#sorry if this was tmi/too gross or personal
ms-th-brds · 1 year
being the eldest daughter sucks so fucking bad. I'm so over it. my brother is home sick and my dad spent a half hour lecturing me and telling me about how I need to check in with him and take care of him. I spent 20 minutes cleaning up my brother's vomit while he sat there and watched YouTube. my mom is fucking sleeping and no one woke her bc because no one can count on her to do shit, which means obviously the responsibility falls to me. I told my dad I didn't want to clean up my brothers vomit and he told me that as a grown woman this is my job. I complain about how my brother doesn't flush the toilet after he takes a shit, and my dad tells me that I'm worse for not shaving my armpits. what the fuck is this? how is this my life???
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lovebloods · 6 months
#hiding this in the tags bc it’s kind of embarrassing and i need to get it off my chest#and i could journal about it but i just want someone to see me#sorry for being cringe <333#but i don’t know what the hell i am like i don’t know if i’m even nonbinary anymore and that scares me like being nonbinary felt like coming#home after a long trip#and now i’m having all these thoughts about wanting to be a man? like near tears rn bc i want to be a guy but then when i think of actually#being a guy i freak out a bit#bc i like being seen as feminine too and i know that there are feminine men and they get treated so terribly#and i feel like all the men i see that i want to be like or look like are white! why don’t i see any black trans men like i feel so alone#and i’m scared to look/be openly trans bc there’s so much violence against people like us that it feels safer to just cosplay as a cis woman#even though i’m not#like i don’t want to be a boy but i want to be one and i absolutely don’t want to be a girl but i’d like to be seen as someone sometimes#it’s all very confusing#AND like i know i’m biromantic like im attracted to all genders and people#but im like? am i on the ace spectrum#bc i have a low sex drive am often sex repulsed and will sometimes ‘test’#myself to see if im sexually attracted to people and most of the time it’s like#it’s like meh not really but sometimes im like sure but that’s rarer and rarer these days?? and like. tmi here but i jerk off and enjoy it#so i can’t be asexual right?? i tried looking it up but the articles just confused me#but then i also am like with the right person if i had a connection to them i wouldn’t mind having sex with them! but like. then i think#about actually having to be in a relationship and i’m like gross no but i think that’s just relationship trauma and fear of being#vulnerable#and like i know i don’t HAVE to have a label on my gender or sexuality but for me personally it helps to know What i am#and and i love butches so so so much and if i’m a man how can i love butches? like#it’s all so confusing#i feel like i’m 14 and going through puberty again
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 month
The other thing that’s happening is I made a doctor’s appointment about my weird gross eczema because I can’t TAKE this anymore
#my betnovate that i am prescribed for my normal eczema does fuck all to it. just irritates and thins the skin#so what it is; i have ‘normal’ eczema which is just.. what you expect eczema to be. flaky red skin#the weird gross eczema is dyshidrotic eczema and steroid cream doesn’t help it AT ALL#and it’s SO itchy no matter what i do. i’m on prescription antihistamines and i also use eurax on it#but the bumps are so itchy and they’re all down my right middle finger#so what tends to happen is if i write too much or cook or knit or basically do anything with my hand; the friction eventually makes#the bumps BURST which is DISGUSTING AND GROSS AND BAD#i just end up with an open wound all down my finger basically#i put sudocrem and a bandage on my finger until it repairs itself and then the skin is fine for like 2 days and then the cycle begins anew#so it’s like. whenever i have a wound or bumps i can’t write; cook or knit#which is like. one thing i physically need to do in order to stay alive and 2 things i need to do in order to stay sane#i’ve cancelled commissions bc i can’t knit for people lol so it has actually made me miss out on (admittedly only a little) income#i can crochet and i can type. and i can eat fine. and i can cook if i don’t use utensils apart from like a spatula to take stuff#out of the oven. that’s the situation right now#so i’m going to the doctor but i’m SO worried they won’t take me seriously#i’m also worried the bumps will have burst by then and they won’t be able to tell what’s actually there#this whole thing is so gross and tmi i’m so sorry#i think i’m going to have to take a picture so i have something to show them in case there is an open wound on my finger on that day#you can’t even really SEE it though because the bumps are just the colour of my skin. you have to kind of feel it#it’s GROSS#personal
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booksandmore · 12 days
I’m sorry but CC only has herself to blame for making TMI known as “the incest books” in all of the reading communities outside of TSC fandom.
She herself ruined TMI becoming as big as it could’ve been & TSC in general by putting incest in all 6 books of TMI…That’s why no one posts about it on Booktwt or Booktok..
There’s no point in being upset at readers judging TMI for having incest in it when that’s a valid criticism.. Clace kissed multiple times for three books all while not being officially sure whether or not they were related or not..then CC got petty & doubled down on the incest after being criticized for it already & had Clary kiss her biological brother in book three after people already hated it with Clace in the first two books.
Clary’s brother almost rapes her in book five and tries kissing her in the last book. TSC is not GOT where it gets a pass. Non TSC stans really want a LI calling his girlfriend’s Dad his own Dad 💀 Jace was calling Clary’s brother his brother while being romantically involved with Clary. Just because he was adopted by Valentine as a kid didn’t make it normal for Cassie to have Jace call himself a Morgenstern or to call his girlfriend’s brother his own brother.
TMI hate = CC’s own fault.. any TMI stan bitterness should be directed at her own questionable writing choices. Sorry but seeing TMI stans hating that TMI is judged for this all when it’s the authors own fault is weird yk? It’s been too long, Cassie understands why TMI gets hate. As a TMI stan it makes me upset that she dragged the incest on the entire series because I can’t proudly ever talk about Clace, Seb or TMI as a whole because she got weird with the writing in that series on purpose to spite people who criticized the incest in Books 1-2. It was petty for her to drag on incest for that long knowing people hated it..It’s her fault.
I’m tired of people outside of the fandom being judged for not liking the incest for Clary with two Mmc’s when..it’s valid not to like or be comfortable with. TMI stans always having to make excuses for her too is even sadder bc it’s not our fault or other readers’ it’s the authors fault for putting that in a fun YA series that didn’t need incest AT ALL. That’s probably why the show was a flop and the movie, no one could take the series seriously with that arc for Clary with Jace and her brother Sebastian..
no yes i totally get it!! it is frusterating to see tmi get dismissed but im not gonna force anyone to do anything they dont like. it’s valid to not want to interact with something cause it grosses you out, i’ve definitly done that before as well. we all have our limits and that’s okay!! that said feel free to ignore the rest of this i just wanted to explain my thoughts more thoroughly but it got a bit long😭you might not like anon sorry
first of, i do admit it’s been a while since my reread and also, i haven’t touched the other series since i first read them so i can really only speak for tmi rn, and if i get anything wrong that’s on me
i should probably clarify that my original posts were create because i was just so baffled that people were sayong cc has some kind of incest kink and that’s why she was forcing it into her books. like?? an author choosing to engage with darker taboo topics doesn’t mean they’re into it im pretty sure. its not like i know her personally, but if she had a kink i sort of suspect it would show up in the rest of her books yk? is it really that hard to imagine that she’d include it for a reason?😭
for me, maybe because i’m used to books like the secre t history or older classics, i tend to look past the taboo of it and focus on what it does for the story/reveals about charchterization, if that makes sense?
i think that tmi is very much about family, and sebastian having these fucked up views about family (where he mistakes romantic love for familial love) really goes to show how horrible valentine was as a father, and how terribly he was treated and how desperate he was for love. i think he doesnt know what it means to be loved by family and that’s why he substitutes it with something else. cause i think that deep down inside he does have a normal brotherly love for clary, its just that he doesnt know any other way to show that
for me the incest thing is a plot device and it frusterates me how no one wants to engage with it that way. could it have been done differently? probabaly. but they don’t even try to examining why it’s there at all! they don’t bother analyzing or asking, hey, does the author have any particular reason for putting this here, or writing it the way she did? they just dismiss it as gross and go away. but i really do think it has a purpose and point in the story that gets lost on a lot of people
the thing is, it’s meant to be uncomfortable! it’s meant to be gross! it should weird you out!! i doubt cc meant it to be viewed positively, especially when neither the charchters nor the narrative does. it’s meant to show how badly these adults and this society have fucked up these children, and robbed them of being able to love freely and safely yk?
most of my frusteration really just comes from how puritanical fandom has been. you can choose not to engage with something if it grosses you out, that’s fine and valid and we’ve all done that before. but looking down on someone for wanting to engage with it objectively is??? i think it’s just etiquette to not engage with what you don’t like. block the tag. curate your own experience. that kinda stuff
again anon if you chose to read this anyway i really do respect and understand what you’re saying. i’m really sorry if i came across as mean or rude but like. i really really love tmi and i cannot tolerate it being dismissed like that
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sdvshanewife · 2 months
I literally avoid TikTok because of their opinions on Shane. They have such this warped sense of depression that’s kinda terrifying; gives me tumblr 2013 vibes where a lot of people were just saying shit like ‘uwu such a depressed wil baby bean uwu’ (I mean it’s still like that now but I feel like it was worse before), that when they see the ‘grosser’ side of depression they don’t know how to comprehend it.
Depression isn’t just ‘feeling a bit down’, it’s a serious mental illness that can and has killed people before. Shane himself literally shows suicidal ideation during his cutscenes.
If he barely finds reason to want to stay alive, where the hell would he be able to find the motivation to clean his floor, or fix the holes in his jacket.
Shane cannot be fixed, he can only heal, but like a broken vase glued back together, the cracks will always remain - and that’s not a bad thing.
He will still drink, he never claimed he was stopping, but he cuts back and it shows - that alone is a good step. He has dialogue explaining his mood will get ‘weird’ and he’ll seem cranky because depression can and does fluctuate between good and bad.
You cannot just fix him with a hug and a pat on the head. Depression doesn’t work like that. It’s not an ‘uwu soft bean’ illness, it’s serious. And I hope many of the people that do hold this mentality towards Shane are simply young, and therefore don’t fully grasp the situation because it means they can learn.
You can’t fix people, and you should never form any form of relationship under the guise of ‘fixing someone’. You care people for who they are, including flaws, and you act as the rock they need to ground and support them when they hit their lows.
I hope these people that talk about Shane this way never interact with someone depression, because I honestly think they will cause so much harm than good.
I guess that’s a lot of rambling to say: depression is awful and manifests in many ways, including symptoms that may come across as ‘gross’, but that doesn’t take away from the seriousness of it. Shane is one of the best depictions of depression in media I have seen, and while I’m not saying you have to like this character, the lack of empathy is concerning - even more when concerned to Hayley who is a completely different character to Shane. And if you do have this TikTok mentality, please learn more about depression and how awful it gets. It kills, and your comments and understanding of it, projected onto Shane, are the sort of things that will make people suffering with depression feel far worse - I know from experience as a depressed person who is very similar to Shane in many aspects (just not the alcohol part, just an unhealthy relationship with food, TMI), and has had people say this shit to me because I didn’t want to leave my room cause I was too busy using whatever energy I had to not end my life.
Sorry for the ending I know this got sad fast.
But yeah, hate TikTok, please learn how depression works, and leave Shane alone.
- mistresskezzie (sideblog hence on anon)
you said it all
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graceblackthron · 3 months
What is your unpopular shadowhunter opinions 👁️👁️
okay let’s get to this *cracks knuckles*
i think clary and simon being parabatai kinda ruined for me. one thing i appreciated is that their friendship hadn’t need a magical rune binding them forever to be the kind of codependent best friends they are. their friendship was the core of tmi and it was so beautiful the sacrifices and how far they would go for each other that for me it was like a proof that you do not need to be parabatai to reach that level of love and connection with each other. them not needing a parabatai bond was the point, so when they became parabatais i was like meh. and their friendship lost their uniqueness.
thule. i hate everything related to it! it’s one of the reasons i still hate qoaad so much. it feels so unnecessary and forced. i know other dimensions concept has been introduced since tmi and it fits the whole fantasy stuff so i never minded that but parallel world? now you’re just pushing it. and the whole dystopian world we are shown in thule is so unserious to me. janus plot feels stupid as fuck and also this is one of the reasons i can’t care for ash like seriously the whole thing is just so dumb.
i never liked wessa individually sorry. only scenarios i can like wessa is in herongraystairs. which is not the case with jessa and heronstairs because i love both relationships individually and together as poly. but yeah wessa has never been my cup of tea
but this is not new actually. i’m not a fan of cc’s main couples ever. i have always preferred the side couples (but not always) or queer fanon ones, they always feel more natural whereas with the main couples i can’t help but feel like cc is trying too hard to tell the audience how perfect for each other they are instead of letting us see it for ourselves. i think kitty is the only main couple i’m actually seriously invested and i think it’s because they started as a side couple first.
i know everyone loves novellas about their favorite characters but i wish we had novellas from characters that aren’t already main/secondary characters in the sagas. like i wish we could get a novella about jonathan shadowhunter or just characters that are mentioned but not already shown.
people will call me bias but grace is truly by far one of the best characters in tsc (i would even dare to say her best female character at all) and i think a big part is because she wasn’t tied to a romance
which leads me to this point. i don’t think romance necessarily strips characters of their own individuals arcs (because there’s big exceptions: magnus. jem. jessamine. simon. to name a few) but a lot of the time, especially with main couples, the characters do end up feeling very reduced to romance only and it’s quite annoying.
i really wish julian had became a villain sorry that was such a wasted opportunity.
tessa and her powers feel so underutilized when she’s canonically one of the most powerful characters in the verse.
the parabatai to lovers trope should’ve been given to a mlm or wlw ship. listen the implications it would’ve had!! the metaphors and allegories for homophobia through the whole forbidden love punished by law. how you’re allowed to be the closest and have the deepest bond but also aren’t allowed to be romantic because it would be viewed gross (that talk between emma and sarah) and a perversion of the parabatai bond. THE POTENTIAL WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF CC!!!! i hope one day she tries or makes a novella about queer parabatais because it’s such an opportunity icb she fumbled it. idm if they die either because it would make it more tragic and i love that
i don’t want magnus or tessa to lose their immortality. personally i love the tragedy immortal x mortal romance brings and i think immortality in general is such a sad but at the same time beautiful concept, it brings the questions “is it worthy to love if it brings you pain later?” and for me the answer will always be yes. so i ate it up.
for the sake of my sanity i need that theory of dead shadowhunters coming back to life in twp to be FALSE. i’m sorry i can’t do it it sounds too much like a wattpad fix it fic. i don’t want it!
there’s honestly a lot more these are the ones i could remember as for right now so i apologize but yes, i have a lot
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iambic-stan · 3 months
River View
I think I'm ready to share my second Tori and Elena story! This one was also like therapy to write...and there might be a little more info-dumping. But I hope it speaks to someone.
"That was really an alligator!" I exclaimed.  Not that I'd never seen one.  But I couldn't tell you the last time I did.  It was just lying on a log, sunbathing, I guess, and the scales made it look like a dinosaur from a children's book.  I'd lived here all my life but it still looked out of place somehow.  I rolled down the window for a better view and craned my neck to keep staring as the car whizzed past.  "Do you see stuff like that out here all the time?" I asked incredulously.
"Not every time I come," Elena replied.  "I still get excited every single time I spot one.  We're almost to the parking lot."  She turned down a narrow dirt road with dense foliage.  Deer flies whacked against the car, and I made little shrieking noises at the sight and sound of them.  
"Don't worry--I've got spray that'll deter them," she assured me, pulling into a parking spot.  There were several other cars, so we weren't the only hikers for the afternoon.
"I'm so glad you didn't want to get up early," I sighed.  "I had THE WORST cramps ever," I looked over at her and then it dawned on me that this might be TMI.  "Sorry--I forgot for a moment," I said, smiling awkwardly.
"Nothing to be sorry about," she said, pulling up the parking brake and the key out of the ignition.  She stared straight ahead, avoiding eye contact as she often did.  "I get periods, too, basically.  No blood, but for me the cramps are horrible, my breasts get sore, food starts to look gross, and the littlest things seem like disasters suddenly."  
"Wow, I relate to most of that, actually," I told her.  I didn't realize Elena was trans for months; finding out did make some pieces fall into place in my head.  Her insecurities seemed magnified in the hostile culture of the South where anything different is perceived as an immoral deviance--even drag queen storytime was some kind of battleground.  As a lesbian, I didn't always feel safe, and I knew she didn't, either.  I could understand why she sometimes seemed closed off, though she was starting to come around.
"I brought Alex because I really wanted to listen.  To be listened to," she said in a stilted voice, like she was reading cue cards. "And I thought that you wouldn't want to after we got all sweaty, so maybe like, now?  In the car?"
'Alex' was Elena's stethoscope, which I'd only found out about because we were both drunk enough.  If she hadn't been, I'm not sure how long it would've taken her to tell me about this interest of hers.  Most times we got together, we listened to each other's hearts, and though it was really only a novelty for me, I readily agreed to participate again and again.  The way she sometimes lit up when I listened was unmatched by most every other sort of way I've made someone happy.  It felt good to be so needed.  I loved having a go-to person for cuddles and hugs, especially when I was single, which was most of the time lately.  She was beautiful, with long black hair, blue eyes, and a petite body, but the boundaries didn't feel blurred because I knew she was asexual.  I admit that I didn't really know what all that meant, and I found myself thinking of her often when we weren't together, wondering (worrying?) if my feelings were truly platonic.
She pulled Alex out of her hiking backpack, and I took hold of the ear tubes.   We'd done this many times, but it still seemed a little strange to wear the stethoscope and place it on her chest.  "Girl, it's beating fast.  It usually is when I listen," I told her.  And that was an unparalleled sort of experience, even for someone like me who never would've thought to do something like this unprompted.  Placing a stethoscope on her chest and discovering that her heart was beating fast all because she was excited that I was listening to it gave me a little thrill.  She always smiled and looked gravely serious when I told her it was so fast.  Her chest moved under my hand with every breath--an unexpectedly intimate part of this activity, and I watched it quietly for a few seconds.  
"Thank you, Tori," she breathed.  
"You don't have to thank me; I'm happy to do it," I insisted, pulling down the collar of my nylon top so she could have better access to my chest.
The sight of her wearing the ear pieces and the feeling of her putting the stethoscope on my chest were becoming familiar. I used to associate that feeling only with having to see a doctor, and never a pleasurable or even positive experience.  "Yours is slower," she told me.  "And steady. No skips."  She reached for my hand with hers that wasn't holding the chest piece, and I squeezed it.  This was becoming my new normal, I supposed, and in some moments it felt like home.  When she put Alex away again, she seemed so intense--her eyes wide and her face fixed into a frown that implied great concentration and...some level of shame, almost?  She looked away and I wondered if she was embarrassed to be so vulnerable.  I leaned over in the seat and put my head on her shoulder, hoping I conveyed that it was more than ok to feel so much and so openly with me.
When we stepped out of the car, she promptly doused me in bug spray, then did the same to herself.  It seemed to work because the flies hovered around us but didn't try to bite.  They still made me uncomfortable, but I was trying to be a good sport about this.  She had suggested so many times over the past year that we should go on a hike together--nothing crazy, mind you--it would be all swampy flat land, less than two hours from home and would take no longer than half a day, she assured me. And we could get some local seafood afterward.  The weather was just right for me to agree to it.
"How many miles are we talking?  Go easy on me, babe," I said teasingly.  
"We can take the Cypress Trail, which is a 2-mile loop.  It connects to the River View Trail, which has an overlook that's not super impressive but it's only like another half mile to it.  Half of it is boardwalks.  And then if we want to go deeper into the woods-" 
"I'm gonna stop you there," I said, with a smile so it didn't seem too rude.  "Those two trails sound like enough for me."
"Fair enough," she said.  And then, after a pause to look at my face, "I'm so excited you're with me!" She jumped up and down a few times.  It felt infectious, and a warm, cozy feeling welled up in my chest.  
"I'm glad we could make it work," I told her, side-eyeing what looked like a horse fly hovering a little too close by.
The first mile or so was uneventful, in a good way.  We passed a couple that pointed out a barred owl looking down at us from a tall bald cypress, seeming almost to pose for photos.  I screeched when I noticed a snake curled up on the side of the boardwalk, and Elena protectively took my hand to indicate that I shouldn't get too close.  When we were both at a safe distance, she told me it was a copperhead and pointed out the Hershey-kiss pattern on its body.  I had to admit that it was beautiful even though I try my best not to wind up in the vicinity of venomous snakes.  The cypress knees, spider lilies, and even the algae film on the water were vibes. I liked that we were far enough from the highway that I could hear bird calls instead of passing cars.  It was so peaceful.
I was a few paces behind Elena when I heard her squeal with glee.  "What is it?" I asked, jogging to her.
She turned to me, her hands closed over something, then opened them up to reveal a large black and white beetle.  Instinctively, I jumped backward and almost tripped over a stick.  She seemed oblivious.  "It's an Eastern Eyed Click Beetle," she said with wonder.  "I love their big eyes."  I stood a few feet away and watched in horror as she allowed the beetle to crawl all over her hand and arm.  She snapped a few pictures with her phone.  "I'm so excited that I found one today!"  After a few more seconds of admiring it, she placed it on a tree trunk.  I couldn't remember when I last thought something was so endearing and yet so revolting at the same time.
She looked up at me, grinning like she'd won the lottery.  Over a bug.  "So um, you're not a fan of bugs, I know," she allowed.  "I got kind of carried away and I guess you've never seen me like that.  Hope it wasn't too disturbing.  Tell me more about what animals you really like."
I let out a chuckle.  "It wasn't disturbing," I said.  "But uh, you can have the bugs. Well, I love Mollie, for one."  Mollie was Elena's chonky daschund.  "We had a couple of great danes when I was growing up.  Don't laugh, but we had one named Scooby.  I loved him so much.  We got him when I was 6 and he passed when I was in high school.  I love turtles--especially the soft shelled ones.  So cute.  One time my girlfriend and I went to D.C. on vacation and there were these giant pandas at the zoo--Mei Ziang and Tian Tian.  I was obsessed with them.  I couldn't but wanted so much to hug them. I could sit and watch them for hours.  I actually went back by myself a couple of years ago--not long before I met you, to see them again.  They live in China now, though.  But I'd love to go somewhere else with giant pandas."
We talked for a while about what animals we'd seen in person, in the wild or zoos, aquariums, or refuges, and I wondered why we hadn't made any of those trips together.  We made tentative plans to take a day trip to an aquarium in Texas with capybara and porcupine encounters and before I knew it, we'd made it to the second trail, the one that was supposed to feature the underwhelming view.
I let Elena go ahead of me and watched her gait.  There was this confidence in her step that I rarely got to see.  The boardwalk had ended three quarters of a mile before, and the trail narrowed.  The flies were closer, but we'd re-sprayed twice to be cautious and I was mostly, happily, bite-free.  I liked allowing her to walk ahead of me, because she caught all the spiderwebs I couldn't see.  She accidentally ran into one of them and one of those banana spiders fell down onto her shoulder.  I screamed in panic, but she brushed it off like it was nothing and kept walking.  
"The river's just up ahead, but you have to crouch down into this space here, then follow the path a few more feet," she told me. I followed those instructions even though she didn't realize that crouching down was one thing for her, being less than five and a half feet tall, and another thing for my almost 6-foot tall stocky body.  But I managed it with only a twig or two in my hair, and was rewarded with a solid, if not fancy, place to sit--a wooden fishing pier.
Elena pulled two chocolate chip granola bars out of her bag, said, "Here, Tor," and handed me one.  
"Where did 'Tor,'" come from," I asked in an unintentionally loud voice.  "I feel illegal now."  I laughed at what might have been the worst joke I'd ever made.
She turned beet red and busted out a laugh.  "I have no idea," she said, "It just came out.  We can never speak of it again if you want."
I shook my head and sighed, taking a few gulps of water from my flask.  I was glad to be sitting, but I didn't think I could metaphorically sit on things the way Elena did.
"It's actually not underwhelming at all," I said, scanning the horizon.
"Glad you wound up liking it.  I kinda hoped that if I undersold it, reverse psychology just might work."
Undersell it she did.  The water was a murky brown, but the mostly-undisturbed natural area was otherwise clean, with purple and yellow wildflowers growing in abundance on the banks.  I smiled at the log below us with six turtles lined up, end-to-end, enjoying the sunshine as we were.  I tried to let my racing thoughts blend into the rushing of the river and just breathe in the fresh air.  My heart was pounding.  It was something I used to either ignore or get anxious about, but with her, I thought of it a little differently.  "Hey, do you want to feel my heartbeat?" I asked her.  
"Of course," she said, wasting no time turning to place her hand flat on my chest.  "Oh, wow! Why is it so fast?"
"Did you know that in 'Wildest Dreams' on 1989, there's an interpolation of Taylor's actual heartbeat, like throughout the song?" I said, not knowing why I took so long to share this detail.
"No!  I did not!  Is that my Taylor Swift Tidbit of the day?  Thanks," she grinned.
"Yes I thought you'd be into that one."
"Oh yeah that'll do it."
"So, um, you told me you're asexual a long time ago, but I admit I don't know much about that.  You never dated, like, not even in high school or college?" I asked.
"No, I never did.  I was still pretty good at scaring people away with the intensity of my feelings, 'cause that's just me.  I was misunderstood quite a lot.  I never wanted to have sex, so I always thought dating would be a waste of time.  As soon as the person found out I didn't care about sex, I was sure that would be the end of it.  Pretty sure I'm aro too."
"What's 'aro'?" I asked.
"Aromantic.  I don't really get romantic feelings for people.  I can love them fiercely, but I don't want to like, kiss them or have them all to myself or think about buying a house with them.  I guess you could say I get 'butterflies' when it comes to thinking about sharing my heart thing with someone, but it's just...not like they describe romantic feelings in novels.  Or the movies.  Or by, like, the standards of anyone who's ever told me about their crushes or boyfriends or whatever.  In ace culture, sometimes we say we have a 'mesh' or a 'squish,'" she explained. 
I let out a laugh, but not in a derisive way, I hoped.  "What does that mean?"
"Squishes are romantic crushes with no sexual attraction.  Sometimes I get those on celebrities, I think, but not so much in real life.  Meshes are like crushes with no sexual or romantic attraction. Like you have a strong desire to be close to someone.  Sometimes it's just that you want to be emotionally open to them in a way you would be with a partner, except the two of you aren't dating.  Maybe you're affectionate in a way that blurs the lines between friendship and romance from an outside perspective, even though you don't have romantic feelings for each other.  'Alterous' is kind of an umbrella term for platonic feelings that are tough to define.  Sometimes your feelings sit somewhere between the traditional boundaries of friendship and romance.  It's also kind of dependent on societal norms because we have a narrow view of friendship in our culture, you know?  A lot of times I feel like my feelings for people I want to share my heart thing with are kinda alterous.  At this point in my life, being over 30, I think if I was gonna have real romantic feelings, I would've experienced them by now.  I've certainly met people who were wonderful enough, attractive enough, and all that."
I tried to take all of this in, sure I would forget one or more of these words by the end of the conversation.  "So the...alterous feelings...that's just something that asexual people experience?" I asked.
"Oh, not at all.  I think it's a very common human experience, but most people think of relationships in simpler terms.  And they don't use words for all these things.  They fall in love and get married, spend less time with their friends as a result, etc.  Not being concerned with sex, and in some cases romance, too, ace people spend a lot more time analyzing platonic type relationships, sometimes to a fault," she laughed.  "For some ace people, a friendship will be the most intimate relationship they'll ever have.  There are just so many different ways to love," She smiled at me and we actually held eye contact for a few seconds.  "Thanks for letting me ramble."
"It's ok. I've pretty much never really thought about it," I admitted.  I didn't know how to put it into words yet, but I felt more at peace.  Maybe there never was anything to worry about.  If Elena's hand had still rested on my chest, she would've noticed that my heart was more relaxed.
I watched and listened to the water, then reached over and put my arm around her.  "I love you," I said softly.
"Aw, I love you, too, Tori."
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im-out-of-it · 2 months
Don’t get me started on Gracetopher..
KIT GETS WITH HIS FIRST COUSINS JAMES’ EX GF GRACE WHO…LITERALLY SEXUALLY ASSAULTED HIM WITH KISSES WHILE DATING HIM UNDER A LOVE SPELL! Adoption incest between Gracetopher aside HE BETRAYED HIS COUSIN by sneaking around in secret with and falling for the ex he knows put James through shit for YEARS. James and Grace dating under the facade of that spell for FIVE FREAKING YEARS. Not just a week or months Kit!
It made me care alot less about Kit dying I’m sorry. I know that’s wrong! but I guess I wouldn’t want that to happen to me IRL so I project those feelings in defense of James. Idc it’s still shitty. Imagine your cousin gets with your ex in secret …Screw #Gracetopher shippers especially if they ignore what Grace did to James and only blame Tatiana for HER daughter’s actions, she manipulated her but she gave into it instead of seeking help eventually.
Then had the nerve to defend Grace IN FRONT OF JAMES LATER. When asked how he knew so much about Grace? He LIED to James Thomas and Matthew and says “Errmm Idk” Like grow up and be honest to him instead of trying to seem innocent. James was kinder about that than Kit deserved, he was clearly crushing on his cousins ex even after James told him what she did to James. Gross
honestly all of this is super valid and to me, it’s completely out of Christopher’s character. and this is part of how CC managed to destroy his character. he’s the quirky, intelligent, scientific one. SO TELL ME WHY CC DID THIS
I feel like it’s kind of pushed under the rug what grace did and the affect it had. I personally don’t care about the whole bracelet debacle like I thought too much time was spent on it, but I also think it could have been written better. I don’t even like James but that whole thing was insane. he was being essentially controlled- emotionally and sexually abused for a big and important part of his childhood
I also think it’s weird that CC has found a way to include incest in all her stories. twice in TMI, a reference of Tessa kissing her brother (ew why), grace and Christopher ARE RELATED, and I’m pretty sure that kit and Ty are distantly related. it’s so fucking weird and she’s made it this fucked fetish habit and its clearly a pattern.
but that aside, the whole relationship did not need to happen. Christopher should never tried to make grace some kind of victim. I know what it’s like to be under a toxic mother and what it feels like to want her love (not to that extreme because wtf) but grace could’ve sought help elsewhere. Gideon and Gabriel have been nothing but supportive and would have welcomed her in. so trying to defend her actions was always wild to me
so YES YES YES to everything you said. it definitely goes unnoticed. I love Christopher and it was sad for me to see his character drastically change for one, see him die, have Thomas go through that, and not be properly grieved by his family. it was so badly written and it was atrociously lazy. CC seriously made it seem that she didn’t care about this series
and all aside (I’m sorry for ranting 😭), it’s not right to see a friend go through all that and then try to date that person/abuser. CC cannot handle rough and serious topics and it shows in my opinion
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spaghetticat3899 · 2 months
Hello! 17, 18, 40?
Hello, hello!
17. Three things that make me happy:
Cats. I love cats a lot, and being able to see or be in the presence of one makes me very happy.
Talking about my characters/art/worlds/etc. I get stupidly giddy whenever someone is interested in that stuff, I’ll go on for hours and hours of nervous prattling about the hows and whys of each detail.
Being able to make someone happy. It’s cheesy, I know, but sometimes hearing that I helped someone have a better day makes me overjoyed. Sometimes you get in your head too much, and someone saying that you did something good is just nice to hear.
18. I’m not a believer in ghosts, but I do believe we aren’t the only organisms in the universe. I want to be able to see the first discovery of alien lifeforms in my lifetime. I want to see how they look, how they sound, how they work, etc. All these spec-evo projects exist, will they be validated?
40. Bad habits? Might be TMI/gross, but I pick at myself all the time. It’s not a conscious thing I seek out, it’s just my hands seeking stimuli. I also have a bad habit of staying up late and chugging caffeine the next morning, sometimes to the point I can feel my own pulse. Another is something a bit more personal, but sacrificing my own feelings for the sake of pleasing others. Don’t do this, it’s unhealthy. There’s a difference between wanting someone to be happy and being a doormat. I’m working on this one, luckily. I’m trying to stick up for myself more.
Thank you for asking stuff! Sorry if this was a lot more words than expected, I explain stuff a lot, heh.
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sideplug · 2 years
heya! my name's Korbs. this is my valveplug sideblog (hence the portmanteau of "sideblog" and "valveplug", I know, I'm brilliant). Main account is WurryKorbis, but I'm making this one to spam as much of this shit as I can.
I'm a big fujoshi with a big piss k&nk. Anything I make will be tagged accordingly to make this blog safe for non-k&nksters to view. still, if anything I make bothers you, feel free to hard block me, just don't make it my problem. That helps nobody.
Use whatever pronouns you want, but they/them are my primary ones.
tags I'll use are under the cut
Everything valveplug-related will be tagged that by default, but in the case that I miss something, either tell me, or just block me and move on.
Character names WILL be tagged uncensored, so will transformers, but the máccàdam tag will not be used here.
(Sorry in advance for the stupid censorship, I don't want to get banned.)
#riding - self-explanatory
#cunni - cunn¡l¡ngüs
#blowo - blòwójobs
#oil - the beloved p¡ss k&nk (#omo or #omorashi may also be used, as well as #uro or #wet)
#ropes - bond&ge
#tied - knõtt¡ng
#bread - breèd¡ng k¡nk
#filled - usually gonna be cvm ¡nflatíïon
#belly - chüb
#size difference - size difference between characters
#presenting - characters showing themselves off
#tmi/#personal/#korbs rambles - my personal tags. may or may not add all of these to a post. will probably add "tmi" or "personal" if it's on the more personal (or gross) side of things. just know that I am unhinged. #korbs rambles is more just anything where I post about my daily life and stuff like that
I will never reblog anything with kn¡feplay, needles, med¡cal play, sc&t, or any sort of drügs, with the exception of alcohol (high-grade) usage. Needless to say, I have no interest in any illegal stuff, either.
Please tag drug usage for me as it is a massive trigger, regardless of whether or not more severe substance abuse is at play.
Send an ask if you want me to add anything to this tag list, or if I mistagged something.
Here's my kinklist! Take a look at it before asking me anything. I'm into a bunch of other weird shit too, so feel free to hit me up if you have any questions that weren't covered on here.
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sorry to overshare and i know its probably tmi but damn i need to rant
so i just had the worst fucking gynecology visit like im in legit disbelief over this doctor. he was SO rude and absolutely tactless, if i had met this man in any other circumstance i wouldve jumped his ass fr. my dad has bullied me over literally everything my entire life so im not. upset or offended by his remarks (tho a normal person would) but i am baffled
but the kicker is. turns out i have PCOS and THIS MAN DIDNT EVEN MENTION IT DURING THE VISIT. like AT ALL. he just kept telling me im fine i just need to lose weight, the entire visit was him going. you need to lose weight, you need to lose weight, why do u think ur not losing weight, ur eating too much.
i had to read i have pcos from the fucking report file, he didnt tell me i have it in person, he didn't explain what it is just that "u have some small problems but theyll go away if u lose weight" LIKE WHAT?????
i didnt feel safe at all so i didnt even mention i have a gf and i am sexually active bc like. this is a man who BTW started insulting me and pretty much calling me stupid for using an app to keep track of my period. IMAGINE TELLING THIS MAN IM GAY. so i lied which i know i shouldnt have but i was rlly uncomfortable so i just said "i havent had relations with men" and he started making some WEIRD AND GROSS AND UNCOMFORTABLE comments like how i am """ready""" for a man. im. i cant fucking believe this
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smurphyse · 2 years
ok this might be tmi but I feel like you’re like a big sister kind of person so here goes nothing: what r ur thoughts on like shaving down there etc for a guy ? I feel like I’d want to do that before we get intimate but if it’s bare it looks weird (omgg what am I saying) but I don’t want it to be bushy either and omg I’m sorry wtfff I’m just so overwhelmed lol
Ohhh this warms my heart🥺 ill be all of your guys big sister!!!! We'll start calling questions like these "big sister corner"!!💕💕 (I'm genderqueer but not picky about pronouns so go wild)
If you want to shave, by all means go ahead. I personally am not a fan of shaving and it growing out and getting itchy and I'm sensitive so I'll get ingrown hairs and it just sucks.
They make really great trimmers. I have a double sided one by Schick that I use to trim. I personally wouldn't even trim... but it gets uncomfortable in your underwear if it gets too long and i wear really tight pants.
My personal philosophy has always been, "I'm not 13 so I'm not going to have a bare pussy". Any man that is grossed out by hair isn't a man you wanna waste your time on. It's as natural to your body as it is his, and there's a reason you have it. Hair protects you!! It's the same reason you grow leg hair and eyebrows. Bodies don't just decide to grow hair just to be a bother.
If you want to shave, just exfoliate and make sure you're taking care of your skin. They make vaginal specific shaving stuff so you don't have to be super uncomfortable every time you shave.
As a pansexual, I've slept with men and women, gone down on both plenty of times and I've never had hair necessarily get in the way of enjoying myself. If it's a little long it can tickle? But so does a dudes beard if he's eating you out too. He can get over it.
You can shave if you want to, but honestly don't do it bc some crusty ass dork asks you to. I'm a fan of trimming, if only for my own comfort, but seriously don't do something just bc you think some guy will like your body better. The right one will like your body... every other person can fuck off
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babydollmarauders · 11 months
Tmi (you don't have to post this, I just need to rant without feeling too judged) OKAY SO I MAY HAVE LICE AND IM GONNA CRY BC IVE NEVER HAD IT AND IT MAKES ME FEEL SO GROSS AND THAT IM SOME GRIMMY PERSON😭😭😭😭
omg i’m so sorry! 😭😭
but don’t feel gross because lice actually prefer clean hair, so if anything, i think it means you have good personal hygiene!
i hope, for your sake, that you don’t actually have lice! but, if you do, do treatment asap and wash your sheets and stuff in super hot water!
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softsnzstuff · 2 years
#7 and #9 for the snez asks!
7) Has anyone indulged your kink/have you done the same for anyone else?
No 😩 I wish I could live that dream lmaooo
Despite my age I’ve only ever dated like one or two people and I would NEVER tell them LOL.
TMI but I’m working on some personal ✨Trauma✨ in the dating world, but I’m so excited to finally find someone who I trust and care about enough to tell them about the knk?!?! Like how thrilling but also terrifying. Anyways that was more than you asked for sorry 🤡
9) Fave symptom besides sneezing?
Um um ummmm if it’s not too gross I do enjoy coughing.
Fevers are always good. Can’t go wrong with that. Lowkey like fever fatigue specifically? Like they’re just sapped of the usual energy and don’t want to do anything? That’s hot.
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golbrocklovely · 3 years
sorry for the lack of writing updates y'all
i've been in so much pain for the past couple days (gotta love having periods, amirite ???) so i literally haven't moved from my bed. all i've been doing is sleeping and trying to find a position that makes my back not feel like it's connected to cinderblocks. plus the cramps...
good lord above, i don't even want to have kids lol
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wolfhunter21 · 4 years
*looks through my likes and finds a picture of gerard way that is extremely suggestive* djsklfjkdljdlj warm im warm im- EVERYTHING IS WARM OMG I NEED TO TURN THE FAN ON
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