lazyyogi · 1 year
Somatic Diagnostics
Can you feel your whole body at once?
If not, evaluate the disconnects.
Perhaps you can feel your legs and your torso but not as one seamless whole. This may be due to a closed off pelvis.
Or maybe you can feel your chest and your head but without a sense of continuity between them. A constricted neck/throat may be the cause.
Practicing body scans regularly will help you to find the areas of your body that are numb, constricted, or locked into a holding pattern.
At the end of a body scan and in general, it’s important to feel your body as a whole. Because even if you can feel each part of your body with crystal clear awareness, they still may be fragmented from one another.
Seamlessness and wholeness are interrelated. Investigate this for yourself.
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When you’re reminded of a traumatic experience, your amygdala goes into overdrive, acting as though you were experiencing the trauma for the first time. The prefrontal cortex becomes suppressed, so you’re less capable of controlling your fear and then you become stuck in a purely reactive state. This is what makes it hard to process thoughts and emotions when triggered/activated. It also leads to reduced activity in the hippocampus, which functions to tell the difference between past and present, so your brain can’t tell the difference between the actual traumatic event and the memory of it. Follow @cptsdwarrior_pokingholes @drpeteralevine Follow me on my Website/Blog and Subscribe to my YouTube channel at the link in my bio @cptsdwarrior_pokingholes Sharing my healing journey so that you feel seen, heard, held and supported. You're not alone! ❤️ Don't forget to heart, comment, share and save this post for later. ✌❤ #fightflightfreeze #rraumaresponse #triggered #executivedysfunction #dysregulation #peterlevine #walkingthetiger #healingtrauma #somaticexperiencing #polyvagaltheory #cptsd #childhoodtrauma #complextrauma #complexptsd #developmentaltrauma #relationaltrauma #cptsdwarrior #thebodykeepsthescore #somatichealing #innerchildhealing #nervoussystemregulation #healingjourney #cyclebreaker #mentalhealthadvocate #traumainformed https://www.instagram.com/p/CmKEECdvOfq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kaijukiki · 1 year
Trauma through a child’s Eyes
This is not a self help tome nor a textbook, but is more like a practical guide or a manual for learning the techniques and practices of caring for and identifying trauma in a child. What this book does is redefine trauma covering each of the sometimes forgotten or unknown traumas. It also explains how trauma is stored in the body/nervous system/brain and describes Somatic Experiencing as a way to heal. Perhaps the most “complete” manual for trauma informed practices I’ve ever read. Incredible for parents, educators, healthcare providers, therapists, and those of us who have been traumatized and need to know how to not carry these to the next generations. it includes games and descriptions of how to help and exercises for connecting through the senses to what we understand as trauma stored within surprising ways. Being responsible for our own healing and preventing trauma or healing it where we recognize it in another before it’s too late.
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ahylen · 1 year
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Unresolved trauma is passed down through each generation and it builds and builds like a ball of snow rolling down a hill. It becomes normalized and it blocks your gifts and talents. Are you ready to break that cycle? #mentalhealthfitness #ancestrallineagehealing Posted @withrepost • @somaticexperiencingint Post credit @marina.y.t 🧡Learn more about Somatic Experiencing® @somaticexperiencingint Somatic Experiencing® resolves symptoms of stress, shock, and other traumas that accumulate in our bodies. When we are stuck in patterns of fight, flight, or freeze, SE helps us release and recover. OMG it is exhausting! As I walk through beautiful, lush green fields and constantly stare at my steps tracker to make absolutely sure that I hit 10K, I realize the amount of fear and anxiety that rushes through my body if I don’t. If I say or do the imperfect thing - this means I will be forever abandoned. It’s not that I ever experienced abandonment in my life. It’s that I experienced a sense of conditional love - love that depended upon doing the perfect thing and always being well behaved. This is not a shame/blame post. Emotional immaturity says that in every situation, there is wrong and right, guilty and innocent. But life is soooo much more complex than that. Your parents did the best THEY knew how to do, and at the same time, they hurt you deeply through this perfectionism. Many things can be true at once, and knowing that is so healing because then, we can actually engage in the healing work that allows us to feel the rage - which is so healing for rewiring that perfectionist trauma response. #somaticcoaching #somatic #innertransformation #consciouness #somaticmovement #somatictherapy #somatics #emotionalfreedom #healingtrauma #innerjourney #emotionalhealing #traumahealing #traumainformed #somaticexperiencing #innerhealing #perfectionsim #selfawareness #feelyourfeelings #yourfeelings #nervoussystemhealth #nervoussystemhealing #copingmechanism #anxietyfighter #dissociation #mentalhealthmatters #anxietyawareness #copingskills - #somaticexperiencing #trauma https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckiuf3rJAlp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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imsamwg-wangrueiyi · 2 years
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【 水曜日 NLP murmur 】 你有過清理化膿傷口的經驗嗎? 如果你有過, 你會知道,再次將傷口打開清理膿血的過程, 那也是一種痛苦, 甚至有時還有再次感染的風險。 當你面對心理的創傷時, 有時也是一樣的, 每面對一次過往的受創情境, 都逼得自己需要重新再經歷一次, 這樣的堅持, 有可能變強壯, 也有可能會形成二次創傷。 你或許會很想藉由這樣的堅持, 讓自己可以「忘記」創傷帶來的過度記憶, 然而, 你也可以讓自己的身體與意識, 去發現創傷的另一面, 允許自己去重新排列, 創造出不同於「無助」、「絕望」與「崩潰」的 新的體驗。 有些人認為, 「堅持」讓我更變強大; 而更多時候, 讓我們更強大的是「放手」。 逃避, 並不可恥,但是有效。 因為逃避可以有效創造空間, 讓你可以呼吸, 當你可以呼吸了, 你可以慢慢覺察到你身體的感受⋯⋯ 然後, 你就可以有機會, 在緊繃與放開的擺盪中, 解開對於創傷記憶的連結, 為自己創造出新的生命體驗⋯⋯ 祝福你, 可以與自己對話, 可以與身體對話, 可以有美好未來。 #山姆王身心系統 #NLP #催眠 #hypnosis #truama #cptsdawareness #ptsd #somaticexperiencing #創傷 #symptoms #healthylifestyle #samwgnlpcat #samwgnlp #nlpcat #hypcat #samwg https://www.instagram.com/p/CgOQ2eXJ0qB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cinderpresss · 2 months
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Somatic Healing: Unlocking the Power Within
Unleash on a transformative journey of self-discovery and holistic well-being with "Somatic Healing: Unlocking the Power Within." This insightful guide introduces you to the profound world of somatic healing—a practice that explores the intricate connection between mind, body, and spirit.
Key Features:
Delve into the roots of somatic healing, tracing its origins from ancient Eastern practices like yoga and Tai Chi to Western traditions of psychoanalysis. Uncover the threads that weave the body-mind connection into the fabric of human understanding.
Explore the scientific basis of somatic healing, unveiling the role of neuroplasticity, neurotransmitters, and the impact of stress on the body. Gain insights into the physiological mechanisms that underlie somatic practices and their transformative potential.
From breathwork and movement therapies to mindfulness meditation and expressive arts, discover a comprehensive mind-body toolkit. Practical exercises and guidance empower you to incorporate these techniques into your daily life, promoting relaxation, clarity of mind, and emotional resilience.
Navigate the intricate path of healing trauma through the body. Recognize and understand trauma, unravel the role of the nervous system, and explore somatic approaches that offer tools for transformative recovery.
Extend the journey of somatic healing into community spaces. Explore the social dimension, create somatic-centric communities, and witness the ripple effect of collective well-being.
Acknowledge the limitations, evolve with emerging trends, and engage in the ongoing quest for holistic well-being. This section challenges the status quo, fostering a spirit of curiosity and adaptation.
Be a catalyst for positive change, fostering resilience on a broader scale.
Somatic Healing: Unlocking the Power Within is a guide to transforming your relationship with your body, cultivating resilience, and contributing to a world where well-being is a collective endeavor. Are you ready to unlock the power within and embark on a journey of self-discovery? Dive into the world of somatic healing today. Get your copy today!
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hspcoaching · 9 months
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patrickmartinlcsw · 11 months
Answering Your Questions About Somatic Therapy: Learn How Trauma Recover...
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It’s called Somatics. Proven to help your bodily health. Learn about it. Do it. Change your life. The body keeps the score isn’t just the name of a book. It’s the truth. #somaticexperiencing #somatichealing #somatictherapy #bodykeepsthescore #suppressedemotions #feeleverything #quotestoliveby #quotestoremember https://www.instagram.com/p/CpOdiDPvJN-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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solspiritual · 1 year
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thejaymo · 1 year
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Bodily maps of emotions
Emotions are often felt in the body, and somatosensory feedback has been proposed to trigger conscious emotional experiences. Here we reveal maps of bodily sensations associated with different emotions using a unique topographical self-report method. In five experiments, participants (n = 701) were shown two silhouettes of bodies alongside emotional words, stories, movies, or facial expressions. They were asked to color the bodily regions whose activity they felt increasing or decreasing while viewing each stimulus.
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daviddrimmel · 2 years
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Someone recently asked me, "why do you dance?" They told me, "you're weird!" My response was, "I don't just dance, I feel my emotions and the energy in the air and I allow my body to respond. You can call it whatever you want, but I like to think of it as FREEDOM." This is more than just dancing. It's breathing, shifting, balancing, and engaging with the core. At some point in anyone's well rounded movement practice, they may come to realize what I know to be true: that life is not about being proper and orderly everywhere we go so we can please someone's discomfort of what is natural to the body and soul's desire for expression. So my encouragement to those whom have not developed this freedom... Start now. -Movement is a way to connect with your aliveness, to feel every ache and every pleasure -It's a way to access the part of you that cannot be controlled or corrupted by the world -Movement is an outlet for creative expression with endless expressions unique to the evolution of U -Movement moves stagnant energy emotions, connecting you with your true experience and out of denial and prison of the mind. Life is moving, and people can get stuck. So why do you have a movement practice whatever it is that you do? We are designed to be movers in all the varieties of expression. The living spirit that emerges out of us each day and every moment is balanced by stillness and chaos all at once, so moving our bodies allows us to experience those expressions and become present. Will you begin again each day, come to the presence within, and move with life? The alternative is not an option... #movement #dance #expression #holyspirit #presence #emergence #connection #bodymindsoul #spirit #aliveness #freedom #emotionalfreedom #somaticexperiencing #somatichealing https://www.instagram.com/p/CkWm7XdPPOy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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junkbbykow · 2 years
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Just did Somatic Therapy for my neck and- I feel so FUCKING GOODT
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ahylen · 1 year
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Trauma is passed from generation to generation until someone stops and changes the pattern. Without change it builds and builds like a snowball rolling down a hill. Are you ready to stop the pattern? #mentalhealthfitness #ancestrallineagehealing Posted @withrepost • @somaticexperiencingint Post credit @marina.y.t 🧡Learn more about Somatic Experiencing® @somaticexperiencingint Somatic Experiencing® resolves symptoms of stress, shock, and other traumas that accumulate in our bodies. When we are stuck in patterns of fight, flight, or freeze, SE helps us release and recover. OMG it is exhausting! As I walk through beautiful, lush green fields and constantly stare at my steps tracker to make absolutely sure that I hit 10K, I realize the amount of fear and anxiety that rushes through my body if I don’t. If I say or do the imperfect thing - this means I will be forever abandoned. It’s not that I ever experienced abandonment in my life. It’s that I experienced a sense of conditional love - love that depended upon doing the perfect thing and always being well behaved. This is not a shame/blame post. Emotional immaturity says that in every situation, there is wrong and right, guilty and innocent. But life is soooo much more complex than that. Your parents did the best THEY knew how to do, and at the same time, they hurt you deeply through this perfectionism. Many things can be true at once, and knowing that is so healing because then, we can actually engage in the healing work that allows us to feel the rage - which is so healing for rewiring that perfectionist trauma response. #somaticcoaching #somatic #innertransformation #consciouness #somaticmovement #somatictherapy #somatics #emotionalfreedom #healingtrauma #innerjourney #emotionalhealing #traumahealing #traumainformed #somaticexperiencing #innerhealing #perfectionsim #selfawareness #feelyourfeelings #yourfeelings #nervoussystemhealth #nervoussystemhealing #copingmechanism #anxietyfighter #dissociation #mentalhealthmatters #anxietyawareness #copingskills - #somaticexperiencing #trauma https://www.instagram.com/p/CkivPd9pZZ8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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embodyyourlife · 2 years
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Colleagues and clients approve of my work. Visit my website at www.embodyyourlife.org Follow me on Facebook and instagram at @embodyyourlifenow and twitter at @embodyyourlife
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