#some people aren't here cause i don't have ships for them yet or we haven't had any in the past yet
loudclan-clangen · 3 months
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Fierce x Silt would be an ABSOLUTE POWER COUPLE and you are welcome to ship them all you want (as always) but in cannon Fiercestripe would never, even for a moment, consider taking another mate. If Wildfirecry dies before her she will wait that shit out cause she's not single, her husband is just in starclan. I honestly think that even without Wildfirecry in the picture she's just too much of a caretaker/mom friend to ever be in a relationship with someone younger than her. Fiercestripe needs her mate to be the one person in her life that she is not worried about if that makes sense? She'll help find Silt a nice new boyfriend who is not 48 moons older than her and they can be crochety grandparents in the elder's den together.
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No. <3
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Thank you! And do not be sorry because YES! You're so right! She's seeing herself in the stars and so she doesn't look any farther into it but it's just an image she's projecting, not something someone is showing her. She also doesn't put any thought into the fact that in order to walk amongst the stars she would have to pass away so, she's literally seeing a future where she dies due to her own inflated self image and it just inflates her self image more. It's a self fulfilling prophecy and it makes me love her and her story so much!
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It was not intentional as I haven't watched centaurworld, but upon listening to it I see what you mean! It definitely fits in with what I was trying to reference, which are those kinda ominous lullabies (hush a bye baby was the specific one that came to mind while drawing), but to be honest with you it's a relatively minor detail in the overall comic. What the character is saying is a lot less important than what the character is about to do so i didn't put a ton of thought into it.
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Thank you! I am also shocked by how little time has passed in story like what do you mean we aren't even at two years yet? Eklutna wasn't even here for a moon? How is that possible?! I know that Moon 21 brought and is still bringing a LOT of people to the blog and I am so grateful for that! Loudclan gained like 200 followers over my break and that's AWESOME but also a little bit terrifying tbh. Don't worry I also got attached to Mothtree and I was like lying in bed thinking about the fact that she dies for like three whole months while I and everyone else drew cute art of her.
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Thank you! I'm so happy to be at a point where I'm happy with my art and my process and that has a lot to do with all the support I've gotten from you guys! You're an awesome community who has encouraged my growth at every opportunity and I couldn't be luckier! All that said I hope you get to enjoy a minor version of the same process all over again as I get back in the routine of drawing cats again after my break lol.
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I mean... they are kinda yellow... could that mean... PACKMAN IS THE BABYDADDY?!?!?!
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I did really enjoy my break! I got to go to Greece and Germany with some of my best friends and then I came home and cracked down on school work (which wasn't necessarily fun, but feels good to be done with), and now I am rested and relaxed and ready to get back into it!
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Thank you! I try to put a lot of thought into them! Things like that are generally the first thing that I envision when I'm formulating a comic page and then I build the rest of it around that original idea which I hope helps to make the pages more dynamic and less repetitive.
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Thank you, I can't wait to finally drop Part 2! Only 5 more days!
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kanmom51 · 1 year
good morning. hibe released a note saying that BTS renewed their contract, and even made a donation to the Unicef ​​fund, however, when reading the note I realized that there is no extension date for the current contract, considering that the current one runs until 2025, and the note says exactly the same date. On the other hand, there are rumors that BTS has separated, there is a probable unrequited feeling of a member, who is supposedly part of the other ship, for JM, which has caused discomfort and dissatisfaction among the members and making this continuity impossible. I don't have concrete facts, but I analyzed some facts, including the visible discomfort of the hug between JM and Tae, at the launch of the latter's MV. This became clear, putting together the facts and JM's song that talks about breach of trust among other evidence, I would like to know your opinion on this. grateful
Hello @nut2019. I will give you my 2 cents on what you asked me.
Let's start with the contracts.
They have been renewed. Period.
There would not have announced it if this was not in the bag. RM would not have posted about it if it wasn't a done deal.
Well, the members that haven't enlisted yet have signed them, meaning RM, Suga, Tae, JM and JK.
Jin and Hobi can't sign at the moment given they are in the army, but again, this announcement wouldn't have been released if it was not a given they will sign as soon as they are released.
The current contracts are until end of 2024. These new contracts will come into effect starting 2025.
We are not given the deets about their content nor length, other than it was approved by the company board (which means there were terms there that needed special approval - this could be monetary but also have to do with freedoms given to them, like total creative independence and no company veto powers over their music or content - not me saying I know what is in the contracts, just mentioning several options that may need special approval).
Like I said, there is an extension start date - 2025. No end date. I am assuming they aren't releasing more info a. because there are still 2 members that need to sign, and b. just like their previous contracts, their contents will not be divulged.
Just answered an ask about rumours.
No rumours here.
I will just say one thing about the whole disbandment.
As in bullshit.
How these rumours start and who spreads them (well, solos and antis)... but why don't you listen to the members? Why choose to listen to these utters of nonsense when you have every single one of them saying they can't wait to get back together? That the plan is to get back in 2025. That they want to be together on stage together. Each and every one of them. With all the success of their solo paths, they still want and even need that connection and each other's presence together on stage. And now you even have RM posting about it as well, like the announcement wasn't enough.
Listen to them, not to some unsubstantiated rumours started by people that have agendas that have nothing to do with the 7 members best interests.
As for your hints about Tae, man is in a relationship. Not with JK. Not with JM. Ooh, her name does start with a J though.
Anyway, the drama people are looking for, being bored and all with no actual BTS content as of late, yeah, it's not happening.
And Face off, btw, not about Tae. Read the lyrics. Not a break up. Not about JK. Not about Tae. These men, they do have other friend circles outside of BTS. Friend/s that might have used and hurt JM, you know. Fame comes at a price. And growing up you at times discover that not everyone that calls himself your friend is there for you and not their own selfish reasons (latching on to fame and money is a thing you know). Sadly, JM most likely learnt that the hard way.
As for that hug at Music bank. Won't deny it felt awkward. But there are many other possible explanations as to why, and definitely not to do with any kind of non existent romantic triangle.
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somevillainfuckery · 3 days
Hello there! I hate drama and and want to nip this in the bud! 😃 Can I clarify something? Because I am a bit confused. Sorry if this is long...
Apparently I shared something of yours as a shipper at one point and you didn't like that...... and then (based on what you wrote in your tag to me) that you apparently shared some sort of passive aggressive message and it ended up being about me? And you think I clapped back? Or something like that?? I think???
And then you said something about an anonymous message?
I am very confused. Because I have no idea what you are talking about. I haven't seen or interacted to any complaint post. I aint got time for that. Ive been on this tag for 2 days, and I am well aware that it is polarized on the ship. Believe me. And i respect that. That is your opinion and you free to have it, I also love the platonic side too! I'm literally here for a good time and dont do drama.
I have learned that l've shared something of yours, and it made you uncomfortable, but I don't like that and I don't like to cause rifts in fandoms. I actually like all types of ships because I don't think that any one ship can be wrong because it's all fantasy and no one ship should be able to gatekeep any fandom, AND we should all stay in each other's lanes. I am just living my life, dude. If I have something to say I will use my face. I don't do anon. I'm not a coward.
In the past I have personally have gotten death threats and anonymous lies about my info being stolen as well as anon messages of people wanting to rape my dead body all because I ship something they don't approve of in past fandoms. So sick and stupid. All for a personal preference! So gross!! But anime fandoms are ceazy. That behavior is what I call a cheeto-fingered red bull flavored anti, and yes, I referenced them in one beetlejuice post because they are out definitely there.
God I hope you aren't one of those people.
Now I can honestly say that I haven't seen this supposed post of yours being passive aggressive towards shipppers (me), nor have I sent you any anonymous messages, but I would appreciate it, if you are just a normal person trying to keep the peace, then please, if you have an issue with me, please bring it up with me personally instead of adding to potential drama than doesn't need to be had.
I did make a post about my opinion on the couple after my first watch of the new movie, and I added a bit at the end about antis, but I figure you as more of a non-shipper or something, because you seemed cordial the post you tagged me in, and I haven't gotten anything ugly yet in this fandom which is nice. (thank goodness)
I mean hell, I support crack milulti-fandom ships because at the end of the day it's all fantasy and no one is wrong. I'm Ace so I actually love platonic ships just as much as romantic ones. I like and support it all!!! I just am fucked up in the head and i like this one romantically too. I am well aware that this ship is problematic, but thats why fantasy is so fun. I crave normalcy in reality but anything but in fantasy.
Like you said in the post you tagged me in, I also don't want to cause more unnecessary drama. I have not been in the beetlejuice tag for very long so if there is a more appropriate tags to use I will defitately use them. I am all about keeping the peace.
I'm just here to share content and find fun people to vibe with, but yeah I am used to staying vigilant with the uglies that try to be mean. Ive created sancruary groups for other fandoms simply so people can enjoy their ships in peace. I am not paying attention to you if you don't ship them (at least I'm trying not to).
I have not, nor will I read whatever it was that might have been said, but I am happy to rectify my mistake and delete anything I might have shared of yours. I will not heart or share any of your posts, because I do ship them and I don't want people to get the wrong idea about you. - Damn that sounds Hella passive aggressive but I'm not trying to be.
Believe me, this is the weirdest message I've sent to anyone, but I hope it is read and understood by a cordial individual. Please be safe out there. Please enjoy your lovely platonic besties, and I hope you find solas in whatever you can. The world is vicious. 💚🖤
(@spirits-n-giggles because of the word-limit on the chat I will reply here. I apologize for the delay in seeing/replying to this. I'm gonna try and explain things to the best of my ability-) To explain the anon thing, I swear, I did not think it was you. The very second I sent out my complaint post, someone sent an anonymous ask ripping me a new one, and I chose to delete and ignore it. After that I just realized that the complaint post was.. really really stupid of me- When I mentioned you in the post you had actually seen, the reason I apologized for the complaint post was in case you had seen it and decided to ignore it [which is completely valid]. I'm sorry you have to deal with horrible threats simply because of a ship you like. Just because someone ships a certain thing, does not mean that gives people the right to harass them. Just like you, I'm only trying to enjoy beetlejuice content, and I'm not trying to have any drama go down. I'm glad you understand, and that you enjoy my content. I won't block anyone from enjoying anything I post unless absolutely necessary, and right now.. its not anything serious enough to have you remove things that you reblogged from my account or anything. If you enjoy it, then do what you will, reblog and like what you want. I'm glad we both just want to keep the peace in the fandom, and avoid trouble, and I'm sorry if we got off on the wrong foot. I wish you a wonderful weekend, and if there's anything else that needs clarification, if you want to ask about anything else, or even away from this and you wanna talk about anything else- please reach out to me and let me know.
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ask-fazbearnfriends · 1 month
Welcome to Ask Fazbear 'n friends! A FNAF Ask account ran by a rando who is nostalgic for the early fnaf nonsense-furry era!!!!! Account originated on Deviantart in 2019. CLICK HERE TO READ ALL THE ASKS IN ORDER (or here if you just wanna see the new (not DA) ones) CLICK HERE TO SEND A SUPER FRIENDLY UNSUSPICIOUS ASK!!!
No instructions needed, but if you're unfamiliar with ask accounts, just click the button and send in anything you want to say or ask or dare the characters! Can be LITCHERALLY anythang.* I try to get to as many asks as I can, but feel free to send in multiple asks, or even re-send the same ask if I don't get to it after a while! (give me a week at least though.) *(ok i say anything but nothing NSFW)
As for the characters, we accept questions to ALL canonical fnaf characters! There are some that we haven't gotten to yet, but that doesn't mean you aren't able to! This ask account is also story-interactive, so you can sway the direction it goes in just by engaging! The right question can give the right answer. good luck. (Below for disclaimers + etc)
Some disclaimers (as previously stated.) I started this ask account originally when I was about 16 and drew a LOT for it in 2019-2020 specifically. Because of this, there are some things that are either silly or may come across incorrectly. Here are sum clearer-ups: (Only specifying because I used to get dumb questions on DA a lot from people who ignore the possibility of context) -I don't ship william afton x mangle/mangle's "kid/dog soul". I ship springtrap (the furry animatronic) with Mangle (the furry animatronic). No soul business involved in that context. Theyre just two angsty furries thats it. think tony crynight. -I USED to ship Vanny x William Afton. I started this account before security breach came out and revealed the two to be father and daughter and I didn't think it was possible bc William was a dead corpse for longer than however old vanessa looked. My version of vanny (like everyone elses at the time) was nothing at all like canon vanny anyway, so I consider her more of an OC than of the character Vanessa. I'll likely try to bring back the "Vanny oc" character, her current changed name is Penny until I decide what else to do with her. Any asks to Vanny/Vanessa will go to the canon version of her -I had a whole ask arc about characters wearing "femboy clothing". and have had drawn responses implying suggestive/sexual things. It was always just a joke to me but I think the lengths I went were a little uncomfortable for me to be drawing as a teen and posting to a large audience. I want my content to be appropriate for anyone to enjoy so consider that type of humor incredibly toned down now. All of the characters are physically asexual bc they are robots made for kids.
Also genders of the "unconfirmed" characters in my au just cause I assume thats faq Shadow Bonnie: Agender. no gender. slime creature. accepts he/they/she Mangle: girl. she/her pls <3 Funtime Foxy: boy, but is fine with she as well as he. Marionette: ghost. they/them most accurate (but she/he dgaf) Golden Freddy: Boy. he/him. He's fredbear. (admittedly his design was originally female though I barely changed it) Spring Bonnie/Springtrap: Boy, He/him. Spring Bonnie/Scraptrap: Boy He/him (As William Afton (most of the time)) Girl she/her (As Spring Bonnie/her original self)
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A post from a buddy of mine recently got me inspired to do this, myself... But surprisingly not for Makoto. Don't get me wrong, Makoto's a great guy... But I feel like I haven't talked a lot about some of my other ships, they're just kind of... there.
I'm gonna take it easy, though. Don't wanna burn myself out writing these. However, for all you rareshippers out there, I felt it's long overdue to write an "analysis" for at least some of your diamonds in the rough. Tonight, I figured... why not start with Hajime? Let's dust off one of his ships and take a look at it. I'll leave Hinanami alone for now, 'cause that's a pretty well-covered one.
... So let's touch on the other girl that had a presence at the beginning of Hajime's journey in Danganronpa. Let's examine...
Hinazuryu (or Hinatsumi, to distinguish from the... yaoi variant)
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Natsumi's often one of those girls that are brushed off by the fans for... reasons. Mainly the fact she died pre-game in Goodbye Despair, and was only there for an episode in Despair Arc. But aside from the brevity of her existence, how canon just speed-runs through the details involving her, in the short time we meet her in the anime, Natsumi is... uppity. Prickly. Whatever word you want to use. Natsumi's not a "people" person, she's picky about who she interacts with. She came to Hope's Peak for one reason, and one reason only: Because her brother's there. And she's a girl seemingly willing to do anything to achieve her goals. Because she's a daughter of the Head of the most notorious yakuza clan in the modern era of Japan, the Kuzuryu's.
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Natsumi's not like most people in the Reserve Course. ... I mean, you kinda get that from the way she and Hajime aren't "blue people" from their perspective, but it goes a bit farther down the rabbit hole than aesthetics. People usually join the Reserve Course to get that "prestige" of, "Look at me! I attended the best school in the world, and I wasn't an Ultimate!" Even Hajime gravitated to the Reserve Course because he admired Hope's Peak so much, and hoped that by studying here he'd find the resolve to... be someone. To take pride in himself.
Natsumi already has that pride going for her. For better or for worse, she thinks her criminal family is cool. Powerful. They're so well known that even the general public knows they're crooks, yet the police can't or won't touch them - probably because lack of evidence, bribery, and/or blackmail. Naturally, this means Natsumi's not an angel, she was "born" to be bad, and she hasn't had a reason for reflecting on this because she's still a teenager, a child.
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... But Natsumi's not completely happy. Sure, she knows who she is. Knows where she fits in life. But like anyone else, she yearns for something, for someone - in this case, it's her brother. It's not enough to be attending the same school. Because Hope's Peak is the best in the world, and her brother was accepted as an Ultimate, one of the people destined to guide society... at least that's how the academy and the rest of the world look at it. So it's like, Natsumi's here, but she's not here... All she's done is navigate a the huddled masses of society to the front of the line... but now there's a cordoned off area, like when you see celebrities attending a movie premier. She's at the front of the crowd, but Fuyuhiko's canoodiling with the rest of the celebrities. She wants to be out there with him... But she can't yet. Because before anything, Hope's Peak needs to recognize her as an Ultimate like her Big Bro.
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And this is where Hajime enters the picture. Natsumi gets to the front of the line, and she meets this other guy that's frustrated to be here like her. Hajime wants to be at Hope's Peak, but above all he wants to find pride in himself. To have a talent, to be good at something. So even if Hajime doesn't completely "get" Natsumi, he at least empathizes with wishing to get into the Main Course. Hajime is a bit intimidated by Natsumi being with the yakuza, but at the same time he's going along with society's grand delusions and thinks that Natsumi's as much a "nobody" like the rest of them because she's not an Ultimate. He does think Natsumi's too high and mighty for a Reserve student, and it doesn't help when Mahiru comes to deliver lunch for Sato, because Natsumi takes that as her cue to start something... because she and Mahiru have history. Natsumi's got some burning jealousy and envy going on, calling the photographer a goody two shoes and threatening her because the way Natsumi sees it, if there's an open slot, then she can squeeze into the Main Course. Be with her brother.
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....... It doesn't go that way. Of course it doesn't go that way... Natsumi riles up Sato twice, and it takes Hajime (and Mahiru, the first time) to keep things from getting violent because Natsumi's threatening the photographer. It's not a shining moment for Natsumi, it's not meant to be. She's too goal-driven. Her yakuza blood is seeping through. I've talked with Vergilsama92 a few times about the romanticization of yakuza in Japan, it is a thing to pain yakuza in honorable, tragic lights... But honestly, yakuza are still criminals at the end of the day. and this right here is a good example of the daughter of a kumicho being too cutthroat, too willing to do anything to achieve her goals. Hajime defends her not out of some servitude to the mob, but because as someone that idolizes Hope's Peak, who thinks he and Natsumi resonate as far as that goes... he doesn't want her to get in trouble or lose her chance by doing something stupid. Hajime barely knows this girl. ... And he still empathizes with her.
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Unfortunately for Hajime, it's not as simple as Natsumi caring about the academy. About having a talent. Perhaps Natsumi does want pride, to some extent, but it's as she explains it to Hajime: she feels left behind if Fuyuhiko just goes on as the Ultimate Yakuza and she's nothing. Hajime absolutely understands where Natsumi's coming from... 'cause he feels that same "gap" between him and Chiaki, or any Main Course student/staff for that matter. Hajime tries using Chiaki's words of wisdom to cheer Natsumi up, that she doesn't need to have a talent or be an elite. ... But unfortunately, it backfires a little bit - because Hajime's grasping around in the dark for a light switch just like Natsumi is. Chiaki's advice is good... But you need something to fill the void of talent, and Hajime can only assume for Natsumi that would be her relationship with her Big Bro, tries to console her with the fact Fuyuhiko's happy to be with her regardless of title... But Natsumi's just too bitter, frustrated, and depressed. She idolizes Fuyuhiko just like Hajime idolizes Hope's Peak... and she believes her Bro should only have the very best people around him. She wants Fuyuhiko to be proud of her, not looking down from above, to stand by his side.
... And man, poor Hajime just has no idea what to say. Because he gets her. That's the whole reason he's reaching out to a relative stranger in the first place. And here's the ironic beauty of this scene: it's okay that Hajime doesn't know the answers yet. Some people might say, "Makoto would've known what to say, Chiaki would've known, Chisa would've known..." And to that, I say that's not necessarily true. Conundrums like this take time to sort through, and the fact that Makoto, Chiaki, and Chisa are all Ultimates, it would've made it challenging to interact with Natsumi at first - not because they're so arrogant, but because Natsumi would see them as, rightfully or not, people that are superior to her. Natsumi wouldn't be so quick to open up to a bunch of random Ultimates, not at this stage. She's too bitter and hurt.
In this instance, I really would argue that Hajime was the "best" person to connect with Natsumi in the beginning. They're not completely the same; Hajime just wants pride in himself, and Natsumi wants to feel equal to her Bro. Hajime doesn't have the answers yet, they both need to remove their idols from their unreachable pedestals, but with some more time it's possible that he and Natsumi could have settled into this mutual search of "something else". I'll reiterate: It's okay to not know what to say. I read an article recently that talks about how as a society we need to have a ready, immediate answer to every little thing, every eventuality... And that's just not true. You don't need to know how to make yourself presentable, to sell yourself... You just need to be yourself. It's one of the hardest things, I know. XD Employers want this and that, demand you to do this and that, but sometimes you just have to take a step back, to divorce your private life from your job. Just "be you." Not what somebody else tells you to be.
I suppose that's the crux, the tragedy of Hajime and Natsumi here. They're teenagers doing what teenagers do best: Trying to find themselves. Hajime wants to be good at something, Natsumi wants to be her brother's equal. Unfortunately, however, that puts them at the mercy of Hope's Peak's agenda, because all those lies they feed the public? If Hajime and Natsumi want to get their wishes, they'll have to become Ultimates. That's the only surefire way to get anywhere in life, that's the magic spell Hope's Peak has weaved over the general populace. But Reserve Course have no hopes of transferring into the Main Course - they're cash cows. And if on the very rare chance they develop a talent, then they go from being a cash cow to a guinea pig, an animal in a cage purely for observation to funnel all that research into the Kamukura Project. And Hajime's in the most dangerous position of all, being the first potential guinea pig for that Project. The academy's offering Hajime a carrot, and he's really tempted to reach out and take it... But he met Chiaki. Met her teacher. Met Mister Tengan. And now he's met Natsumi... And Hajime's just so lost on what he should do. He only has so much time to make a decision, and it's going to change his life no matter what. He'll either go for the carrot, and lose himself in the process; or he'll be cast out because his family isn't rich enough to keep sending him to school there.
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Hajime feels this tug between two ideals - Chiaki's and Natsumi's. He wants to believe in Chiaki, that there's another way... but he jives with Natsumi so much that it hurts.
And then the unthinkable happens: Even though Hajime just met her, Natsumi dies. Sure, the audience could see that Sato was deeply disturbed, that she had her own obsession in Mahiru... And Natsumi threatening the photographer sent Sato over the edge. However, the characters don't have this omniscient understanding of people; Natsumi dies within days of being accepted to Hope's Peak's Reserve department. You might not think that this would impact Hajime so much... but it does. Much like how Darth Maul killing Qui-Gon helped decide Anakin's fate in Star Wars, the same kind of tragedy happens here: Hajime had someone that resonated with him. He had someone that bounced a dialogue off with him to help figure some things out... And now that person's gone.
Say what you will about Natsumi being a terrible role model or a terrible human being because she was a yakuza, but from what we can deduce from her death is that she is a victim in this case. Not a blameless one, but nothing suggests that she truly planned to off Mahiru, unless you take Sato at her word. We're left with this impression that Sato jumped the gun, and now Hope's Peak is in a pinch because of the upcoming exams - so they sweep the murder under the rug because the academy's good name comes first above all else.
Hajime plunges on ahead, oblivious to the politics involved. Because... he needs to find out the truth of Natsumi's death. Even if he barely knew her, he needs to know who killed her, and why... To give himself closure as much as Natsumi. Hajime's still so lost and reeling...
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... And he can't catch a break. He overhears Sato and Mahiru talking in the courtyard, and is on the right track with suspecting Sato of the crime... But Sato refuses to talk to him. Leaving Hajime with only one option: Talk to Mahiru. Which... obviously doesn't happen. Because Hope's Peak doesn't let Reserves onto the Main Campus... And Juzo goes rough on him because he's trying to protect Hajime in his own arrogant, misguided way. Because Juzo knows the Steering Committee would bury the kid if he made too much noise about this murder.
It's the last straw for Hajime, however... He's hurt, he's broken... and Chiaki's "hope" rings hollow for him, because he doesn't see how a nobody like him can live in this world where the elite bury the nobodies like they don't even matter, a world where he's so powerless. He still admires and loves Chiaki a lot - but he can't live on like this. and he winds up choosing to take the carrot that Hope's Peak is giving him.
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I come to the end of this long-ass summary of canon... to say that this only plays a very small part of my love for Hinatsumi. It's a small, yet meaningful part. Because like how Chiaki's death "snapped" him back to Hajime, it was Natsumi's death that was the trigger to the chain of events that cornered Hajime. Hajime barely knew this girl... and yet she had such a profound effect on his life because they were like reflections in a mirror. Honestly, Hinatsumi has some parallels to Naezono for me, 'cause Sayaka didn't get to live long, either... XD Admittedly, however, Natsumi is not a lovesick puppy for Hajime like Sayaka is for Makoto. ... Not. Even. Close.
Honestly, if Natsumi's death could have been averted, that would just be the starting point to a world of new possibilities. Let's start with the fact that Natsumi opened up to Hajime about her brother in the first place. This is a guy she just met, she's been looking down her nose at all these other "scrubs" that are their classmates... and here's this guy that, as wishy-washy as he can be, has shown that he has some spine. And sure, he whines and quibbles over how they're gonna get accepted into the Main Course, but he wants to get there. He could use some more time stewing in the pot or whatever, but Hajime's not completely hopeless. At least he tries to talk back to her, talk like they're equals; everyone else is so relaxed about being in the Hope's Peak... even though they're frankly not. Whether or not Natsumi realizes this yet, Hajime's someone that she respects on some level. Enough to tell him about her brother and how he deserves only the very best. And hey, maybe it's something that she's been meaning to get off her chest, and she hasn't found anyone to listen to her up until now...
At least it's a start. I imagine if Sato's attempted murder had failed for whatever reason, there'd still be this tension between Natsumi, Sato, and Mahiru; and Fuyuhiko and Peko would probably be dragged into it. But that obvious point aside, as the deadline for Hajime's decision draws closer, Natsumi would most likely press him about what's eating away at him, why he's so hung up on getting into that main campus...
And I think Hajime might just open up to her about his decision, in some capacity. Whether he tells her about the Project, or whether he keeps to the confidentiality agreement, he would still convey that his tuition's running out... And there's something he needs to decide on, if he's gonna stay here or not. Even if he keeps mum about the Project, Natsumi would probably understand it's something clandestine, something a bit too intense for Hajime's current level. ... And she'd probably tell him to just not have anything to do with it. Natsumi has seen shady shit, and it's not stuff that she'd wish on Hajime. If it was money troubles he was having, he should have just told her; I can see that as an attitude Natsumi would have. In a situation where Natsumi is saved from dying by Hajime (and yes, there's a few fanfics out there to that effect), her family would feel this sort of indebtedness to him, and would likely offer a deal for tuition money. But in worlds where the attempted murder is thwarted through other means, and Hajime doesn't have that reckless savior status going for him, I can see Natsumi talking with her brother or her dad to get a "job" lined up for Hajime, whether as a lookout or train him up as a bodyguard, whatever they feel Hajime needs to do to earn that tuition money, and they'd go from there.
Of course... I don't see Hajime all too thrilled to be making a deal with a yakuza group, but the alternative is losing his place at Hope's Peak altogether or accepting their Project when he's still so uncertain. In the spirit of "open-mindedness", I think Hajime would take a shot with working with the Kuzuryu's if he's primarily working with Natsumi or her brother that he hasn't met yet. The reason for that is that he knows Natsumi (... well, a little) and she seems sincere enough that her brother has scruples, too. Maybe he can have an effect on them or their family; and if not that, well, being trained in some capacity isn't a bad thing. Few others seem so willing to give Hajime a chance, and the ones that are honestly have their lives more together than Hajime does.... XD It's just speculation, but based on how he interacts with Natsumi and Fuyuhiko, I think he'd take a shot with them. ... Even if the carrot Hope's Peak is offering is so tantalizing. XDDD
Whatever path Hajime takes, whether it's leaving Hope's Peak or working with the Kuzuryu's... I think Natsumi would stay in touch, at least. Maybe if their friendship deepens, she'd transfer to his school eventually, if he decided to leave. It's just a hunch more than anything, but they wouldn't break off their tentative friendship, regardless of what Hajime does. Without a murder, Hope's Peak is less antsy, and that gives Hajime a much more "friendly" environment to avoid rushing into deciding to do the Kamukura Project. If he stays, chances are he'll meet Mahiru properly, meet Fuyuhiko and Peko, and possibly all of Chiaki's classmates... But as cozy with Chiaki as he is, I have a feeling Natsumi would get territorial before long. Seeing the goofballs that is Fuyuhiko's classmates, Natsumi might even lose a bit of confidence that going to the Main Course is what she wants... Hajime's a lot easier to handle, and some of them would just piss her off.... (人◕ω◕) She probably wouldn't give up going to the Main Course right away, and neither would Hajime, but more time to think about things would chill both of them out.
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To properly end this off, I'll get into the more "shippy" reasons for why these two work. And yes, it's not because they're both Reserve Course... though that helps in chilling Natsumi out. That she's not being talked down to.
... *stares at height difference between Natsumi and Hajime* Just don't say anything, Pyro.... (人◕ω◕);;;;;;;;
Obviously, Hajime and Natsumi have different, even clashing personalities. This is great, because they balance each other out! They complement each other. Natsumi is short-tempered, foul-mouthed, bossy, stubborn, but she's got a backbone, and she'd help Hajime build up his. If Hajime works for the Kuzuryu's, it might be touch-and-go at first because Natsumi may be playful and screw around with having him do stuff for her or Fuyuhiko... But she'd also, sooner or later, pick up on his potential for talking to people. That is to say, Hajime might not have the answers to everything, but at least he tries and at least he listens. Natsumi might nudge him to "counselor"-esque positions, maybe at first (jokingly) suggesting to provide counsel to yakuza who want to leave or retire from the gang - Hajime would deadpan back that yakuza don't "retire" like most "professions." Maybe she wouldn't be completely hands-on with telling Hajime where to go, but if he eventually found something himself that he was relatively confident in, Natsumi would support him all the way.
Hajime, on the other hand, may be wishy-washy, uncertain, cautious, and down on himself a lot... But he does have scruples, he reflects, and he'd be down-to-earth which would offset Natsumi's fiery spirit. He might not be able to defuse "every" conflict Natsumi is a part of, but if they hang around each other enough, he'll help chill Natsumi out. In turn, she'll help give him a tenacity, a determination. Hajime would probably meet Fuyuhiko (and Peko) sooner rather than later, and boy would he be nervous. lol But he'd get to know Fuyuhiko a lot, and Fuyuhiko would see the balming effect Hajime has on Natsumi's obsessive drive to be his equal. And Fuyuhiko would approve the hell out of that. Anything to keep her from the stark raving madness that she embodied at the start of the school year.
Hajime and Natsumi would be a slow buildup for a romance... and that's honestly fine. Natsumi would see Hajime as a friend before anything else for a long time, and she'd have these other ideas for "boyfriend material"... And maybe she'd learn the hard way those types aren't what she's looking for. They'd sort of stumble into the romance, with Natsumi getting a bit jealous Hajime's so comfortable around Chiaki... give Hajime the cold shoulder if worse comes to worst, but then find out she misses his company, and tries to make it up to him. Hajime in turn gives Natsumi space when it seems like she needs it, and cares about her; though he'd probably flip a bit if he realized he was falling for a yakuza...
In an ideal world, perhaps Natsumi leaves the yakuza behind to raise a family with Hajime, someday. Like Fuyuhiko, she has scruples; and it's possible that Sato killing her is a sign that Natsumi isn't all hardcore and violent like she puts on. ... Maybe Sato just got lucky, we can't be sure. But I like to think if she keeps on developing, Natsumi will see the criminal underworld isn't all as glamorous as she thought it was, as a kid. Perhaps Hajime would see the conflict between morals and duty, and suggest they get out while they have the chance; Natsumi might not take it so well at first, but... Like Fuyuhiko, she might come to accept she can't "change" the family to the extent that she would want.... 'cause yakuza are criminals at the end of the day. They're not gonna be able to keep up an "honorable" facade forever.
That aside, in general, Hinatsumi is nice 'cause they're two wayward souls that balance each other out. They push and tug each other like the moon and the waves. Chances are, even if Hajime refuses the Project, the Tragedy's still gonna happen, just maybe not as we know it. But at least in this path, Hajime and Natsumi both have a chance to live and fight the good fight with Future Foundation. If the Tragedy never happens, well.... they'll still probably realize Hope's Peak isn't all it's cracked up to be. And they don't need to be Ultimates to live a satisfying life~
Hope you enjoyed my long-ass analysis/speculation on the Hinatsumi ship. Like I said, I wanna do this for some of my other favorite minor ships... Just to spread the love around. :3
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destinyc1020 · 8 months
Idk why people act like TZ 'need' to be the best of friends with Timmy? If they're just casual friends who get along well while making a movie but don't see much of each other after, that's fine, and vice versa. It's just this very odd fixation that I don't quite see with other co-stars of Z - for instance if Z says that she's good friends with Mike and Josh during press, I don't think people in fandom will be as hyper about 'proving' that they're all bffs or something. The same goes with Hunter - people don't seem to 'push' friendship on them or act anxious about their bffery. It's just something I've noticed in this fandom that gets very odd when it comes to Timmy, lol. Do you know what I mean Destiny? It's just a weird vibe and you deal with so many asks about this that I'm like woah lol what's the strong feelings here?? Can't they just be friends without people overreacting about it or shipping?
On this subject though, I genuinely do wonder if Z feels some kind of way about Kylie. Cause Kylie making fun of Megan thee Stallion's injury, if Z knows about that I can see her sticking behind Meg and not really wanting to spend time with Kylie. The premiere will be interesting! I hope Kylie goes tbh just for the fandom drama
Idk why people act like TZ 'need' to be the best of friends with Timmy? If they're just casual friends who get along well while making a movie but don't see much of each other after, that's fine, and vice versa.
Honestly??? I've seen both sides doing too much when it comes to this tbh. I see some who swear they are all "besties", and others who go out of their way to prove that they hate each other and aren't "friends like that".
EITHER extreme is quite weird to me if you ask me.... Especially when they've mentioned time and time again that they're friends, and it's clear that none of them (Tom/Timmy/Zendaya) have anything against each other. Meanwhile, I'm just sitting here thinking... "Can't we just take people at their word and call it a day??" 🥴
It's just this very odd fixation that I don't quite see with other co-stars of Z - for instance if Z says that she's good friends with Mike and Josh during press, I don't think people in fandom will be as hyper about 'proving' that they're all bffs or something. The same goes with Hunter - people don't seem to 'push' friendship on them or act anxious about their bffery.
Well, first of all, Z, Mike and Josh haven't gone through a press tour together yet, so idk what will happen when that occurs tbh lol.
Second, nobody is out here claiming that Z, Mike and Josh are NOT friends....So, there's literally nothing to argue. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I think SOME people go hard in the paint trying to convince fans that Timmy/Tom/Zendaya are all friends because SOME people try to act like they're not friends at all, and like there's some kind of "rivalry" btwn them, when there's NOT. We have plenty of evidence that shows that they all like each other and are cool!
The whole fandom wars thing is really weird to me, so I will definitely call that out on occasion.
With Hunter, nobody has "pushed" a friendship on them because nobody denies that their friends. But in the past, some DID try to push a romantic angle btwn the two of them (HunterDaya)...ESPECIALLY right after Z and JE broke up, and things were up in the air about whether Tom and Z had reconciled romantically or not.
I see you weren't here for the "HunterDaya" days huh?? LOL 😅🤣
So yea, some fans started getting all weird and shipping Z with Hunter, even though, they've only been like sisters this entire time. But you know....some fans are just.... 🙄🙄
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avenger09 · 10 months
The Dragon Prince: Battle Banter
Revisiting an idea I had were TDP is a fighting game with NetherRealm style prefight dialogue, after playing MK1. Now includes season 4 and 5 characters.
Aaravos: Poor little prince, lost in the past.
Karim: Our sun will shine glorious once again.
Aaravos: Tomorrow never comes, what makes you think yesterday's gone are any exception.
Aaravos: I'm a master of subtle manipulation.
Callum: Taking over my body wasn't subtle.
Aaravos: Yet, here you are, right where I want you to be.
Aaravos: I know what you're going to ask me.
Viren: How I'm I still here?
Aaravos: I'm curious about that myself...
Finnegrin: Only one way you could've gotten out of those chains, lad.
Callum: You set up your own downfall, Finnegrin.
Finnegrin: This time, I won't bother with the chains.
Nyx: Seriously, Villads the one you want to see about getting the Sea Legs back, not me.
Finnegrin: Nice try, Commadore.
Nyx: Feathers! Should've known that would come back to bite me.
Finnegrin: The Bloodmoon Huntress, and the Pirate Lord.
Kim'Dael: Ours will be a Deadly Partnership.
Finnegrin: Xadia, won't know what hit them.
Finnegrin: You cost me my ship and me crew, girl.
Rayla: Oh no. The poor wee pirate is going to have to do his own dirty work from now on.
Finnegrin: How about I start with you then.
Finnegrin: You can't seriously think your leader material.
Karim: I have a whole army of Sunfire Elves ready to follow me!
Finnegrin: They follow your girlfriend man! Your're just the figurhead.
Kim'Dael: I remember you...
Rayla: Except I'm not a weak little girl anymore.
Kim'Dael: Aren't you?
Kim'Dael: What does Startouched blood taste like, I wonder?
Aaravos: Sorry, but my blood is far, far, beyond your reach.
Kim'Dael: Ah, but your vessel very much is so.
Kim'dael: Another toy soldier for me to break.
Corvus: You'll find I'm not so easily broken.
Kim'dael: My dear, your not the first to tell me that, nor will you be the last.
Terry: So, um, we haven't been properly introduced.
Soren: Yeah, kinda hard to do when you wrap someone in leaves.
Terry: Vines actually, not-the-point, my name's Terrestrius, but you can call me Terry.
Terry: Claudia did some messed up things, but she was still so...
Callum: Brilliant, fun, and sweet. Yeah, I've been there too, Terry.
Terry: You really have, haven't you...
Terry: I'm sorry about what Claudia almost did to you.
Ezran: Why did you follow her for so long?
Terry: She was the first to truly accepted me for who I am. I guess that made it harder to see what was happening to her.
Karim: We had a deal, Huntress!
Kim'Dael: One you had no means of actually fulfilling.
Karim: I would have, had you not abandoned me!
Janai: Do you even realise what you are doing?
Karim: I am saving our people from your folly, sister.
Janai: You're forfeiting our future to prop up an already lost past!
Amaya: [You broke Janai's heart!]
Karim: Better a broken hearted sister then a prideless people.
Amaya: [Pride is the cause of ruin not it's solution, and it's not more important than family!]
Soren: So you finally proposed to the General, huh? Congratulations!
Janai: I have a vacancy for a Brideshand, if you're available?
Soren: Sure, but what happened to your first- oooh...That spot was for your brother wasn't it?
Amaya: [Shouldn't you still be in the medical tent?]
Corvus: I'm all fixed up. Urgh, honest General.
Amaya: [Really? Then you wont mind a little sparring match.]
Callum: I know I'm taking a risk but, you're not my Queen, so... technically I don't have to do what you say.
Janai: Then I invoke my authority you as your future aunt instead.
Callum: Aww. But still, no can do.
Guest Fighter
Minsc: Many pardons, my furry friend and I are quite lost.
Amaya: [Uh, who are you? Some kind of adventurer?]
Minsc: We are Minsc and Boo! Protectors of the weak, slayers of Bhaalspawn, and sharp thorn in the boot of evil!
Minsc: (squeaks) Boo says he is not speaking with your luminous toad anymore.
Ezran: I'm sure Bait didn't mean what he said.
Minsc: (squeaks) Boo is sceptical, and so is Minsc.
Minsc: Your buttocks is long overdue for a virtuous kicking, fiend.
Kim'Dael: That... is a new one. What manner of madman are you?
Minsc: The Rashemaaran kind!
Minsc: You did well to escape the clutches of your evil father, Soren. You are in good company.
Soren: Thanks. Still... I wish I could've gotten Claudia away too.
Minsc: In Minsc's experience, for evey noble Gorion's Ward, there is usually a vile Sarevok as well.
Minsc: Your mischievous murmurs will have no affect on Minsc, villain. Boo and I will protect this world from you.
Aaravos: Like you "protected" your dear Dynaheir?
Minsc: Go for the eyes, Boo!
Minsc: Minsc and Boo, are here to help you.
Callum: Hey, nice rhyme.
Minsc: Rhyme?
Finnegrin: Why in blazes are you after me barnacle brain? I don't even know you.
Minsc: Wherever there is evil butt to kick, Minsc and Boo stand ready with their finest boots of justice!
Finnegrin: You are without doubt the most absurd man I've ever met.
Here's my first go.
And my attempt at including visuals, with art provided by a very generous guy.
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hotdamnmadison · 10 months
Just some Tuesday thoughts...
I've had the pleasure of getting to know a lot of great people via the internet these past few years. Sites like Tumblr, Fet Life, Double List, etc. have connected me with some pretty neat individuals.
But what spurred this little write up is the life cycle of those relationships. When you meet someone on a sex based website (or run a sex based blog) you see a lot of faces come and go. So many of us are on the hunt for something so specific. Some want a "one and done" situation... while others (like myself) want a drawn out scenario (call it dating, call it a FWB, call it what you call it).
I hate the part of the life cycle when I notice the change - the inevitable moment when a potential candidate has lost interest. Long essays and paragraphs turn into two sentence interactions (if that). Friendly/flirtatious conversation turns into a slightly degrative or judgmental interaction. In other words, someone shows their true colors.
I wrote a story over a year ago -
It details a fictional, mostly toxic yet romantic interaction I might've had with a real person - if they hadn't experienced the change. (FYI the toxicity wasn't fictional, the romance sure was though.)
A character starts so eager and responsive - he knows that he has one shot at making a first impression with me. And then slowly but surely his excitement, his effort, and his desire all disintegrate in the matter of a couple weeks.
It is this part of the life cycle that I start giving up. I know the ship has sailed. I haven't changed anything on my end, so the issue is on the other side. And the moment I start to notice the change I tend to back away slowly. I'm not trying to get hurt again.
What causes this? Why is it most of the online relationships deteriorate? Is it the "cum and done" bullshit I've already written about?
Or did someone's wife catch them in the act? Or did I simply not give them my flesh soon enough?
Regardless, it stings so fucking bad when you think you've found someone who is different, only for them to turn out EXACTLY like everyone else.
I'm finally getting to my point. I'm tired of "online dating" and hookups. People aren't consistent enough for me and I don't know why they change. Maybe it is me, and I just can't see it for myself. I wish people would just come out and be honest up front....
"I don't want to date, I want to fuck... here is a pic if you're interested."
That person might not be my thing, per say, but at least we didn't waste two months while they lied to me about romance and dating.
Maybe I'm the only one dealing with this. Idk. It's aggravating and I'm tired of having the same convos over and over again - just to be let down at the end of it all.
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pjo-ship-polls · 3 months
Q: What is this blog?
A: A fan-run blog featuring ship polls for the series Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan. There are two kinds of polls here: character ship polls and feelings polls.
Q: What are the character ship polls?
A: They're polls that ask your favorite ship involving each character from the riordanverse. Most of these polls will be the top twelve (12) ships but characters who aren't shipped with twelve different people will have smaller polls. You can find the masterlist here.
Q: What are the feelings polls?
A: They're polls where I ask you how you feel about each of the ships from the character polls, but individually. There are three options for these ones: Positive, Neutral, and Negative. You can find the masterlist here.
Q: Why did you choose to use Positive, Neutral, and Negative instead of something else?
A: I actually worded the polls as carefully as I could. A lot of fandom is very conservative these days and I wanted to make it clear that I wasn't passing moral judgement on any of the ships, even the ones that I personally feel negatively about.
Q: Are these polls about platonic relationships?
A: No. These are all romantic and sexual relationships.
Q: What if I want to do this but for platonic relationships?
A: That's great. You should absolutely do that.
Q: Will you do this but for platonic relationships?
A: No.
Q: Why would you include ships that I personally don't like?
A: Because they're part of the fandom whether you like them or not.
Q: Where did the old polls go?
A: I deleted them.
Q: Why did you delete the old polls?
A: Originally, this was only for ships with demigods in them but some people asked me to include more characters that aren't demigods. I ran a poll asking what I should do and the majority of people wanted me to completely redo the ship polls to add the new characters. So I didn't want them cluttering up the blog or confusing people.
Q: Some of the ships from the old polls and the new polls are different. Why is that?
A: Every three months or so, I update my long list of ship fic numbers and more people wrote fic for those ships.
Q: Where do you get your fic numbers?
A: AO3. I bookmark each ship and have a word doc listing the number of fics each ship has.
Q: Can we see the ship list?
A: Every February around the 18th I recheck all of the ship tags, record the numbers, and post a list of the Top 100 Ships in the PJO fandom. However, the full list (758 ships as of writing this) isn't something I'm planning to share at the moment.
Q: Why won't you share the full list?
A: Because I know that it's going to be used to harass people. There's a risk that even making these polls will cause harassment simply be spreading awareness that these ships exist. It's why I've got a strict policy on no ship hate.
Q: Why aren't Annabeth/Percy or Nico/Will on the character polls?
A: Because those options would win on each character poll. It's not an opinion; it's a fact. They will win on every poll they're on. We don't need further confirmation that they're the favorite ships of the fandom. I want these polls to be interesting and to make people think about ships they didn't know existed. Maybe even to start shipping some of them.
Q: Do you have a posting schedule?
A: Only in the loosest sense of the word. I use the queue to post twice a day at the same time, every day. Character polls always come first, then the feelings polls. The feelings polls are based on the ships from the character polls, so how many days between character polls depends on how many ships there are on the poll before it.
Q: What about when there's the same ship on multiple character polls?
A: I only do one feelings poll per ship, even if the ship shows up in multiple character polls.
Q: Why aren't you including Magnus Chase or Kane Chronicles characters?
A: Because I'm not familiar enough with them or their ships. I haven't read either series yet. And to be frank, it would more than double the amount of work I have to do and things I have to keep track of. Maybe in the future but in the present I just don't have the spoons or the knowledge. If someone else wants to do it with those characters, that's awesome.
Q: Where are all the HOO and TOA characters?
A: Trust me, I haven't forgotten them. I'm going in order of character introduction. Starting with The Lightning Thief and ending with...to be determined since the series is still actively being written. So it'll be awhile before I get to HOO and TOA.
Q: You forgot a character!
A: If you think I forgot one, you're welcome to send them in an ask. But I promise, if they've got a name in the series then they're on the list. And some of them are such minor characters that they only have one or no romantic ships at all.
Q: Why isn't Alabaster Torrington on any of those polls?
A: Alabaster is from a short story called Son of Magic, written by Rick Riordan's son, Haley Riordan. It's not considered to be part of the canon and so he isn't included.
Q: What's the ship name for [ship]?
A: I tag all of the ship names for relevant ships in the polls so that's where you'll want to look to check.
Q: Why do you only do couples and threesomes?
A: I am only one person and I had to decide years ago where the line was. The line is three-people ships. It is a hard line and I am not going to cross it ever. Someone else is more than welcome to record data for the ships with four or more characters.
Q: Are we allowed to submit propaganda?
A: Yes, as long as you're uplifting your ship and not bashing the other ones to do it.
Q: Are we allowed to commit voter fraud?
A: Yes. I can't stop you and truthfully don't care to even if I could. I suspect voter fraud is already happening.
Q: Will reblogging skew results?
A: No. But it will get the polls seen by more people, which means more people may vote. Please feel free to reblog the polls.
Q: Are votes anonymous?
A: Yes. The only person who can see what option you voted for is you. Not me, not Tumblr, not anyone else. Unless you say your vote in the tags or replies, no one will know.
Q: I have a question you didn't answer here!
A: Go ahead and ask it. My inbox is open.
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luna-melon · 5 months
For the ask game lol
Ayyyy thanks for the ask. Been a while since I've filled out one of these memes <3
Answers below.
Peter OTP: Peter/Nebula, of course. If the 100k+ words of fanfiction I've written about them is anything to go by, they are my OTP of all time. <3 I want Peter to move on and find happiness with someone new after vol. 3 and the movie planted the seeds for these two ending up together in the future really well I think. BrOTP: This was the hardest to decide because I love Peter's friendships with all the other Guardians. Gonna go with Mantis here though because I love how she looks out for her bro and tries to steer him in the right direction. Wish we'd gotten to see more of them being siblings after the holiday special 'cause the confirmation that she was Peter's sister made me so happy! TuT OT3: Shipping Peter with Nebula and Gamora at the same time would be really weird so instead I'm gonna go with Nebula/Peter/Thor in like, a V shaped polycule where Peter is dating them both but Nebula and Thor aren't into each other. NOTP: Ro/quill. I don't think I need to explain myself with this one, but shipping the raccoon with the humanoid characters is weird and gross to me.
Nebula OTP: Same as above, I think her implied feelings for Peter in vol. 3 make all the sense in the world. I mean, why wouldn't Nebula fall for the same person as Gamora? That's just how her life is. I think these two being together would fit their arcs well. Nebula learns to accept that she doesn't have to always be competing with Gamora in order to be worthy of love, and Peter gets his shit together enough to see how Nebula stuck by and cared for him and how Gamora was right about how the person he fell for "sounds more like her." BrOTP: I love her friendship with Rocket so much! Two sad cyborgs goin' on adventures together for five years, I'd kill to see more of that. OT3: Same as above as well I guess, but I don't see Nebula being poly. NOTP: I'm fine with all the big Nebula ships really even if I don't consume their content.
Mantis OTP: I used to ship Mantis/Nebula back in the day and I think that's still my fave Mantis ship even if I no longer go there. I also like the idea of her having a crush on Gamora. BrOTP: Mantis and Drax are my favorite duo ever. Just a couple of strange goofballs pranking each other and causing chaos. OT3: Can't think of anything for this one. NOTP: I don't hate Mantis and Drax as a romantic pairing but them just being weird best friends means so much to me. We need more platonic M/F relationships like them.
Phos OTP: I like all the Phos ships but can't deny that Phos/Cinnabar is my favorite. I know you haven't read the manga yet but I reread this one part of it earlier in the week that makes me wanna throw Phos in the trash because we could have had it all!! xD BrOTP: I really enjoyed Phos and Cairngorm's dynamic. OT3: Phos/Cinnabar/Antarc. Idk how it'd work out but all I know is that I want all three of these rocks to be happy. NOTP: I'm not picky with HNK ships but I'm sure some people ship Phos with Aechmea so no thanks to that.
Toko OTP: Toko/Komaru! These two mean the world to me. Seeing Toko end up with an amazing girlfriend who supports and loves her after everything she's been through and the development she underwent in Ultra Despair Girls damn made me cry. BrOTP: I love the interactions between her and Makoto in her Free Time events. The Naegis are the only ones who can tame this girl. OT3: I like the Toko/Sayaka ship so I can imagine an AU where she survives and throuples up with Tokomaru. NOTP: Byakuya. These two are the worst for each other and no one can change my mind.
Aoi OTP: I very much enjoy her and Sakura together. BrOTP: Yuta Asahina deserved better and in my personal headcanon, he survives UDG and gets to see his sis again. OT3: I think Sakura had a boyfriend so sandwich Hina in between them. NOTP: Got no strong negative feelings for any Hina ships.
Sakura OTP: Same as above. Love me a big buff sporty girlfriend and her smol buff sporty girlfriend. BroTP: I really enjoyed her Free Times with Makoto, too. OT3: Same as above. NOTP: Also same as above. It's hard to go wrong with Sakura ships.
Papyrus OTP: I don't ship Papyrus with anyone but I remember liking Papyrus/Mettaton when I was younger. BrOTP: I fucking LOVE his friendship with Undyne. Anyone who doesn't call Papyrus and Undyne in every room in the game to see what weird shit they say is missing out. OT3: I got nothin'. NOTP: Font/cest. Don't understand why this is such a big thing.
Sans OTP: These days I like the idea of Sans being aroace but I remember having a very brief phase of shipping Sans/Asgore xD BrOTP: Him and Papyrus ofc, but I also like him seeing Frisk as a little sibling, too. OT3: Sans/Fries/Ketchup NOTP: Fr/ans. That is a child...
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eirasummers · 9 months
Super late lol but for the arospec ask thing: 6, 8, 10, 15!
Refering to this~
Answering this one super late, but thanks for the patience! 😭 Tkm An! Here we go~
6. Do you own any arospec pride merch? if so, can we see?
I don't have any 🤔 I'm not usually one to buy pride merch, really. They're cute tho, I should buy some when I am not broke anymore~
8. What are some of your favorite arospec characters? this can include characters from popular media or OCs.
Actually, the first character I thought of as aroace was Akio from "Yuki no Shita no Qualia". It was one of the first mangas that made me go "Yea, that's how I feel too" in a way.
And ones I remember thinking of it now...
Senku from Dr. Stone.
Masayoshi from Samurai Flamenco
Jiang Cheng from MDZS
Jade from Tales of the Abyss.
These are of course a mix of the vibes they give me, dialogues/character info and my own perception of them. Mostly how I related to some of the aro or aroace aspects I see in them, really. I could expand on any of them if anyone is curious, I guess xD Also, I'm most definitely forgetting some, but oh well.
10. What frustrates you the most about amatonormativity?
The fact that everybody is supposed to only be truly happy if they have a "typical romantic relationship". I know it's the most generic thing but it's also what bothers me the most. The media bombards us with countless romance when it makes no sense at all. Like, a serious dramatic story being ruined by the worst most dumb romance thrown in the middle, really badly written as well. Or when all the side characters must have a romantic pairing too even if they're not even developed just cause they can't end up alone!
Idk, just so annoying... people can be happy alone!! Or have qpr that make them happy. Typical romance relationships aren't the only option >:C
As an extra to this, I do like shipping and romance plots. But mooost often they're SO BADLY written, or such toxic/unhealthy tropes, I don't often like the main pairings or the main fandom ships alfhlask
15. What are some things you associate with arospec identities? i.e. frogs, arrows, white rings, anything the color green, etc.
Tbh, I haven't delved into the aro community as much as the ace one, so I barely know of their symbols aside from the flag aslkhfaksl So I couldn't say anything else. But I'm happy frogs and green are part of it, because I love them 😌💕
That's all~ This is, in the end, my own perspective on these things. I just thought a small disclaimer was needed, specially for the characters part hahah
Thanks for the ask again <3 And I guess anyone can send more, if I haven't answered those yet!
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@lebutterfly-effect asked:
Who was your first muse? Favourite thing about roleplaying? Least favourite thing about roleplaying? OTP for your muse? NOTP for your muse? What are some similarities between you and your muse/muses? What are some differences between you and your muse/muses? Have you any old muses that you’d love to bring back? What’s one random headcanon about your muses that people mightn’t know? What do you look for in a rp partner? Favourite trope? Least favourite trope? Are there any AU’s you’d like to explore but haven’t had the chance to yet? Do you listen to music whilst writing? If so, what kind of music?
Who was your first muse?
On tumblr it was Simon from Detroit: Become Human. I still play him on another blog, though I'm not as active there anymore as I used to be. Before I joined tumblr, I played lots of other characters though, and my first was an OC named Cain.
Favorite thing about RP?
Connecting with other people and being able to write something with them is a magical experience, I love all the friends I make.
Least favorite thing about RP?
The drama that seems to happen constantly. I just want to write, I don't care about all the callout posts and false accusations and petty fighting.
OTP for your muse?
I love all the ships I have for my muses, so I can't just pick one OTP.
NOTP for your muse?
I haven't come across anyone trying to ship with my muses that I wasn't able to work something out with so we could both enjoy the ship. I've never had a bad ship before that I didn't love. So I don't have a NOTP yet.
What are some similarities between you and your muse/s?
Alma and I both have a difficult time with physical touch. It causes overstimulation when we are already stressed or anxious and leads to sensory overload. Arda and I both have a love for music and find beauty in everything, even things that aren't conventionally considered beautiful. Errol and I both have a hard time making genuine friends, even though I don't think I have it as extreme as he does and don't handle it the same way he does, we are both very lonely people that have a hard time making sincere connections with others. Gayle and I both have a bit of a temper when things don't go our way, or the people we do care about are hurt or threatened.
What are some differences between you and your muses?
Abel and Evan are, admittedly, very difficult for me to write because we have virtually nothing in common. I've actually been debating taking them off of my muse list because of that. Even though they are important characters in my main muses lives, they are so different than me that I have a hard time getting into their heads.
Do you have any old muses you'd like to bring back?
For a short time I had two OC's on an old blog that I would love to bring back because I've played them on other sites and love them a lot. Brook-Lynn Young and Garick McClallan. They are also important to my main muses's stories, but in different ways, and are secondary characters in the story I'm writing. So they might not translate as well into RP. At least on this account. but I do love them and have thought about bringing them back. I also love David 8 from the Alien franchise and want to RP him, but there's not much of an RPC for him to belong to here. At least from what I've seen in the past.
What's a random headcanon about your muse people might not know?
Alma's name definition means 'nourshing', 'kind', and 'soul'. it has Latin, Hebrew, Italian, Filipino, and Arabic roots.
What do you look for in an RP partner?
Someone who is good at open communication and can handle misunderstandings and disagreements with civil conversation like an adult without losing their temper and getting passive aggressive. I've had RP partners in the past that were like this and I can't handle the drama any more.
Favorite trope?
Probably found family and hurt/comfort. I'm a sucker for angst, but it's got to have a happy ending, and there's just something special about a group of misfits coming together to support and love each other when the rest of the world is against them that I find amazing.
Least favorite trope?
Soulmates. I don't know why, but I've never liked the idea of people who are fated to be together beyond their control. I prefer the idea that people choose to love each other every day, despite the hardships, on purpose, against all odds. I find it much more romantic.
Are there any AU's you'd like to explore but haven't had the chance to yet?
I mentioned before I want to do a superhero/villain AU at some point, and just haven't written it up yet. But I've also been thinking about a rockstar AU for Errol, since he is already so musically inclined. I would also like to do a witch AU for Arda, and faerie AU's for both Alma and Arda, to go along with Errol's already established one.
Do you listen to music while writing? If so what kind?
I do! I usually put my entire music library on shuffle and just skip songs I'm not in the mood for. But that means that I listen to ever type of music under the sun pretty much lol. I can go from something hard to something soft one song after the other and that's just how I listen to my music. I have very eclectic tastes. Though, I will admit, when I'm having a hard time focusing while writing, I will choose instrumental stuff specifically, without any words, because that can help me focus better.
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erstwhilesparrow · 2 years
*waves enthusiastically* HI!! :D May I have 2, 4, 10, 13 for the fannish asks?
[waves back with equal enthusiasm] HI!
2. What’s a classic work of literature that you’d consider yourself a fan of?
Hm.... Does The Haunting of Hill House count as a classic work of literature? I suspect no. The Bell Jar?? The Left Hand of Darkness?? Strange Pilgrims by Gabriel Garcia Marquez?? I've read Pride and Prejudice, which I suspect is the closest to what is meant by 'classic' here, and I admire Austen's writing but it's not really the first thing I think of when asked what I'm a fan of. Sorry, this answer's kind of boring, turns out I'm not much of a classics person!
4. Do you have a crack ship? Explain them to me.
I... don't think so? I have trouble framing character relationships as shipping even to myself? Just in general? Like. It just doesn't occur to me that I might want to do that. And I don't think it's as if I don't ship people, more that someone says the word shipping to me and my mind goes totally blank. So. You can imagine how it's even worse when I try to think of a crack ship I might have. Wow, two in a row for Answers That Aren't That Fun -- let's see if we can make it three >:]
10. Recc me a new piece of media you think I’d enjoy!
Ooh... Nimona! By ND Stevenson. I just glanced to the side at my bookshelf and saw this and went, "Ah, yes, found family, magic powers, sweet and silly and sad. Perfect." It's a graphic novel about a shape-shifting girl (Nimona) who wriggles her way into the life of a villain by the name of Ballister Blackheart. The two of them team up to cause some trouble with a group called the Institute, Ballister might have a bit of A Thing going on with the hero of the Institute, and Nimona makes me real fucking sad every time I read it.
Aw, dang, this answer was fun, I broke my streak!
13. Praise an obscure favourite character.
Oh boy oh god oh okay!! I'm giving you this answer with the full knowledge that it'll change again within a month or two, probably. Pixlriffs! From the Minecraft series Empires SMP (Season 2)! I mean, I assume I'll like him in season 1 as well, but I haven't watched that yet. He's just... so enchanting to me as a character concept. And specifically as a Minecraft character concept?
Right, okay, so. He's an archaeologist. He pulls entire cities out of the past. He lives alone in a warren of ancient catacombs. He can see, as holograms, the places that overgrown ruins used to be. In a series that is so much about not being able to escape the past, he's, like, a walking thematic capstone, and that's just so. I am a moth to a flame about that. But also. He's so fucking funny as a character and everything I aspire to be. He's the definition of "friendly and competent guy that everyone takes for granted as The Normal One but then it turns out that no, he's as batshit weird as the rest of them"!! He's really nice! Utterly unflappable! One time he ripped up a guy's carpet because his favourite shiny rock got stolen!
But the actual thing I haven't been able to stop thinking about is. Pixlriffs The Actual Guy Who Makes The Videos (as opposed to Pixlriffs The Character) is making a point this season of not really doing a character arc or a central plot for his character? On a Doylist level, this is so The Actual Guy can stick to what he's more comfortable with: being in the background doing work to support other people's stories -- The Actual Guy himself describes it as kind of being like a DM. But on a Watsonian level? All of this is so. He builds ruins and structures and dots them across the landscape for the other players to find. He guides them to plot hooks interesting sites and suggests they talk to each other when there's thematic parallels in their stories they have problems in common. I keep thinking about the line from the End Poem: and the universe said you are the universe tasting itself, talking to itself, reading its own code / and the universe said I love you because you are love. And. The idea of a person who is here specifically to act as a mouthpiece for the history of the world, to speak on a past that -- on the level of the game -- doesn't exist. The idea of Pix being in some ways very much his own person but in others acting out the will or narrative of a place overflowing with those things and unable to express them. Like the universe itself saw these people telling stories and building homes and living lives with so much care and love and went, Yes, let me help. Yes, I love you, here is another story, tell it with me. Yes, let me play the game with you.
History chooses the victors… The past is not gone, it is not even past… You are the universe talking to itself... He!!!
It's so funny how obvious it is when I care about a thing. Hi, Reyni! Hope you've had fun with this, and that you've made it to the end here unscathed. :]
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kiss-my-freckle · 7 months
Stelenas saying Delena aren't like Pacey and Joey because they're toxic makes me laugh since Julie called Damon the show's Pacey and she wrote DC and shipped Joey with Pacey while Kevin shipped her with Dawson. I also think it's stupid how they hate on Damon for things like Elena walking in on him in 3x1 even though Pacey watched Joey take her clothes off in 1x10. Fandoms involving love triangles between siblings are more toxic than ones without, especially TVD, because I don't see the same amount of hypocritical nonsense in other fandoms or people making as big of a deal about many things they would if it was TVD. When they use personal issues to attack certain characters while letting ones like Stefan off the hook for the same it reinforces this idea in society where people side with people they like to assume they couldn't treat someone else badly and silence someone else who's mistreated. This parallel between them in season 6 is beautiful:
I've never really put much faith in all that "if you love someone, set them free" crap, as evidenced by everything I've done in my life up to this very moment, but I am determined to be happy, Joey. Happy in this life. And I love you. I mean, I always-- I have always, always loved you. But our timing has just never been right. And the way I figure it, time is no man's friend. So I have to get right with that and be happy, now. Because this is it. I mean, this is all that we get. If there's one thing I've learned from losing Jen, that's what I've learned. Actually, um, hold on. I'm not done yet. Because I also want for you to be happy. It's really important for me that you be happy. So I want you to be with someone, whether it be Dawson or New York guy or some man that you haven't even met yet. But I want you to be with someone who can be a part of the life that you want for yourself. I want you to be with someone who makes you feel like I feel when I'm with you. So, I guess the point to this long run-on sentence that's been the last 10 years of our lives... is just that the simple act of being in love with you is enough for me. So you're off the hook./When you became a vampire, part of me was thrilled because suddenly there was this possibility I could have you in my life forever, but then the other part of me was devastated because I realized you'd lost the life that you wanted to have. And since I've been gone, you've gotten part of that life back. You're thriving, you're happy. Yeah, sure. Maybe you'd be happy if we gave it another chance, but the truth is is... You're better off without me. I died. You started over. I need you to live your life. Be happy. I love you, Elena. Enough to let you go.
You know, for the record I, I don't wanna be let off the hook. Cause everything in my life that I've done has led me here, right now. And the last thing I want, need or deserve is to be let off somebody's hook./Look. I've... made some huge mistakes in my life. Being with you wasn't one of them, and, yes, I had Alaric compel away my love for you, and, yes, I did love Stefan once. The night I died, Matt was driving me back to him, and yet I found my way back to you. Damon, I somehow always find my way back to you. It doesn't matter if I have memories or not. It doesn't matter if I'm a vampire or not.
Please don't miss my point here 'cause—/You're just saying that because you can't change what you are.
And don't miss mine. Pacey, I love you, you know that. And it's very real. It's so real that it's kept me moving, mostly running from it, never ready for it… and I love Dawson, he's my soul mate. He's tied to my childhood... and it's a love that is pure and eternally innocent. I can't be let off the hook because I just might get the notion that it's ok to keep running./No, Damon. I don't care what human me would have done because she's not here. I am. And if the past is a place without you and me together, then stop living in it.
Damon is Pacey, and they have a lot of great parallels.
I honestly blame Elena for walking in on Damon in 3x1. While he did know she was there, she would've had the respect to knock any other time. She walked through his door without knocking because she got another lead on Stefan and completely disregarded Damon in the process. Same level of disregard Lexi had when she pushed Stefan into that bar, not once considering the fact that it might be a bad time for Damon, so they ran into sired Charlotte and her dinner. Yeah, Elena earned seeing Damon naked.
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eternalspellbounds · 3 years
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I've never asked a question on here; I don't know how it works. I hope I'm doing this right. Feel free to skip this....
Anyway, proceeding as if I am doing this correctly, regarding the gay noble who's supposed to flirt with Jaskier and the confirmation of a character who's supposed to be a prince.
I've been tentatively excited about the idea of a gay noble flirting with Jaskier. Excited because I'd be overjoyed to see a canonical gay romance and because I'd be absolutely delighted to see Jaskier fall in love with someone who loves him back (I do ship Jaskier with Geralt but I doubt the show will make it canon because it'd piss off the book purists, and I think the way the show will make the most audience members happy is to have Geralt end up with Yennefer and then set up Jaskier with another man [all that said, Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer is my OT3 but that would require Netflix being brave enough to allow polyamory]). Let the bard be happy!
However, I've been nervous that there will be even more bard whump in S3. When Jaskier was talking to Yennefer about people donating to the cause of helping the Elves, it sounded like he thought that they were all, well, donations. Money sent in good will. But then the spymaster dude said he wanted the bard brought in to pay up and.... I'm nervous about how the payment will be collected. My guess is that, most likely, Jaskier will be forced to be a spy but....
And then, because I haven't yet read the books (waiting on my library hold), I went to TV Tropes. I didn't find a Prince Radovid but I did find a King Radovid and he's apparently about as bad as the Emperor. He's apparently just a terrible person. So if the Prince isn't a separate character but is the same character prior to becoming king, I don't see how Jaskier would be interested in this guy.
So, maybe they are separate characters and the Prince is a much better person than his father and he and Jaskier will just be a sweet couple. But I'm nervous. I'm worried the storyline could get pretty dark but maybe I've just read too many hurt/comfort fics.
you're doing wonderfully don't worry lmao!
in terms of jaskier and relationships (and presuming you don't mind book spoilers since you've had a sneaky look yourself, and if you DO mind spoilers ignore all this and send me an angry ask and I'll answer again lmao), I haven't read the books but I'm pretty sure he ends up with a woman in them? and although the writers clearly aren't sticking to the book content (cough season 2 cough) they are definitely going down the yenralt route (terrible a job though they're doing of it) so yeah, geraskefer/geraskier unfortunately is unlikely to be a thing. I am however surprised at just how blatant they've made the unrequited love between jaskier and geralt, even if they haven't actually stated anything there's so much that can be taken that way, so who knows where jaskier is going to end up relationship wise. i would assume, if it's anything at all, that this "relationship" with the prince guy is likely to just be a fling though.
here's where we differ lmao bc I'm a sucker for jaskier whump, I just hate the lack of comfort we get for him 😔 so yeah if they whump him again i need some sort of resolution to it not just "oh hey let's torture the bard and then never mention it again." but anyway, considering the set up of this storyline at the end of s2, and that I think spy!jaskier is a significant plot in the books (?) i'm hopeful that it's going to be a decent story!
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with this information given from twn twitter, and what we already know about jaskier in s3, it's probably reasonable to assume that these two characters are going to be connected, and the "until someone gets hurt" makes me🤞in a vaguely evil jaskier stan sort of way.
but again, this info compared with the book character doesn't seem to add up, especially when taken with the actors "character types" lmao and twn propensity to ignore the books.
basically, we know nothing lmao i'm just speculating and hyperfixating on a random line of a script that may or may not even be real. we move✌️
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