#stardew valley reader insert
heavenlyraindrops · 3 months
Change With the Seasons| Stardew Valley| Sebastian x Reader
♡♡♡♡♡♡ Chapter One: Moving In
A/N: This is just gonna be a cute romance between Seb and the Farmer, aka Reader. If It’s also available on AO3 and Quotev. I’d visit the masterlist if I were you, since it contains trigger warnings + the story blurb (summary/ synopsis)
Chapter Summary: After moving in and getting accustomed to life at the farm, you happen to meet a certain someone on a rainy day by the docks.
The wind whistled through the trees, snaking its way through your hair and causing the leaves to skitter. Immediately the breeze died down as soon as it picked up. 
You had just finished speaking to Major Lewis. Robin, the carpenter, however, had decided to stick around for some more conversation, an idea you weren’t completely against yet weren’t completely welcoming towards either. 
“You should definitely get to meeting all the townsfolk,” Robin said, eyes surveying the wooded, overgrown land. They flicked back to yours, and she smiled. “It’s not everyday we get a new person here in Pelican Town. So they’re all very eager to meet you.”
You smiled and nodded, as she continued:
“And you should meet my kids too. They live with me in the Mountains, oh, the mountains…”
As Robin went off on a long rant on how wonderful and fresh the crisp air of the mountains were, you looked out at the farm stretched before you. It was covered in rocks, wood, overgrown grass and trees. You winced at the thought of having to clean it all up. 
“Anyways, I won’t keep you any further!” Robin smiled, and left. 
You proceeded to dump your luggage on the bed, which creaked under the weight, and rolled your sleeves up. The first thing on your list today, you decided, was to go into town and see how it was. You had, after all, dropped your safe, stable life in Zuzu for this. 
The walk to the village wasn’t too long. You picked up a daffodil along the way, with no other reason than finding it pretty. Immediately you arrived at what seemed to be a clinic. You peered in, but it was closed. The building next to it had a large sign. Pierre’s General Store. A calendar nailed to the wall caught your attention- it was listing all the events and birthdays in town. A specific day seemed to jump out at you: Flower Dance. 
You’d have to ask Mayor Lewis about that. 
You put your hand on the door handle to Pierre’s store and pushed, but the doors refused to budge. It must have been locked, too. You checked your watch. It was only seven. That explained it. 
You wandered down a little, taking in the buildings and houses. You squinted at a small figure in the distance, loitering near a couple of flowers. Seemingly very interesting in them. 
As you moved closer, you realized that it was a little old woman, tending to the flowers. She smiled at you, and you smiled back. “You must be the new farmer. Welcome to the community, dear. I’m Evelyn. You can call me ‘Granny’ if you like.”
You flushed at her kindness. “Alright, Granny.”
She smiled and nodded, before heading inside a small blue house, claiming to go bake some cookies. 
You exhaled slowly, staring at the flowers. The spring sun seemed to glow off of everything, yet the breeze was cool. You felt a faint smile growing on your face. You’d like it here, in Pelican Town. You knew it. 
A week had passed. So had your doubts. 
Everyone in the town had been kind to you so far- so far, being the keyword as you hadn’t met many people yet. You’d woken up that morning with rain lashing down, pattering on the roof, echoing through the small cottage. With watering your rather small number of crops being taken care of, you’d decided to devote the day to fishing at the docks, ever grateful for the rather flimsy bamboo rod Willy had gifted you. 
The rain was pouring down harder than when you had left as you arrived at the docks. Your hair stuck to your forehead, slick with water, droplets of it rolling down your cheeks. You carefully picked your way across the docks, which had grown slippery. The sea was choppy, and occasionally hit against the supports of the docks but they were fortunately high enough from the water level. Yet still a few salty drops sprayed onto your face now and then. 
Being as drenched as you were all ready, you just decided to sit down on the edge of the dock, before casting out your rod. You didn’t even notice the man already sitting next to you amidst the whirling wind and drops of rain and seawater. You shivered, cold, before glancing to the side and-
“Oh!” You jumped in surprised, almost toppling off the dock and into the angry sea. “H-hello.”
The man stared at you in silence, the black strands of hair obscuring his face, making it unable to be seen properly, before turning back to the sea. “Hey.”
You’d never felt awkward with the people in Pelican Town until now. You forced a nervous smile, tilting your head. “Sorry, I didn’t see you there. You don’t mind if I sit here, right?”
He dug his hands into the pockets of his black sweatshirt, the moody look on his face deepening. “Whatever,” he muttered, then said under his breath, “The ocean’s better enjoyed alone, though.”
Your own frown hardened into a scowl. “What’s that supposed to mean?” It hadn’t even been ten seconds since you’d met this guy and you were already starting to feel a growing dislike for him.
“Nothing,” he said. You noticed the eyeliner around his eyes getting slightly messed up from the rain, and stared hard back out at sea. So much for everyone in the twon being nice. You must have jinxed it, or something. 
“What’s your name, anyways?” You asked, taking another stab at being friendly. 
“Sebastian,” came the blunt reply.
You stared at him again, for a moment. He caught you staring, and raised an eyebrow, an action which for some reason made your heart pound. “What?”
“Nothing.” You turned your attention back to the fishing rod. The weather was becoming harsher now, your clothes completely drenched through with droplets rolling down your face and arms. Thunder rolled and lightning flashed, making you jump and let out a small noise. Sebastian smirked and you glared at him. “What?”
“Nothing,” he said, clearly mocking you in such a subtle way you wouldn’t expect. You scowled, feeling something tug at the rod. It was a soggy newspaper. Feeling your face burn with embarrassment, you picked it up and scrunched it up in your hand before getting up and stomping down the dock, back towards your farm. 
“Nothing,” You muttered, mockingly. That day, you decided. 
You do not like Sebastian. 
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we-do-be-writing · 2 months
Taking Care
Sebastian (SDV) x Reader
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A/N: I recently got back into Stardew Valley with the 1.6 update and got this dialogue with Sebastian, which gave me many ideas lol. I may end up writing a part 2 to this or just edit this post to add more
Another A/N: Okay, I totally did edit this to add more, and I think I'm going to do it again at some point lol
Last A/N: I did do it again lol, but now I think I've used all my ideas for this story
"What?! Are you kidding me?" You whisper shout, trying to keep Robin from hearing you.
Who knows what she would do if she found out Sebastian went into the caves alone. To be fair, you were about to knock him upside the head when you saw the gash on his arm.
It was gross, to say the least. It traveled up his forearm, the edges where his skin was split looked wilted, and you were surprised you couldn't see bone with how deep it was. Again, it was pretty gnarly.
"Sebastian, that needs to be taken care of; if you get an infection, you could lose your arm."
"That's a bit overdramatic," Sebastian says, "besides, I can't go see Harvey, he'd tell my mom for sure."
"Fine, then I'm going to take care of it."
You don't wait for his protest, grabbing his other arm and leading him to the couch in his room. Luckily for him, you were just on your way to the mines, so you had first aid supplies on hand.
First, you doused the wound with a life elixir, which stung based on the hiss Sebastian let out. Though already his skin was starting to close back together, the wonders of the Valley magic.
"I can't believe you went in there-"
"Hey, I have every right to go in there, same as you." He snapped, cutting you off.
You looked up and saw the harsh glare he was throwing your way, which you were happy to return as you continued...
"Slow down, hot shot. If you'd let me finish, I was going to say, 'I can't believe you went in there without a weapon.'"
"Oh," He mumbles, his eyebrows softening and his lips frowning, "Sorry, I guess I just didn't want a lecture."
"Well, you deserve one," you remark, "but now isn't the time."
"I lost my mace, but I didn't think it would be a big deal to go into the higher levels."
You sigh while grabbing gauze and a bandage to wrap around his arm. Gently, you take his arm in your hands and begin covering the wound.
Sebastian can feel goosebumps rising as he feels your surprisingly soft hands take care of him. He doesn't want to admit it to you yet, but it feels nice to have you there with him, worried about his well-being.
You finish wrapping his arm and look up to see him already gazing down at you. He almost seems to be in a trance, and you can feel yourself following along. Who knows how long you two spend looking at each other, wondering what will come next.
Taking a chance, you cup his hand in yours, drawing circles with your thumb. Slowly, your other hand travels up towards his face. Sebastian lets out a shaky breath and closes his eyes, ready for anything.
However, before you can make contact, Robin calls for Sebastian from the stairs, breaking the moment. His eyes snap open and you both jolt away, trying to come back to the present moment.
Quickly, Sebastian pulls his sweatshirt sleeve over the bandaged wound and calls back to his mother, telling her he'll be right there. You both emerge from his room, much to Robin's surprise.
"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't realize you had company." She says, noticing the blush coating yours and Sebastian's face. You can tell she's trying to keep the teasing smile from showing, though she thankfully doesn't ask questions.
"It's alright, I was just leaving anyways." You say hastily, waving goodbye to them both before booking it out of the building.
Before the door closes, you can hear a faint mumble from Robin. Sebastian, in a much louder fashion, tells her to keep her voice down, and you swear you hear him say something akin to "not yet."
It's been 2 days since you last saw Sebastian, but now it's Friday, and you couldn't miss the weekly hangout with Sam and Abigail. Of course, it's not like you were avoiding Sebastian, but you also weren't sure how to act around him right now.
Usually, you would share everything with Abigail, but you had promised Sebastian that you wouldn't tell anyone that he got hurt. Unfortunately, Abigail isn't one to miss things going on with her best friend, so you had to admit to her that something had happened between you two.
This made tonight particularly anxiety-inducing as you didn't know what to expect when you walked into the saloon. You were the last to join, not unusual with your work on the farm.
The trio is in their usual spots, Seb and Sam playing pool with Abigail sitting on the couch. After saying hello to the others in the saloon, you join them.
Robin tries to slyly give you a thumbs up when you pass by. You and Demetrius furrow your brows in confusion, but you give her a smile and continue on.
"Hey, Y/n!" Abigail calls, waving you over to sit beside her on the couch.
Sebastian was just going to hit the cue ball when he heard your name, causing the pool stick to shake. The cue ball ricochets wildly across the table and Sam laughs at Sebastian's frown.
"Hmm, you seem a little distracted, Seb," Abigail says, "I think it's my turn."
You watch as she gets up and ushers Sebastian out of the way, wanting to pull her back to the seat. The boys share a look of confusion, but Seb moves over to the side with you.
While Sebastian's back is turned to her, Abigail tries to give you a discreet wink, to which you squint your eyes at her.
When he gets to the couches, Seb hesitates whether to join you or sit on the adjacent seat.
Before you can move, he shakes his head a little and plops down beside you, considerably closer than Abby was.
You try to mask the surprise and keep your body from going rigid. Why were you freaking out? He's one of your best friends; it's not like you haven't sat together before.
You pinch the inside of your hand to shake you from your thoughts. Looking over, you see Sebastian's eyes trained on the pool game.
Right as the cue ball cracks against an object ball, you lean closer to his ear and whisper, "How's your arm feeling?"
Seb lets out a shaky breath, something he's been doing a lot with you recently.
"It's good, there's just a scar left." He says, moving to face you and lifting his jacket sleeve just enough for you to see.
He's right, the wound has completely closed, and the scar is faded to a light pink. You feel relief flood your system, not realizing how worried you were about him.
"I'm glad." You say softly, going to touch the scar before pausing.
Glancing up, Sebastian gives you a tiny nod, and you watch the goosebumps rise on his arm as you make contact. You gently run your fingers along the mark, making him shiver.
"Does it hurt?" You whisper, lifting your gaze to meet his.
He shakes his head, "Just sensitive."
You cup his arm in your hands, a mimic of what happened 2 days ago in his room. This time, he flips his arm over, bringing his hand to yours, fingers dancing over your palm.
Now it's your turn to have your breath catch, but you don't break the eye contact. Just before Sebastian can lace his fingers through yours, Abigail cheers loudly, causing you two to break away.
Broken from your shared trance once again, you see Robin walk into the room. Sam and Abigail are looking at you both with a raised eyebrow as Sebastian talks to his mother.
"Seems like something that should happen in private," Abigail whispers to you, and you have to fight the blush clawing its way up your neck.
"Seems like something that's never going to happen." You respond. In your defense, it's difficult to think that the universe isn't stopping this for a reason.
Sam shakes his head vigorously, "It will, be patient."
You huff and roll your eyes playfully, kind of, but the conversation is halted when Sebastian returns to the group.
"Guess it's time to go home," Sam says, guiding Abigail to the door of the saloon.
You and Sebastian follow, but he grabs your arm to make you stop once you leave the building.
"Let me walk you home."
Your mouth drops open, but no words come out. He raises an eyebrow slightly, and you snap your mouth shut, giving him a tiny nod.
You both walk side by side until you leave the town center, cross through the area near the bus stop, and onto your farm. Stopping at the porch, Sebastian shuffles and scratches the back of his neck. Giving him a soft smile, you step closer and reach your hand from your side, ghosting your fingers over his.
Another shaky breath, and you make a mental note to ask Harvey to check into that at Sebastian's next check-up. You're brought back to the moment when his hand grabs yours and he pulls you closer.
Gently, his other arm wraps around your waist, and his hand rests on your back. You follow his lead, running your free hand up his chest to the back of his neck.
Feeling your breath hit his lips, Sebastian decides he's done with the waiting, the tension, and the interruptions. He leans down and gives you an intense kiss, if a little sloppy. You can't exactly complain; it's not like there are many people he would be kissing in Pelican Town.
You pull back a little, keeping your lips close to his. When you look, his eyes are still closed, almost as if he is searing this moment in his memory.
Closing your eyes, you do the same, hoping that you both will make many more memories. Who knows how much time passes before you step back. Sebastian's eyes blink open, and you share a smile as your eyes meet again.
"I don't think I ever said thank you for taking care of me."
"I'll always take care of you."
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marksbear2 · 23 days
Hi! How's it going? I am here to ask my first request since your disappearance. Because I can't wait any longer I'm so sorry 😭 I would like to ask for a spicy fic ;} Harvey (stardew) and top reader please? I feel like Harvey would be such a pretty whimpering mess 😭
Heyyy!! You don’t gotta wait or anything my friend. Your first ever request after I disappeared. I feel like Harvey would be so whiny and whimpering.
⚠️Warnings!! Morning cuddles, starting off fluff then smutt, whining and whimpering Harvey, jerking off, fingering, kitchen sex, aftercare mentioned, morning sex, creampie, big dic
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The sun slowly started to shine through the window. Harvey and Y/n laid in bed, their limbs tangled in with one another. Harvey’s hair was all messed up as he laid his head in the crook of Y/n’s neck. Everything was peaceful and looked like a lazy morning.Y/n was starting to wake up as he pulled away from the hold Harvey had him in. 
Harvey let out a muffled noise in protest as he pulled Y/n back against him. Harvey pushed his body against Y/n and held him tightly. 
“…Good morning.” Y/n said kissing Harvey’s cheek softly. Harvey hummed back in response holding him. Y/n- still very half asleep put his hand on Harvey’s cheek tilting his head up. “You look so pretty…” Y/n mumbled as he pulled Harvey’s face closer resting his own head against the doctor. Harvey looked up at Y/n with doe like eyes. 
Y/n looked down into Harvey’s eyes before his cheeks started to get warm. Harvey was so adorable at the moment and could help but to feel his cheeks blush at the sight.
Y/n let go of Harvey’s face as he smiled to himself looking away as he laid his back down on the bed. Harvey quickly laid his head on Y/n’s chest not wanting to miss out on any physical affection from his boyfriend. Harvey nuzzled closer into Y/n’s chest wanting to be close as possible. Y/n cuddled Harvey in his arms running his hand up and down on his back. 
“Morning…” *Harvey mumbled as he smiled up at Y/n. Y/n used his free hand to cup Harvey’s cheek and pull him in kissing him. 
Harvey wrapped his arms around his shoulders and kissing him. Harvey was sitting up on his knees kissing Y/n straddling his waist and Y/n holding his hips. Harvey broke the kiss as he was getting red from embarrassment. He always felt shy and getting embarrassed about kissing Y/n more deeper and passionately.
Harvey reached over to the nightstand and taking his glasses and putting them on.
Y/n kept kissing the corners of Harvey’s mouth. Harvey was getting red from all the affection he was receiving this early in the morning. “Okay okay!! Enough Y/n, we just woke up.” Harvey mumbled as he tried to pull away from the hold that Y/n had on him. Y/n pressed one more kiss into Harvey’s lips and standing up from the bed and waited to Harvey to follow him.
The two do there daily routines and then the couple goes out to the kitchen and cook. They started to cook and to make a simple breakfast but Y/n kept getting distracted.
He was all over Harvey. Kissing his neck, standing and pressing himself behind him, holding him from behind. Harvey kept getting more red and red.
Harvey was slightly bending over the counter just leaning onto onto it as he was cooking when he felt a hand on his ass. Y/n stood on the side of Harvey as he kept the grip on Harvey’s ass. 
Harvey was red as he shivered from the surprise. “Hey…Y/n you can’t do doing things like that.” Harvey mumbled as he looked at Y/n that was starting to kiss his cheek. “Do what? I just wanna show you my love, before I leave for today.” Y/n said as he ran his hand over the pajama pants.  
“But your getting all touchy with me.” Harvey mumbled as his face was red as he gripped onto the counter setting down the knife and other cooking utensils he was using. He couldn’t focus on cooking not when he was getting so flustered by Y/n. Y/n slipped his hand into the pajamas and grabbed his crotch causing Harvey to immediately shiver and squeeze his legs together and grabbing the counter for support.
“H-hey…” Harvey’s upper body shivered as he looked at Y/n. Y/n rubbed his hand on his crotch, stroking the soft cock through his underwear. Y/n got behind him and continued to stroke Harvey’s now growing boner through the pants.
Y/n used his free hand and began to pull off Harvey’s shirt. Once his skin was exposed, Y/n buried himself in the crook of Harvey’s neck as he put the shirt on the counter. Y/n used his free hand and began to poke and pinch Harvey’s nipples. Y/n let the other hand slide into Harvey’s underwear giving Harvey long and slow strokes.
Harvey was breathing heavy as his legs started to tremble. Y/n let go of Harvey’s nipples and set his hand flat on his chest so Harvey wasn’t hunched over and to keep him pressed against him. Harvey began to blush and whine as he felt Y/n tug on his cock hard. 
“…Hah!~ ngh.~ please. Please.” Harvey himself didn’t know what he was asking for. Y/n pulled down the rest of Harvey’s underwear and pants leaving the man completely exposed in the middle of the kitchen.
Y/n began to press his thumb onto Harvey’s tip. Harvey was trembling and breathing heavy in Y/n’s grasp. “Y/n..!~ oh gosh…enough alright?” Harvey whimpered out he doesn’t know how he’s already close to the edge. His cock was already getting all wet his precum, he could cheat the wet and somewhat sticky noises the sound of Y/n jerking off his dick. It made Harvey even more embarrassed but it turned him on.
Harvey began to whimper….he began to whine and whimper with each stroke Y/n. The knot in his stomach kept tightening as he was starting to get all flustered and whiny. Harvey’s head began to fall back into Y/n as his legs and body started to tense up as he began to shoot his white streaks of cum from his cock. Harvey legs almost gave out from the instead orgasm he’s having. “Gahh!~ ngh, Y/n- Y—y/n… AhHh…” Words couldn’t even form properly as Harvey let out shaking breaths and moans. 
Harvey had his eyes squeezed shut as Y/n  stroked his cock until he stop cumming, the wet nosies were even louder as Harvey kept whimpering and shaking. After a few more tugs Y/n let go of his cocky and pushed over the counter bent over.
Y/n spat into his hand and used some of the cum that Harvey got onto his hand to wet his fingers and began to finger Harvey. Y/n used the hand that was supporting Harvey and moved it back down to Harvey’s now sensitive cock. Harvey let out a loud moan from overstimulation. 
Y/n slipped another finger and Harvey gripped onto the counter. Harvey glasses was tilting and his mouth was hanging up from whiny and whimpering. Y/n curled and pushed his fingers deeper causing Harvey to moan even louder. The way Y/n bent Harvey don’t over the counter fingering his hole and jerking off his sensitive cock was sending Harvey to heaven. He wasn’t expecting this at all and he loved the way he was getting pleasure.
Harvey’s hole was getting stretched out and getting properly prepped. With every thrust of Y/n’s fingers inside of him. Harvey mouth hanged open as he moaned out and whimpering. He felt Y/n’s fingers grazed his prostate. Harvey’s cock ache and he was getting super overwhelmed by the pleasure. Y/n pulled his fingers out and let go of Harvey’s wet cock and began to jerk off his own cock wetting. Y/n’s used his hand to keep Harvey’s hole open. 
Finally Y/n rubbed the tip of his cock pmts Harvey’s hole. He put his hands on Harvey’s hips before slowly entering inside him. Y/n moved his tip in and out.
Which each movement Harvey moaned and moaned having Harvey legs were shaking and trembling as he moved slow in and out of Harvey. Harvey’s sometimes chocked on the air as he trembled letting out heavy breaths and such. Y/n thrusted halfway inside of Harvey before pulling back and in thrusting inch by inch.
He thrusted into him, making Harvey take his full cock inside. Harvey moaned and his back arched as Y/n began to thrust inside. Snapping his hips back and forth into the doctor. “Your taking my dick so good, Doc.” Y/n said in a husky deep whisper as he pressed his mouth to Harvey’s ear. 
Harvey couldn’t focus on his words. He could even think of a response in his mind as he was getting pounded into. Harvey was clouded by the lust and the pleasure as he felt Y/n kissing his neck.
“You fit my cock so good.” Y/n said as he thrusted in and out deeper and deeper into Harvey. 
Harvey could only whimper and whine in response and Y/n laughed thrusting into him deeper. “…So!~ Ngh!!~ gah…so good!~” Harvey moaned out as his own cock leaked its precum. Y/n chuckled and pulled his cock out before thrusting into back in deeply. Harvey moaned even louder as he held the counter to try and keep himself steady.
As Y/n pulled out and thrusted himself all the way back in, Harvey moaned louder and louder with his body tensed. With each other Harvey felt closer and closer to his climax.
Eventually Harvey came, he shot his load onto the kitchen floor and some landing on the cabinet below.
Y/n started to snap his hips back and forth while Harvey came with Harvey’s cock bouncing back and forth in between his legs as he came. He couldn’t ride off his high properly as Y/n kept thrusting and fucking Harvey balls deep. Harvey started to drool as he couldn’t even think properly. 
He was a whimpering and moaning mess as he was getting fucked deeply. Y/n thrusted into him deeper until he felt himself nearing his own climax.
Y/n pushed and pull Harvey back and forth onto his dick. Harvey eyes were star sting to tear up from the pleasure as he tried to keep up.
Y/n’s thrust became faster and faster as he finally felt his climax coming.
“I’m gonna cum..ngh.. ahhhh….inside or out?” Y/n asked with a groan as he kept thrusting. “Inside!!~ please…oh gosh…please inside.” Harvey answered with a stutter as he whimpered and whined. After a few more thrust Y/n came inside. He painted Harvey’s walls with his white load cumming deed inside of him. Harvey was trembling with his legs completely shaking.
Harvey felt full, he loved the feeling of Y/n and his cum still deep inside of and the overwhelming sense of pleasure.
“You did so good for me…taking my dick better and better.” Y/n mumbled as he raised Harvey’s head up peppering his face with kisses and words of kindness and encouragement in his ear. 
Harvey was still a blushing mess and Y/n didn’t help it by babying him.
“Cmon let’s take shower together my love, then we can actually have breakfeast.” Y/n said kissing Harvey one last time before slowly pulling out and taking hand and leading Harvey to the bathroom.
Harvey was still very red and flustered but he let himself being led and pampered by his boyfriend. 
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rosiescrypt · 3 months
Doctor's Visit | Implied Harvey [Stardew Valley x Reader]
Word Count: 847 Warnings: Mentions of fainting, no name used Pairing: Harvey x Disabled!Reader implied
A/N: Written in 2nd Person because I am cringe but I am free. This is not proof read at all.
Three, two, one. The way that you blacked out wasn’t too unexpected, it started happening a lot since you started to live in Pelican Town. It did come unexpectedly this time, well not really, but at this point you would like to pretend that you only passed out when you were up too late on the farm, or out in the mines, but you knew that wasn’t true. 
Waking up on a hospital bed was something you had became familiar with, but not something that you had let yourself grow accustomed to. The hum was the first thing you let yourself tune into, having been out a lot longer than you were used to since they had time to move you.
“Harvey,” You called out, your eyes landing on the doctor, who was only a few feet away, reorganizing a few things.
“You’re awake,” He said, his voice cheery as he turned to look over at you, but his eyes held a deep bout of worry. You didn’t let yourself think too much into the look in his eyes as he walked to be by your side as you sat up. “Easy does it,” He said, moving his hand to give you a small bit of help to sit up.
“I’m alright,” You assured him, your voice gentle as you took his hand to help you sit up all the way, letting your feet dangle over the side of the exam table you woke up on. You didn’t say anything about how you having been asleep up there was dangerous, there were only so many resources that this small town clinic could have.
Harvey’s brow furrowed as he looked at you, his arms crossing for just a second. His mouth opened and shut a few times, like he was planning how to speak, what to say to you as you sat there, looking at him expectantly. 
“You passed out in the town square,” He said after a moment. Like this was somehow going to convince you that you weren’t okay.
You couldn’t help the laugh that pushed past your lips, your head shaking gently. You knew he was telling the truth, you were there when it happened. The look of confusion that shot over Harvey’s face made you take a deep breath, clearing the laugh from your throat before speaking.
“I’m alright, I just,” You paused, thinking of how to say it. Your last job didn’t have the best health benefits, and then this one the only clinic was ran by the doctor before you. “I’m disabled.” 
That was how you decided to say it, it made it a lot easier than to explain all of that. 
“In your files-” Harvey started, but you promptly cut him off.
“I was unable to get a proper diagnosis before moving here,” You explained, trying not to let yourself get red in the face. You always had this small habit of second guessing yourself, why you couldn’t get a diagnosis, even when symptoms were right there. 
Harvey stayed quiet, taking a moment to process before moving to pick up a clipboard, jotting a few notes on there, you watched him, confused by the man’s actions. 
“What are you..” You asked, a small pause as you tried to move to see if you could read the clipboard. “Doing?” The final word came out of your lips as he set the clipboard back on the counter. 
“Making a note,” He said, walking over to you, pressing the back of his hand to your head, just to make sure everything seemed fine without making it too professional feeling.
You just nodded, you didn’t seem too bothered by it, you were used to that, the notes, the comments, the “What if you’re making it up?,” all the “What if it’s just in your heads?” So in your mind, Harvey was doing the same thing.
“I can recommend you to an out of town doctor, to see if they can help you,” He said, his eyes locked on yours. “Also, I do believe you need to take it easy with the physical strain you’re putting on your body until its figured out.”
You let those words settle in, the care in his voice, the way that he was taking you seriously, you couldn’t help the large smile that came over your lips.
“I will, thank you, Harvey,” You said, you did move to hop off the examination bed. “This means a lot.” 
To you this meant the world, the urge to hug the man was strong but you were fighting it off. It wouldn’t be too odd since how close knit the town was, how close you’d grown with him over the year.
“Of course, I care about you,” He said, his hand reaching to gently set on your shoulder, so you used this as a chance to push forwards to give him a hug. 
You then stepped back, both of you a bit red in the face before you said your goodbyes and headed out, back to your farm, a grin on your face.
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gogogodzilla · 8 months
day 30, corruption
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shane (stardew valley) x reader warnings: nsfw 18+, unprotected sex, creampie, possessive!shane, no aftercare, no preparation, public sex, one instance of dirty talk, dubcon kinktober ☠︎︎ main masterlist ☠︎︎ read on ao3
The first time he saw you was when you entered the Stardrop Saloon. You were prettier than anything he’d ever seen before and so full of life. He watched as you bounced between the tables, greeting the various patrons as you made your way to the bar. 
Shane huddled over his beer, watching you out of the corner of his eye. You interacted with everyone like you’d lived here for years. It wasn’t fair. 
You sidled up next to him as you waited for your drink. You introduced yourself and began chattering away. You leaned on the bar, putting your chest on display for the entirety of Pelican Town.
“I don’t know you. Why are you talking to me?” 
The words slipped out of his lips before he could catch them. He hadn’t meant for it to come out like that, but a small part of him enjoyed seeing the way you tucked your bottom lip in between your teeth, and you straightened at his comment. 
As the days passed, he began to feel a deep desire to be closer to you. You were good and you were pure. Everything he wasn’t. A sick part of him wanted to ruin you, to see you come apart at his hands. 
You always made an effort to stop and chat with him while he walked to the Joja Mart in the morning. You were always there, waiting for him as he exited Marnie’s house. He wondered if you had memorized his routine or if it was a coincidence every time. 
Slowly, he acted less like an asshole and you warmed up to him. His head began to perk up at the sound of the doors to Joja Mart opening, just hoping to catch sight of you. This increased as spring turned into summer and you’d show up in clothes that left little to the imagination. He dreamt of you every night, skimpy clothes discarded as you fell apart on his cock. Infatuation quickly turned into an obsession. 
It was Friday night at the saloon, which meant everyone in the valley was there. Shane kept to his corner, awaiting your arrival. He watched the clock as the seconds ticked by and you failed to make an appearance. 
Eventually, you arrived with Sebastian at your side, a laugh gracing your lips. Shane felt the burn of jealousy consume him, and he scowled into his drink. He was patient enough to wait until you made your way over to him, swaying a little from the drinks you’d downed earlier. He grabbed your hand and practically dragged you out of the saloon. He was going to make sure he was the only thing you needed. Not Sebastian, not Sam, just him. 
He shoved you against the wall of the saloon, too desperate to take you home and fuck you properly. His lips crashed against yours, and he held you with a rough grip on your jaw. You moaned against his lips as you pawed at his shoulders. He reached a hand down to slide under that pretty little dress of yours that drove him crazy. His dreams didn’t do the feeling of your skin under his fingertips any justice. 
He slid a finger over your clothed core, eliciting a small whine from you. He wondered if you’d ever been touched like this; his cock twitched at the thought of being your first. A pretty thing like you must’ve had all sorts of people fawning over you. 
He pulled away to catch his breath, shoved his face in the crook of your neck, and pressed open-mouthed kisses there. Your skin tasted almost as heavenly as it felt, and he groaned. He pushed your panties to the side and drug a finger through your folds, relishing how wet you already were. 
His movements were hurried as he removed his hand from your jaw to reach down and free his cock from his jeans. He was already painfully hard, desperate to see you absolutely ruined as you came around his cock. He slid his cock through your folds, gathering your slick. 
He lifted your thigh, giving him more access to that pretty pussy of yours. Slowly, he inched his way inside of you, and you clawed at his back as he did. You hissed at the intrusion, and he wished he would’ve had more time to prep you properly. He pressed a soothing kiss against your temple as he bottomed out. Your walls fluttered around him as you adjusted to him, and he almost came there and then. 
He pulled out of you before ramming himself back in, earning a high-pitched mewl from you. He clamped a hand over your mouth as he rutted into you. His free hand drifted up to knead your breasts, your nipples hardening under his touch and showing through the thin fabric of your dress. 
He reached a hand down to draw quick circles around your clit as he felt the familiar heat building in his abdomen. He wasn’t going to last long with you squeezing him just right and making those desperate noises that had his eyes rolling in the back of his head.
He hoped Sebastian could hear them from inside the saloon. He wanted to make sure everyone in this goddamn town knew you were his. The thought had him thrusting harder into you, each drag of his cock releasing a breathy moan against his hand. 
You gripped his bicep as you clenched around him, your orgasm rapidly approaching. 
“C’mon, baby. Make a mess around my cock,” he begged, words slurring together as he neared his climax. 
You rutted against him and clenched his cock as you came. You whined against his hand and he loved the way your face scrunched up as he jutted into you, riding out your high. 
With one final drag of his hips, he was coming in you, marking you as his own. He relished the way his seed painted your walls. Slowly, the twitching of his cock stilled and he pulled out of you. He groaned as he watched his cum drip out of you and down your thighs. 
His movements were hurried as he tucked himself back into his shorts, and made his way back into the saloon. He hoped you’d come crawling back to him. He hoped you’d stay. You had to.
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nyxiswrites1200 · 6 months
Could you maybe do a guilty pleasure Sebastian (or Elliot) post? I’m not sure I have any specific ideas in mind. I really like slight possessiveness (not outright yandere) so maybe something like whoever you chose getting jealous of another bachelor/ette getting attention from the farmer and being a bit possessive of them? Lots of “you’re mine and I hope you know it” and giving hickies to mark territory type stuff. I also would like you to just have fun with it, you know? I’d like you to enjoy the writing process too, I know how much it sucks to not have ideas to write. Indulge yourself :)
"𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆, 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔"
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AAAAA I didn't expect someone to respond so fast?? But I literally love this <33 Indulge I will, love. I hope you enjoy it <3
Sebastian x GN!Reader
Warnings: NSFT, MDNI, OOC(??), Jealousy, Possessive bf, Established Relationship, Oral sex, PDA, Marking/Hickeys, Praise, Aftercare
Mentions: Reader enjoying coffee/hot chocolate, Sam (Stardew), drinking/alcohol, Use of nicknames (Precious, Sebby)
AO3 Link
Sebastian was always an amazing lover. Ever since you two started dating in Pelican Town, he was rough around the edges at first, but that seemed to be just your thing. 
The saloon was bustling with activity tonight. You and Sam were playing pool in the corner while Sebastian refilled his drink. Sam had missed the ball by a long shot, tripping onto the pool table. You couldn't help but laugh as you went over and helped him compose himself. 
Sam chuckled in response to his idiocy and placed a gentle hand on your shoulder. The interaction was so simple and innocent, yet it had Sebastian overtaken with a burning sense of jealousy from across the bar. Maybe it wouldn't bother him so much if you weren't so open and nice with Sam, even if he is his best friend. 
When Sebastian returned, his arm wrapped firmly around your waist as he kissed you deeply. You could taste the alcohol on his tongue as he searched your mouth. You gasped softly into his mouth, and his grip on your waist tightened. When he finally pulled away for a breath, you spoke with a pant. “What was that for-” you asked curiously, but Sebastian just shrugs. 
The night went on, and Sebastian seemed more aloof than usual, which had you concerned. Along with the passing glares and the clingy antics. Eventually, everyone was starting to head home for the night. Despite Sebastian's feelings, he still took your hand as you two began to walk back home. 
“Sebby, what's wrong with you?” You ask, genuinely concerned. “Mm…you know you belong to me, right?” He rasps as he stops walking and drags you close to him. Chest to chest as he meets your gaze. 
Oh so that's what this was, he was jealous.
“Ah- of course, I'm all yours” you respond reassuringly, but it was also completely honest. 
Sebastian cracked a bit of a smile at that, and it seemed to do him in until you two made it back home. He wasn't much for public inquiries and while your words did mean something. He needed a different type of relief from this situation.
As soon as the door shut behind you both, Sebastian dropped onto the couch and pulled you into his lap. 
“Sebby-” you tried to inquire, but were cut off by a small gasp as he began kissing your neck, his hands firmly holding your hips. 
“Why you gotta be so fucking charming, huh?” He growled as he pulled you in closer. He began roughly sucking on your neck as he groaned in content. 
“What are you talking about?” You struggle to get out as you tangle your hands in his messy hair. But you knew how jealous he got. How possessive he was over you—he wanted the most of your attention. 
“Sam. Always being so fucking nice to everyone and letting him touch you…” he sighed against your neck, his lips moving to another spot. “Guess I'm gonna have to mark this pretty neck as mine; mark you as mine.” He rasped. 
Sebastian sucked on your neck, leaving kisses and hickeys in the wake of his lips. You didn't mind at all. If anything, his possessive attitude had you grinding your hips into his crotch. Seeing the obvious tent start to form in his pants. 
“Yes, please baby~ I'm all yours, you know that” you reassure as a moan leaves your lips. “Good” he responds softly. 
“On your knees, my precious” he asks rather gently. You slide off his lap and onto the floor, sitting on your knees in front of him. You lay your head on his thigh as you reach and free his aching cock from its restraints. 
“So good for me, all fucking mine” he says, placing a hand on the back of your head as he urges you to fill your mouth with him. You have no problems with it. 
You take all of him down your throat with a gag, his long, pretty length with a distinct vein down the underside. It had you gagging already. 
You began sucking on his cock, drool slipping down his shaft and onto his balls as you moaned onto him. 
Sebastian let out moans and grunts; eventually, he pushed your head down and held you there. “So good for me, choking on my cock. You belong to me, you're my precious little thing and I won't let anyone else have you.” he held the back of your head as he began fucking into your mouth, using you to get himself off.
You felt tears threaten to spill from the feeling of gagging on him, but a soothing rub to the back of your head reassured you from his end. 
“Don't cry, precious. Just showing this pretty mouth who it belongs to.” 
That sentence alone had your tight and aroused hole clenching around nothing in anticipation. A part of you wishes he'd just bent you over on the pool table in the saloon and fucked you senseless. Oh god, your thoughts were awful. 
It doesn't take long for Sebastian to become a moaning mess, his cock twitching as he gets close to release. 
He pulls out of your mouth, and you lick up the underside of his cock as you look up at him. “Fuck…finish me off, let me cum on your face. Show you who you belong to” he groans. 
You wrap your hand around his cock as you continue to edge him closer to his release. Your tongue slips over that prominent vein again, causing your boyfriend to moan. 
“I'm gonna cum, precious-” he groans before a deep moan leaves him as he cums onto your face. You swallow what you can manage. 
Sebastian panted as he looked down at you. Neck covering his purple-ish marks, your face splattered with his cum, and eyes teary from him fucking your throat. 
“Good” he praised “I love you, precious” he smiled as he cupped your cheek “I love you too” you smiled. 
Sebastian took extra care to bathe with you and make you coffee/hot chocolate in the morning. Kissing you softly as he praised you. You definitely don't mind being his. 
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babiebomsmasterlist · 11 months
When you fall masterlist
Summary: your life turns upside down when your grandfather dies followed by the deaths of both of your parents. While dealing with grief you have to learn how to properly live again while also rebuilding your grandfathers old farm. Everything is harder than you thought it would be, but with the help of someone special you learn how to manage through your grief and live a life you never knew you could have.
Rating: mature( if you are under 18 proceed with caution please and dni!)
Pairing: Sebastian x Reader
Trigger Warnings: death, depictions of self harm in different ways, thoughts of suicide, grief, more to be added! Let me know if I missed anything
Genre: angst, happy ending
Word Count: n/a
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gay-duckers · 5 months
The writing desk
Smut because down bad
Elliott being a little sub with writers block
Elliott sighed as he sat at his writing desk, the dread he felt as writers block washed over him. He put his head down on the desk in defeat, he had been stuck on this chapter for days when he decided to sit down and power through it. Elliott has since come to the realization that it would be harder than expected. Elliott sat there for what felt like hours before Y/n walked in the door. "Hello my darling, how has your day been?" They asked while taking off their shoes and hanging up their coat, still dripping from the storm raging on outside. "Terrible, I've been stuck on this chapter for so long that I feel like I'm back in middle school." he said with a sigh as he placed his head back down on his desk ever so softly, the soft thud caught Y/n's attention, they giggled and walked over to his desk, Elliott sighed in contently as Y/n ran their hands through his long locks.
"Well" they started "I think I know what can make you feel better." This little statement had Elliott's undivided attention. Y/n moved closer until their knees touched Elliott's thigh as he sat in the chair of his writing desk. Slowly they straddled over him and sat themselves in his lap. "oh" he breathed out, feeling his heart race against his chest so hard he thought he could see it through his shirts. Suddenly Elliott felt a soft pair of lips on his neck, the feeling was overwhelming yet intoxication, the feeling of their beautiful soft lips sucking and nipping and kissing filled Elliott with an almost animalistic feeling.
Y/n could smell the faint sent of pomegranate from his shampoo mixed with a salty smell from Elliott sitting on the beach for inspiration. Slowly the sounds of Elliott's soft moans filled the room and Y/n could feel him growing beneath them. As Y/n slowly pulled away a soft whine came from Elliott, his face flushed and blissful. Y/n kissed him slowly and passionately as they unbuttoned his shirt, the slow steady pace driving Elliott mad, he whined against the kiss in frustration. "whats wrong my darling?" Y/n asked almost mockingly while pulling away from the kiss, Elliott's lips chasing theirs, "My love you know whats wrong" he insisted desperately. "I do" they spoke softly "But I want you to tell me" they lovingly whispered into his ear kissing down his jawline and neck. "Well.. I... need this..." he uttered between gasps, "Please?" Y/n corrected, "Please." He added, his voice raspy with a urgent sense of lust.
Y/n slowly slid his shirts off him and onto the back of the chair, they slowly slid back while kissing down his chest paying special attention to his sensitive nipples. Elliott threw his head back and squeezed his eyes shut as he let the pleasure rush through his limbs, Elliott tried in vein to stay quiet as his subtle moans became louder and louder with each passing second. Y/n soon found themselves on their knees in front of the flustered writer, they painfully tugged his belt loose, the tent in Elliott's pants strained painfully against the fabric.
Elliott lifted his hips as Y/n pulled his pants to mid thigh, Y/n stood in front of Elliott and made a show of taking off their clothes. Elliott's breath caught in his throat, he wanted to touch himself as they slid their clothes off and discarded them to find later, but he knew better, he learned early on who was in charge in the relationship, and he knew better than to try and take charge without permission. Y/n settled into Elliott's lap,and prepped Elliott with some lube then carefully guided him in. Elliott's breath hitched as he felt himself glide into them, the feeling was euphoric, he buried his face into their neck and let out a long, painful whine. Y/n set a steady pace ridding him, they could tell by his whines and whimpers that he was already close, they knew he wouldn't last long.
Elliott was so close that he already felt the familiar knot tightening in his abdomen, Y/n felt him tense and they stilled, they had denied him an orgasm, "Please.... I cant..... just please keep going" he begged. "well since you asked so nicely," they said starting back up with a fast pace, Elliott once again felt the knot tightening. Elliott couldn't help the words that poured out of his mouth "I can't.. it's.. I'm gonna" Y/n cut him off with a finger to his lips "I know my dear, just let go" with that Elliott came, hard, he saw stars dancing and singing praises of the person in his lap. As Elliott came down from his high he expected Y/n to slow, but they kept their pace, the first orgasm leaving him sensitive and vulnerable, "F-fuck Y/n" he gasped out. "Don't worry darling, I just need you a little longer" they slurred out, their own high moments away, Elliott felt them tighten around him as they came, the overwhelming pleasure cause Elliott's second orgasm of the night.
Y/n stilled after ridding out both their highs, attempting to catch their breath, Elliott still seeing stars. There they stayed for a while, basking in the after glow, embracing one another. Y/n was the first to move, they slowly moved off Elliott's lap and walked to the bathroom, Elliott soon heard the sound of a bath being run. Y/n then walked in with a glass of water, which they gave to Elliott. Elliott downed the much needed water and Y/n guided him to the bathroom. The bath smelled of fruits and was filled with bubbles, Y/n carefully helped Elliott down into the warm water, soon joining him. "Well, i may have to write you a thank you letter." Elliott finally said his first coherent sentence in over an hour, "whys that love" they asked softly, gliding their hand through the bubbles. "I think you've cleared my writers block. and you've definitely made my night much better." he murmured softly in their ear, gently kissing their neck.
A/N this is my first actual fanfic lmao. hopefully it isn't terrible. Please tell me if I made any mistakes or should add any warnings.
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jupiter-letters · 7 months
Harvey being your husband would include
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Fem! or GN! Reader TW: None
A/N: This is me finally putting into written form the things I think about Harvey doing. Yes I am in love with him, thanks for asking. 
Waking up on a cool autumn day, the early morning light peeking in through the window. You see the sight of Harvey in a deep slumber beside you, cheek pressed into the pillow, hair messily strewn across his face and the pillow. The soft sounds of his snores along with the chirping of the birds outside. His eyes flutter and open to see you looking at him, he smiles at you. He rubs the sleep out his eyes and moves his hand to caress your shoulder. He stares into your eyes and traces random patterns on your arm. He asks you what you plan to do while he’s at work and tell you how much he’ll miss you when he’s gone.
After a hard day's work he tells you to take off your shoes for a personal foot massage and a nice cup of tea. He makes sure to remind you to get new shoes so your feet don’t hurt anymore. He moves up to rub your calves, and he tickles you under your knee. You slap his hands away and move to tickle his neck, he pulls you into a bear hug on the floor and you both can’t stop laughing. 
Working in the fields during the summer, Harvey is on the porch with a misting fan and a new book. You stop for a moment and call his name. You make your way up to the porch and he pulls out a bottle of water for you. “I love watching you work, you always look beautiful when you work. You take such good care of the farm. I’d like you to teach me more about it so I can help out more.” He smiles up at you, cheeks flushed from the sun, his freckles more prominent.
Loving getting clean with him, showers or baths doesn’t matter to him. He runs a bath for you both, putting in all your favorite salts and scents. A candle or two don’t hurt either ;))) It’s a very large clawfoot tub to accommodate Harvey’s long legs otherwise it wouldn’t be very comfortable. Whether you sit back to chest or across from each other he doesn’t much of preference with that either. The feeling of your back against him and your head next to his is one of the best feelings in the world. Then again being able to look at you from across the tub, flushed from the hot water looking at him with a sweet smile, is everything. 
Sneaking off together during the flower dance. Kissing each other breathless behind a tree. Feeling his hands gently cradling your face, he can’t stop giggling as he kisses you over and over again. Once you’ve had enough you fix each other's clothes and head back like nothing happened. Your friends all look at you both with knowing looks and laugh at his poorly redone tie. 
Harvey walking around in his comfiest robe on his days off, shuffling in his slippers from his shelf of prized jazz vinyls to the record player on his desk. You watch him from the doorway humming along to the song and opening a new model plane box. He notices you out of the corner of his eye, he pulls you towards him. You both stand chest to chest, his hand behind your back, forehead to forehead. Enjoying each other's presence and gently swaying to the music.
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Thanks for reading! Lemme know what you think.
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Sebastian x reader
Slightly based off these headcanons
Ever since you moved to Pelican Town, you became friends with several of the townspeople, including Sebastian. While he was not overly nice to you at first, he did slowly become friends with you, since you took the time out of your busy day to spend time with him and occasionally brought him little gifts, some of these gifts he liked more than others, which you had picked up on, and brought him other gifts that you knew he would like.
Over the time you had spent with him, he had slowly gained feelings for you. However, the problem was that you were already in a relationship, and it was to the point that you were ready to propose to him/her, which did hurt Sebastian since he did love you, but he didn’t want to ruin your relationship, or your friendship with him, just because of his own feelings.
What Sebastian wasn’t expecting was to find you at the door, crying and heartbroken. He was just getting ready for the day as per usual, slipping his usual purple hoodie over his head, when he heard a knock at the door. He didn’t pay much attention to it since he figured Robin would have answered it. However, the knock was heard again. Getting a little annoyed, he walked up the stairs from his room and went to the door to find you standing there. He looked surprised at first, then worried as he noticed the tears running down your face.
“Y/n?” He had brought you into the house, closing the door once you were inside. He brought you to his room and had you sit on the bed, now sitting beside you.
“Do you… want to tell me what happened?” He asked, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, pulling you a bit closer to him. You were quiet for a few moments aside from a few sniffles here and there as tears welled up in your eyes.
“You know how I’ve been preparing to propose to (bachelor/bachelorette of choice or other name)?”
“Yeah, I remember. You were so excited, yet nervous, as you kept asking me, Sam and Abigail our opinions on certain ideas you had.” Sebastian remembered it all too well. How his heart sank as you mentioned wanting to propose to your partner, how happy you looked…
“Well…” your voice brought him back from his thoughts.
“I went through with it. I proposed to him/her, and.. I.. was turned down. To the point they don’t want to be together anymore.”
“What?” Sebastian was in disbelief about this as his grip on you tightened without realizing it. He had pulled you into a hug, holding you close to him.
“…I’m sorry, Y/n. You don’t deserve that, you really don’t. You deserve to be happy.” He mumbled, just loud enough for you to hear him.
“…thank you, Sebastian.” You mumbled back as he gently wiped your tears away. Sebastian may not be the best when it comes to comforting others, but he would do his best for you, which helped you feel better.
It’s been a couple months since then, and Sebastian’s feelings for you only grew stronger. You were back to being your usual self, slowly getting over your heart getting broken, but now you’ve been spending a lot more time with Sebastian, whether it’s playing games in his room, walking around town, or just sitting with him as he worked on his motorcycle.
Ever since that day, you’ve spent more time with him, and you’ve started gaining feelings for him, which… you didn’t think you would happen so quickly. Maybe it was because of the way he had treated you? How you could go to him whenever you were feeling down or upset and needed someone to talk to despite the fact he’s not good with comforting others, but he did his best for you.
Whatever it was, you knew that you had feelings for him, and you knew you would end up having to tell him eventually, or Sam and Abigail would, as they figured out fairly quickly about your feelings for their friend.
You were brought back from your thoughts as you heard a knock at the door. You went to the door and saw Sebastian standing there. You weren’t expecting him to come over to your house, since you don’t see him go out very often.
“Hey.” He spoke up once you opened the door. You smiled softly and let him inside, closing the door behind him.
“Hey. What’s up?” You asked him, looking back at him.
“Ah, not much. I just… wanted to see if you were busy.”
“No, not really. I was actually about to head out and look for you.”
“Yeah. There’s… something I wanted to tell you, Sebastian.”
“What is it?”
“I just wanted to say… thank you for being here for me, and that I appreciate you and your company. I enjoy spending time with you.”
“Thanks, Y/n. I like spending time with you too.”
“And there’s one other thing I want to say.” Sebastian gives you a look of “go on,” you had to take a moment to get your thoughts together before you spoke,
“Sebastian… over these past few months, I’ve been gaining feelings for you, and I didn’t think it would happen this quickly, since… that day.”
“Y/n…” Sebastian sounded a little surprised by this. “Heh.. you actually beat me to it.” You were a little confused by this, but before you could say anything, he spoke up again,
“I was actually going to confess to you this evening. I had it planned out and everything.”
“Wait really?”
“Yeah. I wanted to take you to my favorite place outside of town and confess to you.”
“Oh, Sebastian.” You smiled faintly and went over to him, hugging him. He hugged you back, pressing a light kiss to your forehead.
“…I love you, Y/n.”
“I love you too, Sebastian.” You let him go from the hug. “If you want to still go out tonight, we can.”
“I would like that.”
“Well, let’s go then!” You grabbed his hand and practically dragged him outside, making him chuckle a bit as he followed after you.
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marmorafarms · 1 year
"Good Boy" Sebastian x Cis female reader
This fic was requested by the lovely @darlingsama630
18+ ONLY please and thank you!
Summary: After a family dinner with the parents, you and Sebastian go home. Sebastian wants to know if he had been a good boy. You decide to respond accordingly.
Word count: 2,294 words
Warnings/content: fem dom, soft dom, sub Sebastian, face sitting, orgasm denial, cis female reader
I hope you enjoy!
"Thank you for dinner tonight Robin," you said warmly to your mother-in-law as you packed up to go home. You and Sebastian had been invited over to celebrate Demetrius' 50th birthday with a small get together. Demetrius was never one for huge celebrations, preferring to spend this time with family and family only.
"No need to thank me," Robin said kindly. "I'm just so glad you and Sebby showed up."
You turned to Demetrius, and shot him a gentle smile. "Happy Birthday Demetrius," you said. "I hope you had a great one!"
"Well, that rice pudding you made for me certainly made it better!" Demetrius said good naturedly. "I especially appreciated how practical your gift was. I always need a new journal to write notes in, and I hate frivolous items."
Robin rolled her eyes behind his back. Everyone in the room remembered with clarity the argument Robin and Demetrius had last year in front of the whole family. It was in regards to the new bed she had made. Demetrius had scoffed at how she chose beauty over function…though you still didn't understand that. It still did the job, it just looked pretty.
The whole situation had been awkward, and Demetrius left in a huff when you softly agreed with Robin that it was indeed a lovely bed. Maru had stared at the floor the whole time while Sebastian and Robin looked smug.
Sebastian had suggested you get him a pack of pencils since Demetrius always got annoyed when given anything that was deemed "not useful." You gave Sebastian a look, and he grumbled out that the two of you could buy him something a bit more personalized.
"You know," Robin said in a low voice as she walked you out the door, "You have been a fantastic influence on my son. To think your marriage started out with our husbands arguing over which spoon size was best…and has now bloomed into a wonderful birthday dinner without a single argument! Whatever magic you're working, keep it up!"
You laughed lightly, looking fondly at Sebastian who was politely pretending to understand an obscure science joke Maru had just made.
"I'll do my best," you said, and Robin grinned.
"I think it's your sweet and gentle nature that cools his heat," Robin mused. "I've never heard you raise your voice. When I first met you, I don't think I even heard you speak more than a few words to anyone in town!"
"I'm a bit shy, I'll admit it," you said bashfully. "I'm so grateful that this town has truly accepted me."
With one last hug from Robin and Maru, and a firm handshake with Demetrius, you and Sebastian headed back to the farmhouse. You talked casually about how it was nice to have everyone together again. Sebastian even made jokes about Harvey being at the next family dinner. But you both solemnly agreed that Demetrius would be passive aggressive about dating getting in the way of Maru's dreams so…maybe Harvey wouldn't show up after all.
When the door closed behind the two of you as you entered the living room, you could feel the mood shift. You went about your nighttime routine as usual, pretending not to notice a thing. As you were putting your clothes in the hamper, Sebastian cleared his throat.
Here we go, you thought to yourself.
"So," Sebastian said, standing at the foot of the bed, "Was I good?"
You kept your face neutral, but inside you were cheering, jumping up and down and throwing confetti. He was doing it.
The first time you had asked him to be good had ended in Demetrius and Sebastian nearly getting into a fist fight over who got to use the little spoon at the table. 
"You were terrible tonight!" You had hissed at him when you got home.
"He was asking for it!" Sebastian said, arms thrown wide.
"You are 25, not 12!" You barked out. "I should punish you for this!"
At these words, Sebastian had gone still. The two of you were eyeing each other, both wondering the same thing.
"Maybe you should," Sebastian said evenly.
You walked over to your closet and pulled out a large box you had never shown him before. He had never asked about it, and you hadn't been sure when would be the right time to bring it up. You were aware of Sebastian's kinkier side, but this?
Rummaging around, you finally found what you were looking for, and presented the item to him. "You have to wear this," you said simply, "until you apologize to Demetrius."
Sebastian's eyes went wide. You were nervous, but you refused to let it show.
"A cock cage?" he asked, staring at it warily.
"Yes. I'll keep the key, and will unlock it only when you apologize to your step father." 
Sebastian thought about it, and then nodded.
"Doesn't seem that bad to me."
Oh how wrong he was.
The poor boy couldn't cum for a whole week because his stubborn streak was preventing him from apologizing. When he finally gave in and was allowed to orgasm, it was one of the best he'd ever had.
That had started your play with orgasm denial. But when it came to meetings with Demetrius, you got to decide if he was good or bad. You had started doing a new thing for that situation. It didn't take the wizard much convincing to make you a bracelet that would prevent the user from being able to have any sexual pleasure. No sex, no masturbation, no nothing. It would deliver an electric shock every time the perso tried to get off. Sebastian was willing to try it out, curiosity winning over apprehension.
The best part was, only the person who put it on could take it off. You typically had him wear it for an entire week as punishment, and got great results.
But if he was good…
You pondered Sebastian's question for a moment and then turned to him.
"For the most part," you said. 
"What…what do you mean?" he asked, fear in his eyes. You let out a low chuckle.
"You don't need to worry kitten," you said, using the name you only gave him in this situation, "you won't have to wear the bracelet. But you didn't wish your step dad a happy birthday. That's not what a good boy does."
"I'm sorry Miss," he said, ducking his head. "I should've done better."
"Should-a, could-a, would-a, DIDN'T," you said, narrowing your eyes. "You'll get your reward for not being a brat at dinner. But you still need to be reprimanded."
You walked over, and grabbed his jaw forcefully making him look at you. "Good boys get to cum. Bad boys don't. You know the rules."
"I don't want to hear your voice," you said, letting go. "Strip."
Sebastian did as asked, quickly discarding his clothes in a heap. You looked him over, disapproval on your face, but lust in your heart. He had the body of a Greek god, and you lived to see him naked. You loved it when he sent you lewds, and on the rare occasion, full nudes.
But now wasn't the time to drool over his body. You had work to do.
"On the bed," you snapped, and in an instant he was sitting in the center.
"Eyes closed," you said. "I'm going to undress, but you don't get to look. Open your eyes once and you wear the bracelet. Got it?"
Sebastian squeezed his eyes shut and nodded.
"I asked a question," you snarled.
"Yes Miss, I understand," he said quickly. Pleased with his response, you slowly removed your clothing, making sure that he could hear the rustling of fabric. His dusky pink cock was rising to attention as he sat there, clearly listening closely. You knew he was imagining what you were doing, and it was an ego boost to know that the mere thought of you was making him hard.
You climbed onto the bed, and heard him whimper. 
"Eyes stay shut kitten," you said softly. "Now lie back."
Sebastian got down on his back, and you climbed on top. You knew exactly what you were going to do, and were excited to begin.
"If you touch me, or buck your hips, you wear the bracelet for two weeks," you said firmly. Sebastian let out a whine, squirming slightly.
"Yes Miss," he said.
"Repeat to me what you won't do."
"I won't touch or–ahh!" he gasped, eyes nearly opening. 
Your pussy was on his cock, and you were moving your hips, rubbing yourself along his length. He was lost for words, absorbed in the sensation.
"I said repeat what you won't do," you said calmly, continuing your movements.
"I-I won't…touch or…or b-buck my hips," he moaned out.
"That's right," you said. You leaned forward and rubbed your thumbs over his nipples. Sebastian was panting hard. You could feel his hips stutter as he forced himself not to move. He was trying so hard to be good for you.
You finally moved from his cock, and frowned as he spoke.
"What did you say?" you snapped.
There was a deadly silence. Sebastian had a lot of room to fuck up right now, and he knew it. Lying was not an option.
"I…I asked why you were stopping," he said meekly.
"I don't remember asking you to speak," you said. "Let's put your mouth to better use."
Sebastian was practically vibrating with anticipation as you positioned yourself, lowering your pussy down to meet his mouth. His arms jerked, but ultimately stayed still. You knew he was desperate to hold your hips.
"Lick," you commanded.
If there was one thing your man was good at, it was eating pussy. He had been a natural from the start, and the first time he ate you out you flat out refused to believe he hadn't done it before.
You moaned as his tongue explored your folds, darting inside you before flicking your clit. You rocked against his face, and you felt him groan in pleasure. The vibrations from his noises made you bite your lip, eyes fluttering shut.
Your hips rocked faster as you chased your orgasm. Any time you let out a word of praise, Sebastian moaned and licked faster. You liked feeding into his praise kink, it made everything so much better.
Crying out in pleasure, you let your orgasm overtake you. Sebastian continued to lap at you, your cum drenching his face. As you got off of him, you could see how painfully hard he was. It took all your self control not to slide down onto him.
"You did such a good job kitten," you said, and Sebastian flushed with pride. "Felt so good." You settled in between his legs and ran a finger down his length. Sebastian shivered.
"You even managed to keep your eyes closed," you said. "Since you've been doing well…you can open them."
Sebastian's eyes opened, pupils blown with lust as he looked you over. His eyes roamed greedily, and you knew he wanted to touch. 
"Do you want something?" you asked.
Sebastian gulped. "Yes Miss," he said.
"What do you want?" you asked. "Good boy's use their words."
"Wanna…wanna touch you. Want you to ride me and let me touch you," he panted out. You raised an eyebrow at these words.
"You think you deserve it?" you asked.
"I've…I've been good!" Sebastian pouted. "Only a little bad…but I've been good!"
He looked so pitiful beneath you, and it melted your heart. 
"You have been good," you said, and guided his hands to your waist. He looked at you in wonder, in disbelief that he could touch.
"Hold on," you murmured, and sank down onto him in one swift movement.
"Thank you!" Sebastian cried out. "You're so good to me!"
"You deserve a little something," you said with a smile. "But your hips stay still. If they move, this ends."
"Yes Miss!" Sebastian breathed, and threw his head back in pleasure as you began to move. It felt amazing for you, and you knew he was loving it too. His eyebrows began to furrow, and he pulled his lower lip into his mouth. These were tell tale signs that he was close. You smirked at him, and immediately stopped moving.
Sebastian let out a truly pathetic whine, and you laughed.
"You really thought I'd let you cum that easily?" you taunted.
Sebastian looked at you with wide eyes and a trembling lip. You clicked your tongue and shook your head.
"What do you do you do if you want to cum?" you asked in a sing song tone.
"Please," he whined. You rolled your eyes at him.
"Please let me cum," he amended.
"Better," you said, but still didn't move.
"Please!" he begged, "Please ride me, I want to feel your pussy on me, want it to make me cum! Please Miss!" 
You smiled at him, and wiped away the tears forming at the corners of his eyes.
"Good boy," you said, and began to move again. 
He didn't last long, hot ropes of cum painting your insides white. Sebastian howled in ecstasy, eyes rolling back. When he finally managed to regain his senses, you pulled off and laid down next to him. Your eyes locked, and you gave him a soft kiss.
"Shower?" you asked, and he nodded with a sleepy smile.
The shower was long, as was typical after something like this. Sweet kisses were shared, and, as always, you ended up with your legs around his waist, back against the shower wall, as he fucked you one last time.
The two of you fell asleep in each other's arms. He really was a good boy.
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heavenlyraindrops · 3 months
Change With the Seasons| Stardew Valley| Sebastian x Reader
Chapter Summary:
After befriending Abigail, she invites you to hang out with her friends at the Stardrop Saloon. You agree, deciding that socializing would be a good idea.
You did not expect Sebastian to be there.
Chapter Two: the Stardrop Saloon.
Here is the Masterlist. This is also available on Quotev and AO3. I’d appreciate it if you guys could follow me on there!
You were browsing in Pierre’s store when you had first met Abigail. The purple hair interested you enough to consider her worthy of conversation, and upon speaking to her you realized that the impression that the purple hair had given you did not disappoint.
“Right… I heard someone new had moved into the old farm.” She tilted her head, tapping a painted nail against her cheek. “Shame, really. Not that you moved in. I just liked exploring those overgrown fields by myself.”
You smiled and shrugged. “Well, you can still come over and explore. I doubt I’ll be able to clean up all of it before the end of the season.” At your words, her eyes lit up and she smiled her gratitude.
“Thanks. You know, you’re actually pretty cool.”
“Am I?” You asked nervously, picking up a bag of parsnip seeds and bringing it to the counter, where Pierre was waiting.
“Yeah. Say, today’s Friday right? Me and my friends usually go to the Saloon and hang out. You should come with!”
You looked up. “Really?”
You shrugged. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to meet some new people.” Abigail grinned, flashing finger guns at you as you exited the store, her words trailing after you:
“See you this evening!”
You were hanging around outside the Stardrop Saloon, waiting for Abigail to arrive. You had done your best to look nice, exchanging your dirty overalls and muddy boots for a sweater and shoes that actually looked clean.
You recognised her wavy purple hair from a distance, and waved at her. She waved back, enthusiastically, and met you at the door before leading you in.
“Seb and Sam usually play pool, and I just sit on the couch, but it’ll be fun to not be third wheeling this time,” she said.
“Seb and Sam?”
Abigail looked at her. “Haven’t you met them?”
You tilted your head. “I don’t think so?”
“Well, I guess you will now.”
The first one to enter was Sam. He had his blond hair pushed back and upwards, and grinned at you. “Whoa, are you the new farmer?”
“Uh, yeah.”
“Cool.” He turned to Abigail. “Where’s Seb?”
Abigail shrugged.
Sam sighed. “I’m not so good,” he muttered. Then perked up at your confused look. “At pool, I mean. Maybe if I…”
He proceeded to try some strange trick on the pool table and sent a ball flying.
“Just admit it,” Abigail said. “Seb’s gonna kick your ass. Again.”
Sam gestured at a stick and jerked his head towards you. “Wanna play?”
“Nah… I’m no good.”
“Try it!”
“Just do it,” Abigail cajoled you. You rolled your eyes, lifting up your stick.
“Okay Nike representative,” you muttered, before positioning yourself, and jerking the stick forward.
It missed the ball completely.
You heard a snicker. A new voice. You shot up. “I told you I’m no… what are you doing here?”
Sebastian flicked a strand of hair out of his eyes, quirking an eyebrow. “I could ask you the same thing.”
You scoffed, tossing the stick at him, much to Sam’s disappointment, and went to join Abigail on the couch. Seb was short for Sebastian. How could you not think of that?
“Have you two met?” Abigail asked, looking in between Sebastian and you.
“Yeah, he told me to fuck off at the docks.”
“Objection,” he said in a bored voice, positioning himself at the pool table. “I said no such thing.”
Your hand flew to your chest. “Surely you jest?” You said, mocking his- only slight- use of old man dialect. You watched his brow furrow. About three balls went into their respective holes. Sam squawked with terror as his turn came around.
Abigail watched you both with a strange expression, then turned to you. “Let’s get some food or something.”
“Yeah, sure,” you said, getting up and walking over to the counter. Abigail turned to you, with a weird look on her face that you couldn’t decipher.
“Hey, what did Seb really say at the docks?”
You scoffed. “Nothing. Just said “tHe oCeAn iS bEtTeR enJoYeD aLoNe” after I tried to introduce myself, which pretty much implies he wants me gone, right? And we’d just met. So rude.” You paid for a pizza, balancing it on your hand as you walked back to the arcade area. Abigail trailed after you.
“Hey… he’s just… not very sociable. Like, he’s just like that. You shouldn’t really take him seriously or anything.”
“Sure, whatever,” You said, placing the pizza on a corner table. It had two red plush stools, one of which you flopped down on, with Abigail following suit.
“Whoa,” Sam said. “I love this.”
“Y/N chose it,” Abigail said.
“How’d you know?” Sam asked, picking up a slice.
“Sam, get back over here. You’re just looking for an excuse to not play against me ‘cause you’re losing.”
Sam scurried back, denying Sebastain’s accusations after promptly losing the game about five minutes later. You balanced your chin on your palm, and your elbow on the table, watching them in silence while Abigail took a shot at an arcade game.
More specifically, you intensely stared at Sebastian.
You couldn’t help it. You found him pretty, although if asked you would go to great lengths to deny it. Even to yourself. Yet you still stared, so there was that.
Sebastian caught you staring, and raised an eyebrow, smirking. You scowled, face burning, and turned back to your food. You could still feel his stare burning into you, so you went and joined Abigail at the arcade game to distract yourself.
For an asshole, he was pretty.
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babiebom · 11 months
When You Fall(ii)
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A/N: I hope y'all enjoyed the first chapter, this story is going to be angst filled, at least for the first several chapters. 
Previous Next Masterlist
TW: depression, talks of self harm, clinics
The smell of bleach burns your nose before you fully come to. Your vision is hazy around the edges, eyes burning due to the bright lights above you. You flutter your eyelashes, sitting up quickly, ignoring the pain in your limbs. 
There are other beds around you, all empty and neatly made up. You breathe in deeply through your mouth, unable to call out like you want to, the burning sensation in your throat making any sound hurts it. 
You hear the soft squeaking of hinges, only able to see the corner of a door swinging open. A man appears from the doorway, his eyes warm and lips covered by the bushy mustache that sat below his nose. You stared with your mouth agape, the scene somewhat reminding you of that one scene in a vampire movie you hadn't seen in a while. 
Though, the man was obviously human, face slightly red near his cheeks as if he wasn't expecting you to be awake yet. "Farmer! You're awake! I'm glad. His smile sent butterflies in your stomach, and the fact that he was in a doctor's coat made your decisions seem extra stupid, because now you look like a fool in front of who you assume is town doctor, though it being a small town he's probably not even a real one.
"Yeah…what happened?" You hoped if you feigned confusion that it would seem like one big accident, you were farming for the very first time after all.
"Someone found you passed out on your farm."
"Someone did?" You wonder what anyone could've been doing on your farm, but then again these were country folk who probably stopped by to introduce themselves and scope you out. 
"Yeah, and I have to say you're very lucky she-" he coughs to cover up his mistake, "-they did. If they had found you any later you might've not made it." His kind eyes held some disappointment and worry in them.
You grimace in your seat, swinging your legs over the edge, the need to escape flooding your senses. "I'll be more careful, promise."
"Good," the man sucks in a breath, now looking elsewhere as he begins to back out of the room. "I'm going to send in the nurse with medicine to help you heal quicker."
You nod, letting your feet dangle above the ground, attempting to shoot the man a smile. As soon as he exited the room, you let your shoulders fall, exhausted from...well exhausting yourself. It was as if the choice you made was purposefully making itself worse than it normally would've been. As if it was making a point against you doing something stupid again, though you know you would still self sabotage again. Forcing yourself to pass out didn't really help anything, if anything it made you feel even shittier. You could feel the gazes of your now deceased family members on your head, all looking at you in disappointment and worry. 
As soon as you began to drown in your thoughts, the door swung open again, less gently than last time, almost smacking the wall behind it. Taken aback, you wonder how this person became a nurse, and the second you see her the thought is only amplified. 
The woman that enters is pretty, but more in a soft and unassuming kind of way, like you had to be seeing her for her beauty to reveal itself. She's also very young, she looks as if she's your age or even younger. Definitely not old enough to have a degree in the medical field, at least with how long you're assuming a nursing degree takes. 
She bites her lip and frowns, looking back at the door before entering the rest of the way. She clears her throat, shuffling over to you silently. "So, um, Doctor Harvey is prescribing you some Tylenol and an energy tonic. We have both here so you won't need to buy them, he's giving you them for free this time."
You nod, relieved that the medicine was free and you wouldn't have to pay for it. You lost your medical insurance after quitting the Joja job. Taking the medicine from her hands, you immediately down the energy tonic, the taste slightly sour on your tongue. Immediately you feel rejuvenated, your body returning to a state that you hadn't felt in years. You roll your shoulders back, blinking rapidly to get used to the feeling of being perfectly rested. You still felt shitty emotionally, but at least that wasn't bogged down by being half dead from working and not getting enough sleep.
"Wow, ok." You speak in surprise, the woman smiles brightly at you, unsurprised. 
"Yeah! Works pretty well huh?"  
"Totally," you slide off of the bed, not even stumbling. That tonic makes you feel as good as new, and you fight the urge to buy a million to keep in your house. 
She rocks on her heels, looking around before her eyes settle on you. She looked so giddy, as if she had been waiting to say something. "If you ever feel tired or like passing out again don't hesitate to stop by!" Her eyes look like mini crescent moons as she smiles at you, lighting up the room. 
"Will do." She leads you out of the room and towards what you assume is the lobby. 
"I'm Maru, by the way," she turns to look at you as she begins to talk, you nod in response, "I've been looking forward to meeting you," you can almost see the excitement roll off of her in waves, "you know, with a small town like this, a new face can really alter the community dynamic. It's exciting!" 
Your eyebrows raise in surprise, now embarrassed that this is her first impression of you. Grimace at her, trying to come up with something to say to make the situation less awkward on your end. "Some impression huh?"
She shrugs, still looking at you warmly. You both stop right before the doors where you now know the lobby is, being able to see through the small window on the door. "I mean, you're grieving. I think it's to be expected of someone that's lost so much in so little time. Along with moving, it's no surprise that you ran out of steam."
"You know about…" you can't even bring up the deaths without getting choked up. Maru looks shocked and horrified at the situation, her face contorting in surprise.
"I- oh god, I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have brought it up. It was insensitive of me. Crap." She bites her lip awkwardly and now hurries to get you through the doors. You want to ask again how'd she know, so that's exactly what you do. Ask again, but also skirt around certain words. Did everyone know?
"Um, well," she closes her eyes, breathing out, "I mean, everyone knows. Your grandfather was loved here, and when he…everyone was sad. Then the um, graves popped up and we put two and two together…I'm super sorry if I hurt your feelings or anything. I swear it wasn't my intention."
You shake your head, now preoccupied with the thought of everyone knowing, whispering, talking about your parents and grandfather, about you before you even had the chance to meet them all. You wonder why Maru even wanted to meet you. Was it pity? Pure curiosity? Did everyone pity you? Did everyone want to meet you in ways that were similar to meeting a baby lion or something at the zoo? As if you were a stray dog on the verge of being put down at a kennel? 
Wrapped up in your thoughts, you finally leave the clinic, going by distant memories to get back home. There was no need to sleep now, though with the storm inside of your head the mental exhaustion had come back. Within those thoughts, you wondered how long it was until they all went away.
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As soon as you got home you had to leave.
You had gotten a letter, from someone named Willy, down at the beach. So, instead of pushing yourself to the brink of death again you decide to meet him, doubting anyone in the valley could be dangerous. There were only so many people that lived here to begin with, and even if he did turn out to be dangerous or deranged, you doubted that at this moment you would put up any sort of fight. 
The walk was long, about 30 minutes from your farm to the entrance of the beach, your breaths were coming out in puffs, your chest heaving. You would need to exercise more if you were to do this often enough to make any money. Sitting at a desk all day made your stamina nonexistent, and you regretted not visiting more often in your older years. Maybe if you did you would be less tired. 
As soon as you saw the fish shop you sighed with relief, sweat had begun forming a thin sheet over your body. Your steps picked up as you approached the building that looked as old as your farmhouse, the salty smell of the ocean assaulting your nose. The sun was high overhead now, beaming directly down onto the sea making the world around you brighter. 
Hurrying, you almost head straight to the doors, wanting to escape the sun; but instead you see a man at the edge of the pier, a patchy brown hat on top of messy brown hair. He was smoking silently, eyes focused on the water below. The sound of your footsteps seemed louder than normal in your ears, the thuds echoed around you disturbing the serenity of the beach. The man turns when he hears you, tired eyes searching yours for a second before he speaks.
"Ahoy there. Heard there was a newcomer in town…good to finally meet ya." The man sounds like a stereotypical fisherman, maybe a little like a pirate. He puts out his pipe after puffing it once more, blowing the smoke away from the both of you. He rolls his shoulders, a small grimace settling over his face.
"Ah…I'm still tryin' to unwind from a month out on the salty seas… it was a big haul! I sold a lot of good fish. Finally saved enough to buy me a new rod." He smiles softly. 
"That's good…" you don't know how to respond, so you say what first came to your mind, wanting to not make the conversation stale, though you think your attempt didn't help at all. Willy moves closer to you, away from the edge of the pier. 
"Here," he hands you a fishing rod, the gift unfamiliar in your hands, "I want you to have my old fishing rod. It's important to me that the art o' fishing stays alive. And hey, maybe you'll buy somethin' from the shop once in a while."
You nod, inspecting the rod, tears kissing the corner of your eyes. It was kind of him to give you a rod for free, you didn't know how much they cost, but even an old one like this had to be expensive. "There's a good water here in the valley. All kinds o' fish."
"Thank you…I don't know how to repay you or…?"
The man shakes his head, waving you off. When you get in front of the doors to his shop, he calls out to you again. "Oh yeah. My shops back open now, so come by if you need supplies. I'll also buy anything you catch. 'If it smells, it sells'."
You can see how brightly his eyes shine when he laughs from where you are. It makes your heart ache, he was so much like a grandfather in his actions that it made you somewhat sad. "That's what my ol' Pappy used to say anyway."
You smile at him before nodding and taking off towards the beach again, ready to flop into your still unslept in bed. 
The walk home was faster, mostly because you avoided everyone and sped through the town. You could feel them looking at you, as if you were something to gawk at. And to them, you supposed you were. A fresh face in a stagnant town that rarely got new people that were staying for the long haul, a visitor that was passing through or two, but never a new resident. By the time you got home, mostly due to your dodging, your chest felt heavy and your lungs burned. You sucked in breaths as you closed the gate and walked up to your cottage. 
Now that you were inside, and not in a self sabotaging mood, you took the time to really look around. The place was practically empty, no kitchen, no living room, no bathroom. All there was was an ancient television and a twin sized bed pushed into a corner along with dusty decorations. You groaned, running a hand down your face, so this is what Robin meant when she was saying your home needed an upgrade. You now understood what she meant by crusty. 
It was a surprise your grandfather had survived as long as he did living here, what did he do to eat? How'd he take showers or poop or just live in general. Turning on the tv, you frown when you notice only a handful of channels on the tv, some of them only showing static when you switched to it. Laughing in disbelief, you turn away from the stupid thing. It was going to take a long time to get used to this.
In the middle of the room, you spot a box you had ignored before, the thing wrapped up half heartedly as a gift. Taking off the top and looking inside, you spot a small bag of seeds. There was a short letter from Lewis attached to the bag, saying it was a gift for you to get started with your farming. Obviously, you need to be able to grow a plant and care for animals to be a farmer. Sighing, you trudge outside, dragging your tools behind you. You had to do this at least, before you went to sleep for the next couple of hours. 
The farm was still messy, and over exerting yourself the day before just set you back. So, pulling your pants up and adjusting yourself, you get to work to catch up for missed time. 
Pulling weeds, cutting down trees, and smacking rocks with your pickaxe seemed to make you feel better, as if you were beating something up. Maybe a little violent, but it was helping nonetheless. Sweat drips down your forehead, thinking back to your childhood your grandfather and grandmother made this seem easier than it actually was. Even just planting the parsnips took more energy than you thought it would. 
By the time you had finished, your back ached and your stomach was growling. Raising your wrist to look at the time, you wonder if 12 was too early to go to bed. Your thoughts swirl around your head, trying to justify if you went to rest now. You tried telling yourself that you would only nap, then it devolved into thinking you could sleep for the rest of the day and all night until you had to get up in the morning; it was most likely unrealistic but the ache in your back told you to go ahead and do whatever as long as you got to sleep. 
You drag yourself inside after making sure your crops are watered, your stomach still growling loudly. Opening a suitcase, you sigh with relief that past you decided that packing your snacks and some things from your pantry was a good idea. You eat some peanut butter on crackers and take a long swig from a water bottle, throwing yourself on your bed after making sure your mess was cleaned and the rest of your crackers and peanut butter were sealed back in your suitcase. 
As you lie there, you inspect your skin. You had already begun to tan by staying out in the sun all day, and you wondered just how hot the summer was going to be if you were already dying in the sun. Maybe the clinic had some sunscreen, you had already met Maru, and doctor Harvey so going back wasn't as bad as going to the grocery store in town.
You made a mental list of all the tasks you needed to do, hoping you could put off talking to people for a little longer. All they would probably do is talk about your grandfather or look at you with pity and curiosity the entirety of your conversation. 
As you adjusted yourself to try and sleep, you imagined yourself back in your apartment in Zuzu City. You imagined life hadn't changed and you were living your old life, but in your imagination you were a much better child and grandchild than you had been in real life. You visited and were bubbly and cheery just as you were as a kid. As your eyes flutter closed, and you begin to drift off to sleep you can feel fresh, hot tears rolling down your cheeks regret settling in your chest as you begin the transition between your active daydreams to whatever dream you would have while you were sleeping. 
In the back of your mind, you just hoped the dream wouldn't be nightmares instead.
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shhh-secret-time · 2 months
Star Park AU: Stan Marsh Edition
-> Lives on Tegridy Farms with his family. His dad sold their house and moved them out to the valley when Stan was ten. (They're essentially where Marnie is in game.)
-> Sparky is still alive but he's getting older, so he sticks to laying on the porch waiting for Stan to get back
-> Plays football with Clyde, Craig, and Tolkien! Kenny and Cartman will join in sometimes and he practically drags Kyle out to join them.
-> He works for Joja Mart with his sister. They'd both rather work there than be near their dad.
》 He's saving up to move back to the city, or so he says. Truth be told he can't leave behind Sparky or his Mom.
-> He bought his own chicken coop and has a few chickens of his own.
-> He goes to the saloon every night, most nights by himself
-> But on Fridays, after Jimmy's comedy act, him and his band will play!
-> On Sundays when everyone else is in church or doing their own thing. Stan and Kyle will go up to the summit past the railroad tracks and spend hours up there. Catching up and just unwinding.
-> He probably has a mini event that's kind of like Sam's 2 heart event, where he asks the Farmer what type of music they like.
Gift Guide:
Loves: Pizza, Survival Burger, Book of Mysteries, Frozen Tears, Beer (This changes after Heart Event 6)
Likes: Joja Cola, Apples, All Eggs, Void Esscene, Large Milk
Neutral: All Fruit (Except Apples), Coffee, Peppers
Dislikes: Fertilizer, Daffodil, Any Fish, Pink Cake
Hates: Rabbit Foot, Coleslaw, Clay, Beer (After Heart Event 6)
Loved: "Dude! Are you sure?! Man this rules!"
Liked: "Oh, uh thanks! Should I get you something back?"
Neutral: "Cool, I'll find a use for it."
Disliked: "What...is this? Why?"
Hated: "What the fuck were you thinking?"
Given any alcohol after Heart Event 6: "Why would you give me this?! You know I'm trying to stop!"
Heart Event @ 2:
Stan is throwing empty beer bottles at the passing train, they shatter just as the Farmer approaches him. He looks back at them with a grin offering one for them to throw. He mentions that he was drinking with his friend Kenny but he had to go, so now he's just passing time. He's not quite drunk yet but he's tipsy. When the Farmer takes the bottle and throws it he relaxes a little, says that he's glad they're not put off by the behavior. After a little bit of silence, he asks them why they moved to the Valley. There's not a lot of money in farming and then makes a comment about how he fucking hates it. How he feels isolated from the rest of the town sometimes.
-> Feels that way sometimes doesn't it? But at least you have your friends (+)
-> You're literally closer to town than I am, don't your friends come to visit you? (-)
If First Option: He mulls it over and decides you're right. He should he grateful he at least has them. Though lately it feels like they're drifting apart. Stan comments how you must feel lonely being new to town and all.
"Oh well. I guess we can be lonely losers together. Farmer buddies and all that."
If Second Option: Stan doesn't really appreciate the sass. He wasn't looking for a pity party, just wanted to kinda vent. He makes note not to talk about it again.
"Yeah sure. I guess, but you didn't have to be a dick about it."
Heart Event @ 4:
Stan and his friends are playing pool at the tavern, a rare instance where they're all off work and finally get to hang out. He leans over the pool table and sinks another ball, much to Kyle's annoyance. As the Farmer comes in Cartman makes a comment that Kyle is getting his ass kicked and bad. It prompts Kyle to snap at him and shake the pool cue at him. Kenny and Stan laugh a little before Stan realizes you're there. He smiles and gestures for you to come over! Now that you're here they have enough for teams. Farmer is confused because there's already four of them, they make five. Stan whispers in their ear, explaining that Cartman won't play with Kyle anymore. He lost one time and now he's convinced that Kyle cheated. Something about how there's no way Kyle would ever actually win a game fair and square. When you agree he gets excited and before anyone else gets the chance he announces that you'll be on his team!
"Awesome! We're gonna smoke these guys! Kenny wrack 'em! Farmer is with me!"
⚠️ TW: Attempted suicide ahead ⚠️
Heart Event @ 6:
Stan's drinking again. Right next to the railroad tracks but this time he's got one foot on the railroad, rocking back and forth. There's glass bottles around him, unbroken and too many to count. He almost stumbles down to the ground but he keeps himself up. Farmer approaches and that's when they hear the sound of the train coming in, and it's coming fast. Stan had no intentions on moving, in fact he looks like he's about to fall forward willingly. The dead look in his eyes tells them that much. Farmer runs across the field and tackles him into the ground, the train narrowly missing the both of them. Stan lays there having just had the wind knocked out of him. His head is spinning and he feels sick, but he also feels the Farmer on his chest and his back against the ground. He's not dead. Then it hits him, you almost died to save him. You who's kept talking to him despite everything, even when he was being an ass.
"You....you could have gotten yourself killed why would you do that?"
-> I couldn't just stand there and watch you die Stan!
-> Are you crazy?! You almost got us both killed!
-> I don't know...my legs just moved on their own.
-> (Just hug him)
If First Option: Stan starts crying and presses his palms into his eyes. He lays there and sobs, but he feels safe enough to do it.
"Hey Farmer...hic...can you help me to Kyle. I'm scared."
If Second Option: He grits his teeth and digs his hand into the dirt. Stan knows what he did was crazy, he can't be mad at you for snapping like that. You just saved his life. But he didn't ask you to.
"Fuck...I know. Look, just help me get to Kyle. I think I'm gonna be sick."
If Third Option: Stan doesn't know what to say but he thinks he gets it. He just closes his eyes and tries to stop the dizzy ride his drunken state is on. He doesn't want to move but he can't just lay here all day.
"Do you think Kyle is gonna yell at me...if I show up looking like this? Maybe if I just go to sleep I won't have to think about it."
If Fourth Option: Stan freezes he wasn't expecting the Farmer to do that. They should be angry with him, furious. But they're hugging him and clinging to him for dear life. His life. Stan wraps his arms around them and starts to cry. It's the most vulnerable he's been with anyone in a long time.
"Shit...fuck dude...just please don't let me go. I don't wanna go. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
Heart Event @ 8:
It's early morning when the Farmer steps out, they're greeted with the sound of music. Stan is sitting on their porch playing his old guitar, the acoustic one that's seen better days. When the Farmer gets closer he looks up at them for a moment, unable to look them in the eye for too long. After a moment of silence, he tells them that Kyle got it out of storage for him. Says it'll help him focus on something other than the withdrawals and that Kyle put him in contact with a therapist. He thanks the Farmer for saving his life, and apologizes that they had to see that. As he plays a somber tune again he makes a comment, this is the first time he's been on their farm. First time he's been out this way since they moved into the valley. He confesses that your farm is a lot nicer than his dad's and that maybe farming isn't so bad. Farmer sits beside him and he quietly continues playing, they've never heard him play this song before.
"I'm sorry...I'm sorry I've been a jerk to you. You and Kyle shouldn't have to take care of me, but you did. You care and I should remember that. Sparky would have been really upset if I never came home. So thanks...for everything."
When given the bouquet:
"!! I don't understand why you'd choose me, but...I'm selfish and I want you all to myself. So I accept!"
Heart Event @ 10:
Stan is leading Farmer past the railroad tracks, he doesn't even seem bothered much anymore to be here. He leads them up the path that he's taken a thousand times. There he leads them to the summit, his favorite spot to be at. They sit together at the edge if the cliff with their legs dangling off the side. He admits to them that he liked coming up here a lot as a kid, when his dad and him would fight it was his little hiding spot. Then he brought Kyle and it became special. The days where he'd get stupid drunk he'd think about just falling forward like that day with the train. But it's because of those amazing memories with his best friend, he could never bring himself to do it. They're special and he wouldn't want to ruin them for Kyle. It's things like that, that remind him why he's alive. Things like you. He smiles at the Farmer and tells you this. Tells Farmer he wants to continue to make more memories with them so he has a reason. His hand inches closer to theirs, not quite touching. Before he can pull away, Farmer takes his hand and slides closer to him. They rest their head on his shoulder and look up towards the big illuminated moon that's in front of them. Stan wraps his arm around them and lays his cheek on top of their head.
"Every moment with you reminds me why I'm here. I'm not...perfect and I don't think I'll ever understand why you choose to stick around. But I meant what I said, I want you around me always. I can breath with you around."
Heart Event @ 14:
Stan's outside playing with Sparky and Farmer's pet, when he moved in he brought his beloved dog with him. Sparky seems to be getting better every day he's here and Stan couldn't be happier. Farmer walks up with hearts in their eyes, making him a little bashful. He rubs the back of his neck just as Sparky brings the ball back. He mentions that he really loved animals, and that he's always had a soft spot for them. Farmer questions him about his love for Survival Burgers, which he quickly points out that they're made of Cave Carrot NOT beef! After a little while of playing with the pets he sits in the field with them, looking over their hardwork. Stan turns red and starts ranting about how the last time he went to visit his dad, he started nagging him about grandkids. He's embarrassed because Randy has never mentioned it before and it makes him uncomfortable.
"He's such an ass! You'd think he'd stop trying to tell me how to live my life after I moved out. Why doesn't he bother Shelly with this?!"
-> He probably does. We don't have to have kids if you don't want them! I'm just happy you're here with me! Don't let him get to you!
-> Don't let your dad pressure you into anything you're not ready for. It's our relationship and we'll decide when and if we want kids. But if you're anything like you are with Sparky towards kids, I think you'd be a great dad!
If First Option: Stan grins and tells them they're right as always. He leans down and kisses the top of their head. Sparky walks over with the Farmer's pet and lays in their lap. Stan smirks and makes a comment about how they could just get another dog.
"Our farm is big enough for another one right? We could get one or two more puppies. They could help with the sheep and chickens! Help dig holes!"
If Second Option: Stan says he'll think on it. Later that night while Farmer is cleaning up the dishes and putting them away. Stan walks up behind them and wraps his arms around them. He murmurs in their ear that he's been doing nothing but thinking about what they said. The thought of starting a family with them is starting to sound appealing, plus it could be fun raising a mini them. He presses a kiss into their temple.
"You really think I'll make a good dad? I just don't wanna end up like mine...but if you're with me I think I could do it. And if they're anything like you, they'll be an amazing kid."
Random Marriage Quotes!!
"You looked really adorable asleep last night...you also drooled on my arm."
"Having a bad thought day...I might be a little off today. I'm sorry."
"Babe, you got dirt on your face. C'mere, let me clean it. Just let me take care of you butthead!"
"Sparky and I watered the crops today! How do you know how much to give them? I feel like I'm drowning them."
"Fed the animals! They're doing great! Would...you judge me if I took a nap out in the field with them?"
"Hey...real quick...I uh- I love you. I know I don't say it enough and I'm sorry, but I really do."
"Morning. Made you some pancakes! I stole the recipe from my mom! Why do you look scared?"
"Hey babe, I'm going to visit my parents today. Please feel free to come save me when you're done doing what you need to do."
"Are you coming to the tavern tonight? We're playing a new song tonight, I wrote it for you."
"You know, when I was a kid, when I got nervous, I'd throw up. You make me nervous sometimes but I- hey! I'm not going to puke on you, I'm not twelve. Get back here!"
Tag List: @hunnysnoops
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meowsgirldrawing · 1 year
Small idea for my Fellow Sebastian Lovers! Hear me out!!
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So we all know that Sebastian from Stardew is the famous emo marriage option, a very popular one at that if media doesn't fail me.
So during the time him and the farmer are starting to get to know each other, like see each other more, hang out more, all that fun definitely platonic pinning stuff
Its all nice and sweet, like Sebastian is starting to get somewhat comfortable, not a whole lot, but definitely better than before.
So much so that hes seen sometimes lingering just a little longer outside or inside when he leaves his room, kinda hoping to catch at least a glimpse of the farmer.
Doing little actions like these while he doesn't even realize it!
But someone does 👀
Not only Abigail and Sam- Not only the other two of the ASS squad- The two who share knowing smirks and small nudge nudges all while Sebastian is too busy talking with the Farmer infront of them.
More like stuttering and flustering about-
Who am I talking about?
Maru? Ehhh, not exactly.
The frogs? Yes but also no-
Robin? Nohoho- Oh wait, your right!
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Robin, the beloved only Carpenter of this amazing town!
She notices after witnessing Sebastian cross by the hall, taking a tad bit longer glance at the door before leaving. Multiple times!
Shes like "Hm. Is he waiting for someone? One of his little buddies?"
But she never says anything cause she thinks its probably nothing, y'know?
Until one day it occurs-
Sebastian stays long enough for the farmer to waltz in, at the right time, at the right place.
Instantly she notices a change-
Sebastian sticks near the doorway, waiting for the Farmer to finish their order for a new addition to the farm, and once their finished, he greets them.
Robin stays near the counter, counting through whatever blue prints for the commission, but keeps glancing up.
We just love mothers, dont we?
Her jaw nearly hangs when Sebastian gets offered a crystal but gets a bit flustered at it, taking the gift with such gentle hands as he thanks the Farmer.
He ducked his head a little, gave a small chuckle, and grateful nod- all while giving the Farmer all his attention without an inch of seeming like he wanted to be or hide somewhere else.
She knows. She immediately knows.
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But she doesnt say a word-
Not to Sebastian at least-
She does tell Demetrious a bit of it, the more she notices.
What can you say? The woman, who thought her son just wasn't interested in just about anyone or anything besides his room and computer stuff, finally sees her little man find someone he's clearly interested in.
Demetrious is all like "Thats great, honey :)"
....We know you were just thinking of your work, Demetrious, you dont gotta lie. 💀
Anyway! Robin feels satisfied, knowing her Sebby will probably-
Wrong, she knows that man will never confess on his own terms.
She starts planning like its the Egg Festival and she got put in charge of hiding all the eggs- aka, the clues for Sebby to figure out
First- Find out if the Farmer likes him back!
Shes not just gonna do it if she knows theres a chance the Farmer will reject Sebastian. If that were the case, she would let Sebby handle it the way he feels is just.
The next times the Farmer comes around, she asks subtle questions.
"How's the Farm doing? It doesnt feel too lonely, does it?"
"I seen you met my son, Sebastian! Hes treating you good, I hope!"
"Do you like my son-" (Robin no-)
Little stuff like that until eventually- she gets her answer. The one shes been hoping for!
The Farmer, despite their usually calm persona, turns a wee bit heated at the cheeks, scratching their neck and giggling/chuckling nervously while answering yes, Sebastian is a good guy!
Boys, we got em.
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Now Robin can do what mothers do best, interfere
(Mom, if you are ever reading this cause whatver reason, I love you and promise that isnt the truth-") what I said, y'know, like a liar.
Now that we think about, Robin probably cant do too much in the position shes in. She doesnt want to overwhelm her son, nor does she want to accidentally scare the Farmer away. Hmmm.
Maru, the beautiful genius comes in with, "What if you sent Sebastian to help the farmer ?"
So she does.
Anytime she can, Robin asks Sebastian if he can either go drop off something or help the Farmer bring something into the shop, or plain and simple like "Sebby, I need you to run this fish down to the Farmer."
"Why do (they) need a fish? Cant they just get some-"
"Go talk to your crush already-"
He does so.
She doesnt just do that, whenever they're at the Saloon, she'll ask Sebastian and the Farmer to help her bring drinks to their table even if they arent sitting with them.
Maru even pitches in sometimes with asking Sebastian if he can ask the Farmer to bring her something for one her experiments/robots.
Anything and every chance is given directly to Sebastian to talk to the farmer when hes free.
And it pays off- On calls Sebastian takes for Robin from the Farmer, Robin can hear him laughing a bit with them after getting their order in.
Maru catches them jokingly nudging each other as they walk to the table with drinks.
And Sebastian seems to take a good bit longer to come home even though they have a shortcut to the Farmer just a little higher up the mountain.
Even Demetrious commented about one time seeing Sebastian snuffing out his smoke as the Farmer immediately came into view, and quickly striking up a conversation as they were walking through.
The girls were giddy with excitement and Demetrious was.....there.
Listen, I dont hate him but he isnt exactly my favorite either-
Then it came!
The day the Farmer walked into the shop, grasping a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a Tear Drop in the other.
Robin had to hide the large and practically beaming grin on her face with a handbook of what you guessed? Carpentry, infront of her.
Maru noticed the Farmer walking past with a handful wave and waved back so fast and so giddy like.
When the Farmer came from the basement, you could tell no one can wipe the smile cemented onto their face. The items were gone and they were basically skipping in their walk out.
And that ladies, gents, and nonbinary boos, is how Robin (noname), Pelican Town's only Carpenter earned her rightful spot upfront for her son and new in-laws wedding in the future.
And you can just imagine the look on Sebastian's face when he realized how his mother had a hand in getting him and his now S.O. together HAHA💜💜
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plushverse · 9 months
Hello! Just wanted to know if you do sdv requests atm. I wanted to ask if you could do Headconnons with the bachelors on how they would react if they liked the farmer but the farmer was in a current relationship to the point where they would propose to said person but ends up getting heartbroken by them. How would the bachelors act to having the farmer turned down and being hurt that way? Would some be secretly happy for their chance? (Sorry if its weird ir doesnt make sense, this if my first request ever so it might be all confusing)
I do write for Stardew Valley! Also I only write for two characters at one time, so if there’s a specific character or two you would like me to write instead, please let me know! I just picked Sebastian at random, I hope these are alright! (I only wrote for one since this was a bit longer than what I was expecting to be, haha!)
*Sebastian, despite being, well, not the nicest to you at first, he had fallen in love with you
*Since you had actually gone out of your way to spend time with him and gave him some gifts here and there to show him your friendship.
*However… you were already in a relationship, and you were ready to propose to them
*What Sebastian wasn’t expecting was to find you at the door, crying and heartbroken because of your now ex
*he brought you into his room and had you sit down on his bed before pulling you into a hug and doing his best to comfort you
*while he was a little relieved that you were no longer in a relationship, he didn’t want to rush you into another one right away, so he would just be there for you for now.
*”they didn’t deserve you, Y/n.. you’re very kind and… sweet..” he mumbled something else you couldn’t hear, but you decided not to question it
*as Sebastian kept comforting you as best he could, as he isn’t the best with comforting others, but he would do his best for you, the one he loves.
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