#so this is exploring how that can lead to trouble I guess? and I do at some point want to write about them questing together though im not
abeinginsand · 1 year
Keep thinking about TJ purposefully acting like Beary/Barry in order to calmly interact with the teens while they played verbal among us...
Consider TJ, Grant, and Nicky discussing some plans and come to the conclusion that they need Terry to use some disguise and a dash of appearance magic to pretend to be Barry. Its to get some information/infiltrate on another plane.
But they haven't told Lark or Sparrow yet! Frankly, they've been avoiding bringing it up, thinking maybe they could try and do this thing without them knowing. No need to start a fight, right? Especially from Lark. They assumed he'd have the strongest reaction. So, they keep procrastinating--TJ most of all. The day of the 'show' arrives. Nicky and Grant have gone on ahead of him as he finishes preparing. He's taking awhile with the prep due to anxiousness--performance jitters maybe or could be that sinking feeling in his stomach? Either way, he's finally adding the gilded head piece--a sleek crown of shimmering gold. And that's when the twins walk in to the storage room. They immediately spot someone dressed a lot like a certain cult leader. Lark stops at the entrance and glares over to who he assumes must be Terry--sure there's all the shitty fabrics that evil geezer used to wear on him. But he can still see the familiar brown watch Terry likes to wear on the person's left wrist. That one that TJ had the rest of them carve their names into (on the inside of the watch band). He's about to bark out a question (mostly like a 'what the fuck are you doing' sorta question)-- Except, his sibling casts something first: "Poison Spray"
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paperultra · 1 year
space cadet.
Pairing: OPLA!Vinsmoke Sanji x Reader Word Count: 831 words Warnings: None
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reverie (noun): a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream
You imagine the thoughts in your head as a forest of kelp at the bottom of the sea: dense, beautiful, brimming with life and all too easy to get lost in.
They’ve caused you trouble in the past. Countless rapped knuckles, letters sent home to your parents, walking into trees on the way home from school. But how could you resist? Empires rose and fell over the course of an hour inside your mind, mighty beasts swore their allegiance to you and the four seas were yours to explore. The childhood you had in the real world was so dull and lonely in comparison.
When you ran off and joined the Straw Hats, you finally had the excitement you had so craved. And yet, even now, your mind still wanders.
“If you swab the deck any more, we won’t have any left, sweetheart.”
Only a select few can bring you back.
You blink rapidly, the clouds dissipating as you stop scrubbing and look up. Sanji’s already smiling when you meet his gaze.
He lifts his hands; one offers a plate of shortbread cookies, the other a glass of milk.
“I’m going to guess that you haven’t had a break in a while,” he says. “Am I right?”
A break? Sending him a perplexed frown, you lean on the handle of your scrub brush and glance over your shoulder.
The side on which you had started winks back at you from afar, wood gleaming under the afternoon sun.
“I … I guess so,” you reply slowly, turning back to him. It’s only then that you register the saltwater washing over your feet and the ache in your muscles. “I didn’t even realize …”
He shakes his head and chuckles, leading you to some nearby crates to sit down. “Too caught up in your stories again? I’m almost jealous that they get to spend so much time with you.”
“I don’t mean to make you worry.”
“Loving someone means worrying about them from time to time.”
He winks, and you smile, flustered.
“I see,” you say quietly. “Then thank you for worrying, Sanji.”
“Of course.” He hands you the glass of milk, then picks up a cookie and taps it against your lips. “Now, this is my best batch of sablés. You have no idea how hard it was to keep Luffy from eating them all in the kitchen.”
“I have some idea,” you drawl amusedly, taking a bite.
The cookie breaks with a gentle snap. It crumbles delightfully in your mouth, sugar and butter dancing on your tongue. A pleased hum rumbles in your throat before you wash it down with a gulp of cold milk.
“What do you think?”
“I think I might eat the whole plate right now,” you say, taking the other half of the cookie.
He grins. “So you like them.”
“They’re delicious.” Picking up another one, you hold it in front of his face. “Here.”
Sanji’s gaze remains locked with yours as he leans forward to take a bite of the cookie, his lips brushing your fingertips in an impromptu kiss before he pulls away. He chews thoughtfully. The action should not look as good as it does.
“My best batch, as I’ve said,” he tells you once he swallows. “But I’ve tasted sweeter.”
You tilt your head. “Where?”
His mouth curls into a smirk, and he places his fingers under your chin to bring your face closer to his. Your noses touch and you can feel his answer against your lips as he murmurs, “Right here.”
The rest of the crew may also have the pleasure of eating Sanji’s food, but they do not share your privilege of knowing just how talented he is at kissing.
He sets down the plate and lifts his hand to cup your jaw, meeting your lips and letting out a soft sigh before pressing his lips more fervently against yours. You can taste the smoke on his tongue, a constant underneath the warm sweetness of sugar and the saltiness of butter. Your eyes flutter closed, and you reach up to cradle the back of his head, fingers tangling in his hair and tugging slightly. The groan he lets out sends tingles down to the tips of your toes.
“Sweetheart,” he pants, and the longing in his voice would’ve made your knees buckle if you were standing, “I won’t be able to stop if you keep doing that.”
You put your glass of milk down so you can bury both hands in his golden hair. Your forehead touches his. “Maybe that’s a good thing.”
“Maybe it is,” he mutters.
You bring him back in for another searing kiss that Sanji returns just as eagerly.
Yes, you value your time alone with your thoughts. They are a forest of kelp at the bottom of the sea, beautiful, countless, and wild.
But as easy as it is to get lost in your thoughts, it is infinitely easier to get lost in him.
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
I need to feed my Yuuta brairot so can I request a yandere concept for Okkotsu with Childhood Friend! Darling?
At the time of writing this (5/30/24), I have finally seen Volume 0 on Crunchyroll so I can finally do this request! Hope you like it! Warning, this is a bit long and is mostly me rambling. I was a bit too excited to write his character, lol.
Yandere! Yuta Okkotsu with Childhood Friend! Darling
(Volume 0)
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Manipulation, Mentions of depression/suicidal thoughts (Due to canon), Dark themes, Violence, Blood, Death, Trauma, Slight stalking, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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The idea of this is actually a bit cute although unnerving.
Yuta's childhood friend in canon was Rika.
So I can take this request in two directions.
You replace Rika and end up being his Cursed Spirit companion.
You're different from Rika and have been one of the few other people Yuta is close to.
Both versions of the concept are intriguing but I think I'll stick to the second variation for the sake of simplicity. (I definitely want to explore the first version at some point)
Yuta was always a timid boy in childhood, often isolating himself due to Rika.
He was shown to be sick when young, maybe you met him and Rika in childhood?
When you were young you three were a trio, which would certainly keep Rika from killing you.
Rika, for the most part, reacts to Yuta's emotions.
As you grow up, Rika leaves you be due to how Yuta feels.
She's jealous at first, yet sees that Yuta would hate her if she hurt you.
Which leads to, guess what, you having them both to deal with until she passes on years later.
Yuta originally wants to isolate himself and not cause any trouble for you.
There's times he's wanted to end it all due to the amount of times he's been bullied.
However, he has you.
You try to help, even when Yuta is adamant on you not helping.
Especially since Rika proceeds to kill every single one of his bullies.
You're the only one he feels he can speak with.
But... he can tell you're scared of his Curse.
Yuta... is worried you'll hate him... which ends up driving him away from you at times.
It's worse if you can't see Curses, as you can't see the cause.
However, if you can?
Perhaps you're able to see Curses and are able to see Rika.
Well, even then, you're scared of what follows Yuta.
Even if Rika won't hurt you for Yuta.
You always knew Yuta as a timid kid and pitied him a bit.
Even in High School you tried to be close to him, hoping to still be supportive.
Unfortunately, Yuta may not see you again until after the events with Geto if you aren't a Sorcerer.
You aren't from a Sorcerer house, so you aren't quite sure what to think of Curses even if you can see them.
You're actually quite worried when Yuta goes MIA.
You two are in two different worlds now.
You're a non-sorcerer and Yuta is a Special Grade Jujutsu Sorcerer.
You probably don't expect to see him again after he changes schools.
So it surprises you when Yuta does eventually show back up in your life.
Due to you being a non-sorcerer, Yuta may feel an overwhelming urge to protect you.
After all... the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons attack gets to him.
He knows of Geto's hate for "Monkeys" and realizes how... weak you are compared to a man like him.
Rika has moved on now, yet Yuta is still as strong as ever.
When Yuta sees you again, his chest tightens.
You're so oblivious to all he's gone through... and he's changed so much.
When you see him again, you go to ask if it's him.
Leading to Yuta enveloping you in a tight hug.
Oh how he's missed you.
You notice Yuta is extremely friendly and sociable compared to his usual timid self.
You want to ask so many questions, yet Yuta's just so excited.
He knows he has to study abroad soon, but he wanted to see you again so bad.
He's seen so much although he's unsure how to explain it.
Yuta has learned to cherish the friends he has.
Plus he definitely has anxiety about you since Geto's Curse Users are still around.
He keeps thinking about how strong he is...
You just keep smiling and talking to him, rambling to him as you have no clue what has happened.
Yuta thinks he can work with that.
Maybe it's for the best you don't know about the Sorcerer world?
Yuta may not tell you what happened if you don't know of Curses.
He's just been busy and has gotten help for his more timid nature.
You may not understand... but why does that matter?
Best you just focus on catching up, yeah?
Yuta has a higher chance of being a platonic yandere in this case, but he could also swing romantic.
His first concern when seeing you is making up for lost time.
He's been away from any source of normalcy for a long time now.
When seeing you he just wants to keep close.
Yuta's more protective than he was when he was younger with you.
You're surprised but he doesn't fully explain it until later.
He's just... missed you and has gone through a lot.
That's how the obsession begins, when he's older with you and seen the horrors of the world.
He's no longer that timid boy.
He's a man who can kill to protect those he loves.
Yet to you, he's still Yuta.
You notice he's more controlled now and things don't die around him anymore.
Although you have no clue where's he's been.
Yuta is an intense yandere due to how much he cares for people.
His obsession is most likely derived from the trauma he's gone through.
He's seen his fellow Sorcerers slaughtered and injured.
You aren't even a Sorcerer.
You're his childhood friend... one he sees as naive.
So wherever you go, Yuta is tempted to follow.
You just think he's being clingy.
If only you knew.
Yuta would kill for you if a Curse User targeted you.
You're oblivious to Curses and Curse Users hunting you down, before you even know about it, Yuta's slaughtered/exorcised them.
Yuta's used to blood on his clothes.
He always makes sure you're out of sight and out of range before he deals with any threat.
Yuta gains the mindset of wanting to protect you in this world even more now that he's a Sorcerer.
He's so sorry he pushed you away when he was younger.
Now he can protect you! (Similar to how Rika did with him)
Yuta is friendly but can be ruthless when you're in danger.
He feels no one else can protect you like he can.
As your childhood friend... he'll take that role.
You can't part from Yuta once he decides to stick by you.
It takes him a long time to go for his abroad studies.
He can't fathom the thought of leaving you alone now.
You find such behavior weird, granted, Yuta has been clingy in the past...
Not this much, though.
Honestly, even if Yuta explained the dangers of being a Jujutsu Sorcerer to you, you'd be hesitant until you saw it yourself.
He may even tell you eventually as much as he hates it so you know to stay close.
Yuta is already a protector at heart, it's in his blood (Quite literally, he's related to Gojo distantly)
So it's obvious he'll sacrifice everything to keep you safe.
Rika's gone now, he knows that.
You aren't.
For the sake of Rika and his own well-being, he needs you safe.
It's too easy to die in this world.
Hopefully you trust him... right?
The blood on his clothes is necessary.
Unfortunately it's also a common sight.
There's no use being stubborn with him, either.
Yuta's going to be stern with you, after all, he's seen what this world is really like.
Yuta loves you, as to what extent is up to you.
He follows you everywhere until he's dragged off to study abroad.
Even if he is, I can see him asking someone to watch over you until he can return.
Like Gojo or one of his friends for example.
He'd rather die than lose you to a Curse User or Curse when he's gone.
So prepare for Yuta never leaving your side once he comes back from his studies...
You and Rika have protected him enough... it's time he returned the favor.
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ghostieyanyan · 8 months
Is it ok if I can ask for a yandere Rollo Flamme? I like the idea of Rollo because he’s already based off a yandere villain so it makes sense. And I think Rolli would like to get close to Yuu cuz they don’t have any magic so they’re seen as ‘pure’ in Rollo’s eyes. Maybe Rollo can be seen trying hard to control his urges at the fireplace or he captured MC and tried to burn them at the stake like in the movie? Your choice.
hehehe... why not just add salt to injure? what if mc has pyrophobia, a fear of fire?
~Let the fire purify you~
Yan!Rollo x Pyrophobia!Mc
Warnings: Fire, burning, kidnapping, anxiety attack, chains, gag, breakdown,
Rollo hated magic... with a passion. A passion that burned so bright that hurricanes, rainstorms, floods, and tsunami together couldn't extinguish this flame of pure hatred.
How does no one sees the danger of magic? How many lives have to be taken in the hand of magic for people to understand this is a problem? He guesses that its one of humanities sin, playing dumb, playing ignorant, until it becomes someone they care about that gets hurt. its always like that... why could people just see things through his lenses BEFORE someone got hurt...
But for now, he just has to do gods work for everyone else, until they see things his ways...
He had a plan. a plan that will solve this problem before it could get worst. The plan to get rid of magic, from one of the most powerful mages in twisted wonderland, to the student "prodigies" of that sick, sinful school, to the townsfolks of Fleur city, to every inch of Twisted wonderland.
With this crazy plan, he'll make, no, he'll force everyone to see how he sees life should be. he didnt care on who got hurt-
he met Night Raven College's gem in the rock, their Perfect. When all the students were introducing themselves, when it was your turn. He swore the world stopped and he would have swore on his life that he saw wings and a halo on you. You looked, spoke, and acted like an angel. you even allow these sinful... beasts... breathe the same air as you. then you have an ACTUAL beast as a familiar. don't tell grim that.
your heart and soul must be made out of pure gold. he has to protect it at all cost. he will use his own body to shield you from magical blast and then some to keep your purity in tact. he will move mountains and redivert lakes, rivers, seas, and oceans for you. Rollo Flamme will make you into his deity that he worships.
All the students decided to split into groups and explore Fleur City, after they got changed.
to say Rollo thought you looked breathe taking in your glorious masquerade outfit was an understatement. he was about to come up to you and compliment you, maybe even starting small talk with you but a certain lizard decided to be the first to do so...
Of course that monster would be charmed by an angel like you. Evil loves to tempt with good.
no matter, he'll just have to see you another time but if he gets too busy..? He'll make time for you.
Rollo lead you into his office, you didn't mind too much because he was telling you all about the school's history and art. it is a really pretty school, it gives very romantic feelings.
when you finally made it into his office, you froze at the doorway at seeing the fire place. Rollo quickly notices and puts out the flame with a very helpful near by bucket. You were grateful that Rollo was very accommodating to your fears.
you thanked him and sat down across from him while Rollo sat in his chair.
"I'm very sorry for asking you to meet me at this ungodly hour but i just needed your input on something and if i didn't ask you, i would have had a sleepless night tossing and turning." Rollo said as he got everything on his desk organized.
"hehe, its alright. I just happen to have a restless night myself.. but i don't mind the company."
"oh my that sounds awful. what seems to be troubling you?"
It was really hard to tell someone you only just recently met that you had a "bad feeling" about something and how so far, in twisted wonderland, its always comes true...
"well.. i think... maybe, its just the 'sleeping at a new place' feeling and I'm just not getting use to it. but I'm sure its fine. heh.."
Rollo seemed satisfied with that answer and continues, by leaning towards you on the desk.
"i know i asked you about this before, but id like to discuss it with you more in depth... hmm?"
since Rollo put out the fire place, there was only a small lamp on the desk to shine light in the room. you kind of wished that the fire place was still lit... cause everything in this scenario was telling you to run and never look back..
"o-okay..? what would you like to know..?"
Rollo smiled and leaned back into his chair.
"as a magicless student in a full school of magical.. mages, aren't you scared they might... turn and hurt you..?"
the way he worded that made you feel more unnerved.. you trusted your friends in Night Raven College. Even the ones that did try to hurt you, they still came to your defense and help and protected you when you needed them.. you trusted them with your life and having this man tell you "you shouldn't because they can use magic" was... laughable...
"no.. because they've earn my trust and I've earn theirs..!"
Rollo's face darkened as you stood up from the chair you were sitting in.
"I'm sorry Rollo. Thank you for your hospitality but i have to go."
you start walking to the door but stopped.
"with however you feel about magic, i wont sit down and let you disrespect them just because they possess a special ability and i don't. It doesn't make them less of a person. Magic or no magic."
you walked to the door but before you could even touch the doorknob, you feel a body press against your back, pinning you against the door. you couldn't even move, much less move the door.
"I'm sorry my sweet angel~... i guess.. I'll just have to show you myself then~"
you see a quick purple blur and then tightness around your throat. Rollo was using his signature purple and gold handkerchief to strangle you! you tried to struggle. you tired to jab your elbow into his chest but his uniform was too thick for it to do any good.
You started to feel light headed then everything you saw was slowly turning black. the last thing you saw was Rollo, and the insanity in his eyes.
you had so many questions...
why you? was it because you don't have magic so you were "easy"? aren't there other people in twisted wonderland without magic? you just happened to go to a school "for" magic users so of course you'll see it a lot.
what's so bad about magic? ya it almost killed you here and there but it also almost killed either the user or other people around you.. but afterwards everything would have been fine. Plus you didn't blame the magic for those situations. you couldn't even say you blamed the user. some deserved the blame.. but not everyone..
how did you get here..? probably from your big mouth, you should have been smart when you were talking to Rollo. he was already giving you weird vibes and you just had to make it worst
you had more questions but you knew none of them would get answered..
you started to slowly open your eyes..
where are you..? what's this sound..? why cant you move..?
you slowly looked around, you remember this place... Rollo showed you, with your friends. the big bell, the bell of Solace. you noticed that you were alone though..
you looked around some more, you looked out from where you sat on the floor. it was dark out but with an orange hue... was the sun rising..? what's going on?
you went to take a step, to look out but something stopped you. a cold hand..? no..? a chain?!
if you weren't fully awake then, now you are! the chain was short, at least 2 feet long from the floor, it was attached to both your ankles. you could only go so far out.
what happened?! what's going on?!?
you started breathing heavily, tears started to form. you felt so confused, so lost. someone, anyone, please hel-
"oh my dear! you're awake."
your blood became ice, you looked up to see an uncomfortably happy Rollo.. he had a basket of breads and fruits.
"i was so worried that you'll never wake up. I'm very happy you did~"
with a heavy chest, you spoke.
"what's going on, Rollo!? Why are we here? why am i-?"
"oh within time my dear angel~ we just have to wait for those flowers to do their miracles. in the meantime, eat. you've been sleeping for a while and-"
"flowers..? what are you-...? Rollo...."
you took a deep breathe to try to settle your nerves.
"Please, Rollo... I'm scared. please tell me what's going on."
he looks at you and sighed, placing the basket down on a near by table. He then walked over to you and sat beside you, motioning you to come closer to him.
You did. you don't really have a choice right now..
"I'm making our perfect little world my love~ our paradise~"
you looked at the man like he was crazy. he was, at this point. But he continues.
"the Crimson flowers, the one that looks like fire, the flowers i shown you when you toured the city, they have the ability to take a mage's magic until they are just magicless people.. like you."
you stared at him but he kept smiling.
"magicless.. like me..?"
"yes my dear, then everyone in this world would have to understand magic is like a poisonous weed that has to be pulled out. or it'll spread to the other crops."
you just stared. you couldn't bare to keep looking at him so you turned to look at anything else..
magicless like you... no.. this isn't right. this cant happened!
Rollo thought the conversation was over and sat up to get the basket.
"Before this started, i made sure to get some food. i thought you'll be hungry so-"
Rollo froze. he was facing the backet and didn't turn around.
"excuse me..?"
you stood up, leaning against the wall, as best as you could. You knew your big mouth was gonna put you in a tough situation again but- what were you suppose to do?
"you, Rollo Flamme, are a monster."
he slowly turned to you, his eyes screamed murder. even if your body is shaking, from fear, from anxiety, from anger, maybe all of them at once's, but you kept your eye contact with Rollo.
You knew a comment like that will hurt him. you knew you couldn't physically harm him but you just wanted to hurt him like he planned to do the same to everyone you cared for..
the silence was deafening.
Rollo took some slow steps to you and leaned down to your level.
"take. that. back."
"no. cause i didn't say anything wrong.."
you hear Rollo take a deep breath and he quickly snaked his hand to grab the nape of your neck. you let out a gasp, from the sudden movement. he straighten his posture and brought you to his eye level.
"it's seems that those... mages.. have filled you with their poison. I'll just have to purify you myself. don't say i didn't warn you, my angel.."
he dragged you to a window and made you look outside. the entire city was filled with those flowers but... the looks of those flowers... made it look like you were in the middle of a raging firestorm. you felt your stomach drop. you felt cold shivers, and you didn't even realized that tears were falling. when you looked more, you noticed that the "fire" was slowly climbing the tower you were in.
you were about to let out a blood curdling scream but you were stopped by Rollo tying that purple handkerchief into a makeshift gag for you.
After that, he threw you, face down into the ground. Your body was shivering from fear so intensely, to the point that it feels like you lost complete control over your body. you couldn't even fight back when Rollo tied your hands together.
"i, really, am sorry for this my sweet angel~ but i have to get rid of the poison that those mages put in you... you have to be purified."
Rollo walked off and came back holding a fireplace poker. it was glowing red and you could see smoke coming off of it. where he got that, you didn't know but your attempt to get away from him was met with a wall against your back.
you felt your head spin, you were trembling to no return, the hot tears wouldn't stop, and the makeshift gag he put on you was now soak with tears, saliva, and snot.
Rollo kept walking towards you, in an agonizing slow pace.
"don't worry, my angel love~ after this, all will be forgiven~"
when he went to grab your face, he-
those are.. familiar voices.. you know those voices..
"tch.. i suppose your punishment will have to wait my love. apparently, ill have to finish these pesky mages off myself."
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alpaca-clouds · 8 months
The DnD Lore Problem - Accessibility and Characters (and how BG3 might not help)
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You know what? I am gonna talk about DnD Lore and the accessibility of that lore. I talked about this exessively before. But to summarize that long blog very shortly:
Wizards of the Coasts currently makes the mistake of putting basically most DnD Lore behind a paywall, rather than offering official ressources. This leads to a lot of tables actually playing with their original worlds, rather than Toril/Faerûn, which in turn also means, that they are not spending money on official products. While my anti-capitalist ass things that the lore should be accessible just so that people can enjoy it, I also think that this inaccessibility actually costs WotC A LOT OF MONEY.
Today I want to talk about another aspect of this inaccessibility, that is kinda linked to some of the stuff I talked about before, but also is linked to the things WotC is currently not doing in terms of both Honor Among Thieves and Baldur's Gate 3. A thing, that also might not quite work with BG3, though.
See, the core problem of this inaccessibility is, that a) there is no official place where you can just get base information about the world and the timeline, b) this world has grown organically for about half a century, which lead to clutter, but also to the fact that things are at times showing their age.
I might actually make a post on the gods and religion in the world at some other point - but for now let me talk about something else: Extended universes and access points.
The Problem with Extended Universes
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Okay, let's talk about how a lot of the big franchises for the longest time have told their meta stories - including DnD - and how it kinda struggles to find its audience. The extended universe.
I am frankly not entirely sure what franchise has started this. I am assuming it was Star Trek? But that is just a guess. But at some point in the 60s oder 70s someone had the idea that: "Hey, we could totally give the fans more to chew on by making official tie-in comics and novels!"
And that was how it worked for very long. Like a lot of the big franchises had at times around 10 novels and comics (if not more) releasing per year that would just explore other parts of the universe and allow the very engaged fans to... well, learn more about the world. Now, I am not going to talk about all the drama connected to the Star Wars stuff, but if you know, you know.
DnD did this too. (As did a lot of the big TTRPG systems, like Shadowrun and WoD as well.) Having a lot of tie in stuff - in the case of DnD mostly novels - that told more stories on the world and also established like some big player characters within the world. Elminster Aumar is probably one of the best examples here.
Those established some characters that play a big role within the world and also told just more stories of those big world changing events. In the recent DnD history that would be stuff like the Time of Troubles, the Spellplague and the Second Sundering.
Now, here we have one big issue. And one issue where I am not entirely certain where it arose from. But the fact is: In recent years, people invest way less into those kind of books. This is just a fact.
It is the reason why those big universes went from publishing like ten novels a year to often not more than three. We saw that in the failure of the extended Universe Disney tried to pull off for Pirates of the Caribbean (though I will still maintain that another big problem was that they barely marketed that at all - hi, everyone, who did not know there were extended universe novels for PotC). We also saw that with League of Legends, who really, really tried to tell a lot more stories with short stories and then also some novels set in Runeterra, before finally giving up, because most people didn't care.
In terms of Dungeons & Dragons I can totally see that a lot of people will also say: "I do not care what some other people's characters do within the world." Buuuuuut...
Stories actually can help you understand the world. Which brings me to...
The Elminster Problem
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Okay, I do not know how to put this, but... If you look at the novels coming out for DnD literally half of them focus on either Elminster Aumar or Drizzt Do'Urden. Characters that have pretty much been around since the very beginning and. Look, I don't know how to put it but... It shows.
I am currently reading some of the newer novels and the fact is, that they do not really feel like fantasy books from the 2010s and 2020s. Because Elminster and Drizzt are very clearly characters originating in a very different time when stories were told very differently.
I mean, just look at Elminster. He is a wanna-be Gandalf character. He is from the early, early days of fantasy and... Look, I personally just really am unable to identify with a character like this.
And while Drizzt is a bit better as a character, but even he... How to put this delicately? They are both very much characters written by white cishet men for white cishet men. There, I said it.
I am noticing this a lot with reading Salvatore's books currently. Like, female characters are not overly sexualized, which is a plus. But they also very much exist most of the time in service to a man or at least in relation to a man. There is not a lot of female characters running around that have their own agency.
Which kinda leads to another thing. I actually saw this one brought up by one of those very cliché nerdy Youtube channels talking on DnD, who recognized the problem as well: There are basically two large groups of DnD players who barely intersect. One is the cliché nerds, the other is a largely queer and largely diverse group. And the youtube guy, who was very in the white cishet nerd group, suspected that actually the later group makes up more of the player base by now.
Buuuut... that is also the group who really do not get catered to by the canon lore so far. That was until 2023 with DnD:HAT and BG3 - both catering actually a lot to those groups.
Honor Among Thieves and the undermarketed books
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Okay, here is the thing: Honor Among Thieves had two novelizations (one for young readers, one for older readers) and two tie-in novels. One featuring Edgin, Holga, Forge and Simon before the stuff with Sofina went down. And the other featuring Simon and Doric taking place at the time while Ed and Holga are in prison.
I am honest: I really, really liked the Ed and Holga novel. It was super cute and charming and really gives a better understanding of the characters.
But of course once again there is the thing: The books - just like the Pirates of the Caribbean books - were super undermarketed. Like, most people I know off do not even know that there were books released. Heck, even within the actual active fandom there are again and again people who will be surprised that those books exist.
And... I actually also think that the books waste one big ass opportunity, by not at all tying into the broader lore. They are super self-contained.
And that is actually just a waste. Because the place were Edgin lived in? Yeah, that place was super affected by the Second Sundering. Heck, that might have had to do something with his troubles.
Why is that an issue? Well, because... there was not a lot going on there that was inviting you to further interact with the world and learn more abotu what is happening. For once, again, because I think it is a super fun and interesting world. But also, because... WotC wants to make money and is so bad at it, that it really boggles my mind.
See, here is the thing: They could've used those characters - that really are fun and sympathetic characters - to create an accesspoint into that world.
Alright, so what about Baldur's Gate 3?
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Which brings me to Baldur's Gate 3 and the thing that a lot of people have noticed: The other Baldur's Gate games - as well as some of the other games releasing around 2000 - had their own tie-in novels going into the characters, their background, but also what they were doing in the future.
Something that so far BG3 has not done, which some fans have already critized. Because a lot of people have actually gotten really invested into those characters. A lot of the kind of people especially who so far are underserved by a lot of the tie-in stuff: Queer and generally diverse audiences.
Like, I think there would be a lot of people, who totally would read a novel, about...
Astarion getting drawn into some sort of political intrigue in Baldur's Gate while serving Cazador
Karlach's time in Avernus
Some Adventure Wyll got dragged into while being the Blade of the Frontier.
Shadowheart going onto a mission for Shar (maybe together with Nocturne)
Whatever Gale was doing during the Second Sundering
Lae'zel's youth among the Githyanki
The Dark Urge and Gortash starting up the entire conspiracy
... whatever Halsin had been up to in his long live
Heck, people would eat that stuff up. And you could not only use it to worldbuild but also once more create some access into the world and what happened there. And they are kinda wasting a lot of potential by not bringing out those novels.
Of course, there is one big problem: BG3 makes it kinda hard to write about anything happening after the ending. Because as it is right now, someone is gonna be pissed if a novel set after the game does not go with the decision for a character they go for. Like, Ascended Astarion fans are gonna be pissed, if they go with Spawn Astarion - and the other way around. Same goes with every other character where you have those big decisions happening.
This is something they will have to tackle eventually if they plan on doing something with the characters in the future (no matter if we are talking Larian or WotC), but it is definitely an issue that just arises from the structure of the game.
Bonus of course is, that you just cannot define a canonical Tav. But without a Tav, you also gotta act as if the story of the game happened without a Tav, which still is not ideal. I am honestly not sure with how they are gonna deal with this on the long run.
Access via Characters
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Alright, but what is the actual issue here?
Well, basically there are two hurdles to overcome for the accessibility of the lore. The first is the physical accessibility - aka, what I talked about in the last long blog post. The second meanwhile is more related to making the lore engaging. And that happens through characters.
It is for me what happened last year. I actually tried to engage with the lore as the movie came out - but only when BG3, that tied a lot more into the actual lore was released I actually found proper access to the lore. Because I had concrete things I could now look for because the game hinted at so much both through characters and major story events happening.
Here is the thing: If you just have the lore on its own, it is about as engaging as reading a history book. Sure, as your local history nerd I find reading history books fun, but most people really do not want to read a history book to engage with a hobby.
People will however engage with stories and characters that interest them. Which is where we get back to the thing I talked about at the beginning: Right now most canonical novels and stories still cater to an audience that is male, cishet, white and also, let's be frank, definitely over 30 years old. Leaving behind a lot of potential fans that theoretically make up a big part of the player-base, but actually do not engage a lot with the lore for this exact reason.
Look. DnD right now is fairly close to being an actual mainstream hobby, due to the recent proliferation of formerly nerdy stuff. And yet WotC is bleeding money, especially in regards of DnD.
If you ask me, sure... DnD should go into public domain. But it doesn't. And given that there are so many creative, skilled people working on this - no matter how dumb Hasbro is and how shitty of an employer they are - I actually do want them to succeed. I have really become engaged with this world now. And I think it is a pity that they clearly do not know how to market this stuff.
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likealittleheartbeat · 6 months
hello !!
i was wondering, do you know any other characters like aang from other shows/movies/books? or maybe, just his theme of radical kindness appearing in other stories?
i've been missing aang, and it would be nice to find other representations of such a fun and warm personality like his.
ps.: your blog is like, fantastic. truly.
🥰🥰🥰🥰 This is the best ask I’ve ever received!!! Depictions of radical kindness in media is a special interest of mine—not exaggerating. So I’ve done my best to make a list of rec’s, just tv, from most formally similar to ATLA to least, with a short description for each.
1. Fruits Basket (2019)
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"My mom told me, it's better to trust people than to doubt them. She said that people aren't born with kind hearts. When we're born, all we have are desires for food and material things. Selfish instincts, I guess. But she said that kindness is something that grows inside of each person's body, but it's up to us to nurture that kindness in our hearts. That's why kindness is different for every person."
An anime orphan whose established memory of the kindness by which her family raised her ends up transforming and liberating a whole clan from an intergenerational curse that enforced an abusive hierarchy all within a show that has a deeply queer subtext, beautifully complex plotting and character development that due to its zen influence refuses to demonize anyone or any perspective wholly, AND a straight romance you can actually root for!? Nothing comes closer to ATLA thematically than this show. While the lead Tohru Honda is the biggest representative of radical kindness, the character of Momiji Sohma with his complex purity, idealism, and gender performance is one of the closest you'll find to Aang in any media.
2. Mob Psycho 100 (2016-2023)
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"The truth behind one's charm is kindness. Just be a good person, that's all."
Mob Psycho 100 explores a core tenant of ATLA's critique of imperialism and power: greatness and perfection are overrated. They both ask the question about what to do for the world with one's gifts if that's the case. How can one be both normal and prodigious at the same time? The satirical comedy and style of this anime, which deconstruct a lot of the shonen genre tropes, are pretty distinct from ATLA, but when ATLA arrived on the airwaves, it was a pretty massive break from tradition in Western animation, and for both of these series, that difference of style is tied to the message of the show about the experience and acceptance of difference.
3. Natsume's Book of Friends (2012-present)
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"As I encountered kindness, I wanted to be kind myself."
The anime, Natsume's Book of Friends and ATLA both depict the challenge and necessity of facing abandonment, loss, and a deep-seated loneliness with kindness and gratitude despite the persistence of grief. Both take a deeply spiritual view--even a responsibility--of this experience that demands a compassion for all beings including those who intend to do harm. Natsume, an orphan shuffled between houses who is one of the few people who can see spirits called youkai, inherits his maligned grandmother's book of yokai names, becoming a target for them in the process. He hides all of this from everyone in his life, and even five season in, still has trouble admitting to the one person who understands him when he is struggling and needs help. The gentle and light tone papers over a profoundly honest representation of attachment trauma and the wisdom of compassion that develops as a tool to cope with it.
4. Hunter x Hunter (2011-2014)
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"You can do whatever you want to hide your feeling. You still have a heart."
If you think that "Radical Kindness" is by definition non-violent, then this show is either not for you or going to change your mind. Gon, the protagonist of HxH, like Momiji mentioned in Fruits Basket, is another rare character whose naivete and optimism are treated with respect. He is allowed to suffer, to be wrong, to be stupid, and to inspire others away from their own cynicism with the persistence of his beliefs nevertheless. But HxH is a show that integrates the most violent aspects of the world (organized crime, capitalistic competition and privileging, state-sanctioned brutality, pure sadism) with its examination of human potential for goodness. And even within a list of shows deeply inspired by spirituality and religions, this show is abundant with religious references as it seeks out meaning, balance, and an ethic for modern experience. On top of that, it ranks with ATLA for the depth and relevance of its magic system to its themes, plus its got gay subtext out the wazoo!
5. Mushishi (2005-2014)
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“Make sure to remember, every person and place has a right to exist. It is true for you too, the entire world, as a whole, is your home."
Elegaic, episodic, compassionate, and strange, with some of the best short story-telling of all time, Mushishi is the story of a medicine-man who travels the Japanese countryside helping people deal with the spirits that accompany the little trials and tragedies of life that cling to our minds long after they're passed. The protagonist, Gingko, and the show itself takes the approach of restraint to observe these problems fully and come to a conclusion that's taoist in its balance and acceptance of reality--"Eyes unclouded by hate" as Miyazaki/Gaiman would have it. Each episode is like a therapy session arguing for you to choose to live even as the heaviest burdens sit on your chest.
6. Reservation Dogs (2021-2023)
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"See...love doesn't have to be received, it can just be."
We're finally out of the animes, and moving away from the zen and shinto approach into some other options. Reservation Dogs' indigenous humanism was groundbreaking, bringing in distinctly modern American realities (with the kind of true-to-life details only a an on-location shoot could offer) with Native beliefs about ancestry, community, and connection to the land, while rarely feeling preachy. Instead, it's just fucking hilarious and casually heartbreaking. Four friends on the edge of graduating high school on a reservation in Oklahoma try to figure out what to do with their lives after their plans to go to California get abruptly messed up. Radical kindness as a concept often gets focused on accepting the enemy but what about accepting the weird stoner uncle who farts all the time and won't talk about his years in the army. I think that might be a more important goal of radical kindness, in truth, if we are being asked to look and accept reality for what it is, because growing comfortable with disappointment and the mundane let's us live without the relentless striving that drives perfectionism.
7. Skam (2015-2017)
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"The second you start looking for hate, you find it. And when you find hate, you start hating."
A Norwegian teen drama that understood internet culture better than any show before or since, four season-long romance plots better than any romance film from that decade, and a masterfully constructed exhortation about leaning into failures of connection to build deeper compassion rather than demonize another person or group. Each season focused on a specific character within a high-school friend group, emphasizing the limited scope of subjective experience, and had them confront the challenges of opening up to others fully. And even when they return into the scenes with new protagonists, their lives weren't sorted perfectly, reflecting how resolving a single romantic plot point would not resolve life. The impact of this low-budget public-television web series (!!!) will be felt for years (it's already been referenced by Netflix juggernauts like Sex Education and Young Royals), but we're not likely to see something that juggles political themes, heartfelt characterization, realistic dialogue, and meta-commentary (it flashed its own hater and fan comments across the screen in the last episode!!) in such a obsession-inducing package anytime soon.
7. Boys Like Boys (2023)
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"Because I have always been someone who hates myself, I don't have the courage to face it. Running away is my only option...What if I give myself one more chance to be brave?"
So how can a reality show make it onto a list of radically kind tv series, especially a dating show!? Well, when that reality dating show casts people who radiate warmth, vulnerability, and respect and seem to have the kind of chemistry that most scripted shows can't even manage, it's a good start. But then, when they elevate that cast with a format that addresses the cruelty of dating, elimination formats, and broader societal exclusion (an important consideration for a gay dating show), it offers a new model for future shows. Boys Like Boys did this when mid-season (spoiler alert) they had contestants vote out a contestant, only to provide the contestants with a vote in which they could retain a contestant who they didn't want to leave. In fact, many of the contestants asked if they could abstain from making a vote that would eliminate a constestant and were allowed to. The final result left one contestant, Jia-Hang, up for elimination--he had voted for himself to be eliminated, and many contestants, recognizing his reticence to continue on the program, didn't want to force him against his will to stay. Then, looking around at nearly the whole cast sobbing, even apologizing to him for not providing him enough support, Jia-Hang chooses to stay on. This is just one of many heart-warming authentic moments in the show that illustrate the vital influence of kindness to impact the trajectory of our hearts.
8. Joe Pera Talks With You (2018-2021)
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"I can help you reach things. I can tend the garden. The different hours we keep are a good thing. And when they overlap, I can offer companionship and entertainment."
So much has been written about this show's groundbreaking kind approach, I'm going to quote instead: "It can be difficult to convey how a TV show airing on Cartoon Network’s provocative nighttime programming block Adult Swim can evoke almost nostalgic feelings of kind-heartedness. The premise of Joe Pera Talks With You is so simple as to almost be beside the point: Comedian Joe Pera plays a lightly fictionalized version of himself as a sweet Michigander, a middle-school chorus teacher with small and specific passions. Joe likes breakfast food, obscure trivia, beans, trips to the grocery store, and his grandma. He greets every day with a contented smile, stands beneath a pale blue sky, packs a balanced lunch that contains no surprises. (A turkey sandwich with cheese and a tomato, a banana, some trail mix, and as a treat, some cookies.) Joe, more than anything, is satisfied. His greatest joy is sharing these small pleasures with you, the viewer who exists on the other side of the fourth wall he has cleanly dismantled, often speaking quietly to the camera like he’s sharing a secret, just between you two. That he’s talking “with” and not “to” you is a crucial distinction in the show’s title: Joe never lectures nor rhapsodizes. Instead, he waxes poetic about what he loves and who he cares for and how he leads his life, telling his stories from a vulnerable position of welcoming you into his daily existence.” --“A Great Comedy About Being Good,” Allegra Frank for Vox
9. Anne with an E (2017-2019)
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"Her life was not short on challenges, and still she held no grudges, believing instead that grace is perennial like the green, green grass."
While maligned for not being the 1980s version, this Netflix adaptation of Anne of Green Gables takes what many have read as an autistic subtext and made it text, giving Anne a performative quality that pushes a lot of the audience into the same irritation that the characters of Avonlea feel for Anne at first, and, thus, requires its audience to persevere toward the same kindness that Anne inspires in her adoptive mother figure, Marilla, among others, which is much more rewarding than simply identifying with Anne right away. In so doing, it enhances the development of its broader approach to acceptance--an approach in its insistence on the requirement of a community of kindredness (see Sebastian's excitement at finding out about the black community in "The Bog") that is much more rigorous than many other shows will cop to. Expanding far beyond literal adaptation into queer, black, and indigenous characters, without disguising history or disparaging the thematic seed of grace at the heart of the novels, Anne with an E imagines what it meant and what it might still mean to build real joyful community with others through kindness.
10. Little Bear (1995-2003)
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A childhood favorite that disguised in its simplicity a wide-openness to the world and an acceptance of different natures. While most child shows emphasize kindness, few do so with as much patience, wonder, and generosity extended to its viewers. Little Bear is a curious kid who goes on adventures in the woods around his house that can turn into games or small imagined experiences. He is sometimes with his friends Cat, Duck, Hen, Owl, and Emily, whose personalities, along with Little Bear's, bring about small tensions in their games that ultimately resolve, if not independently, then with the help of Mother Bear or Father Bear, who give each other knowing glances about the expected childhood behaviors. This is the first show that initially taught me to observe things while withholding my judgment, that first step of radical kindness.
12. The Andy Griffith Show (1960-1968)
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"The key to happiness is finding joy in the simple things."
One really old and somewhat controversial throwback for my last entry. If you have concerns about a sheriff character representing radical kindness, I would encourage you to start with the third episode of season 3 where Andy, the sheriff in question, has to explain to the new mayor why he doesn't carry a gun and lets prisoners go to gather their crops. There have been some fantastic pieces written about the complexities of this show's bucolic fantasy and Southerners (of all races) attachment to it, but they all acknowledge a type of humanistic and deceptively simple virtue found in Mayberry that audiences long to witness, if not emulate themselves. It's a morality that resists the "hyperactive zealotry" and bureaucracy that the show satirizes through Barney Fife (along with guest characters like the new mayor) and instead emphasizes the understanding that one can have for each individual and the trickstery middle paths that one can find to address conflict.
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marksbear · 1 year
So same thing with the moon family is staying for a while at the sun kingdom to discuss business. So the moon queen let's steven be free because he will be staying here after the wedding and says might as well get familiar with the place. Which leads to Steven finding dom reader in his room and sneaks up behind which leads reader to do a defensive move and pins Steven on to the bed with a knife to his throat thinking he was a assassin. Steven is shocked and says that it's him and reader is sorry. But then reader looks down and see steven is hard from seeing reader so dominate which leads to reader whispering in steven ear how his co-ruler is hard and how sluty that is. And leads to some nice degrading and with the knife cuts steven clothes. Reader starts kissing steven all over and throws the knife hitting a wall with precision and makes steven even harder. Which leads to them to start to fuck and steven becoming loud and reader asks him to stay quiet before a servant comes over and checks up on them. But then they hear a knock at the door and suddenly stop scared of who it is. It's blue bell but is reader personal maid. Reader calms down but steven is still on high alert. Which then leads to reader still fucking steven and talking to blue bell through the door and him saying yes he is alright,what's for lunch and if he can have it in his room and is talking to her. But steven is trying his best to be quiet and placing his hands over his mouth and shoving his face in the pillows to not be discovered. But then reader speeds it up and reader covers mouth and this makes steven cum really hard and still fucking him after blue bell leaves.-50%🐻‍❄️
I hope you like this my 50% And I am loving the royal AU request please keep it up! 🐻‍❄
Warnings! SMUT, almost caught, knife kink, slut and whore used, degrading, teasing, no prep, rough/ manhandling.
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The royal triplets of the moon kingdom was following their mother around the sun kingdom.
Marc and Jake walked in front of the rest of the family looking around at the unfamiliar kingdom.
“And they say are kingdom is too dark and cold. I’m practically burning with this heat.” Marc says as his brother chuckle.The queen laughs with the boys not noting how distant the youngest is.
Steven was quiet and in his own thoughts as he follows them behind.
“Steven. You can be free my child. There’s no point of being here with us since you’ll be here after the wedding.” The queen says looking behind her at Steven.
Steven looks up in confusion. Not processing what his mother told him. “I can explore?” Steven says mostly to himself already knowing where he’s about to go.
The queen shakes her head yes and with a smile. “Yes. Go explore and don’t get in trouble.” The queen says with a tiny lecture. Steven smiles at his mother as a thanks before leaving on his own.
“He’s gonna get so lost.” Jake says teasingly before carrying on walking.
With Steven he walks around the Sun kingdom heading to the princes room. Steven has been waking at this route for so long he knows it by heart.
As Steven passes by the many rooms and doors in the hallway he finds a big door with bright colors and a crown painted in on it.
Steven smiles at it before opening the door walking inside.Steven stood by the door looking at the prince from afar.
Y/n was in front of his bed looking away from the door.
The prince was taking off some extra clothes off of him probably just getting back from training Steven guessed.
Y/n’s hair was messier than usual and with a sword dropped at his feet gave it away he was training. Steven watched Y/n for a bit longer before walking towards him stalking up from behind.
Once Steven was a arm reach Steven stuck out his arm reaching for Y/n, but things took a fast turn of events. Y/n’s left hand whipped out fast grabbing onto Steven’s wrist pulling him in fast. Y/n used his foot to swipe over Stevens legs making him fall.
Steven let’s out a shocked and frightened yelp as Y/n in seconds pulled Steven in front of him pinning him down in the bed.
Stevens whole body froze feeling the cold and sharp tip of a blade poking against his neck ready to stab him if needed.
“Y-y/n! Its me Steven! Love it’s only me!” Steven blurts out voice in a state of panic.
Y/n’s cold eyes and dominant face softened and relaxed. “Sorry! Shit I’m sorry!” Y/n says letting go of Stevens wrist. Steven only let out a quiet whine. Y/n backed away from Steven a little before looking down.
“Did I hurt you?” Y/n’s looking over Steven’s body. Steven didn’t answer as his whole body was flustered and embarrassed.
Y/n’s eyes wonder down looking at the tent in Steven’s pants. Y/n cocks up his eyebrow looking at Steven with a smirk. Y/n leans in so he’s closer to Steven close enough to whisper into his ear. “Is my co-ruler hard from a blade at his neck?” Y/n questions teasingly.
Steven only let out a tiny whimper feeling the cold blade travel down his neck. “That’s so filthy. Such a dirty slut you are getting hard from a blade. How would my kingdom react to me marrying a slut.” Y/n says taking the end of Steven’s shirt and cutting it open from the bottom up with the blade.
“Who knew that the prince of the moon future co-ruler of the sun is a dirty slut. Such a slutty man.” Y/n says while moving the tore pieces of Steven’s shirt off of him.
Y/n moves back from Steven’s head and moves down to Steven’s exposed chest. Y/n began to kiss the and suck onto Steven’s chest leaving hickeys and such. As Y/n kisses Steven’s body Y/n trails the blade on Steven’s body. Y/n’s hand stops at the band of Steven’s pants.
Y/n looks up with his eyes making eye contact with Steven. “Your a slut. My filthy co-ruler is a slut.” Y/n degrades him before throwing the blade into the wall. Steven’s cock harden even more aching inside his pants. Y/n hoisted Steven up laying him down in the middle of the bed. Y/n crawls into the bed taking off his clothes as Steven does the same.
The moon prince scrambles off his pants and underwear as the prince of the sun does the same.
Once both men were naked they were back on each other grinding and kissing against each other. Steven wraps his legs around Y/n’s waist as Y/n grind and jump into Steven.
“I-I want you inside~ please hurry!” Steven moans out quietly with a whimper. Y/n place another kiss onto Steven’s lips. “Please! Please, I want you inside!” Steven begs out.
“I haven’t even started to prep you and your already begging for me.” Y/n teases poking out his tongue a little before moving his hand in between Stevens thighs toying and jerking off his cock.
“Will you stay quiet for me?” Y/n asks as he takes his hand away from Steven’s cock before spitting into his hand touching himself instead.
Steven let’s out a whine and a weak nod. “I-I need you inside me right now!~ please my king!~” The prince moans out weakly.
Y/n angles the tip of his cock to Steven’s hole rubbing it against him.
“Are you sure you don’t want any prep?” Y/n says grinding his cock against Steven’s hole.
Steven nods his head yes rapidly. Y/n let’s out a low “Mhm” before slowly pushing inside Steven. Steven bites his lip hard trying to contain his moans as he feels Y/n split him inside. As gentle Y/n could be he rocks his hips back and forth letting Steven get used to the movement before anything else.
Steven held onto Y/n's shoulders to stabilize himself as Y/n moved inside him. Y/n leaned in kissing Steven softly on the lips as he picked up the speed of his thrust. Y/n's cock stretched Steven in half causing the prince to let out moans and whimpers.
"p-please faster! please me like you're giving me your heir!~" Steven moaned out begging for the sun prince. Doing what Steven asked Y/n began to pick up his speed. Skin slapping against each other filled the room as well as the headboard of the bed hitting the wall.
With each thrust Steven becomes louder and louder. Y/n stops his movements out of nowhere, but still is deep inside Steven.
"Be quiet alright? Before a servant comes to check on me." Y/n says as Steven nods his head yes. "Ok-okay! b-but you can you move?" Steven begs out.
Y/n smiles above him before moving his hips back thrusting into him. Steven held his legs open spread giving Y/n easier access. Y/n held onto the bed tightly as he drills his cock inside Steven.
Y/n's cock abused Steven's hole like how a real slut is used and Steven loved it.
Steven's eyes threatened to water as Y/n's cock grazed his prostate. But once Y/n's cock hits it a long loud moan escapes him. Steven's cock twitched and leaked of precum as Y/n fucks him. Y/n thrust were hard and deep fucking Steven as if he was just an whore. Steven loved how Y/n was treating him and he craved more of it.
Steven opens his mouth to speak, but is cut off.
*Knock!* *Knock!*
Both of the prince's movements become a stop. Their bodies are both tense and nervous.
Another knock on the door.
Steven and Y/n stared at each other wide eyed. Both of the boys can see the fear in the others eyes, so that didn't help much.
"Y/n?- I mean Prince L/n?"
A familiar voice rings outside of the door causing the prince of the sun to relax. "Bella? I'm sorry i'm late to respond I just woken up!" Y/n shouts back as he goes back into moving inside the scared Steven.
"My apologies my prince!" Blue bell says with an eye roll.
"None are taken! Now please let's stop talking as a maid to the prince, you are my friend Blue Bell!" Y/n says thrusting deep inside Steven causing Steven to cover his mouth.
"Thank the gods, because I didn't know how much I can take talking to you like you're better than me." Bella says playfully with a tiny laugh. "I can have your head for speaking to me like that." Y/n jokes back as he lets go of the bed and moves his hands onto Steven's thighs holding them up as he thrust hard and deep inside him.
"How was training with the knights?" The maid asks leaning her body against the door.
"It was good! My father was there watching as I gained the upper hand!" Y/n says holding Steven's legs up in the air high. Steven moaned into his hand muffling the noise.
"That's great! I'm surprised you didn't get your ass kicked!" She teases.
"You'd wish. I shall request that you join and watch me. Now what's for lunch?" Y/n asks as he thrusts inside Steven even faster before letting go of one of his thighs using the now free hand to cover Steven's mouth. Steven felt the knot in his stomach tighten as he feels his orgasm nearing.
"The chefs are making whatever your father orders. I hear that he's making them cook something very special."
"Well tell them that I request something very simple and that i'd like it if you bring it in here." Y/n requests as he fucks him deeper as well as his cock abusing his prostate.
Suddenly from all the pleasure and adrenaline Steven cums hard. Steven shoots his load all over himself as. Steven's cock leaked of cum. Steven's stomach was painted white and hot.
Y/n's hand muffled all the noises Steven was making. Steven legs quivered and trembled.
"Very well Y/n. I'll be back with your lunch!" Bella says wait until Y/n says bye to her. "Alright thank you Blue bell and see you later!" Y/n says giving the girl what she wants.
"And by the way my prince. It better not be who I think it is in there your fucking!" Bella says with a laugh before turning on her heels.
As she leaves Y/n fucks Steven even faster as he searches for his own orgasm. Y/n lets go of Steven's mouth letting the prince let out moans and whimpers. Y/n thrusted his cock deep inside Steven's walls. Tears began to roll from Steven's eyes as the pleasure overwhelms him. "Is this what you wanted? To be used like the slut you are?" Y/n questions with a smirk.
Steven nods his wet face yes hysterically as he feels Y/n's cock twitch inside him.
"I'm close!" Y/n warns as he grips onto Steven's legs holding them up in the air. Y/n' snaps his hips back and forth as he feels his orgasm nearing. From that feeling Y/n's thrust became more messy and faster.
With a few more thrust Y/n cums deep inside Steven painting his walls white. Y/n thrust begins to slow down and ease up. Y/n fucks Steven out of his high. Y/n stayed inside Steven deep as some of his cum leaks out of his hole. Y/n breathes heavy as he comes down from his high.
After they both calmed down Y/n lays down with his cock still deep inside him.
"Why didn't you stop with that girl knocked?" Steven questions nervously ignoring Y/n's laugh.
"Because she's my personal maid. She's been my "maid" since the day I was born! Her mother was my father's maid, so once she was born it was a week before I was born. We grew up together. And plus she won't tell anyone let alone my father." Y/n answers with a smile.
"She's my platonic soulmate." Y/n adds in before kissing Steven deeply. And you are my soulmate. We are more bound than just our kingdom benefits." Y/n says.
"And plus she won't tell anybody because she wants to be an auntie."
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What a (Not so) Strange World
A.N: I guess we can say this is the continuation of the (Not) A Whole New World series (?); that was supposed to be a two-shots thing, but I found myself scribbling the follows below.
P.S: Being honest I don't know if I'm gonna keep writing this reader insert with the reader as Yuu or not. There are some scenes that would feel 'forced' with the idea I had in mind.
Plz send help to this perpetually indecisive soul
To say that you were standing in front of the gates of a school wasn't entirely correct, actually.
It was more correct to say that you were already inside a school
You had come out of the usual forest – or at least to you it seemed the same as always – but this time you had found yourself inside a building, more or less, so this time the forest was inside a well-defined place, rather that on the edge of something, as you were used to by now.
(So ​​the forest was within school boundaries? Was it even a legal thing?)
Well, you were back, so there were two things to do: figure out where you were this time, and how far you were from Crewel or Trein and maybe let them know you were back in Twisted Wonderland and figure out how to get to them – so maybe things to do were a little more than two.
Among the various apps that Drizzy and Stacy had explained to you that were on your cell phone, there was a sort of digital map that could understand your position, you thought it was called 'Maps' – in your world people had made technology progress, but only in some specific areas far away from where you lived.
By activating it you hoped the place you were in didn't have any concealment spells of its location – back home, the Wicked Sea Witch's cave had been given this treatment to prevent other Merfolk from trying to play with her potions – otherwise you should have used the old method : walk until someone had found you and maybe explained where you were.
The Navigator let you know you were on the Isle of Sages, but didn't specify your exact location, so perhaps there actually was some sort of cloaking spell where you were.
So you had to go exploring…
Before "setting off on the adventure" you took a couple of photos of your surroundings - it didn't seem like a bad place, maybe you could post them on Magicam? – and sent them to Crewel
To: Fashionable Parental Figure
Morning, Hope you're having a wonderful day
[ Pic ] Guess I'm Back
Send Help, I don't know where I am
After looking around for anything that might indicate the presence of a path that would lead you back to civilization, you walked down a path that seemed to have been formed by continuous passage.
By doing so you found yourself in a very well-kept garden: the hedges had been pruned and some of the bushes on the road were already in flower (mainly irises and daisies), furthermore you had noticed several lavender bushes.
You couldn't see any water sources, but in the background you could hear a stream running by. After all, you were on an island, it made sense that there were rivers that flow into the sea.
After a while you managed to see a castle in the distance, was that normal?
Maybe you were wrong. Maybe you weren't in a school at all, but instead landed in some royal castle?
Were you in trouble? You had probably crossed some border, after all royals are always protected – it wasn't entirely your fault that you were there, and furthermore you didn't seem to see any guards.
With a deep sigh you turned in the direction of the castle, you were far away but this place didn't seem abandoned to you so you should found someone by continuing to walk.
Your walk continued peacefully, occasionally you chatted with the birds that flew around you, and according to what they told you, this was actually a school but they were all busy with the Entrance Ceremony.
At one point you noticed a little squirrel following you, trying to keep up with you, so you stopped, asking him if you could be of any use to him, and he asked you if you could be his means of transport for a little bit
(The idea of ​​traveling on someone's shoulder had always intrigued him, but he was still a squirrel, his was a shy species but you definitely smelled of something too good not to give it a try, and like so many animals this too chipmunk trusted his sense of smell to decide whether or not you were a danger)
You were in the middle of an avenue with several forks, and at that point you were surrounded by more animals than you remembered - the further you moved towards the castle the more animals were curious about you, and they didn't seem to bother you. In their eyes you were quite comfortable – when they started arguing about which direction to take you.
(if Frau Grimhilde had seen you she would probably have made a disgusted expression, you being a magnet for animals reminded her too much of that concentrate of disgusting goodness and puking kindness that was her stepdaughter)
Once they had agreed, you followed their instructions, finally managing to see the castle in all its majesty: it was pure white with several towers, some of which were lookouts, which stood quite high
To your eyes, it reminded too much of the castle that Maleficent, the old Fae who had taken you under her wing - quite literally - loathed with all of herself. You didn't know the details because she didn't like to talk about it, but you knew that that castle had been the place of her decay as a Fairy, earning her the definitive nickname of 'Mistress of all Evils'
You had done some research – as much as you possibly could since there was little of this event in the history books – and you had come to the realization that the event the Fae were referring to was the Feast to celebrate the birth of Princess Aurora . You weren't sure of the precise historical period, but you knew it couldn't be too long after the story of Snow White had been disclosed - there were too many similarities for it to be mere coincidence.
From your humble point of view Maleficent was not entirely wrong in doing what she did: she was still a high-ranking fairy and not inviting her to the princess's christening was a rather serious lack of respect that could even lead to a war.
It was bizarre, how that castle so similar to the one you had in front of you, had been the scene of Maleficent's only defeat and even more bizarre was how no history text ever spoke of what other evils the former fairy had done - in reality none book available to ordinary people was about your mentor.
As you approached the castle entrance, you heard a voice and also noticed how different animals were heading in the direction the voice was coming from, and before you knew it you too were moving in that direction
You were standing next to a wishing well – it might as well have been a regular well for all you knew – and right there in front, surrounded by a bunch of woodland critters was a boy who might be around your age, or maybe he was even younger than you, you weren't sure.
What you were sure was how absolutely he must have been related to Snow White – or was a huge fan of hers.
Skin as white as snow and lips as red as a rose.
Even the delicate features made one think of her.
If for Lady Treimein and Mr Trein you had noticed a certain resemblance, but they were more than trifles, in this case you just couldn't help but think how even the boy's movements were too similar to how Snow White moved.
You were so caught up in your thoughts about the familiarity this stranger had with someone who wasn't technically supposed to exist in this world, that you didn't notice that the boy was watching you too
You were really pretty
He knew you were, the animals around him warned him that someone was approaching, describing you in outline
Their descriptions didn't do you justice.
You had your eyes fixed on him, but it didn't seem like you were looking directly at him, but the light had hit your eyes in such a way that they looked like two gems in how much they sparkled.
You also had to be very delicate in your movements, since if it weren't for the animals, Neige would not have noticed your presence so quickly.
Even the clothes you wore seemed to be specially made to flatter your figure; they weren't too elaborate at all, in fact, on someone else they would certainly have been rather anonymous, but on you…you really looked like one of those female leads from the romantic films Neige was starring in.
A little squirrel was perched comfortably on your shoulder! Those little creatures tended to move away from him too, and there you were in front of him, completely unaware of the wonder in his eyes
But as good as you were in that idyllic setting that was the garden of the RSA, as much as you seemed like a fairy in that situation, you were definitely in the wrong place
“Fairy-san. Are you lost perhaps?”
The Snow White look alike had spoken to you – even if at first you didn't realize he was speaking to you – and he had also tilted his head in an awfully adorable way
“Is it that obvious?” you chuckled back, making the boy across from you smile as well
“Well, it's not everyday you see girls like Fairy san in an all-male school like RSA”
The boy, who introduced himself as Neige, explained where you were, geographically speaking, and when you asked him if there was any way you could get to one of your guardians he said you should probably go to the HeadMaster, so to be able to use the Magic Mirror
“ But I think you should wait a little bit, Fairy san, at least till the opening Ceremony end”
Actually barging into a room during a ceremony that seemed quite important didn't seem like the most brilliant introduction you could make of yourself, so you had Neige escort you on a sightseeing tour, learning a lot about both the school and the boy.
Neige, in addition to being a second year at the RSA, seemed to be quite a famous person, if you had to consider all the times his cell phone seemed to receive notifications – the guy had set the bird trill as ringtone – but he seemed to be used to it, seeing that he hadn't finched even once.
"I'm not that popular" he was shaking his head quickly "I'm just very social"
(It should have been illegal how adorable he was in that moment)
After some wandering around the school Neige took you to what he told you was the presidency but before letting you go he asked if she could have your contact information and if he could contact you occasionally
(“I won't bother you too much” his face was slightly flushed and his eyes were traveling everywhere but on you “it's just that talking to you was…well…refreshing”)
After exchanging contacts with Neige - who had brought along a rather annoyed squirrel - you checked if Crewel had answered you, but nothing. In fact he too was a teacher, probably he too had to do with some kind of opening ceremony.
You hoped to hear from him soon
You knocked on the door three times before it opened.
You found yourself in a medium sized room with a huge glass window - the whole wall in front of you was taken up with that thing - one of the walls was taken up with several bookcases piled high with books, while the opposite wall was papered with photos of former students and various awards.
In front of the window was a large desk, in a decidedly modern style, compared to how ancient the castle itself seemed, and sitting in the chair was a decidedly elderly man dressed in blue who smiled at you
“Good morning, would you like some tea?”
His voice was very gentle and cordial, and as he spoke you saw not only one of the armchairs moving to approach the desk, but above all a tea set which flew quietly - minus the sugar bowl which followed its own rhythm - until it landed on the desk
After the tea was served
(“Would you like some sugar or milk?” “Mmh, two cubes, interesting choice”)
“Now, may I know who are you sweet child?”
You explained to him how you had found yourself in the forest inside the school, that you had no idea how you got there and that you were hoping there was a way for your guardians to come and rescue you.
All the while the Headmaster had kept his gentle smile, nodding at your story
"Interesting" he smiled at you closing his eyes "You know, Sweet child, there are a lot of ways students can get to this school, the most used are the carriages that cross the portals, but the forest you're talking about is itself a portal. In ancient times they called it the Enchanted Forest, but it has been in disuse for centuries now, in a way it looks like a sentient portal, which refuses to act as a portal, for many it is now just a legend of yesteryear. That definitely makes you an interesting subject."
And with that he crossed his hands under his chin
“You don't seem too shocked by this revelation so while I doubt you knew this little story, this isn't the first time something like this has happened to you, right? But that's a conversation for another time, I'm not going to force information on you that you don't feel like sharing. I guess you want to warn your guardians of the situation, would you by any chance have a name for me?”
When you gave him the two names, the man chuckled jovially
"I just find this situation very amusing" he didn't elaborate.
"You are very lucky Sweet child, they are also on this island, even if a little far from our position. I hope you don't mind staying here a little longer, feel free to ask the teachers or Housewardens to escort you to one of the guest rooms, tell them you are my special guest. I think it will take a while to get one of your guardians to pick you up"
Was this man locking you up in his school?
“As much as it would be an immense pleasure for me to have you as a guest, I doubt your guardians would be too pleased with the accommodation, although you are more than welcome to return whenever you like”
A little speechless for what had just happened, you thanked the man for the hospitality and turned -ran away - towards the exit
Once the door was closed Ambrose laughed happily shaking his head.
Dimensional Traspasser who crossed the Enchanted Forest even if they possessed dark magic, this was truly a story to be told
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lazy-writer-owo · 11 months
A Pirate Live.. (Ch. 1)
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Shanks x OC! fanfic
Summary: How young! Shanks and young! Josephine met for the first time when her father Edward fought Roger. feat. Buggy and this is like an epilogue to a long story of Josephine Edward.
Warning- (non)
P.s. English is not my first language so please bare with me, this is also me attempting to break my comfort zone of writing an x OC fic and my first one piece fic :'D Enjoy!
Third pov.
Josephine sits by the railing of the ship looking at the luscious forest Infront of her, Marco stand beside her keeping his sharp eyes on the young lady.
Her mischevious behaviour could have slip pass by him any moment but after an order from pops have made him stay behind to babysit the adorable little lady. Josephine Newgate, a ripe age of 8 years old the little lady have spend since her birth on the ship surrounded by pirates and the danger of the marines. But nothing could sway her as she knows her father and her big family would keep the danger away from her.
"Marco, can we pleasee go there? i want to see the fight so bad" Josephine begs at the blonde haired man after a few rumble and explosion happened deep in the forest, she have always want to see the notorious pirate that her father would always complain about name Monkey.D Roger. She never met the Roger Pirates, her father forbid her to ever come near them because of their dangerous nature.
"No, you know pops would kill me and he would grounded you from going on the docks yoi" Marco says as he lean on the railing beside her, bored at his babysitting duty and all he ever wanted was to join pops and the others.
The little girl pouts at his answer and the worst thing to be punished that she can't explore any island that they docked at. The little girl then do her best 'puppy face' towards her brother with her hand clasp together infront of her "Pretty pleasee Marco, i promise i would hide and stand far awayyy i just want to see them fight pleaseee"
Marco let out a sigh shaking his head and frown at the girl "No means no, you cause enough trouble this week". Marco crosses his arms over his chest, his demeanor now serious.
"But-" Josephine try to reason with Marco again before she was shut down quickly by Marco harden glare at her. "Okay..i guess i be in my room until they come back" the girl says defeated as she hops down from the railing and walk towards the stair leading to the lower deck.
Marco shakes his head with a sigh
Josephine pov.
I open the door to my room before shutting it and lock it, i glance around my room before ducking down of my bed reaching my hand under to retrieve my stash.
A sword that was supposed to be put away after training session and a small pouch for with a small sketchbook in it, Im determined that today is the day that i will see Roger and my father in action. I will draw the fight in real live!
After my body is halfway through the small round window beside the ship i glance back whispering "Sorry marco I promise i be quick" before pulling myself before slip and fall with a yelp into the shallow sea water.
After succesfully went on to the dryland,making sure pineapple head is not on the deck. I waste no time but make a dash into the luscious forest heading to the loud noises of swords clashes to one another and angry war cry. My lips broke out into a big smile, excitement course through everysteps i take as the noises grew louder and louder.
A Clearing come into view with 2 people quarelling one another, one is a familiar silhouete of my father while the other is a man with a red coat and a red pirate hat sat upon his head. But the most noticable about the other man have a long black moustache "wow he can rival father with that moustache of his.." i duck behind the thick branch of a fallen tree peeking at them.
My mouth open in awe at the sheer power that the other man can withstand my father's attack and his haki, no doubt that is the man that rival my father. Monkey.D Roger, every each time their swords clash blew a gush of wind that blew my hair only widens my eyes and mouth to watch the 2 most dangerous pirate of the sea fought in-front of my very eyes!
But the blast blew and cut through some of the trees around me, i let out a yell as the trees fall around me before a warm hand grasp onto my hand and pull me up and dash away from the clearing to behind a rock. My eyes closed as the debris and dust stings, as we lean behind the rock catching our breath after the slight run of adrenaline. Then i realize that im with an unkown person before i reach for my sword and point it at them with a yelp "W-who! are you!?".
Standing before me is a boy same age as me with both of his arms raised in defense as the tip of my sword point at him. A strawhat rest on his head covering his fiery red hair, what an odd color. Is the boy also a pirate? i mean he have a sword strapped on his waist. Finally! a kid who is also a pirate like me!. He look at me with a tint of red on his cheeks before he snap us out of the state
"What are you doing here? do you know how dangerous it is here?!"
Taken aback by his outburst i lower my sword pointing my finger at him voice raise "and why do you care? im here to watch my father!"
The boy tilt his head confuse at my word "huh? your father?" his eyes blinking looking at me weirdly "No way, your father is a pirate from Whitebeards Pirate?"
i huff, a sword still in my hand as i put my other hand on my hip "Duh and he is-"
"Shank duck!" a voice cut through my sentence before another boy jump from on top of the rock straigh to me. I let out a scream as i see a flash of blue before a body just slam on to me knocking me on the ground, my sword flew from my hand. i let out a grunt as a ringing in my ears and hea throbing at the hard impact of the ground, the red-haired boy panic to see his best friend knock the defensless girl "Buggy! what are you doing! get off of her!"
The boy on top of me then scream aswell at his friend "She was pointing her sword at you! im only trying to help!".
i open my eyes and see a boy with a big red nose, we make eye contact before i let out a scream "GET OFF OF ME YOU WEIRDO!!" i push the blue haired boy ontop of me away before scrambling bakwards hand reaching for my sword before the red-hair quickly come near me to stop me from getting to my sword "Hey hey wait dont!"
"Stay back!" i point my sword at them, i though that i could be friend with the kid but they just want to kill me at this point "Y-you were with the roger pirate right, that's why your friend try to kill me!"
The red hair boy quickly shakes his head along with his hand as he grew nervous "No no! trust me im only trying to keep you away from the battlefield!" i snap back with "Then why is he trying to snap my neck?!" i point back at the blue haired kid
"Because you were trying to kill Shanks!"
"No i wasn't!"
"You were pointing the sword at him!"
What a good first impression huh. We glare at one another like you can see the electric connecting our intense staring contest before it was broken by Shank stand in between of us "Okay, okay stop it. My friend here can be a bit of an idiot since he does not have any common sense in his brain"
"Hmph clearly, what kind a man knock down a lady" I huff as i lower my sword. "You're not a lady! what kind of a lady handle swords!" Buggy as his friend says his name yelled pointing his finger at me.
"A kind of lady that can beat your ass!" i scream back as i went near him. Shank facepalm at the scene infront of him before he reach between them and push them apart slightly "Buggy please stop insulting her, it has been forever since we met anyone that are the same age as us in a pirate crew" The red-hair smile widely before turn his head to the girl.
"Im shanks, the idiot that knock you is Buggy we're from the Roger Pirate crew" He says still wearing the big smile as he extend his hand for a proper shake. Josephine look at the boy eyes widened slightly as she heard him, they are from the Roger Pirate? no way!
"W-wait i didn't know that the Roger Pirate have children on the crew, my father never mention that" The girl blinks at the new discoveries before buggy bugs in (hehe) "Well who's your father??"
"Oh its-"
"Josephine!!" a gruffy voice yelled as the three children tense and look up to see a figure of non other than Whitebeard descend with his weapon raise aiming at the two younger roger's crew. The boys scream frighten by the sudden appereance of the very angry Whitebeard, Roger appear infront of the children using his sword to block the attack creating a loud blast of wind that almost knock away the children.
All three of the children were shaken, buggy knees weakened as he sat on the dirt eyes wide. While Shank have wrapped his arms around the girl's waist and cover her head eyes closed by the debris and dust. Out of instict Shank have quickly pull Josephine close shielding her away from the danger, a sense of protectiveness over the girl.
"Get your filthy hands away from her!" Whitebeard voice booms as he aims at the two boys before the girl pull away from Shank's embrace spread her arms wide "Father don't!" she screams loud with her eyes close. Whitebeard weapon then stopped once again by Roger's hand hold tightly on the handle "My my i didn't know you have a daughter Whitebeard Hahaha! This is interesting my friend!"
"You're whitebeard daughter?!" the two boys yelled out shock to know the girl infront of them are no ordinary daughter to a common crew member but THE Whitebeard daughter.
The girl says nothing as she open her eyes to meet the glare of her very upset father, before meekly says "Im sorry Father.."
(To be continued....)
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lemonhemlock · 7 months
so, i'm going through your anti team black tag and living my best life, but one post in particular that you made got me thinking.
“george made damn sure rhaenyra’s bloodline sat on the throne at the end bc, if the hightowers won, house targaryen would have been reformed, and he couldn’t kill them all off at the end of the main series”
i'm pretty sure this might've just been a joke, but it makes me curious. do you think something like a targaryen reformation would be possible, hypothetically speaking? i certainly wouldn't mind it in a "greens win" AU scenario, but that's just me. i wanna know if anyone else sees potential in this. 💚💚💚
Hello, yes, this was mostly a joke, as it happens. 😅 (anon is referring to this post) To introduce another lengthy parenthesis, I remember at the time that some of the reactions to that post were in the range for "why doesn't anyone understand that the Hightowers are also feudal lords vying for their own interests and not some great reformists out to save Westeros", which... Listen. 😄 To put equitably, this fandom has a considerable issue with knowing when to level criticism and when to just treat banter as lighthearted horsing around and not take it too seriously. Something which even I'm not exempt from, I don't think. 🤷‍♀️
So, in the interest of making a meme, that post was kind of half-true in that it simplified a more nuanced concept (that was never an avenue that the author decided to explore anyway) for the sake of humour. I have, in the past, detailed my thoughts on House Hightower and what I think is their role in the wider narrative. This is based on the information we have on them presently. If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong. Who knows, maybe Lord Leyton and Melara plan on blowing Oldtown up for shits and giggles. We don't have to guess everything correctly - another aspect this community struggles with in their fandom wars and obsession with having the most correct, morally pure take.
Regardless, yes, the Hightowers obviously are a privileged family at the top of the social food chain, benefitting from the exploitation awarded by feudalism - a political-economic system based on vast inequality. Therefore, any type of reform they might be willing to undertake will be limited and not really something that significantly changes the status-quo. Just like the beloved, fan-favourite, and mostly confirmed "winners" - the Starks. A third element that our fandom has trouble accepting is the concept of incremental change. I feel like it would basically be a truism to point out that incremental change has been the most reliable vector of socio-economic evolution throughout human history. So, bad news for them, I suppose, but any superficial study of history will reveal that feudalism hardly collapsed overnight. Which leads us back to the idea that any small change, no matter how limited, does matter in the long run, because, as time passes, it will be compounded with another small change and so on.
Anyway, coming back to the question. Would Targaryen reformation be possible? Certainly! GRRM could have made up any story he wanted. Anything is possible if you plan for it and it makes sense within your worldbuilding. As it stands, the Targaryens are foreigners with a questionable culture, hailing from a land that used to engage in practices that even the feudal Westerosi found backwards, distasteful, barbaric or immoral: slavery, human sacrifice, incest, great feats of violence such as pillaging and conquering neighbouring lands for the sake of feeding their population to their volcano gods etc. The Targaryens also have fire-breathing monsters that, while not exactly enough all the time to prevent any rebellions from happening, are weapons that no one else has access to and that can cause a great deal of damage that no one else can replicate.
So, in order to "reform" and integrate, they would need to renounce all that. They would need to do it the traditional way. They do some of the work, but never go all the way. They accept the main religion of the land, but they don't let go of inter-marrying, because they don't want to lose their access to dragons. There are attempts to integrate, but, by the time of the events of the main series, they have returned to incest. Funnily enough, Aegon V plays a role in both - he marries outside of the family and has no dragons left, but his succeeding son and daughter marry each other and, eventually, Aegon decides that bringing back dragons is not such a bad idea after all. I do think that the symbolic weight of Daenerys having both her parents and her grandparents as brother-sister sets is laying the "dragon blood" metaphor thick - and that it holds more magical weight than any mathematical calculation of her actual watered-down Targaryen DNA.
In any such scenario where GRRM decided to go down a Targaryen reformation path, IMO it would have been thematically-relevant to ease into it via a marriage alliance with one of the oldest families in Westeros - a well-respected, rich house that also has close links to both the only centre of higher education and the main religious organization in the land. Hence the meme. :) But it doesn't last and the Targaryens go back to their dastardly ways eventually, that's the point of them in the story, because the author chose it to be the point.
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bengiyo · 1 year
So I’ve got some thoughts wracking around my brain and I’d love to hear your thoughts. Apologies ahead of time because this is long.
Some background: I’ve been watching BL for about 2 years, consuming content from BL fandom on Tumblr for about a year, and listened to you & Nini’s pod since it came out. So I know a big trend and exciting push is workplace BL and more adult BL characters and relationships. I think it’s really interesting that so many in the fandom favor this trend because I struggle with the presence of the typical BL tropes in stories with queer adults because I see many of the tropes as inherently childish I guess? I mean I think as we all watch BL we have to hold a suspension of disbelief watching two adolescent or fully grown men live out these silly tropes (e.g white towel bath, tripping and falling, etc. (we all know’em by now)). I think that’s why I typically lean toward high school and even college settings because it’s easier to imagine characters in that age range engaging with these types of tropes.
I think the same goes for certain genres too. For example: I had a hard time enjoying KinnPorsche because tonally it was hard to reconcile one scene of rampant violence/death and the next scene Kinn & Porsche walking in the park engaging in all the silly tropes. The romance orientation of BL (to me) does not mix well with Mafia or horror genres because the presence of these tropes create such a weird tonal shift throughout the narrative.
I think I primarily have this trouble with Thai BLs (maybe also Taiwan they just don’t produce nearly as many shows so less to compare) because 1) the specific campy thai style of acting and 2) the fact that Thai BLs pack so many of the same tropes in their shows.
Now all that being said: I’m loving Law of Attraction and I’ve been thinking a lot about why it works for me. So far I don’t think there have been nearly as many tropes as some shows but I also think the melodrama of it all helps too. I mean both Charn and Tinn are very archetypal and Charn is almost a caricature of the archetype. It’s ridiculous and highly entertaining and still works as a BL for me.
Ok all that being said (I’m sorry this is so long) specifically with workplace/adult Thai BL: I see it going one of two main ways to continue to work (for me at least) while they also try to explore different settings, genres, and stories. Either 1) LoA route where it’s very dramatic and the characters are more caricatures and it’s not to be taken too seriously (but it’s still fun and entertaining and has some good themes) or 2) they phase out a lot of the tropes and depict more realistic queer characters in adult relationships. If they go route #2 wouldn’t that just lead to inherently more queer shows? From what I understand many define BL by the inclusion of these tropes and centering the romance in the narrative but I just can’t see how these aspects can continue to exist in more adult oriented stories? Do you think new tropes will emerge in these “office BLs” that will make it continue to “feel” BL without it feeling queer? Don’t get me wrong I’m queer and I love that it seems to be going in that direction but I’m also interested in the history/origins of the Thai BL industry and how they will likely try to continue to please their original base (cis het women) with more mature stories and settings without losing the essence of BL and moving more toward queer shows. Would love to hear any and all your thoughts. I’m thinking so much more about these topics hearing you and Nini on the pod so thank you for fostering these conversations!!
There's a lot going on here, so I'm going to try to pull out some specific things to interrogate.
I know a big trend and exciting push is workplace BL and more adult BL characters and relationships. I think it’s really interesting that so many in the fandom favor this trend because I struggle with the presence of the typical BL tropes in stories with queer adults because I see many of the tropes as inherently childish I guess? I mean I think as we all watch BL we have to hold a suspension of disbelief watching two adolescent or fully grown men live out these silly tropes (e.g white towel bath, tripping and falling, etc. (we all know’em by now)). I think that’s why I typically lean toward high school and even college settings because it’s easier to imagine characters in that age range engaging with these types of tropes.
I'm entering my mid-30s. I'm a bit burnt out on the high school and college stuff. I also work in an office tower as part of a large bureacracy. You'd be surprised how much petty office drama looks like the same shit you dealt with in schools. I also like the notion that even adults can enjoy some of the silly first moments. I dont' like the idea that either we settle down with the first boy we met in high school or college or we just don't exist.
Also, there are lots of tropes entering BL from the genre-blending that I think some viewers just don't recognize. Part of why Korean BL is so important is because quite a few viewers are versed in the narrative structures and story beats of a typical kdrama, and their commentary has been interesting as we get more Korean offerings. I often find that people miss out on the cues in Japanese shows because they didn't grow up on Japanese media like I did.
For example, I was commenting to NiNi last night when we were recording for Tokyo in April is... that one of the things I like so much about second chance romance in BL is the different built-in presumptions compared to straight people. When straight people have a second chance, it's usually because one of them broke up with the other. The relationship ended because of their internal problems. In gay second chance, the relationship was often taken from them by homophobia. In Our Dating Sim, internalized homophobia made Wan run away. Same in Individual Circumstances or The Promise. In Tokyo in April is... the boys are separated by their parents. Their relationship ended against their own wills, so the reunion and second chance is different because of their queer context.
Re: KinnPorsche: The romance orientation of BL (to me) does not mix well with Mafia or horror genres because the presence of these tropes create such a weird tonal shift throughout the narrative.
I don't know. History3: Trapped exists. Tropes are storytelling tools built upon familiar beats that audiences recognize. The pinky touch doesn't belong to BL. It grew out of queer media as a way for boys to privately have a moment of intimacy. Tropes are not inherently good or bad. What matters is how they're used. Do they support the narrative and themes, or do they get in the way?
A lot of folks do not like the Blushing Maiden trope. I am variable. It matters how it's used. I think it makes sense for Pharm in Until We Meet Again. I think it makes some sense for Minato in Minato's Laundromat. I don't really like it in Heartstopper 2. Elle gets a Heel Pop in Heartstopper 2, and it's what she deserves!
As for a mafia story, putting a romance story in a crime drama often is used to ramp up the sense of tragedy because the romance can't succeed inside the rules of the crime world.
specifically with workplace/adult Thai BL: I see it going one of two main ways to continue to work (for me at least) while they also try to explore different settings, genres, and stories. Either 1) LoA route where it’s very dramatic and the characters are more caricatures and it’s not to be taken too seriously (but it’s still fun and entertaining and has some good themes) or 2) they phase out a lot of the tropes and depict more realistic queer characters in adult relationships.
I don't like binaries like this. If you had asked me at 15 when I started watching Degrassi and then sneaking around to watch other gay shit if we'd have what we call BL now, I would not have believed you.
As for Laws of Attraction, I don't know that calling the characters caricatures is accurate either. They're behaving under the surreal rules of a lakorn, a telenovela, or a soap opera. There are exaggerations in the characters, but they all make sense and are obeying the rules of their world.
As for the question about BL getting more gay, @absolutebl has covered this already. Audiences do not care about gay people. Some of the conventions of surreal BL or the bubble are why they signed up. People did not watch POSE, they do not watch stuff like For the Boys, I haven't seen anyone on Tumblr talk about Sort Of, we didn't get an explosion of new gay shit after Moonlight or Call Me By Your Name. All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us.
I think there is room for BL to genre blend and play with broader romance or dramatic themes, à la La Pluie or Moonlight Chicken. However, I'll remind you that folks don't always like that (see I Promised You The Moon).
I think the biggest thing to recognize is that, while BL does have some of its own tropes from origin yaoi or modern Thai BL, BL shares a lot of DNA with romance as a whole. Don't get lost in the sauce of the classification war. Watching BL to check off boxes about what's recognized or not as the primary goal feels like a distraction.
Besides, if you're enjoying Laws of Attraction, that show has done nothing new. It's literally just using familiar lakorn and romance beats. Humans have been telling stories for at least 20,000 years. It doesn't have to be new to be good. It just needs to be done well.
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oswincoleman · 7 months
Jenna Coleman’s new show, “The Jetty” is launching at the BBC studios showcase as one of the main attractions this week. Distributors from around the world will be able to acquire it as well.
BBC Studios is betting that The Jetty can be a global hit
The link also features an interview with Jenna Coleman (who plays the leading role of Ember Manning), executive producer Elizabeth Kilgariff, and writer Cat Jones. Here are some of the highlights:
Coleman: “What I enjoyed so much about Ember is that her good character traits are also her flaws – her pride and her beating down the door and not being able to give up, and her arrogance in certain ways. All of those traits that are her best bits are also her flaws. So we see her turning in on herself all the time. We really see her in so many extreme, complex, emotional segues.”
“Ember goes on a big journey across the four episodes. We don’t let her off the hook at all. But she is always quite badass. And she’s really funny,” Kilgarriff says. “She is that person who might say the wrong thing, but you just love her, because she’s just so cool.”
“We talked about Jenna playing Ember even before I think we had the green light.”
Kilgariff: “We’ve got Archie Renaux playing her sidekick, Hitch. It’s a very interesting relationship. It starts out very much like, “oh God, he needs to learn from Ember,” and Ember is a sort of older sister, teaching him the way. But as we go along, there are moments where he just will say things that make her sort of stop and perhaps second-guess herself a little bit.”
Coleman: “That is a dynamic that gives us so much of the humor in the show.”
I can’t wait for people to see Ember. I think she was a pretty cool character on the page. But what Jenna has done with her is amazing. You know that thing where you’ve got two friends, and you know when you introduce them, they’re going to love each other. That’s how I feel about audiences meeting Ember. She’s just exactly the person you’d want if you’re in trouble. She’ll sort it out. And she’ll make jokes about it as well. She’s fun to be with.
Could we see more of Ember in the future?
Kilgarriff: “The show works very well, it is very satisfying as a piece, which I think is really important for the audience. Saying that, but I don’t want to give anything away, I would love to see her back again. And I do think the audience is going to respond to her in an incredibly positive way. So, yeah, it would be wonderful. But we don’t know that.”
Jones: “It’s really funny. I hope so. You’re very funny, Jenna. And she’s a very entertaining character. There are lots of scenes of Ember and Hitch in cars, driving around places. I would love to do a spin-off show of just Ember and Hitch driving around, just talking about things. They’re so entertaining. There’s not enough space to have as many of those scenes as you want.”
Kilgariff: “It’s really fun watching it in the edit, I have to say. Ember and her mother, I think, Amelia and Jenna, they are fantastic. I can see a spin-off in those two as well. I think lots of people will identify with that relationship. It’s very moving and very funny. So it just feels very real.”
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chronotsr · 4 months
No. 6 - D3, Vault of the Drow (August 1978)
Author(s): Gary Gygax Artist(s): David C. Sutherland III (Cover), David A. Trampier Level range: Average of 10, preferably party size 7+ players Theme: Underground exploration Major re-releases: GDQ1-7 Queen of the Spiders; Dragon #298 and #300 (kind of), Drow of the Underdark (even less so)
Fuck I love old module covers. Again the later revision (the blue one) changes the art to be less gloriously trash, which is a shame. The cartoony sketch era is not long for this world, C1 (Tamoachan) represents a pretty noticeable change in art style towards the kind of THIN YOUR PAINTS looking characters in color. We have another year of modules before they make the art less silly.
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In re-release news, again we get a very lightly altered treatment in GDQ Queen of the Spiders. Less well known though is a section in Dragon #298 (immediately after Paizo took over) on the Vault of the Drow, although it is…almost entirely setting material, which makes it actually somewhat faithful to D3. What makes it unfaithful to D3 is that it takes place after the events of 1e/2e DND and doesn't contain any of the pre-Vault materials of D3 or the Egg of Lolth section.
Drow of the Underdark is a similar situation, but curiously uses totally distinct materials (like yet another map of the city), but contains even less information about the non-city parts of the Vault. Still, it's interesting seeing 3e-style treatments of D3, and if nothing else it gives you some damn visuals of what Erelhei-Cinlu actually looks like.
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The module starts with a recap, and also a brief note as to how to get to the titular Vault of the Drow. Apparently you are now avowed nemeses to Drow, despite plenty of routes to the contrary. We'll also find out later that we're actually enemies to only one bloc of Erehlei-Cinlu Drow. We get the same list of warnings as the previous 2 modules, which themselves contained a lot of warnings from the G series, so this is our 6th time reading some of these bulletpoints. Strangely, apparently "because of the chaotic nature of the dark elves", active raiding parts of the town won't rouse organized resistance to the party, Light spells don't work right here (they go dark and brownish), and Drow resent even the slightest natural-ish light. The upshot is that you can get away with a lot of bullshit.
Our random encounter tables have been updated to reflect being past the main Depths foes of kuo-toa and the like, it's mostly Drows and monsters from this point on. Well, and undead. And bugbears. And trogs. And trolls. And slaves, of course. So mostly just that Kuo-Toa are gone? Svirfneblin are listed with the random encounters despite not actually being on the random encounter list? Anyway.
We have a few canned encounters.
The first one is, suspiciously similar to the Drow checkpoint in D1. It's basically the same. I'm not going to cover it again, it's just the D1 checkpoint but with the weird Battle of the Sexes angle removed.
The second one is a bizarre encounter -- a succubus is pretending to be a statue, a Drow vampire is glamored to look like a songbird, and the whole cavern is glamored to look like a beautiful grove. The vampire is, obviously, named Belugos, because fuck it why not name the vampire Bela Lugosi? They're gonna do their level best to make the players turn around without fighting, but the odds of the whole party failing the charm person AND not finding this suspicious is 0%. Their mesmerized gnome servant completes the Dracula reference.
It's passingly mentioned in their treasure notes that, Bela Lugosi lead-lined a box to hide magic items from magic detection. So that's our newest data point in the "we have to have rational explanations for magic" series.
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I guess she always goes nude. She's also nude on the revised edition back cover, which I'm sure got someone in trouble with their parents in 1985. This is one of your two possible routes into the Vault, by the way.
The other way is through a giant spider trap. The only thing of note is the idol of Lolth you can find that gives you a variety of neat powers (but slowly turns you into a giant spider).
In the vault proper, we have some fun special qualities. Everything is simply a different color here, for starters -- modified by your vision type. The ceiling is literally a kind of radioactive parody of the heavens, complete with "stars" and "moons" being played by particular types of rocks and lichens. Everything's got a vague red hue, except the roads which are enchanted to be lightly blue to drowish eyes -- that's what those magical glasses from a few modules ago do, they help you see drow-enchanted markers.
The place is lit with growing shrooms, for all the light that'll give you. A lot of the random encounters give us little glimpses into drowish life, from the lumberjacks clearing fungi for food, leather, et c., to drow nobles on a hunting party, to merchants feuding, to kuo-toan spies lurking in the river.. A good amount of love went into these tables, which I really wish was the norm. "There are bugbears, they have these items and this leader" is a pretty lame encounter good only for punishing slow moving. That being said, this adventure loosely implies Bugbears are Polish? What?
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D3 is actually super sparse on artwork, and this is the best one we're going to get all module. This is the Black Tower, which overwatches a chokepoint to everywhere in and out of the Vault. If you have a drowish medallion, you can just saunter on in, enjoy your Evil Elf TSA checkpoint experience, then go about your business in the Vault. The medallions are coded by noble/merchant house, which means that your party just automatically became affiliated in a highly partisan city! Woe betide you, sucker that approached the tower openly hostile, cus they're guarding it with the GDQ series' perennial favorite: hand ballistae, and if you linger around the tower when the alarm goes off Gary straight up tells you to declare Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies because 300 drow troopss show up. Very cool, Gary!
So this is when D3 gets Complicated.
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The best part of the Drow are is how much they plot. The worst part of the Drow is how much work that plotting is to run. 24 different families are all circling around each other, looking for weaknesses, allying and warring with one another. I think you would literally need multiple relationship maps to keep them all straight. The above list is actually only about two-thirds of the total relationships between houses, the rest come later with the noble house keys.
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So, this tiny picture is the only visual we get of Erelhei-Cinlu. Well, that sucks. OK, well, let's presume you don't go in through the front gate, because that's obviously suicide, what then?
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I'm sorry, what? The doors automatically sense your race and summon a demon with no ability to disarm? Fuck off, Gary. You have to go through the Black Tower. You have to get a medallion. You have to go through the Front Gate. You have to fight Lolth instead of the Elder Elemental God. Fine, I go through the front door.
E-C's description is exhausting to read because it's one of those times Gary just vents his orientalist, misogynist biases. Women are in charge? The men aren't buff?? There's sex workers??? Get me my fainting couch!
A lot of ink is spilled on the treatment of slaves, half-drow, non-drow, et c. Tragically the actual appearance of the city is not commented on very much beyond "it's very mazey" and "it's dark". E-C is perpetually 5 seconds from collapse at all times, but also hilariously stable. RIP to anyone dumb enough to rebel here.
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E-C's section is a fairly rote "city that sucks" so let's move on.
Ah, the Noble Houses section. There is no way to put this gently, so let's rip the bandaid off. This is so much information that it's overwhelming (8 noble house houses with equipped npcs, special magic items, motivations, room counts, et c.) but also so little information about each individual house that you're going to have to heavily homebrew huge chunks of content.
For example, the first listed House is Tormtor. We know they're:
Rank 7 in the Nobility Hierarchy
They've bought off the head of the Male Fighters' Society.
Allied with Eliservs House, the unnamed Prism and Chain Clans, & indirectly to the unnamed Coiled Whip, Bars, Star, and Bone clans
They on the up and therefore unpopular with the other nobles
Have 6 unnamed nobles ruling the house
Have 6 named and 7 unnamed magic items.
But…what is special about this house? Why are they so ahead? What does their palace look like? Why would you go to it? How could you possibly interact with the alliance and enemy system, as a non-drow?
These descriptions are just not useful, and by the time you have written out enough information on all 24 families you have made the actual module into a footnote. Those later write-ups of E-C can't save you either, because the timeline advanced.
By reading the whole thing and taking notes you reveal that there are two blocs (the Tormtor-Eilservs bloc and the Despana-Kilsek-Noquarto bloc) and a handful of neutrals waiting for a clear winner to back.
The Eliservs are the first rank house, headed by Eclavdra, and their big plot was pivoting from Lolth worship to Elder Elemental God worship because the Lolth priestesshood didn't back Eclavdra's claim for Queenship. Remember Eclavdra? The text explicitly says that if she died in G3 she was cloned (eyeroll) by her consort. Why organize the events of the G series? To get more EEG converts and attain Queenship. An extremely risky plan that we will discover in T1-2 and A1-4 is more plotholes than plot.
Eclavdra's house is about to fall before you showed up.
She's in charge of the Giants
Eclavdra's fall would signal an end to the Giant incursions
There is no longer a reason to deal with the Giants
There is no longer a reason to deal with the Drow
There was no reason to do any of this
The EEG temple is actually the one from G3, so you've even already punished the Drow before D1 even started! And also, how exactly is that possible? The route to the G3 temple and the route to D1 are 51 miles apart?
I have read quite a few suggestions on how to un-fuck GDQ, and my personal preference is this:
Flip every House's religions, EEG to Lolth and vice-veras
The Giant plot is Lolth's, and Eclavdra's sister is acting for her
Regardless of G1-3, Eclavdra is about to win the secret war for Queenship via the Lolth cult.
A unified Erelhei-Cinlu is a threat and must be stopped
Anyway, having now shredded the politics in here, we move onto the dungeon-dungeon.
First, the Egg of Lolth, which is the broader Lolth zone in Erelhei-Cinlu. Yada yada yada spider sacrifices, orgies, et c. It's all very rote. The head priestess of the lesser temple (not the greater temple!) has a lot of money but not so much magical items -- a weird quirk of D1-3 is that there are basically no magical weapons, so your fighter is probably livid by now. Then, we enter the Great Fane of Lolth, which is to say the greater temple. And we will go into keyed mode:
The temple itself is pagoda-themed, in case you haven't guessed that the Drow are supposed to be vaguely China-themed yet. Naturally trying to climb around and not dungeoncrawl properly promptly punishes you by being suddenly attacked by a giant pile of gargoyles and shadows.
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Every depiction of Lolth, even from this second-release copy I'm using, is just….truly sad. Why was "monster but animal head" so common for so long? It's not scary or weird or funny, it's just lame?
The walls are decorated with fake halloween spiderwebs, so this whole place feels like Spirit Halloween. The actual Fane itself is weirdly empty?
Like an evil confessional, all the council chambers have secret spying rooms.
You run into a fake Lolth illusion who pranks the party, which is really not helping the Spirit Halloween vibes
If you walk into a painting of the Demonweb Pits, you just instantly die (or skip directly to Q1 if your GM hates you -- general consensus is that Q1 is bad and that you should just use the pre-planned D3 version of the Lolth fight)
Finally, as you enter the dungeon part of the dungeon (which is actually pretty small by late-game dungeon standards), there is a passive fear aura and all the spiderwebs are now made of onyx and silver, which means your party is going to have a field day with the chisel.
To my great shock and happiness, there is a drow dissident here! And he's good! And won't backstab you! He is neutrally aligned and wants to reform drow society. Good for him! There's a messed up enchanted silver cage which essentially magically webs a victim in a sort of metaphorical representation of a true spider enwebbing their prey. It's a cool visual!
Lolth just kind of, hangs out in room D5. She isn't doing anything. If you kill her, she drops an egg with plot items for Q1, and geases you to walk through that one painting. No save, of course. Lolth herself is a "hard to hit, high resistances, low HP" affair, but also she can heal herself for 50% three times a day, so she is triple dipping on difficulty (in this biz we call this "deeply unsportsmanlike" but I'll give a pass for a demon queen being bullshit)
There's no real reason to go up. Lolth is down and you have no reason to believe good shit should be up, but if you do anyway you will find a variety of random people wandering around with magical goodies, like the high priestess and the commander. It's implied the priestess has been fucking a demon?
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Your taste is a lot different than mine, ma'am.
Naturally the treasure room for the fane is hilariously trapped in like three different ways, including with permanent dust of disappearance. Inexplicably, there is a talisman of lawfulness that, if combined with some diamonds, tells you how to reach Lolth. Why was there a talisman of lawfulness in the treasury? Why does it tell you how to get to the demonweb pits? Why does it write in drowish runes?
Finally, you find a wharf with a boat in it. It's trapped with the previously mentioned sentient statue, but hey -- you now have a galley that you can only use on the Pitchy Flow, Svartjet, and Sunless Sea (in an unexplained way). Good luck with the 66 ghouls, 6 ghosts, and type 2 demon!
That's, that's it? Again, D3 reads like a tiny setting book larping with an obligatory dungeon at the end. The Fane is the blandest dungeon thusfar, and G2 was already pretty lame. Still, it is not lost on me that you could form an entire campaign in the Vault's materials, and it might even be good if you relax the "Drow are ontologically evil" quite a bit and allow your party into the factional fighting.
Next time, Tomb of Horrors! Possibly the most over-discussed module is actually a quite early one. See you then!
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lavender-long-stories · 7 months
For the fruit game: 🍊🍑
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This was in reference to: The Fruit Ask Game
🍊 Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more? (They’re so interesting! But maybe you have trouble pinning them down, or keep getting distracted by another blorbo…)
Gaara @_@
After writing Lavender Sand, I have really struggled to do another GaaHina because I felt like I had already explored the deepest depth of their canon possible relationship there. He pops in here an there as a secondary lead when I need him, but I really wish I could pin him down again.
I wrote Beauty and the Sand Beast as another attempt at a cannon-ish universe, and though it turned out cute, I didn't enjoy writing it as much.
I plan to force out a modern AU that I have been trying to figure out how to write for a long time this year. It's going to be really weird to not have Shukaku in his head. We will see if I can do it.
Also Deidara
Another character who is getting his own story this year, whether I like it or not. I have him as a background side character quite a bit, but his POV just doesn't come as naturally to me as some of the other Akastuski, and I find he is hard to bounce off Hinata's personality because they don't have an easy conflict. Thier both too laid back.
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🍑 If you could make a connection between your favorite character and another work you care about (whether a crossover/fusion or a wonderfully “pretentious” literary reference) what would it be? How would it work?
Uuuuuuuuhhhhh. ????
My brain rot doesn't usually work very well with cross-overs.
But I guess you could say that I would love Hinata is just about any supernatural boi K-Drama I've watched, which is why I determined to make a bunch of non-human boi AU's.
Death Wishes (ItaHina) came from my love of shows like Goblin and Doom at Your Service, but I was going more for the trope than the universe.
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rayne-astrophile · 9 months
YuuMori x Boboiboy crossover
They only manage to explore 1 over 3 parts of the mansion before dinner. Ryan has come and brings them to the dining room at the moment, and they wonder how he knows their current location. 
When they arrive, Amato is already there, waiting for them with a smile on his face. The three brothers bashfully take their seats where the meals are placed. 
As they eat, William and Louis' eyes lighten up at the delicious taste of the steaks. Back in Moriarty's territory, they only got leftovers from the family's meal, which leads to their skinny figure. 
"So how's your touring?" The oldest man asks, starting a conversation. Albert swallows his food and replies. "We only managed to explore a bit. Luckily Ryan came and led our way here, or else we'll be lost." He scratches his cheek. 
Amato laughs at his words. "Well, I guess tomorrow my sons can give you a proper tour." William lowers his hands at the mention of Amato's sons. He raises his head and smiles at the man. 
"Pardon me, Mr. Ama—" 
William coughs. 
"Pardon me, um…Dad…" he averts his eyes away, embarrassed. "May I ask about your sons?"
"You mean your brothers?" 
"...Yes," he says awkwardly as Amato smiles. "I have seven sons in total. They look identical… sometimes I mistook one of them with another. The only difference is their eyes and their favourite colours." He puts his utensils down and holds a finger up. "The oldest is 16 years old, two years older than you, Albert." He grins at the teen. "The second one is 15, and the third is 14. The other four are twins, a pair 12 years old and another is 10 years old. All of them are gifted, you know?" 
William blinks his eyes in awe. "What a big family," he comments. 
"...won't we trouble you?" 
Their eyes land on Louis, who is looking down. "You already have seven kids to take care of.. wouldn't taking us three into your house add the burden?" 
His question makes both William and Albert tense up. Louis has a point. True, they're searching for someone that can accept them like Amato does, but they don't want to trouble a kind man like him. 
Amato stares at him silently before standing up, flinching Louis as he walks towards the younger blonde. He lowers his head even more until Amato reaches him. 
Amato occupies the empty seat beside Louis and takes his hands gently. "Who says you're a burden, Louis?" His question makes Louis snap his head and finally looks at him. "William, Albert, do you see yourself as a burden too?" He looks at the two. 
Getting no answer, Amato breaths out a sigh before offering them a kind smile. "I was asked this question when I said I want to adopt you." He mutters, "Do you want to hear my answer?" Louis stares at him silently before nodding his head. 
"I want to give these children a family." 
Their hearts skip a beat at his words. "I am a man who wants a big family. Even if I have hundreds of children in this house, I would still adopt you. Everyone deserves a family, Louis. I know what those nobles had done to you." They flinch at the revelation. "But trust me, I'm nothing like them. I.. want to create a new world. And I'm sure we share the same world that we desire. Am I right, William? Albert?" 
He gestures to them to come over, which they oblique. "You're children with dreams that I want to protect. That I want to love," he caresses Albert's cheek gently, his thumb brushes under the teen's emerald eyes. 
That's when he knows, he is crying. 
Louis gets off from his chair and stands beside William who is in the middle. "I would never see you as a burden. So please don't say that again, Louis." He squeezes the smaller hand gently. 
"I will try my best to fulfil the empty role of your parents," 
Those 13 words are enough to break them. Amato brings them into his embrace as Albert grips his sleeve shakily while Louis holds his hand tight. 
William closes his eyes as he lets the warmth engulf him. At the same, he opens his heart to accept this man in his life. 
"I'll be away for a week, but the brothers will be around starting tonight. You don't have to wait for them, okay?" Amato kneels to their height as they are about to part their ways. He then looks at each face. "You don't have to worry about them. They will welcome you with warmth just like I do," he assures them with a smile. 
William returns the smile and tilts his head to the side. "We'll keep that in mind. Thank you, dad." Amato grins and ruffles his hair gently before doing the same to Albert and Louis. 
"See you in a week, Dad." Albert bids his farewell as Louis smiles at the man. 
"Good bye, kids. Sleep well for tonight, because tomorrow will be a whole new chaotic day for you. I hope you won't get too shocked by their attics." He says jokingly. 
Or they take it as a joke. 
The next morning…
A knock on the door wakes the two blondes up as Ryan's voice is heard. "Good morning, young lords. The breakfast will be prepared in five minutes, so prepare yourselves." 
William yawns softly before replying. "Alright, thank you, Ryan." He then taps Louis' shoulder gently. "Louis. Wake up, brother." The younger blonde stirs before opening his eyes. His brother smiles at him, "We should get prepared for breakfast. Come on," 
After a while, they pass by Albert's chamber, just as he gets out of his room. "Albert nii-san," William greets, which he earns a smile. "Good morning, William, Louis," the blonde brothers nod their head at him. "Let's walk to the dining room together." 
As they walk, Albert asks them a question. "How did you sleep?" William hums, "We slept well, Albert nii-san." He smiles. "What about you?" 
They turn to the left, towards the dining room. "I slept well too—" 
"The first one to reach the dining room wins!!" 
Startled by the new voice, the three brothers turn around, only to see two different-coloured blurs running towards them. 
"!?" Albert manages to catch a glimpse of orange eyes before the owner of those orbs bumps into him, making him fall on his back. 
"Albert nii-san!" William rushes to him in worry as footsteps approach them. 
"Sorry, Ryan!" An identical voice is heard as footsteps approach them. "Are you okay—wait, you're not Ryan." A pair of icy blue eyes stare at them with curiosity. 
Another voice is heard, "Of course he's not, Ryan is much taller than him." A shorter figure mutters, his silver eyes examine them up and down. "Anyways, are you okay?" He asks, his face is blank but his tone holds concern. 
The silver one reaches his hand out for Albert to take, which he did. "I'm sorry for my brothers' behaviour. I hope you're not injured," he apologises. 
Albert smiles and shakes his head. "I'm not hurt, thankfully." He assures, before eyeing the two unfamiliar boys with wonder. "And you are…?" 
"Call me Solar." The young lad introduces himself. "This is my brother too, we call him Ice." He says, referring to the icy blue eyed teen. 
William examines the two brothers silently. They have identical dark brown hair with a white streak that reminds him of Amato. He snaps his finger in realisation. 
"Ah.. Are you—" 
Solar, the younger brunette cut him off. "Yes, we're Amato's children." He reveals. "The other two are mine and Ice's twins. They're quite… troublesome. I hope you'll excuse their childish behaviour."
Albert smiles assuringly. "We don't mind it at all," Solar nods his head. "Now, why don't we walk to the dining room together?" 
The Moriarty brothers agree to his request. They walk behind the two brunettes as William's brain starts to think. 
'Solar.. seems to be the youngest. Then one of the two kids that ran past us must be his twin, same with Ice.' He hums in his head. 'We met the four youngest. So that means the three oldest must be there already.' 
Ice pushes the door of the dining room and enters, Solar and the three brothers follow suit. There, four figures are already seated at their respective seats. 
All of them have identical hair, but different eye colours. Starting from the start of the dining table, an older figure sits with his arms crossed. He has a pair of scarlet eyes, matching with William and Louis. He has an edgy look, and he seems to be mature. Beside him, a teen with a pair of sky blue eyes is talking to him. Unlike the latter, he has a cheerful smile on his lips. 
Across the sky blue eyed teen is a younger kid with a pair of fiery orange eyes; the one that bumped into Albert just now. At the other side of the blue eyed teen is another small figure, same with Solar's, with a pair of emerald eyes, matching with Albert's. 
The blue eyed teen is the first one to notice their presence. "Solar, Ice! Good morning!" He greets them before his eyes land on the three brothers. 
His eyes widen at the sight of them, making them nervous. He stands up and walks towards them with a wide grin. 
"Oh my, you must be our new brothers! Welcome, welcome!" He gestures to them to take a seat. 
Ice has already taken a seat beside the orange eyed kid while Solar sits beside the emerald one. Albert takes a seat beside Solar while William occupies the empty seat beside Ice, which is across the silver eyed kid. Louis silently sits beside him. 
The blue eyed one gets back to his seat, "Let's wait for Quake first, then we'll introduce ourselves, okay?" He clasps his hands gleefully. 
"Before that," Solar says, earning their attention. "Blaze, apologise. You bumped into our new brother and don't even apologise to him." Despite being the one of the youngest, he manages to say it sternly at his older brother. 
"Huh, I did?" The fiery orange eyed teen is confused. Ice sighs and nods his head. "The one that you bumped into is not Ryan, but him." He gestures to Albert, who smiles awkwardly. 
"Wait, really?! I'm sorry!" He apologises immediately. Albert shakes his hand in the air, saying that it's fine. "It's okay, you were playing. It was an accident," 
"What accident?" 
A new but familiar voice joins in. They turn to the door from the pantries, revealing another teen holding a tray of food with the very same brown hair with white streak. What stands out the most about him and catches William's attention is his breathtaking golden eyes. 
"Quake!" Both Blaze and the sky blue eyed teen exclaims but in two different tones; one in shock and concern. "Let me help you, those look heavy." He takes the tray from the golden eyed teen who smiles at him. "Thanks, Cy. And what accident are you talking about?" He asks, eyeing every face around the table. 
His eyes stop at three new faces before widening them, a smile immediately creeping into his pretty face. "Ah, you must be Albert, William and Louis! Welcome to our home!" He grins and walks to his seat. 
After getting their breakfast, the blue eyed teen; Cy, breaks the silence. "How about you three introduce yourselves?" He suggests with a smile on his face. 
Albert looks at him and gives him the same smile. "Very well," He straightens up himself as he looks at each face. "My name is Albert James Moriarty. Those are my brothers," He refers to the two blondes. "William and Louis James Moriarty." 
William gives the seven brothers a smile while Louis nods his head as his greetings. Cy cooes at them, "How cute! Both of you look like kittens!" He says with glee, and they are dumbfounded. 
"It's our turn now. Let's start with the oldest," Cy looks at the scarlet eyed teen. That gesture is enough for William to guess from the oldest to the youngest. 
The oldest brother closes his eyes and wipes his mouth using a tissue paper before he finally speaks. "I'm Thunderstorm. You can call me Thunder," he says as he opens his eyes to look at the newcomers. "Welcome to our home. From now on, I am your brother," His face is cold, but his tone is warm. 
'Thunderstorm? As if, a thunderstorm?' William wonders.
"Now it's my turn!" Cy clasps his hands. "Call me Cyclone or Cy. Nice to have you here, brothers!" He exclaims cheerfully, making them blush at the last word. The golden eyed one then waves his hand, "I'm Quake. If you have any problems, don't be shy and come to me, okay?" He smiles gently. 
The teen beside Quake then grins excitedly as he points his finger to his chest. "I'm Blaze! The bravest out of all!" He exclaims with confidence before pointing his finger at a sleeping Ice. Wait—
"This is Ice. Don't mind him, he likes to sleep a lot." Blaze deadpans. Across Ice, the one with emerald orbs raises his hands cheerfully. "Me! Me! I'm Thorn! Hee hee! I can't wait to play with you!" He says with glee. 
Then, all of them turn to Solar. 
"...You already know my name," he closes his eyes. "But nice to have you here, I guess." Quake frowns at his youngest brother. "Solar, don't be rude." The said boy sighs, but says nothing. 
William looks at Solar who is sitting across him, his scarlet eyes examining him silently. Out of the seven brothers, he finds Solar as the smartest out of them, despite being the youngest. 
The silver eyes of him suddenly glance up and lock with his scarlet ones, catching him off guard. A smirk makes its way to his lips as Solar looks at him slyly. "What? Am I that attractive that you keep staring at me?" 
A scoff is heard from the other side of the table, making them look at Thunderstorm. "Hah. As if, you brat." Solar glares at him before letting out a huff. "Shut up, Thunder." 
'No honorifics?' Albert questions in his head. 
"No fighting in front of the meals." Quake says sternly, which manages to quiet down the table. "So, Albert, William and Louis, how was your first night here?" He asks, smiling politely at them. 
Albert offers to answer his question. "It was great, thank you." He returns the smile. "I'm glad to hear that," Quake hums. 
The conversation continues with Quake asking questions and Albert answering them, and sometimes William replies on his behalf while Louis doesn't speak at all. Cyclone, Blaze and Thorn also join the chit chatting. 
Solar excuses himself first as he finishes his breakfast, then Thunderstorm. Not long after that, Quake asks Blaze to take Ice to their shared room as the icy eyed teen almost falls from his seat. Thorn also has left, saying that he needs to water his plants.
"I'm going to help Ryan with the dishes," Quake then excuses himself, and his words slightly shocked the three brothers. Cyclone notices their surprise and smiles softly at them. "Don't mind him, Quake always like that. He's a helpful person," he assures. 
"So, what do you want to do now, brothers?" Cyclone asks. William puts his hand under his chin as he hums. "We still haven't finished touring…" the brunette then claps his hands. 
"Let's give you some touring then!" 
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lovepmd · 1 month
Super!Hero and Super!Partner who managed to convince Nuzleaf and Carracosta to switch kids for a day.
Admittedly, it was Partner who was sick of having to be lectured and punished by their Pops. Especially when he said something like—“Why can’t you be more like your little friend? The quiet one-“ And Partner blatantly said “Hero’s quiet around you. Not me”. A slight stretch of the truth because Hero’s only quiet when it comes to talking. Otherwise their body language tells a great deal. The switch would happen on the rare day that Nuzleaf stays and remains in the village.
Hero was long overdue from being team leader anyway. So yeah, the two older Pokémon “switch” kids for a day and hang out with the respective ones. Partner is an absolute delight by accompanying Nuzleaf into a dungeon—the kid’s a natural! Always sniping enemy Pokémon from around corners, doing checks with him to make sure they both have enough energy to keep going, spotting many items.
Carracosta admittedly might have been a bit harsh by having Hero accompany him for a day. Sort of like how he punishes Partner by staying within his eye sight to prevent any shenanigans. But his little tagalong stays perfectly within a few feet of him and does what they’re told.
It seems like the perfect trade, until:
Nuzleaf doesn’t know how to deal with Partner’s energy nor does he know how to keep the young Pokémon entertained. Dungeon diving can get repetitive so Hero generally has come up with ways to keep the both of them entertained. Or at least occupy the time.
Hero’s eerie. Whether he realized it or not, Carracosta was used to Partner’s energy. He was used to the openness his child expressed through their body language. Always bouncing on their heels, always drawing someone in on a conversation even if a bit abruptly. Hero didn’t complain a peep and kept making these aborted gestures. As if going to say something then backing out half way. They do occasionally talk to other Pokémon on Carracosta’s errands, but it’s like Super!Hero’s only tolerating the interactions.
(Hero is used to Partner acting as a buffer around other people. They can and have taken the lead a few times… But, it’s hard. They don’t know the customs between Pokémon or what will be taken the wrong way. Then, they keep turning over all the options in their head. By the time they settle on something the moment to speak has passed. Partner and them can read each other. Or talk to each other without any judgement.)
Safe to say Carracosta’s not prepared for Hero talking at the end of the day—“Today was, okay. But Partner would absolutely hate it and would feel very frustrated if you keep putting the through this. They don’t get why you lecture them. Only that you keep making the sit still. Keep making them force their energy down until it exploded in their past escapades. This way of being raised might have worked when you were a kid. Or maybe you wanted this type of structure, but it’s really not good for them.
Do you ever consider why Partner wants to drag people into mystery dungeons or explore places to find “treasure”? They don’t do well with just words. They need something tangible to help them keep motivated. Dungeons are a place where they can show tangible growth.
Not being stuck in a place they grow to despise against their will. Have them tire themself out performing a move, sit down and talk with them like you would an adult to explain how worried you were. Explain how you want to give them chances to succeed and learn without getting hurt. Or getting into a situation even an adult Pokemon would be in trouble with.”
Hero can guess far too much based on how Carracosta treats Partner. (Not that he’s neglectful or abusive…) His ways of caring are a little too rigid.
oh my godddddd
hero and partner switching for a day and it's good but also? oh no, how do i deal with this kind of child, this is weird
and then hero at the end of the day giving carracosta a lecture
and he just doesn't know how to respond right away
is hero really a child?????
but he sees it, he thinks back on it and begins to understand, slowly but surely
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