#some enjoy him regardless and i can respect that. he can be a compelling character
infamouslydorky · 11 months
Unpopular take perhaps but Fishman island was such an important arc because it forced Luffy to have his remaining two braincells huddle together for warmth in the vast, harsh wasteland that is his empty cranium to produce a singular thought and actually consider that perhaps his actions have consequences and should he act so rash, people will die. Was it a fully successful thought process from him? No, he had to outsource that to Jimbei, but still, he certainly didn't learn better from marineford despite his loss and grief
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theforgottenmcrmy · 3 months
Second Sons (Ser Harwin Strong x Reader)
᯽ Please note that this is an overall Part 25 to the series Growing Strong. The masterlist, and part 1, can be found HERE ᯽
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Pairing: Ser Harwin Strong x Tyrell! Female Reader
Warnings: GOT typical sexism, canon divergence, a couple curses, canon typical violence, canonical character death, a couple people rip off Olenna Tyrell's lines because she's an icon
A short flight, and he would return to his mother. To his siblings, except for Jace, who was hopefully safe and probably still in the Vale. To his cousins, and his betrothed. To his friends. And to the man who had offered him more fatherly guidance than probably any other had in his life, regardless of the personal cost to himself.
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy reading this one as much as I did writing it. I have one more tentative part planned to connect the events of s1 to s2, but depending on how episode 1 on Sunday plays out, I may tie it into the plot of that episode. I'm not sure yet if I'll keep writing this story into s2 while its airing, or wait until after it's out. But if I do end up waiting until it's out in its entirety, I can almost guarantee I'll at least have one shots or related hand canons posted since those are fairly easier to whip up.
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Prince Daemon Targaryen was well on his way to speak with the dragonkeepers to ensure Caraxes was adequately prepared for a flight to Riverlands.
The queen had yet to grant him her permission to depart Dragonstone- as Maester Gerardys had so kindly informed him the day prior - but her lack of approval would not change the inevitable. The Riverlands were essential territory to the war that was all but upon them, and Prince Daemon was of the belief that the arrival of a dragon upon his doorstep would be most efficient in swaying Lord Grover Tully to remember his oath.
The same notion had sent the eldest Velaryon princes, Crown Prince Jacaerys and Prince Lucerys, to the Eerie, then the North, and to Storms End respectively. The princes, and their dragons, had left Dragonstone the evening prior. As Daemon strode through the halls of his family’s ancestral keep, shadows from the rising sun filtered in from windows throughout. It was near midday, and not a word had been received yet from either prince.
Fortunately, not enough time had passed for such a fact to become a concern, even for Rhaenyra. Jacaerys, if he’d been wise, would have flown on Vermax to Claw Isle, where the loyal Lord Bartimos Celtigar’s household would have offered him shelter for the evening, before braving the rest of the flight to the Eerie the next day. Any raven he might have sent the evening prior would not have been received so soon. The same could be said for Lucerys, who had most likely been taken in by Lord Borros Baratheon and treated to a feast that would have lasted well into the night.
Prince Daemon - or was he Prince Consort now? - did not know exactly what compelled him to travel through Dragonstone’s training yard on his way to speak with the dragonkeepers. Perhaps it was the dreadful reminder in the back of his mind that once his business was finished with them, he was expected to return to the Chamber of the Painted Table, to the grueling politics that did not cease despite the Velaryon princes’ departure.
But what Prince Consort Daemon Targaryen did know was that Dark Sister hung heavy at his side with every step he took. The blade sang to him, even now, calling for the spilling of blood. Green blood. It had been quite some time since Daemon felt drawn to the alluring chaos and thrill of battle. The past few years on Dragonstone had been some of the most peaceful years of his life. Perhaps he might have grown content with such tranquility, given his rather tumultuous youth. But all thoughts of that had been swiftly set aside upon the slaying of his brother - most likely by the efforts of that scheming Hightower bitch of a queen - and the loss of another daughter.
The precious life lost was the first casualty of the Green’s treason, and was not likely to be the last. But for their Visenya, for Viserys, Prince Daemon would see all of the Hightowers to a just end. And, if said ends occurred between Caraxes’ maw, or by the sweep of Dark Sister, all the better.
Given the time of day, Prince Daemon had not expected the Dragonstone’s training yard to be occupied. If he had, he might have chosen another route to achieve his means. But as he entered the cavernous room, the familiar sound of a blade meeting a stiff bag of hay filled his ears. The usual guards, a pair each, posted by the entrances on either side of the room watched in silence as a lone figure sparred with a training dummy in the middle of the yard.
The young Lord Selwin Tyrell-Strong wielded not a wooden practice sword, but a real one. Each slice that tore through the air resulted in straw leaking from the dummy and drifting slowly to the floor.
Prince Daemon knew he ought to have ignored the boy and continued on his way, but something gave him pause. He watched with scrutiny as the young lord, who was so focused he had yet to become aware of the prince’s arrival, went through his motions. The confident, smooth movements, a varying but ultimately repeating set of strikes and blocking imaginary blows, were clearly more muscle memory than any conscious thought. The preciseness of the strikes, despite the target being stationary, were decently placed and well informed, the lordling having aimed for weak spots that would exist in an opponent's armor, and, of course, the heart. It was apparent that Lord Strong and whatever various masters at arms had instructed the boy thoroughly.
Though there was still room for improvement, even Prince Daemon was forced to admit the boy held decent promise, particularly for his age. Perhaps the bold show at dinner two nights past was not merely an isolated spectacle at all, but rather an indication of something more.
But Prince Daemon was wise enough not to always speak the thoughts that came to his mind. He had no duty to compliment the boy’s form, and certainly no desire to inflate a young lord’s ego.
So instead, Prince Daemon called out, “You seem to be in the wrong place, My Lord.”
With a small jump, Selwin halted his movements at once. To his credit, his grip on the blade remained firm as he slowly brought it down to his side. “My Prince?”
Daemon walked towards him slowly. His gaze was appraising as the young lord turned to him as he approached.
“I am told many of our guests are in the Chamber of the Painted Table, undoubtedly eager to take advantage of every moment they can obtain with our new queen,” Daemon explained simply.
Selwin took a steadying breath, visibly regaining composure from the exercise. “I shall leave them to it, then.”
Daemon’s brows raised. “You are not one for politics?”
“If I need to be,” the boy answered carefully, his focus flitting back to the training dummy.
“But it is not what compels you to rise for the day.”
It was not a question, but still, Selwin answered.
“That has always been my mother’s area of expertise. And my brother Derrik is a far better student of hers in that subject than I could ever hope to be.”
Daemon did not fail to notice how Harwin Strong went unmentioned. The Lord of Harrenhal might have been born to inherit it, but Daemon knew Harwin had little desire for ruling and even less patience for courtly designs. Harwin Strong was Lord of Harrenhal solely because his honor and sense of duty bound him to be. Daemon Targaryen enjoyed the luxuries his title and residence at court had brought him, but even he could not deny that, at some level, he and Lord Harwin Strong were cut of the same cloth. They were men both far more at ease in the training yard, if not the battlefield, then in a ballroom gallivanting about solely for society’s amusement.
And as Prince Daemon sized up the Lord of Harrenhal’s youngest son before him, he surmised that perhaps the apple had not fallen far from the tree.
“Ah yes, Derrik Strong- your late uncle’s namesake.” However, Daemon had spoken his truth at the dinner two evenings past: it truly was younger, not the older, of the Tyrell-Strong boys that resembled their late uncle, Ser Derron Tyrell. Unable to refuse the urge, Daemon gently goaded, “Our queen, on the word of your mother Lady Tyrell, I am sure, has told me he is quite intelligent for his age.”
Selwin said nothing.
“It must be heard, living in his shadow,” Prince Daemon prodded.
Lifting his sword, as though to inspect the blade, Selwin refused to take the bait. “I do not believe that I do. We are merely… different. We possess different strengths. He is more knowledgeable about court and politics, and I am more comfortable here, training.”
“But it is said that you are to inherit either Higharden or Harrenhal someday- and your brother is to inherit the other. You will rule somewhere, someday.” They might not have been the Iron Throne, but neither of the boy’s potential inheritances were anything to scoff at.
“Then I shall. It is my duty, and I will endure it, as my father does.”
Daemon did not doubt that. The Strong sense of stubbornness runs true. “And what if your brother challenges your succession?” he posed then. “He could, as you well know. Regardless of what Lady Tyrell and Lord Strong have decided, he is the eldest. When your mother and father are gone, by all laws of the land, he could pursue both seats of power, and the realm at large would not find fault in him for doing so.”
“I do not believe Derrik would go against our parents wishes,” the young lord asserted calmly. He lowered his blade once more, and fully turned to the prince. As Selwin met the Rogue Prince’s critical eye, his jaw tightened. “But even so, if that is what my brother desires, I would not stand in his way.”
“You would truly stand aside?”
“He is my brother, Your Highness. I would sooner fall on my own sword than willingly spill his blood.”
“You care for him.”
Selwin repeated, “He is my brother, Your Highness.”
They were seemingly at an impasse in the conversation, and yet, Prince Daemon felt surprisingly satisfied with the boy’s response. A few moments of silence passed between them, the Rogue Prince looking upon the youngest Tyrell-Strpng boy thoughtfully.
Eventually, Prince Daemon recalled what he had originally set out to do. The dragonkeepers would start to wonder where he was, even if they didn’t dare to ask after him.
So Daemon conceded, “Very well then, My Lord. I shall leave you to your practice now.”
Selwin bowed his head, but said nothing in response to his departure.
Prince Daemon turned to continue on his way, but hesitated. Quietly, so as not to be overheard by the guards dutifully keeping watch, he advised, “Mind your stature while blocking. Your left flank is a bit too exposed- you might stave off your opponent's blade, but anyone with merely half their wits about them will take advantage of it and deal you a nasty blow to the ribs.”
Selwin nodded appreciatively.
Prince Daemon finally did as he had announced, and continued across the yard. Not bothering to turn his head entirely, he called back to the young lord some final parting advice.
“Do keep practicing though, Lordling. One never knows when they may be called upon to lift a sword for their queen."
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Lord Larys Strong, recently reaffirmed Master of Whisperers to King Aegon, Second of His Name, unrolled his most recently received correspondence with care.
Faint screaming echoed off the stone halls and walls surrounding him. Such was the consequence of having his office in dungeons of the Red Keep. All prisoners who ended up on this particular floor, the one just below the Black Cells, never rose above it again, but Larys was able to come and go as he pleased. And he would be lying if he denied that he derived a bit of pleasure from the fact.
Of course, he had his living quarters elsewhere, in a more socially acceptable part of the Red Keep. But for his official workspace, he had chosen this.
The King - both Viserys, and then Aegon, thought Larys’s choice of office, which was little more than a rooted out cell with a desk and chair, was rather peculiar. But Larys had been quick to remind each of them that such a location was extremely practical for his profession. And the convenience of being so close to those he was entrusted with wringing out information from, no matter the cost, could not be overstated when considering his physical limitations.
Larys scanned the letter briefly. It was from Harrenhal. Ser Simon Strong was more than happy to heed Larys’s request to provide him information from within the keep’s walls, and to relay information Larys provided to him back to others in return. Slowly, but surely, doubt was being sewed into Harrenhal’s soil. Doubts of its lord, who had been physically absent for years, and doubts of the credibility of the Targaryen princess who the Lord of Harrenhal would undoubtedly support in the upcoming war of succession.
Not too much longer now, and his brother’s steward, Lord Dannis Chambers, might have a mutiny on his hands.
Just as Larys had intended.
Larys smiled to himself as he retrieved some parchment and a fresh quill from the desk drawer. As he penned his response to his uncle’s letter, the candle’s throughout the room flickered.
He could not afford another failure. Not now, with the Hand of the King watching and scrutinizing his every move. 
To say that Lord Otto Hightower had been more than displeased with Larys after Lady Tyrell had failed to be eliminated from the political landscape would be a severe understatement. Not only had Lady Tyrell reunited with Larys’s insufferable brother, her husband Harwin, but the pair had already reached Dragonstone with their children. And from Dragonstone, they had begun to communicate with Harrenhal, Highgarden, and other reliable allies, Larys assumed, to begin coordinating aid for Rhaenyra’s cause.
But now that the cow had been milked, there was no squirting the cream back up its udders. And all Larys could do, and what he had been moderately successful in doing thus far, was mitigating the situation he had found himself in. Controlling what he could control.
That was not a new mantra to him, having been born a crippled second son. He owed the life he currently enjoyed entirely to his particular talent of making the most of what he was given, and using it to his advantage.
Larys faintly heard himself idly humming along as he finished his letter, rolled it up, and sealed it. He set it aside to be sent out by raven the next morning. Then, he reached into the desk drawer and withdrew another piece of parchment.
There were so many relations Larys had to tend to these days. But tend to, he would. The Dowager Queen, the Hand, the new King... It did not matter that Larys was not truly loyal to any one of them, so long as they each believed him to be.
Their belief in him directly correlated to more power. More power meant more control. And what had Larys always exceeded at?
Controlling what he could control.
Sewing seeds of doubt. Cultivating the crops of chaos.
And watching as the realm in the name of Hightower Greens, in the name of the Targaryen Blacks, in the name of whoever found themselves in power- burned.
The humming continued as Larys penned his next correspondence.
To My Dear Cousin, Alys…
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“Tell me, Your Highness, what exactly does Vhagar eat?”
Prince Aemond Targaryen credited the countless etiquette lessons his mother subjected him to throughout his youth for his strength in resisting snapping back a sarcastic response.
This one- was it Ella? Elle? …Either way, she was polite with her questioning at least. Shy, almost.
“Whatever she likes,” Aemond replied, giving her a small smile that made the poor girl flush as red as the tomato on her plate. Ellyn, that was her name. “She still enjoys hunting for her own food, on occasion. However, most of the time, I ensure she is provided with only the most exquisite quality of pork and beef.”
For almost three full days, Aemond had been hosted at Storm’s End. He’d allowed himself to be swooned over by the majority of Lord Borros Baratheon’s daughters, all while assuring the Lord of Storm’s End of the heaping rewards he was to receive should he pledge himself to Aegon’s cause. Privately, Aemond was a bit cross at having such a large part of his future- his godsdamned wife- decided for him, but when his mother put the proposal before the small council, he knew he could not, would not, voice his disapproval.
For Aemond was nothing if not a dutiful son. His mother’s lack of empathy for his position, the infuriating care she still held for Rhaenyra, and her insulting unwavering loyalty to his oaf of an older brother aside.
For his mother, Aemond would give up his own choice of a wife. And though he knew in his heart that he deserved nothing less than a true Targaryen for a bride, being a true Targaryen himself, he would settle for a Baratheon girl. For his mother, Aemond would play envoy, remain polite, mind his tongue, and secure Baratheon’s allegiance. For his mother, Aemond might have been willing to give up all semblance of himself, if only to save her and their family.
“Hm,” another of Lord Borros’s daughters, Maris, chimed in, and most unwelcomed at that. “It would seem the dragons eat better than some of the small folk these days.”
Aemond only remembered her name due to the alarmingly large number of times the young woman had managed to vex him thus far.
He bit his tongue. Again. “A sad reality King Aegon wishes to rectify, My Lady.”
Maris’s attention fell back down to her plate. But under her breath, she muttered, “Doubtful.”
Another sister- whose name also escaped Aemond, but he knew her to be the eldest- gave Maris a stern look from across the table. “Maris!” she reprimanded in a hushed voice.
Maris did not look apologetic in the slightest. Instead, she looked rather determined. It was a small wonder where her stubbornness came from, given her sire. “What? ‘Tis true. You know the small folk are always the ones who suffer the greatest when the realm goes to war. Nobility may suffer financial losses, or political standing. But it won’t be us out there, going hungry. Spilling our own blood in the name of others.”
“I will not assume that you plan to grace any battlefield with your presence, My Lady,” Aemond replied, his tone clipped. “But you may rest assured that should my half-sister refuse to acknowledge Aegon as our king, I will meet any army she may gather head on.”
Maris’s eyes hardened. “The odds would be in your favor though, wouldn’t they? Why, what is a thousand men versus the likes of Vhagar?”
“Maris, please,” Ellyn begged her. To Aemond, she inquired sweetly, “All of this talk is futile, is it not, My Prince? Surely there will be no war. Princess Rhaenyra will see reason.”
“We can only hope,” Aemond said placatingly.
Perhaps his half-sister would see reason. But Aemond doubted Rhaenyra to come to terms with her situation whilst Daemon was beside her, filling her head with incendiary thoughts. Even if Rhaenyra yielded to Aegon, Daemon would need to be dealt with.
It was a good thing Aemond was more than up to the task.
“I do hope you are engaging in appropriate topics of conversation with His Highness,” Lord Borros said from the opposite end of the table.
His lordship had been distant, seldom engaging in conversation throughout Aemond’s stay. Nay, it was mostly his daughters and wife that had attempted to get within his good graces. Not to say that Lord Borros had been rude in a sense- but he had not been very welcoming, either. But that was just as well with Aemond; he was not in Storm’s End to make new friendships. He was simply to sway Lord Borros to support Aegon, and to ensure his continued loyalty to the crown, select one of his daughters to be his bride.
“Of course, Father,” the youngest daughter replied quietly.
Aemond did a double take. The girl had said no more than five words in his presence the entire stay thus far. Seldom had she even made eye contact with him.
Her name was Floris, Aemond recalled. Of the four, Lord Borros’s youngest daughter was indisputably the most attractive, a fact of which was obviously a source of pride for Lord Borros. But she was the youngest, not yet flowered. She was rather soft spoken, too. The girl was still innocent to the true nature of the world in which she would be expected to thrive. In a peculiar way, the youngest Baratheon girl reminded Aemond of his sister, Helaena.
Aemond had yet to formally choose which one of the girls was to be his future bride. But he knew he would not be choosing Floris.
“His Highness was merely enlightening us of the many ways King Aegon intends to help the less fortunate in the realm,” Maris shared with her father, smiling sweetly at the man whilst sarcasm dripped with her every word. Once Lord Borros looked appeased, Maris dared to shoot Aemond a challenging smirk.
Aemond would most certainly not be choosing Maris as his bride, either.
Before he could contemplate a witty response, the doors to the dining hall were thrown open hastily. A visibly fatigued servant rushed in.
Lord Borros rose from his seat at once, his dark brows furrowed deeply. He bellowed, “What is the meaning of this?”
“My Lord,” the servant boy bowed. “A visitor just arrived. He is in the courtyard now.”
“A visitor?” Lord Borros echoed, still frowning. “At this hour? Well, who in the Seven Hells is it?”
Though the messenger did not address him, Aemond did not miss the wary glance the boy threw in his direction before he answered his lord.
“Prince Lucerys Velaryon, My Lord. He comes bearing a message from Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen.”
For his mother, Aemond had agreed to be civil.
But as for himself, Aemond knew he could not let the opportunity before him slip through his fingers. And as the intoxicatingly wicked ideas filled his head as to how he might turn this chain of events in his favor, all thoughts of the Dowager Queen, his sweet sister Helaena, and her young, vulnerable children faded far into the recesses of his mind.
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Prince Lucerys Velaryon, newly reaffirmed heir to Driftmark, and future Lord of the Tides, followed the soldiers escorting him though Storm’s End with his back straight, and his head held high.
He knew very well what- who- was waiting for him when he would arrive in whatever hall Lord Borros welcomed him in. The mountain of a dragon lurking beyond Storm’s End upon his arrival with Arrax was enough of an indication of who awaited him inside.
But his mother had sent him to Storm’s End with a purpose, and a message to deliver. He would not let nerves break his composure, nor deter him from his task.
The guards finally parted before him, opening the doors to the hall within. Lucerys clung to his resolve as he stepped forward. Thoughts of his purpose gave him courage, despite his daring to wonder whether Aemond would be the only Targaryen he would soon come face to face with.
Lord Borros Baratheon sat upon the Storm’s End throne up ahead. Various soldiers and nobles lined the room. Closest to Lord Borros were three younger women, who Lucerys assumed could only be his daughters. Amongst them, with long pale hair that contrasted against the waves of dark hair so similar to Lucerys’s own, was his uncle, Aemond.
Aemond, who looked far too smug with Lucerys’s current predicament. It was such a shame that Lucerys did not plan to grant him any further satisfaction from it.
Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled from the windows and ceiling above. But Lucerys pushed onwards, and forced himself to take a few more steps into the room.
“Lord Borros,” Lucerys called to him, “I’ve brought you a message from my mother, the queen.”
Lord Borros’s expression as he beheld him was a rather peculiar one. The lighting was a bit poor in the hall, but Lucerys could have sworn the Lord of Storm’s End looked particularly pale.
However, the words that came out of Lord Borros’s mouth were anything but meek.
“Yet a few days ago, I received an envoy from the king. Which is it? King, or queen? The House of the Dragon does not seem to know who rules it.”
The Lord of Storm’s End found his own joke rather funny. The shoulders of one of his daughters, the fourth one standing beside Aemond, shook with silent laughter. Lucerys did not deem the observation worthy of a response.
“What is your mother’s message?” Lord Borros eventually bid him.
Aemond still smirked at him, but Lucerys refused to meet his eye. Instead, he wordlessly held out his hand. One of the guards who had escorted him stepped forward, grabbed the sealed parchment from his gloved hand, and walked forward towards the throne. He deposited the scroll in Lord Borros’s awaiting hand, but despite the message finally being within his grasp, the recipient still looked frustrated.
“Where’s the bloody maester?!”
An awkward silence filled the air as the maester in question shuffled through the crowd. As he did so, Lucerys took a moment to properly assess Lord Borros Baratheon. He wasn’t quite sure what he’d hoped to find in such an angry face- perhaps a trace of his grandmother, Princess Rhaenys. A familial resemblance was plainly evident in their shared shade of dark brown hair, at the very least. However, there certainly was no shared similarity between Lord Borros and that of his father, Ser Laenor Velaryon. His father had always taken after the Velaryon complexion, and Lucerys could not recall his father frowning enough times for him to deduce whether it resembled Lord Borros’s currently gruff expression.
All the while, he felt Aemond’s eye boring into the side of his face.
The maester had finally appeared and taken the scroll from his lord’s hand. While the maester read over his mother’s message, and subsequently relayed the contents to Lord Borros, Lucerys took the moment to calm his gradually rising nerves.
Lucerys tightened his jaw. What precisely was Aemond hoping to accomplish by staring at him so? He would not be goaded into engaging with him, for nothing beneficial could possibly result from that. Not but a little over a week ago, Jace and his uncles had been unable to make it through a mere family dinner without blows being exchanged.
Lucerys gripped the pommel of his sword with a tightly clenched fist. Granted, it was the same sword that Selwin and Lord Harwin had determined was not the most suitable for him, but it was a sword nonetheless. Lucerys could only pray to the Seven that he would not have cause to draw it- he had promised his mother as much, after all.
The maester excused himself, and it was as though all eyes, even Aemond’s, fell upon the Lord of Storm’s end as they eagerly awaited his reaction.
“Remind me of my father’s oath?” Lord Borros scoffed. “King Aegon at least came with an offer: my swords and banners for a marriage pact.”
That was news to Lucerys, and information he planned to pass on to his mother when he returned to Dragonstone. But he would not let his surprise show.
“My Uncle Aegon has cause to want to buy your allegiance with such a promise, My Lord,” Lucerys replied carefully. “The price of honor is high, but it is always one worth paying.”
Lord Borros scoffed. “Honor… I do not know if your mother can define such a word, boy.”
Lucerys fought the immediate urge to rise to her defense. But Lord Borros’s comment was a peculiar one. Aemond must have thought so too, as he finally tore his eye off of him and looked towards the Lord of Storm’s End inquisitively instead.
“Nevertheless,” Lord Borros continued on, his increasing irritation evident with each word, “Let’s say I do as your mother bids… Which one of my daughters will you marry, boy?”
Lucerys could not bring himself to even steal a glance at the daughters in question as Lord Borros gestured to them. “My Lord, I am not free to marry. I am already betrothed to my cousin Rhaena Velaryon.”
Lord Borros looked over at Aemond. “I’d heard as much… So you come with empty hands?”
Was upholding an oath and maintaining honor not enough motivation to support the realm’s rightful queen? Was loyalty so easily able to be bought?
Lucerys’s gut sank, but he refused to let it show. He might have been young, with plenty still to learn, but he knew a lost cause when he saw one. The atmosphere of the room shifted, churning faster and steadily brewing into a storm.
“Go home, pup. And tell the bitch your mother that the Lord of Storm’s End is not some dog that she can whistle up at need to set against her foes.”
Lucerys’s jaw tightened once more. He managed to ease up on the tension just enough to get out, “I shall take your answer to the queen, My Lord.”
He had turned and taken two steps when another voice called out.
Lucerys let out a small sigh, but forced himself to turn back around.
“My Lord Strong,” Aemond crooned mockingly at him.
Nearly all rational thoughts fled from him as the insult hit his ears. Lucerys took several steps forward back into the room, but instead of Lord Borros, it was Aemond that he approached.
“The lighting in here is poor, Uncle,” he said to him. “So I will forgive the mistake your remaining good eye has made. But Lord Harwin Strong is far from here, and both of his sons as well.”
One side of Aemond’s lip threatened to curl up into an angry snarl. Unfortunately, he did not yet take the bait. “Did you really think that you could just fly about the realm, trying to steal my brother’s throne at no cost?”
“Your brother’s throne?” Lucerys echoed with disbelief. At that moment, he was unsure of whether he held anger or pity for Aemond, who sounded so certain of his brother’s claim to the Iron Throne. “I will not discuss such gross accusations with the likes of you, Uncle, for you can hardly be considered an unbiased party. And I will not fight you. I came as a messenger, not a warrior.”
“A fight would be little challenge. I’d rather you pay the debt you owe me.”
Aemond reached upwards and removed the patch that covered what remained of his left eye. Even with the poor lighting, Lucerys could see the blue gleam of the sapphire that had taken the injured eye's place some years ago. Lowering his hand, Aemond threw his overcoat aside, and unsheathed a dagger from his hip.
“Here is a knife, just as the one you had that night. Put out your eye, and I will let you leave.”
Aemond threw the dagger downwards, and it skittered across the stone floor. It came to a still at the halfway point between him and Lucerys.
“One eye will do,” Aemond prattled on. “I would not blind you. I plan to make a gift of it to my mother, actually.”
Lucerys wasn’t entirely sure whether the Dowager Queen would be pleased with such a gruesome gift. Regardless, his answer to his uncle would have been the same.
Aemond’s smirk faltered. “Then you are craven as well as a traitor.”
“Not here,” Lord Borros warned.
Instinct alone forced Lucerys to retreat a few steps backwards when Aemond suddenly stalked towards him.
“Give me your eye, or I will take it, bastard!”
Aemond scooped up the knife he had thrown onto the floor with an obviously practiced ease. With similar swiftness, Lucerys unsheathed the sword at his side, holding it out before him defensively.
“Not in my hall!” Lord Borros roared, rising to his feet. “I want no blood shed beneath my roof. The boy came as an envoy, and he shall leave as one.”
Aemond’s nostril twitched.
To the men who had escorted Lucerys into Storm’s End, Lord Borros commanded, “Take Prince Lucerys back to his dragon. Now.”
As the guards moved about him, Lucerys held Aemond’s eye as long as he dared. Eventually, he relented, sheathing his sword and following the escort out of the hall.
By the time he was returned to the yard, the rain had begun to pour. Arrax, spotting him despite the sheets of water, cried out to him. Lucerys approached him with a determined pace. Once he had reached the dragon, he looked over his shoulder.
Vhagar was nowhere to be seen.
Lucerys closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he turned back to Arrax. As he commanded his mount to remain calm, to focus, and to listen to him, he allowed himself to think of their destination.
It was a short flight back to Dragonstone, just as it had been to Storm’s End. The poor weather, which was not ideal, would most likely add some additional delay to the flight. But if Lucerys remained centered, and if Arrax obeyed him, they would make it back safely.
Lucerys would return back to Dragonstone. He did not know what Lord Borros’s refusal meant for the queen’s cause, but he knew beyond a doubt that his mother would not be angry with him for his failure. If he knew anything at all in those harrowing moments, he at least knew that.
His heart pounded madly, betraying everything he had just asked of Arrax, as he saddled up, and the pair ascended into the stormy sky.
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Steam filled Aemond’s eye and ears as he watched Lucerys be escorted out of the hall.
He might have taken the moment to allow himself to recompose, and excuse himself to his guest chambers to clear his head before he did something foolish. He might have taken the high road and walked away, had he not been incensed beyond the brink of sanity by a single childish remark.
A snicker came from beside him.
“Was it one of your eyes he took, or one of your balls?” Maris taunted, raising a mocking brow at him. She shrugged nonchalantly. “I suppose I should be glad you shall be choosing one of my sisters to wed. I want a husband with all his parts.”
A blood red haze carried Aemond out of the hall and into the stormy night.
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With a careful hand, and an even more cautious step forward, Selwin opened the door to the library at Dragonstone.
He stuck his head inside the chamber, just past the doorway. He did not dare to breathe as he patiently waited a moment and listened. Nothing but the sounds of the softly flickering flames and the cracking of wood met his ears, until-
A faint crinkle of a page, as a page was turned.
“My Lord?”
Selwin stood up straight, and his eyes were wide as they landed upon the source of the noise.
Lady Rhaena Targaryen, who was seated in a red plush chair beside the flames contained in a rather grand stone-carved fireplace, beheld him with a befuddled expression.
“Lady Rhaena,” Selwin all but blubbered, his cheeks feeling a bit warm from being caught in such a poor state of decorum. “Forgive me, My Lady. The queen granted me permission to peruse the library earlier this afternoon, but I did not anticipate it already being occupied.”
Lady Rhaena’s expression shifted seamlessly from curiosity to one of slight amusement. She gestured vaguely around the room. “No trouble at all, My Lord. ‘Tis hardly as though there is not plenty enough room for the both of us.”
With her blessing, Selwin took another step into the room and allowed himself to fully take it in. It was far grander than he had imagined it to be. Although, that ought not to have been  too surprising. The Tagaryens weren’t exactly known for doing anything on less than a grand scale.  Rows and rows of books and scrolls comprised many aisles, with each aisle running the length of the room on either side. Beyond the shelves, the warm orange rays of the setting sun bled into the room.
In the very center of the room, to his immediate left, was a large stone table. Various books and scrolls were piled atop of it, as though they had been recently browsed, or perhaps were awaiting the return to their respective places upon the surrounding shelves.
Lady Rhaena, who had been watching Selwin with a keen eye, had an open book resting on her palms. Still a few paces away, Selwin could not make out exactly what the contents of the pages pertained to, but he did not believe the words to be of the common tongue.
 “Are you particularly fond of reading, Lord Selwin?” she inquired politely, rising to her feet.
As she moved to approach the table beside him, Selwin suddenly found his boots to be alarmingly intriguing. “Not particularly,” he mumbled. “My older brother is far more inclined to take to scholarly pursuits than I.”
Lady Rhaena placed her book, the pages still open to where she had paused in her reading, upon the stone table. “...But?”
“I must admit, I do enjoy a bit of history, My Lady.”
At the sound of her genuine surprise, Selwin mustered enough courage to meet Lady Rhaena’s eyes once more and nodded. “Our maester in Highgarden used to tell me all about the histories recorded and housed in the Citadel. And while those sound fascinating, I was always far more interested to hear about the accounts kept here, in Dragonstone. Is it true there are texts here from Old Valyria?”
“A few,” Lady Rhaena confirmed. Her fingers absentmindedly brushed the pages of the open book before her. “Since the queen has given you her permission, you would be more than welcome to read some of them, as well as whatever else you are able to find in here…. However, might I make a recommendation for you to start with?”
“Please do.”
Selwin watched as Lady Rhaena disappeared momentarily down an aisle of shelves on the right hand side of the room. She returned a moment later with another book in her hands. As she resumed her place before the stone table, Selwin turned to mirror her stance.
Lady Rhaena carefully opened the book. Her eyes skimmed the text rather quickly as she turned its pages. Then, she abruptly stopped. As she looked back up at Selwin, she offered him a smile. “Perhaps this may satiate your interest. For a little while, at least.”
Selwin read over the first couple of lines.
… In the year 73 AC, Harrenhal was without a master once more. Queen Rhaena Targaryen, who had resided within its walls for many years, had finally passed, and King Jaehaerys found himself tasked with appointing its new lord. The task proved to be challenging, as the rumors surrounding Harrenhal had only grown in number and validity over time…
“It’s an account from the Old King’s reign, and the events that led to your ancestor, Ser Bywin Strong, being named as the Lord of Harrenhal,” Lady Rhaena explained helpfully.
Selwin tore his eyes away from the page. “Thank you, My Lady. This was a very thoughtful recommendation.”
“I hope you enjoy it. When you are through, you shall have to let me know what you made of it. It was written by Grand Maester Elysar during King Jahaerys’s reign.”
“And it recounts the king’s actions,” Selwin repeated plainly as another thought struck him. “Should this not be kept in the library within the Red Keep?”
Lady Rhaena tilted her head as she glanced back down at the book with a pensive look. “Mayhaps. But the maesters keep so many texts, it would not be possible to keep them all on hand for the king- or queen.”
“A point I did not consider,” Selwin admitted sheepishly. “Besides, ‘tis hard to imagine this accounting holds any particular weight when compared to others of more import.”
Lady Rhaena paused. “I respect your opinion my lord, but I cannot agree with it. House Strong may be young when compared to some of the other houses in Westeros, but there is no foretelling of what may yet come to pass. Perhaps Ser Bywin’s inheritance of Harrenhal is only the first part of what will be the larger history of House Strong… Why, it is said that Lord Harwin is the strongest man in all the Seven Kingdoms. Surely that would at least be of a small note?”
Selwin did not bother to stop his chuckle. Maybe that still rang true. But his father, while still relatively young, had begun to pass what most men considered to be their prime. However, so as to not insult the lady beside him, Selwin acquiesced, “A small note, perhaps.”
“And what of you? Do you not think yourself likely to do anything of note? You are to be the next Lord Strong, or even the next Lord Tyrell, are you not?”
“I do not know.”
Lady Rhaena was particularly perceptive, Selwin would later deduce. “You would let your brother claim the lordships of both your parents’ houses?”
Selwin managed to hold in his chuckle this time. Hadn’t Prince Daemon inquired about exactly the same topic not but a day before? Now that he thought about it, Lady Rhaena, though said to physically resemble her late mother, emulated her father in more ways than one might initially suspect. Selwin believed as much, particularly at that moment; both Rhaena and Daemon had managed to pry thoughts from him he had not been comfortable enough to share with even his own family.
“I do not know,” he repeated once more, feeling a bit foolish and more like his age than he could recall in recent memory.
Most mercifully, Lady Rhaena was not one to take joy in his discomfort. It was not difficult at all for Selwin to believe Lucerys found himself a bit ‘smitten’- as his mother often put it- with his betrothed. Any young man would be, would they be so fortunate to be betrothed to the kind-hearted Rhaena Targaryen.
“What do you know?” she gently prodded.
Selwin refused to meet her eyes. Had he not been so conflicted within himself, he might have been concerned with burning a hole through the text before him with the sheer focus he placed upon it.
“I know that Aegon’s treachery means war is likely to ensue. I have read enough history to know that usurping a throne does not tend to end in peaceful terms, let alone terms in which no blood was spilled at all. I know war is coming, and I know my family is in danger because of it. But I have nothing to offer. My father, as you put it, may be the strongest man in all the Seven Kingdoms. My mother is the Lady of Highgarden. My brother is intelligent beyond his years, and when the time comes, there is no doubt in my mind that he will make a fine lord- of whatever inheritance that may be. But as for myself? I am…”
He felt Lady Rhaena’s intense gaze upon him as he searched for his next words.
“I am naught but a second son. I am nothing. I can do nothing. My family could be in peril, and I am powerless to help them.”
It was silent for a long while.
Lady Rhaena confessed, “I believe I might be able to sympathize with you. I know what it is like to feel like nothing I do truly matters. I know what it is like to be able to do nothing, to feel powerless.”
Disbelief had Selwin snapping his head up in her direction. “With the utmost respect, Lady Rhaena, that is a bit difficult to fathom.”
She gave him a challenging look. “Really? Tell me then, My Lord, what would I do if the Greens surrounded Dragonstone on the morrow? Would I rally our sparse number of men to battle? Would I lead my grandfather’s fleet, engaging the enemy upon the waters of Blackwater Bay? Would I mount a dragon, and meet Vhagar and Sunfyre head on in the skies?”
Selwin mulled over her words. “Forgive me, My Lady. I did not mean to give insult.”
“No forgiveness is needed, My Lord, for no insult was taken.”
The text before him still laid open, and despite the heavy topic of conversation, the words seemed to call to him.
“I will not sell myself short just yet,” Selwin vowed then. “But if there is still room in the histories for my story, then there shall be plenty of room in them for your own.”
Lady Rhaena frowned. “I am not certain I follow your meaning.”
Selwin’s attention shifted towards the book to his right, the one Lady Rhaena had been reading. Valyrian, he realized, now close enough to plainly see the words on the page. He did not know the language, but he could deduce the topic based on the page’s illustration. Scales of various colors bordered the yellowing parchment.
“You are no less a Targaryen because you have yet to claim a dragon of your own. And those who harbor that opinion of you are of no consequence. What good do the opinions of sheep serve a dragon? Because that is what you are- a dragon.”
Lady Rhaena merely looked at him for a long while, her expression plain. Just when Selwin began to fear he may overstepped, she suddenly grinned.
“Prince Lucerys is most fortunate to have a friend like you, Lord Selwin. And any friend of Prince Lucerys can consider themselves a friend of mine.”
Selwin’s face warmed, but he could not pinpoint precisely why. “I shall strive to remain worthy of your friendship then, My Lady.”
Lady Rhaena plucked the book up from the stone table and closed it gently. She then offered it to him. “I have no doubt that you will.”
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To what end did Aemond pursue him?
Lucerys wracked his brain for all logical explanations as to why Aemond stalked him. This was not merely the exchanging blows in the training yard, or coming to an impasse during a family dinner. His damn uncle was using Vhagar to actively hunt him, and Arrax, sizeable though he was for his age, was no match in size.
Finally, up ahead- there was a break in the clouds. As Arrax emerged through the cover, they were both freed from the storms roaring below. The sun kissed Lucerys’s face, providing a bit of warmth that offset the coolness of his drenched clothes and cloak.
Lucerys looked around, and attempted to gather his bearings. Vhaegar was nowhere to be seen.
In that moment, he thanked every single one of the Seven; they had finally gotten Aemond off their trail.
Lucerys urged Arrax forward at a more relaxed pace. Once he was able to find a landmark, he could determine which way was home. And once he knew where Dragonstone lay, nothing but a short flight home remained.
A short flight, and he would return to his mother. To his siblings, except for Jace, who was hopefully safe and probably still in the Vale. To his cousins, and his betrothed. To his friends. And to the man who had offered him more fatherly guidance than probably any other had in his life, regardless of the personal cost to himself.
The war may yet come, but Lucerys would be there to witness it. He would be a squire, he would learn anything and everything he would need to be a lord that Driftmark’s people could respect, a lord that they could trust. And he would continue doing everything in his power to make his mother, the rightful Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, proud.
The thought of what was yet to come gave Lucerys hope.
So much hope, he had not realized the sun had abruptly disappeared.
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Lord Otto Hightower had been roused by a frantic messenger. Thankfully, he’d already been dressed, having fallen asleep at his desk. Still, the trek from the Tower of the Hand to the small council chambers, where he��d been summoned to by the king, felt far too long.
He entered the room without delay and made sure the doors were closed tightly behind him before he turned to face those within. Quite an assortment of the king’s council and advisors were present already.
As was his second eldest grandson, who stood a few paces away, dripping water from his clothes and long hair.
Alicent sat at the table, her head in her hands. Even from a distance, Otto could tell her complexion was far paler than it should have been. Ser Criston stood closely behind her, his focus shifting between her, the king, and Aemond.
“Grandsire, you’re here at last,” Aegon said by way of greeting. “We have news.”
Otto knew he would regret asking, but he did so nonetheless. “And what news might that be, Your Grace?”
“Lucerys Verlayron has been slain!”
Though it was Aegon who had answered, and eerily cheerfully at that, Otto was quickly able to deduce the true source of the news. He whirled to Aemond, gripping the young man by his overcoat in his fists. The fabric was still damp. “What have you done, boy?”
Aemond’s eyes were void of emotion. He did not even make an attempt to remove himself from Otto’s firm grasp.
His daughter pleaded, from beneath her fingers, “Mother have mercy on us all.”
At her proclamation, some semblance of life finally returned to Aemond’s eyes. He turned his head, still in Otto’s hold, and looked over towards his mother. The look he gave her was one of shock, and- rather surprisingly, Otto noted- betrayal.
“You only lost one eye,” Otto beseeched him, shaking him mildly to garner his attention. “How could you be so blind?”
“Release him at once, Grandsire,” Aegon commanded with a firm tone, an authority to his voice that Otto did not know he possessed.
Otto had little choice but to heed a command given by the king. He released Aemond’s overcoat, but still, Aemond did not step away. Instead, his focus remained on his mother.
“Prince Aemond is the true blood of the dragon,” Aegon praised him with a grin, sounding more proud of his brother than Otto had ever recalled him to be. “He has made a good beginning of things. He returns from Storm’s End a betrothed man, and he has demonstrated to Rhaenyra what will happen if she continues this senseless pursuit of a throne that is not hers for the taking.”
“Your Grace, do you truly believe the death of her son will dissuade Rhaenyra from her pursuit of the Iron Throne?” Otto demanded of him. “Do you think Daemon will be dissuaded?!”
Aegon waved him off nonchalantly, and it took every ounce of control in Otto’s being to stop himself from grabbing his eldest grandson in the matter he had just handled his young brother.
“Those are matters to be dealt with on the morrow. As is the planning of a feast.”
“A feast?”
“Aye, a feast,” Aegon confirmed. “We shall have a feast in Aemond’s name. But, as I said, that can wait til the morrow. But there is another matter that cannot. Will someone fetch me a quill and parchment? I wish to write to my dear sister and inform her of the news myself.”
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Prince Daemon Targaryen had been the one to intercept the messenger. The queen was lucky to have been spared reading the filth of a message herself. Aegon, whose provoking words were permanently embedded in Daemon’s mind, would not be so lucky in the end.
His oaf of a nephew and his kinslayer of a brother could enjoy their feast while it lasted. They would not be the only ones to enjoy splendors in the days to come, Daemon would make certain of that.
Still, Daemon did not doubt his nephew’s vile message to be anything less than the truth. After all, he had been the one called down to the shore. Lady Tyrell, after calling her children back inside the castle walls, had directed him towards what had washed up. It had been an immediate recognition, and was unmistakable for any other beast.
Daemon knew the reality of what the day's harsh developments meant. He knew the reality of what was yet to come had been set in stone the moment his brother Viserys had gasped his last breath. But he anguished to know that this would be the event that would cement the severity of the situation for Rhaenyra.
She looked at him curiously as he approached. That was no surprise; they had not spoken to one another since their latest disagreement.
He pulled her aside, away from her advisors, and he gave her the truth as plainly and honestly as she was owed. When she pulled away from him, processing the devastation his news had wrought upon her, he fought the urge to look away, if not leave outright.
And as Daemon stood there, something resonated within him.
To many within the realm, second born sons might have been considered to be little more than a spare. But to have described Prince Lucerys Velaryon as such in the eyes of his mother… that would have been more egregious a crime than the manner of the young lord’s demise itself.
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A/N: 🖤
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kandisheek · 4 months
Over Sea, Under Stars by vorkosigan
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 36,651 Tags: Depression, Fix-It, Texting
Summary: Tony gets the phone, but he never uses it and he never intends to. Or, he doesn’t until Steve starts texting him, asking strange questions about medication and mental health, which is when Tony gets worried. (A texting fix-it that grew beyond all proportion. Deals with depression and anxiety quite a lot. There is even some plot in there somewhere.)
Reasons why I love it: This fic makes me so goddamn emotional. They hurt each other so much, and the guilt floating around is so thick it feels like it's choking me. But when things get better, it's so rewarding and satisfying, it almost makes me cry. Also, if you read this, pay attention to all the time-stamp descriptions, because they're hilarious. This fic is wonderful and a brilliant fix-it to the whole mess that is Civil War, so if you haven't read it yet, I hope you give it a whirl.
Forms of Love by bear_bell
Pairing: Bucky/Tony Rating: E Words: 33,596 Tags: Civil War Team Ironman, Separate Personalities (Winter & Bucky), PTSD
Summary: Months after the Avengers' dispute in Germany, the team returns to the US and moves back into the tower. As always, everyone pretends that nothing happened. Tony is just fine with this. He's used to pretending, and he'll be damned if he lets any of them see him flinch. Tony's the bad guy, after all. He's used to it. He's fine with it. He's good at it. Only now, there's something far worse loitering around the tower - The Winter Soldier. No one notices the guy at first, but when they do, Tony figures that he should have the soldier's back. Birds of a feather should flock together, and the bad guys should start a book club.
Reasons why I love it: I gotta be honest, I'm not a big fan of CW discourse when a specific side is taken. So it says a lot that I enjoyed this fic regardless. Even though it clearly leans towards one side of the argument, it's handled in a way that feels respectful and understandable. The writing is amazing, and I ADORE the relationship that Tony has with both Winter and Bucky. Plus, the way Bucky slowly learns to stop fighting Winter and starts getting along with him instead is really beautiful. This fic is wonderful, and I highly encourage you to read it!
The Crying Game by fohatic
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 36,416 Tags: Angry Sex, Dubious Consent, Power Play
Summary: Steve Rogers stared at the dimly glowing digital screen of the little burner phone, rereading the text message as if it might somehow give away something he missed the first dozen times he scrutinized it. His frown only deepened, though, brows drawing together with consternation as the 88 characters only left him with an even more ponderous sense of uncertainty. If you meant what you wrote, I'll be at the Swissotel Sarajevo, 4/18. Presidential Suite. 9pm. Come alone. Nearly a year after Steve and Tony's fallout—and only weeks after hearing press rumors that Tony and Pepper's engagement was inexplicably called off—Steve gets a message on the dedicated burner phone. Despite his instinctive reservations, he's compelled to answer the mysterious call.
Reasons why I love it: Oh, this one hurts SO GOOD!! I just want to take them both and shake them, god, the emotional conflict is so raw and awful, and I LOVE it! It's like that feeling of wanting to peel off a scab, and then you do it and it hurts, but the itching goes away so it's worth it. If that makes any sense at all. Point is, I love this fic to bits, and you should give it a read (if you can stomach some unpleasant emotions, that is).
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deathbycoldopen · 7 months
I finished the first season of the live action ATLA, and I have to say my reaction is… mixed.
I went into it determined to have an open mind, and there was definitely a good chunk that I enjoyed! For one thing, I love what they did with both Suki and Yue, taking advantage of the longer episode lengths to give them both lives and motivations beyond just “pretty girl that Sokka crushes on” (Suki obviously gets more depth in the og show during seasons 2 & 3, but Yue has always struck me as a rather one-dimensional character).
The best (if traumatizing) choice was to actually show the Fire Nation attack on the airbenders. Doing so gave a real emotional heft to Aang being displaced a hundred years with the weight of failing to prevent a past genocide, and the pressure of having to stop another without any idea how. Not only that, but it did a great job of indicating, right at the start of the show, that this was an adaptation indenting to transform what was fundamentally a kids’ show with complex themes into an adult series with the ability to really expand on that depth and complexity.
…and then it didn’t.
Oh, the show pokes at the repercussions of Iroh having waged a long and deadly siege agains Ba Sing Se, and it does a decent job at deepening the fuckery that is Zuko’s backstory. But so much of the more ambiguous or complex parts of the original have been flattened in this adaptation—and not in ways that can be explained by the compressed narrative. Instead, it feels like the sanitized story and characters are a direct result of a purity culture that demands all things black and white, never shades of gray.
Let’s look at Zuko, the villain-turned-hero with an iconic but bumpy redemption arc in the original series. Part of what makes Zuko’s story so goddamn compelling in the original is that he begins as a true villain, who does some horrible things and is led astray more often than not by his explosive temper; and yet his horrifying backstory and desperation for a loving family that never actually existed compel us to view him with some sympathy, even as he acts against our protagonists.
Yet in the adaptation, Zuko is consistently painted in a softer, kinder light than he was in the original. He has no hand in burning down the village on Kyoshi Island; he hears Aang out and even seems to consider Aang’s offer of friendship rather than immediately lashing out after the Blue Spirit reveal; he is notably more respectful to Iroh and loses his temper much less frequently and violently.
Even the change of Zuko fighting back against Ozai in the agni kai can be construed as him recognizing that Ozai is the bad guy, especially when it means that in order for his exile to make sense he has to defy his father again after he’s already been burned.
This is a pattern that is repeated with nearly all of the characters with any degree of ambiguity. Pakku is depicted as kind of a decent person who’s just being held back by his deference to tradition, rather than being pretty much an asshole regardless of whether he’s following tradition or not. Hahn is a nice guy who is in love with Yue but accepts her decision not to marry him, instead of a dick that sees her as a trophy and is more than happy to marry her despite her disinterest.
Sokka is a huge victim of this flattening of flaws. His early-show misogyny is entirely absent, making his stumbling with Suki a little odd and ungrounded, and his dismissal of Katara’s skills even more so. The narrative doesn’t allow him to be anywhere close to as boneheaded and stubborn as he is in the original—this version of Sokka would never angrily slash through the swamp despite the warning signs, or blatantly lie to Won Shi Ton and then even more blatantly steal from him.
Sokka isn’t even allowed the most understandable tactical mistake from the original show: using the air ship in the fight at the Northern Air Temple, and inadvertently delivering the Fire Nation’s greatest asset. That honor is given to a generalized “spies” that are distanced even from Sai himself.
If the heroes aren’t allowed to have flaws, the villains are even worse off, without anything that might make them sympathetic. Jet, who in the original sits in a similar in-between place as Zuko, is pushed firmly on the side of villain over the course of his two-episode arc. Instead of Jet fighting dirty against Fire Nation colonists who are nevertheless civilians, he bombs buildings in Omashu; it’s easier to denounce him when he’s hurting Earth Kingdom civilians with his tactics, rather than people who may or may not be complicit in the war. He’s even labeled a terrorist, an easy buzzword for a largely usamerican audience to point to and say “ah yes, that’s a bad guy.”
The main villains— Ozai, Zhao, and even the brief scene of Sozin— are ironically even more cartoonishly evil than in the animated show. Ozai and Sozin both declare their evil plans— out loud, with villainous aplomb— to use one major military movement as a distraction for another, even bigger movement. (Sozin’s plan at least made sense, in that the distraction was “leaked” intelligence rather than an actual deployment of troops. How the hell did Ozai have enough troops and a decent supply line to attack both the Northern Water Tribe and Omashu at the same time? And it’s not like the distraction actually served any purpose, since it’s explicitly stated several times that the separate nations don’t send aid to each other anymore.)
Ozai’s treatment of Zuko is even more abusive than in the original, especially with the aforementioned change where Zuko actually does fight back as ordered. His choice to burn Zuko and then later banish him then must be explained by Zuko showing compassion, a much more typically “evil” motivation than the more complex (though no less abusive) notion of Zuko dishonoring himself.
Zhao gets an even worse character lobotomy, which is impressive given that his original character is pretty unabashedly villainous. But rather than a devious, powerful, and ambitious commander looming over everything Zuko or Team Avatar does, this version of Zhao is cartoonishly incompetent. (It doesn’t help that the only thing I’ve seen Ken Leung in is Person of Interest, where he plays a similarly buffoonish character constantly in need of rescue. When held up against Jason Isaacs’ mesmerizing but intimidating voice in the original, there’s no comparison.)
Zhao is no longer a respected military leader but a backwoods commander who barely passed the exam to become an officer; his rise through the ranks isn’t due to military successes or a commanding presence but because Azula finds him easy to manipulate; cutting Jeong Jeong means that we don’t see Aang get the better of Zhao by playing on his temper and lack of control; even discovering the secret of the moon and ocean spirits seems more like blundering luck than actual determination and intelligence. You can’t take Zhao seriously as a threat in this adaptation, even when he’s killing the moon spirit and destroying the balance of the world— he’s a nuisance at best, with Azula as the real looming danger.
Disliking Zhao’s character changes might just come down to a matter of taste, of course. I’m always going to be more interested in intelligent, competent characters, whether they are heroes or villains. But it forms part of this pattern of flattening characters and plots and arcs, and brings me back to the fundamental question that kept hitting me over the head while watching the series.
Why make an adaptation? This is a question that comes up whenever an adaptation of anything is made: what does the adaptation bring to the table that the original did not? Often the answer to this question is money, but there’s usually an attempt to point to a different answer, if only to distract from the greed.
Sometimes the answer is simple— a translation, for example, is an adaptation made to reach a wider audience. Sometimes the answer is more complicated— changing Lord of the Rings from books to movies, as another example, took advantage of the music, acting, and visuals to pack more emotional punch than the books did.
I would argue, as I began to at the start of this post, that the benefit of adapting ATLA from an animated kids show to a live action series is the bucking of those “kids show” limitations. ATLA deals with a lot of serious, heavy topics that don’t get fully explored because they are too complicated and intense to be greenlit in a network show aimed at 10 year olds. In addition, ATLA (and particularly Legend of Korra after it) faced an uphill battle to portray some more sticky topics such as queerness, in part due to the time period when they were produced.
A live action show produced by Netflix seems to bypass all those hurdles, allowing for a darker and more socially progressive show than what the original was able to accomplish. But despite showing onscreen the destruction of the Air Nomads, the adaptation of ATLA seems more sanitized than the original, playing to the lowest common denominator in a way that the original never did, despite the latter being a kids show and the former ostensibly being for adults.
I came away from the new series with a bad taste in my mouth, even with some things that I really enjoyed, and I think this is the crux of why. The adaptation didn’t update the original; it stripped it of anything that might be deemed problematic and replaced it with a black and white worldview that is, in fact, antithetical to the themes of the original show.
After all, the creators seem to have reasoned, who would root for Zuko’s redemption if he actually needed redemption in the first place?
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marinagail · 2 years
"#who can compare with berlin season 1 and 2" friend you are so right you are so correct for this. like s3+ andres is like ... more relatable i guess or human or whatever but he's not as deeply fucked up and fascinating? like internalized homophobia truly is such a 2004 character trait skcjjsjsfh. dont get me wrong i enjoy him regardless but i dont have the impulse to study him like i do in s1-2, like he truly is such an interesting disaster in a completely different way than "pitiable, empathizable man who denies himself love" (which is poignant, but not as compelling as "what the fuck is wrong with this person is he even human what the fuck")
Glad I found my mutual on this matter. I don't know whether it is an unpopular opinion to like Andres more in s1 and 2 because everyone seems to like Berlin more in season 3-5. it's not wrong to like Berlin on those seasons. I like him too on some level. But NOTHING compare to the feeling you get while watching Season 1&2 Berlin. Do I hate him? Do I tolerate him? Do I agree with him? Do I disagree with him? Should I feel bad for him? Or did he deserve that punishment? Whats with him and the fishes he keep staring at? Lol. That questions and debate you had on your mind regarding this character and the decisions He's making.
When you say he's such an interesting disaster I agree. There's so many layers and shades.
Berlin season 1 and 2 is such a character study, what could be more vexing and vainglorious than berlin s1 and 2?
From the way I study him, he is known to be insufferable spiteful, with the expertise in creating a horror vibe in every situations along with his irritating smirk.
He made it easy for people to hate him with his cleverness in knacking the sweet, pitiful, guilt tripping, intimidating interaction, while throwing dry jokes that anybody who listen to will have to forced to laugh because they can't stand hearing him talking.
He's the type of Leader who possessed an abusive, greedy, and manipulative attitude, crafted with self indulgent, liberal, and suave persona.
He's also a sadist who possessed a phobia of stereotyped, hence he appeared noble, eminent and salient. (Remember the scene where he asked everybody to hold hands together to pray?) Lol the funny thing is that Nairobi and the other teams hold hands together getting ready to pray along.
It also explain alot about how he cares so much about his persona, and his reputation. He had to look perfect.
And Its even more shocking how Professor would put a dying man, a man like Berlin, in charge of the biggest heist He's been planning for years. And the punishment he gave to Berlin is so severe and damaging. That's cruel and heartless but at the same time the trust between those two is wonderful which you can see it throughout the season 1 and 2. I have to say the relationship and the dynamic between Professor and Berlin in s1&2 is very mature, dark and deep and satisfying to watch. That's the vibe i'm getting at while watching them.
His affection and love for Sergio is on another dimension. He's so soft and so careful when it comes to Sergio, even when he conversed with him. Their relationship, you can't help but feel it's a bit weird. Especially in season 1 and 2. He didn't treat Sergio the way he treated his other teammates, even from the start. He treated him with respect, affection, adoration, admiration, carefulness, almost as if he was surrendered to him body and soul. I don't know if I'm exaggerating here, but that's what I felt when I watch them in S1&2 even when I found out that they somehow related.
But there's also an underlaying sadness and pain and mystery. He's such a sad story but we can't mourn for him, or pity him. Like what did Andres do in the past? why was he alone when he was sick and only had 3 months more to live? And the fact that he just got out of the jail? That kind of tragic story. (Season 5 ruined the authenticity of the mystery behind the story of why and how he got arrested, instead we got Berlin arrested for vandalism?? Seriously?? The cringe story of his son stealing his wife lol, don't get me started)
Damn, so many layers to unfold. So many shades to be seen. where you can explore more about his characteristic. S1 & 2 Berlin gave us the vibe of horror, tragedy, mystery, pain and pleasure, malicious, and tenderness.
And yet, all we get from S3-5 is Andres being dolly, getting married, stabbing a guy with a fork, and worse, the unwanted by the whole audience of the appearance of his son. Out of nowhere. Worst when he did robbery with his son and his wife lol. Who the hell he think he is? Romeo and Juliet? Bonnie and Clyde? Season 1 Berlin would never do that. Instead he'd lie to his women about the blood on his sleeves and the bruised on his lips and never got them involved in any business matter. I think he'd murder them or manipulate them like he did to Adriadna.
And it seems to me he made more enemies than friends, he never listened to any advice, and when he did make friends, they're all so fake. How do I know this? Or think that this is what's happening?
I think if you see it from season 3+ it shows on his affection towards Martin which he called "best friend/soulmate". Perhaps the only thing I like about season 3+ Andres is his personal relationship with Martin and Sergio. How come people like sergio and Martin are the only two that can tolerate him somehow lol. What kind of forbearance, endurance, and tolerance that these two have? Lol. Even when there are some parts that I don't like too but without that plot he's not that interesting.
Martin is that one true friend that cared for him, you wouldn't call someone soulmate if that's not what's happening. Since I think all his friends which he talked about in season 1&2 (I think it was the scene when he seek out Denver for confrontation, while he was talking to Nairobi about how his friends will watch the horrible news about him on tv) didn't really care about him.
I think they all secretly hate him and want to see him go down, that's somehow tragic and pathetic at the same time, very fitting for Berlin's characteristic, leading him to his downfall. Wish they explore about it more, instead what we see is that all of them are sitting down comfortably, loving him, admiring him, with andres walking around looking pitiful wearing his silk robe. (Idk, every scene of him in season 5 is just very off)
Season 3+ story is also not completed, like the reason why Andres chose Sergio. His incapability to give love back to his best friend, I think the reason because he always ruin everything he touches, he didn't want to ruin that one too. And don't get me started on Sergio and Raquel on season 3+. It's just.. Very no no for me. I'm sorry serquel.
And don't forget, his relationship with Sergio. I almost laugh, lol.. Because every season seems like it tales different story about these two.
It never explained clearly and well how the two met. Or how they ended up together. And strange that Andres never said to anybody, or never had a talk to anybody regarding his brotherhood with Sergio. Only calling him Hermanito. I don't think Andres ever mentioned about it, not even to his own son. It's unclear whether they're brothers for real, or Andres was adopted. In s5 Andres mentioned that they ever lived in the same house together when Sergio saw his father died. And that's it. No more explanation besides that.
Sorry this rant too long. I just had so much in mind and so many things to talk about regarding this matter. Glad you asked friend!🙏🏻 I hope it's not too confusing 🤭
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acacia-may · 1 year
What are your top 5 Fairy Tail ships? And your top 5 Fairy Tail Brotps/Families?
Aww what a wholesome ask, Anon! Thank you so much!! 🥰 I've decided to split your ask (I hope that's okay?) because just talking about the romantic ships has turned into a fairly long post, and I am still struggling to narrow my favorite Brotp/Found Families down to just 5. 😅 There are just so, so many good ones in that category because platonic relationships was something Fairy Tail did best (in my opinion). I'm working on it though and will hopefully have that list posted within the next couple of days. (Spoilers: The Raijinshuu are Number #1...the rest are TBD 😂). For now, here are my Top 5 Romantic Ships in Fairy Tail. Narrowing it down was relatively easy, but I did struggle with the actual ranking of these so the order might be a little fuzzy... I like/enjoy other ships too, but these are definitely my top favorites!
Top 5 Fairy Tail Romantic Ships
Gajeel Redfox x Levy McGarden (Gajevy)
Jellal Fernandes x Erza Scarlet (Jerza) and Edo!Jellal/Mystogan x Edo!Erza Knightwalker (Mystwalker)
Elfman Strauss x Evergreen (Elfever)
Alzack Connell x Bisca Mulan (Connell) (AlBis)
TIE: Erik/Cobra x Kinana (Kinabra) and Wally Buchanan x Millianna (Do they have a ship name?)
I've also included a little bit of discussion under the cut for kicks & giggles! Thank you so much again for the ask! 🥰
(Warning: Some Spoilers for Fairy Tail & a few for 100yq even though I haven’t read that one yet 😅)
(1) Gajeel Redfox x Levy McGarden (Gajevy)-- I talked about these two at length here so I'll try not to ramble too, but their relationship was just such an incredible journey. I think it can be really easy to rush an enemies-to-lovers relationship, but what Gajeel and Levy had was really enemies-to-friends-to-lovers and this kind of slow burn in which Gajeel feels genuine remorse for the actions he took in the beginning, seeks Levy's forgiveness and tries to make it up to her for no other reason than that he knows he messed up and knows he owes her an apology and atonement. There is something so genuine in the way that he slowly earns Levy's trust, then they build this really beautiful friendship with each other based on that trust and mutual respect over the course of the series. I think it is really out of that friendship that their romantic love for each other grows and develops, and it is that love that really inspires both of them to become the best versions of themselves. It is an incredibly compelling storyline for them (especially for Gajeel who grew and changed so much over the series) and it was one of my favorite plotlines in the entirety of Fairy Tail. Also, that great banter they had was just *chef's kiss,* and don't even get me started about that confession sequence! It was everything!! I love them so much!!
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(2) Jellal Fernandes x Erza Scarlet (Jerza) and Edo!Jellal/Mystogan x Edo!Erza Knightwalker (Mystwalker) -- I've discussed Jerza in the past (here), and while I generally see Edo!Jerza as kind of its own kind of thing, it's definitely tied with Earthland Jerza as one of my absolute favorite ships in Fairy Tail and so I went ahead put them together on this list for clarity. Like Gajevy, Jerza just such a journey, and I love that it was given the chance to actually be a slow burn and that the characters were given the chance to actually grow, change, and develop as individuals before pursuing that relationship with each other so that Jellal's redemption arc isn't cheapened by the romance. Erza is inspiring him to be better, yes, but it's so clear that he is taking these steps to better himself because he wants to not because he wants something from her (i.e. her love or a relationship). Jellal truly wants to be the best version of himself, the man that Erza believes he can be, regardless of whether or not he ever gets to be with her, and that's very selfless and beautiful, I think. On Erza's side, she freely chooses to love Jellal for who he is, not an idealized, fantasy version of him. She knows, possibly better than anyone, that Jellal is a broken and flawed man, but she also chooses to see the good in him and chooses to love him for who he really is. It's really like she's saying to him: "I know you've made mistakes, but you are not the sum of your mistakes, so I choose to love you anyway."
Mystwalker is just fun! We don't know a lot about them, obviously (besides the fact that they're canon of course. Gotta love the little princess!!) I really loved Mystogan as a character in general so I was definitely always hoping for good things for him, and I really loved imagining how his relationship with Erza Knightwalker ended up developing since we didn't really get to see much about how they ultimately got together.
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(3) Elfman Strauss x Evergreen (Elfever)-- I have an upcoming bingo ask about them so I don't want to ramble too much, but as I talked about a little bit here already, these two are just that perfect balance between hilarious and adorable. On a certain level they both have such big personalities that are so wildly different from each other that it's almost goofy to think of them actually working out in relationship, but they complement each other so perfectly and have such a strong foundation of trust and mutual respect which I honestly wasn't expecting at first but was wonderful and delightful. I think the story does such a good job of showing us that they protect each other, sacrifice for each other, and want the best for each other, and ultimately they care about each other deeply, even if they don't always show it.
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(4) Alzack Connell x Bisca Mulan (Connell) (AlBis) -- Gosh I shipped this one from back in the beginning from Battle of Fairy Tail onward and was rooting for them so much! I quite literally cheered when it was revealed they had gotten married during the time skip, and I was taking screenshots of Asuka and texting them to my sister like a proud grandma! 😂 They're best friends who have true love, a wedding, and a baby! I'm not sure what more there is to say about them than that. It's the ship of dreams, friends! I mean just look at them...
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(5) TIE: Erik/Cobra x Kinana (Kinabra) AND Wally Buchanan x Milianna (Do they have a ship name? I don't know, but they should)
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I just couldn't decide between them, I'm sorry. I love both of these pairings so much (though they are a little more obscure and out of the box 😅). I swear Erik and Kinana are the most likely couple in Fairy Tail to settle down on a farm and raise a whole hoard of kiddos together, and their entire storyline was just so sweet. I loved to see how Erik's love for Kinana brought out the best in him and my heart just ached when he sacrificed himself/turned himself into the authorities in order to protect her! 🥺💕
And Millianna and Wally are just such a delightful couple who lights up the screen every time they're together. I loved how supportive and encouraging they were of each other (even of each other's quirks), their strong foundation of friendship, and their absolutely wonderful (and extremely entertaining) banter. That scene where they're having that playful "fight" over whether Natsu is actually a cat or not was honestly one of my favorite moments in the series. We didn't get a lot of them (and I really wish there was so much more of them and their relationship), but they have true love, okay? 😽💖
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Jukebox reviews part 13! For context, see my post “A Project”   under  this same tag. If you want to see a full list of his EMCSA   stories,  they can be found here, sorted alphabetically.And if you want to see some of his drabbles, check out his blog at @jukeboxemcsa
Can’t Buy Me Love
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1/16/2010                                     mc ff
This is another story that I have complicated feelings about. It's *technically* consensual, but only under duress. And, well, the last line... Elsie's husband deserves *better* from her, if indeed Marissa kept to her work about Elsie having her free will entirely back, which the reader has no reason to doubt. If she wants to return, she should just tell him that and not leave him wondering, doubting. If she loves him - if she *ever* loved him - then she needs to do the hard work to communicate with him.The actual control is ... subtle, and I wonder how much of the "blossoming" Marissa speaks of is Elsie's own desires, vs how much are the ring is pulling away her inhibitions and making her like it. Either way, the two likely feed into each other, but it's definitely more magical than I prefer again. I'd rather more of a view on inside of Elsie's head, rather than this distant narration, too. 5/10 spirals
  Don’t You Want Me
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1/30/2010                                     mc mf md hu
This story is a good reminder of why I tend not to like humiliation stories, even as it isn't as far into humiliation as many stories I've seen. Adam is coldly cruel in a way that turns me off super fast; it would have cost him *nothing* to tell her that she would serve him best by being a test subject for how long the Synaptic Recalibrator's effects last without continual reinforcement of his presence. Even if he knows, *she* doesn't know he knows. But it just never occurs to him - not even that upsetting her too much might make a scene that would draw attention he didn't want. That said, by humiliation tag stories this one isn't a bad one, just not my taste. Seeing the process of the Synaptic Rcalibratior was fun, at least. 5/10 spirals
  Black Velvet
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2/6/2010                                       mc ff
Ah, this story is such an interesting contrast to "One Way or Another" even though they both have a similar mind controlling character - the fortune teller as hypnotist. I like this one much more, even if Mona is a little - or a lot - over the line into questionable ethics here. Ah well, Alma Mae doesn't seem to mind none, and it doesn't feel like Mona conditioned her then, in any way that would have made Alma Mae change her opinion on what Mona did anyway. I do wish we could see the surprise that Mona has, though I have a guess that it's a certain art teacher - I hope it is, anyway. 7/10 spirals
  Heat of the Moment
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2/13/2010                                     mc mf ff
I adore the dynamic between Margo and Tom at the start of this story. The clear love, the flirtation, but also the way Margo just *respects* that his job - his PASSION - will have him away from her, and she takes that in stride. She takes a lot of things in stride, as it happens, and I'm unsure if some of what she takes in stride is her own desire, just her being that sort of person, or the magic of the ring. I'm just glad that they so clearly love each other, regardless of everything that the ring causes.This story doesn't actually hit *any* of my erotic buttons, though. If you like magically compelled sex, folk just being overwhelmed with lust, it's likely more up your alley than mine, but that did nothing for me. So 6/10 spirals on the strength of the characters alone.
  Small Town
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2/20/2010                                     mc ff
Huh, I didn't realize that places down south still had supper clubs! I thought those were mostly only found in Wisconsin and thereabouts these days! But also, clearly Willow hasn't learned that it's the quiet, often shy ones who sometimes have the kinkiest streaks. Hell, *I* still blush at some overt sex things, and I used to help run a kink con! I enjoy the induction here, the lingering on the word "obey" - such a very good word! - and I just like it, even with it being super unethical in so many ways. 7/10 spirals.
  The Final Countdown
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2/27/2010                                     mc mf md
... I can't enjoy a story that has someone so simply begging to be left alone, begging for her ability to just *be.* If you enjoy the darker side of hypnotic control (which doesn't even work like this but whatever), you'll likely enjoy this, but I can't. Her terror feels too real to me. 0/10 spirals.
  My Best Friend’s Girl
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3/6/2010                                       mc ff
On the one hand, I *really* don't like serial recruitment stories. And this one is a serial recruitment story, mostly. But it's sufficiently not a main focus that I'm happy enough to overlook it. And robots also aren't really A Thing for me. HOWEVER. Girls(tm) have hypnotic eyes. And I *am* a fan of hypnotic, enthralling eyes that just capture someone's focus and inevitably draw them into trance, leaving them open and suggestible and controlled. And the strawberry-scented lube entertain me rather a lot, because I have a story about hypnotic strawberries of my own. So I have more of a soft spot for the Girls(tm) than I would otherwise. And this story really highlights that trait about them, which means it hits a number of my buttons it might not have otherwise. 8/10 spirals.
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3/13/2010                                     mc ff
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is a wonderful example of the law of unintenteded consequences, and why checking in with partners after play is a *really good idea.* Thankfully, it looks like things will work out for Ursula and Chandra, but so much of Ursula's stress that happened off camera could have been avoided if Chandra had just checked in and owned up to being a bit ... impulsive. That all aside, I really like this story. Yeah, Chandra crossed a BUNCH of lines, but since Ursula isn't upset by it, mostly, it's easy for me to overlook that and just appreciate how good of a hypnotist she is. The moment everything clicks, and Ursula remembers.. it's a really good moment, and I love seeing how she responds. 9/10 spirals
  Hot Blooded
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3/20/2010                                     mc mf md ma
Diane and Jack! And Kiki! Yay! I do hope Traci was given a sense of what to expect, because gosh that would be a lot to walk in on if she didn't know what sorts of shenanigans Jack gets up to with Diane's subconscious help. I'll admit to being curious about what, exactly, the trigger is designed to do. Does it crank up Diane's arousal so that she's more likely to fantasize? Or does it make her fantasize, leading to her being aroused? Something else? I suppose it doesn't really matter, but it does make me wonder. But I always enjoy the shenanigans that these two get up to, with or without their friends being around, so it's no surprise that I enjoy this story too. 8/10 spirals.
  Don’t Speak
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3/28/2010                                     mc mf md
Given the site this story is posted on, this story ends the only way it possibly could. The control feels... forced, though. Maybe that's just because I would have demanded he stop tapping, too, were I in Lori's position, as the noise would drive me up a wall. So just that moment, that Lori doesn't think anything about Derek's continuing tapping, throws me out of the story a little. That's very much a me thing, of course, but still. Once I'm thrown out of it, it's harder to get back in due to the tone in play, so I overall like this less than I might have without my particular sensory quirks. But the way Derek gets in her head is still solid, and I have grown to adore a sense of surrender being inevitable, which helps balance that out a little. 5/10 spirals.
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bmacreadz · 2 years
"The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas
What. An. Adventure. "The Count of Monte Cristo" was absolutely phenomenal. Dumas is an amazing storyteller and this book is a masterpiece. He weaved so many plots together so perfectly. I was NOT expecting the twists and turns he made in this book, but I loved EVERY. SINGLE. WORD of it.
"The Count of Monte Cristo" is about Edmond Dantes' wrongful imprisonment, his naivety-turned-intelligence, and his ultimate revenge on those who betrayed him. Dumas' story tells of the evils hidden behind ambition and jealousy in the political climate of France - between and after Napolean's first and second exiles - and the fate that is promised once one has succumbed to these evils. It's compelling and intriguing, and I found myself rooting for Dantes throughout the entirety of this book - despite the morally grey character he becomes in exacting his vengeance.
It might prove beneficial to do some background research on France in the years after Napoleon's first exile because Dumas assumes the reader has at least a general knowledge of this history. It is the political condition of France in the early-to-mid 19th century that the foundation of this book rests on. We are able to glean enough from what Dumas details so that we remain minimally informed, without getting too much of an explanation. For those who are interested in really getting into the "why?" and "who?" of it all - I'd definitely recommend reading a brief history.
"The Count of Monte Cristo" contains so. many. sub-plots and stories that are so well strung together with the "main" plot. When you pay attention, these stories give insight to Dantes' plot for revenge that keeps you, as the reader, well-aware of what's really going on as the story progresses. Dumas also spends a considerable amount of time telling these stories from the perspectives of other characters. It's interesting to see how these characters perceive Dantes as the Count of Monte Cristo, but I found myself getting anxious for the action of promised revenge as well as the story from the Count's perspective. To be fair, the majority of this book focuses on the Count's perspective, but I still drug through those sections where his isn't the focal story.
When the reader gets through all the backstories that are told by other characters, we are able to fully understand and appreciate the Count and why he's chosen to do the things he's done in the way that he's done them. It's magnificent, honestly. I love Alexandre Dumas so much the more now that I've truly and genuinely enjoyed this great work of art. AND THAT'S WHAT IT IS - A WORK OF ART.
I will also add that the reader MUST pay attention to all the characters and events from the very beginning. There is nothing that happens in this book that is insignificant and no character can be considered unimportant. Everyone and everything has a purpose later in the story. It can get tricky trying to remember everything in 1,200+ pages, but being able to understand who's who and what's what from the very beginning gives us a much deeper appreciation and respect for Dantes' genius (and Dumas', for that matter).
I read Robin Buss' translation of this novel, which I believe is currently the most popular English translation. Buss' edition was incredibly easy to read, while still feeling "classic." He stayed true to Dumas' original intentions (as true as one can when translating), which can sometimes be missed entirely due to inevitable un-translatable wording. Regardless, it was nice to think that I was reading the most accurate version of Dumas' original story.
The story itself was, again, phenomenal. I haven't read anything like it, ever. I was angry with the deception that turned a good man sinister. I was in love with the Count who was mysterious and wise. I was excited when Dantes' years of planning and preparing finally led him to the revenge that he vowed to receive from those who wronged him. "The Count of Monte Cristo" changed my life, and I'm not exaggerating. It is now my favorite book.
This is not for everyone, though, which I understand. It's a long book that contains a lot of build-up to what readers are so patiently waiting for. There is a lot of description and a lot of background history, but Dumas' storytelling rivals any that I've ever seen. He is a genius and I'm so happy to have read this work. I would highly, highly suggest that everyone, at least once, try to read this book.
Sidenote: when you're reading a book originally published in a different language, be sure to check the translation/translator of the novel (if you care about that stuff). So much can be lost in translation, and it's important that whoever is editing the novel for your language understands it thoroughly and understands the original intention of the wording.
Sidenote #2: I watched the trailer for the 2002 film adaptation and - while I appreciate that the length of this book cannot be perfectly replicated by any single film version - I couldn't even finish it. I was so upset by the unnecessary liberties the filmmakers seemed to make that I refused to watch anymore. Be forewarned that if you watch the 2002 film adaptation, you aren't getting the same story. It seemed to me that so much was missed or simply changed altogether. For someone who this book has become a new favorite for, I was almost angry at what I saw. Maybe one day I will watch it. Until then, I will just choose to re-read the book.
0 notes
anarmorofwords · 3 years
Why Cordelia going to Matthew's and leaving for Paris made perfect sense
I've been thinking about this a lot, and I know it's a hot topic in the fandom. When I initially read ChoI, I was very on board with this - yes, it wouldn't help them and was reckless and selfish and all that, but story-wise and character arc wise, it was a decision I enjoyed.
After some time in the fandom I sort of changed my mind, focusing strongly on the negative consequences and Sona/Alastair.
Not so long ago, I was whining with Lela @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1 about the "If he hurts you, come back home" quote and the lost potential there. You know I live for Carstairs siblings content.
And to be fair, I'm still mad about that.
But just as making all the good decisions wouldn't make for very compelling storytelling, judging these poor dumbasses' choices too harshly makes little sense to me, especially when we're dissecting their actions while forgetting the circumstances, the emotions, and the fact that these characters aren't aware of all the things readers are aware of.
And thinking about Cordelia's pov, it's actually pretty clear to me why she would go to Matthew of all people, and why she did leave for Paris.
We're talking about how selfish it was to leave her heavily pregnant mother and brother who's been through so much and would really use her support, and when you put it this way, it sure sucks.
But it's not at all the way Cordelia sees this.
At the end of ChoI it's clear just how heavily she's crushed by being Lilith's paladin. That's her main focus, something that occupies - haunts - her thoughts all the time. She's not only ashamed, she's scared. She's scared she will hurt people (she already got dangerously close to that once), and she wants to save her family from possible negative repercussions. So she's not abandoning her family - she's removing herself from their vicinity, to make sure they won't become casualties of her mistake.
Obviously that's not her one and only motivation. She's a 17 year old girl whose heart has just been broken, which, frankly, would have been reason enough. But then there's also things she's been through before that - from the complicated marriage (that she's awfully young for), the constant threat of a serial killer, and her father's tragic death.
Then there's her seeking comfort from Matthew instead of Alastair, and the more I thought about it, the more it made sense, too. I used to think "home" should be her first instinct, where she heads immediately, because that's the most natural thing. And her home is obviously her family, her brother.
Except... her relationship with Alastair is still a little shaky and unsure, and regardless of their efforts, they still aren't particularly close when it comes to sharing their feelings with each other.
Moreover, when it comes to the marriage/James... Cordelia doesn't want to dissapoint her mother - being a good daughter, upholding/saving family's reputation and overall living up to the "golden child" title is basically one of her main drivers throughout the series. And in her eyes, the truth behind her marriage to James is a big failure in all those areas. Add cheating to that? She thinks admitting that to Sona would break her mother's heart and also cause her shame, which she wants to avoid. I think she's partly ashamed of admitting all that to Alastair, too. We know she likes making her brother proud, and he warned her against being with James, which she didn't listen to. And if her pride wouldn't be wounded enough by that, there's also the fact that she still loves James. I think she fears Alastair would judge her for that. And if there's anything that might keep you from seeking comfort from the people you love, it's the fear of facing their dissaproval and causing them pain.
Matthew, however, is someone whose presence allows her to feel free and comfortable, and be herself, with no expectations attached. Most importantly though, he's the only person who already knows everything - not only about the nature of the marriage, but about Cordelia's true feelings for James, too. And he feels for her, understands her, and offers support with no judgement or pity. Like him or not, Matthew's been a steady friend - perhaps the closest one - to her for the past four months.
Now, to get back to the Paladin point once again, Matthew is someone who's also made a terrible mistake, which consequences still haunt him. Someone who considers himself a monster - and although Cordelia doesn't agree with that, that means he will understand her own guilt and terror. I don't know about you, but I personally sometimes forget just how horrifying the whole Lilith ordeal must have been to Cordelia - while she almost killed her best friend. That's awful, traumatising, and absolutely a valid reason for her to be slightly out of it.
Lastly, a small but not insignificant thing that might have also played into her decision, in my opinion - this girl deserves a break, goddamit. Through lonely, uneventful childhood, to the stressful time she spent trying to salvage family's reputation, constantly keeping herself in check and plotting, and finally to an emotionally draining marriage she's never had a chance to let go and have fun and feel free. We see the longing for that clearly during her car journey with Matthew - the longing to escape the weigh she herself - and others - have put on her shoulders. She wants to just breathe for a moment, instead of being a golden child, a respectable heiress of a famous family, a perfect wife.
So in a way, she is running away from her mistakes, responsibilities, and consequences, but doesn't she have every right to do that?
disclaimer: this is mostly my attempt at organizing my own thoughts on the matter, and, in case it's not obvious, everyone's totally allowed to disagree and have their own opinions; as long as you keep it civil, we can discuss that, or just agree to disagree and keep on scrolling
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ladyswillmart · 2 years
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Tarnished descendant (and thus Tarnished himself) Arlen Askew hails from a nomadic tribe occupying a distant land, mountainous and severe but distinct in culture. Normally a sword dancer by trade, came to the Lands Between in search of his identical twin brother Auden, who is also a sword dancer. While the two frequently performed together as a double act, Auden was a phenomenally talented combat swordsman while his brother seemed to dump all his skill points into the actual artistry of the dance itself. Although Auden first suggested they become sell-swords or caravan guards, they both agreed this line of work would be both lucrative and an adequate compromise for the utilization of their respective talents.
One morning, Arlen arose to discover that his brother simply abandoned him at some point during the night, leaving only a note explaining that he saw the “guidance of grace” and felt so compelled to follow it that he would leave immediately for the Lands Between—a journey deemed too dangerous for his more guileless and non-confrontational counterpart. Still, Arlen found the note deeply troubling, especially over how his brother left behind his half of an heirloom double luck charm given to them by their parents.
Beside himself, and not knowing really what else to do, Arlen (who can also now see said guidance of grace) decided to track down his brother and ultimately risk his life following the same path, regardless of their differing motives for doing so...
...well anyway that's what I got so far for character backstory. 🤔 You get so little information in the beginning in re who you are and where you came from and what you’re doing and why you’re doing it, so I really enjoyed filling in these blanks.
Depending on how much time passed between his arrival and his brother’s, I imagine Arlen made Varré do quite the double take...
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ahiddenpath · 3 years
More thoughts on Psychonauts 2
So I’ve been talking about Psychonauts 2 with some friends, and I have more thoughts about it!  Here’s my original reaction (contains spoilers), annnnd more jabber beneath the cut (also spoilers spoilers spoilers).
One thing that comes up in conversation is: Did Raz forgive Agent Ford Cruller too easily?
It’s a great question!  Ford’s mistakes deeply impact Raz and his family, even if you ignore the water curse that resulted.  Raz is clearly upset when he learns about the various things Ford did (sparing Lucy in such a way that Maligula could return someday, tweaking Augustus’s memories so that he accepted her as his mother, basically giving the Aquatos a... grandmother/mother who wasn’t originally their grandmother/mother, although she became such).  Upsetting stuff, right?  But Ford tells Raz that they can discuss these issues after they deal with the imminent threat of Maligula.  
I’d argue that Raz’s ability to agree to focus on the mission first is extremely mature, especially for a ten-year-old, but at this point, I assume Psychonauts fans are ready to think well of Raz and accept mature behavior from him.  And the narrative of Psychonauts 2 embraces forgiveness and understanding for people who have made mistakes.  
However, the narrative also allows kindness for the wronged party, and I’d argue that, while Raz was able to work with Ford, and certainly doesn’t hate him in the post game...  Things aren’t what they once were between Ford and Raz by the end of Psychonauts 2.  I’m not sure that Raz has fully forgiven Ford, and my two main pieces of evidence are:
1.)  At some point towards the end of Psychonauts 2, Raz shifts from addressing Ford as “Agent Cruller” to “Ford.”  I am not sure if this reflects that he respects Ford less following the Lucy revelations, or if it’s because Raz has seen a lot of sides of Ford by now.  Maybe putting together the shards of Ford’s mind helped Raz see him as a person, instead of a legendary Psychonaut.  
But it indicates some sort of shift between them, at least on Raz’s end.
2.)  In the post game, Raz asks his father, Augustus, if he is mad at Ford.  I’m paraphrasing, but Augustus responds that he is processing, and that he is struggling with the knowledge that his mother, Nona (Lucrecia Mux), was his aunt, not his birth mother, the mother he knew as a child (Marona Galochio).  He also says that, although he is hurting and upset, he is aware that Ford suffered, too.
Augustus is allowed to struggle, to acknowledge his hurt, to take the time he needs.  But even now, he knows that Ford did a lot of what he did out of pain, and out of love.  This is conjecture, but I think Raz asked his father this question because he is also struggling with how he feels about Ford right now.  
So basically, I think the narrative does not demand instant forgiveness from anyone.  It does ask the characters to remember everyone’s perspective and practice empathy towards both the wronged party and the person who wronged them.  And I really dig that!
I’ve also had some interesting conversations about whether the Mental Worlds are less zany and memorable/impactful in Psychonauts 2 than they were in Psychonauts.  As I said in my reaction post, Psychonauts had lower lows and higher highs than Psychonauts 2 in terms of Mental Worlds.  The first few Mental Worlds in Psychonauts were relatively safe, easy intro worlds, while the later stages were vivid and memorable. 
My friends and I have wondered if Psychonauts had zanier worlds because...  Well, Raz enters the mind of a lungfish that has been experimented on and the minds of residents of a mental health ward who have also presumably suffered at the hands of Dr. Loboto and Oleander.  Meanwhile, the Psychic Six suffer with what seems to be anxiety, addiction, and some other concerns I don’t know the exact names for (disconnect between mind and body???).  I’m not trying to play the “what mental conditions are worse” game, but there does seem to be a difference in the type of mental health problems presented.
Personally, I think Compton’s Cookoff was the most fun and memorable level in Psychonauts 2, but...  Well, as a person diagnosed with general anxiety disorder, IT DO BE LIKE THAT, THO!  Even everyday tasks can feel like you’re being asked to make a five star meal in twenty minutes with nothing but... pig’s feet and a spoon on live television.  I think this level is the only one in Psychonauts 2 that had the zaniness of some of the later Psychonauts levels.  I also really, deeply enjoyed Cassie’s Collection, which was so funny and compelling and visually wonderful.  I also loved how engaged Cassie was with Raz.
I also realized that the overall mood of Psychonauts 2 is more serious than that of the original, which really did make it feel like a different experience.
Anyway, regardless of which game people think is better, they are both amazing!  And clearly the sequel impacted people a lot; look how many great discussions are coming from it!
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jonismitchell · 3 years
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Welcome to the second instalment of Arden ranking media she consumed in 2021 for the amusement of like, three people and her dog! And the dog just likes the treats he gets for sitting with me while I type. Regardless, I’m taking this opportunity to share my favourite shows I watched in 2021. I’d like to reiterate that my favourite television of the year didn’t necessarily have to come out this year, I just had to watch it for the first time this year. I will also note that my rule for adding a season to this list was ‘watched more than half of it and am continuing with it’, because my ability to watch TV is as erratic as my taste is strange. Drumroll please…
1. Succession (seasons 1 and 2) The only reason that season three of Succession didn’t make it here is because I haven’t seen it yet. This is one of the best-written shows I have seen in my life, which says something about the kind of shows I usually go for or how good it is. Despite a disappointing pilot, this show’s characters are fleshed out through their relationships with each other in a truly compelling manner. Without undermining the complexity of the characters by making the surface level observation that they are all terrible people, I will say that I find Succession’s narrative ability to create emotional investment in some of the most unlikeable characters ever incredible. It tells a well-paced and executed story of corporate corruption and cycles of abuse; engaging, entertaining, and thought-provoking in equal measure. I’m excited to get to the third season of this show and see where it goes in the future.
2. Veep (seasons 1 through 4) The beautiful thing about Veep is that the first four seasons are nearly perfect from front to back. They pitch the perfect combination of dynamic characters, talented actors, great jokes, and intelligent political satire. (I am not strong enough to discuss how bad the last three seasons are again. Please respect my privacy at this time.) Watching Julia Louis-Dreyfus nail it as the horrible but strangely endearing Selina Meyer was an absolute delight, and I was impressed by how well her support staff played off each other and helped push the plot forward. Another highlight of Veep is the fact that it actually has season-long arcs for both plot and characters, something I’ve noticed as lacking in sitcoms of recent years. The point is that all my knowledge of American politics had to go somewhere, and there’s no better use of it than enjoying a show as fantastic as this one.
3. Doctor Who Look, I couldn’t make this list without including the show that had a vice grip on my brain for several months. I don’t know how to denote my favourite seasons without making the admission that even the disaster that is season 7 is still television I would happily rewatch, but such is life when you are in love with sci-fi about love. Doctor Who brought me an incredible amount of comfort during one of the hardest points of the year, and for that I can forgive any technical flaws. (Steven Moffat is crawling out of hiding right now, but I still haven’t forgiven him for what he did to Amy Pond. However, the fact that I love Amy so much is a lot of what makes this show a top five placement for me, so there’s that.) Despite the cultural perception of it and the haphazard nature of some of its writing, I find Doctor Who to be a truly great show that means a lot to me.
4. 30 Rock (seasons 1 through 7) This is quite possibly the most ridiculous sitcom of all time. It is packed with jokes that would appeal to a five-year-old, your rebellious teenage cousin, an elderly farmer who’s never seen a city before, and someone who has the exact cultural knowledge and references of Tina Fey. There is no world in which the combination of those types of humour should work, but we are lucky enough to live in the one where it does. I do not know how to describe the appeal of 30 Rock. I just know that Liz Lemon is a fantastic protagonist who has a brilliant relationship with her boss (it propels the show, it’s exactly the friendship I’ve got with my closest male friend) and pretty much every episode makes me laugh from start to finish. This is a show of successful writing—and it even has an emotionally satisfying series finale.
5. Hacks (season 1) Me watching something that aired in 2021? Inconceivable! But I’m so glad that I decided to take the plunge and watch Hacks. It’s a genuinely hilarious show that features well-written characters and revolves around relationships between women. It was a breath of fresh air to see a show that was designed and oriented around women, where passing the Bechdel Test doesn’t even register because there are no men half as interesting as the women on screen. I can’t wait to see where such a talented group of writers will go with season two, and how Ava’s relationship with Deborah will develop on screen. There is no praise I can provide that’s effusive enough: if you take anything away from this writeup, please give this show a shot.
Honourable Mentions: Ted Lasso (season 1), Gilmore Girls (season 1), Better Call Saul (season 1), Selfie (season 1), The Great (season 1)
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wonda-cat · 3 years
Some Thoughts on Tommy’s most recent stream (4/29)
(For the record, this isn’t going to be like my other formal analyses. I’m genuinely just ranting here, possibly unedited too. I’m only referring to the characters, unless stated otherwise.
Also obvious warning, this will be fairly negative/critical of the DSMP’s writing, so scroll past if that might bother you. I tend to criticize the media I love, so this is just par for the course in my case.)
Let’s start off with—
The Things I Liked
All of the comedy at the beginning of the stream was wonderful. Ghostbur was incredibly endearing and entertaining as usual, as well as the moments between bench trio. Tommy’s change of plans made sense and the entire journey through the prison was tense and fun to watch. As well as the moment Tommy got caught (it was inevitable.) 
It goes without stating, but cc!Wilbur and cc!Tommy’s acting was wonderful—they knocked it out of the park. I liked the little moments of Tommy calming Ghostbur down as Sam screamed at him. I also loved Wilbur's speech about his time in the afterlife when bench trio found him. 
As well as the moment with Wilbur admiring the sky and calling it ‘his sunrise.’ I’m also glad that the afterlife was explained to be caused by the Revival Book’s existence and not some general eternal torture every character will be sentenced to regardless of anything they did in life. 
But, sadly, that’s about where I stop and have to go into what I didn’t like as much, which is—
Everything Else
I’ll be talking about my major gripes with this particular stream in later bullet points down the line, but for now I’ll bring up the little things that annoyed me. This is all basically nit-picking and isn’t as awful or badly written as some of the others I’ll be discussing later. 
First off, Why is Ranboo There? In the stream before this one, Tommy had Tubbo promise to not tell anyone else about their plan. Did he just decide to tell Ranboo anyway? Why? What was the point of asking him to keep it secret if it didn’t matter? 
Adding to this, Tubbo and Ranboo were rather unnecessary for any of the other scenes that took place. They didn’t have any meaningful conversations with Tommy besides Ranboo asking why he was dreading Wilbur’s revival so much, as well as Wilbur’s comments to Tubbo about him being president. But other than that they have little to no notable speaking lines. 
They don’t Do Anything? Sure, they’re nice to have present so Tommy can vent to someone else and find comfort but, in the end, Ranboo was oddly angry and accusatory with Tommy and Tubbo was practically absent from the scene. The impression I got from Tommy and Tubbo’s conversation in the previous stream implied that Tubbo would be serving a larger role as a distraction, but I guess they changed gears or something? 
Then we have Ghostbur’s involvement, which, yeah, makes sense. Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo are not allowed inside the prison, so it’s best to find someone else who can get in without suspicion. But my first assumption, upon seeing Ghostbur with the group was, “Oh, he’s gonna go in there and Dream’s gonna use him to revive Wilbur. That’s the only reason why Ghostbur is here and not anyone else, who would also be willing to kill Dream. It’s not like they’re in short supply right now.”
And I ended up being right, which only frustrated me more. I wanted something unexpected. Something new. Something interesting. Yet, I got the most predictable outcome instead—Tommy fails, Wilbur is revived. 
Next, we have another big serving of ‘Tommy gets blamed for things he has no control over’ part 241. I am so, so sick of characters getting unreasonably mad at and blaming Tommy for anything and everything. It’s not new, it’s not interesting, it’s not fun. It’s just miserable. 
It is,, awful. And it’s highkey frustrating. I refuse to sit through another arc of Tommy being endlessly hurt and blamed for stuff he didn’t do or cannot control. Pick a new event in the plot. 
Try something out of left field. Do something, anything different to this. I’m begging you. 
Now, we get into the major writing pitfalls and shortcomings. Starting with—
We Need to Talk About Sam
I have no idea what is going on with Sam’s character right now. It is so genuinely confusing. I have no clue why Sam reacted the way he did to Tommy because it just doesn’t make any sense. Sam’s entire inner conflict is about him trying to cultivate and protect his humanity and morality while upkeeping a strict, closed-off demeanor.
He follows the rules, even if it hurts the people he loves. Even if these codes force him into a position to be unethical. He feels it is his responsibility should anything go wrong or if Dream escapes, because it puts others in danger.
His strict approach got Tommy killed, and it also took a life and an arm from Ponk. Both of these people are precious to him. So why on earth would he threaten to kill Tommy when, in their last interaction, he was glad he was alive—after he promised to never let something like that happen again?
He respected Tommy’s wishes to stay away from him, and rather politely too. Why would he then threaten to kill him just after weeks of saying Tommy’s death was his biggest regret? That’s not even touching on Sam saying, “This is why I let you die,” as well as blaming Tommy for something that was directly a result of his own refusal to act.
Why didn’t he have Ghostbur also hitch a ride on the same platform with Tommy? Why did he even let Ghostbur into the prison in the first place if he:
A.) Told Ranboo he wasn’t going to let anyone in there after what happened to Tommy.
B.) Also wouldn’t let people in lest they find out about Quackity’s plan.
C.) Couldn’t even kill Ghostbur because he’s incorporeal and thus cannot fully upkeep the contracts he is signing.
There’s also the issue of Sam breaking the rules he abides by when he decided to not kill Tommy after he snuck into the prison, despite it being in the contract. Why is it different now? He went against his own protocol but was also following it by refusing to let Ghostbur come back to the other platform?
Why does Sam refuse to listen to Tommy? Their argument is mind-numbingly ridiculous. Sam refuses to hurt Dream, despite him only being alive because Sam claimed Tommy wanted him alive.
But now Tommy is there, begging Sam to let him kill Dream, and Sam just goes, “No. We’re not killing Dream.” Fucking why??? Sam! You said you wanted to kill Dream at least four times by now! Maybe more!
You were on your way to do it with Quackity and the only thing that stopped you was your promise to Tommy. But now Tommy’s here, telling you to kill Dream and you fucking won’t???? I am absolutely baffled.
No matter how you spin it, it makes no fucking sense. However, if I tried,,, I could possibly come up with a reason or two. Maybe Dream is blackmailing him. Maybe Quackity is forcing him to keep Dream alive until he can get the info he needs (even though,,, why would he trust Quackity over Tommy, who he’s outwardly stated he trusts just as much, if not more?)
It feels like these plots are dancing around each other, trying to keep up this faux sense of conflict that doesn’t exist. But, here’s the thing, contrived conflict is never compelling. I can’t overstate it enough.
Dream’s Plan is Complete Nonsense
The method to revive Wilbur makes Dream seem even more short-sighted than I remember commenting on, during the stream where Tommy was brought back to life. He told Tommy that his plan was to test the book to see if it worked (which, okay fine, I can buy this.) But then he says all along he was planning to revive Wilbur in order to break out of prison, which is ???? This is baffling if he needed Ghostbur in order to pull this off. 
Which,,, I can’t even begin to explain how ridiculous it is that Dream’s entire plan hitched on not only the book working on people to begin with (which he tested on Tommy,,, for some reason, even though he would’ve lost his ‘favorite toy’ if he fucked it up. Which,, why even take that chance in the first place? there are other visitors he could’ve tried this with, surely. Like Sapnap and Bad,,) and it also relied on Ghostbur voluntarily going into the prison just to visit Dream?? And if he didn’t need Ghostbur after all, then why didn’t he bring Wilbur back weeks ago? 
That’s not even getting into the issue of Dream assuming that Wilbur, once brought back, would: 
A.) Want to be alive in the first place.
B.) Actually be willing to help Dream, instead of telling him to fuck off.
C.) Be even slightly capable of helping him at all when he has no allies, no PVP skill, no weapons, no armor, and no knowledge of the prison or its innerworkings. 
Why are the current DSMP writers so committed to making me think Dream is a fucking idiot? I don’t enjoy this. I used to like his character and think he was smart. Stop. 
ALSO, why did Tommy or Tubbo or Ranboo not think of the possibility that Ghostbur could very well be necessary to revive Wilbur? Why did that not cross any of their minds? It was the first thing I thought of when I saw him.
Another big thing that irks me is Tommy and Sam saying they saw Dream physically holding the Revival Book, which,,, how? Why? Dream said in previous streams that he burned the book and that was entirely the thing that kept him from being killed outright. If there was a book still in existence, did he hide it somehow? 
How did Quackity not find it? Why did Sam not take it from him when he was first arrested?? What? 
Also how the fuck did Dream kill a ghost?? They’re incorporeal? How does he not need the body to perform necromancy? That seems almost redundant. 
Also it took a matter of seconds to perform? It took,,, ?? nothing but words and sheer willpower to bring someone back to life? Why does it seem so easy? My mans just,, uses his vibes to bring people back from the dead??? 
Unless the book has instructions regarding that or has a proportional price in order to use, then I’d be more forgiving. But I’m guessing it doesn’t have too steep a cost if Dream could offer Tommy immortality despite that. But I’m sure we’ll get more information on this once Quackity (inevitably) gets his hands on the book. Hopefully… 
Which brings me to my last point—
Wilbur’s Revival (Derogatory)
Since the Revival Book was introduced, I have been actively dreading Wilbur being revived. It is the most predictable, low-hanging fruit of a plotline I could possibly conceive of. I understand that he’s a fan-favorite with a large audience (I love Wilbur more than you’d expect. cc!Wilbur is actually the reason I got into the DSMP in the first place), but there are other characters who could be developed more—utilized more. 
Unpopular opinion, I know, but I am just so incredibly unenthused about this plot development. In fact, I’d almost go so far as to say hate it. 
The Revival Book in and of itself is my least favorite thing the DSMP has ever introduced. It is a lack of consequences simplified. It’s also a lack of commitment to those mortal consequences. 
It is a ‘get out of jail free’ card for when they kill off a character and don’t want to deal with the hole that character will leave behind. Or a way to work around the reason they shouldn’t kill Dream on the spot. 
With Wilbur back again, I no longer feel compelled by his arc the way I used to. There is nothing to really leave a lasting impact anymore. Of course, there was a cater where L’Manburg once stood, but that was dug even deeper later on. You can’t make the death of a friend, of a loved one, worse than it is. It is death. 
The thing I found extremely interesting about Wilbur’s death is the way the other characters portrayed loss. It has consistently been the thing that was most comforting to me, oddly enough. When people die, there will always be loose ends. 
There will be holes left behind and things left unsaid. An unfulfilled promise. A forgotten relationship. A hollow memory.
What I always found compelling was the way Tommy and Fundy and Niki took this mutual loss and had to live with it. How they had to come to terms with the fact that Wilbur was gone and he wasn’t coming back. That they had to make peace with his memory, his legacy, and their connection to him. 
That they’d miss him and love him or hate him and try to forget him. It is a tragedy that someone like Wilbur wanted to die for so long, and in the end, he did. Because in reality, the people you love will die. 
There may be someone in your life that leaves you behind and all you’re left with is the broken pieces. And it is how these characters move on that brings me bittersweet company as someone who’s lost a lot of people. There is nothing more irritating than a story going back on its establishments—to have their cake and eat it too. 
All I want is the bare minimum—a story with narrative stakes and consequences.
The only way I could ever see myself enjoying this plot development is if Wilbur has a redemption arc and attempts to make amends with Tommy, Fundy, Niki, and Eret. OR if he aids in Dream’s downfall in some way and enjoys the simple realities of life and wants to live for the sake of living. I’d find that at least new and somewhat interesting. 
But if he’s just here to be a moustache toiling villain (or somehow worse than after his previous downward spiral), when the market is already so deeply oversaturated with antagonists, then I will probably drop the series altogether. 
Hopefully it doesn’t come to that because I love the Dream SMP and I want to keep loving it for as long as I can. 
I will hold onto more reasons to stay, so long as they keep giving them to me.
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kinsey3furry300 · 3 years
5 ships I hate, why I hate them, how to (kinda) fix them, the better ships you should be doing in that universe, and why you should ignore me and keep writing them if it makes you happy.
Note: this is done for amusement, please don’t be offended; I’m not attacking your ship, I’m just listing some ships I do not always care for, and how I think they could be improved, and maybe made brilliant, by clever writing.
In no particular order, and focusing on ships that often annoy me, with no attempt by me to say anything meaningful or popular about the current state of any particular fandom. I’m also a firm believer in the idea that there’s no such thing as a bad ship, only a badly executed ship, so my objections to these is less a dislike of shipping, or the paring, and more that they raise writing issues that I think are difficult to fix in a satisfying way. That’s why in a lot of the examples below I prefer AU ships to ones that try to messily work it into the cannon. Anyway, enjoy... I guess?
 Marco x / anyone (Animorphs)
Why I hate it: Animrophs is an intensely character-driven story, where the tension of each book comes from the conflicts, external and internal, that the five Animrophs (and Ax) face during a long, hard, traumatic war.  And while several of the character are paired off romantically, it’s always to emphasise character conflict over their different points of view. Jake and Cassie are a pair because Jake’s struggle with having to make hard, grey, morally ambiguous choices as leader is highlighted by Cassie’s burning need to make the right choice, the lesser evil, the choice that leaves some small shred of humanity and dignity and kindness left in this bleak world. Tobias and Rachel are a pair as their arcs deal with literal and figurative loss of humanity, as the slow accumulation of trauma over time turns these happy(ish), normal kids into psychologically ruined husks of their former selves and destroys them slowly, one fight at a time.
Marco’s arc, isn’t about either of these things: Marco’s arc, is about the bright, clear line between A and B, between problem and solution. Marco is a utilitarian, a pragmatist: his concern isn’t the burden of leadership, or the cost of the decision, but about how to put that all aside and make hard decisions that actually work regardless of cost. It’s not about what to do, the path is obvious: the bright, clear line of ruthless logic, but how to do it. His match, his counterpoint, the other character who’s all about the logic of taking awful decision in a way that actually works for the team, and his foil, his female counterpart in this, is not a romantic partner, but his mother: Visser one, making the exact same hard, difficulty ruthless decisions using logic and maths, but for the other side of this war. A romantic paring gets in the way of this arc because a partner doesn’t help him with that bright, clear line, and worse, any attempt to pair him of with either Rachel or Cassie breaks up not only a cannon paring, but their respective character arc.
How to (kinda) fix this: Marco’s arc is, at the end of the day, a trolly problem. So make sure whoever you ship him with is one of the people tied to the tracks. Introduce a character he crushes on, and then in the second act reveal that they are either a Controller, or in the family of a Controller or the proximity of the target of their next mission in a way that will make them collateral damage ,and let Marco struggle with what happens when that bright, clear logical line from A to B cuts through someone he actually loves; you know, like it did with his mother. See, even trying to fix this ship is weirdly Freudian.
The far better ship you should be doing: Ax x / EVERYONE. Ax in human form is described as a worryingly pretty, worryingly androgynous male of indeterminate race. He is a literally Bishonen alien hedonist with no familiarity with human senses, poor impulse control in human form, and no knowledge or understanding of human courtship rituals, and he can shape-shift, including into other members of the core team if needed to compel a mission, he calls Jake his prince,  and he is incredibly close to Tobias, the lonely outcast woobie that the LGBT fans adopted as their poster boy. Come on, the potential for shipping, both with wacky hijinks and sad, tragic star-crossed lovers’ trope is endless. Every line dedicated to Marco shipping is a line of text that could be dedicated to Ax trying to eat a Cinnabon erotically on his first date as a human and hulking out mid way because he forgot just how good they are. What could be better than him leaning into to erotically kiss a team-mate, and then fucking up due to his failure to understand human mouths, making weird mouth sounds, and then licking crumbs of the table in the middle of the mall, in front of the entire school, while his crush awkwardly tried to pretend this is normal? What’s wrong with you Marco-shipper people, do you hate fun?
 Riz/Tem (beastars) Why I hate this ship: Okay, just to quickly ask a question, to people who un-ironically like this as a serious ship and not a dark joke, just one little question: What’s wrong with you? I mean,are you okay? Keep taking the meds: the show is VERY clear on that point.
It’s like those people who say Joker X Harley Quinn is their ideal dark, edgy relationship: no it’s not, it’s abusive! Morticia x Gomez is dark and cool but CONSENTUAL and HEALTHY. This… this is a deeply imbalanced person murdering someone and telling themselves after that fact it was special and rare and magical. ITS HOMICIDE! And even if you write that out (and you shouldn’t, because that changes the character arc of every other major character) it’s still got more red flags that a soviet military parade. This is the botulinum of a toxic, one-sided teenage infatuation. Riz’s entire arc is about how he projects his thoughts and feelings about himself onto this idealised, made-up version of his and Tem’s relationship which, from Tem’s point of view, never existed. Riz never loved Tem: he loved the idea of Tem, the idea that someone would see the real him, see his inner pain and accept him anyway, but he never once told Tem this. He didn’t warn him “Hey, because of you I don’t feel I need my meds any more, do you mind if I try not taking them and we can meet and talk about this in a safe, well-lit pace?” He’s not honest with Tem, and on top of that It doesn’t make sense from the point of view of either of the characters for them to be actually, romantically in love (although  they were clearly close friends), because it undermines and cheepens Riz desire to just be seen and accepted for his real self, and the cannon Tem X Els ship. It also doesn’t make sense from a story point of view: Riz is a shadow archetype for Legosi. He’s what Legosi would have become if someone hadn’t interrupted his attack on Haru. That’s why Legosi needs to beat Riz with his own hands: because then he’s beating the darker version of himself he’s been carrying with him, and he can finally move on with Haru guilt-free. Having Riz and Tem’s relationship actually be what Riz imagined it to be undoes that. It undoes Riz’s interesting, dark inner struggle between truth and fantasy, it turns Tem’s tragic, unsolved murder that sets the entire story in motion into a just sort of weird Romeo-and Juliet suicide. It’s ruins the character arc not only for Riz, but for Legosi, and also, by extension, Louis and Haru, because Legosi’s internal angst over whether or not herbivores and carnivores can have a relationship as true friends needs this example of a tragic, flawed, toxic, failed friendship to bounce off of.
How it could (sort of) work: an AU where Riz’s attack on Tem is interrupted and Tem lives with a slight arm injury, and doesn’t tell anyone out of his complex feelings for Riz. Meanwhile, that bunny girl from the gardening club had been brutally devoured and Rz and/or Tem are so horrified with how close this was to their own near-miss, they start to investigate the murder, and in doing so get caught up in Louis’ inner struggle. Because that’s how the story needs to work, it’s about duality and struggle: and if Riz takes Legosi’s role, and by dating a herbivore he de facto takes the role, so Legosi must take Riz’s. This could be a great AU!
The better ship you should be doing: Pina/Riz (with a dash of Pina x Els), no, seriously, I’m not shitposting. You want to give Riz a redemption arc with a cute woolly boy? How about a story where Pina, out of a need for closure about at happened to him, starts to visit Riz in jail and they talk, mockingly at first, confrontational at first, but later Pina slowly becoming more fascinated in Riz and Tem’s life and asking Riz for more and more detail until they both bond over their shared traumatic experiences and their sense of loss for Tem’s senseless death, Tem’s unfished life casting a shadow over both off them. Eventually, the two of them find, from Legosi who still has the diary, that Tem had planned out an elaborate and beautiful first date with Els that he never got to take her on, and Riz, guilt ridden and sad than Tem never got this beautiful moment, decides to ask Pina take her on that date for Tem, with Riz coaching him by phone cyano-de-Bergerac style, Riz finally getting some closure that he helped one of Tem’s wishes come true and finally acknowledging to himself that Tem had a life and loves outside of him that were cut of short by his actions, and just crying over his lost friend, as Pina and Els slow-dance in Tem memory. Or if you just want to see Tem awkwardly date a carnivore boy from school, why not something less creepy and more wholesome and ship him with Jack? That would be cute AF, and more importantly, not romanticize brutal murder. Or an AU where everything is happy and nice, I’d argue at that it’s no longer Beastars at that point, but if it makes you happy, go for it. Let’s not shame anyone here.
 Snape X Lilly (Harry Potter)
Why I hate this ship: honestly, it’s not for the reason you think; I just like Snape too much as a tragic character, and making him in any way happy destroys his arc in my opinion.  The objection’s others have raised: that Snape acts in a worryingly possessive stalker-ish way towards Lilly, and that if Voldemort had gone for Nevil rather than Harry as a child Snape would have remained a loyal death eater, are true and I acknowledge them as having some validity, but that’s not why I can’t stand this ship. Snape is supposed to be a morally and emotionally complex, tragic figure. That “After all this time?” line was the best line in the Deathly Hallows.  Snape is supposed to show the equality destructive and redemptive power of  love. It’s sort of trinity: Lilly shows the pure power of true, unconditional love in her sacrifice to save Harry, Voldy shows what self-destruction and cruelty a life without understanding love leads to, and Snape sits somewhere in the middle: his one-sided  un-requited love being both the cause of his darkest, and his greatest actions. His curse, and his redemption, fall and rise. Making him happy messes that up.
How to (kinda) fix this ship: make them miserable. Make them fall for each-other only to be pulled apart by circumstance (you know, like they were in the darn original source material). You’re serious about making this a tragic, dark romance? Don’t ship them when they’re at school: Ship them during Voldemort’s rise to power, in the 80’s, after Lilly is married. Have the original Order of the Phoenix send her to meet with Snape and use their previous relation to try to milk some information out of him. Have her feel conflicted about it, have James furious about it, but have her do it anyway for the greater good. Have her meet up secretly with Snape who is angry and distrustful, knowing his must be a trap, and talk. Have the relationship slowly build over time against the backdrop of a cold-war spy thriller, as Lilly slowly realizes that she has some lingering feelings for Snape, but can’t reconcile them her loyalty to the order and her family. Make this a love story of conflicted feelings, divided loyalties, and spy-work against the background of drawing war-clouds. Have Snape offer to leave Voldemort, if she’ll leave the Order, and run away with him, but by that point she knows she’s pregnant and chooses to stay, out of loyalty even though she’s crushing on Snape. Have him show up at the rendezvous expecting for her to be there only for James to lead an Order Ambush, and a fight to ensure, on top of Tower Bridge in the howling wind and rain, Snape surviving but having his spirit crushed and fleeing before Lilly can tell him her true feelings. Make it big, and melodramatic, but above all, make it tragic.  Because that’s the only way Snape works as a character. Always.
The better ship you should be doing: Ginny X Nevil or Luna x Nevil: You want tragic lovers, at school, with divided loyalties, who never get together in the main cannon because a Potter ruins it and gets the girl? Ginny X Nevil. Write what was happening that final year Harry wasn’t at school when they took Dumbledore’s Army and make it work in earnest. Heck, you could even have Snape, as headmaster, hated by them but secretly trying to protect them as a secondary character to their secret, forbidden love. You don’t want to break up Harry X Ginny? Luna X Nevil is sweet and wholesome, but also tragic as they never get a chance, having their school life taken over by the horror of that final year and the need to fight for their very souls in a school run by Death Eaters and the trauma of the Battle of Hogwarts meaning that in order to put away the past and move on, they need to leave each other behind. Hell, do an AU where they canonically end up together, why not? They deserve happiness.
 Dean / Sam AKA Wincest (Supernatural)
Why I hate this ship: They’re brothers. The show even makes a joke about how squick this is. Several times.
How you could (sort of) fix this ship: You can’t: They’re brothers. The show even makes a joke about how squick this is. I guess a body-swap arc could fix this, as it’s less squicky if its just their bodies with someone else’s minds,  but seriously, the reasons why this shouldn’t exist are extensively covered in the show, and it was hilarious.  To be honest, I don’t hate this ship done as a joke, but I have seen some dark spots on the internet, and I can say with all honesty it’s not always treated as a joke. Some folks are really invested in this, and all I can ask is, is your home life okay?
Now, done as a joke, I’m 110% behind this. This is exactly the sort of insane wacky bullshit that makes for a good crack-fic. For example imagine that the supernatural threat of the week was book that made anything written in it come true, and the brothers are trying to find and destroy it, but they keep getting distracted by their burgeoning romantic feelings for each-other, and suddenly realise that the owner of the book is a fan on the in-universe novels, and writing slash-fic in the book. They need to find the writer before they make them do something they’ll both regret, but it’s just so distracting when Sam’s beautiful eyes are right there and- dammit, Sam, it’s happening again! Make Sam less concerned and even a little amused, with it, but make Dean hate what’s going on. Especially when the writer’s description suddenly makes Sam noticeably better hung that him. Make the villain turn out to be Becky from “Sympathy for the devil” and end with them trying to take the book away as she writes frantically to force them to do her bidding, and you’ve got yourself a good fic.
The better ship you should be doing: Cas/Sam or Cas/Dean or Cas/Sam AND Dean fic. Duh. Once again the show-runners beat the fans to the mark and pointed out that this is the best ship, and then they took it away just to fuck with us.
 Any Katniss ship that ignores her obsession with Emotional Security Logic. (The Hunger Games)
Why I hate these ships: Katniss is, briefly put, a mess before the books ever start, her father’s death and harsh upbringing have arguably given her PTSD before she ever volunteers for the reaping, and it doesn’t get better from there.  In psychology, Emotional Security Theory (EST) is a hypothesis that the heightened emotions surrounding repeated violent exposures leaves children vulnerable to dysregulated distress responses and eventual psychopathology, aka, why Kat be so messed up.  Her internal monologue makes the books completely clear that her choice in partners is not motivated by normal affections, but by deep, deep fear. A fear of loss, abandonment and death that leads her to make every decision about what minimises her, and her sister’s, exposure to potential physical and emotional harm. It’s frantic, fraught, cold survivalist thinking. And the other characters in the book notice and acknowledge it! “Which of us will she pick?” “She’ll pick whoever she can’t survive without.” Kat doesn’t like herself for it, but she does eventually admit to herself that she makes her decisions like this.
How do we fix this ship: Ship Kat with whoever you like, but give her a good reason to pick them: and in Kat’s mind “A good reason” is based on Emotional Security Logic, she needs to have a pressing reason why this ship makes her and her sister safer. Do that, and you’ve got yourself a good Katniss story. Don’t do that, and while you may or may not have a good story, the person staring in it isn’t Katniss Everdeen anymore.
The better ship you should be writing: Finick X Annie. Or, Haymitch prequel ships
FinAnn. This, this ship has some real potential to it, and is criminally underutilized. Finick and Annie’s relationship is one of the most tragic and romantic in the story, and has so much to offer. Or, if you want to have a hard-bitten character from district 12 struggling with trying to find love in the hellish combat of the games, do a prequel in which Haymitch finds love in the capitol during training, but loses then in the area and turns to drink as a result. Heck, you could even have some fun with this and turn it into a dark comedy, or a great tragic love story, whatever you like. It’s got potential, and his backstory is vague enough you could do a lot with it.
So, tell me below why I’m wrong, and have fun with your writing: just because I hate that ship doesn’t mean you should. Enjoy yourselves.
I’m off to write awful Ax/Pina/Luna Polyjuice’d into Nevil/Cas/Finick fiction set at an anime high-school that fights a magical war against other fictional schools, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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dahlia-coccinea · 3 years
What’s your opinion on the main characters in WH (like one for Nelly, one for Catherine etc)? Do you have a favourite and a least favourite?
There are a lot of main characters...I guess Nelly Dean, Heathcliff, Catherine Earnshaw, Cathy Linton, Hareton Earnshaw, and Linton Heathcliff? I feel bad cutting out Edgar and Isabella, they are important characters but I could easily write a thesis on each character and I don’t want to make this unbearably long (you’re going to regret asking me this as it is lol).
Nelly - She is not the “sensible soul” that she esteems herself to be. Compared to other characters she may seem discerning, but that’s partially because she’s just a witness to events that more deeply affect other characters. She can be very biased towards and against certain people, and her opinions tend to be fairly rigid. Her actions and convictions seem more an unconscious exhibition of societal norms of the time and her station in life; rather than her objective rational thinking. She certainly isn't immune to common superstition and small-mindedness. That being said, she is not the villain of the novel as critic James Hafley argued. She certainly isn’t heartless and cruel and she is motivated to do what she believes is the right thing to do. Overall I like her character.
Heathcliff - It's a testament to the complexity of his character that there is such a wide range of narratives on him…some I admittedly don’t understand. While a powerful force in the novel, I think he shows himself to be very human and fallible, and not the “ghoul” or “vampire” he is sometimes accused of being. It makes me laugh how many times I’ve seen critics say he is the human embodiment of the Heights but the first meeting of him it's literally said that he is a “singular contrast to his abode”? It’s also strange that his physical nature is often questioned by critics that reduce him to an elemental symbol, yet I would think Catherine is a better candidate to say she is more symbolic since we first encounter her in a dream and she is merely a memory/ghost in half the novel. Not to mention that throughout her life she displays a fixation on the spiritual and divine (not that I think she is symbolic either). I think he’s meant to be read as a human, not a devil or a symbol, and it makes it more interesting to read him as such. He can be sarcastic and witty and also utterly devoid of humor. His pain and loss is tragic yet his anger and hatred is fearsome. He plans to enact revenge over decades and (kind of) succeeds yet he also is so short-sighted and often misjudges characters and situations. He’s a villain and a victim and never plays either part in exactly the way you’d expect. Despite all this, he never feels inconsistent or out of character. 
Catherine - I’m such a broken record on her lol. We get a lot of negative opinions about her from Nelly but everyone else loves her? So I think it’s worth questioning what Nelly says about her. I don’t agree with popular narratives that exaggerate how terrible she is. She is certainly proud, quick-tempered, and her strong, unrelenting nature is unique for any character and even more so for a woman. These traits also make her Heathcliff’s natural counterpart, although she is never cruel in the way he can be, and she doesn’t seem to enjoy that side of his character either. I think audiences/readers often forget the better parts of her character, such as her love for her father regardless of his constant admonishments, her love of Heathcliff despite his harshness and his wrongdoings, and her brother Hindley in spite of all his cruelty. The tragedies of the novel are not her fault as it has sometimes been suggested. 
Hareton - It is interesting his character probably has the most physical descriptions and I’d say is the most flatteringly portrayed male character. Yes, he starts off being described as brutish by Lockwood, but we later get many moments showing he also has a gentleness. His faults are normally immediately shown as not wholly his doing and I’d say he has the most character growth, even more than Cathy. Cathy’s appearance gets a lot of mentions too, but because Lockwood is kind of a romantic and in a faraway, lonely place, it makes sense that he projects a lot of romantic notions on her. We don’t need to know that Hareton is good-looking but it’s certainly made known lol. I think it’s in part because Cathy’s and Hareton’s good nature are meant to be shown as desirable and Nelly certainly makes an aesthetic connection there in her descriptions of them. I really like his character, and how despite everything, and his initial pride, he tries repeatedly to help Cathy, even though it does nothing in gaining her good opinion and only puts him at odds with Heathcliff, who he sees as a father. He also shows that you don’t have to be the product of your upbringing.
Cathy - I really like how she tries to do the right thing and is good, yet doesn’t allow anyone (even Heathcliff) control her. She has faults but she’s able to grow from them. She also has a lot of similarities to her mother. For both Cathy and Hareton, I really dislike the idea that their move to Thrushcross is the symbolic win of culture over nature. That’s never made any sense to me and makes even less sense when you consider that Emily preferred nature, and the freedom and spirituality she found there, and not riches and formality. And after all, Cathy and Hareton are the successors of Catherine and Heathcliff. I can’t imagine they will become supremely refined, cultured, and gentle. Everyone forgets they are both wild and proud, and at their worst, they both physically hit the other - Cathy cuts Hareton with her whip, and years later Hareton hits her. This notion of their new domesticity comes from the narrative of the Heights = wildness and Thrushcross = respectability and progress, and I’ve mentioned before this also distorts our image of Isabella and mislabels her as a weak, refined, gentlewoman, even though she shows herself to be highly spirited. Sorry, got a little off-topic at the end there. I think they can forgive and learn to be kind to each other without equating it to them becoming genteel and upper-class. I don’t like that critics do this. 
Linton - I get why he’s no one’s favorite character but I don’t hate him. He is tragic, despite the fact that he also very annoying and bratty lol. I understand why he doesn’t care to better himself, and it seems pretty clear his behavior is a cry for the safety and affection that has been missing in his life since his mother died. He’s a pawn in a game he doesn’t understand, and yet he’s very aware of his role as a pawn and that his life will be short and its meaning and worth are ascribed inasmuch as he can prove useful. It’s understandable that he would cling to Cathy and her kindness to him. Of course, some of his sufferings are his own making. It seems he could less lonely if he was perhaps a little kinder to Hareton who doesn’t seem to have a preconceived dislike of him but is pushed away by Linton’s snobbishness. 
Favorite: That's a really difficult question. The simple answer is I love them all hah! It does change, but I do often go back to Catherine Earnshaw. Charlotte Bronte wrote that there is a “certain strange beauty in her fierceness” and I think that sums it up perfectly. The fact she dies tragically young and the closest we get to her as a narrator is the little bit of her diary Lockwood reads, and that her memory lives on so strongly with Edgar and Heathcliff, all make her a compelling figure. The fact that so many readers hate her also makes me like her more lol. 
Least favorite: Everyone always says Linton and Joseph are the worst so I’ll say Zillah because she doesn’t get picked on enough lol. She literally didn’t realize Nelly was being held hostage and instead believes some bullshit story about her being lost in a marsh and assumes Heathcliff saved her?? She was terrible to Cathy - granted she had been proud and stiff-necked but she was clearly being held against her will? Like is Zillah just not at all aware of her surroundings? She doesn’t get Dr. Kenneth when Linton is dying and instead leaves Cathy alone crying in the stairway, supposedly out of fear of losing her job if she disobeys - yet she didn’t seem worried about that when she puts Lockwood in Catherine’s old bedroom? She also knowingly embarrasses Hareton when he shyly asks her to ask Cathy to read aloud for him - she immediately says that Hareton is the one asking for it. Zillah is just one of those people that has no self-awareness and no consideration for others beyond her self-preservation. So yeah she wins the spot of “least favorite” lol. I’m not sure if you meant my least favorite of the main characters? If so then it would have to be Linton just cause no amount of sympathetic feelings towards him makes him less annoying lol sorry. 
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Same anon thank you for answering my question! I was wondering if you could do headcanons for MTMTE Rung, Megatron, Rodimus, Minimus, and Swerve with an Artisic human reader that just sees the good and creative artist side of everything? From books to pictures to even their own bot? Like they can just look at their bot and go out on a whole rant on how beautiful their optics are from the color to their expression. if that’s too many characters you can take any one, I don’t mind! Thank you and have a good day ❤️
You're welcome! I'm always open for clarification, so feel free to ask questions about whatever you'd like if you're unsure on anything. I took a little liberty with this one, but I've got all the requested bots because darn it all these beautiful mechs deserve recognition!
·He discovers your artistic inclination thanks to years of experience reading personalities and emotions at a glance, but he wasn't prepared for the depth of your conviction in seeing the world through a creative lens, which he learned upon speaking to you about your process as an artist. This surprise grows as he sees you sketching around the ship, your exuberance for the inherent beauty in everything coming through in every conversation you share.
·When he praises some of your sketches on a quiet day in his office and is compelled to ask how you developed your style, he's fascinated by your explanation, and his spark is warmed by how beautifully you describe the world around you and credit it for inspiring you. He's visibly shocked when your list of current subjects and muses includes him specifically, and you can't help but chuckle at the usually calm bot looking so absolutely flustered. There's no way for him to hide any of that feeling when he requests a bit of clarification; there's hundreds of bots on board, what about him could possibly stand out?
·You're happy to elaborate on your process to a bot who so regularly underestimates his worth and lay out why he in particular piques your interest. The warmth and goodness of his being is such a rare and beautiful thing, you explain, but also so rarely appreciated that it drives you to try and capture that essence in a manner one can see. How could you not? Such compassion and empathy and forgiveness should be remembered! You've also seen that he's capable of accepting any genuine apology, and to have that level of mercy after so much war is beautiful, enough that you have to try and show it.
·To say he's touched is an understatement of unfathomable proportions. Removing his lenses to clear optics blurred with tears, he doesn't even know how to begin processing your praise of his character when you add that his physical self hardly fails to encourage you either. His glasses nearly slip from his hands when he hears you say that. You continue quite easily; the kindness in his optics and the sweetness of his smile, combined with his genuinely handsome profile, simply inspire you to start sketching.
·He's touched, but you have to understand, he is NOT accustomed to this level of praise. Between the near tears and the blushing he has to politely excuse himself to recover from this absolute tsunami of emotions, but being flustered and melted at once is enough to have him smiling through a little blush all day long. While he tries to take a little bit of your mindset into his everyday life going forward, he gets a bit dazed every time he sees a sketch of yours that includes his face, as that level of artistic devotion being dedicated to him is more than he'll ever be able to process. Not that he minds...
·Being more familiar with the written word, he enjoys the arts but has little experience with those who create them, and time has not been on his side in regards to learning more. Thus, you're one of the first artistically inclined individuals he's been able to discuss the topic with, which he was motivated to do after catching a glimpse of your work. He could swear some of your sketches bear a resemblance to him, but he says nothing on the matter and is certain his optics are tricking him.
·Your talk of technique quickly surprises him by shifting to inspiration, which to you is the primary driving force of your work, as it influences how you go about conveying the subject matter. Eager to share what you mean, you explain that anything can have beauty worthy of capturing if you just take the time to look at it right. Even the most mundane or seemingly unappealing things can be remarkable if you know their story, and you want to convey that energy as wordlessly as possible.
·A little overwhelmed but quite impressed by your manner of reasoning, he rather jokingly asks if even beings like himself could ever inspire you, or perhaps another artist with your mindset. He's caught off gaurd like never before when you, quite enthusiastically, reply that he most certainly can and does! To keep his composure he recalls portraits of his likeness being commissioned to inspire his soldiers, but never believing these fell under the category of art so much as they did propaganda. They often depicted him quite... violently as well.
·Having never seen these pieces, you reply that your own experience is tied more to how you see him now, and you flip through your sketchbook to demonstrate. As close to your level as can be, he's speechless while you explain what you wanted to capture about him in each sketch, whether it's a quick study or a detailed project; and that's how safe he makes you feel. Hearing himself referred to as a protector cuts straight through his powerful armor.
·You depict him looking almost... gentle? Hearing you describe the his immense size as a source of comfort and his strength as a tool of keeping peace processes about as clearly to him as a foreign language, but he nods along and keeps the conversation going until his duties call him away. Though he says nothing of it, he volunteers himself for more of the physically demanding work around the ship. His body's purpose had always been decided for him, but you've reminded him he has the only true say in its use, and that everything really is a matter of perspective. Perhaps he'll take up sketching once this is all over.
·He's certainly always had an appreciation for visual appeal, even if his idea of beauty doesn't often overlap with what most would consider artistically valuable. This and his natural alertness makes him quick to notice you often sketch about the ship, frequently when he's present, but at first he leaves you alone to work in peace. Having a hobby on this crew is beyond valuable, and he doesn't want to distract you from a passion... That is, until he decides on one especially slow day to just ask you what you like to doodle about.
·You can tell he wants to be a little nosy, if only because he's naturally a curious bot about these things, but you're more than happy to share regardless. There's a lot due to the ample downtime on the quest, and he has to squint so he can properly scan the many sketches on the human sized paper. He happily recognizes friends, locales about the ship, even earth things he knows about... but he's not ready when he finds a picture of himself.
·While he remains outwardly playful, teasing you with how he'd pose if you only asked, he's internally flattered that you took the time to draw him. More specifically, he's touched by the way you drew him. The sketches and portraits portray him as a calm but amicable leader, standing tall and serving as a guide to those around him, a true "father to his men" kind of bot... it's everything he wants to be, but is quite certain he's not. He's barely able to keep up his smooth persona when he asks about your process.
·You explain that you find inspiration in everything, but he's been your chosen subject lately for a lot of reasons. It's no secret he's handsome, but you see something more when you look at him, and you did everything you could to show it here; there's a real leader in him. Maybe some bots don't see it under all the bluster and sarcasm, but you see how much he cares for every bot on his crew. He wants to be the best for all of them, and even if he struggles at times, that effort is beautiful to you.
·It takes everything in him to bite back some very embarrassing tears, and the crack in his voice doesn't help him hide the emotion, though he covers that up with unconvincing coughs and claims something got in his optic. From then on he seems to stand a little taller and find his assigned duties a little easier to bear, but you absolutely notice how he poses in what he believes to be heroic fashion whenever your sketchbook comes out. Inspired by his enthusiasm, you invite him to model more officially, and the crew is just happy to see him so enthusiastic.
·Being as observant as he is, your consistent appraisal of your surroundings is not something he'd ever miss, but your frequent sketching in the most random places does leave him absolutely mystified. Every time he sees you there's artistic supplies on your person, but he can't find anything that appears to be worthy of putting to paper, so what could you be drawing? He respects your privacy too much, and feels too silly about his curiosity, to interpret and ask you for an explanation.
·Thus it's with some small eagerness that he finds one of your sketchbooks after it's been misplaced, and he sees the perfect opportunity to slip in a question. For the sake of handling something so tiny, he approaches without his armor, offering the lost item back with barely concealed pride at your delight to have it returned. In the moment of truth he nearly falters, but does indeed manage to ask what you draw around the ship. He leaves out the fact that he's observed you whenever you draw in his presence.
·The question has an answer only he seems to think isn't obvious; him! You spend time together frequently, and while everything is fair game for sketching, he's a very regular subject for you. Whether he's wearing the Magnus armor or not, you explain that the commanding aura he radiates is something you can't help but find beautiful. That word choice baffles him enough that he has to interrupt; beautiful? Commanding? Even without his armor?? You're delighted to assure him that you absolutely mean that.
·Hearing you describe the details of your reasoning, like the quiet dignity of his stance or the calm intelligence of his red optics, touches his spark in ways he wasn't expecting. He's calm and speaks softly as he keeps the conversation going, asking questions about your various works and listening attentively when you answer, processing your view of the universe as being packed with beauty in all the places people don't think to look.
·Any bot that sees him during the remainder of the day absolutely notices the change to his entire demeanor; namely that he's smiling a soft and barely perceptible smile. It's not long after he requests a few sketches from you to keep in his office, whether they're of him or not, and he has them framed in places of honor. He doesn't tell you, but you figure it out, that one particular drawing of him you gift for his sake is kept securely stored in a compartment by his spark.
·Many bots may see him being a tad bit on the shallow side when it comes to the arts, but our beloved barkeep has his own unique appreciation for creativity and all the ways it can be visually expressed, and you recognize it not long after meeting him. As his bar is a frequent hangout for everyone, you find it to be a fantastic place to sit and sketch, as the variety of bots makes it quite easy to have your choice of subjects even if you have to sit on a table. Obviously Swerve notices and asks you what you're drawing when traffic slows one evening.
·You're happy to show him your work and he's always eager to hear what everyone is up to, so he starts asking questions about your art in general. How long have you been an artist? What's it like suddenly having a whole ship of aliens to sketch? Why draw here all the time? At that query you light up brilliantly, and he's delighted by your enthusiasm as you describe all the incredible sights the bar has to offer.
·You list some of your favorite things to draw, like the many friend groups on the ship that gather here, the brilliant colors of the glowing vats of enjex, and him smiling and rushing with orders through it all. That last one gets a flash of surprise from behind his visor, which is quickly overtaken by exuberant delight; you've been drawing him?! He babbles out a surge of confusing statements that you're eventually able to interpret as a request to see, just one he's too bashful to say directly.
·Happily obliging, you're touched by how he smiles at every little sketch, and feel compelled to explain that he's a big part of why you love drawing here. You try to see beauty in everything, even what often gets overlooked, and there's so very much of that here. The bar is one of those places that everyone knows is special, but you know he's the reason they love it like they do, and that his enthusiasm and hard work hold it all together. You find that inspiring, and actually quite beautiful. It doesn't hurt that his brilliant smile is always a treat to sketch.
·Trying to play it cool and totally failing, he doesn't quite hide that he's near to tears when he asks if you'd like to hang some of your work up in the bar, or maybe have a little corner for yourself to draw from. He just doesn't want you getting squished while you sketch, is all! And having a better vantage point is ideal for someone so small! When you accept, he gives you your own human sized accommodations not too far from the heart of the bar, and every so often when you sketch he'll glance up at you absolutely beaming.
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