#so people can blacklist if they aren't interested
stormyoceans · 2 years
[VICE VERSA episode 1 part 2]
Okay but seriously I assume Puen went with such a flirty line because he’s lonely and doesn’t know how to make real friends and when Talay was being nice to him he opted for what he knows which is cheesy dialogue from his field of work, HE TRIED HIS BEST
One last thing @ part 1: who the hell goes that deep into the ocean with their glasses on, this is spectacle suicide, T a l a y
Talay fleeing in the most conspicuous way possible
Nurse is just like “ah yes here’s another one”
Love how you learn so much about Tess just from the way his friends talk to Talay
“Are you okay, man?” I mean he did get beaten literally to death
Nurse, why are you politely asking them if the patient can have an X-ray, just kick them out
“You seem to be having fun with your friends” HOW EXACTLY
I don’t know about you but I don’t particularly mind that the whole universe-swapping is never explained (to my knowledge); because it’s /not important/, it’s just the set-up so the story can unfold, just a thing that happens in the world these charas live in and that’s fine
I appreciated that the Nurse didn’t make any shitty “hyuk hyuk I have titties now” or whatever the hell remarks but I seem to recall they said something about chasing women in another episode so nevermind, they suck
Poor Talay, no one knows what a colorist is
“will you tell me how we can go home?” “I will but it’s very contrived”
Loooove the switching shots between Ohm and Sea, they’re so good!!!
And I love how they don’t get a forced musical cue or anything, they’re just there
Talay, what are you doing on the bed…….
Imagine Puen seeing that
And instantly falling further in love
I didn’t recognise the couple in the car but a friend told me they’re from Enchanté, I think?
Look man the cameo’s cute but when someone drives far too slow in front of me I lose my mind, I DON’T CARE IF YOU’RE FRESH OFF THE ALTAR, MIND THE FUCKING SPEED LIMIT
What is that damn password, is this another reference that’s flying over my head
SFJKSGFKSGDKSG I MEAN. the last time i went to the beach i also did go pretty far into the sea with my glasses on BUT IN MY DEFENSE!!!!!!! i can't see anything without them and can't wear contact lenses ;;;;;;;;;; i guess talay and i just share the same braincell because i, too, would jump on any new bed i see and am ridiculously in love with puen
all the passwords for the association are actually references to 2gether and theory of love!! these two BLs and vice versa (and fish upon the sky) are all adaptations of novels from the same author, jittirain, which is kinda hilarious to me because i have wildly different feelings for each one of them, from mild dislike to THIS IS THE BEST THING I’VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE I LOVE IT SO MUCH IT HAS BECOME MY WHOLE PERSONALITY. you don't really need to have watched them all, though, just know that vice versa has tons of references and easter eggs and cameos that work as call-backs to other BL shows, like the two grooms in the car who are, indeed, the same actors as akk and theo in enchanté
THE SWITCHING SHOTS BETWEEN OHM AND SEA ARE ONE OF THE BEST THINGS IN THE FIRST TWO EPISODES i understand why would some people get confused with the entire switching bodies concept, but i really think they did a great job with showing that we, as viewers, still see talay because we’re following his soul but the other characters in the alternate universe keep seeing tess’ body
also i agree with you, i love that there’s just enough exposition to make you understand what’s happening and to make the alternate universe feel REAL, but that they didn’t try to explain everything, because 1) that would have been impossible to do in the first place, and 2) like you said it’s not the point of the show, the body switching and the alternate universe are just narrative tools for talay’s and puen’s personal journey
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neverendingford · 1 year
#tag talk#character fight polls aren't which character is better it's which fandom is bigger and I really fucking want to stop seeing them#I have polls blacklisted and people aren't teaching things I have to blacklist everyone's individual unique poll tournament tag#because they fucking tag every single character and fandom in their 64 character bracket#I'm so tired of seeing Shion from no. 6 put up against every single other character for every single trait he's got#do you really think Danny Phantom is actually the superior white haired dude or is the Df fandom just massively bigger than the no. 6 fandom#this is basically just the post about demographic maps that are just population density maps. your stupid tournament isn't doing anything.#some polls are funny and cool and neat and interesting but 99% of them are not#like. hey quick question do you wear white socks grey socks black socks or other color stocks#make sure to reblog so I can also find out what color socks your followers who aren't my followers wear because this is imprtant information#why do we need to argue whether Shion is better or worse than some other character who is gay in a government rebellion#this is supposedly about me hating stupid polls but it's really actually about people including my favorite boi Shion in stupid polls#leave him alone leave him alone leave him alone he's gone through enough I know the fandom is relatively small don't remind me#let me enjoy my bittersweet gay anime in peace okay#just cause I don't kin him anymore doesn't mean I can't still have strong feelings about him
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Y'all regularly send in questions wanting to know how to report concerns you've observed at zoos you've visited. I've been able to point people at the USDA (regulatory) option, but with regard to accrediting groups I haven't had a good answer. I spent the last six months or so really digging into why there hasn't been a good answer. What I've found is that the majority of zoological accrediting groups in the United States don't provide any way for the public to report issues they've observed at accredited facilities, and none of said organizations have a mechanism for truly supporting / protecting staff who might choose to report issues at their own facilities. Which is. not great.
I wrote a whole Substack post about it a few days ago, arguing that in order to remain credible institutions accrediting groups must facilitate public reporting, anonymous reporting, and commit to enforcing penalties for any retaliation against staff who choose to utilize the option. I'm linking it below for anyone who is interested in all the details. CW at the beginning for animal abuse mentions - I started the piece by discussing a truly egregious welfare situation that occurred last year at a Miami facility, which might have been prevented or at least caught earlier if the two groups that accredit the facility had had a reporting mechanism in place.
What I want to talk about here, though, is specifically why accrediting orgs need to not only have an anonymous reporting option for staff, but why they must ban retaliation and penalize any facility that does it anyway. Whenever something terrible happens at a zoo or sanctuary, people always ask "why didn't the staff say something?" And the answer is, basically, because taking that risk can get you not just fired, but blacklisted from the field. People literally end up having to choose between their careers and making noise about issues that aren't being resolved, and that's absolutely not freaking okay. But I want to explain for you the extent of the issue.
If you're not industry, something you might be surprised to learn is that most zoo staff don't have any special reporting options above and beyond what the public does. Most zookeepers and other low-level staff never interact with people from accrediting groups except during an actual inspection - so if there's a problem, it's not like they know someone they can back-channel a concern to if they don't feel safe reporting it publicly. And for the most part, reporting things your facility is doing to an accrediting group will always be considered inappropriate and probably get a keeper in trouble (even if it's a really valid issue).
The zoological industry runs on a strongly hierarchical system. Staff are expected to “stay within their lanes” and work within the established bureaucracy to resolve issues. Deviating from this, if staff feel like management are suppressing issues or something needs to be addressed urgently, is very heavily frowned upon. Basically, going around management to bring something to an accrediting group (or USDA, or the media) is seen as indicating that your facility has failed to address a problem, or that the individual making the report feels they know more than their superiors. At most places, no matter how extreme an issue may become, there's never a point at which it would be acceptable for a staff member to reveal a facility’s internal issues to their accrediting body. 
The thing is, attempting to resolve issues through the proper internal channels at a facility doesn't always work! It can result in an issue being covered up (especially if the company is kinda shady) or suppressed rather than addressed. If staff decide to push the issue, it can really backfire and jeopardize their job, because it's expected that if management says something is fine, staff need to acquiesce and go along with it.
There have been a couple high-profile examples of this in the last decade: the incident I mention in my Substack where new management at the Miami Seaquarium decided to starve dolphins to coerce them into participating in guest programs, and an issue at the Austin Zoo five-ish years ago where the director was perpetuating serious welfare issues and ignoring staff feedback. In both cases, there's always the questions of where the accrediting group was. We don't know anything about what happened with the Seaquarium (it's been over six months since the USDA report documenting the diet cuts was released and AMMPA and American Humane haven't said a thing), but I remember hearing that ZAA had no idea what was happening at Austin because nobody had reached out to them about it.
This is why I'm arguing that all zoological accrediting groups need to make visible reporting options and make sure staff feel safe enough to use them! If you've got a facility perpetuating or not dealing with major issues, it's pretty probable that they're going to be unhappy if their staff reports those issues to any oversight body. That's not a situation where it's currently safe to speak up right now - and four out of five zoological accrediting groups in the US don't have standards prohibiting retaliation against staff for bringing up issues like that! (Surprisingly, it's not AZA. It's the sanctuary accrediting group, GFAS). Without any option for internal reporting, issues may not get addressed - which hurts animal welfare - or people risk losing their job, possibly their entire career in the field (which is a huge part of people's identities!), and their financial stability to advocate for their animals.
Currently, the two accrediting groups that do have reporting options (AZA and GFAS) stay they'll attempt to keep reports anonymous, but acknowledge it may not be possible to do so. (Which tracks, because zoo jobs are highly specialized and only a few people may be exposed to an issue). However, only GFAS prohibits facilities from retaliating against people who make reports. On top of that, there's absolutely no transparency about what happens next: GFAS, ZAA, AMMPA and AH have no information about how the process transpires and if someone making a report will get any information back about what happened. AZA straight up says that all accreditation stuff is proprietary (read: confidential) so you just have to trust that they dealt with it appropriately. Just yeet your report into the void and hope the groups doing oversight handle it correctly when there's no accountability? That's... not a great look for animal welfare concerns.
I hope the industry chooses to fix this problem. I hope it chooses to invest in transparency and increased credibility. I don't know what I expect, but I'd like to see these accrediting groups do the right thing.
My full write-up on how accrediting groups in the US handle reporting and concerns (or don't) is linked below.
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bokunoherokomikuko · 1 year
Fellow redditors who are new to Tumblr are welcome here, and while there aren't any moderated rules like in subreddits, there is a sort of social decorum that's pretty easy to pick up on.
Some tips if you're new though: - First of all: If you're new, for all the that is sensible in the world, change your icon, make a bio (doesn't have to be grand, but a little blurb is good), and/or make a post stating that you are not a bot, even if your blog is otherwise empty. This site is often plagued by spam bots, and blank blogs with default icons are often blocked out of self preservation by users.
- Second of all: Go add "X-kit Rewritten" (or "New X-kit") to your browser extensions.
- THIRDLY: You can follow tags and specific users to curate the content you want to see on your dash. Blocking doesn't stop you from seeing someone's content but you can add terms, tags, and names to your Blacklist (found in blog specific settings) and shield yourself a bit that way. If you have one of the extensions mentioned above, you can also block specific posts.
- Commit to the bit; If there's a joke, a bit, a playing going on, contribute (if you want to)! Makes it more fun.
- Nothing dies here. There are still posts from 2008 circling around and still making laughs. Don't worry about when a post was made, if you like it, reblog it!
- Reblog things!! No seriously, if you like something, the upvote system here is to reblog it so other people can see it. Likes are more like your private stash of posts you've liked or seen already (you can make likes and follows private in settings). Reblogs do not need a caption, if you've got nothing to say, don't. Lurk all you want, make your blog reblogs only, it's okay!
- Want to say something but don't want too much attention? Reblog and type in the tags area instead of the caption area. Doing this is more talking to yourself and maybe a few followers in spirit. If people like what you had to say, they'll add your tags to a post, just be aware. If you don't want that, a basic courtesy for yourself is to tag your post #do not reblog OR #Do not screenshot caption
- Tumblr tags can have spaces in them! They're separated by commas.
- You can make sideblogs! Got multiple interests but don't want them all in one big blog soup? Create a side blog to curate what you post and reblog. Make sure to use tags if you want that extra bit of organization.
This isn't everything, we'd be here all day if I listed it all, but it's a good few tips. This is a safe place for new peeps trying to get their feet wet. Please enjoy yourselves, be safe, and have fun.
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horrendoushag · 1 year
just went into the danny phantom main tag for the first time in a while and found a ton of dpxdc prompts flooding it. didn't realize it was still such a big issue. so,
hey guys this is your reminder to ONLY tag your danny phantom/dc crossovers as #DPXDC, no other fandoms
I know you want people from the dp and dc fandoms to be able to find your crossover stuff. I relate. but to the multitude of people who want plain danny phantom content or aren't interested in dc, finding dc crossover after dc crossover is just annoying. we don't want to have to dig. we are going to scroll straight past your dpxdc prompts and art and fics. tagging only for the crossover is unusual, yeah, but this crossover is so big it is literally its own fandom. and as relatively large as the dpxdc fandom is, I'm pretty sure the danny phantom fandom is bigger. thus, we do not want a bunch of posts from a different fandom in our tag. people who want dpxdc can go out of their way to find it by way of the tag I thought we'd established months ago. if you want to tag it as danny phantom or dc or whatever for the purpose of organizing your blog, just reblog the post with the tags added.
I love dpxdc crossovers. I was reading one right before I started making this post. but when I go to the danny phantom tag, I want to see mainly danny phantom content. now when I try to do that, I find a whole lot of not-that. I just searched 'danny phantom', and of the top dp posts, 26 out of 48 were dpxdc. clicked on the danny phantom tag and 12 out of the first 14 top posts were also dpxdc. much of this was not tagged with the proper DPXDC tag. the issue appears to be far less severe for the dc fandom, but it's still a bit irritating.
again, I love this crossover. I don't want to blacklist the multitude of tags it uses, because I like seeing it on my dash occasionally. but if this keeps up, I honestly might.
it's DPXDC, no spaces, DP comes first, DC comes second.
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horrorshow · 1 month
Can you talk about why you think blocking and moving on is a bad thing? I thought it was a way to curate your space and avoid drama
idk maybe i'm too idealistic but fandom is a much more friendlier, welcoming, supportive, creative, engaging, active, diverse and interesting space when it's treated like a community where people are encouraged to participate and talk about their interests and where there's space for niche or more unpopular opinions without these people having to worry about being blocked and feel unwelcome by the majority of the fandom they are in. i can't stand how blocking everyone you disagree with has become the first thing to do.
you say its 'to curate your experience'. but blocking people does not only curate YOUR experience. you're also forcefully curating other users' experiences. and not for the better.
people say 'i will block you for literally anything' and then those same people wonder why engagement is down, why no one sends asks, why no one reblogs, why rarely anyone talks in the tags anymore and why this place feels so dead and boring and quiet. i wonder why!!!!
people treat real people as annoying ads they can dispose of at their whim. but that's not how a fandom or a site like tumblr works. (besides, if you really care about people curating their own experience you wouldn't block people. you can filter and blacklist and never see them again while still granting them the same freedom instead of actively making their experience worse.)
you say its to avoid drama. but seeing a post you dont agree with is not 'drama'. and blocking is not solving anything except for you personally. fandom was more fun when we remembered that every user is a real person you share a space with, and probably some mutuals as well, so you find a way to live with each other. starting with a restraining order seems a bit excessive and is not contributing to anything. it's not that hard to be respectful and tolerate others and acknowledge people have different opinions and interests and still co-exist in peace. its not that hard to be nice to people and try to find common ground with them and interact with the stuff you DO like. you do this in every aspect of your real life, so why not online?
i hear you say: 'but that requires WORK and i don't NEED to do any of that bc i can just block them'.
yeah, you can try to create your own bubble and only hang out with like minded people but you wont EVER fully achieve that (no matter how much you block, social media WILL keep feeding you posts you disagree with bc it makes them money). social media WILL pressure you into an 'us vs. them' mentality where you constantly feel like everything online is a threat or an argument you have to win and where being mean and unnuanced gives you the most notes and where you don't even see, let alone be able to treat, other users as people anymore bc you don't interact with them anymore other than to block or fight them. that's not how i want it to be online. it's not fun to me. and maybe i'm a pessimist but i think it will eventually be the death of online fandom and sites like tumblr. look at the state of twitter right now. DOES blocking give you a better experience in the long run? i doubt that it does. overall, i think it makes people even less tolerable and more vulnerable to hate and fear mongering, and social media an even more hostile place.
it's everything i hate about social media and everything i want to fight against and WILL fight against. i won't pretend my meager contribution will change anything, but i LIKE to just scroll past posts i don't vibe with and not see every argument online as a personal offense. it keeps me curious. most posts aren't that bad when you know the person behind it. i mean, you do you, i'm not gonna say what you should or shouldn't do bc that's up to you, but i recommend it: free yourself of the block button and bring back supportive user communities based on a shared love for the same thing and focus on what you have in common with people, just like you would do in real life. save the block button for the rotten apples who DO keep trying to pick fights and exclude others.
(which is, now that i think about it, probably the main difference: most people see the block button as a neutral way to prevent worse. but. that's only the case on an individual level. and treating everything online as an individual choice to which there are no further consequences, especially if they happen on a larger scale, is already a loss.)
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anistarrose · 4 months
So the thing is, if people ship characters who are explicitly not into romance (whether aromantic or otherwise), that ultimately doesn't affect me on a level beyond "annoyance" — I can blacklist tags, and blacklist or block people who don't tag it. What I have to ask myself every time I see these things, however, is this:
"Does this reflect how this person feels about romance-averse people in real life? Does this reflect how this person treats romance-averse people in real life?"
Because how someone engages with fiction doesn't have to be a reflection of how they treat real people, obviously — and in this case, I would of course hope that it isn't. But if you know anything about what being aromantic is like, in real life or on the Internet... you'll understand why I'm not optimistic.
Thinking two characters are so cute together that you reject a bunch of their characterization to make it happen is just annoying, not a crime! But the second you make the leap to telling a real human person things like:
"I don't care how much you say you're not interested, because you just won't realize that you and X would make such a cute couple,"
"I don't care how much you say you're not interested, because you're clearly just in denial which the Right Person has to come along and fix,"
"But — but — but not falling in love is just so tragic! I want you to be happy, not sad and lonely your whole life!"
like the rationales that apparently motivate so many people to ship? Then that has crossed the line into harming real people.
I don't actually think that shipping aromantic characters is the primary cause in the cause-effect diagram, when it comes to the correlating the shipping with "likelihood to say these terrible, invalidating, autonomy-undermining things to real people." Precisely, I don't think it's a cause to a meaningful degree when you compare with the opposite direction — I think people who say these things to real aromantics (or anyone else who just isn't interested!), because of what they think about these real people, are in turn more likely to think amatonormative things about fictional characters. I think that there exists a feedback loop to some extent, because fiction can influence people's beliefs to some degree, but it's not symmetric. Real-life amatonormativity causes mass amatonormativity in fandom spaces.
So... at this point, do you see why aromantic people in fandom get a little defensive about aro characters, and about other characters who overlap with aro experiences? You see why we get kind of pissy when people very selectively throw a very specific part of their characterization out the window? You see why we maybe don't want to associate with those people? Why it makes us so uncomfortable?
"Stop shipping romance-repulsed characters," in my opinion, is a understandable outcry from the community that I obviously sympathize with — but it nevertheless conceals the core of the issue, especially from non-aromantics who aren't living with amatonormativity shoved down their throats at all times, and therefore might not be able to read between the lines. At the core, this isn't actually a debate about the morality of shipping in fiction, despite overlap with that discourse on the surface.
The real cry for change isn't "stop shipping that character." It's "start accepting me for who I am, without trying to either undermine or mourn it at every opportunity." Because at the moment, the overlap between people who erase fictional aromanticism and real aromanticism is significant — and even where they don't overlap, you know what? Romance-averse folks just trying to live in peace can't fucking tell the difference.
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juunes · 3 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
PSD (link). Mask (link).
June or Juliet! nicknames = ok any pronouns
About Me. (Wip) Daily Clicks. requests open (0/3).
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Feel free to use, recolor and overall edit any of my edits, no credit needed! Credit is only obligatory when reposting (reposting stamps without credit is okay, just don't claim anything as your own)
i do:
Rentry graphics, pixels, replycons, discord layouts (picky), Tumblr layouts (also picky oopsie), icons, rentry Templates (umm guess), stamps!
My blacklist is:
Vivziepop media, okegom, tcoaal, south park, real people, Minecraft YouTubers, nsfw, gore, proships ( includes characters who aren't blood related but canonically see each other as siblings ) anything problematic in general.
I only use official art, in other words anything from the wiki of the media the character's from. If you want me to use fanart, please specify the artist so I can credit properly, and if possible send me a link to their page.
*Note that my blist and what I do may change in the future.
Short description about me:
Hihihi I'm June or Juliet! Idk why I started editing but yeah. Im. I'm just there I guess. I am a Minor and I like Pjsk, vocaloid & death note :3 yeah that's. Basically my interests list. I sometimes use double / triple spaces! Uhhh yeah that's it I think ermm. More in my rentry. Which. Isn't done yet.!
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magz · 6 months
Have so much content words n tags filtered, Blacklisted to not see. A lot of dash is hidden. Over 3k+ users blocked. And am less interested in opening Tumblr much than usual.
Am not think our black transfem GF would be safe on Tumblr, so we can't even matchsies on here (she doesn't use Tumblr). So it's even less of interest...
Cannot accurately describe the weariness of logging in after partially recovering from the irl ableism+racism+victim blaming+family attempted suicide +moving extravaganza (global south / third world edition) we've been vague about,
To then have to see "HomeStuck discourse" back-to-back because of some Tumblr Polls - slip thru content filters, and excuses used to spam intense eye strain screenshots with that inaccessible water filter that messes with our head - with random trans woman of week's "weird post" in it am not interested in, when people can just block or something instead.
Along with other patterns of post contents and reactions unrelated to that, that are tiring.
End up closing Tumblr repeatedly when was looking for supplemental news to our main news reads of Palestine + Sudan + DRC + Haiti, accessibility, how to help others, our interests, keeping up w people's lives, and other stuff we *want* see.
Partially detered n drowned out by dramatic spectacle and "entertainment" like of being 17yo again on kinnie tumblr, except we're all grown and being hypocrites. Thus, tiring. Annoying. Cyclical.
Even the premise of the way criticisms is done here becomes "because racism bad - its funny n shocking, so Magz just has to see it a bajillion times"? is a logic am not understand at moment.
The Cognitive dissonance.
Am need to get out of here. But can't yet.
Am think a good portion of the people we follow aren't actually aligned with our values and interests and priorities and reactions etc, regardless of if "good person" or good intent or not, so with much solemness n contemplation - it'd be best of Magz to unfollow a bunch people later when have energy to deal with it.
Magz needs a different, personally healthier relationship to social media and dealing with complicitness.
Am mentioning it to be transparent.
"Curate your Tumblr experience" and whatnot.
What a dreadful dash experience.
This cannot continue.
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macgyvermedical · 1 year
You should seriously take down that post sharing the number of pills it takes to kill you, turn off reblogs and apologize. There are suicidal people in your replies using it as an instructional guide. You even had a toxicologist tell you it was bad. Like come on, aren't you a real medical professional? Don't they teach you guys harm reduction??
I’m not taking it down, and here’s why:
Do you know what information is easy to find online? How to kill yourself. Heck, it’s not hard to just buy a bottle of something and down it.
You know what’s hard to find online? How much acetaminophen will mess you up when you’re just trying to control your pain.
Multiple studies on acetaminophen overdose deaths show that out of thousands of overdose deaths from acetaminophen yearly, about 1/3 are unintentional. My neighbor’s kid ended up in the hospital when her doctor inadvertently instructed her to take 1,300mg every 6 hours. If this post makes even one person say to themselves “hey, both of my meds have acetaminophen in them, maybe I should question this?” I will have done my job.
If I’d wanted people to kill themselves I would have told them about the half dozen quick, effective, and nearly completely painless ways to do it that I, as a former suicidal person and nurse, have considered. You’ll notice I’m not blogging about that. There’s really nothing else you can do with that information, so I’m choosing not to share it.
As someone with a masters in public health, I know that purposefully hiding information from the public when the public have something to gain from that information is about the worst thing you can do in terms of health communication. We have to tell people what the danger is in order for them to avoid that danger.
We tell med pros why they have to wear masks to go into infectious patient rooms. We tell construction workers why they have to wear hard hats. There are warnings on cigarette boxes that tobacco smoking causes lung cancer and on alcohol bottles that it is addictive and can cause pregnancy complications. People might still make choices that aren’t in their best interest, but they know the risks and have free will.
People are a lot less likely to “just take one more” if they know how close a therapeutic dose and a toxic dose are when it comes to acetaminophen.
Finally, and this is important: if someone knows they are triggered by discussions of overdose, it is their responsibility to blacklist that tag. If they are not mature enough to do so, they should not be on tumblr.
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scittyscribbles · 17 days
I wake up and I see someone calling me a predator for the art done on Scitty-Titty (18+ Twitter) and an older commission over on Twitter. Literally all my followers know about these pieces, so it's not like I'm hiding them. Longpost down below
I've been a member of the Sonic community since I was 11. I've known artists of all walks of life that draw various degrees of pornography of the characters. And then there are also artists who draw actual pornography of minors.
I'm not one of them.
I'm actually disgusted that they would even assume that. When I draw characters for pinups, they're over 18 everytime. Their bodies aren't minors. The thoughts behind it isn't "I'm drawing a child." The thought is clearly "This is Amy Rose as an adult".
People have been throwing this at Sonic Pinip artists for such a long time. It's something the community sees at least once a year brought up and then they have to fight back and explain common sense to newer people or people who just want a reason to take an artist down.
"You also drew Cream the Rabbit! She's canonically 5!"
This is the picture. This was commissioned by a friend of mine. He strictly did not want her to look like a child and I also didn't want her to look like a child. "But she's still short! It's minor coded!!" People can be short. I'm 5'3". My grandma is 4'11".
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And if you are of age and go onto Scitty-Titty on Twitter, you can find the Amy piece. It's the first picture on there. A lot of other people saw it (over 2k).
Also, if you're talking about the art on Scitty-Titty and you mention Cream-- do you mean that Vanilla picture? The one with the wedding dress? That's literally Cream's mom. Dandy refuses to draw Cream and says "Her mom is literally right there."
Now let me tell you what a predator actually is. A predator isn't someone who draws nsfw of Amy Rose with big tits. A predator is someone who contacts children and grooms them for sex. They talk to kids in private, try to become close friends with them and then want to have a sexual relationship with them. Or, in some cases, waits for the minor to grow up and then date them because "they're fair game."
There are also predators that prey on people that aren't minors that are going through a rough time and use that to get close to them. I also don't do this. If someone comes to me to talk to me about their life, that's fine. Feel free to vent. But I'm not going to use that against them or control them with it. I'm literally just nodding and letting them get it off their chest. It's usually clients that do this to me, believe it or not.
I have literally only talked to one minor in my DMs and it was about a purchase their parents made on my store. That's literally it. I haven't talked to them in private. When I do talk to a minor, it's usually because they're in a public group in a server or they show up in our streams over on Twitch. I also don't talk to a lot of people in my DMs as it is. It's mainly for work, and like stated before, talking to that minor was also work related and confirming that their order was being shipped to them. People who actually know me and don't judge me for drawing, what literally half of the sonic community is already drawing, know this. I'm not a very social person, and I don't go out of my way to make friends. The friends I do talk to I've known for over 10 years or are over the age of 21.
I'm not even going to go and fire back and start yelling about that person who's taking shots at me. All I want is for them to leave me alone. I don't even want to be part of this fight that's been going on in the Starlight Express Fandom. The Fandom is literally blacklisted because I'm tired of seeing it. I'm friends with an alter whose whole identity revolves around that musical. That's the only reason I know about it.
Also. Me and Kerk haven't been a couple since December 2022. I broke up with her because of my anxiety. I felt like Kerk wasn't interested in being with me, so I ended it in person. It wasn't my intentions when I visited her, but it happened. We didn't tell you Kat because we didn't tell anyone. We just went on like nothing happened. It's still a sore subject to me because I didn't want to end it, but I realized the feelings weren't mutual.
Just because Dandy is dating two alters in their system doesn't mean that I'm dating Kerk. It doesn't work that way. I'm not Dandy. Dandy isn't me. You, as a system, should know this. That's like saying that Obsidian dating Golden meant that you were dating Kerk. And I don't believe you two were.
What I do know is that you were good friends with her and alters. You were there for Greaseball and Kerk when they were having that falling out with their old friend. You warned them about the disciminaton that happens in that Fandom towards alters. You were even one of the Mods in a server they ran. You were close enough that you felt comfortable to have your alter Obsidian date Golden after he manifested as RailJack. I remember that you guys were really good friends and sharing art all the time too. The fact that it did become this all out war is hard to watch.
But yeah. I don't know what else to add without it becoming too personal about my experiences with predators in the past (both as a minor and an adult). I never want someone to go through what I've been through. You can still be nice to a minor and not be a predator. That's just being a decent human being. And drawing a character clearly over the age of 18 in artwork doesn't make you a predator.
Please leave me out of this.
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the-fandom-crossroads · 7 months
My Thoughts on the Alastor Ace Erasure rampant in the Hazbin Hotel Fandom
Disclaimer i am one Ace and don't speak for all Ace's when I say the fandoms treatment of Alastor makes me uncomfortable. I was and still am open to shipping alastor with other characters. But the constant Acephobia and Ace Erasure I see in this shipping content is to a point where I have to point it out.
First off I'm so tired of the "loopholes" folks list off for why they want to write smut with one of the only cannon ace characters we've gotten in years. I had to blacklist "nonsex repulsed asexual alastor" on ao3 because they aren't even bothering to list him as greysexual. Sure an ace can have sex with a partner once or twice. But they act like nonsex repulsed means the ace person can be written having sex every other chapter. AT THAT POINT IT'S NOT AN ASEXUAL PERSON ANYMORE.
At this point I'd honestly prefer it if they just said their fic au is that he's a homosexual. Because half the time them trying to work in "he's still ace guys! he's just also okay with doing a different sex position for each day of the week!" just comes off as Acephobic. And the few times they write him uncomfortable with the start of the sex it just sounds like Acerape or corrective rape. "He just doesn't know he likes it cause he's a virgin." or "he's uncomfortable until this partner starts making him feel good". The WORST ones are the "heat" fics where they have alastor think about if he had proper control of his body he wouldn't want to be having sex right now. because at that point it's just a date rape drug and they are using a fanfic trope to FORCE him to have sex against his will. And it's just so fucked up man.
Yes he is only confirmed as Ace and not Aro. Viv is intentionally not saying he's Aro because she knows it's a lost cause to tell the fandom he's not romantically into people. Because fandom will ship him regardless. So she prioritized making it clear he's at the very least Ace in cannon and there's no plans to give him a partner in cannon. I feel like the HuskDust bits in the final series is because she saw how much the fans shipped alastor and angeldust after the pilot. Alastor was locked in as Ace by the time the pilot was released and she said it on multiple streams afterwards that he would be Ace. Giving AngelDust a different love interest target just seems like the easiest way to shoot down the biggest Alastor ship at the time without saying she's doing it to sink the biggest alastor ship. Of course fans just latched onto Vox and Lucifier but made it worse by feeling the need to say Alastor's ace before putting him in a sexual situations anyway.
Sexuals have thousands of cannon sexual characters to choose from, from countless other series but they feel the need to fight to make the one Ace guy have sex. We get an Ace character and fans immediately try to work around it to still write smut with him. Aces can't even have one character. I'm looking up fics about a psychopath cannibalistic serial killer because he's the only Ace rep I've seen in years that isn't just fan headcannons and I'm getting punched in the face with so much Acephobia and corrective rape, it's horrifying. Aces can't go through the tag of a cannon ace comfort character without facing triggering amounts of acephobia. And that's just wrong. How can the fandom see this as okay??
If he was a gay character constantly being written into a straight ship with people excusing it as "well sometimes gay guys will have sex with women" people would be up in arms about gay erasure. But because it's an Ace character that they personally want to still ship with characters it's not Ace erasure. He's just an Ace that likes to have lots and lots of sex.
ALASTOR IS ASEXUAL. If you are in anyway trying to write Alastor in character or close to cannon. Then he does not desire sex that is the basic definition of Asexual. But yall can't except this tumblr sexy man doesn't want to have sex (because everyone wants to have sex\s). So you bend over backwards trying to explain to an actual Ace person why we are sometimes pushed or pressured into sex and how that's okay. How it's okay for you a not Ace person to write this Ace character being forced into sexual situations. Because "sometimes" Aces have sex. You're right we do sometimes have sex. I'm not saying everyone has to write Alastor as a virgin. But he's had sex once or twice in the last 80 years at most. It's more likely he's gone the last 80 years without any desire to have sex at all. So to go from that to suddenly having sex even once a week is too much sex for him to suddenly put up with. God my Ace brain can't even wrap my head around having sex every week (do you sexuals really do that?). And I haven't gone 80 years free from sexual expectations. To expect Alastor to magically be open to a bunch of sex is ignorant at best. Regardless of what character or ocfemalereadersona you try to push him to have sex with.
I don't know what else to say other than that i'm just tired. Tired and sad. The Ace community should be celebrating the fact that we finally have another Ace character in media. A character the show and creator have openly and constantly confirmed is Ace. But instead we are having to defend ourselves from our own terminology being weaponized against us to erase that characters Ace identity for smut fics.
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fanfoolishness · 2 months
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
Thank you for sending these! <3 Haha I'mma get a bit spicy with the second one.
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
@stardustandash is super cool! I love your posts :-D
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
Sorry to anyone who likes reader fics here! But:
Folks, I Do. Not. Understand. Reader characters. I do not get it. Not one little bit. Maybe it's the Old in me talking, maybe it's the fact that it's almost totally limited to smut fic, maybe it's the fact I first encountered it in a fandom where I was firmly convinced the main character was aroace (Din Djarin, looking at you!) and so the idea of reading him in smut with "me" at the helm was just a visceral hell no for me. I don't know. I like smut fine! I've written plenty of it! I have a (sadly now defunct) blog called @smuttyfoolishness ! But if you write that "MY" tits are doing something my reaction is OH HELL NO THEY AREN'T. I have blocked every single permutation of reader this, reader that that I can think of and they still keep appearing somehow. I don't understand "reader" having a romance or fling with my blorbo, because I am not supposed to be in that situation at all. I am supposed to be holding my blorbo like a dolly and mashing them together with another dolly and hollering "NOW KISS." I am not In the Situation, I make the Situation. It just makes me recoil to think otherwise. I have no problem with people enjoying it since it clearly somehow (again I do not understand how??) makes many people happy, but I scroll away instantly, blacklist tags, block or unfollow when it pops up.
Now as to writing original characters, I've written many NaNoWriMos and wrote my first novella-length story when I was 13. Will I forever love my first real OC Philocia Trenn, no matter how cringey she was back in 1997? Of course I will and I do, she is a smol precious polyglot bean. I also love writing for any of my Shepards, Wardens, Hawkes and Inquisitors, though that's a bit different -- we're all starting from a similar jumping off point with our characters as a feature of the game, not a bug, and then branching out to differentiate them. It's always felt different to me than coming up with an OC in a TV-based fandom, and I've had little interest in writing about a Star Wars, Severance, Steven Universe, etc. OC. I do appreciate people who do them well with complex backstories and the like, I just have no draw to them myself.
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bylertruther · 2 years
no cause the last anón is so right. I scrapped a 50k byler fic because I actually got worried people might call me weird or a freak like they do others. I was on twitter when the whole fiasco went down and it pissed me off but if you even tried to speak there were so many accounts saying you were “speaking over minors” and calling you a predator/pedophile. So many of my moots deactivated bc of the hate- they eventually started attacking people for their ages alone saying it was weird that 20 year olds theorized and talked about byler. Literally word for word “you’re a freak if you’re 20 and read byler fics. Why are you fantasizing about two little 14 year old boys making out” if they would take a step back and think that maybe people are so interested in this relationship is bc they see their younger selves in these two characters then maybe they wouldn’t say such stupid shit. Anyway sorry for ranting I just have been fuming since that whole thing happened. I just wish they would take a step back and stop and think about why they see a kiss between two boys written and immediately shout creep.
oh no, anon! i'm so sorry to hear about your fic & your experience. i hope you feel comfortable enough to post it one day, if you still want to. 🥺 and don't ever apologize for expressing yourself!
not to be a cunt, but i am a cunt, so, ahem. from the bottom of my heart... fuck them kids. 🫶 i literally do not give a single shit about any of the ""discourse"" they inflict on us all. "speaking over minors" why are you even speaking to begin with, huh? 🤨 why are you buzzing into an adult's space and picking a fight when a) literally no one fucking asked you to, and b) you're just going to cry "waaaaah but i'm a minorrr :(" as if you're somehow the victim in this situation after they dare to defend themselves against your serious and unsupported allegations? be normal or piss the fuck off and do your homework.
and why do people take them seriously? disregarding the fact that anyone of any age can be a shipper & the awful homophobia laced in such rhetoric...
this is the internet. no one owes you shit & the wild web will never, ever cater to you. you need to curate your own space and protect yourself. this is, like.. basic shit. like, bare-fucking-bones basic shit. it's not anyone else's responsibility but your own. they taught me that in school, my parents told me that, and also i have a functioning brain that can come to that conclusion, too. people need to stop pretending like what these people are asking for—which is your silence and your shame—is reasonable. it's not. content gets tagged, there are multiple extensions to blacklist any tags you don't like, some of it gets put behind a privacy wall, block buttons exist, many websites have filtering options, and so on and so forth. there are multiple measures people can take to both find things and avoid them. and a lot of the time, content is something you have to seek out yourself. so, if you don't like it, why did you click on it? why spend any time on it when you could've just backspaced? how is your ineptitude anyone else's problem?
also, people need to stop throwing the words pedophilia, pedophile, and predator around. you're being an insensitive jackass when you do that. someone writing about two fictional characters is not abusive scum of the fucking earth. you're watering those acts down and showcasing your ignorance for the world to see when you throw their names around carelessly. a child predator does awful, sinister, repulsive things to real life people who did not deserve that. someone writing a first kiss or practice kissing fic is not anywhere near that and i'm tired of people pretending like this is an okay thing to say or even think. just shut the fuck up and stop saying those words if you don't actually understand the gravity of what they mean.
another thing: a lot of these people aren't just kids. grown folk fall for the same shitty rhetoric, too. it's all just groupthink and herd mentality. no one wants to get attacked so they just repeat the same shit without thinking about it beyond "protecting" themselves (which is senseless as well because conditional acceptance is not true acceptance, but i digress). this fandom would be in a much better place if people were willing to stand their ground and defend their friends when this stuff happens. it gets worse and worse if you just turn a blind eye to it and fall in line. we're all waking up and finally seeing the consequences of that now.
of course, this doesn't really apply to when you're getting attacked by hundreds of people. that's... just shitty and hard and demoralizing. i'm not victim-blaming, because no one wants to be on the receiving end of that and i know that you can't control what others do.
my argument is that it gets to that point because the fandom as a whole just lets it slide by never holding the right people accountable for their actions. they allow the needless bullying to happen. they allow the rhetoric to get crazier and crazier. they allow people to get fucking crucified for shit that isn't even remotely inappropriate. they reblog posts they don't believe in because they don't want to be the odd one out and get accused of something by someone with more followers than them. it's just... we, as a whole, need to support each other more and put our foot down when shit like that starts happening.
it isn't normal. it isn't okay. it hasn't ever been okay.
like... i KNOW that you KNOW that it isn't weird for them to kiss, for people to want them to kiss, or for people to make them kiss in their creations. i KNOW that you KNOW that it isn't weird for anyone of any age to enjoy a love story of any kind. we know these things. some of us just pretend like we don't online for whatever fucking reason. and i don't get it! i don't get why they would do that and willingly allow this place to become worse for it. you don't get anything good out of that.
also, a lot of those people are being trolls. they get a kick out of attacking people as a group, because that's the only time they feel brave and the only way they get attention in life. they don't think before they say things, because they don't see you as a human being—you're just pixels on a greasy screen. they use catchy social justice lingo to make what they're saying sound like something you should support, but at the end of the day, they're literally just gussying up the same right-wing shit we've been subjected to for ages. it's regressive rhetoric that's clear to see once you've allowed yourself to see it.
like, i agree with you. i do. you're absolutely, undoubtedly right in what you say, but... i just can't bring myself to argue that, because it's in response to what was a senseless attack to begin with. and we shouldn't need to defend ourselves and our communities against what isn't true.
homophobia, bullying, and trolling are irrational, illogical pursuits and i can't stand the idea of treating them with any ounce of seriousness in this context. to apologize would be to accept their absurdity and validate their accusations—accusations we know in our heart of hearts to be incorrect and baseless. and i won't ever do that! i won't give them that satisfaction and i wish others wouldn't either.
they keep doing this, because they haven't met any opposition yet, because we keep acting like we have any reason at all to feel shame for wanting stories about people like us, about something as basic and universal as love and connection. they don't care about our reasons. they don't care about our defense of ourselves. it's not ever about us. this is their cry for attention, good or bad, at our expense and they need to be starved out already.
like.. this is just unsustainable. it's mind-boggling and i remember kicking and screaming about it months ago in what felt like an empty room. and look at where we are now! we're already at the point where you can't win in any kind of way no matter what you do. you can't age them up, you can't leave them as they are, you can't ship them if you're older than eighteen, you can't write AUs, you can't write canon compliance, you can't write canon divergence, you can't make them kiss, you can't make them anything more than friends but you also can't make them not-friends, etc etc. we've officially been shoved into the "fuck it, we ball" stage, because this is a pissy fandom and you are never going to please everyone so you may as well just do whatever the fuck you want.
i sound soooooooo unbearably preachy in this response lol, but like... literally... all we have is each other! we all love byler and we're all here to have fun and find like-minded people. we can't keep acting like this in-fighting lunacy is reasonable and just a difference of opinion, or like it's based in any kind of sense at all. we know that it's okay to ship byler at any age. we know that it's okay to have fun and enjoy ourselves. these people want to make us feel bad. they want to silence us. why let them and give them that satisfaction? why is what they want more important than us and our happiness? i hate the idea of anyone ever feeling any kind of shame or fear over something as innocent as this. i hate the idea of them winning by getting into any of our heads like that. i just hate it.
now, this last bit is specifically for you, anon, but it goes for everyone else, too: please, please, please, i am holding your hand in both of mine and begging you to not let anyone take away the things that you love and bring you joy or your wonderful creations that you've put so much of yourself into. i promise you that there will always be people who will see you, understand you, and cherish what you have to offer, and they are the ones that matter most (after you of course hehe). we all have to find our people and just go crazy together and block out everything else. that's the only way to get through this without getting burnt out. 💛💙
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missholoska · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
from today until March 15th, you can now send asks to the following characters: Chara, Frisk, Temmie, Asriel, Asgore, Toriel, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Happstablook and Napstabot ✨
asks for characters are allowed for as long as the title of my ask page reads "[ASK BLOG OPEN]" - if you see this post in the future and it no longer says that, please don't send characters asks at that point!
I've never done an ask blog before and have no idea how many people will send stuff; if I can't answer something for any reason please don't take it personally!
for in-universe context this is taking place about a year post-pacifist, so the cast are all on the surface. the ask blog aspect isn't a canon thing they experience, but any info the characters share will be canon unless I state otherwise.
shipping questions are allowed, but nothing nsf/w and remember the only canon ships here are Alphyne, Soriel and AsgoRudy (the latter two aren't a thing yet at this point, but there might be some Feelings™ you can poke at)
I'm not gonna say you can't send multiverse-related asks, but I'm personally not interested in that side of the fandom and you may find the cast's responses to that topic underwhelming ahah
I won't answer anything that misgenders any characters - Chara, Frisk and Napstabot use they/them, Temmie uses they/them (and she/her as a false identity), and Happstablook uses he/him.
finally, if you're only here for art or otherwise aren't interested in this, everything will be tagged as #6th anniversary ask blog event for blacklisting/muting!
I'll do my best to make this fun! 💜
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
How do you stop caring about what transphobes think? I've never encountered any kind of transphobia irl (other than the typical misgendering and occasional ignorant comment) but every time I see hateful posts online I get scared. Are they going to come after me, next?
Honestly, it comes with experience, I think. I know it's scary, you're right, and there's no reason to be ashamed of being scared.
However, if what you want is to make your online experiences positive, you have to prioritize yourself. I used to be one of those people who almost bragged about "never blocking people," and now I have a block list a mile long because the block function is a tool, not a moral indication of being a Good Internet Person. Blacklist words, block accounts, go on private accounts, unfollow people if they stop sparking joy, and your internet experience will feel less like you're walking a tightrope and more like a positive interaction.
Additionally, I really encourage anybody ymto invest in themselves outside of anything else. What I mean by that is that it is so much easier to devalue trabsphobes when you feel at peace with yourself. Whenever I find myself overwhelmed by transphobia or whatever, the first thing I do is take a step back and do what I can to remove myself from that interaction. I've picked up a ton of hobbies, for instance, that make me feel fulfilled when I engage with them. I'll pluck my bass, or read a non-fictiob book, or play a video game, or play with my cat. Evaluate what in your life makes you feel fulfilled. Experiment with them, and go to them as a way to cleanse your soul. It won't fix everything, yes, but it can help you feel as though you have control, because you do.
Honour the way you feel, anon. You don't need to feel belittled - it sucks to see so much shit. However, you don't need to keep others in mind when you're living. You weren't made to kow tow to every little request.
Basically, my advice is:
Not to entertain people who aren't interested in seeing your humanity
Find a way to fulfill yourself. This could look like a hobby, or a field of study, or anything, so long as it makes you feel fulfilled.
Don't downplay your own emotions. Let yourself be angry, upset, sad, and whatever other emotion you have. Emotions are not bad, there are no such thing as "bad emotions". Give yourself the space to express those emotions in a way that's healthiest to you
This takes time. It's okay to not be at that point where it doesn't affect you strongly. Please reach out to people - friends, family, whomever you feel safe with. Community is important, you are not an island. You aren't alone.
I'm wishing you well, anon. I hope you are treated well
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