#so now whenever i find a penny i pick it up
that-foul-legacy-lover · 11 months
there is no ask. i like your blog. here’s a coin i found on a walk. take care of yourself.
o thank you,,, i shall take the coin and put it on my shelf of good things :) you take care of yourself too, you hear!!
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itneverendshere · 6 days
omg omg i’m completely inlove with bartender reader and rafe!! what if the reader saves up her money to get rafe something special as a just because gift, something to show that shes grateful for him or maybe handmade some gift for him
it hits different 'cause it's you - r.c
pairing: rafe x pogue!reader (bartender!reader universe) word count: 2.5k
thank you so much for loving them and for you request 🫂
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Between the country club, side gigs, and saving every extra penny, you’d finally done it. You had something for Rafe.
You turned the little bracelet over in your hands, the silver chain glinting in the dim light of your bedroom. It felt kind of ridiculous at first—getting him a gift. Rafe could buy whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. But that wasn’t the point. This was your first birthday together, and you wanted to give him something that came from you.
Something that showed him you were grateful for everything he’d done. Because even though you’d heard all the stories about how terrible he could be—and you’d seen flashes of it sometimes—he’d always been different with you. Softer, quieter, like everything around him softened when it was just the two of you. You didn’t need the flashy gifts or the five-star dinners, though he insisted on both.
You needed him. The Rafe you knew when it was just the two of you sitting in his truck by the beach, laughing over nothing.
A handmade bracelet, not flashy but personal. You’d saved up for the silver chain, a simple one but still nice. But the charms? Those were the important part. Tiny reminders of things you’d shared: a little compass for those late-night drives home where you’d just get lost on purpose, a wave for the time he dragged you out surfing (even though you had no idea what you were doing), and a tiny heart because, well, obvious reasons. 
You didn’t care if he thought it was dumb.
You’d spent weeks working on it between shifts, sneaking away to the little craft store on the mainland to find the perfect pieces. It wasn’t expensive, but it had you in it—your time, your memories, your effort. And you hoped that was enough.
You’d been nervous all day, counting down the minutes until you could finally give it to him. Rafe had picked you up after work, his grin lighting up the parking lot, and now the two of you were sitting on the hood of his truck, the ocean breeze cool against your skin. His birthday dinner had been perfect, of course—he'd made sure of that.
He’d insisted on this little restaurant by the beach, his favorite, and the sunset view had been unreal, like something out of a movie. But you’d been quiet.
He nudged you with his shoulder. “What’s up? You’ve been acting weird all night.”
You fumbled with the zipper of your purse, pulling out the small, wrapped box. “I… I got you something.”
Rafe’s eyebrows shot up. “For me?”
“No, for the other guy I’m sitting on a truck with,” you teased, nerves bubbling up. “Yeah, for you.”
He smirked, shaking his head. “You didn’t have to get me anything, you know.”
“I know. But I wanted to.”
Rafe carefully unwrapped the box, pulling out the bracelet. He held it up, the charms catching the light. For a moment, he didn’t say anything, and your heart sank, wondering if he thought it was cheap or lame compared to everything he was used to.
But then he looked at you, his blue eyes soft and serious in a way that made your chest tighten. “You made this?”
“Yeah,” you said quietly, twisting your hands in your lap. “It’s nothing crazy. Just, uh, little things that remind me of us.”
He didn’t say anything for a moment, just turned the bracelet over in his fingers, tracing the charms. Then, without a word, he slipped it onto his wrist, the silver chain looking a little out of place next to his expensive watch. 
“You can wear as a keychain if you want— or, I dunno, maybe keep it somewhere. You don’t have to wear it,” you added quickly, the words tumbling out in a rush before you could stop them.
You felt stupid. Of course he wasn’t going to wear it, not with all his designer clothes and luxury watches.
But Rafe didn’t even flinch. He glanced down at his wrist, then back at you, “I want to wear it.”
You blinked. “You don’t have to just because I gave it to you.”
“Course I do.”
Your cheeks felt warm, and you fidgeted with the hem of your shirt, not sure what to say next.
Rafe just grinned, like he could read your mind or something.
“What?” he asked, nudging you again with his shoulder. “You think I wouldn’t like it?”
“I mean…You wear designer everything. This is… it’s kinda cheap compared to that.”
He gave a small laugh, shaking his head. “Cheap doesn’t mean it’s not special. You made it, and that’s what I care about.” He paused, then added softly, “It’s from you. That’s what matters.”
Your heart did this little flip in your chest, and you had to bite back the stupid smile spreading across your face. “You’re serious?”
“Of course I’m serious. This is us.” He held up his wrist, the bracelet catching the fading light from the sunset. “Every charm means something, right?”
“Yeah,” you breathed, suddenly feeling shy. “I just… I didn’t want you to feel like I couldn’t give you something better.”
He turned fully toward you, his hands gently cupping your face.
“Better? Baby, no. This is perfect. No one’s ever given me something like this before.” He kissed your forehead, and you felt yourself melt a little bit. “I don’t need ‘better’ or more expensive shit. I’ve got enough of that. I need this.”
You leaned into him, feeling the warmth of his body, the steady rise and fall of his chest under your cheek. It was hard to wrap your head around the fact that someone like Rafe—who could literally have anything—wanted something as simple as a handmade bracelet. But he did. And it made your heart ache in the best way.
“I’m glad you like it,” you whispered, resting your hand on his chest.
“I don’t just like it. I love it,” he said, his voice soft. Then, as if he could feel how much this moment meant to you, he added, “And I love you.”
That did it. 
Your stomach fluttered, and you couldn’t help but smile, that big, stupid, giddy smile you only got when you were with him. “I love you too,” you whispered, like you were saying it for the first time all over again.
Rafe kissed you, slow and sweet, and it felt like time had stopped for a moment—just you, him, and the sound of the ocean in the background.
When he pulled back, he glanced down at the bracelet on his wrist again and smiled. “I’m never takin’ this off, you know.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Okay, let’s not get crazy.”
But he just smirked and kissed the top of your head. “No, I mean it. This? It’s a part of us now.”
“Not even when you shower?”
You could feel his shit-eating grin against your temple, “You thinkin’ about me showering?”
You rolled your eyes, but your cheeks burned as you tried to keep a straight face. "Shut up," you muttered.
“That’s not what you were sayin’—”
“Okayyyy,” You interrupted pushing his chest away, “We get it.”
You turned your face away, hiding your grin as he laughed, that deep, rumbling sound that always made your heart skip a beat. Being with Rafe was like that—playful and intense all at once, always keeping you on your toes but making you feel safe in a way you hadn’t expected.
“You’re ridiculous,” you said, shaking your head as you tried to sound exasperated, though the smile on your face gave you away.
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, his arm wrapping around you tighter. For a moment, the two of you just sat there in comfortable silence, the waves crashing softly in the background, the air cool but not cold. Everything felt easy in moments like this. Just you and him.
“I’m serious though,” Rafe said, his voice quieter now, more thoughtful. “No one’s ever done anythin’ like this for me before. You don’t even know how much it means.”
His fingers absentmindedly traced the bracelet again, like he still couldn’t believe it was his.
Your heart swelled a little, knowing that something as simple as a handmade gift could mean so much to someone like him. Rafe had everything—money, cars, houses. But maybe, in some weird way, he needed something that couldn’t be bought. Something that came from you.
“I’m glad,” you whispered, feeling your throat tighten with emotion. “I just… I wanted you to know that I see you, you know? Not just all the surface stuff.”
Rafe was quiet for a moment, his hand finding yours and giving it a squeeze. “You do. You really do.”
You looked up at him, your eyes meeting his in the dim light. And in that moment, it hit you how much he’d become a part of your life, how much he’d broken down those walls you didn’t even know you’d put up.
“I’m not taking it off,” he repeated, more serious this time, like he needed you to believe it.
You laughed softly, shaking your head. “Okay, Rafe. Whatever you say.”
The bracelet, the moment, this night—it was more than just a gift.
“You’re still givin’ me birthday sex, right?”
You groaned, but you couldn’t help the laugh that slipped out, “Seriously? I pour my heart out, and this is where you go?”
He grinned that mischievous, cocky grin of his—the one that made your stomach flip even when you pretended to be annoyed.
“What? I’m just saying, it is my birthday, after all.” His voice dropped, teasing, playful, the way it always got when he was trying to push your buttons.
You shoved his shoulder, pretending to be all serious, but he just caught your wrist, pulling you closer until your forehead rested against his.
“You’re impossible, you know that?”
“Yeah,” he murmured, his lips brushing yours, “But you love me anyway.”
You smiled, your heart doing that stupid flutter thing again. “Unfortunately.”
“Unfortunately?” he raised an eyebrow, looking all mock offended, but there was that softness in his eyes again—the one he only ever let you see.
You kissed him before he could say anything else, slow and sweet, letting the teasing fall away for just a second.
And when you pulled back, you whispered, “Of course I love you. Birthday sex or not.”
Rafe chuckled, his hands slipping down to your ass, “I’ll take that as a yes.”
You tried to glare, but the way his thumb was tracing circles on your lower back made it hard to keep up the act. “I don’t have to admit anything.” You leaned in close, your lips brushing his ear. “But maybe... if you’re lucky..”
Rafe’s breath hitched just a little, and it sent a thrill down your spine. You loved this—having him wrapped around your finger. He always lost it when you played the game right back.
"Now who's teasing’?" he murmured, his lips grazing your neck, leaving little kisses that made it hard to keep your thoughts straight.
"You started it," you whispered back, your fingers finding the edge of his collar, tugging him closer until there was barely any space left between you.
Your legs ended up draped over his, and you could feel his hands on your thighs, warm and familiar, as you settled deeper into his lap. His lips traced your jaw, slow and deliberate, like he was savoring every second of this, and your head tilted back instinctively, giving him more room.
God, he knew exactly how to make you melt without even trying.
Rafe’s hands slid down to your hips, his fingers digging into your skin. He always knew how to make you feel like you were the only thing that mattered. “You’re gonna drive me insane,” he muttered, his lips brushing yours but not quite kissing you yet. 
You leaned into him, your hands sliding up to rest on his chest as he finally kissed you. His hand came up to hold the side of your face, his thumb brushing your cheek in that gentle way that made you flutter. He tilted his head slightly, angling the kiss, like he was savoring every second he had you this close. You kissed him back just as slowly, letting yourself get lost in it. 
The kiss was deliberate, slow, like he wanted to memorize the way your lips moved against his, the taste of you, the quiet sighs you couldn’t hold back. His hand slid to the back of your neck, pulling you just a little closer, deepening the kiss as his other hand traced gentle circles along your thigh.
“Y’know I’m crazy about you, right?” he murmured against your lips.
You nodded, your heart doing that annoying thing again. “Yeah. Happy birthday, baby.”
He pulled back slightly, his forehead resting against yours, his fingers still tracing lazy circles on your leg.
Then, in the same casual tone he used when asking about what to eat for dinner, he said, “You know, you should make the same bracelets for our kids when we have them.”
Your brain screeched to a stop.
Wait, what?
You blinked up at him, your heart skipping a beat for a completely different reason now. “I’m sorry, what?”
He grinned like he didn’t just casually drop the most insane statement ever. “I’m serious. Like, one day when we have kids—you should make them little bracelets like this. It'll be a thing.”
You stared at him, trying to wrap your head around what he just said. “Rafe, we’ve been together, what… less than a year? And you’re already talking about kids?”
He shrugged, completely unfazed by the shock on your face. “Yeah, why not? I can see it, y’know? You, me, little mini-us running around—driving us crazy. It’d be fun.”
You blinked again, your mind still catching up.
Kids? Your kids? Together? You tried to picture it for a second—little versions of Rafe, with his mischievous ways and messy hair, running around. 
“Wait, hold up—you want kids with me?”
He shrugged like it was no big deal. “Yeah. A few. Maybe more.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “A few? Oh my God, you’re insane.”
He smirked, looking way too pleased with himself.
“What, you can’t picture it? I bet they’d have your eyes. Or my attitude. Definitely my attitude.”
“Great, that’s exactly what the world needs.”
He chuckled, pulling you closer, “Not, like, tomorrow. But one day. You’d be a great mom, don’t act like you haven’t thought about it.”
You rolled your eyes, but a smile tugged at your lips. “Okay, maybe once. Can we just get through your birthday first?”
“Fine, fine. But just so you know, when the time comes, you’re making all of them little bracelets.”
You snorted, shaking your head. “I’ll consider it... if they don’t take after you too much.”
“Oh, they will. And you’re gonna love every second of it.”
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
Penny for your thoughts
Synopsis: You’ve recently been transferred to a UK base and struggle with British currency. Your lieutenant is mortified—and rightfully so.
Relationship: Simon “Ghost” Riley x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1,286 (approx. 5-6 mins reading time)
I thought it was funny when I wrote it, okay? It’s a crackfic. There’s some teasing and playful banter in there, but I can’t label it as fluff.
Warnings: Profanity. Lots of it.
More A/N at the end.
You’ve been trying to escape the lieutenant’s grip for the past two hours.
The upcoming mission requires close combat skills, he said. You’ll need to infiltrate a facility with minimum weapons and immobilise—but not kill—the targets for interrogation.
You admitted to him that you hadn’t practised in a long time and your combat skills were a little rusty. But Ghost assured you this wouldn’t be a problem and offered a refresher course in ground fighting and submission techniques.
You never imagined this would be an issue when you agreed to it. On the contrary, your lieutenant was an expert in combat, and training with him could be considered a masterclass.
Looking at it now, with your cheek pressed against the floor and your body twisted like a nautical knot, you wish you could take it back.
The mats have become your second skin. Ghost relentlessly pins you to the ground and immobilises your limbs while explaining the mechanics behind each hold. Sometimes you wonder why he gets into so much detail since you can’t hear shit and are practically knocked out.
Yet, he doesn’t give up on you. He advises you to feel the weight shift, urging you to exploit the slightest openings, encouraging you to break free. Whenever he sees you’re struggling or senses you’re uncertain, he taps your hand or leg, giving you clues to help you.
He immobilises you once more, but he pats your back this time.
“Alright,” he says, standing up, “that’s enough for today.”
He walks to the bench, picks up his towel, and pats his neck. You roll on your back and spread your arms.
“I feel like a pretzel.” You whisper.
“Yup,” he confirms, “that’s Jiu-Jitsu for ya.”
Drenched in sweat, you push yourself off the ground and slowly walk to your bag. You extract your towel and begin rummaging through your wallet to find spare coins for a water bottle. You manage to find one pound, but unfortunately, you fall short.
“Lt.?” You call out.
He turns halfway to give you his attention while tugging the velcro straps from his gloves.
“Do you have fifty pennises?”
He stops midway and lets go of the velcro strap. It can wait. His eyes have formed two thin lines, and his eyebrows almost touch each other.
“Do I have fifty what, soldier?”
“I need fifty pennises.” You reply, this time louder, “Do you have fifty pennises?”
His eyes have changed. They’re not squinting anymore. They are bulging. He frantically looks left and right, bringing his index finger to his mouth.
“Shhhh!” He whispers and runs towards you, waving his other hand in front of your face. “Shut your mouth!”
He closes the distance between you and looks behind him.
“What is wrong with you?” He whispers.
You raise your eyebrows and blink rapidly.
“No,” you reply, “what is wrong with you?”
He lets out a sigh and looks at his surroundings once again. He scratches the side of his chin and clasps his hands in prayer.
“Tell me exactly what you want,” he requests more calmly this time, almost begging you, “Make a sentence out of it.”
“I’m thirsty.” You explain.
He’s starting to get on your nerves. You open your palm and raise it to his eye level.
“Look,” you order and point at the coin, “I have one pound.”
“I can see that.” He replies and puts his hand on yours, pushing it down so he can look at you.
“The vending machine needs one pound and a half.”
“Say it.” He commands and swallows hard, “The vending machine needs one pound and fifty...”
You clench your jaw and look at him dead in the eyes.
He lets out a snort and clasps his hand at the bridge of his nose. He turns his back to you and takes a few steps away. His shoulders move up and down.
“Ah, soldier,” he replies, still looking the other way. “that’s a lot of pennises.”
You run a hand through your hair and sigh.
“I know my pronunciation is probably wrong,” you state and shut your eyes, “but I need them.”
“Don’t say that,” he says between gasps, “you don’t need that many.”
With your eyes still closed, you start babbling about how wrong he is and how you wish you had a million of them so you could escape this hellhole and retire on an island. He squats to the ground and covers his masked face with his hands.
He sounds like he’s whimpering. You might have assumed he was sobbing if you hadn’t known the cause of his stance. But you knew why he was half crying, half laughing. It sounded hideous. It was hideous. You just can’t remember the word.
What’s it called, what’s it called...
You open your eyes. Ghost is walking towards you, wiping away tears from his eyes. He retrieves a fist of coins from his pocket and, muttering something under his breath, chooses two. He pinches a silver hexagonal-shaped coin with his fingers and shows it to you.
“This,” he says, “is fifty pence, or 50p.”
“Pence or p.” You repeat.
“That’s right.” He confirms and pinches a smaller coin with his other hand. “Now, this little one is a penny. Fifty of these are called fifty pennies.”
“Pennies,” you echo and slap your thighs, “See? Was it that hard to explain?”
“Oh yes,” he replies and nods slowly, “yes, it was that fucking hard.”
You lift your palm. “Can I have the big one?” You ask.
“Say it first.” He commands you.
You roll your eyes. “Can I have the 50p, Lt.?”
“Of course, you may have the 50p.” He says and places the coin in your hand, “What you absolutely may not have is fifty….” He stops and lets a repressed chuckle out.
You press your lips together and bite your cheek to not respond to his teasing. But you can’t.
“…pennises, I presume?” You sneer.
“Yeah, no.” He says and vigorously shakes his head, “You don’t want that.”
You wince and rub the back of your neck. Ghost tries to comfort you, telling you it’s ok and you shouldn’t feel bad, but he doesn’t believe it himself. He’s smiling beneath that mask; you can tell by how the grimace alters his voice. You thank him for the coin and walk to the vending machine.
“Soldier,” he calls out, “how many times have you said that word since you came to the UK?”
You tilt your head and try to recall.
“I can’t remember.” You conclude.
“You can’t remember if you ever said it, or there were so many occasions that you can’t count them?” He asks with a trembling voice.
“No, Lt.,” you reply, defeated, “I don’t remember asking another person for that.”
He looks relieved. He lets out a long exhale and rubs his masked face with his palms.
“I never thought I’d ever say this,” he says, “but I’m glad I was the first one.”
A/N: I wrote this in March, along with this story (yes, they’re very similar). Although I liked the idea and thought it was funny, I initially discarded it because it felt stupid, and chose to post the other one (not like the other one is pure genius). It remains as such, but as I said, it’s a crackfic. I’m not researching how to improve human welfare.
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gladiatorcunt · 5 months
patrick probably whines when you bounce on his cock.
cw: 18+ mdni, au of the ending where patrick wins (no infidelity btw, he and tashi never did anything), implied drug use, car sex mention, riding, afab reader, reader is naked/patrick is fully clothed, lowkey gross & nasty, breeding kink (i’m ovulating rn), unprotected p in v sex, slight degradation, unedited
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You’re just so proud of your boyfriend, you can’t help but jump his bones immediately. You see Patrick running towards after his match, and you race to vault yourself into his arms. He laughs wholeheartedly and spins you around, partly happy because you seem to be so happy for him. He’s still in a state of shock, to be honest. Everything was leading up to Art cementing his place in his career, but Patrick had managed to beat him in the end. No one could believe it, Patrick’s hope had been almost completely gone by that point. But he did it, and maybe now he can leave behind the needles and scrimping pennies.
He still hasn’t processed anything, but your lips and giggles are too good to ignore. You gasp as he picks you up by gripping onto your thighs and hoisting your legs around his waist. You rock your clothed core against his abs for a second, in dire need of a little friction. Patrick makes the kiss messy, pushing more of his spit into the intense lip locking. He flicks away the string of saliva that connects your lips when he ducks back to look at you. You grin, eyes wide and cheeks blazing with heat. It’s a stupid decision, but you throw your body weight around to get Patrick to fall onto the bed with you.
“Fuck!” He shouts, darting his hands around the back of your head and digging his knees into the mattress so he doesn’t fall out. “Couldn’t have waited a little bit, are you a greedy whore all of a sudden?”
You shrug, “Maybe, but you’d like it if I was. Now come here, we have to celebrate.”
With that, you leg your legs fall open and put on your most convincing pout, beckoning your boyfriend to get a move on already. Seeing him sweat in those slutty shorts and hearing him grunt whenever he hit the ball really gets you going, something that you didn’t think was possible until you got an athlete boyfriend. It’s a competition to find out who can be the most insanely horny in the relationship at this point, and if Patrick ever got a hold of your diary, he’d agree that you win by a landslide.
Patrick latches onto your shoulders and spins to lie flat on his back with you on top of him. You adjust your position, jostling your hips until you’re positioned right over his hard bulge. You’re too busy getting lost in a flurry of clothes as you both kind of awkwardly undress on the bed, but eventually his pants are pulled down enough for his cock to spring free while you’re fully naked. You look like a porn star to him, teasingly swiveling your hips in the most seductive way possible.
He smirks and throws his arms behind his head, “I thought you were supposed to be my prize, what happened to making me feel like a winner?”
You bite you rlip, digging your nails into his pecs, “It’s not my fault you’re too keyed up to not cum immediately, savoring this is possible, you know?”
Patrick rolls his eyes and smiles, not picking a fight with you on that. Sometimes you like to get yourself worked up too, with his thick cock gliding in between your folds and mixing your juices together.
You lift your ass and throw a certain look towards him, and he tries not to be too smug as he wraps a large hand around the base of his hard cock. He holds the rigid length upright so all you have to do is hover over it and plop yourself right down on it. He doesn’t pump himself while he waits, he wanted to fuck before the match but you wouldn’t let him. You said it’d be better for him to have all this energy stored up.
You get restless and start to sink down on his cock, the stretch always takes some breath out of you but you were the one that decided to wait until now. Once he’s bottomed out, you’ve given up on teasing him until he breaks you entirely. You lift your hips until the tip of his dick catches on your hole and then slam down, starting off with a realsitically unattainable fast pace.
His fingers dig into the fat of your bouncing ass cheeks, “You’re inflating my ego too much, making me feel like a big shot getting fresh pussy in his hotel room.”
You moan, keeping eye contact as you fuck him into the mattress, “You- You are a big shot, babe. Shit- Just lie back and relax…”
The smell permeating in the room is already so pungent. Patrick’s natural musk intertwining with your own, if anyone else walked in they might faint, but to you two, you could cum from the scent of your sex by now. Being the same kind of freak in that regard brought you both so much closer if anything. You grind your pubes down against his, clenching on his dick on purpose. The friction is delicious for your clit, so you do it again.
He throws his head back, reaching up to curl one of his hands around your throat as you ride him, “Uh huh, that’s my dirty slut, so wet and tight for me.”
His words trail off into a squeaky whine as you speed up, truthfully losing stamina a bit but still determined to celebrate your boyfriend properly. You lean to press your sweaty tits right up against his own, and you whisper in his ear about this being a repeating occurrence.
“Maybe someday we’ll have a baby to put to bed first before we can do this, get them to wave at you from the stands and then pass them off to you when we’d see you after you win.” You lick the shell of his ear as you speed up, ignoring the embarrassing wet smacks of your slick ass against his hip bone. “Wouldn’t it be cute, me with a chubby baby on my hip that looks like you and another one already in my belly?”
“You’re a fuckin’ demon, i swear.” Patrick moans, giving you little whines here and there when you seem to really hit the spot. “Yeah, it’d be cute.”
What better way to celebrate than by having a baby?
He pulls you down by your neck to french kiss you, his tongue twisting around yours. The sheets are soaked by now and you don’t want to even imagine what the staff who have to clean his room will find. Random bits of fluid and the stench of sex heavy in the air, you’ll have to remember to leave some cash for a tip to ease your conscience.
You tighten your walls around him in short bursts until he’s clawing at your ass and smacking it extremely hard as he cums inside you. The stinging is a pleasant catalyst for your own orgasm soon after. You can’t wait to see how dirty you get his car seats.
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deepestnightcolor · 6 months
Hi I love your writing!! Not sure if you take requests so please ignore this if you don’t!! What if Sam and reader were dating and then reader finds out about Sam/Penny liking each other in the past so they get kinda insecure and Sam reassures them
nsjhdwj thank you so, so much! <3
It really means the world to me to hear it! :) Thank you so much for your request as well, it was absolutely LOVELY to write. I hope you will enjoy it! Have a lovely day, dear anon~ <3
(Needless to say, I do take requests >:))
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: Sam (SDV) x GN!Reader
ᴡᴄ: 1889 words
✧ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: a lil jealousy, a lil insecurity. it is mostly fluff, though. gentle kisses and all~
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☾ ᴡʜɪꜱᴘᴇʀꜱ ☽
The relationship between Sam and you had begun to blossom in the fall of your first year in Pelican Town. It had all started out quite simple; playing pool with the blond and Sebastian in the saloon turned into hanging out and playing video games together. Taking turns trying hard levels bled into fleeting touches and looking at one another longer than necessarily needed; until it all ended in a chaste kiss behind near the river. It hadn’t taken Sam much longer to show up on your doorstep with a bouquet of flowers, asking you to officially be with him.
Ever since, your relationship had grown like the crops on your fields – filling your heart with a deep, comfortable feeling of contentment and calm, something no one ever had managed up until the town. However, whenever Sam walked up to you, looking at you with these deep blue eyes filled with excitement and genuine happiness and smiling at you as if you were the first warm day in spring, you felt like you were at the right place, at the right time.
However, there was gossip in town. Little whispers, really, nothing you wouldn’t have expected living in a sleepy community like this. The gossip here was nothing more than a fleeting thought that was spoken out; here one moment, gone the next.
You had always promised yourself to not let these whispers stick to you, to just smile and forget about it. And so far you had done well; the most attention you had spent on anything that wasn’t rock solid was wondering how someone would come up with something like that.
In all seriousness, you just didn’t care for it. It rolled off your back like droplets of rain rolled off your raincoat.
You didn’t think a simple visit to Pierre’s would change that. You were standing in front of one of the shelves in the far back, looking at the different seasonal seeds in stock, considering trying out something new on the fields when you heard Marnie’s voice. It was hushed as it usually was when she was gossiping. Any other day, you would have just turned back to the bags in your hand, but today, you heard your boyfriend’s name. Much to your shame, your ears perked up almost immediately, and even worse, you actually tilted your head a little to catch what Marnie was saying.
“Yes, I am surprised he didn’t end up with Ms. Penny. The crushes they had were quite obvious, even my nephew picked up on it,” she hummed.
Another voice now answered with a hum, but when they talked, you were able to identify it as Mayor Lewis’s. “Even my old eyes picked up on it! I saw them at the bridge often, and I always thought Ms. Penny just waited for him to make the first move and she would have been all his.”
Your heart sank. Sam had had a crush on Penny? You furrowed your brows as you thought back, trying to remember if you ever had picked up on anything like that. Then it hit you – they had often hung out by the bridge together, and if you were honest, you had always felt a weird tension sizzle in the air between them.
Marnie again: “It is quite a shame, really. Jas told me that Ms. Penny looks a little sad when they pick up little Vincent. I think they would have made a good couple; she could have taught him a lot, I bet.”
“And maybe he would have helped her to get out of her shell a little. I thought they were a good match as well.”
You couldn’t take any more. You stepped out from between the shelves and almost ran to the till, slamming the bags onto the counter. “Just these, please,” you smiled at Pierre, loud enough for the hushed whispers behind you to stop.
“Thanks,” you murmured after you had been rung up, fleeing the general store without as much as a look in the two chatterboxes’ direction.
You had genuinely wanted to let go of what you had heard today. After all, Sam was with you now, and he seemed genuinely happy with you. Even now in his sleep, he was looking peaceful and content; his arm stretched out towards you as usual. Whenever you and Sam slept together, he had to touch you in some way. You didn’t mind that, in fact, it usually calmed you and lulled you into a deep slumber. Tonight, it didn’t help.
You had started thinking as soon as your conversation with Sam had faded as his breathing had grown heavier; a clear sign that he was drifting off to sleep.
Had you gotten in the middle of something between Sam and Penny?
Would he maybe be better off dating her?
Would he be happier with her?
Why did he choose to be with you when there seemingly was a spark, big enough for others to notice?
Penny, in all honesty, was not only a beautiful human but had an incredible personality at that. She was a catch, no doubt. Maybe you had ruined the best relationship Sam could have ever had, because what could you offer? You were a farmer, nothing more, nothing less. Doing work many considered as nothing but simple and dirty. Whereas Penny was always clean and well-kempt: being noble enough to try and give the town’s kids the best possible education. Trying to give your boyfriend’s little brother the best possible chances, for crying out loud!
Holy shit, you had probably ruined Sam’s life, what did he even see in you?
“Babe?” a groggy voice next to you asked, making you tense up. You had been so lost in your whirlwind of thoughts that you hadn’t even realized how much you had been tossing and turning. You tried to stay still, even out your breathing. Maybe he would just go back to sleep.
But you knew Sam better than that. And just as you had expected, two strong arms slowly snaked around you, pulling you into a warm chest. Sam’s hand found your hair, long fingers running through it just mere moments later. Sam knew you, sometimes better than you knew yourself, and he knew what to do when you were nervous. And even now in your state of inner turmoil it helped; you relaxed into his arms, and for a split second, your head was quiet.
“What’s wrong, baby? Bad dream?”
That was your chance. If you said yes now, he would probably cuddle you, caressing your hair until you fell asleep. Sleep sounded nice right about now.
“Did I ruin your chances with Penny? Would you rather be with her?”
The caressing stopped, and you could feel the mattress behind you shift. Was he leaving now?
The light switched on, and before you could say something else, you saw Sam’s face hover right over yours. His rough hand was placed on your cheek now, thumb caressing the skin gently as he peered into your eyes. All sleep had vanished now, replaced by honest concern and confusion.
 “Why would you think something like that?”
You bit around on your lower lip, looking away in embarrassment. “I heard Marnie and Lewis talk at Pierre’s today…They…they talked about the crush you had on Penny and the crush she had on you and how you would be a great match and how she is sad when she picks up Vincent now and-“
Noting how stupid you sounded, you stopped yourself, taking in a deep breath and not being able to stop yourself, “and it had me wondering, because I saw you hang out as well and Penny is so beautiful and kind and noble and she would have a good influence on you! And what am I, just a farmer, you have seen me in dirty clothes more often than in clean ones and-“
You looked at Sam helplessly, tears in the corner of your eyes. “And I just…Why did you choose me when you could have had her, Sam? Why didn’t you choose her? You could have…I…” The blond looked at you, patiently waiting for you to finish speaking.
Only when your stream of words had seemingly ceased did he lean in and press a soft kiss to your lips.
“Because Penny isn’t you, my love,” he murmured against the plush of your lips, looking into your eyes. His thumb was still caressing your cheek, allowing his other hand to lock together with yours.
“Yes, Penny is a good-hearted woman, and yes, I might have had a crush on her.  But you touched my heart in a way no one ever has. I fell in love with you, and I mean all of you. Your eyes; the way they light up when you’re proud or happy. The way you smile and the many different smiles you have. I love every single one. I love that you get dirty every day while doing what you love. I love that you give it your all every day.”
Sam kissed your nose carefully, his eyes peering into yours again.
“I love how careful you are with everything, especially with things that are dear to you. Yoba, I love the way your breathing sounds when you are next to me, I love the way you ramble to yourself when you are working on something and think no one can hear you. I love the random sounds you make. I love seeing you. I love being around you. I love you being mine. I love you.”
Sam kissed your lips again, holding onto your face. You looked up at him with teary eyes, hiding your face in his chest. The blond laid back down, carefully pulling you on top of him. He drew random patterns onto your back; mostly hearts and clouds and little stars.
“I remember the first actual date we went on. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I was so close to just throwing up. Sebastian kept teasing me, asking me why I was nervous, I had been to the beach so often…” he kissed your head again, holding you a little tighter to his chest. “And then I saw you there. All bundled up in your winter clothes, and I asked myself why I had been so stupid to suggest a date on the beach in winter. But when you smiled at me…Shit, that was the moment I just knew that you were my one and only. And I wouldn’t want to live a life in which you weren’t.”
You sniffled a little, but smiled a little as you thought back to the date. You had, in fact, asked yourself why Sam would want to meet up at the beach in winter, but you could have never allowed yourself to pass up the opportunity.
You closed your eyes; taking in your boyfriend’s scent. He smelled like cotton and a hint of vanilla. Honestly, you found he smelled like home.
You could feel Marnie’s and Lewis’s voices quieten down, as did your worries.
Sam could feel you relax in your arms and slowly lifted your chin with two fingers.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too, Sam.”
“And tomorrow I will skate on the Mayor’s property.”
“No, Sam."
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
Please this is so eddie and penny when she finds out his name https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8JYJLEV/
“Im Daddy to you”
“But your Eddie!”
God forbid she fine out his full government name 😂
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Penny busts out the full use of Eddie's government name (we're talking Edward Whateverhismiddlenameis Munson) when she's mad at him, lol.
Penny is around 2 years old here making Eddie 23 and Reader 22 :)
more of penny and Eddie here
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The sight of you and his toddler cuddling on the couch was a welcome one when Eddie finally arrived home after a long day at the shop. 
  He discarded his keys in a bowl on the counter, before heading over to the sink to wash his hands. He was always eager to get home to you at the end of the day so he didn’t do as thorough of a job when it came to making sure he had no traces of grease on his hands or arms. Sometimes, even his face–but that was something you seemed to. . . appreciate.
  “Hi, baby!” He called out to you as he scrubbed his arms with soap under the warm running water, fully intent on getting in on those cuddles once he was clean.
  “Hi, Eddie!” You called back.
  “Hi, Edd-ie!” Came a much smaller voice.
  Eddie turned off the faucet and stood ramrod straight as he tried to process what he just heard. He didn't wipe the water from his hands before he stormed to the living room. 
  Penny had been laying on the couch, head on your chest and in between you and the couch to prevent her from falling off, when Eddie had walked in the front door. Now she was leaning up, curls a mess going in every direction (save for the half of her head where she’d been laying on you–that area was flat) as she grinned, her tiny teeth and tooth gap on display for him. 
  Eddie’s eyes narrowed at her, while you tried to hide your smile in her hair. 
  “What did you just say?”
  “Hi, Edd-ie!” She repeated, trying her hardest to enunciate his name correctly, probably just to hurt him.
  “No, no, no. I’m not Eddie. I’m daddy.”
  Penny started giggling, her nose crinkling up.
  “No, you Edd-ie!”
  She chirped it so enthusiastically it made you laugh, which only encouraged Penny and her giggling.
  “When I picked her up from Maude, you came up in conversation and Penny wanted to know who ‘Eddie’ was, so I told her ‘Eddie’ is her daddy.” You explained, hand stroking over her little head, the short curls twisting around your fingers.
  Eddie was a little amused with the situation, but he also couldn’t tell if this was just her teasing him or something she would stick to for a while and he really, really didn’t want it to be the latter, especially considering how she’d only started calling him daddy and talking more just a few months ago, so his laughter was more so nervous.
  “Ha ha ha, you’re sooooo funny Penny. I’m daddy. Remember? Daddy.” He closed the distance, crouching down at your side to be eye level with her.
  “Is that daddy?” You asked her as she nuzzled her head back down against your chest, pointing at Eddie. She looked up at you with those big brown eyes before following your finger to the person she’d inherited her eyes from. Eddie was giving her a puppy dog stare, the same one she gave him whenever she was doing something she wasn’t supposed to do.
  Penny nodded against your chest, reaching out to squeeze Eddie’s nose for some reason.
  Eddie was pleased with her response, pulling his nose away from her little hand to bite playfully at it. Penny squealed and yanked it back to her chest.
  “Good. I’m ‘daddy’ to you, young lady.” Eddie directed a finger at her while he spoke before reaching over to boop her nose with it.
  She grinned again, hiding her face in your chest for a few moments. When her face popped back up, she was sticking her little tongue out as she smiled, “Okie dokie, Edd-ie.”
  “Baby, make her stooooop!”
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beababoobies · 3 months
What do you think of a Jealous! Satoru husband x Beautiful! Reader's wife where they haven't had gogogo for months, their relationship is cold and Satoru is distant, so the reader goes to a nightclub to dance and Satoru in the middle of her missions finds her and gets very jealous? And then they confess their love to each other and have a happy night?
All the love from Venezuela my dear queen 🇻🇪🔥
Hihi!! Venezuela??? Un nuevo seguidor de habla hispana!!! hola! This looked so fun to write, so I jumped right on it. Enjoy fellow QWEEEN. <3 much love from Canada !! 
warning: slight angsty, self-deprecation. This is unedited and not proof-read, so if you see any errors, please feel free to shoot me a dm! Thank you!!
There were some things you shared with your friends. Hobbies, personal details, clothes, but you couldn’t share how things had been going with your husband, Satoru. It would be way, way too embarrassing to talk about how you, first of all, hadn’t been intimate in months, and second all, barely spoke. You went to sleep in the same bed. You shared a closet. But the words exchanged between the two of you were so far and few in-between one could’ve assumed it had been an arranged marriage. The most you had gotten in the past handful of months had been a kiss on the cheek, and that was because you were visiting friends and didn’t want to look awkward. The drive back to your house was silent. You felt like screaming. 
There was a million things bottled up in your mind, and even more importantly, your body. There was a screaming to have intimacy, obviously, human instinct - but there was something so much deeper, an insecurity you had been picking at like a scab that never healed. The dreadful thought that this was entirely your fault, that he wasn’t attracted to you anymore, or maybe you had said something wrong. You kept coming back to it, at night when you missed the feeling of his arm wrapped around your waist, the way he just gave you a small nod whenever you asked if he liked your outfit. The way you couldn’t bring yourself to try and rekindle the raging fire you once danced in, now burnt out and nothing above an amber. 
So, one night, while the very man in question was out on one of his millions of missions, you let the insecurities get the best of you. You wanted to feel desired, you longed to feel as wanted and yearned over as you had when your husband took you out on those first could have dates. The way he tripped over himself when he used to open the door for you, feigning confidence. The memories lit a new flame in you - anger, as sharp as a blade and just as deadly as you dolled yourself back up, heels brand new and matching with the most scandalous outfit you owned - paired with your hair done up? Oh, you felt like your self-worth had turned from a penny to a fortune. Something not the richest men in the world could afford, not even your bum of a husband. 
You felt anxiety bubble up in your stomach on the way to the club you used to hang around before you and Satoru had finally put a ring on it. What if you truly had somehow turned into some gross form of a human in the years you had been married? What if your late-night suspicions were correct, and Satoru was justified in the way he drifted off from you? What if you didn’t deserve him anymore, and you were trying to convince yourself of something completely untrue, instead of just begging him to stay? 
The anxiety in your stomach melted away the second you stepped into the purple lights of the club. Eyes drifted to you, quicker than you had even anticipated. You almost felt dissected by the amount of pupils that dilated once they fell onto you. Like a sleek race car that had been kept in the garage for a decade, finally dusted off and speeding down the freeway, the wind in your hair. Sitting down the bar was easy, avoiding unwanted attention was not.
Okay, maybe it was a little unrealistic to want the looks but not to be approached. You did want to make Satoru jealous, maybe just a bit, but it would never cross your mind to actually cheat on your husband. To you, he was still the most handsome man you’d met in your entire life. The drunkards and men on other substances that approached you couldn’t compare if they tried, but you did end up accepting a couple free drinks. How could you not? Free alcohol.
So there you sat, alone, a shining star in an ocean of black, a little more tipsy than you were ever planning to get. The bar seemed to spin a little bit, and rejecting men seemed to get a little harder. Apparently, being drunk makes you automatically available. A new anxiety bubbled up in your tummy, and suddenly you missed your husband, you needed to lay on his chest more than you needed air. Tears threatened to fall down your cheeks, but you wouldn’t let them. You wouldn’t ruin the makeup you put on less than an hour ago. You pulled your phone out of your purse, sniffling softly as you planned to call Shoko and cry to her, finally talk about your situation. 
A tap on your shoulder made you jump a little bit, but you were used to it now. You didn’t look up from your phone as you mumbled about being married, shoving your ring in the direction of the person who was bothering you, before hearing the smug, soft chuckle you knew all too well, looking up, completely flustered. 
“What a lucky guy, huh?” Satoru said with a small smile tugging at the corner of his lip, eyes scanning you over. He looked mesmerized, almost entranced as you rolled your eyes, groaning as you started to get up to leave. You’d just survive the car ride home and be fine, like usual. But tears made your vision blur up as you let out a choked sob, falling into his chest. You didn’t care about getting makeup on his uniform, you just wanted to cry and yell at him. He was standing there, trying to joke with you, but all you wanted to do was scream about how ugly and unloved you felt. 
You were too drunk to remember being softly led out of the club as you sobbed quietly, only sobering up enough to be coherent and sentient when your husband was siting on the sidewalk with you, having you gathered up in his arms while you let out your last soft sob of anger and desperation. He just sighed softly, pushing your hair out of your face to press a kiss to your forehead. You turned your head away, against your own will, to try and remain pissed at him. He had to suffer the consequences of his own shit actions. He rubbed shapes into your back for a couple minutes, before finally speaking up.
“I know. I’m sorry.” He started, looking into the pavement of the road to avoid your teary-eyed gaze, guilt evident on his face as he continued. “I’m just.. scared I’m going to be the reason you get hurt. And, and I know - don’t give me that.” He said with a stifled laugh as you flared at him, knowing you’d reassured him you didn’t care since the day your met him. “But it’s different now. With Itadori having consumed Sukuna’s finger, there’s… a possibility that he’ll properly manifest. And.. if that does end up happening, I’ll be one of the first in the line of fire. And that means using you as.. bait, kidnapping you for money, whatever I just…” his breath catches in his throat before he can continue. You lean into him closely, head on his chest. His heartbeat is audible through his chest, and he swallows thickly before he starts speaking again. It’s rare you see your husband in a vulnerable state like this. 
“… I started having these.. awfully vivid dreams of you. In the position Suguru was, or.. even worse. I thought if I started being.. distant, or cold, you’d lose interest, even if it would break my heart and kill me from the inside out. If it meant you were safe.. I was ready to go through heartbreak again and again, I think.” He ends his sentence with his eyes locked on yours, and all you can do is sit in silence for a second, the ambience of the street outside the club being the only sound ringing in your ears. The bass of the music from the club, the cars driving past, people having small talk over cigarettes just a few feet away from you two. 
Your next move is to grab him by the neck of his uniform and drag your husband’s stupid, self-sacrificing lips to yours in a kiss you had missed feeling every single day you were without it. He was hesitant at first, the alcohol on your tongue, the mixed emotions still swirling in his head - but it quickly turned to a the hunger that had made you fall in love with him in the first place, lips crashing messily against yours before you finally pulled back to speak, leaving him flustered as he looked down at you, his breathing a little unsteady. 
“I knew the risk of being.. well, even just seen with you, since I first met you. And I wouldn’t have married you, not to mention.. dated you, or fallen in love with you, if I wasn’t accepting of those risks. I would die a thousand times over to whoever’s hands if it meant another day of waking up next to you.” The words fell from your mouth like word vomit, ramble and quick, barely audible sounds that he somehow managed to keep up with, even with your hiccup in-between the syllables. He just nodded softly, pulling you even more snug into him, resting his head on yours with a satisfied sigh. 
“I know. I’m sorry you fell in love with me.” He mumbled finally, a genuinely, tired, apologetic tone as he spoke slowly, holding onto you like you could fall out of his grasp at any second. 
“I’m not sorry I fell in love with you.” You said after another moment of pause. The warm, comforting feeling of being in your husbands arms filled your stomach, and you let your eyelids close, knowing that your husband would carry your sleepy body back to the car, or through hell and back, if he had to. 
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chiipay · 19 days
What if.. celebrating Christmas with Kaiser alongside his birthday? (Fluff)
Ohh cool idea. Ty (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I'll do my best to make a scenario that fit your imagination (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠). Also forgive me because my country is a tropical country- we don't have Christmas here.. so idk much about Christmas Day.
24th December
It's Christmas. Fucking Christmas. Oh how much Kaiser hates to be reminded of the day he was born. But he couldn't express it to you because well he didn't want to get slapped on Christmas day because he pissed you off. He decided to just let it slide hopefully Christmas would just go along without bothering him.
" Kaiser. Wake up. It's freezing here. Help me up with setting presents for the players. I'll give yours later for the day."
You were just moving stuff around Kaiser so called 'penthouse'. Hie place looks gloomy and empty- tf he did here? Just laying around? You shaken every bad thought of him deciding which present suites for every bastard munchen players-
"... dang-this is harder than i thought.." you mutter- thinking hard on the presents.
This is the first time you celebrate Christmas with Michael kaiser and you had no idea how to plan things out. You rought a few items to become presents for bastard munchen players- but you don't spend a single penny in your bank...it was Kaiser's.
'he insisted on using his credit card only- rich people phase ig..'
Your thoughts got distracted by Kaiser leaning his body on you from behind. He let out a long sigh while resting his head on your shoulder, eyes glancing at the sight of items you brought earlier.
Kaiser looks at some items and picks up one of them and he chooses...a perfume.
'...wtf. wtf is this?'
Kaiser holds the perfume bottle for a minute before scrunching his nose up making a disgusted expression. He tightened his grip on your stomach making you look towards the same direction as he is.
" who the hell did you bought a perfume for? My whole teammates are freaking male. They have male anatomy. Tf is this for?"
Kaiser brings the perfume closer to your face as you just look at it for a sec before returning your attention to him.
" oh- i thought it would be good to give it to grim. Y'know? Just some vibe- I'm sure he wouldn't mind."
You said nonchalantly not really finding what's wrong with giving a perfume to a guy. Kaiser gave you a weird look before just putting the bottle down and would just bury his head deeper into your hair, sniffing your scent.
'Nasty.' you think.
25th December.
" Michael- wake up... it's Christmas.."
Michael kaiser groaned in his sleep before slowly opening his eyes. A glimpse of his mother came to his blurry vision just for it to get more clearer it was you. His eyes twitched a bit when his vision was getting more clear but soon turned into a softened gaze.
"..heyy..you awake now? It's Christmas..and happy birthday micha."
'micha..' you didn't always call kaiser by a nickname because of how you didn't want to make him uncomfortable. He never really cared about it. Mostly he would often ignored you whenever you called him that...but somehow he couldn't resist how smooth when he got called like that by you.
"....merry Christmas i fucking guess." He hushed in his low voice.
He sat up on his bed and then slowly looked at you while you prepare him breakfast in bed. He blankly looks at you while you prepare for it. When you were done he slowly ate his breakfast in front of you while you watched him eat it motionlessly.
"...why did you suddenly make me breakfast in bed today? You've never done this before."
" dang- forgave me for acting nice then. It's your birthday so why not? If this was another normal day i would have just forced you to do your own meal."
Kaiser didn't respond but continued to eat repeatedly. He was in deep thoughts...-you think. You didn't want your morning with kaiser to end up being an awkward morning so you try to change the atmosphere.
"uh- do you want a present? I already got something for you..?"
" present?"
Kaiser hates presents. He couldn't react properly when he got one. He hates it if he can't react properly would you be upset with him? Would you hate him for that? Would you actually leav-
".. having you is already like having a hellish present. Why should i get another one?"
His words actually came out opposite of what he is thinking. But even so he didn't want a present. Having you is already like a present he got from fate. He's more surprised that his 'present' is still with him and wasn't broken at all.
" oh-uhh thank you?..." You had no idea if that's a compliment or not but sounds pretty sweet to you..?
The tips of your ears went red making kaiser grin at your reaction-
' jackpot.'
"alright then, here's my present for you, meine einzige Frau~"
He leans closer to you making you started and backing backwards but Kaiser already trapped you before he gates his mouth on yours.
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badasmuse · 7 months
“Slow Motion”
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Bada Lee x Reader
Warnings: not technically 18+ but it should be, language, bada slander, stripper!bada, rich!reader
Summary: you come every week to support your favorite stripper.
Based off Slow Motion by Trey Songz
“back again?” the bouncer says to you as you cut to the front of the line.
“of course. my favorite dancer is here. i don’t make this money for nothing.” you say winking and walking in when he opens the rope.
“enjoy.” he shakes his head.
you’ve been coming to club bebe for three weeks now. you went with your friend for his birthday a month ago and that girl… man that girl was so fine. her long legs and pretty skin. the way she wrapped herself around the pole. you won’t say you’re in love but man.
since then you’d show up every monday and thursday (the owner told you her scheduled days) ready to throw money at her. or slip it in her bra or thong whenever she was close enough. you walked in just in time cause she was making her way to the stage. you pushed through to the front, pulling money from your purse.
“oh great. i hate when she comes out.” some guy says, leaning back in his seat.
“yeah me too,” his friend replies, “like why would she even become a stripper. she’s too tall. i’m surprised she hasn’t tripped over her own legs yet.”
you ignore them, focusing on the way she dances in front of you. you’re shocked at the outfit she’s wearing, it’s see through, she’s never shown this much skin.
you didn’t care, you enjoyed it really.
you watched the sad look on her face as she danced around the pole. it’s like she knew she wasn’t anyone’s favorite. no one likes her. except you of course.
hearing the comments about her made your blood boil cause you knew she could hear them too. so you did what you do best, grabbed more money from your bag and continue to throw it at her.
“you like this garbage show?” a man next to you says. “i wouldn’t waste a penny on her.”
“me and you are not the same.” you reply, grabbing another stack from your purse. you ran out of ones but twenties will do.
she got close and kneeled down next to you and you stuck twenties in the side of her one piece.
she let out a gasp and stood up blushing. quickly finishing her act, she picks up all the money and runs towards the back.
you sigh and go to find the nearest security guard, “i want a private dance with her. i’ll pay whatever she wants just get me one.”
“one moment.” he says walking towards the back.
minutes later the guy comes back ushering you towards a room. “she said give her five minutes. it’s gonna be a thousand.”
you hand him the money and he takes it and puts it in her little mailbox in the back as you walk into the room.
moments later, she shyly enters the room. “um… hi.” she whispers. “sorry i don’t know how this works you’re my first private dance.” she mumbles.
“i’m not too sure how it works either. i’m not a fan of strip clubs but you? i’m a fan of you.” you say as she walks towards you.
she blushes and looks down, “um… is there a specific song you’d like me to dance to?”
“slow motion by trey songz.” you respond so fast she barely finishes speaking.
“oh.. i know that one.” she says giggling. she hooks her phone up playing the song before strutting over to the pole in the center of the room. you sat back watching her dance around the pole. wrapping her legs around it doing stunts. you look in your bag for more money to give her. you wanted to empty your bank account for her.
at the end of the song she blushed at all the money you threw at her. “i hope that was good for my first time.”
“baby it was perfect. and just know.. you’re worth more than a thousand dollars. i’d pay fifty thousand to have a private show from you.” you whisper.
“i’ll be back on monday. save me a dance pretty girl.” you say before walking out, leaving her stunned and alone to pick up her money.
“this woman is gonna pay my bills for months.” she mumbles happily.
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Taglist (open! comment to be added!): @waveartistry @sun-nyy @yngtort @jennamc75 @m0r0s1111 @seungxstar @badasbebe @lil-elliesgf @currentfications
a/n: this was for darling waveartistry but they deactivated? :( i wish i got it out before they did but hopefully they come back i’m not too sure why they deactivated i haven’t been here in so long, super sad rn :(((( also there’s gonna be a part 2 to this which will be 18+
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
The Lost Keepsake
Request: Could you do a Maverickxdaughter reader that preteen y/n usually wears Mavs old dog tags and one day she loses them in her room and goes full panic mode and starts to feel all bad about herself so Mav comforts her and helps her find them in her room
Idk if this made sense😭
Pairings: Maverick x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, swearing, inaccurate military talk
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Whenever Maverick got a new set of dog tags, he gave his old pair to his daughter. His daughter, Y/N, wore them with pride and never took them off, she did however take them off when in the shower but that's about it. She claimed they were a reminder that her dad was always with her and that he would never leave her behind.
When she wears them they're usually under her clothing that way they're closer to her heart. It had become a thing to see her with his tags on that nobody batted an eye. When she went down to the beach she never took them off and the Daggers were used to seeing them on her. Bradley even gave her his old dog tags and she wore his too since he was like a brother after all.
It was a Saturday night when she noticed that Maverick's dog tags weren't around her neck. She started to panic, she had on Bradley's but her dad's was nowhere to be found. She double-checked that they weren't twisted together with the other set. She was home alone while her dad was out with Penny. Penny had become like a mother to the 12-year-old girl.
"Oh no." Y/N said to herself and started to look around the house to see where it would've gone. She looked through the downstairs and outside but still couldn't find them. "They have to be here!" She exclaimed to herself and stood in the living looking around and then she remembered she had taken a nap in her room earlier that day and that they may have slipped off.
Y/N ran to her room and began searching through her room but had no luck. She then remembered that she had spent the night at Bradley's Friday since Maverick wanted to meet up with some Top Gun '86 classmates. So she called Bradley while looking through her room still. She dialed his number and put him on speaker.
"Hey, Y/N/N what's up?" Bradley asked
"I can't find them." She said panicking.
"Find what?" He asked her.
"Dad's old dog tags. They were around my neck Friday day and night when I spent the night with you. I still have yours on." She said coming closer to the phone.
"Have you checked the downstairs or outside?" He asked also looking at his house since he knew how important they were to her.
"Yes. I've checked everywhere. They're not at your house are they?" She asked
"Not that I'm seeing but I'll keep looking for them." He said
"Thank you so much, Bradley." She said
"You're welcome, Y/N/N." He said and they hung up the phone. Now back to the search.
Her bedroom looked like a tornado had gone through it. After 1 hour of looking through her bedroom, she sat in front of her bed hugging her knees and crying into them. She felt so bad for losing something so precious to her and well her father. How could she have lost them? She was always so careful with them. She was truly beating herself up for it. She was so panicked and crying she didn't hear her phone ring notifying her that her father was calling.
"Y/N?" Maverick called out into the house but got no response. He looked around everywhere for her. "You here, Sweetheart?" He called out as he was climbing the stairs but still no answer. Then he heard crying and took the stairs 2 at a time and into his daughter’s room. She didn't hear him come in. He looked around her room and was in shock but he would address that later. Maverick knelt in front of his daughter and gently picked up her head to have her look at him. She had tear tracks running down her cheeks and when she looked at him she only cried hard. "What's wrong, Sweetheart?" He asked and she hiccuped a few times and then settled down enough to talk.
"I lost your dog tags. I'm sorry, Dad." She said as her bottom lip wobbled about to start crying. "I don't remember taking them off. I started to look everywhere and couldn't find them and even called Bradley to see if I accidentally left them there." She continued "I really want to find them!" She exclaimed and Maverick pulled his daughter into a hug.
"Sweetheart, it's ok." He said and rubbed her back.
"No, it's not ok, Dad! They mean so much to me! It's like you're with me when you're not able to be with me." She cried into his shoulder and wrapping her arms around her.
"Shhhhh." He said, "How about we put your room back together and look for them while we do so?" He asked and he felt her nod. She let go of him and he got up while helping her up and they got to work straightening her room up.
"I really am sorry." She said still sniffling as she started putting books back and Maverick straightened her desk up. He stopped and looked at her before continuing.
"Seriously it's ok. We'll find them." He said. It took maybe all of 10 minutes to put her room back together when something silver caught his eye on her bed under her pillow. Maverick went over to the bed and grabbed the chain and pulled it and the sound of dog tags sliding on metal got her attention. She turned around and saw what he was holding and a look of relief washed over her face.
"You found them! They must've slipped off when I was sleeping." She exclaimed and walked over to him as he put them on her, he smiled.
"I told you we would find them. You didn't believe your dear old dad?" He asked playfully. She hugged him and he hugged her back maybe just a little bit tighter and kissed her head. Then he laid his head ontop of hers.
"Of course, I believed you. You're my dad." She said and snuggled herself further.
Maverick held her for a while in that position. He loved his daughter and loved seeing her happy. Y/N was just happy she found a precious keepsake, she vowed to herself to never take them off again, and if she had to then they were going close to her.
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moonspirit · 3 months
Okay we had pappaarmin, mammaannie. Now we need uncle Connie, Reiner and jean and auntie Pieck, hutch, mikasa
I headcannon that Connie spoils his niece. He also definitely loves those baby bear suit things and buys one in every size possible. (Kids remind him of his siblings and therefore loves them (also is generally good with kids as he has experience))
As for Reiner…let’s be honest Annie teaches the kid to bully him. “Sweetie we don’t hit unless it’s uncle Reiner in that case aim for his balls”
Tbh I have no clue for Jean but he definitely has an obnoxious baby voice.
Hitch spends most of Annie’s pregnancy waiting for her to be able to drink again
Pieck is being sweet and motherly as per usual, and overall is such a sweet aunt. She and Connie teach Annie how to do hair as their kids hair is thick like armins and Annie isn’t used to that as her hair is so thin in comparison
Finally mikasa, the god mother (I don’t know who they will choose to be godfather) she bakes cookies.
Ahaha xD Good call!
The Alliance being parents to Aruani kids!
Connie's definitely the least intimidating of the bunch and Aruani kids have a blast of a time with him! He definitely does see his lost siblings in them and sometimes cries about it. Signs them up for all the local events, takes them along on market runs, is game at any hour of the day to go have some fun. Connie's also reliable in that Aruani can trust him not to let the kids get into any danger because he's been a big brother before, and he's still a great one.
Reiner's the resident sandbag - or that's what Annie tells the kids. Not that he minds particularly, because the Aruani kids make him very emotional. Watching them running around having fun reminds him of Gabi, Falco, Udo and Zofia during the Liberio festival. Two of them are still alive ofc, but the latter are long gone, and he misses the children and what he wanted to be to them. In that respect, Reiner's the man to go whenever there's a festival going on. A source of free money for all the delicious street food and sweet treats because all they have to do is give him large wet puppy eyes and he's spending every last penny of his Ambassador paycheck on them.
(The next day they continue their martial arts lessons under Annie's tutelage with Reiner as the punching bag).
Jean is... a little awkward with kids, but he's not bad at it per se. He's a little boisterous and loud, sometimes coming across as a bit aggressive but he's definitely got that protective streak (because remember, he was veeeery protective of Gabi & Falco during the final battle). The kids look up to him because he's always so well-dressed and perfectly groomed so they're definitely picking up some hair-care tips from him. Wouldn't surprise me if Armin wakes up one day to find his daughter and son standing on little chairs in the bathroom, working pomade into their blonde locks with their tongues out in concentration. "Hey, hey Papa! Do we look like Uncle Jean? What do you think?!"
Pieck is your cool aunt! She knows everything, and will teach you anything! Do the aruani kids want to dress up for the harvest festival? Auntie Pieck's got them! Do the kids want to sneak off to that abandoned windmill because there's rumours of ghosts haunting the place? Auntie Pieck's got them! Do they kids want to commit slight murder? Auntie Pieck's got them (and she'll get them out of it too!). On the rare occassion that Pieck also finds herself stuck, she's hollering out for Jean to come get her and the kids out of the mess and he's grumbling and groaning about it - but he does it anyway. Because it's his crazy girlfriend and his adorable nephew and niece.
Mikasa is the calm and cool godmother to the kids. She's definitely the most attached to them because I think she'd have liked nothing more than to start a family with Eren, and because that was never a possibility from the start, she spends her life longing for the reality she never will have. The Aruani kids make her emotional and protective in a very particular way. She loves spending time with them and even urges Aruani to drop them off at her cottage so they can take some time away for themselves. She takes them mushroom picking, teaches them horseriding, cooks them all the classic Paradisian food and snacks. She also reads to them at bedtime, but the kids beg her to tell them stories of her days in the Survey Corps and about titans.
Papa Levi is burdened with yet more children, and while he looks pissed to be having more unruly kids trying to clamber up on his lap and messing with his wheelchair, he humours everything they do T^T Because Papa Levi!
Hitch is, well, Hitch. She's bored when Annie's pregnant and is still bored once they become parents. What she needs is entertainment and she's getting none :<
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mischaswife · 8 months
Ghost of uraniam
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Pairing: Ricky potts x fem!reader
Y/e/c= Your eye color, Y/H/C= Your hair color, you get the pattern
Au: The whole choir got another chance to live, and ricky and walk and talk (sorry not that sorry)
Summary: After the accideint and being able to get to live again, He keeps seieng someone over and over agin that hes never seen. (Plus reader is like jane, they are very forgettable but not to ricky.)
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Ricky felt relived that he and the rest of his choir mates got to live after the cyclone incident. Well Karnak put them 10 minutes before the were going to go on the ride, so the didnt because they knew what were to happen if they did. But he had felt stange after their Revival. Like someone always had their eyes on him, but when he looked around nothing. There was no one. Maybe he was just on edge after what happend or Maybe hes just parinoid, But he swears he feels eyes on his at all times.
In his 3rd period he feels someone watching him from the back pf the classroom from an angle. He looks back, theres just a girl looking away from him, not able to to see her face. Her hair is down, her uniform is crisp and clean. No one looked nor talked to her all period. When the bell rung after ricky grabbed his stuff she was fone before anyone else was. Weird. Lunch comes and shes there too. A few tables away facing away from him. Shes just sitting there, no food infront of her just sitting. Then shes gone when he looks back to see her. He doent see her the rest of the day. Hes about to go home, and sees her infront of pennt with her back turned so he couldnt see her face.
Stange. Thats all he thought whenever he saw her, well the back of her. Never seeing her face. The next day he talks to penny about this girl and shes confused, "Sorry, who?" she would say anytime he tried bring this mystery girl up. Hes seen her with each member of the choir. Only one had a fond reberence of her, Mischa. Weird, mischas memory is poor. "Oh you mean that girl whos uniform is more clean then anyone elses? Yeah ive spoken to her a few times" He tells ricky. "Well, what does she look like, like face wise?" Ricky asks mischa. "Her eyes are a shade of (Y/E/C) and her hair is (y/h/c), her skin a nice (Y/s/c)" Mischa says while on his phone barely looking at ricky. "Thanks" Ricky says with a sweet smile, "Anytime broski" Mischa says when ricky walks away.
His one mission, Find out who this girl is. He sees her the next day in 3rd period, Thank god shes here. They had partner work and they got to pick who they wanted to be with, Seeing that this girl was lone he walks up to her, He has on a sweet smile. "Hi" He days with a slight wave, The girl looks up at him with doe eyes "Hi.." She says back.
And that's how I'm going to end this because I've been trying to work on this for like 3 months and now I don't know what to wait for it anymore so this is all y'all get
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can you write something about maggie green literally anything i’m scraping penny’s to find anything about her on this app 😭
༉‧₊˚. 𝐟𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 || 𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐞
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― pairings: maggie greene x fem!plus size reader
― era: season 2
― summary: when you're forced to take glenn's place for the medication run, you get more than what you've bargained for at the hands of the farmer's daughter.
― warnings: kissing, making out, stripping, oral sex, come eating, come swallowing, dirty talk, maggie's dirty mouth, dom maggie greene, dom/sub undertones, tribbing, implied tribbing, implied scissoring.
― wc: 1704
⋆ a/n: you basically take glenn's place in the episode 'cherokee rose'! some twd fans may find the banter leading up to the smut familiar seeing as though they are glenn's lines as he is caught guilty with a box of condoms, so what i have to say for that is i do not own the idea for the dialogue, and it is not my original idea, it is completely trademarked and copyrighted to AMC™ and TWD™ Writers! the only part of this fic that i own is the smut as well as the head-canon for bisexual maggie greene! i feel the same! and that's exactly why i write for her! so, thank you for giving me the excuse to write another smut ;]
masterlist | AO3
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Your people had just settled on Hershel's land, you couldn't be having a crush on the poor man's daughter.
You shamefully admit that you had been avoiding her, whenever she would come to talk to Rick or anyone really, you would move away, lying about needing to do something in order to escape the guilt as your eyes trailed straight down to her sweaty and sun kissed chest, her cleavage luring you in like a inescapable spell. There was no escaping now, not when you were forced to go into town with the woman to retrieve medication.
The ride to the pharmacy was silent, the only thing you could hear was the sounds of the horses' hooves hitting the pavement.
"You alright?" You asked awkwardly. "I'm fine." She responded without looking back at you. "I saw the look on your face back at the well. 'Never seen one killed up close before?" You asked curiously. She didn't answer you, guiding her horse in front of you. "'Guess it's kind of a shock." Yet again, you received no response from her. "You know, being out on the road, we've seen a lot." You mood dampened, "'Guess we've gotten a little numb to it." You admitted.
"Woah. I guess so." Was all she said.
You both approached the pharmacy, the two of you looking at the 'Take what you need and God bless' sign sitting in the front window. You spared a look at her, the woman taking the initiative to enter the store ahead of you. Once you both had entered, she turned around to look at you. "I'll go see what antibiotics are left," She spoke simply, "What else is on the list?"
"Uh.." You stuttered, reaching into the back pocket of your jeans to retrieve the piece of folded up paper. "Why don't you get started?" You said while handing her the sheet. "What about you?" She asked. "Um.. I'm gonna look around, see what's worth grabbing. Just some general stuff." She didn't bother to answer you back, leaving you to your own devices as you walked into the 'Feminine Hygiene' isle. You felt a bit guilty as you looked for what Lori had sent you for, throwing a glance from over your shoulder before you bent down to conduct your search.
You picked up a bottle and a box before putting them back down fruitlessly. Your eyes finally landed on the pregnancy test as you looked at it in disbelief.
"What do you got?"
You scrambled to shove the box in your bag as you stumbled to give her an answer.
"Uh.. um.. nothing." You said unsurely, "Just, like I said, general stuff." You hadn't noticed what you picked up before she asked, "Condoms?" With an amused smile on her face. You gasped in embarrassment. "You got a boyfriend I don't know about?" She asked with a grin. "Me? No. No." You denied while shaking your head, butterflies twisting in your gut as her eyes landed back down on the box. "Then you're a pretty confident girl then."
"No." Was all you could say. "No no no. I- I- I- wasn't— I would never—" She cut off your nervous rambling. "'Something wrong with me?" You were quick to say, "No." You shook your head, "No, I—" You threw a hand up and chuckled nervously as you tried to think of a response. "I would never have sex—" Realizing how dumb that sounded, you gave up. "Uh, I'm- I'm lost." You said with your eyes shut in shame, a shake in your head as your hand gripped the box once more.
You opened your eyes, waiting for her response anxiously, but the response that she had given you was not one that you would have expected.
"I'll have sex with you." You stared at her in disbelief, not only because you were caught of guard, but you also didn't know she swung that way. "Really?" Was all you could say. "Why?" You added. "You're asking questions?" She asked innocently, proof that she was truly entertained by this whole situation.
"Okay, I can't help wondering." You said plainly, desperately trying to hide how confused but excited you were. "It's not like our options are vast these days." She said as she took off her bag, letting it fall to the floor. She set how cowgirl hat on top of it, running a hand through her hair as she moved closer to you. She looked in your eyes for reassurance before placing a kiss on your lips, your eyes falling shut despite your hesitancy.
You kissed her back, and as you separated, she said, "And you're not the only one that's lonely." The tension was thick between the two of you as you watched her strip off her shirt, her flat stomach and plain white bra being revealed to you. She never broke eye contact with you as she removed her bra, your eyes falling to her gorgeous breasts. It seems as though you would continue to be rendered speechless as a, "Wow." Fell from between your lips. She smiled as she waited for you to do the same, those same butterflies twisting in your stomach as you tugged off your own shirt as well.
Her eyes fell to your torso before raising to your face again, the sight of you bare in front of her causing her to advance towards you slowly, her hand falling on your naked shoulder as you cupped the side of her cheek, your lips joining together as you kissed.
"I didn't know you liked girls." You spoke between kisses. "Oh, honey, you don't know me." She said as she chuckled darkly. Arousal pooled in your underwear as her hands trailed down, landing on the band of your jeans as your stomach sunk in due to a deep breath you had taken, her fingertips tantalizing as they finally landed on the button.
"You gonna be a good girl and take yer bra off for me?" You didn't need to be told twice as you reached behind you, unclipping the useless item and undergarment falling to the floor. "You're so pretty." You heard her say as she fell to her knees, tugging your pants down along with her. "Thank you.." You said shyly. She smirked to herself as your jeans and underwear pooled around your ankles. "Step out of 'em and lay down." She helped to tug them over your feet, putting them right next to her bag that she had put on the floor.
You tried your best to get comfortable as the cold tile flooring touched your bare back.
"Here," She said, balling up your clothes in her hands and putting them under your head. "Is that better?" You nodded silently. She stripped off her own bottoms, kicking them to the side before straddling your hips, hands placed on either side of your face as she kissed you again. The makeout session was lazy, sloppy even as she devoured your mouth, completely dominating the encounter as you moaned quietly when her hand fondled one of your breasts, fingers pinching your nipple.
"I've wanted you so bad," She murmured against your lips. "Since the first time I saw you with yer people." She kissed down your neck, only marking you in areas that she knew no one would see them, which was your chest, down your sternum, to your soft belly that she would find herself so easily falling in love with.
It was no lie that Maggie Greene had experimented with other girls, hell, she was the type of girl that just wanted to smoke and shoplift, so who was to say she hadn't gone down on another woman? She had only been with men leading up to the fall of the world. It had been a long time since another woman had caught her attention the way that you did, completely reclused, and closed off as you stuck to conversing with your friends, trying to make your presence as minimal as possible whenever any of Maggie's family had shown up around you all.
She must admit that you had made her work for it, with the way she caught your perverted gaze to where she stared at you with all the same lust.
"I've wanted you too, I was just— ah!" You cried out as she bit into your inner thigh, licking over the hickey she had left behind. "I was just shy." You heaved out, your chest rising and falling. "There was no need ta be shy, I don' bite." You raised your eyebrow at the shit eating grin on her face, the words that left her mouth clearly a lie seeing as though you had gotten in a fight with a hive of bees. "Mhm.. I'm sure." You giggled, your head falling back onto your makeshift pillow. Her hot breath caressed your heated skin, spread legs trembling as she blew cold air against your soaked labia.
She had finally licked a stripe through your folds, a whimper falling from your lips as the tip of her tongue nudged at your clit.
You wouldn't have expected her to be so good at giving oral, her muscle dipping in and out of your clenching hole, your fingers buried in her short brown hair as your back arched.
"Maggie! 's so— 's so good!" You whined, grinding your hips against her face. "'M gonna make you come, pretty girl, then 'm gonna ride this cute, soaked pussy." Her lower chin was soaked with your juices as she edged you closer to your orgasm. You gripped at the material behind your head, the other hand tugging at her mixed locs.
Her dirty talk was driving you insane as you crashed, her mouth unrelenting as you spasmed against the ground.
As you came down, she pulled off of you, wiping your release off with the back of her hand as she kept that same smirk on her face.
"You okay ta keep goin'?" She asked you, voice full of care as she wiped a piece of sweat off of your brow.
"Yeah, I'm great." You breathed with a smile, spreading your legs wider she she could fit herself in between them.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood
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itzpris15634 · 1 month
how easy do you think the "pets" would be to fluster, and what kind of things would make them blush? (I use pets in quotations because I'm imagining them in human form. Also I'm talking sfw stuff because I think I worded this weird. Idk I think I overthink how my wording comes across in text 😅)
Yeah don’t worry I got that mate. I’ll keep this as a Human Au and SFW. And also I assume you mean flustered from affection from a partner or friend, so I'll go with that.
Some of these will be inspired by a post Leffee made with pretty much the same question. Idk if I can find it anymore, but I do remember some of it.
Ranked from most to least:
Penny - She's already very sensitive with lots of her feelings, so she was my top pick here. Compliments from strangers, friends, a boyfriend, she just enjoys compliments like that! And physical touch (hugs/kisses/cuddling) just amplifies it. She thoroughly enjoys it all.
Vinnie - Say something good about him or his dancing. You'll have quite the mess on your hands then. He doesn't think too highly of himself, so he's very surprised whenever he hears stuff that contradicts it. I'm just ranking him lower than Penny because he just tries to hide his reactions more.
Sunil - Oh my dearest magic man baby yes I will fluster you beyond belief because it makes you so cute- *cough cough, ahem* Yeah he's fairly easy to fluster. He puts himself into his hobbies and skills, so he really loves it when people point that out. I also think that simple, quick hugs make him blush and I think that's adorable. 😌
Minka - Hehe I love the thought of flustered Minka. She's very used to compliments on her art, so if you say something about her appearance it'll be even better. She's covered in paint stains a lot of the time, which she thinks makes her look kinda gross. But let her know that you look past that, she'll really appreciate it.
Russell - He usually responds to compliments in a "Oh, thank you, sir! Now could you please give me your signature, I really need this paperwork done." sorta way. Even if you're with him as a partner, it's not too easy. You reaaaaally gotta get him in a vulnerable spot, like his neck and/or chest. Kisses, touches, all that.
Pepper - Pepper is a performer, they love the attention and is used to it. She usually just acknowledges compliments with a quick 'thank you'. Even in relationships, she'll be the one to try to fluster her partner. But she usually falls weak when it comes to physical affection.
Zoe - She's kind of like Pepper. She’s already so used to receiving compliments from lots of people all the time. It's usually about her makeup, her outfit, hair, voice, all that. So an effective way to get her flustered is by picking something else to compliment. Here's a quick example. Compliment her cooking? She'll try to mutter out a thank you, but gets so distracted that the food ends up burnt like her face.
Bonus Zoepper headcannon: They get into competitions into who can make each other blush more/more flustered. It can get pretty competitive.
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imagines--galore · 1 year
||Lucky Break||
Summary: When a building nearly collapses on top of Lucky Penny, Superman assumes the worst.
Pairing: Superman x Lucky Penny - Clark Kent x Penelope PennyworthOC (DC)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+ Romance. Mentions of near death.
A/N: Just a bit of background, Penelope is the grand-niece of Alfred Pennyworth and Bruce considers her a sister. No she doesn’t have any powers. But she is instrumental when it comes to designing and coming up with the the gadgets used by Batman. As well as the tech that the Justice League uses. And she kind of acts as the comm master whenever they’re out in the field, delegating tasks and helping them figure out the tactical side of fighting.
Also I am now taking requests so go ahead and send me stuff. You can find my rules here. Please send me stuff to write!
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“No! No! No! No!”
The constant cry was followed by the sound of rocks being shifted around as the Kryptonian dug through the debris. He barely noticed as Wonder Woman landed nearby, her eyes shining with worry as she surveyed the damage.
“Superman?” The Amazonian called out. “Is sh-“ She was instantly cut off by the man.
“She’s buried under there!” He grunted as he lifted a particularly heavy piece of debris and flung it aside. “I have to get her out!”
Flash skidded to a halt next to the black haired woman. His heart stuttered in his chest at the sight of the destruction. “C-could she have even survived….?” His words trailed off as Wonder Woman shot him a look of warning. Superman had indeed heard him but he chose to ignore the words.
“We need to get her out! She’s probably hurt.”
His teammates glanced at one another before starting to help him as well. Wonder Woman was beside Superman, pushing aside concrete and debris, while Flash made quick work of running around the parameter, keeping an eye out for any movement.
“Bats is gonna kill us.” The speedster mumbled over their still connected comms. “He is actually going to kill us then do something worse then death to our bodies.” Wonder Woman was quick to scold him.
“Focus on finding her Flash. She knew the consequences of her actions. She is a warrior who knew the risks.” Pulling back an arm she punched through a wall of concrete that was stuck, watching it crumble away. A heaviness seemed to settle in her chest when she did not find anything underneath. Diana had no desire to loose a friend and comrade in arms. She simply kept digging.
Flash came to a stop next to her picking up dust as he did. “If anything I hope shes alive for his sake.” He whispered to the Amazonian. The two Leaguers stopped what they’d been doing to watch their friend still digging desperately through the debris. His uniform was covered in dust and his normally neat appearance was unkempt. But his eyes were the worst of all. Even from the few feet of distance between them, Diana could make out the sheer desperation in them. Flying next to him, she laid a hand on his shoulder.
“Superman? Maybe you should step away. Call for reinforcements while Flash and I-” She was cut off when the Man of Steel suddenly went completely still. He stood, his eyes unfocused and his hands trembling.
“I-I didn’t even get to tell her.” He spoke in a low tone. Diana’s heart grew heavy at the sheer amount of heartbreak and sadness in his voice. Flash, as oblivious as ever, frowned.
“Tell her what?” He asked, pushing aside a relatively smaller piece of rock.
“That I love her.”
The proclamation caused the speedster to drop the heavy rock he’d been lifting, kicking up a lot of dirt and making him cough.
Silence followed. The man in blue dropped to his knees, burying his face in his hands. Both Flash and Wonder Woman were at a loss. They had never seen him react the way he was. Superman was their leader. The man who stood as a symbol of peace and hope for the people of Earth. The apparent death of their team member seemed to have taken the fight out of him.
“Sh-she can’t be gone.” The Flash whispered, his shoulders drooping as a dark cloud began to form over his normally upbeat persona. Wonder Woman bit her lower lip, her mind flashing to how Batman would react to the death of the woman he considered his closest family.
Clark’s mind was racing a mile a minute. Memories of her. Of every moment they had shared, just flashing before his eyes. His heart thumped wildly in his chest. So loud he barely registered the heartbeats of those around him. Sorrow and dread began to creep in his veins. Ice cold and flashing hot at the same time. For once in his life his knees had trembled and he’d been forced to kneel. He felt empty. Completely and utterly devoid of any feeling. He hadn’t felt this way since his father died. 
“You know? If my nearly dying was all it would’ve taken for you to admit you loved me, I would’ve done it a long time ago.”
The voice came through their comms, slightly distorted and warbling. All three heroes began to look around frantically. Flash, never one to stand still, made a dash around the crash site. Only a second later a happy cry echoed through the comms.
“Lucky! Man am I glad you’re alive.” Wonder Woman floated over to the sound of Flash celebrating, leaving Superman to follow after her. As she crested a rather large piece of fallen building, she was met with the sight of her presumably dead team member.
Her uniform was torn in places, the mask covering her eyes ripped at the seams, her body covered in scratches, hair in disarray, a wide cut across her cheek. Flash seemed to be supporting her as she stood. A quick glance showed her keeping her left foot off the ground. She must’ve hurt it. Yet despite the fact that Lucky Penny looked half dead, the brightness that was unique to her eyes still shone through. The woman offered the Amazonian a smile, though it came out as more of grimace as the pain at her side flared.
“I am glad you are alive Lucky.” Wonder Woman stated warmly, reaching out to grasp her friend’s hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. Lucky Penny laughed softly as Flash nodded.
“Yeah! Imagine having to tell Bats that you had died on our watch. Phew! We wouldn’t have been safe anywhere in the galaxy. Although,” He smirked as he spied Superman approach them, walking towards them instead of flying. “I think Supes would’ve handed himself over to Bats of his own free will.”
For being the fastest man alive, Flash could be a little slow when the situation called for it. He didn’t notice her swaying on her feet, and nearly didn’t catch her when she fainted. He almost didn’t catch her in his arms, supporting her body as it went limp. Both Wonder Woman and Superman called out her name in worry.
“Seems she hit her head pretty hard there.” Flash muttered, carefully zipping over to the still approaching Superman and depositing the dark haired woman into his arms. “She’s all yours Supes.” So saying, the red clad man ran off to deal with the civilians gathering nearby. Wonder Woman, with a knowing smile directed at her two friends, followed after him.
Clark looked down at the woman in his arms. She had always seemed so fragile and delicate, but now, with the way she was hurt and unconscious, she seemed even more so. Oh, he knew just how tough she was. Penny could give Bruce a run for his money when it came to being stubborn and pushing yourself to the limit. Sighing deeply, the uneasiness in his heart lifting a little now that he knew she was safe, Clark simply rose to the sky to get her the help she needed. 
It took awhile, but she finally woke from her near comatose state.
According to Martian Manhunter the injuries were quite severe, and recovery would be long. Penny had asked him not to go into too much detail when it came to telling Batman about her condition, but she knew it was a futile attempt. Still can’t blame a girl for trying.
Green Lantern and Hawkgirl had already been in to see her and ask about her well-being. Hawkgirl had praised her for her bravery. Green Lantern, on the other hand, had been downright furious, saying she had no right to risk her life like that. Penny found his reaction sweet, and had teased him about it. Saying how she always knew he had a soft spot for her. The two of them had never seen eye-to-eye ever since the formation of the Justice League. Green Lantern didn’t think they needed someone to boss them around over comms during fights and various other skirmishes. Lucky Penny had taken that as an insult and had been just as cold towards him as he had been to her. But their relationship had thawed overtime. And the way he had reacted just now, proved that she had managed to worm her way into his heart. Despite his various protests that it wasn’t so.
As Hawkgirl dragged him away so that their companion could rest, Penny leaned back against the fluffy pillows on her bed. Batman had been to visit her too. Though it had just included him simply standing and staring at her. She had stared right back, offering him a slight smile. That seemed to be enough for the man in black as he had exited the room without another word. Penny had relaxed after he left. Bruce would tell Alfred she was fine and on the mend. The worry she had detected in his posture had disappeared once he had made sure she was fine.
Now the only person left to reassure was a certain man clad in blue.
Apparently he had not left her side since J’onn had begun to treat her. Simply sitting there on the couch and keeping an eye on her vitals. Penny had a sneaking suspicion he was monitoring her heartbeat via x-ray vision. He had also been the one to inform J’onn of ever single injury, cut or bruise she had in excruciating detail. And when she had tried to tell him that she was alright, Clark had simply given her a dark look. She had kept her mouth shut after that. Normally, she would test his patience, but for the time being she didn’t think it wise to do so.
And so here they were. Sitting and staring awkwardly at each other.
Well awkward on her part. He was perfectly content with the tension in the room.
After a few minutes of simply fiddling and squirming where she sat, Penny turned her gaze to Clark, smiling nervously at the look of sheer vexation on his face. She cleared her throat. “Well destroying the building was the only way to make sure the technology and blueprints could never be used.” The woman tried to reason. Silence followed her words as Clark continued to stare at her. Finally, she sighed and fixed him with an exasperated look. “What now you’re not gonna talk to me?”
An aggravated sigh fell from her lips. “Kent, I had to do what I thought was right.”
Instantly his entire body language changed. The words probably acted as a trigger for him as he stood up, marching to stand next to her on the bed, nearly looming over her.
“And that included sacrificing yourself?” Penny stared up at him in absolute defiance. “If dying for a greater good is the way to go then I will take it.” She spoke with absolute conviction in her voice. “You should know. How many times have you nearly sacrificed yourself for all of us?”
Clark frowned, crossing his arms over the symbol on his chest. “Thats different?” The injured woman frowned in response, mirroring his arms. “Why? Because you’re seemingly indestructible?” There was no way she would be letting this go.
Who in the hell was he to say whether she could sacrifice her life or not? Sure he was the leader of the Team she worked with, but they were all free to do whatever they wanted. So long as it was legal and didn’t cause anyone harm. His eyes blazed, and for a moment Penny caught sight of the Kryptonian underneath that dealt with villains.
“Yes! Because I can take a chance with a plan as stupid as detonating a building. Because I can walk away from a falling building. I can dust off and get back up again. You can’t.” His voice was full of frustration as he spoke, running a hand down his face as he did.
Penny seemed to shrink where she sat, propped up against several pillows. “Way to make a girl feel weak Kent.” She muttered. There was no malice in her words, and certainly no anger. Penny knew out of everyone in the Justice League, she was the least equipped in terms of strength and speed. She didn’t hold it against anyone though. They all had powers while she didn’t. Minus Bruce, but he was stronger then her because of his training, so still the weakest of the Team.
Catching the dejected way she looked at him, Clark sighed. He moved to stand next to her. “You know what I mean Penny.” He said softly. Her brown gaze lifted to meet his, a pout pulling at her lips as she did. “Now you know its not fair. I can’t stay mad at you when you’re looking at me like that.” She joked, reaching up to gently bump the side of his arm with her bandaged hand. The gauze was wrapped around her fingers mostly, so when he suddenly took her hand, she could feel the warmth of his skin through the bandage.
Slowly he lowered himself so he could be in her direct line of sight, instead of where she had to crane her head back to look up at him. He was on his knees now, just as he had been when he thought he had lost her.
“That was just a lucky break for you Penelope. What if the next time you aren’t so lucky? What then? What will I tell Alfred? How do you think Bruce will handle you dying? Or the rest of the Team?”
Guilt crept along her body, bubbling deep within her gut as she broke away from his intense, imploring gaze and directed it towards the white sheets that covered her body. “I - I suppose I wasn’t thinking about everyone. I just wanted to do what was right.” She finally said. Clark shook his head. “I’m not telling you off for doing the right thing Pen. I just want you to see that you getting hurt, or worse, will result in a lot of people hurting in the process as well.”
She glanced up at him. “People, Kent?”
He gave a deep chuckle, raising her injured hand to his lips and giving it a small kiss. “Yes Pen, People.” A beat of silence before he spoke again. “But to be honest, I’m asking you to be more careful because I don’t want you to get hurt.” He admitted. “And I know its selfish of me to ask something like this of you, especially when I tend to run into danger head on as well, but I’m saying this because I love you.”
Even though she had heard him say those words before, they hadn’t been directed towards her. Not really anyway. So for him to say it directly to her? An entirely new range of emotions welled within her, emotions that had her wanting to laugh and cry at the same time. Which was ridiculous, and yet it made perfect sense.
A long stretch of silence followed his words, where she simply looked at him. Clark was content on looking back, as if he were still reassuring himself that she was alive and safe.
Which was why when he blinked and found her face only a few meters from his, he nearly jumped back in surprise. She didn’t give him any time to do so, as her lips found the very corner of his mouth and lingered there for a good few seconds before pulling back.
Clark was a little too stunned to do anything. He hadn’t been expecting her to kiss him. Mostly because Penny was rather reserved when it came to her emotions. Just like her brother. As she shifted to lean back against her pillows once more, the blush on her bronze skin was prominent.
“You are the bane of my existence Clark Kent.” She was referring to the multiple occasions, she had given a set of instructions or orders during a mission and he had gone in a completely different direction. He had pissed her off on more then one occasion, and she had annoyed him so many times by telling him off about ignoring her that they didn’t even have a tally to keep score.
Yet somewhere along the way of shouting matches and snide comments, he had begun to listen to her suggestions. And she, in turn, began to take his strength and brute force into consideration when coming up with tactical solutions. It was slow going, and they still go on one another’s nerves. Still fought and argued. Yet it held an intensity that had never been there before.
And intensity that had culminated in feelings neither of them had planned on developing when it came to the other party.
And yet, here they were.
“But, I love you too.”
The expression on his face that followed her confession was as bright as any star she had ever seen.
He moved forward, and she knew he was about to kiss her, but she held up her other hand, pressing her fingers to his lips and laughing softly at the look on his face. 
“And I would prefer to be kissed when I don’t look like I’ve been used as a punching bag.” She referred to her injured state. “Also I’m really hopped up on pain medication, so there is a chance you might need to confess to me again.”
The answering laugh that followed the words made her fall in love with the Kryptonian even more.
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nahoney22 · 2 years
Hello! If you’re up for it! I’d love to see your take on this scenerio for 3 of my fave men! Crosshair, Rex and Echo! (All 3 or you can pick one! ^^ ) Of them over hearing their S/O talking about them maybe with either omega or a fellow trooper. Maybe they were just passing by and heard their name mentioned
And S/O just goes practically infodumping how they make them feel. How they feel safe in their arms, referring to a sweet memory , how fast their heartbeats when they are near by. Everyday being a treasure just being with them and all that lovey dovey lol
The Way You Make Me Feel
𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁 𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁 𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁 𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙
All Bad Batch Boys + Rex X F!Reader
Thanks for the lovely request. Adore you. I know the request only asks for Rex, echo and crosshair but in for a penny in for a pound, let’s do all batchers ♥️
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Your S/O overhears you gushing over them.
warnings: none, fluff. Reader gets unwanted attention in the Crosshair one.
Masterlist 🤍
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☾ Echo
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Echo didn’t necessarily hear you complimenting him, rather, he read it instead.
Since Omega got given her own holopad it was only right that himself and the others monitor any suspicious activities including who she messages. After all, it’s a big galaxy and she’s only young. So whenever she receives messages it goes to either one of the boys' own devices. This time, it just so happened to be his.
He was sitting in the cockpit on his own when he heard a ping and as he began to read whoever it was Omega was talking too, his cheeks grew very warm.
The two of you were gossiping about things and just having some ‘girly chat’ as Omega calls it since it’s just her and you being the only females but when he saw his name pop up he was anxious at first but then he realised he had nothing to worry about.
You’re telling Omega how you both met and that he was the most handsome man he had ever seen. Despite being part of a large Clone Army, he had always stood out before AND after the Citadel. To you, you told Omega that he has the kindest heart despite his grumpiness. He frowned that you said he was grumpy but who was he kidding?
Knowing this was the way you felt about him, he could honestly die happy.
He definitely would bring this up next time he sees you but for now, he will stop reading the messages and cherish them.
☾ Hunter
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With both of you dating for a few months and happier than ever, you can’t help but quietly gush to Omega in the gunner's mount/her room.
He’s walking nearby but due to his senses he can hear the smallest of things, especially the sound of something that reminds him of a pair of giggling school girls.
“Do you not find him moody sometimes?” Omega asks you with a playful smirk.
You’re tucked uncomfortably agaisnt the windshield, legs pulled up to your chest as she sits on the seat in front of you.
He hears you laugh and he’s unsure if you’re nodding or shaking your head but he can tell by your tone that the answer could have been either.
“He’s… perfect. I’m really happy.” You sigh almost dreamily and Hunters heartbeat picks up rapidly.
Omega rolls her eyes in amusement but she was thrilled to see how happy you truly were.
He’s about to walk away, smiling to himself but then you carried on. You told her how he made you feel like the only girl in the world and how you loved the way the corners of his eyes crinkle when he laughs. Most importantly to him, you felt safe and protected. All that he could want.
He’s tempted to announce his presence but to save your gorgeous blushing for just him, he will leave it for later.
☾ Wrecker
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“Where’s my girl?” Crosshair looks up at Wrecker once he approaches him in the Marauder seeming to be looking out for his significant other.
“She’s outside by the lake.” He grumbles in reply and so that is where Wrecker looked.
When he does spot you, he’s about to call out to you with big waving hands but he stops when he hears you talking. Upon closer inspection, he hears you talk to an old friend from your home planet.
Wrecker is about to turn and leave you be but when he hears his name mentioned, his curiosity is piqued. He knows better than to listen in to your conversations but judging by the smile radiating off your face, it wasn’t anything bad.
“Wrecker took me out to dinner the other day.” You chime over your commlink to your friend, twirling a bracelet around on your wrist that he had gifted you the first month of you both dating.
He can’t hear what your friend was saying clearly but when you began to say that you were the happiest you had been in the longest time he was beyond giddy and almost had to swipe a tear away from his eye.
“He’s strong, always positive, a little loud but knows his limits…” you sigh, laying your back flat on the ground and gazing up at the blue sky. “Did I say he’s also unfathomably sexy too?” You giggle and before you could hear your friend reply a looming shadow casts over you and your eyes widen as Wrecker peers down at you with a wide grin.
“Wanna say that again?”
“W-Wrecker?” Your cheeks are burning and in a second you’re being lifted up and slung over a broad shoulder. You’re squealing and laughing and try to protest as he snatches your commlink and shouts down it.
“She’s a little busy right now! She’ll talk later!”
Oh, you were in for it.
☾ Tech
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Despite the fact you two had been dating for a short while, Tech was never one to express his feelings emotionally. This also meant that you tried to keep your deep feelings for him at bay, not wanting to overstep.
But, you had to tell someone.
You ventured out into the village with Echo whilst he handled repairs back on the Havoc when his a transmission is being patched through. He mumbled something incoherent and slides out from under the control panel but his frown is soon replaced when he sees your name.
“May I be of your assistance?” He calls out but there’s no reply aside from some crackling and the sound of rustling. He signs and shakes his head. This isn’t the first time you had accidentally contacted him unknowingly with your device in your pocket and he had somewhat gave you a loving lecture about it.
His hand reaches to stop it but then he freezes at he hears his name being mentioned. It’s muffled and difficult to decipher and he knows he shouldn’t but he starts to adjust the frequency wave instead.
When it’s clear enough, he sits down and hunches forward with his hands clasped together, knee bouncing in slight angst. He knew he wasn’t the idea boyfriend and he just hoped his fears weren’t confirmed. To which, they indeed weren’t.
“…. I just feel alive when I’m with him.”
Echo is chuckling beside you, asking you about Tech and you and he had wished Echo would mind his own business nut at the same time… he’s interested in what else you had to say.
“I could listen to him for days, I look forward waking up and just being near Tech. True, I wish we would be more affectionate to each other but I don’t mind. I… I think I love him, y’know?”
Tech’s eyes widen at your admission and he feels like he could run outside the Havoc and scream his lungs out in pure happiness that he found someone who loves him.
He’s holding his breath, so tempted to try and grab your attention but why should he? You’ll be on your way back and he would be more than willing to give you his utmost attention
☾ Crosshair
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“You’re with him?”
You’re at a bar and it was your turn to grab the next round of drinks for yourself and fellow Batchers. As you wait at the bar, a citizen came up to you, dripping in wealth and already tried to take a pass at you.
Thankfully, you were taken by none other than the Marksman himself.
When you told him that you were taken, he scoffed and asked for the whereabouts of said partner. So when you nod to the table of enhanced clones and point at the one with a face of thunder, he was bewildered.
“Yeah, what of it?” You bite back, not liking the snobbiness of his judging tone as he looked between the two of you. You don’t think Crosshair had noticed as he wasn’t looking at you and you were kind of glad at the matter. Last thing you needed was Crosshair to get agitated over some guy hitting on you.
The man didn’t know there was a fire of passion in you as you’re ready to defend Crosshair no matter what and he’s almost impressed. Until he smirks. “Is he a Clone?”
“Yes.” You bite on your tongue to refrain from just snapping at him and telling him to leave you alone but you didn’t want to cause a scene. So you bit down your anger until he says:
“Why have a Clone when you can have a rich and successful defence lawyer like me pretty lady?”
“Because unlike you, he doesn’t need body guards or anyone to serve for him hand and foot. Unlike you, I know that he will protect from anything and everything no matter the situation. You say you’re rich and successful yet here you are in one of the dingiest bars on the whole of Coruscant. To me, it looks like life isn’t treating you so ‘successfully’ as you said.”
He’s blinking rapidly, offended and has a growing anger brewing inside him but before he can retaliate, you lecture on.
“I don’t need a rich person. I don’t need money. What I need and what I have is someone I care about and vice versa. Now, please do me the honours of getting out of my face.”
Then, you turn back to do the bar and tjank the bartender as he hands you a tray of all the drinks you had ordered. When you turned back around, the man was gone. But, in the corner of your eye you see Crosshair.
He was on the other side of the bar, chewing on a toothpick and smirking gloriously at you. You’re flustered, a little embarrassed that he watched what happened. He approaches, takes the tray from your hands and places it back on the bar.
“You sure ripped him a new one.” He nods impressively, sliding his hand to your waist out of comfort and affection.
“Sorry you had to hear all that.”
“Don’t be. Made me feel…” he trails off, suddenly finding himself become a little shy but he swallows down his pride, “good. Great, in fact. I wanna hear you praise me like that again.” He grins and waggles his eyebrows playfully at you.
☾ Rex
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Dating in the 501st was tough. Not only did he have to keep it on the low in fears of his Generals and other Jedi finding out but then there’s his brothers. The whole lot of them.
With constant teasing and relentless prying into his and your personal lives he’s half tempted to transfer to a different squad. Maybe the 212th would be less problematic…
“Go on, please tell us.”
He halts his stride around the hangar, his attention drawing on Kix and Jesse and more importantly, you.
He’s ready to walk over and ask what was going on as causally as he could but when he heard you mention his name, he halts and ducks behind some weapon crates and earwigs.
“Rex is sweet. I don’t know why you guys are asking me this.” You fold your arms over your chest. You both tried to keep your relationship private but some troopers are impossibly nosey and won’t stop pestering you. So obviosuly, they found out yous were dating.
“Because we wanna know why him, out of any of us handsome gentlemen?” Jesse smirks, clearly teasing but you did blush.
“He’s different.” You state.
“Why, because he’s blonde?” Kix laughs and you can only roll your eyes.
“Well, physically he has different attributes sure but he just understands me.”
Jesse smiles a little before beginning to tease you in a mock impression. “Lil lady’s in loooooove.”
Kix stops laughing and Jesse’s gaze is now more intense.
Rex however felt like he was about to pass out. There had been no ‘I love yous’ yet but to hear you tell his brothers that you may or may not be in love with him was making his heart soar. He’s grinning like a wild loth-cat and he feels his skin grow warm and tingly.
You then proceed to tell them about a sweet memory, how he quite literally swept you off your feet once when he bumped into you. “He said it was an accident but Fives told me otherwise. I think he may have wanted to talk to me for a while so Fives gave him that extra push.”
Rex sits and thinks back to that time, only a few months ago and he smiles fondly. He’ll always love Fives for that because that was the first time the two of you spoke and clearly hit it off ever since.
He watches you all part ways after you enthused more about him and the second he sees you alone, he is marching up to you. And right now, he didn’t care if anyone saw but he spun you to face him and before you could say his name, his lips descended upon yours.
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tags: @twistedstitcher27 @teletraan-meets-jarvis @jennamelinda12 @nunanuggets @andyoufollowyourheart t @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @cwarssimp @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @oohyesplease @megafrost4 @adriiibell @theroguesully @equalityforcats @rexandechosandwich @mustluvecho @the-good-shittt @inagalaxywickedfahaway @misogirl828 @ladykatakuri @sadspring @chxpsi @alexandrisonfire @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @rain-on-kamino @salaminus @by-the-primes @torchbearerkyle e @tech-aficionado @in-the-crosshairs @therealnekomari @a-c-lee @autumnleaves1991-blog g @tech-depression-inventory @mylifeinthetardisforever @brynhildrmimi i @greaser-wolf @lucyysthings @agenteliix @fiveshelmet @photogirl894 @buddee @s1st3r @cosmic-persephone @imalovernotahater
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