#sounds uncomfortable
twcfaces · 10 months
thrown throne
h : glass
the leader who sits on a throne of glass values honesty and integrity. they rule their kingdom democratically and will uphold justice at any cost. their intelligence and perception is unrivalled in any of the surrounding lands. they will always be transparent with their views and be true to their people and what they stand for. however, it is unwise to lie to a ruler of glass - they can see right through any deception and believe dishonesty to be the most severe of crimes.
2F : steel
a ruler of steel leads their people with strength and determination. they are renowned throughout the lands for their dedication to their people and their high levels of ambition. they have opponents, and many whisper about their ruthlessness. however, it cannot be denied that a ruler of steel cares for their people and their kingdom, and aims to always rule them with strength and with success.
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smallsleepyoarfish · 1 year
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An endoskeleton (internal) for kabutops can be seen in the anime and in the pewter museum (this sprite is also sometimes used for missingno) but the official excavation chocolates show it with an exoskeleton (external). While the latter is more accurate considering it’s an arthropod, this leads me to believe kabutops canonically has two skeletons.
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mx-minus · 2 months
Having adhd be like, “oh hey! Someone is talking with me! That’s nice! =)”
“Oh shit! They are still talking! I wasn’t paying attention! I hope I didn’t miss a crucial part of the conversation! =(“
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norazingrid · 22 days
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coockie8 · 5 months
I'm sorry but saying "don't write dark or taboo fiction or at least keep it private because it might trigger someone or someone might get off to it." is exactly like saying "don't talk about the abuse you suffered because it might trigger someone or someone might get off to it."
It is the exact same thing. Telling someone they aren't allowed to talk about their own lived experience because some random stranger might be triggered, made uncomfortable, or even aroused by it is unbelievably fucking disgusting.
Whether someone is writing dark/taboo fiction to cope or not is 100% irrelevant because someone else's trauma is not your business, and you can't know.
You shouldn't tell a victim to never talk about their trauma, so you shouldn't tell people what they can and cannot write about, because at the end of the day, you don't know and it's not your business. Block and mute things/people you don't want to see, and move the fuck on with your life.
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cinematicnomad · 2 months
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9-1-1 ▸ 2.12 chimney begins
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starry-bi-sky · 28 days
im having more fem Danyal thoughts. But specifically I've been thinking about Dani in this au. Now, Fem Danyal is just the alt. version of Danny to my other DAG au, which means she follows that lore. that being said. Danyal and Dani already had a pretty rocky introduction in the first place, ANd if we follow canon's setup, Dani in fem!Danyal's world would be a boy rather than a girl. I'm gonna call him Ali for easier difference (my train of thought was Daniel -> Eli -> Ali). While Danny may resemble Talia more than Bruce, Danny and Damian still look very similar to each other. Their blood relation is unquestionable.
You can imagine how fem Danyal might feel, walking into her room one day after school, and finding a little boy on her bed who looks, at first glance, like the little brother she loves to death. If meeting Ellie triggered Kill Bill Sirens in Danny's head, meeting Ali bass boosted them. For a terrifying, fleeting moment, Danny thinks Damian is right there. That somehow, her clever, intelligent little brother found out she was alive and tracked her down.
She slams the door shut, completely at a loss for words. Her heart has nearly stopped a second time. Then she realizes: this boy's eyes are blue. Not green. He looks too old to be her brother. His jawline too narrow, his hair too messy. As he talks, his voice is not the same as the sparse few videos on the internet showing Damian speaking. This is not the child she helped take his first steps with, nor the child she watched utter his first words. This is not the boy whom she taught to pick up a sword; this is not her brother.
Safe to say, Ali gets a knife pulled on him much, much faster than his female counterpart did. He lives, fortunately, but their relationship is unsteady and rocky even after Ali betrays Vlad and joins Danny.
Danny is unsettled by him, not for being her clone -- although that plays a minor part -- but because every time he drifts into her peripherals, she keeps thinking it's Damian. And it spooks her half out of her mind. She gets her hopes up at the same time her heart drops, then she turns her head, and it's not Damian; it's Dani.
It's also why she won't call him 'Dani', it's one letter too close to 'Dami' and she's afraid she'll call him that if she's not careful. So when he brings it up jokingly, she immediately shoots it down; "I'll call you Eli." instead. (Ali thinks she's boring -- he thought 'danny with a y' and 'dani with an i' was funny. Frankly, so did Danny, but she's too uncomfortable with the idea of calling him Dani.)
When he asks her why, she lies and says it's to prevent confusion. When their relationship is better, "Eli" eventually becomes "Ali".
("Why Ali?" he'll ask her, with an ear pressed against her ribs while Danny coils one of his curls around her finger. She's steadily become more and more affectionate; Danny has the impeccable ability of making it seem so forced and stiff and natural at the same time.)
("Do you not like it?" She'll ask him, voice stilted and unsure. She's got her heart in her throat, but she's starting to stop seeing Damian whenever she looks down. "We can keep it Eli if you'd like.")
("No, no. I like it. Just... why Ali? Does it mean anything?")
(Danny will smooth her palm over Ali's forehead, scratching his hairline with her nails, and feel embarrassed. She'll be silent until he looks up at her, and then she clears her throat. "It means eminent; exalted; noble.")
(Ali stares at her in dead silence, long enough that she starts to grow worried. Then tears bubble up in his eyes, and for a moment Danny thinks she said something wrong. "I lied;" he croaks, "I love it.")
(She will hesitate, and then wipe the tears off with her thumbs. "Ali al Ghul," she'll mutter, "but that name is for you and I only. To the world, you're Ali Fenton." Perhaps she shouldn't be giving him her mother's last name, but he is of her blood now too.)
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towards-toramunda · 7 months
Hey did this moment viscerally hurt anyone else or?
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lemonflavoreddishsoap · 3 months
Can i request like la squadra and their s/o but they are the complete opposite of them?
Like Risotto is stoic and his s/o is emotional or Ghiaccio who is short tempered and his s/o is calm and very nice
ooh this is actually a very cool prompt to write - personality descriptions in prompts make writing feel way less daunting but I understand if readers may not like a less applicable reader. Oh well, gonna write anyways.
You're finicky, on-edge, and I suppose a bit of a perfectionist(?)...maybe "control freak" is a better way to word it? Either way, you need things to go right, perfectly as you plan.
Not to say Formaggio is careless, but he does things on-the-go (you telling me he planned to jump into the sewers?) and doesn't mind if things get messy.
You two are each other's reasonable thoughts. If you think one of his ideas is too risky and need him to weigh the consequences he'll listen to you completely, and in return he opens you up to just...letting some things happen.
He eases your anxieties when they're excessive, but is beyond attracted to your work ethic and smarts. He'll hold your hands and listen to your every idea if you'll listen to his.
Soft-spoken and definitely not a confident one, it's difficult for most people to look at you two and understand how you could've ever gotten together in the first place. Maybe you even have these doubts yourself.
But he never lets you feel those doubts for long. At first he honestly probably wasn't the nicest! But when you managed to capture his heart and hints of a connection began to show, he allowed himself to slow down a bit and really understand you. Care about you.
And when you feel anxious about the relationship, he always reminds you how much he loves you (take it sexually if you want, but I don't mean it like that). Just...only in the mirror world. Trust me, he's not embarrassed about loving you, it's just more comfortable for both of you. His image and your nerves.
In the privacy of his own safe world, he doesn't need to worry about how vulnerable he is, and he can praise and encourage you as much as you need. A moment for him to feel softer and you to feel stronger.
You must be Pesci's twin or something - difference is he isn't as harsh with you. Sensitive and a follower, not a leader, maybe you feel security in Prosciutto's straightforward, no-nonsense demeanor.
Prosciutto is good at seeing the strengths in someone and raising their confidence as we see in canon, and he surely does it with you. He can see how gentle and well-meaning you are in everything you do and he reminds you of your greatness whenever you fear being "too soft"
In turn you offer the quiet he needs sometimes. He is relatively fine with spending a life alone, but a balance of peace and your company is better than he could've imagined. And don't worry about not being good at comforting others with words, he was never one to enjoy that kind of comfort anyways.
I don't know how else to end this section so....imagine him holding your hand :) DO IT NOW
If someone were to describe you, they sure would call you brave, headstrong, and....maybe not the brightest? You aren't stupid! You just...aren't the smartest, and it's very clear. However, your open nature makes it easy for Pesci to talk to you.
You see the sides of Pesci that a lot of people take way too long to notice, like how observant and clever he can be. You don't see him as too soft, you know that he takes his job as seriously as he can.
While his meeker nature doesn't do much to dilute your chaos, he never feels bad about it! You're the light of his life, and honestly he really looks up to you!
If you want to stand up for him when his teammates pick on him, go ahead! I mean, the only thing you'll achieve is becoming their second target, but uh....maybe it's a bonding opportunity?? Even if nothing comes from it, he will love you forever.
What a fucking prude you are. A prude based on NOTHING. My goodness. Were you a sheltered child perhaps? Jokes aside it's a miracle you two can stand each other. Melone isn't picky with partners but someone like you? You're so incompatible at first that the gang assumed he had other plans for chasing you.
Emphasis on at first. Maybe you were a challenge to him, a "passion project" to see how much he could open you up one way or another. I can't say which ways it worked or not, that's for your own interpretation, but in time you became the most annoying couple the team had ever seen.
If you weren't teasing each other, you were bickering in a tease-y way. And if you weren't bickering, Melone was teaching you some sciencey shit in a voice so syrupy sweet that Ghiaccio's practically retching.
Maybe you try to flip the script, try to pick his brain and open him up like he tries to do to you; oh you're lucky he loves you so much, you're the one person he will do anything for.
Growing up the way he did, he learned that everything about him is wrong, and everyone is a threat at worst, liability at best. Even you, with your patient smile and kind words and....how you actually...listened to him rant.
He's scared of you, then pissed at you, then so confused by you he doesn't know what to do. If you didn't make the first move then a relationship just isn't happening. While he's the more assertive of you two, you'll have to do the heavy lifting just that once.
Falling for a person so different is easier, but maintaining the relationship is harder on his end, I'm not even going to lie. Sometimes he's frustrated by your unconditional love, sometimes there's a savior-like feeling he has about you, sometimes he fears these ever-changing feelings, and tried to distance himself from you. But you...always help him through it.
And don't think it's only you changing him, he also encourages you to stand up for yourself, to speak your mind, to put your own mask on first sometimes. (insert italian screaming)
He's not emotionless, at least...he doesn't like to think so. But in this line of work he needs to keep a tight lip and blank stare. Something he's perfected. So when he watches you openly sob at a movie, curled against his body as you sniffle and choke, he doesn't get moved to the same extent.
Do you get to see Risotto's true emotions? Yes...in time. You've both got targets tattooed to your back, so if he ever thinks it's safe enough to get close to you to the point of being openly emotional, it's because you've spent several YEARS together.
But he understands you, he feels the same as you as you shout or grin or cry. Not only does he understand your emotions, but you may be secretly amplifying his own. There's no tears, but a tearing, clawing feeling in his heart. No smile, but a fuzz in his face that he can't clear out.
You are the ocean and he is a rock, standing strong through every storm and watching both the rage and the calm with equal admiration.
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yardsards · 2 months
everyone on here loves laios for his autism swag but if half of yinz met someone like him in real life you'd be like "i don't know,,, he makes me uncomfy. something about him just gives me bad vibes, you know? :/" (and the "bad vibes" you'd be picking up on are just. signs of autism)
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royalarchivist · 7 months
Furby: Pose for the photo!
Rubius: What photo?!
Rubius: [Reluctantly] ✌️😟
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raylex · 8 months
please forgive me if this is just a jumble of nonsensical words - I just woke up, heh - but I really wish more people understood that not everybody in this community only selfships for fun/comfort. that's totally valid to do, of course, but for some of us this is much more serious. and that often ties in to why we can be so uncomfortable sharing. seeing my f/o with someone else literally feels like someone seeing their spouse with another person. because that's what he is to me. of course I'm gonna be uncomfortable seeing it. and it's nothing against the people who ship with him as well - I would never march up to them and say anything about it, they have the right to do whatever they want, too. but I will block them for my own personal comfort.
this is my actual relationship to me as a ficto person, not just something I do for fun... I'm genuinely and unironically in love with him! I know it's silly, and a bit unorthodox, hah, but I wish people could just be a bit more respectful about it. and understand that this isn't something I can control, and it's not me being petty. it just actually hurts sometimes. I'm allowed to curate my own experience online.
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unjustlyunread · 1 year
Glenn Gould on his chair:
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(some of the method to that divine madness)
Excerpted from Elyse Mach's Great Contemporary Pianists Speak for Themselves.
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ace-and-ranty · 1 year
I’m always amused when people complain that a kissing scene was shoddily acted, because if I ever need confirmation that I’m ace, this is it.
You mean there are kissing scenes y’all like?
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redysetdare · 3 months
Some of you will see a character that is actively repulsed by romance/sex and heavily non-partner coded (sometimes they even actively just say that they do not want a relationship!) and y'all will still respond with "But aros/aces can still date and have sex!!" like okay bud it'd be so much easier for you to say you don't respect repulsed and non-partnering aros and aces. stop beating around the bush trying to pretend to be oh so supportive when you obviously feel uncomfortable about our existence even in fiction.
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moonchild-in-blue · 3 months
You know what? I really wanna eat a sandwich with Vessel. We don't even have to talk or anything like.
I just want to sit at a table across him, get a few Capri Suns, a bag of crisps torn open between us, a nice sandwich each, and just eat in silence.
🧃😐🥪 🍟 🧃😐🥪 <- like this
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