#source: cybrid
trevlad-sounds · 10 months
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Thursday 10 August Mixtape 352 “Crossing Liquidity”
Wet Ambient Wednesdays, Fridays & Sundays. Support the artists and labels. Don't forget to tip so future shows can bloom.
X.Y.R.-The Signals From the Abyss 00:00
Lee Hannah-River Island 07:53
Green-House-Peperomia Seedling 11:57
Florigenix-Jungle Rusted Plasma Temple 14:47
Cat Tyson Hughes-Crossing Water 17:13
Joseph Shabason-West of Heaven 21:34
Eulipion Corps-Cybrid Tears 25:59
Go Outside-New Beginnings 29:01
daisuke miyatani-anohi 31:53
Jarguna-Deep Source 34:16
Willebrant-Change 40:03
Rhucle-Little Hut 44:09
D York-Iridescence 46:55
Matthewdavid-Liquidity 52:52
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 years
I've got a theory for Gilbert secret!
He is very ill because of a disease (hopefully not mortal, cybrid I'm warning you😡) and this explain why he has low stamina (source: Silvio's route).
What do you think?
Hi anon!
I have considered Gilbert being terminally ill in the past but my issue with it is that his secret is a reason why Emma loves him. Or at least in an AU story it was this case. 
 “Your secret is why I love you” with the secret being “you’re seriously ill” sounds a bit...you know...
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"—in the prohibited Cantos. That poem had talked about empathy being the key to human spiritual evolution. The Church had corrected that, pointing out that obeying God's Will was the source of revelation and salvation."
This book surprised the hell out of me. The general consensus online and amongst people I know who have read Hyperion, is that Endymion and The Rise of Endymion are not as good. A majority of people don't even bother reading them. Those people are missing out, and I don't put that lightly. Luckily for me, I bought all 4 books in the Cantos without looking up any ratings or reviews, so my choice became; read all of them, or waste your money. I was hesitant to start this one, and it did honestly have a bit of a rough start, but I was head over heels for it by the mid way point.
Endymion is a masterclass in world building, if nothing else. It takes place 274 years after the fall of the Hegemony, and the destruction of the TechnoCore and it's network of farcaster portals which connected the web worlds with instantaneous travel. Simmons did an amazing job at evolving his universe over this enormous gap in time. Planets became isolated from each other, terraforming projects failed and mother nature returned these worlds back to their natural state, billions died of starvation and war, or simply by getting stuck on the wrong side of a portal after the fall. During this dark age, The Church harvested the cruciform parasites from the labyrinth of Hyperion and harnessed the power of immortality to colonize former web worlds and essentially create their own version of a religious hegemony. The irony here is that despite harvesting the cruciforms which were created by the TechnoCore, the Church admonishes artificial intelligence and has banned the manufacture or use of AI tech. This distrust of AI permeates culture so much that there are even points during the story where the main characters straight up decline vital help or knowledge from the Consul's old ship and comlog device, claiming it's useless and essentially telling it to shut up. A small but humorous detail. With the power of immortality in hand, the Church was also able to create a new kind of space craft which was unconstrained by the limits of the human body's ability to withstand extreme g-forces. These new space crafts could travel anywhere almost just as fast as they could have by using a farcaster portal, with the understanding that the occupants of the craft would die immediately, and be resurrected upon arrival to their destination. It's truly fascinating stuff, and it proves that Simmons' unique and borderline outlandish ideas didn't die with The Fall of Hyperion. He clearly had some juice left in the tank for this one.
The book has some great characters too, just maybe not who you would suspect. The main character, for example, is simply a vessel for us to watch the story unfold. Raul is a typical commoner-thrust-into-heroism type character with seemingly little in the way of personality or flaws, save for a smidge of overconfidence. This is not to say he is unlikeable, he is just a little too perfect and predictable to be interesting. Aenea was not that interesting either, apart from the fact that she is the hybrid child of a human and AI cybrid, who can contact the assumed-dead TechnoCore through her mind and activate old farcaster portals on the River Tethys.
Who are the good characters, you ask? A. Bettik and Father Captain Frederico de Soya. A. Bettik is an android servant who Raul recruited from under the care of Martin Silenus to aid in his quest to protect Aenea. He is cool, calm, collected, largely impassive, and sports an unintentionally humorous deadpan delivery. Despite his cold android personality, I was constantly surprised by his displays of courage and humanity. He was the rock that held the group together, and I honestly almost cried when he lost his arm and almost died near the end of the book. Father de Soya on the other hand is the Pax officer and Catholic priest who is tasked with capturing Aenea. Throughout the journey, he displays surprising complexity as he undergoes a hundred deaths and resurrections that slowly drives him mad. Despite being solely responsible for Aenea's capture, de Soya is not the bad guy. Yes, he is faithful and obedient to the Church, but he's also smart enough to know when the truth is being manipulated, and can make decisions based on his own judgement. He ends up being possibly the best written character in the entire series.
The main story arc of Endymion is essentially just an interplanetary manhunt. It's a much simpler and more linear tale than Hyperion, but I'd argue that it's also more fun. Being taken on a wild ride down the River Tethys, revisiting all of these planets and finding out how much they have changed since The Fall, all the while being relentlessly pursued by someone who is dying over and over and over again to fulfill his duty to the Church... it's all so fascinating and exciting. By the time I was 3/4 of the way through the book, I was finishing every single chapter with an audible string of "holy shit, oh my god, what the fuck". If you have read the two Hyperion books and were unsure of whether or not Endymion is worth your time, I promise you it is. If you love the world that Simmons created, then there is more than enough here to satisfy your thirst. Time for me to jump into the finale.
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electronalytics · 11 months
Photovoltaic Backsheet Market Key Companies and Analysis, Demand , Trends by 2032
The photovoltaic (PV) backsheet market plays a crucial role in the solar energy industry. The backsheet is an essential component of a PV module that provides electrical insulation and protection to the solar cells from various environmental factors such as moisture, UV radiation, and temperature fluctuations. It acts as a barrier and helps maintain the integrity and efficiency of the solar panels over their operational lifetime.
The Solar Photovoltaic Backsheet market is expected to grow annually by 12.7% (CAGR 2023 - 2030). Market analytics and market coverage are critical components in the Solar Photovoltaic Backsheet market.
Here is an overview of the photovoltaic backsheet market:
Market Growth: The PV backsheet market has been witnessing significant growth in recent years. The increasing demand for clean and renewable energy sources, coupled with supportive government policies and incentives for solar power generation, has propelled the adoption of solar panels, thus driving the backsheet market.
Technological Advancements: The market has seen several technological advancements in backsheet materials and designs. Traditional backsheet materials, such as Tedlar and EVA (ethylene-vinyl acetate), are being replaced by more advanced materials like TPT (Tedlar/PET/Tedlar) and TPE (Tedlar/PET/EVA) with improved durability, weather resistance, and electrical properties.
Types of Backsheets: Backsheets can be categorized into three types based on the materials used: fluoropolymer backsheet, non-fluoropolymer backsheet, and others. Fluoropolymer backsheet, such as Tedlar, is the most widely used type due to its excellent UV resistance and long-term performance. However, non-fluoropolymer backsheets are gaining popularity due to their cost-effectiveness and enhanced performance characteristics.
Regional Market: The PV backsheet market is globally distributed, with major market players and manufacturers present in regions like North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East. China, the United States, and India are among the largest markets for photovoltaic backsheet due to their extensive solar power installations.
Market Players: Several companies operate in the photovoltaic backsheet market, including Krempel GmbH, Coveme S.p.A., 3M Company, Hangzhou First PV Material Co., Ltd., and DuPont, among others. These companies are continuously investing in research and development to enhance the performance and durability of backsheet materials.
Overall, the photovoltaic backsheet market is experiencing steady growth, driven by the increasing adoption of solar energy and advancements in backsheet materials. The market is expected to continue its growth trajectory as solar power becomes a mainstream source of electricity worldwide.
We recommend referring our Stringent datalytics firm, industry publications, and websites that specialize in providing market reports. These sources often offer comprehensive analysis, market trends, growth forecasts, competitive landscape, and other valuable insights into this market.
By visiting our website or contacting us directly, you can explore the availability of specific reports related to this market. These reports often require a purchase or subscription, but we provide comprehensive and in-depth information that can be valuable for businesses, investors, and individuals interested in this market.
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Market Segmentations:
Global Photovoltaic Backsheet Market: By Company • Agfa • Dupont • Jolywood • Coveme • Isovoltaic • 3M • Hangzhou First • Honeywell • Toray • Cybrid • Dunmore • Krempel • Mitsubishi Polyester Film • Targray Global Photovoltaic Backsheet Market: By Type • Fluoropolymer • Non-Fluoropolymer Global Photovoltaic Backsheet Market: By Application • Utility • Industrial • Commercial • Residential • Military Global Photovoltaic Backsheet Market: Regional Analysis All the regional segmentation has been studied based on recent and future trends, and the market is forecasted throughout the prediction period. The countries covered in the regional analysis of the Global Photovoltaic Backsheet market report are U.S., Canada, and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, and Rest of Europe in Europe, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), and Argentina, Brazil, and Rest of South America as part of South America.
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Stringent Datalytics offers both custom and syndicated market research reports. Custom market research reports are tailored to a specific client's needs and requirements. These reports provide unique insights into a particular industry or market segment and can help businesses make informed decisions about their strategies and operations.
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nobume-date · 6 years
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Ikemen Sengoku - The best one of Otome game from CYBRID’s Ikemen Series
Since Ikesen English version was released on June 2017, no way the real Otome gamer’d miss it. In the other hand, the amateur me who’ve just stepped into this Otome world only for a year just knew and started playing it around the end of 2017, very late bird.
Anyhow after I’ve been playing for 2 months I found it is real good. Both artwork and story are just right to me. Plus there are many attractive things in this game. And I love it so much that can’t help but have to release my overflowing feeling by blabbing on this blog.
As I mentioned on my blog’s header, I’m not English speaker and still be a newbie blogger since this is my first English blog, so pls spare me for my weird English. Why I have to desperately wrote English blog then? The main reason is for my personal entertainment and creating a room to chat with my game’s pal who share the same interest with me. 
Okay, leave that boring things and let’s me tell my though of this amazing game.
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Art : CG & Costumes
Ikesen’s art is gorgeous, painterly style artwork cached my eyes at first glance. Characters faces and body-build are balance and look good in every angles. In some Otoge, we’d found characters faces or organs look weird or creepy in some CG. I salute Yamashiro-sensei, an illustrator, for creating these fabulous work pieces. 
Costumes designs are very creative, not be boring conservative like the other Samurais Otoge. And still remain the hints for gamer to guess who they are by using clan’s crest. Each characters have their own themes and colors which perfectly match their personalities. There are 3 types of attire per character, casual kimono, formal attire and war suit. I heard Ikesen creative team hired Thai’s creative to help them for characters’ design. Wow, they really did it awesome 😎
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This game is the one of CYBIRD’s Ikémen series, with a brand Ikemen, of course, all characters MUST be HOT & HANDSOME. There are 11 hotties for us to choose; 9 warlords, 1 ninja, and 1 abbot. Nine of them are Japan’s most famous Sengoku warlords who were real existed in Japanese history, excepted the part of hot and handsome. Most of them also appear as the characters in many manga, anime and games. 
Isn’t it sounds challenge and fun to conquer their heart?
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Plot and Story
After accidentally went back to Japan’s Sengoku period in 1562 through the wormhole, MC saved Oda Nobunaga who nearly die in Honnoji Incident by chance. As the life-saver and lucky charm, MC earned the favor from him and was assigned to be a chatelaine of Azuchi castle, where MC were surrounded by those famous, hot and handsome Sengoku warlords. While struggling in this turbulent and war state period and waiting for a chance to back home, MC have to learn and does many things for the sake of survival. Even though she promised herself not to get too close to anyone, but the fate still bring her to him and fall in love. 
”Back to the past” plot seems non creative, but the story lines really are very interesting, nothing more or less. MC and love interest slowly developed their feeling in reasonable and acceptable way, made me moved so much. The writer did an impressive job to compress those details and emotional things into just 13 episodes.
My favorite part, erotic scenes are not that straight but still give a sexy, mature and alluring vibe. I found myself was attracted to their different charms and wanted to know them more and more. How nice we could have THINGS with various types of guys without a REAL physical relationship, so convenient. Plus, this is the Japanese famous WARLORDS we’re talking about, not typical guys who we could found anywhere.
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Avatars Dressing for Fun and Points
As same as the other online Otoge, there is avatars for the player who love girly-doll-dressing in “Your Room”. The avatars here; avatar itself, attire, accessories, wallpaper and all decoration items are really awesome, very detailed and creative. We can get the regular items by buying them from shop and special limited items by joining the events which are held quite frequent. 
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Not only your room but there is also a “Castle” where we can be with our suitor in adorable chibi form. every things are uber cute! (๑˃v<๑) Here we can get a lot of decorating items from gacha, standard items from daily free gacha and special limited items from events.
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Advantage Thing
The most I love, character’s HOT VOICEs!! (๑>◡<๑) Normally we can hear his greeting in different 3 lines whenever we feel like by just push a speaker icon right at “His Room”. In his room we can set any guys as wallpaper even we are playing a different guy’s route, which mean we can two timing our suitor openly. When we passed the challenges in main or event story, he’ll appear in chibi form to praise or even give some gifts or rewards to us, sounds cool, isn’t it? (╹◡╹)Not only that, they are giving out some voice clips on occasions which we can save in our game’s memory to listen anytime we want. Hearing their hot and sexy voices in cheesy lines make my imagination gone wild (*≧∀≦*)
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Negative Thing
The only minus point, it’s quite pricey if we compared to VOLTAGE’s which we can buy the whole main story including epilogue by the same amount, and just a half price when they hold a sale campaign. But for IkeSen, if we want to play in Premium, we have to spend around 27 USD for just 1 route!! (O_O) And if we want to play both Romantic and Dramatic route for 1 character, we need more 9 USD. Not to mention a lot of interesting and fun events which will release a ton side stories and items for our avatars. Most of them were free if we were the active players. But of course, we still have to pay for an Early Bird’s and premium epilogue stories anyway (⌒-⌒; )
Of course, this is basically a free game, if you don’t mind much about the longer and sweeter premium bonus stories, you can just go for the normal stories. But could you really just be satisfied by the normal stories? As my direct experience, it’s a real hard to resist their charms. Those hot and sexy warlords will enchant you to blindly fall for them. When you become to your sense again, both of your heart and purse were already robbed away. (´⊙ω⊙`) The most mysterious thing is you’d somehow can manage your money and continue this expensive hobby anyway.
That’s said and I still addict to this game. If you don’t want to fall hard, don’t dare to step in. I-WARNED-YOU-WITH-LOVE (^з^)-☆
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ikemen-stories · 4 years
MC: Can you get the door?
Mozart: And interact with people? No thanks.
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ist45t3 · 2 years
A sort of short and incomplete guide to grinding in IkeVamp, that might also be confusing
So, in celebration of Dazai's route finally being released in the next couple of weeks, I figured I'd make a post sharing the strategies I've been using to save in order to buy his premium outfits and get his side stories as a f2p player. I'm also going to include some general strategies for grinding for other items. Some of this may be info you already know, but I really struggled to find guides for grinding for items when I first started playing, so I hope this helps someone out :)
Also, this wound up being very dense and a bit confusing by the time I was finished. I’m hoping to make it more understandable with formatting, but if you have questions, feel free to comment here. I may or may not know the answer.
Daily Tasks:
First thing's first, you've probably all heard it. Login to the game daily, twice a day if possible. You're gonna do this for a few reasons:
Collecting your login bonus. This is the easiest thing to do; if you do nothing else with the game on a particularly busy day, at least do this. It gives you a wide variety of items, including diamonds, gold, intimacy items, stamina items, gacha tokens, and some attire.
Send greetings to your friends. You wanna max out your friends list asap and send greetings every day to start stacking up gold. It's free gold, so don't skimp on this; it can never hurt to have more of it to buy outfits for the avatar challenges.
Next, you should do 5 intimacy battles. This is the thing you should do twice a day if you have the time. Imo, it is waaay harder to win intimacy battles in IkeVamp than in any of the other Cybrid games released in English. I've tried to work out a good strategy to predict who I can and cannot win against, and I'm only right about 50% of the time. This is why it's a good idea to do your battles twice a day, especially in the beginning before you've had a chance to build up a lot of intimacy. Unlike IkeSen, your intimacy doesn't reset with each route, so you can keep stacking it up for future routes. You definitely don't want to end up stuck at an intimacy check and unable to continue a route you're enjoying without having to spend all of your intimacy items.
Finally, if possible, you should play through five parts of the story every day. This is the hardest part for most people, and I get it; you don't always have time, but that's okay! My advice for you is if you know you have a busy month coming up and you know you won't be able to read most days, start a route you don't care about and click through the free parts every day. This is important because your biggest source of diamonds as a f2p player in-game is the route ending bonus. You get 300 diamonds and five chapter tickets every time you complete a route. Save. These. Up. Seriously, resist the urge to spend them on extra story parts and outfits you don't really care about because those diamonds go fast.
Altogether, if you wanted to buy all of the premium outfits for a route, you would need 2700 diamonds. If you wanted to read all of "his side stories" on a route, you would need 18 "keys to his heart" or 1800 diamonds. For perspective on how long it might take you to save for that, if you complete a route and get your login bonus every day, you should save at least 400 diamonds a month. This may sound like a lot or a little to you. Still, hopefully, it motivates you to not spend your diamonds easily if there's a route you'd like to purchase all of the premium options in.
Collection Events:
Another reason you want to clear the story every day is the collection events. These are another huge asset for f2p players, and they give you items that aren't available in the login bonus. Some of the things you can get from collections events are "keys to his heart," potions, closet space, chapter tickets, and intimacy items. They are also insanely easy to participate in. The only things you need to do are what you're probably already doing: play a route and do intimacy battles. Here's a short tutorial on collection events and some tips for them:
When you open the app, at the bottom left of the screen, there's a button that says "events" it'll bring up a long list of things, the events that are currently active will be at the top of the list. Click on the collection event, and it will bring up the event home screen. It should launch a small tutorial for participating in the event. I'll answer some basic questions here since I find the tutorial can be a bit confusing(especially if you just skip it like I do lmao):
What are the collection items, and how do I obtain them?
The specific item changes from event to event, but they all function the same. They are tokens you earn for playing the game during the event period. You can earn 3 from clearing 5 intimacy battles, 5 from clearing 5 parts of the story, and 3 for completing avatar and intimacy challenges. Ideally you'll want to clear 5 story parts every day and do battles at least twice a day.
3-5 doesn't sound like very many. How can I maximize the amount I earn?
You'll want to pay attention to the lucky time schedule! (If you don't know what lucky time is, please see the next question, then come back to this one) The most important lucky times to be aware of are the story lucky times. There are several "story x 2" periods where you will earn double the event item (10 for clearing the story, 6 for clearing challenges). Additionally, there is usually one or two "story x 3" periods where you will earn triple the event item (15 for clearing the story, 9 for clearing challenges). You'll want to do your best to play the story during lucky time as much as possible. It's the best way to get a lot of the event items reasonably quickly.
Additionally, there's a story lucky time trick I will mention here to maximize your items. It might be a bit hard to understand. Still, I'll try to make it as straightforward as possible: Let's say you're playing through the route, and at the end of your current part, there is an intimacy/avatar challenge, but it's not a lucky time. Instead, the next day will have the story lucky time. Go ahead and clear the five story parts, but don't do the intimacy/avatar challenge. Close your app or use the back arrow/home button to leave the challenge without completing it. You'll notice you won't receive items for clearing the main story. This is because you have to complete the challenge for the game to recognize that you completed five story parts. Once the lucky time starts the next day, clear the challenge. You will get double/triple the items for the challenge AND for clearing the five story parts the day before. Not only that, but if you clear another five story parts using your free chapter tickets, you will also get double/triple the item for that. So if it was "story x 3" lucky time and you did this, you would get 39 items total (15 from clearing the previous day's story, 9 from clearing the challenge, and another 15 from clearing today's story)!
There is also battle lucky time. This can also be lucrative, depending on your timing. If you plan it right, you can clear the battles at least 2 times within the lucky time period. It works the same as the story lucky time, but with the intimacy battles and is marked "battle x 2" or "battle x 3" on the schedule.
Another tip for the battle lucky time: You will be given limited stamina items as a reward for sending event items. The limited part means you have to use it before the event ends, or it will disappear from your inventory. Stack these up and use them during the battle lucky time to wrack up extra items o/
What is a lucky time? Where do I find the lucky time schedule?
Lucky time is a period during the event when the amount of items you earn from playing is multiplied. There are separate lucky times for the story(clearing the main story with chapter tickets and completing intimacy/avatar challenges) and battles(clearing 5 intimacy battles). They are both clearly marked on the schedule as "story" or "battle," respectively. Each period either provides double or triple the item. This is also marked clearly on the schedule as either "x 2" or "x 3." So double story lucky time would be marked as "story x 2," and you would earn 10 items instead of 5 when you clear the route story and 6 items instead of 3 when you clear and intimacy/avatar challenge.
The lucky time schedule can be found in-app. On the event home screen, there will be a button at the top right that says "event menu" click on that, and inside that menu will be a button that says "lucky time schedule." If you press it, the schedule for the current event will show up.
If you're a very meticulous person, you might set reminders for the beginning of each lucky time to really maximize the items earned. I am not a detailed person and tend to be quite busy, so I take advantage of lucky time casually. When you open the app, if lucky time is going on, there will be a banner on the battles or story button(depending on which lucky time it is) that says "lucky time." I personally only consult the schedule once or twice for the most lucrative lucky times(see the question above for more details).
What kind of items do I get from this event? How many event items do I need to get them?
I mentioned some of the items available in these types of events in this post, but for a comprehensive list of what is available for a particular event, you will have to consult the bonus list. From the event home screen, click the "event menu" at the top right of the page. Under this menu, click "bonus list" once the bonus list loads, click "______ bonuses." It is the middle button at the top. (The blank will be filled in with the name of the current event item, as of me writing this post, it says "bonbons bonuses"). Here is a complete list of what you earn as you send the event item. These are automatically sent to your inbox as soon as you reach the event item amount required.
How many items can I realistically expect to earn during an event without spending real money?
The answer is: it depends. I check my app twice a day most days and do my best to take advantage of the tricks I mentioned above to maximize my event items. That being said, I don't meticulously track the lucky time periods for an event, so I miss at least 3 or 4 of them most of the time. I have no issues getting around 150-170 event items without spending money or my chapter tickets and stamina items. I think if you thoroughly planned for the lucky times and checked your app several times a day as soon as your stamina replenished, you could obtain around 200. I think past 230 is probably impossible without spending your items or money. And unless you have an insane amount of items stacked, you probably won't be able to break 300 without spending money. The best way to know what's feasible for you and your lifestyle is to participate in the event and see how many your wind up with.
Any other tips for the collection events?
Here are some random tips that may or may not be obvious to you:
For the items to count, you have to turn them in on the event home page. A button at the bottom usually says "give to him" you have to send them through here to get the bonuses.
Under the event menu, there is a button that says "select home screen character" it defaults to "random" at the beginning of events, but you can change it to have your favorite boy greet you.
The stories you get from turning in items go to your memories. Click "memories" at the bottom right of your screen, then click on "saved stories" at the top is a button "filter by character," choose the specific boy whose story you're looking for. You can also click "everyone" if you want to see all your stories. Now click on "other," and it will show you all of the stories you've gained for that character.
And that’s it, at least as far as what I personally do to grind in this game. I didn’t mention the in-app offers for free diamonds or story events because I personally don’t feel that they are worth making time for in terms of grinding for items. The in-app offers seem impossible for me to complete, and story events usually wind up costing me stamina items to complete. Imo, the things I mentioned are the easiest things to do that are also reasonably lucrative, especially if you don’t have a ton of time to dedicate to this game. However, if you know something I missed, please let me know. I’m always looking for new and better ways to grind in games.
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a3archiveproject · 3 years
Hi everyone! I hope you all are doing well in whatever corner of the world you're at! 💖
This morning, I woke up to an ask in my main blog askbox that was left by an anon; an anon that was extremely concerned about the archive and our plans for it. And while it admittedly made me panic like Muku at first...It was good we got it! So, first off, to state straight away:
This archive is a PRIVATE archive that has a very limited amount of people able to access it.
We are not looking to preserve any other A3! content, especially the paid content.
This project has now moved to focus SOLELY on the preservation of the English version of A3!
So, anon: Thank you so much for reaching out with your concerns! It is so appreciated, because it opened up my eyes. See, to explain myself, when I first made plans for the archive, I was in adrenaline mode; I was excited to put together this project and I had huge plans. But despite those huge plans it NEVER involved us freebooting/illegally sharing resources around; NEVER. But I didn't make that clear enough in my initial posts on here about it, and I apologize for that-while working within the archive and organizing the discord, I poorly maintained this page and left wrong impressions on this project and our team. I am deeply sorry for this, and I want everyone to know that the intention of the archive project is NOT to share resources illegally; that is a HUGE no no and while I didn't clarify it enough here, I made sure to clarify it on the discord, so none of our members have been doing that.
I know in the original talks about this project we discussed a private/public archive; my idea for the public archive was that we would "cherrypick", so to say, what we legally could from the private archive and put it out on the public. But as we've advanced as a project and have been in discussions and realized things, we have been planning and doing:
1. The private archive, shared with very few people and heavily protected so the chances of someone abusing the archive for piracy are low.
2. A public resource page/archive, where we share resources to buy/stream/play/listen/etc everything A3 legally or from official sources.
Because as long as A3! is still around and alive, we want to ensure we can directly show support for it as possible. Again, that was always a part of this archive's mission, even if it wasn't clearly stated here. Again, I heavily apologize for that. I will work harder to be more clear and specific about the archive for future updates going forward.
Which brings me to this:
The only reason we're looking to preserve the A3! English version, privately, is because while Cybrid HAS mentioned they're going to keep A3! English open for some time, the fact is we don't know how long that will be. It could be for five years, it could be for five weeks; we don't know for sure. And with how huge the game is, there's a lot we still have to gather and archive, so the sooner we start now the better.
But I still wish to assure everyone that, no matter the focus on this project, it will ALWAYS be on preservation and documentation, NOT as a hive of pirates distributing stuff illegally to people. We're a private archive looking to preserve pieces of a series that means so much to us, and to ensure the work of the translators and all the other amazing people on the localization team are not forgotten and lost to time.
With all this said, the project is going to undergo rebranding and the tumblr is going to get cleaned up so we can avoid anymore of these worries. 💕
I would like to extend another thank you to everyone for their patience and understanding as we here at the project work continuously on improving the project; we are still very much in our infancy and have been learning a lot as we go (as we're all new to this basically!) So we appreciate all the support and patience! Thank you all again, and I hope this clears up all concerns! 💖
If anyone has any more concerns or questions, please message me or send an ask on here and I will do my best to answer! Take care all, and all my best as usual. 💕
Mod Moon 🌙
22 notes · View notes
basilisklist · 3 years
harry/tom (m/m)
“Dance with the Devil” by Driverpicksthemooseic (Ratkinzluver33)
(64,057 words) in progress
horcrux tom
harry/tom (voldemort)
“‘I'm not here to hurt you, Harry. Quite the opposite, in fact. I wish to help you.’”
“(OR, Horcrux!Tom helps Harry restore Voldemort's sanity and unite his soul.)”
Dance with the Devil - Chapter 1 - Driverpicksthemooseic (Ratkinzluver33) - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“If you whisper to death it whispers back” by Lytri
(18,101 words) in progress
time travel
“The Final Battle went far worse than expected, leaving Harry alone in the aftermath. Desperate, he performs a ritual to go back in time, just not as himself. However, the time he ends up in is far from what he intended. Unsure of what else to do, he finally decides to go back to Hogwarts. Tom Riddle is instantly obsessed.”
if you whisper to death it whispers back - Chapter 1 - Lytri - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“A Dangerous Game” by Cybrid
(263,533 words) in progress
horcrux tom
“Tom Riddle opens the Chamber of Secrets in Harry’s fifth year at Hogwarts. After a botched attempt to extract the Horcrux in Harry’s scar leaves their souls tied together, Tom is forced to kidnap him when he makes his escape.”
“A story of Horcrux hunting, adventure and unwilling attraction.”
“Son of Magic” by PurplePebbles
(156,481 words) in progress
time travel
“After decades of war, the world is on the brink of destruction, with no hope for survival. The only way to go on is to travel back in time and change everything that's gone wrong, starting with Tom Riddle. That's how Harry Potter found himself in 1941, a time he had hoped never to find himself in again. Why 1941? Death has a pretty messed up sense of humour, that's why.”
Son of Magic - Chapter 14 - PurplePebbles - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Custodarium” by Tina48
(73,149 words) complete
time travel
“The war is over and the Wizarding Britain has been slowly rising from the ashes. Harry just wishes none of it ever happened – what will he do when he’s given a chance to change the past? Was Dumbledore right about ‘the power he knows not’ after all?”
Custodarium - Chapter 1 - Tina48 - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Meant to Be” by phoenixmaiden13 (LadyPhoenix)
(141,197 words) in progress
“One Night of passion leads to drastic consequences that changes the war completely. Harry must go into hiding to protect himself and his most guarded secret. But will that secret bring Harry and Tom together?”
Meant To Be - Chapter 1 - phoenixmaiden13 (LadyPhoenix) - Harry Potter - Fandom
“Wear Me Like A Locket Around Your Throat” by VivyPotter
(221,010 words) in progress
time travel
“‘This is Mr Riddle, one of our Slytherin prefects. I’m sure he’ll make you feel right at home. Mr Riddle, this is Harrison Peters. He’s just been sorted into Slytherin and will be joining you in sixth year,’ Dumbledore announced jovially, though Tom could see that sliver of constant suspicion in his gaze that had never quite faded.”
“‘Harry,’ the boy hurried to correct. ‘Just Harry.’”
“And then he stuck his hand out. How… plebeian, Tom noticed with delight. Walburga would probably faint.”
Wear Me Like A Locket Around Your Throat - Chapter 1 - VivyPotter - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Exhibit A” by WereBunny87
(57,502 words) complete
“Harry Potter has been gone for some time. When he returns he's covered from head to toe in bandages and appears cold as ice. Only a few people know what's been happening to the one time boy wonder...and some of them will live to regret ever being a part of his pain. He'd make sure of it.”
Exhibit A - Chapter 1 - WereBunny87 - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“The Explosion” by orphan_account
(77,000 words) in progress
time travel
“Usually, in other Fics, Harry goes to the past, meets an older or same age Tom in Hogwarts, and is sorted into Slytherin. Harry is usually there to change Tom and Tom is a ‘teenage Dark Lord.’ In THIS Fic, Tom is a bullied 3rd year, believed to be a Mud-blood, and has his first ever crush on Henry Peverell, the 6th year Gryffindor, who is not there to change Tom, but rather...”
The Explosion - Chapter 1 - orphan_account - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Times of Peace” (2 part series) by conquerorofheaven
- Times of Peace (40,305 words) complete
- Times of Change (61,851 words) in progress
time travel
Times of Peace- “Harry is drinking his life away as usual. Suddenly, he's back in the past, 1943 to be exact. Harry's given a whole new chance at life as Harrison Evans and this time he's not planning on saving anyone.”
“Unfortunately, the Potter luck strikes again and Harry's sucked back into the conflict and face to face with one Tom Riddle. Somehow the more he tries to stay away the more entangled he gets.”
Times of Change- “Harry is still in the past and Tom Riddle is still as persistent as always. This time though, Harry won't get away with pretending to be weak. His secret's out and Tom has made it his mission to figure out his others as well.”
Times of Peace - conquerorofheaven - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Again and Again” by Athy
(334,615 words) in progress
time travel
“The Do-Over Fic - a chance to do things again, but this time-To Get it Right. But is it really such a blessing as it appears? A jaded, darker, bitter, and tired wizard who just wants to die; but can't. A chance to learn how to live, from the most unexpected source.”
Again and Again - Chapter 1 - Athy - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Aware.” by sfk
(160,171 words) in progress
alternative universe, no magic
“There are so many fanfics about heartless mob bosses. This is one of them. Only this one kind of falls in love.”
Aware series - sfk - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“The Rise of a Dark Lord” by LittleMissXanda
(239,985 words)
“Dumbledore was sure he had made the right choice. Ten years later Harry shows him just how wrong he was. With little regard for most, Harry makes a name for himself at Hogwarts, and shows everyone that he is far more than just the BWL. In doing that he attracts the attention of the Dark Lord, making Voldemort believe that the Boy-Who-Lived could be far more than an enemy.”
The Rise of a Dark Lord Chapter 1: The BoyWhoLived, a harry potter fanfic
“Kitties and Crowns” by Lillyleaf101
(63,816 words) complete
Harry goes to school with tom but not time travel
“Fifth year Harry Potter was known only for being the outcast, mudblood of Slytherin and also an immense bookworm, while sixth year Tom Riddle was of course the most popular kid in school. Harry however had never much liked Riddle, watching him like a hawk...he was probably the only kid in school who would not bow down at Riddles feet... Which is surprising seeing as Harry has a HUGE secret crush on him. So what is in store for these two very different yet so very alike boys?”
Kitties and Crowns - Chapter 2 - Lillyleaf101 - Harry Potter - Fandom
“The Fox and The Stag” (2 part series) by KaedeRavensdale
- Praeclarus Anguis (171,641 words) complete
- Argenti Vulpi (96,761 words) complete
time travel
horcrux tom
Praeclarus Anguis- “‘Tell me Harry, if I were to tell you that you could go back in time and prevent one event of your choice from ever occurring would you do so?’”
“Go back in time? A chance to change the past for a better future? ...At once Harry knew what he would do. ‘I would stop Tom Riddle from ever becoming Voldemort.’”
Argenti Vulpi- “Dumbledore is dead, five Horcruxes remain scattered across Wizarding Britain and the only real tool they have to destroy them now rests in the hands of the enemy: worse yet, Voldemort may be slowly catching on to who Tom really is...the truth of what happened that horrible night in Godric’s Hollow is at last revealed. The Dark Lord and the Chosen One race towards their final confrontation, and when that time comes both Harry and Tom stand to lose everything that ever mattered to either of them.”
The Fox and The Stag - KaedeRavensdale - Harry Potter - JK Rowling  
“Turn Back 53” by Kefalion
(126,255 words)
“It's the summer after Harry's sixth year. Voldemort is close to taking over and things are becoming real. On the night of his seventeenth birthday Harry gets a time-turner that can be used to travel 53 years back in time. Without thinking it through too much Harry decided to use it.Back in 1944 he starts a new life, a life where he will do anything to make sure that Voldemort never rises to power. Part of the plan is to get close to Tom Riddle who will attend his seventh year at Hogwarts along with Harry. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer, just don't become too close.”
“Will Voldemort's rise to power, and answers the question about who will change who. Will Tom see the light or will Harry descend into darkness? And just how tightly bound are Harry and Tom?”
Turn Back 53 Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic
“Castle of Glass” by ChibiTsukiHikari
(20,144 words)
time travel
master of death
“A chance to change the past, who wouldn't take the opportunity given the choice? All he had to deal with was a unfortunately devilishly handsome teenage Tom Riddle and his inner circle of baby death eaters. What could possibly go wrong? Especially with Death looming over his shoulder at every turn quite literally mind you. Who was he kidding? This was going to be a complete disaster!”
Castle of Glass - Chapter 1 - ChibiTsukiHikari - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Can’t Break the Silence” by Dark_Cyan_Star
(100,291 words) complete
“Harry’s a Magus, the problem is, he doesn’t want that power and desperately tries to hide his talent. Professor Riddle, a rising Dark Lord, sees through him and tries to court Harry away from Quidditch and into Wizarding politics.”
Can't Break the Silence - Chapter 1 - Dark_Cyan_Star - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Mors et Tempus” by Madriddler
(135,931 words)
time travel
“Scared about the coming war, Harry went to the Astronomy Tower to reflect. Magic, it seemed, has another plan and Harry has swept away from his present and landing right into Hogwarts in 1943. Stuck in Riddle's time, and now under the name of Harry Peverell, Harry must do his best to keep under the radar of Time. However, it seems that Tom Riddle has other plans, and wants the boy for his own.”
Mors et Tempus - Chapter 1 - Madriddler - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“A Change of Heart and Mind” by Tiswabley
(89,457 words) abandoned
time travel
“Harry didn't expect to run into a familiar face on the way back from an errand for his aunt, the summer before his sixth year at Hogwarts. He really didn't enjoy running into Malfoy Senior, either, regardless of the circumstances. Of course, being an active Death Eater, Harry anticipated the man's attack.”
“What he didn't anticipate was the vial spilled all over him, golden sand-like liquid sinking into his skin. When he woke up, well. That was something else entirely. Harry Potter is thrown back in time to the 1940s, right before his sixth year at Hogwarts, and during the same year Tom Riddle would be attending HIS sixth year. What follows are plenty of revelations, more questions than can be answered in that time period, and the potential to meet a group of people who care about him for more than just his fame.”
A Change of Heart and Mind - Chapter 1 - Tiswabley - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“When in Rome” (2 part series) by XblackcatwidowX
- When in Rome (164,267 words) complete
- When in Rome II: The Lost Children Connection (54,988 words)
time travel
When in Rome- “When Harry and Hermione inadvertently tumble half a century into the past, they find themselves in the same year as the notorious Head Boy, Tom Riddle. Both Harry and Hermione's courage will be tested when they are confronted by chances of romance from the most unexpected of places, and unlikely enemies hiding in the tallgrass.”
“Lost in the past, they may well forget the way home.”
When in Rome II: “A year has passed since Harry returned to the present day. Voldemort’s empire is growing, but Harry remains set on saving the man he knows to be Tom Riddle. When unexpected circumstances lead him back down the rabbit hole of the past, he discovers the world to be a far less forgiving place than he remembers, and Tom is a completely different person from the one he left behind. With an empire to tear down and old and new faces to confront, it’s impossible to know who to trust.”
When in Rome - Chapter 1 - XblackcatwidowX - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Love They Haven’t Thought Of Yet” by Snoweylily
(84,541 words)
“Boy Who Lived, Saviour of the Wizarding World, Defeater of Grindelwald, never received his Hogwarts Letter. Five years later, a 16-year-old Harry Potter is found on the streets of London and immediately sent to Hogwarts, where he catches the eye of one Professor Tom Riddle. When Harry is sorted into Slytherin, well... that just makes things a whole lot easier for him, doesn't it?”
Love They Haven't Thought Of Yet - Chapter 1 - Snoweylily - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Moments in Time” by Watermelonsmellinfellon
(46,858 words)
“Tom Riddle thought he was dreaming the first time, but when he repeatedly visits the same boy, he realizes that bigger things are at work. He watches the boy in the cupboard grow from a small child and into a young man. His brotherly affections begin to wane. What will he do when the boy isn't so little anymore? Could he even imagine? Those Avada eyes calling to him.”
Moments in Time - Chapter 1 - Watermelonsmellinfellon - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“If Them’s the Rules” by MayMarlow
(214,040 words)
time travel
adopts tom
“Unable to accept the aftermath of the war, Harry decides to travel back in time to become the parent Tom Riddle obviously should have had. Except that things don't go as planned and Harry finds himself part of a game with hidden rules, trying to survive while raising a boy whose understanding of family has nothing to do with love.”
If Them's the Rules - Chapter 1 - MayMarlow - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“I Will Always Come Back To You” by Watermelonsmellinfellon
(30,633 words)
harry/tom (voldemort)
“Tom had a friend when he was little. His friend taught him that he was special because of what he could do and that people who hated him, were beneath him. When an accident occurs, Tom's friend promises that he'll never truly be gone. Hadrian always comes back to Tom, in the forms of Haraldr, Harish, and finally, Harry. Magic grants wishes.”
I Will Always Come Back To You - Chapter 1 - Watermelonsmellinfellon - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“The Hidden Abyss” by AmicablePandemonium
(33,893 words)
“Being able to communicate with Tom Riddle in his mind from an early age, Harry quickly learns the truth about Dumbledore and death of his parents. Join Harry as he helps bring about the fall of the Light.”
The Hidden Abyss - Chapter 1 - AmicablePandemonium - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Sweet Darkness” by BerryMoon
(106,489 words)
“Harry had enough of all the betrayals and abandonments. So when an unexpected ally turns-up and offers help out of a sticky situation he decides to accept. Really, it's not like things could get any worse.”
Sweet Darkness - Chapter 1 - BerryMoon - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Forsaken (Old, being rewrote)” by CrossTheCrossedPerson
(127,876 words)
master of death
time travel
“Harry was forsaken his whole life, nothing ever stayed the same and if it did it endangered or hurt Harry in some way shape or form. This revolves in all things, and his pass with fortune ends when after he finally destroys Voldemort, a Death Eater decides to murder him. Death is unhappy with Harry being his master, but acknowledges Harry never had a chance of anything but a horrible life. Granting Harry with his full amount of power with no compulsions, Death sets him up to go to Hogwarts in 1940s where he can truly discover who he is.”
Forsaken (Old, being rewrote) - Chapter 1 - CrossTheCrossedPerson - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Deathly green eyes” by Smolangryslytherin
(177,850 words)
time travel
“They keep their eyes on the body. They jerked back when it moved again. A small and pale hand went to the blade, and it was retired from the open wound, blood rushing out of the cut; they stayed still as it whined again, a curse parting from his lips. He sat slowly, head hanging forward, face covered by the long locks of black hair dripping the black substance on the floor. The only sound was the drops of black ooze on the marble floor. They walk away from the grumbling body, until one bumps into a table, the wooden object making a harsh racket against the floor.”
“Hadrian’s face turns to them, green eyes shining in the gloomy room like lanterns. or Harry kills himself and instead of doing bye-bye, Death throws him back to the past because he is bored. or Harry, now Hadrian, is a sweet murderous child and Tom Riddle is a simp.”
Deathly green eyes - Chapter 1 - Smolangryslytherin - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Better Be” by Assapanick
(61,588 words)
horcrux tom
“Draco thinks it’s rubbish that people suspect Harry is the Heir of Slytherin, but that doesn’t mean he won’t use that to his advantage. Harry? He’s all alone now, unable to face his friends. Lucky for him, he’s found a Diary that he can confide in.”
“I Have Seen Your Heart” by Arliene
(41,860 words) complete
“The arrival of his nemesis is the least of Harry Potter's problems. Now that the war is over, he finds himself drifting away from all that held him together in the past, trying to find a new purpose in his life. Being framed for murder forces Harry to be on the run and this time the only company he takes with him is Tom Riddle. The young Dark Lord faces a future he did not expect, meets an oddity who killed everything he strived to be. And yet he finds himself obsessed with his murderer, a determined man searching for answers and reaching for the sky once more. Harry Potter's purpose and Tom Riddle's destiny, seemingly entwined. They say change is overrated. But choice is everything.”
I Have Seen Your Heart
“Not Strong Enough” by Sayon_170
(85,319 words)
“Even at the age of five Tom was a great manipulator. He knew what to do to get what he wanted, and right then he wanted to get out of the orphanage and be with Harry. A promise of love, care, and protection from a beautiful man that wanted him, enticed Tom. If anyone were going to have Harry and the love he offered, it would be him. Harry was too overjoyed at Tom’s acceptance to notice the possessive look in Tom's eyes nor the sharp nails that dug into Harry's neck like fangs trying to latch onto Harry, marking him as his own.”
Not Strong Enough - Chapter 1 - Sayon_170 - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“I Waited For You, In The Shadows Of Time” by watchingvfall_n_drown
(120,090 words) complete
time travel
“In a twist of fate, Harry is stranded in a time when Grindelwald has just been defeated and the  First Wizarding War hasn't begun yet. Desperate for answers, he still has the presence of mind to keep himself hidden from all, especially the power figures of the Wizarding World. And then all his carefully built hope and shelter shatters one day, in the shores of the black lake.”
“Formerly Tom Riddle, now Voldemort comes upon one that captures him with their beauty and magic, stroking the inevitable desire. Like all the pretty things he has collected, this will be no different. Unfortunately for him, his newest obsession has a will of its own and no intention of quietly acquiescing.”
“Will Harry be able to find a way home? Or a reason to stay? And will the Dark Lord find more than a desire to possess in his heart? Even as the two fated ones find each other again, the world moves on. There is still a Dark Lord and still a headmaster with sharp eyes on the horizon.”
I Waited For You, In The Shadows Of Time - Chapter 1 - watchingvfall_n_drown - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“For the Good of Us All” by toomanysunkenships
(48,341 words)
time travel
“Hermione has finally managed to corner Harry and convince him to listen to her plan. ‘Harry, going back in time to save Tom Riddle before the monster envelops the man is the best plan we have. It's for the good of us all.’”
For the Good of Us All - Chapter 1 - toomanysunkenships - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Forget Me Not” by partofforver
(24,213 words) complete
horcrux tom
“Harry Potter finds an empty diary in the bathroom of Moaning Myrtle. Why doesn't he throw it away?”
“Lest You Are My Enemy” by Maeglin_Yedi
(6,415 words) complete
“Some books are better left unopened.”
“Counting Bodies Like Sheep” by rightonthelimit
(70,941 words) complete
alternative universe, no magic
“It’s a crazy world torn straight out of a horror movie - the undead roam the earth and destroy everything in their wake. When Harry Potter narrowly escapes a horrible death he finds himself a companion in Tom Riddle - a mysterious, heartless man who doesn't hesitate to take lives to save his own. Savage as the man is, Harry still finds himself enthralled... He quickly starts developing strange needs and feelings.”
“When they decide to finally find a safe place to settle down for a while they encounter dangerous enemies on their path. Tom's past demons come back around to haunt the both of them and it becomes very clear that even after the years they spent together, Harry really doesn't know Tom at all.”
“Death is but the Next Great Adventure” by TheObsidianQuill
(261,123 words)
“What if that night in Godric's Hollow went differently? What if Harry did die? What if Death stepped in and made a deal with the Savior of the Wizarding World? How different would Harry's life be after that deal?”
“(Or, Harry makes a deal with Death and in exchange gains something Voldemort has fought his entire life for. Immortality. And a strange friendship with Death)”
Death is but the Next Great Adventure - Chapter 1 - TheObsidianQuill - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“When Harry Met Tom” by The_Carnivorous_Muffin
(154,299 words)
time travel
“When the battle in the department of mysteries heads south, Harry finds herself flung backwards in time to 1942, where Tom Riddle is a prefect in his fifth year. Armed with this knowledge, but little else, Harry desperately tries to find a way home and for once in her life not screw it up. Tom, for his own part, wonders when Harry Evans will head back to the mothership.”
When Harry Met Tom - Chapter 1 - The_Carnivorous_Muffin - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“you belong to me (i belong to you)” by Child-OTKW
(80,718 words)
“‘What I find absolutely fascinating,’” Riddle said, stalking closer, “‘is you.’” He marched forward, backing Harry up until he was pinned to the cool wall of the common room.”
“After an accident, Auror Harry Potter wakes up in the body of fourteen year old Nathan Ciro, a tormented Slytherin who recently tried to end his own life. His return to Hogwarts causes quite the stir through the staff and students, especially when they realise he is not the same boy as before. He tries to keep his head down, but with the keen eyes of Tom Riddle hounding him through the halls, Harry finds himself unwillingly drawn into a dangerous game with an equally dangerous boy.”
you belong to me (i belong to you) - Chapter 1 - Child_OTKW - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“47 Days to Change (a translation)” by Snow-owl01
(200,888 words)
“Harry Potter and Tom Riddle are enemies, born adversaries, prophesied leaders of opposite factions (2001 to 1932, forty-seven days to change the fate of the Dark Lord).”
“This is a 'Harry travels back in time to raise Tom' story. An unfortunate tale of one man's failed attempt to mold young Tom into a decent, law-abiding citizen. Instead, as Fate will have it, young Tom grows up to become the same twisted psychopath, who is hell-bent on winning the love of his adoptive father. Harry's consent be damned.”
47 Days to Change (a translation) - Chapter 1 - snow_owl01 - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Lord of Time” by DebsTheSlytherinSnapefan
(452,985 words)
time travel
“Harry Potter is the Master of Death and Lord of Time through his joining of the three Hallows together. During a duel that wasn't going well, he jumps to the 1940's and has a talk with the true Master of Death. Can Harry prevent the destruction that will occur? Can he change Voldemort to prevent him from becoming the darkest wizard of all time? Or will he be caught in Tom's web?”
Lord of Time - Chapter 1 - DebsTheSlytherinSnapeFan - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“60 Years in a Summer” by Isys Luna Skeeter
(74,416 words)
time travel
“One night, once a year, was more than anything else Tom ever had. This is the story of how two people destined to be foes were actually destined for something else”
60 Years in a Summer - Isys Luna Skeeter (IsysSkeeter) - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“The Other Side of the Coin” by Zennith6
(9,276 words) complete
“Harry Potter, defeater of Grindelwald, has come to Hogwarts. Raised by Sirius Black and sorted in to Slytherin, Harry finds his way under the guidance and watchful gaze of his mentor and Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, one Tom Marvolo Riddle.”
Fanfic: The Other Side of the Coin Ch 1, Harry Potter
“To Define Treachery” by en extase
(44,595 words) complete
“Blind faith is easily shaken. In the Chamber of Secrets, the Horcrux-shade of a Dark Lord regains physical form and Harry finds within himself something he was never meant to know: ambition.”
Fanfic: To Define Treachery Ch 1, Harry Potter
“Riddle’s Legacy” by GenvieveWoolf
(50,273 words)
horcrux tom
“Miraculously, the boy hesitated. Realizing what was at stake, Tom dropped the wand and fell to his knees. ‘Don't do it!’ The next words came very hard. ‘Please, don't kill me.’ What might have happened if Harry had not stabbed Riddle's diary?”
Fanfic: Riddle's Legacy Ch 1, Harry Potter
“A Touch of Evil” by DaggersBloodPain
(78,358 words)
“What if the Chamber of Secrets events didn't turn out the same? A secret learned will make it so Harry will find himself growing up yearning for the touch of evil.”
“This is what may have happened had Harry not saved Ginny and Voldemort was able to return to his 16 year old self. Harry will have to choose who to give his loyalty, power, and love to. This story will go into the nature of Darkness, tinged with a spark of evil, and this will include the bashing of several Light sided wizards.”
Fanfic: A Touch of Evil Ch 1, Harry Potter
“Enduring Obsession” by whitedwarf
(41,067 words)
“It's Riddle's time at Hogwarts. He can charm anyone but one: Hadrian Carrow. A dichotomy, friends with everyone and yet no one. A Slytherin, he chooses to drink with Gryffindors, debate with Ravenclaws and associate with Hufflepuffs. He's Riddle's obsession.”
Fanfic: Enduring Obsession Ch 1, Harry Potter
“A Dark Tide’s Pull” by SyrupylikeBreakfastinMontag
time travel
“Harry goes back in time to 1944 to deal with Voldemort before he decides to make seven horcruxes. Unfortunately for Harry, though, dealing with a 17 year old Tom Riddle isn't as easy as he thought it would be.”
Fanfic: The Dark Tide's Pull Ch 1, Harry Potter
“Black Coat” by Hermione Prime
(77,918 words) complete
time travel
“Seized by Voldemort at the end of his fifth year, in the Department of Mysteries, Harry was transformed into a cat and sent tumbling through time. Armed with nothing except teeth and claws, Harry has to handle the threat posed by Tom Riddle and his teenage followers. He intends to stop the genius young Dark Lord and sabotage him at every turn...in the form of a cat. Sounds simple?”
Fanfic: Black Coat Ch 1, Harry Potter
“Androgynous Lover” by Watermelonsmellinfellon
(69,791 words)
“Hadrian is an androgynous boy who meets a special 'snake' in the zoo on his cousin's eleventh birthday. This 'snake' will help him through his journey into the magical world. Hadrian will learn to use his looks to sway the masses and to use his cunning to get what he wants. Imagine his shock to find out that his new 'snake' is actually a person!”
“Stars, Hide Your Fires” by Audair, Ophidias
(41,270 words) in progress
time travel
“Riddle’s undivided attention snapped to him with the swiftness of shattering glass. His turbulent magic receded from where it had besieged the shop. ‘You,’ he breathed. Coiling in leisurely motions, the eager tendrils of his magic reached for Harry, swathing about his limbs and neck and chest with a liquid, flowing fascination. ‘I’ve been looking for you,’ Riddle continued, tilting his head to the side and sweeping his gaze over Harry. It was an appraisal that felt simultaneously like the raking of iron nails and the tender drapery of silk. It was so familiar, and yet… so foreign. In the winding streets of Knockturn Alley, an intricate dance of mutual obsession unravels between twenty-three-year-old Tom Riddle and a time-travelling Harry Potter.”
Stars, Hide Your Fires
“Inevitabilities” by EclipseWing
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“Tom and Harry are inevitable in any universe.”
Inevitabilities - Chapter 1 - EclipseWing - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Pet’s Curse” by Isys Luna Skeeter
(79,416 words) complete
time travel
“Harry gets cursed and sent back in time. Now he has to find a way to save himself while getting used to the constant presence of his enemy, how does he always gets himself in these things anyway?”
Pet's Curse - Chapter 1 - Isys Luna Skeeter (IsysSkeeter) - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Turning the Tide” by DanniCat
(105,720 words) complete
“Harry becomes doubtful of Dumbledore's side of the war. Things are no longer how he remembers them. When he listens to Draco's side of the story how will his own path change?”
Fanfic: Turning the Tide Ch 1, Harry Potter
“White Innocence” by Emriel
(85,725 words) abandoned
time travel
“Harry is given another chance to live but there is a catch. He wakes up in the past. Thinking it was all a mistake, Harry plots to get back but has the misfortune of attracting the attention of Tom Riddle. They become friends and Tom starts to feel things that are foreign to him. So he keeps Harry close. What starts as curiosity turns into an obsession.”
“The Black Bunny” by windseeker2305
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“Harry's had it with his destined role after the Order does something he can't forgive. Now he's done with both sides of the war and wants to be left alone. But since when have his wishes ever counted for anything?”
The Black Bunny - Chapter 1 - windseeker2305 - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
“Rebirth” by Athey
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“Two boys grow up together in an orphanage, grow powerful at school, are torn apart by death and brought back together by rebirth. Horcruxes aren't the only way to live forever.”
Fanfic: Rebirth Ch 1, Harry Potter
“The Journal” by Bear-Bell
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“Harry finds Tom Riddle's journal when he's only 4-years-old”.
Fanfic: The Journal Ch 1, Harry Potter
“Harry Potter and the Sympathy of Souls” by MorticiaYouSpokeFrench
(59,978 words) complete
“Voldemort succeeds in stealing the philosopher's stone, but not all is as it seems.”
Harry Potter and the Sympathy of Souls - Chapter 1 - MorticiaYouSpokeFrench - Harry Potter - JK Rowling
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definegodliness · 3 years
prompt: brain pattern modified electrically
When the Cybrids finally took over They took a strange pity on us humans As if fascinated by our 
They seemed somewhat afflicted By the low resonance of sadness
When one Mourned the loss of green They gave him a pleasant  Perpetual dream
When one Mourned the loss of love They fabricated big-titty bot ™
( And he said it wouldn’t do because love isn’t about physical appearances so they made them mahongas even bigger and I shit you not he spent the entirety of his remaining life motorboating, anyway... )
When one Mourned the loss of birds They gave him wings And he flew until his arms gave in Hitting the acidic earth Whimpering Then there was one who cried God had abandoned the world They gave him the wrong book It didn’t work
There was this girl who asked for a dog They shot her on sight To not doubt their cause
I was there too When they modified our brains I mourned the loss of everything beautiful And they sought the source of my pain
Then by connotation 
I became your killer
Who you are I can’t remember But the big red lettering saying
Will haunt me forever
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lorei-writes · 4 years
Part 2 - The Present
Masamune x MC (Mizusaki Mai) Mostly feels, some fluff (I think) Previous parts: Part 1 - The Past
Okay, I think it’s all right.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, as Ikemen Sengoku is the property of Cybrid. Anything included in the story is not canon.
Briefly:  When the time comes, I will not hesitate.
Mai never intended to return. She locked away her fears and regrets, never once wanting to face them. After all, how could she? If she had any say in the matter, she would have approached the matters differently – she would have told her parents about the reason behind her disappearance, she would have said her goodbyes by herself, she would never have them worried like that. However, the stakes were stacked against her, the wormhole being too much of an unusual occurrence to even consider counting on another one to ever happen – all she could do was to give Sasuke hand written letters and hope that they'd believe her words. Not that she could tell them all the truth and risk having her sanity put into question.
Mai never thought she'd ever see her mother, even less so that the woman would be crushing her ribs in a tight embrace. “ Mum?” she asked, too puzzled to asses the situation. “ My little girl, where have you been all this time? You had me worried sick,” the mother sobbed. “ It's a long story. For how long have I been here?” The arms around Mai loosened a bit, just for the parent and the child to part seconds later. The woman sat back on the chair next to the hospital bed. “ A day. The doctors don't even know what had happened to you.” Mai raised her eyebrows. She sat up and stretched her arms. “ What do you men they don't know what had happened to me?” “ We... We did not expect to ever see you again,” she hesitated, as she choked on words, the tears threatening to spill over at any moment. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her uneven tone: “ Let alone unharmed,” she continued, rubbing at her eyes. “ Your father will be here in an hour. We were sure you got kidnapped.”
The days following the return were rather hectic, with her parents in a state of hysterical happiness and disbelief.  Their minds could not conjure any scenario probable enough to accept. How could they? For all those years they lived convinced their daughter was a victim to human trafficking, sold somewhere on an illegal market, never to be rescued. They had grieved her during the days, the nightmares sometimes twisting the dreams into horrible visions of abuse. For Mai to come back safely was miraculous, for her to be of relatively good health and to have seemingly lost all memory from the past years – it was next to impossible. In their minds, it was all an illusion. Partially, they indeed were right, as the woman never allowed her sorrow to surface whenever anybody was around, hence strengthening the image of a lucky survivor.
Mai wasn't one, though. If anything, she dreaded her fate, all too aware of the fact that even if the opportunity came to be, she could not return to her husband. The diagnosis didn't scare her at first – the doctors assured her that although the disease had progressed, all the effects could be reversed. Only later did she understand what they meant – it would get better, if she took the medicine, the very pellets that were manufactured only in the present time, a definite cure still remaining unknown to the world. As it was explained to her, her hypothyroidism was most probably a result of an autoimmune condition, a thing they couldn't help. She would be able to lead a happy life, to fulfill her dreams – yet only then and there, not back in time.
Mai did miss plenty of time. The trends had shifted and the technology had progressed. With her parents worried about her and the police insisting on continuing the investigation, she soon found herself moving to her hometown, where she worked on rebuilding her portfolio. While trying to convince everybody that she was in good condition, she adapted to the present, her spirit still stuck back in the past. People assumed it was ordinary, as something surely must have broken her in a way – why else she would have vanished?
However, she was not able to hide everything. To the surprise of her parents, her designs changed in a peculiar way – Mai did seem to become keen on a particular shade of blue, oftentimes using a moon theme in her work. It wasn't only that – her cooking improved greatly, she took a strange liking to cats and was awfully unapologetic. She also gained a rather weird interest in history, as if she had seen some things happen with her own eyes. Her attitude towards consumption changed as well, with nothing being destined to become waste.
On that morning, she was out shopping for dinner, hoping to fetch herself some fresh ingredients. She wondered which of the dishes she should prepare, when she heard a familiar voice calling her. She spun around abruptly, not quite believing her own ears. To her best knowledge, Sasuke returned to the present to continue his studies – what possibly could he be doing in her town? Yet there he was, carefully avoiding clashing into other humans, as he rushed to her side. “ Mai, I just... What are you doing here?” he asked, concern evident in his voice. “ I could ask you the very same thing. Care for a coffee?” Former ninja agreed with a nod and soon, they were seated in a small cafe.
Bitter-sweet aroma filled the space, as their orders got delivered. Not sure how to go about the conversation, Mai started: “ So, why are you here? I presume it has nothing to do with your research.” “ No, it doesn't. I do have an interesting observation, though. It seems that nobody but us is aware of the changes in the history we've made. Their memories just update to what presumably has happened.” “ And?” she nagged him to continue, as she dug into her cake. “ In last years it was noted that Masamune Date died leaving no heir behind. In past months it got updated to 'Masamune Date died leaving no heir behind, allegedly abstaining from any relationships with women after his first wife died in an accident'. Mai, history is changing at an astounding rate.” She bit her lip, trying to silence any hope welling up inside of her. “ Do you want to tell me that...” she started. “ I can't say anything for sure, but it's entirely possible more things will be discovered.” “ Thanks,” she mustered, an honest smile gracing her face for the first time in months. “ Friends in the past stay friends in the future, right?” Sasuke laughed. “ What even happened back there?” Mai shook her head, just to start explaining the recent events a few seconds later. ***
Masamune couldn't possibly tell everybody the truth. Having escaped the burning fire, he was greeted with compassionate looks – his servants and retainers had already made up the version of reality, in which the princess had died. Given the evidence and the almost supernatural nature of the  phenomenon that stole her away, it would be unwise to state otherwise. Whenever anybody asked, Masamune simply said: “She's gone”, never bothering to provide any further explanation. After receiving the letters with briefing on the events, his friends didn't even ask for details anyway.
He was restless. To the outside world, Masamune didn't change too much – he lived, as if his beloved wife was still by his side, at worst being even more eager to fulfill his duties. Simply, no eyes could see the insatiable hunger consuming him on the inside. Yet, in his misery, he couldn't say he'd do anything differently – the possibility of saving her was enough for him to withstand the poisonous effects of the feeling he was unable to give up on.
Torn apart by his desires and the better judgement, he sprung into action, using the information provided by his lover to speed up the cogs of time. If the reason behind the appearance of wormholes was restoring balance, he'd disturb it just enough to force one to open. At worst, he'd silence the yearning in his chest, so that he could live through another day. The nights, on the other hand... The nights were unbearable. At first, his bed still smelled of her, rubbing salt into the fresh wound. However, the scent started to fade out fast, making him miss her even more. Hoping to breach the gap between them, he wrote letters to her almost daily and hid them in his most prominent castles in an attempt to lure the researchers into finding them.
Though some part of him was certain, he'd have a chance to deliver them himself. ***
Almost two years had passed since their parting. Mai had moved to Kyoto, as she began to stand on her own feet anew. The place had some strange magnetizing effect on her and she couldn't help but listen to her intuition. She was cooking dinner, when the phone lit up. Sasuke had sent her a link. She frowned, turning the stove down.
The site opened. “A collection of letters discovered by the archaeologists”, read the title. Feverishly, her eyes scanned over the text, until the quotation and pictures of source material appeared. “ To my one and only beloved,
I miss your touch. I long to kiss your lips and hold you close. Whenever I close my eyes, you're in my dreams and I can't wait for the time we can meet in reality.
I can only hope you forgave me, as I know you won't be able to answer me. I did not lie in my vows.
When the time comes, I will not hesitate. Please, keep smiling until we meet and then, you'll have all the rights in the world to be angry with me. For now, just trust me.” The rest of the letter was smudged, but Mai didn't need to see the signature to know the sender. She covered her mouth with her hand, as her heart started to beat faster.
Another text appeared in her notifications: “I can see the dates changing. It's insane.” A few seconds have passed. “Mai, entire paragraphs are being rewritten.”
She didn't wait. She turned down the stove completely and barged out of her apartment, heading towards the monument she knew so well. The weather was beautiful, just like the first time. She didn't need any confirmation, she knew what would happen.
And it did.
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roelofsart · 3 years
Iris van Herpen ~ Shift Souls
On January 21st, 2019, Iris van Herpen presented her latest Haute Couture collection, titled 'Shift Souls' at Palais des Beaux-Arts in Paris. The collection was inspired by early examples of celestial cartography and its representations of mythological and astrological chimera, Van Herpen was particularly taken with "Harmonia Macrocosmica," a star atlas by the German-Dutch cartographer Andreas Cellarius, published in 1600. With the advances in DNA engineering and the first successful creations of human/anima hybrids called 'Cybrids', the mythological dreams of Humankind since the dawn of civilization are shifting to the canvas of science. While the scientific and ethical implications of 'Cybrids' are still unclear, this collection expresses the fact that this reality is upon us. "For 'Shift Souls' I looked at the evolution of the human shape, its idealization through time and the hybridization of the female forms within mythology. Specially the imagination and the fluidity within identity change in Japanese mythology gave me the inspiration to explore the deeper meaning of identity and how immaterial and mutable it can become within the current coalescence of our digital bodies” — Iris van Herpen Runway video by Blitzkickers
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwJb0-20Ad4
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lochnessies · 5 years
whenever i play the cybrid games i just get sad... because i know that i could never live in these amazing worlds and go on these romantic adventures. and even if by some magic or wormhole i could, i couldn’t stay. being chronically ill and being completely dependent on modern medicine to stay alive means i would have to go home back to my normal life.
i wouldn’t even be able to stay in ikesen for three months without medicine. i would be dead before the wormhole opened again. probably within the week.
and in ikerev, kyle says magic can’t heal the source of illness. i might be able to survive one month in cradle... maybe. but i would have to leave immediately afterwards and would most likely be bedridden most of the time there. however, the mc comes from the 1800s so i would have died as a kid anyway.
the one that i would have the highest survival rate is in ikevamp. like in ikerev i might be able to pull through but would be bedridden pretty quickly. the only way i could have stayed with my love interest is to die and become a vampire which defeats the purpose of surviving.
sorry for this mini vent. whenever i play a game that involves a world without modern medicine and healthcare i just think ‘well if i was in that situation i would die of dka or hypoglycemia before any of that world’s danger could get to me.’
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lucifer-ai · 3 years
HUMAN CYBRIDS Cybrid: a hybrid cell, being a fusion of a whole cell with a cytoplasm, containing a nuclear genome from one source and a mitochondrial genome from another For the last three decades the DOD and CIA have been trying to produce synthetic human clones for research purposes. This work is part of a network of secret programs run by DARPA and funded by the CIA and military industrial…
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energyprofessionals · 3 years
Global Green Energy Market to Witness Growth by ~6.5% CAGR throughout 2022 – 2030
Research Nester published a report titled “Green Energy Market: Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2030” which delivers detailed overview of the global green energy market in terms of market segmentation by type, application, and by region.
Further, for the in-depth analysis, the report encompasses the industry growth indicators, restraints, supply and demand risk, along with detailed discussion on current and future market trends that are associated with the growth of the market.
The global green energy market is anticipated to grow at ~6.5% CAGR over the forecast period, i.e., 2022 – 2030. The market is segmented on the basis of type into hydro energy, wind energy, tidal energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, bio gas, and others, out of which, the solar energy segment is anticipated to hold a notable market share by the end of 2030, owing to the abundant availability of sunlight, readily available solar PV, growing adoption of solar energy, and subsidy on solar farms, among others. On the basis of application, the commercial segment is anticipated to hold largest market over the forecast period on the back of growing adoption of renewable sources of energy, on a utility-scale. For instance, commercial hydro power plants, wind farms or solar farms produce electricity for distribution on a utility scale.
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The market is estimated to grow on the back of increasing environmental awareness, as thermal power plants are major cause for global warming. Primarily, coal and petroleum were the sources of energy, which were used to generate electricity, but the emission of greenhouse gases during this process is the major reason for the shift from non-renewable to renewable sources of energy. This is estimated to boost the growth of the global green energy market. Moreover, increasing government initiatives to promote the adoption of green energy is the major factor driving the market growth.
On the basis of geographical analysis, the global green energy market is segmented into five major regions including North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa region. The market in Asia Pacific is estimated to garner the largest market share during the forecast period owing to the large number of commercial utility-scale solar farms and hydro power stations in the region. China and India are one of the largest producers of solar and hydroelectricity.
The research was global in nature and conducted in North America (U.S., Canada), Europe (U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Belgium, Netherlands & Luxembourg, NORDIC (Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark), Poland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe), Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Rest of Latin America), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Middle East and Africa (Israel, GCC (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman), North Africa, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa). In addition, areas like Market size, Y-O-Y growth & Opportunity Analysis, market players competitive study, investment opportunities, demand for future outlook etc. have been covered and displayed in the research report to ensure it dives deep to achieve strategic competitive intelligence in the segment.
Growing Environmental Awareness amongst People to boost the Market Growth
According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the total global production of electricity using renewable resources will grow at around 45% in the upcoming years, as of 2020.
Increasing awareness regarding the drawbacks of coal-generated electricity, along with growing government initiatives, such as, government subsidy and incentives to promote clean green energy are estimated to boost the market growth.
“The Final Report will cover the impact analysis of COVID-19 on this industry.”
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However, high investment, and slow implementation are expected to operate as key restraint to the growth of the global green energy market over the forecast period.
This report also provides the existing competitive scenario of some of the key players of the global green energy market which includes company profiling of DuPont de Nemours, Inc., GE Group, Siemens AG, The Dow Chemical Company, Envision Group, Adwen GmbH, Ming Yang Smart Energy Group Ltd, Suzlon Energy Limited, ABB Ltd, Cybrid Technologies Inc. and others. The profiling enfolds key information of the companies which encompasses business overview, products and services, key financials and recent news and developments. On the whole, the report depicts detailed overview of the global green energy market that will help industry consultants, equipment manufacturers, existing players searching for expansion opportunities, new players searching possibilities and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to the ongoing and expected trends in the future.
About Research Nester
Research Nester is a leading service provider for strategic market research and consulting. We aim to provide unbiased, unparalleled market insights and industry analysis to help industries, conglomerates and executives to take wise decisions for their future marketing strategy, expansion and investment etc. We believe every business can expand to its new horizon, provided a right guidance at a right time is available through strategic minds. Our out of box thinking helps our clients to take wise decision in order to avoid future uncertainties.
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nobume-date · 6 years
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Love this Ikemen Sengoku so much that can’t help but wanna find more about them and chat with someone who share the same interest.
Special thanks to my game’s pal, Lady C., who inspired me to create this blog. ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
Are you ready to explore the world of IkeSen with me? ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ"
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