#sr lily
Salt Raiders pairing names because I refuse to sleep
Ranging from those that already exist to those that don’t exist, have fun with this
Staif (stan/kaif, probably the most well-known one that doesn’t have both parties involved in any other way than friends)
Kaebbz (kaif/ebbz)
Stily (stan/lily, i forgot who came up with this)
DazStan (stan/daz)
LilDaz (lily/daz)
BroulderBeans (glen/sam, funny story, i unironically had brainrot involving this pairing for a good few weeks last year)
BroulderCat123 (sam/stan, my roommate came up with this)
Dazstily (daz/stan/lily)
Kaebbzcat (kaif/ebbz/stan)
Feel free to add more lol
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sairitaikutsu · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Salt Raiders, Among Us (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Stan | Stancat123 (Salt Raiders), Kaif (Salt Raiders), Ebbz (Salt Raiders), Sam (Salt Raiders), Cali (Salt Raiders), Ben (Salt Raiders), Kate (Salt Raiders), Daz (Salt Raiders), Lillinx | Lily (Salt Raiders) (mentioned), Wadlet | Josh (Salt Raiders) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Among Us (Video Game) Setting, Angst, Character Death, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Trust Issues, Stancat123 needs a hug Series: Part 2 of Salt Raiders: Among Us/Sci-fi AU Summary:
One thing is certain: Stan is alone, and he doesn’t think he’ll be warming up to anyone anytime soon.
aka basically "You're so Naive" part 2
[shout out to kyokosoda for beta reading this!]
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af-answers · 20 days
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severussnapemylove · 26 days
Sometimes I wonder if JKR even realises she wrote Snape as a victim of sexual assault. Because he unambiguously is, and she writes him as traumatised by the incident. So it seems mad to suggest that she might not have thought through the implications of her own writing, but if she did get it, I am baffled by how sympathetic she remains to James. Harry is never really made to confront how vile his actions were, because he looks for comfort from Remus and Sirius rather than telling Hermione who would react in horror and disgust, and he gets to skip over it completely in The Prince’s Tale. JKR clearly considers James a hero, and has confirmed that in interviews. She’s even more sympathetic to Lily, who is portrayed as an absolute paragon of goodness, morality and virtue, despite her being attracted enough to James *after* he publicly commits sexual assault on a less privileged kid to marry him! What a malfunctioning moral compass. JKR also has no sympathy at all for Tom Riddle Sr, who is a victim of rape, and his rapist Merope Gaunt, who is herself strongly implied to be a victim of incestual abuse, is condemned by Dumbledore and the narrative not for what she did to Tom but for not being as courageous as nice, pretty, middle class Lily Evans because Merope committed the crime of…dying in childbirth. The only conclusions I can draw from this is that JKR is the sort of ´feminist’ who doesn’t believe men can be the victims of sexual crimes, and that deep down she thinks being a member of the underclass who can’t drag themselves out of it alone is indicative of moral failure.
This! All of this!
I don't think she puts it together at all. She's incredibly tone deaf about a lot of the abuse she puts these characters through. And with the blasé attitude she has about male victims of SA in the books definitely goes along her brand of toxic radical "feminism". It looks like she just doesn't recognise the severity of what happens to these characters. On top of Severus's attack and Tom Riddle Sr, remember that Ron was roofied with love spell that was intended for Harry, and Moaning Myrtle is incredible predatory towards the boys. Sadly, this attitude carries over from the author to a chunk of the fandom too. I've seen so much dismissiveness of the assaults against the male characters, especially Severus. And it's even more disappointing when I see people who have experienced abuse saying that what Severus endured "didn't count" as abuse. Had someone today on another platform having an absolute meltdown at me, saying that what happened in SWM wasn't sa, and that he wasn't traumatised from his abuse and if his anger was caused by trauma then why wasn't Harry the same. Seriously, you can't tell another person that what they experienced wasn't "bad enough to be abuse", that's a very warped mentality. Survivors are supposed to support each other, not belittle each other's trauma. Also, what book did they read that they think Harry doesn't have issues from the life he endured? He has different issues than Severus, yes, because he had different life experiences and everyone's reactions to trauma are different.
"Merope Riddle chose death in spite of a son who needed her, but do not judge her too harshly, Harry. She was greatly weakened by long suffering and she never had your mother's courage."
WTF is this!!!??? This is just plain victim blaming. "Your mothers' courage"? Lily had supportive, loving parents, was loved by her peers, admired by her teachers, had a very comfortable, secure life. Merope was physically and mentally abused for her whole life. They really criticized the poverty stricken, abuse victim for not being as "strong" as the Mary Sue of the Wizarding World??? Toxic as hell. Personally, as someone who has dealt with self-harm, mental illness and generational trauma in my family, this attitude of "they weren't strong enough" is nauseating and infuriating.
There really is a disturbing trend of extreme poverty equalling a dead-end life with no hope. Which is again an extremally toxic and judgmental attitude and a very dangerous message to put in a book aimed to children. The attitude towards abuse, poverty and indecent assault of men is beyond problematic, not only in the books but in far too many members of the fandom.
I could rant more but this will go on for pages.
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"harry potter is literally about wizards and magic stfu" just say youve never fucking read a book ?? or interacted with media and thought about it ??? that youve never tried to find meaning in anything ???? that even when the meaning is shoved in your face you ignore it because its easier for you to oversimplify complex characters because you dont get it ?????
harry potter tackles overthrowing the government, prejudice, exploitation, complex and heavily morally grey characters, war, prison escapees, death, child soldiers, guilt, abusive families, sacrifice & redemption, ptsd, corrupt governments, ethnic cleansing, betrayal, ethics of morality,
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sneverussape · 2 months
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excerpt from the last will and testament of severus tobias snape:
pensieve memory 1975-019: left explicitly for the exclusive viewing of albus percival wulfric brian dumbledore, with the note: for your reference.
in the event that mr. dumbledore will no longer be capable of safekeeping these memories, s. t. snape requests their immediate destruction by any living member of the black-malfoy family. in their absence, the malfoy house elves will have also been left instructions.
any unauthorised viewing of any of s.t. snape’s memories will trigger an unnamed irreversible curse.
you have been warned.
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sanjiaftersex · 2 months
one piece is batshit crazy when you think about it cz Luffy literally fell from the sky and was like will you help me dismantle the government and boa hancock was like "yes <3" and THAT'S how few of the most important arcs of the series were set in motion?????
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ryctone · 8 months
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Old doodle.
Young Pure Vanilla and young White Lily.
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lienspien · 5 days
James Potter : The Family. The family are followers of the harmony, They believe that the universe will eventually become a single harmonious entity and that civilizations throughout the universe will eventually become as close as siblings. He'll be part of the Iris Family who entertain and spread the word of Harmony. Basically they're people who want peace, but their idea of peace is a little bit too idealistic.
Sirius Black : The Galaxy Rangers. They think that violence should be used against violence, and believe that benevolence and justice need to be upheld via personal action. Basically, they go around saving people who go against their morals. They dont have a collective agreed upon moral code or anything, they have their own personal thing and independence which i think fits Sirius perfectly. He likes to especially help planets thats in the brink of falling, he helps with his knowledge of economy, blacksmith and linguistics. He brings outside knowledge into almost fallen planets and help them get back to their feet.
Remus Lupin : The nameless. They travel the stars to help link worlds together and go on adventures. Remus joined the nameless without any specific plan in mind, he just wanted to get away from his home planet and meet new people and access the data bank.
Peter Pettigrew : I think Peter would just be a regular overworlder in Jarilo-VI, but he greatly believes in the preservation and the power of the architects. He has hope that one day his home would be able to be free, and that they can see light and feel warmth naturally again.
Lily Evans : The Intelligentsia Guild, she travels the world to exchange knowledge, to earn more and to share it across the world. She does her research while helping those in need. She believes that with knowledge and the preservation, the world could be at peace and keep civilizations afloat for decades to come.
Mary Macdonald : The family. She also believes that the world should and could be a harmonious place and everyone would live in harmony and equality. She learns through pages upon pages of history though, and is captivated by Idrilia, Aeon of Beauty. She recognises that THEY have fallen, but still believes in the beauty in all that is around her. Until she finds a fragment of a Mirror of Transcendence, and since then she makes it her mission to look for more parts of the mirror to bring back Idrila and all that is beautiful into the world. So she is a mirror holder and joins the astral express exactly to look for more of the mirror fragments.
Marlene Mckinnon : The galaxy rangers. She has strong morals and really hates inequality and unfairness, she holds justice above all else and ventures far and wide to uphold it. She especially likes fighting followers of the destruction, making sure that they do not ruin more lives.
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grovesnail · 3 months
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my biggest flex is how i bought this bad boy for one pound at a charity shop (AND IT WAS SEALED!!!)
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crazypatrolstudent · 5 months
Guys is this canon
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teisubrainrot · 6 months
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The pupils were shut deeply
Where the world sinks into darkness
The inaudible voice is crying
I want to grab your hand, but I am shy
I cannot meet you again, be by your side
And stay with you
Even when it’s only pain
I held to the unfulfilled desire
I stay with you
Even if it’s a shattered flower
Itou Kanako - Tears
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entwined-spirits · 4 months
I thought it would be worth to have a pinned post consisting of some important information since we want to start posting our AU art stories involving Lily, Ember and canon Iterators;
Please READ it. I will highly appreciate it. 🥲
🌸 Lily and Ember's relationship is deep love. You might find art of them cuddling, snuggling, grabbing hands, giving lil kisses, but it will stay SFW. Same goes for Pebbles and Suns.
🌸 any relationship and cuddles between Lily&Ember and any other Iterators (Pebbles, Moon, Suns, NSH) is purely based on friendship, caring grounds.
🌸 any portrayed relationship between Pebbles and Moon seen in our art stories is based only on pure care, friendship, not a ship. "pairing"/"ship" indeed occures between Lily and Ember and Pebbles and Suns 🥲❤️
🌸 we LOVE to draw Iterators uncloaked or wearing semi-transparent cloaks, as they deserve to be free and there is nothing they need to "hide" in the first place as they don't have "bits", lol! But if it is not your thing, it's totally fine😁
🌸 we tend to draw emotional things and angst, cute and funny; we don't draw violence so bloodthirsty Lizors eating Slugcats won't happen here, hehe
🌸 we draw very SQUISHY, marshmallow-like Iterators, we don't draw robots. We believe in their puppet bodies being extremely soft 🥲 at least their outer shell, being bio-organic/silicone-like.
🌸 Pebbles in our AU is very attached to Lily and Ember after being saved and detached from his structure by them; he is a broken bean trying to recover and feels safe and comfortable with them, he sees them as his guardians. In general, our Pebbles is pretty emotional (kinda like Pebbles in Saint's campaign) and cries a lot 😅 Suns calls him Pebbsie-bean!
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a-rabid-snake · 2 months
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Fire Lilies (Puddle x Fire)
Moth (Batty x Flutter)
Yes, I can draw anything except rain world. This is a ship, so to speak, by slime rancher. I do not know if there are ships with slime, but I thought it was a good idea.
I came up with the names for ship myself
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askfacultystaff · 3 months
Mystery Behind Brother AU
In this AU, this is what happens if Albert failed to save Lincoln from drowning.
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When it comes to fact that he betrayed his own family and becoming a villainous spy due to his ongoing unhealthy obsession with David Steele, even they already realized before their mission to defeat him and his other villainous spies starts.
David Steele! Lincoln: *Gasps* Did you tricked ME!!?? HOW COULD YOU!!!! 😠💢
He was tricked by his own family, resulting him getting trapped in rocket in process until it blasted off.
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Despite they know Lincoln is villainous spy and got defeated, they realized he'll suffer same fate in outer space as Rufus Dufus. So they trying to save him by destroying rocket by satellite, causing it to fall from space to earth.
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And resulting getting ended up in underwater, leaking from holes. He was closer to his own death.
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As Albert dives in underwater and sees his grandson floating as water leaks in slowly, he has no choice but to save him, by trying to break glass using his own feet.
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However, glass didn't fully break and his efforts were not working to save him, things took dark twist as....
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The last time Albert sees Lincoln dying due to drowning and lack of oxygen he tried to hold is breath is..... His blood coming out from his mouth.
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Unable to save him because of thick glass, he goes back to island, resurfacing to tell his family that he unable to save him, Lincoln later died from drowning, much to their complete sadness, despite they defeated him.
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Now, his family are heartbroken, devastated and saddened to tears, their lives drastically changed after Lincoln's death. They (Except Lily) began to blame themselves for leading him from his unhealthy obsession with David Steele to his death.
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Since then, they hide spy stuff in attic shortly after they adopted an orphan boy, Luis about same age Lincoln was. Not only it eased their sadness, but also gained their protection to him, Lori and her remaining sisters, hoping Luis, along with his adoptive family won't end up in dangerous adventures alone.
Albert: ......... I'll never let my granddaughters and my adoptive grandson go in dangerous adventures.... Ever!..
(This AU is not happen in actual TLHM sequel (which is No Time To Spy) i only hate, i made an AU with alternate ending of what happens if Loud Family's life change after Lincoln's death. Lincoln is unlikable as a spy, but still - -')
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sneverussape · 2 years
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quick drawing of an au of them all being friends and joining forces during the First War. Order meetings would have never been the same, esp with severus still being a spy and lily being headstrong and reckless. James’ ears are still ringing from their last encounter, where it was the first time he had heard some of the inventive invectives being flung between the two across the table in what he presumed was a northern dialect. in the wake of their rage, lily had blasted a portrait off the wall and severus had nearly made the entire second floor disappear.
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