#still need to give this thing a . fucking title huh. i have one in the works but i dont like it all that much. usually the title is the
steelycunt · 1 year
starting 2 finish up research and move into trying to create some sort of plan and. this r is sooo. oh my. he is the loneliest girl in the world but like actually this time. he is so very. he needs a hug so terribly much he is such a sock in need of darning he needs a little kiss he needs. even just one single friend
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lovebugism · 5 months
if you're still interested in smutty requests.. what about the line "want me to serenade you while you strip?" and it's eddie jokingly saying this to reader and she runs with it and he tries to keep playing but COME ON there's more important things those fingers should be doing 👀
congrats! u win the award for most eddie coded request of all time :D — eddie makes you laugh when you get nervous undressing in front of him (18+, allusion to smut, 0.7k)
bug's one year celebration ♡
“Stop looking at me like that!” you whine with your arms crossed over your nearly bare chest. “You’re making it weird!”
Eddie laughs loud. “Where am I supposed to look?” he asks, leaning back on the mattress and propping his weight on his elbows. He’s got a better view of you from this angle. More of your half-naked body in his sight.
“I can feel you looking at me— It’s making me feel weird.”
“Well, how am I supposed to look anywhere else when you’re in front of me like this, huh?” 
His eyes are lidded and swimming with melted chocolate. You’re not sure how you’ve captured his attention like this, in the tamest underwear you own and your most ancient bra. He’s looking at you like you’re already undressed — like you’re still pretty even though you aren’t.
“You’re an idiot,” you giggle, glittering with adoration.
“And you’re the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen,” he quips without thinking twice, wild head titled to his shoulder and a crooked smirk on his kissed mouth. “So I guess we’re even.”
His eyes rake over you again, heavy like it’s the first time they’ve ever seen you. 
He pulls his plush lip between his teeth and, almost absentmindedly so, brings his palm to the crotch of his jeans. He grips his covered cock with a pale hand, shifting it slightly within the confines of the denim. It grows slowly and achingly stiff the longer he looks at you.
Eddie looks like a Renaissance painting like this. Ethereal and hedonistic. You almost forget to breathe.
“I haven’t even done anything yet,” you say with a forced laugh.
“You’re half-naked in my bedroom, doll— that’s all you need to do,” he chuckles, golden and more sincere than yours. His ringed fingers clutch tighter at his covered bulge. He breathes hard through his nose. “You could be fully clothed, and you’d still turn me on.”
“Stop messing with me,” you argue in a tiny voice, features twisted in a subtle pout.
“I’m not messing with you.”
“Do you want me to get naked? Or should I just stand here for the next two minutes?”
“Two minutes? C’mon. Give me a little credit. At least, two-and-a-half,” Eddie jokes. And then, when you laugh, he assures you. “You don’t have to get undressed if it makes you uncomfortable. Unless it would make you feel better if I serenaded you—”
“—Too late.” 
You reach your arms for the clasp of your bra. Eddie’s voice fills the trailer — “do, do, do, do-do-do-do-do-do” — the high-pitched intro to “I Was Made for Loving You.” It makes you laugh loud. A big, girlish laugh that makes your head drop back.
Your bra comes off, and you forget to be nervous.
“Why are you laughin’ at me, huh?” Eddie jokes, eyes going squishy around the edges when he looks at you.
“‘Cause that’s, like, the least sexiest part of that song.”
“I beg to differ.”
“Well, are you gonna keep singing, superstar? Or am I gonna have to keep my underwear on?”
He goes dumb for a flash of a second, forgets the lyrics and how to form the words of them in his mouth. He jumbles them together for a second in mindless mumbles until the real thing spills from his lips. “—‘Cause girl, you were made for me… And girl, I was made for you…”
You tug your panties down your thighs while he sings for you. You make a big show of it too, tossing the pair of them into your lover’s lap and giggling when it gets him all flustered. 
“Fuck— c’mere,” he urges, as dumb as he is breathless, now that you’re fully naked in front of him. His hand drops to his lap again, palming at his stiffening length to ease the ache there. His free hand reaches out for you. “Can you— Just come sit in my lap, baby, please.”
You don’t know why he’s groveling. You were breaking the second you saw him melting for you. Not thinking straight enough to tease him about it, you settle yourself over his lap — kneeling on the mattress, both of your thighs straddling one of his.
You linger there, just above him. Eddie’s ringed hands reach gently for your warm jaw to pull you closer to him. You don’t give in so easily — “Keep singing for me, rockstar. You got a show to warm up for, remember?”
Eddie blinks up at you, eyes wide and lidded and honeyed. He looks at you like you hung the moon in the sky. Like you’re some ethereal being carved out of stone. Like you’re the prettiest thing he’s ever seen because you are.
“Shit,” he curses under his breath. “This is so fucking metal.”
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phyrestartr · 4 days
PR Stunt (Only, Right?) | Sukuna/M!Reader
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W/C: 6.9K (oh god lol) #NSFW, fingering, implied fucking, bottom!reader, top!sukuna, angst, fluff, smut, happy ending, Sukuna owns a body shop, reader is an actor, kinda meet cute, ABO dynamics, mpreg, yes there are always babies involved because i love dad sukuna, surprise baby, sukuna is a dickhead (what else is new), Gojo is an actor, Getou is a manager/agent, Toji is a stunt coordinator, Jin is a teacher tags: @kamote-kuneho @better-imagination-9 @flowersatwork @watyousayin 
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“Did you sleep with (L. Name) (F. Name)?” 
The question caught Sukuna off guard; normally, Uraume didn't inquire into his personal life in regards to who he had and hadn't slept with. They were a friend, yes, but moreover they were the bookkeeper and helped with securing clients and arranging meetings–celebrities and their managers were fucks that Sukuna didn't like negotiating with. Best to leave the yapping to someone with a cooler head.
“Where the hell did that come from?” Sukuna asked as he rolled out from under the newest commissioned vehicle. 
Uraume walked to him, iPad in hand, and turned it to him, stone cold. 
Sukuna sat up straighter and squinted at the screen, annoyed. You’d probably just made up some salacious rumour and spread it throughout your friend circles; or worse, you wanted revenge on him for something he probably definitely did. In that case, Sukuna could somewhat understand. But still–
(Name) putting on weight? What’s happening to the former bombshell babe of Japan?!
Pregnant with a baby boy?! The secret's out!
(Name) returns to the stage after giving birth to a baby boy–but who is the father?
(Name) driving a Ryoumen Sukuna rescue vehicle?! Could he be the deadbeat dad we've been looking for?
Sukuna sucked his teeth after skimming over the article titles presented to him. 
“...No proof.” 
“Ah. Then please explain this,” Uraume requested, still polite as ever, as they flicked to an additional few images the scumbag paparazzi had caught of you. 
One was the car mentioned. Sukuna remembered it like it was yesterday–the joy of restoring a Porsche 911 back into its former glory was unmatched. You happily paid for all the parts and too often swung by to see the progress being made on the old thing. Obviously, Sukuna was more than happy to oblige. 
The next was of you holding a little nugget of a baby against your chest as you walked down a street in Shibuya. Nothing too damning, nothing too inspirational. 
But the last one–
“The fuck?” Sukuna mumbled as he snatched the iPad from Uraume’s hands and zoomed in on the now-toddler sitting with you in that damn Porsche, grinning brightly beside his mum while you ruffled his hair. His very, very pink hair. 
Sukuna took a breath while he thought. He didn't have to think too hard, though, not when he still dreamed about you and the short-lived fling between the two of you. 
“A Porsche 911, huh?” Sukuna grinned as he looked over the rusted beater of a car. He could still see scraps of its former glory, of the beautiful thing she used to be. Heaven knows she would've become an irreparable hunk of junk if you hadn't bought it from a scrapyard. 
“Yep.” You beamed. “So you think you can make her pretty again?” 
“You kidding? I'd pay you to let me fix this thing, baby.” Sukuna caught sight of your security stepping forward, but you waved them off without a second thought. 
Sukuna smirked. “But it’s not gonna be cheap.” 
You nodded. “Well, do what you have to. I'll pay whatever you need, handsome.” 
“Yeah?” Sukuna asked, looking your neatly-manicured appearance up and down; you were dressed like you were meeting someone of great importance (and you were, obviously), with your hair groomed perfectly, outfit fit for a premiere, skin flawless. 
“Mhm. And I tip well.” you looked him up and down in kind, grinning as you bit at the nub of your sunglasses.
Every time you came to check on his progress, genuine excitement flooding in your motormouthed words, you'd go home with him and fuck him silly. 
And now, you were the momma to his baby. Allegedly. 
“I–so what the fuck does this have to do with anything?” Sukuna ran a frustrated hand through his hair after Uraume took the tablet back. “Bitch isn't asking for anything, he's not asking me to be his public fucking baby daddy, not asking me to pay for nothing?” 
“No,” Uraume conceded, “But he and his PR managers have reached out concerning this.” 
The man groaned and stood. “Fucking hell. Can't stand fucking PR teams. The fuck did they want?” 
“They want to make a statement about Touma's father.” 
Sukuna froze.
“Touma's a good name for a boy, right?” 
You asked the question so suddenly, so out of nowhere in the quiet of the afterglow. The city lights sparkled and winked at you both through the towering windows keeping you safe from the outside world. In hindsight, Sukuna would wonder if the city was excited for him. For you. 
“What, for a mutt?” Sukuna drawled, puffing on a blunt while he played with your hair and drowned in the tingles left in the wake of fingers drawing circles on his bare chest. 
“For a kid,” you chastised with a laugh. “I like Touma. Or Touka for a girl. Ayato's nice, too. Maybe Kazue.” 
“You better not be pregnant.”
“I'm not, I'm not. I'm just getting baby fever, I guess.” You hummed and left a sweet kiss against his tan skin. “I guess being around a big, bad boy like you's got me feeling domestic.” 
Sukuna laughed, dazed and happy. “You wanna ruin this pretty lil’ body for a fucking kid? Be my guest. Just don't come looking for a booty call after you've ruined yourself like that.” 
“Oh, don't worry,” you cooed. “I won't.” 
Man. Man. 
“A statement.” 
“In other words–”
“I'm not the fucking father.” 
“This might be a good way to get Yorozu off your case,” Uraume suggested, and Sukuna perked up. 
“Right. She fuckin’ hates kids.” 
“So, if you were to have a son, and it's revealed you've been quietly trying to make things work behind the scenes with (Name), then hypothetically–”
“I'll take the runt.”
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Truth is out–Ryoumen Sukuna is the father, (Name) tells fans on social media!
Sukuna hated seeing that shit. The circus celebrities had to dance through used to be funny until he somehow got swept up into it. Until he suddenly had a baby boy that looked so much like him and so much like you. 
He spent too much time on your socials, scrolling through promotion posts and photos of you at red carpet events and premieres–and then he remembered you had a private account. One that you said he could follow. One that he never followed.
Sukuna rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling as he sulked in bed. Was he really about to sacrifice his pride for this? Was he seriously gonna request to follow your personal account just moments after articles dropped and tweets were sent about him being the baby daddy? Could his pride take it? 
Fuck me. This shit is highschool. 
He requested to follow, and not even a minute later, you approved it. 
That had him interested. Did you want him to follow? Did you want him to be part of his little guy's life? Were you feeling a rush of anxiety and excitement like he was right now? 
“Get over it, you fucking idiot,” he mumbled to himself before scrolling through your photos. 
There was so much more here. So many photos of you pregnant, of Touma when he was so ridiculously itty bitty, of when you were recovering in the hospital, looking worn out and exhausted, but still beaming as you held your little boy. 
There were photos of his first birthday and the cute…rustic cake you'd apparently made yourself. Your agent, Getou, was there, as was one of your fellow agency mates, Gojo, along with some other folks Sukuna did and didn't recognize. 
Of course, his boy–your boy lit up the centre, eyes glittering with the reflection of sparklers and the warmth of a good, safe home. He was happy. The boy–his boy–your boy was happy. 
Then he called you. He couldn't help it, not anymore.
Sukuna paced around his penthouse, sipping on his spiked coffee and trying to desperately control his…nerves? Alpha instincts? Excitement? Fuck, he didn't know. But he was full of whatever it was, and it drove him nuts.
“Hi!” You answered as you picked up, so full of life as usual. “Been a while. How're you? What's up?” 
Sukuna felt so, so old suddenly. Why were you so awake in the morning? 
“Think you can spare some of that pep in your step for me?” Sukuna asked. He smiled when he heard you laugh on the other line. “Dunno how the hell you're so awake in the morning.”
“Well, I don't party or work on cars until the crack of dawn,” you purred back, so sweet and teasing. Sukuna almost got hard. Ugh. Ugh. What the fuck was wrong with him? 
“Hah? What, you sayin’ I'm irresponsible ‘n make shitty choices, babe?” 
“Tch. Omegas.” 
You snickered again before cutting to the chase: “So, you're calling about my Touma?”
Sukuna swallowed. “Yeah. Gotta say I'm pretty fucking confused.”
“Yeah, I get it.” He heard you shift in bed, triggering a rumble of grumpy noises from your little one. You hushed him gently and apologized before the small, crackly purring resumed faintly in the background. The thought made Sukuna's heart ache.
“What do you wanna know?” 
Sukuna inhaled deeply. “Why'd you keep it?” 
“I wanted him,” you said. “Next question.”
“...When did you know?” 
“Mmh…I guess about a week or two after we stopped hooking up.”
“And you didn't say shit?” 
You went silent for a moment, and Sukuna felt his nerves tingle and prick. He wasn't anxious. He wasn't feeling betrayed. It wasn't any of that. Absolutely not. 
“I guess I got cold feet,” you admitted. “I don't--I know how many baby daddy accusations you get, y'know? I didn't want you to think I was just trying to get you to pay me out or something.” 
Oh. Okay. That made sense, actually. 
Too many omegas and women Sukuna fucked around with pointed the finger at him if they caught some sort of STI or fell pregnant; even if it was months after fucking, Sukuna would be suspected of fathering the pregnancy of a newly-pregnant, ex-partner he hadn't seen in eternities, and the media would run to the ends of the earth with it. He was the infamous bad boy the media circuit loved to prey on. And Sukuna didn't really care for it–not until now. Not until those fucks ruined his opportunity to be a dad. 
“Fucking–” Sukuna sighed and put his mug down to rub his face. “Shit. Shit. Fucking media bastards. Fuck.”
“I need to get my car tuned,” you said.
Sukuna deadpanned. “Read the fucking room, babe, we're not–”
“Do you want me to bring Touma?” You finished, undeterred by the alpha's grouchiness. “So you can meet him? I think he'd like that.”
Oh. Oh. Ouch. His heart–was Sukuna about to die? Why'd his chest hurt so much? What the fuck? 
Sukuna cleared his throat and ran a hand through his hair. “I–yeah? Yeah. Alright.” 
“Okay, cool. When's your next–” 
“Tomorrow.” He cleared his throat again and scratched at the back of his neck. “Any time.” 
You stifled a laugh poorly. “Don’t be nervous, Sukuna.” 
“M'not. Fuck you.” 
“I can do tomorrow. Let's saaay…1pm?” 
“Yeah, sure. 1pm.”
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You rolled up at 12:59pm. 
Sukuna had the garage open, everything tidy and ready to go like he actually gave a fuck about tuning your car when his literal fucking son was about to be in his presence. But he was so not nervous. Definitely not fucking nervous. Nope. Nuh-uh. Never. 
You stepped out of the car and Sukuna felt his heart jump; you looked the same as you did last time he saw you. You were dressed more casually, though, done up in joggers and runners with a university hoodie to top it all off. Clearly, you didn't care to impress today. 
You threw Sukuna an easy smile before pulling open the back door and taking care in plucking your chubby bunny from his car seat. All the while, Sukuna wandered closer and closer, but maintained a respectful distance just in case your momma bear came out to bite. He knew you had an impressive temper when your easy-going self got pushed too far, and he would rather not bring that out right now. 
“Pa!” Your son yipped as soon as he got up into your arms. “Puh Pa!” 
You melted immediately, punching Sukuna in the gut with your happy scent of maple syrup and cardamom as the little one nuzzled up to you, repeating variants of “pa!” as he rubbed his chubby cheeks and snotty nose against your neck and face to get that perfect scent onto him. 
“You're so sweet, bunny,” you cooed and adjusted him in your arms as you met Sukuna the rest of the way. “Hey, hey! So, did you want to meet him first, or–?” 
Sukuna didn't know what the fuck to do, honestly. 
“I, uh. Car shit first. What needs tuning?” He drawled, watching the pup clinging to you with rapt attention. 
Admittedly, Sukuna didn't really pay attention to what you were saying and what you were gesturing to; he was too captivated by the faint wisps of scent he caught from your little one. He smelled of smoke and syrup–a perfect combination of his parents’ scents. 
And he just looked so much like the both of you. Touma's skin tone tilted more your direction, but the glowy, bronzey quality that Sukuna brought to the table still shone through in its own weird way. His eyes were almond-shaped like his own, but bore the same, welcoming colour of yours. And, fuck, his hair was just a perfect match to Sukuna's. If the little shit got Maori tattoos too, he'd be a tiny carbon copy. 
Damn. Speaking of–would his mom wanna meet the little shit? Her grandson? Would she ever bother leaving Hawaii to–
“You get all that?” You asked. 
Sukuna stared at you. “Get what?” 
You pursed your lips like you so often did and turned to the big, bad alpha. 
“Maybe we should do the meet ‘n greet first, huh?” You swayed a little and kissed Touma awake. “Baby, you wanna meet a friend?” 
“Buh!” Touma exclaimed. You gently guided his little face to look at Sukuna, and the boy looked star struck staring up at the absolute unit that was Ryoumen Sukuna. 
“Touma, this is Sukuna.” You closed the gap between the two of you a little more, and Sukuna leaned down to look at the little one. His little one. 
Sukuna twitched a smile as he looked over the little thing. “You sure this thing’s mine? Looks a little small.” 
You laughed. “If you were born as big as you are, I’m so, so sorry for your mother.” You nuzzled Touma’s little cheek and bounced him a little. 
“Wuh!” Touma’s little arms flew up towards Sukuna, and the towering man looked a little more than nervous, looking at the tiny pudgy hands like they were deadly weapons. 
“Come on, don’t look at him like that.” You took Sukuna’s hand and delivered it to Touma. “He’s curious. He hasn’t met anyone as big and tall as you, y’know?” 
Sukuna huffed, but let the little one grab at his fingers and hold his hand. “What, you don’t have another alpha looking after you? Hard to believe that. You're the neediest little bitch I know.” 
“Stop. I'm not Yorozu,” you huffed, and Sukuna cringed at the name. “He has alphas around, sure. But not big ones like you–security excluded. It's not like other men want to play nice with another alpha's pup.” 
Sukuna caught the hint of a frown on your face, and his hackles started to rise. 
“Some dumbfuck giving you grief?” Sukuna asked, voice rolling with thunderous promise. He'd kill whatever moron fucked with you and his pup. You just had to drop the name.
You sighed, light-hearted. “You know what the rich and famous are like--we're the worst.” 
Sukuna growled, and Touma mimicked the noise as best as he could with his pathetically teeny tiny crackled voice. Fuckin’ cute as shit. 
“Tch. Don't sell yourself short.” 
“I'm just trying to say I don't need that around my boy, and I sure as hell don't want it around me, either.” You nodded and stepped closer as Touma reached up for Sukuna again. Apparently just holding his hand wasn't doing it for the boy anymore. 
“Good. Don't need those pathetic fucks around the runt–oi, wait, what the fuck're you–” 
“Wup, wup!” Your son shrieked as you helped bully Sukuna into holding him.
“He wants uppies.” 
“Uppies,” Sukuna balked.
“He wants you to–okay, you're bad at this–don't hold him like that! Here, do it like–” you cut off as you helped Sukuna get a comfortable hold on Touma while the littlest one squirmed and squeaked in delight, trying to climb up onto Sukuna's shoulder but failing miserably. 
Sukuna twitched a smile as you sighed, exasperated by the ball of energy trying to scale the mountainous man. But he got a hold of him, tucking his arm under his butt and holding his back to make sure the little shit didn't go plummeting to the floor. 
“You give your ma hell, huh? I can get behind that,” Sukuna hummed. His son's little hands papped at his face, grabbing at his nose and jaw–specifically over the dark tattoos streaking along the curves and cut of his features. 
And you smiled the entire time. You pursed your lips tightly to hide it, but you did it so poorly. You always did. Maybe it was on purpose. 
“So, can I tell you about my car problems now?” 
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Sukuna held onto his runt while you explained what flaws, either cosmetically or mechanically, were bothering you. It mostly consisted of slight dents from other assholes not knowing how to park, paint scratches, and more of that sort. As a fellow car guy, Sukuna could understand the anguish of having a favourite baby get all dinged up. 
“Not hard to fix,” Sukuna decided. He held the hood up with one hand and looked over the motor–everything looked clean and well-maintained. He was almost impressed. “But, well, it'll cost ya. Uraume can send the details.” 
You nodded. “Sure, sure, sounds good. I'm never taking this thing on the road again after it's fixed. Too many fucking idiots out there with piss poor driving skills.” 
The mechanic smirked. “Ho? So beating up your car is what makes you start cussin’, huh? Noted.” He let the hood fall closed and adjusted his hold on the now-sleeping tot. “Couldn't even get you to do that in bed.” 
“Psht, don't say that in front of the baby, Sukuna, jeeze,” you sighed and rubbed your face. “Babies remember more than you'd like to know.” 
“Huh. You think he'll remember when he got–” 
“No, he won't remember his inception.” You laughed and shook your head, but paused when you saw smears of concealer on your fingers and tutted. 
“How long's the car gonna take? Should I get a rental?” You asked before the man could comment.
“Probably, if you want me to detail this thing right,” Sukuna mumbled. He reached out and turned your chin back to him, looking at the spots concealer missing, hinting at dark circles under your eyes. 
Your face grew hot, but you nodded and cleared your throat. “Yeah, okay. I'll, uh. I'll call someone to pick us up–” 
“I'll take you home.” 
You brightened the slightest bit. “Yeah? I–okay.” You pulled his hand from your face and smiled. “I'll grab the car seat.” 
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Sukuna liked your house. It was a nice mix of traditional and modern with large stretches of woodgrain and bamboo. A neat outdoor garden and pond decorated the front, but a bigger, more lush collection of tropical plants greeted guests. It was beautiful, if one was desperate to be in nature. 
“I'm just gonna get him to bed, be one second.” 
Sukuna nodded and pocketed his hands as he pretended to not watch you trot upstairs with the sleepy cub melting in your arms. You still had a nice ass even after popping that little melon out. Huh. 
He looked around your space more, wandering with slow, lumbering steps. The house wasn't huge by any means, but it was cozy and warm, quiet and hidden away from the city's gaze. That was probably why you chose it–here, you could be honest with yourself. You could shield your babe from the brutality of your career and keep him safe from leering eyes. Honestly, one of the leaves on your giant monstera could hide him from the whole universe. 
Guy's too obsessed with growing shit. It ticked him off, but he didn't know why. 
Maybe it was all the photos of you and Touma. Maybe it was because he wasn't in them and too many other men were in his place, lining your walls in the protection of cheap IKEA frames–but Sukuna didn't want you. No, no, Ryoumen Sukuna did not want anyone. He didn't want you. He didn't need to settle down and–
“You want a glass of wine?” You asked when you came back down the stairs. “It's plum wine. Don't really have any scotch or anything, but I–” 
Sukuna scoffed before a mocking laugh slipped out of him. You paused, looking at him with bleak attention as he shook his head and pocketed his hands. Your request for him to stay pissed him off; clearly, you expected something more from him.
“Whaddaya think is gonna happen here, huh? You think we're gonna fall in love, pick up where we left off, have a happy little fuckin’ family to tell the tabloids about?” 
“What?” You asked. “I never–”
“Didn't have to. Gotta admit, you did a better job than the rest of the whores that tried wrangling me in to–”
“All I asked,” you cut him off, voice quiet but firm, “Is if you wanted wine. I’m not proposing, Sukuna.” 
Sukuna didn’t like that. The whole…not-being-into-him and not wanting him to stick around after he just shut you down. He sucked his teeth and took a breath, about to say something, but you spoke first. 
“I know this is a PR thing. I know how the whole media circus works–you want your ex to stop bothering you, and I want people to stop asking questions about who the fucking father of my son is.” You paused, staring Sukuna dead in his eyes, a quiet, simmering rage boiling just beneath the surface of placid control. 
“Call my manager when the car’s done,” you decided, sounding beaten down and exhausted. “I’ll send someone for it. Thanks for the ride home.”
Next thing the man knew, he was ushered toward the door and stood in the doorway, stuck on the idea of being kicked out of his omega’s–no, no, out of an omega���s house like he was trash. 
“Fucking–wait, just–” 
“What?” You snapped.
“I could–glass of wine doesn’t sound too bad–”
You shoved the bottle into his hands and slammed the door. 
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Sukuna tried to sleep it off–as in, he slept around to forget about the crushing weight of rejection collapsing down on him, shattering his chest, spearing his heart with shattered bone. 
You still kept being so fucking nice to him, too. You never slandered him, never spoke ill whenever he was asked about in interviews–you spared his reputation with a kind smile every time you had to talk about him or to him. 
And he was grateful for it, even if he didn't return the favor. It's not like he was on a smear campaign, no, but anytime a hook up would ask about you, he wouldn't give a glowing review, per se. But it wouldn't be scalding either. Just sheer indifference tainted with drops of bitterness stemming from unripe guilt.
It went on like that for months–until you did your parental duties, and set aside your feelings about Sukuna for the sake of your son.
“Uraume, get that,” Sukuna called as his phone rang. He was too busy fucking around under the hood of his latest project to wipe his hands free of grease and pick up himself, obviously.
But Uraume was there for a reason. They picked up the phone with a polite hello before their sharp frigidity melted into rounded edges. 
“(Name)-san,” they hummed. “It's good to hear from you. Do you need to talk to Sukuna-san?” 
Sukuna started wiping his hands off so unbelievably fast. 
“He's working on a car right now. You know how he can be when he's focused.”
“Fucking–piece of shit–what the fuck–” somehow, he got even more grease and oil on his hands thanks to that stupid fucking rag. God, what a nightmare.
“Sure, I can take a message.” 
“Fuckin’ shit fuck, fuck.” He wiped his hands on his designer jeans before running to Uraume and gesturing for the phone.
Uraume's brows raised, and they actually smiled. 
“Ah, hold on, Sukuna-san's here.” 
Sukuna snatched up the phone, ignoring the knowing look glimmering in Uraume’s eyes. Ugh. Ugh. Betas.
“Hey,” Sukuna said after clearing his throat. 
“Hey! Ume said you were working on a car? You didn't have to stop to talk.” 
“Yeah, well.” Sukuna shrugged to himself and kicked a scrapped car part, sending it skittering across the ground and clanking into other parts. Jesus, when did his shop get so messy? “Needed a break anyway.” 
“Ah. You work too hard, you need to take breaks more often,” you laughed sweetly. “So, listen, Touma's birthday's coming up–”
“Shit, seriously?” Sukuna grinned and kicked another chopped part. “Fuck. How old's the little shit turning?” 
“Two! He's growing up so fast, I wish I could slow down time and–” you paused and laughed, suddenly sounding unsure and a bit nervous. “Sorry, sorry, was about to go on a tangent. Anyway, there is a little get-together, but you don't have to come. Satoru and Toji'll be there. But your brother and his son'll be there, too, so it won't suck completely.
“Otherwise, if you want to come see him earlier or something, that's fine, and–and you're not cutting me off and I didn't think I'd get this far so I'm losing the plot.” 
Sukuna huffed. “What, you don't want me to fuckin’ listen, huh?” 
“I know you will since I have such a pretty voice, but I'm surprised you're being a good boy for once.” 
The mechanic rolled his eyes and rubbed his face. Who knows if it was to wipe away embarrassment or fatigue. 
“You’re exhausting.” 
“And you’re a dick.” There was a special brand of teasing bitterness behind those words, but the vibes were balanced perfectly; seemed you were still cranky about what he said, but you were willing to let it slide.
Sukuna chuckled, relaxing the slightest bit. “Alright. I don't know what the fuck kids like at that age, but I'll figure somethin’ out. I can at least show up Jin.” 
“Text me time and place. I'll be there.” After a moment, he added, “I’ll bring some plum wine. Fancy shit.”
The hidden rumble of a purr snuck its way out from your side, and Sukuna did everything he could to suppress his alpha's reciprocation.
“Sounds good. See you then, Sukuna.”
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Toji answered the door. 
“Hah. Why the hell are you here?” The fuckhead ex-Zenin asked with a stupid, shitty smirk on his dumbass face. 
Sukuna strained not to throw the first punch. He really shouldn't murder someone at his--your son's birthday party. Murder is bad. Murder is bad. 
“Fuck you.” Hey, at least it wasn't murder. “‘M here for my fucking kid.” 
Toji crossed his arms and suddenly looked beyond bored as he leaned against the doorframe. 
“Your kid? You mean (Name)’s kid?” He wondered, putting on a show of thinking. “Weird.”
“You're one to talk. You forgetting what you did to your own brat? You fuckin’--”
“Sukuna!” Your sweet voice called, instantly changing the atmosphere. “Glad you came. Do you–oi, Toji, move, stop bodyguarding. You're not a bouncer.”
“Eh?” Toji stayed in his spot as you smacked at his arm and tried to push him away. “I'm just standing here. Not bodyguarding. Minding my business.” 
“You’re so full of shit.” You wheezed and squeaked as the man suddenly gave way, nearly making you crash into him and plummet to the floor. But you caught yourself and hissed at the dark-haired menace until he whistled innocently and waltzed away. 
“Fucking--why’s he here again?” Sukuna grumbled as you let him in. He leaned down to nose at your cheek with a grumpy, quiet grunt--typical greeting procedures for an interested individual or bonded pair. But the way you choked on whatever you were about to say meant he must've caught you off guard. 
“He's uh–we work together. We've worked together? He was the stunt coordinator for some movies I've been in.” You cleared your throat and took the present bag from Sukuna to place with the others. “And I babysit Gumi sometimes.” 
“Gumi? What the fuck is a Gumi?” 
“Megumi? His son?” Oh. Oh. “I babysit Yuuji too, so. Thick as thieves, y'know?” 
Sukuna nodded a little, thinking hard on the lore. He liked that Yuuji was taken care of by you, but surely that wretched Gumi could go somewhere else. Toji was probably just leeching off of you. 
“Oi, Momma, get in here,” Toji crowed from wherever all the baby giggles and excitement bubbled from in the house. “Your boys need some maternal guidance–” 
“Toji, don't make it weird!” Jin whisper-yelled before going on a long-winded rant about this and that, about proper behaviour and attitudes in front of children (not that the kids were paying attention to anything Toji did). 
You gave Sukuna a tired smile. “Come on. It won’t be that bad, I promise.”
Sukuna sighed, but let you drag him to his demise, bottle of wine in-hand.
But it wasn’t that bad. Not really. 
Your other boys, Gojo Satoru and Getou Suguru, showed up and showered tiny Touma with way too much praise and far too many gifts, but the little shit looked so pleased that Sukuna couldn’t get too annoyed. Shoko and Uraume came by, too, much to Sukuna’s surprise. Uraume brought with them a whole fucking confectionary cake they’d crafted themselves at home. Gojo obsessed over it and Getou tried to reign him in to no avail. 
And the night went on. No one talked shit, not unless it was in good fun, no one got fucking hammered, no one talked about work–it was all about the kids. Nothing else. No one else. 
Sukuna could never guess just how far that truth went.
When everyone left for the night, the alpha could start to see the edges of your smile fraying. But you held on, thanking everyone for the gifts and for showing up for Touma, and especially thanking Jin for offering to let all the little ones spend the night at his place (you and Toji would forever be in his debt). 
Then, when the door closed and all fell silent, he heard you cry. 
Sukuna didn't know what to do about people crying. He never had. Even when he was a kid, he had a hard time trying to comfort people with hugs and words of reassurance–he just couldn't do it. 
“It's okay,” he heard you whisper. “It's okay. It's okay. You're okay. It's okay. I'm okay.” 
Sukuna got up and leaned against the doorway to the kitchen. “Sure about that?”
You jumped and clasped a hand over your mouth to stifle your scream. Sukuna barked out an ugly, reedy laugh while he defended himself from your petty smacks and pinches. 
“You scared the fuck out of me–why're you still even here? Go home! Shoo!” You wiped your eyes once you were done harassing him and turned away, busying yourself with cleaning up dishes and wrapping paper left in the aftermath. 
Sukuna followed you idly, a shit-eating grin still plastered on his face. What could he say? He loved seeing you get all petty and riled up. But he didn't love seeing you cry. He didn't love seeing you try to stealthily wipe tears away, to try and steady your shaky breathing. 
“What’s going on with you, babe?” Sukuna asked as he settled beside you at the sink. 
“It's nothing,” you said with a snuffle. “It's seriously nothing. Sorry, I--you don't need to stay. Or anything.” You sighed and rubbed at your eyes with your sleeve. “You've done your fatherly duties. You're free to leave.” 
“Yeah? ‘N what about my baby daddy duties?” He wondered, voice so horribly low and comforting, like the buzzing crackle of a campfire. 
You laughed, watery and shaky. “You already did everything you needed to, Sukuna.” 
“Come on, don't cockblock me like that.” He gently tilted your Chin his way to catch your eyes just like he had back at the shop all those months ago. “Look at me.” 
You did. Your eyes were red and irritated, whatever pretty boy make up you wore was wiped off and smudged, and those heavy, dark bags met the light in front of someone else for the first time in a long time. 
You still had the gall to laugh it off and pull Sukuna's hand from your face with a small, “I'm fine,” though. 
“Then why the hell are you crying?” He asked. 
You squeezed his hand with both of yours. “Things are just…hard. Overwhelming.”
Sukuna nodded a bit. “That why Jin took the runts tonight?” 
“Yeah. Needed some time, I guess.” You snuffled and wiped your face with both hands before finishing up with cleaning. “Makes me sound like a shit parent, I know.” 
Sukuna couldn’t disagree more. “Least you're not flipping out on the kid. That'd be way shittier, yeah?” 
“I don't know. I guess, but–yeah. I don't know.” 
Sukuna sighed and scooped you up like a new bride. “You're driving me fucking mental.”
“Quiet.” Your omega indeed piped down at the grouchy command, and you shyly let the man carry you up the steps to find your bedroom. “You're getting some damn rest. You look like shit.” 
You grumbled something Sukuna elected to ignore in favour of tossing you onto a bed the way one might lob a stone into a pond. You landed with a warbled squawk and looked at Sukuna with horribly accusatory, baffled eyes. 
Sukuna quirked a brow as he looked down on you, gladly using his broad build and tall stature to secure your submission. And it worked; the aggravated spark in your eyes curled up and fell silent after a few long seconds. Your head lowered just the slightest bit, too, but your passive gaze remained stuck on him, waiting for his next move. 
“Fine,” you grumbled. 
Sukuna raised his brows and eased onto the bed, caging you underneath him with his solid frame. Your scent flickered with shy playfulness, and Sukuna relished in it. 
“How do I know you're gonna obey, omega?” 
“I guess you don't. Not for certain,” you admitted begrudgingly. 
“Tch. Someone's gotta keep you accountable then, huh?” He nosed at your neck, nearly letting his lips touch your neck but refusing to do so in the same instance. “Make sure you're doing the right thing, make sure you're behaving.” 
One of his hands squeezed at your soft thigh before inching up little by little. Your hands found themselves in his hair as he teased at your joggers’ waistband, pulling the elastic taut before letting it go. 
“Sukuna,” you laughed, sounding a little breathless. “I, uh–I thought you said–”
“Changed my mind.”
“Forget what I said and let me make you cum on my fingers, brat.” 
Oh. Well, hard to argue against that. 
You swallowed but gave a meek nod. He ripped your bottoms off and felt up your blazing skin with rough, calloused hands, groping and grabbing in the same spots he liked back when you were hooking up: your thighs, your hip bones, the squish of your stomach. As much as the man harped on about not wanting “damaged goods,” he sure worshiped your body like it was brand new, untouched. 
Sukuna brought his fingers to your mouth, and you took them with utmost compliance. Your tongue worked against his digits thoughtfully and thoroughly for your own sake–a lack of starter lube wouldn't end well, after all. And Sukuna was not the most patient man in the sack.
“See?” Sukuna crowed into your ear as his hand traveled south and a finger sunk into you. “It's not so bad to just behave, now is it?” 
You already felt like you were about to explode, and Sukuna savoured It. He liked being the one to do this to you–the only one for a while, considering how tight and sensitive you were. Any little push or prod inside you brought sweet sighs and soft moans to the surface–and a second and third finger had your hips bucking and your nails digging into his shoulder and back as he finger-fucked you to oblivion while still caging you in. 
“Good omega,” he cooed. “Gonna cum already, huh? Tch, you shoulda said no one’s been taking care of you; I would’ve taken my parental responsibilities more seriously.” His lips and teeth landed on your neck, as you curled up into him, body tensing, heels digging into the mattress, panting and gasping getting louder and faster. The sound made his pants strain even more. 
“Fuck, you smell fucking good. Better than when I fucked you the first time.” 
“I-I forgot you talked so much in bed,” you managed out. “Could you just–shut up?”
Sukuna growled, and you whined. “You want me to shut up, huh? You wanna listen to your slick fucking hole getting spread open, plowed into? You miss me that much, omega?”
“No.” You hissed and clung to his upper arm as he somehow managed to take it up a notch, slipping his fourth finger in and spreading you obscenely wide. 
“I think you did. Think you were hopin’ I’d come around, plow you into the bed again, stuff you full like no one else can.” 
“I’ll fill this hole up all you want, baby–I’ll even stuff another pup in you. Twins. You want that, huh? You gonna be my omega from now on? Creaming on my cock ‘n fingers the way you shoulda been the day you walked your perfect, little ass into my life?” 
“Shut up, shut up, shut up–” you choked on a gasp and bit into his shoulder, soaking his shirt with drool and shuddered mewls while your body tightened and ecstasy hit like the weight of Sukuna’s words–brutal, fast, honest. 
Sukuna moaned in sympathy, ignoring the way his hand and arm cramped and ached to keep pistoning into you and draw out your high. He couldn't help it–something about you drove him mad in that moment. It could have been how you made his ego swell, it might've been the way his greed needed your slick staining his and only his skin, perhaps it could have been a quiet yearning coming from his lonely, hollow alpha. He didn't know. But he didn't question it. 
Your body started to relax with the death grip you had on his shoulder as you came down from the sudden, electric high. Your hips still jolted with every slow, lazy push into your soft hole, though a haze of purring and cooing filled the spot where gasps and moans once did. Eventually, you melted off of him and collapsed onto your back, looking as content as a cat lounging in the sun. 
“Oi, oi, you're not done yet, sweetheart.” But if you said you were done, he might've listened. Just that once. 
You hummed something as you looked up at him, eyes doey and so egregiously lovey-dovey. 
“That's a nice face. Make sure you save it just for me,” Sukuna gently commanded, and you laughed. 
“Demanding. I thought you didn't like used goods.” 
Sukuna scowled. “Shut up.” His free hand traced the stripes of stretched skin left in the wake of bearing his baby boy. “I like ‘em when they're used by me.”
“Does that really make them ‘used goods,’ then?” You murmured as if speaking logic too loud would break Sukuna's entranced obsession of you. 
But maybe, maybe, you had a point. 
“Guess I'll have to think on that.” His fingers slipped out of you and he gave you a wet slap on the ass to wake you up. Your subsequent squeak sure as hell woke Sukuna up. 
“Ow. Gross.” 
“I'm not finished with you, brat. Don't get too fuckin’ content, yeah?” He smirked when you glanced at his crotch expectantly. “You want me to fuck you?”
Sukuna sighed and settled between your legs as he futzed with his belt and button. “Could put up a bit of a fight.” 
“Too tired.” You yawned and stretched with a pleased sigh. “No will to argue.” 
The alpha leaned down to bite at your knee, and you pulled your legs together to avoid his chunky, rude fangs. You knew he'd delight in making you bleed or leaving dark bruises. He was the worst. 
“Still got a little fight left in ya,” Sukuna said with a grin. “Let's see how much more we can find, hm?”
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babygorewhore · 19 days
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Good boy
Rafe Cameron x fem reader
After Rafe comes over after a fight with Ward, you decide to take control and handle his mommy issues too.
Part of Dolly and Morgan’s writing game! Dividers by her!! Warnings! Mommy kink! Daddy kink! Degrading! Slapping! Choking! Unprotected sex! Proof read once! W.C 1k something. Sub!Rafe
If there was one thing about you and Rafe Cameron, it was that you both had serious parental issues. You hadn’t been dating long, it took forever to have that title given his weird commitment issues and here you were. Sitting on the couch while he ranted and raved about his father. You nodded and tried to listen without interrupting him.
“Fucking bastard. He treats me like I’m stupid and worships the ground Sarah walks on! When she’s running around with those pogues!” He puts his hands on his head while he paces your living room and you give him a look.
“Don’t shit talk Pogues too much, Rafe.” He paused and rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, not you, obviously. But this is ridiculous. He doesn’t trust me at all. I made a few mistakes but I’m going to get my shit together and soon it’s gonna be me running the family business. And he’ll be sorry he ever disrespected me.” He swore to himself and nodded.
You sighed and padded the spot next to you. “Come here and sit down before you wake up the neighborhood. There’s nothing you can do about it right now. Might as well relax.” He shockingly listens to you without hesitation and sits beside you. His leg touching yours.
He usually argues about everything and anything. He would have the last word with God if it were possible. But you take the opportunity to rest your hand on his thigh, turning to face him. “Did he smack you around at all? You can tell me.” This was the question you didn’t want to ask, your hatred towards Ward as intense as his own. Rafe shook his head.
“No but he got in my face. I wanted to-“ He jerks his jaw, trying to remove the thought from his mind. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, resting your head in the crook of his neck.
“It’s okay…you don’t have to worry about him right now…” Rafe’s breath suddenly shuddered as he felt your lips brush his skin and you glanced up to his blue eyes dart around.
“I’m sick of being treated like I’m nothin.” He sniffs before harshly wiping his face with the back of his hand. “Only person who is decent to me is you. And Wheeze.”
“Baby, it’s okay. It’s gonna be alright. You can stay here with me. I’ll take care of you.” You press kisses along his throat before you maneuver yourself to straddle his thigh. Rafe looks at you with a hazed expression as you gently rock your hips, his hands settling on your ass and he squeezes.
Your fingers slide under his shirt, tickling his abs before you securely hold his shoulders as you stare into his gaze. “Is this what you needed, Rafe?” Your cunt flutters against his muscular leg and he sucks in a breath as he feels your wetness through your panties. You were wearing one of his oversized shirts without pants.
“Mhm-yeah.” He rasps as your fingers find the top of his waist band, slipping inside his boxers to tease his dick, smearing precum. “Fuck.” He sucks in a breath as you play with it.
“Awww, you like that? Need me to empty that head of yours?” He looks down as you pull his boxers all the way off, your hand still wrapped around his cock as you pump him.
He moves his hips and grinds into your palm. “Fuck, you always know what you’re doin, huh? Baby, I don’t wanna be teased,” He hissed as you move to massage his balls and you give him a smirk.
“Ask me nicely, daddy. Tell me what you want.” You hump his leg harder and he groans. Apparently having enough of your teasing as he moves you, moving your panties to the side and sinking you down on his dick. You both whine as you take him all the way, taken off guard by his actions but you’re determined to take back control.
You dig your nails into his chest and start to bounce. He grunts as you lean forward, kissing him deeply and bite his lower lip. Rafe slaps your ass hard as you grind, adjusting your thighs to cage him.
This time, you lightly slap him across the face. Rafe gasps and looks at you, making you hold your breath. Before his eyes darken and you distract him with toying with his balls with your free hand.
“You little-“ He begins and you slap him again, shoving your fingers in his mouth. Stopping him from speaking again.
“You can fucking take it. You wanna cum? Then be a good boy.” He moans and sucks your digits but you pull them out. Lifting your shirt above your head, your tits in his face and his lips wrapping around your nipple.
“Mmmm, mommy-“ He immediately turns red and you rock your hips harder. Your pussy clenching around him and squeezing him.
“What was that?” You mimic and gently tap his cheek again.
You shake your head and grip his hair, moving him off your chest. “No. Say it.” He refuses and you start to get off his lap, cunt dripping but Rafe holds you there.
“Mommy please-let me cum.” Your warm mouth latches on his throat and you suck his skin. Nipping and soothing the skin with your tongue.
“Go ahead, baby. Cum for me. You’re being such a good pretty boy,” You praise and he grabs your lower back. His moans loud as he cums into you, creaming inside your pussy and you follow suit. Shaking and your eyes squeeze shut.
But you’re not finished with him, you reach forward and grab his throat, continuing to bounce. Rafe’s eyes are red rimmed and tears start to stream down his cheeks. “Fuck-mommy-don’t stop.” He whimpers and you squeeze harder.
“Don’t worry, daddy. I won’t. You’re so fuckin pathetic. Getting off by being choked by your girlfriend? Crying cuz it feels so good? Damn, Rafe. I knew you were a slut but now I know how much.” You smirk and he moans. His eyes rolling back.
“Ye-yeah.” You slap him again. With more force.
“No. You say it in a clear voice, Rafe. Tears and all.”
He cries harder, “Mama, it feels so good. I don’t want you to stop. Fuck, I needed it. I needed you. I’m gonna cum again, inside you.” You nod with a satisfied smirk.
“Good boy. You’re such a good boy for me, baby. You look so good giving me those tears.” You coo at him and he coats your insides with ropes of cum again, making you fuck him through it.
“I’m gonna make you fuckin pay for this, princess.” He promises and you give him a few more thrusts before slowing down.
“Yeah? You gonna punish me?” You taunt him and he nods weakly, his eyes widening as you sink down onto your knees.
“Looks like I better lick it all up first.”
@marchsfreakshow @drewstarkeyslut @rafescurtainbangz @rafeinterlude @slvt4jamesmarch @oceandriveab @rafesthroatbaby @gri959 @redhead1180 @starkeysprincess
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danveration · 4 months
What if I told you I'm a mastermind? And now you're mine.
Parings: Dark!Creepy!Vox x GN!reader
Summary: Vox has a plan to finally make you his
Word count: 3145
Warnings: Stalking, obsession, manipulation, delusion, self-delusion, reader getting hypnotized by Vox against their will, mention of death, mentions of cannibalism (cannibal town), being watched while naked, reader being hurt by Vox physically
Part one
A/N: GUYS. I have a part 3 planned out but it’s REALLY fucking dark😭. Also, I was listening to the song “Mastermind” by Taylor Swift while writing this. (Hence the inspiration for the title)
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Vox is getting impatient.
It’s been two weeks since he met you face to face. Two weeks since he gave you the laptop in which he’s been watching you through the webcam, and still all the cameras. Two weeks since you have been getting paranoid.
Ever since you’ve been using the laptop, you’ve noticed it’s been sparking with electricity whenever you use it. You kind of brushed it aside though because maybe this is normal for VoxTek technology.
But little did you know, it’s not normal. None of this is normal. Vox has been watching you and seeing what you browse on your laptop 24/7. He has had little no breaks. Valentino and Velvette have been giving Vox the side eye as of late, looking at him with pity/concern. He doesn’t care though, he just thinks they’re the crazy ones. This is completely okay and normal for him! How is it wrong? Nobody could prove him otherwise.
Vox must admit, seeing you face to face on the laptop camera other than angles from the cameras that are far away, is completely different. This is a millstone for him. He gets to admire you up close and take in every single detail of you. A couple days ago, you forgot to close your laptop that was on a table in your room, facing your bed. That was a fantastic day for Vox. He had a field day. He isn’t ashamed of what he did, he’s proud. He did it for you.
You’re currently sitting on your bed with your laptop, scrolling through Hell’s news feed. You’re bored, you want to do something but honestly there’s nothing much to do in Hell that doesn’t have a 90% death rate. You decide to close the laptop and go downstairs.
Vox is up. He’s been up. He had two cups of coffee beside him and he’s been awake for.. What is the hour now? He’s lost count. He just doesn’t want to miss something happening in your life! What if you wake up with a nightmare? What if bad people want to hurt you suddenly when you’re outside or asleep?? There’s so many things that could happen. He needs to be there and alert to protect you.
“Fuck sakes, Vox. You’re still on this? Clear your head, dummy!” Velvette says with a roll of her eyes.
“Shut up. My head is clear, Velvette. I’m as sane as I’d ever be!” He says.
“Uh huh.. sure. Whatever you say.” She says, walking away.
Vox shakes his head and chuckles. “People are crazy.”
He looks back up to his screen, watching you go downstairs.
You get downstairs and see that everyone is down here.
“Ah! Y/n! Goodmorning!” Charlie says with a smile.
“Morning, Charlie.” You say with a smile, waving.
“Good morning, dear!” Alastor says to you, while he’s sitting on a chair.
You look over to where he is. “Morning, Al!”
Vox’s eye twitches.
Angel and Husk are talking at the bar, and Niffty and Sir Pentious are talking. Well.. Niffty seems to be telling him something and he’s standing there in shock, looking terrified. Typical reaction for when Niffty is telling you something.
Vaggie is cleaning her spear in the lounge area, and Charlie is writing on a paper.
“Sooo, now that everyone’s here I have an announcement to make!” Charlie says, looking up from her paper. “Today.. We are doing group activities! Yay! Haha so, basically I had the great idea for all of us to go out on the town together and just spend time with one another. Doesn’t that sound fun?!” She says with excitement.
A day on the town. Honestly, that sounds nice. You’re bored out of your mind today so anything goes.
“Eehh.. I dunno. I had plans alrea-“ Angel starts but Charlie cuts him off.
“Oh come onnn! It’ll be fun, I promise!” Charlie says.
Everyone is silent so she takes that as a yes. “Alright! Great! Everyone meet here in an hour and off we go!”
You go upstairs to get dressed.
Vox listens intently to what Charlie says. A day on the town? He’s been racking his brain on how to talk to you in real life again. This may be just the thing! What if you two “accidentally” run into each other? Perfect. He notices that he’s not in the best physical state at the moment. He’s in sweat pants and a stained t-shirt. And he hasn’t showed in... A couple days. He has an hour to freshen up. He bolts out of the room to take a shower, brush his teeth, and put on his classic suit outfit.
You’re getting out of the shower and you pick out an outfit to wear. Fixing your appearance, you notice you left your laptop open again. Damn, you’ve got to get on closing that. It’ll lose its battery!
Vox steps out of the hot shower, looking at himself in the mirror. He winks at himself and goes to pick his suit outfit. After getting dressed and ready, he glances at the screen and sees you naked, about to get dressed.
“Fuck.” He says, eyeing you up and down. He feels he’s in a trance, which is ironic.
“All mine.” He whispers. Shaking his head quickly to gain composure, he sets off to go to the hotel. He will watch you guys from afar until you arrive somewhere where it’s likely where he’d be at too. Then, his mastermind plan will layout.
You get downstairs and everyone is there, which is surprising. You’d expect at least Angel or Alastor to sneak off, not wanting to do this.
“Allriiggghht!! Let’s go.” Charlie says, walking to the entrance and opening the door for everyone.
“Where exactly are we going?” Angel says.
“Yeah, I’m not looking to walk no marathon.” Husk joins in.
“Wellll, I was thinking we’d just go to..” Charlie trails off. “Umm..”
“Charlie, do you even know where you’re taking us?” You say with a chuckle.
“Well…. Not yet. But! This isn’t about the destination. It’s about spending time together!” She says with a smile.
“I ssuppose you’re right.” Sir Pentious says.
Alastor’s ears twitch upwards and he says, “I have a marvelous idea! We could go to cannibal town! It’s truly a wonderful place. Remember, Charlie?” Alastor suggests.
“Hmm.. You know, that’s actually not a bad idea!” Charlie says.
Everyone gives them looks.
“Cannibal? As is.. Cannibal?” Sir Pentious says with shock.
“Ooohh..” Niffty laughs. “I’m SO excited!” She says, jumping up and down.
“Yeah! It’s not as bad as it sounds, I promise.” Charlie says with a smile.
“Whatever you think is best, babe.” Vaggie says, holding onto Charlie’s arm.
“Cannibal town it is!” Charlie says, leading the group.
Vox is overhearing the conversation. “Cannibal town? Are you fucking kidding me?” He whispers, walking a safe distance away from you guys. Even simply seeing you exist is driving him crazy. You’re so perfect. “Cannibal town it is then. The things we do for love.” He chuckles to himself.
The way you walk is so memorizing to him. Look at you. He feels electricity spark around him, knocking over a electric pole next to him, making a loud noise.
“Shit.” He says, glancing in front of him, seeing you all stop for a moment, about to look back.
He quickly looks to his left and jumps out of the way. He waits a few seconds and then peaks out, seeing you all keep walking forward.
He sighs and goes back to following you.
What he didn’t notice was that Alastor was no longer with the group, instead, he teleported himself behind Vox. He notices, of course he does. He smiles to himself at the fact that he now has the upper hand, he has something to now hold over his head.
Teleporting back to the group, he glances over to Charlie.
“My dear, there it is!” He points.
“Ahh! Guys, we are here!” She says.
You all look around in shock. It’s actually.. Really nice there. Nicer than any place you’ve seen in Hell since you arrived. Everyone seems very polite.
Angel goes off to flirt with people, Husk looks around for the nearest bar, Charlie and Vaggie take pictures together, Sir Pentious is looking around paranoid, and Niffty is.. Where’s Niffty? Oh well, she’ll show up sooner than later. And Alastor is chatting with a lady. You think her name is Rosie? You saw her on an overload poster the other day.
You see a water fountain and go to sit by it.
Vox looks around. He’s pleasantly surprised. This isn’t the kind of place he’d choose to go, but it’s still not as bad as he thought it would be. He thought it would just be people violently eating and killing each other.
He sees you sitting on a bench beside a fountain, and walks up from behind.
You’re feeling kind of thirsty so you get up to go find the nearest store. Hopefully they sell things other than human remains.
Vox takes this as his chance, he walks swiftly beside you and then bumps into you on “accident.”
You jump and look to your side.
“Oh shit sorry!” He chuckles, looking up at you.
“Oh you’re.. Y/n, right?” He says with a charming smile.
“Yeah.” You chuckle awkwardly.
“You come here often?” He asks.
“To cannibal town? No, haha. Me and some friends are just visiting.” You explain.
“Ahhh.. I see, I see.” He stares at you in admiration.
You can’t help but feel weird around him. You’re not sure why. He seems like a nice guy, but.. There’s just something about him.
“Well..” You say. “I’ve got to get going.”
“Mind if I join you?” He says with a smile. “Wouldn’t want anyone eating you or anything like that.” He laughs and starts walking with you, not waiting for an answer.
“Soo.. How’ve you been? Have you been enjoying your new laptop?” He asks you.
You can’t seem to find a store that would sell water so you just stand there, turning your head to Vox to make conversation.
“I’ve been pretty good! Bored, but good. And yeah actually, I’ve been using it a lot.” You say, smiling.
“Oh that’s good, that’s good.” He says, nodding.
His heart is beating out of his chest right now.
You try your best to put aside your feelings of uneasiness towards him. It’s probably nothing. He’s just a new face and you gotta get used to that! He didn’t do anything wrong, it’s just your brain being annoying.
Little did you know, you have every single right to feel uneasy.
“Have you enjoyed all the features?” He asks, wanting to know more about what your thoughts are on the laptop. But more or less, just wanting to hear your voice and make as much conversation as he can with you.
“Yeah! Though.. I’ve noticed something weird. Is it.. normal for the laptops to spark electricity?” You ask in question, remembering how whenever you went on it, you saw sparks aka Vox watching you.
Vox smiles and says, “Absolutely! That’s completely normal. We thought it would be a cool idea, you know? It’s completely harmless!” He says in a convincing tone.
You feel relived at that. “Ohh alright, good!” You smile.
Vox wants to ask you out on a date. He wants to just take you. He want you. All of you. He just doesn’t know how to approach this. It’s overwhelming for him.
“Vox?” You say, “What’re you doing here?” You ask in question, wondering what sort of business a powerful, popular man like himself was doing here.
“Hm?” He starts. “Oh! Right. I’m just here walking the streets. Browsing.” He answers with an awkward chuckle.
“Ohh, nice.” You ask, looking behind him to see Niffty chasing someone with an arm.
“Oh my- Will you excuse me, Vox? I have to go do something.” You say, stepping away from him.
He sparks and steps in front of you, blocking you.
“W-wait! Hold on. I wanted to ask you something.” He says with a smile.
You look at him with a raised brow.
“Uhh..” He says, shifting his feet and looking away and back at you, seemingly nervous.
“Haha..” He awkwardly scratches his neck and thinks over how exactly he wants to say this.
Just as he was about to talk and ask you to go out with him, Charlie steps in the way.
“Y/n! We were going to head back to the hotel now and do some more fuunn group exercises!” She said smiling.
She looks over to who you’re talking to and tilts her head.
“Hello! Who might you be?” She says smiling at him.
Vox stares at her, annoyed.
“This is Vox. He owns VoxTek and he’s one of the VVV’s.” You cut in.
“Oohhh well it’s SO nice to meet you, Mr. Vox.” She says.
“Yeah, yeah. Nice to meet you too. Me and Y/n were just-“ He mumbles but gets interrupted by Niffty running between his legs and accidentally hitting him with the arm she was waving around.
His eyes go red and electricity goes around him, showing that he’s mad. He’s had enough. This was supposed to be a swift move. He comes in, wipes you off your feet, you fall in love with him, and you’re his. But in his mind, all these fucking bitches keep interrupting his time with you. He’s had it.
He snaps and grabs your arm, pulling you away from everyone. Charlie just looks in question, but walks away when she notices Vaggie calling her over.
You’re shocked and confused. What is going on? You barely know Vox. You feel a spark as he grabs you, and you hiss out in pain.
“Y/n.” He says, looking at you. His eyes are manic wide and he’s smiling at you possessively.
You try to back away but he holds you firmly by his wrist.
“Just listen. Everything is okay. I was trying to ask you if you wanted to go on a date with me.” He explains calmly, despite his not very calming state.
You now feel better that you had an uneasy feeling about him. It was deserved.
“Uhh.. Yeah, I don’t know about that. I’m sorry.” You say hesitantly.
He stops. Letting go of your arm.
“What did you just say?”
He looks at you in shock, anger, and determination.
You back up and say, “No. I don’t want to go on a date with you, Vox. I’m sorry.”
You walk away, meeting Charlie and the rest of the family. You guys walk back to the hotel, leaving Vox there to spiral.
Vox stands there, frozen. Did you just..? Say no..? To him? The love of your life? What has gotten in your head? He’s in disbelief. He shakes his head, laughing.
“No. This isn’t right. Don’t worry, Y/n. I’ll clear your head in no time.” He says with a smile, calming walking back to his headquarters.
You’re back in you room, ready for bed. Yawning, you open your laptop to check your messages before you go to sleep.
Vox is smiling as he sends hypnotizing message through the screen. Trust him, love him, and feel sorry for how you treated him.
All of a sudden, you see sparks on the laptop again, but this time, you feel something.
Your head spins and your eyes go foggy for a second. All you can think about is how much you messed up by declining Vox’s offer today. How dumb can you be? Why would you do that?
You snap out of the trance and frown. A wave of regret and shame fills you. Vox of VoxTek, one of the most important people in Hell, the guy who gave you a free laptop, the charming man who asked you out on a date, when he could’ve asked anyone else but he asked you.. and you said no?!
You panic and begin to have anxiety. You have to apologize to him. In person.
Getting up, not even changing out of your pyjamas, you leave your room and go to walk over to the VVV tower to say sorry to Vox and see if it’s not too late to accept his offer.
All-while, Vox is sitting back smirking while watching you on his screens. See?! Now you have some sense talked into you. You just needed a little push. His lovely is on his way to see him, as it should’ve been. You just needed some reminding of how you really felt. Vox is excited to see you again. And this time, it won’t get interrupted.
You get to the VVV tower, entering the place. It’s pretty cool there. You look around and go to the reception desk.
There’s a young man there, you have the idea to ask him if you can speak to Vox.
“Hey um.. Am I able to see Vox? I have something to say to him.” You ask.
The man laughs at you and just stares.
“Oh, you’re serious?” He asks. “No can do! We can’t just let random people walk in and talk to him.” He says in a “are-you-dumb” way.
Suddenly, Vox enters from the elevator.
“Y/n! Hello, you.” He says with a charming smile, walking over to you.
“V-Vox! I just um.. I wanted to say something to you. If that’s okay..” You start.
He shushes you and tells you to wait while he brings you up to his room for more privacy.
As you two get to his room, you look around. It suits him. There’s a lot of screens and all the colours that match his usual outfits.
“So, what is it you wanted to tell me?” He says smugly, knowing already.
“I just wanted to say I’m sorry for how I acted when you asked me out. I shouldn’t have said no.. I just.. I don’t know what came over me.” You say apologetically.
“Oh my dear, dear, Y/n. Thank you for your apology.” He says. “Do you have a different answer now?”
You feel a twist in your gut. Half of you is still saying no, but half of you is saying yes. You don’t know which one to lean into. It feels like your brain is confused and that you can’t even trust yourself.
Vox notices you thinking hard, so he helps you. Using his hypnotizing “power,” he puts sense into your brain.
Your head goes dizzy for a second and all comes clear to you. You don’t have to trust yourself. You can just trust him. The answer was staring you in your face all along.
“Y-yes! I do have a different answer. I’d say yes. I want to go out with you.” You say quickly.
Vox smiles.
“Oh course you do.” He whispers.
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natigail · 3 months
"I figured hey, if I'm here, I might as well be honest with myself. So I dug into the archives. And I found teenage Dan. Do you remember HELLO INTERNET? There I was, eighteen years old, your average caucasian British boy with your problematic vocabulary, just wanting so desperately to be liked. I then saw myself age twenty, as a student. Not that I was actually studying anything other than the male anatomy. I had no plan. No prospects. I was in desperate need of a haircut. Jesus Christ. No, look, that was not a hairstyle. It was geometry. My hair was a square. I then saw myself age twenty-two as an adult, just trying to make my way in the world, taking any job that I could, no matter how inauthentic or degrading. And look. I don't hate these past versions of myself, alright? Apart from the square one, it can get in the fucking bin. Mainly, I just feel sorry that it took them so long to work out who they are. I then stumbled across the video titled Existential Crisis. In which I utter the optimistic nihilistic epithet: 'embrace the void and have the courage to exist'. Embrace the void and have the courage to exist. It sounded nice when I said it but for some reason it just didn't hit. I had accepted the absurdity of the world but at that time, I hadn't accepted myself. Looking back at it, it finally clicked. Anyone who has suffered with depression or any kind of trauma that seriously affects your self-worth hopes that one day you're going to have this sudden revelation and then everything is fine. I had my revelation alright. I am unapologetically gay! Don't know if you hadn't picked up on that, so far in the show. But just having this revelation did not immediately fix all of my problems, because I still feel that inherent burnt-on brand that I am wrong. And that doesn't just go away. No, I know what my problem is, alright. My problem I am always living for the future. Every day I am thinking about this dream future where all of my dreams have come true and all of my problem have gone and everything's fine. And so, every day in the present of my life can be this joyless unrelenting grind towards that future. But it's okay. It's going to come any day now, right? Learning to look yourself in the mirror and being honest about what you've been through and keep living in spite of that can be hard. It takes a long time and a relentless persistent resistance against the way that you've been trained to feel by the world. But that doesn't just mean you should give up. Because, sure, sometimes in life, you may feel trapped. I felt trapped by my sexuality. You could feel trapped by your culture or your community. Hell, you could be literally trapped in an elevator but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't try to get out. 'cause, sure, when I look at the state of the world, I am very tempted to just go: You know what - we're all doomed. But that isn't courageous. That is cowardly. It's the easy way out. Even if it is, as I hope you'd all agree, a really fucking cool name for a show. So that's the thing. You can either say to yourself, every day is just a discontent emoji or you can find the courage to force your inner smiling cowboy hat, ye-motherfucking-haw! And just try to find in everyday life. Which is why I made this show. So I'm not living in the future but I'm just right here, right now, with you, just trying to have one good night. And look. Hey. Who knows, huh? We may all be doomed. Death may be inevitable. But first, we get to live. Life might at times be a struggle but just being here, to put one foot in front of the other every day is living. So please, do not let the doom drag you down. You are important. You matter. Please, stay hopeful for the future. Appreciate life. Embrace the void and have the courage to exist." - Dan Howell, closing monologue of his show "we're all doomed" (2022-2024)
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fillinforlater · 9 months
Monday of Appreciation: Part 101
Hello everyone, Smite here!
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2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY of Monday of Appreciation!
My first MoA post was posted on the 20th of September 2021, two years. Time really flies, huh? I don't want this to be just another MoA 100 post, but I really gotta thank you all, especially because Part 100 received so much love, God, it made me so happy <3 It was a kinda cathartic moment, the series had an epic peak... all thanks to you.
I definitely also want to thank all the writers, without whom this all wouldn't exist. My way of thanking you all is by... featuring a FUCKTON of stories below. Even if you are not featured (first of all, I'm sorry lol), I still appreciate your work and comradery in the bunker. Y'all are amazing <3
No. 1: @dnd-writes: Way of Water ft. Eunbi
Ah yes, Waterbomb Eunbi. The event that captured us all. The idea with the backup dancer is straight forward, nice, but the greatest thing about this is the watersports. Waterbomb, watersports... you get it? Just read it.
No.2: @leafostuff: No Names Needed ft. Sheon (Billlie)
Thanks to Leafo for spreading the good word of Sheon and her... goddamn midriff. No more reasons needed, appreciate this girl already, ugh.
No. 3: @iznsfw: The Devil's Telephone ft. Yujin
Everything IZ touches skips the part where it turns to gold. Fuck gold, IZ just creates diamondtic-masterpieces. I was thrilled to learn about this fic and when I read it... IZ did it again! This portrayal of Yujin is everything. What are we to your might!
No. 4: @idyllicidols: Cheat Day ft. Wonyoung
Wonyoung gangbang with her fans? I bet you all are already foaming at your mouth. Go on. Read it. Leave some love for this talented writer after getting your loads off the screen.
No. 5: @rvp32: Whisper of Uncontrollable Desire ft. Chaewon
Let me tell you, rvp is great! They don't hold back, they go all out, they try A/B/O, they like futa (please write futa!) and they have a Gaeul series. This one fucking sent me <3
No. 6: @existslikepristin: Not Summer Yet ft. Jeongyeon
Thx ELP for the nice message on Part 100! Thanks also for giving us these crazy pieces again and again (well, this one isn't too crazy for your standards, but you get me). This felt really intimate, liked it!
No. 7: @dreamcatchers-husband: The City of Love and Secrets ft. Sejeong
You better learn French for this fic. But fr, now I wanna go to Paris and marry a beautiful girl before :floshed: filling her up because she truly is mine now ahhhhh
No. 8: @capslocked: SERENDIPITY ft. Eunbi
Caps, Caps, Caps, Caps, Caps, what am I gonna do with you? Your fics are ALWAYS in my to read list and when I get to them... yeah, takes more than one attempt... more like five. Fuck you, I love you.
No. 9: @ggidolsmuts: Sin, Hormones and the Starlet's Boyfriend ft. Yunjin, Somi
HOLY FUCKING FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK, that was so FUCKING hot, I caaaaan't stop meeeeee, this is so good, I need more of this. Yeah, basically every ddeun fic makes me go like this. What a fucking legend, man.
No. 10: @smuttysabina: A Pervert Bred by Perverts only Breeds more Perverts ft. E:U (Everglow)
As you can see, the title is quite elaborate on what happens in this fic. A bunch of perverts, a lot (and I do mean a LOT) of cum to breed and in the end everyone is happy. You too, you filthy pervert?
No. 11: @writingsomesin-amber: Puppies' New Toy Part 3 ft. LSFM, Xiaoting
FUTA, the best kind of futa. The one with Alphas, with Kazuha (who always has a HUGE cock), with boundless sex that's just horny nonsense. This is what I want to read. Thank you for writing it!
This is a sequel to probably the best porn focused smut to ever exist. Thank you, c.o, for creating this, for making it a universe and for dropping another Jiheon smut. She hot, you hot <3
No. 13: @pfxhk: Staircase: Prepotent Pleasure ft. Yuqi
Kaaajin <3 finally another Yuqi fic and a very good one at that. I want her hot lips wrapped around me too now.
No. 14: @rosiesmuts: After Dark ft. Rose
Rose little fuck doll. Her pics lately have been mind-fucking or sth like that, I dunno, just sex. Oh, and I know a lot of good things happen late at night.
No. 15: @akkaweo-akkaweo: Treatment ft. Jinsoul
That's the treatment wr allll want from our dear Jinsoul. Her gorgeous visuals have really stunned me since she joined Modhaus. Now paint that pretty face.
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No. 16: @mode-lfy: Jinni (SMUT) ft. Jinni (ex-NMIXX)
Sooooo... when does Jinni unzip my pants, first thing in the morning finally come back?
No. 17: @worldsover: link in bio top 0.1% creator ft. Jiheon
This one is the follow-up to c.o's [PVV], so we got a whole-ass universe with pornstar!Jiheon now. What a blessing, and it leaves us with no doubt that Jihron would reach that 0.1% if she'd show her cute face and bubble butt on cam... when tho???
No. 18: @allthekingssmut: She's Rough And Coarse And Gets Everywhere ft. Heejin
Star Wars is already a win in my book, pair it with hotness everywhere (the sun, a mechanic, her face) and it only gets better and better. The release to all the fucking tension between those two is EPIC. Great fic!
No. 19: @writerpeach: Overindulgent ft. Wonyoung
To say I have over-indluged in this fic would be a massive understatement. When Peach let's loose and pours out tens of thousands of words of unpure smut, we know we got ourselves a massive hit, no matter the idol. To make it even better, Wonyoung.
No. 20: @okaylikesmomo: Kampfyre Part 1 - Vocals ft. Winter
Just one word: vocal training. Wait, that is two words! So Imma a need okay to write a second part to this, because Winter has not been trained enough (imo).
No. 21: @pupyuj: Magic Words ft. Wonyoung (fem!reader)
More love to female reader fics! Especially thise one, with this sweet and spicy Wony that makes girls' legs weak and mine too xD Thank you for this great story and hot smut!
No. 22: @usedpidemo: Parasailing ft. Yuri, Minju
This story feels so nostalgic, so oddly familiar. Like I was there throughout it all and feel entitled to the release at the end. This fic has me gliding, high on their two perfect bodies.
No. 23: @summersault31: Concerto Pt. 1 ft. IU
Blowjobs under the table while tempting another woman into your sinful lifestyle... this combines a clichee with a hook that has you begging: Summer, where is Part 2?
No. 24: @midnightdancingsol: I swear, the Bear Poked Me! ft. futa!Minji x Danielle
Now for the futa appreciation. I think Sol is perfect for this, especially because the mere thought of Minji fucking Dani with her... HUGE COCK... so big and... were was I? Oh yeah, Hanni is also in this.
No. 25: @maemisnippets: You're Mine, Cheeks ft. Chaehyun (fluff)
In between 29 smuts, there is this one short fluff by our dear Maems. Well deserved, I must say. Keep it up, qt, always fun bits to read.
No. 26: @mintwithchoco: [CYMX-461] ft. Choerry, Jinsoul
Monopoly can be so much fun, if you are willing to strike some questionable deals to further your chances of winning and everyone's chances to have a good time. Bathtub sex?
No. 27: @nichuuu: Where our blue is ft. Rei
A beautiful story, it truly made me fall in love with Rei, her strive and determination, her failure, her rise---and the insane, drawn-out fucking at the end. Where our blue is has it all and I have to congratulate @nichuuu: In between all these great writers, this story really stuck out to me!
No. 28: @svndaysaweek: Niche ft. Hanni
Cute little Hanni in need of her step-brother, because she is so deeply in love with him... this was so adorable and sweet at the start and then went into an excessive smut part that fried my brain.
No. 29: @sinswithpleasure: You Can Watch, But You Can't Touch [At Least, Not Yet] ft. Mina, Sana, Momo
I. Would. Not. Last. There is no shame in me saying this, but I just couldn't, with these three hotties right in front of me. Blast it all over their bodies, hng.
No. 30: @xiakato: Ella Baila Sola ft. Xiaoting
Hm, maybe Xiaoting should dance alone, I'm not really good at it though my Just Dance scores would beg to differ.
Hey, if you read all of that, you're fucking awesome. I appreciate you, and hope, you have a great week ahead. Until the next MoA, goodbye!
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cupidssorbett · 3 months
⋆₊˚⊹♡ COD Characters x Reader.
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Characters Included: John Price, Ghost “Simon” Riley, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, and John “Soap” Mactavish.
Summary: Title says it all!
⋆₊˚⊹♡ Note: This is part 1 of not sure how many but I saw these kinds of things for other characters so I’m doing it for these guys! just know more prompts will be coming as well as other things! :)
Content/Includes: In the title! PS remember that this is just what I think and everyone has different opinions!
NOT PROOFED, MAJOR MAJOR INSPO TO @arachine because their dick series is my biggest inspo for this cod one so PLEASE PLEASE go check out their blog!!
Enjoy! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ ✧
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⋆₊˚⊹♡ Length: 8 inches flaccid and 9 erect, NOW HERE ME OUT, he’s 6’0 from what I learned on Google and I mean, do you see and HEAR this man? He’s a captain, he’s got those mutton chops, he’s absolutely got something that slaps his thigh when he walks.
⋆₊˚⊹♡ Width: He’s not skinny, and he’s not split you open girthy, it’s that good median some where between that gives you that good stretch but isn’t painful.
⋆₊˚⊹♡ Color: Price isn’t PALE pale so down south he’s got a little tan to it, his tip is just a bit darker compared to his dick, like if I have to give a hexcode AND I WILL, it’s #D29A7C.
⋆₊˚⊹♡ Grooming/Styling: Do you see those mutton chops?? He is neat and tidy, his carpet matches the drapes in a sense of being not messy or anything just neat and all put together.
⋆₊˚⊹♡ Are they curved? Any veins?: VEINS, UGH, you can’t look me in the eyes and tell me he doesn’t got a few veins along the bottom and on the side. A few thick ones that rub just right when riding him, he’s also got not majorly noticeable curve but a slight curve to it.
⋆₊˚⊹♡ Favorite way to use it: He’s a giver, I saw someone say this I wholeheartedly agree, he’s a giver, he likes you riding him and taking it as you please his hands on your hips as you set your pace.
⋆₊˚⊹♡ Prompt:
“There ya go, slow— Oohh— Steady there love.” He breathed out with a slight chuckle, hands finding purchase right on your hips occasionally rubbing down your thighs. “Fuck— Doesn’t matter how many times I ride you I still can’t get over the stretch.” you laughed out as you slowly sank down with his help as he breathed all kinds of praises with that smile on his face.
Eventually you were buried to the hilt deep within him, your velvet heat clutching him, “God knew you could do it— Never fail to impress darling.” Price chuckled before you redirected his hand from your hips to your stomach the slight bulge in your lower catching him off guard, the groan that emitted from his throat was down right dirty. “God damn you know just how to rile me up, I suggest you hold on huh?” He chuckled deeply.
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⋆₊˚⊹♡ Length: 7 flaccid, 8.5 hard, he is big but he’s not BIG, you feel me? He’s got that good even, and you best believe he knows how to use it. I mean hello?? Look at him? Anyways I stand by it, 7 flaccid, 8.5 hard.
⋆₊˚⊹♡ Width: He’s a buff lad because we’re taking mw2/3 ghost with those man tits and big ass arms, he’s definitely thick, split you open thick in a sense.
⋆₊˚⊹♡ Color: With his mask and such I would like to say he’s pale so his dick might be slightly pale as well his tip color though would be slightly darker like, #FAC3B3 & #D69786.
⋆₊˚⊹♡ Grooming/Styling: See I like to believe his hair is shorttt beneath his mask so he would also keep it kinda clipped and short not exactly long or like out there, he’d had it pretty maintained like a little scruff maybe.
⋆₊˚⊹♡ Are they curved? Any veins?: Two words, God yes. Curved up just slightly with veins on the underside and one on the front side.
⋆₊˚⊹♡ Favorite way to use it: He seems like the rough types and if he’s busy but needs you so and he’ll face fuck you while your head under his desk.
⋆₊˚⊹♡ Prompt:
His grip was tight on your hair as you allowed him to move your head back and fourth as you braced your hands on his thighs. The obscenely wet sounds of your spit & precum shined lips gliding and wrapped around his cock.
“Look at you— *fuck* — such a mess around my cock huh? Little fuckin’ cocksleeve practically.” Ghost chuckled deeply in his chest as he lowered your mouth fully down onto his length causing a little gag from you as you gripped his thighs and he relished in this groaning at the sight and sound of you gagging around him as more drool spilled from your lips.
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⋆₊˚⊹♡ Length: 6 flaccid but 7.5 erect, he’s got that good even ground not split you open or good lord how is it gonna fit big but enough that he makes you feel that full feeling you can’t get enough of.
⋆₊˚⊹♡ Width: I don’t have a specific like width length in terms of measurements but I’d like to say he’s a good neutral, gives you that good feeling when fucking you.
⋆₊˚⊹♡ Color: #C98767 & #AB6F4F , it’s got a little fade to the mushroom tip, the tip just being a bit darker towards the end.
⋆₊˚⊹♡ Grooming/Styling: He’s groomed, his hair is short like short so I’d think he’d keep it pretty much tamed with a little curl to it.
⋆₊˚⊹♡ Are they curved? Any veins?: OOOO, yeah he got veins, more like one up from the bottoms and one on the top that goes into a fork. He’s just a litttleee curved.
⋆₊˚⊹♡ Favorite way to use it: I feel like he likes to take you from the back, he’s a bit of an ass man, maybe some tummy and thighs honestly.
⋆₊˚⊹♡ Prompt:
“God..” Gaz huffed out as his grip on your hips tightened, his gaze trailing down to your ass and the way it bounced everywhere time he thrusted in and out of your velvet heat. He couldn’t help but land a smack to it earning a, ‘Oh!’ From you and a groan from him. “You like that huh? Go on and tell me.” Gaz managed out punctuating the words with thrusts.
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⋆₊˚⊹♡ Length: 7 flaccid, maybe 7.5 ish not too big not too small, just the right ish amount for most. Because let’s be honest Soap isn’t big or small, right smack dab in the middle.
⋆₊˚⊹♡ Width: I wanna say, he’s a bit girthy though, not twig thin but maybe the same width of a banana which is usually 1.5 to 2 inches, so take that how you will.
⋆₊˚⊹♡ Color: I feel he’s pale around the base and a little darker to the tip, I don’t have exact set colors for soap because I can’t pin point exactly what colors but think pale to tanner.
⋆₊˚⊹♡ Grooming/Styling: I feel like, just by looking at his Mohawk and facial hair look it’s like messy but it’s not overly dramatic or grown out but it isn’t quite buzzed either so like a tamed bush in a sense.
⋆₊˚⊹♡ Are they curved? Any veins?: CURVED AND VEINS, he’s got a vein on the under side curved to the tip and over to the top side slightly, as for curved it curves to the left just slightly and up a teeny bit.
⋆₊˚⊹♡ Favorite way to use it: He’s a thigh & tit guy in my opinion, so, I feel he looovess thigh fucking.
⋆₊˚⊹♡ Prompt:
You HAD been finishing up cleaning the dishes in your favorite PJ’s right before bed until your boyfriend came meandering out…then you found yourself on the bed, on your back, panting softly as you looked at where his cock tip poked out from between your thighs that just couldn’t keep his hands off.
“So..Fucking…Good.” Soap punctuated his words with deep thrusts, pearls of precums catching on your thighs as he thrusted.
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resi4skz · 2 months
Title: Starstruck (pt2)
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Pairings: idol!Chan x fem!Reader
Warnings: smut, bike s*x
Part 1 , Part 3
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"Right in here, please," I say as I put a checkmark on the list of things to put away before closing the bakery. "I need everything to go smoothly as possible on Monday."
"Why are you so snappy?"
I turn, giving Luna a confused look. "I'm not snappy."
"Uh huh," she rolls her eyes as she took off her apron. "Let's go before you start hyperventilating about seeing their fanmeet in about," she glances at her wrist watch, "3 hours."
"I don't know what to wear."
"Alright. Let's go."
"Where we going?"
We arrived at the venue an hour earlier and we showed the tickets to the vendor. "Ah, right this way please." He leads us to a different enterance and I glance at the back, seeing others standing in line with merch.
"Ma'am, these are VIIP tickets. It gives you access to backstage."
"Okay. He's definitely going in the good books," Luna says smiling.
"Jeez, how much do you think he spent of these tickets?"
"Honestly? Probably a lot, but who knows?" She shrugs her shoulders. "Maybe he got them knowing you were coming."
Fuck. How do you expect to me to act after knowing this information?
We walk around the staff and stand just right to the main stage. The butterflies in my stomach right now is nothing compared to what it would've been watching them from the front. This was their 4th fanmeet and I couldn't have been more happier for them. They have achieved so much in the past 6 years.
"Okay, wow. This is awesome," Luna says, her eyes shining with excitement.
"Are you sure I'm wearing the right clothes?"
"Yes, now stop fussing over it!"
She made me wear a black corset with black skirt, boots and a leather jacket. My hair was down in loose curls. Okay, maybe she does have some taste.
"Hey, you made it."
I turn around and I'm again blown away by he man in front of me. He was wearing a blue coat and pants with white shirt underneath, topped with black boots. And his hair was styled in a wavy look. And damn, he looked good. "I hope no one gave you trouble coming inside?"
"Uh, no. Everything went smoothly," I replied. I felt a poke on my arm. "Ah, right. This is my best friend, Luna."
"Oh, hi Luna. Nice to meet you."
"Yeah," she waves nervously at him. I roll my eyes. Why did I even bring her with me?
Then more guys appear behind him. Oh my god. It's them. Leeknow, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, and I.N. The whole gang is here. Holy cannolli. This isn't real life.
"Alright, we gotta go. It's time for us to go on the stage," Chan states. For a second, I felt his eyes trail over me, my attire but he turned around and walked away with the group. I blinked, asking myself what happened.
But he turned around and walked straight to me. He takes my hand and says, "I'll see you later?"
I nod.
He smiles, his dimples on display. He leans in, placing a chaste kiss on my cheek. "See you later, babygirl," he says, winking at me before sprinting back.
"Did he just....kiss you on the cheek? Wait. Am I dreaming?" Luna pinches her arm and hisses in pain. "Definitely not dreaming. Holy shit."
Holy shit was right.
Because their fanmeet was a success. They played small games, did dance challenges, did a lot of performances and by the end of it all, they were still happy and energetic. I don't think I've ever seen them be this happy before.
And their performances? Just wow. And with Chan in a sleeveless top? Those arms made me weak in the knees. "Stop drooling."
I sigh, feeling those butterflies again. "Luna, I'm not drooling."
"Is it me or is he only looking at you?"
"Who?" I asked as I follow the direction she pointed at. He's smiling, but his eyes show something else, something desperate as he looks at me. He disappears in the back rooms, probably to change and freshen up.
"Okay. You have my permission," Luna nods.
"Permission?" I blinked at her.
"To get thoroughly fucked by h-oompf."
I cover her mouth with my hand. "Are you insane?!"
She pries my hand off. "Do you not want to? You do know who he is, even as the biker tiktok dude."
"I knew I shouldn't have told you that."
"Hey, I would've found out either way. But the question still remains."
"Which is?"
"Do you like him? Enough to take you, sweep you off your feet?"
"I mean yeah, but-"
"Oh. Here he comes."
He walks over, wearing all black. Very similar clothing to mine. "Ready?"
"Uh, are we leaving?"
"Yes. You and me. I wanna take you for a ride."
I look at Luna then back at him. I feel her hand on my back, giving me a little push. He grabs my hand, intertwining it with his own as we walk away, sprint more like, away from the book. "Wait. What about the res-" He stops, turns around and cups my face, he takes advantage of my surprised expression and swoops in for a kiss. When he pulls away, he smiles down at me before grabbing my hand again and walking outside.
What just happened?
The roar of the engine filled the night air as I zoomed down the empty road, the darkness engulfing me like a comforting shroud. The pair of gloves hands around my waist felt more comfortable than riding my bike alone. Her hands were small but god, did they feel good against me.
My headlights cut through the blackness ahead, illuminating the twisting road as it disappeared into the distance. The cool night air whipped against my helmet, the only sound besides the thundering of the engine. I was going to the place I had found a few weeks ago, where I could be this tiktok personality I made for myself.
I felt her arms tightened around me. Maybe she wasn't used to bike rides? Flashes of streetlights and neon signs painted the surroundings in streaks of light, blurring past in a colorful whirlwind. The occasional silhouette of a building or tree flashed by, casting eerie shadows in my path.
As I leaned into the curves, the sensation of speed combined with the solitude of the empty road created a thrilling sense of freedom. But with her behind me, it was more than freedom. I had been waiting for this day. I wanted to see her again because when I dropped her off at her place the other day, all I wanted to do was rip off that dress she wore.
It was then I knew that I was fucked. 100% fully fucked.
The city lights glimmered in the distance, a distant beacon guiding us on our journey through the night. In that moment, it was just me, my bike, Y/N and the open road stretching out before us—an endless expanse of possibility and adventure.
As I take a turn, I felt her hands wandering. Any lower, it would be dangerous territory. I grab her hand and squeeze. A warning. But as I speed off into the highway, her hands slide down low. Lower. Until they've reached their destination.
The little minx.
Through my tight jeans, she uses her hands to grab my clothed dick and gives it a rub. Fuck. My hand tightens as I try to maintain my hormones at bay level till we were at the destination.
5 minutes.
She gives it another rub and I almost crash. This is going to be harder than I thought.
4 minutes.
I swerve into the left lane, as the traffic was faster and I wanted nothing more to reach the location faster than I had originally planned.
3 minutes.
I groan as her hands slide up and down a bit quicker. I grip her hand, stopping it.
2 minutes.
Reaching around my back, I find her ass cheek and gives it squeeze. Hard. I feel her jerk towards my back.
1 minute.
Taking a left turn, I see the familiar abandoned cliff as her hand reaches down again. I curse as I increase the speed of my bike. I need to get there faster.
30 seconds.
Slowing down the bike, I, very gently, park the bike.
15 seconds.
Turning off the ignition, I wait till she's off the bike. Then I climb off, unbuckle the clasp of my helmet before taking it off as she also takes her helmet off.
5 seconds.
I stare at her till she's composed herself. Then I'm on her.
I don't get time to breathe as he's on me within seconds, our helmets long forgotten on the ground. Lips and teeth clashing as his hands slide around my back, giving it a slight push towards him. I felt his hardness on my lower tummy. "Wait," I lightly push him away. "I need to breathe."
His delicious mouth travels down to my jaw and neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses. "Mmm, Channie," I moan as he sucks and bites a spot on my neck.
"You little minx," he breathes against my mouth. His hands travels to my hair and grabs a bunch before yanking on it lightly making my head tilt up a bit. "Do you have any idea what you do to me?"
"I may know on some leve-, ah," I let out a yelp when he yanks on my hair.
"Brat." He growls, attacking my neck with wet kisses and biting the delicate skin. "I had to tell the boys I was going for my nightly rides," he gives a long sniff before coming up. "But they don't know I was going with you."
I'm then hoisted up on the bike as he settles himself between my legs and kisses me again. His kisses are desperate and dominating. I reach for his jeans when his hands grab my arm. "Nuh uh, baby." He makes me stand and spins me around. "I need to be inside you."
"But, ah!" I moan as his palm makes contact with my right ass cheek as he bends me over.
He wastes no time and removes my black panties from under my skirt. "Damn. You're perfect." I hear something ripping which I think was a condom wrapper.
And then, in one swift motion, he snaps his hips into me. My eyes roll back in my head as I groan at his girth, feeling the stretch. "Fuck," I groan. I've imagined this moment in my delusional mind but this was beyond my dreams. "How are you this big?"
"Fuck, you're so tight," he moans as he pulls out completely before snapping his hips against me. "This cunt was made for me, fuck you feel so good."
He gradually picks up speed as his hand travel around my waist towards my throbbing clit. The only sound you could hear was our heavy breathing, into the darkness surrounding us. I felt the tight knot in my lower belly ready to burst. "Chan, please."
"Fuck, yes!" He grunts, now slamming into me. "You're close, aren't you? You gonna cum? You gonna cum for me?"
I nod my head. "Yes!"
His fingers rubs my clit and I see stars in front of my eyes as my climax hits me the hardest, my legs shaking but he doesn't stop. "Oh, fuck. Fuck, you're gonna make me cum. I'm gonna cum." His hips ram into me a few more times before he stills, spilling his seed into the rubber.
We stay like that for a few minutes, catching our breaths. He finally pulls out and I groan at the odd feeling. I try to move but my legs refused to budge. "Uhm."
I hear him zipping up his jeans. "You okay?"
"I can't move."
"My legs."
He softly chuckles as he walks over and grabs both my arms, lifting me up. I shriek. "Put me down!"
"Hold still!"
He turns me around and puts me on the bike with my legs hanging over. Placing his hands on the lower part of my legs, he gently starts massging them. "Good?"
"Hmm," I savour the feeling coming back to my legs. "You should've started with this first."
"Oh, really?"
The nerve of this guy, showing me his dimples. "I'm a sucker for massages."
"Noted," he says as he comes up, face to face. "Say, what are you doing next weekend?"
"Why, you wanna take me a on a date?"
"Yeah. Is that a problem?"
"Well, considering how this date went, I might agree to it."
"Brat," he pecks my lips before he picks up the helmets and hands me mine. "You're more than welcome to feel me up again once we're on the road."
My cheeks heat, my blush making its permanent stay on my entire face. "Wha....I wasn't feeling you up!"
"Uh huh," he says wearing his helmet and grins turning his head towards me. "And I didn't give you the best sex of your life just now."
I narrow my eyes at him as I hop off to let him sit first. As he turns on the ignition, I climb on behind him. He grabs my hands and places them around his waist. And the we were off, into the same darkness that surrounded us mere minutes ago.
Who knew I would be startstruck by the guy I watched on my laptop and phone was interested in me? And the biker dude? Oh man. If only the world knew what we just did.....
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A/N: wtf did I just write 💀
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halfdeadfullgay · 2 months
404 - Title Not Found (part/chapter 3)
Part 1 - Tumblr Part 2 - Tumblr
Summary: Jason was expecting the gala to be boring like always but is pleasantly surprised when it isn’t.
Danny meant it as a joke but Fenton luck always strikes. At least he gets an excuse to talk to the cute guy he gave quarters to.
AN: As always this is crack, this is a whole crack fic; and I play fast and loose with DC&DP cannon. Ignore any out of character writing(mainly Vlad and Bruce).
Kinda/slow Vlad redemption, kinda like a shitty uncle that you get along with sometimes.
Danny and Jason don’t know each other’s names for a bit so they refer to each other as:
Danny - Quarter Guy
Jason - Laundry Guy
Enjoy the crack! :)
Jason immediately knew that the other wasn’t from Gotham. No one just offered anything without an immediate confirmation that they would get something in return. At least that’s how it was in Crime Alley. He and the other held small talk while they were doing their laundry.
“You just offer quarters to people?” He said sarcastically only to have an actual answer in return. “Only the cute people.” The other said with a somewhat joking tone.
“Uh huh. What’s ya name? I didn’t catch it.” Jason wouldn’t directly admit but this guy had peaked his interest even more.
“Well, I didn’t throw.” The guy answered with a smile that felt sarcastic with just a bit of wanting chaos.
The topic changed to other things. He learned that quarter guy had moved to Crime Alley awhile back, he didn’t give a clear reason why; “Just thought it’d be a good change of pace.”
He also learned that Quarter Guy was going to some kind of event with his godfather; saying that even though he agreed to go, he could still complain. And god did he complain but nothing sounded too bad. “He’s just a fruitloop, I wouldn’t doubt him trying to use me to get secrets from the other people.”
Jason didn’t share any too personal information; besides it just out of sceret identity and such but it would also feel weird to. Jason did complain about how he was more or less forced into agreeing to go to the Wayne gala, only not sharing that it was a gala or that it was a Wayne event.
“Maybe we end up at the same event.” Quater guy, who still didn’t tell Jason his name, joked. His laundry had been done before his own. Quarter guy left with a smile that only made him want to figure out why he felt familiarly even more. Jason was more curious about this guy than before but decided to hold off on figuring out more about it.
It was just meant as a joke. Danny really did mean as a joke but just his fucking luck(or honestly he was expecting CW to be the cause in some way), he was now looking at the guy he gave quarters to a day or two pior. He was standing next to the snack table, avoiding Vlad so he didn’t have to worry about talking to other rich people he didn’t trust. The snacks didn’t look good in any sense of the word, why did he expect rich people to know what good snacks look and taste like.
He was thinking about texting Sam to complain, knowing that she would say I told you so but that when he noticed the guy from his apartment building was there. It took a second to recgionze him since he seemed more put together and dressed nicer, but it was him. Danny wouldn’t have questioned it too much if the guy wasn’t standing next to Bruce Wayne but he was. Danny didn’t need to know any more rich people but life(or probably CW) had other plans.
He noticed that the guy hadn’t seemed to see him yet. Danny moved away from the snack table, going opposite from Wayne and the laundry guy; mainly focusing on staying hidden but a voice called him. “Danỉ͔͖̜͌ẹ̿͋̒̕l̙͖̑̾ͣ!” It wasn’t loud, at least it wasn’t to humans. It had just enough of a hint of ghost speak to have Danny turn to look. Of course when he had his back turned, Vlad had to go and speak to Bruce Wayne. “Come over, I’ve hardly seen you since we’ve arrived.”
Danny held back a sigh and eye roll as he went over to Vlad and Wayne; which also meant laundry guy. He had felt Wayne’s eyes on him as he went over, laundry guy hadn’t seemed to notice or frankly care enough to look. He looked at Bruce. He knew of “Brucie” Wayne and had wondered if it was just a persona like when Vlad used to pretend to be niceish to his dad. He side eyed laundry guy, who didn’t look at him at all.
“You didn’t tell me you had a so-“ Bruce started with a hint of curiosity. Danny was quick to cut him off. “He didn’t because I’m not.” That’s what finally got laundry guy’s attention, he looked at Danny for a second and Danny already knew that he recognized him. “Daniel, that was rude.” Vlad looked at him before going back to Bruce. “I apologize for him but he is right. He’s my godson.” Vlad said, leaving it to Danny to introduce himself.
“Yes, I do apologize for cutting you off like that.” Danny started. He used the tone he would use with some of the ghost nobles. It was a bit forced but relatively kind. He’d hate to admit and never would out loud but he learned it from Vlad. “It’s alright, I understand how words hold meaning.” He noticed how it sounded more real than “Brucie” usually did.
He just nodded before continuing, “Okay. I’ll introduce myself before Vlad tries to.” Danny made his tone sound just a bit joking. He felt laundry guy’s full attention on him. He smiled, a little fake and a little smug. “I’m Danny Fenton and as Vlad said, I am his godson.”
There was some “good to meet you”s exchanged. Danny picked up on the fact that Bruce nudged Laundry Guy to introduce himself.
Jason didn’t like Vlad Masters at all. He was creepy, all around weird and untrustworthy. He had only seen him a few times before, spoke to him barely unless with Bruce but something was off now. There was a strange feeling of paranoia around Vlad that he couldn’t place. Even with all his training from the Bat.
He had been staying relatively close to Bruce, not wanting to deal with questions or the other people which Bruce seemed to respect. He had noticed that Bruce had been trying to be better or very least trying to understand his perspective. It was something, it was better than nothing.
Jason had held back a groan as soon as he saw Vlad approach him and (mainly) Bruce. He tuned out most of everything, just looking at the other people around them. It was like every other time Bruce was stopped by another billionaire. Just stand there, vaguely pay attention and look at the crowd of other people. That’s how it was going until he heard Vlad call out to someone else.
“Danỉ͔͖̜͌ẹ̿͋̒̕l̙͖̑̾ͣ!“ He heard Vald call out to someone else. it sounded off, not by a lot but still. He didn’t show a reaction outside of paying more attention. He noticed Bruce didn’t show any slight reaction which was expected. Jason still didn’t care enough to fully look up at whoever Vlad had called over until Bruce had started talking and was immediately cut off.
Jason had recognized the voice right off the bat. He looked up and saw Quarter Guy or as he introduced himself, Danny. It was obvious that the other recognized him as well but spoke as if he didn’t. He thought of when he talked to him while doing laundry and how he joked about them going to the same event. He heard formalities go around when felt Bruce nudge him. A signal to introduce himself.
He faced Danny, taking note of how he acted like they hadn’t met and he decided to go along with it. “Jason. Nice meeting ya.” He said with a similar smile that Bruice Wayne was known for but each bat kid had their own distinct version of it. “Nice to meet you as well.” Danny said with his own smile, he noticed that it was a mix between genuine and fake.
Jason noticed how different the other acted compared to when they talked a few days prior. He took note of how he was not as talkative or sarcastic and just had a small sense of fakeness about him. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for people to have a more or less fake personas at galas but he found it interesting how the other did a complete 180.
“So Danny, this your first gala?” Jason asked. A bit genuinely curious and also since he knew Bruce would ask him at some point. Danny looked at Vlad for a split second before answering. It seemed like silent communication. “No and yes. I’ve been to a few before but this is the first one I’ve been to in Gotham.” He had kept the smile as he explained. “Vlad has dragged me to some all over. Although I mainly attend the few that are held in my hometown.”
Yeah, he was definitely lying about something. It was easy to guess especially when Danny looked at Vlad before he had answered. He didn’t outwardly question it or look at Bruce to see if he noticed it too, of course he had; world’s greatest detective or whatever.
“Well we’re glad that you decided to attend tonight.” Bruce spoke, or well Brucie did. Some of the others had personas similar to the Brucie one but Jason didn’t. He didn’t feel like he needed one especially after coming back. “How about Jason and you go off and do your own thing while I speak business with Vlad?”
Jason looked at Bruce for a second, they both knew something was sketchy with Vlad and instead of including him in getting more info on him, Bruce was pushing him off to Danny. Not that he was complaining but still. He looked at Danny for his response.
Danny looked at Vlad, a bit surprised that Vlad wasn’t one to suggest that although he would’ve been suggesting it as a way to get information against competition. Vlad just gave a nod to him, Danny held back a sign knowing that Vlad would still use it as an opportunity for that. “Sure, why not? Still getting used to the city and all.”
And with that, he was led away by Jason. He could already hear Vlad scheming. At least he would be the only ghost he’d have to deal with. Hopefully, he didn’t want to jinx himself. He just let Jason drag him away from Bruce and Vald, not really caring where they went.
They finally stopped in a more quiet corner of the gala room. It was less bright with less people which Danny was grateful for. He had attended more ghost galas than human ones. So the loudness that came with human ones was still newish to him.
“So, I guess we really did end up at the same event.” Jason said with a smug grin. Hopefully just making it known that he said it as a joke would make it seem as a crazy coincidence and not too weird.
Danny gave him a sheepish smile, “I swear I meant it as a joke.”
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hqbaby · 10 months
thirteen — wreck his world
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fuck ur instincts — suna x reader & atsumu x reader
you and suna are just fooling around—so why does he care so much when you start falling in love with someone else?
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 1.3k content. swearing, sexual imagery, not much just fluff
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“So, Miya, huh?”
You reach for the book on the top shelf and add it to the stack you’ve been building in your arms. There’s six of them so far, an assortment of titles on chemistry, literature, and engineering. You’re trying your best not to think about actually having to read them.
“What do you want, Terushima?” you ask, looking at your checklist and scanning the shelf for the next book.
The boy sits on one of the tables behind you, lifting his legs on the surface and crossing them. “Your jacket,” he says, “it’s Miya’s.”
You pull the next book down. “Congrats, you can read.”
He ignores your remark. “So,” he continues, “are you gonna break him too?”
You turn around and frown at him. “What are you talking about?”
Terushima grins at you, taking the books in your arms and walking away. Before you can protest, he tells you, “Relax. I’m just gonna help you check them out.”
“What if I need to get more?”
“You don’t. You just ticked the last one off your checklist.”
You look at the piece of paper in your hand. He’s right. You got them all.
“Why are you here?” you ask, keeping up with his strides. “What do you want?”
He sighs. “You’re a really suspicious person, you know that?”
The two of you walk down the steps of the library, making your way to the first floor. You get a good look at Terushima as he keeps himself moving ahead of you. He looks a little down. Almost guilt-stricken.
“You know,” he says, “I had my bets on Suna.”
“He seems like your type. He even saved you from me, had that whole knight in shining armor thing going for him.”
You follow him through the maze of shelves that greet you at the bottom of the stairs. You pull Atsumu’s jacket closer to your body. Fuck Rin. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
He stops and gives you an unimpressed look. “You can cut the act, you know,” he tells you. “It’s not like you care what I think about you anyway.”
“You used to call me Yuuji,” he says. “What happened to that?”
You grab the books in his arms and walk away. “It was two weeks in freshman year. Why can’t you get over it?”
He’s hot on your heels, slinging his arm over your shoulder when he catches up to you. “A man never forgets his first love.”
“Again, it was two weeks,” you remind him, trying and failing to shake his arm off. “And we barely did anything.”
“I still loved you.”
You roll your eyes, ducking under his arm to get it off. “I highly doubt it.”
“When you fall in love, you’ll know what I mean,” he says as the two of you reach the circulation desk. He leans against the table as you hand the librarian your books and ID. “You didn’t answer my question.”
You sigh as the librarian takes your ID over to the computer. He’s clearly in the mood to bother you. No point avoiding your fate. “What question?”
“About Miya,” he tells you. “Do you think you’re going to break him?”
Your eyes meet his in a glare. The look on his face is smug, challenging even. I know you, you practically hear him think. “Contrary to your belief, I don’t go around looking for people to break.”
“Okay,” he says, “but you do it anyway.”
The librarian comes back and hands you your books and ID. You thank her, picking the stack up and setting it down on a table nearby. You run a hand over your forehead and look back at Terushima. “I’m sorry for hurting you then,” you tell him. You just want to get this over with. “I don’t know what else you want me to say.”
He winces. “Kinda wanted you to profess your undying love for me.”
“You’re pushing it a little, man.”
“I guess,” he says, nodding. He reaches a hand to scratch the back of his neck and looks at you sheepishly. “I actually wanted to apologize for the other night. You were drunk and I took it too far. I’m sorry.”
Your mouth falls open a little. “Oh,” you say. You weren’t expecting that. “I didn’t know ‘sorry’ was in your vocabulary.”
“It is for you.” He chuckles. “Like I said, a man never forgets his first love.”
You pull a face. “You don’t really mean that, do you?” you ask, but he’s already backing away.
“See you around, princess!”
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“Yer not readin’ all of that,” Atsumu says, frowning at the stack of books by your bed.
The two of you are curled up on your twin-sized bed, half-asleep as your speakers loop the entirety of Lorde’s discography. You’re not pointing fingers, but it was definitely Atsumu who took charge of the aux.
You give him a sad smile. “Oh, yes I am,” you tell him. “If I don’t become a chemical engineer, my gran’s gonna say ‘I told you so’ and marry me off to a rich husband.”
“I could be yer rich husband,” he teases.
You slap his chest as he laughs. “Don’t say shit like that,” you murmur. “Also I highly doubt your money-making abilities.”
“Hey! Take that back!”
“No?” He raises a brow. “Let’s see about that.” He moves himself on top of you and starts tickling your sides.
You squeal. “‘Tsumu!” you scream, trying to push him off. “I will punch your pretty face if you don’t stop!”
He stops, laughing as he straddles you. “Ya think I’m pretty?”
Groaning, you pull his shoulders down so that he’s lying on top of you, head on your chest. “Shut up and go to sleep.”
His chest still rumbling with laughter, he turns his head to look at you. You’re smiling at him softly, a hand coming up to touch his hair. You start to close your eyes and he swears he could stare at you forever. He could stay here forever, in your bed with your arms wrapped around him as you rest your eyes, and he would be perfectly fine.
If he’s being honest, Atsumu’s never been the type to be interested in anything serious. He has a goal—a big one at that—and relationships have always come second to it. Osamu calls it being stupid, Atsumu calls it having a one-track mind, Aran says same difference. It didn’t use to bother him, but he’s been thinking about it more lately.
Sometimes, he’ll be doing setting drills and he’ll wonder what kind of drills you do. Do you just do the school chant over and over again? Do you cartwheel all over the gym like Bokuto? Do you go up into a pyramid multiple times? Do your teammates toss you around for hours? He hopes you don’t hurt yourself.
Or he’ll be in the middle of a scrimmage and he’ll come up with a prediction for how the show you’re watching is going to end. The two of you like coming up with the wildest endings to see who actually gets it right. Maybe he’ll text you about it after the match.
Or he’ll be showering and he’ll think about how you look on your knees, sucking him off and looking up at him with those wide eyes of yours. It’s weird, real weird, he knows, but he’s never seen it as an entirely sexual thing. Sure, it’s still sex, but for some reason, it feels different because it’s you.
He finds himself sitting at the kitchen table thinking about you. Buying groceries thinking about you. Going to bed thinking about you.
It’s insane, he knows it’s insane, but he doesn’t mind it as much as he knows he should. You can take up as much space in his mind as you want and he’ll let you. Fuck, tear the whole thing down and he’ll be at your side with a hammer in hand.
As he watches you fall asleep, he knows that you have his permission to wreck his whole world. He’s just there to stand by and watch you do it.
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notes. it’s getting harder and harder for me to comment on this series without spoiling anything like????? I WANT TO TELL YOU GUYS SO MUCH BUT I JUST CAN’T I ACTUALLY WANNA CRY
what i will say though is that let terushima be the model for all the characters in this story—they are all capable of fucking up but none of them are entirely bad 🤷‍♀️
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phyrestartr · 20 days
PR Stunt (Only, Right?) | Sukuna/M!Reader | Teaser!
#NSFW in full, bottom!reader, top!sukuna, Sukuna owns a body shop, reader is a performer, kinda meet cute, ABO dynamics, mpreg, yes there are always babies involved because i love dad sukuna, surprise baby, sukuna is a dickhead (what else is new), teaser not edited lmao
Note: This is just going to be a one-shot since it's already pretty much completed, just need to finish off the tail end and then go back and edit. Wanted a break from writing the other stories for a bit, so I hope you'll enjoy the full story when it's out
tags: @better-imagination-9 @better-imagination-9
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“Did you sleep with (L. Name) (F. Name)?” 
The question caught Sukuna off guard; normally, Uraume didn't inquire into his personal life in regards to who he had and hadn't slept with. They were a friend, yes, but moreover they were the bookkeeper and helped with securing clients and arranging meetings–celebrities and their managers were fucks that Sukuna didn't like negotiating with. Best to leave the yapping to someone with a cooler head.
“Where the hell did that come from?” Sukuna asked as he rolled out from under the newest commissioned vehicle. 
Uraume walked to him, iPad in hand, and turned it to him, stone cold. 
Sukuna sat up straighter and squinted at the screen, annoyed. You’d probably just made up some salacious rumour and spread it throughout your friend circles; or worse, you wanted revenge on him for something he probably definitely did. In that case, Sukuna could somewhat understand. But still–
(Name) putting on weight? What’s happening to the former bombshell babe of Japan?!
Pregnant with a baby boy?! The secret's out!
(Name) returns to the stage after giving birth to a baby boy–but who is the father?
(Name) driving a Ryoumen Sukuna rescue vehicle?! Could he be the deadbeat dad we've been looking for?
Sukuna sucked his teeth after skimming over the article titles presented to him. 
“...No proof.” 
“Ah. Then please explain this,” Uraume requested, still polite as ever, as they flicked to an additional few images the scumbag paparazzi had caught of you. 
One was the car mentioned. Sukuna remembered it like it was yesterday–the joy of restoring a Porsche 911 back into its former glory was unmatched. You happily paid for all the parts and too often swung by to see the progress being made on the old thing. Obviously, Sukuna was more than happy to oblige. 
The next was of you holding a little nugget of a baby against your chest as you walked down a street in Shibuya. Nothing too damning, nothing too inspirational. 
But the last one–
“The fuck?” Sukuna mumbled as he snatched the iPad from Uraume’s hands and zoomed in on the now-toddler sitting with you in that damn Porsche, grinning brightly beside his mum while you ruffled his hair. His very, very pink hair. 
Sukuna took a breath while he thought. He didn't have to think too hard, though, not when he still dreamed about you and the short-lived fling between the two of you. 
“A Porsche 911, huh?” Sukuna grinned as he looked over the beat up, rusted beater of a car. He could still see scraps of its former glory, of the beautiful thing she used to be. Heaven knows she would've become an irreparable hunk of junk if you hadn't bought it from a scrapyard. 
“Yep.” You beamed. “So you think you can make her pretty again?” 
“You kidding? I'd pay you to let me fix this thing, baby.” Sukuna caught sight of your security stepping forward, but you waved them off without a second thought. 
Sukuna smirked. “But it’s not gonna be cheap.” 
You nodded. “Well, do what you have to. I'll pay whatever you need, handsome.” 
“Yeah?” Sukuna asked, looking your neatly-manicured appearance up and down; you were dressed like you were meeting someone of great importance (and  you were, obviously), with your hair groomed perfectly, outfit fit for a premiere, skin flawless. 
“Mhm. And I tip well.” you looked him up and down in kind, grinning as you bit at the nub of your sunglasses.
Every time you came to check on his progress, genuine excitement flooding in your motormouthed Words, you'd go home with him and fuck him silly. 
And now, you were the momma to his baby. Allegedly. 
“I–so what the fuck does this have to do with anything?” Sukuna ran a frustrated hand through his hair after Uraume took the tablet back. “Bitch isn't asking for anything, he's not asking me to be his public fucking baby daddy, not asking me to pay for nothing?” 
“No,” Uraume conceded, “But he and his PR managers have reached out concerning this.” 
The man groaned and stood. “Fucking hell. Can't stand fucking PR teams. Thw fuck did they want?” 
“They want to make a statement about Touma's father.” 
Sukuna froze.
“Touma's a good name for a boy, right?” 
You asked the question so suddenly, so out of nowhere in the quiet of the afterglow. The city lights sparkled and winked at you both through the towering windows keeping you safe from the outside world. In hindsight, Sukuna would wonder if the city was excited for him. For you. 
“What, for a mutt?” Sukuna drawled, puffing on a blunt while he played with your hair and drowned in the tingles left in the wake of fingers drawing circles on his bare chest. 
“For a kid,” you chastised With a laugh. “I like Touma. Or Touka for a girl. Ayato's nice, too. Maybe Kazue.” 
“You better not be pregnant.”
“I'm not, I'm not. I'm just getting baby fever, I guess.” You hummed and left a sweet kiss against his tan skin. “I guess being around a big, bad boy like you's got me feeling domestic.” 
Sukuna laughed, dazed and happy. “You wanna ruin this pretty lil’ body for a fucking kid? Be my guest. Just don't come looking for a booty call after you've ruined yourself like that.” 
“Oh, don't worry,” you cooed. “I won't.” 
Man. Man. 
“A statement.” 
“In other words–”
“I'm not the fucking father.” 
“This might be a good way to get Yorozu off your case,” Uraume suggested, and Sukuna perked up. 
“Right. She fuckin’ hates kids.” 
“So, if you were to have a son, and it's revealed you've been quietly trying to make things work behind the scenes with (Name), then hypothetically–”
“I'll take the runt.”
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fxshigurosbae · 9 months
୨୧⋆。˚ toji fushiguro {38} x f!reader {19}
✶ mature content | mdni ! age gap, dumbification, innocence play, mating press, brat taming, doggy style, creampie, barebacking, size kink, daddy kink, clothed sex, manhandling, strong language.
k’s note — this shit is problematic af, even the title but damn pls bare with me, i got inspired by a short fic ! also thank you for 2k followers, i appreciate it so much, you guys are the best, i’m trying to be more active but there’s a lot going on, when i have more time i’ll def write a lot <3
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ugh! old man toji absolutely rummaging the fuck out of your pussy in your pink girly bedroom’s bed — cute and fluffy plushies on view — as he handles you onto that flat low doggy position. that man even made sure to fluff your pastel pink pillow underneath your belly so your ass could have that specific slight arch he loves, after all, he wants to go all the way inside your also pinkish cunt’s gummy walls. your head buried onto the flowery sheets with a tight grip, whining and humming, body jolting forward along with everything else on the bed . . .
toji was groaning and sighing, his eyes unable to not remain focused on the way your cute butt jiggled once his cock made it’s way to kiss your cervix. suddenly toji grabbed you and turned you around, as you laid on your back, gasping and complaining. “w-why’d you stooop?” a pouty, dizzy and whiny voice, throwing your arms up in bed as your chest breathed desperately, legs quivering and back arching.
“y’know, I’ve never really understood these plushies.” he groans, spreading your legs apart and holding them still as he adjusts himself back on his knees, looking down to your dripping pussy as he messily slaps his reddish swollen tip over your slit.
“come on, don’t tell me they make you shy?” you tease with a chuckle as your eyes threaten to close, eyebrows furrowed in need, having your thighs held so wide apart makes harder for you to not want him to pound in again.
“shut up.” he mumbles. “it’s fuckin’ odd, ya having a bunch of toys in your bed while i fuck ya.” toji lets go off one of your legs and expects you to keep it there, and open, as he grabs his leaking cock and pumps it once before aligning with your entrance again, pushing just the tip in, observing, taking notes and pulling it out before you can even react. “aren’t ya embarrassed?” his time to tease, with a lazy smirk. with doe eyes, you’re moving your hips forward in vain before you’d speak, supporting yourself on your elbows. “nevermind, guess ya like it, huh?” toji grows that earlier smirk, exhibiting his scar even more.
“they’ve seen a lot of things already.” you add with a low pouty voice. “but isn’t that what makes it fun?” following with a soft smile as you stare into his eyes from down below. “now put it in.” with an almost begging yet demanding tone, your eyes fly to where you’re both near to connecting again.
“oh yeah? you know what else is fun?” toji chuckles as he pulls out that fat tip and slaps it over your cunt harsher. “making you beg for it.” your deer eyes fly onto his emerald ones, batting eyelashes fidgety and breathing through parted juicy lips. “gotta use yer manners, right, princess?”
“hmm…” you pout yet give in. “p-please daddy, please, i was so f-fucking close, put it in again.” you yelp through gritted teeth, throwing your head back, arching and laying back down as he presses his cock without moving just yet, only chuckling at you, while you’re looking back up at him insatiably, he wasn’t satisfied. “‘m sorry my plushies make you shy!” you added in a rush, teasing the man so obviously, gripping onto the sheets, as he takes out his cock again and slaps it one more time over your clit now.
“fuckin’ brat, huh?”. you roll your eyes back and smirk with a desperation, even more fidgety, but you’re dying there when he puts the tip less than an inch in. “fuck, fuck, please, daddy, j-just put it in, please!” you beg, giving in, with a whiney trembling voice, throwing your head back and about to sob as the older man lets out a malicious chuckled smirk, leaning forward to give a kiss on your neck.
“that’s a good little fuckin’ girl, such a sweet angel, huh?” toji finally praises against your skin, thrusting his cock all the way in on a swift motion, his hand gripping onto the back of your thighs to press your vulnerable body into mate press, his entire weight leaning over you as he tries to maintain you still, your eyes move towards his for eye contact and your mouth widens, immediately gasping and being cut off by your own moan. “such a cute girl i got for m’self, yeah? hm…” he teases more, going back and forth in a leisure and provoking pace. “you like being fucked like a well-behaved slut in ya girly bedroom with these… fucking plushies staring at ya, don’t ya, sweetheart?” he groans for a second, exhaling as he speaks into your face, near to your ears, if he puts his tongue out only a little, he could lick your earlobe, but he does better, he kisses your neck gently, sending shivers down your spine as he synchronizes it with his thrusting and you lose air. a beat passes as you don’t answer his question, closing your eyes shut and using the rest of your energy to moan it away. “not really a good girl, if ya can’t answer me, right?” he adds, making sure to force his tip into kiss your cervix, bruising it. your smaller hands flying to his lower abdomen as if it could make him slow down.
“y-yes, yes daddy! i like it, i wuv it!” you admit drunkly, whining again as your body trembles, back arches and your chest presses against his broader and muscular torso. his smirk could be felt against your skin as he continues on kissing your shivering neck, his hands never leaving your thighs as he bends you in half, one wrong move and he’d break you.
“i’ll forgive ya for the plushies, now, let’s give ‘em a show.” toji pushes your thighs further down as he moves his hips back, alternating this pressure with his thrusts in order to make you clench more. his merciless chuckle resonates into your skull as your moans are almost leading you to gag and choke. “ya know how to, ya always do, doll.” he finishes his sentence, kissing your soft forehead as he leans back a little to bend your legs together in front of him, pressing them down your stomach with his broad calloused hands, and that visible smirk, he’s grunting at each slow-paced and shattering thrust, as your whines shake and result in exhales and sighs of overwhelm. his hips piston into your tight pussy, being barricaded in between your plushy thighs, but that was enough already, toji spread your legs once more, more than he knew you could, because he simply longed for that perfect view again.
“daddy, wan’ your c-cum in me.” you’d beg with your tongue not even able to move correctly. “oh, ya wanna be a little big girl now and have it, huh?”
and that’s what led you to need to deep-wash your plushies . . .
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🔖 — @reiners-milkbiddies @lilithlunas @poesexual @sacvh @youseebbiggirl @xdxdyg @missyasma @DelicatelyCraftedBambi
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theastrical · 1 month
you’re the only one who understands
what is it like to say goodbye to your partner without saying goodbye?
kaeya x reader
implied major character death, sudden death, teenage angst
notes: please listen to keshi-understand while reading this!! I promise you won’t regret it <3
it was around 7pm. sitting in front of your laptop, your eyes already red, probably from the exhaustion at your university….or maybe, the expectation to greet kaeya at this certain time, while you both have been in this long distance relationship for a while.
you texted him, expecting him to immediately reply, knowing that would happened, it’s currently evening in his area and he’s a night-owl at that, evening is his awakening if you might titled him.
“wanna facetime?”, you send him the text. you were already smiling by that time, just seeing his profile picture or his chat, makes your day…a much better hell.
i expected it, he’s online now…hmm and he’s typing! i wonder if he put my contacts exclusively outside his do not disturb notifications…well, we can wonder?
kaeya called…i guess he immediately knows it’s time, huh?
“hey..”, his voice raspy; sweet i thought. Though it’s weird that he’s tired, it’s still 9pm in his timezone.
“Why so tired”, a gap of silence, maybe he fell asleep?…or maybe his eyes are already sticky enough that it could easily closed down. “…hmm, a bit.”
“you sound raspy, ironic, you’ve always been the one to remind me to drink my water.”
“hey, even that reminder can be exhausted”. He sighs, you can imagine that he’s doing the facetime exactly in his bed, while all of his caffeine products are everywhere around the floor. Kaeya is nowhere near the word clean. He chuckles slightly, continuing his words with question. “Hey, when will you comeback?”
“i don’t know, summer break maybe?”, unsure, worried, and excited. Three emotions in combine, maybe he misses you?
“chonky misses you…and...that applies to me as well.” dang i miss chonky, his cat, his big chonky cat that always purr whenever a stranger pet him. He has no survival skill for sure.
“what? Why? you’ve always texted and facetime me as well..chonky should’ve been the only one to miss me, not you, silly.”
“i need somebody to talk to..”
“you can always text me.”
“no, like real person. Like you and me.”
“you make it complicated kae.”
“fine”, he sighs. You replied, trying your best to assure him despite how much of a bitch that sounds before. “sorry, i know you must’ve been lonely. Diluc says you’ve been bed rotting all day long.”
“Dang, he must’ve worked for you.”, he finally chuckles.
yet he continued his questions, he always been one to prey over small details.
“say, what if i’m going to another place tomorrow? Will you…just say, visit me before i leave..?”
“why not?”, he heard that word and chuckles. “Just say yes or no, please?”, with your ego out of this world, you mumble a quiet…”sigh…yes, i will..”
“then if i go tomorrow? Will you visit me?”
“hmmm wanna make a guess?”
“New job across the town?”
“even better”
“Fuck i don’t know kae..just tell me already.”
“It’s a secret, just come back already…i miss you so much.”, he chuckles while opening his camera. You can see how he smirks like a childish moron. “If you come back home, i promise i’ll let you see chonky with his tie again.”
“that’s a hard thing to resist urgh!!! Fine i’ll come back tomorrow, i think my siblings won’t mind my existence till next week. I’m free after all..” , you tell him while opening your camera as well and give him the picture of you just moving around the bedroom, you’re currently tidying up your place while in the call. “promise me you will okay? I have a surprise, you’ll love it”, he gives you the small sighting of a…present. A red box. “It’s for your late birthday, sorry i’m not much of a good boyfriend it seems”, he say that before closing down his camera and giggles like a maniac.
“you don’t have to act romantic in order to love me you know, let me thank you properly with a templated paragraph hahaha.”
“idiot.”, he replied shortly, you know he’s happy and that makes you all smiley. Your cheeks are red, yet he doesn’t seem to care for it…cause if he cares, then you would hide it from him. “I’ll end it now okay? I wanna sleep..chonky is being a rascal for making me run to catch him.” , you laugh, you know he’s tired so you just made a muffled “hmm”, before he says,
“i’ll see you tomorrow, goodnight..” he gives off a smooch and end it. You send an emoji to his chat instead. A white love emoji.
[name] 10.12pm : bye kaeya, love you.
he read it.
kaeya 10.18pm : 🤍
Kaeya? I’m here. Sorry i’m late…
your phone is ringing kaeya. Pick it up. I’m here, please call me back.
20 miss calls from [name] 🤍
why are you so quiet?
It’s not like we’re distant.
i might forget to drink my water now.
I’ll miss you.
And i wish to understand you better,
before you eventually say goodnight to me.
you’ll always stay 21 forever now kae, but i’ll keep celebrating your birthday, even if nobody remembers you anymore.
notification: Today is kaeya’s 30th birthday, do you want to celebrate it? 🎉🎁
taglist: @esthelily @indarius @n0tamused @sangoqueenkoko @voidlesslove @lyralibra @eroxotckv @rikasurl @dailypenpen @daydreaming-paradies
to be included in the taglist, send me ur @ via askbox.
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sixofpomegranates · 2 years
♜ More Than You Asked For ♜ – S.R.
Request: idk if you're doing requests or not BUT IF YOU ARE: "spencer lends his hoodie to reader on one of their adventures. After he's dropped her off, she realizes she forgot to give it back. While folding it up, a few things fall out, including an old iPod. Curiosity getting the better of her, she can't help but look through the music and finds a playlist with her name as the title" — @wherewitcheslie
Pairing: Best Friend!Spencer x Fem!Reader
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CW: Fluff | NO USE OF Y/N | friends to lovers, tooth-rotting fluff, pining, a kiss
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Cases have the tendency to escalate at times; I know that's what is to be expected in this job. What I had not expected, however, was a freaking chase through the sewer system of New York.
By the end of this Hollywood movie cliché, I smelled so bad I actually felt like crying. But the unsub was caught, and the last victim was now asurvivor.
Stepping out of the hotel shower, I blow dry my hair. I brought heat protection and a leave-in conditioner so I don't fry my poor hair to death. Slipping into stretchy, actually comfortable jeans (Yes, those exist. Yes, they were expensive.) I put on an oversized pajama top and stumble out into the hotel room.
Spencer stands there, packing his go-bag, already done with packing mine. I love having my best friend be my co-worker. Fucking hate packing, and it's nice to see that he packed my sewer-clothes into a separate plastic bag.
"Feeling better?" he asks with his boyish grin.
I nod. "I needed that shower."
A chuckle escapes him. "Yeah, you reeked."
I throw my towel at him. "Thanks, cunt."
He catches the towel mid-flight and watches me drop onto the bed. Within a second, the towel is thrown onto my face. I grab it, giggle weakly, and roll it into a ball, tossing it onto the floor.
"You should put on a sweater or a jacket. I know we're just getting into a cab and then into the jet, but you're freshly showered, and it's starting to rain."
I have packed nothing comfortable. The shitty part of looking professional is that professional clothes are professionally uncomfortable. I definitely need to go shopping and buy stuff that ticks off both comfortable and professional.
I let out a childish groan. "I don't wanna..."
"C'mon, you're gonna catch a cold," Spencer tells me in a firm but gentle tone.
I roll onto my stomach, pressing my face into the mattress while complaining about my clothes. I hear him come closer, lean in, and reaffirm my protests with "Uh-huh"'s.
I run out of oxygen and stop whining. That is when Spencer sits down next to me, rubbing small circles into my back.
"Would you want to wear something of mine?" he offers.
I instantly jump up, kneeling on the bed and nodding. He chuckles, opening his go-bag. I know him well enough to know he gets uneasy when I rummage through his neatly folded clothes, so I just look at them.
"So, what do you want?" he asks. "A cardigan, a shirt-"
I interrupt him. "Can I wear your hoodie?" He raises his brows. "The grey one."
"I wore it to bed."
I know that. It's one of his favorite sleeping items when it gets colder.
"I know," I say, making grabby hands. "Now, gimme."
Pulling out his hoodie, he says, "What's the magic word?"
I sigh, trying to reach the hoodie, which he starts holding further up. "Spence."
"Wrong. Try again."
"Please," I tell him and get the soft hoodie placed into my hands.
"Wasn't that hard, now was it?"
I stick out my tongue and then let myself get swallowed by the hoodie. It smells like old books, coffee, and Spencer... or maybe all of that is Spencer. I happily flop with my arms, the way too big sleeves flopping around.
"You know, this is the best thing that came out of your fling with Max," I tell him as he hands me a pair of socks.
"A little harsh, isn't it?" he says, still smiling.
I shake my head. "She was a bitch whenever I tried befriending her."
"Yeah, but that was mostly my fault," Spencer quickly defends the woman who dumped him and moved to New York.
"Not true."
"Very true."
"Why should that have been your fault?" I ask as I put on my shoes.
"Because I constantly talked about you. She felt threatened."
"About what? Us being friends?"
There is no chance Max was actually jealous. I was the jealous one because she was constantly around my best friend, making alone time impossible.
Spencer shrugs, grabbing both our bags and leading me to the door. "Just repeating what she told me when we broke up."
I stop in my tracks. "She broke up with you because of me?"
He quickly shakes his head. "No, no, sweetheart. It just didn't work out with us."
"But- But why didn't you mention it earlier? You and Max broke up a year ago."
Why did my best friend not tell me that I was part of the breakup talk his girlfriend gave him?
"Wouldn't have changed a thing. You only would've bullied yourself into thinking it was your fault." He looks at me for a split second, then smiles. "You're doing it right now."
I shake my head, lying. "No, I'm not."
He leans closer while locking the room's door. "Liar."
I love when his face is this close to mine. It makes it so much easier to see the green specks in his hazel eyes.
"I'm not lying," I insist, but he knows me too well.
Letting go of the key still sticking in the lock, he tickles my side until I'm backed up against the wall.
"Shame on you for lying. Evil little thing," he chuckles with fake appall.
I try to squirm away without actually trying to escape. Because once he stops tickling me, we stand here, his body pressing me against the wall, his face way too close to mine.
We're both quietly staring at each other, and I wonder if he feels it too.
Okay. Maybe just calling him my best friend is hypocritical and dumb and simply not true.
I have been somewhat crushing on him since I first met him. Doesn't speak for my taste in men that it was when Tara had taken me to visit him in prison. I had seen him, he said hello, and my stupid heart skipped a beat so intense I am still recovering from it.
I joined the BAU as Dr. Spencer Reid's temporary replacement for the time being as he went to prison. I had practically jumped at the opportunity to play with the big guns, and when everything was cleared, the dust Mexico and Mr. Scratch had created had settled, Spencer had made sure I was promoted to a permanent part of the team.
He softly whispers my name, and I think he feels it too... this connection that is hunting us while we pretend to just be friends.
We jump apart the second somebody opens a door on our floor. Luckily so, because Emily and JJ come out of their room, joking about something. Spencer and I avoid our gazes until all of us are in the elevator; there, we just smile at each other.
At home, I throw my go-bag aside, dump some clothes into the wash, and collapse on the couch. I'm too tired to grab a blanket, so I shove my hands into the pocket of Spencer's grey hoodie, hoping that's enough to keep me warm.
But there is something in the pocket I haven't noticed before.
Spencer's old iPod.
I love that he refuses to simply get a smartphone. It's one of those not-fully understandable quirks that just make you way more fond of somebody.
Turning it on, I decide to snoop a little – Checking out what my favorite doctor likes to listen to... It's only fair. He's all over my stuff too. No secrets; we're best friends, after all.
Putting the headphones in, I go through his playlists and...Oh My God, Spencer is a Swiftie.
But then I stop in my tracks. I need to look twice.
There is a playlist with my name.
Okay. Nothing too out there. This playlist can have a multitude of reasons. Maybe those are songs he knows I like, maybe ones he thinks I'll like once he shows them to me... Or what if they're songs that remind him of me?
I open the playlist and go through the songs. Yes, there are some that I like, but why in the world are most of those songs about unrequited love?
I sit there (rather lay there) on the couch for almost an hour, just having the songs play. As"I Can't Make You Love Me"by Bon Iver stops playing,"Line Without a Hook"by Ricky Montgomery starts...
Why does it seem like I am not the only one holding feelings that go far beyond friendship?
I sit up and turn off the iPod.
Is Spencer in love with me? Am I actually that fucking lucky?
Do I now just confront Spencer about it? What if I read the playlist wrong, and it's actually just a playlist like any other, and I make myself out to be a gigantic dummy, ruining my friendship with him?
This is stressful. But... Spencer wouldn't end our friendship just because of my little crush. The one I have since I first saw him. The one that makes me want to say"I love you"whenever he makes me laugh.
No. No, not Spencer. It's not like I decided to fall for him. It simply happened. He'd understand that should he not return my feelings, right?
Yes. Definitely.Maybe.
Maybe I should just stay quiet? Leave this question unsolved.
Is not knowing better than taking the risk? Is it smarter?
My phone rings, the picture of my best friend lighting up on the screen. Sometimes I am worried that he's able to read my mind.
I pick up, sounding so calm and cool I wanna pat my own shoulder. "Hey, Spence."
"Hey. Uhm... Did- I- You don't know by any chance if I left my iPod in my hoodie pocket, right?" he asks quickly.
"Yeah, I have it right here," I tell him.
"Cool. Cool," he answers, still sounding unnaturally stressed.
"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah. Of course. Listen, sweetheart, would it be okay if I'd come pick it up real quick?"
I frown. "Okay, what secrets do you have on that thing? Nudes? Porn? Homemade porn?"
"What?" he asks back, confused.
"Nobody loses it that much when their best friend has their iPod unless there's something on it you don't want me to see. So, is it nakey pics of you?" I tease. "Because if so, I can't guarantee that I won't be snooping for them."
"D-Don't turn it on. It- It's nothing suspicious. I just want- I need you to. It's cause..." he stutters and stammers until his voice falls silent.
Thinking about it for a second, I decide to take a leap of fate. I can easily play it off as part of the teasing, after all.
"Is this about the playlist with my name?"
The other end of the phone call is quiet. For a solid minute, I wonder if Spencer became unconscious. This silence somehow speaks louder than any excuse he could throw at me.
"Spence?" I ask.
I hear him swallow roughly. "Y-Yeah?"
"Is it about the playlist?" I whisper.
Goosebumps form on my entire body.
"Why?" I ask.
Almost silently, he says, "I think you already know why."
I hold my phone between my ear and shoulder so I can pinch my left hand. "Ouch."
Not a dream. I am wide awake.
I am wide awake, and Spencer returns my feelings.
I should buy a lottery ticket because this was a one-in-a-million chance of ever happening, and I should use the universe's decision to favor me as much as possible before my good luck streak fades.
"What happened?" Spencer asks, alerted by my whimper.
"N-Nothing," I answer quickly and a little dumb. "I just pinched myself."
"Why would you do that?"
Because I'm an idiot, Spencer.
"Wanted to make sure I didn't fall asleep on my couch."
He chuckles softly.
"Hey, uhm, Spence? Can we, like, I don't know... Meet in the park next to the De Luca Bookstore?"
"Of course. Why?"
"Because you asked for your iPod back," I say. "And maybe we could... I mean, weshouldtalk."
"Meet you there in 15?"
I agree. "Meet you there in 15."
I walk through the park, glad that the rain we had encountered in New York hasn't reached DC yet. The sun is setting and casting a beautiful golden light over the little lake full of ducks and their little ducklings.
I pass a couple of benches until I reach the one Spencer sits on, staring at the water.
"Hey," I say, sitting down next to him.
He jumps a little, seemingly having been deeply in thoughts. "Hey."
I hand him his iPod. "Sorry for snooping. Wasn't cool of me."
He chuckles weakly, shoving the iPod into the pocket of his suit. "You know I don't mind when you're all over my stuff."
I giggle childishly. "Dirty."
He joins my laugh, making all of this way less awkward. As he stops laughing, a deep sigh escapes him. "I'm sorry you found out about it like that."
"How else would you've let me know?" I dare to ask cheekily.
"Honestly?" he laughs. "I would've taken my feeling to the grave with me."
"Why?" I tease. "Does being with me sound so bad?"
"You know that that's not the reason," he says, leaning closer and bumping me softly with his shoulder. "What would I've done if you didn't feel the same? I couldn't risk losing you."
Suddenly he jerks upright. "I- You- Do you even feel the same, or am I making a fool out of myself right now?"
"If I were to turn you down, I wouldn't still wear your hoodie," I mumble, amused, pulling the sleeves over my thumbs and feeling my face heat up.
A silence spreads between us, but it's not an uncomfortable one. We both seem nervous, but the good kind of nervous... the kind of nervousness you feel when newness in a relationship occurs.
Suddenly, Spencer's hand reaches for mine. I practically jump at this opportunity and enlace our fingers. He lifts my hand, placing a kiss on the back of it, and my heart skips a beat.
"I want to take you out on a date if that's okay with you," he says, making me nod excitedly.
"You have to pay, tough," I tell him. "Only brought my keys and 5 bucks."
Spencer chuckles. "You wanna go home and change first?"
"If you take me home now, we're staying in," I warn him with a smirk.
His tongue darts out, wetting his lips and a pink blush spreads on his cheeks. "We can always just order and watch TV."
I nod, and Spencer stands up, pulling me onto my feet.
As the night creeps in and the lanterns turn on, we walk towards the park's exit, still holding hands. All of a sudden, he stops his steps and pulls me in for a gentle yet longing kiss that lets me feel just how long we have wanted to do this.
"Sorry," Spencer smiles against my lips. "Couldn't wait any longer."
I peck his lips again, the butterflies in my stomach being the sweetest feeling I've ever felt. Then I grin.
"Look at you; got your iPod back, and it even came with a girlfriend. You really got more than you asked for today, huh?"
Continuing to walk, Spencer laughs. "Now imagine how much sooner we could've had this ifyouhad asked for it."
Giggling, I punch his arm. "Oh, shut up."
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goldessia · 3 months
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⋆⋆⋆ ┊ heavens blessing, levi ackerman . . .
warnings: rivals to lovers, bickering/arguments, sad love confession, close-death experience, levi is kind of mean in the beginning
type: flangst ( my fav <3 )
a/n: i made this at like, 3am, so please excuse how horrible it is :’)
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MY life was one thing—a fight to the top. a fight to power.
levi ackerman ranked just above me in our cadet training. that second place title killed me.
i used to hate when people compared us. when they said, “she’s only second to levi.” if anything, i loathed it. i should be on top, i should be the captain—but of course, when the time came around, he had two more titan kills than me. now, we are tied.
levi never failed to make it known that he was ranked higher. if anything, he found it amusing that it was he who qualified and not me. and boy, did he abuse his power.
now, levi was walking past us, handing out shift assignments.
“eren, border control.” he moves on, “armin, go meet hanji for the security meeting.” and finally, he stops at me. instead of reading off his clipboard like he did for the others, he places it behind him, and stares straight at me.
“last and very least..” he slants his head, “y/n. stable duty.”
anger envelopes me. “what? you can’t do that! i’m the best soldier here, i’d be much more use out there!”
he clicks his tongue. “ooh, that’s where you’re wrong.” he leans closer, “you’re second-best. remember?”
i grumble. “just because you ranked above me—by, might i remind you, two kills—doesn’t mean you can just push me around. i’m still the best solider here, ranking or not.
“and i have a feeling you’re just putting me on stable duty so i don’t have a chance to pass you in kills.” i spit.
he takes a deep breath, and leans toward me. his eyes are almost frightening—cold, icey and direct. i want to shrink under his stare, his posture, his very aura.
“you’re right.” he says, “i do rank above you. and you know what that means?” his eyes narrow. “that means i can do whatever the fuck i want with you.”
i open my mouth to speak, but he doesn’t give me the chance.
“do you want another week of stable duty? because i can do that. talk back to me again, and you’ll face the consequences.”
my jaw clenches in anger. my eyes glare into his, but both him and i can tell i’m losing this battle.
“you got it?” he says. when i don’t respond, he repeats himself. “do you understand, soldier?”
i murmur a “yes, captain.”
“yes,” i inhale, before spitting out the word—“captain.”
“say it nicer.”
something inside me snaps, “no. you know what?” i push him back, “i’m done. give me stable duty, at-least it will keep me away from you, and your sadistic, weirdo self.”
with that, i storm away. a little childish, i agree, but i knew if i stayed any longer i’d argue with levi until the sun set. at-least i get a break, today.
behind me, i hear a few of the new soldiers defending me. they say things like, “don’t you think that was a bit far, levi?” or, “i kind of agree, her skills would be useful out there..” but they were instantly shut down by levi.
— - mid-night . . approx. six hours later.
i felt disgusting. after hours of working in the stables, a long, hot shower was just the thing i needed. i wrung the water out of my hair, and since it was around eleven pm i knew everyone would be asleep. so, i threw on my pyjama’s, and stepped out of the shower corridors.
i wanted to murder levi, consequences be damned. he never failed to make an absolute fool out of me. one day, i swore i’d get him back.
as i turned the corner, my heart stopper in my chest when i saw a figure in-front of me, but it was too late—i had already collided with them.
“huh—! watch it—“ levi cuts himself off when he realises it’s me. “oh. what are you doing here?”
“uh, crazy concept, but i also live here.” i spit. his eyes narrow, before travelling over me, head to toe and back to my face.
“lights out was an hour ago. you shouldn’t be out here.”
“that’s why i was trying to get back to my room, before you rudely got in my way.” i say. he blinks. “so.. move.”
the corner of his lip snags up. “say please.”
i scoff. “you’re such a prick,” i spit, pushing past him. before i can keep walking, he roughly grabs my arm, stopping me.
“remember who’s in control here, y/n.” he says coldly, “or, did you forget all of your training?” he tuts, “you have to be dismissed before you can walk away from your superiors.”
“eat shit, ackerman.”
“that’s captain levi to you.”
i rip my arm from his grasp. “you’re too cocky for your own good.” i turn to face him, “from now on, ranking or not, you need to learn to respect me. i can just as easily surpass you.
“you’ll need to get used to calling me captain l/n. just a matter of time, if you keep up with abusing your power just to mess with me.”
“tough chance.” he says with a slight chuckle, “goodnight, y/n.”
“off yourself.”
with that, i spin on my heel and stalk away from him.
— - the next day . . dawn
i was ready for another day of stable duty. if anything, i was kind of happy to spend another peaceful day with the horses. i was prepared for it.
“yeah, about that.” levi says. this time, he isn’t looking at me, but at the ground. “erwin..” he grits, “insisted you come on the mission today. said that.. your skills would be useful.”
my brows raise. a small smile finds my lips. “what was that? sorry, i couldn’t hear you. something about.. how i’m skilled?”
“i’m not repeating myself.” he snarls, “get your gear, and meet us by the gate. don’t be late.”
he stalls away like an angry child who didn’t get his favourite toy. i chuckle, and walk toward the supply room.
i meet the rest of them by the gate. the line consisted of a few of the rookies—eren, reiner, connie, and jean, and beside them, hanji, erwin and levi, who’s holding the reins to a horse beside him which i suspect is mine.
with a tall chest, i walk toward levi. “i believe that’s mine.”
he spares me one look, before making a tch sound with his lips, throwing the reins toward me.
hanji briefs us a look, before whispering in a not-so-subtle voice, “are you sure it’s a good idea to pair them together? i don’t think the rookies need to hear their bickering all day.”
levi’s head snaps toward them, “we don’t bicker.”
“yeah. he’s just a pain in my ass most the time, that’s all.” i say with a smirk.
he looks to me. “if anything, you’re the thorn in my side. always needing saving, always complaining-“
“uh—! name one time i’ve ever needed your saving. and i don’t complain!”
“uh, let’s see, two days ago?” he deadpans.
“that was not saving—“
“yeah. you definitely don’t bicker.” jean chuckles.
“shut up, rookie!” levi and i say simultaneously. we look to each-other, opening our mouths to speak before erwin cuts us both off.
“today, you two. are you forgetting we have responsibilities? your flirting can wait till later.” erwin says, pulling the reins so his horse turns.
my face heats up. “we’re not flirting!” we say together again.
“stop saying what i say.” levi narrows his eyes.
“you’re saying what i’m saying!”
“you were given an order.” erwin’s voice hardens. erwin wasn’t usually too hard on us, but his patience can only stretch so far before it snaps.
i look down, and mutter a, “sorry, sir.”
he nods, just once. “good. now, we have a mission to get to.”
“yes sir!”
— - approx. one hour later . .
titans were all around us, at every angle. a huge herd just appeared out of no-where while we were travelling to the next way-point, and thank god we happened to be passing through a city.
levi and i were together, like usual, and we had all split up into groups of two. and like usual.. we made it into a competition.
“i bet you two training days i’ll kill more than you.”
“hah—! you got yourself a deal.” levi says, before turning and zipping away from me.
ahead of me were two ten-meter titans—easy money. i press the blade, zipping toward them, manoeuvring away from their hands and slicing my blade across his nape. it falls to the ground with a loud thud, and i lock my line to the second ones nape.
. . . five titans later, i had gotten a bit carried away. i didn’t realize i was using so much gas, and that my blades were on their last pair.
shit, shit, shit! is all i can think as i race faster away from the five-meter titan right on my tail. i was dead, so dead. i had run out of gas, and i realised before i could think i had reached a dead-end. my leg is slashed from when i fell, and my run is looking more like a desperate limp.
the titan was closing in on me. i turned, scanning the area for something i could do, but that was it. i was cornered. there was no running.
the titan crouches in-front of me, and for the first time in my life i was truly, rawly scared. the titans never scared me when i was a kid, or a cadet, but now..
the titan’s mouth was curled into a horrifying smile. it’s eyes were bulging, hands and chin covered in blood from a previous city’s massacre.
this was it. as i was lifted off the ground, i accepted my fate. my eyes moved toward the sun. i didn’t want the last thing i’d look at to be it’s face.
huh. i never noticed how warm the sun was. i guess i should’ve appreciated nature a bit more. i would have, if i knew this was the day i was going to die.
it’s mouth opened. i could smell it’s foul breath, smelling of human flesh.
i guess you win, levi. just this once.
i fell to the ground. my back slammed against the pavement, and i cried out in pain. my head was fuzzy, mostly from the fall.
i hear the wind in my ear as i am picked up, and the sound of metal whipping as i’m brought to the roof.
my vision focuses when i am placed down on a roof. oh. it’s levi. he is speaking, but i can’t really hear him that well.
“damnit, damnit!”
his hands are on my face. his eyes are scanning me for injuries. why is he doing that? why does he care..
“fuck, please be okay, REINER, OVER HERE!”
oh. now i can hear him.
i wince, my eyes fluttering as they focused on levi’s face. no, that can’t be levi.. why is he crying? levi wouldn’t cry.
“what happened?” i register it to be reiner’s voice, and i turn to him. i push myself up, crying out from the pain in my back, my head. i touch my hand to the back of my head, looking at the blood on my fingers.
“it’s alright, it’s nothing, i’m fine—!”
two arms are wrapped around me. clutching me tight. daring to never let go.
levi.. is hugging me.
“god damnit.. you idiot! what were you thinking?!”
“you’re.. hugging me.” i mean to say in my head, but i say out-loud by accident.
he pulls away, grasping my face in his hands. his hands are shaking. “don’t you ever do that again. you hear me?! i’ll give you damn stable duties everyday if you don’t smarten up!”
“i- you— i can’t promise i won’t—“
“nearly killing yourself over a stupid bet, really?! i can’t believe you—“
“out of all the stupid, idiotic, irrational things you’ve done—“
“seriously! if i didn’t get here when i did, you’d have been dead, and over what? an unsettled—“
i pant, placing a hand on his shoulder. “stop. fucking. talking.”
he stares at me for a second. then, a smile cracks on his lips. then a laugh. “i love you so fucking much.”
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copr. goldessia. do not steal, plagiarize, translate, share on other platforms without credit/permission.
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