#stiles x heather
jade-bright · 5 months
Stiles whenever he sees Derek and is immediately pulled towards his eyes: *sighs in love*
Heather, unamused: okay, keep that in your pants -_-
Stiles after he sees his boyfriend's eyes flash gold: prettyyy
Paige, seeing them for the first time, confused af: wtf?
Stiles, seeing his mate's eyes flash blue: gorgeous <3
Derek, with tears in his eyes seeing Stiles looking at him with love and affection: *speechless and slightly blushing* ...
Stiles, standing in front of his husband: *cups his face with one hand and looks at his eyes that now glow red* my mate
Stiles: *Gives Derek a long kiss to further convey his love for him* my beautiful mate *kiss* my Alpha
Derek, kinda breathing hard, on a high from the alpha power and the love he's getting from Stiles: *leans into Stiles' neck and breathes in his scent, relaxes a bit* my mate
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lost-in-beacon-hills · 4 months
That feeling when the "powerful" character has no control over their love for someone. They just let it destroy them.
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hoechlinsdicksblog · 11 months
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Escuela de jóvenes asesinos 🔪
Cuando dos chicos se reencuentran en la preparatoria de un pueblo pequeño, se unen para para cambiar las reglas impuestas por los bullies y abejas reinas de dicha institución, aunque accidentalmente llevan las cosas a otro nivel.
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sundrop-writes · 3 months
Mister Mxyzptlk
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Stiles Stilinski x Fem!Reader Blurb
Word Count: 800
Sundrop's Main Masterlist
Warnings: mentions of bullying (Stiles being bullied for having a 'weird' name); mentions of Stiles's trauma surrounding his mother's death; obscure comic book references; this is mostly just fluff - very light implications toward sexual themes, flirting and romantic attraction between Stiles and the reader.
A/N: So, the last time I was actively watching Teen Wolf (when S3 and S4 were airing) I thought it was a running gag that Stiles's real name was never revealed and it was just always a mystery to the audience (like how it's a gag in Degrassi that Heather St. Claire's face is never seen). But when I saw a tiktok showing his real name, I was shocked, and then entirely amused by it. And I was also really offended because I'm watching S1 for the first time and the coach calls Stiles's name 'child abuse' and his father doesn't even dispute that, knowing that it's a family name to honour his dead mother's side of the family. And the fact that he is a character whose real name is very hard to pronounce and very few people actually know what it is got me thinking about the comic book character - Mister Mxyzptlk - and I realized that Stiles, being a comic book nerd who is always referencing things like The Incredible Hulk and Batman and Robin, would fucking love that comparison. Thus, this mini fic. Usually, this is an idea I would save and put it as a moment in a longer fic, but I'm not currently working a fic where I feel like this fits in, so it has become its own mini fic. Random idea, but enjoy this random fluff.
"Is Stiles your real name?"
You inquired lightly, walking out of school with Scott and Stiles.
"It's something I've been wondering since we met."
Stiles felt a unique anxiety clutch in his chest at this question. He hated telling people his real name, especially when those people were pretty girls. Especially when they were pretty girls he had only met a week ago who were new in town who otherwise didn't know what a reputation he had for being a loser and could form their own opinions of him.
He could see any chance he had with you being flushed down the drain at top speed. But it wasn't much different from any other girl he previously had a crush on.
"Cause, I thought maybe it was your last name. Guys who play sports usually do that - always call each other by their last names." You went on, not sensing the awkwardness as Scott and Stiles eyed each other heavily, waiting for the other person to speak. "But I heard the coach calling you Balinski?"
"Stilinski." Stiles corrected you. "I think he gets my name wrong on purpose to belittle me." He gave a fake laugh to play it off, but you frowned.
"Stiles is a nickname." Scott added on, trying to usher Stiles away from the awkwardness of having to tell you himself. "His real first name is... really hard to pronounce, and not a lot of people at our school even know it. So - everyone just knows him as Stiles."
This brought Stiles back to a painful memory - in fourth grade, someone had seen the attendance sheet with his real name on it, and showed it to everyone else. And this had started a barrage of bullying and rumours about how he had gotten the name.
Some said that his mother hated him as soon as he was born and wanted to name him something really ugly to match him. Some said that his mother had a brain tumour and she named him in such an odd manner because her brain was 'mush' when he was born. And whenever people in the halls mockingly called him 'tumour baby' or 'brain tumour' - then he had to painfully be reminded of his mother's absence from his life.
"So you're like Mister Mxyzptlk?" You posed, a smile coming across your face from the joy of making such an apt reference.
Stiles looked at you then, unsure if he had heard you correctly - but his heart started to beat faster and he was sure that his crush developed into full, heart-stopping love in that moment.
A gorgeous, cute, sweet girl like you making such an obscure dorky reference - there was nobody else. Nobody else would ever make him feel the way you had in that moment.
Scott was entirely confused, looking between the two of you with utter dumbness across his face, wondering why Stiles' heart rate had increased so much.
"Ugh - yeah." Stiles stuttered out awkwardly. "Yeah, I guess I am."
"So, is learning your real name the power to defeating you?" You posed, smoothing your voice into a sultry tone, stepping closer to Stiles, running a hand up his bare forearm - clearly flirting now. "Do I get three chances to moan it in your ear without making a mistake before you're allowed to do whatever you want to me?"
Scott regretted his super-hearing, being able to catch exactly what you said in a low whisper against Stiles's ear.
Stiles's brain was short-circuiting.
You were making nerdy references and coming onto him now. His blood was rioting between rushing to his pants and giving him a heart attack, and soon, before he could stop it, he practically shouted:
"Marry me!"
And while this would have been a colossally awkward fumble with any other girl, you simply giggled and smiled.
"You're so cute." You complimented in return, reaching out to gently 'boop' a finger against his nose.
Stiles continued to gape at you, feeling like he needed to say more, needed to communicate just how epicly wonderful you were in his eyes.
"Chocolate? Or vanilla? Our wedding cake could have 4 tiers, or we could get one of those cupcake tower things, I heard those are really trendy."
You let out another laugh, thinking that he was joking - not realising that he was already picking out an engagement ring in his head, and wondering which comic book characters you would name your children after.
"We can start with a date." You told him. "Friday. After the game."
He nodded.
"Yes, date." He agreed eagerly. "A date would be amazing."
"I have to get going now." You added on - and he felt like he was floating when you leaned in and kissed him on the cheek before you departed. "See you later?"
"Everyday for the rest of our lives." Stiles mumbled quietly, entirely love-struck.
"What the hell was that?" Scott asked, still entirely baffled.
"We shall have a spring wedding." Stiles replied, his eyes still locked on your back as you walked away - clearly, he was still caught up in the euphoria of the interaction.
Scott had to drag him away.
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princesssmars · 1 year
in the darkened forest, i see you.
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some stiles stilinski x witch reader headcanons
your whole life you knew you had a destiny to fulfill. its hard to juggle your magical heritage and your nosy best friends, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
wc: 1.328
contains : fluff. reader is a witch. mentions of some of season ones violence.
a/n : very self-indulgent and based on my very. very long and detailed teen wolf script. enjoy.
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the name of your hometown always made you laugh inside your head. beacon hills, a sprawling town in northern california. by the title and looks you'd think the only things gravitating here would be families preparing for the future and seniors looking to settle down.
but there was so much hidden beneath the surface that almost every resident had no idea about.
when you were but seven years old you realized your family wasn't like other childrens.
where heathers dad worked in a home office, yours worked in a dingy but atmospheric antique shop selling various artifacts you've never seen before, ranging from "eye of newt" to "crushed cricket leg powder" to a bundle of weird-looking talismans.
where benjamins mom spoke english as her first language, you found out those funny words your mom would say when reading from her big book was her second language which was called latin. and how sometimes when she spoke it while cooking your food always came out tastier and you'd go to sleep feeling stronger than ever.
its on your 13th birthday when your parents sit you down and tell you the truth, how you've been born into a long line of witches from both your mother and father's side. how they can tell you've been curious as they were as kids, but they see something in you that pushed them to decide to let you in sooner to the lifestyle than other witchlings, who normally started learning before a witches becoming ceremony on their 16th.
"your magic can be a blessing and a curse," they said, sitting with you on the couch while your father showed you the family picturebook holding portraits of ancestors dating back hundreds of years. "but in our family, we've always put the greater good of witch kind before others. we protect our own and they protect us. you'll always have someone in your corner when things seem impossible. "
your parents were kidding, with you being introduced to some of the other witch kids in town. contrary to what you were thinking they were pretty popular, and welcomed you into their circle nearly immediately.
being popular means meeting many types of people though, and that's what led you to meet the one and only stiles stilinski.
he was a bit nerdy, and definitely less popular than you were but that didnt really matter. your first conversation was in english class freshman year, when you asked him for a pencil and he accidentally gave out four at once. you laughed at him and he told you that you had the prettiest smile he'd ever seen, and that since smiling made people live longer he hoped you live to be 110. it was weird but cute.
since that day you'd been friends, hanging out with stiles and scott often. you'd even show up to cheer at their lacrosse games even if they sucked. you tried giving them small luck charms before games which luckily seemed to work.
even if you found yourself growing close to them, you still kept the knowledge of your heritage close to your chest. even if stiles, being the mini detective he was, seemed to nearly figure it out multiple times.
but it's during the latter end of your sophomore year when things take a turn. stiles shows up to your house in the dead of night asking you to come with him to get some snacks and chill. figuring you had nothing else to do, you agreed and decided to walk the short trek with him to scott's house.
what he didnt tell you was that the three of you were going into the woods to find half of a damn dead body, the boys ignoring your complaints from behind them as they searched the forest floor. sure you could've gone home, but it'd be a lie to say you weren't just a bit interested yourself. and scared they'd get themselves killed.
the funs cut short when you and stiles are caught by his dad, who on the drive home awkwardly insinuates that he thought you two had snuck away to fool around in the woods, making the both of you loudly deny it. but after you get dropped off at home you start thinking if it'd be the worst thing in the world to date the stilnksi boy.
the next few weeks are chaos, with you finding out that not only are werewolves back in beacon hills but the newest addition is scott himself. you try to give him as much help as you can without seeming too suspicious.
but it's one afternoon when stiles comes up to you acting the calmest you've ever seen him and tells you he's taking you out for burgers, his treat. you agree because one free burgers and two alone time with your...best friend stiles. win-win situation, right?
wrong, because as soon as you're settled in the passenger seat and ready to eat a burger after the crappy school lunch, stiles turns in his seat and asks "are you supernatural too?"
you looked at him and knew you couldn't lie to his face, the truth spilling from your mouth faster than you could comprehend. he seemed more excited to hear about you being a witch than you did when you found out you were one.
you swear him and scott to secrecy, telling him it's already dangerous enough that they know. your secret is safe with them but god are they annoying about it.
what spells can you do? do you have a cauldron? do you have any family members who died in salem? could you put a curse on jackson? not a super serious one just so he...ok nevermind.
as irritating as it could be, you knew that they meant well.
sometimes when you're in your room studying your grimoire, stiles will ask you to translate the little latin notes on the sides to him. when you start to get annoyed you'll explain one to him and tell him that whatever you just said is a curse and because he asked you to say it its now on him. his face is priceless every time.
the day of your becoming ceremony is pure chaos to put it simply. your parents wake you up and give you your favorite breakfast foods which is always nice. the stiles picks you up from school while he and scott are acting completely suspicious about a surprise they have for you.
you find out what it is when you get to school and see a giant banner at the front of the school that reads "happy birthday y/n!". it's almost enough to make you cry.
once the school day is over you have to head home for the ceremony, but not before your best friends beg you to tag along, not knowing that you haven't exactly told your parents that you told them your secret.
its safe to say they were pissed off when you got home, but we're more understanding (and slightly shocked and scared) when you told them that scott was a werewolf. but the more supernatural the better!
the ceremony goes off without a problem, and by the end you already feel stronger. the new power surging through your veins gives you a boost of confidence.
you drive with stiles as he drops scott off, before he takes you up to your favorite spot overlooking the city. its one of your favorite ways to end a night, looking out at your home and talking to your favorite person in the world. with your newfound confidence, you admire stiles as he rants about something before grabbing his face and bringing him in for a kiss.
you pull away after a few seconds, looking at his dazed face to see if he reciprocates your feelings or not. when he gives you that signature dopy smile of his and kisses you, its more magical than you could've hoped for.
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onlydylanobrien · 11 months
Dylan O’Brien Was in the Audience of ‘Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen’ — and Us Has Questions
By Yana Grebenyuk October 18, 2023
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Dylan O’Brien has all of Us wondering what his favorite Bravo shows are after his surprise audience appearance on Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen.
Host Andy Cohen kicked off the show on Tuesday, October 17, by introducing guests Real Housewives of Salt Lake City star Monica Garcia and comedian Heather McMahan. He then pointed out that O’Brien, 32, and producer Tommy Alter were both in the audience. Cameras switched to O’Brien who did a thumbs up for viewers while sipping a drink.
“I want to welcome our friends Dylan O’Brien and Tommy Alter to the Clubhouse. Great to see you! Dylan being a huge Vanderpump Rules fan, I found out tonight. I love it,” Cohen, 55, said as the audience cheered.
O’Brien was not mentioned again, but he did get fans talking about the unexpected cameo. “This feels random. Dylan O’Brien is in the #WWHL audience tonight!” a social media commentator wrote via X.
Meanwhile, another viewer poked fun at O’Brien enjoying himself in New York City, writing, “Just dylan o’brien in his natural state (sipping on his drink) in the audience of wwhl tonight.”
O’Brien was photographed hours prior showing his support for the ongoing SAG-AFTRA strike on the picket line. He wore a hoodie that referenced the actors’ union, which he paired with green sweatpants and a red baseball hat.
The actor rose to stardom after playing fan-favorite character Stiles Stilinski on MTV’s hit series Teen Wolf from 2011 to 2017. O’Brien went on to score the role of Thomas in the Maze Runner film franchise. He has since also appeared in movies including Deepwater Horizon, American Assassin, Bumblebee, Love and Monsters and Not Okay.
O’Brien’s collaborations with Taylor Swift, however, have been our favorite part of his filmography so far. In 2021, O’Brien starred opposite Sadie Sink in Swift’s short film All Too Well. He was also credited as a drummer on Swift’s song “Snow on the Beach,” which was featured on her 2022 album Midnights.
After All Too Well scored five nominations at the MTV Video Music Awards, O’Brien praised Swift, 33, as an artist.
“She sent us the news first thing in the morning,” he told Entertainment Tonight in July 2022. “She’s genuinely just someone who’s so involved and just proud of her work and is so grateful for any accomplishment or recognition for something that she just poured herself into. Talk about a special human.”
According to O’Brien, he has been in a “group chat” with Swift and Sink, 21, since working on the music video together. “[Taylor] would make a really, really good director. If it’s something that her heart’s in, Taylor can do whatever she wants,” he added. “She could easily direct a feature and it’d be something I’d sign up for, for sure.”
Source: usmagazine.com
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janedoeswriting · 5 months
The Way The Wind Blows (Stiles x OC) Chapter Four
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Description: Rhiannon finds herself trapped within her guilty pleasure tv show— Teen Wolf. Now, she must choose which path to take… one that leads back home, and another that follows uncertain adventure.
Tags: extreme slow burn, frienemies to lovers, fix it fic, canon change, actions have consequences.
TW: smut??, angst, fluff, sexual harassment, anxiety, depression, obsession, domestic violence, manipulation, etc. Just please do not read if you are sensitive to difficult subjects.
(The Edge of Seventeen by Stevie Nicks)
Rhiannon woke to a knock at her bedroom door.
"Come in." she called groggily. It wasn't exactly a relief to remember that she was in an alternate dimension.
The door opened slightly. The sheriff said softly, "How did you sleep?"
Rhiannon nodded, running a hand through her wild hair. She had thankfully slept the whole night through. "Good." was all she said, still in a sleepy haze.
"Good." he responded. "Listen, I have to go to work. Stiles has school, but if you want I can have him stay home for the day--," the sheriff said trailing off. Rhiannon adamantly refused.
"No! No I'm fine. I can stay here. I'll just sleep a bit more."
The sheriff nodded but she didn't miss his hesitation.
"Alright. I'll be back around five. We can go to the store and get you some clothes and things. There's plenty of food in the pantry and fridge. Help yourself to whatever you'd like. I left some money on the counter in case you'd like to order some takeout. I also got you some stuff you might need." He set a brown paper bag full of things on the floor.
Rhiannon nodded.
"Just some basic things."
"Okay," Rhiannon said.
"I'll let you go back to sleep." he finally said, and shut the door gently. Rhi fell back onto her pillow with an arm covering her face.
When Rhiannon awoke again it was midday. She got out of bed and showered. She didn't know how long she sat on the shower floor letting the water run over her body. The shampoo and conditioner was a men's two in one. When she finished, she dug through the paper bag to find a new hairbrush, girls' shampoo and conditioner, and other essentials. She let out a short laugh at the sight of menstrual pads. She couldn't even picture the sheriff in a grocery store, shopping for what he thought a teenage girl might need. The house was silent. She walked around tentatively. She vaguely felt as if she were intruding. Despite being utterly alone she tiptoed around. Her eyes caught on pictures on the wall.
Most of them were of Stiles as a child and throughout his adolescence. A woman Rhiannon recognized to be Stiles' mother was in many of them. Her heart squeezed at the sight of Stiles' boyish grin as his mother's arms wrapped around and held him tightly.
Rhi made herself a bowl of cereal and tried not to think about last night.
About Heather. And what she had indirectly did to her.
Rhiannon unpacked the contents of the bag. The set of drawers in her new room were full of old clothes. Some were womens, and she decided that she couldn't bring herself to wear any of Sheriff Stilinski's dead wife's clothing. The vanity drawers were utterly empty. The walls and comforter were plain white. An old quilt was folded on top of a wooden rocking chair.
Rhiannon picked it up. It smelled faintly of lavender. It was warm and oddly comforting. Rhiannon tentatively sat in the chair and wrapped herself in the quilt as she brought her knees up to her chest.
Stiles came home in a hurry and walked briskly down the hall. His father had told him earlier of the news that he didn't want to face. Heather was missing. And he was the last to see her.
The news of it sparked anger within him. Anger at Rhiannon. Ever since she arrived to Beacon Hills things had been going wrong. He wasn't stupid. She was the common denominator. His father telling him to go straight home to check on her after school only made his anger worse. Why did his dad trust her? Why did he take this strange girl into their home, where she didn't belong?
He was set on confronting her the first moment he saw her, but when he burst into her bedroom he was caught short. In the corner of the room she was curled in the old rocking chair. Wrapped around her body was his mother's' quilt. She sat sleeping in his mother's chair. The same chair she used to rock him to sleep in.
This should have made him even more angry at her. But in that moment is heart fell. She was so tired. And frail. And, despite himself, he realized how beautiful she really was. He hadn't let himself look at her for too long before.
She was tall and thin. Her hair was a dark mousy brown, and eyelashes as long as a cow's. As she slept, her mouth curved down and her brows crinkled together as if she wasn't having a pleasant dream.
In another life, if she had shown up as the new girl at school, Stiles would surely have had a crush on her. She was so beautiful that she easily could have been a model.
He could imagine a life in which he stared at her in class, and fell asleep at night picturing her. A life where she was a cheerleader and had popular friends and sat at the cool table during lunch.
But here she was, curled up in his house without any hint of her past or a family to call her own.
His father's words echoed in his mind.
Make her feel welcome. That girl has been through a lot.
Rhiannon didn't realize she had fallen asleep until she woke up. When she did, there were noises coming from somewhere in the house. Her bedroom door sat ajar. Rhiannon stretched and walked into the hallway toward the living room. She was surprised to find Stiles in his bedroom.
He turned to her. She still had the quilt wrapped around her shoulders and her eyes were sleepy.
"Hi." She said awkwardly.
"Hi," he responded, not knowing what else to say. His phone buzzed and he glanced down at the text he received. Scott: Where are you?
Right. They were supposed to meet up at the vet clinic to try and recover Isaac's memories and hopefully find Heather.
"My, uh-- My dad's coming home soon. He said he wanted to take you shopping." Stiles said shifting around on his feet. Rhiannon nodded, sensing his preoccupied thoughts. "You can go." Rhiannon said. "You don't have to babysit me."
Stiles opened his mouth to try and reassure her that he wasn't babysitting her (even though he was). She smiled at him calmly. "Go." she said simply. It was reassuring. And kind of her.
Stiles smiled gratefully at her and nodded. She shuffled back into her bedroom and shut the door behind her as he left the house and started down the road to the animal clinic.
"What about this?" Mr. Stilinski said, holding up a frilly pink dress. It might have been popular for the time, but Rhiannon couldn't be paid to wear a dress like that. She couldn't help the laugh at it. "Not my style." she said. He smiled and hung it back on the rack. "Good," he said. "I've never really shopped for girls before."
Rhiannon picked up a pair of jeans from the rack. "Don't worry. I'm easy to shop for." She set the jeans in the cart.
That afternoon was surprisingly easy. When Mr. Stilinski got home, he was clearly frazzled and stressed. Rhiannon could only assume it was because he had a missing persons case on his hands. A girl he had seen grow up in Beacon Hills.
Browsing for clothes wasn't exactly Rhiannon's idea of a good time, but it certainly seemed to be doing the job of distracting the both of them. By the end of the trip Rhiannon had bags of jeans, shorts, layered tops, and lacey tank tops. It was all very 2010's. She had even gotten a couple new pairs of sneakers.
"There are some clothes in the dresser that you can use too," Mr. Stilinski added. Rhiannon nodded, but wasn't too keen on wearing any of his dead wife's clothing. "I saw. Where did you get girls clothes?" She asked, fishing for information. He hesitated but told her.
"Some of it was my wife's." The car grew heavy with silence.
"Did she pass away?" She asked, though she knew the answer. He nodded.
"It was a long time ago. I don't know why I held on to some of her things, but it would be good if you could get some used out of them." Rhiannon shifted, uncomfortable at the idea. "She wouldn't want her stuff sitting around gathering dust." he added. After he said that Rhiannon felt somewhat guilty for avoiding the clothes.
When they got home, Rhiannon took her time unpacking her things and deciding where their new homes would be. A smoke alarm blared to life, and Rhiannon scrambled out into the kitchen in a panic. The oven emanated a heavy stench of burnt food, and Mr. Stilinski coughed profusely as he tried to wave away the smoke. Rhiannon swiftly opened the side door and grabbed a dish cloth to start waving the air near the smoke detector. The smoking food was tossed in the sink and doused with cold water. Finally, the ear splitting alarm stopped. "Sorry," Mr. Stilinski said coughing through the smoke. "We never really cook around here." Rhiannon smiled and shook her head. "It's alright. I can cook."
An hour later, they sat at the dinner table eating rice, chicken, and broccoli. It was a simple and easy meal, and Rhiannon felt a shred of pride as Mr. Stilinski gobbled it down as he raved about how good it was.
He reminded her of her own father, who ate more than double the portions Rhiannon could stomach. She missed him in that moment, and grew saddened at the thought of her family. She wanted to go home. She wanted to see her mom. Did they miss her? Did they panic when she wasn't in her room? What were they doing right then? He noticed her melancholy quietness.
"Today... work wasn't very good. There was... a lot going on. Some days, my job is really difficult. Normally, days like this stay with me into the night. It's very hard being the Sheriff sometimes. But you helped me to forget about work for a little while. Thank you." he said. She could only imagine how difficult it must be to be the Sheriff in Beacon Hills. To shoulder all that blame and responsibility for the lives he isn't able to save. He was playing a losing game.
"Likewise," she said with a smile. And it was true. She liked having him there. To talk and distract her. To make her feel like she wasn't helpless and alone. "Maybe tomorrow I'll make some lasagna." she said light heartedly. He smiled and took another bite, nodding in agreement.
Rhiannon awoke the next morning to shouting in the hall. "Dad? Dad!" Stiles' voice rang out and trailed away. Rhiannon groaned and shoved a pillow over her head. Stiles' voice became more distant as he followed his father through the house, nagging him about a bank robbery. This house was bustling. And loud. Well, it was whenever Stiles was around. The night before, Stiles and Scott thought they were being quiet when they came home in the dead of night, but she could hear their whispers and printing and typing on computers until the wee hours of the morning. She lay there in her bed until she heard the boys rushing out of the house and the jeep keel out of the driveway outside. Finally, the house fell silent. As she passed by Stiles' open bedroom door to make breakfast, she caught sight of the state of his room. It was covered in papers and red thread. The comforter and sheets were strewn about. Rhiannon couldn't resist creeping inside and poking around.
She picked a piece of paper up off the floor. An image of Sheriff Stilinski apprehending a bank robber was displayed on the article's cover. Rhiannon let the paper fall back to the ground. They were searching for how to break into the Alpha Pack's lair. Rhiannon creeped around and took in Stiles' bedroom.
It was strange to actually be inside of it. Her eyes caught on details she hadn't seen when she had been watching the show. The walls were covered in strange posters for bands and people she'd never heard of. There was a telescope near the window. She pressed her eye into it just to be blinded by sunlight and immediately retracted her face.
Old plates and cups and bags of chips were strewn about the room. A collage of photos leaned against the wall, and Rhiannon took in the photos of Stiles with his friends and family. Two cheeky faced children grinned at the camera with their arms around one another's shoulders-- Stiles and Scott as young boys.
Books were perched here and there, all with bookmarks still stuck halfway in them like Stiles had been reading them and forgotten to pick them up and continue. Catcher in the Rye. The Great Gatsby. To Kill a Mockingbird. He also had a variety of different lacrosse things laying around. One of his sticks was halfway laced up. It took a lot of willpower for her not to clean up some of the mess, but Rhiannon dreaded the thought of him knowing she was there sneaking around his bedroom.
Besides-- she had things to do. As Rhiannon ate, she wrote intensely in a journal. She had bought it the day prior while she was at the store shopping for clothes. In it, she wrote down everything she knew to be true. She tried to pick up the pieces of her knowledge and memory and fit it into the puzzle that was her new reality. By the time midday rolled around she had a solid timeline of events, and had written down as much information as she could fathom.
It was more than she could bear. She had watched the show so many times that she had the basic plot memorized. But small details escaped her.
A nagging thought started at the back of her mind but grew ever-present. The death count would be increasing soon. After Allison's death, there was a heavy growth in innocent people dying. A picture of those who had been taken by the death doctors sat in her mind. Even worse still was what the ghost riders did to the town. The nazi alpha. The Anuk-Ite. As she finished writing, Rhiannon's resolve hardened.
She couldn't stay there. She had to get out of Beacon Hills. As far away as she could. While the only hint of a solution for her return home was in Beacon Hills, she knew that the longer she stayed the more at risk she was. She didn't want to know what would happen when Stiles became possessed by the Nogitsune.
She had to leave.
Some part of her had clung to the idea that Scott could keep her safe, but this idea was thwarted by the truth.
Scott couldn't protect her. She was a regular human. She couldn't fight back in the face of a supernatural creature. And the closer she got to these characters, the worse off she was.
It was decided. The next chance she got she would make a break for it.
"Heather is missing, and there is one common denominator. You know it's true." Stiles said.
Scott shook his head. "She was with us that night. How could she have possibly kidnapped her? I told you-- she's just a regular human."
"Yeah, a regular human who knows what you are and is lying about it."
"We still don't know why. Maybe if we confront her about it, we can see if she has some sort of connection." Scott reasoned. "And what if she's a spy? What if she's working with the Alpha pack, huh? What then?" "Then we'll figure it out." Scott said reassuringly. Stiles was growing more and more disillusioned with Scott's unwavering trust in others.
It was eating him alive. Heather's disappearance was his fault. If he had only stayed with her, she would still be here. If Rhiannon hadn't suddenly shown up and thrown a wrench in his life maybe Stiles would be able to keep his thoughts in order. To protect those around him. What if his father was next?
"Listen-- I'm not saying we have to trust her. I'm just saying that from what I can tell, she's harmless. Tomorrow we can talk to her. Try and get to the bottom of all this. But right now, we have to save Boyd and Erica."
And Scott was right. Stiles knew he was right. It didn't feel any less wrong.
The sun had set hours ago, and Rhiannon was growing weary. Sheriff Stilinski was supposed to be home by now. All of a sudden, a ringing sound interrupted her anxious pacing. She ran into the kitchen, where a landline sat on the counter. She quickly lunged and picked it up.
"Rhiannon?" Sheriff Stilinski's voice sounded.
Relief flooded her instantly. She tried not to let it show in her voice. "Hello," she said cooly. "I'm sorry I'm not home. Something came up and I'll be here for a while. I thought Stiles would be home by now, but he always seems to get himself involved. He should be there minute now." Rhiannon nodded though he couldn't see her and said, "Okay! That's fine, I wasn't worried." Lie. "Good. Don't forget, you have an appointment tomorrow morning with the therapist. If I can't take you, Stiles will."
"Alright. Did you want me to bring you dinner?"
She realized she didn't even have a car. "No, it's alright. I got some food," he said, and she could hear the smile in his voice. She tried not to glance at the set table where the food had gone cold already.
"Okay. I'll put some leftovers in the fridge."
"Thank you... Hey, I'm sorry Rhi. You must have been worried."
"No, it's alright. I know you're busy." Rhiannon didn't know how she had already grown reliant on him, but tried to keep a casual edge to her voice. "Shoot me a call if you need anything."
"Okay. Bye."
Rhiannon set the landline back and let out a sigh.
Rhiannon was halfway through wrapping the lasagna up when the door opened and shut. She looked up to see Stiles walking in. He looked ragged.
When he caught sight of her, he slowed. "Hi." she said. "Hi," he responded.
He couldn't help but appraise her in suspicion. After seeing the dead body that Lydia had found at the pool, he was on guard. It didn't help that his father had baraded him for finding a dead body instead of being home with Rhiannon, who "needed us to watch over her". His dad had commanded he go straight home despite his protests that he should make sure Lydia got home safe. And so here he was, watching over a girl he just met against his better judgement. Part of him resented Rhiannon for how much his father was looking after her.
He noticed the table was set. For three. She was wrapping a platter in tin foil. She glanced down at it and then back up at him.
"Are you hungry? I... made lasagna."
Stiles hesitated. Finally, he nodded. He was hungry. Really hungry. It had been a long day.
He had sat in class that entire school day anticipating the night's bank infiltration. Worrying about his friends safety. Thinking of possible solutions. And as he had been on his way home, he received a call from Lydia saying she had found a dead body at the pool. The image of a bloody purity ring flashed in his mind. It didn't help that at the scene of the crime, the police officers had received another report of a different missing person.
She made him a serving and put it in the microwave. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he barely noticed her setting down a hot plate of dinner in front of him. "Are you okay?" she asked, not doing well to hide the concern laced in her voice. "Yeah, I'm fine." He said, still guarded. She couldn't be trusted, but Scott's words from earlier echoed in his mind. She sat next to him and prayed silently. He didn't bother to join her. He waited for her to take a bite. When she did, he dug in. "What, your not afraid I didn't poison it?" she asked sarcastically. It was hard for Rhi not to notice the walls he put up around her. His wariness whenever she was near. Rhiannon knew he probably suspected her to be the perpetrator of the murders.
He choked on his bite but quickly recovered. "What?" he asked, trying to play it off. "I know you don't trust me."
Stiles looked her up and down. "That's not true."
"Your a bad liar."
He ignored her and continued to eat. In truth, Rhiannon did want to prove to him that she was innocent. She didn't want her favorite character to think she was a murderer. But, what good would it do anyway? She'd be gone soon, and this whole thing would be a memory.
So she stayed quiet, and they ate in silence.
When Rhiannon heard him leaving the house again later that night, she turned over and shut her eyes. Pretending like she didn't care.
The house was silent for a long time. Sheriff Stilinski didn't return back until halfway through the next day. Stiles had been gone the entire time until late into the evening. Both of them looked dim behind the eyes. She could feel their grief in the tangible poignant atmosphere of the house. How Stiles went straight to his bedroom, and Mr. Stilinski followed shortly after. Their voices were soft and muffled through the walls. Rhiannon tried to resist creeping closer to eavesdrop. Mr. Stilinski's comforting phrases and a small stifled sob from Stiles was enough to send Rhiannon retreating back to her room. She didn't want to say anything to them-- she didn't even know what to say.
Heather was dead. And they all knew it now. Mr. Stilinski must have found the last of the virgin's bodies that morning, and Stiles must have identified Heather's body while in the hospital morgue as well.
Rhiannon grabbed her journal from where she kept it hidden under her mattress and flipped through the pages. 'Heather's body is identified by Stiles after Melissa accidently shows it to him. Another body is found by the Sheriff. Threefold virgin sacrifices are discovered to be the common thread.'
She took her pen and crossed it through-- a task that was completed.
She read the words that came later in the journal of scribbles that didn't quite make much sense.
'Virgins: Heather, lifeguard, girl who went camping?
Warriors: ??? Mr. Harris
Healers: ?, a doctor, Deaton
Philosophers: pianist at concert,???
Guardians: Sheriff Stilinski, Melissa, Mr. Argent'
The gaps in her memory were debilitating, and she wrote question marks where she couldn't remember details. She felt powerless. Maybe if she had the plot of the TV show in front of her face she could remember who the next victims were and attempt to help them, but she couldn't.
Who was next? A random side character who had never appeared before in the show, probably.
And how was she supposed to know when anything actually happened? The timeline was confusing in real life, she didn't know if the next murder would happen within the next few days or weeks. And when she wasn't on the inside scoop within Scott's pack, her second-hand information was gathered hours later than it was discovered.
Rhiannon's stomach was tied in knots as her eyes lingered on the names at the bottom. Sheriff Stilinski. They'll save them in time. They will... As long as I don't get in the way.
Maybe next time, something worse than Lydia getting cut on the forehead would happen. Maybe someone important could die. Like Mr. Stilinski. Rhiannon shut the journal and leaned back against the bed, sighing. She had to leave soon, but how? She could steal some money and hop on a bus, but then that would be too easily traced. She'd be caught and dragged back to a different foster home. She didn't want to even consider the betrayed look that Mr. Stilinski would foster if she got caught doing such a thing.
She couldn't help but to consider how devastating it would be to Mr. Stilinski when he found out she was gone. Another victim disappeared without a trace. He would surely blame himself... But he would get over it. And so would everybody else. She didn't even have any family who would miss her here anyway.
She had to leave. It was the safest option. For everyone.
Her therapy session had been delayed by a few days due to the events that occured. Stiles had missed three days of school now, and he was forced to return that Thursday and Friday. Since Sheriff Stilinski was so busy with the investigations, he had no time to shuttle Rhiannon around for appointments.
So on Saturday, Stiles drove her to the office in the city. Sheriff Stilinski would be picking her up. Rhiannon almost felt like a burden, if she didn't know any better.
If she didn't know that this would be the last time she ever saw him. The car ride might have been awkward, if Rhiannon hadn't rolled the windows down and turned the music up high. The Edge of Seventeen blared in the speakers. Rhiannon sang along softly as she let herself appreciate that moment. She was riding in Stiles' real jeep, she realised, and it made her giggle. She had always wanted to do so. Daydreamed about being friends with Scott's pack. Now, it was bittersweet. Never could she have predicted that if given the opportunity to not only ride with Stiles but to also live in the same house him, she would run at the first opportunity given.
Stiles glanced over at her with his fist clenching the wheel. He was trying not to let the girl get on his every nerve, but did she have to play this song? Sure, it was the radio, but still. Edge of Seventeen? Really? I mean- didn't she even realize that Heather had died on her seventeenth birthday?
Her giggle sent him over the edge.
He slammed his hand across the radio and shut it off. She looked over at him in surprise, hair blowing about her face. She slammed it back on, like a child throwing a tantrum.
He returned the favor. Before they could get into a slapping fight, Stiles grabbed her lunging hand in motion and gripped his fist closed to keep her from turning the damn radio on again. To his endless anger, she used her other hand to turn it on.
Stiles didn't remember the last time his temper had gotten to the best of him like that. It seemed they didn't even need words to fight.
Stiles slammed on the breaks and pulled over. She, who hadn't put on her seatbelt, slammed into the dashboard and fell onto the floor in the slim space between the front seat and the glovebox.
"Oh, real mature." She said, pulling herself up violently.
"Mature? Mature!? Is that really where you want to go?!" he demanded, his voice quickly turning from annoyed to rage.
"What, so I like happiness and fun? So I want to listen to a song on the radio on my way to a therapist appointment because I lost my memories and have no family!?"
When she put it like that, Stiles almost felt bad. Almost.
"Heather is dead, and your singing Stevie Nicks." he said.
"You say that like I know Heather. I met her for, like- five minutes."
"Yeah! On the night that she went missing!" He said as his voice grew more and more strung out.
"What do you want me to do, Stiles? Wear black and stay in my room for a fortnight?"
"How about you start by not playing music when I don't want to listen to it inmyowncar!" His words started to run together as they argued.
They glared at each other for a long time. Rhiannon's frustration peaked and she let out a yell of frustration. She pulled at the handle of the door, wrenched it open, and slammed it shut again as hard as she could behind her. "What are you doing?!" he demanded as she began to walk forward down the road. They were on the edge of downtown, but still a good hours walk to the office. And not in the best part of town, either.
He had started driving slowly to keep up with her. Her arms crossed in front of her chest and her heavy hobo bag swung at her side. Why she had a satchel with her, Stiles didn't know or care to ask.
"Get in the car." Stiles demanded. She dutifully ignored him as she stomped down the street.
"Rhiannon," he used her full name sternly. "Get. In. The. Car. Now." She looked at him and did the most mature thing she could think to do. She flipped him off. "Rhiannon!" he exclaimed demandingly. "Fuck. OFF!" She screamed back. Stiles sat in brief disbelief.
"You know what?! Fine!" he screamed, and drove off faster than he probably should have. His tire sprayed and and covered her in a thick coat of dust and dirt. She yelled in anger and stomped her foot. "ASSHOLE!" She screamed as loud as she could at him.
In the distance, she saw his middle finger sticking out his window as he peeled around a corner. She huffed and continued marching forward.
Another car pulled out from the side of the road. It was a vintage red truck in pretty beat up shape. When it began to slow next to her, Rhiannon's stomach did a nervous backflip and she immediately picked up the pace. "Hey." a voice called in a thick Texas accent.
Rhiannon glanced over quickly and then looked stiffly forward. She hadn't caught a glimpse of the person driving save for a brown cowboy hat. "Hey, little lady. Are you okay?" he asked, his truck rolling to a stop. He sounded surprisingly nice. Rhiannon looked over at him again properly.
She was shocked to find he looked young. Probably in his early twenties. He had a toothpick in his mouth and was kissed generously by the sun with freckles dotting his face. He was even... handsome.
"I'm fine." she said waving her hand in the air in dismissal.
"Boyfriend troubles?" he asked with light laughter.
"No. He's my foster brother," she said with venom in her voice.
"Ohh. Oh, now I see." he said, still finding the situation deeply amusing.
"Do you need some help? A ride? Or I could call you a taxi?" He offered.
Rhiannon stopped walking and turned to him. The sun beat down heavily. He was smiling at her with a wolfish grin.
Rhiannon appraised him. He was skinny, and looked harmless enough, though you could never tell with strange men approaching strangers in the street.
An idea struck her. "Where are you going?" she asked.
"Oh, I'm not from around here darlin'." he said.
"I didn't ask where your from I asked where you're going."
"Oh boy, what am I gettin' myself into." he muttered with amusement thick in his voice. "How 'bout this? Where're you goin'?"
She approached the open passenger window and ran a hand through her hair. "Florida." she said, though she wasn't sure where exactly she'd gotten that idea. I guess it made sense-- in the end she just wanted to go home.
"Florida? Really?"
She nodded confidently at him. "Why, you gonna take me?" She asked, falling into his playful tone of voice. "Maybe. Not all the way, but I am going to Louisiana." he commented. She looked him up and down again, but this time slower.
"Louisiana." She echoed. This was getting quite real.
She had planned to leave. While she was supposed to be at that dumb therapy appointment, she was going to hitchhike her way out of town. Hopefully, across the country if she could get lucky. It was a stupid plan. Contingent on others to be quiet and not kidnapping her. But she had no other options. She had no money. No car. She didn't know how to steal, and she couldn't get around without doing so. Public transport left a trail in her wake. Unless she just... asked. "What, are you in some sorta trouble? Foster family doesn't treat you right?" he asked. He sounded kind and soft in that moment, like he was actually concerned for her.
Normally, this would have been dangerous and stupid. The kitchen knife in her bag said otherwise. He was skinny enough. She figured if he tried to attack her, she could take him.
Besides, remaining in Beacon Hills was more dangerous and stupid. Rhiannon took a moment to think and then nodded. "Louisiana it is."
Stiles swerved into an empty parking lot and put his car into park in the center of it. He banged his hands against the steering wheel and laid his head on the horn. His anger from earlier still simmered above the surface. He got out and paced around, muttering about crazy girls he couldn't stand.
He had never in his life been so frustrated. She seemed to know exactly how to push his buttons. With this human sacrifice thing going on, Stiles wasn't sure how to cope.
The loss of Heather was one thing, but the prospect of a serial killing supernatural creature was another. Maybe it wasn't even supernatural, but it certainly screamed supernatural tendencies being that human sacrifice trends were involved.
His own status as a virgin endangering his own life certainly didn't help the emotions running high.
Finally, he stopped and leaned against the side of the jeep. He regretted leaving her on the side of the road. Granted, he was less than a block away and had just done it for effect to scare her, but he couldn't believe his own actions anyway. He had left a helpless girl on the side of the road. One who was mentally unstable. One he was meant to be protecting.
Stiles got back in the jeep and drove back around the block. He hoped that when he found her she would beg his forgiveness and get into the jeep without further trouble.
When he got to the spot where she had gotten out he stopped. She wasn't up the street, or sitting on the sidewalk like he had expected. He drove forward, calling her name out the window. No response. He parked and ran out, running up and down the streets calling her name.
She was gone. ===
Notes: Thanks for reading! This chapter and the next little subplot are inspired by Ethel Cain and her southwestern gothic aesthetic. I'm excited to see some things ramping up a bit. From here on out things will be getting more dangerous and into some heavier themes, so beware as you read further. This is an official T.W. for the coming chapters' themes of assault, kidnapping, murder, etc. You have been warned. Also, this new character has been inspired by the movie Hitch, which also very much falls into this sort of aesthetic that these next couple chapters will have. See ya later. Happy reading.
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Things, people and topics I have or have had a hyperfixation on with little to no explanation, an ongoing list:
Boku no hero academia - The characters and how they interact. I could not care less about canon.
Harry Potter - Fuck JK.
DC - I started watching Arrow without knowing it was a multiverse nor that it was DC. Fell fast and fell hard.
Batfam - Do not confuse with DC. Again, I could not care less about canon.
Jason Todd and Tim Drake.
Criminal minds - I have watched the 15 seasons. Five times and counting. In several languages, for shits and giggles.
Spencer Reid.
BTS - this hyperfixation ended around 2019 but I still know the fan chant by heart.
Stray Kids - my freaking MOM got me into SKZ. Now I have a tattoo of a compass and would sell an organ (mine or otherwise) to meet Bang Chan.
Korean convenience store TikTok compilations
Cleaning TikTok compilations
Fridge/pantry restock TikTok compilations
Desk/stationery organization TikTok compilations
Percy Jackson - I read books 1-10 and I'm too scared to read the rest because if I start then they'll end and I don't want it to end.
The Maze Runner - Intense but short lived hyperfixation. The movies still sting.
The Hunger Games - It's been an on-and-off hyperfixation since the books first came out. I've read them 5 times in Spanish and English. Every time feels like the first.
Swords and knives.
Gravity Falls.
The Folk of the Air - I would sell my soul to both Cardan and Jude and would give literally anything to read it for the first time again.
Spy x Family.
Spiderman - Specifically Tom Holland's Peter Parker and itsv's Miles Morales.
Yuri!!! On Ice - where the hell is Ice Adolescence Mappa. Where are my emotional support gays.
Genshin Impact - not anymore and the mere thought of playing again makes me shiver. I was really really close to developing a gambling problem with the gacha.
The Promised Neverland.
Stiles Stilinski - not Teen Wolf, not Dylan O'Brien. Stiles.
Six: The Musical and Heathers: The Musical - Putting them together because it's not the musicals or the stories themselves, rather three or four songs I listen to on repeat for hours every couple of months and then forget exist.
Big Hero 6.
Fullmetal alchemist.
This list is not over.
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maria021015 · 4 months
Part 36 of convincing you to read my Stiles x oc fanfic using dialogue from ‘Rising Tides’.
Zaida: I am going to rip your testicles from your body and force-feed them to you, Stilinski!
Stiles: You gotta catch me first!
Noah Stilinski: Whoah, hold up. What’s going on?
Zaida: (furiously) Your son just poured half a bottle of stagnant desk water on me and I am going to kill him!
Stiles: Hey! It woke you up, didn’t it?
Noah: Don’t you think killing is a little bit extreme?
Zaida: Fine. Then I’m going to seriously maim and injure your son.
Noah: (stepping aside) Yeah, that I can live with.
Stiles: (aghast) You handed your own son over? Just like that? This complete and utter betrayal is appalling! I am your flesh and blood! The fruit of your loins!
Noah: Well, what are you waiting for?
Zaida: *grins and takes Noah’s coffee mug*
Stiles: No! Not the hair!
Zaida: *dumps the coffee over his head with a smile*
Zaida: We really need to hurry up or we’re gonna be late.
Stiles: (challengingly) And whose fault was that, Zaida?
Zaida: Yours.
Stiles: (flabbergasted) How was it my fault?
Zaida: (shrugs) You didn’t clean up the coffee fast enough, you didn’t run away quickly enough, you initiated a war by drowning me first thing in the morning - that’s three ways, you can choose your favourite.
Zaida: *counts on her fingers as she lists and then holds up the three raised fingers to him* Oh, and before I forget, read between the lines, Stilinski.
Stiles: (sarcastically) Oh, that’s lovely. Yeah, as if ruining my hair and my favourite flannel wasn’t enough, you just had to flip me off too. Are you seeing this, Scotty? You’re on my side, right?
Scott: *stays silent*
Stiles: (gapes) Unbelievable! Betrayed by the man who gave me life and my best friend since the sandbox on the same day!
Zaida: (smirks) And it’s only eight in the morning.
Stiles: (dramatically) We should never have invited her into our group, you know. She’s getting between our friendship, and I really don’t like it.
Scott: Neither of us actually invited her though. She just barged in one day and sort of stuck. Besides, where would we be without her?
Stiles: You can’t love two people at the same time, Scotty. So pick. Is it gonna be her or me?
Scott: Didn’t Captain Jack Sparrow once say that if you fall in love with two people, pick the second one because if you really loved the first, you never would have fallen for the second?
Stiles: (jaw drops) Have you been watching Pirates of the Caribbean without me?
Scott: (shrugs) Zaida and I watched the other night after Heather’s party.
Stiles: Oh my God! I’ve been begging you to let me lead your movie education for years, and she waltzes in and after one night you actually let her? You totally Anakin Skywalkered me!
Scott: (defensively) She was drunk! I wasn’t about to tell her no. I don't think anyone can tell her what to do, anyway.
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sunnyie-eve · 6 months
20 | Second Set
Series: Indispensable | Teen Wolf
Paring:  (Stiles Stilinski x OFC Martin)
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: None
A/N: Might be a few mistakes
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For cross country, Julia was first to be outside before the guys join her. "You know me being a virgin is literally a threat to my life." Stiles walks up to her.
"Excuse me?" She said not caught up.
"Oh, right. The three killings that have happened all have happened to virgins. God, your lucky you aren't at risk."
"Huh? Why do you say that?" She laughs at him.
"You and Isaac. Scott told me about you guys." He tells her.
"We never did any of that... We had a few heated make outs over the summer and that's all. I'm still a virgin just like you buddy." She laughs patting his back.
"Okay, well, we need to find people to have sex with so we don't die." He makes her laugh more.
"Three's, Stiles. Deer, Prada, and Birds. Heather, pool boy, and girl in the woods. I'm sure we're onto a different set of three's now."
"We can't be so sure." He huffs.
"Okay, so come over to my house after school and let's get it over with." She jokes with him since it would weird him out.
"Excuse me?" He looks at her with wide eyes. "Not, funny. I just had Danny joke with me."
"I'm serious. No strings attached. One night and done." She still plays along making it seem like she was serious, "Bonus since you aren't unattractive and I'm a Martin. I may be known as the odd one but I'm still considered attractive." She laughs.
"Why is your heart racing so much? We haven't even started running yet." Scott joins them chuckling at Stiles.
"Shut up." Stiles ignores the two.
While running Scott runs off so Stiles and Julia run together till they all come across the boy that went missing last night, dead body.
"See the way the twins looked at him." Isaac says as the four walk away.
"Yeah, like they have no idea what happened." Stiles says making Isaac say they knew. "The kid was strangled with a garrote, all right. Am I the only one realizing the lack of werewolfitude in these murders?" Stiles looks at us.
"You think it's a coincidence that they show up and people start dying?" Isaac says pointing back at them.
"Well, no, but I still don't think it's them." Stiles says.
"I actually agree with Stiles about them not killing them, but I also agree with Isaac on about they knew what's happening." Julia looks at the two.
"I don't know yet." Scott says as the boys ask him for his opinion.
"You don't know yet?" Stiles asks him.
"Well, he's got a point. Seriously, dude. Human sacrifices?"
"Scott, your eyes turn into yellow glow sticks, okay? Hair literally grows from your cheeks, and will immediately disappear. And if I were to stab you, it would magically heal. But you're telling me you're having trouble grasping human sacrifices?" Stiles makes to paint at him 100% agreeing with him.
"Also that you had to put a torches to your skin to have your two rings tattoo..." Julia adds.
"Sorry I can't can't have a tattoo like you where it heals normally." Scott rolls his eyes.
"How do you know she has a tattoo?" Isaac gets sidetracked.
"Huh?" Scott looks at him.
"Her butterfly tattoo." Isaac crosses his arms.
"Well, it's a Moth. Not a butterfly." Scott corrects him, "And umm, I went with her." Scott lies.
"Whatever her tattoo is... I don't care about Stiles point.. They killed that kid. They killed the girl that saved me. And I'm gonna kill them too." Isaac says walking off.
"Okay, changing the topic. Why did you tell Stiles I was with Isaac? Because I never said I was." Julia eyes Scott with her arms crossed.
"I told you not to say anything." Scott looks at Stiles.
"She said the most they did was heated make out sessions over the summer." Stiles puts his hands up making Scott cross his arms now.
"Exactly when did it start and end?" He asks thinking about the timeline.
"Why do you care?" She tilts her head and Stiles watches them confused and lost.
"I just wanna know."
"Oh, so you know where it placed?" She catches on so she laughs.
"What?" Stiles looks between the two. "Also, you have a tattoo? And you went with her?" Stiles says never having seen it.
"I'm not telling you now." She smiles at Scott walks off to the girl locker room.
"Please, fill me in." Stiles begs Scott but he ignores him.
In the next class it was just Stiles and Julia so he kept trying to ask her questions about what her and Scott were talking about and her tattoo.
"Yes, Stiles I have a tattoo but you can't see it. It's hidden because my mother would lose her mind. And Scott and I were just being annoying to each other. We did that over the summer when you weren't with us."
"You two hung out without me?!" He whispers shouts.
"Get over it." She laughs at him.
For lunch break, Stiles wouldn't give up on the fact they hung out without him. "Why did Scott go with you for you tattoo? Why didn't you invite me?"
"Because of your fear with needles. And we were already hanging out and I said I wanted one so we went." She lies to him.
"You're lying." He stops her.
"No, I'm not."
"Yes, you are. When you lie you bite the inside of your cheek. I can see it go in some." He tells her.
"Creep, watching me that close."
"Why are you lying to me?" He crosses his arms.
"Fine! Since you must know! We were hanging out one night talking about random stuff and he kissed me. I kinda just gave in and we made out so he saw my tattoo." She just lets him know the secret.
"Scott kissed you first? And you kissed him back?"
"Yes, but it's was nothing just like me and Isaac. It was just fun with no meaning behind it." She explains to him.
"You've kissed Isaac and Scott." Stiles says feeling something he didn't like.
She grabs his face pulling him down till their lips met for a few seconds before she pulled back, "Correct. And now I kissed you, Scott and Isaac." She laughs walking off.
"Umm..." Stiles watches her walk off before puckering his lips trying to look at them.
"What are you doing?" Lydia walks by looking at him confused.
"Umm, nothing." He stops.
"Are you sure? You don't look like it." She laughs at him.
"I'm fine." He shakes his head going off to spy on his dad with Kyle's girlfriend.
As Stiles gets slapped by her while Julia was walking down the hall and sees it happened holding back her chuckle. Then waits on the side as his dad raises his voice at him about the murders.
When Noah walks away, Julia goes over to Stiles, "We need to find the new pattern. The more people get murdered... it's gonna be harder on your dad." She tells him so he turns to face her.
"The other question is how many sets of three's will there be?" He shakes his head.
"Sadly I'm not a psychic so I can't answer that." She looks at him.
"I feel like if you were you would be a lot more helpful than what you are."
"I would rather be psychic too but I'm not that lucky. Come on, let's go see if we can get anything from Kyle's locker memorial." She links her arm with him as they head down the hall.
"Okay, what's on here that gives us any clue?" Stiles looks at Kyle's locker with her as Boyd comes up to add something. "Whoa. Hey, Boyd! I didn't know you were back at school."
"Yeah, I would have told you, but we're not actually friends." He tells Stiles.
"Little rude but how well did you know Kyle? I see you guys were in Junior ROTC together." Julia asks him looking at what he added.
"Oh, so you guys were friends?" Stiles asks.
"I only had one friend. She's dead too." Boyd walks off from them.
"Well, he wasn't very helpful. But we know he was in ROTC if that's anything." Julia looks back at the locker.
"So we have to wait till someone else of found dead to see if they have anything in common?" Stiles asks her crossing his arms.
"I don't wanna say yes but probably." She makes a face, "Now, I gotta find my sister." Julia leaves his side so he just follows her. "Why are you following me?" She loos back at him.
"Scott is busy with the twins so..." He keeps following her as she finds Lydia.
"Lydia, so I'm gonna remind you again. Next time you have a hookup coming over try for me, shush." Julia gives her a smile.
"I'm sorry but he knew some things. Now, why are you following Julia like a lost puppy dog?" Lydia keeps walking by her sister's side with Stiles still behind them.
"Because Scott's dealing with the Alpha twins." Stiles says causing Lydia to stop, "You don't know about the twins?"
"Ethan and Aiden." Julia gives her a smile knowing about her liking Aiden.
"Oh, yeah. Yeah, I knew about them." Lydia lies.
"Okay, good. So look, here's what we've been thinking. That the murders maybe come in threes. Ancient people love things in threes, right? So maybe first, it's three virgins, and then, I don't know. Maybe it's three people who own little dogs."
"We own a little dog." They all stop walking.
"Technically Prada is yours. I wasn't and still not allowed a pet." Julia points out.
"Technically Prada is yours as well because you help take care of them and they seem to let you love on them more." Lydia points out as well, "And we're not getting rid of our dog." Lydia adds to Stiles.
"Would you two just think about getting rid of your little dog?"
"No. And by the way. You cannot discern a pattern by a single data point. So stop trying." Lydia tells him.
"So what? I'm just supposed to wait around for someone else to die, then? I'm just supposed to sit there and watch them die? Just wait for them to wither up and die right in front of me?" Stiles asks so Lydia tells him it's not his job.
"For starters, you're a human as well. Completely normal. But these are sacrifices and it seems like an Alpha pack has a bit of knowledge about it. So it's not for someone normal to figure out." Julia looks at Stiles.
"You have a free period at the end of the day right?" Stiles asks her.
"Yeah, why?"
"We're gonna go talk to someone that's human and knows a lot about the supernatural." He walks off so she follows him now.
They end up going to Deaton in hope he could help them in anyway about the sacrifices. Turns out he already knew but wasn't try to forget about the Druids. Julia gets a phone call from Lydia telling Stiles they had to go back to school because a teacher was taken.
Deaton goes with the two and listen to the recording on the phone and try to find anything to connect this threes. They find out what the next set was and it being warriors. Lydia points out Mr. Harris could also fall under the category of a military connection. They end up in his class room to find him gone but his papers he graded spell out Darach.
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Because they’re them, new ideas for crossovers for Richie and Simon? 🥺
my precious boys
Amanda Weston
Annabel Harkness
Antoinette Kensington
Asia Bardot
Bekah Chamberlain
Blythe Langford
Brady Mariano
Bridget Hearst
Brielle & Brooks Livingston & Austin Geller
Carlie Hayden
Chelsea Geller
Cherry Gilmore
Dani Gilmore-Danes
Eleanor Gilmore
Elsie Lyons
Evan Mariano
Freya Morgan
Heather Belleville
Holland Bass
Jacqueline Grant
Jane Forester
Jocelyn Gilmore
Kaitlyn Lister
Kathryn Gilmore
Kaylee Hayden
Lili Gilmore
Loretta Mariano
Marley Tinsdale
Meredith Astor
Paige Huntzberger
Pippi Gilmore
Romy Danes
Sage Hall
Sam Gleason
Sara Topaz
Sienna Elliot
Verity Huntzberger
Virginia Gilmore
Viviana Lozano
Avery Stiles
Bekah Chamberlain (poly with Jess?)
Brady Mariano
Char Howard-Danes
Dani Gilmore-Danes
Delilah Bloom
Eliya Rygalski
Evan Mariano
Freya Morgan
Gabi Mariano
Heather Belleville
Holland Bass
Hyacinth Nelson? (If he goes to California with Jess)
Ilsa Gilmore-Danes
Jacqueline Grant
Jane Forester
Kaitlyn Lister (x Jess?)
Kathryn (ft his dads)
Kaylee Hayden
Kippi Doose
Laney (ft his dads)
Lia Belleville
Loretta Mariano
Lucas Gilmore
Marley Tinsdale
McKenna Doose
Pippi Gilmore
Romy Danes
Sage Hall
Sam Gleason
Sara Topaz
[ band verse? ]
Vicki St James
Verity Huntzberger
Willow Dell (ft. Squad)
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jade-bright · 5 months
After Stiles figures out that he has a crush on Derek and goes to seek help.
Heather: If you're looking for someone to save you, look in the mirror.
Stiles: Bloody Mary finally coming in clutch
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sapphireginger · 1 year
Title: Don’t Be Talkin’ Bout My Girls
Characters: Stiles Stilinski & Jackson Whittemore
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Homophobic Behavior, Thoughts, Slurs & Etc. Objectification Implied Past Rape/Non-Con of a Minor Toxic Masculinity
Square Filled: Stiles x Jackson For: @lgbtqbingo
WC: 3,588
Amber eyes found each of the attackers in the sea of students once more and smirked. “You came after me and while that was bad, I would’ve left you alone but then you came after my people. You came after my friends, my best friends. You. Came. After. My. Girls.”
Stiles had one best friend that he had known since diapers. Her name was Heather but when they were five years old, Heather’s father got a job and they had to move. It sucked and Stiles was really upset about it. He would watch the window, hoping it was just a joke and any minute she’d be back. 
School started in the fall and Heather hadn’t come back. Stiles was really sad, but when he got to his kindergarten classroom, Stiles met Erica who became his closest friend. She was Catwoman and he was Batman.
After Erica was Allison who they called Ally, Hayden and Tracy, rounding out their group to four lovely ladies and one gorgeous guy. Then by the time they reached eight grade it was Stiles, Erica, Ally, Tracy, Hayden, Kira and Lydia. No one understood it. It made no sense to anyone. How was it possible for one guy to have all female friends and not be sleeping with at least two of them? 
Freshman year of high school, Stiles tried out for the soccer team. He made it and got slotted into first string. Then came Sophomore year of high school and Stiles was first string once more as well as an alternate for captain. 
Some of the guys on Stiles’s soccer team, who fancied some of the girls Stiles was friends with, decided to see if they could go through him, thereby getting an in with the girls. He was one of them, one of the guys, and they tried to get him to put in a good word for them with a couple of the girls. 
However, Stiles would only scoff and tell them if they wanted to ask one of his friends out, then they had better grow a pair and do it themselves. That got him beat up and dumped in the shower. They turned on the freezing cold water, gagged him, tied him up and shouted slurs at him over and over again until he passed out. Then they left him there, snickering and elbowing each other. It was only after they left that they regretted not taking a picture for posterity.
The team left, shutting off all the lights and wondered how the little bitch would get home without his clothes which they decided last minute to take with them. A round of high fives was exchanged before they all parted ways, eager for the reactions of the rest of the school when they saw the state the little shit was in.
However, the next day when the attackers leaned against their lockers and waited with glee to see just how cowed the amber eyed boy would be, they were stunned into silence. 
When the school doors opened, Stilinski was there all right. However, he was now in a pair of purple spandex shorts, a long sleeved white Henley, a black and gray sleeveless vest, and his lucky converse, one pink and one blue. To top off the look he had pair of black rimmed glasses perched on his nose. He looked so soft and dare some of his peers say...cuddly? That in itself was shocking as it was the antithesis of his usual attire, but then, flanking him on both sides and covering him from behind, were Ally, Erica, Tracy, Hayden, Lydia, and Kira. Those six were joined by the newest girls, Danielle and Heather. Heather had moved back that past weekend and of course, she was right by Stiles’s side just like she always had been before.
While Stiles was more feminine in his appearance, the girls were more slightly masculine. They wore white skinny jeans, pink or purple t-shirts-alternating with each girl-and blue leather jackets. Their feet sported gray heeled boots or gray converse, once again alternating with each girl. The guys felt a bit intimidated and horny all at once. It wasn't what any of them had expected of today.
The group walked through the halls with their heads held high and ignored everyone else. Students watched with a myriad of expressions ranging from envy, jealousy and hatred to longing, disappointment and hope. 
Everywhere Stiles was, the girls would be too. Wherever the girls were, Stiles would be there as well. No one could explain it but a couple of the guys from the soccer team who felt snubbed, convinced some cheerleaders from a rival school to help them out. It was easy to steal a couple journals and sneak some photos. 
When they saw that most of the girls were drawn to other girls, they were furious, but the biggest revelation was that Stiles was asexual. That set off all the guys who were interested in the girls. It was obvious Stilinski didn’t want the girls in the way the rest of the guys did. So why the fuck was he keeping those beauties from the ones who did want them? 
Why was he standing between those girls and the guys who could show them what real men are like? It wasn’t like they would ever find out from Stilinski. After all, the guy was a fucking fairy anyway. Everyone knew he had a boyfriend, but no one had ever seen said boyfriend. Therefore, a lot of people didn't believe the guy. Another reason it pissed the guys off was because they didn't believe he was truly asexual either. None of them could imagine not wanting sex or to fuck some pretty little thing. Maybe he didn't want to fuck the girls, but the guys exchanged a look with sadistic smirks. Perhaps he was a pillow biter and a fag. 
It looked like the guys would be doing some more ass whooping on the Stilinski kid. He needed to learn a lesson and they were more than willing to make sure it got beaten into him if necessary.
Sunday night, the guys broke into the school and got everything set up for the following morning. 
Monday morning, the halls were plastered with photos of the girls, copies of diary entries and worst of all, a photo of Stiles with bruises and some other unexplained markings had been blown up. Not that the guys cared. The little shit deserved it. 
However, none of them took into account that Stiles as Student Body President and a TA was always there early before classes started. His eyes widened when he saw the photos, diary entries and the photo of himself. The hour he had before people showed up was usually spent helping the principal and the teachers but that day it was spent clearing the entire school of every single picture and diary entry. He nearly threw up when he tore down the picture of himself.
Once again, the guys were filled with sadistic glee as they hopped out of their sports cars and stalked up to the school doors. They were feeling victorious and confident that what they had done would finally knock Stilinski down for good. If not, well, they’d take a more drastic action. As it was, they were hoping to see tears but that was not what happened. 
In fact, there wasn’t time to go to class or to their lockers as the principal announced over the intercom that there would be an all school assembly instead of first and second period. No one knew why but they didn’t have a choice. So, irked that they hadn’t gotten to see the look on the little shit’s face, the guys decided they’d handle it after the assembly. Everyone filed into the auditorium and took a seat, waiting to see what was going on. 
As per usual, Stiles, as Student Body President, spoke to the students. Today he was wearing pair of skinny jeans, a white Henley and his glasses once more, rounding the outfit out with a pair of pink, blue and purple converse. As he spoke, his words were clear, concise and he articulated in a tone that was icy and cold. The rage he felt after what he had witnessed, was like fire waiting to be unleashed. The guys who had it out for him ignored the way they all gulped in response. 
Then Stiles began. “Good morning, Beacon Hills High. Good morning teachers, staff, faculty and students. I know it might seem sudden that we are having an assembly out of the blue but honestly this has been a long time coming. I have a few things to say, and those for whom the words are intended will know who they are.
“To the ones it may concern, I could not care less about what you say to me. I could not care less what you say about me. I could not care less about what you do to me. What I do care about are my friends, my best friends. What I do care about are my girls. So, don’t you dare talk about my girls! I do not care why you feel the need to do to me what you did. I do not care why you feel the need to say to me what you have. I do not care why you feel the need to say about me the things you have said. As I said, say to and about me what you want. As I said, do to me what you want. I do not care but coming after the ones I love and will protect with everything I have, is where you–Sorry Principal Martin–is where you fucked up!
“These beautiful, strong, brave, intelligent, gorgeous women are worth so much more than your lust, your hunger, your desire, your degradation, your humiliating words and I know this because I know them. They are my best friends and have been for years. I know what you guys say about them when they aren’t there. Such gentlemen, right? You say they probably taste good, feel good, and smell good. You say they probably moan prettily, and say they probably beg beautifully. You even talk about their ‘O faces’ and flushed cheeks because you think you’ll do that great at pleasing them. You’re sick and think only with your dicks. The way you view women as objects for your own sexual gratification is exactly why you are not worthy of them, their time, their smiles, their laughter, their touch or their hugs.
“They don’t deserve to be seen as a prize to be won, a pound of flesh to satisfy your carnal desires, an object, or any other degrading thing. 
“As for me? Well, in case you didn’t know already, my name is Stiles Stilinski. I am Student Body President here at Beacon Hills High and as usual I was here early today. When I arrived on campus this morning, I came across a disturbing, disgusting and degrading sight. On the walls, the windows, the doors and even the ceiling as well as the bathroom mirrors were the evidence of how you view me and my girls. I saw the pictures, the private diary entries and more. Perhaps, you thought it would scare us or break us up. Perhaps you thought it would beat me down or scare me. Perhaps you thought it would hurt me, but it didn’t accomplish that. You were not successful, and you should know this–” He cut off and looked up, his eyes alight with a smug rage. “We know who did it.”
A ripple of murmuring went through the student body at his words, and the guys on the soccer team blanched, their faces paling. They sat up straighter, determined not to be cowed.
Stiles smirked and shrugged one shoulder. His eyes found his best friends, Erica’s smile being the one to help calm him so he could continue. “Then of course there was a picture of me. I bet you felt clever. I bet you felt proud, and reveled in the pain you expected it to cause me. I wonder if, when I tell you what that picture is from, if you will still feel that way.”
His eyes lock onto the captain of the soccer team. “The picture that you had blown up of me was the aftermath of an assault. That picture was of what happened when I came out as biromantic asexual to a friend from another school and was overheard. That picture is the fate I suffered for being who I am. That picture was from the night I was raped. I was raped, beaten, drugged and left for near dead just a few blocks from the school. It was my best friends, Erica, Tracy and Ally, who found me and got me the medical attention I needed.”
He takes a breath, shuddering as he slowly inhales and exhales. “Do you have any idea what it’s like to be asexual and have no desire for sex? Do you have any idea what it’s like to be raped even if you were the most sexual person on the planet? Maybe you do. Maybe you don’t. I don’t know if any of you do but let me tell you something. Listen up because here’s the honest to hell truth. It was excruciating and I blacked out. The guy who–” He cut off and locked eyes with Tracy who had a rage filled expression but came to stand beside him. She linked their fingers together and squeezed his hand to ground him. 
“You can do this, Bambi,” she whispered, soft enough for his ears only.
Stiles nodded and looked back at the sea of students. “The guy who raped me, drugged me, beat me up and left me for dead is here. He’s a senior, with a full ride scholarship to Stanford of all places. I wonder if that would change if they knew what he’s done.” Amber eyes locked onto the senior who was frozen in terror with a murderous expression on his face as Stiles continued, “You can run if you want but they’re waiting for you.”
At the far right side of the auditorium a guy with a letterman jacket jumped up and bolted towards the double doors. He didn’t make it more than a few feet before he was taken down by Deputy Parrish, also known as Stiles’s older brother Jordan. 
Amber eyes found each of the attackers in the sea of students once more and smirked. “You came after me and while that was bad, I would’ve left you alone but then you came after my people. You came after my friends, my best friends. You. Came. After. My. Girls.” 
He held up his hand a small black remote visible. “So, consider this retribution.” 
He pressed a button on the small remote and the lights dimmed slightly. Everyone looked up to see images and videos on the projector screen for everyone to see. There was detailed proof and clear evidence of what the guys had done to him and his girls. Every single one of the ones responsible for the photos, diary entries and more were exposed to everyone at the school.
“Thank you for your time, Beacon Hills High,” he said into the microphone after the video stopped, leaving thirteen pictures up on the screen. Each a culprit that had been called out for what they had done. He let Tracy lead him away and was immediately swarmed by the girls. He was grateful when the principal allowed him to head home. It was a surprise to him that all eight of his friends were dismissed as well. 
That night Stiles painted Lydia’s toenails while Ally painted his and a movie played in the background. It was perfect. He loved his girls. Ally, Danielle, Erica, Hayden, Heather, Kira, Lydia, and Tracy. They were his best friends, and he was theirs. They became a pack, a group of close knit friends that were like family. 
By the end of their junior year, they gained Malia, Cora, Laura, Paige, Lori and Caitlin, bringing their group, their pack, their family, to a total of fourteen beautiful young women and one handsome young man. At least that’s what the girls would label Stiles as, despite his protests that were only halfhearted at best. 
The girls would teasingly call Stiles their alpha and pack mom. It made Stiles preen and the girls laughed fondly at the guy who they trusted with everything. He had proven himself to them over and over again and they would always be there for him. After all, he had always, always was and always would be there for them.
The sound of his phone ringing startled all of them, but Stiles grinned as he had a feeling, he knew who it was. 
"Hey Jax!"
"Hey, Bambi. How did it go today?"
Stiles chewed his lip and shrugged even though his boyfriend couldn't see it. "It was okay."
Tracy scoffed. "It was better than okay, Stiles."
The other girls nodded in agreement before Paige spoke up. "You stood up for all fourteen of us, Stiles. That's not just a simple okay thing. It was amazing." She offered him a sweet smile. Paige had always been one of the sweetest of them.
"I swear those guys looked ready to piss themselves." Erica crowed with a snicker. 
"Did you guys see the way Jordan took down the asshole who tried to run?" Cora said with a smirk. "Bet he will have a lot of fun in prison."
All of the girls continued to talk about how awesome Stiles had been and brave and then delved into other topics. Meanwhile, Jackson listened to his boyfriend try to downplay it again.
"It really wasn't much, Jax. I just did what anyone would do," he whispered from his place at the doorway. He didn't regret it at all, but he never knew what to do with compliments.
"I know you may think that, love. However, not everyone would do what you did. Are you doing okay?"
"Why wouldn't I be?" Stiles asked, chewing on his thumb. 
Jackson sighed softly. "Because you came out to the entire school, brought up the attack, stood up to those guys and-"
"Okay, Jax," Stiles said. "I hear you. I guess I'm okay. I mean, I–" He cut off and sighed, raking a hand through his hair. "When will you be home?"
"Well, I actually am just landing in Cali."
Stiles's eyes widened and he squeaked. "You're here? Where? When will you be here? How long? Can you speed? I wanna see you! I need cuddles!"
A laugh echoed through the phone. "I'll be there soon, Little Fawn."
"Is that a promise?"
"There's nowhere else I want to be. I'll text you when I'm close."
"Oh no you won't mister!" Stiles chided. "No texting and driving. I'll just track you like any normal person."
Jackson scoffed. "Uh huh. Well, you're lucky you're cute."
Stiles blushed and rolled his eyes with a playful, pleased smile on his face. "You love me and all my awesomeness."
"What gave it away?" Jackson teased.
"Oh, let's see..." Stiles started. "The kisses and the cuddles. The peanut butter and chocolate shakes from heaven but oh so sinful. I could go on for hours and by then you'd already be here. So, you just get here safe and sound. Then I'll talk your ears off."
Another chuckle from Jackson made Stiles smile wider. "Yes, sir, Little Fawn. I'll be there before you know it, but I do have to attend to a minor injury now."
"Injury?!?!" Stiles squawked.
"Mhm. I have to pick my ears up off the floor. I mean you did talk them off already."
Stiles pouted. "Hardy, har, har," Stiles said dryly.
"Don't pout, Bambi. Especially when I'm not there to kiss the pout away."
"Then hurry back." He glanced over his shoulder to see the girls setting up for family fun night and smiled at them. "I'm gonna get my butt back in the living room. It's game night you know?"
"Okay. I'll see you soon."
Stiles sighed happily. "I love you, Jax."
"Love you more, Bambi. And hey?"
"I'm proud of you, Little Fawn."
The tips of Stiles's ears matched his cheeks with the new wave of blush triggered by the praise. "Thank you," he whispered. 
"You're welcome. Bye."
Stiles hung up and slipped his phone into his pocket. He scrubbed his hands down his face and sighed, missing the sound of fourteen vibrations in the living room. 
[Jax-in-the-Box] Cuddle the fuck out of him for me please?
The girls grinned at each other, sending off a confirmation. Finally, after retrieving snacks and drinks, Stiles-their fearless leader-returned.
He gazed around at his friends as they all chatted about the upcoming summer before senior year and the plans they had made as a group. He smiled, giving his opinion when they asked but mostly just listened. He didn’t care that he was the only guy. It didn’t matter to him. He felt fiercely loyal and protective over his girls. He loved each and every single one of them.
When he started to nod off later that night, he was shuffled into the center while all fourteen of his girls wrapped around him. It was family. It was love and it was home. There was only one thing–one person–missing.
He snapped a quick photo and sent it off to Jackson with a smile. 
[Bambi] #definition of family Hurry home babe!
[Jax] Save me a spot, Little Fawn. xx
[Bambi] No saving needed, Jax. There's always a place for you. x
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daisy-thetoxic · 2 years
Tumblr media
Master List
Smut ♤- Fluff ♡- Sad ◇- NSFW ♧ - Headconons ☆
Prompt list
Angelina Jolie
Elizabeth Olsen
Florence Pugh
Hailee Steinfeld
Scarlett Johanson
Lana Parrilla
Light down low part. 1
Bailey Sarian
Tom Elise
Tom Holland
Alexia Demi
Taylor Swift
Selena Gomez
Lana Parrilla *including Regina Mills*
AJ Cook
Chris Hemsworth
Chris Evans
Salma Heyak
Kara danvers
Alex danvers
Lena Luthur
Sara Lance
Felicity Smoak
Oliver Queen
Thea Queen
Berry Allen
Caitlin Snow
Criminal Minds
Jennifer Jareau
Emily Prentiss
Derek Morgon
Aaron Hotch
Penelope Garcia
Elle Greenway
Kate Callahan
Tara Luise
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
Teen Wolf
Melissa McCall
Alison Argent
Stiles Stelinski
Lydia Martin
Derek Hale
Wyonna Earp
Wynonna Earp
Waverly Earp
Nichole Haught
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
Kate Bishop
Yelena Belova
Fluff hc
Lucifer Morningstar
Chloe Decker
Elle Lopez
Brooklyn 99
Game of Thrones
Daenerys Targaryen
Sansa Stark
Arya Stark
Robb Stark
Khal Drogo
All dragons (platonic dragon rider)
Cercie Lannister
Miss Peregrine Home for Particular Children
Alma Peregrine
Little bird
How to train your dragon
All dragons (platonic)
House of Dragons
Alicent Hightower
Our little dragon (Rhaelicent x Oc)
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Daemon Targaryen
Harwin Strong
Rue Bennet
Lexie Howard
Maddy Perez
Shadow and Bone
Alina Starkov
You can ask for other character of I did not add them. I will do poly relationships, yandre, or cheater ships.
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venranae · 1 year
Playlist title: why can’t they love me as much as I love them? Why’d I have to chase everyone for affection
🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 all of these are real personal
- fuck you heather - boyish
- nothing's new - rio romeo
- let you break my heart again - laufey
- pain - pinkpantheress
- no one would miss me - A L E X
- nice boys - Temporex
- will he - joji
- zodiac killer - boyish
- drift away - sarah stiles (its from steven universe)
- wonder if you care - flyingfish
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findroleplay · 2 years
Other: Names Stiles, I’m 20+ so I prefer an rp partner no lower than 18+! I mostly do SFW rp’s but i am open to NSFW depending on the fandom. Apologizes for the long post ahead (also my spelling is not it today so apologizes for not typing all ship names out)
Literacy: Semi lit-lit+! I aim for a paragraph or two (minimum for me personally) I ask for a paragraph preferably!!
Fandom (bold for preferred):
Percy Jackson
Teen Wolf
If We Were Villains
Teen Titans
All For The Gams
Be More Chill
Soul Eater
Pair: CCxCC preferably! I do M/F, M/M, or F/F. I sometimes do OcxOc
PJO: Annabeth Chase, Bianca Di Angelo, Piper McLean, Jason Grace,
Heathers: Veronica Swayer, Heather McNamara,
If We Were Villains: Oliver
Teen Wolf: Stiles Stilinski, Kira, Lydia Martin, Allison Argent
Teen Titans: Raven, Starfire, Beast Boy
All For The Game: Andrew Minyard, Neil Josten, Kevin Day,
Be More Chill: Michael Mell, Rich Goranski, Brooke Lohst, Jenna Rolan
Soul Eater: Maka Albarn, Liz & Patty Thompson,
PJO: Percabeth, Annabeth x Piper, Percy x Annabeth x Jason x Piper, Soangelo
Heathers: JD x Veronica, Veronica x Heather C, Heather M x Heather D, JD x Heather C, JD x Veronica x Heather C
If We Were Villains: Oliver x James
Teen Wolf: Stydia, Allison x Lydia, Scott x Stiles
Teen Titans: Robin x Starfire, Raven x Beast Boy
AFTG: Andriel, Kevin x Arron, kandriel
BMC: Jeremy x Michael, Rich x Jake, Rich x Michael, Jeremy x Michael x Jake x Rich, Chloe x Brooke, Jenna x Christine, Jenna x Brooke x Chloe x Christine
Triggers: Animal abuse, r-pe, if more pop up i’ll let you know!
Genres: Anything from canon to AU’s, comedy, romance, horror
Plot ideas: I have many ranging a lot more in the AU realm with hurt/comfort, second chances, comedies, post canon stuff, horror, depends on the fandom!
Where: I RP preferably on discord (or google docs), but not on discord. Though I’ve had some bad experiences so I do not just hand out my discord anymore. Please like this post & i’ll message you here to talk more about details!! Have an amazing day or night!!
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