#so yes birthdays themselves are cool
azzo0 · 6 months
cw: death
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Katsuki held his sons' hands tightly so they did not run away from him as they walked down the bustling streets. The twins were really chaotic and loved running. Sometimes, Katsuki wondered if they ever got tired of it.
"Hurry up, mama is waiting for us!" The youngest of the twins exclaimed, trying to walk ahead of his father. 
"Slow down, Naoki," Katsuki sighed for the hundredth time, "Look at your brother. He's walkin' nice n' slow."
"Kaoru is a slow poke!"
"Papa, Nao's makin' fun of me again!" Kaoru complained, tugging on Katsuki's hand.
"Be nice, Naoki." Katsuki reminded. It was often difficult for him to get the two to stop arguing over minuscule reasons like who got the last bottle of strawberry milk or who got to keep the TV remote. There was never a dull day when you had two mini Katsuki's around. 
They finally arrived at the flower shop, much to the twins' delight, "No running," Katsuki reminded, "You'll knock the flowers down."
He leaned by the counter, watching the twins ogle at the vibrant array of flowers with bright cherry eyes. They always spent a few minutes admiring pretty and sweet-smelling flowers before buying their mother's favourite ones. 
"Okay, boys, done looking around?" Katsuki said at last.
"Yes, papa." The two replied in unison.
"Then which flowers are ya getting for Mama?" 
"Lilies!" The twins exclaimed. The florist smiled and wrapped the delicate white lilies with care, handing the bouquet to Katsuki after he paid. He felt a tug at his jeans and looked down to see Kaoru pointing a small finger at something. Katsuki followed the direction of his finger to see a shelf with teddy bears and other small gift items. 
"Can we get Mama a teddy? It's her birthday, just flowers won't do!" 
"Yes, let's get Mama a teddy too!!" Naoki agreed. Katsuki hummed in response and paid for the teddy holding a red heart, handing it to Kaoru. 
"Can I hold the flowers?" Naoki asked. 
"Sure," Katsuki gave the bouquet to Naoki, stifling a smile at the fact that the bouquet was too big for his little arms. 
Katsuki took the boys to a tranquil place, his heart aching when the twins' once excited steps slowed down. The brothers stood side by side, their heads hung low. Katsuki kneeled down beside his sons, brushing his fingers over the cool headstone. He glanced at the twins and ruffled their hair, giving them a smile even though his chest squeezed and his heart bled. He did it for the sake of them. He wanted his babies to smile. 
He watched their lips tug up in the smallest smile. Naoki set the lilies down on the earth while Kaoru let the teddy sit by the headstone. The two sat down on their knees, "Happy birthday, Mama."
"We miss you so much," Kaoru mumbled. 
"We wish you were here," Naoki sniffled, "Then we could buy a big cake, and Papa would take us on a picnic. You like picnics, right, Mama? Come back to us. Papa misses you too."
Katsuki felt his throat closing up at the sight of the twins huddled together as they tried to maintain a brave front. Beads of tears welled in his waterline. He held his arms open, and the boys got up to bury themselves in their father's chest. He held them close to him, a tear rolling down his cheek. 
Happy birthday, my love. 
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chukys-mouthguard · 3 months
I know youve probably been getting a ton of rempe request which I have to add to it too (I’m so sorry) but a good enemies to lovers with a bit of angst would be 😮‍💨
Party’s Over
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Words: 3.49k
Featuring: matt rempe x female reader
Genre: angst, fluff; enemies to lovers
Summary: who the fuck invited matthew rempe to your birthday party?
“So, guess what Braden just told me.”
Your friend setting her phone down after reading a text from her boyfriend, an awkward smile on her face. “No, absolutely not, tell him no!”
Not needing her to even give the answer you were already fully aware of what Braden had said. But there was no way in hell you were okay with it.
“If those boys dare to bring Matthew Rempe to my apartment, they are going to get beers thrown in all of their faces!” She laughed as you pointed to the case of beers you were getting unboxed into an ice bucket for the guys to dig into once they arrived. The rest of the girls just silently munching on chips and queso as they all knew this saga between you and Rempe all too well. And as much as they would love for you to join the club and start dating a Ranger like the rest of them, they weren’t planning on that being Matt.
While you loved all of their boyfriends, the one Ranger you couldn’t stand was Matt Rempe. From the day you two met he had gone out of his way to be nothing but a dick to you. Constantly ragging on you, taking jokes too far, and now he was going to be in your apartment. No doubt any little action of his would piss you off to your maximum, simply because he was in your place.
“Look, it’s your birthday, I don’t think he will be an asshole to you today. Plus, they are already on their way here. What are they gonna do, throw him out of the car?” “Yes! That sounds like a great plan!” Rolling your eyes you finished setting up the appetizers and drinks before the guys arrived.
“Hello hello? We heard there’s a birthday going on?” Vinny Trochek called out before the boys filed into your apartment, each of them with a significant other soon joining them, the few single guys and girls introducing themselves as everyone was grabbing drinks and getting food.
You had greeted everyone but were also too preoccupied with being a host, in hopes that it would distract you from how angry you were with Matt being in your apartment.
“Y/n…it’s your party and you’re making drinks for people. What the fuck? Go drink, mingle.” Braden’s girlfriend quick to take the bottle of Tito’s from your hand and push you toward the kitchen island, your sudden presence stopping a conversation between Matt and Chris Kreider. “Oh I’m sorry, did I interrupt something?” You glared at Matt, your tone a bit harsh as he sipped his beer. “Actually yeah, Matt was just saying how good you look tonight.”
Shaking his head in protest, Matt quickly swallowed down his beer, “more like the opposite. I said no such thing, don’t flatter yourself.” He smirked at you while Chris just shook his head, hating the constant immature bickering between the two of you.
“How about, you take that beer bottle, and show it up your ass Rempe? I think that would be such a fun party trick.” Flashing a fake smile you quickly left the kitchen, heading to your bedroom to cool off.
Glancing at yourself in the mirror, you began to second guess your outfit.
knock knock
“Y/n, what’s up? Chris said you stormed off after Matt made some smartass comment. Are you okay?”
“Do I look okay? Like, should I be wearing something different?” Chris’s wife Francesca rolling her eyes as she took a seat on your bed. “Really? Rempe said shit about your outfit and now you want to change? Have you ever thought that maybe the two of you just need to fuck and get it over with or something? I really think this whole act you’ve got going on needs to stop.”
Ignoring her comments completely, you went right to your closet, pulling out a white short sleeved bodysuit and a new pair of jeans. Quickly pulling them on and then pairing them with some heeled black boots.
“Okay, thoughts?”
Francesca lightly chuckling at how self conscious you’d become the second Matt said anything negative about how you looked. “I mean, you look hot as fuck. But, I feel like you’re trying to look good for him now.”
“Don’t be silly, I’m simply just trying to look hot and make him eat his words. And if the boy starts drooling about my tits practically being on display, that’s his problem not mine. Now let’s go do a shot!”
After you reappeared from your bedroom, newly clothed, you couldn’t help but notice how Matt’s demeanor had changed. He kept his distance and didn’t say a word to you. Though he didn’t have to, his eyes on you almost constantly and you were happy to know he was eating his words.
Three rounds of shots later, everyone was piling into Uber’s to head out, of course everyone finding it funny to put you and Matt in the same car, as well as make you both sit in the back seat together. Keeping your back somewhat to him, you tried to not as much as bump him with an arm or a leg, though his hand had tapped you multiple times as his arm was draped across the back on the seat.
Once at your destination you quickly pulled out your lip gloss and turned on your front camera to aid in your application.
“You know, I never understood the point of lip gloss. Like, it’s just gonna come off on your drinks or when you kiss someone.”
Matt practically whispered in your ear as he peeked his face into the view of your camera, making you roll your eyes. “Yeah well,” turning to face him, you hadn’t noticed how close his face was to yours, causing you to swallow a breath, “guess you’re in luck, I definitely won't be kissing you tonight.”
The group headed inside the club, having a table reserved at the back as to hopefully not draw too much attention having a handful of the Rangers with you. Everyone getting comfortable and situated with drinks as you threw back a few shots to erase the backseat interaction with Matt from your mind. This was your birthday, you were not going to let that cocky asshole ruin it.
The night had so far consisted of Vinny Trocheck getting so drunk he attempted to dance shirtless in your section, Chris and Matt competing to see who could chug their beers the fastest, and you losing track of just how many drinks and shots you’d had. But one thing you knew for sure was that you were about to pee your pants.
“I’ll be right back, bathroom.”
Slowly making your way through the crowd by yourself, Matt’s eyes followed you, making sure you made it to your destination. “Dude, cut the shit. This tough guy act, being dick to her. It’s not working for you.” Matt scoffed, taking a sip of his beer, “Krieds, I have no clue what you’re talking about.” He tried denying it, but Chris could see exactly what Matt thought he was doing. And despite his efforts, majority of the guys could see right through him. “All I’m saying is, for someone who dislikes her so much, you sure do care a lot making sure she made it to the bathroom safely.”
“Look, there’s a difference between me not liking the girl but knowing how to be a decent human being. Should I want her to not make it safely? Gosh Krieds now you sound like the asshole.” Matt attempted to put an end to the conversation, turning away from Chris, though keeping an eye on the bathroom.
After what felt like a thirty minute wait, you were able to evade peeing your pants in public and were headed back to your party. Though not before a drunk guy could try and creep on you, immediately making you remember why you didn’t go out to clubs anymore.
“Hey beautiful, you here alone?”
“Nope, actually here with friends.” Flashing a soft smile you attempted to brush past him in the hall, but he moved with you. “Oh, so you’re the one celebrating a birthday. How about I get you a drink?” Again flashing a smile you shook your head, “no thank you, we are stocked on drinks. I’m good.” The drunken man catching up to you as you could barely maneuver your way through the crowd. His hand snaking around your waist as he pulled you into him. “How about more than just a drink then?”
Immediately pushing against his chest to get out of his grip, you questioned the man but he didn’t let go. However soon enough, another arm reaching around to pull you free, to which you were surprised. Ready to thank the individual who likely saw the event and stepped in, until you saw the face of Matt Rempe appear next to you.
“Pretty sure that’s not any way to treat a lady. You wanna tell me why you put your hands on her?” Rolling your eyes you didn’t bother to stick around for Matt to be the hero and ask for your praises. Matt noticed you run off, but made sure the drunken man wouldn’t cause any more trouble for the night. Heading back to the table and immediately downing a shot before asking your friends to dance.
It was now 2am and you were down for the count, not able to hold your head up and just wanting food and your bed. Your friends helping you to your uber as everyone was more than happy to head home for the night. None of them partying like this in awhile and already anticipating the hangovers that were on the horizon.
“Okay, so as much as I want to take y/n up to her bed, I’ve got to get Chris home before he’s knocked out and I can’t deal with him alone.”
Francesca doing her best to keep Chris awake next to her as you were in the back seat once again with Matt, though you were oblivious to that as you were asleep with your head on his shoulder. “I can take her.”
Francesca a bit shocked at Matt’s offer to help. “You sure you’re not just gonna take her up there and draw on her face or something to mess with her?”
“Oh come on, I’m not that much of an asshole.”
Matt laughed, shaking his head as he looked down at you sleeping.
“Y/n…Y/n, wake up. We are back at your apartment.” Your eyes slowly fluttered open as Matt was attempting to help you out of the Uber. “I can do it myself.” Pulling your arm away from him as you were adamant about getting yourself inside, though only stumbling up the sidewalk and practically breaking your ankle in the process. “Y/n, just let Matt help you please. I gotta get Chris home before he’s sleeping on the street tonight. Stop hating him long enough for him to get you into bed.”
“I will never let this man get me into his bed!”
Francesca shaking her head with a sigh, “that is not what I meant, Jesus Christ…Matt, please let me know if you need anything. But I gotta get this man home.”
Matt laughed as Francesca guided a drunken Chris to their car, knowing that he would never let him live down this moment of being carried by his wife because he couldn’t hold his alcohol.
“Alright, let’s get this over with.”
Matt put a hand to your lower back as he helped guide you inside, trying his best to keep his distance so as to not upset you any more than he already had. The ride in the elevator was silent as you just stared at the numbers slowly counting up until you had reached your floor. Doing your best to walk to the door without issue, though now you were in for it as you tried to fumble with your keys and unlock it.
“Can I-” “No, I got it.”
Quickly opening the door you tossed your bag on the counter, soon collapsing on your couch. Not caring that the walk to your bed would have been only sixty seconds more, you needed to be horizontal and not in these boots any longer. Trying your best to kick off the boots, but having no luck, Matt soon came over to help. Your need for the boots to be off stronger than your want to be Miss Independent.
“I guess I will get you some water, heat up some of the food from earlier…”
His voice trailed off as he walked to the kitchen, your eyes opening to watch him. Why was he being nice all of a sudden? You didn’t like it, after he had made it his mission to be an asshole, all of a sudden he starts trying to be nice? He was clearly trying to get something out of you, praises or thanks for stepping up and taking care of you. Most likely to rub it in your face later and laugh at you for thinking he was a changed man or something.
“I don’t need your help, you know. I can do all of that myself.”
Matt just ignored you, continuing with making you a plate of food before he brought it over to you on the couch. He smiled softly as he held out the plate, and as much as you were starving, you couldn’t bring yourself to accept anything from him. “Why are you doing this?”
“Doing what?”
He looked at you confused before setting the plate on the island in the kitchen. “Pretending like you care! Trying to be some hero and swoop in to save the day. You know what your problem is?”
“What’s my problem?” He leaned against the island, crossing his arms as he let you continue with airing your frustrations.
“You think that anyone is going to fall head over heels for you and just give you everything you want. You’re so full of yourself. And then, the second a girl doesn’t fold for you, you treat her like shit, like how you did with me. Do you know how annoying it is? Being friends with all those guys, and you’re the only one who hates me? Who talks shit about me, bashing me whenever he can? I fucking changed my outfit tonight because you made me feel like shit about myself! And for what? Because I didn’t drop my pants for you the first day we met or something? Get a fucking grip, and stop thinking so highly of yourself. I didn’t need your help at the bar, and I don’t need your help now if you’re only doing it to hold over my head later or try to use it against me. I don’t need you trying to embarrass me for ever thinking you were actually a nice guy and gave a shit. So if you’re only doing this to look good to everyone else, then please leave.”
You stomped off to your room to change, needing your jeans off and sweats on. Removing your bodysuit and replacing it with a hoodie, a deep sigh leaving your lips as you pulled the fabric over your head.
knock knock
Glaring towards the door you saw Matt slowly appear from behind the frame. His demeanor a bit defeated as he tossed a small box onto your bed. “Here.…happy birthday. I’ll call an Uber then head out.”
Your angered facade fading as you looked from Matt to the small box on your bed. Only moving to open it once you’d heard him head back down the hall. As you untied the blue ribbon, you lifted the lid to reveal a beautiful necklace of your birthstone that you had been eyeing for months. Instantly your heart sank, regretting all the words you just spat at him. But, you weren’t actually feeling bad for Matt, or regretting something negative you said to him, you couldn’t. Because you were supposed to hate each other. Though this was an expensive ass gift for someone to buy if they hated you.
Setting the necklace down on your dresser, you darted out of your room and down the hall. Stopping in your tracks when you saw Matt still in your kitchen. “Sorry, I’m leaving, it's just raining and I figured I’d wait until my Uber got closer. I’ll be out of your hair in a minute.”
He went back to his phone as you could tell he was embarrassed and upset. Clearly this not being how he planned for the night to go, and you shared in the embarrassment for all the things you’d just said.
“Matt….how did you?”
Playing with the hem of your hoodie you awkwardly closed the distance between the two of you, eventually resting on your forearms against your kitchen island.
“Francesca told me you’d been eyeing it for months. I asked what was something I could you for your birthday, I wanted it to be something nice, special. But, clearly I fucked that up because I’m such an asshole.”
He wasn’t even making eye contact, his voice low as he mumbled his responses, shrugging it off like it was nothing. But it was clearly something.
“I just, I don’t get it…why get me such a nice, thoughtful, expensive gift. If you hate me?”
Matt laughed, finally looking up from his phone. “You really don’t get it do you? I don’t hate you y/n, it’s actually quite the opposite. When Chris told you earlier I was talking about how good you looked, he wasn’t lying. I really did think you looked good. And I felt awful when you went and changed clothes. I mean, you still looked hot as hell, but I felt bad that you thought I really didn’t think you looked good.”
He locked his phone and set it on the island as he made his way over to you.
“I acted that way because I've never met a girl like you. For starters, you never seemed interested in me, and I didn’t know how to take that. You were hard to read, and I thought if I messed with you, I would learn your personality. But you only dished shit right back at me just as I gave it. So I thought you weren’t interested and truly did not like me. Not to mention, coming into this group of people, when everyone is close already. I was trying my best to fit in, but I’m awkward okay? I wanted you to like me, and I fucked that up, clearly!”
You laughed along with him as he ran a hand through his hair. “And, I thought tonight I would fix things. I’d be able to give you that gift, and apologize for all the shit I started. But then, you got so mad at me when I tried helping at the club. And then when we got back here, I know I brought it on myself with being such a dick. But, I figured, there was zero chance I even got to make this right.”
“Well…” You sighed as you walked closer to him, your brain still trying to make sense of all this. “How about we start over? Blank slate, and we can forget everything. Stop this pretending like we hate one another and just be ourselves?”
Holding out your hand, Matt smiled before accepting and shaking it. “I’m Matt.” “I’m y/n.”
The two of you chuckled to yourselves, soon moving to the couch after you’d reheated the food Matt got for you which was now cold.
“Oh, um, aren’t you gonna cancel your Uber?”
Matt looked at you with a sheepish grin, “I never called an Uber.”
Your jaw dropping to the floor as you punched his shoulder. “Oh, so somehow you just magically thought things were going to work out and we’d be sitting right here on this couch? You thought you could easily just win me over and get a second chance with me? Matthew Rempe I swear to-”
Before you could finish your threat, Matt had placed his lips on yours, cutting you off with a kiss. Though shocked by the action, you didn’t fight it. Relaxing into the kiss before he pulled away.
“I just figured, with that gift I got you we were a little past first introductions.”
“You know, you’re lucky your cute Matthew Rempe…”
“Oh, so you do think I’m cute? I knew it!” He shot you a cocky grin as he dipped a chip in some queso. “We still have plenty of beer bottles, don’t make me bash you on the head with one.”
“Sweetheart, I get punched in the face on almost a nightly basis, I think I could handle a little beer bottle.”
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satoshy12 · 8 months
Danny is a clone of all Batman villains and Jack and Maddie Fenton
But being a hero or villain had bad effects on your health. So, as they wanted two children,
they did it the only normal way! They cloned a baby! As ex-villains, that was the best idea! That was how Daniel/Danny was created on their first try! Well, they had to enhance him, but it worked out.
So Danny was a clone of all the Batman villains and themselves!!
Danny always knew about it, like Jazz, but he didn't really care about it. His parents told him that as a child.
While looking like his parents, his personality is crazy, but that is Just Fenton for the outside Not Arkham.
And Mom and dad raised him. So they are his parents. +
Well, Dani was very confused! She thought Template was a normal person, but nope, he is a clone like her. So she is a clone of a clone? COOL! And that means!
She has many grandpa's and grandma's!! = More Birthday Gifts!
His DNA Donors are the Villians that were active 14 years ago. Yes they had succesful Clone with Ivy's DNA what she failed.
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avaf00rd · 6 months
Little Shits 4
Arsenal wfc x teen!reader
Auswnt x Teen!reader
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summary: you cherish some special and cheeky moments with you club team during your birthday week, and the end of Camp with you national team.
warnings: none, maybe that its edited shit - someone teach me to feel confident with my writing again so i can actually write something good
“You can’t make up your mind, mind, mind, mind, mind!” You and Alanna screeched into the microphones on the team bus back from Marvel stadium.
“Make it stop!” Kyra screamed over the extremely loud music, covering her ears, causing other girls to laugh and yell in agreement
“Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lover!” You sung into Caitlin’s face in her seat, she recorded you as she laughed, you would later find that video on her insta story.
Alanna threw you over her shoulder as you walked back to your bus seats once you were both finished your karaoke song. Voices gone.
You and your national team had just won against Uzbekistan with a wicked 10-0 and were officially going to Paris. Something you had been losing sleep on for weeks.
“You have ruined Justin Bieber for me you two!” Mimi yelled over the rows
“Oh get over it!” You yelled back laughing
You had some of the sprite bottle that was in your backpack to cool down after the performance before Alanna laid on your shoulder from next to you. “Tell me I’m dreaming and we don’t have to get on a 3am flight”
You pinched her
“Ow don’t pinch me” she exclaimed as she rubbed the now red skin
“Dreaming?” You laughed “we are going to be awake the whole night before that it’s fine”
“I’m already tired” she said before muzzling herself back into your shoulder.
“You’re boring” you said already bored at her energy level, getting up out of your seat while the rest of the bus was still singing and going nuts in excitement.
When the bus reached the Hotel you all took the lift to your respected rooms. You all had roommates this camp, and you were with Caitlin as she would usually room with Sam.
When you reached your room you both plopped onto your bed's before you reached over to the phone next to you as Caitlin got up to use the bathroom.
“Room service?” You asked as she had left the room to shower, before she quickly popped around the corner again and pursed her lips at you grinning. Implying a cheeky ‘yes’.
You dialed in the number as the phone rang to the kitchen and greeeting the staff on the line. “Yes just two of your cheese burgers, two fries, one side salad, two chicken nugget meals please and your umm…chocolate Sundae as well as your strawberry one” you said, ordering a lot for you and the hungry brunette
Caitlin came into the bedroom once again, giggling at your requests on the phone.
“20 minutes is fine. Thank you!” Before hanging up the phone and putting it back on the bedside table.
“I’m not gonna have any room for my airplane food!” Caitlin said
“I don’t understand how you like that stuff”
“Airplane food is great” she shrugged
You both had 1 hour before you had to leave for the airport. It wasn’t long at all, considering you both had stuff scattered around the apartment. Caitlin’s face cringed in confusion at your choices but left it before she got on the phone with her girlfriend and your Arsenal Teammates Katie.
“No fucking about alright? Everyone is tired” Mackenzie warns you and Kyra as you are lined up for boarding, large carry ons in hand and an all too eager duo consisting of you and your best friend.
“Hm” Kyra shrugs at the tall brunette
“We won’t, I’m tired too you’ll be fine” you reassured Mackenzie
As you slowly made your way down the boarding bridge you yawned more than twice on your way you were sure. Greeting the flight attendants you and Kyra made it to your respected seats.
You had fallen asleep after an hour, which is what you were specifically not meant to do due to all of the London Aussies trying to align themselves back with European time. But you slept for five hours and now you were up. Bored as nothing else as basically the rest of the plane slept.
Peeking over the small separator of a wall between you and Kyra, you found her dead asleep. Mouth hung open like drool was about to drip out any moment. You sent a photo of the girl in her state to your Matilda’s group chat, attaching ‘I hope all you who didn’t have to leave at 3 are having fun🥰’.
Quickly deciding to get up and go to the bathroom, you found Mini waiting at the bathroom door for someone to come out so she could go. She found you walking down the aisle and smiled at you before opening her arms slowly to hug you.
You lazily accepted her arms and slumped into her embrace. “I fell asleep just before” you said leaning into her side, keeping your feet grounded as the plane slightly felt wobbly.
“Naughty” Mini chuckled
When the older woman came out of the bathroom, Mini offered for you to go first but you insisted she go. Then noticing a very tired toddler in her seat a few rows down from the bathroom as you waited, Harper yawned bringing her smaller arms up to stretch which made your heart melt. Her tired and slow eyes found yours as she smiled before opening her arms for a hug.
Even though you were quite a fair bit away for her, you made your way back down the aisle to sit next to her in her overly large seat. She crawled into your lap, resting her body there. You, Carefully stroking her arm and looking around the plane at some of the girls asleep, you had completely forgotten about needing to use the toilet before Mini came down the aisle once again.
“And to all those returning home, welcome home” the captain said sweetly over the overhead speakers, Kyra rolling her eyes. You had slung your carry on over your shoulder and prepared to get straight out of your seat once Kyra had gotten her over-head carry on out.
“Hello London” you said once you finally made it to baggage claim and stopped to stand and stretch for a moment, before resting on your suitcase waiting for the other girls to grab their’s. Katie would be picking both you and Caitlin up and would drop you home. Teyah picking Kyra up.
“Oh my gosh can I please get a photo y/n!” You heard an excited voice behind you. Your tired expression immediately vanished as you turned around on your heel to meet with the voice.
A girl and a boy that looked about 10 years old stood there cutely with their phones out asking for a photo. “Me?” You asked smiling
“Yes! Only if that’s okay” the short boy said
“Of course” you smiled before putting your handbag on top of your suitcase so you could take the photo.
“We are Australian too! We are on holidays” the girl explained once you handed her phone back to her after you all took the photo
“Oh I thought I heard some Australian accents” you laughed “what do you think of London?”
“It’s very cold” the girl said
“Yeah” they both laughed
“Oh I agree. Bit different from Australia. What are your names?” You asked them
“I am Emma”
“And I’m Luke I play soccer like you!” The small boy said after his sister
“That’s awesome wow!” You said excitedly.
“Hey y/l/n, Katie’s here” Caitlin said from behind you. Not seeing the two young fans that you were talking to just yet.
“Caitlin Foord!” The little girl said excitedly before they both ran off to her. The small boy waving to you as he ran.
You looked a little to the left to find the Irish girl standing there smiling at the interaction, you walked towards her before she started to do the same to you when she noticed you. You hugged, a hug that felt long because it felt soothing to be in her arms like always. Every time Katie hugged someone, it was liked she always framed them in her arms perfectly.
“How you going tiny?” She asked looking down at you with that wide and comforting smile.
“Good” Katie mimicked you
“Very tired but I’m happy” you shrugged before pulling her back in. Before feeling a slight tug at the hood of your jumper. Caitlin pulling you away from Katie, so she could greet her. You grabbed your suitcase quickly while they kissed and did whatever else you chose not to look at for too long.
“Let’s go” Katie said grabbing your suitcase off of you so she could hold it before you all walked to her car and out of the airport.
“Vivvy I don’t need your help” you groaned as Viv came over to where you sat at the dining table, attempting to help you with your homework for the 10th time tonight.
“We aren’t starting this movie until it’s done and unless you want to be hated from us collectively I suggest you pick up that pen” Viv stated trying to keep her words firm and clear.
“Kyra I’ll have one” you pointed to Kyra who was at the fridge getting herself a coke. Completely ignoring Viv who attempted to help you hurry up.
“I give up we are starting the movie” Viv said before walking back to the living room where most of the girls were already.
It was a team bonding night with some of the girls who lived super close to you, Kyra and Alessia’s building. Everyone forced the idea on you that you would host. As no one else was bothered to host and cook for everyone.
You were quite a good cook as the 16 year old yourself. So you gave in, but had deadlines for your online school due tomorrow that you were nowhere near done. The girls found out about your deadlines and made sure you finished them.
“I’ll just ask for an extension” you shrugged getting up and heading to your kitchen to grab the coke off the island that Kyra left for you.
“You can’t just ask for an extension every time” Caitlin, your Australian teammate, said from her position leaning against your kitchen counter, digging her grimey fingers into the leftover salad on the counter.
“out” you flicked her fingers out from the bowl and pulled her arm with you into the living room. “Yeah well I don’t know my teachers so I don’t care” you shrugged before you both sat down on the couch. Caitlin having to take the floor, sitting in between her girlfriend’s legs, due to there being no more space left in the couch nor the beanbags.
“Excited to be 17 tiny?” Laura said from her position on the couch next to you
“Very” you smiled sweetly. It was your birthday in two days.
“That reminds me. Game day in two days, so we can’t watch this full movie” Kim said from the other end of your couch
“Oh come on” Leah groaned like a child to her club Captain
The movie had been playing for around 45 minutes now. When Kyra’s intrusive ideas quickly sprung up and she was sharing them with you. “If we snuck out no one would notice” she whispered
You quietly chuckled at the comment that came completely out of no where, before some of the girls turned to look at you, as the movie scene playing was definitely not that funny.
“Mate how are you gonna do that”
“Your gonna do it with me” Kyra said, you laughed quietly dropping your head and shaking it.
“Yeah and where the hell are we gonna go”
“We can literally just go to my apartment or the lobby. Just to see how long they notice, or how long it takes for them to finally find us” she said finally now leaning back into the couch to act casual, but waiting for your response. Instead you headed to the kitchen
“I’m grabbing water” you said as the rest of the girls eye’s stayed on the screen, Kyra’s following you before quickly getting up and following you when you motioned her to do so.
“I’m in, come on” you whispered before grabbing your key and heading for your front door, which was luckily behind the couch where the rest of your friends lay.
“Should we take our phones?” Kyra asked looking back before she shut the door behind her.
“Nah” you shrugged before Kyra finally shut it, very, very gently.
Bad idea.
Vic’s Pov
I got up to use the toilet, softly apologise to girls as I stepped over their legs that sprawled out over the carpet before I made my way to the bathroom. I knocked, remembering that Kyra had gone in not too long ago.
“Kyra?” I questioned softly after hearing not response, knocking again. “Kyraaa” I dragged out as I very very gently opened the door slightly to see if she was even in there. When my head finally poked through, I saw no one there. Walking in to double check, there was no one.
“Guys where is Kyra?” I yelled from the bathroom not too loudly. There was silence for a moment as none of the girls bothered to respond to me.
“Where’s y/n?” Katie yelled back, making me exit the bathroom and go out to see the rest of them. “Y/n” Katie slightly yelled across your small apartment. Going to check your bedroom and guest bedroom. “Did you say Kyra was gone too?” Katie asked me as she walked to the rooms, the movie now paused.
“Yeah she’s not in the bathroom like I thought she was” I said before following Katie, me laughing slightly once we checked both rooms only to find them not anywhere.
“Fuck me” Kim said under her breath, now getting up front the couch, Teyah also getting up along with Lia. Viv and Leah asleep on the couch.
Kim went to the kitchen to grab her phone so she could call y/n and Kyra. “Kim” Katie said motioning for her to look at herself, holding up both there phones as she walked out of the room. Signalling they left them.
“Why do they do this” Caitlin said as she went to your front door to look out into the hallway, before completely disappeared down it to look for both of you.
end of pov
“You dumb kid why did you say no when I asked about taking phones?” Kyra groaned as you both sat up against the wall, the outside of your apartment building. You and Kyra had ventured down to the lobby, only to think that it was too obvious, so you walked outside into the dark and sat outside the building. Dangerous. Yep.
“Oi Don’t call me that. Why did you ask me then?” I rushed
“This is boring come on” Kyra said before getting up and reaching her arms out, offering for you to latch on so she could help you up. Kyra dragged you back through your libby and then out a door. Leading to the car park.
“It’s so scary down here no” you said standing in the emergency doorway that you had both snuck into. It was 11pm, pitch black, and Kyra was making her way over to the box trolleys. The trolleys that the residents used to take up large items.
“Push me” Kyra said sitting down in the middle of the trolley, putting her hands in her lap, and crossing her legs.
“No” you hummed
“Only if you push me after” you gave in. It sounded fun.
“Don’t push me into a car” Kyra laughed as you started to walk with the trolley “faster cmon”
After spinning the trolley around for no more than two minutes filled with laughter and Kyra screaming as the trolley headed for the cement wall. "Okay off, my turn please" you said tugging on Kyra's sleeve before you helped her out of the trolley. As you went to hop in, you both heard the squeaky but heavy door leading to the car park swing open from he other side of the lot. Thinking someone was here to kill you both, you shared a paranoid look before instantly moving behind the red car you were both near, you peaked through the car's back window to see if you could see the figures that had entered, you heard the voice of a female before your eyes landed on Katie, Kim and Teyah.
"Is it a man?" Kyra asked, not looking, her back against the car.
"what? oh, no, worse. Kim Little"
Kyra just looked up at you and smirked before pulling you away, further into the dark parking spaces filled with cars. "Oi!" a strong Irish accent was heard, you looked back as you and Kyra ran through the large car park, locking eyes with a stern Kim Little. "Get back here!" Katie yelled again, a slight goofiness in her voice.
Kyra pulled you behind a car as you noticed Teyah and Katie running up to follow you, you and Kyra ducking out again and running behind another car. "Stop" Teyah breathed out as she ran after you two again. You turned back around only to realise you were running straight towards your captain Kim.
"Ah shit" you chuckled as your jogging came to a stop "hey it was funny-"
"we didn't know where you were, everyone was looking for you two!" Kim exclaimed
"Why" you asked smiling and still breathing heavily, recovering form your chase. Hearing the squeals and laughs from afar, Katie and Teyah were still taking off towards Kyra as they basically played tiggy.
"cause we all care about you. And it worried me that you and Kyra just left"
"Kyra's 22!" you said throwing your arms up
"Is she" Kim said, motioning towards Teyah and Katie tackling Kyra into the cement ground while she broke out into a giggling fit. "besides you're 16!"
"and you're over reacting" you breathed out before grabbing your jumper off the ground near the door and making your way to the exit. Getting in the elevator by yourself, pressing the button with the number 16 on it, heading to your apartment again. Though the lift stopped at ground level, above the car park, someone also trying to get the lift up.
Once the elevator doors opened, a blonde girl with a messy bun and her head in her phone was walking in. Not seeing you yet. "Shit"
Leah looked up from her phone at you. "There you are" Leah said, hitting the back of your head before rubbing your hair aggressively.
"Ow" You groaned, rubbing your head.
"I was looking outside for you, where's Kyra?" Leah said as the lift dinged and you both walked up the hall.
"Kyra's with Kim, Katie and um Teyah" you said, now unlocking your apartment door.
"Where on earth did you go" Leah asked now
"first outside, then the car park" you grinned
"look who it is!" Viv said as you both walked in, from her spot on the couch next to Beth, Laura and Alessia.
"Where is the rest of yous'?" Beth asked you simply shrugged, not bothering to answer, before collapsing into Laura's lap on the couch.
"You're kinda sweaty" Laura said from above your head.
Your birthday happened to land on a Thursday, which was your day off. Which meant your birthday would be spent not in the gym, and relaxing, just how you preferred. You sat up in your own bed, in your own apartment face timing your whole family on your computer. Once that ended, you stayed in bed, smiling and your heart warming at the Instagram posts your friend's back in Australia had created for your day, and the one's from your teammates also.
After a slow 30 minutes, you finally left the comfort of your blankets and got into the shower to freshen up for the day. You would be meeting the 'London Aussies' for breakfast this morning. Which included you, Caitlin, Steph, Macca, Sam, Kyra and as of late, Mini and Charli. It meant a lot to you that they took the morning's out of their day off to spend it with you on your birthday. Something you weren't sure would've even been thought about when you nervously moved across the world.
Steph offered to pick you up. So after applying some light makeup to match your usually-bronzed Australian self, changing into a warm outfit consisting of Jeans and a crew neck, Steph had texted you that she was now out the front of your apartment complex.
A wide grin was plastered on both your faces as the glass door outside your lobby opened, Steph leaning against her car waiting for you, large bouquet of yellow flowers in her hand. "Happy birthday Dancing queen!" she exclaimed before engulfing you in a tight hug, slightly lifting your feet off the ground in the warm gesture, you giggled at the comment before she let go of you.
She handed the flowers to you, "for me?" you asked in awe of them as she smiled.
"Of course" Steph said warmly
"Thank you it means a lot to me" you said hugging her again.
"Okay let's go i'm starving" She said before skipping off to the other side of the car to drive. You chuckled as you got into the car
"Where are we even going" you asked on the road, curious as to where you and your Aussie teammates would be eating
"I forget what it is called but I have taken you here before, you loved it" Steph said. Moments later, the car pulled into the parking lot, you remembering the cafe now. You saw Kyra getting out of the car with Charli, from your window.
Meeting up with all your Australian teammates from all around London once again made you happy, almost was the highlight of your day. During the breakfast, you got photos together at the table, some of the girl's mentioning that they would post them on their stories later for Instagram. You spoke about the Olympics, Sam's recovery and wedding plan's, along with plan's of Steph's big day also.
"You're gonna love the present from me and Katie" Caitlin grinned, nudging your shoulder, You let out a quiet but excited squeal.
"What are your plan's for the rest of your day y/n?" Sam asked you before sipping her iced coffee.
"I have been invited over to Beth and Viv's place for dinner tonight. So just chilling at my place then I will head over for that" You said to the girls, them all nodding.
Your birthday breakfast was over and Steph had dropped you back home, after taking you to the super market. To buy you whatever Sweets or snacks you wanted for your own apartment. You heard a knock at your door so you walked over to it and peeped through the door. Only to be met with a man in a fluro green vest and black hoodie.
"Y/n y/n/n?" the man asked. You hesitated at first, the multiple worried chats from Leah pondering into your mind about not talking to people who just show up at your apartment. That was before you looked down at the large box with pink wrapping paper and yellow ribbon, the object softening your initial expression. You quickly nodded at the man, before singing on a line from the form he put in front of you.
"Thank you" You smiled before he headed off, leaving the pink box at your door. You went to pick it up, it was heavier than you expected, but you brought it inside and placed it on your dining room table. You unwrapped the gift and saw the card from Katie and Caitlin. Their sweet words about how they were proud of your journey and their love for you had you smiling to yourself. You had received multiple gifts, most of them at training yesterday though, they all made you extremely grateful for the teammates you could call home now. The gift from Katie and Caitlin was a light pink Smeg mixer for baking may not seem to exciting, but baking and cooking for the people closest to you was your love language at this point.
Your teammates had become used to you hosting dinners, with your cooking skills. Also getting used to and comfortable with you regularly bringing them baked treats you had made. Some of them like Katie, Leah and Kyra had become quite demanding that you visit them with treats now.
On the cardboard box the mixer, Katie had written largely in thick-red sharpie 'I expect a shit ton of cookies now', her writing taking up the whole left side of the box. You laughed to yourself at her antics before opening up the box and taking a look at your present.
You and Viv got out of her car, where she had parked it outside her and Beth's flat. You were here to spend your birthday dinner with them. "Ready?" Viv asked before she opened the door.
"Uh yeah why" you questioned. Quickly before the door swung open and lights were turned on
"Surprise!" yelled a group, you shooting your head up.
You were met with the beaming faces of your whole family. Including your parents, older siblings, grandparents and closest cousins. Your jaw hung low really fast in shock. Your Australian family was all her in front of you. "What are you-" you yelled in excitement before running into your mother's arms. You greeted your whole family eagerly before hugging Beth who watched you interact with a proud smile.
"who did this?" you asked looking up at her, Beth still holding you
"i may have organised it. But you can thank your siblings" she grinned at you before you hugged her tighter.
You spent the rest of the evening eating pizza and talking with your family. You ended up having to get takeaway as Viv bought the wrong meat from the butcher to make for dinner. Forever grateful for your biggest supporters in your life and your Arsenal and Aussie teammates.
Not my best fic at all so i apologise. And i'm so sorry it took so long. Uni is kicking me in my ass daily so it's hard to edit a such.
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mncxbe · 7 months
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𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭...
ღೀ๋࣭ ⭑𝒄𝒘: age gap relationship, old men fantasizing about their younger colleagues, itty bitty smut, dilfs
Men who are reluctant to ask you out because they don't wanna come across as creeps. They know how unusual it is for a man their age to be interested in a younger woman, but they just can't help it. You're so pretty, cheerful and kind, their little ray of sunshine.
Men who know you're at their beck and call and always make the most of it– be it for asking you to bring them a coffee or simply helping them write a report. Anything just to hear you say "yes sir" in that sweet voice of yours.
Men who can't wait for your birthday so they can finally spoil you rotten with gifts, claiming that it's only natural for them to give you something since you're working so hard and doing such a good job. A little token of gratitude. They love watching you unpack your gift, feigning surprise when you tell them it was exactly the thing you wanted. They hit you with a "Oh really now? That's just wonderful. I'm glad to hear you like it" as if they haven't observed you carefully over the past few months and know everything you like and dislike.
Men who feel guilty when their pants tighten as they watch you bend over to pick something up from the floor. They can only imagine how wonderful you'd look bent over their desk with your panties moved to the side– your pretty cunt sucking them in so snuggly.
Men who think of you a bit too much when they're alone, who do their best not to touch themselves out of respect for you but still end up failing miserably. After a hard day at work the only thing that relaxes them is dirty thoughts of you. They always play it cool the next day at work, as if they haven't moaned your name as they came in their fists last night. and the night before that. and the night before that.
Men who eventually notice that you're also interested in them and feel like they're on cloud nine. All their dreams come true when you start giving them little hints– a lingering touch here, an invitation to a bar after work there– but they don't want to rush things. Nah, they take things slow and make sure you're aware of how much you mean to them before even dreaming of laying a finger on you.
Men who are the happiest they've been in years when, after a few weeks of taking you out on dates and treating you to dinner, finally spend the night with you. They make it all about you, really. For once, they set aside their own selfish desires and focus on giving you pleasure like you've never felt before, making use of the many years of experience they have.
Men who love it when you cum for them– it really gets them going. It's soul soothing: watching you melt into the mattress and babble out some sweet nonsense about how good they make you feel. They're so gentle and caring in bed because you're just too precious, but they will gladly spice things up if you want it. Trying out new positions? sure. Toys? on the table. Anything for their pretty darling as long as you keep calling them sir when they're deep inside you.
Men who're already looking for engagement rings less than a year into the relationship. You've got something good going on, so why not? It's not like they're getting any younger. They're more than willing to spend the rest of their life with you, if you want so too, and they aren't going to waste any time to put a ring on your finger.
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐞, 𝐅𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐢, 𝐇𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐬𝐮, 𝐅𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚, 𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢, 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐚, 𝐓𝐨𝐣𝐢 (𝐣𝐤 𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐧𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐞)
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koolades-world · 7 months
Ok so my birthday is the day after Mammon's. Can you please do headcanons on an MC whose birthday is the day after the brothers and they don't tell anyone because they don't want the attention to be taken away from the birthday boy and because they think that everyone will be too tired to celebrate their birthday so they don't want to pressure them?
hi! yes, of course :)
please enjoy!
Mc with a birthday right after one of the brother's
he couldn't believe it at first but then it dawns on him that he saw that in your paperwork back when you first arrived
thankfully, he did have some gifts ready for you to give for another occasion, so he gave you those
he also decided to give you as many favors you wanted to make up for his forgetfulness
expect lots of kisses and love as a silent apology
he’s honestly a little mad at himself at first for letting you keep something like your birthday to yourself
he’s supposed to know all these kinds of important things! he’s your first man after all
he takes you out to a dinner, just the two of you to make it up to you
afterwards, since he insists on getting you a present, so he takes you out to a fancy department store and lets you get whatever you want
he finds out after he sees your birthday event in mononoke land; the same one he had the day before
he immediately apologizes and almost throws himself onto the ground
he showers you in lots of in game currencies because usually he would've prepared something for you in a video game
after you go to sleep, however, he gets building and by the morning, your surprise is ready <3
he's very cool about it and pretends like he knew the entire time you were keeping your birthday hidden but inside, he's panicking
he decides to keep it lowkey for today and just take you out for lunch but goes all out the next day
we're talking breakfast in bed, a surprise gift around every corner and a lot of hand written love notes
he apologizes a million time and promises all the fan fair on your actual birthday next year
of course he immediately organizes a party for that night
do not under estimate his planning ability, and like promised, he's got it ready in record time
he makes sure you have the best time, before presenting you with a beautiful present
next year, he promises you'll have the best joint bash ever
Beel + Belphie
beel spits out the food in his mouth and belphie falls off the couch
they throw themselves onto you and let you know they would never mind sharing something that precious to them with someone they care for like you
you resolve to have a movie night together since it involves all of your favorite things
of course, you were between the two of them, and you fell asleep like that :)
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useeer · 5 months
Dance with me?
Venture, aka Sloan Cameron x reader
You're at your friends wedding, and somehow meet the cutest damn person in the world.
Tags: fluff, strong language, slight sexual innuendo
[Note: I haven't written a fic in 192739 yrs, and my ass hasn't been to a wedding since I was 10 so forgive my ignorance abt how they go!!]
You weren't exactly a party person.
Parties are loud, crowded and really socially taxing. While yes, you'd attend parties here and there; mostly birthdays or accomplishments for friends and family. It still wasn't your favorite thing to do. You are actually pretty upfront with others about how little social interaction you can handle. That being said... fear of disappointing your friends usually got the better of you. They were fine, partying was fun. 
Honestly, you'd be lying to everyone if you said you weren't thinking about your soft, cozy bed. Or how you were daydreaming about cuddling up to your pets and watching silly videos. Not even this beautiful wedding could curb your introvert nature.
It's evening now, the golden rays barely peeking over the horizon as it descends. A sweet, cool autumn breeze blows, ruffling your clothes and hair. A welcome comfort on this warm night.
The setting is truly beautiful. Soft, golden glowing lanterns are strung along the edges of the venue. Lush green plants in decorative pots line the edges. The pillars, stone and brick, are painted in the gentle glow of the lamps and lanterns. The style...is Greek? At least you think it's Greek. If someone told you otherwise, though, you'd take their word for it. Especially since half the people here are from the Wayfinder Society, all attending as friends of the groom. The wayfinders are sprinkled around the venue, chatting about and having a grand old time.
You? No such luck, you're only attending for your friend, who happens to be the other groom. While you know a handful of people, and did polite chit chat with them, you mostly stuck to yourself. Actually, that's a lie, you mostly stuck to the snack table. You're leaning by the side of it, plate in hand, trying just about anything there. I mean, what else are you supposed to do? 
While eating a particularly good cube of cheese, you let your eyes wander the room. You see a group of people laughing, another group chattering amongst themselves, one enthusiastically waving their hands in the air, seemingly very passionate about the subject. You snort, amused. Drifting eyes finally move over to the husbands, who were talking to an older couple, a quick hug is given here and there. 
Man. You were bored.
You weren't trying to be disrespectful here, you just didn't know anyone. Subconsciously, your leg starts bouncing, your thoughts dance to your fluffy, comfy bed. Reaching down for another snack on your plate, you’re disappointed to see they're all gone. Frowning a bit, you look over the table to see if there's anything else you'd like to try.
And boy, was there. The chocolate hair, the hazel skin, your eyes instantly locked onto the person plating their own food. They're dressed in a white button down, and black slacks, the sleeves of their dress shirt hugging them favorably. They even had a cute little yellow bowtie on. You couldn't tell their pronouns, so you figure you'd ask if you ever spoke. Which you weren't, you didn't want to intrude. They looked to be the same person absolutely raving earlier, you'd hate to keep them from it.
If they wanna speak to me, they will. You thought distantly, watching their hands as they pluck up a cupcake. 
Workers' hands. You mused, they seemed rough, and strong. They must be one of those Wayfinders. Your eyes trail their fingers, the back of their hand, man...they have really nice hands. Unbeknownst to you, your staring hasn't gone unnoticed. Their hands stills, just before the confectionery hits the plate. 
"Uhm... did you want this one?" They ask someone, curious, you look up to see who they're talking to. You finally get to see their face properly, and man they're gorgeous. Too bad you didn't have time to appreciate that fact, as your eyes instantly locked with theirs. You realize a little too late that you're the one they're talking to.
"Huh." Is all you manage to get out, unsure what the fuck to say to this stranger.
"The...cupcake?" They say, motioning it towards you. "Did you want it? You're staring at it like you want it." They say, clearly confused by the way you ogled their food.
"No- no I don't want it. I'm so sorry, ignore me." You cover your face and wave a hand in their direction, this is the worst thing you've ever done. Your face and ears burn in red hot embarrassment, you're just lucky they thought all you wanted was the damn cupcake.
They seem to find it a little funny now, how you're running away from the cupcake you were practically stalking as it left the platter. "Okayyyy, well then this is mine!" They joke, putting it onto their plate before strutting away, seemingly unperturbed by your god awful screw up.
God, you needed to sit down. 
You're practically on fire, feeling like you're gonna break into a sweat. Shakily, you find a chair in a less populated area and take a seat. You bend over, putting your face in your hands and elbows on your knees, as if trying to hide yourself. While you know, reasonably, that this isn't the end of the world, you can't help but feel like it is. You got caught! Red handed! 
Yes, they thought it was the cupcake, so maybe you weren't totally fucked. But also, you're totally fucked who are you kidding?!
You didn't exactly think you'd interact with them before, but it's awful your only interaction was weird and unseemly on your end. Groaning quietly, you remove one hand from your face to fan yourself, damn you feel stupid. 
You fan open part of your outfit, hoping in vain to let more air in to cool yourself down. Freaking out like this isn't a good look. After a couple minutes, you start to feel a little better. The flush of your cheeks is fading, and you miraculously avoided breaking into an anxious sweat. 
Sighing, you puff out your lips, you just sent texts to your closest friend about how massively you fumbled the bag. They laughed at you, while you scream-spammed the chat in horror. They did end up reassuring you that you were overreacting, that it was not in fact the end of the world. You thanked them before turning off your phone. You get up, dust yourself off a little before wandering back to the food table; finding yourself in front of the disposable drink cups, grabbing one. Gazing to the left, you find the water. You watch the water slowly drizzle into your cup, before downing the glass in a couple large gulps. Still thirsty, you fill it up again before returning to your seat.
Man, what a day, go to a beautiful wedding, see your friend get married, then fumble the biggest bag ever. You mentally kick yourself, even though on the outside, you look completely normal, sipping on your cup naturally.
Bouncing your foot a bit, you lean forward to scroll on your phone, hoping to find something interesting to pass the time and distract you. You're scrolling for about 5 minutes before someone sits next to you. Out of politeness you don't look, thinking it's another guest needing a seat. 
"Soo, about that cupcake. I ate it, definitely. But I felt a little bad. Here." The person next to you says, snapping you out of your doom scrolling. 
Why. Why why why. Is all you can think. They're fucking with you, haunting you. All over a cupcake. You look over and see they've got a small plate with another damn cupcake on it.
"Oh im- I'm not hungry anymore, thanks though." You try to nicely deflect, hoping they'll catch the hint and let you die in shame, alone. 
"Hmm, okay!" They say, they turn to face forward, unwrapping it for themself. They take a bite and bounce one of their legs, and you wonder why they're torturing you. They hum to themself as they continue to eat.
God. Please just go away...
They put their plate down and dust their hands, somehow already finishing the sickeningly sweet treat. "So." They state, placing both hands on either side of their seat, leaning forward, looking towards you. "Whatcha doing over here all by yourself?" They ask curiously.
"Well uh-" You clear your throat, "My friend’s the groom, it's his wedding. But I don't really know anyone else but him." You shrug, trying to relax and ease into conversation with them.
"Yeah, know how that feels." They say, sympathetically. "Wellll." They draw out the word, as if to emphasize it. "I was thinkin’ you could come to our table! I hate seeing anyone left out." Their smile is reassuring, until they start smirking. "Even. If. They stare at other people's food." 
Ok, you can't help it. You groan at their jab, while dragging a hand down your face. "Man, you will not drop that, huh?" You say, only a little less embarrassed this time. 
"Nope!" They tease, clearly getting a kick outta this. 
"You know what, I barely know you and you're already the worst." You joke, and your brain nearly breaks in two when they giggle at it. Their shoulders shake and they grin, still looking at you. You can't help but smile, even while trying really hard not to. They were stunning, cute and worst of all, infuriating. 
"Sorry for staring earlier...I was trying to see... your cufflinks." You say, clearly lying. As if desperately attempting to get out of the cupcake joke jail.
"Hmmm." They hum, unbelieving, eyebrows raised and nodding. "Well, too bad I don't have those." They smile, raising a hand up to show off their sleeve. 
You instantly cringe, caught once again. "Oh right." You mumble out, pursing your lips. Damn, you're fighting for your fucking life over here.
Your reaction makes them laugh. An honest to god laugh, and it's loud. They're finding WAY too much amusement in proving you wrong and you don't know why. Despite the embarrassment, you were now enjoying yourself. Talking to them, joking around, even if it's at your expense. Their laugh is almost contagious, and they've got the prettiest smile you've ever seen. 
"So.. what's your name?" You ask, your left hand fiddling anxiously at your side. Their laugh simmers down, and they sigh like they just heard the funniest joke in the world.
They hold their hand out towards you, "Sloane, yours?" You grab their hand and shake it, their grip firm. Your brain almost short circuits, realizing how much larger their hand is to yours. You say your name, and they repeat it. 
"It's nice to meet you!" They say, shaking your hand once more before letting it go.
"Sloane is a really pretty name." You state, trying to make conversation. Totally, 100% not flirting with them, of course.
"Awe shucks, you think so? Well I like yours too." They shoot back, their cheerful glow never dropping. They look over, and you do the same. You see them eyeing the table they came from. It appears someone stole their seat. 
"Oh, I'm sorry." You immediately apologize, feeling bad that their place was taken while talking to you. They shake their head and huff a little laugh, their curly hair bouncing. 
"Why're you sorry? Don't be. Plus, it's no biggie." They say nonchalantly, genuinely unphased. They crack a smile and lean forward, as if they're sharing a secret. "Don't worry, I'll get back at them." They whisper, a mischievous gleam in their eyes.
You giggle, and pull back a little. "What're you gonna do huh?"
They pull an inquisitive face, staring up at the ceiling almost performatively. "I dunno! Maybe I'll put confetti in all of their tents!" They announce, toying with the idea. You couldn't tell if they're serious or not. 
"You probably shouldn't do that." You jokingly warn, thinking abt how much of a pain confetti would be to get out of a tent. Much less the sleeping bags. 
Sloane grins, shining that gorgeous smile again. They seem to be the happiest person in the world. "Well, that's what they get for kicking me out of my own seat!"
You shake your head and let out a small chuckle, "You really are something."
They push you by the shoulder a bit, "I'm a great something I'll have you know." They joke, before settling back in their seat. 
Silence settles over the two of you for a bit, and it nearly becomes unbearable. That is until music begins to play. The lights towards the middle of the room light up, and the rest are dimmed to create a spotlight effect. The happy couple's chosen song is playing, and you watch as they approach the center of the room, beginning to dance. You smile, and awe at the sight. Seeing your friend so happy and glowing was truly a treat.
Sloane also watches, they love parties and weddings. Seeing two people so in love is one of life's many treasures. They look over towards you and see you recording your friends dance, they allow a small smile creep onto their face. They admire your side profile and the way your hair compliments you perfectly. You are eye-catching, and the way you practically folded over a cupcake earlier was hilarious. They love funny things, so they've GOT to get to know you. Exploring is one of their favorite things after all. 
They settle back and turn their attention to the dance. Eventually the music begins to wind down, and one of the grooms leaves the dance floor. It's the parents' dance, they think. Now that it isn't your friend out there, you click off the record button and look over to Sloane.
"So, what brings you here?" You ask, making conversation with them. They turn their head to face you, their hands loosely clasped together on their lap. 
"I'm from the wayfinders society! The other groom, Rey, is my good friend." They chirp, pointing at your friends now husband. "Y’know, me and him got lost once in a cave! Scary stuff, didn't know if we'd make it out." They said dramatically, waggling their fingers in your direction. 
"You serious??" You furrow your brow, and lean forward incredulously. Their warm dark eyes look back to their friend, and they nod. "Yeah, it was a couple years ago. We lost sight of our team, and couldn't find our way out. I ended up drilling us a new exit. Real risky doing that but we didn't have a choice." Sloane recounts, "Could've been worse!" They add, trying to lighten the mood a bit.
"That's crazy, I could never do anything like that." You tap your foot against the ground, even thinking about that type of stuff gets you wound up.
They turn back to you with a hum and smile, "Well, you never know until you try! Exploring is the best thing I've ever done for myself, I love it. Seeing what the world was like before us… finding the rocks and gems the earth has made. It's real worth it." Their passion is evident, every word they speak has them glowing. You admit it's rather charming, seeing them so in love with their work. 
"Man, that's so cool." You state warmly. "You got a really cool job, Sloane. You got the job little kids dream of." 
They smile genuinely, really happy with the thought. "Well my abuela always said to follow your dreams, so I did. What about you? What's your dream?" They gently nudge your shoe with theirs.
"Hmmm, well. I guess I'm still trying to figure that out." You hum, looking at the ground. Your interests aren't nearly as exciting as theirs. Working one dead end job to the next, just trying to make ends meet. "Thinking tattooing, honestly." You add, looking up at them.
Sloane gasps, eyes widening. "That's so awesome though! I love tattoos, I've got at least four or five." They pull down the collar of their button down to reveal more of the flames tattooed across their neck. You'd be lying if you said you hadn't already noticed it. Wanting to see how far down it goes.
Quickly, you bat those thoughts away. Sticking to complimenting the line work and blocking of their tattoo. You ask what others they've got, and they explain all the patchwork they've got done on their arms. Some historical, some cool, some just to have a piece of the places they've been. They even mention a larger one on their thigh, a dinosaur skull with flowers. You try not to sound too interested in seeing them while asking if they have pictures. 
The conversation between you and Sloane runs smoothly, chattering about your lives and cracking jokes at one another's expense. The dancing at the party is now in full swing, guests of all types littering the dance floor. It's now completely dark outside, save for the lighting inside the venue. The lamps hanging from the ceiling are dimly glowing, the lanterns now back to their full glow. You even spot fireflies outside the venue, blinking on and off, flying into the wedding space and out. The place is truly beautiful.
The strumming of a bass fills the venue, an electronic guitar complimenting it perfectly. You recognize it instantly, as it's a song you've come to enjoy. Your new friend, Sloane, practically jumps out of their skin in excitement. They quickly whip their head to look at you while whisper shouting, "I love this song!!"
They bolt up, staring at the dance floor as both their feet hit the ground with a soft thud. They twirl their whole body around, looking at you with an outstretched hand, "Come dance with me??" They frantically blurt out.
You look dumbly at Sloane before slinking back into your chair a bit, cringing. "No no- I don't dance." While waving a hand in their direction dismissively. You're hesitant and it's obvious. The idea of getting in the middle of a bunch of people and dancing. God, not what you were made for.
You were telling the truth, you don't dance! Anyone seeing you attempt to dance may need an ambulance. Sloane slumps by your reaction, and pokes conversationally, "Aww c’monnn, pretty please? With cherries on top? One song?" They say, leaning backwards a bit on the heels of their feet while keeping their upper body forward. They begin pouting a lip out and sporting their best puppy dog eyes, hoping it'll help sway their case. 
Nervously, you rub your pointer finger across your thumb. This is not what I signed up for, you think as your lips form a line, eyes locking with Sloanes, trying to will yourself into saying no.
You can't. You can't say no! You know you'd kick yourself later if you left without dancing with them. They're everything you like in someone, striking, funny, passionate... You internally groan, searching their dark eyes for a way out. Sadly, there isn't one. Their eyes only plead and beg.
And well... who are you to deny them?
Breathing in a deep, deep sigh, you fold, "Okayy. Okay." You say, holding both hands up, signaling defeat.
Sloane is about to shout out a glorious, loud YES before you cut them off with a finger up. "But first, a shot of liquid courage." You say, pushing yourself up from your chair, walking towards the end of the food table. There lay countless plastic shot glasses full of vodka. You pluck one from the rim of the platter.
Sloane watches as you down the drink, admiring the way your throat moves to swallow. They snort when they see you pulling a face.
"C'mon- c'mon- the song is already going." They bounce, having to fight the urge to just drag you onto the dance floor themself. Shaking your head, you wipe away the grimace on your face and discard the tiny shot glass into the nearby garbage.
They grab your hand and pull you into the crowd, though they seem somewhat aware of your aversion to it. So they lead you towards a less populated end of the floor, despite this, nearly everyone at the wedding was dancing. So you were still around a decent amount of people. They smile wide, looking off into the gaggle of party goers. You find it ironic this is the song you're dancing to, the lyrics playing loudly.
We've got nowhere to go
We've got nothing to prove
Instead of dancing alone
I should be dancing with you
The lyrics are slightly erotic, even, but you don't have much time to ponder it when they turn back to face you. They release your hand, before snapping their fingers in tune with the beat and swaying their hips. You giggle, your cheeks and stomach buzzing from the alcohol. Unfortunately for Sloane, you do not know how to dance. Not well at least, they laugh, watching you sway awkwardly. "You don't dance do you?" They ask, almost having to shout to be heard over the clamor of people and music.
"No, not really!" You reply, before admitting, "I don't wanna look dumb!" 
"Look dumb?! I'll show you dumb." They jest, backing up a bit to give themself some space. With their eyes locked onto yours, they bend their knees while bringing their right hand towards their head, palm open. They're walking towards you sideways, left hand swiping back and forth to their side and front. You about shit yourself, recoiling in shock and laughing. They continue though, bringing both hands up in fists towards their head, pumping them as they shake their hips, still approaching you. 
"What are you doing!!" You shout, cracking up at their absurdity. They finally pivot fully towards you, bending forward and moving their hands in circles. They finish off their charade with a performative strut your way, palms open in a dramatic walk. 
They laugh, grabbing one of your hands and pulling you further into the floor. "I'm dancing!! You should try it sometime!" They jive, sticking their tongue out. "I'm just saying, no one can look sillier than me!" You roll your eyes and shake your head. The smile never leaving your face.
They grab your other hand and start dancing for you, swaying you side to side. You can't help but giggle, letting them have their fun. You sway your hips and release their hands, moving yours back, snapping your fingers while doing circles and stepping side to side. Their grin widens and they yell, "Hell yeah! get it!!" Encouraging you. 
Smiling big, you continue attempting to dance with them. Sloane closes their eyes and lets themself feel the music, they move their feet expertly, and their arm movements intentionally. Seeing this makes you realize they definitely know how to dance. Your eyes explore them, their body and the way they move. It feels dirty watching them like this…But they invited you to dance, you think maybe they want you to watch them. Enjoy them, drink them up. 
It feels as though they've already wrapped you around their finger. You feel sadness bubble that the song is already ending. Luckily the next song that plays doesn't disappoint, more bass-y than the last. This one still just as popular as the day it released. 
You let yourself loosen, swaying your full body in rhythm with the bass as the song goes on. Sloane is looking at you again, and you daringly strut around them, stepping in beat with the drums. Alcohol does wonders for self esteem. They wait for you to come back around before stepping close, pulling you in by the hand. You raise an eyebrow, checking them with a grin, before gleefully walking back, shuffling your feet in tune with the music then pulling them towards you. They follow excitedly, their foot work impressive as they step towards you. They raise your held hand up as they approach and you twirl around to face them once more. Confidence runs through you at this point, letting go of the hand above you. You bring your free hand up quickly, placing it on their chest before grabbing their opposite hand. They're grinning so hard, pulling back, until your arms are taunt. Then jerking you towards them, you turn so your back hits their chest. Sloane has one hand around your front, hugging you just beneath your chest. The other holding your hip, their head resting next to yours. You both just sway now, enjoying each other's company and the music. "This okay?" They ask in your ear, the tone in their voice dropping low.
"Huh?" You say loudly, turning to face them. 
"I asked if this is okay!" They announced a little louder, and closer to your ear.
"Yeah!" You affirm happily, like this is the best day of your life. 
Do I wanna know?
If these feelings flow both ways.
Sad to see you go.
Sorta hoping that you'd stay.
Baby we both know.
That the nights were mainly made for sayin' things.
That you can't say tomorrow day.
Dancing with them like this, swaying side to side feels almost romantic. And you're having a really hard time ignoring that fact. That coupled with your already burning attraction has you dizzy. You could stay here forever. Another song passes by, and you both continue dancing with one another. At one point, you fumble through a waltz before they twirl and dip you. Despite having the time of your life, exhaustion was quickly catching up. Feeling a bit hot, and tired, holding both their hands, you turn around.
Looking up at Sloane, you truly get to admire their beauty. They've got beautiful curls, swooping and gentle. Their hair is natural, soft looking, and when you danced you could even smell their shampoo. Their eyes are a deep brown, rich like the dirt they so love digging through. You finally notice their eyebrow piercing as well, and you bite your lip. It suits them. You think. 
The longer you analyze their features, you wonder how the hell they're even real. How someone could look as perfect as them, be as charming as them. It nearly drives you mad. They smile a little, their eyes darting away. Their flushed cheeks grow a little redder at your prolonged staring. You smile a little, this is the first time you've seen them at least a little bashful. It's adorable.
The music is playing quietly now, seeing as most of the guests vacated the dance floor. Only a few stragglers are left, you included. So now you can properly talk to them.
"You know earlier... I wasn't exactly looking at the cupcakes…” You purse your lips, and squint your eyes, as if to will yourself to get the words out.
“I was staring at you." You chew your lip, looking away shyly. This confession could make or break this… whatever this is. You certainly don't wanna break it. While nervous, you had a feeling they would respond positively.
Their eyes snap back towards you, and they let themself smile, raising an eyebrow. "Ohhh, I'm that pretty, huh?" They tease.
You sigh and roll your eyes, they really are such a bastard. "Yeah yeah, whatever." You mutter, playfully pushing their shoulder. Not risking stroking their ego any further.
"No no, tell me, was it the bowtie?" They snicker, pushing their chest out a bit to really show it off. 
You shake your head, running your hands up from their own and readjusting their accessory. “Yes, it was the bowtie, all I wanted was you, bowtie.” You whisper at their chest, pulling the sides of the bow.
“Psh,” They chuckle, “Okay for real! What was it, huh?” They say, flashing their signature grin while raising their eyebrows suggestively. Perhaps telling them was a bad idea, you purse your lips again, realizing they'll bother you forever until you tell them. It seems like they're DYING to know.
You hum, dropping your head onto their chest. With one hand still on their chest, you let your other trail down their arm before grasping theirs, bringing it up towards you. Flipping it palm up, you let your free hand lightly touch their palm. "Your hands, I like them. I was looking at them." Dragging your fingers along their palm, you feel every callous and rough patch of skin. You turn them over to admire their nail polish and knuckles. You even start to massage in-between their fingers, just soaking up the fact that you can touch them like this, and they're allowing you to.
They seem to be at a loss for words, and you figure that doesn't happen too often. Smiling, you walk your fingers up their arm and to their shoulder to rest it there, bringing your other arm up to mirror it. Their hands come up to your waist and bring you close. While enjoying the embrace, you weren't expecting them to shake you and hug you in tightly. They groan into your shoulder, as if frustrated. You puff out a laugh at their weirdness. 
"Sorry- you're just so cute." They say, pulling back. "I just met you and you already got me in stitches." They admit, kicking the dirt by your feet. You figure instant attraction to a stranger is just as new to you as it is to them.
"Well..." You start, not even sure what to say. "We can… go back to my room? I'm staying at a hotel nearby. We can hang out, talk...see where it takes us?" Your voice raises at the end of your sentence, as if a little worried they'll say no. That's another lie, you were a LOT worried they'll say no, denying you any more of their time.
Your anxiety is evident as your eyes search their face for a clue, a glimmer of what they might say. Of what they could be thinking. 
Sloane looks at you with tenderness. Such sweetness you could melt. They bring a hand up to cup the side of your face, rubbing their thumb across it. "I'd like that." They say, their voice seems to tighten as if they're both excited and nervous about the proposition.
Yeah, usually parties suck. But this one? This one was amazing.
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Better than nothing
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Summary: You and Castiel work together to help make Deans birthday cake.
Word count: 1.1k
A/n: Not my favorite but I just needed something to work on. ENJOY :)
“So how do we do this?” Cas asked, the dough laid out flatly on the counter, three eggs rested on top of the mushy substance. 
Glancing over your shoulder from the mixing batter, you checked to see if the angel was correctly following your instructions. “Cassie, when you fold the eggs into the dough, you have to crack them.”
Cas furrowed his brows, facing the counter in front of him once more. “But, I don’t understand, you said we had to fold the eggs inside, you said nothing about cracking the eggs open.”
“Yes, I did tell you that, but we can’t eat eggshells, Cas.”
“Why not? Eggs are full of protein and nutrients for the human body.” He told you, slowly cracking each egg into the dough. 
You let out a sigh, wondering how your life had come to you teaching an angel of the Lord how to make a hand made birthday cake. “Cassie.” You mumbled, setting down your mixing bowl and making your way to the angel. “The chicken and the yolk have the protein, the shell just protects them.”
Cas let out a quiet hum, watching the way the yolk broke up into the sticky dough. Mixing into the other ingredients slowly, his hands continued to stick to the batter. “When would I know to stop mixing?” He asked, blue eyes meeting yours as he continued to mix. 
“When you can’t see the eggs by themselves anymore.”
He nodded slowly, hands kneading the dough until the eggs were deeply embedded into the batter. “What do we do with it now?”
“Now,” you began, quickly bringing over a pan to hold the cakes structure. “We place the dough in the pan, and let it bake for ‘bout thirty minutes.”
Cas lightly picked up the dough, placing it in the pan you held out for him. After that you placed it in the preheated oven, gently closing the door before setting the over timer. “What do we do while it’s baking?” He asked you, wiping his hands on his trench coat, any of the dough that stuck to his hands coming off on the poor jacket. 
“Well,” you began, making your way back to the mixing bowl, the whisk sitting upright in the homemade frosting. “I need to add the finishing touches to the frosting, but we do need to clean up the kitchen before the boys come back.”
“Right.” Cas muttered, picking up all the empty measuring cup that was laying around and placing them in the sink. “Would we also need to sweep up the flour on the floor?”
“Yes, Cassie, that would be just fine.”
As Cas cleaned the kitchen, you finished up the icing, placing it onto the countertop and helping out the angel with washing the dishes as he sweeps. 
“Y/n, I think the cake is done baking.” Cas told you bluntly, crouching down to sweep his dust pile into the dust pan. 
“I think your right, Cas.” You told him, wiping your wet hands onto a nearby rag as you went to retrieve the finished cake. 
The heat from the oven graced your face, the top layer of the cake a nice and warm bronze. “Perfect.” You hummed to yourself, using the rag to take the hot metal pan from the oven. 
“Hey, Cas?” You asked the angel, placing the pan on the counter to cool down. “Do you wanna swap? Me clean the rest and you ice the cake.”
Cas gave you a quick nod, swapping places with him, you watch out of the corner of your eye as the angel spread the blue icing across the now cooled down cake. Bits of the cake coming up with the small spatula he was using, an annoyed expression playing on his face the longer he tried to get the icing to stick. 
“Do you think Dean will like this?” He asked placing the spatula down and admiring yours and his work. “Because it looks a little…”
You walked over to his side, the rag you’d been using tossed over your shoulder as you looked over the cake. It was a dark blue, slight holes from where the icing wouldn’t fully cover the it, it also leaned on its right side. Though it shouldn’t since it was baked in a straight circle pan. 
“Funky looking?” You finished for him, both your and the angels head cocked to the side as you took in the celebratory dessert. 
The sound of doors opening suddenly caught your attention, “We’re back!” Sam called from the top of the stairwell, Dean behind him as he tried to look for any form of surprises for his birthday. 
“We’re in the kitchen!” You called back, placing one or two more dishes in the sink before you were met with the sight of the two Winchester boys. 
“Happy birthday.” You and Cas told Dean, bodies hiding the jacked up cake from the older man. “Why don’t you sit at the table and we will get started?”
Dean gave you and Cas a quick thank you before following your instructions, Sam made his way over to you. A shopping bag held tightly in both hands. He stopped momentarily in front of the cake, placing the bags onto the counter before facing you completely. 
“I thought you said, you and Cas were gonna make a pie?” Sam whispered to you, eyeing the lop-sided cake with curiosity. 
“We were,” you whispered back, placing a couple of candles on the cake. “But then we realized half way through that we didn’t know how to make a pie.”
Sam hummed at that, leaning over the counter as he slowly lifted the cake up and towards the table. “And clearly the cake looked a whole lot better than the pie.”
“Better than nothing.” 
Making your way to the kitchen table, you placed a small party hat on Deans head. Ruffling his hair briefly before taking a seat, Cas and Sam joining you after lighting the cake. 
“Well isn’t that a pretty cake.” Dean joked, swiping a bit of icing onto his finger and in his mouth. “Delicious too.”
“Yeah, well, it was either this or a box of Mac and cheese we’d be singing you happy birthday to.” You told him, swatting his hand back as he tries to get another taste. 
“It’s perfect.” He told you, giving a quick thanks to each of you as you all started to sing happy birthday to the older man. 
This is what he needed for his birthday, not a big party with some random people he barley knew. No, instead for his birthday he got a cake that was made by the people he loves and a day out with his brother, as Dean just pointed and said he wanted ‘this or that’ for his birthday. 
It was truly a day he would remember, for the rest of his life. How ever long or short that may be. 
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happygirl2oo2 · 4 months
A few interesting tidbits from Cassandra Clare's Q&A panel with V.E. Schwab on June 2nd, 2024 [Cassandra Clare's edition]:
Cassie didn't really have a community of writer friends yet at the time she came up with City of Bones (not including Holly Black, who was already a close friend) but she did have a bunch of friends who played D&D so she gave the idea to them to run as D&D campaign to see what would come up.
Cassie has a real red old British phone box at her house, which she originally bought 'cause she just thought it was cool but then later a visitor to the house saw it and asked if he could re-design it into a time-travel machine and she said yes so now the inside of it has all these levers and other things and basically feels "like the Tardis".
Cassie says that her favorite scenes to write are scenes where there's a place for humor and banter, and finds those easier to write, and her least favorite scenes to write are fight scenes and/or any scenes that involve a lot of characters on the page at the same time.
Jace's birthday spaghetti bath memory from City of Bones is based on a real story from Cassie's childhood best friend from when they were 4 and their mom asked what they wanted for their birthday.
Telling the story of meeting and befriending Holly Black, Cassie says that around 2001 she wrote a few silly stories about the Lord of The Rings characters and it got around to Holly, who at the time was about to publish her first book, and she emailed Cassie to tell her she enjoyed the stories. Cassie emailed back saying that she loved Holly's book, which seemed to confuse Holly as it was not yet published but Cassie explained that her friend had gotten an ARC of it and given it to her saying she'd likely enjoy it, and Holly then emailed inviting Cassie and her friends to a panel she did with another author once the book was out (which Cassie thinks, looking back, was probably Holly's first ever time doing a panel). After the panel, the two went out for drinks where they got taking, realized they had a lot of common interests, and became friends.
Cassie says Clockwork Angel is probably the book she had to fight the most in order to get it published as her publisher at the time was interested in more Shadowhunter books (as The Mortal Instruments already had 2 books out at that point and they were doing well) but were worried about it being set in 1878 as they did not think teens would be interested in a historical series.
While usually just splitting the joint writing process by having each person write a different POV character or a different section of the story when co-writing with other authors, Cassie says that when writing the Magisterium Series she and Holly Black actually kept the doc on one computer that they passed back and forth while they wrote as they wanted it to be impossible to know who wrote what in it, even to themselves when they read it later.
[for V.E. Schwab's edition]
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materassassino · 3 months
Green Pastures, Still Waters
This is a little birthday present for @non-un-topo, who is very lovely and deserves to have a wonderful birthday. I hope you like it!
(I did try to draw Nicolò with sheep for you, but I have completely forgotten how to draw, it seems. I'm sorry.)
In truth, Nicolò loves Yusuf more than he could ever say. More than his own limbs, his own breath. With every beat of his heart, in time with Yusuf’s. It is a certainty, a steadfast and immovable foundation of his being, by now.
That does not mean, of course, that there is not… friction. They are two very different men, sometimes.
“I tire of this place!”
Yusuf announces it, loudly, to the pasture around them. The sheep are unbothered by this, and continue grazing. They have become completely inured to Yusuf’s histrionics, and he scowls at them, hands on his hips.
“Philistines,” he says, and throws himself on the grass. He then springs up again, yelping, because the grass is sparse and brown, and the ground is baked hard and it is very, very hot. The Sardinian sun is fickle at best and merciless at worst.
Nicolò, much more wisely, has chosen a rock in the shade. He sits with his crook across his lap, chin propped on his hand, and watches Yusuf scoot back into the shade beside him, where the ground is less fiery.
Yusuf draws his knees up to his chest and wraps his arms around them, pouting fiercely. Nicolò lets him stew a moment longer.
“Why do you tire?” he asks.
Yusuf turns to him with a look of complete and utter outrage on his face.
“Why? Why?” he demands, his voice almost shrill with indignation. “Nicolò, what kind of question is that?”
Nicolò thinks it a perfectly legitimate question. He likes this place. He loves the gentle but rugged mountains, the rocks and the cliffs and the stiff, scrubby pines, the scent of the myrtle and the laurel bushes. He loves the olives and figs and carobs. He loves the animals, the mouflons and deer, the lizards and crawling insects, and the birds, from the smallest to the great vultures that soar above. He loves the silence broken only by birdsong and the symphony of grasshoppers and the quiet rustle of the trees. He loves tending the sheep, hearing their bleating, feeding and watering and herding them, and in the spring, helping the ewes give birth, bringing new little lives into this world, soft and white. He loves the sun on his skin and the cool of the shade and the caress of the mountain breeze on his face.
This place, he thinks, is its own sort of paradise.
Yet while he flourishes, Yusuf seems to wither.
“Do you not like it here?” Nicolò asks. Yusuf lets his head fall back with a long-suffering sigh.
“I grow weary, Nicolò,” he says. “I am bored!”
Nicolò blinks. “Bored?” he repeats, surprised. He would have deemed this place perfect for art to bloom, inspiration in every hillside. Yusuf raises a rather condescending eyebrow at him.
“Yes. Bored. It is the same, day after day! The sheep, the mountains, the vast, never-ending blue sky! I miss…” He huffs, folding his arms. “I miss being in a city. I miss gossip and debate and the vibrancy of human life! I miss markets and varied foods and music and festivities! I miss libraries and art! I miss people!”
Nicolò grip on his crook tightens, twisting nervously. In truth, despite the knowledge of Yusuf’s unwavering love, there is always some fear. Little, dark thoughts, ink in water, that Yusuf might one day want more. Want better.
“Do you tire of my company, Yusuf?” he asks, very quietly.
Yusuf whips around, his eyes wide and horrified.
“What? No!” He springs up, crowding close to Nicolò on his rock, and takes his face between his palms. “Never!” He kisses every part of Nicolò’s face, his forehead, his cheeks, his nose, his chin, his lips. “Never, not in a thousand lifetimes!”
He sits back, taking one of Nicolò’s hands. “No, I merely… miss other people. This place is beautiful but so quiet. My thoughts chase themselves, tangle themselves in knots until I can barely think. My head is so loud it aches, sometimes.” He sighs. “We have boundless time, and yet I fear that here there is too much of it.”
Nicolò reaches out, stroking Yusuf’s cheek. “I think I understand.”
What is for Nicolò quiet contemplation, for Yusuf is, after too long, maddening emptiness. They truly are two very different men. He kisses Yusuf’s wrist, the heel of his hand, the pad of his thumb.
“I would say we could leave, but…” He gestures helplessly to the sheep. “We promised.”
Yusuf hums. “We did, we did.”
Nicolò knows Yusuf is a man of his word. They promised the old widow Agnese to mind her flock for the spring and the summer, and Yusuf would never renege on such a thing unless there was, truly, no other choice, but wanderlust flaps desperate wings against the cage of his ribs.
“My desire is frivolous,” Yusuf admits. “I feel quite selfish, now that I think about it.”
“Do not be foolish,” Nicolò chides gently. “You have wishes, and I would see you happy, Yusuf. That is my desire.” He gets to his feet, crook discarded, pulling Yusuf with him. “When the summer ends, we will find a city, a huge, wonderful, loud city, and you will discuss your philosophy and write your poetry and make your art again!”
Yusuf laughs, tugging him closer. “In truth, Nicolò, wherever you take me, I am happy. Forgive my grumbling.”
Nicolò could never paint with words like Yusuf does. He could never voice the beauty he sees in that beloved face, the glory of Yusuf’s bright smile, the melody of his laughter, the softness of his joyful eyes. So he kisses him, attempting to pour all his love, his devotion, the boundless depth and lofty heights of it into where their lips meet. And when Yusuf kisses back with the same passion, perhaps that is proof he can feel it.
They must be very distracted, because all of a sudden Yusuf sqawks into the kiss. The earth disappears from beneath their feet, and Nicolò’s back makes hard, painful contact with the ground. Their teeth smash into each other, cracking, cutting Nicolò’s lip and his tongue, and Yusuf’s entire weight on top of him knocks the wind from his lungs.
Dazed, he stares up at the sky, feeling new teeth grow back in, an itching, sharp ache. It is a deeply unpleasant sensation.
“You beast! Demon of a sheep!” Yusuf cries. He scrambles up to his knees, pointing accusingly.
The sheep – the one Nicolò has called Alfreda, because he cannot help but name them, and name them after saints at that – bleats mockingly back, and turns away, content in her petty vengeance.
“She charged right into me,” Yusuf grumbles, shifting so he can massage his behind. Nicolò laughs at that, wiping away the blood from his mouth.
“Alfreda is very opinionated,” he says, sitting up. “God’s punishment for shirking our duties to mind them, no doubt.”
Yusuf snorts, and sits back on his hands, stretching his legs out in front of him.
“I shall remember her for my entire long life,” he vows. “I shall remember and curse Alfreda the sheep, until death finally comes for me. Do you hear me?!” he yells after her. She takes absolutely no notice, going back to grazing.
Nicolò laughs again, falling to the side into Yusuf’s shoulder, and when the laughter dies away, he stays there. Yusuf holds out his hand, and Nicolò takes it, threading their fingers together, and Nicolò can never cease to marvel at how perfectly they fit, despite looking so very different.
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funemployed-fangirl · 4 months
Modern Bridgerton AU
Colin & Penelope
Colin has no interest in getting anywhere near the family business. He takes an extended gap year after high school (he goes to “find himself” on a farming collective in New Zealand…after parting his way through Europe for 6 months). Eventually he does make it to college, after which he fucks back off to wander around the world.
Penelope has always enjoyed writing, but more importantly loves observing people from the side lines. She’s the quiet one in a loud, kind of obnoxious family, so pretending to be invisible comes easily for her. She goes to NYU and gets a degree in Journalism. While there, she starts the Whistledown blog making observations about the New York elite (it started as a class project…then she kept going). It's mostly benign. Sometimes it’s the social stuff (who was at which party wearing what), and sometimes it's in-depth analysis of how someone’s business is doing (data and all). Whistledown basically becomes required reading for New York upper social circles. 
Fun side note: While Colin and Penelope have always known each other (Penelope is best friends with Colin’s younger sister Eloise), they’d never spent any time together (who hangs out with their little sister’s friends?). That is, until they get to college. Because of Colin’s gap years, they end up overlapping at NYU for a couple years, during which time they get pretty close…like, REALLY close. But then Colin graduates and heads off for his adventures and Penelope stays in New York with her ever growing Whistledown blog.
They reconnect when Colin comes back to the city. There’s a drunken hook up in the back of a cab (following a party of some sort), after which they spend the next day together. Since it’s a Sunday, Violet is hosting Sunday Family Dinner, so Colin just texts "I'm bringing Penelope." Everyone's like, cool, great, we love Penelope. They show up holding hands and keep sitting down next to each other with his arm around her waist, holding hands, leaning into each other - full couple mode, no shame. It still takes everyone legitimately half the night for someone to go... is something happening here? 
Patented Bridgerton style everyone-at-once conversation explodes at the table: 
Benedict: Surely Penelope can do much better than Colin. 
Eloise: No way something is happening here. Oh my god are you two dating? No way, you would have told me. Oh my god, are you two actually dating?
Kate: Eloise, are you going to be okay? 
Daphne: They did look awfully cozy at Cressida's birthday party last night. 
Sophie: Did you two hook up after Cressida’s birthday party?! 
Anthony: Did you think none of us would notice that you were suddenly a couple?
Gregory: We’ve all been here for 3 hours and none of us did notice. 
Hyacinth: Except for me, obviously. 
Francesca: Then why didn't you say anything?
Colin gives them a few minutes to wear themselves out before announcing that yes, they are together. And things escalate quickly after that, with them getting engaged after a couple months. At their engagement party, a drunken Colin makes an impromptu speech where he announces that he’s “just SO PROUD of his fiancé, Penelope! Do you guys know how awesome she is? She runs that gossip blog that everyone’s obsessed with ALL BY HERSELF! How cool is that!” Yeah…no one knew it was Penelope’s blog.
The consequences of her being outed as the author of the blog aren’t dire (it’s not like she’s ever been intentionally malicious or tried to ruin someone). In fact, she starts getting access to hot ticket restaurants and parties, and the society girlies are suddenly nicer to her as they start trying to score spots on the site for their side hustle brands. She gets a buy-out offer (Buzzfeed, Cracked, Wired, whatever) and the site expands. A lot. She continues to run it, and Colin writes travel articles every once-in-a-while (he’s basically a kept man and living his best life in their Upper East Side penthouse).
more (x)
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niqhtlord01 · 1 year
Humans are weird: Birthday Parties Part 2
Alien: Do you have plans for the days of ending? Human: You mean weekend? Human: Yeah, I’ll be out celebrating my birthday. Alien: What the florp is a birth day? Human: A day we celebrate the day of our birth. Alien: In your case more of a blight upon the universe, no? ----------------------------
Alien: What purpose does this “Birthing day” serve? Human: It’s different for each person. Human: Some celebrate it as a day of vanity all about themselves. Human: Other’s see it as a mark of honor to have survived another year in a universe bent on their eradication. Human: Then there are those who seek companionship with friends and loved ones for a day of joy. Alien: Which are you? Human: The kind were I can eat an entire cake and not have anyone judge me. -----------------------------
Alien: What are those stacks of colorful boxes? Human: They are called “Presents”. Human: Guests give them to the person with the birthday. Alien: Ah, so you are paying tribute. Human: What? No. Alien: Does a larger gift not constitute a desire for a greater ranking? Human: I mean, sometimes it’s the thought that counts. Alien: I take it yours is the smallest offering on the table then? Human: Shut it! ---------------------------
*Giant cake rolled in and children get all excited* *Top bursts open and a clown jumps out* Clown: Who’s ready for fun with Boggles the Clown!? *Kids start cheering* *Alien comes up from behind and smashes a wooden chair into the Boggle’s back sending him to the ground while the kids scream and scatter* Alien: You do not deceive me pennywise the clown! *Lifts Boggles up and throws him into wall* Alien: You shall not have minen or these tiny human’s souls today! Human friend: *Off to the side drinking* This is the last fucking time I show you a horror movie. ---------------------------
Alien: What purposes does this activity serve? Human: It’s a game. Human: You get blindfolded and you try to pin the tail on the donkey. Alien: What manner of barbarians would remove a tail of such a noble create, only to then mock it by reattaching it? Human: I think you are reading too much into this. Alien: Were as I think you not enough. ----------------------------
Alien: FINE! *Alien is finally blindfolded and given the tail to pin* Human 2: You did warn them not to use their full strength, right? Human: Oh shit… *Alien stabs out with all their might but misses wall entirely and instead impales nearby party guest* Alien: I hear screams, does this mean I win? ----------------------
Human: So you take the knife and you cut a piece off for everyone. *Hands alien the knife* Alien: What if I do not wish to share this pastry? Human: I mean, that’s not really an option. Alien: But I have the knife; who would stop me? Human 2: *whispers* What do we do? Human: *Whispers back* I have no idea. No one’s pulled the knife gambit before. ---------------------
Human: What’d you get little timmy? Alien: a 44 magnum. Human: WHAT?!!? Human: What made you think it that was a good idea?!?! Alien: It was on conjunction with my mate’s gift to him. Human: What could possibly be in conjunction with a 44 magnum for an 11 year old?!!? *Loud groaning now heard from outside* Alien Mate: I have unleashed the virus and turned the guests into the requested zombies. --------------------
Human: Alright, there was some confusion with the clown last time and some people got hurt; but we’re cool now, right? Alien: *sighs* Yes. Human: No brutalizing the family entertainment, okay? Alien: Okay. Human: Alright then, good. Human: *Turns to kids* Who’s ready for some Mortal Kombat?! *Excited kids screaming happily as Scorpion and Sub Zero mascots show up* Alien: *Rolls over table and proceeds to remove Sub Zero’s head* Alien: FATALITY!!! *Kids start screaming and running away again* Human: Alright, that one was partly on me.
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quinloki · 2 months
Birthday Request Event v2024
Gift Details ♥ Reader Style: transmasc Character: Eustass Kid Vibe: NSFW Yandere AU: Canon Prompt: Pliant When Horny Gift Giver: @remisloves
Summary: You brushed Kid off, unintentionally, but that matters little, and now he's going to ensure you're willing to rely on him.
Content Notes: bondage, that kind of ambiguous consent that comes with yandere, fingering, light breath play, forced orgasm, edging, denial, public viewing (the 18+ crew watches the events unfold), mdni
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This birthday party is 18+, consensual unless explicitly stated otherwise, and BYOB
No one was allowed to touch you - not even you yourself.
Your hands and ankles were tied to the main mast on the deck of the Victoria Punk. It wasn’t a punishment, not really, but Kid wanted something from you and you weren’t in the mood to give it to him. So he was going to make sure you got there. One way or another.
Aside from the rope holding you against the mast, the only other thing you wore was a custom leather collar with a little heart dangling from the front of it that said “Good Boy”. Your legs were parted enough that everyone could see your cunt, and most of the crew had taken to taking their breaks right next to you.
Being watched so casually was driving you crazy.
No one dared to break Kid’s rule, but they did talk to you. Some mentioned how cute you were, some gave you water to drink, some pointed out how wet and turned on you looked.
Killer would check in on you, letting you down from the mast to go to the bathroom and eat, watching you carefully during it all. If you wanted relief, you were going to get it from Kid.
It was all because he caught you humping a pillow, and when he offered to take care of you, you’d told him he didn’t have to. You’d just meant he didn’t need to waste his time, but Kid took it as a rejection. Honestly, you should’ve known better. It’s been a year since Kid declared you his, and while you’ve long since come to accept your situation, you’d think you would’ve learned your lessons better at this point.
When Killer tied you back to the mast after dinner, using leather cuffs to keep your wrists and ankles from chaffing, he’d put a slender, but bumpy, metal dildo into your vagina. You hadn’t realized how worked up the day had made you until you nearly came from the cold metal. Killer tied it in place with rope, warning you not to cum, if you came while he was tightening the makeshift harness he’d have to tell Kid.
Killer, at least, was merciful enough to not tease you on purpose while he worked.
Still you were panting by the time he was done.
“Please,” you sigh as he straightens up. “Please, Killer, I… I need him.” You admit, looking in the direction of the workshop.
“I’ll let him know, little one.” He promises, walking away and leaving you where you were.
The cool metal was warming up thanks to your body heat, but it was so hard and bumpy it was impossible to ignore. Killer had done you a kindness, the ropes keeping it inside weren’t run up against your clit, but the ropes themselves seemed to be trying to work you up.
By the time Kid came out onto the deck you were gasping and squirming, unable to find relief, and unable to calm yourself down. You were needy, so terribly needy, and he just stood there and watched you for a long moment before finally saying something.
“Need a hand, little mouse?” Kid asks finally and you nod your head, nearly crying.
“Yes, yes! Please! I’m… I’m sorry.” You whine as he tilts your head up with a finger. “Please, I - I just… you’re so,” you gasp your sentence cut short as the metal inside your pussy starts to move. “Important! You’re so important I didn’t want buh-bother you!”
“Mm, and what have you learned?”
“I’ll - ahhh! - I’ll come to you!” You cry, toes curling as you try desperately to not cum. “Cum for you, cum when you tell me too!”
“An if I tell you no?”
You nearly sob. “I’ll wait, I’ll wait,” you gasp the words, vision hazy as tears well up in your eyes. You’re so close, but you can’t cum yet, you know that much. “I’mma good boy, I’ll be good!”
Kid snaps the ropes keeping the metal dildo inside you, letting it fall onto the deck.
“Want me to help, little mouse?” Kid questions flatly and you nod.
Kid kneels down on the deck, eyes holding yours as he licks your wet slit. You moan, shifting in your bonds, the rough wood of the mast against your back. He puts his hands on your thighs, holding you still as he slowly, carefully, and tenderly licks and sucks your clit.
It’s not enough to push you over the edge, but it’s enough to make you moan and whimper, garbled pleas falling from your lips. You don’t even care that the rest of the crew is watching, or that Killer is standing nearby, cock heavy and hard in his hand as he strokes himself lazily.
Kid flicks his hand and something cuts the ropes holding your arms. Your hands disappear into his hair as you lean forward, holding onto him for balance.
“More, please, Kid,” you risk the request, voice dripping with need and he hums. You’re certain you can feel him smiling against you as his tongue gets heavier against your clit.
Two thick, hot fingers push into your cunt and you buck, your hips grinding into his face, as the orgasm nearly takes you. As close as you are, as needy and desperate as you are, there’s at least one lesson you know well enough.
“Please, please let me cum!” You cry as Kid drives you closer and closer. “Please, please, I’m gonna, I’m gonna cum, please let me, please!”
Crying you try to pull him away, but even as you tug on his hair you know it’s useless. Eustass Kid is a mountain and you’re a mouse.
“Fuck, fuck, please, fuck, I can’t - I can’t!” You writhe and struggle and beg, with your legs still held to the mast you can’t squirm enough to give yourself a break.
Just as you think you’re going to disobey him, his hand’s at your throat, holding you harshly against the mast again. “Cum, mouse.” He commands, fingers plunging deep as his thumb teases your clit and his hand cuts your air supply thin.
There’s no denying the command. It’s a mercy and you know it. You clench down on his fingers, mind hazy with euphoria, relief, and lack of oxygen. He doesn’t leave you to black out, easing up and letting you pull in big heavy gasps as you sob and cry, the wet moans of your orgasm leaking from your lips as much as your sloppy cunt is dripping on the deck.
“Good boy.” Kid grins, not stopping and watching you. “Don’t let the crew down,” he grins, and you become keenly aware of everyone watching you. Touching themselves. The most dressed person was Kid. The attention sent another rush through you. “Cum again, little mouse.”
“Ah, please,” you shivered the words, you were close but you came so hard you weren’t sure what would happen. It was too much.
“Mouse.” Kid’s voice forces you to focus. The golden brown eyes have you entirely, even though you know everyone else is watching. “Cum.”
Kid curls his fingers and the second orgasm slams into you so forcefully you squirt. Pleasure cascades down Kid’s arm, splattering onto the deck as your body convulses against the mast, ropes groaning as your legs try desperately to close. Hot liquid splashes against your skin and you’re vaguely aware of Killer nearby, one hand on the mast the other working himself through his own orgasm.
Kid pulls his fingers out, pressing them into your mouth and watching as you slowly start to come back to yours senses, moaning against his digits. He grins, leaning in and licking your neck before leaving a heavy kiss against your skin.
The ropes holding your legs go slack and you sink into Kid.
“Don’t worry, little mouse,” he says, lifting you up and walking away from the deck. “After I fill you up, I’ll clean you up.”
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<<happy birthday to my beautiful beautiful man <3 / 1.3k words>>
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just because it was kaeya's birthday didn't mean he got out of his duties. if it hadn't been for the hip tall force that was klee running into his legs when he walked into the knights headquarters, he wouldn't even have remembered.
kaeya hardly ever remembered his birthday on a good year, and this year was no different. waking up to go to work, deciding on skipping paperwork or taking a patrol, or playing a game of hooky to lounge on the walls of mondstadt for the familiar, cool breeze of the lake- that was kaeya's norm. days would blur together in his off and on game of life- so, only when the air turns cooler and breeze pricks his exposed chest does he realize the year is about to restart.
still, among those small earthly reminders, his birthday never springs to mind. it was only from those around him that bring the memory of the day of his birth to mind- although it's always a bittersweet moment of realization for him.
one good thing that came about his birthday is that even if he can't get out of work, it always seems to be easier. the paperwork lessens a bit. his patrols are longer and more peaceful routes than the usual hilicurl infested paths. his getaway path to the nearest wall where he always climbs up to the top was less guarded (suspicious since he swore he was always careful when he snuck out of his office). in fact- unless it was to come back and give him a quick congratulations for aging yet another year- folks would mostly leave him alone while he sat at his desk.
sure when he went out, the folks would flock him occasionally- since it seemed all of mondstadt kept better track of his birthday than him.
now, he sits behind his desk scribbling away with a pen that feels like its about to run out of ink. checking away on documents and making appropriate marks when needed and signing off in kind. the color of the sun was deep in a hue of orange kaeya loves- taking a moment to gaze out his window to the sinking sun below the walls of the city.
his pen drops gently to his desk while one of his elbows comes up to rest on the wooden top of it as his curled fingers rest under his chin to prop it up. he's tempted to open the window seeing the trees sway in the breeze he basks in.
his mind wandering was interruped by soft knocking on his office door. lifting his chin from his curled fist, he drops his arm so it joins the other to rest on any documentation yet to be finished. the knob twists down before he can even say 'come in' and a smile stretches his face since only a few people could do that without earning themselves a slight scolding.
"my, my," he chuckles when you pop your head in the small crack you make in his door. seeing your cheeky expression makes his own mimic it.
"you busy?" you ask and the tone of your voice seems excited. kaeya fully sets his pen away from his papers so no ink would smear out of it's tip before leaning comfortably back in his chair.
"never too much for you." your eye roll does nothing to diminish the smile on your face. sauntering into the room through the crack you made in the doorway, you push the door shut with your heel behind you with your hands hidden at your back. "hiding something i see."
"i might have a little something." shuffling up to his desk, you start to move your arms, but stop. "shut your eyes," you said.
"you're not going to put a handful of bugs on my desk i hope."
"of course i'm not. just do it."
rolling his eyes playfully with an over dramatic huff, kaeya folds his hands over his stomach, leans his head back, and shuts his eyes. silently humming to himself, he hears rustling in front of him before the smell of floral hits his nostrils. his face relaxing at one of his favorite scents.
"no peeking until i say so."
"i would never."
"yes you would," you tease back. you were right of course, but he'd never nod along with it if it would keep you cheeky. a soft clank of something hard sets itself on his desk and he almost feels impatient. "okay," you speak gently, "you can look now."
lifting his eyelids, the first thing kaeya sees in the ever-familiar ceiling he mourns to in boredom almost daily. then, he slowly tilts his head back down and his face softens at the delicate bouquet sitting among his documents and stationery. you had moved his papers around to set an elegant vase of cala lilies in front of him. unconsciously one of his hands comes up to caress one of the pale buds.
"i would've gotten you something else, but im really bad at gifts," you tell him embarrassingly. "but at least i know your favorite flower."
you would've been nervous from his silence, but from the look in his eyes you knew better. he was finding his words, figuring out how to say the words he knows individually but not sure how to string them together to show how appreciative he is.
instead of the words he still can't articulate just yet, the arm that still rested on his lap lifts in a silent invitation for you to round his desk and come to his side. so, you do.
you slip your hand into his and his grip is firm as he tugs you closer to the arm of his chair so he can feel your body heat. with one hand gently lifting one flower before lowering it and going to another bud, the other begins tinkering with your fingers. his head leans on your arm as you stand next to him.
"thank you," are the words he can bring himself to say right at this moment.
"you're very welcome," you humor him. leaving him hanging would feel too cruel for such a tender moment. the golden light of the sun bouncing off the deep wood of his office only made the pale blue flowers in the crystal-clear vase shine brighter. "happy birthday, kaeya."
kaeya nods against your arm and you feel the heat on his face as he leans against it. you hold back a light felt giggle at him- it would also feel too cruel to tease him.
you stand next to him- at some point leaning to lounge on his desk chair instead- and gaze at the flowers and bask in the comfortable silence until the golden rays of sun had dipped below the walls. soon, the night would fully cover the sky.
the deep sigh kaeya lets out lets you know he's ready to finally move. ready to speak. ready to spend the rest of this day- or rather night- with you.
standing from his chair, and pulling you up in tow from where you lounged on the arm, he brushed his fingernails across the side of your neck until they skimmed over your shoulder and down your arms. basking in the way the light ticklish touch made you shift in small chuckles and had goosebumping following in his wake.
"i think they'd look even lovelier on my table at home, don't you?"
"then we better get them there safely."
by the time you both leave the headquarters and take to the stone streets of the city to find your way back to kaeya's home, the moon had begun its ascension to the sky in lieu of the sun. soon, that very moon would bring a very bittersweet end to another one of kaeya's birthdays.
the scent of flowers keeping all the bitterness at bay.
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silverbladexyz · 5 months
Tears to Shed
It's a coincidence how this is posted on Chuuya's birthday. I hope you guys enjoy! This is a Corpse Bride!AU, and I highly recommend that you watch this to get the gist of what is happening.
TW: Mentions of death, implied cheating (?), female reader. It all makes sense once you read the fic and watch the video. Massive thanks to @justcallmesakira, @saelique and @my-amaz-fanfics for proofreading this :)
“Oh my! I’ve spent so long in the dark… I’d almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is.”
The cool night air went unnoticed as you stood on the snow. A small perk of being dead was that the cold wasn’t an annoyance anymore. 
A breeze blew through the trees, sending a ghastly shiver up their wooden trunks. Their ancient roots dug into the ground that was blanketed with a soft layer of snow. Gnarled branches twisted into the sky, much like the claws of a cat. The entire forest seemed eerie- but to you, it was like home.
Your bony hand tightly grasped around a warm palm. The exact same hand that slid the wedding ring onto your finger with so much love and passion that you immediately burst forth from the grave with a ‘yes’. There were a few murmurs of disapproval in the Underworld, but nobody could deny the fact that you two truly loved each other. Afterall, why would your husband choose to marry you if he disliked you in the first place?
A butterfly fluttered past, catching your attention. You admired the beautiful, complex patterns that swirled on it’s wings, prompting an involuntary chuckle from you. The land of the living sure was a breath of fresh air sometimes. Thanks to the gracious Elder of the underworld, you were able to go back up and meet your lover’s parents. 
You let go of your husband’s hand, and started to do an elegant dance on the snow. Despite being dead, the dancing lessons you took were not for nothing. Why, you could probably even surpass the best dancer of the 1800s! Excitement filled you as you imagined yourself waltzing with your lover, showing him everything that you were capable of. Many men loved a talented woman, and you weren’t about to let yours down.
Perhaps you were a bit too immersed in your daydream, because your foot got caught under a tree branch and snapped your entire lower leg off.
You let out a small yelp, tumbling onto the soft, thick snow. Horrified, you looked up towards your husband still standing on the snow- you couldn’t let him freak out over a small accident!
But he didn’t seem to realise what had happened; instead, his back was faced towards you.
Embarrassed, you quickly reconnected your leg, and resumed your graceful twirl around him. The wedding dress that you always donned flowed behind you, adding extra elegance to your dance. You felt his eyes on you- he was definitely intrigued by your charm.
The next moment, warmth landed on your shoulders, and your husband gently sat you down on a fallen log in the snow. 
If you had a heart, it definitely would’ve skipped a beat. His gorgeous blue eyes and stunning ginger hair must have been a gift from the gods themselves. Chuuya Nakahara sure was a man admired by many, and he chose you. Life finally seemed to favour you this time.
“... I think I should prepare my parents for the big news of our marriage. I’ll go ahead, and you can wait here.”
His azure eyes stared into yours, patiently waiting for your response. His hands had lifted off from your shoulders, but you didn’t pay it any mind. Just simply being with your spouse was enough for you.
“Perfect! I’ll stay right here.” You smiled at Chuuya with the innocence of a child. He looked taken aback for a moment, but it was gone as quickly as it came. 
Seizing this opportunity, the male quickly stalked off through the forest, running towards the only person that he knew would help him. You giggled a little at his rush; you weren’t going anywhere, afterall. The thought that the male wanted to introduce you to his parents as quickly as possible brought a smile to your face.
The minutes slowly dragged by. What once was gleeful anticipation soon turned into bored waiting, with nothing changing in your surroundings. With your cheek propped in your hand, you let out a small sigh, wondering what on earth was taking Chuuya so long.
“This is the voice of your conscience. Listen to what I say. I have a bad feeling about that boy.”
Your pupils widened a little at the sudden voice, but you quickly rolled your eyes once you realised who it was. Lifting your hand towards your head, you knocked a fist against it several times. It didn’t take long for the culprit to tumble out.
“You know he is a little- AGH!”
The culprit being a small green string-like thing that shot out of your ear and into the snow. 
It was your close friend, Maggot, who lived inside your head ever since you died. And quite literally, too. You couldn’t recall a day in the Land of the Dead without him interjecting with sarcastic remarks that only you could hear.
“Go chew someone else’s ear for a while. Chuuya’s got to see his parents, just like he said.” 
You were a tad bit irritated at what Maggot implied. How could he think that your dear husband was a liar? Chuuya was anything but that. Your friend, however, clearly thought otherwise.
“If I hadn’t just been sitting in it, I’d think that you’ve lost your mind-”
“I’m sure that Chuuya has a pretty good reason… for taking so long.” 
You sighed a little, and that didn’t go unnoticed by Maggot. You’d never admit it, but you were starting to wonder if the worm was right in some regard. What if Chuuya got attacked or ran into trouble?
You brushed that thought off. Your husband was obviously stronger than most men around; why, he probably could defeat an opponent twice his size without breaking a sweat. But that still didn’t stop the slight bit of panic that settled within you.
“Well, why don’t you go ask him?”
Maggot’s voice broke you out of your thoughts, and you gazed back at him indignantly. 
“Alright, I will.”
If he was so desperately insisting that Chuuya was a liar, then you’d have to prove him wrong.
Oh, how naive you were to not believe a word of what he said.
The fire crackled in the hearth, casting it’s pleasant heat into the room. Coldness could not come near it, for the flame merely devoured the frost before continuing to burn as brightly as before.
Not a word was said between the individuals that sat in front of the fireplace. Countless thoughts were running in Chuuya’s mind, mashing together in one confused heap. It didn’t help that butterflies fluttered in his stomach at what he was planning to say next.
“Yasuko… I must confess that I was terrified of marriage this morning.”
The female blinked. Sensing her confusion, the male continued speaking.
“But upon meeting you… I felt that I should be with you always. And that our wedding couldn’t come sooner enough.”
It was the truth, afterall. Even when they had just met each other, the spark of attraction between them could not be denied. She was surely the yin to his yang, the key to his heart, and his complete other half that he had been searching for his whole life.
“Chuuya… I feel the same.”
The girl whom he was properly betrothed to smiled at him. A real smile, one that was full of life and not death. Despite being born to snobby aristocratic parents, she was a true diamond amongst the rubble. Kind, polite, and courteous- whoever married her would strike gold.
“Yasuko…” He murmured, his gaze not leaving hers.
Slowly, she started to lean in, closing her eyes. 
Chuuya’s heartbeat quickened as he unconsciously drew her in. They were so close… their breath upon each other’s lips. Just a second away from getting lost in the bliss of love and forgetting everything that stood in their path. 
Suddenly, Chuuya stiffened, turning his face towards the window. 
Yasuko’s lips met his jaw instead, and her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. Opening her eyes, she noticed that her lover’s gaze was focused on something behind her. But before she could turn her head around, Chuuya’s warm hands cradled her face. 
Cerulean blue eyes met lovely brown ones, each having their own questions to ask.
“Yasuko, you must understand that this is all rather unexpected-”
He was cut off by the booming sound of lightning. Both individuals turned toward the window, which was forced open by none other than… you. Stepping into the room, you lifted the wedding veil from your face, hope evident in your demeanour.
“Darling, I just wanted to meet-”
Two pairs of eyes stared back at you in horror. Like you were a monster- an unwanted being who was the object of disgust.
You noticed the girl standing behind Chuuya, and your eyes widened to the same size as hers. No doubt shocked at how accurate Maggot was about the male.
“... Darling, who’s this?”
Barely containing your anger, you sauntered over to your husband, clinging onto his arm. If you had blood, it would definitely be boiling by now- but you weren’t going to embarrass yourself in front of Chuuya today. No, you absolutely had to stay calm and show the woman who she was messing with!
“Who is she?!”
Looks like she didn’t have an inkling about you either. Well, no matter. Letting go of Chuuya’s elbow, you presented your bony arm in front of you with a proud smirk.
“I’m his wife.”
Your gold ring shone brightly on your fourth finger, a signet of the vow that bound you with Chuuya forever.
The girl looked towards him in disbelief.
“Yasuko, hold on, you don’t understand. As you can see, she’s dead. It was clearly a misunderstanding-”
A misunderstanding?
He was cut off as you yanked him towards you, eyes narrowing in ire at this ‘Yasuko’ girl. Your husband wasn’t off the hook, but for now, you couldn’t risk Yasuko stealing your love away from you. Heartbreak was not an option this time.
A shadow loomed over your face, lightning striking the sky as if in response to your fury. 
You uttered the word that could bring this madness to an end.
A murder of crows immediately surrounded the two of you, magic already working upon the utterance of the order. Amidst the chaos, you didn’t fail to notice how Chuuya called out to Yasuko, his arm outstretched towards her. 
Your feet touched the solid ground of the Elder’s office, the last of the crows flying away after their duty was finished.
With all your might, you pushed Chuuya away from you, hands curling into fists at your sides.
“You lied to me! Just to get back to that other woman!”
The male merely lifted his hands up, gesturing towards you.
“... Don’t you understand? You’re the other woman.”
It was as if a sudden jolt of electricity had zapped you, only leaving behind your stunned self. Eyes widened in stupefaction stared at the one you once thought loved you.
In your incredulity, you desperately attempted to convince him otherwise.
“No! You’re married to me; she’s the other woman!”
Clear, salty liquid brimmed in your eyes, blurring your vision to be a mixture of jarring colours. You turned away from him, unable to hold it in any longer.
“A-and I thought… I thought that this was all going so well!”
Your sobs filled the air- great convulsing gasps that masked the sound of teardrops hitting the ground. Nobody said or did anything, and quite frankly, you didn’t care. The last thing that you wanted was pity from the one who betrayed your trust.
“Look, I’m sorry, but this just can’t work.” Chuuya approached you cautiously, not wanting to provoke you any further.
“Why not?” You spun around to face him, stifling your tears.
“Under different circumstances, then probably it can work out. But we’re just too different. I mean, you’re dead.”
“... You should’ve thought about that before you asked me to marry you!”
Shaking his head, Chuuya throwed his hands up with exasperation.
“Why can’t you understand that it was a mistake? I would never marry you.”
Silence filled the air. Time seemed to stand still, as if preparing the moment for a camera to photograph. And how you wished that everything could just freeze in place- to suspend those feelings that tore you inside out.
Chuuya himself seemed dumbfounded at what he just said. He knew that he should apologise, offer you a better explanation than that; but he found that he couldn’t form any words. No amount of lies could ever cover up the truth once it was exposed.
He readied himself for your shouting, your tears, your unbridled anger at the nerve of him daring to go back to the one he truly loved. And he deserved it, because nothing could excuse the fact that he hurt you. Even when it was all just one big misunderstanding.
But instead of reacting in the way he expected you to, you merely sighed in defeat and walked off. Not noticing the way Chuuya gazed at your disappearing self.
It didn’t take long for you to find a place to be alone. The dead may be many, but the underworld was vast. You could always sit down on an empty coffin with nobody in a ten metre radius from you. Perfect for a broken-hearted lonely soul.
Bringing the bouquet of flowers beside you up to your face, you gazed at the blossoms with disdain. Their beautiful patterns only seemed to mock your ugly fate, cursed with never being loved as someone’s bride. Life, which was mostly cruel, decided to trample you under its feet. Always waiting for the perfect opportunity to crush your dreams and hopes in a single second.
With a scoff, you lifted your other hand, and started to pluck away at the florets one by one. The petals fell freely through your fingers, landing onto the ground without a care in the world. Becoming nothing but a nuisance in someone else’s path.
“Roses, for eternal love. Lilies, for sweetness. Baby’s breath…” You inhaled shakily, fighting back the lump in your throat. 
With a sigh, you tossed the bouquet away, head lowered down in melancholy.
“Maybe Chuuya’s right. Maybe we are too different.” You muttered sorrowfully, looking at your palms. One of old flesh, and one of bone.
“Maybe he should have his head examined. I could do it.”
Maggot crawled onto your shoulder, looking earnestly into your eyes. You didn’t even have the heart to roll your eyes at his statement.
“Oh, but he does belong with her. That little miss living, with her beautiful cheeks… and her beating heart.” Propping your head in your hands, you gave a bitter chuckle.
Hope. Something that was desired by all- both alive and dead.
Most people hoped for a happy and stable life. Some aspired to be wealthy and successful. Others wished to keep what they had as of present.
You had simply hoped for a husband who truly loved you.
That dream made you scoff now. Every last bit of hope you harboured had vanished alongside your ‘husband’s’ love and concern. He was no better than your previous lover, who had promised you a lifetime of joy and fondness if you’d run away with him.
How foolish and naive you were to believe that he was genuine. It was only after he had left you for dead did you realise that you’d played right into his trap. A bride whose dreams were stolen from her, and who never got the chance for proper justice to be delivered.
You’d have thought that Chuuya would be different- that he was finally the one to fulfil your hopes of being married. Being loved and cherished by him for eternity as you shared wonderful experiences together as husband and wife. Modelled as the perfect couple whom the souls in the Realm of the Dead smiled at, commenting on how cute the two of you were. Were things as common as those too much to ask for?
You wanted to be the girl that Chuuya looked at with genuine love in his eyes. Just like that ‘Yasuko’ girl you met earlier- whose stupidly beautiful eyes and sickly sweet face had captivated your lover in the first place. Just what did she have that you didn’t have double? Good looks? A lovely personality? Simply being alive? She probably couldn’t dance half as well as you did. 
Yasuko wasn’t even wearing his ring. The very same ring that you now held in your palm, begging to be placed back on the hand of its rightful owner. Did it matter that you were the one who Chuuya said his vows to? Not anymore, because he clearly adored his other woman more than you.
You slowly laid down in the coffin, your vision going blurry once again. Although you didn’t have a physical heart, you could certainly feel it breaking. Even when you were dead, it seemed that you still had some tears to shed.
Maggot watched you worriedly, but he didn’t know how exactly to comfort you or cheer you up. Nothing he said or did could deny the obvious truth. The truth that sat on the tip of your tongue, just waiting to be let out.
You loved Chuuya, but he wasn’t yours. Because…
“I’m always the bridesmaid, never the bride.”
Would really appreciate feedback on this ❤️ Not too proud on how I wrote this tbh
@circinuus @little-miss-chaoss @sariel626 @rusmii @atlasnessie @luvfy0dor-main (sorry if I forgot to tag you ;w;)
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torchflies · 23 days
Ice just chilling: was just on the phone to Brian he says he's coming to the states for a science thing said he should pop round say hi
Sli: Brian?? We know a Brian? He not military then?
Ice: nah my old mate Brian may he's english
Mav loosing his shit: SIR BRIAN MAY?! FROM QUEEN!!
Ice not getting the hype about his mate Brian from england: got his doctorate now and everything, proper one not just honarary one at that.
Sli seeing and feeling mavs hype and confusion at ice's lack of care, to mav: reminder we are dating Kiaro Jet
To ice: yeah sure would be nice to meet him, we can do dinner make a thing of it
Ice: cool ill go phone him back
Sli&mav soon as he leaves: holy shit holy shit!!!
OMG YES!!!!!
Ice, cool, chill, acting like any other friend is coming to hangout.
Sli and Mav: trying to play it cool but basically vibrating out of their skins.
I feel like they end up having to remind themselves, we are dating Kairo Jett all the time 😂😂
Like money! They never have to worry about money again! Mav wants a fancy bike, a plane? He gets it on his next birthday. Slider wants box seats to the World Series the same week? Here ya go, we go tomorrow. They don't seem to realize Ice has been accruing Disney money and Kairo Jett money for all of his life. Mav grew up not being able to afford milk. He is… confused. Slider was well-off but he never expected to be “stay in an ice hotel because it sounds cool one weekend” well-off.
The first time Ice just tosses them his black card, Mav asks why it’s so heavy 😭😂
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