#sociopath naruto
sessakag · 5 months
One of the things that has me really stressed in prey is if Kiba will survive or not 💀. Naruto is so crazy a lack of attraction to Hinata might not be enough if he keeps being so touchy feely. Even though Kiba is one of the biggest NH shippers in the fic 😭. Secrets Kiba (Voyeur) and Butterfly Kiba (shooting his shot) would have been dead and I find that very funny 😂.
Lmao! 🙈 Kiba better watch tf out 🫣 Naruto is a fuckin lunatic, and I'm not sure he'd gaf about Kiba being gay 😅I think you have a very valid reason to be stressed for the poor unsuspecting guy, lol.
Omg, Prey!Naruto would break them in half if he ever caught Secrets!Kiba or Butterfly!Kiba 🙈 I couldn't even imagine! Secrets!Kiba for sure would fit into a zip lock bag by the time he was through 😬
Thanks for putting that in my head, lmao. Now I wanna do a spin off Prey!Naruto finding out about those other iterations of parallel universe Kiba's lusting after other Hinata's that somehow all belong to him even though they don't know him from a hole in the wall, lmao.
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recent-rose · 11 months
characters whose extant status i care about: chuuya, akutagawa, literally anyone else
characters whose extant status the series singularly revolves around: dazai
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maoam · 1 year
Naruto has a good heart
So many people misunderstand Naruto's character. Let's look at some of the absurd claims;
"Naruto only wanted his face on the mountain, he wants people to worship him, his goal is selfish"
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When Naruto made this goal for himself, he was younger than 12. As an orphan child who is ostracized from society, this was his way of trying to become liked, so he could become part of the society. Aside from hermits, most humans desire connections with other humans. It's normal. And Naruto being a child sees that the Hokage is someone who people approve, and becoming Hokage would be a sure way to have such connections. It makes sense for a child to rationalize it this way. People completely forget the context, many other characters also desired connections such as Haku, Kimimaro, Gaara etc. It's a common theme in the manga. Kishimoto wrote neglected children very believably. So to write this off as "Naruto just wants people to worship him like he's God, what a narcissist" is dishonest and poor reading comprehension.
Not to mention, Naruto's mentality changed pretty fast, and he wanted to become someone who saves and protects people, someone people could rely on.
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Already in the first arc he had that desire to help others. He's always been a good boy. Eventhough Naruto was pissed off at Inari's comments and wanted to tell him off, he realized there's a deeper reason for Inari's cynicism. So he decided to help him instead of starting a fight.
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In Part 2, Naruto's responsibilities grow massively, especially after the Pain arc. In the end, everyone ends up putting all the burdens on Naruto's shoulders. Everyone expects Naruto to protect them and basically do all the impossible things.
His goal to become a Hokage started out as a need for acknowledgement, yes. But his transformed drive to become Hokage and bear all the responsibility in Part 2 came from his need to fulfill everyone's expectations for him and also him thinking he owes to the people who support him.
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It's not that Naruto never had any resentment for how everyone treated him. He just repressed it.
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And in the end, he put it all aside, in order to become the hero for everyone. No I don't think it's entirely healthy. But it's not selfish that's for sure.
"Naruto is shallow, selfish etc."
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Naruto was always grateful for the connections he was able to make and treasured them heavily. His relationship with Gaara gives even more insight to that.
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Naruto acknowledges Gaara was alone for longer than him. How can you call him a narcissist? Naruto is shown to be upset at the fact Gaara was viewed as an undesirable and a tool.
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He always had genuine empathy and care for others. To claim otherwise is just bizarre. He blames himself too a lot of times. Then there's his relationship with Sasuke.
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Unlike certain Naruto stans who hate Sasuke, Naruto himself has enough empathy and humility to consider he could have ended up the same as Sasuke, if some things would have been slightly different.
A lot of people also complain about the way Naruto behaved in Vote1, eventhough that was Kishimoto's plan, Naruto was supposed to not understand Sasuke fully at that point (and still his behavior was understandable, considering Orochimaru is a predator who wanted to wear Sasuke's skin). Naruto himself acknowledges he didn't. Naruto always tried to use his own experiences to understand the world and others better.
"Naruto just projects onto people because he wants to talk about himself"
Actually no. Pain and Obito both projected onto him first, and told him they were similar, which is also why Obito wanted to convince Naruto to join him. Naruto responding to them and trying to show he understands them to a degree is not a crime. It's basic empathy. I don't think I will even bother explaining it further than this.
My point is, Naruto is a good boy/man. There's no need to twist him into a narcissistic sociopath just because you don't personally like him.
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dreamyeuphoricll · 6 months
Most hated characters according to the internet.
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(I) Pleasure in Battle: Mahito draws pleasure from fights, making him an extremely dark character in the series. It’s frustrating to face an adversary who fights purely for the thrill, rather than any noble motive
(ii) Cold Rationality: Unlike other villains who lose their rationale easily, Mahito remains cool-headed and highly rational. His portrayal as the embodiment of human fear and hatred leaves no room for emotion. This lack of empathy makes him even more unsettling.
(iii) Nihilistic Philosophy: Mahito adheres to nihilism, believing that life lacks inherent meaning. His chaotic worldview stems from evil desires, resentment, and the corruption of humanity
(iv) Manipulative Sadism: Manifested out of sheer hatred and human suffering, Mahito thrives on manipulating human emotions. He takes pleasure in making those around him suffer, adding to his sadistic natu
(I). Sasha’s Tragic Death: She killed Sasha, one of the most beloved characters in the franchise. Sasha’s death was a heartbreaking moment for audiences and other characters in the story.
(ii) Eldian Identity and Marleyan Influence: Gabi is an Eldian, but she despises her own heritage. Born and raised in Marley, she has been surrounded by people who convinced her that Eldians are devils. Despite being one of them, she wishes she were Marleyan.
(iii) Hypocrisy and Aggression: Gabi’s constant aggressive display of hatred towards Eldians, despite being one herself, is seen as hypocritical and annoying by some fans. Her sass, badassery, and frequent screaming have divided the fandom into two camps: those who empathize with her and those who find her irritating.
(I) Inconsistent Character Development: . Despite her raw strength and impressive medical ninjutsu, she frequently relied on stronger characters to save the day. This inconsistency frustrated fans who wanted to see her shine consistently.
(ii) Swinging Between Independence and Dependence: Some fans find Sakura’s character frustrating due to her oscillation between wanting independence and relying on others. This inconsistency can be annoying and contributes to the mixed feelings about her.
(iii) Treatment of Naruto: Early in the series, Sakura was often mean to Naruto. While Naruto’s behavior was initially obnoxious, Sakura’s treatment of him didn’t endear her to fans.
(iv) Obsession with Sasuke: Sakura’s infatuation with Sasuke Uchiha was a point of contention. Her unwavering loyalty to him, despite his actions, frustrated viewers who wanted her to focus on her own growth.
4. Shou Tucker
**Shou Tucker**, the infamous character from *Fullmetal Alchemist*, has earned a special place in the hearts of fans—for all the wrong reasons. Let's delve into why he's so widely despised:
i. Unforgivable Experiments:
- Tucker's most heinous act was fusing his own daughter, Nina with their pet dog, creating a horrifying chimera. The Elric Brothers witnessed Nina's suffering, and her loss became deeply personal for viewers .
- The fact that he did this twice (once with his wife and then with Nina) is chilling.
ii. Lack of Remorse:
- Unlike other villains, Tucker shows no remorse for his deeds. Even the homunculi, with their twisted natures, exhibit some human-like faults. Tucker, however, is a cold sociopath who killed his daughter out of fear of poverty .
(i) Perverted Behavior: Mineta’s disturbingly immature and perverted tendencies are a major point of contention. His attraction toward girls, particularly Momo and Tsuyu, is often expressed in a creepy manner. Fans find this behavior off-putting and cringe-worthy.
(ii) Lack of Character Development:. Some viewers argue that he lacks significant growth or development throughout the series. His perversion tends to overshadow any positive moments he has
(iii) Groping Incident: During the U.S.J. Attack, Mineta’s inappropriate behavior reached a peak when he groped Tsuyu. This disrespectful move upset many fans and intensified their dislike for him.
(iv) Creepiness with Momo: Mineta’s tasteless behavior extends to Momo as well. His use of his sticky grape Quirk for a piggyback ride on her was both weird and uncomfortable. The fact that he didn’t seem to learn from these situations further fueled fans’ frustration.
(I) Lack of Personal Screentime and Character Development:
In the manga, Yuno’s character development is somewhat delayed, with significant focus on him occurring around 300 chapters in.
While it’s been stated that he trains hard and achieves much, the audience rarely witnesses this firsthand, except for filler episodes in the anime.
His sudden power-ups can indeed make him appear overly perfect and less relatable.
(ii) Relationships and Detachment:
Up until a certain point in the manga, Yuno’s significant relationships are primarily with Asta and Bell. Yuno’s introverted nature contributes to the perception of him being boring. While he cares about others, his interactions primarily revolve around Asta.
Fans notice that Yuno’s soul seems to exist only within the context of Asta.
(iii) Overpowered Status:
Yuno’s strength is intentional, serving as a foil and rival to Asta.
However, this can frustrate Asta fans who closely follow his self-improvement journey.
As Asta grows stronger and understands his abilities better, the gap between them narrows.
(Iv) The Spade Arc and Missed Opportunities:
The Spade Arc disappointed you due to unexplored emotional depth.
Yuno’s identity crisis, his royal lineage, and his mother’s survival were intriguing plot points.
Unfortunately, these aspects remained largely unaddressed, leaving fans wanting more.
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forumjutsu · 9 months
Kakashi: I told Guy about how I approved your strategy of telling Sakura and Naruto you're leaving by sending them a note when you're already away, and he said that we were "sociopaths."
Sasuke: So you're gonna stop being his friend?
Kakashi: No, I think he may have a point. You might need to do more than send a note.
Sasuke: But what else is it to do?
Kakashi: I did some research on amicable farewells and, apparently, it's less painful if you acknowledge the other's feelings.
Sasuke: ...Ew.
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evilminji · 4 months
OKAY. *slams open door in manic about to have opinions*
MAYBE i am binging so, SO much unhinged bnha fics? Have already sent this to all my mutual and is not ENOUGH? But everyone is focused on these BABIES and not the MOST unhinged of them all? You COWARDS!!!
That's RIGHT! Ya girl has been hitting the "yandere/obsessive/possessive" behavior tag on Ao3 and is REFUSING TO BE NORMAL ABOUT IT! I have THOUGHTS DAMN IT! AaaaaaaaaaAAAAAA-!!! *Flips table*
Why the FUCK everyone focusing on BABIES?
I get it, don't yuck someone else's yum. To each their own. I respect that. But ALSO? What lvl of unhinged could they POSSIBLY HAVE? They are FIVE. SMOOTH FACED TODDLER BABY BOYS! A CHILD!
Like? Listen...
You know how Quirks are basicly evolutionary advantages? Random protections that are hit or miss? I have touched on this before in my naruto WIP (that i never posted but shush), but there must exsist a theoretical opposite of killing intent.
A sort of loving/peaceful intent if you will. A SAFETY intent. Or, for the purposes of THIS scenario and slightly to the left of that, a "love me" field. Which? Unlike what the perverse might believe or suggest? Just makes the target... love you.
Not sexually desire.
Love. Care about. Emotional connection.
And, yeah, maybe i've just been reading too many fics where shigiraki do what shigiraki does, and he is his unhinged obsessed lil self. Too many unhinged yandere fics where i darkly mutter "you are forgetting their Core Character Motivatioooooons! Just write an OC!"
Because you can twist a characters personality WITHOUT forgetting who they ARE. Thats what makes it INTERESTING, after all. Seeing how it could go so very, very wrong. How a good emotion, taken too extreme, can corrupt! N it's not just "oh that means violence n cursing right? Immediately jumping to cruelty?"
Its the obsession. The need to consume. The manipulation and care in which they try and maintain the illusion. It isn't one crack and "whelp, fuck it I guess!". Every character is different! Breaks under the strain of 1000% loving someone, DIFFERENT. And it brings up FASCINATING dynamics n potential quirk reactions?
Cause a emotional quirk WILL work. Even on people who supposed "dont have any" emotions? Because thats not how the human body FUNCTIONS. They HAVE all the necessary components. They just have a disorder. The Quirk would be forcing their body to MIMIC "feel-Y.exe" and their body would go with that. How THEY would process that data? What would it FEEL like to THEM? Whole different story.
But they WOULD feel "love" in what ever capacity THEY understand it.
You don't want to hurt your BEST FRIEND do you? You love them. Your BELOVED SISTER? This CUTE CHILD? She seems so NICE. Or maybe it's a precious and to be protected PET? She doesn't know what she'll get, "love" is nebulous and multifaceted. Could be platonic, familial, romantic. The love of a comrade. But it's never failed BEFORE. (Not, that I imagine, she being a well adjusted young lady, would feel morally comfortable USING said quirk in such times of peace. On anybody.)
We're all friend here, right? No need to be aggressive! Hurt anybody! Let's all put our weapons down, yeah?
But! This runs into a PROBLEM. The fuckin Yandere. Your bog standard sociopath. Those to whom this love field/targeting/ray/what-have-you is either so completely foreign too or NOTICEABLE as to be ineffective. Or to whom "love" is AGGRESSIVE.
Who's concept of "love" would actually make the problem WORSE.
I bring this up? Because I am FACINATED by the concept of AfO falling in love.
He... he would be COMPLETELY unhinged about it. The very act would unlock LAYERS to his deeply fucked up, highly obsessive, mind games and bank vaults, squirrel brain.
But I don't think he'd ever WILLINGLY fall in love. Or even be capable. Might be a brain chemistry thing, honesty. But the very reason his CLINGS to his his brothers quirk? Is because his brother was HIS. They were connected. It was... the closest thing he understood to love. And he is unhinged even to this day about it.
So like? If he spooked some poor soul? With a "love me" quirk? And she, in terror, tried to blast this Scary Supervillian into Not Hurting Her? She would have NO WAY of knowing that she just made a HUGE fucking mistake. Like... conceivably, the WORST mistake.
Because all it would take? Is her NOT instantly dying. No reflexive "how dare you use your Quirk on me". And? The altered brain chemistry starts to kick in. He's suddenly getting?? All these NICE happy brain chemicals that his body has been fuckin STARVED off? Fascinating new sensations? Elevated mood?
It's fake. He KNOWS it's fake. :) But that doesn't mean he won't murder her if she STOPS :)
Looooove yoooou~♡
Does it shift in to real, deeply deranged, love? Impossible to tell. Someone for the LOVE OF GOD call All Might. But?? He's just such an unhinged MESS it's fascinating to explore how emotional quirks would even react to him? Fascinating to think about how he would REACT if he had a SECOND "little brother" scenario. A person he CARED about. But this time... WORSE because it was in a way he could somewhat comprehend AND he had FAR more power then before.
Would it derail everything? Would he be able to focus on his Machiavellian plans while being able to fold them into them? Would he fuckin CONSUME THEM like he did Tomura? Ultimate form of love, after all, to become HIM.
How long could she, the hypothetical Quirk holder, keep that Quirk ACTIVE? Fear is a powerful motivator.
Just?? Why are there not more fics about the Ultimate Creep, BEING CREEPY AND UNHINGED??? He's VERY GOOD AT IT. Has had a LOT OF PRACTICE. LET AfO be deeply insane, 2XXX!
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irukaka · 2 months
first kakairu fic is up! featuring some unhinged flirting, the emotional intelligence equivalent of two walls talking to each other, and an exhausted teacher who does not get paid nearly enough to deal with insane jounin. i hope you enjoy!! <3
the art of courting, mostly (6761 words) by flipthebits Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Naruto (Anime & Manga) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Characters: Hatake Kakashi, Umino Iruka, Uzumaki Naruto, Sarutobi Asuma, Mitarashi Anko Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Fluff, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers, (more like idiots to lovers), A tiny touch of jealous/possessive Kakashi as a treat, Kakashi is a hopeless romantic that comes off like a sociopath, and Iruka has the energy of a dog in a NERVOUS vest, You know. Two people who definitely know how to deal with pining for each other Summary:
Kakashi may not be the smoothest jounin around, but to be fair, his target is even more dense than he is.
Or: 5 times Iruka is completely oblivious to Kakashi’s feelings towards him, and the 1 time it finally clicks.
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dayseternal-blog · 6 months
Hi days!!! Thank you so much for being like the only one to interact with me on here 🫶 I was wondering if you and anyone else could send me any fics with naruto being a gym rat? Even if he’s just a little background character lol
💕💕💕💕 You're a dear mutual to me 😭😭 you don't have to thank me 😭😭
The first fics I thought of are ones you probably already know 😔
Gym Naruto in NaruHina Fics
“Serenity Prayer” by katarinahime - Rated E, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. When their fairytale endings smash to ugly pieces, Hinata and Naruto help put each other back together.
“Common Side Effects” by katarinahime & “Medicated” by szajnie - Rated E for a lot of things, Crime/Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Naruto and Hinata, in a struggling relationship, must confront the pain inside before they can love each other.
There are these others that show gyms...of various types...:
“Seeing Stars” by Free Mentality - Rated T, Modern AU, One-shot. They had been attending the same boxing gym for months before he noticed her, and the first time they met was a bit of a disaster, to say the least.
Chapter 21 from “Between the Trees” by @utsus - Rated G, Olympics AU, One-shot. It’s not uncommon for them to train in the same gym.
Chapter 6 from “Heartbreaks and Heartaches” by @powerful-niya - Rated T, College AU, One-shot. Prompt 4: Hinata slowly raised her head to look at Tenten, her eyes burning from the amount of tears, “No, it’s my fault.” She muttered, clutching her own shirt, “I caused this to happen— I told him to leave.” (prepare to be very sad.)
"Prey" by @sessakag- Rated E, Crime AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Following a midnight chance encounter with Hinata Hyuuga, a smitten sociopath, Naruto Uzumaki, tries his hand at romance, determined to make her fall in love with him the only way he knows how.
Oh, here's a couple that I think fit the idea of gym rat a little better!
“Naughty or Nice?” by @vegebulsoup - Rated E, Modern AU, Two-shot. Even though she was against the idea at first, Hinata can’t take her eyes off the Sexy Santa that Ino recruited for their company’s holiday party.
“Nighttime Workout” by Breezyanimetra - Rated E, College AU, Two-shot. Shy Hinata doesn’t usually have the courage to speak with her long time crush Naruto. All she does is watch him workout wishing she can do more. A snow storm one fateful night changes that for her.
Oh this next one doesn't show any gym setting, but Naruto is a physical trainer:
“Warped” by BountifullyBeautifullyBlessed - Rated E includes non-con, College AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Hinata can’t sleep and her roommate, Naruto, is more than willing to help her out.
going to the gym is also mentioned in these:
“The Study Session” from “Endless Lemons” by agitosgirl - Rated M, High School AU, One-shot. She’s covered in piercings and leather, and has a bad attitude. But she takes an interest in him. A very special interest…
“Echoes of Silence” by @ellaroundpanda - Rated E, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Hinata Hyuga was trapped. Her relationship with Toneri was leading to nowhere and she wanted to find a new Dom. Naruto Uzumaki seemed to be the answer to all her prayers, but her fiancé wouldn’t give up that easily…
Naruto does weightlifting in this one:
“Asynchronous With You” by @bunny-hoodlum - Rated E, High School AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. They told everyone they were foster siblings. He did it for her because she didn’t want them to grow apart. She did it for herself so she could stop loving him. Their timing couldn’t have been worse.
uhmm I think in this one, he owns gyms:
“Missed Years” by Rinne-Kami - Rated T, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. The act of one night gave birth to their future. And now, with years past since that one night, they were left with years to return. Seven years of love to find, seven years of trust to rebuild, and seven years of fatherhood to return.
Okay, I found more than I thought I would! If anyone can think of others, feel free to add!
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iamafanofcartoons · 1 year
No , RWBY is neither misogynistic nor homophobic...it is every bit the opposite
Rwby not written for the male gaze. Redesigns made by critics focus on sexualizing women.  RWBY has women show much less skin than the typical fairy tail woman. Also their clothes have pockets and pouches. Rwby is not written for the patriarchy.
So Personally I've always felt like misogyny was always made by the critics. A common thread in a lot of that group's criticisms seems to come down to not liking that some of the show's villains embody male power fantasies, and that the positive male characters it has aren't the main characters, with the female characters being a harem for them.
It's a female-centered story whose true focus is its main characters' growing and supporting each other through their weaknesses and struggles, and a lot of men can't stand it.
Rewrites and AUs focus on men, on straightwashing women, on validating edgelords, on telling women that they suck. And more importantly,  rewrites are obsessed with not letting women be right about anything or important unless they're tied to a male protagonist story.
But Rwby is about giving women roles typically held by men. Women not requiring men for authority, or guidance, but instead being men's equals. Or in the case of the female antagonists? Having mental superiority over deconstructed edgelords like Adam taurus or the "ends justify the means" deconstruction of ironwood.
They have girlfails like Cinder, who you can hate, but also admire that she keeps coming back and refusing to give up.
They have badass grannies like Maria Calavera.
They have autism-coded women.
And unlike Naruto? Women can actually WIN a 1 on 1 fight against a male opponent.
Edgelord is what incels see themselves as. Incels also see themselves as victims of women. They also see themselves as tragic,  misunderstood,  or entitled to an ego.
Adam is the example of the incel: "I was hurt by society, so I am going to make it everyone's problem! I am a hero of justice, for I am giving the world the justice it deserves! I am an underdog!"
That's how incels, conservatives, otakus see themselves.
They saw Adam as a Vergil Sparda. A dude who murders countless innocent lives for the sake of power.....who believes that power is the only thing matters. He ain't morally grey, he's evil. But he's cool, and to a lot of very emotionally immature people, coolness means morally grey or anti-villain/anti-hero. Adam was introduced trying to rob a train and blow up innocent people....people accused blake of being a murderer and trying to blow up the train, then running from adam. Adam was shown in volume 2, as a cult leader neglecting the deaths of his people. As with "Burning the candle" Yang and Blake scene, RWDE and RWBY Critics disregarded that because it ruined their headcanons of what they wanted Adam to be.
How many Adam fanfics have you seen where Blake is written as the one abusing adam?
Male abusers see themselves as victims of women.
Coffeehouse Crime, Danielle Kirsty, Eleanor Neale. Look them up on Youtube. They cover multiple cases of murderers and abusers. And the details that go into emotional and mental abuse/gaslighting? They cover them all. Including how society turns a blind eye to abuse if its not physical. Which is what Adam fans do.
Btw, if you want an example of a murderer who was an IRL abuser? Just look up OJ Simpson, who got away with both thanks to his fans.
RWBY covers emotional abuse, shows the damage it can do, and shows through Blake the recovery.
Arryn has been a victim of IRL cyberbullying from blacksun fans, BobxEliza fans, and Adam fans.
To where she's had to deactivate her social media.
Art imitates life....RWBY Critics harassing voice actresses. Though thefloofartist actually sent CRWBY gore fanart of Bumbleby and tauradonna ntr fanart, that was horrific.
Roman Torchwick is an example of charismatic sociopaths being the criminal: Society was mean to me, so I'm going to be racist, steal from the elderly, and hurt kids. Sure he has charisma as a character....does that excuse racism, calling Emerald a Street Rat, trying to rob old men, and shooting teenage girls
Jacques emotional abuse and gaslighting, something many people refuse to acknowledge unless its clearly spelled out from A to Z. One Adam taurus fan on twitter made death threats to a woman trying to explain that emotional abuse is real.
Raven is a bandit. A bandit is a killer and a thief. You don't romanticize killers and thieves. One piece paints an unrealistic view of pirates. 
Ironwood and Atlas represent the American Macho mindset and the nationalism issue Americans have. Illegally occupying foreign nations with military force as a means of "peacekeeping"? Removing leaders from power who don't respect your authority or your ideas? My way or the highway? Unwilling to compromise? Willing to work with capitalist Corporations so long as your war machine is funded? The ends justify the means? Only villains say that! Merging the police with the military to have unlimited power? Putting the good ethical cop "Marrow" under pressure and mockery? Treating the poor people as acceptable losses to cut and cutting all aid and support to the 99%? Arresting or threatening good samaritans who try to help the impoverished and underprivileged because they're not recognized by your licenses? Refusing to accept checks and balances because you see yourself as above the law and being the only one with the big picture? Seeing it as your duty to police others?
People were willing to consider Ironwood a sussy baka so long as they could consider Atlas to be like Germany. But the moment CRWBY pointed out how Atlas was too much like America? The "patriots" got furious...because it was too much like looking into a mirror, and the Ironwood fangirls did not like what they saw.
Less character bloat compared to shounen anime. Shounen has thousands of character. RWBY barely has 200. But they focus more on women's characters than men, and that upsets the Cardin fans and fanfic writers. If I had a nickel for every youtube channel that decided to make the racist incompetent bully into some "gigachad", I'd have two nickels, which isn't much, but still weird that it happened twice. Meanwhile, let a man have 3-5 minutes of screentime, the critics will say that Team RWBY don't act like the main characters. Protagonist centered morality only in shounen. Team rwby do face consequences and are forced to evaluate their decisions. The women are the protagonists, and they can spend more than 10 minutes without breaking the Bechdel test. Something that, once again, adam and cardin and jaune fanfics fail within a paragraph.
"A man and a woman can spend several seasons together and be just friends at the end"
Ichigo and Rukia from Bleach, One Piece Live Action, Naruto and Sakura from that Gay Ninja Series.
Or in RWBY's case, I'm referring Blake Belladonna and Sun Wukong
Neither showed romantic attraction towards either gender for the majority of the show. Blake and Sun's arcs in V4 and V5 were about Blake learning to accept help, and Sun learning to recognize and respect people's boundaries. Neither Blake nor Sun actually made serious advances, and simply stayed good friends. Also if lesbians cannot exist without being fan service to you, that just means you're a pervert and need to touch grass.
Anyway, whomever said that RWBY Writers have no idea how to write women need to take a look at how their critics make video after video bashing women and LGBT.
Oh, and twitter calls RWBY post v3 "pandering to tumblerinas".
Given how Tumblr has no pedophiles/lolicons, less conservatives and terfs, and is very feminist? I'll take that as a compliment.
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iwantjellyfsh · 11 days
Crossover Fics I would die happy if were created.
TGCF x DC Universe - Mu Qing gets into DC universe somehow and becomes either becomes a League of Assassins' servant (Damian's personal one) or Alfred adopts him. Either way exploring what Mu Qing feels being a servant to the wealthy again. Or in the Damian one, Mu Qing comes to Gotham with Damian because like hell is he letting this literal child go alone (he's getting Hong Honger flashbacks). And the batfamily just wonders why tf Damian is so not a little demon brat to Mu Qing. (there has to be some symbolism with blue, like if he wears it bc that's what he wore during the Xian Le servant era)
DC Universe x Class of 09 - Kind of like a Magic & Mystery situation with Tim Drake infuriating the school. It could be a trafficking ring because of how many p3doph!les there are or smt. Either Tim interacting with the absolute insanity that is (I think the game location is georgetown?) highschool. Or him coming back messed up to bits like "Miss. I'm a sociopath" is coming back with a bang. The ending with prison maybe Timcole can see Joker? And manipulate him? Either joins the rouges or manipulates them.
MDZS x DC Universe - Lan Wangji as Damian Wayne makes so much sense to me. Emotionless, rule following, animal lovers. Would Lan Zhan find comfort in the LOA? Following their rules and training? It's just really interesting... does he find Wei Wuxian (ship of choice)? Lan Xichen (definitely Dick Greyson)?
TGCF x DC Universe - Hua Cheng / Tim going crazy trying to find Xie Lian. Becomes a rouge and breaks into bat cave cutely. Batfamily or the Sirens start finding the little stalker cute. Maybe Xie Lian just doesn't exist in this world and Ra's tries to grab the little psycho. Maybe he becomes batman when Bruce get's lost in the time stream?
Black Butler x DC Universe - Ciel Phantomhive as Bruce Wayne. Sebastian Michaels as Alfred Pennyworth... Unlocked after Bruces parents die? Alfred always knew????
Angels of Death x DC Universe - I want Rachel at the ending to attempt self delete but she like fails (Zack is still gone (maybe)) and decides to run away to the states. I want Rachel to attempt to be like Zach and for Jason to find her. Like he's doing his shtik at the LOA and he find Tichel either getting hurt or murdering someone. Or Tichel is still Red Robin somehow but they imprint on each other when Jason goes to kill them. I want family feels luving !!!
Bungo Stray Dog's x DC Universe - Rampo dies super sad but BUT he comes back as Damian Wayne and can you imagine this 26 year old man who's never run a mile in his life do assasin training? LOA doesn't give good vibes and Ramian makes that everyones problem. Also he completely shows up Tim Drake and Bruce Wayne "Smartest Detective Duo" This is his PRIDE on the line ppl! Does he do vigilante things or sneak in the background because violence is boring snacks are life?
Genshin Impact x JJK - Imagine Kaebedo as Satosugu. Does Albedo take the Gojo Clans whole thing laying down? Imagine calm Gojo I think canon would combust. Kaeya stays mostly the same in my opinion...
Danny Phantom x Class of 09 - Nicole dies then just decides to sonder off to the most haunted place ever™. She could become Danni (clone) somehow or be Phantom... Ghost King Nicole is my Roman Empire she'd burn the place to the ground.
TGCF x Naruto - Can go Kakashi as Xie Lian or Xie Lian as Kakashi, either way is about to come more traumatized than anyone barganed for. Obito / Hua Cheng can come too because the obsessiveness. Make Hua Cheng / Obito a little more crazy and he wants infinate Tsukoyomi so Xie Lian / Kakashi will quit being traumatized !!! Codependency is key and they could both join Akatsuki for shits and giggles.
Demon Slayer x Angels of Death - Muichiro with Rachel Gardener personality is curious... how much would be different?
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transgendervelma · 1 year
People who are “anti Naruto Uzumaki” and believe that him trying to bring Sasuke back from Orochimaru and the Akatsuki is because he’s some selfish possessive sociopath have actually melted brains.
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sessakag · 5 months
I’m reading Prey again and gosh Naruto is sooooooo much fun! I love canon Naruto for his goodness and adherence to his morals, but there were definitely moments where I thought it would be interesting if he just snapped. I love seeing him with absolutely no chill no boundaries and no inhibitions. Honestly I hope he and Hina become parents because I think he’d be a girl dad and I find the thought of that very amusing.
Right! Prey!Naruto is a riot, lmao! I have so much fun writing his crazy ass 🤭I just love that he go places sweet lovable canon Naruto can't, say shit sweet lovable canon Naruto would never say, its definitely a "what if" type fic. What if pure hearted Naruto had gone the other, what if he'd snapped instead of endured? I think Prey!Naruto would definitely be the result 😂
Crazy Narupapa would be wilddddd. It be funny and scary af, because god forbid one of them kids at school bully his babies! 😱 could you imagine his guaranteed overreaction?!
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kivaember · 5 months
For the choose violence ask game:
#9, 10, and 12 for armored core
oh man i thought i posted this... i saved it to my drafts dfhdfdfh WELL ANYWAY A BIT LATE BUT yeah if you click on the read more you agree to reading opinions that may run counter to yours uwu
9. worst part of canon
ALLMIND's ending no doubt. While the boss fight was fun and the ending cinematic cool, there were so many plot holes, the ending made no fucking sense, and there was no reason given as to why 621 and Ayre were so gung ho about Coral Release when they both had no idea what it even was? Like it really felt like we were missing a bunch of missions to give context or info and they just didn't edit the script to reflect that.
Like, I genuinely really hate ALLMIND's ending LMAO i pretend it doesn't exist... ╯︿╰ i do not see
10. worst part of fanon
I also close my eyes to headcanons and the like I disagree with, so there isn't really a part of "fanon" that i hate :ua uhh... there probably is stuff I just can't think of any right now from the top of my head.
oh wait, i remember now. People portraying Pater with ~split personality disorder~ or a mental illness equivalent to that because of his DUAL NATURE AC name, his Arena profile and/or citing his behaviour when Hawkins dies. I went on a bit of a ramble before about Pater and my thoughts about him, but there is smth that rubs me wrong something fierce when people just slap on "THIS GUY IS MENTALLY ILL AND SOCIOPATHIC" and make that his whole personality. There's plenty more you can dig into, like how he's an example of what living in a hyper-competitive corporate world can do to you, where you're so focused on success and corporate-pilled that it fucks with your ability to properly process emotion or act appropriately.
But anyways.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I don't see enough Rokumonsen stuff. I love Rokumonsen. I'd write him more if i knew how to write decent haikus but i don't. THIS GUY IS A CANON WEEB!!! HE PROBABLY NARUTO RUNS IN HIS AC CALLED SHINOBI!!! I'M SURPRISED HE WASN'T YELLING "MISSILE SHURIKIN NO JUTSU" WHEN SHOOTING HIS FUCKING ROCKETS AT YOU!!!! I love Rokumonsen. He's such a nerd that can kick my ass (why has the RLF not yet reclaimed Rubicon when that stagger god is amongst their ranks)
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acoldsovereign · 7 months
{{ Okay, here we go. A better/proper post about it. I know, I know. "But you said you wouldn't post--"
I'm breaking it this once. Only this once.
I'm still a reforming sociopath so being sad/sitting with intense feelings is very difficult for me. Concerning the circumstances, I'll try to express myself properly without the fear of "feeling things wrong".
I'm still new to the RPC. I started in March 2023, it'll be a year soon. God, that's so fast. I made minor and major mistakes in the process of learning Tumblr etiquette, but I learned from those instances all the same and nobody heckled me for it. Nobody made fun of me at all. Aside from the one incident I had late last year (it wasn't anyone in this community, though they did have a DBZ character on their roster), I've had ZERO problems with this community. I may be annoyed at stuff I see on the dash, or at highly specific or miniscule things nobody else sees if I ever venture out of my safe bubble, but ... I never felt unwelcomed, excluding my beginning months (which was when I didn't understand Tumblr culture). That changed when I started following and talking to people seriously. Everyone, even the shy people have been nothing but sweet to me and you all still continue to be really sweet and kind to me, even going as far to remind me to take my time when I push myself too hard. DBZ wasn't my first anime (that honor goes to Magic Knight Rayearth, Sailor Moon and Rurouni Kenshin), but it was one of the most influential I've ever watched. Unlike most in the community, I have a tumultuous relationship with the series due to being bullied severely in my childhood/adolescent years. I wasn't "allowed" to like or enjoy it because I was a girl, and it was a boy's show, even worse, it was deemed "white people shit". (Yes, this was said to my face by kids my age).
It was so incredibly dumb and disheartening to never be able to enjoy things because I associated being liked with survival. And yet, I still found a way to enjoy DB in secret. I started with Kai reruns. As you all know, even though I started at the Saiyan Saga, it was the Trunks Saga that truly converted and changed me-- so much so that he's my favorite character hands down, even after all these years. I ended up finishing the entire series on an old computer I no longer have. The pirating website I was using had a little chatbox where people were doing script RP (aka they used asterisks and all that). I thought it looked fun-- so, I made an account, username and joined in. I was a female Saiyan character (because why wouldn't I?) and I discovered the world of RP that way; that's how I started. DBZ is why I'm here with you all. The cycle repeated again and all of my old RP partners were nowhere to be found when I logged in one day. I got bullied again (which deeply hurt and confused me) and verbally/emotionally harassed online until I changed my username and deleted the FC I was using (one of them even told me to uh, you know. Do the opposite of live). I searched online for other RP forums and found them; started on other sites until I found my way to Facebook. I learned I had a knack for describing things, and making wholly unique characters that breathed life into the series they were from. I found my home, you could say. I've been in many other fandoms, made good memories but the majority of them are unfortunately tainted with the cruelty and lack of compassion others had towards OCs, especially of the female kind. Even in the Naruto community years ago, I had been at the end of a "call out/ship-vent" post for something I had no control over (the situation was actually caused by the person who wrote it, worse of all).
When I RPed in the DB fandom on Facebook, the only things that happened were: people's feelings getting hurt when my villain OCs said something rude to their characters (I always, ALWAYS, warned the other person in advance just to make sure they were okay with it), and people (mainly male muses-- canon and OCs) trying to reform them through having crushes on them or being "nice" to them. Romance plots, basically, or hoping for it. Though the latter was sometimes annoying, I managed to have fun, still. (Funnily enough, it mainly happened to the Cyborg/'Android' OCs I had, and not my Saiyans). The former though, kept me away from writing any more villains/antagonists for a long time because I didn't want to harm someone or be the reason they had a bad experience with roleplaying. Quite some years ago, I abandoned it due to life responsibilities and all that. Had to focus on college. I've been doing this since middle school all the way up to high school. I'm 26 now. I've been roleplaying for 14 years. I started when I was 12, at most. That means I've been a fan of this series for that duration of time and even longer since I didn't know RP was a thing. Because of DBZ, I've had long distance relationships. Because of DBZ, I've discovered my passion of writing goes deeper than what I thought it did originally. I even discovered what fanfiction was, through RP. I met people in the past through RP that I've developed crushes on and went on to date online. Met my first cosplay community (when I started cosplaying), made friends with local anime-shop owners before they closed down for good. I had a freaking Future Trunks Funko at one point! And I donated it to the shop because I loved the owners so much that I wanted them to have what personally gave me joy. I tried to write Trunks at one point, tried to cosplay him at another, so on and so forth. As many downs I had being attached to this series, I had more ups-- and gods, were the ups so HIGH. So, I'm much more willing to work with the series and all of the IP, because the truth is, something keeps making me come back. And it sparks my enthusiasm.
I've been told since starting my blog that my enthusiasm is infectious and I'm glad it is, because the truth is: this enormous body of work deserves it. My enthusiasm is because of Toriyama. This blog is here because of Toriyama. No, seriously. He said we never got female Saiyans prior to Super because he never could settle on a design. Growing up, I've been told toxic things about this series (usually from my own ethnic group, immature boys and creepy, grown men), only to find out the dude struggled with indecision! He was just like me at the time-- a freaking panster! Talk about a relief! I belong here!! I've always belonged, as a female fan!! My Saiyans, whether in RP or fanfictions, were female for this explicit reason. Long story short, Maiz is here because he planted that seed. I just took it and ran. As you all know, Maiz originally came from a fanfiction herself but, her current personality, motives and goals came from another character. The version you're seeing and writing with was specifically tailored to the needs of the RPC-- a villainous female Saiyan (with huge amounts of much needed Saiyan lore backing her up). I created this blog with my decade long experience of writing in mind. I wasn't expecting much when my best friend Koji convinced me to try Tumblr RP. I was so jaded. I thank her so much because if she didn't, I wouldn't have refound my drive for this series. My neverending love for various aspects of DB would have just stayed between me and my close irl friends. I wouldn't have met any of you. I wouldn't be here at all, and neither would Maiz. I wouldn't be surrounded by beautiful, amazing people. I wouldn't be as motivated as I am to improve my writing and vocabulary. Just ... Gosh. You guys remember when I said I can't think of Trunks' backstory too hard/too long or I'll get sad and cry? Well. It's moved to "if I ever hear Heroic, Episodic or Heaven Sent Trunks, I'll get sad" now. Gotta laugh at myself a little somewhere. I'm getting better at being okay with being sad. Bare with me. The fact that he based my favorite character on the Terminator movies and Trunks existing was why I even got into sci-fi to begin with (Terminator, Total Recall, Stargate, Star Trek, etc), just makes everything I've been though with this series hurt that much more.
To make matters worse, the first time I ever wrote within the sci-fi genre WAS the fanfiction Maiz comes from. It was a rewrite of DB Super, starting with the Broly movie, so naturally I decided it should be a blend of that and Space-Opera. Sigh. Do you see what I mean? By why this all hurts? I wouldn't be here at all if I didn't take what Toriyama said about female Saiyans to heart. Being told I was taking this IP too seriously over the years has paid off. I'm glad I'm so damn stubborn and resilient. I'm glad I have tunnel vision. Others would've broken if they went through the bs I did. If I had to go get bullied for liking Trunks over Vegeta and Goku all over again, I'd do it knowing what I accomplish later down the road. (But you know, I don't need to be bullied again-- nobody does). There's much more I could say but I'll leave it here as I think this is a full explanation enough. Thank you, Akira Toriyama (and the editors) for the Trunks, Androids and Cell Sagas. I'm glad Western movies inspired you. Finally, thank you for existing.
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demonsfate · 5 months
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anonymous sent . . . I remember one of the girls I used to be friends with in high school kept mercilessly hating on Jin Kazama and she always called him "selfish", "war criminal", and "autistic n*zi". She was an insane Ragna the Bloodedge and Sasuke Uchiha fangirl who got pissy that someone on twitter/reddit/youtube dare compare two characters she loves to a character she hates. She one day went on a tangent saying something like "Sasuke Uchiha deserves better than being compared to Jin!!! Sasuke risked his life to save Naruto's ass in the Land of Waves arc, Sasuke only killed like what 3 people (danzo, orochimaru and deidara are bad ppl anyways), and Sasuke loves his beloved Uchiha family and wants to avenge them. Jin is a selfish sociopath who wants to kill his entire bloodline because of 2 people and he showed no remorse for killing Jinpachi and millions of people!!! Jin doesn't give a shit about Hwoarang, he would let Hwoarang die like how he left Hwoarang to rot after Hwoarang risked his life to save him in Tekken 7!! Jin never suffered in life as much as Sasuke, Jin got to live a normal childhood with his mom for 15 years, got to live in some fancy rich ass mansion with his grandpa, and his mom was actually alive all along and came back anyways!! Sasuke was a child abuse victim who was tortured by his older brother when he was only 7 years old, lived life alone in an abandoned home where his parents died, and Sasuke's dead Uchiha clan never got revived they're still dead. Ragna erased himself from existence to protect those he loves and give humanity a good future!!! Ragna should not compared to Jin either!!". She fucking drew poorly drawn fanart of Sasuke decapitating Jin Mortal Kombat fatality style, and then making out with Kazuya in front of Jin's corpse. Don't worry, I'm no longer friends with her. Sadly this girl and other ppl hating on him saying "haha emo edgelored"/"war" jokes for the billionth time gave me very negative first impressions of Jin back then. Now after I finally started getting into Tekken playing Tekken 8 and the older games like Tekken 2, 3, 4, and 5 and learning that it's Harada's fault for fucking up his character in Tekken 6 to prop up Lars and Jin was OOC in that game compared to his character depiction in previous games - he's now my second favorite character in Tekken behind Lili. It pisses me off too, he's not selfish because he saved Hwoarang in Tekken 4 and he is shown to be supportive of people (supportive of Xiaoyu in her Tekken 4 ending, and he's also supportive of Phoenix Wright in Project X Zone 2).
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Honestly hearing stories like this makes me glad I was homeschooled lol. Like OKAY I def knew ppl like this as a teenager, but only online, through the interwebs!! I've been blessed to have never known other teens like this irl LOL. And honestly, maybe it's just me but... I never get viciously hating FICTIONAL CHARACTERS to the point of drawing hate art of it or whatnot. Or to those nasty rpers who will actually follow the character they hate, just to have their muse be cruel to that character or even kill 'em or whatever. It's just... I can't imagine doing it! I don't think I have any characters in mind that I legit hate. Not even the bad ones that I don't like. I just don't like them and that's it lol. And I know these were high schoolers, but like... I don't even remember being like that during my teen years either. I might've been a lil like that as a kid as I was more annoying as a child (we all were lol) but... I still don't really remember haha.
Also Jin didn't want to kill his ENTIRE bloodline lol. Like iirc, even in 6, I don't think he's ever tried to seriously kill Lars? (Could be wrong about that I legit don't remember lol lol) Like Jin wanted to kill Heihachi and Kazuya because at the time, he legit thought they were the ONLY ones of the bloodline (along with himself) and well... they were time proven to be EVIL, therefore... yes, Jin was right, his entire bloodline (except for himself) was evil at the time lol. That was before Jinpachi and Lars were properly introduced in the series.
AND LIKE. LIKE. Some ppl do talk about how it's weird that Jin never showed remorse for killing Jinpachi but LIKE. I am pretty sure it's CANON that JINPACHI IS GRATEFUL TO JIN. Much like how Jin wanted to kill himself in TK4 to stop his Devil from taking over, Jinpachi wanted to be killed to stop the monster / demon possessing him from destroying the world. Like canonically, it was something both Jin and Jinpachi knew had to happen.
I get tired of those acting like Jin never "suffered." It's like yeah, Jin DID have a good childhood up until he was 15 years old. Jin still spend most of his teen years being abused by an old wrinkly fuck, only to be killed by said old wrinkly fuck. Of course, the stupid game's writing did ruin a lot of Jin's suffering. (His mother isn't actually dead, so like... yeah. But I guess he still grieved her and she's been missing for years. His devil isn't actually bad so he was rejecting something that was actually beneficial LOL LOL LOL) But... that's just Tek writing for you. If we forget a lot of the stupid retcons, we can say Jin had a good amount of suffering. HELL, he was created TO BE a tragic hero.
I'm not gonna go on to explain, but I have stated on this blog many reasons why the "Jin is selfish / doesn't care about anyone" has always been a misconception, even prior to Tekken 8 where he gets a lotta friend buddies. But I am glad he's one of your favorites lol. Really, I feel like MORE people would love Jin if they actually looked at him with critical thinking, rather than just... accept the rancid writing of Tek6 and be like "yup, he's a bad character!" Like Jin's a REALLY damn good character prior to Tek6. And when ppl actually look back on those games, play his stories, really pay attention to his character, they would know that.
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Yeah and that was a dark one shot. That's not getting into longer form bash fics could feature:
Boy who mabey needed a light reminder of respecting boundaries in canon becoming a kidnapping r#pist.
Character who while a jerkass at first because of his trauma but got better not getting his character development in what could have been a interesting for want of a nail instead being turned into a sociopathic quisling worse than ever shown in canon even pre development.
A characters kind canon love interest leaving him at the smallest thing despite already being married to him with a child with the kid eventually disowning her and running away to be with her father and his new oc love interest.
A deeply flawed but ultimately well meaning Athority figure from canon secretly being a genocidal dictator with the antagonist with some of the least possible redeeming features of any canon Naruto badguy leading a heroic resistance against him.
Sounds about right
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