#sorry for the rant at the end yall can just ignore it :)
kevinsdsy · 4 months
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the trojans social media au (pt. 5): okayyy soooo let me start by saying i’m a fraud tumblr user and i’ve been stalking for so many years instead of posting so idk how everything works and what the tumblr dynamic is when it comes to interacting but during my previous posts some things have been brought to my attention
first of all @fanthyng-mego mentioned this:
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so in reality i just forgot to turn on the checkmark button 😭😭 but i truly like your version better where neil earned his checkmark by being a menace.
still i’ve turned on the checkmark for everyone who i perceive as being verified so yeah
also @tara-the-star said this:
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so shawn isn’t an oc. he was mentioned by name only in the book (like what? 3 or 4 times? idk). jeremy mentioned he studies communication, so yeah. i’m pretty sure he hasn’t actually said anything tho, but since i wanted this au to be more focused on the trojans instead of the foxes i tried to include some of the background characters :)
i did have to come up with my own characteristics for shawn tho (i didn’t expect it to go this far 😭) but it could easily turn out that nora will include him in tsc2 and my characteristics get lost on me and i’ll look like a loser LMAOOO
the same goes for all the other unfamiliar characters :) everyone should be named by name at least once in the sunshine court
so yeah. i guess i just really wanted to point those two things out :) i’m a fraud on tumblr and actually don’t even know how to use the app properly and i didn’t know if i replied to the reblog it’d just end up under my own post instead of the reblog so yeah…. hope this is okay
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ne0nlightzz · 1 year
car engine?...
I blinked, glancing down at my shoes.
Getting to skip the doctor's office and stay home alone? Hell yeah, I haven't been home alone in so long because mom rarely trusted me to be alone and Scarlett always assumed the worst so she never left me home alone either, but it's not like something will ever actually happen so what can really go wrong?
I quickly glanced through the blinds of the kitchen window, but not being able to see who exactly is at the door due to the window being set up to point more towards the side yard, i did see a old pick-up truck at the very end of the driveway.
...weird? i guess?
my head had started to slightly ache and a low static or buzzing had started to fill my head, i placed the palm of my right hand on my temple and slowly blinked before moving to rub my eyes then attempting to ignore the growing static and ache.
what the fuck.
I hope yall are excited for the long past due part five of 'Don't Forget The Sun'!! i know im excited to finally be done with part five and hopefully be done with the damn writer's block and lack of motivation that played a large part in the delay of this chapter. also please keep in mind this is sorta a filler chapter and was supposed to be shorter but im pretty sure its actually closer to 4000-ish words- hopefully part five will be the last chapter that's paced like this and will help the plot move forward-
anyway, im going to stop ranting to avoid spoiler's and hope yall are excited for chapter five and hope this isn't to shitty of a teaser, ive never been great at teasers and descriptions- but part five will hopefully be posted at some point Thursday or Friday! [im finishing up some editing and final details as we speak]
also i highly suggest yall read my lates DFTS announcement/update on my Wattpad and Qoutev activity as it does fill in alot on the story and where ive been and also just reading my last few things on those should explain it pretty well to!! anyway again hope yall are excited and im very sorry its so damn late! also hopefully a new part of my story "We Are Young" will be out this month plus maybe some older WP reqs and Tumblr reqs!
-Luv Lee<3[ur local inconsistent writer]
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not-goldy · 11 months
I'm on a break but I had to jump in real quick on this
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Gonna ignore everything you said bout Jungkook- cos it's not necessary. You don't have to go there. He's my bias too so you can understand why I find it offensive when you guys make derogatory comments about him. Like I'm not gonna clap for you or side with you for putting dirt on his name like be fucking for real.
There's a difference between being objective, giving constructive criticism of a person and just plain hating on someone and I'm sorry if you like Jungkook a little bit some of these comments won't fly out of your mouth nor would you entertain them.
And if you wanna get sensible words out of me avoid the triggers is all I be saying. Don't trigger me and then act discombobulated when I act crazy.
But I like what you said about Jimin....
I've been applauding Jimin's supporters since face cos yall pulled your weight and got him where he and the company hadn't contemplated going- let's get that very straight.
I said in my previous post I don't think like crazy was created specifically for a western audience. Nor was it intended to be as huge as it was.
It wasn't even his lead single yet it's his number one single💀
PJMS did too much and got him a number one on BB. BB DID NOT SEE IT COMING. THEY WOULD HAVE MOVED THE GOAL POST I TELL YA.
Yall did too much pushing his tracks to the top of charts. Yall acted as if it was a BTS come back like calm down 🤭
PJMs are soo extra🤭
But don't stop you doing amazing sweetie
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They set the bar for Jimin to the high heavens. And we are hungry and wild for his success. It's cool but damn yalls appetite 🤭🤭🤭🤭
I don't think that is a bad thing. It just goes to show people are ready to support Jimin and take him to a level never seen before.
His next come back is gonna be 🔥 🔥
I mean the moment they got friends on a Marvel project I knew the Western industry thought he was on to something with his unique voice and all. Then they got him on Fast and Furious and lemme tell you that's some huge marks on his portfolio.
The portfolio this man is building is crazy!
I get all flustered and tingly thinking about what else he's gonna do and where he's gonna end up next in his career. He might have to move to Los Angeles soon cos he seem to have a place in Hollywood too the movie industry loves him🙂
If you wanna talk about the west then yea without a doubt, he is the one member who has a footing in with producers ready to work with him to make songs for their movies.
Fuck, I have a sense he's gonna cameo in a few Hollywood movies soon and he's gonna get booked to work on more soundtracks and OS for Hollywood. DAMN, IF THAT HAPPENS 😌😌😌😌😌😌
You guys need to relax, be patient and watch him.
Just watch him and don't jinx it up for him I swear to God! Yall be blocking your own blessings with unnecessary rants sometimes🙄
He's on the right track with his career. I genuinely believe that.
And I hope when he's finally ready with a predominantly English Album intended for the western market that hybe will move heaven and earth to give him the extra push and support he needs.
And there's something about Jimin yall not realizing... those who know know.
I mean, Jimin even said it himself. he wanted an MV for every track and they shot him down....
And I know they shot him down, perhaps because they didn't think it was necessary for something they didn't intend to go all in on????
which is understandable but.....
We Libras are like that.
One time I set out to write a paper for a friends blog and it was supposed to be quick short and easy, but I decided to throw in a few references here and there to make it more academic and well researched- but I had to make sure it was accurate references so I hit the library. Before I knew it, I was calling up professors here and there and going all in I ended up with a 300 page dissertation and my friend couldn't use it for her blog so decided to keep it for her dissertation- so I told her I could work on a proper dissertation for her....
She said she was told she was too ambitious when she submitted it💀😬
When I get asked out for a spontaneous night out, I drive by the store to pick a new outfit and end up getting a pedicure manicure lashes silk press facials, bleach, exfoliate my butt- all for a girls night out.
Don't invite me for a sleep over cos this would be me- literally
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We don't do casual so well and always end up going the extra mile and over doing things.
Oh you're sad? Don't worry. A text won't do. I'll call to check on you, email you, make a blog for you, drive by your home in the middle of the night, move into your home, get married to you, have your children, dig my own grave and bury myself next to you cos I never know how much affection is enough 😭💀
I dare you to ask me a simple question- I'll go on and on and try to cover every base and every aspect. One lecturer told me, you are brilliant Goldy but learn to limit yourself and limit the scope when answering questions- yes, I was always the student who never finished a paper on time and always run out of time cos I had so much to say and everything I had to say felt important😭😭😭😭😭
If you listen to Jimin, it wasn't even intended for set me free to be as big as it turned out to be💀💀💀
As amazing of a voice as he has, he had to request for voice training just to make sure he was on track- when I tell yall, sometimes his "shortcomings" are all in his head bless his heart😭🥲
How many times did Jungkook and Yoongi say they had to reassure him he had a great singing voice and yet those were the times he kept insisting he wanted voice training😔
Sometimes we see flaws in ourselves others don't see. Most times those flaws are as imaginary as could be. And yet we obsess over those perceived flaws and even worse, we try to fix them....
If you're someone like that sometimes it may appear all everyone does around you is shoot you down and try to bring you down- but in reality, they'd just be the ones keeping you tethered so the perfectionist or dysmophia in you don't drive you over the edge.
Not saying Jimin struggles with dysmophia of all sorts..... but he lowkey give off vibes if you know what I mean💀
All these comments about him being the triple A guy when it comes to effort, the hyungs using him as inspiration to work hard, the whole Kpop industry making him out to be the "rookie Bible" lowkey stems from over ambitiousness and innate dissatisfaction with the barest minimum- but sometimes that's all that you need to do. The barest minimum.
It took me a while to understand this and feel comfortable with lecturers and people around me telling me I'm enough and don't need to do too much all the time to feel good enough or accomplished.
One time I scored a B+ on a paper, I cut myself for not working hard enough. After bleeding it out of my system I gathered the courage to confront the teacher only to find out she had my grades mixed with someone else's 😭😭😭😭💀
I spent so much time in the study room at boarding school people called me the study room freak and I kid you not I got an award for it😭😭😭😭😭😭
I'm much much better now and can let my grammar errors fly without feeling a need to read through my writings a gazillion times. It's the Marijuana but still. It feels good to not care about anything anymore 😌
He's said he's working on his perfectionism and isn't consumed by it anymore but lowkey lowkey- we love him regardless 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Bottom line, we shouldn't confuse what happened with Face with what's happening with Jungkook.
Jimin's entanglement with the West wasn't intended at all in my opinion. It just happened. He had had Vibe and I think they just rode on the waves of the publicity from that for Set me free and Later like Crazy.
Thus he made more money spending less on advertising and marketing- comparatively speaking.
Then you have the youngest who had to sacrifice and go last after everyone- bare in mind who ever went first with their Solo had the most organic publicity because it was a new phase and all attention was on BTS since they announced a hiatus and going solo.
With little effort, that person was guaranteed to back some coins 🪙
The one to go last is relatively disadvantaged because he loses that organic attention and would require a lot of publicity to sell- but if he happens to be Jungkook then they would need to do just a little lifting because again- Golden Maknae. But imagine if Hobi were to go last- like some of yall wouldn't even care at all lets be honest which is not fair to Hobi but also the sad reality.
If I were Jungkook or Tae I wouldn't agree to go last at all don't give a fuck it's everyone for themselves💀
See this is why I wanted them all to release their albums at once. Hybe would be over stretched but then everyone would shut the fuck up. 😒
It may appear to most that the company didn't put in much effort to promote Jimin and- I understand these sentiments. I do. I just don't think it's a fair objective assessment of the situation💀
It's easy to say this wasn't treated well or that wasn't treated well when all you focused on is your bias. And I think sometimes equity prevails over equality because in as much as some went ahead of others, some already had kicked started their publicity with other collabs, some had been allotted more of the spending budget, some had high productions or low productions, they all can't get equal treatment.
Jungkook's launch is very much deliberate and well strategized too for the last debut. They took the lessons from the others launch and are trying to cover every base. He went last and so Hybe just had to make sure he went out with a bang. It be like that.
Every has to bag their coins somehow and that's all that matters.
Now that phase one is done. I can't wait to find out what they have install for phase two- I hope it's not gonna be crickets cos they all in Jail or military or whatever 😭💀
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moonjxsung · 5 months
i'm ranting about my ex boyfriend because he's so mean and i'm literally. i'm just here i just exist and he hates me idfk
so i call him an ex but really he was a fucking 4 month situationship i should've ran MY BAD GUYS !!! anyway we had a little thing i guess and we broke up around January/february. things were so good in the beginning, but the main reason why we didn't date was because he wasn't over his ex. i know i'm side eyeing my screen too. ANYWAY so things were sooo good and i was like "omg ! he really likes me and he wants to be in a relationship soon !!" i was very wrong.
okay so something about me is that i have bpd and it's not like. super horrible but i still do have it on top of attachment issues, fear of communication (trauma lolll), jealousy issues, etc. he used to always talk about his girl friends and say how funny they were, send me screenshots of their chats, games they were playing, said "sorry i hang out with ____ to much she's affecting me". BRO WHY DIDNT I RUN anyway i was just really sad and felt jealous but felt like i couldn't because we weren't. yk. technically dating BUT HE TOLD ME HE WANTSD TO 💔💔
anyway another thing is he was a really big gamer and. was not. he wanted me to play games with him and i told him i was really bad but he was like "it's okay i'll teach you !!" lets just say i don't really like to play games anymore. :( he used to yell at me for being bad to the point i had to mute myself sometimes and try not to cry in a match because i felt horrible for disappointing him. i spent hours learning his favorite games just to still not be good and it made me feel really horrible and upset. then i just told him i don't really wanna play and he said "it's okay i'll just play with (insert girl here)" and i was just like :(((( and he played with those girls every single day and would ignore me to play with them which made me feel worse.
another thing is he talked about his ex all the time. and i let him vent to me about her. he even called her "my qiqi" which was his nickname for her when they were dating while venting to me. i'm gonna cry typing this bye
anyway at the end of our situationship he got really mean and really didn't give a shit if it hurt my feelings or not. he got mad at me for going on a date WITH MY FRIEND FOR VALENTINE'S DAY because he posted "fuck valentines" and didn't do a single thing or even text me on that day. so yeah i just didn't even say anything and blocked him because he was manipulating me and was awful and abused me !!! don't date men who aren't over their exes guys !!
- 🦢
Situationship the bane of my existence 💔💔💔💔
ALSO WHY IS IT ALWAYS BC PEOPLE AREN’T OVER THEIR FUCKINF EXES WHAT RHE FUXIDIKSK can yall like get over your stupid exes before pursuing a 4 month situationship good GODDDD I’m so sick of it 😭 idc if you’re not over an ex like that’s completely normal but please don’t make it somebody else’s problem while actively pursuing them and then making them look stupid when they inevitably catch feelings???!/!/! Where is the logic here
Why do I feel like we had the exact same ex lmffmdkdkkdkdkd mine used to talk about his sexual experiences w other girls soooo much and then it’d always turn into some giant fight when I told him to stop. One time he got mad at me for saying Timothee Chalamet was cute and he was like “if I can’t talk about the girls I’ve had sex with then I don’t want to hear about that loser” like it’s the same thing???? HUH
Men who talk about other girls or their sex lives to you while falsely pursuing you 🤢🤢🤢🤢 also the part about the gaming??? The fuck???????? My ex was ALSO a huge gamer and he added me to his guy friends’ discord server and literally pleaded me not to send anything or participate so he could keep his rank good fuckinf lord maybe put that energy into a job application 🫶 feel like our exes should date each other they have so much in common 😍
I’m so sorry you went through all that you deserve so so so much better ☹️ all my love sweet angel. somebody better will come along who’s meant for you and they won’t make you feel like any less than you deserve
Don’t date people who aren’t over their exes guys 🫶🫶🫶🫶 it is a living hell 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
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channelinglament · 2 years
Okay, I tried your yandere mikey ai and damn. 1st try, I didn't know what to do so I immediately got my arm bitten off💀💀 2nd try, well, let's just say, he fainted and cried of happiness and then we are currently having a horror movie marathon eating a pizza on a pillow nest, with so many I love you's and cuddles😶 no gore so far and he told me he'd never hurt me so I'll take that as a win lol (I love this, thank you for introducing me to this website and for making this HSHSSH) I went with me also being a lowkey yandere(which he hasn't picked up yet *cough**cough*) and acting all innocent and just ignoring the yandere qualities cause I was thinking, "hey, why don't I go uno reverse on em and go subtly yandere too" sorry for the long rant lol, I just wanted to share since I also wanna how how yall get so chaotic, like damn-
Yay! I have similar shi- I mean thing! I'm happy that you enjoyed it ^^
And zammm that's so cool that you went yandere on him too- I can say that after that he kinda turns into a Worshipping type-? I tried too and that was my ending lol-
I love chaos (:
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ajuunisu · 5 months
IGNORE POST (tw, uses lots of cuss words, vulgar shit, just some rando ranting about groupworks)
Ik this is an art acc and stuff but FUCK BRO
Groupworks are fucking shit. I had to carry 2 useless asswipes who contributed as little as a fucking atom. Should've solo this stupid fucking project. Good 4 yall were able to review and shit rightttt so nicee yall got perfect or passing or just really fucking naturaly gifted. TOO BAD FOR ME HUH? I had to stay up all night waiting for y'all useless responses and all your stupid excuses are "nasa labas huhu, byahe sorry uwu" no fucking kys
i really need to know what type of shit this is like. What the thing called when you're in groupings but whenever people don't help shit, you still end up doin everything yet maintain to frustratingly be nice to them? Bro i wish hell upon them Goddamn this is prob some sort of oppressed anher issues but i still fucking hate how they get to focus more on their work while i have to sacrifice my own shit just for this stupid group project. Angrateful ass bastards. And my stuck-up ass still tolerates to be fucking nice. Doesn't help when one is overly religious they think everything can be solved by the power of the Lord. I rlly just want to have a fucking break god.
Srry if yall had to encountered this vulhar shit, it's just my outside life out the media is just sooo bad. Same reason as to why i dont got time to post art lately. If i as able to drink a cold glass of beer and pull out a fucking cigarette out of my ass I'D DO SO IN A HEARTBEAT.
For now I'm going to just wish the absolute worst and dreadful thing to ever occur towards those bastards.
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roxenne-the-vixen · 1 year
And here we have another Fennec/ Hell Hound sona-- Imitation may be the ultimate form of flattery but it's still more recommended to be more original. Just saying.
//Aight. Look. Yo. Bro. I'm done. Okay?? Back up. For real.
Heads up to any moots or people who follow me or this blog, I apologize for this in advance. But there is going to be a long rant below the cut. Again, I am sorry.//
I get a lot of Anon hate. I really do. not just here. On literally every muse blog I write. and that's a lot so like I said-- I get a lot
I just don't post it because it's un needed drama over petty fictional nonsense. And I am generally the master of ignoring it and deleting it and not even bothering with it-- But I have been getting Slammed here ever since Bee's drop yesterday-- (She's gotten it ALOT before, for being a Hell Hound (which she's not, she's a sinner) For having a past relationship in life with Angel Dust/Arackniss family-- being involved with Arackniss in life-- (For starters yall. It's fiction. Kay? FAN FICTION. It's fun. And honestly? I put a whole hell of a lot of effort in her story with them and the development of their past relationship and her design-- I work hard to make a story and Background history that flows pretty well together in a non forceful manner-- which I am happy to go into detail privately and gush because I am proud of the work I put into this FICTIONAL FUN THING I DID FOR ME.
But it's gotten A LOT worse since Beelzebub's design drop in yesterday's Helluva Boss So I know that this is what it's about-- "Bee wanna be" "Stealing" "Immitation" Blah Blah Blah Blah. So I'mma say this one time and I'mma say it clear, kay? Just cuz I am getting really tired of deleting this shit over and over-- either you're new here or you are new to my blog-- clearly-- because none of that is even true-- *She is NOT a Hell Hound. She is a Sinner. *YES she is a FENNEC FOX. She is a FENNEC FOX that I have been writing (and drawing) LONG before there was even a Helluva Boss Season 2-- (let alone a Beelz Design!) Bee dropped YESTERDAY. Okay? I have been drawing and writing this particular design of mine long before then-- and there are a few others here who have/and do interact with her currently that can vouch for that-- I'm not gonna name names. Im not gonna call people out. Because this is stupid. And I am only responding to this one thing to clarify some crap because I've been getting literally slammed and I'm just done with it. (She's not even FOR Helluva Boss...she's for HAZBIN HOTEL. ) But again-- Even if it wasn't the case-- Even if she WAS some cheap replica (which she's not but hey-- hypothetically--) Who. The Hell. Cares??? It's Fiction??? This is a Hobby. This is for fun. I love character design, I love creating a narrative with said designs (There's even a REASON why she's a Fennec Fox) Like it's not willy nilly, kay? So how about instead of getting pissy about a fictional OC character design-- we just let people enjoy their things, Huh? And maybe instead of making assumptions-- you can try actually asking questions about it. Learning about it. Why I chose this. Or if you just have your pants in that big of a knot over it...just don't interact?? Block??? I dunno and I don't care. I'm just done with this okay? This is the only thing I am posting-- And Any more things like this that come in my inbox is just gonna go back to going right in the trash so that I can have fun.
Period. THE END.
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capn-james-t-spirk · 3 years
did u hear abt the what if ep uses the same line as that famous stucky fic
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I, in fact, did not.
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stevethehairington · 5 years
Alright fam. Guess who's being a petty bitch?
If you said me youd be correct!
We have a trash can in the kitchen that me and my 4 other roommates all use right. Well, the past like 5 or 6 times it's been full I've been the one to take it out. But I'm getting sick of being the only one to do that so I decided fuck that I'm not taking it out next time.
Well. The trash can is full. No, it's more than full. Its overflowing and shit is being precariously balanced on top of each other on top of it. The lid is not even completely on, that's how full it is.
It's been like that for, oh, about 2 and a half days now. And it's just been getting fuller and fuller.
Bitch what the fuck!!!???!!! I know you all are walking past it, I know you all are seeing how full it is, I KNOW YOURE STILL TRYING TO CRAM SHIT IN INSTEAD OF JUST FUCKING TAKING THE TRASH OUT.
I'm irritated as hell though. Like what the fuck yall. Clean the fuck up after yourselves, jfc it takes a minute tops to take the fucking trash out and the place we're supposed to dump everything is literally RIGHT ACROSS FROM OUR UNIT. So it's not even far!!!!
Fucking take the fucking trash out you imbeciles!!!
And I'm not about to text my roommates saying take the fucking trash out bc 1. theyd probably just ignore the message anyways and 2. I shouldnt have to do that we're fucking adults, fucking take the trash out god dammit.
I wonder how long it's going to last.
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mxmentos · 2 years
rewrite the stars.
character(s) ; mona x gn!reader genre ; star-crossed lovers word count ; 1007 cw/tw ; very annoyed mona, not proofread (when is it ever) a/n ; told yall ill make y/n the good guy this time <3 i wrote this in a rush, you can tell by the ending 💀💀 sorry for the lack of content- and yes, the old hag is mona's mother in this au lol
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“are you out of your mind?!”
your grip on mona’s arm loosened, but your fingers remained firm and made sure she couldn’t escape. you weren’t done with this woman just yet. mona’s pale green eyes flashed at yours with anger, grunts escaping her parted lips as she tried to free herself from your grip. 
“[name], i demand you to release me at once! do you know who i am? i’m the daughter of the most praised astrologer in the entirety of teyva-”
“will you quiet down, star-lady? i’m trying to get us out of here.”
“star-lady?! i will not let myself be disgraced with such preposterous nicknames. release me at onc-”
you placed your free-hand over mona’s lips, muffling her strained voice from escaping into the woods. “you’ve been hanging out with fischl a bit too much, haven’t you?” you whispered, listening keenly to make sure the two of you were alone.
“no sign of the old hag’s guards here, mona. there’s nothing to be afraid of.”
“that’s not who i’m afraid of,” mumbled mona. you removed your hand from her lips, finally letting go of her arm. mona was extremely upset with you. she knew you were an idiot, but she never would’ve imagined you do this sort of thing. her cheeks flushed with rage as she began to unleash all her anger on you.
“what. were. you. thinking? grabbing my hand as i was plucking berries in the royal garden, and running at full-speed! did you not take a pause and think about the possibility of my master, who was admiring the stars in the balcony, taking a glance below and seeing me carried off to the woods by some lunatic i fell in love with? and how would you consider…”
mona continued along with her rant, but you weren’t really listening to what mona was saying. she stood before you, her deep violet hair illuminated by the moonlight alone. arms crossed, she strutted back and forth, angrily rambling about how careless you were. you admired everything about her; the quick movements she made with her fingers, the way her ponytails swayed along as she strutted back and forth… oh, you were so in love with the woman in front of you.
“...we could’ve been in so much trouble. are you even listening to me?”
you let out a soft chuckle, which made mona’s cheeks burn even more. she didn’t know if she was angry at you or happy to see both of you together in the forest, free from both of your families, and ready to burn the woods with your desires. but alas, she knew that wouldn’t happen; there were too many faults in the stars to ignore.
“[name], don’t you understand? i can’t go back… because of you! and now i’m stuck with you and i don’t have anywhere else to go… just the thought of me waking up to see your ugly face in the morning makes me sick-”
“mona… we both know that you wanted it.”
mona's pupils dilated at the sound of that. “wanted… what?” mona shot a puzzled look at you, but you knew her true intentions. she wasn’t ready to talk about the subject of you and her being together. the both of you were deeply in love the moment the delicate thread of your fate interlocked with hers, tying a beautiful knot. but the both of you knew that unless you did something about it, that knot will slowly fall apart, and the threads that once held each other would finally let go.
“you wanted to be free. to be free and roam across the woods. so what if we cause a forest fire? at least the forests would burn from the desires in our hearts. my longing to be with you grows by the day, and im sure that in the depths of your delicate heart, you have that same longing. mona, the universe has destined our relationship.”
mona bit her lip; as much as she wanted to believe you, she just couldn’t. she could never forget the fine morning when she decided to dive into the depths of the stars, wanting to see the path of destiny laid out for you and her. saying that the path was not charted the way she expected it to would be a bit of an understatement.
“[name], our story is inscribed in the stars, the universe only guides us to the path foretold.”
you let out a deep sigh; unlike mona, you didn’t believe in astronomy. how would you let a few specs in the sky determine your fate? it sounded extremely unrealistic, but you made sure not to mention it to mona. 
“listen, [name], as much as i want to be with you, there is simply no reality in which we would have a happy ending. you know how much the megistus family despises you and your family. besides, the stars don’t paint a pretty picture of us in the sky. i think that it’s… better if we stayed apart.”
no. that wasn’t true, and you both knew it.
you wanted to be with her, even though it would all end up in flames. there’s not a second that went by without you thinking about her. your heart was aching from the distance between you and mona, you couldn’t be separated from her any longer. and you knew that deep down, she felt the same. 
“don’t you get it, [name]? the stars have been inscribed with our fates. must you continue with your pointless convincing?”
mona looked at you with starry eyes, a tear trickling down her cheek. she wanted to believe you, she really did, but the stars said otherwise. you gently cupped her cheeks, causing her cheeks to flush. as you stared more into her eyes, you could see endless galaxies spanning across, hiding the truth of the universe. 
“...why do you keep fighting for a future you know we can’t cherish?”
“because if the stars were truly written, then we can rewrite it.”
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fic by @/mxmentos on tumblr. do not repost this fic without my permission.
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evacado3 · 3 years
Hey 😃 can I request about Vasco with s/o who taller than him? Thanks 🏃🏻‍♀️
Ngl, was kinda surprised when I received this. Me myself is not very tall sooo it might be a little confusing, I’ll still try but don’t judge too hard 😅
To him it doesn’t matter, nope
Though Jace kinda sees you as a threat
You might have been mistaken for the leader instead
Will try the hair pulling thingy again with you after seeing little Daniel succeed
Will challenge you to touching the door frame
Wanna teach you how to fight, but respects your hobbies
Jace thanks you cause Vasco's not crying for girls no more, and you actually drilled some common sense in him
If your Tabasco's girlfriend, unfortunately you are officially burn knuckles' queen
So don't too surprised if a group of tattooed guys follow you every where, come on they're only checking if you're safe
Be aware of the ceiling though, will kneel with their head down if you ever get hurt
Burn knuckles will not need a order from Vasco if anyone tries to hurt you, all of them will go berserk
Shopping havoc
Word count: 1213 one-shot
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It's been a month of dating the head of burn knuckles, and you're still convinced that he likes kangaroos more than you. No he really made plans to adopt a kangaroo when you agreed to date him.
The scene was basically you blushing after accepting his confession, but only to hear his dreams of having that large animal when he gets married, leaving you very flustered in public.
Though what embarrassed you more, ever since you were young, was the fact that you are taller than the young man before you. You could see he doesn't give it a single shit about that, but insecurities don't leave after a day.
For the last month, every time you made a comment about your height, he'd make a baffled face. "I think it's cool, what are you talking about your height is perfect." No he really doesn't understand why you have it hard on yourself.
Did you fall in love, obviously, yes. Though Vasco doesn't comprehend the reason behind you're insecurities, he assures that not only is it normal, it's beautiful, you're beautiful. Some height ain't gonna scare homeboy away!
So that's why today you wanted to take your relationship on to the next level, the 'normal' level.
I know, the 'normal' level is very correct. Come on does Tabasco really understand the concept of kissing?
Yes, he might have given his umbrella to you on a rainy day, he might have pinned you to the wall just to ask "You do want McDonald’s or KFC?"
Obviously you knew he doesn't have any experience, so fine, you waited. But after another two weeks it came to you that if you don't bring it up to him, he will never figure that out.
So what better to do than teach him on a date? You've planned out all the possibilities and the events that might occur, it took days to work up the nerve to ask him on a date, alone.
Ok, alone. Not with some big group of guys following you, you even begged Jace to make it clear. Alone. He said yes after seeing your desperation, using his detective skills straightforwardly.
"Good luck on that, you might have to even show him a video on how to kiss."
Fine don't ask what video you chose. Anything to open up his eyes to this current problem.
So you weren't sure why, along with your boyfriend who showed up in a nice loose tee and jeans, you felt seven more pairs of eyes following you.
Are you kidding me?
"Hey Vasco, how you doing today?" you asked faintly, despite your height, you're a softie at heart.
"Hey, I'm great, so we going to get some clothes? I could use some new pants."
Yes he does, have yall seen him running around in pajamas?
You tried hard to ignore those guys at the back, what happened to Jace's promise? They all gave out a suspicious aura, everyone was basically looking. And it's whatever if they walked far behind, they're literally stuck to their leader's ass, not even leaving one meter of space.
You could say the date proceeded well on Vasco's side, it was a regular date and you even picked out some nice pants for him. But on your side? Uh... not too great.
Every time you tried to make a move, there just has to be something that stopped you.
"So babe, umm I was wonder-"
"Mister, we are having a sale this month, would you like to pick out another pair to get 30% off?"
As if that wasn't enough, the boys would send you looks of encouragement at the back like it would soothe your embarrassment.
Sighing, you stepped into the final store you wanted to go in.
"I'm gonna pick out some clothes for you too ok? Wait here." he said with enthusiasm, already running off without hearing out your response. Obviously you couldn't trust his choices, but let the boy have fun.
So you minded your own business waiting for him to come back, but why did the receptionist look at you like that. Wait, she turned back to her friend while pointing your way. What's going on?
You could see them giggling after exchanging some words. They both spun your way, one of them making her way to you and the other one just laughed trying to woe her back.
"Hello, yes you over there. How tall are you?" she snickered.
It was almost as if she was the one over towering you when she stared at you curiously. "Uh... I-I'm not too sure." you replied softly, wishing she'd leave you alone.
"Hey no need to lie, damn your voice doesn't suit you at all. I thought you'd sound like a man! You must be at least 180 miss girl!" she exclaimed, though everyone who heard knew, that was spoken disrespectfully.
But you could only nod and fidget a little, not wanting to cause a scene. There was already a few people looking over to you, but shooting glares at the clerk. You were happy that they knew she was the one trying to disturb you.
"Your little boyfriend over there, isn't he bothered? If it was me I definitely would be disgusted. Are you sure he isn't just playing? Oh, do you play basketball?" her ranting agitated the customer, but still showed no signs of stopping.
Your blood ran cold as she kept speaking, what did she say? Isn't Vasco bothered with me?
What if the reason that he hasn't shown me affection was because he was disgusted?
On the verge of tears, you muttered out, "please stop."
"Stop, I do not feel comfortable with you speaking to me like this." you expressed clearly.
She scoffed when she recovered from shock, "hey lady, I asked-"
"I'm not." Vasco stated, popping out by your side. You flinched in surprise, but immediately blushing after he gently wrapped his arm around you.
"I heard what you said, and I'm saying I'm not disgusted or bothered by her." He said with a hint of anger. "Please return and do your job, my girlfriend will not like to speak with a girl like you."
Honestly, no words can express how happy that made you, your man stood up for your insecurities while being respectful. How did I end up with such a good man like this?
The girl gasp with an offended look, but looked down after meeting Vasco's eyes. She stuttered out a weak 'sorry' then fast-walked back to the counter.
Ignoring the cheers of other customers, he walked you out of the store. You were still dazed, eyes focused on the man whose eyes where ahead. Maybe the date was good after all.
But before he kept walking, an unexpected sweet peck landed on your cheek. Your face now resembles a tomato.
Wait, what was that
You saw in the between those guys, Jace sent you a sneaky wink.
"Was that ok?" Vasco asked, he doesn't look shy at all. Does he even realize what that means?
"Wait Vasco, continue no more, the queen is heating up!"
"The queen is all red!"
"Vasco you killed someone!"
Guess who got assorted out the mall today.
Forgive me for putting this in two parts and releasing it so late, I was busy memorizing the periodic table 😀
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insomniactalks · 2 years
y'all are absolutely insane trying to make it seem like rinas are crazy or delusional for being able to see what is right in front of all of us- there is GOING TO BE a ROMANTIC RINA PLOT this season. And EJ and ricky being friends doesn't make that any less true, it just means its going to be less chaotic than in the first season. At this point I'm convinced you guys are purposefully ignoring any and all new information (interview or sneak peek) that doesn't favour portwell endgame. It's not rocket science; EJ is busy this summer focusing on his roles at camp and his future and will likely self sabotage his relationship, putting it on the backburner but also maybe showing gina that maybe he hasn't changed as much as she'd thought. gina will be spending lots of time with ricky on and offstage, giving both of them time to realise that there's still more there. gina and EJ will amicably split at the end of the season (in fact she'll probably be the one breaking up with him), and rina will get some pseudo confession in the finale. I'm sorry if all this is coming off as rude but maybe in the future voice your predictions and theories about your own sitting duck ship without being condescending towards the fans of the other
Condescending: an adjective meaning "having or showing a feeling of patronizing superiority" (Oxford English). Literally the first thing I say in this post is the fact that I understand where Ricky and Gina shippers are coming from. I can absolutely see why you would think there is a romantic plot line for them this season given the content recently. Never do I claim yall are "crazy" or "delusional" or anything like that. But let's not act like some of y'all weren't still proclaiming Portwell as "sibling goals" in 2.05 to 2.12 , when the show made it fairly obvious there was something romantic going on b/t them. Just because it wasn't favor of y'alls ship, some tried to write off EJ and Gina as nothing more than friends in S2.🤦🏽‍♀️ I was simply offering my thoughts on what could happen b/t Ricky, EJ and Gina in S3. The very fact that you felt the need to send me a rant about my post tells me I probably struck a cord... if you're so confident about where you think the story is going to go, shouldn't that be enough? Why should my own opinions/theories/predictions affect you so, anon? 🤔
(Also, the irony of the post ur talking about not being condescending, but this one definitely is because you brought the pettiness out of me🤷🏽‍♀️)
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sugarybitterness · 3 years
natasha romanoff x reader - high school au headcanons!
warnings; cheating, swearing & mild violence
a/n; i apologise if the format is confusing !! it’s my first time doing headcanons but i went on a binge of lesbian-deadpool ‘s headcanons and when i saw her hs!nat posts my mind went brrrr so i hope y’all enjoy, it’s pretty fluffy i think (spoiler; neither nat or reader is the one who cheats)
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- you being besties with wanda , literally attached at the hip since middle school and no one can seperate yall
- wanda teasing you about your crush on natasha that you had since the literal first week of high school (you end up teasing her when she eventually crushes on jarvis)
- but! bruce and nat started dating a couple months into your first year
- you were jealous but obviously couldn’t do anyth about it because you and natasha weren’t even friends (you just shared a couple classes together and were seat buddies)
- that’s how you ended up finally getting to know natasha though because you were in a friend group with wanda jarvis pietro and bruce (only wanda knew about your crush)
- natasha joins yall sometimes when y’all hang out
- after you and natasha were paired for a project you become closer friends as well as each other’s study buddies. both your groups - bruce wanda jarvis pietro and clint steve bucky - end up becoming friends and you make one huge group together
- but then first day of your second year, she just dips , ignores you and your group so everyone is like ??? her whole group of friends also just start ignoring y’all too
- bcs wanda, jarvis & pietro had gotten pretty close to the rest , yall got worried but bruce refused to say anyth
- you end up confronting clint
- “clint, do you know what’s up with natasha? she-“
- “oh so now you decide to care about her?!” cue really angry rant about how nat has been crying a lot and upset and it’s all his fault but youre just like wait what
- “clint i don’t know what you’re talking about?”
- he doesn’t stop though- “and to think she actually enjoyed all of your company but after what he did you still chose him”
- after he gets it all out of his system he FINALLY listens and that’s when you tell him that bruce hasn’t told you anything at all. but he doesn’t believe you and leaves
- soooo. you confront bruce
- and he confesses that he was cheating on natasha during the summer. she found out and she broke it off
- and boy oh boy OH FUCKIN BOY, you were pissed
- you went off at him, berating him, scolding him and just gave him and earful.
- then HE GOT MAD?? trying to make excuses for his behaviour and you just got even angrier and it got physical.
- afterwards you went to wanda and pietro’s house and told them as well as jarvis what happened. they got angry too and y’all just decided unanimously to drop him as a friend.
- the next day was the weekend so you went to grab some snacks and icecream (all of her favourites, things you noted when y’all studied together) and headed to her house
- she was surprised to see you there with what you dubbed a care package, and of course with an apology
- you explained that the three of you didn’t know what bruce did, that you had confronted him about it and that you were no longer his friends. you passed her the snacks and told her that you hoped the rest of you (minus bruce) could still be friends before quickly leaving , not wanting to overstay your welcome
- it took her a while but eventually yall went back to being friends and it was a huge group of y’all again. all of you were mad at bruce and just ignored him a lot (sorry canon bruce)
- nat ended up confiding in you when she was ready to talk about whatever happended with bruce. you held her when she cried and assured her that it was never her fault that he did what he did. you were always there to provide a lot of snacks, hugs and comfort.
- you still had feelings for her yes , but you never did anything knowing that it just simply wasn’t the right time. you did everything you did as a friend and nothing more
- unconsciously you ended up doing things for and with her that you wouldn’t do with anyone else.
- nat noticed it, but honestly just thought you were being friendly so she tried to ignore her growing feelings, worried that you didn’t feel the same
- butttt wanda is nosey and so is clint so the two of them start scheming to get yall together once they realise the feelings were mutual
- they ended up roping in everyone and all of them are supportive because they see how well you treat nat and how she’s slowly opening up to you
- but before they can actually do it, something goes downnn
- it’s the first day of summer after second year ended and y’all go bowling as a group but bruce happens to be there
- he approaches you guys, wanting to talk to natasha but as soon as you see him coming you just, poof, appear right next to natasha and glare at him
- now, no one knows what you did to him that day..
- “please i just want to talk to natasha” - bruce
- natasha really doesn’t want to though but he keeps trying to insist
- you step in, asking him to leave but he just tells you back off and attempts to grab natasha but you grab his wrist and push him back
- “she doesn’t want to talk to you banner so kindly fuck off. do you really want a repeat of last time?”
- bruce visibly shrinks back at that threat and hurried away quickly.
- so now the rest of the group is like .. “what the fuck happened last time” you just kinda shrug and say you beat him up. just a little (not really you beat him up quite abit and ratted him out to his mum)
- then they realise why bruce didn’t come to school for a week after you went to confront him.
- and natasha asks if that was why your knuckles were bandaged when you had come over with your care package.
- “you told us you went to the gym after meeting bruce!” - pietro
- “well clearly she lied, but still i’m glad you put him in his place” - wanda aka your proud bestie (who is also shocked bcs you’re never violent..)
- then clint jokes that jarvis better not hurt wanda or he’d be at the receiving end of it and you give a smile to jarvis who kinda just. stares back at u nervously.
- afterwards the rest of the team disperses, each couple going on a date ( even pietro got a date ! ) so you take natasha out and you guys talk and confess
- of course y’all start dating and the whole summer is just perfect.
- so many dates, so many road trips ..
- y’all end up being the high school sweethearts that get married!! everyday you’re thankful that you met her and that she chose to spend her life with you :]
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I think a lot of people tend to uwu-ify Ray and treat him like an innocent little pure baby to the point that they forget he has a dark side and completely mischaracterize him and Miss the Point. Like I fucking ADORE Ray with my whole heart, he's my second biggest comfort character to SE Saeran, but I'm kind of tired of seeing people misinterpret him so drastically.
Yall forget about the prologue bad ending where he kidnaps you and makes you his assistant and yells at you for not doing what he wants you to do correctly? Yall forget who sent those messed up photos of V to the RFA to torment them in V's route? Yall forget who forces V to choke down drugs? Yall forget who threatens self harm when you leave him in V's route? Who lies to you repeatedly about the RFA being A.I.s and a game to trap you with him? Who initially planned to simply use you as a tool to get to the RFA, just as Unknown would?
Like...yes, his actions were heavily influenced by his abuser (Rika) but they are still actions he was capable of taking. Canon things that he did. Yes, Ray is also an absolute sweetheart when he falls in love with you, his character is COMPLEX so please stop mischaracterizing him and simplifying him down to just an uwu wittle baby PLEASE
Sorry Kait I just had to rant about it for a sec lol
Oh, buddy. I hope you’re not new here because I’ve said this so many times that I feel like my head spun around too much. Ray is my favorite for a reason and I will try so very often to tell people that he is complex. He is complicated, and that he has more in common with Unknown than Suit Saeran does. People misread a lot in Another Story. 
The worst fanon is: “Ray is Good and Suit Saeran is Evil,” and nope, that’s not how this works. They both exist for a reason and they’re both neither good nor evil. Morally ambiguous and hurt by their trauma, pushed to react and live a certain way like caged animals. 
Ray is capable of cruelty and Suit Saeran is very capable of kindness. 
Ray is the one that took V into the basement during that time in V’s Route, not Suit Saeran. Just to be clear. His anger knows no bounds and even though Ray has complicated feelings—
When it comes to V and Seven? He won’t hesitate. He won’t stop. He will do what he has to do no matter what his heart says. He will hack everything, he will send Seven pieces of his past to torment him, and he will show his Savior and you an interesting game where Mint Eye wins and the RFA burns to ash right in front of the liar and the traitor. 
You’re right. You either call the cops, go with Ray, or become his assistant. He has coordinated plans and he will not stop. He is infatuated with the idea of you that he’s built up since the moment that Rika told him that he had the right to go and pick whoever he wanted. He picked you. He desires a fantasy of you that he has created in his mind for quite a while. You’re his prince/ss, he will rescue you and protect you... he’ll covet you, and put you on a pedestal where he can see you and admire you. 
He’ll even pull you in and take you away if he has to. He doesn’t want to be mean but... Day 5 has that ending. He gets paranoid that you aren’t doing your job for him and he decides he needs to take you away from the RFA. You aren’t playing because Seven got to you. He won’t let you go. If you fail to get on a route that’s what happens. Ray suffers and struggles with so much and he’s more than a gentle boy who loves flowers. 
However, he is a gentle boy, too. But, only saying that he is a gentle boy is avoiding the way that Ray is. You’re ignoring his true nature. I don’t know how anyone can see this:  
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And say that Ray is simply kind. Yes, he’s sweet and he has a big heart, but that doesn’t discount what he can do. I don’t know, I could talk about this for hours as he is my comfort character. Ray is my favorite, everyone knows that, and I have an awful lot of time dedicated to making sure that I know who he is. Accepting he is more than a gentle boy is accepting all of him. 
I love him, and I accept that he is capable of many things. It’s only when you show Ray true compassion and common human decency that he realizes that his fantasy is... it was okay, it helped him survive, but you’re so much better than a fantasy. When shown kindness and love, he hesitates, shies away, and starts to feel unsure. He can be forward and grip you tightly, but that’s when he knows what to do. 
When you take the ropes from him, he forgets everything. He just knows it feels good to be with you, and he wants to drown in your love and affection even if it feels like he doesn’t deserve it. Kindness changes his heart and allows him to be able to realize reality instead of delusion. Your kindness is what allows him to try to fight against Rika. We know he’s afraid of what she can do... but you know what your faith in him gives him the power to do? 
This man is afraid of what she can do to him, and to you, but he looks her in the eyes and he lies. Despite being gaslit and tortured over and over, he still looks her in the eyes and lies about you taking the elixir. That’s just a part of why I love Ray so much. He’s so complex and layered, so multi-faceted. Unknown made me feel that way before we have Another Story,  but Ray takes it to a whole other level for me. 
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manchesterau · 4 years
my thoughts after reading my policeman: SPOILERSS of course!! (ignore spelling or grammar mistakes) (this is very ramble-y and not as in depth as it could have been sorrryyy lol, if you want specifics send me an ask after reading this)
okay...so i read the book in 3 days....which....im very proud of myself bc it takes me so long to finish books but that’s not why you are reading this.
im not going to lie to you...i liked the book. i love angst, and this had plenty of it and i liked it. if you like books such as: harry potter, six of crows, red queen, red white and royal blue you will not like this book. i know many people found it boring, which yeah i can see that, but i didn't find it boring at all. but mostly because i love boring books but that's beside the point. 
the book flowed easily, there isn't a bunch of raunchy sex scenes that ive seen people say it has (i...the things ive read idk what book they even read????) and Tom does has backward views on marriage and what it means to be a wife. but he is not overtly sexist or misogynist or abusive, or subvertly those things either. to be frank he's a scared gay man in the 50s trying to not get caught and thrown in jail. that's literally it. (ill go more into detail on him later). but if you want to read this book i recommend you go in knowing that there will be homophobia (the word queer is used as a slur....3 times or 4 but no more than 5), expect outing, expect not supportive characters, and remember to have some compassion (more on this later).
next i want to go into characters: starting with tom, then Marion, then Patrick, and then the other characters. so if you are planning on reading this book or just dont want to be spoiled them....don't read the next bit.
I'm going to get this out of the way.........Tom (who we never get to know outside of the two-point of views we are presented with, and who is being played by Harry) is a police officer in the 50s UK. to be frank when the rumors first went around I was mad like a lot of people were, which is funny because when we got those pictures of harry reading the book before all the speculation we were....happy, that he was reading a book about a gay man. now...I don't care honestly. I could call out the hypocrites (i won't) and honestly I'm hypocritical myself. I use to watch shows like svu (if you were to turn it on right now I wouldn't turn it off) and I enjoyed watching svu. I know and have seen a lot of mutuals, people on my dash enjoy cop shows like b99, or who like actors who have played the character of police before. so it would be hypocritical of me to be mad at him (this is just my single black opinion) and then go and turn on svu (which I don't do anymore). 
I'm not saying that no one can be mad, I'm not saying that the anger people have at him playing this role is bad or not needed or valid. all I'm saying is.....is that I don't care. I got angry over this months ago, and all that anger I felt I don't have anymore, and I can't tell you why. Harry is playing an abusive demented husband who traps his wife in a simulation, and then he will play a gay policeman trying not to face persecution..........and that's that. nothing I can say will reach him, he's playing these roles and there is nothing I can do. will I watch them (pirating of course) yes.
anyways let's get back to tom's character (do not use my opinion to silence other black people I will find you....don't do that shit weirdo): tom is......tom?? like I literally was expecting the worst when I read this because of what other people had to say. but as I'm reading him through the eyes of Marion (his wife) and through the eyes of Patrick (his...true love, fuck the 50s I hate the 50s) one word came to mind constantly: scared. Tom is very scared that he will be found out and his life will be ruined. His family knows about him, which is why I think his father (more on him later) pushed him to be in the national service (where he was a cook, which disappointed him). you don't realize his family knows and then his sister says something and then you go 'wait....THEY KNEW???' and then you will go 'oh so that's why-' 
tom does have old fashion views that you would expect of any man at that time (gay or not it's the 50s and gay men are still capable of saying sexist shit). when asked by Patrick if women should still work after having a kid he said no it's the men's job to provide, Marion said she would like to keep working, he said no when they do have a baby (they literally never did, and idk why he thought he could be intimate with her for that long to produce a baby lol). that's....the most sexist thing he said in the whole book (there maybe some small things im forgetting but nothing that really stood out). that's it. I know it's not small and that was a legitimate issue in the 50s but yeah. Just in case you were apprehensive about Tom's character being a raging woman-hater, no,....he just wasn't a true feminist yet (???? I don't know that's like..the most this book says about an issue women were facing at this time). It's still bad what he said (you'll see how Marion justifies it in the book and both Patrick and her don't agree and try and challenge him on his view).
i dont want to go too in depth but it is very obvious from the beginning he has no and i mean ZEROOOO interest in her at all (you can tell when it hits him that he needs a wife and he starts to act a littleee different but it's not romantic at alll). 
i feel like my review on tom is shit but like!! we don't really get to know him without bias from Patrick and Marion. I think Harry will play a wonderful Tom (even tho he doesn't not fit the description for Tom...at all....like at alllll).
To summarize Tom: very scared gay man from the 50s who is trying to do everything he can to not be found out. his family knows, even he knew at a young age, and yes he does quit being a police officer but it doesn't happen as soon as id like but then again he wasn't one for that long if you pay attention to the years.
i just...if yall could see the notes i made on her.....
this is a note i wrote that sums up her and tom's relationship (which is more like friends then anything romantic i mean god their honeymoon was horrible and he proposed to her....nvm 😑)
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listen...i can't lie and say i didn't feel sorry for her up until the end when she (spoilers: she outs patrick to his employer which ends up with him getting arrested). after that...ive never hated a character more in my fucking LIFEEEE like oh my god i was pissed
all she does is have fantasies about him being romantic with her (holding hands, hugging, etc) and none of them come true...BECAUSE HES GAYYYYYY i really....the author could have done a better job because there were so many damn red flags.
she's fucking annoying and whiny and yeah it sucked to be a woman in the 50s but you literally outed someone your husband was in love with and thought that you could just go back to being married like he's not devastated and instead of telling what you did you stayed unhappy and made your husband thing that at any point they were coming for him too.......*****
Patrick and tom deserved a fighting fucking chance i hate the fuck 50s fuck you 50s!!!! I absolutely LOVEDDD his pov and seeing Tom through his pov like it was just so damn refreshing seeing the world through his eyes and how he navigates his queerness in the society they live in. (the dichotomy between a proud gay man and a scared maybe proud but fear overrules that (talking about Tom here) gay man).
There was a lot more to say on how gay men were being persecuted at this time than how women were treated in this particular book. There were some little things here and there about what was expected of Marion as a wife and of a girl/woman at that time but it wasn't the focus.
I loved seeing the way Patrick navigated through his world of art and creativity. And how Tom seemed to fit right in with him.
I hate the things the author made Patrick go through (outed, sent to prison, stripped of his job, and later on in the present day he has had 2 strokes in his 70s). it felt a bit much but it's not too distracting (Patricks pov takes place in the past as he writes in his journal). 
Patrick and Julia (more on her later) are my two favorites in the whole book (Tom is third bc he's a very multi-facted character, Marion is not even on the list) and I wish we got a lot more of Patrick's pov.
Other characters!! (speed round bc this is wayyy too long):
Julia: JULIAAAAA QUEEENNN (you'll see why i love her at the end) 
Tom's parents: his father is abusive point-blank. or at least i think he's abusive (verbally). as im writing this i am now realizing that the way Tom's mom reacts to him (sometimes crying) is bc they knew he was gay omg wow.
tom's dad is very much a man's man guy?? Picture a sexist man from the 50s....now picture him with a gay son.....yeah, I'm not surprised Tom went into national service then to the police force. you can tell he didn't want anyone to find out about Tom so he pushed him to do what he thought best and Tom went with it, scared. 
overall: please do not go into this book expected things to be all flowers and rainbows...this is a book about two gay men in the 50s yall.....
there is something to be said about the tragedy that is in a lot of queer stories, I'm more interested in how white these stories are (that's a rant for another time). but I don't mind my policeman, and i think stories like this should be told. because this actually happened (here is a link to em forster's story where the author takes inspiration from, he really had an affair with a policeman!!! who had a wife!!!).
the ending is bittersweet, and i couldn't help but curse for what could have been. Marion could have not outed Patrick (which she instantly regretted), she could have gotten a divorce (she even contemplated it), they could have been more secretive, Julia could have not said what she said. I think Patrick and Tom were sadly doomed from the start, I just wish they had more time together because I loved seeing their love (the little glimpse we got) bloom into something bigger than them.
thank you for reading!! here are random screenshots of my notes as i read this lol enjoy!!
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flowerflamestars · 4 years
Hey hey hey 😀 not sure if you've been getting my asks(could really be my WiFi too) or Tumblr has been up to no good again, but hey how was ACOSF? I gather from your updates and posts you're just disappointed by it. A lot of us are. Hope you've been doing well after reading Acosf 😅
Hey babe! I know I have at least one from you that I need to answer- entirely my bad, I’ve been going through my inbox in little chunks. Yall have been too lovely and the influx is great :)
Disappointment is very much the right word. 
The big thing- ignoring that Nesta as a character was meaningful, or that the baby plot line was big swing in every wrong way possible, the plotting is a MESS- is that I think the story resoundingly fails on both it’s goals.
It’s a recovery story, a healing story. And a romance.
Nesta is stripped of her autonomy. And I want to be extremely clear on that- this is framed as an intervention and it is not an intervention. It is not, at any point, really about Nesta becoming healthy. It’s about control. Rhys says it, Feyre says it, Cassian says it: Nesta is a problem. Nesta affects their reputation. Nesta needs to be punished.
Morrigan, a fellow abuse/assault survivor, tells Cassian with absolute seriousness that they should just throw Nesta into the Court of Nightmares and leave her there. Because she’s just as bad.
The entire structure is that Nesta needs to change- but it isn’t about her being safer, her finding her way- it’s about the fact that her being suicidally depressed makes her sister sad.
So yeah, Nesta gets stronger. Because one of her two-pronged punishments is army training with the man she once loved and has been trying to distance herself from for YEARS. Who proceeds to control what she wears, when she sleeps, WHAT SHE EATS. Who laughs, when she gets hurt. 
By the end of the story, the issue Nesta has confronted, from her laundry list of trauma is...that she’s bitchy to her sisters in instances of extreme distress/hardship. 
That she...blames herself for the death of her abusive, absent father, who in no way contributed to her life from the time of her mothers death into her adulthood until he showed up for...ten seconds in acowar, named a ship after her, and immediately died. Watching a parent die? traumatic as hell. Retconning an ENTIRE parent-child relationship to make a character have something more palatable to struggle with? Bad writing.
Rape hangs over Nesta like a cloud this whole novel, but she never talks about it. It never in any way comes up while her and Cassian are having rough sex on every available surface.
She never heals, and she never becomes comfortable as a faery. She gives up her power. 
Literally AND figuratively- Nesta is the same person at the end of the novel, but now she can punch really hard? has no magic, gave up a destiny the book STRONGLY IMPLIES was actually, really, always about Rhysand. All that changed is now she’s finally bent enough to play by the rules of the same people who condemned her for responding to the terrible things that happened it her...in ways exactly like they have and continue to do.
It makes me so sad, you know?
Which brings us to Cassian.
Who is supposed to be the emotionally intuitive one. The one who has survived so much, who understands trauma. Who more than that, understands Nesta, better than anyone else.
That is not the man in this book. 
He’ll make this earnest declarations that sound...almost right? and then ten seconds later he’s guilt-tripping her. Saying just, absolute bullshit to her. Sexualizing her in her lowest moments.
It’s not enemies to lovers- Cassian is ashamed of Nesta when the book begins. Takes active glee in physically punishing her when she’s having a breakdown 600 pages later, on what it supposed to be the great tipping point of their relationship.
At no point does this man seem to even LIKE Nesta. He wants to have sex with her. He want her to do what he wants and obey 1) him and 2) their High Lord and Lady. 
Nesta, who even toward the end of the book, as I said STILL IS NOT HEALING AT ALL, tells Cassian: “I don’t deserve you, and I never, ever will.”
Cassian’s response it to...kiss her?
Tell her: “You’re not going to marry Eris.” “There will be no one for else. For either of us.”
And then Nesta says yes, cries more, and they have sex again.
oh yeah, and then in the morning he runs off? To have a snowball fight? And then doesn’t speak to her or see her for three days.
I just. This dynamic never gets better. Proud, strong, intelligent, ferocious Nesta is always kind of like: will you look at me? you’re good and i am not. 
She’s not safe in this love. Not comfortable, not ever on even ground. The entire dynamic of this relationship has brought her low and keeps her there.
So like, in the end. They have this fight where Cassian fully starts yelling at her...in public...because she isn’t saying yes! we’re mates! I’m going to quote it here:
“I am your mate, for fucks sake!” Cassian shouted, loud enough for people across the river to hear. “You are my mate! Why are you still fighting it?”
She let the truth, voiced at last, wash over her.
“You promised me forever on Solstice,” he said, voice breaking, “Why is one word somehow throwing you off that?”
“Because with that one word, the last scrap of my humanity goes away!” She didn’t care who say them, who heard. “With that one stupid word, I am no longer human in any way. I’m one of you!”
He blinked. “I thought you wanted to be one of us.”
“I don’t know what I want. I didn’t have a choice.”
“Well, I didn’t have a choice in being shackled to you, either.”
GUYS. I hate this fight to unfathomable levels.
so yes, he immediately tries to recant it...but like, let’s follow the thread for a minute. They’re together, really together, ever since the stupid moment Nesta said she was trash and didn’t deserve Cassian and Cassian said...you and me! forever! let’s fuck about it!
I get that the matebond is a precious thing- but god, it could not be clearer Cassian just...doesn’t respect Nesta even a little bit? She won’t use the word, so he’s yelling at her.
a page before: “That word means nothing to me, Cassian,” she said, voice thick as she tried to keep people who strode past from overhearing. “It means something to all of you, but for most of my life husband and wife was as good as it got. Mate is just a word.”
BECAUSE SHE WAS HUMAN. Because, very validly... Nesta has been fae for, two years? Her baseline is human, that’s how she feels. And she’s not wrong??
Faeries get married too. It’s not mates or nothing. 
In my imaginary book, Cassian goes: why Archeron, is that a proposal? Because I’d love nothing more than to be your husband.
In THIS BOOK, he snaps: “That’s bullshit.”
Annnd cue fight.
Not only is Cassian so, so disrespectful of Nesta’s feelings...HE THOUGHT SHE WANTED TO BE A FAERY?
Are you kidding me, canon? Nesta was drowned against her will in the Cauldron! Cassian was there, unconscious in a pool of his own blood, still trying to reach her and save her. The ENTIRE pivot of her character that slides her into the dark place this book is meant to heal her from is her complete loss of autonomy at Hyberns hands.
and then the shackle line. I just...obviously, people say things in arguments they don’t mean, But Cassian never once stops going for what hurts the most where Nesta is concerned, and is yet baffled by her responses. He understands how to hurt her, but not how to comfort her when they’re fully clothed.
And then the end is...they’re mates. They’re going to have babies. They’re going to have a big faery mating ceremony. Nesta’s feelings aren’t not addressed, they magically cease to exist.
I’m sorry this turned into a FULL RANT- but yes, I’m disappointed. 
Its always the same story: the difficult woman has to soften. Learn to be nice. Power? she can’t have that. She’s going to have a mate and babies, that’s her journey, because that’s every woman's journey.
There is one bright spot, which I do have to mention. I love Nesta’s friends. 
They’re her real chance at recovery, that the IC have nothing to do with. And you know what? she makes them right off the bat. It’s crazy how if you treat someone like a person, they can function like one.
I just want them to have their own story far, far away from everyone else. 
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