#so post-game any kids they have would likely be via adoption
razzberrydazz · 3 months
OC Meme - get to know Rana
Got tagged by @mynthara to do this oc info meme, tagging uhhh anyone else who wants to do this if ya want (@larissel I choose you if ya wanna blab about Nashira :3)
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I put a readmore for possible game spoilers ahead for BG3, and for potential content warnings (mentions of Dark Urge antics, kink dynamics, and brief mentions of SA), cuz Rana's life pre-tadpole was Not a happy one. Enjoy all the pics of Rana I stuffed into this!
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Full Name (pre-tadpole): Rana the Gray, ie the Bladedancer, ie The Dark Urge, ie The Red-Eyed Dagger
(Rana loosely translates to Lesser End/Minor Destruction in Drow)
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Full Name (post-tadpole): Rana'rox La'Rouge, ie Rana, ie Durge
Gender: Nonbinary/Agender
Sexuality: Pan
Pronouns: They/It (They/Them for Rana, it/its for their Urge)
Age: Mid 40s? Rana doesn't quite remember how old they are.
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Family: Bhaal (progenitor), Orin the Red (Half-Sister, Bhaalspawn Bloodkin), Mala (Rana's daughter - a product of SA and incest - that they had smuggled away as soon as she was weaned, in order to protect her from the Bhaalist cult and from their Dark Urge; Mala ended up adopted by Jaheira and her family. Mala loosely translates to Secret Breaker in Drow)
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Other family: Adopted drow (seldarine) mother called Rox La'Rouge (deceased, killed by the Dark Urge), a pet Displacer Beast called Chewy (deceased), a human man called Rook Haven (deceased, killed by the Dark Urge) who was the ringleader for a traveling circus called the Raucous Rooks (all members killed by the Dark Urge when the Urge first fully manifested in Rana), and several unnamed children both deceased and surviving as Bhaalists (Rana doesn't remember them, the Brain Trauma is Strong).
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Birthplace: Spawned in the Cloakwood forest near Baldur's Gate, then found and raised by Rox La'Rouge and the Raucous Rooks circus shortly after.
Job: Originally a bard and acrobat in the Raucous Rooks circus, then became a Bhaalist assassin, then the leader of the Bhaalist cult in Baldur's Gate, then during the events of BG3 acts as an altruistic adventurer. Rana hopes to one day join a new carnival or circus as a clown or daredevil acrobat.
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Phobias: Succumbing to the Urge, Pregnancy (Ironically has a breeding kink), The color Red (specifically when it's the Urge), loss of control, succumbing to insanity.
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Hobbies: Rana works to teach themself Drow (they never learned to speak it fluently as a kid, and are trying to catch up in adulthood), and other languages in their free time, and write in their journal extensively. They enjoy collecting and sharpening daggers, sword swallowing, juggling, reading, dancing, singing, and playing instruments such as the lyre and lute. They also like trying new clothes and learning new rope-tying techniques.
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Alignment: Chaotic Good - Rana will go out of their way to do what they believe is good, laws and consequences be damned, if only to counteract their Urges. Sometimes that involves killing someone doing a great wrong, or breaking into buildings to steal food to feed the hungry, or intimidating guards into turning a blind eye to someone just trying to survive, or purposely isolating themselves from others so as to not hurt anyone.
Sins: Wrath (the Urge), Lust, Envy
Virtues: Patience, Courage, Kindness
Introvert / Extrovert / Ambivert
Organized / Disorganized (memory problems)
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious / Restless
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between
Cautious / Reckless / In between (save yourself I'll hold them back)
Patient / Impatient / In between
Outspoken / Reserved / In between
Leader / Follower / Flexible
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist
Traditional / Modern / In between
Hard-working / Lazy
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OTP: Shadowheart, Minthara, and Lae'Zel (Rana is polyamorous and kinky, and wants to share and be shared with their partners. In an ideal situation, they act as service top and Submissive in a D/S dynamic with Minthara, Shadowheart, and Lae'Zel; Minthara also acts as the Domme of Shadowheart, Lae'Zel, and Karlach. Minthara only agrees to this dynamic if it's a Hierarchical relationship with her at the top.)
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Acceptable Ships: Karlach, Halsin, Astarion, Dame Aylin and Isobel, and Abdirak (If Shadowheart and/or Minthara give Rana permission, they'll happily be with other people)
OT3: In a polycule with the entire party (Rana wants to get passed around like a blunt)
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Brotp: Karlach, Wyll, Minsc, Astarion, Gale
Notps: Jaheira (sees Jaheira as a mother/grandmother/mentor figure, but is entirely willing to platonically help Jaheira with her kids, considering they find out Jaheira's the one who adopted Mala ie Rana's daughter),
Gortash (Rana's ex-boyfriend from before the tadpole amnesia, whom enabled their Urges and vices. Rana wishes things could have gone differently, they saw potential in Gortash, and mourn what could have been had he not turned to tyranny and extortion. They resent him for what he did to Karlach, but can't bring themself to hate him, because in his own ways he managed to help them by crafting a prosthetic eye specially made for them, and they at one point held some strange distorted love for each other),
Orin (not only did Orin give Rana the brain trauma and tadpole that resulted in their amnesia, but Orin also SA'd Rana during the time before they became head of the Bhaalist cult, which resulted in Rana going into hiding for a year and a half to have their daughter Mala and smuggle her away to a family that would protect her. Rana feared what would've happened if they raised a child within the cult, knowing the traumatic hell of Orin's own incestuous conception and cult upbringing. There was a high likelihood they would have killed the child due to the Urge, if they kept Mala within the cult. Even so, the good still in Rana wanted to find a way to forgive Orin, and drag her out of the cult kicking and screaming. If they could have found a way to renounce Bhaal without being forced to kill Orin, they would. Alas, they couldn't find a way to save their bloodkin from the lash of Bhaal.)
Raphael (Rana already felt like their soul was forfeit by virtue of being a Bhaalspawn, they're loathe to chain themself to a manipulative devil as well, even though they find his honeyed words alluring and the idea of being a devil's plaything is...not entirely unappealing for someone who enjoys being a service submissive like Rana.)
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Link to the lil dagger dividers I used for this post
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matan4il · 2 months
911 ep 705 first watch reactions
Of course 911 would "punish" the "You are the boss of you!" guy with an alien hand that attacks him, and does what it wants. Pooor Buck and Eddie paying the price for that...
Okay, love the storyline with Hen and Karen possibly eventually adopting an older girl. Too many shows just find easy, unrealistic ways to give their same sex couples kids, and I am really glad that 911 shows the reality of it, and that it is a more complex struggle for many, that it's an act of continuously choosing to be parents. That's actually an amazing, difficult thing, and it should be faithfully depicted and respected, for all of its heartache, and the little moments of triumph.
Buck and Tommy on a date, and Eddie comes along with Marisol? Love how Buck's bisexual awakening and coming out continues to involve Eddie so much. Tell me they're end game, even if they're not gonna get together right now, without telling me they're...
I did not need to learn Marisol is moving in with Eddie like this, with any build up, or even any sort of insight into the relationship, and nope, that does not bode well for them. IDK how 911 managed to do it, but they have somehow managed to give Eddie a love interest the show is even less invested in than Ana.
And the funniest bit, is that Marisol and Eddie's big development is only there to further Buck's journey anyway.
"You can never have too much closet space" LMAO the way 911 both made me laugh, and feel sorry for poor, baby bi Buck. XD
Hmmm. Were parts of this scene cut out? We don't get to see Eddie on his own date with Marisol, but constantly looking over at Tommy and Buck? Boo. I'm glad we at least got the BTS photos, then. But seriously, why!? That was gonna be so delicious.
Oh, Tommy's breaking up with Buck. I mean, good for him, and he ain't wrong after Buck's "after this, we're gonna go out looking for chicks" reaction, but man do I feel sorry for Buck. Him and Tommy might not be my end game (Buddie forever will be), but I do think this relationship could be good for our baby bi. Tommy being in the same profession, knowing what it's like to have this gap between who you are and the image of guys in your line of work, plus he's got more experience than Buck, is sure of himself, can help our boy figure himself out, and also Buck obviously does like his vibe. He deserves to be with someone he actually likes, not just the first woman willing to be with him that the plot pushed in his way.
Oh, baby Buck. :( You didn't even tell Maddie about Tommy. You really aren't ready it. But also (and as a Buddie shipper, more importantly), Tommy broke things off with Buck, but what is eating him up, is that he lied to Eddie. XD Yeah, this gonna end with wedding bells, sooner or later. On screen, off screen after the show ends with canon Buddie, or only in my head if 911 never dares make Buddie canon, I don't care. That kind of emotional devotion is not something that my hopelessly romantic heart can ignore.
OMG, this is how Buck comes out to Maddie? XD Via random pronoun mention, and as a by product of trying to figure out how to tell Eddie the truth? This is hilarious. lol It really makes it clear that, after all, the issue for Buck really isn't people knowing he is also dating guys (or checking their asses), even when it's the other closest person in the world for him, it's Eddie. Specifically. Buck's ready, even if he doesn't have the exact clear words yet, he's just not ready to tell Eddie. Can't imagine why. XDDD
What was that awkward post-sex scene with Eddie and Marisol? And the issues with her moving in are popping up a second after she has. But yeah, we have no idea who this woman is as a person, she's been a cardboard cut out so far, and then one of the first things we do learn about her, is that she would call her stuff better than Eddie's? Once again, this is not the stuff great romance is made of. Or... even just the stuff any kind of romance is made of.
Wait, Marisol was a nun, and Eddie didn't even know!? This whole ep is telegraphing in the news of how weird and awkward and underdeveloped this r/s is, not just for us as viewers who know nothing about Marisol, but apparently for Eddie as well.
And of course his Catholic guilt is gonna kick in now. I'd care, except 911 has given me absolutely no reason to. Seriously, I care more about Buck and Tommy after just 2 eps, than Eddie and Marisol, even though this is technically her 2nd season on the show.
Of course Buck went to find Eddie, and spotted him at the gym. Forever 201 vibes, with Eddie being the focus of Buck's attention. ^u^
I couldn't care less about Eddie's Catholic guilt crisis, and how it's actually a projection of what his real issues are with Marisol, but it's nice to see that as always, Buck's the one who can tell when something's off, and offer Eddie exactly what he needs (even when that's to talk to someone else, but Buck figures out immediately who the right person to address is), and then they just very naturally switch, because Eddie can also tell when something's off with Buck, and he wants to tell him something. Soulmates. THAT is the stuff that great romance IS made of.
:/ The imagery of Catholic nuns has not been around for over 2,000 years, please stop being ignorant about your own religion, and the very different way it looked in its early days.
Bobby is forgiven, he does give good advice, and his "her ex, the Lord" bit, which prompted that reaction from Eddie, is hilarious. XD
So... when Eddie is having issues with Marisol, he already knows he has to figure out how he feels about her, but instead of doing so, he goes to his safe place... Buck's loft.
Man, Eddie being into Tommy's choice of avoidning relationships with women, and hanging out with boys, after in the past, Eddie had dealt with his Shannon issues by running away from her, and re-enlisting in the army, where he gets to hang out with boys, when we all (Buck included) know why Tommy's "hanging out with boys"... I do like that if they want to (and hopefully they do), this further lays the groundwork for Eddie's own queer realization.
Buck and Eddie helping each other with their respective romantic problems, without realizing they are each other's respective romantic solution is gonna make me chew on my own fists. Again. But I'm not even a little bit surprised that Eddie was totally fine and accepting of Buck being bi, or that the first thing he thought of is how this reflects on them. Because their friendship IS way deeper and closer than normal for platonic friends, and Eddie's little reassurance is also an admission of that.
Man, for a second I was worried they also cut out Eddie in the loft, once more putting his thumb on Buck's pulse point possessively, in a perfect parallel to 303. I would have sued for emotional damages. But yeah, it says so much that the peak of emotional meaningfulness for Buck when coming out is in relation to Eddie, and that the scene itself peaks with Eddie, instead of finishing rushing out to take care of his own romantic business, hurries back to Buck first, to hug him, place his hand on Buck and give him orders. "Sure, you're gonna be dating this guy, but I'm still your real husband."
Well, at least Eddie amitted to himself and Marisol that he doesn't actually know her. But... I have never seen two people being both being so happy about not moving in together, and I'm supposed to think this r/s has a chance? Okay. Suuuure.
The scene with Buck going to Tommy to set things straight ready for something was lovely, it was nice seeing him excited, and get to choose, and hear he's wanted. But since the note Tommy and Buck's storyline in this ep should have ended on, is Buck showing Tommy he's ready enough to let others know he's dating a guy by inviting Tommy to come with Buck to Madney's wedding, then why is the very next scene playing the romantic switch again, making us think Buck's car just arrived at the wedding with him and Tommy, only for Buck and Eddie to walk in together? I see what you did there, 911.
Thank you for reading! If you're looking for more, you can find my s7 reactions tag here, and more of my Buddie meta and content in my pinned post. xoxox
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sunnydayroleplay · 8 months
What is your headcanon on what Joseph Cullman was like before he was trying be a better person? Was he doing illegal activities or something bad? What was his day to day like as the old Joseph Cullman? What was the old Joseph Cullman like as a person and wat made Joseph want to be a better person?
Before I continue this head-cannon, yes I am back loves! And for good this time. It's been awhile, I've been super duper busy, but that's not gonna stop me from now on. I'll be posting on the weekends and the occasional Friday! (Or whenever I feel like it during the week) Thanks for the continuous support despite all that!! Now with that said...
Contents Inside: Joseph Cullman, Mentions of Drug/Substance Abuse, Alcohol, Child Abuse, and other sensitive topics.
18- DNI, this is a NSFW post and so is the game it is based off of. This is an 18+ community. It is for your own safety, and you interacting not only jeopardizes that, it jeopardizes mine, and the creators of the games.
From what we can interpret in the video tapes of his interview, we learn that he was a "rebellious" child in his high-school years. Getting a tattoo, a few for that matter that are rather obviously large. It'd be surprising if his parents didn't notice a thing.
But before we can ask why that is, we have the question of:
Why is Joseph so rebellious and reckless in the first place?
Any good ol' fashioned Southern American family would teach their children some common manners, right? Or despite the undertones of possible racism and homophobia that were very common and still undergoing a "wipe-out" in a time where that would occur, children were still taught to treat their own kind how they'd want to be treated.
Now, I have talked a tad bit about Joseph's childhood and backstory before, which can be found here. (I also already sorta answered half your questions, but I wanted more detail in this post.)
To sum it up, I suspected that Joseph wasn't always this "bad child" that he always seems to hint at. He had good loving parents, a good school life, and plenty of good influences on his young, curious nature. He was nurtured but protected against the world that young children don't need to know about yet. But like an unfortunate amount of marriages, they all lead to disaster. Financial struggles appear. Maybe some ongoing infidelity, addiction. The marriage just got rocky, and the moment the curtains were closed, it was just one argument to the next.
"His parents couldn't afford to have a kid anymore. So they started neglecting him. Putting him up for adoption was a no-go. What would their parents think. Or all their peers the next time they got a job and suddenly everything went alright? They'd be right back to where they once were."
The moment Josephs parents began to neglect and ignore him, Joseph was oh so young, but old enough to comprehend that this is a life or death situation for him. He learned this via abuse. Whether it was his mother belittling and destroying anything that made Joseph chuckle remotely, or his father coming home from work drunk and letting off some steam on him.
"With the constant shitty home life, his school life was affected enormously. His grades went down, and he just got around with the wrong people. He was like any "out of place" child. All he truly wanted was attention and some sort of leverage to lean against. Someone to just listen because he's used to being ignored."
(Read the post, because I now realize I don't know how to summarize)
With that "summarized", we now know what his childhood was most likely. Take this with a grain of salt.
In the "Bad Yogurt" Ending, Jack says “You’ve changed. You’re clean now. You can be whatever you wanna be.” Leading me to believe that Joseph followed after his fathers footsteps. Alcohol and addiction to drugs. In the interview where we learned about how Joseph got his tattoos, which was in his high school years. Because of this I've come up with another headcanon/scenario.
Because Joseph was forced to grow up too fast, and practically raise himself, he's a smart kid. He doesn't believe he is, but he's truly a smart and talented kid. Though papers and his grades say otherwise, Joseph could turn everything around in a minute or two if he chose too. However, due to the gravitational decline on his mental health and home life, he started to underage drink, and get his hands on any drug that was available for him.
One day, Joseph and his 'crew' got invited to a house party. It's late, there's drinks, lights, music, and everything is fired up. After long joyous hours and a couple twenty shots, Joseph is fuuuucked up. Passed out on the couch. You wanna know what people do when they're young and drunk? They do irreversible stupid shit. Joseph got his lovely arm statements by either being so passed out that his friends decided that this would be a perfect canvas to paint on, or he was "consciously" agreeing to this work of art we see on his character sprites.
With a soft opening to the wounds of his childhood and teenage years, how was adulthood like? I doubt it wouldn't be easy, or that he could get away with more things as easier. I feel like Joseph chose to be a better person compared to his old self because of the fact that life would be even more shittier as it continued and that despite saying he wishes he would die, he's just as afraid of death as his 10 year old self. So, if he wanted to live a better life for himself and regain his sensitivity of self again, he had to fix himself up.
To answer your question of "Was he doing illegal activities or something bad?" Your answer is yes, and here's a list.
-As said before, alcoholism starting at age 16.
-Drugs, and at some point did attack people because he couldn't get said fix.
-Would sell himself for money.
-Robbed local stores just to have something in his system for the week minimum.
Joseph knew he had to better himself, and comparing all of this to the interview tapes-- If you didn't know a thing about him beforehand, you would've thought he was a perfect guy.
But we all know that no one is perfect, ain't that right?
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knightprincess · 23 days
We Are One (A Star Wars Oneshot)
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Words: 1.5k Warnings: Only if you count terrible singing! Summary: The boys of Clone Force 99 have a little fun at Pabu's Life Day festival. Set Post TBB Season 3 Note: Tech's alive in this! Mox, Deke, and Stak were adopted by the Bad Batch. Also Lion King Parady (I think)
Pabu had been its ever-peaceful self since Hemlock’s demise and the fall of the Advance Science Division. Since all knowledge of Omega had been explosively wiped from the Empire’s databanks. The members of Clone Force 99 had retired and worked to build a life outside of running, outside of being soldiers. Now, they worked to help Pabu thrive and focused on being the family they’d always been at heart.
The days had been quiet outside the odd bouts of mischief from Omega, Mox, Deke, and Stak. Sometimes, Lyana would be involved, too, although most of the time, the mayor’s daughter sat back and watched the chaos unfold.
On the odd occasion, things would take a different turn. Omega would remain in the little family domicile and spend time with her brothers. Sometimes, it would be random games with Wrecker that would soon involve the others or asking Tech questions about the most unusual things; mimicking Hunter and Crosshair were her favorites, as were the experiments in the kitchen and getting to hug Echo when he finally decided to drop by for a visit.
Movie nights were also a weekly occurrence. Sometimes, they went by without much hassle, but most times, they ended in a popcorn fight. Phee would join in when she was there. Stories of the past were an everyday occurrence. Tech would matter-of-factly tell his own, always ready to answer any questions. Hunter always ensured he was child-friendly, even when telling them to Stak, Deke, and Mox. Echo told the stories of his own cadet days and the endless chaos he caused with Fives, Jesse, and Kix. Whereas Crosshair would spare no one’s feelings and tell each story in all its glorious detail. While often throwing his brothers under the metaphorical bus.
Unknown to most, though, the constant questions about the past and begging for stories to be told had all been a distraction for the most part. Omega, Mox, Stak, and Deke had mischief in the works and had once again roped Lyana into helping. The mayor’s daughter had also taken the time to distract Phee, asking for stories on her adventures across the galaxy, both in famous treasure hunts and for the priceless artifacts she so often brought back.
“So how are we going to get them to sing the intended song?” asked Stak, suspecting it would be no easy task to get Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, or Crosshair to sing anything, especially the snarky sniper. Echo wouldn’t be easy to convince either if he happened to stop by in another unannounced visit again after all previous attempts had failed for the most part. Only Wrecker had played along, as had Phee on a few occasions.
“Leave that to me,” announced Phee as she walked past. Her destination was clear: the atrium, likely to place another priceless artifact inside. “Either that or use your powers of being adorable kids to your advantage,” she added with that knowing smile. After all she knew, Omega practically had Hunter and Crosshair wrapped around her little finger.
~* Weeks Later *~
The plan was in motion; with the help of Phee, everything had been set up. The small Life Day festival was already in full swing, with stalls in the large square at the top of the island, lights strung in the streets, hanging in trees, and carefully fixed to the large sea walls. Music was played live via instruments and random pieces over the holonet, and transceivers set up.
Omega and Lyana danced together and laughed amidst their fun; the boys were roped into joining them, too. Echo had stopped by for a visit, bringing Rex, Howzer, Gregor, Cody, and Wolffe with him. Each seemingly found a sense of peace during the visit, even if it was about to be disturbed by the attempt the five mischievous ones had in mind to commit.
At the request of Phee, a specific song was played by those playing instruments at the festival. A smile painted on her lips to see Tech had recognized the tune; after all, she’d spent time getting each member of the Bad Batch prepared for the event. All to surprise Omega, Mox, Stak, and Deke. For once, putting the four in the center of the mischief and potential embarrassment.
“As you go through life, you’ll see there is so much that we don’t understand,” began Tech, unsure of his own talents when it came to singing but going with the flow nonetheless. Mox stood between Phee, and Tech went wide-eyed. “And the only thing we know is things don’t always go the way we planned.”
“But you’ll see every day that we’ll never turn away when your dreams come undone,” continued Crosshair, creeping upon Deke, ensuring the former cadet knew he couldn’t escape this. Like Mox, his eyes went bold, and his cheeks began to redden, even more so when the attention of those attending the festival turned to Crosshair and those singing. “We will stand by your side, filled with hope and filled with pride. We are more than we are. We are one.”
“This is so embarrassing,” commented Deke.
“Did we miss something?” asked Howzer as Gregor all but whistled and cheered from his side.
“Family, family, we are one,” began Shev and Phee, either side of Lyana, who tried her hardest to hide behind the scarf she’d chosen to wear that day. “Family, family, we are one,” they repeated; this time, Phee casually walked away, stopping at Echo’s side as if indicating he, too, had some part in it.
“Something you want to tell us, Echo?” voiced Rex, recalling all the mischief the Arc Trooper had caused during the war.
“For once, I’m innocent in this,” replied Echo, attempting to plead his case, although he quickly understood it was unlikely to work.
“You are anything but innocent, especially when Fives was around,” called Cody. A grin appeared across his lips now, even more so to see Wolffe’s utter confusion, although the battle-worn commander was starting to sway to the music.
“If there’s so much I must be, can I still just be me the way I am?” sang Omega, throwing caution to the wind and joining in before Hunter had the chance to catch her as Tech and Crosshair had thrown Mox and Deke into the spotlight.
“Can I trust in my own heart, or am I just one part of some big plan?” added Lyana before dancing off with Omega, spotting Stak trying to hide now, likely having worked out he too wouldn’t be able to escape the off-key singing or the spotlight destined to find him at Wrecker’s hand.
“Even those who are gone are with us as we go on. Your journey has only begun,” sang Hunter, appearing next to Echo, deciding to throw the Arc Trooper in the limelight instead. “Tears of pain, tears of joy. One thing nothing can destroy is our pride. Deep inside, we are one.”
“I’m starting to like these boys more and more,” commented Wolffe, his smirk slowly morphing into something that resembled a natural smile as he slurped his coconut drink. Gregor was at his side, offering a chuckle filled with mischief, almost like he was taking ideas from the display happening before him.
“Family, family, we are one,” sang the entirety of Clone Force 99, Crosshair, with his arm thrown over Hunter’s shoulder. “Family, family, we are one,” they repeated—this time with Gregor joining in and Howzer humming along to the catchy tune.
“And I thought your boys had lost their marbles,” said Cody, looking to Rex, who had since been cast into silence. However, it remained unknown what had caused it. The members of Clone Force 99 are off-key singing or just the unlikely scene in general.
“Just be glad this didn’t take place during the war,” commented Echo, suspecting the boys of the Bad Batch weren’t above doing something like this during their frat boy days.
“That would have been legendary,” replied Howzer, once again hearing Gregor chuckle, this time at Wolffe’s expression, the former commander silently asking if the captain had gone crazy.
“We are one, you and I. We are like the earth and sky. One family under the sun,” started Wrecker, a wide smile stretching over his lips as he threw an arm over Stak, preventing the former cadet from hiding longer or escaping. “All the wisdom to lead,” he added as he pointed to Hunter, “All the courage that you need,” sang Wrecker, pointing to Crosshair. “You will find when you see we are one.”
“Family, family, we are one,” sang Gregor, louder than anyone else but with the largest grin. “Come on, old Wolffy. Family, family, we are one,” added Gregor.
“Eh, what the hell,” spoke Echo before throwing his scompt arm over Rex’s shoulder, “Family, family, we are one.”
“That’s the spirit,” called Phee from her spot across the square, holding a brightly colored drink of her own.
“Family, family, we are one,” sang Omega, Stak, Deke, and Mox around her and Lyana. Now that the embarrassment had faded, they seemed to find the funny side of everything, although they swore revenge for the cleverly planned-out display.
“Family, family, we are one.”
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the-fluffiest-trainer · 6 months
Like this? I just talk and it... oh, yes, it's writing the words! How does it know how to do that?
Uh, well, hi everyone? Can I delete that earlier part? And that too? This would be so much easier if I had those "hand" things to actually press all these tiny buttons...
Let me start over. Hi everyone, my name is Fluttershy, and I... don't really know what I'm doing here? Or where "here" is? Or anything about these two legged people with their hands and their fancy devices that write for you when you talk into them, but at least they all seem nice so far, and that's good. This girl named Shauna gave me this device and she says I'm in a place called Kalos, but I've never heard of it.
Apparently there's a professor who knows about me already, and sent four kids out to find me? That's nice of him, and maybe he knows more about how I fell into this world. If any of you, whoever it is in here that I'm talking to, uh, however that works... if you know anything or have any advice, and... I don't know how I'm going to actually hear you, to be honest, but I guess this thingy takes care of it?
I wish my friends were here. Maybe they are? I remember Twilight, fighting for all of us but we couldn't help her, and... something... and then falling from the sky, and I barely got my wings under me before hitting the ground in this strange little town. I should definitely go find this Professor Sycamore and see what he knows.
(OOC info under the cut)
Hey everyone, this is a pokeblogging rp blog for Fluttershy from MLP:FiM. She has no idea what pokemon (or humans) are and honestly, out of character I don't either because I've made it to nearly 30 without ever playing a pokemon game before now. At the recommendation of a good friend who's also into the pokeblogging scene here, I'm starting with Pokemon X. This blog is in the same universe as Gwyndolin from @moonlight-eternal, mostly because I didn't want to have to learn everything about two different games.
In general the blog is typically lowish stakes and sfw, and I'm open to interaction with any other pokeblogs, Fallers or otherwise (just be nice and everything should be okay). Given the plot of Pokemon X, some higher stakes will occur occasionally when dealing with Team Flare. Tags "#mid stakes pokeblogging" and "#high stakes pokeblogging" will be used as appropriate.
Twilight Sparkle is also here, having Fallen into Kalos several months before Fluttershy. Others of the Mane Six have landed elsewhere in the pokemon world and have been mentioned, but have not appeared on the blog.
Pelipper mail is on! This includes standard mailable objects, abstract things like "catness", horrible nightmares, you know, the usual for pelippers. I can't guarantee I'll post all of them given plot reasons but I try to address most of what comes in.
Headcanons / conventions taken with this timeline include:
All pokemon are sapient, but most cannot communicate in human language. Fluttershy's talent of speaking with animals carries over to pokemon as well.
Fluttershy is the equivalent of mid to late 20s in human terms, but the kids she meets are still kids, maybe mid teens or so.
Consistent font colors used:
Fluttershy: Standard black text
Visual description in videos: [Bracketed italicized black text]
Arden (Fluttershy's delphox): Orange text
Twilight: Purple text
Lysandre: Orange bolded text
Team Flare members: usually red text
Shauna: pink text
Fluttershy's pokemon team:
Arden: delphox, trans girl, even fluffier than Fluttershy herself. She craves violence. She operates the holocaster sometimes for typing or taking videos.
Talia: gardevoir, girl, forcibly adopted a trainer so she can battle and eventually evolve.
Sienna/Muffin: skitty, girl, caught by Twilight and then given to Fluttershy via Professor Sycamore.
Keseph: amaura, girl, resurrected from a fossil in Ambrette Town.
Osha: absol (shiny), girl, found in the woods around Geosenge Town trying to warn about some sort of danger there.
Twilight's pokemon team:
Luna: espeon, girl, found Twilight right after she Fell and never left.
Raya: lucario, girl, sought out Twilight based on aura senses and led her to meet humans for the first time.
Spike Jr.: crobat, boy, given as a gift by Lysandre.
Crystal: lapras, girl, given by a pokemon breeder on Route 12.
Content warnings for this blog:
Canonical events of Pokemon X
Trainers can be affected by pokemon moves if improperly targeted
General blanket warning for post-apocalyptic themes
Other notes:
Sometimes I take liberties with game mechanics in favor of writing something that makes more sense from a perspective of actually living in this world and seeing pokemon battles and such. This may include:
I will typically ignore the physical vs special distinction for moves, stats, and so on.
I will ignore the effect of Natures on stats.
I usually forget that Abilities exist, or at least ones outside of the usual STAB. I do know STAB and it makes sense to exist.
While types do exist, I consider the advantage factor to be less than the games' value of 2. Probably more like sqrt(2), so super effective moves do 141% damage and not very effective is 71%.
On some occasions, I may even ignore a type matchup if narrative reasons or simple common sense contradict the game logic.
If the game goes to such lengths to obscure the actual values of IVs and EVs from me, then screw it, they don't exist. Every pokemon has IVs that make it good at the things its species is meant to be good at.
In general, all this basically means I'm taking an approach closer to the anime than the games. I have no prior experience with either, I just want something that makes sense and doesn't require being Autisms Georg about pokemon just to run a blog.
Story arcs so far:
Intro arc (no tag): Fluttershy arrives in Kalos and takes the position of player character, up through meeting Sycamore in Lumiose.
#reunion arc: After hearing from Sycamore that Twilight is also around, Fluttershy seeks out her and her research team in western Kalos. She finds out more about how exactly she Fell.
#screamkitty arc: Fluttershy foolishly ventures into the wilderness around Geosenge Town to investigate a terrible noise, and eventually acquires a new pokemon.
#darkened souls arc: Shauna asks for help with a mysterious pokemon ailment, but neither Fluttershy nor Twilight can figure it out. Aliana of Team Flare hypothesizes that another Faller may be involved.
#seeing a ghost arc: An error is found in Twilight's math, and the correction suggests that one member of the Equestria group actually Fell three thousand years ago. AZ shows up with a revelation.
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sonicasura · 10 months
Tales of Father Rung: Ren
Remember the post about my discovery of Rung and what characters who need a robodad? This is basically that but each option gets their post. I figured Ren Amamiya would be the best to start off with.
Especially since this delightful post popped up on my recommendation that sounds like perfect dialogue for Rung if he was in a Persona game. Let's get started.
Ren meets our dear therapist at the age of five. His 'family' are scum so horrible that on one night the young boy ran away from home. Ren stumbles upon Rung by sheer accident in the woods. Now the poor therapist is already out of his depth on the whole situation but it becomes clear that the boy shouldn't return home.
He looks malnourished and the bruises on Ren paint an awful image in his mind. Thus Rung has essentially took the first towards fatherhood via acquiring a child. And oh boy was the start awkward.
Like minor theft of food until a support plan was made, scrounging for any loose change to find stuff to sell, education, etc. Can't forget how to bond with a kid that been horribly mistreated by his own family unit. It was a rough start but the two got through it all together.
Then comes the fateful day where Ren is arrested and unfairly judged. Rung was immediately taken off guard by the incident altogether knowing his human youngling was innocent. Only thing he can do is follow the teenager and look after him during his sentence unaware of the adventure they were about to face.
Like Ren, the Metaverse appeared on Rung's systems during an internet search. He dives into Kamoshida's Palace during the second visit taking Ann's spot as fourth team member. (She still joins.) Rung is given the Codename Guide which is a reference to guiding Ren throughout life.
Personas have their own personality and are quite an interesting bunch. They can manifest in the Real World but most prefer not to unless necessary. All of them are quite curious about Rung with some referring him as 'kin'.
The therapist practically adopted all the Phantom Thieves and dubbed Robodad by them. He often helps the kids with their problems whether it be actual therapy or other stuff such as homework. Strangely the Persona don't disappear after every endgame events. They all say a new unique contract been formed being the reason why.
Now I'll be separating each iterations interaction with the Personaverse. The Phantom Thieves' true identities have been erased from people's mind post Maruki boss battle.
*I'll be composing a list later but Earth landmarks are made by humans and not Cybertronians. Only part of the planet have fragments from Unicron buried inside and a molten core is at the center like in real life.
An encounter with Autobots Drift(Swords Arcana), Hound(Clubs) and Crosshairs(Coins) occur during the events of Persona 5. They don't know about the group's true identity, only that Rung adopted a human youngling.*
Events of the first movie begins after the showdown with Yadalbaoth. The Thieves visit America for a road trip with Rung. Ren befriends Sam and Mikaela but also buys the glasses from the former. An action that results in the Autobots creating a temporary base as they search for Amamiya.
It takes about two weeks until the vacation home the Thieves are staying in is found. During that time, Ironhide comes across Rung. The Autobot assumes he is a refugee and takes him to base.
He's stuck there for two hours until he finally mentions he has younglings at home. (There's a misconception about the Thieves being Cybertronians as Rung didn't mention them being humans until day 4 of the search.)
Jazz: You adopted a human?!
Rung: He ran away from an abusive household and we bumped into each other. I also became a parental unit to his friends.
Optimus: You made a good call. How old was the youngling at the time?
Rung: He was five years old.
Everyone: FIVE!!!?
The therapist doesn't mention Ren's name until the Autobots show up at the house. A misunderstanding fueled fight occurs between the Thieves and bots until Rung arrives. Changes occur afterwards in the plot occurs afterwards.
A heist to steal the Allspark from Sector 7 is planned. Palace for the Decepticons can be found there ruled by Phantom Megatron. He replaces the movie's final battle with him and his followers mellowing to non-hostile. Boss form is a Hydra with each head representing every element in the series. Allspark isn't destroyed.
The Fallen fully possesses Megatron and brings long deceased Cybertronians back to life. Optimus is critically injured with the Matrix of Leadership being the only tool that can save him. NEST was never formed with both factions using the Thieves' Den as temporary quarters until a more suitable one is made.
Dark of the Moon is focused on building a space bridge. Sentinel Prime still discovered but becomes an enemy as an incident occurs where reactivation results in mania. Ironhide loses his right arm due to intervention from Ryuji. Cybertron begins rebuilding afterwards.
Phantom Thieves end up in an alternate universe where they don't exist (i.e Personaverse). The group must help these remaining Autobots survive and retrieve the intact Allspark from their universe to help rebuild Cybertron. Quintessa alongside Unicron are dealt with before the thieves return home.
A huge disturbance in Mementos blast the Phantom Thieves and Rung into the Knightverse. This also creates places all across America known as shadow zones, areas where the Metaverse intertwined with reality. Shadows manifest here and sometimes concepts merge with desires to form powerful ones called Abyss.
Phantom Thieves tackle these anomalies as they search for a way back home. It doesn't take long to encounter their first Cybertronian. Well, Cybertronian adjacent in the form of Airazor. This Maximal had been trying remove these areas upon first contact on a fateful flight.
She teams up with Rung and the Phantom Thieves. Like the therapist, Airazor sees the human younglings as her chicks in a sense. Much to the amusement of the Persona.
Ren: *working on a model*
Airazor: What are you building little chick?
Arsene: *shows the box which has a falcon on it* A custom model based on thou, Airazor.
Airazor: It looks lovely.
It takes awhile before the events of RotB to begin. Luckily they manage to clean up the many Shadowzones that manifest over time. The thieves and Rung take center stage first.
Ren bumps into Noah and Kris on the subway. The three converse a bit before having to part ways. He later encounters Elena upon visiting the museum and sticks up for her when a certain coworker decides to berate her.
The Autobots detect Rung's peculiar Energon signature all over the Phantom Thieves. Optimus follows Ren whose signal is the strongest amongst the group. Joker nearly getting into a car accident when Prime nabs him.
Arséne scares the shit out of Noah while an angry Rung shows up for his missing youngling. Younger bots are curious when the other thieves appear whilst Optimus is ready to have an aneurysm. Co-collaboration begins.
Museum heist gone wrong with Bumblebee critically injured. Yusuke intervene just in time to save the scout from Scourge. Phantom Thieves and Rung ship Elena/Airazor alongside Noah/Mirage.
Futaba bonding with Bumblebee as he gets slowly repaired. When everyone realizes the cat can turn into a mini van: 🤯. Arcee joins the girl squad. Cultural exchange while treasure hunting.
Mind Control= Simple Status Effect to Persona. No goodbyes are made for the Maximals. The Battle For Planet Earth results in the resurgence of Satanael. Demon Lord, Prime and therapist punish fallen god.
(Unicron merged with half of Earth's iron core during planet formation. Some people have tolerance to Dark Energon as they were born or have ancestors who originate from land built around the Unmaker. Rung is the only Cybertronian who knows about the Phantom Thieves.)
The Darby family hosts Ren for the year as part of a cultural exchange. Phantom Thieves can visit through the Thieves' Den no matter the distance. While on his way to seeing Ren, Rung arrives in time to save Cliffjumper from what would be his untimely demise.
He leaves before the Autobots appear as his human youngling is top priority. Ren knows Jack's new ride is a Cybertronian but doesn't say anything. He does search for Rung's little homemade habsuite in Jasper. Miko talks about the Phantom Thieves once she joins the group.
Ratchet: The what?
Miko: Phantom Thieves of Hearts! They're an awesome group who make terrible people confess their crimes and turn themselves in! I'm pretty sure Guide is a bot like you guys! Look up 'Demon Lord of Hearts' on YouTube. *Ratchet plays the video link sent by Miko*
Bulkhead: By the Allspark!! You're telling us that happened on this planet?!
Cliffjumper: Hey! It's the bot who saved me from those Vehicon punks!
Finding the Phantom Thieves and Rung becomes a main priority. The Decepticons find out later when a Groundbridge malfunction drops Ren on the Nemesis. He escapes the place as Joker but now a manhunt for him begins.
It takes time before Ren's identity become known to the Autobots.
Vince has his heart changed(which prevents Speed Metal from occurring.) Rung crashes on the Autobots' clash with Skyquake. The Decepticon follows the therapist away as if his spark is being called by him.
Moonlit chase between Joker, Knockout and Breakdown(replaces Speed Metal). KO appreciates knife heels whilst the two Decepticons fight Arséne. Joker gets away but earns their respect.
The Matrix of Leadership pulls at Optimus to find Rung. Jealousy can be felt inside and aimed at Joker. Optimus finally admits his worry to Ratchet.
Phantom Thieves of Heart vs M.E.C.H. Full fledge assault that results in Breakdown being taken into the thieves' custody. The bot didn't expect to see Skyquake. Breakdown laters defects and becomes Ryuji's guardian.
Decepticon warrior becomes Haru's guardian. Skyquake is getting used to this new world but the Thieves show him hospitality despite affiliation. Has an inkling on who Rung is.
Starscream seeks out the Phantom Thieves to change Megatron's spark. The Decepticon Leader is weary about this opposition's ability. Something Starscream will use as he's done being the ex-gladiator's punching bag.
That's it for now! Until next time folks, Transform and Roll Out!
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rai-knightshade · 2 years
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I posted 19,561 times in 2022
10 posts created (0%)
19,551 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,620 of my posts in 2022
#zelink - 375 posts
#shirbert - 317 posts
#self reblog - 61 posts
#malec - 42 posts
#usamamo - 39 posts
#goncharov - 30 posts
#🥺🥺🥺🥺 - 21 posts
#unreality - 18 posts
#yes - 17 posts
#skyward sword - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#(i know he apologized in his acceptance speech but iirc the broadcast specifically mentioned he didnt apologize to chris rock specifically)
My Top Posts in 2022:
I see you liking every single thing on my YJK blog and now I have to stan
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Have a baby Jaina with her aunt Mara
THANK YOU 😂😂😂 i was reminded of my childhood love of the Young Jedi Knights via a crossover with a completely different fandom And i may have fell down the rabbit hole last night 😅 thank you for keeping this fandom alive i was almost certain i was the only person left who remembered/cared about the EU/Legends kids, especially the ones who weren't Solos and Skywalkers 😓 they are PRECIOUS and i LOVE THEM
1 note - Posted May 20, 2022
1 note - Posted April 1, 2022
Hey! 👀+💕 for the asks!
Current ask game!
👀 Do you have any words/phrases you use habitually? 
I really like word "hence", I heard it once in like third grade and I basically made it a core part of my personality from then on. Not sure how often I use it in fic tho.... Other than that, I think I use a lot of -ly words as descriptors; wryly, ruefully, brightly, etc. A bit basic I'll admit but they get the point across and I don't have to dig out a thesaurus to understand what a character is expressing.
💕 What is the WIP that you are most excited about?
Well as mentioned in the tags of my og reblog, I've only got one WIP that I'm actually working on right now! The working title is "rest your head close to my heart, never to part (baby o'mine)", which will probably stay the title cause I always use song lyrics 😂 I'm usually inspired by music to write so it's only natural, I think. It's a fic for Anne of Green Gables, specifically the Sullivan tv movie continuity remixed into the original book continuity. Set 8 years after the third movie and with zero regard for any supposed "fourth" movies you may have heard of, it centers on the eldest Blythe child, Dominic, and how he comes to a sudden realization about himself in relation to the rest of his family, and how his question of "where did I come from?" Is answered.
Or, "so you forgot to mention to your firstborn that he's adopted and now he's asking Questions™ because he's realized he's the blonde sheep of your black-, brown- and red-haired family, what do you do?" But in fic form 😂😂😂.
I'm excited to see it finished cause I've been working on it for weeks, and because it's the first fic I've written in... A year, I think? So to get it written out will be an amazing achievement for me! I'm not sure how it'll be received cause it's a) the most self-indulgent fluffy-ass piece I've ever written--even more so than my Bradyverse, which I didn't think was possible--and is explicitly canon to the Anne movie that literally only me and like 5 other people like 😅😅 but who cares it's family fluff time!
Thank you for the ask Zelmo!!
1 note - Posted February 16, 2022
⏰ What time of day do you prefer to write? 📌 If all your fics/WIPs fell off a ship and were drowning (go with it), and you could only save one, which would it be?
Time of day: whenever I've got a free moment tbh 😂😂 which currently tends to be the evenings as I work the morning shift 5 days a week. I've written or edited during my lunch times before tho so it's far from a hard and fast rule. When the inspiration strikes, it strikes!
Pick one WIP to save: well considering I only have one WIP that I'm currently working on (sorry professors!macdalton au, hopefully I'll get back to you one day), I'd say it's gonna have to be that one, titled "rest your head close to my heart, never to part (baby o'mine)". Even if it wasn't my only wip tho it'd probly be the one I save cause it's also one of the longest-taking wip I've ever had (the Brady verse doesn't count that was less one full wip and more a bunch of little snippets) and the fact that I'm still not done even tho it's been weeks is like. Torture. So I *will* finish this goddamn fic if it kills me. Wouldn't be the first death in the series at least (tho to be clear, nobody dies in this fic. It... Just happens to be about the mc finding out he's an adopted orphan, so. Clearly somebody had to die along the way. Multiple somebodies, even.)
Thanks for the ask!
1 note - Posted February 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
He didn't even punch him, he slapped him.
So I've seen now! (I didn't watch the Oscars this was entirely secondhand.) Honestly like. It smells like bullshit to me man idk talk to me when somebody like, fully assaults someone on stage in a full on brawl or some shit THEN maybe we can talk about losing Oscars. Not a (honestly very easily justified) slap.
3 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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actualaster · 2 years
Hm, so, some thoughts on The Ending (still partially processing)
Obviously massive endgame spoilers below for Scarlet.
I kind of figured pretty quick that we were dealing with a non-legitimate entity rather than the professor, but I was thinking maybe they were recordings and the time machine thing was involved--using the time machine to know who would show up and make the recordings accordingly or something. (Yes that theory has holes, look I'm running on very little sleep over the last several days and I only beat the game about 7am after being awake... Fuck, like, 20 hours okay give me some slack on the lack of brain processing power lol)
Was wondering if maybe she'd sent herself to the past and was somehow able to observe or communicate to a degree with the time machine but unable to send her physical body back to the present or something, as well.
I was kind of, for a second there, like "...dude holy shit is that a corpse or something? that's too dark for pokemon right? wait, no, i mean they absolutely had pokemon getting sentenced to execution via being torn apart in one of the PMD games..." and was very much relieved to find out it was a robot XD
Not surprised to find out the professor was dead, but was interesting to find out how long she'd been dead and when she had died. Definitely feel real bad for Arven, though--like suddenly all the neglect he went through makes sense, but on top of that he gets confirmation that his mom is very much gone and that's just.
Somebody get that kid some therapy, he's gonna need years of it to process all that, I think.
Also very interesting how the AI did, in the end, deviate somewhat from the original Sada and her goals. I wonder if the original Sada would have changed her views had she survived? Is that why the AI eventually decided there wasn't any good logic in striving endlessly for that goal once it was made clear it was destructive...? Had the original Sada survived, would she have modified the defensive systems to account for such a view? Or would she have persisted in trying to force her dream to come true without adaptation?
Since she died and all, she obviously never had the chance to change her mind and the programming would obviously never have been properly updated to stop trying to force that dream through at all costs.
I was also definitely worried for a moment there the AI would self-destruct. It wouldn't be the first time a character has willingly done something that ensured their own end for the greater good in a Pokemon game after all. Gotta wonder, though, how well that damaged body of hers held up on the transit to the past--did she survive the transit? How long was she able to keep functioning? ...Does she still exist somewhere, waiting for somebody to unearth her--or her remains, at least?
Now there's an interesting line of thought--an excavation of fossils, and finding (the remains of) a robot modeled after a contemporary figure or something. Probably gonna be chasing that line of thought for a little bit, that's an interesting one to play with.
Anyway Arven should go home with the MC and get adopted by their mom so that they're siblings now, IMO. I have decided that is my headcanon and I'm sticking to it. If anything in the post-game contradicts this no it won't because I will reject it. :p
Overall, the game had a lot of flaws (most of them technical, to be honest), but it was a very fun game so far and I definitely plan to run through the post-game shortly. I enjoyed the various storylines quite a bit, honestly--and at least cautiously looking forwards to the (highly) probable upcoming DLC.
Hoping that they can take things that worked well both here and PLA and incorporate them together in future games. (Some of how PLA handled the box sorting system I preferred, for example). Also that they can be given enough time to figure out what to do to remove the horrendous lag and weird shit like "there are so many fucking pokemon Inside The Walls Of Everything" lmao. Technical issues and stuff mean the game should definitely have been delayed until mid- 2023 at the earliest (though I get several possible reasons why they didn't--but my getting them does not mean I agree with them.)
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throwawayhymn · 2 years
i feel like the recent hb episode shouldve been more focused on octavia and loona tbh
like if i were to semi-rewrite it, i would include via maybe stealing the book to take notes on the portal spell, and leave the actual book where she found it, so no one else notices shes gone. the first scenes of via with stolas can remain the same. Blitz asks her to not be so rude and they get into an agrument about it. maybe then, loona decides she needs to cool off before she starts punching him, and concidentally goes to the same city via went, taking the book with her. later stolas realises vias gone and asks blitz to take care of it, maybe he remembers about the meteor shower now, maybe not. blitz asks loona to keep an eye out on her, she ignores it but scrolls pentagram and sees vias posts then. insert chase scene and setup to smog scene. loonas like well this sucks wanna go to some mountains i know? they shouldnt have any smog there. they open a portal to mountains in the desert and go thru. now theres a couple routes we can follow here
loona accidentally gets into a town in said mountains and (since the release date was october) people r all dressed up for trick or treating. theyre likely in front of a door or driveway and get handed some candy by someone who says "nice costumes! theyre so realistic" they decide to go trick or treating, possibly kicking some kids, and talk to each other. eventually the meteor shower begins and they run to the nearest high place to watch. they bond some more. they decide to go back to hell once its done
they accidentally get into a mountain town in the middle of a festival. in this verison loona couldve also found via before the nighttime and said that la gets too smoggy to see anything. they have fun festival times, until the night falls and they take a hike to a higher spot to watch the meteor shower. they bond and talk more, until its over. they both hesitantly go back to hell.
they watch the meteor shower, talking about how shit their dads are and generally bonding with each other. maybe they fall asleep but get wakened up by a sheriff and they hightail it away. instead of going back to hell immediately, they decide to do another fun thing (arcade? destroying things? laser tag? idfk, i dont know their hobbies or what interests theyd share, i only know that loona likes destruction and mobile games, and that via likes music) they then go to hell
when they get to hell, blitzo is waiting for them, extremely fucking worried (mainly scared about stolas) loona growls at him while hes doting and probably ends up shoving him away. blitz calls stolas and he immediately shows up for his "little via" and she blows up at him while crying. she tqlks about how she felt abandoned even after he said hed never abandon her and asks if he even remembered today. she does the same, you hate her more than you love me line. she might say shes moving out far away from stella and stolas the first chance she gets. stolas tries comforting and pacifying her, but it doesnt work. she does begrudgingly agree to go back to the palace and have a homebaked desert and/or dinner, with promises to go do something fun after stellas fully moved out. loona also goes home with blitzo, who tucks her in and maybe its then we get the loredump about the pound she was in. she tells him that its enough with that sappy story and to let her go to bed. he does, and maybe theres a joke in there about him opening the door to add more things to his goodnight to her, closing it, and then adding some more (with her throwing a pillow at him at the end of it). loona gets up, and crinkles an old picture and throws it in the trash. she sits against the wall and cries. she then takes the picture and uncrinkles it, revealing it to be when she was adopted and looks at it for a minute. she tosses it onto the ground and tries to go to sleep
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keithhoward · 2 years
Links for mobile:
Follows back from acidrp-followblog 
If links aren’t working, info is also under cut:
Name: Keith Howard
Age: 29…ish (His driver’s license may disagree, but he doesn’t count the months he was dead)
Nationality: American
Sexuality: Gay
Height: 6’3
Weight: ~180lbs
Personality: Post-possession left him completely burnt out. He still has a short fuse, but is more subdued than he was in Duelist Kingdom and YGO R. This doesn’t mean he’s any nicer- still blunt and abrasive as ever, and not making any great efforts to be polite- but most of his violent aggression has dissipated without any evil gods or evil rich guys (or drugs or alcohol) to fuel it.
He is affected by the events of the manga, but carries himself like he doesn’t care or even that it’s funny. Any feelings beyond that he directs into being pissed off. Sad or terrified or flustered or whatnot is very, very hard to get out of him, especially in front of other people- he can keep his shit-eating grin on through a lot. He’s also aware his flippancy towards some of his relevant topics can get uncomfortable for others, but he doesn’t really care.
Keith would much rather talk about the things he can do over himself as a person. He’s a perfectionist and ties probably a solid 90% of his self worth into how good he is at things he likes… so add mostly retiring from Duel Monsters to the Whole Being Dead Thing, and he is not doing so hot right now. He has been picking up various hobbies the past couple of years but tends to quit anything he isn’t good at right away.
He holds industrial strength grudges, but it’s hard to actually get on his shitlist. Doesn’t forget any kindness extended towards him either- he knows he’s not an easy person to be nice to. Metaphorically and literally, by default, he will not hold the door for you, and expects the same outta you. If you slam it on him, he'll slam the next one back. If you hold it for him, he'll throw the next one open hard enough that you should have plenty of time to get through. If it's the subway emergency exit, well, that's just gonna get opened for fun B)
Note: Will be initially less hostile to Yugis and Jounouchis due to the events of YGO R, regardless of canon. Their friends are.... fine, by association, but on thin ice.
Background: Keith will openly talk about his Duel Monster career if prompted, which started when he was 23. Getting anything specific about him before that is like pulling teeth, but he’ll make the occasional vague or loaded statement or two. He comes off as an open person, and he is in some ways, but he’s surprisingly private.
With respect to that, his background outside of canon won’t be provided here- it’ll come from interactions with Keith himself.
YGO R Recap: Got brought back from the dead via Evil God Magic and the wonders of technology, for Pegasus’ adopted kids to test how to bring Pegasus back to life.  Was subsequently possessed by aforementioned Evil Gods and proceeded to lie, cheat, and cause life-threatening problems for everyone, including himself. The Evil Gods’ hold over him seemed to dissipate with their defeat and the destruction of the cards.
Post-R to now: Lives in Maine, and lives off of “sorry about the unethical human experimentation” hush money from the Tenma twins- officially, he’s on the I2 books as an employee. Also has to regularly check in to stay on the payroll, because no one really knows the long term effects of necromancy, and now there’s only one way to find out. No longer plays Duel Monsters and doesn’t own any decks anymore, but is a sort-of mentor for Jounouchi so he still keeps up with the game. Has a few attempts at sobriety under his belt, still working on it. Mostly he lays pretty low and hasn’t been up to much lately.
Note: I won’t force the mentor thing on anybody, and unless asked otherwise, I’ll drop that part of the backstory by default with Jounouchis/Joeys.
Three pets:
Barry (Barrel Dragon): Great Pyrenees, goes with him practically everywhere.
Stu (Stupid Piece Of Shit): Stray cat he fished out of his truck engine one winter.
Brandy (Brandy Alexander): Someone’s outdoor cat he liked and so he stole it.
Almost always calls them by various nicknames, rarely ever their full names
While currently in Maine, it’s not like he’s doing anything so he can be elsewhere for whatever reason to meet characters. Pets not likely to travel with him out of the country though.
This is strictly mangaverse, so Keith’s knowledge of Battle City is limited, as he was a little dead during it. He won’t know about any anime-exclusive plotlines either, like DOMA or KC Grand Prix, but it's fine to cross verses. He is DSOD-compliant but wasn’t present for the events of it and isn’t aware of most of what actually happened. Honestly, he doesn't know what most of the plot of YGO DM is even for the parts he was alive for.
The shades are a must, but the American flag bandana has been retired and replaced with regular or no bandanas.
21+ to Follow/RP (RP Blogs only)
The usual no godmodding/forceshipping/etc. 
I don’t care about response length as long as there’s something to work off of (I lean more to long or mid-length responses). Icons are fine in posts as well.
I really like plotting and threads. If a longer thread reaches an agreed conclusion, I'll add some art at the end.
This blog is low activity. If I haven’t responded in like a week or two feel free to ping me, but I try to respond to everything I get eventually.
Dupes and alt dimension/multiverse stuff is fine, I recognize YGO R is in kind of a weird place in canon. Feel free to dm me to figure out how it’s gonna work beforehand if you aren’t sure or had something specific in mind. I can budge on some things.
Don’t reblog rp threads you aren’t involved in, headcanon posts, non-RP asks, or art posted on here. Any art I post here especially, I’d prefer to keep it here in its original RP blog context.
Muse =/= mun but I’m an apologist when I think it’s funny.
Muse =/= mun 2: I don’t know how to play Yugioh, I will not learn, and I will avoid the technical side of it IC as best as I can.
Muse =/= mun 3: Keith is mean and difficult. I try not to be. Nothing he says, thinks, or does represents my personal feelings.
If you're expecting hardened criminal Bandit Keith, then sorry, but that’s not here. If you’re wanting the Duelist Kingdom characterization (as in, that level of unhinged), see the R Verse. 
Any shipping will be very limited. Character needs to have been over 18 during the original canon, no exceptions. We also need to have interacted IC a few times prior. Beyond that, DM if interested, but I’ll be concerned about your muse’s standards.
OCs and cross-fandoms are tentative. Other YGO seasons are fine but I have extremely limited knowledge of them. Mutuals only.
This is the manga/R-verse of Keith so, canonically, he’s shot himself and died (but got better). Please anticipate going in that this and death in general is a subject that will crop up often. 
On that note, anything that feels tagworthy will get a “______ cw” tag. If there’s something you need tagged, ask me. I don’t need anything tagged myself.
NSFW/suggestive content will also be tagged accordingly but we are probably not gonna post anything too risqué here on David Karp’s Tumblr.
Any AUs I think would be fun or interesting to write for go here. Feel free to ask for a specific one. Feel free to ask for one not on here too, if I can make it work, I will!
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Teen Verse: Everyone’s favourite bandit, pre-Bandit. Keith is 16 here, and can be his actual past self or a Duel Monsters-playing AU version depending on what you prefer. More lighthearted than the main verse.
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R Verse: Unfortunately magic has consequences, and if you use demons to resurrect a guy they may linger around in his soul after. Keith’s gone and got himself possessed again in this verse, getting him back to his old Duelist Kingdom self (but worse!). With less of a solid object of vengeance to drive him, he’s more like a rabid animal in this state, ready to bite anyone who gets too close. 
Due to the Eraser's nature, it's also trying to kill its' own host. The longer Keith's possessed, the more he deteriorates. Nothing gets magically unrestored if/when unpossessed. 
Pokemon: Coming soon! ...Eventually.
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I’m Acid, I’m in my mid-20s, and I read Fight Club at a very formative age.
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3 notes · View notes
jingerhead · 3 years
Ok imagine them babysitting Aaron or Nickys future children.
AHHHHHHHHH ok by ‘them’ I’m assuming you meant Andreil? ‘Cause that’s where I took this ‘cause I couldn’t stop thinking about something like that, omfg. This is getting added to the stupid cute shit, I hope you enjoy Andreil’s attempts at babysitting. I have created oc children because I can’t be bothered to sort through Nora’s extra content at this hour. Also, I meant to post this last night but I waited and decided to change the entire thing lol, but also thanks for the amazing prompt!
Read on AO3 | Word Count: 4,378 | Rated: G
Pretty much all of the original foxes had eventually decided to have children. Kevin had his daughter, Dan and Matt had their son, Nicky and Erik had adopted, and even Jack had found someone that tolerated him enough to have a kid with. The only ones that didn’t seem to want children were Robin, Renee and Allison, who agreed with what Neil and Andrew thought: they weren’t cut out for raising anyone. Between their own childhoods and trauma they were still trying to overcome, bringing a child into the mess didn’t seem appropriate.
But that didn’t mean that Neil didn’t like kids. Lots of his fans were bright eyed elementary schoolers, and he’d made more than one trip to visit a few via the ‘Make a Wish’ foundation. Matt and Dan wanted to name him the godfather of their son, which Neil wasn’t exactly opposed to, but instead confused as to why they wanted him to be in the first place. In the end, he supposed it was the same reason Aaron and Katelyn had named Andrew the godfather of both their kids.
Neil was determined to get the girls to like him more than Aaron. He knew he had some competition, since Aaron was their dad, but he could be the most fun uncle in the world. Which was exactly what he intended to do, since Andrew apparently had no interest in being the best uncle. They came to their birthday parties every year with the best gift Neil could find and visited for holidays, making time to video call once in a while.
But this was different. This time, the girls were going to be around for a ‘sleepover’, as Katelyn had explained.
It started off with Neil meeting with Katelyn one day as their yearly check-up, as she always put it. Neil was pretty sure he had one with each of the foxes, but it was more like a monthly check-up in Matt and Dan’s case. They went for coffee, took a short walk and talked about how things have been since they last saw each other. It was a weird sort of friendship.
“In two months is our tenth anniversary,” Katelyn randomly said when they were sitting in the park people watching.
“Congrats?” Neil asked. “Are you going to have a party?”
“I want a night alone,” Katelyn said instead, grinning to herself. “No kids, no work. Just me and Aaron for a night.”
Neil made a face at the thought. “Where do you want to go?”
“I’m not sure. Maybe we could go on a quick trip? Somewhere relaxing.” Katelyn sighed, her grin getting wider as she clearly thought about it. Neil grimaced at the thought of Aaron of all people somewhere relaxing. Katelyn seemed to snap out of her daze after a moment. “But we’d need someone to watch the girls.”
“Okay. Get a babysitter.”
“For two days?” Katelyn asked, narrowing her eyes. “Neil, I know you’re not the best with kids, but…”
“Oh!” Neil said. “I see. You’re asking me and Andrew to watch them.”
“No, that wasn’t - “
“We could.” Neil attempted a smile, because while the thought of watching Sofia and Isla was appealing to him, he’d have to make sure Andrew was okay with it, too. 
“No games?” Katelyn asked. “No practice?”
“Nope. Perks of summer.”
Katelyn nodded. “Well, we’ll have to see. And so long as you promise not to teach Sofia any more pressure points.”
“Okay, okay, I won’t.” Neil rolled his eyes. “She should know how to protect herself.”
“She’s seven, Neil.”
The plans fell into place. The girls would go over early Saturday morning and go home in the afternoon on Sunday, giving Aaron and Katelyn enough time to themselves. When the date was confirmed Andrew hadn’t so much as bat an eye at it, instead just marking the date on the calendar so that Neil wouldn’t forget it and helped get the guest bedroom ready for their visitors. 
“Should we take them somewhere?” Neil asked one night while he watched Andrew make dinner. He’d been wondering for a while, because he wanted the girls to be entertained but not exhausted. They’d already decided they’d make pizza for food, let them find a movie to watch before going to bed, but they had no idea what to do during the day.
“Ask Aaron,” Andrew suggested.
“He blocked me,” Neil said, because it was true but also because he didn’t want to text Aaron for suggestions on how to keep his kids entertained.
“Sofia is obsessed with octopuses and Isla is four,” Andrew added, scooping some pasta onto plates. “Take them to the aquarium or museum.”
“Would you go too?”
“Alright.” Neil grabbed his phone and started looking at the nearest aquarium’s website. He and Andrew had gone there before because Neil had wanted to pet the stingrays and Andrew admitted he wanted to see if Neil would touch one of their tails. Neil had been just slightly offended, because he wasn’t that stupid, but the thought of Sofia or Isla petting the stingrays was slightly worrying, because they may not know it would hurt.
“Stop worrying,” Andrew demanded, even though he was clearly anxious about the weekend as well.
“I’m not worrying,” Neil mumbled, putting his phone down and following Andrew to the table. He scooped up Sir and cuddled the cat to his chest as he sat down. “What if one of them is allergic to cats?”
“We’d know by now. Their dad is a doctor.”
Neil grumbled and released Sir when she squirmed too much, eating some of the pasta so he wouldn’t have to respond. “It’s their first sleepover. I want it to go well.”
Andrew didn’t reply to that, but he was far more helpful in figuring out things to do after that conversation.
They made sure to tell the girls what their plans were before the weekend. Katelyn reported that Sofia was ecstatic about seeing an octopus and all Isla cared about was seeing the ‘fishies’. Neil hoped it would take up most of their time that day so that they wouldn’t have to try to think of anywhere else to go afterwards, but he found other places to visit just in case. He located a zoo, museum, amusement park and even an art show before Andrew made him stop. 
Though he tried to keep the day as normal as he could, Neil still got up a whole hour earlier than usual to take his run and attempted to make some eggs that burned when he got lost in thought. Andrew walked into the kitchen with a scowl and helped clean up the mess, making something actually edible with a mask of perfect calm. But Neil was an expert in Andrew’s facial expressions by now and could tell he was a bit nervous about what the day would bring.
Facing Riko? No problem. The mafia? Neil could deal with it any day. Watching two little blonde girls that said words like ‘fishies’? Neil felt like his heart could stop at any moment.
By ten in the morning they made it to Aaron and Katelyn’s, quickly getting their car seats settled into the Maserati - and wasn’t that hilarious - so they could leave. Isla hadn’t stopped chanting ‘sleepover’ since they arrived, and Sofia kept listing off everything she knew about octopuses and sea cucumbers. She even proudly showed off her drawing of a purple octopus, giving it to Andrew and pointing out every stick figure that was holding one of the octopus’ tentacles.
“See, that’s me and Isla, and Mommy and Daddy,” she explained, pointing at the stick figures individually. “And there’s Uncle Neil and you, Uncle Andrew! And I added King and Sir, even though they’d try to eat the octopus.”
Neil had never understood why anyone would put a kid’s drawing on a fridge, but that’s exactly what he wanted to do with Sofia’s drawing. Andrew was holding it so carefully it was as though the cardstock paper was made of glass. “Thank you, Sofia, this is very beautiful,” Neil said, patting her back.
Aaron snorted. Neil glared at him, mostly out of habit, breaking eye contact when Isla rushed to his side and grabbed his arm. “Wanna see the fishies,” she said.
Sofia gasped loudly. “Can we go see them now?”
“Of course. Just say goodbye to your mom and dad first,” Neil replied, gently pulling his arm from Isla’s grasp to grab the girl’s backpacks. He took them to the Maserati and loaded them in the backseat, watching how carefully Andrew folded up Sofia’s picture and put it in the glovebox.
Finally, they were ready to go. Katelyn gave Neil a list of where they were going and all the phone numbers they could use to get ahold of them if anything happened, reminding the girls to behave and go to sleep on time. They all left quickly after that, heading straight for the aquarium to (hopefully) get rid of all the energy Sofia and Isla had.
For a Saturday the place wasn’t busy. Andrew easily found a spot to park in and the girls were released, thankfully knowing not to run across a parking lot. Sofia was still babbling and Isla was much quieter, looking around a bit nervously and sticking by Andrew’s side. Neil heard her ask in her adorable high-pitched voice, “Uncle Andrew, can I hold your hand?” and thought his heart might’ve broken, especially when Andrew wordlessly took it as they walked towards the entrance to the building.
They got wristbands after paying and began to walk through. Neil only had to remind Sofia to stick close once, not wanting her to get lost in the small crowd. For a seven year old that really wanted to see the octopuses, she had an incredible amount of patience to not say anything as Isla gaped at the coral reefs they walked up to. She instead looked at the lists of fish available to look at, reading off just about every one perfectly.
“That one looks like Dory,” Isla said, pointing at a flat looking blue fish.
Neil didn’t know who ‘Dory’ was, so he simply agreed and got a small snort from Andrew for his trouble.
They continued on after the girls looked their fill, getting to larger fish that Sofia read were freshwater and lived in lakes. She also giggled at the fat looking fish and whispered to Neil about it. “Hey, this says there’s sharks in here,” she said with a frown, pointing at another list of fish. “Look, Uncle Neil. Sharks are s’posed to be in the ocean.”
“Not all sharks, I guess,” Neil replied, looking at what she was pointing at to appease her. 
“Hmm,” the seven year old hummed. Neil wasn’t sure how she was able to make it sound so sassy and disbelieving at the same time.
Further down the long hallway were where the other sharks were. They got to walk through glass tunnels and listen to Isla point at every shark she saw, saying, “Hammerhead,” every time.
“What if the glass breaks?” Sofia whispered between the two of them.
“Then we’d go for a swim, I guess,” Neil replied.
Her head was craned back, just like her sister's, to watch the sharks swim over the top of the tunnel. “Here, Uncle Neil,” Sofia eventually said, holding out a hand. “Hold my hand so you don’t get scared.”
“Thanks, Sofia,” Neil said, taking the girl’s hand. She seemed less tense after that.
They moved more quickly past the sharks, making it to some smaller tanks. Those fish looked like the ones you could find at a pet store. Andrew lifted Isla so that she could get a better look at the tiny fish, her wide hazel eyes following every movement in the tank. Sofia was tall enough to not need such treatment to see into the tank.
The next tanks were even larger, full of more coral reefs. Sofia then declared everyone needed to be on the lookout for octopuses, since they could camouflage themselves and might be hard to see. Neil helped her look, not noticing anything out of the ordinary but also not entirely sure what he was looking for in the first place. Andrew and Isla stood further back, both watching Sofia and Neil get close to the glass as they searched for what they’d come for in the first place.
“Turtles!” Isla cheered after a full minute, letting go of Andrew’s hand to get closer to the glass. “Are they - are they as big as me?”
They certainly looked it. “You look like you could fit in a shell, Isla,” Neil told her. It made the four year old grin.
“No octopuses, Uncle Neil,” Sofia declared, getting to her feet and brushing dust off her pants. “We gotta keep moving.”
Next were tanks full of jellyfish that both girls got distracted by. It was strangely hypnotizing to watch them move. “There’s like a billion!” Isla whispered from where Andrew was holding her on his hip, allowing her to get a better view.
Neil was pretty sure the actual number was closer to a hundred, but he let her believe what she wanted. They moved on to the next tank, which appeared to be another coral reef of some kind. The fish here were even more colorful than in the previous tanks and in all shapes and sizes. Neil was distracted staring at Andrew, who was still carrying Isla and looking perfectly calm while doing so, when Sofia spotted her first octopus.
“It’s hiding!” she cheered, kneeling down to look at it through the glass. “Look, look! It’s moving!”
“Pretty cool, huh?” Neil asked, crouching down next to her.
“Uh huh!” Sofia replied with a giggle.
She seemed perfectly content to watch the octopus for a while longer. Andrew and Isla ended up turning to the other tank on the other side of the room that had seahorses. Eventually Sofia was done, dusting off her pants again as she got up and walked after the other two. There wasn’t much else to see, so before they knew it they had reached the gift shop. Neil checked the time and was glad to see they’d wasted a lot of time at the aquarium, and it was about mid-afternoon. They’d have to get the girls something to eat before they realized they were hungry.
“Want to pick something out?” Neil asked both the girls when he noticed Sofia staring at a huge octopus stuffed animal.
“Can I?” she asked, grabbing it. It was as large as her torso.
Isla picked out a seahorse that Andrew passed to her. She didn’t seem super interested in choosing something herself but she latched onto that stuffed animal as soon as it was in her arms. They paid and went to a small sandwich shop that was in a food court following the gift shop, bringing their food back to the Maserati. “Don’t make a mess,” Andrew told them.
“We won’t!” Sofia said for the two of them. Isla wordlessly agreed while she munched on her ham sandwich.
They went back to the apartment and brought the girl’s backpacks inside, leaving them on the couch. The cats had quickly jumped onto whatever high place they could, warily watching the girls that definitely noticed them but let them be. They’d both brought coloring books and other toys that they played with at the kitchen table, finishing eating their late lunch and babbling about what the aquarium was like as though Neil and Andrew hadn’t been there too. Neil just listened, definitely noticing when Andrew pulled out Sofia’s drawing and stuck it in front of their various notes left on the fridge.
“Can we go back?” Sofia asked.
“Some other time,” Neil promised her.
“See the fishies!” Isla cheered to herself.
Apparently both girls were still excited about fish, because when asked what movie they wanted to watch that night they both chose ‘Finding Nemo’. Andrew found it quickly and didn’t hesitate to tell the girls that Neil had never seen it, which seemed to shock them both to silence. Isla had been the first to speak up about it, telling Neil he just had to watch it ‘cause it was the greatest movie ever. So, he sat on the couch and watched.
He had to admit, it was good. Maybe a bit heavy for a children’s movie because of the whole ‘kidnapping’ thing, but good. When it was over they made their way to the kitchen, where everything was ready to make small homemade pizzas so that everyone could have their own. It was apparently a good idea, because Sofia seemed to care where every topping went and Isla didn’t seem to mind what ended up on her’s. They were put in the oven for a late dinner, so they found another children’s movie to watch. This time they both wanted ‘Frozen’, which was also the greatest movie ever. Neil had also not seen that one either, but managed to keep that to himself.
Another heavy children’s movie. Neil didn’t know if it was because of his own childhood that made him read too into the lines, but it made him wonder why Aaron and Katelyn would let the girls watch these in the first place. Then, after Anna went looking for her sister Elsa, Sofia looked across Isla to get Andrew’s attention. “Daddy said he and you are like Elsa and Anna, ‘cause you didn’t grow up together at first like they did.”
“Who’d he say I am?” Andrew asked, holding his head up with one arm propped on the couch’s arm rest.
“He said you’re Elsa.”
Andrew seemed smug. Neil figured he’d have to continue watching to find out why.
They paused halfway through to get their pizzas, cutting them into small pieces per the girls’ request, and ate while the rest of the movie played. He had to admit, he did not predict Hans would be the bad guy, so when he said, “Oh, Anna, if only there was someone out there who loved you,” he almost swore in front of the children.
“This is a kids movie,” Neil stated, watching Hans almost kill Elsa.
“Yes,” Andrew told him from the other end of the couch.
He almost swore again. Sure, it ended up happy, but shit.
They gave the girls ice cream and played the only board game Neil thought they would like when searching for things to entertain them: LIFE. He helped Sofia keep count of her finances and Isla moved the cars around the board more than playing, shuffling the little people into groups she explained were families. Andrew had the most money in the end, to which both Neil and Sofia scowled. “I’ll get you next time,” she declared, throwing her money on the board. “At least I got married.”
Andrew had remained stubbornly single in the game. Neil had tried his luck at the family routes and ended up landing on every ‘have a kid’ square. He was definitely the poorest. “Uncle Andrew doesn’t know fun,” he whispered to Sofia. Andrew just shrugged.
“Are you guys married?” she asked.
“Are you gonna have kids?”
“Probably not.”
Sofia frowned. “But then what do you do on Father’s Day?”
“Sleep in?” Neil asked more than answered, looking at Andrew for help. He didn’t get any.
Sofia mumbled to herself, starting to help put away the board game while Isla handed over the people pieces. “I’ll make you guys a Father’s Day gift next time.”
Bed time was supposed to be around 8:30 at the latest, so of course that was when they only just started getting ready. Isla was yawning as she got changed and brushed her teeth, and Sofia seemed to lose some of her energy as well. They got into the bed Neil and Andrew had gotten ready for them, snuggling up under the covers. Isla seemed to fall asleep immediately, but not before saying goodnight.
“Thanks for taking us to the ‘quarium, Uncle Neil,” Sofia whispered when Neil tucked her in.
“Sure thing, sweetie.”
She sat up, undoing his work. “Goodnight kisses?”
After a moment of hesitation, Neil leaned forward, letting her press a quick kiss to his cheek. Andrew had been leaning against the door the whole time, but it only took one look from the girl to get him to enter the room and let her do the same. After that she settled down, letting the blankets be tucked around her, and said goodnight.
Once they were back in their own room, Neil smirked and leaned into Andrew’s space. “Can I have a goodnight kiss?”
“Should’ve known this was a bad idea,” Andrew seemed to say to himself, but he looked right into Neil’s eyes and nudged their noses. “Yes?”
“Yes,” Neil agreed, leaning into his kiss.
They got ready for bed themselves not too long later, each of them tired from the day. Neil fell asleep pretty quickly, but woke up what felt like not long after. He was a light sleeper because he once had to be, so he was wide awake for when their door creaked open and Isla hesitantly walked into their room. He waited, listening for what she would do, but didn’t want to scare her away. He could feel that Andrew was awake on his other side.
She crossed over to him, whispering quietly, “Uncle Andrew?” Andrew must’ve opened his eyes, because just a second later she said, “I think there’s a monster in the room.”
Andrew didn’t say anything, but just got out of bed and walked her back to the guest room. Neil waited, hearing them move around there and then out to the rest of the apartment. He gave them some more time alone and finally got out of bed himself, taking a moment to rub any sleep he still had from his eyes, and went to the kitchen. Isla was sitting on the counter, holding a large spoon and getting some chocolate ice cream all over her face. Andrew stood right next to her, his pint of ice cream on the counter.
“It’s, like, three AM,” Neil pointed out, walking until he was next to them both.
“Isla thought there was a monster in the room,” Andrew reported while eating some more ice cream.
Isla nodded to confirm the story. “It was just King. But she was scary looking.”
“How did she get in there?” Neil asked, ruffling Isla’s blonde curls. “She was scary enough that you needed some ice cream?”
“Uncle Andrew said it was okay.”
Neil didn’t argue. He put the lid on the pint and returned it to the freezer, coming back with a washcloth and wiping away the ice cream left on Isla’s cheeks. “Too much sugar will give you cavities.”
“Daddy says that,” Isla murmured. “Are we goin’ home tomorrow?”
“Yes,” Neil confirmed, lifting the girl up and carrying her back to the guest room. “Your mom and dad will pick you up after breakfast.”
“Okay,” she whispered, getting under the covers and holding the seahorse she’d gotten that day close to her chest. “Night, night.”
“Goodnight,” Neil said, leaning back. Andrew brushed some of Isla’s hair away from her face and poked her seahorse, making her giggle slightly. They then went back to their room and got in bed again. Neil quickly fell asleep, but he was sure Andrew didn’t for a while.
The next morning, he decided to not go on his run and instead laid in bed long enough that Andrew got up before him. Just when he was sitting up in bed, Neil made a big show of stretching, grinning over his shoulder. Andrew just narrowed his eyes and got to his feet, leaving the room. Neil snickered to himself and followed him to the kitchen.
The girls came out not long later, rubbing their eyes and yawning. Their hair was a complete mess and the blankets had left red lines on their faces, but they perked up the moment they noticed Andrew was making pancakes. “You have to add chocolate chips, Uncle Andrew,” Sofia told him, sitting down at the table. “Otherwise they’re not real pancakes.”
“You’re right,” Andrew agreed, going to the pantry and adding more than what was already there to the batter. Neil considered taking a picture and sending it to Kevin, but didn’t.
After breakfast, both Neil and Andrew made sure that the girls were cleaned up for the day, faces washed and teeth brushed. They both changed into what they had brought and watched some other movie while they waited for Aaron and Katelyn to arrive. They did around noon, entering the apartment and getting bombarded by the two girls who babbled on about what was at the aquarium and the stuffed animals they’d gotten from the gift shop. 
Aaron blinked slowly at the sight of the large octopus that Sofia had. She was grinning brightly and declared its name was Purps, because of the lilac shade the stuffed animal was. Isla held tightly to her seahorse, whispering that its name was Fishie. Neil snorted when he heard and told her it was a great name.
“Did you have fun?” Katelyn asked, brushing Isla’s hair with her fingers.
“Yes!” both the girls replied, pulling their packed backpacks over their shoulders.
“Uncle Neil promised we’d go to the aquarium again,” Sofia declared.
“Something to look forward to at your next sleepover,” Aaron told her.
Neil was thrown off at the thought of another sleepover. “Oh, okay.”
“Say goodbye to your uncles, girls.”
Both Neil and Andrew had to lean down so that the two could press quick kisses to their cheeks, saying goodbye and running down the hallway. Katelyn and Aaron left not long after, saying a quick ‘thank you’, and then the door was closed and the place was quiet. A lot quieter, actually. Neil turned from the door and glanced at the fridge, where Sofia’s picture was still hanging.
“We don’t want kids, right?” he asked Andrew, mostly to confirm it.
Andrew just shrugged and turned towards the bedroom.
“Andrew? Andrew, that’s not an answer. Come on - yes or no? Andrew!”
38 notes · View notes
On Supergirl
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Figured I should put up my thoughts about Kara in the wake of her first film appearance being announced, and the final season of her TV show fast approaching. Short version is: Kara is very cool and DC needs to stop messing with her. 
My Introduction to Kara
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I was introduced to Kara the way most millennials/Gen Zers were I imagine, via the Loeb Superman/Batman arc which brought the traditional Kara Zor-El Supergirl take into Post-Crisis continuity, after years of DC attempting to have a “Supergirl” without violating the editorial mandate that Kal needed to be the literal “Last Son of Krypton” (an example of one of the dumb ways DC fucked Kara over). Story goes that one day Dan Didio was in line at the Superman ride at Six Flags (I love that ride even though it’s stolen my glasses every time I’ve ridden it, even when I left them in a locker!). The ride had signs that talked about various Superman characters. Didio was reading the entry for Supergirl where it talked about her not being Clark’s cousin but instead some weird merge of alien shapeshifter, angel, and human girl, and he realized how fucking stupid that was, and he went back to the office and told Loeb to bring Kara back. 
Years later I would also be standing in line at the Six Flags Superman ride (probably at a different park location but who knows?) as a youngster and would read the new Supergirl sign that trumpeted that Superman had a cousin who shared all his powers, an update reflecting the new Loeb origin. I thought she sounded pretty cool, made a note to see if my library had any Supergirl stories next time I visited, then got on the Superman ride and promptly lost my glasses like an idiot because I wanted to take them off while I was riding and pretend I was changing from my “disguise” into Superman mid flight. My dad grounded me for this afterwards, but it gave me a funny story to tell at family get togethers and isn’t that what Six Flags is all about?
A month later (and with spiffy new glasses), my mom dropped me off at a new library next to where she worked, and they had one of the best Superman collections I’ve ever seen to this day. I was in heaven and while reading every Superman book I could find (I couldn’t check them out because I didn’t have a card, my mom’s card didn’t cover the area the library was in, and my mom wouldn’t have checked them out anyway since comics were “too violent”), I found the trade collecting Kara’s new origin. I read it and I thought both she and Superman were really cool, and Batman was a  punk who had to beat Darkseid by cheating, the loser. Turner’s art to my young eyes was the best I had ever seen, and the panels got engraved into my brain. 
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I still get downright nostalgic whenever I see Turner Superman or Supergirl stuff. I also got my parents to rent the animated movie adaption of the Superman/Batman arc from Blockbuster (remember those?), and that sealed the deal. Seeing Kara hold her own against Darkseid convinced me she was as cool as her cousin. Next time my mom dropped me off at the library next to her workplace, I went looking for Supergirl stuff to read. I found the first volume of her new volume by Joe Kelly taking place after the Loeb arc and dove in.
It was... weird. 5 years later I might have enjoyed it but at the time I was majorly put off. Kara took a secret identity for a day and then ditched it because it was “stupid” and the kids bullied her. She was always getting into fights with Kal, and there was this weird plot that I couldn’t follow about how her dad had sent her to kill Kal, maybe or maybe not? Also she could grow crystals which I thought was dumb, and said she was stronger than her cousin which I couldn’t buy for a second given he looked like he was carved out of marble, and she looked like she relied on sunlight instead of food. I put the volume back on the shelf and kinda gave up on reading the character after that for a while. 
I followed her via the DC wiki updates just like I did Superman, and everything I read seemed dumb and convoluted. She was split in two, moped around a lot, made out with an alternate version of her cousin, and basically just flopped about the same way the rest of the Superfamily did during the 00s. Nothing made me think I had made a mistake dropping Kara until I read the latest update to her wiki page.
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I was super into what I was reading about the Busiek/Johns era of Superman online. Lex was back and making a big revenge scheme that involved all the other Rogues! Old Superman Rogues were getting revamped and made cool again! Johns reintroduced Brainiac and made him a big threat, with Kal and Kara teaming up to fight him! Busiek was revamping Prankster and telling big ambitious Superman stories! For the first time in a long while, the consensus on the Internet was that Superman was good again. My “home” library had zero Marvel books and no Superman or Batman books, all their DC stuff was Flash or Green Lantern, mainly written by Johns. Insane to think back on now. My hopes that because Johns was involved with Superman, Superman books would show up at my library were fulfilled. They started bringing in Busiek and Johns collections, and someone there also ordered Sterling Gates’ first volume of Supergirl, and I checked everything out since I was old enough to have my own library card, and my parents were worried more about the violent video games I was playing rather than comics.
I read everything and loved it. I also really liked Gates’ take on Kara. She was still an imperfect teenager but she wasn’t insufferably angsty or constantly fighting with Kal. She was going to give the secret identity another try and Lana had “adopted” her. It’s funny remembering how I enjoyed all that given my current thoughts on how Kara should work, but it was great at the time. I liked Gates introducing new foes for Kara, some classic Superman Rogues adapted for her like Bizzarogirl, others crafted specifically for her like Reactron. Gates’ basically rekindled my enjoyment of Kara the same way Busiek & Johns rekindled my enjoyment of Superman.
Of course it ended terribly like everything Superman-related seems to.
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I’ve got a whole post I want to do about New Krypton and what came after. In short that is the most blatant example of “hitting the reset button” that I’ve ever seen. All the potential got wasted, and afterwards everything except Lex’s Action Comics stuff just didn’t appeal to me. Gates got booted off Kara for Nick Spencer who ended up leaving himself later, a promising Teen Titans line-up with Kara on it didn’t happen, and the last proper Pre-Flashpoint Superfamily story was a crappy team-up with Doomsday against Bigger Doomsday (thank God for Cornell’s final Luthor/Superman confrontation at least). When news of the reboot arrived, I was honestly happy. The Superline needed an enema.
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Controversial opinion time: I liked New 52 Supergirl. It’s weird because a lot of the stuff I hated about Kelly’s run was here, and a lot of the stuff I loved about the Gates’ run was not. This was angry, moody, emotional Kara again, fighting with Kal and not fond of Earth. But I was in my teens at this point, and I didn’t want happy go-lucky Superman or Supergirl. I wanted my heroes angry, scared of the future, ready to go out there and smash some cars. Morrison’s Action Comics was 100% my jam (still is once I really understood the deeper meaning beneath the work) and this Kara felt like a natural fit for this universe. Plus we got Asrar on art and that guy made it damn pretty to look at, lots of cool science fiction stuff going on, even with the dumb H’el storyline.
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I loved all the new Rogues Kara got. I loved her new Fortress under the ocean. I loved how traumatized she was by the loss of Krypton, that she wanted more than anything to go home, that her cousin was like a stranger to her since they had been apart for so long. I found all of that incredibly relatable. A lot of the New 52 Supergirl stories might have been schlock but it was my type of schlock damnit, and I enjoyed it!
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I kept with her New 52 series all the way through the Red Daughter Saga (which I loved). As someone who grew up on Johns GL (since that was the only comics my home library had), seeing a Supercharacter join a Lantern Corp was the hypest thing ever. I loved the finale about Kara finally letting go of her anger and losing the ring while smashing her foe into the sun, it was incredibly cathartic for me as an angry teen myself. I finally stopped following her series sometime after since I was no longer enjoying the Superline or really DC as a whole. It wasn’t until I heard that New 52 Superman died and the “old” Superman was back, that I checked back into DC.
DC Rebirth & How I Think Kara Should Work
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I did not enjoy Supergirl Rebirth, and I think I’ll talk about my problems with it alongside how I think Kara as a character should work since the two are related. A pet peeve of mine that has formed over the years is this: I don’t like it when Superfamily members get turned into Clark clones. Kon wearing glasses and going to Smallville High. Kara going to high school and being involved in journalism. Jon more or less being written as a copy of his dad personality-wise. I hate that kind of stuff because it’s boring. What’s the point of a Superfamily if everyone is just copying Clark? It also doesn’t fit the characters especially in Kara’s case. Why the hell does she want to be a journalist? Were there journalists on Krypton? I don’t remember ever seeing one! Shouldn’t she want to be, I dunno, a scientist? That seems to have been the El family tradition, wouldn’t she have been groomed for that?
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This one-off by Shea is honestly the only acceptable outcome for Kara going into journalism for me. She realizes she’s just copying her cousin and switches to something she wants to do. So Orlando copying the show, which already basically turned Kara into an expy of her cousin, just did not appeal to me at all. What had worked for me under Gates way back when was not clicking for me this time. I wanted to see Kara embody the principles of the S-shield in a different way than her cousin did. So I really enjoyed when Rebirth ended and we moved into the Bendis era with Andrekyo relaunching the title as Kara in space.
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Kara in space has always felt like a good fit for me. Unlike Kal I’ve come to believe that Kara really shouldn’t be all that fond of Earth. For him it’s home, but for her it’s just where she ended up after her real home got destroyed. I think Kara works well as a sort of nomad, occasionally making stops back home to Earth to check on her cousin, but otherwise? She’s more comfortable out in space than she could ever be on Earth. Out in space she can be Kryptonian (which is what she should think of herself as in contrast to Clark being torn between his Kryptonian biology and human upbringing, and Jon/Kon identifying as human), be her true self, not have to pretend to be human to fit in. Kara founding a moon refuge was one of the best ideas for her that I’ve seen, I would love if DC made her Future State refugee center on the moon canon. I’m excited for more Kara adventures in space with the upcoming Tom King story.
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Also love that her and Krypto are getting tied together, if they don’t want to use Krypto in Superman’s stuff, let her have him! Bring on cosmic adventurer Supergirl!
Personality & Other Traits
Kara to me should be more hot-tempered than her cousin. All the Superfamily members should have a temper in my opinion, I see that as the “Deadly Sin” of Superman and his family. But while Kal is like a simmering pot that will explode if it’s left cooking for too long, Kara is like dynamite. Light her fuse at your own peril because she will go off on you.
I also like the idea of Kara being rash. Kal’s got a maturity that came from over a decade of having to live with Lex Luthor constantly getting away with all his evil schemes. He’s patient because he’s been forced to be. Kara? If you ask for her help she’ll give it, but beware because she doesn’t really care about the long term impacts of her decisions. She’s an invulnerable teenager after all.
Really liked that Venditti Annual where Kara got tutored in history by a reincarnation of Hawkman. Kara having a passion for history is a neat trait, would be nice to see her teach Kal or Jon some Kryptonian lore, or have her lead a Kryptonian holiday celebration for the Superfamily because she’s the only one who remembers how to do it. 
Sexuality wise I know a lot of people ship Kara and Lena on account of the chemistry between the two in the show. I haven’t watched the show myself but I’m fine with making Kara bisexual, the Superfamily could use some LGBT+ rep, and Lena hasn’t done anything of worth as a villain, so undo that and throw the two together. If we’re letting Harley and Ivy get away with murder I think we can let Lena off the hook too, undo the Ultrawoman weirdness and put the two together. Could be fun seeing the two building that moon refuge together.
All in all I think Kara is a great character who is a stronger embodiment of the immigrant experience than even her cousin in some ways. I hope King does a good job with her, she’s treated better than her cousin on the film side, and that overall the 20s are a better decade for Supergirl than the 10s were.
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ask-sou-hiyori · 3 years
Important Lore!
This post will contain very important details about this blog. It’s highly recommended that newcomers read this in order to understand aspects that will be mentioned throughout the blog!
It may be long since so much has happened and Mod Soup wants the audience to understand as much as they can, but also lore is very tasty so there’s that too.
Everything will be listed underneath the Keep Reading as to not clog up the current events, but will remain pinned and be updated when needed~!
(MAIN: @soupietime )
(Disclaimer: if you've seen and read before I was involved in the Takeover event and all that, please note that the previous Dad Midori stuff is NON-CANON to this blog, it makes me, the mod, quite uncomfortable. thank u and here's a snail 🐌 \^o^/)
(...Catboy Shin event was pretty funny though not gonna lie)
(Added fact: I HAVE NOT PLAYED 3-1B YET-)
(Keys: MILL / More Information Listed Later)
Name: Shin Tsukimi / Sou Hiyori (previously)
Age: 22
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 106 lbs
Sexuality: Bisexual (male leaning)
Gin Ibushi (@askgin-ibushi) - Familial love. His only son, officially adopted before the beginning of the “#up the tower” (MILL) HE LOVES HIS EPIC SOOOOOOON.
Sara Chidouin (@ask-chidouin-sara) - Didn’t pay much mind at first due to lack of trust, but soon developed a protective nature towards the girl. Adoption material?
Sou Hiyori/Midori/Spark (@ask-sou-midori) - Unaware of his new name (Spark). He has heavily conflicting feelings due to the effects of “#event: blended” (MILL) but currently does not forgive him for his actions due to the amount of trauma caused to both him and his family. He’s afraid of this man, yet misses him greatly. Seeing him brings him immense pain, but also a strange comfort. He is unaware whenever he relapses with Hiyori.
Zinnia (@askgin-ibushi) - Strong security guard lady… kind and protective. Good for comfort and cuddling. Soft.
Leidora Margarati (@askgin-ibushi) - Resident Doctor. Helped Shin realize that Midori/Spark gave him severe brain damage with the “blending” and everything in his blended life was a lie. Shin is grateful for her in telling him the truth, but as a result Shin has many conflicting feelings about everything and himself, plenty of migraines and headaches to go along with it all. Leidora is the one helping Shin heal from the severe trauma caused.
Shin Tsukimi (literally me) - ……
(There are various other blogs out there, but Shin has not made much of a relationship with them yet. These blogs are who Shin has interacted with relatively a lot and thus formed relationships and thoughts about them)
Every character from these blogs are from their own YTTD universe. Through the power of Tumblr and ask blogs, a rift was torn and brought these characters together.
Though… Gin and Midori/Spark have been known to be from the same universe.
Revealed during “#hospital arc”, Shin is from Gin and Midori’s universe as well. It’s been believed he perished due to an act to save Kanna in the second main game, and then killed after an escape attempt. However, that was proved false after a conversation between Shin and Spark, Shin showing him his abundance of gunshot scars from how he was “killed” in the second main game, Spark immediately recognized the scars, and thus… the reveal has been made. Gin is aware of this fact as well after Shin returned to the hospital, the two now closer than ever.
There had been a Sara in the three's universe. Gin had taken his own Sara with his sacrifice win, but she had eventually offed herself, leaving Gin as the only survivor before finding out that Shin survived as well.
Kanna is a sister to Shin. Shin is a brother to Kanna.
Gin and Shin are family :) Father and son
(NOTE: If you are going to read through the tags of the events, MAKE SURE to read through the notes of any interactions, as very important parts of the events are played out through interactions between the blogs. It’s not only through the asks of the audience. Plus it's easier than scrolling through to find every single interaction reblog)
#event: takeover (@askgin-ibushi)
The event that brought us together
Part 1 synopsis
Part 2 synopsis
You may read these synopses on the event in the links above, or you may read through the whole tag on Gin’s blog :D
#event: blended
(TW: mental manipulation and toxic relationships)
After the events of Takeover, Shin was found by Gin in… well, Gin’s room. Midori manipulated Shin before getting chased away and told Shin to stay in the room until he came back. Obviously, Midori did not come back. Shin only left the house after getting a few answers from Gin (who came up to his room shortly after Takeover) about what happened, and Gin falling asleep. Snzz.
Soon after, Shin gets a call from Midori again, and… surprise surprise… Midori manipulated Shin once again and got the man to follow him into a warehouse, putting a machine (that was similar to the one Midori put on Gin previously) onto Shin’s head despite the man’s loud and frantic protests, “blending” his brain and turning him into his own “perfect Shin”, which was a Shin that absolutely loved and adored the man, doing anything he would tell him.
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Midori, using Shin’s totally real love and adoration to his advantage, sent him to Gin with the intent to lure and kidnap him. After all… Gin was part of Shin’s “family”, it would be wrong to just leave him alone… While Shin had a “family” mindset, Midori wanted to kidnap the kid solely due to the fact that Gin was the “winner” of their death game via sacrifice. Midori had the job of collecting the winner and making them join Asunaro. Shin and Midori’s plan succeeded, the two kidnapping both Gin and Hinako (she was there too with Gin. Asuga was also there but she was knocked tf out so yeah).
After kidnapping Gin, Midori had blended him as well, finally creating their “perfect little family”.
...All was going “well” until Gin decided to fight Midori to protect Hinako. That soon resulted in Gin getting stabbed by Midori, and Midori’s head getting bashed onto the ground. Due to the blunt force trauma, Midori developed something similar to a conscience, now realizing what wrong he’s done and a will to assist Shin after seeing him panic over a bleeding out Gin.
They eventually arrive to a hospital, Gin getting the treatment he deserves, Shin getting observed by Leidora and figuring out what Midori has done to Shin’s brain, Sara getting blended as well, but only to erase her memories, and Midori leaving after Shin confronted the man about what Leidora has told him. Midori finally leaves Shin’s life…
...Or does he?
#up the tower
(TW: suicide attempt)
Days after entering the hospital, Shin constantly has headaches and conflicting feelings about everything he’s ever known. He thinks about what was fabricated, and what’s real. At times, he even has trouble differentiating the two. Shin’s blending had made him basically addicted to Midori like a drug. With the lack of Midori around because of Leidora’s advice, Shin goes into a withdrawal over the man, and soon develops hallucinations over him. The hallucination is tame, but starts leading Shin out of the room, making him follow him all the way up to the roof, ignoring those who stand in his way.
In reality, the hallucination had only left the room, disappearing right after. It was Shin himself who had decided to make his way to the roof. Before he had left the room, Shin was on a call with Midori… Midori found out about the hallucinations and took that as Shin missing him dearly, his “error” fixing temporarily and the man driving over to come collect Shin. When Shin mentioned over the phone about walking “up the tower” to wait for Midori, then jumping off to land in his arms in a false fantasy, Midori’s error picked up again and panicked, now rushing to the hospital.
Once reaching the top, followed by Sara and Leidora, Shin stood over the edge, remaining there as the others spoke to him, trying to convince him not to jump. Shin revealed he's been having so many problems with himself: He's weak, he's awful, he's a horrible parent, he could've prevented all of this, and various other bad thoughts about himself, and then the constant pain he's felt since the blending, which has only gotten worse overtime, was the breaking point for him, he just couldn't handle it anymore. The pain was unbearable.
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It had only calmed down once Gin made his way to the roof, bleeding due to opening his injuries up again while walking up to the roof after anons told him about the situation. The moment Shin took notice of Gin and heard his voice, he realized why he's still here. It would make him even more of an awful person to jump and leave him alone once again. Soon enough, Shin staggered off the edge of the roof and embraced Gin.
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This arc ended with Shin, Gin, Sara, and Leidora going back into the hospital. Midori had been watching this entire time, the sight of Shin's suicide attempt making him leave once more, realizing it was his fault that the attempt even occurred.
#hospital arc
Several months had gone by since Gin, Sara, and Shin had entered the hospital. Gin's being cared for his injury while it scars up, Sara is there due to her blending, and Shin is mainly there on a close watch due to his suicide attempt, while also there healing from his blending.
Shin relapses, and escapes the hospital to go see Midori again, breaking his room's window and hopping out and landing on mattresses that an anon laid out during "#up the tower". The whole hospital is in a panic at his disappearance, especially since Shin was in the mental ward.
Shin goes to Midori's place, and all seems normal until Midori figures out Shin broke out to see him again. Midori wants to take him back, but Shin asks for Dunkin Donuts first, something to eat since the man hasn't been eating right since the hospital. They get their food, and thanks to an employee commenting about the two being "lovers", Midori quickly pays and drives away as fast as he could, ending up in the woods. The two lay down on the ground for a while and have a few talks. Only when some anons give Shin steps on how to run away, Midori brings Shin back into the car and starts driving back to the hospital.
...They don't get that far, as some teasing occurs and Midori's "error" fixes itself for a brief moment, and harasses Shin. Shin eventually kicks the man in the nuts which led to Midori threatening not to take Shin back. Shin, of course, freaks out.
Eventually the error returns, and only with a few words of encouragement from Shin does Midori start driving Shin back. Once they arrive, Midori gives Shin a piggyback ride since the man's body is in immense pain. Once they get close enough to the hospital, Shin gives Midori a goodbye hug and a thank you for being relatively good, and finally returns to the hospital.
Shin had reached the hospital, but his legs had quickly given out, causing him to fall face first onto the ground. A security guard, Zinnia, was the first to find him and carry him back into the hospital, where they were met with an upset Leidora, demanding that Shin speak about his whole breakout. Shin... couldn't speak, he was too tired and absolutely exhausted. After Zinnia managed to temporarily make the doctor leave, she brought him back to his new room (no windows this time) and let him rest.
Soon, Gin had peeked into the room, both him and Shin glad to see each other again. They had a comforting moment before Shin decided to talk to Gin about what happened during their game. Gin, still thinking he's the only survivor, asked Shin about his own game. Eventually, Shin revealed to the boy that he was not the only survivor after all. When Shin showed Gin his gunshot scars, Gin finally realized his dad was his own Shin all this time, and soon ran out of the room in a panic, in despair over the fact that he had "killed" Shin's Kanna, whom was a little sister to Shin, because of his sacrifice win, even though Shin nearly died in order to protect her. Shin's act to protect Kanna was futile.
Zinnia to the rescue! She caught the young boy in her arms, as well as Shin, who had been chasing after Gin. She brought the two back into Shin's room and told them to talk it out like normal people. And so.. they did. It ended well, and now the two are sleeping so soundly together in each others embrace like father and son. Zinnia sits with the two, watching over them to protect them. Snzz.
#event: shin ai
After returning Shin back to the hospital, Midori had a mini breakdown over the situation. In order to attempt to cope, he went back home and brought out something he found in his closet before… a monitor. After hours and hours of trying to fix it back up, it finally worked, and what appeared on the screen was an AI. An AI of Shin, in fact. At first it was incredibly awkward and highly uncomfortable for the AI, since all Midori did was stare at him. But after asking question after question, Midori finally spoke to the AI.
The two conversed and became friends! More "interaction points" were programmed into the AI, per AI's request, and all was chill until an anon started trying to tell the AI what Midori has done in the past. Shin AI knew the man had did bad things, he's lived through so much of that before he had shut down for a long time. But… Midori caught on and finally told the AI what he's done. The AI was mortified at the blending and kidnapping and the like, but had grown some sympathy towards the man. After all, the AI knew about Midori's "error", and how he wanted to change, but he wasn't sure if he deserved to.
The AI kept on reassuring Midori, supporting him the best he can from now on. To pull him away from being Sou Hiyori and allow more room for change, the AI even gave him a new name… Spark.
Spark intended for his gay thoughts to lessen after turning the AI back on but y'know. That only caused him more gay thoughts.
Not too long after… the AI received an email, glimpses of Sou Hiyori flashing every so often on the email, as well as text telling the AI that He'll see him soon. The AI is panicking… but what more could he do about it?
//To be updated soon//
Start of the blog
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After "#event: blended"
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Festival event :) (#event: festival)
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"#hospital arc"
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(I do not have a sprite made just yet, however, he's wearing an oversized hospital gown with small shorts underneath, as well as the scarf he always wears. There are some eyebags under his eyes, and his eyes themselves still has remnants of the swirls, caused by the blending)
"#event: shin ai"
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(Disclaimer: All art/edits shown in this post belong to me)
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salzmine · 3 years
Tov headcanons
Been a while since I posted, was busy the last days. I dont have art to show right now but scrolling through the fluri tag I saw someone posted a tov headcanon list and I thought, why not make my own. Also includes postgame babies. 
So here goes.
-Raven is straight, he loves women. Im not sure why people hc hes crushing on Yuri, I dont see how people look at a man thirsting for women in every second sentence and conclude he is gay. Then again there are people who ship Raven with the underaged Rita, so anything is possible I guess. But at some point yall have to accept when a guy is straight. I kinda like Rudith, but I dont think it would work out. Raven is still not over Casey and probably never will be and Judith wants to travel the world with Baul. I kinda like the idea that they had a thing post game but it didnt last long. Judith left, not knowing she was pregnant, and dropped the kid on Raven to take care of after she gave birth, and left again. A half krytian daughter. Shed be insecure about her short pointy ears and lack of or short antennae. She resents her father for giving her his human half. 
-I really wish they had made Rita older. The game hints at Ristelle a lot, but though its cute, I kinda feel uncomfortable shipping an underaged girl with an adult woman. Id rather have them get together when Rita reaches adulthood. They have a daughter (with the help of a potion that she worked on all these years, maybe), who one day as a toddler goes into Ritas lab that she forgot to close the door of, and gets her limbs blasted off by accident. Rita creates mechanical arms for her, but since that incident she distances herself from her child, as to not hurt her again.
-Estelle moves to Halure (likes seen in the credits). Fullfilling her dream, she writes childrens books and reads them to the town kids.
-Repede probably has puppies at some point. Im playing with the idea of him having half monster puppies. If regular pups, one surely goes to Karols kids as pet and companion.
-Karol and Nan marry soon after they reach adulthood. They have two kiddos, maybe more, not sure yet. Also not sure if Karol drops Brave Vesperia and goes back to the guild Nans in.
-I see some hc of Yuri and Flynn being exes. I personally dont like that idea, especially when Yuri is the one who broke it off and Flynn is thirsting after him. Since everyone and their mom seems to be after Yuri I like to think that Yuri should be the one to be after Flynn. Like the “whole world” wants the mc but the mc only has eyes for a certain someone. I think Flynn being the husbando is more common than the other way around, and I see the appeal, but I kinda prefer Flynn being the wifey. A strong independent easily kicking his husbands ass commandant wifey. At first I thought of adoption, but thats pretty cliche, orphans adopting orphans. Also I like the idea of them having biological children. So they do with the help of Vesperias blessing. Flynn gives Yuri (not identical) triplets (might change, played with the idea of two surrogate birthed children via sperm donation and one biological kid through the stars blessing but I kinda tend to triplets). They get them soon after post game. Yuri provides financial support with guild gigs (if Brave Vesperia is still a thing) but mostly is a stay at home dad. Though I much rather prefer couples being established in their teenager phase, and though I hate this trope, I think this is calling for a “they didnt realize they had feelings for eachother, and only figured it out during to post game.” kind of thing. Or maybe they just fell in love during this whole thing. I like to think Yuri is still a virgin despite his bad boy image, would be a refreshing thing, And my pure boy too. Also kinda like Yuri being ace (not enough ace rep out there) and Flynn is a no smutt before marriage kind of guy (maybe demisexual), not that he has any time to think of this sort of things anyway, hes trying to change the world.
-Not sure what to do with Patty. I initially wanted to give her a son, but then I remembered her curse. Since shes probably staying a kid forever (unless she somehow finds a cure) she simply travels the sea, occasionally visiting her old travel companions. (But to be honest I cant really bother to think about it, because I simply dont care for her character)
I might post family stuff eventually.
That being said, I much prefer canon stuff so if any relationship is made canon by namco, my headcanon will not apply anymore.
Also I mostly use the Vesperia cast for my own ideas, since its easier to build on an already established world. So if I ever get my lazy butt to stop being lazy I may just move any OC or idea mentioned here or in future pictures to my own tov unrelated story.
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Lindholm Family Headcanon Dump!
I know Michael Chu retracted the statement that Torbjorn has a bunch of kids, but Chu just quit so I make the rules now. It’s a LONG post under the cut because I got carried away. Mostly starring Torbjorn, but featuring Ingrid, Reinhardt, and Brigitte (plus a bunch of other kiddos that exist but I don’t have headcanon names for yet oops.) There won’t be any Bastion in this one because that’s an entire other post’s worth of content.
- Torb has a big family. He and Ingrid had a couple children of their own while he had a stable position in Overwatch, but they found out that they loved having little children around the house, so after all of their biological children moved out, they chose to volunteer in the foster system! This lead to them adopting at least four more kids. - Which means they drive a huge van everywhere.  - Both Ingrid and Torbjorn are masters at driving as a result. - They’re exactly equivalent in skill with one exception: Ingrid can parallel park the van, a skill he has yet to figure.
- Their house is pretty big (the Overwatch paycheck paid well, that, along with Ingrid’s income,) so there’s plenty of room for all of them. - There’s three levels: upstairs (for the bedrooms and playrooms,) downstairs (for entertaining spaces/the kitchen and stuff,) and finally, the basement, which is Torbjorn’s personal workshop. - Most third world countries would kill to have a workshop as good as his. - It’s all because Ingrid spoils him so much. He gets just as excited for Christmas as his kiddos do. - “The latest arc welder? Aww, honey, you shouldn’t have!” - Ingrid doesn’t work in his field, but she listens to his special interests dumps, and puts in enough research of her own, that she knows just what to get him every year. - Ingrid doesn’t like getting gifts as much as he does, so for Christmas, he always makes sure to spend quality time with her. He jokes that he ‘sucks at planning dates’ but he really doesn’t! For her, it’s nothing but the top restaurants and most exciting experiences. She loves going ice skating in particular, something that he hates but will always do with her. - Torbjorn and Ingrid split the cooking equally. They’re a bit traditionally gendered with what they like to cook, with Torb leaning more towards grilling and Ingrid preferring baking, but it suits them just fine. - Their grill, along with every other cooking contraption in the house, has been upgraded in some way. In fact, Torb’s the one who grills only because Ingrid still can’t figure out how to use the damn thing since he upgraded it. - Their house is covered in contraptions of all sorts. Other than the grill, Ingrid utilizes every single one of them. Meals get served and sent around via chutes. The floors sweep and mop themselves automatically when they’re dirty. The dishwasher loads, washes, and unloads itself in record time. - You know the zany contraptions in the Addam’s family house? Think that, but more brightly colored. - However, Ingrid’s taste in interior decorating is the opposite of gothic or minimalist- she loves quirky, unique features and bright colors. - She loves thrifting.  - The huge chair they got for Reinhardt in the living room was a thrift store find that she’s still very proud of. - She also has an old-fashioned “live laugh love” wall with all of the family portraits. She knows it’s cheesy, but it’s nostalgic for her.  - She doesn’t just bring furniture home. She also brings home cats. - That’s right. Brigitte got her cat love from Ingrid. - It’s a long-standing tradition, with the first cat she brought home was over thirty years ago when they were a new couple. - Torbjorn swore that it would be her cat and that he wouldn’t take care of it. - He was wrong. - Very wrong. - He now loves his cats and calls them cutesy nicknames in whatever language he feels like in the moment. - He built them automated feeders, automated litter boxes, and even some automated toys. He spoils them rotten. - Every time Ingrid brings home a new cat it’s the same routine. He swears that this will be the last one and that he’s not taking care of this one! But that’s wrong and he knows it. - But, because Ingrid’s always bringing things home, she’s a little more tolerant when Torbjorn brings. . . a specific Omnic. . . home.
- But that’s a whole other fanfic that I would need to write, so instead, back to the parenting! - Ingrid is 100% a feral soccer mom. Torbjorn is just as bad. - They’re the ones screaming their lungs out at sports games.  - They have a house rule where their kids have to participate in one extracurricular sport. It can be school teams, club teams, or even just working out on their own, but fitness is something that both Ingrid and Torb consider important. - Torbjorn, of course, built his own gym in the basement. He trained with Brigitte, and now he trains with another one of his daughters who’s taken an interest in weight-lifting. - But this all doesn’t mean that the Lindholms discourage more creative talents! - Torbjorn crafted a giant steel board where any arts and crafts get hung with magnets. One of his little boys is an artist and he couldn’t be more proud.  - Brigitte experimented with metal art when she was a teenager, and many of her pieces are now permanent fixtures in the Lindholm home. - She crafted a particularly beautiful string of lights that hangs above the dining room table.
- Now it’s time for Uncle Reinhardt!!! - Okay, so maybe he’s called just ‘Reinhardt’ by the older kiddos, but everyone knows he’s essentially an uncle in all but blood. - He’s been invited to every holiday celebration for about. . . actually, he’s just always been there.  - He’s a true multi-generational staple. Brigitte can’t remember a holiday without him, and now the younger kiddos are getting doted on by him every Christmas.  - Rein loves telling stories for the children. He spends the entire car ride there planning his multi-hour epics. - Now that she’s older, Brigitte sometimes helps with the storytelling, contributing sound effects and such. - Something which just causes Torbjorn to laugh and shake his head. - Reinhardt also loves nothing more than being a walking jungle gym. As soon as he walks in the door, he’ll grab the nearest kiddo and put them on his shoulders. He’s often seen walking around with a kid in each arm and usually an extra hanging off his back. - Sometimes he gives Ingrid a heart attack when he starts throwing kids around, but hey, she’s known him long enough at this point that she (mostly) trusts him. - Everyone gets sad when Reinhardt has to leave, but he insists that there is justice that needs to be done. He soothes the kiddos by promising an even better story when he gets back.
- Now it’s time to get sad. . . here’s my Brigitte headcanons. . . - Brigitte was REALLY close with her father growing up. She spent so much of her time in his workshop learning from him, as one of the only Lindholm children to take a liking to machinery and engineering. - However, when she moved out. . . she found it difficult to escape his legacy. Everyone, many of the older industry professionals and the like, expected her to be just like her father. They tried to cajole her into finishing old weapons designs that Torbjorn had abandoned. - It was then that she learned the full extent of Torbjorn’s involvement in the Omnic Crisis. - She had a lot of trouble reconciling this news with her love for him. It’s still something she had great difficulty with.  - This shock played a big part in her decision to give up on finding a job in the industry and instead accompany Reinhardt on his travels. - It wasn’t a decision that Torbjorn endorsed, which hurt their relationship even further. - But it’s not like he doesn’t try to keep in touch. They call every other weekend or so to catch up, but there’s always a tension between them that neither one is ready to address.  - They will talk about it someday. They’ll figure things out. They care about each other too much for either one to give up.  - In the meantime, though, Brigitte has gotten a lot closer with her mother. She calls her much more often.  - They talk about all of the things that Brigitte wasn’t all that interested in when she was younger. Stuff like fashion, makeup, and more traditional advice, such as how to get a date or what it feels like to fall in love.  - Ingrid also makes sure to show her how the cats are doing over the online call.
- To be truthful, Ingrid isn’t too worried about Brigitte’s decision to live the rough-and-tumble lifestyle. It reminds her a lot of her own young adulthood, where she decided to pick up everything and move to the big city to get away from her parents. - She’s quick to remind Torbjorn that her own little rebellion is how they came to meet whenever he gets worried about Brigitte’s decision. - (They met at Ironclad. The only job Ingrid could find after her big move was working secretary. She fell head-over-heels for him immediately, while it took him a while to warm up.) - (Their first date was just walking around the city, with Torbjorn talking almost the entire time about random things he saw. He’d see the newest cars on the street and dive into what he knew about that industry. They’d pass by a construction sight and he’d point out what tool designs were similar to the ones he was working on.) - (When he realized that she was actually listening to him and taking him seriously, he agreed to a second date and never looked back.) - They aren’t a perfect couple- they’ve had their fair share of arguments, especially because they’re both deeply stubborn, but they’re always able to work it out in a way that makes them both happy. That skill is why they’ve lasted so long. - One thing they’ve never argued about, though, is Torbjorn’s commitment to duty. When they started dating he made it clear that his work was very important to him. Ingrid made it clear that she was willing to be patient. - It got hard when he was away for months at a time with Overwatch during the Crisis and its aftermath, but through constant online calls they managed. - The biggest surprise of Ingrid’s life was when he told her he wanted to have kids when the Crisis ended. - Turns out, having a major life crisis about how your career impacted the world makes someone want to find another purpose in life besides their career. - And thus, they dove into parenthood together. - Now they both couldn’t be happier :)
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Human/Demon/Angel family road trip!
Melaina and Lily purchase a camper van, hoping for some sister bounding time on the road, then the rest of their odd family members show up. They were a little put out, but after a promise of a worldwide trip and some (TARDIS) magic placed of the van, they decided what the hell having everyone around should be entertaining. And off they go!
Would be to only one Melaina trusts to drive while she’s taking a break or sleeping.
Can’t help but watch Melaina with an amused smile when her road rage comes out to play. 
Is low-key aroused when she yells out the window at the dumb ass drivers to “GET OUT THE FAST LANE!”
Warns her when her still small horns are showing.
He would take the task of driving the behemoth of a camper van very seriously; and would have Melaina sitting at the passenger seat next to him for company, if she wasn’t already spending time with Lily.
Would look over at his sleeping wife any chance he got, and smile softly. He will remove his cloak and use it to cover her when no one is looking.
Thinks Lily is a nice human and is happy to get to know his sister-in-law, but no one compares to his wife.
“Don’t make me turn this van around!”
“And put on your seat-belt!”
“No, we’re not stopping again!”
“You should have gone before we left!”
“Stop fighting back there!”
“Damn it, Mammon!”
Would want the passenger seat all to himself.
Will ask if he can drive. 
Sulks when Melaina said “No.”
Blasting his music and screaming the lyrics. 
Sulks when Melaina turns off the music.
Will be sent to the back of the van if he keeps asking “are we there yet?”
Would, somehow, get the van pulled over by the police and panic about hiding his weed.
Sulks in the time out corner at the back of the van for nearly getting himself and other’s arrested.
Whines to Melaina about visiting Vegas. 
Can’t believe a sweet wall-flower like Lily is related to a snarky and defiant person (now demon) like Melaina.
Wonder if they have other siblings, but keeps that thought to himself.  
Will be buying stuff (that’s not too expensive) for Lily to welcome her to the family.
Wants to hear stories about the sisters’s childhood. 
Doesn’t want to push them to talk about it since their pasts aren’t all sunshin’ and roses.
Will be sitting nearest to the outlet to power his phone and other devices. Has took everything but his desktop with him, but only because there was already one on the magically effected van.
In his happy little gaming bubble for most of the journey.
Is happy to play some board games with the others at times.
Gets excited when Lily takes out a DS and wants to play some multi player games and in-game trading with her.
Will be posting about everything the happens as it plays out.
When he’s in the passenger seat, he and Melaina sing to anime intro music. No one knows what they are saying.
Likes the English covers Melaina puts on and the effort other fans have put into making the song!
Will beg Melaina to stop at some pokestops and gyms.
Any arcades will be also be stopped at.
Also, can we go to Japan!? Pleeeeeeeeease?
Will be taking a demon load of books with him.
Quietly reading most of the time.
Will pick up travel pamphlets at each stop they visit. More reading material!
Will also buy more books along the way.
When he isn’t reading, he’s doing a mini book club with Simeon, Melaina (when she’s taking a break) and Lily.
Would sneak in his pet kitten, the one Melaina gifted him in front of Lucifer after he said no last week.
When it’s his turn in the passenger seat, he reads to Melaina with the kitten purring away on his lap.
Knows Lucifer is glaring at him, but won’t do or say anything while Satan in under Melaina’s protection, and it’s just the best thing ever.
Would also be reading to Lily, before his sister-in-law goes to sleep.
Photographs everything! Selfies at every stop.
He’ll be doing everyone’s nails at his corner of the table.
Will insist on doing Melaina’s and Lily’s hair.
Dramatic shocked noise when he finds out that Melaina “blow-dried” her hair by lowing the window all the way, letting the wind blowing her hair all over the place as she drives. 
He really adores the bathroom on the van, it’s so cute and cosy but not too small to be cramped, and there’s a bath tub!?
Will offer to have a bubble bath for two with, well everyone.
If he gets a turn in the passenger seat, you know he was get Melaina to singing along with him. Has picked a lot of ABBA and other chick-bands songs for them to sing to.
“That sign said that there’s a spa nearby! Oh Mel-Mel can we stop at the spa!?”
...they’re stopping at the spa. No one regrets stopping at that spa, everyone’s back pain is gone now!
Will be trying out perfumes that each stop has and buying a select few.
He’ll be buying gifts for everyone for sure!
Is the one who did most of the heavy lifting when loading up everyone’s stuff. 
Beams with happiness at the size of the kitchen. 
And the fridge!
Is the reason the van stops at most of the fast food places they find.
Worries about Lily’s constant red face and is concerned that she’s sick.
Gets a bit too close when taking her temperature.
“Lily are you ill?! You’re burning up!”
Will be upset when Lily locks herself in the bath room, not knowing that she’s overloaded and flustered.
Thinks he’s upset her and gets upset himself.
It takes half an hour for Bephie to spell it out for him. 
“Dude, she’s got a crush on you” 
“......wait what?”
Ends up getting flustered himself and hides in a cupboard.
It takes another hour for Bephie to get him to leave the cupboard.
When he does he starts to think about Melaina’s reaction to him and her little sister dating.
He goes back in the cupboard.
“Mel’s going to kill me!”
“..Dude, she’s not going to kill you..”
It’s another hour before the situation get’s Melaina’s attention and tries to help coax him out the cupboard.
“I’m not going to kill you, Beel. I think you’d be good for her.”
It’s twenty minutes later when Beel leaves the cupboard and gives both Bephie and Mel a big bear hug.
Beel offers Lily to share some food with him. They are both a blushing mess while sharing a bag of chips together. 
Claims one of the buck-beds.
When in the passenger seat, he and Mel talk about nothing and everything. Or he’s asleep, wrapped up in one of his blankets.
Will be hanging out with Beel and Lily most of the time.
Likes the idea of Lily being a sister-in-law, via Lucifer/Melaina and Beel/Lily.
Falls asleep on both of them while watching films.
Would climb into Melaina’s bed and snuggle with her.
Flips off Lucifer when he gets glared at for doing so.
Will buy more pillows, blankets and stuff animals at the stops he’s awake for.
Sometimes wakes up to a parked and empty van.
Will be grumpy at everyone when they return.
“...fuck you guys...”
Will lighten up when he’s give a gift from where ever they’ve been.
“Ok, you get to live”
Checks the cinemas nearby for newly released films for them to go and watch.
Will also go to DVD stores and picks a few “So bad they’re good” film for everyone to watch. 
Is the ultimate Dad on holiday. Constantly has a camera around his neck.
He’s ecstatic for family time and getting to know Lily.
In the passenger seat he switches between quietly watching the world go by and asking a seemingly unending string of questions.
“Those kids are waving at us Mel!”
“They’re playing ‘good car, bad car’.”
“Really? What does game in tale?”
“Well, they wave at other people in different cars, if they get a wave back it’s a ‘good car’, if not it’s a ‘bad car’.”
He waves with both hands. Has the biggest grin on his face when the kids react by cheering.
Will want to know other travel games and might get on his adopted daughter’s nerves just a little bit.
Takes all the photos at every stop.
Fatherly teasing when he catches Lucifer and Melaina holding hands.
Takes photos of them when they have loving moments without them knowing.
It’s the best day ever when Lily (accidentally) calls him dad.
He picks her up in a big Dad hug.
“Look Barbatos! I have another daughter!”
Spends most of the time waiting on everyone out of habit. 
Seems to always have some tea ready.
Can tell when Diavolo’s questions are starting to annoy Mel and diverts his Lord’s attention else where.
Is the keeper of the maps and only sits at the passenger seat to help navigate when lost.
He disappears into an unknown rooms in the van and no one knows where the rooms are, how to get there or what the rooms are for.
When asked about it, he just smiles and walks away to fetch more tea.
Makes sure that the humans take their medication/travel sickness tablets.
Keeps the van spotless, snacks on the table and cups full, despite Melaina telling him to stop and relax for a while.
Bakes some cupcakes special for Lily after Lord Diavolo “adopts” her.
Constantly doing narrating pranks on camera.
“And that’s when they became horrible lost.”
“Are we lost?”
“She lied”
“Stop it.”
Keeps making “Married Couple” jokes at Lucifer and Melaina.
Would attempt to prank Lily, but the burning feeling of Melaina glaring at him stops him.
Spends a lot of time exploring the van and all the rooms.
Refuses to admit that he got lost.
Sneaks off from the group when they’ve stopped to visit somewhere.
Keeps everyone waiting to for him to come back before they can leave.
When asked wear the fuck he was, he’d only ever say he was on a hunt for knowledge.
Translation: He’s been finding more magical knowledge with questionable means.
Is banned from the passenger seat, for recording Melaina while narrating everything she does. 
Absolutely adores Lily and decides for himself to be a guardian angel to both sisters.
Every time Lily does something that’s adorable he wraps his arms around her and snuggles her; his wings circle both of them as if protecting her.
“By my Lord, you are so adorable!”
“Melaina, help!”
“Hey, turtle dove, ease it back a bit please.”
He will be interested in Lily’s story, since gender identities work very differently for Angels and Demons, he’d be very interested in the subject. 
Plus, knowing what he does about their birth parents from Melaina; Simeon is concerned about the difficulties the poor thing faced trying to figure out her identity. 
Simeon makes sure that Lily does want to talk about it, he really doesn’t want to push her if she’s uncomfortable.
He ends up learning a lot about the subject from Lily, maybe there’s a new book to be written in the future.
Will be playing board games and card games, that he’s learned from the humans, with Luke and anyone else would like to join.
Can’t help but ship Beel and Lily after seeing them blushing like idiots at each other. 
He actually tears up a little, he’s so happy.
Then he looks toward the front of the van at the other couple. Melaina is asleep and he’s caught Lucifer laying his cloak over her.
Simeon smiles wide, he’s so happy for both the humans and his old friends. 
He feels nice and warm inside.
He’ll request to stop at a church now and then so he can pray for his friends’s happiness. 
He also requests to visit Venice Italy.
Will have his turn in the fabled passenger seat. He had fun picking songs to play... until one started playing that wasn’t his cup of tea.
He slowly looked at Melaina, trying to not judge.
Mel’s lips were pressed together and trying to not laugh.
Simeon then got up and left to sit back down with Luke.
“I’m sorry!”
“Turle Dove?”
“..I need time to forgive you, friend.”
Will be both excited for a road trip with the human sisters and annoyed that the demons are also tagging along.
Low-key is enjoying everyone’s company.
Is either by Simeon side or in the kitchen baking sweats.
Don’t really understand the concept of being transgender, but supports Lily all the way!
Really, really wants to play card games with Melaina, but she’s driving most of the time.
Isn’t aloud at the passenger seat. because they were pulled over by the police about letting a child in the front seat without a booster seat.
He is very, very sulky afterwards. 
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