#sorry if this makes absolutely zero sense i am not all there in the head right now
carnographix · 1 year
*dashes into your inbox* what are your favorite Half-Life theories?!
I'll be honest, I'm not really into the whole theory side of... any of the fandoms I'm in-- theorising just doesn't work well with my brain (it's weird! Hard to explain, but theorising is a damned struggle, lol!)
However! I do quite like the idea that The Combine is related to that world's version of The Great Filter.
Just, in case anyone doesn't know what that is; The Great Filter is a scientific theory! It's posed as a possible solution to the Fermi paradox, and states-- in simple terms, because I've just woken up-- that there's some kind of filter or barrier at some point on the Kardashev scale (measure technological advancement, based on energy use,) in which a species eventually is wiped out/wipes itself out. It's suggested that this is why extraterrestrial civilisations are yet to be discovered-- 'cause they got nerfed!! Apologies for the piss-poor explanation, Google it if you want to learn more, I'm not a scientist (unfortunately.)
To quote a Reddit post from, like, 6 years ago,
In Half-Life, humanity hit a major milestone as first contact with inter-dimensional alien life was established. With this, mankind proved its intelligence to the universe, but not its potential strength. Once this event drew the attention of The Combine (The Great Filter), they attacked in full force, defeating all of Earth's armed forces in a matter of hours and establishing their dominance over the Human Race over the next 20 years until Freeman would come back to ignite a revolution.
The idea that The Combine is something so terrifying, yet almost inevitable, is a real neat one to me!! c]:^)
I dunno, I just like The Combine. Studying these freaks isn't enough I need to explode. Anything related to them is bound to catch my attention and interest.
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14dayswithyou · 4 months
Meowdy Saint! ^^ lolol hello hello o/ hope you are doing good!!
So this masterpiece of a game has been invading my mind with ZERO chill lately which directly translated to me coming up with a TON of questions orz I really didn't realize how many I ended up compiling lol
If you don't feel like answering this many please feel absolutely free to ignore this ask or only answer the ones you like the most, the last thing I want is for you to feel overwhelmed! ^^
-do Rendacted's memories remain intact when he resets the day or do his wipe too with everyone else's? Also is there an in-universe answer for why he has these glitchy powers or is he just Built Different™?
-if angel made it VERY clear that they would be mad asf and prolly even start hating and leave Ren/[REDACTED] if he were to hurt their friends(or killing people bc this man needs to chill fr), would he listen to them? Bc I know that if he touches Violet, Elanor, Kiara or god forbid Moth I'm personally deleting his kneecaps 🥰
-since it seems to me that Ren/[REDACTED] is only kinda meh at cooking I was wondering if he actually made the not burnt pancakes in day 3 or if he had some store bought ones that he passed off as his own lol
-does he know how to give massages? :00
-during day 1, how did Ren come up with a book on the local flora?? It seems like such a random topic to pick when put on the spot without already having a genuine interest in it lmao
-if I understood correctly Maple should be Jae's dog right?? Did you have a specific breed or age in mind when creating her? I got curious because in my head she automatically popped up as a young australian shepherd to match with Jae's hyperactive dumbass energy lol❀⸜(˶´ ˘ `˶)⸝❀
-staying on the dog topic lol, in day 1 when angel gets up from the couch to get Ren the inflatable mattress(iirc) and he follows right behind them i immediately thought he acted like a puppy lmao. So would he mind being called 'puppy' as a pet name?
(I am not sure if this⬇️ questions falls under character deaths, if it does I really apologize and absolutely feel free to ignore it ^^)
-from an ask from last year it seems [REDACTED] would ultimately kill angel if there was ultimately not way to enter in their life?? Gotta say I was very taken aback by this, would this still be the case after a year of building more to his character? (Ok I went back to check the ask again but I can't for the life of me find it anymore maybe I dreamt it up idk😭😭 im really sorry if that is the case jdkslajdl)
-uuhh I know there is already a lot in this ask(im seriously sorry orz), but I was wondering if we will eventually get an SFW alphabet for Ren/[REDACTED] for the folks who don't care about the nasty 👉👈
-THIS IS THE LAST THING I PROMISE 👹 will there be a guide to get all the endings? I'm not sure if there is one already and in that case I missed it 100%
Also I find it ironic how the fandom is trying to find out every single aspect of Ren/[REDACTED]'s character the same way he must do with angel lmao
ALRIGHT THATS ALL IM SO SORRY FOR ASKING SO MUCH THE REN BRAINROT HOURS ARE SO REAL IM LOSING BRAINCELLS orz Remember to take care of yourself drink water and take breaks!! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
(Also sorry if some phrases don't make sense, english isn't my first language as I am 🤌 lolol)
✦゜ANSWERED: Under da cut because this got long >:3
-do Rendacted's memories remain intact when he resets the day or do his wipe too with everyone else's? Also is there an in-universe answer for why he has these glitchy powers or is he just Built Different™? Ren's memories remain intact!! I mean... He remembers each time you get a bad end and sometimes says something different... >:3 There is also an in-universe reason as to why he has his abilities — I won't spoil anything, but his real name (along with River's and one other character) have a reeeeally big tell. But what this tell is is for me to know and you to find out >:3
-if angel made it VERY clear that they would be mad asf and prolly even start hating and leave Ren/[REDACTED] if he were to hurt their friends(or killing people bc this man needs to chill fr), would he listen to them? Bc I know that if he touches Violet, Elanor, Kiara or god forbid Moth I'm personally deleting his kneecaps 🥰 Ren (and by extension [REDACTED]) knows not to harm anyone if he knows you won't like it — and even then — he won't actively show that murderous side of him in the first place. To Angel, Ren is just a timid, normal guy.
-since it seems to me that Ren/[REDACTED] is only kinda meh at cooking I was wondering if he actually made the not burnt pancakes in day 3 or if he had some store bought ones that he passed off as his own lol Ren is actually good at cooking, he's just a bit out of touch since he doesn't normally cook for himself! It's normally microwave meals or takeout for him... ^^; And yes, Ren did burn and burn the pancakes in Day 3 — he was distracted by something on his phone :3
Bonus cut Day 3 content: I took out the scene where Ren started to profusely apologise for burning the pancake because he often had to cook when he was younger. Given the dynamic of his family and the environment he grew up in, Ren didn't have much room to make mistakes ;n; I cut this scene out because I felt bad ksgskd So y'all get to have flustered, happy Ren instead!!
-does he know how to give massages? :00 If that was one of Angel's interests or desires, then sure!! ^^
-during day 1, how did Ren come up with a book on the local flora?? It seems like such a random topic to pick when put on the spot without already having a genuine interest in it lmao Someone else likes flora too, and it sure would be funny if Ren (eventually) starts to mimic certain traits and interests of the person you have the highest affinity/relationship points with in order to make himself look more appealing… >:3c
-if I understood correctly Maple should be Jae's dog right?? Did you have a specific breed or age in mind when creating her? I got curious because in my head she automatically popped up as a young australian shepherd to match with Jae's hyperactive dumbass energy lol❀⸜(˶´ ˘ `˶)⸝❀ It was mentioned in Jae's lore post (I'll link it here once I find it), but Maple is a Labrador! (Leon would be Jae's Australian Shepherd hehe) In my mind, Maple is only 2 or 3 years old, but that wouldn't really fit the official timeframe... ^^; Jae adopted Maple during high school so he wouldn't feel lonely at home, and it's been over 6+ years since then.... hgdshjg
-staying on the dog topic lol, in day 1 when angel gets up from the couch to get Ren the inflatable mattress(iirc) and he follows right behind them i immediately thought he acted like a puppy lmao. So would he mind being called 'puppy' as a pet name? Angel affectionately calls Ren a puppy during the scene in Day 1 where they meet up after work, so that nickname definitely could work!
-from an ask from last year it seems [REDACTED] would ultimately kill angel if there was ultimately not way to enter in their life?? Gotta say I was very taken aback by this, would this still be the case after a year of building more to his character? (Ok I went back to check the ask again but I can't for the life of me find it anymore maybe I dreamt it up idk😭😭 im really sorry if that is the case jdkslajdl) aaa I think you might be mistaking that ask for something else? ;v; [REDACTED] would NEVER harm Angel in any capacity, and they're a very patient person. Even if it took decades for Angel to fall in love with him, they'll wait.
-uuhh I know there is already a lot in this ask(im seriously sorry orz), but I was wondering if we will eventually get an SFW alphabet for Ren/[REDACTED] for the folks who don't care about the nasty 👉👈 You're fine!! And I'm open to doing that! I'll add it to my list hehe
-THIS IS THE LAST THING I PROMISE 👹 will there be a guide to get all the endings? I'm not sure if there is one already and in that case I missed it 100% I've shared a spreadsheet that lists all the available choices, the points you earn from each of them, and the endings you can get — however it's only available on Discord and I don't really want to share it outside of the server and potentially put it in the hands of minors. Sorry!!
Also I find it ironic how the fandom is trying to find out every single aspect of Ren/[REDACTED]'s character the same way he must do with angel lmao Hehe >:3 There's a loooot of lore that won't ever be mentioned in the game (since it doesn't seem fitting/I don't see a reason to), so I'm happy to provide it here!
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withleeknow · 7 months
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note (1): inspired by this ask. i literally do not know what this is !! i just know that i'm in a bit of a writing slump and i just wanted to post smth, so this is just word vomit lol. yes, i am aware that it is god awful ok bye
note (2): implied dancer!minho but not necessarily idol!minho bc i rarely ever write with them as idols in mind
you're used to late nights at the dance studio.
you often stop by after work and wait for minho to wrap up a session so you could go home together. sometimes, if it's a tougher choreo that he needs more time to really nail down, you'd bring him dinner and observe as he takes the extra hours to really study the movements.
you're sat in your usual corner tonight, watching your boyfriend with mesmerized eyes.
you've been watching him dance for years and yet, you're still blown away every time you see him in his element.
it's a little mind-boggling, a little incomprehensible just how graceful minho is, how he moves like water, how he makes every move look so effortless and poised.
he pauses the music suddenly, stands in the middle of the room for a few seconds to catch his breath, then calls out to you.
"are you done?"
"no. just come here. wanna show you something."
you go to him out of curiosity. when you're within reach, he turns you to the face the giant mirror. "dance with me."
"what? nuh uh. nope. you know i physically cannot do the things you can."
"this one is easy!" he tries to reason. "it's slower. c'mon, just for a little bit."
of course you're hesitant, even though there's no one else around but the two of you. he's a miracle of movement and you basically have two left feet, zero sense of rhythm and sometimes trip over air.
he pouts a little, presses his lips against your cheek. "i'll show you how."
you bite the inside of your cheek. he takes you into his arms and kisses your face again.
"fifteen minutes tops, yeah?"
minho is cute about it though. he's always cute about it when he wants something.
"ugh, fine. but you can't laugh at me!"
the music starts from the beginning. you watch carefully by his side as he tries to slow down his movements to make it easier for you to follow but jesus it's hard.
"5... 6... 7... 8..."
you look like a cat on cocaine trying to walk like a human.
again, two left feet and absolutely no sense of rhythm at all.
he ends up laughing a little, when you fail to copy the way he skillfully maneuvers his legs and step on your own foot. you wobble for a few seconds trying not to fall on your ass.
"i told you not to laugh!"
"i’m sorry," he apologizes in between giggles. "you're cute. come here."
minho comes stand behind you then, taking your arms and moving them how they're supposed to move, kissing your cheek and the side of your neck whenever you slightly turn your head to follow your movements in the mirror. you blush every time.
it's easier than before, but that's probably just because he's literally operating your limbs like a puppeteer.
"look, you're nailing this."
you roll your eyes. "thanks."
the music dips, the melody flatlines. the song ends. he starts twirling you around a couple of times like you're ballroom dancing, which takes you by surprise a bit, makes you gasp when you finally land against his chest.
he's got his arms around you and a soft smile on his face, even as you look up at him with narrowed eyes, almost a squint.
"that was embarrassing."
"no, it wasn't. you're adorable."
"i was not. i looked like dori on catnip."
"and dori on catnip is adorable."
"that's not the point. when hyunjin misses the beat for half a second, you look like you could murder him on the spot but you call me adorable. check your double standards."
minho just laughs before he ducks down to kiss you sweetly, despite how you try to squirm away from him, complaining that you're starting to get hot even after just 15 minutes of moving around.
"of course i have double standards when it comes to you," he says after breaking the kiss, "you're literally the love of my life."
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permanent taglist: @onlyycb97wife @starsandrqindrops @borahae-reads @abbiestearsricochet @cutiespaghetti @anthropologykpopmultistan @moonlinos @mjnhoz @caitlyn98s @piercidh34rts  @stayceebs97 @linocz @yaorzu-blog @biribarabiribbaem @kayleefriedchicken @extrhotjne @caitxx1 @palindrome969 @todorokiskitten @azuna-sz @meanergreener @nxzz-skz @jazziwritesthings @poutypoutybin @bookyeom @jisuperboard @wyzminho @amarecerasus @channection @lastgreatamericandynasty1 @judeduartewannabe @chanshyunjin @firelordtsuki @astronomicallyyy @alm334 (italicized = can’t tag)
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orchidsangel · 11 months
notes/cw - fluff, suggestive, wrote this bc jason canonically likes chili dogs, also mitski mother i am so sorry this is not at all what you had in mind when you wrote 'i bet on losing dogs', (pacing might be shit idk sorry guys, working on it i swear)
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“I’m not eating it.” You say, as your boyfriend reaches over the console, and hands you the paper bag containing your lunch before sliding into the driver's seat of the car and closing the door behind him. 
“Could you just not be stubborn for a second? Like seriously, it’s a chili dog.” 
He takes the bag out of your hand, and removes its contents, placing them carefully on the dashboard and discarding the bag.
The inside of the vehicle now smells like fast food, and you grab a couple of fries, stuffing them into your mouth before continuing on with your justification.
“I’m not being stubborn. I’m setting a boundary!” You exclaim, reaching for more and dipping them in your milkshake. “And besides, I plan on getting full off of these fries.” you say, holding up another couple waving them around before eating them.
You reach for another handful when he grabs the container and moves them over to his side of the car, “can’t get full if there's nothing to eat.”
“Jason…if you don’t-” 
You make a move to grab them, but he just places them further on his side of the dash, “A chili dog babe. A chili dog.” 
“I hate them.” You huff out in frustration, giving up on the fries and leaning back on the headrest, letting out a long groan.
“You’ve never had one.”
“No, but I hate chili and hot dogs so if one plus one equals two…” You grumble, “then it would make absolutely zero sense for me to even try it.”
“Would you just- one bite. Please?” He’s begging at this point, and the look on his face shows just how badly he wants it. “I bet you’ll love it.”
And the little lilt in his voice when he says that breaks down any “boundary” you might’ve had. 
Here’s your big bad crime lord boyfriend practically on his knees over this, pleading for you to just take one bite, and you’re supposed to say no?
A grin spreads on his face and he hands you one of the chili dogs he’s holding before grabbing a few napkins and distributing them between the two of you. 
“And if I don’t?” you say, examining the mess of meat, chili, and cheese.
“Don’t what?”
“Don’t love it.”
“Then I’ll make it up to you.” He says before taking a bite.
“Make it up how?” 
“If I tell you, you’re gonna lie and say you don’t like it.”
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued. “Oh?”
“Would you just eat it already?” 
You pick up the chili dog and bring it to your mouth.
“Careful, it’s pretty big.” Jason says from beside you.
“Don’t worry, I’ve had a lot of experience putting big things in my mouth.” You say before biting down.
It’s an explosive mix of savory meat and spices, with hints of tangy sweetness. Not at all what you expected and not nearly as bad as you thought. The cheese and the onions on top compliment the flavors and when you’re done chewing you take another bite. 
“Good huh?”
You turn your head towards Jason who’s looking at you with smugness you’ve only ever seen him give Roy on your bi-weekly game nights.
You were enjoying the chili dog, and he knew it. 
Still, you couldn’t let him have that kind of satisfaction. “No, not really.”
“Uh huh.” He says reaching over the console and bringing his thumb to the corner of your mouth, wiping away some sauce that you must’ve missed when you were licking your lips.
You take another bite, and he gives you a look. “What? It’s not like I’m gonna waste it.” You scoff.
“Right.” He says before returning to his own.
And for a few minutes the two of you sit in a comfortable silence, chomping away at your respective meals and occasionally stealing fries from the other.
When you’re done, he takes the empty cardboard container and crumpled napkins from your lap, tossing them into the bag previously thrown to the backseat. 
“So, since I lost the bet…”
You hum happily at his admittance of defeat. 
“...I guess I have to make it up to you now.” he says, leaning over the center of the car.
“Glad you know.”
He closes the space between you and nuzzles his face into your neck. Feeling a warm tingle in your body, you close your eyes and crane your head upwards, allowing him more space as the nuzzling turns into soft open-mouthed kisses.
He nibbles the tender skin as he moves up and towards your ear, “Do you want me to run inside and grab another dog for you?” He whispers between bites, and the question catches you off guard.
“What, why?” You say, confusion lacing your words. 
He draws back a little, a familiar heat radiating off of him, “For later tonight, when I’m done making it up to you.”
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colourstreakgryffin · 11 months
Ngl this is my first time requesting so I’m kinda nervous
could I maybe request a (or any Hashira/character of ur choice :3) Gyomei xchild!reader?
Gyomei(or like I said , any character of ur choice idk ) comforting reader during a thunderstorm?
(also I don’t mind if you don’t do this request :3, remember to take care of Urself!)
Oh holy shit. Ofc I am gonna write Gyomei, Gyomei is literally the best dad out there so I will write him comforting child us in a thunderstorm! :D
Himejima Gyomei- Typoon Shelter
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“I know it’s loud… but it won’t hurt you” Your beloved adoptive father, Gyomei’s loving yet powerful voice weaved through like silk as he brushed a big but somehow comforting hand past your hair as you land flat on his lap. From thigh-to-thigh, you took up the whole space and Gyomei could have you on his lap in this fashion without you spilling off onto the ground, thanks to his enormous size
Gyomei was awoken by your hysterical crying and it sent him to spiral of alerted thinking, charging through his Estate’s hallways with his weapon and guards all the way up in preparation to crush in the demon but no. You weren’t being attacked by a demon unjustly, you were squeaking in horror at… the sounds of the thunderstorm
Now, that makes a lot more sense than he had ever suspected… you’re always safe from demons but the weather is blaring and irritating
Gyomei had dropped his weapon instantly and approached you, brushing a hand over your back softly to pick you up and lay in his lap, flash forward to the current state with your lovely father patting your head and back, showing zero signs of exhaustion despite both of you being up so early in the morning.
He didn’t even care how early it may be. He only cares to make his beloved child sleep peacefully so it doesn’t matter how many hours it takes to put you to sleep again as he continued to stroke your hair in a calm and calculated pattern, slightly massaging your skull with skilful fingers. You’re so precious…
Your terrified hiccups and sobs died out throughout the minutes Gyomei stayed still with you propped up in his lap and his hands comfortingly stroking your body as to truly sign to you he will always be around to protect you. From absolutely anything that scares you and you always knew that
Gyomei nursed you everytime you had even so much as a bleeding scratch, Gyomei always helped you get through the foods you didn’t like. He is so soft and gentle, you love him so much
As you felt your exhaustion kick in with your intense fear over the thunderstorm fading alongside the booming strikes of thunder, Gyomei couldn’t help but smile at you as he picked you up from laying down to prop up on his chest and cuddled him. He didn’t need to be able to see you to know you’re such a cutie. You felt even more safe and comforted in your father’s huge warm arms…
“Don’t worry, my precious. That storm nor anything in this world, will ever do anything to you… I promise”
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Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Word count: 1.9k
Content: fluff, idiots in love, some?jealousy, confessions.
A/N: I figured I have been writing too much angst so..fun fact: Buckley is an actual dog that can be found in the TLOU games so there you go.
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    “Can I ask you a question?” Joel was rubbing his neck, his eyes wandering the small diner that Jackson has managed to set up. “Spit it out already.” You answered, taking another bite of the pancakes on your plate. Joel covered his mouth with his hand, his eyes gauging you for a reaction that he himself didn’t know for what reason. He inhaled, forcing himself to blurt out the words before he just loses the courage to bring it up again. 
    “How do you know if you like someone?” You spluttered upon hearing his words. He instinctively pushed the latte you had ordered towards you. You glanced up at him as you took sips of your latte, wondering if Joel was serious. There was no hint of a smile or any form of humour that would have made his previous question seem like a joke. “Uh.. umm.” Your mind was blank, having absolutely zero answers. You furrowed your eyebrows at him, “You’re the one who was married.” You pointed out to him. Joel let out a breath that he didn't realize he was holding. “I just want an opinion.” You gave him a judgemental look, absent-mindedly cutting your pancakes into bite-sized portions. “Uh… I-” There were so many words but yet nothing seemed to make sense. It was embarrassing to admit that you practically had zero experiences when it comes to anything romantic. “I really don’t know what to say.” You admitted. “People tend to say things like you would just know. But I don’t think I ever experienced it.” You shrugged. How would you know something you never experienced, how would you meet someone and just think that they are a good fit for you? This concept never made sense to the logical part of you. 
   Joel’s shoulders deflated ever so slightly as he weighed your answer in his mind. A silence fell as Joel occupied himself with his thoughts while you focused on the food before you, giving yourself some time to ponder his question.  
   “I guess when you think of someone all the time. You search for them in crowds and subconsciously remember every detail about them.” You broke the silence. Joel looked at you, still mindlessly taking bites of your pancake. “Huh.” He merely grunted. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at him. It was one of your greatest complaints about him, Joel wasn’t one for words, preferring to answer with random sounds instead of actual words. When you first met him through patrol you had thought he hated you because of that. Thought that he didn’t want anything to do with you until you brought up the issue with Tommy who reassured you that his stoic brother has always been like this. 
   “You’re so boring, Joel.” You sighed exasperatedly when he answered another one of your remarks with a hum. Those words finally seemed to snap him out of his daze. He merely blinked at you, an ignorant look on his face. He let out a small “What?”, taken aback at your sudden comment. “It’s a conversation, Joel! You’re supposed to engage in it not reply to me with sounds. I thought you hated me when we first met because of that.” You admitted it was probably his first time hearing about this. If Tommy didn’t tell him first. He let out a chuckle, “I am not boring.” He defended, he knows you well enough to know when you truly mean your insults. “I can literally predict your responses.” You challenged. He raised his eyebrows, “O-“ “Ok.” You finished his word for him. It was your turn to look smug, you looked at him and how he slowly realised that he had just proven your point. 
   “I guess I am boring. Sorry for that.” Joel admitted with a guilty smile. “I’ll- I’ll try not to.” He promised. You merely shook your head at him. “What brought about the sudden question? You have someone in mind?” Joel smirked, “if I do?” You shrugged at him, “You can spill it. Or you can just keep it to yourself. I don’t really care.” 
   A lie. Of course you cared. 
   Joel drummed his fingers against the surface of the table. He contemplated ordering another cup of coffee but he doubted it would help his nerves. “Well I can’t stop thinking of her. I search for her in crowds. I leave my house at 10am everyday when I don’t have patrol hoping i would catch a glance of her when she passes by my porch when she takes her morning walks.” You let out a sigh, “Joel, you were once married. I haven’t even caught feelings for anyone since I was 16 and even I can tell just based of your words that you’re head over heels.” You cut him off, maybe deep down you didn’t want to hear it. Joel laughed, “Since you were 16? That’s decades ago. Even before the world turned to shit.” “I didn’t have a life ok? Everyone just seemed so childish.. and well I had better things to do then pursue a relationship.” You kicked him under the table. He simply chuckled, “You're right. Those boys didn’t deserve you anyways.” You turned your gaze away from him as you felt your cheeks heat up. Joel may be laughing, but your words made his body tense ever so slightly. Reading between the lines, what if it really meant that you didn’t have romantic feelings for anyone up till now? Then was he a fool for wanting to put this friendship on the line because he got greedy? 
   “So are you going to tell me who it is… or are we just going to move on.” You pursued but still gave him enough space to back out. Joel hummed, intertwining his hands as he casually cracked his knuckles and stretched. Trying his best to act as nonchalant as possible.
   “Joel!” Both your eyes turned to the person who had just interrupted the most crucial point of the conversation. “Oh, Esther. Hey.” Joel greeted while you nodded at her in acknowledgment. Her hands immediately fell into his shoulders casually. You shuffled in your seat uncomfortably, searching the crowd in the diner for a reason to slip away. 
  “Thanks for last night. It’s been a while since-“ It was childish but you had forced yourself to stop eavesdropping by forcing an annoying tune into your head. It wasn’t your place to know what happened between them last night. Although you felt idiotic for not catching on earlier. Esther always carried a torch for Joel, you had only realised when you overhead people gossiping about them. You just never expected Joel to reciprocate her feelings. 
   You cleared your throat, “Here take a seat. I was just leaving anyways.” You quickly stood up and gestured to the seat and left before anyone else could say anything. You had to get out, had to give yourself time to process the information as you maneuver your way through the morning crowd. 
   “Sorry, another time alright?” Joel quickly excused himself from the table. Not caring how bad it looked from an outsider’s perspective. Joel ran out of the diner, running his hands through his hair as his eyes searched for you. When Joel spotted you again, he heaved a sigh of relief. You were sitting by Buckley’s side while leaning against a tree. Buckley is Jackson’s supposed guard dog but being the friendly cheerful dog he is, he never seemed quite suitable for that job. So instead, Buckley roams the streets of Jackson, entertaining the children and accompanying most of the residents. In return, he gets treats and pats. 
      “I wasn’t supposed to feel that way.. I was supposed to be happy for him and tease him after.” You ranted softly to Buckley who was laying his head in your lap. Buckley merely whimpered in response as you continued to slowly massage the spot behind his ears. “You plannin’ on replacing me with Buckley?” The sound of Joel’s voice made your face turn red ever so slightly, wondering if he heard your sorry rant to Buckley. “Aren’t you-um... With Esther?” You questioned. “I’m with you.” Joel’s gaze punctured right through you. “Why did you leave?” His gaze softened, his eyebrows furrowing into a frown. Buckley looked up at Joel, an exasperated look on his face. As though even he thought that Joel was an idiot. 
   “I just thought that you would rather..spend your time with her.” Joel scoffed. He stared at you his brown eyes carried a hint of disappointment at your response. He unfolded his arms from his chest. 
   “I don't know what I have to do for you to understand that…” Joel moved closer to you, his eyes never leaving yours. “I will choose you every time. It will always be you.” Your breath hitched in your throat. Joel and your relationship had always been complicated. Close friends were what you told most people, yet you turned up as his date on multiple occasions. You lived in the same house as him, in his spare room. The spare room he wanted to turn into his workshop but put off that idea because he hoped that you would continue staying with him. The both of you were practically partners in everything except when it comes to partners in a relationship. 
   Your eyes searched desperately for a hint of his emotions. Unsure if he meant what he’s saying to you in that specific way or was it just a passing comment. Joel sighed at your wandering eyes, he knew that you were trying to decipher if he meant it. He scratched the back of his neck, “Close friends?” He scoffed again at himself. 
   “I can never see you as just a friend because I see my future with you.” Joel cringed every so slightly at his own words. Did his words even make sense? Hell, he really should have taken the time to improve his literature if he knew he was going to pull some abstract philosophical sentence when he is confessing to you. You stared at him blankly, unsure of how to react despite knowing exactly how you felt for him. “I- I just mean- I want to be with you forever, I want to be with you till the end of time, till our hair turns white, and when I finally can laugh at your white hair as retribution for how you always tease me for mine.” Joel rambled, he knew he was. His heart lightened when he heard the sound of your chuckle at his last comment. 
    “I would like to too.” You admitted, a blush tinting your cheeks. 
    Joel doubted he had ever pulled someone into his arms in such record timing before. In a split second, before your mind could even comprehend it, his arms were on your hips and his lips were on yours.     It felt like the beginning of a new chapter. 
    “Goddamn boy..” Tommy stood from a distance, watching everything unfold. His hands ruffled through the fur on Buckley’s head. Buckley had run into the stables that Tommy was in and dragged him here. Just in time for him to witness Joel finally making his move on you. “This really is some treasure you brought me.” He whistled, laughing a little as he rewarded Buckley with some oranges he had just picked up from the greenhouse.
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nebulousbrainsoup · 1 year
Hard hours, you say? 😈
I am usually not so bold with requests. And it's quite early. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ But they got me acting up with this comeback. Specifically, Mr. Song Mingi. Just so damn disrespectful. I can't even function. 🫨
Anywhoooo. Pretty please, may I request crossing paths with sharp shooter Mingi at a bar?
You're the best and I hope all goes smoothly with your health appointments. *hugs* 🫰🏿⛰️💜
no YOU'RE the best noona 🥺 💛 the health appointments are health appointmenting in true us healthcare fashion 🤪 but I just got the first scan scheduled so there's progress!! hugs 🫂 🫰🏼sorry this took forever, my body decided it needed more than 4 hours of sleep lmaO
ANYWAY mingi has also been wrecking the absolute HELL out of me too, and he knows what he's doing to us. all the outfits??? the energy his bringing??? and i've been having so so many thoughts about the body roll in the mv like. sir that was FOUL. got me thinkin about those hips 😵‍💫 plus the "You could be my doll" line in Dune????? hello????? let's add him to the EVOLVEverse crew, shall we?
lil bit of crack at the end sorry i HAD to
masterlist | join my taglist | buy me a coffee? | divs from @cafekitsune
smut & warnings below the cut, 18+ enjoy & minors don't touch :)
tags/warnings: fem!reader, outlaw!mingi, sharpshooter!mingi, ft. 2ho, pwp, no use of y/n, language as always, mild alcohol use, gun (singular), i know he's our soft boy but he's quite ominous, use of pet names (doll, baby, slut), slight dom!mingi, i'm on my big dick mingi agenda, semi-public sex (empty bar), oral (f!receiving), fingering, slight overstim, unprotected sex (crowd booing), lil bit of objectification & degradation, unedited
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The first thing that caught your eye was whatever was spray painted over the WANTED posters outside; some amalgamation of an 'X' and a 'Z' covering the faces of Night City's infamous rebels. You scoffed, shaking your head softly. They'd be fixed in the morning, so why waste the paint?
The second thing that set you on edge was the music. Usually, on a Friday night, your favorite bar was packed to the brim with people, catching end of week drinks with coworkers, meeting with dates they'd never see again, or partying with friends. The music was barely audible inside on the slowest of weekends, much less outside the main doors. Anxiety roiled in your gut, but you continued on your path, cautiously pushing past them.
Only one man stood in the otherwise empty tavern, his eyes snapping up from the drink he was making to zero in on you, and your heart leapt into your throat. There was something dangerous about his gaze and that familiar silhouette, and you froze in place as your brain scrambled to piece the puzzle together. His lips twitched up in a smirk and, once he had put the finishing touches on his drink, he shifted to the side, revealing the WANTED poster hanging behind the bar and the rifle strapped to his back.
Fuck. You were so screwed. You took a step backward, ready to turn on your heel and bolt, forgetting you ever saw Song Mingi or knew the location of this little bar. He turned back to you, seemingly sensing your want to flee, and narrowed his eyes.
"I wouldn't," he muttered, and your feet rooted to the spot.
Taking a deep, shaky breath, you stared back at him, the silence stretching to an uncomfortable level, until you finally found your voice to break it.
"W-What did you do to them?"
He tilted his head. "To who?"
"The..." you trailed off motioning around the empty bar. "Everyone. There had to be people here."
He nodded, sipping his cocktail, completely unbothered. "There were." You blinked at him, annoyance building, and gestured for him to continue. He sighed, slinging the rifle off of his back and setting it on the bartop. "When you bring one of these into a packed place like this, folks tend to scatter."
"And you let them?" He nodded. "Aren't they going to call the cops on you or something?"
Mingi snorted a laugh, downing his drink before making his way around the bar to stand in front of you. "Do I look worried to you, doll?"
You swallowed thickly, shaking your head. "C-Can I go too, then?"
He took a step back, eyes raking over you, and you felt heat flush through your body. "You could always stay for a drink. That's what you came for, isn't it?" Despite your mind's protests, you nodded. "Then have a drink with me, and tell me what a pretty thing like you is doing frequenting a place like this."
This was wrong, so unbelievably wrong. You should have never come in here. But you had, and now here you were, the hand of a wanted criminal resting on your thigh as your eyes darting frantically between his own and his lips. Maybe you could blame your impressive lack of restraint on the adrenaline drop you were facing, or the fact that none of this really felt real, anyway. Whether he sensed or saw your internal struggle, you weren't sure, but Mingi's hand shifted off of your thigh, catching your chin between his fingers.
"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"
You didn't know what came over you, but in an instant, you had tugged him in, slotting his lips against your own. He groaned lowly, tongue quickly swiping over your lower lip and slotting against your own as you let out a sigh. He stood from his stool and dragged you up with him, pressing your back against the bar so he could slot one of his thick thighs between your own. You whined, letting your head roll back, and once your lips parted, he let out a soft chuckle.
"Well, that's not what I was expecting, but I can't say I'm complaining."
Immediately, you wanted to wipe the proud grin off of his face, but before you could snap back at him, his lips were on yours once more.
Your moans echoed off of the vaulted ceilings, the music once again barely audible underneath them. Mingi was on his knees in front of you, his tongue working magic over your core and two of his thick fingers pumping in and out of you, the slick sounds adding to the symphony echoing around you. You tugged at his hair, the unending pleasure beginning to become too much as you neared your second climax, halfway between tugging him closer and pushing him away.
"M-Mingi," you whimpered, and he groaned against you, eyes blinking open slowly. "I can't, 's too quick, ha!" You jolted, grasping at the bar under you as he sucked at your clit again, another of his fingers prodding at your hole.
"One more for me, doll," he purred, slowing his pace to press inside of you. "Gotta make sure you can take my cock.
"'S too much, Mingi," you muttered halfheartedly, his name turning into a needy moan as his mouth returned to you, tongue soothing the sting of the stretch his fingers brought.
He allowed you a moment to adjust, his lips pressing a kiss to your clit and pulling a quiet sigh from you. This was a sight he could get used to, he thought, your blissed out face above him and your thighs tossed over his shoulders. His cock twitched in his too tight pants, and he groaned against you, the sensation sending your hips bucking toward him, and within moments he had picked back up his relentless pace.
The bliss when he finally pressed his thick cock into you was like nothing you'd ever experienced. Your lips were parted in a silent scream, only stilted, broken noises of pleasure leaving you. He chuckled quietly, the sound rumbling through his chest and felt through your back as he leaned over you, pressing a soft kiss to the back of your neck. The bar had proven slightly too high for even his tall stature, so he'd spun you around, bending you over a nearby table. Initially, you had protested, offering to brace yourself where you had already been standing if it meant getting his dick in you sooner, but as quickly as your thighs had begun shaking, you were glad he had taken the lead.
"S-So much," you gasped out, melting underneath him.
"Now you see why I needed to prep you so much? I don't like breaking my toys on the first use, baby." The whine that left you as he pressed in further, his words amplifying your pleasure, pulled another chuckle from him, and he ran a soothing hand over your spine. "Think about how full you're gonna feel here in a minute."
You squirmed, hips canting back toward his own, and the hand on your back shoved you into the table. "Mingi, need more. Need all of you."
"You sure you can take it, doll? You're only a little over halfway there."
You let out a frustrated groan and wiggled your hips again, twisting as well as you could to face him. "Yes, dammit. Split me open if you have to, just give me your cock."
He sneered, the hand on your back snapping up to your shoulder, clamping down to yank you back on his cock as he slammed his hips into your own. A scream ripped from your throat and you grasped at the edge of the table, your breath coming in ragged bursts and your vision going white for a moment. When it cleared again, he was running his thumb soothingly over the nape of your neck, shushing you quietly.
"See why I wanted you to be patient, baby? Hurts when you're not ready for it, huh?"
You groaned, body going lax against the table. "Hurts s' good, Min. Wanna... More," you babbled, eyes slipping shut. "Ruin me."
He clicked his tongue, smile audible. "Cock drunk for me already, huh? What a good little slut. Take what I give you nicely then, okay?"
You nodded eagerly, and at your confirmation, he set into a brutal pace. You clawed at the table frantically for anything to ground yourself against as he bent over you, lips pressed to your ear. Every grunt and growl had shivers lighting down your spine, your walls fluttering around him as heat coiled in your gut.
He had brought you to two climaxes already, watched you beg and moan for him, and from the moment he was sheathed in your tight heat, Mingi knew he wouldn't last long. He told you as much when he braced himself over you, breathing the words into your ear as he nipped at the lobe. You whimpered, shifting under him to reach for your swollen clit and letting him drape one of your knees over his arm for better access. The shift in angle had you crying out as his cockhead began to drag over your sweet spot, your pleasure amplifying tenfold.
He had no warning before you were clamping down on him hard, your orgasm triggering his own, his hips stilling with how tightly your walls gripped him. A broken groan fell from his lips as your cunt milked him for all he was worth, your own whimpers melding with it, body going limp and eyes sliding shut. When you both came back into your bodies, he pressed a soft kiss to your temple and slowly pulled out of you. You bit back a pitiful noise at the loss of his warmth, slowly propping yourself up on your forearms as he reached for something to clean you both with.
For the second time that night, your heart jumped into your throat as your eyes fell on the two men standing by the doors, still rattling shut behind them. Just beyond it, you could see the familiar outline of a car, its roof topped with a light bar. The taller of them had an unimpressed look focused on your companion, while the shorter of the two was staring, wide-eyed, at you spread out on the table, his ears flushing and eyes turning to the floor the moment you caught him looking. Scrambling to put yourself back together, you opened your mouth to speak, but the taller one beat you to it, clearing his throat. Mingi spun, eyes wide for a moment as he took in the two cops, before he broke out into a grin.
"Perfect timing. Yunho, Jongho, this is... Shit, what did you say your name was?"
Your eyes went wide as the two newcomers groaned, rolling their eyes heartily. "Seriously? You're the worst," the younger one sighed, pushing the doors open and making his way back out to the car. Shaking his head, the other one quickly followed.
"See? No need to worry about the cops."
You blinked, glancing rapidly between Mingi and the door. "What the fuck?"
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© June 2023 nebulousbrainsoup | all rights reserved. do not copy, repost or translate my work.
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thebarontheabyss · 9 months
head empty except for this wip that is living rent free in my head.. please pay me rent, i am broke xD
how would the ros react with an mc that has zero self preservation skills. an absolute disaster. no sense of danger at all. but incredible luck. the "brings a wolf home because they thought it was a dog and wanted to find its owner" type *young mc holding up a very unimpressed but otherwise chill racoon* LOOK WHAT I FOUND! mcs teacher: *distressed and confused noises* How did it not scratch you????
Lol, sorry for squatting your mind!
So In the afterlife, where mortality is a concept of the past, danger is not exactly as straightforward. So, your MC's disregard for self-preservation becomes less about personal risk and more about the absolute chaos they leave in their wake!
The Raven would have a field day with the MC’s antics. "Oh, another 'pet' to add to our collection? Maybe next time you'll bring home a dragon," he’ll quip sarcastically, his tone laced with equal parts amusement and exasperation. Despite his remarks, he’ll be a bit worried about the potential messes to clean up.
Death would be constantly perplexed by the MC's actions. "What… drove you to do that?" they'd ask with a puzzled smile. The MC’s behavior would definitely leave Death even more confused about human (or formerly human) nature.
Lilith/Damien would revel in the MC's unpredictable nature. They'd see it as a source of entertainment and might even encourage the MC's reckless behavior for their own amusement. "You do keep the afterlife interesting," they'd remark with a grin.
Morgan/Morgana, used to their own brand of reckless magic, would find a kindred spirit in the MC. They might caution the MC but would also be intrigued by their audacity. "Just make sure you don't bring down the bar with you," they'd warn, half-jokingly.
Peisinoe would view the MC's behavior with a mix of disdain and reluctant admiration. "Such flamboyance in tempting fate. But do remember, not all of us are as charmed," they'd say, ensuring their space remains an oasis of calm amidst the MC's chaos.
Shelly would be both worried and amused by the MC's antics. "You remind me of my little siblings," she'd say with a laugh, making sure to keep an extra eye on the MC and hiding the strong booze, just for safety measures.
Hastur would be ever-vigilant, ready to intervene if the MC's luck ever ran thin. "There is a fine line between bravery and folly. Tread it wisely," he'd counsel, his watchful eyes always on the lookout for any actual danger.
Yaga would grumble about the MC's escapades, predicting all the ways it could go wrong. Despite her complaints, she'd always be prepared to offer advice or assistance, albeit grudgingly.
He Without Name would observe the MC's actions with silent curiosity. "Chaos… Entropy…" He will whisper after every incident.
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screeblees · 10 months
Haihaiaihaihi!!!! I reallllllllllllly like ur Angry Yan x comfort reader drabbles!!! I'm someone you'd call an absolute night owl, and maybe even someone with a big mouth. I'm always up for saying what I liek and fighting people I think are dumb. (Verbally. Most of the time.)
At night, (if the day hasn't beat my ass) I'm an insane lunatic who rambles to herself. think of me like a cat. very judgy one. (but if the day has beat my ass and I'm crying on the floor i'm just going to sleep in my tears) (jk no tears cowgirls don't cry/j)
TL;DR: I'm a bitch and I like to yapp, but I love going insane at night and talking and rambling like there's no tomorrow. That or I'm out cold like ice. There's no in-between. (btw kinda willing)
sorry i wrote this at 12:56 am and I am sick so I feel a bit silly nyahahah just a little nayahah
MEOWWWWW bounCES OFF YOUR walls very politely.
If you can't make sense of my gibberish please tell me and i'll rewrite it later when i feel more sane.
Hii!! Thanks so much for the ask (and for the very polite meows and wall-bouncing :3)!! I hope I managed to correctly translate your stream of thoughts <3
Angry ! Yandere Headcanons here !
Sorry it's been a bit since I've posted!! I get pretty busy this time of year so I've been writing where I can!
But please still send asks, I love receiving them!! :D
Find my Masterlist here !
Please enjoy!!<33
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❥ Angry ! Yandere who cannot help but be in awe of you as he listens to your extensive ramblings of your topic of choice, the two of you have all the time in the world after all!
❥ Angry ! Yandere who was initially worried your talkative nature would be replaced with a shell of yourself when he first took you as his, but very quickly - as soon as you woke up, actually - that that would not be the case and found himself thrilled to hear your defiant words (he would soon teach you, but this was a great first step in your adjustment!)
❥ Angry ! Yandere who cannot find it within him to be made angry by your words, (almost) no matter what you say - at least towards you, other people on the other hand are an entirely different story - even with your extreme lack of filter, which makes him more lenient with you than he would in other areas (making back-talk your only real way to be defiant). Although this can change at the drop of a hat if his mood is already rough, that forgiving attitude being nowhere to be seen even with that usually tolerance.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who immensely enjoys not needing to punish you - it makes him proud that the two of you have come so far since he first brought you here - his moods are made even better by your chatterbox personality which supplies him a near-continuous source of peace, basking in it.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who takes great pleasure in the sound of your voice, especially when he’s falling asleep while you stay up for hours, long into the night. Your babble like white noise or pleasant rain sounds for him (and only him) to fall asleep to.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who doesn’t mind if you stay up late playing video games or working on a hobby - as long as you can sit on the bed with him whilst doing so as to let him sleep on or near you.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who minds immensely if you are the type to get up and move around a lot, needing to be up and moving not only takes the sounds of your voice move farther away from his ears but it stops him from being able to loop his arms around your waist or rest his head against you - this will only end in you being tied up and unable to leave him, which may be uncomfortable but he’s too busy cuddling you to sleep to notice.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who will put his foot down if he feels your staying up late is having negative effects. He’ll disallow caffeinated drinks and tie you to the bed at night but if you’re still unable to sleep then he’ll go straight to the sleeping pills to solve this issue, having zero patience to try any more methods which he feels will be unhelpful.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who loves the nights all energy escapes you (naturally, without the pills) and you are left practically passed out wherever you had decided to sit that evening, leaving you very pliable for cuddling without the rope or bindings in the way.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who feels pity for his Darling when the struggles of the day come crashing down a little too harshly, leaving you teary and unwelcome to the idea of moving from your chosen spot on the basement floor.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who either just scoops you up from the floor, depositing you on the bed and joining you for a cuddle-fest or joins you on the floor with some blankets and pillows, ready to get comfy where you are. He hopes to provide an ounce of the comfort you provide him by the hour just from being in your near-presence...
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daphnedawns · 1 year
Dusk court revival, an Elriel theory
I’m actually so glad the conversation has been brought to Azriel and his shadows reaction to Elain. Whereas I don’t find it to be a bad things that his shadows skitter away in her presence since I believe this to mean his shadows are comfortable with her. This conversation has brought me to a pro Gw*nriel argument that said Elain is bad for him because her sunlight makes his shadows disappear and that she basically cancels out his existence. But I don’t think this is the case with them at all.
We all know how Elain is sooo heavily linked with the dusk court.
Not only is the prison/dusk court her mountain to conquer. She has been likened to it multiple times. (These are just from the top of my head that I can cite without skimming through all the books)
When Feyre described Elriel together in the middle of the war, she called the space between their bodies light and dark, A BLEND BETWEEN THE TWO. I don’t think one cancels out the other, but they blend together and that blend surely relates to dawn/dusk!
To me, their juxtaposition isn’t meant to cancel each other out but to show us that they’re the two essential characters that will play a part in the dusk courts revival. SJM has already been putting in the groundwork for them!
I love the theory that they will be the potential high lord and lady of the revived dusk court. This piggybacks off of the theory that Az is a descendant of the Avallen Fae that ended up on midgard (cc) and with Bryces presence and the crossover happening, it would make so much sense for Azriel to take on the mantle of their high lord seeing as though he is the only direct descendant who is also Prythian. And who better to serve as their high lady than the cauldron blessed seer who can scry, who Az is already obsessed with, who likes Az back and who has the dusk court mountain to conquer!!
I can honestly stand by this theory a lot more than the ones that talk about G and Az and their nonexistent plot.
With the pacing of the plot in ACOTAR and the Maasverse in general, we find ourselves with Koschei and the prison/dusk court. Whereas, koschei is still heavily related to Elriel (being that Elain can scry for dead trove items and Koschei seems to have a particular interest towards Azriel) it can also be build up for a Vassa/Lucien novella! But with the dusk court/prison being a much closer plot point now with HOFAS coming and SJM mentioning how HOFAS will set up the next ACOTAR book, I am a 100% convinced this is the direction she’s going with Elriel!
Not only do we have all that CANON FORESHADOWING from the previous books to support Elriel, we also have CANON GROUNDWORK for the potential Elriel book. There’s literally so much canon material to work with when it comes to this pairing that it would make absolutely zero sense for SJM to just throw that all away in favor of a new pairing without any foundation besides a metaphorical ribbon and a regifted necklace we don’t even know she received. I’m sorry but there’s literally no set up there that would move the plot forward. They’d have to invalidate all that Elriel build up and start from scratch for their pairing to make sense.
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🎨: clarywhy
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Hi, just wondering if you could write nale/gn reader x childe from genshin impact, my entire day has been spent being sick and rotting in my bed thinking abt M A N T I D D I E S .
Never thought I would say that lmao
Basically the reader loves resting his face on childes chest and has zero shame about it (simp behavior much?)
Pls feed me crumbs 😔
I'm sorry to hear you're sick! I wish you a speedy recovery! Hopefully the Childe crumbs will make you feel better <3 I'm sorry it's a little short, but I really wanted to get this written as soon as I could to bring you some comfort!
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Cuddling with Childe with your head on his chest:
So first of all he's a wonderful cuddler. He's warm and he smells really nice and he's so comfy to lay on.
I think he would really enjoy lying with you whenever you two have the time to spare. The bed is great for snuggles, of course, but I think he would also love lying together on the couch. He holds you tight, almost possessively so. He wants you as close as possible because you belong to him and he wants the world to know it.
It's so nice to lay your head on his chest!! His chest is the perfect mixture of muscle and softness, providing a firm yet oh-so-comfortable pillow for your head.
Childe would also absolutely love it whenever you do this, and he might even initiate it himself, pulling you close and gently guiding your head to his chest. It feels so close, so intimate, and he's addicted to the feeling. He can feel you breathing as you lay together, and the sensation grounds him in a way that nothing else can ever quite manage. Plus, the weight of your head on his chest provides him a strange sense of comfort, like a weighted blanket. Honestly, the more of you is on him, the better, even if only your upper body is resting on his. He loves it. You also get bonus points if you trace little designs on his chest and shoulder.
It's also nice to sit or lie together with your lower body between his legs, upper body resting against his, and, of course, your head on his chest. He's cuddling around you, holding your hands, hugging you close, occasionally leaning down to kiss the top of your head. He would enjoy holding you like that whenever the two of you bathe together, just relaxing and enjoying the warm water and one another's presence.
Childe can never keep his hands to himself while you cuddle. He's always touching you. He traces patterns on your skin, mindlessly brushes his fingertips back and forth, runs his hands through your hair and plays with it. His touch is gentle, surprisingly soft. He also enjoys feeling you up, running his hands over every last inch of you that he can reach. He's run his hands over your body so many times you're certain he's got every curve and muscle memorized. You can expect little massages, too, especially after you've had a long day.
Back to the topic at hand, though, if he notices just how much you enjoy lying with your cheek pressed against his bare chest, he's gonna tease you about it. "Oh, am I your pillow now?" he asks, his voice filled with slightly too much innocence to be believable. He chuckles, and you can feel the vibration in his chest. If you praise it/him at all, you better believe he's not gonna forget it. He'll repeat your words back to you at times, lovingly teasing you for enjoying this so much as though he himself isn't enjoying it just as much.
Also if you stare at his chest throughout the day he'll smirk like mad and go out of his way to show off for you. He stands in certain positions to give you a better view. He'll stretch a lot around you, reaching his arms over his head so that his shirt lifts and shows off more of his stomach or stretching his arms behind him to make his chest look more prominent. He's addicted to the attention, especially if he can get you blushing. You're more than welcome to touch him all you want, too. He lives for it, and he has no shame even if you're in public.
A small bonus for you, dear friend:
Imagine Childe taking care of you while you're sick! He's such a good brother so you know he's gotta be the best caretaker. He'd make you soup and bring you anything and everything you need. Medicine from Bubu Pharmacy? Say less, he'll be back in five minutes. Craving a specific food? He'll go buy or make it for you, it doesn't matter if it's the middle of the night.
He tells a lot of jokes and stories, too. Anything to brighten your mood or make you feel even the tiniest bit less awful. He'll talk until his voice gets hoarse if it helps, then drink some tea and pick up where he left off.
He brings you the softest blankets and pillows and is more than happy to cuddle with you. He just laughs when you say he'll get sick; his immune system is surprisingly good, and he doesn't care. Even if he does get sick, it's worth it to comfort his beloved.
Just. Soft Childe.
Writing Masterlist 🐝 Requests Open!  Tag List 🐝 @mossmosis
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pensat-i-fet · 2 years
A bonding trip, Part 1 (Mason Mount x Reader)
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*I wrote this little enemies to lovers story for a friend who’s a big Mason fan and she has allowed me to share it with all of you now. I hope you like it as much as she did ❤️*
Part 2
Word count: 2956
“We don’t want to let you go, but we have to. There isn’t that much money invested in the women’s team and this transfer will fund half a season. I’m so sorry”.
Hearing my coach's words, I feel like crying. Why is this happening to me? I don’t want to leave Arsenal. I love this team and always have. And I certainly don’t want to go to play for Chelsea.
But I also understand the team has to sell me. I just wish a miracle could happen to prevent this transfer.
“It’s ok. Thank you for everything. I’ll miss you all”, I tell him, genuinely meaning it.
“Well, we are still in the same city. Don’t be a stranger”.
“Turn to the left…perfect. Now one smiling”.
I have been doing press stuff for Chelsea for the last hour and I’m so done with it. But I still need to do more interviews and videos for social media. 
“Oh, look who it is!”, I hear someone say so I turn to see them. “The new superstar!”
Of course, it’s Mason Mount. God, I hate him. 
“Well, the team clearly needed one. It’s not as if you could fit in that category”.
“Always a pleasure to see you”, he says, flicking my nose and making me move back.
“What are you doing here? I’m busy”.
I then notice everyone has stopped working to look at our interaction. 
“You have to do a photoshoot together”, says one of the media people.
“Why? It’s my presentation”.
Why does he have to be part of everything I do?
Mason and I have been “enemies” for a while. Both of us have always been the poster boy/girl for our clubs and national teams, which means we’ve had to spend a lot of time together in events for brands and whatnot. 
And it was on our very first event together that I realized what a douche he was. He spent the whole time ignoring me and making the whole thing about himself. And to think I had a crush on him before that…my taste needed to improve and it thankfully did.
“It’s not for your presentation, silly”, he says, laughing at me. “It’s for a few campaigns and interviews that’ll come out in a couple of weeks”.
“Amazing”, I say, making the sarcasm very clear.
A few minutes later, I’m standing next to Mason posing for more photos. 
“Blue looks good on you”, he whispers, making me frown.
“Shut up!”
And he does, shaking his head.
“So, is it nice to come to a team where you already have friends? It must be hard leaving Arsenal after so many years”, asks the journalist.
If only you knew how hard it is.
“Yes, absolutely. Some of the girls have played with me for the national team and were making sure I felt welcomed from the minute I stepped foot in Cobham. It’s really nice of them. But it will take a while to get used to picking the blue shirt instead of the red one”, I try to joke. 
“And you have Mason too”, she says.
I look at Mason, who is staring at me with a big smile on his face. He’s loving this.
“Actually, he’s really annoying but thankfully I don’t play with him so I’ll be alright”.
The journalist thinks I’m joking and starts laughing. She’s joined by Mason, but I can tell how fake his laugh is. 
By the time we are done with the interview, I’m desperate to just leave. Today has been way too long. 
“Hey, wait”, I hear Mason say when I’m about to leave to get changed.
“That, exactly that”.
“You make zero sense once again, Mount”.
“Why do you always have to be like this with me?”, he asks, as if he didn’t know. “You’re so nice to everyone but so rude to me. Even during an interview”.
“You were rude to me first”.
“Are you 5?”, he says, rolling his eyes.
Instead of answering, I just leave. It’s impossible to reason with someone like him.
“We are leaving on Monday at 8 am. Please be on time. The boys will hopefully be there by then so we can leave”, tells us Emma, after explaining the trip we’ll be doing alongside the men’s team.
“Why do we have to be on time but for them it’s hoping they are on time?”, I say. I don’t like double standards.
“Oh, they’ve actually been told we leave at 7. That’s why we’re hopeful they’ll be there by the real leaving time”.
Literal children. And…a bonding trip? Why do we behave like it’s summer camp? I just want to train.
“Stop frowning”, says Fran.
“Tell me you also find this trip ridiculous. And if it’s bonding we need to do, why are the men there?”
“I don’t know. It’s always done like this”, she shrugs. “Just don’t make it too obvious how much you hate Mount so you two aren’t paired together for literally every activity”.
The look she gives me says it all. Of course, they’ve all noticed.
8.20 am on Monday and we’re all waiting for Mount and Havertz. What a surprise!
Well, actually Havertz being late is surprising. Aren’t Germans supposed to be very punctual? I guess it’s Mason’s bad influence.
“There they are”, I hear someone say and we all lift our eyes to see the car approaching. 
I just shake my head and roll my eyes. They are still taking their time leaving the car and approaching our bus.
“Hurry up, Mount!”, I tell him when he finally makes it to the bus.
“Good morning to you too, beautiful”.
“It’d be good if I didn’t have to spend it with you”.
The coaches are coming closer to us and I see Mason smiling at me as if he has just listened to the little demon on his shoulder.
“You want to sit with me on the plane? I don’t know. I usually sit with Kai but since we’re supposed to be bonding…”.
“What are you talking…”.
“Oh, that sounds brilliant”, says Potter. Should I tell him I’m a Slytherin?
“No, he’s joking”, I say with a fake laugh. “You know our Mounty. He’s a comedian. But he wants to sit with his bestie, of course. I’ll sit with one of the girls”.
“No no no”, says Mason, putting his arm around my shoulder and making me feel very uncomfortable. “I’ll do anything to make the new star of the team feel at home”.
Will they send me back to Arsenal if I punch him?
“You are going to spend the whole camp fighting, aren’t you?”, asks Pernille when we’re on the bus. But she doesn’t look annoyed. She looks amused.
“I’ll ignore him and hope he ignores me too”.
“I think he likes you”, she says.
“Well, even if he did”, which he doesn’t, “...not interested”.
Thankfully, the conversation is interrupted by others players asking if we want to play Uno to kill some time. And so that’s what we do.
Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Mason sitting next to Kai and looking at something on their iPad. They keep on laughing every couple of seconds. God knows what childish thing they are watching.
“Emma, honestly. I rather sit with the girls”.
I’m trying really hard to avoid sitting with Mason for two whole hours, but nothing I say is convincing her.
“It’s a bonding trip. If someone needs to bond, it’s you two”.
I guess they all have really noticed what’s going on. Great.
“Hello, travel buddy”.
I close my eyes and sigh when I hear his voice.
“I want a coffee”, I say.
“No one is stopping you from having one”, answers Mason, confused.
“Get me a coffee. If you want to sit next to me, get me a coffee. And a toastie. And a muffin. And maybe a smoothie. Check if they have any with blueberries”.
“You’re serious”.
“I don’t joke when muffins are involved, Mount”, I say, giving him a 20-pound note. “Get yourself some sweeties too”.
I can see him staring at the money in his hand and then he just leaves and walks to the nearest Starbucks. I actually can’t believe he’s going to buy me food. I was just trying to make him uncomfortable so he would leave me alone.
“We’re going to board now. You coming?”
But I don’t know whether I should wait for Mason or not. I can’t believe I feel bad about leaving him behind. 
“Here you go, bestie”, he says, passing me the cup of coffee and putting a bag on the floor next to me.
And because I don’t really know how I’m feeling right now but I do know he’s making me uncomfortable again, I just take the bag and start eating. Even though I’m not really hungry.
After taking a couple of bites of my toastie, I hear a weird noise. What was that?
And then I hear it again.
“Mount? Is that your stomach?”
“Eh…yeah. I didn’t have breakfast today”.
“Why didn’t you get something for you when you were at the coffee place?”
“I don’t know”, he shrugs.
“Here”, I tell him, cutting the toastie in half and giving him the bit I didn’t bite on.
“You don’t have to. It’s your breakfast”.
“I’m not even that hungry”.
“Then why did you make me buy all of that for you?”, he asks.
“I don’t know”, I say, shrugging and copying his expression from before, which makes him smile.
He takes the toastie and devours it in no time. He really was hungry.
So when I take the muffin, I do the same.
"You don't…".
"Just take it", I say, eating my half of the muffin quickly so I can get my Kindle out and do some reading.
Mason eats the muffin just as fast as he ate the toastie and starts to look at what I'm doing.
"What kind of iPad is that?", he asks, moving closer so he can read what's on my screen.
"It's not an iPad, it's a Kindle. You know? To read books".
"I don't read".
"I'm not surprised by that fact", I say under my breath.
"Maybe you can read to me so I fall asleep. You have such a soothing voice".
That makes me choke on the coffee I'm trying to finish.
"I have a what?"
My voice can be described by many adjectives but I don't think soothing is one most people will use.
"Yes", he says, feigning seriousness. "I love it. But I'm still wondering when it's that I like it better. When you call me an asshole or when you order me around?"
I have to turn around so he doesn't see my smile.
"I never called you an asshole", I say.
"You said it with your eyes".
"Oh yeah? Were my eyes soothing too?"
"No, they are just beautiful".
This…I don't know how to do this. Whatever this is.
"Well, I'll use them to read now".
And the conversation is over.
By the time we are about to land in Scotland, I've managed to make a lot of progress with my book. I love a good thriller.
And Mason…well, he did fall asleep. But didn't need me to read to him in order to do that. 
Every time I turned to look to the left, I saw his head getting closer to my shoulder. Until it found its destination. 
I couldn't help but look at him. He was definitely prettier when he was asleep. The less he talks, the better. 
"Sir, we are going to land", tells him a flight attendant and that finally wakes him up.
"Oh, yes. Sorry".
It's then he notices me.
"It's ok. At least you didn't drool".
He laughs and keeps staring at me. I'm not usually a fan of people doing that. And it's especially weirder when Mason does it. The way he looks at people is so…intense.
"You need to fasten your seatbelt", I say and turn to busy myself putting everything back in my bag.
When we reach the place we'll be staying at, I'm lost for words. It really is a camp.
"Is this a joke?", I ask, not being able to stop my shock.
"What? It's fun!", says Azpilicueta.
"I'm actually shocked that you primadonnas can stay in this type of place without throwing a tantrum. I love camping".
“You aren’t worried about Jason coming out of the woods to murder us all?”, laughs Fran.
“No, she’s got enough dealing with Mason. No need for a Jason”, jokes Kai, making everyone laugh.
Everyone but me. I just leave them there and go find my cabin. I’m tired and I want to get changed.
“Ignore them. They just love to always take the piss out of each other”, tells me Emma while she walks towards the cabin with me.
“Oh, I don’t care. I’ll just stay with the girls most of the time anyways, since Connor isn’t here”.
“Are you friends with him? I didn’t know”.
“I am. We actually met years ago and became quite close”.
I was actually hoping to be able to do a bit of catching up with him, but he’s nowhere to be seen.
“He’ll be here in a couple of days”.
“Really?”, I say, happy to know that. “I thought he was missing the whole camp because of his injury”.
“No, he’ll join you soon”.
Once we leave our cabins, I feel the need to explore right away. But the team is allowing some free time for everyone to settle here and no one wants to come with me. So I go by myself.
I don’t dare go inside the woods, since I’m not familiar with this place yet but I go around it, enjoying the stunning views. Wifi doesn’t seem to work well here, or at all, but the camera doesn’t need any Internet to take photos. So that’s what I do. The place is truly breathtaking.
While I’m focusing on getting the right angle for a photo, I notice something moving. Was that an animal? They didn’t tell us about dangerous animals being around but one can never be too sure.
But then the animal gets closer and I see it’s a very dangerous one. One called Mason Mount.
“Are you following me?”, I ask.
“You think too highly of yourself. Why would I follow you?”
“To murder me?”
“It’s should be me who worries”, he says, sitting next to me. “I don’t hate you. You hate me”.
“I don’t…hate you”.
“You do a pretty good hating me impersonation then”.
I sigh and shake my head. He just doesn’t get it.
“Mason. I just don’t like people like you. When we first met you were so arrogant. Every question we both got was answered by you. You ignored me completely”.
“I did?”, and when he turns to look at him, he seems genuinely confused.
“You don’t remember that day?”
“No, I do remember that day. But I didn’t ignore you. I was…intimidated by you”.
“I was intimidated by you”, I say, annoyed at the misunderstanding that took place.
“Then we are both stupid”.
“Yes, but you are more stupid than me”.
I get up to look at one of the trees in front of us. The leaves are so beautiful.
“Do you want me to take a picture of you?”, asks Mason.
“With the tree. I can take pretty good photos you know”.
I give him my phone and go back to the tree.
“Smile”, he says, and I do. “Look at you smiling at me. Miracles in Scotland!”
When we are walking back to the camp, I feel…strange. It’s nice to sort of have fixed things with Mason but it also confuses me. I’ve always felt conflicted by the mixed feelings I have whenever he is around. 
And even though our attitude has definitely changed, we still are paired together for every single activity, which doesn’t help.
We are taught how to shoot an arrow and I end up pretending I don’t already know how to do it. Mason, of course, thinks he already knows how to because he is Mason Mount and he knows how to do everything. But instead of being snarky, I let him think that. And I let him “teach” me because I guess it’s quite nice to have him so close to me.
When it rains, we are taken inside to do a painting class. And we have to paint a portrait of our partner. My one is actually pretty decent but Mason’s is…it’s a portrait. Of me? I’m not sure. The face he did doesn’t look particularly human but maybe he’s an abstract artist.
What I do know is that by the time I go back to my cabin, I have smudges of paint all over my chin from the times he touched it to move my face and get a better look at it. Judging by the final result, it wasn’t very helpful. But I also let him do it because I guess it was quite nice to feel his fingers caressing my face.
On day 2, we are finally going to the woods. I cannot wait!
Mason is my partner, again. And the girls won’t stop joking during breakfast about how friendly we looked yesterday. 
“Didn’t you want us to get on well? Well, I’m trying”.
“Yes”, says Fran, “you seem to be suffering a lot with the effort made”.
But I just ignore them and get ready for the day, making sure I have my camera with me. Today is going to be such a great day.
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eerna · 10 months
So was it any good? tbosas I mean
Well,,,,,,,,, kind of? I had fun, but also went in knowing they won't pay attention to what I loved about the book so my expectations were properly low. TBOSAS is my fav THG book so a different adaptation exists in my head
Non-spoilery: The movie is divided in parts like the book, but there is no rhyme or reason why, no dramatic breaks or changes like in the books. The Reaping isn't on July 4th because of course. Tom Blyth as Coriolanus was a surprise because I expected nothing from him other than looking sort of like old Snow. The movie naturally removed any and all nuance from his character and kept spelling out everything, but there were a few scenes where they let him yknow, act out how his character is supposed to feel, and it was really good! Rachel Zegler as Lucy Gray was more of a mixed bag - sometimes she was fantastic in selling the over-the-top dramatic flare, but other times (especially towards the beginning) it was just weird. I firmly believe this is because the movie didn't fully commit to Lucy Gray as a charming crowd director who keeps her heart hidden and instead made her a more honestly vulnerable girl. She dazzled in musical numbers, though, that girl is a performer through and through! Viola Davis was bad I am so sorry but I felt like I was watching a Disney Channel performance and it's entirely the movie's fault and not hers. Peter Dinklage was super good as Dean Highbottom, he makes him all sad and lost without being over-the-top. The rest of the cast was also good. I loved the sets and the costumes, very in-line with what I'd imagined. The night/dark scenes were so dark that subtitles felt like they were burning into my eyes, it was the absolute worst quality dark scenes I've ever seen in a big movie.
They removed Coriolanus' obsessive love for Lucy Gray and turned it sooo muted :(((( He didn't even want to kiss her before the Games! He didn't try to control her or feel jealousy or ANYTHING that could imply he might turn on her one day!! His emotional changes and impatience and politeness and selfish kindness are also all gone now. Sejanus and he aren't nearly as close as in the book, but there was this funny moment where the two of them had a more intense forehead touch moment than any Coriolanus shared with Lucy Gray and it made me chuckle. Tigris and Coriolanus were very very well done, I loved how she was always his first bestie!!! But I am sort of annoyed they turned it from "Tigris puts Coriolanus down for the way he treats others" to "Tigris is scared Coriolanus will become his dad". Lucy Gray's Reaping was absolutely horrible, she threw a singing fit instead of being a confident performer, so it makes no sense that she just flips a switch into untouchable after. Loved the snake charmer climax where everyone stands up for Lucy Gray and proves that Capitol needs a victor! It worked better for the movie than the book version, and the way the music exists as a meta instrumental scene where the score eventually catches up to her singing - THAT is how ALL her songs should have been treated!!! The way music worked was one of my biggest issues, sometimes they were totally off tonally from what their role was in the books (The Ballad of Lucy Gray Baird this is about YOU Maiah Wynne's version makes me sob to this day while the movie version is only saved by Rachel's passion) and only the snake song was properly utilized as a plot point. They were such good opportunities for exposition that is more subtle than just putting whatever is Coriolanus feeling in clunky dialogue. And the clunky dialogue WAS constantly used to make up for the amount of internal monologues, even if it made zero sense -at the end they literally had Lucy Gray say "Haha if you destroyed the guns and killed me you could go to District 2 no sweat hahahaha anyway I'll go get some potatoes bye" like what. In what world would she literally tell him that. She is supposed to be a smart survivor. They also put "it's things we love most" quote as the final line in the movie, and I can't describe what a stupid choice that was, because if it wasn't there the movie would go "Highbottom tells Coriolanus he won't be able to forget Lucy Gray-> Coriolanus' proud exit where he believes to be the victor as snow falls down -> Can't Catch Me Now end credits including the snow motif", which would have been SO much stronger since that song delivers the "Lucy Gray eventually caught up to Coriolanus" message and we don't get it spelled out like we're 5 years old. It's not the only part of the movie where references to the OG stick out like a sore thumb, and I am once again asking Why. Why don't you think your audience is smart enough to understand.
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enid-rhees · 8 months
this may not make any sense because I am horrible at explaining stuff but can you do dating head canons with rosita BUT where reader’s older sister absolutely hates rosita for some reason? Like headcanons where reader is dating Rosita but also having to manage the fact that her older sister hates her girlfriend? Sorry if that makes zero sense :(
Dating Rosita Espinosa… but Your Sister Hates Her (HDCNS)
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warnings: angst, family complications and all, a tinyyyy bit of nsfw [MINORS DNI]
a/n: tysm for your request, anon! and don’t worry, this makes perfect sense! i hope you enjoy 🫶🏻
TWD Masterlist
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you and Rosita are truly perfect for each other
she makes you so happy, and you do the same to her. you’re just each others fav person
your older sister absolutely hates her
you’re not exactly sure why, and Rosita has always just been as confused as you over it
your sister never really had a set reason, she just always said “there’s something about her i don’t like. i don’t trust her”
ultimately, you try it ignore it
you love Rosita and she has never done a single thing to hurt you
in fact, Rosita does everything she can just to prove exactly that
your entire family loves her, they’ve seen time and time again how Rosita cares for you
it’s just your sister, which sucks, considering that well… she’s your sister. you don’t understand why she can’t see that Rosita loves you
you can’t lie that it hurts
family dinners are always awkward, because while everyone is being nice and making conversations with Rosita, your sister starts being passive aggressive
but minus the passive a little
it’s very hard to deal with
your sister accuses you of choosing Rosita over her, but everyone is seriously on your side
it’s a bit funny really
like NO ONEEEE agrees with your sister
you purposely had really loud sex one day just to piss her off
but anyways
when Rosita isn’t around, a lot of fights have happened
it’s a lot of yelling, and you always end up crying afterwards while your sister storms out of the house
you call Rosita every time it happens and she rushes to your home and comforts you
and when your sister comes back, the tension is always so intense because she knows why Rosita is there, and Rosita knows why her girlfriend is feeling this way
there has been one really rare time where Rosita and your sister fought
and it was bad
you almost couldn’t take it, and yes, it almost caused you to break up because you didn’t want this to keep happening
but Rosita promised you it would never happen again, and she just got in the heat of the moment
you couldn’t lose her, so of course, you never broke up.
she’s your person, your safe place, your everything. you’re not losing her just bc your sister hates her
you don’t care what anyone thinks about your relationship, or Rosita, she makes you happy and that’s that.
Rosita is seriously just the best girlfriend you could’ve ever asked for
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words-with-wren · 5 months
@chrumblr-whumblr Day Two: Kneeling
It's been a WHILE since I sat down to watch a Fifth Doctor episode, but i HAVE been listening to some audio dramas so he came pretty easily. and fun. The plot makes absolutely no sense but it's 10pm and i've been out all day so. deal :D
Fandom: Doctor who (Fifth Doctor Era)
Word count: 1,271
It was surprisingly easy to tune out the droning monologue of the big bad leader in front of him. The Doctor stared at the smooth stone under his knees, noting with interest the grain of the tile. It wasn’t a material he recognised immediately, and the pattern of it was enough to draw his attention. 
Certainly a lot more than whatever that guy was talking out. Something about world domination and blowing everything up. The Doctor didn’t really think it was important, considering the task he had set Nyssa and Adric off to do. 
Hopefully they would be on time. It was getting rather uncomfortable kneeling on this cold, stone floor. And the blood on his head was starting to itch. 
He shifted, adjusting his weight on his legs and bracing himself with his hands on his knees. The monologue stopped momentarily. 
“Did I say you could move?” the man demanded, glaring down at the Doctor. Though man was being generous--really, he was an artificial echo. Fascinating technology on this planet; instead of simply mourning their old leaders, they would create artificial copies of them, so their wisdom and experience could be passed on. 
It was an interesting idea, and at first seemingly good. But sometimes those artificial echos got a little too big for their boots, and ended up forcing strangers just trying to be helpful onto their knees in front of them. 
There was also probably some ethical things to explore in there, but the Doctor figured it was better to save those when he wasn’t forced to his knees in front of whatever this program was. 
“Oh, I am sorry,” he said, bowing his head again. The ego on this program was impressive. Or was that just part of the initial personality? Knowing the dictatorial leader types he’d run into, it could easily be that one. “It’s just incredibly uncomfortable here, you know.” 
The creature in front of him apparently didn’t know. It launched right back into its monologue, and the Doctor found himself wishing he’d given Adric a shorter time frame. 
It was becoming increasingly difficult to stay upright, a fact that he was valiantly attempting to ignore. Head wounds could be tricky, and he was acutely aware he was sporting one currently. Not to mention the fatigue he was starting to experience. He’d been kneeling here for almost an hour. 
Something flickered in front of him, a faint blue light and he hid a grin. Finally. Thankfully they had remembered to activate the shield, he’d been a little worried about that. But he should know by now he could trust his younger friends. 
Not long now. He shut his eyes and counted, counting down from ten. 
At zero the world exploded exactly on time. 
The flickering blue shield in front of him kept the worst of the explosions away from the Doctor, but he still felt the wind whipping around him. Rubble and stone and bits of machinery shattered, the world exploring in sound and light. 
He squeezed his eyes, turning his head away from the center of the explosion--directly under the control panel of that strange, long dead artificial king. 
And then the world was silent. The shield dropped and he let out a long breath, collapsing forward and catching himself on his hands. For a moment, he just crouched there, finding it unreasonably difficult to breathe for a moment. 
The rubble was still settling, and he heard the world shift and crunch around him. If all had gone according to plan, the others would be waiting for him at the TARDIS. 
He blinked his eyes open, raising a hand to wipe blood and dust off his forehead. Suddenly, he felt like standing was beyond him--now he wasn’t in danger of being murdered for moving, he couldn't seem to find it in him to move. 
He felt strangely dizzy and for a moment he wondered if any of the stray bits of rubble had hit him. But the shield had done its job well--probably just exhaustion and bloodloss. Nothing a few hours in the TARDIS’ med bay wouldn’t fix. 
He just…needed to get there. 
“Come on, Doctor,” he muttered to himself. He still couldn’t quite convince himself to move. So he dropped fully to the ground instead, feeling his cheek press against the cold stone floor. 
The pattern hadn’t been damaged--it had been protected by the same shield that had protected him. There was something undeniably satisfying about that, though it was very difficult to properly analyse the pattern when his face was pressed up against it. 
Someone was calling his name. He tried to push himself up again, and managed it partially. Now he was back to kneeling, legs protesting loudly. He muttered at them to stop that. “Doctor!” 
It was Tegan, he realised. A moment latter, she appeared, scrambling over the rubble. He’d always been rather impressed at how much she got done in those heels. 
“There you are!” She half slid down the rubble that used to be the wall. Behind her, the Doctor noticed for the first time the landscape outside, rolling fields and a river making its way through. 
“Doctor? You alright?” Tegan was standing in front of him now, and the Doctor blinked up at her, still on his knees. Standing up seemed a bit beyond him right now. Give him a few minutes. 
“Hello, Tegan,” he muttered. “They timed it perfectly.” 
“Yeah, seems like they got it all sorted,” Tegan said. She frowned down at him. “They’re waiting back at the TARDIS.” 
“Yes well. Give me just a moment.” He shut his eyes again, the world spinning in front of him for a moment. Maybe that headwound was more serious than he had first thought. 
“You alright?” Tegan asked. 
“Oh, yes, quite alright.” 
“Yeah, you sure look it,” Tegan muttered sarcastically. “Come on.” She grabbed at his arm, and her warm touch roused the Doctor enough to make it to his feet. Tegan stepped back and he grinned at her. 
“See, perfectly alright.” 
He took a step forward and the world spun and twisted. Tegan caught him before he slammed into the ground, grabbing his arm and pulling it over her shoulder. 
“I can see that,” she said. “You are an idiot.” 
“Thanks,” the Doctor muttered. 
“I mean it,” Tegan said. She started walking, and with her help the Doctor managed to move his aching legs they way they were mostly supposed to be. It was very inconvenient when legs stopped working. Not recommended, really slowed down the day. 
“No real harm done,” he protested. Tegan snorted. She really was very good at snorting like that. 
“Have you seen yourself recently?” she asked mildly. 
“Usually I’m not in the habit of looking at myself. Seems a bit existential, you know.” 
Tegan sighed heavily, helping him scramble over the rubble. He was mostly able to keep himself moving, but was quietly very grateful for Tegan’s help. And that she had come back for him. 
“You look a right state,” Tegan said. “Blood and gore and everything.” 
“Doesn’t sound far off how I feel,” the Doctor admitted. He could finally make out the TARDIS, not far away, it’s comfortingly familiar blue standing out in the green fields and grey ruins. Nyssa was standing in the doorway, concern clear on her face. The Doctor didn’t exactly relish the quiet lecture he was anticipating from her. “Thank you,” he added to Tegan as she watched him carefully make his way out of the last of the rubble. 
Still swaying slightly, his legs stiff and sore, he followed her back home. 
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unbotheredalwyn · 5 months
I'm a natural blonde, blue-eyed and have bangs (also i love to braid my hair a lot). All the horrible people who i've met so far have called me "dumb blonde" at best and "hitler would love you" at worst (which makes zero sense since i'm slavic and he hated us but oh well) BUT the biggest insult anyone has ever told me was "you look like taylor swift" or them assuming i listen to her since i happen to look like her. Like bestie, i'm the biggest metal head you'll ever meet 😭
I LOVE THAT YOU LISTEN TO METAL because I am an absolute metal head (weird I know)
I'm sorry you had to go through that anon 🥺❤️
Also send me some recommendations
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