#some of these she's partying at the lake or at the bar with everyone she loves
kanos · 4 months
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"dep, what is all this?" wheaty can't contain his surprise or curiosity to the mountain of records she tossed on his table. theo grins as she sifts through a few of them. "music, my darling wheaty. in return for helping you, how about you play me some tunes on your radio?" she points out a few that are her favorite and a couple that are a must have. the temptation to listen to every single record crosses his mind - there's some good bands hiding in the stack and a few he hasn't heard before, but then a rotten thought takes over. "you aren't asking me for this just so you can throw parties again, are you?" "how could you possibly think that?" theo holds her hand against her chest as if she were wounded by his words. "but if i do, i will be sure to invite you. deal?"
DEPUTY DRIVING THROUGH HOPE COUNTY PLAYLIST with vast and beautiful sceneries, both day and night flying by. music to be played on the jukebox in the spread eagle while the whole town takes time off to feel alive for just one more night.
taglist: @imogenkol @statichvm @tommyarashikage @risingsh0t @strangefable
@ravensgard @firstaidspray @pitchmoss @pavus @florbelles
@carrionsflower @josephzeppeli @thedeadthree @leviiackrman @roberthouse69
@confidentandgood @carlosoliveiraa @g0dspeeed @rolangf @bigbywlf
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deanwritings · 3 months
The Guest House - Chapter 11
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Pairing: Dean x Reader
Series Summary: Dean Winchester is going through a nasty divorce. He doesn't have much left to his name, but what he does have is his house. Leave it to his soon-to-be ex wife to find a way to even ruin that for him. Enter Y/N, who is looking to get away from life for a bit, and stumbles right into the middle of it all.
The Guest House Master List
Word Count: 3,508
A/N: Here comes the burn 🔥
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Dean’s awoken by the sound of laughter. He quickly sits up, his knuckles rubbing deep into his eyes as night rolls in through the back windows. 
He hadn’t realized he had fallen asleep, didn’t even intend to, but the clock above the back console table reads an hour and fourteen minutes since he last chatted with Mary. 
With a groan, he pushes himself off the sunken-in couch cushions, rolling out the kink in his neck that formed while he was napping.
He’s still rubbing his eyes as he steps into the kitchen, the lights bright and the aroma of fresh rosemary, sauteed onions and sizzling garlic immediately assaulting him, inviting him to take in a deep breath. 
“Well look who woke up.” Mary’s eyes are bright as she teases him from the kitchen island. Y/N is behind her, standing at the sink, Mary’s apron partially obscuring your sweater and pants. You look fresh faced, with some still-damp tendrils of hair framing your face. 
Dean then notices the two wine glasses on the island, and a bottle next to it already half drained. Michael Bublé sings quietly from the smart speaker in the corner.
Dean saddles up on one of the island bar stools. 
“Looks like I’m missing a party.” He offers the women a lazy grin as he slowly begins to perk up at the thought of dinner and the two happy companions in front of him. 
This kitchen was no stranger to joviality; Mary was always beloved by her husband and sons for her home cooking. Though she spent her days at the local hospital, serving twenty-three years as an ICU nurse, Mary always made sure to have a fresh-made meal for her family once her shift was over. There was nothing she loved more than having her boys around the dining room table, hearing about Dean’s basketball practices and Sam’s debate team, while John would grumble about his annoying coworkers. Mary’s family meant the world to her. Marrying John and having Dean and Sam were the best things she ever did with her life, and so much of that life revolved around food when you have two sons over six-feet tall and a father close behind. 
Even after John passed, Mary continued to cook. Even after her sons had returned back to their own lives after the funeral. Just being in the kitchen reminded her of all those amazing years together, when John would kiss her on the cheek as she prepared the meal. How, if music was playing, he would steal her away from the stove for a dance when their boys weren’t around to gag at them before she would fight her way out of his arms to make sure the food wouldn’t burn.
The kitchen brought Mary happiness, and it was obvious to everyone who sat in the kitchen with her. 
“Just some meal prep.” Mary brushes him off as she turns towards the stove and gives a pan a stir. 
Dean takes in another deep breath as the pan crackles.
“What’s for dinner?”
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After a deliciously filling pan-roasted chicken and potatoes, plus another two glasses of wine, you and Dean are sitting on the back patio, a fire crackling in the pit between the two of you as you relax back in Adirondacks overlooking the pitch black lake. You’re bundled in your winter coat and hat, while Dean is somehow relaxing in nothing more than his jeans and sweater. Another glass of wine rests in your hands, warming you in ways the fire can’t while Dean opted for a bourbon on the rocks after the red wine he had with dinner. 
Mary had excused herself after you and Dean had cleaned up after dinner. It wasn’t late, but Mary was excited about a book she recently started, and decided to say goodnight and head to her room. 
“This has to be amazing in the summertime,” you muse as you look towards the quiet water, lights from houses around the shore reflecting on the thin coat of ice that sits atop of the lake. Soft edison bulbs are strung above the patio, providing a soft glow to your surroundings, and you would love to see this in the summer, when the nights are warm and the breeze doesn’t chill you to your bones.
You take a sip of wine. 
“It’s pretty nice. I keep telling mom she should get a boat, but she doesn’t want to be bothered with the maintenance of it.” He takes a sip from his own drink. “Nor would she actually know what to do with a boat, so it’s probably for the best.” He chuckles to himself and you smile at the sound.
A silence falls between the two of you, and you wish you had a speaker with some music playing just to break up the quiet. 
You decide to let your mind wander, playing back this afternoon, when you padded back downstairs after your shower in some comfy leggings and knit sweater to find Dean asleep on the couch, still sitting up but his head knocked back and mouth open with soft snores filling the living room. You had smiled at the sight, though you didn’t know why, before you had quietly looked for Mary. It wasn’t until you noticed her car gone from the driveway that you realized she wasn’t home. Not wanting to risk turning on the TV and waking Dean, you wandered around the house, taking in all the lake-themed decorations as well as the many pictures scattered throughout the house. A lot of them were from years ago, with a younger-looking Mary – who has aged like a fine wine – and who you assume to be her husband and Dean’s father, John. Two little boys were the subjects of most of the pictures, one with shaggy blonde hair during what seemed like elementary school years, and a lanky, dark-haired, hazel-eyed boy, who must be Sam. The pictures followed them throughout the years; Dean in a basketball jersey, Sam on skis, the brothers looking to be about high school age in tuxes and boutonnieres. It broke your heart as you noticed some pictures from not too long ago, a notable figure missing from the family portraits and the smiles of the remaining three Winchesters not as bright as they used to be. 
You take in a deep breath and look through the fire, shadows flickering across Dean’s face as his eyes stare out across the water. 
You think back to one particular picture that caught your eye, and it brought back a question you’ve been biting back on for a long time.
It’s none of your business. Sort of. You were metaphorically in the middle of their drama, but it didn’t necessarily mean you were entitled to the details. 
It didn’t mean you weren’t any less curious though. 
“If you don’t mind me asking. And you don’t have to answer.” Dean’s eyes dance to you. “But what happened between you and Lisa?” You recall a picture of an adult Dean in a tuxedo standing alongside Mary in a flowing, navy gown, a white rose worn proudly on her wrist, matching the one on Dean’s lapel, resting on the mantle. Clearly from a wedding day – Dean’s you assume. 
“Aren’t you just full of questions today?” He chuckles as he takes a sip from his tumblr, the ice knocking against the glass as he brings it to his lips. You watch as his Adam’s Apple bobs on his heavy swallow, and you feel your face flush with embarrassment. 
You were right the first time. It was none of your business. 
“Nevermind, I shouldn’t have asked.” You whoosh out, trying to fix your mistake before it can threaten to ruin the night.
“No,” Dean rests his now empty glass on the wide armrest and leans forward. “It’s okay. Especially since Lisa kinda roped you into our mess.” He scratches as the light layer of scruff over his jaw as his eyes look through the empty night. His shoulders rise as he takes a deep breath before he begins. 
“We had a good marriage for years, great even. We were young when we got married. Only twenty-four, but we had started dating when we were nineteen, and she was there for me when my dad died, so it just made sense. Which isn’t why I proposed. I really did love her. And back then she loved me too.” Dean’s eyes flick to the fire and hold its gaze. “The downfall started when she couldn’t get pregnant. All she wanted was a big family, we tried for years, then finally found out that she had some condition – I don’t even remember at this point – that made it hard for her to get pregnant. At first, she got depressed. She never wanted to leave the house, just spent her days either on the couch or in bed. At some point, the depression passed, and then the anger appeared. I tried to be understanding and be there for her as much as I could, but the anger never really went away. We started fighting. A lot. Which we had never really done before, and didn’t really know how to navigate. She got resentful, I got annoyed. We just started growing apart.” Dean takes in a deep breath, his lips setting in a hard line. 
“I started working more, just to get away from her and the fighting, then she wanted to get away from me. At some point she found someone, and then I eventually found them. In the guest house, ironically enough.” Dean relaxes back into his chair, though his body is rigid. “That was two years ago now. And we’re still not divorced.” He huffs and picks up the glass, swirling around the ice. 
Your eyes haven’t left him. He remains quiet, his story clearly done, and you have no idea what to say.
“I’m sorry you went through all of that.” You settle on. Because truly, what the hell do you say?
He just shrugs. You’re probably not the first to offer your condolences on the death of his marriage.
“You know what really sucks?” He continues without your prompting. You don’t answer, and let him continue. “We could have been divorced ages ago. We just can’t seem to quit this fighting.” He shakes his head as he deeply inhales. 
“Almost sounds like you two like the fight.” For the first time since he’s started talking, his eyes flick to you. You offer with a gentle smile as you take a bigger sip of wine this time. 
He sighs heavily. 
“It’s exhausting.” He quietly admits. 
“Then why keep going?”
He shakes his head and looks away, his shoulders dropping. 
A moment passes. Then another. Nothing but the crackling of the burning logs filling the dark silence. After another minute, the answer pops into your mind.
“You want to get back together?” You ask softly, and your stomach knots at your words. You expect him to ignore your answer, but he shocks you when he barks out a laugh, his body shaking with the sound before he puts his glass back down on the arm of the chair.
Your body slumps.
What the hell?
“Jesus, no.” He all but wheezes, shaking his head. “There’s no getting back together after what we’ve been through.” His voice drops as the laughter leaves his tone. 
You just stare at him, completely and utterly lost, until he looks back at you.
“We’re being assholes, is what it comes down to,” he admits as he drops his gaze. “She wants the house because I have it, and I don’t want to give it to her just because she wants it. And neither of us wants to be the one to surrender.” He clears his throat as he keeps his eyes downcast. 
“So you’re just spiting each other?” He looks up at your words, and even across the patio you can see the shame in them. 
“Never said I was perfect,” he forces a smirk, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. 
“Now I would never accuse you of being that.” You drop your voice as the corners of your own lips quirk up. His eyes crinkle at your words as his grin suddenly matches yours. 
And what a gorgeous smile it is. You think as your cheeks warm and suddenly your core clenches. You take in a sharp breath at the response, and you clear your throat and take a long sip of your wine to try and drown out the feeling. 
As you place your wine glass back down, you catch Dean’s gaze through the flame, his chiseled jawline sharp, even covered in a layer of managed scruff, and the fire reflecting in his eyes.
You take a deep breath and try to lean back from his gaze, but you're already against the backrest. 
Your movement seems to break his stare, and he relaxes back as well.
“How about you?” His voice is casual, but the air around you has changed, an electricity crackling through the cool night in time with the fire. 
“What about me?” You pick up your glass for another sip.
“Ever been married?” Now it’s your turn to bark out a laugh. 
“Kinda hard to keep a relationship when you’re married to your job. A job that didn’t even give a shit about you.” You sigh and look out to the lake as you think aloud. “But maybe that was always an excuse.”
“An excuse?” 
You keep your eyes on the icy water. If Dean can be honest, so can you.
“I haven’t had a serious relationship since college. On paper, we were perfect for each other, but we broke up a couple years after we graduated, and.” Your voice catches on your words and you swallow. “We had a nice relationship, but I never really loved him. Not the way you should. We were more friends than anything and we just fizzled out.” You think back to Justin. You had met at trivia night your junior year, and he was everything you thought you wanted; handsome, driven, had a sense of humor, a good family and group of friends, but somehow it wasn’t enough. “After that, the idea of dating just turned me off. If my dream guy wasn’t enough, how would anyone be? So I just started focusing more on work, and I got my first big promotion after the breakup. And then whenever anyone would ask me about dating, I could use work as an excuse.” You shrug. “I’ve dated here and there since then, but never really found anyone worth taking my attention away from my job.”
“Sounds lonely.” You throw your head back and laugh. You look over to him, his elbows now resting on his knees as he leans towards you from across the patio. 
“So does divorce.” He snorts out a laugh and looks down.
“Fair enough.” He starts to lean back but stops himself and looks over to his empty glass with raised eyebrows. 
“If we’re going to keep talking about relationships, I’m gonna need a refill.” He stands from his seat and takes his tumbler with him.
“Me too.” You hold your own empty glass up and wiggle it in the air. More wine sounded like a great idea. 
With an easy stride, Dean strolls around the firepit and over to your chair. The man is tall when you’re standing next to him, but right now he’s damn now towering over you while you’re seated. Despite the heavy conversation, he looks down at you with an easy smile. And maybe it’s the wine, or it’s just him, but you smile back as your heart thrums wildly in your chest. 
He reaches out for your hand slowly, his fingers brushing against yours as they take a secure hold on the stem. His touch is warm against your chilled skin, and his gaze holds yours and you swallow. His chest moves in a controlled rhythm as his fingers wrap around yours. Your lips part, but nothing comes out as you stare up at him, his eyes evergreen in the shadowed glow. He swallows, his Adam’s Apple bobbing with the movement.
A log shatters apart and drops heavily into the bottom of the firepit, and you jump as the logs that had been resting on top of it tumble down, sending sparks wildly bursting and flying into the night sky.
“Holy shit,” you breath out, your eyes darting to the flames just as they begin to die down, as you rest your hands against your chest, just now realizing you had let go of the glass. 
Dean lets out a quiet laugh and takes a step back from you and the movement causes you to look back up at him, your wine glass securely in his hand. 
“More wine it is then.”
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You managed to stay out through another glass of wine, until the fire dwindled down to embers, and Dean finished another two drinks. Once the flames had died down, the chill of the night couldn’t be held off, and it was late enough for you to both call it a night. 
You quietly sneak your way through the kitchen, a tipsy giddiness keeping a near constant giggle in your throat as you and Dean bump your way around the darkened room, tossing your jacket and hat on the kitchen table, and doing your best to keep quiet as you place your glasses into the sink before heading up the stairs, keeping a tight grip on the railing as you go. Dean is a half step behind you, so close, the few times you sway on the unfamiliar steps, you brush against his warm frame, even though he sat out in nothing but a crewneck sweatshirt all night. 
As you reach the top of the stairs, you expect Dean to break off, to head down to his room, but as you lazily wander towards your own door, you look over your shoulder to find him a hands-length behind you. You flex your fingers, wanting to reach back and take his hand in yours, but you keep your hand tucked in tight at your side. 
“I know this is my first night here,” you whisper roughly. “But I’m pretty sure your room is that way.” You throw a thumb over your shoulder and he quietly laughs as he leans forward, his chest brushing against your shoulder.
“What type of gentleman would I be if I didn’t walk you to your door?” His breath tickles your ear and your shoulders tense at the proximity as your feet halt. The sudden stop catches Dean off guard and he stumbles into you, one arm catching you around your waist as the other grabs at your hip. His arms tighten, pulling you against his chest. And hips.
And groin. 
You swallow.
You can feel Dean’s heartbeat at your back, erratic and wild as yours as you close your eyes and lean into him without a second thought. His hand tightens around your waist, his fingers deliciously digging in as you sway your head against his shoulder.
You close your eyes as you hear him take a deep breath. 
Without warning, his lips ghost against your exposed neck, a sliver of warmth playing across your skin and you shiver at the contact. 
Finally. Is the only thing that crosses your mind as you push yourself further into him. A growl stirs in his throat, vibrating his chest as you rest against him, and you swallow. Hard. 
You trail your hand up your body, stopping only when you find his still attached to your waist. His deep breath wafts over your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. 
Ever so slowly, he leans over you, his lips locking in on your pulse point, just below your jaw. You sigh out a whimper into the quiet hallway as his lips linger on the sensitive skin, your knees failing you as you let your weight fall against him.
In a heartbeat, his lips are gone, the skin cold without his touch and he takes a step back, his hand around your waist coming to hold your hips at an arm’s length. You spin in his grasp, your head swimming from the wine, his kiss, and the jarring movement. 
He stands there with an easy smile on his lips. The same damned lips that were just on you, making you want more. So much more. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” is all he offers before his hands fall away from you and he turns and heads for his room. 
You don’t move a single muscle, watching him until he disappears behind his door and it clicks shut. 
You shutter out a breath and your shoulders fall. Your fingers come up to your neck, tracing the space where he left his kiss, and a smile grows on your face as you stroke the spot with a gulp.
You were officially in trouble.
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Forever Tags
@iprobablyshipit91  @likesiriusly @kittyque @findingfitnessforme @wonderange @captainemwinchester @xtina2191 @smoothdogsgirl @mogaruke @chin-up-love @tsunadesenjuuchiha @lyarr24 @globetrotter28 @krazykelly @roseblue373 @k-slla @stephv213 @kaydallas21 @nerdymuffinbonkcloud @magssteenkamp 
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 3 months
Drunk prompt:
Harpies just won the quidditch cup and they’re celebrating at the pub with the all their teammates and their families. Ginny is drunk and starts to tell her family all the naughty things she and Harry got up to as teens and things he does to her that drives her insane.
Around 3 AM, the party finally started to die down.
Gwenog left at least two hours ago, claiming that she couldn't keep up with the rest of the team at her age. The Harpies' keeper and other beater left together around 2, arms wrapped around one another, not at all hiding what their after-party plans were.
On the other hand, Ginny and the other two chasers were not letting the party quietly end.
"Another round of shots?" Ginny hollered from atop the bar. The crowd cheered as the bartender poured glittering alcohol into shot glasses.
"Let's get you down from there," Harry said, extending a hand to his girlfriend. Ginny ignored the hand and jumped down, only slightly stumbling as she landed.
"Dear Merlin, save her," Harry muttered to the sky.
"I'm fine!" Ginny reassured Harry, "I'm a fucking champion, and champions don't get hurt."
"Come on, Champion, let's get you to a table." Harry paused and added, "A table that you can sit at."
Ginny pouted, but allowed herself to be drug to a back table where Ron, George, and Hermione were sitting at.
"Is that a UK Quidditch champion walking toward us?" George shouted.
Ginny twirled before taking a bow, "It is. It is. You are welcome for blessing your presence with a champion." Ginny gasped, "I should get a crown!"
"You should get some water," Harry said.
Ginny waved him off, "So what are we chatting about?"
Hermione started to pour a glass of water from the pitcher sitting on the table, "We were talking about Hogwarts, and all the various rules we broke. Here. Water." Hermione passed the glass of water to Ginny.
"Ooh gilly-water! Thanks!"
Hermione did not correct her.
"George was saying how he used to sneak out to the Quidditch field to hook up with this Ravenclaw girl," Ron said.
"I mean, who hasn't," Ginny said.
"What do you mean who hasn't?" Ron asked.
"Wait, does that mean you haven't?" Ginny asked back. "I just assumed everyone did. Especially Quidditch players. Harry and I did it several times." Ginny took a swig of her water. "Ew. I thought you said this was gilly-water."
Ron turned his full body to Ginny, "What do you mean you snuck out?"
"We snuck out to hook up, I thought what I said was pretty clear," Ginny replied.
"Gin," Harry interrupted.
Ginny ignored Harry's interruption.
"So if you didn't sneak out to the Quidditch fields where did you go? The Room of Requirement was also a staple. Actually, fun fact, it is where I took Harry's virginity," Ginny swirled her glass of water, and took another sip. "Still not gilly-water."
Hermione grabbed onto Ginny's wrist, "Ginny, maybe you should stop-"
"Okay, to be fair, he also took my virginity, but it isn't as fun to say that."
Ron glared at Harry while George threw his head back and laughed.
"Okay Ginny, maybe it's time to go home," Harry said, but not loud enough.
"If it's not the Room of Requirement, during lunch, we would have picnics by the Lake. And lunch was not the only thing Harry was eating, if you're catching my drift." Ginny winked at Hermione.
"Okay on that note, I will be taking our champion home!" Harry said, finally successfully interrupting Ginny. "We will see everyone later!"
Harry grabbed Ginny's hand and her water and pulled her out the door.
"Aw, Harry, I was still having fun," Ginny pouted.
Harry pulled her to the side at the apparition point. "I will eat you out at home, I promise."
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didyoulookforme · 4 months
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nsfw headcanon for messages pt. 1
okay, so here are some things about our darling postmatty 💌
been deep into the brainrot this weekened, so i'm sorry.
warnings: 18+, smut. spelling & grammatical errors.
au masterlist here
he’s mastered the art of the quickie. this is due to him sometimes wanting to have sex with you once he stops by your house to deliver your mail. since he only has a limited amount of time, he very rapidly learns what gets you off. he's a fast learner. also, if he knows he wants to get off on that day, he will begin teasing you via text first so he can have his way with you as soon as he gets through that door. it's rare when you actually make it to your bedroom—it's more of a dining table, couch or against the wall situation. there's also been plenty of occasions when the both of you are out with friends or at some party and you cannot help yourselves so you have to do something about it and it's so obvious what happened because his hair always ends up more disheveled than usual and he has a stupid proud smirk on his face because he made you come several times in such a short period of time.
he’s a switch. he’s not afraid to be a soft dom or be a complete beg for what he wants. but more often than not, he's the one in control and he feeds off that. even if he's in more of a vulnerable position (think you riding him in bed), he will still order you around telling you what to do to yourself or him. however, it's never in a mean way. he's a dirty, filthy talker with a sweet voice.
he’s a tits man. he loves them and there’s no denying that. you are more of a tomboy who doesn’t necessarily wear a lot of revealing clothing which he doesn’t mind at all. he thinks you’re the coolest no matter what <3. but once you find this out (it's pretty damn obvious with how much time he spends grabbing and sucking your chest), you cannot help but tease him by showing up in a wrap dress that has a deep v cut. when he saw this, he literally stopped talking asap—something he doesn't do often. it was at a bar and he was with the rest of the boys when you showed up in your little black dress. he stopped yapping mid-sentence as soon a she laid eyes on you and hann instantly clocked the reason why. after that, he couldn't keep his hands off you, having on his lap at all times so he could not-so-discreetly stare at your chest the whole night. there are also times that you go to the beach or lake and you cannot take your shirt off because your chest is littered with bite marks that your swimsuit cannot cover. OH. and when he finds out that you have a small tattoo on your left side under your tit, it's game over for him. there's almost no day when he doesn't lick it or suck on it. and you bet there have been plenty of times when he comes over it...
he's an exhibitionist. think attitude magazine matty. this man has no shame. he'll parade around his apartment wearing only boxers or nothing and he doesn't give a shit. it's poor roomie adam that you have to feel bad about as he has to deal with postmatty's antics, but in the end he just gets used to it as there's no changing him. during his shows, matty cannot help but a. take off his shirt (most of the time), b. touch himself, c. be a total flirt. this doesn't make it easy on you as it means that everyone and their mom lusts after your boyfriend but he does it for himself, really. he couldn't care less what others think, unless it's you at the front row of the show. then you're in for it and you almost forget that there are dozens of people around you. the intense eye contact that he gives you alongside the constant licking of his bottom lip and questionable hand placement on his body (eg. cock) are enough to get you all wet, and the fucker knows it. and you'd be lying if it doesn't feel good to have all of his attention on you when he performs, making you feel on top of the world and giddy that he's yours. also, please know that this matty has no problem getting himself off in front of you. whether it is by using his hand or having to hump a pillow or whatever, he doesn't care as he knows you love watching him because you surprisingly confessed to it that one time everyone was high and chatting about sexual fantasies. fast foward to later that same night when everyone had left your apartment, he very nonchalantly says "so you want to see me fuck my hand, huh?" followed by him ordering you to tell him how he should do it and you love it.
he's a praise whore. he absolutely loves it when you praise him and he's not afraid to ask you to do so. oh, and once you get comfortable enough to degrade him, the man is instantly coming on his hand. on the flip side, he also lives to praise you. "atta girl" and "my best girl" are probably the words that he says the most. you actually had no idea that you had a praise kink until he came around. the first time he ever did it, you could've sworn your nails punctured the skin on his bicep and, oh, he fucking noticed because when you clenched around him so tight, he couldn't help but let out a mix of a loud groan with his cocky laugh knowing that he had just unlocked something in you. you bet he just started bitting at your collarbones, mumbling "you like that, don't you, sweet girl?" followed with praise after praise until you literally had no control over your body and the sounds that spilled from your mouth because it was all too fucking overwhelming in the best way possible that you were a delusional mess that night.
he's a considerate pleaser. while he has no issue ordering you around, his main goals are to always get you off first and make sure you always have a good time and are comfortable. no questions asked. at the beginning, he noticed right away how shy you were the first time he met you, so he didn't want to be too overbearing from the get-go. even he's self aware that he can come off too strong, but he was able to control himself because he wanted to get to know you and not push you away. little by little you start to learn about his needs and how a total opposite from you he is: you are quiet, he has a voice that carries throughout the room. you're an introvert, he thrives on attention. you keep your sexual fantasies to yourself, he shares his kinks with anyone who will listen to him. all of this to say that it took you both some time to get to a place where he can completely be his horny, slutty self while you can just let go and enjoy the ride (literally). he's been there to guide you through all of it and help you get more confident. if you go through your text chats, you can see that when you started talking, he was being super sweet and nice, in contrast to the latest text you got from him, asking you if he can come over and go down on you because he misses you.
anyway, hope you enjoyed having a closer look at the nsfw world of slutty, sassy postmatty.
and as always, asks and thoughts are always welcome!
thanks for reading <3 :)
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stellari-s · 2 years
We have seen how Ithaqua fell in love with a Survivor Reader, but I raise this fluffy request!
He fell in love with the Hunter Reader during a Duo Match with them 👀
That's okay if you decline! Have a good day/evening/night/morning!
oh, nice reverse, anon! hope you enjoy 🥺🙏 i'm gonna link the surv version too, hehe.
request; yes, and they're open. so send them in!
wc; 931.
tags; gn! hunter! reader, some romance, ithaqua comforts you, survivors bully hunters in duos (lots of flare guns-)
summary; you are partnered with ithaqua to be a hunter in today's duos match. after getting stunned, ithaqua may or may not show another side of himself...
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you honestly don’t want to do duos today.
normally, you don’t mind doing duos. in fact, the general chaos of the entire match keeps your mind occupied until the end, barring you from any negative thoughts.
but these days things don’t seem to be going your way. biting your lips, you try burying yourself more into the soft cushions of one of the red velvet chairs, situated behind a dark curtain that is intended to hide you from the eight survivors, whom you see chatting and whispering.
you can’t go against the manor owner though.
glancing next to you, you see a familiar navy-clad figure. his mask covers his face so you can’t see his expression, but you imagine he is either dozing off or lost in thought, what with his chin resting on his closed gloved fist.
you look outside the curtain’s opening to find eight people sitting behind a wide table, lathered with plates and cutlery. most of them are good at stunning: norton campbell, martha behamfil, and qi shiyi, to name a few.
“you seem nervous.”
you almost jump in your seat when you hear your partner, ithaqua’s voice.
“how did you know?”
i didn’t think he was looking at me…
ithaqua shrugs, keeping his tone nonchalant for the most part. “you’re not exactly the best at hiding what you’re feeling.” he lets out a small sigh, muffled by his mask. “it makes me worried.”
you widen your eyes ever so slightly. it’s the only indication of your surprise outside of you clenching your fists until your knuckles start losing their color.
averting your eyes, you respond softly, “you don’t have to worry. i’ve just been going through some things recently, and it just ended up piling up.”
ithaqua lets out a small hum upon hearing your words, but he doesn’t question you further. it is probably out of consideration, but a part of you also wishes he had pushed you to talk a little bit more.
instead, you two stay silent until a bell echoes throughout the room. “the match will now begin. all chosen parties will now be taken to lakeside village.”
this part is always the strangest - it’s as though some drug knocks you out, turning everything black, but then a couple minutes later, you regain consciousness only to find yourself in a completely different place, remote from the manor.
looking on your wrist, you find a watch with a blinking dot at the center. eventually another dot shows up in the eastward direction. it must be showing ithaqua’s location.
you wander around the village to different cipher machines, trying to follow the sounds of typing, shocks, and the tall shaking poles as decoding progresses.
eventually, a figure catches your eye - martha.
she seems to be the only one around the area near the empty pier next to the lake, but having done enough matches in the past, you have a feeling some of her teammates are on the top of the ship wreck nearby.
giving ithaqua a ping, you start chasing martha, who starts to grip the flare gun on her side. she is probably waiting when you get too near before using it, since she only gets one per match.
but then she leads you to some of her other teammates, and when her teammates see you, they aim flare guns at you - they must have bought them from the telephone stand.
everyone shoots at once, and while you are able to dodge a couple, several hit you, leaving you stunned in a thick pink smokescreen.
“damn it…” you mutter in between coughs, waving your hand to disperse the smoke. by the time it completely dissipates, none of the survivors are seen in the vicinity.
you are alone not even standing, still wallowing in the aftereffects of having been hit so many times. why did this have to happen today, of all days?
tears want to spill, but you refuse to cry. not in a match. instead, you can only look down at the ground, the grass shaded an almost teal color by the overcast skies.
when you hear your name, you whip your head around to find a white mask before you.
“ithaqua, sorry, i let my guard down…”
“why are you apologizing? weren’t they the ones who stunned you?” he extends a hand to you: a silent encouragement to not give up and keep going.
just as he does, though, a loud siren rings through the venue: the survivors had managed to decode seven machines to open the exit gates.
“should we just surrender?” you slowly stand back up on your feet as you look up at the sky, a bleak gray that looks as though it’s about to downpour rain at any moment now. “they’ve already decoded seven ciphers, and not one is eliminated.”
ithaqua seems to think about your words as he lowers his hand. you think he is about to leave you, but much to your surprise, he leans in and gently presses his forehead on yours. you can feel some strands of his soft hair on your forehead, and he is close enough that you can clearly hear his breathing.
“if anything happens,” he reassures, “i will protect you.” his voice is soft and gentle, much like the snow on a still night. “so trust me, okay?”
with him so close, it’s easy to forget about your previous suggestion.
right now, there is only you and him.
for a brief moment, this quiet world is all you know, and that alone is enough for you.
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inklore · 1 year
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this is not a writing challenge, this is just a list of summer au's that have been collecting dust in my google docs that i'm both sick of looking at, and also feel like for those who also really enjoy writing summery fics, could always use more inspiration or ideas for au's or scenario's (even if it's just smutty or fluffy blurbs).
please make note that anyone can use these for any fandom or character. it's literally for everyone, for whatever ship, gender, or verse. no one owns au's and everyone makes them their own and writes differently. so please do with the content below as you wish!!
you don't gotta tag me if you use one but would i love to read your beautiful work? hell yeah so feel free to if ya feel like it.
i separated each into categories + some might have added context or prompts because i have zero self control and like to be extra and add ideas onto things lmao.
hopefully someone finds these fun and helpful, happy writing my loves <3
ice cream parlor
lake town
summer camp
summer school
fishing town
the woods
national park
public pool
destination wedding
renaissance fair
lake house
theme park
winery / vinyards
country club
cruise ship
brothers best friend ('unfortunately' spending the summer with your family)
neighbors au
exes back for the summer
bodyguard au (character a has to follow around reader whose some princess/rich girl on a vacation, bonus points if she's supposed to be on lockdown but refuses to stay at the hotel, even more bonus points if her parents sent her on this vacation as a rehabilitation for her bad habits)
best friends dad (you're spending the summer with your bestie and god her dads hot as hell)
mermaid x human
frat boy x good girl (last minute studying together before summer break, or maybe the frat is throwing a big grad party and reader decides to let loose for the first time in forever)
frat boy x sorority girl (it's giving rich hoes who can't stand each other who get caught doing something and have to do community service with each other alllll summerrrrr long, can you think of anything worse?!)
sitcom stars (they're both on some summer love show but fall for each other instead, or you're two celebs supposed to be fake dating on some mtv drama show in palm springs but you actually fall for each other)
park ranger x someone who thought going camping alone would be fun but oh shit i know nothing about the wilderness au
ex-best friends ex (a summer love but put revenge and 'we're only fucking because this friend screwed me over and it'll really show them' au anyone??)
lifeguard x parent au (or you saved my life let me repay you wink wink)
dads best friend
house sitter x house owner (or neighbor, or family member who came home early and wtf are you doing here and who are you?? or even the old i asked the neighbor to watch our house but also my wife wink wink)
babysitter who tags along on vacation with the family au
fake dating (for the summer)
friends to lovers was made for summer au's!!!
superhero x vigilante (nightly meet ups to keep the streets safe)
friends with benefits but only for the summer au
painter x muse
body found on beach x person who found them (+ the added bonus of the two of them working together to figure out wtf happened and how they got there)
sugar baby x sugar whathaveyou (free vacation? hell yeah)
roommates (renting a room for summer what could go wrong)
tour guide / local x tourist
camp counselor x parent of camper
friend group on a drama filled vacay au
the only single people at this resort for couples au
sad housewife x pool boy
cult au
slasher au
hitchhiking gone wrong (or right)
monster au (summer is the perfect time to go exploring for the monster in the woods or the lake, ocean even, obviously)
haunted house au
ghost hunting au
hunter x prey (bonus points if they don't know they're being hunted until it's too late)
safe house au (gone wrong)
kidnapping au (it's giving 365 days but less shitty ok)
stranded au (on an island, in a creepy town, etc)
bestie's trip gone wrong au (the innocent looking guys at the pool who are gorgeous are actually super shitty and deadly omg, or the couple in the hotel room next to us are insane wow, or someone is killing us off...but it's someone within the friend group)
stuck in an abandoned amusement park au
grease au
dirty dancing au
x au (70s-80s pornstars au + added slasher element if ya wanna make it dark)
daisy jones & the six / rocker au (summer tour anyone?)
the white lotus (cheating au?? a couple hoping a vacation will fix their marriage, maybe even the whole shitty husband leaves you there and you fall for one of the resort workers)
50 first dates au (but make it 'i bet i can make you fall in love with me by the end of summer)
jurassic park au
i know what you did last summer au
friday the 13th au
the final girls au (aka you end up in your favorite movie and have to find your way out with a side of 'oh shit there's my fav character what if i stayed and made them fall in love with me instead', or go full final girls au and you're stuck in a cult horror movie and have to survive the night to get out of it)
outer banks / goonies au
schitt's creek au
romeo and juliet (1996) au
mama mia au (the prequeal tho aka boning a bunch of people and omg i'm pregnant who is the baby daddy tho??)
overboard au
farmers market vender
dog walker / dog sitter
dive bar singer
swim instructor
camp counselor
undercover pi
car wash attendant
gardener / landscaper
summer intern
tour guide
theme park owner
house sitter
summer farmhand
golf course caddy
movie theatre worker
uber driver
wedding photographer
hotel receptionist
heatwave (how ever will we stay cool?)
shipwreck / stranded on an island au
rainstorm / hurricane au (stuck inside oh no what will we do??)
love triangle that shit
matchmaking au
love letters in a bottle au
drunken karaoke
kissing in the rain is top tier
workaholic letting loose au
(illegal) car racing au
road trip au
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mistydeyes · 1 year
bachelorette days and wedding nights
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summary: The time is finally here when the 141 pops the four word question. After all the stress of planning, you can finally enjoy the two best events of the year. Here are some visuals and headcanons for your bachelorette party and wedding.
pairing: 141 x fem!reader
warnings: alcohol/minor drug use, swearing
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bachelorette party
private getaway in a cabin or lakehouse with expensive liquor vibes
basically it's an adult sleepover if you think about it
price would not let your maid of honor pay for anything and even has a private martini bar fully stocked for your weekend
god you love him like he really does spoil you (he just wants his fiancee to have the best time :'))
she does bring along some silk robes and fluffy slippers for everyone to change into when they arrive
he likes the occasional updates but eventually he'll just tell you to have fun with your bridesmaids
picture hikes, picnics, and casual boating on the lake
you're just a little adventurer
this is just one big adult sleepover and you couldn't ask for anything better
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something about price just screams a traditional wedding
you would probably rent out a gorgeous villa in Italy or France and have a destination wedding
your dress would be reminiscent of old Hollywood glamor and you would look like a princess walking down the aisle
def would both handwrite your own vows
something old, something blue, something borrowed, and something new is a must for you both
you'd end the wedding by driving off in a sleek car, your veil blowing in the wind as you and your husband shared many kisses to the venue
the reception itself is held in a castle or an elegant historic hall
you and your new hubby SPLURGED on this wedding
you love sitting at a long table at the front so you both can see all of your guests who came to witness your love
would definitely have a his and her drink that you could order at the bar
there is not a dry eye in the crowd when you share your first dance together and he holds you in his arms
a champagne tower is definitely there you cannot tell me otherwise
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bachelorette party
don't be surprised if you pregame the airport and then buy drinks on the plane
this weekend will be a test of your liver
your maid of honor prepared the goodie bags with advil, sunglasses, liquid IV, snacks, facemasks, makeup wipes, and most importantly CARDBOARD cutouts of Johnny's face
you still have them hanging up somewhere in your home
you would have a destination bachelorette party where you could enjoy the bars and drink under the sun
one night would definitely have everyone dress like they way you were when you met
you almost die laughing when your older sister shows up in a diaper and bonnet
but for the big night you go out, you and your bridesmaid wear fun colored dresses and matching wigs
ofc you wear a nice white dress and white/silver wig to match
Johnny loves the updates you been sending him lowkey wants to join
you definitely would have one of those sashes that said bride on it and would get all the free drinks
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be prepared for the most fun wedding
the guest list would be massive as everyone and their mother knows Johnny comes from a big family
since the guest list is so large, an outdoor wedding and venue would work best
in terms of seasons, you'd be a spring or late summer bride
the seating chart is a bunch of funny polaroids/pictures of you and him over the years
you make sure the 141 has the absolute best ones of their teammate
your dress has a lot of intricate details with either lace or floral beadwork
your bouquet is very colorful and it perfectly reflects the warm weather vibe
an open bar is a must for you and Johnny
you even manage to get an mobile tap for endless beer and wine
by 9pm everyone is hammered and tearing up the dance floor
some of the best photos are during this time and you have them hanging in your home
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bachelorette party
self care in a beautiful location? sign me up!
you have been wanting to lounge in a green tea bath and relax in a sauna for months
ofc your fiancé drives you to the airport and you giddly tell him you'll keep him updated
you and your bridesmaids fly out to a spa resort and are pampered the whole weekend
what's better than a mojito and a massage?
you even have a fun little photoshoot in your robes and face masks
nah because tell me why it would be hilarious if you called your fiancé when you were high out of your mind and asking him to bring you food he'd do it in a heartbeat
he does have room service delivered for you and as you're shoving French fries in your mouth, you love him even more
before you leave, you do go to a nice restaurant with the most gorgeous flowers before returning home
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your guest book is made of postcards from all of your travels and you encourage everyone to write a message or advice
price easily takes the cake with the most sentimental advice for you as newly weds
your dress makes you look ethereal and Kyle is floored when he sees you walk down the aisle
your bouquet is simple and it compliments the blush hue of the theme
Kyle lifts you up when you walk down the aisle and the photographer is sure to capture the moment
speaking of which, the photographer takes candid pictures of you the whole night as you both agreed that you wanted genuine reactions instead of something staged
the venue is indoors but you add ivy leaves and tea lights which make the whole evening magical
you cannot tell me that Kyle wouldn't have the best food at his wedding
you simply have everything there and all of your guests find something to enjoy
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bachelorette party
very lowkey but comfortable!
you just want a nice weekend at an airbnb or your own home with your bridesmaids
if you choose your own home, it would probably be when Simon is away on duty or he agrees to leave for a weekend
your maid of honor prepared a sangria station and a paint and sip night for you
you also have prepared a ton of movies and games for you all to play towards the evening
catering? no! you and your bridesmaids chef it up in the kitchen and enjoy your home cooked meals
i also could imagine you wanting to do that trend where it's like "make a drink based on your occupation"
it's absolutely perfect as you enjoy the company and the creative outlet
the highlight has to be an outdoor garden dinner where you all can just talk and you can destress about wedding planning
Johnny wants to take Simon out for a bachelor's party and Simon just replies with a solid "No."
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i go back and forth with Simon as i feel like he would want a civil ceremony or something private but he could be convinced to have a very small wedding and reception if you wanted
this would be def your idea (stolen from Pinterest) but the seating chart would be some of your favorite books and the guests could keep them after
greenhouse or garden energy for the ceremony
your dress would be very simple (no glitter or frills here)
i'm talking about bare minimum guests here- your family, a few friends, and obvi the 141 boys
lots of private intimate pictures and not a lot of solo shots or portraits
you have a few close friends help you get ready and don't splurge on a hairdresser or makeup artist
his two favorite pictures of that day are you in your wedding dress and the one where you are kissing but are covering it with your bouquet
comfort food is the menu for tonight and you both pick dishes you love
the tapas would go HARD though, gotta keep your guests fed in between drinks
when it comes to speeches, Johnny has a 5 minute limit (although he tries to keep going)
you sneak away during the reception every so often to enjoy a private moment or dance with your new husband
he definitely always catches you off guard by telling you how beautiful you are during the whole night
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possibilistfanfiction · 9 months
Hi can we have some hallmark AU from Beas POV? Maybe their first Meeting?
despite what you know everyone believes — and what most of them aren’t afraid to say — you’re not lonely.
it’s a good life, the one you have, the one you have earned for yourself and made with your bare hands. it’s quiet, sure, and there’s solitude, and perhaps your therapist didn’t mean, a few years ago, that you should move far out of the city when they suggested you get away for a little while to be further from your parents and the feeling of this specter of trauma that floated all around that city, afraid you might see them at every turn. 
even if it was an accident — or maybe because it was an accident — it had been easy to fall in love with this place, with the mountains and the cabin with floors you refurbished and bathroom tiles laid by your own hands, the practical clothes that fill your closet, the boots lined up neatly by the front door. 
you had fallen in love with a family more complete and full of grace than you had thought possible — mary and her warm, safe bar; camila who always shares her books; lilith who helped you, despite a near panic, cut your hair for the first time; shannon and the ranch full of animals she always treats with such care; everyone who took care of you — with joy, without judgement or resentment — after top surgery, suzanne driving you to and from the hospital, four hours each way, and then a rotating cast of company and food, tidying around your home that has become theirs too, while you healed, and had, months later, mortifyingly whistled relentlessly the first time you went swimming in the lake the next summer. suzanne comes over sometimes with a bag from the farmer’s market to make you dinner and split a bottle of wine; camila has never forgotten your coffee order since the first time you went; lilith never complains on hikes that make you both bend over, exhausted by the time you summit, with matching grins; mary and shannon have you over every year for your birthday, throwing you a big party even though you insist you’re fine without. you are celebrated and seen without reproach, a miracle in itself.
you have theo, a great love of your life, no matter what anyone says, who had wandered up to you quite bravely the first time you went out to the ranch when she was still tiny, not quite coordinated, still downy and velvety soft in the way only her ears are now, with black freckles on her white chest and sharp puppy teeth when she chewed on your finger. you fell in love with the way she made shannon and suzanne laugh when she squared up with the sheep, much bigger than her, her fearless and ineffective attempts at herding both promising and adorable. she was never meant to be a working dog on the ranch full time, so when suzanne offered her to you as a companion who could work some days with the stock, it had felt like things slid into place. you talk to her and she tilts her head to listen; you laugh together and explore and she curls up, spine to spine, during the middle of the night; at sunrise you feed her scraps of bacon from your plate when she rests her head on your thigh. 
you love and are loved so much; you are not lonely.
you know the entire town is meddling and loves to gossip, lilith being the worst even if she swears she’s not invested at all. camila is obvious about it, getting to know every person who ever visits to try to set you up with the ones she deems “eligible,” which, at this point, you think just translates into someone you would find physically attractive — not narrowing it down much — who is “probably” (camila’s words) single. it’s a lost cause, you’re fairly certain, even though everyone insists it’ll happen one day.
you should know to bet against god, or love, or fate, or whatever, because it’s an average day just like the others when you meet ava. 
you had been reading a twitter thread the day before about how metaphors are relational only; they are rarepairs; they never fully tell the truth. it runs through your mind the first time you see her, laughing by shannon’s side, the snow just beginning to fall — you’ll think back on it years later and have no words or associations to really tell the whole truth of what you felt: like a door had opened in front of you that you had thought was a wall, or suddenly the grey light of the waning afternoon sounded a gentle purple, or planets and stars and the entire universe. there’s nothing but the truth of ava: her smile and her dark eyes and her cane getting caught in the fresh snow every time she takes a step, clearly annoying her but going unmentioned. her impractical puffer jacket, her red cheeks. you have never felt a pull like this before in your life, and it unsettles you.
theo barks at you, embarrassingly, after you’ve just been standing still, your world reorienting. she’s tired from working the sheep back from pasture to the barn before the storm, probably wanting water and a nap in your warm truck as you head home. you scratch behind her ears to soothe her and she shakes you off, still annoyed, which makes you laugh and follow as she trots along in front. 
you haven’t felt this young maybe ever, suddenly blanking on literally any words when theo goes up to shannon — and, so, ava — and you don’t even know her yet, have never heard her name yet, but she beams at you.
‘beatrice,’ shannon says, and all you can do is offer up a weird, awkward wave, which shannon lifts a brow at, her smile sharpening when she sees what must be a blush on your cold cheeks, ‘this is ava; ava, this is beatrice.’
you take off your leather work gloves before offering your hand to shake.
‘wow,’ ava says, ‘that was so chivalrous, i loved it.’ before you can even respond, she leans forward excitedly. ‘and who is this?’
‘this is theo.’ theo, for her part, waits patiently by your side as her tongue lolls out in a happy, tired smile, her little coat admittedly very cute. ‘you can say hi, if you want. she loves people.’
ava is delighted by this, and she crouches down and pets theo happily but considerately, not getting too excited or up in her space. ‘i know you said she loves people, but i’m feeling very special right now.’
you laugh. ‘she has that effect.’
ava eventually stands, and you kind of resent shannon for leaving at some point in the last thirty seconds while you were both distracted. ‘do you —‘
‘—where are you—‘
‘apologies,’ you say.
‘sorry,’ ava says.
you reach out and touch her hand gently, briefly, enough to send a shock of electricity — warm and new — through you. it’s starting to snow harder, and you had planned to beat the worst of it and settle in for the night. ‘did you drive here?’ you ask, forgoing your first desire to ask where are you visiting from? or how long will you be staying? or why are you here? 
ava laughs. ‘nah, mary gave me a ride. i was at the bar and she was telling me about this place; i do marketing and social media for an agency in the city and it sounded like the ranch could use some of my incredible expertise, maybe, for fundraising views. plus it sounded cute, so i wanted to see it and she offered. anyway —‘ she rambles and then takes a deep breath. ‘she didn’t say anything about you.’
you feel, mortifyingly, for a moment, like you might pass out, but you gather yourself. ‘oh, i, uh, i just volunteer here. with theo. we work stock. i don’t —‘ you clear your throat and ava looks on, grinning, ‘do you need a ride back to town?’
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cha0ticspacebi · 3 months
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You and Eddie sing Electric Touch by Taylor Swift (Feat. Fall Out Boy) together like it's the opening of High School Musical.
Pairing: Modern Eddie Munson x Female Reader
Word Count: 2.3 k
Author's Note: Shows up after a year with Starbucks and a dumb fic that wouldn't leave my brain. This song fic was born in my car driving one day listing to Taylor Swift. I've never written a song fic like this before and I took it incredibly literally using a few of the lyrics as you and Eddie sing karaoke. It's a cheesy, goofy, story with no warnings or anything but my blog is still 21+ so MDNI!
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The Fourth of July was just an excuse to party in your opinion. Not that you didn’t take that opportunity year after year. Sometimes laying out by the lake losing track of the hours, forgetting everything around you except the way the water washes over the shoreline. Sometimes going to parties like your high school days, drinking some bizarre concoction of who knows what until you pass out. This year’s something was supposed to be going to the party at The Hideout with what’s his name that you’d been on a few dates with.
That is until you accidentally interrupted his date with that pretty blonde florist.
Now your plan was to just drink your sorrows away at home. Not to him specifically, he wasn’t worth the liver damage. More so to the barren wasteland that is your love life. One failed date attempt after another. Every story ended before it could even truly begin. Every something became a nothing so quickly that the idea of trying again just seemed too daunting.  At the end of the day though you were happy, so what did it really matter? 
Chrissy’s bright eyes flashed across your phone screen as you reached over to see who was interrupting your self loathing. She’d been a close friend to you since the day you moved to the small town of Hawkins, so close that you already knew what she’s going to say when you answered.
“Hi Chrissy,” you tried to hide the depression from your voice, “What’s up?”
“You know what’s up missy! Where are you? I thought you were coming tonight?” you could hear the sounds of many voices in the background and music playing.
“Eh- I’m not really feeling too good, think I’m just gonna stay in.”
She paused for a second, “If you’re actually sick I’ll leave you alone but I think you and I both know that’s just an excuse.”
You sighed into the speaker with a hint of a defeated chuckle, “Alright fine you win. I’ll be there in an hour.”
It’s true what they say. Getting cleaned and dressed, putting makeup on and actually paying attention to your outfit really does wonders for your mental health. As you survey your appearance you can’t help but smile and wonder what adventures the night has in store for you. 
The Hideout is packed when you arrive. You’ve driven past this place a dozen or so times but never actually been inside. Chrissy’s car was in the parking lot so you walked in and immediately started trying to find her. Which was certainly easier said than done.
People were everywhere. Every corner of the bar brimming with bodies. Some dancing, some drinking, everyone seemed to be waiting for something with an excited buzz. Crossing the room by squeezing your way through the small spaces between groups, you caught a glimpse of an empty stage. There were two microphone stands and a large screen set up in the corner facing inwards.
You looked away when you heard your name being called and saw Chrissy headed towards you holding the hand of a pretty girl, “Hey! I was starting to think you bailed again. Let’s get you a drink! This is Robin by the way.”
Giving a little wave you introduce yourself and settle in pretty quickly. Getting your first drink and managing to snag a high top table just as another group is leaving. 
This is nice, you're really grateful that the girls are carrying the conversation and never once does it turn to your recent dating failure. As much as you hate to admit it, this is exactly what you needed. Chrissy is rambling on between sips of her drink so you let your eyes wander around the bar, people watching and seeing if any additions had been added to the stage. Is a band playing? Your pondering came to a screeching halt when you accidentally made eye contact with a stranger.
He was sitting opposite your table with a big group and you had to look at precisely the right angle between the heads and shoulders to see him but it was well worth it. His long brown curls hung perfectly against his shoulders and even in this dim bar lighting you could see the shimmer in his eyes. He looked back at his friend almost as quickly as you did. But all of a sudden your cheeks felt warm and your heart started beating just a little quicker.
“Last call for sign ups, sign up over with Stacy at the bar!” a voice came over the microphone from the stage.
“Sign ups for what?” you asked the girls.
“Karaoke,” Robin answered, “Chrissy and I already signed up for a duet.” She smiled and judged your expression with an inquisitive tilted brow, “You gonna sign up?”
“Ha,” the scoff came out a little louder than you intended, “I’ll pass.” But your face says otherwise. In truth you weren’t against the idea but you didn’t like the idea of getting up there by yourself, maybe if you had a partner.
You were so lost in your own musings that you didn’t realize your stare had wandered back to those dreamy brown eyes. So distracted in fact that you were blind to the mischievous smile that appeared on Chrissy’s lips. You barely heard her when she said something and got up from the table.
“Where’d Chrissy go?” you finally came back to reality.
Robin’s glass set gently back down on the table as she finished a sip, “She went to change the song that she wants to sing with me.” With a nod you forgot all about the boy with the brown eyes.
You were on your second drink by the time karaoke began. The three of you sat listening and singing along if you knew the words. There was a good mix of songs. Of course the classic choices appeared and you sang a little too hard when The Backstreet Boys played. With every song you were a little more disappointed that you let your fears stop you from signing up…oh well maybe next time.
“Ok folks next up we have Chrissy and Robin!” You cheered so loud as your friends made their way up to the stage. Admiring them as they flawlessly sang a long forgotten song from the 80s together. By the end, Robin’s hand was holding Chrissy’s so firmly your suspicions that the two had been dancing around feelings all evening was confirmed. They sang their hearts out and got a huge applause after.
A slight sheen of sweat covered each of their foreheads as they made their way back to the table. Praises for their performance made you miss the next group entirely.
Only a few more names were called after that until finally the announcer said that the next duo were the final performers of the night and that immediately following, there would be fireworks outside. 
“I had a really good time tonight,” you went to grab your purse, “I think I’m gonna head out before the crowd.”
“No! You can’t, you’re–” Chrissy’s protests and your exit attempt were both cut off by the man’s voice calling your name through the mic, “And Eddie. If you’re both still here, come on up!”
Your eyes popped and you felt stuck. Blinking a few times to shoo away the initial shock you looked at Chrissy with a knowing expression. Rolling your eyes with a shake of the head you resigned yourself to your fate and headed up to the stage. 
Nerves bubbled as you did. You didn’t even hear the name of the person you’d be singing with, let alone know what song Chrissy could’ve possibly signed you up for. The hairs on your neck bristled with excitement as you stepped up on stage and found yourself face to face with the brown eyed boy. Who was looking just as surprised and shocked as you were. Does he think I signed us up? I don’t even know his name! Does Chrissy even know him? Fuck why’d it have to be him?! 
Anticipation seemed to hang there in the air as you felt totally unsure of what melody was about to play. The two of you just stood there in front of your respective microphones looking nervous and incredibly awkward. The moment went on for an eternity! Whoever is in charge of the sound back there needs to get their shit together. Just when you were about to say fuck it and hop off the stage, run outside and never be seen by polite society ever again– the song started.
Your eyes bee lined for Chrissy’s in the audience. Giving her an annoyed but grateful look. At least she picked something you know all the words to but she knew exactly what she was doing when she picked this particular song.
The instrumental opening helped bridge the gap. You felt your shoulders float down. Breathing became easier. Your heartbeat slowed to a reasonable pace as your hands reached for the mic. Looking down at your feet you realize the toe of his Doc Marten is tapping along. One more deep breath. The first words were exactly what you needed. You can do this.
“Just breathe, just relax, it’ll be ok,” the words fell surprisingly smooth from your throat and at the end of that first line you dared a glance to your right. His eyes were wide and captivated by you. From that first moment when you’d caught his stare, you felt a spark. That spark ignited again. Your fingers felt tingly as they held the microphone stand. The tempo picked up and you felt the last of your nerves vanish as your body moved along with the familiar song. The words ringing just a little too true, “Still I’m hoping that the fire won’t burn me! Just one time, just one time.”
Your voice rises to heights you weren’t even aware of as the chorus starts and you get closer and closer to his part. Your hips turn. Facing him a little more and more with every word. Not wanting to miss a second of seeing him once he gets his moment in the spotlight. Your eyes are on him permanently now and with that first, “In the heat of your electric touch,” you forgot all about why you didn’t want to come out tonight. 
His gaze is right back at you. You don’t need the monitor displaying the lyrics but you’d assumed he would and he nearly misses his cue. As blue words start flitting across the screen and he stays quiet. You stifle a laugh pointing eagerly at the monitor trying to help him. Mouthing the words to help him get back on track. It works and he shakes his head trying to look at both you and the monitor at the same time. 
“I’ve been left in the rain lost and pining,” His voice is deep. It’s warm. He’s good, you think, listening to him. He fumbles a little but it’s cute. He’s obviously never heard the song before but it’s easy to tell that this isn’t his first time on stage. You drink in his appearance beyond those eyes and shamelessly stare at the tattoos littering his exposed biceps. The way his sleeveless vest and cut off t-shirt align right at the cap of his shoulder. A few chains decorate his belt and his jeans are more than well loved judging from the rips and tears. 
He finds a rhythm and his voice recaptures your attention. I wonder if this is how he felt watching me. Does he feel the spark too? His smile lifts around each word and dances across his face as the energy of the song fills him. Singing the words as they appear with such conviction that there’s no way he doesn't believe them in his heart. He’s– he starts waving and pointing at the screen where red words had started appearing again signaling that you should stop staring and start singing again!
“Just one time!” your voices mingle and connect as you sing the shared lines. The two you might as well be in your own world. His eyes and the words floating between you become the only things in the room; the audience completely forgotten. Chrissy and Robin’s cheers unheard. Only his gentle steps closing the gap between you, stepping closer. Suddenly reaching out and grabbing your hand. His skin against yours igniting that spark again as you return the touch. Holding his hand like you’ve known him your whole life. The passion in your combined voices continues to build as the song reaches a peak.
It could just be that energy, it could just be the glint of desire staring back at you but you never want this moment to end. To live in the space between what could be and what could’ve been. If you never leave this stage he’d never get a chance to break your heart. But if you don’t you’ll never know if he even would. The final words leave his throat but he stops. His mouth agape staring at you as you hold that long note. The unmistakable look of interest in those eyes. 
He seems worth the risk.
The song fades and his hand squeezes a little before dropping yours and putting the mic back in the stand. Only then do you hear the applause. 
You turn to see all the people in the bar clapping and cheering. Your cheeks warm up again from suddenly realizing that everyone’s been watching you this entire time. Something takes your hand again and lifts it up. He grabbed your hand and raised it in his. Pumped with his performance as he waves at the people he’d been sitting with earlier. He brings your arm back down, leading you into a deep bow. Repeating that action once more before letting go.
With the music gone, you watch your chance hop off the edge of the stage, “Hey! You were,” you try to get your nerve as you hurry down and stand before him, “You were really good. I was so surprised when they called us that I didn’t catch your name.”
He chuckles a little, “I’ll tell you on one condition.”
Butterflies flutter in your stomach, “And what’s that?”
“Come watch the fireworks with me.”
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ofduskanddreams · 1 year
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Truth or Dare, Azriel?
For @panicatthenightcourt :) The request: Gwynriel and Elucien. Tipsy truth or dare and maybe things get a little bit messy? I chose to make this a modern AU since it wasn't specified hehe.
A/N: It's implied that they've been drinking but let me assure everyone that they're still fully in control of themselves. There is no infidelity in this fic, everything is consented to by all parties involved.
Gwynriel & Elucien ✦ Rated M ✦ 1.3k words ✦ on AO3
Azriel dropped his head onto Gwyn’s shoulder, closing his eyes and inhaling the scents of sunscreen and lavender shampoo.
The bonfire was crackling merrily and carving a pool of orange out of the deep violet night. Crickets chirped, frogs trilled, and the lake water lapped gently at the sand.
He was tipsy.
Gwyn smelled fucking amazing.
There were still four days left of their vacation.
He was at his favorite place with his favorite people.
It was too….
Azriel sat up, blinking against the firelight and reminding himself that he was allowed to have this without the constant fear of it being stripped away.  
Some things were truly good. Other shoes didn’t always drop.
“Everything alright, Az?” Elain asked. She was curled into Lucien’s side across the fire from them.
“Yeah, fine. I just spaced out.” He hoped his face betrayed nothing. The last thing he needed was for Lucien to spend the rest of their vacation calling him Sadzriel again. 
“Okay,” Gwyn exclaimed with a clap of her hands. “We are going to play a game because it’s too early for us to be getting tired. Besides, we need to give them—” she jerked her head toward the house on the hill “—more time before the cabin will be safe.”
Half an hour earlier, Nesta had dragged Cassian away from the fire claiming she was “tired.” Rhys and Feyre made their excuses not long after.
Gwyn had a point. Even if they wanted to go to bed right now, Azriel knew none of them would be able to fall asleep due to the volume of the others' activities. It was the one downside of this pine-sheltered haven on the lake. 
“What kind of game?” Lucien asked.
Azriel turned to his right. The flames danced tangerine in the teal reflection of Gwyn’s eyes making them gleam with a devilish light. 
His girlfriend shot him a sly smile. “Truth or Dare.”
Elain grinned, “I’m in.” 
“Me too,” Lucien said with a huff of laughter. 
His past experiences of Truth or Dare weren’t what Azriel would call fond memories. Then again, maybe that was an unavoidable consequence of playing with Rhys and Cassian instead of being the fault of the game itself. And the way Gwyn was looking up at him all wide-eyed and lower lip caught between her teeth the way she knew drove him crazy….
“Fine, I’m in too.”
“Don’t sound so excited about it,” Lucien chuckled and Azriel threw an empty beer can at his head.
“If you had my memories of Truth or Dare, you wouldn’t be so psyched about it either,” Azriel grumbled. 
It didn’t take long for the game to spiral in the direction that Azriel had been dreading. They made it once around the circle and then it was Elain’s turn again. He knew it was going to be bad no matter which option he chose. The world may think Elain Archeron the epitome of sweet kindness, but those close to her knew better than to fall to that facade. Elain Archeron could be the devil in disguise.
“Truth or dare, Azriel?” she asked, her tone intentionally disarming.
Knowing Elain for as long as he had, he knew she knew things about him that few did—that Gwyn didn’t. Not yet, at least. They’d been together for a year but some things he wanted to share were so weighty that a year might not be strong enough to hold them. To choose “truth” would be too risky.
“Dare.” Azriel leaned back, leveling Elain with a look of challenge to belie his fear of her next words.
“I dare you to kiss Lucien. For at least five seconds. With feeling.”
And Elain looked so smug at that, Azriel couldn’t help but laugh. Lucien was very attractive. Had they met in a bar and weren’t attached, he’d waste no time. “What do you say, Lucien?”
Lucien wore a smirk as he pushed off the log to stand. “If the ladies want a show, and you are willing, who am I to deny them?”
Azriel rose, moving until they were standing nearly chest to chest. “Oh, if it’s what the ladies want, I’m all in.” 
He shot a questioning glance toward Gwyn over his shoulder. It was only a fun game if everyone thought so, if she didn’t want him to do this he wouldn’t. But Gwyn was smiling, and she waved her hands as if to say by all means, please continue.
So, Azriel reached and tangled his fingers in the thick red hair at Lucien’s nape. He winked at Gwyn. “I always have had a thing for redheads,” and then he stepped into Lucien’s space.
Lucien was slightly taller than him. Azriel had forgotten until he had to tilt his chin at the last second. The kiss started out questioning: hi there, hello—drawing back, a second chaste brush and press—we’re doing this, yes we are.
Then it turned exploratory: how good of a kisser are you?—adding pressure—very good I’ll have you know—Lucien’s hands on either side of his jaw, tipping Azriel’s head as he took control. Azriel nipped Lucien’s lower lip in response to the challenge.
Someone wolf-whistled. Probably Gwyn. Azriel took that as his cue to slow, and Lucien did the same.
The kiss ended sincerely: that was rather nice—a strong press—it was, wasn’t it—parting, then coming back for one last peck, featherlight and lingering.
They stepped away from each other, smiling. Lucien offered Azriel his hand, “Nice work.”
Azriel shook it, “You weren’t too bad yourself.”
Lucien rolled his eyes and went back to sit beside Elain. “Was it everything you hoped for?”
Elain, whose red cheeks (though not as red as Gwyn’s when Azriel looked) were answer enough, but she huffed a laugh, “And then some. I don’t know what I expected but that was… something.” 
Lucien arched an eyebrow, glancing between Azriel and Gwyn with a silent question. Azriel couldn’t deny that the idea intrigued him, but that was something to think about for another night. Now he needed revenge.
“Elain—Truth or dare?” Azriel already knew which one she would choose, but they had to play the game. 
Just as he had hoped.
“I dare you to ask Gwyn to go skinny dipping in the lake with you right now.”
“Oh,” Elain feigned surprise. “So that’s how it’s going to be? What do you say, Gwyn, should we give the boys a taste of their own medicine?”
“Now hold on. That wasn’t—” Azriel’s half-hearted protest was interrupted when Gwyn stood up and tugged off her (it was actually his, but she’d stolen it) hoodie.
“There is nothing I would like more,” Gwyn replied with a wicked-looking grin aimed at Azriel. 
Elain and Gwyn walked down the beach, a trail of discarded clothes marking their path to the lakeshore. 
Slowly, Azriel and Lucien rose and turned as one, as if there were little more than puppets on strings. 
Inky water swallowed pale limbs and soft curves as they walked further out. The two women seemed to glow in the light of the nearly full moon reflecting off the breeze wrinkled surface of the lake. They were ethereal, otherworldly, like nymphs or sirens.
Azriel glanced at Lucien to find the man already looking at him. They exchanged nods, starting to follow the trail their girlfriends had left behind.
Gwyn and Elain stopped when the water was just below their shoulders. He wasn’t sure who moved first, but the next thing he knew their hands were in each other's wet hair and they were kissing. 
“Fuck me.” The words sounded like they’d been punched out of Lucien’s gut.
“Yeah,” Azriel breathed. He shared the sentiment.
“Well boys,” Gwyn’s voice carried over the water. “Are you going to just stand there or are you going to join us?”
✦ ✦ ✦
tagging: @damedechance @talons-and-teeth @krem-does-stuff @iftheshoef1tz @thelovelymadone @mmiscbutterflies @shadowriel @foundress0fnothing @sunshinebingo @octobers-veryown @areyoudreaminof @moonpatroclus @separatist-apologist @kingofsummer93 @velidewrites @wittyrejoinder @bagelfyre @itsthedoodle @sv0430
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Walker Season 4 Deleted Scenes
4x01: The Quiet
Stella enters her dorm room and turns the light on. She locks the door before turning around. Her steps slow as she sees the window. The glass is blank and shows a clear night outside, with the blinds up and the curtains pulled aside. Stella drops her purse on the floor, quickly walks up to the window, and closes the blinds and the curtains. She then walks over to the bed and pulls her boots off, leaving them on the floor as she gets into bed still fully dressed. She reaches for a round fluffy pillow and holds it to her chest as she lays there silently. Ambient sounds from the dorm hallways can be heard throughout the scene.
4x04: Insane B.S. and Bloodshed
We pan up from an abandoned drink on the bar of the Side Step to see Sadie staring in through a clean spot on a cloudy window. We hear a robotic voice telling her to leave a message at the beep. She then leaves this message:
Hey, Ger. Um, I thought I'd catch you closing up the Side Step.... But, uh, I just wanted to say bye. Some tour stuff came up. Big opportunity! Um, I wish I coulda stayed longer, but I'll try and call from the road. Um.... Keep an eye on Stella for me, okay? Thanks. Alright, bye Ger.
As she talks, we hear some real regret in her voice and it's clear she's not telling the truth.
While she was on the phone, a car pulled up, illuminating her with headlights. Someone honked the horn, prompting her to quickly end her message. She rolls her eyes and grabs the backpack she left on one of the outdoor tables and heads for the car that's parked off screen.
4x10: End This Way
A light gray truck slowly drives down a road in a sunny area. As the truck pulls to a stop in some shade, we see Cassie is driving with David Luna in the passenger seat. After stopping the truck, Cassie pulls up her phone and starts poking at the screen. She says that the gazebo they're looking for is supposed to be on the north side of the lake, but she can see one much closer. As she confusedly looks for more information, she complains about the low quality of the map on the website she's looking at. David suggests they just go check it out and starts getting out of the truck. As he rounds the back, Cassie follows him out.
4x13: See You Sometime
Scene 1:
We see Stella and Liam walking alongside a fenced in field. Liam is looking over the horses and Stella is talking about her confusion over college and everyone expecting her to know what she wants to do with her life, echoing her earlier plotline about being unsure what she wanted with her life.
But, now that everything is done with the hunt for the necklace, she's remembered that, in her heart, all she wants to do is help people. She's not entirely sure what that looks like yet but lists psychology, sociology, and criminal justice as options she's looking at. Liam teases her and calls her a "regular Cordi Jr.", making them both laugh.
Stella then shifts the conversation to the rescue and suggests getting help for the rescue. She starts to explain that she's been collecting resumes but she needs help when Liam interrupts her and says they might not need more help, as he's recently received an offer to buy the horse rescue and he thinks they should take it. They've got it off it's feet now and it helped them both a lot, but it's clear that they're both at a point where they have different priorities. It's time to let it go. Stella asks if Liam is serious and Liam confirms that he is, but that he won't go through with it unless she's okay with it.
"So, what do you say? Should we move on to greener pastures?" he asks, holding a hand out to shake. Stella smiles and shakes, agreeing that it's something to consider.
Scene 2:
Sadie closes the trunk of her van and turns around. The camera pans over to show the farmhouse as August exits the front door. August apologizes and says he just got her text and starts to explain that his graduation party is actually at the main house, but stops talking as he sees what Sadie has.
The camera jumps to show her standing next to a pile of music stuff- August's old things he sold earlier in the season. She presents it all proudly.
August, in disbelief, asks if she really got all his old stuff back and Sadie says she did. She says he shouldn't give up on music. August, still shocked, agrees, saying he was thinking the same thing. He has a lot of decisions to make about school and he was actually thinking of waiting a year to make some money, work on photography and now his music.
Sadie then says she might need a roadie. August, in a different stage of disbelief, asks if she's serious. She nods, saying it's best to make music with people you trust, and that after everything that's happened this year, she trusts him. She says his family.
August thanks her and they hug. He then awkwardly brings up that they're not technically family in that sense and she tells him not to ruin the moment. Besides, they both have places to be. They both laugh and start carrying August's things back inside, where they belong.
Scene 3:
At Ranger HQ. Cordell, in his civilian clothes, enters the bullpen and interrupts Trey at his desk. They fistbump in greeting and refer to each other as "partner".
Trey asks if Cordell is ready to hit the ground running and Cordell explains that while he is excited for everything that's coming next, he's just put in for a leave of absence.
Trey, surprised, asks if everything is okay. Cordell says that it is, or that, at least, he's trying to make it that way. Trey nods in understanding and says he's not going anywhere.
Cordell then notices a sticky note Trey is holding and asks what it's about. Trey hesitates and explains that an old army buddy of his named "Jenny" has been repeatedly calling him and he needs to figure out what it's about. This old buddy of his is the kind of person that will just show up and "it might be a good time, but it's never good news". Cordell laughs and says he knows the type.
Trey then moves the conversation along, saying it's not Cordell's problem and that he should go have a good time with his family, wherever they're going. They laugh and hug as Cordell leaves and he says he'll "see you soon, partner". As Cordell leaves, Trey sits down with a smile on his face.
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mcgnagallsarmy · 7 months
Spuffy style Reading Challenge - #27: Monthly Key Word Reading Challenge #3
1st month - Secret, Heaven, True, House, Come, Only, Know, Winter:
A Wonderful Awful Idea by The Danish Bird [NC-17]
With nothing apocalyptic looming on the horizon and hoping to avoid a certain thick-headed commando, it seems like the perfect opportunity when Giles mentions a monster terrorising the good people of Lake Tahoe. What could be more merry than a Christmas trip to the mountains to investigate? The gang is all coming along, defanged vampire in tow. Buffy should totally be able to deal with the demon, ignore Spike and their recent “engagement,” enjoy some resort-town shopping, and be back with Mom on Christmas Eve. Right? What could possibly go wrong? Set in season 4 at the beginning of Doomed.
2nd month - Heir, Night, Bride, Down, Women, Hand, Teach, Guest:
Drive by Holly [NC-17]
Freshly turned and very grumpy about it, Buffy finds herself in a weird place. One where her friends smell like food, her former mortal enemy smells like heaven, and the so-called love of her life has made it clear that killing her is on his to-do list. Throw in some overly zealous army guys and this is not Buffy's idea of a party. So she and Spike decide to hit the road at least long enough to figure out why neither of them can hit anything else. And since they're both single and free, well, Buffy wouldn't say no to a distraction from the never-ending laugh riot that is her life. And Spike can be very, very distracting. Good thing soulless vampires can't fall in love or she might be in trouble.
3rd month - Story, Hunt, Plot, City, You, Cry, Another, Paint:
I Can Get Money by scratchmeout [NC-17]
Spike puts his past to good use to get money for Buffy. However, things become complicated when her ex shows up and targets Spike.
4th month - Darling, Funny, Familiar, Somewhere, List, Meet, Never, Word:
First Alternate by Soulburnt [NC-17]
After ‘Not Fade Away,’ Angel gets the Shanshu. A thrilled Buffy gets her curse-free soulmate. And Spike? He gets his heart shattered again. Gutted and seeing no point in staying in a world without his Slayer, Spike doesn’t hesitate when pursuing a deadly demon through a portal. He finds himself stuck in an alternate reality where he truly died closing the Hellmouth. He also finds another Buffy, one who is devastated that her Spike didn’t believe she loved him. They console each other over their losses… but are they only consolation prizes? Or can two heartbroken people get a second chance for love?
5th month - Library, Dark, Drown, Ex, Iron, Done, Love, Stranger:
If I'm Butter Than He's a Hot Knife by scratchmeout [NC-17]
Buffy meets a man at a bar on Valentine's Day.
6th month - Ink, Fragile, Road, Summer, Breath, Every, Push, Sorry:
Favor by EllieRose101 [NC-17]
Spike asks an impossible thing of Buffy––and is stunned when she says yes. Could he really have gone up in her estimation?
7th month - Mine, Again, Honey, Paradise, Still, Club, Train, Legend:
Eucharist by Holly [NC-17]
He had it all. The prophecy and the girl, merrily ever after and all that rot. But life doesn't stop.
8th month - School, Cut, Sky, Fate, Wing, Belong, Justice, Way:
The Time We Had by Dusty [NC-17]
She was there and then gone. All his life long.
9th month - Twice, World, Man, Quiet, Sweet, Hold, Shallow, Invisible:
Pardon My French by Girlytek [R]
In retrospect, it was probably a bad idea to let Buffy perform a spell in French. Begins at No Place Like Home.
10th month - Vampire, Here, Mist, Death, One, Missing, Bite, Witch:
Sweet William by cawthraven [PG]
After the fall of Sunnydale, Buffy’s living in Boston and working as a waitress, grateful that here, not everyone knows her name. She’s free for once to be herself—and to grieve.
11th month - Spice, Life, Hello, Keep, Truly, Couple, Joy, Young:
Candy Corn Mischief by honeygirl51885 [NC-17]
Spike gets roped into taking Dawn trick-or-treating.
12th month - Snow, Season, Ice, Merry, White, Under, Mistletoe, Inn:
A Christmas Wish by all choseny [PG-13]
On one lonely Christmas Eve, Buffy makes a wish to a stranger and is given a glimpse of what might have been with Spike.
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heyyallitsbethfanfic · 5 months
White Wedding
Aincrad had it’s fair share of gorgeous days, but today was a perfect day for relaxing and taking a break. The sun fell in the all right spots, gentle clouds making for lovely shade, and the gentlest breeze kept everything at a perfect temperature.
Kirito decided that they would take Asuna, Yui and Strea out today. They hadn’t been on a family trip with Asuna and Yui in a long time, and hadn’t at all since making the discovery that Strea was Yui’s long lost sister, and their newly adopted daughter. “Today would be a good day to make memories with them all.” Kirito tapped on the door of the room Asuna and Yui were staying in, inviting them out and telling them about their idea.
“Oh Kirito that sounds wonderful! And Strea will be so happy to get to spend time with all of us!” Asuna perked up, thinking about a lovely picnic date with Kirito, now alongside her two lovely children.
“I get to play with big sis Strea? And mommy and daddy? That sounds perfect!”  Yui was practically buzzing with excitement, and Kirito scooped her up in their arms and led her to their shoulders to carry her in a piggyback.
“Now all we need to do is get Strea too.”
Before long, the group made it’s way down to the base of the inn where Agil had set up his new bar. The rest of the party seemed to have been gathered to have breakfast together already.
“Yo everyone, it’s a nice day so we should take it easy. I’m gonna be taking Asuna and the girls for a day down at the lake, so you guys have fun when I’m gone.”
“Ah it’s never any fun when you’re gone Kii-bou, who else are me and Liz spost ta tease?” Argo joked at Kirito, but he was busy trying to stifle a laugh that ‘The Rat’ was currently nibbling on cheese for breakfast.
“I hope you all have fun!” Silica warmly smiled at the party.
“Yeah this weather is pleasant, it is definitely a perfect day for it.” Sinon didn’t tease Kirito surprisingly, just being genuine.
“Yeah, I hope it’ll stay this nice all day. This one here still hasn’t had a day out with us all yet.” Kirito tussled Strea’s hair, with her letting out a pleased purr as a response.
The girls shifted in their seats slightly, and Sinon spoke up for them “Um, Kirito- is that really appropriate?”
“Like, it’s one thing with Yui, but Strea is like. Barely younger than you and Asuna, are you sure you should be petting her like that?”
Kirito tilted his head confused at the question. “I… I don’t see why it wouldn’t be okay. Back in the real world Leafa and I would mess with eachother’s hair like that all the time.” He strolled over to his little sister and tussled her hair, eliciting a bright blush on Leafa.
“J-jeez big bro. It’s been years since you’ve done that…”
“Eh, gotta make up for lost time now that you’re here with us. Anyways, we’re headin’ out, laters.”
The party of four excused themselves as the rest of the guild sang them a chorus of goodbyes, and as soon as they were out of earshot, all eyes were on Leafa.
“So… Leafa… Wanna explain what you and Kirito just said?” Philia rested her head on one hand and pointed her fork accusingly at Leafa.
“Yeah, we knew Kirito was protective of you but…” Liz shifted her eyes away, feeling awkward.
“No wonda you always look so annoyed when A-chan’s around. You and Kii-bou were up ta some funky business in the real world huh? I betcha you did plenty-a lewd things to his body while he was unconscious huh?”
“J-JESUS ARGO- Don’t accuse me of stuff like that- It’s not like that at all”
“But it is strange. Kirito does seem to be very affectionate with you.” Sinon’s face was a mask of uninterested seriousness, but inside her mind wandered to dirty places, and a dark game she played with two characters who looked suspiciously like Kirito and Leafa.
“I’m his sister. Of course we’re affectionate. We’ve spent years together alone since mom and dad were always busy.”
“Leafa, honey, you’re digging yourself a grave here.” Liz cringed.
Silica shot up and clasped her hands over her mouth, struck by realization. “Kirito once comforted me by playing with my hair, and just a bit before that, he said I reminded him of you Leafa.”
“Jeez, girl musta sprung up a few cup sizes while he was away if you reminded him of her” Philia taunted Silica who pouted, hiding her chest.
“His best memories of me are probably from when we were younger. We haven’t always been the most well off family, so up until we were around 12 and 13, he and I shared a room. Around the time we got our own spaces, we kinda drifted apart from eachother.”
“Aw now I feel bad for teasing.” Philia patted Leafa on the shoulder apologetically.
“I don’t- I bet ya shared a bed too didn’t ya?” Liz was beaming a smirk.
Leafa’s silence was deafening.
“Oh. Oh my god.” Sinon pinched the bridge of her nose, exasperated.
“I… I was so used to it that for a long time after I still slept in Kirito’s bed… And any time I had a nightmare…” Leafa clutched the Moon Pendant around her neck, thinking of her recent quest to reunite the Sun and Moon Lovers with Kirito.
“Oh my god she’s in love with her brother-” Philia’s eyes went wide.
“Would it help if I said he was adopted?…”
“Given Kirito’s track record, it makes sense. That’s like what, 7 girls that’ve fallen for him? Why would she be immune?” Liz slumped into her chair.
“Even more competition…” Silica rested her head on the table pouting.
“Hmm. It’s a little weird, but it’s also sweet. You loved him so much you willingly dove into a death game to see him.” Sinon’s kind voice reassured Leafa.
Argo facepalmed.
“Dammit dammit dammit- you’ve screwed us all.”
The group of girls looked at Argo in confused.
“Dontcha all get it? This gal’s been flirtin with Kii-bou since they were born. And we know he was a loner- He doesn’t think that we’re flirtin- he just thinks all gals act like that because of Leafa-”
“Oh-” Liz and Philia blurted out.
“Leafa…” Silica looked up at Leafa with tears at the edges of her eyes.
“We’re doomed.” Sinon rested her head in her hands.“Ehehehe- whoopsie…” Leafa could only look down in shame, with a crimson blush across her face.
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trivialbob · 1 year
The main reason for our Wisconsin camping trip this past weekend was to see our friend and former Tumblr Jessica, her husband, and their new bar. 
But we had one other destination in mind.
Sheila and I like dive bars. We’d heard of a blue ribbon, class A, #1, Gold Medal dive bar in northern Wisconsin, not far from the shores of Lake Superior, that is a must-see. 
We drove an hour and a half north from Birchwood to the tiny town of Moquah. Along the way we passed countless rural roadside bars (RRB). We stopped at one for a bloody and chaser. My nice smile earned me a Spotted Cow instead of a Busch Lite for that five ounce beer that makes a bloody 48% happier.
At times I wonder if these small towns, where the bar to resident ratio is high, do they close some bars just so those employees have a chance to visit the rest of the bars in town? 
I present - The Plywood Palace.
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We arrived at 12:10 PM. The door, held shut with a small Master padlock that wouldn't survive five seconds in Minneapolis or Chicago, should have been propped open at that point, but the owner was late. 
It’s not likely he reads Yelp or cares what it is, so no one wasted time bitching. We were far from 5G service anyway. 4G too. Even flip phones would not help so you’d better have a quarter for a pay phone if you want to call corporate and complain.
Several trucks and side-by-side ATVs were already there next to my truck. I bet there wasn’t a Prius within 100 miles of this place. Telslas likely are prohibited by local township rules.
We were all happy campers, waiting in that parking area. Everyone had a cooler. Some shared beer. We shared beef sticks from a meat shop we stopped at on the way there. One woman had bowls of dip and some chips. It was a block party in the sticks, next to a shack.
About an hour later the owner showed up. A man of few words, he mostly grunted “three bucks” or “six bucks,” depending on how many cans of Busch Lite a bar patron ordered. The money went into a mechanical cash register. Hey! You hippie over there, asking about Apple Pay, GTFO of here. Ka-ching.
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We’d been advised to order canned beverages. There’s no running water at the Plywood Palace. Everyone followed that advice. No one dared order a bloody or an Old Fashioned. Or anything requiring ice. Or even a glass of water.
Sheila and I loved talking with everybody, hoisting Busch Lights to our parched lips as sunlight streamed through holes in the roof and walls before finally striking on the concrete and dirt floor.
Bras and signed dollar bills decorate what could be known to some as a ceiling.
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The “ladies” room is a two-stall. Word has it that the women prefer one side over the other. You may see why. 
Sheila had a large package of baby wipes, because she plans ahead. Others were elated when she announced that anyone could help themselves to those clean, moist sheets.
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Left stall:
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Right stall:
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This is the men’s room. It accommodates acres of full bladders. I found the little flowers to be a thoughtful touch.
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Pollsters likely spend little time here.
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Near the end of our visit I scrawled Sheila’s and my names on the wall with a Sharpie. I tried to buy a beer for the people who’d gladly opened their coolers to us before the bar opened, but they would have nothing of it. Friends share beer with friends, and we were all friends.
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lala1267 · 1 year
Trapped in his world
Summary: you had a bad bf but Elvis was there to look after u.
Warnings: domestic violence, blood, abuse, reader is powerless, reader basically got kidnapped.
Note: This is a very sensitive piece of writing, so this is meant for mature audiences. If u don't like it or don't feel comfortable, DON'T READ. Oh, and lmk if u want a part 2.
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I was a happy seventeen year old girl called Briella. But everyone knew me as 'Bree'. I played and laughed every day. I swam in lakes and jumped in puddles. I always had a big smile on my face. But that smile faded when I met John. He was in his early thirties. He was a manipulative and obsessive dick. I never wanted to be with him in the first place. There were roses in my hair. I was in trouble. I was running through the parking lot, he chased me, and he wouldn't stop.His words echoed through my head.
"Tag, you're it." He grabbed my hair and took the words right out of my mouth, I was silenced and. My laughter turned into crying. That was how I met this crazy man. From that day, I would never see my friends or family again. I was trapped in his house unless he was outside with me. He always had eyes on me. He was always watching. He would chew me up and spit me on the sidewalk like I was worthless. If I set my eyes on another man, I would endure a painful beating. But if I wanted to leave, he would say,
"Sweetie, I'm just teaching you a lesson." He manipulated me into staying in his corrupted world, not that I had a choice anyway. It was like I was a corpse to a psychopathic clown. I just wished that I could turn him back into a stranger.
It was a Saturday afternoon. The sun was shining. I was waiting for John to finish getting ready. We had to go to an event for the rich. Celebrities and rich people would be there. I had no idea why John would have an invitation to the event, but he always had stacks of cash hidden everywhere. I was dressed in a pink dress that he had brought me, and he was in a black suit. He walked into the living room, I was sat on the sofa patiently.
"Let's go, sweetie." I hated his disgusting voice. I got up and followed him out of the door and into his car. I sat in the passenger seat as he got into the drivers seat. He paused before starting the car. He turned his head to look at me in my blue eyes.
"Don't you dare lay your eyes on another man, you hear me?" He grunted as his brows furrowed. I nodded as I tried to look away from his cold gaze. He turned back to the steering wheel and started the car.
Paparazzi mobed around the entrance of the building. We had arrived. He gripped my hand as I exited the car. His grip was harsh and aggressive. He was hurting me. He dragged me into the building that was crowded with celebrities and rich people. There were some big names in the place, even Elvis Presley was there. The place was full of people dancing and singing. It was like a club or a party. As his fingernails dug into my soft skin, he led me to a group of men, who were his friends. They looked to be in their thirties, like John. He began to talk and laugh with them, all while keeping a harsh grip on my small hand. The one and only Elvis Presley walked over to join the conversation. He was smiling and looked cheerfull.
"Hello John! Oh, and hello.." He said as he looked at my shy figure, my head was towards the floor and my fingers were playing with my dress. John was quick to finish his sentence for him.
"Her name's Briella." Elvis just smiled awkwardly before speaking again.
"Oh, well hi Briella. Are ya ok? Ya seem a bit sad." He said as his hand lifted my chin up to see my bruised face. Once he saw the bruise on my cheek, his face seemed to drop slightly. John quickly pulled me into a hug, shielding my face with his hand.
"Yeah, she's fine." He said as he quickly stepped back. He walked away with me, his hands were now gripping my wrist. He walked me over to the bar area. He sat me down and held my thighs tightly.
"Listen, keep ya head down." He said through his teeth. I nodded.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Make sure that I don't see that Elvis guy near ya." He said as he looked me dead in the eye. I simply replied with,
"Mhmm." He got up and walked over to the bathroom. Not even seconds later, Elvis was making his way towards me. My heart began to race as he stepped closer. This wasn't good, what If John sees him near me. He sat himself down in the stool next to me.
"What's that bruise on ya face, hun? You don't look too good." I raised my hand up to my bruise in an attempt to hide it.
"Uhm, it's nothing. I just fell, I-I get clumsy sometimes." I said quietly as I looked to the floor. He tucked a stray hair behind my ear as he tried to get a look at the bruise. My heart sank to a pit in my stomach as I saw John rushing over to me. I knew what was going to happen. I looked at Elvis with desperate eyes.
"Stop it, now." I said quietly. My hands were already shaking, and my heart was racing. It was too late. John aggressively gripped my upper arm and dragged me away. Elvis's face was both confused and worried as he watched me get dragged into the bathroom. He threw me onto the marble floor before locking the door behind him. I just closed my eyes as I awaited my beating. He grabbed my long hair, lifting me up off the ground slightly. He punched me across the face, leaving a red mark.
"How dare you flirt with other men!" He shouted as he continued to beat me.
"After all that I do for you!" He lifted me up so that I was standing. He sent another heavy blow across my face, this time making my nose bleed. I felt into the bathtub and banged my head on the tile wall.
"I feed you, I look after you, I do everything for you!" He shouted as he grabbed my hair. He made me face him.
"But I didn't ask for anything that you give me, I never wanted to be with yo-" I said as another string blow landed on my already bruised cheek. He pulled me out of the bathtub by my messy hair. He pushed me onto the wall. I looked at his face that was inflamed with anger and hate as tears streamed down my face. He said that he cares for me, but he didn't, and he never will. He pointed his long finger at my battered up face.
"You are going to fix yourself up and walk out of here like a lady!" He said as he grunted. I just nodded before he let me go. He walked out of the door like nothing happened. I quickly ran to the door to lock it so that no one could see me like this. I walked over to the vanity. I looked up at my reflection. I had a bloody nose, bruised face, messy hair, and mascara ran down my cheeks. I was a mess. I just wondered how I managed to end up in this place where I couldn't get away. Mabey, it was just a dream that I couldn't seem to wake up from. After all of his punches and kicks, I still loved him, I was dependent on him. I needed saving, but I didn't want to be saved. A boy is a gun, he shot me down when i got to high. I looked up into the mirror for a few more seconds, contemplating the point of life. I opened the cabinet to find a cloth. I damped it with water and began to scrub my face. The sting made me yelp slightly. As I removed the makeup, all of my bruises became more noticeable. My heart shattered into a million pieces as I wiped away the blood and mascara. I sighed before I began to re-apply my makeup. I was good at hiding hiding my bruises and cuts, but this was too much to hide. Once my makeup was done, I moved onto my hair, which was all tangled. I needed to rush since I didn't want John to get worried. I brushed it slightly. But it was still messy. I looked up to the mirror. My bruises were still visible, and my eyes were red. I just had to remind myself,
"He didn't mean it. He just gets angry sometimes." I said to myself as I held back the ocean of tears. My dress had blood stains on it. I couldn't do anything anymore, I had to walk out looking like this. I pulled myself together as I took deep breaths. I closed my eyes as my hand reached the handle. I open it. As I walked through the door, all eyes were on me. This was weird. My face turned red as I saw how many people were staring. Just then, I saw Elvis run over to me. He held my hand as he looked at my bruised face.
"Oh shit." He said under his breath as he led me into a VIP backroom. A million thoughts rushed through my head. What's happening? Why is everyone looking at me?. He closed the door behind him before he sat me down on the bed. I just assumed that this was his room or something. He got on his knees in front of me. He looked up to me as he held my small hands.
"What, why did you take me here?" I said quietly.
"What did he do to you?" My face dropped as I looked away from his watery eyes.
"N-nothing, what are you talking about?" I said as I looked to the floor.
"We all heard what happened in the bathroom, and it's pretty obvious since your face is all bruised." Tears ran down my face as I brought my hand up to my head. I pulled on my hair aggressively as I sobbed. Elvis pulled me from the bed and into his lap, on the floor.
"You weren't meant to hear that." I said through my shaky breath.
"You will never see him again, i can promise you that. I will look after you from now on." He said as he ran his hands through my messy hair.
"B-but I love him." I said quietly.
"But he doesn't love you." He said. He held into me tightly.
It could all get a little crazy unless there was something to hold onto. For me, that was true love.
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growling · 3 months
There was eleven of us, we lived in the lake... For breakfast, mother cut wind, I didn't know my father, as he perished of liver cancer, when he died in a tragic car accident, after self-immolation at uncle Eugeniusz's name day party. Uncle Eugeniusz was taken by the NKVD in '59. No one complained.
We were all part of hordes and plundered the area. Konin, Szczecin and Oslo were in flames. We also played in construction sites. Sometimes one of us got hit with a reinforced slab, sometimes not. Whenever our foot got impaled with a stray nail, mother cut it off and said with a smile, "you, kurna, got another one, yeah?" She didn't tremble with fear that we're gonna kill each other like that. She knew that we're all going to die eventually. No one complained.
Seasonal diseases were fought by grandma. To combat tuberculosis, scurvy, tumors and polio, we used urine and moss. The doctor visited us, unless at grandma's - for the moss and urine. We went to the woods whenever we wanted. We ate berries, which were previously pissed on by foxes and roe deer. We ate death caps, which were defecated on by rabid bisons and martens. We didn't have hamburgers - we ate wolves. We didn't have chips - we ate ants. There wasn't coca-cola back then, there was bear saliva. There was frog period blood. No one complained.
Whenever our neighbor caught us stealing apples, he punished us himself. Lime pit, knife, hunting rifle - it varied. The neighbor didn't get offended over the stolen apples, and neither did father over replacement in parenting duties. Father and the neighbor drank beer in the evening - as always. Then father came back home, and on his way he took another child. Children then were littered everywhere. On lawns, in drainage ditches, by bus stops, under trees. Just like how today are littered candy bar wrappers. There weren't candy bars back then, but children were laying everywhere. No one complained.
During summer, we climbed on top of the skyscrapers, and weren't monitored by adults. We jumped. Nobody, however, got splattered on the pavement. Everyone could fly and no one needed any special lessons in order to learn this skill. No one also complained.
During winter, some father arranged us a sleigh ride with his old fiat, and always sped up during turns. Sometimes the sleds got caught against the trees or fences. Then we fell. Sometimes that moment a jelcz or star drove by. Then we died. No one complained.
Bruises and scrapes were a normal occurence. Just like knocked out teeth, ripped open stomachs, sudden lack of an eye or amateur amputations. The school pedagogue didn't send us to the family psychologist because of that. Nobody informed us how to dial a number to the police (then MO) to snitch on our parents. The belt was then a teaching aid, and from aid, nobody had yet died from. Aunt Janinka repeated, "better a spanking than breakfast". No one complained.
We made ourselves soups from mazut, asbestos and Ludwik. We also ate crack, fingernails of strangers, animal remains, sandpaper, chemical fertilizers, thistles, aphids, cow fetuses, fish feces, kogel-mogel. When somebody got stung by a bee, they drank 2 glasses of milk and pressed it with a cold frying pan. When somebody choked, they drank 3 glasses of milk and pressed it with a heated frying pan. No one complained.
Nobody went to the dentist every month. Cavities are tasty. Whenever someone swole from an aching tooth, we played catch with their head. We had one dental filling for the eleven of us. Everyone wore it for 2-3 days in a month. No one complained.
We were young and tough. We refused car rides. We just ran after it. Our dog was tied to the trailer hitch with a steel stable and ran next to us. And no one was bothered by it. No one complained.
We were raised by gamekeepers, old witches, escaped prisoners, collegues from juvie, janitors and priests. Our mothers birthed our siblings normally - at work, in reedbeds or at the balcony. Almost all of us survived, only some of us didn't go to prison. No one finished studies, but everyone found work. Some of them started their own families and are raising their children according to psychologists' recommendations. That's sad. Currently, there is more candy bars than children.
We, the children from our lake, love our parents for how they then didn't yet know how to "properly" raise us. It is thanks to them that we spent our childhood without sweets, respect, a warm dinner, sense, and some - limbs.
No one complained.
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