#sorry if someone who knows german sees this and wants to throw me out the window
j3nnix · 1 year
Idk if you remember but when I published those drawings of kevin and streber with a new style I made a little doodle where they were like enemies and god, my perspective on candybats after streber's reharsal came out changed completely
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IT'S NOT MUCH but I tried to do these sketches that day
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mockerycrow · 1 year
hii! i love the way you describe the 141 so far, and i would love to see how you would write an konig, ghost, soap, price and alejandro reaction and headcanons with a s/o who has an accent?
i taught myself english from a young age so i never really had someone to practice with, so my accent is very strong (im from south america, which also helps lol) and i would like to see how the cod boys can react to this in your style <33
Reader With An Accent - MWII
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GIF BY: @collinnmckinley - masterlist
A/N: thank you so much for your patience and thank you for liking my writing!! please let me know if i executed this right!! i am american and i don’t want to misrepresent. also this is lowkey coded for people w/ accents from non-english speaking countries, so sorry everyone who is from a english speaking country and has an accent oops — i also kinda took your “i taught myself english from a young age” for alejandro’s chunk. hope that’s ok!
König wouldn’t react to your accent very much, unless it’s a very thick accent because then he would have trouble understanding you.
If your accent is thick, he probably asks you repeat yourself a couple of times; English isn’t his first language either, so I can imagine maybe a couple of times you both sit there in silence with each other because neither of you guys can understand each other. He has a semi-thick accent, too.
Sometimes, he does understand you but he just wants to hear you continue to talk.
Maybe König and you practice English together, while teaching each other your native languages on accident. You guys didn’t mean to, but you end up trying to explain what a word is in your different languages and by the end of it, you begin to understand full sentences in german; the same for him with your language.
He considers this a bonding experience :)
Like König, he probably wouldn’t react to your accent too much unless it was incredibly thick. Ghost has met all different types of people and his native language is English, so he has a better understanding of what you’re trying to say, but he pokes fun at you like he pokes fun at Soap.
On the topic of Soap, you two together is his worst nightmare.
“Speak English.” Is his favorite phrase when you are speaking English, but your accent is just overpowering literally everything.
You like to throw his words back into his face when he says some sort of British slang—you get a surprisingly loud chuckle out of him when you pick up some of his slang. He thinks it’s funny whenever anyone who isn’t British begins to talk like him.
If Ghost isn’t already fluent in your language, he pretty much becomes damn near fluent by the time you’ve known him for a good couple of months. He picks this stuff up easily.
Oh, this would be actual hell on Earth. Not for you two, but for the others.
Soap doesn’t comment on your accent initially, but you two begin to share a brain cell and a half (on accident) when Ghost’s eyes show visible frustration.
“He can barely understand me, the two of’us will be a real party trick!”
You and Soap gang up on everyone else if your accent is thick. He understands the frustration of people not understanding you.
Sometimes it takes Soap a moment to process what you’re saying, but he only asks you to repeat yourself a couple of times. (He has a good method of deciphering words, even if he cannot understand through an accent).
Soap likes to teach you his Scot phrases and you teach him your own in return.
He gives you an eyebrow raise as a reaction, but that’s about it. Price has worked with so many people all over the world, he doesn’t really care to comment on your accent.
Price has gotten pretty good at understanding thick accents through the years, so he probably only asks you to slow your speaking when giving him a verbal report about something.
Price 100% is the type to accidentally pronounce something wrong but say it with full confidence and you always correct him, leaving him dumbfounded.
“My lips just don’t move that way, love.”
It’s likely he’s fluent in your language so he doesn’t mind if you talk to him in it; just give him a few seconds to translate in his head, okay?
If you meet outside of a total progressional setting, he probably has the most reaction to your accent out of anyone.
Alejandro’s language is a very big part of him so he assumes it’s the same for anyone else.
Alejandro doesn’t have an incredibly thick accent, but he knows people who do and he’s known them for years, so it’s easier for him to understand than a lot of other people.
If you taught yourself English and you end up pronouncing something wrong, Alejandro casually corrects you to help you out. He doesn’t make a big deal out of it either, he knows sometimes people get embarrassed from it. His first language isn’t English either, so he understands the struggle.
He DOES start laughing if you try to pronounce something that you so clearly cannot, even after being corrected.
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melanieph321 · 3 months
Kenan Yildiz x Reader - Thick Part 2/8
Part 1
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Kenan and Reader share the same high school friend group. As graduation is near, Reader sets out to pass her drivers license test but ultimately struggles to. Thankfully Readers friends agree to help her with driving lessons and take turns doing so. It is during one of Rader's lessons that it becomes clear that Kenan likes her. A chock to Reader, who has a crush on someone else in their friend group.
Kenan wasn't in class today so you had to wait for him to pick you up at the end of yours. Unfortunately he pulled up an hour too late.
"You're late." 
"I know, I'm sorry." He sighed. "Did you have to wait for long?"
"Yes, an hour."
You got into the passenger's seat of his BMW, the last car to leave the school parking lot.
"I'm really sorry Y/N, my training session ran late. If I had a chance to text you I would've."
"Can we just get on with the lesson, please? My parents want me home before dinner." This was actually a lie, your parents were diplomats and often didn't make it home in time to dine with you. Nevertheless, you were starving, craving anything that the family chef was throwing together for dinner tonight.
"How about we switch?" Kenan suggested, referring to your seats.
He pulled over the car and you threw your bag into the backseat. The two of you made the switch that left you behind the wheel of his car.
"So, where should we go?"
"Well, I've had some problems with big roundabouts." You admitted. "Like the one in town."
"With two files?"
"Yeah, that's the one."
"Alright, it shouldn't be too crowded at this hour. Let's head there and see how you do."
You nodded, pushing Kenan's car to a start. It was a nice car and you bet he took pride in how expensive it was. Of all the people in your friend group, Kenan was the person you spent the least amount of time with, alone that is. You and Luca weren't really the closest either, but that was because you were too shy to ask him to hang out, Kenan on the other hand, you avoided if not on purpose. He was a jock. The worst kind, a football jock. With a newly signed contract to Juventus FC, the best football team in Turin.
"Alright, just take it slow." Kenan said, as you arrived at the roundabout. He was right that it wouldn't be crowded at this hour, which made it easier for you to slip into the right lane.
"Good job, Y/N." He said, praising your driving skills. "I don't see why you wouldn't be able to do that at any given hour?"
"Because..." You muttered, steering the car in the direction towards town. "Traffic makes me nervous."
"Yeah, I guess the Italians can be a bit ruthless here in Turin."
"Ruthless." You snorted. "You mean lethal. A man once honked his horn and shouted for me to get off the road, saying that his disabled cousin could drive better than me."
Kenan laughed, a rich laugh that showed off his dimples.
"I don't see how that's funny?"
"It's not." He wiped away his grin. "I'm sorry."
"You've said that like five times already."
"What? I'm sorry?"
"Yeah. It's annoying."
"Right, sorry." He smiled.
You rolled your eyes. 
Silence fell in the car, highlighting the tunes of Kenan's Spotify playlist. It consisted mostly of German trap and some other songs in what you assumed to be Turkish. Rebecca once told you that Kenan's father used to be in the Turkish mob and that's where Kenan got the cut on his eyebrows. However you called bullshit on that fact. The cut on Kenan's eyebrow was clearly a display of what he thought to be fashion amongst the cool kids.
"Do you miss England?"
"Pardon?" You snapped out of your thoughts, feeling Kenan's eyes on you. However, you were too nervous of a driver for your eyes to leave the road.
"Home." He said. "Do you miss your home in England?"
"Well, it's not really my home since I wasn't born there."
"No?" Where were you born then?"
"The Netherlands. But I spent most of my childhood in London."
"Because of your parents' job?"
"Yeah." You were surprised that Kenan knew about your parents' job as diplomats. Come to think about it, perhaps it was the one thing the two of you had in common. 
"Do you miss Germany?" The car stopped at a red light, allowing you to turn your head and look at him. Kenan's eyes stared blankly into yours, a faint but seductive smile on his lips.
"Italy is not so bad." He shrugged. "Here I get to play football with one of the best teams in Europe."
You nodded. "If it wasn't for the traffic I would've agreed with you, Italy is quite the place to live."
"Don't worry Y/N." You flinched as Kenan's hand was brought to your thigh, patting it lightly. "You'll get a hang of the traffic in no time."
Heat rose to your face and you weren't sure whether to be offended or flattered by his actions. Nevertheless, his hand slipped away as quickly as it appeared.
"I'm starving, how about some McDonald's?" He suggested.
"Oh, God yes."
You drove the car to the nearest McDonald's, although Kenan had unbuckled his belt you pulled the car into the drive through, not the parking lot.
"Welcome to McDonald's, what can I get you?" Said a lady through the drive-through monitor.
"Yeah, Hi. Erm...can I get a Big Mac menu with large fries and a large coke."
"Yes, anything else?"
"Yes, can I also get a double cheeseburger on the side and one of those ice cream sundaes with caramel topping."
"Sure thing, is that all?"
You looked at Kenan, who sat back in the passenger's seat with blushing red cheeks and wide eyes.
"Kenan?" You frowned.
"Make your order."
"Oh, right." He snapped out of his daze and leaned forward. "I'll have a chicken burger and a cup of water, please."
"Is that all?" You whispered.
The lady in the monitor told you to drive around the building and wait for your order to be delivered through the nearest window. Thankfully it only took a minute. Although Kenan began to unwrap his order in the car, you waited to eat your food at home.
"You know, I like a girl with an appetite." Kenan said, through the half chewed food in his mouth.
"You mean a fat girl?" 
He frowned.
"Skinny girls don't have big appetites, so I'm only assuming."
"Yes they do." He protested. "The Italian ones."
"Well, I'm not Italian."
"Yeah and you're not skinny either."
Your mouth fell open. "I can't believe you just said that?"
"You just called me fat Kenan." It was hard for you to concentrate on the road, your hands gripping the steering wheel with a fear of losing control.
"Not fat." Kenan said, shifting in his seat. He placed a hand next to yours on the steering wheel, seeing as you struggle to keep it steady. "You're not fat Y/N, you're more like....like...."
"I don't know, fluffy. Yeah. You're a fluffy girl, not fat."
"You fucking asshole." 
You pulled over the car, grabbing your things from the backseat.
"Y/N, wait! I didn't mean it like that." Kenan got out of the car with you, chasing you down the street. 
"Leave me alone Kenan."
"Come on Y/N, I just couldn't find a better word for it."
You paused and turned back to look at him. He seemed genuinely misunderstood. That is, until he opened his mouth again.
"You're not fat or fluffy Y/N."
"No? What am I then, because I've heard it all from you football guys."
"You're thick." He nodded. "Guys like thick girls, that's why I like you."
"Right, so now I'm fat and dumb."
"What, no? That's not what I..." 
You turned your back on him, continuing down the road towards your house, tossing the McDonald's bag into the nearest bushes.
Part 1
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gavisuntiedboot · 2 years
Crowded (Gavi x Reader)
28 day writing prompt challenge - prompts are here
Day 9: forehead kisses
"You're the cutest thing to ever exist. You're the love of my life. I don't know what I could ever do without you."
Gavi was about at his wits end. It was his first weekend off after the end of the season, and he was excited to finally spend some quality time with you. He woke up feeling like he ruled the world. As he got ready to head to your place, his phone lit up with a text message from you.
[mi sol <3]: good morning baby. we have someone joining us today. hope you don't mind <333 ilysm see you soon
His heart sank immediately. Who the hell had you invited to spend the day with the two of you? And more importantly, why? The insecurity started to fester in his head. Was he not enough for you when he was no longer Gavi of F.C Barca, but just Pablo Gavi? A normal young man who just wanted to be held by his girlfriend while they watched Netflix on the couch? Did he bore you?
Gavi got to your house and rang the doorbell, and you swung open the door not even 15 seconds letter.
"Pablo!" You yelled, throwing your arms around him in a tight hug. He returned with just as much enthusiasm, picking you up off the ground and spinning you. The neighbors probably thought you were weird, but this is all he ever wanted: a pretty girl who he loved, who loved him back, and who he could be soft and open around. He breathed in the scent of your freshly washed hair, and wondered why he bothered with football when he could be up against you like this everyday.
"Good morning mi amor. Miss me?"
"You know I have. All my hoodies smell like detergent now instead of boyish charm and Paco Rabanne 1 million."
He smiled at you, teeth on display, skin around his eyes wrinkling in pure joy. You had missed Pablo so much. The stress of the end of the season meant that you didn't get to see your boy as often as you wanted. You missed Gavi intensely. His cocky nature when he was around you, like he knew the effect that he had on you, coupled with his sweet gestures that showed how much he really cared.
"Your hoodies? You mean the ones you stole from me? It's a good thing it's July, otherwise I would freeze since you took everything I have with sleeves."
"Fine fine. They can be our hoodies. I'm a comfort communist. Come inside and re-scent them."
He laughed and followed you into the house. You ran up the stairs to your room with Gavi in tow. You opened your closet, trying to decide which sweatshirts you could part with and which would stay in your permanent collection.
"So... I have to ask: who is spending the day with us."
You giggled and turned to face him.
"You'll see."
You rushed down the stairs at the sound of the doorbell. Gavi lingered at the top, hoping to see who was here dividing your attention.
"Nicole, hi!"
"Hi dear. Thank you so much for doing this. You have no idea how much this means to me."
"Of course of course. Where is Salvia?"
'Salvia? Like the plant?' Gavi thought to himself. A loud bark startled him out of his thoughts. You were being attacked with kisses from a long haired German Shepard. Gavi's eyes lit up. Your intruder wasn't a person - it was a dog.
When the door closed, Gavi approached you.
"Who is this?"
"This is Salvia. She's Nicole's darling baby. She's flying to Madrid for the day for a family emergency, so she asked me to dog sit. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier."
Gavi brought you closer, embracing you from behind and kissing your neck.
"Of course it's fine mi amor. I love dogs."
Or so he thought. Gavi did, up until that moment, really love dogs. He loved being around something high energy and cuddly, and loved getting wet kisses and excited tail wags. But now, he was ready to label himself a cat person. Every few minutes, your attention shifted from him to the dog, making sure she was safe and not tearing up the house. He could barely sit for two minutes with you before you had to get up to care for Salvia, either taking her out or feeding her or just giving her attention.
The sun had set hours ago, and he was sitting with you on the couch. Well actually he was sitting half a meter away from you. Salvia laid across your lap, her butt preventing Pablo from being closer to you. You were rubbing her sides, fluffing her coat and then smoothing it back down. Every few minutes, Salvia looked up at you resting her head against your chest. You scratched behind her ears, looking at her lovingly and and giving her several kissed on the head and nose.
Gavi was pissed. He was also cute and fluffy and wanted to lay on top of you, and yet he was losing your affections to a dog. A dog! He couldn't contain his disappointment. He wanted you to kiss him and say that he was the cutest thing alive. But alas. So he slid down on the couch, crossing his arms and pouting out his bottom lip, scowling at the Rom Com on the TV.
"Baby.." He whined, trying to put an arm around your shoulders, but unable to reach. "Come closer."
"I can't baby. She's asleep and I don't want to wake her up."
He huffed and got up from his seat. He went upstairs to where his bag was, opting to change out of his shorts into some sweats. He removed his shirt, and sprayed himself with more cologne. He decided to make himself irresistible to you. He sat back down, and looked at you to gage your reaction. You were too busy kissing Salvia on the forehead. Gavi began cursing every dog in existence under his breath. You were his girlfriend dammit. And he was sexy and Spanish and shirtless and within arms reach, and you could not care less.
At around midnight, the doorbell rang again. Salvia sprang off the couch, running to the door and letting out a soft bark. You got up after her and ran to the door, opening it for Nicole.
"Hi baby Sal - did you miss me? I missed you too. Thank you so much for taking care of her. Thankfully the family is fine. I really appreciate the help."
"Anytime," you respond, handing Nicole the bag with the dog things, "glad everyone is doing well. Have a good night."
You closed the door and went back to the couch, flopping down beside Gavi. He kept his arms crossed over his chest and turned to you, pout still very present on his face. You held his face in your hands, pressing your forehead to his.
"What's wrong Pablito?"
He wanted to stay mad at you. He really did. But you were looking up at him with your big beautiful eyes, batting your eyelashes at him and holding his face so delicately.
"You ignored me all day for a dog."
He tried to pull away, feeling stupid for admitting it. You pulled his head in, giving him a sweet kiss on the forehead.
"Awe Pablo. I'm sorry. You want me to pamper you like Salvia?"
"Not in this condition - you smell like dog."
You pushed his face away, enjoying the sound of his laughter. You loved the way Gavi looked when he was laughing - or happy in general. His eyes would get small and his cheeks got more round, making him more adorable than you thought possible. You grabbed the hem of your sweatshirt and lifted it off, leaving you in your bralette. You then removed the blanket from your lap that Salvia had laid on, throwing it to the corner of the room, and grabbing another one (with a Barca logo in the middle of the large fuzzy blanket). You grabbed the remote and a bowl of popcorn, relaxing back on the couch and extending your arms outward.
"Come here, Pablito. Let me love on you."
He looked at you skeptically, as if you were going to retract the offer. He uncrossed his arms and moved over to you, laying his head on your chest, legs tangling with yours on the length of the couch. He wrapped his arms around your waist, sighing deeply and allowing himself to relax against you. You covered the both of you with the blanket, and started a new movie. You placed one hand in his hair and began raking your nails through it. You scratched his head slowly, causing him to whimper out. You then brought the other hand up onto his bare back, rubbing circles into it. You let your fingers slide gently up and down his skin.
"Head scratches and a back rub at the same time, amor? How did I get so lucky?"
You looked down at Pablo, pressing another gentle kiss into his forehead, lingering for a long moment.
"Just be quiet and let me love you, Pablo. You're the best thing in my life, I hope you know. Anything to make you happy - just say it and it's done."
Gavi's mouth hung open, like he was in shock. He buried his face back into your chest, and you felt the warmth of his cheeks against your skin. You giggled quietly, pulling him closer into you. You placed another kiss at the top of his soft hair.
"I love you Pablo."
"I love you too, amor. So much it's causing me physical chest pain."
"Aw baby, I don't want to hurt you."
"It's ok baby. You keep kissing it better."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: Hey y'all! This was inspired by my roomie's doggie, who I love, and who napped next to me while I wrote this. I almost gave up on this little challenge until I realized all 3 of my top posts are writings from this series. Thank you all so much for the support. My asks are open, so pls let me knoe if you have any ideas for the rest of the prompts!!
AND ...if you haven't read my Gavi series "Just Pretend", please check it out. It's pinned to my profile. <333
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fourlittleocto · 11 months
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We all know Dew is lactose intolerant (can't have milk or cheese or ice cream), but tiny Dew doesn't. 1272 words. There's a couple big words but I think littles should be able to read it.
mentioned under the cut: a quick kiss, the littles eat ice cream, tummy aches, use of padding/soakers (i just learned of this term im sorry), and a quick mention of german mountain bc lets be honest all of out little ghoul ideas come from @tinymoon-beam and their wonderful brain.
When Mountain walks into the common room after a long day, it’s a relief to see Rain and Phantom sitting on the floor, surrounded by their toys which have been abandoned for the ice cream quickly melting into soup in their bowls. He gives Swiss, who’s watching over them, a quick kiss, which is followed by a chorus of ews from the littles and starts trying to help him pick up the scattered plastic dinosaurs so no one trips.
“Stop!” Rain yells, abandoning his ice cream on the coffee table and using his body to shield Mountain from the toys. “You can’t take these ones, we’re playing with them.” He puts his hands on his hips like a superhero, protecting his loyal dinosaur citizens.
“Yeah, we’re playing!” Phantom echoes, also stumbling over to Mountain and then realizing someone needs to stop Swiss too and dances around their dino town to keep him from picking anything else up.
“I just want you to be safe Rainbowfish,” Mountain rumbles, addressing the two by their combined nickname. Rain and Phantom are impossible to separate when they’re dropped, so coming up with a nickname for both of them at the same time was just easier than having to say ‘Phantom and Rain’ over and over again, and everyone had fallen in love instantly when Aether suggested Rainbowfish. He lifts Rain over his shoulder and bounces him around to make the little water ghoul laugh.
“Stop it!” Phantom yells, abandoning Swiss to pull on Mountain’s tail and try to help their friend down. Mountain picks them up too, though a little less smoothly. He almost falls over when Phantom starts flailing against him, but the laughs make it worth it.
The clatter of plastic on wood stops everyone, pulling Mountain’s attention to where Dew, who seemingly came out of nowhere but must have been playing with the littles since he’s clearly dropped too (judging by his bear onesie and plushie held tight in his fist), is staring at Rain’s ice cream bowl, now empty and sitting upside down on the rug.
Dew turns wide eyes up to Mountain. The earth ghoul groans seeing the melting ice cream running down his chin and pressed into the soft fabric around his neck. Carefully, he throws Phantom and Rain on the couch and starts after Dew. The tiny fire ghoul starts giggling and butt-scooting away, trying to make a break for it. Luckily, Mountain’s long legs let him catch up before he can get very far.
"I'm sorry Mountain, I should have been watching him closer. Want me to handle it?" Swiss offers.
"I got it." Mountain shakes his head. "You just keep them out of trouble." He can't keep the smirk off his face anymore as the two ghouls on the couch yell in protest.
"We're not trouble!" Rain pouts.
"Yeah, you started it!" Phantom adds. Rain nods aggressively and pulls Phantom in his arms. They giggle and hug Rain back, which quickly turns into a wrestling match over who loves the other more. Swiss gives Mountain a little smile that says I got this, so Mountain waves goodbye, and with one last glance towards his Rainbowfish, rearranges Dew to sit more comfortably on his hip and makes his way to his room.
They almost make it, but Dew's arms tighten around Mountain's neck and he buries his face further into Mountain's chest. The hood of his little onesie with the bear ears poking out of the top hides his face completely. The new angle means Mountain feels more than hears Dew's groan.
"I know baby," he mumbles into the soft fabric on top of Dew's head, hushing him soothingly. "You weren't supposed to eat that ice cream, huh?" Dew picks up his heavy head as much as he can just to slam it back into Mountain's shoulder. His little horns poke him through the bear hood, but Mountain ignores the pain as he pushes open the door and gets Dew situated in his nest. Dew immediately flops over so he can better smell Mountain in the sheets, grabbing at the blanket and weakly trying to pull it over him. When he realizes that’s not going to work, he switches to rubbing his bunny plushy across his face, breathing heavily.
"One second Bubba," Mountain calls over his shoulder from his closet, grabbing a change of clothes for them both, crocheted padding that Sunshine made for him, and a pacifier to replace the one Swiss gave him that got lost under the couch somewhere in his tirade for a sweet treat. Dew starts to whine and cry, which only gets louder as Mountain turns back around and he sees the soakers in his hands. He tries to hide himself under the blankets but he's not strong enough to get it over his head, just rolling and thrashing around.
Mountain hurries over, leaving the padding on the lip of the nest to cradle Dew and coax the pacifier into his mouth before it can turn into a full-on temper tantrum. He hums and rocks the little fire ghoul until Dew takes the pacifier and grabs onto Mountain's shirt. His eyes start to blink heavily, already tired just from the little outburst.
"Stay awake for me Kleines Feuer, just for a minute," Dew starts to thrash, remembering what Mountain is about to put on him, but he's too tired to put up a real fight. He whines around his paci anyway, to make sure Mountain knows he's unhappy.
Mountain carefully starts to work off his onesie. His low, rumbly singing fills the air and keeps Dew calm enough to let him get the little ghoul redressed, with an extra layer of protection and an ice cream-free onesie this time. "Just in case. You know ice cream doesn't agree with your tummy lovebug," he whispers to Dew, laying a kiss on his forehead as he pulls the bee hood up over his head once again. The little antenna flop into Dew’s face. He lets the pacifier drop out of his mouth and babbles while he weakly pushes at Mountain. The earth ghoul chuckles.
"How about we do blanket burrito? Will that make you like me again?" Dew's eyes widen once again. He nods as much as he can and claps around his bunny, a happy little giggle bubbling out of him. "Ok, Let me get it ready." He stands and lifts Dew to sit on the edge of the nest, laying Dew's favorite blanket out flat and helping Dew crawl himself into the middle of it. He gets Dew into the right spot with his bunny held tightly to his chest, then gets to work wrapping him up in the blanket. The pressure helps relax both his mind and his upset tummy, and he seems calmer as soon as Mountain's done. Now that Dew is contained, he quickly changes into his own PJs before crawling back into the nest behind his little blanket purr-ito. And he lives up to that name, a small, broken purr coming from the roll of blanket and fire ghoul.
Mountain gets Dew positioned on top of him, the little ghouls back to his chest so he can rub softly at Dew's aching tummy. Dew's face screws up as he fights off another round of discomfort. Mountain shushes him gently, using his other hand to grab blindly for the forgotten pacifier, work it gently into Dew's mouth, and rub away the tension in his forehead. He still sings his song, making sure Dew falls asleep before moving a muscle, and even then it's just to reposition them so he can sleep too.
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apinchofm · 10 months
word prompt - dress
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"Kate, could you help me with this fastening?"
"Of course."
The gown was long and heavy, layers of white silk and tulle upon her already and it still was not complete for the veil and final overlay was being made. But Edwina wishes to see how she fits in the moment.
Kate could not help but exclaim: "Oh, you look so beautiful!" as Edwina came out from behind the screen.
"It is not even finished yet," Edwina smiles bashfully, "Thank you."
Kate notices her sister's silence, for her younger sister was so chatty when excited.
"Tell me what the matter is, Eddie," Kate asked gently.
"I suppose the whole ordeal is nerve wracking." Edwina admits, rubbing her hands together.
"Ordeal?" Kate chuckles at the phrasing, "Edwina, you are not going to the gallows. You are getting married."
Edwina's smile faltered, "Yes, I am."
"Do you have doubts, bon?" Kate wondered, "Is it Friedrich?"
"No, not about Friedrich." The man crossed a battlefield to see her again; she did not doubt him for one moment. He loved her and she loved him and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him.
She feels Kate's hand run soothingly across her back, "Is it the spectacle?"
Edwina smiled mildly. Fireworks and doves and imported flowers and all of it was overwhelming. Friedrich did not want too much of a fuss either, but his station demanded it.
"Oh, it is silly. I cannot help but think about the last time I was being fitted for a wedding dress." Edwina says, "The last wedding I was excited for."
She still had the dress. It was shoved at the bottom of a trunk, for she could not find the will to burn it or throw it away.
She sees Kate frown, "I am sorry." Edwina immediately said, "I did not want to upset you. It is my silly mind, that is all."
"It is not silly to feel anxious." Kate said gently, "The whole situation, well, it was a mess. It is normal to have a sense of trepidation."
She held her hands from behind, squeezing tightly and Edwina felt so comforted by her mere presence.
"Do you like Friedrich?" Edwina asked, meeting her sister's eyes
Kate had been wary of Friedrich, when they met upon his journey to England. He had not made the best first impression, rather short with everyone who was not Edwina - he was tired from war and negotiations. But he had endeavoured to spend as much time with his future in-laws, wanting them to warm to him. He even purchased a residence in Somerset for their mother's birthday, for she was to be a countess and a countess needed her own household.
Kate still held out her verbal approval.
"I think the most important thing is that you love him," Kate said carefully.
Edwina looked at her sister in the mirror. Taller than she was, as always. Their eyes. They had always had the same eyes, passed down from their Appa.
Edwina huffed and turned her, "Your opinion still matters to me. And I know you are still unsure of Friedrich. I know it!"
Kate nods, offering a small smile, "I suppose I was rather hurt that you had not told me about him sooner. The secrecy of it all."
"It was not that." Edwina promised, "No, not at all. It was rather nice to have a reprieve from...all of it. One person who did not treat me as a doll or someone in need of handling."
Kate sighed. It had been true enough, with everyone unsure of what Edwina had been thinking and the disastrous beginning of her season (she had told Anthony not to interfere!) And then she was engaged, having had a secret friendship and romance with a prince.
"Well, he loves you. That is reason enough to like him," Kate conceded, "Even if he is rather impertinent and forward."
"He is not forward. He is...German." Edwina defended, making the both of them laugh.
"And I hate him for whisking you to Berlin!" Kate joked, "But I only want you happy, bon."
Edwina sniffled, "I love you, didi."
Kate smiles, wrapping her arms around her, "Everything will be amazing. And this is no soothing lie." She promised.
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catboy-jaebeom · 10 months
this shapeshifting vessel is a lie
it's been a year already since my last pinned, and I got shadowbanned exactly around that time back then because of course I did, so here's a new one 🩷
I'm Autumn, but you can call me Faon as well. my pronouns are they/ them. ticked all the boxes on the queer registration form, and I'm currently in a queerplatonic poly relationship. I was born in '95. central european & white. future linguistics student. proud plant parent. kpop fan. I really adore vampires and I write original and fan fiction, as well as poetry. I speak english and german, and I'm studying french, japanese, korean and finnish. lover of bats, snakes, horsies, deer and cats, as well as sharks. I sometimes make cat ear edits and vampire edits of idols and actors ( see: my icon ) so if you want me to make one for you, you can DM me.
my interests and hyperfixations change over time — yes, it was a phase, mum! name a constant state of being, mum! — and I change my username every two years, round about. currently I'm really into the quantum leap spin-off, live action one piece show, and I'm watching a couple of kdramas and such at the side. I play baldur's gate 3, vampyr and control, but also 2064: read only memories.
I was very active in the shadowhunters and the dragon age as well as the james bond / 00q fandoms, and I will reblog every single gif of spirit - stallion of the cimarron, it's my childhood movie. also, Jin Oshiro from STRAY (2019) deserved better, thank you. you may know me as leafmiilk, taehdenveri, fliederfuchs or thetevinterelf.
this blog of mine was created in 2012, I was on here already when you could still count on the superwholock people to throw gifs at posts although I was never one of them, which, trust me, was a hilarious feeling in hindsight asjfjahajft. I have one sideblog worthy of note @splittergheist which is my writing blog, and I have a secret sideblog for my omegaverse / miscecanis stuff ( much more the lifestyle, world building and concept than the smut and stuff, I'll be honest, but no hate at all!! ) that I might give out if someone asks nicely and privately.
that said, I tag my posts extensively, and if you ask politely, I will try and tag specific things for you too! please be nice in my inbox or I'll simply delete your ask and block you. 🦈 oftentimes I will message you privately when you've sent me an ask that doesn't seem to be an ask game or such! and while I do post stuff for tag games I'm not a fan of tagging others unless we're, like, really close, sorry ><
relevant kpop stuff can be found under the tag. I also put some "reviews" written by mutuals about my blog there, thank you everyone, you're lovely 💚🌼
and thank you everyone else for reading this, may your days be bright I think we all could need that at the moment. I would super love new people to talk to ( please have your age / some approximate of it in your bio; I'm totally fine with talking to minors but I would like to know I am before I do, thank u ) so message me or reply to this!
kpop stuff
ult group: GOT7
other groups I like: NCT 127, WayV, Red Velvet, ITZY, Seventeen, SHINee, ONEUS; ...
soloists I like: XIA / Kim Junsu, Taemin
biases: Lim Jaebeom & Choi Youngjae; Nakamoto Yuta; Xiaojun; Kang Seulgi; Hwang Yeji; Joshua Hong & Lee Seokmin; Choi Minho & Taemin; Kim Leedo & Lee Seoho; Park Seonghwa & Jeong Yunho; Kanemoto Yoshi; ...
wreckers: Mark Tuan & Kim Yugyeom; Ten Lee; Kim Mingyu & Lee Woozi; Kang Yeosang & Song Mingi; ...
for as long as xitter still lives, you can find my kpop account under: jaebueomgi
blog reviews
@meant-to-be-a-hero wrote on 22nd November:
Shall I compare Autumn's blog to a summer's day? I shall not, because I am not a hack. Equal parts language jokes, kpop boys (and girls, but I don't look at those) and #bitter millennial blogging, there's something for everyone here at Autumn's blog. They are also one of the few people who still write funky things in the tags, a true dying breed on Tumblr. I feel like I'm reviewing a restaurant or something. Either way, click follow, thank me later, because you will. It's a good blog, Bront.
— ★★★★★(★★) [ 7 out of 5 ]
@klutenpetter wrote on 22nd November:
It seems I have misplaced the URL of the blog in question that I was supposed to review.
— ★★★★★ [ 5 out of 5 ]
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goldenpinof · 2 years
We need wad berlin report!!
ooof, okay, i should stop delaying it :)
i'm comparing it to Warsaw, obviously, and Berlin can't win this battle, i'm sorry. audience-wise, the venue was almost dead. you could feel pauses when Dan was waiting for a reaction and there was none. and when people were actually responding it wasn't as funny as in Warsaw. i do think that the huge venue is partially to blame. it's big and round, and it wasn't full. i was sitting in the middle and i couldn't hear what people were screaming at the stands (the exact words) and i also was struggling to hear what was said in the 1st rows. somehow it felt like the chunk of the audience between the m&g rows and the stands was the one that didn't participate in the show at all. the majority of the noise was coming from right behind me, somewhere above me and the first 5-6 rows. people who moved to the side stands during the show were also quite engaging, Dan even responded to them a couple of times 😂 the hand thing and stripping didn't get as much reaction as it deserved. like, come on now! but during the "fire" thing the person who got to do the last one made such a strong swing towards Dan that for a second i thought they were gonna throw the gavel at him. that was truly amazing 😂 i think we forgot to actually fire jk rowling. we booed her so loudly when she appeared that Dan didn't even ask what we should do he fired her himself (correct me if i'm wrong but i don't remember screaming "fire"). towards the end of the show, we heard a noise similar to a notification sound coming from the left stands, but after it was repeated 3 times i thought it was security's walkie-talkie. it was so loud, i wanted to slap them.
script-wise. we got a few local jokes. we got Angela Merkel as i predicted (now, i wonder if Frankfurt got her as well). Dan spoke a bit of German and gibberish that sounded like German. he shitted on Austrians (bold move, considering that his bus has an Austrian license plate). he actually asked the audience if Germany had student loans! seeing how the joke didn't land in Poland he learned his lesson, and i was very impressed, ngl. we also got "i'm making negative money". (okay, hear me out. i know in Amsterdam it was "i'm losing money" and in LA it was also "negative money". in Warsaw it was more neutral but i don't remember the wording. in Ipswich that part of the show was completely different, so i wonder in what point he changed the script. if anyone remembers what happened during the "capitalism" section in Glasgow and London, please let me know 🙏)
random things. Warsaw had a better jumpsuit than Berlin. in Berlin he was also wearing a zip-up one, but it was different. as we collectively decided Warsaw got the best jumpsuit of all. his arms were out for the lads, don't worry. he was playing with the suit belt quite a lot. i couldn't see it myself but Katie said he wasn't spitting all over like he was doing in Warsaw. someone handed him flowers right after the standing ovations! TWO BOUQUETS! he sniffed one while exiting the stage (now, knowing wtf happened in Amsterdam with gifts, it feels like a big deal). during the show, he never actually went backstage so we couldn't make a "come out" joke, rip. the cubes were above the stage all the time and damn, that was so exciting. the gay lights! i wish i took a picture but no. the whole stage experience was so much better than in Warsaw. like, it felt more serious and fancy. so i guess, you get some, you lose some. when the elevator lifted him up it stopped too soon and no one realized that up until a few phrases later when they finally leveled it with the top stair and Dan looked down like, "eeh, okay 🤨😅". it was HILARIOUS. the ideal show would be Warsaw's audience with Berlin's stage 😂 those who went to both shows said that the acoustics and the sound were better in Berlin than in Warsaw. as a person who was sitting in the 17th row in Berlin and in the 4th row in Warsaw, i disagree 😅 i could hear Dan, but it wasn't better for sure, and just in general the venue was absorbing the sound, kinda. for me, it wasn't loud enough. like, i couldn't feel the music in my bones, unfortunately. maybe for those who were closer to the stage, it was actually better than in Warsaw (also close to the stage). i didn't see Sarah at the merch corner, but Luke was there with other people i don't really know. Sarah probably left before i got to the place, the queue was huge. after the show, i got out of the venue so quickly that i didn't even think of looking at what was going on with merch. my loss, i know :(
conclusion: for shows like this aka not an actual stand-up show, but a show with audience participation, smaller venues are much better. so the performer could hear the audience, people in the audience could hear themselves, and in general, no one would get an experience of "watching the downstairs audience watching the performer". side stands/balconies are in general a bad idea when you have more than one thing to focus on. and in our case, it's Dan and the people who are answering him.
phandom. i think wad got the best of us 😂 (even though i do miss some people who left after 2018 and i'd love to meet them or hear from them) i know i'm reaching and it's a very personal experience, but i don't remember that many random interactions between us during ii, for example. ofc it depends on the countries and platforms we're coming from. but right now it feels like we all know each other and if we're not actually friends or mutuals then we're friends of friends, you know. if i ask someone if they know some other phannie there's a high chance that they do. i talked to many of us randomly or intentionally and it wasn't awkward at all. even though we don't actually know each other, it feels like we do because we are here for the same thing and we experience the same thing. you're entering the venue and you're surrounded by your people. we got the sexy nuns phannies in Berlin, you know, those who objectively won wad m&g. i told them that they were amazing. i think i repeated it like 3 times because they fucking WERE. we do need to organise a phanniecon, dnp be dumped. it's just such a cool thing to have irl conversations, listen to people's opinions, and just support each other's creativity. in Berlin we left almost right after Dan's selfie but a lot of people stayed near the bus and i bet they had interesting things to say to each other just like us in Warsaw. idk how it ended considering that Dan had to leave for Amsterdam asap and people were literally on the bus way 😂 but if anyone was there, let me know at what time you left. after the show, our "Polish" gang, which is obviously not only Polish, went to have some drinks, and all in all, we stayed up till 4:30am just talking. it was amazing 🥺 i can't imagine having something like that after ii, like, i'm sorry the times were a bit different. considering our experience in phandom and outside it, we have a lot of things to talk about.
i probably forgot some major things about the show, so if i suddenly remember something at 3am, i'll add it. during the show i caught myself thinking "don't forget this!!" a couple of times and obviously i forgot half of it.
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evilwizard77 · 1 year
just wanted to share this guy since literally nobody knows him
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srđan mlađan
i couldnt find anything on english so forgive my halfassed translation english isnt my first language.
srđan is from sisak, croatia.
his delinquent ways started when he was 12 when he robbed four stores and stole a few thousand german marks and popped tires of trucks. at 14 he lit his school library on fire. in technic school he would ruin furniture and throw computers out of closed windows after which he was caught.
he was expelled from school and was subjected to visits to the psychiatrist, but after a year, when he was 15, he took his fathers gun and tried murdering josu martinića, a market keeper. it happened 19th of january 1997, martinić stayed alive by pure luck.
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in january 1998 he killed his first victim, 16 yr old elizabeta šubić who was waiting for her friend infront of school in petrinja. mlađan had a short conversation with her after which he brought a gun out of his sport bag and shot her two times. she died on the spot and he put the gun back in the bag and left the way he came.
"if she wasnt there, the victim would be someone else" he said which after the media nicknamed him "sisački monstrum" which means the monster from sisak.
a month later, february 1998, the residents of sisak were shocked when another murder occured, this time 63 yr old pensioner petar jančić. after more than 150 interviews the police still had no idea who the killer was, until a bank robbery happened, and the only suspect was young srđan mlađan.
the police detirmened that both murders were done with the same weapon, and while his house was being raided his father admitted to having an automatic shotgun which matched the forensic descriptions. the investigation found that srđan hid the gun and spare clothes at a nearby cementary, which he would visit after the murders.
the police also found that he borrowed the movie "natural born killers" from the video store atleast 52 times so they decided to arrest him.
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at trial he recived the maximum sentence he could as a minor - 10 years.
"see you in hell" he said to the judge.
mlađan went out of the penitentiary 21 times and the last time he did, he didnt return.
february 2002 he left prison, which after he went to zagreb, rented an apartment at borongaj and got a handgun. three days later he robbed a bank, shot a responding officer and stole his gun.
after the murder he ran into a family house of božena kosović and held her and her two kids hostage. special police surrounded the house, mlađan demanded for numerous press teams to come beacouse, he later stated, he was afraid the cops would kill him. the hostage situation was happening for five hours after he surrendered, without his shirt.
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at the next trial he was sentenced to 15 years of prison which was the max for a young adult. if he were to do the crime 66 days later than he did, he would be sentenced to 40 years.
"in a minute of silence i want to express my condolences to everyone who killed a cop pig. im not sorry i did it, its sad theres not more people like me."
a triple killer, one of croatias most cruelest in history, sentenced to in total 29 years in prison, which means he might be released in 2027.
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Rise Like A Phoenix - Chapter Twelve
Pairing - Jenson Button x Reader + Charles Leclerc x Reader + Daniel Ricciardo x Reader
Word Count - 1435
Content Warning - Swearing, death mention, injury mention, alcohol mention, bad coping mechanisms,
Synopsis - When a German agent goes missing investigating a diplomat’s disappearance, you are asked to take the case as your old adversary is revealed to be the one to blame. However, you soon find out that you will not be working alone, and will have to complete your mission with the help of agent Charles Leclerc.
Author’s Note - Fuck it, Final chapter guys! I was gonna wait for tomorrow but I couldn’t leave you hanging like that! I hope you enjoyed the fic, please do let me know what you think! I already have a sequel in the works which is very much teased at the end of this chapter. It’s been a wild ride, thanks very much for reading. Enjoy!
Chapter Twelve - I Promise We’ll See Each Other Again
Daniel had been the one to talk you into attending the funeral. You thought that, if you stayed away, you could live in denial for a little while longer. But he was right, after your six weeks of mandatory leave was over, you’d have to live in the real world once again. The real world where Jenson was dead.
No amount of mandatory therapy sessions or good quality scotch could prepare you for the day you’d have to walk into Jenson’s office once again and see it inhabited by someone else. You had no doubt that Lewis would be a good boss, that wasn’t the problem, it was the memories of Jenson that filled every corner of that office, of every corner of the MI6 building. Happy memories haunted every room, from those quick fumbles in the dark in the stationery cupboard, to laughing and joking in George’s office. Every room was him, and it hurt.
“I’m going to hand in my resignation.” You say to George who stood beside you. His glasses were covered in specks of rain, and his neat black suit was soggy from the torrential downpour.
“I understand. I’ll miss you like crazy, you’re the James Bond to my Q and working with you is a dream, but I can see how hard it would be for you coming back to work. You know, I keep forgetting he isn’t with us anymore, and expect him to come barrelling into my office like he always used to, yelling into his phone, dropping his papers everywhere.” George says, and you smile, remembering fondly how many times Jenson had disturbed the two of you when working on Svetlana to complain about some government bastard who was giving him a hard time.
“I’ll miss you too, you’re not just my work friend but my real friend. You mean a lot to me and you’ve saved my ass more times than I can count. I promise we’ll see each other again.” You say, offering George a small smile before walking away.
That day, you slid your letter of resignation into an envelope and walked the corridor to Jenson’s office for the last time. You knocked on the door, for old time’s sake, despite knowing it would be empty. You place the letter in the centre of the desk with a smile, before leaving the office which no longer belonged to your lover.
“So, how’s the patient?” You say, pushing your way into the hospital room, your arms filled with bunches of flowers and a bag of grapes.
“They’ve taken away my morphine.” Charles says, and you chuckle.
“Well then, that must mean you’re on the mend then, eh?” You say emptying your arms and throwing a loose grape in your mouth.
“They said there isn’t any permanent damage, and that I should be back on my feet in the next few weeks.” Charles says with a smile.
“That’s good news! George sends his love, and Lewis’ assistant sent flowers, I think the purple ones? The yellow ones are from Mark, and the weird green tree arrangement is from Sebastian.” You say, arranging the flowers on the windowsill alongside the already large collection of gifts.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to the funeral. I wanted to be there to pay my respects.” Charles says, offering you a sympathetic smile.
“He wouldn’t hold it against you, honestly. He would have said something super cliche like ‘your recovery is the best way to pay your respects’ no doubt.” You say, a quiet laugh escaping your lips.
“Are you doing okay?” Charles asks, and you take a seat on the chair beside Charles’ hospital bed.
“I don’t think I’ll ever be okay. But I’m moving on, because I have to. Because if I don’t, I’ll just be stuck in my apartment for the rest of my life wasting the life he chose to save.” You say, a sob catching in your throat which you swallow down. You’d cried enough, you didn’t want to cry again.
“Well, being a badass agent and doing ‘epic Bond shit’ as you describe it will be the best way to honour his memory, I think.” Charles says, and you smile.
“I quit my job.” You say, and Charles looks at you wide-eyed.
“Yeah, I just couldn’t stay there with all the memories of Jenson hanging around like dusty cobwebs in every corner. But after taking down Fortescue and Sukharnikova I’ve had my share of offers elsewhere, and I accepted one of them.” You say, and Charles smiles.
“Sebastian said he’d wanted you to work for him for the longest time. He’s lucky to have you.” Charles says, and you shake your head.
“I didn’t take Sebastian’s offer actually, as tempting as it was. I followed my gut, and now I have a fancy watch and an even fancier lighter that some guy called Albert gave to me.” You say, and Charles’ mouth falls open in shock.
“You mean we’re going to be working together?” He asks, and you nod.
“Yep, and I think we’re neighbours now too. So you better get used to sharing those fucking pierogi.” You laugh.
Six weeks later, Charles was able to officially return to active duties, and you had been tasked to oversee his return back to work.
“Good to see you on your feet again.” You say, and Charles jumps, clicking his heels together in the air.
“I’m good as new and ready to go. I got a call from my brother, Coulthard wants to see us about a case.” Charles says, picking up his laptop case from his desk and zipping it up.
“Well then, partner, we’d better get going!” You say dragging Charles out of his office and down the corridor, stopping to knock on the ornate oak doors of your new boss, David Coulthard’s office.
“Come in!” You hear in that familiar Scottish accent from beyond the door.
Charles pushes the handle and you open the door, immediately making eye contact with Daniel and rushing over to him, wrapping him in the tightest hug.
“Long time no see, baby.” He says, lifting you up and spinning you around.
David clears his throat and you separate from Daniel, allowing you to notice the stranger who stood beside the desk, awkwardly fidgeting with his hands before him.
“This is Max Verstappen from the General Intelligence and Security Service in The Netherlands. Two weeks ago, his father Jos Verstappen broke into their headquarters and stole vital information regarding the identity of several active agents. We have reason to believe he is hiding in Monte Carlo, and I figured that you would be up to the task of tracing him and recovering that information.” David says, and you nod.
“Of course we are. We will certainly do our best. But if you don’t mind me asking, why is Daniel here?” You ask, and David smiles at you.
“You’re not our only new recruit, you know (y/n). I expect the three of you to work alongside Max to find his father.” David says, and you nod.
“The dream team reunited, lets fucking do this.” Daniel says, and you chuckle at his enthusiasm.
“Before you go and let Max catch you up to speed, you should go down to the garage, I believe Rosberg has a gift for you, shipped in this morning from London.” David says, a smile playing on his lips. Your eyes go wide as you realise exactly what, or who, he was referring to.
“Svetlana!” You shout as you enter the garage, spotting the familiar silver Aston Martin and running over to her, stroking her paintwork with your fingertips.
“Neither of us will ever be the sole receiver of her affections, will we?” Daniel asks Charles, and Charles laughs.
“(Y/n) is something else, I don’t think any one man could ever really satisfy her the way she deserves.” Charles responds, resting against the doorframe of the garage.
“Maybe there was someone. But as she always says, in this job, attachments are dangerous. It never ends well. For anyone.” Daniel says, looking over at you with sadness in his eyes as you converse with Rosberg, circling the car and ogling her with a look of pure glee on your face.
“Hey! Are you guys getting in, I need to take her for a quick spin before we get started on this whole Verstappen thing.” You shout and Charles and Daniel walk over to you, sliding into the passenger seats as you rev up the engine, driving her out of the garage and onto the streets of Monaco - the place you now called home.
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emptymanuscript · 1 year
Not a Nazi stochastic terrorism dog whistle at all. *eyeroll* This is the equivalent of sticking your pinkies in your mouth to whistle and then yelling, “hey,” instead.
I think the eternal shocker for me is that Trump’s approval rating is as high as it is among Jews. Subtlety just isn’t his thing. I suppose it’s just means that a quarter of us are Nazis as long as you don’t use the word.
I feel like Mother Night had it right.
I have stuck deep in my head that first image of Frankie Faison as Robert Sterling Wilson, the Black Fuhrer of Harlem, all dressed up in his fancy Nazi uniform and smiling brightly because he knows his mere presence upends what people think is reality.
Anyone can be a Nazi.
Even a Jew. It’s an ethic not an ethnicity. A Jewish Nazi just has a different group of people they think they should scapegoat as the source of all the world’s problems and so they’re absolutely justified in exterminating that group.
Trump’s not a Nazi because he is literally a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. He’s a Nazi because he believes people can be broken up into “good” and “bad” by basic traits and he’s just fine harming the “bad” people for the “greater good” which is somehow always a synonym for his own benefit. And he’s very content for the arc of history to favor his outlook, no matter how that looks. He would never personally look me in the eye and push me in an oven. He’s far too much of a coward. But if, having said this, someone happened to proudly take these words a little too seriously so that they looked me in the eye and pushed me in the oven for him, that would be ok.
Oh, he would deny culpability and say there were fine people on both sides. After all, Jared Kushner is an excellent “good” Jew. There are great Jews. Trump loves the Jews. It’s just that there are some “bad” Jews like me who happen to be both Jewish and “Woke.”
It’s so sad that the “some” happens to be the significant statistical majority. It would be so much easier, too, if you could tell just by looking at someone if they were “woke” or not. Of course, Trump can tell. All he has to do is look them in the eye - cue scene of Paul Newman as Ari Ben Canaan having something in his eye, could you have a look, is it still there - and he knows. I mean we all know what bad Jews look like, right? They’re just so good at hiding and blending in. Why if they didn’t have identifying bumper stickers, they might be able to hide inside a decent neighborhood. Right inside YOUR neighborhood. They might feel welcome to talk to you. To talk to your CHILDREN. To put their heathen Mosque, sorry Synagogue, but you know how all those non-Church Churches just look the same. You would have to see with the eyes of God… or Trump to really tell. That’s why I say kill ‘em all and let God sort it out.
I mean that’s easiest, right? Just one simple policy. Kill the “bad” people until they’re all gone or they’ve all finally gotten “reality” and turned “good.” Of course you have to be ever vigilant about that. It’s easy for someone to just pretend to be one of the “good” ones. They could hide in plain sight. Infiltrate. You gotta watch for them. Weed them out. Make guides to help others how to spot them. I mean, if you didn’t carefully analyze it, why, a man might pass as a woman and seduce YOU into being a Woke Jew. Because we all know that’s what they really want: us. To be like us and do to us what we need to do with them. They’ll hunt us down and weed us out and seduce us with false promises and then throw us in the ovens when we let our guard down.
Le Sigh. So much hate. I’m always profoundly disappointed to realize, once again, that of all the people who should know better, my own people just haven’t learned the lesson of our experiences. 27%. Ugh -_-. That number is too high. Way too high. History and experience should have taught Jewish Americans not to be Nazis. Not to trust demagoguery, despotism, and destructive rhetoric. We should have learned to distrust the destroyers. We should be honor students, not barely passing. Though, perhaps that’s me making the same fundamental error as the Nazis. There’s nothing intrinsically “good” or “bad” about a people. Not even my own. History’s most basic lesson is that a people, any people, as a general group is a terrible definition for how any given individual will act. It would just be easier if we could generalize better.
I wonder when someone will act on this post of Trump’s. The high holy days are going to make it easy to target Jews. Lots of people gathered in easily identifiable places.
Fucking Trump.
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capybaraonabicycle · 2 years
1, 8 and 17 for the fic writer ask game?
Thank you so much for the ask! Those are not the easiest ones for me but I will try to do my best :)
Also I am putting this under a read more because it got long.
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
I don't know!! Something short since I tend to write oneshots? Something with River? Something with fluff?
Maybe actually A Bright Blue Box, which surprisingly does not even mention River (which doesn't happen very often. I am very good at making things that are not about her about her anyway.) But it has a family reunion, a lot of fluff, Sontarans, Jenny, the TARDIS and the fugitive Doctor and it is rather new. And it performs my favourite (and pretty regular) thing of throwing people I love together that have very little chance of ever meeting in canon. So, I think that would be a good place to start.
And then I would advise to read Fix you(r hair) afterwards because it has 12 and Missy and you will understand what I mean with including River where she has no reason to be. And it is fluffy, too and a little angsty, which seems to be my main mixture of emotions.
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
I think I have already said in some other ask game that I rarely use songs to inspire fics - mostly I am dreaming about making dw music videos when listening to songs, actually (not that I know how to video edit). Or I am using songtitles for fic titles because I can't come up with anything myself.
That said, there is one highly specific song that I have been considering using for a fic: Frau Zielinski und der Finsterling
Which does not exist on youtube so sorry, you have to make do with the spotify link. It's in German, anyway.
The song describes the reaction of a primary school student to her class teacher taking a leave due to clinical depression. The student continues to describe a being, called the 'Finsterling' (finster=dark/gloomy and '-ling' is added to make a creature out of it) that used to be near the teacher all the time but - contrary to her - hasn't left the school and is still around. There are some really nice vague verses about it like
Nur einer lacht sich immer eins: der Finsterling Stand gestern da und heute und ganz sicher während ich hier sing' Durch ihn hindurch gehen Blicke und auch Stimmen Er steht beim Rechnen da, beim Malen und beim Schwimmen
But someone is always laughing (up his sleeve): the Finsterling Was standing here yesterday and today and definitely while I am singing Gazes and voices pass through him He is standing there for calculation, for painting and for swimming (lesson)
Durch ihn hindurch schwingen Fenster, Tafeln, Türen Wer ihn nicht sieht, der kann ihn aber spüren
Windows, blackboards and doors travers him Those who can't see him, can still feel him
I think the Finsterling would make for a good alien and the setting of the song could be explored similarly to 'School Reunion' or 'The Caretaker'. One would have to be a little careful with the execution, to make it more 'Can you hear me?' and less 'Forest of the night' but I feel like it would make a good fic.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
So, we all know about the 'Mels was a Division agent, actually' AU by now and that will probably stay number one here for a while. But I have actually written a rather specific AU or started it that I am not planning on publishing, so let's talk about that:
It's a coffee shop AU, so far, so usual. Just that I was writing it during the beginning of covid so it's a covid coffee shop AU. And I wrote it a little for my sister who was obsessed with the 'Feel again/Live again/Breathe again/whatever again' ya novel series by Mona Kasten at that point.
So it follows Bill who is living together with Gian (from the book series) and works as a barista in the university coffeeshop TARDIS with her co-worker Nardole and her boss Peter (12), called 'The Doctor'. While simultaneously taking classes at uni because Peter's wife River is a professor who has become her mentor and smuggled her in.
Just that nothing of that is really happening right now because covid and there are only online classes. But at least the TARDIS (which btw has a telephone box in a corner and a terracotta Ood head for tips) is open again and Bill is crushing on a new regular (Jane - 13) who is sporting homemade rainbow and space related masks. And appears to have a gorgeous girlfriend called Yaz.
And then Bill is part of Gian's friend group consisting of Isaac (who is way too much like 11 in the books for that to be a coincidence, so I just wrote him as 11 basically) and Sawyer (and, you guessed it, she turned into Mels in my interpretation). And they keep teasing her about her crush and try to get them together - by suggesting Bill steal her phone number from the contact cards they use to trace covid outbreaks among other things.
And I think Martha and Missy were also professors at university and the Ponds provided pastries for the TARDIS. And Jane had a father named John (10) and a sister named Jenny and a dead mother named Rose, which we found out when someone made a joke whether everybody's name in the family started with 'J'.
So, yeah, it is ...interesting and unfinished and I doubt anyone would want to read it. Especially since Bill/13 is a rather weird pairing I would never get into in anything but an AU. I mean, that is practically her granddad in canon. But in a human AU, where 13 and 12 are very different people, I am okay with it and Moffat made that Bill/Nardole conversation during covid that implied something along those lines. And I wanted to write for Bill and I am not a big fan of Heather and the concept of the book series called for a love interest.
So there you go. I had a lot of fun with it but from the get-go decided it would only be for me and my sister.
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rpf-bat · 2 years
pumpkin picking with allu/tommi please! 🎃🧡
Not my best work because I was rushing to finish it before I meet up with a friend I forgot I had plans with 😬 . Wound up being 801 words.
Today the band was in Stuttgart. Niko and Joel had left to do some interview on German radio. Soundcheck was still hours away, so Tommi was just sitting around, on his phone.
“Hey, guys!” Aleksi shouted, full of too much energy as he entered the room. “Guess what?”
“What?” Tommi blinked, glancing up from his screen.
“I was talking to someone who works at the venue,” Aleksi explained, “and they told me that in Ludwigsburg - thirty minutes from here - there’s a pumpkin festival!”
“A pumpkin festival?” Joonas repeated, setting down the guitar he’d been tuning.
“Yeah!” Aleksi nodded. “I think we have time to go and check it out, before we have to start getting ready for the show.”
“No thanks,” Joonas shook his head. “Sorry, little man, I’m kind of not feeling well today.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Aleksi frowned. “I hope you feel better.”
“I can still play tonight,” Joonas assured him. “But I think taking a nap will help.”
“Okay, you have your nap,” Aleksi shrugged. “Olli? What about you? Will you go to the festival with me?”
“I’ve got a video call planned with my girlfriend,” Olli explained, shaking his head. “I’ll be busy with that until soundcheck, I think.”
“Oh,” Aleksi frowned. “Okay.”
The excitement seemed to deflate out of him, like air out of a balloon.
“I’ll go,” Tommi volunteered.
“What?” Aleksi blinked, brightening. “Really?”
“Sure, let’s go see some pumpkins,” Tommi nodded, getting up. Anything to put the smile back on his fellow percussionist’s face.
Half an hour later, the drummer found himself staring at a dragon twice his size. Its body had been assembled entirely from bright orange pumpkins.
“It’s amazing, isn’t it?” Aleksi marveled, his eyes wide like a child’s.
“It’s pretty interesting,” Tommi admitted. “I’ve never seen a pumpkin sculpture before.”
Something about Aleksi’s enthusiasm made him chuckle. Maybe he was like this, because he was the youngest member of the band?
“Thank you for coming with me,” Aleksi beamed. “I just felt like, if we’re going to travel to so many different countries, on this tour, we might as well do some touristy things, right?”
“It makes sense,” Tommi shrugged. “But, aren’t you a bit cold, running around an outdoor festival like this? You didn’t bring your hoodie or anything.”
“Joel accidentally spilled beer on my Slipknot hoodie yesterday,” Aleksi sighed. “I didn’t have another one that was clean.”
“Do you want my sweater?” Tommi offered.
“It would be huge on me,” Aleksi protested.
“Better than nothing, right?” Tommi reasoned.
“Okay, I’ll take it,” Aleksi decided.
Tommi shrugged his cardigan off, and placed it over the younger man’s slim shoulders.
Aleksi held up his hands - they were completely drowned inside Tommi’s sleeves.
“You see?” Aleksi laughed. “It doesn’t work!”
“I don’t know,” Tommi chuckled. “I think the sweater paws are kind of cute.”
Aleksi was already walking away, looking at the other sculptures. He didn’t seem to hear what Tommi had said.
“Come on - we’ll feel less cold if we’re moving around,” Aleksi called. “Let’s keep walking, and see what else is here!”
“I saw a vendor selling pumpkin soup,” Tommi suggested. “Maybe that will warm you up?”
“Ooh, I love pumpkin soup!” Aleksi grinned. “I was actually hoping to try some today.”
“Then I’ll buy you some,” Tommi offered.
He walked over to the little stand, and purchased a steaming hot paper cup of soup. He handed it to Aleksi, along with a plastic spoon.
“It’s so good!” Aleksi gasped as he took a taste. “Wait, why didn’t you buy a cup for yourself?”
“…..Oh,” Tommi reddened. “Well, um…”
“What is it?” Aleksi asked, his blue eyes curious, as he scraped another spoonful into his mouth.
“I actually don’t like the taste of pumpkin,” Tommi confessed.
“What?” Aleksi gasped, throwing the spoon down. “Tommi, if you don’t like pumpkin, then why did you go to the pumpkin festival?!”
“Because you wanted to go,” Tommi mumbled, feeling embarrassed. “And, well….I wanted to spend time with you.”
“You already see me every day!” Aleksi argued.
“No, I meant - time alone with you,” Tommi clarified.
“…..Oh,” Aleksi realized, his cheeks turning pink. “You mean like, a date?”
“Can today be a date?” Tommi asked awkwardly. It didn’t really count as a date, if the other person thought they were just hanging out platonically, but he thought he could at least pretend -
“Yeah, it can be a date,” Aleksi grinned slyly. He caught the larger man off guard, when he stood on his tip toes, to kiss his cheek.
Without thinking, Tommi pulled him into his arms, into a real kiss.
Aleksi tasted like pumpkin, and Tommi normally hated pumpkin. But he loved the way Aleksi’s lips felt on his mouth. He wanted this cold day in Germany to last forever.
(Author’s note: the pumpkin festival is totally real btw)
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lorewright · 2 years
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I posted 2,687 times in 2022
8 posts created (0%)
2,679 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 64 of my posts in 2022
#chicky's oc - 9 posts
#jewel - 8 posts
#awesome art - 5 posts
#artist has open commissions - 5 posts
#chickypoodooloos - 4 posts
#chicky's ocs - 4 posts
#chickys jewel - 3 posts
#awesome artists - 3 posts
#tetsuji - 3 posts
#airi - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 99 characters
#and i can 100% assure to you that all the associate would instantly onboard this dog as an employee
My Top Posts in 2022:
I'm starting to appreciate the completely UNHINGED nature of TX. My coworker walked into work today as ask "you like pirates and skull right?" And I'm like yeah. So he says come out to my truck I found two pirate swords someone throw away after Halloween. And I'm like oh... mmm ok? Legit they're two metal fencing swords with skulls on the hilt and guards?!
See the full post
2 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
Rules: tag nine (9) people you want to get to know better
Tagged by: @johannabarkerrs
Favorite time of the year: fall, I get to wear layers again and it not freezing cold yet, and all the fun spooky stuff starts to show up. Leaves change color. All together it's a good time.
Comfort food: not sure what it called by a coworker made this super delicious cookie brownie dessert- it was a chocolate chip cookie on the down and brownie on the top with oreos in the middle. I need to get her to give me the recipe. That or a good cup of New England claw chowder, not the can stuff but the kind in the bag you have to boil in hot water. It's the best.
Do I collect anything?: yes, I collect Stieff, a brand of stuff animals that originated in Germany. Most of them I've gotten as gifts from my grandmother, who was born and grew up in Germany. The first Stieff I got is a fox named Xorry. The weirdest is a snowman from what I assume is a German kid show called Tabaluga, and this snowman I assume is the villain as he's got long black gloves and evil yellow eyes above the brim of his top hat. But I love him very much as my Oma saw it and thought, "oh he is freaky and bizarre little guy, Eri will absolutely love him.
Favorite drink: iced coffee with mocha flavored creamer
Favorite song: The Bounty Hunter by Mike Cross, I remember hearing this song when I was either six or seven on one of my dad's CD as he was driving me to school or something. And while it was horribly morbid for a kid to love, I still love it to this day. It just a nice little engaging ballad of an outlaw vs a bounty hunter and after probably a thousand listen after so many years it still intrigues me.
Favorite current song: Shadow of Mine by Alec Benjamin. I actually like a lot of his songs, but this is the most recent of his I found. I also like, Boy in the Bubble, Outrunning Karma, and Mother's Eyes to name a few others of his.
Favorite fic book: I don't read fic all that much. Sorry :( so I'll do my favorite book. Which is A Series of Unfortunate Events. It's been one of my favorite series since I was a kid. And as an adult it appreciate all the literature references the author uses for the building of the world, from places like Prufrock Prep beginning a reference to the poem "The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock" to the character Esmé Squalor as nod to the short story, "To Esmé - with Love and Squalor." The series has been a huge inspiration to me and my own writing projects as well.
Tagging: (if I tag you and you don't want to do the dash game, no problem, I take no offense and feel free to pass) @justchickythings or whatever blog you think this fits best on Chicky, @the-asexual-unicorn , @ludicrous-musings , @penelopethehufflepuffbiatch , @musical-engineer
3 notes - Posted May 23, 2022
Customer: *holds out phone with a picture of a product* where do you have this cleaner?
Me, a retail worker: I'm sorry we don't carry that particular product in store.
Customer: But it says right here that it's in stock!
Me: Sir. That is a screenshot from Amazon.
9 notes - Posted June 29, 2022
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This is the plot, right?
53 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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86 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ofiscariot · 6 months
Recently been feeling inspired to explore spiritual beliefs and path more and I was curious about how you came about your own
hello! first off, i’m so sorry this has been sitting in my drafts for, like, two months. it can be difficult for me to describe the process, because...eclectic, but i did my best!
so, i was brought up in the catholic church, and although i am no longer christian, it still influences me in ways both superficial (i am a slut for candles) and profound. for instance, judas iscariot is one of the most important figures in my practice, and my relationship with him has evolved alongside my relationship to the church. once, we were rebels; once, we were tragedies. currently, i regard judas first and foremost as an avatar of the hanged man, outshining and transcending his limited role in christianity. catholicism has also influenced the way i work with figures like arthur and cain - in a space between the very catholic concept of saints and the very pagan concept of ancestors of spirit.
when i left the catholic church, i felt a gaping spiritual void in my life, and threw myself into finding something to fill it back up with. it was difficult and messy (and frequently poorly thought out on my part!), and laden with the baggage of the need to do religion *right*. but i also made connections to figures and things in that period of my life that are still important to me. while i was throwing myself into hellenismos, i came to know dionysos, savior from madness, and apollo, averter of evil, both of whom i still work with. while i was debating whether i should convert to judaism, i came to a deeper understanding of the folklore surrounding cain in that tradition, which still influences the way i view him. while i was going to ISKCON temples every weekend, i realized that i didn’t have to shrug off the trappings of beautiful ceremony and ritual just because the catholic ones specifically still kind of made me want to puke.
let’s see; what else?
oh! another thing that has really influenced my beliefs and practice is. um. being a huge fucking nerd. i kid, mostly, but i have always been interested in faery tales and folklore, and i had massive books of mythology as child that covered all kinds of cultures and traditions (which i am certain set me up for a successful eclecticism). so, of course, as someone whose tear-stained copy of Baby’s First Morte is still sitting around at my parents’ house, arthur pendragon is very significant in my practice. the deity i work with the most is perchta, who literally survived the christianization of germany re-imagined as a faery godmother in the tales collected by the grimms. i love aphrodite and i love her love, but i love frau venus, the eldritch germanic faery queen, and *her* love, in a very different way.
i also like to incorporate historicity, or given values of it, into my practice, when i can. it’s why i have UPG (gods, has that term gone woefully out of style? am i showing my age?) for judas as a sicarii. that’s also why, for example, the greek persephone does not resonate at all with me, given the status of girls and women in greek culture. but the roman proserpine, on the other hand? from a culture that did not disregard women flat-out, per se, but certainly had some *very* weird stuff going on with the roles of virtuous daughters and virtuous wives who ought to die before giving that virtue up to an alleged enemy? she does.
i think that’s kind of my personal theological overview, but i am more than happy to elaborate on any aspects of this that strike your interest!
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arlertdarling · 1 year
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friends to lovers! because i feel like he needs to deeply understand someone before he dates them so he only started liking you a few years into the friendship (though he did always think you were cute)
also a guy who actually means it when he says he prefers personality over looks
i can see him as both the one confessing and the one being confessed to, i think it mostly depends on which of you is the braver one
expect museum/gallery dates, walks on the beach, picnics, stargazing, road trips, bike rides, library/bookshop visits and napping together
his primary love language is words of affirmation, with physical touch as a close second, for both giving and receiving
soft kisses! short if it’s just a quick goodbye kiss, but usually slow. if neither of you are in a rush, he loves to take his time and savour the feeling of your lips on his
his favourite places to kiss you are your forehead, face, hands (palms/knuckles) and shoulders while his favourite places are his nape (anywhere on his neck/collarbone area, really), behind his ears and his face and forehead as well
long tender hugs, usually accompanied by a peck to your hair or temple, or his head nuzzling into your neck. even sweeter when he’s missed you, squeezing you tight, lifting you slightly and breathing in the smell of you. then when he puts you back down, he likes to just stay like that for a while
easiest way to make him blush is to give him compliments or affection
oh and when he blushes, he blushes HARD. i’m talking whole face, all the way to his ears and sometimes even down his neck
big pet name guy! usually calls you love, dear, darling and sweetness, but i also personally headcanon him as polish-german so he’d throw in the occasional słońce (sun/sunshine) and kochanie (love/honey) as well. if he’s feeling romantic, he’ll call you perełko (little pearl) or mein schatz (my treasure)
his favourite pet names to be used on him are baby, love, honey and darling. he also kind of enjoys it when you jokingly call him pookie
into cute old-fashioned chivalry! walking on the outer side of the pavement, opening doors, pulling out a chair for you etc.
not a huge fan of PDA but will always hold your hand when you’re out together
staring. he doesn’t always mean to, he just naturally has this need to be constantly absorbing as much information about you as he can at all times. also he’s so sure you don’t notice but he literally looks like this 🔵-🔵 in your peripheral so? (don’t tell him that though, he’ll die of embarrassment)
on top of the staring, he actually remembers all that information. probably knows you better than you know yourself
also has all your food/drink preferences and orders memorised
physically clingy but also clingy in the sense that he’s just always around. following you everywhere you go like a puppy, never far behind whenever you enter a new room, constantly asking people “where did (name) go?” or “hey, have you seen (name) around?”
this boy has mastered the puppy eyes. he rarely uses them, but when he does, you will never win. sorry. he will be getting that kiss, those cuddles or that bit of attention when you should be focusing on something else
the type of person to send you tiktoks, memes, things related to your interests etc. and be like ‘this reminded me of you!’ or ‘this is so us!’
i think he’d be good at drawing because of the technical aspect, so he definitely has a whole sketchbook dedicated to just portraits of you
shared custody of his clothes. will hand you his coat if you’re cold, no questions asked, and doesn’t mind if you want to borrow one of his jackets to go with your outfit
helps you study if you struggle with it
has a guilty pleasure for teasing you and being a sarcastic little smartass. he loves it when you can’t think of a witty response, and how when you do, it turns into a fun little back-and-forth that he basically always wins
protective of you! holds your hand when you cross the street or walk in busy places, will help you stand up to someone if you need it, walks you to your door, texts telling you to/asking if you got home safe
will put a blanket over you when you fall asleep somewhere without one
doesn’t really get jealous, but when he does, he gets very clingy and insecure so make sure to give him lots of attention and reassurance!
anniversaries mean a lot to him! monthly small gifts during your first year together, then proper celebrations every year after. plans meticulously for at least a week, coming up with cute things to do that cater to your specific likes and interests
says ‘i love you’ frequently. coming from a household where it was the norm means he will take any and every opportunity to remind you that he loves you
always down to run errands with you! he loves to be of help but also loves spending time with you, even if it’s while food shopping or picking up the laundry
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