#still havent finished the war games either..
moreaugriffins · 1 year
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Enjoy this specific meme
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mikka-minns · 10 months
Opinions on characters: Kiryuu Nanami, Saionji Kyouichi, Tatsuki Shiori
Thank you for the ask! Im guessing its for the ask game(the general opinion is included so yeah) Sorry i didnt answer until now😅
Kiryuu Nanami
General opinion: She is everything to me. Her mere existance confirme half of my theories about Anthy and Akio.
She is a queen. She didnt deserve this.
The reason she isnt in the movie is because she realised the truth about Ohtori in time and when things started to go back to their bad nature she was able to leave.
She is the perfect first character to find out about Akio's abuse because she lived with one of his victims, he ruined her life in-directly and was about to make her another one of his victims. Her character and story are perfect, i would change nothing about her.
(i have a big post about her, Anthy and Shadow Girls to write so stay tuned for that)
A ship i love: i cant decide if i like the idea that Nanami is aromantic or a lesbian(so probably both) and i dont have a ship with her i realy love. I like Nanami x Kozue a bit, mostly for the parrallels, but i have my own problems with Kozue(which is its own topic), so im not sure how much i actualy ship it. But then again, most of my Rgu Ships go under "after 15 years of therapy they can actualy date", so... Who know.
A non-romantic relationship i love: her friendship with Utena and Anthy and her friendship with Saionji. I wish she got a chance to apologize to Anthy once they were both in a good place and far away from their brothers. For Saionji, i hope they got to meet after he left Ohtori with Juri and Miki. If he grew as a person(which is necessery for escapong Ohtori) he would be a great big brother. Also, the egg episode realy sells me the idea he is her brother figure. "No appreciation for brotherly advice".
A NOTP: Nanami x Touga and Nanami x Akio(OBVIOUSLY). I havent seen anyone ship it and GOOD. That is a one way ticket to hell. I Also dont like Nanami x Saionji, but thats mostly personal opinion cuz i see them as siblings. Might Also be the age gap but idk.
My biggest headcanon about them: as i said, SHE LEFT THE OHTORI NOT LONG AFTER THE SERIES FINALE! She is also an animal person but is not used to them because of her family(cats trigger he trauma too). Once she and Anthy make up, BECAUSE THEY WILL, Anthy  lets her spend time with her animal friends, maybe even helps her adopt an animal of her own.
An idea for fanfiction: Nanami meeting with everyone from Ohtori after they escape, exploring their relationships once they arent under control of their abusers.
(this one is in my WIPs, i Just have to finish it) Weed bride. Anthy and Nanami smoke blunts together along with everyone else. They Also take over Ohtori. I dont wanna spoil anything.
Something that makes me think of them:
Songs "Oh no!" and "Family jewels" by Marina and the diamonds, "allies or Enemies"(about her and Touga) and "Take me to War" by crane wives. And a few more but this is on the top of my mind.
Kyouichi Saionji
General opinion: He was the perfect first antagonists for the series. He is so pathetic, no one takes him seriusly, which is a perfect foil to Akio being adored and trusted by many characters.
He most likely isn pure evil as he is still a child, but he should defenetly be taken responsible for his actions(abuse of Anthy).
A ship i love: touga x Saionji but ONLY AFTER 20, NO, 40 YEARS OF THERAPY! They both hurt each other, they should solve their problems. I wish we saw Saionji's Thoughts about Touga in the movie, but hey, we cant have everything.
A non-romantic relationship that i love: as i said, he would make a great brother to Nanami. As i doubt either of them will ever see Touga again, they could help each other with the trauma. Saionji defenetly has family problems, everyone does in Ohtori.
I also like his friendship with Wakaba, i dont ship them tbh. I feel like she can put him in his place with ease(she beat Utena up as a petty joke).
Not realy a positive relationship, but his rivalry with Utena is very intresting. He is like a trashy version of her. Their straight love intrests are each other's real crushes, but they project. This would all be solved if the world wasnt homophobic. I want them to fight, middle-school-girl style cuz Saionji would get his ass handed to him.
A NOTP: saionji x Akio (OBVIOUSLY) and Saionji x Nanami (again, its just my personal preference)
My biggest headcanon about them: he projected Touga onto Anthy. Thats what kinda stings about how he treated her. Its obvious that relationship was going nowhere, but he never even liked her for her and so it was Just cruel.
He feels as if he isnt good enough for people around him and was at some point jealous about Touga's relationship with Akio cuz it seemed like Touga was so much more mature that he was getting attention of another adult.(angsty i know, but its based on reality)
A fanfic idea: him and Nanami meeting again(as you can see, im very normal a out them)
Maybe an AU where he and Touga dont go so off the edge ti become the pricks they are in the canon and instead Run away with Nanami and live as a little family(THIS SHOW HURT ME, OKAY)
In weed bride, Anthy wrecks his shit cuz he was with Touga and she was about to end Touga so obviously he will get some too. (that fic is Just pure crack)
Tatsuki Shiori
Something that Reminds me of them: tbh i cant think of anything right now.
General opinion: gurlfailiure. I love her. Just another child in a cruel world. She only had the worst adults to look up to and so she hurt the Ones she loved the most. She has room to grow and redeemed herself, she is only a child after all.
I think her place in the movie was great because of that. (i think her role was methaphore for what happend after the series finale, Just like with everyone else)
A ship that i love: i like Juri x Shiori and kinda Shiori x Kozue(both girls are disasters) but i wouldnt say i love either of those. Again, years of therapy, then they can get bitches.
A non-romantic relationship i love: not sure
Maybe her relationship with Touga cuz i dont see it as a real romance. I like it for the narrative(its not realy healthy) and how we found out a lot about Touga trough it.
I think her relationship with Ruka was a perfect example of an older guy messing with a younger girl. Toxic and cruel.
A NOTP: Shiori x Akio (look i have to make sure its known i do not unde any circumstances support these Ships) and Shiori x Ruka(he is an abusive asshole. A mini Akio, if you will)
My biggest headcanon about them: she is queer and full of internalised homophobia. She loved Juri but she is Just another pawn in Akio's game and so she could do nothing but hurt her. I dont think they made up after the end of the movie, im not even sure Shiori escaped, so idk if they even met after.
She liked Touga less because he is a prince and more because he is like a rose bride(like her, in a way) but is not a girl so its fiiine(side eye).
A fanfic idea: i dont have any right now
Maybe exploring her movie role and/or her mindset trough a fanfic?
Something that Reminds me of them: again, not sure.
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lasenbyphoenix · 8 months
Shipper tag game
Tagged by @sunriseverse thank you!💜
What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don’t care about anymore?
I didn't know the concept of shipping was a thing until I was 29 and stumbled onto fandom on tumblr, (didn't know about fandom either until then), so I'm trying to think of any couples I would have considered cute in anything I watched/read growing up... and I really dont know?? Joshua Jackson was a fave actor from back then and I can't even remember if I had an opinion on the Dawson/Joey vs Pacey/Joey debate on Dawson's Creek. I was always more interested in the story than the ships! (Can you tell I'm on the aroace side of life? Lol)
Which ship would you consider your first one?
Captain America is what lead me to finding fandom in the first place so Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes is the first that comes to mind. But before that I was very into Dr Who, so I'd probably consider The Doctor/Rose Tyler the first fictional couple I had any emotional investment in.
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
My first shippy fanfic (written before I knew what "fanfic" was) was James Bond/William Brandt Skyfall/Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol crossover.
You know the scene in Skyfall when Silva has Bond tied to a chair and starts toying with his chest and teases him about this not being in his training and Bond replies "What makes you think this is my first time?"? And then in Ghost Protocol when Jeremy Renner's character pulls himself out of the vent at the last second and gripes "Next time I get to seduce the rich guy."? I joked to my best friend that "Now we know what James Bond's first time was." And that's how that idea was born.
I started writing it as a joke for my friend but never finished it, and if I find the notebook it was written into I might just revisit it because I still quite like the idea!
Do you remember the first couple you saw fanart of?
Not for certain, but possibly either Dean/Cas or Rose/Ten.
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
Like ship wars or 'problematic' kind of discourse? If I did it would have been in my Captain America days (Stucky vs Stony and Peggy vs Sharon being heated topics of memory), and even then I don't remember specific incidents - as a newbie to fandom I tended to lurk and watch instead of engaging. Now I'm very much Ship And Let Ship (and only bitch in private to your mates, not in public!)
Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
There have been plenty of ships I've come across that weren't my thing, Stony for example, but I'm not going to invest enough energy into recalling any others. I'm not here to spread hate on something other people like.
Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
On tumblr? Li Lianhua/Di Feisheng (Mysterious Lotus Casebook)
On Ao3? Ming Lou/Ming Cheng (The Disguiser)
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
So many. Zhang Rishan/Ba Ye, Hei Xiazi/Xiao Hua, Steve/Bucky, Steve/Peggy, Data/Geordi, Stiles/Derek, Jiang Cheng/Nie Huaisang, Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, and likely more that havent come to mind yet
Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Haha no. I think I've always just accepted canon couples as "the thing that happened in the story", and now when I have my own ship preferences, then I accept that it's *my* headcanon and not necessarily anyone else's (especially not the writer's headcanon).
When Captain America Civil War came out I realised I'd gotten WAY over invested in what was or wasn't included in the movie (although I knew realistically they weren't going to make Stucky canon ) that I took a big step back afterwards and very much made a mental separation between "this is the story those writers want to tell" and "this is the story I like to imagine".
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
Dean/Cas maybe? It wasn't so much that I disliked them but that I didn't read them as a romantic relationship for most of the time I've known the ship existed (I'd always read Cas as ace). It's only been since the show ended that I think my idea of what makes a ship had widened to more than just "stereotypically romantic" which recalibrated how I saw them.
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would’ve been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
Incestuous (Thor/Loki, et al,)? Teacher/Student(I blame ABBA)? Torturer/Torture subject (Hydra Trash Party)?
What is your favorite crack ship?
I will certainly have come across crack ships that appealed to me, but honestly if the writer/artist sells it well enough then I stop thinking of them as crack ships and instead think of them as rare pairs.
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
Currently? HeiHua. Overall? Stucky.
What do most of your ships usually have in common?
Someone to be vulnerable around, someone who understands you better than anyone else, "you're not alone anymore"
What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
If I don't like a ship it's probably more to do with a singular character I don't like than the couple itself.
Tagging @gaiahenshin @fangdoubing @epicwalrus @tazzy-ace and anyone else who wants to!
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doodlytoodly · 1 year
i rarely giggle with glee over stuff, its gotta be like absolutely preem stuff to me, so theres this alt history thing (Kaiserreich, Hoi4 mod, got alot of lore in it, basically Germany beat the entente in ww1, France and Britain became syndicalist, Russian revolution failed, the British government was exiled to Canada ((👎)) austria hungary is still around, also the ottomans, Italy is in 2 or 3 pieces cant recall rn, all that stuff, and america is not doing good at all ((I’m a loser btw did y’all know that))) and I just found a youtube channel all about it, with a little series goin on, i think theres only 2 episodes of it? Ive only watched the trailer but its got me all giddy about it, gonna watch the actual episodes tmrw cause its 3 am and i spent an hour typing all this (i edited this part after finishing the rest lol) its about the second american civil war which happens in this world cause america is all kinds of fucked up since they lost the war, i think there was also the great depression still, but theres also black monday after that (german stock market crashes, everyone that isnt syndicalist or whatever gets fucked over), america splits into quite a few shards (im not yhe best source for all this btw cause i like to play the version that is wackier and less realistic) ((i think in normal kaiserreich theres 7 factions in america, maybe 6, in the wackier version there can ve like 11)) anywya im pretty sure its the pacific states, which is the pacifc states of america ofc, they are progressives, social liberals, that stuff, there might be the western command center, that has the rockies, which is a split off of the federal government, same side of the civil war as the federal gov, idk if they exist in normal kaiserreich, (if they dont its just the actual federal gov who control it), they seperate the PSA from the American Union State, who has the midwest with texas and stuff i believe, their leaders huey long, (one of 2 i remember) in game their ideology is authoritarian democracy or smth, i think theres a lil bit of socialism goin on in there, idrk what their deal is in the lore i havent looked at them much, then theres the Syndicalists, who have the rust belt, they are ofc syndicalists, and below them is the constitutional american republic that controls the south, religious, racist, nutjobs, just imagine the confederacy 2.0, very L faction honestly (they usually get stomped in game <3) , in Washington D.C theres the federal goverment, I think run by macarthur after he takes charge for the war, or coups if some of the other factions get elected, they are the legitimate government, macarthur is still macarthur, and finally (if i recall correctly) theres New england, they control the new england area, ( they are controlled by the feds until they ask canada to come help them out, canada walks in, establishes new england ((in game as a puppet usually, once again i. am NOT the best source for this, they are usually just like normalish i think, idk prolly like the democrats in america today, but 1930s (in the wackier version they typically get taken over by hp lovecraft and go insane but thats all very non canon).
I have no idea where j was going with this, uhhh, im just gonna leave the trailer here for it cause why not, did I mention I get no bitches btw? cause this prolly psychically repells people without either of us realizing. anyway if anyone actually reads all my dumb rambling thanks for taking the time, if you didn’t and your only reading this, thanks for reading any of it at all, yeah.
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Slightly long and possibly useless post:
Context: I'm trying something to help my anxiety, alike to exposure but not so frightening, so basically I'm looking for discord servers on fandoms I feel I can hold a decent conversation in.
I'm struggling to find some. Trying to not be picky, what I am looking for is:
Somewhere decently active in vc's
All ages (obviously 13+ due to discord ages)
Non-discriminatory (whether basic human rights or towards fandom opinions)
For that last part, I'm aware people get argumentative over fandom topics, that's fine, just like don't want to be in a place where someone gets bullied or harassed for, maybe not liking a character or a certain trilogy
I'm gonna write a list of fandoms I can talk about comfortably, and another list of fandoms I don't know two sticks about, I'd just really like recommendations
Also, nothing against roleplay servers, but i don't want to join roleplay centric servers, because that's just not what I'm looking for at the moment.
Sorry if anything seems unreasonable. Main points are, a friendly place that isn't roleplay centric and people actually use vcs or are open to.
Anyway here's my lists of fandoms, wooo:
Fandoms I can hold a conversation in:
Doctor who (mostly post 2005)
Star wars (mainly prequel but here I am, also havent read anything, only watched things, i dont mind spoilers i havent finished everything)
Harry Potter
Alex Rider (ik how toxic some servers are)
Ruby Redfort (I can't find any active ones)
I could ramble for hours about ocs in original universes but that's not much of an equal conversation thats just me ranting about mine and a friends 3 year project lol.
I'm aware of problematic authors btw, I don't like them either, but I like the books/shows and they are very seperate for me.
Fandoms I don't know much but would love to talk about anyway
Halo (I adore Reach and Halo 3)
Marvel (I've only watched films and like 2 shows)
Good Omens (watched the show, in the middle of the book, yeah I know I did that in the wrong order shh)
James Bond (I'm more Daniel Craig era)
Star trek
Fandoms I like but could not talk about but I'd still be okay if that's all you have
White collar
Most video games
I may add more eventually.
I'm already in a H.I.V.E server, any people from there that see this, your server is beautiful, I just can't hold a conversation about H.I.V.E for my life.
Anyway sorry for taking up your pages, Disboard just aint helping.
All in all, trying to work on my anxiety by finding people who have common interests to talk to via voice chats.
All responses are welcome (comments or private messages idm), any mistakes in what I've written, sorry.
Sorry again for ranting a little and if I'm demanding in any way.
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dausy · 1 year
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So it took me months but I finally beat God of War: Ragnarok. Not that it was difficult to play or anything its just that I kept having interruptions. My husband bought it for me right as we were getting ready to move. I hesitated starting it but then couldn't contain my excitement and then of course the move and the holidays and its hard to pick a hobby back up once you stop even if you enjoy said hobby.
I think because of all the stop-and-go nature of it probably affected my opinion of the game. I think it was a fine game but it wasn't an all-time favorite. What upsets me though is when they don't let you obtain 100% before a game ends. Like I get it "look you don't have to turn it off, there's still game left" but I want game left when I see credits roll. I lose interest. I still technically need to turn it back on because I believe theres at least one really sad cutscene that I'm missing. I don't know if I care about the end game bosses enough to try it. But I really appreciate the character that Kratos has turned into. I honestly don't even know how I managed to play the original GoW games, completely unbearable.
The next big game I think I'll play on console is probably the next Zelda game. I'll have to dig out our console Switch. The Switchey-Switch. Havent seen it since the move either. I've been playing my handheld one but I feel like Zelda should be on the big TV.
I'm not sure what else is coming out on the Playstation anytime soon tbh. Theres a new Final Fantasy at some point and a new Dragon Age? I'd really like a good classic RPG with an amazing story is what I want.
I've been playing Harvestella on my personal switch and the game would be so much better if I could skip cutscenes. Squareenix absolutely love their cutscenes but I don't have the patience to sit there for 15 minutes reading text everytime a character speaks. I need to skip through it all and just let me farm dude. If it wasn't for the obsessive completionism I probably would have dumped this game. I like how it lists out for me what to do. I want to finish my collection logs and food logs but it has some annoying downsides to me. I really want to skip and start Octopath Traveler.
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littlebitluckywc · 2 years
hello <3!!! i found this around and i just wanted to try some of it out … i didnt answer some questions that i didnt get much of a drive for but maybe eventually ill come back to it :D
meme for roleplay muns by @/roleplaymemeworld
what is your favorite trope to roleplay?
one of my wildest little roleplays ive done was with a good friend of mine on a discord server - between badgerstar and luckystar, leaders of two different clans throughout the wacky world of warrior cats. a pair that's known each other throughout their entire lives, and never wouldve suspected either they themselves or that the other would rise to the title that they have now. luckystar is the kind of cat who'd always make sure to stop by whenever the gatherings would happen - she'd always come up to him and pull badgerstar aside, she'd always pop by and check in whenever she saw him on the borders and out in the territory … she'd always try to make sure things were going alright for him. she'd always try to make sure he didn't have anything to be upset about, or to be sad about … and eventually, its probably one of my favorite kind of ideas whenever it comes to a forbidden romance. luckystar had plenty of cats around her - she had a family, she had kits, she had her friends and parents in the stars … but he had none of it. he messed up plenty of times in his life, and when their forbidden relationship one day led to fights and wars between their two mighty clans - in the end of it all, when their tales both came to an end, luckystar had a little bit of a choice to make. she had her family, her loves and her friends she could be with. cats who had oh so much ruined by this feline that only she seems to understand and she decided to step away from them to be with him. to be with badgerstar. after all, she got to live her whole life with these cats - but she never got to be with her true love, and now in the unlife, she'll have her time to finally be with him. she'll always be there whenever the rest of the stars avoid him for what he did in his life, for how he acts and his crimes that he regrets… she's always been there whenever he's alone, and now she follows him on to every end of the stars. we havent got to finish it, but… god its something i really want to try some more. its one of the things i love the most, and it got onto an aspect of luckystar that's truly amazing to me - because, for how selfless and loving she was towards him… she had the option to try and redeem badgerstar in the stars. but she finally decided, after all of this time, after all of her lives - to have someone to herself. that's absolutely the sort of thing i love the most and smthn i wanna do again someday … badluck <3
who are your longest roleplay friends?
we don't meet as often as we used to, but a little group chat im in with 4 other people has some of the closest friends ive made through roleplay! two of them i met about 4 years ago through pokemon roleplay, and the other 2 i found through the very same warrior cats server and got to bond with before we started gaming together … we dont rlly roleplay too much anymore, but its been a blast and we still vibe quite often with each other!! i wouldnt say i have really many stories that have gone on for that long though,, i havent had many roleplays that have lasted all too long and its so hard to find people that do warrior cats stuff PFF, although i hope eventually that i can say smthn fits this part of things!
do your friends outside the internet know your roleplay?
ohh absolutely not lol … i feel like they would be accepting, but im terrified to say absolutely anything about it to anyone irl. i dont have the confidence to mention it to anyone, the closest thing ive gotten to it was my sister being in a roleplay server for a few days a couple years back - im 99% sure she does roleplay, but most defo not like me lol
why do you write?
writing has gotten me where i am if im being honest. i dont think i would be anywhere near as good as i am at ideas like game design or just making stories in general or programming if it wasnt for roleplay, and i feel like id be a lot less interesting of a person without it wfhuegih?? ive learned so much through this community and its changed my life over the past 6 years or so, i dont know where id be without it! it prepared me for where id end up going, writing funky lil mew mews…
do you welcome duplicates of your character or stay away from them?
YES!!! I ABSOLUTELY ADORE IT SM…. i really like seeing peoples interpretations of my mysteries and lil ideas, yet ive only ever found once or twice an idea that actually had someone else using one of my ocs - i absolutely love the thought of it … a lot of my ocs are the sorts of ocs that i not only rlly love to play around with, but are also what id ADORE to roleplay with!
is there one trope you can’t stand?
i really … don't like things with romance and other sort of points where one person is supposed to be superior to the other, like love triangles n whatnot. its something i have a lot of past trouble with and probably would only do with a group i REALLY trust not to take it ooc like??? lord
what is your opinion on writing smut?
have your boundaries, dont force it on people - but i don't see why it would be much of a problem, especially with someone you trust and whatnot! it's a good way to explore!
do you need music/noise to write or do you prefer silence?
i almost never write with music or whatnot ,,, i am SO BAD at writing with it LMAO i am very easily distracted and while i might be able to vibe with some lil things without lyrics like rain and little tunes, anything more and i wont rlly be able to do it very well i absolutely do play music before writing some stuff though, i get inspiration from it but definitely not while actively writing
what is your opinion on tagging triggers?
always if youre asked, its not that hard to do! otherwise i try my best for the more obvious stuff, but in general there isnt much i write about without intentionally nulling it down a little with things like more gorey writing or whatnot
do you prefer long or short replies and why?
in between really! i am absolutely capable of both but long replies i feel like depend so much on motivation that makes my writing a lot more infrequent, while short replies is a lot harder to make a story out of …. but something in between would absolutely be amazing, a nice compromise between smthn that takes more work and something that can be done in a short amount of time <3 the main time im fine with short replies is things like one shots … ive never found someone to do things like just little romance or adventure one shots at night with to pass the time but i feel like thatd be the time for it! i adore the idea a ton though <3
thats the main stuff ive got the time for rn at least!!! maybe ill post more, but also was inspired by @kittimuses to write this :D thought this would be a nice little thing to fill out and try!!!
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plane pillow
where peter planned to play video games with ned through the whole flight but fate decided to take another turn....
*A/N: this isnt related to far from home nor the ending of endgame, just pretend infinity and all the movies after didnt exist since i imagine pete 16 in here. i dont know why 16 i just like that age on him lmao, enjoy reading!*
pairing: peter x reader
status: strangerz (well sort of since they haven't talked to eachother but they're in the same school)
peter's POV
"the flight will be amazing! i heard they'd installed the new game we were talking about" i gushed to ned, excited for the whole flight to be filled with video games.
"im excited" ned stated practically jumping from excitement and i shook my head laughing
"OK CLASS!" Mr Harrington clapped his hands getting our attention "we're boarding the plane in a few minutes so pack your stuff and lets goooo" he pointed at our gate dramatically.
we walked to the gate, scanned our ticket and sat on our assigned seats, ned and i sat on the three seater, he took the window seat by winning a 3 round match of rock, paper, scissors *sighs angrily* and i obvious got the middle, kinda scared of who'll sit beside me though.
we had to wait for a few minutes, since we boarded the flight early. ned and i obviously started playing video games, too entranced by the small glowing screen infront of me i haven't realized a girl.
she hadn't really acknowledged me either because she looked tired, i cursed at the screen for losing the game too quickly and my dumb ass still didnt realize a GIRL, MY AGE, looking PRETTY FUCKING ADORABLE was sitting next to me. oh dear god.
after a couple more games and me being the most idiotic teenager known today for not looking at my right to see her  the flight attendant alerted us that the plane will take off so we the screen will freeze any moment. ned and i decided to sleep, it was very early in the morning and we need to rest if we plan on gaming most of the flight.
i closed my eyes and shifted a bit in my seat, and slept. the plain was moving at the time trying to find the best place to take off. i guess i was really tired that i havent felt someone sleeping on my shoulder.
i was peacefully sleeping still agitated from the uncomfortable seat but i heard a loud noise that frightened the life out of me and due to my spidey senses i sensed a hand on my right, so what did i do? i fucking held the hand. hard, may i add, from the fright.
i opened my eyes quickly and jumped a bit, turning around to see who's the stranger that i held hands with, startled as well. i sighed in relief knowing our plane was safe and it was just about to take off. but then i took a good look on the perso- her, took a good look on her, on her? OH MY GOD ITS A GIRL calm down peter and please dont scare her off. i couldnt stop looking at her and to my luck she was looking at me as well, but none of us spoke
i couldnt help but notice the small part of her y/h/c hair that was shown from her hood looked so shiny and smooth, her eyes were the most perfect shade of y/e/c. the extremely large hoodie looked so comfortable on her which made me think of her wearing one of mine, how big and long it'll look on her body sent butterflies to my stomach. she looked small, and precious so fragile yet she held her body confidently.
the voice of the flight attendant echoed through the speakers which made us both stop our trance of one another. even though the lady's voice wasnt scary it still frightened us. i mean no hate towards miss attendant she called me a cutie and gave me extra blankets
but coz we got startled again we held hands....again looking for the sources of the noise. we visibly relaxed once we realized what it was, looked at eachother and laughed, her laugh was angelic and soft, hands down the best sound ive ever head. she looked rather embarrassed from the encounter but i bet you a thousand dollars i look worse, i could practically feel the blood rush through my cheeks once she realized how long ive stared at her
"i- uhm i-im so sorry for sleeping on your shoulder, and- and holding your hand and stuff" she apologized, it only made me even more baffled by her. how could a voice match with a face so perfectly.
"no no its fine uhh i dont mind *nervous laugh* and for the hand thing i was the one who grabbed yours so i-i should be the one apologizing...im sorry" i rubbed the back of my neck. this is why i dont talk to girls, ever. well mj is an exception since shes like the closest thing i have to a friend other than my best friend obviously.
"i-im y/n, by the way" she lifted her hand properly introducing herself
"peter, peter parker" i shook her hand, it was nice feeling the warmth of her hand again. we probably held hands (for the third time today by the way) longer the we should have but who am i to say i was bothered. i definitely wasnt.
"nice to meet you peter" she smiled shaking our hands one last time then sitting it on her lap. scratch what i said about her gorgeous laugh, hearing her say my name was the best thing ive heard in my 16 year of existence. (her laugh is obviously the second best)
before i could ask anything else, the plane decided to finally take off. i adjusted myself to the seat, not turning to my right side anymore and closed my eyes trying to think of smiling puppies. ive been on a plane before, in fact a private one last year but that was it. this is my second time flying away from new york and i was a bit nervous.
y/n somehow noticed my sudden tense form, who am i kidding i looked like i was about to die coz of my nerves. and held my hand. and i immediately opened my eyes again, the feeling of her skin coming in contact with mine brought chills down my spine, good ones obviously
"you looked rather tense, is this ok?" she leaned into my ear so i could hear her. i looked at her confused on why she would want to help me but nodded as a reply. a smile crept on my face and i couldnt seem to take it off.  the take off went smoothly thank god. and ive occasionally squeezed her hand, usually when the plane made very loud sounds. but i made it! woohoo
i didnt know if i should stop holding her hand or not, even though i didnt want to. will she think im a creep? and if i did, will she think im rude? but i guess it didnt seem to bother her if she went back to sleeping. so i figured i should do the same
i shifted in my seat a couple of times trying to get the perfect comfy spot....nothing. this seat will be the death of m-
"you can sleep on my shoulder if you want" she whispered. "i figured since you let me sleep on yours which im very sorry about, you could sleep on mine" she smiled
"thanks, but i dont wanna bother you or make you uncomfortable"
"oh nonsense! my body is screaming right now cheering for me, well partially scolding at me for saying something risky like that to a good looking guy, its ok" she laughed, her eyes widened in shock from what she confessed. i smiled at her and rested my head on her shoulder
"you think im good looking?" i whispered playing with our fingers, i dont know when i got the sudden confidence but hearing someone like her think a loser like me is cute did something to me.
"shut up" she playfully shoved me and i laughed.
"are you from midtown?" i asked her
"no im from queens" she joked
"oh you're definitely from midtown" i chuckled, next thing i know i was having a normal conversation with me laying my head on a girl i just met like we knew eachother for years, it was nice to talk to a girl i potentially thought was cute instead of talking gibberish
she was very understanding and looked like interested into what i was saying, i was gonna skip my geeky side when she asked about what i like but to my surprise, she mentioned it when i asked her the same, she said she loves comics and likes watching sci fi movies. i asked her if she watched star wars and she said she didnt...yet.
"wanna uhm watch it together?" i played with her fingers absentmindedly nervous if she'd reject me.
"yeah sure" her eyes lit up like she was waiting for me to ask her that. we watched the movie in bliss, thankfully she liked it! and immediately said to put the second one. and surprise surprise, we finished it.
when the credits rolled in, i saw her yawning, shifting in her seat again, i decided to be bold so i lifted her head off my shoulder pulled the arm rest away from us, took a pillow and patted my lap. immediately after doing it i regretted it, she barely knows me, what the fuck peter.
"you sure?" she asked smiling a bit, she looked like she felt something giddy inside which made me feel at peace again and i nodded.
"good night" she whispered snuggling her head on my lap, i hesitantly put my arm over
"good night, y/n" and we fell asleep like how ned slept the whooole time i was talking to her, wow we have a lot to catch up on
peters pov
i didnt know the whole plane (our class) practically gushed over my interaction with y/n, i know its been a while since i liked a girl but betty and the rest (including Mr Harrington) practically begged mj to take photos of us since she was the closest, not that she wouldnt have done it without them asking her....
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*A/N: idk what this bonus was lmao but i had to add the school feeling happy for our boy pete*
have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!
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mazojo · 3 years
Spring 2021 Anime Opinions
Anyways its that time where I go rambling about my anime opinions no one cares about but here we are and I give you my thoughts and recs from what I watched so lets gO. From least fav to best.
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I dont want to be biased and that bitch that criticizes an animation because god knows I have no idea how to animate but yeah no, not for me... A lot of people have recommended me the manga so I know its good just,,,, the animation made me not enjoy it as much as I would have liked.
Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui
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Fuck you Ryou. Fuck you Rio. Tamaru my baby I am SO sorry they would do this to you. The only one who deserves to be here and the only reason this is not dead last. Dont watch this its uh very much illegal and Ryou is infuriating and umm I feel like this should be a given but uhhhhh dont romance minors? lol? The opening does slap tho I'll give them that.
Shadows House
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I feel like a lot of people will disagree with me here (which is okay!!! its about the different tastes !!) but I just find it painfully boring at times? sksksk like I just sleep through most of the dialogue and yeah its cute but like idk... Although to be fair I am like on ep 4 or 5 so maybe it improves I just need to pull through and finish it. As of now I havent really seen the big scary element people talk about imo but its cute, maybe my mind will change at the end.
Mashiro no Oto
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This may be unfair of me to judge fully because I havent continued it either but its okay, not my favorite nor the worst. It reminds me a lot to Barakamon for some reason and I wasnt a big fan of it but take it how you wish asdfgh. I feel like maybe someone with more musical affinity than me that plays an instrument may enjoy this one more but I have very basic music knowledge so alas :(
Subarashiki Kono Sekai The Animation
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I put a gif of Kiryu because he is a good boy and the reason why its so high skskss. I feel like if I played the games I would like this a lot more as sometimes the pacing is a bit rushed and all over but I like the premise of the show! It definitely got me curious to check the game.
Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san
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Nagatoro is that train wreck I dont know why I watch but I continue regardless and thats that. Its definetely not a show that is geared towards my likes so its not on my personal favorite list but hey if you enjoy what Nagatoro and Senpai have I aint the one to judge here.
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen OVA
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I want yall to know I put Love is War OVA so down in my list with a heavy heart because I absolutely adore the love is war franchise but.... The OVA was a bit much for me. They animated probably my least favorite manga chapters in one same special episode and yeah,,,, sadly not my cup of tea.
Hige wo Soru. Soshite Joshikousei wo Hirou.
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This is like a guilty pleasure show too because its like the telenovelas I watch but in anime format and its a soap opera but I like those so I keep watching sksksk. I havent read the source material but I really hope Sayu and Yoshida dont end together because big yikers but apart from that solid premise with mature themes.
Yuukoku no Moriarty 2nd Season
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Okay so I'll admit that I have only watched the first ep of this season BUT I believe I have enough judgement of the story because I read the manga to place this here ASDFGHJ. If you read my last post I am not the biggest fan of Moriarty the Patriot but I can respect it for the work it is and I cant say its trash. Its okay, I know people like it so I mean ill watch it at some point and the Irene arc is very poggers so watch it for they.
Fumetsu no Anata e
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To Your Eternity is a great show praised by many, and although I am enjoying it so far I think its okay. I think theres a few problems in the execution and pacing imo but I havent read the manga so maybe its just me feeling it. Its alright but not my favorite of this lineup.
Shakunetsu Kabaddi
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I enjoy Shakunetsu Kabaddi a lot ngll, I love my sports anime, I still have no idea how the game works because i’m big dumb but the characters are cool and the story is solid. Its mostly your general sports anime but those are my guilty pleasures so take it as you see sksksk. I'm like 2 or 3 eps behind but nonetheless its a nice watch.
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Bakuten is a fun show!! Its a similar feeling I have to Shakunetsu Kabaddi, the animation is super cool and I really like the character designs! I enjoyed the first eps more than the later ones which made me lose a bit of interest but nonetheless its a cute show.
Bishounen Tanteidan
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See, I feel like I would enjoy Bishounen Tanteidan 10000% times more if I knew what the fuck was going on ASDFGHJK. I dont know if im just dumb by the pretty visuals or if I just dont pay enough attention but like I have no idea whats happening half the time?? Specially on the latest eps? Like I get thrown information at me and I just am too busy staring at the pretty opening and characters to get it asdfghj but yeah it has been alright!
Boku no Hero Academia 5th Season
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I love seeing Shinsou muak you’re doing amazing bby boy *heart eyes*. Its a bummer because ive lost interest to bnha a bit because of the last arc of the manga and I remember really liking this arc and I still do but because I am bitter due to the manga I havent been enjoying it as much as I would normally but yeah, I like bnha and its been okay so far.
Shiguang Daili Ren
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Now onto my beloveds the top 4 are all chef kiss. Shiguang Daili Ren is one I got into at the last minute but it really hooked me, the first episode was very solid and the premise is super interesting tho a bit confusing at times. The animation throws me off a little but I enjoy the characters a lot and I cant wait to see how this is going to end because I have a bad feeling about it but if you like mysteries this is a nice watch!!
Fruits Basket: The Final
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Fruits Basket could tell me to do 4 flips backwards and a somersault right now and I would do it for its sake so its to no ones surprise this is high up because its just that good ASDFGHJ. But in all seriousness, Furba is an amazing story which I could go on about but just,,,,,, go watch it,,,,,, Momiji and Yuki brain goes brrrr,,,,,,, The only reason this aint 1 is because I have strong opinions about the Akito parts so we push it back a few spots as personal protest lmaoo
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun 2nd Season
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What sort of crafts and sorcery do I gotta perform to convince everyone reading this to go watch and read Iruma? because like?? It started as a joke but it aint a joke anymore ASDFGHJUI. Yeah well I know 99% of people will disagree with placing this second but its my list and my recommendations and I say everyone go read Iruma because its hilarious and it actually teaches you some dope lessons and the characters are amazing and goodnight to everyone reading and watching m!ik <33 (Come on look at Asmodeus and tell me this isn't the best show created, I believe in m!ik supremacy).
Tokyo Revengers
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Did I wait for Chifuyu to show up to put him as the gif here? Maybe. Y'all are sleeping on Tokyo revengers and it shows. This absolutely slaps, the manga is amazing, the anime is amazing, the plot is interesting and complicated in a good way, the characters complex, Mikey, Chifuyu, the flavor??? The op and ed also are bangers and honestly one of my favorite animes of the year, go watch it.
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yibo-wang · 4 years
okay so the song is supposed to come out 12pm china time right? well, ant anon has decided to FUCK SLEEP SCHEDULE (who needs it anyways) and i will stay up until it's 6am bcs that's the time it will come out where i live and i'll probably need to wait for someone to put it on youtube or tumblr. so i'm playing ghost of tsushima and TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHERE THAT LAST MISSION IS SO THAT I CAN GET TO THIS OTHER ISLAND (also idk but my brain started to list similarities between lwj and jin and 🥺🥺😔 1. raised & trained by their uncle (i mean, ig trained by lqr?? partly maybe) 2. mothers died (of disease?? suicide?? who knows for madam lan? but jin's mother died of illness and the thing he missed the most is her voice calling his name and this man is a baby 🥺) 3. tradition. loyalty. honor. (do i need to specify?) 4. protecting the weak and doing the right thing (this also lines up with wwx) 5. fighting at the front in a war (jin doesn't really have a choice tho) 6. idk but like.... you can dress jin (partly) in white and that's cool 7. oh yeah dead fathers!! both of them got killed!!! just different circumstances..... also jin's dad seemed to be close to jin? idk we got a second of him and that was a flashback of his death scene 8. a lot of people seem to die in their life 9. BETRAYAL idk how that fits lwj too much but BETRAYAL 10. they're good looking 11. ohhh you know about how in some games you have to level up right? well for jin there's something similair, it's called something like "legend status"? and one of them is called something along the lines of "hope/light bringer (of his people?)" and yeah that reminds me of sunshot campaign lwj!! 12. gay duhhh (i don't think jin is canonly gay but let me tell you, HE FUCKING IS) 13. part of a noble and well respected family aka the lan clan and the sakai clan 14. uncles that seem to be a bit too much into their teachings 15. uncles that still care for them deeply and want them to remain on the ~right~ path and yeah idk i'm just trying to come up with something to talk about. their personalities don't match too much, except maybe that jin kind of likes poetry ig and that they're good at controlling their emotions!!! - ant anon
idk how this went from me talking about staying up bcs of wang FUCKING yibo but i love my boy jin, can you tell? also i'm trying to catch up with the wolf and argh i need more xiao zhan thank you very much. also a week or so ago i watched the first episode of lof and idk it feels so weird :(((( ngl i only made it through the first episode because of yibo, my brother might be slightly concerned for my mental health now but what's new about that? also my birthday is coming up soon (in like... a week) and i still don't know what i want. i thought about wishing for a poetry book by sappho bUT idk i haven't even finished the mdzs novel or tsoa 😔😔 AND i am reading the silmarillion a bit so fuck it - ant anon
Ant anon hi hello!
Ahhh I heard the song fjfkf it's been on repeat since and RAPPER!YIBO RISE. I really like the lyrics, they're really nice. But also please go to sleep, yibo's song will be there when you wake up.
Also I had no idea which jin you were talking about, I thought maybe it's jin ling or jin zixuan lol but all the similarities didnt match with either, but then I realised it's the guy from the game.
Ahh I still havent started wolf but i miss seeing xiao zhan. Ahaha really? I actually liked it, the jumping scenes were a bit weird but that's how most period dramas are but I'm looking forward to watching the rest of the ep, especially looking forward to watching fei in action. I really love her!
Ooh happy birthday in advance!💛 I hope you have a good one!
Hmm as for the gift fjfj I'd say go ahead and ask for it lol cause like book hoarding is a thing,, in fact book buying and book reading are two completely different hobbies,, or so I've been told lol.
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sometimesrosy · 4 years
Hi, rosy. i hope you good. I have many thought that i think it may be useful. First, I think 100 s6 and s7 are one season, as avengers infinity war and end game. there are one story they are telling the story lines havent ended yet.we still have the prime"Russel" and the drive with Jordan. my story he isnt in his full hero mode like s5. Octavia, Gabriel, Dyioza and the anomly. Clarke isnt full hero mode back. even i dont understand Bellamy and Madi and Revan story. sorry for my bad english
I also think season 6 and 7 are one story. It’s not that odd to break a season up into two, especially with these shortened seasons. Plus, that season finale gave us a battle, but very little emotional resolution. Too many hanging narrative threads, too many continuing mysteries.
Sanctum was the little big bad. The primes were not powerful enough, the guards were laughable... in fact, it was an in story joke, that the sanctum guards were so bad at their job. “it’s 30 against 1″ said Echo. “I think we can take them,” said Octavia, deadpan. lol. The COG were not bad guys at all, just unknowns. 
But s6 DID set up the anomaly and possibly sheidheda as the big bads for next season, much the way season A tends to set up the final conflict every season for season B. Like season 1. The 1.a bad guy was bellamy and the ark revolution but 1.b was the grounders and the dying station. Season 2a was the grounders and 2b was MW. Season 3a was Pike and Azgeda and 3b was ALIE. S4a was grounder war and 4b was praimfaya. S5a was the eligius prisoners and s5b was blodreina. 
Season 6 bad guys were the primes. There is no second bad guy. The finale of s6 was like midseason of s3, where Bellamy turns Pike over and takes leadership of his people.... before they find out ALIE has taken over everyone. 
They’ve defeated the evil leader, Russell, killed off his support, and taken control of the village, making friends with the “enemy” people he was fighting with. 
I see what you’re saying about Clarke and Bellamy’s ‘full hero mode.’ Yeah there’s still more to go for them, but as for me Bellamy reached the culmination of his hero’s journey in s5, bringing Clarke back to the light so SHE could work on her hero’s journey in s6/7, so I tend to think that Bellamy isn’t doing a hero’s journey anymore, but has instead moved into a romantic hero and his goal is to get Clarke back, and to be with her as soulmates. But that’s still unfinished too, so yeah you’re right.
Madi’s story is unfinished also, we don’t know what’s next for her. And Raven has faced her own hypocrisy finally, and made a big moral leap but her story isnt’ finished either.
All of that says to me it’s a two season story, also. 
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jxeyhudson · 4 years
yo i literally bought little nightmares, batman arkham knight, need for speed heat, mlb the show 20, and nba 2k20 and youre probably going “wow em thats a bit... much?” and yes. but im not done. i also downloaded the update for the last of us part 2 and have started an infinite ammo/infinite crafting run in an effort to complete the game. and i do want to give permadeath a shot for funsies. and youre probably at this point like “......thats a lot” and yes. but im still not done. i still havent finished the dlc of assassins creed odyssey or the witcher 3. before you say anything. yes. i know. but theres more. i got god of war and death stranding both for christmas. and i have not even put either of them into the ps4 yet. so if youre sitting there going “bruh” right now please dont think about the fact that im also taking 18 hours worth of classes completely online, working on 2 separate manuscripts, acting as community liaison for my student org, helping run phone banks for local candidates, coding an interactive horror story, planning a season of a tv series, and writing fanfiction more consistently than i ever have before. and i do plan on reading the ballad of songbirds and snakes, finishing lucifer and grace and frankie, watching tlok and the clone wars, catching up on walking dead, rewatching the twilight movies, finally watching the harry potter movies in order, and i am thinking about taking up cave painting. plus i already know my dumbass self is participating in nanowrimo this year so theres that to consider. and my mother says i dont do anything with my time. pft.
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Fanfic masterpost
I can’t add links to Tumblr anymore, but I can still direct your attentions, can’t I? 
For those of you who care (because DAMN my follower count has shot up recently; Thank you!) You can find me on Fanfiction . net under the name Kaze no Akatsuki. I do not post my fanfics on Wattpad (nor anything else for that matter) anymore because frankly, I don’t like the community. I am ALL for constructive critisism, will beg for it even, but even I only have so much patience for people who never have anything nice to say. I also, sadly, don’t post on AO3 though there’s not really a reason for that, I just have never visited the site, so I don’t know what to gauge of it yet. 
That said, here are the titles and summaries of some of my fanfictions if you ever want to check them out. I can’t post them directly here, due to Tumblr rules about word count, (my chapters are always no less than 4k words) as well as the fact that I don’t remotely trust their algorithm not to flag me. But I can redirect!
Note: I will NOT be posting the names/summaries of works that have been discontinued, are on hiatus, or are under revision. The only ones to appear here are completed or in-progress works. 
In the BLUE EXORCIST fandom: 
1. Captivity, an aimless kind of fanfic that just blows where the wind is taking it. I normally have some idea in mind, but this one is just sort of writing itself, if that makes sense. It focuses on Lucifer, Homare, and Beelzebub so far.
Summary:  An intelligence gathering experience forces Lucifer out of his comfort zone, in more ways than one. The threat of unholy war hangs in the air, but that isn't going to stop him from indulging in more...mortal, curiosities. A fic examining the relationship between Lucifer and his siblings, as well as, pressingly, his lieutenant. LuciferXHomare...mostly.
2. Unbecoming: A longer fic, in progress, which is my first ever attempt at dipping into the horror genre. And it is horror. I’m talking gore, lore, and more. If ever you wanted to get a good look at my (dark) interpretation of Mephisto’s demon side, this is the fic for you. Cannibalism included. 
Summary:  What happens when you put a big mind in a small box? A tiger in a cage with lambs? A demon in a room full of exwires? Lucifer wants to find out. Boredom is a demons constant companion, but even Mephisto can only take so much. How long before the demon loses it? A game of wills, wits, and psychological pressure has begun. In the game of chess, only one king can win. Checkmate. 
In the BLACK BUTLER fandom: 
1. Almost Human: The only oneshot I have ever wrote, and also the only T-rated fic I have, though I debated on that rating for a while. An introspective look, I guess, at Ciel (our Ciel) being haunted, literally, by his past. 
Summary:  When Ciel is plagued by visions of the late Vincent Phantomhive, he gets the feeling that his phantasmal father wants to tell him something. Unbeknownst to him, that 'thing' just so happens to have the potential to unravel the complex relationship he has with his demon butler - as well as reveal the darkest sides of himself.
1. Telepathic Heart: is THE longest fanfiction I have ever written, and it is complete (for now) with a sequel in the works. Note that it is AluSeras, though AluTegra is mentioned.
Summary:  Breathing some fresh life into an overused plot. Integra is mortal; there's nothing Alucard can do about it. (Not without risking the sanctity of the relationship he has with her anyway) And Mortals die. But sometimes, their ghosts just won't leave- and maybe turn up in some unexpected places. Mostly AluSeras, slight Alu-tegra, and Angst, because Alucard's a widow many times over.
And now, for the fics belonging to fandoms that are not a part of my blog, just in case you are interested in them:
In the SERAPH OF THE END Fandom:
1. Clip My Wings: I don’t actually know about the fate of this one, but I hope to continue with it. 
Summary:  Two friends, torn apart by time, space and species, now take refuge together with the outliers of the Moon Demon Company. It would seem all is saved, but Mika is not human, and he knows it - even if everyone else tries to forget. In the wake of their time spent together, will Yuu and the crew adopt a new attitude towards vampires? And what are the consequences of this? Anime-verse.
In the YU YU HAKUSHO fandom (which I highly recommend to my Blue Exorcist followers; if you know it, you will doubtlessly recognize the hints that are in Captivity): 
1. Words as Weapons: I haven’t updated this fic in so long, though it is still going. I merely have to get around to finishing the next chapter, which is easier said than done. Gosh I wish I didn’t always pick the most complicated character dynamics sometimes. 
Summary:  In which an unprecedented side effect of Yusuke's transformation threatens to either change his world entirely or leave it in a state of total devastation- though as long as Kurama and Hiei are there to pick up the pieces, each is equally as likely to happen. A slightly dark take on Yusuke's demon transformation, with a dash of Yaoi to add some contrast. YusukexKuramaxHiei.
I apologize now if this seems in any way promotional -- it’s not, I swear it! I just wanted my followers to know what to look for and where to find them. (pfft, like you can’t just see my profile, though I don’t think that’s an option open to guests. Hence why I’m putting it here!)
Look around, or don’t, up to you! And THANK YOU to every one who has reblogged, liked  or followed me of late. I appreciate it. ;p
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thesleazyfoxs · 6 years
Fics written in 2k18 review
Borrowed from @saltandlimes yeet
Total Word Count: 21,219
Total fics written: 8
Fandoms written in: Star wars and Detroit Become Human
Chronological list (by date posted)
One Summers Day - 4595 words, complete, GA, Kylux modern day flowershop au
Traveling Starlight, 600 one shot, Complete, GA, Kylux Time traveler/Immortal au (character death)
Erasing Evidence, 3246 words, Complete, E, Hankcon reverse au, public sex
A Crown Of Feathers, 4972 words, 2/3 WIP, M, Kylux Wing au, angst with a happy ending
Stars In Ones Mind, 1117 words, Complete, GE, Kylux fluff
Mirrored Coin, 3950 words 1/2 WIP, M, gav900 angst/character death/ptsd
Tangled Heartstrings And Wires, 2379 words 1/? WIP, M, Hankcon, angst, ptsd, mystery, reverse au
Did you write more fic this year than you thought you would, less, or about what you’d predicted?
I definitely wrote more than I thought I had. I had a really big slump cause I felt like I was in limbo after being in the same fandom for so long and I doubted my ability to write which well made me too depressed to write. I did get into a new fandom where I wrote a few new fics tho! 
What’s your own favorite story of this year?
I don’t think I had a fave I liked writing all of my current projects. Each other allowed to me connect to new folks and that’s what I seek in a fandom environment. 
Did you take any writing risks this year?
I dived into a lot of ptsd fic and long fic. Both are things I struggle with ptsd especially in real life so to have characters that are either pretty blank slate (gav900) or who have shown actual signs in canon of having ptsd (hankcon) it has allowed me to poke around.
Do you have any fanfic goals for this year?
To finish everything on my wip list including projects I havent posted already along side my original fiction
What was…
My best story of this year:
I’d say a crown of feathers but that’s because the person im writing it for ( @sparrowlicious ) seems happy with what i’ve gotten done so far which is a relief and nice
My most popular story of this year:
Erasing Evidence lol 
it was a very specific smut fic i wanted to see in the world and i went for it and apparently everyone else wanted to see it too
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe (in my opinion):
Mirrored Coin but I can see why. Character death usually doesn’t do well in fandom especially when the rest of the fic is the results of said death and how they got to that point in their relationship and how it affects deviancy 
Most fun story to write:
One Summers Day which is odd to reflect on because im not much for slice of life but i got to show kylo and hux can be both soft with each other while still having a troubled past 
Hardest story to write:
So far? Tangled Heartstrings and Wires only because for the plot to work i gotta do a lot of planning and making sure things line up and all the pieces connect. it’ll be a challenge 
Biggest disappointment:
I don’t think I had disappointment for one fic in general but there was a point i was considering dropping out of the star wars/kylux fandom completely cause i felt really alone and alienated 
Biggest surprise:
Finding a new fandom to write fic for. DBH the game itself is shit but the fandom that popped up around it is so kind and creative and diverse 
Favorite opening lines:
It started off no different than any other day, second cup of coffee already in hand as Connor sat down at his workspace where he had several cases spread out to look over. With the increase in cases both human and android it had put a strain on the whole department. Connor was basically a zombie at that point, long shifts bleeding into each other to the point he immediately crashed when he did make it home. It was frustrating in more than one way, to say the least.
There was a chorus of voices as others called to each other and he looked up to see the cause. Gavin entered the room and the first thing Connor noticed was the change of his android uniform.
It had been redesigned to better work with field work, the fabric much more form fitting and resistant to damage. The dark blue across the shoulders with the glow of the @ next to the DPD badge made it obvious they were part of their force. It only made sense such alterations were made after a previous accident where someone got stuck jumping over a fence in pursuit of a suspect. He went to take a sip of his coffee when Hank followed soon after and he nearly choked. He couldn’t take his eyes off Hank as he made his way over to his desk next to Connor. The new fabric clung to his partner's body, filling out in a way that had Connors heart in his throat.
Erasing Evidence
I just found it really fun to write Connor completely flustered about how attractive he found Hank
Favorite closing lines:
  “I can try.” The ticking of the clock and their slow breathing was all that could be heard in the room and he lost track of time. Had it been a minute? Five? Maybe an hour? He really couldn't tell. The words felt heavy on his tongue and almost like they would drown him if he didn’t get them out. “What really made you come here?” Hux gave a little huff of laughter, breath warm against Ben ’ s face , and a small smile that made Bens stomach flip.
   “Well , you’re interesting , that’s for sure. You’re also the first person to ever so blatantly reach out to me even though , to be quite honest, I thought you did so in a rather vulgar manner , but I guess even that had its charm. We both are broken , but perhaps we can fit together.”
Ben drifted asleep in the comfort of warmth and the soft sound of breathing. In his last conscious moments he thought that just maybe that happiness would be willing to stay.
One Summers Day
A rather soft moment between the two it was rather entertaining to write and I feel this is how they were in canon before things got bad the two making jokes and i wanted that in a modern story
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when you finish watching the latest episode of Tokyo Ghoul: Re.... (*and no I havent read the manga*)
To say I'm confused and left in suspense would be an understatement.
1. shocked to find out that Mutsuki is a girl living as a man (but kinda had suspicions in season 1 of Re)
2. Mutsuki is in love with Kaneki (although I fear the two are going to have an all out battle because of where they both stand in the war against ghouls)
5. Juuzou is capable of feeling emotions and letting his guard down when believed to be in the presence of his mentor
3. Finding out Urie has daddy issues (I feel like having daddy/mommy issues is a reoccurring theme in this anime... makes for very "colorful" character developments)
6. Furuta is fucking nuts!!!!!! We all knew he was a bad guy from the previous season, but to essentially sacrafice humans masked as clowns for his own personal gain is..... morbid to say the least. To be honest, I dont even know what his end game is, so I'm really confused by all of his shenanigans.
Either way, as confusing and somewhat convoluted this anime series has been, I LOVE IT!!!! Yes there is a lot going on, and yes there are still A LOT of unanswered questions, but I for one am super excited to see how this anime wraps itself up!
4. Saiko is crushing on Urie (do you think she meant that or was she just trying to calm his ass down)
#tokyoghoul #kaneki #kenkaneki #haise #tokyoghoulre #ghouls #ccg #quinxsquad #kagune #quinque #doves #ghoulinvestigator #touka #anime #animeislove #animeislife #fangirl #animegirl #animeboy #iloveanime
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and lastly.....
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dausy · 3 years
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art vs artist edition. I have to admit this year went by really fast. Like any other creative I look at my stuff and say "WHY DON'T I HAVE ANYTHING TO PUT IN A PORTFOLIO" but I think I did some good stuff this year with some dramatic improvement from last year. I don't know what next year will look like. I've had art on the backburner for so long this next year its going to be one of my top priorities. I do wonder what my art would look like if I hadn't taken a multiyear break but I probably never would have gotten into traditional media either. I look forward to that moment in the future to where I look back at all my stuff from this year and say "lol everythings terrible". Which isn't a bad thing. Fitness: other things I'd like to do in the coming year not art related is I still have a pull up goal. Couple years ago I could do 3 in a row. I wanted to do that this year and got distracted . I can do 1. lol. I kinda let the gym go to the wayside a bit since we moved to this town. I really miss indoor rockwall climbing. My little dinky gym just isn't the same. When my husband retires I really want to move someplace that has a nice climbing gym.
Reading: This year I had a goal of 52 books read, I surpassed that. I'm closer to 100 books. which is amazing. I'm not going to do that again this coming year. I'm going to prioritize other things. But I would like to read Harry Potter in espanol and I'd like to catch up on Brandon Sandersons stormlight archive which may take the whole year. I have 2 books that I am slowly reading, incredibly slowly right now and I have 2 books on hold that who knows when Ill get to them but then I may just slow down. and then games. I have such a long backlog of video games to play. I cant read and gym and game and draw and study spanish all at the same time. I'm still about 200 hours into assassins creed valhalla and I just havent had time to log into finish it. God of War is coming out soon. I know FF14 just had a massive update but I just don't have to time to dig into that. I'd like to play ghost of Tsushima and some others. I never even finished The Last of Us 2. My husband is leaving next year for army things so Ill have some free time again during the week.
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