#so this is partly why i want to just write my own stuff and stop engaging with other peoples? i have a lot of writing prompt asks though and
justporo · 11 months
Be my remedy
Being in an established relationship is still very much uncharted territory for both Astarion and you. Thankfully, your companions arrange for you to have a moment of privacy.
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Author's Note: Well, this was supposed to be nothing but a little warm-up drabble. But by now I doubt my ability to write anything below 2k words... So here you go with some fluffy fluff, enjoy!
Pairing: Astarion/GN!Tav (You) Warnings: talk of past trauma if you squint Wordcount: 2,2k
Song: Be My Remedy - House of Say
It hadn’t been that long since Astarion’s confession at Moonrise Towers and your promise to each other to actually try and be in a real relationship with each other. You’d agreed to take it slow and especially allow Astarion to have all the space he needed.
You couldn’t be happier. Your heart was overrunning with love every time you looked at him. Wanting nothing more but to see those soft happy smiles from the vampire again. Those he gave you in these moments when he felt comfortable and content while being with you – even if those were still short and mostly quickly overpowered by other stuff: worries about the next day, insecurity, fear of the future in general, Gale being annoying.
And the way it’s been almost chaste with him since you’ve committed yourselves to each other almost broke you. With how gentle and tentative this budding relationship was this far.
You’ve gotten used to spending the evenings and nights together in one of your tents. And you enjoyed the time spent simply talking or cuddling endlessly.
You’d also stolen small little touches and kisses time and again when the others were around. But you were still cautious with it. Partly, because this was first and foremost for the two of you to share and keep. But mostly because a sudden shyness had somehow befallen both of you, now that it was more than just sultry flirting and sneaking off into the woods at night. Now that you were both sure that real feelings were involved on both ends, it was suddenly so different. And – without specifically putting it into words – you both felt a lot more vulnerable about what it was the two of you shared now. And the thought of someone carelessly putting strain on it scared you.
Not that the others didn’t know already. Of course, they had noticed. Although Astarion and you might have been wrapped up a little too cozily in your new little bubble of tender affection - to notice that they had noticed.
But the others had more or less silently agreed to not pester you about it although Gale could hardly hold back all his comebacks he’d painstakingly come up with. Karlach had needed to be elbowed more than once to not squeal out happily when she, for example, had seen Astarion cautiously grab your wrist, lifting your hand and pressing a small kiss to your knuckles. Coincidentally at the same time that Lae’zel had to be pinched in the side to stop making loud gag noises observing the same scene.
The day had been long and exhausting. Everyone had been happy when you had finally set up camp and barely even spoken when you’d sat around the campfire enjoying the latest of the wizard’s dinner creations.
You were sitting next to Astarion – like always as of late – and were softly talking to him. You were both excited to finally see your hometown again, no matter what more horrors might await you there. Sharing bits and pieces about different places in the city you each liked and how your experiences of being Baldurian were both so utterly different, you didn’t even notice how anyone else had been quietly getting up and leaving for their own tents. A few understanding nods and glances had been exchanged and now it was just you and the vampire sitting next to the warming fire.
“I really need to take you to my favourite tavern some time, you’re absolutely going to hate it”, you said to Astarion with a huge shit-eating grin while the vampire answered with a pained grimace.
“I’m beginning to ask myself why I volunteered myself for this relationship”, Astarion muttered mockingly under his breath and dramatically rolled his eyes at you.
You laughed and softly slapped his arm. And then you realised that you were the only ones still sitting by the fire. You looked around and found that no one even was in sight – very suspicious.
When you pointed that fact out to Astarion, he smirked: “Well, maybe our friends all got a sudden lesson on privacy.” “Astarion!” “What? I have nothing to do with this, I swear!”
You gave him a look and crossed your arms over your chest while he kept insisting that for once he was totally innocent (“Actually quite like most of the time, love, you are – all of you – just way to used to just, of course, conveniently blame everything on the big bad vampire!”).
The vampire pouted now, making these big red puppy eyes at you. You were pretty sure he’d already figured out that they made you positively melt and give him just about anything – bastard.
And it got you now, too. So you scooched a little closer to your vampire on the log you were both sitting on and embraced him tightly. You could hear the sigh Astarion loosened when he felt your arms around him, and you could really feel how he relaxed into your touch. His shoulders relaxed and his usually very straight and tense spine was allowed to bend towards you as he wrapped his arms around you in return.
Your thighs and knees were mushed together as you held each other. You buried your face at his chest – directly at the point where his shirt was opened, and you could feel his cool and smooth skin. You sighed as well now. Meanwhile Astarion put his chin on top of your head.
Ever since the first hug you had shared you lived for these moments when you could just hold him. Just knowing how much comfort it gave him, even though he himself might not yet be ready to admit to himself how touch-starved he was for non-sexual intimacy that had to go nowhere but the present moment.
And you were right there with him – basically never really in your life having had someone who would have held you to just console you or just because.
You remained in the embrace for quite some time. Astarion’s hands softly moved up and down your back as you held onto him desperately and tightly – not willing to ever let him go again.
After a long while you felt how the vampire’s hands sneaked both downwards. And then with his roguish quickness, Astarion grabbed you – one hand under your knees, one on your butt – and lifted you on his lap.
You yelped and clawed your hands into his shirt as you stared at him in surprise.
Astarion grinned playfully at you, adjusting you on his lap until you were both comfortable. You were still flustered by this sudden change of position and your mouth opened and closed helplessly a few times. Not because you didn’t like it – quite the opposite. But this was a sudden step up in public display of affection for him – at least the possibility of someone seeing you like this was existent.
When the vampire saw your reaction, his smirk dropped and he started fidgeting: “Oh uhm.”
He cleared his throat a little, his eyes darted around. And it was only made more awkward by the fact that you were so close to each other and he was firmly holding you so you didn’t slide off his thighs.
He coughed again and you felt that he struggled with holding your gaze. By now you had adjusted to the new situation and were quite endeared by how shy Astarion had gotten all of a sudden: overwhelmed by his own courage.
“Ah, I hope this”, Astarion finally began and wiggled his arms and legs around (which in turn made you wiggle around and giggle), “this is alright with you?”
You looked straight into his eyes once he had found it in himself to hold your gaze again. You softly cupped his cheek and let your thumb wander over his cheekbone: “It is – more than alright even!”
For a quick moment you softly dragged his face down to yours, so his forehead touched yours shortly. “I will just tell you if something’s not fine with me, Astarion. And…”
Now it was your turn to fidget awkwardly. You were only barely more experienced in this relationship thing than he was, but you were absolutely keen on giving him the space to find out what all this meant for him.
You took a deep breath and leaned back a little. You saw a single curl fall onto his forehead when you moved away a bit – you looked at it when you spoke again.
“And I’m more than happy to let you explore and experiment with what you want and expect from all this - whatever it is”, you finally finished and felt how a blush crept up your neck and then onto your cheeks. Although it might not seem much this had cost you some overcoming. Too many times had you had bad if not downright horrendous experiences with people you had offered too much before. But you were completely sure of doing this with Astarion. He had your full trust and you wanted him to know that and be as free as possible to explore this new chapter in his life.
You were still mesmerized by the soft strand of hair on Astarion’s forehead. So you lifted your hand from his cheek and lightly, between two fingers, moved it up again. A tiny sigh left the pale elf’s lips at the innocent gesture.
The vampire looked at you as your hand now lightly wandered through his hair. His eyes were shining like rubies in the warm, flickering light of the campfire. He carefully lifted one hand up to cup your face with one hand. He let his thumb wander over your bottom lip and that was also where his gaze dropped.
“That means an awful lot, my love”, he replied softly. “I promise to always tread carefully with the trust you’ve put in me.”
His eyes found yours again. “And I guess I know what I want to do with this trust right this moment.”
He leaned in to kiss you. His soft, cool lips met yours tenderly as any remaining thought in your brain just vanished. Your hand in his hair softly curled around one of his pointy ears, your thumb gently wandering over the edge of it.
You let him set the pace, patiently allowing him to decide how much he wanted. But you didn’t need to wait for long: Astarion’s lips parted and he eagerly deepened the kiss, making you sigh into his mouth yearningly as your other hand, that had been on his chest, now balled up in his shirt and unconsciously tried to drag him even closer.
Astarion’s hand was still cupping your face and now spread out. Caressing you lightly from your cheek, down your neck and almost reaching to your collarbone with his long, elegant fingers. His other arm was holding you securely on his lap but also subtly pushing to lessen the space between you even more.
It was passionate but delicate at the same time. Inducing a fire that was burning brightly, powerfully and, most of all, warming while not being all-consuming or destructive. And you were sure that this fire would keep burning unyieldingly – especially if it was fuelled passionately like this.
After a while of getting lost in the kiss Astarion’s hand wandered slowly from your face to where your hand was still clawed in his shirt – desperate to hold onto him forever – and softly loosened it, so he could hold it. He very tenderly pulled back as your mouth left his with a long low sigh leaving your still parted lips now swollen from kissing.
Your eyes were probably still glazed over but you saw how Astarion too only slowly seemed to come back from that particular cloud you’d just been on.
“I hope that was alright as well?”, he answered with his signature smirk and a teasing tone after a few more moments of regaining composure. You were just about to scold him for ruining such a romantic, emotional moment, when you heard something.
Somewhere behind you, you heard something squeal – almost as if someone was torturing a squirrel? You turned around on Astarion’s lap and quickly spotted… Karlach peeking out from behind her tent flap, her hands balled up into fists and lifted to her mouth. You could feel her giddy, happy energy from over where you were sitting. But you were too flabbergasted by what the tiefling had obviously just observed.
You felt yourself flush from head to toe. “KARLACH!”, you shrieked as you heard Astarion laugh (albeit a little nervously).
Karlach’s eyes widened as she realised that she might’ve been a little insensitive about this all.
“Uh – I’m sorry. I just…”, she started and then stopped again. “I’m just so happy for you”, she blurted out and you saw some of her joy return. But then she remembered that she should probably leave you alone. “Alright”, she muttered while she made to disappear into her tent again. Quickly she lowered her tent flap down again and was gone.
But then she stretched out her arm once more, offering you a firm thumbs-up.
“But just so you know, we’re all rooting for you two”, were Karlach’s final words before disappearing for good. You blushed again and turned back around to find Astarion smile genuinely at you. He softly started to laugh, then more and more. His head fell back and his eyes closed and you couldn’t help but join in.
And then that was settled.
Tag list: @spacebarbarianweird @sunfire-ancunin @tragedybunny @dependsonthedream @tallymonster @magazzne @micropoe10 @aoirohi @my-bunny-prince @lumienyx @fayeriess
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captainnameless · 1 year
you did a request a while ago for clingy Max and i was wondering if you would write a little headspin like that on Max being clingy and Daniel gets kinda firm with him and Max gets upset but Daniel makes it all better?
i don’t know if that makes sense lmao but i’m such a sucker for the like caregiver being firm but then going all mushy for their little and i just love clingy Max
ooooo, i tried. i hope this is what you wanted <3
Max is extra clingy today, in fact, Daniel is pretty sure Max would prefer to be in one of those baby swings, stuck onto Daniel like a baby koala.
It’s not like Daniel minds, he loves Max, he loves that Max loves him. Loves how Max shows it through holding his sleeve, pressing his nose into Daniel’s cheeks when they’re waking up or making their knees touch when they’re sat next to each other.
But they’re working today, Daniel has a shit load of responsibilities to get through, the media is on him, throwing out theories on his future and wanting his opinion, his thoughts, his soul.
His lunch break was supposed to start 20 minutes ago, and he knows Max is waiting. He’s texted him already that he’s running late, unable to keep his eyes of the digital numbers on his phone when he’s supposed to be putting his guy down for a nap. Jetlag has gotten both of them pretty good this time around, barely getting 4 hours of sleep in last night and Daniel had specifically requested his break to coincide with Max’s so he could schedule some rest for the younger. Lord knows he needed it.
His phone screen lights up again with a message from Max
I’m coming to you.
No, Daniel thinks immediately, doesn’t want these media vultures to jump on Max the second he walks in, not right now.
“Just- a second.” He apologizes absentmindedly swiping open Max’s message and responding.
Don’t, it’s too busy. I promise I’m wrapping this up. Give me 5.
When Daniel finally finishes his conversation a couple minutes later, partly because the person in front of him probably got annoyed with his short and distracted answers, he breathes a sigh of relief as he goes to gather his things. There’s a flash of orange in the corner of his eye and Daniel snaps his had up immediately when he realizes the orange is the #1 cap Max wears, in fact it is Max.
It’s impressive how quickly Daniel gets too Max, not quick enough for the first person there to go “Oh, Max do-” but quick enough to push Max back out into the hallway before their request is out.
“I told you to stay.” Daniel voice is firmer than he means it too be, his own exhaustion bleeding through frustration.
Max blinks up at him with a rapidly growing pout, hand coming up to try and pry Daniel’s hand off his bicep, Daniel lets go suddenly, not aware of his firm grip.
“You have to come.” Max whines up at him. “You took too long.”
Daniel sighs, rubs a hand over his face. “I am coming, I just need to grab my stuff.”
“I’ll come with.” Max responds, already moving to push past Daniel.
Daniel stops him with a gently hand to his chest. “No, Max. I’ll go grab it. You go to your room.” He doesn’t have the energy to explain why.
“One.” It almost slips out of him, firmer than Max is used to when he’s not even in trouble really. “Go.”
Max stills immediately, sadness taking over his features. There’s a tiny little “Okay.” The he breathes out before turning on his heels, speed walking away from Daniel, leaving the elder with a gnarly feeling in his chest.
There’s a few choice words that Daniel murmurs under his breath as he steps back into the little room, gathering his things.
He does knock when he’s in front of Max’s driver room, a tiny flicker of worry things Max might have locked it, but when his hand twists the handle it opens.
Max has wrapped himself up in the baby blue blanket Daniel picked this morning. He looks so small, all bundled up in the corner of the couch and when Daniel enters there’s already tears swimming in his eyes.
“Daddy.” Max cries, reaching out to Daniel with blanket covered grabby hands. “I’m sorry. Daddy, I’m sorry.”
Daniel flicks the lock quickly before flinging himself onto the couch and wrapping his arms around the bundled bub.
“No, Darling. Shh. Daddy’s sorry. You don’t have to be sorry.” Daniel soothes, hand finding Max’s cheek to brush at the tears.
“Didn’t listen. I was bad.” Max cries back at him, burying his face in Daniel’s chest.
Daniel just holds him closer, rocks them a little in an attempt to get the tears to stop. “Oh Bubba, sometimes not listening has a very good reason. I’m sure you only didn’t listen cause you were missing Daddy very much, no?”
Max peaks up at Daniel, sucking in a breath before he nods. “Miss.”
“Right.” Daniel breathes, brushing the hair off of Max’s forehead. “And Daddy should’ve listened to you, should’ve thought about those missing feelings being too big for a little boy to listen. Daddy’s sorry.” Daniel’s always made sure Max knows that Daniel apologizes too, that he makes mistakes and owns them, that they’re equal. He’s even sat on the naughty step once.
Max blinks up at Daniel, thumb finding his mouth as the tears slow down. “Not bad?”
“You’re never bad. Maybe sometimes you make a bad decision, but you’re never bad. Remember? Sometimes Daddy makes a mistake, or a bad decision. That doesn’t make Daddy bad. But Daddy is sorry for making you wait, and expecting a little too much of you today. You’re a good boy, Maxie.”
Max is silent against his against his chest, the tears have stopped but Daniel can see in his eyes he’s not convinced.
“Do you need a little help remembering?”
Max nods slowly, thumb slipping out of his mouth.
“Alright.” Daniel smiles gently, sitting Max up a little straighter, the blanket that Max had wrapped around himself is lifted, and Daniel covers both of them with it like a little tent, grabbing both of Max’s hands in his.
“Just us.” Daniel hums, bumping his nose into Max’s.
“You’re a good boy.” Daniel says, open and honest as he squeezes Max’s hands.
Max breathes. “I’m a good boy.” It’s quiet, but Daniel hears.
“I am kind,”
“I am smart.”
“Am smart.”
“I am loved.” Daniel squeezes a little harder.
“I am loved.” Max breathes back at him.
Daniel smiles. “The most by me.” He decides to add.
There’s a small smile that breaks out on Max’s face.
“You got it?” Daniel asks and Max nods.
“I’m a good boy.”
“Good boy.” Daniel reaffirms, pressing a kiss to Max’s forehead, about to let go off their intertwined hands when Max squeezes them tight.
Daniel looks at him with gentle confusion.
“Your turn.” Max breathes. “I’m a good Daddy.”
Daniel has to bite his lip at the noise that wants to leave his body, suddenly blinking a bit more rapidly.
“Say.” Max demands, eyes honest and sincere.
“I’m a good Daddy.”
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chaifootsteps · 10 months
I really feel you & anon about KenDraws - when the first allegations about poor workplace treatment came out I thought maybe it was a case of poor management over malicious mismanagement; that a new indie studio had hired a lot of people out of college and not supported them properly or set unrealistic deadlines and failed to account for the fact that people have to work multiple jobs to support themselves (though the sharing of Erin's medical info always disgusted me and there's no way anyone can 'two sides' that imo) - i.e. it was stuff they could learn from and get better about, but for me KenDraws' account was the straw that broke the camel's back.
My jaw was on the floor learning KenDraws was the one who suggested Alastor stay at the hotel for his own entertainment, because that's part of the inciting incident and setup of the whole show. It's the kind of idea and dynamic that you'd expect the creator to come up with and come up with first, and be thought out as part of the story going forwards.
And to credit such an integral part of the show, plus several jokes, as 'additional writing'??? That is not additional writing, that is concept writing and script writing. It really made me mad to see how much of a struggle it was to get even that bare minimum of credit when Viv dropped so many ideas and lines that weren't her idea into the final pilot and covered it up with 'that was early draft stuff/we changed things around'. Reading the Discord logs it's blatantly not that, and if I can get ad hominem for a second there's a really maddening 'I'm too lazy and untalented to come up with this on my own, please help me' wheedling tone in Viv's messages to Ken - the whole 'I'm good at this and not that' thing especially. If you aren't good at it then either focus the pilot around your supposed strengths or credit your co-writers properly! Anyone whose had someone lazy or untalented sponge off them knows how uncomfortable and annoying it is to be stuck with someone like Viv as a boss. It feels like the main reason Brandon gets to be credited as a writer is because he's already a 'name' but anyone Viv considers beneath her it's free game to steal their ideas and fail to credit them when they provide her massive amounts of help because she knows her fandom will merrily throw them under the bus with a minimum amount of prompting from her, and sometimes none at all.
It's why I'm so glad to see Ashley and Michael thrive outside her shadow. I've seen mixed opinions on Faustisse and I'm not up to date with that, but I did see the screenshots about the issues she had getting paid and assuming that's Viv she's talking about, no one deserves to be exploited like that.
Viv mistreats the talent, they go elsewhere - and they don't stop being better than Viv at the thing she's failing so hard at rn. I'm so glad to see the rest of the indie animation scene supporting each other so much: I think this is the sense of community people wished for when Helluva started and why the biggest scandal to hit the fandom felt like it was when the pilot VAs got dropped so unceremoniously. It's just partly a community of people who got burned working for Viv who now have a perfect mental model of what they don't want in their working lives so they can make something better. I hope all the best for the people she's hurt & used
I don't have a think to add to this, Anon. This is absolutely beautiful and well said.
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rustyvanburace · 5 months
nanananan nanashi 4 ask game🥹
favorite thing about them: NANASHI HAS STYLE, and I will die on that hill. People bitch and moan about Nanashi's "ugly" design, but he is PUNK and that fits really well with IVA's themes. I'd rather have a protagonist with a totally unique appearance than yet another bland kid. Maybe that is antithesis to the roots of SMT (they've always favored bland "nobody" characters), but I am nonetheless sticking to my stance. I love that he is dressed for the part as a Hunter, but still embraces his own sense of identity and style -- which frankly is important and natural for teens. I feel the same way about Asahi's own style. I love that Nanashi's design incorporates aspects of the two Akiras from IV. HE. HAS. GOOD. DESIGN.
least favorite thing about them: Once again this is more of an issue I have with IVA's writing and it is not solely about Nanashi, but I do wish that IVA did explore Akira's motivations more (especially with rescuing his sister, which is just absent in IVA) and how his actions and choices would've later impacted his later reincarnated self. There's a lot of stuff that Akira did in the background of IV that only barely gets examined IVA. Akira's "betrayal" toward the Hunters and Nanashi falling into that same fate makes for an interesting foil, but is just another foil that gets resolved way too quickly for my liking. Nanashi saves the day by repelling the Tokugawa Mandela and is immediately forgiven and praised by all with almost hardly any skepticism. Again it's an issue I have with IVA at large, but it still leaves me wanting more out of the characters and their development.
favorite line: Can I even say I have a favorite line from a silent protagonist, lol? I can say that I do like how "extreme" Nanashi is with his answers, either being very openly kind to downright crass and cold. It's much more extreme than some of Flynn's answers in IV. Arguably it makes IVA's alignment choices too obvious, but I like that it gives Nanashi a polarizing personality and it fits with his design too. Plus some of his anarchy answers are downright hilarious.
Additionally, I'm also amazed at Nanashi's "Dagda!" voice clip in the massacre route. For most of the game, he calls for Dagda in such a high-pitched voice. But as soon as you're locked in massacre, his voice suddenly turns really gruff and deep. Lmao??
brOTP: HE IS BROS WITH EVERYONE. But especially with Asahi, Hallelujah, and Navarre! I love his caring sibling relationship with Asahi, I love him being best of buds with Hallelujah, and I love that Navarre is basically like the cool fun uncle to him.
I posted that stupid edit of Morcedai and Rigby earlier, but actually Nanashi and Hallelujah are WAY more like Morcedai and Rigby. That's them for realll.
OTP: Nanashi x Hallelujah NATION LET'S GO. I will absolutely ship them both as bros and as a pair! They have the best ever chemistry.
nOTP: Yeah so, I really do not like Asahi x Nanashi and I hate seeing Nanashi get shipped with adults. Stop it. Enough said.
random headcanon: I like to imagine that, even before the events of IVA, Nanashi has always had dreams of his past life -- just not as frequently or as "unusual" as they later would be, stuff that he'd just brush off and keep to himself. I also like to think that, partly cause of that, he feels a closeness or yearning towards the Sky Tower and Firmanent but cannot put into words as to why.
unpopular opinion: Nanashi's concept design (the one where he's older, has glasses, and the giant robot arm) sucks and I'm tired of people saying it is "superior" than Nanashi's final design. Maybe the older design would have worked better for an earlier story concept, but for the way IVA is now, it fucking sucks. You can't just switch Nanashi's design with that and expect it to seamlessly work with the game's narrative. People complain about Nanashi being a "discount Demi-fiend", but actually Nanashi's design is much more subtle and it HAS to be in order to work with the narrative. A giant robot arm is the very opposite of subtle.
God I'm just, so pissed at people saying Nanashi's design is "bad". I'm pissed I'm pissed!!
song I associate with them: I'm just gonna cross these out with all asks going forward, I am not good at picking songs lmao.
favorite picture of them: Once again, it's Nanashi's precious smile~!
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Thank you for the ask!!
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mirrorhoppingdays · 1 year
not me and portrayal of twinship
Be forewarned, this is long as hell.
Normally when I think about writing about media depictions of twins (as a highly opinionated twin), two things stop me. One, nobody cares. Seriously, most people actively want to avoid understanding twins' point of view. It's my overwhelming experience. Two, it's just too much to delve into and I have thoughts about every little thing. I would digress until I became overwhelmed. But I think it might actually work to discuss this one facet. It might connect with a few people because fandom types are often actually interested in novel points of view and the emotional landscapes of others. And if I only talk about this one show that narrows things for me in a helpful way. So here goes.
As soon as Not Me starts with episode 1, there is an item on the balance sheet. We begin with the idea that twins can feel each others' feelings and feel when the other is seriously injured. We see this in Black & White's childhood and then again when White returns to Thailand after many years away. So, psychic twin connections. I'm both highly militant and oddly patient when it comes to twin depiction stuff. I don't love the psychic thing, but that's the variety of twinship media nonsense I'm willing to take on board *if* it's done well and it's worthwhile. When you begin a story about twins with a psychic connection and make it a central feature of your plot, you've essentially borrowed goodwill from me. If you squander it, then your balance will come due and you'll be left owing. If you use it well, I'll forgive the loan. So we start not on a bad note, but with higher stakes.
Pretending-to-be-one's-twin plots work okay for me. Why? Because as much as they might rely on twin resemblance, they can't work without the twins being different, whole people. That shouldn't be considered a positive because all characters should begin as whole people, but we know that doesn't always happen in general and it certainly doesn't always happen with twins.
We begin a whole big chunk of the story where the crux may be that White is sort of undercover as his own brother, but twinship isn't actually at issue much at all. It's about deception and risk, not twin connection or twinship. We do get constant reminders that White and Black are very different, and we get a lot of White trying and only kind of succeeding at pretending.
One thing that rings true to me is that he doesn't actually have to do all that great a job of pretending. If you don't know somebody has a twin, and to some extent even if you do, as a human being you'll default very hard to this-is-the-same-person. It's just necessary in every moment of our lives that we're not dealing with identical twins, so it's necessary to lean that way. Also, as a twin I know very well that the majority of people are highly unobservant about a great many things. And it's not like these guys have any reason to think this is some other guy, though it would have been a note of realism if at some point at least one of them had gone wait, is Black reporting on us to the cops or something because he's acting sketchy. They do point out that he's being weird, so that base is partially covered.
I did some Tumblr poking around before I was done watching, so I saw a few spoilery things. Thanks partly to that, I couldn't help but hope that Sean figured out comparatively early that White was not Black. That would have been kind of thrilling to see, honestly, as a twin. But I certainly understand how that might not happen, and I also see the efficacy (to the plot) of having him not figure it out too quickly. It's more interesting if he doesn't know right away.
Clearly Tumblr world loves memeing about how Black woke up from his coma when, possibly because, White hooked up with Sean (I'll be more coy in my wording than some). Twin-rep-wise, that's a wash to me, neither better or worse than the psychic connection trope. I'm already tolerating the psychic stuff, and I can't say it's not an interesting plot point. If you need Black to wake up, when else would it be? It probably borrows a little more goodwill, but again that's stakes rather than a deficit.
As someone who remains skeptical of the psychic twin connection trope, I will say this. The particular way Black wakes up kind of shows the absurdity of the whole conceit. I'm cool with it because this is melodrama and it *should* be bonkers, but it goes to show what you're playing with when you invoke that trope.
This is when stuff gets interesting, to me but I assume to everybody. White and Black are both running around in the world of the show, and crucially they're also interacting with each other. And some of what happens is honestly pretty great twin-rep-wise. I really have to hand it to writer/director Nuchy Anucha Boonyawatana—she must be a pretty empathetic, intuitive person. (Along with her cowriters.) She seems to have made an effort to put herself in both Black and White's shoes in a real human way. Like, well beyond what the story would require.
I wanted to avoid digressing too much, but I want to go back to the very first moment in the entire show. In that brief scene, White looks in a dark, foggy mirror and says these words in voiceover: “When you see somebody who looks precisely like you, every part of his body resembles yours, you must feel really strange. But for me, it’s special. I call that specialness ‘twins.’”
When I saw this scene, I won’t say I knew this would be a thoughtful treatment of twins. But I did find it promising. Part of what annoys me about being a twin is how non-twins, aka singletons, think that being a twin is great because on some level they think of their hypothetical twin as an extension of themselves. Your twin is not you, and your twin is not part of you. Your twin is a human being, and like any other human being in the world there are some moments and some ways when they can seem utterly unknowable, foreign, unfathomable.
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Back to the point in the story where I left off.
There’s a big twin moment near the end of episode 9: White is confronted in Black's apartment by an unknown figure, only to find that it's his brother. White’s voiceover tells us what he's thinking, and he calls back to that brief beginning scene. Now that I’ve gone back to look at both moments, I can say that they’re very similar in length and rhythm. So I suspect our writer/director was not only deliberate about the echo but also exacting in how both moments play out.
White’s voiceover says: “I’d always imagined the day I’d see my brother again. It’s supposed to be a heartwarming moment. But now it’s happening. It’s surprisingly frightening. It’s as though I’m meeting my doppelgänger.” Of course this is a translation, but it’s worth noting that you can hear actor Gun Atthaphan saying “doppelgänger,” so you know there isn’t a ton of poetic license on the part of the translator here.
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White and Black exchange some awkward pleasantries, and then Black echoes White, saying "You look so much like me, it’s creepy.”
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If I hadn’t seen my twin in ten years (especially at that age), it would have been very surreal even if that person weren’t as menacing as Black seems to be. It’s just that there are dimensions to twinship that fade in your mind when you’re not actively engaged with them. I assume that regular degular siblings can experience this in partial ways or in flashes, but I don’t have any of those so I can only guess. Seeing your twin after a long time apart isn’t somehow magical in a good or a bad way. But your twin carries all the powerful associations of any close family member along with a similarly large number of associations to your own identity.
I chase catharsis in media, but I don’t usually experience it strongly. But there can be a catharsis in recognition of self, and that’s what I get from these moments. To be clear, I don’t feel some profound otherness when I interact with my sister. She’s a sweetheart and I feel very close to her. But the twin experience, for me at least, connects strongly and meaningfully to some very basic aspects of my human existence. The fact that one is a little bit alone even in the closest togetherness. The fact that other people are never fully knowable. The fact of my own identity and how its boundaries aren’t quite as firm and distinct as I might pretend they are. How much I need connection. The way so much about my perceptions and actions can be strongly influenced by others in ways I’m totally unconscious of. Some of this may sound hokey! But it’s difficult to express it any other way.
Moving on. White goes to meet their mother as Black, and just as their conversation is ending she makes it clear she knows who he really is. You might think that bit is meaningful to me, but it doesn’t strike a stong chord. Parents can tell their twin children apart, yes. Would it be harder after ten years? Assumably. What is it supposed to mean about her that she can? I don’t know; I’m not a huge fan of hers.
Black encounters Sean and is incredibly cruel to him, beats him, and it sucks. It annoys me to heap praise on actors for playing twins—actors play different roles all the time and that’s just doing two of them in the same project—but I have to admit that Gun Atthaphan not only does a great job playing dual roles, but a good job playing twins specifically. In a way it’s hard to understand now, having seen what we have as the audience, how Sean could fail to see that this isn’t “his” Black. But he doesn’t, because there’s no way anything else is possible according to what he knows about his world.
Sean sees White-as-Black again as White saves him from sketchy mercenary types, and then tries repeatedly to confront him. White doesn’t really explain and Sean doesn’t come to an obvious epiphany. But when Sean sees Black again, something has clicked. He attempts the trust fall White showed him and Black just stares on contemptuously. Black is smoking “again.” And we get to another big twin moment. This is episode 12.
Sean gets it. He says “You’re not the Black that I love.” He handcuffs himself to Black. They have an oddly realistic fight that involves various uncomfortable wrestling positions. And he says “You have a twin brother?” Black denies it, Sean insists repeatedly. And you see Black’s face change from contempt to anger as he says “Don’t you get close to my little brother again.”
This is a fun, climactic moment. It is, of course, adorable that Sean insists he won’t stay away from White, and honestly pretty adorable in an extremely grumpy way that Black is being protective. (Here again Gun is very convincing. For such a small, baby-faced guy he is genuinely menacing as Black.)
The moment is also true to my experience, though the only direct connections I can make aren’t exactly similar in circumstances. If your social world intersects heavily with that of your twin, there really are particular moments in many romantic relationships and even in many close friendships where the other person will sort of take a twin inventory with you. They don’t go on a spiel about how you’re cooler than your twin (unless maybe they suck as a person), they probably don’t even compare you exactly. But each person has to come to their own realization because (often at least) while they knew you and your twin are different people, they had to learn it all over again on another level. And they want you to know they perceive it.
There are smaller iterations of this phenomenon where people will emphatically tell you that while they have been able to tell you apart in the past, *now* they don’t even think of you as looking the same, now they can’t imagine how anybody *ever* confuses you. It’s not like this happens every single time I get to know every single person, but it’s so common in its broad strokes that I feel confident saying that the people around me and my sister share some common experiences in how they perceive us. And a change comes at a certain point that’s compelling enough that people are motivated to talk about it, try to make you understand.
Anyway, while this is a phenomenon that happens around me rather than to me, Sean’s insistence strikes a chord.
Sean finds White. White does a totally accidental trust fall, and it’s pretty cute.
White... decides to halfway drown himself to “remind [Black] of [their] connection”? Which makes some intuitive sense in the moment even if it sounds a bit silly. And is a little. Black finds him, they talk, Black concludes that he can’t stop White from staying with the group, going on their mission, and being with Sean. White stops Sean from going to the drug warehouse alone, at which point he says something that rings true for me as well. He explains why he hesitated to stay part of things, and says “I thought it wasn’t my place.”
When Black returned and demanded his phone, demanded White go away and not see the gang anymore, White went along with that because in a real way that was valid. White had genuine reasons for essentially stealing Black’s life, but that is what he did. White is an empathetic sweetheart so while he did get used to Black’s world he does feel guilty and out of place suddenly. But now he sees that things have changed, and he can’t go back to before all this happened. And of course he’s in loooove, so there’s that as well.
Then White tells the other dudes who he is (except for Gumpa, who knew the whole time) and it takes them a while to believe him. But when they do, they immediately do the twin inventory with him, saying how did I not see this earlier, etc.
They do their attempted heist, loads of shit goes wrong, they fall from various frying pans into various fires for a good while. They get away, things settle down. Sean does the twin inventory with White again and insists he’s completely able to tell White and Black apart now.
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Then we have my final twin moment. White says he knows Black won’t be returning to the group. “Nobody wants to live in someone else’s shadow,” he says. “My brother sacrificed this role for me.”
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This rings true for me. As a twin, you never want to think of yourself as interchangeable with your sibling. But at the same time many relationships and groups don’t have room for each of a pair of twins to feel comfortable. It’s not like you have to come up with some legalistic scheme for who “owns” a social group or anything like that. But at least in my sort of twin relationship, you’re never going to have a symmetrical relationship with a third person or a social circle. Even if you each have the same degree of connection to the same person, it’s different. And I can’t say it’s ever really been the same. One has always been closer, or more comfortable, or something.
Well, if you can believe it that’s not everything I could have said. But it’s a lot, and if you made it to the end I thank you. In case it doesn’t go without saying, I did find it worthwhile to indulge the psychic twin trope. What I got out of Not Me was worth the latitude.
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Why I got obsessed with Comparative Mythology
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I have now gotten the question too often, so let me quickly answer it here: No, I (sadly) do not work in comparative mythology. I just so happen to be autistic and as such have my sweet little collection of hyperfixations. One of which happens to be mythology and comparative mythology.
Basically, as a kid (like kindergarten age) I started obsessing about Ancient Egypt, which very much included the mythology, too. Later on I had a brief stint with the Tolkien stuff (though that never got a hyperfixation for me - but a classmate had this specific hyperfixation) and I learned through Tolkien about philology and comparative linguistics. Which kinda got me already set in that direction. And then, as I talked before, the entire "Izanagi and Izanami kinda mirror a lot of cthonic Greek stuff" thing got me into the comparative mythology stuff.
But really, what got me into high gear with the research was... writing my Urban Fantasy.
Urban Fantasy to me was always one of the genre that spoke to me the most. Partly because it really made for great escapism to imagine that indeed magic was real in our world. Partly because it was the kind of fantasy where you actually could get queer stories.
But within Urban Fantasy I was always frustrated with one thing: How Urban Fantasy would usually make use of a lot of mythological stuff... but only in the most generic way imaginable. Most Urban Fantasy never engaged with actual vampire or werewolf mythology, rather it used vampires and werewolves inspired by Schlock Horror films. And if Urban Fantasy used gods (most of the times Greek or Norse gods) it used them in the most generic way possible, sanding it down and removing all the interesting bits. Or, for that matter, really doing much with which gods showed up were (Stray Gods so far sits alone with American Gods in the category of: "Actually gives a good explanation of why European deities are hanging around in America") This got me in my early 20s to start thinking up my own Urban Fantasy universe, which I called Manmade Myths. Or M³, because I am a cheeky idiot bastard.
It should be noted: Out of my Manmade Myths stuff I got one book published in German, though by now the book is out of print and the publisher never paid me a cent for it. So, yay. Technically though I have several books within the universe written - and there are a couple of published shortstories as well as my written webseries with four seasons... Though I never fully published it, even though it is all prewritten on my computer. Mostly due to the lack of interaction and stuff.
But basically Manmade Myths is "Comparative Mythology as Urban Fantasy". Playing around with the ideas of the development of myths and the meaning of remembering mythology.
The general concept is, that it is an Urban Fantasy world working on the concept of "Clap your hands if you believe"... But a bit differently. While in this world gods get their powers out of believe and veneration (and are originally created by it), they also do not disappear as soon as people stop believing in them. Rather they hang around and slowly become corrupted. Many of them being angry with the humans who have forgotten them - though some of them also have a big issue with the Abrahamic God, who supplanted so many of them.
The world at large was very much influenced by this conflict, which tied back both to colonialisation, but also to the pegan hunts of the early Christian period. With a lot of the old gods being angry at the Christian God.
A lot of (more or less) mortal characters kinda roped into that entire conflict through the concept of "chosen ones". Basically, gods and all sorts of named characters from mythologies hanging around, would have "chosens", with whom they shared their powers, and who - whether they wanted or not - got roped into that conflict.
And there was a whole thing going on about the mythological apocalypse being close but most of the gods being too caught up in their conflict, that they did not see it or did not care.
Only some gods and heroes actually realized how the world actually worked and how a lot of stuff was linked to the development of myths.
But... yeah. Problem really is that as a no-name author you do not get to publish a multi-series urban fantasy thing that is fairly high concept and also features a majority queer cast. lol Especially not in Germany.
Which is why I have a total of six written books in this universe (four within one series, two standalones) here, out of which only one got published.
Now, I have started uploading the first few chapters of the webseries Mosaik in English on Ao3, though kinda forgot about it due to a lack of engagement. Though I absolutely could be convinced to continue uploading it. It shough be noted, however, that the entire god-conflict related stuff does only show up midway through sequence two and then only slowly gets more pronounced throughout sequence three, with the characters understanding what kinda bullshit they have gotten themselves into. xD
But yeah, it is that entire universe that really, really got me reading all those books on comparative mythology and development of myths. And it is why I love this topic so much.
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ra-archives · 6 months
Which Link is Caesar to be stabbed (with fake knives)? Who’s the chain ganging up on (for fun) and why?
First, happy Ides of March to you too <3 Secondly, I feel Twilight or Wars are Caesar. Wild, Hyrule, Wind and Four are totally planning everything. They are not subtle, Time hears everything and doesn't raise a finger to stop them because he finds it amusing. Sky does nothing as well, partly because he doesn't want to suddenly be the one thats stabbed, also its nice to see everyone having fun. Legend is pulled in when the stabbing gets started, and has a surprising amount of fun when he does. Between Twi and Wars, who ever isn't the one being stabbed is in the same boat as Legend.
TBH I have very little reasoning for that^ other than vibes. Mostly just Wild, Wind, Hyrule and Four give me mischievous little critter vibes. They always scheming. Four should get to do more nonsense. Only reason Time isn't involved is because he has to uphold his serious old man reputation. (That reputation is non existent. Everyone knowns he's mischievous and silly like the rest of him, Time is keeping this up for no one. He desperately wants to join them. Let the old man have fun)
Legend doesn't give me scheming vibes, just a tad to serious for that, but won't stop anyone else. Man is down for a little bit of chaotic fun though, so he joins in after. Sky is too quiet and collected to join in, but he'll watch with an eyeroll, and a slightly concerned but kind of entertained smile. Twilight and Wars are serious but also dramatic, so obviously perfect targets. They are both so dramatic when attacked, and chaotic enough to join the murder group when not being targeted.
Thirdly, I like to imagine that outside the Ides of March, everyone gangs up on eachother at any opportune moment.
Like, if anyone says something silly or trips over their own feet, everyone immediately starts ripping on them. There are a couple of constants, Wild and Hyrule aren't allowed opinions on what tastes edible, the most common reply to anything Time says is 'Uh huh, whatever you say gramps', and Wind is dragged for pretty much anything he says because he's the youngest, etc. But that doesn't mean the others are safe. You can pretty much guaranty that if it isn't serious (about battles, past quests and trauma, genuine heart to hearts) someone is going to jab at whoever said it.
Its a lot like big friend groups or close teams. Constantly making fun of eachother, but in that way that good friends do where you know its all from a place of love. If you don't lovingly drag someone through the mud for every single thing they say, are you really besties?
TBH maybe I should write a sillier fic. Their light hearted dynamics seem so fun to explore but everyone's always dying in my stuff so there's never time :') Maybe I'll actually keep writing 'The Years Bring Change' and throw it in there.
Well, this is longer than I meant it to be and not well though out cause I'm tired, but oh well. Gotta love rambles, lists and extra context!
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sadsoftserve · 8 months
Okay time to dump info because I need a place to keep things 'straight' so I remember stuff about my multiple AUs upon AUs.
So I'm just gonna write shit and hope y'all pick it up.
The Salia Kids (Second Gen au)-
Jasper and 'Vee' are half-siblings with the same donor. Vee is 13, Jasper is 16. Both were concerned with sperm donors.
They are both on 9th grade (Jasper got held back, Vee got pushed forward) and have a rivalry on par to Sabrinas and Sylvies (they have mellowed out tho) Vees mom is Sabrina, while Jasper is Dalias. Jasper was named after Dalias younger brother, who's name is also Jasper. Vees name is Victoria Lila Kalmeren-Ashling the lll, because every first female born into Sabrinas family has the same name.
Vee is a child genius, taking a keen interest in computer science and technology. She likes making things, and with her Epithet: Imagine, it makes things very easy.
Jasper has yet to get one (I haven't gotten around to it) Jasper is Academically challenged in some way, however he can be very smart under pressure. Vee is the exact opposite of this. Jasper is secretly a Banzai Blaster, and while he thinks it's a secret, everyone knows except Sabrina.
Their relationships with their mothers varies. Vee has a great relationship with both of them, while Jasper is going through a rebellious streak and completely disregarding anything Sabrina says. This pisses her off to no end.
Dalia on the other hand, loves her children very much, and will die for them. (Sabrina will too, she's just too damn stubborn to admit it.)
King siblings(Second Gen Au)-
Amber and Liam are siblings, Amber being older at 14 years of age, and Liam being 9. They have that classic sibling relationship, y'know the one.
Liam is in 4th grade, and is 70% deaf in both of his ears. He wears hearing aids that help a ton, but can shut you up by just turning them off. He does that a lot. He's a very smarmy little shit, and not afraid to speak his mind. He's great at sports, and is tall for his age (9yrs old and 5'0 tall) he does take after Parker more than Micah, he has a strong sense of justice along with that classic King bluntness.
Amber is in 9th grade, and is a total band geek. Micah taught her how to play three different instruments when she was younger, and they have stuck with her. Unfortunately she takes after her Dad a bit too much, because she is the most awkward and dorkiest girl ever. She, just like her father, is considered a loser by the popular kids.
Ambers Epithet is Tune. This is also partly why she is very talented in music. Liam is a Mundie, as of right now, he does not know if he will get an Epithet, both of his parents are mundies, so the chances are low.
Both are half-Jewish due to Micah. They celebrate both holidays because Parker said: "Every child should celebrate with their parents, no matter what." Even though she doesn't talk to her parents.
The family is very well rounded and healthy. Of course there is an argument here and there, but overall nothing too bad.
Both kids have a different reaction to Percy though... Amber admires her great aunt (I think that's what she would be here) and looks at her work as an inspiration to keep going. Liam thinks she's boring, unfun, and too monotone. He has told her this to her face.
Bonnie's kids (Second Gen Au)-
Bonnie is Aroace, however that did not stop her from having kids. Even if they're not biologically related to her. She adopted twins, both of Deepwood race, and looks at them like theyre her own flesh and blood.
I haven't yet designed them, but both are great at roller skating and frequently work at Bonnie's pawn shop with her. Their names are, Amera and Armen, both are 9 years old, and... Just extensions of Bonnie.
Bonnie is a cigarette mom, most def. But she hides it when she can. It's a bad habit. Her go-to apology is asking if they want to get a fountain from the gas station. They immediately forgive her.
(they are still being developed)
Now onto the Age up AU, and spitballing :3
Micah and Parker (Age up AU)-
The healthiest relationship you will ever see. Both are working adults, and they make time for each other. They've been together since their late sophomore year, and are still growing strong.
When they found out they were expecting. They were completely happy. Until Micah started overthinking (like he always does) and started to freak out.
Until he turned to FRED of all people who just told him "Dude, I'm not good at this either! I'm just winging it!" And they freaked out together.
Blaire (@arospecbandgeek OC's go check em out) starts giving unsolicited advice to both of them, until Parker breaks down in tears because she thinks shes doing terrible. Blair has yet to apologize for this.
Sabrina and Dalia-
Another healthy relationship! Except Dalias ever growing anxiety at the fact her wife creaks like a 60yr old woman and is somehow WORSE than when she was younger.
Sabrinas ready to die at this point, she never expected to live this long.
Both have issues. Both love each other. Both girls :3
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
I’m back with more Solomon thoughts because I can’t stop thinking about this guy. This is kind of a follow up to my last Solomon post.
Spoilers & such below the cut!
Let me start off by saying that ever since Nightbringer came out, I change my opinion on NB Solomon nearly every day.
But I think I’ve figured out what is going on with that.
I really think most of it is that they’re retconning too much stuff. And that’s why I’m over here like this doesn’t make sense with OG Solomon! Yeah because this isn’t OG Solomon. It’s NB Solomon.
I don’t think they put too much thought into OG Solomon’s backstory. I don’t think they took the lore seriously at all for the first half of the OG story and only slightly more seriously in the second half.
And since that’s the case, I feel like I can’t really compare OG and NB Solomon too much.
NB Solomon has so much more going on. He has a complex backstory involving Thirteen, Barbatos, the mysterious friend he made a promise to, and even at least one Demon King when he tried to fight the whole Devildom.
And yes he is not telling MC everything, but can we really hold that against him? It’s pretty clear that he’s had a traumatic past. He can’t even finish telling MC that story.
And I also think that whatever happened, Barbatos is heavily involved. The way Thirteen talks about them makes it sound like the secrets Solomon is keeping aren’t his alone - they belong to Barbatos too.
Now I’m sure it’s pretty evident that I love Barbatos. But he’s even more secretive than Solomon is.
I’m convinced Barb knows we’re from the future based on a few things he’s said. And I think that he is in on whatever is going on with Solomon and Nightbringer (assuming he’s not Nightbringer himself).
I think it’s possible that these two are in cahoots & Barb being mad at Solomon is a cover. I think it’s also possible that they’re not necessarily working together but Barb doesn’t want MC to figure things out so he’s pretending to be mad at Solomon so the two of them will stay away. This would explain why Solomon doesn’t remember why Barbatos is mad at him.
I could be completely wrong about all of this of course.
But in the end, I think that Solomon is keeping his secrets partly because they’re not just his and partly because they cause him pain and partly because he might think that MC will feel differently about him once they’re revealed. However I also think his main motivation is that he thinks he’s protecting MC by keeping them in the dark. He doesn’t want to hurt them.
And so I’ve decided to go ahead and trust that Solomon’s intentions are good. There is no doubt that he loves and cares about MC. So even if he makes some mistakes or does things that MC wouldn’t want him to, he’s still trying to do what he thinks is right and what he thinks will keep MC safe.
I just needed to write this out so it would stop taking over my brain lol.
Also none of this has to do with Solomon and Asmo. I didn’t talk about that because there are a lot of good posts about it. And this was just me working out my own weirdness with NB Solomon lol. But if people want to know my opinion I don’t mind talking about it.
Also I have all lessons/devilgrams that I’ve been basing these thoughts on so I can list them as needed!
I have a lot of thoughts about Barbatos too but man this post is already so long… maybe I’ll make one for him too we’ll see. No promises.
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sako-mii · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if you were still doing genshin character match ups~
If so, here it goes!
I'm an Aries, INTP, and hetero. My love languages (giving) are acts of service and physical touch.
I can say I'm an introverted person who enjoys her own company. At first impression people often tell me that I'm the serious, uptight, and quiet,type (which is partly true). Although I might initiate conversations with strangers to fill an awkward silence, I like to keep people at a distance (emotionally). Although with people whose company I have taken a liking to and enjoy, I cam be pretty outspoken and expressive! Sometimes I'm honest to a fault, I say things as I see it and can be accidentally rude. In friendships, I'm usually the mom friend who likes to crack lewd/crackhead jokes.
I have a love for the arts (mostly visual arts, I'm an artist who draws in her spare time). I also like listening to music, daydreaming, and just enjoying peaceful moments in silence. I also really like to do intellectual discussions with people who can match my energy!
I dislike being late, mixing pleasure with business, dishonesty, mind games, pushy people, and crowds.
I'm can be an absolute perfectionist in academic/craft/career settings, and I think my strongest trait is my willingness to take initiative and cooperate. I like helping others in any way I can, and I like taking on the support role in group dynamics. Also secretly a hopeless romantic~
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Being a Forest Ranger has it's perk, you get to learn about all the different environments and you get to be away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
You're job is to write down all the adventures and refine the drawings to send the new gathered info to the akademiya.
But you also teach Collei, while Tighnari trains her to be a Ranger, you focus more on her education and help her read and write.
Tighnari sometimes tells you shouldn't put too much pressure on Collei, you say that to him as well. But it's just you both being overprotective.
However, you win the upper hand when tighnari passes out after eating a poisonous mushroom and gets dragged back by your coworkers. He sure got am earful from you.
At first, your coworkers were surprised how you can even talk to him like that, or why he hasn't talked back. But soon they find out about your close relationship. Only you are able to scold him like that.
You would always stand beside him when he's making some herbal medicine or antinodes, helping him to write down every step. Of course he could do it alone, but he likes it when you look so focused (on him)
He will bring you a flower every time he comes back, mostly lunar lotus. He would tell you about the benefits from the flower but you know he just wanted to get you something
Whenever he comes back from patrolling the area, you both sit together and watch the forest together in silence. Sometimes you talk about different kinds of stuff too. Just know that you won't be able to stop him once he starts to talk about plants.
He likes it when you touch his ears. At first he was a bit reluctant and felt flustered at the thought. But now he doesn't want to admit that he likes them. He'll just quietly lean his head towards you so you can touch his ears. He's probably going to deny it if you ask him if he likes it.
Over time he starts to like your jokes as well but definitely rolls his eyes when you and cyno start your puns and jokes. He's tolerating it only for you.
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Hello~ first of all I'm so sorry it took so long (⁠⇀⁠‸⁠↼⁠‶⁠) but I hope you like it!
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jayofthetrees · 1 year
Yet another dump of Dalmatian drawings. (Special "What I did when I wasn't playing Tears of the Kingdom Edition")
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She is kind of hard to draw, believe it or not, you can't be as 'goofy' with her as you can with Pongo. And she always keeps her ears down, which I'm not good at.
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Most of these were just stuff I did waiting for Tears of the Kingdom to release... In fact, a shocking amount of the stuff I've done since 2019 has just been waiting for Tears of the Kingdom to release.
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After looking over older drawing of her, I realized that at some point, for some reason or another, I stopped drawing her neck. Not sure why, I even had a spot under her chin as part of her design since day one, so I guess I just stopped drawing it cause it was easier.
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The one I managed to do WHILE playing Tears of the Kingdom. Cooking in that game left me unable to stop myself from imagining how she would react to the games admittedly extensive range of things you can cook, but with the method of doing so VERY inaccurate.
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This...This haunts me. Because I hadn't touched Krita in WEEKS and then I get on one day, and draw the best headshot of her or any other character I've ever done in my life...And now, I have no idea how I did it, nor have I been able to replicate it.
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Poor Percy. I was so proud of his spot monocle, yet I don't do much with him... Partly because I never gave him much of a personality...
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I think this is the first pic I've done of Sponge sitting.
Dialogue is still my enemy, as I can't write with a pen that great, but text looks too robotic.
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Don't know why this has such a weird haze to it. But I wanted to draw them both. In my head, I feel Delilah would be very happy to have another Dalmatian her own age to talk to, though I don't know just what they'd be talking about in this pic.
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And lastly one of DJ, where I wanted to do a more scratchy, old-school look. The result of watching a lot of behind-the-scenes documentaries about 90's Disney movies.
And that's it. Being able to even hold a pen right after not putting Zelda down for about 2 weeks is a huge encouragement, and even I'll say I'm improving.
Thanks for reading.
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magnuficentwo · 1 year
1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12 for Borderlands
[From this !] Thank u for the ask now I get to practice my VIOLENCE
1- The character everyone gets wrong
Hate hate hate hate hate how so many people write Rhys. Rhys is a character who's whole appeal {personally} is that he is very much Just Some Fucking Guy. Before the stories of Tales happened, Rhys was just some random dude who wanted to make it big, and afterwards, when he gets the opportunity to, he's still Majorly not his own person. He's influenced by the player in a meta sense, but also by Ugly John. This guy's identity is based off what the situation demands and what other people expect of him, and yet no one ever seems to acknowledge it, favoring instead his fucked up relationship with H.J as the sole atribute of his character [and this WILL pop up later trust me].
The guy has potential and the game acknowledges it (by the games own words, he rebuilt Atlas, became the CEO and even invented some cool new tech along the way), but he is NOT ALL THAT and I'm TIRED of people acting like there is that much substance to him. Just say you want the white men to kiss, stop putting on different hats on this guy and acting like hes all that
4- What was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
Moxxi slander. I swear, anyone who says Mad Moxxi is "annoying" or "a bitch" is 20% of the time a misogynist and 80% of the time a Handsome Jack sympathizer who thinks that she should've had some pity on The Active Space War Criminal. And this person did exactly that so yk how it is
6- Which ship fans are most annoying ?
Rhack shippers. No doubt. Partly because of my own personal gripes with how this dude is characterized {see: number 1}, but also because it's genuinely just so boring 😭 you can write this ship a thousand different ways but ultimately it boils down to "We need these white men to kiss" and nothing else. Also the whole "this guy manipulated this other guy for the entire time they interacted and then tried to kill him" thing.
8- Common fandom opinion everyone is wrong about.
There's nobody who is good in this game I'm sorry to all apologists out there but all these guys suck ass. This isn't a competition about who's most morally correct it's about who your favorite criminal is ok
9- Worst part of canon.
The way they don't expand on lore, not even a little 😔 Please just tell me how ancient eridian people got their hands on an Atlas gun all of a sudden. Or at least tell me something about Sirens. How does the magic in this universe even happen. For the love of God HOW did Pandora GET LIKE THAT how is anyone there LIVING. PLEASE just CRUMBS OF INFORMATION you can't have me guessing everything you're presenting !!
+ How they don't expand on characters. Like come on let me hang out with these guys they're so cool :(
12- The Unpopular character you actually like and why more people should like them.
Tannis Tannis Tannis I love you cringe fail autistic woman. I don't see nearly enough appreciation for her. Matter of fact, I see a lot of people hating on my girl like :[ Leave her alone. Here's my comprehensive list of reasons why you should actually like Patricia Tannis.
1- So smart. She seems to be one of the only 5 people who know anything about the setting and who actively tell you about related history. She's one of the only sources of knowledge on Eridian culture we have in-game, which means this also extends over to Sirens, magic and the vaults. Relevant stuff yk !!! /// 2- She's COOL LOOKING okay. Her design is more down to earth and restrained compared to other characters, and it makes her stick out a little more imo. It's also just wonderfully practical which fits for her being a researcher and scientist. /// 2.5- Girl... pretty... /// 3- This woman is so autistic have I mentioned that yet. Because she is. She unfortunately does fall in some pitfalls in terms of stereotypes {I.E: nerdy personality with tendencies to be rude to people, the whole facts and logic thing, etc} but also damn she is so relatable. I too feel nauseous at the thought of a social interaction but still actively crave to have conversations with other people. I also struggle coming up with words at the time of most need. I too have like 3 people who actively take me places and make me feel comfortable (SEE: Roland, Lilith, the VH in some cases). I too humanize objects and talk to them because of loneliness. That's so true. She's so real for that.
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First actual blog. Listing most of my goals with this I guess
I've never had or used a blog before. I don't know what to do with these random existential internal monologues I have. I've never really used tumblr, let alone any other website similar to it. I don't like reddit, 4chan, twitter/X partly because they're a bit too annoying and difficult to use and partly because of the people on there. I'll give this a shot since most of the time I just see people agreeing with reblogs, likes, etc. on this site rather than the cringey condescending responses you'll see on other platforms.
Growing up I recall constantly having words and thoughts buzzing around in my head. Significantly more creative thoughts than what I have going on now. I still think to myself and I'm guessing the word here is 'monologue' to myself about other things but I just remember it being very different when I was younger (middle/high school age). I feel like I didn't 'grow out of it' or something along those lines. It feels more like I killed it. As a matter of fact, only a few years ago I was always consuming political commentary, keeping up with current events, listening to informational/news podcasts and it kept my brain stimulated. But even then, not the same as when I was a kid.
My personal history or whatever you want to call it was very rough growing up. A lot of trauma and being exposed to a lot of evil in the world. I personally don't believe in therapy, medications, recreational drugs, etc. and have tried some of these with no success. I think the only reason I don't off myself is because I am afraid of what's after death. (At this point, venting something like this will get the redditor fedora tippers exclaiming "NOTHING HAPPENS AFTER DEATH" or some other nonsense. - The fact of the matter is, their belief is just as hard to prove as religion. So I don't want to hear your opinion - I am merely stating why I am even alive right now).
Any way, I'm thinking of using this blog to write down my thoughts and monologues because I often forget what I say to myself. My memory is very poor. I've come to learn dementia runs in my family, so, if I ever grow old and if tumblr is still around, I think old dementia-stricken me might remember how to operate a computer and I can look back on all of this stuff.
I use to draw a lot. I was passionate about music. I had an imagination. But I feel nothing now. I am quite empty. I am a very stoic person in my daily life. When I get dragged out to outing by coworkers, they learn to stop inviting me because I am a downer. They nudge me to smile and let loose. I am always uncomfortable in my own skin. I am always empty. I don't necessarily feel sad. I think the fact that I am empty is what causes my sadness.
I don't know who I am and I feel too old to not have an identity, and especially personality. I'm not seeking words of advice, encouragement - those are unwanted. I just want to be able to share my thoughts with strangers and just see if there are others out there who think "same" and tap a like or reblog.
I think if I saw something like "OP ur wrong its ok to not know who you are even if you're 30, 40 or 50" it would annoy me. I'm not looking to hear "it's ok" or looking for any solution. I just want to scream into the void that is the internet. Maybe it'll scream back. And I know I can't expect people not to be critical or try to uplift me, or whatever. But it's just internal thoughts I'm writing out because I can. Thinking ahead or something.
I'm still working on myself and today I felt more moved to make moves towards those. I've accomplished some things but these accomplishments essentially mean nothing because I am still essentially in the same place. I don't know. This post was supposed to outline some goals but it's turned into a vent fest.
Hoping to maybe string together some poems or something too. I've always found poetry interesting but never got into it. I feel like it requires a level of creativity and understanding, or the ability to not understand at that, that I don't and never had.
Well, we'll see. Hi tumblr.
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rosszulorzott · 5 months
you can do a novel with characters, with action, with all the pleasures of the novel—while including a political element
you totally can!!!
I was beating the bushes for help in imagining a Martian political economy
i understood it only partly :(
Science has been a proto-utopian project from its very start, which goes back to the Paleolithic. Jameson made a good point just this morning that myth, for the ancients, was an early science attempting to explain the world; rational stories are embedded here. This idea comes out of Claude Lévi-Strauss.
makes sense
Can humans exert a little more power in that world for their own comfort and for the reduction of suffering?
i like the explanation with enthropy, if you want to like at all, you exert power, nothing changes that. i believe being more aware of this would bring better awareness about how we do this and how much we do this
Science is dangerous for capitalism, and it must immediately be bought. Galileo himself was bought, and worked in the armaments industry for the Venetian Republic, among other projects that were military in origin. Since then, one of science’s projects has been to free itself for the good, and point out that the bad is really bad.
science can't stop sciencing, luckily and helpfully :)
As a leftist, I am often dismayed by a confusion of constant category error that says science is just the instrumentality of capitalism. This gives up the most powerful force for good that we have invented as human beings, rather than trying to say, “That’s a leftist project to begin with, and we need to listen to it more.”
The anthropocentric viewpoint toward the rest of our own human bodies is foolish, cruel, and shortsighted.
i want humanism to mean this. not restricted to humans but inclusive of all that makes it possible to be a human (just cos i've come to like the word)
Through legislation, could you achieve all of the advantages of a revolution without the disadvantages, by making a Keynesian seizing of the financial system, so that neoliberal capitalism, with its valorization of the market as the only monarch, gets overthrown?
I can say that my novels are semi-instinctual things that I look at afterward as a reader and see patterns that I didn’t see while I was writing it.
Being in a ridiculous small-town meeting about local politics and coming in with a left perspective, although it was boring, was more interesting than watching TV that night by maybe 50 percent, maybe 100 percent. There’s something about human interactions: face-to-face, small-scale crunching through Robert’s Rules, and arguing, and trying to be polite when you’re absolutely furious, or at least indignant. This is interesting stuff. As a novelist, I’ve even tried to represent this in novels, which is harder than hell.
you did it well
If you go out into America today and say, “I’m an anarchist” — I love you. I’m an anarchist, too. In five hundred years, or maybe fifty years, everybody on the planet should have an equal amount of power and comfort and wealth and political power. That’s an obvious goal, and it’s the great anarchist goal. But right now, in the world that we’re in, you’ve got to go campaign for whatever democratic politician opposes the reactionary forces.
it's easy to see in theory, harder to see in the political realities rn
The game of the novel — to try to imagine you’re somebody else — is a very important game. In that, I created a mess. It doesn’t have recommendations. It has case studies that you have to sort out for yourself.
yes and a bit like jim shephard in that
I can imagine that happening — obviously, I did imagine it — but I think that could happen in the real world, because we are closing in on temperatures that will cook people who aren’t protected by electricity. And that will be a game changer in the nation-states where it happens.
i wish i could be sure
It’s almost guaranteed that we’re going to lose the beaches.
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catson-meow-writes · 7 months
Mara Discovers the Secrets of the Universe // Part I
Oftentimes I start to question my existence but then I remember what Grandma always told me, her four rules to having a fulfilling life. 
1. Never question the universe.
2. Your first choice is always the correct one.
3. Never settle for anything less than you are worth.
4. We are never truly alone in this world.
When I was younger I was never able to quite grasp the concept of what she was telling me. The universe was such an abstract concept for a child to understand, not that it's any different now that I’m older.
Life has always been this box that seems to collapse in on itself whenever something soils it, and it seems as though the universe is judging those who collapse and those who make it through. 
When I begin to think of my own mortality it's usually when I'm alone in a dark room. But today it was in a well-lit room with small chatter from the people behind me. I don't know what prompted it to happen, it just did. All while I think of this I tell myself not to question the universe for it is an omniscient force that knows everything and nothing at the same time.
For the last couple of years, I have been the one to have to repeat that mantra. ‘So bit question, Everything happens for a reason.’ 
Sadly grandma died a couple of years back, no one ever really got to say goodbye. She used to write before she got sick. Her writing was always scraggly and most of it was gibberish and superstition. A lot has to do with the number four, which I find contradictory to her rules. The doctors say it was all dementia.
When I was younger my grandmother tried to stop me from doing anything on counts of four. I can't quite pinpoint why grandma would pick what she claims is an unlucky number for her list of rules to a happy life, but it's best to not question the madness.
January 2
If you are listening to this log then it either means I have succeeded in my efforts, I am dead, or you need to stop snooping around in my stuff. 
I am Mara and at the time of this audio recording, I am 23 years of age. I live with my mother and father. Throughout those 23 years, I have created a list of various anomalies I want to investigate, even if it means my inevitable demise.
I live my life by the guidance of four rules, but through these recordings, I will be documenting my experiences in the exploration of breaking rule number one and further exploring number four.
January 12,  9:12am
Today has been uneventful so far. Mom has served bland microwave oatmeal for breakfast, again. She says that it's good for me... How could something that tastes like this be good for anyone?  Anyways, I digress. Other than the oatmeal, this morning has been pleasant. The sun wasn't shining directly through my window and the weather was supposed to be partly cloudy with a low chance of rain, perfect for an adventure.
January 12, 10:00am
Mom yelled at me earlier for recording at the breakfast table and insulting her food. But now I am with my best friend in the entire world, Finnian. Say hi to the people, or otherworldly beings, who are listening. 
 And that folks is our very own Finnian. Would you care to tell them where we are going?
"Not particularly..." 
Gee, you're no fun! So anyway we are headed on our first adventure in a long while. This one promises to be something new and, hopefully, exciting.
January 12, 1:54pm
We are here at the Vulture City Mines [located in Wickenburg Arizona], which is rumored to be haunted by all those who have died there, how do you feel about that Finnian? 
"I don't like it. All of that is a load of shit and you know it." 
Hey! Language, you don't know who's listening to these recordings. 
Well no matter, Finnian here doesn't believe in the power of the universe or the afterlife or anything that has to do with anything that isn't happening in the quote-unquote now. Though he also doesn't believe in the concept of now. He thinks that there is only what is happening for one person. Now for me, it is different than now for him. Which I won’t say is wrong but it is just a silly notion to live your life by.
“Can you not talk about me like I'm not sitting right next to you?”
Sweet Finnian. He will never understand what I am trying to accomplish here.
Well, anyway, we are at the mines. I have to go now, I promise I'll record later.
January 12, 4:00pm
We have left the city. It wasn't that exciting. Maybe that has to do with it being daytime. Or maybe it was Finnian pretending that he didn't believe in the legends of the town. Well, no matter the cause, that trip was nothing special. Though the dog who ran around out front was a welcomed surprise. 
“I told you nothing was going to happen. Ghosts aren't real.”
It's always worth a shot. The universe works in mysterious ways. But that doesn't mean we can cross ghosts off the lists of things we need to investigate. When a scientist doesn’t achieve the results they desire they try again to see if they are at fault with their thinking or that the experiment was a fluke and they should try again.
January 13, 3:36am
Sometimes I feel like Finnian doesn’t like to talk to me when we're together. He dropped me off at the hotel and he said he would be back. That was about three hours ago. The room is cold, but I can't seem to find the thermostat. I'm sitting in the middle of the twin-sized bed, recorder held tightly in my palm. The walls are creaking, but not in the way of a house settling, they are almost screaming. I don't want to assume that it is a ghost, but this could possibly be my best lead after the disaster that happened today.
The creaking has stopped. I’m going to the vending machines a floor down. I am taking you with mean incase I don't make it back and we need proof that something, or someone, was after me,
The halls are empty, though I guess it is almost four in the morning. I can't help but feel that there is someone following me. The screaming in the walls has long since silenced and been replaced with creaking footsteps.
The carpet here reminds me of that book of a man losing his mind in a hotel, I can't seem to remember the name. 
“Ding Ding Ding Ding”
Fuck. I guess they have a clock somewhere in here. The footsteps have stopped. Once the clock struck 4 am the creaks and steps stopped. But the screaming is back. It's not the same as before. It was first a moaning scream. That of a typical ghost tall tale, this one. This one is shrill and like nails on a chalkboard. I hope you can hear what I’m talking about in this recording.
Ugh, I can't find the room number. I feel like I've been wandering for hours, going up and down flights of stairs. I can't find room 113. 
110, 111, 112 and 114. On the other wall, there are plaques reading 115, 116, 117 and 118. My room isn’t there which I don't understand. I never left the floor on my original exploration. The footsteps are back but they are faster now and the screaming is still there.
If Finnian were here he'd tell me in just hearing things. For once I'm hoping he’s right.
I think I saw someone or something go around the corner. I have to be quiet now.
January 13, ???am
I don't know how long it has been but there was definitely someone there with me. Their hair was long and it was able to flow in whisps around the corner. I tried following them and when I rounded the corner they were standing in front of a room. They had waist-length hair and a dress that reached the floor, it was a nightgown. What caught me off guard the most while looking at them was that their feet weren't touching the ground. I tried to call out to them but they didn't look at me. It wasn't until I started to move towards them did their head shot to look in my direction.
They had a long angular face, large glossed-over eyes that were swimming with fear and most shockingly was the open gash running just above their collar bones. We both looked at each other for a short time before they moved back down the hallway. I think I was in shock when they fled.
I had seen a ghost. Or at least what I think was a ghost. 
They are real.
I found my room. They were standing in front of it.
There were long bloody marks on the wood plaque containing the numbers. Four long marks.
January 14, 9:00am
Finnian was back in the room when I woke up about an hour ago. He was still fully dressed in his clothing from yesterday but claims he was back in the room not even an hour after he left me here.
“You were the one who was missing when I came back. The room was completely untouched, say for your suitcase.”
So you’re telling me that you didn't see anything weird on our plaque outside the door?
“For the tenth time, no Mara. I just saw our room number.”
0n that note, I think we may need to stay longer in this hotel to see more about what the universe has to offer us.
January 14, 1:13pm
Finnian has agreed to stay here with me. He said only for a couple of days but I think he is also starting to believe that something is not right here. 
We had lunch at a small diner off the side of the road. It was close enough to our hotel for us to walk there. I ordered pancakes that were double the size of Finnian's head.
“I don't know if I can take that as a compliment or not.”
Heh, take it however you want to. Anywho...
We're currently taking the walk back to the hotel. We’re off a frontage road and most of the people who drive by are making a wave in the air with their arms. They all look carefree. They're all oblivious to what has happened behind those neon-clad walls.
“For all we know you didn't know the time when you left the room. It's not proof of the paranormal.”
But it definitely could be! And you did agree to stay with me for a little bit longer in the hotel. You can't tell me something isn't off about that place.
“Just because I chose to stay and endorse your little fantasy doesn't mean I think something is off about the hotel. The scariest thing in that place has to be the carpet that clearly hasn't been vacuumed in months. Besides, why bother trying to find something that doesn't want to be found.”
But that's just it! If that apparition didn't want to be found then why did they stand there, why did they make themselves seen, at our door no less.
“You’re full of it.”
January 14, 3:11pm
This hotel is boring. Someone can only read the room service pamphlet so many times before going mad. 
I guess I could go around the hallways, but it's daylight so there might be more people outside than last night. 
Finnian had one thing right about this hallway, it isn't the cleanest. While some effort was made into keeping the fixtures on the walls clean the floor is stained with dark blotches. None of them look fresh, thank goodness. 
I am standing in the same place as when I first saw them. I still don’t know if they were real, the only reminder I have is the scratches above the room number, but whos to say that wasn't there before. But I guess I’m just rambling now. I wonder if anyone in their rooms can hear me or if they know I’m alone right now.
January 14, ???
I don't know what time it is. How long I’ve been in this hallway but I do know that I haven't passed by my room again. It seems like the hallways are an ever-extending chasm that I can’t seem to escape. No stairs, no elevator, no people and no room 113.
Update; I found a window. The sun is going down, casting a beautiful ombre on the sky. I don’t remember having seen another window in this building yet.
The footsteps I heard are back. This time they sound more rushed. As if now they have somewhere to go or something to get away from. I can’t decipher what direction they are coming from. 
I’m going to keep walking forward after the footsteps start and it sounds like they’re getting louder. The closer I get to them the more they are seeming to slow down to the pace of someone walking.
January 14, 6:00pm
I heard the clock chime six times. I guess now I at least know what time it is. Comforting. The footsteps haven’t stopped though I don't think I’ve come any closer to reaching them. Maybe whatever it is doesn't want to be found.
I'm back where I was when I first saw them round the corner. Rooms 110 through 118 but no 113. The moaning in the walls has once again coupled with the footsteps. 
Those eyes. I can see their eyes peering around the corner. The same glossed look and the same fear swimming in them. What are you so afraid of?
I round the corner again. They are in the same outfit and standing in front of the room, again. They have not tried to look at me and neither of us have moved. They are aware of my presence before them. 
What do you want?
They said nothing. They still haven't looked at me.
They're gone. I blinked and they're gone. Again the only reminder of their presence is the long, dark marks on the number plaque.
January 14, 10:23pm
There’s a creaking in the walls. Fin is asleep so I have to whisper not to wake him. God I hope you can hear that.
Creak, creak, creak, creak.
Dammit! What the hell was that?! Fin, Fin, please wake up. 
“Huh? Mara, what the hell?”
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measuringbliss · 11 months
Spider-Man Read-Through 031: Tarantula and Kraven (SSM 1-3, plus -1)
In this batch, I make a mistake, someone gets to have creamed filling and big cats show their teeth!
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That's heavily relatable to me. My grandparents would force us to go outside instead of letting us read or play inside. Some things never change?
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HE'S GAY. HE'S BISEXUAL. HE'S QUEER. MAY SENSED IT. Like it's RIGHT THERE. COME ON. WE ALL KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS. "He's a bit fragile." We all knooooooooow!!!!
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And Ben really wants Peter to be straight.
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Oh. That explains things...
Not only do we get backstory for Peter, but we also get it for Flash! He's an asshole as a kid, but when you see his dad, things make more sense.
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I'm putting this without context because it's funny. The facial expressions are on point, though, I'm very impressed.
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Wow, Uncle Ben sucks. I get he has good intentions, but no no no, argh.
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He gets better.
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I don't have much to say, because the issue is very unlike the rest that has come before. It's dramatic, ironic, well-written, dark...
Not what I expected. Hm!
And... that's partly because I just read issue #-1, not #1. That was an issue published in the 90s.
WHICH MAKES MUCH MORE SENSE. Turns out my site redirected me to -1 instead of 1... but I'm still gonna read what I'm here for!
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That's more like it! Oh, hey, Flash! That's, uh, awkward.
Classic situation: Spidey's taking pics of an event on the campus, a big bad (The Tarantula, my beloved) attacks, Flash tries to fight his goons off and fails, and the Tarantula escapes with a nice guy.
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So Gloria's gonna throw a surprise party for Peter, nice! I'm getting spoiled, but oh well, I prefer to read several issues of the same series at a time.
I think Peter, MJ and Flash should hang out together. They should date and snuggle. And maybe I should write that. I just posted on AO3 today for the Threesome prompt of Kinktober, but nothing stops me from posting more stuff!!!!!
I feel like there's a decent chance MJ would be polyamorous, especially those years. Nowadays, she's busy adopting fake children and getting with guys from another dimension.
Turns out the Tarantula's obeying someone's orders, as usual! I wonder who that is. It feels so great to be lost like that!
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The ads are bonkers too.
Spidey saves the mayor, but the Tarantula gets away. It's a fun issue, I don't know why, but I'm very attached to the Tarantula.
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That makes sense!!!!!! So we still have Conway, nice <3 Sal Buscema and Mike Esposito did a great job with the visuals, too.
SSM #2 starts... Well.
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I have no idea what the first yellow text in the middle panel means, but I'm here for it. At least we're not forgetting the Kinkpin's son, and it makes the concurrent ASM storyline quite intriguing!
Somewhere else, the Tarantula surprises Kraven and they fight. I hope we get to see Kraven's nipple lasers!
Someone interrupts them, sadly.
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Hmm! So mysterious!
While both evil guys get to know each other and kidnap a guy, Peter has an idea. Gloria is looking for a job, and he knows just where they can try.
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"Peter, you're my friend, why are you doing this to me?"
Great comedy.
Turns out Gloria and Jameson hit it off spectacularly. Gloria might have used some of her charm... Good for her!
Spider-Man has a job of his own, of course.
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Kitty kitty!
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The Tarantula is a smart one. I'm glad that Conway gets to play with his characters a bit more <3
...That said, considering our mysterious figure assaults the Tarantula precisely for knowing too much, I'm not sure he's gonna stay alive much longer.
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Oh, they want the money. Good for them! I'm not gonna read Jessica Drew's adventures, though.
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Lasers!!!!! Kind of. Better than nothing.
#SSM 3 time!
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I love that Peter's unmasked on his picture <3
Imprisonned with the mayor, the Tarantula frees himself... but the Lightmaster, aka his boss, was expecting this!
Peter has more important business, though, namely: getting back home in his costume and avoiding being seen by Gloria and Flash, who're playing music in his flat.
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He succeeds. Flash invites him to eat with Gloria, but he has a surprise when they get at the restaurant...
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Remember her?
She runs away, and Flash decides he needs to be alone for a while. I never expected to see her again!
Peter decides to investigate a flashing light and finds he's not welcome there.
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I snorted. The Lightmaster knows what he wants! And he hurts Peter pretty bad.
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A good excuse for a new fit.
He eventually unmasks the Lightmaster as a physics teacher at university! Alright, sure. The bad guy ends up fried similarly to Kraven, nicely closing our batch.
Next time: The Vulture!
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