#so now i need to set myself on fire and jump off a cliff
fizzytoo · 7 months
should i just let them die
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synintheraven · 8 months
Okay let's clear some things out; 1) I don't write smut bc I suck at it 2) this is part of a bigger story where the main character/reader gets to know Sihtric throughout several situations, so this is perfect if you want to read about Sihtric & reader's little made-up adventures but not so much if you're only here to read naughty stuff 😅 3) I have no idea what I'm doing :p
pic credits to myself, feel free to use them too/ask for originals (:
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✵pairing: sihtric kjartansson x fem!reader
✵summary/small introduction: reader (she/her) is a Norse, Sihtric is a (actual, as in born there) Dane. Sihtric & reader meet each other for the very first time, but I kept it simple and kinda short so you'll have to keep on reading to find out how this goes (; [Side note: Yggr is one of my ocs and the Jarl/Chief of the group, but will not be a current character other than to accompany/give orders to Sihtric and reader]
✵tw: mentions of violence
✵word count: 1,5k
characters info | part two
We were near; the tall cliffs once casting shadows over the sea were far behind us and the fog was getting thicker over the marshes. East Anglia was a land of fishermen huts, distant trees and bad weather: yet somewhere in this muddy land, a band of fiery fighters were hiding and getting ready to fight for their lord.
I recognized the stranded ship half covered in sand, which Yggr had described to me, surrounded by muddy rocks and a small spot of land untouched by the sea waters. Near the rocks, among tall reeds, the camp was set and a handful of men were sat around the bonfire in an attempt to fight the cold wind.
Except for one man.
A tall, dark haired man, covered in a fur cloak; his left hand was resting over the hilt of his sword as he stood near the coast, staring cautiously at our ship as if he was trying to tell who we were. But, as we approached the small island and the fog revealed Yggr’s wild hair, the mysterious man prepared to greet us.
The sail was taken down and the crew started to row against the current, sliding through the rather calm waves to take the ship towards the land. It didn’t take long for the prow to reach the sand and before we were fully beached, Yggr jumped off our ship to meet with the dark haired stranger.
He had a concerned expression and his hand remained over the hilt of his sword, ready to fight should the need arise. Yet, unlike him, Yggr was quick to smile and open his arms, embracing the now smirking Dane like a brother.
The man was Sihtric Kjartansson, a warrior that served the long haired blonde, though he treated him like a big stupid brother rather than as his lord and jarl. Both Danes had grew up together, sticking to each other as their parents seemed to care little next to nothing for the young boys, making it no surprise the concerned stranger was in command during the jarl’s absence.
I didn’t know much about him back then, only that he was a fine warrior and a loyal man; but I had also been told he was rather friendly and welcoming, yet Sihtric looked at me with wary eyes. I stared back at him, almost trying to decipher what was going on inside his mind: studying his gaze, the storm brewing inside his blue eye and the dancing flames around the pupil of his brown eye.
He had the face of a warrior, with scars running down from his forehead and marking the flesh over his deep cheekbones, making me wonder if he was hiding any other under the strands of hair over his temple or under the scarce beard around his rather full lips.
I had jumped on the wet sand of the island shortly after Yggr, however being the only woman among all those men, suddenly the warriors resting around the fire seemed eager to welcome our crew. Everyone but Sihtric, who embraced his lord for a while but pushed him away as his men came along with curious looks.
Unfortunately for everyone else, I was not to be touched or harmed: for I was there merely to help build the camp and eventually, should the strings of my destiny allow it, find the man that killed my family.
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The first birds of the day were singing their songs and the sun was setting, the land slowly revealing itself from the fog. It was a cold morning and it got worse as we had to get our feet wet in order to cross from shore to shore, but we were to stay unnoticed and therefore not to use our ship.
We were scouting the surrounding area, following the shore in hopes to find a bigger place to set a new camp. I was walking beside Yggr, with Sihtric a few paces before us to guide our way around; the rest of our group were either guarding our current camp or exploring other areas, though all of us were after the same goal.
The best hiding spots were among reeds, trees and muddy rocks, but those often surrounded water and the rising tides could be treacherous.
We saw stone ruins, abandoned churches and half burnt farms, all a consequence of folk escaping their homes in order to keep their lives, to escape the horrors brought by the monsters from across the sea.
Danes like us were plundering all of Britain; they came with the promise of riches and vengeance but stayed to become kings and killed anyone who opposed them. They had come here to do what that mad man had done to my family, my people.
 I trusted Yggr’s words when he said he didn’t care about a title. He lost his chance to be king and decided to embrace a simple life, only hoping to find a nice place to thrive and stay unbothered by Saxons. Or so it was until the Great Heathen Army decided to terrorize the country, turning our heads into targets for anyone who caught us, Danes and Norse alike, wandering around.
We had stopped, suddenly. We were standing atop a small hill that went deeper in land, hoping to get a better view; the wind was blowing hard and the sun shone upon the land, easily revealing all areas of the territory.
Yggr remained silent, his mind lost somewhere in the dark blue waters from the ocean as the cold wind blew on his hair and beard. Sihtric stood next to me, his eyes narrowed because of the sun while he pointed his finger towards the tall roman ruins to the north.
—That looks like a good spot. —He said to Yggr then quickly looked my way, noticing I was the only one truly listening to him. It was, probably, the very first time he wasn’t eyeing me as if expecting me to take a knife to their throats. —I saw it before, but rain soaked the mud. It will take some work to stop that from happening again.
He had a very calming voice and explained all the work that had to be done for that old ruin to be a proper camp, though in truth all I could think about was the scars on his face: suggesting the man had been in many battles, despite being only a few winters older than Halfdan’s son.
—You two can go. —The blonde man interrupted, resting a hand on mine and Sihtric’s shoulder. —Find some horses and secure the camp, I’ll go find the men and meet you there with the ship.
—Just the two of us? —Sihtric sighed, despite trying to hide his discomfort. —What if the place has been taken? I can’t fight them with, no offense, a woman. —He glanced at me for a split second then stared back at Yggr, hoping to be released of my company.
—I am Norse. And my father raised a warrior, not a weak girl that needs some Dane’s protection. —I snarled back, watching as my words damaged his pride and brought a wide smile to our Jarl.
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The only horses we could find belonged to a group of Danes camping in Theotford, a small town with thatched roofs and a run-down church that once sheltered Saxons.
There was about twenty of them, maybe more, standing watch in every corner and every small gap they could find.
—I am not “some Dane”, I’m a warrior too. —He finally added, remembering our earlier conversation.
—You’re the son of Kjartan, right? —I let out and he gave me a grim look then proceeded to avoid my glance, still walking between the tall grasses.
—We’re never going to make it out alive if we try to take one of their horses. There’s too many of them. —And he was right, those were trained warriors and we were merely a pair of lost dogs to them. —The ruins are not too far, we should get there before Yggr if we walk in a straight line and avoid following main roads.
And just like that, our short journey through the autumnal forests of East Anglia began. We walked through shrubs, trees, short walls made of stone and saw a few deer, but there was no sight of other people anywhere. We avoided getting too close to farms or church ruins, trying to remain silent whenever our surroundings were suspiciously quiet.
—So tell me, Dane, how did you end up in Norway? —I interrupted, getting a judging stare from him when he caught me walking closely by his side.
—He told you we should get to know each other, right? —He asked dismissively, moving a few steps ahead of me.
—He suggested we should get along if we’re to live together in the same camp, but you’re not as friendly as he promised.
A hint of a smirk showed on his face, though it didn’t last long. —My father sold information to Halfdan and left me in Alrekstad to either die or be raised by the king’s servants. —He admitted after a while, looking troubled as he spoke.
—There are worst destinies than to be raised with Yggr, I suppose. —I said and saw him grinning at my comment, finally showing some sort of emotion in my presence.
—What about you, Stavanger? —He taunted, making it obvious that our fool of a Jarl told him about my homeland and, therefore, my newly acquired nickname.
—That’s my homeland, yes. But I come from the Isle of Ikke, a once thriving city to the north of Stavanger.
—Then what brought you to Alrekstad?
—Vengeance. —I said cheerfully, but he gave me a concerned look in return.
Some bonus fun facts:
✯Yggr is the son of Halfdan, King of Alrekstad (modern Årstad, in Norway). He's not inspired by any TLK character, though he has a similar personality and looks to Ragnar The Younger, with some of Cnut's silly sense of humour. Yggr was to inherit his father's throne, but has no issue embracing a simpler life - even though his former position as a prince and charisma turned him into his Clan's Jarl (basically an english Earl, but a Jarl can also be someone trusted by its people and chosen as a chief).
✯Reader was born in a small island in Norway (Ikke, which is totally made up hehe) but her family was massacred when she was a baby, so she grew up seeking vengeance.
✯Sihtric isn't a bastard but his mother died giving birth to him and so Kjartan despises him/never properly treated him as his son (nor did he to Sven but he grew up to be just as his father and so Kjartan eventually accepted him as his son).
✯As this story is unrelated to what happens in TLK, I had Kjartan vanished from Denmark; though he became wealthy again by playing the pirate in other territories and selling information to kings as Halfdan, Harald Fairhair and few more across the sea...
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phosphorus-12 · 2 months
Wakfu AU Chapter 4
Yesss my lovelies, it has returned. Sorry for the wait, I hated myself too much to write, but I'm okayer now so here you go!
Chaos. Chaos everywhere.
Coqueline whistled and the animals fled. The trappers flailed about, trying to catch them, but were unsuccessful. The two ran into the clearing and started yelling. They distracted the trappers further than they already were with the fire. Soon, the animals had all fled.
“See ya!” Coquiline sprinted into the woods. “Good luck!”
The fire was slowly but surely calming down, and Yugo thought that this was the perfect time to leave. That was when the trappers found the baby boowolf that had somehow gotten left behind.
They had surrounded it, the tallest with an odd-looking chain in his hands. He was getting prepared to tie it up.
Oh hell no.
Yugo dropped through a portal and came out going for the tall man. Someone else hit him at the same time.
And it was war.
They all fought each other, not knowing who to go for. Yugo fell on the ground and saw the boowolf running for the treeline, nobody else noticing. He internally congratulated it, glad someone was getting out of this. He felt his ankle being latched to someone else’s. Suddenly, a man caught on fire and ran away, the rest of the group following, trying to put him out. As they disappeared into the treeline, he turned to look at who was next to him. 
That explains the fire.
He felt the ground crack and realized where they were. 
The cliff. With the waterfall. They fell into the water, and he couldn’t see anything. He couldn’t do much else other than thrash around and try not to drown.
He felt himself fall. They were going down, down, down.
They crashed into the water. Yugo swam up, dragging his brother behind him. He made it to the surface and swam for the edge of the river. As he climbed up, so did Adamai. The dragon walked away a bit but was pulled back a little by the chain that apparently wrapped around their ankles. It was the same one that the trappers tried to use on that boowolf. Adamai turned, glared at him, and yelled:
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! ARE YOU STUPID?! I HAD THEM! AND NOW LOOK!” He gestured to his ankle, which was still attached to Yugo’s. “WE’RE STUCK AND IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT!”
Yugo hadn’t slept in days, he was dirty and hungry, and he had just fought about ten people and fell off a cliff. Now Adamai was shouting at him. Suffice it to say, he was not backing down today.
“NO, I WAS-”
Adamai jumped at him and they started fighting. They couldn’t get far apart, so Yugo didn’t even try to get away. He just kept fighting.
They punched each other, kicked and shoved, and Adamai even ripped his hat.
Yugo and Adamai eventually kicked each other apart and sat with their backs to each other.
“I can’t believe you,” Adamai muttered. “We’re all wet.”
“How is that my fault?”
“We just fell off a cliff.”
“Oh, really?” Yugo turned his head with wide eyes as he raised his eyebrows. “I didn’t notice.”
“Oh, don’t you start on me,” Adamai growled. “Why are you acting like this?”
“We just fell off a cliff.”
“Oh my-”
“Well, we have to figure out a way to get out of this,” Yugo gestured to the chain. “Can you shapeshift small enough to get out?”
“No, it’s a magical chain.”
“Of course it is.”
“Yeah, I can’t do that, but I can still breathe fire.” He side-eyed Yugo. “And I’m not spending another second attached to you.”
As he was facing away from him, Yugo tested something out. Yes, he could still make portals! Sweet!
“Uh, Ad, you don’t need to,” he stood up to face his brother.
“Shut up.” Adamai got ready to breathe fire on the chain. He was fireproof, so he’d be fine.
“Ad, wait-”
“Shut up!” He breathed in. Yugo grabbed the chain to try and give it some more slack than three inches, but it wasn’t working.
“Ad, seriously, wait-”
“ADAMAI!” He blew on the chain and felt …nothing. The chain did not melt away. He was so mad now. He didn’t want to be here, especially not with him! He stopped blowing while Yugo started yelling about something.
“Well now what?!” he yelled. “I’m stuck out here, chained to you!”
He turned away from his twin in anger.
“What were you even doing out here?!”
“Looking!” Yugo’s voice sounded strangled.
“For WHAT?!”
“YOU!” Yugo screamed, sounding like he was… crying? He had sounded mad though. Well, not mad, just, upset. He looked at his twin and-
Yugo was
He was cradling his hands.
Oh. OH.
“Oh. Oh my-” He crouched down to his brother, unsure of what to do. “Yugo, Yugo let me see your hands-”
“No!” He hid them further, tears rolling down his face.
“Yugo, please!” Adamai certainly didn’t know where this had come from, a moment ago, he was yelling at his brother, but those thoughts were pushed to the back of his mind as he began to panic.
Yugo thrust his hands out toward him, unable to bear it.
Oh, these burns were bad. They looked like second-degree burns, which was not good.
He couldn’t treat these. He would need actual bandages, not just the mud-covered clothes that Yugo wore. These could get infected if not treated properly. If he got an infection, he could lose his hands. He couldn’t lose his hands.
They needed to find an Eniripsa.
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foxintheferns · 12 days
Wild Heart - Chapter Six
A Twilight- Paul Lahote Fanfiction
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Be sure to read the Previous Chapter!
“You got it, Sully! Just push off!”
“Don’t even think about it, just jump!”
“C’mon, this is the baby cliff!”
I clenched my eyes shut, trying to ignore the shouts of the five men behind me who were already soaked. Their dark hair was now jet black with ocean water, each of them having jumped off the cliff and returned back to the top before I’d even had a chance to set my bag down.
I breathed slowly, in through my nose and out through my mouth, my shoulders falling as I relaxed into the sensation of the warm sun on my skin and the breeze against my face. My body felt full, full of fear and excitement, warmth and freedom. My fingers and toes tingled, and I wiggled them together, bringing myself into my body more deeply. The voices of the boys behind me became muffled as I listened in more acutely to the voice in my head now. I felt a feeling in my chest and stomach that I couldn’t quite place, but it was exhilarating. Adrenaline? Was that what this was? It felt good, like fire and ice in my veins all at the same time.
My heart swelled as I opened my eyes, ready to welcome the feeling of the ocean on my skin. The smell of the beach and the spray of the moisture from below fell across my face in interval as the waves crashed against the rock faces. I looked down at my feet. My toes, painted in now-chipped polish, poised along the edge of the rock, the rich blue water a vast backdrop below them. I looked up then, out at the jarring beauty of the peninsula, and suddenly ached for the silence that the ocean’s embrace would provide.
With a deep inhale, I bent my knees, forcing all of my energy into the propelling of my body upward and out, then down, towards the blue. My body fell through the air. It was abruptly cold as it whipped past me, but for the duration of my fall, it felt as though I was floating. The air held me, safe in its arms, for only moments. I felt myself surrender, a shriek of glee escaping from my lips, before the air released me to the waves. My body plunged through the warm surface of the water, the iciness below enveloping me with a sharp sting shortly after. I let my body relax into that cold, my eyes closed and my limbs limp, feeling the sheer power of the sea around me as it moved in sways against the rocky cliffs. It wasn’t so powerful that it held me under, but the strength of the water still rocked me. I had always felt deeply humbled by the ocean, ever since I was little. No man was stronger than the sea.
My legs kicked as I pulled myself up to the surface, my body in autopilot as it recognized my need for air. The desire to laugh was bubbling up in my chest, the release of adrenaline and the excitement of the moment too much to keep inside. As my face broke through the surface, a giggle exploded from me, and a squeal of contentment came from my mouth. It was cold. I heard the deep laughs and howls of the boys from up above, their figures visible but blurry through the salt water in my eyes. Their voices erupted in chants of approval.
“Hell yeah, girl!”
“Yes Sully!”
“Move over, I’m comin in!” I watched as Embry disappeared behind the others, and I splashed over the to rocks that bordered the inlet. His lanky body came flying from over the cliff edge, twisting in the air with an impressive somersault and the chorus of the mens’ jeering from behind him.
After almost ten jumps from the rocky cliff, I was beat. My body was more tired than it had been in quite a while. It was used to the frigid September ocean at this point, my muscles and fingers stiff with numbness, but I wanted to enjoy the sun while it lasted. With a slight grunt, I achingly pulled myself up out of the water onto the outcropping of rock that shot out at the base of the cliff, providing a steep natural stairway onto the trail.
My feet were wet and slippery against the stone, and I gasped as my right foot slid underneath me. I caught myself with my arms outstretched in front of me, my hand slamming into the rock and my breath hitching in my throat.
“Woah there!” Jared called out.
“Careful,” Seth’s gentle voice came from behind me as he and Jared swam with ease to the rocks, pulling themselves up after me. I huffed as I heaved my body up again, my bare feet relishing in the sudden change to soft padded forest floor as the short, steep trail along the cliff welcomed me back up to the top. After climbing the remaining 20 feet to the face of the cliff, I bent at the waist, pulling my towel out from my bag, and laid it down across the flattest part of the cliff face that I could find, ensuring the sun was falling across the spot. As if knowing what I needed, the sun came out slowly from behind thick clouds, beaming down onto me and my towel as I squeezed my long hair out onto the rock and settled down to rest. I laid flat on my back, feeling the tenseness of my body begin to melt away as the sun glimmered down onto me. I closed my eyes and embraced the warmth eagerly. The boys seemed to be willing to take a break, all of them besides Jared, who propelled himself again, with a loud hoot, off of the cliff edge. My towel and I were about twenty five feet away, but I still somehow felt the spray of water that flung off of Jared’s body as he threw himself out over the ocean.
Jacob shook out his hair a few feet away, chuckling when I squinted and put my hand in front of my face to avoid being sprayed by him as well. He was making his way towards me, gesturing at my towel, words seemingly just about to leave his lips, when a yell even louder than Jared’s came flowing through the forest behind us. It sounded almost like a war cry, a strong howl that pierced the air.
I sat up on my elbows, peering through the trees as Jacob’s and the other four boys’ heads snapped toward the sound as well. Loud rustling and the sounds of branches snapping underfoot broke through the treeline, and two shirtless men abruptly followed shortly after. They had tall, lean, tanned muscled bodies just like those of my new friends. The slightly larger of the two men, the one whose voice was still calling out a long and exaggerated howl, ran with insurmountable speed, weaving straight through our group and to the edge of the cliff face, not pausing before he threw his body off with arms outstretched, his muscles taut and firm. My mouth gaped open at the scene, my eyes still lingering on the spot where the man had just leapt from the rock. Behind him, the other man slowed to a jog before coming to a stop right beside Jacob. He ruffled Jake’s wet hair and greeted him much like a brother would, throwing his frame against Jacob with force as they both cackled and growled vulgarities at eachother as they each pretended to fight the other off. It ended with an arm strewn around eachother’s shoulders, the three other boys surrounding them to share their greetings as well.
This new stranger’s eyes quickly found me, and he nodded at me curtly, seeming only slightly suprised by my presence.
“Sam, meet Harley Sullivan. She’s the new tenant at the old lookout cabin,” Jacob said casually, his eyes meeting mine before scanning Sam’s face for his reaction. I grinned up squintingly at the kind looking Sam. He began returning my smile with a soft one of his own, but as Jacob reached the part about the cabin, his interest seemed to peak, and his smile fell oddly. I decided to take mental note of that.
“Hey Harley…I’m Sam. The old cabin, huh? Damn, nobody’s been there for years. So, uh, you’re a scientist?” His voice was thick with curiosity, but it held a perplexing edge of wariness.
Just as I opened my mouth to respond, Jacob’s humorously taunting tone rang out in his response, “Yeah, she studies the birds. Sully the Bird Girl.” Chuckles rang out amongst the group, and I looked up at Jacob as I shook my head and let my own laugh bubble up through my chest.
He was still grinning down at me when the men around him all flicked their heads towards the wet sound of bare feet on rock coming from behind us. The laughter seemed to stop short stiffly, and when Jacob’s head also turned quickly to his left, I followed his gaze. Jared had returned to the cliff top, and was in the process of shaking his own sopping hair out in front of him, oblivious to the sudden silence.
Standing five feet behind him was the tall man who had jumped. The man who had come barreling through the trees with a war cry and a boyish grin on his face. I was shocked by my own abrupt awareness of the man’s presence. It was impossible not to be; he was staring right at me.
A feeling I could only decipher as electricity jolted through my chest, my limbs, my face. His gaze was not one I’d ever felt the likes of before.
The bone structure of his face was impossibly sharp and strong. Thick, dark brows framed piercing eyes that were brooding with depth: a darker, richer brown than the other boys. They held more than I could understand, and an imperceptible expression fell upon the man’s features when my eyes met his that left me feeling suddenly wildly unaware of my own presence amongst the group. For a brief moment, I could only try to comprehend him.
His lips parted slightly, and a soft gust of air left his mouth, his chest and muscled stomach visibly tightening with the expulsion. Water dripped down his face from soaked, crow-black hair, the wet beads falling across his cheeks and mouth, gliding down to his jawline and trailing across his neck. My eyes quickly flicked to a bead of water that grazed down his collarbone, before they swiftly returned to his impossibly intense stare.
It was mere moments, if that, and yet it felt as though time lagged. He studied me with careful determination, a look of utter shock on his face that I could only meet with suprise of my own. His eyes were wide and perplexed, an almost childlike wonder within them. It looked as though he were about to approach me, one of his feet shuffling forward ever so slightly in my direction.
Then, in an instant, his jaw tensed and his nostrils flared. His brows came together in a look of confused, almost pained anger. The man’s eyes ripped away from mine to Sam’s face before he spun on his feet, turning toward the forest and bolting with more force and speed than I would’ve thought possible into the green canopy.
My eyes remained fixed on the ferns surrounding the edge of the trees long after he trampled through them, even as the men around me began to speak. After the odd sensation fell away from my body, I was suddenly aware again of my surroundings.
Almost all of the men stared down at me, a similarly concerned look on each of their faces, although masked heavily by forced, intentionally friendly expressions. It was impossible for me to ignore the confusion and shock in their faces. I was looking for it. Wasn’t this their friend? Why were they just as surprised as me?
“Well,” Jake clapped his hands together in casual emphasis, “I guess now you’ve met Paul.”
I shook my head in confusion, unsure what I’d just experienced, but decided to contemplate it later, and met Jacob’s eyes.
“Erm, yeah, that’s Paul?” I said timidly. A look of confusion was on Seth’s face, and I peered briefly at Sam, who I quickly realized to be just as much of a leader figure than Jacob to the boys. He seemed older than the rest of them, more wise. His brow was set in a firm contemplative line, but the rest of his features were soft as he gazed at me.
“Paul is a loose canon…,” Sam hesitated, then pulled his features into a more pleasantly relaxed configuration, “not much of a social guy, especially with strangers.”
I nodded slowly, my eyes falling again on that spot along the trees, the ferns still bent and misshapen from Paul’s long strides. I could sense the weight of the look that Jacob and Sam then shared, and it made me suddenly worried I’d done something wrong.
“I’m sorry if I upset him, if this is like a private spot he doesn’t like new people coming to? I know you guys said that cliff jumping is kinda your thing and I wouldn’t want to-,” Jake’s voice cut through my nervous rambling sharply, in a tone I’d only ever heard from him that first night he had taunted me in the woods.
“Oh please, Paul is just an inconsiderate ass. Too angry for his own good. Loose cannon is a damn understatement,” his jaw clenched and his eyes glared icily at the same spot my eyes kept returning to before he added, “You don’t need to be sorry, Sully.”
He looked back towards me, and I felt reassured by the gentle smile that melted onto his face once our eyes met.
“Yeah don’t take that too personally, Paul can be a…. Erm,” Seth pondered the right word for his own description of his friend.
“A bit hot tempered,” Sam finished for Seth with a chuckle, then shrugged and glanced at me, “No sense in blaming yourself. Who knows what his problem is. I’m really sorry about that.” Sam then glanced again towards Jacob, “Jake, I need your help down at the shop. Meet me there in a bit?”
Jake stared at Sam’s face for a moment, before he nodded. Sam turned and started towards the trees, then looked back at my face again, smiling warmly, but not warmly enough to erase the obvious uncertainty amidst his features. He walked backwards as he spoke, seemingly in a bit of a hurry, and waved politely at me.
“It was nice meeting you, Harley, I’m sure I’ll see you around,” he said softly before he turned again and jogged through that opening in the ferns.
Jacob drove the five of us back down to the trailhead, the truck rumbling down the winding road much more quickly than it had on its way up. He told Seth to guide me back to my cabin, and pulled the old truck up onto the grass along the trees. He pushed the truck’s gearshift into park, then turned to meet my eyes.
“I’m sorry, Harley. I’d walk you back, I just really need to help Sam out with something,” he said softly. I was suprised at his use of my first name after the long day of nicknames. Seth opened the passenger door and went to wait for me along the roadside. I nodded, smiling reassuringly and gazing back at Jacob’s kind brown eyes.
“It’s all good! I had a lot of fun, Jake. Thanks for taking me there,” I replied, before adding, “I’ll see you guys soon?,” promptly causing a grin to pull up on the corners of his mouth.
“Yeah, that would be nice,” he murmured, his eyes crinkling slightly. I couldn’t help but notice the odd anxiety that rooted itself across his face, behind his warm smile. I glanced over my shoulder at Jared, Quil, and Embry in the backseat. Quil was knocked out, his head leaning back against the rear window of the truck cab and his mouth wide open in a snore.
I laughed quietly, smiling at the two other boys who grinned back and waved.
“See you guys,” I said lowly, before pulling my tired body across the bench seat and hauling myself and my backpack out of the truck. I turned to slam the heavy door and walked gingerly over to Seth, whose face was the most normal and at ease out of all the men. I was suddenly thankful that he’d be the one to walk me back.
“I’ll take that,” he mumbled as he pulled my backpack off of my shoulder, slinging it onto his own back with ease.
The hike back to the cabin felt painfully long. Seth chatted with me eagerly for the first half, asking questions about the puffins, about my favorite animals, if I get scared at night in the lookout shelter. He laughed just like his mom, Sue, when I told him of Frank, the desperate bachelor puffin. Then, the last ten minutes of the hike was a comfortable silence, one that I felt Seth needed just as much as I did.
Once we arrived at the cabin, Seth returned my pack to me and hugged me gently, letting me know he’d be helping his mom wait tables at the Riverside Restaurant this Sunday. He suggested that I stop in for breakfast, which I much obliged. I thanked him for his help and his kindness, and eagerly made my way in to the cabin once he started his trek down to the La Push beach, towards the reservation.
That evening was the longest and most quiet I’d had in a long time. The interaction at the cliff had left a sick feeling in my stomach. Why was a stranger so distraught by my presence? Was I missing something? Was he, just as Jacob had been when I first met him, angry about my presence in their forest? Jacob was never that obviously bothered. Anyway, did Paul even know about that?
I had never seen that look on a man’s face before. I couldn’t understand it. I couldn’t understand why, or how, I’d had an impact on him.
I stayed up far later than I’d ever stayed up in the cabin that night, my head swirling with questions and thoughts of the men that had now become main characters in my life. But worst of all, Paul’s anger stricken face flashed through my mind countless times, causing an anxious ache to burn through me with each passing. The look he had given Sam before he’d turned away, the contrast in the expressions he wore: first shock and awe, and then a bitter, awful anger.
My body was exhausted and sore, and yet my mind was wired, still reeling with the electric sensation the moment had brought upon me. I managed to reload the wood stove five times with logs before my body finally gave out, and sleep overtook me in a heavy, numbing wave.
A/N: omg. Welcome, Paul, to the stage. We’ve been waiting for you😜
Taglist: @carrrieeexu @living-that-best-life @hotheadwolf @avis15 @gugi7171773 @neo-grey @bbywonu @wilmasvensson @lostwandererkat @littlep2014 @cyuuttee @itsthesamegen @a-moonchilds-life @Elleirbag50 @Foxmp
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sachyriel · 8 months
Light appetizers, little bits of hard and soft cheese, pickles, meat or fish, onions green and red, apples and pears, jams and nut butters on crackers on plates prepared for guests on side tables lined up North and South walls.
Bit of drink in every cup. From virgin fruit punch to gin and tonics, help yourself to the bar at the East and West corners of the room. The bars are well stocked and besides them is the mix table with non alcoholic drinks if you like. The bars are East and West as the sun rises and sets, to remind you to pace yourself if you don't want a hangover.
The refreshments ring is the outside, next comes the art. Arranged according to the Seasons we have Autumn at the West, where the sun sets and the twilight transitions is best suited. I'm an Autumn baby so this is probably where you find me by default, sitting in a dark red easy chair drinking a craft beer talking about the history of the weather in influencing military campaigns. I forgot to use a coaster, so there's a ring of condensation on the coffee table. It'll leave a mark, small reminder of our times here.
North is where you find the Winter Motif, cool colours like blue snow and Evergreen pines. Air conditioning is the strongest here, but the chairs come with blankets. Hot coffee, tea, and coffee liqueur is found here, hot drinks and the faux fireplace coffee table. Talk is light and breezy, plans for the future are common and easy, now is the time to collaborate our intents and conquer the world. Seize the day, cozy and warm under woolen comfort.
To the East is Springtime, you know it and I know it. Bright colours bursting with life, earthen tones await them all the same. A balance of new life built on the decay of old. Mushrooms show signs of a life after death, their fruiting forms a peek of something hidden under the veil of the surface of the dirt. Flowers attract insects, insects attract birds and at night bats. The new buds of trees show the vulnerability of the eldest trees, and the vigor of the saplings. Drinks here are fruity and bubbly, but to be honest I might spike a peppermint tea with something stronger. The beanbag chairs lounge around a big flat leaf table, with a spilled drink dripping off the side. It's okay it's only water.
.At the South there's the biggest windows, I live in the North so that's where they go to get the best light. The spiciest snacks are here, but also the freshest fruits. A BLT is a tomato sandwich that brought friends. Is the cheese spicy or are the spices cheesy? Yes, that line always gets a laugh like "is it hot enough for ya?". Art here is focused on motion and it's shadow, fulfilling dreams and living life. What are dreams but life's shadow? I've never been one for Caesars or bloody Marys, not a tomato juice guy myself but they're popular here. I'll have a vodka and cucumber water, need something light in the direct sun. Topics of conversation are about immediacy, what we did before the party, how much we swam last week, what cliff we're taking on tomorrow. I swear on the Gods if you touch my Apollo statue again I will curse you with psychic powers, and please stop jumping over the camp fire, it's sacred. The chairs here are Muskoka chairs, Americans call them Airondraks I believe. Besides each is a cooler you can put drinks in and rest your can on the top of, no shared table here we have the fire.
In the middle of the room a spiral staircase, entrance and exit with grace.
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latinapoetbts · 4 months
25 days of Bacalar (Drabble)
KTH x Reader (Y/N) Drabble Idol themed | KTH is Filming in Bacalar for Jinnys Kitchen and meets Mexican Native Y/N. Fluff, feelings, and the start of a sexy, smutty scene... I am definitely going to do part two for my own enjoyment, but I would love to hear if you want me to write more. :) ___________________________________________________ “Tae, I-I (moaning), I–(heavy breathing) think we—(moaning) should stop–”, I felt breathless as he pulled away from my neck. I knew I needed to be honest with myself and honest with him. My heart ached, and heat radiated between my legs. My body was desperate for his touch, and my heart ached because my mind knew we needed to stop. The look in his eyes as he peered into mine was one of lust and wonder.
“Y/N, I’m sorry. Did I make you feel uncomfortable? I—”
“No. Tae you didn’t make me feel uncomfortable, I love, I (nervous), I love kissing you to be honest..I uh, um…sorry I feel embarrassed…”. He instantly placed his palm to my cheek as I felt myself blush. I hated how vulnerable I felt and shy. 
“Y/N, trust me I love kissing you, I- I didn’t want to stop…”. His eyes fell to my lips. It was becoming way too hard to control myself. I needed to just rip the band aid off and say how I felt. 
“I don’t want to stop kissing you but I need to stop.” I felt this hand drop from my cheek the warmth leaving with his hand and a look of sadness flicked in his eyes.
“I’m scared to tell you but I have to say it, I need to say it…”, 
“Ok,”. a sigh escaped his beautiful mouth, his eyes gentle and set on mine.
“Tae, I—wooo, this is hard. (pause. sigh.) I love every moment we have spent together, and right now, I love kissing you, your touch feels soooo good and…and… I want more…of you… of us…but…”, I felt the tears start to swell in my eyes. Fuck, I didn’t want to cry. I imagine I must look crazy, why is my heart like this? I felt his fingers entwined with mine underneath the water. 
“But, you see, um… I don’t give of myself easily annnnd… I feel like you..like you have ripped me open in ways no one has in just a short amount of time. And when I open, it's like I'm standing on the edge of a cliff and….. I alllllways jump all in and its sooo fucking hard for me to get out once I jump in. It’s so hard that I’ve only allowed it once. It hurt so fucking bad when it was over. It was too hard for me to…to get out…Tae…your make me feel  fucking reckless… I love too hard, too deep. I can’t be reckless. I know I’m probably not making any sense and maybe I'm rambling.” I felt his grip tighten in between our fingers, his eyes still locked with mine as his free hand gently swiped at my tears sliding down my cheeks. I leaned into his touch unconsciously. Fuck. Im hopeless , I thought to myself letting out a sigh.
“I’m listening. I know you're nervous, but keep going I want to hear it all”, he gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.
“I can’t with you you know that”, I chuck more tears streaming down my cheeks. A smile pulls slightly at his lips. 
“Why?” He asks as he destroys my resolve by kissing my tear stained cheeks pulling away as quickly as his lips touch.
“Fuck Y/N, I’m sorry I—”, I crash my lips into his silencing him as my tonge pierces between his lips, he opens allowing me to explore him once again. We kiss tongs battle for dominance, moans falling from our mouths until we are forced to part from one another for air.
“Your too fucking perfect. I almost can’t stand it.” I bite my lip turning away from him giving us physical space before I dove into him again knowing I’d snap my last thread holding me together.
“Y/N… I don’t understand…please…help me…out here…” , he said softly and sincerely. 
“Tae. Fuck you make me feel like I’m on fire, like im being consuming by you and honestly I want more….I want you Tae. I can’t help but want to be around you …kiss you….and…I want to jump all in, and I can't. You know this better than anyone. I can’t, I shouldn't. I’m the one who loses the most here.” After the baring of my soul, the slight trembling of my body and the retreat of his hand holding mine, came the deafening silence. His body withdrew from me and his gaze turned towards the water. I turned away from him as well. I felt naked and exposed. The truth really does hurt. I felt such a relief to tell him how I felt but also it was devastating, it was finite. I had spent the most incredible moments of my 28 years of life over the last 25 days with the most beautiful, sexy, sweet and caring man I had ever ment. He had wrecked me in so many ways and today was the first day we had ever even kissed. I’m not sure how much time passed in the silence but I couldn’t take it a second longer. My thoughts were racing in my mind. Thoughts of just throwing all caution to the wind, abandoning my attempt to protect my heart just burying myself in this moment with him. Choosing my recklessness, Surrendering my mind, body and soul to him. My other thoughts, “run”, get as far as away as possible. Finally my body was able to move, I stood up out of the water, reaching for my pool towel.
“I think I’m going to go ahead and take a shower and get dressed. Take your time.” I step out of the pool without taking one glance at him, wrapping up my body and what was left of my heart and soul. 
I walked inside and straight to my room tears spilling from my eyes down my chin, I hadn’t even jumped all in yet. I knew I was saving myself the heartbreak of my life. I entered my bathroom and stripped down to nothing, turning the hot water on, I mean I wanted to melt away after all. I step in letting the warm stream over my body warm the ache in my body. And that's when I heard it, the sound of the door opening, the sound of the mental shower rung from the shower curtain scruffing against the shower rode slowly. I could feel how hyper alert my body was, my skin prickling, heart radiating heat between my legs. Just the thought of the idea that he was standing inches from me wearing absolutely nothing had my heart pounding in my chest my cunt lips swelling, and my breath shallow. What was he doing in here with me? Clearly he had rejected me at the pool with his silence. 
And that's when I felt it. His dick hard pressed  against my ass checks, his lips at the shell of my right ear, his hands cupping my hardened nippled breast. I gasped at his searing touch.
“I want you to be reckless. I want you to jump all in. I want you to let me consume all of you.” his words, his breath feathering against my ear, my body melting into him, my back pressed firmly into his chest. His lips moved down my ear over my exposed neck, licking and sucking his way down my collar bone as I continued to be putty in his hands. I couldn't help but the moans pour out of my mouth. 
“(sucking and licking) I fucking want you so bad, (moaning and sucking) please y/n let me have you.” he lets go of my breast spinning me around to face him grabbing the back of my head smashing our mouths together as our tonges battle for sensually dominance. My hands respond by lacing one hand in his hair the other swinging round his neck drawing him close to me. I grutterl moan escapes me the second I feel the tip of his harden dick rub against my swollen wet lips aching between my legs. I feel his free hand cup and squeeze my ass pressing my lips harder against his dick.
“I’ve never wanted someone as badly as I want you. Fuck.” his voice deep and sultry, his hips thrusting against my bare hot wet lips. His mouth sucked deeply and harshly into my neck leaving me bruises that would be on display for days. 
“You make me crazy, Y/N. Please. Be reckless with me.” felt his hand release my ass and slide in between us below the waist. I throw my head back as his fingers swipe slowly over my wet lips. 
“Y/N…oh my god, please, let me have you.” It was over, the plea, the beg in his voice. I’d let him hurt me, break my spirit over and over again.  His fingers teased my lips, edge me by just barely going in. His mouth again on mine moaning deeply into me. 
“Will you let me hurt you as badly as you’ll hurt me?” my heart quaked in my chest. 
“Because, no matter what, we chose it’s going to hurt.”. He was right. 
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yostresswritinggirl · 3 years
request for your event? you being klee's older sibling and having to look after her, but when no one's around you're just as mischievous as her :))
It is time to give love to the cutest child in the game, the chaos incarnate herself skdbslbwka I always love these types of scenarios, and with a lot of material available, I went haywire sksksks
Snippets of angst here and there, but Klee always makes things better! (masterlist)
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Responsible, reliable, strong.
Strength seems to run in your family, as well the familiarity with the element of Pyro. Ever since your mother Alice left to venture into the world after the appearance of Albedo, things had been busier and tiring on your end.
You had to fend for you and Klee outside of the little pension the Knights provide. Unlike Klee and Alice, you were no Knight of Favonius, just a normal citizen that does commissions for the Adventurer's Guild while delving into whatever your heart desires. Because of your lack of connection, most of the income you get are from your own work and the bits of mora your mother has left in your care. Your Spark Knight little sister is well in the hands of the Knights, all accommodation handled by them.
A lot of the Knights and even citizens are quite fond of her anyways, and so in multiple care she's not neglected the slightest.
Your mind is at ease knowing that your sister is enjoying a comfortable life while you deal with the loss of a parental figure in silence.
One night as you slip in next to your little sister in her room within the headquarters, the room your mother had occupied before she left, Klee begged you in her half-conscious state to spend the day with her tomorrow even if just for the afternoon. Klee was no spoiled child, she barely asks for anything nor forces others to do her bidding, and this desperation of hers had you crumble as you agreed.
That night you felt more tired than usual. Questioning to yourself, 'have you been neglecting the last family you had?'
Jean felt more than relief when she heard that you'd taking Klee under your care for the day, offering your deepest apologies and gratitude for continuing to look after her in your place. But as Jean waves you two goodbye, she was naive to the chaos she had allowed to come together.
Instead of skipping commissions like you had planned, under the coaxing of your sister, you ended up doing them with her. "It would be fun, Klee will be good and help out too!" And she did, especially when it comes to disposing the creatures around the city.
You watched a Hilichurl fly up from a huge explosion, body spread out as it disappears behind a line of trees in the background. When you looked back down after the smoke disperses, there's a huge crater in the middle of the Hilichurl camp and many unconscious Hilichurls in general.
"Let me try it too!" "Yeeey, go, big sibling!" Picking up one of her smaller bombs she'd laid out on the ground for easy access, you pulled out your bow and hanged the bomb by its head with a piece of string.
"Do a spin, a 360!" "Whatever my sister wants," you started as you started shifting your body in a turn, arrow and string pulled back and ready for release, "Sheeee gets!" When you saw the familiar view of the camp, you angled your shot slightly upwards and released, arrow piercing through the air before immediately turning downward with the weight of the bomb.
You two looked over the cliff to watch the fire show below, arm wrapped around her form to make sure she doesn't fall, as the supposed tiny bomb produced a huge mushroom cloud that sent a gale of black smoke up to where you two watched.
"That was so cool!" "So cool!" You gave your sister a high five, both of your hair disheveled from the force with ashes littered all over your body.
Gliding down the cliff, you didn't give the charred camp much attention as you two sped past to your next commission.
Once you'd went with her to a faraway river when she said she wanted some fish toast. Not wanting her to use her bomb and cause some kind of fish extinction in Mondstadt, you eagerly jumped in the pond after discarding some of your important items and outer clothing, an arrow in hand as you chased and stab the bigger fish.
"Wah, big sis/bro! Behind you! A green scary fish is about to bite you!" "A what now?!"
After you turned, you've ended up wrestling against the jaws of a giant crocodile that strayed into the stream. It took a few minutes before Klee finally stepped in with her Pyro catalyst.
You swimmed a little more to wash away the ashes, cleaning up your sister's face with a wet cloth too from the earlier Hilichurl extermination.
You're not as popular or in the limelight as your sister, many Mondstadtians only ever know you as a simple citizens who deals with commissions, and so very few (select few knights too) know of your connections with the Spark Knight.
When Klee isn't rambling about her bombs, confinement or Albedo, she likes to brag about you. The best and hardworking family, always responsible and witty that you manage to get away with anything. She proudly announces she wants to be as smart as you too, both clauses somehow sending worry to the Knights in fear of Klee and whatever you're capable of.
Despite your respectful smiles and composed appearance, your energy and genius stems from your unhinged mother. The best and worst part about it tho, is that you don't need to report to any higher ups about your experimentations and findings.
"If we lure in a Cryo slime here," you said with a gesture to the net set up by the catapult, "this catapult would sling it over to the field fire the whopperflower made!"
"Do you get it?" "Yes, yes! Klee will deliver a nice and big Cryo slime!" You watched as she took off with that cute run of hers, and not even a minute passes that she comes running back over the slope-
"That's one- two, three, four- five?! KLEE WE ONLY NEEDED ONE SLIME- AHHHHH!"
An adult and a baby Cryo slime got caught in the net which immediately triggered the catapult's mechanism. In the distance you watched them bounce off the flames, also effectively crushing the flower itself under their weight.
Leaving you two to deal with remaining slimes, which was easy with your precise shots and Klee's destructive power. You two escaped death with a few bruises from the bouncing abominations, your catapult broken amidst the encounter.
"(Y/N) is the best big sibling I could ever have! So fun to play with especially! Even if Klee misses them a lot, Klee knows that they're doing it for the best!" Kaeya and Jean awed at the way Klee speaks so fondly of you after getting cleaned up for rest, while you showered during this time in her room's bath. "Klee wants to be as cool as them!"
"What's this?" You emerged from the doorway with a towel around your shoulder, your appearance causing your little sister to jump down from Kaeya's arms to run into yours. "You little mischief, sneaking out of the room to disturb the Acting Grand Master and the Captain!"
"I wanted to talk to them about how fun and cool you are!" Klee giggled when you booped noses, the two older figures in the room chuckling fondly at the sweet scene.
"Perhaps you could look into joining our ranks? There's always a room for you in the Knights, someone as reliable as you would be helpful in protecting Mondstadt," Jean's smile echoes through her words of offer as she looks at you inquisitively, making you gulp at the idea.
You wanted to refuse, for many, many reasons really. But Klee's bright, wide eyes at the thought of finally being in the same place as you for possibly 24/7, tells you you couldn't really refuse.
It was only three months after being a knight that Jean finally realized the deep and ashen crater by Starsnatch Cliff was created by you and Klee's combined efforts. She stares warily as she sees your form pass by the cracked open door to her office, Klee towed behind you as you walk hand in hand with big smiles.
Mondstadt's walls shook that day.
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Klee is actually my little sister's favorite character in Genshin. I was tempted to merge this with another ask, but no, I must hold myself.
@moaa @dandelion-dreams @witchsungie @lehra @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @snackgod @rxsalinee @cala-ran @wind-wheel @lilydewi22 @yellowflowre @traveler-lumine @nonniechan @creation-magician @hanniejji @gojos-baby @just-some-stars @volleybloop
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murasakispace · 3 years
Adam/Shindo Ainosuke X Male Reader
Author's note : Adam needs a bit of love, don't you think? A little love that doesn't imply to hurt Tadashi. It doesn't prevent that it is certainly crap. English is not my main language and it must be awful.
Warnings : NSFW, spanking, degradation and all the BDSM pack.
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You were a newcomer, a rookie here. In S. You had the time to watch the local legends fall from their safe sky on the large screens. The most incredible was the race against Langa. Well... You were still wondering if his name was really Langa. Maybe you misunderstood, hidden in your shadows. First Joe, then Cherry and finally Adam. You had to admit their style was eclectic. Even them had to learn again. They were believing themselves as gods because they were the founders of a clandestin course. It made you shrug a little while you were observing them.
People were people. Here, in S, freedom was at its most powerful. A place were no one could say, order to someone something he doesn't want to do. Everything was ruled by skateboard and the people's talent. You were quite happy of that. Because of an accident years ago in mountains with your motorbike while you were heading to the summit so as to practice snowboard. You had the ambition to reach the Winter Olympic Games in half-pipe. You fell from a cliff and you miraculously landed meters below with broken ribs instead of your backbone.
During years you suffered and your dream of medals in the Olympic Games was gone, vanished into the air. Your well-known recklessness almost hurried you in your grave. In the hospital, you spent the last three years to reeducate with an omnipresent pain in your back, anger against the people who had forgotten you when you would have given them your soul if they asked for it an ended alone. You nearly lost your mind when you woke up from coma and nothing appeared in front of you. You weren't able to see anymore. Time went by and you found yourself offered the chance to remedy to your blindness. But it doomed you to wear particular sunglasses every day of your life. A little cost considering what you've been through.
You suffered. You were still aching but less than these last month. Moreover you felt better each day passing. Only eternal scars remain. And to be here in S got you like you were free as much as before your accident. And you would thank Adam for this. Yet, you meant nothing, watching the same scenes which were playing in front of your eyes.
You were sitting on your motorbike far behind the last people composing the crowds ahead of you. Actually, the last time you came at S was when Adam had been defeated. Since then, you weren't coming as often as you should now. Everything was more peaceful and Adam abandoned this bad habit to smash people in the face with his own skateboard. Of course, the blue-haired show-off would never stop to make his little shows and big entrances. You don't think that one day his "hey bitches and bros and non-binary hoes" would leave your mind so easily.
Yet, even if you admired Adam as an remarkable skater, you wouldn't prevent yourself to hate him for everything he was aside all of it. He was "in love" as he told to anyone who would like to hear it with his partners of race. It was nothing like love. You didn't know how you manage to not go through the crowds to slap him right in the face. He didn't understand. He wouldn't anyway. Love is sweet, a fluttering sentiment which set upside-down your guts and your soul. It wasn't how you remembered this wonderful thing.
Anyways, Adam had been defeated by a rookie that you had the power to crush on a snowboard. Even if he was talented, had he the talent of someone able to go in the Olympic Games? You didn't think so. You had yourself a modified board. And right now before the attended race between two opponents, you were as if you were playing on the half-pipe near the start of the race.
You were jumping even higher than this little rookie and executing figures in air that were turning sick some of the people gathered in your audience. You were hearing the slight gasps of awe coming from several girls watching them. Even Langa applaused you in the distance with an annoying smile. That little group comprehending Shadow, Reki, Langa, Miya and the others was sincerely uselessly noisy. Though, they were sometimes giving you back a smile you had long forgotten it was existing. But you didn't care anymore. You were busy with your "switched back flip with nose grab" and to make people applause even louder around you.
They were kind and cute because even if the trick wasn't so hard, doing it on a skateboard was something else. And it earned you the nickname of Eagle in S. You were impressive to say the least and people were clearly stunned. What you didn't expect was to attract the boss' attention here. Adam. Actually, his little grieves left you as if you were like marble.
Not only was he sticking to you but he also was quite insisting in his behavior. You didn't like him at all. It may have been the second or the third night that you came on the half-pipe of S. No one challenged you that time. You just shrugged your shoulders and were going on the way to leave this place. The pressure, the people gathered here, the races and the clear lack of delicacy from them made you get away from here. A sort of repulsion ordered you to go away. A skatepark would be big enough to allow you to do the same show for any passerby. After all what was the point of tiring yourself by skating if no one could applause for your demonstration of pure talent. And today, several nights after Adam's defeat, you were leaving S for good this time. It has no point for you to stay.
Yet, Adam didn't want the same. He was observing you before Langa. So he caught you up while lights were dancing around him.
"Mmh... What a wonderful little bird I see here. Don't be scared my dove, I'm not going to bite you." Adam said both loudly and sensually, thus it made crowds look in the same moment towards you.
A heavy silence has just fallen onto the crowds. You have heard the wheels of Adam's skateboard behind you. And he came, leaving his hand on your hips, getting you closer and closer to him. You could feel his hands roaming and doing delicate circles on the fabric of your clothes. Such an intimate action while you could almost feel his head rest on your shoulder. He made a little comment about your scent. Does this man have really no shame ?
"Aren't you tired of your own bullshit, Adam? Losing once wasn't enough to bring humility in you?" you snapped back while the man gazed at you.
"Never, my sweet, stubborn little dove" Ainosuke whispered in your ear while his hands were circling around your waists.
His sweet, gentle, poisonous tone was near to give you shivers. You weren't able to discern within yourself if it was a sort of trespassing desire that was boiling in you or a fire of rage and the deep will to smash him with your skateboard. Probably both. Let's agree on the fact that this man was a living invitation to luxury and rough love. You were just a little smaller than him but strong enough to make him comply and kneel in front of you like a slut. You clicked your tongue and forcefully escaped from Adam's treacherous embrace.
"Alright Eagle. I challenge you into a beef" Adam called behind you.
"Carry on" You answered back while the crowds become immediately silent were watching you with great interest.
"A race. You and me. Right now. The loser become the slave of his opponent." Adam added with his usual disturbing smile.
For one of the first times since you were coming in S, it was one of your first beefs. Moreover, with the boss of all that mess. And finally, it involved something hidden behind all of this display. And you liked it. Why not enjoying fully the race and the aftermath. You used the back extremity of your skateboard you hit Adam in the belly and making him move backwards. You were almost ecstatic. You walked calmly until the start line, put lightly your skateboard on the ground and set your foot on the deck while you were waiting for Adam to come. Obviously, he made his way towards you.
"Mmh... I'll enjoy to turn you upside down after this race" Adam sensually whispered.
"Your self-confidence will kill you one day, filthy man" you replied with a dry tone.
"Let's say that now that I've lost my Eve, the only person in S having my attention is you my little dove. Be ready, I'm not going to be easy on you"
These last sentences would the death of you. His magma-like voice was burning your insides. How can someone warm you up so efficiently? That was a mystery. But you liked it. Adam was well-known to be kinky. You hated a little yourself at that time. You were falling for an insane guy who is now targeting you. Obviously, it was not in a romantic way. Yet, Adam remained a reachable fanstasm. And you were apparently one of his. The green fire came rapidly, thus the start of the race.
Adam became fastly the first. You forgot about everything and just tried to have fun. You were skating as if your board was a part of yourself, dodging rocks and Adam's attack. You knew very well that he didn't change that much after his first defeat here. He even did his little thing of holding you close to him with the sort of horns on his skateboard.
" I love the movement of your hips, so agile, so smooth, I can't prevent myself to wonder what it will feel like to love you fully until you will ache for attention under my touch. You are a snowboarder too, right?" Adam asked more or less.
"You could say that. But I'm not like that kid. I prefer half-pipes. Besides, you have really no shame, haven't you? Anyways, goodbye."
You increased your speed and left Adam behind. You were jumping the cliffs where the turns formed the shape of a snake with the lights in the night. While you were flying, you were shining with more and more complicated figures and graceful landings, making you significantly ahead of the blue-haired holy creature named Adam. He managed very quickly to catch you up. A little smile was playing on your lips. That was funny to see him a little bit in difficulty.
You were provoking him. That was unbelievable and remarkably bold of you to do so. You annoying smile was allowing to build desire and longing in Adam's heart. He was the king and yet, a little dove was playing with him shamelessly. Adam was so mesmerized by your own race that he barely realized he was in the factory. The screams of the people gathered in there dragged him from his thoughts. He saw you fly until the finish line and cross it. You win against him. A huge silent welcomed him.
"One of the first things you have not to lose when you run is your own concentration. I don't know what happened to you but it doesn't prevent that you weren't really skating. So for the beef, I cancel the slave thing." You declared when Adam went towards you.
You turned your back to him and headed to your motorbike followed by the blue-haired man. You didn't want to stay any longer. Adam's footsteps were soft behind yours.
"How can you cancel the slave thing, as you called it?" Adam demanded.
Seeing that he didn't have any answer, Adam reached you to catch your shoulder and make you turn to look at him.
"Because I'm the winner" you responded with a threatening tone.
"So having me doesn't interest you?" Adam questioned with a spark of deception.
"I didn't say that" you replied with a playful half-smile crossing your lips.
You were surrounded by darkness and no one cared anymore about you. For the people, you were remedying with your little issues about the beef. Nothing very interesting for them. Your hand climbed Adam's tensed thigh before going backwards to his ass and caressing it shamelessly. You heard the man getting a heavier breath and mumbling sinner sentences in your ear. You didn't even move when he came closer to enjoy the caress.
"Adam... You are such a slut... Look at you, you sound like a virgin discovering sex" You told with an incredible amount of heat on your voice.
You left your fingers coming down on his half-hard dick and rub it lightly. Just enough to give shivers to the man.
"Horny, aren't we?" you carried on while Adam was melting under your touch.
It was only simple caresses yet the man in front of you was letting himself go as if you were escaping and he won't have anymore opportunities to have you so close.
"More" demanded Adam while he has finally what he wanted so hard.
But you stopped here, creating frustration in the man.
"There's a love hotel down Crazy Rock. Come with your Grim Reaper costume." You requested with an overbearing tone.
Adam ordered to Tadashi who wasn't present in S that night to bring him to this place and the black clothes he was wearing against Langa. Once arrived in the building, he headed towards the receptionist who led him until the room. The space was dark and very classical for a love hotel but it was enough to arouse Adam. He felt as if your hands were still on him while he was changing his red costume. The memory of your hands trailing down his back to reach his ass and caressing it shamelessly was still unbelievably strong in his mind. Then he felt the touch join his cock, gently but still enough to make surrender to your touch. He desired you so much right now. Once he wore his Grim Reaper clothes, he laid down the mattress. He let himself go to the warmth he was feeling. He already wanted you so hard. He thought he was still dreaming when he felt the sudden touch of your hand on his neck.
"Ready to cum due to a shameless imagination. What a dirty little pet we have here. Were you planning to touch while you would wait for me? " You whispered in Adam's ear, getting him to have goosebumps.
Your fingers went down along his spine then reached the start of his ass. You were riding him from behind, each of your legs apart Ainosuke's body. You spanked his cheeks violently when you see you wouldn't get your answer, making the man moaning of both pain and pleasure.
"Use your tongue. You still have one, right?" you picked up after this unwanted silence.
"Yes" mumbled the submitted man.
"Louder. I don't hear you."you commanded.
He was speaking at the volume you wanted to listen. Loudly but not enough to disturb people out there.
"Better" you acknowledged with a neutral tone.
You got away from the position you have over Ainosuke. You were looking for the bad you brought with you. In the corner of your eye, you remarked the presence of a mirror. It could be useful but not now. You were secretly impatient to play with the king of S. You glanced at him and couldn't prevent a half-smile on your face. His hips were slightly higher than what would be normal. The blue-haired man was aching for your touch. Unhappily, it seemed sometimes you weren't as mean as some of masters with their human pet when it comes to tough, rough and painful but delicious sex. Well... It didn't matter actually. Your beautiful puppy lying on the mattress would love it anyway. You sincerely enjoyed the fact that this natural dominant male was completely under your control.
"Get up and kneel. Be rid of your clothes and keep your eyes on the wall. If you look at me I leave you here, tied and with a toy in your ass until you faint. Is that clear?" You ordered with a severe voice.
You didn't get any answer immediately.
"Yes". You heard behind you.
"Yes who?" You added.
"Yes Master" Adam ended while he just worked to be in his knees over the blankets.
The man got rid of his suit not so quickly. The fabric was comfortable and smooth, suiting perfectly his body. The memory of your touch was almost disappearing with him leaving aside all the clothes. He ended naked on the bed, his pale skin revealed to the air. He kept his eyes locked on the wall and he didn't have any access to the mirror to watch what you were doing. He only heard some noises somewhere behind him. Adam was shivering litghtly because of anticipation. He didn't want you to be kind with him. The rougher the better. Anyways, love and pain were both the faces of a coin, right? He submits but you serve.
Ainosuke felt your hand climbing along his leg and rest a few seconds on his thigh. You slided a lubed toy in his hole. You went as deeply as you could without bruising you pet and without leaving without any sensations. His insides were slightly stretched enough to emphasize the rubbing which you started from a few feets away.
You had the time to change in a black leathery pants and high boots, all black, with an open shirt lazily flying along your sides. After that, you were just watching Ainosuke's nakedness from behind. He was well-shaped. You couldn't say more. And this beautiful insane man was craving for your attention. You knew the effect the toy had. The more Adam was holding back his moan, the more the toy is going to make him lose his mind. You knew very well that the man had a certain endurance. Yet, it had no effect when the right points within his body were touched and loved.
You were still gentle. You could be more cruel and less careful about your little pet. Adam knew it very well. He was sure he looked like a little virgin taking pleasure for the first time but the thing inside of him suppressed all of his strength. He was grunting and moaning like a whore and he loved it. But it wasn't enough. It wasn't you.
"More..." Breathed the man while his whole body was totally shaking.
"More? Really?" you asked while you were enjoying the frustration on Adam's face and the red hue on his cheeks.
"Inside me... Touch me..."you went to caress Ainosuke's naked ass before spanking it another time.
"You have no permission to cum, dirty pet. I'll punish you otherwise."you warned with a threatening tone in your voice.
The heat was slightly consuming the blue-haired man and pleasure was way too heavy for him, almost choking sometimes. You would be the death of him if it carried on.
"Please..."Adam silently begged while you were heading to an armchair not far away from the display in front of you.
Were you sadistic? Probably. You had one of your legs hanging on the side of your seat and watching Ainosuke fighting the destroying pleasure inside of him. You were so desirable. No one would ever say the contrary. It was only the start for your adorable pet. But it wasn't enough for you.
"Come here." You commanded with a monotonous but commanding tone in your voice.
You saw Adam moving to reach you. He stumbled on the few meters he had to make to come at you. He knelt in front of you but it sounded more like he wasn't able to carry his own weigh. He was looking up at you with eyes tainted of pleasure. He caressed your legs as any good cat would do to please his master and get some food or any touch. Your hand reached his chin and you lift it without any delicacy. A few more and Adam was going to surrender and leaving himself being overwhelmed by pleasure. His red eyes were blurry and full of lust and you locked yours on his. Your hand went in his hair and you brought him closer to you.
"Take it. And do it well, slut" you requested with an overbearing tone.
You felt shaking hands roaming over your leather pants and undo the belts resting on your hips. His fingers freed your half-hard dick but he was too slow.
"Faster" you ordered.
Adam put his finger on the skin of your shaft, then his lips. You hardly held back a grunt of pleasure while you were feeling his hot mouth around your cock. That was divine but not enough. You settled your fingers in Ainosuke's hair and pulled it closer.
"Come on, slut"
The blue-haired man wasn't slow but it wasn't fast enough and it frustrated you. You ordered him for more speed and he did it. Adam was all focus on your pleasure, worshipping you with his tongue and his lips. It was warm inside his mouth. You wanted to dirty your sub with your seeds and make him feel like a doll in your hands. Besides, you increased the speed of the toy inside Adam's ass. He was fighting tou bring you pleasure and not to cum. His whole body must ache but you didn't really care. You wanted more. You helped a little Ainosuke with his movements. His tongue was caressing you shamelessly, and he was all focused on you. You were almost fucking his throat.
"You are really a whore my pet. Worse than a dog in heat. Loot at you"
You led his eyes to the mirror not far from you. Adam moaned when he saw the image of himself. The red hue on his cheeks while he was taking your cock into his mouth. The sight was mesmerizing. Then, lower, the pre-sperm was dripping from his own sex. Adam wasn't able to suffer it anymore and the last image had been the death of his limits and he cummed lankily on the ground. His muscles all tensed relaxed in a few seconds. He spilled his white liquid everywhere at the bottom of the armchair while he was moaning with your shaft still in his throat.
You raised your hand and gave him an echoing slap which made the blue-haired man fall on his back, covered of his dirty sperm. You perceived Adam hard cock raising between his legs.
"Kinky whore. You are not even able to handle it, right? Such a disobedient little puppy. You'll be punished, you know that, aren't you?" you threatened with a sweet voice, penetrating under Ainosuke's flesh.
You were watching your pet getting up from his position on the ground.
"Be happy that I'm not going to order you to lick it, silly kitten. On the bed, now. Twenty whiplash, and if you are not obedient, I'll double that number. Understood?"
"Please Master, no!" Adam surprisingly begged with and hoarse voice to you.
"This is the cost for your insolence and disobedience. It could be a hundred so take what I allow you" You replied without any softness.
You gave the order to your dog to be astride on the bed, on all four. Adam settled over the blankets and stayed still. The man heard you get the tool in your hand. And without telling him, he felt a painful burn on his ass, followed by your hand which rubbed it. Ainosuke heard himself grunt to the sudden soothing caress.
"It was the first. I won't be that kind after. Count them. At any mistake, It'll be thirty"
You blowed him again and your sub was counting but it was painful and red traces were appearing on his skin. You weren't soft with him and appreciated his delicious reactions of suffering and adoration. The toy was still in his ass, driving him crazy from both inside and outside. Adam wasn't able to keep up anymore and at the end on the punishment, he fell over the blankets, naked, full of shame, pleasure and love. He was crying due to the overwhelming amount of feelings. His shaft was so hard that it was painful and he wanted freedom from you. His pants were perceptible in the silence of the room. The blue-haired man felt your hand on his ribcage and forcefully turn him on his back.
He saw climb over the mattress and settle near him. Your finger roamed over your pet's belly and touch his nipples, making him shiver and grunt. Your softness was welcome for Adam. His body was aching due to tension and slaps but pleasure was still present in his blood and adrenaline was keeping him conscious. Suddenly, the toy Ainosuke had in his ass had a different movement, more intense, more rubbing and making him moan loudly.
"Did you seriously think it was ended?" you questioned with a playful tone. "No. Of course not".
You got up and put yourself in a riding way. You pushed your shaft inside Adam's mouth and start to fuck his throat again. Fingers curling down the sheets and becoming white. Your sub was testifying of this pleasure. And you were too. Your hips were getting faster and faster and Adam's eyes were rolling backwards while pleasure was burning him. You were silently moaning and keeping your features still but it was hard when your little pet's tongue was that agile and smart to find the areas able to make you shudder. It felt like eternity till you finally cummed inside of Ainosuke's mouth. Your sub swallowed everything and as a reward you ordered him to change of position and to rest on his belly. You removed the toy from his ass and caressed it softly.
"Master..." called quietly Adam.
"Mmh?" you responded with distance in your behavior towards him.
"Please. Fuck me." begged silently the man.
Where was Adam, the king of S, almost undefeated? Where was the show-off, the insane guy? You knew very well where he was. He was subdued to every of your desire now, drunken by pain and pleasure, knocked by envy. He wanted you in the simplest way. The incubus became the innocent virgin and you were his master. Nothing was left from the skater man that you met at the nightfall. He was just a body aching for softness after a hardship, pleading for quietness now. And more sincere than he never had been until tonight. He needed you.
"Please Master..." whispered again Adam.
But his begging stopped when Adam felt your dick against his hole. A slight moan escaped from him and you started to bury yourself in him. His insides were warm and comfortable but so tight. The rubbing was divine and you could help yourself but start to fuck his ass very slowly to push him to worship you. Adam had his hips hanging a little in air as you were thrusting to give you both an amazing amount of pleasure.
"P-Please Master... More..." moaned Adam while you were almost hitting his ass.
It was so nice to see the man so submitted to his needs coming from you. You couldn't help yourself but started to thrust more and more quickly and fastly. The sound of your flesh against each other was echoing in the room and you liked it. You got rougher and rougher but it was still nice and finally, you let yourself be. You felt Adam's hole tightening around your shaft for the second time. Your hands slide down his hips to find his own sex so as to apply languid caresses. It was too much for him and his muscled yet thin body sank on the bed and you followed him in his climax not long after him.
You were panting heavily and your pet was actually nearly fainting. You took him into a warm embrace and rubbed his skin to soothe him. You didn't have the time for a real aftercare because he fell asleep immediately. You would wait him to take a needed shower. For the time that you had, you left him be.
Adam had been a wonderful sub. You were happy. But you didn't have the intention to stay with him. If he wanted you, then maybe you should have a more serious and deeper conversation. But now, it wasn't what you wanted.
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marichat-verse · 3 years
Mist Memories
Leo Valdez x reader for his birthday ahhhh (even though it's angsty) with a platonic/developing jason x reader cameo at the end (lmao im sorry i couldn't help myself 😭)
Based on this picture I found in pinterest + also [kinda] based on traitor by olivia rodrigo and omg i really recommend u guys listen to this edit because it reminds me so much of this fic that's been stuck in my head for MONTHS also kind of a run away with me prologue lol
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Your POV
I nervously made my way across the forest until I reached a limestone cliff. I knocked on the iron door, not really expecting to get an answer.
My boyfriend has been shutting himself in Bunker 9 for the past few weeks. I stood there counting up to seven before knocking again. I knocked again two more times, until he answered in the middle of my last knock.
He removed his goggles and winced as sunlight hit his eyes. He'd grown thinner and paler, making the dark circles in his eyes more pronounced.
"Oh, Leo..." I reached out to brush a few strands of hair away from his face, but he moved away.
"What are you doing here?" He said in a monotone voice.
I moved to walk inside the Bunker, brushing off his hesitation to let me in. "I'm your partner, remember? And I'm really concerned because you're shutting yourself out lately. You know everyone's starting to worry about you. Percy asked me to check on you because you missed pegasus riding with him. Oh, and I'm pretty sure Jason's coming back from Camp Jupiter soon. I was hoping you and Annabeth could be with Piper while Percy and I hung out with Jason because it's been a little awkward since their breakup. Plus Piper wanted to tell you something—"
"Please," he said forcefully causing me to stop and look at him. "Just... Get out."
Normally, he'd shut himself from the world for a few days to work on an important project or because he was feeling really sad and he needed space. But this was getting out of hand. He had never locked me out of his life when I offered to help him. He was never this mean when he asked for space. I was not having this attitude of his.
"Okay, Leo. I tried to play nice. What is so important that you blow off all your friends for nearly a month that you can't even tell your partner, or maybe say hi to your best friend who's coming back from the other side of the country?"
He didn't say anything. He pursed his lips and avoided eye contact. I scanned he room for any signs.
It was messier than usual with all the crumpled paper scattered on the floor, especially on his desk. He could have been drawing up new plans. Something in my gut told me that something wasn't right. There were no new unfinished projects, indicating that he wasn't starting a new invention. Harley's helicopter lay on his bench in the same state it was weeks ago. Huh, not even his siblings could enter the Bunker.
I turned and Leo was already changing Festus' oil. I took this moment of distraction to pick up a few pieces of crumpled paper on the floor and on his desk. I had to process the words a bit longer—too long that Leo took notice. Damn dyslexia.
I heard footsteps speed up behind me, but it was too late. I read enough and got the gist of what he had been trying to do these past few weeks.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He yelled at me. Small embers started to erupt between his curls.
I laughed dryly. "So this is what you've been up to?"
His fists tightened, further crumpling the paper in his hands. His eyes flashed with anger, despair and confusion.
I sighed and focused my eyes on his desk, not daring to look at him any longer. Under some pieces of paper were old photographs of him and Piper from Wilderness School. Yup, those definitely were the mist memories she had with Jason. I read the latest draft he'd been writing:
Dear Piper,
Remember the mist memories from boarding school with Jason? They were real, but they were with me.
I miss you. I miss when it was just us. I miss the night on the roof.
Yours truly,
Leo Valdez
I tried to keep my voice from cracking. "How long?"
I heard him sigh. "Three weeks."
I balled my fists. Tears started to fall and smudge the ink. I wiped them away as fast as they came.
"In a dream," his tone softened now. "Hera came to me in a dream and told me to check an old drawer in Bunker 9. I found the photos and the memories came rushing back."
"How long were you dating back then?"
"Two weeks."
"Were you ever going to tell me?"
Silence; then a deep breath.
I shook my head in disbelief. "Why?"
"Because I knew you'd get upset like—"
"I meant why would you throw away months of our relationship for a couple of weeks of your relationship with her? And without even bothering to tell me? Gods damn it, Leo. We've been together since you've first arrived at camp. And what about those promises you made when we were sailing to Greece? You've been keeping these feelings away from me and you've been lying to me, making me believe that there's still something between us and—"
"Oh, calm down," he said with an annoyed expression and tone, which only infuriated me more, "it's not like I did anything were her yet! I didn't kiss her or tell her how I truly felt for her! She just got out of a relationship with Jason around the same time I had that dream. I had to figure out how to talk to her about it. I've been alone in this Bunker for three. Fucking. Weeks. I didn't cheat on you."
"Oh, and that makes everything better?" I countered. "Being in a relationship isn't about not cheating, Leo. It's about being honest and communicating with each other."
"Oh, like you've been communicating with me? After the war, you take go back to Manhattan for school, and you take a job. I haven't seen you much during the holidays because work has been keeping you in the city. And you won't tell me what you even do for a living!"
I took in a deep breath. "I told you I needed to have a life outside of camp! I needed to know first that I could handle myself in the mortal world as a normal human being. I needed this demigod part of my life to be separate as much as possible! I've been in two wars, Leo. I needed time to myself, too. And I was about to tell you guys in a few more days. But I guess now, I'm glad I've kept you out of that part of my life. At least I have an escape from all of this. And now, especially from you."
I took another deep breath and walked to the door, about to let myself out. I turned back again, both our tear-stained eyes meeting each other.
"If it makes you feel any better," I said softly, "I would've hated the idea of us breaking up. But if you really love her, if you really feel like you have this special connection to her and she makes you happy, then I won't get in your way. You could at least have had the decency to talk to me so we could have left on a good note."
He looked at me with wide eyes, clearly regretting his actions. I sighed and looked around the Bunker, possibly for the last time. Lots of memories were definitely created in this room; all just as grand and meaningful as the inventions they made here. But just like some of Hephaestus' contraptions, some of them were flawed and dumped in his scrapyard, no matter how much potential it could have had.
"Goodbye, Leo."
I sat on a rock on the beach that gave me a beautiful view of Long Island Sound. To my left, the sun started to set, casting an orange filter on everything. My heart broke, remembering how everything glowed orange in the Bunker. Leo always left the fires burning when he was working. The sunlight twinkling against the sea reminded me of how small bits of flame peaked through his hair earlier. I remembered how mad he was at me. Or maybe he was mostly mad at himself.
I jumped when someone sat—or rather, landed—beside me. I turned and smiled, seeing one of my good friends back at camp.
"Hey, you're back," I said weakly. "How long have you been here?"
He smiled at me, although he could maybe sense that something was wrong. "Half an hour, maybe? I saw Annabeth making plans to expand camp to have a city. She made me do an aerial inspection and I told her I'll get back to her tonight. That's when I saw you."
"Mhmm," I mumbled, not really knowing what to say. It was silent for a few minutes before I spoke up again, knowing he was just waiting for me to open up.
"I broke up with Leo."
His head quickly turned to me. I guess he wasn't expecting it to be that bad. "What?"
"Oh yeah," I laughed dryly. "Turns out the mist memories Piper had in Wilderness School with you? They were real. But not with you."
His eyes widened. "Oh... With Leo."
"He locked himself in the Bunker for weeks trying to write a letter. It was heartbreaking. Like, truly heartbreaking. He wanted to tell her how much he missed her and how much he missed them. Then he said how much he missed that night with her under the stars and... It hurt. Like hell."
"Oh," he said. "I guess Piper didn't tell me everything then."
"She knew all along?"
He shook his head. "Maybe not everything, but she told me she's been confused about her feelings lately and she'd been having visions or dreams of possible old memories that were messing with her head."
"I'm sorry about you and Piper," I said.
"Don't be," he said. "I understand her. It did hurt, though. But I think I can get over it some day. We're still awkward around each other, but at least we left on a good note."
I scoffed. "Leo couldn't even give me a good ending to our relationship."
"Hey," he said as he put a hand on my shoulder. "You're a great person, y/n. You've done so much, especially for him. It's his loss that he was stupid enough to let go of you."
"I know that."
"Do you really?"
"I do!" I said. "I'm a great person and I know that. But that doesn't mean what he did doesn't hurt me."
"I know," he said. "You'll find someone who'll treat you like the queen that you are. You're a great person, and I'm not just saying this to cheer you up. I truly think you're amazing."
I smiled at him. "Thanks, Jason. And you'll find someone great, too. Maybe not as great as me but, then again, who is?"
We both let out a laugh. The conch sounded in the distance, signaling dinner. I moved to stand up before hearing Jason speak up again.
"Hey, do you maybe want to just grab a couple of plates and eat out here?"
I smiled. "Yeah. That sounds good. I don't really want everyone else hounding me about the breakup right now."
I don't know how long it was going to take me to get over Leo. We really did gave something special. It was cruel how the universe gave me something so good, to make me have hope that something was finally going right, then have it yanked away from my arms just as suddenly as it came.
He never cheated on me, but that didn't mean he didn't betray every promise we made to each other. I should have known it was too good to be true. Life has always played cruel jokes on me.
Then again, who's to say that things won't turn out for the better, right?
Tagging: @drvrslcense @bubblybubbubs @dreamerball @quteez @aesthetxcimagines @chasingpj @beingleft @wadewilsonsgreatestfriend
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mr-jaybird · 2 years
deep in my lis sobeck blorbo feelings atm!
i have made full time senior research faculty at one of the top-ranked universities in the entire world at the age of 29, 3 years into my career. it is a position i was personally headhunted for, essentially offered to me specifically on the basis of the professional and personal reputation i had built after working in government for a single year
damn near every single person here is a phd or an md. i have zero graduate school whatsoever, and while i do have a degree, it's in a field only tangentially related, and all of what i actually do and every skill i need i taught myself completely on my own. i'm a scrappy self-taught little thing, and even more than that, i am a good decade younger than anyone else working here, and what's even worse, i look it
(i recognize lis actually went and got the damn phd, but the youth and inexperience...blorbo feelings anyway)
this morning, part of what we went over is that the work i do is so critical and sensitive that certain mistakes on my part could result in a national news scandal, and the university losing the entire contract permanently. the thing is, if that were to happen, even from an innocent mistake, it would be right to do so, because what i have access to personally is so sensitive that it could have severe negative impacts on the lives of close to a million children. i can do this, i will do this, and i will be VERY fucking careful, but it's scary! i can do a hell of a lot of good for a lot of people here, but that's the other side of the coin
they are also setting up a meeting for me specifically with the director of the entire research center, who is a giant in the field. not just the guy who runs my division, but the whole damn thing. they told me they want his eyes on me, specifically, they want him to be watching what i do personally because they think i will transform their entire department and help launch them into the future. they have told me over and over that they think that i will be able to revolutionize their processes and research
and i am good at what i do, have been at the top of my class and beyond and able to learn anything i ever needed my entire life, but honestly, i am also terrified of living up to my own legend. it is intimidating to be put in the position of the brilliant star that will make big waves, and to know that while i am very very smart i am also desperately trying to figure out what i'm doing, and to know that because i come off as that smart people never believe me when i have doubts--always the reassurance that you're a genius, you can do this, when i'm like oh my god i know i can but will someone please make sure i'm not doing it alone. i know that i will be able to do my job, but i am afraid i will not be able to live up to the HUGE expectations they have of me. what if i'm only good, instead of great?
despite my fear, i have so much ambition, so much it burns. it's such a catch-22 where if my job is too easy i start going crazy because i have too much restless energy and unspent potential, but then i tend to jump into the deep end on something and become a workaholic and burn myself out. i have not yet learned how to harness that fire and keep it burning steadily instead of alternating between fireworks and smoldering ashes. i am hoping i DO learn it at this job, though
people have been expecting great things of me since i started talking, honestly. parents, teachers, friends, professors, lovers, everyone talking about the big things i'm going to do. i have expected great things of myself as well, knowing that i'm capable of them, and truthfully, i've succeeded. this job definitely qualifies. but i'm so scared i've gotten to this cliff, trying to fly, and am about to discover i'm actually falling instead
anyone who made it through all this and is familiar with horizon is now like oh dude, yeah, you're projecting hardcore on lis huh. and i gotta say, as a brilliant, breaking-in-young, somewhat emotionally stunted and closed off, ambitious, workaholic, dedicated to public good work, confident in my core competence but with deep insecurities programmer/scientist, YEAH I SURE AM
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
for the meet uglies, sternclay 60 sfw? OwO
Here you go!
60 Sterncly SFW. we’re both on a reality show (like the queer bachelor) where we’re told to be friends but the first time we met, you were incredibly rude and judgmental and I don’t know if I can do this for the damn cameras
“So, Barclay, now that we’re a few days in, what’s your impression of the other contestants?”
“They, uh, they all seem like great guys. We come from a lot of different backgrounds, so that’s kind of interesting to be around but, uh, I live in a place that’s like a big, chosen family, so being in a house with a bunch of types of personalities is kinda, uh, homey.”
“There’s no one you think you’ll struggle with?”
“Uh. Well. I, uh, I don’t like Joseph too much. He came in and he’s so, like, phony from all the years in the FBI. It’s like he’s trying to be polite and charming but really he thinks we’re all idiots for being here. Which, like, buddy, last I checked you signed up for this the same as the rest of us.”
“Joseph, any worries about the other contestants?”
“No. I mean, we’re competitors on a dating show, not enemies. I think we’re all trying to show Vincent the best versions of ourselves.”
“There’s no one you’ve had conflicts with?”
“........I, um, Barclay and I got into a small argument earlier about the house rules. But I’m sure if we both stick around long enough we’ll come to an understanding.”
“Gentlemen, this cannot continue.” Ned, the producer, sits on the couch across from them. Barclay glares at Joseph, but the other man keeps a cool demeanor. Great, he’s making Barclay look like the big, angry mountain even off camera.
“I thought reality shows needed conflict to thrive.” Joseph cocks an eyebrow.
“They do, but about big things, like love and rivalry. Not how to properly load a dishwasher.”
“I’m just trying to be efficient.”
“My way is perfectly fine.” Barclay snaps, “jesus, I worked in kitchens for years, I know how to get clean plates.”
“That doesn’t make it optimal.”
“Do you have to be right about everything?”
“Gentlemen, you recall we have a housekeeping staff, right?”
“It doesn’t matter” Barclay doesn’t take his eyes off Ned, “we’re supposed to all get along, not all try and prove we’re the smartest guy in the room.”
“See, this is your problem, you need everyone to like you, to see you like a big brother, but you’re missing the fact that at least three of them have decided your gentle giant persona is a threat and they’re trying to oust you.”
“It’s not a persona, it’s just how I am. We aren’t all government shams disguised as men.”
Joseph’s facade cracks for a moment, blue eyes trying to light Barclay on fire.
“Enough.” Ned shakes his head, “you may despise each other as much as you please behind the scenes. In front of the cameras, please try to act as if you’re not ten seconds away from coming to blows. Agreed?”
They trade a final, furious look.
They’re a little over three weeks in; Vincent is still doing lots and lots of short, individual dates between the group outings, so the contestants have ample time to hang around the house and get on each others nerves.
Case in point: Joseph was right when he warned Barclay that others saw him as a threat. Chad, Alex, Nico, and Rich have all decided to go after him. Just this morning he’s been told he’s not man enough for Vincent (he shooed a wolf spider out of the kitchen with a broom instead of squishing it), too girly (he offered to make cupcakes if people wanted), and too big (who'd want to fuck a six foot tall puppy).
His mood is not helped by Joseph chatting away on the couch about his former job with the FBI. Barclay swears it’s all the asshole knows how to talk about. Maybe it’s time for Barclay to play a game of his own.
“Hey, Joseph.”
The other man turns, black hair perfectly slicked back like he thinks he’s some kind of movie star.
“I bet you ten bucks you can’t make it until eight tonight without talking about your job.”
The other contestants in the room snicker, several even giving Barclay a thumbs up.
Joseph adjusts his shirt sleeves, “You’re on.”
Ten hours later, Barclay is forced to get his wallet. The other man never mentioned the FBI once. In fact, he did Barclay an even bigger favor; he didn’t talk at all.
He finds the agent sitting on the back steps leading into the garden. Stays standing as he holds out the cash, “you win fair and square.”
Joseph looks at the money, then looks away, “I did it to show I could, not for the bet.”
“I mean, you didn’t have to go, uh, quite so hard on the silence thing.”
“I didn’t mean to. But, um, every time I was going to open my mouth, I realized it was somehow related to work. So I kept quiet.” He sighs, stretches out his legs. He’s in slacks, because of course he is, “I must have been so tedious to listen to, no wonder I was driving you up the wall.”
“I really am married to my career. I guess it’s not surprising my last chance for love is on a T.V show.”
“Hey, I get it.” Barclay sits down next to him, “when I was first working in commercial kitchens my hours were crazy; I barely saw my apartment, my friends, my boyfriend who pretty quickly became my ex. But it was what I needed to do to build the career I wanted for myself. To do what I loved.”
Only the crickets and the distant waves reply. Then, “You said you were a private chef now, right? Along with writing cookbooks?”
“Yeah. Kinda surprised you remembered.”
“Listening is a major skill in my profession. Besides, it’s polite to pay attention to what people tell you.”
“What’s your job now? You only ever talk about the FBI stuff?”
“Paranormal investigation. I never bring it up because people assume I’m out chasing Bigfoot with a shaky-cam or trying to communicate with haunted dolls.”
“So...what is it instead?”
“Helping people figure out they’re homes aren’t haunted or the monster on their property is just some owls. I like the challenge of solving the mystery, and I like helping people feel safe in they’re homes.”
Loud voices form inside; the caterers must have refilled the bar. He doesn’t really want to go in. It’s too nice out here.
“You wanna hear about the restaurant my coworkers swore was haunted?”
Joseph perks up, turning to face him, “Yes, please.”
He’d been really looking forward to beach day. Six guys are already gone, and Vincent has taken his fleet of suitors to the sunny San Diego shores. Barclay is dismayed to find all but three of the other guys have waxed their chests. Joseph hasn’t, but his happy trail is nothing compared to fucking black forest on Barclays torso. Nico’s gotten half the guys to call Barclay “bigfoot.”It makes him feel like he’s back in high school P.E freshman year, and his body image is rapidly sliding into that of a shy fourteen year old.
“Barclay!” Joseph comes jogging out of the surf towards the towels they lay down side by side when they arrived, “you should come in, it’s really the perfect weather for swimming.” He drops onto his towel, black hair a bit mussed. The swim-shorts that he thought were blue with green spots turn out to have not dots, but tiny UFOs on them.
“I, uh, I’m good. I, uh, I burn easily and I don’t think anyone wants to rub sunscreen on my hairy back.”
“Hey, Bigfoot, what’s wrong? Scared of what’ll happen if the cameras get a load of your gut?”
Barclay growls, stares at his toes. Joseph tracks Nico as he finishes jogging by. Then he calmly picks up a frisbee, aims a throw, and knocks his snapback off his head. He’s sitting down before the other man can work out who threw it. Barclay chuckles, but doesn’t get up.
“Bigfoot’s my favorite cryptid.”
“Uh, thanks?”
“And who gives a shit if you have a stomach.”
“Easy for you to say, you’re cut.”
Joseph grabs his sunglasses, “because I like that for my body. I happen to like yours just as much. Um I, I mean, it seems like Vincent likes it.” He tips his head towards the Bachelor, who gives them both a long once-over.
“...Will you do my back?”
“Of course, big guy.” The nickname sounds so right on his tongue it makes Barclay want to set his head in his lap and ask him to pet it.
It’s late afternoon when Ned herds them all onto a boat which promptly steers towards some cliffs. Joseph stays close to Barclay, pleasant expression noticeably tightening the closer they get to the rocks.
“I’ve been dreading this. Cliff diving is not something I’d pick to do on my own.”
He shakes his head, “Deep water. I know it’s not rational, and I even checked to be sure there hadn’t been large shark sightings in the area, but I can never shake the feeling there’s something waiting just out of sight, ready to surge up and eat me.”
They all climb up together, Vincent staying on the boat to watch them jump (this is technically a friendly competition to show off how brave they are). As they’re turns get closer, Barclay sees Joseph doing deep breathing exercises.
They hit the edge. The agent freezes.
“Shit. I don’t think I can do this.”
“C’mon, where’s my daring special agent?”
Joseph still doesn’t move.
“You, uh, you wanna jump together? Maybe the megaladon or whatever will eat me instead.”
“Megalodons are extinct; we’d know if they weren’t, same as we know Whale Sharks aren’t.”
“They you are.” Barclay murmurs, smiling.
Joseph manages a smile back, “On three?”
“Yep. One, two” he grabs Joseph’s hand “three”
The water rises to swallow them with terrifying speed, but nothing is waiting for them except one very startled fish. They surface together, Joseph laughing triumphantly, hair plaster to his head and sun shining in his ocean eyes.
If Vincent doesn’t pick him, he’s out of his mind.
“Ohmylord, we have to play this.” Joseph cannot believe his luck; he figured the barcade group date would mean a lot of solo time, but here’s his favorite game in the whole wide world.
“Monster Hunt?” Barclay laughs as he lets himself be lovingly shoved down into the seat of a cut-out Jeep, “very on brand.”
“They had this at the bowling alley near my house. I’d play when my parents had league night but couldn't get a sitter. I never could beat the Mothman level without a player two.”
He doesn’t have that problem tonight, even with Barclay distractingly delighted and handsome in the seat beside him. After that, they make it their mission to find every two-player game in the thrum of flashing colors and tinny music. He finds they both like the Bowser Bourbon Smash, and somewhere around their fourth, heated game of air hockey they each polish of one too many of them to stay upright without the support of a game, a helpful show staff member, or each other.
When they get back to the house (their fellow contestants all in a similar state to themselves) they manage to make it to Joseph’s room before collapsing into a giggling heap on the bed.
“That, hic, that was fun. Games are, hic, fun.” Barclay blinks at him, “what’re you laughing, hic, at.”
“You, you got the hiccups. S’funny because you’re so big, like, like watching a, a pitbull with a, um, a” he makes a squeezing motion that his sober self would recognize as “squeaky toy.”
“M’not big” Barclay pouts, “I, hic, maybe everyone else is, hic, just small. Ever think of th--hic--at.”
“S’not a bad thing.” Joseph shifts so they’re facing each other, “like how big you are. Makes you sexy.”
Barclay blushes, “you’re, hic, one to, to talk. You’re hot, so, hic, so fucking out. Got, got those eyes. That, hic, that face” He touches Joseph’s cheek, “love your face.”
“Love yours too.” Joseph says, stroking his beard. Then they’re moving in inelegant tandem, grabbing at each others shoulders and faces as their mouths find each other. Barclay is so warm, whimpering when Joseph rolls him on top, nipping his lips and pawing at him like a puppy hoping for a treat. Joseph is going to hold him close and let him have it.
A clatter from below, one of the other men knocking something over in the kitchen, breaks the spell.
“Wait, wait” Joseph reluctantly slides his hands of Barclays ass, “we, drunk, we’re drunk, too drunk.”
Barclay blinks down at him, pouting a little even as he groans “fuck, you’re, you’re right. Wanna, gotta remember this. Don’t wanna” he yawns, “regret it.” The instant he flops onto his back Joseph climbs into his arms and falls asleep to the slow rhythm of his breathing.
After that night, they agree to be more careful; they’re here for Vincent, to see if one of them is his true love. That’s what the contract they signed says.
“More careful” turns out to mean watching their alcohol intake around each other and only touching platonically (including falling asleep on the couch together. They wake up to cameras recording their nap. Barclay isn’t sure what Joseph threatens Ned with, but the footage never sees the light of day).
But unless they’re on a solo date with Vincent, they’re by each others side. Barclay teaches Joseph dominoes and how to make biscuits. Joseph introduces him to terrible old horror movies that they watch on his laptop and compliments his cooking every chance he gets.
They must be doing something right, because they move to the next round week after week, Vincent clearly enamored with both of them. Barclay certainly understands the feeling. Just not for the person who he’s supposed to.
“Joseph? If, uh, if neither of us win, what are you gonna do after this.”
“Go back to work. Maybe pitch my book about U.S cryptids.” Joseph’s smile goes shy for a moment before recovering, “but I wouldn’t worry, big guy; I think you’re the front runner for sure.”
Barclay knows for a fact that Joseph is a fan favorite and the suitor most people think will win. Which is why, when Vincent selects his final four, he’s not surprised Joseph gets the first rose. Then everyone but Barclay is holding one and Vincent is touching his shoulder.
“Barclay, please don’t take this as a sign I’m not deeply fond of you. This wasn’t an easy choice but I, well, I feel like your heart may not be in this anymore.”
He takes Vincent’s hand and squeezes it, “It’s okay. It was wonderful just to get to know you. All of you.” He looks at the final four, at Joseph’s calm, polite expression. He meets blue eyes as he says, “I hope you find someone who makes you happy.”
With that he turns, all too aware of the cameras tracking his exit, his face, how he’ll have to do a final interview and not reveal that he’ll hate Vincent forever but not blame him in the slightest if he marries Joseph.
Every eye, lensed or no, turns back to the gazebo. Joseph is at the edge of the steps, poised to run. When he sees Barclay stop, he turns to Vincent.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t accept this.” He hands the bachelor the rose, “I hope you understand.”
There’s no soundtrack on set, but strings swell in his ears all the same as Joseph descends the stairs and leaps into his arms, kissing him so hard he still has stars in his eyes when he opens them.
“It’s not a marriage proposal” Joseph whispers, kissing his cheek, “but I do have a question for you.” He pulls back, all cameras on them but his attention for Barclay alone, “would you like to be my boyfriend, big guy?”
Barclay rests their foreheads together, “Yeah, babe, I really, really would.”
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hello-everyfandom · 4 years
"I promise to fix your ties in the morning and kiss you when you come home."
Warnings: Death, violence and blood.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Words: 2k
Summary: Newlyweds meet tragedy and disaster.
(Wow, okay so this made me so super emotional. Quick note: Italics refers to the past. Sorry in advance :( )
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 You could hear the destruction of your home. The falling stone walls and the dust that sputtered out from under it. For years, you have stared at the paintings and wandered Hogwarts to admire the absolute beauty it omitted. It was your home, the place you grew up, the place you learned how to become something only dreams could portray, the place you fell in love with Fred Weasley. But now, you could smell the metallic scent of blood and could hear the electricity that spits out after venomous spells were casted. You could feel drips of blood run down your chin from the nasty cut you had gotten after you had fallen. You could feel the blisters and the soreness of your muscles from holding up your wand. Your voice was hoarse and, if you could, you’d drop to the floor in exhaustion. But you stood defiantly, wand in front of you. A man in a mask faced you as you breathed heavily, your mind sharp.
“Reducto!” You yelled, blasting the wall behind him into pieces, trying to frighten him. He dodged it, snapping his wand at you.
“Crucio!” He spit back. It narrowly missed as you continued to duel bravely. “Stupefy!” You countered, hitting him square in the chest; knocking him backward into the crumbling wall. He laid on the floor as you caught your breath before turning and flicking your wand to avoid another spell that was thrown at you. 
Destruction. You could see the bodies of men, women, and children strewn on the floor. You bit back a sob as you continued to fight for Good, against evil, against the Death Eaters who saw nothing but blood. Fred. Fred. Fred. All you could focus on was staying alive so you could get back to Fred. Fred. The man you so desperately loved. The man you married last night before the war had approached on your doorstep. 
Outside the shell cottage, you wore a simple white dress that Fleur had graciously lent you. She braided your hair and placed a kind hand on your shoulder.
“You look zo bo-tiful, Y/N.” 
“Thank you, Fleur,”
The bedroom door pushed open, as Molly peeked in. She gasped and held her hand to her mouth in silent tears. You smiled and reached out to hug her, rubbing her back.
“I’m so happy,” Molly cried, holding you closer, “You, I.” She sobbed, wiping her face.
“Molly,” you asked, “Will you and Arthur walk me down the aisle?” Your question seemed to make her cry even harder as she nodded her head as quickly as she could. Your parents had passed earlier this year, captured by Death Eaters and killed for information on the whereabouts of Harry Potter. But, Molly was just as much your mother and you wanted nothing more than for her to give you a way to her son. Arthur peeked his head in, seeing his crying wife and smiled, wrinkles indented near his eyes. 
“Arthur, Dear. Y/N would like us to walk her down the aisle.”
Arthur smiled even harder, and agreed whilst giving Molly a handkerchief, “It would be my honor.” Before Molly could let out another cry, she dabbed her eyes.
“Not to interrupt,” Bill said from outside the door, “But we’re ready for you.” 
Only a few chairs were outside on the beach, Molly held your hand as you walked down the cliff and down to the water. There was no music, there didn’t need to be for this to be the most perfect wedding. Ginny and Charlie sat, looking back at you with grins on their faces. Tonks and Remus also managed to make it, Tonks hair was a simple colour of blue. Bill and Fleur quickly took their seats to watch you, arm in arm, walking down with Arthur and Molly. Just across from you, stood the love of your life. He had worn simple slacks and a dress shirt with a colourful bow tie. His brother, who stood with his hands behind his back whispered how lucky a man Fred was. He knew. He watched you with happy tears in his eyes. You sent him a wink which made him chuckle and shake his head. Your feet hit soft, cool sand and you continued until you were in front of your soon to be husband. Arthur and Molly kissed your cheek and sat. Molly immediately gripped her husband’s arm, crying into her already moist handkerchief. 
You joined hands with Fred.“You look dashing,” you whispered.
“As do you, sweetheart,” Fred said honestly, barely believing you were there in his arms, ready to become fully his. 
“Are you ready to get married?”
“I was born ready.” You two turned to Kingsley Shacklebolt who officiated your wedding. 
You could barely hear what he was saying over the constant pounding of your heart. But, you could hear him announce the vows. 
Fred turned, exhaling in blissful happiness.“Y/N, I promise to be the husband you deserve. I promise my heart and myself to you. I promise, together, we will make a living and continue to love each other even when we argue about silly things such as how to properly pronounce ‘bludger.’ And, most importantly, I promise to love you for as long as you’ll let me.” You laughed through the tears you seemed to have forgotten were there and cleared your throat.
“Fred. I promise to be your partner, I promise to always love you with open arms. I promise my present and my future with you. I promise to fix your ties in the morning and kiss you when you come home. I promise not to get too angry when you accidentally set our living room on fire. I promise to make you a cup of tea when you’re stressed or a cup of whiskey if you’re really stressed. I promise to wake up next to you and fall asleep next to you every day. I promise I will be yours.”
Fred smiled and turned to George who passed him the rings. Fred held your hand delicately and placed the ring on your finger as you did the same to him. Shacklebolt waved his wand over your joined hands and again over your heads, raining stars, and sparks around you. You leaned in and pressed a sweet kiss on your husband’s lips. You could hear the hollers and applause from your new family as you turned and smiled ear to ear at them. George pointed his wand to the sky and set off fireworks that sprinkled on the small crowd. 
“I love you, Mrs. Weasley,” Fred said, holding you in his arms.
“And I love you, Mr. Weasley.”
You could feel the ring on your finger as you continued to aim spells at people, dodging and jumping as you made your way through Hogwarts. Violence, fighting, dueling and killing continued until Voldemort had made his devastating announcement calling Harry Potter to him, calling Harry to sacrifice himself in order to save his classmates. Then, the halls became silent. You cursed yourself for being so far away and sprinted towards the Great Hall where most of the injured laid. Before you could reach there, you saw a young boy on the ground, spitting and coughing to prevent the dust and debris from going into his lungs. You searched him over for injuries, he must have not been older than thirteen as he still wore his Ravenclaw tie. You threw his arm over your shoulder and limped fastly.  Your legs carried you and the boy, ignoring the exhausting soreness of the war until you reached the Great Hall. You found Madame Pomfrey who took him in her arms and began to tend to him. You sucked in a deep breath as you called out, “Fred?” No one answered. You looked at the crumbling walls of the Great Hall and the torn House banners until you spotted a family of redheads. You grinned and ran towards them. 
“Fred!” You called, reaching your arm out. But before you could reach them, you felt an arm slip around your waist, tugging you backward.
“Y/N, stop.” You heard Bill, Fred’s older brother, say in your ear, “You don’t want to see this.” Immediately confusion gripped your throat as you peered closer. The Weasley family was huddled around something, someone. Someone lying on a stretcher, you could barely make out his shoes. No. You could see a hand that drooped lifelessly on the floor. A wedding ring. A ring you had just slipped onto him yesterday. You fought Bill’s grip, leading you towards the man who was lying there. A man. A man. Fred. Fred Weasley was lying there. You could see his hair that you had tousled this morning. You could see his lips that were slightly parted and cracked. 
“No.” You gasped, breaking away from Bill’s grasp and rushing over to the Weasley’s. You had just noticed they were crying, all of them. You pushed between them, making sparse eye contact with your husband’s twin. His face was twisted in pain. You shifted your gaze from him down to Fred. Bill had approached you from behind and attempted to hold you still. You let out a cry, no. A scream. You screamed. Maybe it was silent, or maybe it was glass shattering. You couldn’t hear anything. You howled in agony as you gripped Bill’s arm, falling slowly to the ground, your knees hitting the floor. All your sadness, your anguish and your suffering let out in long screams. 
Denial. It wasn’t him. It couldn’t be. You had just had tea with him this morning, you had just kissed his lips before you two separated to fight. You inhaled salty tears that stung your lungs as you cried out again in utter pain. The Weasley family watched you in pity and in sadness as you reached and gripped Fred’s hand and held his cheek. The sounds of your screams made them flinch, but you could barely control yourself. Your husband laid there, a vacant look in his eyes. 
“No.” you sobbed, holding his hand tightly to your chest, your rings touching together. “No!” You pressed your head to his chest, wishing to hear a heartbeat. Nothing. You reached up and brushed the rubble and dust out of Fred’s hair, whispering and crying to yourself. 
Harry Potter watched you from afar. Watched a grieving wife cry over her husband because of him. You always hand in hand with Fred, giving Harry advice or witty comments. Harry had never seen a couple more utterly in love and felt a wave of realization hit him. He couldn’t let more people die. He couldn’t bear to see more people die because of him, more people grieve because of him. George kneeled next to you, pulling your lifeless body in his arms as you hugged tightly. He blocked out the screams you let out in his ear and held you tighter. 
Somehow, you lifted yourself from Fred’s body. Feeling nothing but the need for vengeance and justice. As the war continued and Harry fought Voldemort, you lifted your wand and cast spells with anger in your heart. You dueled death eater after death eater, tired to the bones until you couldn’t fight anymore. A blast knocked you into a pillar, rendering you close to death. You felt strong arms lift you up, your eyes drifted to a similar red hair, similar face. It must’ve been Fred. In your last moments, you felt yourself slip away, looking up at your love’s face. Fred’s face. You felt safe, ready to leave with your husband, the love of your life after the battle had taken both of you. Your eyes drew closed as you wheezed and cuddled closer to the arms that held you. George, who had actually  picked you up, placed you gently next to his twin. There you laid, newlyweds, hands touching with glistening rings.    
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milkypompon · 4 years
𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 ℕ𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖 | Gaang x Earthbender!Reader
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𝕀𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖 | What’s life like with the Gaang when they include another Earthbender? Well to everyone’s surprise, it’s quite calm… sometimes. Y/N’s ability is unlike the hard-core Metalbending, Sandbending, and tradition Earthbendingof Toph. Yes, they’re fully capable of doing all that if they truly wanted to. But Y/N chooses to help out in their own way, giving life to nature and indirectly to their friends too.
𝔸𝕦𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕣'𝕤 ℕ𝕠𝕥𝕖 | You can deem these as Character x Reader or just some adorable platonic love with the wonderful team! On another note, for some reason, I LITERALLY WRITE SMALL STORIES INSTEAD OF HEADCANONS LMAOOO. Still hope you got a lil something out of this.
Puns. That’s it puns.
The crew sat around a flickering fire dead in the night. Wind whistled into their ears and leaves swirled about their hair. Despite the chill weather, everyone chattered and laughed wildly. Sokka began yet another high tale of his that was supposedly dating back to his childhood. His arms flailed wildly, receiving cackles from Toph. While Katara and Zuko fell onto their side, legs kicking the air sporadically.
Y/N sat next to Aang who suddenly grabbed their shoulder and said firmly, “We need to talk.”
Everyone stopped their shenanigans.
Aang deepened his voice, “Y/N… for what’s Earth, you are the team’s most down to planet person ever.”
Well… at least he tried.
Competitions on who can pull out the most potatoes out of the dirt. Let’s just say the Gaang ate potatoes for a week thanks to Aang. And an astonishing two week thanks to Y/N.
When they have heated arguments, which weren’t often, but the team sure as hell stepped on the gas when it did happen, Y/N would offer Aang some pretty nasty food. Nothing dangerous or poisonous, well Aang would actually describe the apple inhabiting worms he took a bite out of last week.
Absolutely without a doubt calls you many nicknames
Exhibit A
Sokka poked Y/N’s cheek, he received a smile in return. “Hey, uh… plant nanny, could you swing by at my place and take a look at the vegetables Katara planted? They’re already wilting…”
Y/N giggled, “You planted them didn’t you?”
“Wha- of course I didn’t. FINE, I did!”
Exhibit B
“You just stepped on the chamomile flowers that just started sprouting!” Y/N squealed at Sokka.
“Oh SHIT-” Sokka ate a mouthful of dirt right after Y/N hit him hard in the back of the head with a tree branch. “I’m sorry I upset you Sweet Pea…”
Asked the Gaang as to why Y/N doesn’t perform traditional Earthbending and just received, “Why don’t you ask them yourself?”
Sokka was downright afraid, not because of Y/N’s personality, but he didn’t want to poke through their past. Obviously, curiosity got the best of him!
“Well, I just like the smell of flowers and the taste of organic food more than hurling rocks at people,” Y/N simply shrugged.
Sokka nodded, there was nothing more to it.
“But, sometimes I do like creating my own cliffs and pushing enemies off of it. It’s more meaningful if it’s from rocks I formed myself,” Y/N stared at him dead in the eye.
Sokka’s eyebrows arched high.
That was the last time anyone saw Sokka :0
Many stories as the two planted flowers in front of the Fire Nation palace
“Y’know, Y/N, this reminds me of this one time Uncle made tea out of a white jade bush,” Zuko snickered.
Y/N eyes widened, “ISN’t THAT POISONOUS?? ... Or was it not??”
“Oh trust me, you would not want to be trying white jade bush tea,” he smirked.
Tends plants with Y/N because it reminds him of the peaceful days of when he served tea at Ba Sing Se
BUT, poor Zuko easily becomes sunburnt when he helps with Y/N’s garden
Y/N heard a knock at their bedroom door.
It was Zuko behind the door saying, “Uh, Y/N could you help me-”
When they swung the door open they were greeted with a scorched man with peeling skin. “HOLY SHIT! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!”
Quickly, Y/N led Zuko to the bathroom and in the corner sat a mini fridge. (He always wondered what was in it. Snacks?) When Y/N opened it, there were stacks of aloe vera leaves snuggled next to each other.
“Why do you have so much-” Zuko began.
“Let’s just say Aang was my first patient…” Y/N laughed under their breath. They gently applied the aloe onto Zuko’s body, which earned them hisses from the dramatic Fire Lord.
“That takes care of it!” Y/N clasped their hands proudly.
“Uh, Y/N. I’m feeling a bit… itCHY!” Zuko yelped.
That’s when both of them found out that Zuko was allergic to aloe vera. Congrats, now Y/N has to call the doctor.
Every weekend, Zuko swing by for new flowers for Ursa (if she returned to the palace... )
“Knock, knock!” Fire Lord Zuko greeted Y/N with a bright smile.
“What brings you here on this fine morning, Your Highness?” Y/N teased.
“Mother’s been nagging me to ask you for help to create a bouquet for each of the rooms in the palace,” Zuko stated.
Y/N’s voice hitched, “EACH ROOM??”
“Don’t worry! I’ll help you pick the flowers and arrange them!,” he offered.
“Oh, like you’d be of any help,” Y/N giggled.
“I swear I’ll be more careful this time,” Zuko rolled his eyes.
But, uh… this time ended up just like last week, Zuko set the flowers he was arranging on fire…
Basketweaving… attempts by Katara
On Ember Island, the Gaang was able to laze around for a few days (well until Zuko gave the team a big beating that Sozin’s comet was going to practically destroy the world).
Y/N sat under the shade of the swaying palm trees, undisturbed by the squealing of Sokka as his supposed sand sculpture resembling Suki was destroyed. Y/N hummed as they weaved the palm fronds into little baskets.
Katara approached them and commented, “Y/N that’s beautiful! I wish the Southern Water Tribe could make these. Sokka and I were kept busy creating pots with Gran-Gran.”
Y/N timidly scratched the back of their neck, “I could teach you if you’d like! Then we can use it to hold the fish we’ll catch later with Sokka.”
Y/N used their earthbending to pull down the leaves from the palm trees and their work began.
After the fishing trip of the wonderful trio, Katara carefully placed the fish they caught in the basket she wove. As they neared the sandy beach Aang took notice of their disgruntled state. He commented, “Why do all three of you look-”
Katara tried, okay!
Many flowercrowns were made for the Gaang with the help of Katara
She may not be that great at creating baskets, but you can bet that Katara doesn’t stop at making crowns: She’s made necklaces and bracelets for Appa and Momo.
Potion making!
Katara would use her waterbending to mix the little potions that Y/N created They’d walk around rolling hills that contained many flowers and herbs that could be used for healing potions and in some cases caffeinated tea!
Usual Toph shenanigans
“Ugh, some clerk just charged me over the usual price for these seeds we’ve been needing!” Y/N grumbled.
“Well, we could do something about it…” Toph smirked.
Y/N searched for some termites around the forest and Toph helped transport them around the clerk’s house.
- A few days later -
“Uh, Aang,” Zuko tugged at Aang’s sleeve. “Wasn’t there a house there a couple days ago?”
“I think you drank some cactus juice, buddy,” Sokka simply shrugged.
“Actually, I think there was…” Aang scratched his chin in confusion.
Toph offered Y/N a high-five, “A job well done, if I do say so myself!”
Some brawls that should have clearly not have started in the first place
“Y/N fite me!” Toph marched up to Y/N.
“No,” they stated bluntly.
“WHy! It’s kinda a thing for all us to train together,” she defended herself.
“Fine, but don’t get angry at me if you end up with a splinter or two,” Y/N rolled their eyes.
By sunset, Toph’s head was stuck in between a tree for a couple hours. Even Y/N couldn’t get her out. Or maybe they could…
Y/N teaches Toph “Treebending”, which was a challenge for both of them
“You have to be gentle with these plants Toph!” Y/N’s forehead was forming a red square from all their facepalms caused by Toph.
“I’M TRYING!” She quipped. “It’s kinda hard to be gentle when I’ve been practicing metalbending these past few weeks.
𝔼𝕟𝕕𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕖 | THESE WERE SO FUN TO MAKE! Also, thanks again for the people who’ve been supporting my “Extra Hot Sifu Hotman: Zuko x Reader” fic! I’m taking a small break just to layout how I want the story to go and I’m trying my hand at doing headcanons/requests from my inbox.
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forabeatofadrum · 3 years
I’d cry a river just for you (15/24)
Notes: Me, opening klaineadvent on tumblr: please be kind, please be kind!
klaineadvent: Appendix
Me: godverdomme-
There’s this song called Telephone Wire from Fun Home the musical. Blaine always loved the raw emotion of that song. Right now, he’s standing in an empty alley in Nijmegen and Kurt’s looking at him, waiting for Blaine to finally tell him what’s been on his mind for years, and all Blaine can think of is the most painful lyric of that song.
Say something! Talk to me! Say something! Anything! At the light At the light
This can't be our last—
The abrupt interruption of Big Alison’s sentence always hurts, because that’s what it felt like when Kurt and Blaine stopped talking. They had so much to say to each other. Tension had spiked. Yet, instead of trying, Blaine blocked Kurt.
It was a rash, irrational decision, but that same decision ruined everything and he couldn’t take it back, especially since the first fight that led to Blaine irrationally blocking him. He doesn’t want to confront this, even after seven years. Blaine would rather set himself on fire, or jump off a cliff, or have his appendix burst, or… or…
“Yes?” Kurt says impatiently.
And that’s all it takes for Blaine to break down.
“See? This! This kind of bullshit, Kurt!” he says back, “Your goddamn belittling tone.”
“I haven’t-”
“Shut up. I let you talk. Now let me say my thing.”
Kurt’s mouth snaps shut.
“Do you think it was fucking easy for me, to… to constantly- constantly be around your perfect life?” Blaine says harshly, “Your amazing dad and loving stepbrother and stepmother? Meanwhile, my dad was cheating on my mom. They’re divorced now, you know? And then all the fucking college stuff! It was hard to see how much you had it all figured out. And Mercedes. This law degree is my first study, Kurt, because I didn’t fucking know what to do with my life!”
Kurt tries to say something, but then he remembers that he’s agreed to let Blaine vent.
“And you kept… you were… you pushed me! You kept pushing me! Always so fucking pushy and disappointed when I didn’t do what you suggested. You were basically… you just- everything was too much, Kurt! Too fucking much!”
“I was just-”
“Shut! Up!” Blaine yells again. He closes his eyes, because he knows what Kurt’s going to say. He knows that Kurt’s going to be right. “That’s the worst part of it all, Kurt. I know- I know! You were trying to be a friend and I was being unfair. I fucking know that all of that doubt and jealousy was in my… head. I was never really angry at you. I was always angry…”
“At yourself,” Kurt finishes.
Blaine nods. He feels the shame rise. It reminds him of all those years ago, when Blaine blocked Kurt and Kurt sent that voice message. He was so ashamed of himself. That’s why he never tried to save their friendship in that time between the block and the voice message. If the shame of the first block was terrible, then the shame after the second one was immense.
How could he face Kurt after doing all that? All because he couldn’t handle the truth.
“I know it was all in my head, Kurt,” Blaine says silently. The anger is gone and the shame is back. He hates the shame. It was easier to be angry at Kurt and to believe that Kurt deserved it, because then Blaine didn’t have to admit that he ruined it. “But it’s still how I felt. You made me… feel-” Blaine needs to take a breath. “Feel so stupid sometimes. Especially when you were in New York and I was stuck in Lima. That made it so much worse. You had it all. And I know your life wasn’t perfect. I know- fuck, I’m just trying to make you understand why I did what I did. It was way fucking easier to just pretend you didn’t exist, so I started to distance myself from you and I’m sorry, but it was easier! And then the fights happened and it was just easier…” To hate him. Blaine doesn’t want to say that out loud. It was easier to be angry at Kurt than to have to accept that Blaine’s life was a mess.
And maybe Blaine did hate Kurt at one point. Even though it wasn’t intentional, Kurt really made him feel terrible.
“I was too messed up, Kurt. Too messed up. And it cost me you.”
And Blaine hasn’t even touched upon the other part of the story. The feelings. The big queer awakening that Kurt caused.
Blaine really hated him back then. It felt like Kurt couldn’t leave his thoughts, even though they hadn’t spoken in a year. It’s really weird to realise that you’ve been in love with a person for years.
“Blaine,” Kurt says again, “Blaine, I’m sorry. I never- I suspected, but I never knew. But I understood. I’ve also thought a lot about it. You blocked me, not Mercedes. Which is probably the thing that hurt the most-”
“But I think I knew that I was… too much. It was too much for you to confront me. Mercedes was easier. Mercedes was angry, and you could yell back. But with me, you had to confront your issues.”
Blaine lets out a deep breath. It’s true. Fuck, Kurt’s always been the smarter one.
“I… that’s what hurt the most. You once again gave up so easily. You threw away a ten year old friendship as if it meant nothing.”
“It did mean something!” Blaine says desperately. He opens his eyes to look at Kurt, so that Kurt can see how much he means it. “You were my everything.”
“You were going to be the best man at my wedding,” Kurt agrees.
“You were going to be the godfather of my children,” Blaine says back.
“You were going to be at every birthday, until we were old and grey.”
“You were going to be my roommate in the nursery home.”
The two of them laugh sadly. How naïve were they as children? Why did they think it was realistic to look so far ahead?
“And now we don’t even know each other,” Kurt laments, “Right now I want to ask you so many things because I'm curious about your life but then I get angry at the fact that you blocked me which led to me not knowing and it’s just anger and sadness and confusion and-”
“What do you want to ask?” Blaine cuts in.
“Everything,” Kurt answers, “But I don’t- maybe we shouldn’t…”
“Yeah,” Blaine mutters.
“I… think I’m going home,” Blaine says quietly, “We never should’ve tried this. Hope makes us stupid. We tried to be friends again after the first block and that didn’t work out either.”
“Yeah,” Kurt says again.
Bella Kim: wtf???? Where are you????
Me: Rotterdam
Bella Kim: 😢😢😢
Bella ditched Adeola for this. Kurt, Bella, Adeola and Femke all stayed in Nijmegen, but Bella was planning on going home with Adeola. Now, she’s sitting on Blaine’s couch.
“I’m sorry, Blaine.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” Blaine says sadly, “Everything’s just a mess. We’re both on the same page. That’s at least something. It explains why Kurt’s so kind one moment and so cold the next.”
“What page?” Bella asks.
“Wanting. And not wanting to want,” Blaine was woefully. Bella raises an eyebrow in question, so Blaine explains that he sees this entire thing as a rollercoaster. They’re so torn up about the entire situation. They both want to try. They both have hope. But it always goes to shit.
Bella looks guiltier and guiltier as Blaine goes on.
“What?” Blaine asks at one point, “You had nothing to do with this.”
“I… uh…” Bella clears her throat, “Uh.”
“Bella?” Blaine sits up straight. He leans forward. He doesn’t like her nervosity.
“I may or may not have… tried to push you two together,” Bella admits.
Blaine frowns in confusion. That makes no damn sense. Bella didn’t even fucking know Kurt until that day in the Koopgoot. Sure, Blaine’s talked about him and he’s shown photos, but Bella is ridiculous now. He tells her that.
“Look, you were miserable!” Bella says, instead of explaining herself, “And I saw that you regretted how you left it off!”
“Bella. What do you mean?”
Bella looks guilty again. “I suggested TOFFLER, because I overheard that Yannick was going to be there, so I took a wild guess.”
Blaine gets a bit annoyed.
“And I saw him through the windows in the KKEC, which is why I insisted on going inside. And I really wanted you to go to Nijmegen with us.”
“… Bella,” Blaine snaps. He’s jumped off the couch in agitation.
“Sorry, I know-”
“A few meetings won’t fix what happened!”
“I know now, and I’m so-”
“No,” Blaine says angrily, “No, Bella, no! What the- that’s none of your business! What’s happened is between Kurt and I. I told you all of that because I wanted to vent, not because I- Jesus, Bella!”
Bella’s gotten up too. She tries to calm Blaine. “It was out of line, I know-”
“God, fuck this!” Blaine turns away from you, “You know what’s your problem, Bella? You’re so fucking naïve. You’re only eighteen and yet you think that, since you’re an adult now, you know how the world works.”
“That’s not fair,” Bella snaps back. She now sounds angry too. “I was trying to help!”
“Well it fucking backfired,” Blaine says, “I left Nijmegen early! God, don’t poke your nose in other people’s business.”
But then-
“Okay,” Bella says quietly, “Okay. I’ll go. Bye.”
Blaine’s still not looking at her, but he sees her in the reflection of his window. Bella’s gathering all her stuff and she rushes towards the door. Blaine wants to turn around and stop her, and apologise, but he’s still the same person he’s always been. He still lashes out and pushes people away.
He closes his eyes and he hears Bella leave.
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philliamwrites · 3 years
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Pairing: Xiao/Aether
Tags: #blood, #angst, #hurt and comfort
Words: 2.5k
Summary: [lat. compromissum: “mutual promise”] In which Xiao has made his very own contract with Aether, and in Liyue, the Land of Contracts, one who breaks their contract shall suffer the Wrath of the Rock.
Commissioner: CrystalNines
Notes: I swear, one day I'll learn how to write happy endings.
     All is quiet. The shack hiding in the shadow of a cliff is abandoned and left to rot, its wood mouldy and old. No one has been here for a quite a long while and no one desires to visit this forsaken place tugged away in a corner of Qingxu Pool. Then, a figure breaks through the roof, destroying half of its construction.
    All air is knocked out of Xiao’s lungs as he slams onto the ground, but there is no time to catch his breath. He rolls to the side not a moment too late before a Geovishap drops through the opening in the roof and smashes into the ground right where he was laying seconds ago. It snarls, showing a row of razor sharp, enormous teeth the size of Xiao’s lower arm. The corner of Xiao’s mouth twitches as if to reply by bearing his own teeth.
    Blood, warm and wet, runs down his arm, making his grip around his polearm slippery and he shakes his head to clear the dizziness from the Geovishap’s blow earlier. There’s shouting from somewhere above his head, voices echoing over the valley with fear and worry palpable Xiao tries to ignore. He doesn’t need anyone to look after him. So many years have passed where he was out on the hunt by himself without anyone watching his back.
    But there’s one voice he’s learnt to pick out from a crowd, one that no matter when and where lures Xiao in even at a time like this when he’s facing a thirty-thousand-pound monster that can easily break his spine.
    The Geovishap charges. Xiao uses the end of his polearm to gain additional height and jump over it, its amber horn almost grazing the tip of his foot. Before the monster can turn, Xiao lunges forward, his polearm raised to strike and unbalance it, so he’d get access to the soft skin of its belly. But the Geovishap is surprisingly fast for something this big and sturdy, and it whirls around, smashing a giant fist, hard as rock, into Xiao’s side and he cries out, feeling his ribs break. Pain like someone split his side open bare-handed sears through him as he’s thrown against a wall and crumbles to the ground. Black dots dance across his blurred vision and the taste of iron fills his mouth. He spits out blood, his arms trembling from the effort to get back up.
    A shooting star crashes into the Geovishap—no, not a star. Aether. He plunges through the broken roof, fire blazing in his golden eyes as he brings his sword down on the reptilian creature in a single, deadly strike. The Geovishap roars a last time, then falls into himself and remains lifeless n the dirty shack’s ground.
    In his long life, Xiao has gotten used to seeing creatures lose their lives, often by his own hand, but it never ceased to make him wonder how something this big and wild a second ago becomes an empty shell, void of life—how easy and fast, seamless, the transition from alive to dead is. How nothing in this world cares about technicalities like good or evil for all is equal in death.
    In front of him is Aether, beautiful Aether with his sword still raised, its tip glinting in the setting sun like freshly tempered iron in heavenly fire. The sight reminds Xiao of this creature he’s read about a long time ago: Angels, they are called, that descend upon the mortal ground to bring justice in the name of something holier than them. Looking at Aether now, Xiao doesn’t struggle to imagine such a creature—the warm, red horizon illuminates his golden hair. A halo.
    Someone places a small hand tentatively on Xiao’s wounded shoulder and he recoils, finally tearing his gaze away from too beautiful Aether.
    “This looks bad,” Barbara says. For someone looking this frail, her grip is firm, and she doesn’t allow Xiao to wiggle out. “Let me take a closer look.”
    Xiao hisses, “No need.” It takes effort to get back on his feet, his muscles scream in protest but everything in him refuses to appear weak. “We still have one bounty left.”
    “Forget the bounty,” Aether cuts in, sharper than his sword’s edge. He closes the distance in a few strides and ignoring Xiao’s protests, Aether slides one arm around his waist and ducks under Xiao’s arm to steady him. “We’re going back to camp,” he declares and looks around, at Barbara and at Amber whose eyes are big and round with worry. No one objects.
    Except Xiao.
    “I’m fine.”
    “I don’t know what ‘fine’ meant for you back in your time but nowadays it doesn’t mean what you are right now.”
    “I am well aware of its meaning—” Xiao hisses when Aether leans a little too much into his hurt side.
    “Yeah,” Aether deadpans. “This sure looks fine.”
    Xiao can’t remember a time Aether has ever talked to him like that: Cold, dismissive, sneering almost. Not soft, kind Aether who starts to cry whenever one of Amber’s stray arrows accidentally hits a squirrel and they spend the afternoon burying it under a pine tree. This Aether doesn’t spare him another glance. He helps Xiao all the way to their campsite hidden inside a little cavern with a grim expression, his mouth pressed together into a thin line.
    When they finally reach their camp, Xiao disentangles from Aether and retreats to a corner further inside the cavern where a boar’s hide is laid out on the ground as a makeshift bed. It was easier to ignore his wounds with adrenaline pumping through his body but as it always does, the pain catches up to him in the end and leaves him paralysed with agony. When he lays down, slowly and carefully, gritting his teeth against any pained noise, he hears hushed whispers, his company’s mumbled conversation about him and what they’re going to do with him. Xiao doesn’t care. But this scene is familiar, and when he closes his eyes, his mind transports him to the past, to a time when the ground grew ill from soaking up too much blood and he’d lied on hard, unyielding stone that leaked grime and misery, falling into a dreamless slumber to four familiar voices.
    Xiao startles out of sleep, jolts right into awareness and almost smacks Aether across the face who dodges just in time as Xiao’s fist whirls past his jaw. They stare each other down for a long moment like two cats assessing each other to decide if they could trust each other. Eventually, Aether crouches down next to Xiao. He holds a little bamboo box in his hand and Xiao can smell the distinctive bitter note of the du huang mixture Granny Ruoxin gave them as thanks for driving off Hilichurls camping in the bamboo forest at the foot of the mountain that gently cradles Qingce Village.
    “Your wound. Show me,” Aether says quietly, even though there is no need to whisper. Looking over his shoulder, Xiao doesn’t see Barbara or Amber. They’ve left camp, probably to collect some berries or fetch water from the nearby river, which means he and Aether are alone and that’s something he’s tried to avoid lately. But that isn’t right either because it feels like the absence of a magnetic centre, and without it nothing makes sense at all.
    Xiao tries to sit up, but his limbs are still sore, and he feels like someone wrung him completely dry. The pain in his shoulder is a dull throb and he feels a rib poke somewhere it shouldn’t. His breathing is shallow, but he is breathing after everything and that is enough.
    “I can take care of it myself,” he says, his voice lowered as well as if they were talking about a small animal that might flee any second. He holds his hand out to Aether who stares at it as if Xiao has grown an additional sixth finger.
    “You’ve been with us for months now,” Aether says. “Why can’t you trust us? Why can’t you trust me?”
    Xiao’s hand drops back in his lap. In his whole life the amount of people he’s trusted can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Two had slaughtered each other, one had grown mad from the burden she couldn’t carry, one had abandoned him and the last had died by the hands of those who walked on the soil he prepared for them. Trust is a fragile thing, kept locked and hidden away and not even too beautiful Aether with his eyes and hair of golden sunshine and mind of gilded kindness could bring him to trust again.
    His silence appears to be answer enough. Aether’s eyes drop to the ground, disappearing behind a thick curtain of bright lashes like the sun setting behind the distant horizon to unimaginable places. Something inside Xiao uncoils at that sight. But then Aether does what he always does, something he’s unnervingly good at: He doubles back to strike when one least expects it. His eyes rise to meet Xiao’s and with a conviction that leaves no place for doubt or objection he says, “I don’t mind waiting however long it takes. You said to speak your name and you will appear to vanquish my demons and foes. But know that when you speak my name, I will come and carry your burden.”
    “Why?” Xiao demands.
    “Why not?” Aether asks with an intensity that Xiao isn’t equipped to handle.
    He huffs a little breath of annoyance. “I am not your problem.”
    “You’re not a problem,” Aether almost snaps at him, mirroring his annoyance like a shot deflected and cast back. Something in Xiao stutters like a flame struggling against the wind that tries to extinguish it. He remembers words Rex Lapis had told him many, many years ago after he’d saved him from the hands of an evil god that had marked him with ink that would never let him forget who he once belonged to: Even after all that darkness he should never stop looking for the light in everything and everyone.
    “Because people will come, and they will teach you about love and forgiveness. But you have to let them in, Xiao. First you have to accept this slight moment of vulnerability, and then you will be rewarded with goodness. Never lock away your heart, Xiao. It pains me to think you might be all alone forever.”
    Xiao closes his eyes, conjuring Rex Lapis’ face in his mind. What he would give if only he could see him one last time.
    Aether stirs, ready to return to his side of the camp but Xiao catches his wrist. At some point during the evening, Aether has taken off his gloves and now Xiao can see a line where they would end. The skin below is slightly paler, and his fingers are long and slender, beautiful. Hands made to be captured in coal paintings, so history won’t forget them. One part of him wants to put them to his lips and worship every single digit to engrave Aether’s taste onto his tongue, the other imagines cutting them off one by one and wearing a bloody necklace of Aether’s fingers, his own good luck charm for eternity.
    Without a word, he turns around and offers Aether his wounded shoulder. Behind him, Aether is very still first. Xiao can only imagine what horrid wound Aether’s eyes lay upon: The skin parted by jagged claws, left unattended while the blood has dried on his skin. Yaksha heal faster than mortals, but they are not invulnerable or immortal. Any other person, this blow would have killed for sure.
    Then Xiao feels a cool mixture carefully applied to his wound by warm, warm hands which doesn’t surprise him. Everything about Aether is warm.
    They sit in comfortable silence, the soft crackling of the fire in the background the only sound that fills the dimly lit cavern. Shadows dance on the wall and Xiao observes them for a moment, recognising this daemon and that impure ghost from his past until they all merge into an undistinguishable shape and he closes his eyes to block them out and simply feel Aether’s careful motions, the balm slowly warming upon his skin, the pain fading until, like everything else, it becomes a memory.
    When Aether is done, his hand lingers on Xiao’s back, his fingertips slightly grazing another scar that dips just below his ribcage. Xiao’s body tells his history in scars and he can still recount which daemon left which. Mortals tell you time heals it all and soon you forget, but Xiao doesn’t, he remembers everything. Xiao remembers everything.
    He turns slowly, and finds Aether still kneeling in front of him. Trying to meet his eyes, they are so close Xiao could count every eyelash framing Aether’s round, kind eyes. He takes Aether’s hand, a small hand, studies it and intertwines their fingers as if he already misses Aether’s small hand in his palm.“
    You know I would give my life for you,” Xiao says, for his contract to protect Liyue has been terminated with Rex Lapis’ death, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t set his own rules, live by his own contract.
    Something in Aether’s expression changes; an almost forlorn look but whatever he tries to find in Xiao’s face, Xiao can’t give it.
    “Xiao, we can still—” he starts, but Xiao silences him by lifting his other hand and grazing Aether’s cheek with his fingertips.
    “We already talked about this,” he says in a voice as if he’s trying to explain something to a child. “I serve, but I do not love. I cannot love for my first master has taken that ability and it was lost with his death.”
    His feelings for Aether could be love in a different world, a different time. But right here, right now, they are what is left of it; a shadow, only a memory. Desire maybe, worship, yes. But love wouldn’t leave this bitter taste in his mouth whenever he thinks of Aether. It wouldn’t.
    Aether looks gutted. His mouth twists, as if he’s trying to hold in tears; Xiao knows the feeling and he hates seeing it on Aether’s face, hates being the reason why Aether looks heartbroken, why he is heartbroken. In a different world, Xiao could be kinder to Aether and give him what he deserves. But in this, with marks upon him that will never disappear and the taste of dreams still fresh on his tongue as if he has never stopped devouring them, he is not what Aether needs.
    But he will make up for that. He will serve Aether until his dying breath and either fall in battle for him or remain by his side even as old age claims Aether, should he age like mortals do. It would be an honour to die for Aether and until that day comes, Xiao will stay by his side and only after that, he will allow himself to rest and let the kind, soft tunes of a flute carry his soul to the next world, hoping even one as tainted as his is allowed peace and respite. That is the compromise he has constructed, the contract he has agreed upon with Aether, and in Liyue, the Land of Contracts, one who breaks their contract shall suffer the Wrath of the Rock.
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mishasminion360 · 3 years
Space Age Love Song, Ch. 4
A Mandalorian x O/C Fic
Tumblr media
Warnings: Language
Notes: Din and Sara play 20 questions.
You can now keep up with this story on AO3 as well! My username is SwiggitySwagNightmareStag. Happy reading, all!
Ch. 4: Answered
Sara left Din to eat breakfast in privacy. He couldn’t very well stuff his face with the helmet on, and he’d made it clear that he wouldn’t take it off in her presence, so, while he remained in the kitchen, she took her scrambled eggs and bacon into the living room. Alone again, naturally.
After they’d stuffed themselves silly, Sara washed and dried the dishes, and then practically dragged the Mandalorian back into the living room, eager to learn more about the intergalactic anomaly that was Din Djarin. She shoved him (gently, of course) onto the couch before curling up on the other end.
“Okay, here’s how this is going to work. You ask a question, I answer. Then I ask a question and you answer. See? Easy. Care to start us off?”
Din leaned back and folded his armored arms.
“Ladies first.”
“I see that chivalry is a thing on your planet, which I’m assuming is...Mandaloria?”
“Close. It’s called Mandalore. Does that count as your first question?”
“My turn, then. What planet am I on now?”
“This is Earth, my friend. The only populated planet in the Milky Way Galaxy. As far as we earthlings know, anyway.”
Milky Way Galaxy? That was a solid 2.5 million light-years from his own. He had no idea he’d come so far, and he would be utterly amazed if he discovered that he hadn’t completely burned out his hyperdrive.
“And what galaxy is Mandalore a part of?”
Sara’s second question put an abrupt end to the calculations he was doing in his head. And he was honestly grateful for it.
“The Andromeda Galaxy.”
Sara let out a low whistle and started doing some calculating of her own.
“How the hell did you manage to get all the way here? Aren’t our galaxies, like, a crap ton of light-years apart? How did you get here so fast? How long have you been traveling to get here?”
“That’s more than one question.”
“Shit, sorry.”
“It’s fine. Did you want me to answer all of those now, or...”
“No, no. Rules are rules. You go ahead and ask your next question.”
“Alright. Where’s my ship?”
Sara looked past him to the back door and he attempted to follow her gaze.
“It’s, uh, in my backyard. In a crater. You came in pretty hot there, Din. Your ship’s a little banged up. It was on fire when I first found it, but I managed to put most of it out. There were a lot of flashing lights and alarms going off. I don’t know my way around alien technology, so I can’t tell you with any certainty if it’ll still run. I can say that it appears to be all in one piece. I think. I hope.”
Dank Farrik, Din cursed to himself. One problem after the next. If the Razor Crest Sequent was nothing but a pile of scrap now, this would be the second ship, and the third home, he’d lost.
“How did you end up here, Din?”
Once again she managed to rip him out of his own head. There was something about the way she said his name that had an almost soothing effect on his anxious mind. Something he liked.
“I....that is a long story.”
Sara crossed her arms and leaned back into the couch, getting comfy.
“I’ve got time.”
Din sighed. Where to begin? He didn’t even have all the details fleshed out himself, so how was he supposed to explain the situation to another?
“Mandalore was attacked by...well, I don’t know, to be honest with you. Just some random squadron of thugs. They appeared out of nowhere, demanding the king.”
“The king? Of Mandalore? You and your people have a freaking king?”
“You’re looking at him.”
Sara instantly went rigid. For once she was at a complete loss for words, and completely at a loss for what to do with herself. She’d never been in the presence of eminence and everything she knew about royalty she’d learned from Netflix and Disney films.
“You’re a....should-should I bow?”
“Please, don’t.”
Sara nodded for him to continue. Her face was expectant, excited. She was hanging on his every word as if his story were the edge of a cliff. She clung to his tale for dear life.
“Right, so, they came looking for me and I still don’t have any idea why. Needless to say that my people weren’t just going to surrender me to some unannounced, unknown individuals, so they chose to protect me in case this squadron turned out to be a threat.”
“Which they did, I’m guessing?”
“They were armed, but they were few and inexperienced. They couldn’t take my planet by force alone, but they could still cause some significant damage while trying. I didn’t want to see any of my people hurt because of me. Our clan had already been divided for far too long, our home nearly lost, I just wanted to choose a course of action that would keep the peace.”
Sara cocked her head to the side.
“You ran, didn’t you?”
“Yes. I thought if I could lure them away I could figure out their intentions. Or, at the very least, fly long enough to ditch them in hyperspace and return home.”
“And you never found out what they wanted?”
Din shook his head. This is the part of the story that still remained a mystery to him.
“No. The second they caught up to me they opened fire. I was able to make a few light speed jumps without taking any serious damage. But....well, you know the rest. Here I am.”
“And you don’t know where these creeps are now? Is there any chance that they may have followed you here?”
He had frightened her. He could see it in her eyes. Din had basically just admitted that he may or may not have just led a band of violent ruffians to her home planet.
“If they knew where I’d landed, they’d be here by now. I think I effectively gave them the slip.”
Sara sighed, a little too loudly, in relief. One spaceman was about as much as she could handle at the moment; she didn’t need more showing up on her doorstep. Especially not the dangerous kind. Din, at least, seemed gentle enough.
“They’re still out there searching. I’m sure of it. But I can’t just lay low forever. That’s never been my style. Especially not when I have people to protect. I left Mandalore in good hands for now but, king or not, it’s the only home that I have. I don’t....I wouldn’t know where else to go.”
Without even thinking, Sara leaned across the sofa, closing the little space between them, and grasped both of Din’s gloved hands in her own.
“I promise you, Din Djarin, I will do whatever it takes to get you home safely. Anything within my means.”
For a few silent moments they simply sat hand in hand, and time was irrelevant. It wasn’t until she heard Din swallow audibly that Sara realized that she was probably making him uncomfortable and she reluctantly released her grip.
“May I ask a question?”
“Sure,” Sara croaked. “I’ve asked, like, what, 10 in a row by now? So much for ‘rules are rules’, huh?”
“Why did you help me?” Din asked, his voice the softest she’d heard it yet. “Why do you keep helping me? I have nothing to offer you in return.”
Din seemed to have a lot of trust issues, whether that stemmed from past personal experiences or just the Mandalorian creed, so Sara wanted to supply him with an honest answer. There was the logical honest answer, or the honestly honest answer. In the end she decided that the former would take a shorter amount of time to explain. And it would be far less depressing.
“Well, the easiest answer is that I’m a nurse, Din. And as a nurse I took an oath to help those in need. I intend to fully adhere to the terms of that oath even beyond the sanctity of hospital walls. You needed help, I gave it. Simple as that.”
Din saw it the second the warmth left Sara’s eyes and the hazel orbs grew distant. They shone with something sadly nostalgic, like two unreachable distant stars.
“And, quite frankly, you’re the first person, other than myself, to set foot in my house in a long, long time. I didn’t want my houseguest dying on me.” She disguised her sadness with a chuckle. Just barely.
Din suddenly found himself eager to ask her more questions, practically burning for it. Though they’d only just met, just opened up to each other, he knew that there was something that bonded them. A sensation that he couldn’t quite place, but that he knew all too well. He had to steel himself against this unbidden desire for knowledge; time was of the essence.
“Sara, would you take me to my ship?”
“Dank Farrik! Son of a Mudscuffer!!”
“Are those good alien words I’m hearing?”
“No, they’re kriffing not!”
“That one was a bad one, too. Got it.”
She stood just outside the ship’s open doorway, arms crossed and fighting off a childish grin, when she heard his angry, booted feet come thump thump thumping down the ramp. She turned to meet his gaze and, even with his helmet hiding his face from her sight, she could tell that he wasn’t amused in the slightest.
“I like the way you curse, Mando.”
He stared her down for a minute before trudging off. Yep, definitely not amused.
“Hey, hey, hey!” Sara called sprinting after him and snagging him by the arm. How could he move so fast with all that armor weighing him down?
“Can you fix it?”
Din heaved a heavy, frustrated sigh.
“It’ll take time. And parts. Neither of which I have.”
“But you can fix it. See, there’s a silver lining to this situation,” Sara said, punching him playfully in the arm. He didn’t respond, only stared, his helmeted face surveying her blankly.
“Look, you’re welcome to rummage through the old barn for spare parts,” Sara offered, gesturing to the decrepit old structure behind Din. “My gramps was a bit of a tinkerer, so he let a lot of tools and miscellaneous crap pile up in there over the years. My guess is if you need it, it’s in that barn. And whatever I don’t have, the hardware store will.”
Sara flexed her arms, giving him her best Schwarzenegger impression and a one way ticket to the “gun show”.
“I’m not too shabby when it comes to fixing up things myself. I’ve got my grandpa to thank for that, too. We’ll have your ship back in orbit before you can say ‘E.T. phone home’.”
“Why would I say that?”
“It’s...oh, never mind. Anyway, that being said, you’re welcome to stay here as long as you need. It’s no trouble.”
Din started to protest, but Sara shushed him with a finger to his helmet, pressing it to where she assumed his lips were hiding underneath.
“I want to get you home, Din. Home to your family. But I also want to make sure that you’re fully healed and well rested before you go. This is ‘nurse Sara’ talking, and she is not to be trifled with.”
Then the Mandalorian did something unexpected. Something wonderful. Something Sara had begun to assume it impossible for him to do.
He laughed.
And it made her heart beat a little faster.
“Fair enough,” Din said. “And...thank you. Again.”
“You’re welcome,” Sara responded. She said it so softly that she wasn’t even certain that she’d actually said it out loud.
“Can I check out that barn now?”
Sara folded her arms and nodded, suddenly feeling like a mother sending her child into a Toys ‘R’ Us unsupervised.
“Knock yourself out. Better sooner than later, while you still have daylight.”
He turned and left her without another word. But he walked away slowly.
And Sara was left to watch him wander, the sound of his laugh still echoing in her ears. It may have been unfair to assume, but she figured she’d never hear such a sound coming from the stoic Din Djarin. Now that she had, it became the only sound she wanted to hear.
@just-another-dumb-artist @mamacitapascal @grimeylady @rav3n-pascal22 @obsessivelysearching @insomniamamma @cixrxb @mandolydian @lv7867 @calliedjarin @mando-pamine
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