#someone please write this assignment for me... it is due in 3 hours but i had more important things to do 💀 i haven't even started
yohankang · 1 year
last wednesday i wasn't even considering changing jobs and now i submitted my resignation, told my friends and family, made a few phonecalls and scheduled a meeting with a landlord to rent a room. and i'm basically starting a new life in less than 2 months afjsdjs
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ssaaaronmontgomery · 1 year
Pregnant BAU Reader goes into labor and panics about the child not having a father, but then realises Hotch is right there with them making it feel OK.
Basically reader realising their boss will be the closest thing their kid has to a dad and how lucky the kid is to have that. Can be platonic or romantic 🥰 💝
Always There
Warnings: Pregnancy, fluff, nervous reader, Hotch being a sweetheart 🥹🫶, if I missed any please let me know!
Word count: 1k
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x pregnant!bau!reader
A/n: Yes yes 🥹🥹. I love this so much and I loved writing it!! I hope it is to your satisfaction and that you enjoy it<3. This was not proofread so I apologise if there are any mistakes!
Forever tags: @greg-montgomery @boredelle @hotchsdoormat @ssahotchnerr @criminalskies @beardedhotchh @hotchnerbau @mrs-ssa-hotch @ssamorganhotchner
Going into labour three weeks before your due date wasn't really part of the plan and you'd been so busy with work that you hadn't really considered the possibility. Though Hotch had apparently taken this into consideration because a number of weeks ago he'd assigned you to desk work only. You hadn't even been able to travel with the team.
Going into labour was already scary enough on its own. But what made it worse was that your baby's father was not in the picture whatsoever and not having someone you know and feel safe with during this experience scared you even more. It terrified you if you were being completely honest with yourself.
You're sitting at your desk when everything starts and you don't know what to do. Well, you know what to do but in the moment everything flies out of your head and now you're starting to go into panic mode. You hadn't even realised JJ and Spencer saw what was happening or when JJ appeared at your side as Reid went to get Hotch.
Then you hear Aaron saying your name as you hold your hand on your stomach. Looking up at him from your seated position he's looking at you with concern. "Y/n? Hey we've gotta get you to the hospital, okay?" His hand is on your shoulder.
"Hotch, I'm scared. I- I can't do this by myself. I always thought I could, but I can't-"
"Y/n, you're not alone, okay? I'll be there if you'd like that. The team is here for you too." He gives your shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
Of course he would be there.
He was always there. He always helped you. Especially when you announced your pregnancy. He helped you set up your nursery. Putting the crib together. Painting the walls. Putting the new furniture in the room. He helped put your hospital bag together. He was always there for you whenever you were feeling scared or anxious about anything but especially the pregnancy. He was just there. So you shouldn't be surprised that he wants to be there for you through this part of it too.
He's already been such a father figure to your child and they haven't even been born yet.
There's always been some sort of romantic aura surrounding your relationship with him but nothing had ever happened. You were pretty sure it was because Aaron didn't want to overstep, but you weren't really sure. Whatever was there, you both knew it. You just never had a conversation about it. Although now isn't really the time to have that talk.
"I'd like that. Please." You have a pleading look in your eyes Aaron gives you a small smile. He tries to hug you as best as he can considering the obstacle your bump has created.
Before you know it you're being rushed to the hospital.
A number of hours go by and in true Aaron fashion, he was with you for it all. He did his best to keep you calm and comfortable given the situation. Honestly, anything he did helped you quite a bit. You know if he hadn't been there you'd have been a wreck but having Aaron with you through it was the best thing you could have asked for and you don't know what you would have done if he wasn't there.
You were holding your baby in your arms for the first time now and it was bringing you so much joy. It felt somewhat surreal. But it was incredible.
Looking up with a grin on your face you're met with the same expression on Aaron's face as he looks at you with your little love.
"May I?" Aaron asks as he holds his arms out. He wants to hold the baby. You knew he did just from the look on his face. You smile even brighter and nod as you both carefully maneuver the tiny human into his huge arms. He's immediately grinning impossibly bigger. He looks just as happy now as he does when he has Jack in his arms.
"Hi little one. You're adorable, you know that? You have so many people here to meet you. They're all excited to welcome you to the BAU family. And your momma, she's wonderful. She loves you so much. She loves you and I know she'll give you everything she's got. And I'll always be here for you too if you're okay with that." Aaron looks like he's got love just pouring out of him as he says all of this to your baby and when he does, you know he means it. You know he already loves this child like his own. He's been there for many of those things. Even going to some of the doctor's appointments with you and holding your hand during them. He kept snacks for you in a specific drawer in his desk just for you.
Everything feels so overwhelming for you, not in a bad way but in the best way. It brings tears of joy to your eyes and Hotch notices immediately, of course he's concerned.
"Are you okay? Can I get you something? Do you want to hold-"
You cut off his questions by shaking your head "No. No, I'm fine. I'm just happy. Hold the baby as long as you want. But I will want my child back before you leave." He chuckles a little and looks back down at the small life in his arms and looks back up at you.
"Why would I leave? I would like to stay, but only if that's okay with you. I want to be here." His voice is soft and genuine. It only makes those tears spill over and stream down your cheeks. All you can manage is a nod as you wipe your tears away.
"What about Jack?"
"He's having a sleepover at Jessica's. And I'm sure he'd like to meet this one." He looks back down at the sleeping baby and you notice that his smile hasn't left once.
You don't know it yet but when he had said he wants to stay he doesn't just mean he wants to stay at the hospital with you. He means he wants to stay with you and your little one indefinitely. But that's something you find out later.
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pombeom · 1 month
no escape from you | beomgyu fic (part 1)
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pairings: enemies to ??, roommate! beomgyu x reader
warnings: suggestive content
a/n: this has been sitting in my drafts for days but i finally wrote it the way i want. might make this a series with smut in the next chapter so keep a lookout 👀 (not proof read)
You were the responsible one between you and your roommate. You always kept things clean, even picking up after his dirty dishes. But being his partner for a paired project was not what you signed up for. Gambling your grade and trying to work with him? Not a chance. 
When are you free? We really need to start our presentation! 
Your frantic spamming of texts went straight to delivered and were probably not going to be read for another 24 hours at least. You would think that being assigned to do a presentation with someone who was quite literally your roommate would be a breeze, but with Beomgyu never being around, the task seemed impossible. You hated the guts of this guy but you were willing to work through it for the sake of your grade. Well that’s only if he comes backs to your shared dorm before the end of the fucking day. Your sleep schedule awaits no one. 
Sat at the kitchen table, you spend the next 3 hours researching for parts of your presentation knowing that it’s probably be easier to start it off without Beomgyu. Scrolling through websites and watching videos on the topic, you write down the notes in your notebook but eventually, without meaning to, your eyes slam shut, falling alseep in your folded arms which rest on the table. 
A lock clicks as the door screeches open. At the early hours of the morning, you are awakened by your drunk roommate. You jolt your eyes open upon hearing the noise of his shoes, his footsteps uneven, indicating his intoxicated state. Anger bubbles in you as you turn sharply to face Beomgyu, giving him an intense glare which he meets with his half open eyes, appearing to be laughing at you. 
“Aww, did you wait up for me, sweetheart,” he taunts, knowing how much you hate the stupid nicknames he gives you on purpose. 
“No. In fact, I fell alseep trying to finish our fucking presentation which is due in fucking 2 days! Do you know how many times I called and texted?” Your tone came out harsh and direct which in some ways was exactly what you were going for but more so, you just wanted to get your point across. 
“I’m sorry sweetheart. I was out.” 
“I can see that. And stop calling me “sweetheart”. It sounds so fucking stupid. I have a name and that’s what I’d like to be called.”   
He inches closer to you, stumbling a little, grabbing onto your arms for support. His grip is gentle but firm, cautious to hold tight but not to hurt you.  
“Listen sweetheart, if you’re gonna yell at me at least do it when you’re not dressed like this. I can’t help but get a little turned on.” 
“Fuck you!” You turn a shade of crimson as you feel a sense of angry embarrassment. Your slip dress was short and the low cut did nothing but show off your cleavage to Beomgyu who towered over you, getting a clear view of your chest. 
“Well if that’s what you want, sweetheart. I’m down. But maybe tomorrow or something. I’m tired right now.” He smirks, saying goodbye with a two finger salute. 
With that, he makes his way to his own room, leaving you filled with a cloud of confusion and unease. He may have been joking but his words made your stomach flutter, carrying and intense heat throughout your body. 
I really need to go to bed. 
Getting approximately 4 hours of sleep last night had you waking up on the wrong side of bed. You were cranky beyond help and your mood only depleted when you saw Beomgyu sitting at the kitchen table, munching away at his cereal. 
“Good morning sleepyhead, get a good night of rest?,” his remark was sarcastic, almost shaming you for your evidently tired appearance. 
“Beomgyu please. It’s too early in the morning to be arguing with you.” 
“As you wish.” 
You joined him at the table, grabbing yourself some fruit and toast and you both continued to eat in silence. The air was stiff as you could feel Beomgyu constantly looking up from his bowl to stare into your face whilst you desperately attempted to avoid looking in the same direction to prevent any accidental eye contact. 
Why was he being so intense today?
As you finish your last bite, a wave of relief washes over you as you quickly get up and head over to the sink, washing up your plate before you feel a presence behind you. Beomgyu’s chest came in direct contact with your back sending a flush of pink straight to your cheeks. You tried to move away but his arms caged you. You could hear his breath against your ear, leaving a tingling sensation on your sensitive skin. 
“You know my offer from last night still stands. If you’re up for it,” his whispers send you into a frenzy and you turn around faster than the speed of light almost challenging him as you look up to his face. 
“Listen to me Choi Beomgyu. You have no right to speak to me like that. Nothing of the sort will ever happen. Do. You. Understand?” Your voice was firm and confident, concealing any embarrassment you felt earlier. 
“Shit. That was kinda hot, sweetheart.” He places his hands over yours which had somehow made his way up his chest, grabbing ahold of his white t-shirt. “Now, we have a class to get to. Wouldn’t want to be late now would we?” 
The realisation struck harder than lightning as you jolt you eyes over to the clock, knowing you had a little over 7 minutes to make it to your class. If you ran. 
You push Beomgyu away and grab your bag and slip on your shoes by the door and dash out the door, without care for your roommate who was also in the same class. 
“Hey, wait for me!” His voice yells from behind you, almost catching up. 
“Beomgyu, I really don’t have the time for this right now. I’m gonna be late.” 
“I know a shortcut. Follow me.” He grabs ahold of your hand, dragging you in the opposite direction from the one you’re used to. What started off as speed walking had evolved into a sprint as you’re left huffing and puffing trying to match the strides of his long legs. 
Within minutes you arrive at the door of your lecture theatre, astounded that you made it on time. As you both walked in, still clutching hands, you quickly noticed the limited seats available. Almost every row was full apart from 2 seats on the furthest end of the 7th row on the left. 
“There,” Beomgyu points, upon identifying the seats, ”Guess we’re sitting together today.” He sounded rather pleased, the corners of his mouth lifting to display his smug expression. 
“Brilliant. Sooo excited,” you sneered, ensuring that the sarcasm in your tone was conveyed as you squeezed past the entire row, making your way to the end, as Beomgyu takes a seat to your right. 
“You better be, sweetheart.” 
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onelittlespiral · 3 months
Hey, it's been pretty hard to motivate myself to write lately with my new job, so I want to reward someone who's doing a great job getting his work done lately. I want to give idesofrevolution a nice musky dudebro transformation he'll really love, and hopefully the mystery transformation gives me some more free time to be horny and creative.
Subject: Order #100690
Dear Fred,
Thank you for your recent purchase from The Spiral, home for all your transformation needs! Your order #100690 has been received and is on its way as we speak. Your order includes:
(1) Bro(Musk)_From_Friend(Online; Blog)
(1) Mystery(Self)
Please note that due to the subject’s history with transformations, delivery methods may be delayed or gradual. Expect fulfillment in 2-3 weeks.
The Spiral
We knew you’d come around and round and round and round…
You couldn’t wait to hear back from The Spiral, checking your inbox every couple of hours for any updates on delivery. Training was slow and boring at the new office, so there wasn’t much to do besides sit through the standard HR videos on one monitor and scroll social media on the other. That was when you received an email notification. You opened it up, and excitement turns to disappointment. Just another boring diversity video. You pop it up on the side, plug in your headphones, and wait for the stock music and graphics to start. Except, this one is different. You are watching from a first person perspective as a man walks into a room and lies down on a couch. The camera captures his enormous pecs, hiding the rest of his torso, as they flex a little. You glance around the office, nervous about who may be watching. Something must be wrong, this can’t be your afternoon assignment. But your eyes are drawn back to the screen when the door opens again and another beautiful man graces the screen. Your eyes fix on his, as he leans into the camera for a kiss. You can almost feel his heat through the screen, and you’re soon relaxed in your chair, watching the show.
As he slowly grinds against you, you subconsciously begin to rub at your own crotch, simulating his movements. You begin to feel a horny fog fill your mind as you begin to buy into the fantasy, beginning to ignore your surroundings and forget about your coworkers. It isn’t long before your dick is fully out, imaging how good it feels to have his soft hands rubbing your hardening member. You don’t even notice how much you are beginning to leak pre-cum, synchronized with when he places his delicate lips on your cock and takes the whole member in one motion. You lean back in your chair and let the waves of pleasure relax your muscles. You begin to feel so heavy, as your arms grow tired of stroking. You place them behind your head, letting this experience overtake you as you continue to have your cock expertly worked by a pro. You begin to match his tempo, thrusting in time. Your grunts are getting deeper as you begin to get close. Your partner feels it coming, and steadies his tempo. He doesn’t want you to come too soon. But the fog in your brain is only intensify, leaving you more aroused by the moment. You aren’t able to hold it in much longer.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum in you, and you better not miss a drop,” you say, and his eyes show understanding. You reach out and tug at his hair, taking control of the tempo as his eyes begin to water. But he doesn’t have to worry for too long. You are soon dumping your load in his stomach, and he cums hands free in turn, as the director gets the money shot.
“CUT! That’s a wrap.”
Your partner gets up and wipes himself down. You just grab your shorts and sit back down on the couch.
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It’s going to be a long day of shooting, but you love it. At least here you get to be horny and own it. And, more importantly, get paid. Could be worse. You could be stuck at some stuffy office job. Just then your phone buzzes with a notification. One of your friends just posted, let’s see… oh, @idesofrevolution. Good thing too, you had been worried about Frost. Annnnd a second notification from your management company, The Spiral. They were sending you some confirmation info… something about the Doctor himself coincidentally enough. Seemed to be some details about a movie scene or something meant for him, so probably some mix up. Let’s see what it says…
Dr. Frost was has some background knowledge on our methods from years of research into his own transformation methods. Consequently we took a more gradual approach. Slowly, we began introducing neural waves throughout his day to prime him. In his home, in his car, on his blog, we implemented subtle messages about growth. About muscle. About musk. After all, who needs to waste so much time showering every day? When his deodorant sticks keep going missing, what was the point in buying more? After all, he no longer had much time to go to the store, as he logged off from work and drove straight to the gym every day. At first he wondered why he was suddenly so worried about his health. But as we continued to amplify our waves, he soon stopped worrying. It was natural to want to be strong. It was natural to reek. It was natural to feel good, bro. I’m in control.
As his musk intensifies, he is only conditioning himself to become more and more self indulgent. We began alternating frequencies, sending his testosterone through the roof, driving a new crop of hair growth and keeping his balls plenty full. Between his pit stench and constant gym pump, he is keeping himself at a near constant leak of pre-cum, and quickly soiling any attempt at covering himself up. Not that he cares. He hasn’t showered in a few weeks, only allowing himself tongue baths from whatever gym bro he catches staring and manages to get into his truck for a make out sesh. His memories are evaporated, nothing more than a sweat stain on his favorite cap. His brain is so high on his own supply, our neural waves had to be amplified to get through his brain fog. Hell, he can hardly form a proper sentence, bro. We have taken the liberty of updating his blog to more accurately reflect his new interests. His stories have been replaced with his thirst traps and progress photos. We are satisfied with his progress and have left him to continue his journey of his own, new and improved, free will.
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You should really reach out to him sometime. See if he wants to take his modeling career in a new, more exciting direction. Could be fun to suck that musky cock…
Subject: Order #100690 Fulfilled
Dear Fred,
Your order has been fulfilled. We know you have many options, but thank you for supporting The Spiral.
The Spiral
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yoongiaahh · 1 year
First Day - Me or Him
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title: first day
series: me or him
pairing: yoongi x reader(f), namjoon x reader(f)
genre: love triangle ; rating m (18+)
summary: as you and your best friend start the first day of senior year you realize you have no classes together. you don't like people and stray away until someone catches your eye in class, not only that but you're assigned to sit next to each other. this is not how you wanted to kick off the first day of school… will feelings bloom? does your bestfriend approve?
note: hiiii this is my first fanfic so im really nervous lol. i decided on a series because as i was writing my mind was RACINGGG lmao i had so many ideas and didnt want it to be forever long. so i hope youll stay along for the ride. please let me know how you like it! im trying to work on my writing skills so any tips are appreciated :) as for the fic its gonna be spicy but itll be a slow burn so dont get your hopes up lol i want to give you a good taste of the characters before jumping in. i wanted to keep this chapter pretty short to begin so we can leave off with a little cliff hanger SORRY itll be worth it i promise! im also new to the tumblr writing scene and still figuring out the controls AGAIN tips appreciated! thank you <3
warnings: none YET
estimated total wc: 1.6k
Your alarm is much louder than you're used to. Not that it matters, you had woken up a whole two hours before it went off.
It’s the first day of your senior year, you can hardly keep your smoothie down due to the rumbling pit of nervousness in your stomach. As you are pacing the room waiting for your brother to come bursting through the door you get a phone call. It's Namjoon, your best friend since middle school and suddenly you feel a little better about how the rest of your day is going to go knowing he’ll be right by your side.
“You ready? I'll be there in five.”
“As ready as I'll ever be Joonie.” You say with a smirk and major sarcasm wondering how you landed a friend so opposite from you.
“Perk up, it's our senior year… what could go wrong.”
“Yeah, yeah whatever see you soon.” Hanging up the phone quickly you grab your bag and run down stairs. You practically plowed through your brother as he was running up to make sure you were ready.
He’s pissed you can just tell by the way his eyes bolt directly to yours.
“Are you fucking kidding me, I had the courtesy of coming to get you and you repay me by messing up my hair.” His words come out like an avalanche as he immediately runs to fix what you supposedly messed up, yet it doesn't look like one strand fell out of place.
“Tae maybe instead of worrying about your appearance so much you can put more effort into school this year.” You scream through the house.
Your brother is a year below you and a complete douche. It comes across your mind more than ever how the two of you can be related. He's the king of his class, making new friends every day while you have had one friend for the entirety of the time you've been in this city. You’ve never really had the want or need to have anyone else than Joon, and you’re glad you havent had to share since he’s never kept another friend besides his gaming buddies.
Joon finally arrives at your driveway. As you're walking out the door you remind yourself there's only one more year of this hell you've been going through for the past three years. You atleast need to get through today, leave your worries for tomorrow and do your best.
The car ride to school lifts your spirits as you listen to Joon gawk about all the clubs he wants to enter and all the classes he signed himself up for. You’re happy for him but not at all what you are thinking about at the moment. Playing your favorite tunes through his amped speakers you reflect on the amazing summer you had and wish that it never had to end.
Gathering your things you and Joon walk up to the bulletin board to check what classes you got put into. Just as your morning got better all the nervousness you had earlier hits you like a truck. You don't have a single class together with him, which in the five years of knowing each other has never happened.
Immediately you both turn your heads in shock. You knew one day this would happen but why the first semester of your last year. You're sweating bullets not knowing how you'll get through today without him.
Trying to make you feel better, Joon offers to switch a class in hopes the teacher would approve.
“It’s alright Joonie, you already said how excited you were for the classes you picked and you got into all of them. I’ll manage somehow.” As soon as you say it you regret it. He would definitely switch if you had just agreed but you don't want to hold him back.
“Well we still have lunch together so just keep your cool till then.” His smile is the nausea pill you wish you had.
He wraps you up in a hug, letting you know everything will be alright. Once separated from the embrace you needed you make your way to your first class of the day.
The bell rings and students come piling in to take their seats before the teacher starts going over the plans for the semester. Writing everything in your notebook to keep your mind off this lonely day that has just started.
It’s not that you don't like school, you actually very much enjoy it and have always kept good grades. You’re just horrible at conversation and not much of a people person to begin with.
Joon and you had been paired together for a project way back when, which is how you and him ended up being friends. He is a very straightforward person so making conversation with him was never an issue, and you actually had quite a bit in common. He could clearly tell you were shy so to say the least he started most of the talk between you two. Once the project had been turned in everyone had returned back to their chosen seating to sit with their friends and you were surprised to see that he chose to continue sitting by you. Since that day you had been inseparable.
Lunch is finally here. Classes fled by quick since it was mostly introductions and receiving your sylbasses. Your backpack feeling like a brick from the textbooks you gathered you make your way to the cafeteria. You quickly find Joon and walk up to the line to get food.
“So how’d it go? Make any friends?” Joon snickers as he says the last part, knowing you all too well.
“Oh yeah I actually already have a new best friend so I guess i'll go sit with them.” Turning your head pretending to look for someone as Joon lets out a laugh. You spin around to smack his arm knowing he saw right through your mockery.
“As much as I would hate to be replaced, it wouldn't kill you to make a friend or atleast find someone else to talk to.” Nudging your shoulder as he says the words.
“I’m good with my small circle, thanks”
You both go back and forth with how the day has gone so far. He couldn't go on enough about how happy he is with his classes, which makes you forget the regret you had earlier about his offer.
The lunch bell goes off so you both clear your trays and head out to the hallways. Study hall is next for you so the nerves have suppressed as you know you can put your earbuds in and tune out the class. Joon gives you a wink and lets you know to meet back at his car when the day is over.
Heading to your locker to put the stack of textbooks you received away you get a text.
Whatever loser❤️
You giggle as you put your phone back in your pocket and head to your class.
“Hello class, I hope your first day of senior year has been great! As you all know, study hall is your hour window to get caught up with your work or take a breather and relax before heading to the rest of your classes.” The teacher says much too loud for your liking. “I have put a seating chart together in hopes everyone can meet some fresh new faces. Please follow this chart as it is part of your participation grade.”
The last thing you wanted was to meet ‘fresh new faces’.
You grab your assigned seat and whip out your airpods in hopes that the person who's placed next to you takes the hint and stays to themself. Though to your surprise the bell had rung and the seat next to you was still vacant.
As you get out your syllabi to scan and send to your mother you hear commotion at the front of the class. You take out an airpod to see what is going on and you're taken aback when you see a boy with bleached blonde hair rolling his eyes as the teacher is complaining to him about being late. You don't know why but there are butterflies in your stomach as you look at him. Retracting your gaze he turns to meet your eyes. and the butterflies only get worse as you see him heading to the seat next to you.
He throws himself down in the seat and you can feel the heat in your cheeks rising. You don't know why your body is reacting this way.
In all of your other classes you had gotten a seat to yourself luckily but that wasn't the case here.
Hoping he doesn't notice your face looking like a cherry, you press play on your phone and get back to sending the photos to your mom.
“From the way you look you either really didn't want someone sitting here or you must be absolutely enthralled that I’m the person to sit here.”
You barely make out the words as you throw your head around to look at the all too cocky boy taking up the seat next to you.
“I-I don't know what youre talking about.” Turning away with a flushed face. Your mind racing wondering why he would even spout out those words.
“My name silly, I’m Yoongi.”
“Oh okay”
The smirk on his face is absolutely annoying. You want to slap it right off his face.
“So do I get to know your name?” The smirk slowly turns into a grin as his eyebrow cocks up.
“Alright class, enjoy the rest of your day, I’ll see those bright faces tomorrow.” Your teacher says as the class ending bell goes off.
You have never gathered your things into your bag with such haste. Not realizing you left your notebook on the desk you throw the bag over your shoulder as you dart out the door to get anywhere but that classroom.
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Can you please give me tips how to (practically) keep track of my goals, to-dos, important dates. I have a part time job with flexible hours, I like being involved in school activities, I babysit, am a full time student and would love to know how to not feel overwhelmed!
Hi love! Totally get why you feel overwhelmed. That's a lot to take on and manage at once! Here are a few of my tips:
Goal Setting:
Divide your goals into specific areas of life (school, finances, career, health, hobbies, and personal development)
Write out your goals as specifically as you can with numerical values and timelines (ex. I want an "A" in X class this semester, I want to participate in X activity 2 times a week, I want to make X amount of money by X date).
Create a general action plan/write out the habits you need to practice every day/week to make these goals achievable (ex. I will study and review my notes for at least 30 minutes per night in X subject).
To-Do List Planning:
Spend an hour or so on the weekend to list all of the important school assignments/errands, etc. you need to complete during the week. Fill your calendar with your school/work/activity obligations first see an overview of how you will need to spend a considerable amount of time dedicated to each non-negotiable activity. Use this overview to help you map out the "free" time" you have and pre-schedule when you will do specific assignments, study for a particular exam, when you will run certain errands, engage in leisure activities, etc.
Before bed/dinner, use this weekly framework to finalize the next day – your agenda for the upcoming day. Determine the big 1-3 tasks you want to complete the following day and when throughout your day you will focus on these specific tasks. Giving yourself this pre-assigned schedule will eliminate decision fatigue and allow you to go into a more "autopilot" mode by completing the action you've already planned to take at any time of the day.
Important Date Reminders:
Utilize your Google Calendar and sync it to your iCloud (make sure it's private!) to allow you to write down any important dates available for viewing on your phone, computer, etc. at all times.
Create a color-coding system to organize your calendar (i.e. make any essays due in blue, homework assignments to complete in red, important job reminders in yellow, babysitting tasks in green, family/friend obligations in purple, appointments in orange, etc.)
If you need to remember to submit certain paperwork, run an errand, etc., use your Reminders app to alert you at the time when you're able to complete this task before a deadline, going home, etc.
Use the location function or invite other participating members on a specific Google calendar event for any obligations where you need to be at a certain place at a specific time and/or are working on a group project, having a meeting, or need to be at a location with someone else.
I'm also sharing my Productivity Guide with you for some more tips.
Hope this helps xx
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venndaai · 2 years
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This year is a pretty special one in the Imperial Radch/Leckieverses fandom! This October will mark the 10th anniversary of Ancillary Justice's publishing date, and this June we're getting a new Radch universe book, Translation State! So it feels important to run this exchange once again. I'm excited to get hype.
(The Republic of Two Systems Independence Day is a holiday mentioned in the Preface to the Traveler's Guide to the Two Systems. Ms. Leckie has told us it can probably be celebrated the Monday after Easter Sunday, when Peeps are cheapest. This year, that's April 10.)
NOMINATION PERIOD: until February 26, 11:59 PST. NOW CLOSED.
SIGNUPS: Closed. February 27 - March 6, 11:59 PST.
WORKS DUE: April 7, 11:59 PST.
WORK REVEALS: April 10, 12:00 AM PST.
AUTHOR REVEALS: April 17, 12:00 AM PST.
MATCHING: OR matching, on both characters and ships. (The signups should be simpler this year, now that I understand AO3 exchange tags better.)
MINIMUM: 500 words or a sketch on unlined paper.
Go here to nominate tags!
There are three fandoms for this exchange: Imperial Radch, The Raven Tower, and Crossover. Characters/ships from Provenance, Night's Slow Poison, and She Commands me and I Obey go in the Imperial Radch fandom. Characters from the godsverse short stories go in the Raven Tower fandom. For Crossover, you can nominate crossover relationships between Radchverse and godsverse characters, relationships between Leckie and non-Leckie characters, or solo non-Leckie characters you want to see in a Leckie universe. Please put the second fandom in parenthesis after the character. For example: “Breq & Murderbot (Murderbot Diaries)”. 
For easy matching, all nominations will be Relationships. To nominate a solo character, write "Solo: (Character)". For example, "Solo: Medic". Relationships can be romantic, indicated by a “/”, or platonic, indicated by an “&”. For example, “Breq/Murderbot” would indicate a romantic or sexual relationship, while “Breq & Murderbot” would be platonic.
I've added general Worldbuilding tags for Radch and Raven Tower, but feel free to nominate more specific ones, like "Worldbuilding: genitalia festival".
We are a small and crazy fandom. There may be some injokes and OCs in the tagset. If you want to nominate something weird & obscure, go for it.
If you miss the nomination deadline by a couple hours, just message me and I’ll reopen the tagset for you. 
You will need to make at least 3 requests, and 4 offers. For each request or offer, pick at least 1 fandom, 1 relationship tag, and one medium from the dropdown tagset. You can group your requests however you like; you could make 3 individual requests, each with one character, or three requests each with 20 characters- up to you.
If you only want to receive or create works based around worldbuilding, rather than characters, request/offer the “Worldbuilding” tag.
The way the matching works, you will be matched with someone who used at least 1 of the Fandom tags, 1 of the same Relationship tags, and 1 of the Medium tags as you. The work you create only has to use one of the requested relationship tags. 
You can pick “Any” for both offers and requests! Just remember that really does mean “Any”, and be prepared.
If you’re fine with both Art and Fic, you can check off both boxes, or just pick “Any” for that section. 
If there are things you very much Do Not Want in your gift, please list these in the Optional Details box for each of your prompts. For example: “DNW any appearances by spider mechs.” You are required to make a good faith effort to not include DNWs in your recipient’s gift. 
You’re encouraged to give your gifter some prompts! You can put these in the Optional Details box, or paste a link to a letter into the URL box. Optional Details are Optional, and your creator isn’t bound to follow them, outside of the DNWs. Only DNWs in your signup are enforceable, so put them there, not just in a linked letter.
You are allowed to mention characters and ships that weren’t nominated in your optional details, but remember, your creator matched on the tags you chose and isn’t obligated to include anything else.
If you are 18+, you can ask for or create NSFW, but your creator isn’t required to give it to you, so it would be polite to provide some SFW prompts as well. Only give someone NSFW if they ask for it in their prompts. 
ASSIGNMENTS: everyone will get an email through their AO3 account once I’ve run matching. The email will have your assignment in it. 
It’s possible there will be some people who won’t have anyone they could create for. I’ll email them through their AO3 email asking them to add more offers, and if they don’t respond in 24 hours, their signups will be deleted. If this happens to you and you don’t see my email in time, don’t panic! Just contact me and we’ll work something out.
Please don’t tell your giftee who you are. If you have a question, let me know and I’ll convey it to them. 
When you are creating your work, make sure you include at least one tag from at least one of your giftee’s requests, and don’t include DNWs. You only need to create one work, and it only needs to include one of the tags in your giftee’s signup. 
If you can’t finish your gift, no worries. Just click the “default” button on your assignment page. If the person assigned to you also defaults, you may not get a gift. 
If you need an extension, just message me and let me know! If the posting deadline passes and you haven’t posted anything or contacted me, I’ll assume you’re defaulting. 
If you’ve posted your gift, and your creator defaults their assignment, a pinch-hitter will create a gift for you. Everyone who posts a gift will get a gift. 
Please post a finished work of 500 words or sketch on unlined paper by the posting deadline! You can continue to edit and add to your gift until the 10th, but you need to have something that could work as a gift by the 7th.
To post your gift, go to your Assignments page on AO3, and click the “Fulfill” button. Your gift will be automatically given to your giftee, but it will be hidden until the reveal date on the 10th. 
REVEALS: Works will be anonymous for a week after they are revealed. 
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Could you maybe do a rowan x reader request where maybe he has an asthma attack during class and the reader offers to take him to the infirmary, and they get to talking while there and they realize that they like each other? no worries if not, Ty! <3
You have no idea how much I enjoed writing this. Rowan is such a sweetheart and I love him. Thank you for the request anon and I hope you like it<3
A trip to the infirmary
pairing: Rowan Laslow x gn!reader
synopsis: You volunteer to take Rowan to the infirmary after he has an asthma attack and the two of you get to talk a bit.
warnings: none I think (?)
word count: 0.9k
“And that´s how…”, you are barely paying attention to what the teacher is saying. 
Too busy looking at the boy sitting at the table to your left. The way he looked so pretty when concentrating on what was happening on the front of the classroom. The way he wore his uniform and hair so neatly, his glasses the only thing getting out of place every once in a while, by slipping down his nose only to be pushed back up again. You had never talked to him outside of class assignments, but he was just really nice to look at. Directing your gaze to the front of the room before you get caught your attention gets called back in an instant, as you hear heavy coughs and wheezing on your left side. It takes a while for Rowan to find his inhaler, but even after using it numerous times, he´s still coughing rigorously. 
“Could someone accompany Mr. Laslow to the infirmary, please? “, your teacher asks. 
There are a few students mumbling to the person sitting next to them. Giggling can be heard all throughout the classroom, but no one raises a hand. You didn’t know Rowan well, but you knew about how he was treated by the greater part of Nevermores student body. It took a very severe case of wilful ignorance not to see it or hear the rumours that were spread. And you also knew there was nothing funny about an asthma attack. 
“I will do it.“, you say already standing up. 
There’s more giggling and whispers.   
“Are you okay to walk? “, you ask him quietly as he stand on slightly shaky legs. He only nods as an answer, but you keep an arm close to him just in case.
It takes a while to get to the infirmary, due to the location of the room you were taught in, which makes you all the more glad to see the nurse tending to Rowan as his condition improves gradually. 
“You can go back to class if you want, you know? I´ll… I´ll be fine.”, he is the first to break your silence as he rolled down the sleeve of his shirt. 
“What? Don´t be silly. Of course I´m gonna wait here with you.”, the smile that grazes your lips is shy but for some reason it warms his heart a little. “I´m actually kinda glad for every second I don´t have to spend with our… lovely classmates.” 
“Yeah? How come?”, he raises and eyebrow. 
“You know, just something about being an outcast among outcasts. They don´t really like me. A requited sentiment to be fair, but yeah...”, the moment your smile turns bitter for a second he relaxes a bit. “Are you really okay? That looked like a pretty bad attack…” 
“Yeah, I´m alright. They used to be a lot worse actually, so…”, he let the sentence trail off. 
You seemed so genuine in your worry. Before he could give it another thought or either of you get the chance to say anything to keep the conversation going though one of the nurses walks back in to kick you out. You quickly stand up to put your jacket on, but it is too fast to grab and so instead the clothe falls to the ground. Cursing under your breath, you bend down to pick it up, but freeze halfway through coming back up. Rowan had followed you suit and bent down to pick the blazer up as well, which left you to look into his deep brown eyes.
It was as if he had put you under a spell, standing there for what could have been hours as well as seconds. The only thing that ultimately kicked the two you out of the stupor, the voice of the caregiver trying to shoo you out once more. One quick glance tells you it is time for lunch anyway. 
“Hey, you wanna grab something to eat?”, you ask in hopes to be able to spend some more time with him. 
“Uh… sure.” 
Together you find your favorite corner in the library, giving you the perfect place to talk, hidden away from the other students. It takes a while for him to relax into the conversation entirely, which who are you to hold that against him, but by the time lunch break nears its end he had even cracked a couple of jokes. Finding yourself unable to stop smiling as you talk about literally anything that comes to mind. You didn´t understand why people picked on him so much before today already, but now you understood it even less. Rowan, aside from being very pretty, was kind, genuinely interesting, smart and it was so easy to get lost in his sweet chocolate-colored eyes.
It feels too soon, when you have to go back to separate classes.  
“I really enjoyed spending this break with you, Rowan.”, you say as you stand on top of the stairs. 
The silence settling between the two of you, the nervousness in the pit of your stomach, the last traces of his smile slowly fading at the thought of having to go back out there and the rosy tint coloring his cheeks… You know what you are gonna say next before you can even open your mouth to do so. 
“Would you like to go on a date with me?” 
He looks at you long and carefully before he gives you an answer. Under his gaze your nervousness turns to slight nausea to bubbling excitement when he finally speaks the words you hoped to hear. 
“I´d actually really like that.”
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novelcain · 2 years
I have a small head cannon now with my version of reader that I wanted to share with you:
She has a lotus pin in her hair due to her association with Quanyin and it has the added bonus of extra protection (like a protection seal)
Just wanted to share, now I’m going back into my hole to finally finish a fic that’s been giving me writers block for two months now.
*gets slapped with writers block in the face*
Gosh darn it….
(By the way any tips on how to overcome writers block?)
That's a pretty interesting idea. Like a lil fashionable talisman~
And good luck with your writing hope you can get through the writers block
As far as tips go, I unfortunately can't help much in the writer's/artist's block since I don't really get it.😬 If anything I just get bursts of laziness where I don't wanna pick up my laptop cause that's too much effort and so end up curled up in my nest scrolling through tiktok all day. But to remedy that, I just force myself to pick up my laptop or @lovesick-ritz will kindly hand it to me so I can get things done.
So here's the tips that I could think of:
Set a designated area or method for writing (ex. I only write on my laptop bc I've assigned it mentally as my preferred place to write)
Make it as easy as possible for you to write (ie. leave the writing tabs open. I personally never have word closed there's always at least my notes tab open but I usually have at least 3 word tabs don't ask me why I'm addicted to keeping tabs open)
Try to get rid of as many distractions as you can like unneeded social media (having a tumblr tab open is always my down fall cause I get distracted by asks)
Since I have adhd and autism complete silence honestly distracts me more than anything so I like to play this 10 hour thunder storm video on YouTube (this also helps with my tinnitus in case anyone else got that)
Another thing I've been told that help is just start writing little notes or just anything at all and maybe that'll spur you into what you want to be writing
Also some random tips if found useful when it comes to writing/drawing:
If you hyperfixate on writing and drawing for long periods of time like I do (like I'm talking about 8 hour sit down don't move sessions) get water and a couple snacks before you start and be sure to stretch at least once an hour
Remember to specifically do full hand stretches to avoid carpal tunnel and writer's/artist's arthritis
Try to get up and walk around as much as possible (if you can as someone with walking issues I know that isn't always easy or even possible)
One thing I like to do to rest my eyes and brain is after a few hours I'll go to Spotify and play a few songs (or in my case one song on repeat I've been particularly obsessed with the Epic sagas since they've come out and have been constant listening to Survive in the Cyclops saga) with your eyes closed. Staring at a screen all day can be harmful to your eyes and brain.
And for drawing with adhd, if you're working on a long piece it can get frustrating to work on one part for long periods of time so keep in mind that if you're start to feel bored or tired with the part that you're working on it's ok to move to a different part. (ie. you've been working on the hair for a while and start to feel understimulated to move to the face or even a completely different area so get that stimulation) It's not like a story where you gotta remember plot points and continuity the whole thing is right there so just work on whatever part catches your fancy. Or hell if you get bored just draw lil scribbles for a second in a corner somewhere until you feel up to going back to the piece.
Please keep in mind while reading these that I by no means have healthy habits. As I stated I hyperfixate on projects and will often neglect my human needs for extremely long periods on accident; however, I am lucky enough to have a very attentive partner that reminds me and encourages me to take care of myself and helps me when I can't. (Love you Ritz. Literally couldn't live without you~ mwah💜)
HOWEVER! Because of this I am extremely used to living with unhealthy habits and have an OBSENE amount of tips for dealing/living with them so if anyone wants some autism/adhd/depression/anxiety (all of which I have kinda extreme forms of) life tips lemme know and I'll write a whole essay for you. Tho again I will say these tips are not cures. These conditions are permanent so these tips would just be ways to make living with them a little easier. (Honestly I might just make that post even if no one asks for it on the off chance that helps even one person)
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blametheeditor · 6 months
Terms Of Agreement | Chapter 3
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Run Down: The monster under your bed, the one in the closet, and your sleep paralysis demon fight for custody.
Content Warnings: Cursing. Mentions of sleep paralysis, hallucinations, and sleep deprivation. Mentions of death, murder, and accidental deaths. Mentions of treating others as lesser than, addressing someone as 'it'.
A snow day is a good writing day
Fritz stares at his bedroom door with terror as the sun slowly sets, watching as the light grows dimmer and dimmer until it is nothing more than a thin sliver of red on the wall across from him. 
Then it disappears. 
The teenager tenses, because tonight he will be visited by one of three beings who want his soul. Will do everything within their power to make the night unbearable to the point he willingly gives it away. And now with the daylight gone for eleven hours, they can come anytime they please to stay for as long as they’d like. 
At least he knows someone will come and he won’t be left paranoid, though he doesn’t know who exactly. There’s a set schedule for every other day in which Fritz will actually be left alone for three nights. But it’s Saturday, and that has been set aside to be a ‘surprise’ on who it will be. 
So he waits, not wanting to be caught off guard by James or David. Because unlike Vincent, he never saw the two before meeting them, completely unaware they existed even if it was in the form of a hallucination. Meaning unlike his sleep paralysis demon, Fritz can only speculate about what they can do.
“I’ve actually kind of missed this,” Vincent’s voice rumbles the moment his room becomes dark enough that shadows seem to form shapes that aren’t there. Or maybe there are things crawling along the floor, invited by the demon slowly forming. 
Fritz doesn’t know if he should be relieved it did end up being Vincent. Because at least he can try and prepare for the two unknown monsters. But it also means he’s in for a sleepless night. 
“I don’t know about you,” the demon grins as the wide smile hovers too close for comfort. “But it’s just more fun this way. Though don’t get me-” 
Vincent cuts himself off. The only problem with his sleep paralysis demon not having any pupils is the fact Fritz can’t see what exactly is being looked at. Either the cowering redhead currently paralyzed, or something else. 
Fritz attempts to flinch as a catastrophic hand appears, but it’s only used to gesture toward his room with a finger. “What happened here?” 
...his room. The one he completely rearranged the previous night due to the realization there were powerful beings that wanted him dead. Fritz had forgotten what could be seen as a punishable offence hadn’t actually been seen, had actually assumed the three knew and were waiting for the perfect moment to make him regret trying to defend himself. Maybe even laugh at such a pathetic attempt. 
It turns out they can’t sense when he’s challenging their authority. But being paralyzed as he’s questioned over it with undeniable proof directly beside him might be worse than being loomed over by all three. Because then he at least wouldn’t be surrounded by darkness, completely in their mercy to do whatever they want with him. 
...I was scared.
A dark chuckle sends a shiver down his back. “If you weren’t, I’d be worried. But you do realize this could’ve ended badly for you if I didn’t find it first.” 
Y-You’re not mad?
“Mad?” Vincent grins. “I’m impressed. It takes a lot of courage to do something like this, albeit extremely stupid, but I don’t blame you. The other two however wouldn’t agree. David will see it as a challenge and destroy your dresser with everything inside it. James will see it as disrespectful and lecture you after assigning an impossible task for you to do.” 
Fritz stares up in disbelief, waiting for the demon to drop the act and find a suitable punishment for what he did. Because if David and James would, then why wouldn’t Vincent? Especially when it gives the perfect opportunity to not hold back. Unless the sleep paralysis demon will wait until the morning to tell the others so they can all contribute instead of just one. 
“How you can trust anyone at this point is beyond me,” Vincent smirks. “How about we get your room put back together, that way there’s no proof it ever happened.” 
That’s when Fritz’s want to scramble away from the terrifying snap of fingers that could break his bones turns into action. Softly shrieking when the paralysis vanishes and his head hits the wall, curling into a ball as he gasps for air. Waits for the dream to come into full effect, or for a hand to grab him. 
“Well are you just going to lie there or get your room straightened out?” 
Fritz stares at his now open door, Vincent lying outside it, looking amused. As if he doesn’t mind giving up precious minutes that could be used turning this night into an inescapable nightmare. 
“Wh-Why?” is all he can ask. 
The sleep paralysis demon shrugs. “Why do we do anything?” 
They watch each other for a few moments in silence. It’s only when nothing happens, not even an annoyed sigh the teenager isn’t doing anything despite an admittedly generous offer, that Fritz believe this isn’t a trick. Tentatively moves to stand up from his mattress, watching Vincent closely so he’s at least ready if his sleep paralysis demon decides to put him through a hallucination. 
Nothing grabs him when his feet are set on the floor. Only an eyebrow is raised as a relieved sigh escapes. 
Just in case Vincent called the other two and they’ll appear at any moment, Fritz quickly grabs a corner of his mattress and yanks it toward his bed frame. Struggles to find a proper angle to get it over the edge before finally being able to shove it into its proper place. Can’t help staring at the empty space of darkness underneath in case something reaches out to grab him before carefully pulling his dresser away from the closet door. 
It couldn’t have been more than twenty minutes, but Fritz feels wired by the end of it, covered in sweat and terrified James and David will take this as an invitation. 
“Feel better?” 
Vincent laughs at look he earns, one that says the room might get rearranged all over again by tomorrow night. Even if it does mean getting his dressed destroyed, at least he’d know when David appeared when it’s his turn on Monday. 
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t appreciate the warning. “Thank you V-Vincent.” 
“Oh don’t thank me yet,” his sleep paralysis demon purrs. “I’m thinking bottomless pit tonight.” 
Fritz lunges toward his bed, barely managing to wrap himself under the blankets before the sense of freefalling leaves him silently screaming. 
And this time, he never stops falling. Just like what was promised instead of only being trapped for a few minutes to a few hours, it goes on through the entire night. Meaning the freezing air rushing past him lasts for what feels like days, making his heart skip a beat each time his blanket is nearly ripped away. It leaves him exhausted in both body and mind, pleading for it to stop even though he knows it won’t, his stomach twisted so much he can’t imagine eating anything ever again. 
Fritz finally screams as his bed slams into the ground, waking up with a jolt with the expectation all of his bones were turned to dust. Stares as daylight streams through his window as he confirms he’s psychically unharmed before burring his face into his pillow. 
“Fritz,” is said not even a minute later, tense as he realizes David is demanding his attention just outside his door. “You have five minutes to get ready.” 
I don’t want to.
Fritz actually thinks it over for a minute, about what would happen if he disobeyed and just ignored the giant’s words. Wonders if he could pretend to be asleep and act innocent when he isn’t in the hallway by the specified timeframe. Maybe even negotiate being given just a little more time to be able to have a dreamless sleep, even for a single minute. 
The want to rebel vanishes quickly when he feels the ground shake, remembering what it’s like the stand only a few feet from the catastrophic shoes that cause such earthquakes. The reminder that considering he’s no taller than David’s fingers, he shouldn’t be testing just how creative the giant can possibly get. Or the monster’s willingness to listen to suggestions from Vincent if they get offered. 
It’s a bit of a chore getting out of bed, Fritz’s limbs protesting every step of the way, his hands unable to properly cooperate as he opens his dresser drawers to find warm clothes to wear. He’s fairly sure he takes more than five minutes with all of his struggling, especially when he’s forced to fight his tied shoes because he would not be able to retie them. 
But he finally peers out of his bedroom to find David standing just outside of it. Looking thoroughly unimpressed, something that’s terrifying coming from such an imposing figure at this angle, but nothing about taking too long is said. 
“Um-m, good morning?” 
The monster scowls, and Fritz grips the door to keep himself from ducking back into his room. “Was that meant to be sarcastic?” 
“N-No, not at all! I, I just-” 
“Unless you genuinely think the morning is a ‘good’ one despite spending an entire night with Vincent, then I suggest you refrain from making such assertions,” David growls. 
Fritz trembles when it’s clear he made someone who wants him dead angry, and with no one else around to ensure he isn’t killed. If he gets out of this alive, at least he’ll know to choose his words much more carefully. “Y-Yes, sir.” 
For a split second, David actually looks surprised. But it disappears as the same expensive dress shoes that terrorized Fritz yesterday shift in place. “James and Vincent are waiting for you in the kitchen.” 
It’s a miracle the redhead is able to leave his room completely without needing a full minute to force his body to obey. Maybe because, despite not trusting David at all, Fritz hadn’t been crushed last time. Or maybe it’s because he’s fearful of what might happen if he does something to make the monster angry enough to punish him. 
No matter the reason, Fritz is just glad he isn’t being grabbed. More than happy to do everything in his power to stay as far away as possible from a hand that can squeeze, crush, or dangle him miles above the ground. 
The only issue is the fact he hadn't realized just how cumbersome walking through carpet while only a few inches tall is. So far he’s only really transversed across tile. Which isn’t perfect, and the grooves between each make Fritz feel as though he was walking up and down small hills. But carpet presents a whole new challenge. Like he’s trying to walk on top of really thick grass that are in odd bundles. Ones with small enough gaps he can’t step through, but enough to trip him if he isn’t careful. 
Then David takes a step, making the ground jump and cause Fritz to trip from his unsteady footwork with a yelp. 
“What are you doing?” the monster demands. 
The teenager is quick to get back on his feet, looking over his shoulder and instantly regretting it. Never will he get used to the sight of someone over a hundred feet tall glaring down at him like an ant needing to be crushed. “I-I-I’m just, the ground’s-s-s hard to walk o-on.” 
“Are you having trouble walking over carpet?” David asks incredulously. 
“I’m s-s-sorry,” Fritz breathes. Unable to speak any louder. Shaking as he expects the shoe to step on him right here and now. “I-I can do it. I’ll, I can go faster-r-r.” 
Eyes bigger than his head roll as a hand waves to continue. Fritz doesn’t need to be told twice, turning in order to speed up his pace. His muscles hate it, both the large steps he has to make and fact he’s trying to jog, but he can’t stop. As soon as he gets to the end of the hallway, he’ll be on tile and able to slow down. For now he needs- 
Fritz yells as his shoe catches a strand, wincing as his arms twinge from pain after catching him. Feels his entire body tense at the sound of a loud sigh from high above. Quickly tries to stand up again. 
Freezes when he feels warmth. Warmth he’s all too familiar with whenever Vincent sweeps him up. Screams when something grabs his shirt and pulls him up. One that turns into a garbled choke as his collar digs into his neck. Then his feet leave the ground. 
Fritz kicks out of pure panic as he watches the floor get further and further away until he’s forced to close his eyes before it becomes too dizzying. Before he faints because he can only picture falling from such a height, knowing he could never survive. Curls into himself as tightly as possible as he silently pleads not to be dropped please don’t let him fall. 
“Relax,” rumbles like thunder around him. “I’m not going to drop you, but I’m not watching you stumble and trip all morning long.” 
Fritz’s eyes open just long enough to see there’s a hand hovering a few feet below him. Can’t help a whimper when a single footstep makes his collar dig a little further into his neck. But he doesn’t attempt to plead to be put down or to be held more securely. The faster David gets to the kitchen, the quicker he’ll be put on solid ground. 
“David, what the hell are you doing.” 
Even though Vincent’s voice made Fritz feel ten times better knowing the giant who knows how fragile humans are is close by, vertigo overshadows any sense of safety, his eyes snapping open out of terror thinking he’s falling instead of being lowered down. 
His fears are unfounded this time, kicking instinctively once the kitchen counter is finally close enough to safely land on, shrieking when his shirt is let go just a foot too high. 
“He was taking too long so I picked him up.” 
“That looked more like dangling,” Vincent says. 
Fritz takes a few deep breaths in order to calm his heart, just glad he wasn’t dropped and never wanting to do that again. Glances up at David to see the monster looking prideful of what he accomplished. Vincent isn’t facing them, but at least his sleep paralysis demon doesn’t sound happy about the chosen method of transport. Despite it seeming like he will be dangled again, the teenager will take at least one giant preferring ways a little less terrifying. 
“I got him here safely, didn’t I?” David smirks. 
“And yet it seems like you’re trying your hardest to kill him before he chooses,” Vincent shrugs as he finally turns away from the stove. 
A purple hand then reaches toward Fritz, the teenager almost running to not be held so soon after not only a morning of being faced with terrifying heights, but the entire night as well. His fears are unfounded when he spots a plate balanced on a fingertip, quick to accept it in order to stare down at bacon and eggs. 
Right. He should eat. Get enough strength so he doesn’t lag behind and give anyone an excuse to grab him. 
What if I’m dangled again?
The thought of vertigo and food mixing together has his stomach flipping in protest, the enticing smell almost making him want to gag. Remembering his nightmare has Fritz hurriedly shoving the plate away as he covers his mouth. 
He doesn’t hesitate to accept the offered glass of water. Well aware he might be disrespecting Vincent by refusing food that was made solely for him, but unable to find it in himself to even look at it again. “I’m sorry-” 
“I should’ve known,” the demon smiles. “Was it just David, or the nightmare?” 
“What did David do?” James asks, seemingly appearing to loom over Fritz, the redhead curling into himself at the realization he’s trapped between two giants leaning on the counter. Both watching him closely. 
“Picked Fritz up too quickly,” Vincent hums. “And dangled him after he was in freefall for about ten hours straight.” 
“It sounds like he would’ve been fine if that wasn’t his torture last night.” 
“And I’ll be mindful for next time so I don’t go overboard! It’s you who refuses to learn from your mistakes.” 
“Again it sounds like he would’ve been fine if he wasn’t falling for hours on end.” 
“You weren’t actually falling.” 
Fritz hesitates before meeting James’ gaze, uncertain if the monster was talking to him. But Vincent doesn’t stop his argument with David, and it seems like an answer is wanted even if what was said was more like a statement. “I-I know.” 
“Then why do you act like you actually were?” 
The tone isn’t accusatory, but Fritz can’t help feeling like James is almost annoyed. “I, um, I think the v-vertigo made it real? F-For my body, not my mind.” 
The black void eyes stare at him for a moment. “Are you just weak, or are all humans like this?” 
“James, he’s a teenager,” Vincent cuts in. “He can’t answer those questions to the full extent you want them to be. So don’t resort to insults when you don’t get your way.” 
“It’s not an insult when humans can’t tell the difference between hallucinations and reality.” 
“I don’t think you’ve experienced a proper hallucination before, then.” 
“D-Do all of you not make hallucinations?” Fritz pipes up. Not wanting another argument to start up, especially now that it’s clear it’s all the three seem to do when talking to each other. And, this might be the only chance he gets to prepare for the coming week. 
“The only one who doesn’t do any type of hallucinations is James,” David announces, crossing his arms as his glares at said monster. “Vincent’s the only one who can control your dreams, but I’m the one that turns the shadows of your room into creatures waiting for the perfect time to grab you.” 
“James is more ‘physical’ in a way. Grabs your blanket and pulls it off you. Scratches and pounds on your bed so you jolt awake. No true mental manipulation,” Vincent explains. 
That’s...extremely helpful. And explains a lot. Including why they all like to fight with each other. He can imagine David trying to prove why his technique is better than the others. 
“So, does that mean you all help each other?” 
“No,” is said in unison. 
“Helping means sharing, and I’m not willing to share a soul.” 
“Can’t exactly do it, either. Once it’s consumed, it can’t be reformed.” 
Fritz feels his lungs lock up as the sentence fully processes. About a soul being consumed. Like his own currently being fought over by the three surrounding him. 
Vincent’s smile suddenly gets close enough he could kick it. “My, we haven’t gone into that detail yet, have we?” 
“The interesting part is demons being the only one who consumes them,” James chimes in. “Monsters simply keep them for all eternity.” 
“Meaning you can either sit on a shelf like a trinket, collecting dust in a dark cupboard with a hundred other souls, or a quick painless death at the very end of the road,” his sleep paralysis demon purrs. 
Fritz finally forces himself to take a deep breath. Spots the plate of food that had been made to ensure he doesn’t die before he chooses someone to have the rights to take his soul. For David and James to keep locked up forever, or for Vincent to eat. 
And the worst part is that neither seems better than the other. 
Fritz hugs his knees before looking up at Vincent. “I should stop ask questions every time I eat.” 
The demon chuckles as he carefully collects the abandoned plate. “That would be wise.” 
“So for future reference, how do we pick him up without hurting him?” 
“How do you feel, Fritz?” 
Nauseous, but now for an entirely different reason. One that has him never wanting to be picked up again. Run to Jeremy’s house and come up with a plan where he doesn’t have to lose his soul. Find a comfortable place to just sleep and pretend it’s all a dream. 
The teenager sighs. “You can pick me up.” 
“Alright, David, show me how you did it last time.” 
Before Fritz can fully comprehend what that meant, the back of his shirt is suddenly pulled taunt. Not even a second after and he’s yanked up, gaging for more reasons than one. 
“It’s choking.” 
“You were choking him the entire time?” 
“It didn’t look like I was!” 
Fritz gasps as he’s quickly lowered back down, coughing once his shirt is no longer attempting to strangle him. Yells as he attempts to scramble away when the fingers return. “No, wait-!” 
“It’s just me,” Vincent rumbles. A sentence that doesn’t make him feel any better. It also means that even though Fritz actually manages to find his footing and run, his shirt still manages to get snagged. 
Only this time, somehow, he isn’t choked as he’s lifted up. Still curls up with fear as he watches the counter disappear, but he can actually breathe. His stomach not trying to twist itself completely into a knot, though it was still left behind. 
Fritz looks over at David with surprise before flinching at the hatred directed toward him. “I can’t help but feel like he was being dramatic before.” 
“Even James could see you were choking him. This method works, but you can’t just yank him up. Be gentle and lift him up slowly. Same goes for when he’s in your hand.” 
“He’s so fragile he needs to be picked up slowly? That’s what was wrong?” 
James snorts as Fritz is slowly lowered back down, quick to face toward all three so no one can yank him up suddenly. “Maybe you should shrink down to its size and see what it’s like.” 
“No way in hell.” 
“Then you pick him up slowly and carefully,” Vincent scowls. “Or else if he dies by your hands, you owe James and I a soul.” 
David aims his sight down on Fritz. “If that ever happens, I’ll find a way to make you pay.” 
Which means it’ll be a loosing battle ever getting on the monster’s good side. 
“James, your turn.” 
Fritz doesn’t hesitate to sprint in the opposite direction as fast as possible. Screams when a hand blocks his path. Doesn’t get a chance to run again before the fingers curl around him to scoop him up. Freezes when he realizes the digits are purple, waiting to see if he’ll just be handed over. Going limp when he’s only held as his back is gently stroked. 
“Maybe later.” 
“Maybe never.” 
“At least we all agree James is the worst.” 
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
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soupofmushrooms · 1 year
What I think the Eternals would've majored in college
Since they keep referring to each other as 'friends from college' , here's what I think they'd major in if they were in the 21st century.
Note: These are all my opinions please leave my 2 brain cells alone. Also I am struggling to think what Phastos, Thena, Druig and Ikaris would've done. Also this might just be part 1.
Sersi: I think canon would suggest she majored in history. But I want to think she'd also did a minor in creative writing have a Master's in Museum Studies.
Makkari: She strikes me as someone in forensic science. She seems like a curious person, fascinated by human psychology, and she probably won't mind the long hours of research and being alone in the lab.
Kingo: I feel like he'd major in business, but be heavily involved with the school's theatre club. I can see him hanging out with a bunch of people from broadcasting, and starring in some of their film assignments, commercials and podcasts.
Sprite: HAH she's still in middle school.
Ajak: She'd be the one working 3 jobs to put all of them through college. Jokes. I think medicine is the first thought. But surely she's more than just her powers. I see her both in counseling and early childhood education.
Gilgamesh: Dude would be in culinary. He'd have pasta due at 11:59PM and he'd be feeding his housemates. The good thing is that they'll clean up after him in exchange for being fed. Don't touch his cast iron pans though.
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Essays I wrote this year
If you're unsure how to write an essay or would like examples of high-scoring first-year college essays, please DM me or hit up my ask box for a link to any of these.
Fashion Politics
Prompt: Describe one article of clothing that interacts with your gender and one other social identity.
I picked my novelty earrings and how they signify my gender as a femme nonbinary person and my sexuality and how my whiteness determines how other people perceive me because of them (i.e. seeing me as retro, fun, and quirky instead of gaudy or "ghetto."). 1.5k words (5 pages).
Score: 100%
Viking Mythology
Prompt: Write a short assignment analyzing a piece of media that contains Medievalism (the utilization of Medieval elements or ideas in modern media) and how it abides by and differs from the original Norse myths, as seen in the Poetic and Prose Eddas and other course readings, such as Adam of Bremen and the Merseburg Charms.
I wrote about Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard and how it is surprisingly accurate to the original source material, with only a few creative liberties taken. The ending is a list of bullet points trying to convince my professor to read the books (he said he was interested). 887 words (about 3 pages).
Score: 100%
World Religions
Prompt: Write about how a course reading reflects a) the mythological dimension, and b) one other dimension described by Ninian Smart.
I chose Hadith 2 from Muslim scripture because I had to analyze it for a separate assignment and was already familiar with it. 914 words (3 pages).
Score: 94% (no comments describing why points were deducted, but I cranked it out in like 3 hours, so, yeah, I didn't go as deep into it as I could have.)
I also had a personal essay for this class that I will not share with anyone but my mutuals because it contains personal information.
Language In Culture
Prompt #1: Analyze a recorded interview with a friend for meta-communicative tools. The interview in question is supposed to be 10 minutes in length and the interviewer is meant to ask one of two questions.
I interviewed someone whose anonymity I will maintain by using the pseudonym "Perry." The question I chose to ask was, "What was a strong disagreement you had with a close friend?" Our conversation was about the sexism of one of Perry's friends, and I argued that she relied upon the two of us sharing the identities of being AFAB and being raised in countries colonized by Britain (the USA for me, India for her). 1.3k words (4 pages).
Score: 98%
Prompt #2: Examine non-human characters in an animated film for their voices and determine what the audience is supposed to understand about the characters through their accents, use of vernacular, vocal pitches, etc.
I looked at Zootopia and discussed the characters Mr. and Mrs. Hopps, Gideon Grey, Fru Fru, and Finnick. Specifically I examined how rhoticity (the pronunciation of the letter "r" anywhere but the beginning of the word) is used within the film in Gideon's southern accent, Fru Fru's New Jersey/New York accent, and Finnick's blaccent.
Score: 97% [deducted points for some valid reasons and also because I said "blaccent" instead of African-American (Vernacular) English (AAE or AAVE), even though a blaccent can exist outside of the context of AAE.]
Prompt #3: Essentially the same as Prompt #1, except you needed a more solid thesis (not only that the interviewee used meta-communicative devices but also why those conventions were used.)
My thesis was that "Perry made a conscious effort to make the interview conversational, with contributions both from herself and from me— in spite of the fact that interviews often have a low-involvement speech style— in order to establish camaraderie between us as individuals who were assigned female at birth (AFAB)." 1.8k words (6 pages)
Score: 96% (entirely fair point deductions; I kind of rushed this essay, by which I mean I wrote it at 3 AM the day it was due while on my prescribed ADHD meds, which I accidentally took instead of my sleep meds that night— 2/10 would not recommend. Don't do drugs, kids.)
Japanese Culture (Intro Class)
Prompt: Go crazy go stupid just write a well thought-out paper about an aspect of Japanese culture we learned about in class.
I decided to write about how religious iconography is presented in the anime Blue Exorcist because I'm lame asf. My thesis was that the use of imagery in the story is propagandist because it portrays Japan as religiously unified, which it is historically not (of course, there's a lot more nuance that I'm not going to get into and some that I frankly couldn't even discuss in the essay itself.) Including the abstract, footnotes, and bibliography, 2.5k words (7 pages of actual content).
Score: 95% (comments not provided, but I probably deserved it because there's, again, a lack of nuance.)
I wrote other papers, too, but these were the major ones. I go to a relatively prestigious state school that has a large student population, great sports and academic programs (especially for STEM, which I am not in), and a reputation for being a party school. Feel free to ask questions about my essay-writing process, about my school, or about what overall grades I got in these classes!
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cathumanthing2 · 1 year
Roseblings Chatfic AU Chapter 2
Magic bitches
2:12 am
fungi fungus gnome: i just realized
fungi fungus gnome: is anyone here actually fully human?
plant flower faerie: Nope :P /lh
plant flower faerie: Scott’s a starborne elf hybrid, im a faerie, you’re a mushroom gnome, gem and fwhip are deer hybrids, pearl has literal wings, sausage has tiny tiny antlers so hes also bambi, lizzie and jimmy are fish, joel is… something, idk, but he radiates animation magic, pix is a phantom hybrid, and joey is an avian
father: Speaking of me being a phantom hybrid, most of you haven’t slept in 24 hours. Go to sleep. You’re making my instincts go haywire over here and I really don’t want to lose control and end up attacking you or something.
tech wizard: yessir mr dadriffs sir
actual wizard: Going to sleep in just a second, just need to finish that one essay on hybrid-human politics that ms. stella assigned yesterday
glitter starboy: uughh that was so boringggg
plant flower faerie: the entire history of that is just humans hating us it was so depressing
plant flower faerie: why can’t everyone just get along?
jungle bitch: because humanity’s fucked thats why
glitter starboy: fr
father: Go to sleep before I make you.
jungle bitch: ok ok ok ok im going-
glitter starboy: does that include me?
father: I would prefer if you did but you can’t sleep at night that well due to being a starborne so I’ll let you off easy this time.
father: Everyone except for Scott, please go to bed as soon as possible.
father: Scott, please sleep when the sun starts rising and catch just a little bit of sleep.
plant flower faerie: ok gn everyone i don’t want to be attacked by pix again like last time i didnt sleep 
plant flower faerie: have sweet dreams <3/p
glitter starboy: L imajine having to sleep to survive
pathetic fish man: *imagine
glitter starboy: stfu
father: Scott.
glitter starboy: sorry sorry-
miserable, hopeless romantics
3:38 pm
engineer salmon: hes so pathetic
engineer salmon: yet so cute
engineer salmon: Help.
Shroom: depends. 
Shroom: are u gonna finally tell us who this mysterious crush of yours is?
engineer salmon: never
Shroom: worth a shot
elsa boi: imagine being a simp
engineer salmon: stfu u simp for nerds
elsa boi: …NOT ALL NERDS-
Shroom: imma add someone-
Shroom added Joey Graceffa to miserable, hopeless romantics
Joey Graceffa: shrub forced me to join
Shroom changed Joey Graceffa ’s name to simp for elves
simp for elves: im gonna kill you
simp for elves: also i only ever liked one elf
Shroom: oh really? So all the gushing about scott’s “beautiful cyan eyes” in 7th grade was false?
elsa boi: i would be honored but joey would simp for a plastic spoon if it was even slightly attractive soo-
engineer salmon: sooo anywahs hows the thing w/ the mysterious beauty you keep ranting about in sapphic going shrub?
elsa boi: so its going about the same rate as it was earlier this year
elsa boi: cool
engineer salmon: bai guys im gonna go bother gem now
elsa boi: cool
elsa boi: have fun ig
fWhip set his phone down on his desk before running out of his room and into Gem’s, where she was studying. 
She had headphones on, probably on a low volume and playing classical or calm music, and was bent over a sheet of paper, furiously writing something. She was clearly biting her tongue in the way she only does if she’s completely absorbed in what she was doing. Perfect.
He silently slipped into her room, closing the door behind him carefully, before grabbing the buzzing magnets he left in there last time he did this. He separated them before throwing them into the air and letting them clack together and buzz loudly.
Gem jumped up in her seat, magically-formed wings fluttering in shock, before turning around and fixing fWhip with a stern glare.“fWhip! You startled me!” 
“That’s the point.” he replied with a shit-eating grin.
Gem rolled her eyes before putting her headphones back on and putting them on a slightly louder volume. “I was studying for the test we’re going to have in science about how magic affects the laws of physics,” 
“Nerd.” he replied, his grin showing through his voice.
“Says the one in several robotics clubs.”
fWhip started walking out the door, and right before he left the room completely, he turned and said, “At least robots are actually cool,”
Gem simply sighed, and returned to her work. 
fWhip sighed. Lately, they had been slowly drifting apart, with Gem joining gifted classes at their school and being given more homework in general. She often stayed up for nights on end working on a project, and it was starting to worry him. He ran a hand through his too long hair.
Hopefully it would get better.
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charcherry-weekly · 2 months
Charcherry Weekly - Issue 206
Hello everyone! Mage of Light Nick Card here! Let's get this show on the road!
Its Tough Being a Gamer
On thursday, your dear newsletter writer joined a number of skilled volunteers to the game room in the Region of Immersion and Entertainment, on the Land of DownLoadable Content and Challenges. Together, we proceeded to play a number of scrambled games in order to return the misplaced data to the correct places, for the sake of repairing the pokedex database. In addition to yours truly, who played A Short Hike, there was also Rogue of Heart Charles who played Pokemon Emerald and Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters: WCT 2006, Witch of Heart Cyrus who played two different rhythm games, Muse Dash and Project Diva Megamix+, Seer of Space K who played Undertale, Ceda Cedovich, who played Super Mario 64 and DOOM II, and a few others, who had Paper Mario, Duke Nukem 3D, and SMZ3 to tackle.
As it turned out, the health risks of quick swapping between games are apparently minimal, with only the average effects of playing games for extended periods of time. Your dear newsletter writer however, spent much of the day yesterday trying to configure the setup for their game, which as it turned out, just needed to have up to date fresh files for it to connect properly. At one point I left the facility to blow off some steam and ended up fighting some underlings for grist and booncoins in the adjacent Region of Tile Sliding and Memory. I managed to locate a tile that had a minimart located on it, so I bought a handful of snacks before making my way back to the game room.
After watching the progress of some of the other participants who had their external screens on, I resumed troubleshooting for my own. It was only after spending a tender moment with someone dear to me that I was able to get the game fixed and connected enough to play. Perhaps love is more important than I thought it was before... After a few hours of playing my assigned game, I spent more quality time with them, eventually returning home.
Overall, despite everything, it was a good day to get out of the house. Its likely that the archipelago protocol will continue for at least a week or two, depending upon how long it takes for us to clear our games together.
Samm is back!
The other day, Page of Mind Samm received an emergency surgery that required a skilled heart player and a few magical containment artifacts. Further details of this operation will not be published for the sake of patient confidentiality, but what can be said is that the surgery was a success and Samm and has returned home with her loving husband, Page of Rage Jovin. It is unknown when she will resume work on Grass 3 or her occasional noodle stand, but that will need to be her own decision.
Classified ads
Do you need therapy? Have you been impacted by the cosmic creation game in some manner? Do you have weird problems that likely have supernatural factors? Contact Dr. Winters at 555-555-2425 to schedule an appointment, new client slots open this month.
Chao babysitter wanted! Must be good with young children! Please contact a chao parent (most likely one from Desertia town) if you are interested.
Do you want an ad here? Contact lavenderSiren to get an ad for whatever. If you don’t write it yourself, you risk the newsletter writer writing it instead, do be warned.
This week’s known market stands in Desertia Town:
DTA train ticket stand
Katie’s potion stand (Not available to plitlanders due to regulations, available to all others however)
shinyjiggly pokesnacks stand
Brae's produce stall: - Potted vegetables - Jarred vegetables - Various jams - Hisuian herbs (medicinal leek, pep-up plant, king's leaf)
Novelty Frog Figurine Stand
Traditional Shop: - Rope, Silk (50 feet) (10 gp) - Lamp (10 gp) - String or twine (50 ft.) (1 cp) - Hammock (1 sp) - Compass (10 gp)
I think that does it. The issue that Charles found in the train tunnel the other week still needs to be investigated (though much slower manual construction is continuing there), and the weather's been calming down a little, though its still relatively hot at peak hours in Unity. Meanwhile, between lending my hand in the game room and my library work, I've begun working on a short flash animation slated to be shorter than a minute. Here's to hoping it can be finished soon! https://letssosl.boards.net/thread/443/charcherry-weekly-issue-206
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sqtorux · 3 months
🫁 hello friend! hope you’re doing well <3 me personally? putting off the assignment i have a 25% reduction on due to late penalties (i have 24 more hours to hand it in without just failing it). thankfully, it’s the second to last of all my due assignments so i’m feeling pretty swell otherwise lmao
anywhos i love love loved the most recent fic !! i think you and fluff are like bread and butter ,,, pot and kettle, if you will. my fav parts? you’ll never guess. nanami kento and getou suguru. 
nanami kento!! fun fact but he completely ruined my spotify wrapped last year bc i streamed whatta man by salt-n-pepa for i think it was 3000 minutes total because it reminded me of him. but my goodness he’s so sappy when he’s in love it makes me want to vom. “i’m certainly not but we all make exceptions for someone don’t we” hello???? he’s just gonna drop that one and move on??? wth. what the actual hell.
suguru is for last because oml that man takes my breath away. “oh you do? i never noticed” i love that mans attitude so much. “say it again for me?” “one more time just once” you are SO not slick. i don’t even have words tbh. i love your suguru so so much !! i really want to write this eulogy of blah blah suguru playing so confident when a part of him is always going to be worried about your feelings towards him blah blah he’s so inherently romantic something something about needing him in bed with me rn. suguru the man that you are. i’ve said this before but i truly love the way you establish a dynamic between the character and the reader that is all distinct from each other and suguru & reader and toji & reader are easily my fav ones. what does that say about me? Idk.
also this isn’t related but i’m so pleased to hear you like apples as a tried and true apple lover. i love apples. i’m pretty into baking (minus the disaster that was 45 minutes ago … made the icing wrong started piping it and it looked like actual shit and then i tasted it and realised i’d somehow used the wrong sugar. embarrassing.) so i am constantly making apple things. apple crumble, apple muffins, apple pie … my breakfast is apple or apple and pancakes or apple and porridge or apple and banana and porridge or apple and yoghurt and muesli … i also go crazy for apples as symbolism. can you blame me. it’s so embarrassing bc you’re buying groceries and i always have to wince at the prices because apples are expensive here and yes i am always buying the nicest ones available </3
please ignore how disjointed this all is friend! i am not at the top of my game rn. my cats tried to eat the poorly made icing and i ended up nearly tripping and somehow got some on my foot. fun times.
lung anon omfg your works are never ending i swear are you okay are you good-
personally i thought i suck at fluff bc my mind always turns it into angst somehow but you think... im good... at fluff... im banging my palms on the table and screeching why don't We recreate the fluff how about that would you like that because i would. you spoil me i sweaourr
apples might be one of my favourite fruits as well but you're right it's soooo expensive and the decently priced ones are dry and does not even taste like apples honestly. in this economy, apples are a luxury, Fruits! are a luxury. on my desperate days i settle for apple juice bc that's somehow more affordable than the fruit itself :""
and you're a cat parent omfg let's get married alr
0 notes
ahundredtimesover · 3 years
Fight for You Epilogue (07)
Tumblr media
​07: When you miss dinner
Pairing: Jungkook x (f.) Reader
Genre/Tags: established relationship - FFY couple; slight angst, hurt/comfort (18+)
Warnings: insecurities, implied anxiety, mentions of sex
Word count: 5.8k
A/N: I finally get to write the “someone misses dinner” storyline that I love! Also an excuse to imagine wet-haired JK in a black zip-up hoodie being the sweetest thing. Again, please excuse my lack of knowledge of business matters.
And the biggest thank you again to Ash @jimilter​ for this banner. 🥺🥰 That forehead kiss and this JK is giving me the feels. To everyone, please be kind to yourself. 💜
Epilogue Series Masterlist || Previous || Next
“What would it be, Ms. Lee?”
In all the years that you’ve been working for your family’s company, dating back to when you were an intern at 20 years old, this is perhaps your most feared question. 
What would it be? 
It feels so heavy, so full of responsibility; there’s so much room for a win and just as much potential for a loss.
You look at the faces staring back at you - all executives - waiting for your response. And you try your best to keep a calm and confident demeanor, as you know that doing so adds to your credibility, to their respect for you, if there’s even any to begin with that isn’t tied to you being their boss’ daughter.
“Give me until Monday,” you state.
“With all due respect, Ms. Lee, we’ve been holding back on this deal for far too long. Any more delay and the loss will be much greater than what we’re prepared for,” someone says.
“We just received the risk assessment report 2 days ago, Mr. Hong,” you respond. 
“Yes, that you asked to be revised because the first one didn’t meet your standards, as if you’d been reading those kinds of reports for a long time and let’s be honest, you haven’t,” Mr. Chung retorts, clearly the one whose acceptance level of you is still in the 30% range. 
“We have, and as we advised, it’s safe to move forward, as many of us have expressed,” he continues, looking impatient and unimpressed.
“Half,” you correct him. “Half of you expressed moving forward and the other half wants more time. I merely think it’s a more sound and responsible decision to weigh our options—“
“We only have 2 options,” he interjects. “Proceed or not, and you haven’t been able to make up your mind all week and you haven’t given any other options that we could work with. Your father would be able to decide on the spot or lay out other plans.”
“My father has been doing this for half his life, Mr. Chung,” you state, your tone getting sharper and a little more annoyed by the second. “I haven’t been on this that long and—“
“Yet you are the one in command, how unfortunate,” he counters. “Such big responsibility for someone with so little experience.”
“That’s enough, Mr. Chung,” another one says. “Mr. Lee, our President, assigned Ms. Lee to be in charge. Let’s at least respect that, shall we?”
You sit there frozen, suddenly much more insecure than you were when you called this meeting 3 hours ago. It was supposed to end at 6 but you couldn’t get the group to agree, couldn’t find a middle ground, couldn’t get a clear decision out, and you can’t help but feel smaller and smaller, as if you already didn’t. 
Your father has been gone for a month to do his annual rounds in your satellite offices in North America and the rest of Asia, leaving you to oversee certain matters with the guidance of his trusted advisors. But this deal is one he specifically asked you to manage, and while it excited you at first, it’s given you nothing but a headache. 
It’s not clear-cut and it’s definitely one of the more challenging ones. It needs more discernment, attention to detail, and maybe a risk-taking attitude, and you’re too wary to make the final decision, knowing that whatever it is you make, certain people won’t be happy, and there will be some loss, one way or another. 
What’s worse is that you have to face all these people - mostly men and some of whom aren’t big fans of yours - on a daily basis, as if it’s not enough that they question your decision-making ability everyday. 
Your name is called again and you’re broken out of your temporary haze of self-doubt and you look back at them. It’s not easy to decide, especially when it’s going to be on you if things don’t work out, and these people could easily be setting you up for failure. 
So that not-so-impulsive and careful part of you puts its foot down.
“Give me until Monday. You may all leave,” you say firmly and head out to go back to your room, quickly enough not to hear the mumbling of the executives and the terrible things they could be saying about you.
You cover your face with your hands as you sit on your office chair and curse everything in existence. You haven’t felt this small and ineffective since you took the marketing department manager post when you got back from grad school years ago. You feel so useless and not worthy of respect of the people you need because much as you dislike the man, Mr. Chung is right - you don’t have that much experience yet, but you’re being given all this responsibility.
But again, that’s precisely why. Skill isn’t just acquired overnight. You still have much to learn, to experience, to figure out. It’s unfair you’re being put on a pedestal like this, but you also know it’s expected. You’re the successor, and you need to prove to everyone, including your parents, that you deserve it.
Your phone rings and you see Jungkook’s name on the screen, and you suddenly remember that you haven’t responded to his text from this morning - or was that last night? You feel too tired to answer, knowing he’ll sense right away that something is bothering you, and you just don’t have that kind of energy. 
But his name is immediately replaced by your father’s, and you want nothing more than to disappear right this moment.
“Father? Is everything—“
“You still haven’t decided?” He sighs in exasperation. “It’s a go or no-go, ___. We’re losing something either way so just…”
“They tattled on me already, huh?” You scoff.
“This isn’t middle school, ___. There’s no tattling here. They reported to me, as they are required to,” he responds sternly. “And while I agree that Mr. Chung was disrespectful to you and me, I’d rather dwell on the stalling, because people’s claims of you will always be present for as long as you don’t get to prove yourself yet.”
“I know, father, but it’s just—“
“Do you?” He asks. “I’m giving you all these opportunities to show your capabilities and be more responsible but you’ve just been too soft and indecisive every time.”
The words hurt, you won’t lie, as it’s the first time your father had been this direct of his disappointment towards you since he announced the succession plans. 
“Don’t make them doubt you even more, because that decreases my credibility just the same,” he continues at your silence. “Make that decision early on Monday, whatever it is, you hear me?”
“Yes, father,”  you say softly, then he hangs up. 
You wipe the tears that fall, thankful that at least for a Friday night, there isn’t anyone left in the office from your team. You can play your music as loud as you can, drown the sounds of your phone ringing because you just don’t have the desire to pick up anything, cry if you want, scream if you want. So you do all that.
Until someone knocks on your door.
“Oh, Mi-Seon, hi,” you force a smile at one of the managers from your father’s support team, whom you also work very closely and frequently with. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah,” she smiles and invites herself inside. “Is everything okay?” She cocks an eyebrow.
“Take a guess,” you chuckle. “When do I willingly spend a Friday night alone in the office?”
“Hmm, when you’re waiting for someone to come in and bring a bottle of wine?” She winks and presents one of your favorite reds.
Your eyes widen in amusement. “You’re a lifesaver.”
She laughs and takes a seat in front of you, and you immediately consume a half glass of wine, unbothered by your empty stomach and incredibly drained out brain. You spend the next hour and a half talking to her about what transpired, the intricacies of the deal that she’s also well-aware of, and this new course of your life that’s both exciting and terrifying.
It’s almost 10PM by the time you finish your self-loathing session, signaled by Mi-Seon spraying some mist on your flushed face and pulling you from your chair and pushing you out the door so you could finally go home.
You do as you’re forced, checking your phone on the way to the lobby and seeing Jungkook’s multiple where are you messages. It’s one of his favorite things to send you, at least for the past few weeks. The others are along the lines of have you eaten or did you take your vitamins or have you taken a break yet.
You know he means well but you just feel like you’ll get a scolding because every time he asks those, the answer that you say in your mind is always a no. Even with asking where you are, it’s because you promised you wouldn’t stay late in the office as you've been doing, and you know he’ll be upset with you being here again. And you just don’t want to deal with it.
You find yourself not wanting to deal with much, actually. There’s so much weighing heavily on you and you feel like you can’t be your best for anything or anyone right now.
People are going through their own things, you remind yourself. Part of the growing up that you need to do to be worthy of your position is learning how to deal with things on your own. No one else can help you anyway, so why bother letting them in? 
It’s too much for others to deal with, especially when all you’d probably do is rant about the stress and about the executives who don’t like you and the little mistakes you’re making and how those are making you more annoyed with yourself. You don’t feel like your most likeable version right now and you don’t want others to fall into that hole with you.
You enter the car and ask Mr. Sim to drive-thru at a McDonald’s, and you nibble on your burger and fries and eventually give up because your earlier alcohol intake and the kind of stress you have now have caused you to lose your appetite. 
Even your interest in things has dwindled.
It’s past 11 by the time you get home, and you want nothing more than to have your hot bath and lie in bed and sleep for as long as you can just to rid yourself of the embarrassment from tonight.
You get to the kitchen and see Mrs. Hwang washing the dishes. A pot of dumpling soup and a plate of braised beef lay on the counter. With your erratic schedule, you told her to assume you wouldn’t be eating home unless you tell her you will, and you knew today would be a long one so you hadn’t said anything, and now you’re curious as to why she had dinner so late.
“Hi, Mrs. Hwang,” you greet.
She turns to you with crestfallen eyes.
“Hi, sweetie. Another late night, huh?”
“Yeah,” you sigh. “Decided to drive-thru for dinner because I haven’t eaten since breakfast and I didn’t even finish it.”
“You… You had dinner already?”
“Yeah. It was such a long day,” you say, feeling like crying again. “Did you just have dinner? And cooking my comfort food without me, too?” You pout.
“No, sweetie. This wasn’t mine,” she walks towards you. “Jungkook made all this. He said you two were supposed to have dinner tonight.”
“We what?” You ask, partly shocked and partly confused.
You turn to the dining table that’s been set up nicely with flowers. You check your phone and scroll past Jungkook’s where are you messages from 6:30PM and see the one from Wednesday when he asked you if you could have dinner on Friday after your meeting ends at 6 and you said yes. And then the one from last night when he reminded you and you confirmed. And then this morning again. 
You’d been mindlessly replying to his messages, and your replies haven’t even been making sense, probably because you haven’t been properly processing them nor even paying attention. 
And you suddenly feel worse than you did when you were in that meeting room hours ago.
“Has he left?”
“No, I told him to rest in your room first,” she sighs. “He clocked in early at work today so he could come here and cook and he just looked so tired.”
Great. Another thing you’re failing miserably at. You can’t even give your own boyfriend the time of day.
You make it up the stairs and into your room. You find a pile of his clothes on your bed next to a luggage bag, and your heart sinks at the sight.
While Jungkook doesn’t exactly live with you, he’s been spending more time in your place than before, and that has much to do with your many, usually ridiculous, reasons and schemes for him to stay the night, including hiding his clothes in various parts of your room. It’s safe to say that more than half of his wardrobe is in your house, and they magically appear when he finally agrees to sleep over.
As it turns out, he’s known all along where they’re hidden. You’re either terrible at hiding, or he just knows you too well.
But he’s packing his bag, and it seems like he’s taking most of his clothes with him.
He exits your closet with a set of his workout clothes and walks to your bed to place them in the bag, not even sparing you a glance. You stand there and you don’t exactly know what to do.
“I…” You stammer, unsure how to start a conversation you’re not sober enough nor even ready to have, until you feel that awful sting in your stomach go up your throat, and you run to the bathroom and get to the toilet in time.
If you didn’t smell of alcohol earlier, now you do. You kneel on the floor and puke as much of the wine as you can, feeling weaker and weaker by the second.
You hear footsteps inside and feel a hand rubbing circles on your back, but you don’t miss the scoff as Jungkook smells it, and you know he’s got a disappointed look on his face. You sit on the floor after being rid of half of the bottle you consumed earlier, and you’re immediately faced with napkins and a glass of water.
You take them and focus elsewhere, unable and unwilling to look at Jungkook. 
“You didn’t eat all day, did you?”
You don’t respond.
“You only puke when you drink too much or when you drink on an empty stomach,” he says coldly. “You’re conscious and mobile, which means you barely ate today, that's why you’re not feeling well.”
He says it so matter-of-factly, so confidently, that it actually annoys you.
“Why? Meeting didn’t go well? The directors disrespecting you again? Work becoming too much? So you went ahead and drank without having eaten and with barely any rest, expecting everything will be okay?”
You meet his piercing eyes with your own, and you no longer hide your irritation, which really is just masking your own embarrassment. You gargle the remaining water, spit it out, then head out the bathroom.
“I don’t wanna hear it, Jungkook,” you tell him. “I don’t have the energy for your scolding.”
“Clearly. You haven’t been replying to my messages so you obviously don’t wanna hear from me at all.”
He returns to packing, and you want so badly for him to stop but you’re also too stubborn to do so.
“Taking all your stuff and leaving me now?” You say after a while, restraining yourself from putting all of his clothes back in your drawers.
He shrugs with his back turned, seemingly uninterested to look at you.
“Why bring up the idea of moving in with you so you could spend more time with me if you’re not even gonna spend time with me…”
“That’s not true,” you defend, suddenly feeling bad at the thought. “I—“
“I made dinner and you didn’t even show up.” He now faces you. “You said yes. You confirmed. And you just… don’t even care that you missed it.”
“Well, I didn’t ask you to make dinner,” you cross your arms. 
“That’s the thing though, you don’t ask me for anything anymore. You don’t ask to see me, to spend time with me, to have sex, to—”
“So that’s what this is? You’re upset because we don’t have sex,” you retort, wanting to get the upper hand but his face catches you off guard.
He has a defeated look, like he, too, doesn’t have energy for this, doesn’t want to deal with this. Doesn’t want to deal with you.
“You know that’s not what I meant but if that’s what you want to believe, then fine,” he says with a low voice.
He zips his bag while you stand there, unmoving, too proud to do anything, to say what you really mean - that you’re upset and you don’t know what to do with yourself.
He walks towards you but you refrain from looking back at him.
“You know I’m just here for you,” he huffs. “But I also know when I’m not wanted. It’s been hard on me, too and I don’t want to get angry. I love you and I want to be there for you but if you don’t want me around, that’s okay. I’ll give you time if that’s what you need. I’ll stay over at my place first, alright? I’ll check in on you tomorrow.”
And he shifts so he could give you a forehead kiss, then he walks out the door. You could hear his tired and dragging footsteps down the stairs while you continue to stand there, the tears no longer able to hold themselves back. 
The terrible day just won’t end.
You puke again, and as the alcohol drains from your system, there’s more clarity, and you realize as the seconds pass by how unfair you’d been. All Jungkook has been is supportive. He knows how you are when you’re stressed, how you tend to seek perfection to a fault, please others, and in the process, forget about yourself. 
But you constantly push him away, even when you know you need him.
Mrs. Hwang enters the bathroom and promptly prepares your hot bath. You cry again at the sight of the dumpling soup she’s brought, and even more when she feeds you while you sit in the tub.
“He was so excited about this,” she says with a soft smile. “He constantly redid the dumplings because they were too big for you to chew.”
“I even argued with him and said I didn’t ask him to make me dinner,” you sob. “And now he’s gone and probably doesn’t want to see me again.”
“Hey, sweetie. That’s not true,” she wipes your tears. “You know he won’t be able to survive without you, especially now. I mean, with his father reaching out, it’s been—“
“What?” You exclaim. “His father has been reaching out?”
Her sullen eyes tell you enough - if she knows, then Jungkook probably told you, and you most likely weren’t paying attention.
“Just last week. Jungkook probably didn’t want to bother you because you’ve been so stressed,” she comforts. 
“No, he’d tell me,” you insist. 
But then again, whether he told you or not doesn’t matter - you weren’t there for him; and the truth is, you haven’t been. 
It’s a long proper dinner and bath, and you savor each dumpling you eat, knowing it was made with so much love that you probably don’t even deserve. You dress up in your most comfortable loungewear, wrap yourself in your softest blanket, and hope to the heavens that sleep overtakes you soon - restart, redo, recover when you wake up.
“It’s okay, sweetie,” Mrs. Hwang wipes your tears. “You know he won’t be able to stay upset for long. Just get some sleep. It’ll be okay in the morning.”
You try, but it just won’t happen.
It’s probably not the smartest thing to be standing outside of your boyfriend’s apartment at 4 in the morning on a chilly spring night, but here you are. 
You snuck out of your house and was too absentminded to bring your key to Jungkook‘s place, but then again, inviting yourself in might not even bode well with him, given that he did leave.
So you stand there for another minute as your lips continue to quiver, and you try to think of what to do if the door doesn’t open in the next 5 minutes, but miraculously, it does.
“___?” Jungkook says, peeking behind you to perhaps greet Mr. Sim who isn’t anywhere to be found.
“How did you get here?” He exclaims, pulling your shivering body inside and shutting the door.
“Cab…” you say softly.
“___, what were you thinking?! At this hour?! Do you know—“
Your hug stops him, and you tighten your hold around his waist and whisper, “can you do the scolding later, please? I just…”
And at this, every ounce of sadness and hurt in Jungkook’s body melts away.
He wraps his arms around you and with you tiptoeing as your face nestles in the crook of his neck, you sob.
“I’m so sorry. Please forgive me,” you choke on your words. “I was being so stubborn and difficult and stupid. I’m sorry for forgetting about dinner.”
You become more breathless as your cries get louder, and Jungkook holds you closer as you do.
“Hey, angel. It’s okay. It’s been a tough few months, I know,” he comforts.
“It’s not okay,” you insist.
“It is.”
“It’s not!” You face him with a pout. “I was being such a brat and keeping things in and—“ you hiccup. 
“Shh, angel,” he cups your face and kisses your forehead. “Let’s get you water.”
He sits you on the chair and looks at you tenderly as you finish the glass.
Kneeling on the ground, he asks, “do Mr. Sim and Namjoon know you’re here?”
You shake your head.
He frowns at you but laughs right after, and immediately gets his phone to send texts to them and Mrs. Hwang so as not to make them lose their minds at the sight of your empty bed in the morning. 
You follow Jungkook to the couch. You straddle him and bury your face in his neck again, inhaling his fresh scent and damp hair.
“Did you just shower? Why are you awake?” You sniff.
“I couldn’t sleep,” he admits, “so I was doing a bit of exercise. I was dressing up when you rang the doorbell.”
“Why couldn’t you sleep?” You face him.
“Why couldn’t you?” He counters.
“Because I’m sad and mad at myself because I missed dinner and I missed you.”
“Didn’t seem like it earlier,” he chuckles.
“Hey!” You furrow your brows, on the verge of tears again. “I didn’t mean what I said,” you pout this time. 
“I know,” he says, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “I didn’t mean to scold you or anything. I’m just worried about you because I know how you are when you’re stressed. You get sick easily, you don’t eat, you don’t rest… you forget to take your vitamins. But you don’t respond to my questions so that’s how I know you’re not taking care of yourself.”
You realized long ago that Jungkook is a very caring person. He’s observant in that he easily picks up on your habits and tendencies; he can figure out what you’re feeling by the sound of your voice, the pacing of your breathing, and your body language. You know all this, but it still makes you feel all kinds of warmth and love when he shows that protective and worried side of him.
“How are you so good at this?” You whisper.
“At what?”
“Knowing me? Caring for me?”
“Says the person who never missed a day of visiting when I got shot,” he laughs. 
“Hmm, you really used an example from years ago, huh?”
“My point is,” he tickles you, “is that’s how you really are. I… wasn’t always like this, is what I meant to say. I worry differently when it’s about you.”
His face softens and you just want to kiss him stupid, but you also know you owe him an apology and an explanation.
“Me, too. Except maybe when I’m too self-absorbed and can’t look past whatever I’m going through,” you sigh, “which is terrible because I didn’t know your dad’s been reaching out. It’s either you told me or didn’t but either way, I’m sorry for not being there for you.”
“I… mentioned it in passing,” he says, immediately hugging you as you start to cry again. “But it’s fine. I talked to my mom about it and she says it’s up to me if I want to entertain him and stuff.”
He rubs circles on your back. “Let’s talk about that another time, okay? What about you?” He asks, shifting you to face him. “Do you want to talk about it?”
The realization that Jungkook has been asking how you are but you never really answer him hits you, even more that you’ve been keeping him out yet he still looks at you with the softest, most comforting eyes.
But you tell him - how the past weeks have been, yesterday’s meeting, the director’s snarky remarks, the phone call with your father, and the aftermath of it all. 
He watches you with a mix of amusement and sympathy, as you animatedly narrate everything. You shift from one emotion to another, rocking back and forth on his lap, gesticulating as you go, and all the while, his hands on your waist steady you to make sure you don’t fall off.
He listens intently and agrees that Mr. Chung is a “party pooper” and “probably never had sprinkled cupcakes in his life” because he “lacks so much joy and softness.”
“And then I ignored your texts and came home to find out that I missed the dinner you cooked then I saw you packing and thought you want to leave me for good,” you shift, pouting once more and tearing up.
You hug him again - partly an excuse to inhale his fresh scent, and apologize.
“Don’t leave me, okay?” You say softly.
He holds you close and cradles you like the baby that you are. “It’s gonna take way more than you missing my famed dumpling soup for me to leave you, got that? You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”
You bask in his sweetness, knowing that while he’s not always like this - as he leaves most of the verbal expression of love to you - he knows just what you need to feel better.
He cups your cheeks, wipes your tears, and kisses your forehead.
“Why are you so hard on yourself?”
Your face deflates and there’s that uncertainty, that fear, almost like affliction that hurts Jungkook to be seeing on you.
“It’s more than the stress and those people, isn’t it?”
It takes a while for you to answer, but the admission - simple as it is, still feels heavy.
“I’m so scared, Jungkook.”
He gives you time to process your own words, feeling as if it’s also the first time that you’re verbalizing it.
“I’m so scared that I’ll disappoint my parents, and I keep thinking that I will, that somewhere along the line, they’ll regret giving me this responsibility,” you say, your lips quivering.
“Have you always felt this way?”
“I guess I always have but this is the longest that my father’s been away, that he’s left me to deal with all of these things on my own, and that’s just magnified what I’m so afraid of - failing them.”
“Hey, ___. You won’t. I’ve got enough people on your end telling me you’re doing just fine.”
“Then why don’t I feel that? Why do I feel like every decision I’ll make will yield some loss, or upset people, or lead to some disaster? And then I can’t make a decision at all? I mean, that’s what happened yesterday,” you reason. “I couldn’t make up my mind. And I just couldn’t… I just…”
You sigh. Even thinking about this is tiring.
“It’s like this crippling anxiety, you know?” You manage to continue. “I’m so scared that I’ll make the wrong call, that I’ll make mistakes that I just… can’t do anything at all. And either way I lose.”
“Either way you lose,” he repeats. “Take a step somewhere or stay rooted where you are, you lose. But at least if you move, you’re no longer in the same place. You could end up with a different result.”
“Yeah but my mind just always thinks I’ll fail,” you whine. “And I don’t want that, I can’t have that. I don’t want my parents to be upset with me; I don’t want them to be upset at having me.”
It’s the kind of fear that Jungkook has never seen on you before, not even at the alley those years ago. This one is deep-seated, one that's developed over time, one that you just can’t shake off.
One that he understands. 
No matter how much your parents hurt you, you will always want their approval, their love. You want to know that even if things didn’t turn out well, they never regret giving you a chance.
It’s something he can relate with, as he finds himself still yearning for his mother’s acceptance, her admiration, her affection. 
But it’s different with you, especially as he knows that when it comes to your parents, there’s so much that hasn’t been said.
“I get you, angel, but you see, it isn’t about not making mistakes,” Jungkook says. “It isn’t just about making the right decision but standing by it, whatever it is.”
He turns your face towards his.
“Your father trusts you to make the best decision you could make at that moment, even if it doesn’t always turn out right, even if there’s a loss. He trusts that you’d know what should be done or at least, make sure that you do. It’s sticking to your principles, being accountable, standing your ground whatever the consequences are.” 
“How do you know?” 
Jungkook releases a deep breath. “Your father talks to me a lot, you know? He asks me to join him for drinks sometimes.”
This is news to you, and you don’t hide your surprise.
“Well, he always wanted a son,” you shrug, not being able to imagine drinking alcohol with your father.
“He talks to me about you.”
You don’t know what to say, and your wide eyes say you don’t know what to think, either.
“He tells me that he wishes you wouldn’t be so scared to make mistakes, because he’s noticed it,” Jungkook shares. “He wants to push you but he doesn’t know how far he should, or could, because he doesn’t think he knows you well enough.”
You turn emotional again, and somehow you feel like your heart is breaking and mending all at once.
“Your father may not know how to love you as a parent should but one thing I’ve learned about him is that he doesn’t want to hurt you. And I think that’s why he talks to me, because I learned how to.”
“I’m that hard of a person to love, huh?” Your face falls.
“No,” Jungkook says, snuggling you to him. “You teach people how to, and then you make them realize that they’re capable of doing it, you make them want to believe that they actually can. Because I did, and I’m pretty sure your parents aren’t far from realizing that, too.”
You nibble your lips, unable to process this kind of information, so you focus on something else.
“For someone who’s too careful, seems pretty uncharacteristic of him to say it isn’t about making mistakes,” you frown.
“He’s been doing this for decades, ___. I'm pretty sure he’s already learned how not to make significant mistakes, but I'm also pretty sure he still does. He’s just good at not showing it, I mean, he shouldn’t, but he’d be sympathetic about it.”
“Are you my boyfriend or are you his son?” You giggle, but finding comfort, in a way, that your own father confides in Jungkook. There’s something heartwarming, although a little nerve wracking, about the thought.
“Could be both,” he smirks. “But he was also honest with me that he was so angry when he found out about us. He was ready to ban us from seeing each other but that day at his office, when you fought for me the way you did, ready to shoulder the consequences of being with someone like me, he saw that you’re capable of doing that, of standing by your decision, even if he didn’t think it was the best one, but you did. And here we are.”
“Here we are,” you smile, feeling as if you haven’t done that in a long while.
“I know you’re scared to disappoint others - that’s why you always did what your parents said, why you never questioned people, why you allowed them to define you, question you. But you can’t forget about you, okay? You’re worth too much to just be your own afterthought.”
You want to cry again and kiss him, so you do both at the same time. He holds you while you do, and you feel his smile on your lips, and you end up smiling, too.
“I love you,” you whisper on his neck.
“I love you, too, angel,” he whispers back.
Your lips travel down to his semi-exposed chest, as he wears his zip-up black jacket and you’re suddenly tempted to see more. So you do.
He’ll always look sexy like this.
“I miss you so much and I want so badly to make love to you but I’m so tired from crying,” you pout, earning you a laugh.
“We have the whole day tomorrow, angel. Don’t worry. We’ll do all the lovemaking you want.”
He looks at you with soft eyes, and they’re ones you never want to be without. Especially on your hardest days, all you want is for those eyes to look back at you, telling you that everything will be okay. 
He cradles you in his arms as you both fall asleep, as if he wants to protect you from the whole world. And you know just as much - Jungkook will do everything to make sure he does.
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