#so this is more like snipets that i liked
koszmarnybudyn · 8 months
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So this episode was great :')
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yuhi-san · 10 months
Knives watches with utter disgust as Vash excitedly bites into a salmon sandwich. Neither of them needs to actually eat but Vash still seems to enjoy it, something Knives could never understand, even as they were living with Rem. It’s just one of these things where Vash acts more like a human than the independent plant that he actually is. It is at least half the reason for Knives disdain for food. 
Across the street are some human children playing and one of the older ones vaults through an open window to go and hide.
“Oh, that reminds me, Nai,” Vash says. “If thrown through a window or having to break through one, the safest way is to tuck your arms and legs in, cover your face and break it with a foot first. Also try avoiding the frames, if possible. They hurt.”
It’s not unusual for his brother to say something completely random and equally useless. It does not stop Knives from leveling him with a frosty stare. “Vash,” he drawls tetchily, “Why the hell do you feel the need to mention this?"
“Just in case?” Vash replies, with the expression of innocence personified.
Knives feels himself bristle and he wants to grit his teeth at that. Thankfully for Vash he has a better grip on emotions and impulses than brutish humans do. “I may have agreed to that asinine proposal of you and that girl-”
“-but if you believe I will ever be put in such a situation, you are sorely mistaken, brother.
Vash is now paying only half attention to Knives, seemingly distracted by a cat he spotted preening at them from around a corner.
“Well, I sure hope we can stick to that! The not breaking through windows thing, that is,” he says in that overly cheery tone he likes to use. It’s more fake than it was when they were children, although Knives has a harder time than he would ever admit to himself to tell just how much of it is fake and how much is genuine. He should probably also consider that his brother is turning the chipper up to eleven just to spite him, or make a point. it doesn’t really matter. Even if he were entirely genuine it wouldn't dull the irritation at all.
“But you did nearly knock yourself out that time you jumped out of the window after me in July, so you know…” This time Vash goes for that casual tone he also uses a lot, far more than it is actually appropriate.
Knives right eye twitches. Vash pspsps’ at the cat while waving a piece of salmon he dug out of the sandwich, clearly no longer paying any attention to his brother.
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thekatebridgerton · 5 months
I know the scene won't make it to the final draft of the second to last chapter of gaslight gatekeep girlboss without a lot of editing but here's a snipet of the rough draft of the dialogue of Kate getting in Colin's face about his feelings for Penelope.
(Aka how I think RMB would have gone if Colin had looked to Kate for love advice instead of Daphne)
Kate: After all this, you still keep saying that she's just a friend?
Colin: yes she is my friend, the best of friends I want her to be happy
Kate: my brother in the force! to use the words of Sophie's favorite poet lady Camilla Cabello You say you're just friends, But friends don't know the way you taste!
Colin: how exactly did you... actually no I really don't want to know
Kate: look little globetrotting man child I am getting sick of your crap! I've got worse problems to worry about than your inability to commit, so you say you're just friends with Penelope fine, I'll find her a husband within the week! Don't think I won't
Colin *gasps in manchild*: you wouldn't
Kate: Try me !
Colin: Penelope doesn't want to get married
Kate: of course she does furthermore it's going to be way easier than getting Edwina a husband. Edy wants a marriage of love, but Penelope, she just wants to get it over with and marry any friendly gentleman who she wouldn't mind having babies with .... And that's like half the men I know
Colin: now I understand why Anthony wants to kill you half the time, you're evil incarnate. I demand you stop matchmaking my wi... friend
Kate: all I'm saying is that I've got options for Penelope if you continue to be an idiot, you know the Earl of Essex is 50 but he's not that old looking for her, she could have a baby or two and be a happy widow in 10 years
Colin: Kate stop talking, this is ridiculous, I'm going to call Anthony
Kate *ignoring him*: Then there's the Count of Savoy, his estate is a little far from England but he'd treat Penelope with respect and if she's lucky she'd only have to sleep with him 3 times a year.
Colin *visibly more enraged* : you are NOT introducing Penelope to a French rake, especially one known for having 5 Mistresses
Kate: hey don't badmouth Francois, His ex wife ran off with a Russian pirate, I think he would be happy to have a nice wife like Penelope after what Madeleine put him trough
Kate: ....
Kate: .......
Kate : such an infant
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chere-indolente-plays · 2 months
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Hello there ! I'm Adèle, she/her, 29 and french. I like and follow from @chereindolente (my old abandonned art blog)
I have been amassing historical CC and making some of my own (over on @chere-indolente) for a few years now, but without touching the live mode 🤡. As of this year I took the resolution to go back to playing the actual game (I'm not there yet since my save is far from ready but on my way) and I wanted a tumblr that would be more suited to share my save preping and eventual gameplay as well as to interact and reblog other simblrs ...so here it is !
For now I will mostly introduce my sims, possibly share some of my planning or wip builds, and eventually, once I'm finally ready, some snipets of my 1880s rotational gameplay, which will be set in France as you might have guessed from the title. See you soon bye ❤️
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cherrishnoodles · 2 months
i will never not see tyler and the narrator as the most religious-coded relationship ever.
the narrator's total devotion to this "single-serve friend" he met on a plane is so similar to media portraying religious ideas of a God to his followers.
Tyler is always above everyone without question. Everything Tyler does is, to our narrator, facts. It's always "do you know Tyler Durden?" and rumors being started about him that may or may not be true (the audience knows its not), and the narrator is always chasing Tyler's approval. While this obviously ties with the narrator's self image and how it reflects on his view of Tyler, i don't think it wise to fully reject the inherent homoeroticism of the narrator's total adoration of Tyler.
The only time this is stopped is when narrator is left to his own device around Project Mayhem, where he idolizes Tyler less, but goes back to it almost immediately when going to look for him.But there is also something to be said about the Space Monkeys, or the Fight Club "devotees" living at Paper Street, working for Tyler. They leave everything behind, even staying on a porch for three days without eating and drinking, just to be able to experience Tyler's wisdom. They devote their entire life to one man, similarly to how priests and other religious bodies will devote their lives to Christ or other Gods.
As an audience, we also never learn about Tyler's past beyond what small snipets of conversation we get from him and the narrator. We don't know what he was on that plane for, where he came from, why he know lives specifically at Paper Street, only that he is now interlocked in the narrator's life until the final moments of the movie. Looking at this literally, it's obvious that's because Tyler is a product of the narrator's insomnia and hallucinations, but from a metaphorical standpoint, it stands as a similarity to how Gods simply *exist*, and then create the world.
Tyler existed, and then he created Fight Club.
But going back to Tyler and the narrator's relationship specifically, there are multiple references to the narrator almost wanting to 'repent' to Tyler, asking him to help him "not be perfect" among other things. In the narrator's eyes, Tyler is his savior, his way out of the consumerist lifestyle that has gnawed its way into every corner of his existence, like the Devil selling the apple to Eve. Without Tyler, there would be no salvation for our narrator.
A more explicit reference to religion is of course Tyler's refusal of God. "We are God's unwanted children? So be it." With this line, he takes on the part of God, he becomes the very concept of God. He has freed the narrator, making him hit rock bottom so that he may finally know salvation: "it's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything." In that scene, and throughout the movie, Tyler gives facts, or in a religious metaphor way, verses, of "useful information". Though in that chemical burn kiss scene he rejects God, he ended up becoming exactly that; similar to his father, he became a "model for God" to the narrator and the Space Monkeys.
anyway tyler is god and narrator is his good little follower <3 soapshipping canon
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redtippedfox · 4 months
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Old followers remember my Akuma! Adrien Eros design! For this Valentine’s Day I decided to bring him back! I even wrote a small snipet! I know by the time I upload this it’s gonna be late but I had a pretty busy day and I am just glad that I was able to even finish this!
She couldn’t see anything, Eros’s wings were covering her, she couldn’t see, she couldn’t hear. All she could feel was Adrien’s-no…Eros’s magic trying to transform her, make her surrender to his power. Become what he wanted her to become. The intense feeling of his love was like a noose around her neck, suffocating and sweet. Oh god it was so sweet and warm and it…She was suffocating, she needed air but if she desired air she would have to give in.
Marinette tried to claw at the golden armor of her lover-no! Her friend! He wasn’t her lover! He was her friend! He made that clear that he wasn’t in love with Marinette!
Yes he is, you can have his love if you just give in
Her fingers pulled and scraped against the metallic metal as Eros squeezed tighter, his golden armor shining as bright as the sun. She can feel Adrien’s breath, he’s chuckling, he waiting.
Waiting for her to stop fighting and just surrender
Marinette lets out a muffled cry as another wave of love slams into her, his feathers so soft and comforting, so tempting to just surrender and see the sun again.
He is the sun, you can see him again if you just stop fighting
“Adrien please.” She begs, his wings shift, becoming tighter as he buries his face into her hair. “Please, let me go…Adrien!”
Marinette can’t tell which Miraculous is being used, Juliation, Passion, Pretension? It’s strong, familiar, it might be Diazzi or Ziggy. Orikko could work to but he can’t do anything with love for those concepts belonged to others.
“Adrien, you have to let go! Please! You’ve been Akumatized, this isn’t what you want!” She tries to pull his real self out, but the wings fold in more, Adrien’s head shifts from his place in her hair.
You are what he wants, just give him what he wants, he just wants you
As she struggled Marinette could remember how quickly Adrien had given into Monarchs control, one minute Lila had been whispering something to him, the Akuma sank into his ring and the next he was Eros, flying high into the sky and the diving down, grabbing Marinette and trapping her in his wings.
He learned the truth, he knows you love him, he loves you too…so why fight when he knows?
Marinette couldn’t breathe
He’ll be your oxygen, just give in
Marinette couldn’t see
He’ll be your eyes, just give in
She wanted it to stop!
She needed it to stop! She had to transform! She had to save him!
You can save him by loving him
No! She needed to get out! She needed to-
“Marinette please…just give in…just let me love you the way you did all those years ago”
His voice is the same but it’s weak, it’s vulnerable, it’s needy…it’s full of love.
She gives in
Marinette intakes her first breath of air, her vision reappears as the soft wings gracefully open up, she feels lighter. Eros’s wings flair out revealing the world around them has changed, it’s prettier and softer. Marinette feels dizzy for a few seconds as he sees the rest of her legs transformed. Her pants and slippers gone as a light pink dress replaces her original clothes.
“There we go, isn’t that better? It feels good to give in rather than fight it.” Adrien chuckles as he looks down at Marinette, his face beaming brightly almost as bright as his halo that resides on his head.
Marinette doesn’t say anything as her conscious is drowned by the loving feeling.
Eros smiles and holds her tight.
“I love you Marinette.”
“Say you love me too”
Marinette gives in.
“I love you too…Adrien.”
Eros has found his Psyche and he doesn’t plan on letting her go.
He’ll make sure she stays
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whirligig-girl · 2 years
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D'v: "Hahaa... we're holding hands again... I’m so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going and I was just reading up on--well what I was reading wasn’t important--I was..."
T'l: silent Vulcan noises and depraved illogical thoughts
some artist’s notes and fic snippets below the break:
Getting the pose right was a nightmare!
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I drew Tendi and T’lyn on different layers with different colors because otherwise it’d be too confusing. The mess going on in their legs and hands especially. It was a challenge to find a relatively natural looking pose that allowed their hands to match up without hiding anything important. I found i could draw a four-segment stick-figure limb connecting their shoulders, and that helped me get their arms right. The legs were also a mess to figure out, but mostly just because they’re a confusing mess of limbs--they don’t have to intertwine nice.
Also, T’lyn is going to make me learn to draw hands right I swear to god. I could not half-ass the hands on this one.
narrative snipets break:
at that second panel, when Tendi realizes what's happened and gets embarassed, she immediately like, tries to let go and raise her hands respectfully......... but t'lyn just... doesn't let go. for a moment.
Ray Daly’s contribution. (Actually Ray contributed to feedback while I was drawing it, but...)
Mariner: it couldn't have been that bad, tendi Tendi, still flustered: not that bad?? Not that bad?!? would it be fine if you tripped and Bradward’s D--?! Mariner: eekaaay! you've made your point!!
Earlier version when I thought I was finished:
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It’s good to go the extra mile on your art. I think this plainer version would still have been fine, but since I went so far as to actually draw the background for a change, adding the dropped/thrown clutter (PADDs and Tricorder) helped a lot.
T’lyn and Tendi’s mess of legs was hard to differentiate (though adding the shading helps). I made Tendi’s pants slightly darker, though with the shading you can barely tell. I also gave them different boot colors. The original idea was that pure science officers have black and blue boots and medical officers have white and blue boots. We can see that in a few places in season 1. But it seems like they eventually abandoned that concept and just give all science officers white and blue boots. T’lyn is not a medical officer, so obviously she gets black boots. Technically since Tendi is in Senior Science Officer training instead of Medical, she should have black boots, but I gave her white boots so you could tell them apart more easily.
I wasn’t even going to add the facial expressions. I drew this to figure out which one I wanted to use:
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Then I put it in the drawing.
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But I just kept looking at the sketch and thinking “both are good. Both are good!”
So I made it two panels. Because of how the layers were set up this was easier said than done. But I managed it just fine in the end. I really like how she’s backlit by the ceiling lights in the inset panels. Some kind of like, contrast between the angelic goddess looking down at you and the reality that she’s an emotional mess who wears her emotions on her sleeve.
It was also really important to add the inset panels because I don’t want to give the impression that either Tendi is doing this on purpose nor any orion fem dom stereotypes. It’s way funnier and cuter if she just keeps accidentally finding herself in these scenarios, worried that T’lyn’s resentment for her is growing because SHE KEEPS AVOIDING ME OUTSIDE OF STUDY SESSIONS! AND WHEN WE MAKE EYE CONTACT SHE LOOKS AWAY! I FUCKED UP! but actually T’lyn is just struggling to control her mad nasty thoughts about just what she’d like to do to Tendi (she’d like to hold her hands some more)
Adding the inset panels lets me make sure Tendi’s character is adequately captured so she’s not just A Thing Happening To T’lyn.
The dropped PADDs and Tricorder make the scene seem more diagetic, and just more real/plausible. They’re busy looking at their PADDs and not looking where they’re going, see? The one that’s face down is T’lyn’s, the two face up are Tendi’s. The PADD screens are cropped screenshots from the show that have been edited and then skewed/rotated/rescaled into place
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The first PADD is Tendi doing research on Vulcan touch telepathy (after being told by someone else what the significance of handholding is to Vulcans), the second one is actually breaking the fourth wall and addressing the viewer directly.
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one of the last touches I added was to erase the line-art around her pupils, so the pupils would look smaller (aids to the feeling of shock) and add a nostril (Dunno why--I never draw nostrils on Lower Decks characters, but it just seemed correct in this case) and a little wrinkle on her eye. All this was added because, when I drew Tendi’s face, it felt more detailed than T’lyn’s for some reason (freckles I think?) and I felt I had to make them match.
T’lyn’s face here was fun and took a while to get right. She (and all Vulcans in Lower Decks) are usually half-lidded, but we see T’lyn’s kinda shock when Tendi grabs her hand in the One Canon T’lyndi Scene We Have At Least Until Next Year--even then she looks attentive, not necessarily shocked.
I just think it’s kind of cool that they both have non-red blood and colorful blush.
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cupcakeslushie · 9 months
Hi! I follow you and see some parts of your comic but.. tbh I’m rlly scared of reading it
I love your style and the snipets I saw I rlly am curious abt the story, but I saw some asks and some here and there, and am actually afraid (and confused) abt the timeline and Donnie. (Ik it’d be solved by me reading it but) I can’t do sad endings or angst/no comfort which is why I haven’t read but gotta say, even for a scaredy cat like me, it looks and seems so COOL!! Your style is rlly comiky and keeps me wanting for more! /gen /pos
So I won’t lie and say it’s not dark, and it’ll probably get a little darker still. The bad timeline especially is going to be pretty depressing. But I also hate hurt/no comfort and I will say I try to balance out all the angst as best I can. The doomed timeline boys may meet tragic ends but I will have them all reunited and at peace. It will hopefully still be satisfying all things considered.
The main timeline boys will 100% have a happy ending. But there is a lot of angst to get through. I also try to tag for the worst of it. So I think anything worth a little ⚠️ (which has only been one part so far) I will do a little summary on the next part so anyone can skip and still be caught up.
Also if you want to brace yourself and see a summary of what I have planned, there is a link to a timeline in my pinned post which spans all the way up to the movie. Idk if you’d be able to get a vibe from that, as it’s very simple descriptions. But I thought I’d mention it!
Also if you wanna see some more fluffy stuff the ‘sepau!life’ tag in that same pinned post. That’s more little daily life and fun stuff.
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shi-daisy · 2 months
The Last Evergreen Heir
Hello everyone! We start the week for best book boy today and I am ready to bring feels. Here's a lil fic of Tamlin's eldest brother seeing snipets of his reign. (Follows A Court of Threads & Daisies continuity) Hope you like!
Tamlin Week 2024- Day 1- Heir of Spring
The Last Evergreen Heir
"If you end up getting high from eating those tulips I'm blaming Ciaran." Dorevan said as he held baby Tamlin.
The giggly baby had eaten more than half the garden, as his tiny hands were faster than Dorevan's adult ones. Still, as he looked back Tamlin had used his magic to make the flowers bloom again after her ate them.
"That's a lot of a magic for a tiny child like you...Does this mean you shall be heir?!"
Tamlin didn't respond he just tilted his head as the loud question and coed, reaching for Dorevan's face.
His eldest brother rolled his eyes. "Don't even think about it kiddo. It's between me and Cece, and I don't intend to lose the court to the stoner or to you, flower eater. I've been here longest and dealt with father before either of you were born. I'm the heir, do well to remember!"
But Tamlin didn't remember, because he was just a baby who didn't see a man lecturing him, or at least attempting to, he just saw his eldest brother carrying him back to the manor.
He'd said it, been cruel about it, drilled into the youth's head that he was not to threatening his claim.
It didn't matter. By process of elimination Tamlin Evergreen was now High Lord of Spring.
He could see his body as a ghost, he died reaching for his father who was but a spalt of gore on the wall. Rosabella was still on the bed with the life choked out of her, while Ciaran was slumped against the bed, trying to comfort Tamlin before he too joined them in death.
He knew the pair reconciled today, mere hours before Night came to them and slaughtered everyone in revenge. Dorevan tried to place his hand on Tamlin's shoulder as he cried for his other brother. Neither deserved the tears, but when had that ever stopped the musician from giving them all undeserved love?
"No more tears, you're the heir. It's time to toughen up! You'll do well...You'll do better than either of us..."
He'd been right, for Spring bloomed under the rule of the unexpected High Lord.
Dorevan remained a ghost while his parents and brother reincarnated. He decided to stick around and see what Tamlin would do as a ruler, someone had to tell him he did a good job, even if he couldn't hear it.
The flowers bloomed, the court was paradise, the people loved him and Tamlin remained ever humble and sentimental. He was indeed the best out of them.
'If only I'd seen it sooner, and been a better brother.'
Lamenting would do nothing now, but he did stand beside the throne and smiled, placing his hand upon Tamlin's head. "I'm so proud of you, I know mother would be too."
Tamlin's emerald eyes darted around the room, as if he'd heard him...
His baby brother wept again as another sentry was lost. Lucien held him in his arms while the pair kneeled on the floor, the other soldiers present grieved by his side, still none of them refused their duty. They never would, not with this High Lord.
Amarantha had cursed him...Bloody wench always gave the impression she'd be trouble, Dorevan just didn't think she'd be this much!
"Falling for a fae hating human...pity we can't make Jurian turn back from the ring, he's your type...Maybe I shouldn't be joking around."
Dorevan remained with Tamlin until he fell asleep in tears. The man tried to be though, well not tried, he was though.
"If I was in your position right now I would've jumped off the roof...You're a though cookie Tam. Let it out, they'll understand. I know you'll make it. You're a good High Lord.
Andras was with him when his brother brought the girl, and throught their cute romance that resulted in the broken curse and the restoration of Spring.
But just as he thought Tamlin got his happy ending and he could leave...the cursebreaker became a cursebringer tearing down the court that had been unwavering for milenia.
Oisin would be furious, Ciaran disapointed...Rosabella might understand but then again their mother was a saint and a sensitive sould.
Dorevan just broke, upon seeing the once proud ruler of Spring become but a beast swallowed by pain as he court emptied and left him tot he decay.
"We can't help him. Dore, we need to trust him. He'll rise again."
Dorevan wasn't so sure, he knew how frail his baby brother's heart was. He just hoped in time Tamlin would heal and recover, making the court bloom again as only he could.
"Don't worry, little one. We will look over you, until you rise again."
He wouldn't, not as High Lord of Spring or Evergreen Heir. Tamlin was now a civillian of Spring, after his wrists spilled crimson and he nearly joined him and the other ghosts of the manor.
Dorevan thanked Lucien a thousand times for saving his baby brother, but he hadn't been able to save his power.
"So, Tamarand shall be heir now?" He asked Daphne as they waited in the foyer with the other ghosts.
"I suppose so. Don't worry, he'll have Tamlin to guide him, he shall be good."
"I don't doubt that...I'm just saddened at the end of the Evergreen dynasty. This isn't how Tam would've wanted it to go."
It had been a shock, to meet a half sister in the afterlife and find out he had triplet half siblings. The two living ones were probably heading to the manor now, with the new Heir of Spring.
Still, even if he trusted things would work in the end, Dorevan's eyes couldn't be pried from Tamlin and Lucien. They seemed to think the same as him.
Tamlin is heir no more.
Though one could argue it didn't matter. That he was able to shine far brighter and work much better with another man as heir. Tamlin had carried the weight of the crown better than any man in his position could and now he was helping another be better than him, wiser than him, maybe even more beloved than him.
No, no that last one was debatable. Tamarand was an exemplary man, and he'd be a great High Lord. But all of Spring reveared and still adored one Tamlin Evergreen.
He'd been pulled back to life by Rhysand, just an experiment, a way to torment him and his baby brother more, but Rhysand didn't know that his own wife and cousin were on their side, and that between them all they'd put an end to his cursed reign and his circle.
He had the honor of fighting alongside Tamlin, and seeing how the little baby he once held had become a fierce warrior that helped snuff away the Night.
When the battle was over and he went back to Spring his with his family Dorevan had been able to see a court blooming beautifully. It was better than what Oisin could've done, better than what he or Ciaran could've done, it was perfection, achieved by the youngest and kept by their half brother. Truly the ending they deserved.
Dorevan walked the same gardens he did as when they were young. Tamlin was no longer a baby, and thankfully he didn't eat the tulips but rather he helped them bloom.
"You better not eat that or I'll blame Cece."
The youngest Evergreen chuckled. "Can't, he isn't here..."
"Yeah. I miss him, but I am happy to be back, and even happier to see you still standing here. I'll make up for lost time, and I'll be a better brother, I promise."
Tamlin leaned on his shoulders. "Thank you. I'm happy to have you back."
"There's something I don't regret though. Something I stand by even after centuries in the afterlife."
"What's that?"
"You were the best out of us three and I'm so very proud of you Tamlin. You let our dynasty go out on a high note."
Just like he did as a baby, Tamlin smiled with teary emerald eyes and a sense of pride.
"It was an honor to have been heir of Spring."
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roe-and-memory · 2 months
besties can i just say omg so i went thru ur blog obsessively bc i looove the ideas behind ur headcannons and little snipets of stories. i was wondering what bobby headcannons u guys have. also memory i loove ur writing and roe?? gorgeous fanart oml
AWWWWW THANK YOUU!!! rhis is so sweet 😭🫶🫶 i saw your comment on my fic thank u sm
im gonna be honest, we dont have many bobby hcs (i really wanna change that, i fucking ADORE bobby - and, if its any help, i actually have a fic up ((dont look back in anger)) where he’s a main character!! although its an au, i hope it’ll suffice for now :3)
- bobby is definitely a prankster, but like, hes NOTORIOUS for it. and not in the bad way. he has silly pranks that only mildly inconvenience the person on the receiving end (like the dumping water on lmq and cals heads after races) and he’s Always at the scene of the crime when something silly happens. he just Is the embodiment of silly. and yes i know this is canon for the most part but hes literally just so silly i cant not include it
- hes the youngest of the trio, the baby, even, he’s a december baby, born in 1988 (same year as lightning - cal is an ‘87 baby i believe - so when bobby started racing in 2007 he was still 18) but just at the End, whereas lightning was born in may . despite this he’s still the tallest, and probably the most well built of the three . aka lightning is scrawny and cal is just Average. and when lightning makes fun of him for being a Baby hes like ok well ure literally short as hell. what about that. huh? what can you do about your height? i’ll have a birthday but you dont have a get taller day? huh? and lightnings like. well. okay.
- i feel like he befriended cal first, like, he and lightning “hated” each other but it was less hate and more lightning being incapable of making friends (lmq and cal met at the infield care center after strips crash, so they were friends ever since then) and so cal was just in the middle of this “rivalry” that was in reality like. hey. cal. i think that bobby guy is really cool do u think he’d wanna be my friend. and cals like I DONT KNOW TALK TO HIM? and they talk and theyre like wow i actually thought u hated me (theyre best friends now)
- bobby both has an iconic autograph, but hes also so good with his fans its impossible for anyone to hate him. he has so many iconic pictures and literally everyone he meets praises him for his kindness and blatant silliness . hes just super easy going and generally amazing to be around
- out of all the racers hes probably got the most amusing advertisements as well, he will go ALL IN for whatever octane gain (or his smaller/secondary sponsors) want from him, and its so Genuine it just feels like he LOVES to be there
- he loves taylor swift. AND I KNOW WHAT YOURE GONNA SAY. “ITS STEREOTYPICAL” BUT NO U DONT GET IT.. SHE DOESNT MATCH THE REST OF HIS MUSIC TASTE AT ALL. hes the last person you’d ever expect to listen to her. he says its because they have the same last name so hes obligated to be a fan, but also the day Taylor Swift (album) debuted he bought the dvd and forced the other two to listen to the entire thing multiple times on a road trip and its safe to say that since the day taylor swift has existed, lightning and cal have feared her album release dates.
- hes the burnout king. every race he wins he will do a burnout down the frontstretch in front of the grandstands that will take his tires down to the RIMS. the tire marbles are INSANE
THIS IS ALL I HAVE IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY 😭😭 i wish i had more and i WILL eventually make more trust me on that.. but thank you so much for the ask and i hope u liked them :3
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malereadermaniac · 10 months
Taylor Swift lyrics with Your Crush
Male reader / Male crush
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"You should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk" ~ Gorgeous
After you notice your feelings for him, you try your best to hide them
So your version of flirting is by making fun of him
He loves that, and when you two are drunk at a party, he can't help but chuckle at you blushing while you make fun of his 'gorgeous- weird way of talking'
"I don't like anticipating my face in a red flush, I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch" ~ Gold Rush
You're both popular
He watches as guys jokingly flirt with you and how girls treat you like their boyfriend
He hates it, he can't stand that people would die to have a snipet of what it would be like to date you
You hate how he gets with a girl at almost every party he goes to
And you hate it even more that you know he does that, but still feel a blush come onto your face when he jokes around with you
"I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you, I don't wanna think of anything else now that I've thought of you" ~ Daylight
You're in the standard delusionship, or at least you see it that way
You're thoughts consist of only him and you're eyes aren't on any other guy
To him, this isn't a delusionship, he likes you
He gets with girls at parties but thinks of you during the whole thing
He can't look away from you when you laugh at one of his jokes or when you avert your gaze from his eyes
"I laid the groundwork and then saw a wide smirk, on your face, you knew the entire time, you knew that I'm a mastermind" ~ Mastermind
You did the usual stalking, Instagram amd facebook
Even spotify, then proceeding to introduce songs in his playlist to your posts on Instagram
You didn't know that he noticed really easily
Using the opportunity to reply to your stories with "I love that song" over a long period of time
He liked thinking about you thinking you've outsmarted him and that your plans were laid perfectly
"I know places we won't be found... I know places we can hide" ~ I know places
He's still closeted
So getting together was hard, but he liked you so much he'd spent hours figuring out when and where the two of you could hang out
Mostly at one of your houses, but the few times you two got risky and had real dates, you two were always secretive and posted elusive stories instead of eachother
Of course you two get caught once or twice, but playing it off as a friendly hang out is pretty easy
It's explaining the hand-holding that's harder to do
"I pictured you with other girls, in love, then threw up on the street" ~ Hits Different
Talking about past relationships to each other makes you both feel uneasy
You hate thinking of him being happy with other people, but especially girls
It makes you feel very insecure
A natural feeling, but it makes your heart skips a beat when he kisses your hand and says 'but none of them could ever compare to you'
His blood boils on the other hand when you mention previous partners
When you two were talking about what you like sexually, you mentioned liking what someone else had done before and he wouldn't stop doing it until you said he did it better...
He's also very subtly protective of you when exes approach you at school, passive aggressive remarks and insults hidden under the guise of banter
"I'm still on that trapeze, I'm still trying everything to keep you looking at me" ~ mirrorball
He compliments you a lot
He knows that you tend to get insecure from time to time, so he constantly mentions things he likes about you
You two go to the gym together, and he notices how you look at yourself in the mirror
So he always tries to cheer you up with remarks like "*whistles* damn I bagged a baddie, baby"
He makes you laugh, and he makes you feel worthy
However, he's worse than you
Everytime you mention a celebrity or call someone attractive in passing, he thinks about what that person has that he doesn't
You know that he tries to change himself a lot for you, so you're always complimenting him and saying you love specific things about him
"Remember how I said I'd die for you?" ~ False God
He's crazy about you, he can't get enough of you really
He's even willing to doe for you
So 2 years in, he came out to his friends and family
Luckily everyone was super accepting, but the gesture made your heart warm
You loved him a lot too, so so much
Yo yo yo! If you think of any other T Swizzle lyrics feel free to send them :)
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thecoolcatstuff · 7 months
It seems people still have trouble seeing the mysoginistic patterns of this show with Adrien's arc so lets look into it from another character's angle that suffers from the same patterns: Emilie.
Emilie used the peacock miraculous, fell into a coma offscreen and was condemned to a role of being the show's emotional catalyst. The only little spoonfed information we have about her isnt ACTUALLY about her, but an information that served the porpose to affect the development and progression of other characters the writers deem as more important.
People are only allowed to remember her to create tension and drama, and to improve their own arcs, never her own.
As a consequence, in 5 seasons and 3 specials of this show (and with Emilie being mentioned in several episodes) we still have absolutelly no idea to what her personality was like, besides the handwavey "dead mom" archtrope they always present her.
And if it wasnt bad enough, lets look on the perspective of her agency.
Of course, we are talking about a character that is in a coma, which is just a convenient excuse to make a character unable to make their own choices for the whole extension of the show.
But here is the thing: her being in a coma doenst mean her whole character arc should be in one too. She could have always be fleshen out and developed by the instances where she was able to: the past.
They could have added flashbacks in many instances to develop her character. They just chose not to.
They could have voiced her opinions and thoughs through other characters many times. They just chose not to.
They could have make brief references and snipets about what her life was like or what did people think of her. They just chose not to.
Not even from the past she is able to express her opinions and make her own choices.
The only choice she DOES make(the video) is promply ignored by Gabriel even AFTER watching it. He sees the video, he misinterprets "dont put your life and Adrien's in line to try and save me" message she was saying as "come lets kill ourselves together". He does it, and kills her without her consent while still doing exactly what she said not to in the video: the wish.
And this sickening and fucked up thing is portrayed as a good and altruistic move. Horray for all women who have "dedicated" men like gabe as their husband I guess.
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It is imperative I ask about "Puggle Visions".
You must tell me.
Yay thank you for asking. So this one is the Master Emerald deciding to be an embarrassing and show off past visions of little baby Knuckles to his friends.
Its planned to be mostly wholesome and silly but there is of course a hint of angst from the whole "How was this little cutie alone" But even that gets reassurance cuz his friends are given the realisation the got a big, magical rock loving him and looking after him.
Its one of my smaller wips right now, but there's enough of it intact to present a snipet (even if it does end up as scattered and incomplete sentences as it gets towards the end😅)
Around them the world shifted to place them next to an ancient and overgrown statue. Amy’s face brightened the moment she set her eyes on it. “Oh! I recognize this, you were cleaning it last time I visited weren’t you?” Knuckles’ face flushed as he recognized the place too. “Yes, this statue is very important.” The echidna moved between his friends and their sight line of the cupped hands of the statue that rested in her lap. “So don’t get any closer. I can’t risk you damaging it. Tails was sure that was a lie, firstly because Knuckles was a terrible liar and it was the Guardian himself that told them that they were simply observers.  “Didn’t you say this was just a vision and we couldn’t touch anything?” The echidna got more flustered. “Well yes, but I- you- you can’t look.” “Look at what?” Sonic did his best to peer around Knuckles to look behind him but the echidna kept blocking his view. It was now perfectly clear what the Master Emerald was wanting to show them and Knuckles couldn’t feel more embarrassed. “None of your business” None of them moved but the world rotated slightly so that the statue that Knuckles was blocking was now in full view and a little red lump sitting in the lap of the statue caught the eyes of the onlookers. Knuckles grumbled and blushed as his friends' faces lit up at the sight of the mini him curled up and snoozing in the lap of the statue. Amy’s heart swelled as she took in the sight. The baby version of her friend was incredibly cute and a strong desire to scoop him up and cuddle him for hours settled itself in her. He was far smaller than any mammal baby she’d seen and It looked like he would fit perfectly in the palms of her hands. And… he was alone. Something so tiny had been all alone. She couldn’t tell how old he was and he had barely any quill or fur.  “Knuckles… you’re so small.” Knuckles shrugged. “Yeah well Echidna eggs are small. So echidna puggles are small.”
“You know, somehow I keep forgetting echidna come from eggs.” “And the quills. You’re missing so many.” 
“What? No I just haven’t grown them yet.”          “Wait. Are you telling me you’re born with your quills.”
“This statue always warms up. It's a nice nap spot
“EEE! You were so adorable as a baby!” If the Master Emerald could directly communicate with Amy it would’ve disputed that. Its Guardian was still the cutest thing in the whole world and growing older hadn’t changed that. Knuckles tensed his body to prevent himself from physically reacting to the Master Emerald’s gushing.  “I don’t know how i could’ve resesited scooping you up
“I’m pretty sure I would have bitten you.”
“Because if anyone tried to pick me up now I’ll bite”
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kizzesfrombat · 11 months
Random snipet of my Arlecchino x Reader x Columbina fic!
{Before we start! I'm @R3n_r3n24 on ao3! So dw this work isn't stollen! It's a pre-released work, you guys just get a sneak peak!}
As Arlecchino dragged you like a ragdoll down the halls you felt yourself unconsciously holding her hand. She turns around to face you, giving you questioning look. Just what were you thinking, holding hands with a harbinger and not just any harbinger, one of the most dangerous women of teyvat? You feel as if you’re melting under her gaze, you avoid her harsh stare. She didn’t seem too upset however, she continued dragging through the halls as if nothing happened.
“So…” You begin, she glances over her shoulder.
“Are you excited for the summer?”
“What’s there to be excited about? I’ll have more work than ever because of you underlings deciding to leave as soon as you get the chance” She replies, her grip on your hand tightening, as if you were going to turn around and leave the second she said that.
“Well, I’m planning to stay this summer, I can try to help with your work” You smile at her. She remains silent for a bit.
“I suppose that wouldn’t be too bad…”
“We can help each other with work and missions! I’d be happy to work by your side” You give her hand a gentle squeeze.  She stops walking and you hesitantly pull your hand away, wondering if you had messed up.
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lilac-liliales · 3 months
Castlevania Nocture Thoughts
Watching Castlevania Nocture and I am plagued with Thoughts on so many things. I'm gonna ramble about things that Aren't That Deep so be warned.
First I have thoughts on them using Erzebeth Bathory as Main Bad Villain. Like not to sound as a Blood Countess Apologist but all we know about Bathory was speculated slander with no real evidence. I'll add some Wikipedia snipets to illustrate what I mean.
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Considering that Castlevania's Dracula gets afforded a humane complexity that wasn't provided by either Bram Stoker's Count Dracula or his historial counterpart Vlad The Impaler, it's strange a villified figure such as the Blood Countess wasn't given the same morally-nuanced treatment.
To add, a deconstruction of the Blood Countess would have provided the perfect opportunity to establish further parallels with Maria Antonia, Olympe de Gouges, and the already referenced Joan of Arc. It would have added more perspective to the Abbot's "revolution is bad!" speech, which at the moment is depicted as fear-mongering nonsence. Even though it did get out of hand.
I suposse it was a creative decision. They wanted to make "Countess Dracula" completely different from Dracula - a bit like he's a poor little meow meow while she's evil incarnate. So they made her a sadist with delusions of grandeur and practically the face of European War Crimes. Which would be ok, if it weren't because I have Thoughts™ on that too!
Why not consider the Marquis de Sade, who lived during the French Revolution, and was the literal creator of sadism? Or if they want to draw parallels with Joan of Arc, why not Gilles de Rais? Or! If we're talking about European Colonization, Christopher Columbus is right there!! I won't make a list but it seems there are so many more suitable candidates than Bathory to play this role.
I must admit my reservations, if taken into consideration, would play a different story than the one we have now. So they're not really constructive- but at least it's out of my system now.
Anyway I really enjoyed the show, and I can't wait to see what the second season has in store!
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shadowofroses · 2 months
So a partial JJK rewrite cause yay.
Fem Aligned reader. x Gojo Very beginning where Gojo fights Sukuna for 10 seconds. I'm rereading some older stuff I wrote, like small snipets that I want certain chapters to surround. Reader is a Cursed Womb Painting but doesn't know it. Reader went with Megumi to find Sukuna's finger and thus situaton at hand.. I can still change things as I want but felt an urge to share.
“Ten seconds, take control after ten seconds.”
You paused as you watched Gojo stretch. Of course he’d take a chance to go up against Sukuna. Then again, it’s not like he got to go full out and fight with no restrictions often.
“I dunno about this…” Yuji's brows furrowed in concern.
“Don’t worry, I’m the strongest!”
You softly chuckled, as you nodded to Yuji, “Don’t worry Itadori, Gojo has everything covered.” you stated as Gojo tossed a Bag to Megumi while they argued about Souvenirs.
Yuji took this time to switch over, and Sukuna instead went for you, which you stepped out of the way.
You had more confidence with Gojo there in dealing with the situation. That and you realized, this was only one finger. Your fear earlier was unprovoked. “you’re up against Golden boy not me.” You stated kicking Sukuna in the back towards Gojo. “And you better save me some of those Kikufuku.”
Gojo dodged Sukuna flawlessly. “I’m hurt, what kind of friend do you take me for? Of course I bought you some,” He pouted softly before smiling, standing back to back with Sukuna. “I’ve got a student and my girl watching, so I hope you don’t mind if I show off a little~”
You rolled your eyes at that, Sukuna shot an eye over to you and reached out. You cut off his hand with a Cursed Energy Sword before it could reach you, and he regrew it almost instantly. Gojo grabbed at Sukuna’s freshly grown hand. “Awww now she’s gonna get jealous, I don’t even hold her hands~” Gojo continued joking around.
As they continued their little fight for the next six seconds, Sukuna flew above your head a couple of times, as you leaned over and held your hand out to Megumi, “You okay Boyo?”
Megumi, true to his style moved to stand up without help and grunted. “How did you know to back off...I saw you were trying to do a Domain, thought you didn’t have one.”
“I don’t I’ve been trying to make one.” You stated causing Megumi to deadpan.
“and you thought a Simple Domain would take him out?”
You raised an eyebrow at that. “One finger? Yeah.”
“should be about time….” You watched as Gojo stopped Sukuna’s last punch with his infinity.
“Oh...was everything okay?” Itadori questioned, wide eyed and boyishly, as everyone looked at him in wonder.
“What a surprise you really can control it!” Gojo grinned at the boy.
“Yeah but he’s kinda annoying, I can still hear his voice….”
You watched as he started to knock on his head, and knowing how his strength was you sweat dropped. “Careful there don’t give yourself a concussion.”
“Be grateful that’s the only side effect.” Gojo responded tapping Yuji on the head, a pressure point to the forehead causing Yuji to fall into Gojo’s Arms.
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