#steph's oc
loosesodamarble · 11 months
A Seamstress and Tailor
Summary: A small writing project I did involving @cringeyvanillamilk and @mikuyuuss' Demon Slayer ocs (as well as my own). A scenario wherein Akari meets Takayuki, Suzume, and Shizuka. Genre: general Word count: ~2100 A/N: Thanks for letting me use your ocs in this fic, Steph and Unni! It's always fun to write ocs meeting each other jahdglahsrut!
Another evening, another successful mission.
Akari watched as the demon she defeated turned to ash. A cremation without flames. Thinking about a demon’s death that way left Akari feeling odd. Like their deaths were incomplete without the proper ritual.
Then again, the lives of demons were wrong altogether.
The thought quickly left Akari as she sensed a familiar presence behind her.
Giyuu, who she’d been sent on the mission with. While the threat hadn’t been serious like a Demon Moon, Kagaya had correctly predicted that the demon activity was several weaker ones. Thus a team up was done to handle it more easily.
“So you finished u—GYAA!” Akari yelped at the sight of Giyuu when she’d fully turned around.
While not severely injured, he did have a ridiculous amount of small cuts on his face and his hands. Some even leaked little bits of blood. And his haori was a tattered wreck.
“Giyuu-san, how did that happen?! I thought these were all weak demons,” Akari remarked while stepping closer to the man.
“They were weak. I just tripped into a bramble bush,” Giyuu answered flatly. “Sorry to worry you, Akari-san.”
Akari blinked a couple of times.
Classic Giyuu. He was cool as a cucumber on the outside but clumsy on the inside. Though usually that was a social clumsiness rather than physical. Imagining Giyuu, a skilled Pillar, tripping was also very hard for Akari.
Akari examined Giyuu again, focusing on his haori and the shreds it was in. She bit the inside of her cheek.
“Giyuu-san… I’m not sure I’ll be able to restore your haori from this… I’m—”
“Don’t worry, there’s someone who can help with this,” Giyuu stated without missing a beat. “And actually, it’s about time you two got introduced.”
Akari raised a brow.
The Bird Pillar, Takayuki Fukushima.
Akari had heard of the man through Giyuu and the other Pillars. That Takayuki was stern and disciplined. That his temper could surprise someone. That he indulged in literature in his spare time. She’d never had the chance to meet him herself though. Things just never worked out for them to cross paths it seemed.
But today, Akari found herself at the threshold of Takayuki’s home, called the Eagle Manor.
I guess Shinobu-san isn’t the only one who fancies naming their housing, Akari mentally noted as Giyuu knocked on the door. Does that make them weirdos?
The one to answer the door was a young woman. She was shockingly tall, probably as tall as Giyuu or taller. Her hair was mostly brown hair and a few streaks of black and white mixed in. She wore a simple brown yukata and a white overcoat.
“Tomioka-sama, welcome back,” the woman greeted with a grin. Her eyes, a shade of orange which reminded Akari of cattails, then landed on Akari. “Oh, and you are?”
“Akari Takahashi. Nice to meet you.”
“Right, likewise. And I’m Suzume Hayashi.”
The young women bowed their heads to each other.
“So uh…” Suzume smiled at Giyuu in a way that told Akari that she wasn’t entirely sure of herself. “What brings you here, Tomioka-sama?”
“Sewing.” Giyuu raised the bundled remains of his haori in his hands.
Suzume blinked.
Akari blinked.
Giyuu didn’t say anything else.
“R-right… Then um…” Suzume gestured inside. “Right this way?”
Suzume walked ahead of Giyuu and Akari as they were side-by-side.
“Do you and Suzume-san not get along?” Akari whispered.
“I don’t think so. We just don’t get to talking when I visit because I’m usually just here to see Takayuki.”
“Uh-huh…” Akari looked ahead at Suzume. “Hey, Suzume-san, what’s your opinion of Giyuu-san?”
“Huh? My thoughts?” Suzume glanced over her shoulder at Giyuu. “Well, he’s definitely one of the nicer Pillars. And…” She touched her chin. “He’s very graceful with his swordsmanship.”
Akari grinned to herself when she glanced at Giyuu’s wide-eyed surprise. He blinked, and his eyes fell to the floor. All the while, his face turned a pleasant shade of pink.
“Well whad’ya know,” giggled Akari.
Suzume led Giyuu and Akari around another corner and that’s when the group crossed paths with someone else.
A girl, around Akari’s height, with black hair that turned green at the tips and a morning glory patterned haori over her body. Her eyes, which seemed to naturally set in a glare, scanned the trio.
“Afternoon, Shizuka,” Suzume greeted. “Where’re you off to?”
“Well I was going to the nearest pharmacy to better stock the medicine room,” Shizuka started. Her eyes flicked to Giyuu. “But I see that Tomioka-sama had some injuries that should be tended to…”
“Hm?” Giyuu shifted a bit at the mention of his name. “Oh no. These are perfectly fine. I already washed them and—”
Shizuka clicked her tongue and her expression became harsher.
“And you didn’t apply any salve at all? Sometimes, water alone isn’t enough to keep a wound from infecting,” Shizuka snapped as she walked past Suzume and grabbed Giyuu’s wrist. “Apply an antiseptic at least once. A Pillar shouldn’t be taking unnecessary risks.” Despite her short stature, she started to drag the man away.
“H-hey wait a moment!” Akari called out. “Giyuu-san came here to talk to Fukushima-san!”
“I’ll be quick about it, dammit!” Shizuka hissed over her shoulder, making Akari jolt a bit.
What an intense little girl!
Giyuu turned as best he could while being pulled along and locked eyes with Akari.
“Akari-san, you can take it from here,” Giyuu said and tossed his haori to her. She awkwardly caught it. “It seems I’m not getting out of this…”
Akari let out a gasp, completely baffled.
“What on earth was that? What’s her deal?”
“Shizuka’s not as bad as she seems,” Suzume remarked with an awkward smile and laugh. “She just takes recovery really seriously.”
“So she’s like Shinobu-san?” To Akari’s question, Suzume nodded. “Her attitude is more like Shinazugawa-san though, and he…” Akari let her voice trail off. Of course Suzume would understand what she was getting at.
The women looked at each other.
“Well, uh, I guess I’ll take you to Fukushima-san.”
“Yeah, I guess there’s not much else to do.”
The rest of the walk through the manor was dead quiet. Without Giyuu there, Akari didn’t feel quite up to getting a conversation going. She didn’t feel uncomfortable around Suzume though.
Based on her view of Giyuu and the way she was able to shrug off Shizuka’s prickly personality, Akari felt that she was a good person. The mild and understanding type.
Eventually, they reached a door, a Western style one surprisingly, with an intricate design of various birds carved into the wood.
“Fukushima-san, there’s someone to see you,” Suzume called out while knocking on the door.
And a moment later, a man opened the door. His hair, which fell past his shoulders, was pure white and his eyes had a silver hue. Hanging from his shoulders was a cape that looked like it was made from feathers. He was surprisingly, in a word, handsome.
And this would be the third white-haired person amongst the Pillars… Akari mused. I’d make it four once I become a Pillar.
“And you are?” Takayuki asked Akari.
She once again introduced herself. When she gave her name, Takayuki’s face tensed just the slightest bit.
“So you’re Takahashi-san. Giyuu’s made mention of you,” Takayuki remarked with a curt nod.
Akari felt herself warm up at the thought of Giyuu talking about her with someone else. Someone else who was his friend. Another man. Something about that made her heart flutter.
“Are you here on an errand for Giyuu?”
“Uh…” Akari tilted her head side-to-side for a moment. “Well, kinda? Giyuu-san is here too, but… your other student, Shizuka? She took him away to tend to some minor cuts.”
Suzume let out a sound that was between an exhale and a laugh at Akari’s recounting.
“That girl…” Takayuki hummed and shook his head. “She’s not my student. She’s just settling here for the time being.”
“Ah. So like the patients at the Butterfly Mansion. Makes sense.”
“So…” Takayuki’s eyes flicked downward and landed on the bundle that was Giyuu’s haori. “Clothing repairs.”
“Yes, exactly!” Akari exclaimed back.
“Right then.” Takayuki turned to Suzume. “I can take it from here. Go back to relaxing. Who knows when you’ll get a mission summons.”
“Alrighty then!” Suzume waved and jogged off.
Akari stared in awe at the room that Takayuki had led her to. Bolts of fabric were set up on racks. There was a mannequin wearing what looked like the beginning stages of a kimono. A sewing kit was laid out on the table at the center of the room.
“Oh wow! You’re really serious about sewing!” Akari exclaimed. She was still hesitant to be around Takayuki but knowing they had a shared hobby warmed her heart. And now she wished that Giyuu had introduced them sooner.
“For me, sewing is…” Takayuki hesitated. For the briefest of moments, he looked melancholy, only for him to tilt his chin up and resumed a nonchalant expression. “It kills time between missions or while I’m in the midst of recovery,” he said, his tone cool and somewhat dismissive. “So Giyuu’s haori got ruined, huh?”
“Pretty much…”
Akari unfurled the remains of the haori, showing off what a mess it was.
“I’m not sure how it can be fixed…”
“Not to worry.”
Takayuki opened a drawer in the corner dresser and brought out two bundles of fabric which perfectly matched the patterns of Giyuu’s haori.
“Wha—? When—?” Akari’s mouth flapped open and closed. Talk about being prepared!
Takayuki shrugged.
“I pay a textile shop to make more material, in case something like this happens. And this isn’t the first time.”
The explanation was spoken in a matter-of-fact tone. And yet, Akari looked in Takayuki’s eyes and saw a softness in them. Rather than reflecting like a cold, harsh metal, his eyes shined like soft moonlight at the moment. The fact that he even had the fabric made at all spoke more of the bond that the two men must’ve shared.
The fabrics were passed from Takayuki to Akari. She caressed the fabric, held the sentiment that it represented.
“Fukushima-san… Did you want to repair Giyuu-san’s haori instead?”
A light chuckle left the man.
“While I’m used to Giyuu asking me to take care of repairs, I’m not bitter to see someone else take over instead.” Takayuki patted Akari’s shoulder. “And if Giyuu’s words are anything to go by, you’re just as, if not more skilled than myself. After all, I’m not involved in uniform production in the Corps.”
“Oh! I’m glad that Giyuu-san speaks highly of me!” Akari replied with a soft giggle. ���And uh, thank you for providing the fabric. Giyuu-san must mean a lot to you.”
“He must mean a lot to you too, if you went out of your way to follow him on this chore.”
“Ah… Yes, that’s true…”
Akari smiled at Takayuki. His lips quirked into a faint grin.
Their white hair. Their skills with a needle. And their fondness for Giyuu. There was little that Akari and Takayuki shared but it was the little things that made way for the beginning of understanding.
Giyuu and Akari left the Eagle Manor, walking side-by-side. It was quiet for a while until Giyuu pulled a small, paper-wrapped item from his pocket.
“What’s that?” Akari asked, glancing at the parcel.
“Something from Shizuka. She said it would help on missions,” he answered vaguely.
Akarai raised a brow. “Did she not say what it was?”
“No.” Giyuu glanced at Akari then returned his attention to the item. “I doubt it’s anything dangerous.”
Very true. It was unlikely that a lower ranked slayer would give anything that would sabotage a Pillar. Besides, if Shizuka was so aggressive about healing (which Akari didn’t quite get), then it didn’t make sense for her to give something harmful to someone.
Unprompted, Giyuu ripped the paper. Underneath was a block of a beige substance. Giyuu rubbed the surface with his thumb.
“Soap?” he whispered, having recognized the feel. “How would that help?”
After staring at the strange gift for a moment, Akari noticed a faint aroma. She leaned in and gave a sniff.
It was unlikely that the soap would be as effective as wisteria incense. Still, Akari could imagine that the presence of the flower in the soap might make slayers smell a bit less appetizing to the demons they fought.
“Why didn’t she just say what it was?” Akari asked no one in particular. “That way we could’ve thanked her at least…”
“You can always give your gratitude the next time you see her.”
“If there is a next time.”
It was a melancholy thought but given their line of work… Of course it would cross Akari’s mind.
There was no telling if Akari would cross paths Shizuka, Takayuki, or Suzume ever again…
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bobbinalong · 4 months
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Twitter is personally attacking me with Steph Mother's Day posts, so here's some old AU art. Happy Mother's Day :)
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presidentstalkeyes · 9 months
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Another commission I bought from the wonderful and talented @stephreynaart !
A teaser for a story I have in the works (for the first time in over a year, I know). Soos bestowing his old one-size-fits-all shirt - the same one Stan gave him all those years ago - upon his new 'apprentice', 12-year-old Boyd Gunnarsson.
He'd already been helping out at the Shack for a couple weeks to pick up the slack after both sets of Pines twins left town and Wendy started her Sophomore year, but it's only after getting mixed up in a supernatural adventure - and proposing a 'killer Halloween special' based on it - that Boyd's apprenticeship is made official. Look at him, he can barely restrain his joy. :V
Part of a wider 'Shack Family' concept I have, featuring Soos, Melody, Wendy and Boyd getting into their own shenanigans while the Pines family is away. Many assume that Boyd is Soos' son, but really he's more of an adopted kid brother.
Many thanks once again!!
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stxph-artist · 2 months
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late night bs trio doodle (can you tell I miss them??)
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sapphic--kiwi · 9 months
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haven’t stopped thinking about this post by @catboymoments since I saw it last year and it inspired me to draw Cici’s ears wiggling like a cat too ❤️❤️
(still images under the cut)
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invisiblehoodie · 1 month
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techmomma · 4 months
Eddy would be *such* a good listener to Laios' Monster Infodumps
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oh i'd call him a very active listener
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phasimsigma · 3 months
Tiktok trend with Arthur and Steph!
cuties frfr
red haired oc (Steph) belong to : @ravenousscorpian !!
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shittybundaskenyer · 1 year
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cherries and strawberry wine <3
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
Koli is @cringeyvanillamilk’s oc. Acylla is @faewraithsworld’s oc. Josele is my oc.
(Prior to Josele’s curse breaking)
Koli: Josele sure knows her way around weapons.
Acylla: Well since she doesn’t use her magic that often, she’s gotta fight with something.
Koli: Betcha she’d be in fighting mode the second you threw a weapon at her and ran in charging.
Acylla: I could see that. (notices Josele walking in their direction) Let’s test it out. Hey Josele, think fast! (creates a crystal knife and throws it)
Josele: (raises hand but the blade pierces her palm) Surprisingly good throwing technique, Crystal Mage. Especially since you don’t try it often.
Acylla: Uh... Y-your hand...
Josele: However, don't try to lunge into the throw though. It'll cause your trajectory to curve.
Koli: I think you ought to-
Josele: You should try to make sure that your shoulders are close to but not entirely squared when you finish a throw.
Acylla and Koli: (grab Josele and drag her inside) And you should get Nero to check your hand!
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bobbinalong · 4 days
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stxph-artist · 1 month
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baby ghostrat (I miss them)
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sillygreenrat · 8 months
when i tell you my response to the news was immediate......
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whenever these puppies gettin shipped out it's all over
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imagoddamnonionmason · 5 months
About Goose
Hello mates, just wanted to put some info out there for the app users- for anyone able, I do have an about page here!
So, the basics:
Name: Goose Age: 25
D.O.B: (uk date) 01/09 From: England Pronouns: she/her
Discord: imagoddamnonionmasonn
I have been formally diagnosed as ADHD and ASD.
This blog classifies as MDNI - this means that my blog is filled with 18+ content and anyone classing as a minor may not find this appropriate.
It also mean that I will not feel comfortable receiving asks/DMs from blogs that are obvious/known minors.
If I find out you are a minor, I will politely ask you unfollow and no longer interact with my posts.
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Their bios can be found in the links attached to the [X]'s.
Jodie "Bell" Hall - Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War [X]
Nanette MacTavish - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare [X]
Franca "Major" Lorenzetti - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare [X]
Ashley "Smokey" Woods - Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 [X]
Keith Wells - Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War [X]
Stephanie "Seraph" Wilde - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare [X]
Sarah Mason - Call of Duty: Black Ops Franchise [X]
Klaus “Shaker” Newman - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare [X]
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I have a tag list. If you want to opt in then go like this post!
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Alternate Universe Fics
Call of Booty: Frank Woods x Bell OC [X]
Smooth Operator: Frank Woods x Bell OC [X]
Learning to Live Again Series
Holidays at the Mason Home: Frank Woods x Bell OC [X]
Black Ops Cold War Series
Unknown Soldier: Implied Frank Woods x Bell OC [X]
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Unless it has been gifted to you, don’t repost.
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Thank you for taking the time to read, it's much appreciated!
Signing off,
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sapphic--kiwi · 1 year
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weekend doodle time at the Tholomule-Porters’ 🎨
(Gus in the background: I sense a Crime against fashion and my good name is being committed…)
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techmomma · 6 months
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I am the righteous hand of God;
I am the Devil that you forgot.
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