#spirit of the crystal
opmultiverse · 2 years
Human host to the Spirit of The Crystal, an entity created by Gyrrin Zevykris the Lord of Anti-Magic.
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madcat-world · 1 month
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Chill Beats Records Vol. 5 (10 of 28) - Christian Benavides
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tarotwithavi · 1 year
How do your spirit guides see you?
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How to choose a pile?
Close your eyes and take a deep breath and ask the angels to show you the right pile for you and open your eyes. The first pile that catches your attention is the right pile for you.
Just keep in mind that this is a general reading, so it may or may not resonate with you. Please take what resonates and leave the rest.
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Pile 1
Hello my dear pile 1! Your spirit guides see you as someone who has been through a lot of things but they haven't let that negative experience hold them back. They see you as someone who is really spontaneous, someone who gets off negative emotions really easily. Your spirit guides see you as this kind and generous soul however they also see that sometimes you may get really rude when you argue with someone. It's like the words you use are so hurtful to a lot of people. Lately you may have been feeling really stressed or depressed and your spirit guides want you to cheer up a little bit because they believe in you and they believe that you can get over these emotions easily. They want you to know that you are not your emotions and your emotions are something that you feel for a small period of time, your emotions do not define you. I am also getting that they see you as someone who is really dramatic. You know you may blame them if something goes wrong or you may shout random things but they are not offended by it in fact they enjoy it quite a lot. Your spirit guides see you as someone who is restricted by their desires to obtain more and more. You may be a little greedy about certain things or you may be greedy about succeeding and in the process of success you may neglect your own needs. They want you to let go of this habit and they want you to be more grateful about the things you already have.
I also picked up on some messages while channeling messages for you from your spirit guides and one of the messages is that do not think about the past and see them as experiences that have taught you a lesson. Do not read your book backwards, leave that chapter behind. They want you to slow down And become aware of all your senses. They want you to see your potential. You are in fact capable of a lot of things, you just need to let those come to the surface. If you feel stuck and if you don't know what to do next you can simply ask them for guidance and they will be more than happy to provide you with the guidance that you need. Please ask them for help.
Pile 2
Hello pile 2! Your speed guides see you as someone who may be a little bit too kind. Being kind is a great thing you know but don't give away things that mean a lot to you. They see you as someone who is distant who doesn't ask for help. they definitely see that you are on a journey of self discovery and introspection. They see that all the things you have been through, have stayed still and taken all the blows that were thrown your way and they are really proud to guide you on your journey. In fact they are telling me that they have planned a lot of great things for you. I don't know why but my eyes seem to water as I was channeling messages for you. They are really proud of you and they want you to know that you are doing great. They see you are someone who has a lot of responsibilities on their shoulders. You are the person who is meant to heal your generational trauma. And healing generation drama is not an easy thing. However I'm also getting that your spirit guides see you as someone who is really indecisive. they know you know what you need to do, however you are confused if you should take the lead or not. They see you as this really beautiful soul. I am also getting that they are really proud that they are leading a soul like you. The feeling I am getting is so positive and I know this is exactly how spirits see you, however I do not have the words to describe how beautiful this feeling is.
Now for the messages I'm getting that you are spirit guides are sending a new soul into your life. For some it could be a pet, especially a rabbit and for some it could be a romantic partner. Also getting the color red so the message it gives me is that a lot of passion and all of happiness is about to enter your life so be ready to receive. You are going to be sure about your life purpose, you may have already guessed what your life purpose is and your spirit guides want you to take steps to achieve that. Be ready to enjoy and celebrate your life to the fullest.
Pile 3
Hello Pile 3 and welcome to your reading. While I was shuffling the cards for you the cards kept on jumping out of the Deck so let me tell you your spirit guides have a lot to say to you. The first message I'm getting is that your spirit guides see you as someone who is between worlds. What I want to say is that you may have a lot of projects going on or you may have a lot of things that you want to complete. however you do not have the energy to complete all of the projects now you're kind of stuck. Your spirit guides see you are someone who has the potential to be a spiritual healer but first you need to do a lot of self healing. I also see that you may be going through another spiritual awakening lately and you may be feeling punched in the face by the universe; however, they want you to know that this experience was meant to happen for you to see your worth. I am also getting that your speed guides may be a little upset with you because you have misinterpreted their messages. They see that you are having a hard time doing things by yourself. And they want to help you however they can't interfere because you are meant to learn this lesson on your own. I am also getting that your spirit guides see you as "Courage the cowardly dog" . You know how he was always scared of the little things but how unknowingly he always managed to save that lady which helped him overcome his fears, in the act of saving the lady. In fact you may see yourself as socially awkward or not really courageous however you have done a lot of things to protect the people you love. They also see that you love a little too hard and too fast. And people get scared of that intensity and run away from you. But nonetheless they are really proud of you and they want you to focus on your finances first before getting into a relationship because being stable is more important. Or let's say Feeling successful is more important.
The messages your spirit guides are giving me is that you are stuck in a really toxic relationship and the person that you think as your soulmate is not actually your soulmate and this is the message that you may have misinterpreted earlier. Some of you may have already met your spirit guides in your dreams. They want you to follow the path of truthfulness, they don't want to see you lying, they don't want to see you deceiving people. Or even yourself, they want to be true to yourself and the people around you. Nothing comes from lying. Someone from your past may reach out to you and honestly I don't have a great feeling about this person so just in case be careful about what you say to them and what you share about yourself online
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 3 months
What mask do you wear that is keeping you from the rebirth you have been waiting for?
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I have a ton of prompts that I have waiting! My partner picked this one intuitively for the day so shout out to them. The decks used today are the Star Spinner Tarot, the Healing Waters Oracle and the Starseed Oracle. Take what resonates and leave the rest behind but always be open to new experiences.
Astrology: Leo, Pisces, Cancer
Song: Magic by B.o.B.
Vibes: Pink, blue, yellow, mice, rabbits, corvids, dice, bear, mushroom, 666, watermelon, kiwi, pancakes, hockey, activism, university, fairies, Amaterasu
Cards: The Sun, The Moon, 6 of Wands, The Waterfall, Cracked Open
Hello, pile one! The mask you wear is a mask of logic. You think you need to see it to believe it. You have a tendency to see the worst-case scenario in a lot of situations. You see life as guilty until proven innocent. This point of view is understandable but it is limiting your success. Why assume that you will fail before you have even begun? Especially, because you are so capable and a powerful manifester. You seem to believe that you deserve to fail. This belief is a subconscious belief that you can definitely remove easily if you just knew it was there. Take this mask off and you will see your dreams come true! Your manifestation will come true fast and easy it'll feel like the impossible became mundane. Spread your wings and fly my dear. You don't need to fear jumping from the nest. You have always been ready no matter who told you that you weren't. I believe in you, the universe believes in you! Please believe in yourself too!
Astrology: Scorpio, Aquarius, Sagittarius
Song: We Are Golden by MIKA
Vibes: Lavender, periwinkle, gold, make-up, skin routine, hair routine, routine in general, butterflies, dragons, 444, sleeping beauty, roses, stars, crown, the sky, chocolate
Cards: King of Cups, 4 of Swords, 4 of Pentacles, Thank You, The Golden Children
Hi, pile two! Welcome to your reading. This miiiight be a little hard to hear so heads up on that. You are being held back by a mask that can't exist in the present. You are constantly thinking of what will be to the point where when you get the manifestation you were wishing for you can't even enjoy it because your mind has already turned to the next achievement to work towards. You are incredibly driven but I see how unsatisfied you feel about all that you do because of this mask. Take time to congratulate yourself! Take time to give yourself a gold star for your efforts. You worked so hard!!! Thank yourself for working so hard. Thank the world for what you have in front of you. What you will have is important to work towards but what you have now is still worthy of recognition. Look back at how much you put into what you have now. Look at all that you have achieved! It's hard for you to recall. The tunnel vision you get from the task at hand is blinding you from everything you have already done. Please see how well you have performed so far. Acknowledge yourself. Acknowledge your strength. Your inner child is screaming at me "ACKNOWLEDGE ME ACKNOWLEDGE ME ACKNOWLEDGE ME!!!!" You need to hear them because wow they are yelling loud. Don't just buy them something nice by the way. Genuinely allow them to feel happy about what they have done. Pat them on the head and tell them you see them.
Astrology: Libra, Aries, Capricorn, Taurus
Song: The Call by Regina Spektor
Vibes: Pastel pink, yellow, teal, clocks, falcons, Horus, armor, coy fish, 8888, storms, renaissances festival, mermaids, libedo, strawberries, cucumbers, caramel
Cards: 6 of Cups, 8 of Wands, 8 of Pentacles, Let It Rain, Star Brothers
Pile three, welcome. You wear a mask of perfectionism. You have the belief that only you can perform tasks to the right standard. Part of this belief is good but some of it is holding you back. I am glad you have confidence in your abilities and feel capable enough to do things on your own. The problem is you feel this way a lot more than is physically healthy. You believe it so deeply it makes you over-exert yourself constantly. You probably feel super tired all the time. Part of you longs immensely for help with all the tasks you do. It feels lonely to do everything alone with no companionship. Let me tell you a little secret, my friend. Let them fail. Let people underperform the tasks that aren't and shouldn't be your responsibility. If you let things slip through the cracks it might seem like you are failing but really what you are doing by letting people fail is helping others learn lessons. You are doing yourself and the people around you a disservice by taking responsibility for tasks that need to be failed. If the people around you fail, they will be more likely to learn faster. You are robbing them of lessons and exhausting yourself in the process. That literally helps no one. The next time you see someone not doing their job properly. Let them. Let them not do their job. If someone else tries to make it your problem you tell them what I just told you, okay? It will make you a better teacher and the people around you better students. Let people fuck it up. Trust the universe. Trust people to learn even if it takes them a couple times to figure it out. Failure is the best lesson teacher.
Astrology: Capricorn, Gemini, Virgo
Song: Hell's Coming With Me by Poor Man's Poison
Vibes: Purple, lilac, navy blue, ibis bird, Thoth, architecture, stars, akashic records, 3rd eye chakra, crown charka, dreams, diamonds, lilys, daffodils, angels, whiskey, pyramids, curse breaker, dragonfruit, mangoes
Cards: The High Priestess, The Star, Ace of Swords, Stagnant Waters, Star Ancestors
Hi there, pile four. You wear a mask of imposter syndrome. You don't think you've done enough. It doesn't matter how much you have achieved. You never think it is enough. You are blind to how much you do. You have the belief that the world would be better off without you but the thing is. You raise the planet's vibration WAAAAY more than you believe. You have such a good heart and you are so balanced. You are kind, smart, intuitive, wise and witty. I wish you could see yourself clearly because you are truly an angel. The thing is all the things I just named are things you wish to be. You wish it as if you aren't aligned with those things already. The mask you are wearing is distorting your vision of your true self. The only thing holding you back is your perception of yourself. Let go of the past criticism that plagues you, my dear. You took that critique in stride and grew far past your initial goal. You have succeeded already. You already did it! Congratulations on being super awesome and cool! You don't need to wish upon a star anymore, baby! You are already a star yourself. <3 Change your view of yourself and you will be UNSTOPPABLE!!!
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sylverra · 13 days
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Shop Update!
Here's what's new this week:
Smoky quartz crescent moon necklaces
Venus of Willendorf figurines
Moon goddess statue
Morrigan plaque
Golden healer spirit quartz clusters
Infinite serpentine palm stones
Rhodonite pencil points
Malachite slices
Rose quartz rough chunks
Rough larimar
8oz clear quartz rough points
> See all our newest additions here <
Happy shopping! 💚💜
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sunsetcurveauto · 3 months
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Dead Boy Detectives as out-of-context texts between me and mary (@spacegirlsgang ) + friends part 3
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internet-goblin · 1 year
My favorite archetype of any media has to be "Really adorable artstyle and visuals with a story that quickly becomes incredibly dark."
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I'm serious. Which of these games do you think features more dead children? (The answer might surprise you!)
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Which of these shows kills more of its named characters in the first season? (The answer will probably not surprise you, but it's really damn close!)
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whimsymosaic · 2 months
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Dead girl detectives: seen this a lot going around, but without Niko or Crystal!
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willknightauthor · 20 days
I don't know what this aesthetic is, I've been calling it "grim-sparkle" or "wonderdark," but you know it when you see it. It's that combination of magical and gritty, beautiful and grotesque, hope and dread. The dark fairy tale vibe transcending fantasy.
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Fucking love that shit.
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ambermotta · 10 months
Cleansing Basics – Crash Course
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What is cleansing? When should I do it? How do I do it?
These are some of the questions I'll be tackling today. I hope this post will be useful to those who are not quite familiar with how to cleanse and why it's important for any witch or pagan practice!
Long post based on my experience and research. Meant to be informative. I don't claim to know the absolute truth.
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What is cleansing?
Cleansing is clearing away energy from someone, something or somewhere.
When should I cleanse?
Whenever you need to clear away energy.
Personal opinion: you should cleanse yourself and your house at least weekly.
It is generally recommended that you periodically cleanse magical items and cleanse before and after any type of magical/ spiritual work. Cleansing before contacting deities (even if it's just prayer) is also considered "standard protocol" in some cultures, like in Hellenic paganism and Shintoism.
From my personal experience I do feel I can connect better with spiritual beings when I cleanse beforehand, but I believe my emotional state has a bigger influence on the matter. Cleansing generally calms me down too so –
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Why should I cleanse?
The number one reason you'll see cleansing everywhere is because it is a way to help get rid of excess negative energy.
I'm not going to say you can clear away all of it because as living humans, we are constantly emanating energy and a lot of times it is "negative" energy. Which is okay, it's part of being alive. Plus, there are other factors that come into play.
However, cleansing often can help you stay in touch with spirituality and ease your mind since you'll be getting rid of excess (and oftentimes unwated) energy.
Cleansing also comes into play when you want to clear away any other kind of energy, for example, when you get a new magical tool (such as a tarot deck) or finish a magical working. You don't necessarily want the energy that was on that object or that spell sticking to you all day, you know?
How to prepare for cleansing?
First of all, gather your stuff. Gather everything you need and try to avoid interruptions.
I personally recommend you always do a physical cleaning up of whatever you are going to cleanse. Tidy up your house, take a shower, and clean your magical items (if possible).
Dirt and clutter feel bad, and it can distract the mind. Starting your cleansing in the physical plane can definitely make it more powerful in the astral too.
How do I cleanse?
Most cultures/religions/spiritual practices have their own way of doing things (ex: hellenic pagans have khernips), so first of all, do your research! And respect the fact that some things are out of your reach.
There are A LOT of techniques you can use to cleanse that are not particularly tied to a single culture and that can be done in many different ways. I'll quickly go through some of them, but it is by no means an extensive list.
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Cleansing with the 4 elements:
Earth: I've mainly seen this in two ways, which are sending energy to the earth (something like grounding) and burrying objects.
Fire: commonly used together with air in smoke cleansing. There's also energy work that pulls energy and sends it towards the fire for cleansing (either a candle, a bonfire, or a visualization flame)
Water: mostly used for cleansing yourself or objects. It can be through herb baths and showers, rain/sea/river water, salt water, or sacred waters. For cleansing spaces, there are things such as water spray bottles and floor washes (though I've only seen this one being used in hoodoo). Careful with objects, some may not be resistant to water.
Air: generally the most common for cleansing spaces or people. Usually achieved by lighting up incense or herbs with cleansing properties and using the smoke to cleanse.
Sidenote: burning a herbs ≠ from smudging. Smudging is a native american practice that is closed to their people. Don't smudge, don't call some herb-burning smudging. It's not the same thing. Stick with what's appropriate for your culture.
Sun and moon: using sunlight or moonlight to cleanse (and often charge) yourself or objects. Always make sure what you are cleansing can actually be left in the sun and handle weather.
Crystals: Some crystals have cleansing properties, usually back ones (onyx, obsidian, black tourmaline), smoky quartz, and selenite, to name a few. Keep in mind that they usually need to be cleansed periodically, too.
Sound: Praying, chanting, singing, music, and using bells or drums are some ways you can use sound to cleanse.
Visualization: There are many techniques used for cleansing this way. While it can be effective, it is definitely not for everyone as a lot of people will find that using tools is easier and more consistent. Visualization requires some practice and a lot of focus.
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What to do after cleansing?
That depends on your objective.
If you are cleansing a space, such as your home, and you want to keep it "clean" for longer, you can cast a protection spell.
If you are cleansing yourself or an object, you may want to do a Charging of some sort. When you cleanse, you are getting something out, which opens up space for the new, so you can use this as an opportunity to "fill in" with another type of energy.
Cleansing is very versatile and unique to each practice. There are a lot of things you can do that are fairly neutral, but in general, cleansing always has the same purpose and is done in a similar fashion.
Knowing what your tradition (if you have one) usually does to cleanse objects, people, and places can be very enriching, so do your research!
Thank you for reading!
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yourwitchmama · 1 month
Manifestations for tonight’s Super Blue Pisces Moon:
♓️ emotional healing and release
🌕 intuition and psychic abilities
♓️ spiritual growth
🌕 creativity
♓️ self love and compassion
🌕 aspirations
Magical Focus:
📿Spiritual cleansing
🌌 Astral travel
🔭Connection to other realms
⛓️‍💥 Cord cutting
🧿Reiki healing
Crystal healing associated with Pisces:
💎 aquamarine,
🌙 moonstone,
❄️ labradorite,
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aurelion-solar · 2 months
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Wild Rift Patch 5.2 Emotes
Lissandra, Mordekaiser & Milio
Coven Morgana
Star Nemesis Fiddlesticks
Crystal Rose Kai'Sa & Yuumi
Elderwood Rakan
Garden Party Malphite
Food Spirits Amumu
Glorious Crown Ziggs
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madcat-world · 1 month
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Beyond the Crystal Cave: the Gardener - Gido
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eärth lïght .::. by @earthjournalbyawildrose
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 4 months
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Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t but always be open to new experiences. ALSOOOO join my divination discord!!!! Link in bio
Pile 1
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Crystal: Moss Agate
Song: Timeless by Jon Bellion
God/Goddess: Hermes
Astrology: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces
Vibes: 🌸🌿💖💚🪲🌷🪷🥝🍑🍣📗🧠🧚🏼🩲👛🦚🍐🍉🍡🎀🐷🪴👚👅🧑🏼‍🎤
Hi, pile 1! What makes you extraordinary is your mind. You are extremely intelligent. You are fantastic at looking at a situation and seeing the secrets that lay in wait. You see past the smoke and mirrors to the important matters easily. It’s not something many people like about you unfortunately. You catch a whiff of their dirty laundry before they even tell you about it’s existence. Which can be kind of scary to experience if you aren’t used to it. However, this weeds out the people who can’t handle your intellect. It removed the people who are jealous of you or who would lie to you or try to manipulate you. You are a purifier. You are a lie detector. You are also extraordinary because you are a defender. You use your knowledge to help the people you care about. You arm them with information. You equipt them with communication skills they didn’t have before. Your heart center is very strong which tells me you are fiercely loving and want the best for all your friends. You always keep your promises. I also see you are very understanding. Pile one even though you can lift the facade of most people, when you do it is never something you bring judgement into unless it is necessary. You might see someones anxiety in the way they chew on their nails. You meet those conclusions with kindness and grace. If others had your skills they wouldn’t use it the way you do. You are such a kind soul. Pile one you are extraordinary no matter what others say about you. Just because they can’t control you it doesn’t mean you are what they say you are.
Pile 2
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Crystal: Sunstone
Song: Bad Reputation by Avril Lavigne
God/Goddess: Hades, Persephone
Astrology: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
Vibes: 🤎✒️🎓⌛️♠️🕶️🫚🥐🪵🦫🐌🧳🐻🕰️🪜🧸🐗🖤🦇🕷️🦅🪨🕸️🧋🏹🪮🗝️🎱🎻🐶🎮🦽⚰️🚬🏉🪑🏴‍☠️♣️
Hello, pile two! You are extraordinary because you are unconventional. I see that you are very fashionable in an alternative way. You have a crow like energy to you. You collect interesting things and keep them in line of sight. There is this depth to you that is absolutely fascinating. Sometimes that depth can scare people because they haven’t been through all that you have experienced. The depth you hold isn’t always obvious. It sits right underneath the surface. You don’t offer your depth to those who don’t ask. You don’t offer your depth to those you believe don’t deserve you. Even so, you are brave, bold and never look for permission to do what you please. I would see you on the street and would whisper “Ohmygods that person is so fucking cool do you see them??!?!?!?!” You also have a voice that stands out from the crowd. You can project your voice in a powerful way that rings in peoples ears even after you have left the scene. Your words linger on their minds. What you said sticks with those people and will never leave them. They can hear the wisdom dripping from each syllable and they understand there is experience behind what you say but can’t quite pinpoint what you lived through. You have worked hard for your place in life and there is a richness that you resonate even if you aren’t wealthy. You take no shit. The universe loves that about you, baby. You don’t let your heartbreak keep you down. You might have had hard times but that has never and will never define who you are. Holy fuck you are so cool.
Pile 3
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Crystal: Howlite
Song: Renaissance Girl by alybob
God/Goddess: Iris, Artemis, Apollo
Astrology: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
Hey, pile three! You are extraordinary because you haven’t been invented yet. All you were is gone. All you are is yet to be born. You get to decide. I see you may have recently discovered you are changing into someone new before your eyes. You didn’t even notice for a while. You were charging into life with little thought to how you wanted it to go. You perception has been twisted and you have a new angle to look at now. You are extraordinary because you could become anything. You could become an activist, an painter, a musician, a model, an engineer, a programer, a runner or anything you can imagine. You are a dream. I’m kind of jealous at how raw your energy is. You are iron ore that has yet to be melted down and molded into what you were meant to be. The richness of your soil could nurious any plant or tree. You are the star that is transforming into a supernova. Wow. You are such a lovely and beautiful soft energy pile 3. Your energy is like delicate piano with a soft bassline. You are full unlimited potential. I’m sure hearing this might not be what you expected at all. You might not even really like this answer if I’m honest. Please understand that I see you have come out of an act. Who you were is nothing compared to who you will be. You masked your truest self for a long time and now you are moving into new power beyond your old self’s dreams. If past you met current you they would be strangers to one another. My advice moving forward is to explore yourself. Carefully map out your new self. Voyage to your new interests with excitement because you will be crafted from stardust, my friend. The world can’t wait to meet them.
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terresdebrume · 4 months
I know Charles says he likes Crystal for the ways she's like Edwin, and I think it's true, but also the way he laughs when she tries to insult him on the bridge makes me think he likes her also in part because she's angry like him
And yeah it turns out later that they're not quite angry in the same way (and frankly I would love to explore the betrayal of thinking someone is the same kind of damaged as you only to find out that through no fault of their own they have failed to meet your expectations) but I think in this moment he's kinda happy to have found a kindred spirit
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