#starwars story
bat-stuff · 1 year
Give him liberty or Give me death
A Starwars Story
Story follows Y/n, a nearly 15 year old girl who recently ran away from Jedi training to start a new life. But what happens when the Force catches up to her in the form of a recovering Sith Lord?
Disclaimer: I don't own the Starwars Franchise
ok now that's out of the way, the real disclaimers:
This is set in the far future, after a lot of the canon storyline.
If ANYTHING seem canonically incorrect please don't try to correct me, I'll eventually find out and feel shitty about it anyway. I wrote it how i felt it would fit the story best. again, bear with me
Please enjoy to the best of your ability, Thanks!
Chapter One: Tatooine
Sand engulfed Y/n’s feet as she pushed through the storm. Tatooine was a nasty planet covered in dust, sand, and an abundance of the strangest people Y/n had ever seen. 
Tatooine had history though. Bad history. To be completely honest, Y/n never cared too much for the past. She knew very little of the Skywalker dynasty and frankly didn’t feel the need to know any more. She was done with the god-awful Jedi Historical training, opting to take a hike rather than stay five more years and watch Palo take the spot she worked tirelessly for with little effort. 
He always was the golden boy. Picking up information faster than everyone else, outperforming everyone else, looking better than everyone else, having a higher midichlorian count than everyone else. The only thing he couldn’t beat her in was sparring. The only part she’d ever enjoyed of the training. Lightsabers. 
She was also pretty damn good at piloting but Palo wasn’t interested in that so she would never get to see who was better. 
What a degenerate pansy. 
Her banter with Palo didn’t matter anymore. She had quit, and that was final. No more training, no more pressure, no more pain and suffering. 
The force couldn’t get to her if she didn’t believe in it. Well, she hoped. God forbid the dark side reach out a slimy finger to graze her. The last thing she had ever wanted was for that side of the force to engulf her. Maybe that's why she left. 
The force had a habit of clawing its way into the souls of even the strongest Jedi. 
Fear leads to hate, hate leads to anger, anger leads to suffering.
The words were practically seared into her mind. From day one of training she was told these words nearly every day. If she showed any sign of doubt, she would be dragged into the darkness. 
In the end, that didn’t stop her from a convective fear of the unknown. 
It was no doubt that she had spent the better part of her almost fifteen years in the galaxy fearful. She had always been afraid of making the wrong choice, the one that would drag her past the point of no return. 
Yeah. That’s why she left. No, fled. As if the Jedi Order would willingly let a newly deemed Padawan walk away. Not with that kind of force training. 
To the order, Y/n was a bomb just waiting for the Sith to spark near her fuse. 
Her mind raced with these thoughts as she pushed forward. Sandstorms were dangerous, she had been told. Yet, there she was in the middle of one, retrieving a cloak of all things, for a young girl down the road from her poorstone bungalow. The poor thing had gone the past month or so without protection from the sandy wind. Didn’t help that the youngling walked every morning to work herself sick washing dishes for The Dockside Cafe. And of course, the Jedi training instilled in Y/n made it practically impossible to resist hunting down this little girl’s cloak. 
God, sometimes she hated being selfless. 
The day I stop being this stupid is the day the Sith gets me, apparently. She scorned herself. 
Upon her arrival in the market the storm died down from deadly to mildly dangerous, or at least it seemed that way. The cluster of buildings most likely blocked a portion of debris and wind from getting into the square. She let out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding. The assortment of shops provided some protection, but she would still need to find where the cloak had even been left before it decided to get worse.
Ah yes, Tatooine was a beautiful place. It had always been her dream to be killed by a planet’s dandruff. 
There was a task at hand. She couldn’t spend any more time complaining about the weather. 
To be completely honest, she had no clue where to start. The young girl had said she couldn’t have left the robe at the diner, considering she was there every day and hadn’t seen it since the day she lost it.
Of course, children had a habit of not looking very thoroughly for lost items, but the children of Tatooine weren’t normal children. They had near to nothing. Losing something as miniscule as a garment of clothing was a shot at death to them. Especially with the planet’s harsh conditions. 
Even knowing this, Y/n made the choice to start at Dockside.
The Dockside Cafe was a small corner bar in Mos Eisley known for the galaxy’s smallest menu of drinks and the driest food known to creature-kind. The true owner of the cafe had died off who-knows-how-long ago and was currently run by a technological artifact that went by the name of CG-X2R. Or better known as CG by the townsfolk. The droid had a knack for complaining about everything and listening to no one, unless of course, you were there to complain, too. 
Just the type Y/n didn’t care to talk to, but could tolerate long enough to get information.  
As she strolled into the dimly lit space, a few heads turned. Usual customers that didn’t care too much about her presence, seeing as almost immediately upon realizing it was some teenage girl they didn’t know they went back to their business. Seeing as the cafe was wedged into the ground, it was probably one of the coolest places on the planet. That being said, it could always use better airflow. 
Y/n had grown quite fond of this cafe over the last month. It was relaxing. 
She reached for a stool and sat herself in the middle of the bar table. Then she proceeded to whistle at CG and motion for the droid to come over. 
“You again?” He sighed. She gave a slight smile and rolled her shoulders back in a stretch.
“It is. But this time I’m here on business. You haven’t happened to have seen a child’s cloak in the last month?” 
He whirred in thought. His old gears creaked as he tried to recall the last month. 
“Would this cloak happen to be young Alexava’s cloak she claimed she lost?”
Y/n groaned and threw her head on the table. 
“Yes” She mumbled through her arms. The old droid let out a grating snicker. 
He whipped around to fetch a glass of luke-warm water for the girl. She brought her head up and thanked him with a nod. She placed a peggat on the counter, which he gratefully accepted with a whir of mechanics. 
“I know what you’re going to say,” She sighed. “And my answer is no. I can’t resist helping a dumb kid who misplaced their only drapes.” The droid seemed to quiver in humor. 
Once again, that undesired urge to help people snuck its way into her mind. Her intentions were obvious, and that's what scared her. She knew one day, the Force would catch up with her, and show her a “better” way to help people. A way that gave her power beyond belief. The way of the dark side. 
“Well, I hadn’t seen it for quite some time.” 
She narrowed her eyes. “Hadn’t?”
Past tense. He was being difficult. 
He clicked at her immediate recognition of his riddle. 
“Ah, but I guess it was good material. Because I did see it today in the hands of one of those hunters who hang around here. Just before Mos Eisley opened,” The droid spoke. “An ugly creature, he was. No manners whatsoever. As if he was raised by a bantha.” He shook his head in disappointment. Y/n stopped him before he could go on.
“Why would he take a child’s cloak?”
“Hell if I know. He’s a bounty hunter. I would guess he wanted to sell it. They like money, a little too much. Tends to get them into a lot of trouble, as well as cause good salesmen like me a lot of trouble. Because of their mischief, I have to deal with a perturbed ten year-old-” she cut him off.
“I’m fifteen.”
“No you’re not.”
“Nearly fifteen- where did he go?” She insisted
The droid whirred once again in something she could only assume to be the equivalent of a smirk. 
“Where do you think? Where all those rats go to get paid.” Her stomach sank in her gut. 
The Cantina. 
She internally groaned for the millionth time that day.
“Alright, what’s his name?”
Another damn bar. 
That little girl always has to be involved with a place that flourished off of alcohol. Her conscience hissed.
At least Dockside was friendly. Sort of. 
The Mos Eisley Cantina was a whole different alley. Not a good one either. She’d heard plenty of stories about bounty hunter central, and the amount of fights that occurred there by the hour. It was home to hut-hirings and dangerous travelers looking to make a quick buck. Of course, the presence of the Huts was the telltale of the bar. You always had to watch your back or end up as a body on the floor. The bar was downright sinister. No one in their right mind was going to walk into that bar and demand to know who took some little girls' cloak and that they wanted it back.
So of course, that’s what Y/n’s plan was. 
In the end, she had no plan. She was just making stuff up and rolling with whatever happened. 
Sensing the Force was like this. All the best Jedi did it. And all the best Jedi found themselves dead, eventually.
Good thing she wasn’t a Jedi, and good thing the Force didn’t exist. So instead she was just stupid.
Instead of just strolling into the bar, like at the cafe, she played more towards a dramatic entrance. If she was going to die in a bar, at least she was going to make it look interesting. 
Y/n stood in the doorway upon her first step in. This time, nearly everyone turned to look at her. Eyes widened at the sight of a young girl. She straightened her posture in an attempt to look less annoyed than what she really was. She waited a minute, hoping the eyes would turn away. 
They didn’t. 
She blew off her discomfort and strode her way to the front counter, seating herself once again, right in the middle. She waved down the bartender once again, and felt the second wave of nausea hit.
What was she doing?
She figured her only option from here was to get down to the point. Somehow what had seemed like a harmless mission to find a girl’s cloak had turned into one of the most dangerous things she’d ever experienced in her life.
“What do you want?” The man hissed. Y/n cringed. He smelled terrible. His reaction to her expression wasn’t good and he reached over to grab her collar. She quickly dodged and slapped his hand away from her, pinning it to the wooden countertop. She rose in her seat, hooking her feet on the run of the stool to stand taller than him. 
She grinned. “I’m looking for someone by the name of Igo Runn.” 
The room seemed to stop breathing as all eyes turned to her. And suddenly, now that she had control of the room, the nausea dripped away. She often thrived on attention like a drug. 
The bartender quickly pulled himself away from her in disgust. She gave him a toothy smile as she brushed off her hands and sat back down. Intimidation was a game to her, it was the only way to make Palo crumble ninety percent of the time. And she loved to see Palo fail. 
Suddenly a voice spoke from the back corner of the bar. 
“Little girl you must be the dumbest doll to come into this place demanding things.” He snarked. She pulled herself out of her chair and walked towards the man to get a better look at him. He was heavy set, with dark hair and pale skin. His face, barely visible in the dimly lit bar, was morphed into an ugly shape. He looked like he had been around the two suns for a while. 
CG did say he was ugly. 
“You’re Igo Runn?” He let out the loudest laugh she had ever heard. His shaking body caused the table he sat at to aggressively rock. 
“No, Doll. That’s Igo Runn.” he chuckled, gesturing across the room to a sleeping form draped across a booth table. All eyes turned towards the body. She shook her head lightly. From somewhere a bottle was thrown at the poor guy, hitting him square in the back. Instantly, the man woke up, blaster in hand, frantically looking around for who threw the poor bottle. Laughter echoed through the tavern.
It only took a moment for our eyes to meet. 
He was young. Very young. Probably a  teenager. 
“That right there is Runn. I don’t know what you want with that little rodent but you better be quick, Doll. He likes to run.” The fat man chucked.
“Don’t call me Doll.” 
He frowned. 
“I’ll call you whatever I want, Doll.”
She thought for a minute. Grabbing a bottle off a nearby table. She made a quick glance at Igo Runn, motioning for him to sit. 
That's why she swung. 
The glass connected perfectly to the large man’s head with a satisfying crack. He was knocked out of his chair by the sheer force of the blow. And as all bar fights started, chaos broke free. 
Fists flew rapidly through the air as Y/n peered through the crowd just in time to catch a glimpse of Runn, bolting out of the bar. She hoped tables after him. He barely got a block before she had tackled him to the sandy ground.
Wind still whipped around them in the storm. It was almost as if it had gotten worse. She needed to wrap this up and get back to her bungalow. She swung herself off him.
“Where is the cloak you stole?” She yelled over the storm, her voice bare admissible. He seemed annoyed at her question.
“Why do you care?” He screamed back. His voice was light. 
She couldn’t see him too well, but she tried her best to make out his features in the sand. He had tan skin and curly brown hair. He was tall and lanky with barely any meat on his bones. In fact she could feel every one of his ribs as her shin rested against his torso to keep him down. She kind of felt sorry for the guy. 
“I care because there's a little girl who works hard every day, who doesn’t make any money, and who is in pain because you took one of the only things that can protect her from this planet.” She hissed at him. Y/n scoured around him until she eventually found his satchel, which to her relief, held the cloak. 
He seemed to frown. “Last I checked, no one came and got this cloak. It was just sitting there when I saw it.”
“So you just took it?” Igo shrugged.
“What the hell would you need a little girl's cloak for?” She asked. He managed to shove her off him. He brushed himself off, which seemed awfully dramatic considering the dust storm going on around them.
“Why don’t you tell that little girl she’s not the only one hurting for money?” Y/n grabbed his collar and slammed him against the side of Mos Eisley. He was an arrogant boy with no better personality other than greed. He only cared about what helped him live day by day. 
Y/n’s inner thoughts hissed at her to kick the crap out of him to teach him a lesson. But her fear of the Force took over almost instantly. Violence wasn’t a good answer. It was too risky.
Reluctantly, she sighed and let him go. Igo’s face morphed into one of shock. She began to walk in the direction of home. She was officially tired of everything.
“So you’re just letting me go?” He inquired, hopping after her. Without even turning around to acknowledge him she replied. 
He frowned. “Okay?”
“I’ll see you around I guess.” He said. She sighed.
“No you won’t, get the hell off of Tatooine. Don’t come back. I’m just tired, that doesn’t mean we’re friends.” She hissed at him. She felt his footsteps cease from behind her. He’d stopped following her.
Good riddance. 
The trek back to Alexava Russa’s home took longer than Y/n was expecting, but sandstorms were still dangerous and a pain to deal with. Once she arrived, the girl had squealed in delight, thanking her for finding the thing that took at least five years off of Y/n’s life. 
She didn’t tell the youngling what she went through to get it though. Neither Alexava nor her mother needed to hear about that. Y/n felt better just telling them some bystander had accidentally picked it up and left it at Lup’s. 
Mrs. Russa offered for her to wait out the storm in their home but she politely declined. She had told the Russas that she had a busy day tomorrow and needed to get home. In reality, nightfall was coming soon and she didn’t want the family to deal with her bad dreams. 
Dreams that often woke her in a cold sweat, screaming. Dreams that only recently appeared. 
Another reason she gave up Jedi training. 
Once home, to her tiny, rented bungalow. She threw off her garments and fell into her bed. She was getting close to being done with leaving that bed. Nothing bad ever happened when she stayed in the house. She wasn’t dragged into things that were none of her business. As usual she spent the next hour procrastinating sleep, wondering if there was any way to get rid of the internalized jedi-justice she was suffering from. 
It took a while, but sleep finally won. Or at least the nightmares did. 
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womeninfictionandirl · 7 months
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Jyn Erso by Gregory Manchess
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Anakin's beautiful but tragic fall to the Dark Side. 😢💔
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yesimwriting · 8 months
⋆。°✩ yesimwriting's masterlist⋆。°✩
Below the cut is a full list of all my work :) (updated 10-10-23)
*pls limit interactions if you’re a pro ED/ana acc :)*
Final Girl 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 
Chapter 10
To be continued.
Final Girl fic-verse:
First Impressions 
Sick Day
Final Girl fic-verse blurbs:
Drunk Y/N 
Stu saying the L word
Billy saying the L word
Little Rituals  
Time of Need
Talking about Y/N
Stu’s thoughts about Y/N and POV
Billy Loomis x S/O with Panic attacks 
Stu waiting for Y/N and Casual Intimacy
 Billy and Stu with S/O who cries a lot 
Billy and Stu Scaring Guys Away
People noticing their friendship 
Driving with Stu 
Ethan Landry 
One of Them
Ask about Ethan 
Noticing they like Y/N
Joel Miller
First Rule
What Follows
Y/N gets hit on - Protective Joel 
Pulling Away
Pulling Away similar story
More Than This 
Tate Langdon 
Modern day fic
Jason Todd
Slow Nights
Business Practical
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 
Steve Harrington
Movie Club
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Times Have Changed
48 Hours
Chapter 1
A Red Widow
This Time it’s Different 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
TASM Peter 
Domestic Assertiveness 
Hobbie Brown 
Ask about Hobbie
Bloodroot in the Suburbs 
Chapter 1: The Babysitter 
Chapter 2: Kill Habits, Not people 
Searing Starlight
Searing Starlight Chapter 1
Searing Starlight Chapter 2
Searing Starlight Chapter 3
To be continued.
Kaz Brekker:
Blurb series: The Promise of Rain (i define a blurb series' as a series with shorter chapters where each chapter correlates but can technically be read as a stand alone)
The Promise of Rain (blurb 1).
The Promise of Rain (blurb 2).
The Promise of Rain (blurb 3)
To be continued.
Falling Angels:
Falling Angels Chapter 1
Falling Angels Chapter 2
To be continued.
Anastasia (Prologue) 
Bookworm reader 
A Knife in the Back
The Darkling:
Solace (part 1)
Solace (part 2).
To Be Alone (smut).
All the Good Dreams (might be getting a part 2)
The Needs of Pain (part 1)_
The Needs of Pain (part 2, smut).
Corridor Moments
darkling x shy! reader HC
Comforting the darkling HC
Playing Vices
Darkling x anxious! Reader
Kirigan x Soft Girls/Similar personality 
Crossing Lines 
Darkling x Pregnant! Reader 
Nikolai Lantsov:
Handmaid reader x nikolai. childhood best friends to 
lovers fic
Enemies to lovers Nikolai HC (i'm thinking of making a series based on this
The Problem With Light Chapter One
To be continued.
Maven Calore:
Dying Starlight
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Goofed on the last poll because I forgot Luke lol Kaz has been moved out of the poll to include Luke lol
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revanknightwoman · 2 months
Star Wars: Tales of the Empire
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cruella1989 · 6 months
Palpatine doesn't consider himself evil.
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102 notes · View notes
echoedcrosshairs · 11 months
Unseen Scars
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Summary: Female Jedi survived order 66 hides out in the underground of Ord Mantell. Hiding out in Cid's parlor keeping your head down you see Rex's face and get sent backward in time. (Gif by @dreamswithghosts)
Warning: Order 66 Jedi Trauma, Feeling Haunted, Soft Rex, Angsty and Love
Word count: 2.7
(part two)
The costs of war can never be truly accounted for, you spun the disgusting bottom shelf liquid around your glass pondering Master Yoda's saying noting how right it was. Your head swam back to when the order was given, feeling all the death and pain through the force. The betrayal on the deepest level, soldiers we fought beside for years trusted with our lives killing us like discarded bantha fodder. We never saw it coming, we speculated something was coming but we never dreamed that our dearest allies would turn on us. You wondered if anyone had made it and if they too lived like womp rats hiding in darkness.
One must let go of the past to hold on to the future. The saying twisted in your guts like a knife, how does one even move past something like that? How could I even think of the future? Your mind wandered to your closest... friend and confidant then the rage seethed like it normally did when you envision his face knowing it was one of countless who gunned down Jedi. You slammed the drink back. Looking up you saw another hooded stranger walking sitting in the other dark corner. Your mind went blank at this presence, body screaming at you to run... it didn't take long to find out why. Frozen to your seat like the ice of Hoth itself held you down forcing you to watch the scene unfolds. In the commotion your hood most have fallen back, the four men and him stared at you you didn't hear a word that was said before that your ears rang and your mind fell blank. Puzzled looks fell on the four men's faces as he softly said "Commander..." The title use to make your heart flutter everytime he called it out but now it just filled you with terror. Any minute now he was going to shoot, your heart pounded and your feet finally started moving.
Rex fell to unabashedly to his knees for a moment watching you flee from him, she's not dead, the relief flooded him followed by agonizing truth that you were horrified of him, why wouldn't you be? Why didn't you hear that his chip was gone? His hand wiped the revolution that trickled from his eyes. Rex's head was spinning but he pulled himself up one leg at a time. He looked at Echo who was staring at the door before turning to him gripping his shoulder, "We'll find her, Captain."
"Who was that, Rex?" Hunter asked.
"A Jedi," Echo whispered, "a very dear friend of ours."
Hunter waited staring at Rex knowing there was more to the story, "Found her," Tech said interrupting the silence.
"Where is she," Echo said taking the data pad from Tech, "She's on the move-" finally noticing the wetness he wiped from his face.
"Girlfriend, wasn't she?" Tech said filling in the unspoken blanks.
"Soldier's can't have relations with the Jedi-" Rex stated.
"The Republic is gone and to the Empire you are dead," Tech said flatly.
"We have to go, Captain," Echo urged, Rex nodded and the Five of them started running.
What is lost is often found. Ord Mantell had become your darkness, a sliver of peace and privacy in the blossoming chaos of the Empire spreading through out the galaxy. A chance to fade into the shadows as a relic of an era that was over. Now this home had to be abandon just like everything else. Your feet kept running and the hair on back of your neck stood up. You looked back, nearly tripping noticing the four's armor. Commando's, the deadliest troopers, designed differently and raised to endure. They probably have everything mapped out in their hands, it's like shooting a rancor in a cage. Not even with my saber do I stand a chance against four... Although one seems familiar... You looked back noticing the one with a stomp, "Echo... Clone Force 99," you ducked sideways into the nearest building. Crosshair has to be up above some where waiting for his trap to spring.
You cut through the building hopefully buying yourself time to think. Running out of breath you rested for a second against the wall. You mentally listed Hunter's, Tech's and Wrecker's enhancements. Anyone but Wrecker even with his strength I doubt it would be quick... Then again with Crosshairs temperament I doubt he would be either. You hit your head back against the wall before taking off again. Turning your head again you saw Hunter catching up, you stopped for a second using the force to rip a door and shoved it in his direction, but you knew it was to late his hunters sense of smell and hearing... If I could just get to the nightclub... I could use that against him- You're body collided with a solid mass and tumbled back, Echo. You scrambled back to your feet defensively reaching for the lightsaber that was no longer there.
"I'm putting down my blaster," Echo said eyeing you like a rapid animal waiting to lounge, "Commander, you're safe. None of us are going to hurt you nor to turn you in."
"The clones betrayed us," you gritted out slowly backing out of the room.
"Not all of us, Commander," Rex said behind you and his arms come around you. Feeling you thrash against him, "Mesh'la..." he got out pained softly whispering your name, "You're safe," he felt your legs buckle slowly took both of you to the ground holding you against him wrapping his arms around you tighter hearing the sobs start. He gave Echo a weary look as he sat looking at the two of you.
"Commander, I'm glad you made it. Both of you," Echo said taking off his helmet setting it off to the side, "The three of us together again," he added quietly with a small chuckle.
"Say something..." Rex whispered, "anything..."
"Let me go.." as you finished the sentence Rex's arm came off, always the loyal solider following orders. Pathetically you crawled away from both of them curling your knees to your body. You looked at them resting your head on your knee, "Is this some sick trick?" You whispered.
Rex's fingers went to the scar on the side of his head, "It's gone," he paused reaching out his hand, "Ask me again."
Anxiously you took his hand and asked again feeling the truth in the answer and Echo did the same, "The others need to get their chips out but they haven't activated, I promise."
Finally you genuinely looked at Rex, the fine buzzed blonde hair, the poncho hiding his 501st armor and earthy tones eyes staring back at you. You stared at him the red veins in his eyes, you wiped the tears from your own looking up out the windows. There was no imperial ships above waiting because they would have been here by now. Glancing down you found your hand visibly shaking you pulled your arms into your lap handing them. You looked back at Rex as much as you wanted to see him your mind kept slipping backwards seeing the troopers fire at you and the others fleeing. Shutting your eyes you buried your head in your lap.
"So... why are they just sitting there?" Wrecker asked.
"Given the last time she was around regs they tried to terminate her per Order 66," Tech offered, "If she around them when the order was given which I am assuming she was given her behavior."
"Shouldn't we be in there because we're not regs?"
"No, we still have our chips however deviant we are if what Captain Rex says to be true, the three of us are the dangerous ones. I would leave them be."
"Commander..." Rex said softly.
"The war is over, you don't need to call me that," you said lifting your head to your knees. Rex whispered your name softly and you forced yourself to look at him, "What?" you whispered.
"I'm glad you're still here."
You reminded silent for a moment, How do I even answer that? I'm not. "Thank you," you decided to be polite.
"Do you want me to give you two a couple minutes?" Echo asked softly.
No, "Yes," forced its way out through your strained vocals.
Echo looked at Rex hesitantly before prying himself off the hard ground heading outside to meet up with his squad, finding the anxious look on their faces discussing what had compelled Rex to cry given it was next to impossible for a clone. Everyone in the had 501st gossiped about what was going between them but neither of them had every winded any truth to it, Echo aired that curiosity to them which silenced them in understanding.
Rex moved closer to you watching you flinch moving his hands under his poncho watching you tense up as he took it off. He slowly took off his armor laying it to him revealing the plain civvies underneath, "Just me," he whispered watching you relax a bit. He cautiously scoot forward waiting to see if you would move away when you didn't he came a hands width away. He looked at the ponchow with an idea putting it over both of your heads surrounding both of you in completed darkness to keep the reminders of his face at bay but also privacy, "Just us."
"Why did you chase after me?"
"I always protect my Jedi, I'll always protect you."
"Why did you send 99 after me... it was horrifying."
"That wasn't my idea albeit it was a good plan to get around you sensing me if you were distracted," Rex admitted, "It worked in my favor, albeit to well." Weakly Rex let his finger tips touch your knee waiting to see if you'd jerk away but you didn't and he slide his palm on your knee resting it there. He gave it a gentle squeeze, "I'm sorry."
Shakily you put your hand on top of it and squeezed it back. The familiar warmth radiated off him, "Rex," the name rolled from your tongue like a distant pleasant memory, "it's getting hot under here." He laid one hand on top yours and used the other to cast aside the poncho to the ground, "Better" you whispered.
"Do you want me to leave you alone?" it pained him to think about finding you again and losing you again but it comforted him that you had survived. He smiled watching the emotions coast through your face, you'd always been so good at hiding them but now they were as plain to see as the stars in a clear night.
Your mind screamed yes but the familiar warmth in your heart said no. Staring at the scar on his head, you shook your head Rex isn't a threat, Rex isn't a threat, Rex isn't a threat. Your stomach turned but you allowed yourself to reach out to him through the force finding the familiar honesty, courage, loyalty, the secret in his heart that did his best to hide from the outside world was so blatantly on display with his touch. You watch pain on his face slowly relieving.
You felt him slowly weave his fingers through yours, "Is that okay?" he asked.
"I can feel Echo's contentment and laughter from here," you weakly laughed.
"They did speculate about what was going on between us," Rex smiled looking up at Echo laughing in the window giving him a thumbs up hearing him faintly say 'Called it'. Rex groaned still smiling, "Will you allow this humble man to walk you back to the parlor?"
"Yeah... I need a drink... or a dozen," you said prying yourself up with him still holding your hand as he stood up himself temporarily letting go to reaffix his armor and poncho.
"When did you take up drinking?" he asked arching an eyebrow relacing his fingers through yours noting you wouldn't look at him to long but the expression said enough as to why. His thumb traced the reminiscent intimate skin of his love, each swipe solidifying that you were alive and there not just some figment of his imagination holding him to the past, "I've missed you with each breath of life my soul expels."
Your face flames at his words, "When did you become a poet?" you jested.
"To many late nights wondering what happened to you."
Echo rejoined the two of you but everyone else gave you breathing room. Even with his fingers gripping to yours he still brought his other hand across his body holding onto your arm for dear life. You looked up at him almost crying again, even before all of this you never publicly got to walk down the street with him or show any interest in him.
"What is it?" he whispered, "My fabulous hair getting in your eye?" he attempted to crack a joke.
"That was horrible, Captain," Echo chuckled.
You squeezed his hand, "Never got to do this before... walk down the street just as me and you."
"It's a different time," he offered.
"So Comm-" Echo caught the title switching to your name instead, "How long," he said motioning his finger between the two of you."
Rex looked at you a bright scarlet sweeping his face, "Well... somewhere between the whole time and now," he offered.
Echo gave him a flabbergasted look, "What."
"Help?" Rex choked out taking his extra hand off your arm to rub his head awkwardly which got an even more expressive reaction from Echo,
"Tibrin," you offered back smirking at the unspoken about mission.
Echo groaned knowing the answer was going to get him no where. He looked at both of you smiling, "Everything in the galaxy has changed but I'm glad something stayed the same."
"I didn't think it would," Rex said flatly staring at the ground for a couple minutes before looking back up.
You stopped as much as the anxiety about the clones put you on edge, that comment stung worse, "Commander?" he asked staring at you. Even Echo had stopped.
"To love, is to trust. To trust is to believe. Do you believe I would so easily changeable?"
"We change everyday to adapt to this new world. Who we are now is not who we were when we met."
You dropped his hand continued walking, "Cyare," he groaned wrapping his arms around you pulling you to him, "You didn't let me finish. We as people change but in no galaxy, nor time apart nor in death will my heart ever beat for anyone else. Looks at me Mesh'la," Rex swallowed although his mouth and throat were parched, "Let me kiss you to prove it."
You looked up at him, Rex had never been one for public affection even so much as holding his hands behind his back and side stepping if he was even within a foot of you even in moments of privacy outside of a confined bedroom. He peeled his gloves off sticking them in his pocket, "It's only ever been you," he said lightly touching your face with one hand waiting before bringing the other to your face caressing you pull you close to him lowering himself to you waiting and when you didn't move he took your bottom lip between his.
It was like thrusters coming online, an inferno blazing between the both of you. Every feeling of love, pain, lost and aching of the soul. Somewhere in the distant you heard Echo laughing and calling the two of you cute. Your fingers shakily found the side of his feeling the familiar cut of his cheeks and strength of his jaw. Then up to the scar flinching you pulled away. There was a temporary look of disappointment on his face followed by understanding. He grilled your fingers tighter, “I’ll spend the rest of life protecting you from the unseen scars with my love.” Rex pulled you closed, “I love you.”
Maybe a part two?
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bidotorg · 1 month
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These aren’t the droids you’re looking for, these are our rebel star wars boys!
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wrenkenstein · 2 years
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I think this was like. The first time I rendered anything in MONTHs because for weeks Tech was all I drew (he still sort of is LOL)
He’s actually alive and well this time that’s wild (it doesn’t last)
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immagods · 1 month
I'm so scared for the next 2 episodes.
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asocial-skye · 1 year
i think the Jedi-Positive and Jedi-Critical stances can be summed up on whether you value authorial intent or authorial execution.
Most of the Jedi-Positive people I follow quote George Lucas and director commentaries to prove their points, as well as utilize analyses from others at LucasFilm that have to keep the general status quo. It's all based on what Lucas was trying to portray, while ignoring the product in execution.
The Jedi-Critical stance tends to look at the prequel execution, and they question the obvious uncomfortable moments that have real-life parallels to atrocities. They tend to be more Legends fans, whose writers actually delved into the terrifying implications. It's all on criticizing execution while disregarding intent.
Like, take the argument about Jedi children. A Jedi-Positive person would argue that all the children are all given up with consent from their parents; this is what I am sure Lucas was intending to portray. A Jedi-Critical person will look at this and go "wait. how much 'consent' was in this encounter? the government can legally take these kids and have a representative show up to a farmer's house and tell the farmer they can technically say no? that is some bullshit." And there is real-life evidence for this. It's more on the execution.
Or the argument about love. Jedi-Positive people turn to Lucas's interview to show that they really meant it in the Buddhist sense, and if you value intent that works. Jedi-Critical people would argue that the marketing states that the Jedi cannot love, and nothing in the movies states that the Jedi meant non-toxic love when they eschew attachments.
They're both valid positions, but I think a lot of fandom brutality comes from not understanding either view, or demeaning one view in favor of another. It's perfectly acceptable to value one over the other.
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macadam · 2 years
I think why I’m so elated by every piece of weird ass transformers lore I learn about is that I enjoy seeing what writers can get away with in such a big-name franchise. It’s gotten exhausting watching every franchise slowly lose its charm over the ages in pursuit of being palatable to the masses.
There’s definitely something to be said about how writers don’t get to put their all into these mainstream stories because they have to be so palatable. It’s hard to enjoy what you make when it has to walk the tightrope between being a compelling story, and pleasing shareholders. Stories lose their heart, when writers can’t make it theirs, y’know?
Seeing the stuff that slides in transformers media, the weird shit that is still slipping through the cracks, jro in his entirety, feels like a deviation from that. The first thought that always goes through my head is “haha how is this official canon media. Who okayed this?” And the answer is probably no one, really. The writers get to have fun. We still get to see a glimpse of the insane well why not quirky 80s toy ad that transformers started off as. It brings me a lot of joy to see that the goofiness and absurdity is still there, somewhere.
The fact that so much of the weird lore sits right on the surface is so wonderful, too. These aren’t some obscure side comics, or a failed tv show. So much of it is at the very front of the franchise.
It’s nice to see transformers writers still winning, I guess.
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fangdoesstuff · 24 days
i’m totally gonna post my cringe silly and emotionally healing little self insert star wars oc on here to cope with the tbb ending
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So this is how I'm feeling rn
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enaelyork · 9 months
Krennic's rooms - Aesthetic Headcanon
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Hi, my name is Pauline and i have a new passion : Make room Aesthetic. That's insane.
I can't stop imagine take a glasses of wine or champagne with the Director in his appartements on Coruscant or another empire base.
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