#sorry if i was in the middle of a conversation with you
pinkflower2003 · 3 days
Heyy not sure if you’re comfortable writing smut but I have a spicy request where Christian calls max while him and the reader are in the middle of having sex and he picks up loll…..
Max Verstappen x Reader NSFW (18+)
a/n: thank you for your request! i’ve done this as a bit of a blub because i never know how to write long smut! hope this is okay!!
Request here🍓
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The room was dimly lit, casting a warm glow that danced across the walls. The evening had started innocently enough—dinner, a few glasses of wine, and the kind of conversation that made you feel closer than ever. Now, you were tangled in the sheets with Max Verstappen, your bodies pressed together in a passionate embrace. The world outside ceased to exist as you lost yourselves in each other.
Max’s hands roamed your body, exploring every inch with a hunger that made your heart race. His lips traced a path down your neck, sending shivers of pleasure down your spine. You were laying on your front, your ass up in the air as he fucked you from behind.
Just as the intensity between you reached its peak, Max’s phone rang, the sound startling you both. Max hesitated for a moment, his breath hot against your skin, before groaning in frustration.
“For fucks sake, can't even fuck my girlfriend in peace.” he muttered, clearly annoyed by the interruption.
You watched as he reached for the phone, his other hand still caressing your thigh. Glancing at the screen, he saw it was his manager calling. Max sighed, knowing he couldn’t ignore the call, no matter how badly he wanted to.
“It’s Christian,” he said, looking at you apologetically.
You huffed, as he just pushed your head down, back into the pillows, one hand holding his phone to his ear, the other holding both your arms behind your back as he continued to slam into you. With a smirk, he answered the call, his voice slightly breathless.
“Hi Christian, what's up?” Max said, trying to keep his tone professional. “Uh, no i’m not busy.” You narrowed your eyes at him.
As his manager started talking, you decided to take matters into your own hands. You pressed your ass back into his as he slowed now, not taking as much effort into fucking you, too englufed in the phone call. You pushed back, fucking yourself on his cock, whimpering and moaning, quiet enough for Christian not to hear, but loud enough for Max to know exactly what you were trying to do. Max’s breath hitched, and he shot you a warning look, but you just grinned mischievously.
Max struggled to focus on the conversation, his voice wavering slightly. “Uh-huh, yeah, I got it,” he said, trying to maintain his composure, but that became difficult when you clenched around him, putting a hand down to your clit, playing with it.
"Gonna cum, gonna cum Maxie, please." You whispered as Max grabbed your hair, pulling you up against his chest, still facing away from him. Grabbing your chin, he put two fingers in your mouth as a desperate plea to shut you up. You suck on his fingers, dazed after being fucked.
“Okay, I’ll take care of it,” Max managed to say, his voice strained.
Your head fell back onto his shoulder, still sat on his cock, still trying to get him to move.
“I’ll call you back later,” Max said quickly, ending the call before his manager could respond. He tossed the phone aside, his attention fully back on you.
“You’re going to pay for that,” he growled, his voice low and filled with desire.
“Oh, really?” you practically slurred, a playful glint in your eyes.
Max didn’t waste any time. He flipped you over onto your back, pinning your wrists above your head with one hand. The intensity in his gaze made your heart skip a beat. He was determined to show you exactly who was in control.
“You think you can tease me and get away with it baby?” he whispered against your ear, his breath sending shivers down your spine.
“I'm sorry Maxie, just love your cock." You cried out as he thrust into you with speed. "You're such a brat," he murmured.
"If Christian heard anything, you're gonna be so fucking in for it." He said, giving you a harsh smack on the ass.
You smirked, "Worth it."
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faithfulren · 2 days
accidental confession
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izuku accidentally confesses his feelings for you in a moment of panic, leading to an awkward but sweet conversation.
middle school had always been a challenging time for izuku midoriya. as a quirkless boy dreaming of becoming a hero, he often felt isolated and misunderstood. however, there was one person who always seemed to make his days a little brighter, you. your kind smile and encouraging words were often the highlight of his day, though he never quite knew how to express his gratitude or growing feelings for you.
it was another typical afternoon after school. you and izuku were in the library, working on a group project together. the room was quiet except for the soft rustling of pages and the occasional whisper between the two of you. izuku's heart raced every time you leaned in to look at something in his notebook, your proximity making his thoughts scatter.
you noticed Izuku seemed more fidgety than usual, his face slightly flushed as he scribbled notes in his ever-present hero analysis notebook.
"hey, izuku," you said softly, placing a hand on his arm to get his attention. "are you okay? you seem a bit… distracted today."
izuku's eyes widened, and he immediately started to stammer. "i-i'm fine! really! just, um, a lot on my mind, i guess." he forced a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his neck.
you gave him a concerned look but decided not to press further. "alright, but if you need to talk about anything, i'm here, okay?"
izuku nodded, his heart pounding even harder. he took a deep breath, trying to focus on the project, but his mind kept drifting back to you and the way your eyes sparkled with kindness.
as the minutes passed, you two continued to work in relative silence. then, out of nowhere, a loud crash echoed through the library. someone had knocked over a stack of books, and the sudden noise startled both of you. without thinking, izuku reached out and grabbed your hand, his reflexes taking over.
"izuku?" you said, looking at him in surprise. his hand was warm and slightly trembling around yours.
realizing what he had done, izuku's face turned beet red, and he quickly let go, stammering apologies. "i-i'm so sorry! i didn't mean to—"
"it's okay," you interrupted, a gentle smile on your face. "you just surprised me, that's all."
izuku took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. he felt a wave of panic wash over him, and before he knew it, the words tumbled out of his mouth. "i like you!"
the library fell silent again, but this time it was a deafening silence. izuku's eyes widened in horror as he realized what he'd just blurted out. "i-i mean, i, um, i like you as a friend! no, wait, that's not what i meant either! i mean, i do like you as a friend, but also more than that, and—"
you blinked, trying to process his rapid-fire confession. a slow smile spread across your face as you watched izuku's panic. "izuku, are you trying to say you have feelings for me?"
izuku gulped and nodded, looking like he wanted to disappear. "y-yes," he managed to whisper, his voice barely audible.
you felt your heart swell with warmth. you'd always thought izuku was sweet and admired his determination, and hearing his confession made your own feelings clear. "izuku, i like you too."
his head snapped up, eyes wide with surprise and hope. "r-really?"
you nodded, taking his hand again, this time on purpose. "yes, really. i've liked you for a while now."
a smile slowly spread across izuku's face, relief and joy washing over him. "i'm so glad," he said softly, squeezing your hand.
the two of you sat there for a moment, just holding hands and smiling at each other, the world around you fading away. it was awkward, it was sweet, and it was the start of something wonderful.
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halaboyz · 18 hours
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oh?, choi san
classroom crush! ateez san x gn! reader (nonchalant vs oa lmao) FINALLY SOME FLUFF wc: 2.2k warnings: none that i know of a/n: i've done so much of this storyline i think this might be the last one of it
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San remembers his first day as a returnee, striding down the hallway to his room, notes and pens tucked in his arm. Upon entering his room, was delightedly welcomed by one of the regular students- you.
"Hi, is this seat taken?" San asks cautiously as he points at the seat beside you, crouching to hear you better. When you turn your head to look at him, but instead, your jaw drops.
"Well aren't you fucking gorgeous," Is that even a whisper? San was astonished, blinking at you. It was needless to say that he was intimidated by that single line, feet discreetly stepping back and escaping the situation. "Sorry. Slipped. No one sits there," Your poker face confuses him more. You're a weird junior. You quickly focus back on your phone, as if you hadn't just said the most compliment San could ever receive.
"Ah, thanks... But I think I'll just find ano-," When he whips his head around to find another seat untaken, he panics. You don't look awkward at all, but San is. He doesn't want that. But there aren't any seats left, and he isn't close with anyone to strike a conversation just to switch seats with him. So he dejectedly takes a seat, scooting farther, maybe just a bit, away from you.
The day just wouldn't end like that, San just had to forget to bring an index card- the whole class did. And you just had to be prepared for it. Out of all his blockmates, it just had to be you. It makes everything hard for him when you hand all of your classmates a card one by one, when it all came down to him.
"You have one?" One was already hanging loose between your index and middle finger, handing it to him. It takes him a few more seconds before he shyly takes the card and thanking you softly, and he glances at you to see if you're really unbothered by the thing a while ago.
You really were.
At that point on, San had considered you a friend (he hopes you do too) that he can count on. Being a returnee wasn't easy, and you helped him adjust to the environment quite easily. You were someone who was blunt, straightforward. Unlike San, who overthought every situation he had been, and will most likely overthink the coming situations.
"Oh San. Hello. Are you at the room right now?" You quickly ask right when he answers your call. When he hums, "I forgot my extra shirt under my desk. Do you mind bringing it over here to the gym? Please and thank you."
Like you gave him a choice. He chuckles to himself, just agreeing and immediately getting into action. He retrieves your extra shirt for PE (which he, thank god, had taken already and passed the last year before he went for LOA) and jogs to the gym, where he finds exiting students already. When he asks a familiar face of where you are, they just point inside the gymnasium.
At last, the gym only had a number of students getting ready to leave, and he still doesn't see a strand of your hair. When he tries to reach his pockets for his phone, he sighs when he realizes he left it at your desk.
He cautiously walks to the changing room, where he tries to shout out loud, bravely, calling for your name.
"y/n... please come out, I have your shirt and there's no one else to ask a favor for," He thinks if you're even still there. But when he hears footsteps approaching he perks up.
Not until he sees you, though. He immediately turns red, and I mean literally red, and immediately- when he sees you only covered with a towel. He stands frozen in place, shirt in his hand reaching out to you.
"What, first time seeing a person half naked, pretty boy?" Your nonchalance was killing him inside. You thank him as you retrieve your shirt, asking him to wait for you since he was there already. As if you had just done the most normal thing friends do.
Or was San just not used to this friend-thing relationship that was normal for you?
"Hey, y/n. How are you?" San starts, the chair scraping the marbled floor.
"Good. You?" You reply simply, not even glancing at him.
"Good too," San nervously chuckles, but you don't buy it. With a simple whisper of 'spit', he folds. "Well... Not good, actually. I haven't been feeling well the past few days and I really want to stay in today but I had a quiz this morning. I really want to attend this class since I'm here already but my body's declining. Would you be so kind to share your notes for today?" San rambles, immediately feeling sorry for the inconvenience already.
"Okay." You answer, nodding at him. He waits a few more seconds to see if you'll add onto that, but nothing comes out. So he immediately thanks you, standing up and ready to leave when you grab his sleeve.
"Right, here. I've been meaning to give this." You throw him a small paper bag full of meds, "Get well soon. Miss you already," He doesn't know whether that was sarcastic or not. He doesn't care. What matters were the medicines in his hand, released from the pharmacy dated to three days ago, when he started feeling under the weather and has been doing everything to hide it.
He feels... weird. You're weird.
He remembers all that. That's how it has always been for the two of you. All along, he thought that he was the one who... he doesn't know. He doesn't even know, but all along he thought it was a him problem. Not a you problem.
So why were you here, in front of him, confessing your love for him?
Not the pretty-boy-adoration level, but a serious kind of level.
"I like you, Choi San. I think it's been for a while already." San couldn't figure you out until the end. So he figures that maybe, all this time, it's not a romantically-inclined interest he had for you, but a rather type of 'you're a weird-fun that's why you keep me on my toes' kinda thing.
And he doesn't want that. He doesn't want that for you because you deserve better. Just because you were a fresh air for him, doesn't mean that he'd only keep you to have his own part of fun.
"Uh... y/n..." He doesn't know what to say. He hopes to keep the friendship you've been building, but he also needs your keep of the decision for that. "Sorry, but..."
"Okay." You shrug, smiling at him. "It's fine. I get it. Don't worry, we can go back and act like nothing happened, right?" You didn't even let him finish. But he thinks he dodged a bullet there. Because of how he knows himself, he would've fucked it all up without meaning to if you let him finish. "Let's go back to the room?" You pat his arm, and you were back to being... unbothered. Like you didn't just get rejected.
Did San read too much romantic novels? Watch too much movies? To expect more reaction from you?
But apart from all that's raging his mind now, he follows you back to the room, and just like you- it feels like nothing happened. Maybe, it was better that way.
But when he asks your friend Yeonjun why he was going through your desk, and answers you asked to bring him your extra shirt and bottle of water to the gym, he's dumbfounded.
Not that he had some grudge for Yeonjun, but... hadn't you always asked him with that? I thought we're back to being whatever you were before the confession? Why was he now looking at Yeonjun like just committed a heinous crime?
But he lets Yeonjun off the hook (partially because Yeonjun was now sprinting out of the room to get to you and he didn't had the leisure to confront Yeonjun about it) and stares at the empty seat beside him, left with only traces of you.
Maybe, just maybe, Yeonjun crossed your mind first this time around, than San.
But well oh well, it happens again.
"Yeonjun, can you pass me the scale ruler, please? Oh and could you grab these plates unharmed and go with me to the office to drop these off before class ends," San was sure prior the confession, you had always asked him around. But now... what the hell?
"We can go now," Yeonjun stands up with no complain, getting all of the plates to go with you while you prepare. Why is Yeonjun acting like all of this is normal? Like... isn't he finding it weird that he's now the one getting asked around, not him?
San could now rip his hair all out for all he knows. He thought you wanted to go back to normal? Why is he noticing even the littlest changes now? Why is he so frustrated anyway?
His last resort was now two weeks after the confession, and everything has changed for him. Maybe just him, because he had started even noticing the smallest changes in your actions, or if it even changed- from the looks of it of other people's point of view, it didn't. But for him, a lot has changed.
"y/n, do you want to go get materials for the next project together later?" San encourages himself to initiate an offer, while the both of you were alone after a while, Yeonjun having something to cram on during break.
"Oh, San. Sorry, I already promised Yeonjun that I'll help him with his requirements later." You reply, biting your sandwich and glancing at him, then back to your book
"Tomorrow?" San was desperate. He wanted to make things right, but he doesn't even know if there were things to correct in the first place. Why does he feel so responsible and desperate when he's the one who rejected you?
"...You want to meet on a Sunday?" You slowly set your book down, gawking at him.
"That's a problem now?"
"Oh now your attitude's a problem." With his snarky remark, you immediately rebut it with yours. You were getting confused of how he has been acting, like... he's also confused. You were back to acting how you were before you confessed, only San wasn't.
"What about my attitude, huh?" San presses, scooting closer to you to annoy you more lividly. You scoff, amused at the newly found attitude your senior had.
"What the hell is your problem, San?" You scoff in disbelief, a smirk in your lips at the amusement.
"You know what, now that we're in the topic anyway, let me ask you that. What the hell is your problem, y/n?" He starts, eyebrows furrowing into confusion. Yours raise, because what the hell was he talking about? "You confess and okay, I rejected you, I was expecting that you will never talk to me again because that's how it usually goes, but then you say that we can go back to acting like it never happened."
"So? I did!" You almost try and fight him, if it weren't for his palm flying to your mouth to shut you up.
"You! Didn't!" San rebuts, "It's always Yeonjun here, Yeonjun there- did you not like me anymore just like that?! Have you moved on quickly? Do I deserve getting ignored because I was too ignorant of my own feelings?!" San was now mad at himself. He always was.
Because if you answered yes to all of his questions, the blame falls into himself.
He let you go that easily. Just like that. All because of his uncertainties, really?
"Of course I still like you, idiot! Do you think I get over feelings fast like that?!" You push his hand away, your panicked state was a reflection of his panicked state. You were supposed to be the cool one here, but hearing San panic made you panic.
"Then why the hell are you avoiding me?!"
"You're crazy, I'm not! I'm acting the way I am!" You exasperatingly fight back, because you know you're right. "You're overthinking things like how you always are, okay, I get it." You calm down, because if you weren't no one was going to. "I'm sorry, okay, I didn't notice this time around, I'm sorry I should've been more careful."
"Why are you apologizing now... I should be. You must be so confused of how I am acting right now..." San starts, shoulders drooping, lips turning to a pout. "I've only come to agreement to my feelings just now, y/n. I'm so sorry I came too late," San grabs your hand, caressing it.
You almost turn into a ball at how San was acting, feeling all giddy and happy at the same time.
"Really? San, I don't want you saying anything at the heat of the moment, you can take your time. This might only be because you were overly cautious of my actions after my confession which made you confused. You can take your time, San." You caress his hand with your other, smiling at him.
"No, I've just been trudging it out longer. I've been feeling this way ever since we met. But if I told you that earlier, it would've been weird, wouldn't it?" With a chuckle, you pull San for a hug, one that had been long overdue.
"Fuck Yeonjun, he can cram all by himself."
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taglist: @sunlightwoo (answer the form on my pinned to be included!)
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thepixelelf · 3 days
What the Fuck is Up with Secretary Hong? Pt. 2 - I Think I Wanna
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note: I have since updated the mlist warnings, but reader experiences something like a mix between ochlophobia (fear of crowds) and claustrophobia (fear of small/closed spaces). It's something I personally deal with to a smaller degree, and I find it hard to label as one or the other
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By the time Joshua has made it inside the restaurant, which is practically hidden in the corner of an OMO hotel, his breath has all but run out. He can feel his sweat starting to absorb in his suit, and as he approaches the host desk, he curses Seungcheol under his breath.
If the host notices his dishevelled state, she doesn't show it. With a polite smile, she simply greets, "Hello."
"I'm looking for the Vipe--" Joshua heaves in a breath and reconsiders his words. Probably best not to use that malicious moniker in front of your employees, right? Damn. "I mean--"
Before he can say your name, the host gestures into the restaurant. "Right this way, sir."
She leads him inside and past more than a few tables before they approach some floor-to-ceiling windows, which show off one of the city's parks outside.
You're sitting at a table for two, one leg crossed over the other and a glass of wine in your hand. Despite no doubt hearing the the host excuse herself, you don't turn away from the window.
Shit. He knew you'd be mad.
As the host leaves, you bring the wineglass up for one more sip, then push your chair back and stand up. "You're late," you say dryly, then finally meet his eyes.
And yeah-- wow. He understands why people are intimidated by you now.
You've got this blacker than black suit on, a devastating emerald sheen to it that makes Joshua's nicest suit feel like a knock-off brand. It doesn't look like you're just wearing it; more like it's intrinsically part of your ruthless, terrifying, powerful...
Joshua's shoulders keep rising and falling against his will. He's out of breath. Still.
Right, he's supposed to say something now. That's how conversations work.
You walk up to him, arms crossed as your sharp eyes assess him up and down.
"I'm so sorry," Joshua starts. "My--"
But he doesn't actually know what to say about Seungcheol's whereabouts, since even Joshua has no idea where his usually reliable boss is. Seungcheol's never gone MIA like this before, and certainly not for a meeting as important as this one, with a person as attractive as--
--as important as you, he means.
"I can explain--"
Joshua whips around at the loud blast of music, eyes instinctively trying to find where Bruno Mars' voice booms from.
He doesn't spot the speakers, but he watches in shock as people file into the seating area from all directions, and even some of the customers stand up from their tables to...
Oh, holy hell. "A flash mob," Joshua mutters. "In 2024?"
The once-undercover dancers surround a table in the middle of the restaurant, but there are so many of them that some twirl directly in front of Joshua.
As the music blares on, Joshua recalls your assistant telling him there would be a proposal during the meeting between you and Seungcheol. He assumed it would be more... classy in a place like this, though. Did you know about this? You couldn't have, right? This isn't exactly the environment for a professional meeting.
He should probably apologize for this, too. It's as much his job as it is Kim Jiwoo's to make sure these things run smoothly.
When he turns around to say sorry again, though, you're gone.
Well. No.
Joshua looks down from where you once were, and he finds you crouched on the ground, both your hands covering your ears.
"Are you..." He kneels down in front of you, hands reaching out even though he doesn't know what he plans to do with them.
At the sound of his voice, you lift your head, and your eyes meet his once more. They're different now, though -- wider, trembling, panicked.
A sweeping dancer's foot flies near your head. You flinch. Joshua looks around, decides enough is enough, and gently places his hand on your arm. "Let's go," he says softly, just loud enough that you can hear him over the music. They're really going to play the whole song, huh?
He leads you along the walls towards an exit, one of his hands not quite touching your back, but there to guide you, and the other still on your forearm. You say nothing, just shutting your eyes and wincing when you pass a speaker and the music is louder than ever. Once you both reach a hallway out of the restaurant though, you take over and starting walking faster in a direction Joshua doesn't recognize. Eventually, he finds himself on some sort of outdoor patio.
You lean back against a wall, exhaling and rubbing both hands on your neck.
He should say something, he thinks, but he doesn't know what.
From your pocket, you pull out a packet of gum. You unwrap one with practised efficiency and stick it in your mouth. Closing your eyes again, you chew on the gum for a few moments while Joshua watches your breathing steadily become even again.
You peek an eye open at him, drop your head and wince, then reach for another stick of gum in the packet so you can hold it out for him.
Joshua eyes the gum. "Are you okay?"
You shrug. "A little embarrassed, yes. You've seen a side of me I wasn't planning to share."
Your direct words make him feel sheepish, like he forced something from you despite having nothing to do with that flash mob. He takes the gum only because you keep holding it out, and he doesn't want to be the reason your arm gets tired.
You smile when he unwraps his gum, and he fumbles with it a little at the sight. It's the first time he's seen a smile on you, and he wonders if all the people who say you're cold and ruthless and a knife or whatever have seen it before. Maybe you keep it to yourself because it's just too beautiful.
"Embarrassing moment aside, I apologize for the interruption. I wasn't aware that would be occurring."
Joshua nods, unsure why you're bothering apologizing so sincerely to him when he's just the secretary. "It's alright."
You hold out your hand again, empty this time, for a handshake. "You must be Choi Seungcheol. It's a pleasure to meet you."
"No," Joshua says immediately, about to correct you until his own tongue seems to freeze. He meets your eyes, and they're different again. Not the cold, high-ranking person of power look from those first moments, not the panicked, wide eyes from your bout of fear, but eyes with a playful, open shine to them. Eyes that are a little shy, but not afraid to be here after showing vulnerability. And before his brain can catch up, he's taking your hand in his own. "No, uh... The pleasure is all mine."
Alarms start blaring in the back of his mind, a siren that sounds an awful lot like STUPID, IDIOT, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING, but he ignores it entirely for multiple reasons. One being that your smile widens, and he likes looking at it.
"Unfortunately I'll have to cut this short today," you tell him, pulling your hand out of his reluctant grasp and nodding towards the direction of the restaurant. Joshua can still hear the faint musings of Bruno Mars. "I have a bit of a situation to deal with. Perhaps we can reschedule? I'm eager to here what Geomsoft has to offer."
"Of course... Maybe I should just get your number?"
You start heading for the door. "I'll have my assistant send it to you."
"Oh, um--" Panicking, Joshua reaches for your arm, and he succeeds in stopping you, but he lets go when you eye his hand and let out an awkward little laugh. "Tell her to contact my secretary."
"Mr Hong?" you ask. He hopes you don't see how his name coming from your lips affects him.
He keeps his voice as steady as possible to say, "Yes."
"Okay." You put your hand on the door handle, taking one last look at him. "I will see you soon, Choi."
As the door falls shut behind you, Joshua can only think one thing.
What the hell did he just do?
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forthelostones · 22 hours
𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ➺ 𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐣𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐲 #5
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anderson construction and landscaping had been parked outside your door since you returned home from university. as if the summer couldn't get any hotter, the business owner works overtime in your area. anderson is collecting new, loyal clients of your neighbors, cementing her permanence in your life for the next few months. what's to come of your girlish crush when she keeps showing up?
𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜. 18+ (mdni); age-gap, young!reader, older!abby, butch!abby, slow-burn, suggestive language, thoughts of infidelity, ellie ft, smoking/drinking, mentions of parents, nickname: sweetheart, and modern au.
𝚊𝚗. yall! life has been crazy. your girl is finally back. I'm so sorry I love you all for loving me. lets geeettt etttt. x (this chapter is loosely proofread)
♫ 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝. change your mind by moonchild ♫
I kick the duvet off my bed onto the floor, leaving my skin frozen as the blue sky begins to make an appearance like an oil painting on my bedroom walls. My throat is dry and my muscles are tight. I cried before I went to bed but this time it wasn’t over the business, it was about me. When was the last time I cried about me? A deep yawn allowed a stretch to be released from my stiff body. I don’t remember falling asleep here but my back thanked me for it. What happened yesterday? In-house client consultations weren't unpopular just not as common as they used to be. Most days, folks want a Pinterest-made bathroom cutting out the middle price of my creativity. Like I say, who am I to complain?
My phone was crowded with email notifications of applicants. I was one step closer to taking a huge load off my shoulders and that felt good. So good, that I brewed a pot of coffee because I had the time. I reached under the kitchen sink and among the disorganized cleaning products a Mr. Coffee Pot was birthed. I had switched to a fancy automatic dispenser but there’s nothing like a cheap hot drip. I perch my lips on the edge of my mug before opening my mouth. Across the yard, through the window is my neighbor Nora, the lemon lady, as I call her. Just about this time of the year, she would leave a small brown crate of lemons on my front porch. Our conversations were short and awkward but she was a pretty lady to look at. She was heading to work in a blue dress that suctioned her body and extenuated the light brown fro flourishing on her scalp. I wonder how she's doing, my wonder would never be strong enough to open the door and ask that.
Hair and teeth were brushed promptly before opening my laptop and scheduling interviews. The most recent application was from the woman who stood in my house just last night. My first instinct was to pick up my phone and send a photograph with a witty sentence accompanying it. However, I refrained and stared at the email. I could hear her voice describe the elements of her resume. It was a sweet delusion and ghostly experience to recall her rasp but it eased some tension to know I could possibly have her around more.
I didn’t know what to do with the time I had magically acquired this morning. The possibilities seemed vast and the anxiety I felt from the thought of breaking my routine made me just sit in silence. A silence that was paired with fantastical grandeur from a childish part of my brain. Daydreaming about her was a great way to begin my morning.
Over to the loudest street on the west side with two clients already secured, I felt accomplished with the direction both projects were going. A turn down the road revealed a paramedic hauling away a gurney. Without worrying about the parking situation I pull the keys out of the ignition and jog over to the scene. All my men were crowding around the truck and I pushed through them to see pale bone breaking through the flesh of my roofer. I winced at the sight and looked up quickly to meet the eyes of the victim. 
“Boss,” He chuckled in a stupefied state. “ I fell down.” 
We all shared a moment of happiness that the injury didn’t result in any other damage. I took pride in knowing workers comp was going to take care of him for the healing. If it ever did. My back pocket floods with vibrations and I finally interrupt them. 
6:55 am: paramedics? what’s happening abby? 
7:04 am: hello? are you okay?
7:05 am: I don’t see you. where are you? 
As I begin to type and move out of the road to allow the paramedics to leave then I see her, standing on the sidewalk with her house shoes on and draped in a short robe. I could see a bit of relief on her face as I approached her. The closer I got the more nervous I felt but she didn’t have to know that. 
“Gosh, I’m sorry.” She brings her hand to her forehead. 
“So, you were worried?” I poke. 
She chuckles lightly, “My mom made me come outside and check.” 
“Oh right.” I laughed to hide my embarrassment. 
“Well, I’m going back to bed.” She mentioned but her feet didn’t move. 
“Long night?” 
“Longest. It should be illegal to get into arguments after 10 p.m.” 
Her girlfriend was stressing her out again and now that I looked closer, her under eyes were puffy and darkened. She kept her up all night, hopefully not arguing about something concerning me. 
“I agree, that’s a good rule.” 
“I’ll see you later, okay?” 
I nod and turn back towards my truck, wishing we were going in the same direction instead of the opposite one. 
Well into the afternoon I saw her glint in her front yard tending to the blossoming flowers. The old, form-fitting grey sweatpants were dirtied on the knees with brown and green alike. I was leaning against the truck and secretly watched her clean her forehead with her matching shirt, darkened by sweat. I couldn’t stop thinking about how to approach her about the application. Once she had enough digging done she sat in the grass on her behind, leaning on her hands, with her head tossed back. 
I mustered the courage to step away from the car and got a clear view of the most toned parts of her body. My mouth became dry and I had to find the moisture again by lolling my tongue over my lips. She lifted her hand to wave slightly and then to hide her eyes from the sun, even though I am sure she knew it was me. My shadow covered her with a temporary coolness under the fiery sun to which she audibly sighed. 
“Hi, sweetheart,” I smile. 
She opens her big eyes and follows my belt buckle up to my face. She looks glorious in that position, dominant yet completely able to be persuaded. The curves on her body were muscle as much as they were fat. A glorious mixture that made me crave her more — especially when I’m not supposed to. 
“Ms. Anderson,” She giggled playfully. 
“I saw your application, post-graduate life got you desperate?” 
I wasn’t much of a tease toward women I liked, but in the moment it felt good to watch her face contort in a false sense of temporary anger.
“Don’t think I’d be a good employee?” 
I shrug at her comment but inside the vision of her in business casual clothing, debriefing clients, and leading weekly meetings painted my cheeks red. A woman in charge of me was something I didn’t often relish enough. The facade I give off is the opposite of what’s expected but if she gains my trust… Suddenly, she stood up with her hands clasped around her hips breaking my lewd thoughts. The tips of her fingers slightly perched under the fabric of her loose top. 
“I’m not sure,” I grin. “Isn't that what the interview determines?” 
She rubs her glove up the side of her forearm, leaving traces of soil on her skin. The sunshine reflecting from her body is nearly blinding. I fought off the urge to clean away those imperfections on her.
“Does this mean I have an interview?” She perked up on her heels in excitement. 
The motion triggered a reflex to wrap my hands around her hips and pull her inward as I bent her backward for a passionate kiss. I unknowingly took a step forward as the screeching of a '98 Cadillac Seville pulled quickly into the driveway to separate us. The car hummed and scrapped against the pavement causing me to wince. It was her girlfriend, Ellie. I should move. I should lift my feet and walk back down the street and drill a nail into some wood, but I don’t. 
Ellie slams the door to her car with her greasy hair tucked behind both ears and a slouch on her spine. Her eyes avoid my face and I’m glad that they do. 
“Woah, you’re all dirty,” Ellie smirks. 
“Gardening.” Her one word answer even stings me. 
“Let’s get cleaned up, hm?” Ellie’s hand gently clasps her elbow but she pulls away. 
“After I’m done talking to Abby. Why don’t you go up to my room and wait for me?” She asks, sweetly. 
I felt a bulge of confidence wave through my body knowing Ellie was going to listen because of my presence. She cuts her eyes towards me briefly before walking up the driveway to disappear into the house. 
“You okay?” I ask. 
“We’ve been arguing more and more since I moved back home. She’s so sensitive,” Her face crinkles in distress. 
A genuine, heavy pool of laughter escapes my throat. The way she contorted her face to say sensitive showed her disgust of Ellie which I was overly pleased to know. I cover my mouth slightly until she grins too. 
“I shouldn’t even be telling you this.” She adds. 
“It’s fine. I’ve been in your position before.”
“And what happened?” 
I inhale. “We broke up and it was messy.” 
An oh slips her lips filling the silence between us. I pulled my mind from the clouds to stop its wandering tick of floating into the past. I’ve had many girlfriends but my final relationship, five years ago, was the most mentally taxing years of my life. ‘We broke up and it was messy’ was a simple reduction to a very complex situation. 
“I’m sorry to hear that Ms. Anderson.” Her fingertips rise gently to my arm. The glint in her eyes showed a sincerity that I had never seen before. Most people say sorry to things as a formality but she actually meant it. 
“You’re young, these things happen, you have time.” 
“I hope so.” She mutters as she removes her gloves and tosses them angrily into the grass. 
“All right, sweetheart, if you need me you know where to find me.” 
She mouthed a humble thank you and followed behind her girlfriend. 
The team was disoriented, tired, and lazy upon returning from their first break. Losing my finest roofer was going to cost me time and money. With such short notice, it wouldn’t be particularly difficult to find someone willing to fill in. Men in this industry are always hopping from job to job but I want someone reliable and will stay.
I chuckle in disbelief of what I’m about to do. Contact Ellie, to be my new roofer. 
12:00 p.m. Bad timing to ask you something?
She walked towards my truck as I forced a chip into my mouth. I brush the crumbs off my chest and check my face in the rearview as she boldly pulls the handle to sit in the passenger's seat. She avoided eye contact with me and slammed my door with an angry force.
“Hello,” I say, chewing off the last bit of my food. 
“Was your text a joke?” She snaps, her voice holding a begrudging tremble.
“A joke? No, I would never, not at all I was—” My words were tumbling over each other breaking my cool facade. She did not seem phased by my current display. 
“You want Ellie to work for you.” 
The statement was supposed to come out more like a question but there was no rise in tone at the end of her sentence. 
“I don’t have time to hire someone and test them out. You said she was good, right?” 
“She’s one of the best.” She groaned. 
“Well, to be honest, I’m desperate.” I sigh a little more pathetic than I want. 
She turns her head towards me and melts into the cushions. Her legs widen to touch the door with her kneecap. She twisted her head upwards to admire the black upholstery on the ceiling, exposing her kissable neck. I feel a zing of warmth travel from my cheeks to my thighs and I twitch at the unfamiliar feeling. One that I haven’t felt in ages. I run a lingering thumb against the seam of my pants and relish the sensation I feel through them. She turns and looks at me, leaving me frozen. Those eyes were dark with a desire that awakened a sleeping part of me. 
Why did my body suddenly feel like a flowering opening upon first bloom? I was no teenager discovering the female body for the first time but why did it feel like that?
“Fine. I’ll tell Ellie to call you.” Absentmindedly she tugs her lip into her mouth and I cross my ankles because crossing my legs would be too obvious. 
“I owe you.” My voice sounds strained as I exhale into the air. 
In her bedroom, I had my tape measure in hand with a small notebook and golf pencil. The boxes in the room had been cleared since the last time I was here. I had to redo the farthest bathroom wall three times as a tender need pressed against my zipper. The pressure of the metal alone was making my legs wobble. When was the last time I was truly aroused? Her perfume coaxed the walls in the same sickeningly sweet warm musk that followed behind her. My concentration was drained.
"Ms. Anderson?" She asked lightly in the door frame.
I swivel my head like a cartoon character, not particularly shocked by her presence but at my lack of bodily control. "Hey."
"Just wondering how you're doing?" She asked.
Her gardening top had become soaked around the collar and the cuff under her arms. Those sleeves were now folded inward displaying a vast spread of skin. I was going to be thinking about this interaction all day.
"Done." I lie.
"Good, I'm overdue for a shower," She giggled as she walked into the room in what I saw as slow-mo. "See you tomorrow."
"Thanks again. I seriously owe you." I repeat.
"I know," she smiles, starting to lift the hem of her shirt up. "Just make sure I have an interview next week and we're good."
The last thing I saw before leaving the room was a rousing glare, over her right shoulder, in my direction.
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roses-r-rosie3 · 2 days
Cool With You
Tim Drake x Parent!M!Reader
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Warnings: angst subject, fluff, suggestive bi!reader, struggling!parent!reader, kinda long fic,
Summary: While on patrol, Tim comes across the reader who is being harassed by loan sharks in an alleyway. When Tim saves the reader, he notices a baby is in the reader’s arms and before he can ask any questions the reader walks off. Tim decides to track the reader down and talks to him at the park.
A/n 1: This post is inspired by @strangeshoepatrolbandit
A/n 2: this was originally supposed to be one long story but I decided to split this into separate parts so that you guys had something 😭
Quote: “So… uhh… rough day huh?”
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It was a dark and stormy night in Gotham and Tim was out on patrol as usual. There was surprisingly nothing really happening that night so Tim decided to call Alfred and just have a chat.
In the middle of their conversation, Tim heard some noises in an alleyway, so he decided to check it out. It could’ve been some rats digging the garbage can for some food, but something in Tim’s gut was telling him that it wasn’t. Lo and behold there were some guys in the alleyway surrounding someone and harassing them.
“Hey fellas, what are you up to?” Tim asked.
One of them immediately turned around and tried to attack Tim. The guy tried punching Tim, but quickly got knocked out. As soon as the first guy went down, the rest of them immediately went after him. One by one, Tim knocked all of them to the ground until it was only him and the person they were surrounding.
“T-thank you so much sir!” The guy said.
Tim took a moment to look at the guy’s face. He looked so handsome, so innocent. Were those people trying to mug the poor guy or something? But that’s when Tim noticed that the guy had a baby in his arms. Who’s baby was that? It couldn’t possibly be the guys, he looked far too young to even be a father.
“Is that a bab-”
“Sorry I have to go” the guy said quickly before walking off quickly.
Tim didn’t even have time to process what you said before you zoomed away. When Tim finally came to his senses, he tried to see if you were nearby, but you disappeared. That was really weird.
After that night, Tim couldn’t stop thinking about that guy. He was stuck in Tim’s head, so much so that Tim decided to do some research and try to crack who that guy was. After weeks and weeks of investigating, Tim finally found out who the guy was.
A guy named y/n l/n. A former college student who dropped out due to unknown reasons. You used to be the top of your class, you would’ve even been valedictorian. But one day you just dropped out without an explanation.
Tim found out that you worked several part-time jobs to pay rent for your crappy apartment. He felt bad for you, from what he’s seen, you came from a wealthy background, you had good looks, good grades, good friends, and a good social status. But what happened? Why was that baby in your arms? What did those guys want from you?
Those are the questions that Tim wanted to find an answer to. He decided that he was going to follow you for a whole week, just to get an idea of your schedule so that he could “accidentally” bump into you.
He found out that you just worked the whole day, but the only time you weren’t working was to go home, and to go to the park to relax during your break. Bingo, he knew exactly what he was going to do. For the first time in a while, Tim actually made sure to get a good nights sleep beforehand. What were you doing to him?
It was the day that Tim was planning to “accidentally” bump into you. Tim was feeling really happy and giddy, was it because he finally got a good night’s rest or was it because he was excited to see you?
You usually walked into the park around 3:30pm so Tim just had to wait for you to sit on the bench where you usually sat. When you finally arrived you immediately sat down at your designated bench.
Tim felt a bit nervous at first, was he being too creepy? Should he have just let you be? But regardless, Tim took a deep breath before walking up to you.
“Hey can I sit here?” Tim asked.
“Yeah, of course” you smiled.
Tim sat down awkwardly and you both sat there in silence for a good five minutes before Tim spoke up.
“So… uhh… rough day huh?” Tim said.
“Don’t even get me started” you chuckled.
“Work problems?” Tim “guessed”.
“Yeah, I work all day. I barely have time to spend with my kid, he spends more time with my neighbors than he does with me” you joked.
“You have a kid?” Tim said.
“Yeah, I accidentally got a girl pregnant when I was at a party. We decided to keep it but she didn’t want to be a mom so she gave up her parental rights. I don’t blame her but it’s kinda hard you know?” You confessed.
Tim started putting the pieces together in his head slowly but surely. The reason why you dropped out was to take care of the baby.
“I-I’m sorry if I overshared” you apologized.
“No, no, you’re fine, how’s life like with the baby? Tim asked.
“It’s pretty hard, but I’ll always be grateful that I have him, I honestly don’t know what I would do” you chuckled.
“What’s his name?” Tim asked.
“Theo” you smiled, thinking about the image of your child.
“That’s a wonderful name” Tim complimented.
“Thanks” you said.
It went silent again and for some reason, Tim just felt attached to you. He wanted to get to know more about you, but not in a “I need more information about him” kind of way, more like a, “I want get to know more about him” kind of way.
“Hey uh, I can watch him for you if you want to” Tim suggested.
“It’s fine I don’t want to trouble you, and I’m pretty low on money right now, so I wouldn’t really have anything to pay you with” you replied.
“I can do it for free” Tim said.
“Really? Thank you so much, you have no idea how much that means” you exclaimed.
I know what you’re thinking, ‘why would you just trust some random stranger that you just met with your baby?’. Something in your gut was telling you to let him.
“My name is Tim by the way” Tim smiled.
“Y/n” you smiled back.
You pulled out your phone to check the time, and your break was almost over already!
“Shit, sorry but my break is almost over” you said.
“Can I get your phone number before you go?” Tim asked.
“Oh, yeah sorry about that” you said before typing in your number on Tim’s phone.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then” you smiled before waving bye to Tim.
Tim looked on as you slowly walked away. When you were finally out of his eyesight he started looking back on the conversations until he realized something….
HE OFFERED TO BABYSIT! Tim couldn’t even take care of himself properly! Let alone a baby! WHY?! WHY WOULD HE DO THIS TO HIMSELF!
Tim took some deep breaths before slowly calming down. Who knows maybe babysitting won’t be that hard. He spent the whole night looking up videos of how to change diapers and take care of a baby. All he could do now is pray that all we go well….
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brainrot-of-a-thot · 14 hours
Hi love!!! Just saw your fluff post and I completely get it 😭. I’ll be on a fic reading spree and they’ll be 1 fluff out of 20 smut and Tumblr is more known for smut fics in most fandoms so finding fluff is kinda hard sometimes. If it’s alright, can I request Umemiya, Togame, Choji, Sakura, and Suo (if that’s too many characters than just Umemiya and Togame are fine!!) with an adhd reader?? And how they’d be like in a relationship with her?? Sometimes it’s hard to imagine my fictional faves being able to love someone like me so pls go all out on the fluff 😭🙏🏼.
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adhd no justsu: numbnut style [hajime u., choji t., jo t.]
they love your hyper, bubbly, and forgetful lil’ self.
a/n: okay nonnie yes!! I believe I got a similar request about adhd!reader awhile back (I’m so sorry it got lost in the flood) and I fell in love with it! as someone who also has adhd it warms my heart to imagine the boys loving me despite it ;w;
note: title is inspired by a conversation I had with @hell-hoound a bit ago (babes I cackled when you said this I just—)
c/w: fem!reader, adhd!reader, fluff, adhd symptoms (dissociation, hyperfocus, forgetfulness, disorganization, bouncing thoughts, chattering, anxiety, allusions to masking, impulsivity.) just boys loving you for you babes~
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↳ hajime umemiya.
↳ the first thing that stuck out the most to umemiya was just how disorganized you were. it wasn’t something he ever pointed out, just something he mentally noted. in general, your book bag was always stuffed full — of course, there were things in there that you needed, but other things that umemiya was pretty sure you wouldn’t need yet you insisted you would at some point; sketchpads that you never really pulled out, unsharpened pencils shoved into the very bottom of your bag, even some erasers that seemed to have been plucked out of the ends of pencils sometimes rolled out when you dropped your bag. you had a pair of glasses in there that you never even touched. along with this, it seemed you always had trouble finding what you actually needed due to the disorganization within the bag.
↳ you’re a hoarder — umemiya realized that quickly. you were a bit hesitant to allow him into your room at first, and when he walked in, he understood immediately why you were hesitant; you had a closet stuffed full of clothes that umemiya had never even seen you wear, with some articles even appearing to maybe be too small for you, as if you’d worn them back in middle school. much like the contents of your book bag, there were pencils practically spilling out of multiple storage containers. nothing seemed to have a particular place within your room — random objects where stored together, even those that had no real correlation with one another; an old lava lamp sat atop a pile of rather used-looking notebooks within a small cupboard in your closet.
↳ umemiya couldn’t help but feel it reflected your personality quite well — but not in a bad way. you typically couldn’t hold on to a singular thought, and your points of interest bounced around a lot; but umemiya found that truly adorable. he’d always had a thing for girls who were a bit on the air-headed side, those who seemed to get lost in the clouds easy — they were generally always positive and optimistic, which was something that umemiya loved to surround himself with.
↳ you had apologized profusely to him for the mess; you did so with a wobbly lip and eyes that glistened ever so slightly, and in that instant umemiya couldn’t help but pull you into his arms and hug you. he didn’t mind your room being the way it was — it was part of who you were, a reflection of yourself, and in its own way, it was endearing.
↳ umemiya occasionally offers to help you organize your room — you agree exuberantly to this, and during the process, you seem to be legitimately having fun; though, it does tend to take a few hours, because it’s difficult for you to finish one section at a time. you bounce around a lot in that aspect; you’ll forget all about organizing the books on your shelf and jump over to organize your closet by color — then back to the books before zipping over to clean the junk from beneath your bed. umemiya doesn’t mind it — he just loves seeing you smiling and content whilst being yourself.
↳ umemiya finds it absolutely cute when, during the organization, you happen to find an object that had been hidden in the mess and immediately light up at the sight of it. you’d forgotten all about it, and seeing it again makes you want to interact with it. and so you do. sometimes for a few minutes, sometimes for a whole hour. it puts off the progression; but umemiya doesn’t mind that at all. after all, it just means he gets to witness you like this for longer.
↳ the organization never lasts. within a week, umemiya will enter your room only to find it as disorganized as it was before the two of you had worked together to organize it. you apologize to him every time, feeling legitimately guilty because he’d spent so much time helping you; but umemiya assures you that it’s perfectly okay. because it is — he would reorganize your room with you a thousand times over.
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↳ choji tomiyama.
↳ you know when you’re just chilling with someone and they start getting really excited about something so they start to vibrate, bounce, and/or become increasingly louder? essentially just stimming from excitement? and then that excitement of theirs just starts to soak into you, and before you know it you’re super excited about something that you know absolutely nothing about but you just can’t help but get excited too? yeah, that’s you and choji.
↳ this particular event is reversible.
↳ when the two of you are together you share literally one brain cell. and you use that one brain cell to love and hype the shit out of each other.
↳ hyped dates. none of that movie binging or restaurant cruising. nope, you bet your asses are going to arcades, skating rinks, laser tag, paint ball fights, amusement parks, haunted houses, etc.
↳ this is choji’s preferred style of date, but if you’re overstimulated or not really in the mood for big crowds and loud noises, choji will take you out for a night under the stars — with spray paint. the two of you will cruise from building to building decorating the walls with varying pieces of art while vibing to music and each other. choji notoriously paints large, phallic shapes in the general viewing vicinity.
↳ you never get on choji’s nerves — when your thoughts are bouncing around and you can’t keep a straight one, choji still listens to you so intently with the softest, purest look on his face. he just loves hearing your voice and getting that smallest glimpse into what spins around in your brain.
↳ the two of you have created your own language that only you guys can understand; it consist of very few words and a multitude of noises.
↳ choji completely respects your states of hyper focus. he notices the signs immediately, and the normally exuberant, vibrant, loud boy will fall silent — he will simply watch you with the most loving, awestruck smile on his face while you consume yourself with your task.
↳ choji will talk you through dissociation. not in the way where he will say things such as “it’s okay, you’re going to be okay” but with random things. the time he pissed togame off when he didn’t bring a ramune bottle back to the store to recycle it. the time he sprained his ankle while trying to climb to the top of a tree. that really cool new amusement park that just opened has tons of american-inspired food trucks, and he can’t wait to take you there. his phallic masterpiece was scrubbed off that office building. he talks about random things, and somehow, it pulls you back into reality; and he’s waiting there with a wide smile and even wider arms when you come back to yourself.
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↳ jo togame.
↳ togame had initially thought of you as a shy, introverted and reserved person upon meeting you. you were never rude, or aggressive; but you didn’t talk very often, and when in conversation, you preferred to let the other person lead the direction of it. sometimes, he would catch you biting your lip (sometimes even hard) in the middle of someone’s sentence. he couldn’t help but feel that in the moments you did that, it was because you really wanted to say something.
↳ it wasn’t until a month after you’d started dating that togame realized his hunch was right — as you grew more comfortable around him, the real you began to slip out; and it became painfully obvious that for a long time, you’d been masking who you truly were.
↳ togame has plenty of experience being interrupted (thanks to choji), so the first time you did so — you had interrupted him by blurting out something about the weird bug you swore you just saw — togame wasn’t bothered by it at all; but your eyes went wide and your mouth popped open, as if you were mortified by what you’d just done.
↳ togame didn’t understand why you were so affected; but when you began apologizing profusely with tears brimming in your eyes, he realized that you must have had some pretty bad prior experiences with this. it made his heart ache. you were such a kind, gentle soul; and he was sure to tell you this, and to assure you that he didn’t mind it.
↳ of course, that didn’t stop you from trying your hardest to avoid interrupting him — and on the times that you did, you always apologized — but with time and patience, togame made you feel secure and safe enough to drop the mask.
↳ and it was such a beautiful thing to see.
↳ togame couldn’t help but liken it to watching a flower slowly bloom — and it was something that mesmerized him. he began to see every part of you — the part of you that simply couldn’t sit still, who, when walking next to him, preferred to grab his hand and play with his fingers to keep your own busy. the part of you that could talk for hours about things you were fixated on. the part of you who no longer looked ashamed when you started to stim, but rather looked comfortable in who were. that you accepted it because you knew togame accepted you and loved you.
↳ you felt safe enough to let all of you be loved by togame; and so he did love you. wholly and fully and unapologetically. everything about you was simply perfect — and he was intent on reminding you of that every day.
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hey babes!! so, I am thinking about making a part 2 of this, because there are so many symptoms of adhd (so many that weren’t explored here) that I’d love to explore more!! I’m thinking maybe with kaji, sakura, and suo, but if you have any characters you’d like to see instead, let me know!!
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hell-hoound · 1 day
vitamin d, baby (i)
windbre boys with an anemic! reader, what will they do when your iron levels drop?
sakura haruka, nirei akihiko, suo hayato and kaji ren
cw: anemia/iron deficit, prescription drug mention, nausea, fainting, nose bleed
you've been lacking these past couple days. and you couldn't quite put your finger on it, but lately.. you've just felt dizzy and sleepy. it was a great pain in the ass, you could hardly pay attention to your teachers, peers, upper-classmen or even your friends.
here you are, struggling big time. you held your head up with your hand, elbow connected to the table for support. you had been staring out the window for some time, about to drift until a hand slammed down on your desk causing you to jolt and yelp. "heey, what the hell?"
SAKURA's brow rose, head tilted as he glared down at you. "haah? whaddya mean? that's what I've been sayin' you crud for brains! why're you ignoring me? what's your deal?" he kept his hand in place, giving it a few little slaps as he rushed for your response.
you blinked, squinting your eyes at him. "huh? screw you, asshole. don't come over here to start shit with me," you started, standing up as you pushed your chair out to look him in the eye to give him a piece of your mind until you suddenly felt cold. you could see for a moment his facial expression changed, his hand reaching up. "hey, what's up?"
you couldn't register what else he had said, because the next thing that happened was that you were on the floor of your classroom, head spinning and trying to not throw up. "shit." "shit? hey, hey!" your fingers feeling clammy, you wriggled them a bit as your back pressed into the floor with a groan.
opening your eyes, you met his gray and yellow orbs once more. he blinked almost erratically, and pulled his head back. "h-hey, you feelin' okay? the hell 'd you pass out for?" propping yourself onto your elbows, you sighed. that's when you realized.. "sorry uh.. I think I forgot to take my meds." "meds? meds for what?" " ah.. I'm anemic-"
the two of you are by a drink vending machine, twisting the cap off of a small bottle of orange juice. "it just means I have an iron deficiency.. I have to take vitamins to replace what I'm missing." he took a small sip, eyes squinted in yet another challenging glare. "hah? then why don't you take them? are you dumb??" your face contorted into a grimace, a vein popping out from your forehead. "shut up, sakura."
"you've looked sick the past few days, ya know. it was pitiful." "okay sakura, damn. I got it, now shut up or I'll beat the shit out of you." "bite me. now," he stepped away from the machine, pushing your little medication bag into your hands. "take it, right now. and don't give me any shit or I'll knock you out myself."
the dirty look relaxed, looking at the bag up to his face. "you went through my bag? for real?" and rummaged through the small bag with a grumble, showing him the medication container, showing him that indeed, today's compartment still had it's medications in the slot. he nodded his head, crossing his arms as if waiting for you to go on. you popped them into your mouth and swallowed. washing it down with your orange juice and taking a few bites from your sandwich. "goonee" his eye twitched, bringing his hand up to flick you in the middle of your forehead. "you idiot.. don't scare me like that again."
you smiled softly, cheeks tinted pink as he turned his back to you, safe to say he was blushing as well. "'m sorry, I'll try better next time.."
NIREI had been trying to initiate a conversation for a little bit until he realized you were nodding off. he smiled softly, head tilting to the side. "hey (name)..? you've been pretty sleepy these past few days, is everything okay?"
you shifted to meet his gaze, offering the same short and small smile. "I'm okay, thank you. just feeling a type of way is all."
he blinked, leaning forward as he pressed his hand to your forehead as he offered a curt apology for invading your space. "you feel a bit hot, how are you feeling?" "mm.. a little cold, now that you mention it.. you're really warm."
his cheeks heated up, regrettably moving his hand away. "I don't mean to pry, but I recall you mentioning at one point that you have issues with iron deficiency? have you taken your meds?"
you tensed, lips pursed into a fine line, earning a look. "ah." 'there it is.' he thought. "you really shouldn't neglect something like this, y'know." "I was in a rush this morning, I have to take it with something to eat." he nodded, pulling out a small bento. "I picked this up before coming in this morning, I have an extra one. now, the quicker you take it the better, right?"
you moved to look inside the bento, opening up the plastic lid. you looked back up at him, head tilting to the side. "this looks so good but.. my meds are at home." "..huh?" "huh?"
safe to say after getting out today, he came in and watched you get caught up on today's dosages and didn't leave until they were gone. only then did he go home.. only to text you first thing tomorrow morning giving you a little reminder to take your medicine. he does daily reminders since then to make sure you don't have anymore bad days.
SUO admittingly hadn't given you a passing glance. he had been minding his own, until for whatever reason he finally brought himself to look in your general direction. he smiled softly.
"you know, taking naps is for babies right?" your eyes tore open, peace absolutely disturbed. "are you for real?" you huffed, leaning back to stretch your neck. his cheeky grin seemed to widen. "pardon? is the widdle baby woken up from nappy time getting cranky wanky?"
"it's seven o'clock in the morning, stop patronizing me." you ran your fingers through your slightly disheveled hair, moving it to the side. "I'm afraid that I'll have to politely decline. besides, I know it's not really me that you're irritable with. wanna go to the convenience store down the street? you're looking pretty rough."
you cursed under your breath, standing up to follow after him to the door. "bite me, shit." he let out a laugh, stuffing his hands into the pocket. "woooww and weak comebacks too, it must be my lucky day!" a vein popped out on your forehead and one on your fist, trying not to flog him. "it's about to be your last one if you don't stop," he laughed more, but with a dismissive reaction to it. "yeah, if you say so."
you sighed softly, the two of you walking around the town. it had been about thirty minutes now give or take. you had eaten a to-go cup of yogurt with fruits and some water, suo of course- a cup of tea.
stopping in your tracks, your gently reached out to tug at the back of his bofuurin jacket. "hey, um.. thank you for getting me out. I feel a lot better." he stopped to turn back at you, smiling. a lot kinder than previously. "of course, anytime." "actually, you've got to find a better approach, one of these days you are gonna fuck around and find out."
"mm.. nope."
KAJI had been watching you since you walked through the doors this morning. It was awkward to find him staring at you most times, but today was different to the extent that neither of you seemed to complain about eye contact and maintaining it.
today had actually slipped by pretty smoothly like up until it was the second year's turn to do patrolling for the day's school session. you guys were out in the school's campus grounds waiting for everyone's tasks for the remainder of the day.
your assignments today required going around fuurin's turf picking up an garbage and covering up graffiti and mostly that.
kaji adjusted his headphones and his lollipop for probably the tenth time already, sighing as he picked at the chunky and rather shitty cover-up job. he let out a groan, moving his paint roller to soak more paint up and getting rid of the access before looking back at you.
you had hurdled over, hand under your nose catching blood as the other was pinching your nostrils together. he quickly came over, flicking a wet rag from around his neck to keep him cool to push against your nose. "hell, did it just start bleeding?" "it's.. been bleeding for a few minutes now," you reply shakily. "damnit (name), what took you so long to get my attention? this is a lot of blood." he said rather matter-in-factly. he then guided you over to a bench to rest, reassuring some restaurant owners that everything was alright and to give the two of you a few minutes.
within six minutes, start to finish, your nose had finally stopped bleeding. you were pretty exhausted, to say the least. your head hung, still wiping dried blood from your hands. you let out a frustrated sigh, pausing to hold your head.
kaji watched, placing his hand gingerly on your shoulder. "wait here, I'll be right back. don't move." and with that he retreated into the nearest store, returning with some orange juice and apple juice with a few snacks and another cooling rag. "here, drink on these and have something to munch on, don't scarf it or it'll make you sick. I'm gonna go fill everyone in and we're gonna go call it a day."
slowly, you lift your head up. "are.. they going to be okay out here painting on their own..?" he frowned softly and then nodded. "yeah, they'll be okay. definitely gonna be worried about you." you nodded, looking back at the bag of drinks and snacks almost guiltily.
the walk back to the school was a rather painfully quiet walk. still taking little sips from your juice, a sigh escaped from your lips. he tossed his lollipop stick into the nearest bin by the correct category of garbage. "what's up?" "to tell you the truth, I feel bad for having them pick up my slack today." he blinked, craning his neck to look at you. "these things happen sometimes, it just can't be helped. besides, there isn't a whole lot of work to do left either way. they'll be making their way back soon."
and then he pulled out a little pill container, handing it to you. "I don't know how often you get these bad nosebleeds, but I picked up some supplements. take these. it'll help you with the headaches and nausea I believe the owner said. I heard too much blood loss can turn you-" "anemic?" "huh? oh, yeah." "ahh, I know.. I am anemic. and I've been meaning to pick some more of this up. thank you kaji." "yeah, no problem."
"next time, just let me know when you're not feeling the greatest, okay? I'll see where else we can put you."
you smile softly, giving him a small peck. "I will, thank you."
a/n: part two will be dropped tomorrow! I'm sorry for having y'all wait for so long lmao, been super busy and tired mostly.
part two's characters include umemiya, hiragi, togame.. and someone else skdnkdjk
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Hiiiii! I read your cozy Starscream comfort fic on Ao3 and have followed you here :3
You mentioned being open to writing prompt requests; if this one strikes your fancy, I have one for you!
Something comforting about a Human!Reader who lately feels overlooked because they are inclined to be quiet in a group, and their shyness means they don't speak up or assert themselves unless something is really, really important. They listen far more than they speak. And even when they do speak up in a group... it's like no one hears them often times, and they get talked over.
Starscream, Soundwave, Optimus, or Mirage, if either of those four 'bots stir your muse?
Ahhh! Thank you for your request, and I’m sorry for the wait. I haven’t had the opportunity to write for Soundwave, OP, or Mirage so I’ll do blurbs for all four, but you mentioned Screamer is one of your favorites, so I made his a little longer! I hope you enjoy!
Soundwave (G1) WC: 608
The Decepticon site of operations is lively in the face of the most recent win against the Autobots, meaning high grade is being passed around like no one’s business. As the resident human, on site to assist the Decepticons with tasks that only small hands can manage- even smaller than the minis and the cassettes can manage. Only problem is- with how tiny and squishy you are, it is important that the cons watch their step- a task they frequently forget to do, even the Leader of the Decepticons himself, who made the declaration. 
With the high grade flowing and inhibitions lowering, the pedes around you hold no caution, making it obvious your… friends(?) have forgotten your existence… again. Having had enough of nearly becoming a smear on the floor, you make your way to the side of the room and press yourself to the wall as you scooch your way to the doorway. As soon as you make your escape from the room, you slam into someone’s shin and fall back on your rear.
“Inquiry: Why are you distressed?”
Looking up, the one and only Soundwave looking down at you with his helm tilted, a reminder that you’re so small and often forgotten surges through you and forces your eyes to well up with tears. It was such an odd feeling, crying at the pedes of one of the high command officers, who you can only imagine is staring blankly at you through his visor. Instead of waiting for any answer, the mech lifts you with his thumb and index digit and carries you away from the scene. It’s hard to keep track of where he’s taking you, your blurred vision keeping you from mapping his walking patterns.
After a few moments, your tears have slowed enough for you to wipe them away, just in time to see Soundwave briefly stop before a door and have him open it with a couple of buttons on the wall. Walking in, you notice Frenzy and Rumble in a halfhearted argument, Lazerbeak perched on the edge of the rather large berth, and Ravage curled up in the middle who, upon hearing Soundwave’s return, lifts his head to regard him. The Commander approaches his berth, Ravage moving temporarily before curling up in his master’s lap, once he made sure you were comfortable. Rumble and Frenzy grinning, their previous conversation dropped at the prospect of a recharge of a new entertainment source, run and climb their way onto the berth on either side of Soundwave, and on his shoulder, Lazerbeak finds his new perch.
“Ooo, is the human going to tell us about human stuff?” Frenzy’s grin doesn’t waver as he leans in toward you. Normally, the cassettes are much too wrapped up in either infighting or Soundwave’s orders, so they don’t really talk to you much, unless you’re needed for something.
“They will speak if they want. Or they can recharge.” Soundwave, as per usual, speaks plainly- it would be easy to misunderstand his tone for uncaring curtness, if you didn’t know him and the care for his cassettes better. 
Rumble and Frenzy both look to you, hopeful, and even Ravage, with his head in your lap, looks up to you in mild interest. It was a nice change of pace in comparison to the giants who would often forget you were even there. It briefly occurred to you to thank Soundwave later for not only helping you get away from the so-called party, but giving you some well-needed attention. You smile gently to the cons looking to you and clear your throat,
“Um… well, what would you like to know?”
Optimus (TFP) Gender-neutral reader WC: 692
“I’m not sure if that’ll work, Ratchet.” Arcee peeks around the medic’s frame, looking at the plans for intercepting a possible shipment of energon the Decepticons were planning on transporting, if their movement patterns indicated anything. You look at the computer from your spot on the raised platform, trying to make sense of the plan Ratchet had input.
“Maybe if-” You spoke up, albeit softly, trying to find a compromise, though you’re promptly cut off by the previously mentioned mech.
“And I’m not sure when I asked for your opinion, Arcee. Shouldn’t you be looking over your ward?” Ratchet snaps back, tired and obviously agitated by the state of the Autobot’s own energon storage. 
“Ratchet, that seems a little-” You try again.
“I’m just saying. It’s not like you’re on the field much- there are better ways to plan an interception of Decepticon forces.” The blue and pink femme argues, tensions rising as her optical ridges furrow and a servo finds its way to her hip. 
“Don’t forget who-”
You don’t stay around long enough to hear whatever snide comment the older bot was going to spit at Arcee, tired of feeling ignored and make your way down the hall, wanting to be anywhere other than the main silo of the base. Passing by Optimus, you don’t say anything, not wanting the feeling of anyone else not acknowledging your existence to sting you yet again today.
“My friend, you seem disheartened.” Optimus’ deep voice reverberates through the hall, less of a question and more of a statement, not giving you the chance to pretend you didn’t hear him. You turn around and grant him a half smile, before it drops and you avert your gaze.
“Oh, it’s nothing to worry about, Optimus. You might want to lend Ratchet and Arcee a servo- they’re caught up in a bit of a feud about the next mission.” Tapering off at the end, Optimus briefly glances towards the main part of the Autobot headquarters, where he can faintly hear the aforementioned pair squabbling about details he would hear about and consider later.
“Those two have been fighting this war for many stellar cycles and will come to a solution. For now, I believe I have something much more pressing to focus on.” Taking a knee, the leader of the Autobots holds down a servo for you to step onto. Once you have taken a seat and braced yourself against one of his digits, Optimus stands and holds you close to his chassis for further stability and begins walking back to his habsuite. “You do not have to tell me what is troubling you, but you are free to do so.”
It takes you a moment- you feel silly singing your woes to someone who has been fighting in a civil war for longer than you can conceive, but the feelings simply bubble up, “I feel small… smaller than I am, I mean. I can’t imagine the stress and exhaustion everyone faces from fighting for so long, but it feels like no one sees me. And if they do, they can’t bring themselves to care.” You curl up in Optimus’ hand and take a shaky breath through your welling tears, “I must sound so selfish- you all have so much more important things to do than worry about the feelings of some human.”
“One of our human friends.” Optimus chimes in, drawing your eyes away from boring holes into your knees to his optics, “It is true that we are anxious for the end of this war, but know this, you are our friend, and we care so deeply for you. You matter just as much as any other autobot, Cybertronian or human. I can assure you, I am not the only one who holds this belief.”
Before you say anything, the mech stops in front of his door, punching in his code and sitting you on a desk that must have been built for his size and he sits himself on his berth. He gives you a rare, gentle smile that fills so many with hope.
“Would you like to tell me about your day?”
Mirage (ROTB) Gender-neutral reader    WC: 533
“Woah, woah, woah! What’s got you down in the dumps?” Mirage looks through your apartment window, forcing a yelp from your throat. You leap up from your bed and rush to the window, motioning for him to get down. 
“What are you doing?! Get down before someone sees you!”
It’s pitch black out, wherever the street light doesn’t touch, but you still worry about the possibility of Mirage being seen, like he was when you met him as he was standing outside of Noah’s apartment- which then basically sucked you into this crazy adventure of saving the world from other space robots. You had stayed behind with Bumblebee to watch over him until a sudden surge in the energon brought him back, so you unfortunately missed all of the action of the final battle.
“Nice try, but no avoiding the question. Besides, no one’s walkin’ around at like… 2:50 am.” Despite his counter, Mirage lets go of the fires escape’s railing, his new frame rattling and resulting in a resounding thud and more than a couple of cracks in the pavement below. One of his servos comes into view for you to jump on, “Come on, small fry, I wanna go for a ride while the streets are as empty as they’ll get.”
“Why not get Noah to go with you? He too busy?” Your questioning would lead the bot to believe you wouldn’t be joining him for a spin, if he didn’t feel you carefully climb aboard. He lowers you to his eye level and shoots you one of his contagious smiles.
“Naaah. I felt like a you and me kind of night. I want to hear about what you’re up to, now that I’m not locked up in that garage anymore.” For further emphasis, he stretches his arms out wide and groans in relief. It had been a few months since Peru, and while you had visited Mirage while Noah had been fixing him up, it definitely wasn’t the same as him being out and in his element.
He doesn’t wait for any further response and transforms, quickly making his way down the road, no particular destination in mind, knowing him. The city passes you by quickly, Mirage not giving a second thought to any speed limit signs he sees, remembering he considers them suggestions, not law. Snapping you out of your thoughts, Mirage clears his throat, “Well? The tread on my tires isn’t getting any thicker- what’s my favorite human been up to?”
“Your favorite, huh?” Whether or not he really meant it, the thought brings a smile to your face. 
“Well, duh. I got out of that garage, and the first thing I did was come see you, so spill the oil- gimme drama.”
“...You won’t believe what Elena told me happened at the museum the other day-”
The rest of the evening was spent driving the backroads outside of the city, telling Mirage anything and everything. Mirage listens aptly, responding when needed, and takes pleasure in knowing he’s distracted you from whatever was dragging you down. You’re part of his home team, and he’s not just going to stand by while you fall victim to your thoughts.
Starscream (TFP) Gender-neutral   WC:1431
“Starscream! I have something to-” Running towards the seeker, his back plate remains facing you as he keeps his focus on Megatron. He normally turns to you, happy to see what his little human has to tell him. Your smile faltering after recognizing he has no plans to turn toward you, “Starscream? Are you ok?”
Megatron glances briefly towards you, but doesn’t say anything to neither you nor his second in command, likely due to the fact that they were waiting for Soundwave to return with more information before choosing any action, so your presence isn’t much of an interruption. Trying to hold onto the hope he just has yet to hear or notice you, you give his heel strut a tap, remembering how he had once told you he keeps special attention to that area for you. You furrow your brow at the confirmation of him ignoring you, your voice lowering in volume, “Starscream, what’s going on?”
“Starscream, I suggest you see to your… pet, before it becomes too much of a distraction.” Megatron growls at him, not bothering to glance back down at you.
“Of course, Lord Megatron. It was just leaving.” He still didn’t look down to you, keeping his optics glued to his leader.
Without further ado, you quickly leave the room, not having any desire to stay where you are not wanted. Storming down the hall, you aren’t sure where you’re heading, but the plan was getting out, even if just for a few hours. There was no leaving the Decepticons- especially not with everything you’ve overheard, been told, and seen- you’d be hunted down in less than a day. 
“Woah-ho-ho! Where are you headed off to?” Breakdown, despite standing to the side to allow you to pass without the possibility of disaster occurring. The blue mech and his partner have been a nice comfort and support system ever since Starscream first brought you onto The Nemesis, often shielding you from Megatron’s ire when Starscream wasn’t around. 
“I’m finding a way off this ship, since I’ve obviously worn out my novelty.” You sniffle, refusing to shed a tear over someone you thought cared about you. 
“...How about I take you to the lab, so you can tell Knockout and me about what happened.” Breakdown smiled down at you, letting it grow when you nod and allow him to lift you up and onto his shoulder. And before long, you were sitting in front of Knockout and Breakdown explaining what happened on the bridge. 
“-and then he goes, ‘it was just leaving’. He called me an it.” Whispering, you were sitting on one of the medical tables while both mechs lean against a parallel table. You fiddle with the hem of your shirt, finally looking up to gauge their reactions. There stood Knockout with his mouth slightly agape, and Breakdown’s frown was deeply set in his faceplate.
“That slimy, scrawny-”
“Now now, Breakdown. I think there’s a lesson we can teach our superior.” Knockout, being broken out of his aghast stupor, rested a servo on his partner’s shoulder and smirks. He returns his attention to you and raises an optical ridge, “How does that sound?”
“Depends on what you mean, I guess.”
“Well, I deduced that you likely ran from the room after you were disrespected, am I right?” As you nod, he continues, “Right, so the last time Starscream saw you, you were in quite the distressed state. My idea is to let him believe that you left and let the slagger squirm in a panic.”
“He won’t. He didn’t even look at me earlier. Why would he care now?” The hem that you’ve been playing with during this conversation now scrunched in your fingers, hating the thought you’ve been discarded with so little thought.
A digit lifts your chin, forcing you to face the medic and his assistant, who smile down at you, “Trust me, dear. Starscream will care, he’s just an aft.
*        *        *        *        *        *
“Starscream, sir.” Breakdown hastily walks onto the bridge, mentally noting the lack of Megatron. 
“Breakdown… what is it?” Starscream turns to face the destructive warrior, face obviously in no mood for foolishness.
“The human-”
“What’s happened?” Starscream’s optics widen, panic already setting in.
“They’re gone, sir.”
“What do you mean, they’re gone?! They are to remain on this ship at all times, unless they are accompanied by myself!” Starscream grabs Breakdown by the edge of his chassis plating and pulls him forward to better snarl in his face. 
“They said something about being done with their stay here and made their way to one of the storage bays with the airlocks.” Breakdown shrugs, not showing any care for the mech who is beginning to dig his talons into his frame. Knockout wouldn’t be happy about his partner’s scratched paint and plating, but that would be a problem to deal with later. 
“Why would you not stop them, you incompetent-” Starscream pauses, unlatching himself from the larger mech. His optics narrow and he sneers, “They haven’t left this ship, and I’m willing to bet my next share of energon that they’re in that lab. Get out of my way!”
Shoving his way past Breakdown, he passes through the doorway and changes to his alt mode to faster get to the doctor’s lab, Breakdown quickly following behind him. Reaching the lab in record time, Starscream slams his fisted servo into the doorframe as the metal door swishes open, revealing Knockout gently speaking with you about how everything is going to get worked out one way or the other.
“What is the meaning behind trying to fool me into believing my star has left this ship?!” 
“I don’t know, screamer. Why do you make your star feel ignored and unwelcome?” Knockout stands to his full height and crosses his arms.
“Know your place, doctor.” His voice is low and holds promise for consequences, if your friend continues to display disrespect.
“I know my place, Starscream. Do you?”
“Why you-”
“Would you both stop it?!” You yell, startling everyone in the room. It isn’t common for you to raise your voice, always preferring to stand down, listen, and stay calm. But this was just all too much. 
The room was quiet, everyone not knowing what quite to do next, all mechs looking between themselves, then turning their optics to you. Another moment passes and Starscream turns to Knockout, much more calmly than before, “Knockout, I would like some time alone with them… please.”
The flashy Decepticon makes sure you’re ok before taking his leave, with Breakdown close behind.
“My star-”
“I’m not your anything. I am not some object or a pet, as Megatron so quaintly put it.” You snip, putting on the show of having no desire to hear what he has to say, despite wanting nothing more for him to give you a good reason for his behavior earlier and for him to apologize. “And you didn’t- … you - do I really matter so little to you?”
“Of course not. My star, you are the most important being in my life. But it is becoming increasingly difficult as Megatron’s fury and impatience grows. He anticipates my betrayal at every turn and has, on more than one occasion, threatened your life because of this.” Starscream gently scoops your figure up and presses his derma to the crown of your head, “I am sorry I have hurt you in my attempts to protect you, but I cannot fathom surviving this torturous world without you. Please… forgive me, my brightest star.”
“You’re such an idiot, Starlight.” You bring your arms up to cling to his face plate and lightly cry into his chin. You didn’t expect the weight that was lifted off your shoulders at his confession, but you were so grateful for the fact that it was just Starscream making a foolish decision.
“I would have to agree with you in this instance.” Starscream’s small, airy chuckle blows past your hair, and he presses yet another kiss to your forehead. “Will you forgive me, my dear?”
“I’ll forgive you just this once, but don’t ever make such a decision without telling me again.”
“You have my word. Now, why were you so excited earlier?”
“Well I…”
You spent the next few cycles regaling him about what the vehicons were up to and how silly Steve was behaving, knowing their idea wasn’t going to work. You love being able to talk to Starscream, knowing you were one of the only people he would give his full attention to. You love your mech. Your silly, silly mech.
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nanamiscocksleeve · 6 hours
3. with Kusakabe pls 😍
Looks like the Kusakabe prompts from last brought in some new fans!
“Jealousy seems to be a great motivator for you.” --------
Tumblr media
It wasn't like Atsuya to suddenly pull you away from a conversation in the middle of a party. On the surface, he's all smiles and politeness but you see the tension in his body, the tightness in jaw as he pulls you away towards his car.
"Atsuya?" You probe him for an answer. He doesn't stop until you're seated in the backseat and he yanks you towards him, crushing your mouth with his. It's all heat and urgency and you try to push back, fighting against the haze in your brain.
"Atsuya." You try again as his lips get busy on your neck, sucking the skin and leaving little bruises in his wake. "Atsuya, do not tell me you pulled me away to have sex."
"Oh, I'm sorry. Should I have left you in the preferred care of Gojo and Nanami?" he hisses, his eyes glaring into yours. Finally understanding, you reach out to stroke his cheek.
"Atsuya...Everyone knows we're together."
"No they don't. Men flirt with you, hit on you, even when I'm right there." He pulls you against him, his fingers digging into your waist. "You're mine. I won't stand it." His fingers tangle in your hair possessively and your heat skips a beat. Never had you seen him so passionate, so desperate, for the reassurance that you belonged to him.
“Jealousy seems to be a great motivator for you," you tease him softly, leaning in for a kiss, which he accepts hungrily.
"I want to mark every inch of your skin. You're mine." The word is said as a feral growl. "We're returning to the party, but not before I claim your body. You can talk to other men, bearing the marks of my jealousy all over you."
You gasp in delight, his mouth suddenly everywhere. At your clavicle, the hollow between your collarbone, going as far down as the plunging neckline of the gown you were wearing permitted. He attaches himself at the swell of one of your breasts, leaving a bruise, one of many, now dotting your skin like little rubies.
You don't stop him as he hikes up the skirt of the dress, slipping off your panties and slipping them into his blazer pocket. "A little souvenir from the night."
He plunges into you, your velvety wetness welcoming his hard cock. Each stroke has you clinging to him, laying back on the car seat as he ruts into you, your moans swallowed by his mouth. His movements become sloppy and with a moan, he cums inside you, thick, white ropes of his seed, releasing into your womb.
Atsuya helps you straighten your dress and you crouch in the backseat of the car, clenching your core muscles together to keep his cum inside you. "Can I have my panties back?"
To your stupefaction, he grins and slips out of the car.
"Don't worry dollface. I fucked it in real deep. And so what if a little trickles back down Think about how that'll feel, slipping down your thighs, as you're making conversation."
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fernhelm · 2 days
opinions on the black sister relationships? i love your character posts sm!
i’m blowing you a kiss!
i love thinking about them…sorry this took so long, i was busy lounging and watching killing eve. i might type up something about the dynamic between the three of them, but i broke them down into pairs here.
bella & cissa ♛
i made a webweave here that basically sums up my thoughts on bellacissa. i do think cissa thinks she’s a fanatic and completely bonkers, but she’d defend her anyway. narcissa appreciates that in their patriarchal fucked up family, bella is carving her own path—she isn’t docile or ladylike at all. so cissa takes some vicious pleasure in how unleashed bella is. conversely, bellatrix has a deep-seeded jealousy FOR narcissa, who is at least able to play the part of the perfect pure blood woman in a way bellatrix never could. my vision is that druella has contempt for bella but pays a lot of attention to narcissa. once druella is dead, bella sees narcissa as both her baby and her mother in a way, and she resents both. but i won’t get into bella here she deserves her own post.
bella & andy ♞
the hardest relationship for me is bella and andy. my belief is that these two are one year apart in age, like irish twins. we know from dh that they’re basically identical. I think they were pitted against each other a lot. they both end up teaching each other how conditional someone caring for you can be. it’s obvious that andy leaving really wounds bella (as evidenced by the ferocity with which she wants to kill ted and tonks), so there is a degree of power andy hold over her emotionally. bella is both the terrorist and the protector in the home. she goes after both her sisters, but it’s with the ultimate goal of making them strong enough to face anything that’s thrown at them…andy doesn’t want to change her or save her—she knows all the dark, evil parts of her and grapples with all the times bella showed her tenderness or turned her rage against someone else for her sake. i think they can read each other’s body language perfectly, but don’t understand each other’s minds at all. once they’re older they fight all the time, verbally if not with magic, and it would start with bella making some pointed jabs to get her attention and andy curating a biting response without looking up from her magazine and just like that they’re dueling. but once it’s over and they’re panting on the floor, bella would kick her leg and they’d smirk at each other a bit. or one of them would storm out. i do think that andy did bella’s hair for every event they attended between the ages of 8 and 16. huh, i guess i have more to say about them than i thought i did.
andy & cissa ♝
narcissa spends years stepping in the footprints andy has left behind. before she figures out who she is, she’s just a ghost of andy. she learns all her best defenses from her. i don’t think andy feels very bad about leaving her behind. i don’t think she’d try to convince narcissa to go with her either. she would miss her so much, but she’d grieve her like she’s dead. i don’t see her as a person who holds on to a lot of regrets. and she’s in love! she wants to run away and forget every bad thing that ever happened to her! is that a crime? narcissa thinks it is. growing up andy was her strongest ally, and she takes it as the ultimate betrayal when she leaves. similarly to regulus, she looks down on andy and maligns her whenever her name comes up, but it’s a cover up for how hurt she is. andy knows all the reasons that narcissa thinks she’s trapped in the life she leads, but she still thinks ‘if you want out, get out.’
daughters 1, 2, 3 ♙
fairy tales often follow a 1 2 3 format because it’s easy to remember a moral lesson tied up with a bow when it comes in a set of three (three billy goats, beauty and the beast, the peverell brothers). it goes bad bad good. so it’s super interesting that the ostensibly “good” one, andy, is the middle child. she is bookended by two death eater sisters. which raises the question: what went wrong (or right) with her? and for the others too—narcissa in canon is primarily draco’s mother, but giving her andromeda AND bellatrix as sisters raises all kinds of questions about her upbringing and interpersonal relationships. bellatrix chases and scolds narcissa at the beginning of half-blood prince, and she’s not particularly scary at all. the terrifying evil bitch who killed sirius calls her sister cissy? three sisters who mean vastly different things to harry, but we never get the three of them in a room, so so much is left to the imagination. lots to play with. good things come in threes!
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0 notes and hundreds of anons // Anni, let me tell you what the best part of our side or corner is: we can sit back and watch. We have our little theories about what happened in September. We don't deny there was something but I'm sure we are closer to the truth than team real or team pr (what's our name?)
Check out these teams. Team real attacks the other side and they don't even want to fight. These blogs are fan blogs but no Chris fan blogs. No, these are fan blogs of a fan blog. But that's what happens when you don't have any content. However the real question is why do they have to prove that this marriage is real? He said he's married, he talked about 2 kinda ceremonies. Why do they have to prove the legitimacy after 8 months? The newlyweds don't even do that. 🔬 Next time we talk about the team pr. Love your blog 💞💙
I think they call us team middle (or mean plants 😂).
I hope it's ok when I use your post as a little shout-out to my lovely friends, my Discord ladies who are on fire, my sweet Tumblr girls and my sane anons (I'm sorry that I can't post all of your messages but I'm pretty sure you know I agree with you). Thanks for all the good conversations, heated discussions and endless laughs (I stopped counting how many times I almost choked on my drink). Love ya! 🤍❤️
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justsomeguycore · 2 days
sorry for loving it when characters experience technically mild homophobia. not only because it’s closer to my personal experience than conversion camps and hate crimes, which obviously do happen to people but are also oversensationalized for tragedy porn on tv for cis & straight people. but i think it’s juicy narratively, just the constant small things that all add up. like no one’s choking you to death but you’re holding your breath and you’ll suffocate like that anyway! i’m happy to have media where characters are allowed to just be happy and queer and not face any bigotry or discrimination, but i think the complicated middle ground is so sexy to explore. the same thing about coming out stories in general, like, coming out is overdone in queer media obviously but i think there’s an underexplored middle ground between “i just realized i’m gay and this is my coming out story” and “i’m a fully established queer adult with a queer friend group entrenched in queer culture”
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angelsanarchy · 3 days
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What It Cost: Samuel Lafferty x Y/N Mini Series PRT 05
Tagging: @ithinkitstimetonap @kappasbbgirl @chainsawgvtsfvck @luzclarita57 @miniisunshine @madamemaximoff06 @romanroyapoligist @thirtyratsinasuit @ethical-cain-vinnel @blueberrypancakesworld @dumbbitchdelrey @loljustignoreth4t @tvgirlsbluehair @s0ulfulll @dukesofsp00ks @mommymilkers0526 @vomiting-blood @lustkillers @s-0lar @hisemoslut @roryculkinsgf @ultrakissed @kappasbbgirl @starry-eyed-wild-child
Thing's have changed a bit in the Lafferty family since their father took ill. The boys had really stepped up and started trying to incorporate a few different things into the day to day which most were on board with but not all. Dan seemed to convince them that he was speaking directly with the lord and he would be able to carry them all into the new world order. One in which there were no taxes or justice system. One where they could all have many wives and continue to grow their family name to spread across state lines.
Y/n just tried to keep her head down and stay out of the way as tensions started to grow between. Brenda was the newest addition to the family and had seemed to be butting heads already with the others. She was a topic of conversation most nights between the wives. Y/n made sure to keep her mouth shut and play Switzerland as long as possible to avoid upsetting anyone.
When the phone rang, she knew it was Samuel summoning Sara for a task because that was the system they had worked out. Sara had felt faint all morning and Y/n insisted she lie down for a while so she could care for the kids and the house. Y/n grabbed a tray of drinks and snacks and carried it down the steps to where they were all working intently on pamphlets that they planned to distribute among the community.
"Where is Sara?" Samuel spoke up confused to see Y/n coming down the steps.
"She's not feeling well today. I told her she should lie down for a bit and rest." Y/n explained. She smiled at his brother Robin as he took the glass of lemonade gratefully.
"So you think you can give her permission to rest?" Samuel's words made Y/n pause.
"No, I merely suggested-"
"You don't get to make suggestions. If she wants to take a nap in the middle of the day then she must ask my permissions. There are far too many things she could be doing instead of lazing about in bed." Samuel scolded. Y/n was surprised by his tone. She hadn't seen this side of him often and on the rare occasion that she did, she had never been on the receiving end of it.
"She is ill, Samuel." Y/n tried again to explain but he clenched his jaw.
"Did you happen to get your medical license while washing dishes and I just wasn't aware?" Samuel asked crossing his arms over his chest and some of the others chuckled. Y/n shook her head and grabbed the empty tray from the table to take back upstairs. She remained silent as she started to clean the tray off and when she felt a hand on her hip she batted it away.
"It's just me." Samuel said quietly.
"Yes I know it's you. I'm busy." Y/n didn't look at him when she said it and he took the tray from her hands and pulled her by the elbow to the bathroom before closing the door behind himself.
"What's gotten into you?" Samuel asked with genuine curiosity. Y/n looked at him like he was oblivious.
"I don't appreciate being scolded for no reason in front of your family and I certainly don't appreciate you disregarding Sara's health. She's your wife, the mother of your children and a very good friend of mine. I was merely trying to help-" Samuel put his hands on her arms.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken my stress out on you. You are right to be upset about my disregard for Sara. How is she?" He asked rubbing up and down her arms. He could tell she was slowly coming back around just by his touch.
"She's nauseated and exhausted. She could be pregnant or just ate something that didn't agree with her." Y/n said keeping her eyes on the floor.
"Pregnant...well wouldn't that be a true blessing." Samuel tucked some of her hair behind her ear and she finally looked at him.
"Next time you want to make fun of me, I'd prefer it not be with such a crowd." She muttered.
"Can I make it up to you? I'm so incredibly sorry for being so rude to you. Please let me show you how sorry I am." Samuel sunk to his knees slowly in front of her, making sure to keep his eyes locked on hers.
"Samuel..." Y/n was ready to protest until he took the waist of her skirt and slide it to her ankles. Her white cotton undies were damp as he buried his face between her legs, taking in her scent. Y/n closed her eyes as she gripped the back of his head, using his ponytail as a handle when he carefully pulled her panties down.
"What if one of your brothers comes looking-" Samuel put his arm under Y/n's legs and brought both of her knees to either side of his head so her legs could rest over his shoulders as he started eating her out. Y/n bit her lip so hard, she tasted the tang of blood in her mouth.
"S-Samuel." Her moan came out in a whisper as he shook his head between her folds, licking and sucking while maintain his eyes on her.
"Oh-fff." Y/n almost let her pleasure get the better of her but Samuel's head picked up.
"Say it. Let me hear your sins sweetheart." Samuel licked a long strip from the bottom of her cunt to the top of her clit and Y/n gripped his ponytail once again.
"Fuck...oh fuck. Please don't stop." She pushed her hips into his face and he went back to torturing her clit and probing his tongue into her pussy until he could taste her release and feel the squeeze of her knees around his head. She cried out a whimper as he continued to tease her swollen clit even after he knew she had reached her release, legs jumping with each pass.
"You taste heavenly." He took one last lick before carefully placing her legs back onto the bathroom tile, letting her get her bearings before get back to his feet. He helped her slip back into her panties, making sure to pat the wet spot with his fingertips.
"Do you forgive me?" He asked putting his hands on her hips, watching her in the mirror as she held onto the sink to collect herself. She looked at his reflection and smiled.
"On one condition." She smirked making Samuel chuckle.
"And what condition is that?" She turned around and looked at him, his hair out of place from how aggressively she pulled on it and the shine of his lips from collecting her juices.
"I want a kiss." She said sweetly making Samuel's chest warm. Something so innocent as a kiss following what he had just done to her reminded him how completely precious she was. He stepped closer to her, putting his hands on her face as he brought her lips to his. She rested her hands atop his and kissed him back with such passion, Samuel almost forgot where he was for a moment.
"Hey Sam! You gonna eat this sandwich or what?" He heard Dan yell from the other side of the door and Samuel pulled out of the kiss to stare at Y/n.
"I already ate. Go for it." He said with a grin. Y/n shook her head at him and playfully slapped his chest. Samuel couldn't put his finger on it but something about kissing Y/n made him feel like he was having an outer body experience. It made him feel renewed, like God's light was shining directly through his chest. Being with her made him feel reborn.
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rockitmans · 5 months
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Disappearing into the fog for a while. Don't have too much fun without me 💖
Linking this so I can repin it later lol. We all know Tumblr.
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Conversations on here will basically be like
"Hey these new reproductive rights issues are affecting trans men too so let's make sure we include them in the conversation, instead of calling it women's health issues."
"Would you stop complaining? Trans women have it worse than trans men. TERFs want to kill us but only detransition you."
"If living as the gender you are not is so easy why would you transition in the first place? Obviously trans people transition because they can't live with existing as a gender they are not. Obviously "just going back" isn't an option because we often fail to behave the way we're expected to anyway. Forcing any trans person to detransition is a death sentence in and of itself."
"Why are you always speaking over transfems when we talk about transmisogynistic violence???"
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