#stare and then hyperventilate
antisemitism is oftentimes extremely traumatic. whether you experienced 1,2 or a few big antisemitic events or a bunch of smaller ones throughout your life (or a combination) it probably negatively affected your mental health in some way. unfortunately not many people talk about the mental harm antisemitism can cause and jewish folks are left feeling like something is wrong with us for experiencing symptoms of traumab
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wrathyforest · 9 months
Did we finish the season or the season finished us?
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moonyinpisces · 7 months
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Chapter 9 got me picking up my ipad so fast for the first time in months so thank you for the inspiration 🫶
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! this is THEM!!! if you ever turn this into a standalone post PLEASE let me know so i can link to it in the fic itself 😭😭😭 i’m going insane you are so talented
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moodr1ng · 10 days
i think its so fun to see how when people are more or less used to horror media it has a vastly different effect on them.. for me personally im used enough to it that i dont get THAT scared of any horror anymore, though as a teen i was very sensitive to it, and tbh while ig id gain a deeper experience of the intended horror if i wasnt desensitized to it, i dont actually like being scared LOL so im fine where im at.
but the thing that i always remember is "the horla" by guy de maupassant, an 1887 horror short story about a guy who is being tormented at night by some sort of presence or being he calls 'the horla' and doubts his sanity as he tries to get proof of the things existence. when i was a kid, my mom would always bring up how she read the horla at 19 and was so completely horrified by it that she couldnt sleep in the dark for weeks. she always recounted just how absolutely terrifying this story was. so eventually as a young teen i read the horla, and i was like.. ok? and? thats it...? it had no effect on me at all, it was basically just a sort of lame ghost story to me.
but eventually i did get to understand that when my mom read the horla, that was the first horror story she had ever read. even after she immigrated to france, i think what she read and watched was still overseen by her parents, and this kind of literature wasnt the stuff she was supposed to read, so she just.. hadnt, presumably until at 19 she ran away and was free to do whatever. and the first time she read a scary story that stuff hit her HARD. its a little funny from my pov to imagine a 19yo being scared half to death by the horla of all things but considering the context its totally reasonable.
so yeah whatever no point to this i was just thinking about le horla again.. and how scary everything was to me when i was a young teen as well
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bogos-bint3d · 3 months
sjsjdj i was thinking about this earlier, what do you think undyne’s sleep schedule is like/what type of a sleeper she is?
She definitely wakes up at like 5am to do like training and all that, but she's also just so chaotic so like she never really has a set bed time or whatever 'cause she's mostly doing whatever madness she can think of without really considering if she keeps at whatever she's doing she won't go to sleep until like midnight. She acts like she's absolutely fine with that much amount of sleep because she's trained for stuff like that or whatever, but like, it's very clearly very unhealthy. She does not care
I'm kinda torn, because I can't choose weather she'd: A) be a really heavy sleeper who'd sleep through pretty much anything, or B) extremely alert in her sleep who wakes up from the sound of a slight gust of wind in case there's danger. I think B sounds more like her, whereas A would probably be more likely to be played off as a joke or something
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ghostlyheart · 5 months
So glad the magnus protocol is airing now so I can get back to my nightly routine of getting the shit scared out of me before bed <3 and being too afraid to get up and go to the bathroom
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kazmura · 10 months
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sevikasenby · 1 year
so i turned this pic sideways and im losing. my fucking. mind.
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fatherramiro · 4 months
its nearly march, which means it is time for another existential crisis. first one of the year tbh!
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Reading eyes without a face.
Spoilers under the cut
I was NOT expecting it to go there, oh my god why is it like that. It did not need to be ableist at all, why would you do that.
Also Felica and peters relationship is weird and uncomfortable and I Don’t like it. There are many things about this that are Uhmmm… questionable, but it also just the beginning.
Alas I read for the context, so guess we’ll keep readin
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benoitblanc · 3 months
opening the episode immdiately following memento mori with a funeral is quite possibly the most insane thing the writers of this stupid show could have done
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smoltissueroll · 2 years
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throat mics on hot men are officially my weakness now 🥵
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sirnica · 6 months
In my infinite wisdom as usual, I have not left the house outside of work in weeks. I have socialized once in god knows how long (at my apartment, with one person).
Now, doing one small chore which involved going to the city and went as smoothly as possible, caused me to have a panic attack.
And yet, on Friday, I am leaving for Zagreb until Sunday and then next Friday I'm going to my hometown for like five days.
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quoththelemon · 8 months
Hey CDPR I understand why you chose not to release Phantom Liberty on last gen consoles but. Just one copy. For me. My ps4 pro is the specialest girl in the whole world and she doesn't let the asthma stop her from having fun. CDPR pls--
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channoticedmeuwu · 1 year
they sent a TRUCK to hybe....
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ssaalexblake · 2 years
first time i’m hungry all day and it’s at 2am :/ 
but the large spider that chased me across the room earlier is still in the kitchen bc it hid in a nook where we couldn’t evict it, so i think i’ll go to sleep hungry actually :/
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