to embrace even more the brotherly affection he already had for Caleb. This time his love is returned.
Viriato's name was suggested by my friend @artsofmetamoor inspired by an ancient hero  and Leader of the Lusitania Tribes, one of the ancestors of the Portuguese.
Other names considered were Amadeo, Amado, and Amaro but they got rejected due to the fact they were pointing too much towards the loving side of the character and we needed something of a more mouthful.
"Amado" was kept as a "nickname". The other people of the village tease him for his love for Diego and call him "Amado" which means "loved" in Portuguese. Diego steps in and uses the name as a loving nickname for his partner.
Originally Viriato was created on similar measurments and behavior as Caleb, to point a reason why Diego became interested in the first place but it was the differences that make Diego fall for him in that version of the story.
Viriato in the original story plays a different role, the role of teacher in various parts of the story we are creating
Forgive me for the quality of the scanner
Viriato's voice was inspired by the anime character Nezumi from the anime No.6 as well as some of his attitude:
Kaze no Requiemu (Requiem of the Wind)
Nezumi Compilation
W.I.T.C.H belongs to Disney
Viriato and Shifters of Metamoor belong to me and @artsofmetamoor
PS: Diego mentioned above appears to several of my posts about Chronicles of Metamoor Incorrect Quotes one of them noted by one of my dear commenters @ilov3b00kss0much
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