#sorry for abandoning you i got more active on twitter
buggysimp · 4 months
Hey Dad, it's me, um
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
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#vent/rant ahead i just wanna say stuff:#forcing myself to draw for my friends and post content for my friends and keep Being Active just for other ppl is wearing me out#i WANT to continue to be a part of the community but. man this sucks fkjdhsg#it's entirely my fault. the situations i've put myself in that i dont wanna make public#(not just stuff related to art and content motivation but also Oops i Upset A Friend And Feel Horrible)#but it still sucks even if it is my fault#idk man im just running out of stuff to care about. everything is getting worse 🧍#i'm sure i'll be here every once in a while but will i ever post a full drawing again? great question#clips? very very rarely#actual content? not likely#i have like. one thing i wanna post about at christmas (i know one of my gifts already). besides that uhhhhhhhh i've got nothing#might have one drawing/sketch for december but that's very up in the air#if you know my priv and wanna request go ahead. im always active there and that wont change unless twitter explodes#even if you've requested before and aren't in it now you can request again. i'll try to be more lenient with it (again this is my fault)#i doubt i could ever make myself straight up abandon this blog. i'll continue to answer asks and ramble when i want to#but forcing myself to be a Content Provider sucks. it's not working. i'm still sad. he's still dead. my friends are leaving.#i'm not gonna have anyone left by this time next year it'll just be me and the void lmao#too nervous to follow anyone new. too nervous to talk the friends i already have. cant hold a conversation to save my life#this is why i have like... 3 friends here (i think we're friends). sorry i never talk to you guys it's just Difficult :/#and it's not getting any easier. not since june/july !#all goat knows is talk about skyblock (getting harder to do). post link to song. and make 50 more non-rebloggable posts#chat#come back later#(to delete probably idk)#now the real question: is this all related to [current issues causing mood swings] or is this something that's been building since june#we'll see i guess#i could be fine a month or so from now. or tomorrow. or all the way in the summer. who knows#*attaches a picture of techno to make this seem slightly less miserable* jkfhdkg#i hate there being like 2000 people here. nearly 3000 i think. idk#i want to talk and rant without feeling like im making the world's worst apology video KJFDHKG i dont like having so many eyes on me
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years
I invite everybody who took the other users side in that situation to find me a single situation where I was fatphobic and or went out of my way to be cruel or malicious to another user. After these crickets end, I'd like to invite the OP to prove that my reblog asking what their post means caused them hundreds of harassing messages in mere minutes, like they claimed. I will wait.
They posted one single message they got, from a person who wasn't a follower of mine and who responded to them after another user reblogged their post, which was confirmed by that other user. Before they closed their replies and closed themselves in an echochamber of people agreeing with them, I checked the notes a final time and though they did get criticism, as did I (and you all do know I listen to you and hear you and am always, ALWAYS open to conversation), those hundreds of messages of hate were nowhere to be seen.
Do you know why I know for sure they're lying about getting soooooooo much hate because of me? First of all, I've never cultivated a bullying culture on my blog. My followers can attest to that. I never supported users brigading for me. I don't have a cult following either way, but you can say I even discourage brigading. I always ask my followers not to fight others on my behalf. Not that it's necessary, because no one can say I get into drama often. Since making this blog, I can count maybe 5 situations that would be considered 'situations' to begin with. I don't have fans. I have bloggers that enjoy the content I post.
But secondly and more conclusively easily proven with numbers, I simply don't have that reach, nor do I have that many followers who are both active and fatphobic. I don't support fatphobia. I spoke out against fatphobia on this site. I've experienced it myself and I know how hurtful it is. My activity for this blog is abysmal due to me all but abandoning OTID in throes of my mental health battles. My posts get maybe 300 notes in total, over a 1000 if they're a hit reblog but that's it.
Hundreds of hate messages in minutes? Very unlikely. I'm not ashamed to admit OTID isn't what it used to be and that's completely on me and it's completely fine. My struggles stopped me from giving you the best possible OTID experience that you could've gotten and I feel very sorry for that, but I can be realistic and admit that this blog is just not that active anymore, and that's okay. All things die out with time. Lying on me wont change the facts that you're lying.
I also invite the people who say I should've known better and that my intent was unclear in asking the question, to explain about what I should have known better and to prove I was somehow malicious. Why would I be malicious? Why would I attack OP in the way they claim I did? When do I ever do that? How does that even make sense? You can still go through the notes and see that after I asked them for an explanation, nobody attacked them. You can also see that the OP went out of their way to attack me, while they explained calmly to another user what they meant.
What makes us different? Neither one of us understood. I can't read tones online, neither can that other user. I also am not a native speaker, so I sometimes get things wrong, hence why I asked. Why do they deserve kindness and I am accused of ill-intent for asking the same thing? Their replies and notes were off. I couldn't see the replies. This isn't Twitter. If you close those things off, other users don't see them and can't know you've made them. Why would anyone post things publicly but not expect a public response from anyone else?
I'd understand if I was attacking OP and they reacted like this, but I wasn't. My response wasn't malicious. I asked the source to explain, because I didn't understand. How is that malicious? To the people who say they see their point, please explain, because I do not see it and I really want to know. How is me genuinely asking what something that I don't understand means malicious? Even after publicly saying that I actually agree with a lot of things they said on their blog about fatphobia and so on. Supporting the cause? Understanding their points? Agreeing? I'm malicious?
I would also like to invite the people who claim I asked them in a known and rude/malicious meme format kind of way to prove that I did that. I did not know of this meme you speak of, but after checking for it online and finding the "well-known meme format" that was mentioned (which wasn't that well-known since I've never heard of it), my wording was not the same. It wasn't even close. So this argument, how can you claim it to be true?
And lastly, can anyone sincerely tell me how does it make sense for me to suddenly have a complete personality change, decide to reblog something to troll a user I don't even know just to be cruel to them, suddenly be malicious and fatphobic and be a completely different person that you all have known me to be for the past six years? If that was really who I am, wouldn't have the masked slipped way sooner? Why would I pretend to be not a complete POS all this time to have "What does this mean?" hill to die on? This is silly.
I wasn't being fatphobic. I wasn't mocking OP. I wasn't attacking OP. I wasn't being 'snarky'. I simply asked them what something they said meant, because I didn't understand what they meant. My brain wasn't computing. I didn't get their wording. I stumbled upon their post on the explore page, and wasn't seeking them out to antagonize them or anything else they might have claimed. I don't like hurting people. I don't go out of my way to hurt people. If I do hurt somebody I want to do everything in my power to correct it.
My followers weren't harassing them after that question. The OP didn't receive hundreds of hate messages after that question. OP is lying and it's easily to prove that they are. I don't know why they're lying and I'm not willing to get into that because I can't even assume, but one thing is clear - OP had a disproportionate reaction to a question that shouldn't have warranted such a reply. They doubled down and continued claiming victimhood in a situation where they haven't been victimized.
I genuinely feel sorry for them. I believe they've been victimized before. I know this sounds patronizing, but I really do feel sorry for them. I just don't appreciate that they've decided to do a victim cosplay over this and tried to villainize me for asking this question:
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Ending this with my final thoughts: fatphobia is real and hurts people. I don't support fatphobia. I don't stand for it. I've met a lot of fatphobes in my life and all of them were deeply hurtful and insecure people who took out their insecurities on others. Here on OTID we don't vibe with shaming people for their weight nor for how they look. Fat people are people. Skinny people are people. We're all the same on the inside, bones and organs. What matters is how we treat others. I want to spend my days treating others with kindness and receiving kindness back. I like putting smiles on people's faces, not hurting others. I do get it wrong sometimes, and I acknowledge that, but I always try to correct myself, learn and be a better person. I admit when I'm wrong.
If this is my hill to die on, then so be it. But I promise you that I did not reblog OP's post and asked that question to make fun of them or invite harassment to them. I can't believe I even have to repeat this so many times, but I was asking because I didn't understand. I stand behind everything I've said. If your claim to fame is trying to fight me, you highly overestimate how many active followers I have and the kind of community you'll find here. If you want to cancel me for being fatphobic, I'm sorry to say but the only person I've ever been cruel to and who I've bodyshamed was my own self.
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drgreysonmd · 2 months
Yo I was so excited I literally immediately started drawing him, and then hyperfixated all day and then did nothing but just sit in my feels. This is gonna be a long one about some blog stuff too, mates, so strap in!
@flamesque 's Mun LITERALLY had to hold my hand because I CRIED I was so nervous to see his face 😅🤣 it was the happiness of the game finally giving him all the attention I'd always wanted him to have, but the double edged sword of going
"Oh shit. Now everything I've grown so attracted to is officially wrong."
And so I had to sit here all day while I've painted and spoken to friends and fellow muns and just... had to really take a step back and think about how I was going to overhaul everything here too.
So the positive answer is- I'm SO EXCITED because I've already seen so many people talking about him and even my beloved @rose-tinted-kalopsia is planning on writing for him and maybe this means more fanworks for him! It's been very lonely in my little corner with just me screaming about how lovely he is and throwing out headcanon posts and snippets and art and
I get it. It can be hard to love a faceless man in a very visual game. No shade. I'm just happy and hopeful more people will engage in him as a character now!
I also think he's fucking ADORABLE. His glasses and his cute cheekbones and his grey blue eyes bc ofc he'd have grey eyes when his name is fucking Greyson (I swear to God everyone loves to hurt me with puns 🥴🤣) I'd love to see a little bit of a hairstyle change but I've already hit on that. Overall I love him. Very cute, 10/10, totally smashable. I'm getting Bedazzled Brendan Fraser vibes and I'm here for it.
On the less positive side- it's like saying goodbye to a very dear friend. This Grey, MY Grey has become somewhat of a very special blorbo to me. He ended up being like a half oc-half canon character and idek how it happened but it DID and here I lay very distraught and attached to him and it's a little heartbreaking to retire him, if that makes any sense.
It's been quiet here for a while partially due to personal stuff, but also partially due to my sensing the changing in the winds after the story update of No Morning. They've done a lot of lore building with him that while it doesn't give him any actual back story, it's changed or developed parts of his personality that really have diverged him from the Greyson we got snippets of early on. And I'm not mad about that mind you, he's still adorable and I will stand by him until my dying breath, but it's very clear that the Grey I've written, and the Grey they're writing now are diverging very quickly and I need to separate them rather than try and salvage a blend. It was bound to happen when the only thing we had to go on was as a side character in an anecdote, a side character in a single card, and a couple moments posts early on. 🤷‍♀️ (oh and that one Twitter interview).
I've contemplated making mine an OC (just another Dr at Akso) and keeping all the lore and backstory and stuff as his, and gutting this profile back to canon material ONLY, but once again that leaves it as very... well.... barren. I do believe there will be a lot more in store for him in the future, it's just gonna take a while (bc he's a side character so of course, it makes sense) so it might feel like I've kind of hurt or abandoned this place in the meantime, which is definitely not what I want either.
All in all there will obviously be some huge changes happening here, I'm just not entirely sure what they are yet and what that means for active threads too 😅 I have a lot of options so it's just down to figuring out which ones speak to me heart and Muse.
I realize this is probably all waaaaaaay more than you intended to ask so I'm sorry, but thanks for letting me gush all my feels out ahhhhhh♡)
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I’m alive
I’m sorry for abandoning this blog for like 3-4 years. Executive dysfunction just kind of got on top of me and I couldn’t keep up with it anymore, and the further behind I got the more insurmountable it became to get back on top of it. I’m sorry to everyone who never got a reply to their messages/asks. 
I’m trialing migrating back to tumblr after *gestures broadly at twitter* and while I don’t have the bandwidth to revive this blog, I’m proud of the little community we had here and I don’t plan to delete anything. I remember the time I spent on here fondly and I wish I could have kept doing it. Thank you to everyone who supported me over the years the blog was active, especially folks who sent regular asks. 
As a little life update, I am still with the person who I made this blog about - we’ve been together over 6 and a half years now. We moved back to our hometown with our three cats, he’s doing his Master’s degree and I have a proper grown-up job now. I had my two year HRT anniversary this year, I’m pursuing an autism assessment for myself, and I got really into Dungons & Dragons over the pandemic. 
I hope everyone is doing as well as you can be. Feel free to send updates, I’ll keep the inbox of this account open (though I probably won’t be answering advice asks). But you will probably find me for the most part over on my new main blog @queerf0xx (which currently doesn’t have anything on it). Also basically everyone I followed back in the day has been inactive as long as I have, so I welcome any recommendations for blogs to follow. 
Sending my love to you all,
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fatphobiabusters · 2 years
Hey sorry if this is a rough topic but have you been seeing the news about KayleaTitford? She was a disabled plus sized girl who died, and the news has only been focusing on her weight and not the fact that her parents were abusing and neglecting her, maggots were found in her body and she had tons of infections but the news was only ever super disrespectful to her.
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I wanted to learn more about the situation but the news seems to only be focusing on her weight and not the fact that her parents are/were actively absuive and neglectful and keep saying that her weight, not her parents neglect is what lead to her death?
Sorry if I phrased something insensitively or worded it wrong way but why isn’t the press doing it’s job correctly??? Sorry if this isn’t an okay ask to send I just didn’t know who else to send it to
additional cw: o word, medical fatphobia if you go reading the threads.
Side note before I get into this "thefatdoctoruk" looks to be a pretty good Twitter to follow? Just scrolling through and he calls out medical fatphobia from a science literacy and medically sound pov. So hey if you Twitter check them out.
Okay so I'm putting in a read more
https://twitter.com/thefatdoctoruk/status/1623375820575150081?s=20&t=wSaN5nQgWjgk28JepMf8Pg here's a thread about how obviously she was being neglected because of the state of her mattress.
the BBC has been on the decline they got into hot water due to that shit show of a transphobic article (https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8NXe_on1cUW1EYsFBHQlu0PVDyX_qM- here a youtuber sends in a complaint about that article and its shoddy journalism for people who missed it) and I saw people saying only their coverage of international news is worth anything anymore. Tories have their fingers in it. And because everyone thinks they can trust the BBC they follow when copying reports.
She had spina bifada and needed help with daily care and her shit parents let her rot. They decided that since she didn't have to go to school due to lockdown they would leave her there. She never re attended school. Likely because she would have told someone what happened and because it was easier to keep ignoring her. This is ableism. This is abuse, to be frank the framing of this should be indictive of the massive eugenics and antidisability culture instead its framed as self inflicted weight gain. If it was HONEST reporting it would read "child with spina bifada left to die by parents"
This is utterly disgusting and I'm so sorry this child was abandoned like this. Everyone has failed her.
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aroacesigma · 3 months
okay massive loredump incoming so im terribly sorry if none of this makes sense lol
to understand valkyrie's dynamic in the most basic way possible, shu is an incredibly talented artist who might seem extremely standoffish and cold while also being very short tempered (especially during the earlier stories) but he is very tender to those who cares about. throughout his entire arc though he learns how to express those feelings better so its really sweet to see ^-^ he really loves antique dolls and admires any type of art form really. and hes a very big croissant enjoyer. currently in the story hes studying in france. and i dont care if its only like a silly gag in the game but you have to take shu having DID out of my cold dead hands. he sometimes speaks through the doll his grandfather gave him, mademoiselle.
and mika is, for a lack of a better word his biggest fan(tm). type of guy that would defend anything shu does on twitter lmao. but before getting into their relationship!! i need to gush about my silly first. mika is an orphan who ends up at yumenosaki because he remembers meeting shu when they were both kids and seeing shu perform once. and was like. "hey. i want to be next to him" and somehow??? got in???? but anyway. hes a very sweet guy but might sometimes come off as a bit of an airhead. doesnt help w the fact that he keeps saying hes dumb while that not being the case at all. he really likes plushies :3 he frequently picks up abandoned plushies and clothes from the trash to fix them up and everything. he also has a bit of a sweet tooth lol. but he prefers cheaper candy or sweets that are a little flawed like a cake thats slightly burnt and whatnot because he says that the nice ones make him sick.
oh wow this is already so long im SORRY but getting into them together, their entire arc is them growing and learning and trying to become the best versions of themselves as partners.
during ! era, the earlier batch of stories, when mika first joins valkyrie his relationship with shu is really not healthy at all. people still call them a proship sometimes because they will just ignore any development they had 💀 this was the time that mika was incredibly devoted to shu and very dependent on him. that his only purpose was to be shu's doll for him to control and lead him because he couldnt be trusted with himself or whatever. this being paired with shu's perfectionism resulted in this dynamic of a puppeteer and his puppet, basically. i will probably get to the war in another ask if you want me to bc. i feel like im rambling on too much nfmfnf <.< but after the events of the war their dynamic starts changing with time, in the later ! stories a few of them shows this switch to emphasizing mika needing to become his own person, and to live as a human instead of mindlessly following what shu says him to do. when we get to the !! era how much they've both grown is way more visible, by now shu has moved to france but visits japan frequently for valkyrie's activities or other things. shu cannot shut up about being partners in art with mika and is really proud of how far he has come. mika on the other hand, he really starts pushing for his own artistic taste more and also!! he calls shu out on his bullshit sometimes its really fun to read.
and if you want more tragic yaoi, id recommend listening to acanthe first and the lyrics then going onto le temps des fleurs, both have insane stories in the game accompanying the songs but i will . stop myself for now. all i will say is that the outfits in le temps des fleurs, half of it is supposed to be the groom while the other is the bride, so yeah theyre married to me now.
ohhhh theyre so silly. honestly love that character development for them <3 so glad gay marriage is real in enstars
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wrongcaitlyn · 7 months
hi hi! first off I AM SUCH A HUGE FAN LIKE YOU HAVE NO CLUE. I literally shake every time you release a new chapter it’s insane. i’ve been following since… maybe chapter 14 of talk your talk and go viral (i just need this love spiral)? and i have been reading them as soon as they come out and wow. just read the new chapter shaking screaming crying throwing up. But to get to the actual ask i swear on my life that sometime in the og fic will said that he was going to make a solangelo ship account and become the biggest solangelo shipper lol. i just looked and it’s in chapter 21! “Which is a strange concept to think of, obviously, but he’s going to move past that. The only thing that really matters is that he wakes up in Will’s arms, and Will, somehow, finds it all hilarious. He is, however, going undercover on his Kanye West hate account to become the number one Will Solace x Nico di Angelo shipper, and to most of stan twitter, he’s probably coming off as insane and delusional.”
please tell me if will actually went through with that account. cause i was kinda confused in the new chapter when will said the solangelo rumors were getting annoying. since yk. he was egging it on.
sorry for such a long ask but i’ve just been wondering and AAHHHH IM SUCH A HUGE FAN YOU HAVE NO IDEAAAAAA I also made a playlist for this fic that’s probably over 10 hours long at this point most of it consists of songs i think nico would make because i’m insane.
HI omg literally thank u so much😭😭💔💔 it makes me so happy that you like the fic that much!!!
to answer the question, he definitely did, at the beginning - but that was still very early on in nico’s career, and his fan base was pretty small (at least compared to how it skyrocketed later that year). i think there’s a very fine line between joking that “haha these friends would make such a cute couple i ship!” (what will was doing) compared to certain “fans” who will insist on nico coming out and them having a public relationship/trying to find “hints” and “clues” that aren’t there/theorizing abt them having broken up, or them pining, or basically just invading nico (and will’s) privacy (what will is annoyed by/what other ppl are doing).
will ended up abandoning that acc when he got to college (1 bc he didn’t have time and 2 bc of people becoming too invasive). will def was egging it on back in hs, mainly just to counter the piper x nico rumors and bc he thought it’d be funny, but it became clear at some point that people weren’t seeing the joke aspect of the ship, and taking it way too seriously (bc even tho will thought it’d be funny, he didn’t actually want to out either of them).
plus, yk what happened at the grammys. having ppl try to out nico or accuse him of queerbaiting is really not what will wants to encourage! he made a mistake bc he was a teenager and he is not perfect! (tho tbf, nico thought it was funny at first too, and then just kinda forgot abt it when he became less active on social media)
DROP THE PLAYLIST💳💥💳💥 (i literally have 20+ playlists for this fic and will never turn down some more. i have an obsession.)
tysm for the ask!!! this ended up being a very long response lmao but i have way too many thoughts abt this au😭
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figmentof · 2 years
I swear to god there needs to be some sort of support group for people who escaped our flag means brainrot. I joined when it was small and I had never been in a fandom discord server before, so I had no reference point for what was "normal" after it got big. Thank you for sharing your experience, it makes me feel less insane for thinking a lot of what I saw was not okay when everyone around me was saying otherwise. I'm very sorry for what you went through.
it's actually astonishing the number of people that were there who witnessed it all happen and just stayed... silent. 1.6k people at the time and only three new friends i made who are now good friends of mine spoke up and left/abandoned the server in an act of defiance. i didn't talk about it in may right after getting removed as mod because tumblr can have a very... dismissive(?) attitude about discord servers since they're notorious for being hectic and the messiest source of drama (which is true to an extent ig but idk i like discord because of how much more connected we can be as a group of fans in a properly run server and it's an experience you can't ever get on tumblr or twitter). i felt like back then without anyone actually harassing me here on tumblr, it was my word against, well, the rest of this racist fandom. i felt incredibly helpless and isolated. but now that there's more people that joined the fandom after may and are actively talking about racism and constantly bringing it up (though still very few notes on those posts :|), i felt like my story being shared now will at least be taken seriously, and i'm glad it seems to be the case with the overwhelming number of ppl who sent me kind asks with words of encouragement <3
i actually made an anti-racist ofmd server a while back but it never picked up. i’m assuming now that s2 is a reality and actually finished maybe people would be interested again. of course it’s purposely selective so fans of color can feel safe. if you or anyone else is interested in joining lmk!
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purple guys hc spiral
oof this got really long really fast, sorry lmao
"purple guys" is the platonic ship name now bc I said so /lhj
alternatively you could have "fourth cousins thrice removed" or "all is hell in the afton family"
no one knows when or how these two became friends at all. like it's kind of known that they met a couple years back at the same function but no one knows how they actually managed to get along enough to be considered pals
the hahaha funni "we are not related" jokes spiral into "this is my fourth cousin psychic the psychic, don't follow his twitter follow my twitter" "thanks cousin"
it gets to the point where they actually do kind of see each other as their weird cousin that they pull stupid shenanigans with (read: arson)
"hey bestie (derogatory)" to "hey bestie (affectionate)" pipeline fr
^half-joking, DD is canonically Psychic's forever bestie and Void will always come second to that.
if he had to choose between them, Psychic would pick Dearest in a heartbeat. Void is aware of this and is only mildly bitter about it.
Void is no more close with Psychic than he is with Radi or the Space Gang. they don't really have any emotional investment in each other's lives.
however. they do understand each other in a way that no one else does.
the others have noticed how separated Void and Psi's friendship is from everyone else's. they don't really know what to make of that.
Psychic is the first one outside of BF and GF to figure out that Void is a black hole.
he doesn't bring it up by himself for a long time. Void doesn't want to either, so it takes a long time before either of them address it.
but when they finally do, it becomes very clear that Psychic is not going to tell anyone. he's not going to see Void any differently. not that he thought much of the guy before but this isn't something that's going to affect that.
Void is glad but doesn't like. appreciate it the way one would. he's just as whiny, just as self-absorbed as before.
but this is the point where he and Psychic come to understand each other a little better.
Psychic doesn't actively try to hide his interests, but he never bothers to bring them up either so Void actually has no idea what he does outside of read and also kill people probably
Void has no clue what working for the Dearests entails and he doesn't care enough to ask
meanwhile Psi knows practically everything there is to know about Void. not that Void has much going for him beneath the surface /hj
Psychic mainly sticks around because he finds Void's character interesting, not out of any genuine care for his not-cousin
Void hangs with Psi mostly because Psychic is smart and funny, and in case he ever provides anything Void could use against the Dearests. gotta weed out that competition ykyk 💅 ✨
if Void was Sans in Underverse season 1, Psychic would be Frisk.
^i dunno how to explain this one lol just go watch underverse s1 and look at their dynamic
^added on to this they might actually have swapped roles by the time s2 comes around
over time, I like to think they do come to genuinely like each other a bit more. over time though lol, none of that tenpiye nonsense here /lh
Psychic is dangerously loyal to the people he cares about. we see this primarily with the Dearests. not with Void.
Void shows loyalty to no one. he'd drop any of his friends if he felt he had to, even the ones he enjoys the presence of slightly more.
(with the exception of Jet. nothing could force Void to abandon Jet.)
but maybe if you gave these two time and also enough character development... 👀
Psychic is gaslight. both of them are gatekeep. Void is girlboss.
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
I promise my tone is not malicious and I come in peace. This is in regards to the likes/reblogs situation. One of the issues that gets lost in the arguments for why reblogs died down is because, when this site was crawling with over zealous individuals who thought they were fighting the crusades, many people would get attacked over art or a post they didn’t tolerate. And no I’m not talking about actual bad stuff but like dumb things like not necessarily shipping a fandom’s main ship or adult content for actual adult ships and so on. God forbid some of us don’t follow the made up fandom rules. Some of us aren’t even trying to be an active part of those circles, we just wanted to reblog pretty pictures, cool art styles, or neat short fics. Like it was never that deep or real for some of us, it was just a little hit of dopamine, ya know? I’ve since removed myself from all fandom experiences as it’s just less hurtful that way. The other issue that also contributed greatly was the purge. So many artists had to abandon this sinking ship and I don’t blame them. So many of them relied on commissions and stuff and it sucked that they got hurt more than one way. The whole situation sucks, I’m sorry 😞
Hey, im sorry you had such a bad experience with fandom. I recall those days. I didnt spend 8 years in SPN fandom to not come out with some battle scars from all the nonsense! I remember vividly following an artist who posted amazing destiel art, but who was a multishipper who also posted w*ncest art and I remember getting angry anons being like *how DARE you reblog art from someone who ships w*ncest!!!* it was dumb and I ignored it. I always ignored all that crap.
I can understand not wanting to reblog for fear of getting stuck in some discourse and I was very saddened by the purge when so many great creative blogs quit tumblr for good.
I totally get having anxiety about reblogging as well. Its a stronger commitment to just liking something. But you can set up as many anonymous side blogs as you want and reblog stuff on there if it helps with the anxiety, and as always just ignore the discourse. Ive had 2 posts "breach containment" and some of the absolutely brainless comments i get on those posts are enough to set my blood pressure rising... but I ignore them because its not worth the effort to argue with a stranger on the internet imo. Nowadays idgaf about fandom discourse. Im just here vibing in my own little world and I'll be having as much fun here as possible. I just get a bit sad when i see no one is reblogging the awesome art i reblog or the gifsets someone spent so much time on. I wish more people would interact.
So when I see a backlash to posts begging people to keep the site alive by reblogging, it does get my hackles rising and I wanna shake those smug people who are like "oh you just want clout dont tell me what to do" because im like "well why the fuck are you even on tumblr then? Go back to twitter or instagram since that attitude is more suited to those places".
I want tumblr to succeed. I want it to gain more popularity and continue to be a hub for art and creativity and fun. There are so few places left on the internet for these kind of things. But we are a community, and communities only thrive with regular interaction, and interaction on tumblr starts with a reblog.
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entamewitchlulu · 2 years
hi there, coming from ao3 (user featheryDragons if I ever end up commenting - I'd leave this all as a comment but this is about your works as a whole) - I recently got back into yugioh after a long absence from it (not because I disliked it or anything I just easily get obsessed with new fandoms out of the blue and put old ones on the backburner until I stumble ass backwards into an old one again. like in the case of yugioh), specifically gx but to a much greater extent arc v, and as part of my search for Content I've been reading a lot of the 'classics' which includes slowly binging through your arc v (and gx) works! Which leads me to here and what I wanted to say, which is that I'm really enjoying your stuff - I love the way characters are written, how they interact, the fun worldbuilding (in the case of AUs), the prose in general, everything about them (sidenote: thanks for having stuff where Zarc isn't a complete jackass lmao). honestly, it's just a big comfort to read through your stuff, because I was really into arc v and the fandom when it was still airing (and I was in high school, christ), so it's a little saddening bc I remember when the fandom was a lot more active (though I'm still thankful that even if there's less clicks, there's still content being made on tumblr and ao3. and twitter far as I can tell, though I don't go there), but going through your works is a huge comfort by letting me revisit the characters and world of arc v, and in the case of some of the fics, a bit nostalgic in a way since I'm rereading the stuff I read from another era of my life.
lmao this got a lot more rambly than I thought it would, sorry for the giant paragraph. I guess what I'm saying is - thank you for all of your yugioh writing! Regardless of whether you've stopped writing (for yugioh or in general), or if you're just taking a break, or if you're still writing (which in that case godspeed but remember to take a break!), I wanted you to know that your works did and currently are getting me through some lonely times and have made me really happy! I'm currently working through some of the shorter works, and I really look forward to rereading some stuff and starting on fics I never read (the hippodrum and dispersion fics come to mind - how did I never see those?), and if you don't mind comments on years old fic, I guess you can expect to see some comments? (assuming another fandom doesn't completely take control of my brain in the intervening time. sonic and pokemon unfortunately released new games) thanks again, and I hope 2023 goes well for you!
oh geez, this was an extremely lovely surprise to find in my inbox ;w; i'm so glad you've been enjoying my backlog, and welcome back to the yugioh corner! (i get ya on the fandom switching haha, i have been there myself lol) (and holy sheez....has it been that long since arc v aired?? that hurts lol)
I'm so happy to hear that my works can still give you some of that arc v dosage; i feel the same about how the fandom has definitely quieted down over the years, but we're still here puttering away - and at least it's not so loud on the ppl complaining front now, haha.
i know it's been like...oh my god has it been so long since i've updated anything?? T-T but i'm definitely not abandoning anything! I want to finish all the stuff I have up right now, and I have plenty of other ideas and things, I've just needed I guess a much longer break than I thought. getting messages like this really does help refill that motivation fuel gauge though, so thank you so much for taking the time to share!
I definitely never mind comments on fic no matter how old it is; i truly hope ao3 lasts a while and that the things i write can help make ppl happy for a long time to come and it's always gonna make my day to see a comment. thank you so much again for sending such a sweet message and i really hope you have an absolutely excellent 2023 too! <333
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sarinotsari · 2 years
The Second Disappearing of Sarina Grace
A dramatic title for a dramatic return!
Okay, yes, I’m back on tumblr! Which can only mean one thing: things are not great. Actually as I’m writing this I’m feeling pretty good, but just in general it’s been... a lot. So I left twitter again around October 5th (aside from my secret personal side account which only 2 people have access to) and it’s been great to not be surrounded by that negativity anymore. Unlike last time, I did give a warning (which I kind of regret, but whatever). So basically this year has been a lot. I mean like... a LOT. I got in a relationship, ended the relationship, made new friends, ended friendships, got a crush, got over that crush (mostly... kind of), had two different twitter accounts (not including my game account, priv, and The Quarry account that all lasted like a month), had two different instagram accounts, ended up in the ER (and then got put on meds that made me so confused I still have no idea what happened during that period nor do I remember when I even went to the ER), and blacked out for around a week (I think?) where I was telling everyone I was God. So, yeah... it’s been a wild year. And I finally feel like I’m healing from it all and during the healing process I just realized twitter isn’t really fun anymore, so I left. Now, I’m not saying I feel great by any means but I do feel like I’m at a point where I can get to feeling great, if that makes sense.
And now for the questions segment (which is just reusing the same questions I used last time)!
Will you return to twitter?
No. Not in the way people might want me to. It’s not a fun app to me anymore and it serves no purpose to me, so I don’t need it. I might keep my secret side account active for awhile and allow one more person access, but I’ll never return to stan twitter. I’ll eventually create a personal account when I start posting youtube videos too so I can hopefully reach a wider audience.
Are your other social media accounts being affected by The Great Twitter Strike of 2022?
Not really. I’m still as active as usual on instagram, I just post more stories. Tumblr I do want to try to become more active on, but it’s not likely. Wattpad I completely abandoned last year. AO3 I don’t really use much but I’ll read the occasional fic, I just don’t post anymore (sorry to my abandoned monwinn series, RIP). And discord is even more boring than twitter but I keep it just to keep in contact with people. Any other social media platform is so irrelevant to me that I’ve forgotten about it.
Where are you in life?
Currently, I’m on the hunt for a job. I almost applied for one but the application was too long and I got bored (oops). I’ve also set up plans for my future to help me better get to my dream jobs. Also I’ll be 20 in a little over 5 months which is terrifying to think about but I also look forward to it.
How are you doing mentally?
Eddie Diaz, Jacob Custos, and Prue Halliwell are the only people I ever think of which speaks volumes about my mental state. I do feel like I’m at the best I’ve been since... honestly, since COVID began. There’s still room for improvement though!
What have you been up to?
Planning! I’m ready for my life to begin and I have a lot of plans in place so that I’m fully prepared. Once I do a little more planning, I’ll be able to actually start following the plans. Also I’ve started to binge True Jackson, VP because I’ve never seen it (in fact, I hadn’t even heard of it until last year) and it’s amazing. I think once I finish it I might start Days of Our Lives just for Zach Tinker (but really, is it worth it? I refuse to watch The Vampire Diaries because Chris Wood is barely in it, am I really gonna start watching a soap opera for a few scenes of Zach?)
Did you write this entire post because you were bored?
Like last time, that is exactly the reason I made this post and it will likely happen again.
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mcmoth · 3 years
Dream SMP fandom etiquette
So. This post is probably too little, too late, considering the fandom and the issues I'm about to talk about have existed for so long now, and a lot of the people who need to hear this probably aren't on tumblr anyways, but I just wanted to dedicate a quick post to talk about fandom etiquette. Mostly pertaining to discourse, and interactions with people outside of our circle. These are just going to be my own personal thoughts, of course, but I felt it could be good to bring some of this to attention. So without further introduction:
Where to (not) talk about discourse:
Don't go into other streamer's vods to only focus about a different character. If you want to analyse, for example, c!Techno, do it in Techno's stream. Don't go into unrelated streams, like Tommy's, Tubbo's etc. to do it, even if they were a part of the event in question. This is, of course, with the exception if the character in question didn't stream their own pov. But otherwise, stay in your own space. This is to prevent cluttering a streamer's comments about unrelated discussion. To give further example: Tubbo's vod comments should primarily focus on Tubbo's character. Not Tommy's, Ranboo's, Techno's or whoever else's.
Don't start discourse in the comments of animatics. Seriously, stop that. Animatics aren't discussion boards. The comments are there to analyse and appreciate the video presented, not argue. It's especially rude if you pick a small detail, that wasn't even the focus of the animatic, or even a completely unrelated issue to rant out your frustrations about. To give examples: starting disc discourse in an animatic of Tommy talking to Wilbur, or rambling about how tragic Techno's character is in an animatic focused on clingy duo, etc.
This applies to fan songs as well.
Video essays are the exception to these rules. I think it's safe to say they're the place to bring your hot takes, if you really feel so inclined to argue in youtube comment sections (Though I'd personally advise to still keep the topic relevant).
Keep negativity out of fanfic comments. This isn't nearly as big of an issue as the last points, but I've seen it happen a couple times, so I'm deciding to mention it. Fanfics are written for fun. Even if you disagree with the characterisation or something else, unless the author is clear in accepting critique, keep criticism to yourself. And definitely don't rant about how you dislike a character unrelated to the fanfic. Sharing your thoughts on the fanfic itself is of course fine and welcomed, but when it turns from discussing the author's story to talking about how you dislike a character in canon, that's when it crosses a line. Example: comment talking about what you don't like about c!Tommy on a Bench Trio fanfiction.
When commenting on art, keep the feedback positive. Even if you dislike any presented character, keep that to yourself. Example: Don't say things like "I hate x character, but this art is good". You might think the author would feel honoured, but it's actually just hurtful.
How to deal with discourse:
This is gonna be a shorter section, because I think we all chose to do it in different ways, and that's valid. Also, it's just that I, myself, am still learning how to do this well, but I thought it could be good to try to lay it out anyways.
Try to scroll past takes you disagree with instead of arguing if you don't think you'd be able to keep your cool. Noone likes a random person yelling at them through a screen, and if you rant, you'll get an equally frustrated reply back, and noone will be happy. Either explain your point in a calm manner, or scroll past/ unfollow/block.
On the keeping cool thing, remember to just step away. Take a deep breath and calm yourself down before proceeding. To minimize the frustration you feel on a daily basis, filter tags, block people, avoid videos and youtube comment sections that you know will upset you, and leave certain internet spaces if you find yourself unable to escape negativity even with all those steps. Remember: in the end, it's all a game played by friends, a story, and your enjoyment of it lies in what you take from it. Abandon what makes you unhappy. Marie Kondo your fandom experience.
Also, here's your reminder, to whom this is relevant, to take care of yourself. Hydrate, eat, sleep, clean up, get fresh air, remember the things outside of all this. There's plenty to do outside of this fandom, and what you can do here can wait. There is no pressure, or obligation. Not for the content you create, not for the discussions you bring, not for responding to discourse, not for anything. Fandom is meant purely for fun, so take care <3
Interacting with people outside of the fandom:
This is something that I've seen a bit of talk about, and I thought I'd drop in my own thoughts on this as well. No matter the differences, we're all just trying to vibe, and I think these are important things to keep in mind to leave both sides better off:
Don't interact with hate posts. Just don't. You don't want to see them, they don't want to see you. Even if your response is lighthearted, their animosity is not. They will feel frustrated regardless, and the grudge will only grow. And if they're being agressive, calm discussion most likely won't happen even if you're being polite. Just leave it, please.
Correct misinformation calmly. I completely get how it can be frustrating to see blatant lies and all, but with our reputation, people will not listen if you're being antagonistic. Provide sources, explain, and leave it at that.
Don't be hateful, send death threats, or assume privilege or whatever else. That's stepping into the same shoes of the people you hate. Misunderstandings go both ways, and the fact of the matter is, I think most people who dislike DSMP, even the ones who are agressive about it, don't have their stance rooted in maliciousness. To expand on why the situation became what it is today, taken from a discussion on discord:
I think it's just a combination of Dream growing so insanely quickly + how internet spaces have changed over the years. When ccs like jackstepticeye or pewdiepie etc. grew popular, activism wasn't as prevalent and held to such importance. Now it's thankfully more talked about, but that also leads to Dream being more scrutinized in comparision. Add twitter trends and the general prevalence of the fandom, and you've got everyone feeling tired and frustrated and paranoid. People also tend not to fact check stuff, especially when it comes to celebrities and stuff they're not really interested in, so rumors spread fast.
And actually, I think there's absolutely valid reasons to be made uncomfortable by Dream SMP, either in it's creators, content or fandom, and there is, of course, stuff to criticise in general. The problem is the hate and misinformation and overexposure, but we are not going to solve any of that by being aggressive in return.
(This is, by the way, not talking about more serious cases. Like doxxing, or leaving gore images in hashtags, or similar instances. That's a whole different complicated issue that I don't feel qualified to tackle.)
And finally, don't overwhelm outsiders who merely mention the Dream SMP. Don't send asks asking them to watch it, don't write paragraphs explaining the lore, don't confuse them with inside jokes, just... Don't jump on people like that. Unless they're explicitly clear in wanting interaction and getting into the fandom, that kind of thing will just drive them away. This is in no way exclusive to the Dream SMP fandom, pretty much every fandom has people enthiastic to have more people involved, but since there are so unbelievably many of us, it's especially easy to go overboard with this stuff. Just... be polite, and don't pressure anyone. Be nice, please.
So.... ya! This would be it for this one, I think. Sorry that it's kinda long, thank you if you read it at all. Hope y'all have pleasant days ^^
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qvnthesia · 2 years
(a) this isn't a bad one, i promise
cross-posted on AO3
Feel like I should repeat this...
With that said, the reason I've put this up here is to give you, my fellow readers, an update about my stories and my insufferable life in general. Again, this is because I'm constantly receiving quite a lot of asks regarding updates. And while I am quite grateful for your anticipation, I haven't been able to deliver lately, and I truly apologize. 
1. My physical classes have resumed and they are incredible yet tiring. I'm exhausted by the time I reach home. I simply have to study more these days, which doesn't let me take out time for writing. 
2. I'm being pulled into different fandoms (star wars and wizarding world and marvel), and yes, this is entirely my fault. These fandom pulls have generated a massive number of ideas of which I'm having an incredibly hard time of keeping track of. 
3. My life, in general, is currently what I can describe it as quite literally 'meh' and... yeah, it's been mentally stressing and bad, downright bad. I'm going to admit, I've been crying a lot, putting up tons of excuses for my behaviour which is not at all valid, at all. I've been feeling miserable and for the first time in my life, I took a day off from classes because I felt like shit. And I felt even more shitty because that was the first time I took a holiday for being so mentally degraded and I kept berating myself because of it. 
I just wanted to put all of this here because, yeah, I haven't been updating at the rate which I used to before. I updated quite regularly a couple of months before now and right now, it's just nothing over here, which I again deeply and sincerely apologize for. 
Let me make one thing clear — I am NOT abandoning my stories. I intend to finish each and every one of them, even the future ones (yes, behind-the-scenes writing is also going on). 
This place is my happy place. I love writing. I want to continue writing. Even as I grow up, I'm going to have to let go of a lot of things in life but writing? No way in hell.
So, yes, long story short — updates are incoming, but they are delayed, and will be delayed for sometime. Again, I deeply apologize if this news has utterly devastated/ruined your opinion of me, it's alright, even I'm a bit mad and sad at myself. It's just how life is and... yeah, that's all I've got. 
But while I may seem to be inactive here, I am very much active on my Tumblr and Twitter, especially Tumblr. I'm open to any requests you have (I've already received a Klaulena one and an Elena x AndrewGarfield!Peter Parker one which is currently being written). I talk and reblog a lot about TVDU and Star Wars there so yup, if you guys have anything, ANY QUESTIONS, please do feel free to send me an ask and I'll gladly reply. If you've got any requests too, that's also fine, I'm currently accepting requests as well. 
Till then, I'll keep writing whenever I'm able to find time/make out time. Updates are most certainly coming, but they're delayed. 
Thank you so much for reading. I'm sorry if this sounds like a bit of a mess, my thoughts are entirely jumbled and this is just everything of them. I'll be deleting this part in 36 hours from now. 
Please take care of yourselves! Stay safe and have a wonderful day/night ahead of you <33
♡ Quinn 
P.S. I am only present on Tumblr, Twitter, and Fanfiction.Net and not any other site (i think I THINK) under the same username.
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myrandom-fandomlife · 4 years
Hello! I'm the anon from the 4 part ask that you answered earlier! I saw your post about the different "eras" of DNF and I would like to share some of my opinions since I've been in the fandom since March of last year, so maybe I can write my own analysis and briefly explain what happened during these times (and hopefully someone will find enjoyment in reading this)!
So the first era was probably the most "baity" period where every interaction between Dream and George with slight romantic undertones was pure bait. From Dream placing romantic music in the background, to the small texts on screen that would read "arguing like a married couple" and even proclaiming his love to George any second he could, it was obvious that it was a means to garner a reaction and moments that could be used in compilations, edits, videos, etc. Dream addressed George just the same as he currently does Sapnap or Bad: Dude, Bro, etc, and when they weren't attempting to bait, for example on streams, things were chill, no tension, just two bros hanging out in minecraft.
LOVE OR HOST ERA. The catalyst in DNF's relationship, in my humble opinion. Now, where do I begin? So, LOH was definitely a time that I believe Dream became aware of his feelings towards George (platonic or romantic, I can't be sure) and his fear of losing him. Before/During George's LOH, we got Dream saying some interesting things, the most notable one "George is the only man I can see myself dating". Now, I'm pretty sure this was meant as bait, but how he reacted prior to LOH, was very telling. Dream would avoid George like the plague in every situation that didn't require them to interact. Twitter? Only one mention (and that was literally him tagging George in Andrea's post in spite). Stream? That I can remember he didn't join much during this time, nor did he stream that often. During MCC, the DT was separated in different teams, Sapnap & George together and Dream alone. Now Sapnap DID pop off. He was doing amazing. And Dream complimented him and his team quite a lot. But what about George? I believe he mentioned him ONCE. This was the first time we see Dream jealous in regards to George, and the lack of content and interactions between these two made many believe DNF was dead and abandon the ship all together.
QUACKITY AND KARL. Now there is a lot that happened in between LOH Arc and the friendship between the DT with Karl and Quackity. Dream and George seemed to have solved whatever occured between them, and things were tranquil. We got a few baity moments here and there, but we also started to get the start of the infamous "name-truthing", the soft voices and other subtle moments. Now, during this time George, Dream and Sapnap started developing their friendship with Quackity and Karl, George in particular started getting closer with them and spending LOTS of time with them, so much so that we got more G/K/Q content than we did DT content. And we get Jealous Dream 2.0., only difference from the other occurence of jealously? He addressed it publicly, admitted that he was frustrated and physically affected by the lack of attention from the british man. He confronted George while he was streaming, with an audience of 50k+ viewers. He was desperate.
Things were pretty calm after that, the more intimate and subtle moments between the two became more and more apparent and began to outweight the baity moments. Quackity/George/Karl continued to blossom their friendship, and DNF was slowly becoming a topic to tease George and Dream (I can only compare their teasing to that of middle schoolers when their friends had a crush). We can compare this teasing to that of Skephalo, the difference, while one is leaning on the more explicit side and used to make others laugh or get an over the top reaction, the other was used as an inside joke of sorts, only brought up to embarass or shut up Dream/George when they got over-confident (most times it would effectively leave them quiet, important to note, is that they never denied the claims nor attempted to).
TRAINS PODCAST. Oh boy, was this a night to remember. A historical mark for DNF. The point in history that George decided to become BOLD and actively flirt with Dream whenever he wanted to, rendering or poor Leo speechless most of the time. That podcast changed these men, it unlocked something within them and things have never been the same since. This is where we see the dynamic take a major switch, and baity moments had become almost non-existent, and instead we got probably some of the most tension filled convos between these himbos. Name-truthing had become something natural between them, the unavoidable excitement whenever they hear one another in call, suddenly ever call became a matter of how long until they were third-wheeling everyone. It's also during this time that we clearly see a difference in between Dream & Sapnap's relationship and Dream & George's relationship (not that one outweighed the other, but the nature of these relationships were very much opposing)
And finally we are in our current stance. Where the sweet, obnoxious moments continue to pile; More and more of their friends are calling them out (you can literally see Quackity and Karl becoming more direct and, quite honestly, aggressive with their call-outs. I bet they are just as tired as we are); The whole hoodie fiasco and the secretive pictures; Syncing sleep schedules once again; Tension continue to grow and you can see them testing the waters, in a game of tug of war until one of them caves in and starts the conversation.
As I said before, they have nothing to gain from the bait they are currently doing. They excuse it as being a joke, and hide behind this lie, as a means to test the development and seriousness of whatever they have going on. The whole Valentine's thing proves that they (unfortunately) do not understand when the other is being sincere or baity...
Also here is some food for thought. George has been very clingy with Dream ever since he and Sapnap moved in together. Not being able to see each other is certainly another factor that is affecting them.
I'm anxious to figure out what in the hell is happening next between our oblivious idiots with communication issues. It sometimes seems surreal the things that occur between them, and straight out of a fanfic.
Anyway, sorry for the long rant and if this wasn't very interesting to read! Just wanted to get some thoughts out of my head!! Stay safe and hope you have a good day/afternoon/night! ❤
Hi love! Glad to have you back <3
Firstly, don’t ever be sorry for ranting in my inbox, especially ab dnf. I love to see it!
Thank you for this, especially the early parts when I wasn’t in the fandom yet. Ahh this is super helpful.
I agree that George has gotten more clingy since Sapnap and Dream moved in together which is so funny because Dream and George have a more similar sleep schedule than Sapnap and Dream do LMAO
But yes all of this ugh I’m deeming you my genius anon
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