#still vibin over this
shallow-wordsalad · 2 years
reading recent stories of Magic: The Gathering's lore has reminded me of the importance of avoiding the Idiot Ball when writing. the latest two chapters of Phyrexia: All Will Be One's story have been a sequential and rapid passing of the Idiot Ball from Kaya to Kaito to Elspeth and it lead very quickly to the villain getting what they wanted through no action of their own. we did a whole thing about going to the past, getting in contact with the person who originally beat Phyrexia, getting an extra copy of the ultra-bomb he used to destroy them, and bringing it all the way to New Phyrexia's portal-opening magic god-tree before Kaya went "hey what if this explosion hurts someone innocent". somehow that one freaking sentence was enough for Kaito to go "hey yeah wait this is a bad idea we shouldn't do this", and Jace - poor friggin' Jace - was just flabberghasted and left holding the bag going "buh - w, wait, hold on, we're already here, we HAVE the bomb, we're good to go!" but, nah, Kaya and Kaito made their moral decision in a split second and by god they're going to defend it come hell or glistening oil. and then, as if that's not bad enough, Elspeth catches up with them after Jace manages to finally activate the Sylex - doing the thing they were trying to do at the start of this entire extremely-lethal excursion - and SOMEHOW knew there was some kind of moral debate happening and that she disagreed with Jace. so he gets freaking stabbed, and she disappears with the bomb to blow it up somewhere else - somewhere where a lot more innocents are likely to get caught in the crossfire. or, since she took it to the Blind Eternities, possibly WAY WORSE - the entire argument was about not knowing if the Sylex's blast-radius could cross the Blind Eternities, so I guess we're gonna fuck around and find out? nice work fellas, we blew up innocent people and didn't even graze the robo-zombies we wanted to blow up in the first place. the same robo-zombies who are about to spread all over the Multiverse and kill everyone anyway.
I don't mind the villain winning, but the state of things in MtG's lore is such that Elesh Norn conquering the Multiverse is really more a testament to the absolute idiocy of the heroes than the ruthless efficacy of Phyrexia. it reads less like a masterstroke of villainous planning, or even just one crucial mistake at the worst moment, more like a D&D party who just couldn't get their shit together for so long that the DM just called it off with Rocks Fall Everyone Dies. this was a series of colossal fuckups and leaps of unfollowable logic, and somehow in pre-written story, someone managed to metagame information they shouldn't have had.
seriously, this? "Somehow, in that moment, she understood everything—what Jace had resolved to do, what was about to happen not just to Mirrodin but to the Multiverse itself. Elspeth saw, with perfect clarity, what needed to be done." this is garbage. yeah, SOMEHOW, Elspeth knew all this very specific stuff that everyone else only had just guessed at two seconds ago, and only decided upon one second ago. what do we need Jace for anyway, Elspeth is clearly some kind of mind-reading precognitive psychic on the level of someone reading a script a page ahead.
jesus christ. if you're going to have doubt and infighting among your protagonists, at least have it make sense. these idiots had an entire plot arc to think about the consequences of the Sylex's use, and only decided to question it at the very-literal last second with the worst conclusions possible. it not only cost the heroes a victory, but it cost the integrity of the story as a whole. this sucks.
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davecumstaine · 8 months
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My ceiling is leaking and it's coming through the light fixture. How's your day going?
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twistedappletree · 2 months
had a full day of meow wolf and kitties!!! ✨🐱🌸💫
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luwupercal · 9 months
hi everyone just poppin in to say, hope youve all had wonderful end-of-the-year-holidays, let's all make the best out of yet another god forsaken year with a scifi name thrust upon us!
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qt-kt · 2 years
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Have a Han Mi sketch bc I can't stop listening to Intervention
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tohandatla · 2 years
Hunter would HATE The Collector being his sibling btw
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thatone-highlighter · 2 years
U r making me very autistic about imagine dragons and it’s transgenderism
Now you know what its like to be me All The Time
Okay now lets be autistic together about the transgenderism of the bridge in Its OK
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greatshell-rider · 2 years
"you are not yet worth my time" [dramatic magical exit] detlev once again baring his ass for all to see. GIRL you created a snowstorm to drive them in AND put an ensorcelling spell on the fire- are they mere party tricks to a mf like detlev? maybe so. and yet. no matter what he claims, he's still putting effort into catching them. emras's wards have still got you bad, bitch
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stargirlinterludefr · 3 months
YES TO HEAVEN: jj maybank x reader
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Synopsis: Three times JJ is told you love him (+1 time he finally says it back.)
TW: mentions of physical, emotional and verbal abuse, mentions of drug usage (weed), alcohol consumption, mention of Luke Maybank, mention of child abuse, angst to fluff, use of y/n
If there is one thing everyone in the Outer Banks knows about JJ Maybank? It’s his ferocious loyalty. He’s probably the most loyal man to walk the planet. The boy would walk into a fire blind to save the people he loves even if he only had a 0.99% chance of doing so, he’d rather take that chance over anything else.
But, there was one thing you knew about JJ Maybank and that was the fact he was terrified of love. The irony right? A boy so full of love that he’s nearly bursting at the seams, petrified that he isn’t worthy of the very thing.
And yet…you love him as though it’s as easy as breathing.
A fact that he can’t seem to except, no matter how hard he tries.
The first time you tell JJ you love him, and not in the friendly way, is when you are both high as kites.
And that’s exactly what JJ pins it down to, the fact that you’re only saying you love him because you’re high. There couldn’t possibly any other reason you love someone like him, right?
“It’s crazy as shit to think that the stars…they’re just like a bunch of dead suns but they’re still vibin’ it up in the sky man.” JJ rambles, intoxicated brain running at a slower pace than usual but still managing keeping up with his everyday hyperactive sober brain.
You stare lovingly, not at the dead suns, but at JJ. Despite how much you’d smoked, your eyes held so much adoration that the Maybank boy could feel it burning into the side of the face and he didn’t dare turn you’re way because he’s sure he’d up and bolt at the sight of such love.
“I wish I could be a star, just chillin’ light years after my death and being some beautiful light in the sky it’s so-“
“I love you.” You blurt out, mind not catching up to the words that had slipped past your lips and perhaps not even realising you’d said them out loud until JJ’s head snapped in your direction at the speed of light.
The look on his face nearly made you cry, the look of utter terror that flashed on his features would be enough to make anyone cry because how could anyone hurt this boy? A boy so special, kind and loving.
A boy who currently looked at you like you had three heads.
“W-What?” JJ splutters, he’d planned to play it off jokingly, as though you were saying it in a friendly way. But he wasn’t stupid, sure he’s had a lot of cuncussion due to all the blows to the head he’s taken, but he wasn’t stupid. Nor was he blind.
He knew the way you looked at him and he knew he looked at you that way too.
You cheeks flush slightly, JJ also tries to downplay that as you being high outta your mind, “I just…I love you, Jay.” You whisper, so earnestly and full of meaning that JJ laughs.
He actually laughs.
You feel sick.
“Nah, you don’t love me man.” He throws out, mind sobering up so quickly that it almost gives him whiplash with the speed it happens. He sits up and shuffles away from you slightly, the feeling of rejection burns deeply in your gut.
You don’t feel so high anymore.
“But I do, love you I mean.” You state, beginning to anxiously pick at your nails as JJ scoffs, tongue rolling on the inside of his cheek as he pulls himself to his feet.
It’s almost embarrassing how quick you are to follow.
“Why’d you-“ He starts, throwing his hands up before slapping them back to his thighs, his glare cutting you in half like a sharp knife. “You- you’re high, y/n, you prolly’ ain’t gonna remember this in the morning.”
You try to speak, but your mouth is hoarse and you wonder if you even have the strength to open it.
“Let’s just forget about this, yeah?” He sighs out and you nearly cry at how you nod, forcing a smile for his benefit.
2nd Time: JOHN B
JJ is sat in the hammock at the Château, blue eyes intently watching as you, Kiara and Sarah giggle like three little girls as you share stories animatedly between one another.
The boy doesn’t even realises he’s smiling at the sight until John B speaks from beside him, “What’s got you looking so happy, and if you dare say you’ve jacked off in my hammock I swear to god…I’ll kill you.” JB warns jokingly, bringing himself to sit across from the blonde haired boy as JJ’s cheeks basically flush.
“Nah man, you know I wouldn’t do that shit infront of impressionable ladies.” He mocks, eyes darting to you and back to John B who looks at JJ as though he’s got him all figured out.
“What’re you doin’ anyway? Thought you, Pope n Cleo were off gettin’ some beers?” He then quizzes, trying to play it off, he can essentially feel John B’s interrogation looming.
The Routledge boy shrugs, “We were, we got back like ten minutes ago, you not hear us call out?”
Busted. He’s so fucking busted.
JJ clears his throat as he leans back on his arms, “Was probably nappin’ the sun has been killin’ me off, bro.”
“Uh huh, you sure it’s the sun that’s been making you all…distracted?” John B quizzes, eyebrow raised as he stares intently at his best friend who refuses to look him in the eye. Completely out of character for JJ’s golden retriever like nature, he never avoided eyes with anyone unless he was afraid.
JJ clenched his jaw, his eyes unknowingly travelling to you once more and this time, John B follows his line of sight and his mind clicks into place.
“Ah.” He him making JJ’s head snap toward him as the Maybank boy narrows his eyes toward his best friend.
“What? What does ‘ah’ mean?” JJ interrogates quickly, nudging JB with his knee so the boy would answer him instead of wearing a very annoying smirk on his sun kissed face.
“Ah means that you have feelings for y/n.” John B states bluntly, deciding to not beat around the bush because he knew better than anyone that beating around the bush is exactly the thing that has prevented you and JJ from confronting your feelings for this long.
JJ shifts uncomfortably and shakes his head, “The fuck? Only feelings I have for y/n are like the same ones I have for like…Kiara and Cleo, hell even you man.” JJ quickly defends and from the corner of his eye, he tries not to watch as you laugh so beautifully at something Sarah said.
Your laugh was like JJ’s own personal drug, if he could bottle the sound and get drunk to it every night he would.
John B laughs dryly before saying, “It’s nothing to be ashamed of, Jay, she obviously likes or even loves you back so why not just…you know?” He says, imitating kissing motions with his hands as JJ’s face scrunches up.
“First of all, that makes you look like your a puppet bein’ controlled or some shit,” JJ begins, sitting up slightly in the hammock “And secondly, she obviously doesn’t like me and I don’t like her, we’re just friends.” He stresses, shrugging despite the desperate look in his eyes that always tells John B the truth of it.
And to prove himself wrong, both you and JJ turn your heads at the same time, catching each other’s gaze for a few moments. You always felt as though the world comes come to a halt when this happens, as though both you and him were the only ones in the world but then you feel Kiara nudge your shoulder and you remember JJ said he basically wouldn’t feel the same way about you, ever.
John B shook his head with a small laugh as he watches the interaction, standing up from the hammock as JJ’s eyes dart from yours and up to John B who gives him a quick pat to the shoulder.
“I don’t know what you tell yourself, bro, but…friends don’t look at each other like that.”
The third time that JJ is told you love him probably goes down in the worst way possible.
JJ had just had a huge argument with his father, the reason for which he couldn’t even remember now, all he knows is Luke had punched him square in the jaw and followed it with a kick to the ribs for good measure.
So, JJ was bottled to the brim with anger. And to make matters worse? You were looking at him with so much love that it made him feel sick, he didn’t deserve that love. He didn’t deserve you.
He was currently sat on the dock of the Château, face tensed and twisted with anger as he stared out at the water and you sat beside him…face twisted with anguish at the fact this had happened to the boy you loved.
JJ couldn’t look at you, again. But not because he didn’t want to but because he knew that if he did, he’d likely flip the top off the bottle that was holding everything inside of him and the thought of doing so absolutely terrified him.
“Do you want me to get some ice for your cheek? It’d probably help with the swelling.” You ask softly, eyes trailing down the side of the boys face as he doesn’t respond.
JJ really wanted you to be quiet but your love and care was overflowing and his was overcome by a blinding anger that he was struggling hard to contain, the anger that was hanging loosely by a thread which he sensed was about to be snapped at any moment.
“Or maybe a beer? Or I could roll a joint? It might be good if you-“
“God, would you just shut the fuck up!”
Your face subtly drops but you’re quick to pick it back up, you know you have no right to be upset, he’s just angry at his dad. He’s not angry at you, right?
“All you ever fuckin’ do is yap down my ear, ‘oh do you want some ice JJ?’, ‘do you like this new shirt I got JJ?’, ‘I love you, JJ.” The boy mocks and you feel as though you’re being sliced open, your feelings laid bare like a wounded animal.
JJ scoffs out a dry humourless laugh as he raises to his feet, you are once again embarrassingly quick to follow. “I mean, it’s so fuckin’ tiring, you spout so much worthless shit down my ear like how am I supposed to get a clear thought when you’re clinging to me like I’m some sort of lost limb! It’s pathetic as shit, bro!”
His chest heaves in pure anger, anger you desperatley try to believe isn’t directed at you.
“This is just your anger talkin’, Jay, it’s not me you’re angry at its-“ JJ groans loudly enough to cut you off as his hands gesture to you wildly.
“And here you go again! Wafflin’ bullshit that I don’t give a fuck about, dictating to me how I should feel! Is that what you hoped? When you told me you loved me? That you’d get the same thing said back?” Your heart beat is sickeningly fast in your chest and you try to will your voice to come out as strong when you mutter;
“I mean, maybe? I-I never expected for you to say it back-“
“Damn y/n, I mean I know you’re smart but I never took you to be blind as shit! You and me? We ain’t gonna happen!” As JJ’s fuse burns out, his chest heaving and his words all but escaping him your heart shatters.
You both stand there, staring widely at one another.
Regret seeps into JJ’s eyes so quickly that you don’t have time to notice, your own eyes holding so much hurt that it cuts right through JJ’s anger and grasps harshly at his heart. Tugging roughly at the love he has for you, his blue eyes sweeping over your soul shattering expression.
JJ wants you to scream back, he wants you to hit him, he knows he deserves it. But you’re not his dad, and he’s unleashed his anger on you like you were.
You’d never lay a hand on him, the thought of doing so would likely make you keel over and vomit. You’re probably the most gentle person he’s ever come across and he’s just thrown whatever gentleness you’d extended to him, through your love for him, right back right into your face. Harshly.
And all you say in response?
Nothing at all.
You nod, tears now horrifically slipping down your face as you simply turn and walk away.
JJ’s ashamed to admit he doesn’t go after you, he remains frozen in place. Mind whirring at the fact that for a second, he’d acted exactly like his father.
You never claimed to be an expert on love, you actually found it incredibly hard to believe in. Growing up and not seeing your parents love one another is a harsh reminder that you don’t actually know what love is supposed to be.
Or, maybe you do.
It’s the love you hold so dearly for your friends, the small things you love like the music you listen to and the mismatched socks you wear.
Love is how you’d define what you held in your heart for JJ, despite all the cruel words he’d hauled your way.
There is one thing your parents taught you about love…the fact that it hurts.
You’d never seen your parents actively be happy together, but when you looked upon old photos and gazed at your older siblings you knew they must’ve loved each other once upon a time. You and your siblings were a product of that love, the proof that danced in front of their faces to ensure they don’t forget. Proof of a love that burned out.
You don’t think your love for JJ will ever burn out and that’s what hurts you the most. You can’t even bring yourself to be angry at him for what he said, because he was right.
Why did you expect him to feel the same way? Why did you even hold out hope?
You hadn’t seen the Maybank boy since your fight, Sarah had told you that he was searching high and low for you but you’d somehow managed to stay out of his path.
In other words? You were hiding on the beach where you first told JJ you loved him. In a very cliche movie kind of way, you knew he wouldn’t think to check this particular spot until the last minute.
And you didn’t intend on being here when he did figure it out, but, in the aftermath? You’re insanely glad you were.
You hear him approach, you don’t acknowledge him but JJ approaches anyway and he stands still just watching you for a few moments, clearly undecided on what he could say to you.
JJ had come up with a million different speeches and scenarios of how this would play out but he didn’t expect to be tongue tied the minute he caught sight of you laying on the beach, simply gazing up at the stars.
So, he brings himself to lay beside you. He keeps a respectful distance but the fact you aren’t maiming him to death or screaming for him to leave gives him the slightest flicker of hope.
“You know, it’s uh crazy as shit to think about the stars, they’re just a bunch of dead suns but they’re still vibin’ up in the sky.” JJ quotes and he swears he sees the corner of your lip twitch, you just won’t give him the satisfaction of a smile.
“I always liked the stars, in a sort of fucked up way, they remind me that i’m not alone. That there’s billions of people under the same exact sky livin’ and breathin’ at the same time as me.” He rambles, his head now turning to you so he can gaze upon you.
This time, you’re the one who can’t bring yourself to look back.
“What I’m tryna say is, the stars…they remind me of you.” At that, your eyes find his, JJ smiling softly as he catches your gaze.
“Stars are so beautiful, they can direct you on the places you need to go a-and they remind you that no matter what, they’ll always be there, so insanely gorgeous.” You sit up and JJ is proudly fast to follow you this time.
“Wh- why are you saying this, JJ?” You whisper, voice so gentle that JJ’s heart aches at the fact he said all those cruel things to you.
“I’m saying this because…I-I love you, and i’m sorry i’ve been such a fucking idiot and i’ve been hiding behind this stupid ass wall I put up but i just know that ever since I met you…no one else has been worth even thinkin’ about.” He rambles desperately, hands coming to clasp your own as you stare up at him.
You’re so beautiful that JJ has to physically restrain himself from simply smashing his lips onto yours before you can take the time to respond.
You stare at him with so much fear in your eyes that JJ imagines it’s exactly what he looked like when you told him you loved him that first time.
“B-but what if things get like complicated? What if we fight? I-I mean-“ You start but JJ is quick to cut you off.
“I don’t care how complicated this gets, baby, I want you.” He says so earnestly and full of meaning that it takes you all but two seconds to lean forward and kiss him.
JJ happily excepts your kiss, the two of you breathing a sigh of relief at the feeling.
And from the corner of his eye, JJ thinks he sees the stars shine a little bit brighter.
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raya-hunter01 · 3 months
Not My Sister's Keeper Pt. 6
Roman X OC(Kara)
Jey Uso X OC (Tia)
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; sex, fluff, couple arguing, Jealousy, infidelity, pregnancy
Roamn’s wife recently left medical school and returned home to save her marriage. Upon her return, she finds out things are not what they seem. Her sister is pregnant by her best friend Jey Uso, who is also Roman’s cousin, and her husband is acting suspicious.
What happens when a conversation overhead on a baby monitor blows her world apart?
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Six Months Later
Pensacola, Fl
Roman's House
That’s it….Ten years and it’s over just by signing some papers," I said as my mom sat beside me while I looked at a copy of the divorce papers.
“Roman, you messed up and what you did was unforgivable. This is all that should matter to you right now,” my mother said placing Logan in my arms as I sat her on my lap.
Her little smile as she put her tiny fist in her mouth made my heart smile.
 “I know princess, granny needs to hurry up your bottle, don’t she?” I said chuckling as she laughed at the sounds coming out of her mouth as I gently bounced her on my lap.
“Granny only got two hands and she’s coming.”
“I’m just kidding Ma, I’m happy you here and don’t know what I’d do without you and Ma Rebecca. I just hoped that Kara and I could have work things out, it wasn’t supposed to be like this.”
“Son, I’mma need you to snap outta this because this little girl needs her father, and she needs you focused on her. She already ain’t got a damn mama if we keeping it real,” my mom said cutting me deep with her words, but it was true.
I had got Tia transferred to Raw to get her outta my hair, which has been a godsend. She sees Logan whenever the mood hits or she needs something. She still won’t sign over her rights…
“I am focused on her. I’ve gotten my schedule lighter. She going to start traveling with me..I got that part mama; I just need Kara now.”
“Roman! Kara is not going to help you raise a baby that is not only a reminder that you betrayed her, but its mother is her sister! Now you starting to scare me with your delusion. It’s over son and you set this all in motion…
"Mama, I know-"
"Deal with it and figure out a way to get that fool to sign over her rights. Hell, call your lawyer back and tell him you want to go for full custody and don’t give her no money,” she said, giving me Logan's bottle before leaving the room without another word.
“I guess it’s just us, huh, baby girl?” I asked feeding her as she gripped my hand greedily sucking her bottle
Taking my mother’s advice, after feeding Loogan and burping her, I quickly shot my lawyer a text to go ahead with getting Tia served.
Hopefully, he could get it done today before she leaves out for Raw later on today.
After laying Logan down I went on Instagram and saw Jey had posted a live and had pinned it to his page. Being nosey, I clicked on it and instantly wished I didn’t.
Jey was filming the highway, the road almost seemed deserted the Boston skyline in view. I knew it well from the few times I had visited Kara.
As I was about to get off, I heard a familiar laugh as Piece of my love by Guy began playing in the background.
“It's 5 am, we out here Boston! What ya’ll know bout ridin’ round the city, listening to dat good old school music, just vibin’ wit yo’ people,” he said turning the camera on Kara who was driving and dancing in her seat.
“You can have a piece of my love,” she softly sang shooting Jey a quick glance with a smile when she saw he was recording her.  
“It’s waiting for you,” Jey said slyly finishing the lyric without missing a beat as Kara laughed and turned her attention back to the road shaking her head.  
“You ain’t ready for this Mr. Fatu,” Kara muttered under her breath as I growled.
“A’ight now, you know I stay ready,” he said chuckling, turning around showing Trin asleep with her head in Jimmy’s lap. “What’s up ya’ll,” Jimmy said nodding his head to the music.
Damn, I kinda miss the days of my cousins and I traveling and just vibin' without a care. It made the time go by and if I’m honest I missed them all.
“We’re almost there,” I heard Kara say as Jey flipped the camera to show his face. “A’ight, we out ya’ll, we gettin' ready to turn it in. Been a long ass flight, and we bout to all get some sleep,” he said abruptly ending the live.
“Motherfucker,” I whispered trying not to disturb Logan as she slept.
He just won’t give up, what right did he have even being in the car with her? A car I paid for…Sleeping in the house I’m paid for…
Damn, why couldn’t he stay away from her?
Kara’s Condo
Boston, MA
Kara’s Pov
“Jey, if you ask me one more time if I really want to come tonight I’mma slap the fuck outta you,” I said as he held his hands up in surrender.
“Aye, I just don’t want you to be uncomfortable. I know Tia gon’ be there,” he said as I shook my head.
“I’m going to watch your Raw debut, I ain’t worried about Tia and whatever drama she got going on,” I said reassuring him as he gave me a hug.
“I’ll see you later,” he whispered giving me a kiss on the cheek
“Ya’ll drive safe, I’ll see you in a bit,” I said as he picked up his bag, heading for the door.
“Sis, you comin’ right?” he asked as Trin smiled.
“Yes, I wouldn’t miss it. I’ll ride with Kara over there,” she said as he gave her a thumbs up before leaving.
“He’s such a goof, should have seen him in the car rental place,” Trin said as I laughed pouring us a glass of wine.
“Trin, he means well, don’t do him like that,” I said as she chuckled.
“I know he does and look at you defending your man.”
“He isn’t my man Trin.”
“You know I can’t wait for ya’ll to finally get together. Especially since you’ve already test drove the merchandise.” Trin said as I coughed, almost spitting out my wine as she laughed.
“I can’t believe you,” I coughed as she shrugged her shoulders.
“Aye, just calling it like I see it. You were riding him like you were at the rodeo weren’t you?”
“It was good too…Ugh, see, I hate I even told you. Now I’m thinking about it,” I laughed as Trin sipped on her wine unbothered.
“I’m just sayin’ if you need that itch scratched, Jey’s a willing participant.”
“Trin, in all seriousness though, I’m just trying to focus on getting back to me right now. I got a lot of shit to process before I even think about being somebody’s girlfriend.”
“I get it, you don’t want to take that energy and resentment into a new relationship,” Trin said as sighed in relief, someone finally got what I had been trying to say.
“Speaking of Roman, these the divorce papers, huh,” Trin said picking up the stack of papers off the table.
“Yep, it’s a done deal. I can breathe now,” I said sitting next to her and sipping on my glass of wine.
Roman and I went through therapy as suggested by our lawyers. It was terrible but I made it through. Roman was upset that I still wanted to go through with the divorce, but he didn’t contest it anymore.
“I can’t believe he sent you flowers,” Trin said reaching over to look at the note that was attached to the bouquet of red and white roses.
“Thank you for trying, I know I didn’t deserve it. Just know I will always love you and I’m always here. Maybe we can be friends someday -Roman.”
“Damn……Do you think you’ll ever forgive him?” Trin asked as I sighed putting down my glass.
“I think I forgave him the moment he broke down and cried in therapy about what happened. The more he talked, the more I realized at first, he was a victim in Tia’s game.”
“I can see that, but what about after the first time?”
“That’s where he has to take accountability, he made some choices that he’s going to have to deal with the consequences of and it’s no longer my problem,” I said as Trin nodded in understanding.
“Now…Tia on the other hand, I’m avoiding that bitch like the plague tonight. I don’t want to go to jail,” I said as Trin laughed.
“I feel you cause even though I got bail money you too cute for jail,” she said as I held up my glass and we toasted.
“Here’s to Jey and a night of celebration,” I said honestly happy for the first time in a long time.
I was going to see Jey tonight and for tonight none of the drama with Tia mattered. This was about Jey and his new beginnings as a singles wrestler.
Monday Night Raw
Jey’s POV
“Man, I can’t believe I’m here,” I said nervously pacing as Jimmy shook his head at me.
“Aye, calm down and enjoy this moment. You gon’ be fine,” he said as I saw Tia coming over.
“Ah hell,” I whispered as Jimmy turned around chuckled. “You already know she gon’ try you.” Jimmy whispered as I rubbed the back of my neck.
“Man, I ain’t got time for this shit,” I whispered as Tia smiled walking past Jimmy as if he wasn’t there. “Well hello to you too, Tia,” he said as she shot him a sly smile before turning back to me.
“Hey, Jey long time no see,” she said with a flirty smile.
“You just really have you no shame,” Jimmy asked as she rolled her eyes at him.
“I’m just talking to him, no harm in that,” she whispered as I looked at her in disbelief.
“Jimmy, give us a minute, Uce,” I said as he got up and left us alone.
“Jey, I just thought since you’re going to be on the Raw brand we could catch up some time,” Tia said as I looked at her like she was crazy.
“Uh, I don’t even like you like that,” I said as she walked closer.
“I’m just trying to welcome you to Raw, I know it gets lonely on the road. Maybe we could reconnect and make some magic happen,” she said touching my chest as I backed away.
“Tia, I think you need help…Like mental help, your obsession with Kara and the people she loves ain’t normal,” I said trying to wrap my brain around how crazy she was.
“I’m not worried about her, I know I’m the better woman and you know it too,” she said trying to put my arms around her as I backed away with my hands in the air.
“Look, don’t ever try me like dat ever again. You know I love Kara and unlike Roman I’m hip to your bullshit. Stay away from me and Kara,” I said as she frowned.
“Kara don’t love you, if she did, ya’ll would have been together years ago,” Tia said spitefully with a smirk.
“Tia tend to your own business, and be a mom to your child. You know the one who hasn’t heard from you in months while you parade on this show and in the streets like a cat in heat,” I said as the smirk fell from her face.
“I have settled that with her father and it’s none of your concern. Still, Kara’s lap log I see,” Tia said as I chuckled.
“Still jealous of your sister, I see,” I said as she slapped me.
“Tia…… Get some help,” I said taking myself out of the situation and walking away from her. “Jey! I’ll see you soon, the road gets lonely!” she yelled as I kept walking.
I needed to get ready for the show and I didn’t have time for her craziness.
“Hey, what was all of that Jey?” Tom, who was one of the higher ups asked, stopping me before I got to my dressing room.
Great, the last thing I needed was him taking this back to Paul causing an issue. I just got here and didn’t need no drama.
“Uh, just some personal stuff, but I took care of it,” I said as he nodded. “Well, that was really unprofessional how she was acting. That was sexual harassment.”
“Look, I gotta get ready for the show. It’s all good Uce, I took care of it” I said trying to get him to drop the subject, but I knew by the look on his face it wasn’t going to be the last I heard about it.
Monday Night Raw
Kara’s POV
“Mom, you don’t have to throw me a party,” I said as Trin, and I pulled into the building.
“Sweetie, you got accepted back into medical school. We are celebrating and that’s final,” she said as Trin smiled.
“You know we game for barbecue, yo’ daddy can throw down. I’ll get Jimmy to do that Samoan dish you like too,” Trin added.
“The one with the pineapple chicken?” I asked as Trin nodded… “Oh, I’m there,” I said as Trin, and my mom laughed.
“Thanks for the reinforcements Trin. Sweetie, Logan will be here on Friday, but if you’re uncomfortable Janice can get her,” my mom said as I sighed.
“Mama, I will be fine. I know it’s your weekend to have Logan I wouldn’t do that,” I said as the line got quiet.
“I don’t want you to be overwhelmed baby,” my mom said as I gave Trin a small smile.
“It’s ok mom, don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.”
“Enjoy the show baby, and I’ll see you Thursday, love you.”
“Love you too mom,” I said, hanging up and taking a deep breath.
“You know it’s ok to not be ok,” Trin said as I parked the car.
“I’m ok…I just don’t see myself being heavily involved in Logan’s life. Does that make me a terrible person?” I asked as Trin looked at me with a sad smile.
“No, it makes you a person that has been hurt and your feelings are valid, but I also know you.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means if that baby needed anything you would make sure she had it,” Trin said as I bit my lower lip trying not to cry.
“I would, but I don’t see myself babysitting and doing all the other auntie stuff, it would be a constant reminder of everything,” I said as Trin nodded.
“Maybe as time passes you will feel different,” Trin said as we walked towards the talent entrance.
“I don’t think so Trin, even though she’s not to blame for what her parents did.” I said as Trin showed her ID and we got our passes from security.
“Well, let’s just enjoy tonight and worry about everything else later,” Trin said as we headed inside to get ready for the show.
“You won’t hear no complaints from me,” I said happy we could just go enjoy the show. No more Roman, Tia, or Logan talk.
Monday Night Raw
Jey’s POV
Man, the crowd is on fire and rocking, but it’s only one face I’m looking for right now and I can’t find her. Finally, after Sami left the ring, I spotted Kara in the third row wearing my hoodie.
Trin was beside her in a ball cap and her reading glasses, I had to give it to them they blended in well with the crowd. I’m glad too because the last thing I wanted was someone to take pictures of them and posting it online.
I can see the headlines now “Roman Reigns ex-wife attends Raw with TNA superstar Trinity.”
Getting out of the ring I signaled for Kara to head backstage as she nodded and whispered to Trin.
Once I saw them grab their things, I slowly made my way up the ramp. Everything was finally sinking in as the crowd continued to sing my music and I wanted to take it all in.
Tonight is something I will never forget, giving them one final wave I went backstage into gorilla and was met with a round of applause.
“Welcome to Raw Uce!” Cody said giving me a hug.
“Thanks, man I’m glad to be here, Uce,” I said looking around for Kara but didn’t see her. Where are they? I know they had their passes.
“Hey, don’t freak out, they made it back. Kara just didn’t want people in ya’ll business. Go down the hall and make a right, she’s there waiting for you,” Cody said as I smiled.
“Aye, good lookin’ out Uce,” I said shaking his hand before going to find Kara.
 Rounding the corner, there she was leaning up against the wall with her hands in her pockets.
“How did I do?” I asked as she looked at me with a smile, running towards me and jumping in my arms as I held her close.
“Amazing, I’m so proud of you,” she whispered against my ear as I sighed holding her tighter.
“Thank you for ridin’ wit me and believin’ in me.”
“E le aunoa ma le faavavau” she said as felt my heart swell.
“Always and forever,” I said as she looked at me with a shy smile.
Our moment was short lived as I saw Jimmy and Trin heading towards us. “Aye, that was awesome Uce,” Jimmy said as put Kara down and Trin came over to give me a hug.
“Alright now brother-in-law. That’s what I’m talking about.”
“Thanks, sis,” I said watching Kara as Jimmy put his arm around her as she welcomed his embrace, leaning her head against him.
 Releasing Trin from my embrace I saw a look of confusion pass Kara’s face for a second before she tried to play it off.
I looked over my shoulder and there in the corner hiding behind the curtain was Tia.
She was watching Kara like a hawk, almost envious. Something was wrong. Something wasn’t clicking in Tia’s head.
“She just won’t get the hint, huh?” Jimmy asked as I shook my head signaling for him to shut up.
“Get the hint about what?” Kara asked as I lightly pushed Jimmy.
“I handled it, why you even had to bring it up,” I hissed as he shook his head.
“Look at that fool over there staring at us, does it look like she understood what you said,” Jimmy countered as I sighed.
“I handled it, Uce.”
“Uh, can somebody tell us what’s going on?” Trin asked as Kara looked at me.
“Look, Tia came on to me, I shut it down, we exchanged some words and that was it,” I said as Kara chuckled, shaking her head at Trin, who seemed nervous.
“Now, remember what we talked about earlier Kara,” Trin said as Kara looked at her with a smile.
“Oh, I remember, I’m just gon’ go holla at her for a minute…. Excuse me,” Kara said walking towards Tia who was smirking.
“Kara it ain’t worth it,” I said as she walked up to Tia. “Hey sis, long time no see, it’s been about what…Six months,” Tia said with a smile.
Kara’s POV
“Yea, it has, and I see your still up to the same bullshit,” I said wanting to smack the smirk off her face.
“What? I just offered Jey a good time, the road can be stressful, especially on the man. You know that better than anyone right?” Tia asked as I chuckled at her lame attempt to rile me up.
“You should know by now offering your services to taken men never works out in your favor though, does it? I mean you get so desperate you let men call you by their wives names while they fuck you.” I said not caring who knew at this point.
“Damn…You get down like that Tia?” Jimmy asked as Trin sighed. “Jurdy, I’ll fill you in later, be quiet," she whispered as Tia had the nerve to look embarrassed.
“He’ll come to me…They all come to-”
“Look, I’mma keep it short and sweet because I don’t have time for your games.”
“Oou lil sis is hot because she knows if I want Jey, I could take him.” Tia said as I chuckled as I felt Jey behind me.
 “Keep your distance, Tia,” I said as she rolled her eyes.
“Oh, please,” she muttered as I felt the urge to knock her ass out.
 “Tia! Come near him again, and that last ass whoopin’ I gave you will feel like a walk in the park…Try me.” I hissed as Jey gently grabbed my hand unclenching my fist.
“Kara, let’s go” Jey said as I refused to move. “I look forward to it,” Tia taunted as Jey shook his head trying to put a little distance between me and Tia.
“Man, gon’ wit dat bullshit, Tia. You done did enough now,” Jey said as I stepped into her space as she nervously bit her lip.
“I’mma stomp yo’ ass in the ground, keep coming at me like you crazy.”
“Aye, Tia, I know you a couple chocolate chips short of a cookie, but you better find you something safe to do. That ain’t the move baby girl,” Jimmy said as Tia growled.
“I hate you bitch!”
“Hate….Nah, you love me….Love me so much you wanna be me and apparently want every dick that’s ever been inside me too,” I said casually as Jey cleared his throat putting his arm around my waist trying to hold me back.
“Been inside you! Twin, you done hit the homie and ain’t said shit!” Jimmy exclaimed as Trin sighed.
 “Jurdy, read the room, keep up, and shut the hell up,” she said as Jimmy got quiet.
“You nasty bitch!” Tia shouted as I smirked at her. “Nah, that would be you and your sour-ass pussy,” I said, as Jey pulled me close steering me away from Tia.
“A’ight, let’s go ma. We need to talk,” Jey said as I looked back at Tia as a stagehand approached her.
“Tia, bossman wants to see you,” he said as Tia plastered on a smile following him.
“I’ll see you soon Jey,” she laughed as I tried to get out of Jey’s embrace.
“Fuckin’ parasite,” I hissed as Jey pulled me into his locker room, locking the door behind us.
“Are you done?” he asked as I rolled my eyes irritated as hell.
“No…..She always is up to something, I just don’t understand,” I said as Jey took off his black jacket, tossing it on the couch.
Damn, he looked fine as hell…Focus Kara, you're mad right now.
“Don’t let it bother you, the stuff she doin’, it don’t even matter.”
“What do you mean it don’t matter? “I asked as a look of determination adorned his handsome face as he slowly came towards me, almost like a lion stalking its prey.
“You ain’t slick, you know what you be doing wit ya chest and tattoos all out,” I said as he laughed. “I'm serious, you can stay over there, sir.”  His smile making it hard for me to stay angry.
“I ain’t doin’ nothing,” he whispered closing the distance between us as I tried to remain strong.
 “Yes, you are, Jey,” I whispered, feeling like my heart race as he caressed my face with his hands. Closing my eyes, I felt the tension leaving my body simply from his touch.
“I’mma need you to realize something important,” he said as I melted even further into his touch.
“What do I need to realize?” I asked, his lips dangerously close to mine. “I only want you; I’ve always only wanted you,” he whispered our lips meeting in a searing kiss.
It had been six months since the last time our lips touched and the
Feeling lightheaded I clung to him as our tongues fought for dominance, with Jey winning in the end as I whimpered in need.
He had me Feenin’ for more as we reluctantly parted to catch our breaths.
“Kara, you ain’t gotta worry about Tia, I ain’t Roman. I ain’t jeopardizing being with you for nobody,” Jey said reassuring me as I nodded.
I didn’t know how much I needed to hear that until now.
“Jey, I don’t want you to feel obligated to do all this. Visting me every week, being there-” I started as he cut me off with a gentle kiss.
“When you’re ready, I’m ready. I ain’t goin’ nowhere,” he whispered wiping my tears I didn’t even know had fallen.
“You ain’t gotta cry no more, I got you….Until my last breath, I got you.”
“I know,” I whispered leaning against his chest enjoying being wrapped up in his arms.
Damn her..Damn me for allowing Tia to rile me up. I was making strides, but everything still had me fucked up.
Damn Tia and Roman for that matter….
“Do you want to go out with us to eat?” Jey asked as I chuckled looking at him. “Nah, ya’ll can go eat, I got to finish an assignment. Someone had me chauffeuring them around this morning before daylight, even had to take them at a rental this afternoon,” I joked as he laughed.
“Aye, we said thank you. But real talk, tomorrow I wanna take you out and spend some time wit you before we leave out on Wednesday,” he said as I smiled, actually looking forward to it.
“I’mma hold you to that,” I whispered, ignoring my vibrating phone in my back pocket.
Kara’s Condo
Roman’s POV
“Pick up the phone Kara,” I muttered dialing her once again as it goes to voicemail.
“It’s your girl Kara, I’m busy so leave your message at the beep and I’ll get back with you.”
“Kara, just please call me back..I..I need to see you.”
Ending the call, I dialed her right back but this time it went straight to voicemail.
“Did you just ignore my call? Are you with him?…..You are…. Your with Jey ain’t you? Is he kissin on you?......Is he holdin’ you like I used too, dickin’ you down like me. Hmm….Hmm…..Answer the damn phone Kara!” I yelled, hanging up trying to calm myself down.
I tried to wait, but she playin’…Pulling out my spare key to her condo I let myself in.
Did she know I had a key? No…. But that is beside the point.
I felt resentful as I took in how she had the house decorated so welcoming.
“My beautiful family tree,” I muttered reading the letters above the painted tree on the wall of the living room. Pictures of her parents, her brother, even pictures of her and Jey throughout the years. Hell, Jimmy and Trin made the family tree wall.
“I can’t believe this shit,” I hissed, walking into Kara’s bedroom, getting even more pissed seeing Jey’s bag beside her bed.
“In my fucking house,” I muttered looking around the room.
That live from Jey rattled me so much this morning, I charted my jet this evening and flew straight here.
He really been in here, layin’ in this bed with Kara…My Kara…. I don’t give a damn what no divorce papers say…She’s still mine.
I needed to know how deep this shit was getting between Kara and Jey and I needed to know now.
Fucking him one time to get back at me is one thing but actually being in a relationship with him is taking shit too far.
 Hearing the door open, I sat in the chair by the bed. I didn’t care who was with her, we were going to talk.
“I’m fine Jey, I just got inside,” she said as I snarled. “I’m going to shower and finish up my assignment. Just bring me back a fry and a ginger ale. I’m not that hungry, it’s late.”
“Really? Oh, he just Mr. perfect, huh. Doin’ late night ginger ale runs,” I seethed quietly hearing the happiness in Kara’s voice.
“Ok I’ll see ya’ll in a few,” she said, ending the call as I heard her moving around the hall.
“That man,” I heard her sigh as I felt the jealousy within me burning deep.
I had to stifle a groan as she opened the door and I saw she had taken off her shirt. “What tha shit!” Kara screamed, covering herself with her shirt as I stood up.
“Kara, where you been?” I asked as she looked at me in confusion. Almost like she thought she was hallucinating.
“What the hell are you doing in my house Roman?!” Kara yelled turning on the light.
“I wanted to see how your little visit with my cousin was goin’ but you ain’t answered my question. Where you been, because Raw ended about two hours ago?” I asked, walking towards Kara as she put her shirt back on.
“First of all, who da fuck do you think you are! We’re divorced, where I am and who I’m with is none of your damn concern. Now how did you get in here?!” Kara yelled pissed off as I scoffed.
“I had this made before the landlord gave you the keys. I mean did you really think, I was gon’ let you be out here and not check in on you.” I said as she reached for the keys, but I put it back in my pocket.
Kara’s POV
“This ain’t checkin’ in, this is stalking. You shouldn’t be here at all! Give me the keys Roman!” I yelled, still in shock I had found him in my bedroom, sitting in here like a fuckin’ serial killer.
“Have you slept with Jey since that night?” Roman asked as I looked at him like he was crazy.
“That is none of your business, give me the key, Roman!” I yelled as he ignored me.
“Not until you tell me, then I’ll give it to you.”
“Have you been drinking?” I asked, smelling the alcohol on his breath as he came a little closer.
“I ain’t drunk, I am in control Kara. I got this shit, I only had a brandy on the plane.”
“I can’t tell you flew from Pensacola to Boston to ask if I’m fucking your cousin,” I said as he rolled his eyes.
“Are you fuckin’ him, it’s a simple question?!” Roman yelled as I sighed rubbing my temples.
“Answer me, Kara.”
“Do you see a ring on my finger..No you don’t because I am single. You made sure I became single when you stuck your dick in my sister and got her pregnant!” I screamed as Roman came even closer.
“Are you fucking Jey? It’s either yes or no Kara.”
“It’s none of your business, just give me the keys and leave Roman.”
“Just answer the question, Kara!” Roman screamed as I looked at him like he was crazy.
“Roman, I’mma need you to calm do-”
“I have tried and tried to get back together wit you and this is the thanks I get!  You out here with him in MY HOUSE that I’M PAYIN’ for!” Roman ranted as something inside me flipped.
“It’s MY HOUSE and I don’t owe you shit! Get out!.....Now Roman!”
His arrogant stance as he refused to move pissed me off even more. He really thinks he can control me..
“I ain’t leavin’ till you answer me,” he said as I nodded in understanding.
“Ok, I see I’mma have to remind you with who you dealin’ wit,” I said leaving the room.
“Where you goin’ Kara, I aint done talkin’ to you,” Roman said walking behind me as I went into the kitchen.
“I told you to get out, but you trippin’. You trippin’ hard but let me help you out, let me get on your level,” I said reaching in the drawer pulling out my large chef’s knife as Roman growled in frustration, but backed up a little.
“Really, so you gon’ stab me Kara?” he asked as I pointed the knife in his direction.
“Roman I promise you, we gon’ be on an episode of The First 48 if you don’t leave the keys and get outta my damn house!” I screamed as he sighed, reaching in his pocket putting the keys on the counter.
“Kara, we need to talk about Je-”
“I don’t want to talk to you…I want you out!” I cried as Roman sighed, turning around to leave. A wave of relief washing over me as I heard the door close.
Trying to control my tears I tried to take a few deep breaths as I looked at the keys on the counter.
He really had keys made to my house and came in here trying to tell me what to do.
Another reason I didn’t want his money everyone was advising me to take. He thinks he owns me.
“Definitely getting the locks changed,” I whispered heading to lock the front door, stumbling back in shock seeing Roman with his hands up in the air being held at gunpoint by Tia.
“Oh, hey sis, come on in and join the party, I mean you are the guest of honor after all,” Tia said as Roman looked back at me. His remorseful gaze pierced my soul as she smiled, pointing the gun at me.
"Oh, my God."
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trashmouth-richie · 5 months
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𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐬 
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓: 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧’𝐭 𝐠𝐨 𝐨𝐧, 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧’ 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠
𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲:  𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐬?
𝐭𝐰: 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭, heavy angst! 𝟏𝟖+, 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝟏𝟖+ 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠 𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐞, 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐞, 𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 
𝟔.𝟐𝐤 — my goal was 10k let’s all laugh masterlist
a/n: good morrow cousin, don’t mind me just vibin’ anyway— pls ignore the lack of formatting, google docs… count your days. this story still means so much to me, i won’t jump ship on it, and i hope you understand the mental headspace i get in while writing and how 🥰draining and crippling🥰 it truly is 🥲 BUT I DO IT FOR YOU MY LOVERS! ♥️😵‍💫
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Sweaty hands were clamped in a bone aching constriction around your steering wheel the entirety of the drive to the club. Watching the whispy curls of dust from the gravel color the powder blue sky, you mutter to yourself.
This was so stupid.
Magenta hued beads hanging from the rearview mirror sway and clack together as you pull the car sharply into the your designated spot towards the back of the parking lot. Flitting a quick glance in the mirror to see if Eddie was still following, you tear your eyes away when the jet black steel of the fender catches the sun's rays, sending a blinding wink into the side mirrors as he approaches, parking alongside you.
This is crazy. This is insane.
Wiping your palms hastily on the ruby stockings pinched to your thighs, you wonder when the nerves in your chest would settle. If your stomach would ever stop churning with the rapid wings of a swarm of angry bees?
Why were you nervous? It was just Eddie.
Your knee bounces of its own accord as you remind yourself of just that. The dry swallow of the tablets you took before he could notice would start working in no time, and then you’d be able to stomach what you were getting yourself into.
Eddie Munson. A childhood friend. Taking a few deep breaths, you open the door into the shared space, and are met with that shit eating grin he never lost.
Here we go.
Green lensed aviators are nestled onto the bridge of his nose, a black bandana snug on his head that you definitely didn’t watch him tie back at your apartment as he straddled the bike before revving the engine and shooting you a daring smile.
Crunching gravel beneath his boots, he stands with hands in the back of his pocket.
“So…” he asks, hooking a thumb over his shoulder towards the club, “when did the Hideout go belly up?”
A sigh leaves your mouth and you turn to get the laundry from the backseat of your sedan, voice muffled, “eighty…-three, I think..” you say strangled like, as you struggle with the bulk of the laundry basket. The strap of your purse is slung over your shoulder when you finally emerge from the car and stand upright to face him.
“Here,” he offers, holding his hands out in offering his help.
Puzzled, you look at everything in your hands, deciding against thrusting the basket of sheets into his awaiting arms, you nod your head towards the car and step out of the way, “sure, my shoes from the back? I just gotta find the keys.”
Switching the basket to your hip you dive into the depths of your purse looking for the keys to unlock the club doors.
Eddie’s fingers curl around the straps of your high heels. A look of bewildered awkwardness coloring his brow. The aching reminder of his actions that damned you to this life were held between his fingers. Cheap leather material, a small brass buckle, plastic.
He slams your door in defeat, hating himself more with each day of being back in Hawkins.
Your hand finagles the key, jingling it out from the mess of your purse. When you look up with a sly little quirk at the corner of your lips for your triumph…Eddie has planted a fake smile on his lips… one that was buried within him before you can see the sadness in his eyes.
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Mrs. Click rattled on and on about WWII, sounding more like the adults in a Peanuts episode every second that ticked by. A loud yawn escapes Eddie’s already slack mouth as he doodles in the margins of his paper, a blue smear on his hand from the ink.
A crumpled ball of composition paper lands on his textbook skidding across the slicked pages and finding home against the wire of his notebook.
Without looking around Eddie already knows who the note is from. A simple scrawled sentence with big loops on the letters and a smiley face after the question mark.
“Lolly wants ‘sketti’ for supper tonight… you in? :)”
His dimples well deep in his cheeks as he scribbles a reply, stealing a glance your way. When Mrs. Click’s back is turned to scratch a hiss of powdered chalk into the board, he lobs the note back to you, hitting your shoulder lightly.
A slow smile creeps across your face as you flatten the note with your palms and read your best friend’s scratched handwriting.
“Hell yeah!”
The halls were quiet, Hawkins High students busying themselves with tests and worrying about grade point averages. Not even the janitor Sal was squeaking down the halls.
“If Ms. Judy catches us…”
“She won’t.”
“What about Higgins? I can’t get detention again, my dad will slaughter me.”
“Clove…” Eddie grumbled, stopping his task of picking the lock to look at you with the deepest sincerity, “I promise, we’ll be fine, okay?…just, shit, keep your eyes peeled, I’m almost… there…”
A wicked sliver of a grin plays on his lips.
“Yahtzee, baby! C’mon”
The door to the school kitchen swung open beneath his hand. The smell of Comet cleaner and fresh baked bread invade your nose.
The blade of his knife is closed with a clink on his hip as he bends low with a bow for you to go in first, “let’s go shopping.”
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“Set them wherever,” you say nonchalantly, pupils adjusting to the darkness as you step through the threshold into the club.
Walking to the counter and shifting the basket on your hip tossing the keys on the bar, you wiggle off your purse, and turn around to see him standing by a barstool, looking slightly out of place, like a lit Christmas tree in the summertime.
Seeing Eddie in the club, in the depths of sweat and sin was gut wrenching. The club was accustomed to pleasuring pastors and preachers, cops and school teachers. They had all traipsed across the wood floor in their Sunday best, shoes shined to godliness… leaving with lipstick stains and reeking of alcohol. Sin on their breath and in their Hanes.
No, him being here made you feel like your skin was crawling, and that you were about to scream at any given moment.
Heaving the basket onto the nearest table, you take a wounded breath, holding it for longer than necessary to squish your toes along the muddy depth of Lover’s Lake. You spin to avert the lingering glances from Eddie, his eyes burrowing into you like hot steel to butter.
Slotting yourself behind the bar you holler over your shoulder, “park it, I’ll get some drinks.”
Lights flicker and hum an exhausted tune as they slowly shine light to the grim bar, just enough to not be cast in complete darkness.
Eddie grabs the stool in a swift all too cool motion, sliding his long frame over it, the chain on his hip jingling against the wood as he sits, “just water for me…what?” he laughs.
You’re turned facing him with a furrowed brow, holding two of the cleanest shot glasses Queens had in one palm, the other steady on your hip, an annoyed look on your face, “don’t make me drink alone, Slim.”
He laughs again, a loud abrupt sound as he shakes his head, tucking his sunglasses in the neck of his shirt. A modest blush pinking his cheeks as his tongue runs over the sharp edges of his canines.
You haven’t budged, and Eddie finally looks up to meet your stare.
His eyes are glassy, dark and almost a sheen of velvet to them under the shadow of bandana, and the comical yellow rubber of the bandaid.
If eyes were the windows to the soul, you were familiar with his scenery, this particular essence was hurt like you, wounded in the same ways. The past showed through the forlorn strangeness of the last few years like a weathered map with all too familiar paths. Looking into his pools of deep darkness felt soothing in a crippling ached breath.
Features could change but eyes couldn’t, they kept you anchored to him stuck in the void of his mud.
It’s a game before you realize it.
A stare down… in dim light, eyes drying by the second, but it’s Eddie who folds first, no cards left to hold, or rather letting his opponent win. Like old times.
“Always such a headache, huh? Fine,” he exaggerates with a petty eye roll, “you win.” The crooked smirk on his lips gives him away, matching your own.
The two stout glasses clink together against your palm, a bottle of Jameson held by its neck in your other hand, “Not much has changed I see,” you quip, setting them down and pouring the whiskey into the first one, “you still suck at games.”
Eddie cringes as you pour the second, “trying to kill us? Do you not remember what happened on your fifteenth birthday?”
You erupt with laughter, tossing your head back and giggling in that little way he hadn’t heard since you were kids, “oh please,” you snort, thinking back to how drunk the both of you had gotten, “you don’t either.”
Eddie smiles, “probably not the greatest idea I’ve had.”
Sliding a glass towards him you hold yours up, the lights coloring the dark amber into a caramel pool of regret, “to us.”
“To old friends,” Eddie follows, in a grand accent, holding his glass next to yours, “burying the hatchet, stitching old wounds..”
“Alright Shakespeare wrap it up.”
“.. to you.” he says barely above a whisper, his eyes scanning your face, and you shudder involuntarily before tipping the glass against your lips and swallowing the liquor.
It burned on your tongue, hot and unwelcoming, sliding like lava down your throat. Eddie winces, making a sour face as he slaps his glass down on the wood top of the bar.
“Fuck, that's horrible.”
“Ah,” you say, pulling a lever on the tap and putting a tall frosted mug under the spout of draft beer, “it’s not that bad.”
He watches as you pour another beer walk around the bar with one in each hand. His cheeks pink when you smile at him, and he quickly pulls out a stool for you.
Leaning your back against the counter you sip your drink. The bar is empty but the roaring waves of silence crash loud in your ears. It’s strange. Being here with him, would you ever get over seeing him after so many years?
“I won’t lie, Clovie, ’m not much of a drinker.” Eddie admits, rubbing his thumbs along the frosted mug.
“Well,” you say, holding your beer up to your lips, and looking over the edge to meet his gaze, “today you are.”
Taking a generous sip you smile when he follows suit.
“Eddie Munson, back in Indiana,” you tease, elongating the vowels of the state, “never thought I’d see the day.”
He shrugs, tossing long curls behind his shoulder, “missed the scenery.”
You scoff, “yeah the luscious rolling hills of the trailer park really get me feeling like Julie Andrews too.”
He cringes, raising his brows for emphasis, “Those hills have eyes.”
“Eww..” your nose crinkles, “Craven outdid himself with that one, I still won’t watch it.”
Eddie takes a pull from his beer before adding nonchalantly, “that’s cause you’re chicken shit.”
Blowing a raspberry with your lips, your eyes narrow as you spit an insult. “This coming from the guy who slept with his lights on after watching E.T.”
“When he turns white by the river?! Fucker looks like a crushed powdered donut!”
It was easy falling back into the throws of jokes and banter with Eddie. You both giggle like kids talking about movies that had shredded horror as kids but now made you cringe with how poor they were done.
After a particularly long laugh about whether or not you still carried around your security blanket, Eddie sighs, “I thought this was gonna be weird,” Your nerves had calmed at the expense of childlike humor and talks of times long ago, that you finally slide on the stool he had pulled out for you. “us…. this place… Hawkins,” he bumps your elbow with his, “ shit I mean, we’re drinking in a bar, legally! Who would have thought?”
Your grin warms his heart like honey in a cup of tea, “somehow the beer doesn’t taste any better once you’re old enough to drink it.” The sip you took from your frosted mug was far from ladylike.
“You’re right,” he agrees, following your lead and taking a big gulp, “something forbidden always tastes better.”
Right now you felt like Eve, enjoying the fruits of company from Eddie Munson, and your cheeks heat. Rick hadn’t crossed your mind since he drove down the driveway this morning, and you’d like to keep it that way.
“…a motorcycle, huh?” you say changing the subject, “honestly didn't think you were the type.”
He shrugs nonchalantly, a little dimple pitting in the plumpness of his cheek, “Type? Like I need to be a colossal douche to drive one, hell…it’s good on gas, real fast. I got a buddy who fixed it up for me, owed me a favor for a cover up I did on his back.”
“Cover up?” you ask, eyebrow quirked, “like…a tattoo?”
“Yeah,” he says, swiveling on his barstool to face you, rolling his sleeves up past his elbow showing off his tattooed arms in the space between you both, “did these myself, just something I do for fun.”
His skin is embellished more than it is bare. Dark swirls of onyx branched out along his left wrist and up to the rolled fabric of his shirt, and you wonder if it disappeared up to his arm, around his torso? The marks seemed to flow like a river, connecting, gathering, forking this way and that, etching more pages to a story of an unfamiliar tale. You hoped to one day know its origin.
Without asking, your fingertips trace the outlines of the black ink, delicately following the path.
They circled around a rose covered in heavy dark thorns, dripping with blood. It had bloomed in a grassy knob made of lyrics from songs you had never heard. The inscriptions continue to channel along to a long silver dagger with a jeweled embellished handle of pretty emeralds that were shaped in irregular patterns. The dagger sunk into his skin and poked back out, shredding tendons and marrow in its wake… all exposed, coming to a point at his wrist.
It was as if he created his own armor, each intricate drag of the needle serving as a steady reminder that he would overcome. You can’t help the smile spreading on your lips, you had never seen anything more beautiful in your life.
“Should have guessed you’d end up being some sort of artist, Eddie, these are really lovely.”
He smiles, warm and inviting as he reaches for your hand, angling it towards him to get a proper look at the stick n poke tattoo he did years before.
A rough thumb sweeps along your skin, and the whiskey coloring of his eyes pour into yours, “I could fix this for you, make it look better.”
“Absolutely not,” you falsely gasp, “I love it just the way it is… besides you didn’t cover yours up either,” you point to the tattoo on his left hand. The small heart and clover were faded and blown out, a stark contrast difference against the shadowed dark lines around it.
You grin and meet his eyes. “Do you remember how hot it was that day?”
Eddie had always kept that memory at the surface, remembered as if it were yesterday, thinking about it often. As if your hand was still sweating in his, he could practically smell the peanut butter in your hair, feel the dampness on his shoulder from your tears.
“Yeah,” he says with a sad little smile, “I remember getting our asses chewed because we burnt supper.”
The light leaves your eyes and your smile fades, venom on your tongue as you spit, “should have poisoned them both… could have saved ourselves a world of trouble.”
Eddie’s stomach rumbled at the empty hollow feeling it used to play on repeat, if it weren't for you, he would have starved indefinitely.
“Juvy couldn’t have been that bad, THREE meals a day? Shit, practically a cake walk.”
“Yeah, lucky bastards,” you admit, a small lost look on your face as you drop his hand, mind wandering to the long forgotten childhood you were abandoned in. If your dad wasn’t screaming at you and raising a fist it was the neighbors ignoring the hollering and groaning of furniture snapping against thin walls from the Munson trailer. Never a silent hour in the park.
It’s quiet for a few beats as you drink your beer, finishing it a few swallows and leaning over the bar to grab the bottle of Jameson, pouring another round.
“So, the motorcycle, tattooing… you must be fighting off the ladies.”
Eddie laughs, his eyes darting across your face with a quirked brow, “not hardly.”
Rolling your eyes you sip at the bitter drink, “don’t be prude Munson, tell me.”
He scoffs and moves hair from his neck, suddenly interested in the bottom of his drink, “I’m not telling you the woes of my love life, thanks.”
“C’mon..” you pout, showing your bottom lip, “we never got to have talks like this!”
Eddie snorted at the pathetic pout you showed, “yeah and we aren’t gonna start now because there’s nothing to tell.”
Your eyes narrowed into slits as you scowled at him. “You’ve always been such a bad liar, bet your ears are red,” you reach for his hair in a feeble attempt to reveal what you both already knew to be true.
“Quit!” Eddie yells playfully, batting your hand away, “alright yeah, I’ve had a girlfriend or two,” he shrugs, “never anything serious.”
You grin at him lazily, elbow on the counter and your chin in your palm, even though your heart sank a bit at the thought of him loving someone, “ahh, see? That wasn’t so bad.”
Eddie blushes under your stare, “speak for yourself.”
He looks down, rubbing condensation from his mug with his thumbs. “And you? d’you uh… got a boyfriend?”
Your smile fades and you try not to shiver in disgust as you pour another shot. Slapping the glass down hard on the counter as you drain it, “I wouldn’t exactly call him that… it’s more of an… agreement.”
His face breaks into a jigsaw puzzle, “what does that mean?”
“Dont wanna bore you with ‘my love life woes’…” you interject, ignoring him, putting the tip of your finger in his glass and dragging it towards you. Tipping in more Jameson and sliding it towards him.
The buzz was tickling your fingers, a lightness took over your head as the alcohol seeped into your blood.
“Down to the meat and potatoes Slim…why are you home? I mean it’s not as if this shithole holds any happy memories.”
He brought the shot glass to his lips, sipping it down as you pour yourself another.
How did you not know that the only happy memory he had of Hawkins was you? He didn’t know how to tell you that it was the memory of your smile that kept him company when the nights were cold and he didn’t know where his next meal would come from.
He takes a deep breath, “my uncle died,” he squints with a puckered sour face at the burn from the liquor shaking his head, “Al is either dead or on another bender so…” he claps his hands, “here I am… met with his girlfriend today actually.”
You frown, reaching for his folded hands, tapping his knuckles, “‘m sorry, Eddie. Wayne was sweet, respectful, a regular here… to the bar, not the club.”
Eddie rolls his shoulders, trying to untie his tongue to ask the question that burned in him, “when did you um... start working here?”
Your stomach drops at his question, and your nails clack around the Jameson bottle again as you dump yet another splash into your glass. Your answer is muffled behind a choked swallow.
He frowns, racking his brain, “wait.. isn’t that…”
“My birthday,” you fake cheer, eyes too wet for normal conversation, “big 1-8.”
Eddie’s eyes shut in horror and your doomed fate. He covered his mouth with a fist to shield you from his quivering bottom lip. It was a far fucking cry from what he could have even imagined.
His eighteenth birthday was no glorious day either but he wasn’t forced to work in a strip club. His stomach churns, making milk into butter at the thought of your naive innocent eyes, and how they had almost hardened to steel in his absence.
The whiskey is working its magic now you’re feeling a little hot behind the ears, fuzzy in your head, dizzy eyed.He stares for a while over at you, watching in disappointment as you get clumsy with the pours, spilling a little on the counter and wiping it away with your bare hand, as you slug down, yet another, shot.
You stand suddenly, stumbling behind the bar and to the chip stand. Your fingers miss the clips in your attempt to release the snacks but they finally find home and you grab a bag, flinging it to him before opening one for yourself.
“Cool right?” you say, struggling to open it, tongue poked out in drunken concentration.
“Y’know I think most kids get a car,” the bag opens sending a confetti of salted crumbs and chips scattering to the counter to be crunched at your feet. Trying not to meet his eyes you talk to the ceiling, “maybe a crisp hundred dollar bill for their eighteenth. Clove? Blisters, a couple of bruises.. oh, and my name! Carved on the bathroom door, for a good time call…”
He’s struck dumb. Shell shocked and blinking back tears. Eddie clears his throat and reaches across the bar for your hand but you pull away from him, instead grabbing for the bottle.
“Welcome back.” you muse before pressing the mouth of the bottle angrily to your lips… foregoing the glass entirely.
Tipping your head back the now tasteless liquor slides down your throat with ease. An expert at coating the agony, you wait for your brain to lose oxygen and beg for an intake of breath, silently hoping you’d drown instead.
Years have passed of you dulling misery with anything you could get your hands on, liquor, pills, a little bit of nose powder… you’d tried most of the things Rick sold. And it worked until you needed more and more. It was a vicious cycle you were chasing.
But with Eddie here? It was nearly impossible to breeze over the truth.
When the bottle, in its near emptiness, slapped against the counter… a pair of dark eyes stare up at you, wide and sad, glossy with tears of shaming guilt.
Eddie couldn’t have guessed that your life was going to end up this way. He was naive in thinking that. Fucking stupid. He should kick his own ass for leaving the way he did, but his options were limited. Still, he’d wear the brunt of this mistake on his shoulders like a heavy cloak.
Your eyes were empty, lost, and he couldn’t handle it anymore. He shook his head slow, voice gravely.
“I owe you years worth of apologies, Clove.”
You’re more than tipsy at this point, and suddenly you can’t form words as your breath is trapped in your throat.
He was practically in tears as he tried his hardest to explain himself, tried to right this wrong.
“I was young, so fucking stupid..”
“Eddie..” As much as you wanted to know what happened it suddenly felt like too much, like your brain would implode, unable to process the heartache any further.
“Just listen, okay? Please?” He’s begging for your attention and you would rather melt into the floor. “I never told you, I never told anyone.”
Thicker than thieves. Eddie knew you like the back of his hand and likewise with you, so what the hell was he talking about?
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“Check the back, I’m sure the canned stuff is there.”
The kitchen was eerily quiet, filled with sleepy rays of the afternoon sun, loaves of bread set out on the counter fresh from the oven for tomorrow's lunch.
You pad on tip toes to the back room lined with shelves of aluminum cans, and dried goods. You didn’t know where to start.
“How many should we take?” you whisper yell over your shoulder, “Two? Three?”
Eddie’s using his shirt as a basket, filling it full with small cartons of milk, shoving apples in his pockets, “Look for the big ones, then we won’t have to come back for a… oh fuck yeah, come to daddy.”
“Ew, Eddie!”
“Found some cheese!” he cheers, “we could make garlic bread!”
Label after label your fingers skimmed over the cans. Peaches, tapioca pudding, green beans, lima beans, and finally… in a can larger than your head, crushed tomatoes.
“Jackpot,” you whisper grabbing the cans and adjusting them one under each arm, “ready?”
Eddie’s frame fills the doorway, arms bundled with an assortment of goodies, a fresh loaf of bread in a plastic bread sack between his teeth, a joker’s grin wide on his face, “let’s roll.”
It was pure dumb coincidence that an exit was next to the cafeteria. You were surprised at the fact that Eddie's jeans didn’t fall down to his ankles from the extra weight of food heavy in his pockets as the two of you ran to his van and sped back to the trailer park.
“We made out like bandits, gonna eat like kings tonight, Clovie.” Eddie’s smile is spread wide as he helps haul the looted school food into your trailer.
Years of yellowing stains from tobacco use shown on every surface, a permanent haze of smoke lingering in the air, baking in the sunlight. Dishes littered the sink in standing dirty gray water, gone ice cold.
“Sorry for the mess,” you explain, reaching into the sink to pull the stopper, “I fell asleep before doing them while reading Lolly her library book.”
Eddie opens a drawer looking for a can opener, “and your dad didn’t come unglued? You must be Irish with that kinda luck.”
“He was passed out, I could have lit the place on fire and he wouldn’t have known, and he was gone before my alarm went off this morning.”
Peeling back the tin lid after pinching it open with the can opener, Eddie grunts, “yeah, my dad left early this morning too, said something about keeping my ‘filthy fucking hands off his stash’ and that he’d be gone for a few days.”
It was an enormous relief when it was just you and Eddie to fend for yourselves. Most teens could barely use the stove to make popcorn, but you had been taking care of yourself and Lolly for years. It was what you preferred.
Reaching for the one good aluminum pot that was stashed above the fridge, you pull it down and remove the magazine clippings of recipes you wanted to try or things that looked easy to make with the very little your cabinets held. “Good, glad they’ll be gone.”
Eddie sucks a tomato sauce covered thumb into his mouth, smiling in a way that made your cheeks heat, “almost like you read my mind.”
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He’s hesitant now, fumbling over his words and brushing hair from his neck.
“I, you know I always talked about leaving Hawkins…practically had it all figured out by the time we were thirteen.”
You remember how serious his face was when he cupped your arms in the kitchen, his words branding themselves in your skull like a prisoner counting down days.
He swallows roughly, running hands through his hair, “I… I wanted you to… firstly…I need you to understand that I didn’t want to leave… not without you.”
Playing coy you brush off his serious tone, “.. stop.”
“I’m serious,” he sighs, reaching for your hand and your stomach flips when his calloused palm clamps tight on your knuckles, “you were everything to me.”
“.. c’mon Eddie, that’s just the liquor talkin’ now.”
“t’s not… and with me,” his eyes seem to grow in size as his sincerity leaks through them, “I’d never tell you something like this while drunk.”
You swallow dryly and nod, accepting that whatever he was about to say was true and real.
He takes a sharp intake of breath, as if this particular memory hurt him more than any other. His eyes were growing dark. solemn, and he squeezed your hand as he begins.
“I think it was about a year before I left… we made spaghetti with shit we stole from the cafeteria…”
A pain in your chest blossoms with a thought you hadn’t remembered until now when he reminded you. The taste of cheesy bread in the oven and salty tomatoey spaghetti invade your mind.
“I still can't eat spaghetti.”
A quick smirk dances in the corner of his lip and he meets your eyes, “yeah… me neither, I stayed over on the floor of the bathroom.”
You nod, remembering the sounds of Eddie retching into the toilet while you laid in your bed, a popcorn bowl keeping you company, thankful that Lolly hadn’t gotten sick. Even though you had gotten screamed at for being sick yourself when your dad and Al came back earlier than expected.
“Well, I was awake when they came home. They didn’t know I was there or even awake, and they were talking ‘business’.. you know those trailer walls are so fuckin’ thin, couldn’t not hear them.”
His eyes pinched shut like you would on a rollercoaster when it’s too scary, shaking his head, his other hand clamped over the one he held yours in, rubbing as if he could possibly buff out the callouses.
You can’t do anything but stare at him. Frozen in place. Scared to move, not even breathing.
“They had been talking about how some of their new “talent” wouldn’t be ready to go right away but… goddamn…” his voice cracks and he shakes his head before his demeanor falls and his voice gets quiet almost mute, “they had someone in mind to fill in in the mean time…”
It shouldn’t have been a shock, shouldn’t have gutted you on the spot, usingyour intestines as a jump rope, but somehow, hearing this from Eddie’s mouth made it worse than if you were to hear it from them yourself.
You wanted to run away, to hide and never come out of a dark hole.
“… I hoarded away any nickel I could find, because we were going to leave. Together.” he squeezes your hand on the last word, possibly trying to bring you back to life as you stared ominously at the counter next to your conjoined hands.
The stagnant air is cold between you, and you aren’t sure if you’ve taken a breath within the last two minutes or not. Cold sweat formed on your lower back and any high you were feeling was dull, a competition to fight with your lucidness. Eddie took a few deep breaths before continuing.
“I replay that day over and over… how my dad came home, screaming about how I was a man now, needed to start helping with the family business stop freeloading like my mom… y’ know somethin’ Clove, to this day I’ve never touched that shit, and that was the one and only time I’ve ever seen heroin.” He hangs his head and you shift on uneasy feet.
“Telling him no was my first mistake, But I had to stick up for myself, had to let him know that I wasn’t gonna be like him,” he spoke now through gritted teeth as he admits, “but instead he swung on me,” Eddie chuckles despite the gravity of his words, “got a few good jabs in before he pulled those brass knuckles out.”
Your hand flies to cover your mouth before you realize it’s open in horror.
“I packed the van when I heard him leave, pocketed the cash I had saved up. This was it, we were getting the hell out. You and me, Lolly too… fuck I can’t even imagine how crazy I looked covered in blood,” he sighs then, shuttering like, voice shaking, his eyes wet.
Your heart broke for him. Broke for his demons that followed him around like a shadow. “I… I didn’t even get a knock in on your window before I felt a gun pressed to my head …”
It’s your turn to take a shaky breath, and you can’t hide the burn in your nose or the way your mouth tingled from holding in tears.
His voice is low, broken, “… I didn’t have a choice. It wasn’t just me they were threatening. He made it more than clear how easy it would be to get rid of two kids nobody wanted to begin with.”
Slipping in and out of present time, you imagine how scared Eddie must have been. The look of terror on his face as a grown adult held him at gunpoint. How his own dad hit him until he bled, how he tried to get to you, tried to save you. You were a fucking fool for hating him when the one you should have been hating this entire time was yourself.
“… he followed me to the van… told me he’d fill me full of lead if he ever came back.”
You pinched your eyes shut, imagining him driving away from the only home he’d ever known, from his life, from you.
His voice fades in and out, as he works through the emotions wavering in his body. “I should have come back for you, should have, I dunno.. I’m sorry, Clove.”
It’s quiet as you process everything Eddie has said. The pain you’d shoved down for years is raging towards you like a bull. Red, angry, demanding to be felt. But you would hide from this terrorizing house of horrors for as long as you could, and you step out of the bull’s way, deflecting.
“Music!” you screech out of nowhere, through the thick haze of sadness, “we need music.”
Standing abruptly, sending the now empty bottle of Jameson clattering across the counter, Eddie tries to steady you from across the bar, his cheeks damp.
“Whoa, hey.. you okay?”
“I gotta,” your hands roam over yourself in search of pockets, “…hey you got a quarter?” The floor seemed to move as you teetered toward the jukebox, keeping your eyes on the colorful lights as you walked towards it like a moth to a flame.
“Wai…” he takes a step forward reaching for your hand but deciding against it, hand going limp by his side, his eyes searching inside your own.
You desperately want to break against him, to throw yourself in his arms and let him hold you until the tears dry on your cheeks, but you can’t let yourself be so vulnerable. Not in front of Eddie, not in front of anyone.
“Clove…” his voice is tender, concerned, “c’mon, you need to sit down.”
“No change? That’s okay, Slim,” you squeak, cutting him off in a rush, forcing a fake smile as you silently curse yourself for sounding so derailed, “Gotta change anyway.”
Spinning and nearly tripping over a stool in your attempt to get to the dressing room, you avoid the swelling brown of his eyes like the plague.
“Larry or Kenny should be here in a few, tell ‘im you’re on my tab and you can eat all the wings you want for free tonight, ‘kay? I’ll be back!”
The tears slid before you could stop them, hot pools that stung your eyes like acid. Maybe you shouldn’t have asked…no you definitely shouldn’t have pushed to know the reason why he left.
The bar was still spinning, waves of heat hitting you like an oven.
You prayed that your Eddie would come back to you, come home to save you and take you away from this life, but he’s here now and it’s entirely too much for you to deal with.
Vomit rose in your throat before you could swallow it back, and walking down the ruby carpeted hallway, your stomach empties itself on the floor before you can find a trash can, the wall holding you up as you crumble against it. Heart bruised and battered, despite Eddie’s efforts to mend it.
He stood in the open bar, soul empty and hollow. So many confessions left unsaid were formed but couldn’t quite fall from his lips. The conversation he wanted to have was not the outcome he had hoped for. He yearned for you, how close the two of you used to be and how it was torn away too soon. Time was a thief and the years spent apart ate at him, and all he can think of is the small manila envelope he kept of letters that went unread, addressed to you.
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thank you for taking the time to read 💋 i know this chapter has taken for fucking ever to come out but i hope it was possibly worth it🥀
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shirefantasies · 7 months
Okay this is probably a really stupid and hyper specific request, but I really want to see it.. What about the Fellowship (plus Faramir if you wouldn't mind) with a reader who's really sensitive to the cold? Specifically in their hands too.
I have a weird medical condition called Raynaud's Syndrome where, when I get cold, my hands lose all circulation and essentially risk dying from blood loss (something about the blood vessels constricting in the cold) so I personally have to wear at least 2 pairs of gloves when going out in under 50°F weather. It's annoying as hell, and I just imagine the reader on the quest trying to hide it but someone notices they're wearing like 3 pairs of gloves or how their hands are freakishly ice cold and getting worried.
Sorry if that's too specific, it's just -5°F here so I'm thinking about it. I love your blog, keep up the amazing work and take care of yourself sweetie!
Nah, not stupid at all! Besides I've seen much more specific requests and scenarios 😆 this honestly has such opportunity to be a cute imagine though I'm vibin with it~ gonna do everyone cuz, well you know 😂 I use the term frostbite a bit just because they probably wouldn’t quite have the same medical understanding/terminology in Middle Earth lol
Cold Hands, Warm Heart
“There is no shame in it.” Starting, you peer up at Aragorn, probably looking for all the world like a spooked rabbit. “It is cold,” he agrees simply, nodding down to your hidden hands. “Yes,” you reply, wringing them and shuddering, “I suppose you are correct. Call it misfortune, but I am quite prone to its ill effects.” Immediately he reaches for your hand, brows raising at the ice he feels in your veins even through your pair of gloves. Half releasing you and gazing sadly upon your wince at the loss of warmth, Aragorn reaches into his pack and hands you a bundle with a faint sheen. Leather gloves. “These are much thicker. A bit unwieldy, yes, but I trust we won’t be doing much fighting in the snow. Take them, please, for they see no use with me.” “How can I thank you?” You smile at him, wonder coloring your eyes. “Simply wear them with joy,” he replies.
“Do not worry,” Legolas spoke suddenly at your side, all but startling you save the sheer calm of his presence, “I have something for you if you’d like- a gift of the elves.” Cocking your head, you swiveled to face him, flushing as he stepped close enough for your hips to brush. A part of you wondered if he was doing it on purpose, but knowing him he hadn't even realized...shaking your head, you held out your hands to accept what he offered. It appeared as a kerchief, a small shroud of fabric with a faint, almost silky, sheen. "You may recall our cloaks hide us from hostile eyes? Well, this will keep the cold locked away from you tighter than anything. May I?" Such a gentleman. Smiling, you nod as he folds his gift gently over your hands, almost sobbing at the instantaneous difference. Experimentally you flex your hands, find even the strain of your joints diminished. Without thinking, you lean up and kiss his cheek, pulling away with shock to his smile. "And yet you still have a warmer gift for me."
He sees the way you furtively grip your gloved hands, tries not to draw too much attention but gradually moves to walk at your side. “Are you in pain?” He asks with a slight nod to your hands. At that, you sigh and shake your head. “No, my hands are just quite sensitive. Since I was young I was told my risk of frostbite is great.” Eyes widening, Boromir takes one of your hands; you wince at the motion’s rush of cold only for it to melt into a smile at the way the pad of his thumb brushes over the back of it. “Why have you never told me?” “Because,” you shrug, “it sounds like I’m just complaining. My claim is not believable to most.” “Your words hold true to me,” Boromir replies with a smile, pulling a pair of gloves from his pocket, “here. You need them more than I do. Really, I insist.”
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost!” Chuckling faintly at the dwarf’s words, you finally break from your reverie, realizing you must have been staring oddly in a daze. The cold was getting to you and bad, snow flitting between your heads and caking onto your cloaks. The old, worn gloves you had were hardly helping, and in that moment you feared for loss of your hands to frostbite- perhaps that was the ghost you’d seen. With effort you peel your fingers from their fists and wince. “Ah! Cold, are you? Why, I’ve just the thing! We dwarves are quite thick in the hide, often hard to beat by a little snow! But that’s also because we know a trick or two,” he tells you with a wink, pulling two little sewn objects from his pockets. Resembling small pillows, they fall lightly into your hands. “Give them a shake for a bit, see if you don’t feel better! A great chemical trick from the mines, you see.” Frowning faintly, you humor Gimli, shaking his strange gifts in your hand until- warmth! Grinning, you shake more vigorously and sigh in relief at the heat and motion spreading back into your hands, which you throw around his neck. “I’ll never doubt you again, Gimli!” “Mind telling the elf that?”
"Can we keep the fire going?" Frodo. He had made his way to Aragorn's side, and though that was all you heard beneath the wind and your premature mourning of the heat it seemed the hobbit was vying rather well, making a few gestures before the ranger gave him a nod. With a small smile Frodo returned to the log you sat upon, lowering down to take a seat at your side. "I saw how cold you are. Your hands have hardly left this fire. Aragorn agreed we can keep it so long as watch is kept," he told you, nodding down to the kindling saving your hands. "Thank you," you breathed, "I hope he doesn't think me frivolous." "And I hope you don't think me a gossip, for I told him you needed it. I-I just worried for you and could hardly stand to see you get frostbite of our accord." Endearment took over your face as you peered into the hobbit's eyes, saw the reflection of your fire flickering therein. "Oh, Frodo, I could never think that. You are no gossip, but a hero." And with that, you relinquished the fire long enough to put your arms around him, pulling him close and bringing a different kind of warmth.
“You look like you’re fit to catch your death of cold.” Turning from your focus upon your hands, you see Sam at your side and smile faintly. “Let’s hope not,” you joke back, “but I’ll be grateful for the fire once we get it started.” Digging in his pockets, Sam looks down for a moment before producing a scarf. “I figure even if I had gloves they wouldn’t fit you, but you could always wrap this around.” “I can’t take this,” you shake your head, “after all, what will you do, then?” “I’ll just sit right next to you and that’ll keep me plenty warm,” Sam responds with a sweet smile, "here." Matters settled, he winds his scarf tightly around your hands, keeping them in his for a moment, thinking, then finally pressing a kiss to them before he lets them go.
"Oh, no, you don't!" "Merry," you giggle, "I need to get my whittling knife from my pack!" "I can get it." Since the day you told Merry you were sensitive to the cold, particularly by the frost that overtakes your hands, the hobbit has quite insisted upon holding them in his at all times. Even if yours are larger, his are quite insistent and, bless him, warm. However, he barely understood that you could hardly walk with both your hands in his all the time, and the others had taken to giving you little smiles and shakes of their head and never calling one name without the other. "You ought to give up," Pippin chuckles your name with a grin, "Merry is quite used to keeping his antics going." "Antics?" Sam shoots back, crossing his arms and shaking his head fondly. "More like excuses. I know a lovestruck fool when I see one."
“You should have told me you were cold!” Guilt flit across your features at Pippin’s words and, of course, his glance to your thrice-gloved hands. “Well, it’s just my hands, you see, I-” “Doesn’t matter,” he cut you off with a grin of warm acceptance, “no matter what of you isn’t comfortable, you have me to take care of you, alright? Now watch this.” You watched as he placed stones in Sam’s once-washed pot. “I’ve seen healers do this, usually on someone’s back but I figure heat is heat, right?” Giggling, you admit that he is right. “We’ll let these go for a bit before you grab them- can’t have you getting burned either,” he dotes, shaking his head and peering back from the fire to you with shining eyes.
"Faramir, they'll stare," you protested as he began walking you out the door. "And when I tell them this is what the nurses ordered they shall feel quite remorseful," he joked back, continuing on your course. Heat rushed to your cheeks as you went out into the White City with one hand both in Faramir's and in his pocket. The other you kept in your own, supplemented for lack of your beloved's warmth by an extra glove. It was, in fact, not the same. "Besides, there are worse pockets for your hand to be in, no?" That comment was quite worth relieving your left hand of its pocket long enough to give Faramir a light smack on the chest. Opportunity struck, though, and he caught your hand in his free one, pressing his lips to the back of it. "Perhaps I am fonder of winter than I quite realized. Always did we prefer spring's hope of blossom to the dreary chill, but it would seem there are many advantages to take in the cold."
“Why do you hide your hands so?” Direct. Eomer, it seemed, did not find your habit of tucking away from the cold as discreet as you did. You sighed. Fear crept along your spine alongside winter’s chill at the thought of the warrior finding you weak. Would he believe you or disregard your word like so many others? “I’m prone to frostbite, you could say,” you replied quietly, hands clasped. At that, Eomer tilted his head, fixing you as a sight entirely new to his eyes. “Let me see.” Suppressing a wince, you held out your gloved hands and tried to ignore the jolt you felt when he held them, thumbs running over the backs. Frowning, he spoke again. “This will not do.” That time, you winced, trying to pull your hands away, but his grip tightened as he continued. “The Riders have far thicker gloves. Let me fetch you a pair. Your hands are far too capable to lose, after all.” Winking, he made his way toward the armory with a smile matching the faint creep of yours upon your lips.
"Is this why they were so reluctant to send you? I must apologize, I fought so hard on your behalf because I thought they doubted you, not this." You shake your head, eyes almost tearing up at the hurt on Haldir's face. "You could not have known. I...try not to tell anyone. They seldom believe me," you confessed, hands wringing nervously. The mission was outside of Lothlórien, away higher into the mountains where the chill could affect you. Of greatest concern to you, though, was how Haldir would react to a perceived weakness. His grace had you taken aback, though, as he held your hands, never pushed you, ensured you felt able to fight before sending you into the fray. Even when you stayed behind from danger you couldn't help but smile as his words. "This will never happen again. All I want is to keep you safe."
“This is beautiful, thank you,” you breathe, pulling a short length of luxurious fur from the box with wide eyes. This could not have been an easily attained gift. “You like it?” Eowyn smiles, enraptured at your joy and the way you eagerly nod. “Do you know what it is?” Grin fading a bit, you shake your head, regretting your ignorance especially if it is to come off as ingratitude. It does not, though, or such only fuels Eowyn’s glow further as she extends a hand over it. “A muff! See here!” Plucking it from your hands, she slides her own inside the fur, revealing its tube shape. Alight, you immediately stick your own hands in there, sheepish at the way Eowyn starts at the cold of them before holding them together beneath the warm, fluffy layers. “This is perfect,” you thank her, your head falling to her shoulder.
"Your hands are cold!" "I-I'm sorry," you pull from her grasp sheepishly. "Do not be," she smiles and shakes her head, "It simply came as a surprise. Mine are often the same. Rarely do I feel it so." "Prone to frostbite as I am," you remarked, "my hands are likely colder than any you have felt before." "Meleth nín," Arwen's brow creased, "why have you never spoken of this before? Perhaps we should try something." Your own brow creased with a faint frown as the elf took you by the hand, off to one of the many rooms baths were drawn in. "Oh, yes," you replied, "hot water does help." "I am sure it does, but would you be willing to try something new?" Swallowing a spike of anxiety, you peered into Arwen's blue eyes and nodded, giving in fully to your trust of her. You could tell she wanted to keep what she was doing a surprise, standing completely over the small basin as she was, but soon she was taking your hands again, dipping them several times into thick, heavenly warmth. "And now," she told you with a grin, wrapping your hands in small covers, then heated towels, "we wait." Every muscle in your body relaxed as the sensation crept through your veins, up through your loosening hands and shivering deliciously down your spine. "What is this?" You asked, almost adding magic to the end of your question but feeling a bit too foolish. "Wax of all things," Arwen giggled, "and judging by your expression, it is helping."
"Let me feel them." Elrond's voice is commanding, but not at all harsh, as he holds out his palms and accepts your hands. Immediately his thumbs curl over them and a light frown creases his forehead. He nods. "They are quite cold." At that, it is your turn to nod as if to say I told you so. "The storm is to last for several more days. Come with me. Please." The last word upon Elrond's lips is one of the softest you've heard, drawing you up from your seat and after him without a single thought. You follow the flow of Elrond's robes down a corridor and into another room, this one with a crackling fireplace and the softest-looking bed you've ever seen. "What is this," you cannot help joking, "my winter prison?" Before you hear the lord of Rivendell, you feel him, his form drawing nearer until his chest rests against your back. "I prefer to think of it as our getaway," he replies in a low voice, hands falling upon your shoulders.
Lindir’s face fell at the frustration upon yours, the way your hands shakily dropped from his harp. He was to teach you as you’d wished, but your hands were not cooperating with you. “You seem a bit stiff. May I?” Confused more than anything, you look up at him and nod. Reaching over, he takes one hand in each of his, brows shooting up the moment you touch. “Well, no small wonder! Your hands are like ice.” “I know,” you agree, gaze falling from Lindir’s dark eyes, “they get like this with every chill of winter.” You see the way Lindir straightens, the surprise crossing his face and creasing his forehead. “Then let us move inside,” he replies, massaging your hands gently in his, “and I will hear no more talk of lessons until we’ve drawn you some warm water.”
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ukuleleanon · 1 month
# PLATONIC . LMK HCS ! ── .✦
• — TW : Slight swearing,mentions of death, mentions of trauma !
• — ⚠️ : Spoilers for Lego Monkie Kid !
This is part one of PLATONIC LMK HCS!
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~ MK જ⁀➴ !
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MK uses he/they pronouns !
We all love our bundle of sunshine that brights up our days just by having them running around with their strange yet sweet shenanigans
This sunshine in particular loves hanging around with his friends and do cool stuff with them! Including you, of course!
MK adores his times being spent with you! Via video games, playing in the arcade-
“Cmon cmon…get in the- NOOO!!” MK can only yell in distress,frustration and disappointment as the stuffed monkey toy falls off out of the borders of the claw machine. They can only watch in defeat with a sad shocked face, holding the two control sticks tightly.
you tried to comfort him, giving a reassuring pat on his back “MK it’s fine! We can try this again next time, you did your best! Plus the machine is a scam anyway-“
“No…” he says dramatically with shadow over their eyes (dramatically)
“… Huh??”
-watching monkey court and acting like unlicensed lawyers, making friendship bracelets, pranking Pigsy with Mei, listening to Tang’s amazing story telling of The Journey To The West (which is mostly scenes of Wukong giving everyone a series of ass-whooping)
Fun times with your brother Friend!
You sometimes go ship noodles to customers with him! You always make the journey less boring and you guys just love talking or listening to eachother!
You also share eachother’s playlist on the ride, screaming the lyrics while vibin to it even if everyone is looking at them weird, they’re just jealous they can’t join in :]
(Which is why you can’t go with him most of the time, he’d always ended up lost, distracted or late to the customer lmao)
Definitely lends his jackets to you whenever you ask! He thinks it’s adorable and funny at the same time!
If you steal them, you’re gonna have a fun sibling wrestle and race, it’s all fun
MK loves out-door activities (well duh), partying, sports, everything! He’s down for any activity if it seems fun to do so!
Yes they can get VERY competitive and yes a harmless football match turned into a whole championship
You’re a special friend of him, of course you’re gonna have a discount at Pigsy’s!
Nah I’m just kidding, he’s gonna treat you for some noodles though, so it’s all good!
MK has a hard time focusing on things and he would most likely forget dates like birthdays
So he puts every single of his friends birthdays in the notes app, including you :]]
You two also have matching friendship bracelets!!! With Mei and Redson too!
Listen Redson Never wanted to wear it in the first place but ends up giving in to the two idiots bcs their constant idiocy
MK tries to make them at first but got distracted so you and Mei made them instead
The bracelets are coloured each with everyone’s signature colours! MK’s Orange, Mei’s green, Redson is well.. Red and yours is your fav colour!
One time he lost the bracelet and PANICKED, he went EVERYWHERE to find for it bcs he values you and his friendship a lot and the precious bracelet means so much to him!!
He went to the flower fruit mountain and asked Wukong abt it, went to Mei (and asked her to help him on his mission),
went to ask Pigsy and Tang, went to Sandy (and Mo)
went to Bai He and Macaque (more like paying them a visit), HECK he even used his golden vision, he still couldn’t find it!!!
He finally went to you and (comedically) cried and apologizes, dude is on his knees asking for forgiveness
You reassure him that everything’s fine and you could’ve just made him another bracelet
Then when he got up, Pigsy called him for the delivery and he reached to his pockets, THEN it turns out, the bracelet has been in their pocket this WHOLE time!
You two laughed it off and gave a friendly side hug with eachother as you go to Pigsy’s!
Another thing MK likes to do with you is doodling!
It’s actually one of his favorite activities with you to be frank
A personal hc of mine for him is that he is an age regresser, which means he acts younger than he actually is! Its a coping mechanism for him
he rlly needed some sort of activity to deal with the stress, trauma he held deeply inside
Age regressing helps to distract himself away from those negative thoughts, finally allowing him to relax, sit or lay down and just doodle
He likes to doodle him and his friends doing regular strange shenanigans!
It’s mostly goofy but cute looking drawings that he did while age regressing
MK would be more quiet while age regressing but he doesn’t really mind small talks here and there!
Besides doodling, he likes to just settle down and watch his favorite childhood shows! They’re all Journey To The West related but it’s still pretty great either way
MK also has his own monkey stuffed toy that Pigsy gave him when he was a little kid, he lets you hug it of course, you’re his sibling friend! If you also have your own stuffed toy and you let them hold it, he’s gonna hold it FOR LIFE no Bo
He also likes stickers and puts them on his drawings and furnitures! Sometimes you’d put them on his face, it’s pretty cute :3
And ofc he’s gonna put it on you too so you both would have matching stickers! Even if it is too much but who cares? STICKERS
If you let him, he’d also doodle on your hands, drawing little monkeys and shapes!
Sad zone down here!
And of course monkey man is a hero but not without personal issues. After so many things happening at once, he needs someone to hug and cry on for a long long time
The burdens he has to carry on his shoulders, the city, his friends, his destiny, his fate, his mistakes, his regrets, he really REALLY needs to have a long lasting vacation with his fav sibling, friends and family. Away from any problems
MK also has low self esteem that he needs to fix, of course it’ll take quite some time but he’s trying his best!
He’s deathly afraid of losing the people he care for, so on some days he can be a little clingy or stressed. Comfort and reassure him that you’ll never leave him then hug him please, he needs that sm :’{
Sometimes he wouldn’t get any sleep because whenever he closes his eyes, he’d always see nightmares of The Lady Bone Demon, or other bad memories that’s stuck in his mind forever. Pigsy’s noodles and your presence with him help him sleep easier :]
The moment he almost experienced death and Wukong caught them in his arms, you’ve never felt so relief in your entire LIFE, you ran as fast as you can to hug him so so tight with the others. Happy tears streaming down your face while you nuzzle on his shoulder, he remembers your face while embracing back, it’s a core memory to him
Noodles are their favorite comfort food, especially if it’s made by his dad! Sad day? Noodles! Tired? Even more noodles!
I mean MK would eat anything but noodles are a huge part of his childhood and life, it helps him to sleep at night and helps him to not have an extensional crisis :[
Sad zone end!
He is protective of you against harms way and genuinely wants you to always be safe, if someone or something is harming you, a demon threatening you, etc.. he’s always there to protect you and be by your side no matter what!
If you watch him train with Wukong, he’s going to try and impress you via doing cool tricks mid-battle! Which totally didn’t backfire and make a fool outta himself in front of you
But it’s bcs he wanted to be admired and praised by you! Tell them that they’re cool and his life shall be yours/J
He’s trained for months and had battled endless amount of demons and enemies that come for him everyday, the MONKEY KING is his mentor and has chosen MK to be his successor
He’s not afraid of a little harmless spider!
That’s why if you don’t seem to have any fear towards those little crawlies and managed to successfully get them out of his room or sight, he’s going to cling to you and thank you liek you just saved his life-
Not that he’s dramatic or anything, no no, not that he was going to destroy his place over a silly creature or anything! that’d be too reckless and stupid of him! How come he could’ve done this to him and his dads work place that is also a home??
(Which is why you gifted him a night light so he wouldn’t get too paranoid of spiders falling into his mouth and living inside him)
It’s not Meis fault he thinks it’s actually real-
Overall, MK sees you as a sibling and adores you WHOLE lot! He enjoys being around you and finds your presence comforting to be around. Whenever you’re in danger, he’d be the first one to show up!
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cryptidclaw · 10 months
Whisperingclan Yr. 2 Designs pt.3
This is a follow up to the Year 2 Lineup and the Yr. 2 Designs pt.2 !
Designs pt. 1 | Designs pt. 2
This will include the designs and blurbs (notable actions and relationships) for the Dark Forest and Starclan cats!
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This Year's Actions: Was banished to the Dark Forest after getting into a physical fight with Ravenblur after the Starclan guide (Larkcaw) guided him from the Dark Forest; Changed her name from Jaggedlark to Jaggedheart, she was named after Larkcaw and she refuses to carry that name anymore, she chose "heart" as a reminder to not forget to care and love despite being in the DF; began communicating with Partridgepaw in her dreams in the hope that she can still help the living and stop Tempeststar.
Notable Relationships: Was close to her cousin Weedpatch and is devistated she can not be with him in Starclan; has a respect for and comradery with Partrigepaw
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This Year's Actions: Was guided out of the Dark Forest into Starclan by the Starclan Guide Larkcaw; Got into a physical altercation with his ex-apprentice Jaggedlark which resulted in Larkcaw banishing her to the Dark Forest.
Notable Relationships: REALLY hates Jaggedlark/heart; was a minion to Tempeststar in life and is now one for Larkcaw
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This Year's Actions: Guided Ravenblur out of the Dark Forest; Specifically did this to have a cat who would follow her commands, and so she could create a reason to banish Jaggedlark as she had been questioning Larkcaw too much; Caused Ravenblur and Jaggedlark to fight, blamed the fight on Jagged and banished her to the Dark Forest.
Notable Relationships: She guides and is allied with Tempeststar, she is also Tempest's grandmother.
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This Year's Actions: nothin, he's just vibin; he is waching over his new great grand kits though, and is caring for his great grandkit Oakkit as well as Heronkit now.
Notable Relationships: Was very close to his granddaughter Sunmane in life; cares deeply for his descendants; close to Oakkit and Heronkit and is kind of their Starclan caretaker
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This Year's Actions: reunited with his mother Celeste after she traveled to the Whisperingclan border to find him; met his half sister Rattlepaw who joined Whisperingclan to become a warrior and be with her brother; Received Rattlepaw as an apprentice; was caught in a sudden blizzard and died in the snow; went to Starclan, was reunited with his best friend and cousin Jaggedlark/heart for a short while before she was banished to the DF
Notable Relationships: Was, and really still is, best friends with his cousin Jaggedheart; had begun to regrow his relationship with his mother Celeste and had begun to get close to Rattlepaw as well
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This Year's Actions: was born to Butterflyfreckle alongside his two siblings Partrigepaw and Heronkit; Caught kittencough alongside Heronkit; Heronkit died presumably due to kittencough; was made an apprentice with Sunmane as his mentor but died from kittencough a moon later.
Notable Relationships: was very close to his mother and siblings; spends most of his time with Heronkit
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This Year's Actions: was born to Butterflyfreckle alongside his two siblings Partrigepaw and Gullpaw; Caught kittencough alongside Gullpaw; died presumably due to kittencough, in truth he felt a calling to the Whispering Crystal outside the nursery, and when he fell asleep beneath it alongside Oakkit their spirits both were taken to Starclan too soon.
Notable Relationships: was very close to his mother and siblings; spends most of his time with Gullpaw, Oakkit, and Flowermoon
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This Year's Actions: was born to Mossleaf and Sunmane alongside his siblings Hickorykit, Comfreykit and Chivekit; Died of unknown causes the same moon (see cause above in Heron's bio)
Notable Relationships: loved his mothers and siblings; spends most of his time with Heronkit, Gullpaw, and Flowermoon
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duckies27 · 4 months
So I finished season 2 and I cried so hard at work over it so you get POST SEASON 2 HEADCANNONS
!!Spoilers ahead, read at your own risk!!
- Terry walked Scary down the aisle. She wore a black suit while Linc wore a white suit
- Gerry was adopted when Scary and Linc were first married, similar to how Linc was adopted
- Taylor went to jail and was all tech bro for a while until Hermie basically snapped him out of it a year post epilogue. He now works alongside Heaven (run by the dolphins) and Hell (run by Jodie) to make sure the right people are in the right place. While being an anime dude
- Normal has massive PTSD, but he spends a lot of time with Hero and Henry to help when he has attacks
- Taylor and Normal end up getting married (mainly because I love that ship idea too much), around 25 years after the main story ends
- Hero and Erica start dating in college
- Normal becomes the band teacher at Chaperel out of college. The Marching Band cover is done by his students at some point
- Linc is the soccer coach and health teacher at Teen High, specializing in Urology. Never seeing the piss boy allegations.
- Taylor goes through demon puberty in senior year and it is roughhhhhhh. He changed his whole personality to pretend he didn't become an even worse Weeb
- Hermie becomes Teen High's drama teacher, their first production is the Joker
- Normal and Hero play paintball together every few months and get ice cream after
- Scary is mainly a stay at home mom, playing with her band on the weekends. They're genuinely a huge hit, probably at least in the top 50!
- Normal and Hermie dated in high school, but it never really worked out. Too much baggage. They still think very fondly of each other.
- Linc fixed with his relationship with Grant after a few years of shared therapy
- Normal and the twins come to a...settling point after he gets married. They only talk sometimes and mainly about other things.
- Taylor and Nick are more colleges then father and son but they make it work
- Scary and Terry have a sugary sweet relationship. She's constantly by his side when needed.
- Scary and Linc get a dog, name it Rouge. Just a cute little mutt vibin
- Normal gets a cute cat that is basically an emotional support animal but he isn't crazy about her. Just likes having her nearby and cuddling when things get too much
- Taylor has sharp little teethes and have to go through braces TWICE to make them straight for real. He definitely is pissed about it for about a year
- Henry keeps Oakvale going, keeps a portal open to everyone. Taylor sneaks him in to see Mercedes some times
- All the teens get tattoos of the Dood senior year
- Dood has the crest of the teens somewhere on their body. They feel safer knowing the teens are always there.
I will be writing fics coming up, I love them so much
Art of season 3 will also come once I get the energy for it!
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tartigglez · 1 year
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"mess with you?"
zhongli x f!reader (gn!reader until bonus section!)
・❥・slice of life/fluff
・❥・HAPPY FRICKIN BIRTHDAY CELESTE!!!!!! MY FAV ZHONGLI KISSER! i hope this is an adequate gift, and i intended to make this much longer however if i did it would be like 2 weeks more late LMAO. i hope u had the most fabtabulous day ever, now everyone go check out @thesparklingwriter because she can write this man 8000000x better than me lollllll
・❥・SUGGESTIVE. VERY. dragon!li (bc celeste loves dragonli and i will push the agenda bc yes), physical touch, zhongli is the little spoon somehow, kisses, zhongli is a france-boo, you guys eat together, zhong is lowkey just nakedly vibin for a bit of this lol sorry, also if it doesn't make sense: xiao can't see windows cuz he's in bird form (they do that i swear)
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waking up is never an easy feat, but being around him makes it a whole lot easier. on this particular morning however, you wake up rather annoyed, frustrated over the quality of the last portion of your slumber. yet opening your eyes would reveal that a small portion of golden-brown hair is rested upon the tip of your nose, lightly tickling it. so, this was the reason for your lack of quality sleep. 
even still, he is a sight to behold. such a graceful creature, large, scale-clad arms, shimmering horns and long, elegant tail meeting your eyes as he slumbered, quiet snores –which were closer to purrs– coming from somewhere in his chest, all whilst he’s curled up in a foetal position, your arm draped over his waist.
you assume he is soundly sleeping, moving slightly closer to him to nuzzle into his neck, this however would prove false, as his chest rises, a low pitched, loud yawn filling the room, practically bouncing off the walls.
“good morning, dear” he grumbles, voice lower than normal. you giggle as he turns to face you, stretching his limbs as he yawns once more. golden horns slowly begin to retract and he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him before beginning to press gentle kisses against the skin of your neck. the ticklish sensation makes you laugh again, throwing your head back slightly to allow room for his in the crook of your neck.
“already? we just woke up!” you wheeze, rolling away from him as you turn your back to him. this would prove pointless though, because he immediately scooches to your side of the bed, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his head comfortably into the back of your neck.
“what are you implying? i merely wished to kiss you!” he says, but the playful tone in his voice tells you this question is rhetorical, and he knows full well what you were insinuating.
“you’re squishing me silly,” you whine, grabbing on to his hands, which met fair in the middle of your stomach. “you’re like a koala, but even then they wouldn’t have the strength to squash me like this” 
“are you calling me a koala? should i be offended?” he grumbles against the back of your neck, nuzzling even further into it, somehow.
“no, i’m calling you a brute” you chuckle, wriggling a little, trying to loosen his grip.
“i will have you know, “brute” is a compliment in dragon culture” he scoffed, loosening his grip a little.
“maybe i meant it as a compliment then” you mumble, turning back to him to peck his lips, snuggling up to him once again. 
“hm, i’m sure you did” he chuckles, “anyway, what time is it?” 
“i have no clue, let me check my phone” you let out a content sigh, grabbing your phone from the bedside, “ten thirty-ish. what does it matter anyway, we can lay around for a bit, no?” you question, eyes closing as you lean in to him. 
“have you forgotten, dear?” he whispers, hand making its way to your hip, thumb and index finger fiddling with the hem of your pyjama top, “check the date again”
upon staring at the glorious digits on your phone screen, you abruptly pull away from him, raising yourself up on one arm and grinning excitedly. “date day?” you question, voice high and squeaky compared to your normal tone.
its a tradition between you and zhongli that once a month, you would make time for a day with each other, no matter the situation. simply a day to exist in one another's presence. together you came up with the philosophy that it doesn’t really matter what you do, as long as you’re with each other. 
“it is indeed “date day”, as you say” he laughs, “so, tell me. what would you like to do today, my lily?”, the question rolls off his lips like music as he too sits up, blanket moving to just cover his hips, barely. 
“anything,” you giggle, “as long as you’re there i don’t mind”. you step out of the bed, slipping on a pair of sweatpants and running to his side of the bed. “c’mon,” you laugh, grabbing his large hand by a couple of fingers, “lets get movin’ zhong!” 
“can you at least hand me some underwear, please?” he asks, laughing when your face morphs from pure joy to looking like you’ve seen a ghost. you oblige quietly though, moving to one of the dresser drawers, pulling out some boxers and giving them to him, albeit a little flustered. 
“what is it, my dear? you don’t remember last night?” he chuckles. its amusing how he is so nonchalant about such affairs with you, however if he were with anyone else, the topic would never even be thought about. 
“n-no, no i do, but how am i wearin-”
“i figured it would be only right of me to put them back on you. you were awake, but apparently so far gone don’t remember,” he laughs, acting calm about it when in reality his ears are turning a little red.
“rex lapis!” you exclaim, “don’t be so lewd!” you push his shoulder a little in a teasing manner, but he quite literally does not move a millimetre.  
“aha, i apologise my dear, your reactions are simply quite amusing, is all” he claims. putting the boxers on under the duvet before standing up in front of you, toned body catching your eye as one his gold-threaded arms makes its way towards yours, long fingers intertwining with yours. “shall we?”
“put a robe on at least! the neighbours might see you!” you giggle, dragging him in the direction of the closet, before throwing a silk robe his way. he looks so very eloquent as he puts it on, fine fabric smoothing over his skin, and his honey eyes look up at you when he’s done, walking towards your bedroom door, ready to go downstairs. 
zhongli is a surprisingly good cook, but that’s not relevant at all right now, because the first thing he does when he gets to the kitchen is boil the kettle and get out two plates, placing a large croissant on each one. 
you rub your eyes a little as you sit down at the table, staring at the all-butter pastries which seemed to make some sort of miraculous apparition in your home.
“where the heck did you get those croissants?” you ask, folding your arms at the table and plopping your chin on to them.
“i teleported to fontaine for them last night”
“last night?”
“yes, last night.”
“you were naked all of last night.”
“before that!” he laughs, “more like yesterday evening actually, i apologise for misspeaking” 
“you should be sorry! why did you go all the way to fontaine for croissants anyway? the ones in liyue are fine” you question, voice muffled by the sleeves of your pyjama top. 
“nothing beats authenticity, hm? what is it they say in fontaine, oui oui?”
“i’m not sure any person from fontaine has ever said that,” you cackle, as he sets down one of the plates in front of you, along with a cup of the tea he was just brewing. “thanks for the food anyway, can’t believe you went all the way to fontaine just for a couple of croissants”
“not a problem dear, if it’s for you i would do it every day” he speaks, tearing off a part of his croissant before -rather animatedly- swallowing it whole.
“dragons eat so weirdly” you laugh, chewing away at your own food.
“we don’t always eat like that, you realise?” 
“i know,” you giggle “i’m messing with you”
“you’re lucky, you’re the only person who has ever been allowed to mess with me”
“i’m grateful for that, y’know”
“i know, but now isn’t the time for philosophical conversations, let us just enjoy each others company today.”
“sounds good to me!”
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“i’m never letting you go shopping again! seriously, how do we have three new colours of  eyeliner, six new vases and an entire pet bird”
“adeptus xiao does not count as a pet bird”
“are you sure about her, rex lapis? she has no respect for the adepti”
“calm, alatus. this is her form of humour. i would appreciate if you do not criticise her.”
“my apologies, i did not intend to offend you, i will take my leave now”
“told you he was a pet bird”
“please just get me a blanket for this unconscious creature”
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sfw masterlist || nsfw masterlist || taglist: @lioria @celestetalkstoomuch
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© tartigglez, 2023. do not copy, translate or repost, reblogs appreciated
i can't write in the present tense, happy birthday celeste!
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