#stream bruise by between friends btw
kiksniko · 1 year
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doodle request from a while ago
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This is a transcript of a semi fanfic semi rambling stream of conciousness I wrote on discord about an idea i had for an au. I did not write this intending for it to become a fanfic so it is formatted and written horribly lol. Hope you enjoy my mad scribbles and babbles.
Osgood had been knocked out cold by a sudden explosion, hitting her head hard against a wall.13 saw so she rushed over and checked her pulse. And to her complete bewilderment she hears a shockingly familiar "thump thump thump thump"
She freezes. How?! how was this possible?! There surely had to be another explanation, maybe osgood had a heart transplant or something embedded in her heart that made it sound like that! Surely she couldnt be- no, that's impossible, right?
She rushes osgood to an infirmary and has to leave to deal with whatever threat had attacked in the first place.
Later when that's done tho she goes back to the unit infirmary and finds kate sitting next to osgood on her hospital bed. Theres a "do not disturb" sign outside the door to the room and osgate are the only ones in there.
"Pretty odd for an infirmary room to have a do not disturb sign" 13 thinks but focuses on finding out how osgood is doing.
(Osgood is asleep btw)
13: So, how is she? She got hit pretty hard, knocked out cold
Kate looks a bit startled at the sound of 13s voice and seemingly scrambles to hide what looked like some xray prints
Kate: o-oh! Yes shes doing fine, got a nasty bruise on her head and some other bumps and scrapes but nothing too serious.
13: (slightly suspicious at this point) where's the med staff? You elected yourself as her personal caretaker or something? I dont mean this in a bad way but you seem like you have too much on ya plate to try learning medical care
Kate: oh no the med staff tended to her, I was just helping. I just had to, shes one of my best friends after all.
13: ah gotcha. Sorry, dont mean to pry but shouldnt her heart monitor be on?
Kate freezes for a brief moment and some color drains from her face.
Kate: uh-
Before kate can react 13 has turned on the monitor for her and to her surprise, she sees the dual heartbeats again.
The doctor stops and stares at the screen. Kate sits back as her own heart sinks into her stomach.
Osgood wakes up suddenly at the sound of the computer and stares up at the doctor in horror
13: why do you have 2 heartbeats?
Osgood is too stunned to speak, kate who's normally an impeccable speaker was also at a loss for words
13: kate... were you holding chest xrays when I came in?
Kate cant give an answer.
13: let me see them. Please.
Kate looks to osgood as if silently pleading for help. Osgood closes her eyes with a sigh and gives her a nod.
Kate slowly and hesitantly pulls out the xrays which 13 takes tentatively. Sure enough, the impossible was true.
Osgood had 2 hearts.
There was no mistaking it.
13: Osgood... why do you have 2 hearts?
The doctor couldnt describe her emotions in that moment even with a gun to her head. A sizable part of her was convinced this couldn't be real, this had to be a dream or something.
Osgood: ..... there's a lot you don't know about me....
13 remained silent, listening.
Osgood: I'm not actually a human. I'm... I'm a timelord...
13 didn't know what to say, there were thousands of questions and thoughts racing through her head. There was so much she wanted to say, so much to ask.
Osgood: to ease one of your worries first, no, I'm not a spy for rassilon. I have no affiliation with them whatsoever, I'm a rogue just like you.
Osgood gently grabbed 13's hand and made a telepathic link between them. She opened her mind to the doctor, allowing her to see Osgood was telling the truth.
13 looked off to the side, racking her brain as she struggled to decide which of her thousands of questions she should ask.
13: so everything I thought I knew about you was a lie?
Osgood: pretty much. I'm not affiliated with the master either, just to quell that suspicion right away.
13: who are you then?
Osgood: I'm me. I'm just another rogue time war refugee who simply wants to live. I have no motives, I have no giant history, i just want to live in peace...
13: does anyone else know? Besides kate?
Osgood: no. I've been living as a human for the past 15 years.
13: how did you get to earth? Do you have a tardis too?
Osgood: yes. A newer model too.
13 thought carefully for a moment.
13: why did you join unit?
Osgood: I wanted to help humanity. I love them just like you. Plus, dealing with alien technology is familiar and comforting to me, gives me something to do.
13 stood back.
13: ... I think I've interrogated you enough for now. But I'll be back with more questions. This is... a lot to process...
And with that the doctor walked towards the door, her emotions just as immense yet indecipherable.
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liyuesbian · 3 years
✧ pygmalion!au [ningguang]
notes: btw idk how commissions from museums work i just made the process up LMAO and this one's kinda angsty? i mean, it is the pygmalion greek myth so iykyk. also, i describe this figurine of ningguang here but w/o the colour... i've linked it in case any1 needs the reference. (btw, this is not set in ancient greece specifically)
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only yesterday had you been commissioned by an art gallery in the capital to create a piece for their up-and-coming collection titled desire, love and identity. yet here you are, slaving away to make the perfect image you had in your head come into fruition. your vision is exquisite once sketched on paper—you can't find any faults in it so you take the risk.
as soon as your chisel meets the marble, a feeling so invigorating dominates your body. no further references are necessary as you place your trust entirely on your hands, coarse from the labour. you find such mindless toil addicting and you work day and night, only stopping for a half-baked meal and the odd collapse into bed.
for months, love streams out of the tips of your fingers and through your sculpting tools to arrive at the stone figure. you sincerely hope the intimate emotion has been reached.
when you finish, you wipe the bead of sweat running down your forehead, rest the other palm on your hip and take slow steps backwards all while maintaining eye contact with the statue. a wave of sweet relief hits you and you fall to the floor, uncontrollably sobbing into tired hands that still grip the hammer and chisel.
it's beautiful.
you stagger, struggling to get up with your bruised knees while clumsily wiping the tears off your stained cheeks. setting the instruments aside, you lift your head to admire your handiwork up close. a woman made of stone sits elegantly atop an oriental chair, crossing her smooth, white legs over each other. her left elbow is propped on the arm of the chair while on the other side, a long smoking pipe is balanced between gloved fingers. around her lies an assortment of objects: a vase containing scrolls, a floor lamp, and a charmingly decorated folding screen.
you see, you had already thought it all out. you'd imagined ningguang's preferences for a life of luxury, her affinity for constructing and sprucing up interiors. she would be a master of the trades and a woman who likes to keep an air of mystery around her. and like how you increasingly project her to be more of a person than she ever will be, there is a creeping concern in the corner of your mind that you will lose your rationality just as quickly.
the sculpture's body is clad in a qipao with a slit that reveals alabaster skin below the waist. the dress—embellished with patterns and neat linings—hugs her figure and shows off a lean build. the extensive train and sleeves of the fabric are shaped curvaceously to mirror the flow of a waterfall. and her face. the section you strived so hard to refine. she stares at you with an imperious expression and a hint of a smirk. her gaze, so piercing, makes you avert your eyes in shyness but you find yourself gravitating back to her profile.
you muster up the courage to draw closer to your creation and unconsciously stroke her cheek with your thumb, captivated. if she were an empress, you'd be a common peasant—undeserving of setting your sights on such a goddess. you can feel your soul being sucked into eyes devoid of emotion—of anything, actually. after all, the woman sitting before you is not a person but an inanimate object.
the weeks following the completion of ningguang—which is the name you've picked up the habit of calling her—are spent in said lady's company. every minute of every day, you surround yourself with her presence as if she is your closest friend. you eat with her, tell her your troubles, even going so far as to decorate her with various types of jewellery and bringing her gifts you think she'd like.
"thank you," you whisper. "for always listening to me." in truth, you're always so immersed in your work that you forgot what conversations could feel like. though, you fear your art would never be on par with something so transcendent ever again.
you become curious, wondering what she would be like if the nymph in front of you were not just a figment of your imagination.
you perch yourself on top of ningguang's stone-cold lap and trace the contours of her visage. you inspect each crease on her lips and the minuscule crinkles in her eyes, applauding yourself for the well-crafted details. you don't know what possesses you but you close your eyes and press your lips against hers, hoping that once you open them, a living being would erupt from underneath the marble. but, of course, as soon as the light hits your retinas, ningguang is as unmoving as ever.
realising what you've just done, you drop off of her thighs and laugh anxiously. however, you could've sworn that you had felt warmth in the lips of your beloved muse.
"i've finally gone mad!" you cry aloud.
hell, you say to yourself, is it even possible to fall in love with such an... an artefact? you dismiss your glaringly obvious infatuation.
"nonsense," you mutter under your breath, sensing your heart breaking slightly. how can something so painfully humanlike also not be human at the same time? you must've caused a tremendous atrocity in your past life to have made the gods harbour a grudge against you. of all things, you'd never have guessed that a lifeless piece of art would be the object of your desire.
you can't bear to look at the handcrafted lady any longer and with an anguished face, cover her with a large cotton cloth. the plan was to wait until you could hand the statue over to the curators and try to ignore its existence until then.
for a few days, you act according to the plan, going about your daily routine but eventually, your stoic demeanour crumbles. you lock yourself in your room refusing to eat or believe that your affection would never be returned.
during the hours of sunlight, you weep under your sheets, drowning in self-inflicted sorrow. and at night, you do the same, lamenting over the loss of what could've been your true love. she would've been so perfect in your eyes, your other half, and the only one who could calm this growing turmoil!
the reality pains you. hence, you do the only thing you can do: you pray. you pray to the gods for a miracle, that the light of your life would stride into your room and pull you from the depths of despair... but she never does.
your last day "cohabitating" with the sculpture has arrived and for the first time in—what felt like—an eternity, you open the doors to your workshop. taking a deep breath, you unveil the stationary maiden.
it's still as beautiful as you remember.
you give it a sad smile, wanting to get its departure over and done with. you manoeuvre about the room to prepare the things for the movers who're due to come in a couple of hours. while you go down your little list of errands to be done, you cough and bat away the smoke—wait, the smoke? frantic, you spin around, eyes darting everywhere in search of its origin until they land on the smoking pipe you so intricately moulded for the commissioned piece.
it's strange, you don't recall colouring the statue. and how on earth is smoke coming out of the pipe? suspicious, you approach the motionless entity and almost stumble when you spot its chest rising.
oh lord! — i really must be descending into madness! you clutch your head, clawing at your hair in hysteria.
"stop, please don't hurt yourself." the sound of a low, worried voice penetrates your ears. you shut your eyes tight.
"no, the gods have cursed me! i mustn't listen to your poisonous words!" you exclaim. your state of agitation is alleviated when the woman caresses your tensed arm.
"what has happened to you? i haven't seen you lately either." the tone is more soft and more tender than you had imagined. you release your grip.
"is it really you, ningguang?" your voice cracks at the end, and the woman you sought after witnesses your features twist into an expression of longing and hope.
"yes, my darling. i dare not go anywhere else."
helplessly, you rush to cup her face to check for heat, for the blood traversing under her skin—anything that would prove that your sweetheart is truly alive and breathing. and when you do get the confirmation, you beam, trying to withhold tears born from elation.
you bend down to kiss ningguang, who is still seated on the chair, once, twice, and three times to rid your scepticism. oh, deities! she's real.
"i love you," you declare.
"i know." you watch as the same creases you'd etched on the corners of her eyes spread into a loving half-moon shape and you kiss her again.
you reach a conclusion: you couldn't give away your lover—let alone a live person—to be displayed as part of a museum exhibition so when the workers arrive, you hide your muse away in another room. you apologise profusely and spin a lie, rambling on about how you had nothing to relinquish for the piece you had prepared had been oh-so-viciously stolen by a mob of trespassers!
the movers share with you their sympathies and ask what the work of art looks like and maybe they could sort something out with the authorities. nodding, you recount—so ardently—the details of your divine maiden. you feel heat rush to your face, chuckling when you realise that you'd run your mouth for too long.
in response to this, the two labourers exchange dubious looks as they peer at the static sculpture standing in the middle of the studio—its appearance unmistakably matching your elaborate description.
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hollandsmushroom · 3 years
Tom and the reader at a party
And someone stares at her then tom gets jealous
Then tom starts fighting with the guy
(BTW u can add anything u want)
(Ik I'm dry😭)
Nah, i liked this one!
Read more here and request something here
Warnings: unwanted advances, slut shaming, victim blaming, harassment(like cat calling and saying reader a sl*t) Blood and fighting.
It was supposed to be a calm night, a fun night out with Tom and your friends to get drinks and dance, it was supposed to be relaxing, and it was oh it was a great time, until it wasn’t. You were standing at the bar with your palms flat on the wood that you were trying to avoid thinking about how sticky it was. You knew that Tom was near you, you just didn’t know exactly where, probably on the other end of the bar, hidden behind rows of people chatting with Harrison. You finally got the bartender's attention, leaning in closer to him so that you could assure he heard what you said, but just as you were about to open your mouth something interrupted you, well more like someone. A voice that on any other occasion would have been perfectly fine but in this moment sounded like the vocal embodiment of nails on a chalkboard, just something you don’t want around.
“What are you getting to drink?” the voice asked, making you look over your shoulder and lose the bartender to another patron.
“Well looks like nothing now, thanks” you bit at the man, he was taller than Tom but no more good looking, something you would describe as bland and if you had to guess probably had a name that started with J, Jackson or something.
“Aw, don’t be like that, let me buy you a drink and I can restart my first impressions” he offered with a smile but it resembled more of a sneer than anything else.
“Don’t be like what? Annoyed that you interrupted my ordering and now you’re trying to come on to me when I am clearly not interested” your words were harsh but you didn’t really know what else to do, this dude was really annoying you.
“You’re so much prettier when your mouth is shut” he spoke and his voice was like venom, annoying you to your very core but also making your skin crawl, you no longer felt safe in this guys presence but he was moving closer to you, motioning to trap you between the bar and his body, but just as he was about to press against you a hand gripped into his overly cologne soaked shirt, curling fingertips into his chest and pulling him away from you. Your eyes widened in shock as you looked up, seeing Tom holding a man much larger than him by the collar and delivering a blow to his cheek, letting the man fall to the floor.
“For fucks sake, what the hell?” The Jackson looking man spoke up, spitting out some pink saliva as he rubbed his jaw, Tom shook his hand out trying to rid the pins and needles that the blow had spread through his digits.
“What the fuck is with me? Really? No, what the fuck is with you, all creepy and gross and getting all up near my girlfriend” Tom seethed at the idiot in front of him.
“Sorry mate, she's not dressed like she has a boyfriend” Tom’s eyes widened comically as did yours.
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“Well, dressed kinda like a slag, ya know? An ea-” The man didn’t get to finish his sentence instead being cut off by a loud crunching noise as Tom delivered a jab straight to the guy's nose. The man fell back, yelling something incoherent as blood began to stream down his face but neither you nor Tom paid attention as Tom turned to you.
“You alright love?” he asked, throwing his coat around your shoulders and pulling you into him, pressing a kiss to your temple as he guided you out of the bar.
“Yeah, my guardian angel came and saved me” you smiled up at Tom, taking his hand and kissing his bruised knuckles.
“It’s a job I take very seriously” Tom assured, squeezing your shoulder and tucking you even more into him.
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nolongerwrites · 4 years
Could I request no. 8. “Don’t leave me!”  with Dazai? Ily btw 💞
Oof this hurt my soul-
And N-no I love you 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
TW- suicide/blood/abuse/mental health issues
Suicide is a serious deal. I lost a good friend 3 years ago to suicide and I think about her everyday. I struggled with the consequences of my own actions last year because of my own suicidal thoughts. I thought it was the only way I could stop the pain in my heart, I wish I could go back in time and slap myself as hard as I can. People love you. Even if it feels like they don’t. Suicide is never the answer. In some unfortunate situations individuals do succumb to the darkness, and it’s heartbreaking. I am just greatfull for the memories they gave us and pray they are in pain no more. Just know that there is always someone there to catch you. If any of you EVER feel like you are losing yourself and need a little help don’t be afraid to let someone know. I know the pain of having to lay in the hospital with my mind swimming in regret because I wanted to take my own life. If you need to talk or vent don’t hesitate to send me a message 💕 whatever is said stays between me and you. If you feel like no one loves you just know that I love you!!
On that note I’m sorry about my little rant. I’m very passionate about suicide awareness. I love you guys so much!!!!
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It hurts losing someone you love. The pain never goes away even as time passes. Dazai knew that the more than anyone. When he met you many years ago you filled that void in his heart, showed him light on the darkest of days. He would never admit his love for you though. He was too afraid. Afraid that if he got too attached you might slip from his grasp.
He was your best friend. You were funny, smart, beautiful, the list could go on. He cherished every moment you spent with him. He did know about your dark past. Losing your family in such a tragic accident and put into the custody of a family friend who abused you on a daily basis. You and him had a deep conversation about it before and he sat with you the whole time you cried your eyes out.
He knew you struggled with depression in every shape and form. He tried his best to be there for you no matter how bad you would fall. Your past would eventually come back to haunt you when your dead beat boyfriend started abusing you too. Dazai hated him. He’d never hated someone so much in his life. Not because he didn’t like seeing you with another man, but because deep down he knew he was bad for you.
On several occasions dazai had noticed bruises on your body, but when questioned about them you blew him off saying they were just an accident. He knew better than to believe in those lies. When you decided to finally break it off with your boyfriend, he didn’t entirely take it well. You showed up at dazais doorstep that night in a complete wreck.
He held you tight as once again you cried on his shoulder. He whispered in your ear and rocked you back and forth for hours telling you it would all be okay and that he would never hurt you again. He gave you a blanket and slept with you on the couch. Anger flooded his mind as he looked over every cut, bruise, and marking that was left on your body. You trembled in his arms the entire night. Nightmares of a dark past coming back to haunt you.
When he woke up you weren’t by his side anymore. He didn’t even hear you leave. He looked around for you but all he could find was a note next to him. You apologized for worrying him so much all these years. You told him he was right from the start and you should have listened to him. He couldn’t think straight as you concluded your note, thanking him for being there when you needed him most. This was something you needed to take care of yourself.
Dazai didn’t even get to the end before he was out the door and on his way to your apartment. Maybe he could still stop you in time. He pushed and shoved people out of the way as he ran up the stairs to your front door. He banged on the door and yelled for you countless times before finally breaking the door open.
Broken picture frames and glass littered the floor beneath him as he entered the room. Funiture was thrown around in every direction, curtains were torn, dishes were shattered. He saw your boyfriends body on the coffee table, lifeless and pale. Bullet wounds could be seen in his chest as blood pooled on the floor. Dazai yelled your name a couple of times asking where you were. Once again he received no answer.
He slowly made his way to your bedroom, which also happens to be trashed. But right as he passed the bathroom down the hall from your room an overwhelming scent of metalic flooded his nostrils. He could hear his heart beating in his chest as he flicked on the light. There you were in the tub fully clothed, water dyed crimson red. your face was pale and your eyes were opened slightly. He noticed a gun discarded in the corner and a knife on the floor by your head.
Dazai quickly ran over and turned the water off and grabbed your wrists to stop the bleeding. He yelled your name and slapped your cheek in an effort to at least get a slight reaction out of you. “Y/N please wake up.. please say something..” he choked over his words while he shook your body “please don’t leave me!!”
Tears streamed down his face as he pulled your body out of the water and cradled you against his chest. He buried his face into your damp hair and cried.. He cried for what felt like hours. It was too late. He couldn’t save you this time.
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wolfnitewrites · 3 years
The Story of Will Martinez
About me: Hello! My name is CJ, and I am a high student that loves to write. (You can skip this part btw) Thank you for clicking on this story out of all the other ones here, out on Tumblr, it means a lot. If you happen to like this shortish story, please follow or whatever because I hope to post a lot of stories I make in my spare time on here! I want to become better at writing, so if anyway has any tips for me to become a better writer and help me fulfill one of my dreams of becoming an author, shoot me a message (I’ve only been on Tumblr for about 5 minutes so idk if u can send messages). If u read this, then thank you. ONTO THE STORY.
“Ughh.” I thought to myself. At least I thought I did because everyone was staring at me. We are in a huge math test and obviously, no talking.  
“Why is everyone looking at me?” I asked everyone in the classroom. I just say stuff aloud without thinking about it. I used to write down or record myself complaining when I was mad or upset so I could just get it out of my mind. That was a while ago. Looks like I have never gotten out of the habit of speaking my mind, literally. Then reality hit me, maybe everyone in the class had heard me sigh.
“Mr. Martinez!” Yelled my math teacher Mr. Mitchell. “You know there is no talking during a test. Go down to the principal's office now or I’ll escort you there myself.” Mr. Mitchell was the oldest teacher in my school, and the strictest. He used to scare me when I was walking down the hallway in sixth grade. Even now, I’m in eighth grade I’ll admit he does sometimes give me the creeps. Every night, my friends and I would talk trash about him at the skate park after school.
“Go now!!” Mr. Mitchell yelled again.
“Ok, ok, ok.” I answered with a little attitude. 
“I'm going alright.” I swiftly left that classroom planning on never returning there ever again. 
“Alright,” I whispered to myself. “I got two options, go down to the principal's office and get yelled at loud enough so the whole school can hear. Or do my other option which is just camp in the bathroom.” Then I realized something. For some reason Mr. Mitchell makes sure the office knows you're going down there.  Not going down there can cost you another week or two on top of my detention I am going to get. He makes it obvious that he calls the office though. To my knowledge and personal experience.  He’s the only teacher that does that sort of thing. 
When I got near Ms. Silver’s office, she was already waiting for me. She was new to the school and looked pretty young, maybe in her twenties or thirties. Although she was pretty short, maybe 5 feet tall. She also had the bluest eyes a human could ever see on another human. She didn’t look like a principal at all. She looked like a laid back english teacher. 
“Will Martinez?” Ms. Silver said to me. She didn’t sound like she was unsure about who I was. She sounded like she knew exactly who I was.
“Uh yea, I’m Will.” I spoke in a frail voice. I have never spoken so weakly before. I usually just speak normally, not like I was a nervous wreck. 
I walked in her office and there was artwork everywhere.  It looked like she made them herself though. You can see progress in her paintings. Some not looking so good, and some looking like a professional artist made them. 
“Mr. Martinez!” She yelled so loud that I think the whole school heard that. “How dare you disrespect your teacher and his test!” Ms. Silver turned from a sweet looking teacher, to a horrifying monster you would expect to read about in the Goosebumps books. See, I'm used to hearing yelling from Mr. Mitchell, but nothing this intense.
“Mr. Martinez!” she yelled once more. I'm getting the vibe from her that she absolutely loves yelling at kids.
“I am going to ask you one more time, why were you disrespecting your teacher and his test?” I couldn’t bring myself to say anything, my throat felt like there was something clogging it or something. I’ve never felt this way before. Before I knew it, I was turning pale and sweating. My stomach was knotting up and I felt like I was going to throw up. 
“I-I,” I said in an effort trying to get words out of my mouth. 
“I didn’t mean to disrespect anyone or anything.” I don’t know what it was, but at this point in time, I was petrified of her. Just looking in her general direction scared me, so I just started looking at the artwork. Well, that was until she grabbed my face and made me look at her. 
“Answer me!” She begged for an answer, but I couldn’t talk. The pain and clogging in my throat is getting unbearable. 
“Okay, you can go.” She said. “I got everything I needed from you.” 
“Are you going to tell my parents?” I managed to get those words out. “Get out of my office before I do it in front of you.” She responded. I felt relieved and started to walk out. After my brain finally processed what she said, I started panicking. She meant she was going to call them, but not when I was in the room with her. 
“Crap, what do I do now?” I asked myself. I wasn’t thinking rationally anymore, I was picturing my parents beating the crap out of me if they knew what I did. To think of it, asking one question led to this. I started wondering why my school was so strict with everything. 
“Just asking one stupid question surely doesn’t lead to this in other schools. Right?”
Chapter 2
After my panic attack of what just happened, I just decided to wait out the day in the bathroom. I was frightened of just the thought of going home. I would always get beat and cut by my parents. I always came into school with small scars and bruises on my body. I tried my best to hide them from everybody in my school. More times than I would like to count, people asked why I was so cut up. They never got their answer. It didn’t help that my parents picked me up for school. 
“What would happen if I just ran out of the school before the day was done” I thought to myself. 
“Maybe Terrance won't mind if I stay at his place for the foreseeable future.” Terrance always skips school to play video games, or sleep. Without thinking, I bolted out of that bathroom and into the hall. Sweat was already streaming down my face for some reason, the cool air of the school pressed against my body trying to keep me inside the doors. I run faster and faster until, BAM. I crashed into the doors not knowing that they are locked during the day. Ms. Silver heard me bang on the door and came running out of her office. After regaining my balance I immediately started to run again.
I remembered that there are doors near my classroom, all I have to do is run fast enough so the kids in the classrooms can't see that it's me running through the halls of the school like a complete lunatic. 
I bashed into the door. It had opened. I saw the school's security running through the doors as well.
“Wow they really don’t want me to leave.” I said under my breath. Without hesitation started running in the direction of Terrance’s house. All I was hoping for is Terrance to awake and ready to talk because there is one thing I have been keeping from everyone.
Chapter 3
When I got to Terrance’s house, there were no cars in the driveway, but that didn’t stop me from knocking on the door. I suddenly felt sick again, like I was going to throw up. There was sweat streaking down my face from running so much. 
I was standing outside of Terrance’s door trying to summon the courage and strength to just hit the door with my fist.
“Ok.” I said, “All I have to do is knock on the door, like I have done countless times before.” For some reason, today felt different from every other time I went over his house. It was really quiet, too quiet. Too quiet. There is almost always some form of complaining coming from the house. 
“Here goes nothing, literally.” I said to myself trying to get myself to knock on the door.  Surprisingly, Terrance opened the door.
“Hey, why aren’t you at scho-.” Terrance was cut short because I immediately grasped him in a hug. That hug wasn’t the type of hugs you give your best friends when you haven’t seen them in a while. It was the type of hug where they immediately know there is something wrong. That was the first time I have actually hugged someone.  It felt good. It felt like someone cared about me and was worried about me. I didn't want that.
“Will?” Terrance asked. “What's wrong?” 
“Could I come in first?” I asked him, almost starting to tear up like crazy, but I held myself together.
“Yea sure, come in” Terrance said. I could tell, Terrance was worried about me. He only wears one face when he's around Randy and I. Reckless. This was a different face, it was his caring and worried face. I’ve never seen it before though. I don’t think Randy has even seen it. We both sat on his bed and there was a moment of silence before Terrance asked, 
“Will, what's wrong? You are never like this.”
I was always very hesitant about answering this question. Mainly because I didn’t like the answer I would have given. I tried to summon the remaining strength I had left in my body. I have never told anyone the truth about how I was feeling. I was too embarrassed about all my feelings. 
“The truth is.” I wanted to just stop answering and restart the day over again but I was already too deep in to change the subject.
“The truth is, I had very bad depression basically my whole life. I couldn’t tell anyone because I felt people would just stay away from me and ignore me, thinking I’m a loser who is nothing but a sad, pathetic loser. I feel like it has gotten worse between my house, and school. My parents have been,” I was wondering why I couldn’t stop myself from talking. I felt like I was talking way too much. “My parents have been hitting and cutting me. It just happened all of a sudden, and I have no idea why. That’s why I always have bruises and cuts all over my body. They don’t give me rational answers anymore.” I was out of breath from talking so much. I couldn’t stop myself from talking, I wish I could’ve. I looked at Terrance’s face. He looked like he was thinking about everything I just said. 
“Will.” Terrance said to me in a reassuring voice. “I promise you, everything will be alright. Randy and I will always be here for you no matter what you are going through.”
“Thanks Terrance.” I responded.
“Is that why you ran out of school?” Terrance asked. 
“Yea, at least I think so.” I responded. I was caught off guard by that for some reason. I knew that question was coming, I didn’t know when. So I made the mistake of letting my guard down. 
“Ok.” Terrance started speaking all of a sudden. “I'm sorry but I think you should go, my parents are going to me home soon and I have to be prepared to tell them why I skipped school again. Without saying anything extra, I walked out of his house.
“Where am I going to go now?” I asked myself outside of Terrance’s. “I can’t go back to my house because I don’t want to be killed, literally.” It’s the sad truth, but at least it's the truth, my parents will kill me if I go home. I have to think of something.
On the walk home I was thinking about a way to deal with my horrid parents. There were about five hundred different ideas, but I didn’t like them. There was one in particular that I have thought of doing in the past. Calling the police on my own parents. I always seemed to talk myself out of it. They were my parents after all, and they were basically the only family I had left. This time was different though, I felt, vengeful. It’s a feeling I have never felt before. I haven’t felt something new in a long time. The only two emotions I have been a custom to is pain and depression. 
I kept trying to talk myself out of calling the police on my own parents, but at this point, nothing could change my mind. 
“Ok.” I said trying to build up the courage to take my phone and just dial 911. “It’s so simple. All I have to do is press the nine once and then, one twice.” I said once more trying to amp myself up to try and press three numbers. 
Chapter 4
“911 what’s your emergency?” I was nervous, like at school, I couldn’t speak at all. I have never talked to anyone associated with the police before. The police dispatcher sounded very calm, like he has dealt with this type of situation a million times. 
“Uh, hi” I said in a really frail voice. “My parents have been beating and cutting me badly and I have no idea how to deal with it anymore.” I started to cry while on the phone. I haven’t cried in years. Real crying. I have always teared up, but never cried. I absolutely never explained to people what my parents do to me, especially strangers.
“Alright, where do you live so we could send an officer there.” 
“66 Abbey Road.” I replied. There was pain in my voice, like my soul being stabbed over and over again. It wasn’t a good feeling. Not in the slightest.
“Alright, an officer will be there no less than ten minutes.” She said. I didn’t even say “thank you,” I couldn’t. How could I say thank you. I just called the police on my own parents.  
“There is no going back now.” I whispered to myself. When I started toward my house, my legs were getting heavy, like it was my body telling me to not go near that house. My head was getting light, and my eyes started to water. 
“What’s going on with me?” I asked myself expecting an answer. I never got one. Why was I trying to get closer to that house to the house that I was trying oh so desperately to avoid. I will never know. The closer I got to that house, the worse I felt. With every step, the closer I was to collapsing. 
I was in front of the house. That was the worst mistake I have ever made. In front of my view, an overly large house. With two faces in different windows, looking at me. At first I had no idea I knew they were, but upon looking closer. They were my personal devils in my makeshift hell. My Mom and Dad. 
My heart beating faster and faster, quivering more and more violently. I couldn’t stop myself from feeling all of these things. I usually could stop myself from feeling anything. It was like a light switch. I could flip it to turn off my feelings. This time was different . I felt weak and helpless.  I couldn’t control anything in my life anymore. It was a weird feeling but I didn’t care. That was the least of my worries. The biggest of my worries was the two demons that live in my house.
I walked up to the door, put my hand on the doorknob, then. I felt a glimmer of hope. I heard the sirens of the police. That was my hope. My final hope. They were seconds away, for once in a long while. 
“I could take a couple seconds in my personal hell.” Oh I was wrong. When I walked through the doors of hell, “WHAM!” My Dad's belt came flying across my face. 
“WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!?” He was yelling, if you could call it that. It was way louder than yelling, but a little quieter than screaming. I could barely feel the belt across my face. I was already a custom to it. Maybe too custom to it. 
“SKIPPING A MATH TEST THEN RUNNING OUT OF SCH-” before he could even finish his thought, he was taken down by a police officer. My Dad's yelling was so loud that no one couldn’t hear anything in their surroundings. My face was so red, it was like when I was embarrassed by something. 
“Are you ok kid?”
“Yea, I think so.” I answered the cop. My face was turning numb. I couldn’t feel a thing.
“What's going on down here?!” My mom stormed down the stairs. She only saw me though. She didn’t notice the cop right in the living room. She took the nearest belt and started using it, but improperly. Again, thirty seconds later I was getting beat again. This time I didn’t care as much. The cop saw it start.
Both my Mom and Dad where in handcuffs and getting led to the cop car. I felt, happy. For once it was something different besides pain and pain only. I started to lounge on the couch, then the cop came up to me.
“Hey I need to talk to you, before you relax too much.” 
“Yea sure what’s up?” I was very confused why he needed to talk to me. I had done nothing besides call the police on my own parents. Maybe that was the reason, to ask why I called the police on them.
“Since you are only 14, you obviously can’t live by yourself. So uh, do you have any family in the area that could take care of you?” This was another topic I often avoided. The rest of my family, the ones who cared about me, disappeared. No one knows, even the police who are great detectives, couldn’t figure it out. It would’ve been nice to have like an Uncle you could talk to, or a cousin who was your closest friend. They are all gone though. 
“Uh, no. They all died, well I’m guessing they did.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. When we get down to the station we’ll ask you Mom or Dad if they know anyone who could take you in.” His voice sounded like he hated saying that sentence. He was only telling me the truth though. I couldn’t argue with that at all. He was telling me the truth.
“So what is going to happen to me then?” 
“Well.” The cop went on. “I’ll let you stay here, for the night. If your Mom or Dad doesn’t find anyone to take you in, then you’ll be put into an orphanage.” I couldn’t believe anything he was telling me at this point. How could I. This had to be a nightmare. It wasn’t, it was real life with a real human being telling me the real, painful, truth. This was horrible. 
“Uh, okay, lets just hope that they can find someone.”
“Yea, let's hope.” The cop responded. His voice sounded comforting. Just what I needed to hear funny enough. 
He started towards the door.
“See ya kid.” The cop said before leaving the house.
I heard the car start, then drive off.
“What am I going to do now?” I panicked. I took my phone and tried to call Terrance. 
“Oh please pick up,” I pleaded to the phone. “Pick up. Pick up. Pick up!” There was no answer, just the answering machine that answered if no one picked the phone. I immediately went to call Randy. He always picks up no matter what. He could be inside a volcano being burned alive, and he’ll still pick up the phone. 
“Hello?” Randy picked up the phone, he sounded tired though. I would’ve felt bad if the orphanage wasn’t on my mind.
“Randy something good, and bad just happened.”
“Why what happened?” He always sounds very interested whenever either Terrance and I say something remotely interesting, he zones back in. Then asks five-million questions about that subject. He was the only one who had known about my parents beating the crap out of me every other hour of every day.  Well until I told Terrance. 
“I finally broke, I called the police on my parents.”
“Wait, what do you mean? Why did you call the police on your parents?” It seemed like. he had completely forgotten about what I told him about my parents. 
“Well, I called the police on them because they were hitting me and cutting me every other hour, glad to hear that you forgot.”
“Oh no, I didn’t forget that, it just doesn’t seem like you. Calling the police on your parents.” He spoke, but not like he was happy, like he usually does. It sounded like he was concerned about me, it sounded like how Terrance sounded when I told him about everything. 
“Yea, but that's not the worst of it though.” I spoke. Suddenly my tone had changed from confused, to scared.
“Go on.”
“If my parents don’t find someone to take me in and obviously, take care of me. They are going to put me into an orphanage or something like that.” I had already forgotten where I was going if my parents don’t feel like finding someone to take care of me. 
“Oh my god, are you sure or was he just saying that?” He said, I could tell he was quivering. His voice sounded very shaky. He was as hurt by that as I was, maybe more. If that’s possible.
“Yea, I’m sure.” I didn’t know what else to say, my brain was turning into a foggy mess. 
“Oh hey Will, my parents need me. Uh I’ll be right back. Ok?” 
“Uh yeah that's fine.”
Chapter 5
It was like an hour back before I started to consider hanging up on Randy. I honestly can’t believe I didn’t hang up before then, but thank god he came back to the phone.
“Hey, sorry I took so long. Oh wow that was about an hour.” Randy caught me off guard. I was just wasting my time watching TV, not expecting Randy to come back to the phone. Funny enough, he did.
“Oh, uh it’s fine, I think haha. Wow, I can’t believe it’s already 10:30.” I usually go to bed around nine o’clock. It wasn’t my choice though, it was my Mom and Dad’s choice. I was fourteen, and I still had a nine year olds bedtime schedule. I have to admit, it feels good that I don’t have to go to bed.
“So if you don’t mind asking, what did your parents want?” I asked. He was gone for over an hour, so I want an answer why he didn’t come back faster. I obviously didn’t say that, but I was certainly thinking about it. 
“So, in theory. If you could have the chance to live with my family, would you.” He asked. I could tell Randy was very nervous asking that question. I get why though, asking your best friend to ask to move in with them.
“That’s random. Before I answer, why do you ask?” While I was asking that I think I already knew the answer. My parents called Randy’s parents, asking if I could live with them. 
“Well,” Randy started talking, but I was too excited to think or listen to what Randy had to say. Then I started thinking, why did my parents call Randy’s house, if they didn’t care about me in the slightest. Maybe they did, they just didn’t know how to say it. But then why did they keep hurting me. Nothing made sense, but I didn't care. I will be living with Randy, one of my closest friends.
“My Mom wanted to know why I got a 60 on a math test. Then I just told her what type of position you were in. I told her that your parents are in jail, but you had no one to take you in. Long story short, I offered if you could live with us. Obviously, she was very uncertain about having you living with us. It took a whole lot of convincing, but they said yeah. Well, a lot more than just ‘yeah,’ but whatever.” Randy said that all in one breath. By the end of that paragraph, he was trying to get his breath back from talking so much. 
“That’s great news, well for me haha. Are you sure your parents allowed this.”
“Come on, Will. You know me, I tell no lies.” I couldn’t believe this in the slightest. 
“I’m going to live with, Randy.” I thought to myself.
“Hey, I’m tired. I am going to bed, my family will be picking you up around one o’clock.”
“Okay, thanks Randy, well I guess I should get to sleep also.” I said before passing out on the couch.
Chapter 6
When I looked at the clock in the living room, 
“Oh no.” I said looking at the time. “Is it really almost one o’clock?” I was in disbelief that I had slept for fourteen and a half hours. To be honest, I still can’t believe that. In the back of my mind for the whole time I was waiting for Randy, one thing was just floating around. What will Terrance’s response to this whole situation be? I chose not to worry about it too much though.
I quickly packed all of my clothes and a few other things like headphones and chargers into a bag that was too small. I didn’t care in the slightest. I looked at my phone, the time read one o’clock.
“Randy should be here any second now.” I assured myself. I was nervous the whole time I was awake, but as soon as I saw one o’clock on my phone. It was like I was back outside my house trying to get the courage to walk inside as if it was yesterday. Which it wasn’t, it was a brand new day. A fresh start. 
When I heard that doorbell rang, I almost killed myself by running down the stairs so fast.
“Well, this is it, a fresh start at life.” So many emotions that were completely new to me flooded my mind. Most importantly, happiness. I took one good last look at my now old house, and opened the front door to find Randy holding a huge suitcase.
“Uh, Randy. Why do you have a suitcase.” I said utterly surprised to find him holding a suitcase the size of him. I had no idea they made them that big, I guess I was wrong.
“It’s to transport your belongings to my house of course! What are you stupid or somethin?” 
“I have no idea anymore Randy.” I spoke softer than usual, but I don’t think Randy noticed.
“And uh, I have everything here, in this very small bag.” I pointed to the bag that was on my back. My parents barely bought me anything, and I am just lucky I got food to survive, clothes and a phone. Well that’s just great to get from parents who don’t like you in the first place.
“You’re joking right? Your parents barely bought you a couple pieces of clothes and can barely working phone?” Randy’s voice sounded like he was sorry for me. His eyes looked like he wanted to ask me how I survived for fourteen years. He remained quiet though. 
“Yeah, it’s the sad truth, but it is the truth. I barely came out of this year alive though. This year was the worst one of my life.”
“I’m so sorry to hear that Will.” Randy just looked at my body now, especially my face.
“Were there that many scars and bruises on your face, and your body?” He started to quiver as if he could feel my own pain. A friendship becomes special when he can feel what you're feeling. That’s what just happened, another person feeling what I was feeling. We started towards Randy’s house. My new house. Randy said something fairly interesting. 
“You know Mr. Mitchell right?” Randy said slowly. Why was he asking me this, when he’s my homeroom and math teacher.
“Duh, how could I not, he’s my homeroom and math teacher.” I responded in a tone that implies he was sorta wasting my time.
“Ok, so there is something that is always moving in my backyard, and it’s not an animal. I think it’s Mr. Mitchell.” Randy said, terrified. Something was clogging my throat just then, like someone was in control of my body, preventing me from speaking. I have no idea what this feeling was, but I absolutely hated it. We walked the rest of the way to his house in complete silence until I got the urge to say something.
“Maybe we could prove it’s Mr. Mitchell.”
“Yeah, how are we going to do that. We are only 14 years old.” Randy was right, we couldn’t do that. We were stupid middle schoolers. Couldn’t even try to pull off trying to steal something from the corner store.
Chapter 7
“It has been a couple years since I have written here” I whispered to myself looking at my old diary. It was covered in dust. I opened it and the last entry was November 5th, 2015.
“Wow, five years.” I immediately started to wonder why I stopped writing in the diary. I looked around on the page, not reading it and I saw water stains. They were small stains, tooked like someone had taken an eye dropper to it. It was weird, but it got way weirder. I read that page.
“November 5, 2015, that’s the date that my family died (present parents excluded).” I felt sick, like I was going to throw up. Those water stains weren’t eyedrop drops, they were tears, my tears. 
“Why can’t I remember any of this? That time of my life is completely blank.” Then I started to do what I do best, panic.
“RANDY!” I screamed. I usually have no one to talk to, but since I'm now living with Randy, I finally had someone to talk to.
“Yea, yeah I’m up.” Randy said, trying to mask the fact he fell asleep at eight in the afternoon. 
“Hey Randy, Please tell me you weren’t sleeping.”
“Of course not, why would I.” Randy said, trying so hard not to close his eyes for longer than a second. It was funny, seeing a fourteen year old falling asleep at only eight o’clock in the afternoon.
“Whatever, well I found my old diary.”
“Wait, for real.” Randy sounded really interested now, as usual. 
“Yeah, It was in my bag, I have no idea how It got there though. I don’t think I even packed it.” I completely forgot that I had a diary to begin with. For some reason, I can’t remember anything that had happened before 2016. I didn’t really take note of it though. I just passed it as another way my brain hates me, not letting me remember anything important. 
“Well, how did it get there then?” Randy sounded as surprised as me, maybe more. He always made a bigger deal out of things than needed. 
“Well, what are you waiting for, read the page. If you dare. Haha.” Randy said that. He didn’t expect me to actually start reading the page. Well, I was going to until we heard rustling outside my room window. 
“What’s that?” Randy asked. We both went to the window.
“Ha, maybe it's an animal.” Randy said stupidly.
“What type of animal would be out at this time of night, that could make the leaves rustle.” Sometimes I can’t believe how stupid Randy could be. It amazed me how small his brain could be.
“Wait.” Randy had turned pale, like he had just seen a ghost. He pointed to a shadowy figure in the distance. It was a human, it was standing on two legs. It’s clothes were worn out, almost ripping. Jeans so torn, I was surprised they were still in one piece. It's very messy hair, looked like it hadn’t been washed for at least a couple years.  
The human looked our way, I could tell Randy was as terrified. For once, I was more horrified than Randy. 
“Will, it’s looking at us. It is Mr. Mitchell!” Randy was paralized, he could barely move, so was I. 
“Holy crap, why is he in your backyard?” I wanted to start yelling, but I couldn’t.
“We gotta get out of this room now!”
“Good idea, really good idea. You know what that’s the best idea you have ever had.” I responded to Randy’s great idea. 
Mr. Mitchell looked like he was carrying two human-like objects. I looked closer before running out of that room. I saw two small children. I immediately started running, but Randy must’ve accidentally locked the door. I pounded and pleaded on the door. I heard running to the door. Randy was too late, Mr. Mitchell had grasped me. I felt bad for Randy, he saw his best friend get taken away from him.
Chapter 8
“Oh good.” A familiar voice filled the room. I must’ve passed out when Mr. Mitchell had taken me hostage.
“Took long enough to wake up.” I thought that it was a cop speaking to me, going to start asking questions on who kidnapped me. Oh how wrong I was. I was in a bomb shelter type room. Then I saw him, Mr. Mitchell. I looked around the room, it was very large. Maybe the size of a lunchroom. There was science equipment everywhere. It looked as if he was doing experiments. There was liquid in large containers in all corners of that room. I saw children. Hanging from the ceiling, but not by their feet. I couldn’t believe what was happening.
“Are you going to kill me?” I summon the energy left in my body to start speaking. It was very soft, but at least I could talk. Mr. Mitchell didn’t respond. He took a bottle of the liquid from one of those corners. 
“Let’s see if this version works.” Mr. Mitchell was shoving a test tube down my throat and made me drink the mystery liquid. It tasted like drinking ocean water. It was absolutely disgusting. I would’ve thrown up, but I was using all my energy in my body just trying to keep myself breathing. I looked at myself, I was hooked up to a computer of some kind. 
“Dammit!” Mr. Mitchell yelled out. “Looks like you’ll end up like everyone else who didn’t pass the test. He looked up at the children on the ceiling. 
“So you are going to hang me?” I asked
“What, hang you, hahaha.” Mr. Mitchell sounded, not like a human. An animal who evolved to look like a human, but wasn’t human.
“You deserve something way worse.
” What could be worse than being hung?” I thought to myself.  Mr. Mitchell pulled something out of his desk drawer. It was shiny. Looked like something that would be in a fancy kitchen, but this wasn’t anything like a kitchen. I took another glance at the object Mr. Mitchell was toying with his hands. It was a knife. Then I realized what he was going to do to me. He was going to stab me. It was one thing I haven’t felt yet. I honestly thought I was going to experience it way sooner than today.
Mr. Mitchell took the knife, and slowly put it to my side. As anyone could imagine, it hurt worse than getting hit in the face by a belt at full force. I felt the knife going further and further into my body, then it got pulled out. I heard a door cave in. 
“Police put your ha-” The cop didn’t even finish his sentence before tackling  Mr. Mitchell. He had him handcuffed then called for a paramedic.
“I need a paramedic here at 10 Howard Drive this instant. I felt the blood gushing out of my body. 
“Help me!” I said, trying to yell out. The cop came running towards me, he applied as much pressure to the stab wound as possible, but it wasn’t enough to slow the bleeding. I started to feel weaker than I did before, I started to get tired. My vision started to get foggy when I saw in the very far distance, paramedics. 
I woke up later that night. Well, I think it was night. I didn’t even know how long I was sleeping. My memory was foggy, I barely remembered what happened the day I got kidnapped.
“Is anyone here?” I asked aloud. A doctor swiftly came into the room.  He looked like he had been up for hours, there were bags under his eyes and he was a little clumsy walking in the room. 
“Oh finally, you are up.” He sounded relieved that I was awake. Maybe there were several police officers wanting to talk to me or something. 
“There are some people here to see you, they say their names are Randy and Terrance.” For some reason I was sorta disappointed to learn that police officers have not come to see me about all what happened. 
When Terrance and Randy walked into the room, I could tell something was wrong. What did the doctors say to them, if they said anything at all. I did feel sick, however. It wasn’t like a sick feeling I get when I come down with the flu. It was different, very different. Every once in a while, I could feel my stomach, like almost move. It was a weird feeling. 
“Is everything okay?” I asked Randy and Terrance. They weren’t acting like themselves. They didn’t answer me, they just looked around the room. It looked as if they were avoiding looking me in the eye’s. They studied what machines I were hooked up to, but never looked at me. Randy had tears forming under his eyes, same as Terrance. Terrance never shows his tears, I didn’t even know that guy cried. 
“Guys, what’s wrong.” I asked in a worried tone. I was scared they knew something about  my condition or something. Something I didn’t know about myself.
“Nothing is wrong, we are just worried about you, that’s all.” Randy spoke. Immediately after he spoke, Terrance hit him. It was like he didn’t want me to know anything. 
“What do you guys know?” I asked a couple times. I still got no answer. They were both tearing up at this point. It was funny. I had just got maybe three days worth of sleep, and I still felt tired. It felt like what I was feeling in that bunker, but not as severe. 
“How long was I out for?” 
“About 4 days.” Terrance said. It sounded like he was going to start crying while replying to me. I finally put the pieces together. I was dying. Whatever Mr. Mitchell gave me, it didn’t do what he wanted to do what he intended. It was instead poisoning me, killing me very slowly. 
“Randy, am I going to die?” Randy looked at me, then smiled. He didn’t have to answer. His smile gave me the answer really quickly.
“Let’s go Randy, can’t let my mom think we forgot about her.” There they went. As quickly as they entered, they left.
Chapter 9
Weird, looks like Will was keeping track of what happened in a journal. Wow,
he’s a really good writer. I'm not as good as him. I haven’t properly introduced myself yet, so sorry about that. I am Randy, Will has mentioned me a lot here actually. Anyway, I know I have marked this down as “Chapter 9,” but it isn't really a chapter. It is really to tell you what happened to this awesome writer. Almost a day after we left that hospital room, Will passed away. It was about a year after his death. I think it was a day later, maybe a week. Anyway, I am just finding this notebook. I knew he liked to read, but never thought he liked to write. Wow I am getting off topic really quick. Anyway, The teacher who did this to Will, Mr. Mitchell. He had been put into a maximum security prison. Terrance took it really hard though. He was never the same after Will’s death. He was almost never at school. When he was he always wore black clothes. He used to wear jeans and a blue t-shirt no matter the temperature out
I think I am going to try and get this published. At least try and share It to my whole school. That’ll be hard to do, but it’s worth a try. I think Will would’ve asked us to get this out to the public. Or at least hinted to it.
“If you can still hear me buddy, just know we all miss you.” 
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blankpaigefics · 5 years
Hey girl!! Can I please request number 18 and either 90 or 94 (you can chose which one) with Felix?? Btw I love you lots and I’m so glad you started writing on here 😘 ~ Felix anon (you should be able to guess who I am lol 😂)
Ayy, my first named anon! I love you too and I’m very happy I started writing here, thanks for your support! 😘
I hope you like it! I feel like the last like two sentences didn’t really fit the way I wanted, but maybe that’s just me 🤷
Also, I let you have all 3 prompts 😉
Don’t Hurt Me
Prompt:  It’s okay to cry… + Trust me. + Did they hurt you?
Genre: mafia!au, angst
Word Count: 2114
Member: Felix
Warnings: gore, violence, mature language
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You shake your head, dazed, your body feels cold and sore. You open your eyes, your vision is blurry. You were sitting in a chair, the room was dimly lit. You try to reach for your head to brush your hands over your face, but you find yourself unable to. You tug your arms again and wince in pain. You shake your head slightly, blinking, trying to clear your vision.
You look down at your shirt. Why was there blood on your shirt? Was it your blood? You try to move your arms again. You feel something dig into your wrists. Rope.
“Finally, you’re awake.”
You look up as fear runs through your body.
A figure comes into view. A man you’ve never seen before, covered in tattoos.
“Who are you? What do you want from me?” Your voice trembles.
The man smiles at you. He grabs a chair, dragging it across the ground, placing it in front of you. He sits on it backwards, arms resting on the top. You see the knife in his hands, you feel your heart rate pick up as you try to back away.
“What I want is your boyfriend.”
You frown at him. “Felix? What do you want with Felix?”
“He has something of mine. Something he stole from me. And I want it back.”
You feel yourself frown in confusion. “Felix wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t steal from anybody…”
You hear other voices chuckle from within the dark room. The man in front of you also laughs, glancing behind him at the figures you can’t see.
“You don’t know what it is he does for a living, do you darlin’?”
“What are you talking about? Felix… he’s a dance instructor…?”
You hear the laughter again.
“Oh, but you don’t know him as well as you think you do. Sounds like pretty boy has been keeping secrets from you.” He grins.
You feel tears burn in your eyes.
“I-I don’t understand, please, please just let me go.” You can’t hold back the sobs that fall from your lips.
The man stands up, throwing the chair across the room as he grabs your hair, yanking it back, forcing you to look up at him. He shoves his knife towards your face, pressing the blade against your cheek, drawing blood.
You whimper at his actions, cowering away as best you can.
He grins. “Are you scared?”
You nod.
“Aw, there’s no need to be honey.” He coos as he takes a step back. “If Felix loves you like you think, he’ll come get you, and give me when I want. Then he can have you back. And who knows,” he shrugs. “If he’s lucky, he’ll get you back alive.”
You feel your blood run cold at his words.
You don’t know how long you’ve been tied to this chair. Long enough to hear your stomach growl at you. It must have been close to 24 hours by now. All you wanted was to be home, rugged up in your bed, laying with Felix. God, where was he?
You look up as a new face comes into view. You sigh in relief as you see the glass of water in his hand. You swallow dryly as he comes to a stop in front of you. He brings the glass in front of your face. Your eyebrows knit together in concern as you look up at him, you feel the dry blood on the side of your face at the movement. He pushes the glass forwards gently, against your lips. You part them slightly and the man tilts the glass back. You decide to accept the offer, remembering when they last offered you water, and you spat it back at them, result in your now bruised and bloody face.
You drink the water eagerly, letting the cold liquid slide down your sore throat. You cough and splatter as the man feeds you the drink. He stops and lowers the glass again.
“Thank you.” Your voice is course, sore from screaming.
He gives a slight nod before leaving you alone in the room once more.
You aren’t alone for long when the same man returns, along with his leader, the man who told you about Felix. This time the man who gave you water comes in with a tray being wheeled on a small trolley. Was it food? God, you were so hungry.
He stops the trolley across the room and pulls the sheet off it. You feel your heart drop as fear sets in. Instruments. Small metal instruments. For torture, no doubt.
“Wh-what are those for?”
The man says nothing as he picks up what looks like pliers, and walks over to you.
“Wait, no, please, don’t do this.”
He grabs your jaw tightly, his expression blank. He squeezes your face, forcing you to open your mouth. You protest however you can, begging him to stop, trying to pull yourself out of his grasp.
“Please,” you sob. “Why are you doing this?” You turn your eyes to the leader.
“Oh don’t worry darlin’, it’s just collateral. You know, a little motivation to get your boyfriend to stop waistin’ my time.”
The man forces the pliers into your mouth, tightening them around one of your back teeth. You feel tears streaming down your face as you are overwhelmed with fear. You sob and beg, clenching and unclenching your fists, trying to push yourself away from the cold metal pressed harshly against the inside of your cheek.
You hear yelling and rustling from outside the room. Both men pause and look at each other. You’re frozen in place, glancing between the two of them as you feel your chest rise and fall with staggered breaths.
“Go see what that is.” The leader nods towards the door.
The man removes the metal tool from your mouth and places it back on the tray before exiting the room.
You hear another distant yell, and, was that gunshots? The leader glances at his phone before shoving it in his pocket. He picks his gun up from the table and stands in front of you, squatting to be at eye level.
“You just sit tight for me, okay darlin’.” He smiles at you as he pats the side of your face harshly, causing you to flinch. He stands again and leaves the room, locking it behind him.
It’s quiet for what feels like hours. The yelling, the gunfire, it all stopped. Until you hear footsteps. Distant footsteps down the hallway.
“Help!” You scream into the empty room. “Someone please help.”
The door handle rattles as someone tries to open it.
“Y/n,” a familiar voice calls from the other side. “Y/n, is that you?”
“Seungmin?” You feel relief flood your body. “Oh god, Seungmin, please help me.”
“Hold on, I need to pick the lock.”
You hear more rattling coming from the door as Seungmin works on the lock.
“Did you find her?”
“Yeah, she’s in-”
“Y/n?!” You hear him bang on the door. “Seungmin, get the door open, now.”
“I’m working on it.” The younger huffs.
“Y/n, just hold on a little longer okay? I’m gonna get you out of there, you just gotta hold on a little longer for me.”
You nod to yourself, sniffling through the fresh tears falling from your eyes.
The door suddenly opens and the two boys rush in. Seungmin gives a quick scout of the room, flicking the light switch, illuminating the rest of the room with light.
Your eyes squint at the brightness as Felix rushes over to you, kneeling in front of you.
“Baby, are you okay? Did they hurt you?” He cups your face gently in his hands, looking at you with worry.
“Please get me out of here.” You sob.
Felix pulls a switchblade from his back pocket and flicks it open, cutting at the ropes tied around your wrists, followed by the ropes around your ankles. You rub at your reddened wrists as Felix helps you to your feet.
Felix sighs as he pulls you into a tight yet gentle hug.
“Felix, we need to go.” Seungmin reminds him as he glances out the door.
Before you can register what is happening you hear a gunshot ring through the room. Your eyes widen as you see blood spreading onto Seungmins shirt. You see the pain on his face as he instantly puts pressure to the fresh wound, slowly dropping to the floor. You scream out to him, reaching out for him. Felix stops your actions, pushing you behind him protectively.
The leader comes into view with his gun raised, ready to bargain with anyone’s life. Without hesitation, Felix raises his own gun and pulls the trigger, his shot hitting its target right between his eyes. You scream and cower away from the loud shot that rings through the room.
He rushes over to his friend slumped against the wall. He puts his hand over the youngers, helping apply pressure to the wound.
You watch as Changbin and Minho enter the room, also dropping beside their younger friend.
“It’s gonna be okay Seungminnie, You’re gonna be fine.”
The boy smiled before wincing in pain.
“Yeah, I know.” He glances down at the injury on his stomach before looking up at you. He then turns his attention back to Felix. “Now you need to go explain everything to her.”
You hear Felix chuckle softly. “I think I’d rather take a bullet to the stomach.”
Seungmin laughs as Felix stands up and turns to you. You see the worry on his face and it breaks your heart.
He steps towards you. “Y/n, god, I’m so glad you’re alright.”
You take a step back, away from him. Felix freezes in his spot, his worry replaced with fear and pain. “Y/n?”
You glance down at his hands, covered in Seungmin’s blood and holding a gun. He follows your gaze before looking up to meet your eyes. He slowly lowers himself, gently placing his gun on the floor. He then stands, lifting his hands slowly in front of him, trying to appear as non-threatening as possible.
He steps towards you carefully. “Baby, please. Trust me.”
“Trust you?!” You shove him harshly. “How the fuck do you expect me to trust you!? How long have you been lying to me?” Your voice becomes week as you begin to sob heavily. “Who are you?”
“I’m me. I’m the same Felix you fell in love with. Everything I do, I do to protect you. I should have told you, you’re right. But please believe me when I say I would never do anything to hurt you. Look me in the eye and tell me I’m wrong.”
You look over at your friends, Changbin and Minho, doing what they can to temporarily patch up a pale-faced Seungmin. One thing that you were positive you knew about Felix was his loyalty. You saw him defend and protect his friend without hesitation.
You turn your attention back to Felix. He looks so broken, so fearful of losing you. You can see how worried he has been about you. You can feel how much he loves you. You feel emotions wash over you as you drop your head into your hands. You can’t stop the tears that fall down your face, the sobs that escape from your chest.
You feel Felix wrap his arms around you, pulling you close to him. You drop your head against his chest in defeat. Felix rubs your back soothingly.
“It’s okay to cry… I should have told you everything from the beginning. But I didn’t, and because of that, you got hurt. You have every right to hate me, to be mad at me. You have every right to leave me. But please y/n, I’m begging you. Before you decide what to do, please, let’s go home and let me explain everything from the very beginning.”
You don’t say anything. You don’t know what to say.
“Please tell me you’ll let me explain?” Felix’s voice shakes slightly.
You step back, wiping the tears from your face, wincing as you touch your bruised skin. You look over at Seungmin again.
“Let’s just take Seungmin to get help.”
“And then we can talk?”
Felix needed to hear you say it, needed to know that you would talk things out, and figure it out together.
“Yeah,” you meet his eyes again. “Then we can talk.”
You see him relax, closing his eyes in content.
You feel your heart skip a beat, not knowing what the future held for you and the person that meant the world to you.
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quantumseahorse · 5 years
My dream this morning was wild. So I dreamed that i had a backyard with trees and little streams with rocks and dirt and moss. And I caught a frog, a salamander and a third animal that I cannot remember. And also we built a high fence be cause bears sometimes came by, so we had to protect ourselves. And I captured the amphibians and put them in the center of where I built the fence so that I could keep them. Also I was raising caterpillars and a family of foxes in my yard. Except that, this yard, with all the trees and trickling stream, were inside a plastic shopping bag. I could pull up the edges and tie it shut to carry around.
Sadly the foxes passed away :(
But the caterpillars were doing well. And the frog tried to escape. But I put the bag away and hung out with my friends. We were at this LARP that was like... You were in an office building filled with workers, and they're perfectly nice until you Agro them by attacking them. If you Agro them, they and every worker nearby will begin to try and kill you, so you have to fight them.
You got points for defeating them. My friends came up with a good strategy, get a bunch of the workers all in one spot and then we attack each one of them with a big attack all at once, defeating them in one hit before they can turn hostile.
I jumped on one and landed right on their stomach. It was cool. The workers were quite impressed with our strategy. They were fine btw, just a little bruised.
Since my friends and I were doing so well, we found the lounge room and I showed them an anime.
The anime was a massive crossover.
The basic story was, a school teaching people how to hunt evil demons. The students were both humans and demons. The teachers were people like the teachers from Soul Eater, and Reborn from Katekyo Hitman Reborn. A few Gintama characters showed up too. And many more characters that I can't make them all.
The show itself would switch around between which character it was following so there wasn't a main character.
I really liked this one girl who was a goat demon. And she would flex her clothes to shreds when pumping up for battle. She was cool.
There was another student who was a dragon with reversed scales, meaning his back was scaleless but his belly had hard scale armor.
My friends liked the show :D
We were on an episode about the students going out on their first real hunt, but I woke up.
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madpanda75 · 6 years
“Hostage” Part 3
Ending the weekend with the conclusion to the story! Thanks for all the comments, reblogs, and likes! I love you guys sooooo freaking much! 😍
Translations are at the bottom (My spanish sucks btw 😂)
Part One
Part Two
Tags: @amirightcounsellor ❤️
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Green eyes met green eyes as Rafael rocked his daughter in the nursery. After a thorough checkup, the doctors determined the baby was perfectly healthy. “Siempre estare aqui para ti sin importar lo. Te amo princesa.” Rafael kissed his daughter softly on her forehead, he had no idea it was possible to love a human being so much. All the fear and anxiety he had about becoming a father melted away as he held his baby in his arms. The EMTs were able to revive you in the ambulance and you were currently in surgery, Rafael refused to leave his child until he heard from your doctor. Looking through the window of the nursery, he saw Olivia waving at him. The ADA reluctantly put the baby back in her carrier and made his way out to meet his friend. Looking at the baby girl through the nursery window, Olivia smiled, “She’s beautiful, Rafael.” Rafael nodded, “Just like her mother.”
Olivia looked over at your husband, “Have you heard anything yet?” Rafael said nothing, only shaking his head no. The lieutenant put a hand on his shoulder, “I just heard that Mr. Rojas didn’t make it, there was too much damage. Carisi is ok, a couple stitches over his eye and a few bruises. He told me what happened, if it wasn’t for him, this could have ended a lot worse.” Rafael stared through the nursery window, looking at his daughter as she lay in her bassinet, he knew that Carisi saved his baby’s life and your’s, “I know.”
“Mr. Barba?” Rafael turned, running to the doctor calling his name. The doctor smiled at your husband, “Your wife lost a lot of blood. We were able to stop the bleeding and give her a transfusion. She should make a full recovery.” Rafael let out a long breath, almost as if he had been holding it in this entire time. “Thank you doctor. Can I see her now?”
“Absolutely, they’re getting her room ready right now, a nurse will come and take you to her.”
Olivia hugged her friend, “I’m going to tell Fin and Rollins the good news.”
Rafael felt as if the weight of the world was lifted from his shoulders, he stood in the hallway silently thanking God for keeping his family safe, not noticing the footsteps behind him. “Counselor? I just heard the good news about Y/N.” Rafael turned to see the detective standing beside him. He didn’t know how to thank Carisi. Sonny didn’t just save the lives of his wife and baby, he saved Rafael too. Barba looked at Carisi with tears in his eyes, a lump forming in his throat, “Thank you Carisi, for everything. I–,” Rafael stopped, the lump preventing him from speaking anymore. Sonny nodded and looked at the ADA, “Y/N is like my family. I would do anything to protect her.” Rafael hugged Carisi tightly, just then a nurse came to take your husband to your room.
White light peeked through the darkness as you tried to open your eyes, you heard a faint beeping sound in the background. The trace smell of the iodoform disinfectant filled your nostrils. Opening your eyes, you looked around the hospital room when you felt fingers brush against your knuckles. Turning your head, you saw your husband holding your hand and smiling at you, tears pooling in his eyes. “Hi mi amor.”
You tried to talk, but it felt like you had cotton in your mouth. Rafael propped up your pillows and helped you take a drink of water. Leaning back on the pillows, you cupped your husband’s face, stroking his cheek with your thumb, “Rafael, I thought I was never going to see you again.” Tears began streaming down your cheeks, “Oh Rafi, I am so sorry.” You choked out between your tears. Rafael ran a hand through your hair, “No mi amor, I’m the one who is sorry. I was so afraid at what type of father I would become that I ended up ignoring the two people who needed me the most. I will never do that again, I love you so much and I will always be here for you and our daughter. Te prometo.”
You grabbed his hand and kissed his knuckles, “I never should have said those things to you Rafi. You are an incredible husband and I know you will be an amazing father. You have such a big heart, don’t ever doubt for a second what type of man you are. Te amo, Rafael.” Rafael leaned over and gave you a gentle kiss, resting his forehead against yours. Both of your tears melding together, “I thought I’d lost you, Y/N. Promise you’ll never leave me.” You shook your head, “Never Rafi.” You both stayed like that for awhile until you realized something was missing. Putting a hand to your stomach you pulled away from Rafael, “Oh my God, Rafael. The baby? Where is she? Is she ok??!!” Your husband held your face in his hands, trying to calm you, “She’s perfect, Y/N. The doctor gave her a clean bill of health. Let me get a nurse to bring her in.”
The nurse wheeled in the bassinet and placed your daughter in your arms. Looking down at your baby, you were completely in love. You softly stroked her cheek with your index finger, trying to memorize every piece of your little girl, long dark eyelashes, green eyes, button nose, and rosy cheeks. “She’s so beautiful.” You whispered. Looking over at your husband, you shifted over and patted the space beside you, inviting your husband to lay next to you.
Rafael obliged and you both sat on the bed gazing down at the beautiful life you both created. You looked at your husband, “I was thinking, let’s name her “Milagros,” Mila for short. I know it’s unconventional but under the circumstances, I think it’s perfect.” Rafael smiled and nodded, “I couldn’t agree more, Milagros Catalina Barba, our little miracle.” Rafael kissed your cheek and then knelt down to kiss Mila’s forehead.
Holding his family in his arms, an idea struck Rafael, “Cariño, how would you feel about Carisi being Mila’s godfather.” You looked up at your husband, you both knew that if it wasn’t for Sonny, you and Mila would not be here. He saved you and your daughter, it was only right that Sonny be your daughter’s godfather. “I think that’s a wonderful idea, Rafi.” As if on cue, there was a knock on the door, looking up you see your partner. “Hey, I wanted to check in on you guys.” You smiled and motioned for Carisi, “Sonny, come in. Would you like to meet your goddaughter, Mila?” Sonny was silent, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening his eyes. He smiled and nodded, “Yeah I do.” You placed the baby in Sonny’s arms, “Hi Mila, I’m your godfather.” Mila cooed at the detective, before yawning and falling asleep in his arms. Sonny looked up and met your eyes, “Thank you,” you mouthed to your partner. Sonny smiled and nodded his head. No other words needed in that moment.
“Siempre estare aqui para ti sin importar lo”- I will always be here for you no matter what.
“Te amo princesa”- I love you princess.
“Te prometo”- I promise you.
“Milagros”- Miracle
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sweetlysilent · 7 years
Harsh Words
Requested By: Anonymous
hey bae<3 could you write a fic with peter where he’s having such a bad day, he’s super grumpy and the reader tries to help him but he gets super mad and says cruel things? i’m a sucker for drama, sorry!! love your blog btw
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Description: You’d noticed that Peter had been acting down all day, he was your best friend and you were concerned for him. You decided to try and help him, only to get belittled by your so called “best friend.”
Warnings: Swearing, could possibly be triggering to some people, verbally abusive, plot twist ending yeet
Word Count: 3,472
A/N: So this was so much fun to write oh myyyyyy, the ending is my favorite hahha, I am willing to write a part two if people really want it. But yeah, enjoy :)))
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Lately, you’d noticed your best friend Peter had become a bit distant, you’d see how tired he’d look when he came to school, how on edge he was all the time, even a few marks on his face from time to time.
You were concerned for your friend, but at the same time you were confused as to why he was shutting you out.
You’d noticed Ned had started becoming distant too, becoming closer with Peter and excluding you more.
Michelle had noticed this happening too, she too didn’t understand what was going on, but at the same time she didn’t really care, it didn’t involve her.
You walked over to your table at lunch, carrying the brown bag in your hand, as Michelle sat a few seats away like usual, her face in a book, however, you noticed Peter and Ned having an intense conversation, but the second they saw you, they stopped.
“Hey guys.” You smiled, but they didn’t return the smile, nor the friendly gesture.
You felt your heart break, what had you done that made them suddenly hate you so much?
“Is every thing okay?” You questioned hesitantly, looking between the two of them.
Ned and Peter glanced at you for a split second before looking at each other, letting out a sigh.
“Yeah, every thing is fine Y/N, just a rough day, that’s all.” Ned answered vaguely, as you nodded, clearly not convinced.
You couldn’t help but observe Peter, he looked tired, worn out, overall just miserable.
“Peter are you sure you’re alright?” You asked again, you didn’t believe that they were just fine you knew there was more than what they were letting on.
“Y/N, just let him be.” Ned pressed on, making you roll your eyes, a flash of anger going through them, making Ned shut up quickly.
“I don’t give a damn, I want to know what the hell is going on? Is that so bad?” You spoke angrily, watching as Ned shrunk in his seat as Peter just glared at the table, his anger finally peaking.
“You know what Y/N? You need to mind your own damn business, maybe if you did that more often you’d actually have friends! Maybe then we’d actually like to hangout with you more if you weren’t constantly trying to pry into our lives and figure us out all the time! It’s like you have no consideration for anyone but yourself!” Peter shouted, surprising not only himself, but Ned, Michelle and especially you.
Peter had never yelled at you before, especially not in front of everyone.
You sat there, wide eyed, unable to speak, your heart broken into a million pieces.
He did hate you.
You nodded slowly, tears brimming your eyes as you started packing up your lunch, no longer hungry and definitely no longer wanting to be around him.
“Sorry to have been such a burden to you.” You spat out, tears streaming down your cheeks as you stormed out of the cafeteria, throwing your lunch away as you left.
Peter sat there watching you leave, his heart breaking as you did, he knew he messed up, really bad.
“Dude what the actual hell was that!” Ned shouted, hitting Peter on the arm, making him wince.
“I don’t know! Ugh, I really don’t know.” Peter muttered, frustration clear in his voice.
Michelle on the other hand was watching every thing, although she never interfered with any of her table members, she felt this was a good time to break that.
“What you did was really fucked up Parker, she really cared for you, I hope you remember that.” Michelle commented, before grabbing her book and her apple, and exiting the table, leaving both of them in shock.
“Dude you’re so fucked.” Ned groaned, as Peter hit his head on the table, groaning out in frustration.
“I know, I don’t even know why I said what I did! It just came out without warning.” Peter sighed, rubbing his face with his hands.
“Honestly Peter, I don’t know if you can fix this one, I don’t think Spider-Man himself can fix this.” Ned whispered the last part, making Peter sigh sadly, he knew Ned was right, you were never going to forgive him.
He didn’t know what had gotten into him the past few weeks, his job as Spider-Man had become a bit more stressful, therefore adding extra stress into his regular life, and then on top of that there was school, where he was pressured into doing well all the time, and he just couldn’t balance it out recently.
He’d been loosing hours of sleep fighting off criminals as Spider-Man, therefore making him more tired in class, unable to focus on the lessons.
Sometimes he’d come to school with a new cut or bruise from his mission the previous night, causing Ned to panic when he’d see him at his locker.
And then there was you, the sweetest person he knew, his best friend, the one person who wouldn’t even hurt a fly, the one person who genuinely cared about him, and now he pushed you away by going too far.
He thought pushing you away at first was the best to protect you from what he actually did, but as time went on it just got worse, he knew how bad he was hurting you, and it hurt him too, but he kept telling himself it was for the best.
But then Ned started to avoid you too, which made Peter angry, he wasn’t supposed to ditch you too, but Ned was also his best friend too, which made it even more difficult.
Peter and Ned had avoided you the best they could for two weeks, slowly getting out of your life, to keep you safe of course.
But you, you found it the total opposite.
And now your assumptions were proven correct, and you couldn’t feel any worse than you already did.
This time it was your turn to avoid both Peter and Ned, you did for weeks, refusing to talk to them, look at them, sit with them, basically anything that involved them, you find a way out of it.
If you were such a burden to their lives why be in it at all? Wasn’t that what they wanted anyways?
Peter did say you always tried to pry into their lives and figure everything out, and that you had no consideration for anyone but yourself, so you decided maybe he was right.
That’s why you decided to change, you weren’t going to be that person anymore.
Weeks turned to months, and you were still ignoring them, they did their best to try and talk to you, but it was no use.
You on the other hand became best friends with Michelle and Liz, who also helped give you a complete makeover.
You decided to become a better version of yourself, you dressed nicer, did your hair and even put on makeup, something you never once used to do.
This surprised everyone the day you walked into school with Liz and Michelle, nobody had ever seen you like this before, and you weren’t going to lie, you loved how much attention you were getting.
You noticed Peter and Ned, watching you with wide eyes, which made you smirk slightly, you got what you had wanted.
Peter and Ned on the other hand, got the exact opposite, they changed you, for the worst.
“Dude what the hell!” Ned whisper shouted, looking at his best friend with wide eyes.
“I don’t know Ned, I guess I really hurt her, and now she’s getting us back by becoming something she isn’t.” Peter sighed, leaning his head in his locker, groaning as Ned just stood there still stunned.
“She did look good though, you have to admit that.” Ned nudged Peter who’s head shot up quickly, hitting his head on the locker shelf.
“Ow,” He muttered, rubbing his head before slamming his locker shut, “And alright yeah, she does look good, I hadn’t seen her like that before.” Peter shrugged, adjusting his backpack straps.
The bell rang, and everyone started going to their classes, sadly for you, your first class was with Peter and Ned.
“Alright, good morning everyone!” Your teacher Mr. Scott smiled, as you all gave blank stares.
“I see everyone is tired, but this is chemistry and it’s going to blow your mind and wake you all up! So, to do that, I’m assigning you all in groups to work on a project.” Mr. Scott picked up his paper, scrolling down the list, while reading off names.
“Y/N, Peter, and Ned, you’re all one group.” Mr. Scott announced, making your eyes widen as you glanced over at the two of them, who were equally as stunned.
He then dismissed everyone to get to work, you slowly walked over to their table, throwing your stuff on the desk.
Peter and Ned watched you anxiously, unsure of what to say, or even what to do.
“So, uhm, what do you think we should make?” Ned broke the awkward silence, you gave a shrug in response, not looking at them as Peter kept his stare on you, his heart beating faster.
“Y/N, do you have any ideas?” Peter pressed on, making you roll your eyes before looking up at him, his eyes widening, this was the first time in months you both made eye contact.
“I think you should go to hell.” You smiled, grabbing your pencil before writing down chemical formulas.
Peter’s mouth dropped open, that was the last thing he’d expected to hear you say, he felt his heart break more, but there was also a bit where anger was slipping in.
“You know after months, I thought you would of cooled off already.” Peter muttered, making your head snap up, your eyes narrowing at the brunette boy in front of you.
“I’m sorry, let me see, last I checked my ex best friend was super nice, but then he suddenly abandoned me, and then his other friend, who was also my friend, abandoned me, and then I was told I wasn’t a considerate person, because all I care about is myself, which is ridiculous because I distinctively remember trying to care about you and see what was wrong.” You shook your head, laughing at how in denial he was. “God you’re such an asshole.” You spat, your blood boiling as you grabbed your backpack, storming out of the classroom, despite your teacher yelling at you.
“Dude what is wrong with you? Are you trying to make her hate you even more than she already does?” Ned scolded, shaking his head at his friend as he sat there stunned.
What was wrong with him? Why couldn’t he just apologize for what he had done, now he just made it worse.
But that seemed to be the only thing he was good at doing lately.
Days passed since the incident in the classroom, you had told Liz and Michelle what had happened, they both were surprised Peter had the nerve to say that to you, but they were proud when you finally found the courage to stand up for yourself.
A few more days passed, you were at Liz’s house, having a movie night with her and Michelle, you started doing this so you would get over the other two who shall not be named.
“So Y/N, are you going to homecoming with anyone?” Liz questioned, popping a piece of popcorn in her mouth, Michelle also curious.
“I don’t know, I don’t really know that many people.” You admitted, shrugging your shoulders.
“Oh come on Y/N, basically the entire football team wants to take you!” Liz laughed, throwing popcorn at you as Michelle grinned.
“Oh hush.” You laughed, eating a piece of the popcorn that was thrown at you.
You felt your phone buzz in your pocket, you let out a groan, causing Liz and Michelle to look over at you.
“It’s my mom, I gotta go.” You sighed, giving a sad smile to your friends who begged you to stay, but eventually let you leave.
You started walking home, it was late, the sky was dark, sometimes you were nervous walking alone, but for some reason this time you weren’t.
That is until you felt some sticky substance connect to your shirt, and before you knew it you were flying across Queens.
“What the hell! Put me down!” You screeched, and thankfully the “kidnapper” put you down on a building rooftop.
“Oh great it’s you, Spider dude.” You muttered, trying to remove the web attached to you.
“That’ll dissolve in two hours.” Spider-Man spoke, making you roll your eyes.
“That’s just great!” You sighed, running your fingers through your hair annoyed.
“Any reason you decided to kidnap me?” You looked at the masked hero, who shifted awkwardly.
“Actually yes.” He sighed, slowly pulling the mask off his head, revealing the last person you ever expected.
“Peter?” You whispered, your eyes wide as Peter watched you nervously.
“I-I wanted to tell you Y/N, but my job, it’s just so dangerous, and I couldn’t afford to have anything to happen to you.” Peter rushed out, his hands shaking anxiously.
“Y-You lied to me! You made me feel like the shittiest person ever Peter!” You yelled, making him cringe at your words.
“You made me feel like you hated me.” You whispered the last part out, tears sliding down your cheeks.
“I thought that maybe if I made you hate me, it’d keep you safer.” Peter tried to explain, reaching out to you, but you backed away.
“You don’t get to touch me, you lied to me, you broke me.” You choked out, your body visibly shaking.
“I’m so so sorry Y/N.” Peter apologized, but you just laughed, making his blood turn cold.
“Did Ned know?” You questioned, watching him avoid your gaze, you nodded slowly, running your tongue over your lip, “Wow, so you trusted him, but not me.” You sniffed, anger taking over your emotions.
“I didn’t intend to tell him! He found out by accident!” Peter defended, making your shrug.
“Does it matter? He still knew Peter! Makes sense why he decided to leave me too.” You laughed bitterly, shaking your head at all the information you were receiving.
“Please Y/N, I’m sorry, please forgive me.” Peter pleaded, but you just shook your head.
“No Peter, I’m not going to forgive you, you put me through hell for months, and now you think it’s okay to just apologize and assume every thing will be back to normal.” You looked at him, tears stained on your cheeks as Peter looked at you desperately.
“It’s your turn to feel what I felt.” You looked around, noticing there was no way off the building.
“Get me down from here please.” You sighed, as Peter nodded sadly, wrapping his arm around you for what was probably the last time, as he swung you home.
He set you down on your fire escape, but before you could turn and go inside, he pulled you in for a tight hug.
You didn’t want to, but you slowly hugged him back, deep down you missed the brunette nerd, but at the moment you despised him with a burning passion.
“I will win you back.” He mumbled into your hair, pressing a kiss to your forehead, before swinging off.
It had been weeks since you had last seen Peter, or as you should say “Spider-Man” which wasn’t a bad thing.
He was off doing who knows what, fighting whoever, while you were planning on who to go with for homecoming.
“So how’s project Y/N coming along?” Ned asked, spinning around in Peter’s chair.
“It’s not, it’s more how is she making me feel, and I feel like shit. She told me she was going to make me feel how she felt, and well, it’s working.” Peter groaned, tugging on his hair frustrated.
They both were silent for a moment before Peter’s head snapped up, something was wrong, his Spidey senses were tingling.
“I gotta go, be back soon!” Peter shouted, before going out his window to where he was being directed.
When he arrived to the scene, he was shocked, there was a group of people being held hostage by some random person in a costume.
“Hey, sorry to interrupt this,” He motioned to the hostages, “But you have to let them go.” He added, as the villain laughed.
“And why should I do that?” They fired back, the voice making his eyes widen a bit.
“Because, it’s me you want.” He shot back, his heart beating quicker, as the villain nodded slowly, releasing the hostages.
“Alright fine, have it your way.” The villain shrugged, catching Spider-Man off guard as they hit him in the stomach and face.
Spider-Man groaned, before getting back up, he knew that voice, but how did he know it?
“Who are you?” He asked, as the masked villain laughed, grinning through the mask.
“Your worst nightmare.” They responded, before hitting him again, making him groan in pain.
Then it all clicked, it was you, you were the new villain he had been fighting for the past few weeks, and he just now realized it.
“Karma is a bitch Peter.” You laughed, before disappearing into the darkness, Peter standing there stunned.
He quickly swung home, scaring Ned as Peter flung his mask off, pacing around the room.
“Dude calm down, what happened?” Ned questioned, watching his best friend pace back and forth.
“You know the new villain I was telling you about?” Peter rushed out quickly as Ned nodded in response.
“I just found out who it is.” Peter breathed out, his face flushed as Ned waited anxiously.
“It’s Y/N.”
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livi-the-werewolf · 7 years
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Request:  Hi!❤ I wanted to request a bellamy x reader image: Bellamy and reader are rly close friends and are secretly in love with each other. but bellamy doesn’t think that she is in love with him so eventually he gives up and has a girlfriend (gina or sb). reader is rly jealous and a real mess so she starts doing rly dangerous things to distract herself from that. bellamy catches her one time and is very worried. He breaks up with his gf later and confesses his feelings for the reader. thank you! ❤
A/N: i think i have carpal tunnel so its actually painful to write imagines which is terrible. this is a long one tho. ps - i changed the the scenario a little, hope you don’t mind:3 (this is set in season 1 btw)
I looked over at Gina in disgust as she played with Bellamy’s hair and giggled at everything he said. “I should be playing with his hair,” I muttered under my breath. I rolled my eyes and began mocking her, “Oh Bellamy, I love you so much! You’re the hottest guy in the camp and I’m just with you for your looks and because you’re the camp leader!” I pounded down my hammer bitterly while staring at the camp’s ‘cutest couple’. “Shit,” I yelled out, realizing I accidentally hit the hammer onto my finger. I felt my finger throb and clutched it to my chest. 
“You okay, Y/n?” Finn asked from behind me. I turned to face him. 
“Yeah, I just wasn’t paying attention while working with a hammer. Not a good idea by the way,” I joked. Finn chuckled.
“Well if it means anything to you, I don’t like Gina either,” he whispered to me. My eyes widened and I started to blush, realizing he heard me mocking her. Finn started laughing and I rolled my eyes playfully.
“It isn’t funny,” I exclaimed. He held up his hands in defense and smiled. 
“Okay, okay. Anyways, I was wondering if you could go out to get some food? We’re almost out and I would go but I have a lot of work to do around here,” he asked me. 
“Sure, anything to get away from Gina,” I told him. 
“Thanks, I owe you,” he told me, giving me a bright smile.
“No problem Finn.”
“I’m going out to get food Clarke,” I yelled, grabbing a gun and some bullets. 
I was halfway out the gate before she yelled back, “You need to bring someone with you Y/N! We travel in pairs remember?” 
“It’s fine, I can take care of myself,” I assured, resuming my walk out the gate. 
“Really? I couldn’t tell by the dark circles under your eyes, and your throbbing finger!” I rolled my eyes and ignored her, walking out into the forest alone.
I mindlessly stumbled across tree roots and rocks, not paying attention to where I was going at all. That was obviously a mistake because suddenly, I was falling. I face planted into the dirt. I turned onto my back and felt a shooting pain in my leg. I looked down at my leg. My ankle was red and already starting to swell. I tried to move it but an excruciating pain racked through my entire leg. I held back a scream but couldn’t stop the tears that were now streaming down my cheeks. 
“Y/n!” I heard a familiar voice call out. I looked up and saw Bellamy running towards me. He kneeled beside me and started cursing quietly. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” he mumbled, his hands hovering over my ankle, unsure of what to do.
“I know right,” I whispered hoarsely, my voice cracking slightly. I let out a weak chuckle. He looked at my face for the first time since he found me and I saw his facial expression soften. He wiped away my tears. However the moment was over as quickly as it started. “Why are you here?” I asked bitterly, “And why isn’t Gina here?” 
“I’m here because you’re my friend and I was worried about you, and for good reason obviously,” he explained. “And why would Gina be here? It’s not like she follows me everywhere I go.” 
“Well I hate to break it to you Bellamy, but she does follow you everywhere you go. Can’t believe you haven’t noticed.” 
“Okay, what’s your deal? I came here to help you but you’re being a total dick,” he questioned, his voice getting louder with every word. 
“Well maybe I didn’t want you come! That was the entire point of coming! To get away from you and Gina,” I yelled. 
“What is that supposed to mean,” he yelled back. Before I got to answer his question I heard the sound of an arrow being shot. It hit a tree a few feet in front of us. 
We both looked at each other with wide eyes. In a few seconds time we had a silent conversation. I grabbed my gun that had slid a few inches away when I fell and Bellamy picked me up. He began to run and I aimed at the grounder.  
“On the count of three start shooting, okay? One, two, three!” I instantly started shooting at the grounder as Bellamy ran as fast as his legs would carry us. I shot the grounder in the leg and then the stomach, watching as he fell down. Then another jumped down from the trees. Somehow, through all the shaking and unsteadiness I managed to shoot him in the head, and he dropped dead instantly.
“Are we clear?” He asked. 
“Yeah, I got them,” I told him. I winced as my leg shook, pain shooting up it once again.
“Sorry,” he breathed. He slowed down enough to press a quick kiss to my head before speeding back up again. I felt my heart speed up and pressed myself closer to him. 
We made it back to camp in around twenty minutes. “Let us in!” Bellamy shouted from outside the gate. 
“It’s Bellamy,” I heard someone shout. 
“Open her up,” someone else shouted. The gate opened and Bellamy rushed in. A few people crowded around us until Bellamy shooed them away, causing them to all scatter.
“Here, let me down, Bell. I can walk the rest of the way. You carried me the whole time,” I offered. 
“No, you’re hurt. I’m not letting you hurt yourself even more,” he replied. 
“Seriously, Bell. Please. I feel bad you had to carry me all that way. I’ll use you for support. What’s the worst that could happen between now and twenty feet away?” I asked. He gave me a look before letting out a sigh. He shifted and then slowly let me down. I grabbed onto his shoulder for support and he wrapped his arm tightly around my waist, holding me up. 
I saw Gina’s face instantly brighten when she saw Bellamy but began glare at me when she saw me in his arms. She came rushing up to us and started pulling on his arm. 
“Bellamy come with me, I need to show you something,” she whined. 
“I need to get Y/n to Clarke first. I might even stay the night in the drop ship, she’s really messed up,” Bellamy explained, shrugging her off. I saw Gina’s face drop and then she was glaring at me again. 
“Just come on Bellamy, I really want to hang out with you today,” she begged. 
“Gina I can’t!” he yelled. I saw her face flush and she looked absolutely outraged. She gave me a sharp glare, making me shrink into Bellamy’s side. 
She moved to walk past me, only to slide her foot under mine, successfully tripping me. I let out a yelp, both in pain and surprise, falling forward for the second time today. Bellamy grabbed my hips tightly, pulling me to him. My eyes welled up with tears and I let out heavy breaths, trying to get my pain under control. 
“What the hell Gina! You could’ve seriously hurt her! Why the hell would you do that,” Bellamy screamed. 
“You know what, don’t even talk to me! Just go away,” he barked out, cutting her off. She gave me one last glare and then stalked away. 
“Are you okay?” he asked. I sniffled and nodded my head. “Let’s get you to Clarke, okay?” 
“Okay,” I whispered.
He helped me limp over to the drop ship, which we now used as a hospital of sorts. “Oh my god! What happened?” Clarke asked as soon as Bellamy helped me through the doorway. 
“She fell,” he stated. 
“Technically, I tripped and then face planted,” I piped up. Both Clarke and Bellamy rolled their eyes and I shrunk into Bellamy’s chest. He rubbed my back and then asked where he could put me. 
“Over here,” she said, pointing to a cot in the corner of the first level. 
“I need to go grab something from my tent that will help with her, I’ll be right back,” Clarke told us. Bellamy nodded his head in acknowledgement and then carried me over to the cot. He set me down as gently as he could but I still flinched a little when my leg touched the cot. 
“Sorry,” he whispered. I looked up at him and saw a guilty expression on his face. 
“Hey, it’s fine,” I told him, grabbing onto his hand. He gave me a close mouthed smile and rubbed my hand with his thumb. I flinched when he touched the finger I had crushed this morning, causing his eyebrows to furrow. He looked down and saw my extremely bruised finger with dried up blood on it that I hadn’t realized was there. 
“What happened?” he asked, concern flooding all of his features. 
“I got distracted by something when I was working on the wall with a hammer earlier today,” I explained bashfully. 
“What distracted you,” he asked, smirking. I blushed and looked away.
“You,” I whispered. His smirk got even bigger and he was practically oozing cockiness. “Don’t be too proud of yourself. You know how I am, I get distracted by anything that’s cute or shiny,” I shot at him. 
“So you think I’m cute,” he questioned. 
“No! Well, maybe. I mean, no!” He smiled at me and winked. 
“Well I think you’re adorable,” he told me. I felt my entire face turn red and I looked away shyly.
“I’m back,” Clarke announced, walking back into the drop ship. She had a white bandage in her hand. “This is for your ankle, the pressure of the bandage will help it heal,” she explained. She wrapped the bandage around my ankle tightly and I flinched, instinctively clutching onto Bellamy’s hand. He squeezing me hand, taking his other hand and ran it through my hair. 
“What next?” Bellamy asked. 
“We don’t have any ice so she just needs to keep her leg still and wait for it to heal,” Clarke replied. “You can go on back to your tent Bell, all she needs is some rest now. I’ll stay with her overnight to watch over her,” Clarke told him. I felt my heart fall at the thought of him leaving.
“No, it’s okay, Clarke. I’ll stay with her. You rest up, you deserve it,” he replied.
“Are you sure?” She asked.
He nodded before looking down at me and smiling. 
Clarke walked out and I heard a chorus of goodnights from outside the dropship. Bellamy walked across the room and grabbed a cloth, dumping it in a bucket of water. He squeezed it out and brought it over, wiping away the dirt on my face. 
“Thanks,” I whispered. He smiled softly in return. He discarded of the cloth and then pulled a chair up next to me, sitting down in it. He grabbed my hand, running his thumb over my knuckles and slowly lulling me to sleep. 
I woke up to Bellamy screaming at someone outside of the drop ship. “No Gina, we’re done! What you did to Y/n was the final straw! I’m done with you,” he shouted. 
“Fine! Leave me for that whore, but don’t come crawling back to me when you realize how much better I am!” She shouted back, just as loud as him. 
“What the hell did you just say about her?” he asked. If I didn’t know any better I would’ve swore that he sounded like he was going to murder her. 
“Bellamy,” I called out weakly, hoping that if I intervene no further damage would be made. 
“We’ll continue this later,” he muttered. I heard her walk away before Bellamy appeared in the doorway before walking over to my side. grabbing my hand
“What do you need, sweetheart?” he asked, grabbing my hand.
“Were you talking with Gina?” I questioned, even though I already knew the answer.
“Yeah, I broke up with her,” he told me.
“Are you okay?” I asked quietly.
“Yeah, you don’t need to worry about me, princess,” he assured. I blushed at the nickname.
“Why did you break up with her?“
"Because what she did to you wasn’t okay,” he told me.
“So it’s my fault? God, I’m so sorry Bell,” I whispered, staring up at him guiltily. 
“No! No, of course it isn’t your fault. It’s my fault because I couldn’t give Gina what she deserved in the relationship. Because I have feelings for someone else,” he explained, playing with the bottom of his shirt. I felt my face fall, realizing he had feelings for another girl.
“Who is it?” I inquired, slightly bitter.
“You.” My head shot up to look at him.
 “Yeah, I’m in love with you Y/n,” he admitted. 
“I guess I went out and got my knee dislocated for no reason then,” I replied. He let out a loud laugh before leaning towards me and pressing his lips on mine.
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ellanainthetardis · 7 years
If you're still taking prompts could you pretty please do one when during the war the Capitol sent videos of Effie and the victors being tortured (maybe not of all of them since they wouldn't want to reveal their game) and Haymitch wakes up from his detox time to find all of them and basically looses his shit ? Or something along those lines ? I mean you're the artist here ! Btw I love you're fics you're my fave author sorry if you've already done something similar. I'm out of space bye xoxo
Might be a bitgraphic, if you don’t like that… ;)[X]
Dead Man
Haymitch couldn’t really tell if it wasThirteen that was cold or if the cold came from him.
The irony was that he was drenched in sweat.
He tried hard not to think about the rehabcell, about being left to curl up on the floor like a dog without a blanket. Itwas his own fault, they had said. They had had him strapped to a bed at firstbut he had broken out, he had… You are adanger for yourself and others… The doctor’s words floated back in hismind, unbidden, and he chased them away. Thirteen wasn’t much of a rehabcenter, that much was sure.
He had flatlined once, they had told him later.He had died. They hadn’t let him stay dead. A part of him wished theyhad.
Katniss would be a problem.
Her accepting to become the Mockingjay was thereason they had finally taken him out of what they called a hospital room – andthat he called a convenient out-of-sight cell – but it wouldn’t be so simple.They had had a quick talk at the end of the briefing but… No. Katniss wouldn’tforgive him so easily.
“What else did I miss?” he asked, making aneffort to focus on the present moment.
It was difficult.
His brain felt slow and sluggish, his mindtended to wander.
Plutarch had brought him to the compartmentthey were supposed to share so he could change – apparently, he was smelly andit was an inconvenience. He started to unbutton the grey shirt, his fingersless deft than he would have liked. It was a complicated task and if Effie hadbeen there…
“Nothing we weren’t expecting.” Plutarchanswered from the living area part ofthe compartment. He was tinkering with a tablet, checking reports or… something. Haymitch wasn’t privy to suchtechnology. He had been given a communicuff but that was the extent of hisprivileges. “You’re caught up on the main things.”
He wasn’t thrilled about having to share aroom, least of all with a Capitol. The only Capitol he wouldn’t have mindedsharing with…
He shook his head and finally managed to shedhis shirt.
His undershirt was easier to pass over hishead.
“You’re hiding something.” he accused, applyinga generous amount of deodorant. A shower would have been better but they didn’thave time for that – and five minutes of lukewarm water followed by an icystream didn’t seem appealing, he wanted an hour of hot water or, even better, ahot bath, preferably with a hot blond who would insist on using too muchflowery smelling products in it. Plutarch had been shifty ever since he hadtaken him out of his cell. Every time the conversation revolved around thecaptured victors and the missing escort, he deflected.“Tell me.”
There was a deep sigh and Plutarch appeared onthe sleeping area’s threshold, his arms folded across his chest, the tablet notquite safely dangling from his fingers.
Haymitch wasn’t entirely comfortable being thesubject of his scrutiny when he wasn’t wearing a shirt. The Head Gamemaker’seyes immediately went to the huge angry-looking scar on his right side.Everyone always did that when they saw him bare-chested for the first time. Thescar the axe had left was impressive enough to catch anyone’s attention.
But Plutarch was observant and Haymitch couldtell he took in the other smaller scars. He turned away under the pretext ofgrabbing a clean undershirt from the meager pile of clothes he had beenallotted but he regretted it at once because it exposed his back. The scarsthere were faint but characteristic enough that the Capitol would know theycame from a whip. Although he probably already knew. Haymitch didn’t believefor one second that the rebels hadn’t investigated him and being whipped forpoaching at fifteen must have been in his file.
“Look…” Plutarch hesitated. “We received sometransmissions from the Capitol early on. They were meant to unsettle us,nothing more. You don’t need to see them.”
“What kind of transmissions?” he frowned,slipping a new undershirt on. He felt better once he wasn’t so exposed to theHead Gamemaker’s gaze. How he was supposed to sleep at night with a Capitol manin the room he wasn’t sure. He trusted Plutarch to an extent but accepting tobe vulnerable next to a Gamemaker…
It was a problem for later though.
“Videos.” the man replied reluctantly. “Videosthat allowed us to ascertain three of the captives have been tortured forintel.”
He briefly closed his eyes before passing agrey shirt on. He knew about that. Even if he hadn’t guessed, it was one of thefirst things they had told him when they had taken him out of his rehab cell.
“You have videos of them being tortured.” heclarified. His fingers were shaking too badly for him to hope succeeding indoing the buttons. He left it open and grabbed a black woolen sweater. The coldwouldn’t go away. It was wrapped around his bones. “Jo, Peeta and Annie.”
“Not Annie Cresta, no.” Plutarch denied, beforeclearing his throat. “Johanna Mason, Peeta Mellark and…”
The Gamemaker’s voice trailed off awkwardly.
Haymitch didn’t need him to finish.
“Effie.” he said flatly.
Plutarch made a face. “I am sorry, Haymitch.”
“You can be.” he spat. “It’s your fault.” TheCapitol didn’t even flinch and it annoyed Haymitch even more. There was noflash of guilt on his face, no regret, nothing.“You were supposed to get her out. I wanted her with me. You said…”
“I know.” Plutarch cut him off. “I stand bywhat I said then. Taking her with us on that hovercraft would have been farmore dangerous than having her safely and quietly extracted from the Capitol.There was no guarantee we wouldn’t be blown up out of the sky, Haymitch. It wassupposed to be safer for her than it was for us.”
“But we’rehere and she’s not.” he growled.
The Head Gamemaker looked down at the stretchof floor between them, finally betraying something.Damn those Capitols and their abilities to hide their feelings so well.
“I know you and Effie…” Plutarch started.
“You know fuckabout us.” he interrupted him before the man could say something that wouldfreak him out even more. “Don’t you fuckingdare…”
“I know you are friends, at the very least.” the Gamemaker countered. “And I knowyou lost quite a few of those in the last couple of weeks and I am sorry for that, I truly am. And, believeit or not, I am sorry Effie is now in that position. It was never supposed tohappen.”
“She doesn’t even know anything.” he retortedangrily. “She wasn’t…” He shook his head and outstretched his hand. “Give methat tablet. I want to see.”
Plutarch made a face. “I don’t think that’s agood idea. You don’t need…”
“Showme.” he snarled.
The Head Gamemaker clucked his tongue once inobvious displeasure but relented. He tapped on his tablet and then handed it tohim. “I’ll be in Command. Join us when you’re ready.”
He waited until the sliding door shut onPlutarch to press play.
The first video was Johanna’s.
His hands shook so badly that he was forced toplace the tablet down on the small table in the living area. He sat downheavily, elbows on the table, hands pressed hard against his mouth. For eachquestion they asked, the young woman answered with an insult. He flinched withevery blow.
Next was Peeta and that was worse. He couldn’twatch. Not without a bottle. He spent the whole video with his eyes closed,listening to hasty denials and screams that would follow him into hisnightmares.
Then he heard the video change and he felt sickto his stomach.
“Who are you?”
The question was weird enough that he openedhis eyes.
Effie’s arms were tied above her head, sheseemed to be dangling from the ceiling, her feet barely touching the ground.Whatever was going on had started a while ago, he could tell. The back of herprison suit was torn and the Peacekeeper circling her had a whip in his hand.
Haymitch tasted bile.
The video was in black and white but he couldtell her face was covered with bruises.
Her breathing was loud and heavy. It took someeffort on her part to speak.
For a second there was only statics and thenthe crack of the whip echoed. She yelled when it tore at her skin.
“Who areyou?”
He clenched his jaw, his fists bundled so tightit hurt. He wanted to punch something – or rather someone.
She licked her lips and jutted her chin high.He wished she would lose the attitude. It was commendable but…
“Effie Trinket.” she answered again.
There was no pause before the whip lashed outthis time. He counted them. Counted every five times that leather struck herback and with each and every one of them he felt his heart grow colder, darker. Something in him was growling,the beast he kept on a leash, the dark part inside… The victor who had killedfor less.
“Who are you?” the Peacekeeper asked again. “Come on, pet… I don’t have all day. Say itand then you can go back to your friends. I’ll give you water even. Don’t youwant some? It’s been a while since you’ve had a drink, yeah? And Mason… Evenlonger. I bet she would like some water. All you have to do is say it. Who are you?”
The man made the whip crack in the air and,even though it didn’t strike her, Effie flinched and tried to curl up, toprotect herself. She lost her already tenuous footing and she ended up danglingfrom her arms with all her weight. She let out a pained sob.
“It’s easy. You say itand I give water to your friend.” the Peacekeeper insisted.
Haymitch didn’t understand what the man wasplaying at. She didn’t know anything so what kind of information did he wantout of her. He had asked her name and she had given it and now…
Effie mumbled something he didn’t catch.
Haymitch watched, feeling sicker and sicker, asthe man ran his fingers through her hair almost fondly before brutally yankingher head back. She was staring straight at the camera but it was as if shewasn’t seeing it, as if she wasn’t seeing much of anything.
The amount of pain she must have been in…
“Louder so he can hearyou.” thePeacekeeper ordered. “Who are you?”
“Abernathy’s bitch.” she muttered.
And Haymitch’s blood ran cold before startingto boil.
The man looked smug and pleased with himself ashe addressed the camera directly. This was different from the other videos,Haymitch understood, this wasn’t meant to unsettle Thirteen, this was meant to disturb him. This was Snow’s revenge.
“Hear that,Abernathy?” thePeacekeeper chuckled. “We’re trainingyour slut to answer to her real name…” He still had a grip on Effie’s hairand he shook her head a little. “You’vegot something to say to your boyfriend, pet? Last chance… Don’t know which oneof you will kick the bucket first but I don’t think you’ll see each otheragain.”
Effie, Haymitch could tell, was catching up towhat was happening.
He had been expecting everything but laughter though. It was a tad hystericaland almost too unhinged but it rang clear as day and it annoyed the Peacekeeperwho backslapped her. She spat some blood in a very unladylike fashion, stillchuckling.
“If he saw your face,you are a dead man.” shetold her guard.
It seemed the thought was hilarious to herbecause she kept laughing even as he used the whip again.
Haymitch couldn’t tell if she was that far gonethat the pain didn’t register or if they had broken her.
“You’re dead, bitch.” the Peacekeeper told her and thenthe video cut.
Haymitch felt dizzy and hollow.
He didn’t feel it coming but his stomachchurned and he barely had time to turn his head not to be sick all over thetable.  He couldn’t stop the shivers orthe trembling. He couldn’t get the sounds out of his head. Johanna’s insults,Peeta’s screams, Effie’s voice… The crack of the whip…
He punched the wall but the pain gave him norelief.
He couldn’t breathe.
He couldn’t think.
You are a dead man.
He was.Whoever that Peacekeeper was, Haymitch would find him and he would make himpay. He would make them all pay.
Nobody touched his family.
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jess-the-vampire · 8 years
Could you write a hurt/comfort story about the friend-enemies episode? Where Brian reveals the truth to Marco and he breaks down and Tom tries to comfort him? I'm a sucker for angst haha. I love your art btw! :)
Well, i don’t do much for story requests, but if you really want to i suppose i can take a crack at it. XD
It just takes me awhile to write .
Sorry, somehow this turned instead into a Marco comforts Tom fic XD
But it felt more fitting for the situation.
Tom flinched, backing up a bit into the nearest corner of his carriage. Marco looked angry, no not angry, pissed.
Brian stood in shock, questioning got not if he should do something considering Marco was now backing his client into a corner and yelling at him in anger. But then again maybe if he hadn’t told Marco at all this wouldn’t be a problem in the first place.“-YOU KNOW I HAD FAITH IN YOU!!!” Marco screamed, “I ACTUALLY PUT TRUST IN YOU THAT YOU COULD BE A GOOD PERSON AND YOU ACTUALLY MIGHT CARE ABOUT HOW YOU TREATED ME!! But I guess I was wrong…”.Tom fell silent, and noticed he was crying.“I-I just thought…..someone wanted to be my friend…but I guess I should’ve known better…”, Marco tried to force himself from crying but with no luck, he turned away from Tom and tried to exit from the carriage. Tom felt guilt welt up inside of him, he never felt this awful and sick in his life.Marco actually had faith in him, Marco actually cared about him, he actually really liked spending time with him.No one liked Tom.He had to do something, say something.“MARCO WAIT!!!” He shouted, stopping Marco in his tracks before he opened the carriage door.Marco stood in silence, tempted to just leave and let him suffer and forget about this terrible night.But part of him wanted to know what he had to say.He should’ve just left, but instead he turned around to face him, tears streaming down his face, “What Tom? What else could you possibly have to say to me? Look I get it, I took away your chances with Star….and you hate me for it…but..you didn’t have to put me through this….”Tom bit his lip, “You’re right Marco….you’re right about me..”.Marco looked surprised by his answer, but then he saw Tom fall to the ground in a sitting position.Tom was shaking, “I never should’ve put you through this….I-I just..I just wanted validation..I wanted to feel like I could do something right..”. Marco stared at him, was Tom….starting to cry? He didn’t even think that was possible but Tom looked so broken.“Everything I touch….I ruin…” He went on, “My first relationship….gone, Star hates me……then I ruin the most important ceremony of my people…then this..”. He tried to wipe his new tears away but having three eyes had some drawbacks. “I just wanted to feel like….I was getting better, That when i had this stupid badge I would know for sure that I wasn’t my stupid horrible dad, that I could go out into the world a brand new person…..and I would be happy..”The human watched him breakdown, guilt starting to welt up in his chest as well. His dad? What about his dad? “I’m sorry Marco….I’m sorry about everything….ok?”, He muttered, “I know I shouldn’t have lied to you…I shouldn’t have even invited you here, I just…I don’t know….”He looked up at Marco, “You don’t have to stay, you don’t have to forgive me, I won’t make you stay I just…I want you know that…I’m sorry..”. Tom closed his eyes, expecting Marco to yell at him or the carriage door to close but he heard nothing.He looked to find Marco instead walking closer to him.Brain just watched, he’d never been able to get this much out of Tom before, he backed up out of the scene to not make anything worse between them.Marco sat down in front of the demon, much to his surprise.“What about your dad?”, He asked, he wasn’t really crying anymore, he actually looked concerned.Tom, not sure why Marco was still here, removed his armband to show a couple of bruises and marks. “I just….I just don’t want to be him, I just wanted to feel like I was a good person…”, He looked up at Marco, “But i’m not…..I’m just not….”Marco took his arm and looked it over, there he went again, being concerned and caring about someone he should’ve given up on a long time ago.“I didn’t mean to hurt you Marco….or Star..or anybody…I was being selfish an-”He was cut off when Marco pulled him into a hug, Tom didn’t know how to react, but then he put his arms around the human and cried into his shoulder.Marco rubbed his back, “Hey, it’s ok…y-you’re not a bad person Tom…”Tom wanted to say something back, but he couldn’t.“I didn’t know about your dad….”, Marco said, “I’m sorry…”“No it’s ok….I don’t like talking about him much…”, Tom sobbed, “I shouldn’t have brought you into this, but I couldn’t stand to be in a room alone with him for a few hours…”. He buried his face into the boy’s hoodie, “Even after I kidnapped you and beat you at ping-pong….you actually seemed to care about me, I-I just thought…if I did this with you, I might actually pass and It might not be so bad…..and it wasn’t, tonight has been some of the most fun I’ve had in a long time….:Marco kept on comforting him, letting him drag on."I’m sorry about everything Marco, I don’t blame you if you don’t want to see me anymore….”Marco bit his lip, “I had fun tonight too….even Star doesn’t know I like Love Sentence…”.He let Tom go and looked at him, “Tom….what you did was messed up, you shouldn’t have tricked me into hanging out with you…..”He turned away from him, guilty.“But….” Marco started, “Did you really enjoy spending time with me?”Tom smiled and nodded, “Yeah, I know that doesn’t make this mess up…but…I had a lot of fun…”Marco turned over and sat next to him, and they sat in silence for a bit.“I know we can’t go to the marathon….” Marco mentioned, “But is it ok with you if I stay here a bit longer? You’re kinda my ride home anyway..”Tom looked at him with hopeful eyes, “Yeah, of course you can stay if you want…”Marco gave him a small smile, “Love sentence?”“Love sentence…”, Tom smiled back.“Oh, and by the way Tom?”“Yeah?”“Fire Brain, that was a horrible graduation test…”
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