#source: some tumblr post I saw lmao
vohtaro · 11 months
kind of feels like all it takes is for a post to only ever suggest the notion of leaving tumblr for the entirety of tumblr to panic about it
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felixwriting · 1 year
And now for something deeply stupid aka dumb as shit ways to explain the relationships the main bitches in Apocalyptica have with each other
Edric & Lucian: Adam and Eve are so divorced that they erased their own memories of each other
Edric & Laelia: The original Wife Guy was divorced by Eve so now he's Wife Guy to Lucifer. Alternatively, Lucifer is the Bride of the Lamb and is kinda into it
Harvey & Lucian: Sometimes....the relationship between the angel of the bottomless pit.....and the Beast she sets free......is something that can be so romantic
Harvey & Laelia: Abaddon and Lucifer want nothing more than to kick each other's asses
Harvey & Edric: Local Fallen Angel ready and willing to kick the Second Coming's ass, local cult leader a little bit scared of Fallen Angel even though he is for sure more powerful than her
Lucian & Laelia: The Antichrist and Lucifer don't fucking get along even a little bit
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cordeliawhohung · 5 months
I saw a reblog of the anonymous ask someone sent you about using character ai, and someone responded saying something about how it’s disgusting to even ask that, which is a liiiitle harsh, but I digress.
The issue here, is that there are more people who don’t understand what AI is doing than people who do understand.
ChatGPT, Open AI, Character AI, Gemini, etc ALL steal from published works on the internet. It cannot be prevented, no one can stop it from happening.
I’m not an artist & I don’t publish my writing, but I do genuinely care about the artists and writers who are having their work stolen and receiving absolutely zero credit.
Please, please, please, do not put someone’s work into AI.
If you want to create a character, or a storyline & use character ai, by all means, go for it. But PLEASE, don’t disrespect or disregard these artists by feeding their work into an AI. It completely diminishes all of the hard work they put into their art.
oh boy, nothing like having a post you made in fucking january suddenly gain a fuck ton of attention lmao.
while i understand where you're coming from, i think you completely missed the main point of my response to that anon.
1: i literally explained that ai steals work to that anon. i said it's a pale imitation of what a real human would write. that it takes works that people put so much effort into and regurgitates it out. i told them not to put stuff into ai. i informed them, and i wasn't rude about it either. emotional, maybe, but i wasn't being rude.
2: the main issue i had with that anon, besides the ai grossness, was the insinuation that i'm not "creating enough content" for them. "the readers can interact more with the characters" comment from them really grinds my gears. even if ai didn't steal from creators, and it wasn't a godawful abomination, them wanting me to put my ideas and works into something that they can interact with that isn't through me completely disregards the entire purpose of me having this blog in the first place. which i ALSO explained to them. why would i want to put my work into a 3rd party source and not interact with my followers when that's literally my favorite part of creating? bonding and talking about the shit i put effort into? i had every right to be upset about that, and so does every other writer.
3: i have no control how people reblog my posts. so idk why you're coming in my inbox about what someone else reblogged, really, just to tell me everything that i've already explained to that anon. i know who you're talking about too, because they're a mutual of mine, and honestly, i agree with them. it's disgusting to suggest someone should put something into a third party source so they don't have to wait for me to "churn out works" or whatever. i know people aren't well informed. which is why i informed them on that post and left it at that. i also explained why it's frustrating to receive asks like that, to hopefully prevent them from doing that again.
also, while i have whoever is reading this, i'd also like to mention that the anon who sent that ai ask sent a response back (that i didn't bother to respond to because i wasn't trying to make this a thing) somewhat apologizing and said they asked me that because other blogs on tumblr were doing it too. don't do that. don't assume that just because some people are doing x thing, that means you can suggest it to someone else. it's rude, and comparing blogs is just frustrating in itself.
anyway. i will not be making this a thing. do not come into my inbox debating the ethics of ai or whatever, as i will simply not entertain it. (:
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ecogirl2759 · 11 months
I'm glad people liked my 4コマ KINGS post so much lol. I love spreading the word about obscure lore :)
Under the cut I've responded to some of my favorite tags, given a little more backstory into the source of these pictures, as well as posted a few new ones :D
There's also a question at the very bottom that I'd love to hear opinions on, but no pressure if y'all don't feel comfortable answering ^w^
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You're welcome >:D
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Same, bro. I was basically thinking that the entire time I was reading these books lol
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I feel like I should give a little context to these comics and where they come from lol. I wasn't very clear about the backstory in my original post. I do agree, when I found these, I thought they were super important, too, particularly because I don't think a lot of the fandom knows about these books lol.
The Danganronpa 4コマ KINGS anthology series was published in the early 2010's featuring a bunch of different artists. The series is 4 volumes long and published by Spike Chunsoft, meaning, while these aren't necessarily canon, they ARE official :)
There is another series of anthologies in relation to both the first and second games, but I don't have those.
The first two volumes of this series is relatively well documented. There are sites where English translations have already been added to all of the comics in them (I'm pretty sure), as well as some screenshots popping up on places like Pinterest.
The third and fourth installments, however, are really poorly archived. The third has some content from it floating around, but it's hard to come by. The fourth had almost no information on it no matter where I searched.
I say this because a while ago I found the ONLY pictures of the Mastermind!Taka comic on this really old Tumblr blog from 2014 and REALLY wanted to figure out what it was about. (Didn't help that I couldn't read some of the bubbles in those photos.) First I searched for an English translation (there wasn't (so I'm working on one hehe)), then I tried to find which book it was even from, and NOTHING!
These books, since they were in circulation around 2014-ish, have stopped being printed, so copies of them are very hard to come by. Luckily, I was able to get my copies from a kind stranger on Ebay :)
Here are a few more pictures that I thought were funny/interesting that I couldn't add in my first post because of the picture limit lol.
Sorry for the really long post, I just thought it'd be interesting to share :)
Here's the page of artists that contributed to this anthology! Please go check them out (or see if they have any socials since it's been so long). Some credits change per volume, hence how many photos there are. (And sorry for my hand, it's hard to hold these open lol.)
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You've probably all seen the covers, but have you seen what's behind the covers? (Also including the opening illustrations. These have probably been posted online already as well, but they're worth including imo.) (Again, please excuse the fingers, I'm trying my best ;-;)
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^ Sayaka came with a smudge :( she still pretty tho
So, uh, remember when I said Hifumi made ship fodder? ......Here it is. Eat your heart out lol
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Also remember when I said that Mondo's hair was fluffy and bouncy? Here's the proof:
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Sakura has been de-buff-ified twice LMAO
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ALSO remember when I said Syo was a fan of BL? ...... :)
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ALSO remember when I said Kyoko was kinda socially awkward?
(Context: Kyoko sees Kiyotaka and Mondo calling each other bro and, thinking it'll strengthen their bond as well, calls Makoto "Makoto-oniichan," or "big brother Makoto" lol. Also, second picture says "I have come to save you, Makoto")
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Chihiro Shinji chair meme
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I'm at my picture cap, but there's a lot I haven't brought up lol
For a different thread, would people like me to find pictures of certain characters? (i.e. just photos of the characters looking cool/hot/stupid without a lot of the text.) Because I am totally willing to do that :)
I've already got a lot on Byakuya, Sakura, Aoi and Mondo for all you simps out there, and it's not hard to find even more lol.
So lmk :D
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loemius · 1 month
31. What post have you seen recently that makes you wanna scream lmao <3
oh boy youre asking me for the spicy hot takes tonight huh. i am always happy to deliver <3 i dont want to put anyone in particular on blast so ill refrain from mentioning specific posts, but i do find that a lot of content lately in the helpol sphere has been very... surface level. a lot of moodboards, a lot of basics, 101 level content, stuff like 'the gods love you!!'. which isn't inherently a bad thing whatsoever. there is a need for that kind of content! however, i've also noticed in my 2 years on helpol tumblr that a lot of the reconstructionist blogs and informative blogs that i used to follow have either went inactive or deactivated entirely. and i can't help but wonder why this is. i think there's a lot of reasons for it: frustration with the shallowness of content leading to people going off and becoming more solitary practitioners, the more you grow in your practice the less compelled you may become to share it, but also i think a lot of people use tumblr and people's ask boxes as a search engine and that leads to a lot of burnout. it certainly did for me -- i took a hiatus from posting for a long time because i wasn't in a place to educate people. it's a lot of pressure, especially on tumblr where it feels like people will jump down your throat if you're incorrect about things or you suddenly become an Authority that people look up to when youre just a person. people who were posting really helpful and informative content about the theoi simply arent here anymore, and i really think the community's gravitation towards easily consumable content and reliance on people to do research for them is a large part of this. i realize not everyone is recon, which is very much okay, although i personally love being recon. that being said, i still think you should do your best to do your research and understand where these ideas come from. they didn't appear out of thin air -- mediterranean culture is very much alive still and is a continuation of the ancient world, and to not acknowledge or understand it is disrespectful to both the cultural context of the theoi and mediterranean people whose culture we claim to revere. i don't expect everyone to become an academic or a classicist. its not accessible to everyone for a variety of reasons, but i do think like. checking out some of the primary sources in a way thats accessible for you or picking one really good book to really deep dive into would benefit a lot of people. basically, i just wish i saw more in depth posts and people engaging on a deeper level with their faith and being willing to post it so we can have more discussions as a community and grow together. helpol is unique among other polytheistic religions because we have a wealth of primary sources available to us, and that isn't always the case for other polytheistic religions. i think it's... honestly kind of sad that we don't really talk about them. its not that i dont want to see peoples upg or that i dont think there should be posts for beginners, because there is a place for it and i enjoy that content too, but i wish there was more variety in the kinds of posts we have in the community. i miss the days when the tags were full of people writing their own prayers or people talking about a new source they read and what they thought, or compiling something for their own practice and being willing to share it with the community. i guess this is my sign to get back to posting my own original content and make the kind of content i want to see in hopes it'll encourage others to do the same. anyway i got on my little soapbox about this and its time for me to hop off before i hit character limit (again lmao). thank you so much for this ask, this was really refreshing and cathartic for me to talk about. may the gods bless you with health, happiness, and love always <33
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soullessjack · 10 months
I’ve been on TikTok a lot because my FYP has been infiltrated by SPN and most people on there think he has the mental mind of a 3 y/o or a baby. How is this possible to think with his storylines? It doesn’t make sense to me. I wasn’t in the fandom, just an avid show watcher, and I saw him similar to Amara and how she’s an adult that grew up fast except he was just born grown but naive because the world is complex. So how do people get to him having a baby mind? It feels ableist to me but I can’t figure out how to articulate why (like when someone has developmental disabilities and someone says, “They have the mind of a _y/o,” when that person’s needs/skills/etc are more complex) and I was wondering if you could shine some light on why you think this happens. I don’t think people understand why other people have uncomfortable feelings surrounding baby/toddler/kid!Jack but I can’t remove it from accidental ableism. I’ve tried talking to people about it on TikTok but they either double down or say that it’s my opinion. However, I don’t feel like canon supports theirs. Thank you. I love you your posts about Jack and your insight. Good work.
hi, thanks :3
genuinely I don’t know, and I ask myself that every single time I go through spn tiktok lmao. the best I can figure is, for one, TikTok is the app where media literacy and nuance go to die like dogs. there’s no arguing with anybody there unless you get lucky (source: I’ve argued).
two, I think genuinely it comes from the over-saturation of baby!jack content in the fandom, both in and out of tumblr, and the extremely minimal amount of content where he’s actually treated with nuance and complexity. like, it exists, but only in very small circles that the majority of the fandom clearly ignores. from what I’ve seen most of spn-tok is focused on TFW or Dean or Destiel and don’t generally care about Jack that much, so it kinda makes sense that they’d just run with the most prevalent idea of jack and not really think about it in the long run, or when they watch the show.
a lot of the arguments I’ve seen literally boil down to “he wears Velcro sneakers” and “he doesn’t know [insert thing]” or just his general social awkwardness/unawareness (which Cas displayed all the time in the early seasons but never got outright infantilized for). like look at this:
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and there’s millions more comments like this, unfortunately. I don’t mean to speak for everyone, but at least for me, the body language and specific mannerisms Alex put into his portrayal of Jack is what resonated the most as an autistic thing, naïveté and poor social skills aside of course. Like, he fidgets/stims constantly—
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and none of this is scripted for him to do, either! Alex just decided it worked, and he was right!!
—and to see these very blatant autistic traits be reduced down to “portrayal of a child/toddler” is downright sickening, especially when plenty of other autistic fans have pointed it out and expressed to Alex that they relate to Jack and even asked if he had done it on purpose because it was so well done.
what I’m personally confused on is how many people will double down on jack being a child like it’s driftwood in the ocean. like, going back to my argument, I gave the other person multiple points in the show that make it obvious jack is intended to be an adult. Harper, the beer, any of the trauma he’s endured; the works. and all they had to say to that was “you do you I guess.” and it’s like what do you mean, ‘you do you’? I’m giving you actual examples that happen in the show, and I’m asking you to think ‘hey, maybe if jack flirted with a girl and talked nonstop about what it’s like to fall in love and have sex for an entire episode and had his dad offer to go to a dive bar for bucket-list hookups in the episode after, maybe he isn’t a child.’
but again, this is TikTok, so asking for any kind of self examination is asking for too much.
it just strikes me as odd. it’s odd and confusing and horribly frustrating that people are dying on this hill like it’s some kind of civic duty. like, why does it matter to you so much to see Jack as a child? why is it so important for you to think of him that way, that you just ignore canon evidence and autistic voices to make yourself feel right? what was even weirder was they were autistic themselves, and said they wouldn’t dream of infantilizing him, but here we are. their reasoning was “he’s literally 3 by the end of the show,” and that was it. And of course they weren’t wrong, but if you look at every time Jack or anyone else acknowledges his age:
D: “how old do you think you are?”
J: “3 days, 17 hours and 42 minutes”
Dean shrugs and lets him drink beer.
M: “You should be six months old.”
J: “I am…sort of.”
Mary shrugs and treats Jack like a teenager from there on out
M: “Do you ever hang out? I mean, with kids your own age?”
J: “Well, I’m two…enty. I’m twenty…two. I’m twenty-two.”
While the show acknowledges Jack’s actual age, it’s arguably on the same level of acknowledgment of Cas being literally older than time, because what people strangely fail to remember is that Jack is not completely human and doesn’t have the natural aging or developmental process that humans do. He’s three in the same way Vision is three, and Vision is already married with children. Beyond that, there are plenty of times when Jack is referred to as a teenager or treated like one, like Dean’s “he’s a millennial” joke in Last Holiday (wrongly termed but the intent is still there). Hell, even in the scripts they’ll directly say things like:
“Jack is spiraling out, a teenage powder keg,” (13x06 Tombstone, deleted writer’s draft)
“Kelly can’t help but smile, so impressed by the man he’s become, but not about to let him out of her sight,” (14x08 Byzantium, prod. draft)
that make it pretty clear Jack is functionally an adult despite his unnatural age, just like Cas or Amara or even Emma (also the added bonus that Jack explicitly hates being called a child or treated like one, but people literally reacted to that like “oh silly baby wants to be in charge like a grownup” so, like, I don’t even know what to do with that) (and banking off of that, every other time Jack is explicitly put into an adult situation, like flirting with Harper and literally asking Dean how to have sex, sooo many notes on that gif set were the same parroted “nooo baby boy don’t corrupt your innocent mind!! dean is such a bad influence 😂😂😂😂”, so the obtuseness is very intentional). I try not to be accusatory when I talk about the way Jack is treated in the fandom, as a general for online discussion and because I know it’s largely unintentional, but I really do think Destiel (and Sastiel) have some hand in it.
If you look at the majority of Baby!Jack content, it all centers around how domestic either ship is with baby!jack, how good Dean is with kids (baby jack) and how much of a sweet older sister Claire would be, etc. It’s all for the sake of domesticity. It’s the white picket fence family dream that canon TFW2.0 doesn’t really quite have. It’s to make Dean and Cas and Sam and Cas and Claire and Rowena and whoever else, a softer version of themselves. It’s never actually about Jack. He’s just the cannon fodder; the prop; the dress setting; the accessory. He’s there to make everyone else look better and to fuel them forward. No matter how much people want to argue that it’s “giving Jack the childhood he should’ve had,” we both know it’s not actually about him, because canon coming in with the steel chair again: Jack literally chose to be an adult. He hates being considered a child and has never expressed anything more than wanting to be a regular teenager. And like I said, people on spn-tok are naturally Destiel centered, so it’s honestly not very surprising that they just can’t let go of this content cow because it’s just too cute and wholesome and precious of course, despite it being rampant ableism and just generally annoying to people who actually do care about Jack in a deeper sense. Gag me. So maybe that explains the doubling down, but then what gets even more confusing to me is, like, you can have a domestic family AU that doesn’t rely on erasing a character to fit a specific image. You can have a domestic family AU without being ableist about it. You don’t have to do any of the things you keep consistently doing. You even fucking already it in the show! Canon TFW2.0 is dysfunctional on various levels, but so was TFW, and so were just Sam and Dean. It’s simply their dynamic, and it’s what adds to their family bond being what it is to begin with. Nothing you’re doing is something you need to.
I wanna stop before this gets longer than it has to be, but for one final thought I think the general lack of care for autistic people in any space is part of it, too. It’s why half of our representation is painfully inaccurate or egregiously offensive; it’s why fandoms of media with autistic/autistic-coded characters almost always rampantly infantilize them (cough cough SheRa). And like with Alex’s mannerism choices, it’s the distinct yet subconscious connection between autistic behaviors and childlike behaviors, because autistic people are so largely treated as incapable innocent children and cannon fodder for their autism warrior parents; both of which reflect like direct sunlight in Baby!Jack tropes. And it’s why people just don’t care enough to do anything about it, to heed any criticisms about the harm they’re doing, because to them it’s not harmful. It’s not a problem that’s doing any perceivably “real” damage because they haven’t been personally hurt by it (except when it comes to unfair Dean criticism or Sam or Cas criticism, because that’s clearly more important than ableist rhetoric and representation erasure), and probably because they already hold those views to autistic people in the real world.
The world at large does not care for autistic people, or disabled people in general. Nothing that hurts us is considered anything serious. Nothing that matters to us is considered valuable or worth respecting. And because of that, we already struggle in the real world day by day, so we turn to online spaces for connection and sharing our interests safely. We turn here for community, only to be met with the same indifference and rejection as the real world, because the same people we’re trying to avoid are here too, and then we have nowhere else.
**im probably going to make this a separate post but I also want to talk about the weird cognitive dissonance that the fandom has with babyjack and how it’s pretty much considered “acceptable infantilization,” and how so many people in the fandom have said they want more complex jack but still engage with content that actively erases Jack’s complexity and relies on that erasure to make him what he is).
***edit: tags 4 reach, absolutely feel free to ask for removal! ik it’s out of the blue but you guys have had some of the better takes on jack lol @angelsdean @hauntedpearl @uh-ohspaghettio @queermania
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brynnterpretations · 2 months
LOVED the the boys ship you wrote me (went anon at first bc i'm shy and new to tumblr lmao) so wanted to ask one for my the boys oc since i saw you do ocs too!!
her name is veronica daumas, she's in her late 30s, brazilian (speaks portuguese and english) and has been living in the us for 10-ish years (faceclaim is taina muller). she was a private eye in brazil before messing with some big corporations (aka vought), giving herself a lot of trouble, and having to fake some documents and burn some bridges to move to the us. she was recruited for the first mallory team due to her investigative abilities and, of course, is brought back to the team for the s1 shenanigans. during the years between the first mission and the start of s1, she was working as a sort of particular investigator for a brazilian-american crime boss in nyc.
personality-wise, veronica is a nosy bitch. she loves fucking around and finding out, prying for information, discovering things about people. a bit grumpy and snappy, but who in that team isn't? brutally honest too, not in an edgy, wanting to be a bitch way, but in a comically careless disregard for if something would be rude. her own crazy drive to pursue the truth makes her not realize some people might not want the whole truth at all times. it's not like she doesn't lie ever, she actually controls information very well when she wants/needs to; she really wants to be the one who knows things more than other people do. she's in a weird middle ground in the insane-to-normal spectrum: if butcher is one side and mm's the other, she stands aside with a cigarette to film whatever will go down between them. she's not one to stop anyone though — your problem! chronic bailer: if it's gonna go down, she'll leave. addicted to getting away with things. will absolutely back off and save her own skin, which is a conflict she has to grapple with when she inevitably comes back in contact with the boys, and starts getting attached to them as they slowly realize they actually are a team. she has left a lot of people behind in her life and it's something that's slowly coming back to haunt her — oh shit, she cares about the people she loves. and bailing won't solve her problems if she still feels for the things left behind.
i originally ship her with frenchie but wanted to see your input, hcs, and any other opinions since i absolutely loved your writing!! thanks in advance <3
I am so glad you liked your ship, and thank you so much for sending in another! I love Veronica so much and if you ever post a fic of her I'd love to be tagged in it. I hope you're well and again, I'm so glad you enjoyed! This brought a smile to my face. ♡
I ship Veronica with...
Frenchie ♡
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GIF Source: @yocalio ★ (link)
I agree with your pairing — Veronica definitely seems like Frenchie's type of partner, and vice versa. Dark and varied past? Check. A love for drama? Check. Wanting to be independent, but becoming attached to a group of fucked up people just trying to do the right thing day-by-day? Check.
I've mentioned this in a few other HCs, but I don't see Frenchie as a person to move fast romantically at all, so it would definitely start with a lot of interesting conversations and a healthy dose of playful flirtation. If Veronica is someone who's comfortable with hookups, I feel like it would be likely for she and Frenchie to be sexually intimate with each other before catching romantic feelings.
Once in a relationship, the two of them would be quite the chaotic duo, and would always back each other up. Sometimes, Frenchie will not know what she's talking about, but if anyone (*cough* Annie *cough*) tries to push back on any of Veronica's ideas or input, he will fight for her like a guard dog.
Generally, Frenchie really trusts Veronica's decision-making skills and intuition — he's always been more of a tactile person when it comes to work in the coup, so her investigative abilities are incredible to him — and always makes sure she's properly heard by the group, even when they're all yelling over each other, which is... a lot.
Frenchie is very fascinated by Veronica as a person, and would always make time to talk to her in-between missions. It would start as very run-of-the-mill questions, at least by Frenchie standards (her work in Brazil, how it was transitioning to life in America) before slowly becoming more personal. However interested, though Frenchie will always be patient — he knows how personal people's pasts are, and always respects her if she doesn't want to divulge information.
The two of them would definitely balance each other out. Frenchie is endlessly loyal, to his own detriment — Little Nina called him little doggy for a reason — and Veronica's ability to know when's the right time to bail would help him gain a lot more self-awareness and respect, while Frenchie would be able to show her that sometimes, not every time is the right time to bail.
During missions, he would always make sure he has a line of contact with Veronica, even if they weren't directly working together, just to give her words of encouragement and check in on how she's doing. He knows she's capable, yeah, but he just wants to hear her voice (and know what's going on, because he, too, is a nosy bitch). Sue him.
Frenchie is not shy at all with PDA, and would always be very physically close to Veronica, whether it's a hand holding hers, an arm wrapped around her shoulder, or just standing by her side. He also lives for sleeping with her, no matter who's the big spoon.
Frenchie loves hearing her speak Portuguese, and will often ask her to read to him.
Tons of cute, silly nicknames for her, such as mon bijou, mon trésor, and ma chouchoute.
As for the rest of the coup...
The Boys ☻
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GIF Source: @yocalio ★ (link)
Butcher really likes Veronica, finding her to be funny, competent, and very, very funny; the man could not deal with another moral compass on the team. Even when he's not a hundred percent down with an idea of hers, he'll back it up just to start shit with Annie and M.M. The guy's gotta get his fun in somehow.
He also definitely would invite her out to drink a lot (strictly platonically, though, because our boy is not a homewrecker).
However, it wouldn't be without its stressors. Considering Veronica's bluntness and lack of hesitation with calling out bullshit, I could see some pretty gnarly arguments happening between them, especially if it concerns Frenchie
On the topic of M.M. and Annie: M.M. does quite like Veronica and doesn't snap at her, but can get annoyed with her pretty quickly, especially when he senses that she's about to bail. Still, though, he finds her extremely intelligent and invaluable to the team, and believes her to be a very good person, even with her guarded exterior.
And, for Annie — I hate to say it, but Veronica and Annie would not get along at the start. Annie is very much an endlessly hopeful and loyal person, to a rather damagingly "go down with the ship" mindset, and would find Veronica to be flaky, selfish, and a hazard, likely having a relationship with Veronica similar to her relationship with Butcher.
That doesn't mean there wouldn't be room for improvement, though. Annie's decently intuitive, and as she senses Veronica becoming more and more attached to the team, would begin warming up to her and holding far more respect for her as a person.
Hughie would be quite wary of Veronica and probably wouldn't interact with her too much — sorry, he's a nervous little fella — but, like M.M., would also hold a lot of respect for her.
Kimiko would love her, finding her to be an extremely funny, interesting person. Like Frenchie, Kimiko is someone who highly values honesty, and would find her to be a refreshing person to be around, especially since Veronica isn't afraid of standing her own.
Additionally, Kimiko is admittedly pretty drawn to gossip and other "nosy" things that she wasn't able to pick up on or enjoy during her time in the Shining Light Liberation Army, so if Veronica dispels any information she's picked up on to Kimiko? The woman will be sold.
So... welcome to the team. She's one of the boys, for sure.
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stormblessed95 · 1 month
Thank you so much for answering me Storm!
When I sent that ask I had just come from twitter where some ARMYs where claiming that dropping Muse and Who to support Yoongi is what Jimin would want, that his album has been out for a month already so it not a big deal to move on.
I saw you reblog that post about Jimin standing with Yoongi, along with not seeing you post much about the hate Jimin has been getting lately, and my frustration towards those that are dropping Jimin to support Yoongi may have been projected on to you.
I don't expect you to be a "content creator", I'm very grateful for the time and energy you give to answer our questions and make thoughtful posts about Jikook and BTS. I have seen you post asks with reporting links before, so I was under the assumption that was something you allowed on your blog (especially for serious issues). If that has changed (which is fine! some people want their blogs/accounts/fandom spaces to be free of reports and anti discussion), I'm sorry for not knowing or not remembering!
It was not at all my intention to victimize Jimin, as I said people have resorted to saying things like "Jimin would want us to do this" and thus using Jimin's loving friendship with Yoongi as a way to justify not supporting Jimin anymore (or as much).
I have noticed that you hadn't posted about Yoongi! I was actually wondering if you were doing alright seeing as he is also your bias. I had even wanted to ask you if you knew some good sources to get information on what was happening, because there was a lot of misinformation and I was genuinely scared for Yoongi.
Seeing as this was a misunderstanding on my part, I don't wish to unfollow you if that's okay? Chapter Two and this recent year has made finding actual ARMYs who support ALL SEVEN members hard. I'm sorry if my ask made you uncomfortable in any way, and again hope you and your loved ones are happy and healthy 💜💜
I know we are all under the assumptions at times that our personal moral panic is unique and unprecedented.... But I promise that it's not, and it's important to remember that too 💜
Like everyone else, I'm not really okay with seeing all the hate and slander that's been happening lately. I want to cry if I think about it too long or hard.
To make things a little more clear, if you send me "what are your thoughts on *insert essay length ask or paragraph length ask over hate x member is experiencing*" I probably won't answer it. I'm not sure what it is I'm expected to say in response? Yeah, it fucking sucks. And I can say "report and block silently, do not engage" until I'm blue in the face, but that's not what those asks actually want. They want my rage, for me to be emotional about it. I'm not inclined to perform that for anyone here. I follow my own advice.
Which leads me to, the asks I'll post are from reporting links. If you see hate, and you want to ask me to help spread the word to report and block an account or ask for help in the best way to go about reporting something, please send it in and I will post it and/or give advice over it. And that is what you've seen me post here before. That is how it will stay
As for following me or not, you do you boo. I'm not here for the numbers or the followers. I didn't ask for anyone to be here actually 😅 the fact that the follower count ever made it anywhere over 20 is something I'm baffled at constantly. I've been on Tumblr for years solely as a lurker lmao so I still sometimes don't know how I ended up here... I blame Jikook. 🙃😂
And honestly though. Thank you for coming back and walking your first statement back and apologizing. Almost no one here has ever really done that before, so it's greatly appreciated.
Have a good day 💜
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kennediffed · 1 year
When You Can't Sleep At Night
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Description: Leon comes home to you having a rough night and does what he does best. Aka some short, self indulgent Leon fluff cause I can and I will.
Word Count: 554
Content: Comfort after a nightmare, Post RE2/Pre RE4, No use of pronouns for reader
Hi there, I originally wrote this for AO3 shortly before the RE4 Remake came out and posted it way after that, but wanted to see if it would do a bit better on tumblr, so I did what any normal person would do and made an alternate account specifically for writing lmao
AO3 Link Here
Leon kicked off his shoes as he entered the mostly silent apartment he shared with you. He got off from work earlier than expected and decided to get takeout for the both of you. The only thing he heard was soft music coming from the opposite side of the apartment and the rain gently plinking against the windows. 
“(Name)? I’m home” he called out as he placed the plastic bag on the linoleum countertop. Should he search for you? You were usually there when he got back from work, maybe you were sleeping? He had a habit of worrying when you weren’t around when you got back, and it increasingly grew as he got out some plates to put the food on.
Placing the rest of the stuff for dinner on the counter, he then decided it was time to try to find you. He had a feeling where you were because he silently started walking and as he grew closer to the source of the music, he could hear some muffled crying from the opposite side of the door. The sound only grew louder as he slowly opened the door to your shared bedroom.
“(Name)?” he quietly called out. The first thing he saw was a blanket lump on the bed, which slightly shifted when your name was called you. You both made eye contact. You must’ve looked like you were crying for hours at that point because his face immediately grew with concern.
“Oh, honey…” he breathed out, immediately going towards the bed and pushing back the covers so he could do what he did best, comfort you. Pressing his body against yours and wrapping his arms around you, you couldn't help but do the same, letting out some more sobs you didn't know you were still holding in.
“Another nightmare?” he inquired, slowly rubbing your back with his thumb. He knew they were common with you, especially after what happened in Raccoon City. Luckily, he also had experience with how to handle them when you did have them. All you could muster out was a nod. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
You slowly exhaled
“I… saw you die… right in front of me, a-and I couldn’t do anything other than watch” you sobbed, burying your face into his chest.
“Shhh, it's okay… I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.” he reaffirmed, pressing his lips to the top of your head.
You both lied there in silence for a couple minutes before Leon spoke up.
“I uh… got us some food. Do you want me to bring it in here and we can talk more about what happened in your nightmare if you’re comfortable with it?”
There he went again, Leon Scott, always making sure you're alright. Gods, you didn't deserve him.
“Y-yeah, I’d like that.”
You felt his lips curl up into a smile as he pressed another kiss, this time to your forehead, before rolling out of bed to go grab that takeout. You wrapped yourself with the blanket again as you watched him leave.
“Leon?” you stopped him before he left the room.
He turned to look at you, his eyes lit up with concern.
“Thank you, I love you.” you softly said
He let out a small laugh followed by a soft smile.
“I love you too.”
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akkivee · 5 months
i was going to type out a huge post about the stage since i snuck in one last full watch before it went away but tumblr killed my post as i was making it and i don’t feel like making another one lol
so new encounter thoughts: clifnotes version!!!!! it’s fitting bc that’s what this stage was anyway lol
i enjoyed myself!!!!! i wasn’t disappointed by any performances, tho since i was ride or die for akira ichiro and ayukawa jakurai, i felt those losses keenly lol. i was also surprised how much i felt like i was missing aramaki sasara watching this play lol. there were some changes to the origin stories, ofc lol, but the stage has always had superior bb takes so i really appreciate them changing ichiro’s more shallow dismissal of his bros in canon to him being scared for them after what happened with samatoki and chuuoku. it’s his biggest conflict in these battles so i appreciate them making it a primary focus
i read a tweet from a fan idk who they originally stanned but said they were considering becoming a hama lady after the stage and abso-fcking-lutely LOL uehara-san is incredible as samatoki, yuki-san can also inspire the masses with his looks and dancing and flow and tho stage rio didn’t have much presence in the play, him opening his heart to samatoki thru their battle and then teaming up with the both of them after fighting together is a great slight change to their origin story
*slams thru the wall like the kool aid man* AND THE NEW BAT HAIYUU ARE ACTUALLY MAGNIFICENT like backwards order since i have Things to say about nakanishi kuukou lol but nakatsuka-san’s hitoya is very cool!!!! his voice envokes almost the same amount of hype takeuchi-san’s voice does for me, like it’s deep and rough when he’s going and it’s sooooooo good. stage hitoya in the legends era cared for jyushi certainly, but i don’t think he flat out babied jyushi as much as he did in new encounter like my god lmao. it might be more indicative of the difference between actor’s personalities lol and i suppose hitoya did try to get kuukou to lighten up on jyushi when they first got started. also, there was this look he gave kuukou when kuukou started to goad him into being on his team that exuded cool charisma i think nakatsuka-san might be another actor too cool for hitoya LOL
i didn’t think it was possible for a jyushi to be even more baby than daigo-san’s but goddamn i think sakayori-san managed it LOL and again i do think some of that is bc of the source material they were adapting. i saw reports that new encounter jyushi was kinda spoiled by his team and i could see the undercurrents of that in the way kuukou would pat his back when getting up or the way jyushi would lean into hitoya and hitoya would actually wrap an arm around him lol. but i’m not complaining ITS CUTE. sakayori-san’s silhouette is so crazy like his build i think is exactly the way i envisioned jyushi’s so i kept vibrating out of my seat whenever he did a flourish and i got to see his figure lmao. i saw a report commenting that he needed to work on his vkei mode voice bc it was hard to differentiate and maybe???? idk i could tell the difference just fine, even if his voices don’t have as much of a gap as sakakihara-san or daigo-san’s
i want to throw up out of excitement thinking about nakanishi kuukou which is how i know he’s officially part of the kuukou brainrot LOL he’s kuukou!!!!!! he is so purely kuukou that everything i feel about kuukou is pushed onto him and i feel like i should apologise rn bc that comes with a heaping dose of objectification!!!!!! but it’s chill!!!!!!! *kicks down a wall* HES GOT MUSCLE ON HIS TINY FRAME!!!!!!!!!!!! like when he gets going going, that jacket starts slipping off and the camera caught just the right angle and lighting to show the contours on his arm muscles and i started yelling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thick neck thick calves thick arms HES BUFF!!!!!!! BLESS NAKANISHI-SAN!!!!! and thankfully it’s not for the aesthetic like he’s athletic asf too with jump kicks backflips air somersaults and the like. he is probably the best person to have gotten the role after someone like hirono-san, whose kuukou has shaped the character so thoroughly that even in this new stage, direction choices were made to preserve the hype his kuukou envokes. if the writing on nakanishi kuukou stays the course, it’d honestly be a bonus to have that extra hype kuukou lol. and on that note
now it’s just an origin story so there’s plenty of time for shit to go awry but rn i’m feeling massively satisfied lol. there were some lines that were raising my hackles but frfr??? that’s just me being sensitive after all these years lol it’s fine. no nod to kuukou’s history with ichiro but tbh i don’t come to the stage for that lol but it made me think of the complaint that nagosaka’s get together story felt rushed compared to the other divisions. and they were lol but i’m not sure if that’s the stage’s fault or the source material. on bat’s side, bc they formed nagosaka alongside the og teams in the stage, ramuda’s development thru bat got axed in favour of jyushi falling for rei’s scam that brought dh together. it’s a choice that further isolates nagosaka so while within the stage narrative it makes sense (does jyushi’s character a disservice tho), it kinda annoys me thinking about the long term lol but it’s probably not going to matter in the long term either so ultimately it’s fine. i guess. maybe lol
one last nakanishi-san ramble and i’m done lol but that fanservice part really showed off his charm lol like when he rolled up on some fans arms spread wide and demanding their ears and attention!!!!!! 😫😫😫😫🙏🙏🙏🙏 and as he was heading back on stage, there was a lone bat fan along that aisle so he paused and leeeeeeeeaned back into that backtrack and flashed the bat hand sign at her and i couldn’t stop my unholy noises even if i tried he’s so cute omfg help he’s adorable like actually 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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jung-koook · 2 years
As a new army I'm fascinated to hear about people being fans from the start. And you've been here pre debut! I would love to hear your story. How did you find out about them? Was there as much info about trainee groups then as there is now? What drew you into them? Were you into k-pop before? What was your reaction to tae's face reveal? Thoughts on the debut album and performance? Were there translations easily available? Are you friends with any army from those days? Which was the first show you went to?I would love to know everything! It's incredible you've seen their whole journey in real time. (So many questions i apologise lol)
I dont know if this still happens so often but at the time they debuted it was quite common for us to know information about new groups even before they debuted. so in december 2012 i was on my laptop on a kpop forum and they were talking about bighit and their new group. I remember at that time they said that bangtan was going to have a lot more members. and there were already people sharing photos of the members, video of namjoon rapping and also their youtube channel. and thats when I got curious. at that time i was missing something totally different in kpop and i saw it in them and especially in namjoon (i didnt know about jeongguk when i found out about them). at that time bap had debuted with something very different from what they used to have in kpop but i didnt feel connected to them or curious about them, but with bangtan i got curious as soon as i heard about them.
i've been listening to kpop since i was a little kid. i have an aunt whos been a fan of tvxq since they debuted so she was the one who made me go deep into kpop. at that time the only group i really liked all the music was shinee. i even cut my hair like taemin in lucifer but i looked like a dog lmao. replay and lucifer is one of the few songs from that era that I still remember the full choreography 😆 but i think what made me like shinee besides their music was taemin and jonghyun. I thought he was so amazing and I still think he is one of the most amazing and talented artists we have.
ever since i found out about bangtan every video and stuff they posted had me so mesmerized and hypnotized. anything they posted I said, "they are amazing!!!" 😆 I think their debut album was amazing and managed to show very well what they came to do and show at that time. I think their first album was perfect! but since I always liked groups from big companies, it was very hard to see how different the treatment is for those who are debuting from a small company and those who are debuting from a big company. and also how hate came to bangtan since they debuted. it was something that was very hard to see. you've probably seen them talking about it and how it went for them right. at that time I had a need to read and wanted to defend bangtan from everything. now I'm not like that anymore but I still feel super protective of some things. even though I dont think I had to waste time on these things, sometimes its really hard to stop myself.
we didnt have so many translations at that time :/ here on tumblr we had bangtan tumblr from the beginning. they had another blog until they made bangtan tumblr. and soon a already had bts-trans. I'm not 100% sure but I think bts-trans was the first source of bangtan translations we had. and for good quality video content we only had one source which was _helloflora on twitter. and yes i made a lot of army friends since the beginning but most were all namjoon and yoongi biased. I think because they are older than me. my first concert was in 2014 in zepp tokyo which was their first showcase in japan.
dont worry!! I loved your questions and I loved sharing some more of my bangtan story with you ♡
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jennilah · 6 months
Confession time, you've been posting about those Saw guys for a while but because they're always mentioned in the posts *together* I had no real idea who was who and have just been guessing, mostly incorrectly I think xD
The vampire/werewolf design has fixed this. Shout out to tumblr (and you) for helping me learn about a source material I'll likely never watch in the weirdest of ways. Here for hilarity of it
its ok man half of us who watched Saw IV mixed up Hoffman and Strahm for like. the whole movie. myself included
some people even continued to mix them up into Saw V
but ur so welcome. ive said it before but i think its endlessly amusing giving people a really weird warped view of what happens in this franchise from shitposts and ship art alone. i mean i practically never reblog the traps themselves, mostly preferring thirst gifsets of characters LMAO
also here let me dig up an older ask where i went into detail on each character for non-fans because i think im so damn funny (jk but it might actually help LOL)
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aintmyjewelry · 1 year
hi! could you explain what the love/hate gloves are? if you feel like it <3
hello!!!! of course I can <3
ok this one is a little bit more sad than the butterfly mural but still an insane part of time in the Swiftie History Books. I also had to do a little bit more research on it because i vaguely remember this part of time like idk why but it was a blur. I'll link my sources at the end!
a lot of the posts, photos, etc. from this time are like almost completely gone, except for the glove photo lmao
so to set the stage, it's 2015. taylor had been on tumblr for a while now and interacting a lot with fans both online and in person. following the 1989 secret sessions, we saw a lot more of taylor sending gifts to fans (eventually we got Swiftmas from this), following/replying to fans on tumblr, etc. she was like such a big part of the community in ways outside of just being the celebrity we all loved. she genuinely felt like a friend (and this was before we really knew the concept of parasocial relationships lmao)
so, as taylor got to know us online she also would get to know online fans in person. this included seeing that fans were at events and award shows and actually making it a point to seek them out. that was sort of the start of the domino effect for what would eventually become the love/hate glove situation.
I believe it was at the Brit Awards where taylor met and took a photo with a certain fan. I do not want to name them here bc I don't know them, I never interacted with them, I never saw anything, etc. But this fan she had, from my understanding, went out of her way to take a photo with was known for being just nasty online (on tumblr, in particular, i believe). The fan would bully other fans in some pretty disgusting ways and was just genuinely not a good person
It also didn't help that taylor had sent this fan a Valentine's Day gift just a few weeks earlier. This person had the full love and support of taylor despite being a gross human online.
naturally, swifties got VERY upset with this. and rightfully so. many fans started sharing their experienced with the fan in question and i think even twitter swifties got involved and started calling out taylor and i think even calling for her to quit tumblr (I'm not sure if this stems from them having experiences with this fan or if they were just annoyed taylor was on tumbr lmao). Also in my research I just learned that the hashtag "#SwiftiesWantTaylorSwiftDead" started trending but idk what the HELL that's about!!
Flash forward a few days I think and taylor is beginning to elude to taking a social media break. this did send some fans into a frenzy mhm bc of course dfjalsfjlkj some people's only business on this sight was trying to get noticed by taylor and weave their way into her group of favorites LMAO
and a lot of people began really coming to taylor's defense and that turned into them defending the bully fan. it got really divided!! I honestly think this was her first swiftie community controversy since joining tumblr
but it was, you know, a genuine concern for most fans that people could be like "taylor this person is very mean we don't think you should give them your attention they don't deserve it" and have taylor just ignore it or, as her tumblr likes eventually showed, want to move on. but we have we seen that behavior again recently
so, in the midst of all this shit online, taylor decides to take to instagram to post this photo with the caption: choose the right one <3
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all hell breaks loose. people were like ???? what the hell??? it genuinely felt like taylor was taking the side of the bully fan and ignoring the victims. it was SO weird and hurtful for people to see. it was like she just didn't get it or didn't want to think she could do something wrong.
this ended up with a lot of uproar and eventually the bully fan did come out to apologize and explain his actions in a giant tumblr post. and even the victims began worrying about what they had done and had made taylor feel. and the main fan who had called out the bully fan was getting some unsavory comments directed toward her. this probably should've been when people noticed how peculiar her relationship with fans was getting
however, eventually this all trickled down and everyone did end up moving on. now The Gloves get posted at the most random times and have become almost a ridiculous joke in the fandom lmao it was a whirlwind and really only was the beginning for taylor on tumblr!
*source 1 - this source has some screenshots from this time
*source 2
(they aren't the most reliable sources but sorry there are no published journal articles on this situation lmao)
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d3m1-d3v1l · 4 months
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sonseulsoleil · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @hmslusitania! Thanks Hayley!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total word count on AO3?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Whatever I am obsessed with at the moment. The last stuff I was working on was Percy Jackson fic, before that Heartstopper (and I WILL get back to those wips eventually). Oh, and Newsies is also currently in the works! Basically I have ADHD and I am all over the place all of the time. I'll go back to wips I started 5 years ago and keep working on them. What I've written vs what I've actually managed to polish and post is a HUGE disparity lol
4. Top five fics by kudos
- All We Do Is Run
- Let the Whole World Melt Away
- never saw you coming (and I'll never be the same)
- sugar, butter, flour (what a mess I'm making)
- stay in my arms if you dare (or must I imagine you there)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, almost always. It takes me awhile sometimes, but I try to respond to every comment. I worry that if I don't respond, people will stop commenting.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I've written a couple Major Character Death fics, but they're not on AO3 because they were just drabbles so I only posted them on tumblr (also they're very old and bad)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hmmm maybe All We Do Is Run, just compared to the source material lmao
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have a couple times. Mostly on fics where I've introduced OCs, which sucks.
9. Do you write smut?
Yes, sometimes. But I don't post it. I write it for myself and will maybe share it with friends if they're interested.
10. Craziest crossover?
I've never written a proper crossover. I'll write AUs where I take the characters of Property A and put them into the story of Property B, but I've never written a true crossover where characters of two properties interact.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope, but I've definitely had fic concepts stolen. Which sounds petty, but I've made posts about fics I'm working on and had people take them and write their own fics with the same details I mentioned and it's like. Not plagiarism exactly and it's impossible to own ideas, really, but it does rub me the wrong way.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
A couple times! It's very cool!
13. Have you ever Co-written a fic?
I tried once a long time ago and it went poorly. Turns out I am not a very good collaborator sometimes.
14. All time favourite ship?
I don't--you want me to pick ONE?! are you kidding lol
15. What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have SO MANY. There's a Star Trek fic I've been working on off and on since Beyond came out. There's my mermaid!Buck 911 fic. There's my current Heartstopper fic. There's my PJO Anastasia fic. There's my angst canon divergence Psych fic. My google drive is a graveyard of partially written stories begging to see the light of day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing things, clearly.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Depends wildly. I've written this in some Heartstopper fics, because Nick speaks French. And I had a friend who is fluent in French help me get it right. I think when people take the time to find a fluent speaker to help them or are fluent themselves, it's fine and good. And when people are just using google translate, it shows. Also, obviously, being bilingual has to make sense for the character. I also especially have beef with the way people often write latine characters/Spanish specifically. I grew up surrounded by latinos and nobody talks like that. Stop it. You all know what I'm talking about.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
ABC's Castle. Say what you will about Nathan Fillion, but that show shaped me as a person.
20. Fave fics you’ve written?
All We Do Is Run (longest multi-chap I've ever written. this thing was years of my life.)
répète (the only one of my GMW/BMW fics I regularly go back to)
tin can telephones (it's all written in texts and dialogue and that was really fun)
I'm tagging @firstelevens @memequeme @galwithalibrarycard and anyone else who wants to do it!
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paradoxlemonade · 1 year
I have a question:
What is "whump"?
I saw in the tags of a post you are a "whump writer" and i've never heard that phrase before?
(I really don't mean to be disrespectful, and im so sorry if im coming off that way!)
You're good :DDDD you're not being disrespectful at all! I love getting asks about whump :D [you have turned me into an unskippable cutscene]
Whump is allllllll about characters in immense pain. It has significant overlap with angst and hurt/comfort as fic genres, though there are a few differences. Angst has a general lean towards psychological issues/trauma/mental health (there are varying degrees of angst), whereas whump is more active torment/torture/traumatic event in the current moment, and it tends to be darker or extreme. Whump almost always has some sort of physical aspect, but it's not an absolute requirement. Some newer fandoms just use angst as a catch-all for angst and whump, but I prefer to separate them.
Hurt/comfort, as the name implies, must be a character getting hurt followed up with comfort (either a little or a lot). Whump and angst can also be hurt/comfort, but they don't require any comfort if the author doesn't want to write any. I tend to prefer comfort, but some of my favorites don't have any!
The term is said to originate from the Stargate fandom in the late 90s as an onomatopoeia for the fan-favorite character Daniel hitting the ground, though this is disputed and the term may be older. Source: the Whump fanlore page (also contains further reading on the topic!)
I like whump for the same reason a lot of people like horror: it's fascinating and visceral. There's this one Tumblr quote I utterly adore that sums up my feelings on the matter: "Characters are like geodes—in order to see their inner beauty, you have to break them."
People like whump for a lot of different reasons and like different facets of it. For example, I prefer either a prideful/stoic whumpee (character getting whumped) who is broken down during the fic, or an absolutely pathetic wet cat that the universe itself seems to bend to hurt. My favorite whumpers (character doing the hurting) are either cold and methodical (big big fan of medical whump!) or environmental whump (natural disasters, stranded, exposed to the elements, sickfic, etc.). That said, I'm much less picky with my whumpers than I am with my whumpees!
Current favorite whump tropes: nonconsensual body modification (!!!! Big on this one, ties into medical horror), scarification, head injuries/concussions, character forced to hurt a friend, hostage situations, psychological conditioning, and hypothermia :D (I am normal I promise lmao)
TL;DR: Whump is torturing characters for the funsies, comfort optional. Being my favorite character is a threat to that character's well-being! <3
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