#sorry I got very ramble-y here XD
azurethevampire · 2 years
Bigger on the Inside Out
Request: Yes, this one. 
A/N: I’m sorry, this is all I can do with this at the moment. I keep overthinking and changing stuff and I fear this will end up making even less sense if I don’t stop now. This was a fun challenge but I don’t want to be wrecking my brain for fics like this for a while, thank you very much XD Thank you @popfishjr for sending in this request and challenging me! I hope you can enjoy the result even a little bit!
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"Well, that was… different", you said. 
A glance next to you proved that the Doctor stared at the end credits of the movie you had just finished with a flabbergasted expression. The one when he always had on when he was trying to make sense of something that he didn't understand at first glance. 
"It's like the Teselecta", he mumbled. 
"The what?" You asked. 
Doctor waved his hand at you dismissively. "Just a robot from the future. Made by you humans actually. They made it in The Justice Department. Nasty people working there, they— what?" 
The Doctor stopped abruptly when you started grinning. 
"Oh", he said. "I'm rambling again, aren't I? Well, the short version then: the Teselecta are robots which miniaturized humans command, and it can change its appearance." 
Ah. You could see the comparison between the animated movie Inside Out and these Teselecta robots then. 
“Hmm, that movie made me think about this too much… like what about you then? You have all the memories of your past regenerations in your head, right? There must be so many emotions running through your head." 
The Doctor's expression turned thoughtful. The things his mind had… if you knew even half of it, got even a glimpse to his mind, to his memories… The Doctor would never allow that. It could be compared to the Endless Vortex he had seen as a child. 
Inside the Doctor’s mind, his internal headquarters had switched to alert as soon as they heard your words. 
“How on Gallifrey did the human child figure that out?” Doctor’s Anger sputtered after you had just said The Doctor’s mind must have so many emotions running through his head. Only, the Anger wasn’t the Anger of the Doctor’s current regeneration but rather one of his early ones. 
“Where did you come from?” Asked the Doctor’s current Disgust. “You aren’t supposed to be up here!” 
“Oh, will you two shut it?” Doctor’s Joy said as they watched your image. “Look at that kid! We’re so proud of them!” 
Like you had guessed, The Doctor’s mind’s headquarters still had an incarnation of his every past self. Usually, the past ones stayed put in their own corners, just observing, some of them commenting on things louder than the others. Some, the ones that the Doctor wished to forget - or had forgotten - were like ghosts. Of those headquarters only the emotion which most drove that regeneration’s personality forward remained. 
I did say the past regenerations emotions usually stayed put. There were times, when a previous Joy would get so happy about something that they intervened in the actions of the current emotions. Or sometimes a previous Anger or several would rise next to the current one, making the Doctor the most feared being in the universe. 
Your mind’s headquarters were buzzing after you and the Doctor watched the movie and you had started speculating on what the Doctor’s mind must look like. 
“The alien’s got that face again”, your Anger said. 
Your joy nodded. “Why is he making that face?” 
 “I think he’s proud of us”, said your Surprise, slamming a button. “He had that look when we saved that baby alien from getting shot by a Sontaran a while back.” 
A memory of said event was projected on your mind. 
Another hit of a button in your mind's headquarters and a warm feeling spread to your chest at the look the Doctor was now giving you. 
Feeling a sudden spark of mischief, you poked the Doctor on the arm. “You really are just a soft old man on the inside, aren’t you?” 
(Inside the Doctor’s headquarters his current Anger sputtered: “Did Y/N just call us old?!”, to which Sadness replied: “Well, they’re not wrong. We are old. Old and lonely…”)
“Yep”, the Doctor said, popping the p and reaching to ruffle your hair. “Bedtime for little time travellers”, he said. 
(“No we don’t want to go to bed yet” were the protests that could be heard inside your headquarters.) 
“Noo”, you protested. “I’m not tired!” 
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Ooh impulsive trio is actually a good name and I think it’s suits them with what I seen so far XD
Also listen I know everyone says Arlong Park is the best arc , and it’s completely true XD So far Arlong arc is the only one that has made me cry especially when Belmere died 😭 I was sobbing!!!
omg it’s the goat himself!!! BUGGY!!!🥰😍
ooh I really enjoyed this chapter ! Here you go Rollin have a 🍪 you really outdid yourself with this chapter 😊
I really enjoyed this chapter and honestly I to would pet Richie (and possibly catnap him when Mohji not looking 😅)
I wonder what’s Buggy relationship going to be with the reader or maybe I’m over thinking it when reader grab him and put his face near hers 👀🤔
will it rivals or something more or maybe Buggy wants to pull a shanks with the reader ?
shanks: What you got there?
buggy drinking a smoothie while Holding the reader: A smoothie.
I wonder will we see Luffy , Zoro and Nami point of view or will we see it later on in the story ~ I wonder XD
sorry for the ramble , I really like your creativity (also if you ever post a book tell us , and I’ll be the first one to buy it !) 💗 ^^
last thing to say , hope your doing ok and drinking plenty of and getting plenty of rest !
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Thank you for the cookie!
Arlong park is an emotional rollercoaster, especially when Luffy gave Nami his hat I'm still feeling that
Buggy is such a fun character, I can't wait to write for him more! I wouldn't say you're overthinking the interaction between Lucky and Buggy, maybe there is more to it? You'll find out eventually ;)
That is a hilarious mental image, but there's no way Buggy wouldn't be obnoxious as all hell about having an s/o. Like he would run up to Shanks, holding y/n up like simba and being all like "Look what I have! You don't have one of these now do you?!" And then runs away because he doesn't want Shanks cozying up to them.
While Lucky Break will only ever be from Lucky's pov, I do plan on doing a companion series that shows alternate pov's and what if scenarios for Lucky Break.
Funnily enough, I am actually working on a book right now! Well, I have like 3, but my focus is on one. I've wanted to be an author for basically my whole life, so I hope I can live up to that dream one day!
Thank you for the kind message, this was very sweet! ^^
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allydrabbles · 3 years
Bucky is very protective over his bedroom and doesn’t allow anyone in. One day he’s gone on a mission and y/n enters, they see how comfortable his bed looks and decide to lay down, they fall asleep! And Bucky returns to find them in his bed, they wake up, shocked and disoriented but also scared for their life as Bucky is staring at them. I’ll leave the ending up to you xD
His Space
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: nervous!reader but really just a whole bunch of fluff because he would never hurt our reader ❤️
A/N: Thank you for sending me requests! I’m slowly working through them all 🥰
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You knew it was a bad idea, entering Bucky’s space when you knew how protective he was of it, he had a lot of private journals scattered over his desk and he definitely didn’t want people to read them. But you entered the sacred space anyway.
He dared anyone to enter, promising them a hard time if he ever caught anyone sneaking around in his room. But you couldn’t help the curiosity, it got the better of you.
You didn’t enter his room with the intention of reading his journals or snooping through his drawers. You just missed him and you just longed to smell his sandalwood scent once again.
His Henley was laying on the bed, you picked it up and brought the shirt to your nose, taking in a deep breath and sighing. You hugged the Henley close to your chest, looking over the comfortable looking bed - you knew Bucky was given only the best and expensive bed because Steve had a similar bed.
You looked over your shoulder and bit your lip, this was definitely a bad idea but you just had to feel how soft the mattress was. And besides… Bucky wasn’t due home until tomorrow. He would never know.
The mattress felt like a marshmallow under your weight. So soft and so comfortable that you couldn’t help the soft whimper that fell from your lips as you laid down, stretching your legs out and nestling against his pillow. You closed your eyes for a second, willing yourself to keep awake only it didn’t work…
A loud thud jolted you awake, dazed and confused about where you were - you blinked a couple of times to get your bearings. Right. Bucky’s room, Bucky’s bed and Bucky— uh oh. Bucky. The super soldier was leaning against his closet with his arms folded. Your eyes widened, your heart thundering in your chest from what he’s going to do with you. You were never supposed to get caught.
“I am sooo sorry.” You stammered, putting his Henley - that you didn’t realize you had been hugging the entire time - down on the bed and stood up slowly. Bucky shook his head and walked towards you. He gently pressed against your shoulders, pushing you back down on the bed.
“It’s okay doll. I trust you so I know you wouldn’t look through my things.” He sighed, sitting next to you on the bed. “Why were you in here though?” His question wasn’t because he was annoyed that you were asleep on his bed, he was genuinely curious.
And you felt like he deserved to know the truth. “I just- I just kind of missed you around here and then I saw your Henley and I sat down on your bed for just a second…” you rambled, feeling ashamed. “I really am sorry. I feel so embarrassed.”
“Well like I said, I trust you so don’t feel embarrassed.” He soothed your racing mind by stroking your cheek.
“You’re- you’re not mad?” You bit your lip. His thumb pulled your lip from between your teeth and smiled.
“Of course not. You looked really adorable. I’ve just got back from a mission, wanna be my new nap buddy?” He winks, standing up to remove his tactical gear.
Nap buddy? How could you say no to such an offer? You of course didn’t.
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justfangirlthingies · 4 years
Caught my eye (Corpse Husband x reader)
Soulmate AU: In which everyone has one eye in their own eye colour and one in the colour of their soulmate. However, when you are close to meeting each other, your vision will change to the soulmate's one, letting you know you are close. When your eyes meet they will change their colour to their original eye colour.
Word count: 4189 words
Warnings: cursing because that is automatically given when writing about Corpse
Another Soulmate AU from my Wattpad account let's go!
Staring into the camera were a pair of, colourwise mismatched, eyes, one iris a deep brown and the other one a shimmering (e/c).
It was not unusual for someone to have two different eye colours in one set of eyes, it simply meant one had yet to find their significant other.
Pressing record on your camera you let your eyes stay right in front of the lens for a second before rolling backwards on your chair, your torso now in frame as well "Hello all of you beautiful individuals! I'm (y/yt/n) and as always I welcome you here!" You waved at your camera, a warm and welcoming smile gracing your lips. "In case this is your first time stumbling over this channel" you paused a second and giggled "Hi, welcome to this chaos!" Slowly you neared the camera again "Leave while you still can" you whisper shouted into your microphone.
"No hold on don't leave please! I was just kidding" You joked at your camera.
A happy sigh escaped your mouth as you leaned back in your chair "Today is q & a time isn't it?" You wiggled your eyebrows at the blinking light in front of you "Well let's get to it then...hmm...lemme see. Youtubetrash asks 'how old are you (Y/n)?' Do you always have to ask that question guys?" You scold playfully "I'm 19, but I really don't get why this is so important to you that I have to answer it in every video, like do you want to know the exact amount of days and minutes? Will you stop asking it every goddamn time then?" You chuckled as you ran a hand through your (h/l), (h/c) hair. "Right, next question! SusanIsAFish wants to know which eye colour my own is. I can easily answer that with either 'both are' or 'hell if I know' I've always had two eye colours like how am I supposed to know." A grin spread on your face as you continued to interact with your community's questions...
"Alright alright these are the last two questions guys. Nightmaresscareme...honestly same" you laughed as you read the users name out aloud. When you calmed down again you cleared your throat and continued "Ahem, anyways they wanna know if I found my soulmate already and who it is....Do I look like I found my soulmate?" You asked smiling as you approached the recording device once again and pointed a finger at each eye. "I have no Idea who it is but maybe you find whoever it is because all of you people are little Sherlock's I swear, you find out everything." Laughter erupted from your throat once again as you pointed at your camera.
"Last but not least, (y/n)stan asks 'when will you collab with Jack again? The two of you promised to make a video or something together?' Woah calm down, honestly I don't even think he remembers that, it was years ago. How do you even remember that (y/n)stan? I swear to god that's exactly what I meant with ya'll being Sherlock's." You wiggled your eyebrows again "But if you do remember, Seán and you magically happen to see this video. What happened to our collab plans dude?" You giggled "Alrighty guys that's it for today's video. Stay awesome my dudes, dudettes and in betweens and I'll see ya in the next one!" You winked and waved before stopping your recording and going straight to editing your video.
Just as you were about to upload your piece of work, your phone rang, scaring you in the process and causing you to delete your video. You groan in frustration holding your head in your palms.
"This better be important..." you mumbled to yourself as you went to check your phone. Seriously?! It was a Twitter notification. You sighed and ignored it for now, saving your video was a priority right now.
After hours of retrieving and re-editing your footage you finally uploaded the video to the worldwide known platform and picked up your phone to see what Twitter wanted from you.
As you opened the app you saw that it was a private message from none other than Jacksepticeye. What a freaking coincidence you thought, a smile now appearing on your face as you read the message. All your frustration was gone and instead replaced with confusion and laughter.  "What kind of message is that?" You muttered as you shook your head laughing.
Hey (Y/n) what colours are your eyes again?
What kinda question is that? Lmao
Just answer my question dum dum :)
A raven haired male was on a discord call with his online friend that he had just revealed his face to. "Jack what are you doing now?" The young man laughed at his friend.
"Hold on, I'm texting someone."
The dark haired man sighed and waited "that's not very polite you know" he smiled.
"Pschh I'm finding your soulmate, what's impolite about that?" The Irish man looked up from his phone and back at his Computer screen. Only to start laughing at the other's reaction.
"Corpse? You good?" He kept on laughing at the dumbfounded expression on Corpse's face.
Who as a reaction turned off his camera, suddenly feeling very insecure towards his friend again.
"What do you mean?" His deep voice asked cautious.
"Don't worry man I'm not leaking your face or any info to anyone" he smiled reassuringly. "Your eyes just reminded me of someone else with the same or very similar ones. At least I hope I remember their eye colours correctly" He rambled on.
"Oh..." came from the other line, which was now more quiet than usual.
Seán noticed the change in his friend's behaviour and immediately stopped what he was doing. "I'm sorry Corpse..." the Irishman scratched bis neck awkwardly "I should've asked you first"
"I-it's fine. I just can't imagine anyone wanting to be my soulmate" the male sighed.
His friend flashed an encouraging smile at the screen "Dude! Anyone would be happy to be your soulmate. I know I would be! You are great, I know you probably don't believe me but I mean it bud. Besides, your soulmate is your other half, it's like they were made for you"
One could hear a sigh coming from the black screen as Corpse turned his camera back on, his pink tinted cheeks now showing up on screen as well. He had put his eye-patch on, leaving only his brown eye visible. "And you're really sure?" He asked quietly.
"100% sure! Anyone with half a brain would know how lovable you are" the blue eyed male grinned. "Besides, the person I'm thinking of also has a YouTube channel, I think I still owe them a collab, sooo I could maybe invite them to play some kind of-"
He cut himself off. "They answered!"
Well they're like brown and (e/c), it's such a weird mix though.
Hey (Y/n), how about we do that collab? You could fly out and we meet up
You still remember that? XD
Yeah sure I'd love that, I just had someone ask me about that collab today.
But seriously dude why are my eyes interesting to you all of a sudden? You found my soulmate or smth 🧐😂
So when are you coming?
You literally just asked me if I even wanna come! Like come on, you think I've booked a flight already? Just like 10 minutes after you asked me to travel there?
As a matter of fact I don't just think so, I know it ;)
So when do I have the honors of picking your jet-lagged ass up at the airport?
This weekend
Time skip
A happy sigh escaped your lips as you felt the plane reaching the ground of its destination. You swiftly grabbed your bag and left the plane to get the rest of your luggage.
A yawn escaped your mouth as you grabbed your stuff, staying awake during the whole flight probably wasn't your best idea, but you couldn't help it. To you it was simply impossible to fall asleep on a journey by plane.
Your eyes skimmed the airport as you were searching for your friend.
After a few minutes of looking around you decided to sit down and wait, he was probably still on his way to the airport.
Just as you decided to open up your phone you got smacked in the face... With a balloon? "What the hell?" You whispered as you were pulled up from your seat and embraced. "(Y/N)! Hey! I haven't seen you in forever"
You looked up a little confused as you reciprocated the hug. "Well hello to you too Seán"
He chuckled and grabbed one of your bags before dragging you with him. "How can you be so motivated and energetic?" You giggled and tried to keep up with your Irish friend. "That (Y/n), is simply because I'm not sleep deprived like you"
Setting up his stream was a curly haired nervous mess. He was always nervous when he had to stream. But today was somehow worse.
The half Mexican ran his fingers through his hair. It was just a game with friends right? However, he had never played this game before.
His nerves getting to him caused Corpse to cancel the idea of a stream. "I'll just be there and play along, that's fine too. I don't need to stream every time I'm playing a game with my friends..." he muttered to himself.
With a bottle of water beside him he started the game and went through the tutorial. "Man this game is fucking cute" he laughed before joining the discord call, just to be engulfed in a complete chaos of voices.
"Hey Corpse is here! Hi hi!" A Swedish voice boomed through his headphones along with the rest of the group greeting him. "Hey guys" he replied as he joined their server in the game. "So what are we doing? Why is no one starti-" the deep voice started but was cut of by someone else.
"HOLY FUCKING- Who the hell was that?! Hello by the way" The whole call erupted in laughter at the reaction of the (h/c) haired individual.
"Uhh hi, that was me" Corpse answered laughing as he scratched his head nervously "and you also just answered my question for me thank you, whoever you are" Everyone laughed once again.
"Okay but seriously who are you?" Dave asked.
"Jack! You said you told em that I'd join" you huffed as you glanced At your friend next to you, you were sharing one discord account for this call as you sat right next to each other and didn't want the quality of the call to go down because of an echo. Both of you streamed online on twitch.
"Whoops! I thought I did" he chuckled once more as he introduced you to the party. "Well then..." he coughed in an attempt to clear his throat "Drum-roll please! this is (Y/n), they came to visit me this weekend. (Y/n), that's Dave, Felix, Joel, PJ and Corpse."
"Hi" you said suddenly a little nervous because you thought everyone knew you'd join.
Luckily no one seemed to mind that you were here as they greeted you. In fact, they seemed ecstatic to meet you.
"So have any of you not played this before?" Pewds asked the group. "Uh yeah, me" Yours and the deep voice said simultaneously. "But I did the tutorial" Corpse added. "Well I didn't" you laughed. "Great then we're all set, shame on you though (Y/n)!" Seán shouted.
"Jeez man, you told me to skip it and I can hear you! I'm right next to you and not deaf in case you didn't know" you sassed back, causing laughter to bounce through your headset once more.
"(Y/n) and Corpse you two haven't played before that means you count as one person for the group things cause both of you are noobs and if you count as one we have even team numbers" The swede joked.
"We're the Meowfia" Jack laughed, starting off with his puns for this game.
(Y/n) snorted at that as everyone chose the animals of their teams. Corpse chose the cat with an eye-patch along with his team. "Maan this is peer pressure!" Your voice called out "lucky for me I like cats"
"That is the truth" the Irish voice boomed through the call once again, "I mean you should see, even their headphones have cat ears"
"I wanna see that!" Dave shouted.
"Can we see them in your cam Jack?" PJ asked.
"Not completely, they're streaming on Twitch though, its at (Y/YT/N) on Twitch and YouTube" Seán smiled as he pat your back.
"You can't just expose me like that!" The cute voice answered panicking.
"I gotta see that, hold on!" Felix shouted as he opened up your stream smirking as he followed you. "Corpse, they'll ruin your life" he continued as your cheeks flushed a bright red, suddenly feeling so exposed and put on the spot "why...why am I ruining his life?" You asked, cocking an eyebrow.
Corpse had also opened up your account as he stared in awe at the enchanting individual now on his computer screen. Were you the one Jack had meant? No it couldn't be.
"Well you see, he wrote a song about cat girls ruining his life. Right Corpse?" This statement made him come back to reality and quite flustered at that "Huh? What-  ...ohhh uhm- uh- yeah" he responded in a stutter, the pale skin of his cheeks heating up and turning red.
"Corpse are you alright?" you asked, concern not only laced in your voice but also written all over your face, which he saw. This whole ordeal just made him blush more. There was a short pause "...Yeah.." the raven haired responded. But not even a second later a laugh erupted in the call "Did we just catch you right handed?" The voice belonged to Dave. "What do you mean?" Corpse asked confused. While he waited for a response from his friend, he started fiddling with his rings as he kept his eyes on (Y/N)'s stream which was still pulled up on his screen. "Well, did we catch you watching her stream?" Dave replied trying to hold in his laughter.
Your expression changed as your eyes went wide and you looked right at your camera "Is that true?" Your voice chimed in as a hint of pink spread across your cheeks, one of your eyebrows arched. "Well..." The man with the username 'CORPSE' cleared his throat "I had to see if Jack and Felix were speaking the truth..."
A smirk spread across your face "And? Were they honest?" you laughed as your Irish companion moved his face into the frame of your camera wiggling his eyebrows. The only answer you got to your question was silence before the deep voice continued "Alright let's start this game." Yet another laugh escaped your throat when you noticed the lack of a reply to your question. However, one could say that silence was an answer on its own.
The young guy sighed loudly after the game had ended, rolling back, away from his table, in his gaming chair he ran his hands through his curly hair. The game was fun, but it was exhausting for the man to concentrate on a game this long. Just as he was about to get up, turn all devices off and leave, he heard a familiar sound coming from his computer screen.
A discord call and video call at that was incoming from none other that Jacksepticeye. So, Corpse rolled forward in his chair again as he checked if his camera was turned off and covered. After reassuring himself that his face was hidden he accepted the call. "Hey whaddup?" He greeted his loud friend who immediately responded with a "Hey my man". His mismatched eyes widened as he looked at the screen, it was not only Jack on the call...they were there as well, a shy smile plastered on their face as they kept their eyes closed "Hey Corpse, tell me when your camera is off. Sean told me it might be on and I don't want you to accidentally expose yourself to me." "Oh yeah, it's off. You can open your eyes it's fine." Just as he finished his sentence their eyelids slowly fluttered open as they stared at the black screen and waved. There was no way to describe the feeling that went through him as he admired you in awe. He seemed starstruck and without thinking he blurted out "You have to visit San Diego sometime, but like soon"
Your eyes widened slightly not knowing how to respond to that "Umm...yeah I dunno, maybe someday?" Jack gasped dramatically "You never invited me over even though I'm the one you trusted enough to show your face to!"
Yet another time today, the male behind the black screen felt a blush grow on his face. "Well i-it's your fault for introducing me to your friend. And umm sorry if I was a bit too blunt there" He stuttered. "No it's fine. I'm a very spontaneous person ya know." You replied an embarrassed smile gracing your lips once more "But you could be a killer for all I know...sorry you probably hear that one a lot haha. Also, would you even be comfortable enough to meet up..." slowly you started drifting off with what you were saying. As soon as you realized you were trailing off of the topic at hand, you tried to get back to the conversation "ahem.. yeah, anyways as I was saying...someday sure. I mean...I am traveling around at the moment because I flew to Brighton. Maybe you know, we could get to know each other a bit better first" you smiled nervously as you replied.
"Ah yes...of course. Though I do have a question for you Seán. Is (Y/n) the one we spoke of a few days ago?" came back as a reply. He had a plan to gain their trust if they really were his suspected soulmate. The man next to (Y/n) nodded and gave a wink to the camera they used for the call. This action just confused you even more and it must have shown on your face because your loud friend started laughing at you. "Don't worry it was nothing bad" Jack reassured. "Hold on, is this about the random-" there was a lot of shuffling coming from the black screen. The noise had startled you a bit, causing you to stop mid sentence. "the random question about my eyes?" You continued your question, looking at that Irish friend of yours, but you didn't get a reply for there was another loud noise coming from Corpse's side of the screen. You shifted your attention back to the screen in front of you again just to be met with more shuffling and a sudden colour change of the screen. Your eyes widened as you saw a face only briefly for a split second before your vision suddenly changed. You looked around to see an unfamiliar room and as you saw the sight before your eyes you felt as though they were going to pop out of their sockets at any moment.
No fucking way...
"Holy shit" you heard the words leave both your mouths. You just stared at the screen in front of you to see yourself, who apparently sat on the other side of the screen next to Seán. And you also saw the live view of a young man with black curly hair, dressed in black in a small window of the computer. You felt really dizzy all of a sudden and the light before your eyes went black briefly before returning to more used surroundings again.
Realisation dawned on you as you blinked a few times and spoke aloud "I-I just imagined that right? There's no way. C-Corpse you didn't happen to experience that right now, did-did you?"
"Holy fuck..." you heard a low mutter coming from the speakers.
Jack looked at you, eyebrows raised in confusion for a second before realization dawned on him and a knowing smirk appeared on his face as he shouted "CALLED IT!"
The two of you could not yet comprehend what was happening, let alone listen and realize what your mutual friend had to say.
After a few minutes of complete silence you tore your eyes away from the pen on Jack's desk, which had become the most interesting thing and perfect staring partner for the past minutes and shifted your gaze back to the young raven-haired individual before you, a small smile and a huge blush grazing your facial features as you spoke up, voice quiet and soft, but also full of nervousness "soo...umm...Corpse, are you gonna give me that address in San Diego?"
The question stood in the room for a few moments as silence engulfed you once again. Corpse's expression on his bright red face however, showed he was pondering."Y-yeah of course...sure...I-I'll text it to you if you give me that number of yours..." Then there was a pause. "Whe-When can I expect you then?"
This time it was your turn to think. "How about directly when you leave Brighton?" Jack chimed in. "But th-that's like in two days..." you stuttered in response. It was a nice idea and you did feel a pull to meet this handsome stranger as soon as possible. "Well yeah, that's the point is it not? I already checked for flights while you two where staring off somewhere....Sooo? Should I buy the ticket real quick? You can thank me later." Your mismatching eyes kept switching your gaze from your friend who had made this crazy suggestion and your apparent soulmate who now wore an eyepatch and was watching you expectantly while patiently awaiting your answer. A small sigh left your lips as you made your decision. When you tried to verbally answer though, your voice had left you, so you made eye-contact with the man also known as Corpse Husband, who had trusted you enough to reveal his face to you, and just gave him a small nod. He seemed to understand and gave you a reassuring smile.
"It's final then?" Seán, who had watched this whole ordeal unfold asked smiling happily as you just nodded once again "Y-yeah"
Two days later you found yourself on yet another plane ride, but this time it was not to England, nor was its destination your home. You sat on your seat in silence, music which you couldn't concentrate on, blasting through your headphones while you  twiddled with your fingers, bouncing your leg up and down quickly. What were you gonna say? He would pick you up outside of the airport in order to avoid bumping into things when the view-switching-thing would happen.
Meanwhile, the faceless YouTuber had finished tidying up his apartment and prepared everything for your arrival. He would be lying if he said he didn't look you up on the socials to learn more about you.
About half an hour before the plane would land he drove off to your designated meeting spot. He arrived there 10 minutes early so he could mentally prepare himself. About 5 minutes later he put on his black face mask and exited his car. At first he was gonna wait for you here, but his nerves and heart got the better of him, so he made his way closer inside the airport building to meet you halfway. What he didn't know was that your plane would land early. So, as he made his way through the people, which was way out of his comfort zone already, he started to see black dots clouding his view, but suddenly he came from the other side. Oh no. The body kept walking until he saw himself in the crowd.
Your eyes met as you tried to navigate through the crowd of people, it was hard as you had to control your own body somehow even though you could only see what your soulmate would usually see. Finally you had gotten somewhat closer to one another and as you came to a halt, your bodies mere inches apart as your eyesight returned to your own again. You looked up at the man in front of you in awe. Your eyes were fixated on his as you noticed the (e/c) in his one eye fade away, just to be replaced by this beautiful shade of brown that was in his other eye. The colour you knew so well because you had seen it in the mirror in one of your own eyes everyday. "Your eyes" you whispered. He smiled in return "yours too..it's nice to meet you (Y/n). My soulmate. You are even more dazzling in person" he complimented. "I can't say anything else besides the same applies to you" You smiled in return as your face went red. "Well then...Shall we?" he grinned as he took one of your backpacks and started walking. "Hey! Wait up!" You laughed as you ran to catch up to your soulmate...
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dbphantom · 3 years
Rewatched Assault on Abysus again for like the 5th time because I cannot get enough of That Scene and man. The cup bit really got me this go around.
Like sure I went on a thirty minute rant about the drawing because oh my god my heart that poor kids dream got turned into a living nightmare because of course the event couldn't stop taking things from him even 5 years after it happened, it just had to corrupt this memory with his father as well
... anyway
Okay I'm gonna sound like I've absolutely lost my marbles but the cup is most definitely a story thing and it causes me so much emotional pain every time I see that bit bc I overthink everything
Okay. When Rex rights that coffee cup, him doing that means absolutely nothing to everyone else- nobody is there anymore and it will never be used again, so ultimately the action itself is pointless, but he still does it anyway. for one, is that not a reoccuring theme of the show, Rex curing one person at a time trying to save the world and fighting a losing battle, like they had a whole episode that season dedicated to that exact thing courtesy of black knight: who cares if you fix one thing? Everything else is broken around you. But Rex still does it anyway.
It's knocked over in the panic of evacuation and nobody gives a shit because they're all concerned about their own lives but here this kid is righting it anyway 5 years later, like is that meant to be a metaphor for when someone goes EVO and Rex goes to cure them even though while it's happening 10 more people have turned and he's fighting a losing battle but he's still trying even if 'in the grand scheme of things' it is pointless. sure the world is fucked and ten more people changed while he was busy, but he still saved one person. Someone's family or friend. The lab is messed up and permanently destroyed by the event and never returning to its former glory, but he still fixes this cup in his father's office anyway
So the thing is its not actually a pointless action. Because that office meant something to someone at some point. Even if he can't remember it beyond those flashes he gets, clearly it meant something to him as a kid. and I think that loops back around to episode two where he realizes he was the one hurting this kid's priest and how he doesn't want to be the bad guy by harming someone the kid treasures. So when he fixes that stupid knocked over cup it's almost like he's doing it for his past self. The little kid that had all those good memories of his father in that room. It feels very much like he's in a trance state simply Remembering things he had done in that place, if only for a brief moment, and fixes it because it's important that he does, because he knows it's out of place and it'd be wrong to leave it there like that despite everything because who wants to leave a place that important to someone a mess and I don't know I just aaaaahg it makes me feel emotions o k a y I'm sorry I'm not eloquent enough to really express what makes me love that single clip so much I JUST DO
But yeah it's probably just there to show a comparison between modern day and the Event taking place XD It still gives me chills when it cuts to the sirens blaring and people screaming. Now, Rex screaming in pain (???) when asked to identify himself before getting the nanite? that scene really deserves its own ramble post lol
Here, have these memes I made for my genrex group chat as a token of my appreciation for actually reading this lmao
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
Call me the flash because of how fast I’m asking this! XD
Anyways, how do you think the boys would all react to a MC who HATES Valentines Day because their former boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other dumped them on Valentine’s Day?
Damn we got a speedster over here! Someone call the justice League, you're missing a super XD
As someone who just generally dislikes valentine's I feel like this will go very well~ though seeing as alot of my prompts are the boys and them are already in a relationship - I decided to add abit of ✨ oof✨ to this prompt
Not a big Valentine times day fan either
Ever since the Devildom was introduced to the holiday he wasn't a fan
There was no such thing as love in the air
But then you came into his house; he still finds it stupid and doesn't get the hype but having you around makes me him wonder if he should do something
When he found out you hated valentine's Day he felt relieved
But because it was because of a past lover???
He sees this as a challenge; you really think he's going to just brush this off?
When valentine comes you are greeted to roses, chocolates, wine and a fully prepared meal for you two
"Is this fitting enough for the holiday? I heard people tend to go overboard these days."
"You know I didn't want to celebrate today-"
You frowned, slowly coming to sit with him at his desk which has been turned into a makeshift table with cloth covering it
"And let some mortal spoil such an occasion even with your present partner? Think of this as your first steps of Getting over them."
"I'm mortal, Lucifer, don't say it like it's something insulting."
He jabbed his fork at you, raising a brow
"You're avoiding my point, don't you wish to move on?"
"I- of course....I'm happy with you."
"Then dig in, I made it myself."
You huffed, digging In but soon found yourself wrapped up in how delicious it was
He raised his wine glass to you, silently gesturing for you to do the same
"To a new meaning to valentine's."
You hesitated but repeated his words
Your glasses clinked and that was the first sign of your relationship becoming stronger
Active lover of the holiday and celebrates every year - couples want gifts and he can get money aswell as the fact he's a romantic
So when he found out you hated valentine's; he had to change that even when he found out why - that reason just made him annoyed that you were still hating on the holiday
"yo! Yo! Yo! Guess who just got money~ this guy so that means I'm treating ya!"
"oh? How comes?"
"It's valentine's! And you're the person I'm spending it with!"
"you know I hate it-"
He huffed, puffing out his cheeks
"And I'm going to make you stop hating it, was that ex of yours really so important you don't wanna spend valentine's with me?"
"It's complicated, I just really hate it now, it's attached to bad memories-"
"then let's change that! Make some good memories so you can stop being a grump on the day of love."
He grabbed your hands, giving you puppy eyes
You were utterly helpless to them and let him take you out
He stole a heart balloon and tied it to your wrist, doing your initials on it in Sharpie with a 'x' between them
He did definitely treat you; buying you chocolates, a teddy bear, the two of you matching keychains and many other items
You let yourself be happy as he got excited, dragging you around to every shop either of you looked at, wanting to get more matching stuff
He definitely made your valentine's a positive one
Hated it
His reason was because he was always alone for them, never getting anything and ending up never giving anyone anything because he believes they'll hate it
He felt Insecure that you seemed to still be attached to the breakup of your ex
Fearing that you could be missing them
You both spent valentine's as a couple but mocking and booing at others
At one point you threw Chocolates you didn't like at a overly touchy demon couples from a window
"Do you still think about them....?"
"Your ex, you're not over your breakup with them and we've been spending Valentines being bitter."
"I thought you enjoyed being bitter about it."
"I do but could you answer my questions, please - I know I'm not much and I'm sure they were so much better than me but maybe we could spend a little bit of valentine's together as you know....a celebrating coup-couple."
He was completely blushing, hiding his face behind his arm hoping his rambling didn't completely ruin your feelings towards him
"If you really want to, I don't have any feelings for my ex and it's just that reflection that sticks with me but, I wanna try if it'll make you feel more secure."
You guys ended up watching 'normie' movies, cuddled in his bathtub bed eating what was left your chocolates
You kissed his jaw and he immediately stopped functioning
You smiled, holding him closer
Perhaps valentine's can be a good time
Casual valentine's man
Doesn't really care for the holiday and only has spent it with his brothers
He's use to just giving his brothers a small gift and never have a partner to spend it with
But things were different now and sadly, you hated the holiday
He respected your reason why but he felt worried that you were fully over your ex as you still let the holiday be ruined for you
He got you a small gift like he does his brother's
Wanting you to be apart of it but not doing anything big
"happy valentine's, I know you don't celebrate it but I thought you'd like the gift anyway."
"Satan....I didn't get you anything- Let's go out then, I'll treat you."
"I'll consider it a valentine's date."
Whilst he normally had a 'meh' feeling to it, he wanted to spend his first valentine's with you on a date
He just wants the experience and can say he's spend it with you
Even if it was a one time thing
"really Satan?"
"Let's spend this one together and be happy, next year we can go destory things and let out our anger towards the world."
That won you over, you agreed
You took him on a date
You both tried to ignore all the decorations everywhere but that was pretty hard, got lunch together and even walked around to see the new sights
You ended up in the park, staring to the horizon with confetti on your backs and Satan with a party hat
It was forced on him whilst you guys were out but he never got rid of it
"I liked today, maybe after we destory things we can go on another date next year?"
He LOVES love!
Nothing brings him more joy than valentine's
Aphrodisiacs are being sold EVERYWHERE
When he found you out hated it he was so upset, he wanted to spend it with you! His usual valentine's crew was nothing compared to you!
And you hated it because of an ex dumping you?!
"Noooooooo! (Y/N) don't let them ruin this for you, please, let's go on a cute picnic or even just stay in room if you don't want to go outside-"
If anyone saw asmo hugging your leg whilst you trudged down the halls, they definitely didn't say anything
"Let me spend today how I want!"
"what? Eat ice cream and get grumpy over someone you're not dating anymore?"
You frowned, knowing he was right
"why not spend it with your gorgeous boyfriend instead? Don't I shine up on your day?"
He had those Puppy eyes again
You finally stopped trying to get away from him, crouching down and cupping his face
"will you let go of my leg if I say yes?"
He nodded
As soon as he stood up you helped him straighten up his clothes, fixing his hair for him
"I'm sorry for dragging you around the house, I know I shouldn't be moping but it just really hurt."
"I know, darling but let's get through this together, we'll do whatever you want."
He was being honest; you were in charge of the whole day
You stayed in his room, having a romantic bath and then ate your feelings
After that you both went out and enjoyed dinner
Life really was happier with him; you decided you'll be doing with him more often
Mainly focuses on family valentine's
Has had to play a few sports game on the holiday and every player got a kiss and gift from a cheerleader
He liked the thought and always liked it when he was given food
But he wasn't interested in any of them
Or really the holiday itself, he always wants to share his love for the people around him
Why wait until some holiday to do it?
But when he finds out you hate valentine's and it's because of your ex
He considered fighting your ex
Doesn't want to force you to celebrate with him but wants to be able to do stuff with you
"Wanna go out to eat? They have valentine's day deals."
"i don't really feel like taking any part of it."
"I want to spend today with you and don't like seeing you being upset over the past."
"You just want to eat? No surprise dates or big deal about today?"
"no, just want to hang out with you."
He immediately took your hand, taking you to the restaurant he saw online
On the way we got you a magic rose
Handing it over for you to wear
But other than that he stuck to his word,just having eating out with you and didn't even talk about the holiday
You smiled but apart of you did feel bad you were going to stop something like this from having because of your ex
You felt the rose, looking up at him
"Want to take a couple's picture? They're doing it for couples celebrating today."
"we don't have to, you don't like today."
But you insisted, letting him pick you up for the picture and kissed his cheek
You were able to get the picture in different sizes and he put the small one in his wallet
From then on you planned to keep spending Valentines with beel
Absolutely disgusted by it
Will always tell anyone how much he hates it
But on the other hand, he watches romcoms and yells at the TV for the chatacters not understanding they love each other every valentine's
He's just trying to keep up his edgelord persona, okay
When he learned you hated valentine's he was happy
Means he didn't have to do anything
But it's because of your ex?? He's now going to be romantic as FUCK
You enter the attic expecting to find a chill place to rest but instead there are rose petals everywhere and belphie laying waiting for you
You expected something like this from asmo but you couldn't deny seeing your boyfriend try to be romantic whilst half asleep was pretty cute
"I have romcoms and violent horror movies, pick your flavour."
"what's with all this? You know my feelings about Valentine's."
"I'm not going to let some pathetic ex ruin this valentine's for us, so I'm romancing you - is it working?"
"I'm picking the horror movie."
You put the dvd in ignoring him
"That doesn't change the mood for me."
You should of known
You cuddled and watched as people got ripped open and blood went flying
Belphie wiggling his eyebrows at you whenever an couple came on
You just shoved his face laughing
You forgot your bitter feelings and looked down at your now asleep boyfriend
"thanks for today, maybe you can try again next year."
Thrilled by it all!
It's so heart warming to see love be so celebrated
Demons were always so violent and everything had to be edgy - he was tired of it
Was disappointed you hated it, he already had plans for the both of you
But after finding out the reason - it seems all his scheduling was back and the gifts became more grand
"Trust me, I'll change your mind on Valentines! We're together now and I want to treat you to a date."
"but why? I don't wanna take part-"
"We are going to get through your heartbreak together! I know things can still sting even when you feel over it, so let's just try."
You thought it over, nodding
He just grinned, taking you by the shoulder and led you to the royal carriage
You struggled to sit down when it was filled with gifts and flowers
They all had your name on them and immediately blushed
You should of known he'd go all out
He took you to see the Devildom at night, where all the lights covered the streets like stars
He set up a picnic in the park and you both ended up dancing in the water fountain
"I really enjoyed today, thank you."
He kissed your cheek, telling you not to worry
Isn't a fan of all the decorating and cleaning up that'll be involved when the day is over
But he gets time off to de-stress and that's always a plus
He was thankful you weren't a fan of Valentines but your ex? He might have to write them out of timelines
Understood you just had a sting from it all and was use to feeling that way
Was surprised when you were one to actually make the first move on Valentines
"I wanted to give you this, I don't want to celebrate but I thought this could be nice?"
It was a pocket watch with a hidden compartment, it had a picture of you and him
Good thing he also got you something; a locket with the same picture you have him
Was it an accident? On purpose? He'll never tell, he just knows it's your favourite picture of you two
"I see, then we won't celebrate it but I'm sure you would still be willing to accompany me in the gardens?"
Takes you on a boat ride across the lake even better as it's sunset and the water looks immaculate
Cooks you both dinner and you just spend the day as if it was any other
"I like spending Valentines with you."
"I would hope so or I would fail as your boyfriend."
"I wanna spend the next one with you properly."
"As you wish, I'll be sure to make it the best one you've ever experienced."
Forgets holidays
Always likes bringing up history facts about any holiday as he's seen them all evolve from one part of history to modern day
Pretends to not know how to celebrate it so people will try to explain it to him and end up not really knowing why they celebrate things
You hate Valentines? Doesn't care but it's because of your ex? That he doesn't get
"So you're still hurting from your past relationship that you don't want to spend valentine's with your boyfriend?"
"when you say it like that it sounds really bad."
"I'm not really up for celebrating so it makes no difference to me but I'm not sure I can accept you still letting them upset."
You sighted, knowing he was going to make up some sort of plan or trick
But instead he just kissed your hand
"let's go to the human world, I heard there's a traveling fairground."
You agreed to go, both of you making it there in seconds and of course everything was heart themed
You couldn't escape the love
It was actually really fun! There were bouncy castles, a Ferris wheel and lots of food stands
You were definitely willing to celebrate again if it was going to be like this
A day of love? It's Charming
Finds it amusing how people can much such a big deal out of it all
Though he thinks you should always be expressive of how much you love the people around you
So you hating it was an opposite to him but he was respectful
Knowing it was because of your ex made him displeased
Whilst very understanding, wanted to atleast improve your opinion on the holiday so you didn't associate it with them anymore
"Let's just do one couples related thing today then we can do whatever you please."
"but why? I should be allowed to dislike what I dislike."
"you're absolutely right but you're letting an ex ruin a whole day for you, don't you want to spend it with me?"
"of course I do! I'm just unsure."
He smiled, grasping your hands
"that's fine, we won't do anything big, just a fun date and then you're free to do as you please."
He was right, you didn't do anything big
Just went to a pottery class and you made all sorts of clay creations together
It was peaceful and there was no Valentines being forced down on you
You giggled when he showed you the clay heart he made
"we should make this our thing, valentine's we do things like this together."
He agreed, happy to make Valentines whatever you wanted it to be
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ushijima x fem!reader x kita | w.c 1.2k
a/n: omg ok so here’s my fic for the super cool + epic collab for my server ;)) i’m rlly nervous cus i’ve never written a. fic like this so pls don’t be mean!!!! but like pls leave a comment below <333 also don’t forget to follow me (or i’ll BITE U jk xD) omg omg ok and don’t forget to check out the other fics for this super epic hot collab <33333 right here kidnapped by hq !!!!!!
warnings: inane rambling, i literally did not proofread this i would take breaks and start again without checking what i wrote last so it’s defs not coherent
I was just ur every day kind of girl. Nothing special to anyone...not ev en myself. All i knew was wake up, brush my hair (and teeth obvi!!)  and go out and go to university and to my part time job as a waitress ina  diner where not a lot of people would go to. Anway today was one of those boring days, i woke up with my alarm blaring at 6:00 am because i have a class at 8:00 am… it’s my least favorite one too. But yeah so i got up super early and made myself apple cinnamon brown sugar oatmeal and black coffee bc i’m also kinda broke bc i ran away from home bc my parents were those snobby rich people and i didn’t wanty end up like that ya know? i put on a really simple outfit bc i was feeling lazy since i woke up late!
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(we need to bring back sillly bandz! they r so much fun!!) 
So i was walking to my early 8 oclock class all the way on the otherside of campus when suddenly ther e was a frisbee flying right at my face! I tried to dodge it but it still hit me right in the nose and i screamed so loud i didnt hear anything else but me screaming in really loud pain. 
“Are u ok??” i grab my nose in pain but it doesnt rlly feel broken or bleeding so i open my eyes that i didnt evern realized that i had close to see rlly gold eyes staring down at me. I scrunch up my eyebrows bc im confused bc he’s wearing overalls and a straw hat? Did i hit my head or something and am now seeing things?
“I’m ok do i know u?” i ask.. despite him looking weird in his farmer outfit he looked familiar so i had to ask.
“Sometimes i go to the diner u work at after im done at the farm bc there are good mochi waffles (a/n omg wait do they serve mochi waffles at dinners? I’ve only had it from  bakery xD)” he says with a really cool tone. I nod my head bc it makes sense. Before i can say thank you to him for asking how i am doing he grab my hand “please marry meand my cofarmer” 
“W-w-w-what??????” i yell my heart is pounding bc even though he is really super pretty i don’t eevn remember him ever being at the diner and like i remember a lot of my customers faces bc a lot of them come back a lot. 
“Marry us we will make u super happy pls it was love at first sight.” he says confidendtly (sp?) as he holds my hand tighter and tighter.
“I-i-i-i-i-i don’t even know ur name???” i whisper softly under my breath, “HOW can i marry u???”
“Shinsuke…..” a deep voice goes off behind me and i pull my hand out of his hand to look behind me, a big big BIG man stands there also wearing overalls and a straw hat and also a single wheat hanging from his kissable lips.
“Wakatoshi i have found the perfect housewife for us,, i have asked her to marry us.”
“But i’m just a normal girl from a normal world, how can i possible be apart of the world the two of you have made in the farm world?” the offer was amazing, the life of a housewife for these two perfect men that i’ve met by chance.
“She doesn’t havea choice the wedding is tonight ur marrying us.” the man who was called wakatoshi says with a very serious voice and facial expression. before i can ask hes suddenly pulling me to my feet and dragging me away.
“i have class!!” i say in protest as he continues to pull me towards a green tractor.
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“you don’t need education…do you know how to sweep and cook eggs? and maybe make butter?” shinsuke asks following behind as wakatoshi pulls me onto the tractor.
“of course i can make eggs! but why butter?”
“we live on a farm darlin’ ya gotta know how to make butter.” shinsuke says and i nod my head. it makes sense.
“i can’t just leave my life behind tho i’ve gotten this far all by myself” i sigh even tho i’m comfortably sitting in wakatoshis lap i can’t let myself fall victim to their charms!!! i’m independent !!!
“give it up already your ours now…..” wakatoshi says seriously. i pout. he can’t just talk to me like that. i’m not a kid! i go to unverisity and have a job!!! 
“it’s too late ur already wearing the engagement ring” i look down at my hand and gasp to see a beautiful ring on my finger.
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“this cant be real?” i shake my head my head.
“we already have your dress and the venue ready.”
“what?” the big grrrn tractor pulls up to a really pretty outdoor wedding venue. my jaw drops to see my entire family, even my parents waiting.
“go in there” wakatoshi points at a tent and i nod. i walk over and am immediately being changed by two guys who look the same?
“don’t worry we r gay.”
“and twins.”
“but not gay for each other bc that’d be illegal or something  and the author would get Cancelled™” it makes sense. i turn and look in the mirror and i gasp. i look beautiful. i may be an average girl but in this moment my velvet chestnut locks are curled to perfect perfection and the makeup isn’t too much or too little. these gay twins sure worked their magic!
i step out of the tent and look down the aisle to see my two farmer husbands looking handsome as ever (here’s what we look like teehee xD i know we look super cute!!) 
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“y/n, im sorry me and ur moms bitchy richness made u run away but please let me walk u down the aisle on ur wedding day.”
“hello my name is agayshi and i am also gay, and here to officiate your wedding.”
“wait ur gay too?”
“yeah i’m married to that guy over there in the wacky inflatable cars salesman suit but we’re both respectively fucjing one of those gay twins. any way. do you y/n y/m/n y/l/n take shinsuke canonical rice farmer and ushijima farmer au to be your lawfully wedded husbands?”
“i-“ i look between the two men. my dream wedding. my dream men. i look around at all my friends and family. i nod.
“yeah i do.”
“congrats you may kiss the bride” at the same time wakatoshi and shinsuke grab my head and manage to mash all 3 of our mouths together.
i’m just so happy.
….or so i thought.
i woke up, it all turned out to be a dream </3
(a/n: hey everyone sorry for the sad ending but like...r there rlly happy endings in real life?? soz i just think we need to get more realistic w our fanfics </3)
like. comment. subscribe for more awesomesauce fics like this ;) !!! 
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anon-rebel-writes · 3 years
Utterly In Love
I have no idea how this idea came to me. I got a bit of second-hand embarrassment writing this XD
Although this story is a bit strange, I hope you all enjoy it!
The story begins under the cut! Ao3 Link
Luka doesn’t regret this job. He’s doing this for Juleka’s birthday. He doesn’t feel embarrassed about this job! Why would Luka ever feel bad about this job? He needs the extra money for a gift, so he has no reason to complain.
Although Luka tried to tell himself that things could always be worse, he couldn’t help the feeling of regret that was bubbling inside his gut.
It seemed normal when he interviewed. The position listing was vague, but how bad could a job at an ice cream shop be? While he’d probably have to deal with the occasional upset customer, it didn’t seem like a job he couldn’t do. But then he got there on his first day and the owner handed him a costume.
A cow costume. A cow costume with pink spots. While that was bad enough, the cow was also supposedly ‘modest’, because it also wore a blue frilly apron with the shop logo on the front.
Luka had no regrets. He needed the extra money for Juleka’s gift. He was doing this for his sister, so he couldn’t be upset. Honestly, he had no one to blame but himself. He should’ve asked more questions about the job a little more during the interview.
Any shame he had could easily be hidden under the cow’s head, so he could suck it up for three hours a day. As long as he couldn’t be recognized, he had no reason to hold regret. The job wasn’t even bad! Although the heat of the sun was cooking him alive inside the pink cow of death, all he had to do was pass out samples. That wasn’t bad! That was easy!
At least that’s what he thought, until a certain blonde girl’s scream pierced his ears.
“OH MY GOSH! I LOVE YOUR COSTUME!” Rose quickly ran up to him and looked him over. She lunged herself into his arms, nearly knocking over the samples, and gave him a crushing hug.
“You’re so pretty! I love the pink on your fur! And your apron! You’re beautiful!”
Luka took a couple of deep breaths, trying to regain his composure. All he could do was nod at Rose. The last thing he wanted was for her to find out he was under the costume. Because with Rose finding out, that meant Juleka would find out. If Juleka found out, then she’d ask why he got a job dressing up like a cow.
The gift idea would be ruined and he would have to live through the embarrassment of Juleka teasing him daily. Which may or may not lead to a certain lady who had completely stolen his heart finding out. Which also may or may not lead to him dying of mortification.
So him keeping his mouth shut could save him from any of those scenarios.
“Rose! Please don’t harass the worker!” Then he heard that voice, that sweet, melodic voice that could only belong to one person.
Regret. Now Luka Couffaine could only feel regret.
Marinette, Juleka, and Alya finally caught up to Rose. “We’re so sorry about her! She just gets a little excited when she sees anything pink and cute.” ‘Oh my god, she just called me cute,’ the boy-cow thought.
After a bit of pulling and yanking, they finally managed to pry the pink girl off of the costume. But suddenly, Luka felt a lot more exposed. He tried to use the tray of samples to hide himself as he turned his gaze away from the pink girl who just got ripped from him. His eyes unconsciously wandered over to Marinette, who wore a simple pink dress with matching sandals. Her set of pigtails were now being held up with a matching pink ribbon. She looked so effortlessly put together.
If the heat of the sun and embarrassment didn’t kill him, seeing the girl of his dreams dressed so nicely surely will.
“Oh are these samples?” Luka finally managed to tear his gaze away from Marinette to look at Alya. She pointed right to the tray in his hands. He was about to answer before remembering what he was wearing. Instead, he held out the tray to silently offer it to the group.
Each girl took a cup and took a bite. He watched as each girl quietly hummed in content. But Marinette’s eyes shot up and she looked straight into the cow’s eyes. “Wow! This is delicious! It tastes just like blueberries!”
Alya and Juleka exchanged sly looks as they watched Marinette hurry to finish her cup. Alya stealthily put an arm around the girl’s shoulders and leaned into her. “Well, we all know how you feel about blueberries,” she teased.
Marinette lifted an eyebrow up at her and looked at the other girls in the group. Rose was squealing and bouncing in place while Juleka rolled her visible eye. “Gross. You haven’t seen him in a day and you’re already thinking about Luka again?”
While Marinette began to quickly defend herself, Luka’s brain felt like it shut off. Maybe he had been boiled inside the suit. He must be dead. This couldn’t actually be happening. His mouth was completely slack and his eyes were about as large as the cow’s.
“W-what?! No! Me and Luka? I mean- Luka and I? Never! He’s cool and interesting and dreamy and amazing and kind- I MEAN! Even if he is sweet and selfless and attractive- NOT ATTRACTIVE! I-”
Alya howled with laughter and clutched her stomach, interrupting Marinette’s rambling. Juleka let out a soft chuckle while Rose joined with her screams of joy. “Girl! You are SO into him.” Luka was barely listening now. His own heartbeat was ringing in his ears, beating abnormally fast, and Rose’s high pitched screaming didn’t help his focus.
His face was definitely flushed, at least this costume helped him hide it. He happened to glance at Marinette again. She had moved from under Alya’s arm and was now beet red. She looked at the ground wringing out her hands, but she had a slight smile on her face.
‘Wait. She’s not denying it. Oh my god. I did die, didn’t I?!’
“Oh! I have an idea!” Marinette met Rose’s eyes through her bangs while Alya and Juleka managed to stop laughing enough to face the pink girl. “You could ask Luka out! Ask him to come here with you! That way you don’t have to hunt down Andre’s cart and still share ice cream together! Plus they have a blueberry flavor! It’s so romantic!”
Juleka and Alya turned to Marinette with excitement painted across their faces. But Marinette could only pout and shake her head. “No, I think I already missed my chance with him. I didn’t return his feelings the first time; I doubt he’d give me a second chance now.”
The girls all let out a defeated sigh before it was interrupted. “You should ask him.”
Suddenly all four sets of eyes were staring at him. ‘Wait, did I say that? Why did I say that?!’ He turned his head to face Marinette. Her cheeks weren’t as red as before, but her mouth was agape as she looked back at him.
“What I meant was- Well, maybe he really wants to ask you out, but he also wanted to go at your own pace?” Suddenly the identity beneath the cow was clear and all the girls widened their eyes.
Before she could begin her over-thinking, Luka held up a hoof to stop her. “I have like, ten more minutes before I can de-cow. Do you think you’d wanna hang out afterwards? If everyone else is okay with it?”
Marinette whipped her head around to look at the other girls. Rose was clinging onto Juleka’s arm bouncing around with an ecstatic look on her face. Juleka shared a similar look, although it was a lot more reserved. Alya quickly waved her hands to let Marinette know it was okay.
With their approval, she turned back to the cow with a timid smile on her face. “That sounds perfect-” Rose let out another shriek and quickly pulled Marinette into the shop. Alya and Juleka shared a quick fist bump and then the former followed the other two inside.
Juleka looked at Luka before rolling her visible eye at him. “We’re talking about this when you get home,” she mumbled before also making her way inside.
Luka didn’t regret his job. Maybe he has a bit of disdain for the pink cow, but in the end he had no reason to feel negative about it anymore. After all, he had a date with a very cute girl afterwards thanks to the cow. So really, he was very pleased with his new job. It seemed like things were looking up. He didn’t even seem to mind the mild embarrassment he was feeling due to the costume.
Until Juleka came back outside and took pictures of him in said costume, for future blackmail.
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honeypirate · 4 years
Why You Should Never Eavesdrop
AHHH it’s my first ever Naruto fic!! Don’t hate me if it sucks
Kakashi x female reader.
I will soon branch out to write for like Genma and Izumo but I had to make my first fic for Kakashi since he was my first ever crush ever XD. I’m going to write a part two because this is a terrible place to end it. I just got excited and wanted to post this now lol
Naruto Masterlist
Of course you went after him. You wanted to see if everything was okay, he was your friend after all and you cared about him. But when you got lost in the trees looking for him, this was the last thing you expected.
You were a Jonin, masking your chakra was second nature and something you always did, which is why you were able to quietly and accidentally sneak up underneath them. Kakashi with his student, Sauske, in the tree, “you’re a little late to the game” you froze, should you run? Should you speak up? You held your breath so they wouldn’t hear you as you debated what you should do. You didn’t mean to eavesdrop but part of you was glad you were when you heard the words that came out his mouth next “everyone I care about is already dead”
You disappear quick after that, realizing it wasn’t a conversation you should be listening to. Also realizing that he didn’t think you were as close of friends as you did. You know about his past, his history, you know about it all, but you thought, stupidly, as you now realize, that you could be someone to him. “Ridiculous” you nutter to yourself as you take to the trees, running through them as far as you could go, far away from Kakashi.
Far as possible without leaving this village, was to the trees by the gate, it was always nice here, the clouds easier to see because it’s where there was the tallest tree and you loved to sit at the very top. You were disappointed in yourself, you were a shinobi for crying out loud! you never got so invested in your feelings before. You will not let your feelings interfere with your life. You needed to think and this was where you came when you needed space.
Kakashi didn’t even come in to your life until recently, you got back from a mission that lasted a few years, protection of a political family, now you were home after so long and just when you thought you’d be given a little time off, the Hokage told you he wanted you to be a sensei to some new young Genin. That’s what brought Kakashi into your life.
You knew him growing up, had mutual friends in the academy, but you’ve never talked to him directly. Until after one especially long day with your rowdy eleven year olds you decided to go get some ramen and de-stress. The only chair open was next to Kakashi at the bar, who wasn’t even eating anymore, he was reading his icha icha book while Naruto rambled on next to him about Sakura.
He knows when you arrived, felt you sit next to him, but he didn’t show any signs. He had a crush on you in school and when you were in ANBU at the same time, you never looked his way so he didn’t think you even knew about him. That was, until tonight.
You’re so fried right now, bags under your eyes from the missions you’ve been sent on and from teaching, plus, you don’t remember the last time you slept more than three hours a night. Given that, your filter when speaking to people is basically nonexistent.
You wait for your ramen to cool a little before eating it and your eyes wander over to the words on the page you can read over his shoulder. “This part was my favorite” you say “then the part at the end as well. Have you seen the poster for the new movie?” You ask and then turn your tired attention to your ramen, taking slow bites so you could enjoy it.
He’s glad his blush is hidden by his mask, “I’ve seen it” he says and you nod “I thought you would have. You’ve always loved those books” you say and then smile content with your ramen. “It looks like it’s going to be good” you say and he nods.
When you finish your meal you turn in your stool towards him, Naruto has been distracted by someone else he knows and so you’re not interrupting anything, “i liked that book the best” you say and push your empty bowl forward, leaning your elbow on the table and leaning your head on your hand to smile at him. You talked together about icha icha books and the movies, sharing your favorite parts and ways you thought it could be better. You talk so long that by the time you leave Naruto had already left.
He wouldn’t lie about the fact that your smile always made his heart race, no, he wouldn’t lie, but he wouldn’t tell the truth, either, if he was ever asked about it. “Goodnight y/n” he says and does his cute closed eye thing where you can tell he’s smiling. You feel your cheeks warm up in a blush but you don’t look away you place your money on the counter before hopping off from your stool “I’ll see you around Kakashi” you say and shove your hands in the pockets of your pants and walk out of the shop.
He watched you leave, a curious smile on his lips under his mask, you surprised him today and now he’s curious to know more about you. After that you somehow ran in to him every time you had ramen, and you talked every time for sometimes hours, before you knew it you grew close with him. You trusted him and believed he felt similarly to you.
It’s been a year since then, you felt like he was a good friend now and didn’t even consider it wouldn’t be the same for him. You were both called into the Hokage’s office for a mission together, you were hyped, it was going to be easy peasy, you’ll be back in three months and you’ll have more time with Kakashi. You were walking back home when you saw the fight on the roof of the hospital which led you to wanting to find Kakashi since you knew how he felt about his students, which led to you here, now in the tree tops, trying to get over your feelings and hide them like a true shinobi.
“There you are” a voice said behind you, a voice you knew well, “here I am” you said and made your face neutral before you turned around to look at him. “What’s going on?” You ask and meet his eye, tilting your head a little. You wanted to pretend nothing was wrong and act normal but you felt cold. Inside and out.
“We’re supposed to be leaving tonight?” He says and furrows his eyebrows. “Shit. I’m sorry Kakashi I lost track of time. Give me five minutes I just need to grab my pack” you say before disappearing, running back to your house to grab your bag that’s already been prepared, cursing under your breath for being so stupid for a second time today.
You’re glad that he’s never made you feel like you have to talk, you can run though the trees with him in silence and not be awkward. “Did you hear me? Y/n?” You finally realized he was talking to you and you looked over at him “what was that?” You said and he came to a stop, you following suit and stopping next to him. “I said we should stop for the night. We’ve been going for hours now. it’s probably after two am” he says and you nod “sounds good” he knows something is off but doesn’t press it “there should be a cave up ahead we can stay in” he says and takes off, you right behind him.
“I’ll take the first guard shift. Get some rest” you say as you finish setting up your bed, standing up and walking over to the entrance of the cave, the whole time not really even paying attention to Kakashi or anything he’s saying, if he’s even said anything you don’t really know. You sit at the entrance, your back to him as you keep your mind aware of everything out in the woods and unaware of the man behind you who’s staring at your back, the book in his hand forgotten about, as he keeps wondering why you’re acting weird.
After your guard shift is over you quietly make your way over next to where he’s sleeping, you place your hand on his shoulder and he wakes up instantly, his eye looking into yours. His hand reaches up to grab yours that’s still on his shoulder “oh sorry” you say and try to take it away but he doesn’t move his hand. You look back into his eye and raise your eyebrows, wondering what he was thinking, wondering if he’ll ask the question you can see in his eye. He seems to make up his mind when he releases your hand and looks away, he goes to sit up and you clear your throat “like fifteen minutes ago I felt something off over to the east, but I couldn’t see anything with my Kekkei Genkai. It could be nothing but just in case” you say as you lay down on your back in your bed, using your arm to cover your eyes.
You’ve been on the road traveling for about a month now, you almost made it to your destination and once you were there you would deliver your message and then take a package back to the Hokage. You successfully shoved every feeling back into a tiny jar in your heart, now easier to pretend you never had them to begin with, although you acted a lot like you did when you were an ANBU. He’s noticed, of course he’s noticed, he notices everything about you, he has since you punched him once in the Chunin exams when you stole his scroll. He watched you now out of the corner of his eye as you run through the treetops, he missed how you used to laugh so easily with him.
You’re walking now, him a bit ahead of you, the sun has been down for a while “We can rest here since it’s a bit late or keep pushing until we get there, we could stay at an inn and have our meeting in the morning.” He matches your pace before he responds “second one is my choice” he says and you nod “we’re only about an hour out I’d guess” you say “yeah I’d bet you’re right” that was the last thing said for the rest of the walk. The lights of the city coming into view, your stomach growls for the first time in all these weeks when you pass by a ramen shop “come on” Kakashi says and walks through the door, you thanked every deity you could think of in that moment and then followed him in.
“Yummmm” You hummed over your steaming bowl, you felt like this was exactly what you needed. To warm your soul and let the unknown go. So what he doesn’t care about you. He’s just being a good Jonin and shinobi. It was fitting that it was ramen that helped you release your pent up emotions.
Kakashi was sitting across from you in the booth of the nearly empty restaurant, it was probably around 10 pm now and the only people in here other than you both were a few drunk men at a different table. “After we eat let’s get a room and a bath and we’ll meet the Kage in the morning” he says and you nod, your mouth full of noodles and your heart happier than it’s been these past few weeks. You were going to be yourself and be his friend no matter what, because you cared about him and that was all that mattered. ‘Everything will be fine.’ You think to yourself as you finish your bowl and meet his eye, smiling warmly at him. That just confused him even more. He was sitting here the entire time wondering how to talk to you about what’s going wrong and you just turn around and act normal again. What the hell. He’ll talk to you more about it later tonight.
“I’m gonna get a room at the inn down the road and then head to the bathhouse, you eat and we’ll meet up after” you say as you place enough money on the table for both of your meals before slipping out of the booth and out into the chilly night air. ‘Yea’ Kakashi thinks to himself ‘I’ll definitely have to talk to her about this later’
“Lucky you!” The person at the front desk says “it’s the last room” they hand you over your key and a string of curses go through your mind, you let go of your pent of feelings but that didn’t mean you wanted to be thrown right into intimate moments with him. You couldn’t do much about it now “do you have an extra mattress? I have a friend who needs a room as well and we might have to share” you say and frown, to which they chuckle amusedly at your unhappiness “yes we do! We’ll have one sent to your room” you nod “thank you. Where is the bathhouse?”
The cold night air is calming, you look up at the moon as you walk slowly down the road to the bathhouse, grateful to the inn keeper for the directions. Your hands in your pocket and your footsteps practically silent, just like your thoughts, surprisingly quiet for the first time in weeks. You felt a weight off your shoulders, like physical evidence of your letting go of your hard feelings. Finally coming to terms with your heart. You felt so relieved and you can’t wait to sink into the hot water so your muscles could feel the same kind of relief.
Strings of even more harsher curses run through your head as you read the sign on the bathhouse. It was co-ed. Open to all. Which means you’ll probably have to share a bath with your ninja partner. Just great. You took a deep breath and steeled your nerves before walking into the establishment. Maybe Kakashi would take his time or maybe he’d find another inn and go to bed right away. You sigh, knowing he’ll be here soon.
Luckily the bath was empty as you entered, you lowered your body into the hot water and sighed in happiness. You considered hurrying but now that your body is in the water you know you’ll stay as long as your body wants, no matter who showed up. You laid your head back and took a deep breath, feeling the hot water release the tension you’ve been holding, which was almost immediately replaced with new tension when you heard the door open.
Even though you knew who it was, you raised your left eyebrow, causing your eye to open lazily as you looked through the steam at the silver haired man. He gave you a slight nod before you closed your eye and focused on steadying your breathing. You’ve seen him shirtless before, but you knew if you saw him in this setting you’d have a heart attack and stop breathing. He’d never let you forget that either so you couldn’t let him know the affect he had on you, sure, you’ve accepted you’d never be anything more than work friends but that didn’t mean you were blind.
His body couldn’t relax in the hot water, he had no room and now he had to share a bath with you. How cruel could the universe be? The wet glint off your shoulders that peaked out of the water, your wet hair stuck to your neck, the way you looked so relaxed in the hot water, it all drove him wild. What done him in though, was the way you looked at him when he walked in, ‘sooo cute.’ He thought. This was exactly like a scene from his favorite book, it was everything he could just to keep his boner at bay. So
The sigh that left your lips as ran the warm wet washcloth over your neck, made his heart race, he couldn’t help but watch you. You don’t know what has happened, something in you snapped the longer he watched you wash your chest and shoulders, something compelled you and you didn’t fight it, you embraced it. “You want to help me wash my back or are you just enjoying the show?” You ask, your eyes still on the washcloth as it passes across your skin. His heart beat is hammering in his chest, that was the last thing he expected you to say but he couldn’t resist from moving slowly through the water and over to you, sitting behind you he reaches down and takes the cloth from you, slowly running it up your arm and over your shoulder.
Your heart is pounding in your ears, you sigh softly and your eyes flutter closed, tilting your head to the side as the cloth passes over your shoulder and neck. You pull your hair all to the front of your shoulder so your back was completely open and you hum contentedly as he begins to wash your back slowly, you lean forward when he gets midway so he could go lower if he wanted, your knees up on the side of the seats and your arms wrapped around your knees.
When you’re satisfied with his work you look over your shoulder at him with a smile before turning around to face him, looking into his eye as you take the cloth from him, you run the warm cloth up his arm starting from his wrist, when you get to his shoulder he breaks eye contact to turn around to allow you to wash his back as well. You wash his strong shoulders, leaving the cloth on one of them as you begin to massage his neck, kneading your fingers into his skin, working down his strong shoulders, kneading out knots and smiling every time he lets out of a relaxed, soft, moan. You massage down his back, working the muscles near his spine massaging in small circles with your thumbs to his lower back before running your finger tips up his back and across his ribs before grabbing the cloth and finishing washing him now that you were satisfied with how relaxed he looked. You set the cloth down to the side, softly running your finger tips across his shoulders before placing a feather kiss to the back of his neck. “Thank you for your help ‘Kashi” you whisper, finally breaking the silence, “if you don’t have a room, I’ll get another mattress and you can stay with me. Room 23.”
He was so relaxed he didn’t know you were gone until your words registered, who knows how long it’s really been, he thought he felt you kiss his neck but part of him believes he dreamed it. The longer this mission went the more confused he got.
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starrybouquet · 3 years
yo should i watch star trek? i've been thinking about watching it but there are so many shows and movies and it's verrry overwhelming.
star trek and ncis have both been in my list of shows to watch for a long time, but i never got around to actually watching them. watching u post about them makes me wanna binge watch them but it's SO overwhelming and idk where to start
Okay, first off, you should ABSOLUTELY watch Star Trek. It's GLORIOUS and absolutely bonkers and thoughtful at the same time. You should also definitely watch NCIS because for a show about murder, it is surprisingly comforting 😂
This post got VERY VERY long because I learned I have a LOT of thoughts about how to watch large amounts of television. Uh, sorry 😂I split it up into NCIS and Star Trek, and then....the Star Trek section is still really long. I hope it's not too much rambling, and that it is possibly helpful?? I feel really honored you asked me about this <3
NCIS is pretty simple to binge - I just finished watching it for the first time. Pretty much, I'd run straight through NCIS (the original, not NCIS:LA or NCIS:NO) from season 1-13. A few caveats: I enjoyed s1-s2, but I have some friends who were bothered by a few episodes that were transphobic. I mean it's kind of expected, since the show started in 2003 and some of the characters weren't written as the most accepting people, at least at the start But that doesn't make it easier to watch. If you think that will bother you, I'd be happy to give you a list of episodes to watch/skip. :)
From season 3 onward, I'd really just watch in order (you can skip some of the more gruesome ones *glares at two specific season 3 episodes*). I wandered off sometime around season 13/14 but you can conceivably continue on to season 18 which just finished like a week ago, I think?
Oh, and then you can try the spin-offs. Neither have really been able to hold my attention but you might have better luck!
Star Trek
Okay this one is a lot less simple. Yes, there is SO much Star Trek and asking yourself to binge all of it is very very confusing because....this timeline is a good explanation.
Tumblr media
Sir, what?
So! There's no right way to binge Trek. I'd definitely start with a TV show. Yes, there are a lot of Star Trek movies and some of them are fabulous, but Star Trek was born on TV and the TV shows are still the bread and butter of the franchise.
There are maybe five good entry points for Star Trek. If you don't like the first one you try, try a different one, since they are similar but every entry in the franchise has a very different feel.
I'd say there are maybe five good entry points for Star Trek:
Star Trek: The Original Series (1966-1969) The classic, very first Star Trek. Kirk, Spock, McCoy. Absolutely ICONIC. Has a few fabulous, classic high-concept sci-fi episodes and a few absolutely HILARIOUS episodes. If you choose this one, be prepared for a show that's VERY 60s in color and style, thinly-veiled Vietnam War allegories, and a lot of William Shatner.
Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994) My personal favorite. Episodic, absolutely brilliant acting, and the RANGE! Literally has a cross-dressing Wild West romp one week and a deep, "machines develop a sense of self-preservation" plot the next. Some of the very best television ever made. The only problem with TNG is it starts reallllly slow. Most people don't really enjoy season 1, and it really doesn't get good until halfway thru season 2. So I'd recommend watching the pilot, then maybe skipping through a few s1 episodes as they strike your fancy. There are a few good ones but also many duds. The nice thing is it's entirely episodic so you can skip without worrying about losing the main thread of the story. After the pilot, I think the only season 1 episode that's crucial for plotty reasons is Skin of Evil (1x23)? Then starting with A Measure of a Man (2x09) I'd watch straight through. The rest of the series is EXCELLENT and quality is, on average, fairly high. (Okay, you can skip the last episode of s2 since it's a clip show. A writer's strike happened. XD) If you choose this route, be prepared for the slow start. And the VERY 80s sci-fi costumes. :)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993-1999) I'm not a huge DS9 fan, but I really, really enjoy their comedic episodes. If season-long arcs and a more gritty, politick-y feel strikes your fancy, this is the show for you. Again, this one has brilliant acting (most Trek does tbh) and a LOT of range. DS9 is set during wartime, so it's definitely got a different feel. I like it but don't love it, but this show has changed the lives of a lot of people, I think, so it's definitely a good option. I think DS9 starts better than TNG, and this is definitely one you want to watch in order. Seasons 1-3 are a little more episodic and then the series-long war arc begins in earnest.
Star Trek: Voyager (1995-2001) I have an outsized love for Voyager entirely because of fandom. (J/C fandom has a very large overlap with Sam/Jack fandom!) The premise of Voyager is that it's a ragtag crew (half military officers, half rebel terrorists) trying to get home after being flung 70,000 light years from Earth (which will take roughly 70 years for them to traverse). This is the only show with a female captain and it is TERRIFIC. I'm just saying, if you watch this one, be prepared to ship the captain and the first officer. Because...you will. :) Overall quality of Voyager is, IMHO, not quite as high as TNG. It's again more episodic with some occasional multi-episode plot threads. But the two shows have equally strong captains, and Voyager is definitely a more scrappy ship than TNG's Enterprise. The characters change a LOT over seven seasons, so definitely watch Voyager in order. I think this show actually has one of the better pilot episodes of Star Trek, in a franchise full of notoriously poor pilot episodes.
Star Trek: Discovery (2017-) If you want a "modern" show - y'know, fancy effects and such - I'd roll with Discovery. But it's definitely a controversial entry in the franchise, and one of the less consistent ones, IMHO. But I really like the pilot, and also enjoyed season 2, so you could definitely start here if you're looking for something that's more recent and less, y'know, of whatever era it was made.
For people who love SG-1, I'd probably start with TNG or Voyager? I'm not sure. Discovery is a lot flashier but I think you'll probably enjoy the other four more, if you like SG-1. Totally a matter of personal taste, though.
I hope you got to the end of this, and honestly, if you want to get into either of these shows and are still confused, just message me? I will happily give advice :)
Just binge NCIS from episode 1 onward. If you are very sensitive to transphobia, message me and I'll tell you which season 1 eps to skip.
For Trek: If you love SG-1, I'd start with The Next Generation or Voyager. But honestly, you could start with The Original Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, or Discovery, depending on what you like in your TV.
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cobaltusami · 3 years
Ayo can I get a lee makoto and ler sakura please?
Hey hi hello! I had so much fun writing this, I fricking love Sakura and I’m always happy to write about her. Thank you so much for this request! :’)
So I went with this random Idea of basically her training Makoto on how to win in a tickle fight, Because ofc she would train him. I’m not sure where the idea of the concussion came from but enjoy I guess? xD
Side note, In this fic, Makoto knows about Kenshiro because he has spent time with Sakura. Not sure If that needed explained but just so you know!
Characters: Lee!Makoto, Ler!Sakura, Implied Lee!Hina at the very end.
Word count: 3230
Makoto came staggering Into the nurses office, holding his head In pain. He sat down on one of the beds after retrieving an ice pack from the mini cooler nestled In the corner of the room.
“Makoto? What happened to you?” Aoi asked curiously from the bed across from his.
He jumped in surprise and quickly brought the cold pack down, trying to obscure It from the swimmer. “M-Me? Oh… Nothing, Just have a headache… What about you? Why are you In here?” He quickly turned the question around on her.
“She twisted her ankle while running. I’m wrapping It for her.” Sakura informed him.
Makoto hadn’t even noticed her until she spoke up.
“Don’t ask how I twisted It.” Hina giggled sheepishly, blushing a little.
“I thought Sakura just said you were running?”
“Yeah but…”
“She was running to the dining hall to get donuts.” Sakura sighed, rolling her eyes fondly at her best friend’s antics. She carefully finished wrapping up the foot In her lap and set It back down. “There, how does that feel?” 
“Better. Thanks Sakura.” Hina beamed, launching herself halfway off the bed to hug the taller girl.
Sakura flinched and quickly caught the athlete before she hurt herself even more. “Try to be more careful, Hina. I swear sometimes you can be such a klutz.” she teased, setting the swimmer back on the bed after giving her a quick hug.
“It’s not my fault, The Floor conspired against me.” Hina giggled.
“What am I going to do with you?” Sakura sighed.
Makoto smiled to himself as he watched the two absentmindedly, forgetting for a moment about the roaring migraine he had going… Until he just thought about it. He winced and put the ice pack back up against his head.
“Makoto, What happened to your head?” The Martial Artist asked, approaching the student curiously.
“I uh, Fell and hit my head.” He lied unconvincingly.
“If that’s the case, You might be as big of a klutz as me.” Hina giggled.
Sakura sighed and knelt on the bed behind him, carefully moving his hand away from the spot on his head. “Let me look at It.”
She moved his hair away from the spot on his head, he winced expecting her to be much more rough but she was surprisingly very gentle. It only stung a little. “Am I bleeding?” Makoto asked after a brief silence.
“No. But you do have a painful looking bump on your head. Put the ice back on that spot.” She instructed as she got up and came around to the other side of the bed.
He did as she told him, wincing as the stinging returned. “So all I need to do Is Ice It, Right?”
She sat down In a stool In front of him. “Yes, For that spot anyway. I want to check and make sure you don’t have a concussion though.”
“I’m sure I’m fine, Sakura. It’s just a bump.” 
“You said you have a headache, Is there anything else bothering you? Are you nauseous? Is there any ringing in your ears?” She asked, brushing off his attempts to put her at ease.
“Your eyes are dilated.” She informed him. “Makoto, can you remember how exactly this happened?”
Makoto sat there, staring blankly at the wall behind Sakura trying to think. Honestly? No. He couldn’t. He didn’t remember hitting his head, all he remembered was getting up off the floor and stumbling in here.
He hesitantly met her eyes, slowly shaking his head.
She sighed softly and stood up, going over to the medicine cabinet and retrieving some ibuprofen. She brought It back with some water and set them both down on the table in front of Makoto. “Here, these will help, But you have a concussion so your head Is still going to hurt for a while. You can’t sleep for a few hours so Is there anything I can get you to help you stay awake?”
“Um, No… I’ll be okay. Thank you Sakura.” He mustered up a small smile at her.
“You’re welcome. I’m going to go figure out what happened, I will be back to check on both of you.” She said, exiting the room.
“I’ve never seen Sakura act like that before.” Makoto mumbled once the fighter had left the room.
Hina nodded, smiling. “Yeah, She only acts like that around people she’s close to. She kind of turns into a mom when someone gets hurt.” She giggled a little.
Makoto smiled, looking back at Hina. “Yeah, She kind of reminded me of my mom just now. Except she didn’t yell at me for not being careful.”
“She said she used to mother Kenshiro a lot when he’d get hurt. He always got mad at her for It so she kind of hid that side of herself.” Aoi recalled. 
“I don’t understand why, Obviously It was because She cared about him.”
“I guess tough guys don’t like being worried about.” she shrugged.
As the two continued to theorize and talk, Sakura had made her way to the dining hall where the others were gathered, she sat down next to Mondo and just stared at him for a moment.
“What? Why are you looking at me funny?” Mondo asked, turning to face her.
“Mondo… Did you hit Makoto?” She asked.
“What?? Why the hell would I do that?” The biker replied, making a face of confusion. “I’d only hit him If I was mad at him-- Which I wasn’t.”
“Then how did he get a concussion?” Sakura asked quietly.
“Makoto has a concussion!?” Mondo choked.
Taka whipped around, looking In alarm at them. “What?! Where Is Makoto right now?? I must go check on him--”
“He’s resting, I gave him some ibuprofen and he’s icing his head. He’s fine.” She reassured the strict student.
“We were rough housing and he fell, I went to check on him after a minute but he was gone. I figured he just went back to his room.” Mondo explained.
“It’s true.” Chihiro spoke up. “We were all playing around trying to take Mondo down.”
“Trying and failing.” The tough biker corrected, smirking.
“Don’t remind me, My sides still hurt.” Hiro mumbled.
“Hey I tried to tell you idiots that was a bad idea.” Leon retorted. “Clearly you didn’t learn from watching Taka get wrecked.”
Taka blushed as he felt all eyes at the table on him. “W-What? A leader leads by example!”
Chihiro giggled, shaking their head. “Where Is Makoto? I want to go check on him.”
“Yeah, Me too. I feel kind of guilty.” Mondo agreed.
“He’s In the Infirmary.” She answered. Well, At least she knew what happened now. She took the others back with her, and they proceeded to fill Makoto In on what transpired leading up to him hitting his head.
He was thankful to now recall how he got the concussion, but a little embarrassed that the reason he got the concussion to begin with was because he got tickled by Mondo in a bad spot and went flying into a wall to escape.
He was even more embarrassed that Hina and Sakura now knew that fact as well.
A few days later Makoto approached the Martial artist, She was sitting In the pool area watching Hina swim. “Hey Sakura?” 
Sakura looked up at him, The Lucky student appeared very nervous and shy. “Hello, Makoto. What Is It?”
“Um. I have a question.” He sat down next to her. “You can take Mondo In a fight, Right?”
Sakura gave a perplexed look as she smiled in amusement. “Yes, I believe so. Why? Do you want me to beat him up for you?”
“N-No! Nothing like that…” Makoto stammered. “I just… Um… How? How do you fight him and win?”
“What Is this about, Makoto?”
Makoto sighed. “I want revenge on him for the other day, I wanna be the one to successfully take him down. So how do I win against him in a play fight?”
“By play fight you mean...?” She asked.
“He means a tickle fight!” Hina answered, leaning against the side of the pool near them. “He wants to know how to win In a tickle fight!”
“H-Hina!” Makoto blushed bright pink, feeling ridiculous.
Sakura tilted her head curiously. “Is that true?”
“I-It’s not that I think you just go around getting In… Play fights with people all the time, But I think because you’re such a good fighter you’ll have some kind of strategy.” 
The Ultimate Martial artist actually giggled at this. “Oh how wrong you are… I’ve never won a ‘play fight’. But I’ve seen Mondo get tickled on a handful of occasions so I sort of have a strategy that might help you.”
“You’ve never won one before?” Makoto and Hina asked In unison, confused.
“L-Like Makoto said.” Sakura blushed. “I don’t just go around getting into such silly fights.”
Hina and Makoto exchanged looks, He was incredulous while she was… plotting something. Makoto could tell she was going to get herself in trouble later.
“Anyway, What’s the strategy?” Makoto asked, trying to distance himself from whatever foolishness Hina was plotting.
“Okay so…” Sakura thought for a moment, collecting her thoughts. “Mondo relies on his strength so you have to turn that into a weakness. By moving quicker than him and tripping him up by aiming for his joints. He’s sensitive in the stomach but If he’s as good of a fighter as I think he is, He’ll be guarding any obvious spots so you have to be unconventional and-- Makoto? Are you even listening?”
Makoto blinked. “Y-Yeah of course!”
“Repeat back what I just said.”
The lucky student stammered. “O-Okay, I didn’t take In any of that. I’m sorry! I’m listening. It's just... You’re talking kind of fast.”
Sakura frowned. “Sorry, I have a tendency to do that when discussing fighting.”
“No kidding.” Hina mumbled.
Sakura narrowed her eyes at Hina warningly before turning her attention back to Makoto. “I could try to go slower, But I get too Into talking about fighting and tend to start rambling. It might be better If I just show you and explain as I go.”
“No! Th-That won’t be necessary!” Makoto said quickly, blushing brightly. “It’s okay, I’ll figure something out and--”
“Makoto! Let her help you!” Hina chastised, pulling herself out of the pool and settling on the edge. “If you don’t, I’ll help you. And you won’t like my help… I’m not as gentle.” she warned, glaring at the frightened student.
“It’s okay, Makoto. I won’t hurt you.” Sakura reassured him carefully.
He wasn’t just afraid of getting hurt, He also was super ticklish and didn’t want her to see just how ticklish he was. “O-Okay…” He agreed hesitantly, standing up.
She stood up too. “Okay, So for this part, You’re going to be Mondo.” 
He nodded and took a defensive stance, bracing himself internally.
“You’re going to want to make the first move. Normally with someone larger than you, you want to wait for them to strike first so you can dodge and get your hits in.” She approached him. “But that will be his strategy, so you have to use it to your advantage. Reach your right arm out towards me.” she instructed.
He nodded and did as she asked.
“He’s right handed, so when he goes to reach for you, It’ll be with his right arm. Use your size to your advantage and duck as you get closer to his body. You want to avoid his hand by going under it.”
She walked around to his shoulder. “You’ll want to come back up to full height around here, Because you’re going to grab the collar of his coat when you do.”
Sakura grabbed the collar of his coat to emphasize. “He’s going to be spinning around to reach for you, so you have to keep moving while you have a handful of his coat.” she explained. “Spin around and try to grab me.”
Makoto did as she instructed, spinning around to grab at her but she began sprinting around him, dragging him nearly off his feet with her momentum alone. “Once you do this, Lift up--”
Makoto yelped as he was hoisted Into the air.
“And lean Into him, It’s like a tackle. The momentum of your running and his spinning will take him down with you on top of him. I’m not going to do that because I don’t want to hurt you.” She explained, Instead she gently put him down on the floor on his stomach and knelt beside him.
Makoto sighed in relief upon being set down. “Okay, Then what?”
“You’re going to want to keep your knee In the small of his back to keep him down.” She explained, Resting her hand against the small of his back. “Right about here. Make sure you put all of your weight Into It or he’ll be able to get out easily.”
He nodded, Making a mental note of the spot on his back. “Next?”
“He’ll be face down, So that leaves you with very little options. You have to be unconventional.”
“Unconventional how?”
“The Back, His shoulder blades, anywhere that might produce a reaction.” she explained.
“The back? Are people actually sensitive there…?” Makoto glanced over his shoulder at her inquisitively.
“Yes. Some people more than others.” She responded calmly. “Here, Let me show you.”
She brushed her fingers gently across his shoulder blades, to his surprise he squeaked and dissolved into a fit of giggles. “Okahahahay! Ihihihi seehehe what you mean!” He giggled, squirming around.
Sakura smiled in amusement as she ran her fingers across the back of his ribs. “Are you sure? I want to make sure you fully understand.”
Makoto squealed and began giggling harder, rolling over onto his back to protect it. “Ihihihim sure!” he retorted.
“Well, You wanna make sure you apply enough weight so that Mondo can’t roll over like that.” She said amusedly. “Because If he does…”
Suddenly she began tickling his sides and stomach, causing him to shriek and arch his back as he laughed brightly.
“He will destroy you by aiming for your weak spots.” She said as a matter of fact, no hint of joking whatsoever. Though If he looked at her face, He could see she was smirking.
“SAHAHAHAKURA! NOHOHOHOHO!” He flailed, laughing helplessly as he did.
“Come on, Makoto. This Is training. What do you do In this situation? I’ll give you a hint… I told you earlier.” She said, focusing her efforts on his stomach.
Makoto tried to rack his brain for the solution, but he couldn’t focus thanks to the merciless onslaught of tickles to his worst spot. “I DOHOHOHOHON’T KNOHOHOHOW!” He whined.
“Ooh! I know!” Hina raised her hand as though she was In class. “Aim for the joints, Right?”
“Yes.” Sakura relented her attack. “Whichever side he’s on, Raise the hand closest to him…”
Makoto brought his left arm up, still giggling under his breath as he waited for her instructions.
“And either chop his wrist, Or drive your elbow Into his inner elbow to send his arm away.” She explained. “From there, you should have a clear target. His stomach should be exposed. And he’s really sensitive there so It should trip him up enough for you to get the upper hand.” 
Makoto smirked mischievously. “Really?” Without waiting for her to say anything he darted his hands towards her midsection, But she saw this coming a mile away and caught his wrists. Stopping him with ease.
“Did you honestly think that would work?” Sakura chuckled, pulling the now incredibly nervous boy into her lap. 
“W-Wait! Sakura, I-I’m sorry!” He yelped, squirming. He couldn’t pull his wrists free no matter how much he tugged at them.
“Hmm… I’m not sure I believe you.” Sakura hummed thoughtfully. “I think you’re just sorry you were caught.”
Well, Technically she was right.
“Maybe this would be a good opportunity to teach you about teases. Seeing as though Mondo Is very weak to them.” She smirked.
Makoto’s eyes widened as he froze up. “Nononono! I know all about that! You don’t have to teach me!”
“Are you sure? I said I would help you beat Mondo, and this is a big part of that.” She began dragging her fingers across his side teasingly, making him tremble and giggle.
“Ihihihi’m good! I promise!” He giggled, blushing.
“I think you should tease him anyways! The little shit tried to tickle you. That’s my job!” Hina spoke up, outraged.
Sakura laughed lightly. “That would be the biggest mistake you’ll ever make. I will wreck you too.”
“Well yeah, duh. That’s part of the fun. I’m well aware of the risks.” Hina scoffed. 
“I think you may be a masochist, Hina.” Sakura smiled in exasperation at her friend before turning her attention back to Makoto. “But enough of that, What do you say I give you some good lines to use against him?” 
Makoto shook his head frantically. “Nohohoho!”
“But why not? Don’t you want to win against Mondo?” She hummed, forming a claw with her fingers and attacking his stomach. He screeched and threw his head back laughing. “Aw, Poor baby. Does this tickle~?”
“SAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAKURAAHA! PLEHEHEHEHEASE!” Makoto blushed bright red, burying his face in his arm.
“Please what? Please tickle you more? If you insist.” Sakura teased, vibrating her fingers into his sensitive belly.
Makoto let out another shriek as he laughed hysterically, tears welling up in the corner of his eyes already. “NAHAHAHAHAHAHA! MEHEHEHERCY!” He cried out.
“Do you think Mondo Is going to have mercy on you? Why should I?” she asked, though she did lighten up to just gently brushing her fingers against his exposed stomach.
He laid there in her lap giggling and laughing like a damn fool.
“He’s going to tickle you to pieces and laugh about it.”
“Whahahahat’s your pohohohoint?” He laughed.
She stopped her attack and let go of his wrists, gently putting him back down on the floor. “My point Is, If you make snap judgements and move without thinking of the repercussions, You’ll lose.”
He laid on the floor giggling softly and recovering from the attack. 
“Your advantage In this fight will be that Mondo Is reactionary, He doesn’t think about his actions so you can plan for that. But that’s also your disadvantage. You have to be quick thinking and stay three steps ahead of him if you want to win.” 
Makoto nodded as he sat up. “Thanks Sakura… Do you think I should practice before I try to take him on?”
“It definitely wouldn’t hurt.” She replied.
Makoto glanced up at Hina. At that moment they both lunged at Sakura, Who again saw this coming a mile away. She caught Hina In one arm and Makoto In the other, She pinned their bodies against hers with their arms at their sides so they couldn’t escape. “Seriously? Again?” She sighed.
“Hina why did I let you tempt me Into this!?” Makoto complained, squirming helplessly.
“Hey, You should have known following my lead was a bad idea.” Hina giggled.
“I guess some people learn the hard way...”
“Nononono! Sakura wait! Wahahahahahait!”
“Aieeee! Sahahahahakuraaaa ihihit tihihickles!”
Sakura sighed, What was she going to do with these two idiots? Well apparently the answer Is tickle them nearly to death, Because that’s what happened.
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moonylvi · 3 years
Hey lucy~ can i request reaction nct 127 how their met their s/o?
A/N: Of course you can ^^ Thank you for requesting this.💕 Also please tell me if I made a mistake, English isn't my native language. Disclaimer: This is purely fictional, means it's an AU and in no way meant to harm anyone. Pairings: ¹/9 Nct 127 x gn!reader [Taeilxnormal!reader; Johnnyxbarista!childhoodfriend!reader; Taeyongxfamily-friend!reader; Yutaxtourist!reader; ...]
Warnings: I don't think there's anything that needs a warning except for my cringey writing XD Genre: Fluff, maybe bits of crack?, slice of life Taeil: You and him would probably meet in a situation where he was struggling with something little and you decide to help him. Maybe it was in a supermarket out of Korea and he couldn't find any salt. Nowhere! He checked the whole store, but didn't find anything. So he just stood there, looking utterly lost and confused. But don't worry, you're here to save him. Not only do you know the store like your own room, if not even better, you also showed him which salt is the best and helped him counting the money. He couldn't help but to invite you to have dinner with him one day.
Johnny: I needed to think a lot about this. He loves his parents so much and he would want a relationship which is similar in the closeness, based on trust. I could see him falling in love with a childhood friend. Or maybe a person he used to know, that he met again after not having any contact for years. Yeah, I think that's it. I'll just write the reunion :) Johnny and Mark just finished filming a new episode of JCC, when the staff suggested to stop by a small café they knew. Not expecting anything special, they entered and looked at the big chart which presented the different drinks and the small cakes coming along with it. Your café was something you were really proud of. Ever since you were little, you dreamed of owning a little space where people could step by to have a break from the rest of the world. Hearing the little bell ring, you quickly smiled at your reflection in the fridge door and hurried over to the counter. "Welcome to the small Refugium! How may I help you?" Upon hearing your voice Johnny's gaze switched from the chart to your direction, eyes widening in the process. "Y/N?" Your name fell from his lips before he could think more about it. Luckily you recognized him too, preventing an embarrassing situation to arise. "Johnny! Long time no see. How are you?" The small grin that adorned your lips, turned into a bright smile. Happily chatting, you nearly forgot that you had actual customers. Ignoring a confused Mark and an annoyed staff. That was, until the staff cleared their throat and brought you back to reality. "Oh, I'm sorry. What can I bring you?" You quickly switched back into your professional mode, taking the orders and preparing three cups, slipping a small note with your phone number between Johnny's cup and the paper sleeve. "Thank you for visiting, step by anytime soon again." Adding a little wink in Johnny's direction, you turned back around and started cleaning the surface of the counter, while they walked out of the door. Taeyong: He is the type to want his s/o to get along with his family. So maybe he finds himself having a particular interest in one of his sisters/her husband's friends or maybe a relative of his nephews friends, who already is close to his family, or at least to a few of them. Happily chatting with your little sister, you walked to her friends house for a birthday party. You knew his family, the Lee's, pretty well. Especially since not only your sister and their son were the same age, but you were just a few years younger than his mother, getting along with both parents easily. Which was one of the reasons you were invited along with your sister. The other reason was to have someone with experience helping of keeping a bunch of children happy. However what you didn't expect, knocking on the door, was the extremely handsome man opening it. "Oh, welcome. You must be Y/N and Y/S/N? I'm Taeyong,  I'm..." "Oh, hi Y/N. I'm so glad you could make it. My brother just ruined the cake frosting and I need your help to fix it." Sparing him a glance, she pulled you and your sister to the kitchen, not giving you any chance to properly introduce yourself to Taeyong. Nearing the end of the party, the children happily ate their dinner, while you plopped down on the couch, groaning in relief of finally sitting down and closing your eyes. "Kids can be exhausting, huh?" Your eyes snapped back open, meeting his curious ones from the opposite side of the couch. "Yeah, they can. I never got to introduce myself properly though. I'm Y/F/N. Nice to meet you." Chuckling he responded with the same phrase. Yuta: Someone who loves his home. And by that I do not only mean Japan, his hometown or house, but also the people who mean a lot to him. He's the type to connect the feeling of being home with his s/o. Someone who stays by his side no matter what, someone who will always support him and care for him. Ethereal. There were no other words inside his head. Just Ethereal. Cherry blossoms decorated the floor, the trees and... you. It could've been a scene straight out of those
romantic movies which were full of cliches. Yet it was pure reality. YOU were real. As soon as that realization came, he walked into your direction, unsure what he was going to say. Reaching you, Yuta simply let the word that spooked around his mind since he saw you fall from his lips. Startled by his voice you spun around. "Wha...What?" "You look so ethereal! I couldn't stop myself from telling you, sorry if I scared you." A burning heat made it's way to your cheeks. "Oh, no, don't worry, I just got lost in though. It's my first time i Japan and all the impressions are so overwhelming and..." While you rambled on and on about how much you liked his country, he felt a warm feeling bloom in his chest, deciding to ask you out, once you needed to take a breath. Doyoung: He's the type to have a very passionate relationship Someone who worships his work. A person that admires him on a whole different level, not in an obsessed way though. Maybe in a way where they tell him about all the things barely acknowledged by everyone else. Someone who gives him their all, so he can give them his.
Jaehyun: I don't know what to say except for Love at first sight. He could fall in love with someone in the most random situations. Many say that love at first sight doesn't exist and that you first need to get to know them better, but I see Jaehyun as a person who notices the small things and habits far before everyone else.
Jungwoo: Decisions, Decisions... After having a pretty long thought about him, I decided that he is most likely to want to get to know the person better before truly thinking of them as a possible s/o. He would initiate the romantical part once, he's completely sure about his feelings and knows that his interest is likely to be returned. But before that he rather stays back, gathering as many facts about them as possible without obviously showing it. Mark: Our confused boy would find himself falling for a person who leaves a big impact in his life without him being prepared. Haechan: I'm quite unsure if he's genuinely a romantic person, dreaming of meeting his s/o for ages, or more of a flirt, having no fixed picture of the situation in mind. I think it mainly depends on whether he wants the relationship to last since the beginning or slowly falls harder for the person, he initially wanted to just flirt with, not expecting much from it. If he has the fixed image he would be rather shy and far less annoying with them. However if it's 'just' a flirt, he does exactly that. Flirty small talk, clinging to them, bad pick-up lines and winking.
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twistedtummies2 · 4 years
Mia Corazón (Commission)
Another commission I got via my FA page. This is from the same person who commissioned “Tick Tock” and “A Grim Dinner.” It features his OC based on Tick Tock the Crocodile, Tock Crockwork...BUT, more importantly, it also acts as an introduction to his newest OC, Caelyum De Macabre - a character based on Davy Jones (with hints of Tia Dalma) from “Pirates of the Caribbean.”  And it’s NOT A KINK STORY. HERESY, I KNOW. I had a LOT of fun with this one; my only major regret is that I couldn’t make it longer than it already is. XD Also, just for the sake of making sure people know, I did not make up the lyrics to the song featured here. They’re actually fan-made lyrics for Davy Jones’ theme from the movies, originally created by a YouTube artist called Fiajela. I highly recommend looking up the song - it’s been covered by her and Man on the Internet, and they even made a duet version with the two stitched together. Anyway...hopefully you all enjoy. :)
Valentine’s Day had come to Night Raven College. As you and Grim walked through the halls of the dark castle, you couldn’t help but chuckle at the decorations: pink paper hearts and streamers of white and crimson were everywhere, making it feel almost as if Heartslabyul had somehow managed to take over the entire palatial academy. Grim frowned up at you, trotting at your side, trident tail swishing as he went. “Nya? What’s so funny, Minion?” he demanded to know. “Nothing, nothing,” you responded with a shake of your head. “It’s just…everything looks so different.” Grim sniffed snootily, crinkling his nose at a poster of two young lovers embracing. “I don’t like it,” he remarked. “It’s all…mushy. It just doesn’t feel right for a School of Villains to be so…nya, what’s a good word…?” “Sentimental? Sappy? Saccharine?” “Gross,” was the word Grim chose, sticking out his tongue and shuddering like a small boy afraid of getting the dreaded cooties. You snorted with laughter. “Well, bring it up to the Headmaster,” you smirked, stuffing your hands in your pockets as you went. “I’d rather not,” Grim grumped. “Besides, we all know Crowley would just ramble on about it, or say he’ll get things done and never do…how come he’s Headmaster, anyway? He doesn’t do anything!” “Your guess is as good as mine,” you shrugged. “All I know is the only home I have is thanks to him, as is the only job. I’d like to keep both, thank you.” Grim shrugged back with an accepting sort of rumble as the two of you ascended the spiral staircase that led up to the Headmaster’s Office. Crowley had sent a call that morning; classes were dismissed for the day, so the university was a little quieter than usual: many of the students were off visiting family or loved ones, and those that were hanging around the campus still were largely engaged in…ahem…PRIVATE affairs. You, of course, could not leave; at least for now, Night Raven was your home, and as you were currently not in a relationship, Valentine’s Day wasn’t much different than any other day. Not that you minded much; it was still nice, in your mind, to see others happy and relaxed, and a holiday was a holiday, at any rate…though it seemed even St. Valentine’s holiday would not be saving you from helping clean up whatever mess Crowley needed dealt with this time. As you passed an image of two small, fluffy kittens holding a heart, a random thought came to your head: “Grim?” “Nya?” “Have you ever wanted to be in love?” “Not really,” the cat-like monster said. “Love is all…icky.” You frowned. “Icky?” you repeated. “All the kissing and hugging and…bleh!” Grim shuddered again, then went on: “Besides, it seems awfully difficult; makes you humans and even beast-men all crazy. I’ve got too much to deal with as it is, thank you very much! Nope. The World’s Greatest Mage won’t ever let love make him all soppy.” Grim stuck out his fluffy chest proudly at this, sticking his nose in the air. You smirked, and paused, reaching down to scratch behind his ears. He froze up…then purred and nuzzled into your touch. “Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…o-okay…maybe I love some things,” he admitted.
“Good kitty,” you teased, and snickered as Grim growled at you and half-heartedly swiped at your hand with a paw. You retracted it and the two of you kept moving. “Come on. The sooner we deal with Crowley, the faster we can get to our own stuff.” Grim nodded, as the pair of you drew nearer to Crowley’s office. You knocked on the door and waited for the sing-song call of “Come in!” before entering. Inside the office, things looked the same as ever, floating portraits of the Great Seven and all…aside from a vase of roses, plus a couple of heart-shaped ornaments on the desk, as well as the fact the purple-and-green curtains had been exchanged for solid red velvet drapes. Dire Crowley himself was seated behind his desk, sorting through paperwork, dressed in his usual attire. His feathery cloak rustled as he lifted his top-hatted head, and smiled at both yourself and Grim as you shut the door to the office behind you, his yellow eyes sparkling behind his Plague-Doctor-esque Venetian mask. “Ahhh! Prefect of Ramshackle Dorm! And the Little Monster!” he greeted warmly, rising and waving his hands, bidding you closer as he stepped around his desk. “Come, come, you’re right on time!” “On time for what, dare we ask?” Grim meowed. “Aren’t you celebrating Valentine’s Day, too, Headmaster?” you asked, politely. “Later,” Crowley smirked, winking and tapping the side of his mask’s long nose. “I’ll be entertaining a cute little fairy sorceress from the Land of Oz later tonight.” He let out a dreamy sigh, placing a hand to his heart. “Ahhh, Miss Upland…one day, you will be mine…” You and Grim gave each other a look, shrugged, then turned back to Crowley. “What’s the problem, then?” you asked, knowing better than to think this was a social call. By now, Crowley had firmly established yourself and Grim as the chief problem solvers of the Academy, so it stood to reason he had a mission for your both. “Oh! Yes, well,” Crowley muttered, and cleared his throat, adjusting and straightening his stance before going on in a business-like way: “As I’m sure you’ll both know, tonight there’s a special performance, directed by our own Vil Schoenheit, for the holiday.” “Nya? Isn’t it that play about the Sea Witch?” Grim checked, tilting his head. “Correct,” nodded the Headmaster. “And the Little Mermaid she assisted. We have a special guest coming to see the show tonight…” He reached into the folds of his cloak and pulled out a small photograph, handing it over to you. You knelt down to get closer to Grim’s level, and showed him the photo as you both looked it over: the picture was a portrait of a dark-skinned mermaid, with hair black as ebony and scales of red and gold. Her eyes were brown and soft and warm as milk chocolate, and a silver locket in the shape of a heart was clasped about her throat. “Oooh…she’s pretty!” Grim smiled. “Very,” you agreed with a smile of your own. “She,” the Headmaster spoke up, “Is Young Lady Mia Corazón. Her family is one of the richest in the Coral Sea.” “Which is why you invited her,” you guessed, trying not to sound as bored as you were. To your surprise, Crowley answered, “I didn’t invite her! She wanted to see the show on her own…but there is one difficulty: her family insists that she be accompanied by at least two bodyguards at all times. Much like the Al-Asims, they’ve had…ISSUES in the past, and if their daughter is going to be on land for a spell, her parents want to make sure she’s adequately protected.” “That’s fair enough,” you supposed. “Let me guess,” sighed Grim, crossing his arms, “You want us to be the bodyguards then?” “Well, I suppose I COULD hire professionals,” Crowley murmured, scratching his chin in thought. “But they can cost a lot…I’d probably end up having to cut your pay just to-” “Forget it,” you grumbled, while Grim growled and slapped a paw to his forehead. “We’ll do it. But something is worrying me, if you don’t mind my bringing it up.” “What’s that?” “Are you sure WE’RE the right ones for this job?” you pressed, then before Crowley could speak up, you went on quickly: “We’ll do it, like I said, but…are you certain we should?” “How do you mean?” the Headmaster questioned, tilting his head. “Well, we’re not from the Coral Sea,” you explained. “Wouldn’t someone from that area be a better choice? Perhaps Azul could loan out the Leech Twins for a day!” Both Grim and Crowley looked at you as if you had grown a second skull. “…Right,” you sighed, quickly catching on. “Azul. ‘Loan’ us the Leech Twins. And us NOT expect things to go HORRIBLY wrong, one way or another. Yeah, that was a dumb suggestion, sorry.” Crowley chuckled and shook his head. “I have every confidence in you,” he said, with a wide smile. “You’ve solved so many problems in the past! And it’s only for tonight! What could possibly go wrong?” “Well, great, now something will DEFINITELY become a problem,” Grim grumbled. “Look, it’s not that I’m ungrateful,” you pressed on, “Or even that I’ve got a whole lot else to do, just…I’m worried because I don’t have magic. And Grim is…well…Grim.” “Hey!” Grim yapped indignantly. “I could roast any bad guy’s butt if they tried to get to Miss Coronation!” “Corazón,” corrected the Headmaster. “Whatever,” shrugged Grim. Crowley rolled his eyes, then turned his head upward. “You do raise a good point though, Prefect,” he conceded. “I didn’t think of that…at the very least, you two will need some help.” You were just about to agree…when suddenly, you heard Grim shiver. Both you and Crowley looked down as the cat-like demon quivered and hugged himself, the fire in his ears flickering. “Are you okay?” you asked, worriedly. “Y-Yeah,” Grim answered with a slight chattering of his teeth. “But…does anybody else feel like it suddenly got colder in here?” Now that Grim mentioned it, you DID suddenly feel a light chill crawl up and down your back…and it wasn’t too long afterward that the source of the cold made its presence known. With an authoritative BANG, the Headmaster’s office door burst open, causing both yourselves and Crowley to yelp and jump in alarm. You turned around fast, and gulped nervously as you perceived the imposing figure of Chief Jehan – the school’s head of security, garbed as ever in his military style cap and long, black trenchcoat. “Headmaster,” the darkly dressed security chief intoned, bowing his head respectfully to Dire Crowley, “Forgive this intrusion.” “Oh, it’s alright, Claude,” Crowley sighed out, then frowned. “Whatever is the matter?” “I apprehended this rule-breaking scallywag in the school cafeteria,” Jehan stated, indicating a second figure. “Ow! OW! H-Hey, let go of me, you old…! I’ll bite your legs off, you hear me?!” You and Grim were surprised to see the short, thick-hipped, green haired figure struggling in the icy grip of Claude Jehan, trying to pull away as his ear was all but being yanked from the side of his cranium. “Tock?” the two of you chorused. Tock Crockwork just snarled as Jehan glared at him. He tried to return the glower, but it came off more akin to a wounded animal trying to look tough than…well…looking tough. Crowley’s frown deepened, and he stepped past you and Grim – uttering a quiet, “One moment please” – before approaching the chief and the unruly Octavinelle student. “What is the meaning of this?” the Headmaster boomed. The Security Chief pushed Tock forward, releasing his ear. Tock stumbled a bit and caught himself, massaing his sore lobe. “This young ruffian,” Jehan explained, “Started a brawl with Mr. Bucchi over the last Deluxe Menchi Katsu Sandwich. As the latter student was merely defending himself, I felt his punishment should be more lenient; both have been banned from the cafeteria for the rest of the week…but as the one who started the whole affair…” He trailed off as Tock growled rather pathetically, looking down at the floor sullenly. Crowley scowled and hummed thoughtfully, clearly trying to determine a fitting punishment. Your eyes, as well as Grim’s, widened, and you looked to each other. “Grim,” you whispered, “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” “I think so, Minion, but a show about a math teacher who’s also a criminal mastermind? Who’d want to watch that?” You facepalmed. “What are you two whispering about?” Jehan asked, suspiciously, as Tock and Crowley both looked to you as well. “I think I know a way to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak,” you suggested. “You mean, a way to deal with Mr. Crockwork while also dealing with your dilemna?” Crowley guessed. “Exactly.” “Dilemna? What dilemna?” Tock asked. You grinned.
“Thanks for sticking up for me, snack meat,” Tock groused, petulantly pouting as he walked by your side. “You’re the one who decided to pick a fight with the hyena,” you shrugged. “Honestly, I think I did you a favor.” “Nya…my Minion has a point,” Grim nodded. “Do you really think things would have been better if Crowley had decided to punish you himself?” “Or worse,” you put in, grimly, “Leave you to Chief Jehan?” All three of you shuddered, and Grim even crossed himself at the mention of the security chief. “Fine, I guess that’s fair,” Tock grumbled. “But I don’t like having to protect a fish filet from harm. I eat fish!” “Well, you won’t be eating Mia Corazón,” you sniffed. “Alright…guess I’ll just have to eat YOU instead,” smirked Tock, and licked his sharp teeth. Grim mewed and hid behind your leg. You blushed. “…We’ll worry about that later,” you grumbled, making Crockwork snicker with a wicked smile. “For now, let’s focus on getting you some actual lunch.” “You ARE an actual lunch,” snorted Tock. “I am not on the menu!” you snapped, flushed with embarrassment as Tock gave you a knowing grin. “Well…not till your work is done,” he teased, winking deviously, then smirking down at Grim. “Maybe I’ll have the little hairball for an appetizer, too…” Grim hissed at being referred to as a “hairball,” but said nothing. “Do you always have to be so antagonistic?” you sighed. “It’s what keeps getting you into trouble, you know.” Tock just shrugged carelessly, hips swaying as he walked side by side with you. “So, where are we heading?” he asked. “Can’t go to the cafeteria, and the Mostro Lounge is way too expensive…” “The Mystery Shop,” you answered. “I’m sure Sam’s got something in stock for us all to snack on before we head to the beach to pick up our special guest.” “Nya! Between my fiery awesomeness, my Minion’s brains, and lizard-breath’s strength, we’ll be the best bodyguards ever!” declared Grim. “Call me ‘lizard breath’ again,” Tock warned, “And we’ll be back down to two people, fuzz-face.” “Fuzz-face?!” Grim snapped. “How’d you like to BURN off a few of those calories you’re so proud of, hah?!” “Girls, girls, you’re both pretty,” you droned. The pair glared at you, then each other…then growled in unison as they stopped. “Thank you,” you sighed with relief. “Now, let’s be on our best behavior: I don’t want Sam’s Friends to give us a hard time…” As you spoke, your little trio reached the entrance to Mr. S’s Mystery Shop, and the three of you walked inside. Aside from a simple banner reading “Happy Valentine’s Day!” over the door, the shop was completely as it usually was…at least on the outside. To be fair, once you all entered the building, the store within seemed its usual self, too; no heart-shaped décor here, only the usual assortment of voodoo accessories. The strange part came when you not only realized Sam was nowhere to be seen…but you all also noticed who was tending to the store. Or rather, what. “Crabs?” all three of you gasped in surprise. Sure enough, crawling all over the Mystery Shop was an assortment of strange white sand crabs. Their shells seemed to have been made from smooth, ivory-colored stone…and as if the presence of the pale decapods wasn’t bizarre enough, their activities certainly would have gotten some unusual reactions. A few of the crabs were straightening out and sorting through items on the shelves, making sure everything was in top-notch condition. One crab was holding a miniature broom, while the other held a dustpan, the pair of them sweeping the floor. Still another crab was changing a lightbulb, while two more – clicking their claws encouragingly – were supervising. A bunch of crabs carrying a spray bottle and a wash cloth scuttled past you all, near your feet. Yourself and Croc stepped back, but Grim – with typical feline curiosity – leaned down and actually sniffed at one of the crustaceans… “ME-YOWCH!” he yelped, and jumped back, mewling and covering his muzzle after one of the crabs pinched his nose with their pincer. The crab seemed to strut away importantly afterward. “Heh…guess the crab cake bit back, huh?” teased Tock. Grim just growled and massaged his stinging snout. “This is new,” you muttered. “Where’d all these little guys come from?” “Cruel and cold, like winds on the sea. Will you ever return to me? Hear my voice sing with the tide: My Love Will Never Die…” The melodious voice soon sang into your ears, and you and your companions looked towards the source. In a corner of the shop, a lone figure was quietly mopping, and singing the lonely, haunting sea shanty you had heard. The figure was a young and slender man, dressed in a tan-colored jacket with ruffle-ended sleeves, and a brown hip-skirt. His legs were covered by dark beige trousers, while plain brown boots were on his feet. A fishnet scarf was loosely slung about his shoulders, almost like a shawl, and an orange muscle shirt festooned his abdomen. His hair was a curious pink hue, and done up in dreadlocks. “Ahem!” you coughed, catching the young man’s attention. He froze and looked up to you, blinking his brown eyes. For a moment, you noticed there was a look of pain and something…hollow in his face, as if something inside of him was missing and he longed to get it back. An overwhelming feeling of loneliness and sorrow seemed to wash over you…but it disappeared in an instant when the youth smiled. “Oh! Ahoy there! Didn’t hear you come in,” he greeted, bowing his head respectfully as he put the mop in its bucket and then walked towards you and your group. “Can I help you?” “Well, you can start by telling us who you are, and what happened to Sam,” Grim frowned. The young man chuckled, flipping his fishnet scarf over one shoulder. “Sam is taking the day off for the holiday,” he explained, then slowly added, “I don’t…make merry on Valentine’s Day, so I volunteered to keep the shop open and do some cleaning.” “Well, that answers one question,” Tock snorted, crossing his arms over his chest and lookin the taller youth up and down. “Mind answering the other?” “Oh! Right, right,” the young fellow chuckled, and cleared his throat before giving a mock-salute and answering: “Name’s Caelyum. Caelyum De Macabre. I’m Sam’s new assistant.” “Pleased to meet you,” you smiled, and shook Caelyum’s hand, and tilted your head. “Say…can I call you Cael for short?” The young man’s smile flickered, and he paused before quietly beseeching, “I’d…rather you didn’t, thank you.” “No problem, I’m sorry,” you apologized quickly. “Not at all, not at all,” the young man chuckled, and straightened his stance, recovering quickly. “So! What can I do for you, me hearties? Supplies, clothes?” “Food,” growled Tock. “I’m STARVING.” Caelyum chuckled and jabbed a thumb to one part of the shop. “You’ll find everything you need in that direction.” Tock nodded, and sashayed in the direction De Macabre had indicated. Caelyum smiled back at you and Grim in the meantime. “You’re the Prefect of Ramshackle Dorm, right?” he guessed. “That’s right,” you nodded. “It’s nice to meet you, then,” Caelyum smiled. “Sam’s told me all about you: he says you’re his favorite customer.” “He says that about everyone,” Grim snorted. Caelyum chuckled and knelt down. He extended a hand carefully. Grim sniffed it carefully…then smiled and allowed the shopkeeper’s assistant to pet him softly. “You have a beautiful singing voice,” you couldn’t help but comment. Caelyum looked up in surprise…then blushed a bit. “Oh, uh…you heard a little of that, did you?” he chuckled with embarrassment. “Nya! It sounded really sad, but…it was also really nice,” Grim mewed. “Thanks,” Caelyum said as he stood back up to his full height. “What song was that?” you asked, curiously. “I’ve never heard it before. Is it from your homeland?” Caelyum’s smile fell, and he looked askance. “Not exactly,” he murmured, then informed you aloud, in a matter-of-fact way: “It’s a song from the Coral Sea. I come from the Jubilee Port, near the Swamplands: same place as Sam. A…friend taught the song to me.” Catching the hitch in his voice, you smiled sympathetically. “It sounds like you two were close.” “We were,” Caelyum said softly. “Very.” “Nya…what happened?” Grim asked. Caelyum paused…then shrugged. “They left,” was all he said. Sensing the sensitive subject, you decided to drop the matter; Grim caught on and did the same. “How long have you been working for Sam? I haven’t seen you around before.” “Not long,” shrugged Caelyum, seemingly grateful the subject had changed. “He and I have some similar interests, and when I joined Night Raven, I applied for work.” “Oh, so you’re a first year?” “Yep.” “What house? Octavinelle?” you guessed, wondering why Tock wouldn’t have recognized the youth if so. “Scarabia, actually and weirdly enough,” laughed Caelyum, as if the placement struck him as some sort of very funny joke…he paused then leaned in and whispered: “Um…is it just me, or is the dorm head of that house a little…you know…how would you say it…?” “Too pure and innocent for this cruel, unholy world?” “…Yeah, that.” “Yes. Yes, he very much is.” The two of you were interrupted by the sound of Tock snarling in the food aisles. You all turned to see him trying to pry a bag of chips out of the pincers of one of the crabs, who looked very insulted to be interrupted in his work. “Hey! Can somebody make this crab cake let go?!” he snapped. “Oh, sorry!” Caelyum called out, and then snapped his fingers. Suddenly, every single crab inside the building froze…and then their claws and extremities retracted into their shells, leaving only a series of what looked like smooth, white stones scattered around the shop. With a second snap of his fingers, the stone crabs disappeared; there was no puff of smoke or flash of light. One second they were there…the next, they were not. Grim whistled, impressed. “Nice trick,” he murmured. “Is that your Unique Magic?” you asked. “Yep,” Caelyum nodded. “They’re called Locker Crabs, and you’d be surprised the kinds of things I can do with them…” “Cool!” Grim commented. “Hey, Tock!” you called out, hearing the rustling of snack food bags. “Leave some stuff for the rest of us, and hurry up! We need to get to the beach quickly!” “I’m hurrying, snack meat, I’m hurrying!” Tock called back dismissively. “The beach?” Caelyum spoke up, looking interested. “Why are you three heading there? What’s so important?” “We’re on a mission!” Grim cheered, puffing out his chest once more. “Oh, really?” smirked Caelyum, looking amused, and scoffed as he moved behind the front desk. “What for? Some sort of Valentine’s Day meeting, or something?” You frowned, sensing a bitterness to two particular words. “You mentioned you don’t make merry on Valentine’s Day,” you said slowly, approaching the desk and leaning on it. “What do you…y’know…have against it?” “Hm?” Caelyum murmured, then shrugged as he leaned back against the shelves behind the front desk. “Oh, well, it’s…not the day itself. More what it represents.” “Nya? What do you mean?” Grim asked, tilting his head. A shadow seemed to fall over Caelyum’s face, and he looked askance. Something icy and stormy flickered across his features. “Love,” he said, as if the word were some repellent toxin. You and Grim shared a look, then looked back to Caelyum. “Love is a lie,” Caelyum went on, seemingly talking more to himself than to either of you. “It’s like a parasite that burrows into your chest…and even once the sickness it spreads is cured, something in there remains, keeping you from ever knowing real peace. It pulls you along a blind alley, and just when you feel safe, it stabs you in every place it hurts most, and then leaves you to either heal on your own or die. It weakens your defenses, and confuses your resolve. And yet every year, every time this day comes around…I just see people acting like it’s the best thing in the universe.” He shuddered violently, looking positively ill. Grim meowed almost sadly. “I think love is mushy and gross, but…I don’t think it’s THAT bad,” he mewed. His words seemed to snap Caelyum out of it. The witch doctor’s assistant glanced up at you both…and, with a light chuckle, his helpful, friendly smile returned, the shadows departing in an instant. “Well…being mushy and gross doesn’t help,” he joked. Grim sniggered. Your own expression didn’t change, even as the employee leaned forward again. “Seriously, though, what IS your mission?” “We’re gonna be bodyguards!” Grim announced joyously. “Bodyguards?” “There’s a special guest coming to the show on campus tonight,” you explained. “The Headmaster assigned the three of us to look after her, since she’s a VIP.” “A really RICH VIP,” Grim added. “That’s our Headmaster,” Caelyum scoffed with a roll of his eyes. “So, who is this special guest?” “Mia Corazón.” Caelyum’s smile vanished, as if it had been smacked off his face. “Mia…Corazón?” he repeated. “Nya? Do you know her?” Grim asked. Caelyum didn’t answer, looking away; that hollow, haunted stare came to his face as he seemed lost in another world. “Mia Corazón,” he repeated again, then let out a soft, slightly hysterical laugh. “Of all the cursed days of the year…she chooses now…” Before you could ask what was wrong, Tock came lumbering over, arms loaded with various snacks and drinks. “There! That should be enough for all of us…or at least, for me,” he grinned, flashing you a wink that would have made you blush in an instant if your mind weren’t on other matters. He looked towards the assistant…then frowned, eyes narrowing. “Hey…who are you upset with?” The words once again snapped the brooding Caelyum out of it. He looked at Tock with surprise…then shook his head fast and brushed some of his pink hair away from his face. “No one. Nothing,” he insisted, and forced his smile back onto his face. “Now! Let’s, uh…let’s ring this up, aye?” In casual, business-like fashion, Caelyum charged Tock; you were grateful for the recent raise Crowley had given you as you paid for it all. The three of you then left the shop. Just before you exited, you turned to bid Caelyum one last farewell. He smiled and waved back… …But the moment you left, the darkness flooded his face once more, and he looked away, eyes smoldering like hot coals as he reached into his shirt… …Revealing the silver locket that was around his neck. The same sort in the photo Crowley had given you. The young man’s face became cold as an iceberg once more as he opened the locket…and sang to the tune the music box inside played. “Wild and strong, you can’t be contained. Never bound, nor ever chained. Wounds you caused will never mend, and you will never end…”
“Why did you ask him that question?” Tock Crockwork belched and grunted as he finished up his lunch, licking and sucking on his fingers before looking to you, cheeks bulging as he still chewed his food. “Whuh queshun?” he mumbled out through a full mouth. “About why he was upset?” Grim spoke up, tilting his head. “I mean, he certainly looked upset, so…” “That wasn’t the question he asked though,” you clarified to Grim, then looked to Tock. “You specifically asked, ‘WHO are you upset WITH?’” Tock swallowed and let out a hiccupping burp before speaking. “Mph…yeah, and?” he grunted, patting his stomach and licking his lips free of any crumbs from the sandwich he had devoured. “Well…why did you assume he was upset with someone?” “I didn’t assume, I knew,” snorted Tock, and slung his arms behind his head as the three of you neared the beach of Sage Island. “That was the same look I saw in the mirror every day when I thought of Leona, or those boys back home.” Knowing what had happened in his conflict with Leona, you gulped at Tock Crockwork’s words. “Well, I hope he wasn’t mad at us,” murmured Grim. You smiled thinly; you had a very good idea you knew who Caelyum was mad at, given the context of things…and you were very much hoping you were wrong. You had the sinking feeling those hopes would be dashed as the three of you drew closer to the beach…and a familiar-sounding song, accompanied by the tinkling notes of a music box, drifted through the greenery and into your ears… “Over waves and deep in the blue; I will give up my heart for you. Ten long years I’ll wait to go by: My Love Will Never Die.” The source of the singing soon became clear as you pushed past the last few bushes of the wilderness and stepped onto the open, sunny beach. There was a single white bench nearby; standing beside the bench was a man in what looked like an almost Spartan uniform…and seated upon it was a young woman, with dark skin and long, black hair, dressed in a red and gold dress. In one of her hands, she lifted the pendant of a locket; the source of the music box tune. The lady snapped the locket shut, and she and her chaperone turned fast when they heard yourself and your companions approaching. She smiled, chocolate-toned eyes lighting up with interest. “Oh, hello!” she chuckled, seemingly a bit embarrassed at being caught in her reverie, and stood up as her suspicious compatriot narrowed his eyes at you. “Are you…my bodyguards?” “Yes, ma’am!” chirruped Grim, proudly. “Mia Corazón, I presume?” you smiled, respectfully. “That is right,” the young woman greeted, bowing her head in matching respect and lowering her locket. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” “Wait a minute…why do you need us to guard you?” Tock spoke up, and pointed to the Spartan-looking fellow. “Wouldn’t he be enough?” “Oh, that’s Firme. He actually has a date with his wife,” Mia answered, giving the man a teasing smile.
The guard blushed. “Miss Corazón, not in front of civlians!” he pleaded. Mia chuckled. “Sorry, Firme,” she apologized. “Now go on; I know she’s waiting for you.” Firme nodded gratefully, then glared at the three of you more seriously. “Protect her at any cost; we’re depending on you,” he ordered. “Aww, don’t worry, we’ll keep the little fishstick safe!” Tock smirked, cracking his knuckles and neck. “You can start by NOT calling her ‘fishstick,’” you droned, noting the nervous look on Mia’s face and the anger on Firme’s. You gave both an apologetic smile. “Sorry. He’s half-crocodile. Trust me, though, he’s a softy when you get to know him.” “HEY! I AM NOT!” snapped Tock, angrily. Grim just giggled. The interaction and your promise seemed to relax both denizens of the Coral Sea. Firme bowed to Mia, and then walked towards the beach…and kept walking, straight into the sea, until his head disappeared under the waves. “Well!” Mia smiled, and cheerily hurried towards your group. “Can we go see the show now? I don’t wanna be late!” “Of course…um…Your Excellency?” “Oh, don’t bother with titles like that,” the girl giggled. “Just call me Mia! Everybody does!” “Okay, Mia,” you chuckled, quite liking her warmth and energy. “Follow us, and stay close.” “I will,” Mia promised as the three of you set off along the beach. “Thank you, by the way; I hope this doesn’t cause you too much trouble.” “Quite the opposite,” grumbled Grim, remembering what Crowley had said earlier. “Why do you wanna see some silly show anyway?” sneered Tock. “Oh, it’s not silly!” exclaimed Mia. “The story of the Sea Witch and the Little Mermaid is important among my people…and besides, I think theater is exciting! I always enjoy seeing it!” “Hopefully our show won’t disappoint,” you smiled. Tock just rolled his eyes and scoffed. “I still think it’s for wimps,” he mumbled…then abruptly froze. The rest of you stopped, too, looking to the croc boy as he sniffed the air and growled. “What is it?” Mia asked. “Something wrong?” “Very,” Tock nodded. “We are being watched.” “How do you know?” you asked. “Instinct? Intuition?” Tock growled and narrowed his eyes, looking at you determinedly. “No, meat. We. Are. Being. Watched.” “By who?” whispered Mia, nervously. “I have an idea,” you murmured with some dread. Before Mia could comment on your remark, all three of you heard a sharp yelp, and turned to see that Grim had inexplicably toppled over. The feline-like creature sat up and massaged his bumped noggin. “Owwww,” he moaned. “What happened?” Mia asked, sounding concerned. “I dunno!” Grim whined out. “Just…s-something seemed to come up from under me and…” “GAHR!” You jumped as, right on cue, Tock toppled over as well. Then it was your turn, as you felt something shift under the sand where you stood, and you dropped to the ground. The wind was knocked out of you for a moment, but you managed to sit up just in time to see three large, round humps in the sand…which seemed to move of their own accord. The three humps began to trace a path, circling Mia, who froze up and squeaked like a mouse, clearly confused and frightened. It only got worse when, suddenly, more and more humps seemed to appear out nowhere: at least a dozen or more, which shot through the sand, burrowing through it with a barely-audible scraping sound… …Then, dust flew up as the shapes burst from the ground. As the dust cleared, you and your friends watched wide-eyed as a consortium of familiar white crabs toppled Mia Corazón, and – working together to lift her, carried her off across the beachside. “HEY! PUT ME DOWN! STOP!” Mia cried out, but the crabs wouldn’t listen, and soon vanished from sight. “Nya…we’re off to a good start with this job,” sighed Grim dismally. “After them!” you barked, and leapt to your feet as you dashed after Mia and her arthropoid captors, Grim hot on your heels. Tock grumbled sourly as he dusted himself off then jogged after you. “Taking orders from my lunch…I’m gonna eat that stupid, mask-wearing, feather-loving…!”
Mia cried out as the crabs carried her along the sand, her “volunteer” bodyguards soon out of sight. She tried to fight free, but the crabs pinched and held her fast, keeping her in place. She wasn’t sure how far or for how long they carried her…but suddenly they stopped, and she let out an “eep!” as they moved into a pillar, and pushed her up, allowing her to stand. The mermaid-in-disguise turned around, panting for breath as she watched the crabs swarm about each other…then, they seemed to coalesce and mesh together; their pale shells took on more colors; hints of pink, brown, and orange… …Until, finally, standing before her was a familiar young man with dreadlocks and a fishnet scarf. In his hand, he held a heart-shaped silver locket. “Come my love, be one with the sea. Rule with me for eternity. Drown all dreams so mercilessly, and leave their souls to me.” He snapped the locket shut at the end of the verse, and paused before uttering, in a mechanical, robotic tone, two words: “Ahoy, Mia.” Mia blinked slowly, absolutely stunned. “…C-Cael?” Caelyum blinked back and said nothing, his face emotionless and blank. Mia slowly smiled, her eyes lighting up…then squealed with joy and rushed forward, throwing her arms around the young man…who stood stiff and rigid, not even looking at her, as she hugged him close. “CAEL! I…oh, Gods, what do I even say?! It’s…it’s been so long…I’ve missed you so much! Where have you been?! Cael…Cael, I-I’m so happy…!” “Let. Go. Of. Me. You. BITCH.” Mia gasped as Caelyum harshly pushed her back, nearly knocking her over. Her heart sank as she stared at the young man, who glared at her, grinding his teeth and clenching his fists. She looked deeply hurt…and not because of the push. “Cael?” she whispered. “Cael…wh-what’s wrong? Why…why are you upset with me?” Cael’s eyes flashed with anger. “What’s wrong?! Why am I upset?!” he repeated. “What in Hades do you THINK is wrong?!” Mia flinched as the boy from the swamplands’ voice rose to a perfect scream. Cautiously, steadily, she approached. “Cael…please…I-I don’t understand. I…I’ve wanted to see you again for such a long time, and now-” “How DARE you?!” shouted Caelyum, silencing the aristocratic mermaid. “How dare you say something like that to me?! After what you did to me, do you expect to believe you’ve ever cared?!” “I…what…I do care!” Mia pleaded, and tears began to twinkle in her eyes. “Cael, what are you talking about?” Cael laughed; a dangerously unhinged, malicious sound. “Oh-ho-ho, you know EXACTLY what I’m talking about! You should!” he spat…then, the bitterness was replaced by pain as he went on. “Two years, Mia. Two years I waited, and you never returned. You…y-you broke your promise to me…and did you ever think of me in those two years? Did you think of me even once in all the time since, until now?” Cael’s eyes began to brim with tears of his own; he was shaking. Mia felt her heart sinking further in her chest. “Of course I did,” she said, softly. “You’re…you’re my best friend.” One could almost hear Caelyum’s last heartstring break. “Best friend,” he repeated, in a dead, soulless voice…then hung his head. “You still don’t get it, do you, Mia? You broke my heart, Corazón…” Head still hung low, dreadlocks casting shadow over his eyes, Caelyum De Macabre lifted one arm, and snapped his fingers…and Mia nervously stepped back as a swarm of crabs appeared to trail across his arm and mesh together…forming a silver cutlass. “…And now, I’m going to break yours. Literally.” Ominously, Caelyum began to approach. Mia felt panic rise in her, and started to back away…then yiped, almost comically, as she tripped on her own dress and tumbled back. “C-Cael…Cael, PLEASE!” she cried out, as the boy loomed over her, his face twisted in anger as he began to lift the sword above his head… “HEY! BACK OFF!” FWOOSH! A jet of blue flame shot between Mia Corazón and Cael De Macabre; the lad from the swamplands jumped back, then growled angrily, turning to face the source. You had finally arrive, with Grim at your side, both of you glaring at the bokor’s assistant. “That’s enough, Caelyum,” you warned. Cael sneered. “It’s not enough,” he hissed, “Until she endures the same amount of PAIN and AGONY I HAVE!” With a roar, he rounded about to try and strike Mia down…then froze in place when he found she had seemingly disappeared. Startled and caught greatly off guard, he was unable to avoid the green scaled fist that grabbed hold of the back of his jacket, and cried out as, with a roar, the owner of the fist hurled about seven feet away, sending him rolling through the send. His sword spun through the air before stabbing into the ground right at the edge of the shore. Caelyum coughed and snarled and spat as he got onto his hands and knees…then glared as he found Tock Crockwork – now in his full “true form” – glaring at him, fangs and claws bared. “Keep away from the fishstick, swamp meat,” he spat. “Thank you,” Mia whispered. Tock just smirked at her – somewhat cockily but not cruelly – then glarde back at Caelyum as yourself and Grim moved to stand beside him, all of you making sure to create a barrier before poor Mia. Cael rose to his feet shakily. “Leave her alone, Caelyum,” you said. “This is not your fight!” he snapped back. “Uh…yeah, it kinda is,” Grim snorted. “We told you, this is our job today!” “You don’t know who you’re protecting,” Cael viciously sneered, his shoulders trembling with fury, his fingers clenched so tight that his knuckles turned white as the bones under his skin. “She cursed me!” “Cursed you?!” Mia exclaimed. “Caelyum, I never did ANYTHING to you!” “Yes, you did!” Cael answered…and gulped back a sob before explaining: “You made me love you.” All eyes widened; you and your friends looked to Mia, then back at Caelyum. “Ohhhh…now the pieces are coming together,” Grim murmured. “I know the look in your eyes, meat, and it’s not love,” Tock said, darkly. “Not love as it should be, anyway.” “Cael…I-I’m so sorry,” Mia quavered. “Of course you’re sorry,” Cael scoffed. “Everyone’s sorry when it’s too late.” So saying, he lifted his hand…and the sword that had stabbed into the ground “dissolved” into a group of crabs. They scurried across the beach, crawled up his side…and reformed into a cutlass in his grasp once more. “Put the weapon away, Caelyum!” you beseeched. “It doesn’t have to be like this!” “Yes it does!” Cael yelled. “Don’t you get it?! I can’t be free! I’ll always remember! I’ll always feel that pain! Love is a curse; a curse that hurts me, every day of my existence…but after today, I’m going to change that.” He closed his eyes. You had a bad feeling you knew what you’d see when he opened them again…and you were correct. One of his eyes was suddenly surrounded by a fiery aura. “Today, I break the curse.” KA-ZAM! The familiar black cloud of Overblot surrounded the shopkeeper’s boy. Blue and orange light flashed in the gaps between the vapor as it swirled around the fellow from the swamplands…until finally, the mist parted. When it did, you all found that Caelyum De Macabre had gone through an alarming transformation. His brown-tinted clothes had vanished, replaced with a blue-gray uniform like a navy seaman. One of his arms was stuck into the sleeve of a long, tattered cerulean coat with gold lining, which hung about his shoulders almost like a cape. A blood red sash was lashed about his middle. While his left eye was surrounded by orange aura, a tattoo had appeared over his right, in the image of a pirate medallion. His dreadlocks had transformed into a head of writhing, wriggling, pinkish-purple tentacles, like those of a squid; each tendril’s tip was smeared with ink. His left arm had become a white crab claw, ink oozing from its joins; his right leg had become a crab’s leg, too, and was also oozing with Blot. A single black boot covered his one human foot…and he still held his cutlass in his one human hand. Cael grinned viciously, pupils pinpricks as he pointed his sword at you. “Yo-Ho, me hearties!” he bellowed. “Shiver ‘em from stem to stern!” At these words, the ground before his feet seemed to ripple…and then, a swarm of Locker Crabs came scrambling from the ground, racing towards your group. “I’ll take care of this!” Grim pronounced, and summoned a wall of flame. As the fire struck the crabs, they vanished in a cloud of silver smoke…but more just kept coming! Caelyum laughed and began to move towards your group, swaggering as the point of his crab-leg stabbed into the ground repeatedly. Seeing the approaching dark mage, Grim paused to hurl a fireball in his direction…only for Cael to split in half, crab legs showing in the “seam” of his being, as the fireball hurtled past without causing any harm. He stitched himself back together and kept moving forward, as if nothing had happened. Tock Crockwork roared and charged at Cael, swinging a punch at him…but De Macabre simply swept up his crab claw and, in a fluid, wrenching motion, whirled Tock about and flung him to the beach floor. He grinned with deranged excitement as he moved closer to yourself and Mia, leaving Tock to choke in the dust. “Hold them off, Grim!” you called out as he continued to scorch the crabs. “I’ll try!” Grim called back. “Run for it, Minion! RUN NOW!” And you did, holding onto Mia’s arm as you dragged her after yourself. With a wild laugh, Caelyum lifted his sword up…and then “melted” into a swarm of crabs, which scurried after the two of you as you raced along the beach. Behind you, Tock snarled, clutching his banged skull as he watched the horde of crabs vanish. He angrily kicked away a few that Grim didn’t manage to stop, and then charged forward. Grim panted; he was already growing weary. “I…I can’t hold them off!” he meowed. “There’s…there’s too many-EEP!” “Stop whining and shut up,” snarled Tock, whisking Grim up in one arm and sprinting on, the pair pursued by the remaining Locker Crabs. “We’ve got more important things to worry about, come on!” Unaware that your friends were on the chase, you hurried along with Mia Corazón. The crabs that made up Cael’s being clicked and scraped behind you with a deeply unsettling sound, urging you to go faster and faster. “Wait!” Mia gasped. “If…I…can…talk…to him…!” “I don’t think he’s in a mood to talk!” you replied. “Right now, all we can do is…!” You trailed off and stopped short as the crabs suddenly caught up with you…and then moved around you, reforming in front of you into a column. Thinking fast you looked around… …And were just in time to grab hold of sturdy tree branch, as a sword reshaped and then stabbed at you. You barely had a moment to parry the strike, the blade cutting a notch into the wooden limb you held. “Stay behind me!” you hissed to Mia, as Cael reformed fully. “So, it’s a duel then?” Cael cackled. “Alright! EN GARDE!” You yelped, instinctively blocking as the sword slashed at you once more. The slash was followed by a lunge; you jumped back quickly and parried that strike, too. CLING-CLANG-CLING-CLANG! The cutlass and the branch clattered against each other, the sound of the steel against wood that was tougher than it looked ringing out. Each time Cael tried to get around you to lunge at Mia, you blocked his path. You laughed softly, amazed you were holding out; guess one didn’t know how good they’d be at something like a swordfight till they tried! You ducked another slash, and responded by swinging your stick around. WHACK! Caelyum reeled as you managed to smack him across the face…then slowly turned back. He looked…annoyed. “Ow,” was all he said, almost sarcastically, before swinging his blade around again. You quickly lifted your branch… SWACK! And gulped nervously as the cutlass sliced it clean in half. “Oh, boy.” “HA HA!” laughed Cael, and lifted his crab leg, kicking you hard in the stomach. You coughed, dazed and winded as you crumpled to the ground. Now, nothing was standing between the enraged Caelyum and his prey: Mia. The mermaid with legs began to back away in fright…then cried out sharply as Cael thrust out his crab claw and grabbed her by the throat with it. A grin of evil triumph spread across his face as he lifted his weapon above his head. “And here we are at last,” he crooned with twisted delight, and squeezed, making Mia gasp for air. “Any last words, my dear?” Mia gulped…and looked pleadingly into the Swamplander’s eyes as she uttered five simple words. “Cael…please…I love you!” Just before the last three words were uttered, Cael had prepared to attack…but then he froze. The grip of his pincer loosened as she said those three golden words, and the demented smile vanished from his face. He hesitated, as if those words had caused something in his brain to just shut down… Which was all the opportunity you needed. CRACK! “GAH!” exclaimed Caelyum, and dropped Mia, who coughed as she hit the ground. His tentacle hairdo wriggled like a horde of angry snakes as he glared at you in rage: the stone you had thrown at his shoulder had hurt! With a furious roar, he swung his sword around his head three times, trying to cut you into pieces. You ducked and dodged each strike as fast as you could…only to fall back as Cael summoned a horde of sand crabs. You squirmed and grimaced as the crabs pinned you to the ground, acting like organic shackles. You winced as each time you moved, they pinched you hard, making you stay still. Caelyum smirked victoriously, and pointed the tip of his cutlass at your heart. “Tell me, Prefect,” he taunted. “Do you fear death?” “Do you?” CHOMP! Caelyum began to turn around towards the voice, his face etched with surprise…and stayed perfectly still, as if he’d become a statue, paralyzed in shock. The red marking of Tock Crockwork’s unique power – One Minute to Die – was evident on his left arm. “NOW!” the crocodile shouted, as Grim hurried over. The feline-like creature wasted no time: he focused his power, a bright blue aura surrounding him…before, with a spiteful hiss, sending a huge jet of flame towards Caelyum. Caelyum was sent flying through the air, clothing scorched, and rolled across the dirt, still in the position he had been stuck in. Only a few seconds later, he convulsed, and groaned, trying to stand up… …Only to find Tock looming over him. “This,” the crocodile hissed, “Is why I’M top of the food chain, snack meat!” WHAM! He spun around, slapping his tail across Cael’s face…and the Overblotting mage fell still and silent, rendered swiftly unconscious. The sword disappeared without warning from his hand, as if it had never been there. The crabs he had summoned all vanished in the blink of an eye: just like at the shop, one moment they were there, and the next they were not. All four of you – yourself, Mia, and your friends – sighed with relief. “Thanks,” you nodded to Tock as he helped you to your feet. “Hey, I’ve gotta protect my territory; that includes you,” Crockwork shrugged. You decided not to comment on that. “Are you okay, Miss Corazón?” meowed Grim, nuzzling up against the mermaid’s side. She smiled weakly and patted his head before standing. “Physically, yes,” she said. The teenaged girl’s eyes then lit up with concern as she hurried over to Cael’s side. “Cael…Cael, are you okay? S-Speak to me!” she pleaded. “He just tried to kill you!” Grim snapped out. “He wasn’t thinking straight,” Mia defended him. “Just…h-he didn’t understand…” She sniffled and bowed her head. “…C-Caelyum…I’m so sorry…” You and Grim shared a sad sort of look. Tock just looked confused, above all else. “What happened between you two?” the croc grimaced, crossing his scaly arms. “I think we’re about to find out,” you said, and pointed as silver mist began to wisp off of Caelyum De Macabre’s form. A moment later, a blinding white light surrounded the young man…and the mist formed a cloud, inside of which – as always seemed to happen – pictures from the past began to appear… “Tag! You’re it!” “I’ll get you! Ha Ha Ha!” In the swamplands of the Jubilee Port, a small boy with pink dreadlocks giggled and hid behind a tree by the riverbank. For several seconds, he sat anxiously…then yelped when, out of the river burst a familiar, dark face with flowing raven hair. “GOTCHA!” sang out the girl with the gold and ruby tail, and reached out a hand to playfully tap his shoulder. “No fair!” huffed the boy. “I always have to stay near the water; you never let me have an advantage!” The girl giggled and smirked teasingly. “Not my fault you’re a lousy swimmer,” she cooed. The boy grumbled and pouted. She smiled gently. “I’m sorry, Cael; I didn’t mean it,” she said, placing a hand on his leg… “AHA!” the boy laughed, and tapped her hand before jumping away. “You’re it again!” “HEY! THAT’S CHEATING!” The two laughed as the girl swam through the river, chasing the bayou boy up and down the banks…before finally leaping out of the river with a victorious cry. “RAAAAH!” “EEK!” Young Caelyum yelped as he was thrown to the ground. The girl with the fish tail grinned, flippers wagging happily as she kept him pinned. “Gotcha again!” she sang out. Young Cael giggled and wiggled under her. “Hey, lemme go!” he demanded with a slight laugh. “Hmmmm…if I do, will you just tag me again?” “…Maybe?” The mermaid glared…and tickled her friend with her tail. Cael squealed with laughter before flashing an evil smile. “Ohhhhh, you wanna play that way, huh?” He tickled her back and the two rolled across the bank…before yelping and splashing into the river. A moment later, both rose from the depths Caelyum coughing and floundering. “Help! Mia, help! I’m drowning!” “I’ve got you, hold on!” Mia said, and helped Cael back to shore. The boy sighed with relief and began to wring out his clothes. “Thank you,” he gasped out. “No problem,” Mia smiled. “I’m sorry you got all wet…” “It’s okay; I’ve got other clothes,” Cael smiled. Mia nodded, then smiled a bit more sadly. “I still should have been more careful: there may be more clothes, but there’s only one Caelyum.” Cael blushed. “Hush, you’re just teasing me now…” “No. I’m not,” Mia said seriously. “You’re my best friend, Cael.” Cael blinked, pausing in his activities. “…But…don’t you have other mermaid friends?” “I may have OTHER friends, but you’re my BEST friend,” smiled Mia. “And there’s only one of you. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Cael blinked again…then smiled sentimentally. “Heh…well, um…you’re my best friend, too, Mia. And, uh…a-and I feel the same.” “I’m glad,” Mia smiled. A pause. “You should really suck less at swimming though.” “Oh, hush. Say! Maybe you can teach me?” “Sure!” That word seemed to be a cue, for the scene changed to a few years later; the same river on the bayou, the same boy and girl, just a little older. “MARCO!” “POLO!” The Mermaid floated with her upper half above the water, eyes closed, flapping her tail as she blindly searched for her friend. Cael would pop up now and again with a gleaming, gloating grin as he watched her try to find him: he’d learned to swim VERY well in the years since that time playing tag. “MARCO!” Mia called out again. “POLO!” laughed Cael. “Oh, this is impossible, you’re too fast!” “Suck less at swimming,” teased Caelyum. “I’m a MERMAID, all we DO is swim!” “You can walk!” “I need a potion or a spell for that,” huffed Mia, and turned around, trying to feel about for her friend. Cael smirked and dove under again, swimming cautiously around her in the wide river… …But as he popped up again, he was due for a terrible sight. He gasped as he saw Mia blindly reaching closer to the shore…where a venomous serpent glared at her oncoming form almost hungrily… “MARCO!” “MIA, WATCH OUT!” Confused, Mia opened her eyes…then gasped as she saw the snake rearing back to bite her! She pulled away just in time, and at the same moment, Cael glared and snapped his fingers. The snake heard a clicking noise, and turned its head to find a white crab snapping its pincers. The pincers swung towards its throat… SNICKER-SNACK! And that was the end of the snake. Mia swam back to Caelyum’s side as she snapped his fingers again and the crab disappeared. He hugged her close. “Are you okay?” he whispered, worriedly. “Yeah…i-it didn’t get me,” she panted with relief, and squeezed him tightly. “Thank…th-thank you…” Caelyum smiled warmly and returned the hug…then froze up as Mia leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you,” she said again, and nuzzled against his bare chest. Cael blinked…then blushed red as a tomato and grumbled. “…Hey, what are friends for…? More time passed, and the swamp disappeared. The scene now became a lonely pier. On it sat Caelyum and Mia, who was now in full human form. “Do you really have to go?” he whispered. Mia nodded sadly, hanging her head. Cael bit his lip, and looked away, tragedy in his eyes. “…When…w-when will you be back?” he asked, timidly. “I don’t know,” Mia admitted sadly, then smiled gently up at her friend. “My mother said I need to start learning more about the family business; spending less time on land and…well…with you.” Cael frowned and clenched his fists. “I see.” Mia’s smile fell…and she gave Caelyum a hug. He relaxed. “She’s set in her ways,” she said softly. “But I will never forget you. And I WILL come back.” “Do you promise?” “Of course. You’re my best friend,” smiled Mia…then reached into a bag she had with her, stationed between the two. “Here…I have proof…” Cael tilted his head as out of the bag she pulled two silver necklaces with heart shaped lockets. She gave him one, and clasped the other around her neck. “What is this?” Cael asked, crinkling his nose in confusion. “A sign that we both share the same heart,” Mia said, and giggled. “That’s the really sappy way of saying it, anyway. Put it on and open it!” Cael did, and at the same time he opened the locket, Mia did too…and soft, beautiful melody chimed from the music box contained. Caelyum’s eyes widened. “That’s the song you taught me,” he recognized, and looke dup to Mia. “The one about the pirate and the goddess of the sea?” Mia nodded. “It’s your favorite…my favorite…OUR favorite,” she said gently, and took Cael’s hands in hers, looking into his eyes with deep-rooted affection. “And as long as we share these lockets, share these songs…we’ll never truly be away from each other.” Caelyum smiled weakly. “I don’t know about that,” he chuckled, wryly. “But…thank you, Mia.” He paused. “You…you know I love you…right?” Mia blushed. “Yes. And I love you too.” Cael gaped. “You do?” “Of course, silly! You’re my best friend!” Cael blinked…then smiled and shook his head wearily. “Yeah…I know,” he said softly. “I…I know.” A pause…and the pair began to sing together to the mingled tune on their music boxes as they watched the sun sink on the horizon beyond the sea. “Warm and welcoming as the sea, someday I will return to thee. Hear my voice, sing with the tide: Our Love Will Never Die.” Time passed once more, but the music box still played. The next scene played in silence, as Cael lay on his bed silently one night. He hummed to the tune on the locket, and glanced sorrowfully towards a calendar on his wall. Every date was crossed out with a red X. He sighed…then snapped the locket shut…before a lightbulb seemed to go off over his head, and he reached towards his book case, grabbing a specific spell book… This short tableaux was followed by another as Caelyum was now found…underwater. His lower half had become a white-scaled fish’s tail as he swam through the water, using a spell that would turn him into a merman for a few short hours. He’d taken a boat out to the coordinates where he knew Mia lived. Now, he swam quickly and quietly through the city, looking for Mia. His eyes darted this way and that, seeking some sign of his long lost friend; two years without any sort of contact – never a call, never anything written – and he was now so close to seeing her again! He smiled wider as he moved into one of the higher rent neighborhoods of the underwater area, carefully brushing past other, natural merfolk going about their business. His heart was beating fast in his chest; when he found her, he’d tell her everything. How he felt, how much it hurt to be without her, how much he never wanted to be separated again! Then he found her, as he turned an alley…and that fast beating heart seemed to skip a beat… …As his face filled with sorrow. Only yards away – never noticing he was there, he saw a strong, burly-looking merman with blonde hair…hugging his Mia and kissing her full on the lips. He clamped his eyes shut…and swam away, out of the city and back towards the surface. His tears were lost with the tides. Thus ended the vision, as the blinding light faded, leaving an unconscious Caelyum De Macabre lying on the ground, back to his usual self. “…Prefect?” “Yeah, Grim?” “Is it, like…a requirement that we stand here for several seconds in total silence after we see those?” “No, I think it just happens.” “Ah. Okay then.” Tock Crockwork said nothing. A few moments later, Cael groaned and began to stir. He blinked his eyes and clutched his pink-haired head as he started to sit up. “Ugh…what…wh-what happened?” he slurred out. “You tried to turn my food into shish-kabob,” droned Tock, thumbing towards you. “Shut up,” you grumbled. Confused, Cael turned towards your voices, and looked about to say something…until he heard sniffling and whimpering. He turned…and found the teary-eyed face of Mia staring back at him. “C-Cael,” she whimpered…then let out a squealing cry that caught him off guard as she threw herself upon him and began to cry. “CAEL, I’M SO SORRY! I’m so, so sorry…please…please, I’m sorry, PLEASE…!” Caelyum, as you might imagine, looked beyond uncomfortable…and with a growl, he managed to push Mia off of him. She whimpered like a kicked puppy as, without a word, he got to his feet and turned away from her, one hand on his chest, clutching his silver locket. “Sorry isn’t enough,” he answered, coldly. Mia gulped…and stood up. “Cael…please don’t walk away,” she begged. “Why not?” Caelyum snarled back over his shoulder, and began to stumble away. “Because I love you!” Cael stopped. He didn’t turn around…but he stopped. Mia paused…and took a deep breath. “I love you,” she said, firmly now, not desperately. “I…I always loved you, but…but I was…I don’t know, I…I was worried…” She hung her head and paused before going on. Cael turned his head slightly to show he was listening. “When I returned to the sea, my mother didn’t want me to ever go back to the land. She forbid it. She told me I had to stay under the water, and…and find a proper husband. She told me to forget about you, and…that merman you saw? He was…my betrothed.” Cael growled. “WAS,” Mia pointed out, and then went on quickly: “Cael, I could NEVER forget you, and I could NEVER stop loving you. Those two years…they were agony for me. That time in the alley…I asked him to kiss me because I wanted to show him we WEREN’T right for each other. He agreed; there just…wasn’t a spark. We liked each other, but…we both knew it would be wrong.” She swallowed, and lifted her head. “So…we both spoke to my mother. And…she realized what she’d been doing was wrong. The very next day, I went back to the swamplands; I looked everywhere for you…you weren’t there.” Silence. “I’m so sorry, Caelyum,” she sniffled. “I’m…I’m so-” Cael stopped her with a raised hand…and slowly turned towards her. All of you were surprised to see tears in his eyes. “…I just tried to kill you.” “Yes.” “I ran off over this whole misunderstanding.” “Yes.” “All this pain, all this time…and you really loved me?” “Yes.” “And…you…still love me? After all that?” Mia smiled. “Yes.” Cael blinked…then let out a wet laugh. “Wow,” he chuckled. “I…I guess swimming isn’t the only thing we both suck at. I mean…we’re n-not very good at this whole ‘relationship’ thing, either, are we?” Mia shared a sniffling laugh…and the pair promptly ran into each other’s arms. “I’m so happy I found you,” Mia sobbed with joy. “I’ve missed you so much…” “Not half as much as I’ve missed you,” Cael choked. The pair squeezed each other…then backed up, holding each other’s hands and staring lovingly into each other’s eyes. “Play the song you sang long ago,” Cael began. “And wherever the storm may blow,” Mia continued. “You will find the key to my heart,” both finished. “We’ll never be apart.” “Aaaaand…kiss,” you murmured to yourself with a smile, as the pair did exactly that. Tock snorted, rolling his eyes as Grim stuck out his tongue and grumbled something about “soppy mush.” The two lovebirds parted after a few seconds…then seemed to remember you were all standing nearby, and blushed before backing away from each other like scalded cats. “Um…s-sorry,” Caelyum mumbled. “About trying to destroy us, or for that sappy display?” droned Tock. “Because I can forgive one of those…” “It’s the destroying us part, isn’t it?” you guessed. “Yyyyep.” Cael hung his head and shuffled his feet guiltily. “…I’ve…had a lot of pain bottled up for years,” he said silently. “And…when I heard she was coming here…I…well…” “It’s alright,” you soothed, moving closer. “I can understand. And for the record, we won’t tell the Headmaster.” “Nya…or Chief Jehan,” Grim added. “Claude Jehan?” Mia spoke up, and tilted her head. “Is he really as scary as they say back home? The Ashengrottos and Leeches have a LOT of stories to tell.” “I’d imagine,” you snickered. “And no. He’s not that scary.” “Right. He’s WORSE,” Tock responded. “Amen,” you and Grim chorused. Mia gulped nervously; Cael chuckled softly, smiling at her with puppy-eyed affection. “I…hope he’s not going to be at the play tonight,” she said slowly. “Trust me, you’ll be fine,” you soothed. “Well, we won’t be if we don’t get there on time!” Grim reminded you. “We’re already behind schedule, thanks to all this!” “The hairball has a point,” nodded Tock, stiffly, then grumbled under his breath: “I still say it’s all for pansies, though…” All of you chuckled…except Mia, who took Cael by the hand. “Can…can he come, too?” she asked, shyly. Cael looked shocked, as did Grim and Tock. You just smiled wider. “If he wants to,” you answered. Cael blinked…then grinned so wide his face nearly seemed to split in two. “Please!” he nodded eagerly. “Then come on!” you called, and gestured for the reunited lovers to follow. “Let’s get moving before my pay gets docked! I have a pet to feed, you know!” “I AM NOT YOUR PET!” snapped Grim, while Tock cackled with amusement, snapping his fingers and resuming his humanoid form. Caelyum De Macabre and Mia Corazón just smiled and squeezed each other’s hands, following at a steady pace. It took longer than it should have to reach the theater, in the end, but you still made it in the nick of time. When asked why it took so long, you had an honest answer: Cael and Mia were so busy staring into one another’s eyes with everlasting love, it made getting there quickly difficult. In your mind, and theirs, it was more than worth it.
 The End
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shipmistress9 · 4 years
D E F G H I J K L M N O P, Q R S T U V, W X Y and Z 😇😉. I sung the alphabet while writing this as well 😂. You don’t have to answer all of them though, just pick which ones you want 😊.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
My fandom life would be easier if I liked Heathstrid at least a little bit... But I can’t and I don’t really want to, either...
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
The oneshots Spin The Bottle and Pick Me Up.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Given that I only learned about the existence of fandom as a concept in late 2016, the longest I’ve ever been in a fandom is roughly 4,5 years.
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
Many! Currently it’s Hiccstrid and Hicretstrid. And maybe a little Zelink. But thinking back, I think my very first OTP was when I was around five years old. From the Captain Tsubasa anime series, Tsubasa and... I don’t even know her name... 🤣 There was this girl who always cheered him on and was his no.1 fan. ANd in hindsight, I think I also shipped Tsubasa... with nearly all other players, mainly, Taro Misaki, Jun Misugi, and Kojiro Hyuga. 🤣
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
TV-shows, mostly. I prefer the visuals over books and I prefer the slower development over those in movies.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Not caused me to stop liking them. But in some cases (ATLA and TDP, to name two) it raised my expectations so high that, when I finally got to dip into them, I was rather underwhelmed. It also didn’t help that I already knew the ending and some major plot points. If there’s one sure way to dampen my excitement it’s spoilers.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
Supernatural. Pretty much all other fandoms I dip into occasionally, I knew at least a little before. But literally everything I know about Supernatural is from seeing posts here. 🤣
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
I can’t think of an individual character right now, but in general an arc I like is someone (re-)learning to trust.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
Snotlout has a great relationship with his dragon. Valka, too. Gobber and the twins are always fun, in their own ways.
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Already answered before.
Hmm... First, I wanted to say Astrid. And I'd enjoy having her as a friend, as someone to challenges me to be more active, to work on my skills and someone to talk.
But I think, I'd enjoy being friends with Hiccup, too. I'd like to brainstorm ideas, ponder over inventions and exchange ideas. Geek out about dragons!
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
Acceptance, respect, and some common sense. But that’s not just fandom...
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
My very long list of favoured songs randomly gave me 9 Crimes by Damien Rice. There once was an absolutly stunning AMV with this song about the TV-show The Legend Of The Seeker, The Sword Of Truth (based on the books by Terry Goodkind). I was deeply in love with Richard’s and Kahlan’s relationship, and with Cara on a general level. That AMV featured them all, and I loved it!
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Oh, oh, oh, oh! I just thought about this modern meet-cute AU for Hiccstrid a few days back, might as well write it down here. (And will also copy it over into an individual post, I think...)
Hiccup is a single father of a three-years-old daughter. One day, he meets Astrid in a supermarket; she’s in front of him at the check-out and when he hears her voice, he’s stunned. Because he knows her voice, hears it every day. Because she lend her voice to one of these talking toys for toddlers.His daughter’s favourite toy.
Hiccup always liked that toy best, too, because it didn’t sound as annoying as most others. Pleasant even. When he sees and hears Astrid, he recognises her voice in an instant. He jokingly thanks her for making his days more bearable. She’s confused, who is this weirdo? So he tries to explain. “The toy. My daughter’s toy. It’s your voice. A pleasant voice. I listen to it every day.” He keeps getting weirder, stammers, turns red like a tomato, until he eventually just flees, wishing a hole would open up to swallow him, that was so embarrassing.
Meanwhile, Astrid is touched. Knowing that there is at least one little girl who likes the toy she helped create. And her father, apparently. Who had been cute. In how shy he’d been. And how excited. She’s sorry he left before she was able to talk to him and thank him.
Over the next days, Hiccup would think of her a lot. Every time he hears her voice again, he’d think of her. Her face. Her smile. Until they, eventually, meet again... ^^
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
Answered before
None, really. There are several fandoms I grew out of, like Sailor Moon or Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne. But I wouldn't say I abandoned them. I still enjoy seeing content about them.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Those of the rider with their dragons. Hiccup&Toothless. Astrid&Stormfly.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Pretty much all of my headcanons are about Hiccstrid in one way or combination. One of my personal favourites is that Astrid has a tiny birthmark on the back of her neck. She doesn’t even know it’s there, she can’t see it and it’s almost always covered by her hair anyway. But Hiccup knows it’s there. And he loves to place a kiss on it. It tickles and would always make her giggle. And she smells so nice.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
*snorts* No. If there are people who don’t share my headcanons, then... they don’t have to? I can live and be friends with people regardless of whether we share the same headcanons or not. And if people keep attacking me for mine, I’ll just block them and walk away. Arguing about something like that is not worth my time.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Astrid. HTTYD.
I really have difficulties thinking of favourites from any other fandoms here! xD
Princess Zelda from Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Kaladin Stormblessed from the Stormlight Archives.
I might have a type here. Brave, strong, not always easy to deal with. Fiercely loyal. Stubborn. Proud. Honourable. that’s all three of them. ^^
V - Which character do you relate to most?
Same answer as the above, mostly. I think I already wrote a long answer to a similar question once. 🤔 I relate to Astrid in many ways. Loyal and reliable, not always easy to approach, often prefers to deal with her problems on her own instead of asking for help.
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
Anything jealously, especially it being portrayed as a sign of love or dedication. But also love triangles. Unnecessary.
Another thing I don’t like is when there’s a misunderstanding and they argue about it and get angry and yell and have a huge falling-out... when it all just boils down to them not listening.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Answered before.
Forbidden Romance. In any form. I just love the angsty tension it brings without the characters fighting or arguing about misunderstandings.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Supernatural, ATLA, TDP, MCU.
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
With all the critical thinking that’s encouraged in fandom culture, I wish more people would remember Ratatouille and this quote by Anton Ego.
“In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so.”
-- Anton Ego (Ratatouille)
Or at least respect it. It’s called entertainment and not lecture about every little detail that is wrong with other people’s opinions. I get why it’s important to look deeper and question meanings and intentions, I really do. But sometimes, I’d prefer to at least occasionally just enjoy something without getting lectured by others for it.
Thank you! 😘💜
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thisdamsideblog · 5 years
Beating Hearts | Leo Valdez
WC: 1.3K
Summary: You were supposed to help Leo with his homework, but he can’t concentrate and you can’t concentrate and so you go for a walk.
Genre: High School AU
Warnings: None XD
Fluff | Smut | Angst
A/N: Hello, I decided to write something, so here it is :) Also, although it wouldn’t really be applicable here, I found out there are extensions on Google Chrome that can change out Y/N in text to a name of your choosing, which is really cool if you read x reader fics often! Just a tip for ya :)
«You have something in your hair…»
I sighed in annoyance and let one hand rake through my hair, not really thinking much about it.
«Seriously, do you want me to get it out?» Leo asked, already leaning over the table with his hand out, more focused with this than what we were actually doing.
I swatted his hand away. «No, Leo, please just focus! If you don’t get a C or better on this test, they won’t let me tutor you anymore!» I exclaimed.
He fell back in his seat with his hands up in surrounder, but his eyes didn’t leave my head. I tried to brush my fingers through my hair again, but it apparently didn’t work.
«I’ll concentrate as soon as you don’t have that stuff stuck in your hair. Here, just let me…» He leaned over the table again reached his hand towards my face.
I stiffened, feeling the familiar rush of butterflies making my head dizzy.
He plucked something out of my hair, his fingers lightly brushing over my cheeks and effectively making my heart skip a beat. I let out a breath, feeling like tingly mess as his very brown, very warm eyes gazed into mine. His hand rested at my cheek for a split second, but that was enough. My heartbeat was the only sound in the busy library, and I felt the irrational fear that it would beat out of my chest.
«Sorry,» Leo whispered when he sat down again.
I forced a smile and shook my head, trying to come back to the library, instead of the dreamscape I had briefly escaped to.
My eyes returned to the familiar page, the same we had been for the last half hour, and I tried to regain my posture. Maybe I should just let him fail that test. At least then he wouldn’t get a tutor who couldn’t have him within two feet before she combusted in a gathering of butterflies.
I glanced up at him, and his eyes were on the roof above us, his hands seemingly doing something without his knowledge. Tinkering with some metal scraps I hadn’t even seen he had brought up.
«Leo,» I said, softly.
His eyes snapped over to mine.
I knew when he got like that, there was no point in trying to teach him anything. It wasn’t him being rude, he truly didn’t have control over his mind wandering, so I never yelled or scolded him for it. Plus, I knew that so many teachers never understood how he worked, and he had gotten yelled at before, something that he still carried with him.
«I need to get some fresh air, and I think you need to get your body moving a little bit. Want to go for a walk?»
He grinned that smile that made all the other girls retract in disgust, but made me swoon, and then he swiped all of his stuff down in his bag and slung it on his back. It made me wince how little care he had for his stuff, at school stuff, and made sure to make a point of packing my books and pens down in my bag carefully.
He threw his arm over my shoulder, his spirits now a little more up. I felt my heartbeat just a tiny bit faster and was glad he couldn’t hear it.
Outside it was snowing, and I shuddered from the cold, regretting not taking my warm jacket with me. Whether it was a conscious choice or him just not thinking about it, I was not sure, but he shuffled closer to me, and the heat radiating from him was enough to warm me up. That boy never got cold.
I looked up at him. He didn’t notice, his eyes fixed on the horizon, which gave me a chance to really see him. See how the snowflakes fell down and got stuck in his dark curls, how his breath came out in small and short bursts like he was hyperventilating, how his jaw was tense. Something was bothering him, but I didn’t want to push him to tell what. If he wanted to talk about it, he would do it. At least he was predictable in that way.
The restless wandering around New York City seemed to help because as the time went on he became calmer. He still had that look in his eyes, like he had drunken three jugs of strong coffee, but that was always there.
He was beautiful under the city lights. I really couldn’t understand how he never got a girlfriend, because he really did look handsome. Maybe not in a conventional way, but in a way that made him interesting and not just like everyone else. Or maybe I was just biased. I had once read that once you fall for someone, they automatically look more beautiful because the endorphins released when seeing them make everything look nicer.
He was more silent now than you had ever heard him before. He was usually a rambling mess, never able to sit still or be silent.
«Everything okay?»
He looked down at me, almost surprised, and then chuckled a tad bit awkwardly.
«Yeah, no, I was just thinking.»
I gasped loudly, stopping and looking at him with wide eyes. «What?» I gasped, my voice overly dramatic and shocked. I let my hands slap my cheeks as I said: «Leo Valdez thinking? Something must be incredibly wrong! Here, let me check…» I trailed off as I let one hand stretch up towards his forehead as if I was checking his temperature.
He caught my hand in his, though, and then he stared down in my eyes. Such warm, brown eyes, they reminded me of hot cocoa. It warmed me up, and I didn’t notice it, but as he tugged me closer, my nose filled up with the familiar scent of Axe body spray and burned wood - his signature smell. I warmed up completely like I had just drunk hot chocolate, and I could hear my heart beating again.
The air around us shifted, much like earlier today when his fingers stroked my cheek. My eyes were wide, but this wasn’t me joking around.
Leo didn’t say anything, but we both noticed the anticipation - the tension - laying heavily in the air. His face was so close to me now, and he had that wrinkle above his eyebrow that told me he was concentrated, his eyes showed something else, something stronger, something warmer.
I could feel his breath on my lips, and then his lips were all I could feel. The warmth that surrounded us when his lips touched mine was like nothing I had ever felt. My mouth moved on instinct against his, but I couldn’t feel the rest of my body, it was as if it had just turned into a puddle of warmth.
Way too soon, he pulled away, and I let out a breath of shock, staring up in his eyes that were calmer than I had ever seen them before.
«S-Sorry,» he stuttered, then he pulled away from me, and just like that, all the warmth left me.
I reached out to him, desperate for him to be close to me again, and I noticed the look of alarm on his face as I grabbed his hand.
«What are you saying sorry for?» I asked him, so low he could barely hear me.
His head snapped down to my hand in his, and then back up at me. The other hand on his side was restless, and his eyes were wild.
«I- I wasn’t sure if you wanted that, but you just looked- you were just so beautiful, I couldn’t seem to control myself.»
I felt laughter bubble up from my chest, and I tugged him closer as a smile found its way to his lips too.
«Really, it’s okay. I wouldn’t have kissed back if I didn’t want you to kiss me, would I?»
His lips opened into a big grin that showed his teeth, and then he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me flush to his chest. Under the thin layer of his shirt, I could feel his heartbeat rapidly against mine.
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Ladies Man
Denki Kaminari x 2nd Year!Reader
Warnings - none
Summary - A second year decides to follow Denki’s spam it just turns out it’s his crush what happens next is pure fluff
Tumblr media
• discountpikachu uathotpatrol requested to follow you
Denki looks curiously at the notification. Spam accounts weren't uncommon even at UA. It is a highschool after all. No matter how elite they claim to be they still feed into the same childish  stuff when they have free time. So who's this one? I mean he already has his entire class and most of 1B so who's it now? As the account pulls up he looks at it carefully.
uathotpatrol thots will be blocked out on sight. no affiliation with ua main : _ghostie
Ghostie? Oh she's a second year. He presses the button to allow the request then moves to request to follow her. 'I wonder why she followed me?' Denki thinks to himself.
"Kaminari have you seen this," Mina says shoving her phone towards him. "It's that cute second year that we saw at the movies."
"Yeah Ghostie," Sero tells him, "pretty h/c hair and rocking body."
"She's also really nice," Kirishima adds. Denki looks at the picture to see the girl sitting on a car with two other girls. She's smiling brightly. You'd hardly imagine her as the type to become a hero. Flashy pretty girl. But like Kirishima says she's really sweet. Constantly working to tutor other kids. She works with Uraraka and Tsu a lot with combat training.
"She followed my spam," Denki adds as he hands Mina back her phone, "I'm finally in with the older girls."
"Yeah you wish," Sero says shoving him lightly.
"She has a pretty fun spam," Mina says pulling up the account, "her last post made me think of you."
"Yeah how so?" He asks her. She shows him the picture. It's of Ghostie holding a pikachu plushie up. 'Gonna catch me a pikachu to finish my Pokédex."
"Oh so she's nerdy?" Bakugo says finally joining in.
"Hot nerdy," Mina says pulling her phone back, "anyways you are the Pikachu knock off Kaminari."
"Eat a dick," Denki shoots back. He looks to his phone as it buzzes.
uathotpatrol has approved your follow request
'Nice' he thinks to himself.
uathotpatrol sent you a message
uathotpatrol: Kaminari as designated thot patrol I have to inform you that you are under  thot watch
DiscountPikachu : oh damn Ghostie you've got me
uathotpatrol: ew don't use my hero name that's too formal it's Y/n here
DiscountPikachu : Ah of course.                                   And I'll have you know I'm no thot
uathotpatrol: hmmmmm you might be
DiscountPikachu: bruh
uathotpatrol: I don't make the rules my guy
DiscountPikachu: you gonna block me???
uathotpatrol: Nah you cute
DiscountPikachu: you think I'm cute huh?
"Denki? Denki?" Mina calls, "who are you texting?"
"Shinso probably," Kirishima says as he scrolls boredly through his phone. 
"No it's Ghostie," Kaminari says smirking to his friends, "she called me cute."
"No way!" Sero says diving to his side to look over Denki's shoulder. He looks at the texts and smirks. "Dude don't fuck it up because she's super hot."
"Super hot," Mina says looking at Denki. Making sure to emphasize her point.
"Yeah I didn't need help realizing that," Denki says chuckling lightly.
"Yeah? You should realize she's out of your league," Bakugo says snarkily, "I mean she's more on my level-"
"Don't insult her like that," Sero says chuckling.
Kirishima holds back the angry blond as the group chuckles. Denki feels his phone buzz and looks down excitedly.
uathotpatrol : don't let it get to your head, but yeah you're cute
DiscountPikachu : awe you're cute too
                                      more hot then cute
uathotpatrol : i know bb ;) 
He puts his phone away as Aizawa moves into the classroom starting class at once. Denki tries to pay attention. He really does but when his phone buzzes and he see's another message from her he knows all productivity is out the door.
uathotpatrol : are you a torch? Because you light up my world
 DiscountPikachu : nice 
uathotpatrol : I have more 
DiscountPikachu : please tell me them
uathotpatrol : You must be from nether, because you are out of this world.
        DiscountPikachu : XD I love that
uathotpatrol : you in class?
DiscountPikachu : Yep hero studies with Aizawa
uathotpatrol : yikes
DiscountPikachu : You?
uathotpatrol : All Might has us taking turns in a rescue simulation and I went first so I have the rest of the period to do jack shit
DiscountPikachu : lucky 
"Kaminari what did I just say?" Aizawa asks harshly. Denki looks up in slight horror as he shoves his phone into his pocket. 
"Uhhh something something hero," Denki says tensely. Aizawa sends the attack weapon at him. It knocks Denki back then automatically returns to the teacher. He returns to the lesson and Denki tries his best to pay attention. As class ends and they head off to lunch Denki see's the very girl that hasn't left his mind all day. 
"Hey L/n," He says smiling lightly at her. She waves him over.
"Hey Kaminari," She says brightly, "I see you survived Aizawa."
"Barely," Denki says with a nervous chuckle. Her friends watch them carefully. Amused with the situation. Denki doesn't exactly know why. 
"Wanna eat together?" She offers, "my friends are leaving for a field trip so I'm gonna be alone."
"Yeah of course," He replies. She smiles standing then waves to her friends. 
"Follow me," She tells him. He nods following her as they move past his friends. Who, rightfully so, were freaking out about the situation. As they take their seats he notices she had lead him into a sea of 2nd and third years. He see's the big three and a couple other noteable upperclassman.
"What field trip are your friends going on?" Denki asks her.
"To check out Ryuku's hero agency," She explains, "pros let the upperclassmen at hero schools tour every so often."
"You didn't want to check it out?" He asks.
"I'm commited to Mirko's agency," She admits, "I started working at her agency last year and she's invited me to stay."
"Oh thats so cool!" Denki says smiling at her. She nods.
"She's a good hero a lot of people girl her crap for her cutesy appearance," She starts. Denki can she she's passionate about the subject. "She's strong and powerful. I wanna be just like her... Gah sorry I'm rambling."
"No you're fine," Denki says smiling at her, "you're passionate. It's cute."
"You're such a charmer," She says giving him a smile, "what about you? Any heroes that stick out?"
"MT Lady is one of my favourites," Denki says, "I also really like Edgeshot and Hawks."
"Hawks was the one I did my internship with," She tells him, "he's dreamy."
"Dreamy huh?" He asks.
"Yeah- when you're older you'll have the same effect," She says giving him a wink, "I mean that little smirk. When you've fully grown into you're features you'll be one hell of a ladies man."
"Yeah you reckon?" He asks smirking.
"Yeah," She says, "now Denki I'm thinking after school we head out on a date."
"A date?" 
He's nervous but trying to keep his flirty nature.
"You wanna go on a date? With me?"
He's failing miserablly.
"I kinda think you're cute and my childhood friend Shinso really talked you up to me," She explains, "he said you have a little crush on me. So wanna go on a date?"
"Of course- I mean yeah sure babe," He says attempting to keep his cool. She smiles at him. 
"Let me give you my number," She says. He nods handing her his phone. She puts in her number then snaps a picture of her self. Once he gets her phone back he notices the cute photo. Man she's really cute. He can't help but sneak a glance at her as she sips on her drink.
He moves typing a quick message to send her. She smiles at the quirky greeting. Then hands him her phone. 
"Take a picture for your contact," She tells him. He moves posing for the selfie. Snapping it then returning her phone. "Well I'll meet you by the 1A dorms. I'm thinking pizza?"
"Sounds good to me," He tells her. She gives him a wink then moves to leave the cafeteria. Denki retreats to his friends who are yelling at him.
"WHAT HAPPENED?" Mina shouts.
"Yeah what was that?!" Sero asks.
"She asked me on a date," Denki says with a smirk. Suddenly horror hits him. "Oh god she asked me on a date. How how do I date?"
"Oh god you're hopeless."
"We have to help him," Kirishima says.
"AH come on lighting extra let's go!"
(I’ll do a part two with the date later)
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