#some thoughts on Irene’s scars
jils-things · 14 hours
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you are pretty, dearest!
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athanza · 5 months
Starlett - Part 1
Cooper Howard/fem!OC (not self-insert)
Tags: Hurt/comfort (sort of?), non-allowed romantic connection, lots of tention, pre and post war drama, some fluff
Warnings: Mentions of domestic abuse (no graphic scenes or descriptions of that nature), angst, canon wasteland violence
Summary: The Ghoul remembers a recruit of Moldaver, by the name of Irene Taylor, who he met before the war.
This branches out from canon but I thought it was a cute story idea so I had to write it. Enjoy! ♡
Part 2 | Part 3 | Final part
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Cooper's weather-beaten boots thudded on the dirt, the stones crackling beneath his heels.
The town was too quiet for there not to be a surprise waiting for him somewhere amongst the pre-war rubble so when a glimpse of movement caught his attention and he pulled his gun.
A kid, no older than 15 held up his hands in fear.
"Please don't shoot!"
Coopers sunken eyes narrowed. "Do yourself a favour and scram. If you try anything I will shoot you. Understand?"
The kid nodded frantically in agreement and Cooper gestured with his gun for the kid to get out of there.
As the boy ran off, a large, rolled up piece of paper fell out of his backpack and unfurled face-up in the dirt.
Cooper stepped over as he re-holstered his gun, and looked down at it out of curiosity. When he saw a familiar face on it he bent down to pick it up and held it out in front of him.
"Irene Taylor," It read. "Songbird of Hollywood Hills."
On the poster was a large photograph of a glamorous woman behind a microphone, and a look of a fond, yet faded, remembrance appeared on his scarred features.
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"This is a little public for a meeting isn't it?" Cooper asked as he and Lee Muldaver made their way to an empty table at a local jazz club called the Bird Cage.
"My contact is meeting us here. Don't worry about being recognised, this place is used to celebrities, they mind their own business."
They took a seat and settled in and Cooper turned his attention to the band, the singer had a lovely voice and it reminded him of the band that played at his wedding. He shook the memory from his mind.
"So where is this contact?" He asked.
Muldaver smiled a little. "You're listening to her."
He looked back at the singer.
Now that he thought about it, he did recognise her. He'd seen her face on posters for jazz clubs all over the city but never gave them much thought.
"Her husband is Frank Taylor, he's an executive for Vault Tec. She feeds us any information she can get. She's one of our best."
She had wonderful stage presence, captivating the audience with a rendition of "Them There Eyes" by Billie Holiday. Her champagne coloured dress sparkled in the stage lights, and she had every person in that room wrapped around her finger, and she knew it.
When she finished the song the room roared with applause and she stepped off the stage, politely thanking patrons as they came up to her on her way over.
Muldaver rose from her seat to meet her as she reached their table.
"Lee." Irene smiled fondly as she hugged her. "Thank you for coming."
"That was wonderful as always."
"Stop it you." Irene joked.
"May I introduce Mr. Cooper Howard?"
Irene looked at him and he held out his hand, having stood up with Muldaver.
"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Howard." She smiled as she took his hand.
"The pleasure is mine." He replied with a charming grin.
She sat down at their table and waved the waiter down for a round of drinks.
"How is everything going? Is Frank well?" Muldaver asked.
Cooper noticed Irene make a subtle, nervous glance at the bar before answering. "He's fine." She replied. "You said there was something you wanted to talk to me about?"
"Yes, our new recruit."
Muldaver looked at Cooper and Irene seemed surprised, unable to reply for a few seconds.
"I apologise for seeming so shocked, but with all of your promotions with Vault Tec, you're one of the last people I'd expect."
"Don't worry about it." He replied, reassuring her. "I understand. I'm not the first I'd expect either."
"Well, I guess this proves how convincing Lee can be." She smiled again, but there was something in that smile that seemed pained somehow.
Just then, a man came up behind them with a drink in his hand and put the other on Irene's shoulder and she jumped a little.
By her reaction Cooper thought it was another random patron come to say hello and invade her space, but he kissed her on the cheek and she looked up and smiled at him.
"Hello darling." She said.
"Hi Frank, how have you been?" Muldaver smiled.
"Oh, you know, more hours and no pay rise." He joked.
It was obvious he was tipsy and the discomfort on Irene's face as her husband sat down next to her made Cooper's eyes narrow a little.
"Darling, have you met Mr. Howard?"
"No I haven't had the pleasure." Frank replied, reaching over to shake his hand. "Nice to finally meet you Mr. Howard, your advert for vault 4 was terrific, exactly what we were looking for. I was sad to hear about your resignation."
Cooper shifted in his seat and chuckled uncomfortably, trying to retain his professionalism. "Ah, well, I'm not getting any younger." He joked.
Frank laughed, a little louder than was necessary. "Aren't we all! Say, is it true that it was your real dog in A Man and His Dog?".
Cooper took a sip of his drink that had just arrived. "Yes, Roosevelt, he's a beloved member of our little family."
"Well isn't that just the cutest darn thing." He smiled.
Irene was shrinking. Frank's presence was drowning the one that was only just captivating an entire audience. Then he noticed it and his chest pulsed with distain.
"Mr. Taylor, would you mind if I stole your wife for a dance?"
Irene looked slightly worried and stuttered her reply. "U-um, I don't..." She looked at Frank, almost for permission.
He hesitated but wanted to save face in front of everyone. "Of course." He smiled.
She stood up and walked over to take Cooper's extended hand.
He lead her to the dance floor. The band was playing an instrumental of "Good Morning Heartache" and he placed a hand on her waist.
"Not too close." She said. She realised her fear had slipped out and very quickly composed herself. "Don't want Frank to get jealous." She chuckled, disguising her reaction with a joking tone.
He stayed a modest distance from her as they began swaying to the music.
"He's playing it down but Frank is a big fan of yours. He's seen almost all of your movies, even dressed as your role in The Man From Calabasas for Halloween a few years back."
"You know," he said. "There's a funny story from that set. In the scene where I had to lasso that steer, the first take it somehow managed to pull me clean off my horse. I had a terrible black eye for two weeks after that, but the makeup team covered it up so well that no one could tell. In other words, I know a cover job when I see one."
She nervously glanced at her shoulder, briefly enough that hopefully Frank wouldn't notice if he was watching her.
"I know we just met, and it's none of my business, but Lee told me you married him for the mission. If he's hurting you, you need to tell her."
"She knows." Irene replied.
"She knows? And she hasn't pulled you out?"
"I asked her not to."
"Because this cause means a lot to me, and whatever I'm going through is for the greater good. I'm the only one with my foot in the door this high up, at least before you showed up."
He was getting angry now, not at anyone in particular, but at the unnecessary situation.
"Forgive me, but that's about the biggest pile of bullshit I've ever heard. You don't need to be in this any more than I do."
She scoffed dismissively. "You don't understand Mr. Howard, this is my purpose, stopping Vault Tec in any way that I can, even if it's one password or document at a time."
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Part 2
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i had such a hard time drawing him i was so scared i wasn’t doing him justice 😭
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headcanon time babeyy
His natural form is a cross between human and demon, naturally. he only allows himself to be like this when he’s alone or with Eseryt. He’s at his most powerful like this (not including demon form), as shapeshifting causes strain if he holds it for too long.
He can shape shift into any living creature, but he cannot turn into specific people.
His father has the ability to enter his mind and puppet him around if his defenses are down. In order for Travis to be weak enough for this, he must have put some strain on his power, like holding his human form for too long *wink wink*
When his father is in control of his body, his eyes turn from green to purple.
Transforming into his demon form puts a great strain on his body, and can be very painful. He only willingly does it if he absolutely needs a power boost.
His mother, Olle Valkrum, was trained her whole life to fight the Demon Warlock. He had been feuding with her family and their island since Enki’s time. Olle, being a descendant of Enki himself.
The Demon Warlock one day disguised himself as a man named Micheal and whooed Olle. He spent months gaining her trust as Micheal, while simultaneously fighting her as the Demon Warlock as to not draw attention. Eventually Olle became pregnant and gave birth to Travis. Appalled at this inhuman creature she created, this is when Micheal revealed himself to be the Demon Warlock all along. Olle raised Travis to the best of her abilities, training him the same way she herself had been trained, until one fateful day when she lost her life.
Shortly after everyone returned from the Irene Realm (which he of course had no idea about), he started having dreams of a girl with red hair and a scarred face. He could interact with her, but he could not touch, speak to, or hear her.
A while after the dreams began, he came across this very girl in the woods one day. Assuming it was a trick by his father, he rushed her. Though later she revealed herself to be Eseryt Yrva, a girl who’s group crashed on Enki Island and were just looking for a way out.
He and Eseryt eventually became very close and romantically involved. No Travlyn doesn’t happen (sorry guys). It never felt right to me. Not only was Katelyn always mean to Travis, but I’ve always thought she was a lesbian. (She is in my rewrite)
Travis is NOT a creepy perv!!! He’s just socially awkward and doesn’t understand social norms or ques. He doesn’t have much of a filter and will often unintentionally make people uncomfortable or offend them, though he always means well.
His lack of filter is part of why Es likes him. He’s honest, which is rare.
He’s a lot smarter than he lets on, or that people give him credit for. He has a lot of time to himself, which he spends reading and researching. He also is an incredibly skilled fighter and survivalist.
He’s never been fond of fighting. Much more preferring things like reading, writing, and painting. He’ll paint or write about whatever he sees around him.
Once he learns certain social norms and ques, he sticks to them religiously. He only wants to make people feel ok and safe around him.
He’d sacrifice himself for the people he cares about in a heartbeat a thousand times over and over again. trait he gained from his mother.
Travis was born female but shortly after he was born, he physically shifted to male and stayed that way. He can shift between male and female (or neither/both) at will, but prefers to present as male.
He generally uses he/him but doesn’t mind they/them. But please not It. That makes him feel more disconnected from his human side.
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theladyofrosewater · 6 months
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Character sheets take longer than I thought (I'm drawing on my phone without a stylus help me)
notes below the cut
I am absolutely TERRIBLE at drawing guys body types so I had to stare at reference photos for like ever and I chose discus athletes as my frame of reference. It's better than my usual work but still not perfect so I'm glad I don't have to do scar/tattoo maps for all of the characters.
very common headcanon I know but I imagine all the the Ro'meaves are tall with Garroth being around 6"7-6"8. HOWEVER he and his brothers inherited their height from Zianna not Garte. With Zianna being around 7ft and Garte being around 5"11 (Which is still tall but like he's the shortest so he WOULD make everyone sit for family portraits)
I'm getting rid of the cross on Garroth's design and replacing it with a star symbol, maybe something to symbolize Irene's power or something. The "gem" in the center is actually dyed quartz as it's customary for head guard to place a false gem of glass or a cheap gemstone to mimic the look of the Jury of Nine. Guards are gifted slightly higher quality stone or hunks of metal if they are on the waitlist for the Jury as well.
I know we make fun of the fact he never changed his name but there was a period in where like 20 percent of the English population was named Mary so he can keep his name unlike Aph.
I'm basing O'khasis on specifically on places like Wales, Ireland, England and France so maybe expect some later design elements from there.
His cape is "faerie silk", which is one of the few exports from the Yggdrasill forest region and is known for its durability. It's one of the few items Zoey always keeps in stock because after the incident with Zenix, Garroth incorporated it into Phoenix Drop's guard uniform.
I keep running into problems with ages because Diaries is just inconsistent like that but I THINK 24 is a good enough age??? I'd explain but that's a whole ass post about the Ro'Meaves that isn't set in stone until I figure out how evil I'm making Zane and reworking how the lord system works.
His armor was originally way too fancy for Phoenix drop but I imagine that it fell into disrepair after the lord dies. Aphelia and Laurance get his armor fixed up for him for his birthday one year before everything goes downhill.
The scar on his face is because Zenix swung a giant-ass blade at his face and I refuse to believe he walked away from that fight unharmed physically
I know it's hard to see BUT HE HAS STUBBLE. He always attempts to grow a full beard but after like 2 weeks it gets too itchy and he just goes back to the stubble.
if you're still here pls send in a request for the last character sheet for now because Laurance has like 5 outfits and I don't want to draw all of themmmmmmmmm help.
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kurithedweeb · 26 days
An idea I had last night: Jacob survives.
So, instead of the amulet just making everyone drop dead, we're going with the curse being a plague. (Thank you @irenes-journal for turning the plague amulet idea into what it is today.)
In canon, the amulet kills everyone save the person holding it, so the plague amulet would theoretically grant one person immunity, or at least resistance. How it grants some kind of immunity/resistance is by releasing antibodies for the plague, slowly at first to acclimatize the body a bit before it floods the system, and Jacob got some of the antibodies before he gave it to Aaron.
He was the first to fall ill, and he took twice as long to succumb to the illness than anyone else infected did. The town doctor died before Jacob did, so when he fell into a coma that looked a whole lot like death, he was mistaken for dead.
Lily was barely holding on herself at this point, and Aaron came back from burying the day's dead to find his wife and son dead in Jacob's room. Lily worshipped Menphia and some minor gods, being from Tu'la, and raised Jacob to do the same since Aaron's side of the family doesn't worship any recognized religion (Ultima stuff is for later), and there was a small tomb previously made for when Lily and her children died according to Tu'lan burial practices. Which gives Jacob some more time than he'd have in a grave to get out before he runs out of air.
Aaron goes on burying bodies and surveying the sick while he mourns his own family's loss. Jacob wakes up maybe a day or two later in the dark with what remains of Lily. Obviously, he freaks out, crying out for help, and no one comes. Fueled by adrenalin and fear, he manages to open the tomb door just enough for him to squeeze through, and he finds the streets covered in graves. He has no idea what's going on, no clue how long it's been, but he runs home and his dad's not there and all the streets he's run down are empty and stinking of rot. He needs his dad to not be dead, so he comes up with this idea that obviously Aaron thought he was dead like everyone else and left.
And so Jacob packs a bag and sets out to leave Falconclaw, and he leaves barely an hour before Aaron gets home. They just miss each other.
Jacob isn't well. He collapses on the road and wakes up in a merchant caravan bound for some village way North. He asks if any of them have seen his father, says he's the son of the Lord of Falconclaw, and one of the mercenaries hired to guard the caravan sees an opportunity. By the time the caravan reaches its destination, Aaron is already in O'khasis being groomed by Zane to become a Juror.
Jacob is snatched off the street by the same mercenaries who were guarding the caravan and sold to someone visiting from Tu'la, and he winds up a servant boy for one of the king's vassal clans. Maybe Nana's, maybe the one his mother escaped from. The plague left him incredibly scarred, so for a long time he's a faceless, bandaged figure in the shadows of the house, all this anger and frustration building up inside him at not being able to figure out a way home, until one day the master of the house thinks it'd be funny to match a servant boy against one of his soldier-apprentices.
And Jacob wins. No training, having thrown away his weapon and beaten the other boy with his bare hands until they were dripping in blood. He's sent to the gladiator pits, maybe the same ones Liochant grew up in, and as long as he has his anger he dominates. His contract is bought by some wealthy noble with a penchant for collecting pretty, broken things, and on the road he kills them and flees into the night.
By the time he gets back to O'khasis, Aaron's time on the Jury is over and he's disappeared completely, having forsaken his own name and become The Stranger. This is when Jacob finally hears about, finally confirms, the fall of Falconclaw. He goes to Zianna, waiting for her to be out in town before he approaches her. She and his mother considered themselves sisters, once, and Zianna had been an excellent spy in Tu'la, if anyone would help him it'd be her. All Zianna has to give him is rumors, but anything is better than nothing.
He takes it, he thanks her, he goes on the road trying to find his father, and gets waylaid a bunch on the way by saving people and taking out the mercenary company that sold him to that Tu'lan visitor and into years of servitude and gladiator rings. He had a number of names in Tu'la, but he goes back to the name from a lifetime ago, introducing himself everywhere he goes as Jacob Lycan, son of Aaron Lycan, last Lord of Falconclaw, in an effort to see if his father will be drawn to the man using his son's name. By the time he makes it all the way around to Phoenix Drop, it's the middle of the Irene Dimension time skip, and since no one knew who The Stranger was or ever really saw his face, they don't realize that that's exactly who Jacob is looking for.
He goes back to Falconclaw, thinking maybe he can find some clues where this all started. It's practically the same as he left it since everyone thinks the land is extremely cursed, and in looking through their home he finds books on the teaching of his father's faith. He fits his father's old clothes, his old faith. He takes whatever he cares to keep from the Lycan estate and visits Lily's tomb before he leaves, and not a day later he comes across Abby, who's taken to the road hoping to find a lead on the woman she believes killed her father, Lady Katelyn the Firefist, who disappeared without a trace years ago about the same time High Priest Zane Ro'Meave and a few other Jurors did. She and Jacob agree to help each other and become good friends, and eventually they round back to Phoenix Drop.
A week after Aaron died.
Jacob introduces Abby first, notes that the Lord, or maybe she's the Lord's mother, seems to know who Abby is, and then he introduces himself. As Jacob Lycan, son of Aaron Lycan, last Lord of Falconclaw. And the look on this Lord's face is indescribable. She asks to speak with Jacob alone.
She tells him about his father in the last part of his life. She tells him how he saved her several times, taught her to fight, saved her guards, those two over there. That one he sacrificed himself for just last week, when he saved the man from another realm and finally got vengeance for his family and village. How he once said that when his journey was done, when he had taken the life of the man who cursed them all, he would finally be at peace with his wife and son.
Then there's a child's cry, and suddenly Jacob is being introduced to two little girls who his father helped raise. To his sisters.
He can't even process it properly before he hears Abby scream, and suddenly he is running to pull her off a blue-haired woman and holding her, thrashing and spitting vitriol, yelling how she thought of Katelyn like her mother, as Katelyn explains what really happened that day, and everything Abby has been keeping inside her for years spills out in wave after wave of tears. She clings to Jacob, and he finds himself crying too. If only they had known the truth earlier.
If they'd only learned the truth earlier, Abby wouldn't have spent so long hating an innocent woman she once adored, and Jacob could have seen his father again. Maybe if he'd known Aaron was The Stranger, if he'd known to wait in Phoenix Drop, Aaron would be alive. He would have had his son to live for.
They can't make themselves stay there once they know the truth. They're not ready. Abby tells Katelyn she'll be back to catch up later, and Jacob tells the Lord he'd like to meet his sisters another time, and with Jacob's quest over they go to hunt the Jury of Nine for Jeffory Goldenheart.
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oldfashionedbooklove · 4 months
tell me about your favorite lm montgomery novel please <3
Okay this is SO hard because her books are amazing but I just have to admit Rilla of Ingleside is my favourite, which is saying a lot because I LOVE HER BOOKS, okay! I adore the Story Girl duology and I absolutely love the Anne series and Jane of Lantern Hill.
But Rilla. This book is a heartbreaker. And it’s so beautiful.
I don’t know if I can fully express how much is to be found in this book. I have been reading it yearly for many years, and always come away with new thoughts. As I grow older, and see more of the world, I relate and understand more, and another level of the book is discovered.
The setting—a small P.E.I. town carrying on through WWI. I’m pretty tough when it comes to war books, but I have to take breaks from this one because it is so raw and real. The agony is intense. I cannot even cry over it—my heart hurts too much for tears. This shows exactly what the Great War was for people. You sway back and forth, feeling the dread and terror. You know how it ends but you are broken anyhow. And when the end comes, you too can only rejoice softly. You feel as if you have paid part of the price yourself.
“‘We’re in a new world,’ Jem says, ‘and we’ve got to make it a better one than the old. That isn’t done yet, though some folks seem to think it ought to be. The job isn’t finished—it isn’t really begun. The old world is destroyed and we must build up the new one. It will be the task of years. I’ve seen enough of war to realize that we’ve got to make a world where wars can’t happen. We’ve given Prussianism its mortal wound but it isn’t dead yet and it isn’t confined to Germany either. It isn’t enough to drive out the old spirit—we’ve got to bring in the new.’”
The characters in this book—they are alive. Splendid Jem, brave and merry and true; Jerry, steady and dutiful; Walter, sensitive and courageous; Carl, cheerful and fearless; Shirley, honest and reliable; Nan and Di and Anne, all heart-wrung and smiling; Gertrude, tragic and grasping for hope; the Doctor, determined and self-sacrificing; Susan, simple and true—and Rilla, who starts out a silly, frivolous girl and ends a strong, mature woman. Then there are all the minor and side characters—the Merediths, Cousin Sophia, Jimsy, Ken, Irene, Whiskers-on-the-Moon & his family, Mary and the Elliotts, Norman + Ellen, and everyone else. They’re all so alive, so real, so funny and terrible and beautiful—I swear Glen St. Mary exists and all the inhabitants thereof.
The story follows the Great War, from the first days in August 1914 to the bitter Summer of 1919, where peace has come but normal will never return. As a child, this story was simply World War One—a faraway, long-ago grief and horror and agony. Now, in 2024, as a woman, I have experienced a slight taste of what the people of 1914 felt, and it has humanized the story of the War. This, more than any other book I have read, brings the War and the world of 1914-1918 to life, showing how they were people just like us. The heart is wrung by their suffering, and there is no escape, for the war must drag on for long bitter years. And the price! Walter has become the face of unknown, forgotten heroes, and Jem has become that of the scarred heroes who returned. Every November we grieve the young men who never came home, and for the ones who came home missing a part of themselves, physical or otherwise. I have wept thinking of the children of Rilla, Ken, Faith, Jem, and the others—children who fought in WWII and whose parents were forced to relive the horrible conflict of mankind.
“It has been such a dreadful week,” she wrote, “and even though it is over and we know that it was all a mistake that does not seem to do away with the bruises left by it. And yet it has in some ways been a very wonderful week and I have had some glimpses of things I never realized before—of how fine and brave people can be even in the midst of horrible suffering.”
And yet the book overflows with humour—real laugh-out-loud scenes and witty, clever banter on princes and politics. It is another aspect of the humanity—the part that cannot fully let go of laughing despite the drain. Another angle is the shrewd commentary on principalities and powers, nations and cultures, is thought-provoking, as is the remarks that show us how the war truly changed the world.
“There was a time,” she said sorrowfully, “when I did not care what happened outside of P.E. Island, and now a king cannot have a toothache in Russia or China but it worries me. It may be broadening to the mind, as the doctor said, but it is very painful to the feelings.”
But the biggest things to me is the SPIRIT of this book. The spirit of perseverance, endurance, courage, and love. Of course, man is man, and there is suspicion, contempt, and a feeling of superiority—but this is not exclusive only to Anglo-Saxons. As someone who isn’t Anglo-Saxon myself, and actually of mixed cultures, I can attest every nation is guilty of such. World War One was a battle of good vs. evil—not of man vs. man, but Idea against Idea—the idea of civilization against militarism. Perhaps not on the part of the leaders—but when one studies the writings, letters, poems, and speeches of the everyday folks caught up in the war, one sees this distinction plainly. It was not a war of European against European, Anglo-Saxon against German—it was a war between an old, terrible Idea of Prussianism (Frederick the Great, anyone?) and the Idea of Respect and Peace.
“And you will tell your children of the Idea we fought and died for—teach them it must be lived for as well as died for, else the price paid for it will have been given for nought.”
May we never forget.
A REMARK: I discovered that Rilla of Ingleside was abridged by about 4,300 words (~14 pages), so I searched for an unabridged copy. I definitely encourage you to take the extra trouble to find an *unabridged* copy. It is SO worth it! I’ve read both versions and the unabridged is so much fuller, with a great deal more humour and fun.
I just have to pick out my favourite quotes, too…
“We all come back to God in these days of soul-sifting,” said Gertrude to John Meredith. “There have been many days in the past when I didn't believe in God—not as God—only as the impersonal Great First Cause of the scientists. I believe in Him now—I have to—there's nothing else to fall back on but God—humbly, starkly, unconditionally.”
“‘Our help in ages past’—‘the same yesterday, to-day and for ever,’ said the minister gently. ‘When we forget God—He remembers us.’”
Below her [window] was a big apple-tree, a great swelling cone of rosy blossom.... Beyond Rainbow Valley there was a cloudy shore of morning with little ripples of sunrise breaking over it. The far, cold beauty of a lingering star shone above it. Why, in this world of springtime loveliness, must hearts break?
And I can’t leave without some humour:
“‘The Germans have recaptured Premysl,’ said Susan despairingly… ‘and now I suppose we will have to begin calling it by that uncivilized name again. Cousin Sophia was in when the mail came and when she heard the news she hove a sigh up from the depths of her stomach, Mrs. Dr. dear, and said, ‘Ah yes, and they will get Petrograd next I have no doubt.’ I said to her, ‘My knowledge of geography is not so profound as I wish it was but I have an idea that it is quite a walk from Premysl to Petrograd.’ Cousin Sophia sighed again and said, ‘The Grand Duke Nicholas is not the man I took him to be.’ ‘Do not let him know that,’ said I. ‘It might hurt his feelings and he has likely enough to worry him as it is.’ But you cannot cheer Cousin Sophia up, no matter how sarcastic you are, Mrs. Dr. dear. She sighed for the third time and groaned out, ‘But the Russians are retreating fast,’ and I said, ‘Well, what of it? They have plenty of room for retreating, have they not?’ But all the same, Mrs. Dr. dear, though I would never admit it to Cousin Sophia, I do not like the situation on the eastern front. [But] Grand Duke Nicholas, though he may have been a disappointment to us in some respects, knows how to run away decently and in order, and that is a very useful knowledge when Germans are chasing you. Norman Douglas declares he is just luring them on and killing ten of them to one he loses. But I am of the opinion he cannot help himself and is just doing the best he can under the circumstances, the same as the rest of us.’”
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emper1on · 1 month
ro'meave brother hcs
- as a teen he would often have to pose for paintings because o'khasisian painters would find his perfect darling face just amazing for paintings. he was basically a model
- he has a very subtle but always active magicks that softens the emotions of people around him, which will calm them down or make them easier to work with, though it doesn't work on everyone ( ex. zane )
- although he loves his mother and his mother clearly loves him, he was her least favorite kid and he could tell. whether it was because he looked like garte or just because he was the oldest he doesn't know
- sometimes he thought about dying his hair black but looking at his reflection for too long and seeing garte in himself made him sick. so he avoided dying it because he didn't want to have to see his own reflection. looking at himself became easier when he ended up getting scars on his face
-he surprisingly has an incredibly week immune system, mostly because as a kid he was rarely allowed to be outside because he had to learn how to be a lord.
- he's known he's probably bisexual since his time at the o'khasis guard academy but he was too busy to think about that
-he's blind in one eye because of an accident caused by garroth when they were really little. neither of them really remember it so there's no bad blood ( over that specific thing at least )
- he thinks it would be easier to make garte respect him if he didn't look like zianna.
- surprisingly before he went down his dark path he was incredibly devote to irene. sometimes he would pray that she could came down and take away all his family's pain
- he wasn't actually born evil like whatever the fuck jess was trying to say when mentioning him as a child. he developed a lot of emotional and mental issues because of how garte treated him and his mother. he was actually a pretty normal child aside from the mental issues that went unchecked and untreated.
- he just wants his family back
- undeniably zianna's favorite son but gartes most hated.
- he was the only son zianna ever took to meat hyria ( zianna and hyria are friends )
- he actually knows some witchcraft from hyria and he has a few owl familiars that he can see through the eyes of
- he's not actually emotionless as a shadow knight, only shadow knights who's souls and minds have degraded are emotionless. cutting out his emotions and not letting himself feel was his way of coping with everything. shadow knights are Not reliable narrators when it comes to emotions
- he once had a crush on a boy and he got so nervous talking to the boy he ran away everytime he saw him
- he died tragically young, barely an adult
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cadrenebula · 20 days
Prompt #2: Horizon
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Stefan huffed as he plopped down to sit cross legged in the grass on a hill. At least here he had a good view and no one nagging him. The day was warm but thankfully not unbearably so. Thankfully that also meant no rain so he could sit here and not listen to Irene or Ely for a bit. He knew they were just trying to help but it was also so very annoying too.
"Get fresh air, Stefan. Go outside, Stefan." Stefan grumbles as he repeats the words being told to him often recently. Rubbing Esper's head when his carbuncle nudged him. Though he frown deepened when Fai chirped from the other side.
Rooting through his bag, he pulled out some of the things the quartermaster had given him to amuse the little familiar. He passed the toys to Esper to help him keep the little nuisance entertained. Once his carbuncle had Fai's attention, Stefan could finally drag his art stuff out of his bag.
He passed over the paints in his bag. Too messy with no easy way to clean his tools out here. Not unless he decided to sit near a water source. Skipping the charcoals since he wasn't feeling black and white art work today. Finding the soft pastels and considering them a moment as he looked at the plants here in his sitting place. They might work but he'd better make sure he had his supplies for setting his work if he used these. More digging through his bag. Coming across the markers. Those would probably be best in this case.
Grabbing his pencil he gave one look up at the horizon as he considered which plants to draw first before he added color. His face scrunched with thought.
Not that his mind stayed on that thought as he looked. Horizons... What lay on the horizon for himself? For those he cared about? What would happen if Fen and Ely couldn't keep Alberich under control for now till he could be properly dealt with? They promised he was safe here. That those he cared about were safe. It wasn't that easy to let go of the worries that constantly nagged him. It wasn't that simple to let go of the stress of what might come in the future. Eventually he'd have to deal with Alberich...
Being here though felt like he was moving in slow motion. They wouldn't let him work at his own pace. Insisting his pace would get him killed. It was unhealthy and dangerous.
Frowning down at his blank paper as he absently rubbed the scar across his one palm. It was so hard not to try to move faster. He'd suffered for a little over a year with the necromancer though it felt like so much longer. How long would it be before Alberich tried to make him suffer too? How did his uncle live knowing what the future might hold? He was sure he didn't want the burden his uncle had.
He looked up as he felt both Esper and Fai nudging him. Clearly they had been worried about him. Rolling his eyes as Fai jumped up into his lap despite the art notebook he was holding. He rubbed Fai's head, still unsure if he should consider this familiar a chocobo chick or a dragon or some odd combo of both. Just sitting there with his two magical companions as he stared out at the distant ocean.
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neos-schlond-poofa · 7 months
i need to post SOMETHING to celebrate the best minecraft series ever but i dont want to do something too big because next year is TEN YEARS I AM OLD so heres my hcs and most are. just canon in my rewrite WHICH I REALLY NEED TO ORGANIZE ONE DAY. someone should make like a google doc layout template thing for us its a hard world theres so much stuff that needs to be rewritten. anywho.
NOT the reincarnation of Irene. Or literally just Irene.
Instead I based her off of my friend's old theory from 5th grade (as a tribute, also my friend isn't dead it's not like an in memoriam tribute but its a tribute to an amazing idea) that she was a fallen angel. But. She isn't at the same time?
She doesn't have those markings from rebirth; I like them in fanart, but realistically? Why would some random girl have that? Instead, she has weird scars on her body.
Knows the basics of writing and reading... but REALLY struggles with them still. She literally just spawned on this world. She doesn't know everything.
But her natural tendency to help people is in her blood. Like. Irene's whole purpose of these "daughters" of her were to try to fix her legacy in a way. She still struggles with a lot of things though, and all those changes to the village LIKE WHERE SHE JUST BUILT HUGE THINGS obviously don't happen.
She also didn't have good combat skills until she trained with Garroth. Then Zenix. Then EVERYONE. Her combat skills are a huge melting pot of every single person she's fought against or fought with. Of course, she prefers to just use her sword.
SUPER socially awkward but doesn't even realize it. After all, she doesn't have many things to base her social interactions off of; she just got here. But, she does have manners at least.
Can't cook. AT ALL. This is actually a headcanon based off the WORST FANFIC I EVER READ (I lied it was amazing but I was so shocked by the ending like it's the best fic ever but... it SCARRED me PLEASE read it).
About like. 24 years old.
Bisexual and genderfluid and polyamorous.
Endgame is ultimately Garrancemau, but she DOES have a relationship with Katelyn and Zoey during the series. Those will be expanded upon later.
Never has a romantic relationship with Aaron. Also will be expanded upon later.
Can't tell her lefts from rights (just like me) without using her hands.
Once she found out about her relation to Irene, she just felt TERRIBLE. Like. This super cool Goddess EVERYONE loves was basically her mother and she has to live up to that.
BUT OH IT GETS WORSE WHEN SHE FINDS OUT IRENE IS A TERRIBLE PERSON. Now, she has to struggle with telling the world or not, she has to exist knowing she was just created to be a solution to the problems someone who doesn't even care much about her caused.
Has mild generalized anxiety and ADHD. And. Naturally gets a lot of trauma over the series.
Knows how Joan of Arc felt.
Kind of an idiot in a way. Like. SUPER INTELLIGENT. But never thought about changing his first name when hiding in Phoenix Drop... he just always ignored people's questions about his last name.
In his defense, Garroth became a fairly popular first name after his birth. It's like when the royals have children and the names they give them become more popular.
Azura helped him escape to Phoenix Drop; they met when he was allowed to go to knight college or whatever its called I FORGOT GUYS!! And he was not in the same class as Laurance... but there any good knight is literally put on the list of Jury of Nine canidates. Like. It's not that hard to be considered. But to be picked? They do like the biggest background checks EVER and secretly watch you to see your strengths.
Naturally a very father-like figure to those significantly younger than him as a result of caring for his brothers and protecting them from his father. I made a whole post about it before. I'd tag it but I. Don't feel like it.
LEVIN'S FATHER!! DILFROTH IS CANON GUYS. But he doesn't know he's the father until after the timeskip.
He doesn't just wear his helmet to hide his appearance from others; he can't stand his appearance. He's a splitting image of his father, the man he truly hates. He hides all the mirrors in his living quarters, he can't stand it. Aphmau is the one that truly starts helping him love himself.
Although. After the whole incident featuring a betrayal, portal, and missing 15 years, he feels scared that he is turning out evil just like his father. He hates it. It haunts him everyday.
Firstly, I just need to say, I head canon Garroth to have depression. And I spoke about this a bit before, but seeing the two people he loved the most seemingly hide a relationship behind his back, instead of being open and honest with him just hurt. He fell into a depressive episode, like it was terrible. AND ZANE BEING ZANE used that to manipulate Garroth, having Lillian use magicks and potions or whatever to mind control him. He only broke out of it once Lillian died AND LAURANCE USED THE POWER OF LOVE!
He never truly figures out everything that happens until after he escapes from the Irene Dimension.
Speaking of which, he is SUPER injured after he escaped from there. I. Um. Actually don't know the specific injuries I'm giving him but all I know is he becomes a cane user. So like. Obviously something with his back but I need to like really get the logistics down that's just how my mind works with these things.
In love with Aphmau AND Laurance. He's so silly.
Bisexual masculine non-binary he/they autistic king that also suffers from depression, PTSD, and survivor's guilt.
Like most people believe, he has a dad bod. Like obviously he's muscular, but he's also chubby.
Can't cut his own hair since he doesn't look in the mirror. When he first revealed his face to Aphmau, she helped him out with his beard and hair (and almost braided his hair).
Around 26 years old.
A good singer, but only sang for Laurance while he was recovering. It's their small little thing.
Okay so firstly, I'm not putting any Shadow Knight headcanons. That's too much.
However, as a result of being a Shadow Knight, he has poor temperature regulation. Like. He's very naturally warm, so he overheats a lot, but in the cold, it's the opposite. He's FREEZING and has to layer up a lot.
Has two gay dads. Which... is canon?? WHY DOES NO ONE TALK ABOUT THIS. He has Hayden and Joh. They are his gay dads and they raised him. And Cadenza.
Rarely can have a nice, peaceful sleep due to night terrors. He's haunted by the memories of the Nether, and the only times when those thoughts are subdued are when he's sleeping close to Aphmau or Garroth.
Actually the father of Alina. Because it's not Aaron (ew). And he never knows about this. Because he SACRIFICES himself to save Garroth and Aphmau because he loves them, and he doesn't want either of them to hurt or for himself to hurt them due to the calling.
Just to clarify, he and Aphmau did not intend for this by the way. They just had a silly night where they drank a little bit! And then woke up like a rom-com or something and where like "Oh. My. God." LIKE IT SEEMS TO BE SILLY but then it isn't.
Only knows how to crochet a single type of bear plush. Like. NOTHING ELSE.
He had to wash his orange hair like every single day. If he didn't it literally became so greasy and so crusty. And Zoey ended up having to do that while she watched over him. She was so close to just chopping it all off for him.
Garroth was his closest company while he was blind. He often asked Garroth to describe him what he saw in the village.
Once he got cured, he only partially regained his eyesight. He struggles to see a lot, and gets headaches easily. When he goes into Shadow Knight form though, his eyesight gets a lot better; but once he gets out of that form, he experiences so much pain, and his sight goes downhill for a while.
Can braid hair.
Likes to prank his friends a lot through really elaborate scares. SUPER happy once Malachi and Levin started getting involved.
Pansexual and polyamorous and 25 years old.
Sneezes like. Really cutely. Like he has one of those sneezes.
Her true love was Jeffory. Nothing will ever change that.
When she dated Aphmau, her own grief over Jeffory held back the relationship from blossoming into something more. This applies to all her other relationships as well.
Her anger issues are just simply treated better here. Like. That's all I have to say about that.
Helped care for Aphmau the most (along with Zoey) after Garroth was freed from the Irene Dimension because of how depressed she was over everything. She became really close with Lilith Garnet during this.
Never gets drunk. It's kind of insane. She is wild at taverns and just. Never gets drunk. Her power at that is balanced out with her terrible seasickness.
Doesn't get the appeal of coffee. She hates it, like it tastes so bad to her. She's a tea girlie.
28 years old. But people never guess her age right, like ever. She's eternally youthful despite not having a single skin routine.
Okay this is actually a headcanon and it's based off of a friend I do have in real life. So like yeah I guess in modern times Katelyn is a One Directioner but I guarantee she would be a Deftones fan or something.
okay i planned to do more characters but i literally forgot all mcd characters and my hcs :( SO MAYBE JUST SUGGEST CHARACTERS AND ILL SAY THEM CAUSE THEYRE JUST NOT COMING TO MIND RN also im tired
ANYWAYS HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE SHOW THAT FOREVER CHANGED MY LIFE. without you minecraft diaries, i wouldve never become the insufferable person i am today <3
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b000mbayah · 2 years
Irene sfw headcanons?
Dating Irene (SFW only)
Of course, anon!
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-It took some time for Irene to find complete comfort in your relationship.
-It wasn't really a surprise either, since she was shy when you first initially met.
-Slow and soft is how you could describe the first few months of your new relationship.
-Irene needed to secure the idea of you being fit to date her and vice versa.
-And when that idea was secure enough, only then would she begin to put a little more trust in you.
-Nights of calm dinners turned into sweet cooking dates.
-It's almost alien to recall the days when she'd hide her laugh from you.
-Or when she'd conceal her blush by looking away.
-Or when she'd make sure to have a full face of makeup around you.
-And now that's all completely slipped out of the window.
-Now Irene can't stop laughing.
-She can't stop blushing around you.
-And she feels far more comfortable to have a bare face around you now than ever before.
-Irene got used to the late night cuddles with you, drawing out all of the real-world problems as you lay under some sort of blankets.
-You'd have meaningless conversations until sunrise.
-You'd both adorn the feeling of mutual butterflies tickling your insides and your heart beats hammering on in your ears like a choir.
-The simplicity of the activities you do never faze either one of you
-Walking in the park would turn into a treasured memory.
-Cooking together left scars you wish would never fade.
-And her teaching you to dance never failed to exhaust you in the best way possible.
-However, despite the sweetness of your relationship, Irene still creeped you out sometimes.
-Sometimes you swore on nothing less than your life that she was a psychic.
-The amount of times she's turned to face an inanimate object, only for it to tumble to the ground seconds after (if she wasn't fast enough to catch it, of course)
-Or the amount of times she'd just watch an invisible something move around the room.
-It was scary and unexplainable, but you don't love her any less because of it. If anything, you love her more for her uniqueness.
-You've heard from her members on multiple occasions about how she speaks so fondly of you.
-You've been told of her complaining during long schedules as she's contemplated on calling you- even if you are at work or asleep when she's away on "torturous tours"
-But you aren't public.
-Her company wouldn't accept the fact that one of their top female idols was dating someone, especially since you aren't an idol yourself.
-They didn't want the backlash and claim it was to "save her image"
-But you both know that's not the reason, you know very well how much Irene struggles not to share with the world her happy and healthy relationship.
-Even as other groups from her company reveal their relationships one by one.
-Irene would want to scream it from the rooftops to prove a point, and she almost did once, but her members were there, and the press would be all over how she was a "bad influence"
-Irene doesn't get jealous often, but when she does, she will remove both herself and you from the situation.
-She sees no point in being excessive about it, causing a scene would only hurt you, and she wouldn't want that.
-You should expect tons of cuddles and small kisses on your cheek when you arrive home.
-Being a full-time girlfriend wasn't something Irene thought of often enough.
-But she's certainly thankful that it was you she ended up with.
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Once Upon a December - The Invitation - Walter x Reader - P10
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this took too long to write so i hardly beta read it-so any mistakes? they don't exist. kapeesh? 
warning; murder, blood, drinking of blood, derealization, manipulation 
Why does my heart cry? Feelings I can't fight You're free to leave me, but just don't deceive me And please, believe me when I say I love you
The day she disappeared, the day I lost my grip on her hand; I had never recovered from it, I couldn’t feel my body as that cart full of servants raced away from my beloved. That sickening crack that sounded from her head echoed in my mind through the centuries, never truly leaving me.
I never slept nowadays, I didn’t need it, but when I did; I only had nightmares of her screams, the possibilities of what the townsfolk did to her, her voice calling my name; pleading for me to save her. Her wedding ring hung from a necklace that was always around my neck, only to be seen by my eyes. It had held tight in my hand when I lost my grip on hers, the silver band decorated with flowers and vines just as beautiful as the day I picked it up from my elder sister.
I wish she was still around; she had always been my guiding star other than (y/n); she had been my rock in the years after (y/n)’s disappearance. She nor Calista had any children, so the Deville line had fallen to just me in the late 1100s, but it only just made me remember how (y/n) and I wanted kids.
Over the last 900 years, many times I had debated on…ending it all, life had become so dark and bleak without her, the spot on her side of the bed forever cold, my hand aching to hold hers, my lips just wanting to press against hers once more. Even if it meant death.
But each time I tried, I backed out at the last moment, knowing she would not want me to waste the life she had so lovingly gifted me. My brides over the years never knew about my wife- Viktoria, Irene, and Serena; the first three brides were the only three to ever know about the legend; they didn’t know more than that.
And now Viktoria - who was the only one to last, the only one to have some semblance of knowledge of (y/n); was all too suspicious when…when she came back.
I could feel my heart beat back to life, going so fast I could hear it in my ears, my blood pumping through my veins as her eyes looked into mine for the first time in 900 years, just as beautiful, just as I remembered. Her hair was a bit different I admit, and her fashion choice was different, but it was the 21st century, not the 12th; of course, she would look different.
When I took her hand after Evie noticed the cut on her finger, it felt like lightning went down my spine, something igniting in my chest. I knew then it was truly (y/n), my darling, my love, my wife. She had truly returned to me, but alas; she had lost her memories. Probably from that-stupid rock that had cracked her head open, she apparently still had a scar from the incident.
I had to wonder -after I left her to her room that I made sure be built, on the tiniest hope that still sat within my heart that she would return-where had she been? Where had the townsfolk taken her? Did they bind her and bury her as the book had been?
Had she been that damn close all this time?
Had I given up right when I was about to find her?
I felt like a damn coward, and a fool; I checked the wych elm when I left her to her room, covering my eyes as I pulled up the chains and white ribbon that had bound her for so many years, my jaw clenching. She had been right.there. The whole time, 890 years of suffering, which I could’ve removed if I had just been brave enough to check. I knew she hadn’t died; my life was tied to hers; for her death meant mine.
Some thought that a stake, or beheading, or fire could kill me, but nay; that would do for my brides. But not me, only the death of my beloved, my anchor could kill me, and even then I would become human first.
I must’ve sat next to her ‘grave’ for hours, the chains and ribbon that had bound her arms and legs laying gently in my hands, my tears hitting the dirt-ridden metal and fabric. I suppose I should be grateful that she had no memory, she didn’t remember the trauma of-this-she didn’t know the monster I had become.
She still had the necklace, the heart of her spell, our bond in crystallized form. Upon seeing it, I nearly broke down in front of her, the urge to just-hold her-so intense I had to physically hold myself back; I nearly broke the kitchen counter.
Gods I love her, I fucking love her so much, my heart aches even now, sitting in my study; writing one last letter to her as Harrison Deville. The last one I had written was just a few hours before the blood-pact between me and the three families. That was 500 years ago. With that letter, I dug out the silver pocket watch/music box I had commissioned for (y/n) in the late 1700s, it had my lullaby to her, one I had made up on the fly to comfort her when I went away during our teen years.
Honestly, I had mostly made it for myself, as a-simple reminder of who I used to be, and who she loved. Now I could give it to her properly, and maybe…just maybe-she would still love me as she had 900 years ago. But I would have to wait until she remembered, until she found the letters.
And so I did, for the next four days, I waited; watching as memories returned to her little by little, by the smallest things. A gesture there, a laugh there, a smile there, a painting, a book, a word, a sentence; the tiniest things having the biggest impact. I could see the love returning to her eyes, the flush on her cheeks as she took her favorite flower from my hand, or that book I had come to love because it reminded me so much of our beginning. Princess bride; a farm boy and a beautiful woman. It was probably the only movie I had ever seen in my lifetime; I despised technology, but-it was the only movie I had decided to keep, the only one I would ever watch.
It was almost funny…as you wish…the same line I spoke to her when she told me to come back safe, or to simply hold her hand. “as you wish” I would say, and it had the same meaning as in the book and movie. “I love you” I had said it before I had even come to terms with my feelings, a boy of only 12 years old; still growing and learning how to deal with his emotions. And yet, love, had been the easiest of all for me; because-what is not easier in the world, than to love (y/n) Godkin, the young lady of Carfax Castle?
I still couldn’t believe she had picked me, me! The farm boy of the dirt-poor Deville family, we had nothing to our name, nothing but the oldest blacksmith daughter, a scrawny middle-child boy, and the youngest; a sea-faring girl. And yet (y/n) looked at us, and found it in her heart, to scoop into her everlasting reservoir of kindness; and give it to us, and found it in her to love me. The boy who couldn’t give her more than his heart.
And yet-she decided that was just fine, that she wanted nothing more than that. It made me wonder; would she still love me today? If she remembered everything, and then see everything I had done during her absence; feeding on the innocent and those of the lower class, something she made sure we never did.
Back then, I didn’t even need to, only a few drops from her would feed me for a year, but when she disappeared; I had to resort to feeding off anyone else, and I could bleed someone dry before even feeling the slightest bit satiated.
I’m rambling again…I haven’t done that in years…I guess she brings that out in me.
Harrison smiled at the thought, running his hands through his hair as he sat back against his chair, his formal-Victorian style inspired jacket resting across his desk. The rehearsal dinner was less than two hours away, and he was still debating about whether or not to go through with it all.
He knew if you hadn’t arrived with Evie, he would have no hesitation, no doubt; which…just made him feel worse. Were you really all he had to his morality? His humanity? Would he really have cursed Evie to live a life eternal, feeding off the innocent? Of those who had lived nearly the same life as her?
He would’ve.
And...he hated that.
Because he knew you would hate him for it.
Harrison sighed, running his hands through his hair again then rubbing his face, staring off at nothing as his leg began to bounce. He really didn’t know what to do, he knew he shouldn’t go through with the wedding, or even the rehearsal dinner where everything would be revealed to Evie in a…not very nice way.
He wished he could talk with you, your mind was calm when his was a whirling storm, and the same was true for the reverse. You were each other's rock, calm when the other was out of control.
You had stopped him before, when he had lost control of the very form you had gifted him; you hadn’t even needed to use your magic. Just your words and hands alone had calmed him to return to his human form. His eye twitched remembering that day, it was a form he hardly took, and he had only used it to protect you; someone had come to take you-for your magic-and he had taken a form that granted him the name; ‘son of the dragon’.
Suddenly-it felt like his heart-no-his soul-was put into chains, and he suddenly felt empty; just as he had 10 years ago, just as he had for the last 900 years. But before he could connect the dots, he was thrown out of his thoughts when someone knocked on his bedroom door and he sighed, knowing it was Lucy. “Enter” Walter muttered, knowing she could hear him even if he only whispered the word. Lucy stepped in a moment later, her hair already done for the rehearsal dinner later that night.
“Hi,” she muttered, holding a crumpled piece of paper in her hands. He furrowed his brows, noticing how Lucy was shaking, was it fear? She hadn’t been scared of him since she was human, she had some fears about him but once she was wed to him, she had lost her true terror for him. no-this wasn’t fear of him, this was fear of how he’d react to something. He had seen it when she would report how Viktoria would talk behind his back, or when Viktoria would step beyond a boundary he had set.
“What's wrong?” Walter asked, holding out his hand as she walked toward him, taking it with her free one “What’s that?” he nodded to the crumbled paper.
Lucy just swallowed, looking unsure if she wanted to give him the paper; but she did-placing the crumbled paper in his hands. He carefully unfolded it, recognizing his wax seal on one of the edges “This is,” he whispered, recognizing it as the letter he had written you a few days ago, and left at the castle with all the rest.
He re-read what he had written quickly, flipping it over to see your writing-it was different than it had been back then-but you had lost your memories, he couldn’t expect you to have the exact same handwriting.
He felt his heart break as he read your words.
‘I remember, you’ve become a monster-how you could hope I would love you again-I will never know.
And that was it, that was all you wrote, and that empty feeling he had suddenly been thrust into, turned to sadness, his nose burning as tears trailed down his cheeks “oh, oh please don’t cry” Lucy whimpered, resting her hands on Walter’s shoulders. He didn’t sob, didn’t choke on his breath, just-tears of disbelief and a heart-gripping feeling of cold showered over him.
“There-there was this too” Lucy whispered, setting the silver pocket watch in his hands, and Walter closed his eyes, turning away from the item; letting it drop to the floor with the letter-not noticing the still drying white paint just next to the words from “you”.
He sat there for a few minutes, tears soaking into his pants as they dripped off his chin, Lucy’s hand’s on his shoulders as he cried silently. Then he took a deep long breath, his eyes blank as he stood and grabbed his coat, sliding it on and stepping away from his desk. “Come,” he muttered, holding out his hand to Lucy “we have a rehearsal dinner to get ready for”
Lucy swallowed harshly, glancing back at the letter and pocket watch, then grabbed Walter’s hand, following him out of the room. “How did the spa day go?” Walter asked, his voice practically empty, only curious about how Evie did during the day.
Lucy closed her eyes for a moment, this was wrong-Viktoria had been wrong-she shouldn't have followed her orders.
Why couldn’t have she just let Walter be happy?
“fine, Viktoria freaked her out a bit though” Lucy whispered, pushing down that feeling of dread as Walter just hummed, pushing open the doors to the dining room, nodding as he walked through; not noticing as two of the butlers looked very nervous, their brows furrowing at the empty look on Walter’s face and eyes.
“Will she be coming to the rehearsal?” Walter asked, turning towards Lucy as she nodded slowly “yes, I uh-checked up on her after Viktoria went to get ready, she was trying to leave but um-I somehow convinced her to stay?” Lucy muttered, fiddling with her fingers as Walter nodded, glancing away from the extra seat that was set just on the other side of Evie. “remove that one” he muttered, pointing at the chair meant for you.
One of the butlers nodded and took the chair, leaving only the one next to the head of the table.
Walter stared at the empty space until the servants moved the chairs accordingly and he turned to Lucy, nodding a bit “thank you, you can return to your room” Lucy slowly nodded, backing away until she was out of sight, then let out a shuddering breath.
Oh, what had she done? What had Viktoria done?
Evie hummed to herself as she got ready, she really didn’t know how Lucy was able to convince her to stay; but-unlike Viktoria, Lucy was genuinely nice and…well-Genuine. Besides, it was only one more day, what’s the worst that could happen?
Evie texted grace that she would be offline for a bit and smiled when she got a thumbs up, switching over to your text chat and typing up a message ‘hey, dinner’s in like 15, you ready?’
She set the phone down, pinning up the last of her hair; and when she was done, she realized she never got a response. In fact-she hadn’t for the last day; Walter had told her that you had gotten hurt by something getting into your room, but you would be okay by dinner.
But why hadn’t you responded to any of her texts? She picked up her phone again, quickly messaging you “hey, you okay?”
“hey, answer me or I will break your door down.”
“don’t make me get Walter.”
Evie huffed, no response to anything, so she set her phone on the charger and marched her way to your room, knocking on it several times as she called your name “(y/n)! you in there!? Dinner’s starting soon!”
Nothing, not even the rustle of clothes. Evie huffed, grabbing at the handle; expecting it to be locked but stumbling as it pushed open with ease “(y/n)?” Evie called out again, worry starting to set into her bones. She stepped closer into the room, seeing you nowhere in sight “(y/n)?!” she saw your suitcase still sitting under the bed where you had put it after unpacking, your clothes still in the dresser and closet, and your toiletries still in the bathroom.
“where are you?” Evie muttered, crossing her arms, it was almost as if you just-straight up disappeared from the face of the earth. She knew you wouldn’t leave without her, or without your stuff, so-you had to be around the house or on the grounds somewhere.
Maybe you were hanging out with Walter?
Evie pursed her lips, tapping her heel against the floor; cursing to herself as she saw the time on your wall clock. It was almost time for dinner, and she really didn’t want to be late since she had been late for everything else.
She picked up her dress, stopped by her room to grab her mask, and then made her way to the dining hall. She took a deep breath as she stood in front of the grand doors, hearing everyone sitting inside and a single instrument playing. She knocked on the door, and the double doors opened, revealing her to everyone and everyone to her.
And everyone was staring at her, all wearing masts that ranged from elegant to devilish. Walter was the only one not to be wearing a mask, and (y/n) was nowhere in sight. Evie furrowed her brows, gazing across the chairs, there wasn’t one for (y/n), Evie could see an open spot right next to Walter, which-Evie had to assume was for her.
Evie swallowed harshly, a feeling of dread sinking into her skin as she held her head high, Walter standing with an odd smile, his eyes….blank. why did they look blank? “There she is~” Walter cooed, clapping his hands together as Evie nodded in greeting, lowering her mask and making her way over to Walter, hating the feeling of everyone watching her as Walter gestured to the chair next to him.
“Just there, the festivities are about to begin” he whispered, his eyes flashing with something that sent a shiver down her spine; it felt like she was watching one of your horror movies, but instead she was in it.
“Okay” Evie whispered, taking the seat next to Walter, her eyes flickering about, looking for any sign of you. She hated the feeling that had settled in her chest, dread. “Someone surely does look the part,” Oliver said, making Evie furrow her brows. Part, what part?
Evie then realized how it looked with her sitting on Walter's left and she bit the inside of her cheek, feeling like someone else should be sitting where she was. And that someone was nowhere to be found.
“my dear friends” Walter began to speak, facing the families sitting at the grand dining table “my comrades. I would like to formally welcome the great families to New Carfax” He smiled at everyone, then began to gesture to each end of the table “The Billington’s of Whitby”
Evie frowned as they all end their first two fingers to their mouths in an odd sort of…greeting? Salute? She didn’t know, but-major cult vibes “Klopstock’s, Budapest” that family did the same thing, two fingers to the mouth. “and the Alexander’s; of London” once again, everyone did the same salute/cult thing, everyone but herself, Oliver, and Great-uncle Alfred.
“Let the feast begin!” with that, the guests loosened up and that feeling of dread began to disperse as they all took off their masks and began to eat. Walter turned to her, a small smile on his lips “You look amazing,  Evie” he whispered, and Evie smiled, knowing it was a simple compliment “Thank you” she whispered back.
She turned to the table, looking around for the bride and groom, Cecile and Marvin? If she remembered correctly, but she saw no new faces; and over the last few days, there had not been another Deville other than Walter. “So where are the bride and groom?” she asked, and Walter stared at her for a moment, and it almost looked as if-hesitation-went through his eyes. He glanced away from her, licking his lips as he went to lean forward to grab a knife when Evie caught his shoulder “Also-have you seen (y/n)? I haven’t seen her since this morning, in your study, and she’s not answering her phone.”
Walter’s body felt like it had been dunked into an ice bath, and he glanced back at Evie, furrowing his brows “She-she left?” he muttered, sounding confused. Evie just shook her head, adamant in the knowledge that you wouldn’t leave without at least telling her. “Impossible, all her stuff’s still here, including her phone and passport; besides, she wouldn’t leave without telling me.”
Walter just stared at her, his heartbeat suddenly pounding in his ears. He felt a small tap on his hand and he turned, seeing Viktoria, staring at him. She glanced between him and the families, then at Evie. The message was clear.
Get on with it.
Walter swallowed hard, suddenly feeling as if-everything was wrong.
He turned back to Evie, his eyes telling her ‘play along’, he mouthed it as well, and Evie slowly nodded; watching as Walter tapped the knife on his glass, leaning back in his chair as he took a deep breath after graining everyone's attention “If you’ll all indulge me for one more moment” he said with a smile, though it seemed much more forced than it had been the moment before.
No one seemed to notice that fact.
Walter stood, rubbing his hands together and licking his lips before he spoke. “Our four families have served each other, for generations. But as you all know, someone has been missing from this table” the sentence was-odd-to Evie, that feeling of dread returning while also confusing her. It felt like Walter’s words had a double meaning. And Evie, for a moment, thought it meant (y/n). but when Walter continued, even if he did tell her to ‘play along’, she couldn’t help but get truly scared.
“Someone, vital, to our alliance” Evie looked around, seeing everyone staring at her, Viktoria looking especially peeved yet smug at the same time. Lucy only looked….guilty? as if she was hiding a dark secret, glancing between Viktoria, Evie, and Walter over and over again. “and we’ve all felt the strain of this, imbalance.”
Evie looked back at Walter, swallowing harshly as that feeling of dread in her chest dropped down to her stomach, her palms beginning to sweat as Walter looked about the table, calm as ever. Play the part, play along. What did that mean!? Play along with what!? “But tonight,” Walter continued to speak and it only made everything worse, his voice had taken on an almost-dark-tone, instead of that soft wispiness it had before, especially when you were around. “that once-broken bond will be renewed, refortified”
Walter turned to Evie, staring into her eyes for a strong moment, once again telling her with his eyes ‘play along’ as he smiled down at her, the smile unnerving and making her skin crawl. Evie just swallowed, watching as Walter turned back to the families. “when Eveyln Alexander and I are wed.”
Evie felt like she was dunked into a bath of ice water, her ears starting to ring as the table burst into applause, Oliver congratulating her for something she didn’t even know was going to happen.
What the fuck?! Play the part?! Play along!? With what!? some sick fantasy of his?! Had he strung you along all this time, to make a joke out of his long-dead brother?! How sick was he?! “Walt” Evie whispered, her panic lacing into her voice as she tugged at his sleeve “Walter, what-what are you doing?”
He glanced back down at her, once again telling her with his eyes; ‘play along’. But Evie didn’t want to ‘play along’, this shit was freaking her out! “Refreshments, please!” Walter called, gesturing towards the door, where Mr. Fields and one of the numbered maids came out, the maid holding three glass goblets; setting them on the table next to a large glass bowl.
Evie’s breath caught as Mr. fields took out a knife and slashed the maid's throat, her gasp and gagging sending Evie into a stake of shock and panic, hearing everyone around her laugh as the maid died right before their eyes. She looked at Lucy and Viktoria, eyes widening as Viktoria cackled, her FANGS in full view, along with Lucy’s.
And Viktoria’s hands were clawed, CLAWED!! Evie felt her breathing pick up, looking up at Walter to see him being the only one not laughing, in fact, he almost looked- conflicted. He glanced down at her, and waved his hand gently, his eyes soft and apologetic before they turned cold and empty again; holding out his hand as Mr. Fields tossed the now dead maid away, pouring the collected blood into a glass and carrying it over to Walter.
He took it, licking his lips before speaking, his nails black and sharp like Viktoria’s, fangs just barely peeking out behind his lips. Blood, fangs, and claws; they could only lead to one thing. “vampires” Evie whispered to herself, still stuck in her shock and panic as Walter’s muffled voice echoed in her ringing ears. “For as long as I care to remember; you lovely mortals have provided me with the gift of wives. Three brides. One from each family. And in return, you and your families enjoyed safety and prosperity; for generations. We are at our strongest when there are three.” Walter glanced at the spot next to Evie, where your chair had been removed, and he had to hide a harsh swallow “We thrive when there are three; when Emmaline, my Alexander bride, chose to leave us; our union was compromised”
The words echoed in Evie’s panicked mind, and she felt herself spiral out of control. Was it really all just a trick? To lower her defenses? To use you to gain her trust? And what had he done with you? Were you just-in a ditch somewhere, your throat slit like the maid on the dining room floor?
Her panicked mind wouldn’t allow her to register or remember how truly confused Walter had been when Evie told him; you couldn’t have left. Her unfocused vision floated about the room, looking at everyone as they easily continued to eat; as if someone hadn’t JUST been killed, as if the man next to her and his- brides-all sat there with goblets full of blood.
“Tonight we celebrate the blood-pact your ancestors made over 500 years ago, and welcome a new bride to the family.” He turned to Evie, but she couldn’t focus on him, tears burning in her eyes but unable to fall through her shock “so I propose a toast, to my new bride; Evie”
The families all toasted on her and the sudden wedding, Lucy and Viktoria easily drinking the blood from their glasses. Walter didn’t drink from his, just raising it to his lips, and then setting it down before he could get the smallest bit in his mouth. He glanced back down at Evie, watching her carefully as she stood on shaking knees “i-I have to go”
Everyone watched her as she walked around the table back to the doors, two butlers suddenly blocking her way “please” Evie whispered, terror and panic gripping her senses, leaving her weak yet running on nothing but adrenaline. “please-let me go-please”
Walter closed his eyes for a moment, leaning forward in his seat as Evie begged to leave. She turned to look at him, tears streaming down her cheeks “Was this all just a trick?” Evie asked, her voice whimpering and cracking. “All of it? The-the gifts-the-niceness-everything?”
They all just stared at her, Oliver almost looking bored “Why are you all just-sitting there-help me!!” Evie screamed, her hands shaking as no one moved, only Mrs. Swift staring in concern. The same was hidden in Walter’s eyes, his sudden knowledge of your not-so-truthful departure, had set something off in his mind-and suddenly he could hear your voice, calling out to him, begging him to help you-to not hurt Evie.
“You’re all monsters, all of you!” Evie screamed, pushing Mrs. Swift away as she tried to comfort Evie, shoving the two butlers aside and pulling at the doors, finding them to be locked. Walter told his guests to not worry, that she was just dealing with the shock of it all, they just laughed, going back to their meals as Evie banged and pulled at the doors, screaming for help.
Walter suddenly was at her back, grabbing her and spinning her around to slam her into the door, one of his hands cradling her head so it didn’t hit it hard “you’re doing a wonderful job, I’ll explain later-just-don’t break” he whispered into her ear, his warm breath fanning across her face. Evie sobbed, trying to get out of his impossibly strong grip.
Evie screamed again, kicking and screaming against Walter’s larger form “let me go! I want to go home!” she screamed, her voice already losing its power from how loud it was. Walter just held her there, staring; the others just going on as if nothing was happening; as if this was normal. “you-you killed (y/n), didn’t you?” Evie sobbed, Lucy’s shoulders tensing at the words as Viktoria smirked from behind her glass “you sick fuck-you murdered her-you monster! She was my friend!!! Your brother's lover!!! How fucking dare you!!!”
Walter just stared at Evie, his chest rising with a short shaky breath before he backed away, turning to Lucy and Viktoria “Get her prepared, tonight is yours. Tomorrow is mine; welcome our new bride to the family.” He smirked, nodding at Viktoria as she raised her glass in acknowledgment, Lucy adverting her eyes to stare into her glass.
Evie just glared at Walters retreating back, her chest burning with pain “(y/n), where are you?” she whispered to herself, collapsing to the floor as Viktoria and Lucy stalked towards her, Viktoria only looking proud in her victory, of what? Evie didn’t know, but she was suddenly grabbed, gagged, and blinded by a sack. She was shoved into a chair, and bound to it before being carried out of the dining room.
Everything was fading out of reality as she was carried down an echoing cold path, unable to see and only able to hear her own sobs. Finally, she was set down, albeit roughly, and the sack was tugged off her head, leaving her alone in what seemed to be the cellar, surrounded by moonlight and cold stone.
Evie sobbed through her gag, just wanting go find you, or at least find out what happened to you; and go home. This was all her fault, why had she been stupid enough to trust a man, a white man no less-even if he was family, enough to just-go abroad for a week-and…and doom her friend in the process?
Evie wondered what was going to happen to her when Viktoria and Lucy entered, Lucy’s brows furrowed in concern while Viktoria just looked smug “Welcome to your bachelorette party, Evie~” Viktoria cooed, leaning against the wall behind Evie as Lucy quickly pulled down the gag from Evie’s mouth, shushing her with what she hoped were comforting words “hey, no no no, don’t cry~ we’ll soon be just like sisters, three perfect little dolls for the master~!”
Evie wanted to throw up at how, bubbly, Lucy sounded, as if being a doll for Walter was a good thing. as if she should want it. “please just-let me go” Evie whispered, her jaw clenching as Viktoria rolled her eyes, scoffing at Evie; as if her reaction wasn’t completely rational for any sane human being.
“Enough already” Viktoria groaned, glaring down at Evie “even your great-grandmother wasn’t this difficult…till she refused to feed on the help.” Evie stared hard at Viktoria, the panic and fear still coursing through her veins making her unable to glare “a truly selfish act, she put us all in jeopardy.”
“Emmaline was lovely” Lucy interjected, trying to calm Evie down enough to make her think ‘rationally’, giving a small side glance to Viktoria as she quietly cackled “and we were such great friends, but-she became confused”
Evie didn’t care for the backstory, tilting her head away from Viktoria as she tried to touch Evie’s cheek and hair “But you, you won't let us down like she did, now will you Evie?” Evie leaned heavily away from Viktoria’s claws, narrowing her eyes at the vampire as she stalked away, moving to sit on a window ledge “what-what did you do with (y/n)?” Evie asked weakly, taking a shuddering breath as Viktoria giggled, coming to a realization at the same time “you-you were the one who hurt her, last night”
Viktoria looked too proud of that, spinning the plain gold ring on her finger “mmm, she was bewitching the master; but-it was just a little fun, no harm done” Evie nearly launched herself onto the floor attempting to punch Viktoria “you slashed open her back, you bitch” Evie hissed, more tears trailing down her cheeks “Why? Why did you do that to her, why are you doing this to me!?”
“She was in the way, and, for your blood; of course” Viktoria cooed, staring right into Evie’s fury-laced eyes. “Our bloodlines are rare, special. And the combination of them makes the four of us, all-powerful. Immune to the effects of time. Immortal, in layman's terms”
Lucy once again tried to comfort Evie, but her mind was reeling with the fact that she would be forced into immortality, she didn’t want to live forever; who in their right mind would? Living forever meant being stuck on a loop, seeing endless conflict, Evie wanted to grow old, to have adventure, to live. Immortality wasn’t living, just avoiding death.
“What did you do with (y/n)?” Evie muttered again, interrupting Lucy’s “comforting” words. Viktoria just rolled her eyes, examining her nails “She bewitched the master, so I took care of her…not that he knows that, he’s…attached to her, for some-odd reason.” Viktoria spat, the jealousy she hadn’t been hiding coming out to play “he even stopped feeding, that maids blood was the first he’s had all week.”
Evie suddenly remembered how-shocked-Walter had been at the dinner party, when she told him you had never left. He genuinely thought you had left the manor and him telling her to ‘play along’; might mean he wasn’t as much of a monster as she claimed him to be.
Lucy suddenly jumped into an explanation of how the ceremony would go, she would drink Walter’s blood, he would drink hers, and they would all be bound together for eternity. Evie was still hung onto the fact that Walter was being genuine in his confusion, and processing that he might’ve been-acting-during the dinner party.
Everything that happened within the next few minutes felt like a blur, Diya came charging out of the shadows, scaring the life out of Evie; Viktoria was about to eat her only for Evie to plead for Diya’s life. Then she was presented with a coffin, A COFFIN, with her maternal family's initial on it. Evie was then forced inside by Viktoria, the elder vampire laughing as if it was all a fun game as she nailed the coffin shut, ignoring Evie’s begging cries.
Lucy glanced back at the coffin, swallowing harshly as Evie screamed to be let out, for help. Lucy closed her eyes tightly, forcing herself to follow Viktoria out of the room; not seeing the red-gleaming eyes in the corner of the room.
-end of part 10-
 another cliff hanger mfs’ hope you liked the chapter, i did my best~ sorry if things felt rushed in the end-i didn't feel like writing another scene that would just be the same in the movies other than some minor changes-also yeah-Walter/Harrison heard-everything-but he’s smart-he waits for the opportune moment~ also; just in case yall didn't get the hint; Walter/Harrison’s humanity, is directly linked to (y/n), considering his soul is directly tied to her; so with her being in bound sleep once more-he’s just-not human anymore, he could put up a mask just fine-but all his emotions, his real emotions, and his empathy, and anything like that-are shut off-at least until he learns (y/n) never left-and it jump starts him. oh and the letter is the real letter, Viktoria(duh) just whited out (y/n)’s words and replaced them with her own. 
perm Walter/Tommy taglist!
@thetrueghostqueen @littlewierdalien
OUAD taglist!
@anti-herosprettybby @miniaturehideoutmentality @disneyfan50
@reallysparklychaos @reallystressedhoneybee @rebellbelle
@libbymouse @soulsfrostedheart18 @zane2408​
@austynparksandpizza​ @tati-the-fangirl​ @habblez-the-babblez​
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Sorry if you already have a post on this or smthn! But I’m really curious as to why Aph would cannabalize people in MyS? And also is this a trait that’s in ur MCD rewrite? 👁️👁️
Can u maybe plz ramble about this bc I love the concept and I’m curious
(idk how coherent this is it was 1:30 when i wrote it and i haven't reread it lmao)
TW: Cannibalism, auto-cannibalism, sacrifices, blood magic etc
mmhm i can do that! i do have like 800 posts about cannibalism, but i don't think i've spoken much about it in my MyS rewrite.
Okay, basically, all of the aphverse series are somehow connected in my rewrite. Aside from maybe MID since it's set on earth… but like, MCD, MyS, A Royal Tale, Mermaid Tales, etc, all connected somehow. Every version of Aph is a reincarnation of eachother, aside from MCD Aph, who is a slightly more complicated case.
BASICALLY, Irene is an asshole. She had a lot of power, which she gained through sketchy means, and used in the form of sketchy magic. Particularly, she used a lot of blood magic, which was the form of magic which predated even her and Shad. It's a particularly taxing form of magic, and it requires a lot of sacrifice (literally). Blood magic requires blood sacrifices, and lots of them, which Irene was lucky to have from so many many people, giving her a lot of freedom with her usage of it. However, specific sacrifices held a certain… magical value. Due to the emotional aspect of human sacrifice, it was the form that gave the most power. All that to say, with all the magic that Irene had left after the war, she decided to pulverise herself completely. She knew that she couldn't die properly, as a god, but she could destroy every speck of her physical form (save her heart, which remained intact). 
However, from the immortal pool of gore and viscera left behind by her death, Avra (my version of Aphmau) was born. This would be fine, if not for the fact that blood magic was what bound Avra into form (an SK got hurt moving through the temple, and the blood landing upon the stone did count as a sacrifice, even if accidental). This melded blood magic into her very being. The only other relevant occasion where blood magic is melded into someone is THE SHADOW KNIGHT TRANSFORMATION PROCESS. And that is complicated bc technically the SK is the sacrifice… its weird, Sks are weird. ANYWAYS, my point is that force-joining a living entity with blood magic causes them to have a very, very strong desire to consume juicy, juicy meat. For Sks, this often manifests in the form of craving the meat of the creatures they fear eating the most (Sks who have a fear of rats will want to eat rats, Sks who have a strong moral compass will want to eat people). However, as Avra's body was constructed from the immortal blood of a goddess who received a whole lot of human sacrifices, wow she now craves human meat (especially human hearts) above all else. who is surprised? but she will settle on others. This is because creatures of blood magic do not oft receive sacrifices, and so have developed to instead hunger for meat, and such, gaining their power from consuming the hearts of their prey.
This hunger is given many names. The Calling, The Hunt, it's a whole thing. It's all-consuming, and painful, and Avra struggles with it often.
ONTO MYS, this hunger carried over through reincarnations. I've made the small decision, pre-poll completion, that her first displays of cannibalistic qualities happened when she was young. She would bite other children often, and chew very aggressively at the skin of her fingers, and inside her mouth, and such. Her fingers are scarred from this, and she keeps her nails short bc the longer they are, the easier they are to tear off with her teeth. that said, she likely wouldn't actually eat anyone until much later on, even though she would frequently have intrusive thoughts about doing so throughout her life.
other characters who are Blood-Bound will also experience some displays of auto-cannibalism, biting tendencies, extreme love of meat, etc, though most are not as severe as Avra. They were merely transformed with blood magic, she was born with it connecting her every fibre. 
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gaybae1021 · 2 years
Shadow Knight Talk
God I have got to come up with a better name shadow knights is so freaking edgy
SKs are really confusing in the series when it comes to design. It’s suggested that full SKs have permanently red eyes, but the only ones that’s actually true for are Zenix and Vincent. Gene, Sasha, and Zane never change eye color, and Vylad and Laurance seem to transform the same way, even though Laurance is a halfing (my own name for an incomplete SK) and Vylad seems to be a full SK (pretty cold and logical throughout the series, compared to mystreet)
So here’s my take on them!
In my version Shadow Knights prey on those who fear death. While they’re technically dead during the ritual, those being transformed have a “light at the end of the tunnel” moment where they can choose to pass on or accept the transformation. This fear can obviously have a variety of motivations behind it. It could be a “hey wait I wasn’t done being evil yet”, or an “I still have so much of the world to see”, or even a “there are still people that need me”, but either way, that unwillingness to accept fate, that denial, is a key motif in my shadow knights.
You don’t need to kill to become a full SK, just return to the nether and declare loyalty to their cause. The issue is that being a shadow knight is the ultimate self fulfilling prophecy. Even if they manage to escape the nether Halfings eventually become unstable and lash out at those around them, which either causes them to be rejected by their communities or isolate themselves to keep others safe. This isolation of course only makes things worse, they’re still effectively human, they need human connection for healthy functioning. The depression and self-loathing eventually reaches a point where they’ll do anything to feel like they have a purpose. And guess who’s waiting in the nether to give them that purpose?
SKs don’t lose their emotions like it’s suggested in the series (honestly they didn’t follow that rule anyways) but they gain conscious control of their SK form. Also the fact that they’ve rejected all their past relationships and are choosing to follow a shadow army kind of makes them act differently on its own.
I think I’ll do some differences between full SKs and halfings (duller red eyes for full SKs and maybe a darker armor design) but I want to keep things simple. Halflings have their natural eye color until they enter their shadow knight form, where they turn red. Full SKs have permanently red eyes, though they brighten when they enter their SK form. There are items similar to concealment stones in my story, so full SKs can hide their eye color relatively easily. All SKs, full or halfing, are forced into their SK form in the nether, though halflings are able to keep control while in the nether.
Also I just kind of got bored with the veiny eye look of the series’s shadow knight forms, especially with Laurance. It always looked weird with his freckles, they just layered on top of each other really weird. So I thought it’d be fun to give each SK their own unique eye markings.
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*note Zane is very different in my story and gets a redemption, so if anything goes severely against canon that’s on purpose.
Our newest shadow knight, and second youngest physically. After being put in limbo in Irene’s dimension, he is found when the SKs come to retrieve Aaron. Sensing the weakness in Zane, they transform and imprison him. During one of Laurance and Zenix’s raids on the SK fortress Laurance frees the imprisoned halfings, though he doesn’t know Zane is in that group. Zane manages to avoid recapture and escape the nether.
He doesn’t have the best emotional control, thanks to the years spent with Garte, so he snaps and at least partially enters his form frequently, though it usually doesn’t last long.
His facial markings don’t extend to his scar, the tissue damage effectively blocks the magic flow to that area. His other eye gets a marking that mirrors his scar.
Aw yeah, my boy.
Laurance sacrifices himself in the nether to make sure Aphra and Candenza could escape. He’s rescued by Ungurth, wyverns can naturally dimension hop, but he uses up his life force making sure Laurance survives the jump. The corruption from the jump destroys Ungurth and blinds Laurance, but otherwise Laurance seems unchanged until season 2, where all the stress first causes him to start slipping, eventually culminating in a big fight with Aphra and Garroth where he nearly snaps at them, and after talking with Vincent, realizes he needs to leave to keep them safe.
In season 3 he is in a tenuous alliance with Zenix in taking down the SKs, though this eventually fails and Laurance is forced to escape back to Phoenix Drop.
Along with Aaron, Laurance’s potential as a host for Shad was recognized, so both of them are targeted throughout season 2. This makes Laurance’s symptoms much worse than the typical halfing.
His markings incorporate his three freckles, as well as two stripes that frame his eyes
Oldest character physically, and after Zenix has spent the longest time as a shadow knight. Vincent was turned a long time ago, and was a high ranking knight loyal to Shad. One day he was sent out of the nether on a mission. I don’t have it super well thought out but at some point Vincent fell in love while out of the nether and defected against Shad, living with his lover until their death. After that, Vincent swore to protect humanity from Shad in any way he could.
Not a ton of story behind his markings, but damn he looks cool
Honestly her whole backstory needs some reworking, but overall I think she begins the series loyal to Shad but questioning his methods. She’s very active in helping her fellow SKs but often uses her own methods and frequently goes against orders. When she guides Laurance to the nether in season 2 she refuses to go in, both fearing repercussions and knowing she’d be more useful on the outside. But she is grateful to Laurance for freeing her, and says she owes him a favor, setting up a possible defection.
I don’t have her death planned out, but I imagine it was something very tragic, hence her tear-shaped markings. She was also described as doll-like in the series, so I tried to make her look sweet in an unnerving way
His backstory largely follows canon, make contact with the shadow knight, gets executed, goes through the SK ritual, all that jazz. Honestly Gene’s just not that deep of a character, he’s a power hungry guy and his loyalty to Shad never wavers.
I wanted his stripes simple but sharp, and I like that they look the most like the og series, kind of highlights the fact that gene is your standard Shadow Knight
Youngest physically, only about 16, but a very old shadow knight, one of the earliest. Zenix was a tragic character at the beginning, he was only a kid when he was forcibly transformed. But it’s been so long it almost doesn’t matter anymore. All Zenix wants now is power. While originally loyal to Shad, he defected a long time ago, seeing Shad as weak. Now he only serves himself.
Design-wise, I wanted to contrast his monstrous actions with a soft, boyish face. His markings were softly inspired by jester stripes, again keeping a childish influence
And a bonus S3 Laurance
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well hello there
here is aphmau in my au/rewrite
i tried to draw her in as many of her iconic outfits as possible but good irene she has a lot [click for better quality]
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so here are some changes and headcanons i have for aph in my au:
•she’s neurodivergent. not entirely sure what specifically, probably adhd. for sure dyslexic.
•she has sensory issues, which is why she’s usually in shorts. she feels like she can’t move properly in a dress for pants.
•so in my au she is irene just like regular canon. i gave her her markings but you might notice they’re different; here’s why: so in my au, scars and tattoos can both be used as runes to conduct magicks. scar runes amplify one’s existing magicks while tattoo runes bestow a certain magicks ability to a person (even if they already have one to begin with). though this practice is outdated and illegal in most parts of the world. because irene’s abilities existed prior to her become a divine warrior, she scarred herself to not only enhance said abilities but to also show her true dedication. nowadays no one, except maybe zoey, actually knows what they are or what they’re for exactly.
sorry that was a lot… ANYWAY
•when irene locked herself away, she tried to dress in a way she thought might help her blend in in whatever time she popped back out.
•she was wrong.
•phoenix drop gets really hot, especially in the summer, and it doesn’t snow there. aphmau uses it as an excuse to wear shorts all the time.
•when she first showed up she wasn’t as clueless as they made her seem in rebirth. she was just as aware as she was in the og beginning (except no she didn’t think she was playing minecraft) her reason for helping out the village was basically this: “oh look a village, cool i needed a place to stay. oh man these guys are in rough shape, they don’t have a lord?!? ah geez no one’s helping them, guess i gotta help them. oh shit they made me lord!” ok maybe not EXACTLY like that but yk
•she’s not a pick me in this universe :) and she doesn’t lead people on.
•when garroth first noticed how hard she was working on the village without even being asked, he bought her some gloves so she’d stop tearing up her hands. he bought some basic fingerless leather gloves but payed extra to have them dyed black and embroidered with lil purpley pink flowers. he hopes she’d like them and that his gesture wouldn’t come off as clunky or weird. she loved them and keeps them with her even when they’ve gotten too worn to wear.
•laurmau is endgame. aph and aaron never have any kind of romantic relationship. he’s more of a mentor to her. (i’m sorry garmau lovers i love y’all but laurance is my guy)
so that’s all folks, i’m sure i have more headcanons and changes for aphmau but none come to mind right now. feel free to leave suggestions tho :)
garroth is next >:)
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natsubeatsrock · 3 months
Quick Notes: Chapter 545.5
Well, here we are again. It's always such a pleasure.
I wasn't planning to do this, but since EZ ended AND I'll likely get asked about it, I might as well bring this back for one more time.
Let's go!
It's crazy to see the request for the Century Quest just out on the job board. I know they can do some S-Class missions post-Tower of Heaven, but that should be kind of hidden.
It's good to see Mashima's seen the error of his ways and given Natsu his scar back. Yes, I'm still not over that after all these years.
It's been a while since we've got this explanation, but I still remember these things. Because, of course.
See? This is why this mission should have been off the regular job board.
Lucy wrote the book, got the award for the book, but it somehow isn't selling it well? This award might be in the spirit of his broke AF son.
Stuff like Levy deciding not to tell Gajeel she's pregnant and Levy telling people before they leave messes with the timeline of this series.
Gray losing every article of clothing in a panel fighting Natsu is the kind of shenanagins I've been missing from EZ.
We get one panel of Lisanna and it takes me three reads to notice it's actually her. Mashima never fails to disappoint.
I guess Ichiya spent time away from his boyfriend Mosco to be here. Hey, Mashima made the Twitter sketch of them kissing. Isn't that how it works, Nalu fans?
It's always good to see the Connells in a panel. Fine. I guess we're even, Mashima.
Part of me is mad that the Jellal trick worked at all. Another part of me thinks this was the funniest joke in the chapter.
Honestly, of all the hiding spots they could pick, Lucy's apartment might be the worst.
"What's Ichiya doing here?!" Thing I said out loud somehow makes it into the chapter a few pages later than I said it. We're all getting older, I guess.
Is it a good thing or a bad thing that Wendy's acting more like the other guild members? I wonder how Irene feels about this...
At first, it was shocking to see Erza in this house. Now, it's shocking to see how messy Natsu's house is. Fanfics have really spoiled me over the past few years.
This brings up an interesting point. The team might have gotten the all-clear for the Century Quest if Natsu could somehow convince Erza to take it.
On second thought, I get why he stole the request.
Listen, the existence of the sequel shows that they had to get permission for the Century Quest.
It's somewhat surreal to see the last panels of the final chapter before seeing the last page of this chapter.
Honestly, this was fun to do again. Don't expect any more of these again.
See you!
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unordinary trio headcanons !!
some of these r kind of a stretch! also there's so much isen im so sorry im in love with him
i hc isen to be bi with no preference
i also am in between on him being amab or afab. i see him using they/he either way tho
he's a demiboy
he's vv closeted
but remi knows
he has a (younger) twin sister and another younger (half) sister
he's found himself being in charge a lot & messing up at home, which is why he's so against taking big responsibilities (like when he becomes jack)
they have severe anxiety
and also undiagnosed adhd
he's good at keeping secrets but if anyone were to simply ask them about one he'd be like really bad at deflecting it
he had a really good relationship with his father until it was noticed that younger half sister was a product of an affair so then his parents got divorced and isen lost contact
his stepdad is nice but isen doesn't find themselves to be as close to him as their siblings are and it makes him a lil upset
he's still really family oriented even though he kind of resents his mom for the whole affair
they work a job as a janitor at night so his siblings can have some spare money
his mom is chronically ill
oh oh and his twin sister goes to a school outside of wellston because she's rlly smart
isen's not vv open about his family, he'll only mention them if remi says something about rei first or if blyke talks about his mom
i love blysen sm but i do think isen would've had a crush on remi before
he's dated a lot of people
including cecile for a week
cecile broke it off
as you can see none of the relationships really lasted
speaking of how i love blysen – he's had a crush on blyke for a really long time but hasn't realized it's a crush
isen & his twin went on this hair dye adventure once hence the hair
i saw someone say he tried to bleach his hair and it came out orange and i firmly agree
naturally black hair i will die on this hill
while isen had a hair oopsie, their sister was successful and has blonde highlights
(i do have names for his siblings but they're not very creative (twin is isabella & half-sister is irene))
secretly a swiftie
ok enough isen now blyke
i like the idea of bigender or genderfluid blyke
any pronouns but they do get a bit irritated when people stick to just he/him
he has sooo many piercings like so so so many
they're the middle child
she spends a lot of time with her uncle
they have a cat and shes the cutest cat ever (i need a name)
i think blemi is really cute tbh (not a headcanon im just rambling atp)
i feel like blyke would listen to weezer
she looooves funky earrings and other cool jewelry
has a bunch of scars from childhood adventures and is insecure about them
allergic to grass
had a black stripe in his hair during middle school to be cool and edgy
had a diary of a wimpy kid phase
and a dork diaries one
im running out here
remi my fav girlboss <3
omni w/ a preference for girls
she/they, demigirl
her dream toy growing up was a barbie motorcycle
she and rei made a lemonade stand in order to raise money for a barbie motorcycle
rei thought they were getting an actual. barbie themed motorcycle
they made their own lemonade and it tasted like shit
they made a whole eight dollars
remi really wants a pet snake but their mom is scared of snakes
she thinks eyeliner is really cool but she's really bad at it
sometimes she'll ask sera to do her makeup for her
remi's dad is a chef who loves the movie ratatouille /hj
rei calls her a rat
her bedroom at home has a shaggy carpet because i said so
and she has soo many posters on her walls
once she dyed the ends of her hair purple with kool-aid
she has lots n lots of freckles
she had a crush on elaine during her first year & that was her first girl crush
sometimes she goes on random smoothie bowl crazes
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