#status quo changes done for a while...]
waywardsalt · 3 months
bc its been bouncing around in my head i think another little tiny grievance i had with totk is that i got to the end and just felt a sense of ‘well what the hell was that all for then’
#salty talks#like. ok. look at me. do you ever think abt how link loses an arm but absolutely nothing comes of it#it was basically just an excuse to give him powers and there was nothing actually done with yknow#him losing an arm. or how the light dragon thing didnt really have any long lasting consequences#and generally like. i had to think for a moment to remember why the hell she did that#what was her purpose in the past again???? what did she accomplish actually??? oh right the fucking sword#its like. i get to the end and like nothing has changed it all resets to zero it barely even feels lile a change#woth the other races pledging loyalty like the past (gags) bc barely anything abt hyrule changed between those two times#mineru leaves. she was a lot of wasted potential. nothing CHANGED it all just reset back to the status quo#no one learned anything i feel nothing new or interesting just oh hyrule is good :) it all feels so hollow#like you go on this big adventure and then at the end you dust yourself off and go back to doing basically#exactly what you were doing before that all happened like nothing happened. thats how it felt. what was the point#yeah sure new zonai stuff but that never sinks in its not important to the main narrative so it feels like nothing#it just. felt like there was no real point to the adventure except to affirm that yeah the past was perfect keep doing that#while none of the characters actions really have any lasting weight to them and they barely feel involved#i need to stop i can feel myself wanting to keep going lol. link losing his arm but the game not at all engaging with it is frustrating#totk salt#like to me it’s an issue bc its a long game with a lot to do but when you reach the end it just rings so fucking hollow#the main story/narrative equivalent to all those fucking collection items where the prize is a useless fucking token
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Me: I'm fine about my autism now btw, like I've come to terms with my fixated interests, limited tolerances and social inabilities. The alienation it brings is not ideal but it's just a reality I've gotta deal with now that I know it's just a part of who I am. I mean, it's not like an awkward conversation is gonna ruin anyone's life, is it? We'll both move on from it eventually. This is fine!
Also me: physically unable to watch beyond the first word of the first question of The Assembly because oh my god what if someone says something awkward or controversial or someone can't make themselves understood people are gonna get mad and scream about it online and I will freeze up and be stuck in the backlash forever I don't know how to handle conflict AT ALL let's just hide in the corner behind the sofa instead wait what if I became a hermit actually yeah yeah yeah that sounds good let's do that
#unresolved trauma? never even heard of her haha 😅#maddie debrief#that 2-minute intro/taster did nothing to calm me down either btw#I'm never comfortable around the types of shows where 'difference' becomes the core conceit of the premise#oh. so you've created a format dependent on making a socially alienated group face the social rules that made them alien in the first place#and then deriving your conflict from the 'natural contradiction' between the two?#sounds like the exact kind of conflict-seeking environment where I can let my normal guard down enough to meaningfully challenge#my deeply rooted feeling that people generally find me cumbersome to be around and mostly just tolerate my presence out of necessity#lovely that#(like i say I haven't seen the show#so idk if it is actually like that or if it's just the promo material stirring shit up as per usual#but as of rn I do not feel welcome in this room)#why does the 'we're not so different after all' always have to come at the climax and never the midpoint of the story?#why can we never find more than personal gratification in that realisation?#why do we always focus on the difficulty of coming to the realisation rather than the conflict of putting the realisation into *practice*?#I know why#it is because the human imagination is far more limited than we like to believe#and we find it hard to even *imagine* a world that we haven't seen functioning for ourselves yet#let alone find a purpose in *acting* on the idea#(especially if we ourselves currently feel dependent on the status quo for our personal welfare#which is why shows made to depend on 'difference = conflict' make my blood run cold)#so if we have to see to believe - how many cases of real world functioning equity does the average person understand?#very few. so let's instead lazily invert the state of power in an existing dynamic that people are familiar with#thereby reaffirming its false dichotomy through perpetuating what is essentially the same old conflict#while claiming to subvert it when in fact all we have done is reverse the dominance while keeping everyone locked in their roles#can someone just put some thought into how we might create a format that aims to loosen up the underlying skewed power dyanmic#so that everyone has to work together to prevent the elevation of a single way of being over all others#because that just becomes suffocating to *everyone* in the end#and that can still *acknowledge difference* but not as a source of conflict - rather as a source of collective strength?#but the story of changing one perspective will always be easier to both tell and enjoy than the one about building something new
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tempest-toss · 2 years
The Reunion
[Takes place immediately after this. As such it is an event that happened in the past, and if asked the muses would treat it as such. Think of it as information finally coming to life :) tw: death, decapitation]
The room was silent as Eleven’s head, or at least the top half fell to the ground. An internal threat had been dealt with, the Foundation was safe once more, and Seven was very tired.
“What happened here?” a voice familiar to Seven could be heard. Everyone turned to the doorway.
“Wait, what?” Five spoke out. “It’s you!”
There were two familiar figures in the doorway. One of them was dressed in a nice white suit with bright golden eyes while the other had a more ragged cloak with what looked like a piece of his face missing, except instead of flesh the underside revealed a robotic face. Despite looking odd, the council could recognize them immediately.
"Three, Nine! You're back!" Thirteen exclaimed. Three nodded.
"Yes we are but, uh, why is Eleven dead?" Three asked, pointing at the head of Eleven lying on the floor. The room was silent for a beat before One spoke up.
"How about we talk about it over some coffee?"
A little bit later the remaining council members were in the Council room, each nursing tea, and coffee, except Five and Ten, who were drinking Caprisuns instead. After One finally finished brewing her fourth cup, she turned towards the prodigal O5s.
"So. You," she pointed at Nine, "Were sent with Two to rescue Three from Dr. Wondertainment. Now you and Three are back, but Two is nowhere in sight. What happened?"
Nine shifted uncomfortably. "We had to navigate through the factory to find Three. Two was, oddly antagonistic going through it, so willing to kill the Little Misters. Eventually, we got separated thanks to Mr. Beast, and I ended up falling into the testing room, with the prototype Little Misters. There they told me that I was actually a synthetic human designed to look like a robot and Two was a traitor. They helped me return to the main room, where Three was and Dr. Wondertainment lay wounded." At this Four seemed to shudder. "Three turned him to quartz and I kicked his head off, and he shattered. I then got another bombshell dropped on me."
"I am a little mister," Three spoke up. "You could probably tell by my eyes, but I am one of Dr. Wondertainments' sons. It's been so long since I stepped foot in the factory, I guess it was gone from my brain." He smiled at his colleagues. "I was offered to stay at the factory, but I chose to be with you guys instead. I want to share the fun ideals of my father, but I must help the Foundation. If there isn't a world to give fun in, then my father's plans are ruined!"
There was a beat of silence where everyone smiled at knowing where Three's allegiance fell. Soon Four spoke up.
"Uh, Three. How's um... How is the Good Doctor?"
"Hm? Oh your husband is fine, father." At this nonchalant answer, One choked on her coffee. All eyes turned to Four, who sighed.
"Yes, I am married to Dr. Wondertainment. He is in fact, one of my partners. I have been married to him back when he was one of the founders here, O5-VII. The “Family-Man”. After the Three Catastrophes I was presumed dead and couldn't find him. If he is okay, then after this meeting I will call him immediately."
"I don't know what's more eyebrow-raising," Seven spoke up. "That you're married to Dr. Wondertainment, Dr. Wondertainment was one of our founders, or you are that old." Four shot Seven a glare, but it wasn't filled with any real anger.
"Greetings O5-3, The Noble, and O5-9, The Alchemist,"
O5-13-ii spoke up.
"It is a pleasure to meet you. However, I want to say something to the rest of the council. In the past 24 hours, we have learned of two of our own who have defected and have made actions that threatened the safety of our lives. This cannot happen again. I propose stricter checks to make sure that the incoming O5s can be trusted. That or perhaps if you can 100% verify them as being trustworthy."
Everyone agreed with what 13-ii said. These were some close calls, and next time they may not be so lucky.
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snekdood · 1 year
the problem with conservatives is they think you challenging their beliefs is somehow oppressing them
#this is why i dont think punishing them physically necessarily works. while its a short term solution in the long run- if they have a#victim complex- which most conservatives who aren't just purely evil politicians kinda have been conditioned to have- they're just gonna#dig their heels in and count that as part of their supposed 'oppression'#they think you challengeing their precious binary. etc. is somehow oppressing them bc you challenge everything they've known and#have now since kinda grown attached to and the only lense they've seen the world through since forever#basically rocking their foundation of how they see reality- and since conservatives are afraid of change (kinda in the name) rocking#what they know makes them think you're oppressing them by making them actually think and be critical baout what they know#its like they take it as a judgement also. idk. as if their way of life is bad (which it for the most part kinda is) and that we're somehow#punishing them for believing in that life. it really does boil down to fear of the unknown and a desire to cling on to whats familiar.#'how dare you question my status quo lifestyle! everythings fine!! i swear!! im totally not in denial about how shit things've become!!!'#'everythins worked for me so far!!' aka they havent died yet. and are ignoring that other people are. and think their depressing life#somehow has something to do with other average people who are what. wearing make up and feather boa's. gods greatest sin of course dfhbhg#rather than the ruling class reinforcing a system that oppresses them and sucks them dry of their labour.......#but its fine!! guys!! remember?? its familiar. and we havent died yet. so its fine. man my back hurts and i wish i could take a 3 day break#i think we gotta also acknowledge that they're probably victims of abuse (since most conservatives are abusive too and probably inhereted#that trait from their even more conservative parents) and as victims of abuse... they probably do the same thing plenty of us have done#before too- where we didn't think anything better was possible/we could escape/we deserved better so we stayed in shitty situations for#longer than we deserved. and had to just think of it all as. fine. we havent died yet. whoevers abusing us has spared us from death.#so its fine. better than death. i guess.#how bleak of a worldview.
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halemerry · 1 year
I’m doing it. I’m breaking down the Scene. You know the one. I've been tearing it apart for a week straight now in discord and figured I should leave my observations here. So, uh, yeah, this one's a big one so buckle up folks!
I want to start with the build up because I can never leave well enough alone and because I think the framing we have coming into this sequence is important. We start with the camera on Mr. Acts of Service himself. Crowley, after banishing Muriel, starts cleaning up the bookshop. The music playing is the soft slow rendition of the opening theme. He is returning this space to the status quo, resetting back to normal, fully intending to do this for Aziraphale before dragging him out to the Ritz, falling back on their typical pattern of going out together for food and drink.
Now in a moment he's going to get interrupted by Nina and Maggie but before we get there I want to take a second to draw attention to the area of the bookshop that Crowley will be operating in for the bulk of this. This space is one we very frequently see Aziraphale in. It's his desk behind the till - a spot linked intrinsically to him, even down to the fact that it's located on the east side of the shop. The windows are throwing beams of light onto Aziraphale's chair and onto the same spot Crowley will stand during The Scene. This lighting choice will not change from now until our last shots in the bookshop and the way the blocking plays around these sunbeams is very aware (as Good Omens nearly always is) of exactly where they will land.
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Nina and Maggie enter the scene to have a chat about boundaries and communication. Maggie, his own mirror, tells him flat out that he can't play with their lives like that. Maggie and Nina then both tell him that he and Aziraphale need to talk. And I don’t think they're wrong, exactly, but I do think that Aziraphale and Crowley are actually a lot better at communicating in general than they are in these following high stakes scenes. But that's some meta for later - for now I want to just focus on the particular way Crowley's been primed for the conversation he and Az are about to have. Nina in particular does something really interesting. She does exactly what we as the audience did when we first saw Nina and Maggie: she mistakenly projects herself onto Crowley. She says he has trust issues because she does and in the process accidentally frames the core of their problem as Crowley needing to allow himself to trust Aziraphale, a thing that he actively already does and has done for quite some time and has been shown to us several times throughout the two seasons.
Now the build up we get for Aziraphale going into this conversation is very small. By which I mean practically non-existent. We start at the end of his conversation with the Metatron who tells him to go tell his friend the good news - which notably does not imply that the news is something that would require Crowley to make a choice - and sends Aziraphale on his way. Now the most crucial thing in this sequence, to me, is the expressions Aziraphale makes when he thinks the Metatron isn't looking at him. While polite and smiley when engaged with him, Az's expression falls as soon as he doesn't have eyes on him. Something is wrong and Aziraphale knows it.
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Aziraphale enters the shop. The doorway is dark and shadowy and he hasn't composed himself yet - though he does give Nina and Maggie a little smile as they leave. Then, as soon as they're not looking at him, but before he approaches Crowley, the tension is back.
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He hesitates, then smiles and approaches Crowley. Crowley, planted dead center in that beam of light from earlier, takes off his glasses and promptly starts nervously rambling. The music cuts off here entirely, giving us nothing to focus on but the noises coming from our lead actors, the background noise from the street, and the ticking of the clock in the background. Aziraphale puts up his hands like he's going to interrupt then lowers them again as Crowley keeps talking, his face shifting into this helpless sort of smitten look.
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Now look at the light and how it hits the bookshelves behind Crowley as he tries to get his confession going. It's in the shape of a wing. Keep an eye on that - when the camera chooses to show us this one wing of light is important.
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Aziraphale then interrupts and there are two things I want to draw attention to here as Aziraphale fumbles for words. First of all is the fact that he glances in the direction of the door (and the Metatron) at least three times as he's struggling to speak.
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Secondly, I want to draw attention to the words Az actually says here. He first echoes the Metatron's earlier statement about good news. He then does not roll into the news itself and instead glances at the door and says the Metatron. He starts rambling about the Metatron to a very confused looking Crowley and evetually talks his way into that the Metatron said something. He then hits a wall again, scrambling to find words and instead of explaining the context of what the Metatron says he lands on Gabriel. His brain latches onto someone obviously on the forefront of both their minds and something vaguely relevant to the news he's about to share. He rambles more about Gabriel's job, glancing once again at the door in the middle of this, still avoiding getting to the actual point or perhaps even synthesizing said point as he goes.
We then cut to what is framed as a flashback. I think it is very notable we only see this as Az is telling it to us. In other words that this is not us witnessing an event happening but us witnessing what Aziraphale is telling Crowley. This sequence is the single scene where the Metatron calls Crowley by name despite actively avoiding it in any real time continuity sequences. He uses it twice here which I think also is the strongest thread in here that tells us that we are seeing what Crowley is being told not necessarily what actually happened.
The instant the idea of restoring Crowley comes up the wing of light behind Crowley loses visibility. Crowley's speechless for a moment so Aziraphale fills the silence, already looking like he wants to cry as he talks about the old days. (I also can't help but to notice that the lights behind Az in this shot look like eyes.) Crowley finally speaks and circles around the beam of light he's been standing in like an object seeking to re-establish a source of gravity. The music cuts back in here with tense drawn out notes.
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Crowley talks about how Hell offered him his place back and he turned them down. Aziraphale in turn presses on ideas that we know he doesn't really believe. It's a echo of the bandstand and uses a lot of the same language of that fight - another fight we know features Aziraphale saying things he knows aren't true. By now, we have seen him multiple times this season express he does not want to go back and make it abundantly clear that the side they have made for themselves is important to him. We see him actively calling angels bad and incompetent, contrary to everything he's telling Crowley here. We see him be the one to repetitively remind Crowley that they are on their side and be the one that always draws attention to that first. Yet here he says Heaven is the side of light to Crowley - who by the way is literally framed in light. The frame is telling us outright that Crowley is already Good as he is, while Az's expressions are telling us he knows Heaven isn't.
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Aziraphale can't tell him that he did not turn down the job and Crowley does another orbit. The music cuts again. This time, he stops with his back to Az, tilts his head upward and decides to ruin me by invoking God.
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Here he is, hearing these awful things that he was sure they had moved on from, hearing these things he has tried for so long and so hard to help them both unlearn. But these sorts of habits and lessons are insidious and he knows that and he himself is even a victim of that himself. I mean, don't get me wrong, he recognizes this is weird, I think, but between his own self worth issues and the stress of the few days they'd had can't work out what exactly is off here. He's confused and lost and just been told, in his mind, that he is not good enough as he is - a thing he has always on some level also believed. Yet he reaches out to the parent that taught him that lesson in the first place for strength and grounds himself with that. He circles back to stand in the beam of light and, with that wing of light finally backlighting him again, he is brave and tries to be enough anyway. He bows his head downward, fully emerging the line of this body in the light and tries again. Because even now, even after that emotional blow, Crowley is an optimist who can't help but to try.
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At first Aziraphale can't figure out quite what is going on here. He squints at Crowley and glances at the door again. Crowley meanwhile keeps continually glancing upward, whether at God or to hold back tears or some combination of both. In most of these shots Crowley bisects the room, creating a dark half to his left and a light half to his right.
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Crowley says he relies on Aziraphale. Even here, even now when he's just hurt him. Because it is the truth. Because Aziraphale makes him feel less alone. Because Aziraphale proves to him that no matter how fucked the system is that there is still good in the world, even if he doesn't always agree with it.
It is only once there is no doubt what Crowley is doing that Aziraphale starts shaking his head in very small quick shakes. He looks panicked even as they both physically draw closer to each other. It's huge not here, not like this energy to me. Aziraphale asks Crowley to come with to help him run Heaven. This is the point where Crowley starts tearing up.
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Crowley then says you can't leave this bookshop, trying to say you can't leave me. Az, nearly in tears himself, says 'oh Crowley. Nothing lasts forever' as a means to convey that the books aren't what is important here. Crowley, naturally, hears 'including us.'
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Crowley looks down again, quietly agrees, and puts on his glasses, covering himself up again. He then wishes Aziraphale good luck and the music starts up again, still tense but sorrowful now. He leaves the light and heads to the door. Az can't help but to call after him. Please wait. And Crowley can't help but to listen. It's worth noting here that even as he rotates toward the north door, the light still gently hits his face. The shots in general are darker though. He's moved away from the light but it still can't help but to touch him.
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"Come with me," says Aziraphale and then after a pause adds "To Heaven." Aziraphale, looking heartbroken, starts one of two 'I' statements he will struggle around in the next few moments. He lands on I need. Which. I want to pause there a moment because holy shit. That is not something they say out loud either. Az looks at him a moment, visibly struggling before he says his dialogue about Crowley not understanding his offer. Like he's said something he didn't mean to and needs to cover it up or like he can't handle the silence after such an honest statement. And on some level he's not wrong there. Because Crowley doesn't understand what Aziraphale is trying to say. But Aziraphale doesn't understand the way Crowley is reading it to course correct either.
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Crowley says that he does understand and that he understands better than Aziraphale does. And he also isn't wrong either, from his perspective. Because he does understand the implications behind the offer theoretically in play here. Because he does know that the position Aziraphale is presenting him is not going to result in the outcome Aziraphale is presenting him with. There are some things you can't undo just like memories slipping through the cracks.
Az says there's nothing more to say, trying to dismiss Crowley despite having been the one to pull him to a stop moments ago. He puts on a fake polite smile for a beat but then his is jaw sets, mouth working as his eyes drop - unable to look Crowley in the eye.
Crowley tells him to listen as the music fades out and points upward. Aziraphale humors this, glancing up a few times before looking frustrated, saying he can't hear anything. The light from the window shines down in his direction without actually touching him. Crowley tells him "That's the point. No nightingales." The shot he's on here is a dark one without even any of the book shops pillars visible in it to brighten the shot.
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Aziraphale looks frozen a moment here and then as Crowley calls him an idiot and says 'we could have been us' his face completely crumbles. He rapidly glances away to hide his face and Crowley moves and reaches to pull him back. They're both distraught. Az is clearly already holding back tears even before Crowley touches him. The angle of this shot frames Aziraphale in the light of the window. For the first time in this whole sequence Aziraphale is in the light, literally being physically pulled into it by Crowley.
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The music swells, playing a similar theme to the one that plays as the Pillars of Creation are formed at the start of the season. They shift back and forth, the camera focusing on Aziraphale's face and hands. His hands move uncertainly, trying to reach out even as he's struggling emotionally. He is visibly shaking but he crucially does not pull away, not even a little.
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His hands settle on Crowley's back, right where his wings would be, and for a brief moment gets taller, like he's allowing himself to lean into the kiss. They press together tightly, their mutual gravity sending them crashing together before they break apart. When they do Aziraphale looks devastated and his eyes move pretty much instantly to look out the window where the Metatron would be.
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Crowley's glasses make him harder to read here, but he looks at Aziraphale like a man awaiting judgement in a trial he knows he's already lost. He's sad too, but as always, is waiting for Aziraphale's reaction. Because he might push continually at he boundaries of them as a unit but he has always let Aziraphale decide where to set them in stone.
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Az fumbles over words here. He gets stuck on "I" here and lets it hang in the air. He then visibly thinks his words over, his expression slowly filling with resolve as he comes to some sort of conclusion. Then, like it's difficult to say, he falls back into old coded language. "I forgive you." A thing he has always said in response to things that he agrees with but cannot or should not allow himself to have.
Crowley sighs and tells him not to bother, refusing to fall into the old pattern that Aziraphale has. He is setting a boundary, for once, and even if it is one born from misunderstanding I am proud of him for being able to. He turns away and leaves. And this is where Az seems most in danger of falling apart. His lips move as Crowley goes, forming the start of a 'no' after him. He draws back from the door and turns his body away from it, physically distancing himself from anything that would feel like following Crowley. Except he can't help himself. With shaking hands he reaches up to touch his lips. He presses in, like he's trying to recreate the pressure and then his jaw works a moment and his expression sets as resolved.
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The Metatron enters through the front door, which is framed in dark lighting. Aziraphale looks panicked and immediately turns his whole body away from him to hide his face while he collects himself.
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He turns around after a beat and the Metatron asks 'how did he take it?' This is an odd question that only sort of half fits the fact that we are meant to believe at this point - that Aziraphale should be obtaining a yes or no from Crowley. It's not asking Crowley's choice at all. It's like the Metatron assumed a different conversation had happened or perhaps that he already knew the answer.
Aziraphale says he took it badly and the Metatron just takes a moment to direct a few casual digs at Crowley. He references him being stubborn and too curious - all the while avoiding the use of this name. At this point Az's eyes are locked out the window in the direction Crowley vanished to. The Metatron asks if he's ready to start despite originally having promised Az time to think over his answer. Aziraphale keeps glancing out the window.
For a moment he cracks, stepping away from the Metatron and back toward the east side of the bookshop. For the only time in this whole sequence he steps right into the sunbeam Crowley started in. It notably never illuminates his face as he mentions the issue of his bookshop (a statement absolutely not about the bookshop).
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The Metatron explains Muriel will take care of it. Aziraphale looks back out the window with the start of an objection.
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The Metatron interrupts him asking if there's anything he needs to take with him. Az's mouth takes a moment to try and form words. He steps out of the light again, starts to object, and then cuts off, eyes back to the window. Then his expression shifts again, settling in another state of resolve before he puts on his falsely polite face and follows the Metatron out.
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As they leave the shop we cut back to Crowley. Crowley, who could've left to go handle his own emotions, did not leave. Instead he planted himself there, nice and noticeable. Like he wanted Aziraphale to see and know that he still has a choice. Like he needs to see Aziraphale make that choice for himself. Like he can't quite bring himself to be the one to close that last door. He stands there, framed by light, and doesn't move until the doors to the elevator to Heaven close behind Aziraphale. He then glances at Nina and Maggie and then gets in the Bentley, which starts playing the song that we now know he knows is supposed to be theirs. He turns off the music and drives away.
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So there's a lot in these sequences and most of it probably won't help us figure out exactly what comes next, but there are definite signs that all is not as it's being presented to us. Whether he's actively lying or not, something is wrong that Aziraphale either can't or won't talk about frankly with Crowley. I suspect, whether it's under stress from a literal threat or because he believes that it is the safest option for them, that Aziraphale is doing all of this to protect Crowley.
There are also all sorts of signals here, especially in the lights, that gesture at the fact their togetherness is a net good. Together they are balanced and stronger for it and likely more in alignment with the Ineffable Plan. And, more importantly than that, that said togetherness is so clearly what they both want. They have loved each other longer than anything alive has ever loved anyone and none of this changes that. They both are saying that in their own ways here, even if those ways are not ones the other is particularly good at picking up and I for one cannot wait to get to see the payoff of them learning how to.
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fernthewhimsical · 6 months
Hopepunk Primer pt. 2
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Philosophy of Hopepunk
I cannot express this better than other people have done before me. So I'll start with an interview Kayti Burt had with several hopepunk authors in 2019.
"What is hopepunk? It depends on who you ask…
Rowland, quoting their essay “One Atom of Justice, One Molecule of Mercy, and the Empire of Unsheathed Knives,” says: “Hopepunk is a subgenre and a philosophy that ‘says kindness and softness don’t equal weakness, and that, in this world of brutal cynicism and nihilism, being kind is a political act. An act of rebellion.’”
To understand hopepunk as a concept it helps to understand what it stands in contrast to. Grimdark is a fantasy subgenre characterized by bleak settings in which humanity is fundamentally cutthroat, and where no individual or community can stop the world’s inevitable decline. Hopepunk, in contrast, believes that the very act of trying has meaning, that fighting for positive change in and of itself has worth—especially if we do it together." [4]
When Alexandra Rowland was asked on Tumblr to expand on the initial statement she made they elaborated:
"Hopepunk says that genuinely and sincerely caring about something, anything, requires bravery and strength. Hopepunk isn’t ever about submission or acceptance: It’s about standing up and fighting for what you believe in. It’s about standing up for other people. It’s about DEMANDING a better, kinder world, and truly believing that we can get there if we care about each other as hard as we possibly can, with every drop of power in our little hearts." [5]
I also love the definition of the Tumblr blog @hopepunk-humanity:
"What is Hopepunk?
Wild laughter from ragged throats
Flowers growing choked from crumbling asphalt
A warm bed after a long, hard journey
Your partner’s hand cupped in your own
Bright graffiti on cracked tunnel walls
The chains falling loose to the stone floor
A glint of silver beneath a century of tarnish
A long rain after a blistering wildfire
Just one more step, and then another
A single candle flame joining the stars against the night
A loved ones voice calling your name after hours lost in an unfamiliar place
A hand taking yours, just when you’d given up on reaching out
Smiling, laughing again, when you thought you’d forgotten how
Knowing, despite everything, that humans are inherently good
It’s not simply blind optimism, or naivety. It’s choice. It’s taking the human race by the hand and saying, “I will love you, because I am you”. It’s facing a world dripping with cynicism and fashionable hopelessness and saying, “no, I will not give in”. It’s putting kindness out into the world, knowing you might not get it back, knowing you may be scorned for it, knowing it might not change anything, but with a certainty that kindness is what the world needs the most.
It is choosing hope" [6]
Hopepunk is choosing hope in a world where they want us to have none. It's choosing humanity when they want us to forget we are human. It's choosing community when they would benefit of us staying individuals. It's choosing action and hope when they want us struck down and paralyzed.
Alexandra Rowland emphasizes to not forget the second part of the word: Punk. In another interview with Kayti Burt for Den of Geek they say:
"it’s important to remember that punk is the operative half of the word – punk in the sense of anti-authoritarianism and punching back against oppression." and "The instinct is to make it only about softness and kindness, because those are what we’re most hungry for. We all want to be treated gently. But sometimes the kindest thing you can do for someone is to stand up to a bully on their behalf, and that takes guts and rage." [7]
What is Hopepunk to me?
That spark that is both love and spite that keeps me going. It's seeing the good in humanity, while also acknowledging the harm. It's refusing to lay down and die, refusing the accept the status quo, refusing to believe that this is it.
It's believing in a better world. In kindness. In the inherent sense of community in humanity. It's believing in the power of stories.
It's seeing kindness and hope as an act of Sacred Rebellion. And spreading that kindness and hope is a Vow that I have taken.
It's taken the anger I have against corporations, injustice, bigotry, capitalism, oppression, and letting it fuel the fire within me in a constructive way. It's working to dismantle systems that are oppressive to work towards a more inclusive world. It's pruning the garden of dead weight so new things can grow.
Late stage capitalism wants us all to be docile, to work, not to live. So I will shout my small joys from the rooftops. I will create for the sake of creating. I will practice radical acceptance so that I stand strong above the masses of ads that wants me to hate myself. I will choose to see the good so that I can believe change is possible.
Hopepunk a fire that says "Rage. Rage against those who deserve it. Stand up for those who do not and show them a better world is possible."
[4] Den of Geek - Are you afraid of the darkness: a hopepunk explainer
[5] Alexandra Rowland tumblr post
[6] Hopepunk-humanity - what is hopepunk
[7] Den of Geek - a hopepunk guide: interview with Alexandra Rowland
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Part 1: Intro and history
Part 2: Philosophy of Hopepunk
Part 3: How to practice hopepunk and further reading
Part 4: Extra! Hopepunk and magic
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thousand-winters · 1 month
I feel like people sometimes underestimate what a hard position Darius was in after bonding with Hunter.
Because here's the thing: It's not that easy to help someone who's being abused when they don't understand they're being abused. Especially when it comes to a case like Hunter's, in which not only was the person abusing him his family and legal guardian, but also the only person he was somewhat close to, since he was effectively isolated.
This isn't even speculation, it's clear in Hollow Mind. There's a degree of denial that comes with someone who hasn't been able to digest the fact they're being hurt because not thinking about it has been a survival mechanism for them. Having someone trying to change that perception of the world can make you lash out and snap, anything to preserve the carefully balanced status quo there. Anything to keep the one thing that has worked for survival.
Darius' options at this point were straight up kidnapping Hunter and lose all of his trust because Hunter would then think even more that he truly couldn't trust anybody but Belos, or try his best to become someone Hunter could trust, so when the time came, Hunter would know he was a safe person who could get him out of there.
Darius couldn't say outright "hey, kid, you're being abused and that's fucked up, let me get you out of here". Not with the layers of denial and fear Hunter had built because of Belos. The only thing that would have earned him would have been Hunter recoiling and pushing him away. Darius would have pushed him away even further into Belos' clutches if he had done that.
Of course, it feels terrible because we're not talking about, say, providing a safe space for a friend until they are able to get out of an abusive relationship, this is a child, but it's such a complicated situation. You can hardly call Child Protection Services on the Emperor of the Isles, provided they even have that in the first place.
Honestly I think Darius did the best he could have done and people who think he didn't do enough really do not give him the credit he deserves, because it's clear Hunter DID trust him, for him to be able to believe in him and let Darius reach out after running out of the coven, despite the intense fear and paranoia he had toward everybody from the EC.
Plus it's not only this single aspect that was on the line here. Darius had to be mindful not to accidentally push Hunter away and lose all the chances he had to get him out of that situation while at the same time being very aware he was being reckless by having the Emperor's nephew close to him when he was one of the main leaders of the rebellion.
He was risking so much here and he really didn't have to. He gave Hunter something to communicate with the world outside of the walls of the castle, he could have said "this is all I can do for him" and washed his hands off of him, continue his rebel work and just tell himself Hunter would be fine once they took down Belos.
But he didn't, he chose to be there, he chose to build trust, he chose to help as much as such a hard situation allowed.
He does not get enough credit for that.
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bunnliix · 4 months
When Eight Becomes Nine - Chapter One
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I finally have a first chapter out! Finally!! It's a bit shorter than I wanted it to be, but like it's here after so long, so I'm happy with it! Plus we get some angry boys in this fic
Pairing: Ateez x 9th member!reader Summary: Ateez wc: 1.4k AU: a/b/o Genre: Fluff/Angst warnings: Angry Joongie/ateez, yelling, mentions of anxiety and fear, angst with some fluff, honestly just the boys are pissed off but mostly it's Hongjoong being royally pissed, I think taht's everything? masterlist
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“What do you mean we need another member?!” Hongjoong asked the KQ management team members in front of him.
“We’ve decided that you need something new to add to the group, and that a new member will be the best choice to attract more attention to Ateez.” One of the higher up staff members replied.
“We’ve been fine for five years, why do we need another member?” The captain asked through gritted teeth.
“Look, the decision has been made, there’s nothing more to say. You and the rest of the members will have to prepare to have a new member.” They said, a tone of finality marking the end of the conversation.
“So we’re supposed to just accept whoever the fuck you find into the group, and potentially our pack, without any say?!” Hongjoong exclaimed, fed up with the group of people in front of him at the moment. They really thought they could just spring this news on him and he’d be fine with it?
“It’s in the best interests for Ateez.” Was all that was said, as if it was a sufficient explanation in any way for the upheaval of the status quo for Ateez.
Hongjoong pushed his chair back, standing up and leaving the room quickly, trying to keep his temper under control. Who did they think they were? Ateez had done so much for this company and now they’re haphazardly adding a new member into his group. This changed everything. They’d had to readjust the choreography, the lines for every song, any of the concepts they’ve come up with now have to be adjusted. He stormed into the practice room where the rest of the pack was practicing, and a couple of them flinched at the anger emanating from their captain and pack alpha.
“Hongjoong, are you okay? What did they want to tell you?” Seonghwa asked cautiously, not wanting to anger the man further.
“They want to add a new member to our group. A new member after all this time!” Hongjoong ranted, revealing the news to the rest of the group.
The rest of the group had various reactions of shock, and more than a few were angry at this news being sprung on them. Wooyoung felt the brunt of everyone else’s reactions and curled into himself, while Seonghwa moved to try and calm down Hongjoong, knowing that it wouldn’t be productive to talk while he’s that upset. The eldest member, who also was the head omega, wrapped his arms around the smaller man, pushing out a soothing and calming scent to try and get the captain of their group to calm down. It worked thankfully, and Hongjoong rested his head on the other man’s chest.
“Thank you Hwa.” He softly said to the other man, once he had gathered his emotions and had calmed down significantly. He was still upset, but not as much as he was minutes ago.
“Always.” Seonghwa replied, smiling at the alpha. He brought the pack alpha closer to the rest of the guys, and they all sat down on the floor before starting to talk about what this change means for all of them.
“Did they say how they’re choosing a new member? I assume it’d be another trainee from the company?” Wooyoung queried, his eyes full of curiosity.
“They didn’t get that far before I left.” Hongjoong admitted.
“You could’ve waited around until they told you at least!” Wooyoung whined.
“Wooyoung, quiet down. This is not news any of us were expecting, and even if it was, the expectation is that we would have been included in the conversation. So I don’t blame Joong for storming out. KQ took the choice of having a new member away from us, which isn’t fair on any of us, let alone Hongjoong.” Seonghwa scolded the younger man, who looked properly chided by the end of it.
At that exact moment, Hongjoong’s phone started ringing once again, making the idol frown before answering it.
The rest of the group watched as Hongjoong listened to whoever was on the other line, not sure what the call was about. Though it wasn’t long before they found out as Hongjoong sighed as he ended the call.
“So, what’s going on now?” San asked their leader.
“They want all of us upstairs for a meeting, right now.” Hongjoong stated.
They all knew this was about the new member, and they all got up from the various places in the room, heading towards the door with the two eldest leading the group. They walked up to the designated meeting room, trudging in to find most of the same group that had been in the earlier meeting with Hongjoong. 
The eight men sat down in the chairs set out for them, and as soon as they’re sitting, one of the management team starts talking, as another hands each of them a pile of thin folders.
“Here are the shortlisted candidates for the ninth member of Ateez. We’ve already held auditions, and these are the smaller number of candidates that we think are suitable for the role of your newest member.” He explained to the group.
“What do you mean you’ve held auditions? Without informing at the very least, Mingi and I?” Hongjoong questioned the man, a frown evident on his face.
“You weren’t needed. You had other pressing matters, so we took the liberty of holding auditions. It doesn’t matter now, you have the information on all 20 shortlisted candidates. We’re bringing them all here to do a final audition, as well as to make sure they fit within Ateez.” The man continued, ignoring any reaction from the two producing members.
Before the captain could retort, Seonghwa’s hand touched his arm, and the pack alpha looked over at his omega, who reminded him non-verbally that he needed to calm down. Getting mad at the company right now wouldn’t be productive. But that didn’t stop others from protesting the company’s decisions.
“Wait! So you’ve gone through this whole process and never thought to even consult us or tell us what you were planning until now, when we’re almost to the point of you choosing a new member?” Wooyoung shouted, staring down the opposite side of the table.
“As I just said, you were all busy and weren’t needed until this point in the process.” The man repeated himself, seeming very tired with having to reiterate his words.
Grumbles and mumbles about the way that KQ management has conducted things so far were heard from Ateez’s side of the table. Their manager picked up where the other man stopped, hoping to calm the boys down, they didn’t need angry alphas, nor a pissed off Ateez pack, it wouldn’t end well for anyone.
“We’ve brought you in now, because this is now more of your decision than it is ours, but we will still have input on the decision. The 20 candidates chosen are arriving tomorrow, and don’t worry, they’ve all been thoroughly checked to ensure they’re not sasaengs.” The manager assured them.
“We’ll look past the issue that you didn’t think to talk to us until now. But why wait to tell us they’re arriving till today and that they will be here tomorrow. There were plenty of opportunities before today, that you could have pulled one of us aside and said something, if not pulled us all into a meeting.” Hongjoong lectured the staff members, thoroughly upset with them and their actions.
“Regardless, this was the major thing we wanted to discuss. Though once the prospective members arrive tomorrow morning, in the afternoon they’ll be here for their final auditions, and to see how well they fit in with you. So you will be required to be here at the company at noon tomorrow.” The first man informed them.
There were huffs from the members who were quick to anger, and especially from the alphas in the pack, and the others had displeased looks on their faces.
“Well, thank you for at least informing us today, instead of springing it on us tomorrow.” Seonghwa cut in, before Hongjoong could say anything. The omega had also grabbed Joongs wrist, trying to calm the anger he could feel coming off of the alpha in waves.
Sadly for Seonghwa, his efforts were for naught.
“I will remember this, and you better hope that there’s someone in your shortlist that I and the rest of the pack can get along with. Or no one will be happy.” Hongjoong said as he pushed his chair back and stood up, prompting the rest of the pack to do the same. With the pack alpha leading the group, they all walked out, leaving the management team behind.
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sophistopheles · 8 months
hey!! ty for posting about the article talking about continuation of aa. I don’t know as much about the production of aa5 and 6 but you mentioned a person names Eshiro being responsible for the “no spoilers” rule being replaced. what/who is that? just in general giving u the floor to rant about aa5 and 6 beyond what u were able to say in that post and ur hopes for the future 💙✨ ok bye! :)
hiya!! (post here)
So, the story of why aa5 and aa6 are so different to aa4 basically boils down to a change in the team making it (and Eshiro was part of this).
Most people know Shu Takumi wrote and directed the original trilogy of Phoenix Wright games and then worked on Apollo Justice (although the director was technically Mitsuru Endo, people tend to think of AJ as the last "Takumi" mainline game). After that, he left the Ace Attorney team to complete and release Ghost Trick in 2010, and then he became involved in the development of Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright, which released in 2012.
While he was doing all of this, a "secondary" Ace Attorney team had arisen to keep working on the franchise - they had almost all worked on previous AA games and in 2009 and 2011 they were able to release the two Ace Attorney Investigations games.
The two most well-known members of this "team" are the producer Motohide Eshiro and the director Takeshi Yamazaki, and the fact that AAI2 is so beloved shows that they are by no means unable to make really, really good Ace Attorney games. But, with Takumi still busy with his other projects, and a good few years having passed since AA4, this team was asked to create a fifth Ace Attorney game in his absence.
This was, obviously, a challenge, and Capcom were likely in quite a rush to get a new mainline game out soon. Additionally, initial fan reception of AA4 was really not that good - many people hated the decision to disbar Phoenix in particular - and the game itself had many loose ends.
Eshiro, as the producer, decided that for AA5 it was better for the writers to not be held back by previous games, which manifested in what people think of now as the "no spoilers rule". This is why AA5 does not follow up on AA4, and likewise for AA6. Nowadays this decision is widely regarded as a very bad move, but on some level I empathise with it - AA has always been kind of reluctant to spoil past games, and you were always operating with the presumption that the player might be new to the series and wanted to go back to the previous games. Writing a follow-up that addressed AA4, while being acceptable to newcomers and not spoiling almost all of AA4's biggest twists, without the guy who originally came up with the story, would prove really difficult.
So they wrote Dual Destinies as a new story which followed AA4 but didn't really address it, and indulged in fanservice to try and restore the series status quo. It seems like the scenario changed a lot during development and they were pretty crunched for time, too - the final villain's models are apparently called FINALBOSS in the game files and completely broken if you look at them from any other angle.
After working on AA5, Yamazaki was apparently exhausted and didn't really want to make another Ace Attorney. Unfortunately for him, Shu Takumi was still off on his Sherlock & Souseki Victorian-Meiji Adventure, writing the Great Ace Attorney duology, and he wouldn't get done until 2017 when DGS2 came out.
Eshiro managed to persuade Yamazaki to work on AA6 by bringing him to conventions, and having seen the passion and overjoyed reactions from fans after AA5 came out, Yamazaki agreed to direct the sixth game, with Takuro Fuse (AA5 and 6's main artist) acting as co-director to ease the load. Some of AA6's cases were also created by guest writers; the SOJ artbook mentions a struggle for ideas, which explains the outlandish setting of Khura'in.
To the best of my knowledge (and I'm not sure this account is 100% accurate so anyone please feel free to correct me) this is why AA5 and AA6 are the way they are. Nobody is particularly to blame for how things turned out; there were just a couple of bad decisions along the way which has resulted in the games being looked back on by a lot of people with some contempt. Given the circumstances, I'm actually pretty impressed with how enjoyable Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice are, even if they don't reach the heights of the trilogy.
Yamazaki left Capcom in 2019. Eshiro went on to produce Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2, and I'm pretty sure he's still at Capcom.
What all of this means for the next Ace Attorney title is completely speculation, but the short version of the story is that Shu Takumi has finally come back from getting milk Herlock Sholmes Jail writing other games, and seems to be getting hyped up by capcom as the "Director of the Ace Attorney Series". This makes it very likely he will direct and write the next Ace Attorney game. At present we have no idea what this means - he could follow up on AA4's story as well as he's able, he could write another Phoenix game, he might go rogue and write an Athena game, he might do something completely different. But the next AA game will likely be around the quality of AA1-2-3-4 and DGS, not another AA5/6 situation.
As for the producer, this comes from the November 2020 leaks (which was very real - it's where we first got the TGAA localisation confirmed), but the only thing we heard about their projected AA7 was that it would be produced by a guy called Yasayuki Makino. He also produced The Great Ace Attorney collection, and if you read his dev blogs from that release, he credits AA4 for getting him into the series initially, and generally seems to be a huge Ace Attorney fan himself, pushing hard for TGAA to get a worldwide re-release after its unimpressive initial sales (and look how well that's worked out...!)
That's basically the story. I think AA7 will be great, actually, but at this point I will literally take anything, Capcom please my family is starving
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mcflymemes · 11 months
INQUISITION PARTY BANTER  *  assorted dialogue from dragon age inquisition
you... actually look like that?
thank you for remembering. sometimes people forget me.
it's interesting watching you. the way you carry yourself when you use magic.
why are you so angry at your father? he wants to help and you know he does.
no one needs to see my arse.
you're set on being sad forever.
remember, do not use it like a sword.
i'd just eat the cheese.
always knew you were up to something.
you didn't always have a beard.
sometimes love isn't enough.
there were so many wonderful hats.
you're happier now, [name].
you have so many feelings.
i am uncertain whether to believe you.
the world doesn't make sense to them. it's too real.
you're right about that. they would.
do you need to eat? or sleep?
you would stop it if you could.
i can't tug it loose without tearing it.
stop. it isn't about you.
i believe i can work with that.
you have other things to carry.
you're serious, aren't you?
you let it keep hurting because you think hurting is who you are.
it is because you think you have to?
you ask a lot of questions, [name].
why be ashamed? power should be respected, not swept under the carpet.
i'll have to steal that one.
hey, when this is all done, if you ever need my help for anything, you just ask, all right?
maybe you're not a complete moron.
we were having a moment, and now you've ruined it.
i can't believe you drank that swill at the tavern.
i'm well aware you lied to me.
that is... remarkably decent of you.
i don't want to think about that right now.
you need a hairbrush.
when you charge at them, you make them hit you.
i'm curious about you. i had no idea something like you was possible.
how do you want to be remembered? valiant yet sexy rebel against the status quo?
it's not easy finding people willing to shoulder such a terrible responsibility.
it's not such a terrible thing. some of my best friends are murderers.
who's judging now?
i know your kind.
i know that what comes out of your mouth is the same drivel that comes out of theirs.
careful i don't club you on the head.
if i had something to say, i'd say it.
if we're going to fight at each other's side, we need to get along.
enough, both of you.
you said i could ask you questions.
how do you get your hair to do that?
do you think we could ever be friends?
killing him won't make anything better.
if you really cared, you could ask.
you caught the eye of a young woman in that last village.
i just need to know you're capable of higher thought. for my own comfort.
i question your reasons for being here.
my reasons for being here are the same as yours.
i think that's the first time i've heard you admit anything is complicated.
what made you change your mind?
i will try to be more like you.
you should learn to watch your back.
i mean. could be naked more. that'd be better.
beardy people are supposed to be jolly.
why are you complaining?
you're smirking again.
right, here we go. what is it from you?
there is no need to tell anyone that.
does yelling while we're walking around count?
stop pointing that at me!
you need a drink or something, you tell me.
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juju-or-anya · 4 months
I have an existential question that I can't stop pondering.
Why is Eloise called an idiot, careless, a slut, and accused of not thinking about the consequences for meeting with Theo, when in reality nothing inappropriate happened? The most "scandalous" thing was an almost-kiss that never actually occurred. Their meetings were centered around discussing rights, politics, books, and investigating LW, without causing harm to anyone. So why do people insist on portraying Eloise as someone who doesn't think, simply because she comes from a privileged position and knows her family will support her no matter what? It's as if the fact that her family loves and supports her is seen as a cardinal sin.
Now, if we apply this judgment to Penelope, it seems the situation changes drastically. Penelope is glorified and sanctified, seen as a hopeless romantic for allowing Colin to touch her intimately, kiss her, and meet with her alone. Penelope isn't labeled a slut; on the contrary, she's seen as a powerful woman who knows what she wants.
This is where I completely lose track of this logic. How is it possible that a woman who wants to break out of her bubble, who seeks to understand the reality of people outside her status quo, who meets with a male friend to have intellectual and respectful conversations, is labeled as stupid, a slut, and careless? Eloise, despite any possible feelings for Theo (which I personally hope exist, but that’s a personal preference), hasn't done anything inappropriate, neither sexual nor even close to a romantic relationship. Her relationship with Theo is a beautiful and respectful friendship, based on mutual intellectual admiration.
However, Penelope, following this same logic, isn't judged in the same way. Her behavior is justified and celebrated simply because she is the favorite. Additionally, another factor is added to the equation: Penelope’s body. Some people consider her to be plus-sized, others say she’s medium-sized, and although I try not to comment on other people's bodies unless explicitly asked, it disturbs me that this aspect influences so much in the perception of her behavior. It seems that everything she does is justified because she doesn’t fit into traditional beauty standards, which shouldn’t be relevant when judging her actions.
So, where is the coherence in this logic? Why is such a different measuring stick used for Eloise and Penelope? Why is a woman demonized for seeking knowledge and genuine friendship, while another is exalted for her romantic and intimate actions? The inequality in these judgments seems incomprehensible and deeply unfair to me.
It seems to me that this logic is terribly flawed and reflects a worrying double standard. Not only are different actions being judged with unequal standards, but the context and intentions behind these actions are also being ignored. It's a logic that, ultimately, perpetuates harmful stereotypes and undermines the complexity and diversity of women's experiences and choices.
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gonzo-rella · 10 months
Headcanons: Starting Your Freshman Year at Greendale and Joining the Study Group
Requested by: Anon
Headcanons for being a new freshman at Greendale and becoming a member of the study group?
Ohh sorry i didn’t clarify! it doesn’t matter to me, i just liked the idea of the reader kinda being the baby of the group, so maybe everyone is in their later years at greendale?
Relationship(s): The Study Group (Jeff, Britta, Annie, Troy, Abed, Shirley and Pierce) x gn!reader (platonic)
Warnings: References to underage drinking. (Let me know if I need to add any)
(A/N: I started writing this literal years ago, but I rewatched the Community Christmas episodes today and it’s made me want to rewatch all of Community and start writing for it again. Not enough people write for it, and not enough people write gender-neutral-reader fics. This was like 90% done so it was a good place to start again. I went with making it so the reader joins the Study Group during season 3, since I had the idea of using the reader to replace Todd in the episode where none of them want to work with him. I haven’t followed the canon of season 3 verbatim, since it’d have made writing this kinda difficult (plus I haven’t seen season 3 in years). So, this is more general. I’m hoping to work through my list of Community requests from years ago throughout 2024, since I’m hoping to get more into the habit of putting aside time for writing.)
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When you decided on taking Biology 101 during your first semester at Greendale, you were bound to learn of (and witness first hand) the notorious Study Group.
Your hope that you wouldn’t be roped into their borderline-narcissistic antics was killed when you were given Pierce Hawthorne as your lab partner.
To say he was annoyed would be an understatement.
Oh boy, did he make it known that he abhorred having to be your lab partner.
In fact, most of them seemed to hate the idea of being stuck as your partner, which was at least a little hurtful.
When Abed rearranged the lab partner pairings based on some mental computer wizardry, you got put with Jeff, who was a bit more subtle with his annoyance.
You spent most of that night standing there awkwardly while Shirley cried about being the least popular member of the Study Group, or trying to be some kind of mediator between these friends who you knew only from rumours and observing them.
You also had to rescue a turtle from being burned alive by Britta, which sent you over the edge into a fit of fury.
Annie was the one who apologised to you for everything, and, much to the chagrin of everyone else, invited you to join the study group.
Perhaps she didn’t expect you to take her up on the offer, but you did anyway.
Your first study session with them made them realise that you fit in well with the group.
Even Abed liked your presence, because he believed it ‘changed the status quo without being like when sitcoms add a kid character in a desperate attempt to boost the ratings’.
(He compared you to Frasier from Cheers)
For a while, though, you did feel a little isolated from the group, considering you were often the only one to comment negatively on the group’s questionable behaviour, which they saw as perfectly normal.
However, you adjusted to being in the group alarmingly fast, to the point of getting carried away in the Study Group mentality like the rest of them.
As the baby of the group, you were treated as such, despite being at least a bit more mature than Troy and Abed.
For example, if Jeff and Britta were in the middle of a heated discussion, you’d be told to ‘stay out of it’.
Abed, early on, would analyse you to figure out how exactly you fit into the group, such as deciding what archetype best describes you.
There’s also a chance that he would create and manipulate situations in order to test your personality.
Jeff would shut this down as soon as he figured out what Abed was doing.
In an effort to try and include you more, Annie would force each member of the Study Group to do an activity with you. 
Annie invited you to a one-on-one study session.
(Also, if you’re taking any classes that she took in her first or second year, she’ll lend you her old materials, like notes, textbooks, study cards etc.)
Shirley took you to the mall with her and her kids, treating you like one of her own kids.
Troy and Abed introduced you to Inspector Spacetime, which you quickly became a big fan of.
(Watching it became a Saturday night ritual for the three of you)
Britta brought you along to a protest which ended in the both of you in jail.
(An irritated Jeff would have to come bail you both out, and Britta would beg him not to say anything about it to Shirley or Annie)
Pierce gave you $1000 to tell Annie that he’d taken you to the zoo.
Jeff invited you over to his apartment for beers, which resulted in you both getting wasted and having a tearful heart-to-heart with one another.
Despite adopting the Study Group mentality to a certain degree, you would be the least susceptible to the group’s dumbassery due to joining so late, which meant you’d often be the one to pull the group out of the stupid shit they were doing.
At the very least, you’d pull Jeff out of it, and he’d take the lead and sort out everyone else.
If you weren’t that close to your family, you’d probably spend holidays over at Shirley’s upon her insistence.
(I love love love the idea that she makes a custom Christmas stocking for you the first year you come over)
In a weird way, the Study Group became your family, albeit a dysfunctional one.
After your friends all graduated, you stayed in touch with most of them, even before you were reunited because of the Save Greendale Committee.
It’s safe to say that, even if you do join late, you’re still accepted as one of them, for better or for worse.
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angy-grrr · 3 months
ppl who are talking shit about the manga just because Endeavor is not in jail and the others still talk to him -what are you even talking about?
Some people already talked about how relatable this is for Asian families and the society that punishes in any case victims more than abusers -but also, this is really common in other contexts too. Idk who is able to just get a whole family to agree on punishing the father, of all of the members (usually the one that holds the most power, emotionally and economically), and start the whole process to get him to go jail. Who thinks this is so easy?
Dabi expected to change the way people saw his father by exposing him, but as we saw, people still consider him a hero and admire him, and in any case people were criticizing his inability to control his kid. Are we not reading the same manga? Their society is literally trying to be the same as it was, because thats what the status quo does. You think a war or two change what is considered good in a system? You think the cycle could just stop so easily? That society doesnt support abusers, especially when the one who exposes it is "the villain" accusing "the greatest hero"? Or you even think, in a micro level, that its easy to cut ties with your abusers, especially when they tell you they want to change for the better?
Family is extremely important in many, many cultures, to the point that is a relevant point to bring up in political discussions -the familial structure just changing a little bit is considered reason enough to vote the far right. Women are still shamed collectively for getting divorced, labelled as bad mothers, bad women, inhuman. Kids not talking to their parents says worse things about the victims than the abusers. Why wouldn't you talk to them, after everything they have done for you? Why wouldnt you, when you owe them your whole existence?
And you are here, expecting a divorce, everyone going no contact, Endeavor in jail and everyone all of the sudden thinking they should get into other people's privacy -because getting abused, hurt, etc, at large, is considered a personal problem, that you should resolve on your own without involving others.
Because thats what its normalized, not acting when people need help. That's the whole point.
Everything will be the same. Except it just can't.
And its worthy to show the how to start getting there, than pretending things would change just like that..
We are living with the rising of the new far right trying to get votes, multiple genocides while the military tries to recruit using tiktok, AI and cute girls, multiple countries maintaining slavery systems and models, accelerated exploitation of nature, people and life in general, climate change and covid deniers getting in power... And you think a war and the exposure of abuse would change a society and social system in that way?
No, the change doesnt come from magic, just like that, but thru action and organization. Im hoping the next chapters can show us how Izuku feels about most people pretending everything is fine when he cant agree.
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bibibbon · 2 months
A common trope in fanfics is that Izuku could become a Quirkless Hero via an Iron Man-type armor. But while it doesn't work at all for the ending, it works in fanfics. You know why? Because in those fanfics, HE MAKES THE ARMOR HIMSELF. It's not handed to him on a silver platter. He goes though many amounts of trial and error to continuously improve his suit, and is allowed to feel emotions and thoughts from his point of view. He's allowed to be spiteful, angry, sad, and conflicted. The fanfic "I Am Not Done" by JayDeeKay on AO3 is one that I HIGHLY RECOMMEND because it did all those things and more, depicting Izuku as a victim of both Bakugo (who crippled him) and Hero/Quirk Society for wanting to become a Hero, with many people from different angles coming at him because they fear that his attempts will rightfully shake up the status quo. Love that fic.
Iron Might in canon shouldn't have even worked in the first place because Horikoshi conveniently forgot that AFO has a Radio Waves Quirk that can disrupt all kinds of electronics. Why the fuck didn't AFO use that? As Deadpool would say:
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Hi @patrickowens86 👋
Iam going to be honest but I love quirkless izuku and he honestly doesn't need to be OP just quirkless izuku who changes the definition of what it means to be a hero works really well in a story because like you said it's a journey that izuku must take. This journey allows Izuku to feel certain emotions, grow as a person, allows his beliefs to be challenged and changed by his experiences in society and it also focuses a lot on Izuku's intelligence which I love.
The reason iron Izuku doesn't work in the manga ending is because he never made the suit it was given to him. Izuku also never goes through the journey of trial and error the journey of challenging his beliefs and overall development it's just a little thing hori gave izuku so he can still be a hero.
There's also the depiction of canon iron Izuku or iron might as the suit being powerful enough to beat many villains but to be a hero you don't need to beat villains you need to SAVE people not BEAT them. Like I said izuku doesn't need to be powerful enough to go against villains like all for one or shigaraki but his intelligence and influence can change society and allow for him to connect with others.
Izuku becoming a quirkless hero is also one way that he breaks the status quo so there's that.
Going on a tangent here but one of the things I don't understand is the belief that izuku can't be a quirkless hero when heroes like wash (a flipping washing machine) can be a hero or someone like lunch rush is a hero. The term hero doesn't mean that someone needs to physically fight villains.
I don't like iron might. To me it hinders all mights own development of him learning to leave stuff to the younger generation and also learning and finding his own self worth outside of heroics and being able to fight or save others. Also I must say that I even forgot that all for one had a radio wave quirk and I suppose hori just ended up nerfing all for one because he made him too powerful in the first place for anyone to beat.
The link to the fic that you mentioned is here Iam not sure but I think I might of read it but I forgot so Iam definitely gonna read it anyways.
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I once had a idea of a couple of villains which are everything ladybug and cat noir aren’t
The boy is the well mannered and destructive person who’s always honest, The girl is the chaotic and overwhelming person who always has a plan
Yet both hate Ladybug and cat noir for their own reasons
The boy doesn’t hate cat noir but hates liars and abusive people, and when he discovers monarch was Gabriel (threw my kid through Paris) agreste and how the heroes never defeated him, he goes off and accidentally ruins Adrien’s life (also Felix’s life for stealing the miraculous, lying to kagami about it and trying to ruin Adrien’s life, he would break the bird boy’s spine), and even his hero life by using cat noir has a example of a bad hero (abandoning Paris a couple of times, letting his emotions get in the way, never taking things seriously, always flirting and always getting brainwashed for he’s incompetence). None of it is personal for the boy but he admits he doesn’t care if Adrien gets hurt since the boy believes himself to be a bad person and being a villain is his punishment so he acts accordingly despite his intentions of revealing a lie and making a true change to destroy the status quo being quite heroic, Adrien gets a burning rage towards the boy
The girl hates ladybug for how she has everything (friends, family, fame and power) yet when she sees how she treats Adrien (lying to him under the excuse of not hurting him when it’s actually just hurting Adrien more by praising he’s abuser, being superficial since she’ll fall in love with anyone who acts like Adrien/cat walker, and the constant stalker behavior) she’ll make sure to hurt Marinette thinking she doesn’t deserve her perfect life when she was all alone before being turned into a villain and meeting the boy, she’ll at first seem like a pure evil character but she’s just someone trying to survive, she’s actually someone pretty sweet and friendly (at difference of the boy which is quite shy and closed despite it seeming otherwise, she helped him go through his traumas and he’s doing the same for her) and when she sees someone like Marinette having a perfect life and treating her partner like that would be enough to make her into a venom like for who’ll do anything to bring justice while knowing justice is the wrong word since she’s breaking several laws while making a teenager suffer
And the best part is how the two constantly emotionally support each other properly and are better working together than the bug and the cat, they talk about their problems, always talk and go out together, help each other train their powers and everything, a genuine healthy relationship built on trust, care and partnership
The point of the arc against them could be A-fixing Ladybug’s and Cat noir’s flaws and problems and make them a genuinely healthy couple, B-break them up because after everything, is there any chemistry at this point? They are the water and bread of relationships and the only good about their relationship has civilians is the “Will they Won’t they” the writers have exploited for 5 seasons and may keep going for another 5, and after everything they’ve done to each other in and out of the suit I can’t ship this two in the show anymore
But we all know Adrien will never know the truth, they’ll probably never question what happen to Gabriel, ladybug won’t ever be on the wrong and cat won’t ever suffer the consequences of his immaturity while being a hero for fun who doesn’t care about the consequences
That's a pretty interesting idea. We really need more villains with their own non-Butterfly Miraculous in this show.
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codenamesazanka · 4 months
『それは… 明日のおまえら次第だな』 "That... depends on you guys tomorrow."
Shigaraki's said something like this before.
way back, during the Stain arc.
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『そりゃ明日次第だ』 "That depends on tomorrow."
During the Stain arc, Shigaraki was having a fight with Stain over ideals - over whether it was needed at all, whether having Conviction vs. Random Destruction would better achieve their shared goal - changing the status quo. Stain went and did some Extreme Heroing, while Shigaraki unleashed Noumu into the city to cause indiscriminate destruction.
After everything died down, after Stain was captured and the Noumu were killed - after the battle was over - Kurogiri asks if Shigaraki succeeded in his goal. Shigaraki only says that it depends - he won't know until he sees the results and the effects of this fight in tomorrow. Whether what he's done has made any impression, whether it was Stain or him that was correct.
Shigaraki caused all this destruction, hoping that people will take notice, hoping to prove that what he does (brutal destruction) can change the status quo, that what he does will eventually turn to dust 'that piece of garbage' All Might and the society that worships him.
(The Stain fight also ends with Deku in the hospital, vaguely troubled by Stain's words.)
Now, in this final war arc, in which Villains and Heroes were having a battle over control of the future, over destroying everything (because it rejects and harmed them) or preserving everything with some change? (because... well, lives are at stake and so is society as they know it). Heroes defended, while Villains attacked. More specific to Shigaraki, he fought to destroy in order to be a Hero for the Villains.
After everything died down, after the Villains were defeated - after the battle was over - this time, Shigaraki admits defeat to Deku. And so he asks Deku to give a message to Spinner: That Shigaraki Tomura fought to destroy until the bitter end. He did not seem to regret it, and he tried, but he failed to destroy everything. Deku then tells Shigaraki that he actually did - "It's already been destroyed." Shigaraki has succeeded in his goal.
But once again, Shigaraki only says that it depends. The results and effects of this war is pending. Shigaraki caused all this destruction, and-- Did he turn to dust all he hated in society - the rejection, the injustice, the societal apathy? Did he change the status quo at all? Did he manage to be a Hero for the Villains? Will any of the things he did actually stick?
He doesn't know. He can't know, now that he's dead. But he hopes it does, and unable to do anything more (because he is dead), he's leaving it to Deku and the others - "That… depends on you guys starting tomorrow. Really, do your best."
(and now Deku's at the hospital again, vaguely troubled by Shigaraki's death.)
After the Stain arc, when Shigaraki watched the news and saw that everyone was more concerned about Stain than the Noumu, when Shigaraki realized he failed, it caused him to go and come back stronger. It got him to confront Deku, refine his goal, reaffirm his hatred, and then he came back with the League of Villains, and the rest is history.
We are now in the aftermath of the war. Everything's being rebuilt. Hero Society is back on track. The question is: did anything change? Was Deku right that Shigaraki 'already destroyed it' - and so Shigaraki succeeded? Or did Shigaraki fail, again?
What's going to happen, if he did?
And I guess that depends on Horikoshi, starting next chapter.
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