#sorry about that im gay for someone whos not a fictional character
bowofbalance · 8 months
you don't have to answer this and I just want you to know I'm happy you have someone who cares enough to make you feel wanted and loved (because you are!). I don't know who they are but I'm happy they're making somebody happy <3
If things keep going as they have been, everyone following this blog will basically know everything about her soon (sorry in advance). Anyway thank you anon, I'm happy for myself too and I really truly hope that I'm making her feel the same way too. Everyone deserves to feel wanted and welcome and safe and loved and happy and all those other warm and fuzzy things.
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cleromancy · 8 months
i absolutely do not vibe at all with any red hood steph concept ive ever seen because fucking nobody engages with it in any depth its just 🤔🤔 steph is basically the same as jason right? people who dont like jason online say so so it must be true~
like i need you first of all to walk back several steps and understand two major things about utrh and stephanie brown here. the first is that steph got into crime fighting in the first place bc she wanted to ~spoil~ the crimes of her c-list supervillain father. the second is that the core of the tragedy of the red hood is that batman is supposed to be his fucking dad.
so if you do want to do a red hood stephie concept here which. to be clear is not something i am INHERENTLY opposed to. you have a couple options to make it potentially coherent but you need to actually be deliberate and clear about what youre trying to do with that concept. you need to step away from jasons tragedy and look at hers and figure out where exactly her anger and hurt are coming from and who exactly theyre directed at, as well as what specifically in your au concept it would be so different than the canon one where when she comes back she wants to do pretty much the opposite of what jason wanted when *he* came back.
and. crucially. if the difference is the relationship she has to bruce being different you actually do need to show not tell that dude. im sorry but if you just *tell* me that in your universe that steph has a more deep and meaningful relationship to bruce i 100% always am like "ill believe it when i fucking see it". like, she has parents of her own and while that doesnt preclude having a more signficant relationship with bruce (see: timmy)... you really do have to do the legwork or it looks like youre just writing them out and asking us to take your word for it that Of Course steph wants bruce to adopt her, hes batman! gag, retch, spew. do notdo this.
FRANKLY in a reverse robins concept i vibe way more with steph as red robin than anything specifically her getting the dumpster costume from whoever you do put in the red hood role. (frankly x2 i still think if they really truly had to do the storyline they did in canon where shes still trying to do bruces dirty work for him and hires assassins to kill tim to ~make him better~ lmao she should have been the one who wore the Bad Robin uniform before tim got it instead of fuckin ulysses i just think it would have been more coherent and also funner for me personally)
anyway if you link me a red hood steph concept here and it sucks or does any of the things i Just finished critiquing i will be very irritated and i will not be polite to you about it. just as a fair warning.
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timegears-moved · 2 years
killua brain is hitting. Goodnigjt
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mangle-my-mind · 2 months
hey could you explain who jack fairy is im stupid and cant figure out why hes such a big character in the fandom
Omg yes absolutely! Thanks for the ask Anon!
Jack Fairy is the fictional originator of glam rock in the VG universe. He's the one who discovers Oscar Wilde's pin (aka the gay alien sex brooch) as a child. The pin is meant to represent an "instinctive need to camp it up", or owning queerness authentically. As an adult, Jack is considered a "true original", the one who inspires the rest of the glam scene.
Jack Fairy is technically a minor character in the film in terms of screentime, but he's very important to the narrative itself. He's at the Sombrero club when Brian and Mandy meet, and where Brian steals the emerald pin from him. While Brian has a meteoric rise, partially on the strength of stealing from/being inspired by Jack, it's implied that Jack never sees that same level of fame. Later, he's living in Berlin and finds Curt there after Curt and Brian break up. The two of them make an album together a la Bowie and Iggy. At the end of the film, Jack performs at the Death of Glitter concert, closing the chapter on the scene which he originated. That's also the pivotal show where Mandy and Curt have a moment, Brian shows up and leaves, and Arthur and Curt get it on on the roof.
I can't speak on behalf of all of fandom, but some of the reasons Jack Fairy is so beloved to me are:
He's one of the most authentic characters in the film. MUCH more authentic than Brian ever is. We see Jack making art out of his pain from childhood. We recognize his constant struggle and need to express himself truly.
He doesn't get the flowers he deserves, which is typical to first movers in pretty much any art form. He's the one who paved the way for glam to flourish, and others stand on his shoulders and claim the accolades.
He falls victim to Brian's ruthless theft multiple times over. (Sorry not sorry, I'm a Brian hater). The pin, the Sombrero club, Mandy, the glitter entourage, his music (I have a headcanon that "2HB" is a Jack Fairy song that Brian covers), etc. I wrote a fic about this concept specifically if you're interested!
He basically helps Curt get over Brian. This is more of a personal headcanon, but at this point I am in too deep to think otherwise. The fact that Curt meets Jack and then they make an album and put on a concert together is an incredible story in and of itself (and as a matter of fact I wrote that too!)
I think in general, smaller characters with a lot of space for exploration are the most fun ones to latch onto in fandom. Jack's storyline has so much potential for further analysis/art/etc. But more specifically to Jack, he is someone deeply rooted in their authenticity who doesn't get to reap the rewards of being himself, compared to those who reap the rewards of putting on an elaborate image (cough cough Brian). It's a tragic arc, which is always fun to fawn over.
Todd Haynes obviously has some great things to say about Jack Fairy, and I made a post last year pulling that together:
I'd also love to tag in Number One Jack Fairy Fan @silverfactory - maybe you have anything you'd like to add?
Sorry that this is so long-winded! I got overly excited :p
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marlsswrites · 2 months
you're absolutely disgusting for glorifying fascist characters
james married lily and they would both vomit at the idea of being anything close to friendly with a death eater
Okay this is so stupid but I feel like I should speak up about this because it is HORRENDOUS.
Also really? An anonymous hate comment? Thats just sad, if you’re going to be hater at least have the guts to say it to my face.
I actually laughed when this came into my inbox. They are wizards! Fictional wizards, to clarify. We know next to nothing about regulus, james or lily! So, if i want to make a post about jegulus, i will make a fucking post about jegulus.
You can’t go around calling people fascists just because you dont agree with their opinion, it is so childish and it takes the meaning from the word.
I respect everyones opinions, you dont like jegulus? Thats fine, i respect that. You ship jegulily? Cool, I don’t massively ship it but id never hate on someone who does. You ship jily? Yay, me too! So how about you send a prompt to my inbox and ask me to write a jily oneshot, you dont need to flood my inbox with stupid hate while being anonymous! If you really want to say something, you wouldnt do it anonymously.
There is so much to this fandom, so many headcanons and so so many opinions. And everyone has the right to their opinion, I really dont give a shit that you dont like jegulus, but calling me a fascist is just so pointless.
How on earth do you want me to react? “Sorry, I will stop shipping the couple that have offered me comfort on a daily!” Or “oh wow, you’re being pointlessly stupid, that is such a good point!”
No, because at the end of the day, no one reacts like that. No one will listen to you if you act like that! If you dont support me for liking jegulus, get off my page, honest to god. If you dont like jegulus but you like wolfstar, just skip the jegulus content. Its so easy!
If you want less jegulus content on your feed, maybe stop actively searching for jegulus creators to hate on?
Jegulus brings me so much comfort, if im having a bad day I can just do some writing, or make a video, or read some more of the fanfic i was in the middle of. And you are calling me a fascist simply because i seek comfort in a couple of fictional wizards? Just let people be happy, it really isn’t difficult. And if you cant understand that, you really shouldnt be commenting on it, because you are obviously uneducated and not mature enough to be saying and speaking up about things like that.
I am literally just a another human trying to have some fun and find happiness in the things that I love, and you are some random person online who clearly only finds joy in trying (and failing) to make people feel like shit, get a life. And again, if you have a problem with this post, please DNI, hate is not wanted and is really not needed.
Anyway im off to write some more gay fanfiction about said ‘fascists’, bye!! 🫡
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feelingthedisaster · 7 months
What does the aspec flag look like officially / exactly? Google is giving me different answers and I don't know which one to use...please enlighten me🙏
well, there is a lot of flags, depending on their meaning and/or preferences of the person who identifies with the identity of the flag
but, these are some of the most know ones:
aromantic (feels little to no romantic atraction)
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asexual (feels little to no sexual attraction)
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the most know aroace flag (i think the name it's the sunset flag) (it can be used for both spectum to 0% atraction i lack a better word for it, but usually people who use a micro label prefer to use the specific flag for that micro level)
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the next two are alternatives for the aroace flag, people often use this because the colors usually have meanings (i am not an expert about the topic, i'd have to do reserch) and the alternatives flags, even though are meant for the same identity, can have diferent colours with different meaning. a lot of people use the flag they like the colours better (for example, dont like orange, just use an alternative flag)
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the next flag is for oriented aroace, which means an aspec person which feels some type of atracttion (sexual, romantic, aesthetic, sensual, etc) so they are aspec and at the same time another orientation (like lesbian, bi, gay, hetero, pan, etc)
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[looking for the pictures, i found this one who also includes the flags of some microlabels, but im not going to delete what i previously wrote]
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the aspec flag in general
asensual: someone who feels little to no sensual atracttion
aplatonic: someone who feels little to no platonic atracttion
there are microlabels in that image like demi (needs a previous connection to feel the attraction), gray (little/rare atraction), and more
[there are more flags for all the microlabels (and more microlabels that arent mentioned) out there, but they are a lot so im not going to include them]
there are also 'cursed flags', which are any flags but what an image or text on them, usually a fictional character or joke. they are made with humoristic purposes
also to clarify, you can use whatever flag you like/feel more comfortable. if you are aspec and feel some atraction, it doesnt mean you cant use 'original' ones (the three first one) (i dont know if original is the right word)
but i repeat, USE THE FLAG YOU LIKE. wheter it is because you like the colors more or because of the meanings (with i didnt put because im not familiar with them, but there is a lot information out there), the flag you use is for you
hope this was helpful!
if anything was wrong/harmful, im really sorry, it wasnt my intention and if someone can point my mistake/tell me the right word/what to change i would appreatiate a lot
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Tired of ppl excusing c!Scott actions just because he's gay, or saying someone is homophobic for criticising those actions.
Gay people can mess up just like humans and can even be BAD???? 😱😱!!! There this weird switch up were it turned to every gay person is horrible to gay ppl can't do wrong on the internet. I can understand that you are going to get defensive when you be oppressed over and over again and finally have freedom to show no gay ppl aren't bad. Still though no matter what race, gender, religion or sexuality you are there are going to be bad apples in those groups and good apples.
I known ppl were they were abused by there spouse and it just so happened they were lesbains. Does this mean all lesbians are horrible? NO!! Does this mean the abuser is horrible? Yes!! (I know this seems like an anti/toxic flower husbands propaganda rn, but I swear it not this was just the first example in my head)
I've also seen posts that say "will, they are only criticizing Scott actions therefore they are homophobic" but like, what about Gem, Cleo, and Martyn?? (Lizzie too, maybe??? I think she's bi) they are all attracted to the same gender too, and before anyone pulls the card "will there also attracted to the opposite gender too so they less oppressed." First of all that is the most biphobic shit and secondly, homophobic ppl don't care, they only focus on the same attraction bet they dont care that they are also attracted to the opposite gender.
Also like ppl are allowed to analyzing characters and relationships in different ways it is really cool and unique. It's cool to see how ppl view those things, like pls I wish I had your brain!! Even if I don't agree it still enjoyable to read. It's such a downer when ppl try to hide the bad interpretations of good characters or the other way around.
But, also no one is holding a gun to your head, you are allowed to see c!Scott as a good person. You can view flower husbands as healthy, just dont harass anyone or call ppl awful things over it if they don't view it the same, because that actually makes you worse than them getting angry over fiction and affecting real ppl over it??? (Other way around too, don't call flower husband enjoyers ppl who support abuse)
Sorry had to get this out of my system, REMINDER IM TALKING ABOUT CHARACTER SCOTT!!!! I don't actually believe CC!Scott is a horrible person!!
(sorry if this is spelling or something is weird it's like 2:00 am RN)
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thecommunalfoolboy · 1 year
What your favorite Lupin The Third Character says about you
When people make these they always just say nice things and traits of the character and it’s dumb so here’s me being right
Anyway my reputation for misogyny is legendary
Ok this largely depends on if you like edgy Jigen or goofy ah Jigen but
You desperately need to stop getting into arguments online, both in general and on whether Jigen is deep and emo or a silly guy
Gay Gay homosexual gay 🫵
You took one look at him and Lupin and said “Damn these bitches gay!” In a half joking way but the show itself proved you right in 10 seconds
Lol emo
Ok but actually seek psychiatric care
You either write porn about him in your head or you’re extremely asexual
There’s something weird going on with your gender but that’s kinda true if you watch this show in general
You’re too broke to get that next piercing don’t do it
You’re either as devastated about them whitewashing our boy as I am or you should be
Hey remember they whitewashed Goemon too you should be equally as mad about that
You head canon he speaks Spanish
Go to bed
He’s a nice man
Seek help brother
You play with jpegs like dolls
Beneath your eyes is a deep dark hole of information on this show’s lore
You also hate him so much and you want to see him die painfully <3
You want that twink OBLITERATED
You should really raise the price on your art it is so much better than you think it is
Some of you have only seen the first and it shows
“Brother,,,,, help me,,,,,,”
“Long live the king……”
Lol you thought I’m not letting you off that easy you’re deeply traumatized You’ve never felt safe in your life and the most inner hurt part of you desperately needed an adult to help you at a time in your life when you should’ve been worried about learning your times tables not whether you’d survive another day and one of the reasons you’re drawn to characters like this and collect fictional fathers is because you see a glowing smile and an infallible hero who could’ve saved you when you needed it the most
Or you’re Japanese native but like
Autism 👿
Woah dude are you like… autistic???
Stop looking at his tits
A small but significant subsection of you people are just racist and cannot be normal about Japan
If someone asked your thoughts on him you’d just be like :)))) the silly
You have way too many screenshots of him looking weird in the background
You def hate part 5 and twcfm
Whenever tms forgets he exists for a while you still watch it but you look like a wet kitten
You’re def short
You need to stop coping and accept it he looked fully insane in part 3 the hair is so so bad
You’re probably transmasc
I just wanna say I’m so sorry
She’s an ugly bitch there I said it
You’re probably a girl
And definitely bi
Y’all probably know the least about the show as a whole
Good for you!! You actually touch grass
Or again you’re in the racist subgroup
The titles for each character confuse you but you only realized this one’s Fujiko because either I just said it or you saw the “stop being horny” and knew
You probably have insanely hot takes on the show
They did your girl dirty im so sorry
You’d die on the hill of whichever of her hair colors you think is best but at least you’re dead
I’m scared of you
Hey you should watch the first if you haven’t already
Zemigamna 🥺
You cry every time someone says Yata was boring and didn’t need to be in the show
Miyazaki studio gibli ass 🫵
Please you still have time left you can get out before you become obsessed you’re not in too deep yet RUN RUN SAVE YOURSEL
Or this show is all you have left and it’s infinitely too late for you no in between
Again probably a girl
You’re definitely not normal about fujiko either
You hate that one movie where he’s a dick with a burning passion and you would write 20 page essays on it
If you’re obsessed with him you probably have a chronic illness (same bestie) or major physical disability
Anyway if I fully clocked you let me know I think it’s funny to see you guys suffer
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likeadog · 7 months
oops yeah please share the story I am in dire need of your webweaving
Sorry this is so late, I was struck immediately and viciously by the wrath of god (and sedatives), so needless to say i was away from my computer
anyway so . the setting is: bnha roleplay server. let me introduce our cast
we have ME, 18, playing Monoma
we have the Bakugou and Shinsou roleplayers, who are a couple also. They are also the server mods. Notably, all three of us are some kinda gay-guy-adjacent-moment
you have Snow, 19, playing Kaminari and Summer, 20-something, playing Kirishima. Snow was ace/agender/aro and summer was identifying as cis bihet
I, unaware of summer identifying unironically as like, biromantic heterosexual, had accidentally started a fight about microlabels in the discourse channel, which ended in her refusing to speak to me further on the topic because she "couldnt control herself from hurting me", which were big words from someone i was not scared of in any way, but slay.
Regardless, the server moved forward.
Kirishima was, in this setting, a gay guy. I'm pretty sure he also had lesbian moms. Summer decided to take the exciting "discovering your identity" approach, despite confiding in us that she really didn't come out until well into adulthood, but one is not limited to live experience in the world of fiction, yeah? however, i think some people should be.
anticipation builds in the ooc chat. monoma makes an off-hand comment about being gay. kirishima asks, "what's that?"
we are aghast. this continues. not only does imaginary gay kirishima not know what gay is, he doesnt know what lgbt stands for. when a comment is made that he could google it, a joke about it all being inappropriate images is dropped. the homophobia is beginning to stink. however i have promised i would not get into more fights (liar) so me and the shinsou and bakugou rpers are just like, ribbing at it a little in the ooc chat. like, "man, i wish i was this sheltered growing up, maybe i wouldnt have been bullied in school" or something to that effect, which summer takes very personally and adamantly defends her right to imagine a world where it is in any way realistic for a sixteen year old who is gay and has gay moms to be this stupid.
but nonetheless, the in character chat goes on. kirishima is still getting hooked on phonics style sexuality. and then kaminari decides to whip out a chart. which chart?
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needlessly to say, we were baffled. surely no one believes this is how anything works, yes?
the vilification of hypersexuality (medical symptom, often of trauma). the bizarre insistence on carefully organizing every aspect of attraction on a gradient. its such a fascinating little piece of bullfucker, but furthermore,
in a world in which the LGBT acronym is too hard for someone to grasp, im supposed to believe he just clicks with Sexuality Battleship??? I'm a professional faggot and this thing confuses me.
It was such beautiful insight into their minds. A world in which one can skip all the annoying gay people parts of sexuality labels and instead dive right into the microcosms of what was solely relevant to them. it also fantastically predicted the future homophobia i would be subject to, including a line about how "gay people had enough and wouldnt stop stealing ace rep" about the magnus archives, and also the todoroki conversion therapy moment, but this was really just a truly incredible appetizer to the full course of dumb fuckery.
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hi moottt how was ur day?
i have some bookish questions for u bc why not
-what is ur favourite genre of literature?
-what are your top 5 favourite books?
-what are your top 3 favourite authors?
-do you have a favourite book character? if so, who are they? (feel free to list more than one)
-what is your favourite romance trope?
-what do you like to see in a main character?
-what are your thoughts on queer literature?
-what is a bookish pet peeve you have?
-do you like to purchase books, borrow them, or read them online?
-do you often read books translated from other countries?
thats all for now :) have a nice day
hello! i’m doing okay in the middle of moving tho so stressful haha
help did i never answer this? i’m sorry i’m actually tumblr illiterate like crazy
My fav genre is probably hm… def fiction haha young adult and contemporary…? it said those were genres i’m so sorry i don’t know the names of them and i’m an anxious mess! but if it’s got gay people and mental illness i’ll take it. i like dystopian as well!
-girl in pieces by kathleen glasgow
-solitaire by alice oseman
-radio silence by alice oseman
-the perks of being a wallflower by soeben chbosky
-blood of olympus by rick riordan
(they change all the time haha)
-for authors i would def say
-rick riordan
-alice oseman (obv)
-and hm i haven’t read more than one of glasgows books so possibly suzzanne collins maybe? AUGHH IM SO INDECISIVE! (i do have fav fanfic authors tho haha)
as someone who is demiromantic i’ve got to say friends to lovers since nothing else makes sense in my mind haha other then that hurt/comfort and just being domestic are UGH love it! SUNSHINE X GRUMPY as well. I eat it up everytime.
i love when main characters are similar to me so mentally ill gay very sad etc etc lol but besides that i would say complex? i hate it when authors make “i’m so happy all the time” characters the main character like i need DEPTH where’s the FLAVOR. so i suppose just not being perfect?
there needs to be more of it lol. i’m loving how much of it is being made to day but tbh in my opinion some authors do it wrong… i love when being queer is a major part of a characters personality because well they’re proud! but it’s when an author makes the entire character based off of that with no other personality traits. sexualizing queer relationships too like…. yikes! would love to see some more aroace and genderqueer rep that isn’t just boy/nb/girl tho!
when endings are rushed! it’s terrible i remember i loved this one book when i was younger that had the og “i’m nothing like y’all” as the cover haha. i forget what it was called sorry! but there was a great story and then it ended with her friends saying “sorry for excluding you and they went on to win the state math fair!” what. YOU JUST HAD A FULLY FLESHED OUT STORY AND YOU DID THAT??? i’m sure nobody likes them but they especially piss me off. skipping over important scenes as well and just showing the aftermath! non floppy books. FIX ITTTTT. also tbh smut? i mean i don’t mind it but that’s what ao3 is for i’m fine with the smut where they don’t show it like in charlie and nicks first time in heartstopper where it’s just kinda vague but as soon as i see a dick beint described im OUT. and books that just are smut like dude there’s so many better things you could be writing about!
ngl i am a massive book purchaser. i used to get them all from the library but thennn i got a bookshelf and discovered what annotating is… i just love being able to go back on what i’ve read whenever i want! and the covers are pretty :)
no actually! i don’t think i ever have tbh? i think the only time that happened was when i translated an official nico di angelo short story from italian haha
thank you if you listened to my yap! also i’m so sorry i didn’t see this :( also if i already responded to this and i forgot you can just kill me please and thank you. also have a good day too so sorry i didn’t see this! :(
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aihoshiino · 9 months
okay so no idea how i should refer to myself as so: hi!! im the person who had way too much fun writing ai/nino toxic yuri on ao3! i was gonna just lurk (me, tumblr account with privated likes, reblogs and follows) BUT how could i with the promise of people being normal about fictional unhealthy gay women. idk if this is the optimal way to communicate i use tumblr with the sole purpose of following 4 people and digging up ai content
i am honestly so flattered (but also kinda upset at the lack of content on them aside from my own 1k word long oneshot please keep recommending if you find more stuff on them) that you enjoyed and recommended my fics considering i just straight up had no clue where i was going: okay so top priority i want them to kiss —> but also with how things are nino would probably lash out (read: bite) —> ai would be hesitant but also is so desperate that she’d still accept it happily —> this will fuel ninos idea of ai being the perfect, invincible idol —> and then i ran and tried not to trip with the rest
your translations of the side stories and blog was probably what helped me get in to oshi no ko again because even though i am still not over ai being dead i can now listen to someone talk about how great and tragic and sad and miserable she was along with all the other characters so thank you again!
also that ask for ai/nino toxic yuri visions was me lol, thanks for talking about my fic despite how short it was <3, i might de-anon myself at some point but rn im too shy for that
woof, this got a bit long. anyways love wins fr, if there was ever a day where i participate in an onk shipping war it’ll be on the side of them
that said it does make me so happy every time I hear people saying my relentless oshi no posting stands out to them to the degree that it does lol. I guess I'm in a similar place as you where, as happy as I am for it, it does make me a little sad that it feels like there's such little fan interest in lengthy meta and discussion on Ai herself outside of some really banal, surface level stuff. To a degree, I get that with other characters having so much more time on the page and having ongoing arcs to speculate about, but Ai is sooooooooo fascinating to me and it really drives me insane how often I see people make zero effort to engage with her arc beyond her utilitarian function in the story. It also really bums me out how often I see her get reduced to just a stepping stone in the arcs of other characters — even though the manga is literally shaking you right now and begging you to understand and empathize with her more than ever, I straight up see people cheering and crowing about Ruby 'surpassing' her or 'becoming the true Ai' as if this is a good thing and they are not completely fucking missing the point lmao.
ANYWAY!!!! That's enough grumping because the actual point of this response was to say: the Ai posting will continue until I am physically forced to stop!!!! I have so many thoughts about my wife constantly and if I do not share them I will explode!!!
(ps anon pspspspsp if you are ever feeling brave enough to unanon pls feel free to just send me your discord or your socmeds off tumblr if that is less intimidating for u.... honestly that goes for all my oshi no moots in general Please Talk With Me In DMs About My Wife)
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anyone randomly calling chloe stans who don't like zoe "homophobic" is severely lacking in fandom literacy because a sizable chunk of people headcanon her as a lesbian who might also have internalized homophobia and if she's shipped with anyone it's usually with another girl. it's also just rude to say that to people? like im sorry being gay hasn't made your blorbo interesting but don't just call people you know nothing about "homophobic" based on their tastes/opinions in fictional characters?
Yeah she is so lesbian coded.
Only 'crush' is something extremely preformative on a 'safe' target (boy, model with plenty of fans, good person, close friend, someone who wouldn't return romantic feelings and won't take advantage of her).
Obsessive adoration of a female so is also a safe option (her feelings for Ladybug aren't a crush, everyone's a fan!).
Not to mention she and Sabrina play 'Super Penguino' together.
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cosmicjoke · 7 months
what was that anon talking abt about how eruri shippers are white supremacists or the ship is tied into white supremacy? I dont like the ship either but I've never seen that (im not saying it doesnt exist or that I dont believe them at all, I'm just curious). Can you please elaborate if you know what they were referring to? /genq
On a different subject- just some constructive criticism, your response to that anon left a really bad taste in my mouth because you made your dislike of a random ship about how the Evil Gays are trying to "advance their agenda" through gay shipping...I get what youre trying to say but that is a REALLY loaded phrase in relation to gay issues, as were several other phrases you used, for example, saying gay shippers are delusional, biased, and self centered for projecting their sexualities onto characters. I also hate when ppl misunderstand characters canon relationships and try to pretend their fanon ships are supported by canon. I also hate eruri bc personally I just do not like the ship. But blaming gay people for it is more than a little fucked up lol like you could just say you hate eruri without dragging all gay people into it and making this statement about how the gays are evil for experiencing fandom in a way that you dont like. ESPECIALLY since straight people never have to worry about representation, while a lot of queer ppl "project" their sexualities onto canon characters due to a LACK of that representation. I'm sorry but someone saying "I think Levi is gay" LITERALLY does not hurt you at all, while it might be extremely validating and beneficial to somebody else. If you want to make posts critically analyzing AoT and discussing aspects of the fandom you don't like, you also have to analyze your own biases and how they might affect your posting.
I don't know what they're referring to, as I said. I've never seen any "white supremacy" in the eruri fandom. People love to throw that term around. They love to see racism everywhere.
Look, I'm going to get blunt here, because this is basically the second time in as many weeks that I've been criticized for using general language when referring to a general group, and accused of targeting a specific group. That's an assumption on your part because you're looking to be offended.
When I say "they" and "them", I'm talking about shippers IN GENERAL. ANY SHIP. Not just "gay" shippers or "gay" ships. And I'm not talking about shippers as a whole, but the ones who attack others for not accepting their ship as canon. And when I say people are projecting themselves onto these characters, again, I'm referring to people in general who do this. Whether that's their sexual orientation, or gender identity, or whatever. People project all the time, and then want to force their view of these characters, super-imposed with their own, personal traits, down everyone else' throats. I'm talking specifically about the group of fans who attack everyone and anyone who doesn't accept their headcanon version of these characters as canon. Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. You do.
I never blamed gay people for anything, ffs. I never said gay people are "evil". What's "fucked up" is you putting words in my mouth that I never said and then accusing me of being homophobic based on these made up words. I never said people calling Levi gay is hurting me, either. I said focusing on his sexuality and making his sexuality the most essential aspect of his person when discussing his character is distracting and potentially leads to bad interpretation because it literally has no bearing ON his character. His sexual orientation is irrelevant to who he is. People who make their entire identity about who they want to have sex with or who they're attracted to will often project that onto fictional characters, and then get mad at anyone who doesn't do the same. You're doing it right now. And when said characters sexuality has nothing to do with who they are as a character, doing this is harmful to ones ability TO UNDERSTAND said character.
I'm not biased toward gay people. Again, that's all you making assumptions because you want to be offended.
And I don't hate eruri. How hard is it for you to read? I've stated multiple times, in multiple different ways, that I've both written and read countless eruri fics. Some of my favorite AoT fics are eruri and it's the ship I primarily engage with when reading AoT fic. But I guess you just missed that little detail. Convenient for you, since it doesn't support your desire to see me as some homophobic bigot who's insensitive to the gays.
But whatever, I guess.
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blueiight · 2 years
i was reading the translation of lestat screaming after losing at chess to claudia and it surprised me how a significant number of interpretations were louis is a bad parent for coddling claudia. should've let lestat beat her. those were not the exact words but the implication.
like what. and i thought back to your posts about claudia not being seen as a child by a section of the audience.
also this outburst is triggered by losing at chess and claudia being defiant about not finishing the game. it's not like she killed people and left them at the door.
obv in that scene she's in her 30s but lestat is screaming about when she was younger.
i'm sorry but I'm forever shocked at how some audience immediately takes lestat's side even when it's like ????
i think ppl dont get how louis was a bad parent to claudia in the first place. its not 'coddling' [LOL] so much as it is the disproportionate level of emotional dependence louis has on claudia after a certain point but to an extent even in the nature of her creation.. claudia was created to assuage the losses of multiple aspects of louis's 'humanity'. the loss of his wealth, the loss of his sister, the loss of his ability to have children [which he would never be able to have as a gay black male anyways b4 the vamp shit]. shes created as a means for lestat also, to draw louis back into his life, bc remember, right before louis found claudia, lestat was like lets make this race riot our anniversary n louis told lestat the same thing nick&armand told les in tvl i think? - we wont work, u gone forever be alone. - n ran out. to be a 'bring back our love' child + also someone else's tether to the abstract meaning of 'humanity' is a pretty heavy bit of expectations to put on the shoulders of a young black girl who lost her mom at birth n spent her childhood and adolescence being abandoned by her dad & being abused by her aunt. it follows a pretty troubling pattern louis has with poor black women in his life [miss lily being louis's confidante but having no choice to refuse louis, her trick]. but fans of no color & their allies in thinking dont even see that pattern in the first place cuz they care more about exploring annie r u ok n npc honkey #45 characters than exploring the arcs of fictional bw.
lestat losing the game of chess is symbolic of his loss of influence over claudia [which is ironic cuz show wise he never wanted claudia at first lol] & the implications claudia's independence has for his relationship with louis. claudia herself no longer wants to be a child, someone else's daughter, and wants to equalize the relationship by making them all siblings, but neither lestat or louis want to be brothers to eachother [aint no fun when the rabbit got the gun lol].
lestat himself has an exceptionally brutal reference for parenting. im sure louis himself was raised off corporeal punishment too, hell i was raised off that as well, but short of his psychotic chokedown of clauds in ep7, i cant think of a time where louis actively thought or said he wanted to put hands on claudia to 'set her straight' the same way lestat was. we know in our real lives corporal punishment is a tactic of control + abuse, and this becomes even more prominent if its a white man beating his adult black child [bc claudia is in her 30s here, shes not a child anymore & doesnt want to be]. rl fans taking lestat's bitching bout louis spoiling claudia as facts & not les being pissy that his 30 year old child beat him at a chess match is funny as fuck tho no lie
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eldritchmochi · 1 year
b m u y ! letter ask game
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
i fully blame seize and gem for getting me on the shadowidomauk train, regardless of the teif personality. seize especially has me in a chokehold re: their lucien and essek combo in one of their fics, which i have not read nor do i even know if its been posted but they keep sending me snippets like MOCHI YOU WILL LOVE THIS IT HAS ALL* YOUR KINKS and by dog they're right (*it is not actually "all" this is impossible as i have Too Many Kinks but)
also gem's essek-owns-a-boujie-coffee-shop au that has shadowidomauk as end game is cute as shit im sorry gem that i haven't had the spoons to edit more (its so good aaa)
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
i answered M with "ashton" over here in this post the other day but another character i would want to be friends withhhhhhhh hmmm lets say asterion. no i have not played the game but from the lore i have absorbed via cherry he is very much the kind of gay i would have fun having catty gossip with while also being the sort of rock for him to lean on and like..... not therapy him i hate being peoples therapist but the immovable object he can bounce trauma off and figure out How 2 People again. i think he would appreciate my bluntness and the way i set clear, explicit boundaries but am otherwise unflappable, and i would certainly appreciate his humour, and we can bond!! over the whole being ace as a result of trauma!! :D
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
answered U over here with ashton, kylo, and bucky over here but lets do it again!!
lets kick it off by going Old School with the Original Husbando ^TM: vash the stampede. you have no idea how jazzed i am about the new trigun anime (no i have not watched it i merely enjoy the smut on twitter) because vash is like, my og blorbo. did i have blorbos before? yes, kind of, but my Wants in a man* (*fictional character) had not yet developed so they were but proto-blorbos. vash tho... he has it all: tall pretty boy happy go lucky twink who is secretly Full Of Trauma but shoves it down super hard by being just so upbeat and goofy, and just really wants..... love and peace lmao. a lot of my blorbos historically have similar vibes in the "puts on an act to cover deep severe trauma" way lmao
next up: more anime i guess, but modern: i honestly super fucking love all might???? like SO MUCH he is such an interesting character and i desperately want to read fic of him grappling with his severe health issues alongside his image as a hero AND his mentoring of midoriya (preferably with that guud guud smut, but i have no clue who i'd ship him with, i only got two seasons in lmao). unfortunately, everything i like about him isnt even in cannon its just stuff that i, a cripple, can extrapolate from the worldbuilding and lil snippets we get of him but MAN i am o b s e s s e d
third!!! more comics: loki, specifically the agents of asgard loki. i am 100000% planning to cosplay that loki (i have the hair after all) and i am very excited because he is just so very Gender. it was the first time i saw a genderfluid character in mainstream media and his "i AM gender queer, i IDENTIFY as a bitch" like is something i quote constantly to describe my gender. also hes just such a dick who is obviously trying to do better and unlearn bad habits and god, i dont remember specifically what its about but he has a big fight with his earthside contact roommate buddy helper person over something and then comes crawling back and does this big speech where he talks about how he knows hes a fuck up but he's trying and he values her friendship so much even if he's been shit about showing it and it is chefs kiss
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
dragon age. just... i know so much vague dragon age lore from listening to cherry talk about it because it is their BIG love for video games (pending bg3..... not sure if itll overtake da but theyre very sad they cannot play it again til monday lmao). i absolutely instigated a convo with someone on okc asking if xyz thing was a da reference and i was rIGHT it secured me a date lmao
similarly, mass effect, batfam stuff, haunted mansion, nbc hannibal (dont ask me why its a fandom in law still i cannot explain), s8 infinity (???? i only know matcha blossom), the final fantasy mmo, taz......
you can ask me more of these letter questions!! i have much time to spare!! maybe!!!
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hingabee · 1 year
(Previous anon) And the reason I say this is you’ve previously acted like you’re so attacked for being the only person who likes Garak/Ziyal. The ship that producers literally put in the show because they thought Garak was “too gay.” That doesn’t mean you can’t like it and redeem it in your fan works, but it does mean it’s weird to act like people just don’t like it because they’re not open minded enough or they’re being mean to you specifically. No, it’s because it literally exists because of homophobia. Not everything is about you. Het shipping is not oppressed, it’s only what 95% of romance fiction is.
my issue has never been that people dont like a ship i like, what i dislike is when people use their dislike of a ship to infantilise ziyal (or other female characters) or make her into some yaoi female archtype youd spot on livejournal 20 years ago.
im sorry if i have not been clear in my very much lighthearted presence on this website and it caused misunderstandings, but i literally do not give a shit if someone dislikes a ship or a character as long as they dont @ me with it (and i have gotten multiple outraged messages about sexualising ziyal be it in f/f or f/m ships. lol. shes an adult woman)
anyway if youre pressed bc im having fun and making jokes about myself enjoying a cringey straight ship with my friends i dont know what to tell you
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