#so when harper is a guy when all these other dynamics are happening around him. he can have a littol bit of gender going on. As A Treat
valgreaves · 1 year
i tend to play exclusively as m!devon and f!harper to honor The Versions Of Them That Live In My Brain but i'll admit the concept of m!harper intrigues me. men who are just like their mothers...
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soullessjack · 2 months
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1) honestly jody and donna , i know they aren’t entirely canon but both actresses support the idea and that’s good enough for me ^_^
** secondary is jack/harper i LOVE them and we deserved to see more. #letjackfuck2k24
2) rowena and jack!!!! i see their dynamic as an aunt/nephew type thing and I love (almost) every time they’re together (omitting the time jack witch-napped her to bring back Mary). I wish we got to see more of them </3
3) Sam and Amelia. usually i can handle the show’s bad moments as enjoyably bad but season 8 was paint-drying levels of boring. Amelia was a bland nothing-burger of a character and the rest of Sam’s normal guy arc did absolutely nothing for him or the season
4) hmmmmm….. not sure I have one actually 🧐
5) JACK <3 my most special boy in the entire world i love him more than anything ever Even my other special interests and fixations 😭 he’s been deeply important to me for 7 years now and probably will be for the rest of my life!! I self-ship with him and plan on getting several tattoos for him and hopefully I’ll be able to meet Alex again someday :3
6) Lucifer/Nick, hands down. Lucifer stopped being an interesting villain to me around like S7 or so honestly, and every time he got brought back it just felt like such a lazy move from the writers or a painful excuse to keep mark on the payroll
7) something that should’ve happened…very broad question for this show. Destiel should’ve happened, a better finale should’ve happened, some deleted scenes and scripts should’ve happened, Jack being covered in more blood and maybe having a longer lasting ‘villain’ arc should’ve happened …many such cases
8) something that shouldn’t have happened…again, many choices, but to save time I’ll just leave it at Nick’s entire character. besides (see #6) he straight up shouldn’t be alive. Dean shot him in the head with the Colt all the way back in S5 lmao
9) hmmmmm……i think my entire blog is full of rare (if not downright unpopular) opinions, but if I had to choose one that is Extremely rare, I’d go with this one: Dean is one of Jack’s dads. As frustrating as his initial behavior is, he does grow past it, and he puts genuine effort into being a better mentor/father figure to Jack—not only because he does care about them, but also because he literally could not forgive himself for how he acted and wanted to make up for it as much as he could.
obviously they do have a very complicated and rough relationship, but that’s literally every other relationship on this show, and it’s kind of agitating that they aren’t given the same nuance or understanding that the others get—especially when half of the discussions surrounding it can be boiled down to “bad man mean to helpless baby” (which is another thing on its own but ill stop here). I don’t mean this as an excuse or apologia for Dean’s behavior, but when you consider that he’s a severely traumatized person with a relatively small support system and a canon tendency to verbally abuse/emotionally distance himself from people as a coping mechanism (literally what he had a breakdown over in Purgatory) it’s a little easier to understand it.
everyone is quick to talk about how he said “Jack’s not family,” but nobody paid attention to the fact that in the script, he’s mildly horrified at Jack agreeing with him (if you truly meant an insult, wouldn’t you’d want the target to agree?). or that after jack restores the world from chuck’s damage, Dean not only fully expects/wants them to go back to the bunker with them (IE continue living there) but he also literally fantasizes about buying jack a big screen tv and recliners for saving the world. so id love if the fandom ixnayed on the “uncle” shit. ironically the only one of TFW to actually be Jack’s uncle is Cas, biologically
alternatively for a rare opinion: i want jack kline biblically, carnally, horrendously, homosexually, expeditiously, and so on and so forth.
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vechter · 4 months
for the “top 5” ask game! -> top 5 characters/relationships, top 5 books or quotes, top 5 songs, and top 5 smells :)
omg this is gonna be soooo difficult ily for asking me soooo many <3
1) dick grayson my absolute fav boy ever. his brand of mental illness and neurotic control-freakism captured my heart n soul unfortunately and i have been unable to be normal about him since (in that, i, too, am like bruce wayne). he learned to walk on sawdust, his first word was rube! he was never going to be a normal, well-adjusted, white picket fence guy. he's a performer, and even those closest to him fall prey to his act. he had the worst imaginable thing happen to him as a kid and one man saved him from that grief eating him alive (could u be normal about ur pseudo-father/brother/mentor figure if he did that for u?) and he will spend the rest of his life making sure the same doesn't happen to anyone else. 2) roy harper my fav dad ever. his daughter saved him from the worst of his impulses. when ollie was dead, he liked to pretend ollie was off on another road trip and then just got mad that ollie left him behind. as usual. his aim is true and so is his heart. he doesn't miss. everything is a weapon in his hand. he loves lian more than anything in the world. he will do right by her. he can't help but love the mother of his child bc where would he be without her? 3) dick grayson and bruce wayne you've seen my web weaves i am not normal about their relationship. they're both changed irretrievably for knowing each other. it isn't always for the better. sometimes, nightwing is the only thing i think i did right. you make a vow to a man like a god when you're a grieving, orphaned kid and you devote yourself to it to a degree it's debilitating. you will never recover from that kind of devotion. dick used to make him laugh. after the fight. you look at your robin, forever your boy, your son and you miss the times when you were the dynamic duo. it's hard to be around each other for that. your father has never let go of anything without leaving claw marks. i could go on and on sadly 4) dick grayson and donna troy you've loved each other your whole lives. you think you were born knowing each other. no one can hurt you or love you the way they seem to. losing donna broke something fundamental in dick. he walked her down the aisle on her wedding day. he loves her in each and every universe because she's donna. platonic, co-dependent, insane. truly the dynamic of all time. 5) cassandra cain. you are your father's daughter. but you are also your mother's daughter. you would choose being perfect for a year over a life-time of being mediocre. you killed a man when you were a child and you will never forgive yourself for it. you will save anyone, even if they don't deserve to be saved. especially, then. some people can't tell where it hurts. they can't stop howling. character of all time truly i stuck to dc for this but honourable mentions to those in other fandoms: shiv roy, succession- she is her father's daughter and it's the worst and best thing to happen to her. her entire world of a father.
clarke griffin, the 100- sometimes there are no bad guys, just good people making bad choices. you save your people, over and over. it's a thankless job. but you do it anyway. you are a doctor and a killer. you know which one you don't want to be.
elena gilbert, the vampire diaries. what price are you willing to pay for those you love? is there a price that is too high? would you even know it? you are a girl monster doppelgänger. your story was always going to end this way.
percy jackson. i imprinted on him as a teenager and he will always have a soft spot in my heart. angry boy with a heart of gold. the sea takes.
sally draper and betty draper, mad men. when sally said "i am so many people" i fear she changed my brain chemistry irrevocably. i will never be normal about her or her dynamic with either of her parents. i'm going to do quotes bc i truly don't think i could pick 5 books. i wouldn't even know where to start but here are some quotes in no particular order:
"Sometimes I see the real God, in a wide-hemmed butcher’s apron, wiping his hands and trembling. It’s your cut, he says. Fry it, eat it raw. I don’t care. My line is too long for these kinds of games. Look behind you. All of those people know what they want.”
— mike young, none of it grace
Sometimes you get so close to someone you end up on the other side of them.
— richard siken
the worst thing about love is i remember it. i walk around all day thinking: i’m going to die in the universe you loved me in. i get so jealous of euthanized dogs.
— june gehringer, i love you, it looks like rain
I am always moving toward you. On my bad days, I say to myself: “then you.” Sure, this now. But then you.
— trista mateer, “laugh lines” in the dogs i have kissed 
So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay.
— robert frost, nothing gold can stay
phew. that was way more difficult than i anticipated. there are so many that I think about way too often. top 5 songs is unfortunately impossible for me to do. i avg 150,000 min listening to music on spotify for my wrapped. i spend way too much time listening to music, and even if you asked me to pick based on specific categories like top 5 rap songs, top 5 songs that give you immense nostalgia, top 5 songs with phenomenal lyrics, etc, i would be stunned into immediate mental paralysis i just can't sorry ily
top 5 smells, in no particular order:
the smell of petrol (i knooow but something about how sharp and overpowering it is. it just hits right somewhere), clean sheets (u know when u can smell how crisp and fresh they are? even without a strong-smelling detergent), emblem by mont blanc, daisy by marc jacobs (i am forever lamenting they changed the scent slightly) and the smell of the first rain (i live in a mostly desert-y, arid city now so the way the ground feels and smells after the relief of rain, it's amazing, show-stopping even)
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happymeishappylife · 9 months
Books I Read in 2023 (Part 1)
1. Doctor Who: Web in Space by David Bailey
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Ice Spider captures ship, Amy, Rory, and Doctor land on and try to help. Also attacked by Robots who then capture Doctor and TARDIS. With help from Messy a cute plumbing robot, they escape, save the spider and the human crew.
2. Odd Interlude by Dean Koontz (Special Story in between Novels 5 & 6)
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I have to be honest, this threw me because it jumps back to invents prior to Book 5 fresh after Odd kills for the first time and while he is still trying to reconcile this it made the book hard for me. That and it’s the first and only time we’ve switched voices in the book and no offense, no 12-year-old, no matter how traumatized or amazing sounds like Jolie. Still it was a quick fast read and it explores a topic Koontz loves to visit in all his works which is Fort Wryven.
3. The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan (Book #2 of The Heroes of Olympus Series)
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What a relief to have Percy Jackson back in action. I mean I love this boy and who doesn’t when you have lines responding back to Gods like, “All roads lead there, child. You should know that.” Percy: “Detention?” There’s just something about this very powerful, brave, and heroic demigod, just not fully understanding the things he’s told and being jealous over not being able to turn into animals when he’s already destroyed a glacier and summoned a hurricane of power. Never change Percy. But also, what a delight to be introduced to such great characters in Hazel Levesque and Frank Zhang who are powerful demigods in their own right and instant family to Percy when he shows up to Camp Jupiter without his memories. I love that the three instantly click and have such a great dynamic with each other, despite the tragedies in all their lives and the immense trouble that brews throughout this book and is building in the series. I’m so excited for Camp Half Blood and Camp Jupiter to team up though, but I’m worried about Nico (though like Percy I kind of want to wring his neck for lying about knowing him) and I’m super worried about Annabeth even though I already know the spoilers and what’s about to happen. I’m not ready for it, but I can’t wait to read it.
4. The Musician’s Daughter by Susanne Dunlap
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Overall this was a good read. I had some trouble with it at times because it was set in the past and it was overall unclear how old Teresia was so some of the actions that she was put through seemed super creepy. Plus even though the story did revolve around helping the Romani and reestablishing some of their lost titles, there was still some prejudice there through the use of the words they shouldn’t be called, and while I can excuse the ‘bad guys’ in the novel for using. Teresia and even Mirela herself used it which showed the authors lack of understanding. Still, I liked how thrust into the grief and sadness at the sudden murder of her father, Teresia not only steps up to help her family but also herself and fight for what she wants and how she wants to live her life. Plus I’m glad nothing seriously happened to Toby because that would have been awful.
5. Labyrinth by Kat Richardson (Book #5 of The Greywalker Series)
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Picking up right where the previous novel ended, we join Harper as she arrives home from London to the comfort of her boyfriend and the chaos that is unfolding by the Pharoahn’s plans in Seattle. Half the book is Harper falling into danger either because people are looking for her or she throws herself into it. I didn’t always agree with her choices but I also felt her suffering the more in touch with the Grey she gets. Still wasn’t prepared for the ending though and I do wonder where it will go from here since this felt like the penultimate battle.
6. Star Wars: Children of the Jedi by Barbara Hambly
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It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to read more of the extended Star Wars universe but I forgot how much I missed it. I really do enjoy seeing what happens to Luke, Leia, and Han after the events of the main trilogy even if one of them is hurt, about to die, and just absolutely beaten up the entire novel, cough, cough Luke… But still I enjoyed the storyline where Luke, Han, Chewie, and R2-D2 are investigating the possible former living conditions of the Jedi before they were murdered and come across the next plot from former Empire elites to takeover control. Especially Leia story where she gets to be a bad ass fighting against this dark side child and his mom. Meanwhile Luke is having to stop a ship that was built 30 years ago from destroying the planet his friends on while its picking up a collection of aliens and indoctrinating (or trying to) into the next stormtroopers while one of his students is captured and threatened with execution. The only thing that irked me in the book was the romantic story. I had no issue with Luke and Callista being friends but the romance seemed forced and I was glad at the end that Han makes a comment about it looking more like siblings than romantic partners because it just felt weird.
7. The Spy Who Haunted Me by Simon R. Green (Book #3 of the Hidden Histories Series)
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Considering the absolute twists in tone and situations between the first and second book, I had no idea where this was going to go especially after a world ending fight in the last one. So a spy game solving all our favorite mysterious tall tales and creatures? It made it fun and still jammed pack because going from Nessie, Sasquach, a Russian failed experiment base, a disappearing US battleship, and Area 52 was a lot to take in. I’ll admit, I was sad that Molly wasn’t more in this book because she is a great character, but it was nice to see Eddie work without his family and his friends to see who he is when he’s alone. And he’s still a master spy but a pretty damn good hero too. Now, the one thing I’m learning is this series is Green’s way to relive all of his favorite characters from his finished series. First is was Giles and this time it was Walker which was interesting, but also I already knew 1, Walker didn’t kill the other spies but also 2, he obviously wasn’t going to die because John does that later. Still interesting to see the team up, plus I learned there is a full crossover book with the Droods and the Nightside later so I can’t wait to put Eddie and John Taylor together.
8. Stars of the Kanri by S.P. Dorning
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Picked this up because it seemed like a fun independent sci-fi story, but as soon as I read the dedication, I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like it because of the authors insistence that God put him in this story to tell His tale. And at first all was good (ignoring the first time writing mistakes), but as soon as we land on the planet it all becomes about how The Father of All will guide us and does these miraculous things and I was turned off. Plus the big secret that Mason is a robot isn’t really a twist at the end because it was made clear in the beginning what was going on. And also the people from the stars saving primitive lifeforms because they know better has been an overtold device that’s reminiscent of that colonization vibe and I can’t stand it. So definitely not picking up the sequel whose plot is given away in the epilogue.
9. Tesla’s Attic by Neal Shusterman and Eric Elfman
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Overall I enjoyed the premise, the plot, and the storytelling of this book because the idea that Nikola Tesla hid away objects of incredible power and incredible abilities in some random attic in Colorado Springs is an interesting twist. That and the Accelerati (founded by Edison) are these scientists that constantly try to quash and control big inventions and mysterious happenings fits right in. And I also enjoyed the characters, but it didn’t feel like I was reading about true middle school kids or actual events that middle schoolers might become a part of. It felt at least like these kids should have been high schoolers in my opinion. So that took me out of it a little. Still I liked the book enough to see where it goes from here and since there are two more in the series it will be a fun, but short right.
10. Dead and Alive by Dean Koontz (Book #3 of Frankenstein)
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In this never ending 48 hours of a story, told over 3 books so far, we got a little more action heavy in this one as all our characters begin to meet up with each other. Victor’s creatures are continuously breaking down or going overboard on their programming, Erika befriends one of them and relishes the secret proving that she’s not perfect like her predecessor. Her predecessor is alive and helping the creatures of the dump live and survive, our two favorite human cops befriend a dog, and Decaulion gets a glimpse of his maker as he not blows up one of Victor’s labs, but his backup as well. It’s going to be interesting to see how Victor responds to this, especially because it seems like more and more of his creatures are on Decaulion’s side. But I also have 2 books to go, so I know a lot can change in a day.
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perriewinklenerdie · 3 years
Job interview (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Claire Herondale
Word count: 1,5 k
Summary: Landry Olsen goes to speak to the Head of the Diagnostic Team in hopes of working in Ethan Ramsey's team.
Warnings: None
A/N: Just Landry being Landry. And my two idiots being in love - this time with actual words being said. Also, Ethan being protective and proud - you know, like a husband.
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Landry Olsen walked the halls of Bloom Edenbrook with his head held high. After two years of being gone, he felt a familiar feeling of pride at the sight of rooms and staff, no matter how many changes have taken place.
The news of a job opening in the Diagnostic Team flooded the medical community, reaching the doctors of Solomon Kenmore. In particular, Landry Olsen. It was like his dream came true once more, like he got a second chance at this.
Since his residency ended, he knew for sure that Claire’s residency was over too. For an opening in the team to happen now? It couldn’t have been a coincidence – she must have packed her bags and left, leaving a space for him to fill. Leaving him a chance to finally work by Ethan Ramsey’s side and prove to him that he was a better doctor between him and his former friend.
That’s what brought him to Edenbrook. He didn’t think to check, so blinded with his pride that he strutted to the nurse’s station, asked where the new DT office was and, as soon as he got the confirmation that the head of the team was in, walked towards the place that would grant him a new start for his career.
He straightened his shirt, shaking in anticipation to see his medical hero, sitting behind the desk, waiting for him to give him his resume – waiting for Landry to join the team, like he should have done two years ago.
A screeching sound of an alarm blared in his ears when he stepped through the door and casted his gaze onto the figure sitting behind the desk. They were hunched over a chart, drumming the pencil against the smooth surface under their palm. Their coat was draped over the back of the chair they were sitting on, completely in their element – like they owned the place.
At the sound of the steps, they spoke up. “Ethan, babe, you’re early, you said you’d be here in ten minutes- “ Claire lifted her gaze from the lines of patient information and moved it towards the person standing two meters from her. “Oh.”
They stared at each other in silence, neither sure what to do. Landry’s brain didn’t register the term of endearment she used in regards to Ethan Ramsey, too shocked by seeing her in the room to notice the additional information.
“I didn’t expect to see you here.” He managed to spit out, shaking himself off mentally. She raised an eyebrow.
“Who did you expect to see? You knew I was in the team, Landry.”
“I heard about an opening in the team, and since our residencies are over, I figured that… you’d leave.” He explained, shrugging as though his line of thought was the sanest thing in the world. Claire nodded slowly, sending him a strange look.
“I see. And, well, as you can see, that’s not the case. As a matter of fact-“
“That’s the last time I let you choose our lunch option, Claire. The traffic could not have been worse.” Ethan’s voice interrupted her as he walked into the room. At the sight of a faintly familiar face, he stopped in his tracks. Only for a moment, though, because he resumed his stride pretty much immediately, joining Claire behind her desk, their food in hand. He put the boxes down, then kissed her forehead warmly.
“That’s bullshit and you know it. Besides, why couldn’t you just order? They would have delivered it, no problem.” She grinned, leaning back in her seat.
“No problem, huh? I’ll remind you of how much it’s not a problem the next time you want those cookies that they do not deliver.” He nodded towards the smaller bag on the side. She gasped, touching her chest theatrically.
“Oh my god, I love you.”
“As I love you.” Ethan replied without missing a beat, his eyes softening as he smiled at his girlfriend.
At that moment, Landry Olsen cleared his throat. The couple looked at him at once, as though they only now remembered that they had company – neither embarrassed by the situation, though.
“Right.” Claire cleared her throat, turning in her seat to face him again. “As I was saying, I didn’t leave.”
“If you didn’t leave, then who did?” Landry asked, confused beyond measure. The next words wrecked his world and he felt ground slipping from under his perfect little vision of his future.
“I did.” Ethan spoke up, leaning against the desk. He nudged Claire’s arm with his knee, winking at her, both smiling.
“So… who’s the team leader now?” He stuttered, not for the first time in the past ten minutes, unable to understand what was happening.
“I am.” Claire raised her chin confidently, her posture straightening. “So, if you still want to discuss the opening in the team with its leader, that would be me.”
Olsen looked between the couple, the reality of their relationship suddenly catching up to him. The kiss, the love confession, their closeness – all like a slap to the face, all confirming what he already knew years ago.
“I… you two- but I- “
“I don’t think he’s a good fit, if I’m being honest.” Ethan shared his opinion, turning towards her. “You’re the boss here, so the decision is yours, but he doesn’t look like he’d be able to get much done. Well.” He gave the younger doctor a dirty look, well aware of what he’s done in the past. “Maybe except for sabotaging his coworkers.”
Landry paled. He wanted to run but his body froze, and he couldn’t move a finger. Memories of the conversation he had with Claire when she realized what he’s been doing came back to him immediately. He still stood by his point – a resident leading a team? In what universe would that be happening? He opened his mouth to say something, but no sound came out.
Ethan smirked at the sight, shaking his head at the younger man. He turned towards Claire and dropped his voice to a mutter. “I’ll wait for you in my office.” With a kiss to her cheek, he gathered their food and moved towards the door.
“You gave her the team because you’re sleeping with her?” Landry finally spit out, his voice pitchy and cracked. Ethan stopped immediately, turning around to reveal the stone-cold look on his face.
“I invite you to say it again and make an even bigger idiot out of yourself.” If looks could kill, Landry Olsen would be a pile of ash from how fiery Ethan Ramsey’s gaze was. “Go on, say that again.” When no other words were said, he scoffed. “That’s what I thought. You have nothing going for yourself, so you resort to bringing others down to hide your own incompetence. Truly touching. Now do us both a favor and go back to the place you came from so I can enjoy my lunch break with my girlfriend in peace.”
He glanced at Claire, his expression melting into a tender smile. “Come to my office once you’re done here.” She nodded, a barely visible gesture. He turned around, leaving the room without sparing Landry another look.
She stared at her former friend for a long minute, waiting for him to say something. When he didn’t, she sighed, deciding to take the high road. “Would you like some water?”
Landry shook his head, taking a step back. He apologized after what felt like forever, then bid her goodbye and began to leave the office. He ran into Tobias and Harper, dropping his gaze to the ground when he passed them by to avoid embarrassing himself any further. The last thing he heard before he got too far away was Tobias’s taunting voice.
“Aw, man, Ramsey said it would get good. We always miss the fun, Harps.” He nudged Harper with his elbow, both of them laughing. Claire joined in, standing up and reaching for her sweater.
“We come here to spend out lunch break with the boss and the boss is leaving?” Harper teased her playfully, knowing damn well where Claire was going. The blonde shrugged innocently.
“Sorry, guys, my boyfriend just destroyed the guy that sabotaged me two years ago. He earned some kisses at the very least.” She walked backwards, grinning. “Not to mention that he has my food. See you in a bit!”
Harper giggled at their dynamic, her shoulders shaking as Tobias reached for a piece of paper, formed the ball and then threw it at Claire. “Lock the door when you get there!”
Claire: “Would you like some water?”
Perrie: “For your newly obtained burns?”
I’ve wanted to write some Landry-being-roasted fic again for a while now, and this just jumped at me today. A splitsecond decision was made and here we are.
Long story short, I have absolutely no time to write, but I write anyway. I’m probably gonna die because of this, so it’s been fun guys <3
Jk, but not really. I’m probably going to be gone for a while because of my finals. I’ll be back as soon as possible, and in the meantime, I’m going to be here, reading and praising our Queens for giving us the content we need after OH ended.
Thank you so much for being here with me for the entirety of the OH journey, having you here means more than I can express.
See you on the other side of the war. Literally.
Love you guys so much, thank you for reading <3
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crazy-loca-blog · 3 years
Casey Valentine: About Her Present
A/N: Did the inspiration suddenly hit me after I had no idea what to do about this because I had never thought about it before? It did. Set somewhere between the end of Book 3 and right after it just because otherwise I wouldn't have had things to say about Casey's future. Part of the @openheartfanfics "Meet My MC" event.
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Meet My MC || About Her Past
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If Casey had to describe her three-year residency at Edenbrook, she'd say it's been intense, life-changing and unexpected. Time went by so fast and so many things happened in so little time, that quite often she still thinks all of this is just a dream.
Sometimes she still doesn't believe that she survived a betrayal, a trial, and an assasination attempt. She could even write a book about it, but keeping some of these stories to herself and the people around her seems wiser.
She passed her boards with flying colors and now she's ready to face a new challenge: becoming the new head of the Diagnostics Team. Ethan offered her the job after he was offered the Chief of Medicine position by Naveen, and even though at first she didn't know what to answer, she knew that Ethan would have never offered her the position if he considered her incapable of excelling at it.
And you can tell she already has a lot of plans for the team, even though none of them implies filling the spot that she'll leave. The work dynamic with Harper and Tobias is amazing, and they all think they don't need another member at the moment.
She's also glad that her salary will allow her to get rid of her med school debt sooner than she expected, even though she knows what she'll do with part of her first payment: she'll get Esme a ticket to visit her parents in El Salvador. This is something she's been thinking about since she knew her story. She knows how it feels growing up without parents, so if she can make a difference on the life of her intern, she will.
The only condition for her to accept her new position as head of the team was to be able to set some time apart to work in the free clinic. This is one of the most rewardings experiences for her and it reminds her why she decided to become a doctor in the first place, so she doesn't want to lose that.
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When Casey first arrived in Boston, it was all about the medicine. She wanted to learn from the best. Little did she know that the same guy she admired as a doctor would become the love of her life.
Everything began as a mentor and mentee relationship, but after a few months it became something else. And it's been that way for the last three years.
Their relationship has been... interesting, to say the least. They both had different reasons to fight their feelings for each other (Ethan's morals on one side, and Casey's previous heartbreaks on the other side), but apparently when two people are meant to be, things are just inevitable. And they seem to be inevitable.
After the longest time and many highs and lows, they made things official a few weeks ago. And they're over the moon about this. Casey doesn't remember being this happy before.
However, she wants to do things right this time. She has always felt her previous relationships failed because she made too many impulsive and bad decisions, and she really wants things to work this time... mostly because she has recently discovered admitted to herself that this is the first time that she is completely and utterly in love.
Yeah, she thought she had been in love before... but after meeting Ethan and understanding her feelings towards him, she just knew she had been so wrong in the past! She never felt like this about anyone before.
Do people talk about them? All the time. Does she care? Not at all. She felt uncomfortable about rumors at first, but Casey knows that people have been talking about them for the last three years, and she doesn't care anymore. She's just too busy trying to be happy to care about what people say about them.
However, to avoid any potential conflicts at work, they both have decided to keep their relationship as private as possible. And so far it's working.
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If Casey learned something about friendship during her residency, is that you never know when someone may betray you. Luckily, she has few friends, but they're the best.
Luckily, they all happen to be brilliant in their areas of expertise, so they all are geting great job offers to stay in Boston. And none of them is planning to leave.
This is awesome for several reasons, but mainly because they don't need to find a new place to live or a new roomie, which is a relief for everyone, and because they won't need to schedule annual reunions to catch up on their lives... they can keep having their daily or weekly ones.
She is also lucky to keep working with people she admires a lot: Tobias and Harper. She still can't consider them her friends, but they're certainly on their way to become more than colleagues.
Outside Edenbrook, Casey also keeps in touch with her med school besties: Tracy and Lauren. They both are doing their residencies at Mayo Clinic, so the chances they visit each other any time soon are very low. However, Facetime helps them to keep in touch at least once a week... and Tracy is getting married very soon in New York, so Casey is counting the days to see her girls after all this time (maybe she should tell them that now she might be taking a plus one with her?).
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Even though the original plan was that Oliver would be going to Boston with Casey, things changed after grandma Marie passed away and Oliver decided to stay back home.
The twins had never been apart, so this has been a whole new experience for them. Not only it has helped them to become their own person, but now their relationship is stronger than ever.
They keep in touch on a daily basis. They don't talk on the phone often, but they are constantly messaging each other during the day.
Oliver also visits her every two or three months. And Casey's heart feels so full of love when his brother has the chance to share with her extended family, just because they all get along really well. In fact, they've already set a tradition: every time that Oliver is in town, they make plans to spend a day at Martha's Vineyard.
Casey goes back to Virginia every summer; however, the end of her her residency might mean that this is the last time in a while that she'll be able to spend more than two weeks at home. But that's okay... as long as she has a few days to recharge her energy by being in touch with nature and with her roots, she'll survive.
Of course, she's dying to take her friends there. Ethan has already visited and he won't admit it yet, but he's become a fan of that place. He completely gets why Casey loves it so much.
The idea of returning home after the end of her residency was tempting, Casey actually considered it at some point, but she'd be lying to herself if she says her heart is not in Boston.
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Going from Virginia to Massachussets was a 180 degree change in Casey's life. She traded the mountains, the lakes and the river for skyscrapers, Seaport and Boston Common. Of course, this also meant making some life adjustments and discovering new hobbies.
She finally managed to balance work and life (something that had been impossible at med school). And even though Donahue's is the place to go after the long shifts, brunch on weekends with the gang are definitely her favorites.
Bryce, Rafael, and Ethan introduced her to the gym life at Edenbrook. At first, she only trained with the guys, but now she goes a lot by herself too, especially when she feels too stressed or when she needs to disconnect from the world. However, when it comes to release anger, boxing with Jackie is most definitely the option at the top of her list.
Sienna has taught her the art of vision boards to achieve her goals, but she's far from mastering it. in fact, any person who sees her vision boards would think they were made by a 5 year old kid. At least she tries (and she may even have reached a goal or two).
She also volunteers with Rafael once a week at his community center, even though she still can't learn how to dance samba. Sometimes, they also recruit interns, residents and attendings to perform some routine health checks to whoever wants them. These events are a hit... handsy Henrietta can't deal with so many hot doctors at the same time!
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Life has taught her a lot since she arrived in Boston. Third-year resident Casey is a completely different person than the girl who assisted a thoracotomy on her first day at Edenbrook.
Luckily she hasn't stopped being her best self; however, after the incident, she felt that life was giving her a second chance. And she's been making the most of it since then.
She has everything to be happy: a dream job, the best brother in the world, a group of friends that became her extended family, and a "new" boyfriend who has been with her through thick and thin during the last three years.
She still deals with some PTSD, but a good therapy and understanding that this is perfectly normal while trying to learn to deal with it helps a lot.
Now she's ready to make a real difference in health care, the one that she dreamed about making in her intern year.
Tags: @adiehardfan @izzyourresidentlawyer
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Well, I think it’s time to create my own list of thoughts and wishes for season 3 of Titans
(I am well aware that some of these points are merely a wishful thinking but a girl can dream, right?)
First of all, the official stuff we found out so far:
- Redhood - I know Jason was treated poorly (to say the least) in s2 and that is a legit reason to be angry at the team but please let this transition make sense. Curran is putting a lot of work into it and I am sure his performance will be amazing, but storywise I really hope it’s not gonna end up being done in a “bratty kid throwing a tantrum” kind of way.
- Barbara Gordon - I don’t want to hear anything about a love triangle, got it? She’s being introduced as Dick’s ex for a reason. There might be some little things thrown in here and there like we had with Dawn in s1 but a full blown drama? We don’t need that shit! And besides, it’s been said she won’t be very happy to see Dick, neither she’ll be thrilled about Nightwing and Company running around her city.
Unless they turn it all into a comedy where instead of Kory being jealous - it’s the kids! Gar and Rachel going completely feral whenever Barbara gets close to Dick, giving off you’re not our mom so get out vibe and Kory lets them because she finds it hilarious (this season is supposed be *lighter* and *more fun* as I’ve heard, right?)
- Scarecrow - I am VERY intrigued to see that character. He’s supposed be locked up and working with GCPD but I do hope we’ll get to see him in action. I’m not really into comics world, I had to do my research on him, but from what I’ve found… Damn, fear toxin torture that show their biggest fears and nightmares would be awesome for my angst crave
- Blackfire - personally I don’t find a reason to panic. I know that the treatment of both Anna and her character, especially in s2 was unacceptable, I 100% agree with that. And it does give a reason to worry for s3. BUT why am I not worried?
1. Damaris Lewis has been promoted to a series regular a long time ago
2. Even with all the stuff happening in Gotham, Blackfire is still set to be the main villain - we had the same situation in s2. Cadmus was brought up to introduce Conner, even though Deathstroke was the main villian. So whatever is happening in Gotham, it’s for the introduction of Red Hood while Blackfire remains main villain.
3. Look at what Anna has been saying and the vibe she’s giving off! Would she be this happy if Kory wasn’t getting more screentime? Would she be getting calls from the showrunner about creating Kory’s background and having a chance to pitch him ideas like incorporating her native culture in building the world of Tamaran? WOULD SHE SAY WITH A HUGE SMILE ON HER FACE THAT THIS IS THEIR BEST SEASON YET?
So don’t worry too much about our girl. I’m sure she’s getting her time to shine. Even if it ends up being not as much as we would want, it’s still progress from last season.
And if the writers follow a similar schematic as for previous seasons, I see it going like this:
Blackfire = Deathstroke = Trigon (Main Villian)
Gotham stuff/Redhood = CADMUS/Conner = The Organization/Nuclear Family/Angela (side villian/introduction)
Scarecrow and Barbara = Doctor Light = Amy Rohrbach and Nic Zucco (plot device, appearance in 1-3 eps at most)
I might be wrong though, so don’t hold me on that. Because there’s also another storyline that needs to fit in between all of this
- Rachel on Themyscira - I am sure they won’t show as much of the island as they were originally planning for the same reason they moved the team from San Francisco to Gotham - weather conditions in this time of year resulting in lower temperatures, shorter and less sunny days. All of that wouldn’t be a problem if it wasn’t for filming being pushed back due to Covid. I also had a feeling from the beginning that Rachel won’t come back victorious, or at least she will come back alone, with Donna showing up on her own later or at the end of the season. Now, with an information of the possible use of Lazarus Pit, it all makes even more sense. All my knowledge about those pits comes from Arrowverse so correct me if I’m wrong, but is Donna going to struggle with Blood Lust because of that? It is possible imo.
- Roy Harper and Tim Drake - I don’t have much to say about them, really. I’m excited to see Roy but the only valid reason for him to show up is to grieve Donna and maybe share his condolences to Dick or something like that. We don’t need more OG Titans drama. And Tim… well, new Robin in town will catch Jason’s attention and definitely spark some jealousy, evolving into a feeling of being ditched and abandoned, further confirming his belief of being a “reject”. All of this will only push him further to Red Hood.
Now, for the things I personally want to happen…
- Dickkory getting together - even if it happens in the finale, we need to see the progress! I don’t want this to happen off screen during the possible time jump. I want to see them supporting each other and being there for each other. I want to see Kory being his right-hand (wo)man and them leading the team together. And most importantly for me - the one thing that really brought them together in s1 - a continuation of their co-parenting of the younger Titans.
- Gar’s trauma being adressed - and I’m talking BOTH SEASONS. He really struggled with killing that guy in s1 and what CADMUS did to him made it all worse. He needs to talk about this with someone (and I hope that someone is Dick). And I really want to know if what happened to him is gonna have any lasting consequences.
- Donna and Dick need to talk things out - the worst thing about her death for me is the fact that these two didn’t get the chance to talk about what happened. Donna wasn’t a saint either and I find her behavior in the second half of s2 very hypocritical. It almost felt like this Donna and s1 Donna are two different people! She and Dick have a very strong bond and a lot of history. I’m sure they’ve had their fair share of fights in the past. I really hope they will sort this thing out and get back to being this amazing duo I fell in love with in s1.
- Rose and Jericho - I really want to see how this relationship will work and progress with them not really knowing each other but sharing one body.
- Growth and progress in Kory, Rachel and Gar’s powers - I think I don’t need to elaborate on that. I want to see Kory and Rachel fly, Rachel using more of her powers and discovering stuff like teleportation and telekinesis, Gar turning into other animals (lets pray HBO MAX will provide a decent budget for all of that). And obviously, following that…
- Supersuits for those three! - do I need to add more? I don’t think so.
- And can we get rid of Hank and Dawn? - I liked them in s1, tolerated them at the beginning of s2 and by the end I just wanted them gone. They are completely useless. Honestly? If I were to pick one… Hank can stay, we can still do something with him. But Dawn can go and don’t come back for all I care. I only need her for one more thing I’d like to see but more about that later.
And now the two most important things for me…
- MORE CORE FOUR FAMILY MOMENTS - this was the magic of season 1 that we only got some crumbs of in 2x01 and then it disappeared completely. I am in desperate need of Dick and Kory co-parenting their two superpowered teenage kids. And can someone FINALLY call Dick a DAD?! I would pay fortune to see that happen.
- Relationship progress between the Core Four - all the possible variants, but especially with the kids. It’s already been pretty much established that Rachel is Daddy’s Girl while Gar is Mama’s Boy. And it was nice to see Dick and Gar growing closer during season 2 while Rachel poured her heart out to Kory. But I was VERY MUCH with Gar and Kory when they both asked Rachel “Have you talked to Dick?” because girl YOU AND YOUR FATHER NEED TO TALK! A lot has happened, okay? (Not just because I am an absolute sucker for this dynamic and they are my favorites, but… get ready for a rant) I really want to go back to the way things were in s1 where they had at least one scene together every episode, where they talked and bonded a lot, where we actually could see the progress of this relationship. We’ve been stripped of that in s2. A little bit at the beginning, something at the end (I’m still mad Rachel didn’t get any closure for that nightmare that scared the hell out of her and yet had no influence on further events). I want to see Dick really embracing that role of a father, stepping up to responsibilities he kinda forgot about in s2. It would be nice to see a callback to his conversation with Dawn in 1x02 about how he’s “not taking her in” because “he can’t do family”. I’d love for Dawn to throw one big “I told you so!” in his face (and Dick agreeing she was right all along). I want to see Rachel leaning on him for support and encouragement while also growing independent in her own way. I also need to see more physical affection. Hugs are great and we always want more of them, but a touch of hand on the arm or cheek, or a forehead kiss would kill me. And I dream about a verbal “I love you” everyday…
Well, I think it’s all for now. Nothing else comes to mind atm. I might update this list as time goes on and we get more details…
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drethanramslay · 4 years
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Pairing: Ethan x MC (Leah Garcia)
Word count: 4.8K
Summary: Leah goes on a date with the Tobias Carrick, Ethan's ex-best friend. The jealousy and anger which unfolds within Ethan, leads him to confronting Leah. But in midst of their confrontation, feelings are uncovered.
Author's note: It's angst in the first half and towards the end it's smut... I have differentiated it if you aren't comfortable :)
Taglist: @miyakokurono @trappedinfandoms @openheart12 @sekizincimektup @junggoku @ethandaddyramsey @edith-eggs1 @ethanramseysgirl @samihatuli @loveellamae @x-kyne-x @paulfwesley @zeniamiii @binny1985 (let me know if you want to be added or removed from the tag list 😊)
Songs: Uncover by Zara Larsson and Missed you by The Weeknd
Forgive me if there are any mistake
Ethan was walking down the hallway of Leland Bloom's mansion. To be honest, he didn't even know where he was but his pride wouldn't let him go and ask for help.
Just keep going, you will eventually find the way.
That was his mantra in life. Whenever things became difficult, he would keep on pushing forward, never stopping. His mom left him? Study, work and get into a good college. Tobias and him had a fallout? Work harder, get into a better undergrad program than him and go on to join the best diagnostics team in the country. Naveen fell sick? Stuff all the feelings in a box, shut it and work hard till Naveen can stay alive.
He never stopped. He switched off his feelings and kept marching forward.
But when he met Leah, it felt like he came across a speed breaker, which forced him to stop. Forced him to breathe. Forced him to feel. Forced him to be human.
And the funny thing is that, he didn't know whether to be grateful or be terrified of this change.
Leah had a fiery spirit and a kind heart. They were so alike that it often took Ethan's breath away. They were the dream team, complementing each other. They worked like a well oiled engine, their dynamics so superior that they could complete each other's sentences.
Leah and Ethan.
Sunshine and E.
But being alike had its downfalls as well. Both of them were stubborn and had their head all the way up their asses.
He had still not forgotten the way she opened the door to her room in bra and panties. The way the golden rays illuminated her long tanned legs and the way the lace contrasted her flawless body, sent Ethan reeling through memories of them lying naked in that very bed.
And as if that wasn't enough, she stripped in front of him. The most incriminating thoughts ran through his head and he had to clench his fists to prevent himself from fucking her against the wall, having her scream his name, as her nails dug into his back. There would be red scars down his back but he would wear those scars as a damn medal.
But he was angry and furious as well. Going behind his back and calling that air head of an influencer made his blood boil. It went against the beliefs and the rules based on which, the diagnostics team was laid.
There are rules of the world that are meant to be followed. Monotony, no matter how boring it is, is the way of life. It's not always safe to shake things up. You never know what consequences arise.
On their way to the patient's mansion, they bickered like a married couple. June and Baz had a field trip seeing him being called out by Leah.
She called him a fucking diva.
All his life he had worked on building a reputation which commanded respect and awe but this girl just comes in like a wrecking ball.
Good lord, how can this woman make me pissed and turned on at the same time?! He grumbled internally as he turned the corner.
He heard Tobias's deep voice carry over."I must say Dr. Garcia, you are a vision and you take my breath away. Such a beauty-"
"Dr. Carrick if you want to flatter me, you are going about it wrong. Screw beauty, that's subjective." Leah said as she wrote in the chart, without sparing a second glance at him.
She walked past him and Ethan couldn't help but chuckle at Tobias's expression. Tobias just gave him a dark glare before following her. He was proud of his Sunshine.
But that momentary pride diminished as soon as it came.
Ethan walked to the exit and saw Tobias talking to her again, and this time, Leah was laughing and blushing.
Why that asshole-
"No I must say, not everyday do you see such bright minds as yourself."
"Thank you Tobias. You are too kind."
They were on first name basis?! When did that happen? Did I step into an alternate universe? Ethan thought as jealousy slowly burnt bright in his veins.
"So, can I buy you breakfast tomorrow? As an apology and a chance to get to know you better?" Tobias asked, his turquoise eyes shimmering in the sun.
"Dr. Garcia. We need to run couple of tests on Mr. Bloom. Time waits for no one." Ethan called out to her, cock-blocking them. He wasn't gonna lie, that was the most satisfying thing he had ever done.
Both of them glared but Ethan just held an impassive face, as if he didn't hear their small 'cute' exchange.
"Yes, Dr. Ramsey." She walked towards Ethan not before waving him goodbye.
They walked towards Helen, Baz's cute mini cooper. "Leah..." Ethan spoke, wondering how to frame his sentence without sounding like a jealous imbecile.
"Yup Dr. Ramsey?" She turned to look up at him.
"Tobias... He isn't a good man."
"God, Ethan! I think I can decide for myself." Leah rolled her eyes.
"No, you don't get it. He charms and lures woman to his bed and after he has sex, he leaves them high and dry. I don't want you to go through that pain."
She stopped and turned towards him, "Ethan I am no weak bitch. I'm not naive and he isn't my first date. I am just goofing around and I will do whatever I want because this is a free country. And, in a long time some guy has shown me attention so I'm not letting that slide-"
"Shh! And about pain... I think I have experienced that because of you."
"Me?" He gasped out loud, his world stopping. Doesn't she know that my feelings for her are so strong that the thought of hurting her physically pains me?
"You heard me. Your constant rejection and the 'hot and cold' moments pain me so damn much. It breaks my heart that we pretend that we are together but when I ask you, you close up."
"Leah you know there are ethics-"
"Don't give me that ethics and moral crap. You yourself said that I am not a resident, I am a PEER. A colleague. Hell, Lahela and Harper have been dating and absolutely nobody has blinked an eye." She said with a steely voice.
Leah gave a sigh and Ethan could see the dark circles under her eyes. She looked so tired. "Ethan... I- I'm so exhausted. You can't reject me and prevent me from seeing a guy." With that she turned on her heels and walked away.
What just happened? Ethan thought, feeling shaken to the core.
Leah wore a simple pencil skirt and tucked in her olive green blouse into the skirt. Her hands continued their daily chores, but her mind was so far away. When she thought about Ethan, she would get so angry that her hands would tremble.
Just who the hell does he think he is? Wasn't he the one who kept pushing her away? Wasn't he the one you said that "if I gave a damn about you, I won't be with you"?
What a damn hypocrite.
There was so much tension between them already. Ethan was giving her the cold shoulder and Leah returned it with such a punishing silent treatment that people on the entire floor could feel it.
They already had fought about the team giving more priority to rich and wealthy patients. And this entire Tobias situation made things even worse. She knew about their background, about how that his ex girlfriend, Stephanie bitch played both of them like a violin and ended up cheating on Ethan. She knew and yet she went ahead, flirting with him, repeating history.
What a hoe I am. Leah shook her head getting annoyed with herself. What has gotten over you Leah? When did you become a fucking hypocrite? Throwing yourself at other men so that you can make Ethan jealous?
Her feelings were in a flux. Sometimes, she wanted to jump his bones and other times she wanted to bash his head for being such a colossal pain in the ass. She craved him and wanted him to belong to her, but life isn't a wish granting factory.
She sighed and stared at her reflection, seeing how all the stress and workload was taking a toll on her.
I just need sleep...or some dick and then we will be golden. A girl gets tired using her own hand... Her conscience comforted her.
Picking up her bag she headed to the deli where she was supposed to meet Tobias for their so called 'breakfast' date.
Tobias was a nice guy. He was kind, brilliant and handsome. He was a true gentleman. He held the door open for her when they entered the deli. He had an amazing sense of humor and managed to make her laugh till her sides hurt. He was intelligent and they had a great discussion on the American healthcare system.
Any other woman would have thought that he was the complete deal.
But she couldn't.
She couldn't help but compare him to Ethan. His cerulean eyes were so much darker than Ethan's stormy eyes. She couldn't help but think that she found Ethan's dark humor and sarcasm way better that the light hearted jokes. She couldn't help but think that in any discussion, Ethan would push her and challenge her rather than be a simp like Tobias who just would give in.
She couldn't help but think that absolutely no one would ever compare to Ethan.
Oh. My. God.
It is Ethan. Always has been and always will be.
And she hated herself for that. She was getting tired of waiting. Wasn't her affection enough for him? Why was there a need to complicate something that is already so simple?
Leah sighed internally. Tobias and her were walking down the driveway of the hospital. There were just talking about random things but Leah was not able to focus.
How could she when she had a mind shattering revelation that her pussy is whipped for a certain hard-ass diagnostician?
They were walking through the foyer and they stopped at the reception.
"So this is me." Leah smiled.
"Well... I enjoyed myself. " He gave a grin.
"I did too..."
"I sense a 'but'." The blue perceptive eyes noticing the hesitation.
Leah chuckled, racking her brain for a good reason. " Yeah... I'm sorry it won't work because we technically are rivals and I don't want to be seen fraternizing with the enemy."
Tobias stared at her some more, trying to see through the truth but Leah didn't flinch, even if her palms were getting sweaty.
"It's okay. I get it-" Tobias began talking but he was interrupted.
He was interrupted by Ethan's fist in his face.
Tobias crumpled to the floor like a paper doll and suddenly the entire hospital's eyes were on the three.
"Motherfucker." Ethan shook his hand because of the blow. He stretched and clenched his fingers, his knuckles an angry red.
"Ethan Jonah Ramsey! You have five seconds to explain what the hell was that?" Leah said, her eyes glimmering with anger.
"What is he doing here? Mass Kenmore is all the way downtown."
"Don't you dare tell me that thi-" Leah was interrupted by Tobias's painful groans. She helped him up and threw another glare Ethan's way.
"When you have got your head out of your ass, we will have a chat." Leah spoke.
"But sunshi- Hey don't walk away from me!" Ethan pleaded. Seeing Tobias so close to her made him so angry and he didn't realize his actions before it was too late. And the fact that she had an arm around his waist and was walking away, just made his heart heavier and cold fury seep into his veins.
Leah ignored him as she dragged Tobias to the first examination room she found. She made him sit on bed and immediately reached for a pair of gloves.
She started wiping the blood up with the help of a cotton swab, analyzing the injury with cool calculated eyes. There was a cut on his cheekbone which needed stitches.
Goddammit Ethan.
"You have blood on your shirt." Tobias pointed out and surely it was visible on the dark green blouse.
She shrugged nonchalantly as she picked up another cotton swab and dipped it in antiseptic. "Eh.. won't be the first time. I have ruined my fair share of shoes and shirts, but it's worth it."
They were silent as Leah continued being thorough in cleaning the wound. Suddenly, Tobias chuckled and Leah looked at him with one eyebrow raised.
"No...it's just funny to see Ethan so worked up. I think that's the most emotion I have seen from him."
"Yup. Do you know what happened between us?"
"I know what happened between the both of you..."
"And you still went out with me?" Tobias asked, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
Leah sighed. The cat was out of the bag and there was no point hiding it anymore. "It's just... Ethan can be a robot. I'm tired and I needed fresh perspective. That's why I went out with you."
"Did it help?"
"Yes. No. Maybe? It just left so many question marks in my head.." she picked up the needle and thread, getting ready to sew his face.
"Well... When Ethan walked in on his girlfriend cheating on him with me, he just turned around and walked out of the room. But when he saw me talking to you, I'm on the ground, groaning in pain. Does it help?"
Leah sighed "It kind of helps.. but I am still pissed with him. He is an asshole." She grumbled.
"Congratulations, you have feelings." He said in a sing song voice.
It was an awful day at work and Ethan sending withering looks her way didn't really help. She avoided him for most of the day because she needed to think.
Her feelings were all over the place. On one hand she felt angry with Ethan because that hard-ass isn't ready to confess the feelings that's written all over his face. And on the other hand, she felt like she was just being a whiny bitch on heat, complaining about everything. 
The internal war in her left her restless and irritated.
She unlocked the door to an empty apartment. All her roomates had driven down to Quincy for some music festival on their day off and were going to stay over for the night.
Leah would have gone with them, but a certain somebody had stormed into her room that morning and dragged her out of the comfort of her bed.
She stripped in the hallway and threw her clothes for a wash in the laundry basket. She slid on a long loose jersey and some fresh panties and headed to check the fridge for leftover lasagna Sienna had made the other day.
She was about to pop the tray in the oven when she heard the door bell ring. She saw through the peep hole and her eyes widened.
Maybe if I stayed quiet he would go awa-
"Sunshine, I know you are in there! I see your heels out here and your eyes through the peep hole."
Fuck Ethan and his observation skills.
Sighing she opens the door, where Ethan stood. A tense energy radiated from him and it made Leah jittery and on edge.
She crossed her arms and tapped her foot impatiently, which wasn't really a good idea because it made her bare boobs more prominent. Ethan's eyes went down at the movement.
"Eyes up here, hero. What do you want?"
Ethan blushed pink and shook his head to regain composure. "We need to talk."
"Yeah no shit."
"Will you let me in at least? Unless you want the crime scene of my murder out here." Ethan tried to joke but Leah wasn't fascinated.
She side stepped and he entered her apartment. He always liked Leah's apartment. It was homey with all the colourful pillows and the various vintage art decorating the place. From the huge glass facade you could see parts of the bay.
They stood in the kitchen, neither of them spoke. They just stood in silence. Nobody knowing what to say.
"Why did you help him?" Ethan asked, breaking the awkward silence.
"Because you punched him and he was on the floor, bleeding. I had too."
"We work in a hospital. Somebody else could have stitched him up...why did you? Do you have feelings for him?" Ethan asked as he placed his elbows on the island counter.
"Ethan.. Jealousy never suited you well." Leah said.
"Dammit sunshine! Just answer the question. Do you like him?!"
"What would you do if I liked him, huh?" Leah asked tersely.
Silence. Heavy breathing. Tension.
"Nothing right. You would just sit there, belly up and see me being whisked off by another guy."
"That's not-"
"Stop lying to yourself Ethan. You are nothing but a ball- less bastard who hides behind your so called 'beliefs' and 'rules' and what not!"
"Yes! I hide behind them because I want to see you grow and be better-"
"WHY?! Haven't I become better? Am I not growing to my potential?"
"And that's because I am not distracting you."
"Ethan, for a man who is so smart you are so dumb. Can't you see? Can't you see that you are in my thoughts?! That I am always thinking about you?! That I am always afraid that you will find someone else and leave me in the dust?!"
"Ethan it's too late because you are already a goddamn distraction."
Ethan's fists wrapped around the counter and he bent down, trying to calm his racing heart.
"God. I knew this was a bad idea. I shouldn't have come." He started heading towards the door.
"Yeah run away Ethan. Run away like you ran away when you saw Tobias having sex with your girlfriend, Stephanie. Run away like you did when Naveen was gonna die. Run away like you did to the Amazon when your feelings for me intensified. Run away like you always do." Leah was breathing heavily, angry and furious.
Ethan froze in his tracks before turned around, scoffing. "I'm not running awa-" Ethan tried reasoning.
"Oh really?! Every time I think that I am close to knowing you, you throw up your walls. Every time we have a moment, you distance yourself. The entire universe has been pushing us to be together but here you are, defying it and turning a blind eye to what we have. If that isn't running away, then I don't know what is."
"Sunshine please, don't." Ethan pleaded. He can't deal with feelings. It's too much for him.
"No. I'm tired of waiting for your affections. I'm tired of the mixed signals. I'm going to go to Tobias's house right now-"
"Are you giving me an ultimatum?" Ethan asked incredulously.
"Have you left me any choice?" She started heading to her room and Ethan followed her.
"Sunshine please don't go. I beg you. He isn't the man you deserve."
"If you can't grow a pair despite everything, then I can't help you. I'm free-"
She was interrupted when Ethan pushed her against the wall. "No. You won't be leaving this apartment. Even if it means tying you down."
"You are not my damn keepe-" Leah began but Ethan interrupted her again when he pressed his lips against hers.
They were kissing. After almost a year.
After a year of longing to touch each other.
After a year of pining over each other.
After a year of pain, heartaches and tears.
But all that pain and longing vanished when their lips collided with each other's.
Time stopped when his lips met hers, but the flutter only intensified. Leah's heart pounded in her chest as her knees got weaker. She could only focus on how hard his body felt against her small frame. But at the same time, his lips were soft and fervent against her mouth.
Ethan kept his eyes half open, sneaking a guilty peek at her every time he came back for air, just to make sure this wasn't a product of his imagination.
He wasn't sure if nature rooted for this moment or if his mind tricked him into a perfect present, but every breath he took, smelled like lavender, like spring time and for the first time since he'd known himself, he didn't feel scared anymore. He didn't feel like running anymore. If anything, the warm feeling of her lips was inviting and addicting.
They parted for breath. Both of them standing with their bodies pressed against each other, in the dim lighting of her room. "Ethan..." She said like it was a prayer.
"Oh how I've missed you sunshine." Ethan cupped her cheeks and pressed his forehead against hers.
"Me too.."
"Let's make up for the lost time, okay?"
Leah just went in her tip toes and kiss him, conveying her need for him. He hiked one of her legs up and she gasped when she felt his growing erection on her heat. Ethan bent down and placed hot, fiery kisses up her neck. When he reached the spot below her ear, he whispered is a husky voice. "Sunshine... I really, really like you. But, I am a man of needs... Please, can I fuck you?"
"I did not wait for a year for some gentle sex Ethan. Don't hold back." She purred.
Ethan groaned at her words and took her earlobe in his teeth, his hands roaming around her body. He pinched her nipples through the t-shirt and Leah's stomach clenched with pleasure and she threw her head against the wall, enjoying the way Ethan's hands made her feel.
Leah reached and took of his jacket and Ethan obliged. The need to feel her skin against his, fueled his moments. Taking of her t shirt, he threw it across the room.
"Hey, don't dirty my room." Leah spoke with feign anger.
Lifting her up so that her legs could wrap around his waist, he went back to kissing her lips. "I don't care, sunshine. I just want to make you feel good. I want to worship you. So let me just do my job while you focus on how to scream my name, mkay?" He whispered against her lips before going back to ravaging her mouth, not able to get enough of her taste.
How is it possible for a man to drive me mad with only words?
He lifted her and threw her unceremoniously on the bed. Leah giggled as her back hit the soft mattress. She lifted herself on to her elbows and looked at Ethan's dark stormy eyes.
"You are over dressed for this occasion, Dr. Ramsey."
Taking his shirt and jeans off, he crawled in to the bed, stalking her like a predator. He settled between her legs, bare chest pressing against each other as he kissed her hard.
Their tongues swirled and rolled against each other's, as if it was a tug of war with no clear winner. He pulled back and started placing searing hot kisses on collarbone. His hands traced her sides, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
He took her breast in his mouth and swirled his tongue around the dusky nipple. As his tongue continued to assault her nipples, Leah grew wetter and wetter.
"Ethan.. I- please.." She moaned out.
He took off her panties and nipped at her naked hip bone, eliciting a breathless moan from her. He peppered scratchy kisses on her inner thighs and lower abdomen, his beard making her skin sensitized. It felt as if all her nerves down there were on fire.
"Don't worry sunshine. I will be here all night-" he said as he parted her pussy's lips, "-eating you-"
He blew air on her dripping slit before speaking, "-fucking you-"
He lapped her juices slowly, his blazing blue eyes making contact with her dark brown orbs "-making you scream my name all night."
That being said, he threw her legs over his shoulder and buried his face into her womanhood. Leah's back arched and she let out another moan. Her sexy moans and the way her eyes fluttered shut was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He closed his eyes enjoying the way she tasted, reminding him of how starved he had been for the last one year.
She fisted her hands through his luscious brown locks as his tongue swirled her sensitive nub. He enjoyed seeing his sunshine this way, moaning and writhing as he ate her out.
He slipped his finger into her started moving it. When he gained enough momentum he slipped a second digit and continued to finger her to oblivion. Leah was a in a daze. Her mind was only focused on the handsome man who was with her, in her bed.
She had touched herself, thinking about him. But none of those fantasies compared to the real deal.
He let out moan and it reverberated through her entire body, pushing her of the edge.
She was coming, hard and fast. Crashing and soaring at the same time. She hadn't even come down from her high when Ethan lifted her leg as far as it could go, and entered her pulsating cunt.
"Try not to ruin your manicure when you dig those nails into my back, sunshine." Ethan said as he snapped his hips and started pounding her.
The sensation was overwhelming. It was so much. There were moments like these when the pleasure and the pressure of the orgasm was so intense that she wanted him to stop.
She shouted his name and the way the tears of pleasure streamed down her face, made him make his moments rapid.
"Just like that sunshine... Scream my name." He pressed his lips against hers, greedily swallowing the moans she let out.
Burying his head in her neck, he felt his lower abdomen tighten, the need to release becoming urgent with every stroke.
"Oh go, sunshine you feel sooo good." He moaned.
His moans are now my favourite sounds... I could hear them all day. Leah thought.
"Come with me Ethan. Come with me." She said as they interlinked their fingers, holding each other's hands.
And he did. His strokes became sloppy and slower as he dumped his load into the condom he had slipped on. Leah felt his dick jerk in her and it triggered her release as well.
Both of them were falling together, holding on to each other as they rode the waves of euphoria, rushing through their veins. It was one of the best feelings they had experienced. All the pinning and sadness was all gone. There was only joy and the feeling of contentment in their hearts.
After their rapid heartbeats had calmed down, Ethan pulled out and got up from the bed, and stretched. Seeing the muscles of his back and abs stretch, Leah gave out a rumble of approval.
Ethan gave her a small smile and started heading towards the door but Leah caught his wrist. "Outside bad. Bed good." She said, her brain still a mess from the mind blowing orgasms.
Ethan bent down and kissed her forehead. "Sunshine, I'm just going to get some food and run a bubble bath."
After a couple of minutes of rummaging through cabinets, Ethan came and lifted Leah in his strong arms. Leah was smiling so much that her cheekbones hurt. She hasn't smiled like this in such a long time.
He put her down on the bathroom floor and Leah grabbed a stool where they could keep their drinks and the lasagna that he had heated.
Ethan first sunk in the hot water, the water reaching till his chest. Leah sat across him, sighing when the hot water soothed her sore muscles.
"Ethan...you are a goddamn blessing." She sighed as she picked up the plate with her food.
"I should be saying that. You changed my life."
They sat comfortably in the large bathtub, occasionally joking and eating the cheesy goodness. Leah inhaled her food, realizing just how hungry she was.
After they finished eating, Leah closed her eyes and sighed. Ethan was massaging her feet and she made it a personal mission to make him her masseur.
"Yes sunshine?"
"You won't run away from me, right?"
"No sunshine. I'm here to stay. In fact, tomorrow we both are going to go and talk to HR. Enough with the pining and the jealousy. I just want to make you mine, baby."
"Really?" Leah asked, with happiness gleaming in her chocolate brown eyes.
"Yes sunshine. I guess you are stuck with me."
Leah surged forward, water sloshing over the bathtub. She pressed her lips against Ethan's. He chuckled and kissed her back chastely and tenderly, pouring all his affections for the beautiful and intelligent woman before him.
Leah. His girlfriend. His sunshine.
And it's going to be together like that, forever and always.
aaahhhhh if only Ethan could just give in... but for now we will comfort ourselves with fan-fiction 😉
also, i want to sort out my tag list... so if you guys could dm me with which fics you want to tagged to, i would appreciate it 💗
like, comment and re-blog 
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kiseiakhun · 4 years
What are your feelings on Kyle/Jason/Wally. I kinda think it might happen if Kyle had a crush on both. Accidentally tells Wally. Teasing. Jason finding out. Jason and Wally overdramaticly flirting. Dick finds out and Kyle dying from the close proximity of both Jason/Wally Wally/Jason Jason/Kyle Wally/Kyle. And then Flirting/Showing off intensifying. Although I don't really know much about Wally or Kyle. ❤
Hello? This is the greatest ask anyone’s ever sent me. Kyle is a lovey-dovey dumbass who falls in love after two seconds of knowing someone, so like. It’s real. It’s very real. He and Wally would’ve had their thing first? Because of their whole enemies to lovers arc in JL, except - because of that whole dynamic where they started off ragging on each other, I feel like they both would’ve been oblivious to their feelings. Add in a healthy dose of compulsory heterosexuality from Kyle, and yeah... the adults of the League have probably been waiting years for that ship to sail, except the babies just keep being oblivious dunderheads.
(Wally realized in his teen years that he’s not strictly heterosexual, because being on a team with Dick Grayson when you’re male tends to draw out any bent inclinations very, very quickly. It’s just. Kyle is the snot-nosed rookie too big for his britches. He’s a baby? He’s an infant. Wally is not attracted to an infant, wtf.)
And then Kyle goes off on his journey of self-discovery with Donna and Jason. Well, journey of self-discovery for him, because Jason’s ass and body and his devil-may-care tough guy attitude is the culmination of Kyle’s bisexual crisis. Seriously, countdown is basically Kyle going “ugh, that stupid hot sexy asshole is so hot and sexy around Donna, there’s no way she can resist him. Why is he attractive? He needs to stop. I’m going to fight him because he’s TOO HOT.” It’s incredible. If the writers weren’t cowards, countdown would’ve ended with them being in a triad.
Donna’s probably the one who points out that mayhaps... Kyle’s constant mooning over Jason might mean something different... and Kyle’s like wtf, no. And then he actually thinks about it, because Kyle’s one of maybe two (2) men in the dcu who has a semblance of emotional intelligence (idk who the other one is, but I’m sure he’s out there) (edit: it’s Connor. Connor Hawke. Connor is the other man. I was going to say Clark but Clark keeps going to extremes whenever he or his are threatened and. like. he tries, bless his heart, but there’s still a lot of repression going on with him) and he’s like wait. Fuck. Well what do I do with this information!! It’s not like Jason is into guys!!!
To which Donna just looks at him like, how are you so smart yet so stupid at the same time. She remembers how baby Jason mooned over Roy and Dick as much as he mooned over her. She Remembers.
(Also, lbr, Donna’s very experienced by now at dealing with dumb boys in denial about their non-het leanings. See previous statements about being on a team with Dick Grayson. She saw all of it, man. She’s seen so much.)
Cue Kyle, sitting bolt upright in bed after they’ve just wound down for the night and just saying, “Oh my god, Wally.”
And Donna’s just like, yup.
And Jason’s just like ? wtf is that asshole up to now. Whatever, idc, blissfully unaware of Kyle’s bi panic.
Anyway. The world is saved, and they get back to their Earth, and Kyle manages to put it aside because Everything Happens So Much. He’s the Green fking Lantern, okay, he doesn’t have time to deal with sexuality crises, except. Except. It won’t leave him alone?
Like, in his downtime he hangs out with Wally a lot since they’re friends, and oh yes, hello raging crush that he can no longer pretend isn’t a thing, because once Kyle acknowledges his attraction? That is it, man, there’s no turning back from that point. And ik that in canon, Jason threw a snitfit and left Kyle and Donna in the middle of their happy fun space adventure fieldtrip, but let’s say he didn’t have a sudden ooc personality turn because of writer mandate, and he stayed with Kyle and Donna until the end of their journey, and they stayed in touch.
And Kyle realizes, to his horror, that Jason is charming, and funny, and not bad on the eyes, and fuuuuck. This isn’t really helping his stupid dumb crush. Stupid dumb crushes. Goddamn.
(Sometimes Jason even joins him in his Space Adventures because of his new team. More specifically, Kori and her shiny new spaceship that can sustain humans in space conditions, and he is not jealous, shut up, Roy.)
(Roy caught on pretty quickly, because he’s much more empathetic and in tune with other peoples emotions than he pretends to be 90% of the time. Unfortunately, he only uses his powers for chaos.)
Ofc, Wally would start getting curious about Jason eventually because suddenly this kid is fucking everywhere? Dick’s calling on him for intel in the middle of a firefight, and he’s ragging on Roy’s atrocious dress sense, and he’s joking with Donna and Kyle’s giving him the same shit that he used to give to Wally, excuse me. Wasn’t he a villain or something? The last time Wally paid attention to him, he was sawing heads off in Gotham, and now Wally can’t seem to turn without tripping over him. When the fuck did that even happen?
(I’m not sure if Wally ever met Robin!Jason. Hm. Were Jason’s guest-appearances on the team during when Wally was pulling one of his stints of... I don’t WANT to be a hero, I want to be a NORMAL BOY who goes to COLLEGE, even though I literally re-created the Flash’s lab accident down to the letter just so I can have his powers and be a hero and save the world? ... ykw, we don’t acknowledge that era of Wally. This was back when he was a meninist incel or something. Ick.)
... and damn, Wally really can trip over him now, huh. Because he sure did grow up big, and strong, and rugged, and haha fuck now Dick is starting to glare at him, too, and not just at Roy, abort, abort.
...... Wally does attempt to subtly ask Roy, later, if there’s any truth to the statements about him and Jason and Kori that Roy says to Dick to get him all riled up. I say “attempt to” because Wally is bad at subtlety. It’s part of why he and Kyle get along so well. Roy realizes what he’s asking and he about has an apoplexy because Wally? Wally? Now there’s a surprise contender he did not expect, tossing his hat into the ring.
But also. Also... hot.
Roy and Kori are watching all of this while munching popcorn like damn, this is better than TV. Because Kyle’s having his crisis, his Love crisis, and Wally’s having his oh my god why do I find my best friend’s little brother hot crisis, and Jason is just happily oblivious to all of this, because he’s too busy angsting over his dad not loving him enough and dismantling trafficking rings and being the big, bad scourge of Gotham to notice Kyle pining after him like a lovelorn puppy, and Wally eyeing him appreciatively like he hasn’t eaten in a whole hour and Jason is a tender piece of marbled steak roasted on both sides to perfection. He does notice the way Kyle and Wally look at each other, though, because he’s only observant when it comes to the positive emotions of other people. And he is not stepping in the middle of that, tyvm, because from what Roy’s told him the two of them have a looooong history and he does not want to get caught in the middle of that crossfire.
Roy and Kori are both like, what makes you think it’s going to get messy, anyway? And Jason, whose real world examples of functioning relationships are 1. Willis and Catherine Todd, 2. Bruce and Selina, 3. Bruce and Talia, 4. Dick and all his exes, 5. Roy and all of his not-exes because he doesn’t date but people keep falling in love with him anyway and he panics and ghosts them because he is Roy William Commitment Issues Harper, 6. Kori and whatever the fuck she’s got going on with Dick and like, an ex? back on Tamaran? who she might still be married to?? what the fuck, 7. Kyle and Donna and their messy breakup(s)(?) (Jason doesn’t ask, because he Does Not Want To Know) (he’s too busy repressing to realize it’s half because of jealousy), is just like, that’s just how things go.
And Roy and Kori, both having mentally run through all of those ^ options while Jason was thinking of a response, are just like. ... yeah, alright, that’s fair enough.
God, every single relationship in DC is a mess.
Where was I even going with this?
Oh, right. Basically, Kyle is pining like a lovelorn idiot, Wally doesn’t know what the fuck he’s feeling and it’s making him confused, and Jason is ignoring his feelings because maybe if he just represses them hard enough, they won’t spill over and punch him in the face. Honestly, I see Wally making the first move, because his inadequacy issues don’t run as deep as Jason and Kyle’s do, and Kyle’s just like :D and Jason’s like, what the fuck. What the fuck? Because it literally blindsides him, even though it’s stupidly, painfully obvious to everyone else around him.
Either that, or Roy gets sick enough of watching their lovelorn pining, and employs Dick’s help to lock them all in a closet, naked, and fuck it out.
(Dick doesn’t actually disapprove of Jason sleeping with his friends, he just needs to get over his mental block of still seeing Jason as a baby)
Anyway. They’re all a whole-ass mess.
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buckevantommy · 4 years
'(Un)Happiest Season' review
Simply put, it wasn't enjoyable as a romance or a comedy or a Christmas flick. It failed on many fronts, but this reviewer from Salon.com puts the thing into words for Happiest Season's main failings: 
What's bad: There were two main criticisms of "Happiest Season." The first being: Can't LGBTQ audiences have a holiday movie where the main plot isn't about mining the anxiety and trauma associated with coming out, being closeted and casual homophobia? Then there's the fact that Harper really is just kind of the worst. After pushing Abby back in the closet, Harper ditches her in a town where she doesn't know anyone to go drink with her ex-boyfriend until two in the morning, then proceeds to call Abby "suffocating" when called on it. It's a pattern of s**ty behavior that is pervasive and present throughout the movie, so her redemption arc doesn't feel super genuine. 
Why can't we have main queer characters in Christmas movies without their presence being all about their queerness? We want fluffy festiveness, dammit! They could've made Harper less selfish and more attentive while still playing into the *I'm not out yet Because Reasons so we need to hide our gay relationship* trope, but they didn't. Who knows why, but what a waste. 🎄👩‍❤️‍👩☃️
^ Look at that trailer and tell me you don't expect Misunderstandings with fun and tropey antics + Domestic Christmas Shenanigans + Comfort for Hurt! You will be sorely disappointed. 😞 
NOTE: The flick does have a few good moments. And it's probably worth the watch just to see what's missing/mishandled when it comes to queer characters and queer romances in mainstream movies. 
But it's not really fun or funny or heart-warming - where are the snowball fights? Insightful conversations? Christmas elements like eggnog/spiced wine, candycanes, mistletoe? Where are the many colourful side characters and the hungover brunches? We get one scene of ice-skating for a few minutes and it's wasted on sibling rivalry bs rather than, say.. Abby and Harper skating together but not being aloud to touch—omg the tension!! 😍 
There's just not enough comfort for the hurt Abby (Kstew) goes through; the film wholly lacks those warm-n-fuzzy Christmas vibes; there's just way more wrong with it than is right with it - which sucks, because this had the potential to be such a great movie if only Harper was written as less ignorant/selfish and we'd gotten more enjoyable family interactions and more festive fun - like a celebration in town. Instead we get a few limited shots of the adorable town, a crappy bar, and an OTT fancy Christmas party for performative rich white folk on a career path for power and "perfection" (ie. wholesome family values). 
The story they went with was definitely better suited for a dramatic film, so in a romcom setting it really didn't work. Plus the side-characters were flat; we needed more depth from the supporting characters, more meaningful interactions. 
^ Look at those intro credits!! Look at all the domestic happy moments and tell me you don't want to see a movie filled with such fluffy festive goodness!! Well, if you don't want to see such moments, don't worry because you won't. I naturally thought we were going to get this kind of romantic-and-non-romantic happiness dispersed throughout the entire film, but no. Not a one. There's 5 minutes of Happy Couple at the start, and that's it 📸☹️ (unless you count a photo collage of the happy ending and year that follows stuffed into the end credits). 
BTW: That intro song is the most Christmasy song in the whole movie. The soundtrack features modern pop songs which 1) don't help set the festive vibe and 2) are really fucking annoying; the song choices are grating, not pleasant, not enjoyable, and they overpower the scenes with a whole lotta noise. I really wish we'd gotten more tunes like the one above. 🎶 
About the image below—Abby is actually miserable the entire time, getting worse by the day, barely a smile seen on her.. while Harper is the one schmoozing her family and contacts with teeth bared, so.. this image isn't what you'll get, just fyi:
Tumblr media
(also: the only POC actors they had were the perfectionist-stone-faced-bitch's husband and his girlfriend - wife + hubby being secretly separated.) 
The things that the Salon reviewer liked are the same things I did (see below), but imho even those elements weren't enough to save this film from being: 
an infuriating 102 minute-comedy of errors buoyed by a healthy dose of gaslighting 
More cons of the flick are pointed out by denofgeek.com: 
Some of its issues come from the structure of the film, which shoehorns very real queer struggles into wacky rom-com tropes too fluffy to contain the stakes at hand. Meanwhile the choice to have one half of the lead couple be so aggressively and repeatedly cruel—while her high school ex Riley, played by the ever-perfect Aubrey Plaza was standing right there having all the chemistry in the world with the other romantic lead—was a fatal one.
It really was a dramatic plot idea crammed into a fluffy narrative. You can see the conflicting genres fighting to stay alive and they both die a slow, agonisingly dull death throughout the film. The whole *Abby being converted to loving Christmas by Harper inviting her to spend the holidays with her family* thing, only to have Harper force their relationship + Abby into the closet. Straight conversion much? I'm 100% sick of heteronormative bs in my queer Christmas films. 
For the most part, when you're not feeling for Abby's harsh treatment by her would-be fiance and everyone but Riley ignoring her completely, you will be bored af from the lack of festive cheer - not just twinkle lights and boisterous seasonal music, but those good ol' homey family Christmas vibes. With the Harper house + family members, everything's a performance, so that lack of sincerity and warmth makes for a depressing viewing experience: 
^ Jane (one of Harper's 2 sisters) is the only character allowed to be consistently genuine in the narrative (aside from John, but he's restricted mostly to phonecalls, and Riley - but even she's keeping Harper's secrets). Jane is the only character who is naturally vibrant and reminds us of some of the reasons we get excited about Christmas movies: to feel joy and to enjoy the company around us during the holiday season! 🎄☃️🥳 But rather than give us a fun day out with Jane + Abby, we get Abby + the second sister (i don't even remember her name, just BitchFace) which leads to more bad treatment of Abby - this time by two spoiled af no-smile rich kids. *le sigh* Jane carries the spark of honest joy for the entire Harper clan and that is TOO MUCH to expect of one character, let alone a side-character. 😪 
There are so many ways the story could've been tweaked to make more sense and be somewhat enjoyable, including: 
The orphan!Abby thing is just bad. Rather than give Abby a voice, chances to let her personality shine, almost everyone interacts with her to merely briefly express their condolences for her long-dead parents 🙄 
Abby is a pet-minder, ie. she's an animal lover, yet at no point do we see her interact with animals! Not a dog or cat or hamster, no reindeer at the petting zoo, nothing. 🐕🐈🦎🦜🐠
Riley + Abby getting together (even just a kiss) 👄 
Abby + Harper separating so Harper can get her shit together - and then we get several flashforward shots of them separately living their lives (Harper especially), and then meeting back up again - maybe the next holiday season, after some much-needed time apart 🏃‍♀️🤸‍♀️ 
side characters who engage with Abby in a sincere, meaningful way instead of ignoring her (again, we got Riley, but she was outside of the family dynamic) 😊 
MORE FESTIVE CHEER! where were all the staple Christmassy passtimes, the smile-inducing season-specific experiences??? 🎉 
More from denofgeek: 
Where the script gets into trouble is that it doesn’t distinguish between Harper being closeted and her poor treatment of Abby. The two are separate issues and treating them as one does no favors to Harper, nor others struggling with the closet. As Dan Levy’s beautiful monologue late in the movie alludes to, the closet is a safety mechanism—but it’s not a free pass to treat people like garbage. [...] 😟🏳️‍🌈
Even a brief conversation teasing out that being in the closet doesn’t justify how Harper acted, and that plenty of people in the closet don’t treat others like trash, would have been important. Instead once Harper is out (which the movie takes pains to make clear only happened because Harper’s sister Sloane outed her), and a gesture so small it could never credibly be called grand is made, all bad behavior is washed away. [...] 😤🙅‍♀️ 
The jarring underlying issue is that 'Happiest Season' attempts to apply the standard rom-com and made-for-TV-holiday-movie tropes to queer life. So Abby having to go back into the closet isn’t framed as a painful regression or being forced to deny an essential part of herself, but rather a fun twist, in the vein of “but the guy she insulted on the plane is the owner of the ornament factory she has to impress to win the Christmas contest!”🚪😒 
All of Harper’s behavior adds up to making her feel like something the audience wants Abby to be free of, not someone Abby should be fighting for. Once Riley tells Abby about Harper’s cruelty in high school, where Harper outed Riley and mocked her rather than standing up for her or finding an excuse that protected them both, it becomes incredibly difficult to root for the lead couple to get back together, or for Harper at all. 👏💃 
With this information, Harper’s other transgressions go from frustrating to part of a larger pattern. Sadly, it’s a pattern Harper repeats when her sister outs her and she throws Abby under the (lesbian) bus. 🤬 
all interactions between John (Dan Levy) + Abby (he's witty, honest, and 100% the most entertaining element of the entire film; i wish we'd gotten more of him) 😆 
Riley (Aubrey Plaza, Harper's ex) + Abby's scenes together because CHEMISTRY, both between the characters and the actors 👩‍❤️‍👩
Notable between Abby + Riley scenes include 3 instances of Riley comforting Abby's hurt: outside at the fancy party (Abby feeling excluded/ignored/not worth anyone's time due to the way they treat her even though they don't know she's gay), at a gay bar in town (sandwiched by scenes where Abby's made to feel like crap by Harper), and at the fancy home Christmas party where Riley gets Abby something stronger to drink after hearing Abby was going to propose to Harper (but it's been a helluva shitty week and those plans are dead) 👭 
Every scene with Riley was blessed relief from the hurt and discomfort and boredom of the rest of the time with Harper's family. 🤩 
Sister Jane, for being a genuinely fun character 🤗 who was written starkly different to her family and treated somewhat like an outcast 
Aubrey + Kstew killin it in various pantsuits 👀 
In contrast, Riley connects Abby to queerness, bringing her to an LGBTQ bar to decompress and enjoy a Christmas-themed drag performance. It’s the most relaxed and comfortable Abby is on screen since the opening scenes, a chance to glimpse Abby’s authentic self before Harper summons her back to heterosexuality, and where she once again ignores and disappoints her. Riley actually talks to Abby at the various holiday parties whereas Harper keeps leaving her to please her family, especially her father. It’s not hard for the natural chemistry between Plaza and Stewart to take over
I wouldn't watch this film again. For a hopeful Christmasy love story I'd just watch all Abby + Riley's scenes: 
In closing, here's a batshit article title from observer.com that just makes you go, huh? 🧐:
‘Happiest Season’ Isn’t Happy, But That Doesn’t Make It a Bad Rom-Com
Um.. yes, yes it does. 
Rom-Coms are supposed to be fun, light-hearted stories about love even when the plot deals with lying - The Proposal, Sweet Home Alabama - so a movie that leaves you hurting more than comforted in sympathy with one of the main characters because the (apparent) love of their life is treating them like shit, then it doesn't deserve to be in the genre of Rom-Com. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨💞🎬
In summary, Abby and Harper got 5 minutes of happiness in the beginning, and an eventual happy ending after a super rocky middle. The journey was painful and unenjoyable, and it made their happy ending unbelievable and, for Harper, undeserved because of her behaviour through 90% of the story. 
In short: it was not, in fact, the happiest season. 😕👎
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adeliaharris · 4 years
My Favorite Books...
1. Harper Lee "To kill a Mockingbird"
The story of a small sleepy town in the South of America told by a little girl. The story of her brother Jim, dill's friend and her father - the honest principled lawyer Atticus Finch one of the last and best representatives of the old "southern aristocracy". The story of the trial of a black guy accused of rape a white girl. But first of all it is the story of a turning era when xenophobia, racism, intolerance and bigotry inherent in the American South are warming to the past. The "wind of change" has just begun to blow over America. What will it bring?
- This is probably one of my favorite books.The book captured from the very first pages and did not let go for a long time after reading. You can say a lot of things but better read it.
2. Khaled Hosseini "The Kite Runner"
A heartfelt story of friendship and fidelity, betrayal and redemption, penetrating to the very core. Delicate, ironic and sentimental in a good way, Khaled Hosseini's novel resembles a painting that can be looked at endlessly set in pre-war Kabul in the 1970s. In this magical city shimmering with all shades of gold and azure two weather boys Amir and Hasan live. One belonged to the local aristocracy the other to a despised minority. One's father was handsome and important the other was lame and pathetic. Master and servant, prince and beggar, handsome and crippled. But there were no people in the world closer than these two boys. Soon the Kabul idyll will be replaced by formidable storms. And the boys, like two kites, will be picked up by this storm and scattered in different directions. Each has its own destiny its own tragedy but they like in childhood are tied by the strongest bonds. You run after the kite and the wind as you run after your destiny, trying to catch it. But she will catch you.
- Psychological novel on the theme of "crime and punishment". Deeply elaborated images, convincing children's characters, a remarkably built plot - everything speaks of a great master. For me it is "heavy" literature but it has the right to be because it calls things by their proper names. And most importantly there is light in the stories of Hosseini! The light of true human feelings.
3. F. Scott Fitzgerald "The Great Gatsby"
A jubilant, sparkling thirst for life, a desire for love, alluring and elusive, exciting pursuit of wealth - but now the dream breaks to the sound of jazz and the eternal holiday turns into a tragedy. "The Great Gatsby" is a novel about "how illusions are wasted which make the world so colorful that  having experienced this magic, a person becomes indifferent to the concept of true and false." F. S. Fitzgerald
- I read it and was not at all disappointed! Elegant presentation with high meaning - everything in this life is done for the sake of love. And no amount of money can replace the woman you love... And even if she is stupid, frivolous and idly living her life. I have great respect for Gatsby and contempt for Daisy. There are a lot of wonderful quotes, phrases in the book, it's worth thinking about. I didn’t expect to literally fall in love with this piece! In the future I will definitely re-read it more than once!
4. Daniel Keyes "Flowers for Algernon"
Forty years ago it was considered a fantasy. Forty years ago it read like fantasy. Exploring and expanding the boundaries of the genre eagerly absorbing all sorts of newest trends trying on a common human face bravely ignoring the Cain's stamp of the "genre ghetto". Now it is perceived as one of the most humane works of modern times as a novel of piercing psychological power, as a filigree development of the theme of love and responsibility. It is not for nothing that Keyes called his book of memoirs published in the 1990s "Algernon, Charlie and Me."
- The book is an emotion that will not make you think about something particularly difficult. All the thoughts that it generates are very simple and understandable. Without revelations, of course, but not bad either. The assessment will, rather, depend on the degree of personal sensitivity because the author often uses the concept of "naive hero-evil reality-collision-squeezing out sympathy" during the work.
5. Agatha Christie  "Murder on the Orient Express"
The great detective Hercule Poirot who was in Istanbul returns to England on the famous "Orient Express" in which it seems, representatives of all possible nationalities travel with him. One of the passengers an unpleasant American named Ratchett offers Poirot to become his bodyguard since he believes that he could be killed. The famous Belgian brushes off this absurd request. And the next day the American is found dead in his compartment with the doors closed and the window open. Poirot immediately takes up the investigation - and finds out that the compartment is full of all sorts of evidence pointing... to almost all the passengers of the Orient Express. In addition the train gets stuck in snow drifts in a deserted place. Poirot needs to find the killer before the express can continue on its way...
- I liked the book. Pretty easy to read. The plot is "confused" from the very beginning but Mr. Poirot is yet  a world-famous detective. It is better to read about all the twists and turns of the investigation on your own, "immersion" is guaranteed.
6. Stieg Larsson "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"
Forty years of the mystery of the disappearance of a young relative haunts the aging industrial tycoon and now he makes the last attempt in his life - entrusts his search to journalist Mikael Blomkvist. He takes on a hopeless business more in order to distract himself from his own troubles but soon realizes: the problem is even more complicated than it seems at first glance.
What is the connection between a long-standing incident on the territory with the use of mobile devices which happened in different years in different parts of Sweden? What does the quotation from the Third Book of Moses have to do with it? And who, after all, attempted on the life of Michael himself when he came too close to the solution?
- The whole trilogy left a deep impression. Such books appear very rarely. Out-of-the-box characters, amazing Sweden, dark atmosphere. I advise absolutely everyone!
7. Ray Bradbury "Fahrenheit 451"
Perhaps the best of Bradbury's writings. The story "Fahrenheit 451" depicts a dystopian society of the future but in fact - "our reality, reduced to absurdity." Bradbury invented a state where reading and keeping books is prohibited. For the sake of political correctness and general peace of mind the general level of spiritual and intellectual demands of citizens is artificially lowered. But there are rebels and fugitives.
This is one of Bradbury's rare sci-fi works. Very exciting touching and at the same time very lively and dynamic. With a relatively simple plot, it is full of allusions including biblical texts and complex symbolism.
- This is just a great book! I advise everyone to read it! Despite the fact that the author wrote it in 1953 this does not feel at all. A very interesting and poignant plot for our time.
8. Victor Hugo "Les Miserables"
All the works of the great French poet, novelist and playwright Victor Marie Hugo (1802-1885) are covered with a halo of romanticism. The idea of ​​life-giving love, mercy, the triumph of good over evil - this is the core of his novel "Les Miserables". Among the "outcasts" are Jean Valjean sentenced to 20 years for stealing bread for his starving family and the little dirty Cosette who turned into a charming girl and a child of the Parisian streets of Gavroche...
- Brilliant work! So thoughtful, so overwhelming and so humane. The inimitable Hugo put all his philanthropy into this magnificent novel!
9. Stephen King "The Green Mile"
Stephen King invites readers to the eerie world of the death row where they leave in order not to return, opens the door of the last refuge of those who have transgressed not only human but also God's law. There is no more deadly place on this side of the electric chair! Nothing you've read before beats Stephen King's most audacious horror experience - a story that begins on Death Road and goes deep into the deepest secrets of the human soul...
- I have been familiar with the work of S. King for a long time and have read more than a dozen of his books. The work "The Green Mile" is a story that will not let you go for a long time. She leaves a residue in her soul - mixed feelings and indescribable impressions from the story itself, unique and ingenious.
10. Gregory David Roberts "Shantaram"
This art-refracted confession of a man who managed to get out of the abyss and survive, has sold four million copies around the world and has earned rave comparisons with the works of the best writers of the modern era from Melville to Hemingway. Like the author the hero of this novel has been hiding from the law for many years. Deprived of parental rights after a divorce from his wife, he became addicted to drugs, committed a number of robberies and was sentenced by an Australian court to nineteen years in prison. Having escaped from a maximum security prison in his second year, he reached Bombay where he was a counterfeiter and smuggler, traded arms and participated in the showdown of the Indian mafia and also found his true love, to lose it again, to find it again...
- It is very difficult to somehow categorically evaluate this novel. There are many advantages here: a fascinating story of the wanderings of the protagonist in the world of a harsh exotic country. Together with him, the reader develops, absorbs the alien culture and energy of other people, people of another world to which we are not used to. However there is something ridiculous about this.  At times it seems that we are watching real Indian cinema - the brainchild of Bollywood naive and merciless. In general I liked the novel, it is interesting, bright, impetuous. During the period of reading this great story, I have never been bored. Despite some controversial points - I advise!
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nomattertheoceans · 4 years
The 100?
Thank you Nonnie!!! :) 
Top 5 favourite characters:
Echo / Emori / Raven / Murphy / Octavia
Other characters you like:
A lot, actually! Off the top of my head, Lexa, Clarke (although not in the way most people like her, I enjoy her as an anti-hero lmao), Bellamy, Monty, Jasper, Lincoln, Indra!
Least favourite characters:
Aside from the obvious villains obviously, I’m gonna say Kane and Abby. I never really cared for their stories, I’ve hated Abby since season 1 and Kane since s5 there’s just something about them being absolutely awful leaders and blaming kids for their failures that I can’t get behind.
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Basically lmao.
No but seriously, I think their love story is just great on so many levels, they’re the only love story I really care about in the show.
Other couples I really like are: Bellamy and Echo, Octavia and Lincoln, Octavia and Niylah, Octavia and Diyoza, Murphy and Emori and Raven, Echo and Raven, Jasper and Maya, Monty and Harper
..... Bellarke lmao.
I enjoy the dynamic between Bellamy and Clarke, but I never saw it as romantic, and that’s how I enjoyed it. I love their ennemies to reluctant allies dynamic, I love the fact that their relationship is dysfunctional I love the parallels between Clarke and Octavia. But I don’t enjoy it at all as a romantic dynamic.
Favourite friendships:
Monty and Jasper, Octavia and Jasper, Raven and Murphy
Favourite family:
This is almost only found family because this show has a ton of found family dnamics that I love!! The Blake siblings, Spacekru, Octavia Diyoza and Hope, Raven and Finn.
Favourite episodes:
Murphy’s Law, Blood Must have Blood part 1 and part 2, Thirteen, The Chosen, Pramfayia, Red Queen, The Garden
Favourite season/book/movie:
Season 2. It has my favorite version of Lexa, it has Bellamy and Echo meeting, it has the most interesting antagonists (in my opinion haha). Season 4 is a close second though!
Favourite quotes:
“You believe that to defeat an ennemy who will stop at nothing, you must stop at nothing. How is that any different than Blood must have Blood?” - Luna in s3, because I think this quote shows very well the central conflict of the show, one that was established by Finn in s1: We have to try not to repeat history, and yet everytime, they do repeat it. I disagree with Luna in that instance because the threat that was ALI wasn’t like any other, but I agree with her sentiment.
“In peace, may you leave this shore. In love, may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels. Until our final journey to the Ground. May we meet again.” LISTEN. If there’s is one thing of the world building I absolutely adore, it’s the Traveler’s Blessing. It’s a beautiful prayer, and it gives me all the right emotions when I think about it. I was disappointed with what the show was making of it in seasons 2 and 3, with characters saying it all around, but then there are two instances that really get to me: Octavia and Bellamy saying it over the dead radio at the end of s4, and Monty / Bellamy and Clarke saying it at the end of season 5.
Best musical moment:
I loved the way the music carried the scene right after Lexa’s death, how it melts from Lexa’s death and Titus saying his ritual words, to Becca reaching earth, back to Lexa and the Flame coming out of her.
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest:
Oh boy there are a LOT Off the top of my head: when Monty refuses to leave Jasper alone when he gives his blood to Maya, when Murphy says “Touch me again and I’ll end you... in a non-criminal way”, when Becho was confirmed in s5, When Clarke managed to align the satellite dish in Pramfyia, when Octavia confronted Skaikru in The Chosen,.... I can’t think of others right now but there are a lot lmao You can check out my favorite scenes series if you want, I’m working on it slowly!
When it really disappointed you:
A lot of times, honestly... I’m gonna say, all of season 6. I hated it. It had so much potential, with characters having to deal with the aftermath of season 5, Monty and Harper dying, Jordan existing, Wonkru.... Instead we got a whole mess that didn’t do much for any character and I was really disappointed.
Saddest moment:
Lincoln’s death. I knew it was coming because I knew the actor was leaving the show, but I was so NOT READY for it omg it’s the scene I still cry everytime I watch it because it’s so sad and heartwrenching....
Most well done character death:
Okay so I think The 100 is really bad at having well done character deaths, so I’m gonna say my less well-done one lmaoooo
Lexa’s. Her death was so stupid. I wasn’t in the fandom at the time so I wasn’t aware of the awful queerbaiting that was going on, so without talking about BTS and marketing ploys, I do believe that her death was heavily predicted by the show. However, it was a stupid death and Lexa was too awesome a character to die by a stray bullet. She deserved a proper send-off, she deserved to die in an epic battle, or fighting for what she believed in,..... not a bullet. 
Favourite guest star:
I know Shawn Mendes (Mendez? I don’t know lmao i don’t know him) was a guest star but I don’t know any other guest star so I guess that’s my answer lmao
Favourite cast member:
I don’t follow the cast, so I don’t have a favorite xD
Character you wish was still alive:
Jasper and Finn both deserve to still be alive, because the show treated their mental struggles like shit and I’m very bitter about that!
One thing you hope really happens:
Honestly, I don’t know? We have four episodes left of the entire show and I have no idea where it’s headed lmao I guess I hope both Emori and Murphy survive to see the end and have a long and happy life <3
Most shocking twist:
Okay I actually have three so I’ll you my top three:
1- The revelation of the Mountain Men. I was absolutely NOT expecting this to happen and I was gasping and going “nooooooooo way!!!” at my computer because it was so out of nowhere!! I loved it lmao
2- Murphy discovers that ALI destroyed the world: the ending of s2. That scene is so chilling, Murphy watching the video of Chris crying and killing himself, cut with scenes of Jaha getting to the mansion and the wholse scene with ALI herself... that whole scene was really cool and unexpected!
3- Clarke and Jaha steal the bunker during the conclave. I was so SHOOK by this moment, it was such a bold move and I loved it!
When did you start watching/reading?:
Early January, 2015. I was back at my appartment waiting for the semester to start, my roommates weren’t back from the holidays yet, and I was bored. So I started the show, and I binged all of season 1 and half of season 2 in 24 hours xD I caught up at Spacewalker, and then had to wait two weeks for the next episode to air and it was agony!!!!
Best animal/creature:
Favourite location:
The Second Dawn Bunker. Yeah I know it’s strange coming from me because I absolutely hate so many things about the bunker xD But it was such a cool location!! With the rotunda/arena, the farm, the huge corridors,.....
Trope you wish they would stop using:
“It’s the end of the world, whatever shall we do???” I’m just tired you guys. Nuclear apocalypses and other bombings should not be that common lmao
One thing this show/book/film does better than others:
I love the fact that it has so many different and well developped female characters.It shouldn’t be rare, but it still is, and this show really stands out to me for that reason. I’m not saying it’s the peak of feminism or anything because lmao IT’S NOT. But the women of the show have agency, freedom, they’re all distinct from one another and not just tropes and cliches. I really like it.
Funniest moments:
Nothing comes to mind right now? I feel like an idiot lmao I have so many moments that make me laugh and I can’t think of a single one right now x)
Couple you would like to see:
I would love to have canon Murphy x Emori x Raven!!
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast:
Nobody haha sorry
Favourite outfit:
Blodreina’s cape thingy!
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Favourite item:
Raven’s necklace!!! I’m actually hoping to make myself one someday, it’s my favorite thing ^^
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?:
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?:
I wish I could be spacekru haha they’re the best found family of the whole show and we deserved a flashback episode for them <3
Most boring plotline:
the entirety of season 6 xDDDDD
No but seriously, I’m gona say Illian’s plot. Honestly I never got into it at all, I didn’t care enough about him, or his family.
Most laughably bad moment:
I mean, the pilot is pretty cringe-worthy xD
Best flashback/flashfoward if any:
the flashbacks of the Dark Year.
Most layered character:
Most one dimensional character:
Jordan lmao I was so disappointed with his story in s6.....
Scariest moment:
OMG in season 2 when Bellamy, Octavia and the guards go into the old parking garage and CAROL OF THE BELLS START PLAYING THAT WAS SO FUCKING CREEPY
Grossest moment:
Ewwww the whole worm thing happening in s5, AND the weird trees growing inside people in s6 xD
Best looking male:
S5 Murphy, hands down. Also s7 Murphy cause he spends half his time shirtless lmao
Best looking female:
Emori! She’s so pretty.
Who you’re crushing on (if any):
I mean everybody is gorgeous but I don’t have a particular fixation haha
Favourite cast moment:
I don’t watch interviews or BTS stuff so I don’t know much, but Richard Harmon wearing hie sister’s costume and wig was really funny ^^
Favourite transportation:
Becca’s rocket
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise):
It’s very obvious symbolism, but I love the last shot of Blood must have blood part 1, with Clarke standing alone in front of the door of Mount Weather.
Also, Octavia forcing the clans into submission in Red Queen, the mini conclave in fron of the doors of the vafeteria. The shots in that scene were really good!
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you:
Lmaooooooo do you have ten hours? Because that’s how long I can ramblr about the inconsistencies and plotholtes of this show x) Off the top of my head:
- Why does everybody on the Ark speak Enlighs?
- If Becca knew Nightblood could let you live on Earth then why didn’t she distribute it among the space stations?
- Why did Cadogan build the bunker in the middle of the city when he had a prefectly good FOREST??
- If Lexa is the first Commander to unite the clans then what was the role of the Commander before her?
- Why didn’t the Ark send one adult with the 100 (Pyke) to protect and help them?
- How come the Eligius IV prisoners don’t die when they come back to Earth in s5 since they have no nightblood and didn’t adapt through evolution?
- How is it that Spacekru survived with algea alone but Wonkru had to have this huge variety of plants?? WHAT’S THE MAGIC ALGEA MONTY???
- Why did Mount Weather crash the Exodus ship?
- If the ressources on the Ark are so scarce then why would they float people with clothes on them?
- How come Raven could visit Finn in prison but Bellamy couldn’t visit Octavia?? If Octavia was in solitary, why?
...... Okay i’m gonna stop for now lmao but I could write an entire memoir on the inconsistencies of this show lmao
Best promo:
That one:
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At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: 
I’m thinking Murphy’s Law? The first few episodes were a little too teenage-drama for me but this episode shifted my opinion enough to get me to keep watching ^^
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afaimsarrowverse · 4 years
Ten Favorite Ships from the four main Arrowverse Shows:
Rules: For this list Crossover Pairings were excluded if one partner is confined to their own show. However if the character changes show later he or she is on the list. This is my blog, this is my list, it is in no way objective, everyone is entiled to their own opinion, so please don’t reblog or answer just to tell me how much you disagree with me. You can’t quantify love, well except with stupid lists like this, just because a ship is not on this list does not mean I don’t like it - except when it does - so…. yeah, here we go
  10 besten Ships „Arrow“:
 10. Merlance (Tommy Merlyn/Laurel Lance)
 I always liked the unlikely story of Tommy Merlyn actually conquering Laurel Lances heart.
 9. Overarcher (KaraX/Oliver QueenX)
 While I don’t think our Kara would ever really give Oliver a shot, this one was undoubtly True Love, well at least for Oliver X, Kara X did love him, yes, but she was much more in line with duty than he ever was. Which is what actually makes this dynamic this interesting.
 8.      GreenAtom (Oliver Queen/Ray Palmer)
 A very underapprecaited Ship that I love dearly. Ray und Oliver together have so much potential.
 7. SmoakDetective (Donna Smoak/Quentin Lance)
 Quentin needs love, and while Donna is not the first person you would think of when you would think of a potential partner for him, she is the best fit for the role. She challenges him and makes his day brighter. And he treats her well.
 6.      Olivarry (Oliver Queen/Barry Allen)
 As unlucky as Olivers Love Live is, maybe that’s the case because the actual love of his live happens to be a man which he is not willing to admit to himself.
 5.      Raylicity (Ray Palmer/Felicity Smoak)
 Cute and entertraining those two are actually a much better fit than Oliver and Felcitiy, maybe only a little bit too simelar as Oliver has pointed out.
 4.      Nysara (Nyssa al Ghul/Sara Lance)
 We love Sara and we love Nyssa, why shouldn’t we love them together?
 3.      Throy (Thea Queen/Roy Harper)
 This is the one ship that everyone agreed on was to be endgame.
 2.      Lauriver (Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen)
 This was supposed to be endgame, and the fact that it wasn’t is frankly just an insult to anyone who knows anything about Green Arrow in the comics.
 1.      Cannarow (Sara Lance/Oliver Queen)
 So here it is my Arrow OTP.
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 Die 10 besten Ships „The Flash“:
 10    Elongsue (Ralp Dibnyh/Sue) Dearborn
 This was supposed to be an epic love story with endgame potential.
 9.      Eobarry (Eobard Thawne/Barry Allen)
 Fanboy Eobard might have come to hate Barry, but a part of him never stopped loving the scarlet speedster as we all know.
 8.      Elongflash (Ralph Dibny/Barry Allen)
 I frankly never understood why people did not ship them more and there are so little fanfics about those two, I mean it’s a classic love story really.
 7.      Allenbert (Barry Allen/Julian Albert)
 For a long time I thought that that would be the reveal about Julians problem with Barry. Appearantly so did the actors.
 6.      Jocile (Joe West/Cecile Horton)
 They are cute and sexy together, have a mature realtionship that presents new obstacles the navigate around together, and it’s an eternal shame that their planned Season 5 sub-plot was cut short
 5.      Coldflash (Leoanrd Snart/Barry Allen)
 Leonard flirts with everything that moves, but Barry has a special place in his heart.
 4. Westhawne (Iris West/Eddie Thawne)
 And he was ready to fight destiny itself. For Iris. And she did love him. A lot.
 3.      Thallen (Eddie Thawne/Barry Allen)
 Barry und Eddie were crushing hard on each other, there is no denying that.
 2.      Westallen (Iris West/Barry Allen)
 Westallen ist destiny in every timeline, in every universe, it’s a as simple as that.
 1.      Westhallen (Iris West/Eddie Thawne/Barry Allen)
 This is how you solve a love triangle, that does not need to be one, when all three parties have certain feelings for all the other members of the triangle.
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 Die 10 besten Ships „Supergirl“:
 10.  Lanvers (Alex Danvers/Maxwell Lord)
 Yes, I know Alex is lesbian, but this ship ist just too yummy.
 8.      Killiam (Kara Danvers/William Dey)
 Frozen burn realtionship that deserves to pick up speed. Kara deserves a love life, please!
  9.      Karolsen (Kara Danvers/James Olsen)
 Back in Season 1 of Supergirl I actually shipped this.  I loved Kara and genuinly wanted her to get the guy of her dreams. I mean she got heart eyes, ever time James walked in the room, but she also was adult enough to stettle for „just friends“.
 7.      Dolsen (Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen)
 Kelly is a much better fit for Alex than Maggie ever was, because she is less selfcentered and much more willing to compromise and they are more simelar. And in the end all the obstacles those two faced they were willing to overcome together.
 6.      Overarcher (KaraX/Oliver QueenX)
 While I don’t think our Kara would ever really give Oliver a shot, this one was undoubtly True Love, well at least for Oliver X, Kara X did love him, yes, but she was much more in line with duty than he ever was. Which is what actually makes this dynamic this interesting.
 5.Brainia (Brainiac-5/Nia Nal)
 Brainy and Nia and their relationship were the only genuine good things about the first half of Season 4.
 4.Winniac-5 (Winn Schott/Brainiac-5)
 I am one out of two persons in the world who ships this, but I ship it hard.
 3.      Clois (Clark Kent/Lois Lane)
 Clois has been done very compelling by many other actors before, but the Arrowverse-Version still managed to get their own spin on it and to come across super sweet.
 2.      Sanvers (Maggie Sawyer/Alex Danvers)
 Ah, Sanvers, they took the world in storm and didn’t we love them.
 1.      Karamel (Kara Danvers/Mon-El)
 Their chemistry jumped from the screen right into our hearts.
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Die 10 besten Ships „Legends of Tomorrow“:
 10.  Saramaya (Sara Lance/Amaya Jiwe)
 I really don’t know why everyone is going on about Kendra and Sara, when they could be going on about this ship were there is actual tension and actual chemistry there.
 11.  Coldray (Leo SnartX/Ray Terrill)
 Those two are just two cute and sadly were wiped out of existence by Crisis, but I still love them.
 8.      Atomsteelwavevixen (Ray Palmer/Nate Heywood/Mick Roey/Amaya Jiwe)
 I prefere Steelatom and Vixenwave as bros, but as a foursome those four rock the libido and the Waverider.
 7.      Captains3 (Sara Lance/Rip Hunter/Leonard Snart)
 Given that Sara and Rip, Sara and Leonard und Leonard and Rip would not last together, my solution to this would be to get together as a threesome.
 6.      Constangreen (John Constantine/Gary Green)
 We love Gary, and Gary loves John, and John does actually love Gary.
 5.Avalance (Ava Sharpe/Sara Lance)
 At this point Avalance is cleary planned to be endgame and rightly so.
 4.Hellcanary (John Constantine/Sara Lance)
 Two broken souls, two players who played which each other and found solace in each others arms – two bi-sexual icons together
 3.Vixensteel (Amaya Jiwe/Nate Heywood)
  I loved the star crossed romance between Nate and Amaya, and the fact that they defied history and was heart broken when they gave up after all.
 2.      Timecanary (Rip Hunter/Sara Lance)
 Out of all her many suitors Rip is the one I would want to see her ending up with.
 1.      Atomwave (Ray Palmer/Mick Rory)
 This is my Legends-OTP and I am still not over the fact that Ray is out of the show and so is this ship!
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Book Review: Now and When
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Rating: ★★★½☆
Blurb: Skyler Finch hates everything about Truman Alexander, pretentious debate geek and her sworn enemy. She does her best to avoid him and focus on the important stuff: friends, school, and her perfect boyfriend. They’re all wonderful, and the future is looking bright. Or is it?
For some unexplainable reason, Skyler's phone is sending her notifications from the future . . . a future in which, to her horror, she appears to be with Truman. She can’t let that happen. But trying to change the future means messing with the present, and what Skyler sees keeps shifting. Forced to work with Truman again and again, Skyler finds that people—like glitchy phones—are full of surprises.
I have mixed feelings. I ended up liking this book, but I'm not quite sure it was worth it the frustration. This is just, at its heart, a frustrating book.
The main character is like "I can't believe I'm so drawn to this guy who's not my boyfriend! Maybe me and my boyfriend aren't as good together as I thought. Maybe I really like this other guy." And you're like, "So you can hold off kissing the new guy until you've dealt with the boyfriend situation, right?" And she's like "Oh no I absolutely cannot. That's a no go. I will be kissing him now." And you're like "That's what I thought you'd say, you typical YA high school plot."
Despite how much I dislike the "cheating out of sheer inability to resist this other person" trope, I think the book handles it pretty well. You can feel Skyler's guilt, and you get the sense of her relationship going downhill even before anybody else gets involved. It's not a great plot line to me and I enjoyed it more once that drama had been resolved, but I don't think it's badly written.
Truman himself is convincingly dislikable when necessary without being an asshole, which is kind of outstanding—so often "enemies to lovers" books have a love interest who was truly cruel to the main character and treat it as a quirky "they are equally to blame!" situation. This isn't that. This book is like hey, they both have reasons to think the other one is aggravating and mean, but neither of them have ever tried to assault, humiliate, or otherwise ruin the other's life. And I'm like cool, I can deal. I am also very inclined toward this kind of "love arguing with this person so much that I might just have to kiss them about it" dynamic, so that’s fun.
I like how the future social media aspect was handled. For example, how the stuff Skyler can see goes beyond instagram to linked webpages, and that how well those webpages are organized and maintained says as much about the future as the photos on them.
I am also always here for complex female friendships! Skyler is often motivated by what her friends want and what she thinks they need, which is a cool part of the book, and one I don’t see a whole lot. But I also had some issues here.
Skyler’s friend Harper gets a decent amount of development and is pretty compelling—she's dealing with depression, recovering from self harm, trying to go back to normal life while everyone else can't stop walking on egg shells around her. She gets to be three-dimensional, sweet and determined and sad and tired. Their friend Jordan, on the other hand, isn't as developed, and I feel like there was a dropped plot line here. Her and Skyler's friction, partly driven by their different ways of coping with Harper's self harm that happened before the book began, seems like it must be driven by more than that, because she gets annoyed by things about Skyler that are completely unrelated. For that reason, I feel like they needed more conflict resolution than the scene about all three of them, because I think there was more, between just her and Skyler, that needed to be addressed.
I look back on the book with much more good to say than bad, but it was just not the most enjoyable reading experience for me.
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it’s nice to be in a place where people are still figuring themselves out.
so i finally got my shit together and watched titans 2.02! and now i would like to Talk about it, if you don’t mind:
SPOILERS follow.
1. i love that while dick is doing so much, much better than he has in a while, he still hasn’t quite found his centre. he sets such high standards for himself and utterly throws his whole self into achieving whatever his stated goal is--be it burning bridges with the superhero community to Find Himself, or taking in a team of headstrong teenage superheroes to train them. i mean, the blindfold fights, the constant training, making them read sun tzu-- come on! it’s just the kind of over-the-top effort that i would’ve expected from dick grayson, and i love him for it.
1.25. what i love even more and what i do think is different this time is how self-reflective he is about it. like the scene with jason, there are moments when he’s visibly re-evaluating his approach to his students, trying to provide them with motivation tailored to the way they think. he gives jason what he craves--a sense of responsibility, authority, fluffs his ego a little bit in appealing to his help in training rachel and gar. he’s jokey and warm with rachel, spending time with her outside of training/teaching, making dad jokes (titans: the next generation, dick? pffft), letting her know that she can trust him while also listening to and respecting her input. gar--well, gar says that dick’s nicer to him after what happened with trigon, but i wish we had been shown that instead of just told. (i only hope that this means we’ll get a long, satisfying conversation between dick and gar somewhere down the line where they hash things out and actually start bonding.) and with rose, he’s hyper-aware of both her desperate situation and her need to be independent, and he keeps re-evaluating the way he’s treating her and taking in her input when he can. i just. i stan a Mature tortured mentor, you guys. i don’t even know if i can use the ‘byronic cupcake’ tag for him anymore.
1.5. i just love that, whatever the window dressing, whatever the ways he’s decompensating in response to relentless stress, the core of what he is remains compassion. that he’s making the moves to reach out to people (which tracks with dick from the comics), putting aside past resentments and trying to rebuild relationships. 
1.75. i do think that having more of his contemporaries in the room would do both him and his charges a world of good, however. rachel dotes on him too much to really call him out on his bullshit, and gar and jason don’t know him well enough/aren’t close enough. it’d be good to have a donna or a hank to pull him down a few pegs and stop him from taking himself so seriously. 
2. so i’m glad my little fic predicted the emotional beats between dick and his charges--right down to rachel and gar talking about how much they miss kory behind dick’s back. 
2.5. also! trigon may not be completely gone? the scratches that rachel found on her body are like the ones that melissa would find on hers, way back in the pilot episode. hmm.
3. i love the dynamic that kory and donna have going--their easy familiarity in the way they work, the way they tease each other, the way they know each other’s habits. (it’s also interesting that kory apparently gets attached to certain clothes, certain food, certain music, and is completely fine doing repetitive activity for hours on end.)
and a little bit of drip-feed about kory’s past: when she says she appreciates that humans have choices and opportunities from when they are born, and that is unusual to her. honestly, kory’s story sounds fascinating, but it is easily the most unevenly developed of the titans so far. hopefully the cliffhanger of her being kidnapped would really get her arc going.
3.5. all said and done, though, that confrontation with shimmer was kind of... underwhelming? is shimmer connected to doctor light? are we supposed to know that beforehand?
4. this episode had so many, many things working for it that i almost don’t want to criticise; however, the pacing was just bizarre, with scenes ending abruptly before they’ve had a chance to sink in, and good god, the dialogue. quite a bit of it sounded stilted and unnatural, with a fair amount of ‘as-you-know-bob’-ing thrown in the mix. i can only hope that with kory and donna coming back to join the team, and gar hopefully getting a bigger role to play, their conversations would flow more naturally.
5. ultimately, i’m just so glad that this show makes absolutely no bones about the fact that it is about family first and superheroics next. that it values family ties both old and new, and recognises the ways being in your own head can distort the ways you look at the world and people around you. that healing and moving on is just as important as conflict.
i just. THIS SHOW. <3
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missmartian369 · 5 years
Episode 20: Quiet Conversations Reaction
- Oh so this is where Vic was during New Years.
- Oh no another father/son argument. Dang Vic has a lot of anger in him.
- Oh shit what’s happening to Vic now?!
- Oh thank god Forager found him!
- IT’S DREAMER!!!!!!
- Dammit Violet ran away!
- I’m glad that Tara and Brion regret how they reacted to the news Violet shared with them. (Even though I understood why they reacted that way.)
- No Jace you can not go with Artemis!
- Forager and Tara put their foot down and won’t go to school just so that they could help their friends...….my heart!
- Dang that boom tube is loud. And Vic is getting annoyed with their loudness lol.
- Jace to Jeff “Please be careful, I.....I need you.” *they kiss* Ew! Like I can’t ship it knowing how freaking shady Jace is!
- Oop! M’Gann and Harper are having a guidance councilor meeting.
- Yo look at that bruise on Harpers shoulder!
- Ya’ll I’m loving the dynamic between Artemis and Tara! It’s like an older sister/younger sister relationship!
- Oh shit Violet went to see Gabrielle’s family!
- Ok Kaldur is trying to help Dolphin.
- Oop they’re going to Atlantis!
- Look at Kaldur doing his Atlantean magic!
- Dolphin can talk!
- Uh oh Vic’s dad is here.
- Vic calm down!!!
- Ok it seems that the Father Box tech spreads with Vic’s negative emotions.
- Jeff is so funny lol. He’s all disgusted that he as standing in a God’s nose lol.
- It’s Superman!!!!
- Ok now they are putting Vic in a coma. Smart move for now.
- Dammit who is Jace talking to?!?!
- Yay! Superman and Superboy are fighting side by side again!
- LOL CONNER JUST CASUALLY ASKS CLARK TO BE HIS BEST MAN! And Clark said yes but has a delayed reaction as to why lol.
- Ya’ll don’t trust Metron to fix Vic!
- Lol Clark is still confused.
- Ok we’re back to the session with M’ Gann and Harper. M’Gann doesn’t believe this rough-housing story and neither do I.
- Oh dang Kaldur feels guilty about what he and the other leaders are doing.
- Dolphin notices something is up, too.
- Jace...........you are just shady as hell. Leave Brion alone.
- Ya’ll........I told ya’ll not to trust this Metron guy.
- Yes! Get him out his chair!
- Look at Dolphin giving Kaldur the pep talk that he needs.
- You damn right Kaldur is a good man!
- Yo how Harper and Violet got the gun is hurting my heart!
- No Harper don’t leave!
- M’Gann is hitting everything on the head with Harper’s situation.
- Ya’ll........ya’ll I’m tearing up. When Harper finally admitted that their dad hits her and her brother my heart just broke!
- Oop! Violet is about it tell Gabrielle’s family what happened to Gabrielle!
- Ok they got Vic in the chair. Ok the chair is doing its work on Vic but dang is it hard to watch with all of these sound effects.
- The soul of the Father Box returned to the source. Thank god.
- Conner: “I’m starting to see why Bear punched this guy.” LOL!
- They figured out that Granny and Gretchen Good are the same person.
- OH VIC HUGGED HIS DAD!!! I hope that they can repair their relationship.
- Oh dang the cousin is now yelling at Violet. At least the mother reacted better to it and calmed the cousin down. But this exchange still broke my heart.
- Awwwww look at Tara hugging Violet!!!!! 
- OMG look at the black eye Harpers’ brother has. I really hope that they don’t get separated in the system.
- VIOLET IS BACK WHERE SHE BELONGS!!!!! (Jace get away from her!)
- But things are still on the rocks for Briolet. Hopefully they can resolve that, too.
- Yo Tara straight up lied to Deathstroke. She does not want to do what Deathstroke wants her to do anymore. In the words of @youngjusticeslut Tara is BABY!!!! I really hope they do not kill her off in this version.
- I love how they ended with the National Domestic Violence Hotline message!
- Yo........yo......is that Jeff and Jace I hear fooling around in the credits? Yo they just broke something......wtf?!
- Ya’ll this episode had me feeling some type of way in the best way possible! It was so good!!!! Really good!!!!!
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