#sowwy friend school had me screaming
crushedsweets · 1 year
i'm so obsessed w your blog you really unlocked all the nostalgia that's always waiting under the surface frfr i hope you send me spiraling all the way down again i miss it here so bad. anyway can i ask. what u got on... jane my beloved... sowwy if there's already like. posts abt it i'll go thru your whole blog someday and learn everything like my uni books xx
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ok some quick warm up doodles this morning to go with the chat i got... tw for torture, stalking, really sad stuff.
link to my au that has a page with her in it
ok to start off with, jane/liu aren't TOO present in my story because jane and liu live really normal lives. most of their personal story is about recovery and growth, they were victims not aggressors. they're more involved in ninas story, rather than the overarching slender/operator paranormal problems...
jane grew up in an upper middle class household with incredibly loving parents. she was majoring in criminal psychology and lived with her parents, since they were close to the uni. it was during her second year in university that jeff began stalking her. he'd leave dead animals on her doorstep, light fires in her garbage cans, shatter windows without even entering the house, key her car, leave cryptic writings on her car that say stuff like '1f' (1female) to further scare her.
it wasn't that there was anything special about jane, but she had a super easy, very strict schedule to follow. her uni classes were all in the same building at the time, her car had a few cute stickers and decorations on/in her car that made it easy to spot, she only worked sat-mon at a cafe near her university. she was a happy person. easy victim he thought
eventually, while jane was out, he broke into her home and assaulted her parents. whether he used drugs or just stabbed them in the right place to make them immobile idk, but he got them tied up in the kitchen at some point. he was torturing them, doing the typical carved out smile bullshit, and he planned on leaving them for jane to find that night -- but, for the first time, her schedule was different. she came home from work while he was drenching the house in gasoline.
he panicked upon hearing her absolutely gutwrenching scream and quickly lit the trail of gasoline while she was trying to untie her dad (her mom was long gone by this point, her dad was barely managing a few wheezed breathes). he went to go finish jane off. he slashed her face, from her right temple, down her cheek, splitting her mouth in half and getting down to her left jaw. but the fire was spreading way faster than he anticipated, and he already heard sirens, so he bolted.
jane suffered 3rd degree burns covering her entire right leg and arm, it reached up her neck and her face, alongside some other parts of her body. she was pulled out of the fire, rushed to the hospital, and barely managed to survive.
jane had some outside family to support her, but her biggest supporter was her friend from middleschool mary vaugn. she moved into mary's house, took a semester off of school for recovery. the second she felt physically able to, she tried to drive herself right back into school, regardless of her mental condition.
she changed her major to criminal justice. she eventually graduated, fell in love with mary, got married, became a private investigator, etc. she spent a while working on jeff's case, losing sleep and hair over it- she was getting into some sketchy things to try and figure it out, because by this point jeff and ben were friends, and slenderman needs ben's help, so jeff's now protected by slenderman
but jane is one stubborn fucking woman and kept going. instead of sending the proxies to subdue jane, he sent sally.
sally was another poltergeist that kept haunting homes with newborn babies. she was attracting some attention, but slenderman cant physically stop a ghost - so he spent some time talking to sally, connecting with this little ghost girl and convincing her 'you're doing such a great job protecting all these infants, but this one needs you now'
he sent sally off to live with jane. mary's sister was staying with jane/mary after having a baby, so sally agreed to protect the baby. jane quickly welcomed sallys presense, always having believed good things of protective spirits. her mom used to tell her stories of how her grandmother's ghost would always come and soothe jane in her infancy (whether its true or not doesnt matter to jane) .
sally eventually became more than a presence to jane, almost completely integrating herself into her household's daily life. even after mary's sister and her baby left, sally stayed with jane. she felt safe there. (it helped that there were no men in the house too)
jane cares for sally like a daughter for a long time, and begins to redirect her life towards sally, rather than hatred for jeff. she never fully recovers from that night, and she never ever ever ever fucking 'forgives' jeff in any way, but she puts it aside for a while.
but sally is still a spirit, and does her fair share of wandering. she's always landing herself in the cornfields, the forest, etc, and jane goes frantic looking for her -- which is where she eventually bumps into the proxies. it's a huge mess, but she finds out what the fuck slenderman is and whats happening in that forest, but she just . . cant do anything about it. for sallys sake
eventually they get to the point where jane commonly finds herself walking in the forest with sally, or the proxies have to call jane and tell her to 'get her ghost kid' from the forest, etc.
at some point in this she also connects with liu. i don't know who reaches out first, whether it be liu desperately wanting to apologize for everything, or jane trying to figure out anything about jeff she can use to find him. this is how she finds out about nina.
jane smacked the shit out of nina when she first met her, in front of the proxies, who had to pull them apart. (i love nina but she deserved it after idolizing jeff). but nina is really fucking weird and began to idolize jane as well, and sally liked nina, which made it even more complicated, and that's why jane is the first person nina calls after jeff stabbed her ...
by this point janes hoping nina can heal, hoping liu can heal, hoping she herself can heal. ITS VERY HARD. its so unbelievably painful. that's basically where her story is at right now...
on a more positive note, she has a beautiful relationship with mary, and was hugely accepted in mary's family. she does poetry, creative writing, and is passionate about her career. she takes some extra creative writing/art courses at the local community college, just out of pure interest. she does her best to live a peaceful life
a bit off topic, but here's a little thing i copy and pasted from an old hc post too:
i cannot explain how close jane and her parents were. she was an only child in a upper middle class house to a lawyer and a real estate agent so she was always spoiled rotten, taken care of, always told how beautiful and smart she was. hence why losing them is the most fucking detrimental shit to ever happen to her. she literally worhsips her parents. she’s wore mothers wedding dress to her own wedding. her uncle(dads brother) walked her down the aisle holding a framed photo of her dad. she almost refused to walk during her university graduation because her parents couldn’t be there, despite the years worth of hardwork and dedication she put into it.
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Ok I finally have an idea host club x Haruhi's little brother reader (2-5). He's kind a crybaby. He somehow ends up at Ouran and of course he's crying he knows this is Haruhi's school but he can't find Haruhi. He runs into some girls heading to the host club and all he says is "Haruhi nii-san" with puppy eyes and tears and they take him to the host club. You can continue the story how you want from there or I can think of something.
Y'all have matching eyes as haruhi sorry not sorry
Also I tricked you it's coming out rn!
(Name) made a mistake following his big sister to school because now the two year old was lost in the huge school.
"Uh oh...." (Name) mumbled and plopped to the ground and began crying "eh? What's a child doing here" a girl asked as the other girls looked to where she was pointing and indeed there was a crying toddler in the hallway "hey, don't cry what's wrong? Where are your parents?" The kind girls soothed the toddler who just mumbled "wan' haruhi..."
"You know haruhi? Are you his brother?"
(Name) just nodded and the girls cleaned his tear stained face with a handkerchief and cooed over him "well we're going to here haruhi is right now, we can take you"
(Name) just nodded as a girl lifted the tot "so what's your name?" The girls then introduced themselves and (name) spoke shyly "(name), fu-fujioka..." (Name) was fiddling with his chubby fingers and the girls cooed over them as they went to the host club and (name) yelped at the roses hitting his face "welco--(name)?" Haruhi rushed towards the girls and (name) began tearing up again "Haru...." He cried and reached out towards his sister and clung helpessly to her "how did you get here? Did you follow me?"
Thankfully it was their spare class, the host club spending it and their end of day club time at the host club so it wasn't like she had to bring (name) to classes or anything "I sowwy..."
"Haruhi? Whose this?" Tamaki said curiously and looked at those warm brown eyes that the brunette had and practically screamed at the cuteness "mommy! Our baby has a brother!"
"Tamaki please don't crowd him, he's shy with new people" haruhi said boredly as she checked on her half brother who looked around curiously at the twins and just couldn't grasp the concept of twins.
"Sorry I don't think he's met twins before" haruhi said as she noticed the staring.
The host club was fascinated by the tot but soon returned to their club duties and little (name) was sitting with haruhi as he watched his sister talk with her friends, he didn't get the concept of host clubs so haruhi just called them her friends to over simplify it.
"How is having such a young brother?" A girl asked as she handed (name) a cookie, the boy thanking her sweetly "ah he's a good brother, a bit of a trouble magnet but always wants to help" she praised her little brother who wasn't even remotely listening, distracted by other things in the room "sorry, he's two and doesn't have the best attention span" she said petting her brothers hair "it's alright! He's an absolute darling!"
"(Name)! You want some cake?" Hunny asked and (name) assumed he was just a slightly bigger kid than he was and nodded before looking for his sister for permission "don't over eat buddy" and then he was off holding hands with the small blond, hunny knowing to hold children's hands when with them so they don't get lost, the far older teen keeping an eye on the tot.
"This is strawberry!" Hunny said happily and handed the boy a tea spoon as (name) was to small for a regular fork and beamed at the flavor "it good!"
The two ate cake happily, haruhi had called her dad about (name) after she settled him down and now the host club kept trying to get the toddlers attention but (name) was surprisingly interested in Kyoya more than anyone as he waddled up to him "who you?"
"My name is Kyoya Ootori" the black haired teen said simply and (name) nodded "what doin' 'yoya?" Kyoya didn't bother fixing the boys grammar as he was just a babe "I am going over club revenue" Kyoya said and showed him the notes "hmm..." (Name) said looking at the notes before looking at the teen "I can' read" "no?" "Haru an' papa got me book to pactis"
"That's awfully nice of them" the host club was in awe as Kyoya pulled the tot into his lap and explained the revenue and everything without sugar coating it, explaining when needed and noting how since his arrival their revenue boosted because people wanted to meet him.
"I make you money?"
"That you do"
"Cool" (name) said simply and eventually passed out in kyoyas lap and was returned back to haruhi "again sorry about this, I thought he was still in bed when I left" haruhi said genuinely as the club closed, the hosts waving it off "why didn't you tell us you had a brother?"
"How do you have a brother?"
The club asked the girl questions and haruhi sighed "he's my half brother, my dad was left with him after a girl he tried dating abandoned (name) with us and you guys never asked if I had siblings" she said simply "well that explains the kids toys when we visited, where was he when we came over anyways?'
"At the neighbors playing with his friend" she said simply "I think he also went out to the park"
"Can we take him to the park?!" Tamaki said excitedly and haruhi raised her eyebrow at this "If you want, he really just likes playing in the sand pit with his toy truck"
The club wanted to know everything about the small boy who they could tell haruhi loved very much, the girl looking at him fondly as he slept and she answered every question genuinely "he turns 3 on (date) an favorite color? I think it's (color)"
When haruhi collected her things and little (name) she said her goodbyes and walked out "so we're totally going to her place again to hang with him right?" "Oh absolutely "
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introloves · 4 years
Aone having a FAT crush on a tiny quiet barista at his new favorite cafe, they’ve memorized his order and even makes sure to keep his favorite seat open every morning for him- maybe they go to his school too but they never really talk? They kinda smile at him and wave in the hallways but never talk?
THIS IS SO CUTEEEE!!!!! nd bc im me i turned it into smut :( sowwy
— first times + big dick aone, embarrassed abt his size + size kink + brief summary of aone x reader’s relationship before we get to the smut + hard smut towards the end + f! reader
he wouldn’t say anything, he couldn’t say anything but you’d know by the way he he’s always mumbling when he gets to the counter, eyes shying away from your own, hands shaky everytime he’d hand you money, 2.25, every morning for his favorite cup of tea.
it’d always take you a couple seconds to put yourself back together, your own shaky hands tenaciously putting together his drink, perhaps making it with extra care.
he’d usually come alone, but on rare days there’d be a couple other faces. one in particular with brown sleek hair, would push him to mumble out words other than, ‘thank you’.
the teasing laughter and bright red coloring to his face was a dead giveaway. you’d only mess with your friends like this if there was crushing involved.
it’d make you burn up at the thought that he had a crush on you, he’s so big and intimidating and at first you’d have your guard up everytime he stepped inside, a looming presence not hard to notice.
but as the days went by, you’d see how much care he’d put into things. he’d take time to clean up his booth, make sure to recycle his cup, and always shyly nod his head towards you in a silent goodbye. on days where he feels especially brave, aone leaves a flower, one that he thinks most closely resembles your beauty.
on those days, when its your turn to clean the tables and you see a single, delicately picked flower, your heart thumps loudly in your chest.
you’d started falling for him before long.
and of course the dating starts shortly after.
you swear you’ve never felt love before him. he’s everything you needed, a nice security in an otherwise tumultuous and very scary world.
he holds you with arms that are twice as thick as yours, could squeeze you tight enough to hurt so very easy, but instead cradles you to sleep with so much care.
hands that work tirelessly, calloused, veiny and wide touch your face with a delicacy that doesn’t come naturally to someone of his size. he works at it, works at making sure he’s careful.
and you appreciate it, you do, but when you see him open jars for you with ease, reach over your head to pluck whatever you need from the top of shelves in stores, pick you up with no groan or strain, it makes your mind wander.
everything with him is so easy, so you don’t know why, when you’re slick between the thighs, throbbing with want for him, he makes it so hard.
he refuses your advances, pulls you off with a sad smile and jumbled words of,
“he’s not ready.” when you can clearly see he’s hard behind his pants.
it makes you cry, wondering if you’re not good enough. was the flustered flirting, kisses, and confession all just a big joke?
your tears break him, he hurriedly explains that it’s him. he won’t hurt you, can’t, refuses to.
“what are you talking about.” you hiccup, whipping away the tears.
“i just...” he sighs, running a palm down his face.
“i’m too big.”
your jaw nearly drops at that. the heat of embarrassment and lick of something hotter burns at your neck and tummy.
you’ve never heard or seen a man shy away because of his size, usually they boast and brag and have very little to boast and brag about.
you tell him it doesn’t matter, you want him. eyes wide and pleading, hoping he doesn’t shy away because you want him so bad.
his resolution is broken, he’s attracted to you after all. but you’re so small, so cute and plush and curvy in all the places he wants to sink his fingers into.
“i’ll be gentle.” he thinks when he finally grabs you, pulling you onto his lap.
he doesn’t miss the way your mouth shuts closed when you feel him, hips giving a small push against him to make sure you aren’t imagining him like this.
the kissing starts, fevered lips painting eachother in spit, shy moans leave the both of you.
foreplay is skipped, you’ve both held back long enough, and you wouldn’t let him anyways.
“not a good idea.” aone mumbles, but you don’t listen. you want him now.
one again you push at his weak spots, everything he does, he does to please you. but you make it seem that it’s quite the opposite, you want what he wants.
and aone is anything but an aroused man with a cute, soft, tiny girlfriend beneath him.
the first meeting of his cockhead against your leaking, twitching hole has him clench his teeth, hand placed heavy over your tummy to still your hips.
“it’s going to hurt.” he reminds you, but you still don’t care.
“i want you.” you breathe, it makes him hiss.
there were many steps you’d both taken together to get where you were.
from the first time he saw you at the café, bustling around with a smile that tugged at his heart, to a couple minutes ago, when you panted wantonly into his ear about how much you fantasized of him burying himself in you to the hilt, watching your eyes roll back as he pushes in is his favorite so far.
he’s not that expirienced, but knows that the growing wetness dripping onto his thighs with every squelch of your pussy as he sinks in is a good sign.
“g-god. nobu, you’re so big.” you chant.
he knows, he warned you.
but it’s not a bad thing, he thinks, because with just a few pumps in, the stretch he gives you, along with hips brushing against your clit, you’re already creaming around him.
he doesn’t blink the whole time you do, zeroed in on the shake of your thighs, fat squishing him against you, pussy equally trying to milk him of his own.
he thinks the best thing to do is to stay still and wait until you’re okay.
aone knows you are when the talk starts back up.
you can see the sweat glisten against his chest, you know he’s holding back, giving you shy thrusts once more.
it’s good, the same shy, tentative thrusts just made you cum so hard you couldn’t hear for a second, but there’s a hint of raw power he’s holding back.
“takanobu.” you call to him with a shaky voice.
he responds with a worried glance.
“use me.”
he looks at you in disbelief,
“n-no. i’ll hurt you.”
your hips rut, swiveling around the very hard cock of him in absolute desperation.
“i want you to hurt me.” you say. and he sees red.
there’s a tinge of fear at the hardened gaze he gives you, he moves you with an ease, making a show to grab your hips in both hands, lifting you off the bed as he kneels down.
he does as he’s told, moving you how he wants, impaling you down on his big cock over and over, watching the soft parts of you jiggle with the intensity of it, meeting the fat of your ass and thighs with harsh slaps. he digs already darkening splotches the shape of his nails into you.
you can do nothing but scream, trying to hold on to the bed so you don’t slam into the creaking headboard. but you don’t really have to worry, even now he makes sure to keep you from moving away from his pounding.
you can’t feel your legs with the second orgasm that takes you, knees lock and pussy once again creaming all over him while he drills into you.
this is what you wanted, your own pleasure being driven by aone. just like everything else, he makes sure to take care of you so good, your cunt numb and fucked open by the time he’s done.
he pulls out to cum all over your pussy, there’s so much.
he finally comes back to you with a noise that sounds apologetic.
“i’m sor-“ you cut him off before he can say anything, grabbing his face in both hands with shaky arms thanks to him.
“don’t.” you begin, telling him that it’s okay to not be careful, something he’s always been.
you let him know that with you, he doesn’t have to tip toe, that in the safety the two of your shared, he was free to do everything those who didn’t know him whispered about him. he was allowed to be mean, allowed to use those muscles he’s built, allowed to be scary.
finishing with a kiss to his lips,
you’ve loved him since he left you flowers at work, and you’d still love him even after drilling your pussy into submission.
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realcube · 4 years
haikyuu!! boys’ reactions to you speaking 💗 uwu💗
characters: tsukishima, ushijima, yaku, kenma & iwazumi
thank you anon for this cute request 💕 idk what i just wrote but i had fun 👍
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tw// fluff, swearing, uwu language, cwinge
kenma’s hcs tw// sexual themes, implied switch!reader, phone sex(?), mentions of a blowjob, mentions of punishment
iwaizumi’s hcs tw// breeding kink, fem!reader, orgasm denial
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Kei Tsukishima
you realised he didn’t like it so you did it just to annoy him LMFAO
he was scrolling through tiktok and a girl popped up on his fyp talking like that, so he snarled and immediately flicked it away, muttering something along the lines of ‘why do people speak like that? do they think it’s cute? ‘cause it’s really not; it’s just embarrassing.’
so you wasted no time in responding, ‘sowwy? what was that?’
his blood literally ran cold, he was aware that you liked taking the piss but he didn’t expect you to do it to this extent
 ‘what did you just say?’ he murmured, silently praying that he had just misheard you
you rolled your eyes before scoffing ‘nothing.’ you deepened your voice, just playing around at this point tbh
tsukishima hummed in agreement, deciding not to inquire further as he figured that he must’ve heard the echo of the girl’s voice in his head rather than yours
so he was just about go back to scrolling until he heard you coo in a high-pitched from behind him, ‘tsukishima is a lil’ bitch.’
‘(Y/N), FUCKING STOP!’ he let a throaty scream at you
‘you’re so boring, tsukki-’ you spoke, quickly cutting yourself off so you could switch to your uwu voice, ‘or should I say; bowing.’
you said, hopeful that your voice would make it clearing that you meant ‘boring’ rather than the act of playing an instrument with a bow
‘go to hell.’ he grumbled, trying his best to tune you out by pulling his headphones over his ears 
‘babe~’ you purred, shuffling over to him and peppering kisses along the nape of his neck as you were feeling extra evil today, ‘wuv you~’
‘jail.’  tsukishima simply stated as he switched over to Spotify so he could blare some Mother Mother to drown out the sound of your voice
the worst part was that he couldn’t even tell if he liked it or not PFFT
like it was cute but the fact you weaponised it against him annoyed him
but you were also giving him kithes so he couldn’t exactly complain 💞
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Morisuke Yaku 
ok don’t even lie yaku does a variant of the uwu voice whenever he’s trying to insult kuroo IUGBEIGVA
it’s something like ‘aww, kuwoo, does your lil’ undewdeveloped bwain not undewstand algebwa?’ but in a mocking way yk?
so when a he watches a lil’ tabby cat approach you on the street, then you busted out the uwu voice that he had never heard before- he was taken aback
at first he was like ‘woah why are you making fun of that cat?’ bc he always associated that voice with ridicule LMFAO
but when he processed all the nice things you were saying he realised that you were being nice lol
so then he was like ‘awwww 🥺 (y/n) + cat = SO FKN CUTE!! 💕💗💖’ *click click* and he just starts taking photos
he probably puts them on his private story with the caption ‘their an angel 😍’
(then kuroo probably replies with ‘they’re*’) (don’t ask why yaku put him on his private story ✋)
anyway, he’s probably so fond of the voice too like ofc he thinks it’s cute
bc it’s a lil’ kitten and you’re talking to it in a high-pitched voice as if it can understand you SO FKN CUTE
he’s not too effected by it tho- it’s mostly how well you get on with the cat that he really admires
then he couched down beside you to talk to the cat too and y’all had a whole conversation with it in uwu
‘aww, look! are you hungwy, baby?’ you asked the cat as it licked the back of it’s paw
‘i think, it is!’ yaku continued, aware that if anybody from school caught him doing this, he’d pass away on the spot but what can he say? he’s soft for you (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
 ‘i have some blueberries in my bag, you can have some if you say please.’ he told the cat
you were both met by the cat’s blank - but adorable - stare, accompanied by silence until the kitten let out a faint, ‘mew’
‘AWWWWWW!!! 💞💕💖🥺👏 ’ you both squealed in unison, impressed by the kitten’s response 
‘it understands us!’ you gasped while applauding the cat for it’s excellent communication skills
‘the voice must work!’ yaku concluded as he scrambled to throw his bag off his back and rummage through it in search of the tub of blueberries
you nodded, watching in awe as yaku pulled out the tub to carefully pick out the plumpest berries and feed them to the cat
yaku noticed your expression out of the corner of his eye and chuckled, ‘what?’
‘you’re so cute.’ you snickered, lighting bopping his nose with your index finger as he continued to allow the cat to feed out of the palm of his hand
a furious blush immediately covered his cheeks as he hastily turned his head away to hide it - in a typical anime fashion, ‘be quiet.’
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Kenma Kuzome
it’s a sex thing-- it’s 100% a sex thing
a kink perhaps?
ngl he loves it when you do the voice in bed 
like don’t ask why it turns him on so much
he’s weak for you whenever you do the voice tbh
BUT it’s only hot when you do it 
when any other person does it - especially if it’s over text - he literally gags 🤢🤢🤢
when a streamer he watches does the voice, he’s just thinks ‘ew ✋ that isn’t cute. pls stop.’
but when you do it- boner alert pfft
especially when you moan in that voice yES HE LOVES THAT
you just execute it in a way these other bitches just can’t, okay? 💅 IUERBGFERIBG
he doesn’t mind putting the voice on sometimes if you like it when he does it but he’s really embarrassed by it 🙈
he’ll try to say something in the voice while you’re rearranging his guts for a change and you’re praising him like 👏👏👏 ‘awh, precious kenma bb.i love that voice on you, i might just let you cum early--’
and he’s fucking groaning from pain, pleasure and humiliation 
‘never again.’ was the single coherent thought he could form
you’re only giving like 20% of the time but if you happen to giving on a day that you’re feeling especially evil, you might make him do the voice in exchange for orgasm privileges
but he gets you back for it though 
you’d call him, whining and pleading for him to help you with the throbbing between your legs or at the very least, give you permission to touch yourself
but considering that the day prior, you had tortured his ass to the point were he was now struggling to sit down, ofc he was just like ‘no ❤’ when you ask for his assistance 
even after your continuous begging, he didn’t budge 
‘don’t you dare put your hands on yourself until i get home. i’m leaving right now so i should be back in half an hour but if you keep pestering me like a little bitch, then i’ll be sure to go extra slow on the highway.’
although, for kenma ‘extra slow’ is probably the speed limit lmao
(istg he drives like he’s in mario kart)
however, half an hour was just too long 😩 i mean, you had probably been on call with him for 5 minutes already and it took you 20 minutes to get him to pick up the phone so by now, you were clearly on the brink of madness
‘kitten~’ you whined, desperately trying to think of a way to convince kenma to aid you 
then you remembered; his weak spot
‘pwease, baby?’ you softened and raised the pitch of your voice
kenma perked up as he realised what you were trying to do, the tips of his ears burning, ‘don’t bother to try that with me, (y/--’
‘i’ll suck you off when you come back.’ you promised, keeping the voice on, the aching getting worse and worse by the second
kenma was now partially able to relate to your circumstance as he began to feel a straining of his own, between his legs at your cutesy tone along with the image of the last time you blew him tormenting his mind
‘whatever. but only use your hands. i can tell when you use a toy so don’t even try; or else i’ll dick you down ‘til the sun rises- okay bye.’
atm the moment, that hardly sounded like a punishment but then you reflected back on how you’d be crying for a mercy after the fourth round with kenma so- yeah
anyway, moral of the story, if you perform the voice well enough, it’s basically kenma’s weakness so use it wisely 
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Hajime Iwaizumi
you first did the voice in front of him while you had a friend’s baby in your arms and you were trying to communicate with it 
it kinda looked like 
you: hewwo babyy~ who’s the most precious thing? you are! 
the baby: 🤠
the parent: 🙂
iwa: 😶
iwa ON THE INSIDE: breeding kink go brrrr 😩 i want to put a baby in her so bad- she’ll scream my name in that fucking voice tonight
and he was right
cut to him pounding you while demanding that you say his name in ✨the voice✨ or else you won’t be allowed to cum
ofc you had too much pride for that so you just let him dick you down and cum whether he likes it or not but he could tell that was the plan you had in mind so he suddenly pulled out just as you were about to reach your high
he looked at you with a mean scowl, ‘fucking say it or i’ll stop right now.’
if he were to stop, it would kinda be a punishment for him too but he didn’t care- anything to see his lovely gf suffer tbh 😇
also he could get off to you fingering yourself, struggling to orgasm- he’s done it before and he’ll gladly do it again if you don’t say his damn name 
‘iwa..’ you groaned, gripping at the sheets as you anticipated him sliding his cock back into you 
‘in the voice.’ iwaizumi reiterated, delivering a hard smack to the side of your thigh out of annoyance
you hissed at the sharp impact , gulping to lubricate your dry throat before choking out in your best imitation of the voice he desired, ‘iwa~’
he was only half-satisfied with what you uttered but i mean, it got the job done
his dick was throbbing, practically begging for the comfort of your warm cunt once again so he hastily slipped back in, letting out a low groan as he did so
so he’d continue hammer you from behind, probably muttering incoherent things about your babies and your voice while doing so but you chose to pay little attention to it as you couldn’t help but focus on your own intense pleasure
once he finally climaxed, he did it inside you which you wasn’t surprising as y’all had already established that you love being being filled up and he loves filling you up 💕
but then he insisted that y’all go for another few rounds to increase the chance of pregnancy 
like- sir-
you didn’t have the heart to tell him that you were on birth control 
bc surely......he would’ve known
but he didn’t
you eventually told him that you had no interest in coming off birth control and he wasn’t mad LMAO he didn’t even want a baby tbh he was just caught up in the moment 
yeah no but if you do the voice again, the cycle will continue
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Wakatoshi Ushijima
you were both hanging out in your bedroom, doing your own things, and you were sending your friend a (video) snap so you ironically used the uwu voice
ofc this caught his attention so he shifted his gaze off of his revision sheets and onto you, shooting you a weird look
you couldn’t help but snicker, turning to him and continuing with your little impression, ‘can i hewp you?’ you tried to ask in all seriousness but you couldn’t suppress the smile that was tugging on the corners of your lip
were you a little high? yes
ushijima just blinked rapidly, wondering why you sound like a cuter version of mickey mouse all of a sudden
was it a trend?
or maybe it was for one of those ‘tiktoks’?
either way, ushijima couldn’t help what he said next
‘no. i’m fiwne.’
HE SAID IT LIKE ‘fi - whine’ THO
you passed away 💀⚰
‘TOSHI!!!’ you screamed, feeling your soul leave your body
ushijima gasped, thinking that you had just been possessed or sumn, ‘hm?’
once he realised that you were in fact sane, he figured that your reaction must have something to do with his response 
‘did i say something wrong?’ his lips curling into the tiniest of smiles, simply because you looked so joyous so ofc he was he was happy seeing you happy
‘nope! please say it again, toshi! i’m beggin’ ya’
although he loved hearing you laugh more than anything, the man had his limits
ngl he doesn’t mind when you do it - it just doesn’t especially effect him, that’s all
you could just randomly start talking like that during a conversation and he’ll just go from 😐 to 😐
but he gets butterflies when you call him ‘baby’ which is something you usually pickup whenever you put on the voice lol <3
pls call him ‘baby’ or ‘babe’ more he just wants to feel cared for and loved for a change instead of always having to constantly put on a front of ‘big, stoic man with no feeling that you can push around to your hearts content’  around literally everyone. sometimes he just wants to come home and feel like he can actually express himself and be soft without getting ridiculed  
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thisnoodlewritesao3 · 3 years
Regrets | Yamaguchi Tadashi/Reader
Characters: Reader, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Tsukishima Kei. Mentioned: Hinata Shoyo, Kageyama Tobio, Oikawa Tooru, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Tendou Satori
Pairings: Tsukishima Kei/Reader, Yamaguchi Tadashi/Reader
Warnings: Angst, mentioned emotional abuse, swearing (lmk if I missed anything)
Word Count: 2560
Summary: After the downfall of your relationship with Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi stays behind to pick up the pieces.
A/N: Look, I know I haven't posted in a while, and this isn't the ONE THING I NEED TO POST. But that will be done soon. I was having issues with google docs, and anxiety, and AAAAAAH but! we will be back to our regularly scheduled nonsense soon hehe. Anyway, have some pain. Also! Big thank you to @pies-writes-and-more for briefly Beta-Reading and then I went off on one hehe. Sowwy
There are a few things you know, for certain, in this world: love is a fickle thing, pizza is the most comforting food, and Yamaguchi Tadashi had done few things wrong in his life.
And yet here you sit, with your back pressed against your bedroom door and knees pulled close to your chest, tears stinging your cheeks with such aggression you briefly fear they might be acid. He’s on the other side of the door, probably in a similar position, mumbling his most sincere apologies for your current heart ache.
But why?
You ask yourself this so often when it comes to him. Why is he always the first to apologise? Why is he apologising to begin with? This wasn’t his issue. It didn’t matter what you said, he would still apologise, because that’s just how Yamaguchi Tadashi was.
Sure, he had his behind-your-back snarky remarks and that mischievous giggle you’d hear when he was around. But on the inside, oh so deep inside, he was just as weak and as vulnerable as you were.
You knew it wasn’t his fault, yet you couldn’t stop the words flowing from your lips.
I wish I’d never met you.
You don’t mean it. Not really. Well, it was more like you wished he’d never introduced you to him. According to him, he’d wanted you to be his little secret for just a little while longer. So he could protect you for just some more time. But as fickle as love is, so was that.
You can still remember, clear as day, the night you’d met Yamaguchi.
He was walking outside your family restaurant with two other first year boys. Just outside of the front was yet another ever so loud “conversation” between Aoba Johsai’s pretty boy - Oikawa Tooru - and Shiratorizawa’s powerhouse - Ushijima Wakatoshi. The resident redhead who’d often stop by your restaurant with soft apologies and sorrowful gaze - Tendou Satori - was cringing behind Ushijima. If it hadn't been for the surprise visit of Yamaguchi and his first year friends, you might never have gotten rid of the pair that night.
They didn’t say much, but the tall first year with the black hair seemed to piss off Oikawa enough to make him leave. And - for whatever reason - Ushijima was either intimidated or annoyed by the smaller first year with vibrant orange hair.
As Tendou apologised, you locked eyes with Yamaguchi. To say the rest was history would be the easy thing to say. But you weren’t too good at doing things easily.
It was too often you’d see this particular green haired boy appear in your restaurant, looking a little intimidated, but elated nonetheless.
You’d entertain him with small conversation about your life and about his. For whatever reason, time seemed to pass by so easily when he was around. The two of you clicked well, sharing these weekly dinners together like they were your most solid form of comfort.
Until one day, Yamaguchi brought a friend. Brought him.
Tsukishima Kei was the perfect example of everything you shouldn’t love, but that only makes you love him harder. He’s cocky, arrogant enough to be tolerable - unlike Oikawa - a bit more difficult to talk to. A lot of work. It really was a shame you liked things that were challenges.
Because Yamaguchi was easy. Maybe that’s what drew you more to his tall friend.
All smirks and side glances, snide remarks about your food or the restaurant itself. You almost wanted to kick him out right then and there. But you had a soft spot for Yamaguchi, so you let the boys stay.
That would be your first mistake.
Your second was something so seemingly innocent, yet it would be your complete and utter downfall in the end. Your second would be falling for Tsukishima Kei. Hard and fast, with no mercy or care in the world. No time to think about your feelings when your thoughts were filled with him.
Tsukishima Kei was everything that Yamaguchi wasn’t. He was hard to have conversations with, harsh on his wise remarks about you, and time with him went by in a second. You had no chance to reflect on the things you’d said or the way his tone of voice shifted between words; it was over just as quickly as it started.
At first, you took it as a good sign.
You thought that it meant you enjoyed his company so much that it would be over so quick. Even when you tried to think of it as the most boring thing you’d ever done, it didn’t work. Not when he turned and looked at you with that smirk. Not when you blinked and he was grabbing his things to go.
Of course, you didn’t even take a second to think that maybe the reason time went so fast was because he was leaving so much earlier than Yamaguchi would. But as you continued to work, you didn’t think about it. Especially not when your heart skipped a beat when your eyes met.
"It's all my fault." Yamaguchi leaned his head back against the door a little too hard, the noise making you wince.
"It isn't." You said, because it wasn’t his fault. Well, it wasn’t all his fault. Even a blind man could see that. You aren’t even sure how you manage to keep your voice so strong, but you know that it won’t happen again.
“It is.” And this time, you didn't stop his explanation. “When I found out he liked you, I knew he wasn’t going to be good for you. But I saw how your eyes lit up around him, and you’d been talking about him for two years so… I didn’t stop him. I didn’t tell him you deserved more than this. More than what he could give you.” He paused, probably running his hand through his hair. “And then you’d talk about the things he’d do like they were normal, like you were laughing. Like you were begging me to make you stop it.” And he was right. Because you were. Because you hoped he’d see the signs and make you turn around. You probably wouldn’t have listened though. “I’m not going to say I could have treated you better because that isn’t for me to decide. But I will say that I wish I’d never introduced you to him.” He shuffled behind the door, probably getting up to leave. “You know, Y/N, you deserved so much more than that. You are worthy of more than that.” He assured you, and you could only laugh - it really didn’t feel like that right now.
As he left you alone, you wanted to scream more for him to come back, but you knew it was for the best. Yamaguchi was his friend first. You were barely an afterthought in the grand-scheme of things.
Every night you lay awake, panic sewn into your skin that he’d show up, begging you for forgiveness, begging you to take him back, and you lived with the fear that you would do exactly that.
Because you hated the thought of him being hurt. Hated the idea that, even after everything he’d done to you, you still couldn’t put yourself first.
And, after all this time, there was only one person you could call when things got bad.
Yamaguchi had gotten pretty good at putting on a brave face around Tsukishima when the other first years he’d shared his high school experience were around, but when the pair were left alone, he didn’t have a good thing to say to the blond.
“You really stopped clinging to Tsukishima,” Hinata said in passing one day, almost making the green haired boy hurl. Because if only they knew why. If only they’d seen what he’d seen. If only they’d heard your cries when everything happened.
Instead of answering directly, Yamaguchi just shrugged and laughed lightly, closing his eyes for fear they’d betray him with his true emotions. “Just thought I should start living for myself. You know, you can’t rely on someone forever.” When he opened them again, Tsukishima was looking the other way, lips pressed into a thin line.
“Come on, Tadashi.” Tsukishima called out to him; it was one of those days they’d all planned to be here together, but life happens, and it left Tsukishima with a very pissed off Yamaguchi. “God, you need to stop being such a pussy. Who even cares about her anyway?” Tsukishima asked him, his tone of voice making it very clear that he hated this topic.
It stopped Yamaguchi in his tracks. Because he cared about you. He was there for you. He saw the aftermath, the way you almost refused to tell him what had happened with a serious tone; he saw the light in your eyes shatter and break, and the confident girl he’d known was gone.
You were gone because of the man behind him right now. He clenched his fists, trying to calm the increase of his heartbeat. Trying to resist the urge to punch him in the face. Trying to find the words that would make this boy understand what he’d done.
“Just because you never cared, doesn’t mean other people didn’t.” Yamaguchi spat, walking away from Tsukishima.
He would come to you every time you called him, late at night, early in the morning. Whenever. Wherever. It didn’t matter. Not when you curled up in your bed with your head pressed into his chest, tears staining his shirt and assuring him it would be another long night.
He’d do anything you’d ask, if he were being honest, but you never asked him more than that. For him to stay the night and hold you was all you ever needed, and he thought you were brave for being able to admit just that.
Slowly, you were getting better.
And then you called one evening, crying so hard, voice so filled with panic that he practically ran to your dorm- no, he did run. His legs were burning, his lungs squeezing closed with every sharp exhale. But he was here.
And so was Tsukishima.
The blond was knocking on your door, cheeks tear-stained in the most pathetic way as he begged you to let him inside. Yamaguchi had never been more proud of you; in this moment, you were going against everything your body told you to do.
Yamaguchi acted on instinct, pushing Tsukishima away from your door, and he tumbled onto the ground, looking up at his friend who radiated rage. His blood was boiling, any pain throughout his body long forgotten because you needed him to protect you. To do what he should have done years ago.
“What are you doing here?” Tsukishima didn’t bother pulling himself up, not yet, not when every muscle in Yamaguchi’s arms flexed, threatening him just enough. But Yamaguchi actually hurt him? He actually needed to think about that; right now, it really looked like it.
“I was actually invited.” Yamaguchi hissed behind gritted teeth. Had his senses ever been so awake? He didn’t think so. Pure adrenaline rushed through his veins. “What are you doing here?”
It almost felt wrong to talk to Tsukishima this way - so wrong, yet so right - he didn’t understand why. Sure, when they met as kids, Tsukishima had never been the nicest to him. But he’d never been horrible either. Not the way he was to you - not the way he was to anyone else. It made him feel special, that Tsukishima’s friendship was special - no matter how wrong that was - and maybe when they got closer in high school, he let himself be blind for just a little bit longer. Because Tsukishima Kei called him cool, so wasn’t that a big deal? It shouldn’t have been.
“And what are you going to do?” Tsukishima asked, standing up slowly, he was watching Yamaguchi carefully, he could see the hesitation in the boy's eyes. So, maybe he did have the upper hand, or some sort of ground after all. “Because I really doubt you have it in you to hit me, Tadashi, so just move out of the way and let me talk to my girlfriend.”
That sat wrong with Yamaguchi and his glare hardened. He could hear you crying on the other side of the door, God, you must have been so scared. “She isn’t your girlfriend anymore.”
“Is she yours?” Tsukishima looked down on him, sneering. He already knew the answer.
“Why do you care so much? Because if I remember correctly, you’re the one that broke up with her. You’re the one that did this. And now you’re crawling back?” Yamaguchi scoffed, trying his hardest to make sure his walls weren’t going to break down, he could feel them crumbling already. “That’s pretty lame, Tsukki.”
“Because I fucked up.” Tsukishima rolled his eyes, hands shoved deep into his pocket.
“When did you fuck up exactly?” Yamaguchi stepped closer to him, pointing his finger at him almost violently. “Was it when you told her she wasn’t good enough for you? Was it when you tore her apart for your own entertainment? Was it when she opened up to you, and you shamed her for that? Or could it have been when you left her standing in the rain on your first anniversary? Maybe it was when you abandoned her at her own mother’s funeral because she ‘hurt your feelings’? God, I really just can’t pinpoint when you fucked up,” sarcasm dripped from his tongue as he grabbed Tsukishima by the shirt (when had he gotten so close?) pulling his face down until they met eyelines, “fucking enlighten me, Tsukishima!” He yelled. “You know what, Tsukishima, I think your biggest fuck up was following me to her restaurant, when I told you not to, all because you were bored.”
The tension held in the air was strangling them both. It was all a case of who would let go first - who would be the first one to back away?
They both knew the answer.
Tsukishima pushed Yamaguchi away, scoffing at the green haired boy, “I get it. You hate me.” He rolled his eyes, straightening out his shirt. “But I did care about her.” His voice was softer now, like he was scared that you’d hear him.
“Well,” Yamaguchi cleared his throat, “you have a really funny way of showing it.” They turned away from each other, not wanting to see the changes in their face. A silent agreement between them that things would never be the same. Maybe that was for the best.
When he was sure that Tsukishima had left the building, Yamaguchi reached a shaking hand out to your door.
Your soft whimpers were barely noticeable, but they were there. You opened the door, practically throwing yourself into his arms when you confirmed he was okay; you didn't ask what happened between the boys and he didn’t tell you.
Sure, you never liked doing things easily before, but right now, easy was what your heart needed. Yamaguchi took the lead in making sure you were getting help with the trauma; and he let you take the lead in your relationship.
And sure, you’d always regret the night you’d met Tsukishima Kei. But, no matter what you said, you would never regret the night you’d met Yamaguchi.
General Taglist:
@pies-writes-and-more​ @satan-ruler-of-hells @dekuspet @samkysnks @tobi-momo @kaleidoscopekai
If you want to be added to the taglist, send me a DM or an ask :D
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witchyxmalfoy · 4 years
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Request: Hi was wondering if you could write for draco about the song expectations by Lauren jauregui and it’s really angst and they fight for awhile but then after awhile they kind of break and have really angry sex where draco is 10x more son then normal and after there laying in dracos bed and there cuddle together y/n wearing dracos shirt and he apologises or something and it ends in fluff if your comfortable with that thanks also love your work 🥰🥰
Tysm for the request love, hope this fits what you had in mind🖤🖤 GUYS I ALSO NEDD TUMBLR fan girl friends message me ily
Warnings: smut! Toxic Draco and relationship ;)) not proof read sowwy..
Y/N and Draco had been dating for almost a year, things started out sweet. Not to mention, you were the Syltherin Princess and Prince. You were the same. Short tempered and mildly crazy. Crazy for each other.
Another day passed where Draco decided to not walk with you to dinner in the great hall. It had been three days now and you had quite enough. You stormed into the great hall smoke almost coming out of your ears when you saw the pug faced girl getting comfy on your boyfriends lap.
When you approached the ignorant blonde you tapped his shoulder and crossed your arms.
“What.. is this.” You said in an almost too calm manner.
Draco just smirked as Pansy chimed in,
“Y/N! There you are, Draco was just showing me.. well just showing me his charms homework..” she giggled
“If you know what’s good for you Draco.. I expect to you see in the hall in 3 seconds.” You seethed.
Draco didn’t budge, almost pretending as if he didn’t hear you. Making a turn on your heels you stormed out.
You finally entered your dorm angrily ripping off your school clothes and plopping onto the bed.
Up in bed, all alone
Wondering where you've been
‘He will come crawling back, he will make it up to me’ you told yourself for comfort. The hours came and went as you weren’t even close to dozing off.
I've already been through about seven scenarios
And it happens every time
Wish I had no expectations
The next day you were determined to put that blonde in his place. You walked through the corridors looking for Draco. You caught a quick glimpse of him rounding a corner with his goons.
“Malfoy!” You shouted
He snapped his head around. You stood in front of him red faced ready to lose it.
“Ooo!” Grabbe said
“Want to tell me what the bloody hell is going on here! You have been spending an awful lot of time with that whore, and I’m not sure I’m comfortable with it!” You said almost shouting now.
He stood smirking, slowly walked closer to you so you were nose to nose.
“And what are you going to do about it? Huh? Princess.” He said darkly into your ear which shot shivers down your spine.
Crabbe’s laughing was soon cut off when you opened your hand and sent it right to his cheek.
Dracos jaw fell in shock as he put his hand to hus cheek where it was now turning a light red shade.
“You’re bloody crazy, we’re done.” He growled turning away. You stood there still as tears rolled down your face.
I really wish we could talk about it instead
All these tears that I cry while I'm turned to the side
A week. Two weeks. That day replayed in your head. You hadn’t spoken a word to Draco, not even in your shared classes. He seemed fine like it never happened. But inside you were crumbling, missing the feeling of him on your skin.
And you haven't once thought of me
You sat with Blaze in the dining hall during dinner eyeing Draco in the corner of your eye, seated with his friends just to the right of you.
“Cheer up, he can’t be THAT good in bed” Blazed laughed
“Yano..” you started a little louder
“You’re right. Draco wasn’t that good In bed at all, In fact I had no expectations going to bed with him.” You chirped
Blazing eyes went wide as he looked up a little over your head.
“Get up. Now” a demanding dark voice came from behind.
“Draco I..” you started but you were yanked from your seat and dragged out of the hall.
You were now standing at the door of his prefect room. You were almost shaking with anxiety as you both stepped in. He turned his back to you and began to pace.
“Not that good in bed yeah princess?” He said darkly turning to you, eyes filled with rage and lust as he slammed you against the wall.
“I’m here to remind you, just how good I can make you feel. You’d like that wouldn’t you?” He said tilting your head up with his finger.
“Y-yes” you said softly.
“Strip.” He demanded motioning to your clothes. He sat down in his chair watching as your stripped, now standing naked in front of him as he dropped his pants and underwear.
“Maybe you need to be taught.. how to behave.” He grabbed you, roughly backing you into his bed. You gasped as he took your legs over his head, spreading them. Then grabbed your neck roughly making you look him in the eyes.
“So wet for me already princess... too wet for not excepting. Such a needy slut.” He hissed grabbing your cheeks and spit in your mouth then smirked gathering your wetness with his tip.
“Draco I need you now!” You breathed, as He stood up and smirked down at you making you feel so small.
“As you wish.” he said pushing into you roughly, letting his dick sink into your pussy as you threw your head back in moans mixed with pain and pleasure. He didn’t let you adjust to his size and he began thrusting deep into you. He began to snap his hips into you faster and deeper as his name was all you could manage to spill out in between moans. He grabbed your hips roughly bruising them and pressing his nails into your soft skin.
“So. Pathetic.” He rolled his hips into you harder and deeper hitting your g spot each time and reaching down to press his thumb onto you clit making slow circles. You screamed his name over and over as you saw stars reaching your high.
“Ya? Who’s making you feel good, so desperate. My little whore” He chuckled darkly as you screamed, tears pricking your eyes. His thrusts soon became sloppy, his orgasm trailing right behind you as he slapped your ass over and over leaving bright red hand prints. He released into you and slowed his thrusts riding out his high.
Dracos lazy body collapsed next to you pulling you close kissing the your back softly.
“Y/N, I’m sorry.. please forgive me. I don’t deserve you but I need you princess.” He whispered as you melted into his touch.
“You drive me crazy, but love you Draco.” You giggled softly
He reached around you and wrapped his jersey with ‘MALFOY’ printed on the back.
“Here keep it.” He said pulling you back in close.
But I expect, you expect, we expect
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rj-s · 4 years
As If It’s Your Last
Reader x Yeji
Requested by anon
Genre: fluff, high school au, friends to lovers
Words: 1.8k
A/N: Hi I’m so sowwy this took so long. It’s currently four in the morning and this is quite long compared to my previous ones. But I really liked this one uwu. Me did got into kpop because of AIIYL soooo yeahhh. Again, I didn’t really got into the high school part? I hope you still like it tho. Thank you for requesting!
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22 Jun 2017
It was just an ordinary school day, doing English in maths, chit-chatting in VA, and sneaking phone out in Science. Yes, very typical.
Your friend, Chaeryeong decided to bring you to her dance studio after school. You were never really into Kpop. You were more like a "Twinkie" who seems intimidating to others. However, you and Chaeryeong knew each other since forever, she knew the real you.
Sometimes, she felt like you just hanging out with her and her sisters is not enough. She wanted you to have more friends and join more activities but you just said it's fine. She was hoping bringing you to the studio will help.
Entering the studio, you sat down at the back.
"You're not going to join?"
You looked up at her. "Nah... I can't..."
"Well, okay. I hope you will change your mind though..."
"괜찮아..." (It's okay...)
She nodded and went to warm up.
You started scrolling your phone until you heard footsteps, and you looked up. A cat-eyed girl ran in, hands on her knees, breathing heavily.
"Hi... I... I'm sorry I'm... late-"
She looked at you and froze, with her eyes wide open. You started to worry, 'Is there something on my face? Do I know her? Oh my God-' Your thoughts were cut out by your best friend, "Oh right, Y/N, this is Yeji unni, she is from school. And Yeji unni, you know Y/N." She said with a smirk, the cat-eyed girl started to blush and looked away.
'Oh, she is from school.' You thought.
You caught her staring at you a few times through the mirror's reflection, she looked away quickly.
'Cute' You thought.
They started the practice when Chaeryeong's sister, Chaeyeon finally arrived. It was not the first time you see the Lee sisters dance, but Yeji, she is something else. The way she looked at you through the mirror when she was dancing gave you chills. It's like her glances can kill.
'Oh wow.'
When the practice ended, the four of you stayed because the Lee sisters suggested a get-to-know-each-other-more gathering. Well, they ordered chicken, you can't say no to chicken.
As you guys were waiting for the food, Chaeyeon suddenly pulled her phone out, "Have you guys listened to the latest Blackpink song yet?" 'Blackpink? As in black and pink???' The three of you said no. She signed and played the mv. It was like just Kpop at first, but when you listen to it the second time, you started to get addicted. The Lee sisters knew you way too much, "Y/N si, do you wanna learn the dance?"
"What- No-"
"We saw you nodding your head to the music, also the rap part!"
It's not a secret that you like raps but the girl with bangs just did so well and you're obsessed already.
"Come onnnnnnnnnnnn, you love to danceeeee."
Chaeyeon said and Chaeryeong pulled you up. Even though you acted like you didn't want it, you were glad your friends knew you that well. All of you picked your parts and started to learn the dance.
Chaeyeon saw you were struggling and got behind you to help you with the moves. Little did you know, someone was watching the both of you.
"Ohhhhh, okay. I got it now, Chaeyeon unni. Thank you."
"It's okay, haha." She said as she petted your head before hugging you.
Yeji watched with a pout, "Are you jealous, unni?" Chaeryoung teased. "Wha- No-" The cat-eyed girl got flustered again. Was it love at first sight? No. You were the "Twinkie" of the school which amazed her, you and the Lee sisters are best friends, it's hard not to notice you.
"They look good together..." She mumbled.
"THE FOOD IS HERE!!!" Chaeyeon screamed.
"Yah, unni! We're just right here." You said as you rub your ears.
"Awe, I'm sorry, my poor baby." She said as she hugged you and kissed you on your forehead.
Yeji pouted again, not knowing how to react. She wanted to get out of here and cry, but she can't. It'd be weird, and she wanted to get to know you. Maybe not as a love interest, but at least being friends would be nice. She held herself together and sat down on the floor with you all and ate.
7 Aug 2017
Three had turned to four, now that Yeji knew that you and Chaeyeon are just good friends made her relieved. You four hanged out even during summer, and Yeji finally dared to ask you to hang out with her, just the two of you.
"Where are we going?"
"Oh right, sorry haha. We're going to the carnival!"
"Wait, really?" You've been talking nonstop about the carnival but the Lee sisters were just too busy to get there with you while Yeji wanted to impress you by showing you that she did listen.
She nodded.
"OH MY GOD, I LOVE YOU!" You screamed as you threw yourself onto her to gave her the best hug she's ever received. She hugged back softly, cherishing every second of it.
24 Dec 2017
You and Yeji had grown extremely close in the past few months. The Lee sisters had been teasing the two of you being wives as you two weren't separated from each other.
"I think I'm losing my best friend to Yeji unni..." Chaeryeong said dramatically while having a hand on her chest, faking a pain. "I'm losing my baby too! Oh, this is so sad!" Chaeyeon said as they pretended to cry together.
"You guys... We're literally just here..." You said as you held Yeji closer.
"And you two are cuddling in our living room!"
"It's cold, and she is soft," Yeji said as she snuggled into you more.
"Get a room already!"
'These two... Aish...' Well, you love your best friends. Even when they tease you.
With all the teasing, this had made you wonder what would it be like if you two are actually something. It would be... Nice? It's quite hard to picture as you've never imagined anything like that. A few months ago, she was just the shy girl you didn't know, and now, she's one of your best friends that you're cuddling with on Christmas Eve.
"What are you thinking?" She asked and you snapped out of your thoughts.
"Nothing just got distracted."
"Awe, okay."
You wondered why she was so shy the first time you met her. And was she... Blushing? But that also brought you back to how she dances. How her body moved so smoothly, and those glances. They're just wow.
Was it love at first sight? Probably not, but you definitely had a little crush on her when you saw her dance.
These thoughts kept you up all night, wondering what would it be to date your best friend, holding hands, cuddling, and going out, as a couple.
5 May 2018
It was the game season, Yeji invited you three to the game. You've never watched her play before so you were very excited. On the other hand, she was as nervous as hell. She wanted to impress you but she also didn't want it to be too obvious.
"You're gonna do great, I just know." You said to her with a smile before hugging her.
She really needed that kind of support at that moment, from her "future" lover.
"Can I get something if I am the MVP of the season?"
"Sure, is there something in particular that you want?"
"Yeah, but I will tell you once I am the MVP."
She's always so determined, and you love that about her. It's one of her charms.
"Mhm, okay. Well, good luck!" You gave her a peck on the cheeks, not thinking about her awkwardness.
The cool air hit the baseball player's face yet her cheeks were still burning. 'But no, Yeji. You have to get your head in the game.' She thought to herself.
17 Oct 2018
The day before the last game. She was practising hard. Seeing her so serious always amazed you in all the ways. You decided to bring her lunch as she probably forgot to eat due to being so focused on practising.
"Hey there, champ."
She stopped and looked at you with a smile. That smile you adore. So pure and just pure happiness to see you.
"Hey!" She said as she wiped her sweats away.
"I brought lunch!"
"Ah, this is why I love you more than the Lees."
It's not like they don't bring her lunches during practice. It's just someone who has a favourite.
18 Oct 2018
It's the final game. Yeji tried her best to get as much point as possible. And her posture looked so good. Seeing her efforts really impressed you. You also started to wonder what was that something she wanted.
"Hwang Yeji! Hwang Yeji!"
"SHE WONNNNN Y/N!!!" Chaeyeon screamed.
You waved happily to her and she waved back.
You guys met at the changing room after everyone was gone.
"So, unni. What was that something you want? Is it a shirt? Or you want me to treat you-"
"You." She stopped you.
"It's always been you. I just want to hold you and kiss you as my girlfriend. I'm in love with you, Y/N."
Oh... That's why she acted so awkward sometimes...
"I mean I get it if you don't feel the same, but like I can't hold this any longer. Before actually knowing you, you were this cool kid that everyone secretly admired. But after knowing you, you actually have a soft side. A loving side. You're so much more than just your looks. I am so in love with you..."
"Yeji... I think I'm in love with you too... I love how you put so many efforts into everything. I love your smile and your eyes. I adore them."
She looked down after hearing that.
"Please never hide your eyes, I know how you feel insecure about them, but they're so pretty, so unique, so... You. You're you and I love you for that..." The two of you stared into each others' eyes, slowly lent in. When your lips touched, there were like fireworks inside your stomach. Your heart was skipping like crazy.
The kiss was soft. You pulled away and rest your foreheads against each others'. You both closed your eyes with a smile, just enjoying each others' company. Until one of you finally decided to break the silence.
"So... Y/N..."
"Yes... Unni?"
"Do you... Wanna maybe go out with me?"
"Of course I do!"
You hugged her tightly and she hugged you back. You still didn't let go for a while. "Y/N? Are you okay?" "Mhm" "We've been in this position for a while now." "I know." You held her as if it's your last.
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| remember | drabble
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george x reader (angst)
description: reader reminisces her schooldays and Fred’s death
w.c: 600
You watched as leaves fell outside your bedroom window. The cool September wind making them swirl in the air. Your lip tugged upward, the familiar scene reminding you of an old castle that resided in Scotland. 
It was only a few years ago but it seemed like decades. You recalled the feeling of butterflies in your stomach on your first day of school, and even as the years passed they always came back. The thought of doing magic, seeing your friends, and just being a kid would make your heart race with jittery excitement.
Your friends and you had gotten into all sorts of trouble. But you hadn’t minded, as long as you all ended up in detention together. You chuckled at the memory of you, Fred, and George when you all ended up having to scrub cauldrons with Snape one night. 
The three of you took advantage of the time alone in the dungeon to plant a dung bomb for one Marcus Flint and his cronies. When it went off the next morning you had laughed so hard your stomach felt like taffy being pulled.
 It used to hurt to think back on those times. 
But now it was almost soothing, like an old friend.
Hogwarts was where you fell in love with one of your best friends.
But it was also where you lost one.
Every year on May 2nd you walk those halls in your evening dress, hand in hand with your husband. You say nothing. Because there just isn’t anything to say.
And then you both make it out to the old Beech tree where the three of you would spend time working on inventions and new spells. Every year you hold George’s hand and look out over the black lake, watching as the occasional tentacle rose out of the still water.
You close your eyes and lean into him, that pang in your heart is sharp, but you smile. Because even though he’s gone, those memories will live on forever.
His grip on your hand tightens, and you know when you look up you’ll see silver streaks running down his freckled cheeks. 
You tell him it’s okay to mourn. 
But you remember-
Running through broken down corridors, screams, and bangs echoing in your ears making them ring. Your wand gripped tight in your clammy hand as you race towards the fight. 
You see Fred throwing spells alongside his brother, Percy. He’s alive, good, but where was George?
Before you could blink a spell blew apart a wall and crashed down onto Fred. 
Your heart froze and your blood went cold. 
You dug him out.
And you brought him back. 
There you saw George, standing in the doorway watching his mother and father sob over his brother’s pale and lifeless body. He then looked to you, a desperate look on his face.
‘ Tell me this isn’t real,’
And you wanted to, but that would be a lie. 
He staggered over to you but his eyes remained on Fred. 
You took his hand and walked him over to say goodbye. 
But you couldn’t, not even at the funeral. That stupid Gryffindor part of you blamed yourself, maybe if you had helped, gotten there faster, he would be here.
You stopped your reminiscing and thought to yourself, ‘ How about now?’
‘ How do you feel now?’
You traced the window pane and answered, ‘ I can’t say goodbye to someone who’s always with me,’
The cold glass grew foggy as you pressed your hand against it, “ Maybe this year,” you whispered, “ We’ll remember him instead,”
a.n: not exactly what was requested I'm sowwy
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hopeaterart · 4 years
I’m gonna be there: Chapter 12
Noriaki Kakyoin gets introduced to the realm of skipping school as he and Jotaro go visit the port.
Jotaro stood as Kakyoin stayed slumped over his desk. He sighed, shaking the other student. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
The redhead looked up at him, his eyes empty of the confidence that had been slowly growing. Their encounter with the Stand User at the mall did a number on his confidence. “It’s only lunch time.”
“I know. We’re skipping.” Kakyoin suddenly jumped to attention.
“W- we’re what-”
“You’re obviously not paying attention.” Jotaro started. “And it’s not like classes are interesting. What’s the point of being somewhere if you’d rather be anywhere else?”
“So what, we’re just going back to your house?”
“Nah. Sadao gets upset when I skip and I don’t want him to find out. We’re going to the port.”
Kakyoin blinked. “The port?”
“The port.” Jotaro confirmed.
The redhead frowned. “Why the port?”
“The sea is cool.”
Kakyoin aquiesced, before something else occurred to him. “It’s... quite the distance from here...”
“Hoshino’s skipping too. We’re going with him.”
“... who’s Hoshino?” Kakyoin asked, tilting his head.
Jotaro shrugged. “One of Sakurai’s gang members.”
“... Okay. Why are we going with Hoshino?”
“He has a car.”
“He has a car!?”
“Yeah. Oi, Hoshino!” A student in the back of the class turned toward them, hair dyed blue and round shades obscuring his face. His school jacket was draped over his shoulder
The student- Hoshino, Kakyoin realized- tilted his head. “Yes, Kujo-san?”
“I’m gonna skip this afternoon, and you’re coming with. You might wanna pick up your brother.” Jotaro curtly explained, and Hoshino simply nodded. Kakyoin tilted his head in confusion. Was this a regular occurrence?
“Very well. Where are we going this time? Ginza district?”
“The port.”
“... Alright then.” Hoshino shrugged, before turning back toward his friends to exchange goodbyes. Kakyoin looked at Jotaro for a second, unsure whether or not going with Hoshino was a good idea.
“Are you... sure he’s okay to be around?” The redhead asked him after a moment, and the taller teen nodded.
“Oh yeah. Hoshino’s harmless.”
Kakyoin took a skeptical look at the wooden practice katana the blue-haired teen carried over his shoulder. “I’m... somehow doubtful of that...”
“Oh, he’s harmless.” The redhead deadpanned as he looked out the car window, staring as Hoshino came out of the nursery and back to the car, a small child in his arms who was playing with his glasses.
“No, no- Katsumi, don’t play with my glasses, okay? I don’t want them to break.” He said as he opened the car door opposed to Kakyoin, putting the small child in the baby-seat there.
“Okie. Sowwy, Junnichan.” The little boy- Katsumi- said as his older brother strapped him in the seat, wiggling all the while. “Whewe awe we going?”
“The port.” Jotaro answered, his voice unusually soft as he turned toward the toddler. “We’re going to go see boats. Do you like boats, Katsumi-kun?”
“Hi Jotawo-chwan! I love boat!” Katsumi answered, a big smile on his face as he wiggled in his seat, singing a song about boats Kakyoin never heard before. The toddler momentarily turned toward him, a big smile on his face, before apparently registering the new person in the car. Katsumi turned toward the redhead with a confused expression on his face. “Who you?”
“I’m Kakyoin Noriaki.”
“Hi Noyaki-chwan!” Katsumi said with a bid smile, waving his tiny hand as Hoshino started driving. “My name is Ka-tsu-mi Ho-shi-no. I’m thwee!”
“It’s nice to meet you, Katsumi-kun.” Kakyoin told the toddler, who giggled, his eyes sparkling.
“I’m gad to meet you! I’m aways happy to meet new fwiends!”
“... friends?”
“Ya! My bwother fwiends awe my fwiends! And you’we vewy pwetty!”
“Thank you, but Hoshino isn’t exactly my-”
“Kakyoin-kun’s my friend, Katsumi-kun.” Jotaro clarified, getting out a cigaretgte and his lighter of his coat pocket.
Hoshino tutted. “No smoking inside of my car, Kujo. Especially not when my brother’s here.”
“... You know what? That’s fair.” The taller teen admitted. Kakyoin snorted from his seat.
“The great Jotaro Kujo, defeated by a small man telling him not to smoke?” Kakyoin snarked from his seat. Hoshino snorted, Katsumi made a confused sound, and Jotaro sputtered. “Are you intimidated by a man under 170 cm tall?”
“Wow.” Hoshino snapped from his seat. “Sorry we can’t all be 175 cm giants.”
“178, actually.” Kakyoin corrected as Jotaro pulled himself together.
“I’ll have you know short people can be plenty intimidating.”
“Are you talking about your father?”
“You, actually.” Jotaro told Kakyoin, who fake-gasped in offense as Hoshino coughed.
“See, Hoshino? That’s a giant who doesn’t know anything about heights.” Kakyoin told the blue-haired teen, who apparently nodded in profound agreement as Jotaro pulled his hat over his face. Right now, his plan of having Kakyoin and Hoshino bond thanks to their similar personnality was working.
“And, well, your father is an especially intimidating man for someone who is shorter then the majority of eleven years old, Kujo-san.” Hoshino told Jotaro. “He gives the impression he would run someone over with a car for you.”
“Sadao would run over someone with his car for fun.” Jotaro deadpanned.
Kakyoin nodded. “Kujo-kun’s father is surprisingly amoral.”
“Uh? Jotawo-chwan wan over someone?” Katsumi suddenly asked.
Jotaro shook his head. “Don’t worry, Katsumi-kun. We’re just talking about my dad.”
“Jotawo-chwan’s papa wan over someone?” He asked, tilting his head.
“No- GAH!”
“Alright, we’re here.” Hoshino announced after hitting the brakes suddenly, turning the car off and undoing his belt. The only reason Kakyoin could find that Jotaro didn’t unleash a slew of profanity on the other teen was because Katsumi was here.
“So...” Kakyoin noted as the two teens got out of the car, Hoshino busying himself with Katsumi, the two taking a few steps away. “You’re being awfully nice.”
“Yeah, I can’t be mean around kids.” Jotaro admitted, shrugging. “It’s just... not a good thing to do, being a dick to childrens.”
“Uh. Can’t relate, my opinion is that kids are generally awful.” Kakyoin said.
“What did Katsumi do?”
“Nothing, he’s an angel. Hoshino and their parents are doing a great job raising him. I’m talking about literally everyone else.”
“Everyone else, or just the people who hurt you?” Kakyoin paused at that, hanging his head down. Jotaro sighed, grabbing his hand. The redhead looked up in confusion. “You realize none of that shit was your fault, right?”
Kakyoin frowned. “How are you so sure?”
“Bad people exist, and they prey on what’s different. They’ll tell you that you need to be the bigger person, or need to keep your head low, or that they’re right to push you down, but that’s all bullshit.” Jotaro explained, and Kakyoin knew he was speaking from experience. “What you need to do is push back. Scream until your throat is sore, kick up a storm, punch them in the face so had their teeth fly out, but never let them make you into a target.”
“So... the power of love is bullshit, and violence is the answer to all my problems?” Kakyoin asked his friend, raising an eyebrow. “Is that what you’re telling me?”
“No. Love has it’s merits. I wouldn’t have found the strength to push back the first time if my parents hadn’t loved me. And looking at Katsumi? He’s gonna be fine.” Jotaro admitted. “Basically, the power of love is the electricity generator, and the power of incredible violence is the lightbulb. You’re the one who’s gotta flip the switch to light your life up, though.”
Kakyoin sniffed, Jotaro turning toward him in concern as he wiped his tears away in his sleeve. “What’s up with your family giving great but terrible advice?”
Jotaro shrugged, a smile on his face. “What can I say? I learned from the best.”
“Excuse me?” Both Jotaro an Kakyoin cried out in surprise, turning toward Hoshino who was standing behind them, Katsumi in his arms. “I’m ready to enter the port. What about the both of you?”
“Y-yeah, sure.” Jotaro snapped, before turning his attention to Katsumi. “Ready, little man?”
Katsumi nodded, a big smile on his face. “Uh-uh!”
“Then let’s go.”
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stillebesat · 5 years
In These Tangled Webs (4/11)
Sanders Sides: Patton, Logan, Roman, Virgil Blurb: It should be easy admitting to your roommates that you’re not entirely human. Only in Logan’s case it’s not. Not when he discovers that Patton is afraid of Spiders.  Fic Type: Hurt/Comfort  Overall Warnings: Spiders, Arachnophobia, Death Talk, Minor Character Deaths, Slightly Detailed Descriptions of Deaths, Murders, Injuries, Swords, Imprisonment, Biting, Fangs, Venom, Extra Body Parts, Blood, Manipulation, Negative Self Talk To Catch Up: Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3 
The red and black hourglass pulsed in Patton’s vision. Growing Bigger. Redder. Bloodier.
Warm arms surrounded him, pulling him from the motionless purpling form of Mr. Wratchet, his first grade teacher. “No!” He whimpered through teary eyes. “Teacher. You’ll be okay! You’ll be okay!”
“Aren’t you a precious thing?” A woman’s voice cooed, lifting him up. “So soft. So caring. It’s sickening and perfect.” She pressed him close to the upside down red triangle on her chest. “There, there.” She soothed as his classmates screamed around them.
Cool hands ran through his hair, fingernails raking painfully across his scalp. “It’s alright. You’ll be safe with me.”
Patton sniffed, pushing away from the red mark on the strange lady. He looked up. “I wan---” He froze, eyes slowly moving from the blood stained lips, to the sharp fangs as the woman smiled, up to her eyes. Her six pitch black eyes. Why did the lady have SIX eyes?!?! “Momma.” He choked out. “I WANT MOMMA!”
She slowly shook her head, her wild brown hair tumbling over two of her eyes as she covered his mouth, not even flinching as he bit her hand. She laughed instead, her hold around him tightening as another hand easily forced his head back against that red triangle on her chest. “Feisty and caring. I do like you.”
He bit down harder on the hand in his mouth, fighting against her hold on him as another set of fingers trailed up and down his back keeping him in place as the six-eyed lady left the classroom. “MMFFMMH!!!” He screamed.
“Hush. Hush. You won’t need your momma for much longer, dear one.” 
“Don’t you DARE WEB PATTON, Lo-mmmph!”
The woman abruptly set him down, easily pulling her hand from his teeth, smoothing his shirt, fixing his hair. Her lips parted, again revealing her fangs.
Fangs that had sunk into Mr. Wrachet’s neck, before her hands had twisted his head in a complete circle.
“You. Are. Perfect.” Two hands kept a tight grip on his shoulders as she half turned, gesturing with a third to the shadows. “Spiderling.” She called gently. “I have your breakfast.”
Patton stiffened, scream muffled by a fourth hand as the shadows shifted. A boy a little younger than himself edged out of the darkness, his two eyes the same black color as the woman’s. Those eyes landed on Pat and narrowed as the child opened his mouth, revealing two tiny fangs as he held out his hands to the woman. “Momma?” He asked as she drew him closer. “Where Bweakfast?”
“No. No.”
Patton whimpered. Already knowing the answer. No! No! The woman ruffled the boy’s hair. “Right here, dearest.” She said, forcing Patton to his knees, webs shooting from her hands to hold him place.
Patton cried out in terror as she twisting his head, webbing him so he couldn’t move, exposing his neck to the child’s teeth. “Right here.”
A choked voice. “I’m sorr--”
“Sowwy.” The boy whispered, creeping closer, touching the webs holding Patton captive. “I sowwy.”  
A door slammed.
Patton screamed, recoiling. DON’T BITE ME!!
“No need to apologize to your food, darling.”
“Pat! PATTON!”
Patton shuddered, the red hourglass still burned in his vision no matter how much he blinked.
Fangs. Death. BLOOD.
The others. His friends. They---they needed help! Patton sharply inhaled, turning to the noise, the apartment abruptly snapping into focus.
“H-h-here.” He shakily croaked out in answer to Virgil’s frantic voice, focusing on the spilled pitcher of lemonade on the floor, on the smell of mint and lemon all around him.
Here. At the Apartment. Safe. Here. Not. He shivered. Not there. At the school.
A sigh of relief from near the couch. “Are you okay? Did Logan hurt you?”
Hurt? Patton frowned, feeling his neck. No scars. No bumps. How…..How had--why wasn’t he dead?
The Hourglass. Gleaming Fangs. Pitch black eyes. “Sowwy.”
“I’m sorr--”
Patton numbly reached out, pulling himself shakily to his feet, flinching as Virgil’s and Roman’s webbed up forms came into view.
Trapped. Can’t move. The webs. All those webs!!
Relief flashed across their ashened faces. “You didn’t get webbed.” Virgil said in a low voice as Roman voiced muffled agreement. “Think you can help us out?”
Patton clung to his necklace, struggling to draw a full breath as he mutely nodded. He was free to help yes, but...but--
The necklace hadn’t glowed.
Why hadn’t it glowed around Logan? It had glowed before…with the woman-
He swallowed hard, his stomach twisting unpleasantly.
How could he have forgotten that...forgotten the Human Widow who’d murdered two classrooms full of students and teachers--forgotten that he’d almost...that the spider lady had--was that why his grandmother had home schooled him for two years?! Because of this-this memory?  
Patton grimaced, rubbing his head as he staggered over to them, a death grip on the pendant.  
Help. He had to help them. Save them. From the Webs.
Shakily he reached for Roman’s mouth, only to flinch, jerking back as he touched the sticky gag, a whimper escaping him.
Trapped! TRAPPED!
Virgil tugged at his own webs, giving him a concerned frown. “Pat--you don’t have to--”
Patton violently shook his head. NO! He needed to help them out! Save his roommates! With a quick movement he grabbed the web, tearing it from Roman’s mouth and flinging it away before it could get stuck to him.
Ro muffled a yelp of pain, ducking his head against his chest. “Ow.” He managed a second later, rapidly blinking tears from his eyes as he looked back up.
Shoot! He hadn’t meant to-- “S-sorry” Patton apologized rubbing his hand against his pants to get the sticky feeling off his fingers. “I-I think…” He drew another shaky breath. “I-I’m--”
“All mine?” The child queried, tilting his head. “Eat all mine?”
Patton whimpered, struggling to move in the webs covering him.
The woman softly laughed, nodding. “I picked him out specially for you, my spiderling.”
The boy licked his lips, fangs glimmering as he leaned into the woman’s side. “All mine?” He repeated, small fingers touching Patton’s shoulder. “Where yours Momma?”
“Upstairs. I’ll feast on the newcomers. No worries, Logan. Momma will eat too.” She said, two of her hands guiding the boy’s fangs to Patton’s exposed neck as faint voices and stomping sounded overhead. “Hurry now.” She encouraged, withdrawing. “It’s fast food today.”
Patton inhaled sharply, blinking his vision clear. “Fine.” He squeaked out.  
His roommates shared a look.
“You sure?” Virge asked, voice soft. “You look--”
“Paler than Count Dracula here.”
Virgil snorted, raising an eyebrow. “I think we can all compete for that title right now--But it is true, Pat.” He straightened as best he could, worrying his bottom lip “Maybe you should sit for a sec?”
Roman nodded, a bit of color coming back to his cheeks as he leaned towards Patton. “Before you faint, padre.”
A Human Widow! Here! You could have died!
GET A GRIP. His roommates needed him. He had to help!  Patton fought to give them a reassuring smile, tugging at his necklace. “I’m fi-fine...H-how are Y-you?”
Obviously not fine. They were trapped. Trapped in the we-webs! 
Again, they exchanged looks before Roman made a face, yanking at his arms with enough force to shift the couch a good foot from its original spot. “I’m perfectly fine. He caught me off guard for sure. Of all things, WEBS! I wouldn’t have--”
“I’m good too. Just surprised.” Virge interrupted giving him a faint smile, eyes glittering as he too worked to free himself. “I knew he wasn’t normal...but a Human Widow! A MALE Human Widow, Pat! Emile isn’t going to believe me.”
The necklace had never glowed around Logan.
“The ring glows! Safe. Spihers no like. Momma go bye bye. Momma no huwt you.”
He should have been safe from Human Widows.
Evil spider. Evil Lady Spider. Wanting to feed him to her son. Feed him to Logan--Wait.
Patton caught his breath, eyes going wide.
Virgil frowned, searching Patton’s face. “What?”
The ring protected him from them. The boy--
The boy’s teeth ghosted along his neck, breath warm against Patton’s skin. “I sowwy.” He said, softly. “Hod still k?”
Patton whimpered, unable to move in the webs the woman had covered him in. “You--you’re g-g-g-oonna kill me.” He sobbed, closing his eyes. He’d heard the woman. This boy, Logan, was going to eat him. “I donwanna DIE! DON’T KILL ME!”
A quiet huff.
Patton yelped as something jabbed his chest. Opening his eyes, he met the boy’s pitch black ones as Logan leaned in close, pressing his forehead against Patton’s.
“I. No. Eat. You.” He said forcefully, keeping eye contact, dipping his hands under Patton’s head. “SEE?”
A gentle tug and he stepped back, a wad of webbing held in his hands. “See. Safe. Hod still.” Logan advanced again, little fingers easily tearing away the remaining webs, from Patton, freeing him in seconds. “No eat. No die. All safe. K?”
Patton gaped at him, shakily getting to his feet as the spider child threw the webs into a corner. “Why...why not?”
Logan wrinkled his nose. “I no mamma. Bad tase you. ALL bad. BLEH.”
He tasted bad? “Oh.” Patton whispered. But then why did the lady want--
“Mhmmm” The boy nodded, grabbing his hand, tugging him to another door against the far wall. “Here. Huwwy. Run FAST! Mamma come soon. Go. GO!”
Run fast? But. He balked as the boy opened the door, revealing the playground outside as he attempted to shove Patton through. “She’ll catch me! I can’t...I’m too little!” He’d never been the fastest runner on the playground, she would catch him for sure. She would kill him!
The boy huffed, stomping his foot. “No! I liddle. You big.” He jabbed a hand outside. “You safe there! Pwomise!”
“You’re just a baby!” Patton shot back. “How can you keep me safe?” He couldn’t run fast enough! She’d been so fast in kil--killing Mr. Wratchet.
The boy growled, and twisted to grab at something on the ground. “With DIS.” He said, holding out an old nail.
“YO! PATTON!” Ro yelled, bringing the apartment back into focus as he wrenched one hand free, waving it energetically. “Earth to Pat, Dude stop staring it’s freaky.”
Patton barely saw the hand for the red and black hourglass filling his vision. “Logan.” Patton whispered, turning to the doorway. To where his roommate had stood. Had apologized instead of attacking him.
He’s A SPIDER! He’s a spider! A HUMAN WIDOW! WE’RE GOING TO DIE! Don’t be an idiot. Don’t go after him. It’s a trap! Human Widows lure you into their traps and--
“Safe. I no huwt you. Pwomise.”
That was the child’s voice. That was Logan’s voice.
Virgil huffed, ducking to avoid Ro smacking him in the face. “He’s not here. L’s long gone by now. We’re safe enough.”
“Yah, Dude’s more terrified than we are.” Roman agreed, using his free hand to tug at one of Virge’s trapped arms. “Did you see how quickly he fled?”
“Safe. You Safe.”
Was it possible? Patton dropped his hand to the necklace, heart pounding in his throat. He had to know. WAS his roommate Logan the same little Logan from those memories?
“Because you were an idiot and reached for the swords!” Virge hissed. “You meet your first Spliced and you threaten hi--”
“I WAS REACHING TO HIM, EMO NIGHTMARE! NOT THE SWO--” Ro cut off taking a deep breath. “Alright. I admit. I messed up there. But I wasn’t going to fight him!” He growled, moving to instead tear at the webbing tangling his feet. “I was trying to--’
“Pwomise. No huwt.”
“How can a nail save me?” Patton demanded.
Logan’s eyes sparked. “Like dis!” He said, easily bending the ring into a circle, small blue threads appearing between his fingers.
A Human Widow was supposed to hurt, to kill, to massacre.
Patton could remember all too well Lo’s gleaming fangs as he screamed, how his amber colored eyes had gone completely black as the glasses flew from his face. A Human Widow.
Who had left them alive. Who had dropped his hands. Who’d stuttered out an apology. And fled.
Logan had fled. Alone. Into the storm.
“See?” He held up the slightly glowing ring. “Wear dis. Spihers no like. Momma go bye bye. Momma no huwt you. Be safe.”
They’d been safe for six months.
Widows kill within four.
Why didn’t Logan kill them? Kill him. Back then?
“I pwotect you.”
“I have to go.” Patton said, darting out the door without another word, ignoring his roommates cries of surprise, trusting that they would soon follow. After all, the two did theatre, they could easily sort themselves out of spi--. He shuddered. Spider webs.
“No. Shush.” He whispered, shoving the terrifying thought away as he ran barefoot down the stairs.
You’re running to your doom. He’s a HUMAN WIDOW! Just like the lady. She KILLED Mr. Wratchet right in front of you. She tried to kill you!
But the boy hadn’t! He’d helped him escape! Patton growled, brushing the necklace to soothe himself. “He’s my friend. He’s Logan. He. Won’t. Hurt. Me.”
Please let it be true.
But Human Black Widows were the most likely of all the Spliced to give into their inhuman sides. The most likely to turn on you and ki--kill.
“No need to apologize to your food, darling.”
Patton shivered. After seeing those fa-fangs in person. The...the WEBS. Patton could believe it-- NO. He violently shook his head.
“I’m sorr--”
Logan was different.
“LOGAN!” Patton cried out, voice cracking as he finally reached the bottom of the stairs, bursting out into the pouring rain.
If Human Widows were as dangerous as history had taught...then why had Logan run? Why had he been so standoffish when he first moved in? Why had it taken ages to convince him to hang out with the rest of them? The Widow’s M.O. was to seduce and charm their victims, taking their money before taking their lives. 
That wasn’t Lo.
Patton spun in a circle. If he were Logan and he were running away where would-- “School.” He whispered. Their nerd would head towards campus. He nodded. That had to be right.
“Logan! WAIT! STOP!” He yelled, splashing barefoot through the puddles as thunder rumbled overhead, trying to see his roommate in the fading light.
Why had he fled? Why hadn’t he tried to tell them? Why wasn’t he using logic and talking to them--
Dude’s more terrified than we are.
The webs.
The fangs.
The mark.
Logan was part Spider.
I’m sure the spiders are more scared of you than you are of them, Pat.
Patton stumbled to a stop by the statue of their school mascot, clutching at his pendant as the horrible realization hit.
I hate Spiders. I HATE SPIDERS!
Logan hadn’t been avoiding the living room because he was scared of spiders. He’d been avoiding his roommates. Logan was scared of THEM.
That was why he’d stopped hanging out in the kitchen. That was why he’d hidden in his room. That was why he’d run.
He was scared they’d hurt him too.
Patton closed his eyes, banging a fist against the concrete statue. Idiot. Why hadn’t he realized--No wonder Logan had fled. How could he feel safe in the apartment when Patton had just spent the day making it uninhabitable to spiders. How could Logan talk to them--to him about the issue when Patton had made it perfectly clear that he--
I hate hate HATE spiders!
“It’s my fault.” He whispered, lifting his head, heart sinking. If he hadn’t freaked out. If he hadn’t had Roman kill--- “LOGAN!” He yelled. “Please! Come back! I’m sor--” He cut off, shoving away from the statue.  
He had to make this right. He had to find his roommate.
But how could he find a spider when it didn’t want to be found?
Why would you want to?
“Keep you safe.”
He rounded a corner. Searching the nearly empty campus. Come on. Come on! Think logically. Logan wasn’t just a spider. He was human too. He was smart. But he was panicking. How much like a spider would he act? How human could he be with his senses clouded from that stupid Mint Lemonade Patton had made?
The Lemonade.
Logan had screamed when it touched him.
It had hurt him.
Oh Crofters.
Patton put on a burst of speed.
He’d hurt Logan. He’d hurt his friend! How could--
Was it painful? Was he dying? HAD HE JUST KILLED LOGAN?!
“LOGAN” Patton screamed over the rumbling thunder. “PLEASE! STOP! COME BACK.”
Why should he? You made it quite clear he isn’t welcomed.
The Human Widow could be anywhere. There was no way to know if he’d even come to the school, let alone which building he could have ducked into. It wasn’t like they could track---
Patton gasped, wiping the rain from his glasses as he stopped under a tree. “Tracking. Our phones!” He frantically patted his pants, pulling the device from a back pocket with trembling fingers.
It had been Virgil’s idea, after the last hurricane, to download an app that would track their phones so in case of an emergency they could know where everyone was.
“Please…” He prayed, fingers trembling as he tapped on the square, watching the screen slowly load.
It won’t work. It’s Logan. He wouldn’t keep it active.
He squeezed his phone, staring at the screen. Please. Logan please. Still have it enabled. Please.
Patton laughed, leaning against the tree trunk, staring at the four colored dots that had appeared up on the map. Four.
“Found you.” He whispered as more thunder rumbled overhead, his heart pounding in his chest as he clicked on Logan’s stationary blue dot, activating the GPS to guide him.
He’d been right. Logan was here on Campus. 
“I’m coming, Lo.” Patton promised, once more darting out into the rain, following the arrow on the map. “I’ll make things right.” Somehow. 
To Be Continued Chapter 5
Taglist: @loverofpizzaandallthingssweet @not-so-innocent-bi-sander @redundant-statements-for-400 @aikogumi @depressed-alone @lizziepopanime @midnightcandy @sidewritings @nekoabi @ironwoman359 @ilovereadingandilovebreathing @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @theblackhoundsdaughter @littlemiracle05 @virgil-has-a-houseplant @caristars @seas-space-and-stardust @thedannyparable @faacethefacts @but-jesuschrist-im-never-good @fancydelusionluminary @generalfandomfabulousness @theincediblesulk @i-am-avacado @entitydark @unikornavenger @iris-sanders-athena @narniasfinestavengingsociopath @queen-of-all-things-snuggly @uniquesoulshatter @made-of-bitterness-and-sarcasm @moltengoldenstardust @sanders-is-awesome @myownhappilyeverafter @dragonsight9 @loving-neko @lucifer-in-my-head  @punsterterry @riley-castillo @sleepyssnail @fandomcrazy899 @fuck-perfection-be-a-mess @yay-cats9 @i-will-physically-fight-you @wisepuma23 @jemthebookworm @analogical-mess @friedlieb-ferdinand-runge @stormcrawler75 @book-of-charlie @just-another-rainbowblog @sparkedawg @kirsten-the-freak @jughead-is-canonically-aroace @saphirestrike @skylagamingfea @ssimplypatton @proudhufflepuff @birdybabybird @quinintheclouds @dementeddracon @thatgaydemigodnerd @countessmissyshort @creativenostalgia @koalaaquabear @heythereprincey @inalandofmythandtimeofmagic @the-incedible-sulk @savingshae @somepostontheinternet @nyamafriend @topiwolf @nonasficcollection @why-should-i-tell-youu2 @ab-artist @oakskull @bihighandgivinghighfives @greenninjagal-blog @trans-demon-king @cocobearthe4th @hells-angel-forever @teacupfulofstarshine @starfly302 @wildhorsewolf @moonstone-puppy @lefaystrent @seaspider10 @midnightmagi @romanasanders @kitycat1 @romanslunchbox @i-sleepygiraffe-love @sidespart @always3charcoaltea @marvelfangeek09 @listenherebuddypal @thebadhalfofafandom @withspaces @justanotherpurplebutterfly @i-am-me-i-am-sam @pheonix-inside-reblogs @battleblaze @awkwardcat @im-a-ban-im-a-bandito @pumpkinminette @ndb-123 @randomprojectedtrashcutie @whatschooldoesntteachyou @fangirlingrightnow44 @ase-cakes @nonyabidness103 @rainbowbowtie @edgy-gremlin @raterina-and-rayla @merlybird500 @enbyamy @notall2gether @fandomloverangel @enby-phoenix @morgantoast @theradicalrainbow @thisblogispattonpending @som3thing-cr3ativ3 @queenannarevenge @dontdeceiveme-dontleaveme @nafsbluebery @no-sleep-gang-posts @m-lt-ng-ld-nst-rd-st @heyhelloitsk @plummeting-and-singing @earths-trying-angel @power-in-plain-sight @forrestwyrm @meglooy @ultimatefandomtrashcan @musicwithalex @madsk3tch @supergirl-prime @mason-does-a-thing @phantom-moonfire @just-perhaps @hiddendreamer67 @burningpersonflapsuitcase @hedgiehoggles @light-it-on-fire @goat-milk87 @stellar-blue-bird @unicorndragon1-2-3 @under-the-blue-moonlight @lunalikesgamesandstuff @no-no-no-no-6 @logansanderslove @rainysharkfreaklover @imaconfusedhuman @kittycake574 @romanthestarstruckqueer @winterrs-child @joaniejustwokeup @txyfrxddy @theitalianscribe @lunarlogix @croftersphoenix @lostchoirchild @sparklerose222 @unevencube2554 @abigail-loves-fanfiction @an-absolute-failure​ @logansanderslove
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darkjanet2 · 4 years
Drusilla's Soul Chapter 7 Part 2
"Ahh! He's going to take his first steps." Nancy shouted now getting more excited.
Malcolm came home from work and saw Matt was holding a camera and TK was struggling on his feet.
“What’s going on here?” asked Malcom.
“He’s taking the first step, Daddy.” said Matt.
“Really?!” Malcolm’s eyes widened and saw his younger son move his left foot forward.
“Matt, hand me that camera. I’m going to record it.” said Malcolm. Matt gave his father a camera and he started recording it.
TK started to make his way to his eldest brother when he almost fell only to regain his balance and continued to head to Matt. When he arrived, he hugged his brother.
Nancy squealed in excitement and Malcolm was laughing.
Matt stood there stunned and hugged his baby brother.
"Matt. Matt." TK repeatedly said his older brother's name.
"Awe! TK loves Matt. It's so cute!" Nancy was trying not to cry.
“Matt, it looks like you two bonded quickly together. I am happy to have a lovely family." Malcom told them and stopped recording with the camera. When he saw them, TK was still hugging his brother.
“Okay, TK, you can let go now.” said Malcolm.
But TK refused to let go of his brother. Matt smiled at his little brother.
"Come on TK. Matt really needs to move.” said Nancy. TK still refused to stop hugging.
"TK, please let me go.” said Matt. TK finally let go of his brother.
“Sowwy” apologized TK.
"It's okay TK." Matt smiled.
“Well, that was unusual,” said Malcolm.
“ Now how about we have meat and potato stew?” smiled Nancy.
“That sounds good.” said Malcolm.
“Oh, I have to finish my homework.” said Matt, walked to his bedroom that he had to do his homework.
“I’ll call you when it’s ready.” said Nancy.
4 Years Later
4 years old TK was in kindergarten school. He had friends and he had a nice teacher named Mrs. Tenshi. The students were doing arts and crafts. It was TK’s favorite subject. He decided he wanted to be an artist and novelist. Also, he wanted to give something to his brother. He picked out a blank sheet of paper and folded into the center. He drew and colored the handmade card and wrote something nice.
He wanted to make sure Matt would like it. TK grabbed his scissor and cut a paper to make a sharp like a star. And he grabbed his markers and wrote “best brother ever”. He grabbed a glue stick to stick the stars on the handmade card. And it was done. He couldn’t help but let a small smile of satisfaction. Mrs. Tenshi was impressed by TK's artwork. He told her he wanted to give something special to his brother. She nodded.
The bell had rung, all the students took a bus to ride home. When T.K. got out of the bus and ran to his house. Nancy greeted him and welcomed home. And Matt got home from school, he walked to his bedroom and sat on the edge of bed. He dropped his backpack off.
“Hi, Matt, I made this card for you being a great brother.” said TK, entered Matt’s room.
“Oh, for me?” he asked. TK nodded his head and smiled at his older brother.
“Thank you.” he took a handmade card and read it. His eyes scanned the written when he was smiling widely.
“Oh, TK, that was really kind of you,” said Matt.
“Tomorrow I am going to make both for mom and dad." TK replied and gave a grin. But for Matt, it wasn't easy. He saw how mom and dad were fighting.
“Is something wrong, Matt?" TK asked, worried.
“Uh, no, it’s nothing. Everything’s fine.” Matt lied.
"You're sure?” He asked.
“Uh, yeah. Just tried." Matt again lied.
"Oh, I see. So how was your day?" TK asked, smiled.
“Oh, uh, it went well. A friend of mine gave me harmonica. I just practiced this instrumental and I enjoyed it.” said Matt.
“Wow, really? Can you play? I wanna hear it.” said TK.
Matt pulled out his Harmonica and began to play the tunes. TK closed his eyes and started listening to music. It was soothing and mellow.
Nancy was the first to get home and she heard a beautiful sound of harmonica coming from Matt’s room. She walked over to his room and saw Matt playing the harmonica and TK was listening to the tunes. She smiled at them. She knocked on the door to get the boys’ attention.
“Boys, you two have a good time?” she asked her sons.
“Yes, Mom.” said Matt and TK in unison.
“That’s good. I’m gonna make grilled salmon for dinner until your father comes home.” said Nancy.
“Okay, Mom.” they said in unison.
That Night
Nancy was cooking grilled salmon, white rice and asparagus. Matt and TK waiting for their father to come home. He was probably late again.
“Mommy, when will Daddy come home?” TK asked his mother.
“He’ll be home soon, TK.” said Nancy, she was so disappointed that her husband never came home. She gave her sons dinner and started eating. Matt and TK went to bed and fell asleep.
She glanced at the clock that passed eleven and sighed.
‘God, where is he?’ thought Nancy.
Malcolm came in at 2 am. He was walking in and saw Nancy fell asleep in the bed. He sat down on the edge of the bed. Nancy fluttered her eyes open and turned her head to see her husband.
“Hi, honey.” said Malcolm in a tired voice.
“My God, Malcolm, where have you been?” asked angrily Nancy sitting up.
“I was working late.” said Malcolm.
“You were working late again?! Malcolm, you promised me to come home.” said Nancy.
"I know, it's just that I lost track of time." Malcolm said. Nancy was now getting angry more.
"You are more in love with your work than us. I swear to God, I don't know what to do anymore. I had to see them sad every night." Nancy said raising her voice
Matt woke up when he heard his parents were arguing in the master bedroom. He jolted as the door opened, he quickly hid in the closet and they didn’t see him. The spouse walked downstairs while arguing.
Matt got out of the closet and watched them fighting.
Malcolm slammed his hand on the table.
"I told you I am sorry! Why are you so mad?!" Malcolm shouted at Nancy.
"I am mad because you do this every single night. You kept saying that you will be home. They need their father but you decide to work more hours. When is it enough, Malcolm? When are you going to finally be here? It's like talking to a brick wall!" Nancy yelled, tears streaming down her face.
Malcolm just watched his wife in tears. He looked down and sighed.
"I am trying to provide us Nancy. I am trying to make sure we can stay here." Malcolm countered. Matt watches in shock seeing them fight.
Matt got up and ran back to his room and closed the door. He slid under the duvet hoping they didn't see him.
TK got up and heard his parents arguing coming from downstairs. He entered Matt’s room and closed the door. Matt uncovered himself.
“Matt… *hic* Why are Mommy and Daddy fighting?” TK asked, wiping his tears with his hands.
Matt comforted his brother and soothes. “Hey, it’s okay, TK. They’re just having a disagreement is all." said Matt.
And they heard their mother screaming and crying frantically and their father yelling furiously. It was getting intense. TK ran out of the room and saw his father hitting his mother. He was horrified by this.
“Do you think just because you are here and I am not makes you a better person?!" Malcolm shouted and Nancy sat there crying holding her cheek.
"Wow, Malcolm, hitting your wife because she's right. I birthed them, I carried them 9 months each and you have the nerve to say that you're the better person!" Nancy shouted and got up and felt another smack. She got up again and glared at him in tears.
"I am taking the boys and staying at the hotel. You can sit here and think about what you have done to me and the boys. Whatever feelings I had left. It's now gone. I see who you really are!" Nancy softly and walked back upstairs.
“No, I will not let you take them away from me!" Malcolm screamed and ran after Nancy.
TK ran to Matt’s room and locked the door. He hugged his brother tightly, shedding tears. Matt comforted him. Suddenly, the door was banging and twisting the knob violently. The two brothers were scared now.
“Boys! Open this damn door!” yelled Malcolm.
TK and Matt held each other close and heard their mom yelling at her husband till they heard a loud banging noise cause them both to stop.
"Police! open the door!" The officers shouted.
“What the fuck?” shocked Malcolm.
Nancy ran downstairs stairs and opened the door. And the cops busted in and armed with guns.
"Thank goodness you're here. My husband was beating me and threatened our children.” Nancy told them.
“No, I didn’t!” Malcolm yelled. The police looked at Nancy and Malcolm raising his eyebrow.
"Sir, you need to come with us. You’re being charged for domestic abuse and child endangerment and lying to the police." The officer said and grabbed their handcuffs and cuffed Malcolm.
Malcolm got into the police car and rode to the station. Nancy was sitting on the couch crying. Hugging herself. She lost her husband. No that man is not her husband not anymore.
Matt and TK came out of the room and saw their mother was badly hurt. Her left eye was bruised and her lip was busted. She had a slap stained on her cheek reddened. She could still taste some blood in her mouth.
“Mom, are you okay?” asked Matt.
Nancy sadly smiled at them. “I’m fine.” she croaked.
“I’ll… I’ll go get the first aid.” said TK, ran upstairs to get the first aid.
“Oh, Mom, I’m so sorry. I’ve heard everything.” said Matt, tears strolling down his face.
Nancy hugged Matt. “It’s okay, Matt. It’s not your fault.” her voice sounded hoarse.
TK came back downstairs with the first aid. He opened the kit and picked out cotton ball and hydrogen peroxide. He poured into the cotton ball and applied his mother’s busted lip. Nancy flinched as the liquid stung a little.
“Sorry, Mum.” said TK, gently dabbing on her busted lip.
The Next Morning
Both spouse's were in court with their respective lawyers. They waited for the judge to appear and give the verdict. When everyone got in their seats, the judge came in and saw the two people standing in front of him with their lawyers. He sat down and saw two boys in the rows of the seat. They were holding hands. The judge cleared his throat.
"In all my years, I never thought I'd come to this misdemeanor domestic violence is entitled to a trial by jury. Look, I understand completely that situation was uncalled for. Here's how it's going to go. The children will be separated from each other. The father will get the oldest son and the mother gets the youngest son. The mother will get the money for medical treatment. They will be a restraining order against him and are not allowed to come one hundred feet from you. I would have suggested counseling but after this I can't trust things would go over smoothly. I hope that this won't affect any resentment from your sons." The judge grabbed his gavel and slammed it on the table. Everyone was shocked. Matt looked at his younger brother who's crying while holding him on and comforted him.
“No! I don’t want my brother to be separated with Daddy! He’ll hurt my brother just like Mommy was hurt!” cried TK, tears flowing down on his cheeks.
“TK, it’s okay. I will be fine." Matt said with a comfort smile and tears strolling down his face.
When their parents came with the police. Matt got up and hugged his mom before leaving with his dad. TK was in tears while his mother comforted him who had those tears run down her face. Nancy picked TK up and started to move to a smaller apartment.
Nancy checked on her youngest son to make sure he was okay. TK was sleeping in his bed, facing the wall. She didn’t notice there were tears in his eyes.
‘I am sorry, TK. I know it must be hard for you, but we’ll get through this. I hope you become a kind loving man.’ Nancy thought and cried and went to the living room. She grabbed her remote and started to watch drama movies.
Few minutes later, Nancy was still watching the movie, clutching the pillow and had tears running down her face. She couldn't stop feeling it was her fault for not loving her family. She couldn't stop blaming herself.
She looked back up on the screen to see a brunette was begging her husband to stay with her. But he knew he had to move on, pulled in one last hug and walked away.
For some reason Nancy stopped worrying about what she could've done and started to focus on what to do moving forward with her and her son.
‘What am I doing? I don’t want to burden myself like this. I have to be strong and take care of TK.” thought Nancy, went to her bed and drifted to sleep.
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nox-scrie · 4 years
The Burning Devil
TMA5 Countdown- Day 1, The Corruption and The Vast
So... the trailer dropped yesterday and this fanfic is NOT really true to the canon universe but I don't really care (as Jonny doesn't care about me or my feelings). Also it's not corrected so I'm sowwy for this @pilesofnonsense . Hope y'all like it though!!
Content Warnings: Burning, Loneliness, Cancer and some kind of Madness
Characters: Jon "Jarchivist" Sims, Martin "Too Pure 4 This" Blackwood, Jude Perry and some OCs
Fears: The Corruption, The Vast and some mentions of The Eye
Rating: Teen and Up Audience
Setting: ~a month after the ending of Season 4
Word Count: 3585
The Burning Devil
The train almost reached London when the weird things started happening. Most of the passengers were asleep, the train having been going non-stop for the last 15 hours. Nobody even cared to look at the two men sitting in a bed together in a sleep  car, one of the two shaking so badly you couldn't focus on his shape and the other franatically searching for something in a backpack.
The first light bulb went out as easily as if you blew a candle. One of the men started nervously bitting his lip, before abandonind the bag and craddling the trembling man in his arms. A girl on a few beds away from them, headphones in her years and a book opened in her lap, sent a nasty look towards the non-functioning light, and then looked at the two men as if she knew they were looking at her. She didn't say anything though, other than smiling in an approving way.
Then, the whole train shook, as if it was passed by an electric wave. Now most of the passangers were awake, some screaming in distress, others just mumbling about the poor quality of transportation in England.  Nobody looked at the men that were hugging on the bed, and how something started... moving on one of their skin. A sigh escaped the trembling person as they started clinging to their lover's sweater.
"Martin." was all he said, and then the eyes that have appeared on his skin started blinking rapidly, chaotically, and Martin started feeling sick.
"I... I think I can find it, Jon. I really do. Just..."
"No. The girl. She has something to tell me."
Jon was looking down at the dirty bedsheets, rows of sweat covering his forehead, but the eyes kept staring at the girl with the headphones, who was now half out of her bed and walking the short distance towards them. Martin covered Jon's forearms with a blanket, but he could do anything about the eyes that appeared on his lovers' face and neck. He was hungry, and there was no other meal than information, trauma, pain and sorrow he needed right now.
"Hey... is your partner okay? It looks like-" and then she saw the eyes. The moment was imprinted on her face, which turned a ghostly white, her black eyes wide and mouth started opening to let out a scream.
"No." was all Jon said, looking at her with his own eyes, and the scream was stuck in the girl's throat. The eyes on Jon's skin started to shine, as if blazing from within. "Tell me... tell me your story."
A tape recorder appeared on his hand out of thin air, and Martin closed his eyes for a few seconds and signaled for the girl to have a seat on their bed. She did that, but Martin wasn't sure how much of that was her own will and how much The Eye's. He extended a hand though, and she looked at it, panicked, before looking at Martin once again and seeing.. something on his face that made her take his hand.
Nobody was paying attention to the two men and the girl that were sitting in a bed, prefering to watch the windows that were now cracked in shapes that perfectly resembled some eyes. Martin started feeling his heart pumping, fatigue overtaking his body, and he didn't look st Jon, he couldn't. Instead, he focused on the girl's face and clasped her hand with both of his.
Jon pressed play, and the eyes were rolling around and around on his skin, all kinds of colors and shapes, from white to blue to purple and yellow, from small to wide and enlongated. His voice was calm, collected, and it sent a chill down Martin's spine as he tightened his grip on the girl's hand. He hated the this, the fact that The Eye had so much control, the way it turned his lover into a puppet. Even though anger was building up inside his chest, he took a deep breath and focused on the story. There was nothing either of them could do now.
"Statement of... Alicia Jesper... regarding the last car race she ever took part in. Statement recorded directly from subject, the first of November, 2018. Statement begins."
There was a moment of silence, and the eyes focused on Alicia at once, burning on her. She let out a sigh, one of distress or fear or both, and she opened her mouth and started talking. The words were heavy, and being dragged out like this was like seeing someone be placed in a chair and given a handgun, so they can kill themselves before it gets worse for them. Martin felt his hands crushed by her, and he realized that maybe she was angry too. He hoped she was; anger is not hopelessness, he would know.
"I've always been interested in cars. Either in an aesthetic sort of way, or driving them, cars are a constant in my life more than anything else... or, they used to be, at least.
My first memory is me in the front seat, being held by my father. I remember how small my hands were on the steering wheel, and how he laughed, or caughed, because I was shaking and I thought that's what it felt like to drive on a bumpy road. I must have been around three or four years old then, and my father died when I was ten. Mom never recovered, and by the time I turned fourteen, sha has changed half a dozen of jobs and has given up entirely on at least trying to get better.
When she told me we had to sell the car to pay our rent, I revolted. It was not my fault that she couldn't get herself into psychiatric help, and neither was the car's. I told her, begged her, to try to get into therapy and finding a job, but she was hellbent. And that's how I got my first fake ID.
One of the upperclassmen, some person named Morgan Doe, was into this shady, movie-like, kind of bussines. They had a reputation for faking IDs and other documents, and getting their hands on everything you wanted for the right price. I took all of our economies, which were really not that many now that I think of it, and asked for a Graduation Certificate and a fake ID. They haven't even looked at me for more than three seconds, and nodded. In two weeks, I was a new person, Allison Jay, an 18 year old who was taking a gap year before going to the University of Manchester. I got a job of delivering pizza without even trying too hard.
Now I just had to learn how to drive. There are many... many Youtube tutorials and Wikihow articles that really do help, but I had to learn it on my own, my short body barely reaching the pedals. It was a long process, but luckily I haven't destroyed anything in the time I was learning, and the police never stopped my car, even as I knew I was not driving under the speed limit.
From then on, it was the time for jobs related to driving: I delivered pizza, drove people around, even signed up for Uber for a while. The tips were good, but I had to clean the backseat so often that the material started wearing off. All in all, throught high school my mom and I did great money wise. She was still a nasty thing, angry and... in pain all the time, but at least we had something to put on the table every day. And then she died too, and I was left with a three-room apartment and crappy car. I was finishing high school then, and after the graduation ceremony, I packed my things, burned up any remains of the name Alicia Jesper I could find, sold the apartment and the car and left.
My first sports car was won in a race. It was a lucky strike; I was with one of my friends, Mirabella Ashton, who's place I was crashing, and we thought it could be fun. We were both into driving, and my friend even participated in a few races, but I was a newbie. Still, when this drunk guy came to us and said that he will race for his car, my fingers started trembling and my brain was on fire, and before I knew what was happening, I said yes. My friend was pretty tipsy too, and they let me borrow their car as long as I get it back in one piece. I joked that they didn't even know me, but I was nervous anyway. I placed a few grans on the bet, almost all of the money I had left, got into my friends' car and tried to calm my heart. I looked at the other drivers, all of them young and overrexcited that they will compete against a drunk guy and a girl, and the anger that started in my heart was more powerful than any fuel you can lay your eyes on.
So I drove. And I won. I shared the profit after the first race with my friend, and with the rest of the money and the car, I left the city. And so my life of car racing started. It was not always illegal, but it was hard to make a name for yourself in a men's world, without college or relations to send you to the top. I lived the next decade in abandoned train stations and open fields, drank so much booze my blood turned to beer, and had the time of my life. It was last year, when the incident happened.
I was good at what I was doing. I was so good, people were started to call me The Burning Devil, and got out of my way when I came to the races. It's not a popular activity, with only a few true sponsors, and after I settled down I started to get to know most of the people that came to these events. It would have been surprising to not notice the new person who came in that awful day, all dressed in red leather and with ginger hair.
She said her name was Jude, not giving a last name too. She said she was a newbie, as if you couldn't see that from how she was too-casually leaned on her car. She said she wanted to race, and that she wanted to race me.
I laughed, a bitter sound, and told her I don't want to crush her dreams when they're still so young. She in retutn extended a hand towards me, a wide smile on her face, and told me that if I give her a chance I might just change my mind. I didn't laugh this time; there was something in her voice... it made me jump slightly, as if there was a small flame under my feet. She was the one who laughed, and got inside her car without wating for me to shake her hand.
I looked at my friends, at my family basically, the only people who have cared for me and helped me improve, and smiled an already winning smile. They cheered me, and Mirabella, who was staying at my place for the time being, gave me a kiss on the lips. We were kind of in a relationship at the time, but that didn't continue after the race.
It was an easy win. I had a decade of experience and a good car, way better than the one I won when I was eighteen. I looked over to the girl in red leather, and she was staring right back at me. As the signal that warned us to get ready was heard, she smiled at me, again. This time I felt the flame cover my arms, and I hissed. I remember thinking that I should not let her get in my head.
This race was held on a hill, as were most of the races sponsored by Simon Fairchild. We were supposed to ride from the bottom of it to the top and make an U-turn to get back to where we started. It was more complicated than one might think, having to control the car both as you drive on a diagonal line, and and as you turn on a small area of space. Yet, I've made this circuit for more than a dozen of times so I wasn't worrying.
It took me only three minutes to get ahead by a good few hundred of metres. I could barely see har car, as red as her clothes, in the rear view mirror, and laughed out loud, feeling one with the car, feeling so free and so present in the world... The top of the hill was right ahead, and I was already feeling the taste of the rum the others' were going to give me and the smell of Mirabella's skin when she hugged me. It will be amazing to see the girl in red red with anger.
I reached the top of the hill witht he right speed limit to make the turn. My hand was on the break, at ready, and just as I turned it it... wasn't moving. It was stuck. I frantically started moving the handle, the end of the cliff top approaching me hurriedly, and I just couldn't. I started unbuckling my seat belt, ready to jump out of the car, and then I saw the red car, right next to my window. With half a mind I thought about how could she have gotten there so fast, and then I started to notice the fire. Her whole car was ablaze. She was laughing, but I couldn't hear her, just watch the wicked way her lips moved, and then she waved at me and I noticed that.. her skin was dripping. Just like the wax of a candle. The last thing I remember before plumetting off the hill was that her eyes and hair have caught fire too, and that it was beautiful in it's horror.
And then the car plummeted off the cliff. My seat belt was off, and I frantically tried to open the door, but it was stuck too. I think I screamed, I must have screamed, waiting for my awful end. But I.. I didn't die. The car was falling at a constant speed, like a paper airplane, almost floating in the air. The sky above me was too bright, and the green of the hill was barely noticeable in my fall. I didn't move, out of terror that changing my position might cause the lose of balance the car has. So I just waited for my inevitable death.
It's a weird thing, knowing that you'll die in only a few minutes, and knowing how it will happen, but being useless as in making a change. I watched the sky above me, that burning blue, and thought of my father. He has died of lung cancer from working long hourse in a mine around my hometown. Mom passed away in a similar way, lung cancer, but it was a weird thing... she has never smoked, or been around so heavily polluted air as my father did.
As the car kept crashing, falling, floating, I felt it. I felt the air being stuck in my chest, and I started coughing. I couldn't breath. I couldn't open my mouth enough to get in some air, any air, I couldn't make my nose inhale, or my chest stop hurting, and my head started feeling heavy as I was coughing and falling and floating towards my own death. I felt blood vessels explode across my skin with ugly pops, my eyes glued shut, I felt hopeless and wished so, so, hard to just die already.
And then it stopped. The car was still floating at a constant speed, but the pain in my chest was no longer there. I could breath, and I did that for at least ten minutes before allowing myself to open my eyes. The sky was brighter than ever, and I hated it.
That's how I lived for what must have been three days. It was coughing fits and the impossibility to breath, it was me crying softly in the driver's seat, not caring about any kind of balance as I tried with all my might to open the door, any door, and kill myself to escape from that hell. The sky turned black when night begun, such as it did everyday, but even that was too bright, ablaze, mocking me in its freedom. I couldn't sleep. I didn't feel hunger, or thirst, either, I just sat there, watching, wishing to die, wishing for the coughing fits to stop, but none of my wishes came true.
When I felt something of that floating shift, I was just getting out of a coughing fit. This one was different than the others, blood having painted my hands now. That was the moment the car started falling.
It took only a few seconds. It took only a few seconds for it to get stuck in a tree around the other end of the hill, and for me to open the driver's door as if it was nothing. I fell on the ground and started running, expecting to be sore or hungry or in pain, at least, but I was feeling nothing. I ran and left my crashed car behind, as far away as I could. I needed to get on the road, to hitchhike to the city, and to make sure everyone knew I'm okay.
That's when I saw all the people gathered right where the race started, cheering for the girl in red so loudly I could hear it from almost a mile away. I stopped in my tracks; there was no way they could have been sitting there for three days, in exactly the same clothes. Uncertain, I walked towards them and saw the girl, Jude, with her arm around Mirabella's shoulder, saying something in her ear. She was not burned up. She was fine, her car was fine, her clothes were fine. I was not fine.
When Jude saw me, she smiled that wide, awful grin. I felt like I could cry, but I cried so much in the air that I don't think I'll be able to do it again. Jude thanked me for the race, and kissed Mirabella on the head. Her eyes were slightly unfocused, but she looked at me with an indescribable expression, before turning in Jude's embrace, away from me.
"And thanks for my prize, too." said Jude, barely above a whisper, as she turned towards the crowd with Mirabella. I could see that Mirabella's shirt had a hole on the shoulder where Jude's hand has been, a hole that looked as if it was burned in the material. It was the shape of the girl in red's hand.
I hitchhiked the way home. None of my friends offered me a ride."
Martin's hands were sore, and Allison's eyes were red, as if she has been crying. Jon no longer had the eyes covering his skin and he looked tired, not sick, as he looked before. The trembling stopped, and the windows were back in their original shape. Most of the passangers thought they must have imagined them breaking, or saw the branches of the trees in the pale moonlight hitting across the windows and thought they were cracks.
"Statement ends. Thank you... Alicia. "
"Do. Not. Call me. That." she extracted her hands from Martin's grip and formed a fist towards Jon, clutching her jaw. "I don't know what you just did, how you made me talk, but what I've been through has been hard enough without some creppy guy digging in my past and making me throw up all my trauma to be recorded on that stupid tape. Do you and your boyfriend get off on that?"
"It's really not like that Allison, we-" Martin started, but she extended her hand and made a fist of his sweater, threatening him now.
"Stop it. Stop it. This has been.. a very weird night. I will go back to sleep and when I wake up you two will not say a word to me ever again, not if you don't want me to call the cops. This night, this discussion, has not happened."
Jon let out a soft, unamused laugh, and nodded. Allison got up from the bed, clutching her hands around her neck, and started coughing. She returned to her bed with her back turned towards them, headphones in her ears, and did not move from that position.
"I hate when that you have to do that." Martin said, failing to hide the edge of his voice.
"I know. Me too. But it will be over soon, okay? It will be over soon."
They looked at each other and Jon sighed, placing a small kiss on Martin's forehead. He has been getting hungrier and hungrier in the past few days, but at noleast now they had a plan. Jon clutched the tape recorder in his hand and looked at the sky, the sky that was looking back at him, and hoped that their plan will work.
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emypony · 6 years
Some ARES (more like ot2/ot3/ot4 headcanons with Haizaki, Asuto, Nosaka and Nishikage) headcanons for @ozrockbitway (if i remember right dfljkghfdg it’s been long ago since we talked about it, I think??) and @producktions @someatsu @blueberry-pastel @suzunofuusuke @kirinoisbestboy @sinfonylanglader @therealruney @calmystorm-saltycandy (hope u dont mind the tag ^^’’) @shawn-and-aiden-frost-9 i guess if u wanted to read as well @mimirk63 ITS NOT YUUICHI but ya kno ;w;’’
i literally dont even know who else would care about these (mostly joke) headcanons so iM SOWWY if i like, dont tag some ppl ;;
also im sorry that these are like all over the place tho jfldghkfk
ANYWAY with that out of the way
1. so I was discussing about Nishikage baking and. i got it. Nishikage works @ Tasty part time. He makes ambitious creations. Nosaka enjoys watching the behind the scenes. (Asuto will eat anything he makes)
2. Asuto starts hanging around Nosaka and Nishikage thought this would be bad and that Yuuma would stop hanging out with him but is thankfully proven wrong as Asuto pretty much always invites both of them to hang out with him. Nishikage starts to 'adopt' Asuto as Nosaka's friend and feels the need to PROTECC him as well. they also become great friends and this eases Nishikage because Nosaka finally has someone to spend time with that can somewhat get him out of his shell. Related to #1, Asuto will bother Nishikage and ask him if he's cooked something new yet. Nishi is afraid to cook more things at first but is prompted by Asuto because THAT BOY will literally eat anything, bad or good.
3. Nosaka actually likes dry jokes but no one knows since nobody really likes dry jokes and doesn't make them. Asuto ends up with a book EXACTLY about dry jokes and he finds them interesting and funny but not as much as Nosaka, so when he uses one of those jokes it makes Yuuma laugh and it takes everyone by surprise (especially Nishikage)
4. Nosaka snorts when he laughs.
5. I see Asuto and Nosaka becoming friends before Asuto and Haizaki (even if they're acquaintances) Haizaki comes on later along.
6. Asuto is claustrophobic and that's how the ot3 friendship starts. He, Haizaki and Nosaka somehow end up stranded in somewhat of a locker and he starts freaking out. Despite the issues between Nosaka and Haizaki they don't like seeing the cheerful Asuto being scared like that. Asuto asks them to hold his hand and they reluctantly did that even if they didn't like being next to each other. After that incident Asuto was a bit more open around them and uses his 'persuasive' powers to get them to hang out with him.
7. Haizaki is the tallest, followed by Asuto and then Nosaka. Nosaka is a bit conscious about his height and even if Haizaki makes fun of him, Asuto reassures him and tells him its okay.
8. Nosaka would be really bad at portraying his feelings even if it's something simple or complicated so he makes really weird comparisons and nobody understands except Nishikage even if sometimes even he's wondering what's going on in his mind.
9. I originally planned Nosaka to be a Vegan but I don't wanna do that he's just been taught to always eat healthy because there was no other alternative. he sometimes sees Asuto stuffing his face with unhealthy (fast food/other) stuff and it confuses him because he's still like perfect and fit and he doesn't get it. With time Asuto makes him try things he wouldn't normally eat by himself and even if he doesn't eat that regularly, he'll sometimes accept Asuto's invitation to get things he hasn't tried before. He's really big on trying foreign food but maybe once every few months.
This is a lot of Nosaka fdkjghd im sorry i love him a lot AND I DIDNT EVEN KNOW IT
10. One day Asuto's friends find him, Nosaka and Haizaki playing cards in his room (i think they'd keep the friendship hidden for a while don't ask me why). Norika would take a liking to Nosaka but not romantic. She ends up doing his nails or make up as a thing. He looks dashing with black polish. Haizaki has none of that and even if Nosaka is really :|  and stoic he'll pretty much go with anything.
11. this was like, a multiple headcanon thingy with @suzunofuusuke and @producktions alike
Nosaka is a heavy sleeper and Nishikage is the opposite. #Nosaka and Nishikage share a bed, fight me. Due to his past Nosaka has nightmares and moves a lot in his sleep so frequently he'll fall from the bed which'll make Nishi wake up and freak tf out because dfljkgf where's Yuuma?? and hes just sleeping on the floor
12. Nishi and Nosaka sometimes both stare at Asuto and how pure he is dfljghfdg like "damn Asuto's a nice friend"
i'll uh, try some Haizaki too since I've basically neglected him holy shit
13. Things get better with Akane and after Asuto basically has him talk things out with Nosaka, he becomes a lot less stressed and angry and finally starts to open up to Asuto, at least. He's a bit awkward at interacting outside the soccer field so it takes a bit of time to be comfortable around both of them, but Asuto always made it easy. He's still a bit intimidated by Nishikage though, even if he has no ill intentions towards Haizaki and they've even successfully hang out together alongisde the other two a few times. They share a love for spicy food.
14. HAIZAKI NEEDS GLASSES and he doesnt like wearing them but he's really cute in them. Asuto would always tell him that he looks cute in them and he wouldn't like it. Men aren't cute. Haizaki isn't cute!! >;C Nosaka would just quietly tell him that they look good on him nonetheless and he'd blush and say 'thanks' and thats their interaction okay #stolen from @someatsu
15. Haizaki has his ears pierced but nobody knows cuz of his long hair and that it's not allowed @ school. He likes to try out diff earrings in his spare time. Asuto catches him one day and never lets him hear the end of it but when they sometimes go walking around shop districts he'd loudly proclaim "Those would look real good on you, Haizaki!" when he'd see any cute earrings and such. poor Hai chan will try to hide from view at that. Nosaka chuckles. also stolen from @soatsuko w permission dw
16. starring guest hiro again with headcanons he shoved into my arms: Haizaki doesn't use social media because he doesn't see the point of it. Had Twitter once but got bored. likes baggy hoodies. probably has a collection of berets (this one's on @araiguma-koon)
17. @arbegagordon gave me an idea so Haizaki and Akane used to play Toontown so now that Akane isn't playing anymore, Haizaki still logs in but gets sad. Through some kind of unconventional means Asuto starts playing Toontown with him because he wants to make him happy and even if Hai chan won't admit it he's pretty happy that Asuto does this for him Nishihkage plays cooking mama Nosaka tries a lot of games but he gets bored fast because he thinks he's not good at them. He REALLY likes the pet games though. EDIT: I FORGOT. NOSAKA PLAYS ALICIA ONLINE AND NONE OF Y’ALL CAN TELL ME OTHERWISE. he likes collecting pets and clothes. he would defs cosplay his AO character omg
18. this was a collaboration of my ideas and @producktions and her analysis post basically she said that no one usually cheers for Nosaka SOOOOOOO, after Asuto finds that out he goes to all his matches and screams like fucking crazy for him and even if Nosaka won't show it he'll smile sometimes to himself because Asuto does this for him and expects nothing in return and just wants to see him smile and it’s OOF so pure
19. Asuto has both Nosaka and Haizaki merch. (you know, for support! Asuto is big on making his friends feel loved) They're both embarrassed by it and whatever they say they can't make him NOT wear it in public, as he's hanging out with THEM.
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haru-desune · 7 years
Hi! Could you do a fic where Taka is looking for a "new" big brother because he feels like Hayato doesn't like him, (he's also kind of jealous of Kotaro and Ryuu's relationship)
Oh boy I’ve been wanting to look into thisrelationship for a while now! This took a little longer than expected but Ihope it’s good! (AO3) (FF.Net)
Taka was certain his brother hated him. He wasalways hitting him and calling him stupid and annoying, and he never hugged himclose or played with him. Why couldn’t he have a brother like Ryu-ni? He wasalways nice to Kotaro, and was always willing to join in their games at the daycare. What Taka needed was a new brother. Ryu-ni already has Kotaro, andNezu-ni has so many brothers that he probably didn’t want another. Even thatweird ni-chan who turns red whenever he talks to Ryu-ni already has a littlesister. That left Yagi-ni. He didn’t think Yagi-ni has any younger siblings,and he was always really nice to the kids in the day care, even if it was kindascary when blood started coming out of his nose. Maybe he wouldn’t mind havingTaka as a little brother.
“Hey Yagi-ni!” Taka yelled, runningtowards the older boy with a drawing clutched in his tiny hands “I madeyou a picture!”
Tomoya turned from his conversation with Nezu andknelt down to talk to the toddler.
“That’s great Taka-kun! What did youdraw?” he asked, squinting at the scribbles of colour on the paper.
“It’s me and you fighting a giant!”
“Oh so it is! Thank you!”
Yagi slipped the paper into his pocket and smiledat Taka, who beamed in response before running away.
“What was that about?” asked Nezu,handing his friend a tissue to stem the inevitable nosebleed.
“Beats me, but it was really cute, wasn’t itChuukichi?”
Usaida watched in confusion as Taka pulled abemused Yagi towards the patch of interesting flowers he’d spotted on theirwalk. Lately the toddler had been clinging to the teen in a way that was bothadorable and mildly concerning. He watched as Yagi listened to whatever Takawas excitedly babbling about. The teen nodded along with a small smile, beforepatting the younger boy on his head and sending him back to his friends.
With a casual survey of the area,Usaida noticed Nezu standing a short distance away. The quiet teen hadn’thad to drag his friend away from the children as often recently. It seemed thatYagi’s increased exposure to their collective adorableness had reduced histendency to nosebleed. Further away Kamitani was helping Ryu manage the otherchildren, ignoring the antics of his brother. Ignoring them a little too wellactually. He didn’t even turn to acknowledge him, seemingly putting all hisenergy into pulling the twins off an already overwhelmed Ryu. Taka for his partwas equally indifferent towards his brother, not once pestering him in any way.
Oh. So that was how it was. Usaida smiledto himself. This would be interesting.
The kids had just finished having an afternoonsnack, and Kashima, Hayato, and Usaida were cleaning up their mess. Yagi chosethat moment to poke his head into the day care room.
“Hi everyone!” he called.
“Yagi-ni, play ranger 5 with us!” Takashouted, waving his sword in excitement.
Yagi laughed. “Okay! I’m the monster,right!” He curved his hands into claws and growled, to the delight of allthe children.
Hayato clenched his fist, causing the contentsof the half-empty juice box he was holding to spew all over hishands. Kashima patted his shoulder sympathetically. His friend had figured outwhat was going on pretty quickly, but nothing he said could convince Hayato totalk to his brother. Both the boys had a stubborn streak a mile long.
“If he wants that pervert as a brother let himhave it.” Hayato growled, wiping his hands on his apron.
“In all fairness to Yagi, he’s really toneddown the creepiness.” said Usaida, tossing the boy a towel so he couldwipe the juice off the floor. Hayato glared at him, and the man laughed andheld his hands up in surrender.
“You could just talk to him, Kamitani.”said Kashima reasonably.
“I’d rather die.”
“You could get a role in Kamatsuka-sensei’snext play” said Usaida, rolling his eyes at the boy’s dramatics.
Kashima stifled a snort in his sleeve, and Hayatochucked the now empty juice box at him, not noticing that a small pair of eyesflick towards him from the direction of the children’s play before quicklydarting away.
Ryu was tidying up the room at the end of the daywhen he heard wailing. Taka was clinging to Yagi’s leg and screaming at the topof his lungs at an exasperated Kamitani.
“Tough, we’re going home now. The old lady iswaiting.”
Kamitani reached down and detached the screamingtoddler from Yagi’s trouser leg and hefted him over his shoulder.
“See you, Kashima.”
Kamitani gave Yagi a curt nod and walked out of theroom with a blubbering Taka beating his fists against his back. Ryu shook hishead with a sigh.
“They really need to sort themselvesout.” Yagi said thoughtfully.
Ryu stared at him, and he laughed.
“I figured out what was going on a while back.It’s been a lot of fun being Taka’s big brother, but I think he misses Kamitani,don’t you?”
“I think Kamitani misses him too.”
The babysitters club learned fairly quickly thatwhen the weather was good, the best way to deal with the kids was to take themoutside and let them run wild. Especially on a day like today when the Nezusiblings joined the rambunctious toddlers. The little group had found aclearing edged by broad-branched trees that had plenty of space to run aroundand was a safe distance from any of the sports fields for the children to play.
Taka had taken the low hanging branches as achallenge and was trying to climb one of the great trees that offered themshade. Kichi and Suekicchi, keeping in mind Ryu’s frantic warnings to becareful, were teaching the other little boys how to play soccer. Kirin,Kyouko, and baby Midori were having a ‘picnic’ under the tree that wasn’toccupied by the younger Kamitani. This left the students and Usaida relativelyfree to keep a general eye on things. Yagi was quickly pulled into the picnicwith the girls, and Ryu ended up helping with soccer practice because hecouldn’t resist Kotaro’s hopeful eyes. Hayato was about to join him, when someinstinct made him look up, just in time to see Taka overbalance on the branchhe was trying to climb and topple backwards.
Hayato couldn’t see anything except for the way hisbaby brother seemed to be falling in slow motion. He didn’t think, just rushedforward and slid across the grass, managing to catch Taka before he hit theground. He could make out panicked shouting (Ryu) and general commotion(everyone else) from behind him, but he only had eyes for Taka, who’s own eyeswere slowly filling with tears. Hayato pulled him close, and Taka buried hisface in his chest.
“You idiot.” he scolded, and if his voicebroke a little, well, anyone who heard would keep their mouths shut. For theirown good. “You could have gotten hurt. Don’t do that again.”
“I missed you Aniki! I sowwy!” Takablubbered into his chest, and Hayato just tightened his arms around him.
Ryu watched the scene in front of him and almostfainted in relief. And not just because Taka was unharmed.
“I think we should just leave them be.”Nezu said from behind him.
“I agree.” said Ryu, grabbing Usaida’sarm to keep him from reaching for the camera. He had a feeling Nezu was doingthe same for Yagi, and offered the other boy a tissue without looking back. Hesmiled at Yagi’s stuffy thanks and coerced the others into resuming theirgames. Things would be back to normal soon.
A/N- So I realize that I could have made this oneHayaRyuu as well, but honestly the Kamitani brothers’ relationship is the onethat most closely resembles my relationship with my younger brother and I kindof wanted to honour that. Hayato’s probably going to see Taka as a three yearold even when the kid enters high school, no matter how much he acts like hecouldn’t care less about him.
As always, I’m open to prompts, though it may takesome time for me to get to them, since my inbox is slowly filling up! I won’twrite anything that’s ships an adult with a minor (I don’t care what the age ofconsent is in Japan) or a similar age gap (i.e. teen with child), and I’m veryuncomfortable writing smut, but anything else is good to go.
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sargentsnowy-blog · 6 years
Yay anon is back! I don’t have a tumblr sorry but I wanted to ask if like... you wanted to share you makki teen AU?
Ah! Sowwy for keeping you waiting though! Lmao I apologize because it turns into badly explained storytime. And like… pfff I didn’t explain the depressing parts because I’m in a cheery mood~ so if you want something depressing scroll pass this but if you want… badly explained cuteness… then here lol.
•Max, Nikki, and Neil left camp at fourteen (Neil is fifteen)•Max has a crush on Nikki but is oblivious as hell and hasn’t noticed•Nikki and Neil are literally step siblings. Like…. yeah…. candy and Carl hit it off—•Max lives far away from them sadly so he never experienced middle school with them •Nikki and Neil live in New York rip and Max in California extra extra rip.•David and Gwen (haha together and have taken max from his parents MWAHAHAHA) move to New York and unknowingly enroll him into the same school as Nikki and Neil. (They are in high school now)•Okay so when Max was enrolled in the school he was 15, and he had just seen Neil and Nikki at camp that last summer which was about 6 months prior. (HC max birthday is in March it just seems right?)•HM MAX GOT THE SAME CLASSES AS NEIL AND HE AND NEIL DEADASS DID THAT SPIDER-MAN MEME BECAUSE IM A MEMER.•poor max. he ended up having PE with Nikki… and she tackled him to the ground during the laps around the gym. poor guy…•wow I can’t believe max realizes he likes Nikki at the end of that school ear w o w.•because David still works at camp Campbell in California for summer, he takes max with him to help out. Rip poor boy.•Max gets a plane ticket to fly to New York for Nikki’s birthday cause he ain’t missing her turn 16 (hc Nikki birthday is in summer. I’d say June.)•rip David max stayed in New York for the rest of the summer •next school year so like max has this dress for success shit and he ain’t having it even though it was shitty to just wear some business clothes for just one class, he still wore them because his teacher is an ass and him not wearing it is his grade. he has it rough.•did I mention max is a troublemaker or did you guys already assume it?•hm wow I can’t believe max is in denial about his crush on Nikki.•hM WOW I CANT BELIEVE WHEN MAX GIVES NIKKI A CHRISTMAS PRESENT (hehehe it was a puppy that asshole is denying the obvious truth. Nikki is oblivious) SHE REALIZES SHE HAS A CRUSH ON HIM.•(I’m a romantic leave me alone.)•Neil teases the shit out of max because max had told him his confusion. It’s his best friend?•I can’t believe Preston is in theater and in a play because Neil didn’t notice him at first Neil shame on you. Oh did I mention—•Wow good job max three quarters of a year later he comes to his senses and realizes he likes Nikki wow. •wow Nikki your mom forces you to get a job so max let’s you get one at the old camp with him? wow.•wow Nikki all those kids teasing you and max asking if you were dating makes you realize your feelings? wow.•wow nIKKI ON YOUR BIRTHDAY MAX DEAD ASS DECIDES TO MAKE IT A MANDATORY CAMP ACTIVITY FOR THEM TO HELP HIM THROW A SECRET PARTY AND YOURE SO HAPPY YOU KISS HIMA AND THEN YOU TWO FUCKING CHICKENS DONT SAY SHIT ABOUT IT EVER AGAIN? W O W IM SO PROUD.•oh wow it’s the senior year of high school •oh my max and Nikki are dragging Neil into their senior pranks which they blamed on Nerris and Harrison. Wow I can’t believe those two are datin—•oh wow max fights anyone that fucks with Nikki what a surprise.•oh jeez max almost kicks candy’s verbally abusive ass because he finds out about how she treats Nikki. What a surprise— oh shit Carl gets in the suit knocked out of him when max finds out he was letting it happen. Hm Neil had even offered for Nikki to move out with him since he’s in college now because well… he’s 18. Wow max got pissed because she said no. Wow max calm down.•hm David bought Nikki therapy classes.•oh jeez Gwen put her psychology major to use.•well damn. Candy fucking left. Fuck you no body likes you you fucking prosti—•hm Nikki lives with Carl now. Oh wow Neil threatens him to treat her right. Oh shit nikki’s happy.•oHWOWMAXYOUR17ANDYOUFINALLYGETTHEGUTSTOASKNIKKITOTHEPROMATTHEENDOFTHEYEAR?!WOW.•OH FUCK MAX YOU DIDNT EXPECT MAH GURL TO BE WEARING A MIDNIGHT BLUE DRESS THATS NOT TO FRILY BUT NOT TO STRAIGHT AND NOT PROM LIKE HUH? OH YOU DIDNT EXPECT THAT HUH WOW MAX DIDNT KNOW YOU COULD BE SPEECHLESS W O W.•(I apologize for makin you read this nonsense lol)•hm Nikki never seen max in a full blown pitch black suit huh? Huh? HUH? (Theme of the prom was starry nights so he has a dark blue shirt underneath and white tie with a black suit like a i said. I probably shouldn’t be describing the things right?)•Neil drives them there and is teasing max while Nikki asks for them to pick up harrison and nerris. Those two magic peoples have a p l a n. •Rip prom goods because Nikki ate them and max joined her.•Rip Preston because when Neil walked in he fainted.•oh Gwen is in on the plan with Harrison and nerris. Oh wow she’s the person controlling the music. Oh jeez Neil is helping. Oh gad So is Preston.•(this turned into badly explained story time.)•oh no Neil cleared out the dance floor. Oh shizzle Gwen turned on a slow song. Oh fuck Nerris and Harrison shoved Nikki and max onto the dance floor.•Nikki regrets this.•Max regrets this.•Gwen records this.•Max tells Nikki he literally asked David to teach him how to slow dance.•”max you’re a dork.”•”no im not I have a badass reputation to uphold shuddap.”•hm max leads the dance. Hm Nikki in awe because she doesn’t know how to dance so she keeps accidentally stepping on his feet. •”Oof sorry max these sandals suck 😅.”•”ah it’s fine.”•hm they just talk on the dance floor. •hm they start dancing closer because Nikki is getting the hang of it.•ohshiteveryoneisonthee—•oh jeez. They’re kissing.•oh god. Gwen is cheering. Oh jeez… oh j e e z. Everyone is screaming.•”Nik they planned this.”•”I can see.”
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Warm Me Up pt. 13
Click Here for Ch. 1         Click Here for Ch. 5
Click Here for Ch. 2         Click Here for Ch. 6
Click Here for Ch. 3         Click Here for Ch. 7
Click Here for Ch. 4         Click Here for Ch. 8
Click Here for Ch. 9
Click Here for Ch. 10
Click Here for Ch. 11
Click Here for Ch. 12
It was the week before finals, better known as Hell Week. Nico was sitting outside, despite the cold, with a coffee in front of him and a cigarette between his fingers as he leafed through his study guides. They all seemed pointless to him, seeing as all of his classes that semester were relatively easy courses. Intro level or basics that were kept easier than his high school AP classes.
He put the cigarette to his lips and started organizing them in order of the class he slacked the most on to the least. As he blew out his smoke, the chair in front of him was pulled out, and he looked up only to scowl. “Can I help you?” he growled at Will’s Brazilian friend.
He sat down, and took a breath, interlocking his hands over the table. “Hi. So, I know you don’t like me, and I really don’t mind. I’m pretty sure you don’t really like the majority of people.” Nico scoffed. “But I just wanted to let you know that you really shouldn’t worry about me. I know you and Will tend to argue a lot about-”
“Why the hell do you know about my relationship’s arguments? You have no right to butt in-”
“Maybe because I’m the one convincing Will that you’re not cheating on him or encouraging him to talk things out with you?” he snapped. “Look, Neeks-”
“It’s Nico.”
Paolo sighed. “Nico. I’m not butting in anywhere. But you seem to think that I’m interested in Will, and I’m not. I’m aro-ace.” Nico raised an eyebrow and flicked his cigarette. “It just means I’m not interested in romantic or sexual relationships. Will is just my friend, and that’s all I’ll ever see him as.”
Nico rolled his eyes and stood up. “Okay, Ponytail-”
“I don’t care.”
“See, that’s your problem. You don’t care about what anyone else has to say, but everyone has to care about what you say.” Nico’s lips curled and his fist clenched. “It doesn’t work like that. Things don’t work like that. You can’t just step over people.”
“Listen, pal. I never asked for your opinion. You are nobody to tell me what I should or shouldn’t do. Now, I don’t really care if you claim you’re not interested. You-”
With a roll of his eyes, Paolo scoffed, “Wow, I thought Will was the paranoid one.”
“Excuse me?” Nico scowled, starting for him. Paolo raised his hands in surrender and stood.
“Okay, sorry, that was out of line. But-”
“What’s going on?” Will’s voice asked from behind him. He gave Nico a pointed look and he rolled his eyes, looking away. “Paolo?”
“Nothing. I just wanted to let Nico know I’m not a threat or anything. It’s not working out too well.”
Will glanced at Nico again and he shrugged at his boyfriend, as if to say, What do you want from me? He turned back to Paolo and smiled. “Yeah, Nico can be stubborn. I appreciate it, but I can handle it.” Paolo nodded and apologized. “Thanks,” Will said as he left. He turned to Nico who pretended not to notice and continued to smoke. “Were you being mean?”
“Define mean,” he answered.
Will chuckled and Nico started for him to give him a kiss, but he turned away and put a hand against Nico’s chest. “Ah-ah-ah. You’re smoking.” Nico pouted and whined softly, but Will wouldn’t budge. “You’re supposed to be quitting,” he chided.
He shrugged and flicked the cigarette. “It’s cold. Smoking keeps me warm.” Will hummed and smirked as Nico tried to trick him into a kiss again. He’d gotten Will to kiss him after smoking before, he would do it again. But Will turned away, laughing, pushing Nico back. “Fine,” he groaned, finally. He put the cigarette out and burrowed himself into Will’s arms. “Let’s go get some gum from the café. I have to make the nicotine smell go away so you’ll kiss me.” Will laughed aloud and took his hand to lead him into the café.
He got a drink while Nico got his gum and they left the café. Nico was happy that they hadn’t argued since the day he’d gone to his dorm to find Paolo, but he was frustrated to have to admit it took a lot on his part. Just because they’d made up didn’t mean Will stopped hanging out with Paolo or letting him stay at his dorm for a movie. And since they did that, Nico figured he would just hang out with Percy or Leo when he did. He just never told Will which of the two he was with.
“Are you going to go through the entire pack?” Will questioned as Nico placed a third piece of gum in his mouth.
He shrugged and said, “I’m just trying to make my mouth minty. Plus, I just feel like I need to be doing something with my hands and mouth.” Will cleared his throat and looked away, a smile tugging at his lips. A light blush dusted his freckled cheeks and Nico chuckled. “You are very dirty-minded, Solace.”
“Mm, that’s your fault,” he accused. “You and your forwardness.” He turned before they reached the dorm and tugged Nico behind him. “Let’s go to the park,” he suggested. “I’m tired of studying and I’m tired of the campus.”
“Okay, what park?” he asked.
“That’s the best part- I have no fucking clue. Let’s just find one.” Nico chuckled and nodded, following him to his car.
They drove around mindlessly for a while before Nico decided on looking up parks nearby. When they found one, they walked leisurely, not holding hands due to uncertainty of the level of approval there. “When I was little, I used to love going on the swings,” Will said. “I loved kicking my legs until I was so high up I was scared I’d make a complete flip around.”
“When’s the last time you got on one?” Nico questioned as he looked at the kids laughing and being pushed on the swings.
“Probably my junior year. I realized it gave me motion sickness. By far one of the saddest days I’ve had.” Nico chuckled and shook his head. Suddenly a tricycle hit Nico’s leg as a child tried to stop and toppled over onto the pavement. Immediately Will leaned down and helped him up. “Are you okay, buddy?” he asked. The little boy nodded and glanced at Nico who gave him a small smile.
“Sowwy,” he said, looking at Nico with wide brown eyes and a mouth smeared with chocolate ice cream. Though who would give their kid ice cream in this weather, Nico wasn’t sure.
“It’s okay,” he assured. Will righted the tricycle and smiled at the little boy.
“Come on, time to try again.” The kid got on and started pedaling away, with Will looking after him, a small smile on his face. “Reminds me of Kayla when she was younger,” he mused. He took a breath and bit his lip before looking over at Nico. “Can I ask you something without you running away screaming?”
Nico grimaced and felt his stomach knot automatically. “See, that question alone makes me want to run away screaming,” he pointed out. Will laughed and shoved him playfully. “What is it?”
“Do you think you’d ever want kids in the future?”
Nico felt his voice disappear and he looked at Will curiously. But Will’s expression gave nothing away. He looked back at the little kids on the playground, running, screaming, laughing, crying, the parents calling out their names, the small sweaters and beanies, the strollers and sippy cups. He grimaced and sighed. “I don’t know. I never thought about it, you know? I mean, I never thought I’d bother dating, much less parenting.” He frowned and stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Besides, you know, I can’t even take care of myself properly sometimes. How am I supposed to take care of a small person? I never had siblings or younger cousins to babysit. I’m not scared of kids, I just… don’t know if I’d be good at that.” Will nodded and his blue eyes skimmed the park thoughtfully. “You?”
He shrugged and let out a small breath. “I don’t know either. When my sister was born, and when she was like a year old, I thought I’d love to be a dad. But then taking care of her became all I did throughout high school. I feel like I never got to be a kid, I never got to make mistakes, you know? I want time to do that before thinking about devoting my life to a kid again.” He smiled as the same little boy rushed past them on his tricycle. “But I do love kids. They’re so full of energy and joy and innocence.”
Nico mulled that over for a moment. Maybe that was why he couldn’t put the idea of a kid in his head. He had lost all of that a long time ago. He was the embodiment of what kids are taught to fear becoming. He wasn’t innocent. He was completely destroyed inside. He didn’t want to ruin a child who deserved to be protected from all of that.
Suddenly, he felt Will tug on his jacket sleeve as he pulled him toward a building where they had classrooms and restrooms. Nico wasn’t sure what was taught in those classrooms, but they were empty for the time being. Will pulled him in and kissed him, finally, away from the eyes of children and parents and anyone who would possibly nag them for it.
And the kiss was dizzying. Maybe it was because it was the first time Will kissed him that day, and Nico simply missed him that much. Maybe it was because the second Will’s lips touched his own, it felt like they were the only ones in existence. It felt like time itself stopped for them to lose themselves in each other.
The effect Will had on him scared him more than anything had before, but he didn’t bother acknowledging it for long. Because regardless of whether it scared him or not, it was happening and Nico could do nothing about it.
The next day after class, Will found Leo and Nico talking as they walked to the café. He joined them without talking, only pecking Nico’s cheek and waving at Leo as they continued talking about possible gigs. They stopped at the dining hall before taking their food to a table.
“I’m just saying, places get packed on the holidays. We could get something out of this,” Leo said.
“I’m going home, Leo. My dad asked me to go back.”
“You don’t even like being home,” he pointed out.
“Correct, but he’s the one paying my tuition in the end.” He shrugged. “Maybe for spring break? Or maybe it can be our New Year’s resolution!”
Leo rolled his eyes and chewed on some fries. “Speaking of holidays. You two have been inseparable. How are you going to last through the month of vacation?”
“I keep forgetting we get a whole month,” Will mused. “And I mean, we could always visit each other at some point. I’m sure my parents wouldn’t mind-”
“Wait a second, you want me to go to Texas?” Nico interrupted with a sharp voice.
“Hey, what’s wrong with Texas?” Leo demanded.
With a roll of his eyes, Nico waved that question away. “That’s not what I meant. I just meant, I’m in New York. I’m not going to Texas.” Will raised an eyebrow. “What? Will, we’ve been dating for a month and a few days, you really think having me over at your place is a good idea?”
With a tense tone to his voice, he said, “It’s not a marriage proposal, Neeks, calm down.” Nico’s mouth gaped and he threw his hands up in resignation. Will rolled his eyes impatiently and continued to eat his food. “Anyway, with the holidays and stuff, the month should go by fast.”
“Still, your entire second month of dating will be with both you on opposite sides of the country.” Nico and Will looked at him in exasperation. “Sorry,” he muttered. He sipped his soda and turned his attention to Nico. “So, are you and Percy driving back together?”
The expression on Nico’s face made Will sense that Leo had said something he shouldn’t have. His eyes were wide, glaring at Leo, his body tense and frozen. “What?” he asked, since Nico wasn’t answering. Leo began stammering and Nico narrowed his eyes. “He already said one part, he may as well explain,” Will snapped at Nico. He growled at Leo, but Leo turned his attention to Will.
“Nico and Percy found out they don’t live too far apart. Percy’s from Manhattan and Nico’s from Brooklyn. So they were going to drive up together instead of Percy spending on a plane ticket. Or were you both going on the plane?” Will glanced at Nico who looked ready to murder Leo. “Sorry,” he grumbled.
“Well,” Will sighed as he stood. “Thanks for the heads up.” He left to dump his half empty take out box and glanced back at Nico for a moment before leaving the building. As he walked under the trees, the wind cold and bitter, seeping into his bones, he heard Nico’s boots against the paths.
He ignored him, but Nico caught up and turned him around. “Baby, there is still another week to go before we’re out.”
“You weren’t going to tell me and we both know it,” Will muttered. “It doesn’t matter.”
“Will, I didn’t tell you because I knew you’d get angry and-”
Will grimaced and shook his head, cutting Nico off. “See, that’s not a reason you shouldn’t tell me, that’s a reason you shouldn’t do it,” he answered. “That’s like me deciding not to tell you I’m going home with Paolo or something.” Nico scowled. “Whatever. It doesn’t matter. I have to study.”
He pulled away and began to walk toward the dorms, but Nico hurried after him. “Will, come on, I’m just helping him get home, I’m not spending the holidays with him. Hell, I wouldn’t even be going home if my dad didn’t keep asking me to.”
He didn’t say anything and kept walking. He heard the exasperation in his voice as he called after him. He noticed someone walking by, glancing at them curiously, and Will turned back to Nico, frustrated. “Okay, Nico, whatever! You’re doing it anyway, right? No point in arguing about it.”
“That’s not all it is, is it?” he continued. Will sighed and walked back toward him. “What? What did I do?”
He shrugged and ran a hand through his hair. He bit his lip, unsure of how to explain it. “You just sounded so… freaked out when I suggested you should come over.”
“You said I wouldn’t have to meet your parents for another few months!” he exclaimed with that same tone.
Will scoffed and threw his hands up in agitation. “A few months, a few weeks, what difference is there? You’re my boyfriend aren’t you? You make it seem like you expect us to break up or something-”
“No, that’s not it!” Nico shut his eyes and tried to regain his composure. “I’m just saying, why would I meet them so early? It’s ridiculous.” Will clenched his jaw and nodded, ready to turn away from him again. “No, I- goddammit.” He groaned and rubbed his face. “Look, can we… please not fight? We’ve been doing so well, baby.”
Will’s stomach filled with butterflies. His cheeks felt warm in the cold air. “You call me that to soften me up, don’t you?” Will grumbled. Nico looked up at him and leaned forward slightly, his eyes bright and enticing as ever. “That’s not fair,” he whispered. He ran his hand through Nico’s hair and tugged on the end gently. “I just don’t want to wait a whole month to see you again,” he whispered. “If you don’t want to visit me, could I visit you?”
Nico grimaced. “And meet my father? I would never do that to you.” Will raised an eyebrow and Nico bit his lip. “The month will go by fast. We’ll be together again before you know it. For now, we still have a week.” The words still left Will feeling uncertain, but he let it go as Nico pulled him into a kiss.
He burrowed his head in the crook of Nico’s neck as he wrapped his arms around him. Suddenly, Nico began squirming, laughing nervously as he pulled back. “Oh God, don’t do that,” he said, hiding his neck. “It tickles.”
“Mm, is that all?” Will teased, noticing the flush of his cheeks. Nico rolled his eyes and tickled his sides, causing Will to yelp and run away from him. “That’s not funny!” he snapped.
Nico caught his sleeve and pulled him back. “Wait, it’s almost sunset,” he said. Will raised an eyebrow and nodded. “Come on,” he said with a smile. He took his hand and led him to the summit where there were several trees wrapped in Christmas lights. They weren’t on yet, but the view of the city was beautiful there. “Come on,” he insisted.
Will followed him and wrapped his arms around him as he looked out at the city. “Look at the colors,” Will whispered in awe. They stood there, in the cold, and even though Will hated the cold, it wasn’t so bad with Nico in his arms. “You’re a sap,” he whispered in his ear.
“Oh it gets worse,” he answered. Will furrowed his eyebrows, but he didn’t get an explanation until the lights on the trees had turned on. “Perfect.” He pulled Will back and draped his arms around him.
“What are you doing?” he questioned. Nico began to sway, singing softly, under his breath, his voice soft and hypnotizing, making heat creep into Will’s cheeks. His heart began fluttering as they swayed in a circle. “My God, you’re so cheesy,” he teased.
Nico laughed, fully and beautifully. The sound made Will dizzy. Suddenly, Nico took his hands and began jumping, tugging Will along as he sang a more upbeat song that Will didn’t know.
They came to a stop, laughing as shuddered in the cold. Will looked into his eyes, reflecting the Christmas lights like stars in the irises. They seemed clouded, but focused on Will. “What are you thinking?” he asked him.
Nico blinked and chuckled awkwardly. “I’m thinking about how your hair glints under the lights.” He touched his cheek softly. “But I can’t see your freckles in this lighting.”
He chuckled and bumped his nose with Nico’s. “Dork.” He stuck his tongue out at him and tugged him down to the ground. “Agh,” he groaned. “You know, you could just say, ‘Will, let’s sit down,’ instead of pulling tripping me and making me bruise my ass.”
Nico grumbled and crawled between his legs, and leaning back against his chest with a sigh. Will smiled and rested his chin on Nico’s shoulder. “Hey, does it really bother you? Me carpooling with Percy, I mean?” Will didn’t answer. “I just… I keep thinking about what you said. How I’d react if it was you and Ponytail. And you’re right. So if you really don’t want me to, I won’t. I’m sure he won’t mind.”
Will frowned and snuggled closer to him. “It’s not so much the carpooling,” he murmured. “It’s the fact that you didn’t tell me. Leo did. And it felt like you were hiding something, like there’s some ulterior reason.” He kissed Nico’s cheek lightly and sighed. “Just tell me these things, okay?” he asked. Nico nodded, his hair tickling Will’s face. “It’s okay. I understand it probably saves money anyway.”
“Okay. And, about meeting your parents,” he continued. “I was thinking maybe for spring break instead. We’ll have a few more months together, be more stable, hopefully argue less. It’d be better then, don’t you think?” Will looked at him incredulously for a moment before squeezing him tightly.
“You’re incredible,” he whispered.
“No I’m not,” he answered. “I’m horrible at this. But I’m trying.” Will shook his head and tilted his face to kiss him.
Nico couldn’t breathe. Enveloped in his arms, with his lips warm and soft against his own, with his complete, pure beauty in front of him, he couldn’t breathe or think properly or slow his heart rate. He felt terrified, if he was honest. He liked Will so much, he felt so light and happy when he was near him. He was afraid of the closeness. He was afraid of suffocating Will or arguing so much that Will got tired of him. He was anxious at the idea of others seeing how vulnerable he was in Will’s presence.
He was terrified at how vulnerable Will made him.
Still, the fear filled him with adrenaline. He took a cold, shaky breath as Will pulled away. He kept his eyes closed, afraid of losing himself in those eyes he admired so much. “Thank you,” he whispered. “For dealing with me and all of my stupid mistakes and all of my mess.”
He heard a throaty chuckle in his ear as Will burrowed his face in his neck. “Come on, darling,” he drawled, emphasizing a Texan accent. “You’re not the only one who’s a handful in this relationship.” He took his hand and interlocked their fingers. “It’s all about balance.”
Nico bit his lip and leaned against him as they looked out at the city lights, the stars, and faded clouds in the sky, surrounded by the trees and their white Christmas lights. He glanced down at their hands, felt his warmth at his ear.
The words formed in his mind, they tickled his tongue and danced on his lips. But he didn’t say them. Because saying them would make it final, and he didn’t trust his own emotions that well.
Click here for Ch. 14
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