#sorry i rambled)
frownyalfred · 4 months
i love that in your coral room series, bruce gets knot drunk. like yes, what can fix this man is getting dicked down. having a big one in him will solve 50% of his problems. and its so funny whenever he and clark are publicly horny for each other
Truly! It’s hilarious.
But also, slightly more seriously — the use of knotting as a marker of Bruce’s acceptance of and progress in being an omega was a theme for me as I was writing both fics.
I think there’s a trope in a/b/o that knotting will solve everything once it happens, even really out there stuff. And while I enjoy that, I didn’t want that to be the whole truth for Bruce either.
It’s not just being knotted that makes him better, it’s realizing through sex and being knotted that he’s safe, he can be vulnerable, and he can be omega without losing independence or his grief.
Someone on ao3 said something about the juxtaposition of Bruce in a coral room getting knotted and then moments later having a flashback to Jason’s death. That was what I was going for — it all kind of coming up at once with knotting.
But yes, going back to humorous — Bruce is definitely in a better mood being knotted, and he and Clark keep having these mini heats/ruts during the pregnancy which make it even more spicy! And that happiness leaks out to everyone around them, so like the gala in ASOH they’re all wandering around kinda drunk on pack and mating pheromones. So much fun to write!
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angelpuns · 2 months
so throughout your comic i've noticed this trend in your art style, where the lineart switches colors
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i think its really interesting and im wondering, how exactly do you do it? like, is it solely just for aesthetic or is there a more practical purpose for it?
idk i just think it looks cool and wanna know your thoughts on it :3
OHOHOHO I like this question >:3
So basically the way to do it is just to put a masking layer over the lineart layer and color in where you want the lines to be colored:
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and it basically will only color where the lineart is drawn :D
The reason I do it is because when I draw humans, I typically make the nose, ears, fingertips, elbows, shoulders, etc. more red/pinkish and if I am doing lineart I typically like the lineart to match the area :)
When it comes to the turtles, I sometimes add pink/red undertones to their fingers/toes/etc, so I will also color the lines accordingly.
I also just like the way it looks, it makes the comic feel more finished to me :) Especially after adding the gradient map, it makes certain parts of the comic pop out and I really like that
TLDR: It's a habit from drawing humans and I like the way it looks :D
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sunshinesza · 3 months
sorry guys, i have to ask, is it weird if i like a girl rn? my bff keeps making fun of me :( she’s just my partner in a project but i’ve liked her since middle school. idk if she’s into girls, she doesn’t really interact with guys either tho. it was my first time hanging out with her a few days ago. she’s so charming and cool that i can’t help but want to continue spending time with her. but what if she doesn’t want to hang out with me after the project’s done? i love and hate that she’s so hard-working and efficient since it’ll make our time shorter. sometimes she does things that make me feel deluded and i can’t really tell if she’s being fr… maybe i’m gg crazy.
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Wish there were more people like you who were open to exploring dynamics between two characters in an alternate universe where they are not bound by familial relationship/title or whatever it's called. I get it tsams/tlaes have a lot of family things going on and a-specs things but eh what do I expect from a fandom that started the hate on sunxmoon shippers? I'll continue shipping sunxmoon, eclipsexsun, solarxmoon and solarxearth(thanks to that one anon from before for introducing me to this) not as family related, and the fandom can suck it
Like one person told me "Moon and Solar are brothers" once.
They're not.
That's like saying Ink and Dream or something from the Undertale Au verse are brothers cause they're alternate realities of eachother and people ship them all the time???
"but they have the same face"
So does Lolbit and Funtime Foxy. They're a couple in SBshow verse.
Mickey and Minnie mouse have the same face and no one raises stink about the most classic example of same face syndrome.
They're robots and I think physical appearance matters very little to them in the grand scheme of things. But that might just be my demisexual ass talking.
On a side note, I know the VA for Earth, Aka: Kat has been very "ship and let ship" with the fandom. And I think that's why in the Solar therapy session, she clarified that she knows Solar isn't biologically related. Technically none of them are, she just wants to consider him part of the family.
I remember awhile back the fandom was so hostile to people who saw Lunar as an adult and would draw him in adult situations. (Like taxes/half joking you know what I mean)
And I believe that was the last big drama the actors like Davis was directly involved in before he took a step back from that and told the fandom to sort it out themselves. And I really don't blame him. There are people who are crazy and just feel entitled to things.
And in more recent episodes, Lunar has stated more frequently that he is an adult animatronic of sound mind who can make his own decisions, so that they can put that issue to bed with the discourse.
(I personally think that gen1/2 Lunar was very much a kid psychology and through the course of the course of the show, and due to his experiences and truama he grows up in two years and he's a young adult now. This reflects in every time he has a model change or appearance.)
See this is what I mean when I say they are robots. Robots can grow up from 13 to 24 (approximately) in the span of two years. Robots can change their mind about family dynamics and say "you know what I think that i don't feel like a cousin, as what I feel for Moon is more intense then familiar bonds. So I change my mind." And this is allowed. This is allowed. Like I would not think this way about human characters.
People in the transformers fandom are really familiar with this concept as well. At least the few people I talk to from an outsider perspective. The transformers robots change their relationships in canon to eachother all the time from what I hear.
And yes. I know tsams is focused on themes of family and found family and togetherness. Like I'm not media illiterate. I know what one of the themes are. For some reason, people think I don't know tsams is about family.
Like bruh.
This whole show took two years for them to build the family and support network they all have with eachother when before the show was a toxic family relationship with Sun and Moon only. And I think it's beautiful how it evolved and how many characters there are and how big the family is now!
It's great!
And I do separate in my brain what's going on in canon and what's going on in my shipping brain.
This doesn't mean I can have fun on the side. With silly speculations and silly headcanons.
Giggling to myself and twirling my hair about the "what ifs" and aus
Staying out of the main tags and talking to my own friends with my own company.
While also analyzing the show and leaving tsams lots of long lovely YouTube comments about what the show is actually about.
Also. Consider this.
Since the multiverse is canon in tsams, in definition, by their own rules, there is a universe where everything in tsams is the same, except your ship is canon.
Evil!Sun even said that Sun and Moon being brothers is more rare across dimensions then we initially assumed.
So they're either enemies, strangers, they killed eachother, or something else.
They only are brothers after their canon event of separating and agreeing to work together. So there are some universes where that never happened.
Meaning most likely that our Moon's portal runs on a central finite curve.
So take that as you will.
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orangekittyenergy · 5 months
How do you think Gale handles jeaously? If you romance another companion, he does not seem jealous, and instead asks you to choose. Later, if Halsin asks to have a relationship he's very opposed to the idea. I do not believe it out of jealously, maybe a bit, but more insecurity.
We can see at the epligoue party that Gale seems more comfortable and safe in his relationship. I think with that comes feeling safe with more uncomfortable emotions such as jealousy.
Hi!! TY for the ask. Sorry it took me a bit. (I went in a mental spiral about a possessive jealous Gale).
So as much as the idea of a more jealous Gale makes my brain go brrrrrr. I actually don't see Gale as being a very jealous person.
For a couple reasons; but mostly, he is fully committed and trusts Tav. After all, Tav was there for him at the most vulnerable time of his life. The point when he was at his absolute lowest; Tav was there. I don't think he'd easily forget that. Even if Tav does approach him with the idea of adding another person, he answers honestly - it's not for him - and you can drop it there and as he says 'never speak of it again'. If he was truly jealous I think that would send him spiraling or he'd have a more heated reaction to that.
(Note: Now you could argue that's just the limitation of the game (and they didn't want to go into a telenovela style relationship drama scene in act 3) but whatever. I'm going to claim that at a testament to his character)
The one thing that held me back on this was that jealousy typically comes from insecurity but I honestly think his unwaivering trust and love for Tav outweighs his own internal insecurities. So, he might get mildly jealous internally (say, if he saw someone flirting with Tav) but he trusts Tav and wouldn't give into his jealous feelings.
Plus he's very logical and would probably take a rather pragmatic look at the situation. If anything ever felt like it was too much and Tav maybe crossed a boundary I think he'd approach them honestly and discuss it. Gale is very to the point and wouldn't dance around things. Which is another thing I think jealousy festers in.
Edit: I was rambling on and forgot something! So as time goes on and on I think he'd get more comfortable, more confident, and even less jealous. I can picture Tav telling stories of flowers getting thrown at them or someone proposing to them randomly (being the hero of Baldurs Gate and all) and Gale just chuckling and telling them he hoped Tav let them down gently.
(that said, it won't stop me from picturing all kinds of smutty scenes with a jealous Gale)
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sapphicseasapphire · 8 months
Hiii, I ADORE your chain as Cryptids AU, all of your art is gorgeous and every character is wonderfully unique, I wanted to ask for a lil more lore if possible? While Four is my favorite character we have not had nearly enough asks for Hyrule! And fairies in general, in your au are they more fae-like with some trickster tendencies or very kind and giving like the Minish? Thoughts on bottles, etc? TYSM!
Oh boy oh boy do I have some Hyrule Thoughts. And some general fairy thoughts as well!
(Under the cut because this is gonna get long)
For this au, I’m thinking of just Zelda fairies. Little glowing balls of light that flutter on fragile wings, iridescent and magical and gentle. Fairies have an affinity for magic: all kinds of magic, though they’re best known for their healing abilities. There isn’t a single archetype of what a fairy’s behavior will be. Some can be tricksters, some can be kind, some can be shy, some can have the most ill of intentions. Fairies are like people, really, in that they’re not just all one thing. (This is what separates them from spirits, really. They’re just on the cusp of ascension, but unlike Koroks or Blupees or Dragons or anything like that, they cling to their mortality and allow themselves to grow and evolve. Because of this, Hyrule is not a part of the telepathy circle).
There are many communities of Fairies, and they tend to group up around a Great Fairy as their leader. There are some colonies that are independent of Great Fairies, though, but they are rare to find, as they are at a much higher risk.
You see, while Fairies are magical, they’re very fragile. Usually, a typical Fairy wouldn’t posses enough magic to defend themself against a Hylian captor. Docile and tiny, they’re quite easy to bottle up and carry off, and easily discarded once they’re used. Great Fairies are much more powerful than the average Fairy, and even more powerful than a Hylian, so sticking around them is preferred. They protect the others.
Hyrule is a very unique case. You see, he was born with the Spirit of the Hero. For this au, the Spirit of the Hero acts as an enhancer for any kind of spiritual or magical power a Link already possesses. For example, Twilight is only able to shift because he’s descended from a God and possess the Hero’s Spirit. (Otherwise, one of his parents would have had God Powers TM too, and they probably wouldn’t have died so soon).
In Hyrule’s case, having the Hero’s Spirit grants him much more magic than a typical Fairy- almost as much magic as a Great Fairy herself. All of this power in such a small frame… no one is the wiser. Hyrule has enough magic to properly defend himself (if he had any sort of training… which, as a child, he didn’t) and most importantly, he has enough magic to hold a Hylian disguise for a LONG TIME. His glamour can change the way that he’s perceived but cannot change his actual shape. Others can see and even touch his changed form, but it is not real.
ANYWAY. Yeah. Bottles. Fairies are afraid of them, are afraid of Hylians. And Rito and Gerudo and Gorons and Zora and monsters and literally everything under the sun. When you’re two inches tall, everything is a threat.
Fairies are hunted mercilessly by Hylians, mostly. They’re never killed, not outright, but they’re taken from their colonies and shoved into a tiny bottle, sometimes for weeks and months on end (Fairies don’t starve as quickly as other species would, able to expend magic to keep their little bodies functioning). That being said, they often do not survive captivity. A tiny little bottle, often shoved in a bag and jostled around, no light, no food or water, all alone, just glass on all sides. It’s no place for a Fairy. Even if they do make it out (after expending magic to heal whatever wound they were abducted to treat), they will rarely make it back to their Great Fairy before succumbing to magical exhaustion or being captured again.
On the topic of magical exhaustion: Fairies have a limited amount of magic they can expend before they have to recover. Even one as powerful as Hyrule has their limits. Recovery almost always means rest, and it can mean their body does a forced shut down and simply stops working for days at a time. Often, Fairies are more hungry when they’re recovering, as magic can no longer be used to sustain the body.
Hyrule is less vulnerable to this than other Fairies would be, but when he’s standing next to the Chain? And every single one of them is hurt? After a fight where he’d used his magic to take down dozens of monsters? All while keeping up his glamour? Yeah, he’s gonna be feeling that one.
Telltale signs of magical exhaustion before it gets to the point of actually passing out: Physical exhaustion, drowsiness. Headaches, sudden hunger. Feeling cold. Often, the other heroes might notice Hyrule picking up an extra serving at mealtimes or ask to huddle up with someone at night (oftentimes Sky, as his wings are very warm and he doesn’t bat an eye when asked to cuddle). Hyrule sleeps longer, but never seems to gain any more energy.
Magical exhaustion, if pushed too far, can be fatal.
ANYWAY. When Hyrule first joins the Chain, he forces all of them to free any Fairies they might have. He enforces that rule as others join, and is hesitant to lower his glamour. I’m think that for a long time, they don’t even know he’s a Fairy. He’s terrified that if they find out, they’ll bottle him up and use him for healing and never let him go. For. Long time, he’s terrified of them. Fairy Bottlers surround him. It’s not until he physically cannot keep his “Hylian” form up that the others find out what he is, and he never expected them to be so understanding. So… apologetic. Actually legitimately regretful of their Fairy Bottling pasts.
ONE MORE THING. Four can turn Minish sized. When Hyrule works himself to magical exhaustion and passes out, he goes back to his True Form, the two inch tall lil Fairy. And of course, when that happens, it’s really really difficult for the Chain to move him or help him without accidentally hurting his tiny body. So Four will shrink down and help him to bed, check to make sure that he wasn’t hurt when he fell unconscious, and stay with him at their size so he’s not alone when he wakes.
I have many more thoughts but this is getting actually so long. I apologize!
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thesanitisedinkling · 3 months
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This is my first year taking part in one of @pepbuttz's collaborations, and yes, since my beloved Beth was already taken when I got in, I thought the shell with it, I'mma do Amy some justice, something the writers of the show never did.
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Just in case though, I've also done a second version where she's wearing a tee under her nightgown. (I know the colours may seem a bit skiffy on the bi flag colours, I'm trying to work on the holographic colour effect so it shines out or dims away and stuff. Still training yo! I din't do art in college. I'm literally self taught from the ground up.)
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
:O Solomon banner (just noticed your blog picture changed lol)
also with all this Barbatos is so much more than a butler/servant (I forgot which one it was)— you better bet I am bowing to this man. Kowtowing. (More realistically, revering lol) I am not worthy of being someone you’d have any interest in I’m not special you’re everything but I
Will spare you from my word vomit lol I just thought I’d pop in and share smthn that’s always on my mind 😂 not a bad thing but yeah
Yessss I changed it to Solomon a little while back because I felt he was being very neglected. I mean, my blog is like all Barbatos all the time, but I'm very fond of Solomon too. And I liked that particular art of him, so!
Now listen. I really don't think Barbatos would want everybody bowing to him.
I realize my interpretation of him is somewhat specific to myself, but here is really how I think of it.
Barbatos is an ancient demon who has been alive possibly since the dawn of time. He's incredibly powerful. But he fucked up. And he made the choice to serve Diavolo. He did that as penance for whatever he did (we still don't know c'mon NB I'm begging for the Barb backstory).
This means two things. One is that Barbatos has seen it all. I can guarantee that he's seen beings far less worthy of his love and attention than you. Another thing is that he fucked up. He's not the perfect being he appears to be. It just seems that way because he's been around for so long there isn't much he hasn't had time to perfect.
But I've said it before and I'll say it again: Barbatos holds himself to a high standard. It has nothing to do with you.
And because he's been around for all that time and knows as much as he does, he's also keenly aware of how unique you are. He knows that you are the only you. That he could live on infinitely and never meet another person like you. He knows that because he's had time to see it. And even if you don't realize it, he does. And he'll make sure he imparts it to you somehow.
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coolingrosa · 4 months
Not in roseverse related but do you think canon Ink already faced some kind of ableism in canon? He's stated as not being very well liked due to his social 'ineptness' and lacks friends as a result. That's something i've always thought about tbh
Probably! Which is something that aligns with canon Undertale too, tbh. Monsters are a very accepting race, but even in the games, they ostracize/baby characters who are very autistic coded. Main example being Papyrus. I don’t even think this was Toby being ableist too, bc he makes sure to show how smart and caring Papyrus is, and how he’s not as innocent as people make him out to be. However, both Undyne and Sans lie to Papyrus to keep him from knowing the darker truths of their world. Sans makes sense since he’s being a protective older brother. But Undyne? She cares for him, yes, but she meets him once and sees his autistic traits and instantly stresses he’ll get himself hurt. I don’t think this is her underestimating him, as she says he’s VERY capable. However, she also says that his kindness and lack of understanding of evil is what she’s worried about, which does align with how people tend to baby autistic people for believing the good in others and missing obvious signs of evil (which we see in the genocide run with Papyrus feeling awkward but still trying even tho the human stomps all over his puzzles)
In the grand scheme of the Multiverse, I think monsterkinds’ treatment towards those who are autistic or neurodivergent is very similar to how the human race treats it. However, not with hatred but more so sharing that genuine confusion on why the person acts the way they do. Not exactly judgement, but confusion and worry. It’s clear Papyrus isn’t hated. Just very left out as the other people have a hard time being around him, but still talk anout him kindly, as we see with the Bunny Innkeeper.
Ink is VERY likely to face a lot of ableism, especially in a society so heavily revolved around Souls. Hell, I even hc that baby monsters, no matter the kind, all form in the soul of a Host monster and then are extracted with magic. I think even Asriel was born this way. Magic is everything to them, and so are souls. The torment Flowey faced is a great example of the self hatred (honesty ur soul being different is a great example of mental health disorders possibly being a thing) that people may have towards themselves if their soul is a bit different- let alone missing. Ink having no soul in itself would bring discomfort to those talking to him, and added with his very autistic traits, I do think he’d be very ostracized.
It’s why I always hated the Ink and Dream fight (it’s SO out of canon for both of them and ruins their characters and puts all the blame on Ink when he did nothing wrong and god I could ramble about it for ages) bc it’s just Ink getting screamed at and then abandoned for sticking to his ideals and being his authentic self. I don’t think Dream would EVER do that, especially if Dream knew how Ink acted, and it feels like a character blaming an autistic coded character for showing autistic traits. Makes me very uncomfortable
I mean, even the fandom treats him horribly. They label him a horrible person bc his emotions are “artificial” when that’s just not the case. If he has no vials, he turns into a husk and basically becomes an unmoving corpse. His vials ARE his soul. Which makes his emotions real. Him choosing which emotions to feel, however, is just an example of his autism and him heavily suppressing his other emotions and dissociating.
Everything about him screams autistic, and people would definitely be uncomfortable around that as I see canon ink on support level 2 but with no support there for him. He’s on his own, and therefore messes up a lot accidentally but it’s also not his fault. He has no support given nor is surrounded by people who truly get him besides his fathers and brothers. (Which are canon btw. Ink has two brothers who he’s stated to very much care about)
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lava-cake-brainrot · 5 months
i think at this point most people know i’m not a big sokeefe fan but i think that’s mostly because i don’t like the later books (except flashback which is amazing)
like if sokeefe would’ve happened in lodestar or earlier i would’ve LOVED IT because back then they were still just babies forced into the world
and i think the reason i don’t like sokeefe in legacy forward is because of Fitz. i was/am a Fitz lover through and through and so if fitzphie never happened i think i would’ve became a sokeefe shipper
it’s just the whole way Fitzphie turned out, it left me resenting sophie and keefe a lil bit so it’s interesting to see how i would’ve like sokeefe to turn out instead of how it actually did
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hoaxghost · 11 months
Are there notable angels/demons in the File Recovery universe based on works such as the Ars Goeta or the Shem Ha-Mephorash? If so, what are they?
I've taken some light inspiration from the Ars Goeta (Stolforns name is really just a combination of Stolas+Forneus) and Dantes Inferno but have mostly strayed from mentioning specific demon names/locations and themes in other works.
Well I guess besides the Bible- again File Recovery is based round a lot of complex religious thoughts I had going to catholic school/church as a kid so I consider it impossible for me to not to take influence from the old and new testament, the seven virtues, saints, confirmation, communion etc... idk I just want more religious fantasy stories that aren't all about converting people or modern day politics
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jujutsustraycats · 1 month
He’s such a fine man
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I saw the full version of it and he kinda looks like a detective in his outfit
I mean he shares a VA with one so–
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horrorlesbians · 8 months
Right, re: the sexism in TDS1, i think the season definitely engages with the sexism and violence of rust and marty in interesting ways. I forget the exact quote but early on rust says something like "I'm a bad man, we need bad men to keep other bad men from the door" which I've always found to be a pretty on the nose commentary on these themes. Marty & Rust justify their violence, sexism, and abuse of people's rights because they see themselves as good guys (in Marty's case), or in service of a greater good/lesser evil (in Rust's case). Which, they are the protagonists and sympathetic so I understand & in many ways agree with a reading that, like most cop shows, TD kind of ends up valorizing rust and marty. ANYWAY I've always thought it to be engaging with it the way you framed it in that other ask - the women and children in these men's lives are treated like shit, and I don't think the show justifies how they're treated like shit (tbh i don't even think the show paints women in a shitty way or blames them, it's that the protagonists do that which isn't the same), but MARTY justifies his behavior by believing that (1) its Not That Bad because it could be so much worse and (2) I'm A Hard Working Hero and I Deserve Slack. This ended up very rambling but i hope that makes sense
i think the most interesting thing about season one is that rust and marty are both not good people, as you mentioned rust views himself as a bad man but a correct bad man. he breaks laws and abuses his police power and uses violence to get what he wants but he does all of it because he knows/believes that it's the only way to get the badder man, the man abusing and killing women and children. his bad actions are correct and validated in his head because he has to catch his bad guy. obvi being undercover in narco for as long as he was changed him and how he views the law, like how he tells the woman he buys drugs from that "of course im dangerous, im police. i can do bad things with impunity". i can sympathize with rust far more than marty because you can see more/understand more why rust became who he is.
marty is a cheating controlling asshole who treats women like property and wants to impose his view of womanhood onto them. he gets mad when rust mows his lawn and talks to his wife when marty isn't home because marty is a cheater and most cheating men assume all other men are cheaters. but he feels it is warranted how he treats women, he tries every excuse in the book to write off his behavior to his wife but at his core he does what he wants and doesn't care much how it hurts others. he only cares because it affects him, he blames his mistress for ruining his family as if he didn't ruin it by sleeping with him.
rust is defined as a type of outlaw detective who does whatever he wants, regardless of using violence and police red tape, because he has convinced himself that he is right about his theory. he will put himself and marty in countless dangerous situations, attack and kill people (especially in the drug plot in the middle of the season) because he has convinced himself all of this has to happen. granted, at the end of the show rust Was right about everything so his actions seemed warranted but even he states that he was aware he might have been insane in his actions. he is so far gone into his desire for justice and to catch His killer nothing else matters, after he caught his killer the only thing he mentions about the case is how he didn't realize who it was when he first met him.
marty is interesting to me because he a womanizing cheating asshole who will hit his daughter without hesitation and cheat on his wife whenever he wants but will blow a suspect's head off because he was abusing children and finally quits because of a violent death of an infant. he claims being a family man is so important and wants rust to get a woman but breaks apart his own family because of what he wants.
anyways. i love when the main characters are bad people, far more interesting that way.
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tiggerriot · 18 days
Okay but, other than Ghost, who is your favourite and will you draw them? (Doesn't have to be a favourite, just some one else you like?) 🤍
this is a good question! i have drawn most of the major modern warfare players at this point (all of the 141, kate, rudy and ale, alex, nik, farah, even general shepherd if anybody remembers the sexy shepherd incident lmfao) and the characters i like are not necessarily the characters i have the most fun drawing
obviously ghost is my ride or die, but gaz and laswell are probably two of my other favs and i’ve drawn them both (gaz several times) - soap, though not a favorite, is genuinely fun to draw when i can be motivated to do it. by contrast i like price, but i sometimes hate drawing him because i find it so difficult!
a lot of my struggle is that i’m not a very strong artist when it comes to drawing faces, i still have a lot to learn so a lot of my art simply never sees the light of my social media accounts because i don’t like it enough to post it
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frownyalfred · 2 years
What do you think The Lazarus Pit feels, tastes, and smells like? Because you’re going to get some in your mouth and nose. What are your thoughts?
Oh that’s a good question!!!
I don’t know a ton of lore on Lazarus Pits, so correct me if I’m wrong or there’s a canon interpretation. But I think there’s a variety of interesting options:
Salty, kind of like blood. Thick and full of iron, slightly warm. Like swallowing someone else’s blood.
Bitter and rancid. Like decomposition fluids or rotting garbage. Cold and just barely liquid, choking you as it slides down your throat.
Sweet in a cloying, suffocating way. Like the sweetness of fresh decomposition. Covering up something worse underneath.
Acidic. It burns you alive, and enters every orifice of your body. Stinging, flaying pain that sinks deep into your skin and is inescapable.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. A weightless, maddening sensory deprivation.
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ham1lton · 2 months
They basically sold everything to support his career. Which I get at the surface level - but, because they did that, it feels like he forever feels indebted to them in a monetary way. Like full "let's invest in our kid, we'll have a return on our investment"
Like I get supporting his dreams, but selling the house and living in the caravan and parking in front of the school when he has to go in.... Maybe I read too much into it because everyone praises his parents for that but I just can't. Coming from a single parent household, I think I would've looked back after becoming an adult and questioned a lot of things.
oh absolutely. there is a line between being supportive and being overwhelming. like what would have happened if he failed? was there space for him to fail or find a new path? probably not. same thing for lewis in a sense, but not to the same extent. if your father is working extra shifts just to support you, you’d feel that stress of having to do good. that’s what wealthier kids won’t understand. they can fail without consequence.
but the parking in front of his school is a bit unnecessary…. i feel like that’s incredibly weird. why would they even do that?
i think it’s definitely a common phenomenon for children of immigrants to feel indebted to their parents for making the sacrifice of moving to a different country for them or children from poorer backgrounds to feel indebted as their parents support them with the little money they do have. it is also incredibly interesting how it’s viewed. like you should give your parents gifts and stuff because you love them rather than because you feel like you have to. also when does he pay that debt off? can he ever pay it off? it feels like it’ll just hang over your head. how can you have a healthy relationship with that?
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