#social education in japan
matsumotodai-lab · 1 year
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8/20/2023  社会教育実習という授業の一環で、学生が名取市のまちづくりに関するワークショップに参加させて頂きました。公民館の職員や市民と一緒に、地域の将来について意見を交換しました。
 As part of the course “Social Education Practicum,” the students joined a workshop about community vitalization of Natori City, Miyagi Prefecture. They discussed positively the future of the city with the residents and staff members of Kominkan.
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intersectionalpraxis · 7 months
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stil-lindigo · 8 months
The UNRWA is concerned that if they do not receive more funding they will run out by the end of February please spread this message
in case any of you missed it, despite the ICJ's ruling for Israel to facilitate MORE aid into Gaza, the global west has responded by cutting funding to UNWRA, which is responsible for delivering significant amounts of aid into Gaza, as well as surrounding areas such as Lebanon. The countries cutting funding consist of the US, Australia, the UK, the Netherlands, Swritzerland, Italy, Germany, Finland, Canada and Japan. This was all due to a claim by Israel that members of UNWRA were Hamas-members or sympathisers which, at the end of the day, is a claim that concerns only 12 members in a total of 30,000.
Without proper funding, UNWRA is likely to run out of resources by February of this year (only another month) and urges the countries that have suspended donations to reconsider. This is a blatant move from the colonialist countries of this world to starve Palestinians even further when they are already facing unforeseen levels of famine.
Please take some time out of your day to call your reps, your political leaders and urge them to restart their funding. In the meantime, here is a link to donate to the UNWRA.
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gravitascivics · 9 months
If the unending stream of immigrants from countries south of the border, from Central and South America, is mainly caused by economic reasons – where people are seeking better material lives – then what can be done about it?  The last posting suggested a program of investing in those countries with the attempt to turn those economies around.  The aim would be to modernize those economies and to demotivate their people from migrating to the United States.
            That posting suggested that a view of the history of Japan might give one insights into what a traditional country should do since that nation was traditional – in the 1800s – and today is a vibrant industrial/postindustrial nation.  Relying on the reporting of David Landes,[1] this review has established that the Japanese cultural character played a central role.
That is, they enjoyed strong domestic institutions such as family and community life which led to a sense of self-confidence.  In turn, that confidence made it non-threatening for them to seek information and contacts with the world’s industrial nations of that time.  With that information they were instructed about what to do and not do on their path toward modernization.
          And so, they did.  Here are some of the steps they initiated:
Hiring experts and technicians from industrial nations
Sent Japanese agents to industrial nations – in Europe and America – to garner whatever they could from their eyewitness experiences
Conducted extensive comparative analysis of the information and insights they acquired
Extended their research to military information – first heavily relying on the French model and then, after the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871), the German model
Abandonment of feudalist form of governance (the rule of local lords) and adoption of a central form of governance
Adopted British style trade policies as modeled on the Navigation Acts in England that in earlier phases of industrialization instituted protective policies that were only lightened after their industry was soundly established
When their industry was established, again like Britain, instituted a more laissez-faire model
Under the leadership of Okubo Toshimichi, instilled a more disciplined, hardworking orientation to work and development – opting for a German orientation
And by utilizing comparative advantage opportunities, began efforts with light industrial products, small scale efforts such as cotton mills, wooden waterwheels, coal mining
All of these elements or steps led from small production to big production over long periods of developmental processes. Landes summarizes these processes as follows:
But the long haul to parity needed not so much money as people – people of imagination and initiative, people who understood economies of scale, who knew not only production methods and machinery but also organization and what we now call software.  The capital would follow and grow.
            The Japanese determined to go beyond consumer goods.  If they were to have a modern economy, they had to master the heavy work:  to build machines and engines, ships and locomotives, railroads and ports and shipyards.  The government played a critical role here, financing reconnaissance abroad, bringing in foreign experts, building installations, and subsidizing commercial ventures.  But more important were the talent and determination of Japanese patriots, ready to change careers in the national cause, and the quality of Japanese workers, especially artisans, with skills honed and attitudes shaped by close teamwork and supervision in craft shops.[2]
Landes characterizes all this as the Japanese version of Weber’s Protestant ethic.  That would be their form of a culturally based human capital foundation.
          Given the initial question – can Latin countries south of the American border develop viable, modern economies? – does the Japanese example answer or help answer that question?  The opinion here is that it does not or does not very much but does give one insight as to what is involved.  For one thing, no one is arguing that those Latin countries become industrial powerhouses, but that they become viable economies capable of providing employment and opportunities for the bulk of their populations.
            With that more modest aim, the blogger believes the Japanese example can offer some insight.  And to begin with is a recognition that culture indeed does matter and that those in charge of any policy changes in this field need to be sensitive and knowledgeable about the cultural factors involved. 
The path to the ideal, whatever that is, will be complex and involved.  As with the Japanese, having the productive motives that the Japanese exhibited, the necessary capital will follow.  And a bit of advice: the efforts should begin with those who took it upon themselves to make the trip to the US – they have demonstrated gumption, bravery, and energy to improve their conditions.  These are qualities a nation can exploit – even hold as essential – in any attempt to improve their economic standing.
[1] David Landes, “Culture Makes Almost All the Difference,” in Culture Matters:  How Values Shape Human Progress, eds. Lawrence E. Harrison and Samuel P. Huntington (New York, NY:  Basic Books), 2-13.  Factual claims of this posting based on this source.
[2] Ibid., 9-10.
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the-jproject · 1 year
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egberts · 1 year
You can only watch one YouTuber for the rest of your life...
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akixa · 14 days
Throughout || GunxF!Reader
At this point I'm just writing what I just dream...
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As the wife of Yamazaki Yuzuru, the heir of the powerful Yamazaki Syndicate in Japan, you are also known as the White Ghost. The news of your marriage to Gun Park came as a shock to many, as there was no prior announcement of the wedding, leading to speculation and surprise within your social circle.
Your relationship with Gun dates back to your childhood, as you both have known each other since the age of 10. Despite being the same age, Gun exudes a sense of maturity, and the strong bond between you has only grown over the years. He has always been a constant presence, following you wherever you go, and at school, the two of you are inseparable. While others may view you as mere classmates casually discussing homework and projects, in private, Gun demonstrates his affection by gently patting your cheek, kissing you on the forehead, and secretly placing a small flower on your bag.
As you settled into the rhythm of high school, you never expected to encounter Gun again, especially since he attended a different school and lived further away. However, one day, as you sat in your classroom, Gun casually strolled in with a vibrant bouquet of your favourite flowers in hand. Placing it delicately on your desk, he swiftly made his exit, leaving a faint blush lingering on his cheeks unnoticed by you as you marvelled at the beautiful blooms.
As time drifted by, you found yourself perched on the school rooftop engaged in deep conversation with Gun. During this exchange, he unexpectedly broached the subject of accompanying him to Korea, as he had been presented with a job opportunity there. After careful consideration, you concluded that you were committed to completing your college education in Japan, where you were already in your third year, and would soon be graduating. Beside you, Gun nodded in understanding as you pondered the potential outcome of his departure for Korea. Uncertain about how you would fare without him, an unsettling feeling nestled deep in your thoughts.
As you were lost in thought, he suddenly noticed a frown forming on your face. Worried that he might have upset you with his question, he gently reached out and softly brushed his fingers against your cheek, guiding your gaze to meet his. Cupping your face tenderly, he proceeded to caress your cheek with gentle affection. You were looking into each other's gaze.
“Once you go to Korea, will you come back to visit here?”
“Of course.”
He holds you so gently in that moment, forgetting everything except the moment you feel a soft touch on your lips, feeling your heart melodies match with Gun’s heartbeat as you slowly close your eyes and feel the embrace of each other.
As you strolled down the dimly lit hallway, the rhythmic tap of your footsteps reverberated off the walls. It had been five long years since you had lost touch with Gun. Upon completing your studies, you made a life-altering decision to venture to Korea in search of him. Stepping foot in a new country was an overwhelming experience, and it was filled with a mix of excitement and trepidation. Despite exchanging letters for a year, Gun remained silent, never acknowledging any of your heartfelt attempts to reconnect.
Currently, you are walking through the hallway of the HNH company, searching for a meeting room for a gathering of distinguished members. Due to your expertise in the field of marketing, Charles Choi hired you to make a favorable impression, and you have been working for him for a month.
As you arrive at the meeting, you already see Charles Choi sitting while typing on his laptop, next to him is his daughter Crystal doing something on her phone; and next to her is a pink-haired guy. You last heard that guy is a famous Korean idol. Lastly, on the other side of the table is a blonde guy talking to a pink guy who's not interested in the topic.
Upon your arrival, a blonde guy notices you entering the room, and in the blink of your eyes, he suddenly appears in front of you.
“Well, hello there, sugarplum. I'm Goo Kim, and it is a very pleasure to meet a beautiful lady.” Goo grabs your right hand and kisses behind it, making a smooch sound.
You look at him unimpressed and slightly disgusted, but you forcefully put a fake smile on your face and introduce yourself to him.
“Hello, I'm (name); it's nice to meet you too.” Smiling at him, you quickly retreat your hand and wipe the kiss away. Goo tries to take a closer look at your face, making you step backwards to bump into someone behind you.
You feel a soft hand touch on your shoulder, pulling you closer to them.
“Your bad breath will suffocate her, Goo. Back away.” A deep voice came out of nowhere. You look behind to see a black-haired guy with sunglasses on with scars between his eyes. You feel possessive toward this guy. How intriguing this is.
As you keep looking at him bickering with Goo. You took a chance to look underneath the sunglasses and noticed a UI eye was already looking down at you. Surprisingly, you only know one person who has black eyes and white pupils and is a Gun.
A cough from Charles signals you three to take a seat and start the meeting now.
After a meeting, everybody left the meeting room except you, and the sunglasses guy filled up the silence between you two. Your eyes widen as you look at the guy in front of you now, back pressed on your chair, a large hand gripping your shoulder, not too harsh to create a bruise.
“Thought I will never see you, Gun.”
Gun removes his sunglasses, showing off his UI eyes. Looking down at your small figure.
“You… Why are you here? ”
“What else? I'm also here to work.”
“Work here? If I were you, I would leave this place already for safety reasons.”
“Then why wouldn't you? And why are you not sending letters anymore? Don't you want me anymore..?”. You look at him with teary eyes. Feeling unpleasant through your chest when you see Gun's irritated face.
He let out a deep sigh and tenderly brushed away the tears that trickled down your cheeks. In that moment, his gentle touch made you feel as though you were being enveloped by the same warmth and care as you did many years ago.
“Believe me or not, but I did send you letters back. You are the one who didn't send it back to me.”
“What do you mean? I didn't get any… Don't play with me, Gun; you know I hate games.”
“I'm not joking.”
“Then how come you didn't visit me? You said you would...“
“I did, but work caught me and is your safety too. If I visit you, the enemies of mine will come at you and take you away from me. I was glad to know your position is safe, but the place you are working at is in danger.”
“Oh,...” As you looked down, a pang of guilt washed over you as you found yourself questioning Gun's true feelings for you. However, as you gazed back into his eyes, you were met with a warmth, adoration, and unmistakable love that instantly dispelled your doubt. The guilt in your chest gave way to a fluttering feeling of excitement and hope as your mind wandered, envisioning a future filled with happiness and love shared between the two of you.
He gave you a small smile as he leaned down to kiss you on your forehead before leaving the room all by yourself, a blushing mess.
“See you tonight, sweetheart.”
And that night in Gun’s apartment is the best moment together with him, tangled around on the bed, lips crashing together, exploring bodies, and whispering about how you two miss each other. Another year with him again.
As the years passed, both of you still worked for the same company. But Gun is busier than you being the bodyguard for Charles and his daughter and finding a next successor for him. The only time you two can see each other is at night at home, and on his day off, he sometimes spares time for you to get smooches, dates, cuddles, or anything in the short time with him.
When Gun received the news of your retirement, he rushed to his apartment to discuss the matter with you. However, he was left speechless when you revealed that you were pregnant. In a moment of shock, he stood still, unable to find the right words. You gently tried to get his attention, but then he slowly embraced you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close to his chest. He held you with tenderness and affection, expressing his emotions wordlessly.
He is completely open to the idea of starting a family with you. In fact, he was overjoyed to embrace fatherhood and is now contemplating proposing to you at an earlier time, envisioning a little version of you both happily playing around the house. Speaking of homes, he even expressed interest in adding a larger, more luxurious residence to the list of potential purchases.
In this new spacious house, you find yourself cradling your daughter as she peacefully sleeps on your lap while you immerse yourself in the pages of a captivating book. Surprisingly, your daughter bears an uncanny resemblance to Gun, except for her eyes, which mirror your own as you gaze at Gun with affection. It's truly heartwarming and endearing.
Behind you, you hear footsteps approaching you. Gun see and your daughter having a comfortable time. You gesture at him to keep quiet, pointing at your daughter, who is still sleeping on your lap. He quietly made his way to you, kissing you on your forehead and his hand caressing your daughter's cheeks, sleeping figure.
"Her cheeks are plum."
"You mean she's cute."
"She is. She seems tired. What did she do all day?"
"Running around here and there." You let out exhausted sighs, making Gun chuckle at his daughter's behavior. Admiring you and the life you both created together. He glimpse at your ring finger the small diamond on the middle shining brightly reminding him that you are his wife and no one else.
“Tell Goo to stop stealing our daughter to sell drugs.”
“Will do.”
He kiss your forehead as you three proceed your evening together cuddling.
Ꮺ .
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dejwritesarchived · 2 years
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❪ ♡ ❫ ─── ( synopsis ) college boy toji proves that you're the only girl he has eyes on.
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — reader discretion is advised: female reader, female anatomy described, her/she pronouns, feminine pet names, written with black reader in mind, third pov, college au, college boy!toji, he’s an international student in the states, hints at reader & him going to nyu, reader and toji in their early 20’s, reader calls him 't', alcohol usage, mentions of a hangover, a little angst, profanity, toji’s last name is zenin in this, friends with benefits trope, mentions of zenin family, toji’s a business major, mentions of pets (toji has a doberman named taichi), oral (f.receiving), doggystyle position, exhibitionism, flirty toji, you’re his #1 girl, early bday post for toji
❪ ♡ ❫ ─── click here for jjk masterlist. click here for ao3 link.
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TWENTY-ONE-YEAR-OLD TOJI ZENIN SLUMPED DOWN INTO HIS SEAT IN THE BACK OF THE LECTURE HALL. Heavy bags under his eyes, headache clawing at the back of his skull, and running on 2 hours of sleep. When he plopped down in his seat, he flipped open his notebook to half-listen to the professor. The professor was boasting about the infamous wives of kings in different countries. He was late, very late. It was only his second semester at NYU as a business administration major, and he could already feel himself falling behind. He was sent overseas for school because his family thought it would help shape him for the family company back in Japan. Still, his last semester started with attending parties and social events (some on behalf of his family). Then on top of that, his younger cousin was also in town, so he was a major distraction. 
Within the stressful semesters and maintaining an image under a microscope from his family overseas, he met a gorgeous girl Y/N. The two had a pretty complicated relationship—they met at a party, and he hated to admit that he was falling for her. Toji adored seeing her on campus, and he damn sure loved staring at her during this elective women’s history course. On days when he wasn’t hungover, he would poke Y/N with his pen until she snapped at him to stop. But today, Toji slumped in his seat, doodling in his notebook.
“You should pay attention. This is going to be on the quiz this Friday,” Y/N whispers as she’s writing in her notebook.
“That’s what I have you for,” Toji says as he gives her some tired grin that causes her to roll her eyes.
Y/N rolled her eyes at the man because she hated that it was true. Toji and herself met at a party with him flirting with her the whole night. She ignored him, considering that she had heard so much about him from other women. Yet, it was Y/N’s luck that she entered this class and saw him sitting in the back of the class at the start of the semester.
She didn’t understand why he would be taking a course like this, but she wasn’t going to get him talking. After all, when Toji spoke about himself, he couldn’t stop. Perhaps, that’s why she liked him. He was a confident guy that knew what he wanted. Y/N didn’t expect the two to start an immature friends-with-benefits relationship. Even though, on some days, she’ll spot him flirting with other girls in exchange for accounting notes. He still manages to make her cheeks grow hot with his witty comments and captivating smile.
But the one thing the young woman hated was seeing him like this. His head was on the cold desk and his eyes closed, not paying attention. This education could have gone to someone who wanted to be here. Y/N’s teeth grazed upon her plump lip gloss-covered lips as she inched her chair closer to him. She lets her hand travel to Toji’s lap as she places her pen down. Her hands rubbed at his crotch until she could feel him squirming under her touch. His head still lying on the table with the hood to his NYU pull-over hoodie on turned towards her. “Don’t start something you can’t finish, baby,” He says as he tugs his chair further under the table.
“Oh, hush,” Y/N says as she unbuttoned his jeans quickly. Her curious eyes stared ahead at the clock, ten more minutes until the class ended. That’s enough time.
When Toji felt her hand in the comfort of his pants, his head shot up to lean back in his seat. His teeth grated at his lower lip as a slight hiss escaped his mouth. He tuned out the professor lecturing about the downfall of Marie Antoinette.
“I’m sure you can be quiet, huh?” Y/N questions as her hand glide up and down his thick shaft. Her thumb brushed against his thick pink tip that leaked with precum.
“Shit,” Toji uttered under his breath. His body was radiating so much heat at the moment, and it wasn’t coming from the layers of clothes he was wearing.
“Okay, I will be releasing you guys early. Please use the time to study for the quiz next quiz.”
Toji’s body seemed to go through shock when Y/N removed her hand from his pants. A cold chill goes down his spine as he’s quick to button his pants so no one can see. Toji quickly stuffed his belongings inside his bookbag to catch up with Y/N, who had already exited the class. He nearly knocked down some students trying to chase after her. With her brown skin glistening with each step she took through the halls and her head held up.
“Y/N, Wait up!” Toji’s jogging up to her, chest heaving up and down, and a look of determination on his face. His face flushed with color due to the teasing brief handjob she gave him. He grabs a hold of her forearm to put a halt to her walking.
“Toji, I have a class to get to,” Y/N huffs as she looks at him.
“And I said don’t start something you can’t finish,” He reminded.
“It was something to wake your lazy ass up,” Y/N says as she looks at him. She adjusted the tote bag on her shoulders. “Now, can I go to my class now?” She questioned.
“Well, I’m up now.” Toji would say before his hand was dragging her into one of the smaller classrooms.
“We can’t do this here, what if someone walks in,” Y/N questions.
He stepped closer to her with such lust in his eyes. She’s mentally cursing herself for waking up such a beast, but she enjoyed teasing him. He tugged at her strings so much that Y/N wasn’t afraid to tug at his right back once in a while. With each step he took, she took one back until she hit the teacher’s desk in the middle of the lecture hall.
The two were close, with Toji’s curious green hues staring at her lips. His fingertips traced alongside her side and it sent a chill down her spine effortless. “No one is going to walk in. This class always is empty for an hour or so.”
“How would you know that?” Y/N questioned, her hands going up to toy with the strings on his hoodie. Her eyebrows knit together in curiosity. “Have you fucked other women in here because if you did-”
“You’re always assuming I’m fucking someone else,” Toji pointed out. He then lifts her up to place her on the desk which she didn’t argue against.
“Because when are you not fucking other women?” Y/N asked as she watched him toy with the ends of the skirt she wore.
Toji kissed his teeth as he took up the space between Y/N’s legs. “I’m not having sex with other women, Y/N. I only want you.” He would mumble his last couple of words on her skin while he was kissing her neck.
“Mhmm.” Y/N hummed as she craned her neck to the side giving Toji more access to her neck.
“You don’t believe me?” Toji questioned as he tore his lips away from her neck. His green-colored eyes stared into hers waiting for a response. If you asked Toji when he first moved here for university if he would be strung by some girl, he wouldn’t believe you. But here Toji was trying to defend his case that he’s actually been keeping his dick in his pants. Toji’s heart was growing a little warmer for Y/N.
Y/N looked up at him. Her curious eyes stared into his eyes to search for any clue for his foolishness. Toji was still young like any other guy on the campus. Which meant that he still wanted to fool around with other women. Yet, Toji was right here pleading his case. Toji’s fingers lingered a bit higher each second as they sat in silence in the small lecture hall. Y/N’s felt her body get so hot, feeling Toji’s callous fingers on the inside of her thighs. “Do you want me to prove it?” Toji questioned.
Y/N’s teeth caught into her lower lip, but the larger man did gain a nod from the woman. Toji’s muscular frame towered down as he reached up Y/N’s skirt to tug the lace panties she wore down. Her underwear dangled from her ankle as he would kneel down between her legs. His plush lips littered kisses on the inside of her thighs. Toji felt under an intense spell when he got a whiff of Y/N’s sweet scent. It was a scent of home, something he had no clue what was with his delusional family back in Japan. She had the scent of warmth and sweetness. He’d grown to love it so much when he started to spend more time with her.
“Toji..” Y/N let out a shaky breath while she was squirming under his touch. Which only led to Toji’s arms pinning her still. It was like pinning a paper doll together with small pins so it won't fall apart. “We’re going to get caught.”
“Not if you keep it down, now please relax. Let me prove it to you,” Toji’s words seem to become less clear to Y/N when she felt the flat of his tongue licking at her puffy lips.
Y/N inhaled nattily as she placed her hand on the wooden desk to hold herself up. Her eyes peered down at Toji who was under her skirt. The lewd sound of him collecting her wetness caused her to chew at her lower lip. She was afraid of letting out any noise. In fear that if they got caught her college years would be over and thrown in the trash. But when she felt Toji’s mouth latch onto her clit, a low yelp escaped her mouth. Y/N’s body fell back onto the wooden desk and her hands desperately tugged her skirt up further around her waist.
Toji’s grip on Y/N thighs only tightened with each second he spent lapping up her arousal like a thirsty lap dog. His nose nuzzled at Y/N’s soft skin as his tongue that lingered with her slick flicked at her clit. His right hand released from holding her thighs open so he could enjoy his meal. Toji’s fingertips traced alongside the inside of Y/N’s thighs. His subtle touch sent a tingle down Y/N’s spine as she grew impatient due to his teasing. Her lips soon gasped apart, feeling Toji’s finger rub at her lips, collecting her wetness with ease. His thumb brushed against his clit and he began to rub circular motions upon it.
Y/N let out a moan at his sudden action before she could feel him insert his index and middle finger into her wet cunt. Her hand went up to muffle her cries while Toji’s fingers gradually pumped through her. Y/N let out a string of moans before her hand grasped at Toji’s black strands of hair. Her groans of pleasure were like music to Toji’s ears. Like his dog, Taichi’s ears shot up in excitement when he was happy. Toji’s ears burn with so much heat, hearing her sweet moans.
He pulled forward to latch onto her clit while his fingers moved inside her. His tongue slurped up any wetness that leaked out of her cunt. He continued to push his fingers inside her with ease. The lewd sound of Y/N’s wetness coating his fingers caused Toji to grow even harder in his jeans. Curling his fingers slightly to attempt to hit that one spot that caused her toes to curl, Toji’s nose was nuzzling at the soft skin upon her pussy—her pubes tickling his nose, but he didn’t care.
“Toji…I’m going to cum.” Y/N moaned out as her back arched off the wooden desk.
When she felt his fingers pull out of her, she felt empty. She mentally wanted to yell at herself for letting him have such power over her. Y/N’s eyes filled with tears as she watched him again stand on his feet. Her cunt was desperate to feel him inside her once again.
“Stand up and turn around,” Toji commanded.
The dominance that lingered off his tongue caused Y/N to stand up immediately. Before turning around, Toji tugged her in for a kiss. His tongue slides down her throat with so much aggression. When he pulled back suddenly, he said to her, “Wanted you to taste how amazing you taste to me.”
Y/N’s cheeks burnt with so much heat before she twirled around, urging him to fill her up again. Her hands were on the desk, waiting for Toji’s girth to stretch her out. She could feel his large hands gripping the flesh of her butt before he pushed her back down. Y/N could feel Toji’s plump tip brush against her entrance. A soft whine escaped her lips. “T, stop teasing.”
She knew Toji was smirking behind her before he pushed himself inside her. Her lips parted apart as she felt him stretch her fully. Despite the two having sex many times, each time, she still found herself gasping like an idiot at his size. Toji was eager to rock his hips forward to feel the addicting way her walls clenched around her. His fingertips rubbed random shapes on her waist, waiting for her to give him the go-to continue. “Relax, Y/N. I got you, baby girl,” Toji says.
Y/N relaxed under Toji’s touch before she began to back herself upon his waist. She could hear Toji chuckle before he cooed at her like some superior. “Look at you, getting a bit desperate.” He expresses.
Toji began to roll his hips upon her ass. The pornographic sound of their skin slapping against each other only boosted Toji’s ego even more. His thrusts grew more aggressive with each moan that escaped Y/N’s mouth. How his name rolled off her tongue caused his brain to go fuzzy. Or maybe it was the way her pussy clenched around him like a perfectly fitted glove. Either or was driving him insane at the moment. His large hands gripped at her ass as he lunged forward some more. “Fuck..” He uttered to himself.
Toji’s eyes looked down at Y/N. He realized how beautiful Y/N looked right now. Her fucked out expression was a stunning sight to see. Her lip gloss was smudged across her lips, tears spilling out her eyes, and gosh, those moans. They were beautiful to Toji.
Toji would prompt Y/N’s leg on the desk so he could thrust deeper inside her drooling cunt. His larger form hunched over hers as he’s rocking his hips forward in a rhythmic motion. Y/N’s hands flew back to push at Toji’s torso. Her cries echoed in the lecture hall while her briny tears stained her cheeks. “Toji…too much.” Y/N mewled.
Toji chews at his lower lip as he grabs Y/N’s hands to place upon her butt to spread herself wider for him. “It’s too much, but I can feel your pussy squeeze around me with each thrust, so what’s the truth, baby?” He cooed as his hips bucked forward to place kisses upon her cervix.
The only thing Y/N could let out was a string of moans of his name. Her drool decorated the wooden desk below her as he fucked her practically dumb. Which only led to the growing sensational pit forming at the bottom of her abdomen. When Toji glanced down, seeing how Y/N’s pussy swallowed him whole, he was close to telling the woman he was in love.
“Look at that; you’re taking it so well, baby girl.” He praised.
When Toji felt Y/N’s walls clutch around him, he knew he was close to tumbling down with her. His hips rocked into the soft flesh of Y/N’s ass. Toji let out a low groan as he could feel his balls grow heavy and tight. His fingernails dug into her waist as his thrusts grew slowly and sloppier. Toji’s larger frame hunched over as he could feel himself cum. His thick cum splattered upon Y/N’s walls while his mouth uttered an exhausted groan.
“T....” Y/N moaned as she could feel him slowly tug himself out of her. Her chest was rising, and embarrassment waved over her body. The young woman tried to process everything while her legs still felt like a fresh bowl of jello.
Toji had zipped his pants right up. His forearm went up to wipe the sweat that lingered on his forehead. He would lean down, pulling Y/N’s underwear back on her. A cocky smirk displayed on his face as he got a glimpse of his cum dripping out of her addicting cunt.
“You’re so annoying,” Y/N uttered as she turned to face him.
With a cheeky grin on his face, Toji tugged her skirt down. “You love it, though. Now let’s go.” He says as he’s leaning down to collect his book bag and soon extends his hand to her.
“Where are we going?” Y/N asked. “Plus, we still have class, you know?”
“I’ll get a doctor to write us a doctor’s note.” Toji bluntly admitted. “Now let’s get some food, and you a plan b.” His index finger tapped at Y/N’s nose, and she could only roll her eyes at his behavior.
“You’re so annoying.” She repeated once again, but she grabbed hold of his hand so he could lead her out of the lecture hall.
It was something about Toji Zenin that caused the young woman’s heart to flutter. But she had to remind herself that getting even more tangled with him would only hurt her in the end.
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TAGS — @maydayaisha @eiflawriting @takemichiluvr @stunnababyyabyyy @suunmic @neesiewrote @potofstewie @lacy111 @pocketfulofposies @destiiny-prtt @animetypagirlsstuff @sexbob-ombbeck @hyuene @rindouzfav @lostwanderr @comatosebunny09 @chosoguapo @melaninmight @lunarecilpse @thirstyforjeann @blueparadis @syomi @soumies @pyrusplantae @510hz @angelwa @diorlov3er @kiraricard @si00p @airheqds @getosbunny @atesumu @dark-night-hero @venusflytrapstar @sirenh4ll @vqmpirw
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hastyprovocateur · 7 months
Mizu, Akemi and Gender as a weapon
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Mizu's masculinity isn't something she dislikes or is seeking to be rid of. Even at her most feminine, Mizu is still androgynous. Not limited by gender performances, stereotypes and beliefs. It's all part of her. The doting lover, the skilled samurai, the knifemaker, the patron of arts. It just creates internal conflict when she's unable to connect to her femininity in a gendered society, knowing that her femininity will be seen as weakness. On the flipside, we know Mizu suppressed masculine parts of herself in her marriage with the expectation that they'll become a deal-breaker which also wasn't healthy. Mizu doesn't need the go-ahead to be traditionally feminine, she just needs space or a person/people who will allow her be herself without nitpicking parts of her. In that vein, I also wanna address how Akemi is also masculine in her own ways.
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Just because she doesn't wield a sword or has an androgynous bodytype, doesn't mean that Akemi isn't masculine (the social understanding of it). She is very much so in her own right. Seki, her tutor, keeps aligning her with her father claiming that they have the same conviction in their beliefs in which their roots are unshakeable. This lays out how traits of power seeking, ambition, stark independence and intelligence that her father prides himself on are discouraged in Akemi as she's a woman. She is politically informed, highly educated and sexually dominant. She is calculative, express in her expertise at Go, something she's been better than grown men at since she was 12. Seki tells her that beyond just surviving in her marital home, she is equipped to succeed, expand her territory, find people's vulnerabilities, capture and win. That she can learn to do anything she wants and be whoever she wants, even if the goal is to become the ruler of Japan. In that same episode, Mizu is parallel to Akemi where she seeks wisdom from Master Eiji to exact an artful revenge where he proceeds to tell her that he didn't train her to be a demon or a human but he showed her how to be an artist. That revenge, swords, pots, noodles are all the same to an artist. The goal is to learn to be good at something. Anything. Mizu's pursuit of revenge is as masculine as Akemi's pursuit of power. They are both capable of learning. Of being successful. They are both elements of their own destiny. Water. Fire.
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It doesn't matter what the means used are if the objective is one and the same. Akemi learnt this throughout season 1. That to evolve oneself guarantees success over only changing the scenario by running. Like Mizu, Akemi works with what she has. She is feminine presenting, enhanced through the princess finery, she can't fight but she uses her beauty, charm and wit to execute her plans and bend men to her will. Mizu attempted to maneuvere this same tactic after Mikio called her a monster, dolling up like on her wedding day to appease to his masculinity but it only pushed her towards the one thing she does best- wielding a sword to survive. Mizu knows how to fight, that is her agency, not a definitive of her gender. To fight and evolve is human, not select for a particular gender. Akemi also knows how to fight. She's trained in koto playing, singing, dancing, literature, poetry and the sutras. Her modus operandi is to weaken a man through his own hubris of thinking that she presents no threat. Which, as a personal opinion, I find a requires a tad more skill than cutting through flesh and bone. With Mizu, men brace for a fight, with Akemi, they don't even realise there was one in the first place. I posit that fighting is seen as more glorious than manipulation because it's a traditionally masculine way of dealing with things. Meanwhile, artful manipulation if rife with character bashing because femininity, according to some, should not not exist to take advantage only be taken advantage of, which again. Trash take. Needless to say, both Mizu and Akemi easily outclass the men who stand in their way.
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matsumotodai-lab · 1 year
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8/9-11/2023  山形大学で「社会教育団体論」の集中講義を行いました。テーマは主にNPOや地域づくりでした。今年はとにかく暑かったですが、受講生の皆さんもよく頑張りました。
 At Yamagata University, I gave a 3-day intensive lecture on social education groups. The main topic was on NPOs and community development from the perspective of social education and lifelong learning.  This year, it was very hot, but buckwheat noodles, a famous food in Yamagata, helped me cool down a little. This soba restaurant was in front of the university, I always go there whenever I give my intensive lecture at Yamagata University.
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lurkingshan · 6 days
hi!! i was wondering if you could recommend some good high school japanese (or from other countries) bls? all this time i avoided them cause i felt old and uncomfortable but yesterday i finally watched one and the pureness and warmth of these sweet kids experiencing their first love really warmed my heart and brought back memories of my own first crushes. thank u in advance and I hope u have a wonderful day!
Hi anon! I firmly believe we are never too old to be swept away by the nostalgia of a good high school show. There are specific emotional buttons that get engaged by a coming of age or first love story, and it's comforting to see both reflections of experiences that were similar to our own and fantasy versions of a high school experience we never got to have. I support you venturing into high school bl!
This is not a comprehensive overview of all bls with high school age characters, but a solid list of great shows that center that high school coming of age/first love experience in their stories, in a mix of moods and tones. I'll start with some favorites from Japan, and then include a few from other countries, as well. I hope you like some of these!
I Cannot Reach You
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This is a classic friends to lovers first love story done exactly right. I don't know anyone who watched it only once, it's so satisfying.
If It's With You
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A boy who is jaded before his time meets an earnest hottie when he moves to a new town and school. Feelings ensue.
My Love Mix Up
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This one puts the com in romcom, with a confused bisexual chaos muffin setting off a comedy of errors as he tries to figure out who actually likes who among his classmates.
Takara-kun to Amagi-kun
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A simple story of two boys trying to navigate their first relationship and figuring out how to go about dating and interacting at school.
Eternal Yesterday
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On the tragic end, this is a story of first love that ends abruptly due to accidental death. The story is an exploration of the grief and stunted growth that results when someone so young suffers a loss so monumental. It's an absolutely beautiful show, but not a light watch.
Marahuyo Project
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This is a gorgeous show about a brash and loud and proud gay kid who gets sent to live on a small island after an incident at school, and decides to create an LGBTQ+ club at his new school. This one has a social education agenda, but it's also very funny and sweet.
South Korea
Light on Me
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The story of a confident gay boy and his love triangle where you will actually like everyone involved! A rare gem in these drama streets.
Where Your Eyes Linger
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And on the angstier side, this one is the story of two friends, one of whom has been raised to be a caretaker/bodyguard for the other, struggling with a realization of feelings between them. The power dynamic and social class divide between them feature heavily.
History 3: Make Our Days Count
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Possibly a controversial pick, as this one has a tragic ending that is hard for a lot of people to stomach. But it's a great high school show that includes two first love stories, one between a beautiful himbo and the studious boy who catches his eye, and the other between his very sweet best friend and an older man he meets through his job.
About Youth
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This first love story between two very nice boys struggling with school and family issues manages to be incredibly sweet while also dealing with some heavy topics, and features a couple amazing original songs that still get stuck in my head all the time.
The On1y One
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This is such a pitch perfect high school story that I'm putting it on this list before it technically finishes airing. Two high school boys meet when their parents move in together and decide to get married, and begin to heal each other. This one nails the angst and yearning.
My School President
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Possibly one of the cutest high school romcoms of all time, and it features a student band so there are a ton of original songs. This is a story about a boy who runs for class president just so he can save his crush's music club. It's two nice boys who like each other and the shenanigans they get up to with their friends.
I Told Sunset About You
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And for the completely opposite experience: the ultimate angsty coming of age queer awakening story. One of the most beautiful dramas I have ever seen, and so evocative and emotionally resonant that it is actually hard for some people to watch because it's too real.
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elbiotipo · 2 months
I have a theory, and this is based more on a hunch and my understanding of history because I would love to see it supported by data and more analysis, that the United States not only acted against Latin America for its natural resources and to keep hegemony, but also to sink future competition.
After World War II, the major industrial centers of the world were completely destroyed... EXCEPT for the United States AND Latin America. Latin America, or at least in the case of Argentina, was always in a conflict between the landowner classes who wanted to keep the agrarian neo-feudal export economy inherited from colonial times and the interests who wanted to industrialize their country and wanted political, social and economic progress. Being untouched by the global conflict, this was the prime moment for Latin American nations to begin industrialization.
Argentina and Chile, with relatively developed educational systems and increasingly especialized industries, could have grown to the equivalents of Italy or even Japan. Mexico could have also developed its industry, it is, in fact, one of the main manufacturers right now. And in particular Brazil, with a huge population, natural resources and emerging industry, would have emerged not only as a peer but as an outright rival to the United States.
This was unacceptable. So the interventions did not only had the intention of keeping US influence, but actually to destroying Latin American development in a key point so that the United States would keep its hegemony. I don't think it was a coordinated thought, I don't think Truman or Einsenhower said "GO SINK LATIN AMERICA", but I do believe this was part of the intention; not only to keep hegemony but also to keep possibly 'unfriendly' economies from developing.
Perón knew this, which was why he insisted in the nationalization and development of industry and the union of Latin America in his thought. I believe many other marxists and peronist and peronarxists (you know how it is with Argentina) here and in the rest of Latin America have written about this. I have to read more when I get the time.
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Little rant about Sukuna’s backstories and some theories lol.
So we all know that Sukuna was cursed and unwanted child. His translation roughly means ‘child who shouldn’t have been born.’ But despite being shunned on in society- especially in an era with specific standards, he still managed to become a king and even had the Shogun shivering his boots ( I think..)
Sukuna’s mother was ill and starving when he and his twin was in the womb- which led to them being malnourished and Sukuna eating his twin brother.
BUT in the Yorozu fight- Sukuna mocks and corrects Yorozu’s haiku. It’s obvious he has a good knowledge in reading and writing to the point where he can enjoy and understand the arts during the Heian Era. The Heian Era was historically the golden age of Japan and was known for literature and poems such as ‘The Tale of Genji’ and etc. This education and art was only available to the upper class of society and the nobles.
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It was clear Sukuna and his family were NOT nobles or an aristocratic family. If his mother was- she wouldn’t be starving and ill. It makes it clear that Sukuna learnt this along the way- and he wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He definitely grew up in poverty and it made it even worse that he was born disabled and practiced cannibalism. This made him even more shunned upon aside the fact that he was poor- Sukuna must’ve learn this along the way of climbing up the social status.
In the Heian Era, it was actually easier for women (mostly noble women) to climb up the social status ladder- by being married off to a high ranking family was easy. But men on the other hand, were forced to work harder. Sukuna has a great knowledge of Jujutsu- but with such a refined technique and it might be from all the years of experience he had. BUT learning by yourself only takes you so far- I always thought that Sukuna must’ve learnt ( or maybe spied) on other sorcerers and learned how to fight. From a person who came from a poverty stricken background- you obviously need a high education and maybe he didn’t do it all by himself. Maybe that’s where the aspect of him already knowing what ‘true love’ is.
If my theories are correct please hmu 🔥
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gravitascivics · 9 months
Some time ago this blog visited the contribution of David Landes[1] in a very influential reader, Culture Matters, edited by two giants in the study of human affairs, Lawrence E. Harrison, and Samuel P. Huntington.  This collection of articles had at the time of its publishing, 2000, a good deal of influence among the academics of that time.  For example, Landes’ article, “Culture Makes Almost All the Difference,”[2] begins by asking a very insightful question.
          It asks:  when a problem pops up, does one inquire into “what went wrong” or “who did this to us”?  The latter question seems to be what one’s emotions push to the fore, while the former is a more reasoned concern.  Eventually, both questions are important in not only fixing what’s wrong but also devising strategies that might prevent a recurrence of whatever the problem is.
          In line with Landes’ writing, today the nation is confronted with a problem that takes up a lot of concern among the nation’s news sources in their reporting.  That is the influx of immigrants through the southern border.  In the realm of blame, a lot of that reporting comments on the politics:  is the President to blame due to a lack of harshness – closing the border to these immigrants – or is it due to the opposition party’s reluctance to meaningfully address the problem in Congress? 
Neither of these options looks at why this immigration is taking place – it is treated simply as a given.  This blogger finally heard, in passing, a commentator on TV suggest that perhaps a program of extensive investment into the economies of the nations of origin – from where these immigrants come – could address the problem and supply a solution.  Of course, this is not a quick or easy fix; it presupposes many factors being lined up and working in productive ways.  To begin with, one can question the viability of moving in this direction.
But the first step is asking why this immigration is going on with the intent of addressing the causes in a way that is true and accurate.  This posting does not make an argument for this investment plan – it doesn’t argue against it either – but addresses what all is involved with such an approach.  And with that concern, Landes provides a historical case in which a traditional society did cross the line from being a traditional and agriculturally based economy to one in which it became a leading industrial and post-industrial nation, that being Japan.
To make a comparison between south of the border nations, from Central and South America, and Japan of the 1800s, one needs to go through several different stages.  The first stage is to compare the global landscape Japan faced with the one that exists today.  Very profound differences exist between that world of nearly two centuries ago and contemporary times.  At the earlier time, there were the beginnings of what today one calls dependency relationships and what some consider to be the post dependency era.
Simplified, dependency relationships divided lesser developed countries (LDCs) among the developed countries in which a given developed country controlled the export/import markets for a set of LDCs.  An LDC would be limited to which countries it could export its mostly agricultural/natural resources products and from whom it could import industrial products.  This would be to the benefit of both the upper classes of each type of nation.  The rich of the poor countries were/are equally rich as those of the developed countries.
Some argue today that due to advanced countries not limiting themselves to “their” LDCs, the whole system has been compromised.  Others think this is overstated.  Here is what a Global South article determined to be the case on this question:
In today’s realm, dependency thoughts are still useful in analyzing the widening inequalities between the poor and rich countries, or in analysing the divisions within a developed or a developing country context. Our societies are vastly divided, and dependent relations exist within our own social facbric [sic].[3]
Whatever the situation is today, one can suppose that there are vested interests that benefit from what is and they enjoy significant political power or influential status.  So, the first challenge would be to address this imbalance of power and financial resources.
          And here, this blogger believes Karl Marx had a point, not in terms of justice – although one can see injustice being an element of this arrangement – but from a practical point of view.  Treat people with disregard, especially if there is any experience of better times, and they will seek reciprocity.  They will believe they have the right to seek revenge.  Can one see this in operation?
          This blogger believes one can.  And one does see it in the politics of today here in the US.  The Global South article comments on this practical reality:
In other words, the financial crisis of 2008 showed the inefficiency of the global capitalist system and questioned the strengths of the new liberal economic philosophy in contributing to economic equality. Aaccording to [James] Petras & [Henry] Veltmeyer … capitalism in the form of new liberal globalisation provides very poor model for changing society in the direction of social equality, participatory democratic decision making and human welfare.[4]
And it is this aspect that motivates this posting.  Before one looks at any historical example to address contemporary conditions, one needs to consider how social/economic/political landscapes of the compared nations are one to the other.
          Another factor is how comparing nations addresses basic, relevant social elements or resources.  If the aim is to transform a nation from an agriculturally based economy to an industrial one, certain infrastructure assets need to be in place or developed before any such effort begins.  And in this, Landes describes how advantaged Japan was before they began the transition.
          Landes reports:
            The Japanese went about modernization with characteristic intensity and system.  They were ready for it – by virtue of a tradition (recollection) of effective government, by their high levels of literacy, by their tight family structure, by their work ethic and self-discipline, by their sense of national identity and inherent superiority.
            That was the heart of it:  The Japanese knew they were superior, and because they knew it, they were able to recognize the superiorities of others.[5]
And that overview sets up this blog to address the steps Japan took to make Japan the modern, developed nation one observes and admires today.  It wasn’t a smooth development – World War II didn’t help – but one can safely determine that nation has made the transition.  The next posting will trace a number of the broad strategies Japan employed in that process.
[1] Robert Gutierrez, “Is It Better to Ask Who or What?,” Gravitas:  A Voice for Civics, September 30, 2019, URL:  https://gravitascivics.blogspot.com/2019_09_15_archive.html.
[2] David Landes, “Culture Makes Almost All the Difference,” in Culture Matters:  How Values Shape Human Progress, eds. Lawrence E. Harrison and Samuel P. Huntington (New York, NY:  Basic Books), 2-13.
[3] “Is Dependency Theory Still Relevant Today?  A Perspective from the Global South,”  Global South:  Development Magazine, November 18, 2020, accessed December 23, 2023, URL:  https://www.gsdmagazine.org/is-dependency-theory-still-relevant-today-a-perspective-from-the-global-south/#:~:text=In%20today's%20realm%2C%20dependency%20thoughts,within%20our%20own%20social%20facbric.  British spelling.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Landes, “Culture Makes Almost All the Difference,” in Culture Matters, 8.
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"ascendance of a bookworm" and the centrality of education
something "bookworm" recognizes that i think a lot of other isekai miss is that myne's greatest advantage from her past life isn't her knowledge of certain technologies or products. it's her education.
this is obviously true in the lower city, where most of the people around her have received zero formal education; but it is even true among the highest levels of nobility, where the standard amount of formal education is six terms at the royal academy. that's three months of the year for six years, and nobles intentionally budget their time at the academy to spend more of it on socializing than they do on education. outside of the academy, many nobles receive some form of private tutoring, but the quality, quantity, and consistency vary widely from person to person.
compare that to urano's university-level education in modern-day japan. she spent a minimum of sixteen years attending school for most of the day for most of the year. and it shows.
one of the moments from the series that has really stuck with me is the scene where ferdinand reads myne's memories and experiences, from her point of view, what her education was like: year after year, across her entire childhood, with many different teachers, in many different subjects, in many different classrooms, surrounded by other children her age. the way seeing that allows him to finally grasp why she seems so uniquely capable of being taught compared to other people he knows. it's not that she's some sort of unparalleled genius. it's merely that she's been conditioned to perform academically and that she's been taught how to learn.
and each time myne "ascends" within jurgenschmidt society and is forced to perform in a new environment with minimal time to learn its ways, this conditioning serves her well. she knows how to sit down at a desk, crack open the books, and study until she's got it. equally, having received a comprehensive education puts her far ahead of the average jurgenschmidt citizen in terms of being able to synthesize information from a variety of sources and see how disparate phenomena are interrelated. when she arrives, she may not know anything about jurgenschmidt's economy, government, social structure, etc., but she knows that they exist, are worth learning about, are having a huge effect on her own life, and can be manipulated to her own ends.
what's more, her belief in the fundamentality of education is the single force driving the greatest amount of change within jurgenschmidt. yes, the printing press is the most revolutionary technology she introduces, but her educational reforms will have more immediate and farther-reaching effects.
by the point in the story we're currently at in the english translation (p5v7), she has improved educational access and outcomes for the following:
specific people in the lower city of ehrenfest (lutz, tuuli, kamil, those wealthy enough to purchase her picture books and toys)
those in the ehrenfest temple orphanage (said to receive a level of education equivalent to the average mednoble)
members of some farming villages of ehrenfest (those who have been visited by gray priests over winter hibernation)
all noble children of ehrenfest (through the winter playroom and better grades committee, as well as her educational materials)
some nobles in other duchies (those who have gained access to her picture books and educational toys, and those who have been personally influenced by her, such as hannelore and hildebrand)
commoners with the devouring in ehrenfest like dirk, who can receive funding from the aub to receive a noble education
no, she hasn't yet introduced mandatory, free public education, but she's laid the foundation for it. she has introduced educational reform at multiple levels of society and, more importantly, impressed its importance upon key authority figures, such as sylvester, charlotte, and melchior. that ensures that her reforms have staying power.
this is one of the things i adore about this series: the realism of the societal changes myne brings about. a lesser story would have shown her introducing free, compulsory education for all commoners within the space of a few years. that would have been nice, but it wouldn't have felt real. instead, myne has achieved every small reform through sheer bull-headedness, with blood, sweat, and tears, with immense effort. and that makes her accomplishments feel meaningful in a way an easy win would not. and yet we see widespread change, inertia that we can envision snowballing into the kind of education system urano enjoyed in japan somewhere in the not-to-distant future.
myne's societal reforms feel earned, and it all begins with the story's recognition of the immeasurable value of the education she received back in japan.
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come-away-with-me87 · 3 months
The Art of Love Chapter 1
Summary: You've been an art therapy teacher at an elementary school in Musutafu, Japan for the past eight years. One day, you are introduced to a new student named Eri, who comes with a lot of past trauma. While you help Eri move past her trauma through art therapy, you end up getting to know her caretaker, Shouta Aizawa, who ends up slowly opening up your heart back up after your own past trauma. Could Shouta be the person to fully open your heart back up, and possibly even fall in love?
Pairings: Shouta Aizawa | Eraserhead x Fem!Reader
Warnings: There will be fluff, there will be angst, there will be smut. Any chapters containing smut will have a NSFW disclaimer at the beginning of the chapter. And please bear with me if anything I say about art therapy is incorrect throughout the story; I promise it's only due to my own lack of knowledge on the subject. I have nothing but the utmost respect for the profession and the folks who work in it <3 Oh, and yes, before anyone asks, Kento is most certainly based on the other LOML, Kento Nanami from JJK. I have no shame.
(Concise) Definition of Art Therapy:
Art Therapy is an integrative mental health and human services profession that enriches the lives of individuals, families, and communities through active art-making, creative process, applied psychological theory, and human experience within a psychotherapeutic relationship.
Art Therapy, facilitated by a professional art therapist, effectively supports personal and relational treatment goals as well as community concerns. Art Therapy is used to improve cognitive and sensory-motor functions, foster self-esteem and self-awareness, cultivate emotional resilience, promote insight, enhance social skills, reduce and resolve conflicts and distress, and advance societal and ecological change.
- The American Art Therapy Association
You have been an art therapy teacher for elementary-age students for the past eight years, and you loved every moment of it. You genuinely loved enriching the lives of young minds through art therapy; it was your truest passion in life. Since you were born Quirkless, you always wanted to do something good with your life since you couldn't be a pro-hero. At a young age, you learned that you loved drawing and painting, and you were very good at it.
You continued to love art as you got older, and when you graduated high school, you went to college where you got your Masters degree in Education, with your major being in Fine Arts. It took you over a year to find a job, which was a grueling time for you. Art therapy teacher gigs were pretty difficult to come by. You had to move back in with your parents, where you worked dead-end jobs just so you could begin paying your student loans back.
A little over a year later, you saw a job posting for an art therapy teacher at Musutafu Elementary School, an opportunity you jumped at. You always wanted to work with children, specifically, and thought this could be it. You went through many rounds of interviews to make sure you were the right fit, and eventually, you got the job. And that is where you have been for the past eight years.
Over the course of those eight years, you went through many changes in your life. You remained at your parents' home for about a year after you graduated so you could save money between the job at the school and your part-time job working as a server at a fine dining establishment. Eventually, you saved up enough money to put a down payment on your dream home right in Musutafu.
It was also around that time that you started dating Kento, who you eventually fell in love with. Kento was tall and was very handsome with his sandy blonde hair and warm brown eyes. Most importantly, though; he was good to you. It was quite easy to fall in love with him. After two years of dating, he got down on one knee and proposed to you, to which you happily said yes. Things were good: you had your dream job, your dream house, and your dream man. You were happy.
A month before your wedding, Kento was walking home from work when he got caught in the middle of a villain attack. He got stabbed by a villain just before the pro-heroes arrived on the scene. He was rushed to the hospital, where they did everything they could to try and save him, but sadly, he lost his life. To say you were heartbroken and devastated would be an understatement; you just lost the man you were going to spend the rest of your life with. At his funeral, you decided right then and there to close your heart off to relationships; no one would ever compare to Kento.
After taking a month-long leave of absence from both the school and the restaurant, you decided that you needed to get back to work. You still mourned for Kento, but you knew him well enough to know that he would want you to get back to work and help your students. You quit your restaurant job, and focused your entire life on teaching and helping your students, where you still remain to this day, several years later.
Today, you were getting a new student. Her file said that her name was Eri; odd, she had no last name. Her file also stated that she has been through extremely traumatic events for the majority of her life. You teared up reading her file. For a seven-year old girl's life to be nothing but traumatic was heartbreaking. You were already looking forward to being of help in the healing process of young Eri.
To be continued...
Tag list: @lili-pond ; @jaguarthecat ; @big-denki-energy
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