#so tired and anxious i cant type anymore
sad-leon · 1 year
Forgor to clock out but already took melatonin so even if I wanted to make that 30-45 minute round trip, I couldnt ;-;
I know its not a big deal, but the anxiety doesnt know that
This why I liked swiping my badge, much harder to forget to clock out (though also much easier to forget to clock in)
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wigglepiggle · 1 year
okay you cant just say that and not elaborate. please elaborate. if you want to ofc you don't have to-
I will gladly elaborate this is very rough so idk how much sense it makes
first off this is about pokemon btw. also I'm not entirely sure how time travel works in pokemon I know it happens a lot but I. I don't know and I can't look it up rn so this might be incorrect I don't care
so there's this guy yk. he lives in a different timeline than the main story(not suuper different but it's different. basically in the main story he didn't really exist) and basically there's this legend (in both timelines) about 3 species of pokemon that represent the fear responses (fight, flight, and freeze) and those pokemon generally make people really nervous around them(they aren't doing it on purpose their abilities just screwed them over)so humans dont interact with them and eventually due to circumstances I still need to figure out but poaching them is one many die out until there's only a couple left
3 of each species the remaining pokemon (the pokemon also don't have names auughh) get so mad at humanity they train for a long time. Freeze gets especially powerful as it tries to shed it's weakness of being very slow and also unable to attack effectively and succeeds at that so it uses it's fear inducing power stuff to almost cause the apocalypse before another legendary from the reigon has to seal it away into a statue state. the other two stronger pokemon run away to avoid being punished however the statue has a marking on it that looks like an item could fit there but that's for later
anyways now actually on to this guy who I'll call. tree. because he's related to the professor who's named after a tree. that will not be their actual name I need a placeholder anyways he works in a mine with his pokemon that helps him mine. it's another form of one of the starter pokemon, who is a grey catbird with a meowth disguise. it's basically that but with perrserker so it gains steel typing (it's steel/dark now)and it's stronger because it's bred to be more for helping in the mines
tree then gets into beef with this one person over if the freeze pokemon legend is true and he travels all around out of spite to find the object that fits in the statue and eventually they find it and invite the person into the building that houses the statue
while they're waiting for the person to join them at the building tree starts to realize that if the legend was true and not something to just get people to visit the mountain it's on he could literally rule the world so he decides he wants to because they're tired of working in the mines
so the person makes it and he puts the object into the statue. and the pokemon awakens. but now it's extremely pissed off so it starts firing the Psychic Waves That Make You Anxious everywhere
and well tree almost dies instantly from the pokemon immediately attacking him but god decides he could be useful so arc decides to take him inside of the realm it's in and give tree a stern talking to and a look into what happened after he awakened the pokemon were literally all of the people and pokemon have lost it and now nothing can function anymore and then it throws him into the main story timeline. because the evil team leader is planning on doing the exact same shit he did and arc doesn't want another timeline to go to complete shit again
oh and then his bird managed to come through with them and it got lost after its pokeball broke open once getting here and almost killed the mc and one of the rivals and her tyrouge who she just saved from death the day before so that's another thing that happens
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4200nemobackup · 2 years
pegging stalker jungkook
based on this pic:
This picture made me feel things……..it is quite beautiful.
Ask above: “pegging stalker Jungkook based on this pic”
Pairing: Sub!Stalker!Jungkook x domme!reader
description: A stalker usually wouldn’t make himself known, but y/ns did, based on the fact that his clues were just him throwing himself at her. Who would’ve thought the pervert was so submissive under her punishments? 
Warnings: stalker themes, pegging, gags, bullet vibrators, fingering (m receiving), orgasms(sort of), degradation, pet names, lowkey public sex but not really, possessiveness at the end , not a warning but Y/N owns a flower shop!!
A/n:thank you for sending this in baby!!!! The picture omg……I started drooling! I hope you enjoy and if it’s not up to par feel free to send in other asks!I’m deciding to base this off of the manwha “S flower” because it has a story line similar to this ask! It’s rather short, but I hope you enjoy! sorry this took so long. I was feeling very tired these past few days but I think I’m feeling better!
Not edited!!
It was a brisk, fall morning.
The leaves crunched beneath y/ns flats, providing a certain type of therapy for the woman. The sound was calming and grounding, everything she exactly needed for such a morning.
Her morning tea was warm, a contrast to the atmosphere. Tangy ginger tea was a great way to start the morning on such a frigid day.
But the note on the door was not……..
As y/n approached her flower shop-door, she removed a note from the front of the place, eager to read such a thing. The eagerness only from the possibility that she would finally catch this note-writer.
She would be lying if she said having a stalker wasn’t a little bit entertaining at the least. Y/n quickly found that her stalker was different from the stereotype. This one wanted to be taken over by her. He wanted her to destroy the fiber of his sexual being.
Her first question was how he had even found out about her sexual hobbies but, it appeared that the subjects of his letter had moved beyond the curiosity.
She opened her shop quickly and ran into her personalized office in the back, to read the letter of course.
Dear Y/n………
Have you still not caught on to who I am? Have you still not realized who I should be? I would’ve thought a savvy woman like you would’ve found me by now but, I guess I was wrong. Still, I hope you find me in time. Not for the sake of you but for myself.
Y/n continued reading the letter, adrenaline coursing through her veins.
Were they right under her nose this entire time?
I am going to explode, y/n. I cant keep only jerking off at the thought of you making me cry. I need the real thing and this cat and mouse game is driving me mad! I’ll give you a hint. Pay close attention to those that pass through your shop in the early mornings. I’ll be lurking closely near them, so pay attention. I’m recognizable, easily. You do know me to some degree. Don’t be surprised when you find me!
At this point, y/n was just excited to find the stalker once and for all. His escapades were inconveniencing her, and though he was fun to trace, the chase was becoming bothersome. Being suspicious of every customer was something she did every day now; she was always on the fence because of him. Her friends even drew attention to the fact that it was clear that she wasn’t enjoying herself anymore. Anytime they would all go out, she would ignore them and seem to be hyper aware of everyone around her. They noticed her anxious eyes, darting every which way.
It was time for her to clear her consciousness of this person once and for all.
First he stole her belongings, then he wrote notes in bold red lipstick on her bathroom mirrors within the store. His actions were frightening the customers; he was bad for business too.
Y/n decided she would keep an eye out for him.
As the morning hours passed, her eyes scanned the aisles and store for her pursuer. Hoping to locate the man, she began to tread slowly between each crevice of the store, looking in places that customers has never even touched in weeks.
A blue cap, jet black tresses, and a tall frame surprised Y/N as her orbs feasted upon him.
Jungkook looked down at y/n, his face holding a sinister grin.
“Just don’t scream, y/n. We can take this very easy.”
Jungkooks sentence was covered in wicked satisfaction, coated with desire and lust. Y/n could hear the perverted nature dripping from his tone, and it frightened her to no end. He said not to scream, but what would he really do if she decided to?
Before she could choose her fate, a chemical-smelling cloth was pushed in front of Y/ns nose, the scent assaulting her nostrils. Muffled were her pleads as she protested, but the fumes quickly took effect, incapacitating the woman and leaving her like a rag doll in Jung-kooks hands. Jung-kook dragged her to her office, closing the door on her, knowing that she wouldn’t wake up just yet.
“Finally”, he whispered to himself, the boner in his pants beginning to rise just by a small amount.
The room was nearly pitch black save for a dimly-lit candle. Y/n pieced together the fact that she was in her own office but she couldn’t understand why. She also didn’t understand why her body was tied to a chair. She couldn’t grasp it until she saw Jungkooks body being revealed by the candle, little by little.
The memories flooded back into her head as if her brain contained a broken dam.
“Let go of me, now. ” She immediately commanded. Her powerful tone caused a chill to pass through Jungkooks spine. Her words made him remember exactly why he chose to make y/n of all people his object of obsession. She was dominant and in control, which intrigued him, a submissive.
Jungkook nearly had forgotten that he was supposed to be negotiating a deal. He was so caught up in y/ns aura that his brain was already fogged with endless possibilities and fantasies.
“No. If I just let you go, you won’t give me what I want. You’ll call the police on me, and then where do I go from there, y/n? I just want you to tame me y/n. Please punish me. That’s all I ask.”
The request sent a shiver down y/ns spine.
Jungkook had been a regular at her flower shop for so long now. She never would’ve even perceived that he would go to such lengths to have someone take control of him. Usually, a very calm and collected personality he would show, with a dash of flirtatious energy. Never would y/n pick up on any impulsive or irrational behaviors that Jungkook could’ve presented.
Y/n quickly realized that Jungkook was just obsessed with her and her only. He wouldn’t rest until his thirst was quenched.
But wouldn’t it be fun? Wouldn’t it be a thrill to take out the pent up frustration and stress out on the man before her? Jungkook was literally begging for it to happen anyways; clearly he was into it.
Jungkook could see the cogs turning in Y/Ns head.
“What do you say, Y/n?”
Y/n quickly glanced up at Jungkooks waiting face.
“Untie me. If you cum before I allow you to, I’m gonna call the police.”
The deal was abnormal, but for the context of the situation, it wasn’t exactly.
Jungkook giddily scrambled to untie his muse. He quickly unraveled the rope and handed them to her. He assumed a spot on the carpet floor on his knees, patiently waiting for y/n to enact her rules over him.
His mouth watered in anticipation, for he had awaited such a moment for weeks now. Jungkook dreamt about this every single night. Each dream, y/n did something different and dirty to him. He always woke up with his sheets soiled, waking up with the remnants of a good wet dream. If only she knew, if only she knew just how good she had made him feel even when she wasn’t really there.
Y/n eyed Jungkooks godly proportions. Even on his knees was his body stunning. His clothes weren’t even off yet. Though she was angry with him, she wouldn’t lie about how sexy he really was.
“Get back up, Jungkook. Strip for me. I want you completely exposed to me.
There she went again with her demanding tone. Jungkook couldn’t do anything else but fall victim to its intense effects. He stood up and began to remove all of his clothing, slowly, piece by piece. Y/ns gaze fell upon him, he could hear her licking her lips.
Jungkook fell back to his knees.
Y/n noticed how hard and dripping Jungkook was for her. Precum ran down his red tip. His delicious shaft fell firmly between his muscular thighs. He was well endowed, his dick big enough to put some of y/ns dildos to shame.
“Aww,” cooed y/n. “Look at how pathetic you are, Jungkook. I haven’t done absolutely anything, and here you are, ready to cum on command. If I said to cum right now, would you do it?”
Jungkook nodded quietly, earning a deep scoff and eye roll from y/n.
Within an instant, her hand was squeezing his jaw tightly.
“Speak up, slut. I don’t like quiet ones.”
A sharp breath; Jungkook was gonna cum for real just from the sheer force she was using on him. Her sternness had affected him to such a large degree. She was right, if she told him to cum right this second, he totally would.
“Yes!” He moaned in a drawl. He was so gone already.
“That’s so cute,” said Y/n. She grabbed Jungkooks dick, earning a flinch from the man.
Y/n smirked. “Please what, pretty boy? Do you think I should go easy on you or something?”
“Do you really think you deserve good treatment? After all the shit you’ve caused? Im here to break you baby.”
Swift movements left Jungkook with 2 bullet vibrators attached to his aching cock, coloring him surprised and stunned and how y/n managed to even move that fast. The astonishment he felt was quickly swapped with the burn of pleasure, the coil in his stomach quickly gathering. He wanted to beg y/n to stop these vibrations before he would cum everywhere but he couldn’t bring himself to. The sensations consumed his brain, reducing him to a mumbling mess already.
“What is it pretty boy? It feels so good you can’t speak? So cute~”
Y/n kneeled down to Jungkooks position, and shoved his head to the ground. Before he could even say anything Jungkook felt y/ns wet skinny finger tracing a neat circle in front of his hole before entering it. Her finger was swallowed, and the feeling forced a shiver out of Jungkooks body. He audibly moaned, the sound being coaxed out of his throat.
“Shut up, slut. Don’t want anyone to hear you. This is for me to enjoy only.”
But Jungkook just couldn’t help himself. It wasn’t his fault that she managed to hit his spot so easily.
“I guess I’ll have to muffle you.”
Y/n placed Jungkooks underwear in his mouth, shoving the cloth deep into it.
Y/n continued the finger fuck, her fingers now stretching Jungkook out so satisfyingly. Jungkook was new to the feeling. The moans kept flying from his throat uncontrollably. There was virtually nothing he could do to stop it. Sure he tried putting things in his own ass before. But it wasn’t the same as when she did it.
Jungkook found himself fucking his own ass against her fingers, pushing back on her digits like a slut in heat. The sounds coming out of him increased in frequency and volume; good thing Y/n muffled him earlier. The air was filled with squelching noises, and Jungkooks whines.
Y/n was deeply intrigued by Jungkooks performance at the moment. He wasn’t lying in those letters when he said the things he said.
“That’s right,slut. Fuck yourself open for me.”
Her words were like honey to Jungkook even if she was saying the most vile things. Y/ns voice was like fresh vanilla. Her voice was only building him up to his breaking point, any minute now he was going to cum. His mouth kept opening and closing around his gag. He could barely make sounds anymore. Jungkook trembled intensely, his orgasm ready to wash over him.
Y/n was a pro at noticing such things: was Jungkook really so bold that he would break her rules on the first go?
“cum! Cumming!”
Y/n turned off the vibrators and ceased her fingering, leaving a hot and bothered Jungkook gasping for air. He whined defeatedly as ropes of cum shot out of his dick. His orgasm didn’t feel nearly as intense as he thought it would, and clearly there was a reason why it wasn’t.
“Someone broke my rules. Didn’t I say I would call the police if you came? And look,” y/n taunted, swiping her fingers in Jungkooks dirty cum and wiping it on his face.
“All over my floor.”
Jungkook looked up, fear striking him the moment he did. It left him weirdly turned on, but he would admit that he was still deathly afraid of y/ns face. It was as if a shadow had disfigured her usually welcoming face, even a few minutes ago she looked rather pleasant.
Jungkook saw the sanity leaving her eyes. He couldn’t tell if he should be worried or not. Was y/n really serious?
“What should I do with you, Jungkook? You’ve caused me so much stress and now you’re cumming on my floor? Messing up my nice carpet should get you some kind of punishment, don’t you think?”
Jungkook fell deeper into sub space now, the fear factor making his cock harden up again.
He nodded vigorously, his true desire was to be put under anything y/n would inflict upon him, no matter what it was.
“I think I want to make you cum until you beg me to stop Jungkook. That would be my punishment for a toy like you.”
Vocalizing his approval, Jungkook nearly shouted at the idea. Y/n smirked as she walked over to her small drawer and pullers put a strapon, quickly putting it on and prepping it for its use.
“Since you’ve fixed your eyes onto me,”
Y/n lined up with Jungkooks hungry entrance.
“I’ve been nervous, and afraid,”
She slowly pushed herself in, earning a wanton moan from the boy underneath her.
“Do you really think I should give you a break, after all you’ve done to me? I don’t think so.”
Y/n began thrusting into Jungkook at a punishing but pleasurable pace. Jungkook continued with his moans and groans, the gag not as effective as originally thought. Y/n reached around to the front of Jungkooks neck and grabbed his throat. She pulled him up in order to get a better angle to fuck him at. She was clearly successful, her maneuver making his eyes roll back into his head, and his tongue hang out of his mouth. The boy panted like a dog.
Yet again, his orgasm was approaching, and he couldn’t do anything but try to tap y/n with his hands.
“What is it pretty boy? You’re close again?”
“Ngh- yes~”
“Cum then. Cum as much as you want. I’m gonna make you cum till you can’t.”
His cum sprayed the ground once again, and soon he found himself being flipped over on his back. He wasn’t ready when y/n suddenly slammed back into him. Jungkook threw his head back in high pleasure, and part overstimulation, all of these sensations were making him feel tingly and numb all over his body. He saw y/ns red eyes as she fucked him mercilessly. He tried to find stability by clawing at the carpet by his hands, but he was unable to focus. Y/n was fucking him so good, everything felt so good inside of him.
What am I going to do with you Jungkook? I’ll make you pay me for all the time and stress you’ve caused me. You’re nothing but my little sex toy now, and I’ll make sure you never leave.
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funtarou · 3 years
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Bully || Suna x Reader
Bully! Suna Rintarou x Extremely Timid Reader headcanons
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Random thoughs hnnng. Please don't read if you're sensitive or triggered by the idea. My head is just-- weird okay. I grew up being told that the boy who pulled my hair at the Playground did it cuz he likes me. So what am I suppose to do now that I found the idea of a bully bullying because they like you as interesting.
This kinda long tho, idk how and when did it get long-
Story Warning: Bullying, kinda angst? Suna is mean and dense of his own feelings, "cry baby" reader, nosebleed, bullying cuz he like you lol, but there are some comedy I think.
Writing Warning: Occasional grammar and spelling error, and maybe even miss-used of words where it don't belong. Like wise, English not perfect. Also, not proof-read
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Surprisingly You were childhood neightbour friends with Osamu and Atsumu. You three are close despite the one year age gap, where you're a year below them.
When you came to Inarizaki to follow the twins, they introduced you to their friends and seniors from the volleyball club.
You were really shy and anxious when meeting new people, especially tall intimidating looking males who are surrounding you the moment Atsumu dragged you inside the gym in the middle of free practice. You almost broke a tear, as you look down to the ground, shakingly introducing yourself.
Lucky for you, most of the members were understanding that you're the shy and easily intimidated type. Because the Miya twins seems to be behaving more when you're around, they don't mind when Atsumu suggest you to watch them while waiting for the twins to finish practice.
One person that doesn't seem too pleased that you're staying is a certain fox-eyed middle blocker. But of course he didn't vocalize his objection, being it probably the minority opinion in the room.
Suna don't know why but something about you just pissed him off. Why do you look so weak? So intimidated? It's not like they're big scary monsters (for the most part). Maybe at some point he even though that you were fauxing your shy-ness just to get attention from the volleyball club members, as the cute petite shy girl.
Maybe This mindset is what dragged Suna to tease you more than the others outside of club' activities. Sometimes the tease went overboard. It starts with him calling you funny nicknames he knew you don't like with people around, up to him stealing and writing not-do-good stuff on your books. But he never does that when others from the volleyball club is around. He doesn't need to worry about people who are "friends" with the twins because he knew they aren't more than classmates and fans.
Suna though his actions as "helping you grow up and get used to how life is just cruel sometimes and that you cant always back away crying in your pretty little Shell"
At first you went Along with it, believing he's still teasing you. Growing up with the twins Made you pretty immune to any form of their tease and jokes. But then you started feeling this has gotten too far for it to be teasing nor joking. And you unconciously grew tired of it, yet too scared to confront Suna and not comfortable on telling other people about it. Especially the twins, because they have the Summer Tournament coming up and you're afraid that telling them would ruin the team's rhythm in matches.
So far you haven't cried publically, always managed to hold the tears, which caught Suna of guard cuz he though you would've cried the first time he trips you over at the hallways.
And one day, you just cant take it anymore
With your food tray in hand, you walked through the cafeteria trying to find an empty seat to have lunch. From the corner of your eyes, you could see the familiar male whom you're always scared when meeting. Suna seems to noticed you as well, as he stopped talking with some classmates to glance back at you. Or maybe it was a glare? You usually cant tell because you dare not to look into his eyes longer than 5 seconds.
You try to act like you didn't notice him, while subtly putting space between you two as you walk pass his table. But you seems to underestimate his leg's lenght, as he still could quickly pull a leg in front of yours, making you lost your footing and tripped. No one Saw what actually happened because Suna didn't Made it obvious he was clearly the one responsible. He acted as if he was as surprised as the others when you fell, tucking the leg he used to trip you back to it's original position.
People around started looking at your direction as you proceed to try and stand up. Some kind people approached you, asking if you're okay, while the others whispers about the accident. Your face and top of your unifo are covered by the curry and rice from your food. Glad that you closed your eyes before the fall. Your water spilled around the bottom part of your blazer and skirt, while some of the jam from your breads are stuck on your sleeves.
Some people actually tried to hold their chuckles and giggles, some don't even hesitates. Suna is one of the ones who try to be subtle with his small chuckle and smirk. You clearly heard the small laughters and whispers around you, as you start feeling anxious mixed with hummiliations. And with the aching of your knees and center part of your face, you couldn't hold the tears any longer.
A classmate of yours who's kind enough to not laugh, help wipe some curry of your face Along with a Travelling tear. But oddly, now people quiet down their laughter, and the classmate stilled in her place. You felt a liquid running down your nose, and when you looked down you found small splatter of blood.
"(Y/N)! What happened?!"
Atsumu's voice can be heard across the now silent cafeteria, with Osamu following behind. They were called by some 2nd years who knew you. Meanwhile a teacher was also called by the canteen lady because of the ruckuss.
"...Tsumu.... Samu..."
You looked up to them with teary eyes and a bleeding nose. Looked like your nose and forehead got most of the impact, Judging by the blood and redness of the skin around it.
"C'mon let's get you to the infirmary. Don't look up, keep your head down."
Osamu said, pulling out his handkerchief to wipe and put some light preassure to your nose. You take hold of the fabric, keeping your head to look down just as told once his hand pulled back. Atsumu Pat off and wipe some of the remaining food incident on you, before carrying you gently to the infirmary. The teacher who came then told everyone to break up the crowd and get back to their businesses.
Back at the cafeteria, Suna was unconciously starring at your weak figure as it dissappeared from his line of sight through the doors. This is odd. This time, he somehow actually feels guilty? He did laugh a little back then, but after he see the blood running down your nose, maybe he did went too far. And your face, it was different from how you usually cry. You didn't even spare him a glance, unlike how you usually immidiately looked up to him after he pulled one of his "jokes" at you.
And now he feels this weird lump in his throat and uncomfortable feeling in his guts.
You were taken to the infirmary, your nosebleed and knees being treated.
Atsumu and Osamu tries to interogate you on what exactly happened, but you just said you tripped on something. They were suspicious of the reason, but didn't push you further.
Since that day you haven't met Suna. And when you do spot him while waiting for the twins to finish practice, he acts as if you didn't exist. You're suspicious, but grateful that he stopped bothering you. Slowly your freshmen days became more peaceful.
Meanwhile Suna still feels the lingering guilt in the pit of his stomach. The fact that you didn't told him out to the teachers or the twins, Made the guilt deepens. But it also Made him annoyed. What if it wasn't him that was doing these to you? What if it was other people? Would you kept silent and continue your personal torture like you're doing till now? It oddly make him hard to digest how timid you are facing the situation Suna put upon you.
"pathetic, cry-baby, incompetent"
Are the names he mumbled when thinking about you. Why is he even pondering and making his head spins thinking about you at 2 in the morning? Damn the guilt must've plagued his mind so deep at this point. Despite already trying to ignore you ever exist, your presence still remains in his head. This kept going for several nights.
"Suna you look like shit."
Atsumu said snickering, followed by a chuckle from Osamu. Well the twins aren't just meaninglessly teasing him, they were right, he doesn't look so good. The changed are subtle to outsiders, but people who're close enough to examine him right (which are the twins) could see the small black circle under his narrow fox like eyes. His hair looks lightly messier and this morning he forgot to tie his tie, and so the fabric is just hanging around his neck from the first period up to recess.
"Shut up."
Suna groaned, putting both of his hands over his face to ease the headache he feels from lack of sleep.
"But seriously talking, what got you so worked up these days. Kita-san has been scolding you in practices too."
Osamu finally spoke up, making Suna's attention divert from Atsumu to him. It took Suna a few seconds to reply as he narrows his eyes, contemplating on wether or not to tell the twins on his and your matter. In the end he decided to just blurt out half the truth.
"There's this person that's been stuck in my head. I did something... Bad? To them? And now I think my brain is still drowning in guilt that it's hard to sleep nowadays."
The twins were kinda taken back on how much Suna is willing to explain on the situation. Well, the details are still pretty much covered, but it's rare for Suna Rintarou to elaborate this much on a problem, not even in volleyball does he speak this much.
"Well? Just apologize to them already. They might not accept it but atleast ya show yer sorry, ya know?"
Atsumu suggested raising a brow. Suna expected that kind of answer at first, no matter to who he decided to tell the problem this kind of answer is always the one that'll appear most of the time.
"Easy for you to say. Don't you ever feel so guilty that you cant bring yourself to even face that person anymore. Wanting to just forget everything and yet this annoying little voice in your head said 'this is not right'."
Whatever has gotten in to him today, he doesn't know if he's thankful or utterly embarrassed by how much he's starting to spill his personal thoughs, especially to the twins. Maybe it was the lack of sleep. Or maybe it's simply just his own breaking point on keeping everything to himself. Suna was expecting either of the twins to laugh at his words, making jokes on how dramatic he's sounding. But to his surprise once more, he didn't hear any of that.
"Eeeh that's pretty tough... The last time I felt like that is when I secretly opened Samu's birthday present and accidentally destroyed it."
Well that was unexpected of Atsumu to say, from Suna's point of view that is.
"Ya were even shitty at hidin' the fact that yer the one who broke it."
Osamu followed with his brother's statement, sighting shortly while half-glaring at his twin from remembering that accident.
"But Hey! We Made up in the end! All it needs' just some cake, puddin' and a well written apology essay from yours truly!"
Atsumu said with a proud Pat on his left chest.
"Don't get ahead of yerself, I knew that mom helped ya with that."
And there comes Osamu ruining his parade.
Well the twins are bickering again now. If he were in the mood, he would be pulling his phone up to record this twin fighting session.
While the twins were bickering, at the corner of his eyes he accidentally spots a familiar female figure amongs the crowd in the cafeteria. She was smiling, laughing and giggling with a friend as they found an empty seat for two. For some cliche reason, his brain tuned down all the other outside factors and just focused on her, on you. He never noticed how your smiling face looks even cuter than when you're crying.
When did he though you were even decent looking in the first place?
How could he think a crybaby like you, cute?
Not even that, he was thinking you looked cute crying all this time? What is he, a damn sadist?!
But thinking back at how he has been treating you, maybe he is a sadist of some sort. Or maybe he's lower than that, maybe he's just simply a jerk. A plain jerk who made his junior cry and internally suffer for no reasonable reason. Damn it, since when did he became soft and guilty-drowned when it comed to you now. Fuck off feelings, you're ruining his peaceful life.
"Who are you looking at Suna?"
Osamu's voice broke him out of his thoughs. He didn't realized he was still looking at you while contemplating his life in his mind. Turning his head back to look at the twins in front of him, he can see how the two started to try and see at his point of vision on what was he looking at. A scoff escaped Atsumu's mouth with his signature smirk pulled up at the corner of his lips.
"My my Suna, since when did ya start being infatuated by another living human being."
Atsumu's smirk grew wider once he noticed how Suna slightly straighten his back up more.
"Since when did ya start eye-ing (Y/n) like that. Don't tell me yer thinking of dirty stuff of our precious childhood friend."
For some annoying reason the only time Osamu is in sync with Atsumu is when the two is teasing on a third party of the group. In this case, Suna is the third party, unluckily.
"I'm done eating. Catch you guys at practice today."
Instead of entertaining the twins longer, Suna stood up with the empty gyudon box that he brought and finished eating in hand. He can still hear Atsumu's teasings as he walk away from the table, but he wasn't focus enough of them anymore to know the context of the faux blond's words. In his way to the garbage can to throw the plastic box, he passed by you and your friend's table. He three you a side glance as he walked passed, but you never returned it. He knew it was intentional, because even your friend that he wasn't looking at Saw the Sharp glance and shiver in her seat slightly. You? You acted as if he's a wind passing by.
In his way to class, he cant help but keep remembering Atsumu's words.
"All it needs' just some cake, puddin' and a well written apology essay from yours truly."
No matter how rationally he though it out, that type of apology is too cheesy when being paired with someone like him. But maybe he can incorporate some of the factors in his own kind of apology.
Wow, he's really thinking of apologizing to the person he's been "hating" for half a semester.
Will Suna really apologize and Will his sorry be accepted? Will (Y/n) even want to face Suna if he does apologize?
Find out next time in Dragon Ball Z
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A/N: Yeah so like, I realized the thing I'm writing can be a highschool drama romance series and it's getting too long pfffft
Also I've been on writer block :) and haven't been active in Tumblr recently
Part 2 Angst ending is out
Fluff ending in the process of making
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hetalia-reacts · 3 years
PLATONIC HEADCANINS !! PLATONIC HEADCANONS !! HOW ABOUT- a doting touchy-feely PLATONC reader with the allies?? Friendship headcanons :3 (do Axis if u can but PLEASE don't do that if you are tired or busy PLEASE don't ♡♡:))
I feel Alfred is also a bit of a touchy-feely kind of friend too
Especially with best friends and whatnot
Is either always at your house or telling you to come to his
He just wants to watch movies or play video games with you
Heck he just wants to exist in the same room with his bestie
Will Alfred wake you up at 3am to do something with him?
Y’all will either be doing mundane things like going on a store run or literally committing a crime
There is N O in between
Since the both of you are both touchy-feely and likely clinging to each other you bet you’ve gotten the same question 1000x
“Are you two dating?”
You both either go for the ewww hell no or a straight faced but sarcastic yes we totally are
But it’s 50/50 if you both actually go for the same response
It’s a game at this point to see if you guys can read each other’s minds
You guys usually make an awkward situation for the person that asked because one will say yes and the other says eww and neither of you will back down and explain that you guys are just sarcastic and teasing jerks lmao
Arthur isn’t the most touchy person so having a friend that is can be tough sometimes
He does appreciate the hugs and physical comfort/support but he just gets kinda awkward
Well at first anyways
When you are certified besties he’s used to it and one can often find him gravitating towards you to just be close
Will never admit he likes it though sorry he’s a hard head
No one dares ask either of y’all that dreaded question though because they don’t want to deal with his sarcasm and the lecture that’s sure to follow
Arthur is a chill bestie though
Often invites you over to just be together
He doesn’t care if it’s just to talk, do something, or simply enjoy the presence of someone else
Help him cook maybe?
Even if you suck at cooking he enjoys attempting to cook with someone else
And that also means having fun in the kitchen and being complete dorks the whole time
And also having to order food or eat a sandwich because unless you can cook it’s going to be inedible
Will make you watch and read Sherlock, even if he has to be there or read it to you it’s happening
Francis is very touchy as a friend unless he knows someone dislikes it
So having a bestie that is like him is perfect
People probably think y’all are glued together at this point
No one would ever think y’all are dating either because Francis acts completely different with his bestie than a love interest
He’s kind of a mean ass ngl
He likes to jokingly bicker and fight with you
And definitely likes to cling and be dramatic with you to the point it’s annoying to others
Francis drags you with him everywhere
His house, the gym, the store, England’s house, etc
He cant just go alone anymore it would feel wrong like he’s forgetting something
If you’re bad at dressing or have no style he’s got your back
Literally shops for you but also constantly says things like you’ll never look as good as him
You are also one fo the few that will ever see Francis get serious or down in the dumps
It’s just something he doesn’t wear on his sleeve and reserves for those closest to him
Matthew is not used to having people cling to him
He’s not really used to having people notice him so having a someone that’s his bestie, that notices him the most, and always clings and talks to him is a strange and wild concept
Doesn’t mind the touchiness and honestly rather prefers it
He’s kinda touch starved :/
Matthew is likely always at your house with Kumajirou
Movie marathon and cuddles yo
Also as his closest friend you come to see his ‘secret’ side of being sarcastic and a complete savage
This boy does not hold back with you either
Maybe at first he did but when he realized y’all are in this friend stuff for life he won’t censor or sugar coat things if it’s not necessary
Makes you play and watch hockey with him
Will teach you everything if you know nothing
Matthew is the type of friend to invite you to his families holidays/vacations and come to yours
He knows and is cool with basically all of your family
I mean who could hate or dislike this polite boy?
Ivan is not used to friendship either as people usually tremble in fear before him
so having a friend that is touchy on top of having a close friend can be a bit much at times
But he’s happy!
He loves the hugs! Loves the contact! Loves having a friend!
Loves cuddles most of all he won’t lie, Ivan loves the feeling of comfort and support when you cuddle him
People do often assume you two are dating because most people assume someone would only put up with him if they were in love with him
Neither of you mind the rumors since y’all know the truth
Ivan is the sweetest friend
He shows up unannounced with food or groceries all the time
Always helping you out without being asked
Like oh your washing machine broke I fixed it/bought you a new one already or oh you suck at this let me explain it and teach it to you
Does this completely unprompted
He’s always over at yours or always inviting you over to his
Wants to do classic friend things?
Like things he sees in movies and shows that friends do a lot or things he’s overheard from others
Late night store runs, hanging out at parks, showing up unannounced to crash at your place, those kind of things
You’re the only person he confides in, you know all his secrets, his sadness, everything
Honestly, Ivan is the person who needs a touchy-feely friend the most out of everyone
Yao is happy about having a touchy friend but will always play like he hates it
Not in like a tsundere “I totally d-don’t need friends baka” kind of way but a really dramatic “omg I can’t believe you’re so obsessed with me haha loser” kind of way
He’s only joking of course and apologizes if you get hurt by his teasing or he crosses a line
Only a brave few would try and ask if y’all are more than friends
They have to listen to a lecture with an angry Yao explaining that people can be close and not want to date and how immature and inappropriate they’re being
Totally the type of friend that mothers you
Constantly says you look skinnier than last time and forces you to eat because he’s worried for you
Will not sugar coat anything for you
If you ask for his advice then I’m sorry but you’re gonna get it even if it makes you cry or get mad
Yao wants you over at his constantly
He’s lonely man ㅠㅠ
And he doesn’t want to leave the comfort of his house
Expect a lot of his gifts for your birthday/holiday to be cute plushies he found
Ludwig act differently depending on when y’all become besties
Like before Italy, he’s nervous, confused, and slightly annoyed by all the touching and notion of being besties
If it’s after Italy he’s used to all the touchiness and has figured out how to show his friendship to you in other ways
Like making you things! Or simply inviting you to hang out!
Ludwigs is always gonna be a bit awkward though
Always shy about hanging out and inviting you over
Many people assume you two to be dating because of his awkwardness but he is the first to start defending your friendship and it’s pure nature
He develops a sixth sense and now answers people’s questions about the two of you without even looking at them
He can just feel the nasty vibes
Asks you to do mundane things with him
Like shopping or even chores
Asks you to come bake with him a lot
It was embarrassing at first since not many people know his love of making sweets but he’s over that now
I know I say this a lot, but please work out with him _(:3 」∠)_
My guy just wants a work out buddy, a spotter, a n y t h i n g just please pick up the smallest dumbbell and pretend you want to work out
If you ask for advice expect him to be straight to the point about it but comfort you afterwards
Feliciano is a god tier bestie if your touchy-feely
Doesn’t matter if that touchy-feely emotionally and/or physically he’s down for both
Like please hold his hand, hug him, give him head pats, cheek kisses or any form affection really
No one even thinks anything of it, it’s just Feliciano being himself
If anyone did ask if you were dating he might get self-conscious of his actions, he doesn’t want you to feel uncomfortable or like he was trying to be something more with you
He’s easy to calm down though
Feliciano invites you out all the time
Restaurants, wine tastings, farmers markets, gondola rides, just about anything he can think of that he thinks you would like to do
Always at your house
He eats all of your food too, but he makes you some in return so it’s okay
Gives really good advice
Like for his bestie he’ll get super serious and thoughtful about your issues, even spending days thinking of solutions
Tries not to sugar coat things for you but ends up doing just that
He doesn’t want to make his friend cry or even more anxious
Will comfort you though if you are upset about anything he’s said and apologizes profusely for it too
Kiku is overall one of the ones who needs a touchy bestie but is the most challenging with receiving or giving the touchiness back
He’s a man who enjoys personal space and alone time, so he’s honestly surprised anyone considers him a true best friend
He knows he can get a bit feisty and shut himself away when he gets uncomfortable and that makes it hard to truly befriend him
But he’s really happy you stick around and deal with his awkwardness and rejection of your affection
Tries his hardest to at least accept your friendly affection
No one would dare ask if you two are flirting or together because my god it’s taking so much of his effort to just sit less than 2 feet away from you at the start so they don’t want to ruin his progress by making it awkward
Kiku definitely asks for your opinion on anime and manga
Gets into heated debates with you over certain ones
Is shy but asks you to come over a lot
Likes to have tea and snacks with you while you guys talk
Y’all can talk for literally a whole day
You sleepover a lot, he insists and even got you your own futon with a cool custom cover
Gifts you a kotatsu at some point because he loves them and he thinks you should enjoy them all the time too
When he gets over a lot of shyness he loves when you do simple forms of affection with him
Like ruffling his hair or holding onto his arm or even just leaning against him
He enjoys those the most since they aren’t too physical and mentally taxing on him and it still let you physically express your friendship with him like you love to do
If you ask for advice either get prepared for a harsh wake up call or a stumbling mess of words
It’s 50/50 if Kiku gives you the stone cold truth or tries to spare your feelings
As your friend he thinks you deserve the truth but he doesn’t want his harsh advice to ruin your mood or make you hate him
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Kid problems (Request)
MCU cast x child!reader, mostly Scarlett Johansson x reader and Mark Ruffalo x reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Request Description: Please may I request a mcu cast x child!reader where the kids the daughter of a new female superhero actor (made up) and the cast finds up she’s been verbally/ physically abusive so the kid and confront the lady about it and comfort the kid? You don’t have to if this makes you uncomfortable though!
Warnings: physical and emotional child abuse, language, mean insults, bad mom
(A/N): i thought i wasn’t going to write today but i had a (not so) busy day and i fell asleep for like three hours and now i cant sleep, so here we are! ya’ll i feel like this one kinda sucks but lets not talk about it. not proofread as always
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“Stay quiet and be polite, and for God’s sake, don’t be so clumsy like you always are!” your mother spoke roughly, eyes on the road in front of her. “Knocking things over and ruining everything..”
“I won’t,” you mumbled quietly. 
She had recently made her big break as an actor, landing the role as Abigail Brand in the Marvel universe. As far as you understood, she had met her coworkers a few weeks ago and it had went well. 
Now, she was bringing you to meet them, because apparently they had spoken about how it was cool for kids to see a movie set, and your mom had run out of excuses not to bring you.
You were determined to be quiet and polite and to not be clumsy. All you wanted was to please your mother and make her proud. She just always seemed so angry. But that was your fault.
“Alright, we’re here,” your mother sighed. She exited the car and opened your door, practically dragging you out of the vehicle and into the filming area. You didn’t really understand anything or what anything was, so you just stayed quiet and stayed close to your mother, although avoiding touching her. She was always extra violent after you did so.
“M/n! You’re here, and with this little nugget?” a man with a funny beard and cool sunglasses came up to you. He smiled and then crouched down to your level. Your mom laughed awkwardly. “What’s your name?”
“Uh, Y-Y/n.” 
The man smiled at you and you smiled back cautiously, looking to your mom to see if it was okay. She seemed annoyed like always. 
“She’s shy, huh?” the man joked, and got up again. You watched, anxious to mess up. Maybe this time you could finally satisfy your mother and stop being such a useless child.
“Yeah, she is. I try to tell her to be more talkative, but she’s just naturally like this,” your mom smiled warmly at the man. Now you were even more confused. Did she want you to talk more? No, right?
You were introduced to the rest of them. Their names were Robert, Mark, Chris, Chris (again), Jeremy and Scarlett. They were very nice to you. They were very careful and caring, and it made you wish your mom was like that. 
You mostly just watched them work and talk. Eventually you sat down drawing, because you were bored.
“Can I see that?” Scarlett asked, gesturing to the drawing you were working on. You shyly nodded and stopped drawing, putting the crayons down. “Woow, that’s so pretty!” 
You shook your head, “no, it’s not.” Scarlett looked at you in confusion. 
“Why would you say that?” she asked, caressing your arm carefully. 
“My mama says my drawings are bad,” you mumbled. Scarlett looked up at your mom in confusion. Your mom was already dashing over to you, having heard the conversation.
“She means her nana, I call my mom mama and so she calls her mama.. My mom is not very good around kids,” your mom explained away. You furrowed your brows. You didn’t mean nana? You and mama stopped talking to nana long ago. 
Scarlett, who had previously tensed up, relaxed and let out an understanding laugh, “oh! I got worried there for a second!”
Your mom made a strained smile and then looked down at you. She had that glint in her eyes, although her face was friendly, you could tell she was disappointed. You teared up right then and there, so tired of disappointing her.
“Alright, Y/n, let’s go to the bathroom,” she grabbed your small hand roughly, and pulled you away from the nice adults. Tears rolling down your face, as your mom brought you into the women’s bathroom. 
“You little-” she cut herself off, gritting her teeth and checking if there were people in the stalls. There weren’t and she turned back to you with that angry face. 
“How dare you? Can’t you ever just stay quiet like I tell you to? You useless child! You were a mistake!” she hissed. It hurt you so bad, it felt so bad, and your crying worsened as you attempted to stammer out an apology. 
Your mother slapped you across the face. “Stop crying, you nuisance,” she said and indeed you forced yourself to stop crying. You held it in, trembling. 
Meanwhile Scarlett and Mark had been walking past the bathrooms, when they heard the slap. Of course, to them it could’ve been a lot of things. They exchanged glances, and Scarlett had said that she’d check it out. 
She walked quietly into the echoing bathroom, stopping when she heard the sound of angry and aggressive whispers.
“You’re so stupid and useless. You have no talent. Just stay quiet from now on! Shut the fuck up.” 
Scarlett was shocked to hear your mother’s voice. It took a moment for Scarlett to realize who she was talking to, and the thought drew a very real gasp out of her. Now, not giving two shits, she stepped away from the wall to see your mother crouched down in front of you, an almost animalistic expression on her face.
“M/n! How dare you!” was all she could say. Her instant reaction was to simply walk over to you, and get you away from your mother, but as she tried to your mother grabbed your arm. The both of them tugged at you.
“Get away from my baby!” your mom yelled. The commotion drew Mark to enter the bathroom, bewildered at the situation. Your mom and Scarlett both tugging at you, and you in the middle, red face and puffy eyes, conflicted as ever.
“What’s going on here?”
Mark’s sudden presence startled your mother, and in a moment of surprise, she let go and you fell into Scarlett’s grasp. She picked you up in her arms, and just started walking out of the bathroom.
Mark followed, looking between you and your mother. Scarlett didn’t know where she walking, but far from that witch. 
“M/n was- she was saying these horrible things to Y/n. Like, seriously horrible things,” Scarlett said. Meanwhile she rubbed your back and held you close, something that made you feel so nice inside. Your mother never did that. 
“I think what we heard was- Like, a slap?” Scarlett said, and when she met Mark’s eyes, he too had gotten a serious and worried look in them. He turned to you, resting on Scarlett’s chest.
“N/n, uh, did your mom hurt you, by any chance?” he asked and you stirred from your resting place.
“Like, hit you in any way?” 
“Mhmm,” your simple hum, like it was the most normal thing in the world, made the two adults’ hearts sink. 
“ScarJo, Ruffalo!” Chris (Hemsworth) greeted, but his cheerful welcome, did nothing to cheer up the two shaken adults. 
“Downey, you gotta call the Russos and tell them to get another Abigail Brand,” Mark instructed, while Scarlett put you down on the couch and then looked down the hallway to see if your mom was running after you. Ominously, she was nowhere to be seen. Scarlett couldn’t decide what was worse: if she had run after you, or the fact that she just left you. 
“What? We’re weeks into filming?” Chris (Evans) exclaimed. Him and Jeremy were sitting by a table behind Robert and the other Chris. 
Scarlett gave them knowing look and pulled up the sleeve of your small, purple sweater. Your tiny arm was littered with bruises, now and old. The others’ eyes widened, and there was a moment of silence where everyone looked at each other in confusion, anger and hurt. 
“I’ll go talk to them,” Downey said, smiling to you softly, before disappearing to somewhere else on set. 
“Where is M/n now?” Chris (Evans) asked. Him and the other two, Jeremy and Chris (the other one), seemed much angrier (not that the others weren’t but perhaps a different type of angry).
“I don’t know, I think she left in the opposite direction,” Scarlett murmured and Mark nodded. Without a word, Chris, Chris and Jeremy stood up and started walking down the hallway to find your mom.
You just watched in confusion mostly, as everyone scattered purposefully. Mark and Scarlett then finally turned to you. 
“Where’s mama?” you asked innocently. The two shook their heads.
“Your mom isn’t good for you..” You furrowed your brows. 
“What do you mean? Does she not want to be with me anymore? Can you tell her I’m trying really hard? I don’t why, but I keep messing up,” you said, your lip trembling. You could cry again. Was your mother leaving you, disappointed in your work at being a good daughter? 
“No, no.. Your mom is the one is that wasn’t good enough for you. Moms shouldn’t hit and yell at their kid like that..” Scarlett sighed, holding your hand comfortingly. 
“Oh..” was all you said. Your mom was fired and the proper authorities were called. You didn’t really know what happened, but somehow your entire day-to-day changed. You started talking to a nice lady, who was trying to explain to you why your mom was bad. You still didn’t understand it, but hopefully you would in the future.  
You were adopted by some very nice old people. The adults from that day stayed in touch with them, and sometimes some of them came over with their kids and you played together. 
The day you met them, changed your entire life, and when you did grow up, and you realized why your mom was ‘bad’, you felt eternally grateful to them, for putting your life on a better course. And you made sure to let them know, when you did meet them every once in a while. They were just happy to see that you were seemingly unscathed by this, and that your mom’s evil actions hadn’t ruined you in any way. You were happy and bright and you could thank it all to them. :)
Tag List:
@hera-the-writer​ @marvel-madness​ @40srogcrs​ @whatthefuckimbisexual​ @ireadfanficforfun
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virtual-luvr · 4 years
Cliffside Comfort
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Pairing: Hak x Reader
Pronouns: request was female but i didn't even mention pronouns so-
Warnings: spoilers for yona of the dawn i guess? Also kind of angsty but fluffy ending
Description: both you and hak had some arguments which lead to things getting a bit different but things changed when you met Jaeha and he comforts you
Note: you and hak are married also this was requested by someone on wattpadd thank you for the request <3
The pitter patter of rain hitting the ground and the soft sound of wind whistling was the only thing heard outside. Until you heard sheets rustling and you open your eyes to Hak getting dressed, ready to leave
You stretch your hand out to him trying to grasp at the fabric on his back, "Don't go" you mutter
"Honey, I have to" he says with a sigh, looking back at you and tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear
"Please, can't you stay just a little longer? The princess can wait" you say with a pout, knowing you wouldn't see him for a long time after he departs
He looks back at you giving you a small glare but softening his gaze after seeing your face
He crouches down beside the bed and stares at you, interlocking his hand with yours which was hanging off the bed
"You know I have to go honey, no exceptions"
"But-" before you could say anything else he cuts you off
"No buts, now go back to sleep" he says untangling your hands and stroking your face before giving you a small kiss on your forehead and going back to getting dressed.
You try not to show how upset you were and decided to roll onto the other side of the bed and hug haks pillow instead
Unknowingly to you hak gave you one last glance before going out, both of you knowing it was never easy when he had to go back
He always left for so long, not even a small letter every few months
You had heard the news, you had heard of their banishment, you heard about everything that happened and you can't believe Hak hadn't looked for you until now.
And when you heard Hak was in fuuga you were pissed.
"Son Hak where have you BEEN" you say impatiently walking up to him almost stepping on other people clothes and your own
Hak looks back at you and nervously chuckles, "uhm (Y/N)-"
You punch his chest, not lightly may i add, and tightly hug him not letting go even when he tried to move away
"Don't even try you idiot"
"(Y/N)" he quietly mumbles into your hair, hugging you back tightly somehow everything hitting him all at once
Your little moment is interrupted by Yona and the others
"Is this (Y/N)?" You hear a voice say from behind you
You pull away from Hak and look back at the princess
Hak lightly chuckles and puts a hand around you shoulder, looking back at Yona, Kija, Yoon, and Shinah
After meeting all of them for the first time, even though Hak talked to you about Yona sometimes so you already knew quite a bit about her, Hak told you about his plans.
"Im going with you" you say, very confident in your answer
All of them looked back at you as if you were crazy
You hear a cluster of, "are you serious?"and "no its too dangerous" from all of them
"Im going with you and you cant change my mind. Please I can't just leave you alone again" you say directly to Hak and he sighs
He knew he wouldn't get out of this situation, and even though he knows you can protect yourself and fight for yourself he's still scared something could or might happen
Few days later and your packed and ready to start your journey with Hak
It went by smoothly for the most part but sometimes you did want to have some time with Hak but Yona just kept on insisting to be there too
And even though you think Yona is a pretty good person, it can get tiring from time to time to not be able to spend some time with your husband after him leaving for the castle all the time.
You did notice that Hak was getting very protective, not just with you but with Yona as well but never with the others
That wouldn't bother you if it weren't for the fact that everybody that you met at some markets thought Haks spouse was Yona and not you
He was always by her side no matter what and you wanted that too, was that too much? Maybe it's because he's her appointed knight or something but it still felt off
You didn't like getting these types of emotions so you told Hak about it thinking that could be a pretty good idea
It wasn't the best idea you've had
Both of you argued for a bit and after that he went to go be by Yona's side
It left you a bit on edge so the next day when Yona said something that didn't seem like the most nicest thing ever, you snapped
"It isn't that hard (Y/N) if you ill go ask Hak if he can help you"
"No thanks princess, i can do it myself and besides Hak seems to enjoy your company more then mine" and with that you stormed off.
You knew what you said wasn't the best and you were also ticked off. As much as you were still mad you made a mental note to say sorry later when you cooled off.
After that you try to talk to Hak and Yona and maybe clear up things but they both seem distance and you barely get to see them for a few days unless its when you're on the road again, the other two knew something was up but were too scared to ask about anything
As much small talk you try to do they both stay silent, it kind of made you feel embarrassed
Throughout the rest of the trip you keep your head down and just walk along side them all, not speaking a word
None of you did
Not until you got the green dragon that was
Throughout your search for him and going high and low to find him there were some times where you and Hak were alone, but Hak changed topics as soon as possible when you tried to say anything
He was only focused on keeping the gang protected and find the next dragon
You were now alone sitting right by a cliff looking down at the ocean, usually you'd be a little anxious to do something like this but at this point you just wanted some peace and quite
You huff and look up at the sky, sighing heavily you close your eyes.
You were so focused on getting some relaxation you didn't notice the footsteps behind you until someone grabs at your shoulder
You jump and look back at whoever it was, you smile when you notice its only Jaeha
"Jaeha hi, you can sit if you want" you say scooting to the side to give him some space
He sits beside you and tilts his head to one side, "something's troubling you, what is it?"
You were a little surprised he had noticed, maybe you weren't the best of an actor but you thought you were at least okay
He just keeps looking at you waiting for an answer, you defenetly weren't getting out of this one.
You sigh again and look back down at the ocean and ships bobbing up and down with the waves, that's when you decide to talk to him about everything
In the end he gives you suggestions on what you should do and you talked so much with him you didn't even notice how long you guys had talked for
By the end of your conversation you were genuinely smiling again, something you had done in quite a long time
Suddenly you hear a voice behind you, "lets get back to camp we have to leave in the morning"
You look back and you see Hak, he seems off though. You groan and your smile drops a little at the thought of going back to camp and being ignored again
Jaeha notices your behavior and smiles, he gets up and opens his hand for you to take, you grab his hand and try to steady yourself when you get up
When you look back up Hak is no where to be seen and Jaeha just smiles at you his grasp on your hand loosens and his hand drops to be at his waist
"Come on lets get going, ill stay at the camp with you for a while" he says
You both got back to camp and kept on chatting, unknowingly to you there was a certain someone staring at both of you watching how you and Jaeha had such good conversations while he could barely talk to you anymore
And while you hadn't known Jaeha for long, he was like a brother to you at this point, Hak didn't see it that way though
He thought Jaeha liked you, and even though he knew you guys were both married he was scared something could happen
So he made it his duty to get you back into his arms and not Jaehas
The next morning you wake up to a smiling Hak right in front of you, you're so shocked you both bump foreheads
Letting out a small 'ouch' you look back at Hak
"Why are you waking me up so early?"
"I wanted to talk to you"
That made you a little uneasy and on edge but you still decided to let him talk
"Okay, what is it?"
He looks down and fiddles a bit with his clothes before looking back up at you
"Im sorry for fighting with you, i miss you, and I know both of our actions weren't the best. But either way I shouldn't have ignored you and we both shouldn't have acted the way we did. I love you, and I married you for a reason. You are the person I love and no one can change that"
His words made you tear up a little, if it weren't for the tears blurring your face you would have noticed that Hak was tearing up to. There weren't many times where you had seen him this vulnerable.
Even though you felt like crying just a tiny bit you had to compose yourself and apologize too
"Im sorry too and I know my actions weren't the best either. Ill make sure to say sorry to Yona when I see her but for now i want to say sorry to you"
He looks back at you a little surprised, its as if he wasn't expecting you to accept his apology
Hearing your words he felt as if his heart was going to jump out of his chest
After looking at each other for a second you both get big smiles on your face and hug each other as tightly as possible, almost falling back
After hugging for who knows how long you pull away and he looks at you as if asking for permission to kiss you
"We're married, go ahead" you say smiling even more
And without any other words he does kiss you
Letting out a happy sigh you let your husband give you small nudge towards the ground, both of you smiling and giving each other some much needed love that you both missed.
[1962 words; july/26/2020]
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Jewel of the Sea: Chapter 11: Found
Chapter 10
Main Taglist: (Send an ask to be added or removed!) @starlocked01, @spoopy-turtle, @lizluvscupcakes, @more-fandon-than-friends, @i-cant-find-a-good-username, @vindicatedvirgil, @star-crossed-shipper, @justaqueercactus, @gayboopnoodle, @sanderssidesweirdo, @the-sympathetic-villain, @8-writes, @lizzy-lineart, @battlebunnyteardropsinthesun, @sirprplsnail
JotS Taglist (Send an ask to be added or removed!): @5-falsehoods-phonated, @vindicatedvirgil, @starlocked01, @viva-la-pluto-dam-you, @pan-immortal-jefferson-starships, @acetatertot, @silvarraven, @logan-positivity, @virgil-positivity, @luella-the-homosexual, @positivitykitty, @akatsuki-no-katira, @ironwoman359, @winterwynd, @lookingforaplacetosleep
Word Count: 1,354
Virgil normally wouldn’t have ever thought of pestering someone like this but it had been three days and he was getting anxious. So, he found himself outside Logan’s office with his hand poised to knock when the door opened on its own. Logan smiled at him, hand on the knob. “Hello, Virgil. I was actually just going to find you. Did you need something?”
Virgil took a deep breath and nodded. “Do you remember when you said you’d give me anything I ask?”
“After you saved Roman from the lake? Yes, I remember. Have you thought of something you want?” He shifted the papers in his hands to rest on his hip. Virgil was grateful he didn’t mention the mer’s reluctance to take him up on that offer before now. 
“Yes, that. I want to go back into town and find a calcite crystal. I’m sure it holds the key to unlocking my memories. The only other thing I can think of is that the amnesia is a result of some sort of head trauma and I’d need to hit my head in the exact same way in order to regain my memories.”
As he spoke, he felt a pit in his stomach. He didn’t want to leave Logan, didn’t want his time here to fade from his memory like sea foam after a wave. At the same time, he saw a light in Logan’s eyes dim, as if he didn’t want Virgil to leave either. That made him feel a bit better, knowing the feeling was mutual, but he also didn’t like that he’d made Logan sad.
Logan smiled, the look quickly being covered in his usual neutral expression. “Okay. I have some time tomorrow. Maybe we can take Roman with us and give him a reason to get out of the castle. Do you know where we are going, at least the general area?”
Virgil nodded and the excursion was set. The next day, they were off in the car, Roman situated firmly in between them. Just as directed, they started from the other side of the town, Virgil keeping his head on a swivel as he tried to find the shops that were suggested by the store clerk. Over the course of the next four hours, they entered a lot of jewelry stores and other rockhound areas before they found the costume jewelry store Virgil was told about.
As they went through the stores, Virgil couldn’t help but notice that Logan’s eye was drawn again and again to the same type of jewelry: A simple pendant on a leather cord. He filed that information away for later, even as he looked for the stone Remy wanted. He wondered how Logan would react if he told him everything. If he told him he didn’t have amnesia, he was looking for the stone so he could regain his fins and get back to his blessing, how he was actually a mer and not a human at all. How would he react if he told him how he wasn’t sure he wanted to leave anymore, how he wanted to stay with him, how he wanted to court him and be courted by him? Virgil knew it was an unrealistic thought, but he couldn’t help it all the same.
Finally, they found it in the costume jewelry, Virgil having separated from the others in order to build up the courage to ask an attendant. She led him over to a display case that had a label that matched what he was looking for. Still, he couldn’t help but ask questions. 
“Are you sure this is actual calcite and not something that looks like it? It has to be real.”
The attendant, her name tag read Emily, smiled patiently. “Yes, it’s completely real calcite.”
“Does it glow under certain lighting? I was told it would.”
“Yes, it glows under UV lights.”
Virgil nodded, eyes locking back on the pendant on display. It had a braided chain of leather attached to the actual pendant, the braid wrapping around the stone with a connector in between. Head shooting up, he searched the store for Logan, just barely able to see his head above the stands. 
“I think I found it, Pebble!” The term of endearment slipped out and he bit his lip, hoping no one noticed. 
Logan didn’t comment on it, simply walking over to view the object Virgil was quick to point at before nodding. “That does look like it. Does it make you think of anything in particular?” His gaze was intense as he looked at Virgil.
He dodged it by looking back down. “I don’t know.”
A hand came to rest on his lower back, causing him to look back up at Logan, who spoke, his voice tender. “Do you want to buy it?”
Virgil smiled, nodding. “If you wouldn’t mind.”
✴ ✴ ✴
Logan didn’t know if it was the vulnerable look in Virgil’s eye, a hesitance mixed with confidence, or if it was something else, but he knew he would do anything for him if needed. He’d always heard the age old adage of ‘if your friends jump off a bridge, would you do it too’ but, in that moment, he knew he would indeed jump off that bridge for Virgil if needed. 
As they exited the store, Logan spotted a different one just down the street and smiled, putting his hand on Virgil’s shoulder to get his attention. “I know we discussed letting you borrow one of my father’s suits for the party, but would you be adverse to getting a tailor made one instead?” He nodded his head in the direction of the store he’d spotted.
Virgil’s smile was tight-lipped, as if he were tired. “That’ll be fine if it’s what you want.” He started toward it but Logan stopped him.
“I want you to tell me if you want it or not. You have the right to choose.” He tried to discreetly look him over, to make sure he was fine.
Roman tugged on Virgil’s sleeve, getting his attention. Virgil dropped down to one knee in order to be at Roman’s height. “Yeah, buddy?” He held the boy’s hand as his whole attention focused on him.
“You don’t have to go along with us just because we’re the ones using the money. You can say no, you know.” Roman’s eyes were wide and sincere. 
Virgil laughed, rustling his hair. “I’ll keep that in mind.” He stood and Logan looked askance at him, desperately wanting to know what was going on behind those stormy gray eyes. “Yeah, getting a new suit would be the less time consuming option.” He frowned. “But wouldn’t it be a waste if I were only to use it once before I left?”
Logan’s mood fell at the mention of Virgil’s departure now that his injuries were almost completely healed. Before he could say anything, Roman beat him to it. “You could take it with you.”
Virgil smiled again, a faraway look entering his eyes. “I could, that’s right.” So, they walked into the suit store, Logan wondering if he should confess during the party at the end of the week. Should he let Virgil know he didn’t care about his past, didn’t care about who he was before? All Logan knew was who he was now, and that was a pretty good person. Before he could think on it further, he was drawn into a conversation with the tailor.
✴ ✴ ✴
He pulled his head back from around the corner, face morphing into another’s as he did so. Smirking, he started to walk down the street, his cane swinging by his side. So, they were having a party in a few days, were they? That would be the perfect time to strike, he thought, a gleeful smile spreading across his face. He twirled the cane as he jauntily walked down the street, so joyful he could whistle a tune. The prince was finally so close he could practically taste him. Janus smiled as he turned the corner. This would be easier than scaring a baby.
Chapter 12
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taegis-gf · 4 years
Forbidden - Part 3
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Dealer!yoongi x Reader
Warnings ➜ smut, oral (f receiving), non-protected sex, some light choking, some angst and a little fluffy, yoongi got beat up a little :(
Summary ➜ You never meant to lock eyes with the beautiful stranger at Namjoon’s house party, you also didn’t mean to completely fall for him, knowing exactly how dangerous it was.
Word Count ➜ 6.5K
NB: if drug-taking in fics isn’t for you/or makes you uncomfortable, also reader is literally getting with a drug dealer, so if any of this isn't for you  - please don’t read!
Notes ➜ hey. guys hehe i hope u enjoy this im in a little bit of a rut with it as i dont even really know where im taking it yet, thank u for being patient with me and lmk what u think ! also sorry for any spelling errors!!
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The next few days passed without you hearing a word from Yoongi. You had refrained from texting him, always being too stubborn for your own good, plus he definitely didn’t deserve a text from you, However, from the way he had been ghosting you, you had assumed he probably didn’t even care or notice that you were mad at him.
You had gotten past the sad stage of it all and had now reached anger, what had you been thinking jumping into bed with someone you barely knew? 
It hadn’t felt like that at the time though, you had thought you and Yoongi had a connection.
Why did it feel so right when he was with you, why did you two click so well?
And why the hell couldn’t you stop thinking about him?
He was making your life hard, consuming every thought, you had barely got your essay submitted in time and when you did you were pretty sure it didn’t even make any sense, just a spew of words on a document that you wanted out of your sight so you go back to wallowing in self-pity about some boy.
You admittedly had not left your dorm since Jungkook had spoken to you, that was 2 days ago and you really needed to get Yoongi out of your mind instead of lying in your bed and just thinking. 
You were driving yourself crazy admittedly, and you knew you were being dramatic, it wasn’t like Yoongi even owed you anything, the two of you were only at the beginning of something that didn’t even have a label yet. 
However, you just wanted something even if it was a ‘I never wanna see you again’, at least it would be some sort of closure.
The sound of your phone ringing instantly made you jump, the silence being so harshly interrupted it scared you half to death.
You closed your eyes for a moment before flipping your phone over only to feel major disappointment when you saw it wasn’t Yoongi’s name on your screen.
You answered anyway with a heavy heart.
“Hey Tae, what’s up?” You asked.
“What’s up?! You haven’t responded to me in 3 days, what’s up with you?” He asked, his tone sounded concerned and you could only smile sadly at the compassion your friend seemed to have for you.
“Nothing Tae I’ve just been distracted with work you know?”
You could hear him sighing softly before he spoke again.
“I’m calling to let you know we’re all going over to Joon’s, if you would read the damn groupchat I wouldn’t be calling you.”
You scoffed at the curt tone he used with you but you knew he didn’t mean it in a bad way.
“Joon’s? I’m not really in the mood for a party Tae-“
“It’s not a party,” Taehyung said, cutting you off. “It’ll just be the 7 of us babe. Please come, I miss you.”
“How many time have I told you to stop calling me that?” You asked rolling your eyes at the wall.
“Just say you’ll come? I can even come get you.” Taehyung offered.
You supposed it was better than wallowing in your bed another day.
“Yeah fine okay, I’ll come.” You said.
“Good I’m glad, I’ll come get you in about an hour, get dressed I’ll ring you when I’m outside.”
With a quick 'goodbye' Taehyung hung up and you decided to get up and make yourself look human.
You opted for no makeup and just some simple sweats, you knew you and the guys would probably just be watching a movie so you didn’t see the point in dressing up any more than that, although you couldn’t count how many times a simple hangout had been a ruse to get you to a party.
Taehyung called you again to inform you he was waiting outside, so you quickly grabbed your phone and coat and left your dorm as quick as you could.
When you finally reached outside you saw Taehyung’s car and made a beeline, opening the door and jumping in you plastered a smile on your face hoping it would take away from the prying questions you assumed Taehyung had lined up.
“Hey Tae, thanks for coming to get me, a cab to Joon’s is so fucking expensive and I know I’m super out of the way, so I appreciate it.”
Taehyung scoffed. “Please, you know I would come to get you even if you were 500 miles out of the way, what are friends for?” He stated as he started up the engine.
The drive was silent for the most part, you were surprised as you had expected Taehyung to go into full-blown interrogation mode on why you’d been ignoring everyone, but he didn’t, maybe he was waiting on you coming to him, if that was the case he’d be waiting a long ass time.
As he pulled up and you both went inside your heart warmed at the sight of your friends all talking and laughing with each other, you hadn’t seen them like this in a while and it almost made you tear up.
“Hey guys.” You said as you kicked off your shoes and took a spot on the sofa in between Jungkook and Taehyung as he had decided to follow you and sit wherever you were going.
“Hey Y/N, we all thought you were dead.” Hoseok said as stuffed a handful of chips into his mouth.
Everyone else murmured in agreement with a few sly comments about ignored messages and calls.
You closed your eyes and decided the best thing to do was to state you’d had a lot of work to catch up on and that becoming a recluse was the only way you would get it all finished.
You didn’t miss the way Jungkook side-eyed you but simply chose to not look his way for the sake of saving yourself the judgemental looks about your obvious lying to your best friends.
“Come onnnnnnn. Will someone put on a good horror movie already, and Joon please throw me a beer.” Taehyung called.
Everyone got settled as a movie was picked and the lights were switched off.
That was when your phone decided to vibrate in your pocket.
You slipped it halfway out just trying to glance at the notification and your heart jumped when you saw the name on the screen.
Notification: Yoongi: iMessage(s) 1
You muttered some excuse about needing to pee, and jumped off the sofa to run upstairs, needing to compose yourself before you unlocked your phone.
Yoongi: hey i cant even begin to explain how sorry I am…i understand 100% if you don’t want to speak to me again
You watched as you saw the typing dots disappear and reappear as you stared at your phone. Then another message came through.
Yoongi: i really wanted to call you but i was afraid you’d be too mad and wouldn’t pick up so please if theres even a chance you’ll speak to me again - call me. If u don’t i undertsand and i wont bother you anymore.. i feel so stupid Y/N you don’t deserve this
Your heart was beating at about a million miles per hour as you reread his messages over and over. You had absolutely no idea how to approach this.
You decided now was not the best time to call him, you were just going to have to wait it out and call him when you got back to your dorm.
You decided you’d leave him on read for now, he’d left you waiting for nearly 3 days, he could wait 3 hours for your reply.
As you walked back into the room with your friends you sat beside Taehyung and he let you cuddle up next to him, he began gently playing with your hair as you tried your best to lie down, Jungkook patted his lap as an indication you could spread your legs out and rest them on his own and you smiled as he put an arm over them.
You felt incredibly loved by your friends in that moment, tears threatening to spill as the simple comforts they were providing so naturally to you, meant so much in that moment.
You felt a little guilty at your unwillingness to tell them how upset you were, you trusted them with so much and they trusted you just as equally. But things were confusing for you at the moment and you wouldn’t even know where to start.
You looked up to see Jungkook looking at you with concern, he obviously knew a lot more than the rest of them but he didn’t know just how much Yoongi was affecting you at that particular moment.
You smiled reassuringly at him and he gave your thigh a small squeeze before you both turned back to the movie.
You hadn’t realised just how tired you were until Taehyung was gently shaking you awake, alerting you that the movie was over and even though no one was leaving or anything he offered to bring you home.
You shook your head at his offer telling him you would just get a taxi home and that he should stay and enjoy the rest of the night, he had smiled at you softly asking about 5 times if you were sure and you had laughed excusing yourself to the bathroom before he could argue with you anymore.
You found yourself in the same position, just leaning against the door staring at the messages Yoongi had sent a few hours ago, you felt groggy from the sleep and in your haze you decided that calling him and getting this over with would be the best thing to do, you weren’t thinking clearly, but then again, you never were when it came to him.
As you listened to the ringing tone you began to feel your anxiety building, you weren’t even sure what you were going to say to him or even sure how you felt towards him, yeah sure you were upset but did you even have any right to be mad at him? 
It wasn’t like Yoongi was your boyfriend or anything, he didn’t owe you anything.
He picked up on the third ring an anxious and quick “Hello?” sounded from his end, like he was afraid he was going to miss the call.
“Hey…” You said, unsure of where to go with it.
“Jesus Y/N I am sorry, you must think I’m such an asshole. I wa-”
“Do you like me Yoongi?” You cut him off.
“Wh-what?” Yoongi asked, he sounded unsure, like he was afraid he would say the wrong thing.
“Do you like me?” You asked again, slower.
“Yes of course Y/N, I like you a lot.”
“Okay, do you see me as someone you can just fuck and I’ll come running when you call? Because believe me Yoongi you really are talking to the wrong girl if that’s what you think this is.”
You weren’t sure where your bold attitude was coming from, you suppose you’d been holding in a lot of feelings the past few days regarding the situation, but for some reason, it was coming out as anger and with a hint of sass.
“Jesus – no, no Y/N that is so not what I’m thinking this is, you know that right? Fuck I didn’t mean to leave it so long to talk to you, but there was an emergency and I had to leave town to do something and I only got back tonight and I’m sorry, please know I'm sorry.” You could hear the pleading in his voice, the genuine asking for forgiveness. 
Your knees felt weak and you weren’t sure why but all you wanted was to see him, to tell him it was all okay and you forgive him.
But a part of you wanted to stand your ground, you didn’t want to seem like a pushover who was going to roll over because he sounded like he was sorry, this was only a phone call, you couldn’t even look him in the eyes or anything.
“Can you pick me up and we can talk?” You asked, you wanted to see him, ask him what exactly was going on.
“Yes of course, you’re not at your dorm?” He asked the question harmlessly but you felt he was a little nervous.
“No actually I’m with the guys at Namjoon’s house, I can send you the address if you can’t remember..”
“I remember Y/N. I’ll be there in 10 minutes.” 
And with that he hung up, eager to see him - but still feeling cautious - you left the bathroom to tell the guys you were going to wait outside for your taxi.
They all hugged you goodbye and you definitely noticed how Jungkook lingered for that extra few seconds.
He could sense something was wrong with you, but he knew to wait until you came to him with your problems.
As you stood at Namjoon’s garden gate a pair of headlights began approaching slowly and you knew it was him. He stopped outside and you ran to his car door, trying to avoid any of the guys from seeing that it wasn’t just an ordinary taxi you were going home in.
It smelt like a new car inside and you turned to face the driver, he looked over at you with an awkward smile and that’s when you saw the extremely dark black eye that covered his right eye. You covered your hand with your mouth trying not to audibly gasp.
“Yoongi! Oh my god are you okay?” You reached out, wanting to touch his face but realised that wasn’t the best idea before dropping your hand again. 
Your anger at him now replaced with worry, you scanned his face further to see his slightly busted lip as well.
“Y/N, I promise you it’s not as bad as it looks. Can we talk about this when we get to my place?” He asked, placing a hand on your thigh he gave it a reassuring squeeze.
“Your place?” You asked, confused.
“Yeah…only if you want, it’s just that it’s closer to here and I thought you wanted to talk.”
You were nodding, your stomach trying to suppress the nerves that were bubbling up at the idea of going to his place this first time as you also tried to process everything that was already happening.
“Okay, yeah let’s do that.” You said.
Neither of you spoke again the entire ride.
When Yoongi finally pulled up into the carpark of a luxury apartment complex you stared in disbelief. This was where he lived?
He makes a lot of money doing what he does you quickly reminded yourself, suddenly embarrassed at size and quality of your dorm room.
You followed him inside and stopped at the entrance completely in shock at the sheer size and beauty of his apartment. 
You shook yourself, you were here for one thing.
“Take a seat please, Y/N.” He said motioning at the large plush sofa.
You took a seat but watched as Yoongi stood examining you.
“Aren’t you gonna sit?” You asked the atmosphere was tense, awkward, you couldn’t even sense Yoongi’s mood, he was just looking at you, expressionless.
You looked back at him, you were starting to feel frustrated.
“So what? We’re just going to sit here in silence, scratch that, you’ll stand, I’ll sit?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
“I’m sorry,” Yoongi replied.
“What?” You asked, your eyes shooting up to look at him, you knew he had to be in pain with his eye and you felt a twinge of guilt for being annoyed with him.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t call or text, I know I left you in your room like that – after we had just…I’m sorry Y/N.” He sighed heavily, finally taking a seat beside you.
“Just tell me what happened, I’m an understanding person Yoongi, but I don’t think I can do this if you’re just going to keep disappearing on me…”
You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him now he was closer, you decided the floor was the best place to look at in that moment.
“It was an emergency…it’s stupid, rivalry is a very real thing in this business. I got into a fight with some guy when I went down there. One of my friends was seriously threatened by some people and we had to go down there and deal with it.” He explained, you didn’t want the specifics really and you were glad he wasn’t giving it to you.
“Yoongi…you’re like - I mean - do you really think you’re the best guy for that sort of thing?” You were half teasing him, but also very worried, this wasn’t something that happened a lot, was it?
Yoongi scoffed out a small laugh.
“I’m not usually the guy that handles situations Y/N, I just had to go down there to talk it out with some people.” 
You shuddered, you hated this, hated that this was his life.
Yoongi gently placed a hand on your thigh and you allowed him to keep it there, finally looking back up at him.
“Jesus Y/N, I’m sorry for leaving you like that, I would never do anything like that to you on purpose…please forgive me?” 
You knew he was sorry, you could feel that he was sorry.
You whispered out a soft ‘I forgive you’. 
You knew it was weak of you but you seemed to be at your weakest when Yoongi was looking at you like you meant the world to him.
Yoongi let out a sigh of relief, a small smile on his face, but he winced in pain as the smile opened up the wound on his lip.
“Let me get you something for that.” You said, standing. 
You could use the distraction more than anything as you asked him where the bathroom was and grabbed a damp cloth and some tissue.
You sat down turning your body to face him you lightly dabbed at the wound and cringed a litte in sympathy when he hissed in pain.
“Hold the tissue to it so it doesn’t bleed again.” you said as you folded it up and handed it to him.
“Do you have any ice? It’ll help your eye..” You asked as you went to get up again.
He simply nodded, and pointed to the freezer, allowing you to worry and take care of him.
You sat back down again with a small makeshift ice pack, and told him to lay down so you could place it over his eye, he protested a little but it didn’t take much to coerce him.
“I’m seriously not even in that bad of shape Y/N, you should see the other guy.” He said, laughing a little but then immediately stopping as the pain in his lip stung.
You rolled your eyes at him, knowing he was joking but it did make your stomach twist with nerves at the same time, what if this had been a lot more serious?
When you didn’t speak he reached over for the remote to turn the T.V on, you supposed he couldn’t handle the tense silence you were giving in return for his bad joke.
As he searched about Netflix he spoke again “I have to say, I do think you’d make a pretty sexy nurse.” He joked again and this time you cracked a smile, unable to stop yourself from scoffing out a laugh.
“Are you seriously flirting with me right now?” You asked, sitting back down on his couch you lifted his legs to allow them to rest on your lap, a simple gesture to show him you didn’t completely hate him.
He laughed a little, a genuine laugh and you found yourself laughing too.
“Put a movie on, keep the ice on your eye and shut up!” You said through laughter.
You did end up watching a movie, the night got more and more comfortable as Yoongi decided to order takeout and bring out blankets to the couch. 
As you both cuddled up to each other your hand absent-mindedly playing with his as you watched the movie, it was an incredibly intimate thing to do but it felt so natural you could barely keep the smile off your face.
As the movie was coming to an end you began yawning announcing it was getting late and you should get back to your dorm, but as you made a move Yoongi’s brought his arm around your waist tightly a small ‘don’t go’ escaping from his lips.
You sighed, you wanted to stay over if you were being honest but was it really the best idea?
“I don’t know Yoongi….I don’t even have a change of clothes or anything.”
Yoongi pulled you him closer to him and you let yourself relax into his touch.
“I’ll lend you something to sleep in. Please Y/N. I’ve missed you.”
And with those 3 word’s he didn’t even need to say anymore.
You let out a sigh of content. “Yes Yoongi I’ll stay.”
He got up, asking you to follow him to his room. 
You obliged, following after him to the nearest door. He opened it up and motioned for you to wait on his bed while he found you something comfortable.
You looked around at the unfamiliar room, the first thing you noticed was how clean it was, that was unusual for a guy his age it was simple, his sheets white and his room plain you looked around in awe.
You weren’t sure what you had been expecting if you were being honest, but as you were about to comment he was suddenly standing in front of you, a black tee and a pair of basketball shorts in hand.
You smiled up at him “Thank you Yoongi.”
“That door there is the bathroom.” he said pointing to an ensuite inside his own room.
You nodded going in and when you shut the door behind you you let out a long sigh.
You were really going to stay here tonight.
As you got changed you realised the t-shirt he had given you was long enough to ignore the shorts he had given you.
Folding your own clothes and leaving them on top of his wash basket you grabbed your phone for a quick glance before you returned to him.
A notification from Jungkook.
JK: I hope you’re okay you seemed a little off tonight, please remember you can talk to me about anything.
You smiled, feeling your heart swell at the loving message you typed a quick reply with a thank you and lots of heart emojis.
As you left the bathroom you saw Yoongi awkwardly standing like he wasn’t quite sure what to do with himself.
He looked up at you and you saw him eyeing your body, his eyes travelling up your bare legs, you felt the heat of his gaze taking you all in and you couldn’t help but revel in the feeling that you had that effect on him.
“I’ll – um – take the couch, you sleep here.” You could tell he was distracted over your lack of clothes but he cleared his throat and began to leave.
“Yoongi.” You called and stopped him in his tracks.
“Thank you for being such a gentleman.” You giggled.
You heard him scoff a laugh before walking out of the room, some sort of pyjamas in hand.
So here you were, left alone in Min Yoongi’s bedroom.
You werent exactly sure what you should be doing, should you just go to sleep?
As if it were that easy…
You felt giddy as you got under the covers, his bed was huge compared to your single in your dorm.
You tried to relax and calm a little remembering you were technically meant to be trying to sleep, you reached over to turn off the bedside lamp, shrouding yourself in darkness.
You decided to scroll through your phone for a while trying to think about other things and definitely not how badly you wanted to go out there and ask Yoongi to come back.
Your intentions weren’t even of a sexual nature, you simply just wanted him to lay with you, you wanted to fall asleep in his arms – something you hadn’t got the chance to do yet.
After about 20 minutes of tossing and turning and checking every social media platform you decided to take a deep breath and just go ask him, you were nervous that he wouldn’t even want to but then again he was letting you stay in his room after all.
You slowly tiptoed across the floor, afraid in case he was already sleeping you quietly opened the door.
You realised you couldn’t even tell with as you could only see the back of the couch and not his form, you decided to half shout half whisper, praying he was awake anyway.
He head came into view as he sat up from the couch, looking wide awake and a little confused.
“Is everything okay?” He asked, a look of concern crossing his features.
“Yeah…” You realised just how shy and nervous you actually felt as you continued speaking. 
“Will you come sleep beside me Yoongi please?”
You saw a small smile appear on his face, “Of course, I’m super glad you asked, I wanted to ask but I thought you would see it as creepy or something.”
You rolled your eyes smacking him on the shoulder as he got closer.
“Your whole dick has been inside me but you think cuddling is as the creepy thing to offer?!” You asked, eyes widening in shock a little.
Yoongi held his hands up in defence as he followed you to the bed both of you climbing in on either sides.
“I don’t know…” He trailed off looking at you as you now lay beside one another.
“I guess I thought you were still mad at me.”
You sighed a little and looked at him scanning his face and frowned a little at the black eye that adorned his beautiful features.
“I hate that someone hurt you Yoongi.” You said, you hadn’t really meant to say it aloud.
Both your faces were close looking at each other in comfortable silence, a small pout forming on his lips at your statement he leaned in and gave you the smallest of pecks, it was so sweet and tender you felt like you heart was going to beat out of your chest as heat formed across your cheeks.
“Let’s go to sleep Y/N.”
You nodded, leaning in a little closer to him and shutting your eyes after whispering a soft ‘goodnight’.
You woke up feeling too hot, far too hot. As you took in your surroundings and remembered where you were you smiled at the reason for your warmth, realising Yoongi had pulled you in and draped his arm over your waist in the middle of the night. You felt comfortable in his arms, having one of the best sleeps you’ve had in a long time, your worries felt at ease for once and you just simply felt in the moment with him.
You slowly shifted until you were turned to face him, he pouted a little in his sleep at the disruption and you couldn’t help but smile harder, placing a soft kiss on his pout you watched as his eyes fluttered open slowly, confusion on his face as he tried to take in what sensation had just woken him up.
He smiled when he saw you looking at him, stretching his limbs and letting out a long yawn.
“Did you sleep well?” You asked.
“Mmmm yes I did, I really like waking up next to you…” He said, his handing tracing absent-minded patterns on your arm.
“Me too…” You trailed off feeling a little sad that this wasn’t going to be a permanent thing.
“Your eye looks a little better, I think it’s starting to heal.” You said reaching out to touch his face gently.
“Hm you don’t think it’s sexy? Like in a 'wow I’m a big sexy bad boy' way?.” 
You couldn’t roll your eyes hard enough turning away from him only to have him whine and pull you back to face him.
“Yeah that whine sounds so bad boy.” You said giggling as he pulled you closer and began kissing your neck.
“Hmmmm, you smell amazing.” He said nuzzling further into your neck with a groan.
You felt yourself begin to grow a little hot at the noise, his lips leaving a hot trail down to your collarbone.
You let out a pleased noise.
“Hmm you like that baby?” He asked beginning to move his body so he was hovering over yours, his mouth kissing lower.
You let out a noise of approval feeling too hot and worked up to speak.
His hands found your hips and he slowly pushed up the t-shirt you were wearing his hands gliding along your warm skin.
As he pushed it up further you helped him, pulling it off you completely leaving you in only your underwear.
Yoongi let out a groan at the picture of your almost naked body in front of him resting his forehead on your stomach trying to compose himself for a moment as the mere sight of you was making him go a little crazy.
You let out a whine “Yoongi do something. Please.”
He looked back up at you a smirk on his face, “Now who’s whining babe?”
You let out a scoff quickly followed by a sharp gasp as his mouth latched onto your nipple.
His tongue teasing and sucking you could feel the wetness pooling at your core.
You wanted to squeal a little, the frustration of how teasingly slow he was going was making you feel crazy.
As he took his time, making sure to kiss every inch of your body by the time he got close to where you needed him most you were a writhing mess.
“Yoongi please.” You gasped out when he kissed the inside of your thigh, merely a few centimetres away from you soaked panties.
“Tell me what you want baby. I’ll give it to you.” He said planting another soft kiss even closer this time.
You suddenly felt a little embarrassed, you don't think you’d ever begged to get your pussy ate before.
“I want…your tongue on me, fuck please.” You breathed out, hardly able to think straight.
Yoongi put his hands to the hem of your panties silently asking you to raise your hips and you did allowing him to pull them off.
You let out a yelp when Yoongi pushed your thighs further apart so he had a full view of your leaking core.
You let out a low whine of embarrassment trying to close your thighs a little but Yoongi had a strong grip.
“Sorry I’m staring, your pussy is beautiful though…” 
You immediately brought your hand up to your face not believing the words coming out of his mouth.
“Yoongi shut up!” You said from behind your hands.
Yoongi laughed a little bringing his head down, you nearly moaned at the feeling of his breath on your core.
“Please.” Was all you whispered out, so beyond desperate for some sort of relief you were clenching around nothing.
Yoongi’s tongue slowly licked up until he started slowly licking at your clit,  giving it all his attention.
You moaned, absolutely in bliss at the feeling, but you needed something more.
“Yoongi your fingers please…”
His cock twitched at that, hardening further at your words, did you know what you were doing to him?
He happily obliged, slowly slipping a finger inside you, pumping in and out before adding a second, stretching you out further.
As he kept up his assault on your clit, you didn’t think you’d ever felt an orgasm approach you this fast before, the familiar pressure building in record time.
“Yoongi oh my god – I think – I think I’m gonna come, please don’t stop, please.”
As he listened, knowing you were close he picked up the pace, pumping his fingers faster and sucking on your clit a little bit harsher.
“Fuck!” You half yelled along with a moan, turning your head to the side and closing your eyes as you let your orgasm wash over you, your whole body felt heavy as you came down, the whole time Yoongi’s tongue never left you slowly working you through it.
“Yoongi.” You said, breathing heavily. “Get back up here.”
You turned back as he slowly moved back up so his face was facing yours again a smile on his face.
You placed your hands on either side of his face, feeling like your heart could burst at the sight of the man in front of you, pulling his face to yours so you could kiss him rather than say something stupid.
Yoongi groaned a little as his hard-on brushed against you, he must’ve been in need of some serious relief.
You felt an immediate pulse of fresh pleasure at the thought of him getting hard at the action of eating you out.
“Yoongi…want…you to fuck me.” You said between short kisses.
Yoongi smirked at you.
“Really?” He asked feigning innocence and you honestly could’ve rolled your eyes at his teasing if you weren’t so turned on.
“Yes baby please, want you to fuck me so hard Yoongi and I know your big dick will fill me right up.” You said trying to sound as seductive as possible, you could play this game if he wanted too.
Yoongi just stared for a second as his brain buffered not believing the filth coming from you.
“Fuck.” Was all he said as he began kissing your neck again and this time you felt him fishing his cock out of his underwear.
Lining up at your entrance, he stopped just short of pushing in.
“Tell me how bad you want it baby and I’ll give it to you.”
Fuck he was going to be the death of you.
“Yoongi please, I need you so bad, need you to fill me up…”
And with that, he plunged into you bottoming out immediately.
You gasped at the pressure, your head falling back and your eyes almost rolling into the back of your head.
“Jesus fuck!” You yelled as he continued thrusting at such a relentless pace he had to grab you by the hips to stop your body from moving farther up the bed.
“Tell me what you want baby… harder, faster?” He asked, his breathing laboured as he tried to keep his pace up.
“Fuck yes oh my god I’ll come so fast like this.” You said your voice practically vibrating with how hard he was fucking you.
“Yeah?” He said his hand moving further up your body he stopped just short of your throat eyeing you up.
You had a feeling he was little too nervous to ask what he wanted but you knew just what was on his mind and you loved the idea.
“Yoongi choke me.” You gasped out.
“Please choke me a little, please? It’ll feel so good.”
Yoongi’s hip stuttered a little at your words his eyes widening in shock, he nearly came right there breathing deep, trying to compose himself.
“Yeah? Are you sure?” He asked.
You nodded like a crazy woman. “Yes.” You breathed out, not finding any more energy to speak, you could feel your orgasm coming.
His hand slowly snaked up your body until it was resting at your neck he slowly wrapped his fingers around it, applying light pressure.
“Baby... you need to tell me if it’s too much okay?”
You nodded at him again.
His fingers squeezed a little harder as he began fucking in you again as lightning speed.
You closed your eyes letting him choke and fuck you however he wanted, you were in a state of bliss as the familiar knot in your stomach was so close to snapping.
He didn’t choke you too hard always alternating between some pressured squeezes and releasing again.
“Feels so good.” You said when he eased up his pressure for a while.
“You wouldn’t believe how fucking hot you look like this baby…all spread out for me you’re so dirty baby, tell me... do the guys know what a little slut you are?”
You shook your head no.
“God if they could see you like this I think they would never recover.”
You weren’t sure where it came from but for a moment you pictured your 6 best friends watching you, and it sent you right over the edge.
“Yoongi I’m coming fuck, I’m coming!” You said as one of the best orgasms you’ve ever had tore its way through you.
Your core spasmed uncontrollably as you moaned, bringing Yoongi over the edge with you.
“Jesus christ.” He breathed out as he gathered up some strength to pull out of you and roll over to your side.
You laughed out loud as you turned to face him, unable to think straight you said the first thing that came to mind.
“That black eye still makes you look like a dumbass.”
It was Yoongi’s turn to laugh as you both tried to get your breathing under control.
“Come on, let’s get in the shower.”
You and Yoongi spent the rest of the day lazing around in his bed kissing and laughing, you had even given him a quick blowjob when you’d both gotten a little too handsy once again.
You didn’t think you could feel this way with someone but the absolute ease and comfort you felt being with him was indescribable.
As you both lay in his bed watching Netflix – although there wasn’t much watching – you heard the front door knock.
“Babe it must be the pizza, go open the door while I grab cash so he doesn’t leave.”
“I'm indecent!” You whined only wearing one of Yoongi’s shirts.
“Go give him a show!” He said winking at you as he went in search of his wallet.
You rolled you eyes getting up anyway not risking the delivery person getting fed up and actually leaving.
As you got to the door you made sure the t-shirt was pulled as far down as it would go.
You opened the door and swung it open “Hi can you wait –“
You froze.
Your eyes widened in shock.
You were standing face to face with none other than Jin.
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morgannwilsonnn · 3 years
I would be lying if i said i wasn't scared to start college in 12 day's. Even typing it makes me anxious, i don't think i have ever seen my own true potential in anything i have ever done. my doubt's and my fear's of what if have always held me back in some way and what is embarrassing is the fact that i have allowed it to become so normal that it has taken so much from me, it has degraded me made me feel like i wasn't worthy or smart enough or even capable.
See i didn't even finish highschool i got my GED after having my daughter at 16, i was the athlete everyone thought would make it but it was a shocker to them after that no one believed in me and i had a fire under my ass to prove them wrong even with a GED but then i dropped out of college and life happened i needed a job and a roof and from there i just got comfortable in what i did but even then it didn't feel like i was where i was meant to be. sitting behind a desk forever living life just enough to get by but never enough to do the things i wanted with my daughter. I looked for new job's with no luck and it made me feel even worse not good enough i felt stuck but i kept trying and even praying that this life wasn't what was meant for the rest of my life i somehow had to get out of the cycle and beat the statics of a single mom working 9-5 living on state for the rest of her life... then i got fired and lost my car almost lost my home i started busing tables even tho it wasn't nearly enough to pay all my bills i took turn running late on one or the other just to make it. Then i found i new job making 19 a hour but my first two days over whelmed me i didn't understand shit and how could i set myself up for failure i didn't believe in myself so i quit and went back to busing tables got pregnant had health issues and became a stay at home mom for going on two years now.
my life summed up over the last four years of my life.
being a stay at home mom has taught me alot about myself tho mainly that it is not easy and you fall into dark cracks sometimes so dark you're scared that you'll never resurface the cries become tuned out you forget that outside is even a place you cant help but cry as you wash dishes with no thoughts other then just feeling sad. you wonder if your kids would be better off without you because you feel guilty for being so comfortable with the feeling of frustration. but then you resurface and come back and say you wont go back but its like someone with a drug or alcoholic addiction you are bound to relapse back and it only gets worse but you hide it better each time you cry in the shower or when the kids are napping you sit up restless because your mind races. you start to feel like you have nothing to offer you completely forget your worth and what you can do your potential.
BUT everytime i tried to find a solution maybe i needed to set a goal to go out once a month or sit alone for a hour every day go to the gym go on a walk go shopping go to counseling and some how i still kept falling in between the cracks deeper and deeper.. i lost hope i wallowed that this was my life that i would never have my own life again but i had to love it because i loved my kids..
till one day i woke up and realized this person i have became over the last two years isnt who i have ever been. i am a strong working strong willed self determened women and the only thing that stopped me was me.
i remember sitting there thinking how bad i wish i could buy my own car again after watching tyler buy his the joy in his face made me happy but the sadness i felt because i didn't take a part made me want that happiness 100% to share TOGETHER. i started looking at my credit from when i lost my job it went to shit i use to have a 880 credit. and i thought what the fuck morgan... i told myself i would pay off one of the things as a starter to fixing my credit but once i made the first payment i cant explain how good it felt to know i wouldn't look back wishing i would have paid it then and it put a fire under my ass that i paid off three more things. that alone made me realize how it felt to have my own control over my financial freedom. i started thinking big after that and looking back into school for PTA 2 year schooling i could have finished that by now and been a PTA by the age of 20 instead of dwelling in my could have i realized instead how fast two years goes by so i started investing my free time on how to start college im not gonna lie i almost quit at the starting line but i didn't i started blowing up the schools phone asking questions more then once writing all over my notebook reorganizing it all on a new sheet and finally i would be starting school oct 18th..
but why would i wanna stop there when i could only dream of all these things in life a tahoe for my kids to have a nice car with back ac a nice house so they dont have to share a room anymore paying for sports clothes trips just because wanting to finish paying off the rest of my credit so i can do these things! i asked myself how bad did i really want it and i always knew i wanted it bad but just because you want something bad doesnt mean you get it so i asked myself how bad are you willing to invest in yourself... and that one caught me so i sat back for a few days exploring jobs and nothing fit my schedule so i gave up because not only that child care is 900 a week for one kid.. but then i got a text for a night time job working 6 hours from 6:30 to midnight .. i debated with myself about it because my man works till 5 some days i would never see him and only have sunday monday off but then i told myself invest and sacrifice now so i dont have to when my kids are older so i took it and granted i will be going to school part time 7am to 10am dropping my daughter off at school at 10;45 to pick her up at 2:30 and have time inbetween the time gaps to do her homework and mine as well as study before work at 6 i will be a tired beezy but i know it will be worth it three years from now. if i grind at night pay off my last two things on my credit start saving and graduate college all while showing my kids and man i can do it and i will do it not just for myself but for them because nothing in this life is impossible when you wake up and realize you build your own potential no one else and i for once in my life want to prove to myself how strong i am .
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
Can you write more about alpha Sander and him being friends with Senne? 
please write more of the abo au, im obsessed with the whole robbe/sander/britt. Like maybe a moment where robbe feels pushed over the edge? like he cant take anymore that sander doesnt choose him alone?
you could add Sander ending Britt and she for revenge looks for Sander again making Robbe see them making them separate, but then reconsider and come back.
Part 3 or 4, idk
Sander is not a good person. He cares deeply for Robbe, maybe he was impulsive when he bit him, but he doesn’t regret it for one second, Robbe is and will always be the one. The thing is: Sander sometimes likes to make dumb, dumb decisions based on nothing but his instant needs.
He needs to settle down already or to take it easy, but then he’s at a party, and Britt is constantly all over him, waiting for him to do something about it and they’ve been drinking together for a few hours, talking and flirting. And Sander is really not trying, but it’s just natural. Before he can think he’s already falling for the flirting game that Britt taught him to be a master in.
Like always, they end up stumbling their way to the second floor of Senne’s place, Sander touching the wall behind Britt until he finds an unlocked door that he opens and pushes her inside, locking the door behind him, quickly getting rid of his clothes with her help.
Robbe is not answering his texts or calls. Sander tries not to worry, but with every minute without an answer, he starts to get even more anxious. Why is it always like this with them?
Things with Britt were different last time. His body is still sore from all the scratching and for how long they went, so many rounds Sander lost count. Sander knows her well and she was very vocal about what she wanted, but that he can’t give her.
Sander doesn’t plan on being a dad any time soon. And when he said it was just goodbye sex, she was pissed. Britt is also really bad at hiding her emotions and Sander knew a thunderstorm was coming his way when he didn’t do as she wanted, but he was determined to stay as far away as possible from Britt from now on. For his sake and for Robbe’s, but it was too late.
Robbe knows about what happened, Sander feels it like it’s his own emotions. This is the worst part about being connected to Robbe: he knows the pain he not so accidentally caused.
He wasn’t planning on telling Robbe, even if it’s hard these days to keep any type of secret between them. Even though they’re in love, Sander doesn’t feel like he needs to tell his every action. Robbe knows how he is, this shouldn’t be a surprise. They’re young and have their entire lives to be together, Robbe is living his life too.
Please, Robbe, just pick up your fucking phone. Please?
Sander sighs, hanging up without being able to reach Robbe again. He almost goes to Britt’s place, asking nicely for her to stay away from Robbe, but there’s no point in that. The damage is already done. Sander knows she went to Robbe to try and ruin what they have.
Robbe is at his place, Sander can smell him, almost sure he’s right behind the door, choosing not to open it, but Sander needs to talk to him, so he knocks again, inhaling sharply, not totally comfortable in forcing Robbe to do things he doesn’t want to, but he won’t go home before they talk.
“Robbe, open the door.” He takes his hands off the door when he hears Robbe unlocking it, opening against his will, just because Sander said he had to.
“What are you doing here?”
Sander feels all his insides writhe as he sees Robbe after a few days. His eyes are red and swollen from crying, talking with a choked voice. “Robbe, you know that’s what she wants, that’s why she came here to tell you everything. You’re giving her exactly what she wants!”
“You? Yeah, she can have it. I’m not willing to waste my life for your love.” Robbe tries to walk away, but Sander holds his hand, keeping him close.
“You know you don’t mean that. I’m yours and you’re mine.” Sander puts his other hand on Robbe’s chest, where he feels the scar he left months and months ago. Not as a threat, but as a reminder that nobody else has this, they’re different.
“Why are you still fucking her then?” Sander sighs loudly, stepping back, still holding Robbe by his fingertips.
“Because! Robbe, we’re so fucking young. Do you really want to spend 50, 60 years just with me? Not knowing anyone else? Not living your youth because you’re stuck with me? You’re even younger, needs to live your life, we’re gonna be together in the end, no matter what.”
Robbe snorts, stepping back, shaking his head. “This is so much bullshit! What kind of thought is that? I don’t want just the end, I want all of it.”
Sander tries to think about what to say, but he just stutters, trying to understand what kind of feeling Robbe brings out of him. He’s never seen Robbe like this, so serious and hurt, and because of him. He never felt like this before, Sander doesn’t even know what this is.
Robbe looks down and Sander’s anxiety starts to get the best of him, making his ears ring. “Is it true that you breeded her?”
“What? No! Of course not!” Robbe is instantly relieved, but not at all happy yet and Sander just wants them to be ok. “We had sex, Robbe, that was it. I used a condom, I’m not that dumb.”
Robbe quietly pulls his hand away, walking to his kitchen in silence.
They’ve been playing this game of push and pull for too long, over a year and they went through some crazy times. Sander’s life changed a lot because of Robbe and their relationship. Anyone before and after Robbe was just fun, just a way to put his energy out, Senne went from a threat to his closest friend, knowing too much about Sander’s feelings for Robbe because, apparently, their smells are constantly mixed nowadays.
Only when he gets to the kitchen that he smells the pasta that Robbe was making, putting spices and cheese inside the pan, stirring a little too quickly. Sander walks carefully to him, resting his forehead against the back of Robbe’s head, pressing his nose against the nape of his neck.
“I’m sorry again. Always.” He whispers, trying to calm his breaths, closing his eyes and just enjoying being this close to Robbe, smelling his every emotion, even the bad ones. Sander will gladly accept all of them.
“I’m tired of your excuses.”
“I know.” Sander thinks that he can’t risk this, to hurt Robbe so much he gives up eventually. “Do you want me to stop? I won’t kiss anyone else, have sex with anyone else but you.”
Robbe stops stirring his pasta, looking over his shoulder after a second. Sander knows he’s offering a promise that’s hard for him to keep, but he’s more than willing to try if that makes Robbe happy.
“Would you?” He raises his eyebrows, turning his body slowly to face Sander, making him step back, already rethinking his words. “Not even flirting with people?”
Sander huffs a laughter, looking into Robbe’s eyes. “If that’s what you want, yes.”
Robbe’s excitement fades away a little bit and he sighs, shaking his head. “It’s not me who needs to want this, Sander.”
Sander steps back, not knowing what else to say or do to make Robbe believe him. “Fuck, Robbe…I know! Just give me something to work with.”
He thinks for a second, meeting Sander’s eyes again as he answers, “Yes. I want that.”
“So consider it done.” Robbe raises his eyebrows, his cheeks slowly turning a soft pink, his inside getting warmer, softer and Sander laughs, quietly coming closer again. Robbe and his feelings have just that much power over him. “Now, we can forget about the rest of the world and maybe eat something?”
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waitinginthedarke · 5 years
It Consumes Me
A BTS/Kim Namjoon Fanfiction
Summary: The minute he laid eyes on her he knew she was the one. But love is a battle of the mind and the heart, and when the voices in your head start winning, how can your heart possibly compete with a choice that consumed you before the very start…
Type: Angst/Love
Disclaimer: This story contains strong themes. Should a chapter be potentially triggering, it will be stated beforehand.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11
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Chapter 12
He’d heard your conversation with Yoongi.
Waking far earlier than he usually would after the troubled nights sleep he’d had following the interaction he’d overhead, he couldn’t help but sigh as he looked down and found you curled into his side, the way you were snuggled so closely into his ribs in an almost shy, fearful twist of your body causing him to frown in concern as he cradled you to him.
The sound of Yoongi’s deep, gravelly voice had woken him, the tremor of his words echoing toward his room from the kitchen coupled with the sound of your name catching Namjoon’s attention even through his sleep hazed mind, so that he ended up sat bolt upright, intently focused on the interaction going on between the two of you.
‘I know. …drink the glass of water.’
The feeling of exhaustion clawing at his body didn’t stop him from working out that he’d already missed half of the conversation. However, the more of the interaction he heard, and the more intently he focused on the fear twisting its way around your words, the more he felt confusion build within him.
               ‘Why aren’t you questioning me?’
‘The short answer?...I told Namjoon I’d look out for you.’
In his head he thanked Yoongi for sticking to the promise he’d made to him earlier that day, the words the older man speaks causing Namjoon to hang his head as he moves to sit on the edge of the bed to stop himself from falling back asleep, although with the thought that his friend might find out what was causing you so much anxiety, he found himself more awake than ever.
How did she still not understand how much he cared for her?
‘I was speaking to Namjoon earlier, and he seemed to have the impression that I wasn’t your biggest fan…I’m not entirely sure why, although it probably came from the fact that I was so tired last night I didn’t make the greatest of introductions-‘
‘He told me how he felt about you, how he thought you really were the one…’
‘But after seeing you for the first time when I got back yesterday, I couldn’t help but think he didn’t know what he was getting himself into.’
Why does he keep saying that?-
‘What do you mean-‘
‘I know, y/n.’
He felt his spine straighten, his ears pricking up as though if he strained them hard enough he’d be able to hear into Yoongi’s words and know what his friend was referring to, yet he remained sat on the bed, as frustratedly oblivious and anxious as ever.
‘I don’t want you to be afraid of me, y/n. …I just want to help….I’m here if you need to talk to someone, I-…I know what it feels like-‘
‘You don’t.’
Those two words stop him just as he goes to stand up from the bed and find you, knees braced as he hesitates in his movements, the steel-like tone of your voice ringing in his ears even through the corridor that separated him from you. The hint of fear that laces your words in the tremor that separates the two inoffensive words causes goosebumps to raise on his skin as he stares frozen at the back of his door, wishing he could see your expression.
‘I love Namjoon, Yoongi. That’s all you need to know. Don’t be under the assumption that you know anything more.’
He wanted to get lost in her confession to his friend, to unravel the meaning in the words that followed it, to try to understand just what he was missing, but instead he found himself sliding back into the bed as he heard your footsteps slipping back down the corridor toward him, assuming his best impression of sleep and forcing himself to remain still as he listens to you slip into the room, breaths quiet yet filled with anxiety as they rattle from your chest. The feeling of you slipping into the bed next to him brings about its usual heady feeling, the hesitation when you lie next to him confusing him, and when he feels your palm gently stroke his cheek, he cant help but turn toward you, eyes remaining closed as he finds your hand and clutches it softly in an attempt to offer you some comfort.
And then he hears your whisper.
‘I never want to see you get hurt, my Joonie. …I never want to see you suffer or know of the darkness of this world. As much as I know you’re trying to look out for me, I just wish for you to be happy, and to never see the bad side of this beautiful life. ….I love you…my handsome Joonie.’
The sound of you crying softly has his heart aching in his chest for you, but before he can feign waking up you’d already curled into him, and so instead he does the only thing he can think of and holds you tightly to him, not caring whether you thought he was awake or not anymore, just knowing that you needed him to hold you.
After a few minutes he felt you relax in his hold, the events of the evening succumbing you into the hold of unconsciousness…
….but for the rest of the night Namjoon lay awake, too scared to sleep with his thoughts so troubled by you.
It’s the smell of coffee seeping its way into your lungs that wakes you.
Seconds later your brain begins to register the smell of sleep and mint alongside it and the scent confuses you for a moment, before you register the warm hand holding your arm gently, and the feeling of his thumb grazing over your skin absentmindedly.
You flinch back from the light as you open your eyes, burrowing further into the body next to you and the minute everything returns to black you find your mind sinking into the sweet solace of sleep once more.
‘Are you awake, Beautiful?’
His voice swimming into your ears pulled you back up from being dragged under, the feel of his lips softly imprinting themselves on your forehead causing your eyelids to peel open so that you could look up and see the angelic face staring back at you.
‘Mmmmh.’ You murmur sleepily, shaking your head cutely as you attempt to rub the sleep from your eyes, covering your face when you think about how groggy you usually looked in the morning, but finding yourself smiling moments later as he gently pulls at your arms to try to get you to look at him.
‘Y/N…baby…Let me-‘
The frown immediately contorts your face when you hear his breath catch in his lungs, the abrupt end to whatever he’d been saying forcing you to peer back up at him, finding your expression reflected on his own face, his eyes fixed on your wrist where he was holding your arm as lightly as a feather, and you shuffle up the bed to try and see what he was looking at, taking a few moments to register the faint red mark circling your wrist.
‘Oh, I must have worn a hairband to sleep…or a bracelet- maybe it fell off…’ you mutter absentmindedly, feeling anxiety twist in your chest as you become aware of the fact that you both know the mark was far too large to have occurred from a bracelet.
Shit. Maybe it was from where Yoongi grabbed you.
You knew you were probably kidding yourself about the idea of the mark coming from Yoongi, but you still couldn’t help the dark path your thoughts took as you remembered the incidents of the night before, subconsciously rubbing the mark on your wrist, and completely missing the way Namjoon sat watching you, seeing how your expression had dropped and gritting his teeth against the tirade of anger that wanted to leave him over the thought that someone had hurt you again.
Why had you let yourself break?
Why did Yoongi have to catch you?
God, you felt disgusting.
You couldn’t let Namjoon see you like this.
Its just as you go to shuffle off of the bed to head for the bathroom that you feel his arm slide softy around your waist, touch gentle as though he thought you would bolt at any minute, and his tentativeness had you pausing in your escape to see what his intentions were, the voice in your head screaming distantly about how he could probably feel how swollen your stomach was.
‘What do you want to do today, beautiful?’
‘-And can I just point out that if you say you have to study, I would very much enjoy joining you….and I promise I really will let you study and not just distract you the whole time.’
The sentence is punctuated with a plush kiss being imprinted into the join of your shoulder and neck, his chest pressing into your back sending shivers rolling in waves across your skin as your mind mulls over his question in your mind, the feel of his frame encapsulating you in the warm moment forcing any concern or anxiety away from you as your senses focus on the feel of his skin on yours.
‘Have you got to work today?’ you ask quietly, voice coming out scratchy where your breath had been held in your throat for so long before, but just as you become aware of this fact, he’s gently brushing the hair away from your face so that he could press the softest of kisses to your neck and jawline, the feel of his smile against your skin causing your eyes to close and all of your thoughts to become consumed by the feeling of safety and love he made you feel.
‘I haven’t got anything scheduled till this evening, and that’s just a dry run for a performance we have tomorrow night. …So I’m all yours until then.’
You turn in his hold with those words, quickly catching his lips in a brief kiss, smiling slightly when you pull away a little and he tries to follow you, before your eyes lock with his and you press your lips to his once more, feeling his grip on you become more certain and needing.
The way your hand trembles slightly as you reach up to hold his neck goes unnoticed to you as you turn in his grip until you’re sat on his lap, straddling his thighs and feeling your cheeks heat and your head become foggy with lust as you slide your palms down to his bare chest. You couldn’t help but clench your thighs against his as his hands grip your hips, your own tying needily around his neck, and subconsciously you find yourself rolling your hips against his, breath catching in your throat as he groans deeply into the kiss.
‘God, you’re so beautiful. I could spend every day of my life looking at you, being with you and touching you, but I still don’t think I’ll get used to how beautiful you are.’
The words are muttered in between lips touching briefly and you find yourself taken aback by the way the morning light crept through his blinds and illuminated the curves of his face and the gleam in his eyes when he finally opens them to look back at you.
‘Why do you think im beautiful? I’m just like any other girl?’ you pant quietly, having been lost in continuing the curl of your hips into his, feeling the frown crease your forehead at his words despite the way your heart pounded happily in your chest…
‘…y/n…how could you think that?’
He whispers the words against your lips, his hands suddenly moving from your hips to your face, pausing the kiss you’d been consumed in and drawing your attention to the unwavering gaze staring back at you, the look forcing you to still as you tentatively stare back at him.
‘How could you think that?-‘ he repeats again, the look on his face telling you how serious he was in asking the question, the moment causing you to become even more confused.
‘Because I am. I still don’t entirely understand your life Namjoon, but every time I look at you I cant help but question why you’re with me. You’re handsome, smart, talented, angelic- you could have any girl you wanted,…and yet for some reason, you chose this ordinary, messy-headed, bookworm whom no-one else has ever batted an eye at. It doesn’t make sense for you to like me-‘
‘How can you not see how wrong you are?’
The whisper that escapes him cuts off your rambling, forcing your attention back to him where you’d been avoiding his gaze throughout your rant, the minute you see his eyes shining slightly causing your breath to catch in your throat as you question whether you’d said too much.
‘…y/n…I don’t know what it is that goes on in that head of yours…as much as I wish you’d tell me; tell me your worries and fears, as well as your passions and your dreams…but I know one thing for sure-‘
‘-you are the most beautiful girl in the world, and I will do anything in my power to spend the rest of my life with you telling you so.’
The way his thumb stroked your cheek as he spoke, his words becoming softer and softer as you continued to watch him, taking in each and every word he was saying, has you beginning to believe him, the voice in your head silent for once as you see clearly through the fog. When your fingers begin to subconsciously play in the hair at the back of his neck you cant help but catch sight of the way your wrist moves, the muscles and joints moving in harmony, skin stretching to accommodate your movements, and you marvel at the way, for the first time in a while, all you could see was your arm…just like any other arm, no excess of fat or ugly marks…just an arm.
Your name passing from his lips has you quickly turning your attention back to him, seeing his concerned expression mold into a warm, welcoming smile, and finding your lips curving upwards subconsciously as you respond in kind.
‘I want to spend the rest of my life with you too…’
‘So, does Murakami go into all that Oedipus stuff-‘
Up until an hour ago, you’d felt like you were really getting somewhere with your research, the pieces of Murakami’s work somehow perfectly lining up with the direction in which you wanted to take your thesis and the marriage of the two had you writing furiously in your notebook as you grinned at the computer in front of you, the reminder of a perfect score meaning you could get your dream job and prove to your father that you weren’t useless egging you on the whole time.
However, over the past 45 minutes there had been a second voice distracting you every ten minutes, constantly asking you questions and prying into your work as you’d struggled to string a coherent sentence together.
‘I’m sorry, I really will shut up now- actually, I’m going to run to the store, do you want a drink?’
‘That would be great.’ You reply, gritting your teeth slightly as you stare down at your notebook, stealing a breath and looking up to the man beside you, sighing when you register the stoniness of your voice and shooting him an apologetic smile when you catch him leaning on the back of his chair and watching you with concern.
‘Don’t be silly. I keep distracting you, I should be the one apologising-especially cause I said I wouldn’t.’ he murmurs, trying to keep his voice down out of respect of the people sat studying around you. You cant help but grin wryly at him as he winks at you from under his bucket hat, shoulders hunched into a duffle coat so that he was cocooned in a mass of black fabric, meaning there wasn’t a chance that anyone could recognise him.
‘How about we do something fun after I finish…I think I’ll probably only need another hour.’ You offer, feeling your heart beat double time in your chest when he leans over to you to touch his palm to your cheek, flashing a dimpled smile at you as he moves in to touch a kiss to your lips, lingering softly before pulling back, his face remaining close enough for you to smell his heady cologne.
‘Sounds like a plan, angel.’
‘Angel?’ you ask quietly, grinning at him and giggling when you manage to pry your gaze away from his lips long enough to catch his eye, seeing his instant regret from saying the word.
‘I should stick to beautiful, shouldn’t I?’ he asks, nose scrunching up as he cringes and you cant help but stretch up higher to touch your nose affectionately against his before pecking him on the lips.
‘I think beautiful is better.’
‘I’m going to miss you.’
‘Namjoon, its only 24 hours-‘
‘-yes, but that’s 24 hours too long, Beautiful-‘
‘Just-…I love you, y/n. …I’m allowed to tell you that I’m going to miss you…cause I am- I’ll always miss you whenever you’re not by my side.’
With your cheek cushioned against his chest as he hugged you tight on the street around the corner from your house your body could almost pretend that you were going to skip back through your front door and your mother would be waiting at the kitchen table, chopping vegetables ready for meals throughout the week.
But its in the grip that you have on his waist that knows that that was anything but the reality of what you were going to return to.
‘Do you promise me that you’ll come tomorrow?’
‘Namjoon- I told you, I promise-‘
‘I know, y/n, but-…’
You frown as you hear him hesitate on the words, lifting your head to look up at him and feeling your heartbeat stutter as you see his brows pulled together, eyes shifting to yours and you find yourself caught in a silent conversation for a second, his lips quivering as thought he was about to voice the concern you could see so evidently eating away at him. But its just as you go to pull it from him that he releases a heavy breath, and instead of saying anything he leans down to catch your mouth with his, his lips feeling meaningful and urgent, and you have to hold tighter to him to keep yourself upright.
‘Just…promise me you’ll look after yourself, beautiful. I don’t want you getting hurt again when im not there to save you.’ He huffs, pausing for breath, and you can feel his hands shaking where he was cradling your face, the raw emotion in his voice catching you off guard, and you pull back a little so that you could look at him properly, seeing him pause for a moment, almost as though he were preparing himself for something, before he opens his eyes to look at you and flashes you a warm smile.
Why did that one word seem so…scared? Why did it seem like there was something bothering him…something to do with you?
Did he know?
‘I promise, Namjoon…I’ll-…I’ll be there, I promise.’
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lovingikesen · 5 years
💕Cradlesona, yay! I decided to join the revolution because its a fun idea and nothing better that self-insert without feel shame about it (: thanks to @lovingsiriusoswald​ for the lovely idea and for encourage people to do this!
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Information (i actually wrote a lot, if you do read it let me tell you, you are an angel)
Name: Kat
Nickname: Kat (so creative xD but hey, actually the name is other but people always say it wrong so she changed it to Kat)
Birthday: 15th December
Age: 23
Height: 155 cm, a lil hobbit
Blood type: A mistery! probably Kyle can help, but wait, she hates needles so nope.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Between light brown and medium brown
Accessories: Some tattoos and ocassionally flower rings
Features: Light freckles
Illness: None chronic but its propense to get ill
Affiliation : Neutral 
Occupation: Poor girl doing her best (visual artist).
Ray Blackwell:
Best cat lover fella. Will feed, adopt and pet every single cat they can. They builded a refuge for them together, she take care of it and Ray will come by on his free time
Sirius Oswald
: what a babe she thought, since then has a deep crush on him. Will always blush and awkawrdly laugh around him.
Luka Clemence:
Good friends, they like to escape crowded places together to be in peace. A lot of bake together and long chit chats
Seth Hyde:
Have you ever hear about extroverts adopting introverts? Thats Seth. He is the reason why she met the Black Army. Pretty close.
Fenrir Godspeed:
Never.let.them.together. He will do anything stupid and she will say ‘why didnt occur to me first?’ and join him.
Lancelot Kingsley:
Is a little bit afraid of him but shares his fear to needles.
Jonah Clemence:
Let the sassy competence start. None of them will shut up until someone separate them. Secretely thinks is a good mom of the Red Army.
Edgar Bright:
Thinks is more scary than Lancelot but always share candies, theres always space for a sugar lover. Will share tips of which candie store is better.
What an angel. Will drink orange juice with him at parties.
Kyle Ash:
Friends. He may not be a veterinarian but she will ask for help or books related to animals so she can take care of the cats. Occasionally drinking buddies.
Blanc Lapin:
A pure gentleman. A lot of tea parties together with Oliver. 
Oliver Knight:
who has the sharper tongue? This happen only with him but besides that they get along pretty well. Always mess up Oliver’s inventions, she cant help it, her hands are made of butter and everything slips.
Harr Silver
: Met him on the forest thanks to Blanc. Long talks and shares about magic.
Loki Genetta:
Do not step closer with that fish. She dont like fish, she dont eat fish, please return it to the river you savage. Besides that get along pretty well, he will always made her company on long walks trough the city or the forest. Of course will go to the cat refuge with Ray and will help them to take care of them. You can say the three of them are the founders of it.
Super quiet at first but once you break that wall will never shut up, please somebody stop her.
Curse her sarcastic nature.
Can laugh at everything and will constantly make jokes about everything, please help her.
Good listener, feels bad when people is sad so will always try to help and made them feel better.
Actually is really calm but will have some burst of energy every since and then. 
Will never tell you something is wrong until cant take it anymore. 
Pretty optimistic
Even if she is wrong it wont tell you until some days has passed.
As introvert it will need time for her own. Gets emotionally tired with too many social events, likes to have time to herself
Gets distracted really easily and is really obssesive with the cleaning. Do not mess with her system of cleaning please, it will made her anxious, and yet her room is a disaster. What a curious creature.
Can be impulsive and reckless
Family and History
Blanc brought her from the land of the reason when she was little and lost. He found her adoptive parents to keep her safe from the Magic Tower. On the day that went dark her parents dissappear. Blanc has secretely taken care of her. Basically his dad.
Good at studying bad at school. Study art and has made it as a freelancer, giving her enough to maintain her and the cats.
After being independet began to study veterinary. 
Natural curiosity towards magic, thanks to Harr’s help has found a way to manipulate energy around her without using her own. A lot of foundations based on land of the reason magic. Its a secret between Harr, Blanc and her. 
Skills and Special Abilities
She doesnt fight but if she has to run for her life you bet she will run faster than anyone.
Really perceptive. May have the ability of a tactician too but she prefers not get involved.
...can paint xD 🎉🎉
Paired with: Sirius Oswald...soon
Life in Cradle: Her life is her job and the cat shelter. Will spend a lot of time with the Black Army because of Seth and Sirius, occasionally will help with regular duties on black headquarters when it can. Will help Harr and Loki go against the magic tower in the shadows. Papa Blanc is not happy about it but trust that with Harr nothing bad will happen. Go to @lovingsiriusoswald tumblr and search for the tag cradlesona! she has a guide to made your own, it was really fun 💖💖 you can search of what other people has done too 💕 
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yeoobiii · 6 years
Left Behind | Calum Hood
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Pairing: College!Calum x College!Reader
Summary: As you got lost in the crowd of concert, you bump into a boy, you’re kinda familar with and from there on you are kind of forced to spend the rest of the evening with him and his friends.
Word cound: 3.9k
Warnings: drinking and that’s about it, ig
a/n: I had this in my drafts for a while now and felt like finishing it. It’s my first 5sos related imagine. It’s a little bit cheesy and turned out fluffy. Remember, feedback and criticism is highly appreciated. Enjoy!
The music was blasting through the speakers, flashing a wave of energy through your body you didn’t even know you had left in you anymore. You were standing for about four hours now and usually you’d be totally exhausted by now but the adrenaline that was currently streaming through your body made you forget about your tired legs.
As the next hook was about to drop the people around you opened a big hole in the crowd and everyone was ready to jump in. You weren't usually the type to join mosh pits because they always got so chaotic and sometimes you were seriously worried about getting hurt. But right now, at the moment, you didn’t care. You took a glance to your left to find your two best friends nodding at you, signalizing you that they were about to join the chaos as well. You smiled one more time to yourself, enjoying yourself before the beat dropped and every one jumped into that mosh pit, including you.
It was over faster than you would have thought. At that moment, you were completely carefree and the music owned your body. You were jumping, screaming and dancing, like every body around you. At some point someone stepped on your foot and it stung for a second, but you got over it fast as the act that was currently putting on a live show, started to rap their second verse of the song. The crowd calmed down a little and most people were facing the stage again.
You turned around to check if your friends were alright. But as you turned, you couldn’t make out one of the two familiar faces that belonged to your best friends. You started to look around, starting to ignore the loud bass, the cheering crowd and the flickering lights around you, as worry started to build inside of you. You couldn’t see them anywhere. You got your phone out to check if they already texted you but you had no new messages. You tried to call them with little hope and also no success. You lost your friends.
You thought about leaving the hall and just wait until the concert is over to meet with them outside afterwards, since you knew you couldn’t enjoy the concert anymore anyways. Not like this. You turned around to leave, as you bumped into someone.
You quickly apologized and moved past them, until, you heard them calling your name.
“Y/N?” they shouted after you. You knew that voice so, you turned around again.
“Calum?” you guessed making your way over to the familiar stature of the young man.
As you got closer you could make out his features and it really was Calum, standing there in front of you.
“It really is you! What are you doing here?” he smiled, taking you in for a short hug.
This took you by surprise. You didn’t know Calum too well. You weren’t even sure if you’d consider him your friend. But it also seemed like he was pretty hammered. But you had to chuckle at his question. What were you probably doing at a concert?
Calum was one of your classmates. And that was about it. At least that’s what you think, how he’d explain the relationship between you two. On your side, the thing was a little bit more complicated. It all started out about one and half years ago, since you started collage. You figured out fast that you had almost all your classes with the curly haired boy. At the beginning, he was just one of the guys you went to school with. Nothing more, nothing less. But over these one and a half years, you developed a crush on him. And you hated yourself for it.
You mostly knew him from little group projects you had to do in class. Either only the two of you or in a bigger group, but you started to notice, that you liked spending time with him. Even if it was only for school related stuff. The two of you even started to talk more once during these one and a half years but that died down quickly with him telling you how he was about to hit up another girl. He didn’t hurt you with stuff like that, it was just a bit frustrating sometimes.
You were likely to not tell your crushes about the feelings or liking you held towards them. For some reason you were always just too scared of rejections and you always thought it would probably be really awkward between the two of you if you’d have ever told him. You also didn’t want for him to have this kind of power over you. You imagined plenty of times the pity full look he’d have on his face, while telling you that you were sweet, but he didn’t return your feelings. And the thought about that always managed to send a cold shiver down your spine and it maybe still kind of hurt you in some way. Even tough you would never admit that to yourself.
So, you managed to live with the fact that he was just a silly crush you had and that you’d get over it at some point, which leaded you to the situation you were currently in. Still, not over him and him treating you like one of his mates. And the thing that all of his three mates from school were kind of your friends as well didn’t help at all. Sometimes you even did hang out together. You liked his friends and you always wondered why your relationship with him can’t be as uncomplicated as the friendships with the rest of his gang was. If you’re with them, you always get a laugh out of each other. It also wasn’t that bad if you were with him and his friends because they kind of distracted you from his cute curls, muscular arms and contagious laugh, which you loved to hear. You also loved when his lips where formed into a smile that took over his whole face.
And now you were standing there, worried about your friends, a little bit drunk, bumping into that one person you didn’t really expect to bump into. Plus, you didn’t really have the nerves right now to deal with the mess you called your feelings.
“What do you think I’m doing here? Same as you, dummy.” you replied, trying to put a smile on your face and ignoring the anxious feeling that were currently creeping up.
“Oh, yeah, that makes sense.” he smiled, biting his lip and looking down at you.
“Yeah. But, ehm” your voice sounded more concerned this time as you tried to form your sentence, “You didn’t per chance saw my friends around?”
You turned on your phone as you wanted to show him a picture of them as you realized his head was already turned to the front again, not listening to anything you just said. As it wasn’t hard enough to communicate in all that screaming that was going on, anyways.
“Calum!” you called for his attention.
He turned to you, a drunken smile on his face. You showed him the picture of you and your friends.
“Have you seen them?” you shouted over the crowd that was currently going wild.
“Them? No, sorry. But she’s hot!” he grinned, pointing at your phone.
Well, that didn’t really help, but thanks for your input, Calum. You rolled your eyes at him. It wasn’t like you were already in a shitty situation.
“I’m gonna leave. Have fun.” you screamed over the music.
As you were about to turn your back at the tall boy, he called out for you again.
“Y/N, wait!”
He called you again so, you turned around again.
“You really wanna miss the rest of the concert?” he asked like he’d genuinely care, “We can still go and search for your friends after and you can stay with us if you want”.
His offer took you by surprise, the second time this evening. But the suggestion was really tempting, since you really liked the act that was currently playing and you were excited for this concert for about half a year now. So, you decided to quickly text your friends, that they don’t need to worry about you and that you found someone you knew and could stay with for the rest of the concert. You said you were sorry and that you could meet outside after. Putting your phone back in your pocket you turned back to Calum, who was loudly singing along, knowing all the lyrics.
“You know what, yeah, why not.” you smiled up at him, receiving a smile from him as well which made you a little bit week in your knees, but as usual, you ignored it.
As the evening was going on, you caught yourself enjoying yourself more and more. Calum had also friends with him. The only one you knew was a boy called Ashton. You had also some classes with him, and he was one of Calum's closest friends, as far as you knew. But there was another guy you have never seen before. He introduced himself as Dylan. At some point you even found yourself grounding your body against his, not spending one single though on Calum.
The main thing why you keep hiding your feelings for Calum, was because if he rejected you, you still had to face him every day and with that you’d be reminded of the embarrassment. But like this, with a guy you’d probably never see again or only if you wanted, it was easy.
Even though you had fun with him, you knew what he was after. You didn’t really have much experience on the dating front, but you weren’t blind. And it actually felt really good to be admired by someone. It gave you the feeling on having power, which was quite the opposite of how you felt almost everyday around your long-time-crush, namely insecure. So, you enjoyed every second of it.
As the concert was over, you almost forgot about your friends. But as soon as you were outside, you heard your phone ring. Just then you saw that you had twelve missed calls.
“Shit.” you mumbled to yourself, picking up your phone.
“Y/N? Where the hell were you?” your one friend was asking you, worry clear audible in her voice.
“I met some friends form school, I texted you guys.” you tried to explain.
Within the conversation with your friends, Dylan asked you for your tag to go and get your jacket for you. While your friend was telling you something, you searched for your tag, found it and handed it to Dylan, mumbling a quiet, “thank you”.
“Did you hear anything of what I just said?” your friend hissed at you.
“I’m sorry what did you say?” with your free hand you held your other ear closed, since it was still kinda crowded and with that comes the noise around you.
“We are already on our way home, Y/N.” sighed your friend.
“What? You did leave without me?” you started to ramble. Worry was building inside of you for the second time this evening on the thought of how to get home all by yourself. It was a good one and a half hour car ride until you were back home.
“Melissa got sick, she threw up on the toilets and I don’t think it’s because of the alcohol. I decided to bring her home, I tried to call you but you weren’t picking up.” she started to explain, you could hear out of the way her voice sounded, that she was sorry, “I even searched for you in the crowd for fifteen minutes but couldn’t find you anywhere and Melissa could barely stand, I had to do something.”
“So, you decided to leave without me?!” you hissed at her, genuinely pissed that your friends left you behind like this.
“What should I have done, huh. Tell me. Should I have let her practically die outside and come back to party with you?” she said sarcastically.
“No, of course not.” you rubbed your forehead, trying to figure out on how to get home yourself.
“Also, where is the problem, why can’t you go home with your friends form school?”
“It’s not that easy, V.” you tried to explain but couldn’t find any words on how to.
No one knew about your crush on Calum, since telling someone would make it become real. Without anyone knowing you could still tell yourself that your feelings not there or that they will go away in a magical way at some point.
“Well, it has to be that easy, Y/N. Except you wanna go home all by yourself.”
“Yeah, I know.”
As you took a look in the direction the boys left to get their and also your jacket you saw them walking towards you.
“I gotta go, V.” you cut her off, “Call me if your home safe, alright. Oh and you owe me.”
“Sure, same goes for you” she hung up, leaving you alone with Calum, Ashton and Dylan.
Last named just handed you your jacket, “There you go.”
“Thank you.” you smiled at him.
“Yo, Y/N” Calum begun, pulling your attention at him, “Where are your friends?”
All the boys were looking at you, waiting for an answer.
“Well, they already left.” you admitted to them, “is there a chance that the three of you have an empty seat in your car for someone like me.”
“I’m sure we can squeeze you in there, Y/N.”, Ashton chuckles as he put an arm around your shoulder.
“Thank you guys so much, really”, you thanked them, relieve washing over you, but you were still a little on edge because of the two men that were walking behind you and Ashton, “You really are my saviors.”
Next thing you knew, you were 60 dollars poorer and walking through a shabby train compartment looking for an opportunity to sit. Your legs were tired as hell. You finally got to feel that, since there is no adrenaline left in your body.
As you found a part in the train where the four of you could sit together, Ashton claimed it really fast as theirs.
“Didn’t I say we could squeeze you in?”, he grinned. A grin you’d like to punch out of his stupid face.
You didn’t even mind traveling by train. It was just that you were really exhausted. Plus, the short walk through the cold and fresh, night spring air, managed to get you sober again. So, now you were trapped in that train, with your dumb crush, a guy that still hope to get you laid tonight and an Ashton that didn’t seem to shut up and the saddest thing, you weren’t even drunk anymore.
The train wasn’t even running for ten minutes until you fell asleep leaning against the train window.
“Yo, this girl is fire and I’m so gonna get it tonight, guys”, Dylan cheered.
But he seemed to be the only one to find it funny how he was messing with a girl that couldn’t defend herself at the moment, because she was fast asleep.
Ashton only commented with, “If you say so.” And he was quick on looking back at his phone. And Calum, he was sending a death glare Dylan’s way. He hated how he talked about you and the fact that you couldn’t defend yourself, made him feel like he had to.
Calum didn’t really like the game that Dylan and you were playing the whole evening, anyways. As he spotted you on the dance floor in the middle of the crowd earlier this evening, he had to smile to himself. For some odd reason, it filled him with joy, watching you having a good time. But as soon as he spotted Dylan behind you, his smile was fast to be replaced with a frown. That should be him, dancing and laughing with you, he thought. But he probably must have messed up at some point of the evening. Why would you prefer to dance with stranger than with your friend Ashton or more specific him?
“Man, I need to take a piss.” Dylan suddenly said out of the blue, making Ashton getting up and joining him.
As Ashton already left to get in another compartment where the toilet was, Calum held Dylan back by his arm.
“Stop it, man.” he warned, glancing at him to make clear what he’s talking about.
“Why? You like her?” Dylan raised his eyebrows in amusement.
“N- No. It’s just… she has a boyfriend, man” he lied.
“Alright, man”, Dylan put his hands up in defense and left for the toilets.
Shortly after Dylan disappeared, following after Ashton.
“Why did you tell him I have a boyfriend?”, you suddenly spoke up.
Calum jumped at your words, since he expected you to be asleep. Suddenly he found himself in a position where he had to explain himself.
“Dylan just isn’t one of the nice guys” he explained quietly with his head down, not looking at you.
You didn’t know where you got the sudden push of confidence as you placed your head on his shoulder and tried to get some more sleep since you had another 30 minutes in the train ahead of you. Also, you weren’t really to keen on having a conversation with Dylan at this point.
Calum’s heart skipped a beat at your sudden move. But at the same time, it feels so natural for you to be close to him and sleeping peacefully. Its kind of calmed Calum down at the same time as it brought, for him, confusing feelings about you up, which he tried to push down for the whole evening now.
“Boyfriend, huh”, Calum heard Dylan say as he spotted you asleep on his shoulders.
As you were at the end station and you had to get out, Calum tried to wake you up softly. He gently shook you at your shoulders.
“We’re here, Y/N. Time to get out” he whispered softly.
As you opened your eyes and looked up at him you had to quickly orientate yourself. As it all came crushing down to you, you took your head off Calum’s shoulder, leaving him instantly missing it. You didn’t know why you got so close to him, but it confused you beyond believe. Why didn’t he reject you as you put your head on his shoulder?
As Dylan, Ashton and actually also Calum were meant to say their goodbyes, because you had another twenty-minute train ride ahead of you until you were home, but the rest of the boys were living in the city, you hugged Dylan and Ashton wishing them a good night. As you were supposed to say bye to Calum, you didn’t know what to do. Hug him? Shake his hand? Wave at him? You heard Calum speak up.
“I’m gonna come with you.”
“What?” your mind took a few seconds to process what he had just told you, “No, Calum, you really don’t have to. I’ll be fine, I swear.” You assured him, since bringing you home would take him another hour to get home himself.
“But I want to.” he admitted, glancing at you with a soft smile covering his lips. His looks made you go week in your knees.
“We’ll leave you to it, lovebirds. Goodnight.” Dylan and Ashton said their goodbyes one last time, turning on their heels and walking into the opposite direction of where you were standing.
“Why?” you asked, your voice almost inaudible.
“Because.” was the only explanation you were getting out of him.
You decided to not further protest and just let him bring you home. For whatever reason he was doing it.
Your second train ride was manly quiet and filled with silence. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, thought, like you had expected it to be. You didn’t know what it was but something changed between the two of you. As you were looking out of the window, making out the few little lights of people’s houses, where they were still awake, probably watching TV and watching the sky, where you could make out a few little stars, since it was cloudy that evening, you could feel Calum's glare at you. It practically burned itself into your skin. It felt like if he would dare to look away from your slightly blushed cheeks, curvy eyelashes and at the way your nose was shaped, he’d die in an instant.
From time to time you send him a glance yourself, allowing your eyes to meet. You couldn’t hold the glare long, though, the butterflies in your stomach getting the best of you. You didn’t know why, but you didn’t feel insecure around you anymore. You felt safe.
As you got out of the train, Calum insisted on walking you home as well. Even though you though it was too much, since he must be tired himself, he didn’t accept a no.
“You enjoyed the concert?” he suddenly asked out of the blue, his eyes meeting the concrete walkway underneath him. It almost felt as he was getting all shy on you all of a sudden.
“Yeah, except that I lost my friends, and they also went home without me, it was great!” you stated, making your voice sound sarcastic.
“Wasn’t that bad after all in my opinion.” Calum commented, sounding sincere.
“No. No, it wasn’t.” you admitted. A small smile was forming on your face at the thought of how your evening went down since you lost your friends. It was definitely something you were expecting form yourself but it was fun. You told yourself to do stuff like that more often, without the part of losing your friends.
As you were standing in front of your door, the mood was tense. You didn’t know how to thank Calum properly for accompany you this far.
“I had fun tonight, Y/N.”, Calum admitted, breaking the silence.
“Yeah, me too.”
Last thing you knew after a few long seconds of silence, was Calum starring at your lips before his were directly connected with yours. It wasn’t like you weren’t already surprised enough about how this evening turned out, this action tops it all.
As you were over the first shock, you kissed him back. It was an innocent but still a pure kiss. And you didn’t want it to end. All the weeks, even moths of admiring this boy from the far and now he was kissing you. At that moment nothing seemed important, except for the two of you standing there. The thought of Dylan vanished your mind a long time ago and was replaced with Calum and Calum only.
As the two of you broke apart, Calum was the first one to say something.
“Tell me, Y/N. Why are we doing this only now?”
You pressed your forehead against his, smiling. At this moment you felt nothing but happiness. It was a feeling you haven’t witnessed this strong in quite a while.
“I don’t think you have a train back to the city until five in the morning.” you informed him, slightly giggling, “Wanna stay over?”
“I’d appreciate that.”
You opened your front door, stepping inside.
“You’re sleeping on the floor, though.”
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fisherfurbearer · 5 years
tw invert death
I fucked up.
Eight spiders are dead. I haven't gone into work for a couple days again. I thought I was getting better, but I'm really not. I've become the type person I hate most. I can't keep doing this.
I thought I had my life worked out after everything thats happened in the past four years, but it's not okay. I can't pursue that life after I've let eight of my ffucking pets die by my neglect. I can't fucking do this. It's not right. I'm a terrible person but saying that doesn't bring them back. I can't fix this. It's a vicious cycle and I don't know what to do and I feel like driving off a bridge.
Everything felt like it was getting better. I thought it was. But what felt like 2 days was 2 months and my work schedule was 12-9 pm for so many weeks and I was too tired (or obsessed with stupid, pointless things) to do anything on my days off and they just. they fucking dessicated. Anytime I was reminded they need to be fed, I got horrible chest pains and anxiety even though I loved them so much before. How did it get like this? They were / are my little babies before...and then they became another source of extreme anxiety. I guess everything did for a while. I fell into a horrible suicidal depression for a few months after the fire and dealing with my mother. N O T H I N G made me happy, not even my pets.
But everyone was alive and I did bare maintenance for a long time and it felt like that was enough for a while and then I just. Hahaa. It was when I was feeling Genuinely Happy, my new medicine was working, I got accomodations and help set up at my job, I accepted I can't go to college anymore and that's okay, I moved on, I started planning for my new future, , I started fixing the vivariums and the plants that died and I was taking care of the roaches again and I was getting to work and not breaking down about it,,
But at the same time I was so happy it felt like a day or two was passing by but the calender would be three weeks behind and the Ts werent fed at all and if I thought about them it made me feel horrifically guilty and ANXIOUS and then it spiralled out of control and then yesterday I just said fuck it i need to see them i need to care for them NOW no matter WHAT andd then i found them eight of them are dead conte is dead lucy is dead and boopus is dead (woth a roach still hiding in tjere how did that happen) and the smallest ones are all gone
i have...10 left...
its been getting so hot inside that a lot of them started molting and then i think that made it worse and then the smallest ones didnt make it and its my fault and i cant bring them back and i csnt do this anymore its not fair to tje ones that are alive i thought i could take care of them i thought i could. before i got really depressed id take care of them 2-3 times a week, id look at them every day, id talk about them nonstop and spend so much of my money and time just improving their enclosures and their care and adding to my roach colonies for them and think of new ways to make their lives better
and then i became this. i thought it was ok for so long that when it stopped being ok, it still felt like nothing could go wrong but then it did.
it kills me tje most because just a few days ago i was talking about all these Big Nice Wonderful things that made me happy, and in the past couple months I've felt so at peace and happy and alright, but I still wasn't okay at all I guess I still wasn't fine and they suffered for it and I can't bring them back
God I don't know what to do
They're gone. They're just gone. I can't keep doing this. I don't know what to do.
Sprry for so much negativity on this blog and so much radio silence. I think I'm just. Done, is all. Just done, now.
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fuck-customers · 6 years
Very long
I quit my job without notice back at the end of June. No, I didnt walk out of my shift. I came in, worked my shift fully, and then clocked out and gave them a notice of immediate resignation. It wasn't something I wanted to do, but I ended up backing myself into a corner and wasn't left with an option. Backstory - I had worked there for 2 years as a cashier, and was growing to more and more desperately loathe it. I am not a sociable person, I have several mental disorders that make dealing with people in general rather difficult, let alone having to do it as part of a job. I was able to do it rather well for a long time despite all of that. I had always rode my job like rising tides - times when I loved it, or at least tolerated it, and times where I almost quit and never looked back, but during those low times, made an effort to change how I was thinking, and rode the wave again. Only, towards the end, things just got so so bad, that despite my usual tricks and efforts to get back to handling my job, I couldn't. For me, I can handle shitty customers, or I can handle shitty coworkers (and management) but I cant handle both at the same time for a very long time. And with new management, i was sinking fast. We had gotten a new store manager from another store, that everyone basically hated. We had about half of the other store transfer to ours to escape him, and when he came he brought his entire possey with him. I didnt really fit in with it, nor did i really care to. So i was treated condescendingly, like I was new, like I was stupid, and didn't matter, by him, the store manager. I have a boatload of stories, even so far as to be unable/afraid to use the bathroom during desperate needs, because of him, and almost losing my job because of a flu and Facebook, but it'll make this drag out further than it already will, so maybe I'll talk about it in another post. And then my coworkers, for whatever reason, started being extremely rude and unhelpful. People in different departments would all but tell us cashiers to fuck right on off when we needed something, even if it was a simple price check or to bring up a fucking pineapple. (It wasn't a big store so it's not like I was asking them to go from one corner of Walmart to another.) Even worse was that they started treating me like I didnt know how to do my job. I would call back to produce to tell them that a sign was displaying the wrong price, and if they could fix it, and I was met with rudeness and insistence that I wasn't using the right code. That company is very produce heavy. I rang up every single type of tomato we sold every day. Almost every single order had one type or another. Roma and on the vine were the most popular. Im telling you the price is displayed wrong in your department, and you're just going to tell me to give them the price the customer asks for (not what I asked nor do Ineed your permission for that) and then yell at me that I'm using the wrong code like I dont type in 4664 almost every order every shift for 2 years? Fuck yourself Anyways, as I said, I started hating my job a lot. I knew I was reaching the point of no return, so I tried to switch departments. First, I did it the way you're supposed to - applying for it, and then telling management you were interested. I had another manager over my shoulder helping me with the application, as I had never done one as an employee before. When I went to go talk to the manager who was over one of the departments I applied to, she told the manager that helped me that I wasn't a good worker because I "wandered". I will admit to my faults, but if theres one thing I have never done, it's fucking wander. I confronted her about it and told her i didnt think that was fair, and she basically acknowledged me, but ultimately blew me off. How do I know? Because when I asked her about it again, she told me that she had checked with HR and that my application had mysteriously vanished. Yes, an online app, mysteriously wasn't there. She told me to check myself, so I did. The status of it said "submitted - not chosen". I let it go because it was clear she didnt like my work ethic and needed to lie about it. So giving up on the proper methods, I tried a different tactic and went to the manager who helped me with the application, who was over one of the other departments I wanted to work in - Grocery. I have a years experience stocking at fartmart, and they're a lot tougher and harder about stocking than this little store I was at. I jumped at every chance to get off register and be there. I asked the higher up manager about openings in the department every. Fucking. Day. EVERY. COCKSUCKING. DAY. I asked him about openings in grocery. Always met with nothing, they weren't hiring yet. As an extra measure I told the immediate manager over that department and that department only, that I was ready to help. Well, another thing is that I had told basically everyone that I would like to be a supervisor over the front end, a head cashier. I was really gunning for it hard. Even if it was still cashiering, it would be different, and at least I would have greater money handling and supervisor experience to help me at another job eventually, right? Well, I ultimately ended up backing off, because one of the requirements for being a HC was a 100% open availability, and due to having spawned my own child, I didn't have that anymore. ... ...Only to find out that two of my coworkers had been promoted to part time head cashiering. I was greatly upset. I was told that that wasn't a thing at all, and then suddenly it is, for everyone but me. And... literally the only person who would take me seriously about getting off the front end was the dairy manager. I was very forceful in telling him that I would seriously love to work for him in dairy. He told me he already had someone working in his department, but that he didnt know if it was going to work out, so he would talk to her and get back to me. Well... back to the grocery thing.... One day I walk into work and I hop on register. Partway through my shift, i look up, and i see the direct grocery manager training a new employee. I'm immediately and entirely baffled and filled with hurt rage. Then while I'm trying to process what I'm seeing, I'm told that theres a new cashier that's coming in to be trained as a HC. Yeah. In disbelief, I go on my break and find the dairy manager and ask him if he had talked to his subordinate. He had, and he regretfully told me that she was going to try to stick it out and make things work. He couldn't give me a job someone else had (which I genuinely dont hold against him - he's the only pure soul in this story, the only hero that tried for me). So as I go to go to the breakroom, I see the grocery manager walking with yet another higher up manager that I didnt talk to much. Grocery manager said hello, and I immediately confronted her, "so I see you hired someone new. What's up with that?" She then gave me some stupid half ass story about how she didnt think I was serious and thought I only wanted extra shifts in her department, not to switch depts permanently. WAIT, IT GETS BETTER. The higher up manager walking with the grocery manager pipes up right after she had given me that lame excuse with, "oh, nope, [my name] HATES being a cashier". All of that happened in one day, in the span of less than half an hour. After watching all of my prospects for off of the front end hell vaporize before my very eyes, I went to the bathroom and cried my eyes out for like 15 minutes. Just really, really sobbing. And after that, after all of that, I just couldn't take it anymore. I tried so hard to hang on, but I couldn't. My attitude with customers got bad, no matter how hard I tried to be mindful. I started slipping up and forgetting things and making stupid mistakes, and started getting in trouble with management due to customer complaints. I felt awful, because I truly wasn't trying to be mean, I was really trying to hold onto things, but I could no longer manage to hide the fact that I thought the customer was an idiot for asking me if I was open as I actively served customers before them. I couldn't conceal my seething hatred as people bombarded my register and got in my face before I had a chance to even log in. I developed what I believe to be stress induced IBS, where I ended up having to spend time in the bathroom EVERY DAY, and nothing helped it. It was especially bad in the mornings, and since apparently cleaning all of the front end during closing meant I was a wanderer, I was pulled off mids and closings and was forced into doing nothing BUT morning/opening shifts. Thought it was coffee causing my tummy upset, so I switched to energy drinks. Still had the issue. Thought it was caffeine, so i stopped drinking it altogether and just dealt with being tired. Didnt stop the issue. Started taking medicine. Still didnt stop the issue. I developed a late problem because sometimes I would be on my way out the door, only to have my stomach cramp and have to go back inside to the bathroom. Not being able to have caffeine became an issue because I got so anxious and stressed and depressed about my job, that in addition to stomach issues, I developed insomnia that I'm still battling, 2 months after the fact. It got to the point where I would be in the shower getting ready for work and I would be daydreaming about falling down the stairs and breaking my leg or arm so I wouldn't have to go in. It got to the point where I would be on my way to work hoping someone would t-bone me so I wouldn't have to work my shift. I had gotten suspended on my birthday in November 2017 while I had the flu, literally right after having to argue for my job and being told I was already taken off the schedule. I was on my second suspension in June 2018. I had 1 more point before I would be fired, and I ended up being late by exactly one minute on June 23rd because of my stomach issues. That day, I clocked in, found the store manager on the floor, and waited to talk to him. He stopped his conversation with another employee to ask me what I wanted, and I told him I had an attendance issue I needed to talk to him about. He didn't say it in the exact words, but he essentially told me to fuck off back to my register and ignored and dismissed me entirely. So I quit that day after my shift. It was either that, or wait to get fired. Looking back there was a lot i should have done differently - i probably should have tried to talk to my managers more an be more open about my physical issues that had started, at the least, despite their open disdain for me. But more than that, I should have just applied for another department in a different store and transferred out. I would probably still be with the company, and marginally happier. It was probably a good month before I could even drive past the place after quitting without having a panic attack. Quitting like that was not something I ever foresaw myself doing. Fantasizing about? Of course. But seriously? Never. And I felt, and still do, feel bad about it, even if most everyone there can go suck eggs. So why submit this all this time later? Why not right after it happened? Well, I thought my last paycheck and vacation and etc had been direct deposited into my account for my last paycheck all those months ago. But on Friday Sept. 7, while I was two states away in a Walmart, I got a call from them. It was surreal, given that I had had similar dreams that were, you know, dreams - but I answered, and it turns out that I have a last paycheck waiting for me there. I guess as revenge they waited 2 months to tell me I had money waiting. I had mostly gotten over the whole thing, and was even feeling a bit of rose tinted nostalgia... but the thought of actually having to go in and get my paycheck and face all those people and relive everything in stark detail is fucking me up. And I know I'm not going to have a good time when I actually do go get it. I feel miserable and anxious all over again. I want my money... but I dont want to have to see them or be in that place ever again. :/ (Apparently we cant tag through the app anymore? What?) Anyways... thanks for reading.
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