#still don’t think my style (any of them I suppose) is really suited for it
skypiea · 9 months
I keep saying shit like “if I could draw sexy shit…” “if only I were a vore artist…” no more if. I need to make it happen
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princessbrunette · 1 month
HOLDONNNNN now that u jogged my memory of tattooartist!pope… how wld he feel when u start teasing him every other day with the tattoos youre getting.. maybe today youre asking him for a tramp stamp then a couple of days later youre back asking for a tattoo in your cleavage like… do u get my vision
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you’d joined the pogues on their little trip to their favourite diner — and whilst they were up at the counter ordering their food you’d been left all alone at the booth with pope. despite there being plenty of space for everyone, you couldn’t help but be squished right up against his side — feeling a clinginess for the tattoo artist you had such a crush on.
“m’thinking of making an appointment with you soon.” you smile, wrapping your glossy, glittery lips round the straw to your milkshake— making his eyes flutter, lingering on your mouth before jumping up to your eyes.
“yeah? i can definitely fit you in. what were you thinking of getting?” he’s sure he’s playing it calm and collected, but he can never tell — not being able to shake the feeling that he was still a little bit of a nerd, despite the stereotypical cool-guy job he had now.
“mm, i have a few options. i just know i want you to do it, you seem like you’re really good at what you do.” you compliment, an inkling of shyness crossing over your face as you choose to gaze at the sticky laminate menus on the table instead. he smiles humbly, shrugging his shoulders a little and holding up a palm, wiggling his fingers.
“what can i say, steady hands.” he jokes before looking over you once more. “so uh, talk me through your options. i can help you out.”
you bite your bottom lip for a moment like you’re repressing a giggle before turning your body to him fully. he tries to ignore the way your velour skirt rides a little higher up your thigh.
“you ever done a tramp stamp?” you ask hopefully. he blinks for a moment before his brown eyes light up in recognition.
“like… the lower back tattoo? uh, maybe one or two. is that what you’re wanting?” he tilts his head, imagining you laying on your front in his chair, getting to touch your skin. you made him feel entirely unprofessional.
“well it’s between that or…” you pinch the ruching on your top at the centre of your bust, dragging it down between your breasts as his eyes nervously follow — feeling like he’s not allowed to be looking there. “or something right here.” you point to the smooth skin beneath the middle of your tits, the fat of them curtaining the space you refer to. he swallows thickly, like — full on gulps like a cartoon character as he takes in your request.
“i mean that… that can certainly look pretty too. it’s your choice really, i can’t tell you what to get.” his eyes return to yours when you let go of your top, letting it snap back into place, as well as snap him back into reality.
“mhm, i suppose so. do you just… do you have any insight on what might suit me better? i was telling jj i might get a tat soon, so if not i suppose i can just ask him…” you trail off when he sits up a little straighter in his seat, shaking his head so fast he felt his cheeks move.
“no, no, no— i’m the tattoo artist here i should really, you know — be the one helping you. look— personally, i think a lower back tattoo would suit you. would compliment your style, you know? why don’t you swing by this week and bring me some designs. i’m happy to figure somethin’ out with you.” he’s quick to jump into business and you grin, nodding.
“sure. anytime you want.” he promises as everyone returns to the table. he drums his hands on the wood as the bustling conversation and debates fire off automatically, your melodic laugh beside him sounding as you quickly get sucked in. he wants to join in too, he really does — but he can’t get the vision of you laying on your front, wincing and groaning at the sting of the needle as he shushes you and talks you through it out of his mind.
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notroosterbradshaw · 2 years
The Relationship Experience - four
part of: The Boyfriend Experience universe
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It was Friday.
Babies had been born, threenagers refused to sleep, and the world kept spinning but it was finally D-Day. Your first date with Rooster was approaching and you had no idea what was coming. Hard to say his last text didn’t exactly expel any confusion.
Rooster 🐓: This is super late notice, but I need you to wear something comfy tonight. I can’t wait to see you. I’ll be there at 7 x
Looking at the dress freshly steamed in the bathroom, you panicked. It certainly didn’t look like it fit the comfy bill, but it filled the ‘wine me, dine me, fuck me’ bill…
It had been a day: the majority of it spent primping and priming yourself, and fuck,you were exhausted. But you were brought to a halt, thinking you were prepared until Rooster’s text told you not to go too OTT. Your new shoes - you know, the ones that might not see the electric bill be paid this month - laughed raucously at you. Heading back to your cupboard, you considered how to casual down the drape dress you were certain of only moments earlier.
Really, the heels were the star and Rooster could fucking piggyback you if it didn’t suit his first date aesthetic, you deliberated indignantly.
“It’s not like he’s going to take you to a hoedown,” you reasoned to yourself, knowing that the outfit and shoes were going to happen regardless of his requests. Rooster would tell you if it was completely inappropriate. But right now, all you wanted to do was make his head explode. He wasn’t going to be far away, and you needed to knock his socks off when you answered the door. Procrastinating and talking yourself out of an amazing outfit wasn’t going to help you –
Hearing the faint knock at the front door, you paused. There was no way he was this early… it was a few minutes to 7pm and you were needing every single moment he had promised you, and maybe a few more. Still half-dressed and shoeless, you weren’t going to take the air out of his sails in your flannelette dressing gown. “Fuckkk,” you whined, hearing him knock again.
You breathed, needing to center yourself.
“Okay, he will just have to wait,” you acknowledged as you walked to the door, giddy to see him for the first time in days. You opened it with a smile, hiding behind the protection of the dense wood. “Hi,” you said as he bit back a grin. He looked so fucking delicious. Linen navy blue dress shirt rolled to his tanned forearms, camel khakis, brown boots, freshly shaved, smelling incredible. “You look fetching,” you teased.
“Thank you,” the tips of his ears flushed. “Are you dressed back there?” he tried to take a cheeky peek. Pushing back the door, you presented yourself as he chuckled quietly. “I’m either early or you took my ‘wearing something comfy’ literally…” his voice laced deeply with mirth.
You raised an eyebrow. “You’re early,” you confirmed. “Sorry, I just have to change. Come in?”
“Sure,” he gave you a gentle kiss on your cheek as he passed. “Cute,” he mocked your get-up as you rolled your eyes; you weren’t supposed to be cute. “Just give me a few minutes. Go make yourself comfy,” you said, ducking back to your bedroom and inhaling sharply. You put the dressing gown back on the hook behind the door and gave yourself a once over in the mirror of the lingerie you’d picked for the night. Not your usual style, but it cost a pretty penny and if he didn’t cum in his pants the moment he saw it, that was on him because it felt incredible against your skin. And not one to toot your own horn, but you could admit this worked for you.
Running through some scenarios in your head, you went for your heels first, not knowing how simple it would be to put them on after the dress. Sandals buckled,you slipped the dress over your shoulders, finding the hidden buttons. “Okay. End him,” you hyped yourself barely above a whisper, pointing at yourself in the mirror. “Wait, no - don’t endhim. Make him really happy to see you,” you corrected yourself.
Grabbing your clutch, you cautiously entered the living room. He’d poured himself a glass of scotch (okay. So, you’d thought ahead and brought him a bottle. Clearly, he found it), sipping it as you came into his eye line.
“Made yourself comfortable now, hmmm -”
He looked up. “Oh, shit,” he stammered and you were before him. “You look incredible.”
Giving him a tense shrug, you replied, “Am I overdressed? Your text kind of…” you dreaded the answer because there was no backup.
“Well,” he considered it for a moment before a strict, “No,” escaped his lips. “You’re…”
“I hope this sentence ends well,” you bit back your smile.
“You’re everything.”
And again, with just a couple of words from Bradley, your heart raced.He stepped towards you and gave you his hand to twirl under, his gaze not missing an inch of your body.
“Fuck,” he guided you into his arms and kissed you gently, not wanting to wear your lipstick. “I can’t formulate the words.”
“That must be difficult for you,” you said smartly, taking his glass and a sip (it was still hard to take, but he seemed to appreciate the effort you made to enjoy what he did) as he smiled wide. The tension was fever pitch and if he touched you just right, there wouldn’t be a date at all. Whatever he demanded, you’d deliver dutifully. “I thought you were taking me on a date?” you gently reminded him.
Blinking back to you, Rooster nodded. “I’m just trying to not ruin everything.”
“What do you mean?”
“By ditching our plans and just taking you right here.”
“If it makes you feel any better, I feel exactly the same,” you confided, heat creeping to your face.
“Well, we got the sexual tension down,” he joked, and you smiled. “For what it’s worth, you do look beautiful. I’m finding it a little hard to concentrate,” his eyes boldly took in every curve, while his hand gripped your hip in urgency.
You laughed soundlessly as the hand that still held yours drew around you, his palm flat against your lower back. “You look handsome yourself, Bradley.”
He hummed, staring at your lips and licked his own in anticipation. “If we don’t leave now, we never will,” he reminded himself more than you.
“Okay,” you took another sip before he finished the glass in a single gulp and placed the tumbler on the coffee table, guiding you by hand to the door. You loved being led by him, watching his shoulders and back move fluidly, he let you lock up and directed you to his pride and joy, his Bronco. It didn’t impress you much, but it seemed to make him happy. He opened the passenger door and helped you step in, a strong hand firmly on your hip. You didn’t need the assistance; you were perfectly capable of getting in yourself, but you figured he was looking for an excuse to touch you. While you buckled up, he scooted to the driver’s side and hopped in.
“All good?” he asked.
“Not my first time buckling up,” you retorted gently.
“I can see that,” he huffed a laugh. “Just making sure, it’s a bit glitchy.”
“Worked fine for me,” you shrugged, giving it a secure wiggle. “Hey, Bradley?”
He hummed, raising an eyebrow, and starting the engine. “Yep?”
“If I forget to tell you later… I had a wonderful time tonight,” you gently grasped his thigh, his eyes watching the movement closely.
He smiled and leaned across to kiss you, your lipstick marking him, and you smoothed it away with your thumb. “It’s only getting started.”
And you didn’t know if he meant tonight, or forever, but it sure as hell felt like good things were coming. Very good things.
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Parking at the beach, Rooster gave you a friendly smile as the sun was starting to set. You both unbuckled and he jogged around to the passenger side while you grabbed your purse, a little shocked to see him opening the door for you.
Oh, shit. He really was holding on to this gentleman's schtick, which you weren’t prepared for. “Thank you,” you said as he offered his hand. Looking towards the restaurant across the road, he shook his head, steering your gaze towards the sand. Oh, no.
“Down there,” he said. Spotting nothing in particular, even if he promised the unexpected, getting drunk on the beach with him would still be all kinds of incredible. “As sexy as those heels are, do you want to wear them in the sand?” he interrupted your thoughts.
Ducking your eyes to the heels that were already giving you hell and you’d only been in them an hour, you smiled, uncertainly. “Let me take them off.”
“I’ll help you,” he offered, walking you to a nearby bench and helping you sit. He knelt to unstrap them, his palms pressing into your ankles, finding a pressure point and you were a puddle. Once both were done, he smiled, taking them in his hands so you could hold your clutch. “Can I ask what these shoes cost?”
You shook your head, meekly. “If I said a month of rent, would you believe me and not tell Grandpa?”
Rooster laughed. “Well, they’re worth every penny. They are very sexy.”
“I think you have a heel thing, Bradshaw,” you taunted. He laughed, standing back to his full height (so tall and handsome as hell) and took your hand. You loved how he laced your fingers between his, it felt so intimate the way his thumb tickled your palm.
“Nah, I just have a thing for you in heels.”
Not other women, you. He liked you in heels. “Where are we going?” you asked, noticing he hadn’t grabbed anything from the car, so he was either taking SD’s public booze warnings to heart, or you were going empty-handed.
The breeze off the water surprised you and you wrapped your arms around Rooster’s torso, which flooded your senses with his cologne. He took the hint and wrapped you under his arm, his hand resting comfortably on your hip, keeping your body close to his. You wandered on the warm sand a few hundred meters between families enjoying the last half an hour of the sun until it finally set. A glow flickered near a rock break to reveal a small professionally kitted fire pit with blankets and cushions laid out with a cute charcuterie board and champagne on ice. Extra blankets were to the side in case it got chilly, and some music player was hidden somewhere, playing something Motown-inspired but with the waves crashing and your senses overloaded, the music seemed irrelevant.
“Oh,” you said, slightly taken back. So, he was unapologetically romantic, and this was just out of this world. The sun was setting over the water in contrasts of purple, orange and pink and Jesus… it was perfect but there was no way he did this himself. You knew he was at work today. “You did good,” you whispered before you could stop it. He grinned, with a pleased nod. “Don’t think badly of me but I phoned it in,” he admitted. “Do you really like it?”
“This is beautiful,” you said, kissing him gently, catching him off guard but he smiled. “It’s a lovely thought. I’ve never had anyone do something like this for me before,” you kissed him again and he flushed slightly this time.
“Good, now you won’t forget it,” he rasped softly. “Champagne?” he asked, pulling the bottle out of the ice, and bringing the glasses closer. You nodded, spying on the familiar yellow label of your favourite. “Only the finest of plastic,” he muttered as you snorted.
“How’d you know about the champagne?”
“This wasn’t on me,” he laughed quietly, carefully popping the cork into his palm. “This is what came with the package.”
“Lucky you,” you said with a smile, as he poured and handed you a glass. “Thank you.”
Pouring his, he jammed the bottle back into the ice chest. “Cheers, sweet girl.”
You took an eager sip, the cool liquid welcome on your tongue. “So, what gave you this idea?” you asked as he kind of shrugged, moving to his knees and taking a seat facing the ocean, stretching his lean legs out before him. He offered you his calloused palm to sit with him, close to the food, and grabbed a grape in earnest. “Thank you,” you took back your hand to smooth the skirt of the dress from creeping any further upwards than what was considered proper.
“Well, you love the beach, the water. Tell me what’s better than the beach at sunset?”
“Being on the beach at sunset with you,” you told him earnestly.
“Oh,” he said. Sometimes your confidence overwhelmed him in the best possible ways, and he lived for it.
“This is special.”
He smiled. “I’m glad you like it,” he offered you his hand which you gladly gave him, and he kissed the back of it tenderly.
“How’s the champagne?” you nudged him as he took a wary sip. He’d told you he wasn’t a champagne guy but he raised a piqued eyebrow and nodded.
“This is actually not so bad.”
“Real champagne. I think the wedding the other night was trying to convince us they weren’t serving sparkling wine,” you scoffed.
“You know your stuff.”
“I know this,” your toes pointed to the bottle in question. Rooster laughed.
“God, I feel like I dodged a bullet,” he pretended to loosen his collar.
“You did good,” you promised him. He put his glass on the small stool and used the same hand to cup your cheek, adjusting his posture to look at you. He melted your soul with those eyes, and it pained you how he made it all seem so easy.
“I want to make you really happy, sweet girl,” he breathed and kissed you, softly. “I’ve enjoyed getting to know you better this week. Thought I knew all I needed to know and now I kind of feel like I don’t know anything.”
“Isn’t that what the getting-to-know-you part is?” you teased gently.
“I was pretty arrogant to not think about that,” he admitted as you grinned.
“You’ve probably learned a lot more about me that you didn't want to know.”
“I want to know everything, baby,” he said firmly. “I need to know everything. What makes you smile, what’s your favourite smell, what turns you on? All of it.”
You wanted to joke the answer to all those questions would probably be him, Bradley. You hummed, preferring to keep your trap shut. “I didn’t take you for a romantic, Rooster,” you declared.
“I don’t think I am a huge romantic,” he conceded. “I did want to put on a bit of a show for you, though. I want to impress you, make you feel special.”
“Well, consider me impressed,” you confided. But as gorgeous as the beach was in front of you, with the waves crashing violently on the shore, the sun disappearing behind the clouds and the colours of the sky gradually fading to black, thanks to the low light of the fire pit dancing across his features, all you could see was him.
And tonight, you knew, you were falling in love with Bradley Bradshaw.
He made you feel alive. You didn’t realise you were just bumbling along until he figuratively swept in and changed it all for the better. It was fast, it was sudden, and something that couldn’t be explained. You weren’t one to fall quickly, but he caught you each time you tripped.
“Can I tell you something?” you asked lowly.
“Anything,” he said, easing back on his forearms and watching you.
“I had a bit of a crush on you when we were kids.”
He grinned widely, his eyes lighting up. “Can I tell you something?” You nodded. “I knew,” he told you modestly.
“What?” you exclaimed as he chuckled quietly. You were mortified.
“You weren’t exactly subtle about it. You kind of gave me these puppy dog eyes every time I was around. You were a bit young for me though,” he reminded you. “What were you, 13, 14?”
“You were 17!” You wanted the ocean to drag you out and never be seen again. “I’m so embarrassed,” you laughed weakly.
“Don’t be. Feel vindicated!” He winked. “You’ve got me falling over myself for you now. You got what you wanted.”
You laughed a little louder. “You know, I had no idea about how you ever felt.”
“You forced yourself to deny it,” he corrected you, nudging you with his knee, and you looked at him with a slight frown. “You knew,” he continued.
You stayed silent for a moment, and there was no refuting it. Maybe you did know. You always acknowledged his sweetness, but never allowed yourself to think any more of it in case it led down a path that would ruin everything. “I guess I did.”
“Why didn’t you reciprocate?”
“Because I liked our friendship and keeping you at arm’s length when you do what you do seemed like a safer option. I know what’s at stake. What if I was wrong about you?” you asked softly. “Putting myself out there and having my suspicions confirmed? It would have crushed me.”
“So, you choose to close yourself off?”
“You did,” you reminded him.
“Um,” he raised a finger to correct you. “I shipped out.”
“How convenient,” you teased.
He nodded, licking his lip. “I suppose.”
“Was it just Nat asking you about the wedding?”
“I knew I was ready to do something to get your attention. It was good timing, I guess? But I just didn’t think… you were into me the way I was into you? And I’m still not sure you are… but I think you’re starting to believe that whatever this is between us is real.”
It was so sincere, and so right, that you kissed him again.
“This isn’t all too much for you, is it?” he asked slowly.
You shook your head. “No.”
“What’s changed?”
“You showed me what it could be like for us and I started to imagine it was possible.”
“It’s only getting started, baby,” he told you confidently, invading your space and he eased his body over yours, his palm under your head gently protecting you from getting too sandy. “I’m never gonna let anything happen to you, okay? Even if this nosedives, I’ll always be there for you.”
He watched you settle on his words and palmed your cheek before kissed you deeply.
“I’m so crazy about you,” he confided, your name falling like a mantra on his full lips.
There was no way he was ready to say the words that lingered on his tongue. Not yet, not tonight. He wasn’t that guy that tossed those words out freely. But he was certain of how he felt and when the moment was right, he’d let you know. And he was sure you’d return it with every fibre of his being.
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It turned out to be a beautiful night. You had a few drinks, ate way too much delicious food, and shared a few cute stories with Rooster.
It wasn’t too deep, but the tone changed when he told you about his papers being pulled for the Academy, how after all these years he was still speechless as to why Maverick, the man he’d looked upon as a father figure after his own father’s death, who had steered him into adulthood, could betray him so deeply.
New ground was being covered.
You told him you remembered the night he came to Grandpa’s house and demanded if he knew why Mav had done him so dirty. You told him you remembered Grandpa holding him, restraining him as he wept openly, angrily, frustrated, devastated that the only thing Bradley wanted in his life was to fly, but now he’d have to go about it another way. A series of devastating blows in such a short amount of time. Losing Carole, flying… Maverick.
It was hard to watch him so deeply betrayed, and even now, so long after, you could feel the sting in his words, “If I never see Mav again, it’ll be too fuckin’ soon,” he muttered as you leaned into him.
“I’m sorry, Rooster.”
“Like, adding to the sting, Mom never wanted me to be a pilot either,” he confessed. “But it’s the only thing that ever felt right, you know?”
“She would be so proud of you, and what you’ve achieved,” you said simply.
He sighed, his fingers squeezing yours. “Ya think?”
“I know.”
He shrugged. “Guess we will never know though, huh?”
“Bradley… you had to do what made you happy,” you continued. “Yeah, it’s taken you a bit longer to get there. But you’re one of the best and there is no denying it.”
He nodded, solemnly. “Mom assumed the same thing would happen to me - that I’d share my dad’s fate.”
To yourself, you knew the risks. You remembered Grandpa, and to an extent, your old man. You forgot how it felt to hold your breath that long until they came home. Now you’d have to add Rooster to that special list. The risks of your friends were always there, but Rooster was in another category: The ones you couldn’t lose at any cost, and you kissed his cheekbone. You could feel his smile under your touch.
“I guess,” he shrugged. “I mean, I got over having to get through it all the long way. College was great, but maybe I wasn’t ready for it? Mom had just died, I was about to roam free, you know?”
“I imagine you were pretty good at it. Breaking hearts left, right and center.”
He giggled quietly. “Nothing could be further from the truth.”
“I call bullshit,” you sang as he grinned at you, relieved for the turn in the conversation. “There was no way you weren’t whoring yourself out all over UVA. God, there must have just been mass destruction and panty-dropping.”
He laughed again. “You think this is what I was like at 18? My nerves were shot. I was an orphan. I went to a school where I didn’t know anyone to try and get my opportunity. I was probably a bit of a nerd as a freshman. I got over that quick though,” he smiled.
“There ya go,” you laughed.
“Tell me something,” he said softly. You gazed up at him, the champagne just giving you the right kind of buzz and his cologne adding to it. “The night of the bonfire...”
Blinking, but not quite catching his drift, you shrugged. Always an innocuous night for you.
“You don’t remember much, huh?”
“I remember being hungover the next day. Like, one of the worst of my life. But it seemed like a fun night. Why? Did I embarrass myself?” you ask, paranoia etched all over your face.
He shook his head with a fond grin. “Can I tell you something that happened that night? Since you’ve clearly blocked it out. It’s kind of instrumental to everything in my life right now.”
It seemed so deep, you feared his words. “I don’t think I want to know.”
He laughed. “I told you that your smile was what won me over. But it’s always won me over. I’ve always loved your smile,” he said as you dreaded his words. “You were in a bit of a state, so I took you for a walk to try and sober you up. You were rambling about wanting to travel again, that there was nothing here in town for you. You had work and you were grateful, but nothing else was trapping you to stay.”
“Sounds like me,” you conceded. Not much had really changed.
“I said that night that I was considering a transfer to be stationed here.”
“You guys move a lot. It sucks. I hate missing you all.”
“You said exactly that.”
You giggled quietly. “I still don’t know where you’re going with this.”
“You told me that if I came back, you’d stay so I’d have someone to take care of me - all in your drunken ramble,” he laughed quietly.
“I did?” you giggled quietly. That didn’t sound like you.
“And then!” he said, chuckling. “You told me that this was my home. That it was where I belonged, where the people who loved me were and that I’d always have a home with you, your family…”
“Well, that’s true,” you acknowledged as he smiled.
“I got my transfer the week before the wedding. There’s been some political bullshit surrounding it all, but it seems to be sorted. I’m moving home.”
Wide-eyed, you couldn’t find the words.
He nudged you. “So, it looks like you’ll just have to put up with me now. Permanently.”
You wrapped your arms around him tightly. “Bradley! That’s amazing. I didn’t even know this was a possibility.” You kissed him fondly and he nodded, adjusting his posture to hold you.
“That okay?”
You nodded, cupping his handsome face in your gentle hands. “This is the best news.”
He grinned. “You’re stuck with me. So, this kinda has to work,  this being a small town and all,” he joked. You tenderly held his face and kissed him lightly and a slight chill ran down your spine, the wind changing and getting a bit cool. “Blanket?” he asked, reaching for it but you stopped him.
“No,” you told him, bringing him back to you, kissing him again, a little force behind it and you gently caressed his face. “Bradley… take me home.”
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Rooster let you take his hand as you got back to your apartment. You knew there was no stopping tonight. No detours for a polite glass of water to settle nerves bubbling under the surface. No need to tease each other unmercifully on the couch. Just a direct line to your bedroom.
You’d left the warm light of the bedside table lamp on to greet you when you returned, making it easy on your eyes. Thankfully, the condoms Rooster had left behind earlier in the week were left undisturbed in your nightstand, leaving everything you needed together for easy access.
“I like your room. Feels like home,” he admitted quietly, stepping behind you and his fingertips grazing as he moved your hair to kiss the base of your neck. Not prepared, your knees gave out a little as you reached up to knot your fingers into his soft curls.
“Don’t stop,” you said, and he smiled into your skin. He’d made no secret that he would be a devoted student to learn everything about what made your body weak for him. “That’s so good.”
He hummed, acknowledging it and banking it for next time. “Where else do you want me to kiss you?”
You turned to face him as you clutched his shirt, bringing him down to you. “I don’t care, just don’t stop.”
“Thatta girl, exactly what I needed you to say,” he tenderly held your hips as he sat down on the edge of your bed. His thighs were wide and he ushered you between them.
“This dress is not conducive to this position,” you confided, and Rooster nodded, knowingly.
“Then ditch it,” he said simply, his voice so low you almost didn't catch it.
“Can you help me?” you asked softly.
“Just tell me how,” he told you, fingers roaming the material for a zip.
“Buttons. Here and here,” you hinted, moving your arms from his search, while he found the dastardly fasteners, slowly opening the front. One by one, his eyes only on yours, he brushed the dress back off your torso, only to be greeted with lace and soft skin. Getting a peak at what was underneath, Rooster swallowed hard.
“Can I take it off?” he begged quietly. You nodded as he stood up to brush the shoulders of the dress away, the material slipping to the floor. “Jesus Christ,” Rooster’s mouth went dry as the dress you wore now pooled around your feet. Bathed in the lingerie, that frankly left absolutely nothing to the imagination, Rooster chewed his tongue, almost tasting blood. “I am so scared I’ll cum before I’m even in you,” he confessed, his hands pushing back your mussed hair and dragging you to him, fingers digging into your hips, the pressure of your body against his firm cock giving him a momentary respite.
“That’s exactly what I hoped for,” you said, staring at the buttons of his shirt as he pulled it over his head when it was loosened enough and he gladly tossed it away. Your fingers drifted across his soft, golden skin and down his toned abdominals, nails scratching lightly against the firm muscles as he flinched.
You’d forgotten, but it was too fucking late now. “Gee,” you said wistfully. “I know you have to stay in shape for work and stuff, but your body is crazy.”
He laughed quietly. “Thank you, I think?” He took your face in his hands as you found the button and fly of his pants, widening the waist to push them down. “Go ahead,” he instructed gently and watching your hands lower the slacks to his ankles and he kicked them off.
Remembering your derailed plans from earlier in the week, you knew that if anyone tried to disrupt this revelry, you would just have to kill them. Simple as that.
“Come here,” he said, sighing deeply before he kissed you again.
His kisses were different now. No demand, no urgency, just slow. Exploring the taste of your tongue, his hands drifted down your back, massaging your hips and he moved you towards the bed. He guided you to the mattress first, laying you down and he hovered over you, his thigh nudging yours apart. He carefully lay his weight on you, and fuck, you’d forgotten how much you craved it.
His lips left yours, trailing a mess of wet kisses down your chin, your throat and splayed across your clavicle. “I need this. I need to taste you, baby,” he told you, holding your ribs and lightly pinning you down. His usually warm eyes watched you, hauntingly dark in his longing. Reaching for the cup of your bra, he drew it down, and his skilled mouth caressed your nipple, which you’d freely admit was desperate for some attention. He huffed a small laugh, picking up on the hint as you pushed your chest into it. “Good girl, tell me what you like,” he whispered into your skin, moving to give the other side the devoutness it deserved, using his palms to massage the soft skin, his fingers pinching, his tongue circling and your eyes drifted closed.
He sat you up for a moment, and bringing your attention back to him, his hands drifted around your back and unclipped your bra (in only a few seconds, good for him), dragging it down your arms and letting you fall back against the mattress. “Just beautiful,” he breathed deeply, face hovering over yours again. “Hi,” he smiled.
“Hello,” you traced his lower lip.
“You good?” he asked softly, licking his top lip and caging you in his strong embrace. He knew you didn’t need to be asked.
“If you keep doing what you’re doing, I think I’ll forget my name.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Is that a challenge? Because I’m willing to make that bet.”
You laughed with a languid shrug. “You promised me a 12, Bradshaw...”
He hummed, amused. “You’ll get your fuckin’ 12...” He kissed you, his tongue warm and wet against yours, his weight relaxing on you, and you wrapped him up tightly, never wanting to let him go but he had other thoughts, leaving your lips again, working quickly down to your ribs.
Your toes were curling.
It was hard not to keen into his ministrations with how desperate you were to watch him discover your body. You dug your nails into his scalp as he looked up with a lazy grin, letting you know he appreciated that too. You softly massaged and tugged at his unruly curls as he breathed deeply against your tummy, continuing south on his trek. He released your ribs and moved his body towards the end of the bed, your legs still splayed wide as he licked his lips.
His fingers traced the seams of your underwear, tickling the soft skin on your belly before they looped under. He stripped the flimsy material down your legs, unconsciously tossing them over his brawny shoulder.
He licked his lips and exhaled sharply. “Beautiful.”
Getting to his knees, he planted single kisses from your belly button to the neat patch of hair at your mound and his long fingers opened you to him. It was bold. He didn’t want to make you tense; he wanted you proudly on display as you lost all control for him. He didn’t want you to hide, be shy, just fucking let loose and leave the rest up to him.
Unless you wanted that control, because fuck. Take it.
Knowing how well he kissed would be a problem if he went down on you the same way. He swirled his tongue around your clit, going hard early as you almost jolted off the bed, a quiet squeal of surprise escaping your lips. His large palms pushed you back down as he huffed a quiet laugh at your expense, but you gave in and tried to relax for him. You were so pent-up and overwhelmed, everything already felt so good, and you were so sensitive, you knew if he kept doing exactly what he was, his pretty face would be a goddamn mess.
“Jesus,” you cried, your nails ripping into the tanned skin of his shoulders, and he grunted in reply. He released your hip and trailed his hands across your skin, the pads of his fingers dancing across your inner thigh as he focused his lips on your clit, giving himself the room to fill you with his fingers. One, two - you could hardly be sure, but Rooster was so fucking good at this and fuck.
“How’s my girl?” he rasped, voice deeper than you imagined you’d heard, fingers not ceasing, looking up to view you writhe under his touch.
“Good God, Rooster,” you manage as his fingers scissor inside you.
“How hard are you gonna cum?” he hummed thoughtfully. “You taste so good; I could stay down here for hours.”
“Oh, my God,” you managed, his words swirling around in your head, you were so dizzy, you almost felt you could pass out as his lips left their workspace, kissing between your thighs, his teeth gently leaving their mark as he bit you gently and goose pimples exploded over your skin. He wanted to own you and have his mark on you, and you were in no predicament to argue. “Bradley?”
He gazed up at you, eyes lidded. He rutted against your mattress, seeking his pleasure as his lips enclosed you again. Fuck - he was a sight for fucking sore eyes. He would never be as sexy to you as he was now (lie, lie, bald-faced LIE). It was for you; it was all for you and your body just couldn’t resist.
You had to come, as much as you could have watched him like this forever. The dam burst, coils snapped, and tears sprang from your eyes as you came. And came and came. It was shameful, but he didn’t give you a reprieve. He was going to drag every ounce of pleasure from you and there wasn’t a damn thing you could do about it. You tried pushing him away and you could hear his laughter amid the blood pumping in your ears. He let you go, his body skimming up yours, jolts of electricity catching you on more sensitive body parts as he met your lips.
He kissed you wildly as you flung your arms around him, tasting yourself on his tongue. You felt mostly like a bag of bones, but you couldn’t let go of him. “Bradley.”
“That was beautiful. I could watch you come undone like that every day, sweet girl,” his tongue traced yours and he peppered your face and decolletage with sweet kisses, although the abundance of warmth careening through you was still so strong.
“Holy shit,” you pressed him to you, breathless.
“You okay?” he murmured.
“If only you could get a commendation for that…” you managed. He laughed quietly.
“Fuck, you did so well. Do you need a minute?” he asked, resting his cheek on your breast. Your breath was still labouring as you traced his spine and he curved into you. You shook your head as he smiled up at you and you stroked his face. He pressed the side of his face into your palm, and you asked him what he wanted. “I’m in no rush. You decide what’s next.”
You gently moved him off of you and rolled him to his back. Arms splayed above him, he watched you and your next move. He was so hard and hefty, and you were desperate to take him in your mouth. Return the favour, taste every inch of skin, grasp every muscle and ridge, he was there, and he was willing. This man, who you never knew needed you so carnally, was just as desperate for you, too.
“Lift your hips,” you said quietly and pulled down his boxer briefs.
Not a real surprise, Rooster was big, heavy and thick. He wrapped his muscular arms behind his head and watched you debate your next move. There was nothing left for you to hide, it was time to put up or shut up. And Rooster deserved the best.
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t wanna,” he reminded you.
“But I do want to - I want you,” you reassured him and he held back his smile. “Is our friendship over?” you asked suddenly.
“Well, yeah,” he laughed quietly. “I just ate you out and made you cum pretty hard, so there’s really no going back from here.”
You covered your mouth with a laugh. “Shut up, this isn’t the time for jokes.”
“This is entirely the time for jokes,” he corrected, his smile a little bit wild. “Don’t take this so seriously. We’re here for fun. A lot of fun,” he corrected himself. “Just relax,” he moved to sit up and sat on his knees before you. He gently took your face in his palms. “We got through the hardest part. From here on in, it’s all about us and how we enjoy ourselves, okay?” he kissed you. “You want to stop?”
You shook your head.
“No. Definitely don’t wanna stop.”
“That’s what I thought,” he kissed you again, resting his forehead against yours, his fingers skimming through your hair. “Get outta your head.”
Placing your hands on his shoulders, you massaged his traps and kissed him again. “You always say the right thing. It’s incredible.”
He pulled you to him tightly, kissing you furiously, his hands pressing into your ass and he sat you on his lap. He adjusted his long legs out in front of him and you were straddling him. “Just kiss me. That’s all,” he encouraged as you took his words and put all the passion he deserved into your kiss.
You adjusted your posture and reached between your bodies. Rooster jerked lightly as you gently took his length into your palm, slowly dragging your palm up and down, thumb swirling around the wet tip. He sighed against your mouth, his kiss falling from your lips as he breathed deep, your touch enough for now for him.
But not for you. You needed him, his words of encouragement spurring you on and you crept to your knees. “Condom?” he asked quietly. “I’m clean,” he raised his hands in gentle protest.
“I’m on the pill,” you replied as he watched your hands keenly and strangled a breath as you sheathed yourself on him, filling yourself with him to the hilt. His breathing was shallow as he muttered how warm and wet you were, how he longed for this, how he needed to see your body move. He let go of you and carefully relaxed into the mattress, not wanting to break your momentum.
Rooster grasped your hips as you found the rhythm you desired and he watched your body, the way your hips circled and drove him into fucking oblivion. “You were made for this,” he encouraged. “I wish you could see what I see.”
You felt like you were levitating. You knew it’d be good, but Rooster Bradshaw’s body was made for you. His strength, his masculinity, his unwavering self-assurance that he wanted your first time together to be something you’d never dream of forgetting.
“Holy fuck,” you managed, as he pressed deep into your belly, his strong hands keeping you sturdy as you rode him. It was supposed to be good, but everything was so much more than you could have ever expected. Bradley Bradshaw had figuratively ruined you for others, after him, there would be naught. Nada.
So, stop thinking about it like there could ever be anyone else, your brain ordered. It’s only getting started, wasn’t that what Bradley has said earlier?
“I don’t know how much more I got left in me, sweet girl. I need to cum,” he told you, his fingers stinging you. It was only fair, you’d cum. If you were lucky, you would again…but he was due to explode. “Do I pull out or…” he asked you, eyes searching yours.
“Cum, baby. Cum,” you told him.
“Okay… but not yet,” he said, his fingers creeping to open you up to him again, you knew the friction was enough to get you off, but he needed this. “Wanna feel you cum on me. Need to…” he hissed, the pad of his thumb writing his name on you as he tried to restrain himself, chewing his lower lip and hissing in desperation. You banked the pleasure on his face, he’d never been sexier to you.
“Jesus,” you kicked your feet, knowing that you were close again. It didn’t take a mathematician to know there were certain factors to get you over the line. Rooster filled you, he knew exactly where to touch and taste you as he raised his hips deep into you, meeting your rolls. “I don’t think I can…” you shrieked. It was all too much. You were too sensitive, too turned on.
“You can,” he told you sternly and you believed him instantly. “Let go, baby. I gotta feel you.”
You leaned towards him in your exhaustion, and he reached for your nipple, sucking, biting, swirling along with his skilled touch, groping roughly and that was it. You were coming, you were coming hard, just like he wanted.
He groaned, eyes drifting closed as he tried to hold on, ride out your orgasm that threatened to tear him in two. “Jesus fuckin’ Christ, yes,” Rooster breathed as you tried to keep fucking him through your second orgasm, sloppy and unable to control your movements. Rooster’s hips were like pistons, screaming into you, wanting to steal every piece of you for himself. His strong hands gripped your hips, forcing you on him harshly as he fucked hard into you, coming white hot, groaning into your mouth as he pulled you against him.
A mess of limbs, sweat and bedsheets, he kissed you deeply, your body’s soothing with the others. Rooster dragged his hands down your back soothingly, smoothing your hair.
“Baby, you did so good,” he promised. “So fucking sexy.”
You kissed him quickly, and he gave you a gentle smack on the ass, forcing you to swallow the kiss in surprise. You sighed, absolutely spent and he chuckled lowly. “You good?” you asked him.
He sighed deeply, a dreamy smile on his wet lips. “That was fuckin’ fantastic. Jesus Christ, you can move,” he settled you against his chest, his heart thundering in your ear.
He smirked, crudely. “Don’t act so fuckin’ surprised.”
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You gently dozed on Rooster’s chest as he tenderly stroked your hair, the other tucked around you firmly, the pads of his fingers drawing small circles on your hip. So worth the wait, having you here like this in his arms. He gently kissed your forehead.
While he was exhausted, he was still wide awake. Buzzing still, flashes of earlier in the night swirled through his mind. Finally witnessing you lose all resolve with him, the sounds you made, your touch on his skin. It was still all very real and incredibly vibrant.
“Why are you still awake?” you mumbled against his chest, adjusting your posture to roll to the pillow. Rooster hummed, following your lead and rolling to press up behind you, his intentions bold. He wrapped his arms around you and left a trail of wet kisses between your shoulder blades. You whimpered lowly and couldn’t resist the smile that tugged at your lips. You were completely at his mercy.
“Sorry, did I wake you?”
“No,” you replied, biting back a yawn against his chest. “Dozing.” He smiled against your skin, hard and harsh against your ass. “The one per cent,” you muttered, giggling quietly.
“I’m not going to lie and say I don’t have a high sex drive,” he admitted, kissing across your shoulders. “That gonna be a problem for you?”
Looking back at him over your shoulder, you told him, “That will never be a problem for me.”
Pouting, Bradley hitched his body over yours, his hips rolling into yours, delicious friction found, and he kissed you deeply. “Good - because it’s only getting started.”
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third-arch · 4 months
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My Trafalgar Law HC’s!! pt.12✨✨
Trigger Warning: Mention of Self Harm at the end
His current favorite song that he’s been listening to is Drew Barrymore by SZA. He likes all of SZA’s works imo.
His top 10 favorite Beatles songs in no particular order are as follows:
- In My Life
- Dear Prudence
- Come Together
- Eleanor Rigby
- For No One
- While My Guitar Gently Weeps
- I Want You (She’s So Heavy)
- Nowhere Man
- Drive My Car
- Glass Onion
He sits in the very front of the classroom. He sits in the very back when he’s overwhelmed or depressed.
If his zodiac sign could be anything, it would either be Leo or Libra.
Appearance wise, I like to think that he has a more tough, rugged appearance, with a slightly crooked nose and darker, tan skin.
Compared to his short, straight L-shaped nose in the anime and chiseled appearance, I think the best way I’d describe him is “tired”.
He also has beauty marks scattered around his face.
Dark circles drag under his eyes and line around his nose occasionally.
He also might sometimes wear black eyeliner.
Lastly, I don’t think he has any white spots on his face.
Oh, and he has hairy arms and legs, with some chest hair (maybe).
The edges of his black dress shoes are scuffed. He gets them polished and repaired each by Shachi or Ikkaku.
He hates being compared to animals. It makes him feel disrespected and weak.
(When I mean this, I mean in a non affectionate way. Like a joking or platonic way, kinda like how he was compared to a hyena.)
Not really a HC, but he has dimples.
(Look!! He’s so pretty!!)
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I like to think that his blue coat say a lot about his character and his past. It could be a statement of individuality while still holding on and honoring what’s dear to him. Freedom I suppose.
This idea also relates to him having a slick and mature yet comfortable style of clothing.
For this reason, he might definitely wear leather jackets and fine tailored suits, but nothing too showy. Just lowkey, minimal, yet stylish and free.
In a group project, he’s a divider and conqueror.
In partnership with projects, he used to take the lead and do all the work, but he’s gotten better at being an equal (he still does most of the work LOL)
For him, Vinyls>CD’s.
TW: Self harm
Law has self harm scars. I like to think that they’re well hidden.
If he ever sees them on his partner during intimate moments, he’ll kiss them.
In less intimate settings, he’ll rub his thumb in small, gentle circles over each laceration and bump.
He’ll never really talk about them or say anything if anyone notices them.
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gladlypants · 1 year
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Hey! I uploaded a ton of lots to the gallery today (id: gladlypants) Some were recent builds I was doing while I was waiting for GT, some I just furnished today, some I built last summer before HSY released and forgot about, and then vault Cleo’s grandparents’ house. I had a lot of fun practicing building over the last few weeks!  :) 
It’ll take me a bit to get all of these tray files up, will have to go back and take interior screenshots and all that. There are names of each and short descriptions under the cut, numbered like the screenshots, cuz I just felt like talking about em, and gallery images suck. I’ve playtested most of these at some point, except Charles E. Cheese’s, the shells, and the Batchelder house.
Lmk if you want any of these now for your new pack gameplay and I’ll shoot you a temporary dl.
1. Charles E. Cheese’s - Heavily branded for the feline version of Chuck, Charles! It’s a restaurant and I haven’t playtested it, sorryyyy, but I don’t foresee any issues. There’s a pizza vendor kiosk inside too if you want to change the lot type or have typical Dine Out problems. Intended as a kind of party space for kids. The upstairs feels a little chaotic to me but maybe not idk. ♥
2. Raymond’s Noodles - A little local noodle restaurant I built for a sim named Raymond I was playing in a recent rotation save. It’s small and cute. ♥
3. The Schneider House - a big ol’ traditional style Windenburg house. I was also playing a household on this lot, and I really loved it!
4. Batchelder Craftsman - I love the style of this house. Named for Batchelder tiles, which I am pretending this one has throughout! (reference)
5. Gray 2 Story Craftsman - The household I played the most in my rotation lived in this house and I love the layout, so it’s probably my favorite of the Craftsman shells I built, even if it is a little plain looking on the outside. It has an awesome, huge main bedroom suite! 
6. Green Family Craftsman - f*ck those rooves. This one has a a sunroom and a bedroom for grandparents/stay-overs. (reference)
7. Blue Craftsman - Built this one like a house my sister-in-law lived in here for a long time, it’s a common style and layout in older neighborhoods where I live.
8. Black Victorian Shell - It’s supposed to a small detached row house. I built it with the idea of using it for renting to roommates but you can use it however you like obviously.
9. Cleo’s Grandparents’ House - a desert mcm! Still has the camper in the yard that Cleo + Devon lived in before they got locked in the vault.
10. Single Mom House - I built this for one of my gallery households, who is a single mother and teenage daughter. It’s a little shabby, with some craftsman features and some Hispanic decor for them.
11. The LaFollette House - also built for one of my gallery families, a single military dad and his two daughters. I intended this one to be the same as the Single Mom house, but remodeled to be more modern and spacious.
12. The Gilbert House - for a gallery household, it’s a little retro inside!
13. Split Level Family Home - also for a gallery household, this one has very feminine style decor, except for one of the bedrooms for a teen, and a huge unfinished basement (just walls.) 
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^^ Also this “Colorful Craftsman Shell” that I forgot about and don’t think I’ll get around to furnishing/finishing it anytime soon. It has a bonus attic room. You’ll need to move the back door, place it on a bigger lot, or lower the foundation because I didn’t leave space for steps there. 
And a big modern “apartment building” with one furnished unit and a gym and indoor pool downstairs, which is kind of unfinished but idk if I’ll get back to it.
Sorry for the wall of text, thank you if you read it all. ♥ 
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freddy-and-friends-au · 2 months
The band’s all here! (WIP)
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I still haven’t finished their new endoskeletons yet, but I think I have their suits mostly down!
Feel free to ask any questions you may have in the inbox!
At first glance, these are obviously inspired by the traditional Chuck E. Cheese x Rockafire Explosion suits, designing them more like sports mascot costumes and having very little of the endoskeleton showing at all times (say for Foxy, of course). This was not only for more realistic world-building, but also to optimize animation, as we now have less moving parts that are actually showing, and therefore, less to render.
You might be wondering “if you wanted a more realistic approach to the suits, why not take a more realistic approach to the masks, like a more ShowBiz Pizza style?” And to that I say: everyone does that.
Okay, that isn’t entirely the reason. I like the idea of basing the designs more off of the canon models than something that already exists, because I like the idea of FazEnt having their own style of making animatronics. The ShowBiz style isn’t the only way to do animatronic masks, and these masks are how FazEnt would go about making them. Even when FazEnt does use the trademark ShowBiz rubber-face masks on the Junior models, they don’t do it the same way that ShowBiz does it.
Something interesting I want to do with Freddy & Friends is to set narrative moments apart from the moments meant to be passed off as real footage. The designs shown above are for the latter, meanwhile the narrative will use more artistically stylized suits textured to more so resemble a comic book, sort of like Into The Spider-Verse (except instead of going for a generalized comic book feel, the Freddy & Friends style is gonna be more reminiscent of the Batman: Year One comic). The designs will be more reminiscent of how I draw them on paper, as opposed to being faithful to the canon.
Here’s some extra info as to how I came up with the designs, as well as some extra renders and concept art!:
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Original concept art from September 30, 2020.
Freddy was a little obvious to design, probably because everyone seems to design him like this when making more cartoonish versions of him. A more defined tuxedo complete with a collar and cuffs with a red stripe around his hat. It just seemed like the right direction to go in.
Bonnie was initially intended to wear a vest, though I was holding out for something else so that he could be differentiated from the evil rabbit (the evil rabbit wears a vest). I asked my friends what I could change it to, and one of them said “Try a cardigan”. Honestly, that fits Bonnie’s personality so much better, both in terms of spirit and cartoon.
You might also notice that Bonnie was supposed to have buck teeth, as well as more squared off teeth. That was originally part of his V1 model, but when I tried applying that to the new models, literally any way I tried to arrange it made Bonnie look like so much like an insufferable asshole that I wanted to punch him in the face. Ultimately, I ended up ditching the buck teeth and just gave him his classic teeth.
Chica was a little hard to do something unique with at first. I initially wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do with her, but when I modeled her V1, her little chef’s hat was a last minute addition to her design. I’m also thinking about changing her bib into an apron, per the toon designs that Henry posted a while back.
Foxy was probably the most fun to design. Obviously, his final model has a lot of details inspired by the FNAF movie, but when I was designing him 4 years ago, I really just wanted to go crazy with his design. I wanted him to have a beard, I wanted him to have a peg leg (I really liked the idea of animating him with a limp). Unfortunately, I don’t know if I’ll keep the peg leg, because it might be a little too hard for Henry to animate with the tech that he has.
As a cheeky little reference to the roots of the FNAF fandom, I wanted Foxy’s hook to resemble the hook seen on the Splinks Foxy model. ;)
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Endo01 - Version 4 WIP
I’ve done a few different versions of the endoskeleton. What I’m trying to do for this new one is to assemble him modularly, allowing me to make each component a recognizable component (they’re also actually modeled after real components).
I’m not gonna go into detail about the functionality of this guy, because I eventually plan to make a Freddy & Friends Instructional VHS series centered around being a mechanic for FazEnt. However, what I will say is that these designs are intended to have plausible functionality, especially using the technology of the 1980’s (which is not restricted to pneumatic technology, because making an animatronic walk with pneumatic actuators while maintaining the traditional complexity of animatronic endoskeletons is simply impossible).
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The original Version 1 designs
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My failed attempt at giving Bonnie buck teeth (I wanna punch him so bad…)
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Fixed Foxy
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jmdbjk · 1 year
Leave him alone.
Don’t come in my asks and drag the members. Especially Jungkook. 
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I’ve been thinking about Jungkook a lot lately, I suppose because he has been absent. Like you, I’m wondering what he’s been up to. And in the last day or so with Calvin Klein trending and the excitement over a possible new partnership with them, has just kept Jungkook in the front of my mind even more. 
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This JKxCK thing is not just a fantasy of wanting to see him half naked but it’s the excitement that he’s possibly found a fashion designer that suits his mood, his sense of style and matches his creativeness. 
Calvin Klein is a classic American designer usually noted for elegant clean lines and understated design and I can see JK pulling that off really well. Calvin Klein is known to be “every-mans clothing” because of the accessibility and is easy for regular people to wear. All values that seem to align with JK’s unassuming sense of self. 
Something else Calvin Klein is famous for are their underwear campaigns. If Jungkook chooses to show us some skin well yay for us! And if he doesn’t, that’s fine too. However, I am certainly not expecting a full blown CK underwear campaign starring Jungkook of BTS. Except there was this, remember?
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And to say Jungkook doesn’t know what he’s doing because “why would he choose Calvin Klein over Givenchy, Gucci, Versace or some other European brand?” Well, we really don’t know if he’s actually chosen Calvin Klein yet. Nothing is formal yet, there’s not been any announcement so, for all we know, it still may not be true. 
But to say he doesn’t know what he’s doing is just evidence you are not paying attention to Jungkook. 
His brother owns a clothing company. Jungkook was involved in the company until a few years ago when he had to step down because some assholes tried to make it look like he was backhandedly promoting his brother’s brand. This was proven to be unjustified accusations.
Graffitionmind’s style is very similar to the things we usually see Jungkook wearing: easy-fitting unisex pieces with or without simple graphics. I’m sure he had a hand in developing some of the designs because his Artist Made Merch zip up hoodie had a similar feel.
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Jungkook is smart, he is kind and polite, he’s not the loud attention seeking type, he’s not going to cause a scene, he’s going to quietly work and everything he does will be superlative because he is very talented but he is also very modest. Many of these qualities are the same ones that we find in Jimin. As far as we know, Jungkook’s doing his thing and being creative and making his own decisions.
For the other Anon in my inbox saying that Jungkook needs to stand up for he and Jimin’s relationship, and this idea you are putting forth that Jungkook is some kind of person that he really isn’t? Spineless? Weak? Unemotional? A pushover? Anon, you haven’t been paying attention. I think that NOT acknowledging the ridiculousness online shows a lot of restraint and maturity. Totally ignoring it is a sign of him not wasting time on things that don’t matter in the big scheme of things. 
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Why can’t he even just hit that little heart on Jimin’s posts? Boo, just because you want it ain’t gonna make it happen. Stop keeping score. Get over it. Jimin’s Instagram posts are work. Jungkook’s Instagram posts are work. Just because they don’t hit that little heart on each other’s work on social media doesn’t mean there’s trouble in paradise...
Knee-jerk reacting to everything people say on the internet is an exercise in futility. Is all the ranting online the reason we don’t see Jungkook or Jimin online anymore? Could be, because why do they wanna subject themselves to that kind of lunacy? They know what their truth is and don’t have to prove it to anybody. 
Another frustrated anon... I know it can be frustrating when you want someone to speak up and tell everybody they’re wrong about something you feel strongly about or care a lot about and I understand you feel helpless and you want to help them. You want Jungkook and Jimin to come out and say everything’s fine. But we just have to trust them. Every time we see them they look fine. Are they as loud as they have been in the past? No. Look at what circumstances they are faced with now, things are different now than they were then, there’s a lot more expectation of them these days. Things have happened in the past 3 years. BTS is bigger than ever. And now they’re about to be faced with enlistment.
We see them on Welive, Run BTS, Bangtan bombs and episodes. Nothing’s changed. There are obvious signs if you just look. Gravitating to each other, always hanging back together. The way they talk to each other. 
Just because you want them to shout it out louder doesn’t mean they need to or even should, in order to satisfy your own insecurity. 
Like other bloggers, I feel like I am repeating things over and over. 
I realize some of this frustration/anger/insecurity comes from Tae recently mentioning Jungkook‘s name during his last live. But Jimin mentions Jungkook’s name too. I’m sure the cult vilifies Jimin because of it, so what’s the point in getting upset over it? If you are only in it for the shipping, you will end up disappointed because Jimin and Jungkook are real human beings, not characters in a fanfiction. Learn to curate your timeline to rid yourself of drama.
Maybe JK really was playing games with Tae and his friends, and, so what? it was obvious that they were online gaming... you could hear them through the speakers, and then Tae said in the interest of not hearing any of them curse because they made a mistake in the game, he went and turned the volume off. I don’t see what that has to do with Jimin and Jungkook though. If Jin wasn’t away in the army, he could have been part of their gaming group as well, and before he went, maybe he was!... WHO KNOWS!
I know everyone seems concerned about Jimin and Jungkook because we don’t see what’s happening and again I want to say we need to trust them. The fretting is getting out of hand. 
The anon who is obsessed with Jimin living alone, being single... stop ... this apartment of Jungkook’s where he’s been doing his lives ... maybe he does live there… some of the time. 
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I understand many of your points of view originate from a more traditional mindset where couples live together, are seen together, are very publicly affectionate or do/say things that make it obvious they are together.
I’m still a vastly different thinker from many of you when it comes to Jimin and Jungkook in that they could be together and not live together. Their living situation and their lifestyle is not what we would customarily think of how people who might be sleeping together would behave. I really and truly would not be surprised to learn that they maintain separate residences. I will not be surprised to learn that the ones that we think they live in are not the ones where they actually live. 
Yet I think there’s a very good chance that if they don’t actually live together, they still spend quite a lot of time together, and not just at work, because you can’t know the details of all the popular culture things they mention all the time without familiarity. These two probably do not spend hours texting each other details about TV shows and memes and what not. Who has time for that? They certainly don’t. They watch these things and see these things sitting next to each other (together, bam) how else could they be on the same wavelength in so many instances when it comes to details they think are funny? They have too many inside jokes that imply they spend A LOT of time together.
Tying this in with Tae’s online gaming session... Jimin has said things about Jungkook’s gaming habits... he knows about them because he’s sitting nearby while Jungkook is gaming. 
But why would they maintain two residences if they are together? Think about that... think about the society they live in... think about the circumstances surrounding them... they are global entertainment superstars. Cameras are pointed at them at all times. If they were to be spotted on the street, the cameras will fly out of peoples’ pockets just so they can get some sort of proof that they saw world famous BTS. I reiterate! Jimin and Jungkook are not like us! 
But why does Jungkook go out to eat so often by himself and we know about it? Boo, dude’s gotta eat and believe me, instant ramen everyday ain’t it sometimes. What are you expecting them to do? Pop out to the Outback Steakhouse every Friday night for date night? Jimin AND Jungkook together? Be real. Jungkook isn’t stupid. 
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Why does Jimin talk about going home and not having anything to eat, he must be single. Does it need to be said out loud that couples who both work high pressure jobs commonly find themselves in a situation where one of them works late, comes home and has to fend for themselves or your partner is on a business trip or working long hours and you have to stay at home and figure out what to eat by yourself? Or they are both busy working on their solo endeavors and see each other when they can! Please, people, think beyond your own little world. 
At this point in time and yes, I’m gonna say it, with military service looming, they aren’t gonna flaunt what might be happening between them. I beg you, please employ some critical thinking skills. They are very much keeping anything on the down low. 
Y’all made me rant today. One too many pokes in the wrong way made me ramble and jesus, so many words came out! 
Jungkook is out there sculpting his body for some artsy-fartsy thirsty underwear pics, riding his Harley to and from work, in his Calvin Klein jeans and ponytail. And you want to nitpick Instagram likes?!? LEAVE HIM ALONE!
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jiliansky-blog · 5 months
The Nightmare and the Dreamer. Chapter 5. The library and stars
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Pairing: Morpheus x FemaleReader
Rating: PG
Words: 1500
You shouldn’t be surprised that he read a lot of books. You supposed he just made the wrong impression with his grumpiness. But you were glad that he talks to you now. And it seemed he wasn’t angry with you anymore.
On the next day, he felt so much better, and he was willing to show you the library as he promised.
“I’m glad you're feeling better," you said.
“I hope you are not planning another escape," he replied. “Or the next time, I may not survive the attack of nightmares.”.
“I’m not," you said. “But aren't they supposed to be your subjects? Your creatures?”
“They are," he sighed. “But they went out of control when..." he waved the hand, meaning the curse. “Even dreams, almost all of them, turned into nightmares.”.
“That must be horrible," you admitted.
"How has it affected your world?” he asked. “Your dreams?”
“But…you don’t know?” You looked at him. “Lucienne told me you used to visit the dreams of humans and control them”.
“Used to, yes," he replied. “But now I can’t do this. So?”
“I don’t know," you sighed. “Sometimes dreams are just dull and gray. Sometimes I visit bright and beautiful places. Sometimes I don’t see dreams at all.”.
“They are not stable," he said.
"Right," you admitted.
“And here is the library of the Dreaming," Morpheus said, opening big doors.
There was the biggest library you’ve ever seen. You can spend your lifetime reading every book here, and you won’t read even a half.
"Wow," you whispered. “It’s incredible”.
“I’m glad you like it," he smirked. “There are all the written and unwritten books.”.
“Unwritten?” you asked.
“Yes, books that stayed only in dreams or thoughts," he replied.
“That’s…a miracle," you smiled. “I’m speechless”.
“I think you can find something to your liking," Morpheus said. “You can read books whenever you want.”.
“Really?” you smiled brightly.
“Of course, Lucienne will be glad to show you any book you like," he replied.
“That’s so kind of you," you said. “Thank you!”
There was a hint of a smile on his face. And you saw for a second what a handsome man he once was. A man from a portrait.
“What?” he asked.
“A smile suits you," you admitted.
His smile almost immediately disappeared, and you couldn’t understand what you said to make this happen.
“It’s impossible," he said, and he went away.
“He can’t take compliments." You heard Lucienne’s voice. “Don’t take it on your account. What do you want to read?”
As strongly as you wish to read something new, you want to find something more useful. Like how to break the curse.
“You can’t find anything," said Lucienne on that.
“In that big library?” you asked with a question.
“We would find something if there was useful information." Her voice didn’t sound reassuring at all. “We tried”.
“You said it, so I will stop looking," you admitted. "Maybe I can find something. Why don't you let me help?”
"Oh, miss Y\N”, she sighed. “You already are helping.”.
But she still refuses to bring you the books you need. So you keep looking at yourself. Of course, it can take a long time. You remembered, though, that it reminded you of one particular tale. And it means that you need to love him. You're like Morpheus, or you wish to, but you just don’t know how or what else to do.
"My lady," you heard Lucienne and you realize that you fell asleep in the library. “It’s time for dinner. Are you ready?”
"What is Morpheus doing to join me?” you asked.
“I suppose so," she said.
“Then I am coming," you replied.
You came to me and changed your dress. Now you were wearing a pink princess-like dress. It reminds you of the 1950s style. And it looks extremely cute on you. You don’t even want to think about why you want to look good with him.
He was indeed waiting for you in the dining room. The shadows were gathering in the corners, and you assumed that he was in a dark mood.
"Hello," you said, making him pay attention.
And he looked at you. His expression became lighter. He almost smiled.
“Enjoying your princess life?” he asked.
“Why not?” you smiled. “You left me a lot of dresses in a room. I don’t have so many clothes at home. So I took my chance. Do you like it?”
“I do," he replied. “Are you trying to flirt with me?”
"No," you replied and smiled. “Just asking your opinion.”.
You heard someone coughing and assumed it was Lucienne or Matthew, but you didn’t pay attention to that. Instead, you begin your dinner.
“So, you don’t visit human dreams now," you said, starting the conversation. “Do you create dreams?”
“I do, but... they all got corrupted," he sighed.
“Can I help you, maybe?” you asked.
“You can’t create dreams," Morpheus replied.
“But I can help to light a mood," you smiled. “Maybe it will change something. It can’t make it worse, right?”
He was looking at you for a minute, considering something. And then she slowly nodded.
“I suppose you are right," he said. “You can help me tomorrow with that. What are you going to do tonight, though?”
“I don’t know," you shrugged. “Reading, I think.”.
“I can show you the night sky here," he suggested.
It was an unexpected move from him. Perhaps he did try to be sweet. Or at least nice. Or, it was also his way of being thankful for the rescue.
“If you want to," you heard the uncertainty in his voice and woke up from your thoughts.
“I would love to," you smiled.
And here it was. His almost vulnerable smile. It used to be so cute. Now it was a little terrifying, but you didn’t mind. Both of you finished eating, and then he stood and gave you a hand. You took it, and he brought you to your room. The terrace appeared there.
“Wow, was it there yesterday?” you asked.
“No, I assumed you would like it," he said. "And I made it while you were in the library”.
You didn’t notice when you came to dress up for dinner, but you were paying more attention to your dress and your appearance.
“I like it," you said, smiling, looking at the beautiful night sky. You can see the sky like that only outside the city. And you even doubt that it would be so beautiful. “And the view is quite beautiful as well”.
“You are…too." You thought that you had misheard him.
“What?” You looked at him.
“You are beautiful too," he suddenly said. And you swear that he blushed a little bit.
“Thank you," you smiled warmly at him. “But I think that I am far from beautiful. I am pretty normal. Nothing special”.
“That’s not how I see you," Morpheus confessed. “Though I think that the most beautiful part is your heart,”.
Now you were blushing. That was too kind of him. And you looked at him again. Though you can’t read his expression,. But his starry eyes were looking at you. Your heart did a flip.
“Thank you," you smiled. “I also think that deep down, you are beautiful and kind too. I need to tell you something.”.
“What is it?” he asked, curious.
“I think I saw the former Dreaming in my dream," you said. “And it is beautiful. I think that only someone beautiful can create such a marvelous world.”.
“Do you really think so?” he asked, slightly blushing.
“Of course," you smiled.
“You are too kind," he admitted.
"No," you smiled.
“So I am going to go to my room," Morpheus said quietly. “I have work to do. See you tomorrow then, Y\N?”
“Of course," you replied.
He nodded, smiled a little and left your room. Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all.
It was the first time I let myself believe that her presence here could change something. She wasn’t scared of me. She wasn’t angry. Furthermore, she said, I can be kind at heart. And she saw the real dream. Not this place of Nightmares.
“I think it went well, boss," Matthew admitted.
“I don’t know," I replied hesitantly. “Is it enough?”
“No, I don’t think it’s enough." I heard Lucienne’s voice. “But I think it’s a good start. You can earn her friendship.”.
“Friendship isn’t enough," I said.
“But it’s the beginning," Lucienne replied.
“What should I do next?” I asked.
“My lord, you better than me know everything about courtship," she sighed.
“The courtship, yes," I admitted. “But I don’t think that I knew anything about friendship. How should I earn it?”
“It can be the same as with courtship," Lucienne said. “But you shouldn’t say anything about love yet. Be kind and patient, and share her interests.”.
“You can already share them," Matthew said. “She is crazy about books. And you like reading, too. Also, show her around. You can do better than I did.”.
“I understand," I nodded. “Thank you”.
Now I have a lot of thinking and a hint of hope.
@shadowqueen1318 @mypsychoticlove @justathirstyhoe​ @ladymoztaza @sapphireonline @deniixlovezelda
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ughmyreality · 17 days
Thoughts on S3 E1
(SPOILERS ahead)
Hey, so I decided to do an overview of my thoughts and opinions of season three, seeing as I have already made, what some would call, a controversial post about it. I’ll go over them one episode at a time but seeing as I typically binge watch shows, it shouldn’t take me very long. There might be positives, there will be negatives, so please be forewarned that I am not going to solely praise the show. Also, it needs not be mentioned, I am but a single negative person on the internet talking about a fictional story. We are all not going to agree. With that said, let’s move on.
Episode 1-
Although people would like to think of Penelope solely for her personality, I think it's important to think of how society was back then. What skills or accomplishments does Penelope really have? Yes, she’s Lady Whistledown but of course no one else knows that. So what are people to think? Is it unfortunate that she has no prospects, yes, but am I going to fault anyone for not wanting to court her, no.
I understand that she’s supposed to be the “wallflower” but literally no one else wears such atrocious yellow. In fact, I feel like everyone else was wearing cooler shades and she’s the only one in warmer hues. Maybe it’s always been like this and I just haven’t noticed.
In comparison to everyone else Francesca’s makeup seems oddly modern. Now, I’m not a history person, but I feel like it was out of place, but who knows. It might be some sort of symbolic messaging that I don’t understand.
I’m cringing at Penelope watching Eloise walk away with Cressida! Then trying to hide the fact that she was doing it. She’s looking at her so longingly, at this point, she’d have a better story arch with Eloise than Colin.
The relationship between Kate and Violet is so cute. I love the dynamic.
Wow… the revolutionary woman who broke out of the molds of society, changing for a man. Of course. Couldn’t leave it to Penelope to pick a style dress SHE liked but no, only to suit the eyes of Colin. I may not like her but she needs some self confidence.
I’m so over Colin acting surprised that things have changed. Honestly, is he that close with any of his siblings? Sure, he banters with his older brothers but I hardly see them talking about anything other than his escapades or trivial matters. Now that he’s returned none of his siblings seem bothered that he’s back. Which I can somewhat sympathize with. But then again, him coming back after months away and feeling confused as to why things have changed gives away any sort of pity I had for him. If he was so concerned with what was going on back home, stay home then. It’s also not as though the relationship between Eloise and Penelope is any of his business anyway. Although for the benefit of the doubt, maybe this is his attempt at being a concerned brother and thoughtful friend.
Penelope can literally publicly trash talk Eloise under the guise of LW, her only friend mind you, but still feel entitled to have a say on who she’s friends with. If she was such an expert on friendship why is it that she is no longer friends with Eloise and has yet to make any more? Then to get so upset in public. Does she ever stop looking on the brink of tears?
I have to say, that green dress Penelope wore was IT. She was eating! I love it. Finally!!!!
Sigh… Penelope fumbled the bag once more. She’s finally in a flattering outfit only to not know what to say. It’s giving me second hand embarrassment. I can at least applaud her for trying.
Francessca can’t even talk about her own struggles without Penelope making it about her. Oh “You’re lucky for that” blah blah blah.
You know I would say something negative about her running out but that would invalidate her feelings so I’ll keep it on the low. I understand that being in a room full of people that you feel uncomfortable around is hard.
WOAH! “You miss me but you would never court me…” Girl, Colin is not obligated to love you. There are plenty of male-female friendships. Missing someone doesn’t equate to wanting to be in a relationship with them. I don’t understand why she’s acting so upset at the fact he doesn’t want her. He’s never given her any impression that he does. It would be one thing if they were exes or he was leading her on but neither is the case.
Has Penelope ever considered that perhaps that people just genuinely don’t like her personality? Changing clothes isn’t going to change your personality. She also fails to admit that changing her close did get more people to talk to her but oh no she has to play it off like she’s the victim once more.
How is admitting you won’t date someone cruel? Penelope knew that Colin doesn’t like her or else why wouldn’t he have courted her already. Just because she happened to hear him say it, that’s the final blow? Besides it’s not like he said it to her face, she was eavesdropping yet again.
Colin claiming to be a different man than he was last season feels unbelievable. What time have us as the viewers been with Colin to know that any of what he’s saying is true, much less Penelope. I feel like I have no emotional connection to Colin. We know far more about Penelope than him. I saw someone say that this is Penelope’s season and I have to agree. Despite my distaste for her, at least I know how she acts or why she behaves the way she does. Colin waltzes back into the picture and acts as though we should already know him.
This is going to be a major nitpick but Nicola blinks SO much in every scene. Like girl, I’m admittedly no actress, but you can display emotion without rapidly blinking.
I like that we’re seeing slightly more interactions with Brimsley and Charlotte. After watching Queen Charlotte I’m all for it.
Interesting that Colin feels so strongly about the lady Whistledown situation. I’m quite surprised, I wasn’t expecting him to care so much. This ought to be interesting. I wonder how Penelope will be able to talk herself out of this one.
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ineffableaddiction · 2 months
Part 12: Meetings
A Good Omens Fan Fic
The day had been perfect according to Muriel. Crowley had taken them for a drive in his car… the first time they’d ever been in a car! The two of them went to a park near a river and sat on a bench watching the people, with Crowley teaching them what the humans were doing, and explaining reasons why what the humans did might make sense in human terms. What was explained didn’t always make sense to Muriel, but they assumed it would take some time since humans are weird and their actions weren’t always logical.
Crowley had dropped Muriel off at the bookshop and drove off. Going into the shop, they contemplated opening it up again in order to practice being more human-like. Determining it best to discuss this option with Crowley when he returned, Muriel turned their focus on trying other clothing styles. They wanted to keep the current outfit, so when they tried on a new style, the previous clothing appeared neatly stored in a wardrobe. Muriel smiled, thinking they must be getting the hang of appearing more human.
Parking his Bentley in an old but familiar location, Crowley attempted to relax. There was too much running through his mind, and he needed to be away from the bookshop for a time to process things. Solitude sometimes suited him.
He had been chasing hope, but the timing was off. What he really needed now was to focus on how to prevent whatever it was that was being planned. “It seems that Aziraphale has everything under control in heaven. I wish I could say the same about Earth.”
Crowley had a habit of talking to himself. Stemming from a time with few people and little to do, it kept his mind occupied. There is a danger in too much solitude, too much quiet, even for fallen angels.
A rapping on the window pulled his attention to Shax standing outside the Bentley’s door. He rolled the window down but said nothing.
“What do you have for me?” Shax looked at Crowley expectantly.
“Um… about what?” Then, “What are you doing on Earth? Aren’t you supposed to be tormenting demons or something?”
“Furfur…. Well, he didn’t work out. We haven’t chosen his replacement.” Shax acted like this was a normal thing.
“Ah, gotcha.” Looking at Shax, Crowley raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue with her line of inquiry.
Trying to look menacing, but not quite accomplishing it, Shax started again. “What have you learned about what your bookseller is planning?”
Sighing and looking unimpressed, Crowley just stared at her for a moment. “I thought we’d discussed this before. I don’t talk to him. He’s up there,” he pointed up, “I’m down here.” After another pause, he continued, “I do, however, have alternative ways of gathering information. Slower, yes… but it all accomplishes the same thing.”
“Well… ?” Shax was getting impatient.
“It seems that our former lot wants to end the world.”
“How will they accomplish that? We need to be prepared.”
“The how I haven’t quite figured out yet. The when though… that I’ve narrowed down. It should start in 5-7 years according to my sources.” Crowley was tired of these games and wanted to be alone more than ever.
“Let me know when you have any more information.” And with that, Shax disappeared.
Crowley was finally on his own. “Alright, now what?” After a bit of time, an idea planted itself, slowly blooming into one of the most beautiful things he’d ever grown. With a small smile, Crowley convinced himself, “Yeah… that just might work.”
Aziraphale walked, towards what exactly he was unsure of. He assumed that he’d been doing a good job as supreme archangel, having spent time fostering relationships and trying to improve things. The suggestion box had been a great success, and had resulted in several areas of great improvement in the quality of celestial existence. The forthcoming event on Earth had been planned, and the groundwork was laid to make it successful. Still, he was unsure what awaited him.
Appearing in the location of the summons, he waited until the Metatron arrived. As opposed to a giant floating head, as Crowley would say, he appeared fully formed. This surprised Aziraphale. As far as he knew, the Metatron had never presented himself in this manner in heaven.
“Hello Aziraphale. I think it’s time we had a conversation, don’t you?” Not waiting for a response, he continued, “We must discuss the plans. I’ve been advised that some changes are needed.”
“Changes?” Aziraphale was confused, and nervous. He should be careful, he reminded himself.
“Yes. It appears that the timeline has moved up from what we originally discussed.”
“May I ask who made these changes?” Aziraphale was confused. The only one that he could possibly be referencing is God herself, wasn’t it?
The Metatron gave Aziraphale a hard look. “I am the voice of God. What is said to me is said to God, and what is said through me comes directly from God.”
Smiling slightly, Aziraphale cautiously asked, “Would it be possible for me to meet with God? For something as important as this, I’d…”
Interrupting Aziraphale mid-sentence, the Metatron advised, “I’m afraid that is not possible Aziraphale. God isn’t accepting visitors, but is busy with other things. All of her plans will be communicated through me, so we know what is to be done.”
“Very good then. What does God wish to be done now?” Aziraphale had a feeling of dread, and the reminder of the conversation justified those feelings.
After intently focusing on the changes, Aziraphale nodded. “I will begin working on this right away. I would like to make a request, if you don’t mind.”
After receiving affirmation, Aziraphale explained, “With these new changes, I believe that it is time for me to go back to Earth for a brief visit. I’ll need to relay the changes to those who are planning this on Earth.” He paused, and decided to continue. “I would also request permission to try to convince Crowley to come back to heaven. I believe he could be very useful.”
The Metatron responded too quickly, as if he’d been expecting this. “Do you think you could change his mind Aziraphale?”
“I’m not certain. I haven’t talked to Crowley since I came back to heaven, but I’d like to believe that there is a possibility. He’s had plenty of time to think about the offer. If anyone could possibly convince him, it would be me.” Aziraphale added, almost as an afterthought, “But I do understand if that isn’t allowed. We have a lot of work ahead of us.” Smiling brightly, Aziraphale tried to appear as unconcerned as possible.
“Our plans are not to be discussed unless Crowley agrees to return. You have leave, but not for too long. We need you here.” The Metatron was evaluating Aziraphale. Since his return to heaven, there has been nothing to indicate any resistance. If they could get Crowley back to their side, it would be beneficial. “If he refuses, we will need to determine who his loyalties are with. I need you to find out whether he’s working with hell or protecting the humans.”
Aziraphale continued smiling. “Of course.”
“Very well then.” The Metatron started walking away, then turned back to Aziraphale. “It would be a shame if Crowley chose the wrong side.” He then continued on his initial path.
Aziraphale sighed, wondering if there was actually a possibility Crowley would agree. He doubted it, but had to try. War was approaching, and much faster than any of them were ready for.
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
Secret Magazines & Hitting The Road
Pairing: Harry Styles x Female Reader
Summary: Hidden magazines, and fun future plans, this year with your favourite human was starting to look more and more exciting
A/N: this can be read as part of angel au or not, so no one come for me with how I tag my stories lol anyway just a lil something I whipped up, AGAIN it can be tied to the AU or NOT, but there is use of y/n in here, okay? okay. 😭
Word Count: 725
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 You couldn’t help the giddy smile that was on your face as you arrived back to your shared home after a long day at work, Harry was already home judging by his car that sat parked outside, so right away you knew it’d be harder to sneak the magazine you bought upstairs to the safety of your office. Hiding it underneath your purse, you were quick to discard your jacket and boots, putting them away into the closet, hanging your purse up and placing the magazine behind your back 
You called out almost as a precaution to try and figure out where he was, and to know if you’d be able to sneak past him, your plan quickly fizzling out when he walked around the corner, his face lighting up at the sight of you
“Hi my angel, have a good day?”
You nodded shuffling forward to press a kiss to his lips, a slight smirk on his face when you pulled away 
“So, you gonna tell me what you’re hiding there?”
“M’not hiding anything baby, don’t know what you’re talking about” 
He hummed before attempting to walk around you to see, but you just kept spinning to he wouldn’t be able to see the magazine you’d bought 
“Aw come on love, don’t be shy…”
“Nope. Never.”
You walked backwards away from his prying eyes and now hands as he kept following you, eventually trapping you against the wall in the hallway, walking backwards was never your strong suit apparently, considering you’d missed the steps to go upstairs  by a long shot
“What’s your plan baby?”
He thought for a second before his hands slid under your sweater, a shiver climbing up your spine at the contrast between your warm skin and his very cold hands, the few simple rings he wore didn’t help either
“It’s supposed to be secret, just for me…”
“Just for you huh?”
Harry pressed a few kisses to your lips, working to distract you further as he grabbed a hold of the magazine and pulled it from your hands, a quiet laugh escaping when he noticed what you’d bought
“Angel, all that trouble just to hide me?”
You flushed 
“Well, I didn’t want you to see…just looked so handsome on the cover I had too”
You pouted feigning innocence as a cocky smirk pulled at Harry’s lips 
“You really are obsessed with me aren’t you baby?”
“Oh yeah you wish pretty boy”
You snatched the magazine back holding it close to your chest 
“What else am I supposed to look at when you leave for the next while”
You narrowed your eyes suspiciously 
“Spit it out Harold”
Harry laughed, he almost felt like teasing you more but knew better knowing you hated suspense
“I was thinking, you come to California with me, then the BRIT’s and come finish out tour with me…”
You stared at him in shock, it had been a while since you’d gone anywhere with him, truth be told you could use a break from work
“What about my shop...?”
“Already covered if you want to go, Poppy said she’d come down and run it and watch the house and Penelope for us”
Harry was always four steps ahead of you, and after the long day you had and now this exciting news you couldn’t help the tears that welled in your eyes, especially thinking you wouldn’t see him for a while 
He took your face in his hands and pressed a soft kiss to your lips 
“Really Y/N, I want you to come and travel around with me, like old times”
“I’d love too”
If you’d said it any quieter he wouldn’t have heard you, but judging by his excitement he caught your answer, wrapping his arms around you and pressing a firm kiss to your lips, when you pulled away you smiled 
“Just so you know, I’m still bringing my magazine.”
Harry laughed shaking his head as you still clutched the magazine to your chest, his heart filling with warmth at the realization that you’d be going back on the road with him. It had been a while since you two had gotten to do anything together, and you both were more than excited to take off and get on the road…even if you had to hide a couple magazines from him.
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gremoria411 · 10 months
With all the things you've posted looking at the mobile suits of various series, I wondered if you had any specific tastes in mecha design. Are there particular details or design cues that you're especially fond of?
@wordsandrobots, I fully expect to follow this up at sone point (and likely run out of pictures/want to ramble even more), so I’m going to pull it out as a proper post:
That is an *excellent* question, actually, since I hadn’t considered my tastes in such a broad scale before (and well-timed too, since I’ve got a post talking about Gusion in the works). It’s why I typically like talking about design series, since I can compare and contrast within that scope.
I typically focus on Gundam, since I generally like it as a series and there’s a massive variety of designs to appreciate, with a broad range. I’m largely influenced by the Anime, model kits and occasionally videogames, though in a lot of cases I can like a character, and that can lead to a greater appreciation of their mobile suit.
Specific design notes…. I tend to notice them more in the context of an artist - I adore a lot of Ippei Gyoubu’s design touches, from the bright colours to the detailed hands to the panel lines and little touches that you’d never notice. Kazuhisa Kondo has the organic shape and uniquely rounded weaponry and it’s styled in such a way as to apprear blurry, almost ephemeral, like you’re glimpsing it through a haze of smoke and gunfire and dirt, while frantically turning to get away, get away from the conflict. And yet the designs are still recognisable, and in a lot of respects draw from contemporary sources.
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I’m similarly fond of Makoto Kobayashi and Kuino Okawara, though I typically struggle to explain how (Makoto Kobayashi tends to have really good composition? I think. So they look simple and detailed all at once, and they’re part of a scene, so it’s what you choose to focus on? And Okawara just makes it look so…. Effortless)
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Hajime Katoiki I do like as well, I just struggle to nail down why. I suppose it’s because of how clean his designs look.
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Moving away from the preference of artists (and honestly, it’s only that some of their design hallmarks are very distinct), I often have a preference for specific “types” of mobile suit. I talked about this a little in regards to the Code: Fairy designs, but I often find myself drawn to specialist mobile suits over generalist ones. From a modelling perspective, I often like each one to be distinct in a lineup in some way (unless they’re similar models, then I just put them together so the differences show). Often this can just be a distinct weapon, but it’s just as often the form of the mobile suit (the Gusion’s a good example here, since it draws the eye due to its heavyset build, understated colour scheme and giant hammer) or even the colour (see: the Infinite Justice being bright pink). This tends to encompass a lot of close-quarters units (like the Pixy and the Efreets) simply because there’s a lot of ways to do that well. Another reason is that whereas generalist suits tend to show up in large roles throughout the series, specialist ones tend towards “monster-of-the-week”, typically being an obstacle to be defeated or just having one or two cool scenes (like the Efreet Schneid). So I find they stick in my head a lot better.
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I can like a lot of designs from a series as well, but of course I tend to have a lot of different criteria as to what designs I like, depending on the suit’s billing and purpose (what makes a great grunt suit and what makes a great protagonist suit are quite different after all). I do very much like a lot of the UC Grunt suits (though I’ll probably touch on that in more detail at a later point), for example, but I only really like one from Anno Domini, the Tieran (since it looks so much like a walking tank as opposed to the spindly nature of the Flags and Enacts). That said, I don’t think that the Flags, Enacts and GN-X’s are bad designs, they’re just not really the sort of thing I like.
In fact, I reckon that’s why I’m particularly fond of Iron-Blooded Orphans’ Aesthetics, since a lot of the units from that series would be close-quarters specialists in any other series. But because melee is so common in Post Disaster, virtually everything carries a nice solid sharp stick. The only exceptions I can think of are Gusion Rebake (which is more of an all-rounder), Flauros (and even that has hatchets that leave cqc a viable option) and Dainsleif Grazes (which only have one arm, so….).
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agirlwithachakram · 2 years
Fallout DLCs rated from worst to best
The Pitt. It’s just not very fun, the reward is useful but kind of a pain to actually collect, and while you don’t have to literally kill a baby to end slavery, kidnapping a baby is in the same ballpark. Look, I get what they were going for. There are horrors in the world and sometimes you don’t get to fight them righteously. Fine. But murdering a baby’s parents and kidnapping her for medical research is a little too on the nose, and there’s nothing in the writing that makes this interesting. It kind of feels like Marvel making a leftist villain and then having them murder civilians for no reason but red scare propaganda. Also, it suffers from the same problem as Nuka World: Once you decide not to work with slavers, your quest becomes to start shooting all these named NPCs with no options for surrender or takeover or any other interesting way to end the slavery.
Broken Steel. It’s fine. I’m glad Sara’s up and at ‘em. I’m glad I didn’t die for no reason. Yay fighting Enclave with a tesla cannon. Wheeee.
Mothership Zeta. When I’m not playing it, I’m like “oh do I really wanna go do that?” but when I AM playing it I’m like oh FUCK yeah. I love the sneaking and punching and getting alien guns and spacewalking and zapping another alien ship with a gun and the fucked up ageless Claudia kid, whatever her name is. And the cowboy! And poor medic guy from Anchorage. and of course Somah.
Point Lookout. I mostly enjoy playing this one in spite of the MASSIVE liberties taken with the geography. The Calvert Mansion is nowhere near the western shore (the MD peninsula in the Chesapeake between VA and the eastern shore peninsula), it’s in the DC metro area, two hours away! But, sure. I’ll take the Ark and Dove as the presby church up in Odenton. I’ll even take the military camp as Lexington Park. Whatever. I like the scavenger hunt with the Chinese spy, I like the punga fruit vault boy trip--fantastic bit of madness it is--I like the ridiculous fight with the ghoul and the brain, I like the fucked up soil testing quest, and I like the nature of it all. Love me a good expansive DLC map. But. There is a huge but. I do not like the creepers. I think it’s exceptionally gross to make monsters that are Deliverance type “what if humans were so inbred they weren’t human anymore” beings. Sure, they say they’re mutated, but come on. We all know what they’re doing. Still, I leave it for last because other than that, it’s the most fun one.
Operation: Anchorage. This one shouldn’t be as fun as it is. I think it’s just nice to get an ammo drop video game style where they change how it works inside the game because your character is playing a game. I like how you can fuck with the army guys by saying it’s a simulation. And of course I love the stealth suit. But mostly I love sniping invisible soldiers.
Contraptions Workshop. Is this fun? Can you actually do anything with this?
Wasteland Workshop. Do I want any of this stuff? What’s the point?
Nuka World. Yeah, it’s cool I guess. I enjoy running around the places, I like the Tarzan dude with his...ghoul? synth? gorilla buddies. I do not like the thing where in order to avoid killing or hurting innocents, you have to just start blasting bad guys. It’s fine. It’s not fun to take them all out and you pretty much have to turn on god mode to do it. Maybe you’re supposed to spread them all out at various settlements before killing them? But then you’ll piss off my boy Preston Garvey! And like! It’s one thing to work with “bad guys” but these aren’t fun villains, they’re slavers. So while NW has a lot of good content, it’s overshadowed by the fact that you have to do a LOT of work to liberate the place.
Vault-Tec Workshop. Oh, Ted. What a good dude. I love pissing off the overseer so much she leaves. I love cleaning up the place. I have never put a real vault in.
Automatron. What can I say? It’s cute! The characters are cute. It’s all just terribly charming.
Far Harbor. Aw yeah. The good one and it ain’t even close. Nick’s brother! The weird memories! The giant hermit crab! Turning the children of atom’s sprayer into a cleanser. The TWIST. And it’s a cool-ass location.
Honest Hearts. NGL, this one is BEAUTIFUL. If it weren’t racist, it would be the best one. But it is, a lot, so it’s the worst. I didn’t initially think we were meant to think of the Sorrows and the Dead Horses and White Legs as actual Native American tribes, but apparently the Dead Horses at least are partially descended from Navajo people. Follows Chalk and Waking Cloud have your sort of stereotypical movie Native American lilt on purpose, regardless. They have a very weird naivete that makes Daniel and Joshua clearly, um, taking up the white man’s burden. Did a Mormon write this? Not that you have to be Mormon to be this kind of racist, but as Dan and Josh are, it leaves me wondering. It’s gross that the Sorrows and Dead Horses are both leaving the major decisions to a missionary and a war criminal, random white dudes who are trying to take over leadership of their tribes. It’s just all fucked up and I don’t know why we can’t have a beautiful Zion DLC that isn’t This. Ugh.
Dead Money. It’s a good DLC, it’s just a HUGE bummer and the radio shit is so stressful. It’s nearly impossible to get down into the vault (and out of it!) without your collar killing you. It’s a huge pain and that’s why it’s my least favorite to play. Plus, I got so annoyed you couldn’t bring Christine home to Ronnie that I downloaded a mod so I could. You won’t keep the lesbians apart, Elijah! You bastard!
Lonesome Road. It’s fun but it gets to be a slog after a while. Feel like I’m checking off a list of warheads to detonate. Also Ulysses is always telling me I’m with the NCR which is funny because I ALWAYS turn on them eventually and take care of Caesar and Lanius myself.
Old World Blues. I like the talking stealth suit and the messed up appliances. I like fucking with the brains and hanging with Morbius. (it IS morbin’ time!) I like all the weird locations and the hints as to what’s next in the DLCs. I have less to say about the DLCs I like the most. Tranquility Lane fucks me UP. Oh and I like teleporting.
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darlakane · 2 years
30 Days Writing Challenge - Day 4 (Shawn & Hunter friendship)
Probably not quite what the prompt was supposed to be about, but hey...
4. Write about your MC’s personal style
They’d known each other for what? 20+ years now? And still Hunter would never fail to be amused by Shawn’s very own style. And obviously he’d never grow tired of teasing his best friend mercilessly about his fashion sense. Or, well, lack thereof was more like it.
He’d done well tonight, though, Hunter mused while he watched Shawn get ready for the Hall Of Fame ceremony. For occasions like this, he’d become pretty good at dressing up. Sure, he could’ve forgone the cowboy hat, but that was Shawn, right? At least the colors matched for once. Not that you could really go wrong with black. The vest with the print was a bit brave, but it blended in quite nicely with the rest of his outfit.
Shawn caught his gaze in the mirror while he was nervously fumbling with his bow tie. “What are ya lookin’ at? Is the bow tie too much?”
Hunter chuckled, “Nah, not at all. It’s not that.”
Shawn turned around, leaning against the dresser, and eyed the other man closely.
He knew Shawn easily got self-conscious when he wasn’t sporting his usual look of jeans and cowboy boots, as, unlike him, he’d never become quite comfortable in a suit so Hunter immediately did his best to ease his worries.
“Really, it’s not that. You look mighty fine today. Worthy of getting yourself another one of those fancy rings.”
“Then why the odd look?”
“I just had to think back to that outfit you wore back when we first met… Those farmer overalls…”
Shawn groaned. “Oh no, not this again. You’ll never let me live that down, do you?”
Hunter grinned. “Nope, why would I? And let’s not forget those assless chaps and everything. Buddy, you would’ve made a great stripper.”
“Such a darling friend you are, you bastard.” Shawn tried to look offended but couldn’t help but also laugh.
“Seriously, Shawn, you always gotta take things to the extreme. Even later when you ended up coming to the shows in full hunting gear.”
“I so wasn’t. And as if you might have any idea what I look like when I go hunting.”
“Of course, I do. I went with you once, didn’t I?”
“That’s not the…”
“Oh, and you do know that it looks silly to wear a tie with a t-shirt, right? I’ve seen you do that, too.”
“Thank you, Hunter. What would I do without you as my personal fashion police?”
Shawn was starting to get annoyed after all, Hunter could tell. And while he liked to get under his friend’s skin from time to time, it really wasn’t his intention to upset Shawn. Even less on a night like this.
So Hunter got up and stopped in front of Shawn. Quietly he straightened the collar of Shawn’s shirt and let one of his hands rest on his arm afterwards.
“I was just trying to tell you… Tonight? You really do look amazing, Shawn. I mean it.”
Shawn watched him skeptically for a moment and as no further joke at his expense followed, he pulled Hunter into a hug. “Thank you. I appreciate it.”
When they broke apart, however, Shawn punched Hunter in the shoulder.
“Hey, what was that for?” Hunter huffed.
“One of these days you need to learn to say something nice to me without insulting me first. It won’t kill ya, you know?”
“Oh, I don’t think I want to risk it.”
Rolling his eyes, Shawn grabbed his suit jacket. “At least this time you got it out of your system, before we went out there.”
Hunter just smirked. “We’ll see. I could still mention your belly button piercing, those dangly earrings, the biker hats…”
Shawn shook his head. Grinning despite himself, he pushed Hunter out the door. “Just shut up and get goin’, will ya?”
“Alright, alright. I’m gonna let you off the hook tonight.” Just then Hunter noticed Sean, Brian and Billy down the hall, clearly already waiting for them. “Besides, I think I just spotted three new victims anyway.”
Shawn stood back a little, watching Hunter catch up with their friends. Yes, on some days Hunter’s bugging irritated him, but he was well aware of what he had been trying to do. And he really was grateful that Hunter always knew how to get his mind off things when he got anxious. Not that Hunter would ever admit that was the reason for pestering him.
Shawn smiled to himself. He knew he could consider himself lucky to have someone like Hunter in his life.
“You comin’, man?” Hunter called over. “They’re getting the jeep ready for our entrance.”
Time to make another memory, DX style.
Link to the list of prompts 
Previous prompts
Prompt # 1 - First kiss Prompt # 2 - No dialogue Prompt # 3 - Use certain words
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 010
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Okay, let’s see if I can knock out the entire God Goku vs. Beerus fight tonight.
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Before I get too deep in the weeds, I’d like to take a moment to point out some particularly ugly examples of the character models in this series. 
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This show always goes for far-away shots of large groups of characters, and they always look revolting. 
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And sometimes even the close-ups look wretched. 
Really, I can’t even explain why these are so unpleasant to look at.  It just feels like a really half-assed effort was put forth.  Like, I’m not much of an artist, but looking at this stuff reminds me of my own work, where I sort of just go for it and accept that the end result might not look quite right, but I’m still pleased with it just for getting it done.  Which is fine for unskilled amateurs like me, but it really feels like early Dragon Ball Super was animated by an entire team of people with that same mindset.
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Fans have always given Yukio “Triangle Guy” Ebisawa a lot of crap over the decades, what with his ridiculously off-model and often-ugly style.   But I like his stuff way better than the lukewarm crude we see in early-Super and about half of GT. I’m not saying you have to love Ebisawa’s style, but at least when he breaks the rules you can tell he’s going for something.  He’s trying to make the characters look intense and dynamic.  He’s turning them all into triangles for a reason.  There’s a purpose to it, even if we might find it garish or laughable. 
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Compare this with a typical shot from GT, and you can see what I mean.  That’s Mr. Satan punching Uub out of the ring to win the tournament, but it looks more like Uub is standing on a box while Satan rubs his knuckles gently against his abs.  That shot of Vegeta above looks way, way more impactful, and he’s not even fighting. 
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Generally speaking, Super does a better job making action sequences look intense, although that’s not saying much. Like GT, there’s a lot of shortcuts taken where characters just stare each other down, rush together, and launch big energy blasts instead of doing any kind of complex combat sequences
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But then the show constantly switches back to the bystanders to get their reaction, and they always look like crap.  Vegeta’s face is basically frozen that way for the next three episodes.  Bulma’s supposed to be flipping out and Krillin’s supposed to be astonished, but it’s all half-measures.  Whoever drew this was just putting forth the minimum effort.  The characters look like they’re supposed to look, but there’s no oomph there. 
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Compare to this shot of Dende, Mr. Satan, and Bee hiding in the bushes.  It’s a lot more expressive, interesting composition.  Mr. Satan’s head is exaggerated, but it helps get across his emotions.  
Anyway, this is just something I wanted to bring up Super always invites comparisons to Z and GT.  And as bad as Super can be, it usually trumps GT simply by having characters look and act like they did in Z, but they often look dull or unimpressive, which makes the show look like a pale imitation of Z. 
But I’ve gotten waayyy off-track.  Let’s talk about the fight.
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Actually, there isn’t a whole lot to say here.  In the Battle of Gods movie, they started with Beerus kind of going easy on Goku, giving him a chance to get acquainted with the Super Saiyan God form.  Here, DBS #10 just turns that into a whole episode.  Gradually, Beerus ramps up the offense, and Goku gets more confident with his power, until he finally reverses a punch from Beerus into a grapple. 
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Then he flicks Beerus’s forehead with his finger...
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... and gives him a chop to the shoulder, just as Beerus did to SSJ3 Goku on King Kai’s planet.
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Beerus finds this unseemly, but he can respect Goku wanting revenge for how Beerus humiliated him in their last encounter.  Personally, I don’t think this suits Goku as a character.  Also, Beerus isn’t anywhere close to using his full strength, so if he didn’t want Goku to manhandle him this way, he would just break loose, so this all seems kind of pointless to me.
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Anyway, now that Goku seems to have a handle on his new form, they agree to fight more seriously, while Bulma and a lot of her guests try to follow the action in some sort of aircraft she keeps aboard her ship.  And the Pilaf Gang are taking a nap. 
Yeah, now I remember.  So they saw the Dragon Balls being used earlier, so they returned to the ship to find them, only to discover most of the partygoers were gone, and then Whis shared a “dinner encore” with them, and now they’re sleeping it off.
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yourqueenb · 1 year
Since we’re on the topic of MC’s flirting, can we just quickly talk about how bad some of the dialogue was? 😬 Not exactly a narrative issue, but still prominent enough that it needs to be commented on because it only got worse as the story progressed. And honestly it wasn’t just the corny pickup lines. It was also the excessive interjections and puns during fight scenes. But I don’t want to waste too much time on this because it isn’t exactly unique to this book. Choices has its fair share of cringeworthy lines in other books. I think it was just intensified in this one because of all the other blunders they made.
Something that was more of a problem for this particular story was the gadgets. The cool devices and weapons agents get to use have always been a notable part of the spy genre. But imo the ones in this book were lame af and also kind of few and far between. We got an electric glove, the Identi-print, infrared goggles, and an electrostick (which was somehow still supposed to be enticing even though we already had the glove). Like these people work at what’s most likely a multi-million, maybe even billion, dollar agency. Why is the woman they were originally tasked to use as an informational asset basically reinventing the wheel and making clunky items that GAIA has probably had stored in their basement for 10+ years?
And despite what it may sound like, this is more of a dig at the writers than Vivian because I don’t actually mind that she was making things for MC and the LI. But where is the imagination??? Idk I just find it hard to believe that they couldn’t come up with anything better than a fingerprint scanner, something you can buy online, and two objects that do the same thing for diamond choices 😒 If anything, the scanner and goggles should’ve been free. And they could’ve chosen one of either the glove or electrostick to include as one of a few other premium gadgets offered throughout the book.
The one positive was that all of the items truly were extras (as premium options should be). But even with that, none of them were used enough to make them worth it. I got the electric glove, which I believe was used the most and was probably also the most novel of the options. But honestly, I could’ve gone without it. So I’m glad I didn’t waste diamonds on any of the other ones.
Last but certainly not least though was the fashion. Y’all know I have to at least mention it. I was sorely disappointed in pretty much every outfit except for the auction dress. And I really shouldn’t be surprised because PB is known for making ugly outfits atp. But this was their chance to redeem themselves just a little bit. Yet as per usual, the did not understand the assignment.
A spy should literally and figuratively be dressed to kill always. Sleek, sexy, and sophisticated. Those are some of the other qualities I think of when I hear the word. But the wardrobe we got was the exact opposite of those things. An ill-fitting casino dress, a boring suit, diaper pants. A MESS. Not to mention the fact that they did actually create another decent outfit, but it was completely the wrong time for MC to be wearing it! Like why would I pay to give her pneumonia and frostbite because she’s wearing a bra top in the middle of a Russian snowstorm 🤦🏽‍♀️ And this is coming from someone who normally doesn’t mind slightly unrealistic outfits in these kinds of books/movies because those types of things are usually close to my style. But they had to know that was ridiculous 😒 And I’m afraid I’ll never understand why the closet is something Choices constantly struggles with.
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