#sorry para-medic
axelandvixen · 6 months
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To all those times where i accidentally kept calling para-medic to learn about an animal i caught hours ago
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dashflashy-arts · 1 year
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Bury your Feelings
Aka if TFC HeavyMedic is toxic tragic old man yaoi inspired by @alpacacare's TFC Medic analysis w/ HeavyMedic undertones
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gryficowa · 18 days
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The biggest problem with verifying collections not from Congo, Sudan, Venezuela, Haiti and Palestine is that in their case no one tells what to watch out for, hence I rarely provide links to collections from Yemen, due to the fact that they are usually created by people from outside (I'm not saying there aren't others, but you'll just be more aware of whether it's a scam or not… I mean, you are comparing a legal collection and a scam, this is not the case with collections from Yemen, you have no way to tell the difference, you now understand the reason why I don't share collections from Yemen very often, not because I don't want to, but because I have a problem with verification)
So yes, you have the answer why I rarely collect funds from Yemen, unfortunately, I'm too green in this field
Now that I have your attention:
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sunshine-theseus · 2 months
Translation | Mayra Ramírez x Reader
Words: 3.6
Summary: your career takes a hit but Mayra is there to lift you back up
Warnings: pitch violence, Maya le Tissier and ManU is not nice, bad Spanish – as usual, long convos will be in English but implied they’re actually speaking Spanish, sorry I feel like this one is all over the place for some reason
It was hard to hear what was being said over the chants and screams from the stands. It was harder to try and reply for both parties.
I hadn’t seen what happened. The ball was making its way down the pitch one moment and the next moment the whistle was blown and everyone rushed to the sidelines, opposing the medics rushing out. Mayra Ramírez, Chelsea’s mind-blowing new signing, was laying on the ground, clearly in pain.
I watched as the medics tried to say something to the girl, but she was clearly only growing frustrated as neither understood the other. That’s when I decided to make my way over to the group, hoping to help with whatever issue had occurred.
“¿Necesitas ayuda para traducir?” (do you need help translating?) I ask the Colombian as I kneel next to her.
I get a stiff nod in return, her eyes still clenched tightly as she tries to breathe through the pain.
“What do you need to tell her?” I turn my head to the medics across from me.
“We need to check for any signs of a concussion. We need her eyes open.”
“Ellas necesitan que abras tus ojos chica” with a few blinks, her eyes finally open.
“Mi hombro que duele mucho” (my shoulder hurts a lot) Mayra whispers in my ear, tapping her left shoulder, and I relay the message to the medic without the bag.
I offer a hand for comfort and she takes it while they manipulate her shoulder, seeing if there is any real damage or if it’s just superficial. As we wait I find myself asking what happened. She recounts the body check from my teammate, Maya, and I make a mental reminder to have a word with her after the game.
“She’s okay but that girl could have done some bad damage with the hit she made. If she feels good, she’s safe to continue. I’d ask you to keep an eye on your teammate, she’s had it out for Mayra the whole game.” I tell Mayra she’s been given the okay to continue if she feels she can, and I help her up. She thanks me and gives me a hug before making her way to the sideline, waiting to be called back on by the ref.
“What was that all about?” the named devil approaches me as we take our positions to continue the game.
“Doesn’t matter. Just don’t be a dick for the rest of the game yeah? If you can help it for once.” I continue on my way to stand in position to kick the game back off, leaving her with a dropped jaw.
We’re in the 72’ minute and I think my small lecture actually gets through to the defender. She hadn’t made a move on Mayra or any other Chelsea player since. But right as the ball makes its way toward the opposing pair, both fighting for possession, I watch as Maya elbows Mayra in the face. Hard. No whistle is blown, but I still find my feet marching toward her, an anger growing in the pit of my stomach. I’m sick of this shit.
“What the fuck did I tell you!?” I can feel as all eyes begin to focus on me and the commotion I’m causing.
She looks scared and I almost turn right around and continue with the game, but then I glance behind her and see Mayra hunched over, grabbing her nose.
“I said ‘don’t be a dick’ didn’t I!? So why aren’t you listening to your captain Le Tissier?” by now I’ve reached her, so I shove her to further my point.
“I’m playing the fucking game. Captain.”
“No! You’re targeting Ramírez and risking other players’ health. We’ve talked about this behaviour before, and I thought we had it sorted. I’m talking to Skinner and you’re going to find yourself on the bench for a long fucking time. Until you prove you’ve learnt your lesson. Is that fucking clear?” I continue to stalk toward her as she backs away, seething through my teeth as I whisper in her ear.
She barely nods in return, but with one more light shove to her shoulders, I turn around to check on Mayra. I don’t even get a step away before hands are pressed against my spine and I’m pushed forward. I manage to catch myself before I fall and turn back toward my teammate as I readjust myself. Her fist is already swinging at me and connects with my mouth instantly, followed by a boot to the stomach. In the back of my mind, I hear the whistles of multiple officials and screams of both Chelsea and United players and fans, but none of that processes as I punch her cheek.
Maya is pressed up against the goal post at this point, Mary watching from the box, seemingly not knowing how to break up the fight. The boot to my stomach had admittedly winded me and my lungs were struggling to fill up as I grip the collar of her jersey and push her up against the metal. My hope is that retraining her long enough will manage to calm her down enough to talk, but she manages enough leverage to headbutt me in the nose.
The blood from my definitely broken nose mixes with the blood from my split lip in my mouth and I accidentally choke on it. I let Maya’s jersey go as I bend over, retching up more blood and trying to gasp through it. I can feel players from both teams separating us and trying to help while we wait for medics to make their way over, but I collapse onto my knees before they can get me very far.
The next thing I know, my vision goes black
I know I wasn’t out for long because the final minutes of the game are still being streamed to the TV in the corner of the medical room. Unfortunately, my face and stomach still ache, and I’m very aware of the dried blood that has seemed to cover my chin, neck and most of the front of my jersey. I can feel the stitches that have been used to close my lip as my tongue passes over them.
I take a moment to study the rest of the room. No Maya, wouldn’t be surprised if she managed to snake her way into finishing the game. I clearly didn’t punch her hard enough. I’d do anything to escape the club at this point. A shitty coach and shitty teammates and especially shitty oversight. Send me back to Madrid at this point.
It’s always easy to know the game has ended because the hall echoes with boot studs as groups of players make their way to their locker rooms. I watch red shirts pass by first, loud chatter between them. Not a single one pops their head in to see how I’m doing. So much for being a good captain.
A sea of blue follows, and I find my mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water as many of the players stop momentarily to thank me for standing up for their striker. How did one of my team’s biggest rivals care about me more than my own team?
Mayra lingers at the door as she finishes a conversation in broken English with Emma Hayes, then silently makes her way in. She takes a seat in the shitty plastic chair beside me and takes one look at my face and cringes.
“¿Es tan malo?” (is it that bad?)
“Sí.” She lets out a small laugh with her answer
“Gracias por lo que hiciste ahí fuera” (thanks for what you did out there)
“No te mereces esa mierda. y estoy harto de sus payasadas” (You don't deserve that shit. and I'm sick of her antics).
She doesn’t say anything in return, simply resting her hand on mine. That same warm feeling I felt when she held my hand as I translated for her on the pitch returns, swelling in the pit of my stomach.
I find comfort in the simple touch for as long as we sit there, before deciding it’s probably getting quite late and both of us obviously need some cleaning up. I don’t see her again before the blues get back on their bus to London and I drive back to a cold and empty apartment.
So I was suspended from the next match. And am still too injured for the one following that. In addition I’ve been too injured to complete any extensive training. Who knew a studs-up kick to the stomach and 2 hard punches to the face causing a relatively large amount of bleeding would be this bad?
Of course Maya served a one match ban, but she suffered no other consequences. People on twitter were outraged. At who? Well that depends on which side you look at. A lot of Chelsea fans had put aside any dislike they had for me and had been thanking me for finally standing up against the aggressive behaviour shown toward Mayra since her move. Some going as far to say they wished I realised I could do much better than United.
I wasn’t one to stroke my ego, but I definitely agreed with that.
United fans had not taken so kindly to the events. I’d been called a lot of things in my career. Slurs, misogynistic names, shit nicknames, they were all quite common. It doesn’t mean it hurts any less coming from the fans who are supposed to support you.
I’d spent the good part of my forced time off crying in bed and trying to ease some of the pain. No one had heard from me in 10 days, including family and friends asking if I was doing okay. I’d gotten DMs from players on other teams checking in and giving me their support as well. I think some of them started getting worried when they checked with my teammates, none of which had checked on me, and other players and no one had so much as heard a peep.
Then, on day 11, there was an eruption. The silent world was engulfed by blames and no one saw it coming.
Manchester United Women have just announced the abrupt and immediate departure of Captain Y/N L/N after 3½ years at the club
Boy did that have the messages rolling in, concern taking over like a plague. Concern about what went down behind scenes that would cause their captain to leave with immediate effect this close to the end of the season. Concern for what this meant for the rest of the team. Concern for where I was heading next. Concern for my well-being. Lots and lots of concern for why I had suddenly vanished from the face of the earth.
I definitely wasn’t expecting a loud knock on my door at 4 in the afternoon. Barely navigating through the packed boxes, I manage a peak through the peephole before the person knocks again.
Mayra Ramírez is stood on the other side of my door, rocking back and forth on her feet, patiently waiting for someone to answer.
I swing it open without much thought about the fact I’m in relatively shit clothes and I’ve probably gone a few too many days without washing my hair. I also momentarily forget the giant bruises that still are yet to heal all over my body as I pull her into a tight hug. I’m not sure why I do it. The first and last time we talked was that dreaded match, but having someone physically in front of me makes something deep inside of me snap.
I begin crying right there on the edge of my driveway as the Colombian just rocks us side to side in a soothing motion.
She eventually pulls away to help move us toward the living room, allowing me to rest against her as I try to catch my breath.
“¿Estas bien? ¿qué pasó?” (are you okay? what happened?).
“Allí no le agradaba a nadie, especialmente después del partido. Los superiores dijeron que tenía que irme inmediatamente. No tengo a donde ir.” (Nobody liked me there, especially after the game. The superiors said I had to leave immediately. I have nowhere to go). I’d cried so much in the past week that there were barely any tears left. I was also rather dehydrated. I had not done anything but pack my stuff into boxes and cry.
She didn’t prod any further as I leant against her again, my eyes beginning to droop.
“Todo va a estar bien” (everything will be okay) she whispers in my ear.
I don’t know how long I’m asleep for, but it can’t be more than an hour or two because the sun is still high in the sky and Mayra hasn’t felt the need to move from beneath me. My head resting in her lap with her hands twisting the ends of my hair as she scrolls on her phone are the only signs of passing time. When she doesn’t immediately notice my eyes staring up at her, I take a moment to admire her.
The light curls in her hair falling over her shoulder. The soft smile that seemingly always graced her lips. The way her eyes are like pools of burnt umber, so warm and kind, dragging you in. the freckles that were spaced across her face like stars in the dark night sky. A natural beauty that I couldn’t seem to get enough of.
“Why are you here?” the question is broken up by the dryness in my throat.
“No one has seen or heard from you in a week and then it is suddenly announced you are leaving Manchester immediately. I was worried.”
“But why? We’ve only spoken once.” The thought of how she find my place doesn’t even cross my mind.
“You risked a lot for me that game, clearly including your place in your team. I want to repay you. And I care about you.” Perhaps it was the drowsiness that was still blanketed over my brain, but there was something in her eyes that made it feel like her words held more meaning behind them than she’d presented me with.
I finally stand up, making my way to the kitchen. I offer Mayra a tea, but she expresses her disgust with the drink before I can finish my breath.
“Why are you packing?”
“I’m moving.”
“Where?” I pause at the question. There were a lot of things I had answers for, but this was not one of those things. I had no idea where I was heading. Maybe back home to Madrid? Somewhere else in England? I’m sure if I bothered checking my email I’ll have had multiple offers since the announcement this morning.
I can feel as her frame approaches and towers over me. Her presence is calming and I take a breath.
“I don’t know.” My eyes begin to burn again, new tears welling up against my waterline when she turns me to face her and wraps her arms around me. It’s almost identical to earlier but now I’m just tired of it all.
It’s not until 5 weeks later that I find myself dragging my boxes into a new place. Well new for me, relatively old now for Mayra. The classic English brick was inescapable but the girl had somehow managed to capture and essence of Colombia, and subsequentially Spain. I didn’t really care for remembering my home but there was a comfort within the space that I hadn’t felt in a long time.
“La lavandería está al final del pasillo si quieres lavar tu kit.” (The laundry room is down the hall if you want to wash your kit). Mayra points to the door after we finish unpacking most of the boxes.
In the mess of packing up almost 4 years of my life in Manchester and moving it down to London, I’d almost forgotten about the new kits folded neatly in their own box, tucked tightly into the corner of the room. Honestly the thought of even opening the lid made me uneasy, even though I would not be wearing them any time soon. It wasn’t particularly bad type of nausea, just a “I don’t know if I’m ready for this change” type. Of course Mayra could sense that.
We’d grown really close over the past month, spending a lot of time on calls. They often involved me helping her practice English and her helping me sort out the move. And a lot of dropping subtle hints.
I wasn’t stupid. I knew very quickly that I liked her a lot and I noticed her blushing and side glances rather easily. I wasn’t sure if she was clueless to her own feelings and my own or if she didn’t want to approach the subject. That’s why, on my first visit down to London to discuss contracts and to watch Chelsea’s last home game, I told her how I felt.
It wasn’t anything big, a homecooked meal and some wine that wasn’t particularly good. We were sat on the balcony, the sun barely resting on the horizon, a moment imprinted in my brain.
“Realmente me gustas” (I really like you). I had a whole speech planned, admitting what I’d been feeling over the weeks, but no other words came out. All she did was lean across the table and press her lips against mine and that was that.
That’s how we landed here. The new kit is spiralling in the washing machine as we sing loudly to the music playing over the speaker, dancing around the kitchen, drowning out the noises. The house is filled with the smell of paella de pollo and puchero santafereño and other Spanish and Colombian dishes, cooking or cooling off, as we work on arepas.
Mayra tries to show me how to flatten the dough out on the pan, then flip it with my hand. I approach the stove with a small ball of dough, ready to replicate her actions, when she wraps her arms around my waist. She places her larger hands over my own and manipulates them to follow the instructions she whispers in my ear.
“And now you flip it.” With that, I try to hook my fingers beneath it to turn it over.
With just my luck, my hand sits at the wrong angel, and my wrist and knuckles rest against the burning hot pan. My hand recoils and Mayra is dragging me to the sink to run it under cold water before I can even process the pain.
“Fucking shit! How do you do that?” the burn definitely isn’t that bad, but I continue to hold it under the tap while Mayra goes back to the pan and flips it with ease, answering me with a shrug and a cheeky side smile.
“Well you only have to make… like 45 more before the girls get here.”
“Noo mi amor just try one more time. I believe in you” She pouts her bottom lip and looks at me with those beautiful brown eyes and reaches for my hand. She presses kisses to each of my knuckles and my wrist.
“Fine, but if I burn my fingers one more time I’m sitting in the corner and letting you do all the work.” I let out a huff as I take a new ball of dough and roll it between my hands.
Mayra wraps her arms around my waist again but leaves them there, watching as I meticulously push the dough around on the pan. When she tells me it’s time to flip it, I pinch at the top edge and quickly turn it over. No contact with the pan is made.
Proud of my success I quickly spin around and kiss her. Cheshire-like grins spread across both our faces as our foreheads rest against each other, enjoying the moment.
Mayra was a lot more domestic and much more of a homebody than I’d originally thought. She enjoyed staying in and making homecooked meals together most nights, cuddling on the couch and watching a show or movie as the moon rises higher in the sky. But I loved that about her. It was never boring to just exist in the same space as her, she was too perfect.
The Chelsea girls begin to arrive about half an hour later. Niamh, Cat and Maika are the first, and instantly start helping me set up the table, chatting about their luck in the last game of the season. A 6-0 victory against Manchester United that won them the league.
Emma arrives not much later with Hannah, Aggie, Sam and Kristie in tow. I send Mayra out to greet and talk with her teammates and start to add finishing touches on some of the dishes.
Everyone has arrived and all the food is laid out across the tables pushed together in the garden. I sit down next to Mayra as she talks with Erin, who is trying to improve her Spanish, and link our hands together on top of the table. I play with the gold ring on her finger as I look at everyone around me. Smiles and laughs, a friendship so close it’s basically a family, feeling safe with each other.
No club I’ve ever played at was this close, but they were all so excited and quick to pull me in and love me like I’ve been here for years.
I look at Mayra again. The golden light of the sun turns her eyes into pools of whiskey and her skin glows. Those freckles I love have become more prominent in recent summer days. Her laugh makes my heart burst.
“Te amo cariño mio” (I love you my darling) I whisper in her ear as I rest my head on her shoulder, a smile glued to my face.
Her lips lightly press to my forehead.
“Te amo mucho”
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fluttershyes · 2 months
Hello, 👋
My name is Ahmed, and I am from Gaza. The war has left my life in ruins I have lost my home, my job, and my ability to support my family. My children and I have suffered severe injuries. 😔
I am desperately seeking your help to protect my children, evacuate them from Gaza, and continue my medical treatment abroad.
Your donation of just 5 euros could make a significant impact on our lives and help ensure my children's safety. My campaign is verified, and you can ask for any details to confirm my story. I promise, I am a real person in need, not a robot or scammer.
Please consider donating and sharing our story. "My children are waiting and in need of your donations." 🙏🙏
Thank you from the depths of my heart for your support.❤️
hey im so sorry i dont currently have money in my bank account even but id implore any of my followers who can to do so now seeing as your very close to your goal! i really hope you and your family are able to make it to safety im keeping you in my thoughts
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itsaluxeeee · 4 months
ok. so this just occurred to me mid adhd deep dive.
y'know Paras and Parasect? the mushroom crab (?) Pokemon? so I just recently learned more about the mushrooms on their bodies. what I want to personally highlight is this, taken straight from Bulbapedia from Parasect's page:
"The insect has been drained of nutrients and is now under the control of the fully-grown tochukaso. Removing the mushroom will cause Parasect to stop moving."
the bolded area is the area I want to focus on, because this implies that Parasect is dead. the mushroom has completely taken over Parasect's cold dead corpse.
why am I saying this?? well, those mushrooms are actually real. tochukaso are the Japanese name of a parasitic fungi called ophiocordyceps sinensis, or just "caterpillar fungus" in Western areas. basically they're mushrooms that do the same thing that the tochukaso does to Paras and Parasect: "replaces the host tissue and can affect the behavior of its host."
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my theory?: Mychael isn't a naturally-born mushroom creature, he died in the oasis and became the host of parasitic mushrooms, specifically the tochukaso. and I'm proud to say I actually have a bit of evidence behind this.
both mushrooms in general look really fuckin' similar. reddish in color with white dots with a pointed cap. also, tochukaso can give off spores that are attached to Paras eggs...
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... just like Mychael can. (sorry for low quality image it was the only one I could find)
on the topic of releasing spores comes my second point: tochukaso are used in China for medical remedies, as well as aphrodisiac. as it may seem, the spores that Mychael can release have an aphrodisiac effect on us.
"well how do you explain his horns and tail?" fourth point: parasitic mushrooms, more often than not, produce more mushroom appendages onto the host. examples:
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the horns? mushroom appendages. the tail could also be a mushroom appendage with a long ass stem, as displayed by the cricket w/ the bigass mushroom above. shit, the ears could be mutated to be longer.
also, mans is in a whole ass WOODS. he could've easily died in those woods and the mushrooms were like "yo score a nice host".
thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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boxwinebaddie · 12 days
if you don’t mind me asking, how in the everloving fuck did you get mercury AND arsenic poisoning?? is that common??
so, no...thankfully, my dear, sweet darling:
i don't think it's terribly common, ( neither was the arsenic i guess, but i'll get into that ) but it is when you're stupid as fuck like me.
because i am too lazy to type it all out again and don't have it in me to be eloquent ( i am saving that for writing about the boys, now that i, thankfully, can coherently write again ) i will send you the synopsis that i sent elite sickfic style dr. ana ( god's fucking angel )
**it's the updated, more articulate ( give or take ) version because i tried to explain it to the girls the day i got home ( take it easy on them please, i couldn't text or call and gave them quite a fright, ily girlies ) unfortunately, i was still not super good at making words and processing things, so i wrote this now that i am functioning better.
but long story, medium:
alright! gather round kids --
it's uncle nina story time.
tw for gross medical stuff / me being in mentally ill hell
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anyways, looking forward to sharing my writing with you all again and answering my asks if we still care!
love you and hyh,
metal head uncle nina
#uncle nina: village idiot#kind of; i am glad my brain still works#when i tell yall i wasnt writing bc my body was so weak from my bac infection and the crazy metal poisoning me#that i could not think clearly it was hard to talk it was hard to move i was very very very frightened and very light sensitive#i do have bipolar but i was seriously worried i was lowkey schizophrenic for a second there bc i was starting to hallucinate#i am not! just psychosis from the stress and toxic amount of certain elements in my body! whew! jerseykyle moment#my tinnitis is starting to get better and sounds are less scary now i do still get these intense flashes of light in my vision#i'm talking like 80s slasher movie strobe lights like someone turned off the light and turned it back on it fucking sucks#i do still think they should skin biop me for the bac for anythin it caused but fuck if i'm seeing another dr. fuuuck no baby!#but yeah scary when i tell you i thought everything was contaminated ( which it kind of was and was why the para wouldnt clear )#there was ( i think ) a lot of it because i didn't catch it very quickly and or didn't know what it was or what to do because#the doctors wouldn't listen to me about it ( and specifically failed to catch my super serious bacteria infection which#became resistant to several antibiotics which they piled me with to treat conditions that i DID NOT HAVE THX AHOLES )#idk just be gentle with me i am a little fragile just bc its weird to be back to normal and okay again ( i do take a lot of meds )#and i am sorry for all the neglected asks i very much want to answer them and hope to get back to you soon#i love you and sorry if this is tmi i like to be honest with yall
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roses-bah-garden · 2 months
hey! could we get a lvl 5 headmate package for an angel/catgirl persecutor? one of our members is feeling less “real” and wants something more to latch onto. she would also like as many neopronouns and xenogenders as possible if that’s ok to ask for.
— 🌲/🍥
a new flower has blossomed! 🌹
angel/catgirl, persecutor, lots of neos & xenos ... [LVL 5 PACK]
name(s) ;; lilith, cass, raven, sara, vic
pronouns ;; she/her, they/them, xe/xem, ze/zir, shx/hxr, thxy/thxm, meow/meows, paw/paws, cat/cats, soft/softs, gray/grays, wing/wings, ey/em, fly/flys, fade/fades,🐾/🐾self, 🕊/🕊self
age ;; 22
species ;; angel/catgirl
gender(s) ;; fxm, graygender [colour], piercedcatinvi, catbeing, cutangelcattic, persecuticfem, dovething, sacrilege chalice
orientation(s) ;; aromantic, shadowlesbian
role(s) ;; persecutor
source ;; brainmade
sign-off(s) ;; 🐾📱
appearance ;; 5'10", with a lean muscular frame. light scars and stretch marks across light tan skin. grey eyes & hair. grey cat ears & striped tail. white dove-like wings can grow out of back. nose piercing. casual dress & sleepwear. see below for picrew.
personality ;; soft and a bit shy. xe's easily frightened and made anxious [one could say shx's a... scaredy cat? sorry]. cat hates being sick, even a little bit, and will do anything to avoid it and to treat it once it's happened. fade's jumpy around people.
likes ;; scrolling on wikipedia & web md, medical dramas, strawberry candies, sad pixar movies [shx just gives me that vibe?]
dislikes ;; headaches, being away from phone/computer
possible front triggers ;; getting sick
cisid(s) ;; permascarred, ciswhite, hypochondriac
transid(s) ;; transwasian, permaonline, transtroll (homestuck), transchronicallyill, oceanbreezescentian, transfeedingtube, transdepression
trisid(s) ;; trischronicallyonline
kink/fetish/para(s) ;; dacryphilia, masochism
moodboard ;; found here
playlist ;; "the way things go" - beabadoobee / "keep you safe" - the crane wives / "hospital beds" - florence + the machine / "again & again" - the bird and the bee / "not yet titled" - emhahee
kinlist ;; dove therian
bonus info ;; harms the sys by looking up/reading things that purposefully trigger them, and by googling even the most minor medical symptoms. interested in learning french. emetophobic.
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bellastary · 1 year
Grow Old with You
(Carlos Sainz × fem!reader)
Genre: Fluff
Summary: You sang your favorite Tagalog song in Carlos on how you want to grow old with him.
a/n: my first time writing a fictional, sorry for the errors. Enjoy Reading❣️
Humming on the song my phone recently playing while preparing the favorite food that Carlos want as I was busying myself Carlos called "Mi Amor?" I shouted yes to him a minute later he came to the kitchen "Here you are" he smiled at me kissed my forehead and sit on the bar stool as he saw what I was doing he asked if he could help me I gladly said no to him. After a few moments of silents my favorite Filipino song started to play I gasp making Carlos turn his head at me "Something wrong happen, love?" he said in a concerned voice, I quickly shake my head and grab my phone quickly press the video record button. As I slowly came to Carlos
Patatawanin kita 'pag hindi ka masaya
I sang making Carlos turn his head up to me he curiously ask "What sad?? I'm not sad, my love". I almost forgot that I teach Carlos some of the Filipino languages to him. I continue to approach him
Even if you aren't upset right now, I will do anything to make you smile since your smile means so much to me. I've always wanted to be one of the reasons you're happy in life.
Bubuhatin kita 'pag nirayuma ka na
I sang again making Carlos more curious "Love..?" I chuckled making my way to him between his legs as he automatically place his both hands on my waist "You know I'm not old enough to have arthritis, no?" he said.
Even you don't have an arthritis i will still care for you beacause i care for you i really do, love.
Oh, kay sarap isipin kasama kang tumanda
I whispered and pressed my forehead to him. "All I wanna do is grow old with you," I said saying the word again but in English version. He smiled at me "Me too."
Even though we have disagreements, miscommunications, and I become angry at you for no reason, I want to grow old with you. I like you, I want you to be with me forever, I want you to be the person I adore and love forever, I want you to be the other half of me, and finally, I want you. everything about yourself.
Ibibili ng balot 'pag mahina na tuhod Ikukuha ng gamot 'pag sumakit ang likod
I sang "Balot? What was that love?" he said pulling me closer to him all I can do is smile at him every time he said something he wants to learn "Ikukuha ng gamot 'pag sumakit ang likod" I said "Love, you know that I only understand a little bit of tagalog you know?" when he said "I know"
Even if you don't understand some of the songs I'm singing right now, I will always take care of you, even though the medication was unpleasant every time you tried to create a fuse that you are okay.
Sasamahan kahit kailanman mahigit kumulang, 'di mabilang 30 araw sa isang buwan umabot man tayo sa 3001
I loved him, I loved him dearly even though he always said that he love me more but I know to myself that I love him more than anything. I love those pretty big brown eyes, I love his voice especially when he speaks his strong Spanish accent. I love when he tries to impress me with something even though it always failed. I love the way even though he had a busy schedule he still makes time for me. I love him because he's him my Carlos, my man, the love of my life, my soulmate, my lover...I want to grow old with him every second, every minute, every day, every week, every month, every year, heck even a decade even if we reach 3001. I want him by my side forever.
Loves na loves pa rin kita kahit bungi-bungi ka na para sa akin, ikaw pa rin ang pinakamaganda
I sang "Maganda? That's pretty right?" he asked I only nod placing my hands on his neck "Yes, in my eyes even though you have crooked teeth you are still pretty in my eyes," I said trying to tease him he whine "Mon Amour, I already said to you I am not still old I am 28 your old ass man!" I laugh at him he looks cute when he whined I kissed his whole face "Okay, my pretty boy" I said was about to leave his face to continue to sing he pulls you even closer "What now??" you laugh "More" he whispered pulling his lips closer to mine which I gladly obliged my lips meeting his in an explosive passion of desire and love, our emotions taking over as we continue to kiss passionately, he pulled me even closer to him not breaking the kiss completely forgetting about everything just him.
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genocidehim · 1 year
Tuco falling in love with his abuela’s home health aid worker and trying to woo her
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notes: reader is female, I have to admit I got a little excited writing and this got way too long (sorry) words: 1336
Tuco's erratic and violent personality disappears when he is sober and at Abuelita's house. It will be quite different from how it is shown in the series, but I'll try to keep it canon!
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Mr. Salamanca's mother was a lovely person and very independent despite her sons' need for someone to take care of her. You worked as a home health aide, although most of your work was focused on keeping her company and helping her with her medications. It was amazing how a woman like her had so much energy despite her age, and you believed it was because of her background - you understood that Mexican women were strong, and she was the living image of that.
Her sons and grandsons rarely visited her, as you knew most of them were in Mexico and the others were very busy men. Of the few you got to know, Tuco was the most frequent visitor. His love for his grandmother was evident in how he spent his afternoons at her house and how he offered to cook for both of them. You could even notice how he was charming in his own way when he helped you translate most of the things Mrs. Salamanca said because your Spanish was not very good. One of those afternoons where Abuelita (that's how she asked you to call her) felt more tired than usual, you decided to send her to bed early and she didn't seem upset with your decision.
"Vamos Abuelita, le pondré su novela y luego la llamaré para cenar ¿Está bien?''(Come on, Abuelita, I'll put on your soap opera and then I'll call you for dinner, okay) You said with a warm smile as you tried to hide your accent.
"Bien mija... Pero ayuda a mi Tuco con la cena ¿Sí? Él ha estado muy ocupado y necesita una ayudita" (Okay, mija... but help Tuco with dinner. He's been very busy and he needs some help) she suggested, and although it sounded like a request, you knew it was an order.
"Claro que lo ayudaré, no se preocupe" (Of course I'll help him, don't worry) you confirmed and let her go up the stairs first while you followed closely behind. Shortly after arriving in her room, you opened the windows and turned on her personal TV, putting on the Venezuelan soap opera she loved before leaving the room. You walked down the stairs and could already smell the dinner without even entering the kitchen. The sound of oil sizzling in the pan was quite loud, everything felt very domestic. As you walked towards the door, you could hear the sound of a knife chopping some easily cut ingredient, and there he was, cooking as if it were an art he specialized in.
Tuco usually cooked when he came over, not because he doubted your cooking skills, but because he loved doing it. Abuelita liked to brag that all her grandsons were good cooks, and you imagined it was because of her.
"Abuelita asked me to give you a hand with dinner. Do you need any help, Señor?" you said somewhat timidly, still not having too much confidence with the man to address him by his name. Tuco's hard gaze softened when he saw you standing in the doorway, and then he smiled and shook his head.
"It's not necessary, corazón" The nickname felt warm, somehow his voice sounded better in Spanish. "Take a break, I'll take care of it."
"I really would like to help, I know you had a busy morning and I don't want to leave you to do everything." you insisted out of pure politeness. Besides, you didn't think it would be appropriate to just rest in his presence during work hours. Your shift was not over yet.
He chuckled and gave you a quick glance before setting the knife aside.
"You're very stubborn... Alright, help me by cutting the carrot and beetroot," he ordered, and you went to his side to take his place, grabbing the knife to start cutting while he took care of stirring the meat in the pan.
Tuco spoke first, breaking that little minute of silence between you two. "When my Uncle Hector told me that Abuelita was being taken care of by a young nurse, I didn't think you'd be so pretty."
His comment sounded almost like a compliment and you couldn't help but be surprised by it, laughing nervously and hoping that the blush on your face wasn't too noticeable.
"And what did you expect?" You replied playfully.
"Maybe an old, bitter woman. One of those who hates their job."
"Well, I'm fresh out of college. I haven't reached that stage yet" you joked and he laughed out loud, you never thought you were funny enough to make someone laugh like that.
"Not only pretty, but funny too."
"Ay, no big deal, Señor Salamanca."
"Tuco" he corrected you "I told you you could call me Tuco."
You smiled at his response and hid your face as you lowered it to continue concentrating on the vegetables. To say that this man's presence made you nervous was an understatement. You normally didn't feel so clumsy at your job, but there was something about Tuco that threw you off.
You were so lost in thought that you didn't hear him asking you to put the freshly chopped vegetables in the skillet. It wasn't until you felt a warmth at your waist that you snapped out of it. It was his hand.
"They're chopped enough, put them next to the meat that's almost ready," he asked again, his hand still lingering there. And even though your uniform was thick, you could feel the heat radiating from his palm.
"Uh, yes, of course." You smiled and, after setting the knife aside, took the cutting board and waited for Tuco to move so you could add the vegetables to the skillet. Throughout the whole process, his hand stayed at your waist, he had taken his place by your side while watching over your shoulder everything you were doing. You could feel his breath close to your neck and judging by his voice, you knew he was smiling.
"That... Like that" the way his voice sounded so soft and deep sent an electric shock down your spine, activating each of your senses and feeling a certain pressure in your stomach accompanied by a burning sensation in your cheeks.
When the last piece of carrot fell into the pan, you didn't know what to do next. You just held the cutting board in your hands while his hand still rested on you, and you guessed he wanted you to continue with the rest of the process. So, still with the strange sensation in your body, you took a fork and stirred the vegetables with the meat and seasonings, which elicited a reaction from Tuco. "That's it, very well done, reina" he praised you and tightened his grip a little. "You've got a good hand for cooking."
The way his voice sounded from one of your sides and the warmth of his breath touching your skin was enough to make you tremble, and this time it was something he also noticed. You turned your head slightly in his direction to catch a glimpse of Tuco, looking at you in a way you couldn't decipher, unsure of what was in his gaze.
When your eyes unconsciously landed on his lips, you heard a laugh and a pat on the same area where he had been holding your waist.
"Good job, girl. Help me set the table. I'll finish this and bring the plates later." His change of attitude was enough to disorient you, you didn't know what the hell had just happened. "Yeah..." Your voice came out with difficulty from your throat and you were not able to look at him while you did as he asked and went to the dining room to organize everything.
You didn't know if what you had just felt was your imagination or if there was really something there. But you were sure of one thing, and that was that you wouldn't be able to sleep that night without getting him out of your mind.
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ISorry if this reads a bit weird (idk) but eng is still not my most dominant language and I still can't figure out if it's understood the same in english as it is in spanish.
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chaithetics · 2 months
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Now we are in Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, My little son is under an oxygen machine to receive oxygen. He cannot breathe normally. Please help us and do not leave my little son alone.
Save our life's little son, before it's too late
My compaign verified by 90-ghost, north gaza updated and butterfly project line number 406
My Link Compaign
Please don't hesitate to help us
Donate & Reblog Please
Thanks 🙏🍉
Hi again Yousef, I'm so sorry that this is happening to your son. He doesn't deserve that and neither do you or your wife. I really hope we can help you reach your goal immediately so you and your family can evacuate and your son can make a recovery with the medical treatment he needs. I'm so sorry that this is happening.
Please donate if you can and reblog at the least! Youssef's family's campaign has been vetted by @/northgazaupdates here and also vetted by @/90-ghost.
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Plague Doctor Cindy!
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Hi, I drew this concept art sheet thing shortly after drawing the Butcher!Aurora art and I took a break after that. Sorry I didn't post this one immediately.
Edit: Some close ups and extra commentary have been added
Rambling below (TW: medical subject matter like diseases and surgery, death, delusions, and cannibalism)
Meta wise, she started out as a mad scientist for the sake of being a mad scientist by listening to Novocaine by Cree-P and GHOST, and Black Box Warrior-OKULTRA by Will Wood. I just imagined Cinderella going too hard or harsh on Lady Tremaine, her patient/ser-worker/co-star, with her research, experiments, and surgeries out of frustration, stress, and madness. Hell, I would not be surprised if she tried lobotomy at some point during her side jig/job as a doctor.
But ever since I listened to Butcher Vanity by Vane and Flavour Foley, Cinderella later grew to be more than just a plain old mad doctor as I revisited her Screen Universe para concept and explore what her deal is. From why exactly did she fall into this path, to her relationships with the characters related or relevant to her story. She became another tragic character. This time, someone who developed an obsession with finding a cure for the prions after it "ate up" her once villain co-worker friend with in-character or canon compliant delusions.
Some close ups
The other state was meant to say production as well, but I'm too lazy to fix the typo now
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Cindy with the Bok-su pose is slightly cursed ngl, but it keeps living in my head rent free. The fact that they're both doctors doesn't make it any better ToT
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Eldritch Cinderelly (the note says healthy because their true forms's color and brightness changes if they get certain health conditions. In this one, she should have been a bit dimmer and grayer due to the Discontinuation Rot)
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Herbs and spices stuffed in the beak like a true plague doctor. Though, Cindy does this for different reasons. Instead of the original reasoning where the herbs will ward off the plague, she does this to replace the smell of burning and rotting flesh with as much fragrance as possible. It also puts her at ease
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Stolen Ideas Inspo :>
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How it'd look like under her apron/dress thing
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Goggles stuff for eye protection
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Eyes. Eye eyeballed (eh? eh?) her eye color because I can not find a good proper close up of her face and eyes in the official material and the coloring in the og movie looks a bit inconsistent at times.
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Screen shots from the ID server itself again of course
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OKULTRA cranking up the mad doctor inspiration (ft. Novocaine starting the whole thing prior to listing to OKULTRA)
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I think this one is still pre-butcher vanity arc
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Typical Disney para behaviour
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more Cinderella angst lore because yes
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A shit ton of other paras have not so healthy relationships with their characters at this point. They include, but not limited to some Pokemon characters, and SpongeBob.
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Health anxiety go brrrr
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This is from when Butcher Vanity arc or obsession hit around. It expanded her lore and everything. It was a game changer for this specific para tbh. I think this is about four months after posting the past Cindy rambles shown in the previous screenshots
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Ok, this one is from an ID adjacent server, but I feel like this is still a bit relevant to the whole thing
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(Also from the ID adjacent server) Ok, this one is kinda complicated since I mentioned another para who had something to do with a different Disney centered subplot that somehow affected the plot and lore of the entire paracosm. Basically, Snow White helped one of her ser-workers to found a cult and... everything went downhill and batshit insane from there. Ruined or fucked over the entire government and all... you may either dig through my casual account for the answer or ask through the Screen Universe blog about it.
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Bonus: A joke relevant to the whole Cinderella x Sleeping Beauty ft. prion plague debacle arc/subplot (I found this god damn image from Pinterest and I captioned it as "Cinderella and Aurora")
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TLDR: 1950 Disney princess becomes a mad plague doctor, grows into another tragic para, becomes vegan as a trauma response, loses her villain patient to the plague's delusions, goes off into a deep end after burning said patient, despises cannibals, and turns into their world's equivalent to a veteran in a "has seen the origins of modern day problems and the horrors of war" way but the war is the plague from the distant past.
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the-transid-gacha · 3 months
Hoping you can help us flesh out 2 alters :3
Both are Kokoro Momoiro introjects/fictives; One is the Bully version and the other is a version if the rest of the bullies are missing/dead. Feel free to go crazy with them! (Especially with the paras on the Missing/Dead bully version :3)
(Below is some info that you can use/ build off of)
Bully Ver
- Additional Name: Kitty
- Bigender Aceflux Lesbian
- She/her/hers
- Bitch (Protecter-esqe role; definition Pluralpedia)
Bullies Missing/Dead
- Additional Name: Macaron
- She/It/They/That
Names: Kokoro, Kitty, Or / And Koko
Gender: Bigender
Orientations: Aceflux & Lesbian
TransIDs: PermaBlondHair, PermaTanSkin, PermaHyper, PermaGuilty, TransFrontTrigger, TransSweetTooth, PermaStudent, PermaTeen, TransDating, TransPersonality, TransSpeciesBJD, TransKleptomaniac, TransInterest, TransNationality, PermaBandaged, & PermaLate
CisIDs: Brown hair, Pale skin, Brown eyes, Straight hair, Bullied, Bully, Gyaru, Phone addict, Student, ADHD (Unmedicated), BP (Medicated and hides it), & PTSD (From being bullied)
Pronouns: She/Her & Pink/Pink (Only online/in secret)
Species: Human (TransSpeciesBJD)
Age: 16
Source: Yandere simulator
Role: Bitch
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Names: Kokoro, Macaron, Or / And Maroon
Genders: Bigender, Sweetgender, & Gxrl
Orientations: Lesbian, Demisexual, & Greyromantic
TransIDs: TransTsundere, TransBisexual, TransFrontTrigger, PermaStudent, PermaTeen, PermaPunctual, PermaTired, TransHarmless, TransPeaceful, TransTics, TransErotomania, TransRomantic, TransCapricornZodiac, TransCoquette, TransCatalepsy, & TransCaneUser
CisIDs: Brown hair, Pale skin, Brown eyes, Straight hair, Bullied, Ex Bully, Student, Insomnia, PTSD, ADHD (Unmedicated), BP (medicated but no longer hides the fact she has BP), & Quiet
Pronouns: She/Her, It/It's, They/Them, That/That's, & Calm/Calm's
Species: Human
Age: 16
Source: Yandere simulator
Role: Mood booster
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Here you go sorry for the wait!!!
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welldonekhushi · 5 months
Hello! Question for the para trio!
If you weren't soldiers, what would you be? Also, tell a fun fact about yourselves!
Hello anon! Sorry for the late reply, I apologise. Been busy these days, sigh :'(
"What would you be if you weren't a soldier?"
Arjun: I would have been teaching children in school, university or in an institute. The true fact is that our youth is the future of the country. Who knows if a soldier might erupt from there?
Aditya: I would have been a doctor. My very first dream was to help and cure people from their problems. She used to say, that doctors are like angels sent by God, cause they give them a second life to the individual. Let it be through defense, or medical, I'll always align myself in the field of service.
Yuvraj: If I don't become a soldier, who said I can't help soldiers anymore? I'd be a commando trainer! I'll make the soldiers know about what ways they can take down their opponents, and in a more efficient and quicker way. Reflex is absolutely necessary, when it comes to fighting.
"Tell me a fun fact about yourself!"
Arjun: Well there's nothing fun about me so why do you — sigh, fine. It's that I love games which include mind power. Something which challenges your inner mentality to see how wise you are to crack it. I'm myself to judge how much better I have to be and how not to. This is why I'm also able to judge others according to their thoughts, as well. *eyes towards the two*
Aditya: .. I know, sir is side-eying me.. but, anyways about me! Ahem, I love to eat thepla! It's a Gujarati flatbread which can be enjoyed with curd and chutney! It can be eaten as breakfast, and as a snack!
Yuvraj: I can act really well, I can do some famous Bollywood actors, even the old ones! I'm multi-talented.. oh. Yeah, Aditya please. You're not even close to that, go eat your thepla.
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eyeballseater · 11 months
I'm opening emergency commissions!
me and my partner need your help to survive.
we went through being homeless this summer, and it's starting to get bad again.
I had to quit my job in september for study and health reasons, and my partner's first paycheck is due only in december.
our rent will more than double in the upcoming month, I'm the only one receiving medical & psychiatric help rn, although we both very much need it, I need to pay for my not-really-legal-in-our-country hrt, etc etc
on top of it all, we live in r*ssia, where me being an openly queer mental health activist is outright dangerous.
the point of all that is, we need money to be able to live through November🫠
you can directly donate or subscribe via boosty here
but just reblogging will help very much:) you can also check out my love's art at @geniuscomediae 🌿
commission price list:
sketch - 5$
colored sketch(1st pic) - 10$
full render(2,3) - 15$
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sketch - 7$
colored sketch - 10$
2nd pic style render - 20$
3rd pic style render - 30$
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full body(examples are kinda old sorry):
sketch - 10$
colored sketch - 15$
full render - 35$
simpler render - 30$
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additional info:
+character = +50%
won't draw - mecha, detailed backgrounds, para
other things and backgrounds are discussed individually
also will do icons like this for 5$
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dm for questions and more examples of my art🫶 thx a lot for support and reblogs
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