#still feels weird posting writing about these guys I feel all flustered now
skyward-floored · 2 years
Courage of Ages: motorcycle chase
*shuffles in*
So the other day I mentioned I found an old fic of a modern au of my Links meeting au, and a few people seemed interested so I cleaned it up and here we are. I have some other fics with these guys floating around, but this is the only modern au one I have so some things are a little different heh.
Who’s who—
Slate: botw Link
Light: 4s adventures Link
Spirit: st Link
Windy: ww Link
Gloam: tp Link
Era: hw Link
And content warning for guns, some injuries, and just sort of dramatic car-chasey things. It’s not too bad, but I figured I better warn you all because stuff does happen. Enjoy.
“Slate we’re being followed!” Light yelled over the wind.
The teenager driving the motorcycle glanced behind them, then tensed, gripping the handlebars more tightly as he sped up. Windy and Spirit, who were squeezed into the sidecar, yelped as they sped along the road, the black car behind them gradually gaining despite their increased speed.
Light suddenly heard a bang and he ducked, something wizzing by his head and coming so close to his ear he felt it go by.
“They’ve got guns Slate!”
“I kinda figured that out!”
Slate began to swerve, making them all a more difficult target as more gunfire came from behind them.
“What do we do?!” Spirit gasped, face white as a bullet whizzed by his head. Windy pulled him down, looking no less worried but slightly less terrified.
“Why are they even chasing us?” Windy questioned with his brows drawn. “It’s not like we’re rich or anything!”
“Well at least they’re crummy shots,” Light commented as they continued to be shot at, but pointedly not hit. “Maybe we don’t—“
The SUV suddenly put on a burst of speed and ended up right next to them, all four of the teenagers on the bike yelping in surprise. The window of the car rolled down and a large figure in an eerie white and red mask stared at them.
“Slate why aren’t you speeding up?!”
“I can’t without crashing!”
The man leaned out a bit, and they all froze as he held a gun out directly towards Slate.
“The Yiga Clan does nothing by halves,” he sneered in a deep voice, then clicked off the safety.
Light felt his heart leap with fear, but then Slate slammed on the brakes, sending the car shooting off in front of them while he swerved down a side road. Light clung on for dear life as he took a few more sharp turns down some side streets and alleys, then eventually ended back up on a bigger road, farther out from the city.
“Think I bought us a minute or two,” Slate gasped, getting back up a speed no doubt way over the speed limit.
“Now what do we do?!” Spirit yelped, sounding a little hysterical despite them no longer being chased, “who’s the Yiga Clan? Is it like some sort of a gang?! Who made a gang angry?!”
“I bet it was you Light!” Windy accused with a hint of a joke in his voice, and Light was about to protest when cheery music suddenly rang out from Slate’s pocket.
They all fell into surprised silence as the tune continued to play.
“Is that your phone?”
“Oh crap if that’s Gloam we’ll never hear the end of it—“
“Who cares?! Pick it up!”
Light snatched Slate’s, well, slate from his pocket, and picked up the call, nearly dropping the phone as they went over a particularly bumpy spot in the road.
“Hello?” he asked hesitantly.
“Light? Where’s Slate? Where are you guys? You were supposed to be back hours ago!” Gloam’s voice demanded through the slate, loud enough that the rest of them could hear it. “I’ve been trying to call you for almost an hour!”
Light swallowed. “Well, uh, we kinda stayed late to help clean up, and then we saw Malon so we stopped to talk to her, and Erune was around too and then we were talking about this restaurant—“
“Forget that!” Windy interrupted, snatching the slate out of Light’s hands, “Gloam we’re being—“
Tires squealed behind them and the black car reappeared from a side road, more gunshots immediately ringing out as soon as they had a clear shot.
All of the Links yelped and ducked down again, bullets grazing the side of Slate’s bike.
“Aw, I just the paint redone!”
“Windy were those gunshots?” Gloam’s voice came through the slate, sounding frantic.
“Yeah, we’re kinda being chased by crazies in masks with guns?” the teenager explained, equally frantic. “Could you maybe—“
More gunshots rang out, and Windy’s voice cut off into a loud cry.
Light frantically tried to get a look at his friend, who’d doubled over and was clutching his arm, but the gunshots continued, and one of the bullets finally hit true. It punctured Slate’s back tire, causing the bike to veer wildly towards the edge of the road, and Light could only watch in horror as they swerved straight towards a ditch.
“Oh— hang on!”
The Links all screamed as Slate failed to regain control, and the motorcycle flipped over the guardrail, crashing into the ravine below.
A black SUV slowly pulled to a stop where the motorcycle had gone off the road, the guardrail blackened and bent.
Two large men got out of the vehicle, both sporting white masks with a blood-red eye painted on the front. The first pointed down at the ditch and the other leaned over the edge with a heavy-duty flashlight, slowly trawling it over the smoking wreckage of the bike below.
They paused at the sight of an empty helmet lying in the dirt, then continued on.
They searched for what seemed like forever, shining the light over the bushes and rocks, but eventually shut off the light, chuckling to each other. They exchanged a few words, then got back in the SUV and drove away, leaving the wreckage to burn out in silence.
The road went still.
And Slate dazedly poked his head up out of the bushes.
“Guys?” he called out hesitantly, wincing as he shook out an arm.
He wasn’t really hurt from the crash amazingly, apart from some small cuts and bruises. He’d managed to jump off the bike and land in a bush, the branches cuschioning his fall, and he’d thought the others had been right behind him.
Evidently not.
The teenager turned at the voice, several bushes down from where he had landed. He pushed his way towards it through the shrubs, then gasped, quickly shoving his way through the last one when he saw who it was.
Light lay on the ground, awake, but tightly clutching his leg, face twisted up in pain.
“Light! Hylia, are you okay?” he asked, dropping to his side.
Light stared at him, wincing as he raised an eyebrow. “Dandy. Thanks for asking. I feel great, fantastic even. Maybe I’ll take up ballet—“
He cut off into a sharp keen of pain, and Slate looked down at his leg, feeling his stomach churn when he saw the angle it was at.
“That looks pretty bad Light.”
Light growled and managed to pull himself up into a seating position, breathing heavily through his nose. A few tears shone in his eyes, but he quickly wiped them away when he thought Slate wasn’t looking.
“‘S fine. Are... are those g-guys gone?”
Slate nodded. “They’re gone.”
Light sighed in relief and let his head rest against one of the larger bushes’ trunks.
“Who the heck were they?” he muttered, face set in a worried frown. “I can’t believe they were shooting at us, that’s like, ten different kinds of illegal. And you especially, what was that about?”
Slate bit his lip. “I don’t know. But they... they seemed kinda familiar,” he said, nervously scratching his neck. Him and Light went quiet for a second.
“Do you know where Windy is?” Light asked next, face worried. “Or S-Spirit? They okay?”
Slate shook his head. “I don’t know. You’re the only one I’ve—“
A pained cry cut him off, and the two boys exchanged wide-eyed looks. Light attempted to scramble to his feet, and Slate quickly threw an arm under his shoulder, helping him up and then rushing off in the direction of the sound. The two shoved foliage out of the way as fast as they could, then Slate froze at the sight in front of them, forcing Light to a stop as well.
His motorcycle’s sidecar was above him, wedged loosely in a cleft between two rocks. It looked like it had somehow been flung there after the crash, separated entirely from the bike, and hung precariously over a deeper part of the ravine, teetering in the breeze as if something had just shaken it.
Windy lay on the ground beneath it, face white and shoulder red.
“Windy!” Slate and Light gasped at the same time, and they stumbled to his side, nearly tripping in their haste. The teenager managed to sit up a little as Slate skidded to his side and helped Light down, but his face was twisted in a grimace. Slate put a hand on his unhurt arm and studied the bloodiest looking part of his shoulder, then steadily met the sailor’s eyes.
“Hey. Windy are you okay?” he asked, looking directly at his pale face. The kid swallowed and nodded, then looked up at the sidecar.
“Spirit’s still... still in the s-sidecar,” Windy murmured, and Light grasped his good arm when he started to list to the side. “I tried t-to climb up and get him, but my shoulder...”
“I’ll get him Windy,” Slate assured through his growing panic, gently propping him in a sitting position. It looked like Windy had been nicked by a bullet from what he could tell, and that more than anything was what was making his hands shake.
Why did I ever offer them all a ride home?
“Light, help him keep pressure on his shoulder alright?” he asked in a voice he had to fight to keep from shaking.
Light nodded, and Slate gave them both a reassuring look which he didn’t really feel.
“Okay. I’ll be right back.”
He then began climbing the small cliff, careful not to shift any rocks as he went in case they caused the sidecar to break loose. He winced as several pebbles hit his face, and looked over at his poor sidecar, but he couldn’t see anyone inside from the angle he was at.
“Spirit?” he called, but got no response.
When Slate finally reached the sidecar, he swung himself onto what appeared to be a sturdy ledge, and immediately peeked in... then blanched at the sight inside. Spirit lay at the bottom of the car, pale and unmoving. His helmet was gone, and Slate could see a small gash on his temple, trickling blood down his face and getting in his hair.
“Spirit,” he breathed, and carefully leaned closer.
Slate gently nudged him, but Spirit didn’t react in the slightest, and he quickly stretched his hand out to press his fingers to his neck. A steady-enough beat pulsed under the pads of his fingers and he let out a small sigh of relief. He was breathing at least, that was a start.
Slate shifted his footing on the ledge, and carefully leaned his weight on the sidecar, reaching out to try and pull Spirit closer to him. Something shifted as he leaned though, and he froze, listening to a few pieces of rubble patter down the cliff.
The car was too precariously balanced on the rocks. If he continued to lean on it, the sidecar would likely come loose, crumbling the hillside and sending both him and Spirit to the bottom of the rather steep drop.
But leaning on the sidecar was the only way he’d be able to get Spirit out.
Slate groaned to himself and took a deep breath, then moving as lightly as possible, put more of his weight on the car. It creaked ominously, but Slate ignored it and managed to grab Spirit’s arm, tugging the younger boy closer towards him. Something shifted under his foot, and he bit his lip as he tried to tug Spirit faster, but the younger boy’s leg was stuck on something.
“Ohh, come on,” Slate muttered worriedly, but Spirit’s leg wouldn’t come loose no matter how hard he tugged.
He’d have to climb in the sidecar and get it loose himself.
Slate gritted his teeth, then before his common sense decided to kick in, scrambled forward into the car, ignoring the loud groan that rang out.
Light and Windy shouted something below him, but Slate ignored them as the car shifted under his feet. He quickly tugged Spirit loose from where his leg had been trapped, and bundled the younger boy into his arms before attempting to climb back to the ledge where he’d been perching.
But with Slate’s added weight, the precarious balance of the sidecar has been disturbed. And with an ominous crack, he felt the entire thing began to fall down the cliff.
He only had seconds to make a decision, and without a moment’s hesitation, Slate frantically leapt out of the car. He clutched Spirit to his chest with one arm and reached desperately for the ledge he knew he was too far away to grab with the other. Light and Windy cried out again, and Slate felt his outstretched fingers just barely brush the cliffside.
Then he felt his stomach drop as gravity tugged him and Spirit downwards to the unforgiving ground.
Until two hands snagged his.
Slate gasped as his and Spirit’s fall was abruptly stopped, and he held tightly to the younger boy as he looked up at their savior. Era looked down at him, grunting with the weight of the two as his scarf flapped gently in the wind.
“Era?” he gasped out, heart beating nearly out of his chest. The older Link didn’t reply, merely steadily pulled him and Spirit up, not saying anything until they were safely up on solid ground.
Then he pulled them both into his arms, breathing out a great sigh of relief.
“You all are going to be the death of me I just know it,” he said somewhat breathlessly, giving them both a hug. Slate closed his eyes for a second, letting the steady arms around him help calm him down, and sighed in relief as well.
That had been way too close.
Era pulled back a bit, tilting Spirit’s head with the utmost care as he studied the cut on his temple. “Where are Windy and Light?”
Slate breathed in, his heart still thudding too fast, and gestured below them towards the bushes.
“Down there, they’re hurt, but... they’re okay,” he managed to get out, and Era gently gave his shoulder a squeeze. “How’d... how’d you get here so fast?”
“Gloam sent me the location on your phone. I happened to be nearby, thank goodness,” he murmured, brushing a hand over Spirit’s forehead. “He’s coming too, I’d expect him shortly.“
Slate nodded, only half-processing what he was saying. He was feeling a bit distant from everything all of a sudden, and barely noticed when Era gently set Spirit down in his lap and went to go check on Windy and Light. Slate messed idly with the younger boy’s hair while he held a cloth to his injury, and time seemed to blur a bit as he waited, watching him breathe steadily in his lap.
But before he knew it, Spirit was suddenly being tugged out of his lap, and Slate was pulled into a crushing hug.
“Goddesses I’m glad you’re okay,” a voice Slate recognized as Gloam’s breathed as he squeezed him. Slate rested his head on his shoulder, and sank into his arms a little. “Don’t give me such a terrifying phone call ever again.”
“To be fair, you were actually the one who called him,” Era said from nearby, and Slate belatedly realized both Light and Windy were only a few feet away from him. Apparently Era has gotten them both up out of the ditch, though both were rather pale.
“I don’t care who called who, I just don’t want to receive another phone call where I hear you all being chased and shot at,” Gloam said, still hugging Slate. He sighed and pulled back, and scanned his face. “Are you hurt?”
“Not really,” Slate answered quietly. “Some bruises, little sore. The others are worse, did you call an ambulance yet?”
“No,” Era said, checking on Spirit again. “And we’re not going to.”
“Wait, what?” Slate asked, looking over at him in confusion. “Why not?”
“Yeah, a motorcycle crash and bullet wound and everything else would generally be considered a 911 kind of situation,” Light murmured with a raised eyebrow.
Era and Gloam exchanged looks.
“...if these men were who we think they were... it wouldn’t have been wise,” Era said quietly. “Light told me they said they were Yiga clan. And Yiga don’t just randomly chase down a bunch of teenagers. If you went to the hospital they might find you there. And based on what happened here... they had a reason for what they did.”
“What kind of reason?” Light asked in a quiet voice.
Era sighed, but before he could reply, Windy suddenly sagged, nearly falling over backwards. Light managed to catch him, but Windy still looked dazed, and Gloam quickly went to help him.
“‘m alright,” Windy mumbled, and Era shook his head.
“No, you’re not. This conversation can wait, let’s get you all home,” he murmured, standing up with Spirit in his arms. “We’ll call Hibiscus, if he can’t fix you all up he’ll know someone who can.”
The rest of them merely nodded in exhaustion.
Getting them all fixed up enough to get home and then settled into Gloam’s car took some doing, and Light actually passed out at one point, which Slate supposed was a small mercy considering how much they were moving him and his leg.
Era continued to hold Spirit as he settled into the front next to Gloam, and Windy slid carefully in next to Slate, his arm wrapped as tightly as they could get it. Light got set in between them, and as they finally drove off, Slate rested his head on the window, closing his eyes in exhaustion.
His mind was working in overdrive trying to figure out why those masks had seemed so familiar, but he wasn’t coming up with anything. The red eyes printed on them filled him with a sickening dread and anger, but he had no clue why.
And not knowing was freaking him out.
He sighed, and felt Light stir a little from next to him, mumbling a bit. He looked over, then wordlessly pulled Light’s head to rest on his shoulder, the other boy relaxing and falling back asleep.
Slate himself drifted off a few minutes later, the night’s events finally catching up to him.
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1ivinqdeadqir1 · 1 year
Hi, I hope you’re doing good, I saw your post about exams and same here, it’s hard just to wake up to go to school in the morning. 😭 Anyway, I just read the post about Lalo being your first time, and I was wondering when you could find time, if you could write the same prompt just with Nacho? Oml the brainrot is HEAVYYYY. If not, that’s completely okay! Thank you so much.
Nacho Varga being his SOs first:
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A/N: similarly to the Lalo one, I used different ‘ first time ‘ circumstances and I think it turned out pretty cute, gotta love nachito <33
Fem!Reader (implied, though you could very well just use whatever pronouns or gender identity you like)
WARNING(S): mentions of sex, kissing and death, generally just nacho behaviour tbh
First relationship:
he wouldn’t really mind at all, he’d be a little intimidated maybe at first and feel as though there’s a lot of expectations he’d have to fill
But you’d ( of course ) reassure him that he’s doing great <33
I can imagine you meeting at his fathers shop, and he greets you at the counter and he can’t stop thinking about how gorgeous you are
“ I was uh.. if you’re free later maybe we could go for a drink?”
“I’d love to, Ignacio. pick me up at 7 okay?”
His father also adores you. Papa Varga really admires how you bring out the good in his son
Nacho probably has a gym set at his house let’s be for real
Imagine training together ( if you’re into that )
Him accidentally giving you weights that are too heavy and when your muscles ache afterward he apologizes and gives you a massage
“Ignacio, where did you learn to give massages like this?”
“It’s pretty straightforward really… I guess”
He’s not much for PDA, just for his reputation but if it’s just the two of you he’d happily hold you
Once you’re aware of his job he’d be hyper vigilant over you ( you probably have to find out on your own…)
Nacho definitely has a fake ID made for you in his safe. Just in case.
First Kiss:
he initiates it, or at least goes to- and you pull away.
“ sorry, I-“
“No no nacho, it’s me I just… I haven’t…”
“ oh 😳” he’d find it really cute, maybe a little weird since I imagine you’re around 23-25, but still.
You give him a quick peck on the cheek to compensate when he’s not looking, and he can’t help but smile stupidly into his hand.
This all probably takes place with you both sitting watching the sunset from inside one of his cars or an old truck borrowed from his dad for a romantic date night. In the middle of nowhere.
“You’re going to be the death of me” he sighs it out, and you laugh it off, though he’s a little worried that part of him is being truthful.
Not for his sake, more for yours. Because how can he develop such a love for someone-
who then loves him back, for him to just die and leave you all alone?
“You’re so dramatic sometimes… tough guy”
Your first PROPER kiss is probably after the 4th date, something relaxed like a movie at his place and food.
You initiate it this time, reluctantly, but he welcomes it.
“ that was… new”
“ oh shut up and just kiss me already”
And he does, smiling like a fool because he just has such a love for you. He doesn’t say as much as he should, but nacho doesn’t have to say it all the time for you to know.
First time having sex (NSFW):
Your confidence has probably gone up a lot since your first kiss with him, and being with him in general honestly
He’s still nacho, though a lot less stressed than usual, he has you to come home to so now he has something else to fight for.
Some days when he comes home you miss him more than he’d imagined,
I can’t imagine nacho taking you on regular shopping trips, though if you needed something and asked he’d oblige.
Besides, you like earning your own money, it makes you feel… accomplished, and appreciate the work that went into getting it.
So when he comes home and you’ve gotten a new set of underwear or pajamas he’d be so flustered, and maybe a little confused
“I- uh, they look… nice”
You’d initiate it this time, and ask him whether or not he’s going to hurry up and bend you over
As a… half joke, of course
After some very much needed TLC from you and some from him, he’s relatively gentle when it comes to the actual intercourse bit
Especially because he can just guess based on the fact you hadn’t even had your first kiss that you’re more than likely a virgin to
“We can stop if it hurts okay?”
“You’re so sweet baby, it doesn’t hurt”
It does. Not as much as your friends had made it out to be, but still you can definitely feel a slight burning feeling
Aftercare is pretty important to Nacho, just because he likes seeing you so relaxed and carefree sprawled out on his bed as he cleans over your body with a damp lukewarm washcloth.
Expect lots of uncharacteristic hugging and kisses as well
He’s the big spoon, tho he’s not really bothered what he is as long as you’re close to him
“You smell so nice Ignacio”
We know he doesn’t talk a lot, but you know exactly what he means
You’d turn to face him and press kisses along his chest and the scar he’d gotten from Tuco
“You're so beautiful”
At first he doesn’t really understand what you mean by beautiful, since he’s a guy, and it seems a bit… odd to talk to a guy like that
But he inevitably chuckles and asks “ how so?”
“ you’re just… a beautiful man, inside and out.”
Damn, talk about a sting to the heart, he’ll definitely remember that in his depressed ass moments
“You’re trying to make me soft hm?”
“No! You just…”
“ I know, I’m only joking”
“You and your jokes… nachito”
You’d both then fall asleep, you first then him.
He doesn’t sleep for long, about 2 hours or so
And when he wakes up he just looks down at you and can’t even begin to wonder what he did to deserve someone so perfect
too bad this was one of the last times you’d ever see him alive 💀
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Between the lines
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genre: fluff, mutual pining, drunk confessions
pairing: Osamu Dazai x Coworker!reader
word count: 860 words
warnings: drinking, aimless writing
a/n: This is my first fic, and I don't know what i am doing, but i hope you guys enjoy it nevertheless :) Now that i realize it, it's quite short, but I'm still posting it regardless.
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Ever since you started working at the agency, you were drawn to Dazai like a moth to a flame. Was it his childish facade? The intricate personality behind that mask? you never quite figured it out.
Today was a typical evening, and you were completing some paperwork while sitting in the cafe downstairs, but all you could concentrate on was dazai flirting with the waitress. You tell yourself that it doesn't bother you, but that would be a lie, so you do the next best thing and pack up your stuff and say good night to your coworkers and head up to your apartment.
That night you heard the bell as you were reading your book so you went to open the door and to your surprise there stood the guy you were over. Dazai looked clearly drunk. "hello Y/N it's great to see you but what are you doing in my house" you couldn't help but giggle at his ramblings "Dazai-san your room is opposite to mine" dazai was perplexed "you mean to say you are not in my room" "quite the opposite actually" dazai seemed a little bummed out as he began to search for his house keys only to realize he left it at his desk. Too lazy to go back to the agency building, dazai just sat on your doorstep "Y/N lemme just stay here for the night" he said proceeding to lay down as you interrupted him by pulling him up by his arm leading to your couch "you'll catch a cold if you lay there Dazai-san" while giving him a blanket "here you go. let me get you some water before you go to sleep" just as you were about to get up to get some water Dazai holds your hand and pulls you onto him and rests his hand on your face "I knew I loved those eyes of yours".
To say you were flustered would be an understatement "Da-Dazai san what are you going on about" Dazai just kept staring at you as though he was trying to speak with you telepathically "It's just that you always look so effortlessly captivating, the way you handle every situation, your wicked intelligence and the way you fill up all my thoughts. I adore you my dear Y/N" after hearing the most heartfelt confession ever, you look at the confessor only to find him passed out on your couch.
You went to sleep with all your blood rushing to your face.
The next morning you find dazai still asleep on the couch. it warmed your heart to watch him sleep "he looks so peaceful" you say to yourself and go to your kitchen and start on some breakfast.
Dazai wakes up with a heavy head and sunlight hitting his face as he tries to squint his eyes to make out his location. His eyes widen when he sees you whisk some eggs as you hum to yourself. To him this sight was something from his dreams. You notice movement and turn towards Dazai and walk towards him with water and some hangover medicine "Dazai-san good morning. I hope you had a good rest. Take this and oh Atsushi-kun dropped your house keys this morning so here you go" you give him his keys and try to avoid eye contact. As much as you wanted to sound normal, last night's scene kept replaying in our head and you couldn't act the same as usual. Dazai was quick to catch onto this "why are you acting weird? Did i do something while i was drunk?" he looks slightly concerned as he thought back to last night and was hit with everything. "its nothing I was a bit spaced out that's it" you say while folding up the blanket he used "if this is about my confession last night the you don't need to overthink it. I simple stated my mind and my feelings for you".
The nonchalant confession caught you off-guard "Y/N i meant when i said that i adore you. now i will not impose this on you" with that Dazai began walking towards your door "I really like you too Dazai-san" you shout a bit not able to handle the rush of emotions.
Dazai turned back and held your hands tightly "you mean that my dear? cause if that's true then i don't think i can hold myself back any longer" you simple nod and the very next moment you feel his lips upon your. The neediness and the complex feeling dissolving and filling the gap between you both as you kiss him back.
Dazai pulls out after a while and looks at you like you are the world to him "maybe i should drink more often" he says causing you to chuckle and rest your face on his chest "I didn't think I'll ever get to do this" he gently strokes your hair and you both hold each other close.
"So, now we go to the bedroom?" Dazai asks suggestively."I think we should have our breakfast and head to the agency so as to not have Kunikida-san shout at us".
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a/n: contemplating over if I should do a part 2 with smut.
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r3dkn0ts · 1 year
I'm somewhat curious because everyone has their own perception of killers in dbd before they came into the realm. Out of all your faves (like Caleb, Tarhos, Billy ect..) do you think any of them are still....well virgins?? Most of them were either too focused on revenge and bloodshed to even think about ass or coochie (lookin right at you slinger also I LOVE UR BLOG SM)
I have other stuff in the drafts I'm working on atm ( do not worry followers! it will be posted! eventually! ) but Man this just. rattled my brain so hard that I had to start writing Immediately
I'm just gonna pick the guys you listed or else I'd be rambling way too much and also idk what the hell to categorize this as so ummmmm just putting it under the cut. I guess these are more like character studies than anything?
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SEXUAL HEADCANONS FOR THE DBD KILLERS Featuring Caleb Quinn, Tarhos Kovács, and Max Thompson Jr.
Themes: Smut, smut, and a little bit of fluff at the end. Honestly, what did you expect? Warnings: Mentions of canon-typical violence
The Deathslinger / Caleb Quinn - I'd imagine Caleb is around his mid-to-late 60s ( if you don't think too hard about the time-fuckery that is the Entity's Realm ), so the man definitely has some years under his belt. - When it comes to sex, though, he might've fooled around with one or two folks in his younger days. Like most other cowpoke of his time, he didn't really care what gender he was laying down with. - Yes, I am saying that Caleb is pansexual. All cowboys are at least a little bit gay. I don't make the rules. - He definitely didn't see any action after nearly killing Bayshore and being stuck in a penitentiary for 15 years straight, that's for sure. - Plus, there's no good reason to be horny in a place like that. - That being said, he knows the basics and maybe a trick here or there, so he's not a total buffoon, but he's not a floozy either.
The Knight / Tarhos Kovács - Being taken from his home and put into slavery at such a young age, he didn't exactly have a normal childhood. - Tarhos didn't have the time to be concerned with anything remotely romantic or sexual, constantly going on campaigns with his men and killing everyone that stood in their way. - He would never admit it to anyone, even himself, but this man is so touch-starved and needy that just hugging him would probably give him a boner as stiff as his claymore. - Tarhos tries to ignore sexual urges until they go away, but that doesn't always work, so he might have to rub one out once in a while. He feels guilty about it every time. - Yeah, he's a virgin. No experience at all.
The Hillbilly / Max Thompson Jr. - Oh, this poor boy. We all know his story by now. It's pretty obvious that he never had any physical contact, much less that of a romantic or sexual nature. - Back in his time, television shows weren't nearly as scandalous as nowadays. There was no way of accessing pornographic material unless you got special magazines, which he of course never did. - Going through puberty, he would feel strange and uncomfortable, just trying to ignore the weird feelings he had. It made him want to crawl out of his own skin. - Those habits stuck with him into his adulthood, constantly fighting his own body and trying anything to get the strange feelings to go away. Eventually, he figured out that friction was the easiest method. - You could say he's "innocent", but I prefer "clueless". - If someone were to truly earn his trust and explain to him what erections, masturbation, and sex are, he'd get super flustered and cover his face in shame. - His first time would need to be slow and more of a tutorial than anything else. Dude's probably gonna cum as soon as a hand touches him. Just be patient.
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musicalmoritz · 1 day
i’ve been following you for a little while because i’ve been considering getting back into TBHK. it was one of my strongest fixations but i was totally put off by the fandom’s reception of one part of the story until i dropped it entirely.
i thought i’d ask to see if the fandom has changed at all since i was last in it, and you seem really good at analyzing media: what’s your take on the amane/(possessed) tsukasa sa theory? i won’t argue regardless of what your opinion is! i’m just curious to see how the fandom is treating the story now. i miss the series alot ngl
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Have I finally made it as a TBHK fan creator now that I’ve gotten an ask abt the SA theory?? Jk jk, that was a terrible joke I’m sorry guys
Before I get into this I wanna say thank you for being so respectful, people tend to have very strong feelings in this theory (for good reason, it’s a serious subject) and that can lead to pitchforks whenever it’s brought up. I’m going to try to discuss this as neutrally as possible but I will warn you that I’m very biased. I love Tsukasa as a character and the Yugi twins as a sibling duo so as much as I try to see both sides, I simply don’t want this theory to be true and that plays a large role in how I perceive it
TW: This is going to contain more mature themes than my usual posts. Talk of incest, abuse, sexual assault, sex, trauma, PTSD, and a very brief mention of lesbian fetishization
Starting off with how the fandom as a whole talks about it, people are very against it nowadays. When the anime first came out it was super popular, but now you can’t even mention it without someone telling you never to bring it up again. I have only posted about it once and it was a joke about Tsukasa and Teru both having allegations made against them (tho the Teru ones are way less common and only made by fans who want them to be true bcuz they hate him or ship him with his brother). So far I’ve strayed away from going in depth with my thoughts on it, writing this feels like I’m swinging a bat at a hornet’s nest. If your problem with the fandom was that they denied this theory, then I would continue to stay away from it. People on here are more open towards it than TikTok tho so if you still want to get back into the fandom, I would recommend staying on Tumblr. Someone made ONE post implying it on TikTok recently and the entire fandom was shitting on them for like a week. Those instances are rare, I like the fandom overall, but it has its toxic moments and areas just like every fandom
Okay now onto the theory itself. I’m not going to pretend I don’t see where it comes from, there are some scenes in the manga that are drawn and worded weirdly. Most notably the scene in the Picture Perfect Arc where Mei wrote “Brother Lover” on Amane’s face made me wonder if they were trying to imply something. I have since learned that other translations don’t have the incest implication, but it’s still odd to me that they allowed that in any version. Still, he just looked kind of annoyed as opposed to getting flustered like he would have if something was going on with him and Tsukasa (the way he gets flustered when his feelings for Nene are brought up). So I viewed that scene more as a dark humor joke from Mei, I don’t think it was meant to imply anything serious between the twins
There is another scene in that arc, however, when Nene sees Tsukasa clinging to Amane and Amane does get flustered. He starts blushing and says “um…we were just…” and doesn’t really finish his sentence. This made me raise an eyebrow, but I also wouldn’t take it as confirmation that there’s anything romantic or sexual between them. It could very much be viewed as Amane being embarrassed. I feel that the strongest evidence for the incest theory comes from this arc, but that’s only if you want to run with the scenes I mentioned. I also find it strange that people never use these scenes as evidence, only panels that are drawn kind of weird. Fans seem to be stuck on a lot of early scenes with this theory which weakens its substance
For the record, I will not be analyzing the scene from the anime intro. That has already been debunked, the shadowy figure wasn’t Tsukasa, it was a representation of Hanako’s guilt. Although I disagree with the theory, I’m trying to be fair to the campaigners by debunking the stronger pieces of evidence
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The strongest evidence for this theory comes from the art, which is just as important to the story as the writing. With manga and graphic novels, the art tells half the story. It shouldn’t be overlooked, so I understand how some fans lean into it. Look back at the official art I put at the top of this post, it’s weird. Hanako is leaning over Tsukasa while Tsukasa holds his chin/lips and arm. They’re posed like a couple. We would never see the Minamoto brothers posed like that. In other scenes, we see Tsukasa touching Amane’s face or holding him from behind. They’re very touchy with each other, more-so than the other siblings in the series
I have two reasons for not taking these type of scenes/arts seriously in a romantic sense. One is that Tsukasa is simply an affectionate character, and Hanako is the same way. I think it’s more part of their behavior than being specific to each other. Secondly, if it’s intended to be taken in an incestuous way then I genuinely believe it’s fan service. That’s one part I don’t deny, AidaIro have certainly given us reason to believe the twins are like the Property Brothers. I just don’t believe it has any place in the actual story or their dynamic. Fan service is common in TBHK and sometimes it veers into problematic territory. Just look at the scene where Hanako possesses Nene to assault Aoi, and then Kou gets flustered by it and can’t help. A random lesbian fetish scene that is never brought up again and plays no role in the story other than moving us from A to B. I have also heard that there’s incest in some of the other works they’ve made, so it’s not a reach to assume they’d throw in a little fan service for the Yugi twins. How seriously you want to take those scenes is up to you, personally I will continue to deny it until we’re given undeniable confirmation
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Back to the twins just being affectionate, we see them act that way with lots of characters. Tsukasa is clingy to Sakura and Mitsuba too, sometimes very suggestively. That doesn’t mean he’s into them. I will say that Hanako is most notably clingy to Nene, someone he’s in love with, but we see him get close and friendly with the other characters too (he sat on Kou’s side and booped his nose during their first meeting). And Tsukasa is the one who initiates their physical affection 99% of the time, Amane’s been receiving it since early childhood so him copying Tsukasa’s behavior makes sense. Romantic relationships in adulthood are determined by the way we interact with our families as children so him repeating these actions in a romantic context doesn’t indicate anything abnormal. In fact, it’s a very realistic portrayal of how our love languages and attachment styles evolve over time
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And keep in mind, they’ve been that way since they were three years old, it’s just the way they interact with other people and each other. Tsukasa is a very childish character too, one who has very little concept of personal space and boundaries. So him being a little too clingy with his brother might not mean anything. Again, you could read into it if you really wanted to, but the way he interacts with Amane is nothing out of the ordinary. It aligns with his usual mannerisms, if it were specific to Amane then he wouldn’t act that way with the other characters (Amane was also clingy with Nene before he fell for her). Think of it this way, you don’t see Akane holding Teru’s hand or confessing his undying love to Nene. Characters are going to act differently in their platonic relationships vs. romantic/sexual, and we don’t see that difference with the Yugi twins
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A difference we do see with them, however, is that Tsukasa isn’t physically aggressive with Hanako the way he is with everyone else. He never attacks him or tries to hurt him, in fact every time he sees him he gets overjoyed and tackles him in a hug. He has no problem hurting him emotionally and mentally, but we never see any physical aggression between the two. This leads me to believe that the SA theory is invalid, it doesn’t line up with how Tsukasa treats Hanako currently or in any of the flashbacks. If anything sexual took place between them, it would have had to be consensual, because the more solid evidence backing this theory focuses on Hanako’s side of things. He’s very possessive of Tsukasa, and he doesn’t experience a trauma response when they’re touching normally. If it’s an intense scene and Tsukasa is telling him horrible things while touching him, then he freezes in place and starts crying. But when Tsukasa is just hugging or clinging to him, he only gets embarrassed. Hanako does show some signs of PTSD, but that trauma is rooted in him killing Tsukasa. If the trauma were anything sexual, we would see him experience those same trauma responses he displays in violent scenes when Tsukasa touches him in any context. At the very least, we’d see him get way more uncomfortable than being mildly annoyed
(Note: I am aware that not everyone reacts to trauma and PTSD the same way. I do not have any trauma of my own so I am going off what I have heard throughout my life from others sharing their stories. I am in no way trying to invalidate anyone’s experiences, no matter how you react to your abuser your feelings are valid and I hope you get the help you need)
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Another common piece of evidence used is that Hanako is hypersexual. I believe this is a serious misuse of the term, hypersexuality is so much more than being a pervert. People who are hypersexual usually think about sex all the time, they engage in excessive sexual behaviors and even think about it in completely normal contexts. This is a common response to many types of trauma, not just sexual. It’s a way for people to gain back control after they’ve been abused, or sometimes it’s a problem that arises from porn addictions or a weird relationship with sex. Even if Hanako were hypersexual, that wouldn’t necessarily indicate SA. He has canonical trauma aside from that, and it could also come from the pent-up frustration of being a middle schooler for 58 years
This is another situation where we have to account for the context. You can’t just take one element of a character’s canon personality and run with it, that’s the leading cause of mischaracterization. You have to consider how that behavior lines up with their other traits. Hanako is an allosexual boy who has been 13 for literal decades. Middle school boys are already one of the horniest species on our planet, it’s an awkward time when you’ve just learned those feelings exist and what they mean but you’re not emotionally mature enough to do anything about it. That usually goes away in the next few years when teens start getting into relationships. Now imagine that feeling staying with you for fifty-eight years. That’s over half a lifetime of being stuck in a transitional period. You have so many strong feelings, but you can’t do anything about them. Not just because of maturity, but because there’s no one to do them with. It makes sense that you wouldn’t know how to act when you get your first girlfriend (not excusing any of his weird behavior btw, frustration is not an excuse and it doesn’t make the way he treats Nene and Aoi okay. But it’s still important to understand his reasons, especially in this context)
I also want to note something I don’t see pointed out often, which is that most of the major scenes of Hanako’s pervertedness occur when he’s talking to Kou. TBHK has a very realistic portrayal of male friendship imo, and this is one of those examples. Having a girlfriend isn’t the only thing Hanako’s missed out on, he also hasn’t been able to make any friends his own age. He’s trying to get Kou to engage in “locker room talk” as a way to bond with him. Whether he’s trying to convince him to share his own preferences, or just wanting to mess with him, it brings them closer in a way. One of the main ways Hanako expresses affection is by annoying people, but I do think part of it is because he wants to be able to talk about hot girls with his only male friend. Sadly, he got stuck with the only middle school boy who respects women
We as a fandom tend to focus on these scenes as “omg Hanako’s a pervert,” or for people that ship him with Kou it’s “aww he’s teasing his boyfriend,” but I think the purpose is more-so to build a realistic friendship dynamic. I find it funny that the fandom as a whole leans more into the teasing explanation whether they ship Hanako and Kou or not, it’s funny to me that we all automatically go with the gay interpretation. But Hanako often uses jokes to cover up his deeper feelings, he acts like he doesn’t care when he actually cares very deeply. So him playing up his pervertedness in an attempt to make friends seems very on brand
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My last piece of evidence against this theory is a bit silly and a lot of ya’ll aren’t going to want to hear this but Hanako is most likely straight
*the crowd boos me*
I know, I know, I love the bi headcanon too and I think it makes sense, but unlike with some of the other characters I don’t think it has a place in canon. He acts overly friendly with Kou sometimes but if you’re going to assume they’re queercoded, you have to assume the same about Aoi and Nene (both affectionate friendship that look a little queer sometimes). Shipping aside I read them as a purely platonic duo, if there are feelings on either side then it’s more likely Kou since he’s bisexual. Lots of people point out the scene where he flirts with Kou as a girl, and I agree that was gay af but I kinda think he was just trying to mess with him. And keep in mind that the first thing he wanted to do as a girl was look at girls changing in the locker room (yuri yuri lesbian yuri wlw gay gay lesbian yuri)
This isn’t to bash anyone’s headcanons btw, I headcanon Hanako as bisexual and I do ship him with Kou. I’m just saying that I wouldn’t bet my money on him being intended to be bi in canon. In my post about possibly bisexual TBHK characters I included him as an honorable mention, I just haven’t seen enough substantial evidence so far to believe he was intended to be interpreted that way
I’m aware that sexuality isn’t the biggest obstacle for Tsukasa and Amane, but it’s a relevant mention. If Hanako doesn’t like men, I doubt he’d want to be with his brother of all men. Even if he liked men that would be a terrible option. AidaIro have also confirmed in one of their official arts/doodle skits that Nene is Hanako’s first love, which further leads me to believe nothing happened between him and Tsukasa. You don’t get with your sibling if you’re not ride or die about it. And as I mentioned before, anything that happened between them would have had to be consensual in order to be in-character and line up with the evidence surrounding the incest theory
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Lastly, I do believe the love between the brothers is somewhat genuine. It’s horribly toxic, Hanako left Tsukasa in some sort of void for decades and now he continues to keep him around as a yorishiro despite knowing it makes Tsukasa miserable. He loves him so much that he can’t let him go even when it would be good for Tsukasa. That’s selfish, it’s toxic, and on Tsukasa’s side things aren’t much better. He adores his brother but he also resents him for everything he’s done. He hurts him emotionally and attacks his friends. And, of course, Amane killed Tsukasa. Not exactly Brother of the Year
But through all of this, you can’t deny that the love is there. Fans who believe Amane hates Tsukasa kind of miss the point, Tsukasa wouldn’t be Amane’s yorishiro if he hated him. He loves him dearly but in a very complicated way. Adding romance or lust to that love frankly doesn’t make sense to me, it’s adds an unnecessary layer that doesn’t line up with the rest of their dynamic. It feels like a “yes and” to their story. I have read analyses that explain both sides, and ultimately I remain against this theory
I hope this helped you understand my perspective!! I tried to be fair to both sides but as I mentioned, I’m very biased. This is a very uncomfortable subject so it was difficult to write about, but I like tackling more complex topics. I don’t block people who believe this theory unless I dislike the way they talk about it, some people insist it’s canon to the point of hating Tsukasa for it or saying the series is bad. But for those that are more open-minded about this theory, I don’t mind interacting with them. In general though this is something I try not to think about lol
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jewbeloved · 1 year
What taking a shower with the boys (Team Stan) is like 🧼🧽🛁🚿
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This is somewhat a sequel to the hot springs post but it's at a different time.
This idea has been on my mind for a while and I wanted to see how it would write out. So here 😅😅😅
Warnings: None
Gender: Neutral
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💚💙 The Main Four ❤️🧡
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You were probably the one who had the idea to take a shower with all 4 of them. I gotta say they were pretty taken up by it and they asked if you were okay or sure if you wanted to take a shower with them together.
Showering with 4 other people at the same time.... couldn't imagine it but it's happening right now.....
Your shower or bath was surprisingly big enough to fit all of you in it! Wow! 🤯
"Haha...are you guys still embarrassed about taking a shower with me? we always cuddle in bed and sleep ya know".
"Well.....it's a bit complicated (Name)....".
"I can't believe I am in a moment like this....".
"Come on, it won't be that bad you guys".
You were completely fine with this and they were a little concerned at first.
Their cheeks were completely red the whole time and you found that cute and funny.
It's basically Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny (well mostly Stan, Kyle, and Cartman) overreacting the whole time.
They have taken a bath together before but with you, it feels different. Something they just can't put on their tongue and figure out.
Nothing really ever happened while all 5 of you were bathing in the shower together. It's just you guys soaping up and washing off, that's it.
Well reader, you truly know how to make the boys flustered. Because their faces are now going to be red the whole time when you guys start cuddling before sleeping.💙💚🧡❤️
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Weird ideas like this always come to my head 🙃🙃🙃🙃
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9-1-1 (fox) x Hannibal (nbc)
(I would write a fanfic but I’m not in the mood)
All of last night I was thinking of this, anyway.
post fall and having lived in the woods for awhile, Hannibal and Will move to LA and become firefighters on the 118.
why? Well Hannibal didn’t want to go back into psychiatric work (bad memories) and loved doing medicine still, and thought “why not?”
flash forward, to him passing the tests and whatever and being a paramedic firefighter under the name Hans Anderson and does firefighter stuff.
everyone is like “Hans, is.. so weird” “he’s just European, English isn’t his first language” “but.. he’s so weird.”
eventually Will gets bored of staying at home with his dogs, and applies and becomes a firefighter too.
so the duo starts being REALLY WEIRD, mostly the whole
“hanni. Your not cooking them pork”
“Will, but the team would love my recipe”
“I do not want to help you choose a pig, no.”
“But will :(“
“no means no, we will make chicken for the team”
and the 118 mostly buck is like
”guys, what was that about?” “Buck. Just let them fight they will calm down later” “but what was the whole ‘no I am not choosing a pig’ thing about that’s a weird thing to say.” “Buck.. Hans and Will are just weird, don’t look to deep into it, it’s probably a European thing”
will uses his think like a killer thing for emergencies they go on to figure out what happened, everyone is very impressed and freaked out mostly by how well he figures out where when on the run murders take their victims and the whole “this is my design” thing he mutters.
Hannibal despite what the media and chilton pushed he actually liked helping people and saving them from their deaths, he just also liked eating people.
whenever Hannibal runs headfirst into a flaming building to help people? Will is right behind him, whenever Will runs into a flaming burning headfirst? Hannibal is right behind him.
after a rescue, Will changed his clothes in the change room and some of the 118 saw his MASSIVE SCARS, mostly the one on his abdomen.
obviously they didn’t think it was old and were promptly asking questions and trying to treat Will while he was getting ready flustered.
“Guys, please just stop. It’s a old scar, it’s not a big deal”
“guys, it’s just from someone who hurt me, it’s fine”
“It doesn’t matter, it’s in the past I don’t care anymore.”
the 118 start being extra observant when Will gets injured in the stomach.
but when they bring up the whole thing to Hannibal
“Oh, Will’s scar? He got it when a boat rotor he was working on suddenly came on and gutted him, I was there.”
they stopped asking about it, but after awhile they noticed the bullet scars, and the scar on his head, and some more.
then it came to Hans’s odd behavior.
the way he wrapped his arms like they were bound when he was stressed, the weird feelings like they were being stalked by a predator but it was just Hans lounging around reading a book or other things, his odd jokes about food Will always laughed hard maybe they were inside jokes, those times when he was able to diagnose with 100% accuracy patients ill’s and everytime he joked “I could smell it”.
he was weird, and the fights he and Will had were evenly as weird.
one time when most of the 118 was out doing a rescue Will and Hans were getting into a heated argument while they cooked.
buck was kind of the only one there having sprained his knee on a previous rescue and was healing up. Buck was being really quiet mostly just sitting in a chair while he put some ice on his knee when. He heard it.
“Hanni, I can’t believe you. After everything we’ve been through? After everything you’ve put ME through? I can handle be thrown in a mental asylum, I can handle being framed, but THIS? Hanni, I love you but I can’t deal with this right now.”
“Will, I just wanted to make something for you. To show you my love.”
“Hanni, you always have. But this was stupid, I love your cooking I love you, but just can’t you source your meat any other way? can’t you show me your love while not slaughtering our food for us?”
“Will, Bella. I will for you, I will. I am sorry.”
“I can’t blame you, it’s so sweet. But just Stop it, you can’t keep this up.”
“Okay Bella, okay.”
buck just was so confused by the whole thing, Hans and Will were in love??? Will went to a mental asylum and was FRAMED??
buck really wanted to say something but they were quietly talking about the food and it seemed like a private conversation.
it was really weird though, the whole “food” aspect of it.
And it kept happening, these weird arguments about food.
always when Hans and Will thought there was no one around and buck happened to be creeping around because Hans’s cooking was SO GOOD.
he heard these snippets of a life before the 118, and it was just them talking about this girl Abbigail and murder cases?
just quietly lamenting this girl, with grief in their throats.
hans also talked about this other person Mischa, and how they were dead.
Hans and Will never talked much about their time before the 118, they mentioned something about Cuba one time but that was it.
the scars they shared violent and deep, the way they just were able to see and understand grisly killers.
just everything about them was wrong or hidden, they just are strange.
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tamelee · 2 years
Okay, I personally ship SNS and think that it is THE best written relationship in Naruto, even if one doesn’t want to view them as strictly romantic. I even think there’s fairly strong evidence for Naruto and Sasuke being purposely written as… non-hetero, is what I’ll go with.
However, there is one part in the manga/anime which possibly conflicts with this idea, and was hoping you could offer an explanation (I’m reallly liking your posts btw).
In the arc where Naruto is with Sakura, Yamato, and Sai, there’s a part where they stop at an inn and hots springs/bath place. Sakura goes to the women’s section by herself, while Naruto goes to the men’s bath section with Yamato and Sai (and Naruto also seems embarrassed and oddly flustered? Which is weird because I thought that bathing among other men isn’t weird in Japanese culture, but maybe Naruto he just doesn’t feel comfortable around them?) and at some point Naruto decides to peep on Sakura before being strongly discouraged by Yamato.
My question is, what’s up with Naruto apparently being attracted/still having a crush on Sakura? How does this fit into a SNS reading of the manga?
(Btw I also find that moment weird because (A) Naruto’s “crush” is basically nonexistent immediately before and after this scene, and (B) I thought Naruto didn’t approve of peeping because he always called Jiraiya out on it?)
Anyway, thank you for your time
Hi @rosencrantznewblue ! ♡ thankyou for your ask (ノ´ з `)ノ
"Sakura goes to the women’s section by herself, while Naruto goes to the men’s bath section with Yamato and Sai (and Naruto also seems embarrassed and oddly flustered? Which is weird because I thought that bathing among other men isn’t weird in Japanese culture, but maybe Naruto he just doesn’t feel comfortable around them?)"
Exactly. So you kind of answered your own question there. It's weird isn't it? Why would Naruto be so awkward bathing with Sai and Yamato? Well, at the time these two aren't his favorite people, sure. But this is a pattern with Naruto.
Let's examine the scene first.
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He hugs his knees, barricading himself almost hiding underwater. This, while Yamato expresses that "guys being together naked makes them feel like companions!" Naruto who kept blushing throughout the scene, very much doesn't feel that way.
In fact, Sai decided to comment on his..
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It makes Naruto shout really loudly mentioning, well "penises". He went from being awkward to pretty much hysterical. Naruto overreacts despite Sai overstepping boundaries.
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This makes all the ladies laugh.
This is important because he already looked nervous. And now he embarrassed himself in front of his new teammates. -'Totally uncool what would they think of this behavior?'- It is realistic. Well.. this is clever writing because Naruto's story and how he comes to deal with his own feelings and understanding them is a huge part of it. How does he deal with this awkward situation?
Of course when he hears the woman laugh he gets an idea and grins. He's seen Jiraiya do it too many times after all. Peeking at the woman's bath. It is complete deflection. Naturally, Yamato stands up when he figures out what Naruto is about to do.
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"My question is, what’s up with Naruto apparently being attracted/still having a crush on Sakura?"
He doesn't. It has nothing to do with Sakura. I think, if I remember correctly, the Anime did make this scene about Sakura but that wasn't the point. Kishimoto is such a damn genius who depicts Naruto's struggle brilliantly in subtle and obvious ways. There is another one-shot where the exact same pattern with Naruto in the Onsen appears. It isn't Canon but made by Kishimoto anyway.
Naruto lies when Sakura and Sai see him brain-rotting over Sasuke. Instead he says he was planning a date with Sakura.
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When Kakashi tells Naruto he likes him Naruto yet again overreacts. He tells him to "not say weird shit like that you friggin idiot!" and "your creepy ass threw me off!" even though very obviously Kakashi didn't mean it like that. And Naruto's reaction was completely uncalled for.
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And during the Bell Test(? if I remember), Kakashi said he liked Naruto as well. This isn't the first time at least. Yet when Naruto is older and struggling he gets awkward and flustered about it. When Sai pulls an arm around Naruto he gets mad. On the other hand.. When others insult Sakura by calling her ugly or a bitch (Konohamaru) he doesn't care. Naruto didn't see any difference in her appearance after the time-skip she "looked fine!" and "didn't change at all!" even though Sasuke looks " カッコイイ" (cool, attractive, good looking) and again in Gaiden (handsome). Even Haku was cuter than Sakura. He has no problem calling his mother beautiful either.
.. okay there are too many moments. The point is, just take Naruto's confession under the bridge, his thoughts during VotE1 and confessions VotE2 and his patterns make sense. Peeking at the women after that awkward situation is part of it. (As is lying.) Kishimoto slow-burned his way through Naruto realizing that his feelings for Sasuke weren't normal and tried to hide it with the help of Sakura, because it is convenient. And I think it is so clever- Imma stop now.
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desert-rose24 · 2 years
Saved By The Freak (Eddie Munson x Plus Size Reader)
(Author's Note: Hi! I can't believe that this is my first post! I hope you enjoy it and let me know how it is! Leave some suggestions or requests on what else I should write if you want to read more content from me!)
I do not give any permission for my work to be copied, translated, modified, or reposted on any other site, app, or platform I've never been a small girl...ever. I'm not one of those girls that used to be thin and ate a lot, causing them to gain weight. And no, I'm not one of those cliche "big" girls that are short with thick thighs and a flat stomach. Nope, not me at all. I'm just down-right fat. I'm not ashamed to admit it, especially when I have a stomach, not much, but noticeably bigger than my ass and flabby arms. Yet, somehow, he still made me feel like the most beautiful person to walk this earth.
It was 8:00pm on a Friday afternoon. My best friends, Stacy and Jasmine, were staying the night at my place. The night had started slow, watching movies and eating all the snacks we could find. After about 4 movies, small conversations about the film turned into late night gossip.
"You know that Jessica hooked up with Zach?" Stacy says with judgment in her voice.
"Isn't he dating Brenda though?" I questioned.
"Yeah Y/N, like he cares about that" she replied. Jasmine shook her head in disapproval.
"Guys are such assholes. Why do they always have to think with everything else except their head?" Jasmine said in frustration.
"That's it, I'm switching sides. I like girls now" Stacy says, shrugging her shoulders. Jasmine then leaned closer to Stacy's ear and pushed her hair behind her ear.
"Oh, do you now? We can go back to my place and have a little fun then" Jasmine says seductively. Stacy looks flustered and red as she pushes Jasmine away. I stay quiet as I feel my face get hot. I start to fan myself with my hand as Jasmine sits back to where she was, laughing her heart out.
That's the one thing I always admired about my friends. Stacy was always the one that was open about her thought and feelings. She isn't afraid to say it like it is, which is why it makes her the perfect person to vent to about anything. Jasmine, on the other hand, was the daring one. Always trying to live it up as much as she can, but she also knew to be serious when she needed to be. I then got torn away from my thoughts when I hear something hit my bedroom window. Stacy opened the window, revealing her boyfriend, Fred.
"What is Fred doing here?" I said in disbelief. I looked back at Jasmine in confusion as she shrugged her shoulders in response.
"Okay, I know that it's supposed to be a girl's night, but Fred told me that there's a huge party tonight. Other schools in town are supposed to be there!" Stacy excitedly says. Jasmine and I get up from our places, smiling. Nodding our heads at each other, Stacy tells Fred to give us a second as we started getting ready. After getting ready, I made sure to leave a movie playing and the lights in my room turned off before leaving out the window. My parents are usually asleep by now, but we can't be too careful.
Once we got to the party, my senses were filled with the sound of blaring music and the smell of alcohol. As we headed inside, the sights of couples making out caught my eye. I know it's weird, but I've always been a curious girl. A big girl can dream too, right? The feeling of lips touching as you're grabbing at each other, hungry for more. Mixing saliva as your tongues swirl around, looking for dominance. Biting my lip, I snap myself out of my thoughts. I press on and enter the house, immediately going for the alcohol. I've always enjoyed parties, but I absolutely hate the stares I get from people. The disgusted looks as they whisper while walking past me. Don't get me wrong, I don't care what anyone thinks of me, it's just that bad feeling you get when you know that people are talking about you. Grabbing a cup, I pour a mixture of vodka and something fruity, I didn't even bother looking at it. As long as it tastes good, there will be no questions.
While enjoying my drink for the past hour, I see Jasmine talking to someone. A girl that I've seen around school. I think her name is Robin? Robin then whispers something in Jasmine's ear, making her giggle. They started walking off deeper into the house into what I think I can assume is a bedroom. As they walked, Jasmine looks at me from a distance, winks at me, and sticks her tongue out in excitement. I playfully roll my eyes and took a sip of my drink. Oh yeah, did I mention Jasmine is into girls? It wasn't that obvious, was it?
About half an hour and three drinks later, I start feeling buzzed. Totally relaxed, I lose myself in the crowd and start dancing. Swaying my hips and letting my hands roam my body. I then feel a pair of hands rest on my hips as my back is on a firm chest. I turn my head around in annoyance, trying to see who the invader is. Yeah, I have no idea who this guy is. Anyways, I grab his hands and throw them off my hips, now walking away to the back door for some air. As I walked out the door, I felt the same guy grab my forearm, making me turn around to face him.
"Where you going, honey?" He said aggressively, his grip on my arm tight. I start trying to pull away from him, fear creeping into my chest.
"Let go of me, you creep" I responded, frustrated. My pulling movements getting harder. He then grabbed my wrist with his other hand and harshly pushed me against the wall of the house. I wince from the slight pain of the brick scratching on my back. He slides his hand down my arm, now holding my other wrist. Being unsuccessful in fighting his grip, I kick him in the crotch. Letting go of my wrists, he hunched over in pain. I take this time to push him onto the ground and run. Right when I grab the door handle, he grabs my shoulder and turns me around. Once I face him, I feel my head swing to the right. My body stumbling and eventually landing on my knees to the ground.
"That'll teach you, you fat bitch" he said as I felt the stinging pain start to settle on my cheek, small tears forming in my eyes. I look down in embarrassment, not wanting this idiot to be entertained by the sight of my crying. I then hear quick footsteps, like if someone was running. I look up to see someone punch my harasser. It was like it happened in slow motion. A guy with long hair punching this douche that slapped me. I see that asshole fall to the ground, knocked out cold. The guy with long hair shifts his eyes towards me and I finally see his face. I recognize him, I know that he goes to my school, but what was his name? I only know that people call him freak, but that's no use considering he just saved me from that douche.
"You okay?" he said, his eyes softening as he kneels down in front of me. For some reason, all I can do is blink at him. No words or sounds want to come out. He then grabbed my hand and helps me up off the ground.
"C'mon, let's get you outta here, sweetheart" he mutters to me, dragging me behind him, still holding my hand. Sweetheart? I've never been called that. What was his deal? Why was I so stunned by him?
We get to what I can assume is his van. He then opens the door to the passenger seat and gestures his hand towards the seat, telling me to get inside. I cautiously get in the van, and he closes the door. As he's getting in the driver's seat, I get lost in my thoughts. He hasn't even given me any looks of disgust or little mutters of insults like everyone else. He helped me when nobody else did. He's being so gentle and kind. Does he just simply pity me or is there something more? Ugh, stop overthinking it Y/N. There is absolutely nothing more.
I get pulled out of my thoughts when I hear him snap his fingers in front of my face. I blink and look towards him in confusion.
"So, uh, I was asking, where do you live? I can take you home if you want" he says awkwardly with a slight face of embarrassment.
"146 Silver Avenue" I respond with a shy smile. He let out a small chuckle and started making his way to my house. Sobriety then started making its way into my system. The car ride was quiet, no sound or word came out from either of us. The only thing you could hear was the loud metal music coming from the radio. I didn't mind it, at least it filled the silence. I couldn't put my finger on it, but there was this...tension. I could feel it in the pit of my stomach. It wasn't a bad feeling, just one that I've never felt before. I took a quick look at him, trying to observe him. I never saw him this up close before. I only saw him when he was creating his little scenes in the cafeteria, but never like this. I'm still super frustrated over the fact that I don't know his actual name. I never noticed how handsome he is. I was completely mesmerized by him, it felt as if I couldn't look away.
He then pulled up to my house, stopping right in front of the driveway. We stayed in our seats for what seemed like an hour but was actually a minute. I looked over at him slowly, careful to not make any sudden movements that could somehow change the mood, him doing the same.
"Thank you for helping me back there. I wasn't expecting anyone to come to the rescue" I said, giving a small laugh at the end. He then let out a soft laugh, making my heart flutter.
"It's no problem. I'm happy to be your knight in shining armor, m'lady. Eddie Munson, pleased to make your acquaintance" he responded with a small smirk. I then felt my cheeks heat up when he said his name. I shook off that feeling and returned a genuine smile.
"Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you, Eddie" I said. We stayed looking at each other for a while, eye contact not breaking for a second. There it was, that tension again. I bit my lip as I was drinking in his features, burning it into my brain, not wanting to forget anything. I look from his eyes down to his lips and back up to his eyes. I then feel myself slowly start to lean into him as he did the same. My eyes fluttered closed as I felt his hand cup my chin, bringing me closer to him.
There it was. The ecstasy I had been looking for. Our lips melted together as if they were a perfect fit. Our tense muscles finally loosening. His hand left my chin and now held my face in both his hands. The kiss started off sweet and loose, but now it was getting hungrier. Our lips moved faster as we pressed our lips harder against each other. I then felt his tongue press up against my lips, asking for permission. I slowly opened my mouth to give him entrance. His tongue started swirling with mine, not fighting for dominance, just enjoying the pleasure. I let out a soft moan as our tongues rubbed together. I then brought my arms up, one around his neck and the other in his hair. He let out a soft grunt as I stroked his soft curls.
We then pulled away, leaving a small string of saliva between our lips. He leaned his forehead against mine, both of us slightly panting. I let out a small chuckle of satisfaction. He then pulled away and smiled.
"What's so funny, sweetheart?" he playfully said.
"That was my first kiss" I giggled. Eddies face had gone from proud to shocked.
"What? As beautiful as you are, princess? I don't believe it" he said in disbelief.
"Well, it's true" I sassily replied. He then sighed in satisfaction before responding.
"Well lucky me, sweetheart" he said, giving me a smirk. I gave him a quick peck on the lips before I pulled away to get out of the car. Before I got out, he grabbed my wrist, stopping me. I looked back at him in confusion. He then gave me a small smile.
"I'll see you around?" he questioned. I smiled back at him, grabbing a pen lying around his van and wrote my phone number on his hand.
"Call me, okay?" I gently said. He nodded in excitement as I got out the van. He drove off as I was walking towards my window, getting ready to sneak back in. Once I got in bed, I fell asleep to the wonderful flashback in his van. His soft, firm hands holding my face. The way our tongues swirled in such passion. The want and need for each other as the kiss grew hungrier for each other. I then fell asleep with one more thought on my mind.
If he could kiss so well, what else could he do? If I'm addicted to his kiss, what else could I get addicted to?
(Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed my very first post! I know that it's long, but I would really appreciate if you guys could give me some feedback or requests! Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! I love you guys so much!)
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fbfh · 2 years
rocks at your window pt. 12 - ricky bowen x reader
disclaimer: this series contains smut and chapter by chapter warnings, so as with all nsfw works, ricky is aged up to 18+!! ricky and reader are 18 and in their senior year. additionally, ricky begins to desplay more symptoms of mental illness and bpd but he does get therapy and has a good support system. Obviously I'm not a professional and this is for entertainment so while I have done my research pls take this with a grain of salt!! or several!! /lh
!! contains some spoilers for season 1 of hsmtmts, and previous chapters of this fic !!
wc: 5k
genre: mild hurt/lotta comfort, smut, feels
pairing: ricky bowen x (afab she/her) reader
warnings: post show depression, more backstory for reader, brief mentions of gifted kid burnout and rediscovering your love for theatre, more fake texts, ricky is down ba-a-a-a-ad, classic Hot Boy Climbing Through Your Window moment, heart to heart convos, smut, body worship, clit sucking n fingering, penetrative sex, emotional 'i love you' sex, ricky begging <3, possible cliff hanger?? (BUT NOT BAD I PROMISE)
summary: it's late at night and you're reflecting on your experience performing high school musical the musical with all your fellow wildcats when someone shows up, throwing rocks at your window, and thinking the exact same thing.
song recs: rocks - imagine dragons, end of all things - panic at the disco, I hear a symphony - cody fry, fuck it I love you - lana del rey, tell me that you love me - victorious cast, where do we go from here - amelie obc, I can't handle change - roar
a/n: this is the last chapter of rocks. I got so emotional writing this and I sincerely hope yall enjoy. also before anyone asks YES I'm planning a sequel about season 2 but it's curretnly tba. I hope you cry when you hear rocks by imagine dragons and get flustered as FUCK when you hear tell me that you love me by the victorious cast because Ricky Bowen needs to be told I love you to cum it's canon Tim Federle told me so. Fangz again to Cici for proof reading and fangz to you guys for reading <3 send in Ricky asks lol
tags @yesv01 @hopefullhearts @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @afidiofobia @aliyahsutherland @pikzel @demirunner @brinaslittlefreak @girlfriendwhoseawitch @matiere-detoiles @ifilwtmfc @uselesssapphickitten @nxstalgicnxbxdy @ggclarissa @n-slayaaaaa @stormi-ames @rainforest-daisies @sunshineangel-reads
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The show is over, midterms are over, now it’s Friday night and you can’t sleep. It’s one of a handful of Fridays over the past few months that you haven’t spent at rehearsal, and no matter how many times they roll around, it still feels weird. You chalk it up to routine, muscle memory, but part of you still worries you’ll be late when you see it’s past 6pm. You miss the El Rey, you miss the auditorium and rehearsal room at school, you miss circle time with Miss Jenn and all your friends. Post show depression always sucks, but after everything that happened during High School Musical, how intense things got, the letdown is worse than usual. 
Even all the fun things Miss Jenn had planned to keep everyone’s spirits up until the next show gets announced are all over. You’d spent a week with your friends learning a song about winter Ashlyn wrote and Gina and Carlos choreographed so everyone could do a flashmob for the new East High theatre department’s instagram page. Miss Jenn got everyone together to make some content in advance to post before the break, but you finished your last take of the flashmob after school today. New Year’s isn’t until later this week, so you’ve finally reached the wasteland between closing one show and starting another. 
“Hey,” your mom says softly from your doorway, and you look up from where you’re sitting on your bed. You greet her quietly, flipping through your playbill from the show, still wearing your cast shirt. You have a few open hat boxes in front of you, adorned in light florals and other delicate patterns and designs. Each one of them is full to the brim with playbills, confetti, and other mementos from past shows, except the one in front of you, which still has some room left in it. 
Your mom walks over to you, watching your expression closely as you flip through your playbill, not wanting to put it away just yet. She rests her hand on your back, rubbing her thumb affectionately before tucking the tag of your shirt back into the neck. You both know what’s coming. You think back to the deal you made with her after your dad left. You didn’t realize until months after how much you’d been struggling with everything. Your mom discussed dropping out of the show you were in, even though you were so close to opening night, and you’d refused. You’re not the type to drop out of a show you’ve spent months rehearsing for just because of some struggles in your personal life. 
Your mom could see clear as day how you weren’t having fun like you used to, how burnt out you were going to get if you kept up like that. What kind of mother would she be if she just let you do that to yourself? Once you’d found a new house and a new job out in Utah, you came to the agreement that you’d take a break for the summer. After that, if you wanted to do theatre again, you could do a show at your new school - nothing high pressure, or competitive and catty, or overly professional. After that, if you still want to, you can return back to professional theatre after you graduate. 
“So?” she says softly. Your chest squeezes, and you’re so grateful that you’ve been able to feel and see and do and experience every single thing you love about theatre so much. There had been no high stakes, nothing riding on you and your ability to perform. It was just fun. Passion. A passion you don’t know if you’ll ever be able to let go of. 
“I want to do the next show.” You say, without a trace of reservation. She smiles softly, looking down at you. She hasn’t seen you like this, so much like yourself, in years. You’re glowing and at peace, and she has never, ever been happier to see it. After everything the two of you have been through, the divorce - and the events leading up to it - she remembers this is what she’s been fighting for, the goal she’s been working toward; seeing you happy and thriving. She had a hunch that high school theatre was exactly what you needed, and now she thanks her lucky stars she was right.  
You don’t talk about what you’re going to do after the next show, it’s not quite time to worry about that yet. There’s no need to rush anything, especially when it comes to stuff like this. You’re sure that when it comes time to make a decision, you’ll know in your heart what the right one will be. But even just from looking at you, even if you don’t know yet, your mom has another hunch that you’ll be back in New York, lighting up every stage on Broadway at some point. She presses a kiss to your forehead, rubbing your back again as you finally, reluctantly place your playbill in the open hat box in front of you. 
“Try to get some rest, sweetie.” 
She goes off to bed, and now you really have nothing to do. You sigh as you organize your hat boxes back on the top shelf of your closet, in the order you usually keep them in. You look around, deciding to clean your room. You run down to the kitchen to get a trash bag, then return to your room. You dig through all the scented candles you’ve been hoarding and pick out a nice smelling one to light, then put something on Netflix for some background noise. You start by folding your laundry, then pick up any stray trash. Usually cleaning your room gives you time to think, but you’re not really thinking much of anything now. You’re grateful for the break.��
You move from task to task, losing track of time as Netflix continues to autoplay. You pause what you’re doing for a second, trying to figure out why two characters are arguing. You’ve barely been paying attention, but are still managing to follow the plot for the most part. During that moment of stillness, you hear your phone buzz with a text. You pick it up, shocked at how late it is, how quickly the time got away from you. It also makes you wonder who could be texting you so late. It’s Ricky. That makes sense, you think. You wonder what he’s doing up so late as you open the message. 
You set your phone on the windowsill, then head towards your closet to try and make some sense of it. You’re not sure how it got to be such a hot mess - in all fairness, it’s not really that messy. You just need a project to work on. You straighten up your hanging clothes, refold all your jeans and folded sweaters, then reorganize it by color. Or maybe cut. You’re not sure yet. You make a mental note to rewatch Tidying Up with Marie Kondo later for more ideas. 
You decide to revisit that in a few minutes, instead turning to all the pillows and blankets hidden on the floor of your closet. You adjust them, remembering the first time you’d shown your nap hole to Ricky. Your mind wanders idly, recounting all the things that have happened since then. You really hope that in spite of everything, Ricky had a good time performing. A part of you really hopes he’s going to do more shows. He’s so talented, and he has so much natural potential. After what he’s been through, it would make total sense if he never wanted to do theatre again, but a part of you silently hopes that he’s grown to love it the way you do. 
You turn your head suddenly, wondering if you’d imagined the small noise. You glance back at the window, and see you left your phone there. You figure it was a notification or something. When you press the power button to check, you’re met with the words no new notifications on your lock screen. 
Something moves in the corner of your vision, followed by another noise, then another.
Thunk- crack! 
Your brow furrows as you stare at the hairline fracture left in the glass of your window. You try to peer down, but it’s so dark you can’t really see anything. You open your window up wide, lifting the latch and popping out the screen. You lean your head out just enough to look down, but it’s still too dark. You turn on your phone flashlight and hold tight to your popsocket, angling the beam down, only to be met with Ricky. 
He’s holding a small plastic bag and a handful of rocks to throw until he gets your attention. He waves up at you awkwardly, and you laugh, covering your mouth to not make too much noise. It sounds beautiful. Everything you do is always so beautiful, he’s not sure why he’s still surprised when you take his breath away effortlessly. His stomach twists for a moment, and he hopes he gives you butterflies like you give him all the time. He looks up at you, and leaning down from your window like this, he thinks you’d make a really good Juliet. He’s not sure if you’ve done any Shakespeare before, but he makes a mental note to ask. 
You watch from above as he holds the plastic bag in his mouth and starts climbing up the tree next to your house. You lose sight of him for a moment, until he reappears on the lattice on the side of your house. He’s careful not to disturb the ivy slowly growing its way up in spite of the cold weather. You laugh in disbelief, watching him climb through your window until he’s standing in front of you. It feels like something out of a movie, and your heart is pounding in your chest. 
“You could have used the door…” you laugh. 
“Well,” he shrugs, “I wanted to shake it up a little.” He smiles at you, pulling something out of the bag. 
“I brought you coffee.” He pulls a to go cup out of the bag, handing it to you. He’s hopeful it will make you happy, and the way your eyes light up when you accept the drink is worth the stranger looks he got from the barista for ordering espresso at 11 at night. He takes out his drink, throwing the empty plastic bag in your garbage. You look up at him with those pretty eyes and his stomach flips. You move closer, pressing a kiss to his lips, one he leans into. 
“Thanks,” you say after pulling away, sending him the most blinding, dazzling smile. He’s been inside you more times than he can count, and your kisses still make his head all fuzzy. He lets out a soft laugh, feeling a little high from your attention. He sits on your bed, watching you as you sit backwards on your desk chair. You both sip your drinks, and it’s quiet for a moment. 
“Couldn’t sleep?” you ask. He lets out a breathy laugh, surprised at how well you can read him. 
“It… still feels weird not being at rehearsal.” he says, thinking out loud. You nod in silent understanding of everything left unsaid. You chuckle lightly.
“Yeah, post show depression will really kick your ass.” He laughs, feeling called out at your words. 
“Yeah…” he agrees. When Nini dumped him, he felt like there was a sinkhole in his chest. Then after that, when she left, when she just walked out on him and his dad, he felt like he was going to cave in. Then he met you. You didn’t make him stop missing her or Nini, but you gave him something to lean on. You helped him realize he had something else to think about - the show. Now he doesn’t think about Nini nearly as much as he used to; that wound is starting to heal. As for the other thing, long as he doesn’t let himself think about her or Todd, as long as he keeps moving, he’s sort of okay. 
But now he’s feeling a new kind of emptiness. He doesn’t like goodbyes, he never has, so even though he knew closing night would be hard, he didn’t expect it to hurt this much. He didn’t expect himself to grow so familiar with the soundtrack and the script, running lines and remembering blocking. He didn’t expect to miss being called Troy so much. 
“I didn’t ever expect to love theatre, or love you, as much as I do,” he muses. You glance down, face flushed from his words. He gives you butterflies so effortlessly, it’s really amazing. 
“I love you too,” you smile, taking another sip of your drink. He giggles - actually giggles - at your words. 
“So,” you continue, “you liked it? Doing the show, I mean. I know there were some ups and downs but-” 
“I loved it.”
He smiles, and you both laugh, light and bubbling over your shared adoration of each other and the experiences you just shared. 
"I really, really loved it." He breathes, distracted for a moment as he remembers it all. "I just… I didn't expect to be so sad after?" 
You spin a little in your seat, taking another sip as you listen. 
"Like, I spent so much time learning how to become Troy, learning all the lines and blocking and choreo and now I'm never going to get to do that again."
"Yeah," you agree, looking down. "I mean, that's the beauty of theatre; it's always fleeting, but there's always going to be another show."
You can see him soaking in your words, really letting them in. It doesn't mitigate his sadness, but you don't expect it to. You get up from where you’re spinning side to side on your desk chair and sit next to him on your bed, placing your coffee on the night table. You wrap your arm around him, resting your head on his shoulder. You don’t say anything, and you don’t need to. Your presence is more comforting than words could be. Maybe it’s the sweet smell of your peachy perfume, maybe it’s the way you’re so consistent in his life, but he’s reminded in a rush of the first night you spent together. Memories replay like flashbacks in his mind, and after a moment, he turns his head toward you. 
His face is so close to yours, and it’s obvious what he’s thinking from the bedroom eyes he’s giving you, flicking between yours and your lips. It happens so suddenly, your heart barely has time to pound before he’s pressing his lips to yours in a deep kiss. Ricky needs a distraction from the ache in his chest. He needs something else to do, something else to think about, something else that makes him happy. He can’t think of something better to focus on than you. He deepens the kiss as you hold on to him tight, loving the way you always melt under his touch. You sigh against him, giggling as he works your lips open, slipping his tongue into your mouth. 
He climbs on top of you as his hands move down. He takes his time, feeling you up, obsessing over every part of you until he gets to your thighs. He gropes your pretty thighs that he wants so badly to put his face between, not missing the way you were squirming a moment ago, already needy for some friction. He slots himself between your legs as he presses kisses into your neck, adoring the pretty sighs and noises you let out. He squeezes your thighs in his hands, before pulling you flat on your back with him hovering on top of you. The sudden change in position makes your heart race, and you can feel your cunt getting hot and puffy with arousal. The expression on your face makes it so worth it, he thinks, watching it grow even more flustered as he moves down. He pulls off your shirt and presses kisses between your tits. He plays with them, squeezing and running his thumbs over your hardened nipples in little circles. No matter how many times he sees them, it always feels like the first time, when all he could say was Wow. Oh my god. Wow. You let out a choked noise at the feeling, one he reciprocates, moaning into the soft flesh he has in his mouth.
“Fuck, Ricky…” you breathe, watching him closely as he moves down, trailing kisses along your stomach, squeezing your waist and hips, finally tugging off your bottoms. He trails his fingers over your panties for a moment, taking in how pretty they look on you, how much he loves to see that little wet spot growing bigger and bigger. He throbs as he takes them off, and you watch with wide eyes as he opens your legs a bit more. 
“There we go,” he says softly, and your pussy pulses in anticipation of his touch. He spreads you open, taking a moment to take in how pretty your pussy is, how nice you look all spread open for him like this. It’s a shorter moment than he would have liked, he just can’t resist you, he can’t wait to press soft kisses to your heat, to flick his tongue over your clit, to make you feel good. He won’t wait any longer, doing just that, listening to every noise that escapes your pretty lips like a breathtaking song. He traces a finger around your dripping hole, fluttering and desperate for contact. 
As he works his first finger in, he can't help but feel like he's home. You're so tight around just one finger, he wonders how you're always able to take all of him. The thought makes his stomach flutter with anticipation. He pumps his finger in and out gently, feeling you get wetter around him as you get used to the sensation. He continues licking and sucking on your clit, pulsing in his mouth, as he does. You taste amazing, and he wants more and more. 
"Fuck, Ricky…" you sigh, and it's like music to his ears. He pushes his second finger in, and moans against your clit as he feels your tight walls stretch and relax to accommodate him. You let out a sharp gasp, throbbing erratically against his tongue. He scissors his fingers, breath hitching as you stretch around him. 
“Oh my god,” you choke out in a breathy sigh, “Ricky…” 
He loses all his progress as you clamp around him, bucking into his mouth as you cum around his fingers. He pauses for a moment, dizzy from the sensation, that he did that to you, made you feel that good. You tug on his hair, and before you can even ask, he knows. You want more of him, want him inside you. He climbs up on top of you. You tear his clothes off, throwing them on the floor, not wanting to waste a moment. His cock throbs, almost painfully hard, and he can’t wait any longer. He needs to be inside you more than anything. He lets out a jagged sigh, pumping his cock in anticipation. He’s so ready, more ready than he’s ever been to be welcomed back into your wet, hot, tight embrace. 
He finally begins to nudge his cock inside you. He chokes at how easily it goes in, how you seem to pull him deeper and deeper inside you. You’re ready for him, even more so than usual from how hard he made you cum a few minutes before. He can feel you suck him up inside you, gripping and squeezing him just right. Each time you let him inside, each time you let him stretch out your perfect, dripping cunt, it always feels unimaginably better than the last. Every single time, he thinks that this, you, have to be the best he’ll ever have. And every single time, he’s right. You feel so good, so indescribably good, a part of him wants to cum right on the spot. 
“Fuck, I love you…” He chokes out, voice breathy. And he means it. God, does he mean it. He says it right as he pushes his cock inside you, filling you up in the most delicious way, knocking the breath out of your lungs in tandem. You try to say it back, you want to say it back, but his tongue is already shoved down your throat as he covers your mouth with deeper and deeper kisses. He’s insatiable, not ever getting as much of you as he needs to satisfy what he’s craving. 
He starts moving, unable to wait, unable to stop himself from pistoning his cock as deep inside you as he can get it. He drags his cock against your gummy walls, the friction already making you both dizzy. He keeps going, rutting his hips into yours, moaning into your mouth. He cages you in with his arms, resting his hands on your cheeks as he gazes into your eyes. He’s so in love with you, so fucking in love with you. You’re… his world. You’re his everything. Everything he does revolves around you; he’s not the main character in his story, you are. 
He would move mountains for you, overcome anything, travel any distance just for you, to be in your arms. He loves you so much it almost hurts, and he knows he’s never felt more relief than he did on opening night, when he finally, finally told you everything he feels for you. He was so sick of biting it back, of worrying about timing, if you would say it back, if he could even say it at all. He can’t remember ever being happier than he was when he finally said fuck it, and spilled his guts to you. Right here, right now, he can feel the little bulge he’s making in your tummy. He can feel where your bodies are touching and squishing together, and he can feel you wrap your legs around him to pull him even closer. He didn’t think he could be any more crazy over you than he already is, but all of this, all of you is driving him to even higher heights than he could imagine. 
It’s overwhelming, and he moans, long and low into your mouth. There’s no other way to express what you make him feel than through his beautiful moans, like music to your ears, or telling you that he loves you every chance he gets, with his last breath he’ll be telling you again and again. He presses kisses to your cheek, moving down to your neck, taking in your sweet scent. God, he doesn’t think he’s ever wanted anyone this badly. He doesn’t think he’s wanted anyone or anything as much as he wants you. He’s so attracted to you, drawn to you in an almost primal way that leaves him rutting his hips into yours, grinding into your clit to get as close as possible, moaning shamelessly into your neck. It sends jolts of electricity through you, lighting you up like a powergrid. 
His breath hits your skin in steady, warm puffs. He lets out another moan as you scratch your nails down his back. Your hand tangles in his hair and tugs it just right, making him throb inside you. He knows in this moment that no one can ever make him feel this good, no one else can do what you do to him. He can feel himself getting closer and closer as he sucks bruises into your neck, leaving constellations of love bites across your perfect skin. Even though he’s holding you as tight as he can, drawing noises out of you that no one else has had the privilege of hearing, and it makes his head spin, he needs more. 
He finally pulls away from your neck, resting his forehead against yours. You lean up to kiss him, and even though he’s aching for you, he doesn't kiss you. Not quite yet. Instead, he looks into your eyes so deeply, so intensely, with such a burning hunger that you feel like you’re being fused together. He’s still panting, this time your warm breaths fan over each other’s faces as he really soaks in everything about you, how pretty you look in his arms like this - and fuck, you’re pretty. 
“I’m close, peach,” he pants, sending even more heat to your core, making you squeeze around him as he presses a burning kiss to your lips; one you accept eagerly.  
“‘M so close,” he says again between kisses, “Can- fuck- can you say it for me? Can you tell me? Please, peach, I need to hear it, need to hear you say it…” he rambles, drunk on you and p=-
You’re trying your best, but it would be a lot easier if everything he was saying and doing didn’t render you breathless and unable to do anything but moan and writhe beneath him. 
“I love you, Ricky,” you choke out, desperate and sincere. You finally connect your lips, only for him to moan into your mouth. It’s loud and shameless and has you teetering on the precipice. “Love you so much, so fucking much,” you continue to babble as he buries his face in your neck, moaning so much he almost can’t register what you’re saying. He’s glad you’re saying it anyway. 
He can barely register how close he is before he cums. It’s hard and sudden, and he’s barely able to hear your sweet words over the blood pounding in his ears. You let out a noise he thought only existed in porn, following closely behind him. Your legs shake around him as you grab him as tight as you can, desperate for something to hold onto. You squeeze him in a vice grip as you let out the most beautiful whines and moans, and it’s enough to make him dizzy. Just your noises alone are almost enough to make him hard again - which he probably would be, if you hadn’t just milked his cock completely dry. You stay like that for a moment, letting yourself be filled up with him, letting himself be squeezed tight by your throbbing walls. He can feel your heartbeat in your soft cunt, and he lets out a shuddering sigh at the feeling. He mutters sweet nothings into your ear, rambling about every good thing he feels for you. He doesn’t think he could shut up if he tried - he usually can’t when it comes to you. He presses more and more kisses to your skin as you mutter sweet nothings back, rubbing your hand over the red marks you’d left on his back, playing with his hair. You take your time coming down from this, letting yourselves be right here and now, in each other’s arms. 
Eventually, he pulls out more reluctantly than he’s done anything. You manage to clean up enough to fall back into bed, into each other’s arms. In those few moments, you glance around at the several unfinished cleaning tasks you’d started earlier. You shrug them off, telling yourself you’ll finish them later. As you’re welcomed into Ricky’s warm embrace, you think this is way more fun than cleaning anyway. 
You settle into each other, getting comfortable as he holds you tight against his chest. You can feel the steady rise and fall of each other’s breathing, your heartbeats gradually slowing back down, the warmth pooling between you. In the quiet air surrounding you, you can feel the calm turn into a sort of melancholy. You trace your fingers over his skin as he takes solace in you. Everything about you is so comforting, he can’t deny that you’re what’s kept him as centered as he’s been able to be. 
“Where do we go from here?” he asks.
His voice is quiet, breaking ripples into the glassy silence surrounding you, but you can hear the emotion wavering through it. You’re quiet for a moment, considering. You’re not quite sure if he means him and you, him and his dad, or the next audition. It doesn’t matter, you realize, because you’ll have his back through all of it. And he’ll have yours. 
“I dunno,” you start gently, and he holds onto your words, cherishing them like heirlooms, “but I do know one thing. Miss Jenn is announcing the next show in a few days, on New Year’s Eve. So, we should probably start thinking about audition music.” 
Just the briefest mention of auditions has him smiling at the memories from a few months ago, bursting in late with his guitar. At the time, he had only ever expected to remember that audition as the day he won Nini back. He never could have predicted what a different, more significant weight that would hold for him now. The mention of New Year’s Eve brings something else to mind as well. 
“Ashlyn’s having a New Year’s party, right?” 
“Yes!” you exclaim softly, “I totally forgot about that…” 
Ricky traces his thumb over your cheek as you discuss carpools and if you should bring drinks or cupcakes. He never knew he could feel this way, this warm, just from listening to someone talk. He doesn’t know what happens next. He doesn’t know what’s going to change, but he thinks he can handle it if he has you. He’s so wrapped up in you, so invested in the quiet little conversation you’re now having about sheet music and party outfits that he doesn’t notice his phone buzzing in the pocket of his jeans, strewn across your floor. After a moment it lights up with a new notification. 
1 missed call from Dr. Robert (therapist)
1 new voicemail from Dr. Robert (therapist) 
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puppy love | tanjirou x male! reader
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word count: 1.1k
just a completely unexpected tanjirou crush headcanon list! :D
warnings: none! pure fluff :3 (i refuse to make anything remotely sad (unless asked) (then i'll do it) (unwillingy))
tanjirou is a minor so please do not comment weird stuff under this!
i wasn't gonna write this and just ramble all this to a friend but i was like "why am i gonna torture them" /lh i love you damien
anyways i am only on s1 e15 so this might not be canon compliant to the manga or to swordsmith village or to season 2 and happens before all of that sadness
but anywho, please enjoy this and happy reading! :D all of this was very rushed bc of how fast i wanted to write this so sorry if its bad lol
don't forget to check out my ask box! <3 ask box rules are in my pinned post! requests are slow right now but i am more than happy to just chat!
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tanjiro is obviously a really determined kid, nothing really gets in the way of his journey or protecting his friends and nezuko
but i like to think that he has plenty of lovey dovey fantasies, sleeping beauty and cinderella type of thing where he thinks everyone is destined for love and that if you wish for it enough, it will come to you
but he can also be very oblivious so as much as he believes in soulmates, you would have to slap him across the face (though why would you do that?) for him to realize he was looking at the future love of his life
he's still a kid so the idea of love is very innocent to him and thats why i love him <3 but he can't really tell anyone about all of his daydreaming because zenitsu would give him a hard time and inosuke would laugh in his face
but tanjirou most definitely can't stop for too long in the places where he's assigned missions in (he wants to explore, he's naturally curious like that!) so in turn, he doesn't really have the time to fall in love or even have a crush
maybe one day he stops in a city or town, there's a festival going on and he's trying to get past all the crowds of people to get out of the city and get to his next mission
and maybe it's the cliche of you running away from someone (probably a bully) and you run into tanjirou and immediately scramble to hide behind him and beg him to help you, you'll do anything!
so now he has no choice but to give you a hand (he'd think about it for days if he didn't) and once he convinces the person to leave, you're on your hands and knees thanking him as he tries to reassure that it was his pleasure
"let me buy you a meal! it's the least i can do!" you say with a grateful smile; you don't give tanjiro time to respond as you take his hand and lead him to some food stands just a few feet away
from there, you treat tanjirou to more than just a meal, but snacks and even some local activities (im not japanese guys but i know there are plenty of super fun stuff to do)
once you actually look at him, you feel grateful that you stopped him when you did: his kind smile had you pleasantly staring at him, the way he would fluster so easily when you would compliment him, and just how overall nice he was for seemingly no reason
by the time you knew it, the streets were becoming quieter and less crowded and the night was cooling down but neither you or tanjirou had tried to stop talking
"oh, are you cold? here, you can take my haori." tanjirou says with a smile; how he had noticed the way you rubbed your hands over your arms made you flush a bit and even more so when he places the haori over your shoulders
it was warm with a soft scent you couldn't recognize on it but it wasn't necessarily unwelcome. a smile stretches onto your face before you look up at him; "aren't I supposed to be treating YOU? you must be hard to date, tanjirou." you tease, wrapping the haori over yourself a bit more as you nudge his arm
"ah, i couldn't let you spoil me like that, that would be selfish of me. i'm just as happy seeing you comfortable." he says with what you were learning was a signature smile
at that, you stop walking as a small laugh bubbles out of you which in turn makes tanjirou stop, a confused smile on his face as he looks at you; "what's so funny? did i say something?" he says as you start to step toward him
"nothing. you're just unreal, tanjirou. just perfect." you say, biting your lip to hide the growing smile on your face when you see a slight red on his cheeks now
of course, he immediately turns away and offers to walk you home, making up the excuse that he had somewhere to be the next morning; "not that i don't want to hang out, but it's pretty late! i don't think we should be out for much longer." tanjirou says when you tease him about wanting to get rid of you
once at your door, tanjirou bids you a good night but doesn't ask for his haori or move away: just stands there and looks around as you shift on your feet
"is the haori keeping you warm? it always helps me." "yes, thank you."
silence again until tanjirou clears his throat, the way red starts crawling up his neck making you tilt your head with a smile on your face
"if you're going to ask for my hand in marriage, tanjirou kamado, the answer is we are teenagers." you say, laughing when tanjirou's face turns a bright red before he starts to ramble about how those weren't his intentions
you finally get him to calm down, hand touching his arm as you squeeze it; tanjirou stands a little bit straigher when you do that, averting his eyes to the ground and mumbling an apology for losing his temper
"i need to go. but come and find me if you pass through here again. i'd be more than happy to treat you again." you say, earning a smile from tanjirou before, all in one motion, you take a step forward and kiss him on the cheek, disappearing into your home
tanjirou stands in shock with his hands hanging uselessly in the air before he realizes: he never got his haori back. he'd have to come back tomorrow. and get it. and see you.
mumbling to himself, he walks away from where you had just left him, cupping his cheek as a gentle smile starts to grow on his face
alerted by the noise and movement (and the fact that it was very late at night), nezuko pokes her head out of her box and looks to her brother who perks up at his sister's presence
"sorry about all the noise! we'll go somewhere quieter soon." tanjirou says, smiling at his sister before he stops to let her leave the box
she looks towards the spot where she had felt the presence of another person before looking at tanjirou, pointing towards the house; her brother's face flushes a bit as he looks everywhere but at her, waving her off with a nervous smile
"ah, i just...made a friend is all, don't worry about it! we should go now!" tanjirou says with a smile on his face as he takes nezuko's hand and starts to lead her away, already planning the next day with you; and totally only to get his haori back
(<`▽´)―━━☆⌒*. bang, bang, thats the end!
so can you guess who my favorite demon slayer character is other than rengoku and mitsuri
in all seriousness, i love this show so far, such a good story and super cute characters (except for muzan, i hate that guy but i want him so bad) but i have yet to read the manga so bear with me here!
but for now, thanks for reading and to anyone who is starting spring break soon, have a safe and fun week of break, you deserve it! :D and to everyone else, good morning, good afternoon, or good night! <33
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the-dazed-system · 5 months
Don't You Dare (Make Me Fall in Love) | A DHMIS FIC
Cross-posted on Ao3! I used the names that others seem to call them, but Yellow Guy is Manny, Duck is Robin, and Red Guy is Harry. Enjoy!
Harry woke up feeling a sense of dread. Why was it still dark? Wasn’t there supposed to be sunlight? Wasn’t he supposed to be sitting in the kitchen with the other two?
Robin. Where was Robin? Why did he care where he was? He didn’t know. There was nothing around him and it was overwhelming and underwhelming and oh shit, could infinite darkness feel small? Could he breathe? He didn’t know, he tried and felt like-
“Hey, hey!”
Harry’s eyes shot open to see his two friends looming over his bed.
“Alright?” Manny asked.
“Course he’s not alright, did you see how he was thrashing in his sleep?” Robin replied. “You idiot, what were you thinking? You could’ve hurt yourself.”
“I’m sorry,” Harry replied sarcastically, sitting up. “I didn’t think that through. Or anything, for that matter, because I was sleeping and I can’t control that!”
“Learn to!”
“Stop being dumb!” Manny exclaimed, walking out. (Which was weird, considering he wasn’t too observant. Maybe the bickering was too much? Harry knew their yellow friend got overstimulated easily.)
The two stayed silent.
“Well, aren’t you going to get out of bed?” Robin asked.
“I meant right now?”
Harry grumbled. “I will. You just need to leave.”
Oh shit. Harry felt lucky his hair was in his face because the expression on his face could only be that of someone who has been flustered. (This was a new development, although, considering the circumstances, it wasn’t all that irrational.)
“Well because I’m only wearing my underwear, you dolt,” he stated, looking down at his blanket.
Silence followed and when Harry looked back up, he saw Robin facing the window.
“What are you doing?” Harry asked, both annoyed and amused.
“Giving you privacy,” Robin stated.
“I meant-” Harry began and sighed. “I meant to get out of my room!”
Robin stared at him for a good minute, before walking out silently. Harry collapsed back on his bed, dragging his hands across his face. They share a room, who was he to yell at him to leave? Damn it.
What a great start to the day. ____________________________________________
Robin sat down at the kitchen table quietly, noting Manny had prepared spaghetti. It wasn’t steaming, was it cold?
“‘Ello,” Manny said to him.
“Yeah,” he replied.
“What was you two yellin’ about?”
“Silly things, don’t worry.”
Manny just stared at Robin, with a look that, if Robin didn’t know any better, was Manny trying to decipher Robin’s tone, unaware that in the room next to them, Harry had his head in his hands.
Why had he done that? The three of them share a room, for Christ’s sake!
“Is always a fight ‘tween you two,” Manny stated as he ate his cold spaghetti and it would have been something Robin scolded him for, except, he was right.
“Have you gone and hit your head?” Robin asked.
“No, I don’t think so,”
“Then what the hell are you on about?”
“He’s right,” Harry said, sitting down at the table. “We are always in a tiff.”
“You know what would make the fighting decrease?!”
All three of them turned to see a large talking pencil. Robin rolled his eyes. “Why are you in our house, get out,”
The pencil ignored him. “I’m Phillip, and I’m here to help you write out your-”
“No, no, I don’t like writin’!” Manny complained.
And yet, they go along with the shenanigans of the day’s teacher. 
“Look at you, little….big poet man!” Phillip the Pencil said, shoving Harry.
“Get your grimy hands off of me,” Harry grumbled.
“I want to see your poems,” Robin stated.
“You won’t be seeing my poems,” Harry snapped.
“Make sure they rhyme!” Manny exclaimed.
“Poems don’t have to rhyme, idiot!”
“Don’t call him an idiot, he’s only trying to help!” Harry sighed.
“I think this lesson is stupid!” Robin snarled.
The pencil mumbled. “I think you’re stupid. The tall one and the green one have issues, fix them! You’re awful to be around!” And stormed out.
“Our guest left,” Manny said distantly.
“He wasn’t our guest,” Robin grumbled. “Those guys just turn up.”
Manny stared into the distance. Harry shrugged.
Later that night, Harry sat at the kitchen table. Manny was already in bed, and Harry swore Robin was too. 
“Harry,” Robin said. He had padded into the room in his pajamas.
“What,” Harry responded, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Haven’t you bothered me enough today?”
Robin sighed, rather than snapping back. Harry found this unusual. “D’you think the dump pencil was right about us? Do we have issues to fix?”
“We’re friends, friends always have issues.”
“Right, yeah, it’s just, it seems people think of us as…other than that.”
Harry looked at Robin. “What does that mean?”
The duck one fidgeted. “It’s just, I think I understand what they mean. Remember when the power went out?”
“We don’t talk about that,”
Robin sighed. “Maybe it’s high time we do.”
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onemorningapricot · 2 years
Day 25 - 24.9.22
Today, I woke up at 9:39am. Yesterday, I was so stressed about missing attendance and breaking my 100% streak but today I couldn't care less. That is, in the morning; now the stress is slowly simmering back up. So, I woke up, joined the webinar event and it was, as expected, a total slob show. It was supposed to be a 10:00-12:00 event but it ended at 10:40. All of a sudden too. I was flustered and tbh kinda pissed. The event promised "industry expertS" and it was one guy who barely made any sense. As usual, just a scam, as with everything here. I had my Yakult and then breakfast and then just streamed shows one after each other for the rest of the day. I don't know if I was relaxed watching them though. The stress is always bubbling behind me but I didn't care; I mean I can take a break, right? I'm 19, a 2nd year uni student, I work long hours with no breaks and I even use up my breaks studying. I can, can't I? I'm not sure. With my time calculator, all my non-class studying barely adds up to 24 hours a week and I haven't even reached that for the past 2 weeks. I don't know what to think of myself now. I think I'm being very irresponsible now under the facade of having everything together. That I'm only fooling myself by pretending I'm busy when I'm not. I mean the numbers obviously tell otherwise but then why do I always feel so tired. Am I in fact, not actually physically tired but instead emotionally tired? I think that's the most probable answer. It's nice to have a space where I can honestly display my thoughts without having to force, fix it into a box made for others to judge.
I cleaned my room a bit too today. I'll finish it when I'm done writing this too. I think that's one good thing. I also took a shower, did my hair and prayed. Three other good things I did today. I had two ice creams though. I suppose that can be forgiven. I have an interview at 9:20pm. I'm not looking forward to that. I don't know much about my future so I'm not sure on what I should be focusing on and what I should let go. I also need to learn how to not get stressed by small things. I've realised I do that way too much. All in all, I've really changed so much as a person over the past year and coming down here has really made me do that, both in a good and bad way. I've reflected the most I've ever had on myself and learned what I look like at my worst. I suppose, in some twisted way, that is a positive. Typing out that word was hard. Positive. This feels so strange. My hand feels heavy and my fingers prickle because of that word. I feel sad. It's been long since i thought of something positive...
I watched a bunch of shows today: Blind, The Golden Spoon, Seasons of Blossom and 반야. The last really shook my heart. For the first time in my life, I cried so loud and heavily. I never realised I had never done that before. What a word: 반야. A profound realisation. Not that I care abt Buddhism in any way, I feel so profoundly shook by this word. I don't why I cried so much either. Well, I never seem to know why I cry these day anyways, but still. I felt weird even though I myself am the one crying. I don't what that movie meant to me but I feel so fundamentally moved. Something in there really resonated with me. I don't what it is but something did.
Since my last post
There are three things I've realised.
You can only achieve in life, if you do more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSN7jaOL1VA
I, too, am staring to live a "normal" life.
Confidence in oneself, makes the person. Ji Changwook & 서지훈
I really enjoyed watching 당신이 소원을 말하면 this past month. Ji Changwook's acting was really on point and so real, it really moved me. Like his screams were so honest, there could be no better way to express that anger and helplessness. Terribly sad it's ending this week. Little Women started off good and then shifted into terribly foolish but I'm still willing to skip through it. Blind seems lowkey interesting so I'm still gonna keep watching it, though I doesn't seem too profound/worth my time. Seasons of Blossom: super invested in Ha Min's story; wish the other timeline didn't exist; quite disturbs my watching tbh. The Golden Spoon is a drop. One Dollar Lawyer seems like a good recap read. Love in Contract? just need to know what the ML's job is and I think that interest too will fade of soon.
So yeah. That's my summary. See you in my next post :)
Bad Events Counter: 0.5
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iheartyouyou · 2 years
AFTERMATH | Eddie Munson
Summary: After the teacher reads Robin’s and yours notes about the infamous freak out loud, Eddie confronts you after class and (sort of) asks you on a date.
Sequel to Out loud
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for the love and support on out loud! It now has over 10,000 notes and that’s truly insane. I’m sorry that it took me a while for part 2 to be posted, I just had no idea where and how to continue it. Hopefully this meets your guys’ expeditions 💖 (If i forgot you on the taglist, i’m deeply sorry) Not proofread
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Your eyes widened as you read the words.
“I was actually staring at you, not Chrissy. Cheerleaders aren’t my type.”
You read them over, and over, and over again. Was Robin trying to prank you? Was anyone else but Eddie pranking you?
You just couldn’t wrap your head around it. It was impossible.
You quickly scanned the room, your eyes landing on Eddie. He was already staring at you— anticipation written all over his face. That disappeared, replaced with a cocky look as he saw your flustered reaction.
Tearing your eyes from Eddie, you look back at the note. He just admitted to staring at you. Was it because he likes you? Or does he think your weird? Or did he lie because he felt pity? Maybe he was playing a cruel joke on you, just to stir up those rumors. Or maybe he was actually being serious? Your mind just couldn’t accept the fact that he wrote a letter, to you.
You didn’t know if he wanted you to write back or not, but you ultimately decided not to. Crumbling the note and stuffing it in the pocket of your sweater. But you knew that you would be obsessing over it later, butterflies swarming your stomach as you played out fake scenarios.
Another tap made it’s way on your shoulder, another note coming your way. You quickly grab the note, silently thanking the ‘note messenger’ before practically ripping it open.
“What? No response? Seemed like you were pretty comfortable talking about me earlier.”
Fighting back a smile, you look back at Eddie, who was once again, already staring at you. He raised his eyebrow at you, nodding towards you, waiting for you to write something back. What would you write anyways? “Sorry that I’m a total creep and for writing notes about you in class?”
Dismissing those thoughts, you stuff the note into your pocket. You didn’t want the teacher to see you passing notes again, she would most likely read them out loud again, humiliate you and have you spend an hour after school cleaning her classroom.
The next few minutes of class went by really slow. You prayed and prayed that aliens would come and abduct you, but sadly that didn’t happen. The only thing that happened was you trying to escape the classroom without any confrontation before a tight grip on your shoulder stopped you— pulling you aside.
“Sooo, how long have you liked me?” Eddie asked, loosening his grip on your shoulder as his arm fell to his side. You looked everywhere but him, your cheeks feeling warm as you watched people whisper to their peers— pointing to you as they giggled.
“I- I don’t…” You mumbled. You wrapped your arms around yourself, rubbing your thumb against your forearm in hopes of not breaking down in front of him.
He still had that amused look on his face, like he was getting a kick out of this.
“Really? You think Robin will tell me if I asked her?”
You finally looked at him, your heart beating through your ears. “No!”
“What ab—“
“Okay, fine! I don’t know, it just started one day! Are you happy?” You rushed out nervously. You just wanted to end this conversation before you embarrassed yourself even more.
He bit the inside of his cheek, thinking of what to say. What would he even say? He just found out the prettiest girl in the school liked him, fuck, she was writing notes about him in class. People really only wrote notes to each other in elementary, but here you were, discussing your feeling about him over notes.
It was weird for him. Not a-disgusting-type-of-weird but a confusing-type-of-weird. He honestly thought you didn’t like him. You talked to everybody else— Nancy, Mike, Dustin, Erica, but him. It was like he was ghost. The irony of the whole situation is he was certain you liked Steve.
You guys were attached to the hip, so it would make sense. A hot guy who peaked in high school and a hot girl, he even tried to convince Steve into asking you out on a date. Guess it made sense when he tried to turn the tables on Eddie, trying to convince Eddie to ask you out instead.
“Can I go now? I uh… I have to go put-“ You motion to the wristbands on your wrist, “these in my locker. It’s hot out and they make me sweat. Shit— I mean I don’t sweat, well I do, we ALL do, but what I mean’t to say wa—
He pulled you in, taking you by surprise as he crashed his lips onto yours, your nervous ramble being cut short. It lasted only a few seconds, but it was long enough for everybody to see, a few gasps being heard.
Pulling back, a large grin settled on his lips. He watched as you struggled to form words, the flesh of your cheeks heating up. You settled on saying nothing, your mouth shutting as you focused on breathing in and out of your nose— hopefully not passing out.
“You talk too much, y’know that?” Eddie humored, looking around as he took in all the stares. He was used to this, but he knew you weren’t. You were practically hiding under your desk in class when the teacher was reading your note, the idea of having everyone’s eyes on you made you feel like you were naked.
Maybe kissing the freak in the hallway where all the “popular” students met up, wasn’t the best idea.
You on the other hand couldn’t believe what just happened. Eyes blown as your mouth was agape. He just touched his lips to your lips— that was a kiss… right?
“You still have to… uh” He motions to your wristbands, “Put those, away?”
You looked down at your wristbands, shaking your head. Eddie grimaced, scratching his neck. You made a complete fool out of yourself, huh? Now he wanted nothing to do with you— was it because of the sweaty wristbands? Did you not kiss well? OH MY GOSH, what if your breath smelled?
He stops scratching his neck, checking his watch. His face falters for a quick second before he looks up at you, a twinkle in his eyes. “I gotta go to class, if I’m tardy again I’ll have detention after school, that’ll intervene with our date and we can’t have that.”
“Wha— Date?” You blabbered, looking at the clock that hung loosely at the end of the hallway.
“Yeah, is that okay? After school? We can meet by my van, I’ll take you to the diner?”
You nod eagerly, trying your hardest not to grin from ear to ear.
“Do you know what my van looks like?”
“It’s white on the bo—“
“Yes, that’s it. I’ll see you by it, okay?”
He hesitantly leans back in, but stops. People were still staring. Instead, he smiles at you before skipping off— bumping into people as he rushed to class.
He lied about the tardy part.
He just didn’t want anymore of those judgemental stares on you.
Taglist: (Also added people who requested a part 2 let me know if you want off list 💖)
@wintermunsonreads @strangerthingsstories5255 @depressooexxpressoo @aheadfullofsteverogers @eddiemunsonxdeath @marriedtoeddie @catwoman-from-the-moon @vvile-soul @sarahivi @josephquinnlov3r @florch988 @evansgal @moviegirl50
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starsofmilos · 2 years
I like (actually love) you! (Adrian Chase x female reader)
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Request: Hey, I know this might be kinda similar in concept to the fic you posted today but it's different enough I'm still send in the request and hopefully you like it. I want to request something where Adrian and the reader are friends with benefits who are in love, but they're both worried to tell the other their feelings. The reader decides to try and move on so they go on dates and Adrian is really jealous about it and finally confesses he's in love with them (also kinda hoping it can be a little smutty cause I love your Adrian smut). 
Request: i love the way you write adrian especially jealous/possessive adrian! it's so hot. can you write something where adrian and the reader flirt sometimes but the reader doesn't think adrian actually has feelings for her so she tries to move on; she shows up at hq really dressed up for a date and everyone compliments her but adrian is super irritated and the reader doesn't realize it's because he's insanely jealous. and he stops her from going on the date and smut happens.
Let’s go!!
Warnings: smut, fingering, p in v, jealously, soft dom Adrian, oral (fem receiving), small amount of angst, mentions of insecurities, mentions of sex, fluff
Adrian’s and your relationship was weird.
Okay now that is a weird start to this, but this was the clearest way to explain it. Adrian Chase and you had a weird relationship.
It wasn’t like you both didn’t get along. As a matter of fact it was the opposite. Adrian and you got along really well.
Too well actually..
“Well don’t you look fucking delicious today..” Adrian grinned as you walked in. You grew flustered shooting him back a grin.
“What you hungry Chase? Wanna eat me up?” Adrian gaped at you for a moment before shaking his head with a chuckle.
“I mean if you really want me too. I will just say the word unless you’re joking then I am too.” 
You laughed taking a seat next to him. “You’re funny Adrian.” 
He smacked your hand trying to keep the smile off his face as you leaned forward pinching his cheek. 
Adrian grabbed your hand biting your wrist playfully as you laughed. “Lucky you’re cute Chase.”
“If I’m cute then you’re fucking adorable.” 
Emilia rolled her eyes hearing you both as she walked in. “Alright enough you two. Where the hell is everyone else so we could get the meeting started?”
The team hated, but also liked that Adrian and you got along. It was obvious there was tension between you both. They were just waiting for one of you to bite the bullet and tell the other how you felt.
“Adrian! Would you mind grabbing me a water?” You called out from your desk continuing to type your reports. Adebayo smiled a bit as Adrian wordlessly got up walking to the fridge you all had gotten in the small record shop.
“Adrian-” You were cut off by the water being held in front of your face. You grinned accepting it tilting your head back to stare up at Adrian.
“Thank you Adrian.” He nodded with a grin going so far as to open the bottle for you before setting it down. 
You grabbed his wrist before he pulled away placing a small kiss on it missing the way he grew flustered. Adrian stared as you took a gulp of the water before getting back to work.
Chris gagged gaining both of your attentions. “Get a room and fuck already..” 
You smiled looking down bashfully as Adrian laughed shaking his head. “We’re just friends dude.”
Emilia stared as you flinched a bit at his words. “Yeah..friends.”
Adrian nodded ruffling your hair before retaking your seats. 
This wouldn’t be the first time one of them tried to call out you guys for the obnoxious flirting only for Adrian to shoot down you guys being anything more than friends.
It was very confusing to you. It’s the only reason why you would describe your relationship with him as weird.
You wanted more.
Craved it even, but it seemed like to Adrian all you both would ever be is friends. Which kinda stung. If he just wanted to stay friends then why did he flirt with you? Or treat you specially?
You sighed growing frustrated with the latest assignment. It was your job to do all the research to help the team prepare and it was stressing you out.
“You okay?” You glanced up hearing Adrian.
“Yeah. Just a bit stressed I wanna get this done, but at the same time I’m having a hard time decoding some stuff..” He nodded in understanding standing behind you to massage your shoulders.
You groaned out in relief feeling his breath hit the top of your head. “You gotta relax pretty girl..”
“I mean if you keep massaging my shoulders like that I probably will.” Adrian grinned at your words kissing your forehead.
“Your hands are magic..” 
“That’s not the only thing they can do.” You choked a bit hearing his words. Adrian stopped as you turned your face eyeing him. He was close.
Closer than you originally thought. 
His breath fanned your face. You unconsciously licked your lips when you caught his gaze on them.
“You smell good.” He whispered out wanting nothing more than to kiss you. You gripped the pen in your hand tightly wanting nothing more than to leap up and kiss him. 
“You do too Adrian..” Adrian gulped a bit leaning in letting his lips brush against yours for a second before jumping up hearing the door open. 
“I brought some food.” John called out placing a bag in front of you.
“Thanks..” You whispered out a bit disappointed. Adrian nodded patting your back before putting distance between you both. John smiled a bit.
“Did I interrupt something?”
“Psh no no! You guys have to stop with that. Y/N and I are nothing more than friends.”
John raised an eyebrow as you looked down suddenly feeling shameful. You stood up grabbing your stuff. 
“I’m gonna head home. Thanks for the food John.”
“Oh did you wanna a ride home-”
“No I’m good Adrian.” You smiled a bit bitterly ignoring his call for you. John sighed shaking his head.
“You’re a fucking idiot.” Adrian stared at John in shock at his words. 
You wiped your eyes trying to hide your tears. Adrian only saw you a friend. You think?
Why did he have to be so confusing?...
He made you feel like crap, but so special all at once. Adrian couldn’t have been doing this on purpose right?
All these confusing emotions led you to the bar. Where you planned on spending your night drinking your feelings.
That is where you met Kevin. He was cute. Brown hair with blue eyes..Maybe he’d be a good distraction from the green eyed idiot confusing you.
So one drink with him led to four and you exchanged numbers. 
Kevin was nice. He was sweet and he didn’t deny any attraction towards you. You said yes to his proposal of a date feeling a bit giddy when you entered work the next day.
“So you’re in a good mood.” Adebayo pointed out as you adjusted your makeup a bit.
“Oh. I am! I have some plans tonight and I’m really excited!”
“Is that why you’re dressed up?” John spoke up sparing a glance your way. You nodded excitedly.
“Yeah. I look nice right?”
“You look beautiful.” Adrian joined the conversation sitting next to you. You smiled at him a bit before moving back to Adebayo.
“Thanks you guys for noticing. I hope he likes it.”
“Wait who’s he?” Adebayo asked you confused.
“Oh! I have a date tonight it’s why I got dressed up.” Adrian twisted his neck quickly to you.
“Wait you have a date?” You nodded. Emilia walked in catching the last of the conversation with Chris.
Chris whistled shooting you a wink. “Oh trust me Y/N he’ll like it. You clean up nice.” 
Emilia nodded taking a seat, “Yeah.”
Adrian gripped the handle of his chair a bit angrily. He thought you both had something going on..Especially after last night. Maybe he was wrong..
“So do you actually like this guy?” Emilia asked wanting to get Adrian angry. She normally wasn’t one to stir the pot, but she was also getting tired of Adrian and you constantly staring at each other.
“I don’t know to be honest. I want too, but again this is only the first date. He is a good guy..” You smiled bashfully growing embarrassed. Adrian grit his teeth as you stood up dusting yourself off.
You couldn’t help but notice he was being weird. Adrian had just been staring at you with a clenched jaw trying to keep his anger in check. 
He wanted nothing more than to find out who exactly this guy was and see if he’d broken any laws.
“Alright well I gotta go home. He plans on picking me up.” 
“Wait wait! You told him where you live? You don’t even know the guy!” Adrian suddenly bursted out.
You tilted your head confused. He had been so quiet up till now. “I mean I wanna get to know him besides what if I decide to bring him in later.” 
Chris laughed at your words. “So you’re trying to get some?” 
You shyly nodded, “Maybe. He isn’t bad looking.” 
“But that’s dangerous! You don’t know him well enough. I mean he could be a serial killer!” You laughed a bit at his words shaking your head.
“He is not a serial killer. If anything he is probably in more danger next to me considering we kill people for our work.Besides I did not buy new underwear for nothing-” Adrian shook his head standing up. 
“Nope.” He muttered out grabbing your hand. Everyone else stared in confusion for a moment as Adrian dragged you away. 
“Adrian?” You questioned as he dragged you to one of the backrooms. “Adrian? I gotta get going!” 
Emilia shut her laptop sharing a look with the others. John sighed nodding. “Yeah yeah I know. They’re totally gonna fuck.”
“They better clean up.” Adebayo grumbled as Chris smirked a bit. 
“Finally he’s making a move.”
Adrian pushed you into the empty cramped restroom closing the door. “Adrian?”
“Don’t go on that date.”
“You heard me don’t go on that date. He sounds douchey and you deserve better.”
“Better? Adrian I don’t think you can dictate what I deserve-”
“I know I can’t, but I know he doesn’t deserve you.” You sighed a bit shaking your head.
“Okay you can have your opinion, but unless you can give me a good reason not too I’m going on that date.” You tried to move around him groaning as he grabbed your shoulder pushing you gently in front of him.
“Adrian!” You stomped your foot. 
“Y/N please. Don’t go on that date.”
“Why not!?”
“You know why.” Adrian nervously gulped as you stared at him angrily. You grunted a bit shaking your head.
“Adrian move.”
“Adrian! You’re being a dick right now. Let me through!”
“Nope, I’m not moving.” He stalked towards you pushing you against the sink. 
“Adrian...you said we’re just friends.”
“I lied.”
“You’re a shitty person for doing that then. Kevin is really nice-”
“He maybe nice, but you and I both know he’s not me. It’s what you want right? A way to forget me.”
He hit the your reason dead on. He always was a sharp shooter.
You glared up at him, “I’m not dealing with this shit. Give me a good reason not to go on that date.”
“I know you don’t actually like that guy and I know even though your angry at me. You’d still rather be here in the cramped bathroom than go on that date.”
“Not true-”
“We both know at any moment you could’ve overpowered me and walked out. I didn’t even lock the door.” He smirked as you grew flustered.
“Look I like you like a lot and I don’t want you going on this date with the shitty dude. I know I can treat you fucking better than he can in so many ways..”
Your breath hitched as he leaned in close whispering softly, “If you don’t feel the same and you really wanna go with stupid fucking Kevin. Push me away right now cause if not I’m gonna kiss you before ripping your clothes off and fucking that little attitude away.”
You moaned a bit at his words missing his smile, “Fuck you Chase.” You gripped his shoulders pulling him close kissing him desperately. 
Adrian groaned against you smiling as he pulled away to move his kisses down your neck. You panted wrapping your hands around him. “Fucking hot..Fuck..”
“Mine.” He growled against your throat as he slid his hand under your shirt. You nodded without hesitation at his words.
“I’ve been yours for so long..I just didn’t think you liked me Adrian. You confused the hell out of me.” He sucked small marks into your shoulder lifting you on the sink. 
“Should’ve made it more clear. I do like you. I actually love you..I just didn’t wanna say it.” You smiled at his words. He pulled his mouth off of your spit slicked collarbone.
“I love you too..”
“Good because you are right. You’ve always been mine kay?”
“Yes I’m yours.” You released a shaky breath as he yanked your shirt off groaning once your bra was revealed. 
“Pretty..” He smushed his face into your chest kissing softly reaching behind to undo your clasp. He moaned once your chest was fully revealed. With no hesitation Adrian enveloped your nipple in his mouth.
You thrusted up a bit growing more wetter. He’d hardly touched you and you already felt like you were burning. 
“More! More!” You buried your hand in his hair eagerly. Adrian nodded quickly moving away to pull his own shirt off. You gasped feeling him push his bulge against your crotch.
“I can feel your pulsing..Such a desperate whore. You really thought Kevin can do better than me.” You shook your head.
“No! No one is better than you!” You whimpered out as he ground his hips down hard against your crotch. He began to dry hump you cursing as you kissed his shoulder leaving your own marks.
“Adrian please..I’ve wanted this for so long..I need you..” He nodded yanking your pants down pulling you off the sink to kneel before you.
“Gonna make you forget that douche..My fucking pussy. You’re my whore.”
Your face grew red feeling his hand trail up your thigh. “Is this okay?”
You smiled hearing him check in with you. “More than okay..Make me cum Adrian..”
“So demanding didn’t I say I’d fuck that attitude away.” You whined as he rubbed your clit outside your underwear. “You have no idea how fucking angry it made me hearing that you bought these pretty panties for him..” 
“I didn’t.” Adrian looked up at you questioningly. “I bought them two weeks back before I met them. I bought them hoping you’d be the one to see them...”
Adrian grinned widely as you bashfully looked away. “You’re so fucking cute. No one but me gets to see you like this now.” He pulled them off of you putting them in his pocket to keep.
“I still need those to wear-”
“They’re mine now. Just like this,” His finger sunk inside of you, “Is also mine.”
You took a shaky breath. “Fuck...” 
Adrian grinned fucking your tight cunt with his finger. It was thicker than your own. You moaned thrusting your hips up wanting more of him.
“More more. I can take it please..” Adrian nodded leaning forward to lick your clit. You moaned as he shoved another finger in. 
“Fuck me! Please! Shit!” He sped up his fingers watching the way your eyebrows and eyes scrunched up. 
“Gonna cum for me so soon pretty girl?”
You nodded, “Yes! Fuck!! Adrian I’m sorry I can’t hold it! I- Fuck!”
He smiled kissing you softly as his thumb began to rub your clit. “You don’t gotta apologize for that..I’ll never stop you from cumming. So go ahead let go for me.”
That was all the permission you needed. You cried out cumming all over his hand. Adrian ripped his hand away latching his mouth to get all of your release in his mouth.
You moaned grabbing his hair thrusting against his mouth to ride out your high. “Sensitive! Sensitive!”
Adrian moved back up kissing you to help bring you down. You whined still wiggling your hips. “Fuck me..Fuck me please Adrian..I was so stupid to think anyone could replace you.”
“You’re not stupid..You have me here now and I was dumb for not doing any of this sooner.” He stood up unbuckling his belt shoving his pants down to his knees not even fully taking them off as he pulled you closer. 
You shoved his shirt off needing to feel him close as he tapped his cock against your clit. “Adrian..”
“I know..I’m going in..” He groaned out feeling your tight walls squeeze him. “Relax..please baby fuck you’re so fucking tight. I can’t..I can’t hold back if you squeeze me like this..Such a perfect pussy..Perfect pussy..”
You nodded gripping his shoulder, “Move please..Fuck me Adrian..I’m yours please fuck me-OH FUCK!!”
Adrian began a brutal pace gripping you tightly as he slid in and out with a strong force.
Drool spilled from your mouth. It felt like your body was on fire. “Oh fuck Adrian! So big! You’re splitting me open!”
Adrian groaned latching onto your neck sucking marks, “Oh fuck Y/N..you feel so good why the fuck didn’t we do this sooner..Shit shit! I don’t wanna stop fucking you. Fucking my pussy..”
“Don’t stop! Don’t stop Adrian!! Please fuck me! I don’t wanna ever stop..” You felt tears well in your eyes.
“I will fucking kill anyone who tries to do this with you. I really wanna fucking find this stupid guy you planned on seeing tonight.”
“No no! Adrian no one but you can see me this way and fuck me the way you do! Ohh fuck!!” You whimpered as he leaned down rubbing your clit.
You were drunk on his cock. The way he was driving it deep into you scratching that one spot that made your eyes roll back.
“Harder..please..” Adrian pulled your head back watching the way your eyes teary and red rimmed.
“Does it feel good baby?” You nodded quickly at his question. “Yeah you like the way my cock is fucking you.”
You nodded, “Yes!! I love it!! It feels so good!!! OH ADRIAN!!!”
His eyes widened as your orgasm hit you suddenly with no warning. You moaned scratching his back leaving deep imprints.
Adrian tried to pull back to check on you before moaning out himself once he felt your legs wrap around his waist keeping him inside.
“Don’t stop! Please Adrian! Feels so good!! So much can’t think-Ah!” He nodded lifting you off the sink to push you to the door slamming into you with a force that had the door rattling.
“Look at you being a cock drunk whore. You like me fucking you so much.”
It wasn’t a question. It was a statement.
“Yes I do! Do you like fucking me?” You wanted to make sure he was feeling as good as you were.
Adrian grinned kissing you, “I’m enjoying this so fucking much. Such a pretty girl crying over my cock..I’m close already..”
He whispered breathlessly. You whined feeling overwhelmed by your emotions and the overstimulation but you’d rather die than have Adrian stop.
“I’m gonna cum again!” You cried out sobbing into his shoulder biting down once you felt it hit you.
Adrian groaned mumbling incoherent curses and your name before cumming himself deep inside of you.
“Adrian!! Fuck Adrian! Cum inside of me! It feels so good!! So much!!”
He moaned slumping his head in your neck struggling to catch his breath.
You panted pulling his head out to sloppily kiss him not caring about the saliva and drool that spilled between you two.
“Thank you..” Adrian nodded.
“Believe me pleasure was all mine..” You laughed as he set you gently down on the sink counter slipping out of you with a hiss.
“So I’m pretty sure by now you missed your date.” Adrian grinned widely as you smiled.
“That’s okay. I don’t need a date anymore. I’m yours right?”
“You are and don’t you forget it..”
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huge-enthusiast · 3 years
You can find part 1 here.
The first one was really popular! So I decided to make a second part.
The rules are the same:
All of the fics will be rated Teen and up audiences or lower. Also if I don’t put the author’s tumblr is because they didn’t put it in the fic or/and I couldn’t find it.
The only thing that changes is that I would be putting the pairing in the description of the fic.
Without further ado...
Written in the Stars by Boogum (@botherkupo here on tumblr!)
Pairing: Marichat and Adrienette.
He was the god of destruction. She was a princess whose kingdom had been prophesied to fall. To save her people, she became his wife. To save him, she would have to do the impossible. The castle has secrets, the gods are watching, and time is running out.
Chapters: 37/37
TW for mild violence.
Arrange marriage, God AU. While I'm making this list, I still haven't finished the fic, but I had to recommend it because is THAT good. The way I gasped out loud while reading some of the plot twists. The worldbuilding is so good, and even if you aren't into AUs that deviate a lot from cannon like me, I 100% reccomend it.
Need a Lift? again by Boogum.
Pairing: DJWifi
Getting stranded on a foreign planet sucked. Luckily for Nino, his rival was willing to give him a lift home. Unluckily for Nino, she was beautiful and funny and he might just be in love with her.
Chapters: 1/1
Space Bounty Hunter AU! Really sweet and funny. If you are into flustered!Nino then this fic is for you.
hey, you by peachcitt (@peachcitt here on tumblr!)
Pairing: Adrienette
“Have you ever had a dream about someone that changes the way you think of them?”
or Adrien has a dream about Marinette.
Chapters: 1/1
Okay so, peachcitt is one of my favorite ml writers. Everything that they write is sooo good y'all, and i'm already a sucker for adrienette, so I cannot recommend this fic (or any of theirs) enough.
double dare again by peachcitt (I told ya!)
Pairing: Ladrien (with lots of sided ladynoir)
“Don’t ever do that again,” Marinette says, maybe a little too emphatically, and Adrien looks at her, his expression quiet. His cheeks, Marinette notices, are a little red.
“But I wanted to save you,” he says.
or Ladybug and Adrien can't seem to stop running into each other. (whether that is on accident or on purpose is nobody's business but their own, of course).
Chapters: 30/30
This was a ladrien june fic! Every chapter corresponds to the day's prompts but it also continues a story. If that doesn't make you want to read it then I don't know what it will. I fear fanfic writers, they're insane.
(not) so much by therentyoupay (@therentyoupayfanfiction here on tumblr!)
Pairing: Marichat and adrienette
(The claws are sharp, but the host of Destruction—for all of his loudmouth chaos and lack of reserve—is paradoxically careful.)
Chapters: 1/1
In which Chat Noir pays a visit not long after Marinette has made a pretty difficult decision, and they accidentally make a routine.
Prompt: Marinette gives Chat a hickey. Adrien has a suspiciously similar looking hickey the next day at school...
Gotta be honest with y'all, I did not expect this fic to be as good as it is. The adrienette has everything a stablished!Marichat should have. Marinette conflicted with her feelings? Check. Adrien being a hot mess bc That's My Girlfriend But She Doesn't Know That? Check. Them being absolute idiots? Check. It's good!
Doctor, Doctor, Give Me The News (Your Lips Is The Only Cure I Could Use) by BreG21.
Pairing: Adrienette
Rainwater sloshed up from the pools they had made on the sidewalk and coated his jean pants with every step he took. He couldn't bring himself to care.
He sniffed away some of the water that dribbled down his matted head. "Yeah?"
He paused as if to consider his words while Adrien stared down at him, so lost. "You weren't wrong when you thought you knew. A part of you wanted it to be her, but it was too perfect, you let the illusion fool you because how would you get that lucky. But trust me, Adrien. You weren't wrong."
He wasn't wrong? What was he not wrong about?
You weren't wrong. You want it to be her.
And it finally clicked as a small gasp wisped past his lips. He wasn't wrong.
In which, Plagg falls ill, and with Fu gone and Ladybug being the guardian now, has to go find her civilian self-even with the knowledge that she might not like that-is shocked to realize that even with having the kwami that was supposed to embodied the very being of bad luck, Adrien could conclude the very opposite of what he had thought for so long.
He was so very lucky.
Chapters: 1/1
I screamed so hard while reading this fic. It's just one of those who gets the characters right. Do you like a good reveal? Go read this now.
Operation Mega Sleepover by InTheWild (@smellerbeee here on tumblr!)
Pairing: Adrienette
When Alya and Nino drop out of their long awaited mega-sleepover at the last minute, it leaves Marinette and Adrien alone together for the night. An Adrinette one-shot with lots of fluff and sleepover shenanigans.
Chapters: 1/1
I just,,, I love adrienette fluff so much,,, I love them,,,
You, Me & A Little Bit Of The Future by joonapeach.
Pairing: this is a fortunate case of all lovesquare shenanigans™
Marinette expects some disaster on her first outing alone with Adrien.
She just doesn't expect that disaster to be her future self passing off a baby for her to take care of with Adrien.
(Alternatively... two idiots obliviously in love cooing over their daughter while acting like they have no idea whose kid this is.)
Chapters: 1/1
I think the description says anything that it needs to be said. It's really sweet and funny and I love how they just change their minds so quickly and get emo for literally nothing. Peak shakesperean dumbasery.
The entire Marry That Girl series by Miraculous_Max (Maximilian_Alexander).
Pairing: Adrienette
Let’s say Marinette has a special sketchbook. This sketchbook is filled with drawings of their future house, of Adrien as an adult in multiple occupational settings, of Marinette and Adrien’s wedding, and most importantly, their future children.
Let's say Adrien found this sketchbook.
Works: 8 (All are 1/1 chapters)
Just realized how this list exposes me as number 1 adrienette sucker... oh well. I love how Adrien doesn't feel weirded out by the intensity of Marinette's crush. He likes it! He's as weird and romantic as her! That's one of the reasons I love the lovesquare so much and it makes me happy to see that everyone is in the same boat with me.
Strenght by 11JJ11.
Pairing: Adrienette
Marinette knew she was much stronger than she looked thanks to being a hero. So when her class had an arm wrestling contest she knew that she could beat all of them with ease, but she wasn't expecting anyone else to come close.
Chapters: 1/1
Good ol' accidental reveal feat. the entire class shenanigans. I, once again, screamed for an adrienette fic. Who could've thought.
Super Fan by Taliax.
Pairing: Ladrien
It was a good thing Alya was holding the phone and not her, because it would have slipped from her fingers and shattered. How had she not noticed? She had been there, and somehow she’d missed her crush looking at her like she was an angel sent from heaven.
Forget the perfume ad. This picture was going to be her new desktop.
(In which Marinette realizes that she and Adrien might both be obsessive fans.)
Chapters: 1/1
Canon divergent from after Gorizilla. They're so dumb. That's my opinion on this fic.
How to Kiss Your Crush in Five Minutes or Less also by Taliax.
Pairing: Ladrien
He just needed to know if Ladybug needed Chat Noir. He didn't expect to learn just how much she wanted Adrien.
This would be the best five minutes of his life, if he didn't expect her to forget it.
Chapters: 1/1
CW for making out.
Set during Desperada. I promise there's a happy ending. Also Luka is there for some reason, felt really bad for him.
Laying Down the Rules: The Gabriel Agreste Clauses by LadyKae
Adrien leaves the manor on a dark and stormy night and seeks sanctuary at the only place he feels safe: The Home of the Dupain-Cheng Family. When Sabine learns why her dear boy is fleeing to her home in the middle of the night, she makes a personal visit to one Gabriel Agreste.
There's more rules in play, but not for Adrien and Marinette.
Chapters: 1/1
This is just Sabine going to beat the fuck out of Gabriel and it's really satifying ngl
4am. by hannieks
Pairing: post-reveal lovesquare
In which Adrien has the cat tendency to wake up their owners at stupid o'clock, and Marinette just wants to sleep. Cuteness ensues.
Chapters: 1/1
Really short but really sweet. If you like Adrien acting like a cat then you would like this.
Can I Date You(r Character)? by midnightstarlightwrites (@midnightstarlightwrites here on tumblr!)
Pairing: Adrienette
Adrien turned to her, something unreadable in his gaze. “Are you ok with this?” he asked.
And what a loaded question that was. Was she ok with it? Was she ok with the one guy she couldn’t seem to get over in real life kissing her in a game of Dungeons and Dragons? When she put it like that, it seemed a bit silly to get so worked up.
It was just a game...right?
She was ok with it, right?
“Sure,” she lied. “I’m ok with it.”
When Adrien's character falls in love with Marinette's, they decided to date in-game. What could go wrong?
Chapters: 7/?
THIS ONE IS SO CUTE. You want to scream??? Read this.
two idiots and a hamster by Boogum (again) and carpisuns (@carpisuns here on tumblr)
Pairing: Adrienette
How do you hide your superhero identity from your roommate? (spoiler alert: badly)
Chapters: 5/?
Once @anna-scribbles described this fic as "is literally the closest i’ve ever seen a fic come to matching the energy of canon", and I couldn't have described it better.
And that's all for now! Next time I will probably make an only DJWifi list since I've been treating them so dirty lol.
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