#still need a name for thier story
stellawolfearts · 11 months
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take an oc wip. cause. yeah.....
Orpheus-He/Him (the one with purple horns)
Soleil-She/her (curly red hair)
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lemonmaid · 9 months
Alpha gojo x omega male reader
Theme is angest and fluff
Reader and gojo were high school sweet hearts and on thier final year reader got knocked up by gojo and on his way to tell gojo there was a misunderstanding which leds to them breaking up and reader taking the unborn kids (twins because why not) and after a few years gojo finds him with the kids and they reconnect after the misunderstanding was cleared up if that's alright with you
Also can you not make reader submissive and shy, I don't like it when omegas are like that
Wow! Most detailed request but coming up!!
Warnings: misunderstandings, mpreg, omegaverse, angst, rushed. Miscommunication
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"Standing Next to you"
(Name) was on the train coming back from Kyoto.
To say there was a lot on his mind was an understatement was…undermining it.
'This fucking blows'. 
(Name) looked at the omega across from him sitting in the reserved seating for pregnant people, looking at his flat stomach he cringed. 
'You're like an alien…. A parasite'.
(Name) was only a few weeks along, has he been to a doctor? No. But he did spend all day in Kyoto praying for a sign to tell him what he should do.
He could he a responsible adult and tell his mate that he was pregnant but in his teenage mind that's something that was off the table or too far out of reach. 
He did want to tell Satoru but knowing the Gojo clan, they would want him to abort anyway. 
That's where (name) was conflicted, he didn't want a pup but it was his damn choice if he wanted to abort, why should he listen to a bunch of betas and alphas tell him what to do?.
"Next stop Nagoya" 
He still had four more hours to think.
(Name) arrived at his dorm pretty late, surprisingly, Satoru was there, fuming.
"Where were you?".
Satoru crossed his arms, "Out?".
Satoru stared down (Name) who was trying to take off his shoes before he came inside the room.
"Where were you all day? You never answered your phone".
(Name) shrugged his shoulders, "It died".
"Yeah, I forgot to charge it". In reality, whenever (Name) saw Satoru's name pop up on his flip he felt like vomiting.
Satoru sighed, "I feel like as your mate I have a right to know-"
"I'm not going to talk to you when you treat me like this". (Name) rolled his eyes, throwing his keys onto the counter, and walking away.
Satoru followed the omega into their shared room, "Like what?"
"You're talking down at me. Treating me like a child".
"Well, you're acting like a child!"
"Me? I'm acting like a child?"
"Yes! You just go out and don't talk to me anymore! I was worried-"
(Name) closed and locked the bathroom door, staring into the toilet bowl, "Maybe because I am a child? So are you Satoru, are you forgetting that we are 3rd years? Haven't even-".
'I'm going to vomit'
"Stop! I'm not arguing with you! You need to tell me where you're going all day!". Satoru's voice was filled with worry, he sounded like he was genuinely hurt.
"I don't think I have to tell you anything!".
'I'm so sorry Satoru' 
There was silence between the two, The dim kitchen light glowed softly in the background.
"Maybe… we should take a break".
'It's for the best this way'
Shoko awkwardly rubbed the omega's back, as he vomited.
"There…. There"
(Name) gasped before dry heaving.
'This is worst'
Shoko lit a cigarette in the cheap apartment bathroom, "So… are you telling him? You know being with your mate will help with-".
(Name) was quick to move out of the dorm and drop out. It's been…a few long terrible weeks without Satoru; his mate, his better half, his everything.
Shoko sighed, "I would recommend a patch that you put on your mating mark to help with separation sickness but I'm pretty sure that will fuck up the pup".
(Name) laid against the cool wall, huffing and panting as sweat dropped from his forehead, ".... I will…go through the pain if it means staying away from Satoru… I will just-".
Shoko tossed him a water bottle, "I don't need your sob story, gosh, you sounded like Suguru when he was going through his separation sickness". Shoko sighed, putting out her cigarette and flushing it down the toilet.
Shoko pinched her nose, "Listen as a"
"You're not a doctor"
"Just… tell him. He would understand, he cares about you. And you damn well know it. Hell you two are mated, you're stuck together-".
Shoko looked at (name) with wide eyes.
"Please tell me you are hoping he just gets a mark removal surgery".
"I heard his clan would-"
"Fuck his clan are you fucking insane? Do you wanna drop? You'll kill your pups-"
"Fuck Shoko! I know! Fuck I know" (Name) cried, no sobbing.
"No, snap out of it! Do you think you can raise pups alone! Fuck in this shit hole? How can you raise them if you're fucking dropping!"
"Fucking! I know! I don't know what else to do Shoko! We are 17!! I don't want to burden anyone!! I can't!".
"You're not alone! Stop acting like it! Satoru fucking begs me to tell him where you are at! Stop pushing us away!".
(Name) sobbed into his knees, "I don't need saving. I can do this!".
"I'm getting Satoru".
That was the last time anyone really saw (Name).
It's been two years.
Shoko didn't have the heart to tell Satoru that his missing mate was pregnant, hell she didn't need to see another one of her friends drop and die.
Satoru had eyes and noses everywhere looking for his mate, he didn't really give up.
Well, until today. 
Satoru's eyes went wide when he saw two white headed pups run up to him. Yapping away about the similarities between the three of them.
"My! My!!"
The two twins grabbing his long legs.
Satoru felt a sob in his throat when he saw his long lost mate few feet away from him.
Oh how he glowed.
Oh how he aged.
He was still beautiful.
Why was he wearing a scent patch?
Why did he look unhappy to see him?
Why did Satoru's heart crushed?
(Name) called the twins names over to him. 
'Aoto and Shuto'
"My pups?" Satoru begged, he was pleading, his heart bleeding with sadness.
(Name) was obviously hesitant before nodding.
Satoru felt a sob exit his chest before crushing the three in a hug.
The four of them had dinner at Satoru's home, Satoru didn't want them out of his sight.
Satoru had the twins on both sides of his neck, letting them rest on his glands as he scent bonded them as they slept.
"Why did you keep this from me?".
"I was… scared of you turning me down so I wanted to speed up the progress".
"I would never turn this down…. (Name)... you're my mate… these were my pups".
"I know your clan-".
"I've.. disowned that, this is my clan…" gesturing towards the twins.
The two sat in silence.
Satoru sighed, "I want to make this work, but you need therapy, we need couples counseling… I still love you and I want to work this out".
(Name) nodded.
"I love you too".
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lint-beetle4 · 25 days
Hiii! Love your blog dude! I got a question! Or a request?? How would wukong and redson feel about thier past lover was reincarnated? How would they react?
The Cycle Continues (Wukong and Red Son x Reincarnated!Reader) Headcanons
Wukong is old, you don't need to remind him
He's seen his friend die, come back, and he's been tired of seeing random faces become more familiar as the cycle repeats and repeats
When he meets you, he found you to be charming and fairly cute
He fell for you hard, to say the least, and just like most deaths, yours was hard on him
He didn't expect to see your face again for another few thousand years, but no, in just centuries (a snap to the old monkey), there you were, in a new yet familiar face
Wukong nearly leapt at you with excitement, but he knew better
His old friends didn't remember him, he didn't expect you to as well
If you did? That's another story all together
If you remembered Wukong and called his name, oh, he'd be in love all over again
He'd ask about your new life and the people you've grown with
He'd also ask if he could be a part of yours again
If you don't remember, the sting burns a little, but he understands
He'll try to approach you, maybe chicken out, but he'll eventually say hi again, happy to hear your voice and the journeys you must've been on
Red Son:
When you met Red Son, he was a young adult in his demon years, fresh and full of anger towards a certain monkey
The Demon Bull Clan even without its king was strong and mighty, and Red Son made sure his subjects were obedient and loyal
You happened to be one of them, but unlike most, you and Red Son were close.
In secret, you two had been dating (it wasn't really a secret, but Iron Fan knew the important of letting your children be independent and allowing them to you when they needed), and both of you were quite passionate
Red Son depended on you when he would often feel inadequate for not being able to free his father quickly, and you were able to count on him to protect you when rival clans got too close
Your death was a dark stain in Red Son's past, like a glimmer that could never be captured again
As much as Iron Fan could provide her support, the mourning process still ate away at the flame prince
Centuries later, Red Son's father had returned, and a missing piece of him returned, but you were still gone
Of course, chance had it that he found you while shopping for ingredients
Unlike Wukong, Red Son wasn't old enough nor wise enough to notice how mortals reincarnated, so when he saw you, he was asking questions left and right
Those questions would only increase if you remembered him
If not, Red Son would be quite flustered at his behavior and apologize greatly before going to his parents for advice
In either scenario, you can count on him returning to you and quickly asking you on a date to get to know your new life better
There's a lot of missing time between the two of you, and Red Son is quite eager to make up for it
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kaiannae · 16 days
It is time- (Or: It Has Begin XD)
Greetings, my dear readers, it has been quite some time. First and foremost I would like to assure you that yes, I'm alive, and no, I have not abandoned my writing. But, I HAVE been distracted by somehing in the last few months, and I think its time to reveal it. I made a game! And not just a game, a Shadowgast game. I would like to present to you:
Beacon Run.
Ko-Fi This game begun its existance as a homework project for a game dev course I took about a year ago. I was supposed to implement a simple chase and pickup game and I thought, "Why use some random sprites when all I can imagine is small chibi Caleb chasing small chibi Essek around while Essek is trying to nom beacons?"
This idea lit a fire in my brain, and I just had to implement it but I had a very short time for the assignment. Iended up implementing something very simple, but I just couldn't let it go afterwards and vowed I was going to finish that small game and get it out for the fandom to play.
It has since been rewriteen, refactored and recoded several times, until I had something workable to show others. This is the place to mention the major contribution the people fo AIFL had on this little game. As I was maing this game, I shared its early stages with the server, and people have been kind in thier enthusasm, gave me ideas and provided invaluable criticism and feedback. They kept me motivated and kept me going through the lows of frustration one gets when coding. I got @bumble-b-goode 's permission to use their designs for the Weezards and drew my own sprites using that as inspiration. I ended up creating most of the assets for this game. Drawing the art assets took quite some time and I've learned a lot in the process.
Beacon Run not big or complicated as a game. In essence, is a tribute and a love letter to the Critical Role community and the CR crew. To the people who brought to life the Mighty Nein and have shared, and continue to share their stories with us on a weekly basis throughout the years. For Liam and Matt, who have weaved the tale of two broken wizards mending each other into better people, and keep their children of ink and paper alive for us to enjoy. The game: You as a player, are randomly assigned a little wizard to play for each match, so you can play as Essek or Caleb. The board dimensions and obstacles and even the flooring art are randomized for each match so each match is different. Your goal: to collect as many Beacons as you can during the allotted time, and end up with more Beacons than your rival which is the other wizard played by the computer. You gain projectiles over time, which are fake Beacons you can throw at the other wizard. If hit, the rival wizard is stunned for a short time, and drops several of his picked up Beacons for you to gather. However, beware! The rival wizard can also shoot you and stun you for a short while, and make you drop beacons as well. (You might notice that Essek gets stunned by sour lemon Beacons, while Caleb gets stunned by hand-knitted wool Beacons XD) In addition, when the rival is hit, he may drop a Magic Abeyance Bead which contains a Chronurgy spell. if you pick it up, it will provide a short time bonus for the match. In short, the game is a small, cozy game, made out of love for the wizards and the fandom, and I hope you'll enjoy it! I it still in the late stages of testing and development, as the feedback players provide is invaluable and lets me find bugs, add ideas and content suggested and tweak the mechanics to make it more enjoyable. So I would very much appreciate feedback, suggestions, con-crit etc. I would be happy to head what you like about it, what you think needs tweaking, ideas of content to add.... you name it! (Note that currently, the game does not work on mobile. I am planing to revamp the input system and add touch suport for mobile in the near future) Also it is worth mentioning that as I fix bugs, add content and tweak things, I upload new versions of the game so its worth following the Devlog and updates. The game is avaliable for play in the embedded player on the page, and also available for download to play offline (Though you might need to redownload it with every new version as I don't have an auto updater for it.)
In addition, if you like my work, feel like enabling me to make more of these or just want to buy me a coffee, It is always very much appreciated as it sure helps me stay afloat! Tip Jar
So, I hope you forgive me for my lack of writing for the last few months. I really wanted to get this out. I am trying to keep writing in my spare time, but the muses haven't been with me lately. I hope that now that this is out I can finally get my mind off it XD Stay tuned!
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Baby Lost, Baby Found
so first time posting on tumblr, i got inspired by the idea of danny phantom being jason todds father from the story apartment 31c by @faeriekit
its going to be a bit long so,
I headcanon that ghosts can asexually reproduce but it takes some time to make sure that the baby is stable than if there was two ectoplasmic donors so its not commonly done or well known . so when vlad tries to clone danny he doesn’t know that he’s actually growing a lab baby and in the test tube while its forming the baby splits, becoming two babies, one more ghostly (ellie) the other more human ( jason ).
Danny feeling a strange tug at his core urging him to find something, something very important to him and he has to find no matter what, searches for weeks before he finds ellie and jason before vlad ages them up and he falls in love instantly. he looks at his beautiful daughter and son, cradles them carefully and takes them home olny telling jazz, sam, and tucker about their true origins, his parents lecture him about ‘how irresponsible he was for bringing two children into the word’ and ‘how hard it is to raise them’ and ‘how much personal time you have to give up to take care of them’ despite them not noticing that he had disappeared for weeks or that they spent all day in thier lab only coming out for food and bathroom breaks or to put a sample in the fridge because the basement fridge was full {they still haven’t noticed he’s died} . the babyies needed a steady intake of his ectoplasm or pure ectoplasm to stabilize so took them to school with him, not trusting his parents inventions to not accidentally shoot at his kids but thankfully the ghost have calmed down with their attacks ever since he got the kids only going after him after school and during holidays and toning down thier destructive acts.
During the summer holiday vlad invites the fenton family to a cruise ship no doubt trying to enact one of his stupid schemes with jazz unfortunately (or fortunately) unable to join because she was joining a charity for helping less fortunate kids as a volunteer so that she could add it to her resume also because she’s just a really good person and wants to help defintley not to get out of the holidy cruise with val of course not . During one of the cruses resocking pit stops he has to change ellie’s diaper because he’s a goid dad, so he leaves jason with his parents reluctantly after the insisted that he would be perfectly safe with them, jason having a dormant core barley exhibits any ghostly traits while ellie having an active core regularly floats, so his parents were less liely to think jason was a ghost tgan ellie, not knowing that as soon as he left the box ghost came to cause mischief, his parents immediately entering ghost hunter mode forgetting about baby jason.
Enter Sheila also on the cruise running a fake pregnancy scam on multiple people, getting desprate when few men fall for it but needing more proof from her, she decides to steal baby jason who was conveniently unattended to in the chaos happening and leaves before the cruise before the ship departs. She successfully registers the baby as hers saying that she gave birth to him on a cruise thats why she has no previous medical records and naming him jason based on the custom onsie he’s wearing that had in bold Baby Jason written on the chest and starts her scam once again. This time she’s more successful in her scam getting large amounts of money from different men, her having blue eyes, the baby having blue eyes, most people having black hair made it much easier, but now the baby was getting older and its harder to scam people with a larger baby so she doesn’t want him anymore so she hands him over to the only man stupid enough to believe that was truly his baby, Willis Todd, she dumps him in gotham and leaves.
Back at the cruise ship danny finishes changing ellie only to come out to the aftermath of the box ghost and search’s for his parents so that he could get his son back only to discover that his parents have once again neglected another child, their grandchild, in favor of their ghost hunting ways. danny feels devestated his baby boy is gone and the ship had already sailed a long way out from their last stop, he should have never trusted his parents, he didn’t care that they neglected him, but thier neglect now cost him his son. he leaves ellie with jazz once they reach home and follows the tugging in his core once again trying to locate his son, but this time it’s harder it took him weeks to find his kids the first time and that was when they were stationary, now sheila keeps moving meaning the direction of the tugging keeps changing and it throws him off the right track, until she reaches gotham and the tugging suddenly STOPS, danny is floating in the middle of nowhere when his connection with his baby just disappears without a warning. and danny is just terrified, he doesn’t know what has happened to his baby.
Jason is in gotham now, which is a ectoplasm deadzone, despite it being heavily covered in death energy. any time ectoplasm is formed its immediately sucked away by those who have recently died, barely being able to take enough to pass to the afterlife, and with the amount dieing in gotham the amount of ectoplasm is barely able to sustain jasons baby core. he has stronger senses and a better immune system from his ghost half but other than sharper canine teeth he doesn’t develop other ghostly traits over the years growing up, if he able to seemingly disappear in the shadows and move as silent as a ghost, it’s attributed to gotham strangeness.
jason is now 15 and dies waking up briefly in ghost zone only for the ectoplasm to kick start his core and kicks him back into his body six months after his death, back in to gotham the ectoplasm deadzone now unable to support his active core leaving him catatonic for talia to find and dunk in the lazarus pit. he spends three years in with the league of assassins before returning to gotham mad with pit rage and the need for revenge against the joker.
danny, now the ghost king , has never given up searching for his missing, despite not being able to locate him his bond reassuring him his son was alive, having moved out with his daughter and sister when she turned eighteen and cut off all communication with his parents. he’s in a meeting in the ghost zone when he feels his bond with his son flare up strongly only for it to disappear from the ghost zone not a minute later, leaveing him no time to search for him, but the bond is there, if barely, but it disappears again when jason is dumped in the lazurus pit, his signature corrupted from how it was when he was young. danny’s core aches from the sadness he’s feeling, the bond he has with his son is seemingly gone, he doesn’t know what to do now.
A year passes and jason is now nineteen a year after he came back to gotham, having reconciled with his family. but now the justice league is facing a world ending supernatural threat and they need someone or something powerful enough to face it, so who else other than the benevolent and kind ghost king.
constantine has the main league members do the ritual with him batman, superman, wonder woman, flash, green lantern, because the requires a lot of power. so they chant his titles, The Benevolent and Kind, The Great One, The Gate and The Keeper, The Guiding Star, The High King Of Infinite Realms, and a portal starts forming and slowly danny emerges in full royal garb, white hair swaying whisply in an invisible breeze, eyes a glowing green galaxy, crown and ring on full display. Danny opens his mouth to speak only to close it when he feels a weak, sputtering bond from someone standing at the back of the room, he cranes his head searching for the orogin of this bond and spots a young man, then it clicks, thats his son, that’s jason. he can’t believe his eyes, he finally found his baby, after nineteen years, he sinks to the floor and sobs.
Jason had always felt a strange feeling if longing that never seemed to go away, at first he thought it was from a lack of care from his parents, but it didn’t seem right to him, so after he bacame robin, and found out about sheil he thought that was where the feeling of longing was coming from, but then she betrayed him and he died at the hands of the joker. and in that one minute in the realm of the dead everything felt right only to wake up in his own grave and then get dumped in the pit. After getting dumped in the pit the longing was gone, and in its place was rage, like he had lost something very important to him and this made him unbelievable angry, so he went to gotham to exact revenge, and ended up reconciling with his family.
a year later he’s stading at the back the room as the justice league summons the ghost king, and as the king emerges the feeling of longing that was gone since his death starts sputtering to life, he looks at the floating man and the longing gets stronger, they lock eyes and the man shudders and sinks to the floor sobbing, he wants nothing more that to run to him and hug him, hold him and never let go, he has never felt such intense emotions towards someone in his life.
As he slowly walks towards the ritual, danny lifts his and revrently utters his name “Jason”
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marymary-diva17 · 1 year
our daughter
sully family x human daughter
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Sully stick together was the phase that Jake had taught all his kids when they were young, and now it was his turn to make sure that happens. It had been time to come clean with the truth that the other half of the omatacayia clan had been left behind, and that their families and clan were missing them so much. It was time to being families and friend back together after being apart for so long.
Jake " ......"Jake was going to meet with Tonowari today as he wish to ask him, for refugee for his daughter and everyone else that had stayed behind. He was not only was tsu'tey had came as well hoping to speak with tonowiar on the matter and give his story as well. Moat and neytiri were going to seek a meeting with ronal and ask for her approval as well.
Tsu'tey " are we sure about this what if he say no and send us all away"
Jake " then we will leave and make sure the RDA never finds any of these people, we have to do this for the kids and everyone else" Tsu'tey nodded his head in agreement knowing Jake was speaking the truth. They soon reached the where tonowair was both man taking deep breaths before walking closer to him.
Jake " good afternoon tonowair"
tonowiar " welcome Jake and tsutey what do I honor this visit for"
Jake " we came to talk to you about our clan there some news I will like to share with you"
tonowair " come sit there is something else I will like to discuss with you all as well" The two man soon sat down with tonowari at his home to speak with him.
Tonowari " I know this none of my business to dress with you two, but my sons and daughter had brought it up to me and ronal that the kids seem sad talking about someone who was important to them" Jake and tsutey knew of this person right away and kept quite and bit longer.
tonowiar " they said there was more then one person but they mention this person was a she, and she she was not with them it seem very concerning"
Jake " my kids are talking about my eldest daughter"
tonowair " eldest daughter I thought kiri was your eldest daughter"
Jake " no she not she my second eldest my eldest daughter is name y/n she was born after neteyam, she is the one her siblings were talking about"
Tonowari " ......"
Jake " my daughter had been born human unlike her sibling she had no navi body"
tonowair " so she look like a sky person"
Jake " yes but she I still my child"
tonowari " I have a son and mate who are sky people as well, most of our sky has humans in thier family"
Tonowari " i have heard that these humans had helped you all fight against the demons"
Jake " yes they had and they gave up their safety for us to escape here, I watched as my daughter made a mature decision to stay bakc for the safety of her family"
tonowair " you really care for your daughter that much do you"
Jake " yes I care for her deeply it been months since I see her and my family need her back, we are not whole without her here with us"
tsu'tey " no of the families here are whole without all their members here"
tonowair " if these human come not all the clans will welcome right away do to what has been happening in our ocean"
Jake " we understand"
tonowair " can these humans help us as well like your clan"
tsutey " they are smart and good fighters they will land a hand in battle and help all the clan here if you give them a chance" tonowiar took a deep breath in and out.
Tonowari " I will approve of them coming I don't wish for your family or any other family to suffer with missing them anymore, and I will like to see what these humans can offer"
Jake " thank you so much"
tonowair " You and your clan have done enough for us since you arrival here I will like to return a favor, but you most know they will all be watched closely by my warrior and other clan warriors until future notice"
Jake " we understand"
tonowair " I hope you all family will be reunite no one should be away from family this long" tonowari had asked the two man more questions about their kids and these humans, he came to understand the omatacayia clan a bit more then before and wish to understand them more as well.
somewhere else in the village
Ronal " so you daughter is human along with your nephew"
neytiri " yes even due they are humans they have proven themselves time and time again"
mo'at " my granddaughter had acted mature and made decision an adult will make by staying where it dangerous so we all had a change for getting safety"
ronal " this girl is very important to your family"
neytiri " yes she my eldest daughter and I done care if she human she my kid, and I need to go back there to be with her and keep her safe I will do so"
ronal " then they can come but I wish to learn about these humans"
neytiri " ......"
ronal " I'm a mother as well I care for my three kids as well you, have gone threw alot to leave a child behind"
neytiri " thank you ronal"
ronal " I hope you and your daughter can be reunited neytiri, and I hope I can learn something from here as well and see the good side of these sky people or humans you call them"
mo'at " we will make sure that you can learn from them ronal and thank you once again for letting them come"
ronal " thank you" the adult had re group and share the wonderful news with each other, all four of them were happy and soon share the new with the clan as well everyone was happy to be reunited with the humans soon. The metkayian and many other clans had many question about the said human, as many of them feared that these humans will be evil. once the new was share with you and everyone else everyone was happy as well on base finally getting the chance t see everyone again and share how much everyone had changed over the months. You and spider were over joyed to finally show your families and clan that you two have navi bodies now. Over the weeks everyone was having everything packed up while some inland was being approved for the humans base and everything else. There were sample and other stuff being collect over these time, that had been asked for that took travel with the group but could come with you all. Soon enough you will be the arms of your family again and then the family and clan will be hole again.
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 1 year
My next brainrot what if there was a aeon representing fear like evryone kn universe dears this aeon so much to point of refusing saying thier name only calling the aeon by nicknames and the only ones who call the aeon of fear like just another aeon are the pepole who walks on path of fear and reader is one of them before they gets on path of fear they were terifited of the aeon to but one day they understands that fear is needed becose withote it humanity wodul be doomed
As for reader personality they are more stoic to terrifying point but when helping pepole with thier fears or phobia they are very gentel and friendly
As for charaters
@Zardas75 you are literally the sole reason why my blog is even alive at this point. I need more ppl to enter in some requests fr 😭 my motivation dies on me too quickly 😔
Btw, I'm mainly going to just focus on the fact that Reader follows the Path of Fear than the Aeon of Fear in general if that's okay with you.
Path of Fear!Reader With Stelle, Asta, and Natasha!
Color yourself surprised: She saw right through your stoic and terrifying point.
How, you might ask? Well, the story's very simple: She was out searching for trash cans, and stumbled upon you with some random stranger she doesn't know, trying to coax them because (to her horror), they were afraid of trash monsters.
Okay, first of all—how dare this stranger! If Stelle wasn't digging in another trash can at the point, she would bonk the living daylights out of them. And you looked cool, so she didn't give into her murder tendencies.
The moment you and she interacted, Stelle was caught a little off at how stoic and terrifying you were trying to be—but come on, she's not afraid of you no matter how hard she tries.
Sorry, but after being stabbed with a giant ice lance thing through her chest, someone glaring holes into her isn't going to scare Stelle off. Besides, she's seen the other side of you while hunting down trash cans. If anything, her...unique quirkiness and traits kind of scare you.
"Stop digging in the trash cans." "I FOUND TREASURE!" "...You are so annoying." "Okay :D"
Safe to say though, you aren't getting rid of Stelle so easily.
She meets you when several scientists on the Herta's Space Station starts to become very pale, some even running off in the opposite direction they were walking towards. She turns around, and bam—she's also a little terrified to see you.
Even the way you walk was enough for her to drop her precious telescope she carries along with her.
Were you not with the Astral Express Crew, she thought you might have been a new recruit for the Stellaron Hunters or something. You were terrifying!
Yet something about you was very endearing as well. It only amplifies more when Asta catches you taking care of a scientist and their phobia. She almost envies the attention from your soft side.
She tries her best to steel her own nerves as she tries to get to know you better—it's obvious that, despite that stoic and cold facade you have, you were someone of a kind heart and of pure intentions.
"The stars....they're all just a lie, in one world." (did you catch the reference? 👀) "W-well, I assure you, they aren't here! If anything, uhm—they're much more fascinating here at the station!" "Hm. You're about to drop your telescope thing." "R-right! Ah, shoot—uh, sorry!"
Yeah, she's still failing. You're terrifying yet fine as hell.
The moment she sees some of her patients pale and a few children cry and running off to hide, she thought some rogue or criminal entered her infirmary.
Turns out, it was just you. You were as terrifying as you were beautiful. If she didn't know better, Natasha would've said she mighy have gotten a heart attack just simply glancing at you.
She tries her best to be polite to you despite her fear of you, and Natasha really adores your soft side when she catches how you help children overcome their fears.
"A-Ah, Y/N! I didn't see you there. How can I helo you?" "I got stabbed in the arm." "Alright, don't worry—I'll be sure to...check up on it."
Whenever you arrive to the infirmary, be it injuries or other reasons, Natasha fumbles on her own words. The question is if it's out of fear or romantic attraction 👀
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: I am so sorry that this took longer than needed! I was caught up in a lot of IRL events, and couldn't finish thid earlier than I wanted it to.
Please, feel free to send requests to me! I honestly need them—the sagau genshin series I'm working on is dying due to my lack of motivation :')
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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happypotato48 · 5 months
We Are EP 3 Unhinged Tangent Thoughts
Back by popular demand??? i guess this is my thing now. sorry for the lack of screenshots but i watched this thang live and i'm not going to give IQYI 49 baht for just this one show. i'm cheap like that baby!
This aunt-newphew relationship is so delightful. pheem called her "Aha" this word is a gender neutral term for your father's younger sibling so the aunt is either that or a relative from pheem's father side of the family. also girl don't misgendered yourself.
So toey used his name as a first person pronoun, idk how to feel about this cause if this is real life he definitely gonna get make fun of for doing that. but it's BL and satang is a cutie patootie so, meh.
Tan is down so bad it's embarrassing. i need more scenes with these two asap. i love myself a good simp and aou is great playing one and he's definitely the strongest comedic actor in this cast.
150 baht for one cup of green tea!?! that shit better taste like nectar of the gods, i knew shits in bangkok are pricey but damn. anyway where in the story am i again oh right, phum and pheem oh boy these two, yeah i'm kinda not vibing with these two's plotline at all.
Insert rosa diaz meme here for pun. i can't with this boy 🤣wtf is this nonsense at the noodles shop, this boy is so dumb and pure (also kinda read like he's on the spectrum.) forcing a boy to blow the food you ate in YOUR MOUTH is legit the most unhinged BL shenanigan i ever witnessed. 10/10 no notes.
Winny put the guitar... put that down!, nyoooooo! welp atleast it ended quickly.
Ok, soooo yeah. this show definitely is mostly fluff with barely any substance. i'm glad that we get the apology from phun this fast so maybe thier dynamic might be a little bit more enjoyable in the future. i think this show at its best is when it focus on the friends group unfortunately there not a lot of that in this ep. as a person who really love slice of life manga/anime, i feels like this show could have been great as that, a slice of life show about dumb college boys with BL element. i hate saying this but some of the bl tropes definitely weighted the show down. i'm still vibing with the show and still very much want to stick around for aou and poon. hopefuly with the apology phum and pheem story will pick up the pace soon and we'll get to move on to other pairs.
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billy-jeans23 · 8 months
Hello friend, I trust you're having a great day, I'm not a bot(lol) I'm Ben, the transwoman who was sent to a correctional home by her parents for wanting to be Trans. You reacted to a post(url! Fartherbyfar) of mine back in 2021- when I made a post of me wanting to flee(I don't want to add the link, so tumblr won't flag me, but you can see the post on my page). I know it sounds cliche, but unfortunately, here I am 2 years later, still needing support to flee. I made an update on the post about my 2 years journey and how my account was locked. I need all the support i can get from you AGAIN - Kindly boost/donate/like and share if you can. Please check my pinned post for my campaign(including my correctional home story).
I think you are a scammer, your gofundme and ko-fi links are fake. Are you trying to steal card numbers ?? Also, I saw you send the exact same message to a lot of people. If you are not a scammer, please DM me so we can talk about it. Their links :
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VS what it should look like :
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This is not even just low level scamming, this is creating websites levels of scamming. I checked "buy me a coffee" website, and a lot of it seems clean except their linkedin page does not exist, thier facebook page last interaction is some saying they are a scammer because they have been contacting help center for months and never got any answer despite getting orders, and the website is OBVIOUSLY based on ko-fi and trying to be ko-fi without being kofi. Same thing for the donatefundme / gofundme link. Either this is a real person beign scammed by two donating websites or they are part of the scam themself. They also sent dozens if not hundreds of the exact same ask, so yeah, likely a scam.
I am tagging people that got this ask or will soon so you are aware of it @vaspider @canisonicscrewyou @seananmcguire @danielwekwek @quotidianish @discount--dracula @fandom-cereal @the-name-is-loser
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banesberry-anomoly · 3 months
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New Scp oc just dropped
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This is Dr [Geiger], aka Dr ☢☣, Aka Dr Radioactive Biohazard, aka Dr Geiger. Any and all pronouns, and is also able to use xenopronouns due to a part of hyr anomaly!
Left is Before Everything, right is after literally tearing out their identity
Their name is literally pronounced as Geiger Counter Noises and he Will Not Respond to being called anything else, maybe to Dr Geiger if youre lucky
More info below
Details about her Anomaly
Part of her anomaly is a mematic effect that allows people to pronouce its name after hearing fey say it, this persists for up to two hours after leaving either xier immediate vicinity (the room) or eyesight, whichever is larger. Those that interact often with him usually have a recording of geiger counter noises or an actual geiger counter on-hand, as it will react to them.
Fei can also mess around with peoples senses for up to 15 seconds at a time and is a walking soundboard, which is why xi can use xenopronouns. The mematic effect that lets people pronounce her name also lets people """""pronounce""""" xenopronouns, but for a longer period of time.
That being said, she's literally radioactive and needs to take foundation-produced medicine to keep it from getting Out Of Hand (its literally just fuckin Rad-Away like in the fallout games lmao). This makes it hard to sleep and has thus just resorted to staying awake for extremely long periods of time and uses large amounts of caffeine to 'help,' that is until it passes out for more than 24 hours.
Once shi became aware of the fourth wall, it was able to break it and somewhat interact similarly to Deadpool or Gwenpool can.
Basic story
Inspired mainly by the songs 'Hyperdontia' and 'Novacaine' (in specifically that order).
Not being able to sleep easy leads to boredom, especially at night when not very many other people are awake. Unfortunately this lead to the discovery of the fourth wall, which in turn lead to breaking it. He realized that xi was a 'side/background character' and wanted to become more important to the 'fictional' world shi lived in, and thus started ripping traits (similar to how one would rip something onto a disc) from other characters (both within their own world and from others) to apply to itself to become either more pallateable or just more noticable.
Eventually this lead to becoming a fairly popular character in certain parts of viewership/the fandom, but of course it ended up becoming too much. Thier body started rejecting the 'ripped traits' like someone might rejected a transplanted organ, which made the literal radioactivity get worse, among other things. More mental strain was put onto Geiger to keep trying to fix or replace these traits, and eventually the stress made fey snap and she had a psychotic break that made xim rip out every single trait, including a large amount from before they discovered the fourth wall.
He still fucks around with other character traits, but no longer cares about being 'pallateable' to the audience, and hir 'base self' is very different now, including several noticable physical changed
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sharpth1ng · 7 months
Ok so I actually really like scream 2, I think it exists well within the spirit of what a scream movie should be in that it interacts with a horror sequel in the same way that Scream 1 interacts with slasher movies(and to be fair, other horror) generally.
Sidney is literally bored with Ghostface, and we see that in her first on screen appearance. It's a pretty simple scene but I think it does a good job of conveying some information about where Sid's at in life. Because now when she gets a call from ghostface it's nothing she hasn't dealt with before, she had caller I.D now. It's suggested that she's been getting prank calls from "ghostface" for a while now and she's over it. I like that for her. It's a nice evolution for a final girl, and the movie communicates it well in one scene.
She also has a cute little bob now so points for that. Very sapphic.
We also have the fact that the Woodsboro massacre has been commodified and is being made into a movie a mere 2 years after it happened. Gale is partly to blame for that but it still feels wild, especially because the tone of Stab isn't very serious, it's very much a blockbuster horror movie and not a crime-drama even though it's based on what is in universe a true crime case.
Director Wes Craven doesn't believe violence on film should be toned down and made comfortable for a general audience, so I kind of read the in-universe presence of the Stab franchise as Scream 2 making a comment on the way that real tragedies get re-packaged and sold as stories.
We also have Mickey and Nancy's kill list- it's a hollow replication of the murders in the first movie, and I don't mean that scream 2 does a bad job with them I mean that Mickey and Nancy kind of do. How do they pick their victims? Aside from the core group of people close to Sidney they're basically just random people with the right names.
Maureen Evans, Phil Stevens, and Casey "Cici" Cooper.
These victims have no personal connection to the killers or to Sidney for the most part, they're literally just there to be bodies. In contrast Billy and Stu had a personal, petty little kill list, all people that pissed them off or got in thier way somehow. Again, this feels like it fits in with the theme of commercialism, sequels bet on hitting the same notes as the original, but often fail to provide the same kind of motivation and backing.
(The only victim without that kind of connection in the original is Himbry and that’s explained by the fact that his death wasn’t in the original script, it was added in because executives thought the movie needed another kill since there’s so much space between the Casey and Steve murders and everything that happens at the party. So again, a product of commercialism.)
But I think the lack of connection Nancy and Mickey have with their victims is also commentary on the horror sequel, particularly with slasher movies where most of the cast died in the original. Sequels have a tendency to just throw a new cast at you without spending the same time and care developing them, they’re just designed to fit the same archetypes as the original (Mickey=Stu, Derek=Billy, Hallie=Tatum). Studios bank on the fact that you liked it the first time, so you’ll like it again if they check the same boxes.
Scream 2 doesn’t give us hollow copies though, and that’s what makes it a good movie, these replacements are designed for the most part as comments on the original. I think the best example here is Derek, who does actually fit the archetype Billy was pretending to be (popular, charismatic, outgoing) but he still doesn’t actually understand Sid or her trauma, which is where he parallels Billy the most. He just isnt trying to manipulate Sid like Billy was.
I also think the relationship between the killers works well with the theme of commercialism in sequels. The original killers are almost defined by their relationship to each other. Like, Stu does what he does purely out of his attachment to Billy. Billy and Nancy are both motivated by revenge and familial love, which is a theme through many of the other scream movies.
But Mickey isn’t motivated out of his attachment to Nancy, he has a financial motive. She’s literally bankrolling him, and he’s looking for fame. If we’re thinking cynically about horror sequels they are motivated by financial gain, relying on the success of the original to get people to buy in. Just like Mickey.
And in general the sequel just pushes so much over the top, with the first kill happening in the middle of the theater being perceived as a publicity stunt, to Randy being killed out in the open in broad daylight. It’s the classic sequel thing that all of the scream movies comment on- you need to raise the stakes.
Honestly there’s probably more I could say but I’ve already written an essay 🙃 yeah. I like scream 2. Good movie.
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shewhowas39 · 3 months
Hello :)
After reading your post about elven maturity - which is great imo because I'm totally new to dnd and know little to nothing - I think you might be able to answer some of my questions.
I stumbled upon posts that stated Astarion to be so young because he still carries his child name or something like that. It's been weeks I read those posts I can't remember probably. So my question is, if "Astarion" is his child name, what would be his "adult name" by elven standards? Does he even need to chance his name? I just think it fits him perfectly fine so I can't imagine him having a different name or similar name to his "child name".
Thank you in adavance for your answer :)
this is a really great question that i probably should have touched on in my post. so thank you for asking!
okay, so as i explained in my original post, in elven culture, elves are considered adults at age 100. this has nothing to do with physical or psychological maturity. it's purely a cultural thing because elves live so long.
now, it does actually go somewhat deeper than that. long story made short, an elf's trance (called Reverie in elven culture) goes through phases as they age. during trance, an elf relives memories. there is a lot of lore behind this that is really interesting, but basically, around age 100 the memories they access during trance changes. which is where the marker of 100 comes from.
at this point, an elf is able to choose thier "adult name." up to this point, they've carried a name given to them by parents, usually a name that reflects something about their perosnality. like a nickname. and then when they are seen as adults, they are allowed to pick a name for themselves. it's a sort of right of passage.
now, again, this is a elven culture thing. so elves living in more diverse cities, like Baldur's Gate, might do things differently.
it can be assumed, because it is on his grave and he was only 39, that Astarion was his "child name." at 39, his trance/reverie would not have gone through the change yet. so he never got to pick his adult name.
what would Astarion's "adult name" be? it would be up to him. considering he lived in Baldur's Gate, he may not even ascribe to this custom. but if he did, then presumably at age 100 he would have chosen a new name.
why didn't he choose one when he hit age 100 since as a spawn? there could be a lot of reasons for this. one is that he may not have folloed the more elfy customs because of where he lived. one is that his trance/reverie remains the same as it was at 39 and never went through the change because of being sort of in stasis as a vampire. it's also possible he just didn't see the point, seeing himself as dead anyway. (i doubt Cazador would have been willing to call him by a chosen name anyway.)
this is a very simplified version of the lore. the trance/reverie stuff is interesting but complex and tied into elven religion, which Astarion also doesn't have any interest in, which may be another reason he never changed his name. if you're interested in it, definitely check out hte Forgotten Realms wiki. it's neat and may have some insight into waht Astarion could possibly see during his trance.
but, again, going back to my old post, Astarion having a "child name" does not mean he is a child in any way except for a specifically elven cultural sense. he just didn't go through a very specific right of passage. and he never chose a new name for himself.
hope that explains things!
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blnova180 · 28 days
The Bad Sandwiches
This story contains: multiple sick characters, with descriptive belly rumbles, scat and diarrhea!!!
Sci-fi setting: In a world where humans and robots are at war with each other, during a rare moment of armistice, two unfortunate guys end up with a bout of food poisoning. Fortunately, their commander is there to take care of them.
(FYI I'm terrible at names so...)
On a normal, sunny afternoon, lieutenants Fleck and Hade were having lunch at the canteen, partaking in their favorite activity: talking crap about their unit's new commander, Spree.
It was ridiculous that the higher ups thought she'd make a better commander than either one of them. Spree was more book smart than street smart, and she was always coming up with new strategies and training regiments.
"She's not right in the head," Hade said, getting up from the table. "There's an efficient way to hold your blaster, and there's a hundred ways to do so inefficiently," he mimicked her in a high pitched voice.
"The old commander never cared how we shot, as long as we hit out targets," complained Fleck. "Whatever, let's got train on our own for a while, yeah?"
"Sure, man."
Throwing out their trash and leaving thier trays behind, the two made their way to holo-room 4 to start on some light training.
They'd been fighting holo-bots for about an hour, sweating and already growing a bit tired, when Fleck started noticing an uncomfortable pressure building in his stomach. Glancing at Hade, who was still going, he shrugged it off and decided to push through it. Unbeknownst to Fleck, Hade was beginning to feel something too; his insides were rather tender and were twinging in pain with the slightest movements.
They finished the round and Hade paused the session.
"I need some water," he said.
Fleck nodded, needing the break just as much. He wiped his sweaty hair out of his face, and winced as a cramp raced down his abdomen. Hade was getting a drink at the water fountain, so Fleck allowed a soft pfff to escape him, trying to ease the pressure.
Hade bent over the water fountain, really hoping the cool water would sooth his stomach. Unfortunately, bending put more pressure on his gut than he intended.
Phwaaarghhhhh. It moaned like a whale and Hade flinched. He wiped his mouth and straightened back up.
Just then, the door to holo-room 4 opened.
Fleck and Hade looked up, and Commander Spree stared back at them.
"There you are," Spree said coolly, crossing her arms. "Have you been down to the canteen yet?"
"What's it to you?" Fleck snapped. "Gonna regulate what we eat now too?"
Spree raised an eyebrow. "Control's reported a situation. Did you stop at the canteen or not?"
Fleck glared at her, his aching stomach emboldening him. "What's it matter if we did or didn't? What's the situation? Is there an attack, was there a breach?"
"More of a human error," Spree said. "Answer the question, lieutenant."
"What? So it's a matter of rank?" Fleck sneered. "We're not high enough to know what's-" he took a breath, a cramp rolling through him "-what's going on?"
Spree narrowed her eyes. She crossed the room towards him, opening her mouth to no doubt berate him, when all of a sudden, she was interrupted by a noisy fart.
As it turned out, while Fleck had been arguing with Spree, Hade was having a bit of a predicament. He'd placed his hands on his stomach, surprised to find it protruding in a tight bloat. He could feel his belly bubbling against his hands.
Hade's stomach quaked warningly. He gasped and clenched his butt. But it was so no avail, his cheeks were split open with a booming, dry fart.
Spree and Fleck looked at him. Hade's ears turned pink from embarrassment, but he didn't have time to dwell, because he wasn't done. His next string of farts spluttered out painful and wet.
Phllllbrrrrrrrtttttttttt. Krpppppppluttttttttt. Phbraaaap-braapppp. Grrrrll. Poooot.
Hade held his stomach, his legs weak and shaky. His breath came quick and hard, his stomach aching and burning.
Spree sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "As I was saying, Control reported a situation. The tuna sandwiches served at the canteen today were expired. A few people have turned up sick at the med-bay. Did both of you eat the sandwich, or just Hade?"
Gwwwwlp. The wet, upset gurgle from Fleck's own stomach answered her question for him.
"Do you need to use the bathroom before I escort you to the med-bay?" Spree asked them.
"Yes," Hade whimpered, clutching onto the side of the water fountain for support.
"I'm fine," Fleck snarled, crossing his arms.
"Suit yourself, then."
Spree walked over to Hade, supporting him the few steps to the bathroom behind him. Hade stumbled into the first stall, desperately pulling his belt loose and dropping his pants.
The moment his butt touched the porcelain bowl, a wet fart exploded from him, carrying a stream of liquid diarrhea out with it. Hade whimpered, tears pricking in his eyes. His gut was so tight and tender he couldn't do more than let spurts of mushy poo shot out from his sore butthole. Except something was getting stuck, and he needed to push, but he was in too much pain.
Gasping, and choking on a sob, he tried rubbing his belly to move things along; but he couldn't even fart anymore.
He heard a sigh, and Spree was in front of him, roughly feeling his forehead. Hade gasped for air. His breathing suddenly eased out when a new hand gently ran up and down his stomach.
Grrwwwwullllll. His tummy yawned thankfully, and his lower belly unclenched what it'd been holding back. A log pocked out of his hole, slowly working its way out with a mix of dry and wet prrts.
Outside the bathroom, Fleck stood massaging his abdomen. Alone, he let his face turn red, twisting in discomfort as he forced out little chirping farts. His churning stomach wasn't feeling any better. He thought releasing some gas would make the building pressure ease up some, though so far, it did not good.
Fleck felt bad for Hade, who'd thoroughly embarrassed himself in front of their straight-laced commander, and was sorry he was so sick. Fleck didn't think he needed to take a dump that desperately, yet, but the noises from the bathroom were starting to make his own stomach burble sympathetically.
A cramp stabbed his bellybutton, and he opened his cheeks to let out another fart.
Only, what he'd expected to be another dry peep, came out instead as a sickly shart.
Fleck broke into a cold sweat. He made a b-line for the bathroom, holding onto his bottom like his life depended on it.
Inside, Hade, who's own pain was easing up as his log inched it's way out, saw a flash of Fleck as he raced to the next stall. Bubbly farts followed him, along with a string of breathless curses.
Fart after fart rocketed out of him, his belly crying for sweet relief. Making it into the stall, his fingers trembled on his belt buckled as he fumbled to unclasp it.
Braap. Braap. BRRRAAAP.
He kept farting consecutively until finally, finally Fleck managed to drop his pants and collapse onto the waiting toilet. He farted. And farted. But nothing but a few little mushy sharts came out.
Fleck tried pushing on his taught, bloated stomach. His guts boiled with fury at his harsh treatment.
His booming fart echoed in the toilet bowl.
In the next stall, Hade winced sympathetically, listening to his friend's persistent farting. His log tapered off and he let out a sigh of relief. His poor gut was still hurting, but he was done pooping for the moment.
Spree handed him a wad of toilet paper.
"Thanks," Hade mumbled weakly. "I think I'll be all right to go to the med-bay after, y'know..."
He nodded towards Fleck's stall, where he'd started panting and grunting in an attempt to move things along.
"He's gonna be here all day at this rate," Spree said, shaking her head before walking out of Hade's stall and into the next.
Fleck glared at her when she took a step towards him, and she raised her hands in surrender, leaning against the stall's frame. Fleck's pants pooled around his ankles, the skid mark on the inside of his underwear visible.
A cramp rolled like thunder through him, and he bent over to fart again.
It started as a hiss, quickly becoming another boom. Fleck's face turned red as he strained, bending forwards, hugging his knees. His belly couldn't take being squished so hard.
The head of log snaked out of him. Fleck pushed. And a short log slid out into the bowl. He panted with relief, leaning back. He almost wanted to laugh at how over dramatic his body had been acting. After all that effort, the only thing he'd expelled was-
Another sharp cramp pierced his bellybutton; like an extra long, hot needle.
And in an instant, his cheeks were parting. Fleck held his breath. It felt like lava running out of his bottom. Clumpy and slushy, burning his butthole on the way out.
Over the sound of his diarrhea, he could hear Spree saying something to Hade. He heard her leave, foot steps fading. For a few minutes, Fleck held back tears, resigning himself to his twisting guts.
Kshhhrrrt~ Bllllrrrrrp ~ Phhhwwwwggggg. The chunky streams continued.
Then, all of a sudden, Fleck registered a hand combing through his hair. Exhausted, he fell forward, and an arm was holding him, the hand moving down to rub circles along his back. His stomach burbled and he whimpered.
Spree readjusted him and knelt down. Softly, she rubbed his sore, fussy tummy, until the last of his bout trickled to a stop.
She stood back up, offering him something. Fleck looked up to find Spree was handing him a pack of wet wipes. Embarrassed, he took them from her, thankful she left the stall while he cleaned himself.
A bit gingerly, Fleck put his pants back on. He joined the others in front of the sink and washed his hands.
Spree walked them down to the med-bay, keeping watch while the nurse asked about their symptoms and pain. Hade's stomach was achy and Fleck's still a bit bubbly, but it seemed the worst of it was over.
Their unit commander rejoined them when the nurse let them lay down. Spree cleared her throat.
"You've got the next two days off, but I expect to see you both bright and early Friday morning. Is that clear?"
"Aye..." Fleck and Hade saluted her weakly.
"Good. As you were, lieutenants."
Spree left the med-bay and Hade turned to Fleck.
"Never met such hard-ass Commander in my life."
"Don't think you will again, in this life or the next."
Yeah, okay, so I got supper excited to write my first post and might've put all my favorite tropes together. Anyway, my first post!
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morphcode · 3 months
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hi again angels ! it's kina ( @wickedhours ) once again coming to introduce my newest brain - child, a confidential informant for villains ( aka their real "clients" ) with an agenda to get rid of the aeternal utopia that only ever uses their sense of justice to benefit aeternals. under the cut you'll find all the links needed to get you acquainted with them, and if you're interested in plotting pls like this post & i'll dm yall as soon as i can !!
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their backstory contains topics of familial death, parental neglect, survivor's guilt, and slight-descriptive violence. when the aforementioned topics come up in their backstory i will give a brief warning!
⤷ junho was born on november 15, 1997 to a seemingly normal family. thier parents were both elementary school teachers in the city, and their family lived a humble beginning. they were the second-oldest child, having an older brother and two younger sisters, and they were just a normal, happy family...
⤷ ( tw : familial death ) tragedy would strike when junho was eight years old, just a couple months after their youngest sister was born. an aeternal by the name ARCHANGEL ( flight via angel wings + minor light manipulation ) was having an intense fight with his nemesis across the city, and it was just unfortunate that the yang family's home was caught in the crossfire with junho's family inside while they were away at a friend's house that afternoon. everyone in the house was pronounced dead and junho was by themself.
⤷ it was a hectic couple days for poor ARCHANGEL, who had a squeaky clean image with zero civilian deaths since their enlistment into the aeternal task force decades earlier. public opinion really turned on him the moment video surveillance came out showing that the destruction of family's house could've been avoided twenty minutes earlier when his initial mission was completed instead of chasing after the villain. it was probably the first time he's ever acted so irrationally, and now he was reaping what he sowed.
⤷ the task force's pr team suggested that he should adopted the newly-orphaned junho to help save face. to be clear, ARCHANGEL had never wanted children because they only cared about their career. taking care of a child was never something he wanted to do, much less take care of a child he's never met before whose only knowledge of him was the fact that he's the reason they were now an orphan.
⤷ he still ends up adopted junho, mostly due to the pressure of the public after news outlets released articles of his alleged guilt, and that he wanted to adopt them as a way to make peace with what had happened.
⤷ ( tw : parental neglect ) they do not get along behind the scenes. junho is uncooperative when they aren't in front of cameras and the aeternal is not interested in the child at all. he leaves junho in the care of various nannies who either only gush about how lucky they were for being adopted by someone so handsome and rich, or were in it for the large sum of payment given for providing them with the necessities. junho hated them all.
⤷ junho's ability manifests suddenly when he's thinking about his family one night at the age of ten. he only had three blurry photos of them all, somehow ninety-nine percent preserved despite the ruins of his family's home that surrounded them. he wished he could see them again, so imagine his surprise when he could see his brother's reflection in the mirror as if he were alive!
⤷ but no, sadly it's only junho, and the shift only lasts a few seconds. he studies his reflection in the mirror for almost an hour, slightly changing his features to test the waters. he realises he could completely change his eye color to hide the gold streak that had appeared in them and decides that he can't tell those around him — especially ARCHANGEL — about his ability. if he's right, he feels ARCHANGEL will take use the revelation to his advantage, and junho did not want that under any circumstances.
⤷ it takes a while for them to learn how to keep their eyes changed for longer than a couple seconds at a time, and there are a couple times nannies have done a double-take when they turned towards junho suddenly. when they manifest their first minor ability, sleep inducement, they stop hiding the real colour of their eyes and reveal that as their primary ability at thirteen. it's nothing as grandiose as ARCHANGEL's powers, but it sure was unexpected! the aeternal promised he would personally train his "son" but we all know how that went... junho trained themself.
⤷ junho decides to live a "humble life" in spite of the reality that they're a new addition to the nepo baby club. they graduate high school, gets their bachelors for psychology, and more recently got their masters in psychology. their "dad" can't really be upset with the direction they've taken in life, but if only their ability was better suited for the life of an aeternal... right?
⤷ behind the scenes, junho was busy making connections to get themself acquainted with various villains across the city. their views very much align with them, and being well acquainted with aeternals through ARCHANGEL has made it easier for them to gain the fragile trust of those who required the information. they go by the alias 'ATLAS', for no reason other than the fact it sounds cool, but also what kind of villain ( if they could be really be called that... ) goes by their full name?
⤷ ( tw: violence ) four years ago, ARCHANGEL was on a mission and tasked to capture a small-time villain hiding out at an abandoned cabin. it turned out to be a trap, and he was ambushed by four other villains that had been off the grid for weeks. in the fight, although the villains had not killed him, instead they had incapacitated the aeternal by cutting off his wings and stealing them. they left him to die but thankfully more aeternals showed up to aid him, but the damage was done. although ARCHANGEL still had power, they couldn't find the will to continue being a hero. all according to junho's plan, of course... they wanted ARCHANGEL alive for a reason.
⤷ they started staying at silver line three years ago while they were interning at the wellness center, but they only became a sleep therapist within the last year with the use of his ability as well as making the right connections. sometimes they do work at han pharmaceuticals as well, both has themself but mostly shifted, typically morphed into someone that already works there.
⤷ after ARCHANGEL was decommissioned, junho momentarily believed that they have gotten their revenge. it didn't last very long because there were countless stories of civilians suffering physically, mentally and / or financially at the hands of aeternals without them facing too much repercussion for their actions. so junho continues working with any villains needing information, both new clients and their good ol' regulars alike!
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⤷ junho uses any pronouns, mostly influenced by the fact that they're a shapeshifter, and thus have no preferences when it comes to pronouns. you'll see me interchange between they / them and he / him a lot but feel free to use any !
⤷ junho is two-faced. point blank. he is constantly wearing a mask unless he really trusts you and not many people have that privilege.
⤷ on the surface, he comes off as someone very friendly, easy to get along with and easy to speak to. he's confident in his skin without being vain, and he's known for helping others whenever they need someone, regardless if they know each other or not. he has a gentle personality that isn't quick to anger, and they're someone who seems to really care about the community around him. and you should never be friend with your therapist, but junho makes it so easy to forget that's an unspoken rule.
⤷ he is still all of these things with the villains that he works with ... but there are many, many layers to his identity. unless he's been working with someone for a long time or if they're likeminded individuals who want to see the aeternal task force fall off the face of the earth, he doesn't make any real friendships with someone. for someone who doesn't fit the aforementioned criteria, they need to have connections that junho can eventually connect himself to in order to be deemed useful to him. keeping those he barely cares about at an arms length is his norm.
⤷ as a villain, junho is someone who stays behind the scenes. he hires others or relies on others to get blood on their hands for him, and in return he gives them valuable information. he may know hand-to-hand combat but he is not versed in fighting with his abilities. his abilities are used as a defense mechanism and he's not too interested on using brute force to get what he wants and / or needs.
⤷ as expected, he's highly vengeful, and has a corrupt sense of justice. he could've simply had ARCHANGEL killed, but he realised that he would be taking the easy way out instead of showing remorse for his mistakes. maybe junho would've learned to forgive the man if more innocent civilians hadn't became collateral damage in more conflicts around the city when the aeternal was involved... but here we are.
⤷ worry not, junho is not completely heartless! he really does have a soft-spot for others who have been wronged by aeternals. he has been in their shoes, and regardless of what happened, he knows they deserve better than the reimbursement they were given. his stories harden his resolve and remind him that his cause his just... regardless of the methods.
⤷ not sure where else this would fit, but junho is secretly obsessed with their reflection. over the years with the use of their ability, shapeshifting has always made them feel like they have a tendency to forget what certain features of their own are actually theirs or if they've made a subtle change that they hadn't noticed until now. sometimes they doubt if their face is even their natural face, and they're trying to convince themself that it doesn't matter. they're a shapeshifter after all, their appearance changes at their own will anyway.
⤷ not sure where to place this either but junho is a fish parent ! they have 4 female bettas, their daughters, no real names and instead called by the color they are lol. they also have two males in separate tanks. they really like fish and often go to like the nearest pet store to contemplate buying another betta. they even have a tattoo dedicated to their first betta ( and its their only tattoo as well, they're a firm believer that their own tattoos should be meaningful ).
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⤷ no plots page ready bc i'm a flop... hopefully these ideas below will suffice for now but praying that within the week i'll be able to get an actual page done! i'm always up for brainstorming as well so if none of these fit don't worry!
fellow villains or morally grey muses for them to work with or befriend pls ...... could be someone newer to their circle or someone they have been acquainted with for a long time.
patients at the wellness center ... junho can and will help your muses fall asleep if they're having trouble. they can either come to the center themselves or his apartment is always open for anyone to come take a nap. just one tap to the wrist and he can get most ppl to sleep!
you shouldn't be friends with your therapists but this is not the real world so it should be ok if muses are "friends" with him!! it's probably better if they're not his patients but yk whatever snfjkdsnfjs we'll work out the kinks when we get there,,
sometimes they go to daemon to meet clients for information while shifted, sometimes they go to bet on fighters or sometimes they go simply for a drink. they're kinda the wrong person to trust with private information or drunken confessions but what better place to accidentally gain info than at a place were ppl get drunk......
he has resident complaints against him for dreamwalking. it's somewhat of a newer ability to him and he can control it maybe 70% of the time. sometimes he intends to go to a certain person's dreams and ends up completely different... either way it's considered an invasion of privacy... so... he's sorry? ( would be soooo down to have threads inside someone's dreams! )
they're usually very meticulous of shapeshifting in their apartment or in hidden alleys or public restrooms where no one would see them, but they're not perfect and mistakes are made. they can play it off as a recently developed minor ability but maybe they're suspicious of how natural their shift is... who is the real junho, the person they see leave their apartment or the person they just shifted into?
his "regular" social circle... like people who genuinely thinks they're a group of besties... and maybe somewhere deep deep deep deep down he also considers them friends. it's just a shame that he can't really trust them with his true personality but he cares for them more than he cares for most people he keeps at arms length for sure!
exes, fwbs, one night stands whatever... all i'll say is that junho can figuratively ( and literally... but they don't know that ) become whatever someone wants out of a partner, just know that if they were in a committed relationship at any point in time, junho was most likely using them due to any connections they may have anjfnhjsfb
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magixfairyix · 3 months
(Currently creating lore in my head for different universes/characters in Winx Club, so introducing the first out of three for Darcy's planet, that is not cannon but in my two fanfictions it is: Zenothe)
~Several Earth cultures have roots and influences from similar ones in the Magical Dimension, and the practice of modern-day witchcraft is one of them. In the year 58 A.D. (after the Great Dragon's descent onto the planet of Domino, therefore creating the Magic Dimension) several witches from Domino migrated to Earth to find peace, as at this time it was just found out that every witch had roots in a creature from Oscurita that had just been closed. Witches were also figuring out how to use their powers as no one knew how witch magic worked and that one must use negative emotions.
~When the Wizards of the Black Circle went to Tir Nan Og (all of the wizards were outcasted and wanted revenge on fairies) the witches left Earth, knowing that the fairies always hated them and that they didn't owe them anything.
~The witches then transported themselves to a dark planet that orbited Solaria's moon, which was uninhabited. It was dim most of the time and greyish, but still beautiful. It was completely empty and barren. One of the witches sacrificed her body for everyone else to perform a siphoning ritual that made plants begin to grow from her last life force and magic, and they have a holiday for this. (The Day of Life). The witch's name was Ruse, hence the Grimore of Ruse, where all the main laws of Zenothe are kept
~The original witches (originally from Domino) created a small altar with a dark flame, known as the lifeblood of Zenothe considering it has none as it was dead before they arrived. Domino's lifeblood is the Great Dragon, Solaria's in the three suns, etc.
~They began to build the towns there using the trees around the area and soon built a good place. Over the years to the current day, it hasn't changed much, but they've added some more technology to their lives.
~Eventually, word got out and witches who were also disliked went to Zenothe and soon the population grew. They practiced their traditions in peace and were sort of outcasted from the rest of the Magical Dimension, though trade deals are still substantial between Zenothe and Linfea.
~Zenothe is prosperous in ore, rare plants for potions and rituals, and animals for meat and whatnot (and... also rituals lol). Linfea is prosperous in plants, produce and plants that need a lot of sunlight but does not have any ore.
~Any faries or specialists who want to live there are welcome, but it is common courtesy across the Magical Dimension to respect the customs of the planets one visits. As long as you follow Zenothian customs---outlaid in the Grimore of Ruse.
~However, the Grimoire can be added to as long as it is negotiated with the citizens and the coven heads. You'll be fine and welcome if you come to Zenothe, but if you don't purposfully follow customs then expect glares. The same goes for other planets anyway
~(Population: 89% witches, 6% specialists/wizards, 5% faries)
~Grimore of Ruse: 15 Zenothian Customs, one created by each of the 15 witches that first arrived at Zenothe from Domino. But other witches came to Zenothe afterwards so no incest occurred. Also, someone from specific planets can request a Zenothian trail before the Coven Heads.
~The ones with this agreement are Linfea/Zenothe and are allowed to request trials from each other, but in the current day (after my story S.S.S. when the Shaman Witch is defeated and everyone relatively goes back to their lives) planets such as Solaria and Diamond are trying to form trade alliances.
~Solaria for rare plantlife that doesn't grow in the sun, and Diamond for the same reason and animals because they are rebuilding thier ecosystem after the fall of the Shaman Witch and while Icy is crown princess.
~Grimoire of Ruse:
(From Ruse) Always respect the resources the land gives you; the magic, the plants, the animals, and all natural resources.
2. Treat all with respect to matter the past, present, or future. (May exclude the below if the act was purposful with no sign of mental damage).
3. Those charged with acts of sexual assualt if purposful and void of mental damage will be magically and perminantly circumcised no matter the sex.
4. Welcome all to Zenothe as long as customs are followed, and one has the responsability to follow the customs of the plants they go to.
5. The people have the right to overthrow the Coven heads if they choose to ignore the wishes of the people/ignore the Grimore of Ruse and call for a re-election.
6. The people have the right to free speech, religion, and freedom of action as long as one does not abuse this right to make others feel unwelcome/un-respected (which most people do not abuse this right.)
7. No matter the act all are entitled to a trail in front of the Coven Heads (basically the main covens are the government and sub-covens can be invited/requested/can request to be a part of a trail) and the people of Zenothe.
8. If part of a designated coven one must uphold the values of said coven or else face warnings (one is entitled to three unexcused warnings) or expulsion from the coven for a maximum of two years.
9. Magea (faries, specialists, witches, wizards, undines, pixies, etc) sacrifices are illegal unless facing life or death circumstances and the act is voluntary. Creature (the word animal isn't used in the Magical Dimension) sacrifices are only legal if necessary and approved by Coven Cervus and all its members, as well as Coven Tempus. (More information about the covens is later on)
10. Complete eradication of any plant or animal species (if under one's own control) will have the individual face banishment from Zenothe for 50 consecutive years.
11. One can be a part of multiple covens, though only a maximum of two head covens/one head coven and two sub-covens. Freelance covens do not fall under this category, though freelance covens are able to name themselves as representatives should a trial occur.
12. One can gain Zenothian citizenship if in residency for two years, if five citizens of Zenothe can vouch for one's character, and if one swears to follow the Grimore of Ruse when residing in Zenothe for the Zenothian customs may not apply to other planets.
13. All are welcome upon passing (excluding those who had committed one of the unspeakable crimes under thier own control, these said crimes shown below) to have thier magical essence removed from thier body and siphoned over to a pendulum to hang from the Tree of Life all years past thier death; to non-sentiently give wisdom to the citizens of Zenothe.
14. The unspeakable crimes are as follows (if acted under one's own control of self and magic and sane train of thought): s$xual @ssault, eradication of any plant or animal species, murd$r, any sort of @buse
15. Those who had committed any of the unspeakable crimes under thier own control and sane train of thought will have thier Zenothian citizenship permanently removed and may face additional charges as decided by the Head Covens and the citizens of Zenothe.
~Zenothe, like a lot of the Magical Dimension, does not unnecessarily gender things. Even Solaria or Erakleon does not require male royalty to wear suits and female royalty to wear dresses and gowns. More so only during large celebrations out of traditions for those two planets. But Domino and Diamond says fuck it. Let the queens wear suits and let's get Oritel in a dress.
~If things are like that on other planets it is because of tradition and not because of outright hate. Such as not wanting a prince to marry another prince as the bloodline must continue. But honestly, most planets will accept two princes marrying each other if they find a doner of a royal lineage. Erakleon and Andros are more strict on that and less lenient because of tradition, but some people are just assholes it's not a planet-wide hate thing.
~As Zenothe runs on an electoral democracy (different powerful coven heads are elected and nominations for others can occur) monarchy and lineage means fuck all. Powerful witches with powerful lineages are still respected, but they have a belief that power can always be developed and that everyone is valued. 
~There are five primary covens that oversee different aspects, and the coven heads receive applications for the covens and normally open any who are dedicated to putting the work into it.
Coven Viridis: Oversees the plant life of Zenothe and makes sure that no plant species are overused. Consists primarily of nature magea (mainly plant element, air element, ground element, along those lines)
2. Coven Cervus: Oversees the animal life of Zenothe, sets protections, healthy and ethical hunting. (Magea can be vegan, vegetarian, et cetera but just respect all. As long as you respect where the meat comes from). A sub-section of Coven Cervus is the Protectors (Darcy joins them later on after the events of S.S.S.) who research wildlife, new species, and dangerous species, and also stop them from getting too close to the several main settlements.
3. Coven Societas: Oversees meetings between covens/disputes that concern economics or societal structure. Makes sure the currency/pay rate is going well, watches over supply and demand and intervenes if needed.
4. Coven Homines: Oversees Coven Council meetings, Coven Head elections, how well the covens are functioning, school systems, and social programs. People stuff. Also suggestions to the Grimoire of Ruse along with the last coven.
5. Coven Tempus: Oversees the traditions/customs/events of Zenothe. Reads over the Grimore of Ruse, and suggestions to it but they can only happen if agreed by all five of the Covens and the people of Zenothe.
~One can be a part of a primary coven (or multiple but it's like a full-time job so it's not recommended, and yes, you get paid) and be part of a sub coven. Primary covens are funded by Coven Societas. Sub-covens are not named typically and are funded by grants from Coven Societas and donations, also pay a good amount but just a bit less.
~Zenothian Corpus Os (body bone, as until the trade deal with Linfea started they used bones from animals as currency) is the currency. They still use the name even though they use Linfean currency: Diya, small compressed coin-like disks of compressed plant waste/fossilized wood/other. 
~The exchange rate between Diya/Corpus Os to Earth dollars is 5 U.S. dollars for every 1 Diya/Corpus Os. It has more value than the typical dollar and one can go to Coven Societas to cut some of thier Corpus Os in halves/quarters for smaller purchases.
~Primary Coven wage: 24 Corpus Os per day of satisfactory work. 9 am to 5 pm is one day of work, and one can request extra work/overtime. (Deemed satisfactory by the observer, with one in each group working within the coven.)
~Sub-Coven wage: 15 Corpus Os per day of satisfactory work. 10 am to 3 pm is one day of work, and one can request extra work/overtime up to two extra hours otherwise the sub-coven hours become primary coven hours, which have to be observed by one of the primary covens. Usually for those with two incomes/with children, which is why two combined is more than the primary coven wage because children do be expensive.
~Normal job wage: 21 Corpus Os per day (9 am to 5 pm) or 12 Corpus Os per day (10am to 3pm). It is not as organized and one can self-direct more, so it normally includes less work in a lot of cases. Normal jobs are not that common
~Since witches were too busy trying to find somewhere where they were not hated gender also means fuck all. Concepts of boys, girls, man, woman, not either, et cetera, and whatnot still exist in Zenothe but they're more of a term to express oneself instead of assigning a gender based on sex. Also, with sexual orientation people have preferences and typically you don't need a word for them, but honestly, you can have a word for it (migration between planets brings new words woohoo) or not and either way people will love you.
~Just depends on whether you want a label or not.
(Zenothe is top tier we love it.)
~So if you take someone from Zenothe, bring them to Earth, and someone rudely tells them girls must wear dresses (and that French genders literal ice cream as masculine) they'll generally be like "Why wtf?" and debunk every possible argument.
(More information regarding Zenothe and my headcanons for Winx Club hopefully will come soon)
(Genually I spent too long on this but eheh)
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aller-geez · 6 months
Getting to know: Zeroh Osiris
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199 // he/him // pansexual // Undead (Reaper)
Full name: Zeroh Osiris
Nickname: 0, Oh
Date Of Birth:
Big Three: Scorpio 🌞, Scorpio 🌙, Cancer ↗️
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Physical Appearance —
Age: 199 years old (died at 27 years old)
Eye Color: White/Pale blue w/ grey rings
Hair Color: Black & White
Weight: 157 lbs
Height: 6’7
Race: Undead, Reborn as a Reaper
Distinguishing Marks or Characteristics: A black “mask” type tattoo around his eyes, three straight lines between his bottom lip and chin, both eyes have a vertical line from his hairline to his eyelids, both hands are pitch black (blighted) and dark bruise-like marks fade up to his shoulders. Usually wears leather gloves to cover his hands. His throat, shoulders and the joints in his arms and legs all have dark scars (think where jointed dolls have their joints), three ring clacker in his septum, plus various other facial piercings
Personality —
Greatest Strength: His empathy. He loves animals and goes out of his way to make others feel accepted.
Greatest Weakness: His empathy. Often times he absorbs too much of everyone else’s moods and energy and will fall into a depression.
Soft Spot: Onyx
Mannerisms: horrible about making ill-timed, corny jokes whenever there’s tension around. One of those people who greatly overshares and trauma dumps without realizing. Because he’s a reaper and sees death constantly, he’s completely desensitized towards it, often resulting in comments/work stories that make others uncomfortable.
Miscellaneous Trivia —
Always has what appears to be the spirit of a Raven that flies around him or sits on his head/shoulder. She can dematerialize to be invisible, although she can be heard through the veil. actually a spirit who’s wandered earth, lost for so long their soul had deteriorated substantially and they are only able to materialize a small portion of their original form, unable to pass through the realms to reach thier afterlife. They choose to take the form of a semi translucent raven and has been with Zeroh for as long as he’s been a reaper.
He died at the age of 27 by drowning, and even as an immortal he still tends to get anxiety around bodies of water.
Because it’s crafted by shadoweavers*, his scythe can be transferred through the veil whenever it’s not in use, making it disappear, and can be retrieved again from anywhere whenever it’s needed.
* Kriia’s clan crafted his scythe, where he met and became close friends with her, Blythe and Freya.
Sneeze Content —
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Almost anything small and fuzzy like Rabbits, Mice, Ferrets, etc.
Photic (traveling thru the veil as means of transportation/teleportation triggers a few photic sneezes as he rematerializes from the light it generates)
How severe are they?
Extreme. Even though he’s allergic, whenever called to a soul in need of escort and it happens to be an animal he’s allergic to, he still will treat it as he does the rest, often times holding the animal to his chest as he walks to their destination.
Do they get sick often?
Doesn’t typically get sick because of his lack of a beating heart, therefore a nonexistent immune system, although it’s not impossible.
How bad is it usually?
Although it only ever lasts a day at most, it’s almost always severe, and when it’s at its worst, his skin can leak black ooze, and passing through the veil isn’t possible until his health is restored.
Do they stifle?
Sometimes, but it isn’t a regular occurrence.
How loud are their sneezes?
Usually they’re more harsh sounding than loud sneezes if they’re from his allergies, but sneezes from an illness can become extremely loud, often causing Amara to hide in the veil to protect herself.
What do they sneeze into?
Often his hands. If he’s wearing his cloak, he sometimes uses fabric of the sleeves and/or collar.
How often do they sneeze?
Often. With the number of reapers dwindling and Alistar’s laziness quickly increasing, his case load is extremely full. There’s only 3 reapers in a 100 mile radius, meaning he often came in contact with animals he’s allergic to, as well as teleporting home which also causes him to sneeze.
How many times do they sneeze in a fit?
2-3 in a fit is pretty typical, although sometimes he’ll get stuck in a drawn out fit of 6-10 over a 10 minute span.
Do they have build-ups or are they sudden?
Drawn out fits can have build ups, otherwise they’re pretty sudden.
Do they sneeze in public?
He doesn’t like a ton of attention, but he’s very unskilled at holding back so he just accepts it. Gotta do what’cha gotta do, right?
Often he’s even sneezing every few sentences throughout the entire walk to heaven with animals that trigger his allergies.
Some examples of their sneezes?
hh— huh’AHTSSCHHh’iew!
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Backstory —
‪In life, he was a seasoned thief/con artist that scammed and cheated his way through life, selfishly screwing over anyone he could for a quick buck. After a few years, he’d ruined more lives than he could keep track of, although he didn’t care to. After a freak accident that prematurely ended his life, his soul was condemned to the underworld for his actions on earth. There, he begged Lucifer for his forgiveness and to be spared from eternal torture, to which the devil had two conditions: 1. His hands were blighted, and anyone to touch his bare hands would die instantly, and 2., Because of the Anti-Christ’s laziness, more Reapers were needed to be sent out to retrieve souls for him. Zeroh agreed, and he became a reaper, an entity that is permitted between all three realms, in charge of collecting the souls of any living creature on earth and escorting them to their designated afterlife. He wears leather gloves to avoid touching anyone accidentally After his rebirth as a Reaper, Zeroh fell in love with a human man and was in a 15 year relationship with him. One night, he fell asleep without his gloves, and when he rolled over to spoon with him in his sleep, his blighted hands touched his skin and he was killed instantly. It greatly effects him still, making it second nature to keep other people at an arms length, especially romantically. His lover’s soul was stranded for a few hours until he finally woke up, and when Zeroh discovered what had happened, he sobbed for a few minutes before having to walk hand in hand for the very last time with his boyfriend up to heaven, somewhere Zeroh would probably never get to go. It made him swear off relationships as to avoid prematurely ending a life, and saving himself the heartbreak of losing another person. He used to be someone selfish and apathetic towards the world around him but becoming a reaper and being the last conversation many souls ever had was sobering and reformed him. ‬
He is always accompanied by a raven spirit that he dubbed Amara, meaning “Blessed without end or demise.” While they appear as a crow, they are actually a spirit who’s wandered earth, lost for so long their soul had deteriorated substantially and they are only able to materialize a small portion of their original form, unable to pass through the realms to reach thier afterlife. They choose to take the form of a semi translucent raven and has been with Zeroh for as long as he’s been a reaper.
Reference Sheet —
(Coming soon~)
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