#so many possibilities so little knowledge
trashogram · 3 days
He Chose You (Pt. 13.5)
Lucifer/Reader: Lucifer chooses you to be the mother of his child. Rated E for Explicit.
(So, this is a quick update because chapter 14 keeps getting more complicated but I promised a continuation last weekend and couldn’t get it out due to health concerns. I hope y’all can forgive me for such a short chapter piece, but thank you for reading regardless!)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 13.5
“You’re here.” 
You paused, hands already wrapped around Lucifer’s as the words spilled from both his and your mouth. In spite of everything, you giggled semi-hysterically and the stalled expression on Lucifer’s face relaxed as well. 
He looked at you between the bars of the gate, eyes shining to the point of tears. You pressed harder against the bars of your cage as if to slip through, one hand raised to cup his cheek and thumb the cherubic blush there. 
        “I didn’t think I’d get to see you again.” He admitted, surrendering to your touch. 
It hurt to smile but you couldn’t help yourself. You grinned through your own tears, dripping down your cheeks before falling to the clouds beneath. You were struck by his admiring gaze, even with the blurring of your vision. It reminded you of the many times he’d looked at you when you were a mere mortal and not privy to the knowledge you had now. 
      You had tried so hard to fight against what that look meant, stupidly thinking you wouldn’t fall prey to it if you feigned ignorance. 
      The King sniffled, hand intertwined with your own as you explored the planes of his face once more. He closed in on the bars that kept you from each other, slumping forward to press his forehead to yours. He inhaled deeply, trying to absorb everything that was You without heeding what lay behind him or beyond. His wings had expanded to their full glory, acting as a screen between you and the less than welcoming retinue that had just attacked him. Lucifer couldn’t provide full privacy from the throng of nosy citizens gathered behind you. But at least you were shielded from Gabriel and his goons for the time being.
“It’s alright.” You soothed, fingertips fleeced through his blond hair. “We’re together now.” 
      The noise he made was more a sob than a laugh as he intended, but your heart swelled at the sound. For a moment you soaked in the touch of his face against your own, in all of its cold, marblesque glory. If you closed your eyes, you could convince yourself that you were back home, spending another lazy afternoon trussed up with Lucifer in your bedsheets. 
                Your eyes opened again, suddenly. 
“Lucifer, where’s Charlotte?” You asked. 
      The father of your child seemed out of sorts at the question. His mouth opened and closed like a gaping fish’s before enlightenment brightened his features. 
“She’s fine!” He replied. “She’s all tucked in her crib, fast asleep.” 
“Her crib… at the Farrows?” You gulped down the shot of bile that raced up your throat. 
“Well… yeah,” Lucifer’s smile wilted at the hysteria building behind your eyes like a tsunami wave. “I couldn’t very well bring her with me!”
“So you left our daughter with those people?!” You couldn’t help the shrill accusation from leaving your mouth when a million and one horrible possibilities ran through your head. 
“No! I would never!” Lucifer denied, head shaking vigorously. “She’s being watched over by the goats!”
Your eyebrows rose, rearing back. “What?”
“The goats! The ones with little wings and tails that I made? I showed them to you right before you… well, you know!” Lucifer caroled. “Remember?”
You stared at him blankly until the metaphorical lightbulb in your brain flicked on. Incredulity bodied you.
“You left… our baby… with stuffed animals…?” 
Lucifer stilled for an instant before reanimating until his body resembled less a sturdy human’s and more a flexible jello mold as his arms pinwheeled at his sides. The Devil’s wings flapped and shuddered with his anxiety.
He matched your hysteria with a frenzied laugh. “Oh! No! Not— I wouldn’t! I-I-I gave them sentience! Th-that-that was the plan! I was gonna tell you before but — I-I guess it slipped my mind after you started glowing!” 
Lucifer attempted to steady himself after the sudden burst of emotion as you stared in alarm, though he was panting when he leaned forward. 
“They were made for Charlotte. To cater to her every need! And if anything happens, they know to get me right away!” 
His eyes went wide and earnest. “I would never, ever, ever put our baby in danger. I swear to you. Never. I-if I could’ve brought her with me, a-and been sure that no one would try to take her, I’d —”
Your fingers brushed over his lips as soon as he was within range again. 
“Okay.” You interrupted.
 Lucifer blinked.
“Okay?” He asked. 
You nodded, taking his hand once more to press a kiss to his knuckles. “I believe you.” 
Your kiss had the desired effect. Lucifer melted into a daze, smiling almost shyly at the gesture before you looked into his eyes again. You tried to communicate your sincerity without words, for it would take far too long to tell him everything you’d discovered upon arriving in Heaven. 
     You sighed softly, feeling his warm breath on your face. Lucifer gravitated toward you, close enough to kiss between the infernal bars holding you back… 
“Lucifer, I…” Your words came out shakily, the heartbeat you shouldn’t have ringing in your ears. 
His lips were a hair’s breadth away. Too distracting. Your eyes fell shut. “I… lov-”
“I fucking told you this would happen!” 
You froze. 
A harsh voice rose above the din and fray, bringing reality with it to jolt you upright. 
Lucifer’s expression fell, warped by shock and horror as you were ripped away from his grasp and pulled back from the gate as if it were on fire. You gasped as your back collided with another’s chest and an arm wrapped around your midsection. 
      Your head snapped up to see Adam’s ghoulish mask hung above you, glaring over your head at Lucifer. He continued to squeeze the life out of you as he flew back and stopped a good meter away from where you’d been standing. 
       “Let go of me!” You shouted, squirming in the man’s grip. You dug your nails into his forearm, trying to pry him off of you. An unusual feeling lanced up your spine, something that was not quite pain but uncomfortable and indescribable. It further disoriented you as you were dragged back.  
A force of wind blasted over you and Adam, stopping the latter in his tracks with a curse. The gale blew back your extremities, forcing you to cover your face to block the brunt of it. You squinted through it to catch another glimpse of Lucifer. 
       The Devil’s wings pumped through the air in his rage as he stood ablaze in red, ivory and gold. He looked much like he had before your death: a fiery comet promising destruction to anything in its path. Pure energy radiated off of him from all sides as his horns protracted from the crown of his head. Fire bloomed between them to match the blood red that had overtaken his eyes, and the jagged stripes rippling over his porcelain face. 
His fangs gnashed and once delicate hands contracted into long claws that grappled with the gate panels until they bowed and bent under the pressure. 
Gasps and screams filled the air all around you.
* Tag List: @crescent-z, @for-hearthand-home, @undertale-is-sansational, @loslox, @navierkalani, @yaimlight, @ivoryviness, @crystalplays28, @flowerempress, @wally-darling-hyperfixation, @altruisticradiodemon, @moonlight-readings, @halparkebitch, @charliecharlie65, @sockgoblin, @cocomollo, @caniseethefourthsword, @squeegeeclean, @crow-twink, @an-emovision, @marydragneell, @lafy-taffy, @fandom-imagines1, @loquacious-libra, @glowymxxn, @avadakadabra93, @froggybich, @hamthepan, @ukor02, @adaizel, @boogiemansbitch, @vinillies, @lbcreations-blog, @thesoundresoundsecho, @serenity-loves-red, @alientee, @aquaamythest96, @0strawberrysorbet0, @fluffy-koalala, @washeduphazbin, @rebecca-hvnstn, @velvette3, @kermitdafroggy, @wpdarlingpan, @apatcheworkofproblems, @cherry-cola-100, @pink-apples001, @al-of-the-stars, @backinthefkingbuildingagain, @martinys-world, @alastorssimp, @wobblesthewaffle, @shikiribee, @undertale-anomaly20, @asakura-fangirl-stuff, @ringsofpersonti @angelicwillows, @wingoodlilboymyway, @cimadreamer, @museofzealoushope, @oneiric-rotaerc, @call-me-nyxx, @darling-angel222, @elementwind91, @bloody-delusion-expert, @devilslittlebabyxx, @diffidentphantom, @shamblezzz, @ranposanedogawa, @minamilinaqueen, @1-helluva-hazbin
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sinful-lanterns · 3 days
the thought of Yurei!Eleven being so shy and cuddling with us mostly during the night while we sleep is stuck in my head now (thanks💕) especially if we consider the possibility of consensual somnophilia after the interview 😌
the way she would use her ability in many ways...reader might wake up, suddenly feeling on the brink of an orgasm, ghostly hands fingers deep in them all the while she's holding them gently from behind, whispering some sweet words 👉🏻👈🏻 maybe she secretly enjoy the moans...
so many ideas, with so many hands~
TW: Consensual Somnophilia
Oh Yurei! Eleven is such a shy little pervert. After getting to know the Researcher just a little bit more after their “interview” Eleven can’t help but develop a small infatuation with this human. And by small infatuation, well…let’s just say Eleven has made it a habit of watching you sleep in your tent every night 😭😭
It’s not like she’s doing it without your knowledge, though! In fact, you even let her watch you as Eleven will sometimes masturbate to you sleeping in order to get herself off. You knew spirit-type monsters had a more difficult time satisfying their libido than others, so you let yourself be her “helper” whenever you can…
Oh…but Yurei Eleven can’t help but let things escalate from simple masturbation. That pang in her pussy is telling her she wants to feel you with all her wandering hands… with your permission, you allow her ghostly hands to roam over your sleeping body, prodding and massaging your skin as she moans while slipping her multiple fingers into your hole…
Your sleepy, exhausted moans drive Yurei Eleven insane and she can’t help but drool a little at the sight of you. By the time you wake up after your orgasm, you find Eleven nuzzling into the back of your neck from behind, and pulling her ghostly fingers out of your gushing, slick, walls 💕💕
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Actually this is a bug bear but I find the complaints about the Kal'tsit yapping to be missing the point extremely. When I see those I think about hbomberguy's Dark Souls 2 video and the brief tangent where he talks about the expectation for "efficient storytelling", and how it doesn't really matter if Kal'tsit's style of speech is meant to convey anything, she takes too long and says too many hard words.
But that's the point. Kal'tsit, especially when she is introduced, is a very mysterious figure who is clearly really important at Rhodes Island despite her nominal position as a member of the Medical Department. She plans strategies for Rhodes Island operations, she's been all over the world and has seen events you'd only find in the history books, and for a very long time there was only speculation that Kal'tsit was really old.
Talking to Kal'tsit is supposed to feel weird. She could make the effort to be more direct and approach where the Doctor needs to be at, but she doesn't! She hates us! She's still struggling with the fact that we killed Theresa and she now has to deal with us having no memories of much of anything. She can't kill us off because she knows that Rhodes Island would benefit from the Doctor's knowledge of Originium and tactical ability, and because she grows to learn that the Doctor is moving forward with being a new person.
So she makes it hard on us. She makes it clear as she talks to us that she is looking down on us. She is talking about concepts that are difficult to understand to parse, that maybe wouldn't be if we still had all of our memories back. She talks with the wisdom of someone who has been alive for over two thousand years, but also with the expectation that we need to just immediately get on her level. Giving us the information directly is going to help us and she's still kind of pissed. If you listen to her conversation with W in Chapter 13, she's a lot more direct with her intention and her word choice. She needs W to understand what the fuck she is talking about as quickly as possible. But the Doctor can struggle a little bit.
And, obviously, it's not just for this reason. The point of how Kal'tsit talks is to make her seem very odd compared to the rest of the cast. Dobermann speaks very harshly because the writers wanted her to sound like she came from the military, for a similar example. Kal'tsit talks at length, uses difficult to understand language, and often is quite indirect because its meant to enhance that mystery. People for years were dying to know what exactly was going on with Kal'tsit, and the way she speaks is absolutely part of that. She's an outlier in the cast for many reasons, and how she speaks is one of those.
So I find the criticism to be, frankly, awfully juvenile. It's not a bug, it's not the result of poor impulse control on the part of the writers. It serves a very obvious use.
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nova--spark · 2 days
Earth 101 : A Manual for the Visiting Cybertronian
Chapter Five: Human Mythos and Folklore
Humans are a young species compared to us, their lives amounting to one century when compared to our own millennium of years we exist in.
While they are young however, their mythology and folklore tales are some of the most astounding I have seen, in all my centuries of time within the Iacon Archives.
I have studied the great tales of the Knights, of utopias, of the great 13, Primus, Unicron, the AllSpark, the Guiding Hand and so many more, that my mentor too once studied in her years.
Many a great civilization was built upon these myths, as they are the stories of their people.
Earth too, and humanity as a whole, have tales of all kinds.
Many various religions of the terran planet are labeled ‘creation myths’.
That a deity, known only as God, spoke the world into existence, and crafted each aspect of their universe over 7 days.
Some speak that the world is one of many, as various other worlds were the product of war and death.
Some speak of reincarnation, that life persists even after the end and all are reborn, and so too is the world.
It is curious how no two stories are ever the same, and yet, at the same time, they are similar in little ways.
Nonetheless, human mythos is a vast range of emotions of all sorts, some range from cautionary tales, some life lessons, some just for entertainment, or passing on of legacies, of cultural importance of all sorts.
Humanity was built on oral storytelling, eons ago, when their people had no method by which to physically record their history. Even then, a large majority of written history and stories of their existence as a whole has been lost to time, due to tragedies.
One such event I was able to study was the famed burning of the Library of Alexandria, which had not just copies but original manuscripts of various human stories, histories, and even possible inventions that could have skyrocketed humanities development.
It is a tragic loss, not unlike some of our own on Cybertron, as many archival halls were decimated.
Knowledge is powerful, and in the right or wrong hands, can be a tool to aid, or weapon to destroy.
Of the many stories I studied from humans, I found a handful which were quite peculiar, yet interesting.
In the Latin American folklore, there exists the story of ‘La Llorona’, which translates to ‘the Weeping Woman.’ There are many varieties of this story, but the key points pertain to a woman who was perhaps a mistress of someone, had children with the man of her affections, but he refused to marry her because of this. She would go on to drown her children on his orders, to marry him finally, only for him in the end to refuse and damn her instead. She would drown in the same river, in her wedding dress,and became a ghost, a wandering Spark if you will, desperate then to find her children, as she would not be allowed entry into the afterlife without them for her crimes, walking the river’s edges at night, wailing for her dead children.
A tragic tale, this story serves as warning for the children who would play by the river at hours far too late, as they would be warned the Llorona would snatch them, confusing them for her OWN children, and drowning them in the river to take to the afterspark.
Other stories tell of creatures that disguise themselves as humans, and be it for malicious reasons, or benevolent, they will interact with humans in various ways.
The country of Japan is apparently known for many a myth wherein items came to life as ‘yokai’ and gained sentience.
Perhaps this is a lingering remnant of our ancestors who at some point touched upon Earth during expeditions long prior.
Upon some research into what is known as the Greek Pantheon, I have reason to believe that possibly, even knowledge of our very own 13 may have touched upon Earth, as there are many parallels to the long gone gods of our people.
There also remains evidence that our most prehistoric ancestors, the Predacons, said to have one day resided on Earth in an eons ago expedition, have left their very mark upon human mythos, as the tales of great dragons of many shapes, gryphons, all great manner of fantastical beasts that have become vital to many a human mythology.
There is great evidence in this manner, that Cybertron and Earth have been long intertwined, even before we as Cybertronians ever left our home to seek refuge here.
Though I remain in the Archives, every visit to Earth I have made in research capacity yields a great many new records, and evidence to this idea being true.
I have studied not just humanity’s ancient mythos, but some of their more recent stories.
By this, I mean the stories many people write now in the modern day.
Humans, long ago during what was a great war that befell their planet, developed what was known as ‘comic books’, which were stories told in pictures and text, on parchment of sometimes little to no color, or vibrant color of all kinds.
The characters within these stories have long become iconic to people, boasting names which become quite wondrous, yet fill hope in people.
‘Superheroes’ is the title these characters are called by, as they are meant to be the peak of humanity, soldiers, guardians and great minds who protect Earth.
Though they are fictional, they are nonetheless impactful, telling meaningful stories of love, loss, protection, and many more.
One could argue that human comic books are now the modern retellings of mythology, or rather it’s newest form by which they can tell stories.
Most interesting is that they have even developed comic books of our own kind, telling rather compelling stories here and there, by which humans can connect with us more and more.
It warms the sparks of many, to see that humans connect with us in such a manner.
That , as our planet flickers to and fro from life and death in our war, they attempt to keep our stories alive in their very own ways, and spread word.
‘We are here. We existed. We remain. ‘
Dear reader, I implore you, to perhaps utilize a holoform, and someday if able to, venture into a human library, or book store.
And spend just a bit of time, seeing just how compelling some of the stories found on their shelves can be.
Both fictional, and historical can be found, and sometimes, you will be surprised to learn which is which.
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webvampzz · 3 months
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my honest fucking reaction when i want 2 reblog something because i found it real but its about trauma or something i have and then id have to explain with paragraphs and that people r probably triggered by that and that i need to probably make an alt for that stuff and that i Really shouldn't be sharing this stuff online because its risky and
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falinscloaca · 4 months
Realized that my daydreams about retrieving Solanum from the Quantum Moon play out shockingly (hell, poignantly even) close to some sort of reverse tale of Orpheus
#as in. turning around to check shes there spelling her death versus having to stay turned around to be sure shes there keeping her 'alive'#outer wilds spoilers#solanum outer wilds#AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#also it'd still be either doomed or extremely difficult (even discounting the sun thing) because like#she'd be a quantum object for the rest of her semi-existence pretty much#even if you got her OFF of the moon she'd still exhibit quantum properties in the same way other things entwined with quantum phenoma do#especially her since like. she's also literally speaking dead. causally her being able to exist YEEEEEAAAAAAARS after her species went#locally extinct is just makes that more apparent (given nomai can't be super long-lived given. textual evidence pointing towards them#being able to lose knowledge across generations within comperable spans of time)#though her exiting the moon and being succesfully taken back to Hearth or wherever would also mean she'd.#like. maybe also 1/6th exist there????#though that'd only last as far as the whole loop thing. fuck that sun in particular#.....of course my little stories about whisking her outta there are mostly involved in grabbing as many hearthians as possible and going#As A Group to the eye sldhgkllhkdsghlksgdhlkgdhlgdsgsdhlk so the sun going kablooey aint a huge deal in that regard#(though the prospect of bringing not-accustomated-to-exploring hearthians to the eye is ghoulish enough in its own right to even consider.)#(maybe just stick to the main 5)#well#six#seven including us really.
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casiavium · 3 months
exhausted the music I like listening to so to pass time at work I've started listening to cast recordings of musicals I liked in high school. Which is fun because I haven't listened to them in a while but also not fun because I have come to the realization of just how much influence stuff like Heathers, Be More Chill, and fucking Hamilton has on my writing to this day
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nothorses · 2 years
I'm a physicist, not an engineer, but we have a lot of the same problems saying awful shit. there's an idea in place that Understanding The Universe automatically makes your ideas exist beyond human experience. would the "kill everyone" guy actually deploy that plan? probably not! but it being a thought experiment does not actually give you permission to just say whatever you want. physicists do a LITTLE better only because last time we let a thought experiment go rogue, it, uh. became nukes.
Yeah, the concept of non-liberal-arts colleges in general kind of fucks me up.
imo, the best thing college- and school in general- does for anyone is teach & sharpen critical thinking skills. Those are skills that cannot be built in a vacuum; critical thinking reaches into every single aspect of our lives, and it requires you to question everything, connect dots across disciplines and worlds of information, and, crucially, to factor in complex socio-economic systems & reasoning when doing so.
So giving someone an education that cuts out history, english, arts, and other related classes just seems... pointless to me? What is the value of a science education if you're not talking about the roots and mistakes of these and related fields, the impact those things have had, and the people and groups of people who suffer, struggle, and are erased because of and by your field?
What is the fucking point of learning physics and physics alone?
Not that like, research-based schools don't offer any classes like this, or that there aren't plenty of professors who do bring that stuff in. And not that this rant has anything directly to do with what you're saying (lmao).
I mostly just say all this because it's been on my mind for other reasons, and in the context that post provides, it's kind of fucking scary to think about all the young adults spending years in environments that teach them, basically, that nothing outside of their field matters- and that nothing outside of their direct purview has any impact on what they're studying.
It's narrow, and it actively deteriorates critical thinking skills, and I am not a fan!
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fragmentedblade · 7 months
Dr. Ratio's idle animations... he's so ridiculous ugh
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heloflor · 1 year
Have a doc filled with Mario headcanons and wanted to share the sexualities part because fuck it, it’s still pride month.
Disclaimer since it’s relevant to this post : I headcanon that Peach, Daisy, Wario and Waluigi are all creatures from the world of the Mushroom Kingdom who look the way they do due to magic gems (those blue and green gems that Peach and Daisy have respectively). Peach is a Toad, Daisy is a Dino-Rhino (unless those flower people from Mario Bros acid trip Wonder are from her Kingdom, then again I like Daisy being a giant cool Dino, plus the trailer for Wonder showed several other big animals), not sure for Wario and Waluigi but they’re not humans. The Super Crown works the way it does because there’s one of those gems in it.
Also, since it’s briefly mentioned, what I call the “main” continent is made out of the Mushroom, Koopa, Bomb-omb, Thwomp, and Goomba kingdoms. Sarasaland (retconned into Flower Kingdom now ?) and other kingdoms are on other continents (yes I know in Superstar Saga the Beanbean kingdom is neighbors with the Mushroom. But since they never appear in other games, I’ve chosen to ignore that detail).
Anyways, onto the headcanons :
- Mario : Transmasc Aromantic Heterosexual ; he realized he’s aro after finding out Peach is a Toad and losing sexual interest in her (felt bad about it at first because he thought he fell out of love upon discovering Peach at her most vulnerable, Bowser made it worse for him by accusing him of liking her only due to her human form) ; him being transmasc is why he’s named Mario Mario (he thought it would be funny)
- Luigi : Cis Bisexual ; had a fling with Peasley + loves Daisy ; he’s gender non-conforming and sometimes shares clothes with Peach, he also trains his voice to be higher-pitched for the heck of it (+ it can help in case he has to take Peach’s place for a kidnapping)
- Peach : Demiromantic Pansexual ; is cis-passing in human form but is technically transfem due to being a Toad
- Bowser : Omnisexual ; Cis tho I like the idea of him being transmasc and birthing Junior’s egg
- Yoshi and Birdetta are T4T + poly (hence Birdetta flirting with others) ; Birdetta’s eggs aren’t actually eggs (insert joke about her “eggs” being white) ; not sure if “all Yoshis that lay eggs are female” but at least all those that lay eggs that can be fertilized are female (and on that note YOSHI MIGHT BE CANONICALLY TRANSMASC ???!!!) ; Yoshi is straight while Birdetta is plurisexual (bi/pan/omni etc)
- Daisy : Straight + intersex + transfem (imagine if Prince Haru from the 1986 movie was her appearance pre-transition, but remove the whole “Peach’s fiancé” part of the plot, or the plot as a whole since the events of this movie didn’t happen here, just keep Haru’s design as “Daisy before transitioning”)
- Big fan of the headcanon that Kamek is gay ; he doesn’t date because 1. He’s busy 2. He’s getting too old for this 3. He’s devoted to his son and grandchildren which takes all his free time
- Depending on which creature he is Wario would be cishet though I could also see him be plurisexual (bi/pan/omni/other label that has to do with dating more than one gender ; I like putting diversity in queer headcanons but I’m not the most knowledgeable on labels past the most common ones)
- Not sure for Rosalina, either aroace or she’s allo but just stays single due to her life situation ; probably non-binary (she/it, could also be a play on the fact that some see her as some kind of goddess)
- Pauline is Cis Lesbian and her and Mario parted on good terms after he came out as trans on top of other reasons (basically they still care a lot about each other but realized they were better off as friends, the whole “unknown aro + transmasc with lesbian” simply gave them an easier excuse to break up)
- Really not sure for Bowser's kids, the only ideas that are "set in stone" are that Ludwig is gay, Wendy is attracted to boys (doesn't meant she can't like girls), Lemmy is demi-boy (they/him) and Morton is attracted to girls (like Wendy it doesn't close the door for liking men).
Not sure for the rest, though I could see Iggy using he/neopronouns (likely xe/xem) and at least one of them being interesex. Btw the older kids say they don’t date because they’re busy with royal duties but the truth is they are just incredibly awkward + they can’t ask their dad for advice since he’s a romantic disaster
- I could see Toadsworth be aroace, since even in his younger years he cared more about raising his surrogate daughter than dating + he never pressures Peach into marrying ? In general he doesn’t seem to care about romance ? ; he’s also transmasc because Toad
- After seeing Bowser’s Inside Story and the beginning of Dream Team, Starlow is a lesbian crushing on Peach (is very buddy-buddy with Peach despite barely knowing her, makes a big deal out of Peach being kept safe, calls her “Peach” instead of “Princess” from the get go, at times seems to see Peach as the best person in the room)
- Toads and Goombas are naturally agender because mushrooms ; some choose to express a specific gender (ex Toadsworth, Toadette, Peach, the Toads and Goombas from the first two Paper Mario) ; some may use gendered pronouns even if their presentation doesn’t display any specific gender (ex Captain Toad using he/him despite looking like any other Toad) ; basically every Toad/Goomba that use gendered pronouns (or neopronouns) is technically trans and/or non-binary ; cisgender Toads/Goombas go by they/it ; the Super Crown gem gives the shape the Toad see themselves as but it doesn’t have to be cis-passing or even gender conforming, can be androgyne (Daisy took a while to figure herself out, hence her gem giving her Haru’s look at first ; she's not from an agender species but the way the gems work still applies to hers, hence mentioning how her being trans worked on that front)
- That previous point implies either all Toads have the same metabolism and thus all grow facial hair (Peach having to shave tho) or they have mushrooms that serves as HRT for those who want more “masculine” or “feminine” traits (hair/facial hair and tone of voice) ; the color of their hats has nothing to do with gender for Toads (ignore Nintendo’s weird obsession with making every female character in the Mario franchise pink)
- Sexual dimorphism in general is very rare/limited in this world (only the Beanbean kingdom has it ?), in “main” continent, Koopas are the ones where it’s the most present and even then it’s very minimal (genitals, who can lay eggs, possibly size but even then not really since Pom Pom is the only one smaller than her male counterpart, Wendy and other female Koopas aren’t particularly small)
- Toads (and other species) experimenting with gender could be due to seeing Koopas make the distinction between “male” and “female” and finding the idea of changing your appearance based on how you feel to be fun (even though you have the concept of male and female Koopas, there’s no transphobia in Bowser’s kingdom) ; by that point it’s common for Toads to change however they feel and go by any pronouns they want, just because they’re aware of the concepts of masculinity and femininity doesn’t mean they have to follow it to the letter with their pronouns unless they want to
- On that note, I could see Toadette as genderfluid, though she most often goes by she/her ; I could also see one or several of the other main Toads (Ala Gold, Bucken Berry, Captain Toad, "The" Red ToadTM) be bi-gender
- Not sure what’s going on with Waluigi but he’s definitely queer
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trying to figure out what a sign you don't know means is hell on earth actually I think it's impossible
#shitpost#(started vent/ranting in tags a little? not super serious)#i am. SO annoyed at my homework right now#because it uses a secondary learning site thing. which means. not everything quite matches up#so sometimes signs will come up I just. haven't learned yet. and they assume you know#and it's also. not simple or easy to look up a sign you don't know#like. it's a movement#but to even TRY looking through the reverse dictionary you gotta know the hand shape and orientation and location and direction#and how many hands. and even then you gotta go through the whole list of possible meanings#and it's like. I just want to know this ONE sign so I know more clearly what you're asking me!#if you have someone in your life who knows and you can just ask that's great#I. however. do not have that#so I am here like. I /know/ what you're talking about I /know/ generally what the theme is here#but that ONE sign is messing! me! up! and i can't properly answer the questions!#and this isn't even testing my knowledge of the unit at hand that sign is unrelated -_-#I would score better if I could just!! figure out that other unrelated sign so I knew what answer you want me to give!#aeorigarngar#anyway#i have yet to successfully look up a sign I don't know and figure it out#the only way I've ever been able to figure out a sign I don't know is if I vaguely remember it and can look it up#or the written questions (on their rare appearances) use words that tell me what we're talking about#and then I can look THOSE up#but like. at least how things are now looking up a sign you don't know is virutally impossible#and SO annoying because i have no way to learn it otherwise#i'm not gonna send my instructor an email every single time I don't know a word they both suck at responding to emails helpfully#i say this without malice just with truth#I have yet to receive a single helpful email from either of them. and this is what. year 3?#ANYWAY guess who's annoyed at homework#this is what I get for learning asl online I guess
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Kinda wild that the announcement teaser for Fate/strange fake's upcoming TV special (airdate Dec 31) already has nearly 1.3 million plays (views?) on Twitter. It's been up for less than a month.
Not wild because it’s a Fate property, obviously. It’s not even really wild that F/sf is getting a TV special; we all knew an adaptation was inevitable, the question was only ‘how long would one be held off?’ Nah, It’s just wild to me that this TV special will be the first major animated adaptation of one of Narita’s works since the Durarara!!x2 ended in 2016. 
<snipping speculation re: the TV special and shoving it below the cut, since this post was just supposed to be a “wow this is wild” post.>
Man, if F/sf Volume 8 does come out in, say, January or February... I’m going to think happy thoughts and not “Baccano! Volume 23 top 10 betrayals” thoughts. I’m just going to hope the F/sf TV special will spotlight Ryohgo Narita’s name for mainstream western audiences and boost LN sales. On the one hand, it’s ‘just’ a TV special’. On the other hand, it’s a special seemingly hyped up by Aniplex and, uh, y’know, part of the Fate franchise.
Wasn’t F/sf the number 1 or top 3 ‘most requested anime adaptation’ in a poll a few years ago? That might account for some of the hype. Whether the special will lead to a 2023 summer TV anime like other Fate Dec 31 TV specials have, or whether it will be its own strange thing, the sheer fact of it finally happening is a Fate/strange feeling indeed..
It’s been pointed out that some other Fate adaptations have started with December 31 TV specials (Episode 0s) and gone on to have summer TV series, e.g. Lord El-Melloi and Grand Carnival. So...should we speculate this pattern repeats with F/sf? I haven’t really consumed anything in the Fate franchise and have little interest in doing so beyond F/sf, which I’ve been slowly and sporadically reading, so I’m not exactly familiar with precedent.
For instance, Fate precedent re: adapting incomplete source material. The LNs are at seven volumes so far and (though I’m not caught up yet) in the thick of the plot, and I’m not sure how a one- or two-cour anime would tackle adapting it. A two-cour anime would make more sense than one. Definitely not sure what a 24-minute TV special could accomplish, considering that F/sf is a bit like Baccano! with tons of stuff happening in one, two, three (etc.) days. 
Maybe the TV special will be an hour long or something; that would make more sense. Aniplex announced it in a livestream, didn’t it? Hyped it up? Is it normal for Fate TV specials to get the amount of hype it feels like this one’s getting? Am I imagining the hype due to my Narita bias? A long TV special would warrant it. A long special is almost necessary if they’re planning to introduce characters with it, because the entirety of Volume 1 is character introductions and couldn’t possibly fit into a half hour.
Oh, hm, the special could feasibly function as some worldbuilding / backstory set up. I’m guessing that most if not all Fate stories review Fate’s conceit for hypothetical newcomers, which is what Narita helpfully semi-does in Volume 1 (thank God, since I’m essentially a newcomer). Narita’s twist on holy grail wars is new—I understand that pretty much every holy grail war in all the Fate derivates has gone awry / atypically since...the first series?—the setting (Snowfield, Nevada) is new... so a TV special ‘orienting’ viewers makes sense. 
Except it makes sense only if the plan is 100% to proceed with a 2023 anime, so, who knows. R.L. (from the PSA teaser) and Ayaka (character’s VA returning) are both Volume 2 material, so... either the TV special is going to blitz through Volume 1 and end with R.L. and Ayaka as a huge cliffhanger / hype teaser, or possibly the special won’t function as a story episode at all and just be a compilation of ‘hype’ moments. That sounds... I mean, wouldn’t that just be spoiler central? I don’t buy that.
Precedent, huh. Also, since A-1 Pictures is handling the F/sf TV special, is it probable that A-1 would then handle a proper TV adaptation? Based on El-Melloi and Grand C., probably. Oh, wait, I forgot A-1 did that 2019 F/sf PV for the light novels—so make that ‘almost definitely’.
One potentially major aspect is that the TV special will have a simuldub, which, from what I’ve read, will be the first 1:1 complete simuldub of a Fate adaptation? Major for us since a simuldub will cast the spotlight on F/sf and concomitantly Narita’s name that much wider, even if the dub is terrible. The sheer novelty alone of a Fate simuldub may be enough to attract viewers. Er, beyond the existing big Fate audience, of course. I’ve also read that a simuldub was greenlit because F/sf is set in America (oh, Narita, you wag), but that’s no guarantee the dub will be any good.
....it’s also wild (well, weird) that I’m thinking this actively about an anime TV special, since I’ve barely watched anime these past few years. Could be that I’m aging out of anime, though, let’s be real, when I was an undergrad I was already more discerning. Could be that I’ve been in mental limbo ever since spring 2020 with the ‘advent’ (you know what I mean) of the pandemic and its affects on my grad school.)
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We love having absolutely life rattling realisations at 3:45am
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the--highlanders · 2 years
the novelisation adds in an extra scene where jamie, alexander, kirsty, and colin get attacked by two redcoats on their way to the cottage and. we have alexander killing one man and attacking another, we have kirsty pulling her father aside, but we never get a description of what jamie does. other than the fact that he stops alexander from chasing after the second redcoat (possibly to their detriment! alexander does make a valid point that he could bring reinforcements)
and I just think it’s interesting that. the highlanders doesn’t exactly shy away from death and dark subjects. the novelisation itself has a somewhat graphic depiction of alexander killing the first redcoat here. but - jamie threatens two, ben, and polly with a knife, sure, says their blood is warm enough to kill them - but we don’t know if he ever would have gone through with it. he doesn’t act at all here, other than to stop alexander killing another man. he stands at the window and stares in horror when alexander eventually dies. he pushes trask overboard during the fight on the ship, but it’s not a death sentence. in amongst everything going on, we never find out if he’s actually capable of killing someone. but I think he /knows/ the answer to that question is no.
which feels significant, given how influential he is on two’s character development, and hence the doctors development as a whole. he’s serving in an army, but he’s a piper, not a soldier. he’s just witnessed a massacre, and knows his life is in danger too, but he won’t kill to protect himself. he calls alexander back from chasing after the redcoat by telling him that his priority should be looking after his injured father. surviving and healing, rather than fighting and dying.
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bravevolunteer · 7 months
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@spring-lxcked asked: 46 for the wrapped meme! <3 ( @spring-lxcked ) // spotify wrapped meme
46. heartbreak feels so good — fall out boy
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"Is there a word for 'bad miracle?'" Maybe Michael shouldn't be poking fun at something so serious, but right about now, he feels like if he DOESN'T try and laugh it off, he's going to go fucking insane. Call it a result of a recent spiral— finding out there's even more depth to the layers of bullshit behind their god damn life'll do that to him. "I mean— shit, the tech's incredible, at least. You never thought about doing anything else? Just settled on the animatronic restaurant M.O.-" And more. "-And called it a day?"
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novelistparty · 8 months
went to guitar store today and had a typical guitar store interaction. I told the dude at the counter what I was looking for, he pointed in a direction, and the dude that overheard me ask then kinda followed me in that direction and pointed out a piece of gear to me and told me it was really good option. I did not ask for this. I did not even really notice him before then. I didn't say anything and waited for him to walk away. Once I reached the indicated corner of the store, I asked another dude my question and then had the typical experience of someone else that worked there overhearing us and deciding to interrupt both me and their coworker several times as we talked about the thing, adding nothing to the conversation because they would say something and trail off and then come back again and do it all again
#the only thing I'll say to defend these people is that the guitar gear world is terribly elitist and superstitious#So when you're a dude and you like gear and you end up knowing relatively useless facts - you just NEED to tell someone#BUT bc most dudes are terribly socialized they struggle to hold a conversation esp about technical topics#and so they don't often feel fulfilled talking to other gear-heads#They have so many toys and hardly nobody to tell about them#the general world of dudes is this sterile place where they hardly converse about things - not for lack of want tho#layers and layers of poor socialization about how to converse and how to share and how to negotiate it all in everday settings#I just want to understand the 'why' behind electric guitar sound or tone and not be preached to#can't we all be curious together and share knowledge in useful ways???#can't we find a way to have the least amount of gear possible and understand why and how that's all we need?#it drives me crazy to be around deeply technical people that can't communicate their knowledge well to anyone#unless you already know how to jump past the nonsense the answer to any gear question will be useless#'ya definitely get the Gibsal Slammer - it has the most push into the knobs of any of the sledges on the market today'#'it's what hendrix used for that album he recorded at Abby Blvd with the Left Gents'#'if you roll back the ringles just a little you'll get what George Nixon called 'almond tone''#'unless you fully inflate the fujoMax 1000 you'll never have enough underwire for that really wooly swirl'#my blog#electric guitar#guitar#gear head
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