#strikes every time she moves
alltoowsll · 9 months
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ts-kk-blog · 1 year
lightning strikes every time she moves.....
The sun in her belt chain oh 🤭
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Also eyes on shoulder necklace
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kaylor · 1 year
this is all just more ammunition for the theory that lover WAS a horny coming out album that ended up being a flaccid coming out "politically" album like they just keep feeding the beast it's not my fault i'm right about everything
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unloneliest · 7 months
the problem of the matter is i did internalize so much of what ex friend believed about me. even though i knew he was wrong and knew what was happening and tried to stop it and if i took more action to stop it would have been abusing power i held in a way i couldn't live with myself for.
#A BAD PERSON TRYING TO RUIN YOUR LIFE WOULD'VE GOTTEN YOU FIRED AND EVICTED IN WINTER IN ALASKA YOU MOTHERFUCKER. WHICH I DID NOT DO#he was renting a room from my dad. for cheaper than he wouldve been able to find anywhere else. his brother was too#his brother didn't pay rent for over 6 months and my dad just forgave him the debt because my dad knew how much of a difference it wouldve#made when he was that age. and i had told him ex friend was family to me & my dad applied that to the brother too. bc he is a good person.#and one of the strongest parts of my support system. and i didn't say a word to him about what was happening until i knew he already had a#plan for when he would be ending ex friend's lease. so there would be no subconscious impact on ex friend's housing either#mgmt at work straight up asked me if i thought ex friend should be fired immediately multiple times and i'm in retrospect livid they put me#in that position but told them to go by the strike system in the employee handbook and to follow policy that ex friend knew perfectly. that#it couldn't be on me as acting assistant manager to choose#and after 10 months of workplace harassment i got a different job to save my life. ex friend didn't get fired.#he did saw trap shit to my brain!!!!!! jesus christ#he moved cross country to live with his long time gf he called his wife despite never having met irl. to a way more conservative state.#despite being gay. and she left him this summer lol#hadn't checked his twitter in over a year when it got pulled up frm an old link and i saw that. and when he was already at a low point too#me voice. oh no who could've seen this coming. from how you behave in every relationship in your life#may delete this in the morning. but i have to talk about it sometimes#i'm never reaching out for closure both bc he wouldn't give me any and because i know it would trigger him and i don't intentionally trigge#people. unlike him :)#vampire pit#like. i have to talk about it sometimes. i have to talk about it.#jam posts
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licorishh · 8 months
Most people really don't seem to understand that friendship is a two-way street.
They expect you to wait on them hand and foot as they rant about and constantly pour on you either their issues or their passions and when you finally have something you'd like to talk about you get a "Man that sucks :/" or a "Cool" in return.
Find somebody who doesn't do that. Then you'll have your best friend.
#i know i ramble sometimes and i'm extremely grateful that my best friend puts up with it :')#but see then in return i do the same for her because it would be completely unfair for me to expect her to act like a wall for me to talk a#or when i wanna show her something and i can tell she's being polite and it doesn't personally strike her fancy I MOVE ON#and she does the same for me and we have way frickin better communication and we have a frickin rad friendship#it's give and take#and also can we bring back the idea of being able to work through some things on your own?#like i am ALL FOR having a support system that can encourage you when things go wrong but some things can be solved on your own#i shouldn't be bearing the burden of figuring out your life for you you know?#i'm absolutely willing to help but if you're just going to spend all your time complaining to me and never ever take my advice#then there comes a point at which i'm literally just acting as your therapist and that's not how friendships are supposed to work#i've become kind of the designated therapist in a lot of friendships throughout my life#and it is exhausting constantly being complained at (sometimes over very minor things)#only to have that person or people COMPLETELY ignore your advice every single time you try to give it#that's not friendship my dude that's using me because you just want someone to complain to#like i said. support system good. treating your friend like an emotional punching bag to let out your problems 24/7 very very bad.#like when i was feeling completely unlike myself and irritated and frustrated for three dang years straight#i didn't really talk about it much because i knew it wasn't the kind of thing advice was going to fix#so i wasn't in the discord servers every two seconds “MAN I REALLY JUST DON'T FEEL GOOD :///”#because when other people do this to me there comes a point at which i'm like “WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO ABOUT IT”#like i've given you all the advice i have and you have taken absolutely none of it nor have you taken any action on your own#so now i'm just here to make you feel better about yourself and that's really not my job#emotional support is necessary. patting you on the head when you refuse to do anything to better your situation is not.#tl;dr people who refuse to do anything to better their situation other than complain to ME about it 24/7 drive me nuts#and it drives other people nuts so please don't do it to anyone#don't bottle up your emotions but also don't let them come crashing down and drown everyone you know#just because you can't be bothered to put ANY effort forth to contain them#emotional regulation is attractive~~~#society today has built such a culture of “it's not YOUR fault and if you cry about it hard enough someone will fix it for you” like no sir#sometimes it IS your fault and sometimes you DO need to take responsibility#and if it is your fault then absolutely no one but you is obligated to fix it
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aropride · 1 year
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nebulouscoffee · 11 months
A Star Trek reality would be a dream! However.....
If you were on a starship or space station away from your home, what would you miss the most? What would be the one warm memory of home that you think would make you homesick more than anything else?
Honestly I think I'd miss everything haha, I am sentimental by nature so I get very attached to things and people and places. Also I genuinely feel like I could never work in an organisation like Starfleet, like it is wayyy too much about getting promoted & transferred & moving up in your career & stuff, and that is just. not for me🙈🙈
Maybe I'd live on Earth? Or be a civilian researcher like Keiko O'Brien; that way I'd still get to go to space without having to join the military.
Because Starfleet is like. definitely the military. And I'd miss Not working in the military😂
... idk, if I lived in space I'd probably be one of those losers who constantly uses the holosuite to see the ocean or trees or clouds or suddenly just decides one day to eat some food I associate with a person and then randomly ends up crying in the mess hall hahaha
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altruisticalastor · 4 months
↳˗ˏˋAlastor x Readerˊˎ˗ ↴
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☒ Summary: The Radio Demon proves to be quite a doting husband as he and his doe expierence many firsts together. Exploring his softer sides, may bring out a more posessive side of Alastor in the process.
☒ Warnings: fem!reader, she/her pronouns used, doe!reader, the reader is shorter than al, implied size difference, soft!alastor, posessive!alastor, lots of tooth rotting fluff, sexual themes but i wouldn't consider this smut, first times, alastor in a rut, knotting, breeding, pregnacy, many domestic moments between reader and alastor
☒ Word Count: 2,337
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Alastor was drawn to you the moment you crossed paths. The spotted ears planted atop your head, heart-shaped antlers, and a plush tail to match were striking. The Radio Demon hadn't ever seen a fellow deer hybrid in hell until you. But Alastor just knew that he had to have you all to himself. 
Since your first meeting, the two of you were inseparable. It didn't take long until you wed, and anyone who dared to try and cozy up to The Radio Demon's darling doe joined his next broadcast. Alastor was insanely possessive of you. He always had you tucked underneath his arm, crimson eyes following your every move. The only time they weren't on you, was when The Radio Demon was busy... taking care of business.
You were timid and pure. Alastor had no clue how you even ended up in hell. Surely, the gods were mistaken by not taking you. But alas, that softness you carried only made The Radio Demon's obsession for you all the more extreme. You were his weak spot, his darling wife. The love of his afterlife. 
You adored waking up next to Alastor each morning. He didn't rest often but snuggled into you each night to appease you. Which just made your heart flutter with delight. The only time you awoke to an empty bed, was when your husband slipped away to make breakfast for you. 
For the most part, you would sleepily wobble into the kitchen. Wrapping your arms around Alastor's waist from behind while he cooked his heart out. Alastor would hum a soft tune while he finished making your breakfast. Reveling in the warmth his cute wife emitted.
The Radio Demon would often spin on his heel. Encircling his large palms around your waist. He loved lifting you, so the tips of your toes planted flat against the top of his shoes as he spun you around the kitchen. Your laughter and his singing filled the sacred space you shared. You may have been in hell, but anywhere you were with Alastor was heavenly. 
Alastor never failed to notice how flustered you got as you gazed up at him. The man was over seven feet tall, so typically, he was taller than most. However, you were adorably short in comparison. His hands blanketed yours entirely. Alastor absolutely loved to bend down before you. Treasuring how your ears tipped back coyly as he met you at eye level. You were so easy to read. You couldn't hide anything from your husband. Even if you tried. 
You came to notice that physical touch wasn't something Alastor particularly liked. Except when it came to you. Your husband was constantly all over you. Holding your hand, wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you into his lap anytime he sat down. You name it. Knowing that you were the only exception made you feel special.
But even still, you never pushed the matter. If anything, you waited for Alastor to initiate the physical intimacy, which happened more frequently than one might think- considering The Radio Demon's reputation. 
Sex wasn't something you discussed much at the beginning of your relationship. Alastor briefly mentioned that he never desired such things when he was alive. But once he became a demon, a deer hybrid at that- he started experiencing ruts. He explained that he would usually tuck away from the world until his rut passed, but that was as far as the conversation went. Relief washed over you, knowing that you weren't alone in that aspect. Your periods of estrus always made you feel shameful but, most of all... unbearably needy.
Alastor prided himself on knowing that he was a man of great composure. However, when his routine rut hit after you both had tied the knot- he expected to be able to control his urges. But that proved to be impossible for The Radio Demon. At the start of his rut, he kept his distance. Avoiding all physical contact with you. Naturally, you understood and tried to support him the best you could from afar. 
But it didn't take long for Alastor's poise to completely crumble. Your scent was all over your shared home, and any glimpse of you had him throbbing in his pants. 
Before you knew it, your husband was on you. Nipping and kissing up the expanse of your throat. Grumbling and groaning against your neck, begging you to help in through his heat. Your body trembled with need as Alastor's hands roamed along your frame in a way he never had before. 
His touches were prompt, frantic, and perverse. You wouldn't dream of denying your darling husband during his time of need. Knowing that Alastor would be your first and last lover; as you would be his, sent your heart pounding against your ribcage.
As desperate as your husband was for release, his touch was undoubtedly gentle. Alastor was slow to undress you, laying you flat atop your shared bed. He placed chaste kisses on every square inch of your skin, making your ears twitch with delight. Your husband whispered sweet nothings into your skin as he worked a finger into your tight heat for the very first time. 
Alastor's deft digit stretched you out slowly. The copious amount of slick dripping down your thighs made it easy for him to add another finger. You were on cloud nine being touched by your darling husband in such a way. You could feel the need he had for you, and it only added to the pleasure. 
Your husband was a bit hesitant the first time he pushed himself inside your welcoming walls. His hands were trembling around your waist as he buried himself to the hilt inside you. You could tell he was unfamiliar with such things; it was endearing. Alastor's face loomed over yours as he beckoned into you slowly. He gazed down at you with so much adoration as he succumbed to pleasure. 
You didn't fail to notice the tears of merriment trickling down Alastor's flush cheeks as his pace quickened. Carefully, you wiped them away. Moaning in pure ecstasy as you and your husband reveled in the unforgettable moment you shared. A gasp escaped you as you felt him begin to swell from deep within you. 
From the look on Alastor's face, you could tell he was just as perplexed as you were. The base of your lover's length swelled so much, that he could hardly pull back. You were quite literally stuck together. It didn't take long for you to understand what had happened once Alastor released his seed deep inside you. 
The feeling of your husband being so close, enveloping and marking you as his, pushed you over the edge. Once Alastor's knot deflated inside you, finally allowing him to slip out of your heat, his eyes averted from yours. He was uncharacteristically quiet as he attempted to regain his composure. 
Slowly, he explained that he had no clue that he was capable of knotting until only moments ago. You couldn't help but flush as you admitted to liking it more than you probably should have. Your confession unlocked something from deep inside your husband's psyche. Safe to say that you both shared a long night of exploring one another's pleasures and eccentricities. 
Your husband began craving you sexually even when he wasn't in a rut after your first night together. Alastor seemed to have developed a fixation with breeding you, which you weren't opposed to. The thought of starting a family with your doting husband plagued your mind often. 
So it wasn't a massive surprise to you when you discovered you were pregnant only a couple months later. When you broke the news to Alastor, he was elated. Your husband lifted you in his arms, spinning you around the kitchen as you both grinned brightly. Alastor wasted no time pitching name ideas for your fawn, melting your heart entirely.
You were about seven months along when your husband informed you of his next prospect at the Hazbin Hotel. Happily, you joined your husband in his endeavor. At first, the people you met who resided at the hotel didn't believe you were Alastor's spouse. For crying out loud, he was the infamous Radio Demon. The ruthless overlord that moved up the ranks faster than ever before. 
But to you, he was simply the doting husband that took pride in loving you. Who rubbed your feet from how much they swelled during your pregnancy. The man who hummed his favorite tunes to you as you dozed off each night, caressing your ears lovingly in the process. 
It took a good while but over time you developed a good relationship with the residents. Charlie was so caring and helpful. She did tons of research on pregnancy to be able to aid you. The Princess of Hell loved rubbing your belly, feeling the little kicks, and humming happy songs to your little fawn.
Vaggie was overly protective of you. Not to Alastor's level- but certainly up there. She acted like your bodyguard at times, even in the safety of your and Alastor's room. It made you giggle, but you appreciated it nonetheless. 
Angel was a hoot. At first, he would ask you indecent questions about your and Alastor's sex life. But Husk always put him in his place at times like that. Eventually, Angel became somewhat of a brother to you. He and Fat Nuggets would sit on your bed with you late at night while Alastor worked in his radio tower. Angel would put on all the best rom-com movies, laughing and crying alongside you.
You knew Husk beforehand, having a civil relationship for the most part. But as more time passed at the hotel, he began to warm up to you. If anything, Husk feared for you. He didn't like Alastor in the slightest- and he didn't want you to get caught in The Radio Demon's crossfire. So he kept a watchful gaze on you, especially now that you were pregnant. 
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A small smile etched into your features as you heard the bedroom door swing open. Alastor was home early, something that didn't happen often. You sunk lower into your bubble bath, letting a soft sigh escape you as your husband's footsteps got louder. A moment later, the bathroom door swung open. Revealing the one and only; Alastor. 
"How is my darling doe and fawn doing on this wonderful evening?" Alastor boomed, approaching the tub swiftly. Wasting no time kneeling beside the tub. You giggled as your husband slipped his gloves off, dunking his palms beneath the water to caress your plump belly. 
"Hmm, better now that you're here," You whispered. Rubbing your palms over the back of his hands. Alastor craned his neck, giving you a chaste kiss. You couldn't help but smile against your lover's lips as your little fawn kicked right at that very moment. "See! Our little one is happy too, now that daddy's here." 
Alastor gazed at you with much adoration as he felt another kick, further solidifying your words. "Well, in that case! I suppose I should strive to get home earlier from now on, hm?" Your husband remarked, slowly pulling his hands from the tub. Alastor didn't miss a beat as he grabbed a washcloth. Lathering it up with your favorite soap before dipping his hands below the water once more. 
"Miss falling asleep next to you, Al," You sighed, eyes fluttering shut as your husband washed you. Alastor was so gentle as he scrubbed you clean. Making sure to massage your sore muscles in the process. "I know, my dear, I know." He cooed. Humming a gentle tune as he slid behind you from outside the tub. Working the knots out of your tense shoulders. 
"Our little fawn will be here soon... you nervous?" You asked softly, letting out a pleasant hum as Alastor massaged your back. His lips ghosted along the shell of your ear as he whispered, "Quite the contrary, my darling! I'm over the moon with excitement. I simply cannot wait to meet our little one."
Alastor's words caused your heart to flutter against your ribcage. You were the nervous one. You just hoped your child would be happy and healthy. "Don't worry your pretty little head, my dear! Our fawn is in good hands. Don't you see how much the patrons here adore you and our unborn child?"
Your husband always knew when you were nervous. It was as if he could read your mind. The sound of the soapy water sinking down the drain caused your eyes to flutter open. Alastor now stood with a towel outstretched in his arms. He beckoned you toward him, wrapping you in his arms as you stepped out of the tub. Your tail wagged with joy as your husband dried you off. 
"You're right... thanks for reminding me, my love," You smiled, tilting your face up against your husband's chest. Alastor took the hint, craning his neck to press his lips against yours. The kiss was warm and loving. Making you feel safe in his embrace. "No need to thank me, my dear! Come now, let's get you tucked in."
You squealed as your husband scooped you in his arms. Carrying you bridal style toward your shared bed. Alastor softly placed you under the duvet, wasting no time getting you warm and cozy in one of his button-up shirts. It smelled just like him, your favorite scent. Your husband stealthily removed his overcoat and shoes before making himself comfortable beneath the sheets.
Alastor cuddled up into your backside, wrapping his slender arms around your waist. He caressed your tummy lovingly as he kissed the top of your head, pulling your back flush against his chest. "There, now my darlings are ready to rest!" Your husband quipped, allowing his droopy eyelids to flutter shut. All you could do was hum in agreement as sleep overtook you. "Night, Al... love you..." 
"I love you more, my dear."
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tags; @danveration @celestial-vomit @jyoongim
comment if you're intrested in being added to the taglist^^
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thexsilentxwordsmith · 3 months
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader
From the request HERE
Fandom: Call of Duty
Character(s): Simon Riley, Reader
Summary: Only a few more days are left of his short leave and Simon is determined to make every last second count with you. What better way to start the day than buried in between your thighs, helping you wake up by the feeling of his tongue alone and then overstimming you.
Word Count: 4.6 k
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The sun has just started to peek itself through the small gap in the blinds covering the window, illuminating the bedroom in enough light that it causes Simon to stir awake with the first signs of life as those brown eyes flutter a few times from the brightness until he comes back into consciousness. Rubbing his bare chest and scratching at the patch of hair on his lower abdomen as he rolls over onto his side to face the other body lying peacefully asleep, his breath hitches at the sight that he’s greeted with. 
Your long eyelashes rest delicately against your cheek, your chest slowly rising and falling with your deep, calm inhales and exhales as you still drift mindlessly through your dreams. The covers that are pulled up to your breasts conceal your naked form lying just underneath and the way they cling to your form allows him to follow the contours of your body through the fabric. You are a fucking picture of peaceful beauty.
Damn, you are so perfect he cannot look away and suddenly there is a tenting forming beneath the covers still wrapped around his lower half. It’s not his fault; how is he supposed to keep himself restrained when this is what he gets to wake up to? An ache situates itself in his chest, a gnawing blooming in his stomach to caress all that flawlessness. It is a hunger that only grows stronger the more he gazes until he is compelled to get up.
There are only so many days left in the short bit of leave he has and he wants to make every single second count. That’s why you both find yourselves naked even as you sleep; he needs his body to memorize the way yours feels against his and he needs to fuck you whenever the moment strikes, so there is no sense in wasting any amount of time with superfluous things when you both are about to go months without seeing one another. And right now that is working to his benefit as he wants to shower you with some extra attention to start the day.
Just a taste won’t hurt, he thinks, knowing full well that once he starts there is no stopping. Just till she wakes up.
He moves out from the warmth at your side as carefully as he can to ensure that his movements don’t wake you, not yet. The blanket slips from his unclothed hips as he shifts up onto his knees and positions himself over you, his hands atop the mattress on either side of your body so that he can push himself down your sleeping form while his lips take advantage of all that uncovered skin. Feathery light kisses trail down across the supple flesh of your breasts and over your soft torso as his hot mouth presses delicately into you in adoration for all this beauty that he gets to have all to himself. 
All these curves, all this smooth, voluptuous skin always ready for him to caress, it is enough to drive him insane.
Muscles ripple through his bare back as he continues down the line of your body, inching slowly so as not to miss any patch of flesh. He is careful not to drag his face too harshly as he goes along so that the stubble on his jaw won’t prick your skin, opting instead to pick his head up off you as he moves only to lower it back down at the next spot ready to receive his attention. Your skin is heated from being snuggled down in the bed and it invites him to nuzzle his nose into it as he goes.
Simon eventually reaches the edge of the covers that have fallen around your waist from him getting up and he has to lift them out of the way to reveal the rest of your gorgeous body to his yearning mouth. Rolling them back at a leisurely pace, he makes sure not to reveal too much so the cooler air outside of the blanket doesn’t have a chance to make you uncomfortable until the warmth from his lips can keep the skin flushed. Over the curve of your waist, your stomach, your hip bones he places his steamy kisses. It is when he gets to your belly button that the anticipation finally hits him that he is getting closer to his favorite spot: that beautiful place in between your thighs.
The mattress creaks under his weight as he arrives at the foot of the bed so that he can remove the covers and push them off your legs. He can feel his cock throb as he pulls them back and finds what he’s always pining for. A heavy exhale falls from his lips and his mouth begins to salivate as he catches that first glimpse of your legs laying splayed open and that sweet little pussy just there waiting for his mouth to embrace.  
Simon can’t ever get his fill of it and God, he needs it so bad now that he sees it again. For a split second he thinks about making his movements more pronounced to wake you up, but a sudden intrusion of an idea makes him stop. You had mentioned recently that you were wanting to try something, to be woken up with his tongue lapping against your clit. What kind of man would he be if he never indulged his sweetheart’s fantasies? Today seems as good a day as any to make your dreams come true, not that he ever needs an excuse to get lost in all that goodness between your legs. 
There are times when he is so ravenous for your cunt that nothing else will even come close to satisfying that beast inside him, but today he doesn’t want it to be about the harsh and rough… well, not yet; this morning is all about making you so delirious and overstimulated off his tongue only that you won’t be able to get out of bed at all and he can keep you all to himself for the entire fucking day.  
Quietly Simon slides himself off the edge of the bed to situate himself kneeling on the carpet so that he can lay his torso on the mattress, giving him a better angle to be able to move in. Your legs are positioned open in such a way that from here he can easily slip his face up in between them and right against you, but he is in no rush. Ever so gently he pins more tender kisses along the soft, supple muscles of your inner thighs, his lips embracing your flesh with silent promises that everything he is fixing to do he is going to do for you only because you deserve it. 
His pretty girl, his sweet thing, so perfectly made as if just for him; fuck, do you make him want to worship the ground you walk on. 
His eyes catch the goosebumps forming under his breath along your body wherever he places his warm mouth and he cannot help but smile at your automatic physical reaction to him. Even in sleep you know his touch and respond to it. 
“My sweet girl,” he whispers in his husky morning voice into your calf as he continues up the length of your leg. “You’re so fuckin’ perfect, so goddamn beautiful. I’m one lucky bastard and I ain’t eva’ gonna forget it.” 
He continues on without hesitation as he slides all the way up until he is right at the threshold of those delicate petals that he wants his mouth on. A moist heat meets his lips as he leans in and places kiss after kiss to them; never has something felt so perfect pressed against him. If Simon could live between your legs permanently, they would never fucking find the man again. 
One of those beefy arms he slips under your leg to prop it up and move it even further out of his way so that he has as much space to work as he needs. Restraining himself from going in fast and heavy isn’t easy, but what he wants is to keep his movements relaxed, not crazed and insatiable like on occasions when he’s had a bad day and just needs to smother against you. No, you deserve the full princess treatment from him and that is what you are going to get. Taking the opposite hand not around your thigh, he uses two of those long, thick fingers to delicately spread apart the lips to get at all that lays in waiting inside.
“There she is,” Simon sighs quietly as he immediately spots that sweet little bean that he desperately wants to suck until it’s swollen and throbbing and then even more until you are coming on his face.
He doesn’t go right for the kill first, instead building the anticipation of your body as he kisses that crease between your petals and your thigh, using his balmy breath to stimulate that sensitive area as he switches sides a few times until he feels you twitch and only then does he continue. Gathering up all the spit in his mouth he collects it on his tongue and presses it through your petals to coat the area until your body can take over. As he pushes that thick muscle into you he catches the sound of a quick rush of air escaping through your nose, followed by a sleepy sigh as you stir.
His movements are tender and intimate, circling the nub with the tip of his tongue and slowly using the pad to make love to your clit. You sigh again heavier this time as you begin to squirm in your sleep the more he strokes, your hips rocking faintly over his face as the sound of your fingers clawing at the fitted sheet is caught. Just a little more stimulation and you aren’t going to be able to stay asleep much longer.
Your quiet, breathy moans become more than whispers now and those amber eyes dart back up to your face over the curves of your body, desperate to watch the subtle changes that ripple across your features as he works at bringing you into consciousness by your pleasure alone so he can witness the very moment you wake. 
There is a brightness on the other side of your shut eyelids as you slowly slip back into the realm of consciousness, the sound of your own muted groans filling the quiet around you along with something else you cannot quite distinguish and it feels like you are still dreaming. Then it hits you: there is a familiar glowing, warm sensation in the pit of your stomach that amplifies as you continue waking. Your eyes flutter open as the sensation is so intense that you can’t ignore it anymore and as you look around to gather your bearings you notice that there is a blonde-haired head rocking undisturbed between your thighs.
As you focus you realize that he is staring right back at you and the corners of his eyes crinkle as you feel his lips upturn against your petals; you know he’s pleased with himself at what he is doing. He doesn’t stop or try to speak, he only tightens his grip around your thigh that he has propped on his shoulder and continues to service your clit with his tongue while he presses his face in tighter so that the pressure adds to the stimulation. 
The sensation is damn near overwhelming now and you realize that he must have been at this for a bit as it feels like you are about to come. Your head falls back heavy against the pillow as your eyes close to allow the feeling to wash over you completely, needy moans unable to be kept under control fill what was once the silence in the room. 
That’s when you feel his lips lock around your clit before he sucks down on it and using the very tip of his tongue he twirls around the bud while his fingers come back into play. He finds your entrances and gently shoves his middle finger inside to rub across your G spot and instantly you can feel your calm shatter into pieces. A euphoric spasm shoots through your entire body, making your limbs start to tingle, and you know by the feeling that it is only a few more moments that remain until you are going to spill.
“Simon, shit…gonna come,” you whimper his name as you grind your head into the pillow. To have so much ecstasy hit you all at once overwhelms you with its intensity and leaves you unable to function. You are about to come, that is all your half-asleep brain can process. 
With a few more strokes of that strong muscle and a few more flicks of his finger resting inside you, the pressure building at the base of your spine and the warmth gathering in the pit of your stomach reach their threshold and you spill over the edge with a strong jolt that causes your back to arch up off the bed as you cry out. The force of it makes you buck against Simon’s face, but he is ready and digs his fingers in full force until his hold on you is so secure that he isn’t going anywhere as you ride out wave after wave of your orgasm that crashes over you like a tidal wave. 
Fuck, what a way to start the day.
In your sleepy, mind-numbed state, you forget just how voracious your military man can be and mistakenly believe that at any moment he is going to emerge from your thighs and come lay beside you…except instead of letting you go, he doesn’t stop. Simon keeps at it, only slowing his pace down to almost nothing, but not pulling away from you. Instead he sneaks quick breaths by tilting his head to the side so that it exposes his nose to the air before he buries it right back in against your now dripping slit. 
“Simon, baby,” you call groggily down to him as you try to wriggle free of his grasp; it’s the only thing you can do to persuade him to release you, “you can take it easy. It’s still early, we got all day.”
Just a second, you need to take a break only so long as to catch your breath.
Simon hears your pleas, but it falls on deaf ears as he does not even budge. His plan is already set in motion and you are not nearly exhausted enough for him to even think about stopping yet. This day needs to stay in the forefront of your mind for at least a few weeks after he leaves and be the specific memory that fuels your desperate masterbating while he’s gone and not able to fix the ache.
“Shh…” he hushes mutedly against you. “I only have a few more days with ya and I wanna give ya my full attention. And this mornin’ I wanna take care of ya. I’m gonna take care a ya so fuckin’ good, baby.”
Is there a way to say no to that? If there is, you can’t find it and don’t want to. Even through the overly sensitive nature of your body right now, you don’t want to deny him a thing, not when he says it like that. And to be honest now that he has you at his mercy, his tongue still stroking along the line of your slit before coming back up to circle the nub, you are starting to want it again too.
Tiny beads of sweat like mist cover over your body as the feeling of Simon’s arms slithering up your torso are felt running through the perspiration, greedy hands searching for your chest without being able to see. Grabbing onto as much of your supple breasts as can fit in his large palms he pinches the nipples and rolls them between his thumb and forefinger to make your heated body burn until you whine out loud as they stiffen at his touch.
“Shi-i-it, Simon,” you say, your speech starting to slur together as the mindless haze floods your thoughts from the activity at your chest that radiates in waves of arousal you can feel throb in your clit. Keep sucking, keep playing with my tits, don’t stop, your mind screams.    
Everything outside this is like a distant memory; your body is floating and your mind drunk as you exist only in a world made of pure ecstasy. Your hand reaches down around his arms across your torso to the back of his head where you can press and push him in tighter to your pussy and you hear Simon hum a deep, contented sigh at the feeling of you forcing him to suffocate even more. 
Tha’s it baby, drown me, he thinks to himself as some feral part of his brain gets activated. 
There is movement in the mattress that shakes your body up and down as Simon begins to grind his aching cock against it, trying to use the friction to relieve some of the pressure in the swollen tip. Hearing your beautiful music while being smothered in your pussy is like a religious experience that is akin to having heaven on earth. 
Your glistening thighs are vibrating around Simon's ears and as each flick of his tongue finds its mark you are brought closer to climaxing again as you spiral into sensory overload. Over and over he engages with your core, his mouth filling with your sweet juices, the tip of his tongue playing in such a way it feels like he is signing his name on his favorite part of you. 
His name is falling from your lips in pathetic whines now as the only word you can recall in the fog of euphoria that you are trapped in. Every inch of you is wrapped in a cold sweat that feels like you’re about to burst into flames, the muscles in your belly contract rigid as the pressure in your spine increases with every stroke.  
Right there, it’s right there. You have to come to release the tension.
And that tightness finally snaps just like that and you come again, this time harsher and more intense than the last. Your thighs lock tightly around Simon’s head as you writhe wildly, your body struggling to take all that immense euphoria that fills up every inch of you.
Lengthy seconds pass as you come back down from that high while the sounds of your whimpers act as a gauge to the man crushed in your leg lock how long he will have left to stay suffocating. Once you settle back down again into the pillows and release his head from your hold does he actually emerge fully to sit up for the first time since he went down. 
Twice is enough, right? For anyone else it would be, but for Simon you know the man is still craving more. He wipes away the accumulation of cum and spit glinting in the morning light off the hairs on his chin onto the sheet he has picked up, a contented grin filling his beautifully stark features as he sets the damp fabric aside and stalks back up onto the bed like a lion ready to pounce. Stray kisses embrace your lower abdomen as he sets himself into position kneeling between your legs. 
“Ya ready for more a’ me, baby?” he asks, though not waiting long enough for an answer before he is gripping into your hips to pull your body down over him until your butt rests on top of his thighs. 
You shake your head back and forth. “Too much, t-too much,” you plead, but that isn’t going to do anything and you know it. He is ravenous.
Simon licks his raw, swollen lips. “But you’re takin’ it all so fuckin’ well. Your legs aren’t even shakin’ that bad yet, sweetheart. Said I was gonna take care ‘a ya good and I think that means ya need more.”
You swallow hard, your throat suddenly dry at the thought of going again. “I can’t…I can’t…” you continue, the back of your head digging into the pillow. His fingers run along your inner thighs to send shockwaves of overwhelming ecstasy shooting up your spine to the top of your head and your mouth struggles to form the rest of the words. “Just give me a minute. Please, Si. I don’t think I can go anymore.” 
“Yes ya can, beautiful; you’re not done,” he grunts with a sharp inhale as he takes your legs in his grip and lifts them up so that he can rest your calves over his shoulders in a way that will strap you to him. Looking down at you through the gap in your legs he flashes a toothy, mischievous grin that has you shivering with anticipation as the heat from his breath rolls over your stomach. “Come on, sweetheart, I know ya ‘ave a little more in ya. You’re gonna take it all for me, yeah? I want ya ta fuckin’ soak me.”
You’re screwed.
Nodding your head in agreement, he immediately leans his face in until his nose can nuzzle against that overstimulated button and your back harshly arches right off the mattress, hands gripping with iron strength into the bundled up sheets you’ve gathered in your fists. Those long, rough fingers holding up your sides drive deeper into your hips so that you can’t slip away from his face while you buck roughly as the movements of his tongue settle back into a steady rhythm again.
So velvety soft, so warm, so moist, it makes his engorged cock throb hard and can feel it prod into your butt. He is overtaken by a desperate, burning need that floods his veins like wildfire; he wants to bury his face even deeper into you as if he is trying to fuse himself with your body. That feeling in him is unleashed in all its fury and he laps at your cunt faster and harder with each passing minute and your already weakened body is overwhelmed. 
“Fuckin’ breathe, sweet thing,” he says in a deep, desperate growl, ripping his face from within you for only long enough to speak the order, as he looks down to see the mixture of pain and pleasure ripple through your brow before he is right back in. 
Hot tears are stinging at the rims of your eyes now as your overly sensitive clit is stimulated again, collecting until they finally break over the edge to stream out from the corners and down over your cheeks. Simon stares at them glinting in crystalline drops as they catch the light from the window before they disappear and gather on the pillow behind your head and goddamn are they so beautiful they nearly stop his heart. 
This is it, this is the one that will do you in and his mission will finally be accomplished. He is pushing your body to its limit of what it can handle and you take it all so gorgeously. To see his sweet thing so out of her goddamn mind is something he hopes will be ingrained in his memory for the rest of his miserable life. 
The heels of your feet dig into the sides of his bare torso until his ribs are stinging under the pinpointed pressure. You don’t know if you have another one in you, but just as the thought burrows into your intoxicated mind you can already feel that gathering warmth in the lower part of your abdomen…except… Something is happening, that feeling of orgasmic pleasure bubbling up in your core is similar, but different. 
“Do ya want me ta stop?” he asks with his mouth full, prompted at the feeling.
You whimper pathetically through the tears spilling from the corners of your eyes; as overwhelming as it is, there is no way in hell you can let him stop now. “No,” you say pitifully as you try to push his head back down tighter against you, “don’t, don’t. Please…oh fuck, fuck!!”
“Good girl,” he growls as he dives right back in like he hasn’t already had you twice now.  
It’s too much, the pressure is overwhelmingly too intense. A deep sense of release more extreme than any orgasm you’ve ever experienced leads to a gushing sensation from between your legs and you throw your head back as you squeal loud as ever as it just keeps coming. Your body shakes and twitches as everything you have is released onto his face for the last time.
“There ya go,” he praises in between breaths as he strokes you through it, stopping once you lay limply in his grip. “Ride it out for me.”
Legs shaking, chest heaving, eyes glazed over, cheeks flushed, Simon lowers you back down from his face and notices that his lap is wet and there is a markedly large wet stain soaking into the sheet under you both now. His face is just as coated and Simon is quick to realize what has happened. 
You can barely move at this point, but still turn your face back towards him to be met with a very happy and content man gazing back at you with those fiery auburn eyes as he wipes at the moisture covering face to clean it.
“Goddamn,” he says with a grin as he emerges from the same sheet he used before, “my pretty girl gettin’ so worked up she fuckin’ squirts on my face. Ya do know how ta fuckin’ treat me right, baby.”
You’ve never experienced anything quite like it before and are surprised that you are even able to do it in the first place, but if anyone could make you do it, it would be him. For a split second you feel a little self-conscious at this new development, but the way that Simon looks at you as if you have just hung the stars makes you giggle from the combination of nerves and adrenaline and settle back down.
He crawls back up the bed and drops down exhausted, but completely satisfied beside you and once he settles he reaches out to pull you into his steamy, heated embrace, skin to skin against his chest. His hand cradles the back of your head as he simply gazes into your eyes until your breathing slows and only then does he finally go in to kiss the last part of you he has left to claim.
His lips meet yours softly, but with the entirety of his passion for you. This is his little slice of paradise that he cannot help but feel lucky to have. Out of all the shit he’s had to deal with in his life, he found you and that means something to him. That’s why things like this he will never mind doing, not for you. Not if it’s to keep you satisfied. 
“Ya know, ya make it so fuckin’ hard for me ta leave,” Simon sighs quietly against your lips as the backs of his coarse fingers caress the delicate skin of your cheek in featherlike strokes. “I gotta make it just as hard for ya. Cause I’m gonna miss ya like hell. Still got two days left; gonna make ‘em count, sweetheart.”
Oh, he will… he definitely will. He always does.
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bonewreath · 3 months
so, your best friend accidentally sent you a video of her masturbating. what now?
18+ below! smut smut smut!
ellie’s bedroom is heavy with the scent of sex, her fingers still pruned from her own wetness. she’s spent the last few minutes tense and panicked, too paralyzed with anxiety to get up and put some clothes on, and she’s considering what she’ll change her name to and where she’ll move to start a new life when you finally, finally text her back.
it’s okay. give me a second to reply, alright?
the weight on her chest eases a bit at your reassurance, but a new spark of uncertainty flares up at the second part of the message: give me a second to reply. jaw tight, she sends you a question mark, then follows up with you don’t have to respond. it’s probably better if you don’t?? again i’m so fucking sorry.
but as the minutes tick by, slow and lazed, she starts to panic again. her mind conjures every possible response you could send her next: an angry thesis statement on why ellie’s a disgusting pervert, a seething comment about how stupid she must be for sending a video like that so carelessly. would you ever look at her the same way? would things ever be the same?
all it takes is another notification from you to make every imagined worst-case scenario evaporate. ellie clicks the notification as soon as it pops up, chewing on the soft flesh of her inner lip.
it’s a video.
you sent her a video.
she hits the play button without a second thought, heartbeat thudding in her ears.
“i know you’re probably embarrassed,” you say, head tilting as you frown with sympathy. a blush paints ellie’s cheeks bright red. “but i need you to know how wet that made me.”
holding the camera up, you extend your arm outwards to reveal the rest of your body - your naked body, ellie realizes with a shock. she sits up in bed, back ramrod straight, her phone shaking as a nervous tremor strikes through her. but she can’t look away - not when you’re tracing a hand down the soft curves of your body, fingertips grazing over one peaked nipple, then moving lower, lower. ellie swears she’s forgotten how to breathe.
you release a pleased hum. “i liked watching you touch yourself,” you say, so matter-of-fact. “i hope you like watching me.”
and she does, god she does. she settles back down onto the mattress, eyes never leaving the screen as you work two fingers through your soaked folds. you moan and sigh and keen, rolling your hips down against your own hand, the wet sounds of your pussy so intoxicating, ellie can’t believe she’s gone her whole life without seeing you like this.
and it might be wrong, the way her own hand drifts between her legs to find herself still hot and wet, but she doesn’t have it in herself to care. she dips a finger inside of herself as she watches you ride your own hand, grinding down on your palm as your fingers work in and out of your cunt. she finds a rhythm that matches your own; soon enough, you’re both gasping at the pleasure building beneath your waistline. with every roll of your hips, ellie’s cunt tightens, flooding with slickness - as if she could get any wetter.
as you get closer to the edge, your grip on your phone falters and the camera starts to shake. ellie hisses and curses under her breath when your phone captures the blissed-out look on your face: eyes rolled back, brows pulled together, teeth sinking into your lower lip.
“oh - oh my god,” you stutter, panting, “i’m gonna come, ellie.”
ellie. ellie ellie ellie.
“holy fuck.” ellie’s pussy clamps down around her fingers at the sound of her name on your lips; her thumb glides over her clit just right, and she didn’t think she’d come this fast but she does, her vision exploding into blinding white as her orgasm crashes into her. it’s the only time she looks away from the video on her screen - but she certainly hears your orgasm, all high-pitched moans and ragged breaths, your cunt gushing onto your fingers.
when ellie finds the strength to open her eyes again, the video is still playing. you’re catching your breath, chest shimmering with a thin layer of sweat. you look at the camera and smile. ellie thinks she might pass out.
“thanks for the video,” you say, lifting your free hand up to wave.
when you bring your fingers to your mouth and purse your lips around them, sucking them clean of your own come, ellie’s sure she’s going to pass out.
and then, she decides, she’s going to fuck you stupid.
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bigguyenthusiast · 3 months
141 and their captain’s assistant
- it all started with a comment made by Laswell, she mentioned to John how tired he seems, how his eye bags are growing heavier each day passing
- she recommended him to get an assistant, John declined the offer and tried to get back to work, but laswell already made the call, she knew how annoying John can be when it comes to getting help
- then enters a pretty little thing, your hair in a messy bun, glasses neatly resting on your pretty face, short pencil skirt hugging your curves perfectly
- John couldn’t help himself from staring, gawking at you like some horny teenager
- the boys began seeing you scurrying around the base more often, the first to approach you was Johnny of course
- his deep voice partnered with his thick Scottish accent made you subconsciously bite your lip, staring up at him with your big doe eyes, you don’t even mean to, it’s just that more than half of the people in here were 6feet+
- Johnny’s flirtatious nature made you giggle, lightened up your day, but not your boss’
- every time the Scott decided to drop by your desk to accompany you, he’d get scolded by his captain
- “don’t need you distracting her from her job”
- “it’s her break, cap, plus, she’ a good lass, I’m sure she’s on top of…all her work” the scott would throw you a wink before his captain orders him to run laps around the base
- next came gaz, since he’s always visiting his captain’s office for reports, he saw you at the new desk in the captain’s office, the aura around you not matching anything in the dim, old and boring office, you gave him a slight smile before returning to your paperwork
- but gaz wasn’t going to let that be the end of your interactions no no
- he’d walk up to you in the mess hall, as you’re loading your plate up, striking a conversation with you, making last long enough for him to lead you to a table with his other teammates
- you shyly but politely sit down and introduce yourself to the masked man who sat opposite of you, his brown eyes staring into yours as his arms stayed locked, he just nodded and replied “ghost”
- you figured he’s not a social one, the Scot and the Brit both kept asking you questions, some may have been a bit intrusive but maybe they’re just being friendly !
- “so why ar’ ye here?”
“Kate laswell requested that I work for John price for a few months to ease the paperwork load on him”
- “I’m sure there’s a different kind of load he’s trying to get you to ease off of him”
- the three of your heads snap to the silent man, his brown eyes seemed to be crinkled, suggesting he was grinning or smirking underneath that mask
- “OI! LT’s got jokes, but he doesn’t mean anything by it” Johnny tried to reassure you, glaring at Simon as you looked down at your food
- you excused yourself as you made your way back to price’s office, you saw him still there, no signs of him moving at all “captain ? Did you eat today?” You asked sweetly
- oh what this man wouldn’t give to have the honours of eating you for every meal of the day, to have you sprawled on his desk, papers sticking to your sweaty skin, your chest rising and falling as you try to quiet yourself so nobody hears what your captain is doing to you
- “captain” fuck he’d love to hear you moan his rank, begging him to be gentle, but he knows deep down you’re a dirty girl and you want your “captain ?!”
- John snapped out of his daydream, he looked up at you, you were leaning to the side trying to check on him “have you eaten today?” You asked again, a worried look in your eyes
- John nods, not looking you in the eyes “yeah yeah” he cleared his throat as he tried to get back to work, but your soft, smaller hand stopped him from grabbing his pen, his brown eyes looked up, ab eyebrow raised as if to ask ‘what are you doing?’
- “I’m sorry, captain but I can’t allow you to get back to work if you haven’t had food” you stated, your body trembling as you stood your ground
- truthfully, price can easily launch you across the room with one arm, he knows his limits, and you’re nowhere near it, but you were right, he does need to eat, and although he wishes he could order you to spread your pretty thighs for him and let him have his fun, he doesn’t want to lose such a pretty sight so fast
- he let go of the pen, leaning back on his office chair “I haven’t brought any food”
“The mess hall still have some food there”
- “I don’t eat that rubbish”
“Well too bad, you need to eat”
- ooh… I guess his little kitty got claws now
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emberwhite · 5 months
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I spent the last 11 months working with my illustrator, Marta, to make the children's book of my dreams. We were able to get every detail just the way I wanted, and I'm very happy with the final result. She is the best person I have ever worked with, and I mean, just look at those colors!
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I wanted to tell that story of anyone's who ever felt that they didn't belong anywhere. Whether you are a nerd, autistic, queer, trans, a furry, or some combination of the above, it makes for a sad and difficult life. This isn't just my story. This is our story.
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I also want to say the month following the book's launch has been very stressful. I have never done this kind of book before, and I didn't know how to get the word out about it. I do have a small publishing business and a full-time job, so I figured let's put my some money into advertising this time. Indie writers will tell you great success stories they've had using Facebook ads, so I started a page and boosting my posts.
Within a first few days, I got a lot of likes and shares and even a few people who requested the book and left great reviews for me. There were also people memeing on how the boy turns into a delicious venison steak at the end of the book. It was all in good fun, though. It honestly made made laugh. Things were great, so I made more posts and increased spending.
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But somehow, someway these new posts ended up on the wrong side of the platform. Soon, we saw claims of how the book was perpetuating mental illness, of how this book goes against all of basic biology and logic, and how the lgbtq agenda was corrupting our kids.
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This brought out even more people to support the book, so I just let them at it and enjoyed my time reading comments after work. A few days later, then conversation moved from politics to encouraging bullying, accusing others of abusing children, and a competition to who could post the most cruel image. They were just comments, however, and after all, people were still supporting the book.
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But then the trolls started organizing. Over night, I got hit with 3 one-star reviews on Amazon. My heart stopped. If your book ever falls below a certain rating, it can be removed, and blocked, and you can receive a strike on your publishing account. All that hard work was about to be deleted, and it was all my fault for posting it in the wrong place.
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I panicked, pulled all my posts, and went into hiding, hoping things would die down. I reported the reviews and so did many others, but here's the thing you might have noticed across platforms like Google and Amazon. There are community guidelines that I referenced in my email, but unless people are doing something highly illegal, things are rarely ever taken down on these massive platforms. So those reviews are still there to this day. Once again, it's my fault, and I should have seen it coming.
Luckily, the harassment stopped, and the book is doing better now, at least in the US. The overall rating is still rickety in Europe, Canada, and Australia, so any reviews there help me out quite a lot. I'm currently looking for a new home to post about the book and talk about everything that went into it. I also love to talk about all things books if you ever want to chat. Maybe I'll post a selfie one day, too. Otherwise, the book is still on Amazon, and the full story and illustrations are on YouTube as well if you want to read it for free.
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ozzgin · 1 month
I'm the anon who asked if your requests are open and i got busy assignments + presentations that i almost forgot about the request but now i remembered and it's based on my dream i saw that night..
How about a vampire who lost his relic (presumably a ring) and reader happens find it and tries it on, now the vampire is all panicking because guess what? That was a betrothal relic and it has binded the vampire's soul with the one of reader. They can't pull it out/take it of.. oh well, now they are stuck and obviously the vampire hates the idea of being stuck with a pesky human but hey they are kinda stupid..? How tf they tripped on thin air? Or how they are still alive even after being food poisoned 5 times a month? Vampire is now babysitter for his human *sighs * what has he gotten himself in..
(Please add yandere elements later on, my brain stoopid but i want a hot Victorian era vampire being obsessed with me ^^ muah!)
(I'm sorry this is so lengthy TT)
Yandere! Vampire x Reader
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Featuring a ridiculously lucky Reader who constantly manages to escape a Vampire's assassination attempts. Did someone order a supernatural edition of enemies to lovers?
Content: gender neutral reader, obsessive behavior, mentions of stalking, romcom
[Monster masterlist] [Original works masterlist]
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"Are you alright, (Y/N)?" your friends gasp in unison, eyes fixated on the fallen ceramic pot that scarcely missed you, now laying shattered at your feet. You laugh reassuringly and wave your hand in dismissal. "It's the fifth time it happens today. Maybe there's a storm coming?"
From within the shadows, menacing eyes glowing red follow your movements. "Damn it!" The mysterious man curses under his breath. He stares enviously at the bulky ring on your finger. The ring bearing his Family signet, where part of his very soul resides. It has stayed with him for centuries, and somehow, to his utmost shame, he lost it. By the time he rushed back to retrieve it, you were carelessly sliding it down your finger. He wanted to strangle the life out of you right then and there, but he felt it: the immediate surge of contractual power, dominating his will and holding him back from breaking your bones. "It's a little tacky, isn't it?" your friend remarked. You nodded in agreement and tried to remove it, but the metal band tightened around your skin, painfully constricting your digit. It was stuck. It was too late.
Now he has to rely on cheap trickeries like this one. Sure, he may not be able to directly plunge his fangs into your neck, but the bonding curse does not shield you from "accidents", you see. It would be a real shame if that flower pot was to land straight into your head, ending you instantly and thus breaking the connection with him. Except you simply refuse to die. A mystery, a paradox, one that enrages him to no end. It's almost as if the ring is bringing you fortune at the cost of his misery.
"Have you had any luck removing that ugly thing?" the person standing next to you mentions. The vampire lord grits his teeth at the blasphemous words. This is what's become of him: a deceitful buffoon, having to sit and listen to his inheritance being mocked relentlessly. He holds back the urge of shouting that thousands have bled to death in order to forge that magnificence. "Not at all", you respond idly. "I tried taking it to a jeweler, and she said she could try to cut it, but she ended up having a heart attack right in the middle of it. She didn't even look that old, maybe it runs in her family?"
Unbelievable. The thought of reclaiming his relic haunts every second of his day, to the point he's become your shadow. Stalking your every move, your every breath, observing his prey and waiting for an opportunity to strike. He can already picture that pathetic face of yours, twisting in pain, begging for-...huh. Well, look at that, you're reading one of his favorite books. Perhaps you do have a little taste, after all. It won't save you from your terrible fate, but he might skip the prolonged torture.
There's plenty of quotes out there about knowing your enemy in order to guarantee your victory, though one might wonder where the limit of such knowledge resides. Or what counts as useful to begin with. The vampire lord is presently wondering about this very aspect, as he mouths your coffee order from a distance. Less sugar, huh? You did mention losing your sweet tooth. He shakes his head indignantly. Absolutely not! The throb of his heart is fueled by raw hatred and nothing else. One of days he will savour your demise.
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Your ridiculous luck might just end today. You've taken a shortcut on your way back home, and didn't expect a shady, burly man to block your exit. A perverted grin stains his face as he approaches you, twiddling with his pocket knife. "Alone at this hour?" You frown and try to find a way out, but the man suddenly begins to heave and convulse before your eyes, grasping at his chest as the skin shrivels and dries. He collapses at your feet, body wilted as if it's been emptied of its vitality. The Vampire Lord clicks his tongue.
To think he'd rush to rescue his sworn enemy, a pitiful mortal like you. He didn't even get the chance to consider the aftermath. You stare at the stranger, confused but observant. Pale skin, crimson eyes, unnaturally sharp canines...and the fact he just drained a living being into a bloodless corpse: everything hints to one possibility. "Are you by any chance a vampire?" you find yourself mumbling. "You must've graduated from Harvard with those deduction skills", he responds sarcastically.
Everything else unfolds in a haze. Wasn't he planning to kill you and retrieve his ring? When the hell did he offer to walk you home to avoid more creeps? Why is he twirling his hair sheepishly whenever you praise his demonic powers? Oh, but it gets worse: why did he suddenly feel the urge to kiss you before returning to his cursed lair? Why did he accept your invitation to spend the night at your place instead? One moment ago, he was doing his best to curse you off this Earth. Now he's tugging stray strands of hair away from your blushing, whining face, asking you if it hurts. Damned human.
"How did you know I like this? Have you been stalking me?" you joke, nudging your undead boyfriend and setting the gift aside. "More or less", he confesses with a yawn. He recalls all that time spent dutifully spying on your oblivious self. "You know, a human like you shouldn't be able to dodge death like that." He turns to you and scans your features. Then, abruptly embarrassed, he ruffles your hair to block you from noticing his blush. "I suppose my failure was the better outcome. It's not too bad, having you around."
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smutoperator · 19 days
Tummy Perversions
Hanni Pham, Seol YoonA (Sullyoon) x Male Reader
Tags: anal, anal fingering, ass eating, belly bulge, creampie, cum licking, cum on body, cutie goes slutty, deepthroating, food play, gape, meaty pussy, midriff kink, navel poking, (lots of) oral sex, pearly gates, photoshoot, threesome, tummy licking
Word count: 4554.
Hanni is so cute that sometimes you feel bad about having impure thoughts about her. But her banging body is so hot, you can't help but take pictures of her tummy every time you perform a photoshoot with her.
As you just finished her photoshoot for Calvin Klein, you already wanted Hanni to shoot another one, so you approached her and booked the next session.
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"Sure, I'll be there," Hanni says. A few days go by, and Hanni appears at your studio. You take pictures of her, but none are of her face. All you care about is her sexy, perfect tummy. And little does she know she's about to be joined by someone else that Saturday afternoon.
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"Sorry for coming late; Music Core just ended, and I had to change clothes rather quickly," Sullyoon tells you. Just as you asked, she brought her Dankook University outfit that drove you crazy a couple days ago. "So, is the photoshoot theme today about colleges?" she asked you, seeing Hanni with her Korea University outfit from the day before.
"Way better," you told her. "And I gotta say, I'm disappointed you're showing so little of your iconic tummy, Yoona," you reply to her.
"Sure," Sullyoon repeats the move she did at the university festival performance, lowering her shorts so you can see more of her belly, with her navel popping out as she does it. "Better now?" she asks. "Definitely," you tell her. Every extra second you spend looking at her reminds you of how beautiful she is from head to toe. She reminds you of all the top visuals you worked with in the past: YoonA, Sana, and Tzuyu, all in one.
"You're such a beauty; are you ready to take some nice pictures?" you ask Sullyoon. "Yes," she enthusiastically answers. "I don't have any assistants today, so I'll have to do it all by myself. Also, girls, you look so hot today," you tell both of them. "I'll go get some food for you before we start," you continue.
You bring the food, but it confuses the girls at first. One bowl of ice cream and one of chocolate syrup. But soon, they will find out what this photoshoot is going to be about. You pour the ice cream into Sullyoon's belly and the chocolate syrup into Hanni's. The girls get shocked as the hot and cold food hits their tummies, but soon that gets replaced by a tingling feeling that sends shivers down the spine as you make your first moves.
You start licking the chocolate syrup from Hanni's cute belly. She can't help but find it weird, but soon starts enjoying that tongue sweeping all over that belly. Sullyoon wants a piece of it too, bringing her tummy close to you so you can lick the ice cream from it. You then back off and take some pictures of the girls with their tummies still covered with food before resuming licking them.
"I want to see your sexy tummies and legs," you tell them. "Show me," you continue. Hanni gets a little hesitant, but Sullyoon enjoys the attention. You have worked with too many JYP girls not to know them at this point. They always show their cute smiles in public but are huge sluts behind closed doors. And Sullyoon is no different.
"Don't be shy, Hanni; show her you can be a tummy queen too," you tell her as you focus on taking pictures of Sullyoon between some more licking of their perfect tummies. You would have never guessed you would develop such a midriff kink, but theirs were just too hard to resist.
You clean their tummies from the food you poured on them and take more pictures of their hot bodies, starting with Hanni. The once shy girl quickly starts to change as she strikes bolder poses with your camera each time, turning around for you to take pictures of her ass as well. "Wow, that's so good," you tell her in between some flashes as she starts sticking her tongue out for the pictures you take of her. "Perfect," you tell Hanni as you start capturing close-ups of her belly and tits. "You look so hot today, little Hanni Pham," you continue. Great shots.
Sullyoon takes her turn next. The months of MCing at Music Core have turned her into a natural in front of the cameras. She always knows where to spot them. You just can't find any flaws in her: from the perfect face to the toned tummy to her protounding pussy that can barely hide under her panties, Sullyoon's deer-esque visuals are those of a goddess.
You take more close-ups of Sullyoon, focusing on her killing trio: face, tummy, and pussy. She enjoys every second of the attention you give her. But you still haven't got a picture of one of her finest assets yet.
"Can you turn around, please?" you ask Sullyoon. She does it with ease, showing you her plump ass for the first time. Looking at it, sometimes you wonder if JYP just creates their visuals in a lab and Sullyoon is their finest creation yet.
"Look how cute you look in the camera." You show your latest picture to Sullyoon, who gives you a big smile. "Come here, Hanni, join her," you tell the Newjeans girl. "Otherwise, I'm going to take pictures of this beautiful goddess all alone forever," you continue.
Hanni joins Sullyoon as she hugs the Nmixx girl from behind. "Grab her assets," you tell the cutie as she rests her hand on Sullyoon's bra and panties. "I knew you could be a slut too, little Hanni," you praise her. "I know it's cute, but I don't want you girls to smile now; just give me the naughtiest looks you can," you tell both as your camera keeps capturing them.
"Holy shit, their tummies are so beautiful," you say as Hanni runs her hand over Sullyoon's belly, but she still keeps her navel visible for you to drool over it. Meanwhile, Sullyoon bends over a little, rubbing her big ass against Hanni's crotch. The girls keep running their hands on the beautiful bodies, but Sullyoon is truly stealing the show. Even the innocent Hanni can't help herself as she runs her hands all over Yoona's hot body and even starts touching her pussy.
Sullyoon quickly gets sandwiched between you and Hanni, as the Newjeans girl pulls Sullyoon's bra down and flashes her tits. You kiss her multiple times, in awe of her beautiful face, but also go down to poke her navel while doing so, making Sullyoon blush. The girls know what to do as Sullyoon removes your shirt while Hanni tries to pull your pants down. You slow them down a bit, but the girls quickly take charge.
As Hanni fully removes Sullyoon's top, you kiss her cute nipples while massaging her belly. Her and Hanni reach towards your pants and slowly pull them down, laughing while doing so. Hanni is the first to grab your bulging erection, while Sullyoon gives you a naughty smile as Hanni kisses her. Hanni is already twisting your cock in anticipation. In the end, she's just like Sullyoon—cute from the outside but another slut behind closed doors.
You groan as the girls massage your man meat hard. Hanni takes the shaft while Sullyoon goes straight for your balls before going down to suck it. Damn, what a perfect view that face stuffed with a big cock is. Sullyoon stares at you as she gently blows your pipe, while you turn your attention to poking Hanni's navel and then move up to suck her tits as she also takes her bra off.
Down low, Sullyoon increases the speed of her blowjob. You didn't know she could suck cock this good. But you should, because after fucking them countless times, you should've known already that JYP girls have great blowjob skills, and Sullyoon is no different, as she licked your shaft from top to bottom.
Hanni wanted a taste of it for herself, taking your dick in her mouth as Sullyoon licked your balls. You could tell she was still learning how to suck cock, but you enjoyed her eagerness to do so, taking a seat in one of the chairs as you pushed your shaft deeper into her throat.
After a while, Hanni gagged on your meat while you and Sullyoon were kissing each other, and you ran your hands over her hot body while Hanni kept sucking you off. "Oh damn," you exclaimed as the little cutie put some extra heat on your cock, deepthroating it to the max, with you dunking her head so she could take it balls deep in her mouth.
Sullyoon got down and enjoyed the sloppy mess Hanni had left on your cock, bobbing her head down in full speed against it. Once Hanni took it back, she added further slopiness and pulled your underwear down, leaving you fully naked as you traded more kisses with Sullyoon and admired her beautiful face while pounding Hanni's cute, fuckable face.
Hanni laid on the chair as Sullyoon dove down to like her pussy and tummy. As the Nmixx girl enjoyed the hotness of Hanni's lower body, you kept filling her face full of your cock, harder and harder. "Oh yes, baby, choke on that dick," you tell her as Hanni moans with the tonguing Sullyoon applies to her pussy.
You sit on top of Hanni's body, rubbing your tip against her navel and your shaft against her belly. Sullyoon quickly jumps in, sliding her face between Hanni's legs to taste your cock.
"Come here," you ask Hanni, who gets up the chair even with Sullyoon licking her pussy. Her thong is already pushed to the side as you run your hands into her ass. It turns out her mouth is the perfect cocksleeve, as she gets on her knees again and takes your cock deep once again. "OH WOW!" you groan as Hanni wraps her warm mouth around your cock. "Can you match her?" you ask Sullyoon.
Sullyoon dives so intensely against your cock that you're forced to pull out after just a couple seconds. "WOW! WOW!" is all you can scream as Sullyoon shows why she is on her way to be the next JYP blowjob master and follow in the footsteps of the likes of Nayeon and Ryujin.
Knowing their deep sucking will kill you early, you just decide to slide your cock between their lips, thursting up their cute faces as the side of your shaft rubs against their mouths. But Sullyoon wants it all, throating your cock to the fullest. "If you get a chance, take all of it," she reminds herself of the words of her teaching unnies.
Sullyoon bobs her head hard on your dick, making you scream in awe. "Are you crazy or something?" you ask her. "I just love a big cock; I can't wait to have it bulging under my tummy," she replies to you.
"Such a greedy slut," you tell her. "If you want it so much, then bend over," you say to Sullyoon, who obliges. With the help of Hanni, her panties are quickly gone, giving you a perfect view of Sullyoon's splendorous ass with nothing on. For the first time, you could take a glimpse of Sullyoon's bare fuckholes, going straight for her tiny and tight anus while her meaty cunt just waited down under.
Hanni couldn't resist and took first dib's on Sullyoon's protruding pussy lips while you rested your head on her fat ass and kept licking her butthole and then spread her cheeks to give Hanni easier access to her holes. You licked Sullyoon's ring as if it were her second navel, poking it with your hand shortly after. The way she moaned was beautiful, like a squealing, horny deer.
You let Hanni take sole control of Sullyoon's tight holes, jerking off as the Newjeans girl buried her face under Sullyoon's big ass. But you quickly ended her fun. It turns out that just looking at Sullyoon makes you even hornier. You have to fuck her asap.
You push Hanni to the side and place your fingers on Sullyoon's meaty slit. Her already ultra-wet core impresses you, who teases her by rubbing your cock against her big butt. At first, you didn't know which hole you were going to pick, but seeing Sullyoon's pussy almost begging to be stuffed made it an easy choice.
Sullyoon got on her knees on the makeup table, facing a huge mirror where you could see every expression her beautiful face was going to make when getting pounded. You teased her by putting your tip in and out of her pussy, already making her moan, before attacking her meaty core. Her already large pussy lips throbbed even further as you stuck your cock deep in her cunt, making her extra sensitive to each thrust you gave her.
After a slow start, you couldn't help but attack this throbbing cunt to the fullest, pounding Sullyoon nonstop as you grabbed her ass hard for a firm grip and slapped your balls full speed against her entrance. The beautiful goddess quickly turned into a moaning mess. Despite the wetness of her core, she was extremely tight, even tighter than some virgin pussies you had fucked before, as her walls quickly enveloped your cock and let no air get inside her pussy.
Sullyoon tried to kiss Hanni to distract herself from the pounding you were giving her, but the Newjeans girl left her hanging. "AHHHHHHHH. AHHHHHHHH!" the deer beauty screamed as your cock shaped her insides and hit her cervix. You grabbed her slim waist and ran your hands over her tummy, poking fun of her. "Is it bulging under there?" you ask her. "YES, DADDY, AHHHHHH," she screams as you show no mercy and destroy her meaty cunt.
As Hanni and Sullyoon line up side by side, you take turns spanking their beautiful asses. Sullyoon's childish moans are driving you insane as you pound her even harder. Noticing how wet the Nmixx girl pussy is, Hanni rests her head on Sullyoon's fat ass, ready to get rewarded with a taste of Sullyoon's juices right out of your cock, which you happily feed to her.
You take turns shoving your cock between Hanni's mouth and Sullyoon's cunt before going back to focus on the latter once again. You're completely addicted to her pussy. You've never fucked one this good before: young, tight, and wet—the perfect mix. Her moans make you go feral as you stretch Sullyoon to the fullest, shoving every single inch of your cock into her core. Hanni licks Sullyoon's tummy right where your cock is bulging under it, as you keep destroying her snatch and show no signs of slowing down.
"Fuck, that's such a good pussy," you say to Sullyoon as the obliteration of her poon keeps going. Hanni now kisses her, trying to muffle her moans, but the barrage of fast and deep thrusts is just too much for Sullyoon to handle, as you make her cum rather easily. "Come here, baby," you order Hanni, who quickly dives to taste all of Sullyoon's wetness that's left on your cock.
Lubed up by Hanni's mouth, you start another round of pounding Sullyoon's cunt. She's truly got a magic box—the perfect fuckhole. JYP should allow a fleshlight to be made out of it, because it's truly amazing. At those times, you're glad you're so accustomed to JYP starlets and their tight pussies you fucked multiple times after countless photoshoots, because if you weren't, you would have already filled it to the brim.
"You're such a good girl; taste that pussy; you deserve it," you say as you pull out of Sullyoon's warm hole. She happily obliges, savoring your cock while you reach under Hanni's own cunt and start fingering it. "Hope this is just as good," you tell her, getting Hanni wet as she moans thanks to your magical hands all over her folds.
You spread Hanni's cheeks open, eating her asshole while Sullyoon stays tasting your cock. The cute Vietnamese girl moans hard as you play with her holes nonstop, spreading her pussy wide open. You really enjoy licking any girl's tiny round hole; it could be either her navel or her anus, but you are always enthusiastic about it.
"Lube that cock," you tell Sullyoon down low. "Spread that ass," you say, giving the command to Hanni up top. The oral fuckfest continues, as you can't get your mouth off Hanni's asshole and Sullyoon can't get her mouth off your cock before you invite her to do Hanni what you did to her before.
"Lick that pussy," you order to Sullyoon as both of you team up on Hanni's fuckholes, kissing each other while eating the cute Newjeans girl out. "You're so beautiful," you tell Sullyoon as you get even naughtier, shoving your middle finger up Hanni's asshole unceremoniously.
"You prepared her pussy well," you tell Sullyoon. "I think it's finally time to sit it on my cock," you say, laying on the studio's floor as Hanni gets on top of you. Sullyoon follows suit, knowing how addicted you got to her pussy, sitting her fat ass straight into your face so you can taste the mix of flavors inside the cunt you had just pounded to oblivion moments ago.
Hanni jumps on your cock and starts riding it as hard as she can. Noticing her enthusiasm, Sullyoon leaves you hanging and starts pushing Hanni faster down your cock while lining up to poke and eat her ass as well. Jump to taste your cock as soon as you slip out of Hanni's pussy for the first time.
As Sullyoon entertains herself with your cock, refusing to give it back to Hanni, you entertain the cutie with more fingering up her ass, perhaps a tease of future moves; who knows? "Slip it back in," you order to a selfish Sullyoon, who obliges even if a little upset. As soon as you get back in, Hanni gets even more insane, smashing your cock full speed and letting her cheeks hit Sullyoon's cute face as the Nmixx girl dives to lick your balls.
"OHHHH FUCKKKK," this time it's you screaming. Hanni and Sullyoon prove to be the perfect team of cute sluts, worshipping your cock like the pair of crazy whores they are. Hanni's cheeks clap even harder against your balls, and her walls close hard against your cock. You kiss Sullyoon to distract yourself, but she keeps massaging your balls as Hanni stays riding you for a few minutes.
As soon as Hanni stops, Sullyoon grabs your pole to clean it completely of Hanni's juices. The Pham girl stays on your lap as you suck her tits while your left hand pokes her navel and your right hand fists her butthole.
Not wanting to get outdone, Sullyoon pushes Hanni to the site and sits her fat ass right on your lap, impaling herself on your big cock. "You're so fucking tight," you tell her as your cock struggles to get in her tiny butthole. You lift one of Sullyoon's long legs, pushing up her ass and making her scream. Hanni senses an opportunity and licks Sullyoon's wide, open pussy. "Now I get why he likes it so much," she thinks.
Sullyoon starts bouncing her big ass on your fat cock while Hanni stays eating her meaty cunt. Her butt hitting your hips is just insane, jiggling hard every time she goes down that man meat. Sullyoon kisses you and lies down, giving you an opportunity to pound her in a pearly gates position. Her pussy might be heaven on earth, but her asshole was hella tight too.
"Lick her cunt," you ordered to Hanni as Sullyoon bounced her ass against your cock while you sat on your studio chair. The moans coming out of the Nmixx girl's mouth were as sexy as her high notes during that festival performance. Hanni, on the other hand, was feasting, taking a full-course meal into Sullyoon's lower body and licking not only her pussy but also her perfect tummy and sexy legs, getting Yoona even closer to another orgasm.
Sullyoon got some relief when your cock slid out of her ass. "Hanni, put it back on," you ordered, but just like Sullyoon was to her before, Hanni was selfish and took the opportunity to enjoy the taste of Sullyoon's butthole, ignoring your orders for a bit. You reached under and spread Sullyoon's pussy for Hanni to eat as soon as she slid your cock back inside Yoona's butt, giving her another pearly gates pounding, sensing it was her preferred position.
Hanni kissed Sullyoon's long legs a few times as you put Yoona's back fully on top of your torso and kept pounding her. Hanni then dove down and started licking your shaft as you pumped into and out of Sullyoon's ass. "Does it taste good, little Hanni?" you asked her. The way she licked your cock was enough for you to get the answer. Sullyoon's asshole got eviscerated until it was sore, with Hanni providing perfect help to keep your shaft throbbing at all moments as you pushed it up Sullyoon's butt nonstop until she came.
Hanni spread Sullyoon's pussy as she lined herself up to taste the juices Sullyoon was squirting out during her orgasm. Sullyoon cumming only made you push harder, as you now placed your finger in her clit and gifted Hanni with more juices each time you thursted up Yoona's sore ass.
"Slut likes it up in the ass, right?" you tell Sullyoon. "Yes, daddy, I li...AHHHHHHH," she can't complete the sentence; her legs close and smash Hanni's face. Her butt gets completely destroyed as you make sure Sullyoon will be practicing in pain over the course of the next week, punishing her for being such a beautiful goddess with amazingly tight fuckholes.
"Come here, taste that ass," you say as soon as you're done fucking Sullyoon. Still trying to recover from the pounding you gave her, the deer beauty kneels down and enjoys the taste of her beautiful big butt, with Hanni joining in to more ball licking.
"It's your turn next," you tell Hanni, putting them on her knees in the chair and spanking her butt. "Open her ass for me," you tell Sullyoon, who does exactly as you want it. Hanni's gaping butthole winks as it waits for your huge cock. You spit on it and tease it with your tip just a couple times before shoving it deep inside her butt.
Fucking Hanni's ass while looking at Sullyoon's pretty face feels like heaven. It doesn't take long before Hanni is completely stretched out, with huge gapes popping out of her butthole every time you give it a little room to breathe. Hanni is even easier to break than Sullyoon, with all the gaping, ass eating, and fisting you had already given her.
"AHHHHH. AHHHHH. AHHHHHH. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK," Hanni screams as you gape her asshole to the size of the moon. She struggles as your thick cock hits it hard and deep, even with Sullyoon helping spread her cheeks. You fuck Sullyoon's face in between thusts inside Hanni, getting the best of both worlds. "Oh, this is so good," you tell them while thursting their pair of holes. Sullyoon pushes Hanni's ass against your cock while you kiss her. "She's getting adjusted to it," she tells you.
"Is she?" you say, pumping Hanni's butt with full force. "It doesn't look like she is," you laugh as you do to Hanni's ass exactly the same you did to Sullyoon's. "Her comeback is soon, right? I want to see this little cutie dancing with a sore ass," you say.
"Open your ass, baby," you order Hanni, plowing her nonstop. Sullyoon now licks your navel, and you love that she is into the same kink that brought her to you in the first place.
After you pull out of Hanni's butt and let her clean your cock off the juices of her ass, you tease Sullyoon by rubbing your cock against her navel. "Wanna see it bulging under it?" you ask her. "Yes, daddy," she replies. "Then lay down on this chair," you order her.
Sullyoon lays on the chair as you put your cock back in her pussy for a second round, determined to keep going until you cum. "AHHHHHH FUCKKKKK, OHHHHH, GODDDDDD," she's screaming after just a couple thursts. You give her throbbing cunt no mercy, as things get even better when you notice your ass is bumping against Hanni's legs with her behind you, making you go even harder.
Sullyoon gets completely manhandled as you watch your anaconda bulge under her sexy midriff. You kiss her, trying to muffle some of her screams, but it's futile. "AHHHHHHH. AHHHHHHHH. AHHHHHH." She keeps yelling at your face. The more she screams, the more you anticipate cumming in her. She lifts her legs as her throbbing walls now make her feel like she's getting stabbed by a massive sword at each thurst you give her. Yoona's eyes roll as she tries to cope with the hard pounding in her pussy.
You give Sullyoon a little time to breathe as you let Hanni, now on her knees, taste her pussy from your cock. "Help me finish on her; warm her up," you tell the Newjeans girl. Hanni dives and eats Sullyoon's throbbing pussy while you feed your cock into the Nmixx girl's mouth, fucking her face hard one last time. "Let me fuck her," you say as Hanni moves to the side, but not without licking Sullyoon's midriff again. 
You go so fast, deep, and hard on Sullyoon's pussy you don't even manage to last for a minute. Her clenching tight walls make you paint them white quickly, but you manage to pull out after a couple loads just in time to shoot the rest all over her beautiful body, hitting the first one in her face and the rest all over her sexy midriff, with the final one filling her navel. Hanni comes in and licks the cum canvas you left on Sullyoon's tummy, in a very reminiscent way to the one you did earlier to the ice cream you poured in her belly, with you picking up your camera just in time to take pictures of her doing it.
"That's all I have for today, you cute sluts; you two milked me dry," you tell both girls, poking their navels one final time with your already flaccid cock. "I crown you, Hanni Pham, the tummy princess, and you, Seol YoonA, the tummy queen of K-pop," you tell them. "I hope you girls can bring your friends to me for another threesome like this."
"Sure," Hanni says. "I can bring Yunjin or a groupmate of mine," she continues. "Me too," Sullyoon says. "My groupmates or my best friend Isa, she's got some great thighs," she continues.
"I can't wait for the next time," you tell them, kissing both girls as they dress themselves up and return to their cute facades.
"Hope we see you soon too, Daddy," they finish as they leave the room.
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jophiel-shakes · 4 months
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summary :: Alastor during a rut
warning :: nsfw
note :: requests are still open
Alastor isn’t a sexual person by any means.
Don’t get me wrong, he fooled around once or twice in life but in hell there was never a looming pressure to get married or have children.
Despite his aloof attitude towards sex and general romance there is a certain time when his more animalistic side controls him.
These periods happen to be ruts.
Every sinner has to deal with unsavoury things because of their hellish form, Alastor’s is just a unbridled need to have sex.
Of course Alastor tries to survive the ruts in confinement (usually in his radio tower or bedroom), making it clear to everyone that they’d best stay away if they value their lives.
Though there comes a point where dealing with the issue himself doesn’t do the trick.
So he decides to leave his tower in search of a mate.
And you happen to be the perfect find.
On sweeter terms you would’ve been honoured and perhaps even flustered but Alastor’s inky tentacles ripping you from your own room and dragging you into his own was rather alarming to say the least.
His room was hot and dense, Alastor himself loomed like a predator, his horns large and winding whilst his teeth glistened with drool.
It was a sight to behold and you were unsure if you should’ve been horny or terrified.
He’s quick to get in your personal space, scenting you immediately.
He asks to strike up a deal;
“How about a deal?” Alastor croons, sliding his hands down your back as he mumbles in your ear.
You clear your throat and try to mentally solve his mixed signals. “What for?”
“I’ll do you a favour, anything you want at any given moment. In return, you offer me your… company.”
You take it of course, to have a favour from Alastor was a great deal and you’d be helping him through his rut. Everyone wins.
Despite Alastor’s strong belief in acting as a gentleman most of his manners are thrown away once you shake hands.
He’s immediately buried himself into your body, inhaling your smell and pressing himself into you.
First, he takes you against the wall, being far too eager to move to his bed.
His talons graze your skin, pulling you into him with a desperate tightness.
One would’ve imagined sex with Alastor as sweeter and gentle, but whilst in a rut he’s got unbelievable stamina that he uses to split you.
Biting biting biting. Alastor can’t help but taste you. It’s a cannibalistic tendency, but he never takes a chunk out of you. Do expect him to draw blood though.
When in a rut he prefers to take you from behind. Mostly he likes to trap you between him and something else like a wall.
During the end of his rut when things have cooled, he’ll take it smoother and actually make love to you.
Though, when he’s in the heat of it it’s nothing but quickies and rough sex.
Alastor goes for multiple rounds, usually three before you tap out or someone interrupts. Generally he could go longer.
Alastor will not cum anywhere but inside you. He’s mentioned in passing that the feeling of cumming inside helps settle him more.
No one in the hotel knows of your affair, well, apart from Angel who could practically smell the daily quickies on you, see it in your flushed face and frizzed hair. Husk was a close second who’s seen Alastor in a isolated rut before. Angel then spread it to everyone else.
Nifty knew too, being the little creep she is, she mentioned to you her habit of listening in.
Despite most having heard you yelp his name at night, Alastor just pretends nothing ever happened and nobody dares mention it to him.
Although you do cop a lot of teasing from Angel.
Once things settle down and Alastor gets the frustrations out of his system, everything goes back to normal. Your bite marks heal and everyone settles.
That is, until his next rut.
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lilislegacy · 15 days
i think that when annabeth and percy move to california for college, they start having dinner with annabeth’s family once every 1-2 weeks. it’s probably a little tense at first, and annabeth is likely anxious about it. percy could either be pissed off and angry with them about how they treated her, or he could be really nice and trying to diffuse the tension to make things easier for annabeth.
but either way, i think one thing would be abundantly clear: percy is her family. not them. at least, not in the ways that matter.
mr. and mrs. chase have probably only ever seen annabeth with her walls up. never letting her guard down. she’s always tough around them, and never lets herself become trusting of them. because she has to protect herself from letting them hurt her again. as a young child, she felt unloved and resented by them enough that she preferred the cold dangerous streets to being with them. so even if their relationship begins to grow better - and i really do think it gets good eventually - she’s careful around them. she protects herself, and therefore isn’t super warm and fuzzy around them. since she’s grown up, there’s a good chance they’ve never seen her show true emotion. they’ve probably never seen a true smile from her. they’ve probably never seen her lean on someone.
but then she brings percy. they would see that the 14 year old little boy who they once met grew up into a tall, striking, intimidating young man. he has the same look in his unique sea green eyes that makes you know he’s been through horrible trauma. he’s carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. (literally). the rest of him may appear 18, but his eyes look 100 years old. he’s the first person they’ve really known who is like annabeth in that way.
and here’s the thing: percy and annabeth are a team. there’s an unbreakable bond between them. they move and fight as one. they are best friends in the whole world, and it’s clear to anyone who sees them. but they are also hopelessly in love, and that’s also clear to anyone who sees them. so imagine annabeth’s family, who’ve only ever known her to be distinctly independent and closed off, seeing her and percy holding hands. seeing them sit so close together that they’re nearly on top of each other. seeing her put her hand on his arm and kiss his cheek, or seeing him wrap his arms around her and gently kiss her forehead. and nevermind the touches, imagine them seeing her just look at him. a look full of vulnerability and adoration and complete trust. full of love and warmth and emotion. because that’s who annabeth really is. she’s emotional and sensitive and warm. but she’s always had to be someone else around her family, because in her mind, the true her wasn’t good enough for them.
but now they see her, all grown up, and with this young man by her side who is clearly her everything. and i think it would be a punch to the gut seeing them together. because it would be the first time they realize that she doesn’t think of them as her family. percy is her family, and percy alone. annabeth does not regard them - her own dad and step-mom and brothers - as her real family. percy fills that role all by himself. and it’s entirely their own fault.
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